#yes this is about my wenclair fic
whiskeyadams · 1 month
New Chapter of 'Til I Wake Your Ghost
Chapter 27: How Many More Days? How Much Longer Can You Hold Out
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mickeytheticklee · 2 years
W rizz
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Wednesday rizz
Ler!Wednesday Lee!Enid
Something shifted on Wednesday's day. Like it seemed like a normal school day in Nevermore, but something was off. On a sunny, shining morning Enid wasn't in her bed. It was routine that Enid came jerking and waking up Wednesday until she demanded Enid to stop it. It was odd, she didn't come to lunch, she skipped one of the few classes they had together, then ran to be alone in Eugene's lair of bees. Before their last class, Wednesday went to Yoko, keeping her monotone voice but inside she was seconds away from her voice cracking down and her balling into tears.
Wednesday: Enid hasn't annoyed me all day. Tell me where she is now or else I'm harming the first person I lay my eyes on. Starting with you.
Yoko: Chill, don't hurt me. Enid got into a fight with her parents yesterday, she's fine now but it was rough this morning.
As bubbly as she is Enid periodically keeps the sad stuff to herself. Wednesday didn't know until today from Yoko about Enid's parents, and how her Mom constantly pushes her into wolf conversion camp. When the sweet girl is sad, she never wants it to affect Wednesday. She instead separates herself and comes into public view until she's ready. Wednesday spent the remaining break time shedding her tears and expressing her thoughts to Thing in the bathroom stall. Thing said she saw Enid laughing it up with Bianca, however, Wednesday knew a part of her was only being happy as a way to hide her struggles. Thing suggested to do the code word: two snaps, Wednesday pulls a heavy sigh. Not that she didn't want to do it, but she still struggled with the how. But Thing tells times where Enid truly smiles, to where Wednesday misses it and lets her guard down by smiling. Her recalling how ticklish she is was now Wednesday's reason to make her gf happy.
Wednesday: Fine, but tell a living soul about this and I'll restrict your manicure time with Enid.
Thing swore to Wednesday as she goes to class where Enid waves at her. She apologizes for the absence and says it's because she was doing her missing assignments for other classes. Wednesday couldn't believe that excuse, she was a Straight A student all around. The whole class was spent in a study hall, both were concentrating on their textbooks about anatomy. While Enid was lodged in her book Wednesday snuck in a few side pokes which made Enid jump. She looks around, thinking it's Yoko or Ajax but they're on the other side of the classroom. It happens again, two pokes that make her jump and drop her pencil and water bottle. She checks under the desk for Thing, no sight of them but just a pair of fingers painted black that was tickling her sides again. Enid covers herself in the book and whispers to Wednesday who pretends to not be bothered by Enid's dilemma.
Enid: Addams, are you the one tickling me?
Wednesday: Yes.
Enid: But why?
Wednesday: You don't want to know why.
Enid hated Wednesday's short answers but loved that she might potentially get tickled. Any feeling or thought of getting tickled can easily erase the bad day Enid has been feeling. She secretly cheers from inside her book before going back to her sad aura for the entire period. After more pokes, and Enid's improvement in holding in her laughs the long period was over. Enid was still focusing on her note-taking until everyone left the room, Wednesday did a surprise attack on her side and neck making Enid laugh and fall off her high stool chair. Wednesday was smirking over the book, she has a thing for Enid's high-pitched laugh.
Enid: HEHEHEHE why did you do that??
Wednesday: Your tickling laughter is much different than your normal laughter?
Enid: So you like my laugh?
Wednesday: Don't push it Sinclair.
Enid did think the constant teasing and the sudden attack were all Wednesday had to offer to cheer her up. She was feeling better at the thought of Wednesday being kind enough to tickle her. But soon the black cloud came back during Enid's sailboating class, all she wishes and craves is Wednesday to tickle her. It's been clogging up her mind so badly that Yoko got mad at how distracted she was. But luckily those thoughts made her not think about what she was originally sad about. She went back to her room, coming in she didn't see the sight Wednesday doing her typewriting activity. When she closed the door she was met with the surprise of Wednesday tackling her to her pink-infested bed, tickling her sides insanely. Wednesday didn't need to pin Enid down, the deep side tickles were ticklish enough for Enid to not endure. Wednesday worried for nothing if Enid was the sensitive type who would laugh at anything.
Wednesday: You were quite dumb for thinking this wasn't going to happen, I gave you hints all day.
All there was as a hint was Enid being poked a few times, she never expected Wednesday to pull a tickle monster attack. While Wednesday was tickling Enid's armpits and neck relentlessly she was starting to understand the liking of tickling. Besides Enid's big smile causing a pink shade on Wednesday's face she liked that tickling was technically a torture method. A torture method that doesn't cause any harm just laughs. She liked Enid's reactions and her squeaky laugh, also how she stands up whenever the pinching got close to her hips. Since no one was here she can smile freely at Enid's laugh. When Enid had enough for now Wednesday stopped momentarily. Enid was too tired to notice Wednesday was smiling at how tired she was from the tickling. Enid wasn't out of breath, but not too passed out to call it quits. However, the call out of Wednesday's sudden attitude made her punished with tickles.
Enid: You're smiling WAITHAHAHAHAHA
Wednesday: I told you I'll kill you if you noticed my smile.
She went back to tickling Enid's tummy, this time adding her feet to the equation. Her body was curled up, which took the right opportunity to tickle her feet and eventually get her armpit at the same time. Enid was yelling thru her screaming laughs, wondering how Wednesday became good at this. Wednesday just said it's easy, which is particularly true since her demand got Enid to lift her arms to tickle every part of her armpit. The secret is, she learned from Thing as sometimes Enid shares her secrets with the hand who's a good listener. She did another break since Wednesday and is worried that Enid would soon lose her voice over the amount of laughing she's doing. But soon the tickling intrigues her when she rubs Enid's stomach and her foot moves. She forgets how Enid's wolf powers are still engraved into her human self, which Wednesday thought was pretty cute. Which she won't admit to Enid.
Wednesday: My puppy...
Enid: What did you say HAHAHAHAHA
Wednesday: Oh nothing...
Then Wednesday ruins the sweet moments by pinching and squeezing every part of her ticklish tummy. Wednesday was becoming terrible at keeping a straight face thru her enjoyment of tickling Enid. Any slight chance of her gf catching it makes her tickle her ribs to forget what she saw five seconds ago. The thighs were a deadly spot, Wednesday was happy over Enid's NONOs when she approaches her thighs. Her laughter over Wednesday pinching her thighs was top-notch. It was a dangerous combo for Wednesday to tickle her thighs, but also move to her toes. Enid officially gave up as her body was sore from the endless hour of laughter Wednesday gave to her.
Wednesday: I don't believe you.
Wednesday stopped, and Enid gave Wednesday a long hug. It struck a strong emotion in Wednesday, a feeling of warmth that warms up her cold heart. They looked at each other, still, Enid laying on the bed setting her hands on Wednesday's soft cheeks. Enid didn't want this to be awkward until the other friend softly kissed her, causing a sweet but unexpected moment. Their eyes widen after, but they went back to kissing. Then Wednesday took this small opportunity to give a neck raspberry to Enid, which she laughed hard at. Wednesday started to smile at how red Enid's face was, it was the cutest thing she's ever laid eyes on. Now Enid was back to normal, her puppy smiles and big smile being on and her ready to annoy Wednesday with facts about K-pop idols.
Enid: I was thinking we- HAHAHAHAHAHA
Wednesday: Or maybe I should keep going.
Wednesday says massaging her sides and digging her thumbs for it which causes Enid to go crazy over it. She's crazy over a lot of things, mostly over how evil Wednesday can be with tickling. More evil than usual. After finally getting all those giggles out she hugged Wednesday, tighter than before since she loves tight hugs. Especially the ones where she doesn't have the range to move her arms. She hugs her for a straight five minutes before kissing her again. Then they continued their activities of doing hw and Wednesday spent her night playing the cello. They ate dinner with their friend group and they were surprised at how Enid bounced back from her happy self. She lied and said she watched some Seventeen videos when in reality her girlfriend was wrecking her. They looked at each other and smiled, holding hands from under the table. They whisper I love you in each other's ears.
Enid: Love you Wens.
Wednesday: You too my little bad wolf.
Enid was blushing so hard after that.
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rachelsfav-queer · 6 months
I can’t sleep because my nose is all plugged up and also I slept in late this morning sooooo…
Late night Wenclair thoughts? I may smooth these out into a proper fic sometime so please don’t steal any of this! Thank you!
Below the cut just cause there’s a lot lol. All sfw stuff here, don’t worry
So, I just saw this post from @barblaz-arts with some of their sketches (sorry, I couldn’t find any pronouns on your blog and didn’t want to assume anything) and one of them was a “get-along shirt” shirt. So that made me think of Enid making a two person sweater for her and Wednesday to wear and Wednesday “begrudgingly” wearing it all the time lol. So she just constantly is trying to indirectly get Enid to ask her to wear it, cause she doesn’t want to admit that she actually loves wearing it cause of how close it allows her to be to Enid. Enid of course knows that Wednesday loves wearing it and why, but lets the seer think she’s being sneaky. (Thanks for the inspo barblaz, lol)
What about Wenclair’s first time sleeping in the same bed? Like, I imagine it’s probably a bit awkward and stiff for them. But I think that it’s actually Wednesday who breaks the tension by randomly blurting out something like “I want you to hold me… please” and like, she’s blushing, thinking she’s just ruined it all but Enid just smiles rolls over, opening her arms out to invite her to cuddle close. Ugh, can you imagine Wednesday slowly curling up against Enid as she becomes more comfortable in her gentle embrace?? 🥺🥺🥺
So, y’all remember that scene where after just barely meeting Enid, Wednesday opens up about her traumatic experience as a child that literally shaped who she currently is as a person, a characterization that so many people have criticized endlessly because they didn’t actually pay attention to this scene that explained explicitly why Wednesday acts the way she does and that it’s not just “teenage whiny ‘I hate my parents’ type angsty” stuff but actually an interesting and new take on these classic characters because these characters have been around for decades and it’s hard to come up with new stories while also keeping the characters the exact same…….
Sorry, I ranted again… sorry.
Anyway, y’all remember that scene, right? Well, I absolutely love it and what it implies for Wenclair. Because it shows how Enid is the only person who Wednesday shows true vulnerability to. Not even T*ler or X*vier with the infuriating love triangle they had. She comes close to it with Eugene and Pugsley, but only with Enid do we see that raw vulnerability. And I really like that.
So, to the actual point, I think that Wednesday actually has a lot of that throughout their relationship journey or whatever you wanna call it lol. Wednesday opens up to Enid and Enid only about she struggles with certain things and how she is truly afraid that her issues will end up pushing Enid away again, and for good this time. And Enid actually talks Wednesday through all this seriously. She tells her that yes, her behavior needs to be adjusted to no longer be toxic, but also assures her that she’s going to be there for her. She won’t tolerate genuine toxicity, but she will be understanding and patient with mistakes. Because that’s what Wednesday really needs and we see that in the show actually. Enid is the perfect deuteragonist to Wednesday because she holds her accountable in a way nobody else does in the show. She doesn’t dance around anything, calling Wednesday out for her sometimes toxic behavior but doing it in a compassionate way.
Anyway, this is all just for the point of Wednesday opening up to Enid, late at night, when neither of them can sleep. Wednesday because she needs to get these things off her chest and Enid because her girlfriend is struggling and she wants to be there for her in any way she can. Gods, I love them so muchhhhhh!!!!!!
On the thought of Wenclair being awake late at night, I believe with every bit of my being that whether you think “Wednesday is the top” or “Enid is the top” either way, Wednesday will either be little spoon or will be curled up against Enid’s side with Enid’s arms around her. Whatever way they’re cuddling, Enid is in someway holding Wednesday close. This right here goes hand in hand with my next thought, which is that Wednesday is very clearly autistic-coded and it’s almost painfully obvious lol. So, this means that Wednesday really likes the pressure of being held tight. She likes weighted blankets but not nearly as much as she likes being squeezed by Enid. That is all lol.
Autistic Wednesday and AuDHD Enid supporting each other’s neurodivergence wholeheartedly. Enid is always carrying around noise-canceling earbuds and headphones for Wednesday. The earbuds are for when Wednesday just needs basic protection from background noise, which is most times and the headphones are for situations when she needs something more heavy duty. So, when Wednesday’s getting overstimulated by the world and people around her. And with Enid’s touch being the only touch that Wednesday accepts without any sort of discomfort (yes I know that Gomez and Pugsley make contact with her too, but she looks slightly uncomfortable with it when they do it, compared to whenever Enid touches her, she doesn’t even seem fazed, not even when she’s a bit more excited and isn’t touching very lightly. There’s a clear difference) I think that Enid has a sort of “escape plan” where Enid will pull Wednesday away from situations where she’s uncomfortable. She’s always gentle, yet firm. Firm both for Wednesday’s sake because she needs the grounding but also to show anyone around to STAY BACK! Mmm, Enid being instinctually protective over Wednesday when she’s overwhelmed. Along with all that, Enid is basically a personal guard dog for Wednesday, keeping a clear distance limit for anyone around them, to ensure nobody bumps into Wednesday or touches her.
On the other hand, I think that Enid probably has texture issues with foods. So, Wednesday will act as a kind of “taste tester” but for textures whenever they come across new foods that Enid may want to try. Basically, Wednesday checks first to see if certain foods will trigger Enid’s texture issues or if they’re safe for her to try. Wednesday knows by heart what textures bother Enid and so is distinctly capable of handling this task and does it happily. And for Enid’s ADHD, Wednesday doesn’t particularly understand Enid’s struggles but is by far the single most supportive and understanding person to Enid’s symptoms. Whether it’s Time Blindness or Executive Dysfunction or whatever issues she’s dealing with, Wednesday either acts as an assistant to help Enid work through it, or if she’s unable to for whatever reason, Wednesday doesn’t let Enid for even a single moment feel guilty about it, reassuring her entirely.
Basically, they’re each other’s best support and they work together to help each other!
I HC Wednesday being into like, heavy rock/metal music. More specifically, I think she loves Ghost (definitely introduced to them by Yoko, same goes for all the other rock music she listens to) and so I think that Wednesday and Enid actually influence each other’s music tastes, so Enid’s listening to some of Wednesday’s rock playlists and Wednesday’s listening to Enid’s kpop playlists. At first, both do it simply are interested in being involved in each other’s interests. But, they both find themselves relating to the music they’re listening to and actually loving it just as much as the other does.
All of this is to say,,,,,,, Wenclair going to a Ghost ritual wearing the merch and Wenclair going to a kpop show (sorry I don’t listen to kpop so I don’t know any bands) wearing the merch.
Please someone draw either or both of these I am begging on my hands and knees please please please pleaseeeeeeeeee
Whew, OKAYYYY!!! I think that’s all I got lol. It’s almost 2 in the morning and I still don’t feel even slightly tired… this is painful lol
I hope y’all enjoy my sleep-deprived brainrotted wenclair thoughts lol. Feel free to share your thoughts on any of these either in the reblogs, replies, or my askbox! I’d love to know that I’m not alone in these thoughts and I’m not just losing my mind…… pls
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tequiilasunriise · 2 years
Okay more screaming about Wednesday specifically THAT moment during the final ep:
Enid walks out of a forest, covered in blood and wounds from her previous battle for her life. Enid was shown to be (incredibly justifiably) afraid of creepy shit like exploring spooky ass mansions or going in the woods, but homegirl did not hesitate to RUN through those dark, murder-filled woods in order to find Wednesday. I believe her wolfie form was triggered by not just the powerful blood moon, but also her deep sense of protectiveness over Wednesday. Like, she literally JUMPKICKED Hyde!Tyler’s ass when he was choking out her moon even though this is her first shift and she has no prior experience with controlling her wolfed out state. That’s…. Pretty fucken gay and the fight scene was pretty fucken AWESOME with how visceral it got. Apollo really looked at the ao3 fics we were pumping out and said, “Bet.”
Furthermore, the fact that Wednesday instantly recognized Enid in the midst of all of this adrenaline rushing and shadowy scenery? How Enid initially snarled at Wednesday but seemed to pause and calm down a little upon recognizing her ? Calming down to the point where our beloved ray of sunshine got distracted mid-fight and gave Tyler an opportunity to strike back? Also super fucken mega gay behavior, like yes Enid my darling that’s your girl I know you were so worried over her bUT MY GOD FOCUS ON THE SERIAL KILLER RIGHT BEHIND YOU BABYGIRL I KNOW THIS IS YOUR FIRST SHIFT BUT GODDAMN!!!
I will never shut up about the Hug Scene™️ and its buildup. Enid stumbling out of the woods all blood covered and even though she’s in Ajax’s arms she isn’t like, “Thank god you’re safe” or whatever. No, she takes one look around and immediately asks in a soft, shaky voice, “Where’s Wednesday?” AND THAT TINY MOMENT OF DISTRESS ON HER FACE WHEN NO ONE ANSWERS HER. ARGH. EMMA PLLEASSEEE YOURE FEEDING US SO WELL. When Enid sees Wednesday walking out she a) is the first one to even recognize Wednesday’s silhouette against the fog b) HER IMMEDIATE RELIEF IS SO PLAIN TO SEE ON MY GOD c) does not hesitate to pull away from Ajax and fucken sprint into Wednesday’s arms.
Gods, that just emphasized the sheer gravity of this moment SO MUCH, after so many attempts to hold her moon close Enid finally says, “FUCK IT” and goes right in because fer all she knew Wednesday could have been dead by now. The way she tightly embraces Wednesday before pulling back with so much relief and T E A R S, my god Emma you understood the assignment so well. Wednesday’s wide-eyed stare shifting into equally intense passion as she suddenly pulls Enid back to into her arms and they just CLING to each other with amazing shots of how emotional their expressions are. So fucken full of love and relief and wanting. I especially love the way you can see everyone in the background smiling at the pair. Shit dude, even Ajax shared a knowing look with another student, like even HE knows that Wenclair reigns supreme. The whole school be approving of Wenclair fr fr they witness this devotion-filled hug scene and collectively go, “Yeah, those two belong together. We ship it.”
The hug was so fucken tender. My god. It was a choice made by both of them, a choice both Enid and Wednesday made with equal fervor. They didn’t need words anymore, Jenna’s phenomenal acting gave Wednesday a longing stare that said it all. The way Enid’s hands spread across Wednesday’s back as she clings close, Wednesday’s eyes squeezing shut as if she’s just begging for this moment to last without any visions to get in the way. The final shot of the two embracing with her heads tucked so firmly into the crook of the other’s neck. Seriously, I’ve read some VERY top tier Wenclair fanfics, but none were as so potently, “Fuck… I almost lost this. I almost lost her” as the canon Hug Scene™️. I was losing hope for any Wenclair goodness that could balance out the sheer throw up that was Enid and Ajax making out, but the Hug Scene™️ literally broke into my house, dragged me outta my bed by my scruff, and went about beating the living shit outta me in my own kitchen at 5 am in the morning and it was AMAZING. Wenclair Slowburn Truthers rise up, because my god do we have a solid foundation to work with.
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Follow @itsrealdonttellmeitisnt cause this is a continuation/Spin-Off (IDK really know TBH) of a really good fic of theirs
Wednesday: yes?
Yoko: have you and Enid had sex.
Wednesday who has no Shame: yeah...? And?!?!?
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Wednesday: and!?!?!
Yoko: I'm kinda surprised, I mean I knew you did but IDK I accepted some sort of denial from you just like Enid
Wednesday: Tankia, even you should know at this point, that I have zero filter because I have ran out of patience for anyone's and everyone's bullshit
Yoko: fair enough
Wednesday: also Enid and I have been dating for 5 years, have f'd 69 times and have gotten high together 420 times each year since the 2nd year of our relationship.
we know that you and divina have been dating since I got here have maked out over 600 times, as well as the fact that Ajax and Xavier are both virgins.
People I consider my friends include, you, Eugene, And Bianca.
I have 1 best friend and it's your girlfriend, divina. Not to mention my soulmate and lover being Enid Sinclair.
I'm starting to like some forms of technology like Video Game Consoles, especially Vr.
Not to mention the fact that I have social media accounts my @ being @/Wenclair on all of them.
Yoko kinda scared: Why are you telling me this? Am I about to die, cause, IDK what I even did!
Wednesday: first off your not gonna die, second off because I want to fuck with you
Yoko: wait why???
Wednesday: ask yourself young vampire why would anyone believe you if you told them this, people don't exactly think we get along ya know.
Yoko: 👁️👄👁️
Wednesday: and as long as I deny it, which I will, you'll have to live with the fact that I out played you for you trick people you like causing chaos but I've done something better, I've tricked you and pranked you not by lying but by telling you the truth, a truth that no one will believe, the only people who will and do believe are me and you old friend...
...Toodles Yoko.
Yoko later that night:
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Original work 👇
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barb-l · 1 year
Do you have any wenclair fic recommendations?
Yes, I do, and it's called My Bookmarks on ao3 lol
Lemme show em here anyway tho, in no particular order, for people who aren't in the mood to be taken to a "second location". I'm not listing all of them here tho. To know more, just click the link.
So aside from literally everything made by @//eggplant-crusader there's also these:
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This was really fun. I know nothing about Eurovision, but I really like the moral about dreams and priorities and having the maturity to pick your battles.
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This one got me feeling all kinds of yearning. I'm not really a big fan of angst when it comes to literary media(because it feels a lot more... consuming that way, yanno) but this one also had a lot of hope and tenderness in it that i couldn't help but keep reading. Binged it in like two days? Worth the sleep i lost.
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Aside from what I said above, it's also super funny and cute btw. And i love the fic's format, the way every chapter starts with stuff like soc med posts or emails or scribbles written on walls that add to the setting of the story rather than the plot. Reminds me of how I Kissed Shara Wheeler would do that(reading that book rn btw. Would rec that too if you want a fun wlw book)
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Has a really cozy feel to it. It reminds me of the older fics i used to read when i was younger for some reason idk
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This author has other works that are really good too(notably a fake dating one that i enjoyed) but this one is my favorite of their works. The whiplash i felt when the jokes hit while im still crying was oddly fun
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It's an unfinished fic but it doesn't really follow a continuous plot, so it's fine. It's just a bunch of snippets of Enid casually showing off her strength and is quite a joy to read. Also funny. When it comes to me, it's a requirement for something to be funny ehehe
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One of my top fics for any fandom i think. It's a short one but a really well executed premise. The thought of Wednesday wooing Enid with anonymously sent two sentence pieces is so cute to me.
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I really like the characterization in this. Probably one of the most show-accurate Wednesday's I've read, mostly because they don't forget that Wednesday would still be a little shit to Enid even if she's in love with her without overdoing. It's a shame lots of writers forget that lil bit about her.
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voltstone · 3 months
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Hello! (And hello again to the TWDG fandom. At least, to anyone who remembers this fic.)
I'm VoltageStone. Still a shit uploader. I'm trying, and yes, this is one of the fics that has been in the works for...way too long, but at the same time..., glad I waited for my writing to get better?
This, quite simply, is my love-letter to the games, and to my Clementine. It's the one story I've wanted to get right, time and time again.
Especially since the comics have come out. Even though I've come to the conclusion that the comics are divorced from the games, because it's only one person's Clementine (and an...interesting interpretation of her at that), the comics did pull me away from the games for a little bit there.
But now I'm back. And I do intend to get to Season 4 this time. To finish this.
It'll take time, but I do feel ready now. I really have wanted to write out my Clementine's story, and have something that I can read back on rather than whatever Skybound's doing.
And honestly? While most of this is a self-indulgence thing, and it's because I'm bleeding my heart out here...
I do want more people to write about their Clementines. Cuz like... Maybe if there's enough people doing it, writing about their experiences, and not just the character as a whole... We'd get more enrichment from TWDG as a whole.
For anyone who wants to add on or talk about this, or follow along without having to subscribe to me, this fic will have its own tag (#aydf fic). So. If you're interested in just this, that'll be the place. :D
Anyway, now, for this specific update, this is a master post like the one I did for LYCOS (Wenclair fic). This isn't marked dead dove, but it is still a very...gritty fic. And it has a lot of very heavy themes.
It's a dark fic for different reasons, but a lot of the same. AYDF is what got me into writing gore, body & psychological horror, and the like. That being said, it's...also just a different beast.
Largely because I'm building off of what's in the games, so dead dove doesn't feel as appropriate for this.
Still. Might as well make a post here about its content. Any updates I do will be linked back to this.
So, for those who read this story before, I hope you enjoy, and thanks for sticking around through the years.
To any newcomers, to TWDG or other readers from other fics, I hope you enjoy. :)
-- -- --
Walkers. Muertos. Deadheads. Lurkers... The dead which roamed, they wore many names. Monster was yet another one. Though, Clementine knew most monsters didn't decay. Their hearts still throbbed. Their eyes, still with color. The monsters, still with words to asphyxiate.  Because she was one herself: a monster with fire in her breath, and eyes that burned her own Hell. She drank for her life. She drank to forget.
A thank-you to Telltale, a love-letter to Clementine as a character, and a passion project writing out my Clementine's story. Made by my blood, sweat, tears, and probably also mucous from the tears, but it's sanitized, I promise.
AO3 | FFnet | Wattpad | Quotev | RoyalRoad
Fic Layout:
Ep1 | Between S2 & S3. Ep2-5 | S3. Ep1.5 (Interlude) | S1, Between S1 & S2, Between S2 & S3. Ep6 | Between S2 & S3, Between S3 & S4. Ep7 | Between S3 & S4, S4. Ep8-15 | S4.
General Warnings:
Catharsis, Gore, Extreme/Graphic Violence, Fights, Murder, Horror, Body Horror, Angst, Trauma, a very Cynically Religious Clementine, Raider!Clementine, TWDG retelling (aka, a lot of the dialogue and canon-events will be here, or rewritten), (some, not a lot) Sexual Content (because it's a "growing up" thing not a horny thing, I promise, …and maybe sorta a little bit of how BPD and attachment issues do things), Violentine, a lot of homoeroticism, they are touch starved, Some fairytale symbolism, Louis will be protected and grow tf up.
Mental Health:
Alcoholism, Gambling Addiction, Addiction, Withdrawal, Relapse, Suicide Attempt(s), PTSD, Guilt, Survivor's Guilt, Rehabilitation, Psychosis, Child abuse, Parentification, and how that basically fucks Clementine in the head like a lot, and then A.J too because cycles and trauma, Borderline Personality Disorder, Trauma Trauma Trauma, and you'll never guess, a Clementine who really really really needs help and at least one (1) actual breathing adult in her life.
Oh which reminds me.
Finding guidance in adults who are already very much dead, and please Clementine, would you just bury the corpse?
…okay that's verging on dead dove, but if the game (almost) has an 8-year-old eat a dude's leg, and then a bigger dude get his head smooshed by a salt lick (which tastes gross, I dunno), I think it's still safe.
In Summary:
...okay I may have written a Carver's Clementine by accident bUT it was an ACCIDENT. My hand slipped. She's not evil, just a little demented some days, and bitter on the better ones.
I am half-joking. My hand didn't slip.
She does make the comic's Clementine look like an angel, though. So. There's that.
Anyway, if it's not clear, the tldr is this is my playthrough, and thusly my canon Clementine, just with the story tailored for indulgence and narrative reasons. Cuz. …alcoholism. …and stuff.
Not a great person. Very troubled. But you know. Tis how addiction works.
Hope you enjoy. :) If you see my blood, sweat and tears stained in the writing, no you didn't.
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usereddie · 2 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
tagged by @jdeanmorgan like....a good few days ago lol getting to it now <33
How many works do you have on ao3?
40. little known bia lore is that it used to be 41 but i archived a larry one shot i wrote sophomore year of high school before i started posting for shameless LMAO
What's your total ao3 word count?
What fandoms do you write for?
911 mainly!!! but i've also written for shameless (gallavich), IT (reddie), wednesday (wenclair), and a league of their own (jesslupe)
Top five fics by kudos:
#LAFDads (silliest thing ever so ofc it's my most popular), whenever you call me, i'll be there, call me by your name, i got all my sisters with me (which has actually gained so many kudos lately bc it keeps getting rec'd on twt lol), baby don't you know (you're my golden hour)
i did not know these were my top five lol
Do you respond to comments?
not as much as i'd like :( there really are only so many ways you can say thank you, but i do try!! especially when the fic is first posted. i just get so many that it gets overwhelming to keep up, but i appreciate all of it soooooo soso much i mean that i really do.
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
probably some spec? i'm a "happy ending or bust" kinda guy tho idk if i have anything
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
well! all of them! but maybe i think i wanna merry you since it was them getting engaged at a christmas party. doesn't get fluffier than that ngl.
Do you get hate on fics?
i did on the first bucktommy fic i posted lol (after episode THREE btw because i have always seen the vision /lh)
Do you write smut?
Craziest crossover:
never written one
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
i don't think so?
Have you ever had a fic translated?
i also don't think so
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
not really
All time favorite ship?
buddie and sterek!
What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
i mourn parent trap fic daily but also this rivals to lovers choir director au i got about 40k into and never finished. rip durufle requiem one day i will love on you again.
What are your writing strengths?
my lit professor says i write good metaphors? which i'll agree with, i like the way i describe inner monologues.
What are your writing weaknesses?
smut in many ways but especially in the sense of "oh my god can the english language please pretty please come up with a new synonym for cock i can't do this."
also, i have a hard time writing dialogue that feels organic to me? i think the end result works out fine but it doesn't come immediately
Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
i'm fluently bilingual and do switch between english and portuguese in conversation, so it does feel realistic for a character to do that, but it's down to personal taste when i like it or not
First fandom you wrote in?
well. phan.
Favorite fic you've written?
STRAIGHT EDDIE FWB YOU ARE SO LOVED BY ME!!!!!! wishing to be the friction it's my magnum opus. i almost called it my prima donna because those words are the same in my mind.
tagging @bucktommys @bibuddie @honestlydarkprincess @sibylsleaves i'm sure y'all have alrdy gotten tagged and done this or gotten tagged and ignore it but i have no memory of anything at all ever!!!!!!!!!
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sourrind · 2 months
Thanks @celinou & @momochizoey for tagging me 🤍
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
I've got 4 works total.
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
73,030 words.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Seeing as how I only have 4 works, I'll just mention the fic with the most kudos - my Wenclair fic "At the End of One's Woe" with 760 kudos.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do! I love it when writers respond to my comments (as inane as they are), so I thought I should do the same.
Not only that, but sometimes I'll reply to a comment when there's a new chapter of that work just to kind of nudge them to read it.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
"To Know Yourself."
It's a Chasefield fic and it's the first thing I started writing when I got back into the fanfic space. It's currently sitting at 6 chapters unfinished, but where I left it off is probably the angstiest thing I've explored publicly on my account.
32,000 words, and the poor girls don't even like each other yet.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Either the aforementioned Wenclair fic or my Chasefield smutfic "One and Then the Other." I mean, what's a happier ending then getting to bang the girl you like?
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I've not.
9. Do you write smut?
I was very nervous to publish that first smutfic, but I wasn't a stranger to writing things of an explicit nature.
I used to ERP on Gaia ALL THE TIME when I was younger, but it definitely was a different thing to write stuff like that and know it would be going out for everyone to see.
But I had a blast writing it and I don't see myself straying away from smut anytime soon. The only thing I don't like is how I find it very difficult to write smut without tons of preamble beforehand, so that's kind of the one thing holding me back.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've ever written?
I've not.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I've not, though I wouldn't be against it.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I've not, just the casual headcanon talks with friends and mutuals.
14. What's your all time favorite ship?
I love all the Life is Strange ships, but Chasefield holds a very special place in my heart for getting me back into fandom/fanfic as a whole.
Wenclair is also up there - it was very fun to write for an active/ongoing fandom and it was kind of crazy to see how different the response was in that.
For ships that I love, but haven't written for, I'm enamored with Ava/Beatrice from Warrior Nun and Kara/Lena from CW's Supergirl.
I do think a lot of that is that those characters and stories are closer to where I am in age/place in life, while Life is Strange/Wednesday occupies a place where I reminisce on highschool didn'ts and wish-I-would'ves.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
There's a part of me where I see myself never finishing "To Know Yourself." I had originally planned it to be this 30+ chapter thing that takes place over the entire school year, and though I do have an outline of that, it's a huge prospect - especially seeing as how I do have other stories outlined in the LiS world that are significantly shorter.
I do think about it and go back to it, but it's a reality that's possible for sure.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
It's cool if it works. It's all relative on the perspective of the story and whether we are supposed to know what's being said and stuff.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
My first fandom was Inu-yasha and I was writing Sesshomaru/Miroku slashfics on fanfiction.net.
So yeah. I'm old.
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
"A Common Cold."
I wrote this fic for a mutual who was sick at the time and it was because of this that we became friends. She's actually one of the people that tagged me to do this, so here's to you Zoey!!
I'll tag @dmmeeble, @fazedlight, and @daisychainsandbowties for this, but if you're scrolling down, see this, and hankering to do this as well, go for it!
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Summary: Wednesday puts her feet in Enid's lap whenever they're on the couch together. One day, she learns a hard lesson when she ignores Enid in favor of her novel
Note: I don't ship wenclair but I didn't think this (her putting her feet in Enid's lap) worked if they were friends so here's my one and only wenclair fic
Wednesday rested her feet in Enid's lap once the blonde had sat down. It was habitual for her, a rare show of affection since Wednesday wasn't fond of it usually even if came from Enid.
Her feet were in socks as they usually were. Black and white ankle ones. She never walked around barefoot, for reasons unknown to Enid.
Enid looked away from her phone to look at Wednesday. "Did you hear that Kent broke up with his girlfriend?"
Wednesday made a non-committal noise.
"Wednesday," Enid whined. "This is, like, super sad. He and Jenny were together forever!"
Still, the young Addams ignored her, too engrossed in the novel she was reading.
"Are you ignoring me?" Enid's jaw dropped. Mischievously, she gripped one of Wednesday's feet by the ankle, lightly dragging her nails down the pale sole.
Wednesday reacted immediately. She jerked, the novel falling off to the floor. Her lips thinned out as she pressed them together so she wouldn't laugh.
That was totally not cool! Enid used her arm to hold the foot, bringing the tickling to an agonizingly slow pace.
"Aww," Enid smiled sweetly, seeing the absolute tortured look on Wednesday's face. "Are you ticklish, Wens?"
The Addams girl shook her head wildly.
"I think you areeeee," Enid sing-songed.
"Stop," Wednesday choked out.
"Stop?" Enid repeated, donning a rarely shown smirk. "But why would I do that if you're not ticklish?"
Wednesday couldn't answer. She couldn't risk opening her mouth and letting all the laughter out that desperately wanted to come spilling out.
"I think I need to get this pesky sock off," Enid rolled it up to reveal half of her bare foot.
The second the tips of her nails came brushing against the sensitive skin, Wednesday lost it. It was a thousand times worse without the protective layer of her sock. She was overcome with girlish giggles, throwing her head back and desperately trying to yank her foot away.
"Does that tickle?" Enid teased. "Or how about here? Or there?" When she got to Wednesday's toes, the girl really started to thrash.
"Ehehehenid!" Wednesday is barely able to speak through her laughter.
"Are you gonna ignore me?" Enid demanded, watching her flop around like a fish.
Wednesday would probably say yes or something snarky any other day, but the tickling was driving her out of her mind so she frantically nodded no.
And then just stopped.
Enid grinned as Wednesday panted heavily. "Sorry, Wens. You know I hate being ignored."
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sp1der-noir · 1 year
Plot: Wenclair but if Wenclair was a little bold? Also with understand lyrics as an undertone.
Actual plot: Wenclair fic where theyre trying to connect more and become more comfortable with each other after the events of the original series.
Takes place kinda after the events? Like they out of hospital and they be chilling in school at late hours (:
An edit by @/ortegaspookie on tt with the song “understand” by Kreshi.
TRIGGER WARNINGS: Slightly ooc, its fluff other than that (im pretty sure)
There MIGHT be spelling mistakes because I may or may not be dyslexic..
The song:
The cold incoming winter air nipped at the dark night. The two girls stood on the balcony as they once did when they met.
Enid was securely on her side, leaning forth on the balony.
Wednesday stood normally, jumper looking quite big on her, warm.
“So, what are you gonna do now?”
“What do you mean?”
The blonde thought for a second. “Well schools almost over,” she took a breath out, the warm air presenting itself in a smoke like form. “And the Hyde is gone.”
“Hm.. The most likely scenario is I return home and come back next semester.”
“Really?-“ Enid’s ear pricked at that, her head whipping round before going back swiftly as to not scare Wednesday away. “I mean.. cool, cool. I think I’m gonna go back home too. I kind if miss the air there, if that makes sense? The feeling of home.”
“It does make sense. I also seem to get that feeling.” Wednesday takes a sigh out, closes her eyes and then a deep breath in. Reminiscing.
Enid lets out a chuckling huff. “What else do you miss?”
“I miss my family.” Wednesday looks deep into the forest.
“Me too.”
Silence struck the two, what do they say now? What else could be said without saying everything else?
“Hm? What seems to be the matter, Enid?” The raven haired girl turned to the wolf, eyes seeming a little more worried than usual.
“I was just thinking… 6 weeks?” Enid looks back to Wednesday, somberly looking between the other girl’s eyes, searching..
“Yes, that is the correct amount of time we take away.”
“… Ill miss you.”
Wednesday’s eyes widen before quickly returning to their original unbothered look.
“Hm.. I think…” she struggled for words, closing her eyes and truly just thinking. “Thing… will certainly miss you, too. He seems to talk on and on about you when you’re not there and it has become quite the pester.”
Enid chuckles softly and turns back to the moon. “Mm, please tell him I’m always here for him, and that I’m glad we met.”
Wednesday almost blinks as she watches the calmness of the other half. “Mm, ill be sure to relay the message.”
Enid looks over to Wednesday again, voice slightly shaky. “Its cold..”
“Mm” She doesn’t know when she started parroting some of Enid’s hums, but she didn’t mind a bit.
“Do you mind if I like.. since you..”
Wednesday looked at her questioningly.
“What do you mean, Sinclair?”
“Uhm.. Can i.. like..” Enid breathes out a puff of cold air. “Stand next to you?..”
Enid looks to Wednesday’s blank face and then her own suddenly realises what she said. “You like dont have to say yes, of course.. Uh i just am like really cold, and you look warm.. just a thought…”
Wednesday’s blank expression grows to that of fondness, familiarity. “Hmm, yes, you can.” She doesn’t say more than that as she moves half way, not looking at Enid a single time and continuing to stand as normal.
Enid’s face cracks into a crooked smile, she shimmy’s over and gets comfortable again, leaning slightly against the shorter girl.
“Uhh.. Can I ask you something, Wednesday? Well actually its more of a statement..”
“Hmm, yes.”
“I like you.” Enid keeps looking forward, not wanting to face rejection straight in the face.
Wednesday shifts her weight a bit, making her stray from the other’s warmth.
Her head fills with so many words that she knows Wednesday would never say, would never utter. But it still hurt.
“I like you, too.” Wednesday breathes in and out deeply, and looks away, not wanting to show to much emotion.
Enid lets out a chuckle, the raven looks at her all the more confused.
“What seems to be funny, Sinclair?”
“Nothing, I’m just really happy.” Enid smiles stupidly and walks around the balcony, flapping her hands and squealing in joy
“Ow, my ears.”
“Oh, sorry, ive just.. ive liked you for a while, and I know you dont like loud sounds-“ with that Enid sprints off, leaving the girl dressed in monochrome to be completely clueless.
She returns back not much later with a box.
“For you, i wanted to give it to you when we were leaving but i really cant help myself, dont worry, its not a snood, but it is matching: a compromise! And i think it might help you since well- i dont wanna spoil what it is, so I wont say more, but you should open it now!”
The box was in black wrapping paper, a white ribbon atop it, a card tucked between.
Wednesday treated this box as if it contained everything fragile in the world in it, as if it contained everything she has ever loved.
She carefully held it underneath as her other hand pulled at the ribbon.
She took the card and placed the box on the chair she had left out there for cello practice.
“To Wednesday,
I know you usually dont like sappy, but I hope you let this slide. :D
I really like you, at first, I was more concerned with half of my room being taken than the person there, but im glad I didnt judge you right away because we may not have what we have now, whatever this is..
Anyway, I noticed some sensory issues with sound and some touch, and since I cant really fix one of those I thought I could try a crack at the other.
Im not saying you HAVE to like it, or have to use it, I just saw them and thought of you!
Anyway, we’re probably both like out of Nevermore now and away for 6 weeks, so it gives time, and you don’t have to feel anything back, obviously. I just really wanted to tell you that I like like you, like romantically? anyway enjoy your gift!
From, Enid Sinclair! <3”
Wednesday looks up to see Enid peering over trying to read upside down, guessing where she would be reading by now.
Her eyes wander to the other girl’s scrunched nose, then her squinted eyes. She makes a mental note of all her features, a sketch in her mind.
Then she clears her throat. “.. Thank you.”
The blond lets out a content huff “You haven’t opened the present yet”
Her eyes travelled back down to the box. She begins to unwrap it and looks down at the pair of noise cancelling headphones.
“Theyre.. black and white” The raven gulped back a smile.
“Yeah- I mean your whole thing is black and white, so it only made sense” Enid smiles at Wednesday.
The black haired girl simply looks deeply back at her.
“This was.. considerate, thank you.”
“All you have to do it put them over your ears and then you don’t have to put up with my sleep howling anymore!” Enid flashed a toothy grin. “Pr anything else, like annoying people, or the clicking of your type writer if you start hating the sound, like you did for like 2 days, but to be fair you usually love the repetitive sound- sorry, I’m rambling- is anything wrong with them? Anything you dont like?”
Wednesday’s eyes slightly sparkle for the first time in a while
“Its adequate”, more than she wanted to say.
An Addams love is unbreakable, unconditional and couldn’t be wavered with time. “Time makes the heart grow fonder” was, at this point, a rule of Addams love.
Wednesday looked up from the box.
“Is there something wrong?”
“I wont be able to see you again for 6 weeks, we have no way of communication..”
Wednesday’s heart dropped. She didn’t necessarily care, for her heart would simply ache for Enid more, but if it bothered Enid then it would be enough to bother Wednesday.
The raven placed down the box slowly back onto the chair and it reached for Enid’s own hand..
The blonde’s hand rises up, their hands slowly intertwining.
Her heart began to pound in her chest, pupils dilated at the sight. She was completely star struck.
“We could try.” Enid’s eyes were taken from their hands together to Wednesday’s unusually soft voice.
“Hm..” Enid blinked, shocked at her actually touching her first, never mind holding hands..
Wednesday’s own heart began to sync with Enid’s.
“If you let me..” Wednesday’s eyes trailed hesitantly down to Enid’s lips, then back to her eyes.
Enid’s eyes mirrored, the wolf’s face a warm pink.
“You’re the only one who understands.”
They both took a breath in, the cold not seeming to bother them any longer. They had found each others embrace, warmth.
Author note: As soon as i saw “do it” I was ON IT 😍 also it was so fun to write but i had conflicting plots,
one had Enid shakily holding Wednesday’s hand,
Another had her grabbing it sly like like at the movies where you just touch then slowly hold
But i felt like Wednesday had to do it, since Enid would never cross that line without the word and Wednesday is to stubborn to even say she missed her.
NOT MY MAIN ACCOUNT, thats why my account is barron 💀
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whiskeyadams · 5 months
happy birthday to me. have a new chapter of Til I Wake Your Ghost
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ortegaywolfie · 1 year
A Broke Soul - Chapter 2 // Wenclair Fic
Wednesday stretched, her tense muscles relaxing after so long in the same position, the sudden movement catching the attention of Morticia who was reading along with Gomez on the couch.
"Everything okay, dear?" The matriarch asked, analyzing her daughter sitting in front of the piano with her shoulders slumped and eyes closed. Wednesday grunted in agreement, turning her attention back to the piano, it had been two months since her hands began to be affected and now the black veins extended missing a finger to her elbows. She started playing the piano frequently before she lost her nerves, using muscle memory as a physical therapy now that her hands were stiff and tingling, it was an immense effort to get her fingers to move, almost an afternoon to play a sequence of notes in a slow rhythm.
"I thought being deprived of writing would affect you more, child" Fester's voice sounded cheerful, Morticia stood up to greet him along with Gomez while Wednesday didn't even turn around, sticking to the painful mission of completing note sequence.
"Hi uncle, what are you doing here?" The brunette asked, feeling her head throbbing with the effort to move her disabled fingers.
"Oh, I came to watch my favorite niece slowly perish." The answer came acidly, making Wednesday sigh, squeezing her eyes shut and releasing her inert hands on the piano making a group of notes scratch her eardrums.
"How kind." She replied in the same ironic tone, trying to relax her mind to lessen the headache.
"So, tell me, how was your last full moon?" The curiosity and sarcasm dripping from his voice made the brunette even more irritated, she turned in a jolt to her uncle.
"It was desperate, I felt like I was suffocating all night and wished I was dead so it would stop hurting."
"That's nice." A maniacal grin grew on Fester's face as his niece stared at him with an arched eyebrow. He was cut off before he could begin to speak.
"No, I don't think I'm made for love. And yes, if I knew I could reach her, I would go." She grumbled, looking at her uncle with a tired look.
"In that diamond-hard head of yours, has it ever occurred to you that if you're her mate and you're far away, you will kill her?" He asked, crossing his arms across his chest as Morticia had a questioning look on her face.
"Mate? Wednesday, who is she?" The older woman asked, moving closer.
"Enid. Enid Sinclair is the woman sentenced to die because of my curse." She sighed defeated, she had no point in fighting their knowledge of this, although Fester probably already knew because of Pugsley, gossip boy. Her parents had a surprised look on their faces as Fester continued to smile with teeth showing, making Wednesday uneasy.
"And what exactly do you mean by 'sentenced', my little crow?" Gomez asked. The smaller brunette shook her head, letting go of the painful throbbing in her brain and ignoring the question, flashes of that night coming back to her in a blur.
"Can we talk now, Willa?" The melodious voice sounded in her back, drawing attention from the table.
"Howdy Nid" Pugs and Eugene greeted together, receiving a smile from the blonde, who also nodded to Wednesday's parents.
"What are you guys doing?" The blonde asked the boys, who had what looked like the beginnings of a homemade bomb in their laps.
"That's pretty cool! It's a bom-" Pugsley began, being rudely cut off.
"Come on," Wednesday interrupted, getting up and pulling the blonde by the collar of her dress to the school exit. They walked together to the side outside, where it was empty, so they could have privacy.
"So?" Wednesday asked as soon as they stopped, watching the blonde clench her hands and bite her lower lip in a clear sign of nervousness.
"Yeah, well...I-I wanted to talk to you about, um...about," Enid stammered heavily, shuffling through her thoughts and unable to muster up absolutely no coherent speech.
"Why are you so nervous? Did you kill someone?"
"WHAT? no, my god Willa"
"Yeah, it's not really like you," Wednesday spoke up, bracing herself against the wall as the blonde rubbed her face, trying to calm her breathing that was ragged from the heavy heartbeats. It was now or never.
"I called you here because I need to tell you something, actually I think I should have told you already but I didn't want to put any kind of werewolf pressure on you, not that you would feel pressured. I mean, you're Wednesday Addams, the woman who doesn't give a damn what anyone else thinks, who is smart and completely capable on her own." Enid started blabbering, getting away from the focus of the conversation and making Wednesday tired.
"Enid, as much as I don't mind compliments, I would appreciate it if you would get to the point." She spoke in a sigh. The blonde agreed, took a deep breath, and spoke again, this time in a low, firm tone.
"I kind of understood that in the first year, with everything that happened and my first wolf out. But I knew it wouldn't work out, I mean, I knew you wouldn't want it and that's okay, my mother always made it clear that I would never be enough for a mate..." Enid paused for breath, rearranging her thoughts, meanwhile Wednesday's gears began to turn with the word. "Mate" to the werewolves was the one chosen by the moon, the one destined to be theirs, they had a mate for life, just like the Addams and their curse. Was it possible that she was Enid's mate? Was the girl right about that?
She knew she was in love with Enid, she knew this in the several exceptions the blonde had with her over the past few years. In the touching, in the worry, in the moments alone when the comfortable silence in the room was enough, in the lack that the ball of chaotic energy that was Enid in the morning made when she went to sleep with Yoko, in the fear of Enid wanting to move into Yoko's room again, in the relief when the blonde decided that the boy gorgon was better as a friend, in the longing to have the bright blue eyes focused on you, to get lost in them like drowning in Enid's sea. She fell in love with the blonde so gradually that she couldn't tell when it started, a love so genuine that it made Wednesday doubt herself, how was it possible for a being of darkness, a small demon bearing bad omens to develop such a pure and gentle feeling for a blonde and immaculate angel like Enid, it was almost blasphemous. A sick joke.
"But these past few years you've been so different with me, so good. And I know it may have been at my pushback, and I'm sorry if I crossed your line ever but-"
"'You have not,'" Wednesday interrupted, assuring the blonde. "You never crossed any of my boundaries, Enid."
"That's a relief, thank you. Anyway, you've shown me that I matter, that I can make things right for someone, and you've shown me a side of you that I don't think anyone else has seen. And I wish I wasn't emotional, but it seems to mean something, our friendship today is completely different from any you've ever had, any I've ever had , so please don't tell me it doesn't mean anything," Enid sighed, stepping forward toward the brunette, entwining her icy hands in hers, leaving little space between their bodies.
Wednesday didn't have much time to react before she lost herself in the ocean blue that stared at her adoringly.
"That. It's something I've never seen you allow with any other person. Sleeping together cuddling or allowing kisses on the cheek, that's something I've never seen you allow with anyone else. So please, Wednesday, don't tell me that doesn't mean anything. Don't tell me I'm the only one here in love with my roommate." Wednesday held her breath, was Enid in love with her? How could she? What did Wednesday have that could attract the woman with the warm and bright personality to the point of falling in love?
"Uh but, what about your mate? You might be in love with me but only because you haven't met it yet." Wednesday questioned, trying to register the new information in her brain. Enid laughed, squeezing the brunette's fingers that were entwined in hers as she admired the brown eyes she loved.
"I am a blood moon wolf, Wednesday. My lupine cycle is ruled by love, by my mate." Enid explained, watching the brunette draw her eyebrows together as she put the pieces of the puzzle together.
"What exactly is that supposed to mean?"
"Bloodmoon werewolves live for their mates, we live to love and protect them. But, we must live with them, otherwise I would go mad to the point of living as a lost wolf, destined to wander aimlessly until the end of my days. No pack, no conscience and no love, longing for the day when it would all end."
"And you're sure you're fated to that?" Wednesday asked fearfully.
"Well, I turned into a blood moon, the chance of that being a coincidence is, I don't know, 2%."
"That's a good percentage. Besides, you turned to save me, what would that have to do with it?" Enid remained silent, a sad smile dancing on the blonde's face as she waited for Wednesday to come to the conclusion on her own. Wednesday held her breath feeling her lungs burning, rolling her eyes at Enid and taking a step back, it couldn't be true.
"You're not 100% sure about that." Wednesday stated, staring at the blonde who stepped closer again.
"No, but I'm in love with you anyway, mate or not." Enid whispered, face slowly drawing closer as their gazes remained locked on each other.
"Enid..." Wednesday whispered, feeling her sanity fade as the pink lips drew closer. As strange as it seemed, she knew what was about to happen, and she felt at peace, she felt like she was doing the right thing, not thoughtless and nervous like she was with Tyler. The feeling of belonging entered her body as she closed her eyes. Enid smiled, faces millimeters apart, giving her time in case Wednesday decided to pull away, but no movement was made; the blonde rubbed her nose against the brunette's in a simple caress, and Wednesday's world fell into darkness.
Really, she was having a vision now? A clearing in the middle of a dense forest, a wheel of frightened people in plain clothes and mouths moving without any sound, had three extremely bruised but standing boys and a body in the middle of the wheel.
"Is she breathing?" A thick, desperate voice sounded as one of the men approached the center of the circle.
"Doesn't look like it." Wednesday knew that voice, it was one of Enid's brothers in the middle, no idea what his name was.
"She snapped, fought the three of us and the bear like we were all enemies." The same boy continued, holding his arm that looked broken against his chest.
"We know whose fault this all is, what the hell!" Esther came up, growling among the people until she reached the middle, Wednesday watched with difficulty as the woman sobbed loudly and threw herself on the ground. The action caused Wednesday to wake up, moving forward to where the older woman knelt; she passed like a ghost through the people, not physically being there.
"SHE'S NOT BREATHING, SHE'S NOT STOPPING BLEEDING" The woman screamed, sobbing loudly as she was pulled along by two men Addams didn't know, but understood to be from the Sinclair pack.
Wednesday reached the center, and wished she hadn't.
Enid, the woman looked a little older and was lying motionless on the floor, torso open in deep claw cuts that lacerated the flesh, blood dripped in rivers from her pale body, her eyes closed and her lips purple, legs stretched out and full of bruises and feet raw. Wednesday was used to this kind of sight, even an appreciative one. But this one made her want to throw up.
"I don't want to lose Nid, Daddy" The boy whined, broken voice making Wednesday's head spin.
"We lost Enid years ago son, what we had now was an empty shell of what she once was." The man replied, pulling his son into a hug as tears rolled down the boy's face.
"We lost her because of that Addams girl, that damned girl who destroyed Enid, drove her crazy." Esther sobbed loudly, collapsing to her knees and being joined by the rest of the pack.
Wednesday was unable to look away from the woman she loved, was it her fault? Would that be Enid's fate if they stayed together? Were her visions giving her a chance to do the right thing, and not sentence the girl to this future? Would it destroy Enid if she kissed her now?
"I never thought Wednesday would actually keep it up, I never thought she would let it get to that point." Another of Enid's brothers commented tearfully, hugging his mother who was shaking heavily with each sob.
Wednesday moved closer to the body, kneeling at the height of the blonde's chest and reaching for the cold hand with her own. She didn't know when she had started to cry, didn't feel when her body began to tremble heavily, resting her forehead on Enid's, wetting the unmoving face beneath her own. Had she killed the woman she loved? Apparently everyone agreed on that, but how could she? How had she had the strength to sentence the woman to this? Had she driven her mad? Turned her against the pack?
Her thoughts were shuffling with the stabbing pain in her chest as the realization seeped into her bones. Enid was dead, in a future not too far away since her brothers didn't look that much older. She was dead because of her. Enid was dead, and the sensation of her heart beating painfully against her chest had never been so suffocating, to feel her lungs burning as she drew in air, the blood roaring through her veins with desperation and her brain throbbing against her skull, Enid felt none of it anymore. Wednesday felt shattered, broken inside into a thousand pieces, the air couldn't seem to get into her body anymore, composed now of agony and despair, completely aching and consumed by pain, she lay down beside Enid. She ran an arm across her shattered collarbone, feeling her chest wet with the blood on the ground, rested her face on her stiff shoulder, trying to find the blonde's vanilla scent amidst the suffocating rust scent that permeated the entire clearing, and allowed herself to close her eyes, knowing she couldn't let that vision happen.
She returned to consciousness gasping for breath, and was on the floor, arms around her shoulders and waist. She slowly opened her eyes, finding the bright blue ones staring at her with apprehension, Enid was alive. She stood up slowly, rubbing her forehead in an attempt to erase that vision, Enid immobile and torn apart.
"Are you okay? Was it a vision?" The blonde's worried voice bringing Wednesday back to the present, she pulled away in a leap, looking startled at the woman who stared at her in confusion. Enid stepped forward with arms outstretched to check that everything was okay.
"Don't touch me" Wednesday growled, she couldn't let that happen, she couldn't let her vision come true. It would break its own heart and disown its curse if it had to.
"Willa, what happens-"
"Don't call me that, my name is Wednesday" Enid's confused look hurt, but Wednesday was focused.
"I'm sorry you had the wrong idea about this whole situation. Yes, I've never had the friendships to know what the boundary is, but our relationship has never gone beyond that." The lie burned through her throat, spitting like poison. Enid was shocked, eyes glistening in tears as she absorbed the words.
"What? No, of course not Wednesday. We almost kissed, how can you say that?" Enid accused, trying to approach again the brunette who kept an impassive face and inexpressive eyes. Enid hated it when she did that.
"I am telling you the truth, there is nothing more than friendship. I thought I might have a sincere one after Tyler, but it seems you also decided to see 'signs' I gave you about a romantic interest" It was low blow, Wednesday knew that, but she also knew Enid wouldn't let go so easily, she would have to make the blonde despise her.
"Are you really comparing me to him? I spent years with you, Wednesday. I don't have to imagine anything when you actually did those things, you know that." Enid was discredited, being rejected was fine, but being compared to him was too much.
"Stop being unseemly, what do you want me to say? You've got things wrong, Enid. But I hope you find your mate." No, she did not hope, she felt nauseous imagining Enid with someone else, but she felt much more so imagining her dead. She turned to leave, she couldn't look at Enid and not feel the urge to cry, her aching heart beating against her chest choking her.
"Wednesday" Enid called out, holding her by the arm. Wednesday sighed, Enid's warm touch clouding her pain. She felt disgusted with herself for breaking the blonde.
"Look at me, Wednesday." Ordered, it took a few seconds for the brunette to turn around, staring into the trusting blue eyes. Enid pulled the brunette to herself, holding the pale face in her hands, bodies mingling temperatures and breaths bumping against each other, Wednesday was unable to offer resistance.
"Willa. My Willa." Enid declaimed, stroking the smaller girl's cheeks with her thumb. "Look at me, look into the eyes that once veiled your sleep, into the eyes that learned all your expressions, into the eyes that adore you, and tell me you don't feel the same way"
"Enid, please..." She begged in a whisper, she couldn't do it, it was becoming too dense, too painful, too suffocating.
"Please, Willa. I need you, tell me you need me too" Her pleading voice ached in Wednesday's bones, locking her throat with bile and forcing her eyes to keep the tears away. She couldn't answer.
"Tell me you want me and I will fight to the end of the world for you, Willa" That woke the brunette. The warm hands on her face, the thumbs caressing her cheeks, the heavy breathing on her face, the warmth mingling with her cold skin, the pulsing passing from the hands to her cheeks, she opened her eyes staring into the blue ones she loved, the flushed face and Enid's small smile, she couldn't leave the world without it. She couldn't sentence her to her vision, she couldn't let her die.
Her body complained, her heart was beating so hard it felt like it would rather explode than let Wednesday do this, she removed the warm hands from her face, tasting Enid's warm body for the last time, and replied, "I told you my name is Wednesday and I have nothing more to say to you, Enid. I feel nothing but friendship for you, but I think that should end here too." Enid's face is something that would haunt Wednesday for the rest of her days, the broken look, the trembling lips, the defeated face and the slumped shoulders, how could she have been such a monster as to leave her love like that?
She quickly left the place, letting the tears wash over her face as she walked to her room, self-hatred dominating and messing up her thoughts; she would leave that night, she couldn't see the blonde again. She tried to convince herself that she had done the right thing, if staying with Wednesday would kill her, now she could live fully, even if Wednesday was destroyed. A broken soul.
The blonde hair was a mess, the blue eyes were cloudy and the body was skeletal, it looked abandoned. Enid had become a shell, harboring a crazed, broken wolf that cried and clawed at the woman's heart and mind every day for the Addams. Murray looked worriedly at his daughter, languishing before his eyes, unable to do anything.
"Wolfie, please. Eat something" He asked, offering the plate with fruit to her. The woman's breakfast consisted of a bite of some fruit and that was it. Enid didn't look away, keeping her gaze fixed on the kitchen window, lost. Murray sighed, he was tired, losing hope of getting his daughter back. 
"Please tell me how I can help you? I need you." He pleaded, turning his daughter's face toward him, eyes unfocused in his direction.
"The raven." She replied apathetically.
"Who is the raven?" He asked, tired of the same meaningless conversation.
"το κοράκι" She answered, Murray knew the script, she answered the same thing. He tried another approach.
"Do you miss Wednesday Addams?" The blue eyes focused on her father, broken.
"With all of me." 
"Why do you need her?"
"To live" the answer came in a whisper, Enid clutched her shirt above her heart.
"Then why don't you go after her?"
"She doesn't need me" The wolf howled, choking the blonde. Today especially her wolf seemed much more restless, it wanted to take over and cross the country in search of its mate, every full moon was an internal battle to keep that from happening. Wednesday didn't want her.
The woman stood up, leaning on the furniture and made her way to the door. She needed to let her wolf out or she would go mad sooner than she had anticipated. She walked precariously into the forest, undressing in the clearing without really caring if anyone was around. Her body now marked every bone, the product of days without hunger, not even the wolf hunts were for food anymore, it hunted for rage, to distract the mind from the throbbing pain in the pieces of her heart.
Enid took a deep breath, feeling the beast stirring inside her, begging to get out. She bent down, feeling the bones break and readjust, the hair growing as well as her height, and consciousness fading away, giving way to primitive lupine thinking, let it take over completely. She was tired of fighting.
Cold was the first thing she felt penetrating her bones, she opened her eyes slowly finding a dense fog that wouldn't let her see an inch in front of her, her naked and weak body succumbing to the cold making her shiver and hug herself for warmth, but she no longer had a healthy body to lean on. She stood up, sitting with difficulty on the grass, she couldn't recognize the place but it smelled of death, had her time finally come? Had her lonely, maddening torment finally come to an end?
She tried to stand up, but her arms couldn't take the weight to support herself, she was exhausted from the untimely transformation and the hunt the wolf practiced. She didn't know how long it ran or what it did, but it had left all her muscles exhausted, failing with any effort. She felt the wolf euphoric in her chest, howling and running like a hyperactive puppy making her dizzy; she took a deep breath, feeling light headed, she was about to pass out from exhaustion in that place of terrible odor and thick fog. She lay down again, her eyes heavy when footsteps were heard sounding far away, coffee and books was the new aroma amidst the stench of death and a black cane with a wolf on the end was the last thing to appear in the mist before the deafening and emotional howl of the wolf carried her to unconsciousness.
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vamp-stamp-fics · 1 year
The Raven ball
Tumblr media
Fandom: Wednesday (Netflix series)
Ship: Wenclair
Tags: friends (?) To lovers, fluff w/ slight angst, happy ending, Enid have a lesbian attack at the sight of Wednesday, jealous Enid
Summary: while thing forces Wednesday to take Tyler to the Raven ball to socialize, Enid thinks otherwise
Word count: 1316
A/n: I love this show sm, I swear if Netflix is queer baiting us which they probably are I'm emailing them a strongly worded complaint. Also some scenes in this fic obviously don't line up to the episode
Wednesday opened the door to reveal Tyler at her dorm. He held Flowers with a bright smile "I got the note you sent me" what note? "honestly it shocked me how endearing and sweet it was" "yes. It shocked me to. One moment please" she closed the door and glared at Thing "How could you make him think I could write something endearing and....sweet" she looked through her closet. Maybe I could try faking my death, it's not like it's something I haven't done before. Thing snapped his fingers to get Wednesdays attention. She turned to the black dress from the antique store "how'd you afford that?" Thing sighed to her in response. "Hm"
Her roommate Wednesday walking down the stairs, looking more beautiful then she'd ever realize. Enid thought Wednesday was quite attractive when they first meet but now seeing her here confirmed something Enid was contemplating since the two girls first meet:
Enid looked around for her date. He'd left just mere seconds ago! Where'd he gone? She heard whispers and awes of someone who had just entered the ball. She'd looked to see-
Enid took interest in Wednesday. She didn't know how she hadn't realized it before. Then again the way she felt with Wednesday was different from her other romantic interest. Ajax was attractive yes, but he didn't have that dark allure that Her roommate had. This attraction was stronger but hidden in the back of Enids mind. Like when the two were up on the balcony she had felt a certain way. Back then she thought the attraction was what all girls felt.
Sadly that awe came to an end when she noticed Tyler accompanying her. What the hell was he doing here? She thought Wednesday was stubborn on not having a relationship, she'd mention it to Enid one time how she loathed even the slight possibility of her having a partner so why was HE here with her? Enid realized she was getting frustrated and tried calming herself down. She walked over to them with a bright smile "Wednesday! I never thought you'd be here. What was the change of heart?"
"Believe me I didn't come here by will, if I did it would be a sign I've truly gone insane. Though I'm not surprised you're here" Wednesday eyed her in suspicion "I thought that gorgen dumped you. Who's your date? Or are you alone? Now that'd be the real surprise" Enid felt slightly hurt at Wednesday implying she'd gone to the dance alone. But brushed it off "oh he's around here somewhere"
Enid looked desperately In the crowd to find him, though a part of her hoped she didn't. Wednesday raised an eyebrow "is he invisible? How inconvenient, be harder to kill him if he breaks your heart" Enids felt attracted at the thought of Wednesday killing someone over her, even as morbid as it was. "Oh no no! He just went somewhere... probably taking a bathroom break" Wednesday replied with a "hm" and went to find Tyler. Enid walked to the punch bowl and drank 3 cups of punch. Hating the thought of Wednesday being with that normie. She watched as she saw Wednesday bumping into Xavier. After awhile she walked out to the sitting room.
"Xavier told me what you did" Tyler looked to Wednesday sitting next to him. He sighed "look Wednesday I wish I could lie my way out of this and tell you a reason why I did but to be honest, I can't. I don't know why I did it but after I realized how awful it was I felt terrible"
"Do you really think I'd stopped liking you for a lousy prank? The way Xavier told me about I would've done worse" Tyler smiled. "I knew I liked you for a reason" Oh. We're the feelings mutual? Wednesday didn't know. She thought over it. She somewhat tolerated his presence around her, and did he make a damn good cup of coffee, but Did she like Tyler? In that way? People confused her. How should she put it to him.
"I don't believe the feelings mutual" Wednesday deadpanned. Tyler turned towards her "huh?"
"Not in that way, I don't find interest in you in a romantic Sense but I do somewhat tolerate your presence" Tyler translated what she said to himself then repeated it back to her "so you're saying you don't want to date me but you more see me as a friend? Did I hit the mark?"
"Not exactly. I don't have friends but enemies and people I've decided not to poison in Thier sleep. Also I have a confession to make" Tyler snorted "And what's that?"
"I didn't write that note to you. Thing did, he was forcing me to socialize and thought you'd be the perfect date. He was sorely mistaken"
"Yeah I had a feeling someone else wrote it. Too sweet to be written from you. You'd rather be caught dead then doing that"
"Agreed" a pause. "So who is it?" Wednesday was confused though her face didn't show it "who's what?"
"The person you're interested in instead of me?"
"Do I really have to be romanticly interested in someone else if I'm not with you? Like I told myself in the beginning of my time here; I will not become my mother and find my "one true love" why is it a need for girls to find a romantic partner?" Tyler quickly defend himself "sorry that's not what I meant, you're right I shouldn't assume" The silence thickened between the two. "Though I'm might be contradicting myself, there might be ..... someone"
"Not telling you, but I do have some business to take care of with this person" Wednesday stood up ready to walk back into the ball. "Is it-" Tyler was going to ask if it was a certain boy but she interrupted him "it's not Xavier if that's what you're thinking" she walked out of the sitting room into the flashing light filled dance.
Enid accepted that her date completely dipped on her and wasn't coming back. She sighed, frustrated at the predicament. She watched as the rest of the school danced with each other as she sat at one of the tables. Enid took a sip of her drink.
"Enid" she nearly choked as the girl in black appeared out of nowhere. Putting her drink down Enid stood with Wednesday "Jesus Wednesday! You have a nact for appearing from nowhere"
"It's a hobby" Wednesday deadpanned. "I have something to tell you" "what? You killed your date already?" Enid joked.
"Don't change the subject" something told Enid this was serious and not Wednesdays usual morbid sarcasm. Enid leaned closer "so what is it?"
"I don't know what you did but you've done something. Maybe it's some form of dark arts you've casted on me"
"Huh?" Wednesday furrowed her eyebrows in irritation. "I'm trying to tell you I tolerate you a lot more than everyone else. It's probably because I've spent so much time in that dorm with you I've formed Stockholm syndrome" Enid realized what Wednesday was trying to say and smiled. "Wednesday are you trying to say you like me?"
The girl in black avoided her question and said instead "will you have this dance with me" Enid squealed and threw her self on Wednesday "oh yes! Yes I will!" Wednesday tensed up at the physical touch. "Sorry forgot you're not a hugger" Enid tried pulling away but Wednesday slowly (and awkwardly) wrapped her arms around Enid. Holy shit. Wednesday was hugging Enid. It somewhat surprised dark haired girl herself. Wednesday promised she wouldn't end up like her mother and fall for someone. Damn her mother for being right.
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tequiilasunriise · 2 years
Honestly, can we please take a step back and laugh over how absolutely hilarious the spectrum that is humanity? This turned into a bit of a tangent so the muskrat dragging will be under the cut.
Like, on one hand we have Elon Musk who is throwing the world’s biggest, most publicized temper tantrum over random internet strangers being mean to him and rightfully calling his bullshit out. This man is trying so hard to cover his tracks after buying Twitter and time after time after time again he keeps being his worse enemy. If he would just shut his mouth and stop giving the rest of the world fuel to clown the fuck outta him, Twitter wouldn’t be actively burning to the ground in real time right now. Sure, these memes are incredibly funny and I am very much thriving over these homefires, but I do feel bad for those who relied on Twitter for business like small artists. This is only the iceberg tip of his vileness, mind you.
Moving on, on the other side of the spectrum we have the backbone of our society, truly the peak, dare I say the PINNACLE of humanity- softly apologetic ao3 writers. Literally some of my FAVORITE ao3 experiences is opening up the update and seeing author’s notes like, “I’m so sorry I haven’t updated in a while, my cat’s ovaries exploded and on the way to the hospital I got into a major car crash but don’t worry the doctor who took care of me was amazing and next thing you know we’re wives now with like, two kids and yes my cat is perfectly fine after all of this time.” Obviously this is a dramatization, but we all know and have seen those authors who literally went through the most traumatic, the most absolutely life-changing shit and STILL genuinely apologize to their readers for?? For what??? Not updating this Wenclair Griddlehark AU 200k words enemies to lovers slowburn??? Like, you are the least problematic person to ever exist please don’t ever apologize for not cranking out surprisingly well-written smut about some popular Tumblr Sexyman getting the wizzy dizzy glizzy gulp gulp guzzler 9000 because real life obligations got prioritized. 
(In all seriousness, yes, I love getting updates on my favorite fics as much as the next media enjoyer, but self care babes self careeeee. You may be a content creator of any variety, but you’re your own person first. Don’t ever feel the need to apologize for living your life because us shippers, shitposters, and all in-between can (and should) wait.)
tl;dr: The sheer duality of humanity is absolutely hilarious and I think we should talk about this more.
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sharpen-your-hatchet · 10 months
Old Wounds - Wenclair fic, chapter 35 (Final Chapter)
Description: Now aged 22, Wednesday Addams is an up-and-coming author. Her time at Nevermore is well behind her, and she is alone, and that suits her just fine...But when a 'new' neighbour shows up in her apartment building, she'll truly be tested on whether her "bad habit" of caring truly has been broken. (Hint: It hasn't.)  
Pairing: Wednesday Addams / Enid Sinclair
Rating: Mature (Fic is fully SFW up to Chapter 20)
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Wednesday did not believe she cared about places and things. Generally speaking it is true – she does not care about her surrounding so long as her body may tend to its needs, and her possessions could be lost, for they can all be replaced. She is not sentimental. She never has been. Everything turns to dust eventually, and she is no exception to this rule.
Except...maybe she is sentimental. Maybe in the deep, darkest crevices of her black little heart, there is some measure of ache for the homes she once knew, and the items lost to time… her old dorm room at Nevermore; the snood she left behind to escape the Hyde. Curiously, her sentimentality seems tied to Enid, as many things seem to be – As if Enid is the key to Wednesday remembering her humanity and the place it has in her life.
Whatever the case, Wednesday may deny it. She will definitely, in fact. Especially now, as she stands in the empty shell of her old apartment, a suitcase in hand, feeling a sense of dread as she faces the last few moments within the confines of this dark and dreary space. It has been such a perfect home for her.
Enid approaches, taking a thoughtful look around, before nudging Wednesday’s side. She offers a reassuring smile. Wednesday feels herself settle slightly.
“It’s totally crazy, right?” Enid says softly. “We’re about to head to our new home.”
Wednesday notes a bloodstain on the carpet, previously hidden by her couch. She had forgotten about it, and finds the slightest hint of a smile tugging at her lips as she is reminded of how her darling brother had nearly bled himself half to death in that spot, upon insisting he could sew his own sutures faster than she. He was wrong, and nearly died. It was wonderfully entertaining. The bloodstain is a permanent fixture and one Wednesday adores – but she also desired a larger couch, so it was regretfully covered up. It is nice to get a final look at it before she leaves. Enid has also looked at it, but has very wisely decided not to ask. She is not built for such stories.
Wednesday takes Enid’s hand, guiding them gently away so they face into the kitchen instead. She looks at her empty counter tops.
“It is certainly a strange feeling.” Wednesday agrees, her voice somewhat wistful before dropping back into it’s usual monotony. “But all things must end.”
She then glances at Enid, frowning in thought.
“Are all of your things packed?”
“Yeah! I don’t know who those guys are that your parents called, but they’re super efficient. And pale.”
“My mother’s legion of undead helpers,” Wednesday answers, nodding slightly. “They do not divulge in conversation much, but they are very hard workers.”
Enid looks speechless for a second, but shakes herself out of it, smiling amusedly. It seems she is perhaps fully catching up to the Addams’ kooky ways and is realising it is better not to question it, but simply accept the weirdness as it comes. It lights a small flame of pride in Wednesday’s chest. Despite what her blank expression and dry tone may indicate, she can only feel delight at knowing she is about to start living with this piece of sunshine-made-human… Any other version of her would’ve baulked, called herself pathetic… but Wednesday feels nothing but a deep and admirable warmth as she watches Enid pad gently into the kitchen and playfully spin in a circle. She is ridiculous, yes; perhaps overwhelmingly colourful too – but Enid is the only person that Wednesday could ever accept that from. More than accept. Adore, even.
Enid spins again, stumbling slightly and laughing.
“I’m going to miss this kitchen.” She says idly.
“You’re going to miss my kitchen?” Wednesday asks, as her brow quirks upwards.
“Yeah I spent a lot of time in here.”
“Eating my food, I remember.”
Enid stops dancing around, approaching Wednesday to steal a kiss from her lips. She smiles.
“I didn’t see you complaining.” She replies.
Wednesday remains quiet. She glances to the side and tuts thoughtfully.
Enid simply smirks, her smile growing wider by the second as she takes Wednesday’s hands in her own.
“… I suppose not.”
Enid hums, satisfied with the answer. She then lets go, skipping towards Wednesday’s doorway to collect the backpack she left there, containing the last few essentials she held onto. Glancing at the time, Wednesday now realises – it’s time to go. As of midday this apartment is no longer hers. It’s five minutes past now, meaning she has already overstayed her technical welcome. It is time for some other poor fool to deal with the bloodstained carpet; tend to the random creaky pipes, and, consistently try to seek out the rat that lives in the wall. Truly it has been the perfect apartment. Hopefully her parents will find a tenant who will appreciate it as much as she did… or they’ll change the carpets, fix the plumbing and call an animal removal service. Unfortunate if the case.
Regardless, it’s time she leaves. Wednesday takes a few steps towards the door, feeling her stomach grow heavy. She turns her head back and pauses.
“What is it?” Enid asks, concerned suddenly.
Wednesday sighs, shaking her head. This sentimental pain is pointless. She stares for just a moment longer, taking in the meagre lighting, darkly painted walls and counter tops. Where they are heading is inarguably better; nicer than anything she could desire… but it is different, and Wednesday does not like different. Unless it is Enid. She can like it if it’s Enid.
She turns her head back to Enid now. Wednesday will face this change with a brave stoic face, knowing it is Enid who is the catalyst for desiring change at all. Wednesday refuses to let her pathetic emotions slow her down, anyway. She grabs her own bag and hoists it onto her shoulder.
Fishing the apartment key from her pocket, they then walk out together, silence falling as Wednesday locks the apartment for the last time. She will return the key to her parents later.
Enid takes Wednesday by her free hand and they walk together towards the stairwell.
As they exit the apartment building together, they see the last of the moving trucks disappearing off into the streets of New York, leaving just Lurch and the family car awaiting them. Wednesday is glad she convinced Enid to utilise her parents assets as opposed to booking an Uber. God forbid her first memories of arriving at their new home feature any potential for hearing modern pop music blasting from the shitty sound-system of some poor Millennial normie’s Honda civic. No, the hearse is a much better option.
Lurch takes their bags and places them in the trunk before swinging back around to the driver’s seat. Wednesday and Enid settle into the passenger seats, both staring out the window at the building that is no longer their home. Enid takes Wednesday’s hands and gives it a squeeze.
The car gently pulls away from the building. Enid hums softly. Relaxing back into her seat, she then closes her eyes and sits, a gentle smile playing her lips.
Wednesday turns her attention to her, gaze softening the second she sees the contented look upon her girlfriend’s face. There is a flurry of feelings running through her head right now. Anticipation seems to the one that wins out – a fluttery spark of something that has Wednesday on the metaphorical edge of her seat (although she would never sit in such a way), now that she has pushed away the space where her sentimentality had lived. She squeezes Enid’s hand in return.
Onto their next adventure.
The drive to their new apartment isn’t long – Not long enough, in any case. It is supposedly twenty minutes but it would seem that time is playing tricks, and it is most inconvenient. Annoying, even. Wednesday is in the middle of kissing at Enid’s neck after a conversation about their future – that Wednesday was completely fine and normal about – when the car judders to a stop, and the sound of boxes and furniture being moved fills the air around them. It would seem they have arrived. The engine clicks off.
Wednesday sighs slightly, pulling away.
“Some other time.” She grumbles as she mourns the loss of Enid’s electric touch.
Enid giggles sweetly.
“Priorities, Wends.” She hums, turning now to look out at their new apartment building. She freezes and gasps. There’s a dramatic pause. And then, quietly, two words tumble from Enid’s mouth. “Holy shit.”
Wednesday shuffles and peeks through the window herself. The slightest hint of a smile curls upwards on her mouth, and despite her prior angst, seeing Enid’s reaction settles something in her. This is perfect – and perfection is not something Wednesday finds easily.
“It is most impressive in person, is it not?” Wednesday says proudly.
Enid does not answer. Instead, she pulls the door of the hearse open, stumbling out, taking a few quick steps to stare up at the towering apartment block. Wednesday cannot see the grin on her face, but she knows it is there. Enid turns back to her then with that predicted smile plastered brightly upon her lips. Her hands gesture excitedly, urging Wednesday to join her.
And Wednesday does. She slides herself out of the vehicle, approaching Enid, coming to a stop a few steps earlier as she watches her mother’s legion of workers tend to their packed furnishings.
It’s happening. It’s really happening.
She and Enid stand outside the building for what seems like an hour, but perhaps is only fifteen minutes or so, before taking the elevator up to their apartment floor. As the doors open, they are met by a few of the movers, who greet them with an idle grunt as they trudge through the hall with their boxes.
Wednesday had visited the apartment prior to moving, but now as they enter it, their belongings strewn around them, it feels a lot different. Especially now Enid is here. It is more serious, almost; more real. But somehow nicer, too.
It’s been painted since Wednesday saw, a muted white contrasting against the decorative wooden beams across the ceiling. This new apartment is a modern yet cosy space, emulating some minor rustic design whilst remaining premium. Wednesday is glad for it. Whilst she enjoys the stark coldness of modern design, she finds it lacks character. This space certainly finds a palatable mid-point… and as for Enid? She is enamoured. More than enamoured, for she is walking around with a wet-eyed smile beaming across her face. Wednesday knows this is what she deserves – that is, the best.
There is no measure of shitty ‘hatred of change’ angst that could stop her relishing in this moment.
What follows is a whirlwind six hours as Wednesday and Enid direct and sort and begin to mould this space to their liking. With an open plan kitchen-diner, a separate living room, office, two bedrooms, two bathrooms, not to mention a balcony space – this new home certainly needs arranging. It takes a bit of negotiating (particularly as they argue whose bed will be theirs and whose becomes the guest bed) but they get it done. Fortunately the undead workers physically cannot complain. Then, as they go around each room, they decide whose furniture will go where. Wednesday mostly claims the office, though there are desks for them both, and Enid mostly claims the living room, her various gaming consoles filling the TV stand. Each space becomes a little of each of them, melding just as it did in Wednesday’s old apartment – only now, there is room for it to breathe. It is truly their space once and for all.
Then, comes the bookshelves. Perhaps one of the most important things when it comes to their personal belongings.
Wisely, the book shelves are placed in the small hall space between the living room and office, allowing them to be accessed from either room without much hassle. Wednesday takes left, Enid takes right. A simple agreement, thankfully.
Whilst sorting through a box, Wednesday happens upon a familiar book. Her own. The very same one she saw upon her first visit to Enid’s old apartment. How strange it seems to hold it now, after all this time. She picks it up, noticing the lightly furled pages and tattered spine. It has been read again since she last saw. It is a shame to see a book so worn but Wednesday can only assume that such poor condition means it is well loved, in a strange sort of way. She would not treat her own books this way but regardless it lights a small warmth in her black heart.
Enid glances over.
“Oh, You should read that! It’s super dark, totally up your alley.”
Wednesday holds it out to Enid, her face remaining stoic. Her eyebrow quirks slightly.
“An astute recommendation” She replies. “Though, you will be disappointed to know I have already read it.”
Enid takes the book, finding a slot for it in her bookshelf after a thoughtful hum. She pauses after, scowling, her mouth hung open in a silent question as she turns back. Her eyes brush over Wednesday’s own bookcase.
“You...don’t have your own copy though?” She queries.
A beat passes.
“I wrote it.” Comes Wednesday’s answer. “I have the manuscript.”
She expected her heart to thump when this moment came; for her stomach to drop into a pit or a void or something equally deathly, but no. Her admittance comes out simply as if recounting a news story. She is not sure why… No one, and she means no one knows her writer alias. In most cases, she would rather claw out her own vocal chords than tell someone. Wednesday has even neglected to tell Enid up until this point, feeling a sense of safety in knowing her writing remains a separate entity from herself – a voice she can escape to when the world is unbearable. Which is often, frankly. The world is largely a terrible and undeserving place.
Perhaps that is why she is suddenly so open to Enid knowing. Enid is too, a safe place for Wednesday to escape to, especially now as they begin their lives together living in the same space. Maybe this is just the last secret to let go of.
Wednesday cannot believe she has let go of them all in the first place. Love is truly a curse… but one she will bare with a white knuckle grip so long as it is Enid.
Enid stares at her. She blinks once; twice.
“I wrote it Enid.”
“No...no I heard you, I just- what?!”
The slightest hint of a smirk pulls onto Wednesday’s face. If she had known this would be Enid’s reaction, perhaps she would’ve considered telling her sooner.
“Judging from your taste in colour, I know your eyes do not work properly...but do not tell me your ears are suddenly failing too.”
Enid plays mock offence and playfully hits Wednesday with one of her books. Wednesday hits back with a side glare, refusing to humour such childish behaviour. However it seems Enid is quick to change tact, as she suddenly discards the remaining books needing to be sorted back into the box and all but begs to talk about Wednesday’s book.
“Ohmygosh you have to tell me everything!!” Enid squeals.
Admittedly, this is not something Wednesday had prepared for.
Regardless, she just about allows herself to be dragged away from her precious organisation and into the (kind of organised) living room.
This consequently leads into another two hours of time disappearing, both Wednesday and Enid locked in conversation that mostly consists of Enid excitedly chattering. Wednesday does not mind, even with her mind constantly drawn back to the mess around them. She is glad what little information she offers provides such enjoyment – despite the fact her book itself is rather horrific, ironically. It is strange Enid likes it to begin with, though Wednesday supposes she should not be surprised that Enid breaks expectations. She always has.
And by the time they are finished, the sun has dipped out the sky and the night is drawing in. They have still not finished unpacking... Perhaps it was foolish to believe it could be done in one day, but Wednesday stubbornly wishes to keep working at it, determined to at least organise the last of the living room so she can feel a little bit not psychotic about the various boxes scattered around.
However, after only five minutes Enid is in her personal space, warm hands interlinking with Wednesday’s own, pulling her away from a box and to her feet. She is irritated she cannot continue… but cannot be mad at Enid when her eyes are so warm and her smile so loving. Enid pulls Wednesdays hands around her waist and begins to slowly rock from side to side. It is a poor imitation of dancing – not that Wednesday will say as much. Her heart thumps loudly in her chest, regardless. She does not understand why this is happening. Maybe she doesn’t need to.
“It’s been a long day.” Enid hums softly.
Wednesday begins to protest, stating she be allowed to keep working. Enid shushes her, holding tightly as they keep slow-dancing in place.
“No more tonight, Wends. We can work on it tomorrow.”
Wednesday goes to protest further, but is stopped by the gentle press of Enid’s lips against hers. The kiss is sweet, captivating, filled with a contentedness that seems to have only grown as their living quarters has. It is electric. It’s just… Enid.
“We can work on it tomorrow,” Enid repeats. “And the next day...and the day after that too. Until it’s done.”
Wednesday frowns.
“You underestimate my organisational skills.”
Enid kisses Wednesday again, a soft laugh tumbling out of her mouth against Wednesday’s lips. She slowly spins Wednesday around as they dance.
“Let me be romantic, baby.” Enid smirks.
They continue to dance. It slowly becomes more composed, as Wednesday subtly leads Enid into the right positions; shows the right steps. After some time, they are nearly waltzing – the boxes on the floor long forgotten, even by Wednesday herself. It is ridiculous. Dancing in a living room… what is the purpose, truly?
There is no purpose, Wednesday supposes to herself. It is simply done because one wants to. She did not know she wanted to until Enid made it so. What a strange thing.
Wednesday lets out a sharp hum.
“Fine.” She replies, but her soft gaze betrays her blunt tone.
And so they dance more. And they kiss. In their new home that they share. Perhaps they will dance all evening and simply just enjoy the new space they find themselves in. It might be messy right now, and it might take some time to adjust… but Wednesday does not think she would change it for the world. She can only hope Enid feels the same.
It’s taken them a short while, with old wounds re-opened and reddened once more – but this time, they’ve gotten to heal right. They’ve gotten to heal together.
And Wednesday… well, she is not alone.
And that suits her.
Just fine. x-x-x-x-x-x A/N:
Hello, my loves
This is the end of Old Wounds. Thank you so much for joining me as I wrote this fic over the last 8 months. It's been such a joy to write :D
Thank you for every comment and kind word. It's really meant a lot &lt;3
As of posting this (8th August 2023), I will be taking a short break from fanfic writing - however, please keep an eye out because I have two fics planned! A oneshot based in the same universe as Old Wounds (but able to be read separately), alongside an entirely new multi-chapter!
As always, thank you for reading. I'll see you in the comments.
- Hatchet &lt;3
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