#you can threaten to like shake me around tho or something idk
cordeliawhohung · 6 months
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meet carlos. hes small so like I can't even catch him if I tried.
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charles is much more polite but he only likes my brother cuz he's a fatass
and I was sending you death threats so maybe it was a good thing carlos didn't let me
i love them! they look so soft. a shame they prevented you from sending me death threats i find those rather enjoyable honestly
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Vent Post
I feel like something bad happened to me when I was younger.
Because based off of all the trauma and healing videos I've seen I have so much signs of sexual trauma but I barely remember any of that.
I have some blurred stuff of something happening but I don't know if it was a dream or not, because some of my dreams I mistake for being real.
Like my abuser was pretty sexual with me a lot. Even tho he called me ugly, called me fat and said he'd never like me. He always talked about how he wanted to fuck me, would make sexual jokes about me and would make me burst into tears. I don't remember if he like touched me or anything, and if he did I don't remember. I remember tho vividly when I was younger, during a text one of his friends was behind me and tapped my shoulder and he turned around ask said
"I wanna grab your tits" or Something like that, and he did a groping motion with his hands and he has such face I can never forget.
Since I kinda developed earlier than everyone else, I covered my chest with my cardigan and turned around shaking.
Now that same dude goes to my school and is dating one of my classmates, and I always see him in the hall and I just run past him shaking.
And then I'd tell my main abuser to tell them to stop and he just didn't care. He made a face that had a look of like high yet fully aware and didn't care, and he was smirking.
I make that face sometimes without knowing and that images flashes in my head and I feel like I'm about to cry.
I think only one of his friends left me alone and that was it.
There was this other friend he had that lived near me. One day the teacher left for like an hour and left us by ourselves. Him and his friend started making all sorts of insults to me while I tried to work on the project we assigned. I kept telling to stop and they told me to shut up and contuied. Suddenly I just snapped and broke down yelling at them to shut up and to leave me alone. I remember a few kids looking at our table and then they started begging for forgiveness saying they were joking. Nobody came to ask if I was alright. That same friend would cat-call em when I'd walk home and I'd want to avoid school everyday.
I had no close friends and no one who'd defend me at the time, he was my only "friend."
He'd never hit me tho I know that. He said he'd never hit a girl which was true. But one of my friends said one time he ran his hand up her thigh once.
I don't remember if he touched me or not tho. It wasn't like flat out rape or anything like that but more of just touching.
I remember me spinning on a light post because I was bored and he'd call me stripper. He treated no one else like this and I don't know why.
He'd threaten our friendship and for years I worried I'd have no friends but then he'd act like nothing happened.
Multiple times he manipulated me into giving him money. And I don't know if he's still the same perverted bastard.
so much stuff from that time if a blur but idk everything.
Now I flinch whenever anything you he's my legs or my thighs. And I always feel something grabbing my chest and something wrapped around waist and I don't know why and I want to know what happened to me.
Him and his lackeys were so sexual with me and I even know if they're to blame. We were kids too and that what makes it worse.
we were in elementary school and I feel like if I told anyone they'd say I'm dramatic or something because it's elementary school and nothing that happened there is important but I beg to differ. I'll see him again. I know that for a fact. And to be honest. I'm not ready. Not at all. If his in one of my classes or jobs I think I'll be close to him again because I hate to admit it but I miss him. I feel so numb now and when I see him I go into a spiral.
He told me nobody loves me. He told me I was ugly. I was fat. But he'd continue to use me. Abuse me. Hurt me. Hang out with me. And do whatever the fuck to me and not even care. We had our good moments. But those do even make up for the shit I suffer with now.
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television-pil0t · 1 year
I don’t know if this could possibility make since but.. I wish I loved my mom.
She was my mother. She did everything for me. I wish I loved her. I wish I could’ve been better. I wish I didn’t turn out the way I did. I wish I could say it wasn’t her fault and a lot of it was but at the same time.. idk. I don’t wanna blame my mommy. She did the best she could and god I wish I could hug her. I wish could just say it’s ok. I wish I could’ve cared more. I wish I didn’t wanna hurt her so bad all the time. I wish I could be normal for her. For everyone in my life that I was close to of course I feel.. something. Not guilt.. not sadness.. im not heavy but I’m not happy about it either. It’s like.. I feel nothing but my brain is trying so hard to get me to feel something? I wish I cared for my friends more. I wish I didn’t give everyone such a blank stare. I wish my voice wasn’t so monotone. I wish I could’ve said I loved her and meant it. I wish everything was better. I wish I died and not her. Everyday I think about it. Not because I’m suicidal or anything. I just am aware I’m not a good person. I’m really really not. I understand I hurt people completely unintentionally. Even when I try to do the right thing it always ends up coming up short. I knew Daemon for years. From 4th to 8th grade. We were best friends and I’d do anything for him and still I wonder was it just a obsession. He has NPD he didn’t give me that much attention. Was it because he was a guy that I valued him so much? What about with khye. Why do I think about him so often? Why can I just drop some people and have others stick in my head for what feels like ever. What was the difference. What did they give that others didn’t.
Sometimes I forget about my own mom. I forget she existed.. I forget about daemon. About Simon. About Zakaya.. they were the most important thing in my life and.. more than anything someone I wanted to protect.. without feeling anything for them besides a urgency to be with them. I guess it’s BPD and ASPD but.. I feel.. idk.
I remember one night in 7th grade I couldn’t stop cutting myself. I was just alone in my room. My blue,pink and green room and someone opened the door because my door wasn’t allowed to be locked and it was him. He was standing there and he just looked at me. He didn’t cry. He didn’t say anything he just took the razor away and held me. It felt like hours went by where I wasn’t crying. I wasn’t shaking. I was just there. Being held. Bleeding feeling the blood drop down my arm and then eventually feeling it dry. We got up and he cleaned me up and left. Minimal words were spoken. “Are you ok.” “Yeah.” “You still wanna keep going?” “..no.” “Are you lying.” “No.” “Ok…” I remember it all. He left and the next day started like nothing even happened. He was back to his silly ass self. So was I even tho I know the thought was in the back of both of our minds.
I never felt like daemon pitted me. I felt like he did what he felt like he should do. Just like me. The older I grow the more I realized I was like him a lot. Which.. sucks. I don’t think he ever cared about me to much.. I think he was bothered by me but I was there. I don’t know how he saw me but.. I don’t blame him. I’m not made. He gave me memory and he grew up with me and I can’t be mad at that since he showed me he cared about me.
I guess I did the same to my mom just.. less. I remember snapping at her a lot. We would get into fights and I’d do things just to hurt her so often. Yet when she was crying I felt like I should help her.. sometimes. Yet I would also wish I wasn’t around her. I would want to leave. I’d want her to shut up when she’s talking yet at the same time I could listen to her talk all day. We threatened each other often. She slapped me before. She would hurt me so badly emotionally I think I wanted to hurt her too.
Zakaya was probably one of my first EP. Thinking about everything I feel like checking myself into a mental hospital really bad. I know there’s something wrong with me. I don’t know what it is though. Maybe I’m just not “in touch with my emotions.” But.. idk. I wanna be. I don’t wanna take dolma aspects of every person I meet and mold them into me. I feel so.. not real.
Maybe the stress of going to have to be a real person soon is getting to me or maybe it’s genuinely just that bad and I never had the chance to just sit here and be alone. I always avoids my thoughts. I always have. I hate thinking. It feels like there’s so damn much. To much. It feels crowded and then I feel like im just saying nonsense so I never tell this to anyone. I never talk to anyone about it. I don’t think there will ever be a cure so I don’t wanna go to a specialist but I wanna know what they think but.. I don’t wanna be told there’s so much wrong with me. I hate this. I feel so weird right now. Physically. I feel everything. I feel ichy. I feel uncomfortable. I feel so self aware it’s killing me. It’s so uncomfortable. Mentally I feel detached but locked into my body. Like im trying so hard to back out if this but im not. I can’t. This is why I hate thinking so much. To much to realize.
I miss my mom everyday. I miss everything about her. I miss khye. I miss daemon. I miss Yvonne. And Mikey. And mante.. I miss my old group of people. I miss Simon. At the same time I don’t. God it’s so fucking confusing. I feel SOMETHING when I think of these people. I know I did what I did for a reason but maybe im thinking into it to much. Maybe it was just a life goes on moment. A “you have someone prepare you for the person your about to meet next” thing. But I don’t like that. I wanna be loved and wanted but I hate it. I wanna be worshiped but I hate it. I wanna talk to all of them but I hate doing it. I hate all of them but I want them.
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moonchildstyles · 2 years
older h meeting her parents!!! And she’s nervous cause she’s never introduced a boy to them let alone a MAN! And he’s just the sweetest helping her around the flat preparing everything with her just kissing her “do they even know I exist?” He as,s her and she’s all 😮 “of course they do h!” And he brings her into him calming her telling her to take a deep breath “if they ask we are not having sex” she blurts out and he’s full on laughing “why would that even be brought up?” She shrugs her shoulder “just making sure” he kisses her lips “you are old enough I’m sure they know you’ve done it by now” he’s smirking she hits his shoulder “stop they don’t! Do they?” She asks he smiles “i don’t know you tell me” kissing her neck just kissing everywhere he can besides her face since she has on some makeup and he was threatened not to ‘ruin it’ “stop messing with m-me they don’t know” and he’s focusing on a spot he knows she likes “Harry don’t leave a mark I’m not changing p-please” he stops “okay let’s get ready for your parents and tell them how I’m your boyfriend and pretend I have never seen you naked” pecking her lips
Literally so obsessed w this idea I’ve read it SOOOOOOOO many times since u sent it in I’m def def def going to be writing a whole blurb w a moment like this soooo obsessed🥺 like it’s so obvi she’s nervous fluttering around the place trying to straighten pillows and dust shelves and keeps checking in the status of the takeout she ordered for lunch that she’s going to pretend she made and every time h asks her if she wants help or if she’ll sit w him she just is like oh no I’m okay thank you!!! All smiley even tho he can see she’s soooo nervous and like she already told him he’s the first guy she’s introduced to her parents so there just lots of extra tension in her bc of that and h is just leaning against the counter while she fussed around in the kitchen and “love they know who I am right?” Bc now he’s getting nervous that this is all a big mess that is going to surprise everyone but that’s the first thing that gets her attention and ofccthey know ab u h! I talk ab u all the time! And they follow me on insta so they’ve seen all of our pics!! And he just relaxes after that feeling a little better before she’s all stiff and just when he’s ab to ask what happened she’s like “we also have never had sex before and I’m still a virgin if anyone asks” and he’s so ?????? Bc “who’s going to ask that?” And she’s just idk!! I just want to make sure in case my mom says something idk! And h is just so endeared by her bc what a cutie she is all nervous over this and he stops her from flirting out of the kitchen w his hands on her hips and he’s got a smile on his face and “darling I don’t think u need to worry about that okay? I don’t think they’re gonna ask and besides ur old enough to make those choice I’m sure they’ve already assumed as much” and she just deadass 🧍🏼‍♀️ u think they know? Are u serious? And he just can’t help himself before he’s teasing her and idk baby do they??? Have u said anything that might make them think that???? And then she’s all omg eyes wide and omg I think I might have told my mom I stayed the night at ur house a few weeks ago omg they totally know oh no and he just shakes his head and can’t help himself before kissing over her neck to leave her makeup alone and he’s like ooooh you’ve definitely done it now making it clear he’s teasing her and that’s when she pushes him away a little tho it barely does anything since she keeps laughing and h stop teasing ur being meannnnn and he’s just being annoying and cute before he’s pulling back and chancing a kiss over her lips and alright alright they don’t know so I guess we’ll all have to play the game where I pretend I don’t know you have a body under ur clothes and I only hold ur hand when u stay the night and she can’t help but laugh at him bc he’s being so annoying but cute and it’s just the biggest stress reliever to have him there w her:(
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hyunjilicious · 4 years
I just read what is and what should never be and it was PHENOMENAL! I love everything you write anyway so I was wondering if you could do a small one where Bucky is alone and depressed and he calls yn because he feels lost and she is just there for him? No worries if you can't! I love you anyway 💕
Omg!! You’re too sweet! I really wanted to do this one justice, but I suck at angst... I love you too!! and I’m sorry if this sucks!
Summary: after the events of Endgame, you and Bucky part ways. Even though you haven’t spoken in months, when he needs you, you’re there ANGST 2.2k
Warnings: overall angsty vibes. Sad Bucky. Idk depictions of depression I guess? shitty writing!
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“You came” Bucky's surprised tone pulled you out of your thoughts.
Before saying anything else, you shook your head in disbelief. From certain points of view, he looked exactly the same as when you last saw him months ago, but if you looked past his rugged exterior, it was very easy to tell something was truly eating away at his heart.
“Of course I came” you frowned, “You called me”
“Thought you didn’t want anything to do with me anymore” Bucky mumbled.
You looked him up and down, thoroughly confused by his statement, but decided to keep the tone of the conversation from going too dark too fast. “Shut up, Barnes” you scoffed, “Don’t even joke about that.” A hint of a smile appeared at the corner of his lips, but it was forced, you could easily tell he wasn’t truly being himself. “What’s up?”
Bucky took a deep breath as if gathering the courage to word his thoughts. When his eyes met yours he flinched, the pain clouding his otherwise bright blue eyes. He started with a long sigh and a shake of his head but then, cringed as he finally spoke up. “I need help”
His confession went directly to the pit of your stomach. “What happened? Whatever it is, you got it, but what-”
“Nothing happened” Bucky stopped you, “I need help”
“I don’t understand”
“I need someone to-” he sighed, closing his eyes as his head fell forward in what could only be described as shame, “I need someone to talk to” and it was funny, considering he just walked out of his psychiatrist’s office. “Someone that’s not paid to listen to me” he added, “Someone who understands”
It was moments like these that you truly wished Steve was still here. Or Nat. Your best friends, yes, but they were the glue that held you all together, and now in their absence, you were all threatening to fall apart. 
But of course you’d be there for Bucky. Whatever he needed you were more than eager to provide, but at the same time, you were fully aware that your capabilities were limited. You didn’t lack the understanding or the experience, but you lacked the words. You had the sympathy, but not the advice he needed. But you were there. Like you have always been and always will be, so, that afternoon you ended up on his living room floor.
Surrounded by empty bottles of alcohol that had no effect on either of you whatsoever, you sat and listened to him rant his heart out until his throat couldn’t take it anymore. And then he broke down - completely. A full on mess, tears staining his cheeks as the temperature dropped in the room with every other pained groan he’d release. But he let it all out and the weight he had been carrying on his shoulder was unimaginable. There were too many things eating away at his heart, but the guilt was what kept him under its spell, what kept him up for the last months, what was physically destroying him.
“Y/n... “ he called for you, face hidden in his hands as he spoke, “I know you’re gonna say no, but-”
“No,” you stopped him, “Then don’t ask me”
“No, Bucky” you sighed, grabbing his wrist so you could look him in the eyes, “If you already know it’s a bad idea, please don’t tell me because I’m afraid I’ll actually go through with it right now”
“But i can’t fucking sleep!” he cried out loud, falling back against the couch, arms propped up on his knees, “I keep having the same nightmares over and over again, and I can’t take it anymore”
“You don’t-” you took a deep breath, “You don’t want me to erase your mind, do you?”
The look in his eyes proved that that was exactly what he wanted. And the unshed tears that coated the otherwise pure and radiant blue of his eyes was almost enough to convince you.
“Please-” he begged, “I-”
“No, Buck” you shook your head and shuffled to face him properly, “As time passes, it’s only gonna get worse. The past will eventually catch up to you. You’ll want to know what you did”
He didn’t have it in him to fight you, so silence settled for a while. “You know sedatives don’t work on me?”
“I… never thought about it, but that makes sense”
Bucky gathered his lips into a tight line and nodded his head.
“Lady shrink isn’t of any help?” you asked.
“I have no clue what she’s doing” he shrugged, “Maybe it’s good in the long run, but fuck if I know how she expects me to make any kind of progress right now”
“You are, tho” you reassured him, “Making progress I mean”
“Am I?” Bucky laughed incredulously.
“Yes! You’re almost completely on your own feet. You really pushed through”
“Or maybe I’m just ignoring all of my problems”
“You just told me about them” you chuckled, and threw an arm over his shoulders.
Hesitatingly at first, he eventually leaned in into your hold, allowing himself to completely fall against your chest. “I hate this”
“I think that’s a given” you laughed, curling your fingers around the roots of his way too short hair. “A wise man once said that whenever someone acts like they have their shit together, they’re either lying or delusional”
“Who said that?”
“I don’t know” you confessed, “I saw that on the internet”
For the first time that night, you actually heard him laugh, and it sounded so good - it was short and weak, but it was sweet and honest. “That’s a pathetic attempt at cheering me up, but I can’t tell you how much I appreciate it” Bucky said as he pushed himself up.
“I wish I could do more” you mumbled, “But I don’t know what, or how, but-”
“Thank you”
“You don’t have to thank me, you know that” you smiled.
He didn’t know that. He’d never stop thanking you for even the smallest gestures. The day where Bucky would understand that kindness, in some cases, is a given, was far away, but you had the patience and determination to work for it.
As you talked and talked, and the topic of conversation kept shifting from one area to the other, the sun set, night settling outside his small windows. It was time for you to leave, and you would’ve done it, had he asked you not to at the last second.
You had your shoes on and one hand on the door handle, when he stumbled over his words, obviously too shy to properly hold his ground. “Actually can you- can you-” he mumbled, pointing to his couch, “Can you stay here tonight?”
And of course you did. The night didn’t last much longer after that, with Bucky settling on the floor, only a blanket to keep him company, and you sprawled out on the couch as silence settled.
But your mind was too busy to drift off. You knew his’ was too, but decided to refrain from speaking up, hoping to let him fall asleep, even for a short while.
It was loud inside your head. You always promised yourself you’d never intrude on someone’s thoughts and read through them without their approval, but you physically felt Bucky radiate energy, and your mind just slipped. But then, your heart almost stopped.
You saw yourself. You saw yourself slapping him back in Wakanda when he decided to go under ice again, you saw yourself moving a car out of his way back in Bucharest, when you risked your life for his because you trusted Steve that much, and because you were that good of a friend. You saw yourself at Tony’s funeral, eyes shiny with tears and then felt an almost uncontrollable urge to hug yourself - and then realised it wasn’t your urge, it was Bucky’s. At this point, your heart beat so fast you were actually afraid he’d hear it. But when goosebumps appeared all over your skin, you realised he couldn’t hear you, that he was asleep and that the nightmares started materializing. 
What convinced you to act on it was the sudden jerk of his body and the way to fully tensed instantly after. So, unable to just sit and watch, you rolled over to the side and allowed your hand to fall by his temple, little specks of light rolling off the tips of your fingers as you forced the thoughts away. Seconds later, you saw him relax and shift around, gathering the blanket he laid on to his chest as he drifted off into a peaceful sleep.
His relaxed form and the steady pace of his breathing put a smile on your face. But you made the mistake of thinking this was a one time thing, however, before you realised, you found yourself leaning over him again, ushering yet another wave of nightmares away. And it kept being an ongoing process until the sun rose, and you cursed yourself as you did not get one second of shut eye. But it was worth it. The sight of him finally resting, knowing he spent his night in his happy place that you this time did not intrude on, made up for your tiredness. 
When Bucky drifted out of his deep sleep, you figured it was safe to relax too. But knowing that if you went to sleep right now you wouldn’t wake up until noon, you stood up, determined to give him the full best friend experience.
But all you found in his kitchen was a box of stale cereal, a soft cucumber and candy wrappers. Had he not looked so adorable sleeping shirtless and curled into a ball on the floor, you would have woken him up yelling. But instead, you decided to order some food, and the simple fact that the sound of the delivery guy ringing the doorbell didn’t wake him up, actually terrified you. With a life like yours, no one sleeps that deeply, but then there he was, snoring away the late hours of the morning. 
By the time he finally stirred awake, the food was already cold, and you were bored out of your mind. “What- what time is it?” he mumbled, voice rich with sleep.
“A little bit past 2” you yawned from your spot on the couch.
“2 pm?” Bucky huffed, sitting up in a hurry and rushing to grab his phone. “What the-” he turned to you confused, “It’s 2pm…”
“Yeah” you sighed, “And the food is cold”
“Food?” Bucky gawked, looking over at the small table by the window, “You got food?”
“You didn’t have any” you defended yourself. You wanted to scold him for not taking better care of himself, but he looked so homey and cozy and vulnerable, that you couldn’t bring yourself to.
Eventually, you stood up and walked over to him. “I’ll let you eat, Buck, but I gotta go” you sighed, giving him a hug, “Got some stuff to do” you lied, by stuff meaning sleep, since you were exhausted.
“Yeah, of course” he mumbled in agreement, wrapping his arms around your frame, and bringing you closer. He sank his head into the crook of your neck, holding you to his chest for a moment longer than you would have considered friendly. But you didn’t complain, his hold was stern and loving, and you really needed that right now. “Thank you” Bucky added when he finally let you go. His right palm cupped your cheek as he looked down at you, awe and admiration in his eyes.
“Nothing to thank me for, Buck” you smiled, and then pulled away.
He silently watched you get ready to leave, following you around until you reached the door and turned around to say goodbye. And it was weird. Your heart boomed against your ribcage, and you didn’t have to read his thoughts to know he was feeling the same kind of nervous. And it may have been the one too many stories you read but you actually feared something was going to happen. Thankfully, it didn’t. Instead you shared another hug, and parted ways.
However, all you managed to do was reach the staircase before you heard his door open, followed by the sound of his bare feet sprinting down the hallway. “What are you-”
“Can you stay?” he asked, shaking from head to toe, “In New York I mean, can you please stay? Just a few more days”
“Well, I- yeah, I guess I can” you mumbled.
“I just, I need a few more days. You’re screwing my head back on, I just need you now. Steve is gone, and Sam is all the way in Louisiana and I hate phones and I-”
“Wow-” you laughed, “I’m not even the second choice, I’m the third?”
“Shut up, Y/n” Bucky frowned, “Stop being a smartass for a second”
“I’m sorry” you rolled your eyes, but he didn’t care.
In the blink of an eye, Bucky threw his arms around your shoulders and hugged you close, and you weren’t sure if the ‘I love you’ that echoed inside your mind had actually been spoken or just thought, but it was everything you never knew you needed.
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katnissmellarkkk · 3 years
hi everlark-angel👑🙌🏻
if you’re still taking prompts—any chance we can get one of peeta comforting katniss during the “growing back together” phase where he slides his hand underneath her shirt for the first time to rub circles on her back or something? (tbh anything you write will be flawless tho😩👌🏻)
Hi! I just saw this request like two nights ago — along with a few others you may or may not have sent ??? — so I apologize for the wait. 😭😭😭. Also idk if this is exactly what you wanted, I started out with one thing in mind and it turned into something else but I hope you still enjoy it! 🤍🤍🤍🤍 at this point I think I said that for all these requests so I’m basically a broken record I’m sorry 😅
My mouth lets out a cry a beat before my eyes pry themselves open. It’s a pathetic cry, the kind that’s loud but intelligible and scratches at the back of my throat. The kind only comes after nightmares or flashbacks. And the kind that will undoubtably alert my bedmate to my distress.
Sure enough, only moments after my lids open I feel a large, warm hand cautiously touch my shoulder.
But one of the worst parts of nightmares is I can’t tell reality from the dream at first and I cannot consciously recognize who the hand is and all the contact results in is a cacophonous gasp of fear.
“It’s me,” Peeta whispers softly through the darkness — both the physical blackness of the night and the horrors in my mind — and reaches out to encompass me with both arms.
His arms are always there to comfort me. Just as they were on the Victory Tour, his arms are strong and inviting and keep me safe from the terrors threatening me from all corners. At least that’s how it feels in my dreams. Like there’s someone else there, waiting for me to let my guard down so they can attack.
“It’s just me, Katniss,” he promises, rolling me off the edge of the mattress. He curves his body around mine, his breath tickling my throat unintentionally. “You’re safe. You’re so safe. I won’t let anyone hurt you now.”
The tears come then. I don’t know why night to night the timing of my waterworks differentiates — maybe my mind likes to keep things interesting, lest my terrors get too predictable — but for reasons I can’t place, tonight it’s not until Peeta promises my safety, until he whispers in my ear in a protective tone with that sleepy edge I’ve come to know well, that I unravel.
His lips press kisses to the side of my face as I cry out, understanding that there’s nothing else he can say to prevent this.
We’ve both learned the hard way that sometimes the only way past is through. The only way past our nightmares is to let ourselves feel them without trying to numb the pain.
His mouth moves from my cheek to my temple to my hair, before coming to a stop to suck lightly on my ear. “It’s okay, Katniss,” he whispers once more.
My tears die down eventually, as they always do. But either the dream or my upset have disturbed me enough that sleeping again seems futile and I lightly grasp Peeta’s palm resting against my stomach, giving it a squeeze to signify that I’ll be getting up now.
“You haven’t gotten much sleep,” he argues as I kick the blankets back from my side of the bed.
“That’s not uncommon,” I say, because it’s true. Even though it’s not great reasoning on my part, as me and him both know that days with little sleep for me are typically anxiety-filled and unproductive, he still cannot deny that it’s true. It’s not uncommon for me to wake up from a nightmare and not be able to relax again.
“I know,” he validates, his fingers reaching up to touch one of my braids now. “Will you still try anyway?”
I sigh deeply but flop — a little too forcefully — back onto the bed, mainly because the sun has yet to rise and I have little to do around the house or in the woods in the dark.
He can’t help but push my buttons. “Such a drama queen,” he teases, shaking his head at me.
And if either of us were in doubt to whether I was cranky or not, my rolling my eyes in irritation and then rolling my body away from him should be answer enough.
Peeta is still chuckling though as he touches my back now. “Come here, Katniss. Let me hold you.”
“Get lost,” I mutter, shoving his hand off me petulantly.
“No.” He continues to smile as he refuses and I’m debating if I wouldn’t rather be hunting in the dark right now than dealing with anymore of this teasing when he makes me an offer I cannot refuse. “Do you want me to rub your back until you fall asleep?”
I turn towards him slightly, curiously winning over my annoyance. “What do you mean?”
He gives me a quizzical look now. “You don’t know what I mean?” His eyebrows knit together incredulously. “Roll over. I’ll show you.”
I turn onto my stomach, my cheek resting against the pillow we share — that at some point in the night I must have stolen entirely because it’s completely on my side of the bed — and wait.
He shakes his head though and smiles again. “You need to get closer, Katniss.”
He says it like he’s asking me to do something but instead of waiting, his hands grasp my waist and tug me until my body is centimeters away from his.
His hand begins to rub circles onto my back, in a slow and incredibly soothing motion. The action, though small, somehow unravels whatever knots had coiled themselves up in my stomach, calming me down almost instantly.
Peeta must recognize that his idea is working because he moves his hand to pet down the flyaway hair from my face. “Is that helping?” He asks but I can tell he already knows the answer.
Still, I reward him with a nod, no longer mad about his teasing. “Keep doing that,” I order, roughly pushing his hand from my hair and towards my back again, sleep now back in the question for me.
He chuckles sleepily again, resuming his ministrations lightly. But I don’t even have to look his way to know he has something else in mind now.
As if reading my mind, he quietly murmurs, “I have an even better idea,” and slides his hand underneath the back of my shirt. His fingertips gliding across my bare spine, spinning in circles over and over again.
The sensation is even better than it was over cloth, eliciting an almost ticklish feeling across the planes of my back, the ministrations raising gooseflesh their wake. The sense of dread in my stomach is even replaced with a warm, happy feeling and I let out a sigh of contentment.
“Is my Katniss happy?” He teases again, leaning over me, propped up on his elbow.
“Yes,” I say, smirking at him without even opening my eyes.
Which is how he surprises me with a kiss to the nose.
“Good,” he whispers before tugging my shirt upwards, bunching it up over my shoulder-blades to give himself better access to my back.
His hand continues to rub circles all over, from the top of my spine to the hem of my pajama pants. He keeps stroking my back, even after my lids grow heavy and I can barely focus on anything but peaceful sleep calling me away again.
“Sleep well, my sweet girl,” he whispers as I slid away to hopefully much more happy dreams now. “You deserve it. And so much more.”
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red-doll-face · 4 years
Here is a request for slashers if they're open. My brain does a thing where I am affectionate w a person but if I get nudged away (even if it's just to readjust the position), it goes "oh no. They don't want u to touch them. Do not touch ever again or they will get mad at u. U disgust them." Even tho touch is my love language & it hurts, I just won't touch. If confronted, I will get confused & panicky cuz "u didn't want me to touch? Im respecting ur wishes? Did I miss something?" Its a mess.
Requests are indeed open, I’m sorry I take foreverrr to do these but i hope u enjoy! I don’t know what to call this tho. For simplicity’s sake I’m calling this nervous reader lmao, idk what else to call these.
Slashers x gn nervous Reader
Jason Voorhees:
Jason can very much relate to the feeling. When he first meets you, he’s sure that you’re frightened. He restrains from being too close to avoid coming off as overbearing, doesn't want to touch you because if you flinch he’ll be so hurt. He just assumes he disgusts you. Based on the reaction all of his other victims have when they see him, he’s sure you’ll probably be the same.
Once Jason is sure that you don't feel that way, he’s a cuddle monster. He wants to be close all of the time, holding hands, letting you sit in his lap, you name it. He’s so starved and quickly decides that touch is his love language too. He’s not even sure how he’s lived this long without it.
The only time I can see Jason maybe gently sort of setting you down elsewhere and walking off is when he senses strangers on the property of what once was Crystal Lake. He’s out the door before he can even see your hurt expression, Which is worse because this might lead you to jump to conclusions.
If you distance yourself from Jason, he immediately is thrown off. He can’t directly ask you if he’s done something wrong and when he tries to initiate affection with you and you don’t reciprocate whole heartedly, he’s at a loss.
He’ll get on one knee while you sulk on the couch and give you a silent plea to tell him what's wrong. You can panic and try and avoid it but he is certain there's something going on and he wants so badly to know what he’s done to put you off. You tell him and he immediately is shaking his head no, he could never be mad at you, never be disgusted with you. You’re the most breathtaking person he’s ever had the pleasure of holding, the first, most likely.
Jason nods because he understands how you feel. In the future, he’s persistent about how you feel when he untangles himself from you, making sure you’re ok.
Michael Myers:
In the later stages of your relationship, Michael is insatiable when it comes to being in contact with you. For a long time, towards the start of your relationship, he didn’t like it. It felt weird. All of the touch he's experienced prior was so clinical and sterile that he doesn’t quite know how good touch is supposed to feel. He’s so touch starved that he’s almost positive he doesn't even need it.
Slowly, he builds a tolerance for it, much like one does with alcohol, constantly checking his boundaries and letting him control the situation and he’s all for movie night, huddled up on the couch, or waking up with his head on your chest. His own personal pillow.
There are, however, moments when his need to make someone tremble with fear and then blodgeon them to death with a can opener from their own kitchen becomes too strong, so he tries to keep away from you. In the past, he might have used you to satisfy similar desires of a sexual nature and may have really hurt you but he knows that it’s not always enjoyable to you.
Then, you stop touching him. Much like Jason, he starts to think you’ve become sick of him. Sick of his coldness, his muteness, his withdrawn demeanor. Maybe you’ve moved on and he tries to tell himself he doesn’t care but he doesn't think he can see himself touching anyone but you now.
It gets to the point where he comes home one day and you look heavily troubled, expressions he’s seen on your face before, only in the event that something terrible has happened. You ask to speak to him and he obliges.
You explain that you don’t think this relationship is working, that you’re pretty sure he’s disgusted with you and how difficult this event is because you didn't even want to talk about it but it's been hurting you for too long.
His response is to stand up very slowly, pick you up and lay down with you over him, simply laying there. Hopefully, knowing you’re the one person he would ever allow to participate in this intimacy is enough to show you that you mean more than you think you do to him.
RZ Michael Myers:
This Michael is more perceptive to your touch than his counterpart, your touch sends little shivers down his spine and as soon as he gets pretty used to it, he’s eager for more. This also takes some time but significantly less. He’s enamored with the idea of returning to a somewhat normal life. Your affection grounds him in that fantasy as much as being a murderer might take him out of it.
As he establishes a relationship with you, he may even be the one to start touching you instead of the other way around. He’s read books and always wondered what it might feel like to have someone genuinely touch him without fear in their eyes. Without malice.
An unsuccessful ‘day at work’ might have Michael feeling a little het up though. He can be moody and more rageful. Neither you nor his hobbies can calm him. He seems colder than usual in these states and can come off as very standoffish.
So when you try and touch him and he shrugs your hand off his shoulder, he can’t or isn't in the state of mind to address your frown and worried look. Michael, instead stomps off somewhere to be alone for a while; maybe take his anger out on something else. Some unsuspecting soul or maybe even a poor animal in the wrong place at the wrong time.
After he’s calmed down some, he returns and almost forgot about that sad little gleam in your eye before he left. Michael remembers when he sees you blankly staring at the TV, pointedly avoiding his gaze even as you utter a weak welcome home. It’s not very welcoming. He sits stiffly beside you, watching you from the corner of his eye. You’re closed off from him and he doesn't like it at all.
Migrating towards you slowly, he eases you into a familiar hug, his big bear hugs that are a little tight but inviting all the same. His huge torso and long arms seem to swallow you in his warmth. You hardly reciprocate. You look a little surprised. Though he never addresses it verbally, (which is probably better for you) Michael offers a single glance that communicates everything he needs to say. Don't ever think that again.
Thomas B. Hewitt:
Thomas’ self esteem issues and self image are not good. He honestly doesn’t like to imagine what he looks like to other people unless it can be as a threatening man you don’t fuck with. Meeting you, he realizes that it’s good to protect his family but he’d rather you not see him as someone only capable of harm. Tries his best to get the point across that while Hoyt may be adamant that horrible things happen to you, he’s not going to let them.
Thomas has received affection but always a familial affection. A pat on the back from Monty, proud claps to his shoulders from uncle Charlie, and hugs and kisses from his dear Mother. Nothing so foreign as a strangers touch over his arm or a soft embrace.
Unfortunately, Thomas can get reactive when you attempt to touch him without his mask on. He’s absolutely settled on the false reality that you’ll see his face and immediately decide that you never want to touch him again. Interacting with you with his bare face? That's a no for Thomas.
He puts on his mask that covers the scarred skin over his face and you look dejected. He was preparing for you to pressure him but instead finds himself trying to find out why you won’t touch him now. It’s not his face, is it? You respond with your reasoning. Thomas is so confused. How could you think that you disgust him? That he doesn’t want you to touch him?
He’s quicker than the others and immediately sweeps you up into his arms and holds you as close as humanly possible. Feeling disgusting and like some sort of burden is a feeling he’s so familiar with and if he can take it away from you, he will.
Will aggressively initiate touch with you for the next week or so just to solidify the fact that he cares about you and won't reject you just as you didn’t reject him.
Bubba Sawyer:
Bubba is a great cuddle buddy and partner. Hugs are his favorite and he hugs his brother all the time, lifting both Nubbins and Chop Top into the air for some brotherly love. If you’re smaller than them he’s all about picking you up and perhaps a little rough housing with you. He’s careful though or at least there are attempts made to be careful
Bubba, though he could easily spend the whole day doing nothing and everything with you, has work. Chores, butchering. Cooking, and tending livestock. Plenty to do at the sawyer house and he does most of it. Suffice to say there are times when you want to lather attention all over him yet he has to go back to work.
So caught up in work that he doesn't get what's going on til way later, when you’ve had time to stew in your emotions, firmly telling yourself that Bubba is annoyed by you probably. He’s baffled and confused at your silence, your crossed arms. The little furrow in your brow. He can already tell there’s something upsetting you.
Honestly, Bubba is so affectionate I can’t see him being the kind of person even capable of alluding to the fact he might be disgusted by you. How, if all he wants to do is love you? You may bring it up as a joke that you thought he didn’t like you and he almost seems offended. Not like you?
Bubba can squash any feelings you may have about that and then some. He will not let you drown in insecurities, not on his watch. This man will do everything in his power to make you feel beautiful because you really are.
I’m sorry these are super long but thanks for requesting!
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meltwonu · 4 years
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| 𝔲𝔫𝔱𝔦𝔩 𝔦 𝔪𝔢𝔱 𝔶𝔬𝔲 |     [Chapter 1] 
pairing; fratboy!wonwoo x reader
this chapter’s notes; fratboy!wonwoo, dom!wonwoo, dirty talk, masturbation, sex toys, mentions of sexting/sending photos/videos, baby this has hella plot lmao dkhf 🥴💕 WELCOME TO UNTIL I MET YOU!! THE MINI-SEQUEL TO CAFFEINE! A bit of a shorter chapter but I didn’t want to overload with too much everything in the first chapter, ykwim? 😎 Thank you so much for your patience with this sequel, I know there were a ton of people asking for a sequel for months after I said I would 💕😭😭 As always, inbox roundup tomorrow! And don’t forget, next chapter for UIMY goes up on Feb 26th! T|H ch 1 next Friday! 🥰💕 Enjoy ch 1, have a great weekend and I love you! 💕
chapters; 1 - x - x - x - x
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“Mmh… Wonwoo…”
His hands roam all over your naked body; warmth spreading all over when he digs his blunt fingernails into the skin of your waist.
“Feels good, doesn’t it? Did you miss me, sweetheart?” His voice is soft, gentle, yet teasing; barely above a whisper as your back bows off of the bed to lean into his simple touches. “I missed you, sweetheart. Missed your ‘lil cunt too.”
A choked sob falls from your lips, followed quickly by rushed, hurried cries for Wonwoo to move faster.
“Don’t you want me to take my time? We haven’t seen each other in months.” 
There’s a smirk on his lips, eyes twinkling with mischief when you reply back with a shaky whine. “Don’t you want me to slide my cock into your pretty ‘lil pussy nice ‘n slow? Let you feel every inch of me filling you up, just like it’s the first time all over again.” He stares at you dreamily; fixated on the way your body chases his hands when he drags them down to your thighs. “Or would you prefer it if I fucked you hard and fast? Your cute body squirming and trembling from how good I give it to you and my cock slamming into your tight ‘lil cunt.”
Wonwoo’s fingertips spread your folds as he licks his lips; appreciating how wet you already were for him.
“Bet your toys don’t feel as good as the real thing, huh?”
You shake your head ‘no’ furiously, “N-no, god, no! Wonwoo, p-please!” The male grins down at you, pouting mockingly at your desperate, pleading eyes. 
The wetness between your legs is unbearable and the sobs are caught in your throat when Wonwoo leans over you, lips ghosting across your own.
“Okay. Just say--”
You’re shocked awake by your alarm clock; chest heaving in deep breaths as you sit up in your crumpled sheets. “Oh, fuck...” Groaning, your clammy palms reach for the ringing device as you shut it off and sigh.
The clock reads 10:02AM; tired eyes trying to blink away the sleep that threatens to take you back to the dreamland you much preferred. Although, dreaming about Wonwoo was becoming a little bit too common these last few days.
Sighing once more, you move to get out of bed; already finding your panties soaking wet and sticking to you like a second skin when you stand.
“Ugh... Damn it.”
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You press the vibrator harder onto your clit; teeth chattering with the pleasure that pours over your body.
“Oh, god, please, p-please…”
Images of Wonwoo dance behind your eyelids; sultry smirks and teasing glances bringing you closer and closer to the edge of an orgasm.
If there was anything that the last few months without Wonwoo taught you, it was that you couldn’t afford to lose him - in more ways than one. And despite his lack of calls or even text messages, you held out in hopes he still felt the same way that you did despite the distance.
You sent him pictures and videos of yourself often; teasing images half naked, toys in hand, and videos crying out his name while you came. And while he took the time to reply to those with praise and adoration, he almost never sent anything back. 
When he did, it was always short, clipped replies of how exhausted he was and how he didn’t have much time.
“Ngh, h-harder…” Your toes curl against the bedsheet; phantom feelings of his cock fucking you hard and deep making you cry out in desperation to be filled by his cock.
Your phone rings on the nightstand next to you as you cum - vibrator pressed so hard against your clit that your back bows off of the sheets while your thighs shake uncontrollably. 
And for the first time in a long time, it’s an orgasm that feels like it’s worth something.
‘Gyu: hey did wonwoo text u?
‘Gyu: he’s back next monday he said
‘Gyu: idk abt classes tho, might be out of commission for a while bc jetlag
‘Gyu: thinking abt throwing him a party on friday after he comes back...
‘Gyu: u wanna plan with us orrrrr? U got a private party or sth 🥴😏
‘Gyu: lmk
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You’re nervous. Shy, even.
After you’d come down from your orgasm and checked your phone, your mind momentarily went blank from shock and the first thing you’d done was text Wonwoo to ask if he was really coming back that soon.
‘Ah, yeah, I was just about to text you. Prof said we can go home early if we wanted since we finished up classes. I’ll see you sometime next week? Jetlag and stuff.’, was all he had said and in your excited state, the only thing you had responded with was an, ‘Okay, great!’, without asking when, where, or what time.
You figured you’d give him some time to readjust instead of bombarding him as soon as he got in. But each second that you knew Wonwoo was home, you found yourself itching to just be in his presence.
You just had to be a little more patient.
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Wednesday morning comes and you find yourself skipping your morning class to go to the library.
For studying, you tell yourself.
The male at the receptionist table shoots you a small smile to which you awkwardly smile back before ducking into an empty aisle. All you knew was that it seemed like Wonwoo wasn’t here.
Maybe he’s still at the frat house, you wonder.
Sighing slightly under your breath, you decide that maybe getting some work done would actually help distract you from looking for the male.
You find an empty table, setting your things down before pulling out your phone. 
In all honesty, you weren’t even sure why you were being so shy and nervous about contacting Wonwoo, especially when you so unabashedly sent him nudes every few days when he was away. 
Although, with how things had been before he left and the prospect of actually dating once he came back from his semester abroad - the butterflies in your stomach had been nonstop with the different scenarios that played out in your head. You’d even gone so far as to plan what happened if Wonwoo had decided he didn’t want to make an attempt at dating you.
The grip you have on your phone only tightens as you whip your head around to find Wonwoo standing behind your chair and you swear your heart stops beating the same time your breath gets caught in your throat. “H-huh?”
He smiles gently down at you and you can’t help but wonder how long you were spaced out to not notice him there. 
“Is this a dream too?” You wonder aloud - Wonwoo chuckling in response as he moves to collect your things for you.
“Have you been dreaming about me that much, sweetheart?” You stutter and stumble over your words; embarrassment eating at you every second that Wonwoo has a knowing smile plastered on his lips.
“C’mon, let’s go get something to eat since we both know you’re not really here to study.”
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The version of Wonwoo that sits across the cafe table is… different.
Not bad, just different.
His arms are much tanner and definitely more muscular and the glasses missing from his face lets you appreciate his eyes even more when they’re not hidden behind the thick frames. He had even opted to wear a sleeveless shirt; something that you weren’t used to when he usually was around campus in long sleeves and sweater vests.
Although, you can’t and won’t deny the way your body reacts to this Wonwoo.
“Hey, I’m talking to you and you’re just spacing out.” Muttering, he leans over the small cafe table until his face is only inches away from yours and the smirk on his lips already lets you know that you’ve been caught staring.
“Listen, I know I’ve been gone for three months but you’re lookin’ at me like you haven’t had a fix in all that time.” Your lips press into an embarrassed firm line, avoiding his stare as he raises a brow at you.
“Wait, you didn’t fuck anyone in the three months I was gone?”
“No… did you?” Your voice is barely above a whisper; a little afraid that his answer will be ‘yes’ when he takes a second longer to respond.
“Nah,” He settles back into his seat, “I told you, didn’t I? I was willing to try the whole… dating, relationship thing with you when I got back. Although, I’m somewhat surprised one of the others didn’t try to seduce you while I was gone.”
You laugh slightly, cheeks warm as Wonwoo teases. “I wouldn’t have given them the time of day anyway.”
Your entire body burns hot, palms clammy in your lap from how giddy you were to be with Wonwoo and it made your heart do backflips knowing that he’d still been willing to try with you.
“Ah, how was it abroad anyway? You… didn’t really say much over the past few months so I feel like I don’t know how you were. Just some messages about how tired you were...” He takes a sip of his coffee; unintentionally making you internally scream when his lips form a pout while he thinks.
“Honestly? Other than the days we were excavating ‘n stuff, it was pretty boring. Really hectic though, and a lot of documenting which meant a lot of paperwork. I swear, I closed my eyes and I saw the inside of my textbooks.” He chuckles lightly, eyes focused on the cup of coffee in front of him.
“I just want to say sorry for my lack of communication. I really didn’t expect to be so busy that I couldn’t even pick up a call.” There’s a genuine apologetic look on Wonwoo’s face when he looks back at you. “And the time difference was really rough too. I didn’t want to take it out on you over the phone if I was stressed about not sleeping or the workload. I know we can get a little rough when we ‘play’ but this wasn’t that and it wouldn’t have been fair.”
“T-that’s okay, I understand!” Your heart does somersaults in your chest, “I--thank you for thinking about me too.”
The feelings you have bubbling up inside of you make you feel like you’re falling in love for the first time, all over again. “Um… Sorry I sent so many pictures ‘n stuff.”
Wonwoo laughs, this time throwing his head back slightly before he tries to hide his wide grin. “Oh, sweetheart. Don’t apologize.” Your eyes meet his and for a split second, you see the familiar dominating look in his eyes before he leans over the small cafe table again.
“I might’ve not had all the time to entertain you those times but I thought about you alllll the time. I missed everything about you.” His voice is barely above a whisper - careful to not let anyone else in the cafe hear the topic of conversation. “Which, by the way…You piqued my interest earlier with your question. You never really answered my question about having dreams about me.”
You shift in your seat as you avert your eyes from his; eyes flitting down his toned body instead as you mentally curse yourself.
“I… kinda? I m-mean… not normally but just--just these last few days. It’s almost been every night… I wake up and--and it’s just… I’m...” You trail off; somewhat shy to say the rest of what you were going to say even though you’re almost certain Wonwoo already knows.
“Odd. Me too. I kept dreaming about you, which is, honestly, kind of why I thought to come back earlier.”
“Mm, we still had 2 weeks left, technically. A bit of a spillover since my professor wanted us to explore the city once finals were over. But I just wanted to come home.” He finishes with a chuckle - a soft look in his eyes.
You pout back at him, “You didn’t come home early just for ‘lil ‘ol me, did you?” You say it jokingly, but deep down you do wonder.
“Would that be so bad?” Grinning, Wonwoo sets a couple of bills down onto the table to cover the meals you both barely have touched.
“Like I said, I missed everything about you, sweetheart.”
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Wonwoo walks you back to your place afterwards; laughing and joking with you as if he hadn’t been gone for the last 3 months. 
There’s a certain playfulness about him that makes your heart bloom and part of you wonders if he’s opening up to you more now that there’d been some time apart.
“Are you gonna be working at the library again? Or is that done forever now?” “Mm.. I mean, it’d be kind of weird if I stopped, don’t you think?”
The grin of his face is telling and you have to mentally stop yourself from letting your mind wander in the middle of the sidewalk. “Y-yeah... Studying in my apartment isn’t really the same, y’know…”
Laughing, Wonwoo takes the opportunity to swing an arm around your shoulder as he tucks you under his arm. “I was actually at the library earlier to ask about my position back. I start tomorrow.” Goosebumps rise on your skin and the close proximity is enough to make you whimper.
“I’m only taking two classes this semester to give myself a bit of a break so I’ll be in the library more often to fill up the time. You can always call me if you need to know where I am. I promise I’ll respond this time, sweetheart.”
Before you know it, the two of you are already standing outside of your complex as Wonwoo takes his arm off of you.
“Will I be seeing you tomorrow?” There’s a hopeful lilt to his voice that has you nodding feverishly in return.
“I have a morning class but I’ll come by in the afternoon? I can text you to let you know, just in case.” You offer back.
Wonwoo licks his lips, tilting his head before leaning down and kissing you on the forehead.
The soft gesture momentarily throws you off as you freeze but the smoldering look in Wonwoo’s eyes when he pulls away lets you know that he’s already scheming.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, sweetheart.”
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stargazer-balladeer · 4 years
Oooo I too am simping for scara hhnngngbg
I just had a dream that he was crushing on me and super overprotective during missions and stuff. I can’t take him and his jorts or mullet thing hair (?) seriously like wut. So idk if that would count as a request but uh it would be funny to know his reaction to seeing someone disrespect his crush and him go full psycho lol fbgbfnfp even tho he isn’t that threatening to me haha (Mihoyo pls release him) - 🎀 anon
Protecting you [Genshin Impact]
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[Scaramouche x Gender Neutral! Reader]
Notes: ASKNGI— I WANT TO HAVE THAT KIND OF DREAM AS WELL- 😭😭 BUT I DONT REMEMBER MY DREAMS- IF I REMEMBER THEM, THEIR USUALLY NIGHTMARES— SHHS- but can we appreciate how adorable this is-? 🤧 (besides the psycho part—). Hope ya’ll like this!
Word Count: 1235
Warning: mentions of disrespecting and jealous, overprotective Scara-
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Scaramouche knew something was wrong, he has this strange feeling in his gut that something would happen. But, like usual, Scaramouche ignores it. But currently, he’s starting to regret not trusting his gut instinct.
He watches with narrowed eyes as a member of the Fatui approached you with a wicked smile on his face. His electric blue eyes watch as the guy stopped just behind you, you were unaware of the guy’s presence, busy talking with a fellow Harbinger, Childe.
Scaramouche’s black orbs turn into slits when he noticed the guy’s hand moving. What the guy did next made Scaramouche furious and you surprised, and Childe disgusted. The echo of the slap echoed through the room, effectively silencing everyone. You yelped while turning around with a red face and a glare.
“What the-?! Why did you do that?!” You screamed at him angrily, how dare him slap your butt like that?! The guy, who literally has no shame or regret in his face, only laughed at your reaction. “I just wanted to see how hard your butt is. Now that I know.. why don’t you come with me? I’ll show you a good time.”
You made a disgusted face as you took a step back. “Hell no! What? Were you thinking I’ll join you after that stunt?! As if!” The guy’s smile turned into a sneer. “As if you have a choice in the matter. You’re nothing but a lower member of the Fatui. I honestly don’t even know why you’re still here.” “Hey. I think that’s going a bit too far-“ Childe tried to intervene but immediately shut his mouth when he noticed a very familiar presence approaching you three.
Not wanting to be in the way, he decided to leave this to his fellow Harbinger. Even though he’s nothing but a douchebag to Childe and the others, everyone can tell that Scaramouche has a soft spot for you. It isn’t really hard to tell. Childe took the spot beside a Fatui member and lean on the wall behind him and watch as the scene unfold. Ready to intervene if needed.
You stared at the guy in disbelief, you didn’t have anything to say to him. He was completely right. You were nothing but another member of the Fatui, one ready to be sacrificed if needed for the Tsaritsa. You can feel everyone’s eyes were on you two, which further adds to your humiliation and embarrassment. But you still have your pride and dignity left, even though its little. You opened your mouth to make a comeback when-
“Shouldn’t you have better things to do instead of bothering someone because you’re horny?” You blink, surprised to hear his voice. You turn your head to the side to look at the person who spoke. There stood, in his fullest glory (and his humongous circle hat-), Scaramouche, with a scary look on his face. His eyes bright with purple, slightly darkened by his bangs and electricity being sparked around him. He really looks furious.
You can tell that the guy was frightened at the sudden appearance of one of the high ranking Harbinger. Him gulping before speaking up once again, not a good idea really. “T-Tsk. Who ask for your opinion, Balladeer?” The intense gaze that Scaramouche is giving to him never falter, the electricity around him is sparking more though.. “Oh? You wish to stand against one of the Harbinger?” Scaramouche laughed, dryly if I may add.
The guy was really nervous now, you can tell. You can’t blame the guy really, you would also be nervous if the electricity is almost hitting you- “You wouldn’t stand a chance.” Scaramouche sneered before letting out a bolt of electricity to the guy. The guy swiftly tried to dodge but Scaramouche’s electricity was faster. The guy drop to the ground, shaking violently. Many gasps can be heard as the guy continued to shake on the ground.
“Let this be a lesson to you if you ever want to disrespect [Y/N] again. This is also for all of you.” Scaramouche’s gaze switch to the people in the room, whom flinch at the intensity of his glare. “If you ever disrespect or bully [Y/N], I promise you that your death would be a slow and painful one.” As he finished that, he lifts his finger and snaps it. The guy stopped shaking, but he was breathing heavily. Scaramouche returned his attention to him once more. “Do you understand now?”
The guy hastily nodded before standing up, stumbling slightly while doing so. You honestly pity the guy now, but what he did to you was unforgiveable. So you suppose you wouldn’t scold Scaramouche for this.. “Y-Yes sir! S-Sorry for doing that-!” “Sorry? Is that all you gonna say-?” “Scara.. that’s enough.” You said softly while placing a hand on his shoulder. His blue, still glowing purple, eyes look at you in the corner. “‘Enough’? What he did is unforgiveable-!” “I know. That’s why that’s enough.” You said firmly.
Scaramouche stared at you before sighing, the electricity around him died down, making the purple hue around him vanish. When he reopen his eyes, it returned to its original color blue. “Be glad that they convince me that you should live. If they weren’t here, you would be dead on where you’re standing.” The guy slightly whimpered, he looks so pathetic right now, it makes you feel sorry for him. “Scram. I don’t want you appearing before me, or [Y/N], ever again. If I see you.. well, I can leave that to your imagination.”
The guy didn’t need another warning as he ran off immediately after Scaramouche finished speaking. “Pathetic.” Scaramouche sneered in a whisper while shaking his head before turning to you completely. You flinch a bit but you stood your ground, staring back at his intense eyes. “You know, you always bring trouble wherever you go. Do you know how much of it is a hassle for me to clean up right after?” “I didn’t ask for help.” You grumbled while looking away. “You were the one who interfered. I could’ve handled that-“
“Yes, and you handling things would only make it worse.” Scaramouche said, effectively cutting you off. You grumbled under your breath. “Atleast I’m not the one who’s most hated here.” He glared at you, before sighing. “C’mon, let’s get you something to eat. I’m sure you’re starving now.” He said as he started to walk towards the exit of the Fatui headquarters. “How come he knows me so well?” You mumbled under your breath before following him.
“I want some seafood-!” “Hm.. sure. If we find a restaurant that sells seafood that is.” “Psh. We’ll find one!” “Whatever you say.”
“How come [Y/N] gets special treatment from Scaramouche?” One of the member of the Fatui complained while shoving a spoonful of rice in her mouth. The other two members shrugged. “Maybe because he likes them?” One said. “Yeah! Have you seen how soft he is around them?! Like, that’s not the Scaramouche we all know and hated-“
“I’d advise you to not talk about Scaramouche or [Y/N] out loud.” The trio snapped their heads towards the 11th Harbinger, Childe, who only smirk. “Unless you want to get punish that is.” He laughed when he saw how pale the trio got. “Just a word of advice from a fellow Harbinger~ Happy eating-!”
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decided to post some of my ideas for a ninjago/atla au besties. tell me whatcha think
under read more cus its kinda long lmao
some background first…
here, the first spinjitzu master is smth that doesn’t actually exist in avatar bc i couldn’t for the life of me figure out what to make him so now he’s like… he’s basically the child of all the original benders: the badgermoles, the sky bison, the dragons, and the moon spirit combined. he was born of their powers, and he was the first avatar, kinda like this au’s version of raava i guess?? so this au’s version of vaatu is the overlord, and like in ninjago, they have this never-ending rivalry. and the overlord is an avatar, too, but more of a dark one. it only cares about corruption and evil.
the first bending master, as he’s called in this au, manages to banish the overlord into the spirit realm, but he knew that one day, it would return. so he creates a land called ninjago and fills it with people of all kinds, each corner of the world having one type of bending. he gave the humans bending, but only one type for each person.
he didn’t want a repeat of the overlord.
so then he has two sons: wu and garmadon. he hemmed and hawed over what elements to give to them, but eventually he chose. wu gets airbending, the element of life and serene and calm. garmadon gets firebending, rough and harsh and the element of destruction. his fire is violet and incredibly hot.
everything goes fine, and the first bending master manages to keep balance of the world as its avatar. except the overlord does indeed return.
garmadon gets corrupted by its spirit and is bitten by the great devourer. he becomes obsessed with power and wanted to be the avatar more than anything in life. he believes that his father was holding his powers back because he didn’t trust him. and he believes that his father was going to hand over his power to wu after he died. and he couldn’t have that.
wu notices his downward spiral and suggests that he take a trip to visit the mortals. maybe that would help him realize that there is reason for their father being the only avatar in the world.
so garmadon goes down into the mortal plane. and meets fire lord chen and his second in command clouse.
fire lord chen is quite interested in an old legend of what is called the serpentine: ancient tribes of snake people said to have been born from the hatred and despair of the overlord, led by the toughest and the greatest, the great devourer. chen wants to bring these serpentine back, and at first garmadon agrees to help him, if only to get revenge on his father.
but he snaps out of it, because he realizes that its the great devourer’s fault in the first place that he’s like this. he betrays chen and clouse and warns wu of their plan, but without telling him whose plan it is. together, the brothers manage to gather together an alliance of the greatest bending masters in the world. garmadon wants their father to help, but wu gives some unfortunate news.
the first bending master is near his deathbed. he is very, very ill, and he is thousands of years old at this point. he wants rest.
so, naturally, garmadon is conflicted about this. he’s ecstatic bc he thinks that he can gain the powers of the avatar once his father passes, but also he’s sad, because, well, thats still his dad after all.
but anyway, the bending alliance manages to defeat the serpentine and seal them away in the spirit realm, like the first bending master had done to the overlord. this… turns out to be a bad idea.
fire lord chen and clouse both manage to shift the blame away from them, and since garmy was the only one who knew they caused the plan, he lets it happen. because he still is a bit evil.
something happens that gives him hope, though: he meets misako, who might be the love of his life. (also in this au that weird love triangle shit don’t happen) they get married, and for a while, garmadon seems perfectly sane. but.
the first bending master dies.
lloyd is born almost right after.
no one makes the connection, though, thankfully, but it is enough for garmadon to lose whatever sanity he had left. he completely goes insane.
he races back to their family monastery believing that he can and will gain the powers of the avatar, somehow, but he doesn’t. and that is too much for him to take. all of this… all of this… waiting… for nothing?
garmadon stares at himself in the mirror. he looks down at his hand, at the bite mark blemishing his skin, and grabs a ceremonial knife. he laughs to himself and places his hand on the mirror, slowly raising his knife towards it… he thinks he can stop all this pain in one easy swoop.
garmadon, sneering at himself: maybe… maybe this will fix it… if i just cut off the damn thing…
first bending master, in the mirror: i would not recommend it, son.
garmadon, face falling: why are you here?
first bending master: i came to speak with you. and to try and help you.
garmadon, snarling: don’t pretend like you care about me! i know what you really think. you think i’m a monster.
first bending master: i think you’re conflicted. the part of you that wants to be the avatar so badly you are willing to kill for it… that part of you clashes with the real you. the one that wants everyone you care about to be safe. your brother, your friends, your wife… your son.
garmadon: *laughs and turns around* why should i care about them, father? they don’t care about me! not my brother, not my wife, not my so-called friends, and certainly not you! the only one who does care about me is my son, and thats only because he doesn’t know any better. he’ll leave one day too.
first bending master, solemnly: you are wrong. i do care about you. i always did. i love you, garmadon. i do.
garmadon shakes, his hand gripping the knife tighter. his mouths trembles, and eventually turns into a scowl. he whirls around to face the mirror and slams his knife into it, shattering it into pieces.
he gets worse from there on. he begins to attack people left and right, villages and cities, even going so far as to consider breaking the serpentine free. he doesn’t get that far, though, because his brother interrupts him.
wu is very concerned, bc, well, garmy was a bit weird but never straight up insane like he is now. so he heads over to his family’s old monastery. there, he finds garmadon, seething and stewing. garmadon doesn’t take his arrival well.
garmadon: ugh! for once, can’t you just leave me alone?!
wu: no, i cannot. this isn’t you, brother! you must snap out of it!
garmadon: this is me! this has been me for my entire life, wu! i can’t change it now, and i can’t even be the avatar. what’s the point?
wu: the point is that father trusted us to take care of ninjago once he passed on. we have a duty.
garmadon: father was a fool, and father was selfish! i am remaking the world in my own image, an image that won’t let anyone have the kind of power that he did, except for those who are worthy!
wu: that’s crazy! you can’t just pick and choose who gets to be the most powerful bender in the world!
garmadon: isn’t that what father did, though, when he died? who is the new avatar, wu?! tell me!!
wu: i don’t know. and neither will you, if you keep this up.
garmadon: *laughs* are you threatening me?
wu: i am.
garmadon: fine. you want to take control of ninjago over me? fine. fine. fine. i challenge you to an agni kai! the battle that was always meant to be.
wu: very well.
garmadon: for the record… i’m sorry it had to end this way, brother.
wu, sadly: no. you aren’t.
cue final agni kai type fight, light vs darkness. fire vs air. obviously, wu wins, and manages to chain garmadon up so he can’t attack anymore. garmadon then has a complete psychotic breakdown like azula, complete with the spitting fire and sobbing hysterically while wu watches sadly.
wu banishes garmadon to the spirit realm, because he doesn’t think there’s anything else he can do.
ninjago is saved.
or so he thinks.
see, chen and clouse are still around. as are the serpentine, biding their time in the spirit realm. they meet garmy and decide that they should work together. garmadon, so torn up by hatred and despair, agrees to help them, if he gets to destroy his brother.
meanwhile, everything is going good.
lloyd is the avatar, obviously, but he’s only like. thirteen when he finds out. he’s an airbender avatar and lived with koko (bc its my au and i get to pick the mom i use) in one of the air temples (idk which one tho). he’s raised believing that he’s just a random kid who happens to serve the avatar, kinda like kyoshi.
that avatar he believes he serves is none other than morro, the adopted son of airbender sage wu. morro is four years older than lloyd, and he was just revealed to be the airbending avatar. morro, of course, is thrilled. but he also gets an incredibly big ego over it, believing that he is better than other people bc he is the avatar. the reason he was thought to be the avatar was because he appeared to waterbend at one point, but it is later revealed to have been simple airbending that pushed the water.
but morro doesn’t realize or know this until its too late. and when he does… its a shitshow.
basically, lloyd and morro are sent to meet with fire lord chen and his daughter skylor, along with wu, koko, and some of the other air sages. skylor is a chi blocker, an incredibly talented one who has mastered all of the different bending fighting styles even tho she herself is a nonbender.
ok so clouse is obviously there. he recognizes lloyd via koko and is fucking pissed. he’s like my ex-boyfriend rival’s son is here?? what the hell?? so he keeps a close on eye on lloyd bc he doesn’t like him. morro, meanwhile, is treated like a king at the palace bc chen wants to get into the avatar’s good graces.
and uh. well, as it turns out, morro isn’t the avatar…
they’re attacked by the serpentine, bitter at the bending masters for having locked them underground. morro is excellent at fighting, but lloyd has more adrenaline.
and lloyd firebends.
cue shock and horror and anger from all sides.
wu is the most horrified of all. the son of his brother… the man he banished… is the avatar?
so yeah thats the background AT LEAST. i dont really know what happens after that but lloyd runs away or something. i will write more i promise!!!
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ravenquingvax · 3 years
I'm never gonna properly write for it, but I keep imagining this AU where Percy is an ex-gang member of Vecna's gang.
Maybe Percy killed someone important to Vecna or he stole money, idk, but he's on the run and shit comes back to bite him in the ass.
(This has been inspired by the song "You Can Run" by Adam Jones, btw, as I've had it on repeat for 2 days now)
So uh, here, I guess. Feel free to take this and make into something more solid -
Percy comes from a wealthy family that went into debt. To try and help his parents, Percy looks for work and finds himself being recruited into a gang ran by an intimidating man known only as Vecna.
Vecna's right hand woman, Delilah Briarwood, and her husband, Sylas Briarwood, take a quick likening to Percy and introduce him to their adoptive daughter, Anna.
Anna and Percy make fast friends, until one day Percy catches Anna betraying the gang's plans to another gang.
Percy confronts her alone, thinking he can handle it, but a fight breaks out and Anna gets shot in the abdomen.
Percy panics, trying to stop the bleeding, but Delilah walks in and all hell breaks out.
Percy has to run and he does, running faster than he ever has before in all his life.
He moves to a different city, laying low and doing odd jobs to keep himself afloat.
One day he runs into Keyleth, a young florist struggling to make ends meet, being harassed by some idiot. He defends her, quite publicly too, and is spotted by one of Vecna's many members.
And thus, Percy accidentally gets Keyleth targeted by Vecna's gang.
Cue Vax'ildan, Keyleth's boyfriend and also a former gang member (who also left on bad terms with his old boss) turned tattoo artist, chasing Percy down thinking he's put a hit out on Keyleth.
When he realises Percy's situation, tho, he feels like helping the poor bastard out. He knows what this is like.
Through this, Percy meets Vax's sister and an esteemed defence attorney, Vex'ahlia.
Soon, the men after Keyleth disappear mysteriously and things calm down for Percy.
Percy falls hard for Vex, fast, while she and Vax help him change his identity and disappear from Vecna's gaze.
Percy becomes a mechanic, becomes friends with the twins and Keyleth as well as his fellow mechanics, Grog, Tary and Pike, even with Pike's husband Scanlan.
Life gets really good;
Percy & Vex start dating, Vax & Keyleth get engaged and Taryon gets a boyfriend.
But then Percy slips up somehow, takes the wrong driver's license while out one day running errands and one of Vecna's spies see it, call it in.
Percy is followed home.
Then, during the night, Percy and Vex wake up to several armed intruders who don't seem to like Percy very much.
"Percy... Friends of yours?"
"Friends isn't the word I'd use."
Then Vecna swaggers in, grinning, baseball bat in hand.
Percy feels his world crashing down around him as he and Vex are manhandled out of bed to be tied up by Vecna's men.
"Percival, long time no see, it's been a while."
"I was hoping it'd stay that way, personally."
"Ahah, oh, dear Percival, quite the funnyman as always."
Then the baseball bat just narrowly misses Percy's face, crashing into the bed behind him instead, Vex screams.
"Don't mistake this as a social call, my friend, this is but business. No, you know exactly what I'm here for."
Vecna steps near Vex.
"Leave Vex out of this! It's me you want, not her!"
"Ah, but such a pretty thing, just like her brother... Would be a shame if anything happened to either of them, no? The boy just got engaged, didn't he?"
"Leave my brother out of this, you bastard!"
Vex's demand met only by laughter, her anger outweighing her fear.
Percy, shaking, terrified for his girlfriend and her twin, for all of their friends-
"What do you want?! I'll do whatever it is, just leave my family out of it!"
"Ah, ever the smart man, Perce! You took something of mine, however, so I must take something of yours... Insurance, to make sure you cooperate, you could say..."
"We don't have much in the way of money or valuables-"
"Ah, but I'm not after things of material value, Percy. No. I want you to have some... Motivation! You know... To do as I say, when I say?"
"Please, leave Vex out of this, I'm begging you!"
Percy, scared for his love, scared of what Vax would do if she got hurt because of him-
"Ah, but she's not it either, as I already have my insurance, Percival - Though, a matching set would fetch a far prettier price should you fail to live up to expectations, my boy."
"No! Leave Vax alone!"
"He killed my men, it's only fair I take him as punishment."
Percy hadn't know what Vax had done back then to save his sorry ass, but he feels sick knowing Vax did what he did because of him.
And hearing the devastation in Vex's voice is the final nail in Percy's coffin here, knowing Vax's life is in danger now.
"Alright! Alright! Whatever it is, I'll do it! Just please, don't hurt Vax! Or anyone else!"
Vecna laughs.
"A little late for that, your good friend put up quite the fight and my men may of had a little fun beating him down."
"You bastard! I'll kill you!"
"Oh, Vex'ahlia darling, I'd like to see you try, my girl."
"You fucking asshole!"
Percy, staring in horror at Vex as she hollers and shouts at Vecna, threatening the man.
Vex, furious and shaking, thrashing around to escape.
Vecna just keeps laughing.
"Maybe I'll keep the boy as my personal punching bag, or I could sell him to the highest bidder? What do you think?"
"I think you're making the biggest mistake of your life!"
"Or perhaps I can hand him to the Briarwoods, what do you think, Percy? Maybe that would take their minds off of you murdering their sweet Anna. Sylas has been wanting a pet to play with and Delilah could use another lab rat"
And Percy goes pale.
"She didn't make it?"
"What else is it did you think I meant by you taking something from me? The girl was smart and promising, Perce, the loss is felt."
"I didn't want to kill her, I swear! But she was up to something! I needed to know what it was!"
"Are you suggesting that a long standing and much trusted family member was planning on betraying her family and her gang? Oh, Percival..."
And Vecna shakes his head, tutting and sighing.
"I thought you were smarter than that."
"I'm telling the truth!"
Percy can't look at Vex right now, can't think of what she must be feeling right now.
Everything he's worked for, ruined in minutes.
"Well, in any case, you still owe me a favour... Unless you'd rather we just get this over with and I have Sylas execute the brother instead?"
And Percy balks.
"No! No! Leave him alone! I'll do whatever it is you want!"
"Good, because I really do like that boy, he has fire in him."
"Just... What is it? What must I do to make this go away?"
"I have a friend, a fellow by the name of Orthax, and he's been crossed by some folks... He needs them taken care of."
"You want me to become an assassin for you?"
Percy feels sick.
Vex is gaping in horror.
"It's just 8 people, Percy, and then this is all over."
"You can promise that?"
"I can guarantee it, my friend, and I never break promises."
"Who are they?"
"In due time, in due time... Now, we're going to untie you before we go, please don't do anything... Rash. I'd hate to have to kill you or your beloved, or her brother at that."
Percy and Vex tense, but stay quiet and let themselves be untied, staying still.
"Good, excellent. I'll leave the list on your dresser along with your new gun... Orthax made it just for you, be appreciative."
"Do I have a time limit?"
"Let's say... You have two weeks, then I'll give away the brother to either my best people or to the highest bidder - Depends on how I'm feeling on the day, you understand?"
"It'll be done before then, I can assure you that."
"So they all say, Percival."
And with that, Vecna and his men start to leave, but then Vecna pauses at the doorway.
"Oh, and, Percy? Don't trying running away again - I mean, I don't mind it, run all you like... But just remember, you can't hide. I'll always find you."
"Trust me, I'm aware."
"Good... Have a good night."
And with that, the couple are left kneeling on their bedroom floor, crying and shaking.
Percy stands first, heading for the list and weapon.
Vex stands next, sitting on their bed, fuming silently.
Then Percy gags and drops the list before running out.
She gets up, swallowing.
Who did Percy have to murder just so Vax wouldn't be killed or whatever? How bad was it?
Who was to be killed in change for Vax's very life?
She bends down and picks the sheet of paper up, turning it over and reading the names;
Frederickstein de Rolo
Johanna de Klossowski
Julius de Rolo
Vesper de Rolo
Oliver de Rolo
Whitney de Rolo
Ludwig de Rolo
Cassandra de Rolo
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zontiky · 4 years
okay so i tried to save this ask as a draft and it got deleted because tumblr is just such a functional website like that <3 but the prompt was “the hargreeves as ghosts in the apocalypse with five” or something like that i’m going to scream
this is SUPER long so i’m putting it under the cut hfkjsd
pre-five: the hargreeves siblings are dead. wait i feel a drabble coming on ooh
The Hargreeves siblings are dead.
Ben isn’t very aware of this at first. He’s been dead since 2006 -- he’s quite used to it, by now. What he is aware of, first, is light. Blinding white light. And Vanya, in the middle of it. He doesn’t close his eyes because he can’t feel pain, but if he could he thinks she would have made him blind. There’s light, and heat, and power, and then he closes his eyes anyway because the ceiling is collapsing around him and it’s instinctual.
When he opens them again he sees ash. Ash -- and Klaus.
He’s gotten used to Klaus, too. Klaus has a memorable sort of face; even if he didn’t, Ben has seen it every single day for almost twenty years. He doesn’t know if it’s actually been twenty years, for him. He doesn’t know how time moves for ghosts. Klaus has assured him it moves the same as it does for the living. Ben isn’t sure Klaus, stoned out of his mind, bleeding sluggishly from his arm, knew what he was talking about.
He’s wearing the coat he’s been flaunting around for the past week. His shirt is see-through, with little stars on it, like a pale imitation of the sky. Ben remembers his pants had laces on them, he’s sure they did not a minute ago, before the brightness that threatened to wipe out his very soul -- his soul is all he has left, really. His gaze drifts down anyway, to check.
Yes. Klaus’ pants have laces up the sides.
“No,” Ben says. Klaus is laying in a heap on the ground, his fingers curled like his tendons have been cut.
His lips feel numb because they always feel numb. Because Ben can’t feel at all. He takes a step. “No,” he says again, louder, surer. “No!”
Klaus looks up at him. His makeup is smudged, like it tends to be. His lips are bitten raw, like they tend to be. His hair is a mess, like it tends to be, and like it will be, always, because Klaus isn’t breathing.
Klaus is lying in a heap on the ground. Klaus is standing above his own body. Klaus is reaching for Ben like he’s hoping to touch him for the first time in years. Just when Klaus’ cold, dead, fingers brush his face, a voice from behind says, so quietly, dripping with disbelief: “Ben?”
Ben shuts his eyes and wishes desperately he could cry.
He feels a hand on his shoulder, for the first time in so, so long, but he also doesn’t feel it at all. He feels-but-doesn’t-feel someone turn him around, until they are saying, “Ben? Ben!” and he has no choice but to open his eyes and face the music.
Diego is gripping his shoulders like he is a dying man and Ben is the answer. Behind him, Luther and Allison watch them, stunned silent. Allison’s hands are pressed to her mouth. She looks like she wants to cry. 
And Vanya. Little Vanya, painted white. Her head is hung as her shoulders shake with the weight of the destruction she has so inevitably caused. (Ben would say he always knew she was destined for great things -- but he can’t, because he didn’t.) (Nobody ever said great things had to be good.)
The Hargreeves siblings are dead. Their bodies are strewn across what is left of their childhood home, smouldering and burning, and Ben is very aware of that fact.
righto anyway. so they have an emotional reunion but its also kind of bitter? id have to actually write this for it to make sense so lets skip it for now lol
five shows up
he cannot see them obviously bc theyre all ghosts
god if i did write this it would be such a monster of a fic and would take me like 2 years to finish i already know fhkjdsk
somehow ?? they manage to influence the world around them maybe? idk maybe now that klaus is dead hes sober
or maybe hes high for all eternity?
for the purposes of this au lets say he died sober or in the late stages of withdrawal, and bc ghosts cant feel pain in action hes sober
so EVENTUALLY they figure out how to corporealize bc klaus is like blam wham ghost powers
asdlfk that sounds so stupid im sorry
he would say that tho imho,,, it sounds like something hed say,,,
if i DID write this it would be alternating povs also,,,
ok so out of all of them klaus and ben have the most experience homeless
and while being stuck in an apocalypse is not at all the same thing as being homeless it does help to have some knowledge
five doesnt eat the twinkie!! good for him
dammit okay. theres 2 options we can take here. in the comics five couldnt get back bc he fucked up his math and spent 15 years doing the wrong thing, but if u apply that here, with 6 other ppl checking his work this could be avoided and they end up skipping the whole assassin shtick and just hopping straight back to 2019, ready to prevent the apocalypse
OR five still gets hired for the commission but the sibs are tagging along
i think bc five isnt completely alone in this au unfortunately dolores doesnt exist :((
for each other the 2 paths tho theres also options?? bc they (ghosts) can go back in time and inhabit their past selves bodies? OR they could just,,, cease to exist
okay gonna split this into parts. this is gonna be so long brace yourselves.
1) they go back in time because math checking and the ghosts swap out for their past selves
after multiple years of being stuck in an apocalypse together i think they would learn to get along with each other. like at least a little bit
which would make it easier for them to prevent the apocalypse
bc theyd:
trust each other more
already know abt the apocalypse and not have to wait for five to grace them all with his knowledge
are working as a team from the very beginning
have open lines of communication
yeah uh. so there
vanya is also already aware of her powers so the whole harold goading her into turning against her family and snapping to wipe out all life on earth thing? yeah that doesnt happen
oh and harold wouldn’t know how to do that in the first place because klaus wouldn’t throw out reggie’s journal! this solves so many problems wtf
there’s still commission issues bc they (and by they i mean five) are on the commission’s radar
so there’s still dope fight scenes sdlkfd pinky promise
okay idk. they stop the apocalypse and everything is okay the end hfkjd
2) they fix the math but only five can go back and the ghosts cease to exist
this is just sad! it would be sad okay! im sad! lets move on
subset of the past one: ben CAN go back with five because he was already dead and time travel affects them differently or something idk
five & ben dynamic duo would be dope as shit BUT five would not be able to see him... so they use klaus as a middleman fjsdsfd
is there 2 bens? is one ben deleted in favor of the time-traveling ben? i dont know! i dont know my brain is melting
either way shit is happening yall!! obviously klaus is clued in, directly or indirectly it doesnt matter but he is on board the ‘don’t let the entire world end in flames’ train
3) they join the commission and then when five goes back in time they all go back
this is fun because now five is a highly trained assassin who is also lowkey a complete marshmallow for his siblings and once again TEAMWORK WOO
basically the first path but now five has a gun fhsdjk
4) they join the commission but five has to leave them behind and they cease to exist
five with a gun but hes sad now
i didnt go into how much losing his siblings would suck in the prev path but like. it would suck so much. he’s already lost them once if you think about it when he time traveled the first time and yeah he found the adult ghost versions but,, its different
and now suddenly hes stuck with these strange adult versions of the people he knows and he KNOWS them but also he doesnt? at all? they dont have all the years of shared experiences together? and theyre all grown up from the first ‘set’ of siblings he had which for five was like 40+ years ago??
i have losing my mind disease (self-diagnosed)
subset: five has to leave them behind but they still exist because the commission is out-of-time kind of? idk but they’re still floating around somewhere and come back to impact the plot later or something
yeah idk. literally just wrote them down bc i didnt want them to die^2 hfkjwehd
subset: they still exist but instead of being just Somewhere they’re specifically at the assassination of JFK onwards because thats where five left them and they either go on ghosting and make an appearance in s2 OR they cease because them-wise they havent died yet but that doesnt make sense because ghosts can time travel so nevermind
i dont have the brain energy left to explore this one aaaa
okay jesus christ i think that’s all
I DON’T KNOW. i don’t know. i might write some more of this because honestly it is a very fine flavor of angst + hurt/comfort <3
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kimjoongs · 4 years
—road trip with ateez
driver #1
gets stressed out easily so he relies on seonghwa for moral and emotional support
almost broke the steering wheel a couple times bc of how hard he was gripping it
he’s used the “if you guys don’t stop i will turn this car back around” line one too many times in a span of an hour
when hongjoong isn’t driving, he’s either sleeping or trying to drown out the other members by blasting music from his headphones
had to implement a “10 minute rule” at a rest stop bc last time yeosang took almost 30 minutes trying to decide what snacks to buy
threatened to leave anyone behind if they weren’t back in 10 minutes
wooyoung scoffed and said he was lying
he also cried when hongjoong actually did leave him behind luckily seonghwa convinced him to drive back
absolutely refuses to hand anyone the aux cord, especially mingi
yelled at san when he accidentally kicked hongjoong’s chair, causing him to hit his head on the steering wheel
this man is tired and just wants to get to the hotel asap
“it’s not about the destination it’s about the journey my ass, if i have to spend another minute in this van i will explode”
in charge of navigation and also driver #2
is pretty chill throughout the entire trip, he’s patient with the younger members but will pat hongjoong’s shoulder in solidarity
takes pictures of the scenery a lot
“seonghwa that’s just a pile of dirt”
“it’s pretty shh”
he’s the one who breaks up any arguments that happens during the trip
somehow someway he put mingi and wooyoung in time out for 20 minutes
yunho sits directly behind seonghwa and sometimes yunho will feed him a few chips
he has free reign over the aux bc he’s the only one who hongjoong can trust to not play anything weird
doesn’t nap often, but when he does he’s woken up by hongjoong frantically shaking him
“i hate to wake you up but can you please drive the rest of the way, i need to pass out before i lose my mind”
has trouble fitting his legs under the steering wheel bc this man is long
had to slam on the brakes once bc a deer ran across the road and he screamed
sits in the middle row with san and mingi aka chaos just waiting to happen
had to hold san back a couple times bc he want to fight mingi
his favorite game to play is i spy
“i spy with my little eye something that is small”
“alright listen here you little shit–”
whenever the van stops at a stoplight, yunho always waves at the cars next to them or at the people walking down the street
he gets sad when no one waves back
saw a dog once and he was so excited the van almost tipped over
yunho drinks a lot of water so he always has to go to the bathroom
they were nowhere near a rest stop so he considered peeing in an empty bottle but seonghwa threatened to kick him out of he did
he held it in for the next hour and practically jumped out of the van before hongjoong could even put it in park
he’s just straight up vibing
he has his earphones in and snacks to nibble on, he’s living his best life
stole one of san’s pillows and used it as a prop up to watch movies on his phone
he’s pretty quiet during most of the trip, but he gets just as heated when wooyoung pulls him in to play a game with the rest of the 99 liners
didn’t speak to wooyoung for a whole hr bc he lost against san and mingi so they had to buy them snacks at the next rest stop
he sits in between jongho and wooyoung in the back row, so sometimes he’ll grab their hands and just play with their fingers when he’s bored
is torn between jumping out the window or throwing wooyoung out of the van
he gets distracted really easily so he almost didn’t notice hongjoong pulling out of the rest stop until he heard seonghwa yelling at him to get in
falls asleep to the sound of jongho humming next to him
munches on a lot of snacks and is the sole reason why their snack supply is almost depleted by the time they get to the hotel
he was the one who gave yunho the idea to pee in the bottle
originally he was in charge of navigation but it was given to seonghwa bc yeosang accidentally led them to this old abandoned warehouse
he brought like 4 pillows and 3 blankets to cuddle with, hongjoong stole at least 1 of each
he’s pretty giddy during the entire trip, the only one who doesn’t take a nap
likes to make a bunch of little noises while snuggling into his pillows
never ever put him next to mingi ever again bc those two are a ticking time bomb
they’re always playing games and flicking the loser on the forehead
one time san flicked mingi so hard his head recoiled and hit the window, the entire van burst into laughter (even hongjoong cracked a tiny smile)
he asked if he could drive but was instantly shot down by all of the members
he wouldn’t stop pouting
when san’s not messing around, he’s either cuddling into mingi or yunho or maneuvering himself so that he was laying on both of them
he’s fed at every member in the car at least once, holding a chip up to their face until they ate it
his little yells or screams scares the shit out of seonghwa and hongjoong that they’ve both almost swerved off the road a few times
got his mouth taped shut bc of it
“i nwefdd to ooj thu wehwoom”
“i nwefdd to oof thu wehwoom”
“you need to use the restroom?”
“jongho how the fuck did you understand him–”
way way way too hyped
he’s practically squished against the window but is that going to put a damper on his mood? no
would occasionally push himself on top of san just to annoy him
always asks for the aux cord but no one hears him 
when he’s bored he just starts spouting nonsense so yeosang sometimes has to lean forward and cover his mouth
he almost got his mouth taped shut too
likes to wriggle in his seat and it makes the van move from side to side
when he was the first one back to the van at the rest stop, he just kept shifting the car back and forth and seonghwa almost had a heart attack when he saw the van shaking
breaks out into a rap at the most random times
has hit his head on the roof of the van one too many times he’s surprised he didn’t have a concussion
steals snacks from san when he isn’t looking
fogs up the window and doodles little hearts on it
“look it’s a heart!”
“looks like a lump of sh–”
ceo of “are we there yet” and “how much longer”
it’s a surprise he hasn’t been thrown out onto the road
screams so loudly when he loses a game
“you cheated!”
“no i didn’t you just suck!”
they were running out of tape at this point
always asking for something even tho he sits in the very back
“seonghwa can you hand me a bag of chips?”
“hongjoong can you turn the ac up it’s hot back here”
“seonghwa can you hand me a bottle of water”
“seonghwa i’m done with this can you hold it?”
gets sulky when yeosang chooses to sleep instead of playing with him
takes pictures of the other members sleeping
drew a mustache on san’s face when he took a nap and would not stop laughing about it for the rest of the trip
complains about his legs cramping up and yeosang kicked him in response
throws chips and gummies at seonghwa’s head for funsies
completely unbothered
honestly the epitome of well behaved child
hongjoong actually thanked him when they got to their hotel
however he wasn’t allowed the aux cord either because the minute he puts a ballad on, it’s over for all of them
so he just hums quietly to himself the whole time
will occasionally reach over and poke yeosang’s cheek
dude idk what else to say about jongho he’s just chilling
except for that one time he told hongjoong to stop the van only so he could jump out and take dozens of pictures of the sunset
but he looked really cute and excited w his little camera out so no one could really be upset with him
when he takes a nap he either falls asleep against the window or bent over yeosang’s lap
not a fan of sweet things so he’s always snacking on like...takis or beef jerky and downing a bunch of energy drinks everyone is lowkey worried about him
doesn’t have his license yet but was a strong candidate to be driver #2
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that-0ne-simp · 4 years
The night left ( Kuroo Tetsurō x Reader)
Heyyyy! Quick note y/n is a real person in this real world! And I suggest you listen to " idk you yet by Alexander 23" on loop 🔁 for this story :) thank you!
You were walking home alone after a bad day from school. This happens a lot that it became your routine. No matter how hard you try for some reason you can never have a normal, positive, happy day. Sometimes you wish you could just disappear or maybe go back to the time you were a kid. Imagine how fun it would be living your life with pure happy imagination
.As a kid, you always had a wild imagination. As you grow older the harder life gets your wonderful imagination slowly fades into a pool of anxiety, self consciousnesses, and sad reality. You used to have this big no I mean HUGE crush on Kuroo Tetsuro. You loved the idea of having him by your side comforting you and loving you. Somehow the thought of that makes you feel less... lonely.
That was in the past. Now you live in an apartment on your own starting your 1st year in college. It is heartbreaking to realize how much you've changed not only physically but also mentally. You realized in the real world no one would do that to you. No one will hug you and tell you everything will be alright, no one will ask you how your day went, NO ONE will ever be there to listen to you.You eventually end up in front of your apartment door. You were about to unlock it when you heard a series of footsteps as if someone was walking around. Cautiously you slowly open the door and that's when you saw someone you never knew alive nor existed.
"Nice to see you Chibi-chan!" He said with a goofy smile on his face. You stood there in pure shock "What the hell?! Is this a joke? Are you a cosplayer? You know what?! I don't care get out. NOW" you said utterly confused. "NO NO NO no I'm not! Please believe me y/n" he pleaded. " what the hell bro your creepy how the fuck do you know my name? Did f/n set me up? Did she hire you? You better get out now or I'm calling the cops!" " NO! y/n I'm Kuroo Tetsuro! You see! come on, please... trust me"
 you knew you shouldn't trust him. You knew you shouldn't believe him but, there's something that's telling you that he's telling the truth. Of course, that is impossible but it was sincere the look in his eyes. What the hell is happening? Have you finally gone crazy from all the bullshit the universe has put you through? Despite this crazy shit happening you managed to stay calm. Honestly, the word has put you through so much shit that you cannot find the care anymore. 
You sighed " so you're Kuroo Tetsuro, as in the captain of Nekoma which happens to be from an anime" "yup" he answered shortly. "That's the dumbest thing I-" you couldn't continue cause deep down you know you believe him. I mean who wouldn't? He has the same voice, hair, height and he looks exactly like Kuroo and not to mention his aura and personality, It's like the exact copy. You look at him as he smirks and raises his eyebrow as if he was telling you 'see? I'm right'.
 You roll your eyes at him"fine if you are Kuroo then what are you doing here and how are you even here?" "Well the second question's complicated but I can answer the first one. I'm here because..." "because?" "I wanted to see you" when he said that you were taken back and slightly flattered at the thought that someone wants to see you. " and why did you want to see me?" You asked hoping to make more sense of the situation. 
You've got to admit you were kinda anxious for his answer but what he said completely confused you."Because I missed you" when he said that you suddenly had the urge to say it back. The truth is you did miss him a lot but you wouldn't admit it. "ok then.." you replied as you take deep breathes in hopes to calm yourself down.You know you might regret this, you know this is dumb as fuck but "so do you want to stay?" The moment you said that his eyes lit up like a child as if he was waiting for this his whole life. He softly replied with a genuine gentle smile on his face. " I would love that love" For some reason him calling you love gave you a nostalgic feeling. It made you feel safe like you could be yourself with him. 
"What's with the new nickname? What happened to chibi-chan?" You asked as you head to the kitchen. It took him a while to respond. "..don't you remember? We used to call each other that" you couldn't see him but you had a feeling that he wore a sad smile on his face as he recalled the memories of you together. For you on the other hand don't remember any of that happening... when it hits you. You remember reading a fanfic book of you and Kuroo being together and throughout the book, you called each other love. At that moment all your doubts vanished. You completely believe him. He is your Kuroo. You were confused but you weren't scared. You take the snacks and walk to him on the couch as you compose yourself.
 "Well then, it's really nice to see you Kuroo" you said with a smile on your face as you sat down next to him. After an hour or less of watching tv with him, he asks you "hey love?" "hmm?" "Can we do face masks?" You were taken back by his sudden request but you're not complaining. "sure...but why tho? I didn't think you're kind of guy who enjoys face masks" you asked as you look up at him. He looks at you mischievously "you told me you wanted to do face masks with me and besides I always wanted to try the peel-off ones" 
The smile he wore can fool others but not you though. You had a feeling that it's not the entire truth."Kuroo, what do you really want?" Short silence took over once again until "I want to spend this night with you doing the things we've wanted to do" now that was the truth. He never wanted anything more than to spend time with you. "Fine" you said slightly laughing at how cute he's being. After a few hours of doing random stuff like curling your hair with straws, doing random dance videos, baking, and dancing.
It was now 12:20 am and both of you decided to go for a walk. "Thank you" he mumbles "hmm?" "I said Thank you" "for what?" You asked " For spending the night with me" he said while smiling but for some reason there it is again the tint of sadness in his tone. You stop walking and look at him with a teasing smile on your face. "huh? You've been acting all weird all night are you sure you're Kuroo? Cause the real Kuroo I know is cocky, sarcastic, and is a science nerd even though he's a complete dick" you teased trying to lighten up the mood.
 "Hey! who are you calling dick chibi-chan! For someone who is so clearly lacking docosahexaenoic acid you sure are great with your words SHRIMP" He says with a smirk. After that, you guys walked for an hour or two as you talk about dumb shit. When you guys get home it was already 2:57 am. Both of you decided to cuddle in bed. " I wish we could stay like this forever" you say with his arms wrapped around you comfortably as you slowly drift off to sleep.
5:00 am
You woke up to Kuroo looking at you lovingly as he creases your cheek while humming a beautiful melody. You listened to him more and you realized It was the song you always imagine him singing to you. "Good morning Kuroo" you greeted with a smile. "Good morning Love" He said as he gently kisses your forehead. "sleep some more love" "but Kuroo I'm not-" " Please y/n" He pleaded, his voice somewhat shaking as he pushed your head to his chest. You didn't notice the tears threatening to slip through his eyes. "Hey, Kuroo?" "hmm?" "all we did tonight was everything I wanted to do. But, What about you?" You asked trying to look up at him to see his face but you couldn't, he was holding you so tight as if he would lose you. "didn't I tell you to sleep already?" He asked as he let out a small chuckle. "Fineee" you said pouting. After a few seconds of silence "good night Kuroo" you said as sleep takes over you.
5:30 am
"Y/N... Love" You woke up to Kuroo saying your name shaking you lightly. "hmmm?" you answer still half asleep and you rub your eye. "good morning love" "good morning, why'd you wake me up?" You asked looking at him eyes half-open. "Guess what chibi-chan" "hmm?" "I love you" That simple three-letter word woke you wide awake as you feel your face heating up. "T-Tetsuro w-" "and I want you to have sweet dreams of me" and that's when you noticed the tears streaming down his face. "h-hey are you o-" You panicked, you don't like seeing him like this nor do you like the feelings his words are giving you. You can't bear the fact that he's talking to you as if he was saying goodbye. Tears threaten to fall from the sudden terrifying thought of him leaving. "I love you so fucking much" He cried once more with hurt visible on his beautiful face. "h-hey! why do I feel like you're saying goodbye!" at this point you were also crying, you weren't ready. You didn't want to risk it, you wouldn't be able to handle it if he were to leave. "I will never get tired, I will never say no for more time with you" The tears kept ongoing and all you could respond with is a little whimper. "Promise me you'll be the cute and happy chibi-chan for me forever. Cause if you do I will be the happiest man alive" "Tetsu- please don't leave me, I wouldn't be able to handle it. Tetsu please, you can't leave me, I love you, you're everything I've ever wanted. All I need is you so please." You cry desperately holding on to him scared to let go. "I'm sorry for not telling you sooner... Tell me, love, how can you miss someone you've never met? .....I Love you so much chibi-chan" He leaned in, lips a few centimeters from yours and before it even touched. It happened all so fast. In just one blink of an eye, he's gone with a beautifully decorated envelope stood in his place.
Dear Y/n,
I'm sorry... I'm sorry I didn't complete the things you wanted to do with me. I couldn't do the last one. I didn't have the courage to say it to you out loud so I'm sorry if this is not what you expected but I do want to say it to you so here it goes. Y/N L/N is your name but you were Y/N Kuroo from where I came from. You might have now noticed that all my memories of us together came from your imagination or from stories you read. The memories might not be true but y/n I love you so much and that's something you cannot deny. I've been with you ever since you knew about me and I didn't have the guts to leave even though you already left me. I can't blame you though I know you're getting older and I know that as times pass by you will eventually forget about me. You asked me what I really wanted. Well, I wanted to start a family with you, I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you. But more than anything I wanted to be with you even if it was just for a night. Love, you are the most adorable, beautiful, kind-hearted, caring, lovable girl that I have ever met. I love you so damn much chibi-chan. My chibi-chan, I missed you.-Love Kuroo
Kuroo Tetsuro Bucket list:
Spend a night with her✔
Finish her bucket list ✔
Kiss her
If you cringe while reading this because of all the grammar mistakes sorry bubs but I’m too lazy to fix it ;P
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greekgeek21 · 3 years
Percy Jackson & The Avengers: Convergence - hurricane percy hits vegas
EEE! I'm so excited for this chapter, and idk why. We get some Poseidon content tho, so yay for that! I'm pretty sure I'm just so excited cuz I just finished writing ch. 12 and IT. IS. AMAZING!!
Ok, so if you've noticed the change in my profile pic, you can figure out what I'm about to do. Well...surprise! Another pjo stan is coming out! I'm pan🏳️‍🌈✨
Anyway, remember to comment, like, follow me, and reblog! Stay safe and happy reading!
- your author
Ω ♆ Ω
Okay, so maybe jumping out of the window before Blackjack was within a hundred feet was a bad idea, but can you really blame him? If Percy had stayed, the others would have tried to convince him to wait and make a plan before leaving to save Annabeth, and it probably would've worked! But doing that gave her captors more time to hurt her. That was not okay with him.
Fortunately, his amazing pegasus could fly really fast when put in the right situation. Say, one like Percy freefalling from a skyscraper? He still cut it close, though. Percy got within six feet of the ground before Blackjack swooped up under him. It hurt like hades.
"What am I here for, boss? Not that I don't enjoy our hang-out sessions, but still, why am I here?" Percy heard Blackjack ask in his head.
"We're going to Vegas to save Annabeth. She's been taken by the people we've been hunting," he answered.
"Oh, no! I'll go into overdrive for this trip! Annabeth gives me donuts!"
If one looked closely, they would see that Percy cracked a small smile at that. Blackjack always knew how to lighten the mood.
"Just hurry, bud. They sent pictures of her tied up and beaten. I'm not sure what condition she'll be in when we get to her," Percy said.
"That's it! These guys are dead meat!" Blackjack sped up even more.
Percy was really afraid to look down because he was pretty sure that they had already passed four state lines, and his friend showed no signs of letting up. With all the complaining about being tired Blackjack did on their other quests, Percy would've never thought he could do this. Just goes to show what can happen when you hurt someone's friend.
Yeah, Percy had calmed down enough to rationalize that this was a stupid idea (maybe his worst one yet), but he was still going to do it! This was Annabeth we're talking about! There's nothing he wouldn't do for her, and that includes storming straight into that gods-forsaken casino and demanding to know where she was.
If you're wondering, yes, he did just that when they got there. Blackjack almost passed out as soon as they landed, but Percy was already hopping off and running in before the pegasus had even caught his breath.
"Get out of here, bud! This is gonna get messy!" he called over his shoulder before pushing the front doors of the Lotus Hotel and Casino open.
Ω ♆ Ω
It was very clear that something was wrong as soon as Percy stepped into the lobby. It was completely empty. The farther he went in, the less he found. There was nobody. The last time he had been there, it was packed with people from all different time periods and everyone was doing something, but now, nothing.
It was disconcerting, to say the least. It felt like the beginning to every horror movie out there.
What was worse, is that every activity was shut down but one: the ferris wheel. It was spinning with all of the lights on, a faint carnival music playing from hidden speakers. Once again, Percy's thoughts drifted to horror movies. He wouldn't be surprised if a ghost popped up in front of him.
Before he continued on, Percy stopped and took a breath, bouncing up and down to shake out the nerves, "Come on, Percy. You got this. Just go save Annabeth and get out. That's all there is to it."
He walked up to the ferris wheel and saw that there was a single occupant riding it: Annabeth. She was up on the top, but Percy would recognize those golden locks anywhere. Her form was slumped against the side of her car, so she was probably unconscious. As she got closer to the ground, Percy saw that she was even more beaten up than the picture had shown. Her hands and ankles were bound with celestial bronze chains and she had a gag in her mouth.
Percy's blood boiled.
"Annabeth!" He shouted, running towards her as soon as the cart got to the bottom.
It kept moving, but he quickly grabbed her and pulled her off and away from the ride.
"Annabeth, wake up. Come on, 'beth, you have to be okay," he muttered, pulling the gag out of her mouth and starting to work on the chains, though he wasn't sure where to start.
Her eyes were still closed, but he heard a faint whisper from her mouth say, "It's Annabeth."
He laughed in relief, pulling her to his chest in a tight hug.
"Don't ever do that to me again. I lost it," he said, kissing her on the forehead.
Her eyes slitted open, "No promises, Seaweed Brain."
Percy was about to bring her in for a kiss when a voice interrupted them, "I'm glad you got to save her, Perseus. Now it'll be that much worse for you when we take her away again."
Percy shot up from the ground, pulling out Riptide and going into a protective stance in front of a kneeling Annabeth, "You're not going anywhere near her!"
The voice belonged to a mortal man. He had a long cut along his face, which seemed to be made by a claw, and his hair was a dark brown with speckles of grey. He seemed pretty average besides the scar. He had three men behind him, along with a hellhound, two empousa, and a couple basilisks. All looked ready to strike at a moment's notice.
The man tutted, "Oh, but I think I am. You see, you're going to give her to us."
Percy glared, "And what makes you think that?"
The man smiled, "Because of your family, of course. The normal one. Your mom, Sally, and her husband, Paul, and what's the last one's name...? The baby... Estelle! Yes, Estelle. We know where they are right now, and with one order from me, they will be killed by the giants we have standing by."
Percy growled, lunging forward, but a growl from the hellhound stopped him, "You're not going to touch them or Annabeth! I'll kill you first!"
The mortal leader gave a fake frown, "Oh, Perseus, how naive you are. Don't you see what's happening? Your people are the monsters. You just threatened to kill a mortal, the very thing you are put on this Earth to protect! How would your father feel about that?"
Hundreds of pipes burst in the hotel. Percy was only holding himself back because of Annabeth. As soon as she was out of danger, he would let himself go. He didn't care that they were mortals. Those men weren't the type of people he wanted to protect.
But- his family were still in danger. Even if the guy was bluffing, Percy couldn't take that risk.
Annabeth pulled herself to her feet and put a hand on his shoulder, leaning in to whisper in his ear. "Let them take me. You know it's the right thing to do. I'll be okay. You just need to lead the Avengers to their base, okay, and then you can save me all over again."
She cracked a small smile, hoping to comfort him but ultimately just making Percy feel worse.
Percy pulled her in for a searing kiss, and when he pulled back, a defeated look in his eyes, Annabeth knew he was letting her go. She had to; it was the best solution. She could protect herself and the Blofis family couldn't.
"I love you," she whispered.
"I love you, too," Percy's eyes were misty and he was slipping on his control.
With one last, loving look at her boyfriend, Annabeth walked to the opposing group, allowing them to roughly grab onto her and pull her to the hellhound, who was ready to shadow travel her and the other mortals to wherever their base was.
Percy steeled himself for a fight because he knew there was no way it was that easy. He was not getting out of this unscathed. They had left the monsters there for a reason, and that reason was to probably kill him. That wasn't going to happen, though. They had chosen the wrong day to mess with Percy Jackson. He was going to let Hades rain down on them.
"Are we gonna stand here all day or are we gonna fight?" he asked, twirling his sword around, "You know what? Nevermind. I don't feel like fighting."
Then before the monsters could react, he released the storm within.
Ω ♆ Ω
"Come on people! Let's get a move on!" Steve shouted, already running to the quinjet.
He saw that everybody was still lagging, but wasn't sure what else to do. Fortunately, Piper had noticed his struggle and came to his rescue.
"Everybody hurry up! We don't know what stupid thing Percy is going to do, so we need to get there before he does it!" she yelled, lacing lots of charmspeak with her words.
Instantly, all of the demigods and Avengers sped up and were all on the jet within a minute. Steve gave Piper a grateful glance before climbing in himself, the daughter of Aphrodite following close behind.
Once everyone had taken their seats, Natasha and Clint up in the cockpit, they took off.
"So...does anyone even know what we're going to do when we get there? Or what Percy was planning on doing?" Leo asked, voicing everyone's thoughts.
Steve sighed, "We can only do damage control. If Percy hasn't done anything yet, we talk him down from it. If he has, we figure out a solution to getting it stopped, no matter what it takes. Now we don't know Percy as well as you five, so we need you to try and predict what he might do."
The rest of the Seven shared a look and Jason spoke up, "Percy and Annabeth are very...special to each other. If one of them is hurt, the other loses control very easily. So, basically, anything could have happened."
He glanced apologetically at the Captain, who just sighed in response. It was no doubt going to be a long day, and then an even longer one when Fury found out about this. Going down that train of thought made him more and more exhausted.
"Las Vegas, here we come," Tony muttered.
Ω ♆ Ω
As they started entering the Las Vegas area, it became abundantly clear that they were already too late to stop Percy. The sky was dark, thunder rolling through the clouds, rain pouring down on the streets around the casino. A whirlwind of water was circling the hotel and the ground was shaking. Geisurs were popping up just as fast as they were closing. It was a shitshow, basically.
"Percy did this? By himself?!" Tony exclaimed, staring in shock at the storm.
"Yep. He doesn't seem like much of a kid now, does he?" Jason said, strapping an arm guard on.
"Nope," Tony whispered.
Frank said, "How are we even going to get inside?"
"We're going to go from above, straight through the eye of the storm. It's the only opening, from what I can see," Natasha answered, already guiding the plane up and towards the center of the destruction, "Hold on. This is gonna get rough."
"Oh. That's comforting," Frank muttered, holding on to his seatbelt tight.
"Dude, if we crash, you can just turn into a fly or something and get out of here, but me, I'm going to die with the plane," Leo said, cracking a joking smile.
Hazel sighed, "Leo, your fireproof. If anyone would survive the crash, you would."
Leo chose not to point out that he was trying to lighten the mood with a self-deprecating joke. Hazel with confidence is scary.
Besides, that's when the shaking started. The wind and water was throwing the quinjet around, thrashing it from side-to-side, trying to throw it down but Natasha and Clint were keeping it up.
Slowly but surely, they got the plane lower and lower until it was hovering just above the courtyard of the hotel (if you can even call it that). It was an open area with rollercoasters and games all around. The Avengers couldn't believe they hadn't heard of this place before! It was amazing! The demigods, however, were shocked that the mortals could even see what was around them. The Mist was either weakening (unlikely) or the Avengers were starting to become clear sighted (could be bad).
"Ok, everyone, get out before this thing crashes!" Natasha yelled, gripping the steering gear like a lifeline.
It probably wasn't even her demanding voice that got everyone off the jet quickly, but they did anyway. The demigods and Avengers found themselves huddled behind a concession stand while they surveyed the area. It was easier for the demigods, who could naturally see through the veil of Mist surrounding it. The Avengers' eyes were refocusing every couple of seconds because something like a stuffed bear would turn into a stuffed Minotaur and then back into a bear again.
"Stay close, team. We're in unknown territory," Steve immediately slipped into his leadership role.
"Do you guys see Percy?" Hazel asked, looking around for her friend with a worried expression on her face.
"Um...yeah, I do. Over there," Frank's hand pointed towards the ferris wheel, and everyone's eyes followed it's path.
It led directly to the center of the storm, just as they all secretly knew it would. Everyone wanted to believe their friend or colleague couldn't be capable of creating a "natural" disaster until it happens. Now the team was left to clean up the mess.
"Oh, great. This should be fun," Tony sarcastically commented, seeing that Percy's eyes were closed and he was just sitting there on his knees.
He wasn't even wet, or affected by the storm at all. It seemed to be molding around the boy. The cracks on the ground had even left him alone. Percy was a force of nature.
"How are we going to get to him, let alone make him stop all of this?!" Jason asked, raising his voice to be heard over the screaming wind.
"I don't think he'll hurt us. He let us come down with the plane. If it was anyone else, he would've let it tear apart, but not us. He wants us to help him, and we're going to do just that, okay?" Piper answered, standing up.
She still had to stabilize herself on the cart, but she kept herself up. Everyone else in the group still looked skeptical of her plan, if you could even call it that, but they followed her lead and stood up as well.
With a calm determination only a demigod could possess in the face of battle, she started the trek over to their friend. Percy didn't make a move, either not seeing them or not caring.
"Percy. Percy. Listen to my voice, Percy. Everything is going to be alright. You need to focus on my voice, Percy," Piper started to say even though the wind was carrying it away a second later.
They had to try everything, and given the fact that the wind seemed to slow down just a tiny bit, Piper took it as a win.
The Avengers and the rest of the Seven were making slow movement, their feet feeling like lead as they forced themselves to keep going. They were grabbing onto whatever was nailed to the ground for support as small tremors rocked the building. It was obvious there had been a different, major earthquake that had caused most of the damage, so they weren't complaining about aftershocks.
"Keep going! We're almost there!" Steve yelled, digging his shield into the ground for something to hold onto.
It took a long time for a short distance, but they eventually made it to right in front of Percy. He had still shown no sign of knowing they were there.
"Percy! Can you hear us?!" Jason shouted, grabbing onto his gladius that he had previously stabbed into the ground.
Still no movement, though a tear did fall down his cheek. It was the only water that had actually touched him so far. Everyone but him was soaked to the bone, while he had stayed completely unaffected. Jason kneeled down and tried shaking his friend, only to be pushed back by a blast of water.
While he was sputtering out the liquid, Tony said, "We need a new plan! This isn't working!"
"Yeah, no shit, Sherlock! But do you see a plan laying around here somewhere, cuz' I don't!" Piper shouted.
That's when a sea breeze blew through the area and under their noses. Unlike the stormy sea smell that Percy was radiating right now, this one was calming and gave you the feeling of a relaxing day at the beach. Jason was the quickest one to realize what was happening, so he warned everyone else as quick as possible, "Close your eyes!"
The Seven followed his instructions without question, being used to this by now (plus Jason wasn't planning on nearly dying again). The Avengers, however, were a divided front. Natasha, Clint, and Steve all did as they were told, not willing to take a chance on Frank being wrong about whatever he was scared of. Tony and Bruce, did not. They looked around at Frank like he was crazy. Fortunately, they had turned enough so that when there was a blinding flash of light and a small pop, nobody had seen it full-on. What was left afterwards was a man in a hawaiian shirt and sandals. He had tan bermuda shorts and a beat-up old fishing hat with the words Neptune's Lucky Fishing Hat on it. But those weren't the most shocking features about the man. What was most shocking was his similarity to Percy. His skin tone, matching Percy's. His hair color, matching Percy's with only a few more grey spots. His eyes, matching Percy's without a doubt. Natasha was the first of the Avengers to come to the startling realization that this was Percy's supposedly missing-at-sea father.
He was completely unaffected by the storm swirling around them. Physically, at least. He seemed to be really worried about his son, and only spared a glance at the other befores crouching in front of Percy. He put his hands on his son's shoulders and gently shook him.
"Son, wake up," Poseidon said, "You have to stop this."
Percy made a groaning sound and slitted his eyes open. His arms were wrapped around his stomach in pain.
"Ow," he muttered.
Poseidon cracked a small smile, though his eyebrows were still furrowed in worry, "That's what happens when you create a tropical storm and earthquake in the middle of Nevada."
Percy's eyes shot open, "Dad?! What're you doing here?!"
Poseidon gave him a frown, "Making sure my son doesn't kill himself."
Percy grimaced, holding himself just a little bit tighter at the reminder of what was currently still going on around them.
"Percy, what were you thinking?!" the god of the sea exclaimed.
The boy knew he was in the wrong, so he just shrugged and gave his father a misty-eyed, helpless look, "I can't make it stop, Dad. What do I do?"
Poseidon sighed. Seeing how fragile his son was right now broke his heart.
"You can let me help. We'll stop it together."
Percy nodded, letting the deity help him to his feet and support him once he got there. Neither man spared a glance at the assembled group of heroes behind them, instead turning determined faces towards the storm.
"You focus on the earthquakes. I'll take care of the storm, Perseus," Poseidon said.
The son of the sea god nodded, kneeling down so he had his hands placed on the ground. He closed his eyes and focused; focused only on the shaking, and then imagined the shaking receding like the tide. Then, eventually, it stopped all together.
He felt a large weight be lifted off his shoulders at the feeling of his power pulling itself back inside of him. His father had made quick work of the storm, and now all that was left was a trashed mystical hotel and casino.
Percy turned back to father, and gave him a small, grateful, exhausted smile, "Thanks, Dad. And I'm sorry for letting it get so out of hand. I know better than that."
Poseidon grasped his son in a bone-crushing hug, "It's okay, son. I'm not one to talk. Remember San Francisco?" he turned to a whisper, "That was my own version of a temper-tantrum. Don't tell your Uncle Zeus, though. He'd skin me alive if he knew the real reason I did that."
Percy's smile widened just a bit, "Okay, dad. You can let me go now. This is getting weird. We don't do this. You're not even supposed to be here right now."
At first, that last thought was just a flippant comment, but now Percy realized just how much trouble he, or his father, could be in with Zeus because of this.
"Dad! You're not even supposed to be here right now! You have to go! Right now, before Uncle Z finds out!" he shouted, shoving himself out of the hug.
Poseidon laughed, "Persues, think about it. You just created a 7.1 earthquake in Nevada, while simultaneously making a category 5 hurricane pop up nowhere near the coast. I think he noticed. He was actually the one to send me. He thought I'd be the only way to calm you down."
He gave his son a meaningful glance, and he got a sheepish neck rub in return.
Poseidon sighed again, "It's okay. He's not too mad. He's actually pretty happy that it wasn't one of his kids this time."
The god finally turned and acknowledged the other people in the room, giving Jason a look. Jason didn't seem to know what to do with that. He just kinda stood there, in shock that he had been noticed by Neptu- Poseidon.
Frank and Hazel both kneeled, soon followed by the rest of the demigods. It seemed that everyone was still recovering from the storm, and wasn't sure what to do with the fact that Percy's dad (a literal god) just showed up and was speaking with their friend like they were best buds (or more accurately, father and son).
The Avengers were giving incredulous looks to everyone, even the superspies. Ok, so first, a random fisherman shows up, then they find out that the guy is actually Percy's father, and then dad helps stop a natural disaster. But that was all easier to process than the kids kneeling to Percy's dad. Like he was God or something!
"Um, is anyone going to explain what the hell is going on right now?" Tony asked, head whipping back and forth between the look-a-like father and son and the rest of the teens.
Poseidon turned to the billionaire with an amused smile on his face, "Anthony Stark. Nice to finally meet you. My nephew enjoyed your work."
Percy snorted, realizing just what nephew his dad was talking about. Of course Ares would like a weapons manufacturer.
Tony smirked, smug, "Well, thank you, random stranger. That means absolutely nothing coming from you because we have not yet been introduced. I'm Tony Stark."
Poseidon turned to his son, "I like this one. Very brave."
"Give it a minute," Percy said, "It'll pass."
Ignoring the billionaire's protests, Poseidon turned to the demigods assembled, "Rise, half-bloods. You have saved Olympus enough to not need to kneel to me."
They cautiously rose.
"Olympus? Half-bloods? What are you talking about? Who are you?" Natasha asked, narrowing her eyes at the stranger.
She didn't trust him. He radiated too much power, power that was too similar to Percy's for her liking.
"I am Poseidon, Percy's father and a couple other titles. You may call me Lord Poseidon," was the answer she got.
She raised her eyebrows. The guy had a strong god-complex. Though she had met Thor before, and he had one just the same. Maybe these were more Asgardians or something like that.
"What are you?" Clint asked, not realizing just how much he was pushing it.
Poseidon's gaze darkened, "Be careful how you speak to me, mortal. I am being very gracious right now."
"Are you implying that you aren't mortal? Like Thor?" Bruce spoke up, literally surprising everyone.
The fact that he had come along was a miracle in itself, and now he was speaking to this obviously-powerful man.
Poseidon's nose wrinkled in disgust, "Thor is nothing like me. He is no god."
Percy decided to break in before things could get out of hand again, "Ok! Dad, you should probably get going. You know, oceans to run and everything!"
Poseidon's shark-like glare softened for his son and he nodded. But before he could leave, he pulled Percy aside.
"Tell them. You have our permission," he said.
Percy smirked, "I think I got that from you throwing around words like 'Olympus' and 'half-blood,' Dad."
Poseidon turned serious, "Be careful in the near future, my son. You have a rough journey through the Sea of Monsters to rescue Ms. Chase. She is on Polyphemus' island. That is all I could gather for you. I hope it is enough to keep you alive. I know it would be a fool's errand to try and convince you to not go. Your fatal flaw prevents it."
"I'll be okay, Dad. I promise."
Poseidon noticed how he didn't swear it on the River Styx. So Perseus had just as many doubts about this quest as he did. He refused to lose another son, though.
Placing a hand on Percy's shoulder, he spoke one last time, "Just be careful, Percy. For me, if you must."
Percy nodded.
"Alright," Poseidon said, "Everyone close your eyes!"
This time, everyone, including the mortals, listened.
Once the light had died down, Percy turned back to the Avengers and his friends, a hugely-apologetic look on his face.
"I'm so sorry, guys. Did anyone get hurt?" he asked, walking up to them.
"Reports are showing that there were only mild injuries, no fatalities," JARVIS' voice spoke from Tony's suit.
Percy felt some worry leave him at that reassurance, but the peace only lasted so long. He saw that every one of the Avengers were looking to the teenagers for an explanation, and now they had permission to give it.
The son of Poseidon heaved a great sigh, rubbing his gut again, "I think it's time you knew the truth. The full truth this time."
Ω ♆ Ω
Let me know what you think! I'm sorry for my wonky updating schedule...
other chapters :)
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kunoichihatake · 4 years
Hard to Get Chapter 18 (Sasuke x reader)
Prompt: none
A/n: finally, a chapter I’m actually happy with lmao 🥴 I hope you guys enjoy! I think there are only 2 more chapters of this, but we’ll see how it ends up haha. we’re def close to the end tho, so stay tuned 😌
Pairing: Sasuke Uchiha x female reader
Words: 1.5k+ (woo)
Warnings: name calling/rumors? idk
Masterlist / previous part / next part
Whore. The word written on your locker stared back at you, its giant black letters angry and threatening to make you spill tears. You stood, frozen, in the middle of the hallway, unable to reach out and turn the lock.
“How was fucking Kakashi-sensei, huh? Did he give you that A you wanted?” A girl you had never seen sneered at you as she passed by. You gaped at her, unable to respond, confused and mortified. You had never wanted to disappear more.
“More like that D,” her friend chuckled, and the two walked away, shooting you dirty looks. You turned back to your locker, tears beginning to cloud your vision. I have no idea what they’re talking about, but it doesn’t make it hurt any less.
“What the hell is this?” Sasuke appeared by your side, fuming as he stared at the word written on your locker. You turned to him, speechless, feeling a tear slide down your cheek and you shook your head.
“I don’t...I don’t know,” you managed, wiping your cheek. Does the whole school think I slept with Kakashi-sensei or something? Who in the world would start such a rumor?
“Hey,” Sasuke wrapped his arm around you and squeezed gently, and you leaned your head on his shoulder. “I’m sorry.” You shook your head.
“It’s not your fault,” you said. Sasuke took a deep breath, and you felt him slightly shaking from the anger bubbling up in him.
“Whoever did this to you is going to pay, Y/n,” he said. You stared at him. You had never seen him so upset, not even when Karin had confronted you. His eyes were fixed on your locker, and you saw they were full of fire. “Tell me your combination, I’ll get your books for you.” You nodded, whispering your combination to Sasuke so he could grab your things, and the two of you headed off to first period.
You had trouble concentrating in class all day, your mind fixated on the word written on your locker and the whispers and dirty looks your classmates gave you all day. Who did this? And why? Could it have been Karin? Graffiti doesn’t seem to be her style, but still…
Eventually, your study hall rolled around, and you dragged yourself into the classroom with dread, glad the day was half over but feeling that the first half had lasted a million years. You picked at the edges of your book, unable to focus on the words in front of you, your stomach full of butterflies.
“Well, if it isn’t the teacher’s slut.” Karin and her posse appeared in front of you, intimidating as ever. “You’re disgusting, Y/n. I can’t believe you’d sleep with Kakashi-sensei. And here I thought you ‘weren’t that easy’...” she mocked your previous words, pushing her glasses up her nose and smiling deviously at you.
“That’s a lie, and you know it,” you bit back. “I would never sleep with a teacher. I don’t know who made that up.” Karin smirked.
“You’re so far in denial, it’s almost cute. But the student body has a right to know about your little affair, doesn’t it? I’m sure Sasuke is appalled.” You gritted your teeth, staring at her.
“You did this. You passed around a disgusting rumor just because you think it’ll make Sasuke be with you instead.” Karin sighed, but the smirk never left her face.
“Ah, so you figured me out,” she said. “How intelligent. But once Sasuke hears what a disgusting whore you are, he’ll be sure to leave you.”
“So you were the one who wrote on my locker.” Karin laughed.
“Oh, no! That wasn’t me. I guess some people heard the rumor and decided to take measures into their own hands.” She shrugged, grinning. “Can’t blame them for being angry though, can you?” You fumed, clenching your fists in your lap.
“You’re going to pay for this, Karin.” She smirked.
“Oh yeah? What are you going to do, Y/n? The whole school hates you, and they love me for telling them such juicy gossip. You have nothing,” she spat. You felt your face growing warm with anger, and were just about to shoot up and punch Karin in her stupid face when the bell rang. She chuckled. “Better luck next time, Y/n,” she practically sang, and she and her posse headed out of the classroom.
You gathered up your books in an angry rage and headed toward your locker. Sasuke was waiting there for you -- probably left class early to meet you. You would have melted from the sweet gesture if you weren’t so full of rage. Sasuke stared at you, wide-eyed, as you stomped up to your locker. He’d never seen you angry like this before, either.
“It was Karin,” you spat, stopping in front of him. “She told the whole school I slept with Kakashi-sensei to try to get you to break up with me.” Sasuke gawked as you spoke, and you saw him grow angry again, clenching and unclenching his fists.
“That rat,” he said. “She’ll pay for this. Get your stuff, we’re going to the cafeteria today.” You stared. The two of you normally ate outside or in one of the classrooms with Sakura and Ino, so you knew something was up.
“What are you going to d--”
“Just get your stuff,” he cut you off, breathing heavily. Shit, he’s really mad. You nodded and opened your locker meekly, swapping out your books. The two of you headed to the crowded cafeteria, passing a confused Sakura and Ino on your way.
“Where are you guys going?” Sakura asked. You stopped to talk but Sasuke kept on, barely sparing the girls a glance.
“Cafeteria. We have business to handle,” Sasuke snapped. Sakura and Ino stared wide-eyed, taken aback by his angry tone, and quickly gathered their things and caught up to you.
“Is this about all the rumors we’ve been hearing?” Ino whispered in your ear, and you nodded.
“It was Karin. She’s trying to get Sasuke to dump me.” The two of them stared at you as you walked, nearly running to keep up with Sasuke’s pace.
“Holy shit, she’s gone full psycho,” Ino breathed, and you nodded. The four of you turned the corner into the cafeteria, where lunch was in full swing. You stopped just inside the cafeteria entrance and watched as Sasuke walked over to the sound system, a microphone and a few amps that the principal used for lunchtime announcements.
“What is he doing?” Sakura asked. You stood there, unable to move.
“I don’t know,” you said, your heart pounding. Sasuke grabbed the mic and turned it on, tapping it a few times to see if it was working. The whole cafeteria fell silent, hundreds of heads turning to look at him. You felt your face grow warm. Oh my god, what is he doing?
“It has come to my attention that there are some rumors floating around about my girlfriend, Y/n L/n, and I am here to clear them up.” People started whispering, looking at you. You felt for the second time that day the overwhelming need to disappear. “Y/n never slept with any teacher -- she would never do anything like that. The whole thing was a rumor started by Karin Uzumaki, who is still so obsessed with me that she would do anything -- and hurt anyone -- to get a chance with me. Karin,” he said, scanning the cafeteria for the girl and fixing his gaze on her, “quit being such a psycho. I never had feelings for you, and I never will. Just stay away from me and Y/n, understood?” He glared at her with such intensity, his tone so dark, that you saw Karin nod meekly. Holy shit. “As for the rest of you,” he said, looking around the cafeteria again, “I’m a taken man. Y/n has made me happier than I could have ever imagined, and I expect you all to leave her alone. I won’t be this merciful next time.” With that, he turned off the mic, setting it on the table and walking over to you. “Come on, let’s go.” You nodded, and followed him out of the cafeteria, Sakura and Ino in tow.
“Sasuke,” you said, once you were a little ways away from the cafeteria. “You didn’t have to do all that for me, really.” He smiled at you, and you saw his anger had begun to fade.
“You’re my girlfriend, Y/n. I can’t have people spreading disgusting rumors about you, can I?” You smiled, your face warming, and you leaned in to give Sasuke a gentle kiss.
“I love you, Sasuke,” you said, the words rolling off your tongue before you could realize their weight. He stared at you for a moment, speechless, then smiled, kissing you again.
“I love you too, Y/n,” he said.
“How romantic,” Ino said quietly behind you, and you chuckled as you turned to see Sakura swat at her.
“Shut up, you’re ruining the moment.”
“Come on,” Sasuke said, and you saw he was smiling too. “Let’s go eat, I’m starving.”
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