#you can find the rest - among others - on my pinned post
heidiamalia · 1 year
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Our Flag Means Death
[Wherever You Go, There You Are]
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upon his grace 1
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No tag lists. Do not send asks or DMs about updates. Review my pinned post for guidelines, masterlist, etc.
Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as noncon/dubcon, age gap, power dynamics, cheating, bullying, and possible untagged elements. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: You are called to court after the end of the civil war, but find yourself facing many challenges, expected and not. (fantasy medieval au)
Characters: king!Steve Rogers
Note: bro, Idk how I start at point A and get to fucking outer space. Also happy bday to Steverino.
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me.
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!) Please do not just put ‘more’. I will block you.
I love you all immensely. Take care. 💖
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The gardens of Astra Castle are unlike any you’ve seen before. Certainly, you’ve never been to a royal castle previously. Your father’s own hold is modest, still bearing the wooden foundation, whereas the rich lords have poured mortar and built in stone. 
So, it is a great honour to be among the noble women chosen to serve the queen. Most unexpected. As a daughter of a lower house, it is rather unusual, but it comes with the newly set writ tabled at the end of the uprising. That is how your father tells it anyhow. 
King Steven is as newly crowned as he is newlywed. After a lengthy revolt against the previous king, the land has settled, and upon his victory, the new ruler promises the expansion of prosperity to all. The very precedence of his war rested on the greed of the former court and its covetous lords. 
To those who took up his mantle, he has made good his word. To the commoners, he has sent bread and ale, livestock and alms; to the nobles, he has granted titles and lands. You were of the same doubt as your father, however, you expected to be forgotten in the disarray. 
Yet, you were not. You’re there with several other ladies. A set of blond twins borne of a duke and duchess, the sole heir of a widowed countess, and several earl’s daughters such as yourself. Unlike them, you do not wear satin or silk, not muslin either. You have only the dyed linen your mother attempted to enhance with some embroidery around the cuffs and collar. 
“Marcia and Marigold,” the twins introduce themselves as you cluster together in the gardens, grooms and servants bustling around carriages and chests. “Lady Calliope,” they call out the countess’ daughter, “we met prior, yes? Your mother is near Estrela.” 
“She is,” Calliope answers in her stern manner, herself seeming a widow in her black dress. The shimmery fabric makes up for its single tone. 
“Ameri, Dorida, and... Selene,” they point to the other girls, themselves clothed in scarlet, rose, and azure respectively. “We know the earls, your fathers. They gathered at our father’s hold for the battle near Caffre.” 
The twins take turns speak so that sometimes you cannot track whose lips are moving. It is even that they trade off in the middle of sentences. You find yourself almost as lost by their words as your new surroundings. 
“And you...” The twins turn their jade eyes upon you. It is there you have found the only difference in them; they have the same heights, the same hair, the same gowns even, but there is a sliver of grey through Marcia’s green iris. “We haven’t figured who you are.” 
“My father is an earl. In Woodsdam.” 
“Woodsdam,” they echo in unison and share a look. They are perplexed. 
“A minor house,” Calliope provides. “a farmer more than a noble, if I’m not mistaken.” 
“We have vast lands and we tend to them, yes,” you assure. You expect their condescension. Your father warned you for it but he bid that you keep your chin up. The king has given him a mission of his own and so you will represent the family for the time. “We keep our people well and we fed the king’s troops when they marched." 
“Mm, sounds very... common,” Marigold grins and her sister snorts into her hand. 
“We know many lords like us, yes. They work hard amidst their vassals. It keeps the lands strong so that we may better serve the crown,” you return evenly.  
Your mother helped you prepare. She coached you to keep your manners and your spine. The latter is much more difficult as you face these ladies and their bobbles with only a ribbon in your hair and a pair of patched gloves. 
“Woodsdam? I think I rode through it once on the way to my grandfather’s summer castle,” Ameri tuts, “it was little more than a swamp.” 
“It must’ve been the spring rains, perhaps, lady,” you offer. 
“Summer house,” she enunciates, “one travels there in the summer.” 
Your cheek twitches at her barbed retort. Very well. You are not used to their sharpness. Their chittering has thus far centered on gossip and the cost of their new caps. 
“A wonder the pauper’s daughter received an invite. Are you certain you can read, lady?” Dorida snipes and looks to the twins for approval. You notice how they all tend to do so. 
“It was sent to my father, Lord Eldon,” your voice quavers. You are not so strong as your mother bid you to be.  
They cackle at your meek response, “the precious maiden of Woodsdam.” 
You put your head down as the activity all around threatens to swallow you up. You wish the ground would rent and you would fall right through. All your excitement has dissipated to a sludge in your veins. You touch your cheek as you try not to show your embarrassment. 
“The Lord of Woodsdam,” a deep voice startles you as boots approach from behind, “is that what I heard?” 
You stiffen up as the ladies before you hush and blink, almost in tandem. They curtsey as their faces wash over in shock and you turn to face the newcomer. A man in a deep blue vest over black sleeves and grey breeches. He wears belt of gold and a circlet across his brow in a similar hue. It is that which betrays his statues. 
You lower your eyes and mimic the other women, mortified to be faced with new king so informally. You would not think him wandering out in the yard. Still, he has vowed to be unlike the former leige. That he would be of the people. 
“King Steven, your majesty,” the others titter in a messy chant and you murmur your own propriety as you back away. You find yourself still to the shoulder of the king as the other ladies give no room for you to join. 
The vision of him stains your mind. He is tall, with dark blond tresses that extend past his neck, and blue eyes which put his own attire to shame. He has a jaw which looks etched in stone and a bearing which matches his rank. He is tall and broad and a finely built knight. 
“It is an honour,” Marcia says most boldly. 
“You may rise,” he allows in a breezy timbre. “I did hear my wife would receive new ladies. Young ladies.” 
“Your majesty,” the murmur rolls across each lip. 
“It is much needed. We have so many established ladies at court and yet we need to think of the future. Of the next generation,” he declares as he emphasizes his words with his large hand. You watch his garnet ring to keep from so brazenly looking him in the face. 
“Certainly, your majesty,” Marcia and Marigold chime in unision. 
“And don’t worry for there are many young lords as well,” the king laughs galely at the quip which makes the ladies, yourself included, blush. “Ah, then, Woodsdam I believe we were speaking of...” 
You blink and glance at the other ladies. They are cowed, unsure if they were overheard in their derision. You hope as much as they that they were not. It is rather unflattering. 
“My father, Lord Eldon,” you explain, “your majesty.” 
“You? You are the young lady of Woodsdam I heard so much of.” 
“You did? Er, your majesty,” you curtsey apologetically; unnecessarily. 
“Certainly, I did. Your father was a great assistance in me holding counsel with the lower lords. He is very patient. “When not about his duty, he spoke of you oft. Though what matters are more important than family?” 
“Yes, your majesty,” you can’t help a smile, “my father is a very kind man.” 
“Kind and courageous. I’m certain you’ve inherited as much,” the king praises, “and these other ladies. The twins who belong to Mawsley, the Countess of Clovers daughter, and the three earls daughters from the White Plains.” 
The ladies each bow their heads as he proclaims them by their forebearers’ titles. You watch from aside, feeling even more out-of-place. The king recites them all proudly as he extends a finger for each. 
“Allow me myself to extend a welcome to Astra. When you are sorted, my wife shall receive you all and have you acquainted with the grounds. I hope you enjoy them, we’ve had the gardeners at work day and night,” he pronounces, “for now, I must be off, for a king has many obligations and not so much time.” 
He bows and turns on his heel, marching off with his shoulder straight and head high. He walks as a soldier does, not some lord. You’ve seen the difference before, more recently in the aftermath of battle. A soldier is more akin to a farmer, much as your father, whereas a Lord tends to keep his steps tight. 
“Wow, oh my,” Dorida fans herself, “he is rather handsome.” 
“Oh yes,” Marcia and Marigold say, the latter forging ahead, “we met him at our father’s castle. He is ever so charming.” 
“Hm, and the queen would love to hear it, I’m certain,” Calliope intones brusquely. 
“The queen is not here,” Ameri sneers, “so what does it matter? Besides, is it so wrong to state a truth?” 
“He is very elegant,” Selene agrees. 
“Much too kind, as well,” Marigold snips, “Woodsdam? He speaks as if it more than some paltry farmhouse.” 
“You’d never even heard of it,” Calliope remarks. 
“And how had you, hm? You seem the bookish type. Perhaps you should leave the maps to the men. What good will a river or road do for a widow’s welp?” 
“Needn’t be cruel,” Calliope rebuffs. 
“Pity if this is the lot they send,” Marcia shakes her head as the sisters share another cryptic look. 
You keep to yourself. That is all you can do. It is better to watch and learn than to leap and land wherever you might. Your mother always said so and she was your best teacher. 
“Right, there must be some maid who might show us to our rooms,” Marigold stands on her toes and waves at each passing servant. “I tire of the sunlight and boorish company.” 
You have two trunks awaiting you in your chambers. Not as the other ladies who had at least a dozen each. Less humble than your lunger are the rooms themselves.
There is an antechamber hung with tapestries showing wildlife and flora, a table set for two and cushioned bench by the window. The bedroom is draped in similar hangings with a four-post bed and a grand hearth. A desk, another bench, a woven carpet, and fine accouterments on square tables. And a closet for the commode as well and a pot in the far corner of the bedchamber. 
If only your mother and father could see this. They would be just as amazed. You can’t help but admire all of it. To touch the curtains as you approach the window and stare off at the afternoon sky. The gardens are a medley of hues; petals and thorns; leaves and dirt. It’s all so wonderful, you can still hardly believe it. 
Seems those other ladies can’t either. You can’t help but think of their words anon. They said so outrightly what you doubted inwardly. You don’t belong here. It must be so clear to them. 
You lean on the ledge and peer down into the garden pathways. It is almost a labyrinth with how intricately they’ve laid out the hedges. You lower yourself down to your elbows and cross your arms as you sigh. 
Your eyes are drawn from the swaying roses to the dark speck that appears below. You squint at first. From the second floor, it is harder to discern. It is the glimmer of gold in his hair and the defined gait that gives away the king. For an instant, you believe you might be dreaming. 
He walks along one path and to the next. There is another with him. A man with darker hair and a stauncher figure. They speak and stop just as they enter a circled walkway centered by a large vase of flowers. The other man talks, though you can hear neither, and the king rubs his chin. 
You should turn away. They might think you an eavesdropper. Oh, too late! You don’t dare move as the king tilts his head. You wouldn’t want to pique his attention. You cannot tell if he has spotted you. Not until he raises a hand and waves. The other man stops and looks to follow the gesture. 
You stand up straight but before you can flee in horror, you recall yourself. It is improper to turn your back to the king. You lift your hand and return the wave. He dips his head and turns to clap his companion’s shoulder, pointing him onward. 
Oh, you hope he is not unhappy. If you pray, perhaps he will not have recognised you. You needn’t an enemy of the king as well. 
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a-den-of-demons · 5 months
The Free Use Hotel (Open RP; All Muses Accepted)
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At a central point in the dimensional rift sat a fancy resort, The Dimensional Resort. Made for beings able to traverse the multi-verse and dimensions, it offered a place to rest, relax, and even find pleasure. Monsters, mages, and normal humans all enjoyed their time here, able to mingle without being judged.
Your muse waited in front of the the front desk, getting handed a key by a beautiful, but stone faced blonde woman, "Here is your key. The mini fridge is charged, and any snacks will be charged to your account."
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"Also feel free to look through our free use catalogue." A magic pad appeared, which showed a list of women and men, "They have all agreed to be fucked by anyone who wants them. Please refrain from doing it in the dining center or the main lobby. The gym, pool, sauna and spa, among others, are fair game and feel no shame in fucking in public."
"Staff are not technically on the list, but many will service customers off shift. Please do not attempt to fuck them on duty or you will be removed from the premises. Feel free to keep that pad as it will be updated on new people."
(This is a more open RP. Please specify the muse and what form they are in. All my muses can be found on my pinned post. Be rough on them but keep it consensual. You can pick up to two muses at once. And my male muses are available for female muses.)
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solarmorrigan · 10 months
For the dialogue prompt, how about “What happened doesn’t change anything” for either Steddie or Newmann?
Thank you!
Hello hello hello I finally have something for you! I chose Steddie for this one, since I was on a roll. I hope this suits!
[post-S2 Steddie AU; CW: Outing, transphobia, some internalized transphobia; soft ending guaranteed, though]
When he sees Hagan meandering over towards them in the parking lot after school, his queen bee tagalong, Perkins, in tow, Eddie knows nothing good is going to follow. The way he feels Steve shift beside him says that he suspects much the same. The rest of the Hellfire guys, all gathered around Eddie’s van, talking and joking before heading home, have fallen silent.
It’s a small consolation that Hagan isn’t trailing Hargrove; since putting Steve in the hospital (briefly, Steve always interjects) last November, Hargrove has mostly given him—and the members of the Hellfire Club, once Steve had been taken into their fold—a fairly wide berth. Hagan, however, has had no compunctions about hassling Steve whenever he gets a bug up his ass about something, and he’s only become nastier since he started toadying for Hargrove.
So Eddie expects trouble, but he hadn’t expected–
Hagan starts small, crowing about how Steve has finally found his rightful place: among the freaks. Steve doesn’t give anything away, no displeasure, no anger, just bored indifference – the same mask he’s always hidden behind (the one Eddie had learned pretty quickly to see past, once he knew what to look for). But Hagan pushes.
“I guess the freaks already have a king,” Hagan snipes, cutting a glance at Eddie, “but I’m sure he needs a lady to rule by his side, right, Stevie?”
It seems like an unoriginal sort of dig—calling Steve a girl, how creative—except Steve goes pale. The mask slips, showing wide and frightened eyes for just a moment, but for Hagan, who’s known Steve for years, it’s long enough. He knows he’s hit something good.
“Do all your new little friends know, Stevie-boy? What makes you fit right in with them?” Hagan glances around the group, apparently enjoying the fact that if looks could kill, he’d be dead four times over. Then he leans in and practically spits at Steve, “Do they know that they got into your pants, you’d be less of a King Steve and more of a Queen Stacy?”
And that does it – shatters Steve’s mask so thoroughly that he actually takes a step back, staring at Hagan with a kind of disbelieving betrayal frozen on his face.
The full meaning of the words hits Eddie about three seconds before Hagan hits the side of the van, one of Eddie’s hands fisted in the front of his t-shirt and the other held firm at the base of his throat – not hurting, exactly, but heavily implying that he could.
Eddie doesn’t even have to reach for one of the many theatrical voices he uses to rile people up or cow them into submission; he’s so thoroughly taken by a type of rage he hasn’t let himself give into in a long time that his tone comes out perfectly threatening all on its own.
“If you ever repeat what you just said to another person, I will find out, and I will make your life a living hell,” he hisses.
Somewhere behind him, someone—it might be Jeff, though Eddie isn’t sure—clears their throat, and when Eddie tosses a glance over his shoulder, he finds the rest of Hellfire standing firm at his back (even tiny underclassman Gareth, with his arms crossed and the meanest look on his face the poor kid can muster).
“Ah, my apologies,” Eddie says as he faces front again, flashing a manic little grin, “we will find out. And we’ll ruin your life, Hagan. Same goes for your girlfriend.”
Perkins, who had been standing off to the side as the snickering peanut gallery right up until Eddie had pinned Hagan to the side of the van, makes a choked noise of offense that goes entirely ignored.
“Tell me you understand, Tommy-boy.” Eddie punctuates the command with a flex of his fingers near Hagan’s throat, until Hagan reluctantly nods, and Eddie releases him. “Glad we’re in agreement.”
Hagan and Perkins hightail it the other side of the parking lot, leaving them be with nothing more than a nasty look from Perkins, but no one is much in the mood to chat after that. No one really knows what to say – except Steve, who offers a quiet thanks to the rest of the guys and, having caught a ride in with Eddie that morning, then asks to be taken home.
Even with the radio playing quietly as Eddie drives, the atmosphere in the van feels silent and stifling.
Asking Steve if he’s alright feels like kind of a ridiculous move. Eddie wouldn’t be alright if he was in Steve’s position – hell, Eddie’s not alright. He’s pissed. But from the way Steve is sitting rigidly in the passenger seat, staring out the window like Eddie is driving him to his execution, Eddie’s anger—even on his behalf—isn’t what he needs right now.
Slowly, Eddie forces himself to let it go (for now, at least for now) and follow the familiar roads home.
It feels perfectly natural to simply head back to his place, where they’d been planning to go before that shitshow of a confrontation, though the surprise on Steve’s face when they pull up to the trailer says that he’d thought otherwise.
“You could’ve just taken me back to my house. I wouldn’t– I’d get it,” he says, and Eddie frowns at him.
“Did you want to go back to your house? We can hang out there if you want, I just figured…” Eddie tilts his head regarding him carefully. “You seem more comfortable here.”
Steve stares at him for a long moment, blank and uncertain, before he breaks back into motion with a shrug. “Okay,” he says, moving to get out of the van.
They head inside and nod a quick hello to Wayne, who looks like he’s just woken up in preparation for his shift, and then they go straight back to Eddie’s room. Eddie’s bag goes on the desk, but Steve’s goes by the door. Eddie sits down on the bed (admittedly one of the few places to sit, but also an invitation for Steve to come sit next to him) but Steve – Steve hesitates before leaning up against the wall, by the door with his bag, arms crossed and gaze cast towards the floor.
He looks ready to run at any moment, and Eddie sighs. This thing between them is new – so new that they’ve been afraid to put a label to it, dancing around each other uncertainly for months before sharing their first kiss barely a month ago. They’ve spent almost every available moment since with their hands on each other in some way or another, though Steve has been a bit skittish about moving past making out (Eddie had thought that maybe it was the unfamiliarity of being with another guy, but he thinks he might have a better understanding of the picture now).
Eddie doesn’t want to break things by pushing too hard, but somehow, he thinks leaving it unaddressed would be worse.
“Look, we don’t have to talk about it,” he says, watching Steve, though Steve still isn’t looking back, “but if you want to…”
Steve shrugs. “I wasn’t hiding it from you,” he says, finally glancing up at Eddie. “I mean, I was, but not– I was going to tell you.”
“You don’t owe me any kind of explanation,” Eddie says.
“You would’ve found out eventually, either way.” Steve lets out a sound that suggests he may have been trying to laugh. “But it was – I should’ve been the one to tell you. That was – that was mine to tell.”
A little bit of Eddie breaks as Steve’s voice does. He’s almost vibrating with the desire to hold and to reassure, to go over to where Steve is standing, still propped against the wall, practically curling in on himself (trying to make himself smaller), but he’s not sure how well it would be received. He tries words, instead.
“Steve, I’m so sorry–”
“That was the one thing,” Steve snaps, anger tearing across his tone, “the one thing Tommy would never touch, the one thing that was off limits, even he knew– and he just–” As quickly as it had come, the anger goes, taking Steve’s energy with it. He presses the heels of his palms into his eyes and lets his hands slide down to cover his face; when he speaks again, he sounds small. “I wasn’t ready.”
Eddie couldn’t keep himself from crossing the room if he’d tried – though isn’t trying, after that. He’s up off the bed and into Steve’s space before he’s even realized, and it’s probably only his proximity that allows him to hear what Steve says next.
“I’m not ready for things to change between us.”
“Steve,” Eddie says, low and careful, “what happened doesn’t change anything.”
Steve pulls his hands away from his face with a derisive little huff of a laugh. His cheeks are red and his eyes are bright; he’s not crying, but it looks like a near thing.
“It’s – like, I get it. You’re fully into guys, and I’m…” He waves his hands down at himself, sharp and frustrated. “Most people wouldn’t call me a real guy, if they knew.”
“Since when am I most people?” Eddie asks. “You say you’re a guy, you’re a real guy, fucking end of. Anyone who thinks otherwise can fuck off.”
Steve scoffs, rolling his eyes, clearly trying to hold back a much more emotional reaction, and Eddie chances resting his hands on Steve’s shoulders. Steve doesn’t move away, even eases a little into the touch when Eddie starts circling his thumbs at the skin right where his shirt collar ends.
“You don’t have to believe me right now,” Eddie says softly. “But I like you, Steve. I like you, andI’m gonna stick around and prove it to you.”
Something about the declaration makes Steve’s eyes snap right to Eddie’s, searching, anxious and cautiously hopeful, and Eddie lets him look. Whatever he’s after, maybe he finds it, because he uncurls from himself a little after that, just enough to lean in for a hesitant kiss that becomes much more certain when Eddie himself doesn’t hold back.
Eddie pulls Steve back over to the bed after that, poking and prodding him around until they’re both settled, Eddie’s back to the pillows and Steve’s back to Eddie’s chest (Steve’s never said as much, but Eddie’s gathered that this is one of his favorite positions to cuddle in; he doubts if Steve’s spent much time being the little spoon).
“Tell me something else,” Eddie says, once he’s got his arms wrapped securely around Steve’s waist.
“What?” Steve asks.
“Tell me something that you want me to know.” Eddie leans forward to press a kiss to Steve’s temple. “Anything.”
For a moment, Steve is quiet, thinking as he traces absent patterns over Eddie’s forearms. “I could tell you why I picked Steve,” he says finally.
“If you want to, I’d love to hear it,” Eddie says.
“It wasn’t because it was sort of close to my… old name. That was actually kind of a coincidence.” Steve lets his head fall back against Eddie’s shoulder, the tension that’s been wound through him for the last hour finally starting to ease. “Steven was my grandad’s name.”
“Yeah?” Eddie prompts softly.
“Yeah. My mom’s dad. I used to spend a lot of time over at his house when I was a kid. Before he died. I kind of got the feeling he liked me more than my parents did.” Eddie gives Steve a squeeze around the middle. “But he used to tell me all these stories about fighting in World War II. Probably not very age-appropriate, now that I think about it, but at the time I really ate it up.
“He didn’t really, like… glorify it, I don’t think? He just kind of told me what happened, good or bad, and whatever the story was, I always thought he sounded, y’know – strong and brave. And when I wanted to pick a new name…” Steve shrugs against Eddie. “I kind of hoped he wouldn’t mind sharing his with me.”
“Bet he’d be honored,” Eddie says, giving Steve another little squeeze.
“Some days I’m not so sure,” Steve says quietly.
“Well I am. I’ll just have to stick around and prove that to you, too,” Eddie says decisively.
Briefly, Steve’s hands tighten where they rest on Eddie’s arms. “I like the sound of that,” he says, and Eddie turns so he can press another kiss to the side of Steve’s head.
“Good,” he says. “Me too.”
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genshinluvr · 2 years
The Copycat
Pairings: Various Genshin Men x Isekai'd!Reader
Summary: You have a classmate who ends up being a close acquaintance of yours (you wouldn't really consider them as a friend). You two seem to get along just fine until you find out that they're trying to be just like you.
Note: Not sure how I feel about this story in particular. I wanted this story to be something, but it didn't turn out how I originally planned for it to be. Therefore, the original plan might be another story on its own. It's somewhat of a similar concept but, at the same time, different. I have a convention to prepare for in less than five hours, and here I am 💀 Anyway, next week, I might have a new random AU for the Isekai'd!reader series come out soon! :> Please keep in mind that I don't post anywhere else but on Tumblr (Genshinluvr) and on AO3 (Aaliah_exo).
Warnings: No warning specifically. Other than the reader wanting to fight the person toward the end (they don't, it's implied). I guess fainting would count?
Word Count: 9.8k
You’re in House of Daena, studying for your literature class while trying your best not to fall asleep in the library. It’s only seven in the morning, and you have decided to go to the library early morning before your biology class. You have made a grave mistake by studying in a place that is so quiet that you can hear a pin drop. Your eyelids are heavy, and you keep yawning as time goes by.
You rub the tears pooling in your eyes and grumble to yourself. You shake your head, patting your cheeks to keep yourself awake. You blink down at the textbook laid out in front of you and stare at the words that are jumbled up in your vision. Propping your head up in the palm of your hands, you stare at your literature textbook blankly.
“What am I supposed to be studying again?” You mutter to yourself, massaging your throbbing temples with an exhausted sigh.
Someone slams their textbooks and bookbag onto the table in front of you, startling you. You look up and see a girl with medium-length dusty blonde hair, thick-rimmed black-gold glasses, and her Akademiya uniform disheveled. She sits down across from you and gives you a smile.
“You’re supposed to be studying for Mrs. Hooshang’s literature course,” the dusty blonde girl says, pulling her notebook and pencil out from her backpack.
You blink at the girl in front of you. “I’m sorry, who are you? Mrs. Hooshang’s class has about two hundred students. I don’t think I can remember everyone’s names from the top of my head,”  you said.
The girl smiles at you and tucks her hair behind her ears. “My name’s Mina. I sit a row behind you and Roxanna,” said Mina.
You give her a tired smile. “It’s nice to meet you, Mina. I apologize for not knowing your name; I assume you know my name?” You ask, organizing your things on the table to give Mina some space to put her stuff on the table. 
Mina nods her head. “That’s right! I mainly know you because you’re quite famous in the Akademiya and among the student body.” 
“I’m famous in the Akademiya? That’s news to me,” you muttered.
You continue to study for your literature class, occasionally yawning in between your studies. While you’re studying for your literature class, Mina is doing her homework and strikes up a conversation with you from time to time. You close your textbook and push it to the side, rubbing your head with a shaky sigh.
Mina looks at you worriedly. “Are you okay, [Y/N]?” 
“Yeah, I’m fine. I woke up really early today to come here to study. I ended up skipping out on breakfast, and now I’m starting to regret it,” you said.
“Are you feeling hungry or thirsty? We can take a break from studying and go to the cafeteria for you to get something to eat before your class starts,” Mina suggests.
You shake your head. “I don’t feel hungry. I’m feeling nauseous,” you reply, resting your head on the table and swallowing the lump in your throat.
You hate feeling nauseous; other than the feeling of wanting to throw up, feeling sick to your stomach is the second thing you hate the most. You’re starting to notice that your arms feel heavy and your eyes are threatening to shut. You’re so tired, but you’re also feeling queasy. 
Mina gets up from her seat and hurries over to your seat. “We should take you to the infirmary if that’s the case. We wouldn’t want you to get worse,” Mina says, kneeling beside you.
You nod and slowly get up from your seat with the help of Mina. Mina quickly packs both of your things before ushering you to the Akademiya’s infirmary while carrying your and her backpack. While on your way to the Akademiya’s infirmary, Mina accidentally drops your and her backpack on your way. Both you and Mina walk past your two boyfriends, who were just walking out of the office they were in. Al Haitham and Kaveh pause in their steps when they see you and Mina stumbling to the Akademiya infirmary, you slumping down in Mina’s arms while she carries you haphazardly.
“Should we go and see what’s going on?” Kaveh asks Al Haitham, watching you and Mina stumble out of the Akademiya doors.
Al Haitham nods his head. “Let’s go,” Al Haitham says.
Kaveh and Al Haitham run after you and Mina, hoping that nothing had happened to you while you were in House of Daena, studying for your literature class. Everything to you feels like a sudden blur. One minute you’re in the library; the next, you open your eyes and find yourself in the Akademiya’s infirmary room while your classmate is pacing back and forth. Mina’s head turns in your direction when you groan and cover your eyes with your arms.
Mina rushes over to where you lay and gently pushes you down on the bed when you try to sit up. “You should lay down a little longer. You fainted on our way to the infirmary,” Mina says.
You’re about to open your mouth to say something when the door bursts open. Mina screeches and jumps back, looking over at the door with wide eyes. Al Haitham and Kaveh are panting and looking around the infirmary worriedly.
“The Scribe?” Mina whispers when she and Al Haitham make eye contact.
Kaveh rolls his eyes and holds his hand up. “And Kaveh. What am I? Chopped liver?” 
Behind Al Haitham and Kaveh was a commotion coming from the main door of the infirmary. You look at the door and see the other men piling into the infirmary room, pushing against each other while grumbling.
“Ow! Watch it!” Xiao scowls, glaring at Thoma, who accidentally stepped on the Yaksha’s foot while trying to push through the crowd of men. 
Thoma gives Xiao an apologetic smile. “Sorry, Xiao. I didn’t mean to step on your foot, buddy,” Thoma says.
“What are you guys doing here?” You ask, clearing your scratchy throat.
You attempt to sit on the infirmary bed, only for Mina to push you back down and give you a look your mother would usually give you when she catches you sneaking snacks into your bedroom while she’s on the phone with your father. Once everyone is able to enter the infirmary room without stepping on each other’s toes, Baizhu walks over to you and presses his hand on your forehead.
“You don’t have a fever,” Baizhu says, his eyes scanning you from head to toe.
Venti sits on the edge of the infirmary bed and lightly squeezes your calf. “The Akademiya infirmary gave us a call, saying it’s urgent and how you collapsed on your way here,” Venti explains, giving you a sad smile.
“How come you didn’t inform us that you’re sick? Al Haitham could have informed the school and your professors about it and let you stay home for a few days,” Tighnari sighs.
Mina stares at Tighnari’s ears with wide eyes, her hand slowly reaching for Tighnari’s ears. Tighanari arrows his eyes at Mina and slaps her hand away before it can reach his ears. You shake your head and rub your temples. Mina barely met the men, and she’s already giving them a bad first impression, which is unfortunate, especially if she’s going to be making an appearance in your life every now and then. Tighnari walks around Mina and stands close to the infirmary bed, assessing you from head to toe with Baizhu and Albedo by his side. 
“But I’m not sick! I feel fine, other than feeling really tired,” you said.
Childe and Diluc trade looks with each other before turning to look at you. You do look tired; there are noticeable bags under your eyes, your skin tone is lackluster, and your eyes are bloodshot from the lack of sleep.
“How much sleep have you been getting since you started attending the Akademiya?” Diluc asks.
You press your lips into a thin line. When was the last time you had a proper sleep schedule? You would pull all-nighters just to study and complete your assignments for certain classes. The longest sleep you would get would be around six hours, but it’s not consistent. 
You hesitate for a moment. “Uh, about six hours? But I haven’t been sleeping much ever since,” you reply.
Mina sighs in defeat and hunches forward. “[Y/N], you need to sleep longer than that. Adults need long nights of sleep compared to children and teens,” Mina says.
Albedo shakes his head at Mina’s comment. “That’s completely false. Children and teens require more sleep than adults. An adult requires about seven to ten hours of sleep, whereas children and teenagers need more than that,” Albedo says.
Mina rolls her eyes at Albedo and crosses her arms over her chest with a loud ‘hmph!’ and points her nose up in the air. “My statement still stands. [Y/N] needs to sleep longer than six hours,” Mina says.
Itto points at Mina. “Onikabuto booboo bear, who’s this lady?” Itto asks, giving Mina a strange look while her nose continues to point toward the air.
You give Itto a weak smile and toss the thin blanket off your legs. “Everyone, this is Mina! She’s my classmate and the one that helped me get to the Akademiya’s infirmary before I could pass out in House of Daena,” you said. 
You stretch your legs and slowly stand up. Aether walks over to you and hands you a cup of water. You give him a thankful smile and take a sip. Mina gives you a proud smile and turns to the men around her.
“If it weren’t for me, [Y/N] would have fainted in the library. I expect a thank you from everyone in the infirmary,” Mina says, propping her hands on her hips while tapping her left foot on the tile floors.
“Uh, thank you for doing the bare minimum?” Aether asks, narrowing his eyes at the dusty-blonde girl.
Mina gives Aether a small glare before turning to look at you. “Who are those men? They don’t look related to each other, nor do you look related to any of them,” Mina huffs, giving the twenty-five men the side eye.
Childe cuts you off.
“We’re their boyfriends. That’s right, all twenty-five of us are dating [Y/N]. We’re not dating each other; we’re only interested in [Y/N] and [Y/N] only,” Childe says, strutting over to you with his head held high and a big smirk on his face.
Mina looks at you with wide eyes, her jaws slacked. “You’re dating twenty-five men at once!? How does that even work!?” Mina asks, running her hand through her hair.
You sigh and shrug your shoulders. Quite frankly, you’re not even sure yourself. Some men are more possessive than others, and you’re surprised that the relationship is working out just fine without someone losing an arm or a leg. Childe wraps his arms around your shoulders and rests his chin on top of your head, stroking your hair with his right hand. You close your eyes and press your forehead on his neck, breathing in his cologne.
“We manage to make it work,” Kaeya says nonchalantly.
“So, has the doctor informed you of what is going on, or did they not check up on you yet?” Ayato asks.
You shrug your shoulders. “I woke up a minute before Al Haitham, and Kaveh burst through the doors, so I don’t think the doctor has checked up on me yet,” you reply.
Scaramouche grumbles and stalks over to you and Childe, pulling the tall ginger-haired Harbinger away from you. Scaramouche has you sit back down on the bed and shakes his head, chewing on the inside of his cheek.
“Then we might as well wait for the doctors at the Akademiya check up on [Y/N] before we can take them home,” Scaramouche says.
You blink at Scaramouche and do a double take. “Wait, what? Take me home already? I barely studied for Mrs. Hooshang’s literature class!” You exclaim.
“While we understand that your grades are important, you need to put your health over your studies,” Zhongli says, stroking your hair.
You sigh and lean against Zhongli, pressing your head against Zhongli’s abdomen. “It’s barely nine in the morning, and I’m already getting checked out of school before my classes start,” you mutter, closing your eyes.
“I’m sure your professors will understand. After all, you don’t want to faint in class now, do you?” Kazuha asks, sitting down beside you.
You peek at Kazuha from the corner of your eyes and slowly pull from Zhongli. “That’s true. It would be humiliating if I fainted during lectures,” you murmur.
The Akademiya doctor steps into your temporary room and stops in his tracks when he sees the number of people in the room with you. He sighs and shakes his head, looking down at the clipboard in his hand.
“I’m assuming all of you are the patient’s visitors?” The doctor raises his eyebrows at everyone in the room.
Dainsleif nods and crosses his arms over his chest. “That is correct,” Dainsleif answers.
The doctor mutters under his breath before weaving through the crowd of people to get to where you’re sitting. The doctor asked you the usual questions, checked your vitals, and did other things while you weren’t mentally present. About twenty minutes have passed, and the doctor has informed you and everyone in the room that you’re not sick and that you’re lacking sleep. And because you didn’t get enough sleep, it caused you to faint on your way to the Akademiya’s infirmary, and you’re lucky to have Mina to be the one to assist you to the infirmary. 
Gorou sighs in relief. “It’s a good thing that you’re not sick, angel! I’m glad you’re healthy,” Gorou says, wrapping his arms around your body and nuzzling his face into your neck, his tail wrapping around your waist.
“Eh, they’re kind of healthy. I’m pretty sure that skipping out on your sleep isn’t healthy,” Heizou interjects, shrugging his shoulders.
“So, do we take them home now, or are we going to continue to let them stay in school for the day?” Cyno asks, looking over at you.
Pantalone chuckles. “That depends on how many classes they have today,” Pantalone says, turning to look at you.
You blink at Pantalone and search on your person for your schedule. You sigh after realizing that you put your class schedule in your backpack. You fall back on the bed and close your eyes.
“My class schedule is in my backpack,” you muttered.
Mina’s eyes widen. “Oh no, I think I dropped it somewhere in the Akademiya while I was taking you to the infirmary,” Mina says, grabbing the roots of her hair and lightly pulling at it while cursing under her breath.
Pierro rolls his eyes. “No need to worry or panic. We were able to retrieve it when we first arrived at the Akademiya,” Pierro says, holding up the two backpacks in one hand.
You sigh in relief. “You’re a lifesaver, Pierro. I have textbooks that cost three hundred mora, and I cannot afford to lose them,” you said, getting up from the bed and walking to Pierro to retrieve your backpack.
Mina stares at Pierro and looks over at you; you can see the look of disgust visible on her face. “You’re dating a man that is older than my father?” Mina asks, her face scrunching up. “Other than the questionable age gap between you and [Y/N], thank you for retrieving our backpacks, sir,” Mina mutters, grabbing her backpack from Pierro’s grasp.
You dig through your backpack and pull out your schedule. “Today is Wednesday, and I have three classes, but they’re spread out. I have one in the morning, one in the afternoon, and the last class is in the early evening,” you said, looking up at the men in front of you.
“With what has happened today and the number of classes you have, I believe that it's best for you to skip class for today for your health. You need to rest and get some sleep,” Capitano says.
You give Capitano a look of disbelief. “But if I skip out on my class today, I’ll be behind in my classes!” You sputter, looking over at the others for help.
“I understand that you don’t like falling behind in class, but you can skip out for one day. After all, you have us, and we can help you with your class in case you fall behind,” Dottore says.
Mina gives you a small smile. “If you let me look at your schedule, I can drop by after your professor’s lectures and collect any assignments for you. Or I can ask your classmates for a copy of their notes for you,” Mina proposes. 
You look at Mina with wide eyes and look at the others in the room. “I don’t know, Mina. I don’t want you to waste your time and do this for me. After all, Al Haitham and Kaveh can always drop by my classes and gather the assignments for me instead,” you said.
Mina shakes her head. “No, I insist. Plus, they have a tough position in the Akademiya that puts a lot of responsibilities on them. Please, let me help you,” Mina pleads.
You sigh for the umpteenth time and nod your head reluctantly. Mina smiles at you and walks over to you when you hold your schedule out in her direction. Mina looks down at your schedule and skims through the words on the paper. 
“Alright, I will give you your schedule by the end of the day! Can you give me your address, by the way? I need to drop your assignments off to you, and I can’t do that if I don’t know your address,” Mina says.
Al Haitham holds his hand up and shakes his head. “That won’t be needed. Once you have collected the assignments and notes for [Y/N], Kaveh and I will take it from there and give it to [Y/N] after we have received it,” Al Haitham says.
Mina sighs in defeat and nods her head, reluctantly agreeing to Al Haitham’s plan. The men end up taking you back to the abode to rest. Thoma carries your backpack while Cyno is carrying you on his back. Even though Cyno didn’t need to hold you, Cyno continued to insist on giving you a piggyback ride so you wouldn’t end up fainting like earlier.
Once you all arrive back to the abode, minus Al Haitham and Kaveh, you’re sent straight to your room to change out of your Akademiya uniform and are instructed to stay in bed while one of the men will bring food up to your bedroom. You take a quick shower, change into your pajamas and sit on your bed. Once you have sat down on your bed, a wave of exhaustion hits you like a sumpter beast. 
You plop down on your bed and throw your blanket over your head. You snuggle into your pillows and close your eyes, feeling yourself slowly drift off to sleep. Before sleep consumes you, your bedroom door opens, and you hear footsteps approaching your bed. You grumble and toss the blanket off your head, and turn to see the men with food trays in their hands.
“We’ll be joining you while you eat in your bedroom to keep you company if you don’t mind,” Thoma says, placing a tray of food on your lap and brushing your damp hair away from your forehead.
Seeing that your hair is still wet from your shower, Ayato gives you a disapproving look. “[Y/N], what did we say about not drying our hair after taking a shower?” Ayato asks, placing his food tray on your desk and walking over to you.
You purse your lips. “That if we don’t dry our hair, we’ll get a headache and get sick,” you mutter like a child being scolded by their parents.
“I’ll dry their hair,” Diluc offers, walking over to the bathroom to grab the hair dryer.
You sigh and pick up your food, taking a bite out of it. “I don’t need to be babied, you guys. I’m an Akademiya scholar, dammit! I am an adult who is working toward a degree!” You said, grabbing a paper napkin and tossing it on your bed lightly.
“Hush now and eat your food,” Tighnari says, patting your head lightly.
You gave in and let Diluc blow-dry your hair while Ayato brushed your hair. You weren’t too fond of blow drying your hair, mainly because it takes up a lot of time, and you didn’t want to wait. You prefer air-drying your hair because you’re not exposing your hair to heat, even though you can dry your hair with the cold option. Either way, you think that using the hair dryer is too much of a hassle and decide to let your hair air dry instead. 
“How are you feeling right now?” Aether asks, sitting beside you after Diluc and Ayato finish drying your hair.
You shrug your shoulders. “I’m still tired, but other than that, I feel okay,” you reply, reaching for the paper napkin you threw and wiping your lips. “So, what do you guys think of Mina?” You ask suddenly, looking up from your food and watching for their reactions to your question.
“She’s an interesting one. She did spew some misinformation that Albedo had to correct her on,” Heizou says, munching on his sashimi platter.
Albedo crosses his arms over his chest. “I don’t know what made her think adults need more sleep than children and teenagers, but she’s wrong. The only thing she is correct on is how you need more than six hours of sleep each night,” Albedo says.
“How long have you and Mina known each other?” Tighnari asks.
You laugh sheepishly and rub the back of your neck. “We have class together, but I didn’t even know she existed until today. Quite frankly, I didn’t even know that we were in the same class until she told me in the library,” you reply.
“So, she just randomly approached you while you were studying,” Xiao states, raising an eyebrow at you.
You nod. “That is correct,” you reply.
You and the men continue to eat until everyone is finished eating. Once you’re done eating, Childe takes your food tray and goes downstairs, with the others following after him. Baizhu stayed behind to check up on you while you got situated in your bed, lying down, pulling your blanket up to your chin, and snuggling into your pillows.
“Make sure to get as much rest as you can. We wouldn’t want you to collapse and fall ill because you’re not getting enough sleep,” Baizhu says, pressing his hand against your forehead again.
“I’ll try my best to sleep in longer,” you reply, letting out a yawn.
Baizhu smiles and presses a kiss on your head before walking out of your bedroom and closing the door behind him. After you have fallen asleep, you don’t know how long you have been sleeping; it feels like you have been asleep for a few hours. What woke you up from your slumber was hearing your bedroom door open and someone walking into your room. You can never sleep when someone is in the same room as you, especially if they’re awake. You crack your eyes open and look around your dark bedroom, only to see Al Haitham and Kaveh putting your assignments (you’re assuming) on your desk.
“Dammit, you two woke [Y/N] up,” Scaramouche whispers from the entrance of your bedroom.
You sit up and rub your eyes. “What time is it?” You ask.
“It’s three in the afternoon. You’ve been asleep for a few hours now,” Cyno answers, peeking into your bedroom.
You mumble incoherently and plop down on your bed, snuggling into your blanket. “I’ll be up in a few hours to do my homework. I’ll thank Mina when I see her tomorrow,” you murmur into your blanket.
“You’re not going to be doing your homework for today. Again, you need to rest for the entire day and let your body relax. It’s okay to take a break from school work for one day,” Childe interjects, peeking into your room.
You bury your face into your pillow, sighing into your pillow. “Alright, alright. I’ll take a break for today and do my assignments tomorrow. But just to let you all know, you’re going to need to help me catch up on my homework,” you said, waving your hand around blindly. 
“We’re fine with that as long as you’re getting the rest you need,” Venti says, trotting into your bedroom to plant a kiss on your forehead.
After Venti kissed your forehead, the other men followed behind Venti to give you a kiss on the cheek, forehead, head, and chin. While they’re giving you kisses on your face, you give their hands a light squeeze. As much as you want to kiss them goodnight (?), you didn’t want to risk anything if you were actually sick, even if the Akademiya doctor and Baizhu informed you that you weren’t ill. You don’t want any of the men to get sick, whether you’re feeling under the weather or not. The last person to leave your bedroom was Kazuha; he ran his fingers through your hair and kissed your cheek.
“Get plenty of rest, okay?” Kazuha murmurs, stroking your cheek.
You nod. “I will, Kazuha.” You reach up and grab his hand, gently squeezing his hand before releasing Kazuha’s hand.
Kazuha gets up and walks over to the door, turning your bedroom lights off and shutting the door behind him.
Ever since the incident of you collapsing due to lack of sleep, Mina has been at your side at all times at the Akademiya. The only time she’s not by your side is when you two have different classes. You wouldn’t really call her a friend, mainly because you two only hang out during school hours and wouldn’t speak to each other outside of the Akademiya. You weren’t complaining at all; it’s normal in universities. People make acquaintances at the school they attend, talk and hang out with those people during school hours, and wouldn’t speak to one another outside of school. 
You notice that ever since you and Mina have been hanging out with each other more during school hours, Mina has been adopting your habits and behaviors, which is somewhat normal since friends tend to mimic one another. Lovers would also mimic each other’s behavior and routine. But this one, you can’t put your finger on it.
“Hey, Mina! Wanna go to the Grand Bazaar with Roxanna and me?” Farah asks, approaching you and Mina with Roxanna walking next to her.
Mina looks at Roxanna and Farah with wide eyes. She then looks over at you; you shrug your shoulders in response. 
“Don’t look at me! They’re the ones inviting you to go to the Grand Bazaar with them!” You said, clutching your textbooks against your chest. “Plus, I think you should go! It’ll be fun!” You lightly nudge Mina’s side.
Mina shrugs her shoulders and looks at Roxanna and Farah with an apologetic smile. “Sorry, ladies. As much as I would love to go to the Grand Bazaar with both of you, I’m going to have to pass on this one. I have so many things to study, and I also saw this amazing opportunity that I could not pass up on! Does next time sound okay for you two?” Mina asks, biting on her bottom lip as she looks at Roxanna and Farah nervously.
Roxanna smiles and nods her head. “Yeah, that’s fine with us! We can go to the Grand Bazaar together next time!” Roxanna says.
Mina gives Roxanna and Farah a small smile and waves at them as they walk away. Mina turns to you and sighs, hunching forward and rubbing her temples. “I have so much studying to do for my botany class,” Mina says.
You look at Mina, surprised. “Oh! You’re taking botany classes? I thought you were part of the Illuminationism?” You ask.
Mina runs her fingers through her dusty-blonde hair. “I was, but then I switched over to biology because it seems easier compared to Illuminationism. Plus, Azar is associated with the Rtawahist. I don’t want to be associated with the Grand Sage,” Mina huffs.
You nod. “That is true… ever since the Grand Sage was exposed for his schemes, I don’t think anyone wants to be associated with him. However, I’m not sure how people view the Rtawahist. I’m sure people won’t care if you’re part of the Rtawahist,” you murmur.
“I know, but still. Plus, I saw how much you enjoy being a biology major, so I wanted to see what the hype is all about!” Mina says.
“You could’ve taken some biology courses as your elective, but since you want to make it your major, I don’t see why not,” You said. “Now, I’ll leave you to your studies. I have some things to tend to at my place.”
Mina looks at you with wide eyes and grabs your biceps to prevent you from leaving. “What? You’re not going to go to House of Daena to study?” Mina asks.
“Not really. I have completed my studies already this morning,” You answer.
“But I didn’t see you there when I went to House of Daena myself!” Mina exclaims.
You give Mina a strange look. “I didn’t go to House of Daena to study, Mina. I decided to study at my house today since I sort of woke up later than usual,” you shrug your shoulders.
You look down at your bicep and then at Mina, waiting for her to let go of your bicep. Mina reluctantly lets go of your arm and gives you a fake smile. You give her a small smile, bidding her goodbye, before walking off. 
“Have you guys noticed something strange about Mina?” You ask one day at the dinner table, biting into your zhongyuan. 
“She’s always been strange! Her being strange is nothing new to us,” Itto says casually as he takes a big bite out of his mixed yakisoba. 
“He’s not wrong there,” Dainslief mutters, wiping his mouth with the napkin.
“We don’t really see her as often as you do, so can you perhaps explain to us how Mina has been acting strange?” Gorou asks, slurping up his noodles.
You then go into the details of how strange Mina has been acting for the past few days. Maybe she has been this way, but you can’t help but notice how Mina would watch you like a hawk and would want to be around you more often. While you see her as a fellow classmate and Akademiya buddy, you can’t help but get a strange feeling from Mina. You can’t put your finger on the specific thing, but you know you’re not going crazy. Perhaps you are, since you still need to fix your sleep schedule.
“She switched her major to biology, and she has a sudden interest in studying? I don’t find those strange at all, considering people do change their majors when they find another passion. Is there anything else that she did that you find strange?” Kaeya asks.
“She rejected Roxanna and Farah’s invite to go to the Grand Bazaar just to study in House of Daena. Mina never misses out on going to the Grand Bazaar, and it’s strange that she turned down that invitation,” you said, chewing on your zhongyuan.
Zhongli hums and strokes his chin. “Perhaps there’s an exam coming up for her? Though the sudden major changes during the first two weeks of a new quarter are strange and a drastic decision to make,” Zhongli says.
“I mean, Mina questioned me why I wasn’t going to be studying in the library today, and she suddenly grabbed my bicep to prevent me from leaving,” you shrug your shoulders.
“She sounds weird and a little bit too eager to have you as a friend or a study partner,” Pantalone says, twirling his noodle around his fork.
You shake your head and grab another zhongyuan. “Maybe she’s been stressed out with her studies that she needed me to be there as a support of some kind. I understand if she needs a study partner, but she could’ve informed me about it the day before or something like that,” you mutter.
“Maybe you’re all too quick to judge the girl. After all, [Y/N] only hangs out with Mina during school hours. They don’t spend enough time together for [Y/N] to find what’s off and what’s not off about Mina,” Dottore says, taking a bite out of his steak.
Capitano snorts. “That won’t stop us from finding her behavior strange,” Capitano mutters.
Your “friendship” with Mina continues to become strange the more you watch her closely. Whenever you mentioned Al Haitham getting you a new Akademiya uniform that has custom embroidery on it, Mina would get a new Akademiya uniform with similar embroidery on it. You decided not to make a big deal out of it and brush it off as a coincidence. 
A few days later, you have decided to get your hair trimmed. You think your hair is getting a bit too long, so you go to a hair salon in Inazuma to get a trim with the men accompanying you to keep you company. When you showed up to the Akademiya with your hair trimmed, Mina suddenly got a trim. Not only did Mina cut her hair, but she also dyed her hair to a hair color that is similar to yours and styled it in a way like how you would style your hair.
“What do you think?” Mina asks, twirling her hair around her fingers.
You give her a fake smile. “It looks cute! What made you go this route for your hair? It’s a bit of a drastic change,” you said, examining her appearance closely. 
Mina looks almost eerily similar to you, but she doesn’t look like you, thankfully. The hair length, the hair color, the sudden change of uniform with the same embroidery as yours. It was all too similar. This cannot be a coincidence at this point.
Mina shrugs her shoulders. “I have a few inspirations here and there for a new look and style,” Mina says. “I think this style suits me well.”
You chuckle and shake your head. “Well, I’m curious about your inspirations,” you said.
“[Y/N],” you hear Al Haitham call your name.
You and Mina turn your heads. “Yes?” You and Mina answer in unison.
What the fuck? Your head snaps in Mina’s direction, looking at her incredulously. “Did you just answer to my name?” You ask.
Mina looks at you like a fish out of water, her mouth agape as she tries to answer your question. Al Haitham and Kaveh slowly approach you and Mina, his eyebrows raised. You cross your arms over your chest, waiting for Mina’s response.
“This is getting weird,” Kaveh interjects, looking between you and your copycat. 
Mina sputters and scratches the back of her neck— a habit you would do whenever you’re nervous or unsure of the situation. Aside from your looks, did Mina adopt your nervous habits as hers as well? And maybe your name?
“I didn’t know there were two [Y/N]s,” you hear Tighnari say sarcastically.
You poke the inside of your cheek with your tongue. “Yeah, I didn’t know I had a twin either, Tighnari,” you deadpan, staring at Mina blankly. 
“Listen, I blanked out, and I wasn’t fully paying attention. [Y/N] and Mina kind of rhyme with each other, hence why I answered without thinking!” Mina says.
Cyno chuckles and purses his lips. “I don’t know, Mina. I’m not a rhyme expert or anything, but something tells me that [Y/N] and Mina do not rhyme with each other at all. Perhaps we can ask your literature professor about it, or maybe a poetry professor,” Cyno shrugs his shoulders.
You sigh and take your beret off, ruffling your hair. “I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt, Mina. If you’ll excuse me, I have a meeting to attend with Al Haitham, Kaveh, Cyno, and Tighnari,” you said.
Before you can walk off with the four men, Mina grabs your wrist. You stop in your tracks and turn to look at her. Al Haitham, Tighnari, Kaveh, and Cyno stop to look, their eyebrows raised. They all look impatient, but they also look interested in what is going to unfold. Mina visibly gulps and lets go of your wrist.
“I was wondering if you’re going to be studying in House of Daena today because I need assistance with my studies,” Mina says, rubbing the fabric of her Akademiya uniform between her thumb and index finger.
“It depends on how long this meeting is going to go,” you said.
You see Mina’s eyes light up with interest. “Oh? What’s this meeting about?” Mina asks.
You blink at Mina and look over at the four men standing behind you. You’re not entirely sure if you should tell Mina about your upcoming project for the Akademiya or not. Your project involves extensive research inside and outside of the Akademiya; Al Haitham, Tighnari, Kaveh, and Cyno are also part of this research. 
“It’s about my grades and how I’m doing in the Akademiya. Since I’ve been here for a short time, I want to find a way to graduate from the Akademiya sooner rather than later,” you lie.
Mina gasps and looks at you with wide eyes. “What?! But you can’t do that!” Mina exclaims, startling you and the four men behind you.
“And why is that?” You ask slowly.
“Because!” Mina sputters. She takes a deep breath and clears her throat, adjusting her Akademiya uniform and her beret. “If you graduate early, you won’t do well in the real world. Plus, you’re going to be leaving me behind!” Mina frowns.
The four men behind you look over at each other, their eyebrows furrowing with confusion after hearing Mina’s strange explanation. You look at Mina for a second and scratch the back of your head. You’re not entirely sure what year Mina is in at the Akademiya, and you’re unsure whether Mina is aware that you’re close to graduating or not.
“I don’t know what you’re trying to imply in your first claim, but you don’t need to worry about me and my future outside of the Akademiya. Plus, I’m not sure if you’re aware of this, but I’m a third-year Akademiya student,” you said.
“Third year?!” Mina screeches, her eyes the size of dinner plates.
You nod.
“How are you a third year at the Akademiya when you’re a recent student?! How is that possible?” Mina asks.
You shrug your shoulders. “I had to complete a lot of exams for my placement. While I have no prior education in Teyvat, I do have some knowledge,” you said.
Mina stares at you blankly. “What are you saying?” 
There’s no way you’re going to reveal to Mina that you’re an outlander like Aether and Lumine. While they exist in the world of Genshin, you do not exist in this world at all. You magically appeared in their world and had to adapt to your new life somehow. 
“I was really dumb, and now I am not dumb because these men,” you gesture to Al Haitham, Kaveh, Cyno, and Tighnari behind you, “are the reason why I am where I’m at in the Akademiya. They guided me through many things and they are my mentors. They taught me academic discipline and taught me how to do well in the Akademiya,” you lie.
You winced inwardly at your awful lie. It’s better than admitting that you’re not from their universe; who knows what Mina would do with that information? But other than that, you wish you could have come up with something better than what you just said to Mina. Without having to look behind you, you can tell the four men are also cringing at your awful lie. Mina slowly nods her head and presses her lips into a thin line, not saying anything. You can’t tell if Mina bought your lie or not.
Mina looks at you quizzically. “What do you mean by that? You’re not dumb. You may lack the education, but you’re not dumb,” Mina says. She grabs you by your shoulders and shakes you lightly. 
You feel your eye twitch, and you give her a fake smile. You grab her wrists and take a step back from Mina. You clear your throat and turn to look at the four men, who have been patiently waiting for you to finish the conversation with Mina. 
“Let’s go now, shall we?” You breathed.
Kaveh, Cyno, Al Haitham, and Tighnari nod their heads before walking off with you following after them. You didn’t think much of what happened later that day. After the meeting with Al Haitham, Kaveh, Cyno, and Tighnari, you collapsed on the couch at the abode, face down. Your beret falls off your head and lands on the ground beside you.
“Today is exhausting. I hope next week will be more eventful and not exhausting,” you groan into the cushions.
“Eventful? How eventful do you want it to be?” Aether asks, plopping down beside you on the couch.
You raise your head and see Aether looking at you with a cute smile. You let your head fall on the cushion and mumble something to yourself. You’re so tired, but you need to change out of your Akademiya uniform. But at the same time, you’re also not in the mood to get up and change into your pajamas. After the long meeting, you don’t want to do anything at all but sleep. Someone pokes you on your head. You look up and see Aether peering down at you.
“To answer your question, I’m not sure. I don’t want it to be a long meeting like today; it’s an exhausting day, especially after what happened with Mina,” you reply.
Aether pouts and pulls you up into his arms, cuddling with you while you lay there and accept his hugs and cuddles. You close your eyes and throw your arms around his slim waist, nuzzling your head against his chest. Aether chuckles and scratches the back of your head, making you hum with contentment. 
“Oh, dear. What happened with Mina?” Thoma asks.
“When Al Haitham said my name, Mina answered to my name also, but she came up with the excuse that [Y/N] and Mina rhyme,” you huff, burying your face into Aether’s chest. 
You feel Aether jolt beneath you at your response. You look up to see Aether furrowing his eyebrows while brushing his messy blond hair away from his face. You lay your head against his chest and listen to his heart beating against his chest.
“Not only that happened, but the four of them also had to witness Mina’s strange behavior. The strangest reaction I got from her was me talking about graduating early. She tried to discourage me from doing so even though I almost meet the requirements of graduating early,” you said, tracing small patterns on Aether’s stomach.
Xiao scoffs and rolls his eyes, crossing his arms over his chest with a deep frown on his face. “What kind of person discourages their friends from achieving their goals?” Xiao mutters.
“You’d be surprised by the type of people that exists, Xiao,” Itto says, plopping down on the couch where you and Aether are sitting and lying down behind you, sandwiching you between him and Aether. Itto grabs you by your waist and pulls you over to him, laying you on top of him while he massages your scalp with his long nails. You hum in delight and burrow your face into Itto’s neck while Aether glares at Itto, getting off the couch while muttering under his breath.
“I have a bad feeling about Mina. If she reacted this way and is mimicking everything [Y/N] has and does, then there’s a chance she might take it further,” Ayato mutters, shaking his head.
Venti looks at Ayato warily. “What do you mean by that?” Venti asks.
“Let’s not talk about Mina right now. Just thinking about her and the things she’s doing to be like me makes me feel very unsettled,” you shiver. You roll off of Itto and stretch your arms in the air with a yawn. “If you’ll excuse me, I’m going to take a shower and change into my pajamas. Maybe I’ll take a nap or something! It’s been a long day, and I can use a nap,” you said, glancing around to search for the clock to see what time it was.
“We’ll wake you up when it’s almost time for dinner,” Baizhu says, ruffling your hair as you walk by them. 
You nod and walk up the stairs to your bedroom. You took a shower, changed into your pajamas, and collapsed on your bed. You were too lazy to dry your hair, and quite frankly, you’re somewhat prepared for the scolding of a lifetime from the men for not drying your hair mainly because you’re too tired to think about the consequences— which there is none other than them scolding you about it.
The first thing you wake up to is, “[Y/N]! Did you not dry your hair again!? Your pillow case is wet!” Diluc scolds you.
You crack your eyes open and look over where Diluc’s voice is coming from. You lift your head and slowly sit up, rubbing the sleep out of your eyes. You turn to look at your pillow and see that your pillowcase is wet from your hair. You reach for your hair and touch it; it’s still damp, maybe a little bit drier than it was before you went to take a nap.
“We’re scolding them the minute they wake up from their nap?” Kaeya asks, smirking at Diluc from the doorway.
You slowly get out of your bed and walk over to your dresser and grab your brush. “I was too tired to dry my hair before taking a nap. Can you blame me?” You mutter, brushing your wet hair with the brush. You close your eyes and lean against the dresser, resting your chin on the top of the dresser, and yawn.
“How tired are you?” Scaramouche asks.
You let out another yawn. “Really tired, and it’s annoying,” you mumble. “I think I’m even more tired than I was after I fainted while going to the Akademiya’s infirmary a while ago.” 
“We’ll have Baizhu and Dottore check up on you after dinner. How does that sound?” Heizou asks, peeking his head into your bedroom.
You nod your head. “Fine by me,” you mutter. You open your eyes and place the brush back on the dresser, and slowly walk over to where the men are standing. “I’m assuming dinner is ready. I can smell the food,” you said, rubbing your tired eyes with your fist.
“And you are correct! Now, let’s go downstairs and eat!” Gorou says, grabbing your wrist and pulling you along with him.
“Hold on for a second. Before any of you can eat dinner, [Y/N] needs to dry their hair,” Dainsleif says, stopping in front of you and Gorou.
You and Gorou nearly walk into Dainsleif’s chest; Gorou stops abruptly, causing you to walk into his back. You groan and turn around to go back to your bedroom to blow dry your hair. So much for coming downstairs on time for dinner. Now here you are, walking to the bathroom to turn on the hair dryer to dry your damp hair. Maybe after dinner, you’ll change your pillowcase— if there are any pillowcases available until you wash and dry the wet pillowcase. 
A few days later, you and the men strut into the Akademiya. Today is the day when you’re holding a grand presentation in front of the higher-ups in the Akademiya since the presentation is part of your big research project with Al Haitham, Tighnari, Cyno, and Kaveh. You’re walking to the auditorium where the presentation is being held; you’re holding a box that is stacked on top of each other while the men walk beside you and behind you.
“Are you sure you don’t want us to hold that for you?” Zhongli sighs.
You nod your head. “I’m sure, Zhongli! It’s not like I’m going to drop it or anything,” you said, peeking from behind the box to make sure you were not walking into someone.
“The boxes are obscuring your vision, dove. At least let us take some of the boxes so you’d be able to see your path,” Kazuha says softly. 
You stop in your tracks and nod. “Alright, since you all insisted. Grab some of the boxes,” you said, turning to the men.
Kazuha, Zhongli, and Albedo grab the three boxes stacked on top of the one you’re holding onto. Before you can say anything, Childe takes the box out of your hand and pats your head with a smile on his face.
“I know you wanted to carry this box, but I want to be a good boyfriend and take this box out of your hands. You don’t need to carry anything heavy as long as we’re around,” Childe proudly says. 
You sigh in defeat and comply. You all continue walking to the auditorium to prepare for your big presentation in front of the Akademiya. You’re not much of a public speaker, but with Kaveh, Cyno, Al Haitham, and Tighnari assisting you in your presentation, you think it should go smoothly. Or, at least, you hope it does.
“Remember, if you lose your train of thought during the presentation, you needn’t worry. I’m sure Al Haitham, Tighnari, Cyno, and Kaveh can continue that part of the presentation,” Albedo says.
“I hope everything goes smoothly and nothing ends up going down south,” you murmur.
You look down at the clipboard in your hands and go through your to-do list to ensure you didn’t leave anything out before the presentation. While you’re wearing formal wear, you’re wearing it beneath your Akademiya uniform. It’s a big presentation for your ongoing research project. Therefore, you need to look presentable for the stage. You flip through the clipboard and go over the notes with the four men involved in your research project. 
You all approach the auditorium; you push through the large wooden doors and walk down to the stage of the auditorium. You notice Mina standing on the stage, talking to one of the Akademiya professors. It looks like she was arguing with them, almost. You and the men trade looks with each other and slowly walk up the stage.
“You are not the presenter, Mina. I find it disrespectful of you to pull this kind of stunt!” The Akademiya professor hisses, glaring daggers at the girl in front of him.
“But Professor Rahal—”
“I apologize for interrupting you two, but what is going on?” You speak up.
Mina freezes in her spot. Professor Rahal gives Mina a look, crossing his arms over his chest. You hear Mina take a shaky breath and slowly turn to face you. Your eyes widen, and the clipboard in your hands falls and clatters loudly on the stage floor. 
“Mina? Why do you have my face?” You whisper, your hands trembling in front of you.
Dottore narrows his eyes at Mina. “How did you achieve such a thing?” Dottore mutters.
“You weren’t kidding when you said that Mina is trying to be you,” Pantalone says, glaring at the girl in front of him.
“She really takes the word copycat to another level. Not only did she want to be like you, but she also wanted to be you. Literally,” Itto says, looking at Mina, appalled. 
You let out a fake laugh and clenched your hands into fists. “Listen, I have an important presentation starting in about,” you look over at the clock, “fifteen minutes. I do not have the time to deal with your shenanigans, Mina,” you stated. 
“Care to explain why you want to look like [Y/N]? It’s weird to have someone you once considered a friend trying to take your life and identity,” Diluc spats, glaring at Mina.
You shake your head and turn to the men. “Can we get her out of here? I don’t have the time or the patience to deal with someone wanting to be me,” you rub your temples with a frustrated sigh.
“How did you manage to steal [Y/N]’s face and make it your own? Not only is it creepy, but it’s strange for you to want to be [Y/N],” Albedo says, frowning at Mina.
Mina laughs softly and brushes her hair off her shoulders. It’s almost like she’s proud of what she has done. Seeing her laugh off Albedo’s question and brushing her hair from her shoulders smugly makes you want to stomp over to her and rip your face off of her face. Does she not have any shame for wanting to be you? It’s weird and creepy. Some people will find it flattering because, “oh, they’re a fan of mine. Therefore, they want to be me by mimicking everything I do and mimic my appearance!” kind of deal. But it’s weird and disturbing.
“It’s pretty easy, actually. When you know alchemists who can easily transform your appearance, you can do anything you want. But in my case, be anyone I want to be,” Mina says nonchalantly. 
“I’m going to fight her,” you deadpan. 
“[Y/N], don’t. You have a presentation in ten minutes,” Aether says, shaking his head. 
You shake your head. “I’m going to fight Mina whether you all like it or not. Identity theft is not a joke, Jim!” You exclaim. 
You take your beret off, hand it to the closest person near you, and take your Akademiya uniform off. 
Cyno leans to Al Haitham. “Who’s Jim?” 
Al Haitham shrugs his shoulders. “Don’t ask me. I’m just as clueless as you are,” Al Haitham sighs.
Childe places his hand on your shoulders and shakes his head. “As much as I find it sexy that you want to pummel someone to the ground, I don’t want you to get expelled from the Akademiya and ruin your future because of little miss copycat,” Childe says, putting the Akademiya uniform back on you along with the beret on your head.
You let out a sharp exhale and pinch the bridge of your nose. “Then what am I going to do with Mina? She has my face and is doing everything to be me,” you glowered, glaring over at Mina, who feigns innocence.
“What you do is start and continue with the presentation, and I will take her to the Grand Sage. She not only tries to impersonate another Akademiya student, but she also tried to falsify documents under your name,” Professor Rahal states.
He grabs Mina by her biceps and starts to drag her off the stage while she tries to get out of his grasp, cursing and screaming at the top of her lungs about how she’s being treated unfairly. You let out a shaky sigh and pressed your forehead against Al Haitham’s chest, trying to calm your racing mind.
“After the presentation, I’m going to search for Mina, and I’m going to beat her ass behind the Akademiya building for trying to impersonate me,” You mutter.
“Hey, we’re not stopping you. The only reason why we stopped you a moment ago was that an Akademiya worker was present, and we do not want you to get in trouble before your important presentation,” Tighnari says, walking up to you and Al Haitham.
You slowly sink to the ground and hug your legs to your chest. Even though Mina is facing repercussions for trying to impersonate you and copying everything you do, you still can’t shake the uncomfortable feeling off you. At first, you thought Mina intended to be your friend at the Akademiya, but you were wrong. She watched your every move, studied you closely, and got close to you just so she could complete her agenda of impersonating you.
“What’s that one thing that the people in your world say again?” Scaramouche asks, stroking his chin.
“What? Someone that is obsessed with them and keeps tabs on the person they’re obsessed with?” Ayato guesses.
Scaramouche nods his head.
“Fan behavior,” Heizou pipes up. 
“Personally, I wouldn’t call that fan behavior. It’s weird and unsettling for Mina to go to an alchemist to steal [Y/N]’s face,” Kaveh huffs, crossing his arms over his chest with a glare.
“Looks like people are starting to show up to the presentation,” Thoma murmurs, turning his head to the entrance of the auditorium, watching scholars slowly trickling into the auditorium.
You stand up and dust your Akademiya uniform off, adjusting the beret on your head. “Let’s get this over with, so I can beat Mina’s ass after,” you grumble.
Venti walks over to you and places his hand on your shoulders. “Focus on your presentation. Do not let Mina occupy your thoughts while you’re presenting your research. She’s not worth your time right now. This is your project, and you need to focus. If you don’t, then Mina will win,” Venti says.
“You got this, [Y/N]. We know you do!” Gorou says, giving you an encouraging smile. 
“Do well on this presentation for yourself, not as a gotcha moment to rub it in Mina’s face. You can rub it in her face after, but this presentation is for you and only you,” Baizhu says, stroking your cheek with a gentle smile on his face.
You give Baizhu a weak smile and nod. The men walk off the stage and sit in the front row while you, Al Haitham, Tighnari, Kaveh, and Cyno remain on stage. You pick the clipboard off the ground and flip through it one last time before turning to the others and signaling to let them know you’re ready to start the presentation. 
Your presentation is about replicating and rebuilding the ruins. While it’s not your specific area of expertise, it is part of a project you’re assisting Kaveh in. You’re hoping that the presentation goes well and that you won’t have a single thought about Mina while presenting. After all, you are going to have a little chat with her after the presentation if she’s not kicked out of the Akademiya yet for an attempt of impersonation.
Note: Now that this week's fanfic has been posted, I am now off to bed! ... After I post it on AO3 as well :'> Anyway, I'm still not entirely sure how I feel about this story?? I've been releasing questionable fics lately and I need to get my head in the game 😭 First week of school has been a pain; I got sick, and I was at school for almost thirteen hours on Wednesday, and my throat is killing me. But I am okay and somehow alive. Anyway, the next parts are copy and pasted from my previous post. For those who want to be on my new taglist, here is the link to the taglist [Genshinluvr Updated Taglist Form]! Please make sure that you allow people to mention you/tag you in posts, or else I won't be able to tag you in any future fanfics! Anyway, for those who are new here or are returning readers, I ONLY post on my Tumblr (Genshinluvr) and my AO3 (Aaliah_exo)! Nowhere else except Tumblr and AO3!
Taglist for my Isekai'd!Reader one-shot series and my overall taglist: @alhaitham-scribe, @xyji, @kazuhasmuse, @chirikoheina, @yoru-trash, @kaoyamamegami, @kwelibeeery, @yumakj, @deartoru, @luminarymoonlight, @toobytub, @ins4nebish, @bokuto-kinnie, @honeybedo, @exhaustedcommunist, @jadedist, @mompt2, @living-my-best-life5, @chalksdreams, @rinswriting, @thelost-in-time, @mxn14, @ventisweetheart, @unwantedsleep, @kattythesimp, @hispasian-otaku, @Orah-s, @juuuuuj101010, @nxns3nse, @sickly-falling, @alteeeeyang, @wind1y, @wh0-ta0, @samarill (If your name has been crossed out, it means that your account did not show up when I try to tag your account. Please make sure to allow people to mention you and tag you in posts and make sure the spelling, symbols, and numbers are correct)
Read more of my works on my Masterlist | Maybe support me by tipping me on Ko-Fi or by reblogging my fanfics! ^^ I will also be posting exclusive fanfics on Ko-Fi as well very soon! You can also tip me on Tumblr if you'd like as a way to show support! ^^
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purplepixel · 5 months
Hi I saw in your pinned post that you've read over 1,000 TMNT fics. Do you have a few really good ones you would recommend?
(don't feel any pressure to respond if you don't want to)
Oh boy this is...quite an ask. Especially bc fanfic recs are so personal? What I think is a good fic will be vastly different from other people. I have a really high angst tolerance, so please double check tags with these. Also keep in mind that I mainly read donnie-centric fics.
Here are my personal favorites! My hand slipped and I have more than just a few to recommend...what can I say there are so many good fics.
Back To School by Em_H | 10,965 [FINISHED]
Donnie enrolls in April’s school and tries to juggle his packed schedule. A shrek play is included. Do I need to say more?
☆ In Volvunt: a RotTMNT Fanfiction ☆ by kittylittersmoothie | 27,082 [FINISHED]
In which the rest of the bros continuously try and fail to rick roll donnie. A war is started, alliances are made, betrayals occur, this is a hilarious feel good fic. It’s very in line with the show tonal wise and the dialogue is very rise
Mikey's Jam-Packed, Guaranteed to Get Donnie's Memory Back, Friendship Tour! By Eyse | 92,972 [ON-GOING]
Donnie wakes up with no memory of anyone including himself. Que his brothers trying to find ways to get his memory back. Has some of the most wacky adventures and scenarios I’ve ever encountered in a rise fic. Feels like you’re reading the actual show
Quiet Your Mind by daedelweiss | 18,081 [FINISHED]
Fusion Au with the disaster twins set in the bad future timeline. I don’t cry. This one made me cry. Bittersweet ending.
Telepathy (of a Twin Variety) by vosian_nightmare | 24,423 [FINISHED] 
My personal favorite twin telepathy fic. Character study on the disaster twins.
Something Borrowed, Something Blue by Cass_Phoenix | 31,963 [FINISHED]
A Donnie from an alternate reality kidnaps Leo. Or is he bringing him home? This one will fuck with your mind. One of my bookmark notes is “Reality existentialism” 
Firefight by remrose | 94,480 [ON-GOING]
What if donnie gets trapped in the prison dimension with leo? I’m usually not a fan of changing plot points in the rise movie or suicidal leo, but this fic is the exception. It is VERY well written and has some of the best exchanges between the disaster twins. You WILL be scared for the characters and your heart WILL be crushed. Proud to say I was here for this fic since chapter 1 bc that NEVER happens with me
Familiar Places, Foreign Faces by Petra4President | 36,434 [ON-GOING]
Rise/2012 Crossover Fic. The Rise Donnie & 2012 Raph fic I didn’t ask for (I read this before watching 2012) but didn’t realize I NEEDED. Donnie gets sent to the 2012 universe and must find a way home. 
A Tale of Spirits by unorthodoxx | 168,344 [ON-GOING]
Rise/Avatar the Last Airbender AU. This one is pretty popular so I won't say anything else except its really good.
All I have to say about these fics is that they’re REALLY good and BOOK WORTHY
Monsters Among Us by DanzinoraSwitch | 86,136 [FINISHED]
Violet Hues and Holy Blue by SibillaScribbles08 | 115,752 [FINISHED]
I May Be Invisible, but I Still Look Good by Dandy | 124,862 [FINISHED]
Things will never be the same (but that's okay) by Petra4President | 14,493 [FINISHED]
Post movie aftermath fic that focuses on the changes created by the events of the movie. Idk what specifically has me rereading this occasionally, but its really well written and a little different than most aftermath fics I've read.
Corrupted Upgrade by Dandy | 25,898 [FINISHED]
Donnie Villain AU with a twist. He really gives off megamind vibes. DO NOT BE FOOLED. THERE’S A REASON EVERYONE IS OUT OF CHARACTER IN THE BEGINNING. I almost slept on this fic and it became one of my favorites. It’s the type of fic that I can read over and over and over.
Turning Purple by Lizardstuff | 48,123 [ON-GOING]
Donnie slowly gets more and more sick post rise movie and the rest of the characters must find out what’s wrong and find a cure. THIS ONE’S FOR YOU, MEDICAL NERDS. Author has done research and any inaccuracies have gone over this EMT’s head. I reread this one every chapter update and every time I’m haunted by “the blueberry french toast paragraph” No I will not explain further, go read it.
Spider's Web with Strings Attached by CurlySwirly | 125,661 [ON-GOING]
Donnie and Leo get kidnapped and are forced to fight in the battle nexus. This is my pick for the most well written fanfic and most in canon characterization with ALL the characters. You will HEAR the characters not just through the dialogue but also through the writing itself. As the reader, you will be beaten down and have your heart crushed mercilessly which makes the pay off the most rewarding, satisfying experience that I've personally ever felt with a fanfic. This fic lives in my head rent free and I think about it at least once a day. It is my all time favorite rise fic and I highly recommend it.
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aki-shun · 7 months
Concubine Of The Red King [M!Reader x Riddle Rosehearts]
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This may be the last request I write under my old system. New rules and lists will be arranged in the pinned post.
First This post was created by request.
Requester: @delightfulcupquakequeen
TW: Omegaverse, mpreg, there's a lot of time skips
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You had tiring and busy days as Riddle's husband and the other king(?) of the country. Fortunately, Riddle kept you away from matters like politics and heavy management so that you wouldn't have too much trouble, and included you in the palace and some internal affairs that even you could handle.
These duties also include palace soldiers and servants. And these two cute idiots you follow. Ace and Deuce were among the new employees who came to the palace as guards under Cater, one of The Left Wing Guards.
And those two idiots might have made Riddle a little angry. By eating some tart. Oh, the expressions on those two's faces when they appeared in front of Riddle looked so innocent and stupid that you asked your husband to forgive those two.
You go behind the chair where Riddle is sitting and hug him from behind. In return, he kisses your hands and arms around his neck.
Is there something wrong, Riddle? [N] Those two fools drank coffee at afternoon tea time. It's tea time! [R] Ohh, honey, but those two were on night duty last night and had to stay on day duty today too. I'm sure it's to relieve their insomnia. [N]
They could also drink tea, why that dark bitter stuff..! [R] Maybe that's why coffee is said to be good for insomnia. gigles [N]
Hah, you always find something to defend these two. [R]
You've heard of the heat of Omegas or the heat of Alphas, right? For some reason, the nights were very noisy at that time :)
Now let's look at what we have: an out-of-control Riddle, a Trey trying to calm his King down, Cater finding himself in this situation when he comes to pick up his two idiot soldiers, two idiots who are excited to be so-called 'uncles'. Good luck.
No matter how much you like it when your strawberry man is fussing over you, this is only the 4th day of this poor pathetic panic and you're not sure if you can handle it for the whole pregnancy.
Riddle, can you give me back my papers? I can't do my job. [N]
You need to stop doing your work and lie down. If there is one thing you have to do, it is to rest..! [R]
What are you reading? [N] … Political science. Anyway, forget the book. Did you like the tart? Trey's mother made it for you. [R] Of course, his mother's hand is delicious as always. Here, have a slice. [N] No, it's yours and your baby's. [R] Riddle is just a slice. I don't think I could finish a whole tart. [N] No way, that's your- [R] Riddle, my dear, or do you want to upset me? [N] WHA- Just a slice. All the rest is yours. [R] Eat.it.all. [N]
Honey, it's only 3 weeks old. And just a few papers and documents. [N]
But these will tire you..! [R] My dear, nothing like this will happen. [N]
But this book does not say that. Excessive stress can cause premature birth or worse, leave a diseased mark on the baby. [R] Didn't I forbid you those books? [N]
But- [R] Riddle, those books are almost 500 years old. Of course, some of them may be real, but there is a doctor in the palace. If something happens, we call him. [N]
You should be stress free. [R] Your stress is what makes me stressed. [N]
… I'm not stressed.. [R] Yes you are, oh Big Seven. If anyone were to see us, they'd think you're pregnant. Now give me this book- [N]
After 5 months
Riddle prevents you from talking to most people (Ace&Deuce). No, he's not a yandere. He's just trying to stop you from talking to people he thinks will stress you out. As your belly grew so much, his panic also grew. He came up with a name for the baby according to the rules of the Queen of Hearts. Don't think that you can now do the things that you were able to do by forcing him out of your hands at the beginning of your pregnancy. It is strictly prohibited. You need to eat healthy and properly and get healthy air in as peaceful an environment as possible. Also, do not look at fire or anything similar for a long period of time. He read that such things change the baby's physical characteristics. Yes, Riddle is still reading those old books.
You don't know if it's a good thing to use Riddle's fears to get some control, but at least some things are under control.
Riddle's ear is on your belly. He gently caresses your belly with his hands. Hearing and feeling his child's first kicks makes him feel something.
I think he gets a little excited in front of his father.
Just like the baby's kicks, you could hear the excited heartbeat of your husband, who had a face as red as his hair. Riddle relaxes as time passes and the doctor confirms that you and your baby are healthy. Of course, we should not forget Trey's share in this. Cater does this by keeping Ace and Deuce away from Riddle as much as possible. Still, Riddle grew a little tolerant of the pair.
I didn't know that the king could make such a face when he was embarrassed~. [T] Trey..! What are you doing here..! [R] I'm here for King [name]. I brought the things he asked for from the chef. [T] Hmm? What did you want from the chef, dear? [R]
Riddle tried and failed to impose a kitchen ban. Of course, he withdrew this decision after you threw all the books in his library at his head. He loves you, but please, when you crave those things, please crave them in places where he can't see you. He can beg for it.
Are you seriously going to eat that thing? [R] (Name who eats lemon peels with 3 types of chocolate on top plus curry and chili peppers as decoration) Why would I ask the cook for something I won't eat?? [N] .. Doesn't look very healthy [R] Riddle, My Dear, nothing is too healthy. Besides, it's not me, it's the baby who wants this :( [N]
When that thing is born, it will learn from me personally what it needs to eat. [R] You're being rude >:( [N] I am not. [R] … [N] Ughmm I mean- [R] Do you think bell peppers stuffed with peanut butter and cheese and topped with plum marmalade are delicious? [N] …….. I- [R] TREYY I WAN- I MEAN BABY WANTS SOMETHING [N] You won't eat that thing >:( I don't want to lose my precious ones that are and will be. [R]
Of course, there are many difficult parts of pregnancy and some things are difficult for some people that they still can't get over… That's why we're skipping those parts because that's how this AU works :) (while looking at these topics on the internet, just in my mind it was like 'Why do you still want children despite this?!' So thank your mothers or omega fathers for having the courage to give birth to you, or not, I don't know)
*3.27 a.m.
Riddle..riddle.. [N] Wakes up Hah, did something happen?! [R] No, you didn't just say goodnight to me before going to sleep :) [N] Oh I'm sorry, good night my strawberry garden. Yawn [R] My water just broke :) [N] So good night…….WHAT?! [R]
The entire palace was awakened by the sound of Riddle running and screaming. You may have suffered from physical and partly mental problems of pregnancy, but this man suffered not only the mental problems of pregnancy, but also mental problems that were not in the pregnancy mental. These loads are too big for his body 😔
Just the facts, labor was painful. Don't expect anything, but if you keep pulling your husband's hair to ease your pain, your baby will have a bald father when he is born. Instead there's Ace and Deuce, pull theirs, Riddle thought, but then he knew he had to take on that role as a wife here so he didn't mind hanging on and going bald.
This is a girl, your majesty. [Nurse]
Hey, a light from the sky hits Riddle's head, what is this? Ooohh this is a 'Daughter Dad Personality Overload'. This is valid for all fathers. If your father is not one of them, the internet was probably cut off during the installation. Sorry :(
Ohm OHm anyway
This is my daughter.. I have a daughter. [R] Our daughter, we have a daughter. [N] Yes, yes it is. [R] … He looks like a red pepper, just like his father. [A] Ace! You're just insulting his majesty, just say she's little as his father! [D] Who let these two idiots in, they woke up the baby! [R] I think they woke up to your shouting.. [C] Did you say something Cater??! [R] I didn't even open my mouth.. Whatever he said, Trey said. [C] …. Really..? [T] It really looks like red pepper. [N] Dear, you to? :( [R]
And they left. And she came .. 🙄
I see that I am the last one to be informed about the birth of my grandchild. [R.M.]
Mother-in-law.. Good luck.
Riddle give me my grandchild. [R.M.] Uhm okay mom. [R] Your Majesty, do not forget what I used to be. [R.M.] Well..your majesty. [R] Hmm, what's its name? [R.M.] Rose, your majesty. [R] Hah, it's like a villager's name. Her name will be Garnet 6. Elizabeth Riddle Risel Brizar Gisel 5. Mary. [R.M.]
Your majesty, I think your grandson urinated on you. Most likely it means a NO to the name you gave it :) [N]
drip drip drip
As they say, the daughter attracts the father. The baby may apparently be riddle 2.0. But you shot that thing for 9 months. Of course she will look like you.
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If you don't like this article, that's not my problem, okay? I was traumatized by the pregnancy video I watched. I need therapy.
And I hate her(the short kings mom)
72 notes · View notes
sister-lucifer · 5 months
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In which Lucian, a humble baker, meets two very interesting customers who seem to be more than meets the eye. 
Content/Warnings: Original characters, slow burn, Medieval/Fantasy, charmingly mundane slices of life stuff, just fluff and character set up in this chapter, but if you like MLM Poly relationships you should stick around! 
You can find the masterlist for this series (among others) in my pinned post! 
Not fully proofread! Please let me know if you catch any errors!
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Lucian stretches out in his bed, groaning as his joints pop and his limbs wake up, readying themselves for the day. Begrudgingly he sits up, dirty blond hair tousled by his pillows in the night. He smooths it down as best he can with his fingers, but there’s not much he can do without the unforgiving bristles of a brush. 
With a yawn he throws his legs over the side of his bed and slides his feet into his tattered slippers. He cracks his back for good measure, sighing and blowing a curly lock of hair from between his eyes. As the outside world slowly leaks into his sleep-addled brain, he recognizes the familiar sound of the jays chirping endlessly outside his window; a sure sign that it is, in fact, time to get up.
When he pushes himself out of bed and parts the old curtains hiding his chambers from the rest of the world, the sun is eager to cover his freckled face in its warm light. He blinks a few times to adjust, the blinding brightness of the morning slowly melting into a pleasant glow.
His shapeless pajama gown flows about his round body as he trudges to the bathroom, another yawn crawling up his throat as he comes into view in the mirror. His hair is flicked up in every which way, hazel eyes tired but not unhappy as he walks up to the sink, pudgy tummy bumping against it when he leans over to splash a bit of water on his face. 
He feels much more awake than before once he’s dried his rosy cheeks and rubbed his eyes. He plucks his hairbrush from its holder and runs it briefly under the faucet before running it through his fawn tresses, only until the thatch of curls becomes presentable enough. No one’s going to be looking that hard, anyways. 
The hairbrush clatters back into its holder and the toothbrush comes out instead. It too is run briefly under the water before being put to work, another step in the morning routine Lucian often finds himself repeating ad infinitum. Minutes later he’s back in his bedroom, rummaging through drawers for something that resembles a put together outfit. It doesn’t have to be perfect when it’s going to be covered with an apron all day. 
He decides on brown trousers that are loose around the bottom and a comfortable, worn tunic that won’t get in the way with its flowing sleeves or make his binding garment too obvious. He slips his feet from his house slippers and instead into his trusted woolen-soled shoes, long since shaped to the arch of his  feet after so many years. 
He pauses to glance in the mirror, turning halfway just to make sure nothing has an obvious rip or tear in it. He adjusts his pants and the bottom of his shirt around the chub of his belly before ultimately deciding it’ll do. 
He turns back to grab his mossy green, woolen sweater from the chair he draped it over the night before. The edges are fraying again, he notices, he’ll have to fix that when he has the time. He doesn’t mind it so much now, though, as his arms fit comfortably into the warm sleeves of the garment, thumbs skillfully avoiding getting caught on any of its unnoticed holes or the hasty stitching of its owner from decades prior. Lucian does take note, though, that the split in one side pocket is growing. He’ll have to fix that later, too.
When Lucian pushes open the door connecting his home with his bakery, the comforting, lingering smell of strawberry and buttercream greets him with vigor. It seems to permeate everything in his bakery, though he certainly doesn’t mind. This early the only ones out on the streets are stray dogs retreating to their hiding spots and children headed to the school building up the road. 
He pulls the door open and props it with the stop, then flips the sign set up in the window: 
Hensley’s is Open! Come on in! 
“We’re open, everyone!” Lucian calls, not to anyone in particular. 
The first preparations of the day are always the easiest. 
First, he pulls his trusty apron from its rack and ties it behind his back, double knotting it just to make sure it’ll hold. Then he pulls the still-good loaves and pastries from yesterday that weren’t sold from their covered baskets, arranging them in his display in the particular way he can’t explain but can’t do without. When he’s satisfied with the results he moves on, giving a quick glance to the door before turning to his oven. 
He grips the fire striker with less confidence than he should, his other hand tossing a few logs into the oven before grabbing his flint. As he strikes the stone and the spark sets the wood alight he resist the urge to scramble backwards despite the familiar heat on his knuckles. His back aches as he rises to his full height once more, setting the flint and striker back on their shelf. 
He turns his attention to the plants in his windows next. He fills the can with the spout around the side of the bakery (it’s too bulky to fit into the little sink at his station, after all), dropping a bit of water on the wildflowers that bloom outside the building on his way back inside. 
Slowly, the watering can’s spout moves over each pot, moved by a practiced hand that has done this countless mornings before. Only when the soil is thoroughly wet does he move on, cycling through one by one until all of his green children have had their fill and the can can be tucked neatly back into place in the cabinet.
Lucian pauses as he takes a look around his bakery. He stops and leans against the counter, taking a moment to admire the scene. 
The morning sun comes in rays through the windows, sunning his plants and warming the wood floors. The spring breeze meanders through the open door and just barely rustles his hair about his round cheeks. The distant sound of horseshoes on the path and the other businesses opening their doors signals the awakening of a bustling town. The— 
“Mr. Hensley! Mr. Hensley!” 
Lucian turns quickly to the sound of clattering and a call of his name outside his bakery, followed shortly by a bleat of surprise. He has only a moment to process before his first arrival in standing in the doorway, his dark hair bouncing in sweet curls around his flushed face and little tail flicking quickly to and fro as he recovers from his crash, bike now laying against the side of the building. 
“Oh, Callum,” Lucian sighs, rushing to the boy to brush the dirt from his sleeves, “You have to be careful! Your mother spent a lot of money on this uniform, there’s no telling how much that school will make her pay for another…”
The young faun only blinks up at him with wide blue eyes. He shakes some leaves from his unkempt hair and the fur of his ears before holding out the hot mug he’s brought with him, wrapped in a cloth to keep it from burning his hands.
“Here, Mr. Hensley. Your coffee.” 
Lucian’s eyes soften as he takes the mug, removing the covering from the top and watching the steam rise. 
“Thank you, Callum.” 
The mug is set aside to cool for now, and Lucian quickly returns his attention to the faun boy who’s just collided with his bakery. 
“You’re not hurt, are you?” He asks, plucking a stubborn twig from Callum’s nest of hair and rubbing over a scratch on the fresh nubs of his horns. 
“No, I’m okay,” Callum replies quickly, brushing off his uniform jacket, “Just in a rush. I woke up late, that’s all. I grabbed my books and I was out the door, I didn’t even have to eat breakfast…” 
“…Is that why you’ve left home without shoes?” 
Callum pauses and looks down, groaning at the sight of his bare hooves on the wood floors.
“Aw, man! I’m gonna get an earful from the headmaster…” 
Lucian feels a bit bad for giggling at the boy’s plight, but he can’t help it. He misses when his problems were that simple. 
“You don’t have to bring me coffee every day, you know. I appreciate it, but I’ll survive without it,” Lucian assures him.
“Yeah, I know,” Callum replies with a shrug, absentmindedly toying with the leaves of one of Lucian’s plants, “But Ma says it’s a nice thing to do, especially since you don’t have magic.”
“Oh, well—“
“She says that making coffee ‘n’ stuff without magic takes a lot of time that you don’t have, since you have to work so hard and stuff. Is that true?”
“Er, y-yes, but—“ 
“She wonders how you do anything without magic, yanno. She says it’s really impressive that this place has stayed open so long when you—“ 
“Callum! I mean…I understand, Callum. Thank you. Here…”
Lucian takes a loaf of bread from his display, handing it to the boy with haste. 
“Can’t have you going on an empty stomach. Run along, and quickly, you’re already running late.” 
Callum takes the bread without hesitation, immediately digging in and thanking Lucian through a mouthful of it. In an instant he’s out the door and back on his bike, disappearing down the path. Lucian watches him go only until he’s sure he won’t crash once more. 
Lucian sighs as the ache in his back starts to return. The day waits for no one, though, and he’s got work to do. 
Throughout the day people pass through his bakery with leisure. Most are familiar, others are new but not unusual. The town of Lydell is a small one, after all. Not rich, but not too poor either, with a good part of its inhabitants planning bigger and better things for themselves and their families beyond the town limits. Every now and then he toys with that idea, that maybe one day he’ll pack himself up and move into one of the big, bustling cities he reads out in the books, with magic pouring from every brick in every wall on every street… 
…Foolish imaginings, that’s all. He’s got far too much to do here.
He watches from behind his counter as the sun lazily rolls into place in the center of the sky. The cool breeze of the March morning melts into something warmer, though not suffocatingly hot. Every now and then Lucian must wipe the sweat from his brow after standing in front of his oven for too long, but ‘tis the price one pays for a fresh batch of strawberry turnovers. 
Lucian looks up from the hot tray now cooling on the counter at the sound of a crackly meow. 
There, in his doorway, a slim figure of a cat with milky white fur splotched with inky stains of black around the feet and tail. It rubs up against the door, mewing softly just to make sure its presence is known. It sits with a regal confidence, not at all perturbed by the people who pass through the door beside it.
“Well, look who decided to stop in today,” Lucian says with a chuckle. The cat meows in reply before lazily sauntering over to the counter. 
“Give me just a moment, my dear. When I’ve gotten these customers taken care of I’ll get you your treat.”
The cat seems to understand. This is an exchange they have quite often, after all. With no collar to speak of and an insatiable desire to wander, the little animal is nearly an enigma to Lucian, but he’ll never complain about the company. For now he has to turn his attention to the lanky elf that is patiently awaiting his turn to speak. 
By now Lucian can navigate customer interactions with little to no friction. No, he does not have those in a different flavor. Yes, he can make them in a different flavor, but they wouldn’t be ready until tomorrow. Yes, he can go ahead and get some bagged up anyways. No, he does not offer a discount. No, he really doesn’t offer a discount. 
“Thank you, come again!”
Lucian sighs as the elf takes his leave, seemingly satisfied enough with the small bag of raspberry shortbread cookies. 
He turns to look down at the little cat still waiting patiently by his feet. It blinks slowly, then meows. Lucian laughs and mimics the sound. 
He then turns his attention to the cabinet beneath his sink. That’s where he keeps the little bowl and bag of dry food his feline companion loves so much. The cat meows excitedly, and Lucian can see it resisting the urge to hop up on the counter as he dumps the food into the bowl.
“Here, you’ve waited very patiently,” Lucian says as he sets the bowl on the floor, pushing it to the side where he can keep an eye on the cat without it being in his way when he walks around or behind the counter. 
He looks back up and out the open door, only to squint in confusion as he tries to make sense of what he’s seeing. 
It looks like two horses and their riders coming down the path, which wouldn’t be so odd if it weren’t for what Lucian could swear was the royal crest embroidered onto their side bags. The riders themselves are clad in varying degrees of armor, the metal clinking slowly getting louder as they approach the bakery. 
Royal guards? Here? In a little town like Lydell? 
Lucian quirks a brow as he watches them approach. He’s expecting them to simply pass by—they probably have important business to attend to, after all—but then one of them pauses. He pulls on the reigns of his horse, whistling and calling to his partner with words Lucian can’t make out from where he’s standing. 
It’s clear now that they won’t simply be passing by. Before Lucian even realizes they’ve stopped their horses outside of the bakery, and now they’re hopping down from their saddles.
Now that they’re closer, Lucian can get a better look at them. They’re definitely guards, that’s for sure, and much taller and stronger than any human Lucian has met here in Lydell. 
The first one is the shorter of the two, about 5’9, if Lucian were to guess. His skin is tan, a natural copper tone, and his curly hair is dark and thick, shaved underneath and left long on top. He’s smirking for some reason, the expression pressing dimples into his warm cheeks, though something about him makes it seem like he doesn’t need a reason. His eyes are sharp and foxy, the kind that notice little details about everything and everyone and leave others to feel uncomfortably analyzed. His armor is minimal, only a leather chest piece and gloves, and a few daggers are sheathed in his belt. He moves with a lithe swiftness as though he’s unaware of his own weight, hitting the ground without a moment’s stumble as he dismounts from his horse.
The second man isn’t nearly as graceful, but certainly isn’t to be taken lightly. He’s a hulking beast, 6’0 at least, perhaps 6’1, in a full suit of metal armor, save for the missing helmet. He’s paler than death, with long, golden blond hair that’s been lazily thrown back into a low, loose ponytail, leaving a few strands to dangle around his face. His long lashes are the same light color, hovering over icy blue eyes that give way to no emotion. Lucian can only see half his expression, as the bottom part of his face is covered with a dark neck gaiter. He comes down off his horse with a thud and a bit of metallic clinking, giving the animal a gentle pat. With a quick flick of his wrist and a skillful bit of magic he fastens the horses’ reigns to the post without touching them, and shortly after follows his companion inside.
“Woah, it smells amazing in here!” The shorter one exclaims, the pale one giving a nod of agreement in response, “I told you stopping was a good idea, I— Oh, look! They have strawberry turnovers!” 
Lucian has to bite back a chuckle as he rushes up to the counter like an excitable child, fumbling around in his pockets for money. 
“Two silvers each,” Lucian replies, “How many? And will you be staying, or should I get you a bag?” 
“Six please, three for each of us, and, eh…we’ll stay!” The man replies, shrugging at his partner, “We could use the rest. We’re headed back to Bascilium from Nora.” 
“Nora? Gods above, that’s far up north, what could possibly be so urgent the king felt the need to send his guards?” Lucian asked, not looking away from the two men as he moved to slip a few turnovers from their tray onto plates. 
“Oh, you know, just a little farm worker’s uprising. Apparently people don’t like having their gifts of agricultural magic exploited to feed corporate bigwigs. Funny how that works!”
Lucian forces a laugh, although he’s not sure what’s funny. The taller one still hasn’t said a word, instead occupying himself by looking around the bakery. 
“So, I take it you got it figured out, then?” Lucian asks, handing the plates over. 
“Mhm!” The man replies with a grin, eagerly taking the plates and handing one to his colleague, “Well, as figured out as it can be for now. Things like this happen a lot in Nora with all the industrialization. King Ambrose is working on sending a few delegates down there to smooth out some of the systems. You know there’s—“
The man is swiftly cut off by an elbow to the ribs from his partner. He turns to question what the could have possibly been for, but the taller one gives only a one handed gesture in response. Sign language of some kind, if Lucian were to guess. Whatever he said, it puts the first man at ease.
“Ah, yeah, I’m rambling. Sorry about that, mister, uh…” He pauses, squinting to read Lucian’s name tag. “…Lucian. Hey, I like that name. I’m Tobias, Tobias Silva, and the guy I rode in with is Rex Theroux. I take it you’re the ‘Hensley’ that runs this place?”
“Yessir,” Lucian replies with a suddenly confident grin, “Lucian Hensley, that’s me. Forgive me for bragging, but this little place is my pride and joy.” 
“Well then I’m glad we stopped in! Feels like this trip has us running all over Divestia.”
This earns a snort from Rex, and a few more signs that have an air of sass to them. 
“Well, okay, yeah,” Tobias concedes, “It was my idea to take the scenic route through here, but it worked out well enough, didn’t it? You could never find good food this cheap in Bascilium. Oh, shit, I almost forgot—!”
He quickly dips his free hand into his pocket, pulling out a small pouch and setting it on the counter. He pulls out twelve silver coins and hands them to Lucian, who gladly accepts them and tucks them away into his drawer. 
“Thank you very much, Mr. Silva.” 
“Just Tobias is fine, don’t worry about it. We don’t really do formalities.”
“Oh, alright then. Thank you, Tobias. Enjoy your turnovers.”
Tobias gives a quick nod before gesturing for Rex to follow him to one of the little tables pushed up against the large windows of the bakery. Lucian finds himself smiling at the talkative young man and his silent, looming shadow; a charming pair, those two are. Perhaps that’s why Lucian finds himself glancing over at them as they eat despite his occupation with his work. Tobias’s chatter never ceases except for when he’s chewing, but at the same time his attention doesn’t waver from his silent partner when he signs a response. Tobias gestures widely as he speaks, threatening to knock over a plant or two when he gets particularly excited, whereas Rex keeps his movements sharp and controlled, a skilled hand showing his familiarity with the silent language he utilizes. The pair seem to get along with no issue despite the way their natures juxtapose one another, but then again, perhaps that’s what makes them so compatible.
Tobias and Rex sit and shoot the breeze for about an hour, maybe, having finished their turnovers halfway through but not realizing, or at least not caring. The sun has just barely rolled towards the west end of the sky, shadows now slanting under the light. The foot traffic around the bakery has slowed a bit, so Lucian has taken to wiping down his counter and empty tables. That is, until he looks up at the sound of his name. 
“Hey, Lucian?” Tobias calls with a wave of his hand, “Can you come here for a sec?” 
Lucian collects his rag and approaches the table Tobias and Rex have made themselves comfortable at, giving them a polite smile. 
“Yes? Is something the matter?” 
“Oh no, not at all,” Tobias is quick to reply, “Rex just wants to know about your plants, what kinda magic you’re using to keep ‘em looking this green.” 
Lucian’s eyes turn to Rex, and he’s almost surprised to see his neck gaiter pushed down under his chin. He’s not sure why he’s surprised; how else was he supposed to eat? Or, perhaps, he’s simply surprised that his face is so unremarkable. Handsome, yes, but no scars or deformities, although Lucian doesn’t know why he expected there to be any. Maybe that’s simply the assumption one makes when another has their face covered for without obvious reason. 
Wait, what was the question? Oh, right, the plants. 
“I don’t use any magic, actually,” Lucian explains, suddenly feeling sheepish, “I, um��don’t have any.”
“Wait, what?” Tobias says, a bit louder than he meant to (a lot louder, actually; the sudden exclamation makes Rex wince a bit), “You run this whole damn place without magic? Wow, I mean, don’t get me wrong, that’s really impressive! I just can’t believe someone like you would— Ow!”
He’s promptly cut off once more with a smack on the arm and a sharp look from Rex. Tobias swipes his arm away and puts his hands up defensively.
“What? What I’d say? I didn’t deserve it that time!”
Lucian laughs softly behind his hand, unable to ignore Tobias’s natural dramatics. 
“It’s alright,” He assures the two, “I get that sort of thing a lot. I admit, it is rather impressive, though I don’t like to gloat. As far as the plants go, it’s just a matter of keeping them watered and not letting the soil go dry.”
Rex considers his words, nodding and doing a brief gesture that almost resembles a salute. 
“Oh, he says thank you,” Tobias clarifies. 
“It’s no problem,” Lucian says, returning the courteous nod, “Can I take those plates from you?” 
“Huh? Oh! Yes, please, we’ve really got to get going…thanks again, those were amazing. We’ll definitely be stopping by again.”
“Well, I’m very happy to hear that,” Lucian replied, unable to stop himself from grinning as his heart swelled with pride. He’d just bagged himself two more returning customers, and royal guards no less! Perhaps they’ll spread the word of this little place. Wishful thinking, maybe, but maybe not. 
Rex and Tobias gather themselves and rise from their table as Lucian drops the plates into the sink. He returns a brief wave as they both walk out the door, Rex giving another salute before turning away; one last thank you, Lucian assumes.
He watches as the pair mount their horses once again, settling upon their saddles before heading off down the path.
“Interesting pair of characters, those two are,” Lucian mumbles to himself as he turns back to his work. The little cat, which has now moved to basking on the window sill, meows in what Lucian chooses to interpret as agreement.
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The pair of guards arrive back to the castle at nightfall, the last few rays of sun allowing them to walk their horses back to the stables before they head in for the night. 
First thing’s first: The king expects a full report. 
Tobias doesn’t bother knocking, entering King Ambrose’s office with an incredible amount of casualness. He strides in with Rex, who at least has the decency to close the door back, following close behind him, as usual. Ambrose looks up from the papers he was studying, hard expression instantly melting  away into a familiar smile. 
“My boys,” Ambrose purrs, standing up from his chair and walking around the front of his desk, “You’ve finally returned.” 
The guards nod in unison, and Tobias can’t stop himself from taking a moment to study his beautiful king. Ambrose is quite the stunning man after all; his skin is dark, as are his eyes, and his ebony hair is done up in locs so impossibly long they nearly brush the floor when he walks, decorated with gold cuffs and never less than perfectly maintained. His slim figure is draped in gold and white, as usual, for even a king’s most casual outfit is extravagant. He’s set his crown aside for now, as he usually does when working, but he has yet to remove the rest of his jewelry, as evidenced by the gold sparking on his wrists, fingers, ears and neck. 
“So? How did it go? I assume well, seeing as you aren’t quite as disheveled as I’d expect from a failed attempt at quelling riots,” Ambrose teases as he hops up onto his desk, crossing his legs and making himself comfortable.
“It went very well, sir,” Tobias answers with a grin, “Things have been set straight, and a temporary peace agreement was reached to keep the people satisfied until your delegates arrive.” 
“Very good, both of you,” Ambrose praises. Tobias’s grin only widens, and Rex signs a humble thank you. 
“Oh, and,” Tobias eagerly adds, “On the way back we stopped in at this little bakery in Lydell, and—“
“Lydell?” Ambrose interrupts, “That’s quite a ways off the path back from Nora. What were you two doing there? Is that what took you so long?”
He’s trying to feign seriousness, but the playful quirk of his brow and hint of a chuckle in his voice gives away his humor. 
“Mm, maybe,” Tobias says with a sly shrug, “But it was worth it. They had the best strawberry turnovers.” 
‘Although T was far more interested in the man behind the counter,’ Rex signs, eyeing his colleague with a lighthearted sort of suspicion.
“I was not,” Tobias quickly protests, “And just how do you figure that, hm?”
‘You kept glancing over at him while you ate. I don’t think you realized you were doing it, but it was obvious to me. Maybe he liked it, though. He kept looking at us, too.’ 
Tobias huffs, crossing his arms and cursing his inability to pull an argument from thin air like usual. His cheeks are getting warm. 
Ambrose laughs, hopping down from his desk and giving Tobias a reassuring pat on the arm. 
“So, he was a cutie, huh?” Ambrose chortles, “What was he like?”
“Honestly, cute is an understatement,” Tobias replies, “He was this short, chubby little thing who looked like he’d just rolled out of bed. He was nice, too, and I know he has to be nice to us because, you know, we’re customers, but still. And, I mean, how can you not be interested in someone who makes such heavenly strawberry turnovers?” 
“If they’re that good, I shall have to try them some time. See what all the fuss is about. Maybe I’ll have a chance to meet this little baker crush of yours as well.” 
“Oh, come on…!” 
Ambrose laughs again, unable to stop himself. For a moment Tobias swears he can even see a smile make Rex’s eyes crinkle at the edges despite being hidden by his neck gaiter. 
“Well, either way,” Ambrose coos, reaching up to gently cup his guards’ chins in his hands, “You’ve both done very well. Come here.” 
Tobias rolls his eyes, but nevertheless they both lean in, allowing their king to give them each a brief kiss on the cheek. 
“Good boys. Go on now, you need your rest after such a long trip,” Ambrose says with a wave of his hand before returning to his seat at his desk.
His guards bow briefly, all three of them exchanging well wishes and good nights before the door is shut again, leaving Ambrose alone in his study. 
“Cute little baker indeed,” The king mumbles with a laugh, “I’m sure they’ll be going back there…if Tobias has anything to say about it, at least…”
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Like my writing? I take requests! NSFW or SFW for any fandoms in my bio (request rules + masterlist in pinned post)!
Also, please reblog! it’s free, takes two seconds, and really helps me out 
Feedback is encouraged and appreciated:)
Not fully proofread! Let me know if you see any errors!
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petra-creat0r · 4 months
Deltarune: Fool's Fate Ch. 2 Secret Boss
Numero dos of my Fool's Fate secret bosses! I've talked about Poly a bit now thanks to the secret boss reactions but never actually posted what he looks like since I've struggled pinning down his design until now. I knew he was gonna have triangles, just didn't quite know how to execute the design until I was in call with some friends.
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Poly's name comes from his inspiration, the urban myth arcade game Polybius, as well as low-poly or polygonal. I imagine that in his original game, the "User" was replaced with whatever username/highscore name the person playing the cabinet had put in. So if Chicago was playing the game it'd be Poly B. CHI. (Guess his name should technically be Poly B. USR then, huh?)
Poly's text quirk is replacing letters with numbers and basically talking in text speak. You can see it a bit in the actual picture, but basically it's like
"W3LC0M3 N3W US3R!" "R34DY PL4Y3R 1! PR3SS ST4RT 2 B3G1N." "U W4NT 2 PL4Y 1T. U W1LL PL4Y 1T. U W1LL PL4Y 1T!" or something like that.
The soul mode he uses is the blue soul since he's a platformer game.
Pretty much immediately after I determined that Fool's Fate Chapter 2 was gonna be set in an arcade, I knew I had to base the secret boss off of Polybius. I find it funny that @grimmdeltarune and I had the same idea for a secret boss concept independently.
Backstory under the cut
Poly used to be the most beloved and played game in all of the Arcade World. A simple 3D platformer, yet Lightners would come from far and wide to play his game. Everyone loved Poly, everyone wanted to be him, his game play was near addicting. Even if other cabinets in the arcade would come and eventually get replaced by newer one's, Poly's stood tall, never being dethroned since the day it was brought in.
That was until one day, a new player, or rather players, entered the game.
Electric Rhythm Empire, a new rhythm game with three primary characters. The Empress, the Emperor, and their daughter Ritsu. They quickly dethroned Poly in popularity both among Darkners and Lightners, and eventually Poly was completely forgotten about in favor of the more popular game.
That was until Poly met a man. A strange someone who revealed secrets to Poly that no Darkner should know, and promised to help Poly regain his popularity and crown. All Poly had to do was let the man modify some of his code and soon he would be irresistible to Lightner and Darkner alike. Poly agreed.
Just as the man promised, Poly's cabinet started to get played again. Anyone who came near became too addicted to stop, quite literally hypnotized into playing Poly's game. Thanks to the strange someone's help, Poly was popular again.
As soon as the man left though, those in power figured out about the harmful effects of Poly's game. In the Light World, Lightner kids would fight violently over who would play next and it was making people ill. In the Dark World, Poly was hypnotizing Darkners into liking him. Not to mention the corruption of his code.
And so, Poly's game was shut down and he was shunned from the rest of the Arcade world. Forced to live in the deepest, darkest corner of the world and be forgotten once again. Poly though, refused to stand for this. He was determined to make his game even better, and so then no one could stop playing again. He'd force any Darkner that came near to play what was essentially a death trap, and when they'd fail, he'd just make it "better". Trying to make it perfect so maybe one day another Lightner would look his way.
Eventually, a group of Lightner kids did stumble upon him after falling into the Arcade World.
Ah I love Poly's backstory. It might be semi similar to Spamton's, but I pulled more from King Candy from Wreck-It Ralph now that I've put it to text.
He's just a silly little guy driven to insanity by the need to be perfect! If you don't play his game, he will hypnotize you into playing!
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bp-zb1fics · 1 year
hi! can i have a platonic request for yujin with a male reader?
yujin joins a new school and is quiet and shy but male reader is the upbeat and excited (kinda like junhyeon) class president who wants to befriend him but yujin makes him work hard for his friendship? (idk this is one of those random late night thoughts😅)
Shy, shy, shy!
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New student han yujin & class president male reader
genre: highschool au on crack, friendship, comedy
tw/tags: color-coded notes, yujin is a shy bean, a lil insecurity at the start, ft kum junhyeon, kim gyuvin & park gunwook for comedic purposes, age of trio is messed with a little to fit the narrative
wc: 1684
summary: you just want to be friends with the new student but it doesn’t seem like he wants to be friends with you.
a/n my first request~ thank you so much anon! I’m not sure if this is what you had in mind and i feel like it’s a little messy but i hope you like it! I tried to write it to be consistent with the korean highschool experience and ended up throwing the dog mafia trio in there for extra laughs — if you enjoyed this, I’ve got a ricky fic set in the same au and part two on the way~
Check my pinned for more fics~
“This is Han Yujin-ssi. He’s just transferred here and will be in your class for the rest of the year. Please take good care of him.”
You smile at the other boy while the teacher introduces you as the class president, returning his bow enthusiastically. His posture seems quite tense as he fidgets with the hem of his uniform jacket. Once the teacher leaves, you practically launch yourself into loosening him up.
“So this is your desk, I’m afraid we’ll be stuck together for the rest of the school year so I hope you won’t get bored of me!”
“Definitely just ask when you need anything, especially if you need help catching up with any of the lessons, I’ll be happy to lend you my notes. These are my best classes,”
You gesture wildly to your notebooks. Yujin feels a little overwhelmed staring at the many brightly coloured post-it markers peeking between pages, all labelled in your handwriting. Everything on your desk seemed to function in some state of meticulously organised chaos.
“But if you need tutoring for anything else, I’ll be happy to ask one of my sunbaes.”
“Oh, thank you.”
You continue talking and Yujin just stands there. It’s a lot. You’re a lot. Not necessarily in a bad way, it’s just that you look so sure of yourself in a way that Yujin still doesn’t know how to. He can feel his other classmates staring at both of you. He watches you turn towards their direction and they avert their eyes, going back to chatting among themselves. His cheeks begin to flush with embarrassment and he furiously tamps it down.
“Do you have any questions? Anything I can help with, Yujin-ssi?”
How can you look so genuinely earnest? It must be such a hassle for you to look after him when you’re already in charge of the whole class.
“Ah no, it’s alright, thank you.”
Still, your bright demeanour doesn’t dampen, cheerfully calling the class to attention as the teacher walks in.
“Ah seriously hyung, I’m pretty sure he finds me annoying.”
“You are annoying though, you’re annoying me right now.”
“Ah hyuuuuung.”
You’re about to sulk when rather large hands plant themselves on either side of your face and begin squishing your cheeks.
“Aigoo, aigoo, no need to pout, hyung is just teasing you.”
You met Kim Gyuvin after meeting Park Gunwook at a student officer meeting. Along with Kum Junhyeon, the trio of seniors were practically inseparable. And like it or not, they’ve unofficially adopted you. 
Unofficial because your own mother had laughed when Kum Junhyeon showed up to your house with actual, legal adoption papers and then proceeded to pull up a whole powerpoint presentation to convince her to sign. While you expected Gyuvin to go along with this madness, you weren’t prepared to witness the horror of watching your student officer sunbaenim sporting a full wig and speaking in a high-pitched tone that would forever be burned into your brain. You couldn’t even look Gunwook in the eye at the next meeting.
Chaotic energy aside, your three hyungs were actually helpful whenever you did have a problem. Gyuvin pats your cheeks indulgently.
“He’s probably just shy. As long as you don’t scare the shit out of him like this one did when I first transferred over here, you’ll be best bros in no time.”
“Yaaa” Gunwook protests, “I wasn’t scary.”
“You looked like you could bench press my entire body weight and you stared at me for an unsettling amount of time when seongsaengnim introduced us on my first day.”
Gyuvin retorted, now squeezing your shoulders like they were stress balls.
“That’s because I couldn’t believe that someone the same age as me could look so damn attractive. It’s unfair.”
You braced yourself for the incoming dramatics.
“Ah bro”
“I didn’t know you found me that hot, bro.”
“You really were something, bro.”
Gyuvin lets go of your shoulders.
“Wait excuse me, were??”
“Gyuvin-ah, you and Junhyeon literally have the same personality, I love you both, really, but it’s-”
“It’s what, huh? What is it? Say it.”
You’re about to pull up some emergency aegyo to keep Gyuvin from fighting Gunwook. Luckily, Junhyeon has impeccable timing, almost non-existent volume control and a flair for theatrics.
Yep, time to do a reverse “Junhyeonie is 5” before someone loses their custody rights.
“Oh Yujin-ssi, how are you? Is any of the material confusing? We can go over it at evening study if you like”
The other boy turns to you so fast that you’re afraid his neck might snap.
“Ah, I’m- everything is alright.”
It’s becoming a pattern. You try your very best to get Yujin to feel comfortable and Yujin tensing up and giving rather brief responses.
You invite him to sit with you at lunch and he declines, disappearing from the hall.
You offer him a snack during evening study and he says he’s still full from lunch.
You ask if he wants you to get him a drink from the vending machine and he waves you off.
And he’s not even being rude about it, every response is extremely polite, frustratingly so. And you feel lost because it’s so clear that he feels the need to walk on eggshells around practically everything and you don’t know why.
Despite being class president, you don’t have much in terms of close friends. You’re friendly with most of your peers but becoming an officer means that you don’t have much free time and thus, the friends that you once had would end up hanging out without you. You knew, like Gunwook, that the title could make you come off as intimidating. And you genuinely wished that you could have what your hyungs did, an inseparable bond with all the chaos.
It’s three weeks in when Yujin doesn’t show up for class. The day after, you find out from the teacher that he’s been sick over the weekend and his parents are keeping him home for a few extra days to recover. By the third day that the chair beside you remains empty, you use your class president privileges to find out his address and decide to pull a Junhyeon, armed with the week’s class notes instead of adoption papers and unfortunately no powerpoint. Or a wig.
You knock on the door and wait. A few minutes tick by and no one answers. After double checking that you’re at the correct address, you knock again. As time drags out, you start to fiddle with your uniform jacket, wondering if this was a good idea. The door opens and you’re face to face with a woman who can only be Yujin’s mother.
You pull down your mask and bow, introducing yourself and holding out the notes that are meant for Yujin. Her face brightens.
“You must be his class president, you’re the only person at school that he talks about. Come in, I’ll have his brother check if he’s napping or not. He’ll be glad to see you after staying home for so long.”
You try to decline, not wanting to put Yujin on the spot but she insists, ushering you in.
“I’ve just been so worried for him after he had to transfer. He always gets so quiet with new people and I’m so glad when I heard about you, really. Thank you for looking out for him.”
She says as you toe off your shoes, trying your best to smile and nod while you’re internally reeling from all the information she’s unloaded.
“Ah, Yujinie, your friend is here. He’s been nice enough to drop off the notes you’ve missed.”
Yujin pauses when he sees you sitting on the couch. He’s a little pale but otherwise looks fine for someone who’s been sick for almost a week. His mother thanks you again before bustling into the other room. Yujin takes a seat on the opposite side of the couch.
“I brought the homework.”
“And all the notes for the lessons this week.”
“I’ve colour-coded them by class so you know which ones which.”
The silence drags itself out long enough for you to consider making an excuse and seeing yourself out. But before you can, Yujin finally speaks.
“Why are you still being so nice to me?”
“Uh- um- sorry, excuse me?”
For once, he isn’t the one giving a brief response but you’ve been caught off guard. 
“I know you need to do the whole class president thing but seriously, you don’t need to go out of your way to offer me snacks or buy drinks or even come all the way here to drop all of this off. Seriously, don’t you think it’s a hassle? Why do you have to be this nice?”
This is literally the most you’ve heard Yujin say since meeting him. It’s groundbreaking. Incredible. Miraculous. Damn, you think your brain broke a little.
“I guess…I’m just being nice?...You know, for the sake of being nice?”
More like a lot.
“I mean you seem like a cool person. Like you aren’t bothered by how I have to like use a different coloured pen for everything or when my sticky note markers end up on your desk or like…yeah.”
You internally cringe at the word vomit that you let loose. Really, you didn’t rehearse your class president candidate speech a million times to sink to this level of ramble.
Yujin laughs. Like actually, genuinely, laughs.
“You’re actually kinda strange, you know. But yeah…”
He grins at you.
“You seem like a cool person too.”
Yujin looks positively terrified as Junhyeon flaps his arms wildly at him.
Gunwook looks vaguely amused, giving you a thumbs up before trying to keep Junhyeon from fully launching himself at both of you. Gyuvin takes one look at Yujin, turns around and walks out the door, mumbling something that sounded like “adoption papers.”
It’s going to be an interesting year.
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adhdo5 · 28 days
Hello! I am asking for help on behalf of @mohamedmoner1994. I apologize if you've received an ask from me about this before, feel free to ignore this if I accidentally sent multiple asks. Please be assured that this is a vetted fundraiser (line 70, number 66 on the vetted fundraisers spreadsheet), and you can also find Mohamed and Rewaa on Instagram (mohamed_moner1994 and rewaaamohamed).
I'm sending out messages and directly asking for donations because their campaign has been stagnating for almost 6 months now. They only receive about 2-3 donations per day, and often there are long gaps when they don't receive donations at all that it's a struggle to get to even just the next £100. So I'm doing my best to help look for people willing to donate even just a small amount. Right now, they are at 11k and I am pushing to get them to £12,000
They really need to start receiving a steadier stream of donations because Mohamed's wife, Rewaa, has cancer. They are endeavoring to have her be included among those who will be evacuated for medical emergencies, as Rewaa hasn't had treatment since the war started and her symptoms have increasingly worsened because of this. But if they are unable to gather enough funds, the rest of the family might not be able to pay the fees to cross and they would be separated from each other. Rewaa is particularly worried about leaving behind her son Mounir, who will not be able to join her if she gets evacuated unless they have the funds ready when the border opens.
Even if you are unable to donate, I would really be grateful if you can post Mohamed's link or reblog my pinned post so that we can find more people with the means to donate. Thank you very much and I pray that your kindness be returned back to you someday.
At time of posting this still only has £11,070 and things are only worsening. Please consider donating I will be setting up a donation incentive drive soon
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iwriteasfotini · 28 days
Jegulus Excerpt
My third Jegulus days celebration post. I know it was yesterday, but is there really such a thing as too much Jegulus? Nope. Another excerpt from Book 3, written from James’ POV. It stands alone from the excerpts I shared for day one and day two and is from Chapter XXI. More budding Starchaser for your entertainment. 
Showered and changed, the team left the locker room arm in arm. There were still many people milling about the lawn, as it was such a lovely day. And soon the team was scattered among friends who wanted to recap the match. James looked to the lake, where he thought his mates were most likely to be. All three were there, Remus skimming stones while Sirius and Peter lay in the grass. But they hadn’t spotted James yet, so he took another sweeping look around the grounds and saw what he was looking for, a shadow shifting near the locker room entrances. 
He doubled back, if anyone asked he’d say he had left something behind. He hustled back to the locker room, and slipped through the door. And James should have been surprised, but he wasn’t to find Regulus standing in the middle of the room, hands in his pockets. He was decked out in Slytherin colors, and the emerald green contrasted wonderfully with his pale complexion and dark hair. 
Before James could say so much as “hey” Regulus began speaking very fast, “I know I shouldn’t be here. I know you are my brother’s best friend. I know you hate me and the rest of my house. I just wanted to say I’ve enjoyed watching you fly this season. You are really good James. And you are a team player.” 
James could tell Regulus was rambling out of nerves. So James cut him off, “well I train really hard. You should come fly with me. Not like you need the practice.”
Regulus bit his lip and smiled sheepishly. James had rarely seen Regulus show an emotion that wasn’t disdain or aloofness. He had a really nice smile, and it reached all the way to his eyes, just like Sirius’ did. James’ stomach did a little flip and he felt some color creep into his cheeks. Thank goodness his dark skin didn’t show blushes as easily, what would Regulus think of him?
“You had better enjoy the Quidditch Cup while you have it, because next year we are going to be wiping the floor with you.”
“Oh really,” James took two steps forward. “I don’t know, the Slytherin’s looked pretty tame this year. Maybe you all have lost your touch. And for as little as I’ve seen you training, who’s to say you are even as good as I remember.”
“I’m excellent,” Regulus replied, eyes narrowing. But James shrugged. 
“I’ll believe it when I see it.”
Regulus pursed his lips, which were slightly less full than Sirius’.
“Fine, Wednesday morning. I’ll come fly with you, as long as -”
“Regulus,” James held up his hand, “I’m taking your secrets to the grave. You can trust me, yeah?” They stared at each other, then James watched a smile creep across Regulus’ face. James smirked back, and to keep the situation from getting any more awkward, he spit into his right hand and held it out to Regulus, who did not hesitate to mimic the gesture. They shook with a squelch. 
And when neither of them had let go after a solid ten seconds of shaking, James looked at their hands and said, “so, um, we gonna stand here all day or…”
Regulus went crimson, and he dropped James’ hand. 
“Wednesday,” James called after him as Regulus made to leave out the back door of the locker room. Regulus nodded and gave him a small smile. James stood in the empty locker room and then put his hands into his pockets, palm still slick with spit he didn’t feel the urge to wipe off. 
You can find more info on this series in my pinned post. Unfortunately, this is from Book 3, which is fully written but doesn’t have an announced posting date as of yet. But it’s coming to AO3, I promise! On Sunday I'm announcing the title, POV, and posting date for Book 2 in my Weekly Update.
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lipid · 2 months
Hello! Is it alright if I ask for help spreading @mohamedmoner1994's gofundme link? I apologize if you've received an ask from me about this before, feel free to ignore this if I accidentally sent multiple asks. This is a vetted fundraiser (line 70, number 66 on the vetted fundraisers spreadsheet).
I'm sending out messages to people again because they only receive about 2-3 donations per day and it's a struggle to get to even just the next £100, so I'm doing my best to help look for people willing to donate even just a small amount. They really need to start receiving a steadier stream of donations because Mohamed's wife, Rewaa, has cancer. They are pushing to have her be included among those who will be evacuated for medical emergencies, as Rewaa hasn't had treatment since the war started and her symptoms have increasingly worsened because of this. But if they are unable to gather enough funds, the rest of the family might not be able to pay the fees to cross and they would be separated from each other.
Even if you are unable to donate, I would really be grateful if you can post Mohamed's link or reblog my pinned post so that we can find more people with the means to donate. Thank you very much and I pray that your kindness be returned back to you someday.
Hello!! of course i will share and donate
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ghostblogging · 1 month
Hello! Is it alright if I ask for help spreading @mohamedmoner1994's gofundme link? I apologize if you've received an ask from me about this before, feel free to ignore this if I accidentally sent multiple asks. This is a vetted fundraiser (line 70, number 66 on the vetted fundraisers spreadsheet).
I'm sending out messages to people again because they only receive about 2-3 donations per day and it's a struggle to get to even just the next £100. In fact, as of me writing this ask, the only donation they've received was from their family member who is helping them run their fundraiser. So I'm doing my best to help look for people willing to donate even just a small amount. They really need to start receiving a steadier stream of donations because Mohamed's wife, Rewaa, has cancer. They are pushing to have her be included among those who will be evacuated for medical emergencies, as Rewaa hasn't had treatment since the war started and her symptoms have increasingly worsened because of this. But if they are unable to gather enough funds, the rest of the family might not be able to pay the fees to cross and they would be separated from each other.
Even if you are unable to donate, I would really be grateful if you can post Mohamed's link or reblog my pinned post so that we can find more people with the means to donate. Thank you very much and I pray that your kindness be returned back to you someday.
please help in any way you can!! at the very least continue to share it so others can!
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littlevelvette · 1 month
Hello! Is it alright if I ask for help spreading @mohamedmoner1994's gofundme link? I apologize if you've received an ask from me about this before, feel free to ignore this if I accidentally sent multiple asks. This is a vetted fundraiser (line 70, number 66 on the vetted fundraisers spreadsheet).
I'm sending out messages to people again because they only receive about 2-3 donations per day and it's a struggle to get to even just the next £100. In fact, as of me writing this ask, the only donation they've received was from their family member who is helping them run their fundraiser. So I'm doing my best to help look for people willing to donate even just a small amount. They really need to start receiving a steadier stream of donations because Mohamed's wife, Rewaa, has cancer. They are pushing to have her be included among those who will be evacuated for medical emergencies, as Rewaa hasn't had treatment since the war started and her symptoms have increasingly worsened because of this. But if they are unable to gather enough funds, the rest of the family might not be able to pay the fees to cross and they would be separated from each other.
Even if you are unable to donate, I would really be grateful if you can post Mohamed's link or reblog my pinned post so that we can find more people with the means to donate. Thank you very much and I pray that your kindness be returned back to you someday.
As of August 12 2024 this fund has £10,847 raised of £45,000.
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inafieldofdaisies · 1 year
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WIP Wednesday | Tagged by @g0dspeeed <3 | Tagging @josephseedismyfather @adelaidedrubman @thesingularityseries @socially-awkward-skeleton @direwombat @euryalex @detectivelokis @nightbloodbix @aceghosts @madparadoxum @trench-rot @josephslittledeputy @theelderhazelnut @purplehairsecretlair @neonneurons @dumbassdep @shegetsburned @clicheantagonist @poisonedtruth @vampireninjabunnies-blog @cassietrn @wrathfulrook @voidika @harmonyowl @v0idbuggy @strangefable @schoute @jacobsneed @strafethesesinners and anyone with something to share ❤️
This midweek you're getting more of Jacob x Mercedes, the snippet is on the longer side (but like I don't want to leave you all on a cliffy like with the last "last line tag post") and things are definitely picking up, folks. Beware it gets NSFW towards the end. :D
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"Bambi?", Mercedes shot a dark look at the now closed door of Jacob's office, "Bambi.", she shook her head and let out a bitter laugh. You truly have no idea, Jacob Seed. The last couple of minutes were a true testament of her ability to stay in character and not come out swinging the second he had started barking orders at her like she was one of his unfortunate subordinates or worse, an animal he was trying to tame. "Bambi.", she repeated again and bit her lip as she went around the desk and sat down in his chair. You're so lucky I didn't shove my fist so far up your clueless ass you would have seen stars. Intrusive thoughts about inflicting different level of violence upon his person had popped up in her mind anytime Jacob had opened his mouth to speak during their confrontation about her leaving the region. She had no idea why he seemed to enjoy pushing her around so much, but he was in for quite the rude awakening if he expected her to just run back to Joseph and abandon the task and chance at helping the opposing Militia. "The enemy of my enemy shall be my friend.", she whispered as she scanned over the plans laid out in front of her carefully, memorizing anything that could be of assistance at doing damage to the Project. One name repeated over and over in the notes, almost bordering obsession and she suspected the man was just the one she needed to find. "Eli. Eli. I feel like we can help each other." I will be the snake in your brother's garden. The wolf roaming among your sheep, Jacob. Not Bambi.
Mercedes hoped the Deputy that was brave enough to make a run for it would manage to escape despite Jacob's strong confiction he wouldn't. In ways she felt guilty for dragging the man and his colleagues into the mess. After going over anything available on top of the desk, she moved onto its drawers. Locked. Of course. She kept an eye on the door as she reached into her hair and pulled out one of the bobby pins from her braid, getting to work on lockpicking the top drawer. Her gaze narrowed in confusion the second she pulled it open and was greeted by emptiness aside from a small wooden box. She picked it up with curiousity and opened the lid, scanning over the letters engraved on the inside, "Only you? A music box out of everything, Jacob?" Mercedes returned the box back in its place and shut the drawer, double checking it's locked again before moving onto the rest. The discovery was more like what she had expected to come across: files of Hope County residents, most marked as "failure" with a red stamp. She quickly flipped through the folders without pulling any out, knowing there were way too many to go over when she had no idea when Jacob or any of his men would return to check on her. After locking all drawers again and making sure nothing was out of place, she leaned back in the chair with a sign, "Slow progress. Oh, how I hate you."
[one radio call with Joseph later; where he insists she must stay in the Whitetails and be his eyes.]
Hours passed without anyone appearing or even passing by the office door, the building remained quiet as the light outside began to dim. She was starting to wonder if Jacob hadn't decided to not return to the Vet Center at all, hoping she would take the hint and leave after his less than warm welcome. Mercedes lost count how many times she spun around in his chair as she contemplated her life choices and imagining where she would have been at that moment had she not gone after Joseph Seed at all. Probably at some unjustifiably expensive restaurant with a target, hanging onto my every word.Fuck, sure can use some food by now… Another spin paired with regrets and boredom had her staring at the peeling paint on the wall behind her and when she turned again instead of finding the office vacant, angry blue eyes met hers. Sneaking up on me, are we? "You're still here.", Jacob stated the obvious as he stopped in her earlier position at the desk, their roles reversed, no matter how temporary. A smile broke across her face, Mercy coming out to play, "No place I would rather be." Many places I'd rather be, in fact.Anywhere with a more enjoyable company preferably.A bath would be nice, too, doesn't even have to be fancy.
"You called my brother.", he muttered in annoyance as he wiped his brow, smudging blood across his skin and making Mercedes realize his hands were stained crimson. Are you badly injured, Deputy? Is it my fault? "You should have left hours ago. I have to warn you, I don't take lightly to anyone disregarding my authority. Let alone to you making yourself at home in my chair, spinning around in it like a child." So did many control obsessed men before you, honey. Then they realized I do as I please. Most found themselves beneath me or chasing after me, begging for mercy at the end. Ironic, I know. "I answer to Joseph, not you. The sooner you accept that, the less times your blood pressure would rise.", she said, not letting her smile waiver even for a breath as she got up and rounded the desk to stand in front of him. Mercedes licked her thumb and brought it to his forehead, cleaning off the blood when she added, "You have to watch your heart at your age." "What do you think you're doing exactly?", his hand shot out, grabbing her wrist before it could retreat, "And you did not just dare to call me old." She tried to pull her arm free, but Jacob's grip only tightened as a result, "A joke, Jacob, I assume you know what that is. As for what I was doing… you had something on your face, so you're welcome." A strange expression came over his features when he replied, "I didn't expect to have it in you to crack a joke, Mercedes." One of her shoulders quirked up, "Not like you have spent any time trying to talk to me since we've met. How would you know what I'm like?"
All she got from him was silence. The air grew heavy with tension as his eyes ran over her face, hand still gripping hers, his body rigid. Minutes that felt like forever rolled by, and she did her best to keep her breathing steady as goosebumps covered her exposed flesh. She wondered if she would end up slammed into a wall and what would follow. His look tells me that he'd either kiss me senseless or choke the life out of me. Neither outcome very high on my list, thank you. Her back didn't meet the wall behind her, instead he swiftly pulled at her hand and dragged her out of the room without a single word. Jacob took quick, long strides over the hallways, forcing her to jog in order to keep up with him, her flats slipping on the worn-out tiles. His men watched, heads bowed down, trying their hardest to appear disinterested in what their boss was doing. "Jacob?", she uttered out in confusion, refusing to let go of Mercy's sweet and naive persona. In reality she suspected that at some point in the quiet moments back in his office, he had realized she wouldn't be leaving on her own accord, and was set on personally throwing her out, having decided he's done dealing with her. In seconds, he was at the front entrance of the Center, pushing the doors open and heading with determination past all the rolls of cages towards a white pick-up truck marked with a familiar cross. Yes, sending me packing, alright. When they reached the vehicle, Jacob finally let go of her wrist as he went to grab her bag from the car she had driven there. Her eyes shifted between her forearm, where the outline of his fingers was now imprinted in crimson, and the sun setting against the darkening sky. The loud slamming of the car's trunk brought her attention back to him and she watched him toss her luggage in the back of the truck and round the front without a single look in her direction.
"Get in, Mercedes.", he ordered as he threw his door open and climbed in. Mercedes reluctantly walked over to the passenger's side and bent down to speak through the open window just as a wolf howl sounded somewhere in the distance, making her tense up, "I told you that I'm not leaving. Joseph-" His cold eyes finally veered at her, "I said, get in. Or do I have to come out and make you?" Are we sure John is the one with anger issues? All she could do was sigh in defeat as her fingers found the handle of the door and swung it open. She hauled her body inside as her mind struggled to accept the fact she had failed, that coercing him into letting her stay had proven to be an impossible task after all. The minute she was buckled in, he started the truck, keeping his gaze glued to the road as he drove away from St. Francis. "I don't need you driving me.", she said softly, already dreading the idea that she would be stuck in the same tiny space with him, having to tolerate his glowering all the way back to Joseph's Compound. Even she had her limits. His head swiveled sharply, blue eyes meeting hers, when he gritted out, "Do you want to sleep in one of the cages back at the center, sweetheart… or are you going to shut your mouth and stop complaining before I change my mind about letting you stay?" Mercedes blinked in shock, certain she had heard him wrong. "Stay?", she said slowly. His hands gripped the steering wheel, knuckles turning white, the blood that covered them was all dried up by then, "Yes. You called my brother. You have him to thank for that." She bit her lip, looking out of the window as the truck went over a small bridge, the river below it dark and unwelcoming, yet still promising her freedom.
"Where are you taking me, though?", she asked, wrapping her hands around herself, wondering if she had missed an opportunity to jump to safety especially after his cage comment. His surly demeanor foretold of nothing but trouble. She was certain Jacob wasn't going to grace her with an answer, then he suddenly broke the silence, saying simply, "A cabin. Should be empty." Without giving her a chance to reply, he reached out and turned on the radio, muttering, "No more chit-chat, keep quiet. We're not suddenly friends because Joseph managed to convince me to tolerate your presence here." Mercedes nodded absently and leaned back in her seat, watching the dark road ahead. After a while he spoke up again, "Look at that. You're actually listening for once." From the corner of her eye she could see his lips twist into a small smile and she wondered if he expected her to respond, or he was testing her, hoping she'd give him another excuse to lash out at her. Eventually, he parked the truck in front of a small unlit cabin that would have been completely hard to spot if it wasn't for the headlights that casted light upon it.
She opened the passenger side door, shivering against the change of temperature the moment she exited the vehicle. She quickly grabbed her bag just as Jacob called out, "Where do you think you're going?" "Thank you for the ride, Jacob. Have yourself a good night.", she retorted, not bothering to turn around and entertain another argument that would keep him from driving off. She followed the path to the front door of the house as she heard his door slam shut, then footsteps stalking her way. Fucking hell. You're really asking to be kicked in the balls now. "Mercedes.", he grunted out. "What?", a hand wrapped around her upper arm, pulling her to a stop. His tone told her that irritated Jacob was making a return, "I said the house should be empty, would be smart if you don't go storming it before I've had time to make sure it's actually safe to enter." "I don't need your help.", Mercedes shook off his hold and continued down the walkway. "Do you even know how to use a gun, sweetheart? Any basic combat? Hell, can you even throw a punch properly?", he chided, his usage of the term of endearment dripping with sarcasm. "No, and no. But we could always test the punching part out if you insist, then tell me how I've done afterwards. I know you love training people.", she was tired of his constant belittling and let the last part slip without worrying too much about how unlike Mercy it was. Yes to all three, actually. And don't expect me to worry about your pretty face. But she knew it was better if the Seeds believed she was helpless, naive, too oblivious to be up to anything, let alone be planning their demise right under their noses. It was a target's most common mistake: underestimating her, it's how she always remained hidden in plain sight, and by the time they would realize the critical lapse of judgment, she was always long gone.
"Babysitting.", Jacob muttered under his breath as he pulled out a gun from his leg holster and pushed the front door open, "Wait here. I mean it." The lights inside the house turned on one by one, illuminating the outside with a faint glow. "Cabin's clear.", he declared as he stepped out on the porch. "Goodnight then.", Mercedes went around him, dropping her bag on the floor as she slammed the door shut in his face and leaned against it. A knock sounded immediately from the other side, his voice muffled when he announced, "I'm not leaving." "What?", came out as a squeak, and she hated how for once the reaction was actually real: she fully had expected him to be gone before she had even crossed over the threshold. "The Militia has eyes everywhere, so by now, they would know of your arrival. If you don't want to wake up tied to a chair in some make-shift interrogation room, you'd let me in." "What are you, a vampire?", she said quietly, frowning at the idea he was still there and supposedly was planning to spend the night under the same roof as her. "What did you say? Kinda hard to hear you with, you know, a door between us, sweetheart.", he was back to sounding amused, and when he got nothing out of her, he knocked again but way louder, making her jump, "Joseph's orders, Mercedes. Open the damn door, if you don't want me gaining entry in a less pleasant way." She cracked open the door slowly, sending him a look of distrust, "He said nothing of that sort to me." "Well, he did, to me. Called me in the middle of hunting down my runner. Said I've been mistreating you. Scolded me like I'm a child, not his older brother.", he scoffed, his face bearing an arcane expression when he added, "Want to know what else he said?" She fought back a smile at the idea Jacob had been knocked down a peg, no matter by whom. "No." He pushed past her inside, "Might be for the best, actually." Talk about foreboding.
With a huff she headed down the hallway after him and found herself standing in a small living room. The freamed pictures of a young couple reminded her the cabin was someone's treasured home that the Project had forcibly taken away, and judging by the lack of dust, it hadn't happened very long ago either. Jacob didn't bat an eye at the sight, sitting down on the couch with an arm thrown over the back of it as he continued, "The fact of the matter is, Joseph decided it would be smart to have someone keeping an eye out for you during your stay. Said I should personally see you settled in." She knew that having someone around to keep tabs on her and make sure she wouldn't run into the Militia was certainly bound to make her task of finding a way to run into them more difficult. "I thought you didn't want to 'babysit'?", she narrowed her eyes, remaining standing in the doorway. "Trust me, I don't. Don't go believing this would turn into a regular thing, I'm staying here only for tonight. So don't get any ideas." I will be sobbing into my pillow every night, Jacob. What shall this damsel do without a petulant ginger to protect her… More silence filled the room until he said, "You know, for someone that always tries to make conversation with anyone, you sure are awfully quiet out of a sudden." "You made it very clear I'm unwelcome here and that you dislike me. From day one, if I may add. I've made my peace with it, so enjoy the silence. Isn't that what you wanted after all?", she replied and grabbed her bag from the hallway, dropping it in the bedroom. She could foresee him complaining about the possible sleep arrangements, but if he had a problem with the couch, he could always sleep outside as alternative.
The lack of blood and no noticeable signs of struggle around the house gave her hope that maybe the two people that used to live there had made it out unscathed, she wanted to wholeheartedly believe that was the case. Mercedes kept to herself and made it her mission to ignore her moody chaperone as she washed her hands in the kitchen. She scrubbed at the bloody fingerprints he had left on her skin, wanting to get rid of the reminder she had no idea what had happened with the Deputy. She knew she potentially had a way to get an answer, but she refused to risk arousing suspicion by asking his captor about it. "Know how to start a fire?", Jacob chirped from the living room, still lounging back on the couch. "No." Yes. "Want me to teach you?", his cordial tone wasn't something she was used to. "Why are you acting all nice to me out of a sudden?" "What would you rather I do then, Mercedes? Figured the night would pass by easier that way.", she could feel his stare on her as she kept her back to him, opening and closing cupboards until she found a glass to pour herself some water into. "You don't have to sleep here. If you're worried I will tell Joseph… don't and just be on your way already." "I'm staying. You still didn't answer my question. Do you want me to teach you?" She moved onto the fridge next, finding it almost empty as expected, "Nothing edible in the fridge, Jacob. If you don't want ketchup for dinner, that is." "Check the pantry, most folks around here are preppers one way or another.", he explained, coming from behind her and opening the door to the small pantry himself before she even had a chance to, "Here."
He pulled out a couple of cans, leaving them on the counter as she took a generous sip of water, wishing it was alcohol instead. Sure as hell would make my charming companion seem more tolerable. "And if they had nothing stashed away, what was the plan then?" He raised an eyebrow, "Catch us some dinner." "I'm a vegetarian." It was another lie, but she had no desire to watch him play caveman, not if she was to keep her appetite after the things she had witnessed at St. Francis. "Are you now?" "You have a problem with that, too?" Jacob shrugged, "It's nature. We all have a spot on the food chain." "Whatever you say." "You don't agree?" Mercedes waved a hand in his direction, "I just have no energy for all this." When he went to open one of the cans, she moved over to where he was standing and grabbed it before saying, "Are you not even going to wash up first?" He looked down as if realizing for the first time the actual state of his hands. "Sorry.", he muttered and moved to the sink. The quiet apology took her by surprise, but she didn't let that show when she asked, "You hadn't even realized your hands were bloody?" "When you do this every day, it becomes a habit, a part of you, you stop paying attention because it doesn't look unnatural.", he uttered out over the running water, "We all have a role to play." "What's that supposed to mean, Jacob?", she certainly didn't like his clipped tone.
After methodically drying off his hands in silence, Jacob turned with another dark stare, pointed her way, "I cull the herd. Get my hands dirty for the Project. You play dress-up as my sister's double to keep my brother company." "I'm doing no such thing." "No?", he smirked, "You have no idea about my brother's plan for you, do you?" She had her suspicions, but the fact he was close to voicing his and had such a reaction piqued her interest. "What are you talking about?", she blinked in confusion, letting worry seep into the question. He shook his head, deciding against saying anything else as he opened the can and dumped the contents into a pan she had pulled out, "Doesn't matter. We all have our roles, sweetheart, it just takes time to realize what they are. You, too, would, eventually." In a couple of minutes, Mercedes found herself sitting across from Jacob at the small kitchen table that accentuated his towering presence even more. She stared down at her bowl, feeling disappointment at the fact that in less than a few hours, she would have been in Hope County for 388 days, and she was nowhere close to seeing an end to her mission. Jacob was right about her having a role to play, but he was dead wrong about who she played. He finished his meal first, getting up quietly and heading off into the hallway after dropping his plate in the sink. A part of her hoped he would just up and leave, not matter if it disobeyed Joseph's orders.
Done with her own dinner, she took a seat in an armchair next to the couch, and to her dismay, he returned shortly, carrying a couple of pieces of firewood inside. He kneeled down in front of the fireplace, mumbling, "So, have you changed your mind about me teaching you how to start a fire, yet?" "No." "Why?" "Because." Because your friendliness is forced. Because you're only being nice after getting scolded by Joseph and being offered some cryptic revelation about me. Because I'd rather keep my distance for so many reasons. He shook his head at her nonanswer, patting the empty space on the carpet next to him, "Come on, Mercedes." "No, thank you." "You'd certainly regret declining that lesson in the winter months… if you even make it that long in the Whitetails, that is.", he said, not bothering to mask the jab. "You're the survival expert, right? So do it yourself." "You owe me for destroying my poster. Humor me, and I will overlook the transgression." She shook her head, "I did no such thing, I told you already. I'm staring to wonder if there ever was one in your office or you're making it up so you have something to hold over my head." His eyes narrowed, "You're lying. We both know there was one." "Am not." "Come over, already. We can argue the whole night or get the cabin warmed up."
Mercedes got up with a sigh, shuffling over to him before she knelt down, and grumbled, "I still don't understand why you insist on it. If you expect I'd be praising your efforts to play nice to Joseph… that won't be happening." He ignored her words, slipping into explaining the basics she knew by heart, "First, you check the damper if you don't want all the smoke coming into the house." She nodded along with enthusiasm, urging him to continue, "Two pieces of firewood.", he picked them up from the floor and placed them on the grate of the fireplace before crumpling some newspaper, "Tinder. Then kindling on top. Some more firewood. And then…" Jacob reached inside his shirt's pocket, taking out a matchbox and passing it over to her, "…you light it." His fingers brushed against hers, and she tried to ignore his intense stare as she removed a match and struck it, wasting no time in starting the fire. His 'lesson' being officially over meant he would finally leave her in peace. Or one can only hope. "There. Done.", she muttered, and turned to face him, "I'm off to bed. Goodnight." as the words left her, his hand grabbed her cheek, the pure shock stopping her from getting up. "What are you doing?", she asked in a shaky voice, telling herself it was acting, and his touch wasn't actually throwing her off-kilter. "Something I definitely shouldn't be doing.", he gritted out before clashing his mouth to hers.
Alarm bells sounded in her head. This is beyond disastrous. Push him away. You're signing your death warrant. His fingers slipped into her hair, tangling in the curls and holding her close as his tongue parted her lips, and he let out an animalistic groan the second it met with her own. The scent of the burning embers in the fire mixed with his own fragrance, completely overwhelming her senses and causing the desire that had taken over her system the second his mouth had covered hers to deepen. Mercedes finally gathered the willpower to push at his chest and break the kiss, whispering, "We can't-", she shook her head to stress her point, not sure who she was reminding of the whole thing being a bad idea. Her body certainly had missed the memo, if she was to judge by the arousal that was pooling between her legs. "There are rules, Jacob. Especially-" "I won't tell if you don't.", Jacob said as if it was that simple, surprisingly looking almost as shaken up as she was. "You're lying. Did he put you up to this? To what…test me? Or are you having a laugh at my expense, seeing if I'm easy to tempt, then unleash John on me as payback?" "No.", he uttered out sharply, "It's nothing like that. And trust me, Joseph has nothing to do with this. We both know he would never suggest-" "Swear it." She had gone so long pretending to be someone she's not, feeling under constant surveillance at the Compound, having to follow Joseph's rules and act like she was smitten by his holier-than-thou persona. She craved a small win, to take something for herself, to get even an hour back into her old life. None of that seems feasible… so an orgasm wouldn't be bad, either. What a better "fuck you" to the Father than… fucking his brother?
Amusement flashed across his features, but it didn't get rid of the lust swimming in his blue depths or the frown he wore at her accusations, "I swear it. Are you going to make me do a pinky promise, sweetheart?" "Very funny. What if I do?", she reached out her pinkie as a joke, expecting he wouldn't entertain the idea, instead he wrapped his around it without even batting an eye. "There. Do you believe me now?" Mercedes had met many liars, she herself had become one for living, so she knew how to read people and what to look for, her eyes were trained to notice even the smallest tell in her opponents. In that moment, she couldn't see any signs Jacob was lying, and deep down she just didn't care. She nodded, and it was all the motivation he needed to pull her in for a second kiss, arms grabbing her waist and hoisting her onto his lap. His mouth glided over her cheek and down her neck, beard scratching her skin as he pushed the dress strap out of the way to nip at her shoulder. "Jacob", she hummed his name, and he got up. Her legs instinctively wrapped around his midriff as he strode in the direction of the bedroom, kicking the door open. Before she could blink, he deposited her on the bed, and she leaned back on her elbows, watching him as he hungrily stared down at the spot where her dress had ridden up and exposed her thigh.
"If we're gonna do this…", he paused, head swiveling in search for something, "I probably need to turn off the lights." Mercedes sent him a determined look, "No. I want to be able to see you. See us." We're not fucking in the dark, for fuck's sake. "I'm telling you, you don't." "I absolutely do." "Mercedes.", he held out his hand, palm running over the scars on his forearm, "You see this… they don't stop at my hands." "Clothes off, Jacob. Now." Her tone shifted as the Mercy act slipped completely, and if he noticed, he chose to ignore it. His blue eyes narrowed in uncertainty, making her nod, then repeat, "Clothes off. Want me to do it for you?" "Yes." Mercedes rose up on her knees, fingers taking hold of his camo shirt and stripping it off his body. She grabbed the hem of his short sleeved shirt next and lifted it up over his head, unveiling series of scars and burns across his skin. "Told you.", Jacob replied with a frown. "Come here. All I see is a survivor. Do you think these are going to stop me from wanting you?", she placed a kiss above his heart before her fingers locked at his neck, pulling him down on top of her. For a second, she was staring past the defenses of the man that barked orders at everyone and tried his hardest to keep the world at arm's length, and it made her heart ache. "You gonna get me out of this dress?", she asked, cradling him between her thighs as he finally snapped out of his stupor.
His hands reached around, looking for a way to undo the dress as his lips found hers for another feverish kiss and he let out a growl in frustration, moving back to whisper, "I can't find the damn zipper." "It's there. It's small-" "Do you love this dress?", he asked impatiently. "I can unzip it myself, just-", she stopped, blinking in confusion at the strange question, "Wait, what-" "Do you?" "Not really. No." Hate it actually, and the fact it seems to be your brother's favorite. "Good. Turn around." "Jacob?" "Do you trust me, sweetheart?" Not as far as I can throw you. Probably even less. "I guess?" "Turn around." She complied and swirled, staying on her knees with her back to him, and the next thing she felt was something cold touching her skin before he ordered sternly, "Keep still." Her brain registered what it was: the blunt end of a knife, inches apart from her spine. What the fuck. Then the tightness of the bodice gave way, as he cut the dress open all the way and sheathed the knife. "All done.", he stated in a calm tone, like he hadn't just brandished a weapon in bed after being too annoyed to look for a zipper. "I can't believe you pulled out a knife." "Got the job done, didn't it?"
His fingers moved the straps off her shoulders, the garment pooling on the bed and leaving her down to her underwear. She spun around to find him staring at her intently, blue eyes running over her body as if searching for something. An unreadable expression came over his face before he guessed, "You haven't been in John's chair, yet." I will be gone the second Joseph decides the time for me to confess has come. Shockingly enough, I draw the line at body mutilation. I'd prefer to avoid having to explain why I have sins engraved into my skin to whoever would be my next target. "No." His gaze darkened, "Just what I suspected." "What do you mean?" Instead of offering her an explanation, he gave her another cryptic response, "Doesn't matter." "Jacob." He shook his head and crashed his lips into hers in an attempt to stop her quest for answers, fingers unclasping her bra as hers got to work on undoing his jeans and pushed them down his legs. Mercedes lied back on the bed, gaze following his movements with anticipation as he took off his boots and pants, then joined her before any doubt or her common sense could creep in. His mouth traced a path from her abdomen up towards her breasts, lips closing around her nipple before he bit down on it gently. Her back arched when he moved onto the other one, showing it the same amount of attention as she tried to hold in her moans.
"I want to hear you. Every sound.", Jacob lifted his eyes to hers while his hand strayed over to one of the bedside drawers. He opened it and rummaged inside in a haste, huffing when he came up empty. "What are you looking for?" You pull someone's used toy out, I swear I'm hitting you in the face with it. "Condoms.", he stated matter-of-factly, opening the drawer above the one he had checked, "There you are." He dropped the wrapper on the bed, eyes roaming over her body, staring at her like she was his dinner. Calloused fingers slipped beneath the waistband of her panties and into her heat, exploring the same way her tongue began mapping out her mouth. "So wet for me, sweetheart." He pumped in and out of her slowly, his thumb brushing over her clit briefly, denying her actual release. It didn't take long for Mercedes to become fed up with his game, with his lips twisted into an arrogant smirk at how she was writhing beneath him. You're enjoying this too much. And I enjoy making people pay even more, Jacob. Keep acting this way and you'd find out. "I need more. I need you inside me.", she couldn't recognize her own voice as his hand retreated out of her underwear, leaving her body longing for his touch, to be filled again. "I'm more than happy to oblige.", Jacob retorted and moved away to discard his boxers, then dragged her panties down her legs, tossing them over shoulder. Her body trembled in anticipation and her gaze remained glued to his hands as they rolled the condom over his length, her stare inevitably making him choke out, "You keep looking at me like that, I can't promise I will be holding myself back."
She couldn't help the laugh that escaped her at the irony she was the one that had to hold back. In words and actions. He frowned at the sound and crawled over her, a cold sensation spreading over her skin when the dog tags he wore around his neck made contact with it, "Don't laugh, I'm absolutely serious here." His hands parted her thighs while he went in for another kiss, guiding his tip to her entrance and barely making it in as he whispered, "I might regret offering this, but… last chance to back down, Mercedes." A bit late for that now, ain't it? Or does "just the tip" not count in your cult? Their mouths met again just as she grabbed his hip and pushed him all the way inside, letting out a content sigh at the feeling. The part of Mercedes that always managed to be the voice of reason reminded her in last ditch effort how stupid the decision was, how reckless, then it went completely silent the second he began to move. He kissed her like he couldn't get enough, hands braced on each side of her face, every thrust appearing more intense and desperate than the previous. "Faster. Don't hold back on me. Fuck me like you meant it.", she hummed against his lips and he complied, hand holding onto her waist as his strokes picked up and his thumb found her clit, driving her over the edge with just a few flicks. She half-expected him to follow her, but he shook his head, "We're nowhere near done here, sweetheart." His eyes met hers as his hand took hold of her leg and rested it on his shoulder, finding a new deeper angle, the lingering aftershocks of her climax only intensifying his movements.
"What did you call me today, hm? Old?", he asked in a low tone, emphasising the word with a hard thrust and smirking at the moan that it elicited from her. Touchy, aren't we? Still not over one innocent joke. Though, fuck, I'm starting to think I should nag you more often, if this is how it ends for me… "That an yes, Mercedes?", Jacob challenged, slowing his rhythm down and kissing her calf, "Then there were all the times you undermined my authority… Maybe I should teach you that actions have consequences." His expression told her he was reveling in the idea he was completely in charge of her own body, still believing her to be this meek creature he could play around with as long as he pleased. Time to give you a taste of your own medicine. A smirk broke free on her face as she rolled them over until she came on top and straddled him. Her hands found her destroyed dress, and quickly unlaced the ribbon that adorned the front of its bodice, the subtle sound seeming louder in the silence that surrounded them. Amusement flashed across his features, hinting he still believed she was playing around. His eyes darkened the moment she grasped both of his hands and swiftly tied the ribbon around his wrists, securing the ends into an intricate knot at the wooden bedpost. The tension in the air grew as they gazed at each other, anticipation for what was to come licking at her spine and by the way he twitched inside her, he seemed to be feeling the same.
The whole time he stared at her with a strange expression, voice full of wonder when he asked, "Who are you and what did you do with 'Mercy'?", he spat out the nickname with disdain. Mercedes ran her fingers over his chest, tracing the rougher parts of his skin before leaning down to whisper in his ear, "What did you call me today?", she paused, still mimicking Mercy's gentle tone despite copying his words, "Bambi?", then the real her peeked through when she added, "I'm more of a wolf, Jacob. About time we met." He tested the retraints, and a growl escaped him when they didn't budge. Not my first rodeo. You're not going anywhere. She cupped his cheek, lowering her mouth to his as she started to move at her own pace, the new position threatening to send over the edge before she wanted. In the back of her mind she delighted in the idea how scandalized Joseph would be if he saw them at that moment, if his "God" graced him with the unfortunate vision of her breaking such a precious rule to him. "I knew there was something more to you. That "Mercy" was only skin deep. I could feel it anytime I looked at you.", Jacob said in between kisses, his breathing getting labored now that she had taken charge of their movements. Her teeth bit down on his bottom lip, the sharp tang of his blood hitting her tongue, "Did you? And here I thought you didn't like me." "I didn't like you.", he choked out, "I still don't.", and it was the least convincing lie she had ever heard in her life. Giving me second hand embarrassment here, Jacob. "Should I stop then? Because you see, I'm getting mixed signals here.", her lips moved onto his neck and she sucked on the skin, marking him, "You're telling me one thing, your body another… who's lying?"
She couldn't help but wonder what his Chosen would think of her signature on his throat, especially after the way he had dragged her out of St. Francis. "No.", he said, clutching onto whatever semblance of control he had remaining. "No, what? Did I break you? Form a sentence for me." "Don't stop." A very un-Mercy-like smirk broke free, "Ah, that's what I thought." Her hips rotated again and again, bringing both of them closer to release until he muttered, "I won't last much longer, Mercedes." "I come first, only then you do, too, understood?", he raised an eyebrow at her stern tone but nodded, "Good." Mercedes straightened her back, her hand gliding to where they were joined, fingers rubbing her clit while the other caressed her breast. His eyes drank her in and she could tell he was enjoying the show, yet his face remained scrunched up with concentration as he held back his own release, set on proving a point. On proving himself to her. A second climax hit her, ripping out a moan out of her, and it was all the encouragement he needed to let go, too, as her walls clenched around him. "Fucking excellent.", he said, still out of breath, the genuine shock in his words and his sated expression causing her to beam with pride. It was the first real smile to grace her face since joining the Project, one that reached the dimples in her cheeks, making them pop. The fact that he mirrored her grin didn't help matters at all. If I didn't know better, I'd worry I'm in trouble.
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