#yes it’s for the dsmp fandom
i’m bored put the first fanfic that you read in the tags + the site you read it on and the fandom
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cable-salamder · 22 hours
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Lloyd’s thirtieth birthday party would be filled with many jokes that are some sort of variation of “ur old”, including from his two shithead kids, Sora and Arin (about 20 and 19 respectively)
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kirafesmaichuu · 2 months
i just want to know. why is victim blaming so normalized when it comes to ctommy. like hes not a saint but that doesnt make him deserving of abuse???
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spacebar2 · 7 months
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So you're telling me
3,000 PLUS people saw my post and went "yeah that's pretty funny I'd reblog that"
Then got put on a hermitcraft archive thing???
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gumycandyyy · 6 months
my hand slipped
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Anyway- this is titled 'Prince of the Sea', and it's my fucking minecraft skin. His name is Lushal, and he's a polite little fellow.
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He's like- the youngest of 30 kids, so his parents, (the king n queen) said "okay let's let our teenage son go off into realms unknown, what could go wrong?"
anyway- this is my little dude. I hope you like him. (I might start livestreaming MC stuff!)
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dwtdog · 3 months
It'll never not be funny how many sbi people migrated to full dteam after the drituation
It really shows the hostility and toxicity of that side of the fandom
And now we're here, where we're welcomed with open arms 🥰
that post that was going around a few days ago about how stans that leave the dteam aren't going to start watching other mcyters like YEAH. these communities treat us like shit, their ccs treat us like shit, why the hell would i ever want to be part of that 😭
and that really was what made the dsmp special, that so many communities could come together and talk about something we all loved (well. for the most part) and that's what makes it so much worse to see how divided everything is now :(
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rat-rosemary · 1 year
"you can put down the pitchforks" i am raising them higher actually. why does quackity have a room in the manipulative grooming racist's house.
Hey did you know that Brasil is actually well-known for cloning? It's kind of funny because we have a few things that we're really good at but people don't really know. I think Brasil is the best place to get an organ transplant, or at least it was when I learned about it
Also even with some of it's flaws, our voting system is one of the best in the world, I mean do you remember the hell that was on the last US election? Also I really like the laws around the voting day and how it works and I think they're actually really smart. It's kind of sad that there's still some bad and unlawful practices even with them in place
《 Anyhow, first of all, check your sources. Dream didn't groom anyone, the girl who accused him disproved her own accusations with her own posts. Second of all, he has a room because he's best friends with Dream and Sapnap and George. He's one of their closest friends, enough that they don't just want to have a extra room where he can stay in their house, they want him to have a room that is his
Also im answering like this because im a huge pussy and i dont like conflict
And this is a trap so now you need to read about cloning》
Do you know how cloning works? It's actually really cool. So when you're forming you're made of these special cells right? Now I don't know their name because I'm not a native English speaker, but these cells can turn into different cells and thats how a living being forms. But when you're older you still have some of those cells, so you can take those cells and use them to create a copy of the being you took them from by injecting them into (the egg thing? I forgot the name for it) and then injecting that into someone/something that can host that being
(Human cloning is illegal in all countries, if you're worried about that) but the big problem is that those cells that were used to create the new being are old, and on a cell level, that thing is as old as the original
That means that the new being can have diseases and complications that only older things of that species can have. The first clone actually died because of that! You know that sheep that got cloned? Yeah the clone died young of a illness only old sheep could have
In a human that could mean that if you made a clone of yourself in your 50s for example, when that clone was 20 they could have dementia because their cells are 70 years old.
But in plants its very different. For example, all bananas are clones, because bananas do not have seeds (no the black thing inside of a banana are not seeds). Its actually a huge issue because if a banana tree (idk the english name for it) has an illness, like a fungus, it can spread very very fast trough all of the farm because it's just the same tree over and over and it could spread to even other farms and cause a massive extinction
There a type of banana that actually disappeared because of that and it's the banana we used to make banana flavoring in candy, so when you eat a banana flavored candy you're tasting an extinct banana
Also that does mean that all fruits that you can buy with no seeds, grapes, watermelon, whatever, are made with cloning
To clone a tree you just need to cut a branch off and plant it again (there are specific ways to do that with some plants but you can probably find a video on yt explaining how to cut the plant you want)
There's this really cool thing where you can reattach a branch (of for example, a lemon tree) to another tree (for example, a orange tree) with some moss and eventually it will become part of the tree and you'll have a orange tree with one branch that gives lemons
《 Anyway, please don't ever be mean to me I will cry and if anyone tries to make me feel bad for being weak I will trauma dump all over you
Go enjoy your silly block men 》
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hopalongfairywren · 11 months
there are barely any new fics with the eggpire in it... and so few updated. Pain.
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rotteneldritchhorror · 6 months
💛Smoshblr December Asks Day 21💙
What are your top 3 favourite tropes in media and/or fanfiction? (can be as general or specific as you want)
Bonus: What are 3 of your fave fanfics? (can be smosh related or from other fandoms)
Oh! I love characters being stuck in a place that forces some kind of closeness or intimacy (aka; only one bed, stuck in a small place together, stuck in an elevator, etc); especially when they figure out specific things to keep them separate which quickly go to the wind
Ummmmmm…. Shit I don’t has as many ideas for that than I thought I would— fuckit, you get three fanfics (that aren’t mine… >_>)
Never Knew He Needed It by mister_magnolia
Maybe You Can’t Handle Yourself (Staring At Me With Your Lips And Tongue) by mister_magnolia (again, they make good nintendogs fics)
And (don’t yell at me for this one)
Cough Drops / Gauze by Anonymous (leave me alone /j it’s the only two shot I’ve read)
Also, going through my older bookmarks makes me realise how many fanfics I’ve bookmarked now have orphaned or anon authors lol
Also yes they’re all smutfics, it’s the only thing I read and I only read one shots (and the single two shot lol) so don’t expect that much from me
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druvjelly · 2 months
So I remember being in a danganronpa server which had Kazuichi Souda as a trigger warning. And I just kept wondering “how do this person play the second game” because you can’t really ignore Kazuichi for the major plot points because he doesn’t die. He is a character who is in every trial and even has a little “battle” /gen
I understand triggers can come from the most obscure things. And I do think if they impact regular aspects of your life you should seek help. So I have a question for those who have a trigger for a character in a franchise who is quite hard to avoid, and I mean it more like “yeah, out of 87 chapters this character appears in 83”, how do you interact with the media? /gen
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It has been so long since I’ve been Really interested, excited, and invested in a fandom that isn’t Dream SMP (not a bad thing, just something I’ve noticed) and suddenly being into The Wingfeather Saga (new fandom for me!) and The Bad Batch (former fandom for me!) is… strange, but really really fun.
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quaranmine · 2 years
why do people always try to blame hermit and traffic fandom discourse on new dsmp fans. bestie we have our own homegrown discourse to be responsible of, it isn't always someone else's fault
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qslimebignaturals · 2 years
Girls when they realise that the majority of dsmp fan base will never treat c!slime normally or with respect and will continue to treat him as an extension of c!quackity
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sing-me-under · 5 months
everyday I wake up and see another post about how the dsmp should have been called bbhsmp because cc!bad paid for the server, and everyday I have to take a deep breath and not scream because oh my god cc!dream did NOT name the server after himself. It was originally just a fucking let’s play SMP for the OG members. Tommyinnit named it Dream’s SMP! Because it was clickbait! And it caught on among other content creators and their fans! Because it fed the algorithm! That’s all! If you’re going to be insistent on calling the SMP something else, at least know the reason it was named in the first place! I’m perfectly down with renaming the DSMP, but please, for the love of god, the D in DSMP was not intended to denote the actual irl owner of the server.
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faerygardens · 1 year
While the dsmp still holds a place in my heart, I can’t help but hate when I see certain people on twitter fighting for volume 2 by saying “your faves wouldn’t be as popular as they are without the dsmp” which, yeah, that might be true, but my openly queer and female faves also wouldn’t have faced nearly as much homophobic and misogynistic harassment because of it
Honestly, I could live with my faves having 1 million subscribers as opposed to 5 million if it means I never have to see an openly gay man violently harassed on twitter because he had the audacity to put a woman on a minecraft team in a completely unserious competition again
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anarchy-and-piglins · 2 years
different anon here, it's gotten to the point where I dont even bother going through the techno tag on ao3 anymore. I have to stick to the techno-centric tag otherwise it's all tommy, and even then sometimes the fics are /still/ centered on tommy. its exhausting
Yeah, character tags are a hopeless mess but so are character-centric tags because newsflash: this fandom doesn’t know how those work either. Hold onto your boots kids, I’m doing a second impromptu AO3 tag guide: character-centric edition. And after that I have some advice for you Anon, but I’m forcing you to read my rant first because I’m thriving.
Let’s start with the basic thing that everybody gets wrong:
Character-centric =/= pov character =/= all the main characters.
Character-centric = the one character the plot centers around.
Now, obviously a centric character and the pov character can often overlap. However, not always. A pov character is just the character whose head we’re in, so to speak. A centric character is the character the fic is about, the One Main Character. For example: if you write a fic that is from Techno’s pov but is all about him finding Tommy after exile and taking care of Tommy and such, then the chances are high that it’s just a Tommy-centric fic.
Which leads me into the second thing: not all fic need to have a character-centric tag. And if they do: one or two MAX will suffice.
You’ll notice that a lot of AO3 fic doesn’t have a character-centric tag. That’s because you should see ‘character-centric’ almost more like its own subgenre, it’s an additional tag used to filter content and say to people “hey, this fic is very much disproportionately focused on this character”. This character is the center of the universe in this fic, so to speak.
Your fic can have one centric character, you can maybe have two if you’re writing about a specific dynamic. (Be wary of examples such as the above post-exile fic though. A fic can certainly be Technoblade-centric and Tommy-centric if it gives them both equal weight of importance in the plot and focuses on them individually as well as together. Not if Techno is just being a Big Brother (tm) who does nothing but care for Tommy and feel guilty about not being better for Tommy the entire story.)
You should not have more than two character-centric tags. The exception is if your fic focuses on a pre-established group in the source material, those often have their own centric tags (SBI-centric, dteam-centric) though AGAIN: only use that one if your fic actually focuses on the different dynamics within this group and on the members as individuals that have a life and agency outside of the other members. Do not tag a Tommy angst fic where the other three SBI guys are only there to take care of him or interact with him as SBI-centric.
“But Shae,” you scream desperately, “what if I write a fic that DOES focus equally on three or more people who aren’t an established group with their own tag???”
That’s great. Just use a combination of character tags, relationship tags, other additional tags and your summary to make it clear who the fic is about. It’s that easy.
As I mentioned above, character-centric tags are used for filtering by people looking for content of their favs, where they’re the MAIN main character. Just like how you shouldn’t tag a character that only appears for a few scenes because people looking for that character’s content will be disappointed, somebody looking for character-centric content will be dissatisfied with a fic where that character is not present for large chunks at a time because you’re focusing on other people for a bit.
There’s nothing wrong with an ensemble cast fic, those are fun to write and read! They’re just not character-centric.
So that was my rant. Now Anon, my advice for you? Sort fic by additional tags + filter out other tags generously. How do you do that? It’s very simple:
Step 1) find a character specific tag for your blorbo. Preferably something you enjoy reading. For example, I frequent tags such as ‘Technoblade needs a hug’ or ‘Technoblade angst’ or ‘hurt Technoblade’.
Step 2) While sorting, exclude the ‘Tommyinnit-centric’ tag. As mentioned above, this fandom doesn’t use tags correctly so this is not a foolproof plan. But I guarantee it makes a HUGE difference. You can proceed to also filter out other tags you don’t like or those that are often used by Tommy-centric writers (’traumatized Tommyinnit’ for example). Theoretically, you can even sort out Tommy’s character tag. Tada!
Disclaimer: Be aware that this is a double-edged sword. The more tags you exclude, the higher the chances are you’re also accidentally excluding fics that would appeal to you and just happen to use Tommy tags. Some of my fics are tagged ‘traumatized Tommyinnit’ or ‘Tommyinnit needs a hug’. My recommendation is to see what your mood is like. Do you want to get a fic to read as fast as possible with minimal scrolling? Exclude away! But if you want to do a more thorough fic scavenger hunt, I usually feel like just excluding Tommyinnit-centric already makes a world of difference even if it doesn’t solve the problem completely.
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