#yes i used to dress up every day and look unique but it made me so stressed to ever try to leave the house
tortellinigirl · 2 years
using sooo much effort every day to convince myself it’s okay that i don’t have a bunch of friends or the energy to wear cute outfits and take a million instagram pictures or be active on social media or have hobbies and it’s fine and i’m working on myself and i don’t need to be seen by others to exist :|
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simpingcowboy · 1 year
Does Your Mother Know?
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Pairing: Oberyn Martell x GN!Reader, age gap, reader is ~late teens-early 20's (but very of age they are an adult!!!!)
Word Count: 1.4k+
Warnings: heavy flirting, mostly failed attempt at seduction, briefly overprotective parents, discussions of marriage, mention of threesomes, some puberty talk, allusions to virginity/sexual inexperience
Summary: Your attempt to seduce the Prince of Dorne, Oberyn Martell, goes unexpectedly sour when he sees right through you. That doesn't mean he won't humor you though.
A/N: The January everyone pretend I posted this 2 hours ago when it was still January thank you Edition of my Year of ABBA as part of the Year of Creations @yearofcreation2023 ! I thought I'd start us off on a fun one!! My first time writing for Oberyn :) enjoy!!!
You'd been in King's Landing for 10 days without so much as an unescorted walk along the palace. Maybe it was your father's paranoia, or your mother's awareness of your less "civil" interests but they'd kept you on a short leash. They'd been hoping to use King Joffery's wedding as an impromptu dating event, hoping to convince you to marry. But you had your eyes on a much better prize.
Prince Oberyn of Dorne. Tales of his…escapades crossed rivers and mountains as did tales of his beauty. If the tales were true- well you simply had to find your way into his bed!
Which is where you found yourself now. On the precipice on the prince's doorway. After sneaking past guards and the watchful eye of your mother, you had made it. You watch him lie lowly in the sun, feeding himself from a basket of fruits he'd had brought to him. The tales did him no justice. Spread across the lounger, he was long and slender, not much unlike a viper at all. He moved with an insurmountable grace. Every move of his hands was controlled and swift. Even now you could envision how he earned the title The Red Viper.
His face is uniquely chiseled. Dark brown hair barely curls up on his forehead. A beautiful arched nose that reaches up towards the gods, old and new. His soft pouty lips wrap around a strawberry. Juices dribble down his chin that he eagerly wipes off with his thumb and returns to his mouth. A quiet pop as he releases his thumb from his mouth with a smile.
"Are you going to stand there all day?" The Prince turns to face you, dark brown eyes tracing over the intruder. "Or do we have business?"
For just a moment, you freeze. Prince Oberyn's gaze sat heavy on your body, pinning you in place. His eyes drink down the sight of you. Suddenly, you were very pleased with yourself for dressing well. The fabric you wore was clung nicely to your body. You'd purposely chosen something that was soft to touch.
"My Prince," you say with an unsteady bow, "I was told you may seek some company up here…I thought I would offer you my services."
"Services?" He repeats, eyebrows raised. "What is it you have to offer me?"
"Anything you want, but I thought I'd start by feeding you, My Prince."
He chuckles quietly, resting his head back against the cushioned lounger. When you do not immediately go to move he prompts you, "I don't like waiting!"
"Y-yes, My Prince." With that you nod and shuffle over to him. Gods, he was even more lovely close up. His hair looks so soft and fluffy. You wanted to run your hands through it. From above, you can see down the low V of his mustard robe. His bare chest and neck were intoxicating to look at.
"The grapes to start." He hums below you, eyes closed.
You do as he asks. Taking the bundle of grapes and lowering them down to his lips. Watching with excitement as he pulls it between his teeth. A groan of happiness spilling from him. He continues on, one after another. A subtle smirk clings to his face as he feels your eyes trace over his body.
"Do you find this amusing?" He humors you, taking another grape between his teeth.
"I do not know what you mean, My Prince." You say smiling, trying to put on your best show.
"Posing as a servant. Feeding me grapes in this-" his hand falls from his chest and lands on your back, thick fingers tracing over the thin fabric resting on your spine. "most exquisite fabric. If I were a lesser man I would ask what you want, but I can see what you want." He leans in closer to your chest, "I can see in your face that your feelings are driving you wild." He smirks, reclining back in his chair with a laugh and removing his hand from you.
He'd seen right through you…your face grows warm at the realization. "I'm sorry, My Prince…I was curious-"
"Do not apologize." He cuts you off. "But I must ask- Does your mother know?" He chides with a smile
"Know what, My prince?"
"That her child has snuck out to proposition the prince of Dorne?"
"I am grown. I need not the approval of my mother."
"Grown." He scoffs
"Enough." You retort.
The quickness of your response catches his attention. His eyes snap up to meet yours, "Quite the tongue you have, Little Viper." The Prince slithers out of his chair, quickly crowding you. "Grown enough, hm? I will be the judge of that."
You whine at the harsh grip Oberyn has on your waist. He looks down at you, taking inventory of your features. Even going as far to spin you, wanting to look at you from all sides.
"Cute." The Prince marks nonchalantly. "But young." He says with a shrug. His hands fall from your sides as he takes a step back. "Come back to me in …two sun cycles. Then we shall see."
Recovering from having his hands on you, you slowly process what Oberyn said, "Two years?"
"Yes. Do you take issue with that?" He asks, returning to his bowl of fruits and throwing a raspberry in his mouth.
"I may be married in two years, Prince Oberyn. Do you not wish to take what is not already claimed?" You attempt to reason with him.
He smirks, "Certainly there will be enough room in your marriage bed for a third."
You pout at his assertion.
"Oh, do not pout Little Viper. I will still flirt with you." His deep brown eyes flick up to catch yours, "Dance with you…if you wish. But no more."
"My Prince…do most men not seek young partners? Why is it you turn me away?"
Oberyn muses the question for a moment, an eyebrow raised as he ponders. It was true, most men sought young brides and young men to take to their beds. Youth was priceless. A nonrenewable resource. But for Oberyn, he was always a bit greedy when it came to lovers. He cared not for young adults still struggling to fill out their frames. He wanted their entirety. The best of them. All of them there ever would be. Chests filled out, shoulders wide, faces matured. He wanted them at their best.
"Allow me to show you, Little Viper." The Prince offers you his hand.
You put your hand in his, allowing him to lead you away to the balcony. Together you cross the threshold to the bedroom where he leads you to a large mirror. He stands you before it, taking his place behind you.
"Look at yourself." He runs his hands over your hips. "I wish to see how you grow. You are a pretty rose…but not yet in bloom." He nips at your neck. "Here…" Oberyn's nose runs along your cheek, "your cheeks are still round with youth." A large hand runs across your shoulders. "and these are not yet at their full width." His other arm moving lower down your thigh, "Hips are lovely, but not yet at their proper shape yet." His hands retreat down your waist, holding you still for him. "You still have much growing to do." Oberyn comes close to whisper into your ear, " And I never pluck a rose too soon." Finishing his assessment, his eyes wander up to your face. a curious question growing in his throat. "Tell me Little Viper- are you untouched?"
"What consequence is it to you?"
The reflection of his face in the mirror goes serious. "Because. If I were to bend you over that table, and force my way into your walls the way you tempt me to. It would be a most unpleasant experience for one so pure." A pleased smile returns to his face at the way you hold your breath. "The price would be yours to pay, Little Viper. Thankfully for you, I consider myself a most merciful prince." He grounds his bulge into your behind, a low moan escaping him as he does. "Now. Return to the nest in which you came, Little Viper." He pushes you off with a firm snack on the ass, making you jolt.
You sciddle off shyly accepting his rejection. Perhaps you had been in a bit over your head. As you turn the corner off the balcony, you look behind you to see him watching you. Feeling a bit brave you call back to him, "In two sun cycles I will return!"
He smiles back at you, "I eagerly await your return, Little Viper!"
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huntiesworld · 29 days
Don’t Delete The Kisses | Chris Sturniolo
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Chris Sturniolo x Reader
Summary: Y/n who was a shy girl, learned how much a man can make her feel. 
Warning: Angst? Fluff, 
Requested?: Nope! 
Author's note: That is my work, Please DON’T COPY MY WORK! ( SO PLEASE DON'T HATE!!) 
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Y/n’s alarm clock blared loudly, jolting her awake at 4 a.m. She grounded, rubbing her eyes as she tried to wake up from her deep slumber. Despite the early hour, Y/n knew she had a busy day ahead and wanted to get a head start. 
In the quiet darkness of the early morning, Y/n stood in front of her bathroom mirror, the soft light casting a gentle glow on her delicate features. She was a shy and soft-spoken girl, her petite frame adorned in coquette clothes that reflected her feminine style.
I see the signs of a lifetime, you 'til I die
And I'm swiftly out, Irish goodbye
What if it's not meant for me?
What if it's not meant for me?
As the warm water from the shower cascaded over her skin, Y/n took the time to carefully shave every inch of her body, a ritual that made her feel both clean and confident. After crying off, she moved to her skincare routine, applying serums and creams with precision as she admired her reflection in the mirror.
Y/n was wondering why she started doing this, then she remembered that it was all to impress the popular boy in her school.
-Flash back-
One day, Y/n overheard some of the girls in her class talking about Cassie Howard’s $ a.m. morning routine. They all gushed about how amazing Cassie looked every day and how she always seemed to capture everyone’s attention. Y/n decided to give it a try, waking up at 4 a.m. the next morning to start her own beauty routine. 
By the time she finished her morning routine, the sun was just beginning to peek over the horizon, casting a warm glow through her bedroom window. Y/n felt ready to face whatever the day had in store, her self-care rituals serving as a foundation for the confidence and grace she would carry with her throughout the day. 
I'd like to get to know you
I'd like to take you out
We'd go to The Hail Mary
And afterwards make out
Instead, I'm typing you a message
That I know I'll never send
Rewriting old excuses
Delete the kisses at the end
Y/n walked through the hallways of her high school. Feeling invisible as usual. She was used to blending into the background, never drawing attention to herself. But little did she know, someone had been watching her from afar. 
Chris, the popular boy in school, had always noticed Y/n. He admired her quiet confidence and unique style from a distance. He didn't want to make a big show of his interest, so he found subtle ways to catch her eye. 
When I see you, the whole world reduces
To just that room
And then I remember and I'm shy
That gossip's eye will look too soon
And then I'm trapped, overthinking
And yeah, probably self-doubt
You tell me to get over it
And to take you out
One day, Chris purposely dropped his books near Y/n’s locker, giving him the perfect excuse to strike up a conversation. Y/n was taken off guard by his sudden attention, but she couldn't deny the flutter of excitement in her chest.
Y/n looks up from her locker. “Oh, how clumsy?” she said with an annoyed tone. Chris smirks and leaned up against the next locker that was next to Y/n’s. “Just wanted to get your attention.” the young boy said with a small smile.Y/n rolls her eyes and sighs heavily. “Well, you got it. What do you want?” the petite girl said. “How about we go out on a date this weekend?” trying to convince the young girl. Y/n crosses her arms. “I don’t know…I’m pretty bust.” she sighs once again. 
“Come one, it'll be fun! You can't resist my charm forever.” he said while smiling even bigger. The well dressed girl laughs and shakes her head. “You think you're charming?” she says, chuckling
Chris playfully pouts. “Fine, be that way. But I'll keep trying until you say yes.” he says walking away towards class. “We’ll see about that!” Y/n said while looking at him with a smile. 
-Cliff Hanger!!
Comment for part 2!!
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lesbianjobutupaki · 5 months
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Art practice by trying some other artist's styles that I'm a huge fan of!
From Top Left to Bottom Right:
@ghostishere0 - the original reason I started this doodle, as I wanted to draw a "shepherd lovers squad" and their OC (who I don't know the name of F) was the perfect fit for it.
@luminesparkz - the best interpretation of Pom pikmin. If I were Mr. Nitendo, I would make them the official comic creator along with the manga comics.
@marblyso - If I was a little more unhinged and made a shrine to Erma Shepherd, it would be mostly marblyso's art of her, it's my absolute favorite Erma depiction <3
@rexscanonwife - another OC that I don't know the name of, but she makes such a cute pair with Shepherd and has such cute art that why not, let Shepherd have multiple canon wives at this point.
@citruscrisp - I think this is secretly Alph in an alternate universe where he makes comics about himself, because citrus has Alph's character SPOT ON, and also loves to put that boy in a situation (which I am happy for, I enjoy seeing that boy in a situation)
@daisythecomic - oooaaaaaaaaaa they look like little mice people they look so soft and sweet I love them so muuuuuuuuuccchhhhhhhhh
@louie-posting - I can't not include actual Louie Pikmin on this list.
@kiwilittle - the soft, the sweet, the one who makes the best family style art, really making me wish I was an inch tall so I could go to holidays with the olimar family, also their wife design is so cute that if Olimar didn't already get it I would shoot my shot for her m a a m
@pikbugz - really nails the soft aesthetic that makes pikmin such a calming series, and their coloring style is so soft and good that it gives me the ratatouille nostalgia flashback moment.
@splitster - more than just the wraith au guy, they are the one who makes incredible and funny comics; I've seen so many fics with the rescue corps where I can pick up that yes, this trait came from a splitster comic, and that's a GOOD thing. Made me actually LIKE Dingo, the nerve.
@diesaur - I can't do diesaur's incredible, unique art justice, they are amazing at using geometrics and have the best charlie (his little teefs...)
@solluxander - Cars, one of my favorite pikmin Ocs I've ever seen! Collin deserves a slightly unhinged sentient fluffball boyfriend, and I always love seeing the new ways Cars will interact with him.
@sillypikmin - all hail the best pikposter, who I'm still convinced is an actual leafling living on actual pnf-404, literally every time I have a bad day I look at drawings of Moss and feel better.
@eggpathy - thank goodness they came back to give us old man yaoi. I keep their drawing of olimar kissing the pikmin good night on my phone and look at it before I go to sleep and so far I have yet to have a single nightmare.
@the-knife-consumer - the only person I trust with Louittany, toxic yuri my beloved, I just adore their beasty brittany design so so much, I wish I could have a small brittany to live in my house...
anyway they have the best headcanons for our beloved blorbo hamster people
@natibranch - there's a voice line of Louie going "wa-ha!" in this really cute sing-song voice and every time I see any art by natibranch I hear that sound in my head as a little burst of serotonin, they just nail that exact feeling so so well.
@pikked-min - Another of my favorite Pikmin OCs, Yuva! A really interesting and unique character concept with a lot of thought put into the worldbuilding, followed by a strong unusual personality that had me looking at the pikmin world through a new perspective entirely. Please, someone, give them some sunglasses. Read the fic it's so good
@ssserf - artistic and deep while still somehow looking like official nintendo tm art, genuinely the best at the pikmin proportions, how could I resist trying my hand at the classic amazing beautiful Brittany Fruit Sweater moment, literally SO iconic
@kashi-pon - while I was working on the part of this that was just kashi's various highlife dresses there was a part of me that wanted to dedicate the rest of the space to paying homage to the joke comic of Louie lifting his skirt to show Olimar that he's wearing shorts, except this dress....well......
@diamondwerewolf - the reason we got louie in a little bunny outfit anyway, and thus why we got kashi's dress version. you single-handedly turned Louie into a tumblr sexyman, how could you
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kimbap-r0ll · 11 months
Whoever you choose for twist wonderland with a so/reader that's nerdy and shy, loves wearing baggy, comfy clothes, and always wears there hair messy or in a braid(if your hair is short than a small ponytail). Then one day, reader decides to wear form-fitting dress(or if it's a guy or don't wear dresses than a suit) and they comb their hair, which makes them look beatiful and like a super-model. However, now all the students are drooling over them. How'd they react?
Hi, thank you for the ask! Idk why but I got instantly reminded of those early 2000s teen movies where the main girl character goes through a mall haul and like does a 180 in aesthetics. However, this was pretty fun to write, I made y/n gender neutral in this one ^^
Sebek, Ruggie, Idia, Ace with an s/o who decides to try out a different (more tight-fitting) style
He liked that you weren't afraid to try different fashion styles, even if it mainly consisted of baggy clothing or something that didn't make you stand out. To him, whatever you wore that day was cute (he would never say this to you though)
One day, however, he was busy reading a book when suddenly his entire class just went "WWWOAAAAHHH" and like crowded around the door. Sighing, he stood up and asked what was going on, only to see you in probably the world's most beautiful attire...that also happened to fit you quite well
Sebek turns red in the face, doesn't know where to look since he's so flustered, but yells at everyone to give you some space so you can breathe. "They're just trying to get to their seat, stop bothering y/n!" He then takes you by the hand and races down to the front of the classroom where he's sitting
You notice he doesn't say much but he is stuttering a lot that day. You explained that you had to do a fashion shoot for Vil (he thought you would be perfect) and got permission to wear this to class so you could run to the shoot right after. Sebek gives a nod but still doesn't look at you
After class, he finally has the courage to tell you that you look beautiful, handsome, honestly just every adjective ever to describe how cool you looked. He might ask you to wear that again, though he says this while taking flustered glances at you. Does he think you look great? Of course! Is he scared to voice this? Yes! Will Lilia tease him about this for the next few days? Hell yeah
He joked about you wearing something more form-fitting, saying it would make you look really cute. Did he expect you do wear it to the Fairy Fashion Show? No
He was helping out Leona and Jamil when suddenly out of nowhere he hears Crewel go "See? Be more like y/n" and when the hyena whips around his head he sees you in your full glory. Omg he almost dropped the expensive accessories in his hands because of how stunning you were.
All the students that were helping out were also shocked, but then students started to crowd around you and just exclaim at how awesome you looked. Ruggie, perhaps because he's a bit overprotective sometimes, dashes over and pushes through the crowd of fangirling students
"'Scuse me, my y/n will be helping out with the fairy runway right now, c'mon let's go!" he takes your hand and pulls you out of the crowd. He might use his unique magic to make things a bit easier too. Soon after, you two are able to catch a breath and actually get back on track. He seems pretty chill about your outfit change, saying that you looked like a totally different person
However, under all of the laughing and snickering he does, he was probably fangirling or at least feeling really flustered. He thinks you look great, perhaps too good for someone like him. By the end of the mission, he tells you in a very gentle way that you were beautiful and that perhaps you two should do a date night somewhere classy so you can wear that again. He'll be dreaming about you in that outfit for the next few days
You two became best buddies and soon partners when you two discovered your love for gaming and anime. He joked about doing a couple cosplay together, saying it would be cute. However, he had no confidence in this ever happening, hell he can't even cosplay himself (or so he thinks). You decided to challenge this though
Idia showed up in some regular clothing, something that the character in his Isekai anime wore. He wasn't sure if you were actually going to show up as the mythical character or so, but then he heard a crowd hollering and clapping around someone. They were chanting the name of the character that you were cosplaying, which meant one thing: it was you.
"Y-y/n?" he pushes around in the crowd, trying to not freak out at how close everyone is. However, when he sees you, his hair almost completely blazes the building. You look exactly like the character, even the clothing was the complete opposite of your aesthetic but you nailed it! He just stood there, wide eyed and completely awed
You have to snap him out of it and take him back to a more open area because he's so surprised. He has a hard time talking to you, fumbling over words and expressing how cool you look in the cosplay. He smiles awkwardly, asking if you wanted to go see the merch booths in another hall. Taking his hand, you two walk around the convention
Idia is blushing hard during the entire convention. If you tease him about it he'll be super embarrassed. He's really proud and grateful to have a partner like you who can not only look amazing but also be the kindest person he's ever met. At the end, he'll shyly tell you he would love to see you in a cosplay again soon
He was fully joking when he said you would look cooler in flashier clothes. Putting a bet that you would never change your clothes, he said he would buy you dinner at a nice restaurant if you did manage to wear something flashy.
Ace didn't expect the school to be turned upside down when you showed up on a school event in what Cater described was "a slay outfit." He ran over and saw a crowd of first years pointing and whispering excitedly around the corner. Ace thought there was no way it would be you, he knew you weren't going to want to step out of your comfort zone
He was wrong. He was soooo wrong. His jaw dropped when you came into his view; your hair was shining, your clothes were slightly fitting but looked beautiful on you, and your accessories complimented the whole outfit. You could've challenged Vil with your beauty
"O-Oh hey! Y/n! Damn you look great!" he said, trying to hide that he was blushing and being overjoyed at seeing you in the coolest look ever. He asks if you were also attending the event as a fashion show contestant, and he was right. Not only that, you ended up fully winning the competition after the entire school of boys went crazy over your looks haha
Ace ends up agreeing to the deal, but he still teases you along the way. "You should wear like this more often, it's super cute" he'll whisper while you two are walking downtown, pulling you closer. He wants you to be flustered because he was totally red in the face when he first saw you. He'll be fanboying over that one look for a long time haha
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rainiishowers · 2 years
Hi your highness! I was wondering if I could request Headcanons of the brothers reacting to mammon bonding with his familiars and his familiars involving themselves in his day to day life? ( for example: his crows like to bring his shiny trinkets in the morning, and his ravens like to talk to him through his time outside ect.)
A/N: Accidentally made it angsty when I wanted it to be fluffy whoops Also kinda went off the rails lmao Short Story
Seeing Mammon with his crows or ravens were common, they often came to him to report on something, or they are just looking for attention. They gift the second eldest with a lot of trinkets and some days stick with him while the brothers are walking to RAD.  Soon enough, they started to involve themselves in his daily life, not that Mammon minded, his familiars made life a lot less lonely ever since MC has left to the human world.
Being the every observant brother he is, noticed that Mammon often stayed behind a bit while they walked to RAD, talking with his crows or ravens
It didn’t take a genius to notice, but Lucifer also noticed he was a lot happier when with his birds.
It wasn’t just because they gave him a lot of stuff, that was certainly one factor though
Mammon talked to them about the most obscure things and he notices that when the brothers ignore him or he isn’t being listened to, he goes to talk to his crows
One day, it was after school and he hasn’t seen Mammon, and a council meeting to wrap up the day was starting soon
He goes to find him and notices Mammon was in an empty classroom, talking to one of his ravens that got in through the window.
“..I miss the old Lucifer, the one who was an actual brother, ya know? But I’m stuck with this prideful arrogant piece of shit, who punishes me for acting on my sin when he doesn’t do that to the others.”
His eyes widen and his breath hitches
The old him?
“I almost regret followin’ him in that war..”
He lets out an audible gasp but was quick to turn away to not raise any suspicion.
That certainly gave him a lot to think about.. 
He could understand having familiars, he had Lotan
But he noticed that he was talking to them a lot ever since MC left, and has been a lot more attached, which made him jealous
One evening, he as going Mammon’s room to call him for dinner
He heard conversation and couldn’t help but lean into hear 
“I wanna have a good relationship with Levi, ya know? But I can’t have that because we are so at odds with each other.. Heh.. Guess thousands of years of debt will do that to a relationship..”
Levi backs away with a frown
It’s true they have been at odds with each other
And it’s true that he also wants to have a better relationship then they do now
From that point on, he’s reflecting, ignoring Mammon so he doesn’t have to face the ping of guilt
All in all, he’s jealous and guilty
He’s been observing crow and ravens habits through Mammon’s familiars 
Shiny trinkets, unique dialect that Mammon seems to be able to understand, and other various things
They seem to dutifully follow Mammon, hearing his calls whenever he needs them
He found it intriguing
It was lunch time at RAD and Satan found Mammon up against a wall, having a private conversation with one of his crows
When he goes to eavesdrop further, he saw a bit of a sad expression on his face
“Wish Satan came to join me, he always use to enjoy this spot when he was younger..”
He couldn’t dispute it, the spot Mammon was in, although a bit different from before, was the spot he always chose to eat lunch and read a book
He should join him next time, right now, he needs some time to think 
He had caught Mammon dressing his crows and ravens in little outfits, and yes he took photos
He found their relationship really cute
However when the crows started involving themselves in his every day life, he couldn’t help but wonder why they seem so attached
Maybe it’s because MC’s gone, maybe Mammon is lonely
Whatever the case is, he often found the second eldest talking to the crows after he teases him
He found this one day and decided to listen in
“Tch.. Does Asmo think he’s so funny? Bullyin’ me constantly.. I really wish he’d get off his high horse and actually pay attention to his words.”
That caught him off guard
Sure, his teases could get a bit extreme but bullying?
Maybe he really should pay attention to his words
He was happy to see Mammon happy and have familiars to rely on
Beel couldn’t help but smile a bit when Asmo showed him the photo of Mammon putting outfits on his crows
He’d often seen him fall behind talking to his crows on days where they walk to RAD
However, he found Mammon to be skipping dinner, and he didn’t want that
So, he goes to get him from his room, but heard something inside
“I miss MC.. It was way better when they were here..”
Hearing his brothers say they miss MC is nothing new, he does too, but..
“I wish my damn brothers would stop berating me.. Guess I should be use to it by now though, huh?”
He felt his heart sink a bit, this definitely gave him a bit to think about..
From now on, he promised himself to try to be a better brother.
Seeing him so connected with his familiars slightly made him jealous, but he shrugs it off
..He wanted that attention.
He watched as there were many moments Mammon’s birds gave him shiny things, which was fitting for his older brother
However, Mammon started to ignore the brothers, which made him both agitated and jealous
One day, he woke up in his bed, when he remembers falling asleep on the couch
He got up and looks around, not complaining that he woke up somewhere comfortable
He assumed Beel picked him up and brought him here but he was quick to hear voices
“I’ll let Belphie sleep, I can make somethin’ up when Lucifer asks why he isn’t awake to get ready for the party.”
He heard some squawks from what he assumed was from Mammon’s crows
“Yea yea, I know it’s a risky move, but it’ll be fine.”
He may not be asleep now, but he didn’t want to go to a party 
He sinks back into the mattress with a small smile on his face
Mammon really was a good brother
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solitarelee · 10 months
I actually have a unique reason why I can't use tampons and use pads instead!
Tampons make me pass out. Immediately.
Let me explain my tmi story.
Initially, I thought it was just a panic attack because I was freaked out about putting a tampon in. It happened twice, a couple years apart, so I just didn't use tampons. But, somewhere in my early twenties, I was like, I've had sex now and am comfortable with my body and tampons are no longer scary and I'm sick of pads. It was July 4th and I was wearing a cute dress and wedge heels. My sister and mom re-explained how to use them to me and I went and bought some. We went to my dad's house to pick something up and I decided to just do it there.
Now, my family is very open about bodies and sex and things like that, but I didn't mention to my dad that I was trying tampons again because it just didn't occur to me to do so.
I go upstairs, insert the tampon, pull my underwear (with a pad in it just in case) back up, and stand up to look myself in the mirror over the sink.
Immediately, I feel like I'm going to pass out. I've passed out many times in my life and know what it feels like. The color drains from my face, my ears start ringing, I break into a cold sweat, the works. I stumble over to the bathroom room, leaning heavily on the handle, and call for my sister.
Me: "[Sister]!"
Sister: *annoyed* "What?"
Me: *trying not to pass out* "[Sister]!!"
Sister: *more annoyed* "What?!"
Me: *losing steam* "[Sister]...!"
Sister: "Fine! I'm coming."
She takes one look at me and goes, "oh my god."
Thankfully, my sister was a certified nursing assistant and much stronger than me, so she has no trouble moving me back over to the toilet. I'm mumbling that I'm gonna pass out and she's trying to talk to me but I'm having trouble communicating at that point.
Then my head hits the back of the toilet and apparently I twitched weirdly.
My sister screams, "DAD, GET UP HERE!!!"
He comes up the stairs and, remember, he has no idea what's going on. Usually he's very confident in situations like this, but I think because my sister already had a hold of me and he had nothing to do, he just stood there in shock.
A few seconds later, I'm conscious again, but not fully lucid. My sister asks, dead serious, "Do you want me to remove the tampon?" And I say yes.
Hilariously, she tells my dad to turn around, even tho I would not have cared if he saw.
My sister, absolute hero, removes my tampon for me, tosses it, pulls my underwear back up, takes off my heels, and helps me into my bedroom next to the bathroom to lay down in bed.
Eventually my mom comes over to check on me as well while I have water and the a/c going to cool me off. We're all discussing it, trying to figure out what happened.
Panic attack? No, I wasn't nervous at all.
Incorrectly inserted? No, my sister confirmed it looked correct, since she got a look at it.
Toxic shock?? That shouldn't happen immediately tho...
Allergic??? Would I be allergic to cotton only vaginally??????
Unable to figure it out that day, once I was more recovered, we moved on to celebrate the fourth of July.
It was another year or two later, when I had to get my first pap smear as an adult, that I discovered that speculums ALSO make me pass out. They couldn't complete my pap smear because of it.
Was I allergic to cotton and surgical steel only vaginally?????? That made even less sense.
It was when I was seeing a different doctor the next year, this time at Planned Parenthood, for a pap smear that we discovered a probable explanation.
It's probably pressure on a vasovagal nerve, the rectal one specifically.
There's a rectal nerve that they have to be careful about with enemas and colonoscopies because it will sometimes make people pass out, according to this doctor.
But every body is shaped differently and the nerve must be just close enough to the vaginal canal that pressure will activate it. It doesn't help, I later discovered, that my uterus tilts fairly far forward (more than most people's but not outside the norm), so to get to the cervix, a doctor has to use the lip of the speculum to dip under my cervix and tilt it upwards in order to get the pap smear. So they're directly putting pressure downwards, toward that nerve when doing so. It likely doesn't happen during sex or masturbation because the area engorges with blood during arousal and the vaginal canal actually extends, so the pressure downward doesn't penetrate. Plus, during sex, pressure typically doesn't direct downwards anyways.
And that's why I can't use tampons!
I've considered the cups, but those seal with pressure and I worry that would press on the nerve as well. I have since been able to successfully complete a pap smear a couple times with caution, using a smaller speculum, and warning the doctor beforehand, altho I alway feel bad afterwards cuz I get close to passing out and feel nauseous for a while.
it's her.................... it's the vagina that makes you swoon dramatically
btw I also have a VERY VERY VERY tilted uterus (mine's to the point where it causes issues) and I have the same problem re: pap smears. my bro my guy my sis my fam they hurt so fucking bad when ur tilted and i don't think that's very known. my gyno is very apologetic about it but i get horrible cramps for weeks after due to the maneuvering they have to do to get in there.
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avissapiens · 1 year
What would be the middle ground between nerd and himbo or bro? Like the confidence, looks and slutty attitude + brains?
I enjoy questions like these because there is always a range of answers. The archetype system is super versatile and it opens itself up to a range of possibilities. Its almost sociological in that way. So many theories you could take. So i'll give you a frame work of 3 potential options. And since you wanna be a nerd so bad, i'll use big smarty words here and there to keep you interested.
1) Idealist
I think Himbo works best with a nerdy/intellectual dimension. It takes on an almost manipulative character when a Himbo slut has the cunning to really make use of their body and sexuality. It becomes an active application of the right thing at the right time, using the social clout you have be being perceived as a Hot dumb hole to get ahead. Every area of life is benefitted by being sexy as fuck, you could coast by just on that, but it really makes the difference when out of nowhere you can jump and surprise someone with your competence. Slutting it up while knowing your shit. Being the best of both worlds and using each to enhance the other. Never sacrificing one or the other. As an addendum Nerd "culture" is already pretty steeped with Himbos. Many of the role models and inspirations for what a Himbo should be and look like come from games and media properties. And a Himbo loves playing dress up and fun lil video games with his cheeks out and a cock in his mouth.
Bro is harder to mesh with such desires because with the bro mindset there needs to be an active refusal for intellectual pursuit and the mental stress of thinking too much about shit brah. So for bros i think it'd be more like a light switch. You turn on the nerd when you need it, and then when you're done you shove that loser back in a locker and go about your day.
2) Materialist
These Archetypes are Ideal forms, almost Platonic, existing in a higher realm of ideas. But in the material world I never expect anyone to try and adhere to them perfectly 100%. These are meant to be Aspirational, not Hegemonic. They have a form and structure, but there is always room for your unique performance and identification. To bring a part of you in Heteroglossic dialogue with these concepts and Ideas. In a way these archetypes are rather Bahktinian because I have always developed them in conversation with others or with wider social constructs in mind. They grow and shift and change. They are not absolutist conceptions of the world. So for any further questions about whether one thing or another can co-exist with some aspect of an archetype; I might have my own ideas on it (and my ideas are usually pretty damn good), but the answer can usually be yes if you twist and turn it enough times. That said, ya know, i'm still gonna make my archetypes and ideas how i want to. If you want to call yourself a Himbo or a bull without any of the characteristics or aims of being one, that's up to you, but uhhh me and my colleagues in the abyss will laugh at you.
3) Critical Theoretical perspectives on "nerd"
Why are some of the most common questions i get about the maintenance of intellect? Is it really so great? You already admit that you hate the body being a "nerd" gave you enough that you want to change it. You hate the social situation enough and the kind of person it made you. Why are you so hyper attached to concepts of intellect? I think there is a kind of false consciousness to the allure of being smart. It gives you a sense of superiority, when in reality, its just a tool of your own oppression. What does being smart really do for you? Make you more exploitable to the system. Make you more passive and docile because you understand the way the system works. Make you miserable because you perceive everything through the same Iron cage of rationality(that's Weber for you sociologists out there) that industrial capitalism enforces upon the world. I think its a good thing that nerd is becoming an insult again I think the rise in Himbo worship and a return to muscle and shallow aesthetics is a clear response to whole generations of little kids who were encouraged to be smart nerds because nerds would rule the world one day. Those same kids put everything into being smart, their whole meaning and purpose only to realise that it didn't mean shit. And rather than ruling the world, the nerds only ruined it.
As you can tell, I am procrastinating from school assignments to answer this question. If you wanna support me being able to drop out of university to become a bodybuilder feel free to subscribe to my Patreon or to just come and ask to give me money.
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cosmica-galaxy · 2 years
What about the main 4 in players world? How would they react to trick or treaters? Or even Carolers?
They would all have their own unique reactions to the Player's world and how it works. Especially if they manage to get a stable connection between Nevada and their world where they can come and go as they please. One major thing they seemed to have forgotten in Nevada, with the exception of 'Madness Day', were other holidays.
The Player's world is not stagnant like Nevada, it shifts and moves and seasons come and go. Just like night and day. When they visited during the time you called "summer" it was much warmer, almost as warm as Nevada. But now a new season had rolled around...and it was much colder than they're used to. But that wasn't the only surprise.
Imagine how surprised they are when they emerge from the portal to not only feel a chill in the air, but to see your home all decked out in Halloween decor and carved pumpkins sitting out with lit candles in them. Finally, you appeared...in a unique set of attire. You were wearing a "Costume", you explained to them and you even told them that they had arrived just in time for trick or treating.
"Trick or Treating?" Deimos had inquired as he looked about your abode and gave a mighty side-eye to the large candy bowl filled to the brim with sweets.
"Yes! Humans have a tradition where young kids dress up in costumes, just like me, and go house to house and trick or treat for sweets! It's all in good fun...and I just happened to live on a street that gets trick or treaters every year. They're about to come around, so you all get comfortable! After we run out of candy, we can turn the porch light off and start making dinner." You explain, before the grunts you've gotten to know decided to explore the house and see the decor.
Hank was the first to take notice.
Being naturally protective of his player, the moment the doorbell rang, he was up and at the door before you could even make moves to leave the kitchen. The door is swung open and Hank stares down at a bunch of little...things. Mini-Humans? They all looked so different from one another and were staring up at him with massive eyes. He stared back through his red goggles before one of the little ones managed to squeak out 'trick or treat'. Thankfully, you got to the door and pushed past your big guard dog and smiled happily at the children and complimented their outfits, handing them each large handfuls of candy. He watches, curious about what was transpiring before the kids scamper off your porch to hit the next house. Hank doesn't understand Halloween, but he finds your jovial and gift-giving personality likable. He still prefers watching horror movie marathons over socializing though.
Deimos and Sanford were much more bold.
You didn't even notice that they slipped OUTSIDE when you were in the kitchen and Hank was watching horror movies while 2B was observing from a seat near a window. The moment you notice them outside was when trick or treaters came to your door like usual. Then, you see Deimos taking pictures with some teenagers and Sanford backing him up with a thumbs up. You were worried, but then you hear the teenagers complimenting their 'costumes' and how they looked 'so real'. You could have sworn that one of the females asked if Deimos was single, which made your eye twitch. Despite that, it made you realize that this was probably the only time of year that they could walk around without questions being thrown at them. So, with a personal request that they at least stay close to the house, you let them roam around outside and look at the street that was decorated with Halloween decor from house to house.
2B was pretty introverted the whole night and wouldn't go near the door.
You just figured that since he was introverted or not typically a friendly or social grunt, that he just merely felt that it would be best to stay inside. Unlike Hank, he barely took interest in the horror movies that Hank would engross himself in. He was people watching and staring at Deimos and Sanford the whole time through the window he was sitting near. He was so still, that some people passing by seemed to think he was a prop before his head moved, making a couple of kids scream. Maybe it was the red goggles. But then, he begins to ask you questions about why humans were so adamant about giving away free sweets to others.
"What's with humans? Why all of the generosity?" He asked you in a confused manner.
"Because it's fun, 2B! The kids have a great time, the parents get to get a moment of peace, and teens get to drink and party. Plus, it's the only time of year where it's appropriate to dress up in public. It's a night of fun, sweets, and self expression." You gently explain from your place next to him.
". . . Humans are strange."
"Haha! If you think humans are generous on Halloween, wait until you guys visit around Christmas time!"
"There's more human holidays??!"
You can only laugh at 2B's expense.
It was an eventful and fun night. Even once the sun had long since set and the candy bowl was empty, you all still had your own brand of fun. Once the porch light was off and the trick or treaters began to slow to a mere few small groups, you and your grunts had a great dinner. You happily fed them, gave them a few drinks, and exchanged gut-busting stories about events that have happened over the past few years.
Halloween was fun before you met your grunts, but now?
Your Halloween was going to be better than ever before!
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britishcupoftea · 5 months
The reckoners. Steelheart fic, Brandon sanderson >>>
yea that’s right I am a massive Brandon fan. Slay king. My favourite series of his was Steelheart, so yes I did write a fanfic of it help me and my mental health 😭 it’s from a guards pov right at the beginning of the book. Please I’m crying, what is this 😭😭😭😭
The play had just ended and a stream of people began hustling out of the double doors of the playhouse. Many men and women emerged wear old fashioned clothes in top hats and laced dresses, apparently some epic in the ranks had started the trend. I didn’t care for that though, I was just trying to survived here in Chicago, just like everyone else. The crowd parted slightly and   Fortuity moved through them, he was easy to recognise in his red suit and the two woman that hung onto his shoulders. Such a lady’s man wasn’t he, ridiculous , every time I saw the guy he has another set of chicks following him round like puppies. Even so I hefted my rifle in my arms and stood to attention. Spritz has hired me to do some guard work at the playhouse for the next couple days, and somehow Steelheart had let him hire me, I wasn’t alone though. Thomas Thatcher stood on the other side of the double doors and watched the wave of people, I didn’t know him personally but it was nice he didn’t constantly talk over coms unlike some of the other officers I worked with. There he goes again, I saw Fortuity advance towards a blonde woman in tight red dress. ‘She’s up for a fun time I thought’ Then out of the corner of my eye I spotted a figure in a near by alleyway.
“Thomas?” I paused. “Yeah?” Came his crackled reply. I had always thought the sound just as the radio picked up was satisfying, like when you perfectly open a bag of crisps and it give that nice crunch… anyway, “Hey do you see the subject standing in that alleyway?” That’s what Steelheart made us call them, ‘subjects’ it dehumanised the people of  Chicago, like they were merely objects in the way or test subjects like lab rats. “Your gonna have to be more specific buddy” I sighed, sometimes I wished poeple would just know what I mean, and I could have replied something snappy like ‘you have two eyes so use them idiot’ but I didn’t. That’s the sort of thing they taught us at the factory not to do, saying stuff like that could get me and others killed. “Two buildings up and to the left, I think it’s the entrance to the under streets.” I saw Thomas turn his head to look in that direction. “Sure do, what’s do you think the subject is looking at?” The man in the alleyway turned slightly, I think he was following something and I myself turned my gaze to look at whatever this strange person was looking at. As I watched a thought crept into my mind… and I looked at Fortuity. Then I looked back at the man in the alleyway. Then I looked between them again.
Shit what is this dude was after Fortuity? “I going to check him out.” I said, leaving my post from beside the door and started shoving through the crowd towards the alley. Not many people noticed as I pushed through, but the ones that did turned round with angry looks on there faces. “Uhh dude what are you doing?” Thomas said into my ear, “Hold on…” I said, not even sure what I was going to say to him after. What was this man doing? He was just stood there in the alley, watching Fortuity. I didn’t know too much about the epics I worked with and protected but I knew that Fortuity wasn’t easy to hurt, he had a power that predicted stuff, all kinds of stuff and especially if he was gonna get injured or hurt. So what was he doing? Even as I shoved through the crowd, nearing the man, I couldn’t see much of his features, tall, brown hair, worn hoodie, and some black trousers. Most of his features where hidden in shadow, after Steelheart had taken over the city, Nightwielder had been one of the first epics to going his reign of terror, and ever since the day he joined… everything has been pitch black. See nightwielder has the unique ability to block out the sun, and the whole sky as well, so for nearly a decade the whole of Chicago has been living in darkness, and it was even worse just after the great transvergen, when Steelheart had turned the city to steel.
But now at least people had hung lanterns on the frozen street lamps and new lights had been set up around the city, and even in the understreets there was power and lights, some even say all the way down in the steel catacombs there are lights hanging from the ceilings, I have never been down that far but that’s what stories say. Finally I got near enough to be in earshot of the man and I pulled my rifle off my back strap and moved towards him. The man suddenly bolted… I was startled, he hadn’t seemed to notice me before, as I had approached him but… checking behind me, I glanced round and noticed Fortuity was gone. Shit! I booted after the man down the alleyway, and turned the corner after him, my rifle at hand. “HEY! Dude! What are you doing?” Thomas voice was loud in my ear, I hadn’t turned the volume up on my mobil… nope Thomas was shouting. “Explain later, ask for a core cell, and a team of enforcement!” I shouted out of breath into my mic. I was sprinting down behind one of the buildings after the man, he disappeared down another alley and I struggled to keep up.
Damn this stupid enforcement vest! I rounded the corner just in time to see the figure fling open a set of wooden doors and dash up a fire exit. Wooden doors? During the great transvergen everything had been turned to steel, everything so that means these doors had been carved out and replaced with wooden ones. And them being replaced means this place has been scouted and look at, people spent time doing this, that means there was a plan that involved being chased and going into this building… Everything formed so quickly in my head and I slowed to a jog. I turned off the safety on my gun. Razing the the rifle up, I pushed opened the door with my left hand. Above me I could hear faint footsteps as someone, I’m assuming the man I was chasing, jogged up the stairs. My mobli bussed and Thomas’ rough voice came through, “Alright dude tell me what’s going on, Cornel won’t send the troops unless you tell him what’s going on, he’s joining the coms now.” Then I hear the small beep as Cornel joined the call. “Officer 158 what’s going on? Why have you left your post?” I hated the Cornel, he was a strict, merciless man who whipped my ass. One of my earlier memory on the force was that slaunce shouting his stupid fat face off at me for no reason. “I thinks there’s going to be a hit on Fortuity, I saw a man watching him and ran off down some alleys and I followed him.
But there was some old iron doors here that have been replaced with wood, so that makes me think this has been planned out. Fortuity also disappeared, so I think he might be in trouble…” I trailed off as I relised my mistake and prepared for the shouting I was about to get. “YOU DON’T HAVE EYES ON FORTUITY?” I should have turned down the volume…
Omg why did I read that and was like wow. Should I write more from the guards pov? end of the short story😍 okay well it’s not cringe af, mid. Lmk if anyone had any requests
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moonstrider9904 · 2 years
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Pairing: Maul x Fem!Reader
Tags/Warnings: Explicit sexual content. 18+. Some body worship, light nipple play, brief use of the force, female oral receiving, lingerie, fabric tearing. Story happens prior to the events of TPM.
This prompt and pairing was a request!
Word count: 1.4k
Kinktober Day 18: Lingerie
This goes out to @stardustbee and @eloquentmoon
prompt list used | @the-purity-pen | kinktober masterlist | main masterlist | join my kinktober taglist |
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Tapping his fingers on the armrest of the chair he sat on, Maul patiently waited for you to make your reveal. The walk-in closet door concealed you from his sight, but he knew what you were doing in there, and he grew impatient.
He grew hungry, ravenous.
From inside the closet, he could hear you stirring about, until after those eternal few minutes, your voice traveled through the door in the shape of a delightful laughter before you spoke.
“Count to three and I’ll come out,” you said from inside.
Maul smirked to himself—you were amusing, yes. But there was more to it than just your capability to give him a laugh or a smirk.
You were endearing, you were precious, you were his most adored form of life, the very light he saw. And that alone made that luscious smirk on his face widen, pondering himself just how naughty you had decided to be that night.
“Very well, beloved,” Maul spoke in that smooth, delicious voice he had. “One…”
You took your hand to the knob and twisted it.
You began to pull the door open.
You revealed yourself from inside the luxurious walk-in closet, and of all the exquisite gowns and garments you had to choose from in there, you stood and posed in a set of pitch-black, sheer fabric dress lingerie with floral lace patterns covering your bust, secured by thin suspenders. Your belly and hips were veiled by the same see-through fabric, gracefully gliding down your skin and ending just below your crotch. 
You stood under that door frame, legs innocently pressed together, hands on your hips, angling your body to give Maul a better view, and as he watched you, he gave a smooth, dark laugh.
You knew exactly what you were doing, and he loved that.
Maul stood up from his chair and slowly paced toward you, his bright yellow eyes piercing into you in the dim lighting of the chamber. He held out his hand and held your chin delicately, his eyes meeting yours.
“You are fascinating,” Maul hummed as he let his hands travel to your waist and down to your behind, his gaze wandering over your body. “Every inch of you, every part, every… uniqueness… you are beauty incarnate, my lady.”
Shivers traveled through your whole body, inevitably culminating between your legs as you felt beads of sweat forming on your forehead. “Maul…”
“Yes, my beloved?” He spoke.
You smiled, partly dazzled. “I…”
Yet again, you were the object of all his adorations. He took a step back, but his hands sought yours, and he pulled you towards the large bed at the center of the chamber. He took a seat on one of the edges while you stood in front of him, and he looked at you with a longing you could only ever see a certain few times.
He wanted you, he desired you, but he loved you as well, and you could feel that very well.
“Let me,” he spoke softly. “Please…”
You smiled softly at Maul and cupped his jaws with your hands. You bent down and pressed your lips onto his, kissing him delicately. You could feel his hands traveling up the backs of your thighs and onto your ass again, his fingers sliding underneath the sheer skirt of your lingerie and brushing over the black panties that barely left anything to the imagination.
As his desire grew, Maul retrieved his lips from yours and let you straighten up again to kiss your torso over the lingerie’s fabric. He kissed up your belly letting his hands resurface from under the skirt, resting them on your waist. Maul held you firmly, careful not to let any of his horns graze your skin, and he finally reached a height where his lips were just in front of your breasts.
Maul took his hands to your mounds and delicately squeezed; you moaned softly at the massage, and your breath hitched whenever his fingers found your nipples and lightly pinched them over the fabric of your lingerie. Amongst the kissing, massaging, and pinching, you could feel yourself getting wetter, aching to feel him between your legs.
But Maul would still take some of his time, and you wouldn’t dream of rushing. Still engulfed in the warmth and softness of your chest, Maul looked up at you, intent on finding your gaze, but instead getting distracted at the delicate suspenders that secured your outfit to your body.
One of them was sliding down the side of your shoulder, and Maul didn’t know why, but it made him chuckle. He brushed his fingers over the fabric and pulled the suspender back up, securing it once again over your shoulder, causing you to giggle softly in return.
Finally, his eyes met yours again. “Get on the bed, my lady.”
You were too dazed to answer; Maul got up to help you get positioned over the mattress, but not before first kissing your lips with his distinctive passion. You felt yourself floating by the time your body reached the mattress, and you lay flat on your back, watching as Maul crawled on top, hovering above you.
You finally came to your senses again when you saw Maul’s wicked, seductive smile above you, and it dawned on you that it would finally happen. You would get what you desired most, and you could hardly wait any longer for it.
Maul bent to kiss your lips once more before traveling downward, and with fingers like serpents, he found the rim of the panties you wore. He pulled the fabric down, sliding it along your skin slowly, building your arousal even more. 
You bent over before he pulled them off completely and took the panties from his hand, and when Maul noticed you were about to toss them aside, he held out his hand and focused on the fabric, breaking its natural trajectory through the air and replacing it with a new one, one that he guided himself, making the delicate garment land gracefully on the floor.
Aroused and impressed, you giggled, and Maul was pleased by your reaction. Finally, with a caring yet firm grip, Maul held your knees and opened your legs wide, staring carnally at your gleaming, wet folds.
“Oh, yes…” he mused. “Perfect.”
He was anxious to taste you and to glide his tongue over your sensitive flesh. Maul took no longer than he had to, and before you knew it, his lips were on your pussy, delighting entirely in your taste. You moaned loudly upon the very first sensation, your head already thrown back onto the mattress as your hands fisted the bed’s elegant sheets. Your moans didn’t cease as Maul only tasted you with more fervor each second, moaning softly into your skin.
You whined his name out at the vibrations his voice sent through your flesh, and though it was still soon, you were already close. You took a hand down to his head, securing your fingers around the horns that crowned him, pressing Maul even more towards your cunt. He savored you, moaned into you in ecstasy, and at last, you were tipped over the edge.
Your hips rut against Maul, and your body squirmed on that mattress as you quaked with every wave of your intense orgasm. Feeling and hearing you writhing underneath him filled Maul with lust, and even he lost sense of reality, taking the sheer fabric in his hand and fisting it, pulling it hard enough so that you could eventually hear a loud tear as he ripped the delicate lingerie apart.
You gasped, surprised and ecstatic, the act heightening your orgasm for a last few seconds before it began to die down. You panted on the bed, exhausted, stunned at the sheer amount of pleasure he could make you feel. And as Maul gathered himself, he licked the remaining slick from his lips, relishing once more in your taste before his beautiful yellow eyes met yours and glided over your body along the ripped lingerie.
He smiled darkly. “I do apologize, my lady, but I cannot have you walking around in ripped clothes—it would be so undignifying.”
You gulped and whimpered, still bewildered.
Maul could only laugh again. “Allow me to help you remove it.”
You couldn’t help the moan that overtook you when Maul ripped whatever remained of the lingerie and tore it off your body, eager for what was to come next.
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fablefics · 1 year
My One and Only | Sebastian Sallow - Chapter Seven
Word Count (Chapter): 2225
Spoiler Warning: like the whole game idk I make a lot of references so if you don’t want spoilers just don’t read this yet lmao
This is very slow-burn, it’s gonna be a long one, strap in.
A/N - I changed the MCs name because it fell too self-inserty, using my internet name. Now her name is Helena (actually my Hufflepuff MC but she’s still a Slytherin in the fic for the sake of continuity). Apologies if this is confusing. If it’s easier, it’s all posted on Ao3 with the MC’s name being Helena the entire time. 
Sebastian had meant to check in on Helena the previous night but by the time he left the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom the moon was high in the sky, and he knew that she would be asleep. He had decided that he’d get her in the morning for breakfast and had gone to bed. He slept like a rock most nights, but that night had brought nightmares. He had dreamt of the night in the Feldcroft Catacombs, his uncle’s lifeless body, and the look on Anne’s face when she realized what he had done. He startled awake and it took him a few moments to realize where he was. He was in his room, in the faculty tower. The sun had just barely started to crest over the hills surrounding the castle, casting a sleepy, morning haze through the room. 
Sebastian stood and accio’d a clean pair of black trousers and a black button-up to him. He didn’t feel like dressing nice today, he just wanted to get started on his work, now that he had Helena around to help him. He didn’t even bother with a tie, just slipped into his shoes and made his way out into the hallway. Professor Ronen had the room right next to his, and the older wizard was standing in the hallway talking to Professor Shah. They both stopped talking as they noticed Sebastian leaving his room. 
“Good morning, Sebastian,” Satyavati smiled warmly, but Sebastian could tell that had been talking about him by the awkward feeling in the air.
“Professor Shah,” Sebastian smiled, “What were you discussing?”
Neither of the older professors spoke for a moment but finally Abraham spoke up, “Well it seems your situation just keeps getting more unique.”
Sebastian figured they’d been talking about Helena’s sudden appearance in the castle last night. It had been such a sudden decision that Matilda hadn’t been able to warn the other professors about the witches arrival. Sebastian simply nodded, “Well, as you both know, it’s a unique year. Not every day a student joins us as a fifth year.”
“Of course,” Satyavati seemed to accept this explanation, “And I’m sure you’ll appreciate having the help. Your first year of teaching is always difficult.”
“Yes,” Abraham nodded in agreement with his colleague, “I’m sure Miss DuPont will be an excellent resource, you’ll be glad to have her around.”
Sebastian felt like the two were having a silent conversation he was not allowed to hear with their subtle glances to each other. To avoid any further discomfort he quickly said goodbye to the two professors and made his way across the hall to Helena’s room. He knocked firmly on the dark wooden door.
“It’s open, Sebastian,” Helena called from inside the room.
“How did you know it was me?” Sebastian asked as he entered the barren room.
“You’ve knocked the same way since we were teenagers,” Helena laughed, “Literally, the exact same pattern and weight.”
“You noticed that?” Sebastian smiled as the witch laughed. It was like a melody he wanted to listen to all the time. He blamed this feeling on nostalgia, and absolutely nothing else.
“Sebastian Sallow,” Helena was curled up in the window seat on the far side of the room, she turned to look him in the eyes, “I notice everything.”
Sebastian crossed the room to look at the book she was reading. Ancient Runes Made Easy. He was sure she had already read it. It seemed like she had read every book in the library during their time at Hogwarts, but this one, he knew for a fact, she had already read. The first time she was reading it was in the Undercroft, they had been skipping class and debating what to do for the holidays. Since Sebastian had no family to go home to, and Helena’s family had essentially disowned her after she went to Hogwarts, the two ended up spending the break together in the castle. They would go to Hogsmeade and make the most of the lack of crowds, Sirona had always given them a discount on their butterbeer, even if they told her not to. 
“Refreshing your memory on runes?” Sebastian pulled the book out of the witch’s hands.
“I couldn’t sleep. I grabbed the first book in my trunk,” Helena explained as she got out of the window seat. She was already dressed. She had traded in her leather pants for a knee-length black skirt and a simple white button-up with a green vest. Sebastian realized that all it was missing was a Slytherin patch on the vest. They were the same clothes the witch had worn when she was a student.
“You’re going to get mistaken for a student,” Sebastian laughed.
“I don’t own much besides beaten up work clothes,” Helena lightly punched the man in the arm, noticing again how much he had come into his own since they had graduated. 
“You look great,” Sebastian stopped laughing and tried his best to give her a sincere compliment. They had never been the kind of friends who would compliment each other and the only kind of physical contact they were willing to give each other was the odd punch or high-five. It was almost like they knew if they let themselves get more comfortable with each other, it would go much further than they anticipated. 
Helena blushed, “Thank you.”
There was an awkward silence before Sebastian clapped his hands together, “Well, time for breakfast then. Most of the other professors seem to have already heard about your arrival.”
“Wonderful,” Helena said sarcastically. She knew how odd the situation was and dreaded having to lie to her professors, now colleagues, once again.
Sebastian opened the door and held it for her as they left her room. He led her up the stairs to the common area. They were earlier than most of the other professors. Only Abraham and Satyavati were already seated at one of the tables. Sebastian led Helena to the other table, but before she sat down next to him, she went to greet her old professors.
“Miss DuPont,” Abraham stood and shook the witch’s hand, “We are surprised but happy that you are joining us. I’m sure Mister Sallow is happy to have your help. You two were inseparable during your time as students. Seems that hasn’t changed has it?”
Helena blushed, but her back was to Sebastian. Sebastian frowned, we weren’t that close… were we? He decided to tune out the rest of the conversation and focus on the mountain of food in front of him. He had to admit, he was incredibly happy to have real food again, when he was traveling he ate whatever scraps he could find. Now he was getting a seemingly unlimited amount of warm, fresh food. As he fantasized about the food, he felt Helena’s hand on his shoulder as she dropped into the seat next to him.
“Are you okay?” She asked.
“Why wouldn’t I be?” Sebastian responded through a mouth full of bacon and eggs.
“You looked like you were somewhere else,” Helena grabbed a cinnamon muffin off the table, a small action that made Sebastian’s heart skip a beat with nostalgic happiness.
“I was in the kitchen, eating as much food as the house elves could prepare.”
Helena rolled her eyes as she bit into the muffin. It tasted exactly how she remembered, “So what’s the plan for today?”
“Well I’ve got the first,” Sebastian paused to count on his fingers, “Three days of school planned out.”
Helena wondered if she could damage her eyes from rolling them too much, “Great, guess we’re all set then, I might as well go.”
Sebastian shot her a look as he dug into his own muffin, “I was thinking you could help me finish getting the room set up while I keep going on the lesson planning.”
“Do you still have Hecat’s old stuff?”
“It went to her family,” Sebastian shook his head, “But Professor Weasley said we are welcome to raid the room of requirement for anything we may need.”
Memories of the room came flooding back to Helena as she grabbed an apple and bit into it. After their fifth year, Helena had decided to show Sebastian the room of requirement. They spent a lot of time there, Sebastian would brew potions and pretend to do his homework while Helena took care of her beasts and did both of their homework. She had never been upset by the arrangement, it was always nice to have someone around. It was always nice to have Sebastian around, she thought. 
“I can head up there after breakfast, go to the room of hidden things,” Helena smiled at her friend. Sebastian couldn’t help but stare, she had changed quite a bit since school, but she was still Helena at the end of the day. Without thinking, Sebastian reached over to wipe a crumb off of her cheek. Helena froze, surprised by the sudden touch. The two stared at each other for moment, Helena’s hazel eyes were wide in surprise.
“Helena DuPont,” Professor Weasley’s voice broke the spell and the two quickly turned away from each other. 
“Professor Weasley,” Helena stood and went to hug the older witch. Sebastian didn’t understand how she recovered from whatever had just happened so quickly while he was sitting there feeling like his heart had just fallen into his stomach. 
Matilda sat down next to Helena and the two witches immediately began chatting as if they were old friends. Sebastian felt like he’d been completely forgotten about, he almost felt jealous. What is going on with me? He cursed himself silently before quietly excusing himself from the table. Helena said she would meet him in the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom in a bit, when she was done catching up with Matilda and Mirabel, who had also joined them right after Matilda. Sebastian told her not to rush, but in his head he begged her to hurry up and meet him.
As Sebastian turned to leave the common area he practically ran directly into Professor Sharp. The older man deftly stepped to the side so they would not collide, and Sebastian couldn’t help but wonder how the wizard was so agile, with his perpetual limp.
“Sallow,” Aesop scowled at the man. Five years had seen Sebastian grow to be as tall as Professor Sharp, if not a few inches taller. Aesop could no longer stare down at him with that air of supremacy he always seemed to have over Sebastian.
“Professor Sharp,” Sebastian smiled politely, “We really do need to catch up one of these days, unfortunately I am just so busy with preparing for the year.”
Aesop huffed and walked away from Sebastian without another word. Sebastian sighed, wondering how long he’d be able to pretend to be the bigger man with Sharp. He decided that until Sharp became openly antagonistic towards him, Sebastian would do his best to maintain a healthy working relationship with his colleague. Part of him wished he had been a little better behaved in his years at Hogwarts, but another part of him was still proud of the things he got away with it, and even the things he hadn’t gotten away with. He remembered the night in the library, when he and Helena had snuck into the restricted section. He had gotten caught that night, but he was still proud of himself. He took the fall for it, and Helena got the book she needed. As Sebastian left the faculty tower he found himself smiling a bit, remembering the trouble he caused as a student and knowing that now, as a professor, he had the power to get away with even more, not that he wanted to. It was just an option, if he needed to get away with something, he probably could. He thought of Helena’s eyes when he touched her cheek, and his face flushed again.
There had always been a kind of will-they, wont-they dynamic between the two of them but it always seemed like it was never the right time. During their sixth year Helena had dated Garreth Weasley for a while and Sebastian began to question her judgement in potential romantic partners. The relationship ultimately ended on a positive note but it seemed to destroy any potential for Helena and Sebastian to be anything more than friends since Sebastian had spent the entire time ridiculing Garreth, and inadvertently, Helena. She had seemed to lose interest in him, if there had ever been any. By the time they were in their seventh year, Sebastian was bouncing from relationship to relationship and Helena dated Poppy quite seriously for a good part of the year. It had seemed that a relationship between the two was destined not to be. Sebastian wondered if she had dated anyone after graduation, five years was a long time to spend alone, and he would know. 
As he collapsed into the chair at his desk in the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom, Sebastian found himself unable to pull his mind away from the memories of his old friend. He realized for the first time in five years he was excited for the future, because for the first time in five years his future could, once again, include Helena.
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Riddle Me This
AO3 mirror: https://archiveofourown.org/works/42610116
AN: The other character here is just vague enough that it could be interpreted as a reader insert if that pleases you. But otherwise, no major content warnings apply.
Melanie looked over the problem on her phone again as she stood before the studio. Though it didn’t look it now, it used to be free to rent for any artists looking for a place to work in peace. The other buildings surrounding this one were more well kept. The paint on them didn’t peel and there weren’t any holes made by the various bugs and rodents looking for a home. This particular one was usually rented out to photographers, but in a place like Gotham, there was always something exciting (and beautifully dangerous) just by walking the streets.
It got even more exciting with the app that was taking her university by storm. At face value, Riddle Me This was a simple collection of puzzles and brain teasers. Crosswords, sudoku, mazes too. If it woke up your brain, it was ready to play.
The fact that it was supposedly programmed by one of the most notorious criminals in Gotham added some extra spice to its reputation, too.
But that wasn't the main attraction. Anyone could program something like those. Mostly, everyone downloaded it for a shot at the daily riddle. There were cash prizes for the first ten people to answer it correctly. The new players who didn't know how the app truly worked usually scoffed and tried to Google the answer. Whoever developed it must have thought that part through, as one of Melanie's classmates discovered when she tried to look up what grew up while growing down. As soon as she hit the search button, her phone froze, and nothing could be done to save it. Basically, it turned into a brick.
But there were rumors that if you logged in every day, put in your time, and at least attempted to solve the daily riddles, you were rewarded with a unique opportunity. In a private riddle sent to you was a clue to a special prize somewhere in the real world. All you had to do was find it. So when Melanie got a message containing one 'specially made for her', she waited until her roommate had left to one of her parties and snuck out to do some treasure hunting. It almost felt like cheating, because she remembered her brother telling her this one a couple years ago.
A woman shoots her husband and holds him underwater for five minutes. Then, she hangs him. They have a lovely dinner afterwards. How is this possible?
This was the only place Melanie could think of that was related to the riddle she was sent this morning. The woman could have dinner with her husband because she was shooting a photo of him. Taking a deep breath, she walked to the door.
As soon as she opened it, she was immediately blinded by a spotlight aimed right at her. She raised a hand to cover her eyes, blinking until her vision came back before stepping forward into the room. Desks lined up in rows, facing a table at the back of one wall. Various items were scattered on the table, including a globe and a Rubik's cube. It looked to Melanie like...
"A classroom?"
Startled, she turned as the door slammed shut, pushed by someone she didn't notice as she walked in. She blinked, not quite believing she was seeing a young, red-haired man glaring at her. Or rather, what he was wearing. Whoever he was, he must have been obsessed with the color green. He wore a green jacket, green dress pants, and a green tie hung on his neck. Plastered all over them were black question marks, and Melanie wondered who on Earth would willingly dress up like this.
The answer came to her like a flash of lightning. Well, shit. She was in the same room as-
"And it was about time you came by! I was starting to think I should have sent something more modern, like how many kids are going to know anything that's not digital? God, I bet you've never even touched a piece of film." Frowning, he stepped towards her, waving his hands in the air as his rant continued. "Or did you have to ask for your parents' permission before you went out? You one of those kids who needs permission before they color outside the lines? Outside the box? Outside the house?"
He was speaking a mile a minute, and Melanie struggled to keep up. But this attitude was starting to bug her. Was he really calling her a kid? He didn't look that much older than her. But his emerald eyes bore into hers, making it hard to look away as he looked down at her, barely an inch away from her face.
"So? What, you need permission to speak, too? Or are you just mute?"
Finally, Melanie found her voice and answered, "Uh, no. No, sir, I can speak."
The man sighed. "Good. Even though I am proficient in sign language, talking is much easier."
Melanie just nodded, but there was no way to figure out what the right thing to do was here. She could try to run for the door, but it was probably locked. Essentially, she was at the mercy of-
"Okay!" The green-obsessed man clapped his hands together and made his way to the table at the back. "I'm sure you have a lot of questions, and no, I will not answer them. Not right now, anyway. You'll have to earn them yourself. Just like how you got that riddle." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a phone, flipping through something on the screen. "At least an hour every day for...let's see, thirty days hath September...one hundred days in a row! Not bad, not bad, not the longest streak I've seen, but then again, you did actually play the games on there. Some people just log in and then log back out again. They don't think I notice, but I do."
"Um." Melanie muttered, slightly anxious at interrupting yet another rant. "I'm sorry, but...I don't really understand why I'm here."
He blinked. "Oh. Hm. Yes, I guess that's important, isn't it?" He sighed as he lifted himself onto the desk, sitting cross legged on top and grabbing the Rubik's cube. "Melanie, is it? If I'm going to be honest, I didn't think you would get this far. You must be the fifth person ever to get one of my special riddles right and then have the initiative to go out and find it on the same night. I've got more important things to do than camp out. Here, mix this up for me, would you?" He tossed the cube to Melanie, who fumbled slightly as she caught it. "But I have to admit, as flexible as I am, I can't be everywhere at once. It was a hard pill to swallow, and I'm still struggling to choke it down. So I need people who can at least trail closely behind me. People who don't need things explained more than once. Not entirely yes men, but not entirely loose cannons, either."
As she played with the cube, mixing the colors as best as she could, she puzzled over what her host was saying. "Wait, are you saying this is like...a recruitment drive?"
The man smirked. "Well. You're already showing promise. Keep it up and I might pay you. More than the recently released who don't have anywhere to go, anyway."
There was no way Melanie could follow what the hell he was saying. He's really going around recruiting civilians to his crusade?
"Now I know what you're thinking. And no, I'm not going to have you set up bombs for me. Maybe when you're a little older." He finally got off the desk and walked over to Melanie, snatching the mixed-up Rubik's cube from her hands and scanning it. "You'll just act as my eyes and ears. Take pictures of anything you think will interest me, tell me anything you might hear on the grapevine, stuff like that." Still looking at her, his hands seemed to move on their own as they worked at the cube, spinning the different rows in a flurry of colors. "And if you think about going to the police, I'll simply kill you and everyone you ever loved and cared about."
Melanie's heart froze. He was so blunt, it was like killing anyone was just another obstacle to him. She gulped. "Why me?"
"Why?" He blinked, taking only a second to think of an answer. "Because I recognize something in you that has plagued me for as long as I can remember. The bane of any genius like myself." Glancing disinterestedly at the cube, now solved and color coordinated, he tossed it behind his back and let it tumble onto the floor. "You're bored. Aren't you?"
It was Melanie's turn to blink at him in disbelief. "I'm...bored?"
"God, I hate when people repeat what I say back at me. If I wanted an echo, I'll just find a cave to scream into, thanks."
"It's just that," she continued, "when I went out tonight, I didn't think The Riddler was going to show up and ask me to be his scout."
Upon hearing his name, The Riddler's mouth twitched into a grin. A small giggle erupted from him, but it was quickly shot it down. "Not a lot of people get this opportunity. The fact that I'm even speaking to you in person, well," he stepped forward and looked down at Melanie again, making her feel tiny as she resisted the urge to look away, "isn't this the highlight of your day? Your week? Month? Year? Decade?"
Sweat started to bead on her forehead. Staring into those eyes, knowing what he did. Traps, codes, questions, answers, followed by a finale of lives lost if they didn't play along. If The Riddler was bored and he saw you, God help you, because he wanted a show. Entertainment at the expense of others. He didn't care if tears were shed, if throats scratched from begging and pleading. If you couldn't give him stimulation, you weren't fit to walk this Earth at all.
The Riddler sighed, reaching into the front pocket of his jacket and pulling out a green handkerchief, this one also covered in black question marks. "It always happens. People are so shocked by my presence, their vocal cords stop working." Gently, he patted at the sweat on Melanie's forehead. "But you should feel honored, Melanie. I deemed you worthy enough to work for me. And if you do your work, you will be rewarded, I promise." He looked over her, slipping the handkerchief into the pocket of her hoodie. "I don't need your DNA, so you can keep that. Consider that your first prize for figuring out my puzzle."
He stepped back to the teacher's desk, and Melanie, not realizing she was holding her breath, sighed loudly. She felt at the handkerchief in her pocket. It was the smoothest silk she ever felt. If something like this material was deemed worthy of handkerchief, she couldn't imagine what The Riddler's suit must have been made of. "So, if I'm going to be your 'eyes and ears', where am I going to send my information?"
"You'll receive a message on your phone as soon as you leave with all the details." With a click, he pressed at something on the globe. Splitting across the equator, it opened, and The Riddler pressed the switch inside.
The door slowly swung open, its creek reverberating across the room. Melanie turned to it, resisting the urge to run out and away from this place. From him.
"Oh, and Melanie?"
She turned to him, resting his elbows on the desk and placing his chin on his hands. "I was kidding about the 'killing you and your loved ones' thing." He grinned, and Melanie's muscles froze as it pierced through her.
"You would be much more useful to me as one of my 'players'."
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let-us-meet-aga1n · 1 year
this is me trying to cope with the extreme sadness of clover possibly wanting nothing to do with me after a trauma induced panic attack so im doing this to keep my mind off of that thought.
by doing this, i'm basically doing this:
🕯️ 🕯️ 🕯️ 🕯️ 🕯️
🕯️ clover still wants me 🕯️
🕯️ & will never leave me 🕯️
🕯️ 🕯️ 🕯️ 🕯️ 🕯️
anyways, further below is every single tc question for april answered.
day 1: have you ever pranked your tc? if so, how did they react? nope! i've made jokes around her, but my humor is kind of demented (always abt mental health struggles. she laughs, but i think in a "oh good god this child is fucked up" kinda way).
day 2: what is the earliest thing you can remember about your tc? we had a "move up social" where we dressed up fancy and met our freshman teachers as an 8th grader. she came up to me and my best friend cause we were terrified of talking to anyone. she was the first person i met that night, and at that moment i knew i was gonna like her.
now, the first moment that sticks out in my head is the first day. we all walked into class to her handing out papers with our names on them to tape to our desks so she'd remember our names. i was the only student's name she knew off the top of her head. i walked in and she went "ah, here you go caspian! don't ask how i know your name after meeting you once, but it's nothing bad i swear." and i just- AADSFGHJGFDSF- she later said she remembered my name cause i looked really pretty that night and that i had a really beautiful and unique name and i died just a bit.
day 3: do you like your tc’s subject? do you consider yourself to be good at it? i actually enjoy english in the way she teaches it! normally its this boring vocab stuff with sentence structure that takes the fun out of the subject, but she lets us be creative with our writing (since she has a phd in creative writing).
day 4: how do you feel about your age gap? ITS NOT THAT BAD OKAY?!?!?! she's 29, i'm 15. SEE NOT THAT BAD!!! anyways, idrc cause the fact that she's almost 30 means she's a responsible adult and in that case, i am once again asking FOR YOU TO TAKE CUSTODY OF ME CLOVER PLEASE-
day 5: have you ever said anything to your tc that showed you favored them? have they said anything like that to you? um, have i not?? when talking to my orchestra director abt trauma stuff im like "oh yeah i told her everything" "oh yeah i feel super comfortable about opening up to her" "yeah she's such a sweet and safe person" and SOMEHOW, EVEN THOUGH HE CLAIMS HE DOESN'T TALK TO HER, IT ALWAYS GETS BACK TO HER. (i know you tell her everything, *insert orchestra teachers name her* you dont fool me)
day 6: have you ever noticed any small habits that they have? If so, what comes to mind first? AHHHH YES. she has anxiety, and i tend to notice everyone's nervous response. she has this really curly really pretty brown, auburn ish hair and she always twirls her fingers in it when nervous and i'm just like 🥺- anyways, she also is never at her desk, ever. she's always walking around, leaning on a desk, or sitting ON TOP of an empty student desk. this woman will sit anywhere BUT her desk.
day 7: what gift would you really like to be able to give them, regardless of if it’s realistic or not? she's always wanted me to perform a song for her, and i've always turned her down on that offer because 1. anxiety, 2. A SOLO PERFORMANCE??!?!? FOR CLOVER??! ADSFGHJKL:KJHGFDS- but if i had the courage to do it one day, i would. not a gift, but something she's always wanted from me.
day 8: does your tc ever talk about what it was like when they were still a student? yep! she's talked about how she was considered this quiet, shy nerd who didn't really talk to people. she was valedictorian of her class and was really, really good at school- (i can verify all of that i have stalked the SHIT out of the internet and found EVERYTHING)
day 9: does your tc have a significant other? if so, what do you know about them and how do you feel about them? she does, yes! her fiancé and her have been dating for what appears to be 3 years now (from what i can find online) and they got engaged in the fall! i'm really really happy for her and i hope they have a happy marriage! i wish them all the best! he seems like a very sweet guy and i'm truly really happy for her. (this question was answer probably different from most, because i have less of a crush on her and more of a platonic obsession with her?? idk i wish she was my mom)
day 10: what is the longest time you have gone without seeing them? winter break. 2 weeks of hell on earth without her. i genuinely don't want to have a summer break. i'm going to miss her so much...
day 11: what do other people usually think about them? most people love her! she's a very sweet, genuine, and caring person. some people do talk shit about her though and every time they do i have very very violent thoughts come up in my head because if they're talking about her like that they don't even deserve to walk on the same ground she does (sorry if i got a bit crazy there i just love her so much and hate when people talk bad about her).
day 12: do you often make up excuses to speak to them? what kinds of excuses do you like to use? yes? more of making excuses to see her and have tiny interactions with her. i guess some people would call me a stalker??? idk she knows i'm there so its not really stalking. she's called me a lurker before which is probably closer to what i am. i make excuses all the time to go to my locker, go to the bathroom, "oh shoot i left my *insert random object here* in the other building! can i go get it teacher?" and then try to take every path imaginable to see what she's up to and what she's doing. yeah i just like lurking wherever she is-
day 13: other than the subject they teach, what are they really passionate about? she has a really big passion for travel and other cultures. it makes a lot of sense though, seeing she's lived in 3 different countries and only in her late 20s. she also really enjoys branching out in music which made me fall even more in love because HI IM A MUSICIAN AND I REALLY WANNA TALK MUSIC WITH HER ALL DAY BUT IM TOO ANXIOUS FOR THAT!
day 14: what is a skill you really wish your tc had? GOD I WISH SHE PLAYED AN INSTRUMENT- piano or viola seem to fit her and i don't know why. possibly even electric bass? i'd love to see her play an instrument... i'd probably die if she did
day 15: which mbti personality do you think they are? we had an entire assignment on mbti tests, and she shared hers. she's an INFP, while i'm an ISFP, so we're pretty similar in many ways ahahahhahahahahahahahah (this assignment did NOT fuel my delusions) (me when i lie)
day 16: if you could go back in time and choose, would you still choose to develop feelings for your tc? always. i'd do it 10 times over again if i could. she's the best.
day 17: if it was the last time you would ever be able to see your tc, what is one thing you would never leave without saying to them? i would tell her, to her face, i love her. i have never felt safer, i have never felt more at home than that time i was in her arms, i have never felt more loved, more appreciated and cared for, and i love her like a mother.
day 18: when was the first time you cried because of them? this one is hard to remember. i've cried cause of her numerous times, but i think it was having a panic attack over a bad grade??? it was my first not a in her class (i got a b+) and i genuinely thought it was because she didn't love me anymore.
day 19: how well do you think you know them? somewhat well?? better than other students, not because she's told me shit, but because i stalked the hell out of her online. NOT MANY OTHER STUDENTS CAN SAY THEY KNOW HER ADDRESS, OKAY?? (i SWEAR i found that on accident i just wanted her birthday :((( </3 )
day 20: do you ever lie to them? about what? about my mental wellbeing. i hate her worrying about me, which i know she does when i say i'm not doing well. the problem is she always finds out either way.
day 21: what is the longest time you have spent together with them? in a group setting? 5ish hours. in a 1 on 1 setting? 2 hours. yes, not a lot of time was spent, but those 2 hours made me lose my mind.
day 22: if you have had other tcs in the past (or right now), how are they similar to or different from your current (or primary) tc? well, i have a father figure who regularly makes appearances on here, being notorious for telling clover how i feel for me (cause anxiety). they're actually very similar. they both care deeply (even too much tbh) about me and want the very best for me. they always go out of their way to see me happy and it's why i call them my "parents if i could've chosen who my parents were."
day 23: have you ever seen your tc in clothes they don't usually wear? casual clothes if they usually wear formal attire or the other way around? i've seen her in casual, dressy, business, formal, and comfier clothes. mainly saw the casual and comfier clothes because she went on the freshmen class trip in the woods with us.
day 24: ??
day 25: how do you think your tc would react if you confided in them when you felt sad or stressed or anxious? she's very good at that actually. i confide in her often, but i worry when i do because she always gets deeply concerned and worried about my mental wellbeing when i do. love her, but like, please don't worry i'm fine i swear!!!
day 26: what is the best dream you have had of them? SHE. FUCKING. ADOPTED. ME. i never wanted to wake up. best dream of my life. i went home with her, and she introduced me to her fiancé and that was a fun experience in the dream (around adult females, i'm very polite, quiet, nervous, anxious... but when around adult males... i'm cold (in a funny kinda way), blunt, playful, and really, really good at being a pain in the ass (IN A FUNNY WAY I SWEAR))
day 27: what is the saddest/scariest dream you have had of them? she left me, and not in the way you'd expect. i killed myself in this dream, but i watched how life functioned after i killed myself. she was in a state of denial and it was heartbreaking to watch. whenever someone was like "clover, she's gone..." she would say something all chipper and happy like "what do you mean? she just turned this paper in today! i'm grading it right now! see? she's right over there, happier than ever! (pointing to one of my assignments she hung on the wall for it being pretty)" and later that day i had to watch her breakdown in her apartment and kill herself from the grief. yeah, not a fun dream 0/10 would not recommend.
day 28: does your tc ever bring you up to other students/teachers that you know of? she brings me up to everyone, ever. i have had teachers i've never seen or talked to before be like "hey! i heard your performance at the honors orchestra event was amazing! you are show stopping to watch play!!" and i'm just like "who exactly did you hear that from?" "clover was raving about you this morning to all of the teachers in the faculty lounge!" "ah, thanks.... CLOVER ISTG-"
day 29: do you see them as being a romantic person? are you? i think we're one in the same with romance?? when around that person, lovey dovey, everything's just really sweet, but when not around that person, you would probably think we don't have a partner at all.
day 30: how have they changed since you two first met? how have you changed? she's become way more hypersensitive to small behaviors from students, probably cause i show a lot of very small signs of being not okay. now's she probably paranoid cause of me. sorry clover- now for me, i've found that not all adults are evil, and that i am wanted by someone. i love her so much....
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kyndaris · 1 year
Pokemon Beta: The Real Treasures were all the Friends we Made Along the Way
Following on from what felt like such a huge leap forward in terms of what Pokemon could be, Pokemon Scarlet and Violet felt like taking two steps back. This was especially true when it came to gameplay, performance and quality of options. And while the story provided players with an illusion of choice, it was clear form the start that they would all converge to a central point and thus remain a very much guided experience with a singular ending despite its protests of openness. 
Worse, one could not rush to the very end with a paltry team of Level 5 Pokemon and hope to take on the big bad right from the very start. Breath of the Wild, this was not. And therein lay Scarlet and Violet’s greatest strength as well as its greatest weakness when it came to linear storytelling.
It should be known that I usually play the first game in every new release. That means, Red, Gold (although in terms of the Johto, I was more enthralled of Lugia, so Silver it was for me), Ruby, X, Sun and Sword. However, this time round, I played Violet instead as the concept of fighting future Pokemon just seemed much more enticing.
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The game started out as most Pokemon games do with the protagonist starting off in their small humble town that doesn’t even sport a Pokemon Centre. In Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, the conceit is that it’s your first day of school after moving to Paldea. As you come down the stairs, having dressed in your version specific uniform, there is a knock at the door. Director Clavell serves somewhat in the role of the professors of old, introducing the player characters to the world of Pokemon and even giving players the option to choose one of the three starters to begin their journey in earnest: Sprigatitto, Fuecoco and Quaxly.
Suffice it to say, I picked the fire crocodile.
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And as I stepped out of my casita (with its Encanto vibes), I was sent straight into a battle with new rival: Nemona (who lived down the street in a palatial mansion and several wait staff to attend to her every need). Nemona was a a rival that I very much liked. She was a breath of fresh air from the excitable Hau and the almost forgettable Hop. Fearless and always eager for a battle, she was also used sparingly through the game. So, even as I was going from gym to gym, gathering badges, Nemona wasn’t entirely forced down my throat. Yes, there were a few battles here and there but it wasn’t constant. AND she was pretty helpful in those first few hours - teaching players how to catch Pokemon before leading us to the Academy at Mesagoza. Although she was of little aid when my character fell down a cliff and found the mythical Miraidon.
Still, the fact that I now had a legendary HM slave in my arsenal was nothing to sniff up. I even cleaned up all the different Pokemon that were immediately available in and around Los Platos and whatever else that could be found in the area.
By the time I finally made it to Uva Academy to begin my education, even my Fuecoco had evolved into a Crocalor.
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At the Academy, I was then introduced to a plethora of new characters, each unique in their own way. From Team Star and Penny to the teachers. One of my favourite teachers was Ms Tyme and her very first trick-question that wasn’t entirely based on maths but on actual game mechanics. I also loved Salvatore and Saguaro. As for Professor Hassel, there was something about his design that reminded me either of a Pokemon or a character of another game. Initially, I thought his design was similar to Isabelle from Animal Crossing but the more I looked at the two of them, the similarities began to fade away.
Someone, anyone, help me identify who this dragon-user Elite Four Professor looks like!
Once I was introduced properly to the school, and after maybe a week or two of in-game time had passed in quick succession as part of the story, Director Clavell announced what we had all been waiting for: the Treasure Hunt. And suddenly Paldea opened itself up for proper exploration with its ‘three storylines.’ Which, as I’ve stated above does get funnelled into one story where the player characters along with the allies they made throughout each storyline work together to save the world in a fairly cliche Japanese role-playing game (JRPG) story.
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Still, I really liked getting to understand the motivation and backstory behind Team Star. In fact, it was probably my favourite ‘storyline’ that got explored. As for the gym badges and the hunt for the Herba Mystica - they very much leaned into traditional Pokemon tropes that only lent a little to the characterisation of Nemona and Arven and were just gimmicky ways to improve Miraidon or proceed down the tried and true path of becoming a Pokemon Master.
The only downside to the whole game was the fact that GameFreak, once again, refused to implement any form of ACTUAL voice acting. Unfortunately for me, whilst I wouldn’t have minded voicing all the characters like I did with The Great Ace Attorney, I caught a cold/ flu/ possibly COVID at the start of the new year. Which left me with a horrid cough that threatened to take away my voice on multiple occasions and refused to go away. Nevertheless, it could not stop me from giving Nemona a very questionable Spanish accent and voicing a few of the cinematic cutscenes.
Honestly, it boggles my mind to know that GameFreak has moved to 3D sprites with MOVING mouth flaps and they still don’t feel the urge to add voices to pivotal scenes.
But maybe that was beyond the skills of the developers? After all, Pokemon Scarlet and Violet had many things wrong with it when it to performance. In fact, it’s the Cooperajah in the room. Because even though I started my Pokemon journey almost two months after the most ardent fans, I still found myself struggling with dips in frame rate and the long load times when it came to Pokemon boxes. Then, of course, there was the strange motion of non-playable characters (NPCs) that were no further than ten metres away. 
Some have pointed to the hardware of the Switch for the poor performance of the game. Which I honestly do not believe to be true. Why? Well, even though the Switch is pretty old, Xenoblade Chronicles 3, which I played in mid-2022, also sported a huge world to explore with an enviable draw distance and I didn’t encounter as many issues as I did in Pokemon Violet.
The lack of optimisation and performance issues for Pokemon Violet was enough to be grating. And yet I pushed on. For, despite the fact that the game crashed on me three to four times during the entire duration of my playthrough, I was still able to to find a semblance of  fun and joy in the game.
And complete my Pokedex with the help of a few friends.
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Admittedly, the lack of quality of life options in the game was also a letdown. Especially when it came to its ‘Let’s Go’ mode. While some of the mechanics were explained in the lessons at the Academy, these were usually after the third badge. Which meant that a player could have conceivably grinded a Pokemon to their evolution level via the R or ZR button but not have it evolve. 
While moves could be ‘remembered’ on the fly, there was no option to simply allow a Pokemon to evolve once it reached the conditions needed. An oversight in my opinion when it came to the ‘Let’s Go’ feature of the game.
Even fast travel was poorly explained with the Flying Cabs. And the fact that you could lock the map by pressing down on the right analog stick. Which could have all been done through a few additional tutorial boxes.
Now to the Pokemon in question. A lot of the new additions felt quite gimmicky in terms of gameplay. That isn’t to say that they were bad but none of them truly stood out except the Tinkatink evolution line. Smoliv was cute, true, but Arboliva wasn’t as majestic as I could have hoped. 
Although, I’m sure professional Pokemon battlers will find use for them regardless. For me, though, I ended up keeping the composition of my previous Pokemon teams with the only addition being the starter I had chosen: Skeledirge, Gyarados, Lucario, Garchomp, Luxray and Grimmsnarl. I like my heavy hitters! There’s nothing wrong with that!
Overall, Pokemon Scarlet and Violet are a bit of a mess. And not in the good way. Did I still manage to enjoy myself? Yes. But it was at the expense of Pokemon’s good name and reputation. Although, from what I’ve heard, it’s been an issue for quite a while now. 
Will it mean that the next game will be a slower purchase? Possibly.
I’m not going to pay top dollar for a broken and unfinished game. It might be endearing the first time but it should not be acceptable. Especially when even the patches purported to fix it don’t seem to do much at all.
And so, it feels like a beta that is trying to dominate and be an alpha. But failing hard at it. Just stick to your own beta! No omega is going to ever want to be with you! 
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venominyourcoffee · 2 years
A lawyer and her doll
It was a cold winter afternoon, in a sterile and boring lawyers office. A young woman fresh out of collage sat at her desk, a lawyer waiting for her first real case. Veronica Grim, age 20 with a masters in law and graduated top of her field. She studied criminal psychology and was damn good at it. She sat in her long black skirt and button up blouse as she sat at her desk. The room was abuzz with the sound of loud phone calls, the smell of cheep cigarettes and stale coffee, and the atmosphere this was more of noir detectives office then a law firm. Didn’t help everyone at the office dressed like a Dick for the 40s. Veronica filed her long black painted nails as she read a magazine about hair dye and fashion. The images of the obviously photoshopped women on the pages gave Veronica ideas. “Hmmm. Maybe I’ve dyed pure black for too long… maybe grey? Or perhaps a soft blue?” She muttered to herself. However she was quickly interrupted as the head chief of the office yelled out “Grim! To my office!” Which made the woman roll her eyes and sigh as she stood up and walked to the oak door. “Yes mister Salvador?” Veronica’s tone laced with disinterest as she approved the elderly man sitting in his big chair and fancy suit. Veronica had been at this office for a month and was given nothing cause she was new. The older man adjusted his tie and handed Veronica a vanilla envelope. “This just came in. Simple divorce hearing. The spouse cheated and the client wants out and half her shit back. Think you can handle it?” His tone sarcastic and laced with a talking down tone. Veronica grabbed the envelope abruptly and looked over the case file. “Zetari? No last name… seems like an easy case. You can… ugh… count on me sir.” She said as she walked out.
Three days later Veronica wore her best black suit with a red tie and cape, as she loved brining a gothic look to the courtroom. Her long velvet cape with a blood red finish matched the vampire styled suit with red and gold accents on a pure black color. She arrived at the area she was told to go to meet her client. However something bothered Veronica. It was her client, miss Zetari. That photo in her file, it had such beautiful eyes ridden with sorrow. Her beautiful black hair covered her unique skin and those eyes, they stayed with Veritable. Every time Veronica would look at the case photo, she felt her heart patter but also sink, seeing such beauty go through this horrible case. “Who would ever cheat on someone so beautiful?” This thought crossed Veronica’s mind all week. This was highly unprofessional and Veronica knew it, she had to get these thoughts out of her mind and focus on the case.
Veronica stood waiting for her client until she heard a soft spoken voice squeak out. “I- h-hello? Are you miss Grim?” Veronica used her red and yellow, sunset like eyes to see the woman who muttered those words. Veronica was met with a shorter Teifling woman in her very very late teens, probably just turned 20 days ago. She was in a beautiful sundress and a book cluttered with papers. Her misty cloud like eyes avoiding contact until they met Veronica’s, which took her breath away. “H-hi… my name is Veronica- I MEAN! Your um- your Veronica, I’m Zetari. Sorry I’m just- I’ve been a wreck these last few days… the breakup has been… rough…” her voice horse as if she’d cried recently but also her breath was caught in her throat as she was stunned by Veronica’s image. Her stature towered over Zetari’s as she was easily 6’4, her beautiful sunset eyes burned through Zetari, her pale skin contrasted with the ocean abyss like black of her suit, and her shaper teeth flooded Zetari with impure thoughts. As for Veronica, her heart skipped a beat but also broke seeing such a beautiful woman being out through such unimaginable pain.
The court case was an easy win, for a few reasons. For one Zetari kept lots of evidence of the cheating, her wife of a year had cheated with some gym jock who thinks he knows everything. However something else drove the case in Veronica’s favor. Hearing Zetari recall the heartbreak she felt and seeing those eyes water and her hands shake. It awoke something in Veronica, the desire to protect Zetari. A fire burned in Veronica’s core as of coal being shoveled into a steam engine going at full throttle and gaining speed. And like a true steam engine in its prime Veronica made her power in the court room known as her voice rung out like a train whistle. In the final moments of the case it was intense as the cheating wife was arguing, yelling about how she’s losing so much. “Why would I cheat on her? I love her!” Hearing this enraged Veronica, who had been relentless with her accusations and backing them up with evidence and shutting down any opposition. In a rage and a crime of passion, Veronica slammed her hands on the bench and screamed like a soldier, “if you loved her, you wouldn’t be breaking her heart!” Her voice was booming like a thunderous storm that echoed through the court room and it was almost like the force of her voice created a strong wind burst. That statement struck directly to Zetari’s heart as if cupids arrow and immediately shut up the other woman. This was not normal behavior for a lawyer but Zetari knew this was genuine care. They had just met but there already was a connection. As the case ended in favor of Zetari, she was shaking just being happy it was over. The two walked out to seeing it pouring rain as the air was freezing cold. Zetari breathed and tried to steady herself. “T-thank you miss Grim… I just-“ she was cut off as Veronica placed her suit jacket around the young girl much to her surprise. The jacket smelled of a warm smell of burning cider wood and fresh roses. Veronica’s often cold dominating glare was replaced with a slightly warmer expression as her dawn colored eyes seemed a little warmer as she spoke. “You can call me Veronica. Um… would you like to grab coffee sometime?” Zetari was taken back but immediately felt a sense of safety and warmth as she shyly smiled and nodded as she slightly blushed.
3 years later, Veronica and Zetari had gotten together as Veronica slowly helped Zetari heal and open back up again. Veronica was determined to help Zetari heal and grow her self love and confidence, and Veronica was an amazing teacher. The couple slowly became more obsessed with each other. The touch, the moans, the smiles and the nights together in each other’s arms. It both warmed Veronica’s cold heart, while also helping Zetari recover and grow her own love for herself and her love for Veronica. The couple eventually moved out west to the coast where Veronica was picked up by a powerful law firm that paid very well. Zetari had started her own coffee shop, her dream since she was little. Veronica had been so supportive, helping Zetari find her spark again. In the winter of next year they were set to marry. On a warm summer evening the year prior Veronica took Zetari to the beach to watch the sun set. And just as the last glimpse of light was about to go out, Veronica proposed with a beautiful ring of spiraling diamonds. Her proposal was simple. “You’ve helped me find myself, and I never want to far away from you again. So let’s spend forever in each other’s arms as wives. Let me give you the life you deserve by my side for always. And they day I leave you is the day I die, and even then I’ll haunt your sexy ass and give you ghost sex like in ghostbusters.” Giving a slight chuckle and smile as she saw Zetari’s eyes water with joy as she eagerly accepted.
That night Veronica and Zetari had spent the entire night in the throws of passion for they sealed their engagement with what fekt like a thousand orgasms and moans of “I love you” were filling the air of their bedroom. They barley fell asleep in the early morning and eventually woke up in each others arms as Veronica was so happy to wake up to her future wife. Together for the last year and a half Veronica and and Zetari worked hard to build up Zetari’s cafe all while Veronica spoiled the love of her life rotten. Veronica was very well paid, especially after getting an incident man off of a murder charge and I’m the process helped out the real killer away. Veronica would spend most of her cases defending people with wrongful convictions and putting murders away with zero mercy. Zetari was actually surprised one day when she was on shift at the cafe and say her girlfriend/fiancé on the front page of the newspaper. The headline read Veronica’s new nickname of the legal world, “The Archangel Attorney puts away killer of 7 year old cold case!” Zetari was so proud of her true love and when she saw Veronica walk into the shop in the afternoon, she immediately hugged her tight. Zetari and Veronica spent the afternoon nursing some iced coffee as Veronica chuckled at the news story. “Archangel Attorney? HA! I’m more like the devil. Fallen from on high and was god’s favorite. God in this case being my old law school. I’m not THAT egotistical.” Zetari chuckled as she sipped her coffee. “Well your definitely my goddess that I love to worship~” she said with a chuckle and stealing a kiss with a wink.
Zetari awoke in her large comfy bed in her luxury apartment bedroom. The smell of snuffed out incense and the scent of perfume and plant life was the first thing conscious Zetari knew. Her eyes adjusted to the dim light of the morning sun filtering through thick black curtains, illuminating the flower hand painted walls. Veronica and Zetari shared their living space and it’s design. As Zetari pulled herself from under the fluffy warm blanket, she felt an empty space next to her on the soft bed. Zetari rubbed her eyes and stretched in her baggy band t-shirt as she was used to waking up like this. Zetari’s cafe only needed her three days a week and Veronica’s lawyer office operated on weekdays, starting at the crack of dawn. This was so normal for the couple, Veronica had a custom full length body pillow of her made for Zetari to cuddle as she woke up. Veronica spent no expense on the pillow, even making it double sided. One one side a drawing of Veronica with her hair down, wearing a baggy shirt and loose PJ pants and a warm smile on her face. On the other, an illustration of Veronica topless wearing lingerie underwear with a sensual look as she bit her Zetari smiled and cuddled the pillow and kissed it. “Morning babe. Go get ‘em tiger.” She said before giving the puddle a squeeze and getting up to brush her teeth and wake up.
Zetari did one last stretch before getting out of bed and walking out of her bedroom to her off room bathroom. The bedroom was filled with a soft fuzzy carpet and adorable stuffed animals and squishmellows of all kinds. Some adorable and some more of a thing you’d buy at hot topic. The walls were decorated with art the couple made, photos of their vacations, beautiful and abstract works of street art, and the greatest piece of all. A beautiful pure blank canvas with the outlines of two asses and two pairs of legs. The girls made this as they got a blank canvas and corned their ass and under their legs with paint and sat on the canvas. The bedroom was a moderate size as the hallway that leads from the bathroom to the living room, was a little long and decorated with more adorable coupe selfies and art.
Zetari picked up her modernized flip phone and checked her messages as she brewed a cup of coffee. The first message was from her friend and cuddle buddy Jinx. “hey girl, just wanted to invite you for a weekend up in the mountains. Three girlfriends alone, in the cold, forced to snuggle to stay warm and sit naked by the fire.… I don’t know why we would be cuddling to keep warm and ALSO sitting naked but- shut up do you wanna get screwed by Veronica and get snuggles in a cabin or not lol. Love you!” Zetari chuckled and texted back “sure. I’ll ask Veronica. Love you too bitch <3.” She smiled and finished making her coffee as she looked at the text notification from Veronica. Zetari’s eyes widened as she read the small paragraph from Veronica.
“Good morning love. I’m sorry for leaving you in the early morning, however today is special. I have a special gift for you at my office, and at home. Look under the bed frame. There is a locked box, the code is the release date of one of my favorite books. Read the next messages when you open the box. Xoxo.” Zetari was excited as she downed her coffee and hopped like an excited bunny over from the kitchen to the bedroom.
Just like the text said there was a medium metal box with a combination lock. Zetari was confused at the hint. “One of my favorite books.” It vexed her as she struggled to remember some of the books Veronica had read. Suddenly it came to her. Fahrenheit 451, released in 1953, Zetari entered the code and heard a click as it unlocked. Zetari was excited as she opened the box lid. However her excitement quickly turned into a deep burning blush in her cheeks as her heart skipped a beat as it saw what was inside the box. Inside the box was a seemingly custom made chastity belt complete with a remote control vibrating dildo and butt plug. Also inside was a pair of Bluetooth earphones and a pair of beautiful red lace panties with a flower design and a matching bra. The final item was a small USB stick with “deliver me” written on it. Zetari took a breath as she tried to relax and calm down as she was blushing with a burning passion as she tried to read the rest of Veronica’s message. “Surprised kitten? I bought all of these for you, I even was so kind to charge them. And of course I have the remote. Now I have one hell of a day planned but I need you to do a few tasks. First your going to wear the belt with the toys turned on. And once you put on the belt it will instantly lock and I have the only key so be ready. Next your going to put in those earphones and go to the link in this message. It will play a recording on repeat until your within 5 feet of me. You are to leave the headphones in and I’ll know if you take them out. Third, your going to wear the lingerie and put on a modest but cute get up I’ve already chosen for you. It’s in your closet. Now this is the last step and it’s very important. You must deliver me that USB drive to me by 2pm today. Knowing you, you woke up at 9am. You’ll be done with breakfast and morning coffee by 9:45. You should be all geared up and out the door by 10am. You then have four hours to get to me. If you come late, you will wear that belt until the toys battery dies. This is now an official order. And I will know when you see this text message. If fact the little “has been read” notification has probably been seen by me by now. As of reading this, you have 43 five minutes to get ready and put everything on. Your on the clock kitten, don’t disappoint mommy.”
Zetari’s mind was racing as her heart felt like it would beat out of her chest. She quickly went to eat a fast morning breakfast of cereal before braving the box again. With a gulp she began using her favorite lube to loosen and finger herself to ready herself for the toys. Just having her fingers inside her made her mind run with memories of Veronica and how her cold digits ran along her sensitive skin. After a few moments Zetari believed she was ready. She slowly pushed the plug inter her aching hole as the plug eventually found a snug and secure spot. It was a little bigger then she was used to but had a beautiful diamond end. She then fastened the dildo to the belt and with a slight fear of what comes next, she slid the dildo into her aching heat and went to fasten the belt and lock it into place. Once the dildo was fully in her, rubbing her g spot, she clicked the metal locks of this medieval chastity belt shut with a loud click. And to her surprise and slight horror Veronica was right, it locked itself and she couldn’t take it off. The dread of the coming torture was building as every step made the plug be pushed deeper and the dildo run against her g spit. Already a blushing mess who couldn’t stop the small whimpers she made, Zetari went to her closet after putting on the lingerie. In the closet she found a bag pair of jeggings, a black t-shirt and a denim jacket filled with patches. Zetari got dressed as she heard a text notification, making her jump. She didn’t hate this at all, in fact she loved this. But boy was Veronica a scary Dom when she’s this serious.
Zetari looked at the message, and of course it was from Veronica. “Awww how do you feel love? Are you ready? Well put in those earphones and but on a brave face. It’s only an hour commute to my office. Two hours if you walked. Now be a good kitten and do as mommy says and you will be rewarded.” Zetari took a deep breath and smiled as she put in the earphones, connecting them to her phones Bluetooth and hit the link in the messages. Immediately and without warning, and the vibes came to life. The deep and powerful buzz of the dildio immediately stimulated Zetari’s pussy which earned a loud and sudden moan from her. She could feel her knees buckle and bend and she reached for the near by table to catch herself as she half fell to the floor. She took a few deep breaths as she tried to settle her mind and body. Her breath was fast and taken from her completely as her face was aflame with a deep blush as she tried to take slow shaky breaths. And just as Zetari believed she could handle this, the earphones began playing the recording. The receding was an audio file of Veronica giving praise to Zetari and moaning and making kissing noises to a sensitive microphone all while a deep hypnotic tone played in the background. One of the many lines in the repeating audio was Veronica saying in a moaning tone “relax my love. Let the pleasure over take you. Be my beautiful obedient slut. Let me mold you into my perfect bimbo fuck toy.” Zetari’s mind was already spinning and getting fuzzy as she could already feel her first orgasm slowly creeping over the edge.
Zetari tried to muster her strength as she tried to suppress the building pleasure as she walked with weak knees to leave the apartment. With each step, the pleasure of the dildo and plug was shifting, like digging knives of lust into Zetari’s brain. All while her subconscious was assaulted by the subliminal conditioning of Veronica’s enticing and sensual words. Zetari thought the best chance of making it was to take a cab. She hailed a taxi and told the driver the address of the law firm. Zetari’s mouth was a agape as she was sweating as building pleasure was about to crash into Zetari in a powerful orgasm. Zetari did everything to stop the pleasure from brimming over. Crossing her legs, trying to hun to hide her moans, even trying to slap her face lightly to direct attention. But to no avail. Within moments the first orgasm crashed Zetari’s system as her legs began to shake and twitch as her face naturally made a face of exploding pleasure. Zetari’s toes curled in her shoes as she let out a loud moan as her orgasm overtook her entire body but the sex toys kept going, driving Zetari mad by the overstimulation. “Ah- fuck- oh god! Oh fuuuuuckkkk!!!” And all while the orgasm was milked from Zetari without mercy, the headphones played the same brain numbing loop of hypnotic pleasure. This created a spiral Zetari’s mind as she could feel her IQ and shame dropping.
Veronica had introduced her to this, a particular fetish she liked and so did Zetari. Dumbfication and it’s sister fetish, bimbofication. The way Veronica explained it, the two fetishes worked hand in hand as a two step process. Dumbfication was the act of lowering a persons intelligence during sexual acts. A way to calm the mind and remove things like intrusive thoughts. Leaving them more relaxed and submissive as they chose to not think. While bimbofication was the act of turning someone into an air headed sex loving bimbo. Veronica introduced these fetishes to Zetari first as a coping mechanism. Veronica had studied psychology in school and knew things like past trauma, heartbreak and constant social media can fill a person with anxiety and insecurities. This was especially true when Veronica and Zetari were exploring their sexuality and their bodies. Zetari was slightly insecure about her body. Things like her smaller chest and hips, the color of her skin, and her body not being like those photoshopped girls in porn and magazines. Veronica had introduced these kinks into Zetari’s life to help her cope and grow to love her body. Slowly it went from Zetari saying “can we turn the lights off? I don’t want to see my thighs…” to Zetari saying “use your perfect fuck toy mistress! I’m your perfect sexy bimbo who loves your touch!” Eventually Zetari’s confidence rose and now it’s just a fetish that the couple likes. Zetari loves going dumb in bed and letting Veronica take over, especially after a long and hard day. However enjoying bimbofication was fun for both parties, it left a hypnotic lock on Zetari’s mind that when things like this happens, it has an incredibly strong effect so they do it in moderation. It had dawned on Zetari’s quickly numbing mind that they hadn’t done this kind of play in a while. “Oh shit” was the only none lewd words that flashed in her mind.
The cab driver was surprised at Zetari’s shaking legs and loud moans and screams. However he was recovering from a hangover from a night out with his husband and their friends and quite frankly, he wasn’t paid enough to worry about some pervert in his cab. So he kept driving turning his passenger out. Zetari however was very deep in her sexual torment. Her first orgasm had finally passed but now she was more sensitive and the toys kept going. Wait did they just increase in intensity? Zetari’s breath was getting short and heavy as she was overstimulated by the constant vibrations in her ass and pussy as her brain was stimulated by the hypnotic audio playing in her ears. Zetari’s mouth fell open as she started to drool on herself as her eyes rolled back and her mind was becoming more and more corrupt. Zetari’s nails dug into the cheap and worn leather of her seat as she screamed “f-faster! Drive- drive faster p-please!!!” The driver kind of picked up the situation and rolled his eyes as he shifted gears. “This is gonna cost you extra miss. Now let’s ride this crazy taxi!” He said with a small evil grin being told to drive a bit more recklessly as he hit the gas. The taxi sped up and bobbed and weaved through the mostly empty streets as it was still fairly early in the day.
Zetari tried to regain her sanity as she slowly got use to the stimulation as the vibrations started to go back to the low setting. She clenched her fists as she tried to calm down as the hypnosis played in her ears. However the earphones she was wearing made a new noise that muffled the audio file. It was a text notification that made Zetari use her slightly shaking hands ti reach for her phone, and to see it was a text from Veronica. “Hello my darling. I can see your phone is making its way to me at quite frankly fast speeds. I have two questions darling. Color and have you reached orgasm?” Even in a fuzzy minded state Zetari knew what she was talking about. Asking for color was the first basics of BDSM Veronica taught Zetari. Asking for color meant asking how the scene was going. Green meant keep going, yellow meant slow down and talk about it, and read meant full stop. Even though she was incredibly stimulated as her heart was racing, this wasn’t out of her comfort zone. With shaky hands and lots of grammar correcting, she typed her response. Green! But holy fuck this feels amazing! I can feel my brain melting! Fuck this feels amazing mistress! And yes I came once already.” Veronica saw the message and smiled as she typed back. “Oh? You came without permission? Tsk tsk tsk doll. You should have asked for permission. Is my favorite doll so dumb already they forgot our rules? Shame. Well I guess I can forgive you but you need to be punished. Oh and you have my permission to cum~” Zetari’s eyes widened as she went to type an apology for cumming without permission but it was too late. Suddenly both of the toys ramped up to the highest setting.
Zetari immediately let out a loud moan as she almost dropped her phone at the sudden overwhelming pleasure. Zetari’s mind began to cloud as her eyes rolled back and the pleasure quickly began building again. Zetari quickly felt another powerful orgasm quickly approaching like a raging storm. The building pleasure was like a raging fire burning in her core. Zetari gripped the seats as her eyes started to water as she crossed her legs subconsciously as if to try and limit the pleasure. Within seconds the new orgasm came crashing through Zetari as she let out a deep, guttural and primal moan as she came. As the overwhelming pleasure swept through her body, it was almost instantly replaced with an agonizingly sudden full stop, ruining her orgasm. Zetari took shallow and sharp breaths as she tried to refocus and uncross her eyes as another text message came through from Veronica. “Enjoyed that sweetie? You have 30 seconds before it stays on high until you get to me.” Zetari panicked not knowing if her mind could handle anymore as she frantically texted pleads as she begged for mercy to her mistress. Just as Zetari had sent her third fast typed line of begging, Veronica began typing. “10. 9. 8.” Oh god she was counting down like some torture method.
Zetari panicked as she looked to the diver and quickly asked “are we almost there?” The driver slowed down to check his rear view mirror. “Almost hun. Tell your dom to take it easy I don’t want you staining my seats.” Zetari immediately felt her face ablaze with a deep crimson blush. “Y-you knew!?” The driver chuckled as he floored it. “Honey I have been in a sub dom relationship for 6 years and I damn well ain’t the top so I can see when someone’s wearing a toy. Just hold out hun.” He said while driving as fast as he could without being too reckless. Zetari was about to speak as her eye caught her phones screen read one last text from Veronica. “3… 2… 1… 0!” Before immediately feeling both toys crank to high and stay there. Zetari knew she was officially fucked as she then began having orgasms milked from her for the next 20 minutes.
The yellow cab comes to a screeching halt as it’s tires leave skid marks with a loud screech, as it parks in-front of the large office building of Veronica’s law firm. The driver shifted down as he looked back at his passenger. “Ok, two things. One I’m charging you extra for cleaning my vegan leather seats. And two, we’re here. You got enough braincells to walk in?” He says with a small smirk as he rolls his eyes. Zetari was almost limp except for the seatbelt holding her up. Her kegs twitched as her mouth was agape with stuttering and broken moans. She took in a deep shaky breath as she used shaking hands to reach for her card to pay. The driver took it and took his payment before handing it back to the very mind broken woman who wiped the little drool on her sleeve. “I- I’m fine- I just- fuck… ok…” She said as she slowly stood up on weak knees and slowly rose to her feet as she waved the cab away. Each step was a test of Will but something in Zetari refused to just break. Was it will? Was it her resolve? Was it the very few remaining brat bones her her body that refused to let Veronica win? Well when a sub is determined it’s likely all three. And Zetari was very determined, as she took a slightly less shaky breath in and walked with a bit more confidence as she was easy to try and compose herself.
Zetari walked into the office building trying her best to avoid showing her aching pleasure and try and kept her distance in case anyone would hear the vibrations of the toys. Zetari knew the layout of this leave like the back of her hand. Veronica would often invite Zetari over for drinks late at night when the office is mostly empty. Additionally Veronica would often bring Zetari over to the office for a little after hour fun. Additionally the reason Zetari agreed to wear a toy in public was cause she loved the thrill of almost being caught, a by product of her increased stamina and sexual confidence that Veronica helped her get. So Zetari knew the bundling layout very well especially when most of the employees leave for the night. Zetari made her way to the main office area of the law frim. The office was clean with a modernist art style to the place. Zetari immediately walked to a walled off office, sealed away by a blurry glass door and black painted walls. Zetari could feel her heat ache as she smelt the lingering smell of Veronica’s perfume. Zetari wanted to burst the door down but knew this was still sexual training and a task she must complete with respect. She took a deep breath and knocked on the door and heard Veronica’s voice speak in an assertive and professional tone. “Come in.”
Zetari entered the room and saw a tall and muscular build of a female woman with her back to Zetari. The room was large with a huge glass pane window the female figure was staring out if. The desk of the office was pure black polished wood with odd asymmetrical gold statures sat on the desk. Zetari immediately knew it was Veronica, with her long block and deep blood red hair and the tone of the woman’s voice as she spoke. “Please close and lock the door and sit down.” Zetari nodded and sat down placing the USB stick on the table and immediately felt the toys turn off completely, giving her body and mind a moment to catch her breath. Veronica stayed with her back to Zetari as she revealed the hand that wanst innher jacket picket held her phone that had toys control app on it. Veronica spoke with a smile and a dominating tone. “You’ve done so well darling. And with time to spare. You have done so well my darling. Mommy is very proud of you.” Veronica turned around to reveal she was completely topless except for her velvet black suit jacket. The sight of Veronica’s beautiful breasts made Zetari’s mind shut off as she drooled s small bit. Veronica smiled evilly as she rested on her hands bent over the desk letter her cleavage be on full display as she grabbed Zetari’s chin and forced eye contact, smiling as she wiped the drool away. “Awwww, is kitten staring? There will be plenty of time for that later.” Veronica says with a darker tone as smiles and hands Zetari the keys to the chastity belt. “Now, stand up, strip, and show me the belt and then beg to take it off.” Veronica said with an evil smile and dark tone as she sat back in her comfy chair.
Zetari blushed deeply as she stood up and started stripping, however a sudden wave of confidence rushed over her as she made it a bit of a strip tease. She swayed her hips and ran her hands over her figure, occasionally shoot Veronica a lustful look as Veronica bit her lip at enjoy the show. Veronica loved seeing sights of confidence like these in Zetari, because it showed how much she’s grown in her own self love and self confidence. And Zetari loved showing off for her future wife, it thrilled her and made her heart flutter and the lust between her legs get more wet. After a few sensual and teasing minutes Zetari was completely naked except for the chastity belt and the stinking, glistening wetness running down her legs from multiple orgasms. Veronica smiled as she eyed up Zetari and bit her lip as Zetari blushed but also really had bedroom eyes. Veronica smiled as she stood up and walked to Zetari and placed her hands on Zetari’s hips and their lips were inches apart. Veronica’s sunset colored eyes stared deeply into the white clouds of Zetari’s eyes and spoke with a deep sultry and sensual tone as their eyes were locked. “God…. This was meant to be different. I was supposed to be on top and make you kneel and eat me out all while the vibes are on high. I wanted to break you. But seeing that little dance, the sparkle in your eyes, the gorgeous grooves of your body and it’s beautiful shape, and seeing that loving look on your face. God your the most beautiful women I’ll never grow tired of and will love until we’re both running hell together.” Zetari blushed deeply as she smiled and wrapped her arms around Veronica, pulling her close. Forcing their sensitive chest and nipples and exposed skin together. She spoke with a smile as her lips were tantalizingly close to her lovers. “I love you mistress. I love your delicious torment and torture. I love the self love and confidence you’ve taught me. And-“ she pauses for an embarrassed laugh. “And god damn seeing you so close and seeing your beautiful body… knowing we’re together must make the gods on high jealous.”
Veronica lost it, she couldn’t resist as she gripped Zetari’s hair and pulled her loving future wife into a passionate lustful and deep kiss. Zetari was taken back but immediately melted into the kiss and embrace. Immediately Zetari and Veronica’s tongues met and danced in a beautiful ballet. Zetari and Veronica moaned as they melted into each other’s arms as Zetari felt her knees grow weaker and weaker. The kiss was deep and passionate and lasted for about a minute. Eventually Veronica pulled back as a thick long strand of saliva was all that connected Zetari and Veronica’s lips. Veronica’s black lipstick was smudged as it left marks on the corners of Zetari’s mouth. Veronica smiled with a warm and loving smile. “Well. Let’s get this off of you.” Zetari smiled and wiped the spit from her lips and chuckled. “Wasn’t I supposed to beg?” Zetari said with a teasing tone. However she would immediately regret that as Veronica’s eyes darkened as she immediately grabbed Zetari close and furiously kissed and harshly bit Zetari’s neck, drawing a surprised and primal moan. Zetari swore she felt blood start to trickle down her shoulder as it was confirmed when Veronica leaned back with a small blood stain on her lips. Veronica harshly gripped Zetari’s hair and yanked down so they were forced to look into each other’s eyes as Veronica spoke sternly. “Don’t test me doll. I’m being nice. I have no issue making you wear this belt all day. Understand?” The sudden pain of the bite and having her hair yanked coupled with the overwhelming pleasure she had been feeling made a few sexually charged tears roll done the side of Zetari’s face as she spoke with a smile still, clearly into this. “Y-yes mistress!”
Veronica’s eyes seem to lighten as she let go of Zetari’s hair and smiled. “Good girl, now hold still.” Veronica demanded as she unliked the belt as it hit the floor with a clang, followed by a wet sound as the dildo easily slid and fell out of Zetari’s folds as she breathed a sigh of relief and a slight moan escaped. “Fuuuuuuck it feels so good to relax… I just wanna collapse in your arms.” Zetari moaned in relief as Veronica stood behind her and pushed her over the desk and gave her ass a hard, loud slap which earned a sharp moan. Veronica smiled as she talked the base of the butt plug and spoke. “Relax hun, have to take this out too.” Zetari blushed as she bit her lip in a smile and nodded. Veronica gently pulled the plug out which made Zetari’s back arch a little as she shuddered at the pleasure. Veronica let go and let Zetari stand up and stitch. “Fuck I feel free again. It’s surprisingly hard to walk in that thing.” Zetari gave a small chuckle before she was pulled into a tight hug by Veronica. After a few minutes of light after care and snuggles, and a lot of wet wipes, Veronica and Zetari got cleaned up and dressed.
Zetari breathed a heavy relaxed sigh as she spoke and sat on the desk. “Sooooo what’s on the USB? Legal stuff? A secret code? Oh maybe the secret location of a lost civilizations treasure?” Zetari spoke with a slight smile as Veronica smiled and plugged the USB into her laptop and handed it to Zetari. Zetari was met with a small slideshow. Confused she hit play. Soothing tropical music began playing as beautiful photos of a tropical island paradise started to move across the screen. Beautiful clean oceans, fun hiking trails, a wonderful luxury suet in a 5 star hotel. It was Zetari’s dream vacation. Eventually a simple message appears on screen. “Wanna get married here?” Zetari puts the pieces of the puzzle together as she screamed with excitement and hugged Veronica tight. “Babe! I- you- what is this? Is this-“ Veronica smiles and answers. “A friend of mine knows a few connections and I was able to book a showing of the venue. In a months time we can fly out for a mini vacation and plan the wedding. You did say you always wanted an island wedding.” Zetari was ecstatic as her and Veronica spent the day planning their vacation. The final hours of the afternoon was of Zetari and Veronica laughing and falling in love all over again as they had a home made style coffee at Zetari’s cafe.
A month later Zetari and Veronica had packed and and planned their vacation and hopped on a first class plane ride. It was the first time in a while Veronica didn’t plan on wearing a suit for weeks on end, however her casual clothes were still quite gothic and dark. Zetari packed more of her cute and more slightly innocent outfits. Zetari wasn’t really used to first class as they hadn’t really traveled since they got together, and when she did travel it was lower class. The loving couple effectively had first class to themselves as not many other people were flying first class. It was a late night flight and the sun just begun to shine over the horizon of the endless ocean. White puffy clouds flew around and past the speeding plane. Veronica was busy as she was quickly typing on her laptop to finish up the last minute workload before she left for the vacation. Zetari was fast asleep as she was napping. Veronica was deep in her work mode as she had headphones on listening to her favorite heavy metal and goth rock bands. Eventually Veronica is interrupted by the flight stewardess who gently taps Veronica to gain her attention. “Excuse me miss. I would like to tell you, you only have 3 more hours before we make our landing and you’ll have to turn your laptop off. Also can I get you two anything?” Veronica nods and smiles before having a devilish realization. Veronica hid her devilish intentions and requested two mocha coffees, one for her and one for Zetari. The stewardess nodded and went to go fetch the coffee. Eventually it was brought to the couple while Zetari was still asleep.
Veronica smiled as the stewardess left, before reaching into her purse and pulling out a small pill bottle filled with red tablets. Veronica stealthily popped open Zetari’s coffee and dropped one of the red tablets in and stirred it with a spoon and putting the lid back on and hiding the pill bottle. For context, this is consensual. Veronica and Zetari had always wanted to explore as many kinks as they thought they’d like. Everything from wax play, to knife play, to shibari bondage and so on. Well a week into prepping for the trip, Zetari had discovered something online, consensual drugging. The act of slipping someone a drug like weed or aphrodisiacs or sleeping pills with consent but not knowing where nor when. Zetari brought this to Veronica saying it could be fun. Veronica and Zetari agreed the drug should be an aphrodisiac, something easy to explain and move around. However Veronica made it very clear she would be as sneaky as possible and slip an aphrodisiac to Zetari when she least expected, and Zetari agreed. Veronica smiled in her seat as she gently shook Zetari awake with a calm and loving tone. “Hey sweetie, up and at em. Come on honey wake up.” Zetari yawned and stretched as she awoke and smiled as she rubbed her eyes. “Morning babe…. Oh wow, the sunrise is so pretty.” Veronica smiled and gave her wife to be a kiss in the cheek. “Not as pretty as you my love. I got us some coffee. I knew we left pretty early.” Veronica sipped her cold coffee as Zetari grabbed her cup. “Awww thanks babe. I need coffee.”
Veronica was very good at hiding her intentions but on the inside she was doing a cartoonish evil laugh as Zetari began sipping her coffee. Veronica sipped more if her coffee as she went back to focusing on finishing her work. Veronica mumbled in frustration. “I swear… I give them a months notice and they still send me work. Are they really so lost without me?” Zetari smiled and placed her hand on Veronica’s and chuckled as she spoke. “I mean, you did get a fancy office and a company car. I wouldn’t be surprised if their falling apart without you.” Zetari offered a smile that made Veronica melt in her heart. “Your right babe. Their probably running around with their shrimp dicks between their legs. Their probably lost as hell without me.” Veronica gave a small smile as her ego was stroked.
Veronica finished typing the last bit of her work, and closed her laptop and continued sipping her coffee. Veronica was very slick as she studied her future wife. The instructions for the aphrodisiacs said it would take slow but steady effect, and Veronica was very excited to see the outcome. Veronica was trying to be subtle as she examined her fiancé like a mad doctor examining their experiment. Zetari was completely in the dark. Well, not completely. See Veronica had told Zetari they were definitely going to do the whole aphrodisiac thing during their vacation. Zetari was dying with anticipation and was waiting for it to happen. However oblivious, Zetari kept drinking her coffee.
Within a few moments Zetari began feeling a reaction. She felt hot and sensitive as if her erogenous zones were all being lightly stimulated. Zetari’s breath started to shallow and shorten as a slight blush overcame her. Veronica knew entirely what was going on, until Zetari cried out in frustration. “God damnit! Of course I’d catch a fever on our vacation! Ughh the universe hates me!” Veronica chuckled at seeing her girlfriend throw a tantrum like a child before she took action. Veronica used her palm to turn Zetari to face her and passionately kisses her, which made the cogs in Zetari’s spin as she connected the dots. Zetari pulled back, her eyes wide with excitement and surprise. “Oh my god- did you- am i- holy shit this is weird… and very hot…” Zetari said with the blush in her face deepening. Veronica couldn’t help but think the sight before her was adorable. Veronica’s eyes scan the cabin to make sure she’s not seen as her hand snakes it’s way up Zetari’s thigh as she spoke in a deeper more sensual tome. “Awwww doll, your so cute. Look at, your hands are shaking, your blushing like crazy… and I bet your already starting to get wet, shall I check?” Version arched one of her brows as she bit her lip making Zetari’s heart flutter. Zetari stuttered as she felt the blush on her face grow hotter. “B-but… what if we’re caught?” Version smiled and leaned in to start kissing Zetari’s neck as her hand slithered into Zetari’s pants. “Aww~ what’s wrong doll? Don’t want other people to know your mine? Afraid of someone seeing what a perfect little slut you are for your mistress? I oh know you love the thrill of possibly of getting caught~ after all-“ Veronica’s eyes darken as her long, slim, cold fingers snake into Zetari’s underwear as she beings stroking between her folds as she whispers into Zetari’s ears. “Your already soaking wet doll~ come on, give in. Ask for what you want~”
Zetari blushed deeply as a smile whine and whimper escaped as she tried to talk. “P-please Ver- please mistress. Please make me feel good!” She begged with lust in her eyes as her breath was more heavy. Veronica smoked and removed her hand from Zetari’s panties as she stood up and squeezed past Zetari, making sure to shove her ass in Zetari’s face. Veronica then took Zetari’s hand and pulled her up and walked her to the first class bathroom stall and looked the door before pinning Zetari’s back to the wall and caging her in. Zetari’s eyes almost had hearts in them with how tuned on she was. Veronica licked her lips as she stared hungrily as Zetari was now feeling the full effect of the aphrodisiac. Her mind was swimming, the passion between her legs was aching for more and her heart was racing. A simple word snapped Zetari back to the real world as Veronica spoke in a stern and lustful tone. “Beg!” Was the only thing Veronica said. Zetari immediately started begging and whimpering. “Please mistress pleas please make me feel good! I don’t care who hears but please please!!” Veronica smiled and pulled Zetari so her back was to Veronica’s chest. “Hands behind your back, and keep them there.” Veronica demanded, and Zetari followed her orders as she placed her arms behind her back and held them there with her hands. Veronica immediately then began kissing and licking Zetari’s neck and ear as her hands gripped Zetari’s hips tight enough to bruise. Zetari moaned as she was incredibly sensitive, as she bit her lip to try and control her moans. Suddenly without warning, Veronica’s hands plunged into Zetari’s pants and up her shirt. Immediately Zetari felt a sharp pain as Veronica pinched and played with Zetari’s harden nipples as her other hand began gently rubbing Zetari’s clit.
Zetari couldn’t stop her moans as her mind began to go fuzzy and numb from the pleasure. The slow circles of her aching clit was sending bolts of pleasure straight to her brain as the pain of her chest being played with made a delicious mix of pleasure and pain. Veronica then began sucking hickies and leaving bite marks on Zetari’s neck as she playfully moaned in Zetari’s ear just ti drive her wild. Eventually Veronica Inserted two fingers into Zetari’s honey pot as she immediately started stimulating Zetari’s g spot. The sudden pleasure made Zetari’s knees almost give out if she wasn’t being held by Veronica as a loud moan left Zetari. Veronica smiled and liked up to Zetari’s ear as she whispered. “Moan for me kitten. You have full permission to cum whenever you want. “Go on, make a beautiful mess for your goddess~” These words coupled with the stimulation made Zetari scream as a powerful orgasm washed over her. The orgasm was so much stronger and more intense thanks to the aphrodisiac. Veronica didn’t slow down as she helped Zetari ride out her orgasm in full before slowing her pleasure. Veronica spoke softly in a calm loving tone. “Shhhh it’s ok dear. Come down for me. Breath. Shhh it’s ok I’m here.” The words of comfort soothed Zetari’s mind as she slowly woke back up from the high. Suddenly Veronica removed her hand from Zetari’s panties as she then licked her fingers clean. “Mmm. Now that’s a good airline snack.” Veronica said with a wicked grin as she deeply kissed Zetari. Eventually the too girls left the bathroom with messy hair and kiss marks all over their necks as they sat back down and waited for the plan to land, holding hands and snuggling the entire time.
After a few more hours of smooth flying, the plane lands on the port airport of the island nation as the sweet and cool sea breeze blows through Zetari and Verona’s hair. The sun is bright and warm as Veronica and Zetari can already smell delicious local food. The two girls make their way to the luxury hotel and their platinum pent house suet with a massive bed, a private hot tub, and all the wonderful things of high living. The girls spent most of the afternoon laying in bed cuddling and looking up places on the large island to go to. Eventually the sun begins to set and the loving couple decide to take a barefoot walk along the beach. The couple dressed in cute bikinis with long flowing pure white and black silk robes. The cool sea breeze almost chills as it blows from the crystal clear waves crashing onto the black sand. The sun paints the sky in a beautiful painting of purple and pinks, which makes Veronica and Zetari seem even more beautiful to each other. Zetari can’t help but look for sea shells to collect and take back home, as Veronica is lost in staring at her beloved. Veronica speaks, holding Zetari’s hand tight. “So, exited? We get quite a few fun days here. All kinds of fun and slightly sexy adventures all while we plan the wedding.” Zetari can’t help but smile as she stares at her soon to be wife. “I’m so lucky I met you Veronica. I remember when we first met and how scared I was… but you helped me grow and bloom so much. I love you more then anything my little goth moth.” Zetari spoke with genuine love and care as small tears of joy formed in the corner of her eye.
Veronica smiled warmly and pulled Zetari into a deep hug and held her close. “I love you so much too Zetari. The moment I saw how you were treated I wanted to give you the world. And every day I seemed to fall in love with you all over again every day. I love you so much there aren’t enough words in our language to say it properly.” Zetari felt tears of love and joy roll down her face as she had the dumbest biggest smile on her face as she hugged her soon to be wife. They were destined to be together. Their love was strong and pure, and they had an entire island to explore together as they planned the wedding of their dreams. Veronica and Zetari would wait long into the star filled night before returning to their fancy hotel. The stars sparkled like thousands of lighthouses in the endless astral sea, which made Zetari look divine to Veronica. Eventually they returned to their room, undressed completely and laid in their bed cuddling. Their naked body was sensitive from the cold sea air. However their bodies were pulled together as their warmth was shared as Veronica pet Zetari’s hair, humming Zetari’s favorite song. The soft blanket allowed Zetari to drift into a deep calm as she was so close to Veronica. They could feel their breath and heartbeat slow and synchronize.
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