#you can to not romanticize them (i understand good) but when someone call them friends...
sarcastic--knight · 6 months
Me run with letter: Dear Santa, please forgive me for the confusion, I know you are very busy, but I ask you to listen to me about the gift. I know it’s quite late but listen, 11 years ago on this very day...
Santa instantly climbs out of the pipe: I don’t know how to resurrect the dead understand already a stupid creature, dear deer save me
Me: Oh no, I already understood that I just need a little apocalypse so that Arthur can come back we people haven't ruined everything enough
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ravenbloodshot · 8 months
Pick a Card- Your True Personality
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Instructions: Take a deep breath, and get rid of all thoughts. Then choose a number or decide by looking at the photo, I don't recommend choosing a pile based off your liking for the celeb in the photos, but do as your heart desires. Let's hope your heart steers you to the right pile
Pile 1:
This most definitely is the pile that attracts a lot of PAC veterans (aka ppl who follow a lot of PAC readers). I'm getting the vibe that you may seek a lot of validation from not only people in your life but from PAC's as well, you can get really offended by negative traits that come up in these types of readings and also likely hate all forms of criticism. You are the type to romanticize life and have an inflated ego, thinking of yourself as on a higher pedestal than others. You guys are above average in the looks department and tend to get what you want using your looks/charm. Your not going to have much trouble attracting a romantic partner, but you will have problems making them stay. You can become quite violent and hysterical when you don't get your way and that can turn your partners off. It's as if ppl will find you attractive but once they get to know you, think your batshit crazy and wish to get going asap. I'm definitely getting the vibe that you act high and mighty and like your the queen/king bee out of deep insecurities. Like a person that gets told their pretty/handsome so they go along with that but lowkey live life not 100% sure that's the case. Not calling you a bully but I do see some case of that, if your not a bully could be that you were a victim of bullying or bullied others in the past. Either way you have some aggressive, bullying ways about you.
You may not hold a healthy view of love, believing that it's your partners duty to love and care for you but you don't have to particularly do anything for them. It's the energy of a person who's married to someone completely unconditionally in love with them, while they're just there for the money/gifts. I do think you take good care of yourself (going to the gym, nails done, hair done, skin care on point, closet full of clothes your size and also smaller sizes that your working out to eventually fit into etc...). Your likely single and not happy about it, although you'll never truly admit it to yourself and neither would you to your friends.
This is the pile that has dealt with a lot of heartbreak and may have turned to a selfish but self conscious attitude to cope with it.
Pile 2:
Ooooo, very passionate and powerful. Im seeing a duality with the feminine and masculine energy (remind me of Ryujin). You guys may be my favorite, I just get this warm tingly feeling and this random burst of energy (If I could meet with you irl, ik I would love you 💕❤ )
You are very elegant and sophisticated, giving rich girl vibes and if not rich you strive to be (and not in the way almost all ppl strive to be rich but I actually feel like you have set plans in place for yourself, your not fucking around when it comes to you getting what you want). I'm getting this real sense of knowing who you are and what you want so your quite easy to understand, you may speak bluntly and get to the point. The femininity I mentioned before shows itself in how you care for others, you protect your loved ones and you won't hesitate to stand up for those weaker than you or just in a worse off position. It's like yeah you know your Queen bee but you don't think your above others in and of itself , you just know your above certain ideas/actions of others (I mentioned this queen bee energy for pile 1, but they seemed more 'fake it till you make it' types while you seem more relaxed and confident in your own crown and still willing to fix other's crowns). Now for the masculine energy. I keep hearing the saying "I rule with a iron fist", so you guys may be quite stubborn and set in your ways. I'm also seeing a bit of a temper, you guys give such Taurus vibes, but it takes a while for it to really show its head. I don't think you blow up for every little thing but once your temper ignites, there's no putting out the flames until the fire runs its course (I'm seeing Canadian fires, how terrible and drawn out they were, it's the same as your temper).You do hold this view of "I deserve.....", which can help you to have the confidence to go after who/what you want but when your entitlement is extreme/irrational, you can come off as just a pushy asshole.
You definitely have this healing vibe to you along with this innocent love of animals, plushies, kids and all things cute and cuddly. You may talk to your pets (if you don't own a pet, you should, they will bring you a deep sense of peace/happiness). You love to feel like you've fixed people and things, you can become obsessed with helping ppl get out of their troubles and try to tend to their mental/physical health. One thing I will say is I think your the type to love the chase in relationships (you may become obsessed with being with a person who doesn't want you).
Last thing is , you can be quite the chaos bringer. I'm seeing some type of trolling on social media, if not trolling, you could just be quite aggressive with how you write on social media. I'm seeing a lot of hidden actions and secret accounts 😏
Pile 3:
This pile has the energy of air signs. Your the type to overanalyze and over think everything. Even when it comes to things that you say, you may think about your words quite carefully before you say them. You may be an empath or bc you analyze ppl so intensely, you can pick up on others emotions/intentions and change the way you speak to fit others state of being (for an example: if a friend was in a depressive state and quite down and out, you would know better than to try to joke around, you would communicate with more kindness in your tone and try to be understanding). You can be quite humble and the humanitarian, wishing to do good for others/society (you have the energy of a therapist).
Your sarcastic and witty, quick with the comebacks and yk how to roast ppl (lol). You could have been a victim of bullying or just grew up in a tough environment and later you learned to stick up for yourself by using your words (insulting your bullies, roasting them etc...). Your words are very powerful, likely magical. Your the type to speak things into existence, so if I were you, I would be careful with what I say (which i think you do anyways, I'm just putting this out to warn you). I do see you can be quite vengeful and you have a mindset of "I'll get them before they get me". This makes you very defensive and hostile at times. Not just that but you have some jealousy issues.
You could be dealing with a break up and your heart is not open to love rn. I do think you do try to stay in a positive mindset but you could end up hiding your pain behind your laughs and smiles. Not really the type of person to deal with your emotional pain head on. You don't like to stay in one place for too long, preferring to move/travel often.
Pile 4:
You are very much in your power and know your worth. You could be after an unconventional career that many have told you that it could never come to be but you do as you wish not as your told. I'm seeing that your quite an attractive and sexy person, very well shaped body as well (could be quite curvaceous or your obsessed with having curves) but either way you look good. You command a lot of respect and admiration from others. A lot of ppl wish to be you, look like you, or have you. Your very talented in some kind of musical sense, your likely gifted at singing (or your voice is quite enchanting). You express yourself well, a lot of ppl feel compelled by you and the way you speak (you could live in a country where your accent is different from most). You definitely have the power and the influence to get what you want, it's giving 7 rings by Ariana Grande, " I see it, I like, I want it, I got it" 💅.
I do think you could be too attached to your looks though, it's like you believe if you gain too much weight or you don't keep/get the curves you desire, Noone would find you attractive. I also see some idolizing of others bodies as well (keep off of social media as much as possible, its okay to post yourself but try not to scroll mindlessly. That fake social media shit gets to you and messes with your spirit). You may have been on your own since a young age, having to learn how to navigate the world and its evils/goods on your own. Your very independent due to this and also street smart.
Your in a stage of your life where you may be sleeping around a lot, playing seductive games, being flirtatious and plainly dating. Your likely viewing love as a game rn, and not taking anyone too serious. (If you are wanting to be more serious with love and attract a committed partner, refrain from sex when you date, your an enticing person so your partner will drive themself crazy trying to please and be with you). Most of you in this pile are just having/looking for fun though so that only pertains to a few of you.
Unfortunately, you may be the type to get into a lot of relationships in which your partner cheats or turns out to be pyscho. This may be the reason why I don't think you believe in 'true + unconditional love' (could be parental issues, childhood trauma as well). Your romantic relationships will be the thing in this lifetime that bring you the most headaches and loneliness
Pile 5:
I got a vibe that this pile will attract a lot of fans of Niki instead of ppl who actually feels this pile will resonate to them, so those who picked this pile.
Turn around
Pick a pile
Okay. I feel like your quite young, probably in highschool or college. You've been through a lot in your life, in which at times you've felt abandoned or ostracized. But I think those experiences have made a stronger, more resilient you. You don't play a victim in life (even if you once were) and you don't encourage others in your life to hold onto victim hood as well. You know that you have to persevere through obstacles, not stay stuck in a pity party. You do have some codependency issues, you can be too clingy and hold onto others too tight. You fear others would leave you. You fear disappointing the ones you love. (I feel like you were "the nail that stuck out and was promptly hammered in"). So I think you may have anxiety about standing out too much or appearing too different from others. You have problems with understanding and respecting others boundaries (I just keep seeing an image of you holding onto a person, with strong grip, as they struggle to push you off). Instead of making ppl feel free and relaxed around you, you could make them feel uncomfortable.
Your a very book smart person. You have a fascination with unique things that most ppl would never think about and you come up with the most creative ideas. I think your more of a hoarder of knowledge and that you feel uncomfortable sharing your ideas with others, likely afraid they would laugh at you or say the idea is worthless. I feel like your not entirely moving forward with your life, your still haunted by your past. You could even recall voices of those who've insulted you or said very discouraging things to you and that can cause you to hesitate a lot in life.
I think this the ppl in this pile may be more sensitive and I want to make sure you don't feel hated or like I'm just another person confirming your own worst thoughts. I'm here to tell you to MOVE FORWARD in your life, don't let the haters win, don't hide yourself away. Prosper like the beautiful flower you are and always will be. 🌻
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thegaybluejay · 3 months
Okay hi I’m back with another ramble-y ATLA character analysis since this is low key my brand on here lmao-
Today I want to talk about Zuko from the lens of someone who also had to deconstruct. This will be long, but please bear with me!
I was raised in a very white conservative evangelical Christian bubble where literally EVERYONE I knew for the majority of my childhood and teenage years thought mostly the same way. There was a lot of othering and shaming of anyone who thought too differently. Even if it was sometimes said more passively than cruelly, there was always that underlying tone. “The others/the people outside of our group/the worldly ones are lost and need our help because we’re better than them!”
While I strived to not be cruel, my beliefs were still harmful. I lost a few friends when I got to my mid-late teenage years because I didn’t yet know how to challenge what I’d been taught.
I see so much of myself in Zuko.
Zuko was surrounded by propaganda his entire life. He was steeped in it - steeped in the blood of those that the system he supported/represented had hurt and killed.
Anger is a huge part of all of this. While my anger was never quite as outward as Zuko’s (I hid it fairly well and was always known as the “pretty good kid”), I can still so heavily relate to his anger. His anger at always falling just short of being good enough or perfect enough. His later anger at himself for not understanding how fucked up the system was sooner. His anger at the people that failed and hurt him. His anger at realizing how he failed and hurt other people. All of it.
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I also understand his backslides in Book 2 and early Book 3. When you begin tackling the first layers of harmful shit you’ve been taught, it can quickly become so tempting to just call it quits and go back. You almost start to romanticize the simplicity of life before you began this journey. The rules and goals were so straightforward back then, and deconstructing is messy as hell. Even if you were deeply hurting in your old life, at least you weren’t so damn confused. You used to know your next steps, but now everything is in disarray and you don’t have a direction to rebuild in yet. Going back almost feels like it would be a survival tactic, a way to have a sense of control again. Zuko definitely 100% needed to atone for what he did in Ba Sing Se because it hurt others, and while I’d like to think I would’ve made a different choice in his shoes, I also get it on some level. The confusion stage sucks, and it’s not always linear either.
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But then.
One day, something just clicks. You eventually deconstruct enough that you truly come to full terms with how fucked up it all is. And you realize that you don’t belong there anymore, and the version of you that DID belong was just a facade. The blinders fully come off, they’re never going back on, and a spark lights in you that prompts you to make a big change. The deeper you go, the more urgent this deconstruction becomes in your mind because holy fuck I have to do something about this. I want this shit out of my brain for good and I want to help make things better. I want to learn who I am and finally live that out.
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THAT is one of the most pivotal points in the journey, and I loved seeing it within Zuko’s arc when he comes to this realization after the war meeting in Book 3 and leaves to join the Gaang. I also loved that they didn’t trust him the first time he came to them - both he as an individual and the system that he had once supported/represented had hurt these people, and it took some real apologies and some time to build up trust. It also wasn’t done with half assed centrism either - it was “I acknowledge that this system is completely broken and wrong and I will do everything in my power to help gut it from the top-down and restore it with love”.
This leads to another pivotal point in the journey - instead of being motivated by fear like you were when you were deep in the indoctrination or by the raw anger you first felt as you initially left, you start to be motivated by love. And it’s the most freeing thing.
It was so cool to see Zuko learn that, while his anger was a helpful tool (ie: the confrontation with his father and his overall anger at the corruption he saw in his nation), he couldn’t be fueled by it any longer. He had to find another motivation to keep going, and he was then taught by the Sun Warriors and the dragons how to be motivated by light and life and love and also how to use those alongside an anger that was finally righteous.
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And with this, he was ready to fight. To fight for a cause he knew to be good. To fight arm in arm with his newly acquired family. To fight to fix what his nation had done to the world and to itself. To fight for love and peace instead of division and hate and destruction.
And wow is it a beautiful journey.
TL;DR - Zuko’s story is so powerful to those who are deconstructing and I love him so much! I also just enjoy doing character analysis hehe.
(I really love talking about ATLA, so if y’all want me to analyze other characters or even plotlines through a specific lens, feel free to submit an Ask and I will happily do so!!!)
(Also, quick ending note - this is just my personal experience with deconstruction! Other people’s retelling of their own deconstructions may be different from mine, and that’s totally okay!!)
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evermoredeluxe · 2 months
As someone who also is new to Taylor after ttpd like last anon I feel like this is something as a abuse victim I can say.
this album made me feel heard.
essentially I had a man dangle marriage and kids over my head for 5 years. My therapist told me it was a form of mental abuse. Long story short, family members and friends gave me HELL for saying that. Saying I was impatient and dramatic.
I feel like this album truly shows how damaging those promises are when as Taylor said “made to wait.”
of course I imagine her situation wasn’t the same as mine (I hope not) but I find comfort how she called that out as toxic and seeing her fans support it and saying “yes being promised all that for 7 years is wrong” as if I myself am getting the support I never got from my friends and family.
those promises truly make you stay and romanticize everything that person does (even the horrible things) because you think they are your endgame and they know that and use it against you. It’s an awful manipulation tactic.
I’ve said this to another blog, but I truly hope Taylor knows that even the hints of that make a difference of spreading awareness to that type of abuse. Because truly. If my therapist hadn’t told me it was abuse I never would have believed it.
I am now a dedicated fan of hers. The depths of this album and explaining how damaging said promises are for a long period of time.. it truly truly hit.
I’m sure many reading this will like my family and friends be like “how is that abuse” so I’ll save the long winded explanation but essentially, to me this spreads awareness of something that’s very hard to understand unless you have lived it.
im sorry that happened anon <3 glad that TTPD is helping you and that you sought out professional help.
i think the reason i wouldn’t call it abuse in taylor’s case is because she didn’t use that word (even though 2+2 = 4), and it feels unfair. she hinted so much at how it hindered her life and literally used jail and cages as metaphor, and how she felt ignored, and i think that’s A Lot especially because she tried helping him throughout it. but a part of the fandom may not be ready to address that despite how honest and raw and revealing the album is.
anyway, i think your partner having issues, struggling and taking their time is human and normal, but when they start letting it affect you negatively to the point where they are demolishing you and don’t even try to actually reciprocate anything in the relationship (except fake promises and empty words), and they check out is when it is toxic. because you are giving it your whole existence in hopes of the bright future while they don’t give a fuck. and i personally think that initially it may be unintentional, but eventually the fake words become intentional because they know they can use them to quell you, and those promises make you think of the time when it was good and you hold onto it tightly. but maybe that’s just me who thinks this way. additionally, i think one should always strive to be the best version of themselves so that they can be the best partner, and if your person isn’t doing that, i think it’s not the best sign (and taylor talks about this in “peter”)
also, i just wanna say, im not trying to imply anything more than you shared about your past relationship (or taylor’s for that matter), but just making a point that you are indeed valid in feeling this way. sending you a hug 🫂
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natalchartnurtures · 6 months
Venus Got A Lil' Emotional Today
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Note: This post might not give you anything new if you're at an intermediate or advanced level of being on the astrology wildride :p
Water Venus, on a good day: "My heart is a vessel of boundless compassion, where tenderness and understanding blossom. My love is like water, an endless wellspring, and I am its gentle guardian."
Why?- Arguably one of the most precious placements, in my opinion, Water Venuses on their good days truly do God's work. They give themselves unconditionally to people they love, all while ensuring they take care of themselves as well. It's nurture and emotional intelligence at its peak in a social, interpersonal interaction setting. You can truly model what the internet calls a "healthy relationship": balanced, equal, loving beyond bounds, and, of course, filled with a generous dose of passionate romance.
Speaking of romance, it is the trademark of this placement. You can romanticize anything you like—your life, struggles, or crush; anything goes. It could help you get through a lot of life's uglier situations, you know? It's kind of like your coping mechanism. But, it's your superpower—your love. The depths with which you can hold someone—be it your partner, your child, your friend, or even your own parent in need—don't matter. The subject of your affections always gets your all. That is only IF you feel comfortable with the person. That's your boundary because you love yourself pure and deep; you need to have this layer of protection so you won't be taken advantage of (which is something a lot of Water Venuses on their not-so-good days experience).
Take, for example, how someone with a Scorpio Venus maybe wouldn't like to share themselves with just anybody because you all understand that not EVERYBODY has it in them to handle all that beautiful intensity, authenticity, and expression of deep passion. Your discernment is high because your vulnerability is powerful, and the level of trust required here is immense to support the deep intimacy on the level of the mind as much as on the level of the body. Hence the thick layer of mystery and secrecy around you all, especially in romantic settings, which makes you all look even more sexy to suitors caking on the OBVIOUS physical sexiness going on like, girl, I see you.
This energy also shows up as gentle nurturing paired with a fierce sense of protection for all things you care about. Cancer Venus tends to have an instinct to fight for what has a part of your heart. Motherly instincts if you may? But this placement really marries the fighter and the lover trope; it's mind-blowing, really. Here, Venus's love could be expressed in more emotional ways such as creating a safe space for emotional vulnerability or expressions of tenderness and nurturing of the other through whatever you enjoy nurturing other people with, like through cooking (to nurture loved ones physically), through deep conversations (mentally), or giving your loved ones tarot readings even? (Spiritually); whatever you define nurturing is applicable here.
And then again, a Water Venus could manifest as the dreamy, otherworldly, fantastical kind of love that is almost angelic in its frequency when realized in its higher octaves. You bet I'm talking about you, Pisces Venus. You have a wise kind of love that also simultaneously feels childlike and all-encompassing. Compassionate, forgiving, and devotional—the power of love meets the divinity of a human. Powerful as words can describe. This placement puts the unconditional in unconditional love :p; it's quite beautiful to see. And because of their characteristic lack of conditions when it comes to their way of loving, it's quite healing for the rest of us to experience their love, especially for the ones that have faced a tremendous amount of "conditional love."
Thanks for stopping by, kind soul :)
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alfonzone · 2 months
I always see you reblog posts with the hashtag someday or fatherhood. How do you stay positive in those days when you feel kinda sad it hasn't come yet? (if you ever feel that way)
hmm, interesting question —
I could be a goof about it and just say that straight up delusion keeps me positive about such life or dream of mine hahaha, but I'll try to be more honest.
Keep in mind that it's different for everyone, okay? 😊😊
Firstly, for the "someday" because it's more broad with stuff like life goals, life, family, love, adventure, etc- ...I understand my reality or where I'm at in life. I accept that I've rejected advancement in relationships, career opportunities, and travel opportunities in general. At the same time, I've also made peace that I've missed out on opportunities when it pertains to the same things. But mostly important, I acknowledge that some setbacks or missed opportunities were due to my immaturity, mental health, inexperience, and hubris. I just didn't know better.
And that's okay.
So that's step one: understanding the reality of my situation and where I am in life.
And, well at least for me, it does get lonely, quiet (or loud depending on how you see it), hopeless, meaningless, and disheartening feeling as though you won't be able to experience joy in life or love in general.
However, I'm just optimistically in love with life ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. I will always choose to or try my best to remain in love with life because each day is a new day and you never know what it might bring. I'm intentionally choosing to make the most of what I have currently in my life and appreciate it. I'm choosing to be grateful for the friends I've made and currently have. Cherish them as much as I can. Moreover, where I'm at in life is not where I'll be forever. Meaning, maybe I have a job I don't enjoy.. I can always find another one or endure it for the sake of survival, and saving up money until I find a better job.
I'm trying not to ramble and make sense at the same time —
Do I want love? YES. I want to be that person someone wants to call to talk to and wish good night. I want to be that someone's daydream. I want to be someone's good thing. And everything else I've reblogged about love. And I will. I'm hopeful I'll find them or they'll find me 😊😊 and when that happens, forever will start.
Until then, I gotta keep growing as a person, friend, family member, and man. I gotta keep trying to be the best version of myself every day 😊😊
That being said, try not to drown in the longings to where it becomes an ocean of sadness. It's okay to want that and grieve for it as well BUT get the fuck up, look up, and breathe. You'll get all of that in due time 😊😊
Tumblr is a good place to read this post I'm about to paraphrase - you ever came across that text post about romanticizing your life? DO THAT. Be in love with the life you currently have, love your friends, family and yourself. Make the most of what you have and what you can experience, all while being excited and curious about your tomorrows 😊😊
It's not easy, and it will never get easier to deal with those sad, lonely and empty days, but it'll be worth it. time will pass anyways so you might as well be good in it 😊
As for "fatherhood"?
I think the fact that I'm an uncle to 10+ niblings makes it easier for me to deal with that "missing part" of my life hahaha—
There's not really much to explore other than the fact that I hope someday I get the opportunity to be a dad or be seen as a father figure? Whether it's biologically or as a step dad. That's all. I don't know if it will ever happen, that's out of my control like most things, BUT I really really really hope it does. I feel like I could make the best dad/step dad out there 😊😊😊
okay.. this is how I approach life, anon. It's messy, and chaotic and extremely delusional, but I try to take a minute or two to appreciate what I do have and even if I have nothing, I'm choosing to remain optimistically in love with life. 😊😊
thank you so much for the ask, anon. I hope I made sense(?) and this helps you in any small way in figuring out how to deal with those difficult days. Good luck, rooting for you. 😊✌🏽
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onlyjaeyun · 4 months
hi zadie my love! the issues of people saying your romanticizing certain behaviors need to also understand that this smau is for a MATURE audience i mean you literally make it so clear you do not want minors to interact. so many TV shows, movies, even books (all fiction btw!!!) are targeted for a mature audience so that people can understand what certain behaviors may be portrayed and it is up to the viewer/reader if they still want to indulge in the piece of art. you can understand not everything will align w your beliefs or be your cup of tea but there shouldn’t be people telling you that ur “romanticizing” and that you should “set a good example” bc you’re actually not responsible for that. your work is fiction, your work is also coming from a person in uni who writes in her free time. you are not putting out fiction for every person in the world to read and you do not have to put out work to fit every person in the audiences criteria!!! it makes me so upset that people can bash you when all they have to do is click off!!
i have a friend who’s jay bias and i recommended her ur jay smau and then she told me she’s not a fan of the daddy/little girl theme and that was it. she didn’t have to personally tell you she wasn’t a fan. she knows you’re a beautiful writer (bc i share some of my favorite parts of the CH smau to her) and that’s all that needs to be known.
also it’s very clear from the beginning of the smau that it is very topic heavy with many difficult themes even them calling out each others parental trauma from literally the first few chapters .. so if someone chooses to progress with the story they are aware and should take caution if something may trigger them
i want you to know that many people enjoy your work, especially me. if there’s a theme ppl don’t enjoy then they can click off or ignore it?! they shouldn’t tell you how to write your story.
i love you zadie and i truly hope people would leave you alone abt this stuff :(
- 🍇
firstly, thank you so, so much for this baby. i really appreciate you and hope you know how much your words mean to me. i absolutely agree with you and have received quite a few other asks which have also helped me come to a conclusion since i did beat myself up a little yesterday so again, thank you so much for this.
honestly you basically said everything i was thinking so im not gonna add anything and just end this discussion here because imma also gonna make a separate post regarding this particular topic.
i just wanna thank everyone who sent me a message regarding this situation and hope you guys know if it wasn't for all of your reassurance and support i woukd have easily lost motivation by now. so thank you so, so much for always having my back and doing the rational thinking when my people pleaser brain is doing the most. i love and appreciate you all so so so much🩷🧸🫧
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latibvles · 1 month
Poet! I understand you have some new MOTA OCs and for the life of me I can't find their names. Hook me up with as many #11s as you feel like writing.
11. How do they feel about nicknames/pet names? If they like them, what pet names do they use? If they hate them, why do they feel that way?
l've technically only introduced three of them, but I think I can do a rundown of all ten of them in this department because I thought really hard about nicknames - and most of them have one if not multiple. This is like... the intro before the intro. Kind of. I'll throw in a read more after Viv and Willie. I like to yap.
Vivian Savorre
Big nicknames girl. Prefers “Viv” for herself and tends to introduce herself as such. Being called Vivian makes her feel like she's back with her parents and that's kind of the last place she wants to be. Bucky calls her Vivi once and she thinks about it for a solid ten minutes. When she's sweet on someone, the default is “Handsome” or “Beautiful”, along with whatever itemized list of personal nicknames she's come up with: and trust and believe she has a list.
Willie Neumann
Nickname girl not so much out of joy but out of necessity. Her full first name is Wilhelmina - that's a lot of syllables. She always felt that Willie was just easier. I think... she's more of a first-name-intimacy kind of girl. She usually uses last names with people so using the first name is a bit more intimate to her. I don't think she hates pet names — she's just not used to hearing them.
[Ship Ask Game — The Basics]
These next ones are for girls who are making their proper introduction tomorrow — but I like them and this question is fun, so if you want some name drops and tidbits: here you go!
Inez Eckley
I think for her there’s a difference between nicknames and pet names. Nicknames are just a friendly thing to her, but there’s something about being called a pet name that’s sweet to her. Honey would be a favorite of hers, and she’s got a southern accent that makes it roll off her tongue sweeter. I think she’s a sucker for being called sweetheart.
Fern Carmine
It’s baby this and baby that all day long with her — big on pet names and also big on draaaawing out a personal nickname, practically singing it even if it’s just the name everybody calls that person. Enjoys being called doll and she turns into a bit of a preener over it. Like: yes I am pretty like a doll, I can also fly a bomber, I’m a total catch! <3 about the whole thing which… good for you, Fern. Love the confidence.
Lena Connolly
Doesn’t care for nicknames all that much. Doesn’t hate them, per se — but she’s very action-oriented and has it in her head that endearments should be something personal and intimate if they’re going to exist at all: and doesn’t think she’s creative enough for that.
Josephine Alden
There’s a romanticism to nicknames that she really enjoys. She only starts introducing herself as Jo after the other girls kind of just start defaulting to it in the same way they default to Willie. She’s got four siblings and they all called her some variant of Posie / Josie-Posie all her life. She’s also a romance book fiend so terms of endearment… yes please. She’s big on the words “love” and “dear”. June is the first to point out that “Josie” and “Rosie” rhyme, because she finds it hilarious.
Harriet Morgan
Likes nicknames but similarly to Inez, mostly just takes them as a friendly thing. Prefers Harrie to Harriet even though it’s just one letter off. I don’t think she views pet names as a romantic thing either, so she’s very casual with them. You could be a 6’4 man built like a brick house but if Harrie’s your friend she’ll call you “sugar” all the same.
Carrie Hughes
They fluster her a bit, I think. Not to say Carrie is having an identity crisis at all points of the War but she is finding her footing for quite a bit of it. I think she’s torn in a way because she worries about not being taken seriously as the youngest member of their crew. On one hand they signify closeness, on the other hand she doesn’t want it to be something diminutive. But I think she’s a sucker for being called sweetheart.
Lorraine Ivanova
Has not cared for them like … ever. In this specific setting I could see her being mildly irked depending on who it comes from. She has siblings and family and familial nicknames but that’s about it. I think like Carrie, she wants to be taken seriously and doesn’t want anything diminutive so she doesn’t entertain it.
June Cielinski
Hates that she enjoys nicknames and will pretend to hate anything you call her because she’s very prideful in that regard. As a kid her nicknames were maleńka ( little one ) & tygrysku ( little tiger ). Does she flaunt that around? No. Does Benny Demarco switching from June to Juney make her mad because she kinda doesn’t want to like him it? Yes. She’s a nickname giver, though, alongside terms of endearment which flip from Polish to English rather randomly. The typical one is kochanie (honey) though.
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acircusfullofdemons · 11 months
Questions: 1,, 4,, 18,, 19,, 20 for the Para Motivation Ask Meme please !! (ෆ ᴗ͈ ω ᴗ͈ ෆ) I’’d like to request Neil and Ozzie,, but you can do the paras you’’ve most recently been daydreaming about if you’’d like !! ( ◉ ω ◉ )
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[ ASK GAME ] || (I'm pretty sure you meant the para relationship ask game lol) Funnily enough Neil & Ozzie WERE the last paras I daydreamed about!! They were doing kinky sex while I was working and uhm I think Neil might be ace?? We'll get back to that at some point. But I'm also gonna do Alice from @fractured-fables since I drew her earlier & also Emory bc there's now a sign at work that looks SO MUCH LIKE HIM it makes me loose my mind.
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1.) What’s their relationship with their parents like? Is there one parent they’re closer too than the other? If your was raised by a different caretaker, what is their relationship like, and how does your para feel about the absence of their parents in their life?
Neil: Technically doesn't have parents as he was treated as an experiment since the minute he was born. However, his father was a scientist at Arcaynis (the organization that's experimenting on people). He willingly subjected his own son to horrific experiments, but thankfully(??) Neil didn't know this. He doesn't really have any parental figures, and kinda wished he did. Maybe he wouldn't be so fucked up if someone held him a little bit as a kid.
Ozzie: His father was very abusive, but thankfully his momma was always ready to defend him. He is a very big momma's boy and yknow, I think they still talk sometimes. He probably sent her some of the money he stole when he was a villain.
Alice: Does not get along with her parents. Well. Its complicated. She loves them, they love her, but they don't really "get" her, if you catch my drift?? Objectively speaking, they're fine parents, just probably not the best for Alice. HOWEVER, Phineas becomes like her second dad/uncle/older brother figure in Wonderland, and those two understand each other SO WELL. Funnily enough, they actually hated each other when they first met! Both for good reasons but nowadays you'd never know. Also did you know some people ship Alice & Hatter romantically??? They are Wrong. So very wrong thats her dad!!!
Emory: His "backstory" gives him parents, but they're also dead and desperately need to be buried bc they're rotting corpses are stinking up the house. He doesn't really consider them his "parents", anyway. Technically, he doesn't have any, and he's perfectly fine with that. Still, Theia likes to call him her son sometimes which is kinda funny so he allows it and humors her by occasionally referring to her as his mother.
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4.) Who was your para’s childhood best friend? When and how did they meet? Are they still friends?
Neil: Dahlia!! She was the daughter of another scientist at Arcaynis, but not an experiment. Neil loved her, she was quite literally the ONLY good thing in his life. Dahlia wasn't supposed to sneak into wherever Neil was being kept, but she was curious. And stubborn, because she kept coming back almost every day! Eventually, she was encouraged to interact with Neil to observe how he reacted to certain stimuli. Unfortunately, he accidentally killed her while he was escaping Arcaynis. He often wonders what it'd be like if she lived — would she be proud? He almost idolizes and romanticizes her/her existence. It's kinda creepy.
Ozzie: Ozzie was a very shy, soft spoken, and introverted kid. He was bullied a lot for being a teachers pet / being smart. It was rough, but Nora Osborn took pity on him and helped Ozzie gain some confidence during high school! I have not introduced her yet (bc I. keep forgetting to) but Nora is Ozzie's wife! Canonically she had roughly 8 minutes of screen time and died but I haven't fully decided on what I wanna do with her in MaaC yet. But she does exist, and Ozzie loves her dearly.
Alice: Her best friends are Dorothy and Wendy!!! They've been bffs for varying years, but all met during early childhood. I think they all just met on the playground one day, yknow how little kids are lol. And yes, they're still friends today! I call them the "iskeai girls" bc they all get transported to other worlds lol.
Emory: OK so technically Emory never had a "childhood", he's an ageless being that sort of just...exists. but uhm I guess we can say Ketrill?? Ketrill was created by Theia so they spent a lot of time together. They're kinda like brothers.
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18.) How important are your para’s various relationships to them? Do they cherish the people closest to them? Does their support system keep them going? How about strangers? What are their feelings about humanity as a whole? Is it easier for them to live those closest to them vs humanity as a whole?
Neil: EXTREMELY IMPORTANT. He has never had friends/family/ANYTHING before escaping Arcaynis, so he'll cling to anything he can stick his claws in. He learns to balance different relationships (as well as the types of relationships) as time goes on with the help of those around him, but by GOD was he, uh, a bit of an obsessive stalker towards practically anyone he met the first few years of living in society. As for humanity? It sucks. Shut that shit down.
Ozzie: Oohh, he's a sappy mother motherfucker that loves his friends and probably believed in the power of friendship when he was younger (he still kinda does sshhh). He has mixed views on humanity but like, he's human too so he doesn't want it totally gone.
Alice: Depends on the person tbh. Earth? Forget them tbh. Wonderland? THAT'S HER FAMILY!!! Yes all of Wonderland is her family now lol that's her HOME. She loves it there and genuinely considers it her home, she'd live there always if given the option. She thinks humanity on earth sucks but Wonderlandians got smth going on trust her on that.
Emory: So looking at it now I think Emory is only close to like, 5 people total. That's it. I don't know if he'd consider them a "friend group" or a "support system" but he does care for them, which is saying something, as he doesn't really get close to people. I don't think he really has an opinion on humanity. Like it exists. That's it. He doesn't really...care??
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19.) How does your para realize they care about someone? Is it instantaneous, or a slow realization? Are they dense, or maybe realize once it’s too late that there was something there?
Neil: He's...a little dense. To everyone else, it's so fucking obviously because he's trailing after the person like a lost puppy and is borderline obsessed with them. But he probably won't realize how much they mean until someone either points it out or he looses that person.
Ozzie: It creeps up on him. He knows he cares about someone, its the level/extent of it that surprises him! Like he thought Neil was just a good ally/coworker until something innocuous happened, like maybe he saw the other sleeping and then BAM! Head over heels in love. Incredible, really.
Alice: I feel like Alice is similar to Ozzie, she knows she cares about those around her, I guess sometimes she just forgets HOW much she cares. Or sometimes its hard to care, with all the shit they've been through/have going on. She tries her best to make sure those she loves feel appreciated, though.
Emory: Imma be honest...he doesn't get "close" to people. He's an Interdimensional Demonic Cat, The Librarian. He records everything, narrates all of it. So getting close to those he is observing...he doesn't like it. He was close to Delilah, and she died. He was a little too involved with False Moon, and they're pretty traumatized. By FF/LIW he's kinda keeping his distance. Anyway! He knows pretty quickly when he genuinely cares about someone and not solely because he wants the "story" to continue. And he will deny it until the end of time, because God forbid a kitty experience love!!
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20.) How does your para expresses their feelings of care/love to others? What’s their love language (giving and receiving!)
Neil: Gift giving!! He gives very weird gifts, though. Honestly he's kinda like a cat bringing its owner dead animals?? Like uh thanks buddy but what am I supposed to do with this exactly. He very much likes receiving physical contact. Hold him. Please.
Ozzie: Quality time!! He likes taking people out to museums and aquariums, those type of places, and seeing what they point out. He also likes receiving quality time. Literally all you gotta do is exist in the same room as him he is so easy to please.
Alice: Acts of service!! She'll get your groceries! She'll paint your roses! She'll die for you! Literally!! She likes receiving words of affirmation. Tell her she's doing good. Please. Don't actually she'll break down and sob.
Emory: Physical contact. I feel like that's a typical/standard cat answer. Yes he does express love like an actual cat would. He likes receiving quality time. Just spend some time in his library, he'll appreciate it a lot.
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sophsicle · 2 years
I think it’s sort of about how you had Mary confide in James about something so vulnerable and then had him treat her the way he did. I found it difficult to stomach. And it probably isn’t super encouraging for people to speak out, because what’s happened in this story is that Mary has trusted her friend and I’m return he’s persistently supported someone who was protecting her attackers and tampered with her memories. I don’t know if you’d write this any differently now if you had the opportunity but I imagine this is part of the problem people are referring to when they discuss Mary’s attack and how it was handled.
Hello! Yes, I totally agree, and I think this is something I would change. Part of the problem is I was very intent on not making James the focus or the hero of that story. I didn't want to turn Mary's attack into a moment for his character growth, I wanted it to be about her and her relationship to the magical world and the beginning of us seeing her pull away and handle stuff on her own. But because of that I neglected to fully address James's responsibility in all of this and the implications of that. Which, looking back, is something I deeply, deeply regret. At the same time, there are still parts of it that ring true to me. Like James is a sixteen year old boy who has now had two people confide their incredibly serious trauma to him and he is struggling to figure out how to handle that. He handles it poorly, but I think most sixteen year olds probably would handle it poorly. And while I know this isn't what people mean when they say "romanticizing" it would feel like a "romantic" portrayal of SA to me, to have everyone you confide in support you or react exactly the way you need them to. I just, I don't know, I haven't seen that happen very often.
I think people can genuinely care about you and still let you down. And James absolutely lets her down. I also like the power it gives that moment at the end of chapter 31 when she realizes that of course James, the pureblood, rich, popular guy, is involved with Regulus. Of course he's protecting Regulus. Of course he can't understand how this feels. However nice, however sweet, he will always be able to make excuses for Regulus's behaviour because he will never be the one at the mercy of it. And how could she have thought he would be any different.
There's something in that that's important to me. Because James is a good guy, but he is still a member of the elite. And he will still always struggle to understand where people like Mary and Lily are coming from. And I feel like that gets lost a lot with James's character. Jegulus only works because James is privileged enough to be forgiving (if that makes sense?). And Mary explicitly calls that out, which is one of the reasons that her character is so important to me. And I sometimes feel as though people just completely ignore her and what she has to say in this fic. That because these critiques aren't being made by Sirius or Remus or James they don't hold as much weight. And I find that a bit frustrating. Regardless, were I to go back, I think I would have it be Lily or Marlene (or both honestly) that she confides in instead of James OR as well as James, because while everyone may not react the way you need them to that doesn't mean that no one will and that is also important to show. While I do think there were reasons why I wrote it the way I did, ultimately I think the negative impact outweighs the positive, especially because James and Regulus are the focus of this story. Also thank you so much for this message, it is sometimes difficult to know what to address when people just say "you handled this badly" so this was really helpful!
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keithyzz · 1 year
Since I was asked, I figured I should make this a post or wtv
Sorry for the wait @tired-writer-in-progress
I'll start by making this completely clear: First, I'm still friends with Rookie, Ell, Dash, and Roxy. That won't be changing any time soon. Second, I wasn't on tumblr when a lot of these things happened, but despite this, there is proof of majority of the things I will talk about.
I've heard from both sides about the whole thing. I'll start with what I saw about J before the "accusations" came out and tell you what I thought about it.
When I found out he romanticizes/is into abuse and sexual assault, I thought it was really weird. I normally don't care too much what people are into but idk,, that was thin ice.
I couldn't ignore him being into loli/shota because (as was said before) it literally normalizes people who look like children being in sexual situations, which is absolutely disgusting to me. I honestly thought everyone was against it, so I'm shocked by the current response to that.
It completely rubbed me the wrong way and felt very distasteful when J called a cultural food disgusting. I can understand being grossed out by something, but I think it was unnecessary to post about it.
So as you can probably tell, I had a not so good opinion of J from before everything. Now, about the accusations, I'll tell you my thoughts on that itself and the responses I guess.
Starting from the accusations itself, I think it had a good base, just,, drastic wording ? Like rather than saying pedophile, lolicon/shotacon is a much better descriptor. I can't speak to the homophobia, transphobia, or the insult accusations, but everything else does have proof behind it.
As for the response, I found it a little weird how there were no apologies for the things he admitted he was wrong about. For example, in the second point, he literally says the slur again and doesn't apologize for saying it. Didn't apologize for misgendering Rookie either.
There are more things I didn't mention, but I'm tired of typing. I forgot who, but I saw someone say every one of those accusations was either false or turned around, which is,,, not true. I think both sides of this argument could've done things better, but I am completely shocked by the amount of hostility from the other side.
I was called immature for blocking people who make me uncomfortable. All of us are suddenly toxic and manipulative. I was called gross for supporting my friend and literally told I deserve to die. Even when Dash tried to defend herself again the random hate, she was met with such rude words in return. The only bit of an apology I got for this was deleted two seconds after being posted.
And people are bringing up how this affected them mentally, but I think they should consider how we're also being affected. I don't talk about it, but this shit sets off my anxiety so fucking bad, and being told you deserve to die isn't really encouraging as someone who's severely suicidal. This whole time, I've only come to people with respect for you guys as humans at the very least. I just don't find it fair to be talked to in such disrespectful ways, literally behind my back.
That's all I'm gonna say about it, but there's probably lots I missed. Hit me if you've got questions or something, asks and dms are open.
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redheadbigshoes · 2 years
I just had my first kiss with someone I have a crush on but my reaction wasn't what I expected. I wanted to see if you or other lesbians had similar experiences with first kisses.
I was very interested in this girl I started talking to 2.5 weeks ago, asked her out on a date, and we just had our first date. When we went back to my place, we were on my bed watching a movie and then she suddenly kissed me (it was our first kiss but it was between kissing and making out). I don't remember much about the kissing because I feel like I went into "auto mode". But I was really shocked and suddenly I started feeling extremely anxious, my heart rate quickened, and after I dropped her off I was shaking and felt a bit sick to my stomach (my reaction when I get extremely anxious). I called her after and basically asked if maybe we could take it a bit slower bc I was anxious...
Is this a common experience of feelings to have after a first kiss? What was your or do you know other sapphic first kiss experiences? I'm an anxious person so I'm trying to figure out what type of anxiousness I was feeling (positive vs negative and the cause).
Though my first kiss was with a boy, I remember I was extremely anxious before the kiss. I think it was one of the times I got most nervous in my entire life.
I was drunk when I had my first sapphic kiss so I wasn’t really nervous. I think having your first kiss ever (it doesn’t matter if it’s with a boy or girl) is very common to have that kind of nervousness.
I didn’t understand if this was your first kiss ever or if it was your first kiss with someone you actually like, but it’s normal to not like kissing at first, it’s a new and strange sensation. At least considering my experiences (and my friends as well) most of them were negative at first. I think we romanticize first kisses and we can be disappointed after trying it because it’s usually not a very good experience at first.
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lukas-crying-heart · 2 years
Busted lip: slow road to recovery.
(TWs: injury, abuse mention)
DISCLAIMER: I am not good at writing injury things, the knowledge I have on medical stuff is Grey’s Anatomy. It is not my intention to romanticize anything.
@justexistinghere122 @anony-knifey
sorry for the wait. Please enjoy.
“Good morning, Jamie, how are you today, sweetheart?” Mercy’s aunt, who happened to be a retired nurse, had been taking care of him when Mercy had to go to school.
He had been staying there for almost a day, half a night. This would be the first morning he could actually remember, he was actually enjoying his time, he felt cared for, though he felt like people were getting tired of him.
“How about we check those eyes? Are you still having trouble focusing?” She helped Jamie sit with his feet on the floor.
Jamie opened his eyes, the light coming in through the window almost made him close them again but he blinked. It was still a bit blurry but it was better.
“Here look at me so I can see your eyes” she knelt down “your brother really did a number on you, does it still hurt to move your jaw?”
Jamie nodded, he wanted to do more to communicate but it was fine.
“Well, how about we try to go to the doctor today. I would like to get your jaw x-rayed” he started to stand up and she offered her hand. He slowly took it.
Jamie gestured to his chest “..hurts..” he muttered and let her help him up.
“We’ll get that checked out too, don’t worry”
The moment she let Jamie stand on his own he stumbled, he felt dizzy, he closed his eyes again. Mercy’s aunt caught him before he fell “sorry, sweetheart” 
Jamie waved his hand dismissively, he held onto her “when..will we go to the doctor?”
“Right now” she patted his arm “then we’ll get you shower when we get back, maybe ice cream on the way”
Jamie smiled a little, he liked that idea. A day with Mercy’s aunt wouldn’t be horrible, she was a nice lady. He was told that what he thought was his friends waking him up and caring for him during the night turned out to be Mercy’s aunt part of the time.
His friends were still there of course, just not always getting up when they had to. They usually slept near to Jamie during the first night. Mercy still slept in the living room or stayed there with him doing homework or unless Piper was around he’d just sleep with a movie on the tv.
It was a better life than he had been having for most of his life.
Once he had gotten in the car Mercy’s aunt started a conversation he was hoping for but dreading.
“So, Jamie, Mercy has suggested that we have you stay with us a lot of the time” she paused “she told me that you would benefit from it, maybe get your mental health in a better place”
Jamie took a minute to respond, he didn’t know exactly what to say, he had thought of this conversation multiple times but it was always the worst case scenario. A desperate call for help for his parents finally decided to kick him out.
“You..want me to…stay?” 
“I want you to be safe, sweetie” 
Jamie nodded, he wanted to stay.
“Then you can come over anytime you need”
Jamie sighed and opened his eyes, he kept them squinted as he looked at her “thank you, for…everything” he tried not to clench his teeth after he spoke, he did, he had been told not to.
“If you’re having to clench your teeth every time you speak maybe you shouldn’t speak” at Jamie’s discouraged expression she continued “not because I dislike you speaking, I just don’t want you to cause more damage”
Jamie nodded in understanding. He started tapping his foot as they neared the hospital. He hated hospitals, he hated doctors especially.
“I’ll do all the talking, I won’t say anything about your home life if you don’t want me to” she said while helping him out of the car.
Jamie nodded, he knew she would probably have to. Explaining how this happened, and explaining why someone who wasn’t related to him was taking him to a hospital would be difficult if she couldn’t say anything “can tell” he mumbled.
She patted his arm.
Okay, this wouldn’t be so bad, just a few tests, a few x-rays and it would be over. Not to big, he would be fine, only a few hours.
“Mm head…hurts” he murmured, leaning against Mercy’s mom.
“Sweetie just…”
And that’s when he blacked out, he barely remembered anything from that moment to when he woke up, only bits and pieces.
At one point he was being wheeled around on a stretcher, bright light being flashed in his eyes, being pocked with a needle. Being in a loud machine.
When he woke up, he gripped his chest and shot up into sitting. He tried to open his mouth but it was shut, he couldn’t open his mouth. He looked around, he still couldn’t see very well but it was better.
“Mmm” he clawed at his cheek a little “Mmm!” He closed his eyes and gripped his head.
He blinked a few times, he saw the remote with the call button. He grabbed it and pressed it. In his panic he continued to push it, he didn’t know how many times he pressed it, the clicking somewhat calmed him down.
“Jamie, hey, calm down” someone came into the room.
“Ehhh!” He opened his eyes, the person was a nurse, he wanted Mercy, he needed someone he knew.
“Give me the button, you’re okay” she gently took it out of his hand “your friends are getting food, do you know where you are?”
Jamie nodded, then gestured at his mouth “ehhhh?!”
“Your jaw was fractured, it’s not permanent, just calm down” she gave him some water.
Jamie felt like he couldn’t breathe.
“Would you like me to get someone to call your friends?”
He nodded frantically, he put his knees against his chest and closed his eyes tight. He didn’t really remember why he was there, he didn’t know where his friends were, he didn’t know anything, his head didn’t hurt anymore, his chest didn’t hurt anymore.
“Jamie, do you remember how you got here?” The nurse asked while she took his blood pressure.
Jamie shook his head “mmm” he tried to steady his breathing, his eyes were still closed.
“Your friend’s aunt brought you here”
Jamie could vaguely remember that, so he nodded a little “ehh”
“I’ll call your friends up” the nurse left the room, Jamie was still curled into a ball. He just didn’t know how to feel about being alone in the hospital while his friends were off somewhere. Leaving him alone, and feeling like everyone had left him.
I need them. 
Moments later more people rushed in, people he knew.
“Jamie, are you okay?” Violet asked, going to his bedside to hold his hand.
Jamie was still breathing heavy, rapid breaths “mmm” he sounded less panicked.
Eva put her hand on his knee which was still against his chest “they told us you wouldn’t be awake for a while longer”
A pen and paper was set down next to him “they told us this is how you should communicate” Mercy said, she sounded relieved.
Jamie slowly sat up, grabbing the pen and paper, he wrote, “how long have I been here?”
Violet looked down for a moment then looked back at Jamie “almost all day, we were told to leave school”
Jamie flipped to another page and wrote “how long will my mouth be bound shut?”
“Not long, it was only fractured so probably a few weeks. I’m not sure” Mercy sighed.
Jamie frantically started scribbling down another question “how long do I have to be here?”
“My aunt is signing release papers right now, we know you hate hospitals” Mercy smiled.
With a shaky hand Jamie wrote one last question “how much do you know about my life?” He dreaded the answer to this question, he didn’t want anyone know what his life was like.
Mercy, Violet and Eva exchanged glances before Eva spoke “we know..a lot…the doctors were able to get your records from the other hospital near your house. Jamie, how many times has similar things happened to you?”
Jamie shrugged and held up three fingers, it was a lie. He didn’t want to admit anything.
“Are you sure?” Eva looked at Mercy and Violet “we’re your friends, you can tell us” 
Jamie just held up the three fingers before picking up the pen again “three times”
Everyone went silent, Jamie was almost thankful.
Why have things gone so terribly? What have I done? 
Over the next forty minutes he didn’t make any attempts to communicate, did they know he was lying? They would think of him differently from now on, that was something he knew for sure. He hated this so much.
“We would like to see him again soon, just to make sure everything is healing well”
Jamie sat in a wheelchair, he just wanted to leave. Everything had gone so wrong. Even the stop for ice cream on the way back to the house felt like a forced way to cheer him up, he couldn’t even get ice cream, it had to be a milkshake.
Mercy’s aunt sighed “I know it’s not ideal, but, we’ll do our best to make you happy” she smiled at him in the rear view mirror.
He sat beside Eva and Violet in the back seat, he had to sit next to the door to get out of the car easily.
“Mmm” he sighed, he pulled out his phone and texted Mercy saying “what did the doctors do exactly?” 
Mercy took a breath before answering, she answered out loud “they had to do some work on your jaw, obviously, they did a head C.T. There was some minor things they needed to do on your head” she sighed “and some of your ribs were damaged”
Jamie nodded and sipped his milkshake, a chocolate one, it wasn’t to bad, not as good as actual ice cream but it’ll do.
“When we get home you can rest all you want” Mercy’s aunt stated “and you can watch anything you want”
Jamie hummed in acknowledgment and closed his eyes.
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gen4grl · 4 days
Wheeze, here we are at long last before I have to go into College/Life lockdown again. You won't believe how much can happen in a month and the huge projects that lie ahead, but anyways! - It's cool how you have a PHD in Silver Handling. The closest acronym I could get for that was calling it a Psy.D (precarious Silver yeeting doctorate LOL) anyways you're so right, good analytic potential AND its interesting that it's him being Giovanni's son that you point out. I like that bit too, and I'd love to hear what about it makes it so dope to you :D - Twitter is the trenches </3 glad you like it here more :3 tumblr is THE place for neurodivergent folks like us and HARD AGREE on reading game dialogue. its my favorite lore hunting technique. I cannot fight Gyms until every inch of that city has been explored. - Literally bouncing up at down at the mental imagery of Leaf sitting at a blocky computer with Bill. I can just vaguellyyyy reach out to that era through memory, of idk, images, did I ever see them in person? in dreams? all I know is that even in the early 20s the age of dial-up phones wasn't instantly forgotten. maybe at someone's house. but there is SO much 90s to project there and it can be so enjoyable. nostalgia + growing up + that one era that is more romanticized in retro aesthetic and the social culture bc that's how the neighbors eldest daughters grew up and how do we, in modern times, achieve that? - if it's controversial, nobody's yapping about it when it comes to other characters lol. Leaf is pretty consistent if you keep an open mind so taking from other media 100% makes sense. I do it too :P oooh Silver and Leaf meeting on 5 island I love that!! aw man, with the Rocket base and that Scientist I'm just full of giggling here. Pff, Archer is going to get his butt kicked by the boss's son's friend HA tfw the same kids you see running around take down TR - oh I like how you bring the environment and economy into it, solid reasoning for moving + Pallet connects to the ocean that leads to Cinnabar, no? but yeah :D great customer base, little homey place but close to Viridian and the Indigo Plateau as well, plenty of people stopping by! omg Leaf coming from the hair sprouts 😭 oh that's clever I like it! - really enamored with the Bill + Leaf aspects of your story, it's just really speaking to some deep corner of my soul's memory. im so stoked somebody else likes this haha my Leaf is a bit more politically motivated (at least in one universe lol, bc it's the anime which is an utter disaster and she wants to be Champion to clean house and heal the economy) but also someone oughta do something bc Lance is working like 5 different jobs 😭 also, I can imagine with most of your HCs centered around character relationships they might feel like a hard sell compared to cold facts and I 100% feel you. so much of my fic is just character dynamics nobody else would get it LOL. but I'm honored you have so much you'd want to yap about it. fully encourage and love yapisodes - I looked at your Silver post and you said it's only if you're playing as Red but good news, Scientist Gideon STILL asks that if you play as Leaf. He says "Giovanni's kid" not his son :D - at the time you asked that, I was writing 6.1k of a chapter for another fandom, but lately I've had Leaf on the brain again and rlly want to get a solid outline for that series going. <-- the kind of yapping better suited for DMs lol. yess, love seeing how the Pokemon world is connected in media. utterly obsessed with Gen/Evo Specials, you can imagine the cheering when Silver's episode dropped 7 years ago he's so <3 <3 <3 if you like Silver + Leaf sibs then you feel like someone I can smuggle into Dad Lance city that doesn't leave her out, but hey. oldest daughter problems maybe if we incorporate the tendency to focus on Kris/Lyra/Ethan and thanks to Masters, LILLIE?!?!? <-- understand Johto kids but LILLIE???? and every time I see Lance with Red/Blue I'm like "aight, so I gotta fill this vacancy myself"
helllloooo first of all i want to say sorry for taking so long to get to this😭 my last couple months have been a mess and i’ve been dealing with annoying health issues (in every way). i apologise if this reply isn’t as long or thorough as usual🤧
i think what i like about the silver giovanni connection so much is how well it connects johto + kanto story wise. johto to me is still a very undeveloped and lowkey forgotten region unfortunately but silvers character is easily the shining part of the region. i also think it’s cool how he’s also connected to red (or leaf) due to the whole reason giovanni abandoning him being because of red/leaf’s defeat of team rocket, ultimately crushing his ego lol - just one big butterfly effect that i thoroughly enjoy :p and as stated in my post, i like despite how hard he tried not to be, silver was quite similar to his dad until the events of the the johto story. seeing his growth makes me so happy 🤧🤧🤧✨
lmao talking of reading game dialogue … the offical pokemon twitter account made this post for fathers day (i think…? my fathers day isn’t till september 🤷🏻‍♀️)
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and the amount of people in the comments literally suprised gave me a stroke like??? lacey being clays daughter is explicitly stated LOL pokemon fans never cease to amaze me 😭😭😭
you’ve really got me thinking about kantrio in the 90s now LOL. i can see them all tryna message eachother on some aol type site and someone’s dial up cutting totally ruining their convos - most likely blue cause daisy wants to talk on the phone to bill or something … hmmm… ideas are brewing!!!! actually to sound old my family had dial up till 2009… insane😭😭 i used to get so mad at my mumma using the phone cause i just wanted to play club penguin LOL - oh and thx u for the compliment on the leaf + bill dynamic <3 bill is one of those random ass side characters that still is so iconic … i have so many hc’s for him too LOL no character can escape my headcanons
oh and i am the minister at the dad lance church!!! i’ve always seen him as not just a mentor to silver but the other johto kids and definitely the kanto trio before they grew up - that saying i still think as adults they turn to him alot since … half of them don’t have dads (both in canon and my hc LOL). i think as adults, the kantrio definitely have a more friend based relationship with him but as kids he definitely helped them through the spotlight that was put on them at such a young age.
ehghhh i very much apologise for this reply, my brain feels very disconnected from my body today and i feel like this hot mess of a reply shows LOL. again, i really apologise for the late reply. i wish you the best of luck with ur studies and writing ✨✨✨🩷🩷🩷
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automatismoateo · 4 months
Islam's recent appeal to Americans needs to end via /r/atheism
Islam's recent appeal to Americans needs to end Long rant - sorry in advance My friend is an ex-Christian and I am an ex-Muslim, we're both Middle Eastern and we were both born there but escaped to America in our childhood years. Her and I were jokingly talking about our traumas growing up in the Abrahemic cults when our other friends joined in on the conversation. One began talking about how Islam is misunderstood and that Christianity is the worst religion of all, while another agreed and commented on how much Islam has helped the Middle East and expanded women's rights whereas Christianity took that away. My friend (we'll call her AL) and I immediately started laughing. AL took the reigns on arguing first since she's more well versed in Depraved Daddy Christianity. I chimed in saying that comparing Abrahemic religions is bizarre because at different periods throughout history all of them committed roughly the same crimes against humanity. Queue second wave of protecting Islam. I couldn't believe what I was hearing - "the Quran gave women power by forcing the man to pay up before marriage (mahr), it protected women!" "Islam never took anything by force, every conquest was done through peaceful means and taxation. It really helped every tribe it touched, it created a good economy." "Islam gave women rights when they were living in villages and being sold at 10 under Christianity or other minority religions." Lastly, and my personal favorite - "the hijab is not mandatory, Islam does not believe in compulsion." I was seeing red. My only response to them was "past and present Islam would stone you to death for your current outfit. It would have married you off to the highest bidder when you were 11, and rape is a god given right to your male bidder. Those of us that have lived under Islam, those of us that have grown up with it know its true colors." I've seen a lot of videos both on TikTok and Instagram of people living in America romanticizing Islam. Even on this sub, when an ex-Muslim talks about Islam or the hardships they endured there is always someone who says Christianity is worse, or steers the conversation to say that it is ALL religion. We as ex-muslims know that it's all. We understand that Republicans are veering this country into Christian fascism, but you can hold two truths at the same time. Islam is destroying the world, and Christians are trying to destroying America. There should not be a comparison made every time Islam is talked about. Submitted March 06, 2024 at 08:19PM by Sresidingm (From Reddit https://ift.tt/KkcvqzT)
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imbeingstalked98 · 7 months
You want honesty?
I want to be able to have an opinion without having others point it out as a way to define me. I absolutely hate how they destroyed my connections with others and called me a "covert narcissist" just because I'm able to understand their hardships, or I am willing to listen. Coming from someone that has been harassed, neglected, physically and mentally abused, you think I'd want to constant be put in the victim position? No, but I want others to stop being abusive. I'm able to consider and care for others because I don't want them to feel the pain I felt.
I don't want to know other people's private lives where it is too personal to bare unless they need me there for them. Does anyone really understand what it means to lose a friend that was going through a lot in life, I miss my old best friend a lot, and I've lost him because of this. Does anyone understand how it feels to be constantly silenced when you're right about something, or gaslit, and they see your misery and pain as a joke.
I am not a celebrity, everyone is dishonest, but things like this cause people to lose their sanity. Exposed to a repeating stimuli from sociopathic strangers that are sadistic as fuck. I'd say I wouldn't want them to experience it out of vengeance, but I want them to experience to understand how it feels to lose joy in music, to lose joy in the things you love, to hate the sound of your name, to wish you can change your whole face, and no longer dress the way you used to.
I hear more people mimicking me for being "so tired" if you dealt w the same frustrations and harassment and you were suicidal every minute of the day you would lose all the energy you had to live life. I used to romanticize my life, maybe a little too much. I wish I still had that spirit in me to enjoy it.
I am a hard person to relate to or understand, bc I will push away family that I had a lot of painful memories with, I hold grudges if I never gotten the apology for the abuse that was inflicted. And if you carry these grudges for too long you turn into the person you hate the most. Dishonest and full of hate. Just because I seemed very happy before its bc I have bipolar disorder. I don't think there will ever be a chance for me to improve my life as much as I improve myself.
I used to think being considerate and caring and generous I would get good karma, and not to be gifted back but just to be appreciated. And, when you give too much of yourself away, the people you cared for don't care if you have nothing left, especially since they've enabled it. I may be filled with a lot of hateful memories, but I will always have room for love in my heart. I used to think it was fine to be the one to get pushed over, to work harder so it would make everyones else's lives easier, so when it was my turn in my personal relationship to be taken care of it felt really nice, that at least, even one person's love was enough for me to live for.
There is just too many obstacles, and they say "let go of what you can't control" does that mean I have to let go of my life? Things are getting far too deep and dark for me to have any chance in reviving my life.
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