#you can't convince me that they didn't have little crushes on each other when they were younger
citrustan · 2 days
dating girl (jjk)
pairing: jungkook x reader
summary: you try to convince yourself that you're really okay with 'casually dating' your crush.
genre: college au, fwb kinda thing but more than friends ygm? angst!
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"Are they allowed to cancel an entire day at college? That can't be good for anyone..." Your mother ponders out loud as you walk around the city hand-in-hand.
"There's not much you can do if someone decides to paint over every projector lens on campus." You nod.
"Lucky for me, I get to spend time with my little baby," she nuzzles her nose into your hair, squeezing you in a side-hug, "Still can't believe we have to schedule our hangouts now."
"Yeah, there's that..." You smile half-heartedly.
You stop near a flower stall, taking in the hustle and bustle of the city. It's especially crowded because of your university abruptly cancelling a bunch of classes.
After your day had freed up unexpectedly, you had invited your sorta but not really boyfriend, Jungkook, to go cafe hopping to find where all the good teas are because you knew he'd bee available. But he never responded.
So your mood has been a bit damp all day.
You had just stepped out of this store that sold handmade sweaters and yarn balls. Not even a good shopping spree could lift your spirits.
What definately doesn't help is randomly seeing said sorta but not really boyfriend who didn't respond to your texts out and about with some leggy blonde girl.
You've never seen her around.
Not that you know every single person on campus, but if they've crossed Jungkook's path, you know them.
They're dining together al fresco, at one of the cafes you had literally listed in your text to Jungkook.
Talk about a slap in your face.
For a second, you think she might just be his sister or something.
That thought bubble is quickly shot at with a razor sharp arrow when you see him kiss her knuckles.
Your eyes involuntary darken, and your mouth forms a pout. The kind one has when they're trying to hold back a cry or a sob.
All the while, your mother had talked about your grandparents' separation, the local diner having caught fire, and matching mother and daughter shoes she had bought for your birthday.
You were listening passively so you didn't quite catch everything.
"You're still seeing him, aren't you?" She tilted her head in confusion.
When your mother notices the look on your face, she frowns, following the line of your vision.
At spotting Jungkook and mystery girl, she gasps angrily, "Oh, no, he sucks." She turns back to you, "Honey, I'm so sorry."
"No, mom, this is normal," you smile weakly, "And it's okay."
"Yes." You nod, "I am."
"But then he's there," she points at the pair with her chin, "seeing her. How's that okay?"
"It just is, mom! Really," you attempt to convince your mother (and yourself) that you were 100% fine with witnessing Jungkook out with other women. "We're keeping things casual. Very... casual."
"And that's a mutual decision?" She confirms.
"We both agreed." You concur.
Your mother's still unsure about your choices. "Well. Okay then."
You glance at Jungkook and mystery girl one last time.
The picture isn't pretty. He's leaning into her ear and has his large hand placed over her bare thigh as she caressed his arm with her much smaller hand, thoroughly enjoying his attention.
Your mother watches your expression go stiff, "So, how does this work?"
Snapping you out of your daze, she pushes a few strands of hair away from your eyes.
When you frown at her she sighs, "Sorry..."
"Oh. Um..." You exhale, "Well, we see each other and we see other people, and that's that. We're cas-" - "Yeah, casual, I heard." Your mother interrupts your blabber.
"It's ok." You look down at your feet, kicking a few stray pebbles out of the way.
"I just--- I thought you guys were sleeping together." She blurts.
"Mom!" You exclaim, looking around to see if anyone had heard her, "It's not that big of a deal. I want this too. And I need to learn to date too."
Again, you try to ease your mind about your decision.
You lightly cringe and look around, "Uh... Nobody yet. But this guy from one of my extras--- his name's Hoseok but we call him Hobi, or Hoba, depending on how close you are to him--- anyway, he asked me out to a halloween theme party next week."
"So who else are you dating?" She asks pointedly.
This is suddenly getting very exhausting.
Your mother gives you a knowing look, deciding to play along anyway, "Oh! You've never mentioned him before."
"Mhm. Because it's new." You hunch your shoulders nervously.
The party was hosted by the student body to raise funds for, you don't know, collegiate stuff.
You had imagined going with Jungkook, with matching Dentist and Tooth Fairy couple costumes. But he hadn't asked you yet and you definitely weren't going to bring it up first.
Maybe you can do the look with Hoseok instead.
It's less than a week away, so you're not expecting anything from him either. He probably already has another date lined up.
You wonder if it's the blonde he's with now.
"So, are you gonna do it?"
"Do what?" Was she in your head?
"Go with Hobi or Hoba." She makes air quotations for 'Hobi or Hoba.'
"Oh, yeah. Yep. Definitely." Suddenly remembering, you add, "Oh and can you make me my costume? I want to be the Tooth Fairy?" You softly ask her, knowing it's a little last minute, but also knowing she wouldn't deny you.
"Why of course! Does... Hobi need a costume too?" She asks carefully.
"Oh, no. Probably not." Well, you don't know. You don't know if his offer even stands now and you might end up not going at all.
Your mother rubs your shoulder, "Ask him and let me know, 'kay?"
You force out an uncomfortable smile and nod, "Thanks."
Although your mother's not convinced, she decides to drop the topic all together.
"Well, that's good," she smiles down at you warmly, "Do you want to get that sweater exchanged?"
It was vague, but you appreciated her attempt either way.
"Mhm. Back to the store we go." You narrate with an airy laugh.
Your mother was in the lead, already making her way to the store you had just walked out of.
Once again, your gaze falls on Jungkook and his date, and to your surprise he was staring right back at you.
You want to give him a little smile. To show him you're unbothered. But you couldn't seem to force one out this time.
So you settle with giving him a small wave, which he returns, mirroring your expression.
His date follows his line of sight and spots you too, giving you a tight smile. It's not passive aggressive, just... decent. Not polite either. But why should she be?
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Jungkook blinks at you as you hurriedly leave trying to keep up with your mother.
Maybe you should focus on Hoseok for now.
note: nobody asked for this but i was feeling a little silly :p needed some angsty ouchie with the possibility of a favourable conclusion so i indulged!
hey bonus points if you can tell what inspired this! and if you read all this lmk what you think regardless :D
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soniclion92 · 1 year
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And isn't it just so pretty to think
All along there was some
Invisible string
Tying you to me?
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apomaro-mellow · 2 months
some time travel shenanigans
Eddie thought the hardest part about time travel would be convincing everyone of that fact. Turned out he didn't need to do much convincing. Perhaps that was due in part to the fact that he was only from a few years ahead and thus didn't look too different from the version of himself lying comatose in the hospital.
His hair was just a bit longer and he had a beard now. But everything else was about the same.
No, the real struggle was holding back certain truths of the future. Of course, many of them had questions and the more logical ones reasoned that they shouldn't know anything unless absolutely necessary. So thankfully Eddie was spared from a constant barrage of questions. But even that wasn't the hard part.
The biggest challenge, the most difficult part of being here, was having to pretend that he wasn't head over heels in love with Steve.
To have to watch him from across the room and not be able to kiss, him, to embrace him, not even being able to hold his hand. And it cut him every time their gazes met. There was a question in Steve's eyes that he longed to answer.
The first night he spent in the past, Eddie could only think of his Stevie. How easily he'd been allowed to touch him in his own time. But he couldn't now. He had to wait. In a few days his younger self would wake up and the near-death experience would give him the guts to tell Steve that he was gay.
And then a few days after that, he'd reveal that he had a crush on someone. And then about a week after that, he would find Steve about to kiss another man and find the nerve to cut in between and confess.
Now that Eddie thought about it, he guessed he had to thank the guy who tried putting the moves on Steve. Having his feelings out in the open had made him feel more confident, stronger. And that passion helped aid in defeating Vecna's second coming. Eddie almost wished he knew who the guy was.
Everything had been going just as Eddie remembered it. The Harrington house had become the base of operations, even when Steve's parents returned. The military set up too and while they helped stem the demodog population, they did very little to help with Vecna.
His younger self woke up, injuries healed thanks to the bat venom now coursing through his veins. His return came with a message from Vecna. One that was a riddle that Eddie already knew the answer to.
"I can tell you what he's planning and how to counter. But some of you won't like it."
"Um, hey, who the fuck are you?"
Both Eddies stared each other down and it was so quiet you could hear a cotton ball drop.
"Who was supposed to tell present-Eddie about future-Eddie?", Robin asked.
"I'm sorry, who!?", Eddie exclaimed.
"You from the future, try to keep up", Dustin said.
Eddie's eyes were glued to his so called future self. And then only tore away when he caught a movement on the side. Steve shifting his balance. Steve.
"Okay, if you are me from the future, I have some questions."
"Most of which I can't answer. Especially that one."
"So you're useless then."
"Give him a break", Steve said, coming to the older man's defense. "If he told us everything that'd mess with the whole space-time whatever."
"Continuum", about three voices said for him.
"Yeah the whatever."
"...How long has he been here?", Eddie asked, wondering just what his future self, someone who seemed more bold and comfortable in his body, got up to with Steve.
Older Eddie just shook his head and chuckled in a way that reminded him too much of Wayne. "I haven't been here long enough for what you're imagining."
And then things progressed just as he knew they would. He knew his younger self was about to go and tell Steve about his crush. He could recall it happening during a supply run and even remembered that Steve had been wearing a camo jacket with a soft blue shirt underneath.
Seeing them get closer just made him long more for his own Stevie. Was he thinking of him now? Sometimes Eddie met the gaze of Steve from now and wondered if he could see the future they had together.
Steve knew the other Eddie was hiding something. At first he thought it might be how the venom was effecting Eddie's body. But once present-Eddie woke up, that had been made apparent and he was still acting weird. Steve didn't think it was malicious anymore. But it was definitely something.
Sometimes he caught the other man staring at him. Other times they had to hand things to one another and his touch lingered, like he wanted to touch Steve more. Steve knew yearning when he saw it. He just didn't understand why it was being directed towards him.
He got an opportunity to seek out answers one night. A lot of people were housed at the gym as a shelter after the quakes. But life was more dangerous now and that meant a lot of patrols in a lot of areas. So when someone reported odd noises outside, Steve, future-Eddie, present-Eddie, and a few well armed citizens went to check it out. It was about half a dozen of them in total and they broke off into groups.
Nancy's group was the one to find the thing, kill it, and radio in that everyone should get back inside before it got too late. Steve grabbed older Eddie's wrist, stopping from following orders. They were alone now, having split from the group. There was no better time than now.
"You keep acting weird. Especially around me", Steve said.
"Well someone thinks they're special", Eddie grinned.
There was just a sole light on this corner of the building and it mostly shone on Steve, which was fine by Eddie. He was having a hard time schooling his expressions now that they were alone.
"Something happens to me in the future, doesn't it? Do I die? Is that it?"
"No, no Steve you don't die", Eddie assured him.
"It's not just the way you act. You say my name weird too. Do you really hate it that much? Hate me?"
"No", Eddie bit out, turning his body half away.
"I thought we were really becoming friends. You-he's told me things. Secret things. But the way you're acting now it's like things change between us. I wanna know why. Is it me? Did I do something?"
Eddie heard his voice hitch up and then clear and knew that was how his baby sounded when he wanted to cry but held himself back.
"Stevie, sweetheart, baby", Eddie breathed out and held his face and it felt like a weight lifted from him. Calling him just 'Steve' had felt like walking with dumbbells attached to his ankles.
Steve's shoulders relaxed too, like he had also been carrying a weight. "That's what you call me, then? All that?"
"All that and more, my love." Eddie's voice was hushed, afraid someone or something might overhear.
"So that crush Eddie told me about is...?"
Eddie nodded, eyes closing for a moment, glad that he could at least have this about being apart for so long.
"Then you know how I feel", Steve said.
Eddie's eyes opened and he looked into Steve's. There was that question. One that Eddie longed to answer but he feared it wasn't his to reply to. Not at this time. Not now. And yet....
"Please", Steve whispered, eyes flickering to his lips.
Eddie wasn't strong enough to deny him. Not as a dying man in a drought being offered a drink of water. Just as he was about to give him, he was shoved back. Hard. He saw his own familiar curls and bolted, and odd sense of deja vu hitting him just as hard as the shove.
"Steve!", present-Eddie unknowingly took his older self's place in front of Steve. "I have to tell you something. Something really important and I need you to listen, okay?"
"I'm a goddamn idiot. An absolute fool for you and it shouldn't have taken some other guy trying to kiss you for me to get the gumption to tell you but it did and there it is and I...and I..." His expression pinched. "Wait, who was that guy?", he turned slightly to look for him.
Steve touched his cheek and brought his attention back. "It was...it doesn't matter who it was. You're here now."
When Eddie next opened his eyes, it was immediately followed by his Stevie kissing him all over the face. Everything came back to him, as well as new pieces of information.
"Wait, so that guy who was putting the moves on you that night-"
"Was you, yes", Steve confirmed, face splitting with how big he was smiling.
"And you just sat on that for years? Wait, how does that even work, you knew it was me but it couldn't be me until I got back to do the time travel and-"
"Don't think too hard about it, babe", Steve kissed his temple. "Just be grateful something gave you the kick in the pants to do it."
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theosbaby · 8 months
birthday princess
stepbro!draco malfoy x fem!reader
part one ;; off-limits
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summary; it's your nineteenth birthday and your stepbrother gives his favorite girl a very special birthday present.
warnings; college!au, innocent!reader, dom!draco, sub!reader, stepcest, SMUT, oral sex (fem receiving), p in v, lots of praising and (shitty) dirty talk, unprotected sex (wrap it up everybody!)
author's note; english isn't my first language, so you might find mistakes. i'm kinda obsessed with stepbrother!draco lately, so i'm gonna make this a series... hope you like it!
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you were back in college, the new semester had just started after christmas break and you were forced to return to your usual rutine; which you didn't want to, because that meant draco and you would have to be apart for months till you both came back home for summer break; drawbacks of going to separate schools, miles away from each other.
today, it was friday, and it was your birthday. your roommate had tried to convince you, very insistently, to go with her to a frat party to celebrate, allegating that "it was supposed to be fun turning nineteen", but you were far too depressed to party, so she ended up going alone; you just missed draco very much. you knew that what you guys had was very wrong, but you couldn't stop thinking about that night in his bedroom. the way he had touched you, the way he had kissed you, the way he had made you feel...
gods, now you were depressed and horny.
a soft knocking on your door brought you back to reality and you sighed, rolling your eyes. you got up from your bed, thinking it was just your roommate again —she tended to forget her keys very frequently. but when you opened the door and saw draco standing there, you almost cried.
"happy birthday, princess," he said with that sultry voice of his that you had missed so much.
he was carrying a huge flowers bouquet on one hand and a white paper bag on the other. he was looking at you with the biggest smile on his face, and you didn't hesitate to throw yourself at him to hug him tightly.
"draco!" you shouted, your voice muted by his flesh as you buried your face on the crook of his neck, inhaling his expensive cologne.
draco chuckled, returning the hug instantly. "missed me that much?" he teased, kissing your temple softly.
"yeah, i did," you muttered as you nodded. you pulled back slightly to look up at him with a cute blush and bright eyes, "can't believe you came all the way here just to see me! you didn't have to..."
"well, i couldn't let my favorite birthday girl spend her day alone now, could i?" draco asked with a smirk, placing another kiss on your forehead that time.
he stepped into your dormroom slowly, picking you up with one arm as if you were nothing to carry you inside. then, he closed the door behind him using his foot.
"i love you."
you smiled big, wrapping your arms around his neck and giving him a chaste peck on the lips; you couldn't help but blush as you did so.
"i love you more," he whispered against your mouth, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips.
he then set you down gently, careful not to crush the bouquet between your two bodies; you quickly grabbed it, smelling the fresh scent of the flowers. you did not have a proper vase to put the bouquet in, so you just settled it carefully on top of your desk.
"these are beautiful," you said; the bouquet was made of pink tulips, your favourites.
"i bought you a little present too, wanna open it?" he asked, giving you the white bag.
"yes!" you giggled as you took it and ran excitedly towards your bed.
you sat down on it while draco stared at you adoringly. with shaky hands, you took a little box out of the bag; it was covered in a pretty silver wrapping paper that you quickly ripped open. inside the box, you found a gold necklace with a heart pendant; on the backside of it, it could be read: "draco's little princess".
you smiled big when you saw it. "it's so pretty, i love it!"
"i knew you would." draco smirked, walking over to you and taking the necklace from your hands. he sat behind you on the bed, saying, "let me put it on for you."
he gently pushed your long hair aside to place the necklace around your neck. after that, he leaned in, planting a tender kiss on your soft skin. you turned around to face him, kneeling on the bed while you pushed your hair backwards again to show him how the necklace looked on you, your thin and tiny white singlet doing nothing to cover your body.
"perfect," he breathed out, looking at you with such intensity that it made your heart skip a beat.
his eyes traveled down to your lips as his fingers traced the outline of the pendant resting on your chest. you blushed, averting his gaze, as a smile tugged at the corners of your lips.
"don't look at me like that." you chuckled shyly, covering your flushed face.
"like what?"
he smirked cupping your face to force you to look at him, he was still gazing at you like he wanted to devour you. you swallowed hard as the butterflies in your stomach fluttered about crazily. you let out a breathy sigh, your lips parting slightly.
"like you wanna eat me up..." you answered timidly, your voice was merely above a whisper as you did so.
"you have no idea how much I want to," he admitted, a small growl rumbling from his chest. he brushed his thumb over your full bottom lip, causing you to gasp softly, then he added, "been dying to taste that sweet pussy of yours, princess."
you were a lost for words as his blunt statement made your heart race like crazy, you could feel your face and ears heating up from embarrassment but also from arousal.
"don't be shy, baby," he purred, leaning in closer until his breath fanned across your neck and he peppered your skin with little kisses, "would you let me eat your beautiful pussy? wanna make my girl feel good on her special day..." he asked with a soft voice.
you squirmed and let out a little whimper as you felt his hands moving down to grasp at your creamy thighs, pulling you onto his lap. your head tilted to the side, giving him full access to your neck. all that attention he was giving to your body was making you really wet, your pussy aching to be touched, so you nodded in response.
"yes, princess?" he whispered against your skin, nipping at it gently.
he pulled back slightly to look into your eyes, seeing the need and desire there.
"you want me to eat your pussy? use your words, baby," he questioned again, his voice husky with lust.
"yeah... want you to eat my pussy, dray," you muttered shyly, blushing at the dirty words that came out of your mouth.
"good girl," he praised you.
he gave you a small kiss on the lips before standing up with you in his arms to place you on your back on top of the bed.
"now, spread those beautiful legs wide for me," he commanded, gently caressing the back of your knees.
you obeyed instantly, looking up at him with big innocent eyes. your tiny shorts hiked up, barely covering your skin. he eased himself between your spread thighs, his hands trailing up your legs tenderly in search for the waistband of your pijama bottoms.
his fingers tugged at it to start pulling them down alongside your cotton panties. you lifted your hips to allow him to take off your clothes easily, and both items of clothing got stuck at your left ankle, but you just left them there, too eager to feel his touch to care.
now, you laid completely bare and vulnerable in front of him, your body shivering in anticipation.
"gods, you're so fucking gorgeous," he muttered, his voice low and husky.
he lowered his face to kiss your stomach, trailing hot kisses all the way down to your mound as his hands gripped your hips tightly. you whimpered at his compliment, your hand reaching to grasp at his blonde hair.
"draco, don't tease." you pouted, running your fingers through his soft strands.
"ask nicely," he purred, nipping at your inner thigh playfully, while he groaned in pleasure as you continued to tug on his hair, encouraging him.
"dray, please, need you so bad," you pleaded, your hips jerking forward; your clit was throbbing with need.
"very well, princess," he cooed, kissing his way up your inner thigh towards your sensitive pussy.
his tongue flicked out to tease your little bud before he sucked it into his mouth, groaning against your skin as he tasted you for the first time. you moaned in delight, pulling gently at his hair to push him closer to your cunt. the new sensation made your toes curl; you had never had your pussy eaten, and gods, it felt so fucking good.
"mhmm, you taste so fucking sweet, baby," he hummed against your cunt.
his tongue kept tracing slow circles around your swollen clit before he sucked it into his mouth, causing you to gasp and buck your hips. you cried out so softly, your pretty voice echoing in the silence of your dormroom, while your back arched from the bed.
"love those pretty sounds you make for me, princess," he praised between licks and sucks.
his hands gripped your hips tightly to hold you still as he continued to worship your pussy. you felt one of them sliding up and underneath your singlet to cup one of your breaths. you panted when his fingers toyed with your perky little nipple, that hardened instantly beneath his touch.
"draco," you moaned, grinding your pussy against his face.
"so fucking desperate for your stepbrother, huh?" he teased, "you gonna cum on my face, baby?"
he switched his attention to your other nipple, pinching and rolling it between his fingers as he continued to eat you out. he lifted his eyes to look at you, his lips curling up into a predatory smile as his tongue flicked against your clit faster now, knowing that you were close.
"yeah," you muttered in response between needy whimpers.
you breathed out, your chest raising and falling rapidly as you felt your pussy clenching and pulsing around nothing; the coil in your belly tightened, announcing your upcoming orgasm.
"come for me, princess," he growled against your pussy before taking your clit into his mouth and sucking hard. you moaned, your hips jerking up as he worked to pull your orgasm from you.
letting out a cry of pleasure, you came on his face while your whole body trembled. you couldn't help but arch your back from the mattress as you gasped for air. the feeling was so good that your vision went blank for a second. when you finally came down from your high, he slowly pulled away.
"that's my good girl," he purred, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand.
he stood up and helped you remove the last of your clothes before starting to unbutton his own shirt. panting, you reached to unbuckle his belt eagerly while he got rid of his dress shirt. your skin was flushed and your body still flustered from your recent orgasm.
"so impatient," he chuckled, pulling his trousers and boxers down before climbing on top of you.
he grabbed his hard cock to press the tip against your slick pussy, rubbing it teasingly as he leaned down to capture your lips in a deep, passionate kiss. you moaned into the kiss, your hips bucking against him while he teased your clit with his cockhead.
"you want this cock, baby?" he asked, his voice a deep rumble against your lips as he continued to tease you. "want me to fuck you?"
"yes, please..." you answered, wrapping your legs around his hips to urge him.
with a smirk, he thrust forward, burying his cock deep inside you in one swift motion.
"fuck," he groaned, feeling your tight pussy clamp down around him. "you're so fucking tight."
your eyes rolled back at the feeling, his cock obviously too big for your tiny cunt, but somehow he managed to make it fit like he did the first time. he started to move, his hips rolling in a steady rhythm as he fucked you hard. you gasped out his name with each deep thrust, your nails digging into his back as you tried to get closer to him.
"you like that, huh?" he whispered, "you like your stepbrother's cock stretching your tight little pussy?"
your cunt tightened in response to his words, your face scrunching in pleasure while you nodded, unable to form any coherent sentence. your face was flushed as you heard the creaking from the bed and the filthy wet sounds of his skin slapping against yours.
"look at you, all fucked out on my cock," he growled lowly.
you truly were a sight for sore eyes; you looked so innocent, but at the same time you were taking his dick like a total slut, making him go bloody crazy. he grabbed your legs to pull them up so he could fuck you deeper. you cried out, your eyes rolling back in pleasure as he went balls deep.
"you're such a dirty little thing." his dirty talk was making you so wet that you were dripping onto your bedding.
"oh, draco," you moaned loudly
your hands reached to grasp at your own thighs as he pushed your legs onto your chest; the new angle had your toes curling and your legs shaking. he was holding onto your calves, gently kissing your ankles. his grey eyes glazed with lust as he continued to pound into you, hitting that spot inside you that had you squirming under him.
"fuck, feels so good," he groaned, his teeth nipping at his bottom lip.
you let out a breathy whimper as you clenched around his thick shaft, saying, "i'm so close."
"let go, princess," he commanded sweetly, "cum on my cock."
he gave you one last hard thrust, sending you over the edge. your orgasm crashed down on you and you cried out in pleasure, your body writhing beneath him as your cunt engulfed his dick harshly. his eyes fluttered closed when he felt you pulsing around him, his whole body shuddering while you milked his cock, making him cum inside you with a low groan.
"happy fucking birthday, baby."
fuck you if that hadn't been the happiest birthday of your entire life.
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indulgentdaydream · 7 months
Hello luv, first of all... I LOVE NURSE!READER!!! OH god the last lines were soooooo heartwarming for my social worker heart!! LOVE LOVE IT 🩷🩷
So, may I request a Jason x reader again but with a little something... Jealous Jason because reader and Roy know each other longer than Jay and reader and then he gets all jelly and and—! Oh god I love a jealous petty man.
Missy when she fucks up the queue and queues this post for NEXT YEAR by accident 🫣🙃 NEXT YEAR?? LIKE THIS WAS SUPPOSED TO BE POSTED LAST FRIDAY AND I DIDN'T EVEN NOTICE THAT IT DIDN'T GO UP
anyways AHHH THANK YOU SO MUCH your words are already heartwarming ♥️
I loveeee jealous jason imma cook this up so quick just you wait and see (i wrote this when i first made the draft and i found it funny to leave it. It’s literally been a month I’m so sorry)
I also made this into headcanons because I had a VISION and did not think to give it any justice. (koi youre seriously my number 1 supporter i hope you enjoy this garbage I just threw up, really)
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Pining!Jealous!Jason Todd x Reader
Warnings: slight jealousy (not too overly consuming), alcohol consumption
Roy had invited Jason to hang out at the bar
Bros being bros
Roy brought you along (because he KNOWS Jason has got a fat crush on you whether or not he’s told him)
(He tried to convince roy it’s not a crush, but always fails because his whole demeanour changes when you walk in the room)
he's always going to be standing beside you, consciously or not
jason isn't always a tense guy. But he for sure isn't as long as you're talking to him/looking at him/etc. (but if you put your hand on his arm/touch him in any way, it's game over)
your name is brought up, he's listening SO INTENTLY
like a dog when it hears its favourite word
The three of you are sitting in a booth
It was originally you and roy before jason showed up, the two of you on either side
Jason shows up and just sits right next to you. No hesitation.
You and roy are laughing away, recounting stories and telling jokes.
Jason is just... really quiet
unusually quiet
He doesn’t look at you guys, rather looking out across the bar, trying to hide the fact he’s feeling this way
That he's feeling unreasonably jealous of his best friend
who literally brought you FOR JASON
He knows it’s stupid. He trusts both of you. You two are the two people he trusts the MOST
He hates that he’s like this, but he can't help it
Roy's better than him. You've known him for longer. He's making you laugh harder than Jason ever has. He's better looking, too. Older. More experienced.
His thoughts are clogging up his head. He's really not listening anymore, just holding his beer, eyes scanning the bar floor, watching the other patrons.
Then Roy is standing in front of him, saying something about using the bathroom.
He is giving a VERY pointed look at Jason.
a "make conversation with your crush or I'm shoving an arrow down your throat" kind of look
Jason felt a little stab of genuine anxiety shoot through him.
He's talked to you alone before. Many times. You two were friends, of course. He doesn't know why this is how he's feeling right now.
Then your hand is resting on his forearm.
Poor boy is still so caught up in his head he just looks down at your hand for definitely a second too long before finally meeting your gaze
Your gaze with those stupidly pretty eyes.
Then comes that horrendously pretty voice, "You alright?"
He nods. Shrugs. Like a stupid teenager who doesn't know how to handle his emotions.
He has to admit he's still a little tense about your attention being focused more on Roy. But not to you. He'd never admit it to you. You'd probably find it unattractive and then he'd really never have a chance.
“Yeah, no, im enjoying the talking. Always forget how well you and roy know each other”
“Oh yeah he just knows how to get me going. You know how he is”
Jason doesn’t know how he does it.
Like some leap of faith.
Some, jealousy super-powered leap.
He tries to be non-chalant about it.
“It’d be nice to do this again sometime. Maybe without Roy around.”
Sipping on his beer, looking down at it instead to avoid eye contact with you so he doesn't lose his cool.
Or someone show on his face that he is actually shitting bricks
You don't respond for a second and the alarm bells start going off in his head
"It would be nice," you say, "Could we make it a date instead?"
He's smiling, turning to nod at you, "Course we can."
But his internal dialogue is just straight screaming at himself
The things jealousy will make you do
Roy comes back and sits down
Jason's into the conversation now
It doesn't really matter that Roy is still making you laugh
because he's not the one holding your hand under the table
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I also love a jealous petty man (as long as it doesn't become toxic and he doesn't use it as an excuse to be an asshole)
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gemini-sensei · 3 months
Popular!Reader who is new to the school and is lowkey obsessed with either nerdy Eli or Miyagi Demetri and Yasmine DESPISES it but she can't leave Reader because... idk maybe she's related to one of them or something 😭
Eli or Dem is convinced its a joke of some kind and says something awful (against Miguels begging to consider that Reader might just like nerds) and omg sorry I love angst ♡
I love angst too, no worries.
Reader being Yasmine's cousin who moves to town and starts obsessing/crushing on a nerd would irk Yasmine to no end. Every time she catches Reader staring at the boys, she would say something along the lines of "omg I can't believe you, they're so uncool" and "get a grip, there are so much better guys around here." But Reader won't listen. She's sure she's found the best guy in the Valley no matter what her cousin says.
When she approaches shy!Eli and starts chatting him up, he has no idea what to do. He barely says a word and lets her do all the talking. He just stands there and listens because how is this happening right now? Is this really happening? He's not dreaming, is he?
She'll even sit with him in classes they have together, working with him every chance she gets. It's super cute. But when it comes to lunch, she sits with Yasmine and her friends. They're constantly talking and laughing, mostly because Yasmine finds it fun to laugh at people but Reader isn't so sure about the things she's saying about them. Yasmine just tuts and tells her, "You'll learn the rules of this school eventually."
Eli convinces himself that Reader isn't actually into him. He can't stand the idea that she's faking nice to him, it's somehow worse than the outright bullying he's faced all his life. While talking to his friends about it, Miguel tries to tell him that he's overthinking it because Reader seems so genuine and nice, but Demetri is there to counter every point he has, his biggest argument being "She's friends with Yasmine, the pretty, popular Queen of Mean." It doesn't help Eli with thinking Reader is actually nice and really into him.
So, thinking she's trying to make some kind of joke out of him, he thinks he should say something to her. He'd rather be shoved into a locker and called names as opposed to someone pretending to like him just to get a few laughs out of her friends.
The next time he sees her, she's a little flirty with a big smile on her face. He can't deny she's beautiful, but unlike Demetri, that isn't enough for Eli. He can't take this anymore.
She smiles at him so pretty and starts talking. "Hey, Eli! So, I was thinking about how the science fair is coming up. Since Mr. Palmer said we could get extra credit if we enter, I was hoping you could help me with my project. Just you and me-"
"L-look, just leave me alone!" he cuts her off.
The outburst is surprising to both of them. He can't believe he actually stood up to her while she's shocked by what he said. Was she being annoying? Was she bothering him? Had she completely misunderstood where they stood with each other?
She asked softly, "What?"
"I said, leave me alone," he told her, not the least bit more confident, just tired of her games. "I-I don't want to hang out with you, and I don't want to do your project f-for you. Figure it out for yourself and don't talk to me again. So you can stop a-acting nice because I know y-you're really just a bitch."
She stares at him, completely devastated. She blinks back a few tears but Eli doesn't see them because he has his head down, sure that he has a berating coming his way. But instead, Reader just says, "Okay, fine" and walks away.
She ends up crying in the bathroom not understanding what she did wrong, unaware that she didn't do anything wrong. Her makeup runs down her cheeks as she tries to calm down, missing class because she can't. Eventually, Yasmine and Moon start texting her about where she is and if she's okay, why is she missing class (because that's not like her) and what's going on? She can't even hold her phone without shaking and needing to just belt out a cry because why would Eli say something like that? Was she that overbearing and annoying to him?
By the time Yasmine and Moon find her, she's quietly sniffling into her hands because she's so confused and hurt. She asks them to take her home and they skip the rest of the school day. They ask her what happened and she tells them how she was trying to subtly get some alone time with Eli, all for him to tell her to essentially fuck off and not bother him anymore. All Yasmine and Moon hear is that he hurt her feelings and called her a bitch, and they're upset about it.
Yasmine begins saying she knew little creepy nerds like Eli are nothing but jerks and idiots. She goes on and on about it until Moon puts a hand on her arm and says something about how that isn't really helping, fresh tears streaking Reader's face as they buy ice cream and cookies to help her feel better. They end up back home where they do everything they can to make Reader forget about what Eli said with movies, but whenever it gets quiet, his words replay in her head. She's constantly trying to figure out what she did wrong, where she misstepped or misunderstood things. She starts rereading her interactions with Eli as her being overbearing with her flirting and annoying talking to him when he obviously didn't want her to because he never said anything in return.
Of course he was annoyed with me. I was too much all of the time, she thinks to herself, crying softly.
Moon hugs her and lets her cry into her shirt, trying to soothe her by rubbing her back and letting her let it out. She looks at Yasmine sadly, unsure of what else to do because this has never happened to them before. What should they do?
Yasmine is pissed. This is her cousin. Sure, she was annoyed with the way she flirted with the nerdy boy and talked about how cute he was all the time, but now that boy had crossed a line. He'd hurt by far the sweetest of her friends.
Naturally, he had to pay.
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Between the pages
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AN: Shoutout to Indigo for violently thrusting me back into my Namjoon feelings. This has been a long time in the making.
Synopsis: If anyone asks, Professor Kim is definitely not crushing on the pretty librarian he spends all of his free time with on campus.
Heads up: Kim Namjoon x Fem! Reader, friends to lovers, so much pining, Non-Idol AU, University professor! Namjoon, Librarian! Reader, Reader wears glasses and Namjoon thinks it's hot, alcohol and alcohol consumption, Reader kisses Namjoon without his explicit consent at first, dirty talk, fingering (f. receiving), Reader sucks on Namjoon's fingers post fingering, praise kink (f. receiving), unprotected piv sex and creampie.
Word count: 4535
I will block you if you are a minor and/or have no easily visible indication of your age on your blog if you interact with me in any way.
Namjoon tries to convince himself that the reason a smile immediately graces his face when he enters his department's library is because of his love for knowledge. That's it. That's all.
It definitely has nothing to do with getting the opportunity to see and talk to the very attractive head librarian. Nope. Nothing of the sort.
"What's got you all smiley? Found a new favourite philosophy journal?"
Namjoon studiously ignores the way his heart stutters in his chest. He turns around to face you directly and is once again caught off-guard at how ridiculously attractive you manage to look in a simple pencil skirt and flowy blouse. Your glasses framing your warm eyes, and your glossed lips quirked upwards in amusement.
God, he had it so bad.
"Am I not allowed to simply smile for the sake of smiling?" He asks with a grin of his own, the two of you seamlessly falling into step as you make your way to your office where he was initially headed.
"Answering a question with a question is deflection, Professor Kim," you respond with a good-natured poke to his arm. He jokingly rubs the spot, "Violence and referring to me as Professor Kim? Y/n I thought we were friends. I'm hurt."
He doesn't miss the way you roll your eyes with that unfairly pretty smile on your face as you hold your office door open for him, "I never took you to be one for dramatics, Namjoon."
Namjoon feels little better than a schoolboy with his first crush. Warmth flooding his face at the way you say his name. He just hopes his body wouldn't hate him enough to make his blush obvious or, you'd give him the curtsey of not mentioning it.
"Clearly you don't know me all that well then, Miss y/l/n. Seems like all this hiding out in each others' offices might've been for nothing," he retorts, making himself comfortable on the lounge chair by the window you'd both unofficially agreed upon was his. He tries not to think too deeply about that.
Typically you'd join him by the window, but you opt to prop yourself up on your desk, and Namjoon's tongue turns to sand in his mouth. Your already figure-hugging skirt sits tighter on your hips and thighs somehow, even riding up enough for Namjoon to feel the need to take a generous sip from his trusted water bottle.
"Wow really? My surname? Now you're being petty, Joon," you say before taking your first bite of your lunch.
It had become a habit for the two of you to meet for lunch whenever possible. Usually alternating between offices or whoever was closer to the other's side of the campus on a particular day. Namjoon thinks it's partly during these lunch sessions that the seeds of his feelings for you were planted. Though he hasn't quite decided how to unpack that can of worms yet, he wouldn't trade these moments with you for the world.
Namjoon can't stand these end of year functions, but he attends because he knows it'd be a terrible look if he didn't. He does have other people in the department he's friendly with, but they definitely don't outweigh how tedious these functions can be.
He's standing somewhat awkwardly in the back of the room nursing a glass of juice (because of fucking course they wouldn't be serving any alcohol) when he first spots you. Namjoon knows you're beautiful. It's a fact that he's violently reminded of every time he sees you. However, he's never seen you like this. He thought your pencil skirts were form-fitting, but the way the red dress you're wearing now cups your ass and hugs your hips has the blood rushing to his dick at record-breaking speed. He's never seen so much of you at once, a hint of cleavage peaking out and the dress coming to a stop mid-thigh. To make it all worse (or better, depending on one's perspective), you're still wearing your glasses.
Namjoon is just happy he hasn't spontaneously combusted yet, honestly.
The bright smile that spreads across your face when you spot him and make your way over to him makes him feel more nervous than he has in ages. Which is saying something considering how tongue-tied he gets around you in general.
"Joon, thank god. I'm so happy you're here. These functions are always so boring," you say as you pull him into a hug. Instinctively, he wraps an arm around you, his body moving before his brain can fully process you pressed against him and your perfume invading his senses. God, you smell delicious.
"I'm glad to see you too. Yeah, I've been entertaining myself with a glass of juice for the past 30ish minutes. Having the time of my life," he responds sarcastically but makes sure he's not loud enough for anyone to hear him other than you. These functions may suck, but Namjoon has no desire to sour his relationships with his colleagues.
The mischievous smile that graces your face makes his palms sweat, "Want to get out of here? I have a bottle of wine I've been saving in my office."
"Wine in your office? That's pretty unprofessional of you, Miss Librarian," he responds with a grin.
"Well, I've been keeping it for a time like this. Unless you're content to sip on juice all night and make small talk about semester plans," you retort, mirth twinkling in your eyes.
"It has been almost 2 hours, so it wouldn't be a bad look if we excused ourselves now..." he reasons, and honestly he could use a drink right now.
"Glad to see you're on board. You're always so serious and responsible, I'm a little surprised you agreed," you say with a small snort, grabbing his arm and steering him towards the door.
You two say goodnight to everyone who crosses your path, and Namjoon resists the urge to roll his eyes at the grins and thumbs ups that Hoseok and Seokjin give him.
"I'm not that uptight," he argues a little defensively when you two are finally by yourselves.
"There's nothing wrong with being responsible. It's a big reason why I think you're such a loved and respected professor. I just think you could stand to let go sometimes," you say and, Namjoon's heart is trying its best to beat out of his chest.
You think he's loved and respected? You think he's a good professor?
He knows he doesn't need your validation, but it means the world to him all the same. The genuine sincerity and concern in your voice making it challenging for him to find his words.
"I plan to let go a little tonight. I think you're a bad influence," he jokes, playfully shoving you with his arm.
"I'm a fantastic influence. That's why you spend so much time with me," you retort with another one of those cute, amused snorts. Unlocking the door to the library when you two arrive quicker than Namjoon expected.
"I spend so much time with you because Hoseok's unending optimism and positivity drains my energy," he fires back, closing the door behind him once you enter the library before him.
"Hoseok's a sweetheart. You're just grumpy and overly jaded," you respond, leading the way to your office.
He tries not to feel too jealous hearing you refer to Hoseok as a sweetheart. You're not wrong. It's fair to refer to him as such, but it's still not exactly pleasant to hear.
"Me? Grumpy? Overly jaded? I'm delightful!" He says in mock offence, settling himself in his chair and watching you pull out the bottle of wine and two coffee mugs. Biting back a groan when he takes in how amazingly your dress hugs your ass.
"I never said you weren't delightful. I wouldn't be offering my treasured wine stash to you if I didn't at the bare minimum like you," you argue with a light laugh as you fill up your respective mugs.
"You just used the wine to bribe me to sneak out with you. I'm flattered nonetheless," he says with a laugh of his own, graciously accepting the generously filled mug you offer. He's severely unprepared for you to take a seat on the arm of his chair, your thigh brushing against him as you get comfortable.
Namjoon is starting to think this isn't a smart idea after all.
"Have you spending time with Seokjin? Is that why you've been so theatrical lately?" You ask with a smile before taking a generous sip from your mug, your pleased hum affecting him more than it had any right to.
"I'm just seeing this for what it is," he says, taking a swing from his own mug. Sweet. Seems like you enjoy your rosé. He makes a note of that for any future gifts.
"Sure, Joon," you respond, patting his shoulder. Taking another sip from your glass, licking your lips to chase the remnants of the wine. The wine is only worsening the hazy sensation he feels seeing the action and the slight smudging of your lipstick.
"Your lipstick looks nice," he spits out and immediately cringes at himself. Resisting the urge to rest his face in his hands as warmth floods his face. What the fuck was wrong with him? Surely it wasn't the singular sip of wine he took.
"Oh," you say, sounding surprised, "Thank you. You know I'm not one for make-up, but I thought why not since it's a special occasion. I'm glad you like it. I didn't take you for one to notice," you finish, playfully nudging his arm with your thigh.
Namjoon takes a generous sip of his wine before responding.
"I always notice these kinds of things when it comes to you and, you look pretty," he says before panicking at the implications of his words, "Not that you don't look pretty without the lipstick. You look pretty all the time. It's just-"
"I got it, Joon," you laugh, taking a drink from your own mug, and Namjoon definitely doesn't notice how appealing your neck looks. He needs to get his shit together. He's too old to be this flustered talking to a pretty woman. Well, you're more than just that, but that's besides the point.
"I'm flattered that you think I'm pretty. I didn't know you thought of me that way," you say so quietly that Namjoon has to strain to hear you. You look almost...shy? Completely unlike the sarcastic, confident woman he's become familiar with. It's cute. You're cute.
"I think you're beautiful honestly but, it's not exactly like I can just drop it in casual conversation," he says, surprised by his own confidence but, he's already called you pretty. What more does he have to lose?
"Kim Namjoon, are you flirting with me?" You ask with a smile behind your mug, but he can still see what he thinks is shyness in your expression.
"Is it so bad to flirt with the prettiest librarian on campus?" He asks, taking satisfaction in the stunned look on your face, your lips parting as you sit there just staring at him.
He watches you flounder with your words, a very private part of him enjoying being the one to fluster you for once.
"You think I'm the prettiest librarian on campus?" You ask quietly, as if you can't quite believe what's he saying to you right now. In your defence, he can't quite believe what he's saying to you right now either. He has the feeling that he's reached a crossroads now. Whatever he says to you now might change the nature of your relationship entirely, and Namjoon is tired of being a coward.
"I think you're the prettiest librarian I've ever met," he says with so much seriousness that there's no possible way you could misunderstand his words for lighthearted bantering. His heart bouncing off the walls of his chest as he waits for you to say something. Anything.
"Namjoon," is all you seem to muster at the moment, wide eyes still locked on him.
"You don't have to reciprocate my feelings, y/n. I've liked you for some time now, but I'd never put my feelings before yours and before this friendship. You mean too much for me to do that. I'm so sorry if I made you uncomfortable -" you promptly shut Namjoon up by cupping his face and pressing a searing kiss to his lips.
Well, it seems like it's his turn to be stunned.
His eyes widen as you seemingly pour everything you have into his kiss, your hold on his face tightening momentarily before you pull away. All Namjoon can do is stare at you. Looking unfairly attractive as you struggle to catch your breath and your glasses look slightly askew.
"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have just kissed you. I just-I couldn't find the words to tell you that I like you too in the moment. I'm sorry," you say in a single breath, and Namjoon has to strain to catch all of your words. However, panic hits him when your words do finally register.
"No, hey, it's okay. I was just surprised, is all. It's not every day the woman of your dreams kisses you. Give a guy a minute to recover," he jokes, reaching for your smaller hand and giving it a reassuring squeeze. Your hand squeezes his back, and frankly, Namjoon is just impressed that he's managed to remain conscious through this all.
"Woman of your dreams? Namjoon, please," you whine somewhat embarrassed, and that just endears you to him more.
"It's true," he says and means ever word of it.
"If you keep looking at me like that and speaking like that, I might just have to kiss you again," you respond playfully, resting your mug on the small coffee table.
"Is that a promise?" He fires back with a grin of his own, following suit.
"You're so annoying," you retort with an affectionate eye roll before you press your lips against his once more. This time, he's better prepared and more than ready to reciprocate. One of his hands tentatively resting on your thigh as angle yourself better to deepen the kiss. The feeling of your tongue against his own sending sparks down his spine. Arousal pooling in his gut, fed by all the little moans and whimpers you let out.
"Is this okay?" You ask breathlessly when you straddle him, your chair barely big enough to fit the two of you, but Namjoon isn't going to complain any time soon. Your soft thighs press against his and he's almost completely certain that your panty covered pussy is pressing against him.
"Yeah," his brain pulls itself together enough to spit out before weaving his fingers into your hair and, tugging you down for another earth-shattering kiss. Months' worth of desire and frustration pouring out of him. His other hand tentatively holding your hip in place all while he hopes his erection isn't too obvious to you.
He can tell the moment you feel it because you still against him momentarily. "Shit, I'm sorry. We don't have to do anything you don't want. It's just a natural reaction-"
"Joon, breathe. It's okay," you giggle, pressing a soft kiss to the corner of his mouth. "I want this. I'm just as excited as you are," you breathe, taking his much bigger hand in yours and guiding it up your ridiculously soft thighs. A quiet moan falling from your lips when his fingertips make contact with your wet panties.
Namjoon wonders what heroic acts he committed in his past lives to find himself here.
"You're already so wet," he breathes, fingers lightly running along your slit. Lidded eyes taking in the way your lips part to let out moans and your hips buck into his touch. Your fingernails digging into his shoulder when he's certain he's found your clit and uses that information to his advantage.
"You don't have to ah say that out loud, y'know," you respond, but any sarcasm that would typically be present in your voice is replaced by breathy whimpers. Namjoon thinks he much prefers them. As much as your quick-wit is one of his favourite aspects of your personality, he's finding that he immensely enjoys rendering you speechless.
"Why not, baby? You are so wet for me already, though. I could always stop," he trails off, stopping the movement of his fingers and keeping them pressed against you. A smirk spreading across his face when you whine and squirm in his lap.
"You're being mean," and fuck if the desperate edge to your voice doesn't shoot straight to his dick. Deciding to be merciful this time around, his fingers continue rubbing over your wet slit over your panties. Kissing along your jaw and neck as you whimper and grind against him in search of friction.
"Joon, please. Touch me di-directly," you hiccup, pressing yourself firmly against his fingers. Your nails digging into his shoulders. He had no idea you'd be so needy and desperate. He briefly wonders if you're always like this or if this is all because of him. His self-esteem certainly hopes it's the latter.
"You're so cute when you're needy," he rumbles against your throat, canines brushing the skin there while his fingers push your panties to the side. He thinks he'll remember the strangled gasp that flies from your lips when his fingers make contact with your clit as long as he lives.
He knew you were wet before, but he's severely unprepared for the effect feeling said wetness for himself has on him. His cock already leaking pre-cum where it rests untouched underneath you. Teasing you is a double-edged sword. You're not the only one becoming desperate here.
"Namjoon," you whine, "Please, please let me feel your fingers. It hurts. Please-" your begging is cut off by a sharp moan when he finally concedes and pushes two fingers inside of you. How can he say no when you sound so beautiful for him? He's just a man.
He tugs you into another messy kiss while he fucks you on his fingers to distract himself. He feels like he'll lose his mind soon if he doesn't feel you around his cock soon. Groaning into your mouth at how harshly your velvety walls grip his fingers as he familiarises himself with the spots that make you moan louder and hold onto him tighter.
The whimper you press against his lips when his thumb finds your clit and rubs slow circles against it is immaculate. In the dead of night when he'd fantasised about having you like this, he hadn't considered how sensitive and pliant you are. Reality is significantly better than any of his dreams.
"Joo-Joon, I- ah I'm," you whine out, your glasses slightly skewed and foggy on your face while you ride his fingers and chase your release. Namjoon doesn't think he's seen anything more erotic in his entire life.
"Are you going to cum for me?" The gruff edge to his voice or perhaps the question seems to do it for you because before he knows it you're holding onto to him for dear life and he has to slot his mouth over yours to silence your suddenly sharp cries. His cock pulsing as he feels your walls hold onto his fingers so tightly that he can barely move them anymore and, your wetness drips down his palm.
"That's a good girl. You did so well for me," he says, kissing your neck and shoulder softly as he waits for you to come back to him. He takes notice of the way your walls momentarily clench from what he assumes is the praise. Well. He'd happily give you all the praise you wanted.
"You're ridiculously good with your fingers," you mutter, cupping his face and kissing him as though you have all the time in the world. Something dangerously close to love for you swells in him from the affection you pour into the kiss. You rest your forehead against his when you pull away, a small smile playing on your bruised lips.
"Thank you," is all his brain can come with right now with his fingers still nestled inside of you and being harder than he ever has been in his entire life.
"Would it be okay if I sucked you off?"
You're trying to kill him. This is what this is. An elaborate plot to end his life in an instant.
His cock very much likes the sound of that, however.
"You don't have to do that,"
"I know. I want to,"
He closes his eyes and tries to gain his bearings for a few seconds.
"Maybe next time. I don't want to cum in your mouth right now,"
The pout on your lips is surprising and unfairly attractive, "Why not?"
You really were going to make him spell it out for you, aren't you?
"I'd rather cum while I'm inside of you,"
His jaw clenches when he feels your walls clamp down on his fingers once more, a barely there whimper falling from your lips, "Kim Namjoon, you're going to be the death of me."
Funny you should say that because the feeling is mutual.
He does laugh at that. Pressing a kiss against your cheek, "And you think I'm dramatic. We can just stop here if you don't want to. Plus, I don't have any condoms on hand. I wasn't exactly...anticipating all of this."
"What in the world would make you think I'd want to stop now?" You ask, sounding genuinely baffled, "And on the topic of birth control, I'm on the pill."
His eyes close then, and he can't bite back a groan. You would really let him fuck you raw? He's not sure if you're insane for suggesting it or if he's insane for seriously considering it.
"If you're not comfortable with that we can just stop here. I'm not in a rush," you reassure him, pressing a soft kiss to his temple and it's then that Namjoon thinks he may lose his mind if he doesn't have you right now.
Without a word, he pulls you into another earth titling kiss, grinning against your mouth when you grip his fingers like a vice when he tugs on your hair and nips your lip. "You really don't know what you do to me," he breathes, easing his fingers out of you and chuckling darkly at the way you whimper from the loss. He might be pushing his luck here, but "Open."
He watches through lidded eyes as you eagerly suck on his fingers coated in your wetness. Your lashes fluttering behind your glasses and, your soaked slit grinding down on him in search of some sort of friction. "Such a good girl," he praises, kissing you while his hands fumble with his belt and the buttons of his pants. Relief coursing through him when manages to finally free himself. His cock slapping against his shirt covered stomach unceremoniously.
Your reaction to seeing him does fantastic things for his ego.
"You're...bigger than I anticipated," you breathe out, your eyes laser focused on his dick while your hands absentmindedly tug on his hair. "You thought about my dick? I'm flattered," he says with a smirk likely a touch too smug but, he can't help it. It's not every day the woman of your dreams casually mentions that she's fantasised about you and you have her spread out across your lap.
"I've thought about more than your dick but, it's featured in a fantasy or two," you laugh breathlessly, squirming in his lap.
"Well, I shouldn't keep you waiting any longer then,"
When you slowly start to sink down on him, Namjoon knows he's a goner. His hands grip your soft hips for dear life as your warm, wet walls gradually accommodate him inch by inch. He's not sure where he wants to look more. Your pretty pussy stretching around him or the blissed out look on your beautiful face right now.
His hand impatiently tugs your dress down and he takes a hard nipple in his mouth both to distract you from the discomfort and, for the simple want to. His head spins when your pussy clenches around him at the contact. Needy hands tugging on his hair while you moan from the sensations.
"Nam-Namjoon," you moan out so brokenly and, he's pretty sure he's never heard a more beautiful sound. He might be inlove with you actually but, he shoves that thought aside as soon as it arises.
He grits his teeth when you slowly rise up and sink back down on him again, your nails biting into him as you try your best to establish a steady rhythm. "You're so beautiful," he groans as he watches you bounce on his cock. He  didn't intend for that thought to slip out but, he doesn't regret in the slightest when he watches your eyelids flutter and your pussy tightens around him.
You can't even coherently respond to him. Too lost in your own pleasure and the feeling of his cock to string together a sentence at the moment. Not that Namjoon can really blame you. Your walls are like a vice around him, and he feels his release approaching dangerously quickly. There's no way he's going to cum without atleast getting you to cum for him one more time.
One of his hands tugs on your hair to pull you down for another heated kiss. All teeth and tongue and spit. While the other reaches between your thighs, the corners of his mouth ticking up when you gasp against him as his fingers draw quick circles on your clit. Thankfully, he's a fast learner.
He nearly bites down on your lip when you cum. Velvety walls clenching and spasming around him while you cling onto him for purchase. I mean, is it really a shock that it doesn't take much more than that for him to follow suit?
Groans and stuttered curses leaving his lips when pulses inside of you. The symphony of your sounds of pleasure and heavy breathing all that can be heard as he fills you. Holding you to him while he rides out his intense release. He doesn't think he's ever cum this hard in his entire life. Guess that's what happens when you cum inside the love of your life.
Pushing that insane thought aside once more, he loosens his hold on you when he regains feeling in his body. The sticky combination of your releases dribbling out of you and down his groin but, he can't bring himself to care at the moment.
"Usually, people go on dates first, no?" You ask still sounding breathlessly but, he can hear the smile in your tone.
"Mmm yeah, usually they do but, I don't think there's anything wrong with doing things a little out of order,"
"You're not wrong. I hope you know this is my roundabout way of asking you out,"
The laugh that forces itself out of him is hearty and more carefree than he's felt in a concerningly long time.
"I'd love to go out with you, y/n."
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heartsforvenus · 4 months
supernova ⛥
robin buckley x fem reader
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summary- you and robin are newfound friends, but you wish you were something more. little did you know, so did she. you were both too afraid of admitting your own feelings
tags- song fic 'red wine supernova' by chappell roan, fluff, kind of angst, 'one-sided' pining, sex references, mention of drinking, the joys of a first homoerotic friendship
lowercase intended
this is lowkey trash and all over the place, but i had the idea and thought it was cute. hope you enjoy my first fic <3
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i'm in the hallway waiting for ya, mini skirt and my go-go boots
"we're gonna be late!" you exclaimed, standing outside of robin's bedroom.
you had recently befriended robin buckley, one of the band geeks of hawkins high, and somehow convinced her to go to a party thrown by tommy h. not only is she your new friend, she is also your longtime crush, but that was a secret between you and your diary.
that led you to this moment, where you were standing in the hallway outside of robin's bedroom waiting for her to get ready and contemplating your life actions. robin did say that you could stay in her room while she changed, yet you knew yourself better than that. even if you were turned around and forcing your attention on the most mundane object in her room, you were sure to die of embarrassment, thinking about her bare body standing mere feet away from you.
"would you chill out? i'm getting ready for a party i didn't even want to go to, nor was i invited to for that matter," she reminded you and you leaned your head on the wall behind you.
"half the people at those parties weren't invited, he's not gonna point out you in particular," you told her and you saw her head pop out of the door.
"i look like a fucking idiot and i can't zip up this dress. let's just not go," robin decided. your body was on autopilot when you turned the corner into her room and grabbed her arm. the touch of her soft skin against your own was almost enough to make you forget what you were even doing, as she stared at you waiting for you to say something.
"let me zip it for you." your voice came out in almost a whisper as you were still kind of stunned from the previous interaction. and don't get me wrong, the two of you have touched each other before, even held hands, but you weren't sure if you would ever get over this phase.
"fine. but don't break it. maybe i can return it after tonight," robin thought aloud, which made you frown.
i just want you to make a move, so slow down, sit down, it's new
"robin, you look... i mean, this dress... it's so nice."
you mentally facepalmed at yourself. obviously she looked beautiful. this was not the first time you chickened out on complimenting her and it surely wouldn't be the last. you were honestly just saving yourself from the inevitable embarrassment. you couldn't handle the 'i only see you as a friend' from robin, that would just be the point where you would genuinely hope the ground would swallow you whole. or that you'd get hit by a car. or that the world would end.
"thanks, you can have it if you want it. it would probably look better on you anyway," robin commented, and you could feel the all too familiar feeling of warmth rising to your face.
"no..." you shook your head. you wanted to tell her that the dress looked like it was made personally for her. it showed off all her curves in a way that wasn't too revealing, but it was just enough to catch your eye as you glanced over her body in a manner that was not as discreet as you hoped.
in an attempt to change the subject, you yet again grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her out of the room.
"let's go before all the attendees get too bored and start having sex in every room," you suggested. her lack of resistance was a shock as she willingly let you drag her out of the house.
"now, how are we even getting there? if you plan on drunk driving me home then you're even worse of an influence than i thought," robin wondered, leaning back on the hood of your car.
"i was just thinking we could walk. it's not too far from here." robin groaned at your suggestion before standing up straight.
"fine, but you can carry me on the way back," robin agreed.
i just wanna get to know ya, guess i didn't quite think it through
once the two of you made it to the party, you began drinking whatever anyone would hand you in a red solo cup. you guys were stuck inside of your own bubble, accidentally ignoring everyone around you to just speak to each other. you each spoke about your families and your deepest fears, but there was always that one thing on the tip of your tongue that you couldn't force out.
not here, you'd tell yourself, someone might hear and then everyone will know.
as if she could read your mind, robin narrowed her eyes and asked, "what's on your mind?"
"oh, it's nothing," you promised her, not realizing your dilemma was so evident on your face. or maybe she could just read you that well already.
"right... well i just told you about how i literally peed my pants a year ago, so i think we can talk about anything." her blue eyes pierced into your soul, and you so badly wanted to tell her what you were thinking about. another day.
"i was just thinking about how embarrassing it is to pee your pants," you lied and she giggled, that giggle that would've had you weak in the knees had you been standing.
"okay, you jerk, i'm sure you've done embarrassing things too." she pushed your shoulder lightly.
"not yet," you told her. she shook her head, wondering why you were such an enigma, and why it always felt like there was something you weren't telling her. for a moment you snapped out of your bubble to notice everyone around you was either making out or passed out, just as you had predicted. "maybe we should take this as our cue to leave."
this caused robin to notice her surroundings for the first time and jokingly gag, which caught the attention of one of the girls who was kissing some guy. she just glared back at her, and robin jumped up.
"yeah, let's go before this girl beats the shit out of me," robin, wide eyed, agreed. the two of you clumsily rushed out of the front door, passing more and more couples until you finally made it out into the night.
there was a breeze in the air, but it wasn't too cold. you hoped that robin wasn't cold, because you didn't bring a jacket to offer her. she hoped the same about you.
fell in love with the thought of you, now i'm choked up, face down, burnt out
now, you were laying next to her in her bed. wearing her spare pjs, literally surrounded by her scent. you couldn't sleep, because you were thinking about the girl beside you, as you often did in the middle of the night. usually in your own bed, though, so being near her was making it much worse. you had half a mind to just leave, but you didn't know if you'd ever have the opportunity to sleep in her bed ever again. you certainly wouldn't once she found out what you were, or so you thought.
you felt her shuffle closer to you, and you tensed up. she had been jerking about the bed the whole time, but you didn't expect her to unconsciously move closer to you.
god, you had it worse than you thought.
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mrsshabana · 1 year
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Always the groomsman, never the groom
♡ CW: 18+ MDNI, Female!reader x Gyutaro, mostly fluff and angst, some smut. Reader is a groomsmaid and Gyutaro is a groomsman.
♡ AN: I was a bridesmaid at a wedding this weekend so it inspired me to make this oneshot!
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Gyutaro had been a groomsman at numerous weddings. All of his friends getting married, yet he couldn't even manage to ask a girl out.
And here he is yet again at another wedding. This time it was Akaza getting married. Gyutaro didn't know his husband to be very well, but he remembers him from college. Kyojuro Rengoku.
Gyutaro was happy for his friend, but he couldn't help but be a little jealous. He wants more than anything to fall in love and someday get married, but all he was able to manage was the occasional hook up. And even that was rare.
He's not too fond of hook ups, but he's so desperate for any kind of affection that he's willing to do almost anything. And no matter how hard he tries to get to know someone, they always leave before he can wake up in the morning. Leaving him alone, yet again. At this point he's convinced that's how things were meant to be.
Gyutaro can't help but wonder if he would be able to meet someone at the wedding. But is it really worth the inevitable heart break? When he sees you he starts to think that it might be.
You're a part of the wedding party on Kyojuro's side, you must be one of his close friends. Gyutaro immediately notices how beautiful you are. And the way your breasts look in that dress isn't bad either.
Gyutaro's breath hitches when he finds out you'll be partnered with him during the ceremony. He's not sure whether to be excited or filled with dread that he get's paired with the one person he was crushing on.
You remember he wasn't able to make it to the rehearsal so you had to practice with someone else, but now that he's here you might as well introduce yourself.
"Hi there! I'm Y/N," you say in a friendly tone, reaching out your hand, "It's nice to meet you, looks like we'll be paired for the ceremony."
"H-hey," he reaches out and shakes your hand, "I'm Gyutaro."
You give him a recap of everything they told you at the rehearsal, "So it's super easy, you'll just follow the other guys down the aisle. Then after the ceremony, Akaza and Kyojuro will walk down the aisle. Then each of us will get with our partners and walk down the aisle after them."
"So... I just walk over to you and uh...?" He's trying to pay attention but he keeps staring at your boobs.
You smile, "We'll go after Douma and Shinobu. Once they get halfway down the aisle we'll walk to the middle, latch arms, and walk together. You can just follow my lead," You try to make it make sense but it's hard to explain since he wasn't there for the rehearsal.
"Oh ok, cool. Sounds easy enough," he says as he has absolute no clue what to do.
When it comes time for the ceremony to start, it goes pretty smoothly. Gyutaro just follows the other guys' lead. The whole ceremony is really beautiful and you feel yourself tearing up when Akaza and Kyojuro read their vows to each other.
After they kiss and walk down the aisle, you look over at Gyutaro. He knows what to do right?
His palms are sweaty and he can't remember for the life of him what he's supposed to do. He's lucky Douma goes before him so he can see what he's supposed to do.
The two of you meet in the middle and you lock arms with him, "What'd you think of the ceremony?" you whisper to him as you walk down the aisle together.
"It was real nice, I'm happy for them," He smiles, trying to hide the shakiness in his voice.
You, Gyutaro, and the rest of the wedding party wait around to take photos while the rest of the guests have the reception.
The whole time Gyutaro's thoughts are running rampant. You were so nice to him! No girl has ever been so kind to him, but maybe you were just being nice? There's no way you have a crush on him or something. That'd be absurd, you've only known him for a few hours.
He has no way of knowing that you actually find him very handsome, especially in that suit he's wearing. He has a je ne sais quoi about him. Something unique that you've never seen in a guy before.
After the photos you spend most of the wedding with your friends, and Gyutaro spends time with his. It's not until the wedding is almost over and everyone has had a few drinks that you talk to him again.
You noticed he was sitting alone at a table so you went over and sat next to him, "Hey Gyutaro, mind if I join you?"
His cheeks immediately become rosy, "I uh- no, not at all. Go ahead."
He's at a loss for words. A girl has never came up to him like this and initiated a conversation. Could you possibly be... interested in him?
He soon finds out when after talking for over an hour, he asks you if you want to come over to his place tonight. It's a bold move, and he never would have done it without the help of some alcohol. He swears he's dreaming when you actually agree.
"Are you sure...?" he asks.
"Yeah! Unless you're secretly a murderer or something," you smile and nudge his shoulder.
He figures he should take advantage of this opportunity before you realize how repulsive he is and change your mind. So he quickly takes you on his motorcycle, back to his apartment in the city.
When you get there Gyutaro tries to play it cool, showing you around his apartment and trying to make friendly conversation. But really he just wants to get to the main event. He'd be lying if he said he wasn't feeling incredibly horny.
It doesn't take long before you find yourself sitting on his lap, making out with him on his bed. His hands already pushing up your dress to grab at your ass.
You're so different from the other women Gyutaro has hooked up with. They never went as far as wanting to kiss him, let alone actually bothering to touch him like you are. It sends shivers down his spine and makes him feel amounts of affection he didn't know possible.
He starts to get really nervous when you lay on your back. You actually want to see his face while he fucks you? He's only ever done doggy style with his previous partners because his face would ruin the mood. But not you.
You caress his cheek and look into his eyes as he plunges into you. That's the moment that he becomes attached to you, feeling himself falling for you.
He almost loses it when you moan his name and hold him close to your body as he thrusts into you. He thought this kind of shit was only in the movies, not real life. Let alone for a guy like him.
You don't yell at him when he becomes too overwhelmed by emotion to pull out. Instead you wrap your arms around him, kiss him, and tell him what a good job he did.
He knows how pathetic he must seem, but he can't help but cling to you. Holding you close to him, and nuzzling his nose into your hair. God you smell so good.
You aren't used to having hook ups like this, so you hope he won't mind if you stay the night. And by his clinginess it seems like he doesn't want you to leave either.
In the morning, Gyutaro wakes up in a panic. He slept in too late, you must have already left. He shoots up with wide eyes only to see your sleeping form still beside him.
"She... she didn't leave?" he mumbles to himself, "But they always leave..."
You're different. You're special. And this is when Gyutaro realizes that he's falling in love with you. Maybe the next time he goes to a wedding he won't just be a groomsman, but the groom.
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ashwhowrites · 1 year
I know your request are closed, so please feel free to take your time on this one. You are the best at angsty, so I had to come to the queen. Reader and Eddie have never been close friends, but have always been very flirty and soft with one another. After the kids join Hellfire, and Eddie starter hanging out with the crew, they grow closer sometimes hanging out one on one to smoke and stuff. But neither makes a move despite obviously being in love with one another. Eddie has been some what quite, and one night hanging with the crew he shows up with another girl that he met at the hideout. Reader is more quite towards him that evening, and it's killing Eddie because even having another girl he still puts mainly his attention on Reader and can't stop looking at her. You can finish it however you want my love!
Hi! So I did really like this idea so I kept it, but please in the future - keep all requests locked up until my inbox is open :) I'll be happy to write them out once my box is open. I feel more respected that way <3
I hope this is what you were looking for and that you like it :)
All we needed was communication
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Y/N wasn't sure where she stood with Eddie. They had a friendship, but they weren't best friends. They didn't have deep conversations and knew everything about each other. They had more of a flirty situation. She found him incredibly attractive, and she voiced that out multiple times. She wasn't afraid to flirt with him, just more afraid to ask what he thought about her. And ask him out.
They hang out alone, they smoke, and watch movies. She thought having that time alone would give Eddie the chance to make a move or just do something. But he never did.
Y/N was with the hellfire group as they waited for Eddie to show up. It was strange for him to be running late to their Friday dinners. Y/N chatted with Gareth as the younger boys suck down their drinks and goof around. She was mid-story when she caught Eddie, but he wasn't alone.
"Hey boys, Y/N." He greeted them with a big smile, sliding into the booth across from her. A girl on his arm, as she slid next to him, across from Gareth. Dustin scooted away in a silent protest when she sat beside him.
The group fell silent upon seeing the new stranger. All for different reasons, or maybe they all knew Y/N's night was ruined.
"This is Hydi, and Hydi this is hellfire!" He greeted me, he sounded so excited and it crushed Y/N. But she put on a small smile and tried her best to welcome the new girl. The rest of the group slowly greeted her and then went back to their conversation.
"So where did you come from?" Gareth asked, a light tone in his voice, as he kicked Eddie from across the table. Eddie flinched and glared.
"Sorry, I was picking up Hydi but her house was harder to find than the other night," Eddie explained, opening his menu as Hyde looked over his shoulder. Y/N was trying not to look and stare. But that girl was close enough to smell his cheap cologne and the smell of his shampoo. She's resting on his leather jacket, her body able to make contact with his. Y/N was jealous and she could taste it on her tongue.
"Well, last time I was there to help." Hydi giggled, and Eddie laughed with her. Like their little inside joke was comedic cold. A smirk on his face as he winked at her, throwing his arm around her. He scooted down in the seat, spreading his legs further apart. Y/N felt herself staring. She always found him attractive. But the way he sat with dominance and confidence wiped her mind clean. She felt herself craving to place her hand on his thigh, imagining sitting next to him. But reality set in when Hydi 's hand made contact with his dick. Y/N jumped and looked away instantly.
She almost felt like she was going to be sick, but didn't need the extra attention on her. Gareth looked at her worriedly, "Y/N, you okay?"
The concern in his voice caused Eddie to snap his eyes at her. The same look as Gareth.
"Yeah! I'm okay." She said, nodding to convince them further. But they weren't convinced. Eddie kept his eyes on her when the table ordered, when everyone was eating, and when the bill came.
She felt squirmy all night. His eyes locked on her so intently was giving her goosebumps. She just didn't know if they were good goosebumps or bad ones. But she knew her heart hurt watching his date. She was gorgeous, and she hated how great she looked on Eddie's arm. Y/N would never look great with him like that.
But her heart raced at the way he was locked on her and just her. Hydi was a lost thought in his head for the rest of the night. Every word went unheard as Eddie stared Y/N down.
She took a deep breath of fresh air when she made it back to her house. Thankful that she could escape from the world.
But it didn't last. Within the next hour, Eddie was at her house and pounding at her window.
She covered herself with a blanket as she walked to her window. She wanted to be selfish and make him leave, but in the end, he didn't do anything wrong.
"What are you doing here?" She asked as he sat on her bed.
"You were a ghost throughout dinner. I wasn't going to just ignore that." Eddie said, his voice stern. "Talk to me."
"I was just caught off by Hydi, but that's all!" She explained she did not want it to be a big deal.
"What do you mean?"
"I don't know...I feel like we've been flirting and stuff. Then you showed up with someone." She shrugged
"She isn't anything and she won't be," Eddie explained. "It was dumb to bring her around. I don't have a good reason. I'm sorry for putting that on you. I enjoyed our flirting but I just didn't know if you did it because you liked me or because it was fun. I guess I wanted to see if I could move on and forget about it."
"I enjoyed our flirting too. I was hoping you'd make a move or something. And now I'm confused about how you felt after seeing you with Hydi" She explained
"I still like you, and knowing you like me and have been wanting me to make a move. I wish I knew before I messed it up. I would have kissed you." Eddie admitted. "I'm sorry for not communicating with you and making dumb decisions instead."
"I appreciate your apology. I should have talked to you about how I felt. I think we both messed up a bit." Y/N smiled. She couldn't be mad at him, neither know where they stood.
"But I'd pick you." He said, stepping closer.
"Maybe you can try that kiss now?" Y/N said, stepping into him
Eddie smiled and pressed his lips against hers. She wrapped her arms around his neck and shuddered as she felt his arms wrapping around her waist. His hand slipped to land on her ass as he slipped his tongue into her mouth. The kiss got heated fast, and Eddie walked her to the bed. Both fell on it as his tongue worked against hers. His hands went to slip under her shirt, and that's when she stopped him.
"Wait!" She gasped, he pulled back immediately,
"Shit, what's wrong?" He panicked
"Are you and Hydi still a thing?"
"Fuck no. She dumped me the second we left the restaurant. Said it was disrespectful to look at you the way I was." Eddie laughed
"You were staring." She giggled
"shut up." He teased, smashing his lips back on hers.
@bmunson86 @mxcheese @ladymunson @michaelfuckinglangdon @z0mbie-blah @biittersweet @mirrorsstuff @somethingvicked @micheledawn1975 @ago-godance @magnificantmermaid @tlclick73 @hargrovesswifee @cityofidek @manyfandomsfanvergentreblogs @silky-luxe @lokiofasgard616 @loving-and-dreaming @eddiemunsonsbitch69 @thegemaqua @ashlynnkennedy @strangerthingsstories5255 @harringt8ns @pleasinghellfire @whoscamila @stusdollface93
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captain-mj · 4 months
Absolutely begging for more of the jealousy trope you just posted. That was so good holy shit. Even if its just headcanon or something, thats such a fun snippet you posted. (If not thats ok but figured it was worth a shot since I adore your writing sjekdwkdkdk)
I can deliver that!
Soap wasn't sure when his crush on Ghost started. He didn't really have a moment where it suddenly appeared. It was a very slow build that he could see throughout his journal.
Ghost himself was a good man. Kind to animals, even if he was a bit more prickly with people. Funny. Good listener. Strong. Attractive.
Soap adored him. Everything about him. His little quirks or problems. All of them just made up Ghost.
Recently, he had been avoiding being alone with him for too long. He had some... rumors. The idea of Ghost being with someone else drove him batty. He didn't own the man, though he certainly wanted to. They had known each other long enough though that Soap knew how to get Ghost on a topic.
Soap was lamenting that it had been a while since he got laid. It was just the two of them, with Price being elsewhere in a meeting and Gaz with the recruits. it was good, meant he could test the waters with Ghost. Right now, he was trying to gather intel over the rumors. He found if he was open about something, Ghost was a little more likely to be open back.
"Try harder." Ghost gruffed. "Plenty of willing bodies around here."
Soap paused. "Got someone on the side, Lt?"
"No." Soap bit the inside of his cheek as hard as he could to stay normal over this. Yes, there were rumors but this was close to a confession.
"Keep your mask on?" He prodded.
"Don't even get undressed." Ghost sounded amused, making a startlingly direct amount of eye contact with Soap.
Soap laughed. "What? You just take your snake out of your trousers there and go at it?" He was seething. All internally of course. He went through everyone Ghost interacted with in a day to day basis. Scanned through every interaction to see who made it clear what they wanted from Ghost. God, they weren't like Soap. There was no way they appreciated it enough. Soap would.
"Pretty much."
"Not much of a romantic, are you?" What a shame. He was sure he could convince Ghost to give him the chance.
Ghost narrowed his eyes at him. Soap realized he must've hit a nerve. "No one here wants romance. Least of all with me. They want to get off and get me off and that's where it ends." He looked down at Soap's clear hard on in his pants. "And I can see you're no different. Wanted me to fuck you, Johnny, you could've just asked."
Soap can feel his cock leaking in his pants. "Yes. Please."
Ghost rolled his eyes. "Fucking slag." He got up and walked away with Soap following right on his heels.
Soap couldn't help the grin on his face. After a round or two, he would convince Ghost to do it again with him later. He was sure he could play Simon like a fiddle.
"Oh, God please, Simon." Johnny had his face buried in the pillow as Simon thrust back into him. "You're so big." He was wrong. This man was a demon of some kind. He had come here to swallow Soap's soul and replace it with his fucking cock.
"I love flattery." Simon purred, pulling him back again. Johnny came hard, body tensing so much he worried he'd snap.
"Fuck, fuck, it's so good are you even close?"
"Nope." He popped the p at the same time he thrusted in deep, grinding a little.
Soap groaned. "Don't know how much longer I can take it."
"It's okay. Lot of people can't. I can always-"
Johnny arched his back and clenched tight around him. "No. No. Come on, you want to finish in me don't you?" He didn't want him to go to anyone else. No one else.
"Jealous aren't you?" Simon whispered before leaning down and sinking his teeth into his shoulder.
Johnny came again. And he teetered on a third. Everything shifted until all he could feel was Simon. Simon. Simon. Simon.
The stretch. His fingers. God, the way he smelled.
Simon thrust in hard and came finally. His hips rolling against him until he dragged every ounce of his own pleasure from Johnny.
"I haven't had sex in two years." Ghost informed him. "You never had anyone to worry about."
Soap glared at him.
"Those rumors were fake, love. But I promise, I'm all yours." HIs mask hit the floor with his shirt following shortly after
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theowlwrites · 7 months
Shall we dance? // Bailamos?
Melissa Schemmenti x F!Reader
Cariño: Term of endearment, can be translated as honey/ dear/ darling.
~Just want to clarify that I love Mexican and Italian culture. 🫶🏽
Warnings: no physical description of reader, it is mention that her nationality is Mexican en 2 occasions, consumption of alcohol. Angst, fluff, and a little smut at the end?
Summary: Reader is the new Spanish teacher at Abbott, she goes to a celebration of 5 de Mayo at Barb’s house, were things turn interesting with Melissa.
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“Come on!” Janine was trying for the hundred time to convince you to go to this little get together at Barbara's house “It will be fun!”
Today was 5 de Mayo, and for some reason, in the States, they celebrated it. You have nothing against it, but back in México it goes like any other normal day. Despite that, seeing all the decorations with Mexican themes made you miss your home.
“I've already told you” You close the folder you were working on a look at her “I can't go, I already made some other plans”
The truth was that you didn't have any plans, you just don't feel part of the teacher group just yet. You are the new Spanish teacher at Abbot, just entered this year. Everyone has been nice to you, especially Janine and Jacob. You also have a good relationship with Gregory, but you aren´t really close. When it came to the older teachers, you have no issue talking to Barbara, she is really nice, she sometimes even asks you to help her with her Spanish. But Melissa, she was a different story, she isn´t exactly mean, but she likes to make clear that she preferred anything Italian over Spanish, and that Italian cuisine was better than the Mexican. You never argue, mostly because Melissa intimidates you, but not for the reason she intimidates the other younger teachers, but because you have the biggest crush on her.
So going to this 5 de Mayo party to Barbara's house looks like the perfect place for Melissa to tell you over and over again how Italians do it better. Not really something you are looking forward to.
“Leave the booze to me Barb, I know a guy that can get me the best tequila” At that moment Melissa and Barbara were entering the teacher’s room, interrupting you and Janine.
Barb looks directly to you, ignoring Melissa “Oh good, I was looking for you dear” She takes a sit next to you. “Please can you take care of the music? Maybe you can play some Spanish bangers in that Walkman of yours” She meant your Spotify. All eyes were on you know, making you feel the pressure. “You are coming… right?”
“You know Barbara… I… I don´t think I can make it, I have to...” You were avoiding looking at her, you couldn´t lie to her face, actually you couldn´t lie to anyone’s face, you were a terrible liar.
“Okay, what is it?” Melissa´s voice came from behind you, then she walked to your side and took a sit in front of you. “Why don´t you want to spend time with us?”  She had her glasses over her head, leaving a few strands of hair free next to her face, she was raising an eyebrow. She was looking hot.
“It´s not that” Your voice comes out weaker that you expected. “I don´t know, it makes me feel a little… homesick, I guess” It wasn´t entirely a lie, but you couldn´t tell the redhead that she makes you nervous to the point of almost forgetting how to speak English.
“Oh darling” You felt Barbs arm wrap your shoulders. Melissa was still looking at you, but this time with more gentle eyes that before “I can imagine how you feel, but I think this could do you good. You can show us a little bit more of your traditions, I would love to hear about that”
“Yeah girl… we can get to know each other a little bit more” Melissa winked and eye at you, which made your heart beat faster.
With a big sigh, you finally agree “Okay then, I´ll be there at five o´clock”
“You won´t regret it, amigo!” Janine says
“Amiga… with an a” You laugh.
“See you at five o clock then, dear. Don´t forget the music.” Barbara smiles, pleased that she convinced you to go and leaves the room with Janine. Leaving you with Melissa, who was still looking at you.
She stood up and grab her bag, carrying it on her shoulder. “See you soon… cariño” You were so glad that Melissa left immediately after saying those words, otherwise, she would have noticed how your face turned red as a tomato.
Later that day you were at home, putting together a playlist of spanish music. You added some ballads, some more mariachi music, and algo some dancing music, like salsa, cumbia and some bachata, just for fun.
At 5:15 pm you were standing outside Barbara´s house, you have already knocked twice and nobody answered. Maybe you had the location wrong, so you decided to call Janine, but just as you were going to press the call button, a voice from behind called you.
“Hey, cariño, it´s over here” Melissa was standing next to her car on the sidewalk, holding some bags that you assumed contained the tequila bottles. “This way”
You followed her to the back of the house, everyone was there, at the patio. No one was inside the house, that’s way nobody heard you knocking.
“Look what I found in your front door Barb” Melissa was referring to you, as she went straight to the table to settle the bottles. All eyes went to you, for second time in the day. Everyone was there already, with the exception of Ava, that preferred to stay at home watching Desperate Housewives than “going to that lame party” (her words). 
“I forgot to tell you we will be at the back. Anway, I´m very glad you came. You bring the music?” 
“Of course,” You proceed to connect you phone to the speaker and start reproducing your playlist.
“Now this is a fiesta!” Said Janine while trying to dance at the bit of one song.
You were standing next to the speaker, watching everyone enjoy the party. Barbara has offered you a plate of mini taquitos, that were actually really good. It was probably the music, the Mexican decoration and even the taquitos that made you feel nostalgic, so your mind started wondering through your childhood memories. All those parties with your family, how your father had taught you to dance in those parties, how you mom food tasted. You were so immersed in you thought that didn´t notice when the redhead went to stand right next to you.
“Penny for your thoughts” Her voice snapping you out from your own mind.
“I was just remembering some childhood stuff, that all” You didn’t dare to look at her eyes. And she noticed it, actually she had always notice it, how you would avoid looking directly at her. She always took those moments as opportunities to look at you with more detail. Melissa hadn´t admitted this to anyone, not even Barbara. but she thinks that you are very beautiful, she´s intrigued by you. She likes it when you speak Spanish, you make everything sound better. But she has no idea how to approach those feelings, so she decides to keep her distance too, by not being the nicest or most accessible teacher at Abott.   She wanted that to change, and she was going to start working in that today. 
“You know… I sometimes feel nostalgic of my home as well.” She drank from the plastic cup she was holding. “I have always lived in Philly, but I don´t see my family as often anymore, and we haven´t had a reunion or a party in so long… I miss that” You looked at Melissa. She was actually telling you something personal, without sarcasm. “But of course, it must be harder for you, being away from your country” She then looked you in the eyes.
“It´s not too bad” You were actually looking at Melissa´s eyes, for mor than 1 second, for the first time, and God they were beautiful, just as her. “I visit them once a year, and they sometimes come visit” There was a silence, both of you looking at everyone else enjoying the party.
“Would you like a paloma?” Melissa asked, with a mischievous grin.
“That´s what you are having?” She nodded. “Yeah, please”
Melissa served you a paloma (soda with tequila), and from that moment you never parted her side. Both of you kept talking, laughing, at some point you teaching her some Spanish, and she teaching you some Italian. It was probably the booze, but you started feeling how Melissa was getting more comfortable around you. She was being handsy, placing her hand around your arm, sometimes over your hand, and some other times around your waist. Soon she started leaning against you, caressing your hair, holding your waist longer. She was flirting. Neither of you were drunk drunk, you were still perfectly conscious and in you five senses, which made you very anxious but excited about this sudden change in Melissa´s attitude.
It was already 9:00 pm, Janine, Gregory and Jacob had already left, tomorrow was school day. Barbara, Melissa and you were sitting around the folding table in the middle of the patio. Your music still playing. The three of you has stop drinking like an hour ago, to sober up, and were just chatting. And even without the effects of the alcohol, Melissa was still being nice to you, maybe a little less handsy, but still very friendly.
Barbara excuse herself to go to the bathroom. A comfortable silence between Melissa and you, when a salsa began to play at the background.
“God, I love that salsa, I used to dance it all the times at parties, with anyone, even alone, I just wanted to dance it” You smile as you remember. Unconsciously you closed your eyes and started moving in your chair, humming the song. Unaware of the way Melissa was looking at you.
“Shall we dance?” You snap your eyes open. She offers you her hand to you, already standing up next to you.
“Bailamos?” She repeats, and this time you nodded. She holds her hand until you are standing next to her. She places her free hand on your waist, keeping you close to her, while her other hand holds yours at the level of her face. And you start dancing.
It´s a slow salsa, so it is easy to dance, but you have the feeling that even if it was a faster rhythm, Melissa would dance like if she had done it all her life.
You feel Melissa´s eyes on you, she´s smiling. She moves her arm, so it surrounds your waist. The sudden closeness makes you lose your balance a little, Melissa holds you tighter, preventing you for falling. You both laugh.
Her face inches away from yours, her eyes going from your eyes to your lips. She caressed your cheek with her other hand, and pulls you closer, closing the space between you.
The kiss is sweet, slow. You both take your time to feel it, you enjoy it. Your arms around Melissa´s neck, keeping her close to you. Soon the kiss turns a little more heated, Melissa´s tongue asking for permission to pass your lips, to which you happily submit.
You still can taste a little bit the alcohol from earlier, and you taste the sweetness of Melissa.  Really there is no other way to describe it, it feels and taste sweet to be kissing her like this.
You break the kiss until you realize you need to take a breath, but not breaking the embrace. You are still so close to each other Melissa can basically fell how your heart is beating fast.
“I never thought Italians were this good at salsa dancing” That´s all you said, making Melissa laugh.
“We are good at everything darling, but you do it amazing yourself, cariño, give yourself some credit.” She kissed you again. “Let me drive you home.” Melisas whispered to your ear, you just nodded.
You both said goodbye to Barbara, not without offering to help her clean, to which she refused. Once inside Melisa´s car she couldn’t stop eyeing you, she kept a hand in your thigh. You couldn’t stop looking at her either, and honestly, if it wasn´t for the seatbelt, you would be on top of her long time ago.
You arrive home, Melissa opens your door, helping you out. And before she could say anything, you were kissing her. This time was passionate, full of desire and lust. Melissa was against the car, her hands on your hips. You were leaning on her, your hand on her hair.
“Come inside, please” You didn’t mean to sound do needy, but you couldn´t hide it.
“I would absolutely love it cariño, but tomorrow is school day, and I need another change if clothes. I just wanted to make sure you arrive safe and sound.” She was keeping her hands on your hips, but this time with a stronger grip, trying to create a little more space between you tow.
“Please” You took Melissa´s hands away from your hips, letting you lean to her once again. “Por favor” (please) You whispered to her ear. Now her arms were surrounding you shole waist. You started kissing her earlobe, descending to her neck. Melissa was in a trance. “Te necesito” (I need you)
“You are making this very difficult for me, cariño” Now it was Melissa´s voice the one that came out shaky, which made you feel proud.
“It doesn´t have to be difficult, you can just come in”.
“Let´s make a deal, hon… I promise that tomorrow I will be here, with a bottle of wine, and we can do whatever you want, but you have to promise to speak I little more Spanish to my ear, deal?” That mischievous grin was back on Melissa´s face, and you loved it.
“¿Te gusta cuando hablo español?” (Do you like when I speak Spanish?) You said as innocent as you could.
“I have no idea of what you just said, but keep doing that you will pay the price tomorrow”
“Trato… deal” You agreed. She kissed you once again, this time keeping it less heated and shorter. You took a few steps away from Melissa, trying to pull yourself together, and trying to ignore you soaked underwear. If Melissa wasn´t going to spend this night with you, you had some plans before going to bed, and as if she could read your mind, she added…
“Oh, and cariño… don´t touch yourself tonight, It will make tomorrow more fun” She winked her eye to you. It wasn’t a question; it was an order. “You can do that for me, right hon?” You really wanted to release all this tension tonight, but you couldn´t say no to Melissa.
“I promise” you said
“Good girl” She went inside her car. “See you tomorrow cariño, sleep tight” She left, leaving you horny as hell.
God, you couldn’t wait for tomorrow…
Okay, so this idea pop into my mind while I was watching Shall we dance?, I really love that movie, and I love Lisa’s character. 🥹
Hope you like it, and let me know if you want a second part 🫣
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certifiedcodbabygirl · 7 months
Hear me out. Simon Riley meeting you is Travellin Soldier by Dixie Chicks coded
Like he meets you when he goes back to Manchester for the first time since his family's death and goes to a diner. Reader's the person at the counter and is super sweet. You manage to get a conversation out of him, somehow.
Surprising himself, he asks if you're able to go on an outing with him and you tell him to pick you up after your shift. He supposes it would be a good way to make the visit to his hometown more tolerable. He picks you up and you just walk around town for a few hours. He tells you about how he's in the military and how he keeps to himself. By the end of the night, he asks if he can write to you. He figures you're distant enough to not hurt nothin.
What he wasn't expecting was months of shared stories, and the bond you two grow. He deployed more than before, gone for a couple months at a time. When he's able to, he visits you. The places where he only saw his family in the places they used to go, he now begins to see your smile in them too. You both knew there was something there that isn't purely platonic. The lingering gazes, the eyes flickering down at each other's lips, the hands brushing against each other.
There are nights where you call for hours, secrets and thoughts being shared amongst each other, comforting words being softly said. He doesn't understand how you got to him. How you managed to get through to him. Maybe you were an angel, an apology from God for the misfortune brought upon him. His new light, new family. You were something he never knew he needed and now he can't imagine how he lived before you.
He gets an emergency summon for deployment; told he'd be gone fore nearly 6 months. He told you immediately and promised he'd write. He leaves you with a crushing hug and a kiss on the forehead, a silent promise he'll be back.
There was no communication. He was unable to write, unable to call. He was gone for 5 months, and you had no idea what was going on. Nights with tears rolling down your face, not knowing what happened to your Simon. He became to you what you are to him. Around the 4 month mark with no word from him, you're convinced he's dead. He promised to write. But there's no letter. No call. No Simon. You have no connection to him, on paper. If he did die, there's no way you'd know. He'd be gone into the wind, just as his words.
You carry on, seeing him in everything. In the park, the nighttime when you used to call, the stray cats he always gave you shit for petting.
You were working a 9 hour shift at that little diner, taking someone's order. Time droned on impossibly slow, the clock ticking seeming to taunt you. You automatically greet the next person to walk in, bell above dinging.
"Hi, welcome in, I'll be with you in just a moment" You say, monotone. You turn to the cook window and let him know what the previous order was.
"There any way I can scootch in any sooner?" A deep, familiar voice asks. He sounds so much like your Simon, causing your heart to clench.
"Yeah, just one second, sir"
You hand the cook the ticket and turn back around. Your notepad drops out of your hand, along with your pen, at the sight of Simon standing in the doorway. He didn't even bother to change out of his uniform, coming straight from base to you.
You come out from behind the counter and speed walk to him, throwing yourself into his arms, tears spilling. He hugs you back just as tightly, feeling like he can finally breath for the first time in 5 months.
"How are you here?? I thought you died" You cry into his shoulder, shaking.
"I had no way to get a hold of you, I'm so sorry" He whispers into your hair.
"You came back" You sniffle.
"I promised"
(Lemme know if y'all want a part 2)
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stevesbipanic · 7 months
@steddielovemonth Day 29: Love is going out of your way to do something you know will make them happy @forgottenkanji
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Eddie knew a lot of things about Steve. He knew he loved peonies more than roses and listened to folk music when he cooked. He knew he loved sledding in the winter and lake days in the summer. He knew every step of his hair care routine and loved head scratches the most. Above all he knew Steve loved Valentine's Day.
He remembered how Steve would always make sure every girl got at least one rose delivered to them in home room and loved decorating his locker. Always wrote his classmates cards to fill their love boxes and made sure the kids got plenty of chocolate. Watched some special girl get taken on a perfect date each year, wishing for a world it could be him.
He remembers there being no dates last year, Steve looking as forlorn as him. He would find out a couple months later it's because the golden boy had been harbouring an equally massive crush and they promptly got together.
Now this year he vowed to go all out for his sweet boyfriend and give him the Valentine's Day he deserved.
"Eddie you hate Valentine's Day."
"You said it was capitalist bullshit."
"You literally burnt a bouquet once."
Eddie glared at the other Hellfire boys, he'd asked them to the diner to help him plan the best day ever not be attacked.
"That was the old Eddie, a sad gay little teenager, adult Eddie has the prettiest boy in the world to please."
Jeff was looking at him fondly while Grant rolled his eyes and Gareth gagged.
"EW don't call my cousin pretty!"
"We literally perform a song where I do just that."
"Hush, Garebear, we have plans to make."
The plan began simple, Robin was to take Steve out for breakfast, well, Steve take her out after she begs. Convincing Robin of the plan was easy since she loves Steve and free food as much as Eddie.
Then, while the boys set up the final surprise, Eddie would meet up with Steve at the arcade with the kids.
"Can't wait til we're home and alone, Eds, nice to have someone on Valentine's Day again."
"Just you wait, sweetheart."
Max would then radio Steve asking him to drive her to the movies for her date (although she was refusing to call it that again) with Lucas. She was also easy to convince, liking free rides.
Eddie would quickly change and rush to Steve's apartment to make dinner, he'd told Max to delay getting ready til Steve got there to stall him. He figured he'd have just enough time before-
Eddie was only halfway through making dinner before he heard the keys in the lock. No, Steve was home early, the candles weren't even lit yet!
He felt caught and dejected, all his plans falling through his fingers.
Steve glanced around the apartment, rose petals and unlit candles and the dining table set for two with a bouquet of peonies in a vase. Steve's favourite, spaghetti bubbling away behind Eddie.
"Eds, did you do all this for me?"
There's a certain awe in his voice as he asks. Eddie turns, turning down the heat on the pot and steps towards Steve. He takes his boy's hands gazing at him softly, "Of course, sweetheart, you love Valentine's Day. You're always so busy making it special for everyone else, and you missed last year, I wanted you to get wooed for once."
Steve's eyes are a little misty but he's smiling so Eddie knows he's not upset, "You got home early tho, baby, I haven't even lit the candles or turned on the music," Eddie explained biting his lip softly.
"I'm guessing Max was meant to keep me busy? You didn't tell Sinclair and his mom picked her up," Steve laughed.
"Shit, I knew I forgot something."
Steve kissed his cheek, "I'm going to get changed, think that'll be enough time for you?"
"Knowing you'll take forever with your hair, yeah I'll be ready, angel."
Steve flicked him playfully, "Oi, you love my hair."
Eddie yelped but smiled coyly, "Love messing it up too," he said winking.
Steve blushed and went to his bedroom to change. Eddie quickly finished the food, turned on the radio and lit the candles hoping it all set a romantic mood. Like clockwork he plated the food just as Steve returned to the room.
"Smells delicious, baby, you made my favourite!"
Eddie helped him into his chair, playing up the gentlemen's act, "Anything for you, sunshine." He poured them wine and laughed together as Eddie explained the whole plan, including Gareth's protest which Steve's giggled at. They were now cuddled on the couch, not really watching the movie, more just looking at each other occasionally trading soft kisses.
"Thank you for today, Eds, it really means a lot."
"I want to make every day special for you, Stevie."
"I wanted to ask you something, was going to ask on our anniversary but no-one has ever seen me the way you do."
"You know you can ask me anything, love."
Steve took Eddie's hand, glancing down and playing with his rings, a habit Eddie knew he did when he was nervous, "I wanted to ask if you wanted to move in with me?"
A smile quickly crept across Eddie's face, thought about getting to come home everyday to Steve and wake up every morning to him. Thought about how home had become the boy sitting across from him, wherever he went Eddie always wanted to follow.
"I'd love to move in with you, Stevie."
Neither boy would ever have to spend another day, Valentine's or not, not feeling completely and utterly loved ever again.
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daengtokki · 9 months
Hey 👋🏻 saw your recent post about wanting to write about seungmin fluff, and I honestly could use some fluff to feel better myself so I wanted to suggest a noona!reader x seungmin fluff where they both like each other (are close friends) but reader thinks they only see her as a sister and not romantically (and vice versa) until the other members convince seungmin to confess and well the rest is up to you really :) personally I feel that he’s the type to sing to their crush or maybe bring them a cute plushie, inviting them on a coffee date, etc
Whether or not you choose to write this, I hope you feel better~ ❤️‍🩹
𝓌𝒾𝓈𝒽 𝐼 𝒸𝑜𝓊𝓁𝒹
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Kim Seungmin/noona!reader
wc: ~5k
rating: flufffff -`♡´- (friends to lovers/idiots to lovers ( thank you @wulfgaang ) Felix and IN plotting, music for you to listen to while you read)
comments: I'm sorry this took so long anon! I started writing and just kept on writing and I couldn't stop so I eventually had to force myself to stop. I tried to edit a little but uuuhhh bshxbhscs
He's so bad at writing a text to you that doesn't sound...off. He hates sounding too casual, which is exactly how he should be sounding, and how you expect him to sound. But he hates it. He huffs and slides down into the couch, eyes flit up every so often to the open space in front of him.
Seungmin catches sight of himself in the mirror across the room, then he sees Felix eyeballing him. And then Felix smiles.
"What?" He pulls himself up and folds his knees to his chest, looks down at the message thread on his screen...rereads your last text.
I like your hair the shade it is right now
It's nothing. It's a benign little observation on your part, but his stomach swirled the moment he read it. Now he can't think of what to say back. His thumbs freeze right above the screen, and his eyes go blurry as he stares.
Seungmin doesn't have time to reply, though, because he sees you typing again. The little dots bounce around for what seems like forever, and then they stop. Felix moves closer and sits down next to him. Then you're typing again. Typing and typing...
"Are you talking to your noona?" he whispers and tries to peek at his phone, but Seungmin pulls away.
"She's not my noona."
"Well, she never texts me. What are you guys talking about?"
"Exactly! You two always seem to talk about nothing...every day."
Finally, a message comes through. And it's not nearly as long as the length of time it took to type.
are you free for lunch today? Probably not, but I'm cold and want to get some yukgaejang
No, he's not exactly free, but he's going to make himself free. Seungmin hasn't had the chance to see you face to face for almost a month. Yes, almost a month. Three weeks and three days, actually. And you were only in the building for a few hours that day, because you travel too much for work. Seungmin hates that. And he hates wishing you had a position that didn't travel at all. It's always in the opposite direction that he's going.
"I'm breaking our lunch plans." Seungmin says it so flatly and definitively.
"Fine. Only because I know you're making plans with her. Maybe ask her out properly this time, before she leaves again."
"I'm not going to ask her anything... she'll laugh at me."
Felix has no reply for that, but the stinkface he gives Seungmin says everything for him.
♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.
You stare at yourself in the mirror for far too long. The way you think you look won't change, and the way you're dressed isn't going to magically make him fall in love with you. Besides, it's cold out, and he'll pick on you if you dress more for looks than warmth.
His text message comes through, finally. You feel bad asking him, because you know he's busy, but he loves to eat and it always seems to be the best way to get him alone.
I just have to change, I'll be ready when you get here
And it's stupid, but you like driving him around; the way he plays with the music, and the way he sits back in the passenger seat and stares right at you. He always let's you know when you pass a dog going on a walk, and he loves to tell you that you drive too fast. Or too slow.
There was hardly any traffic on the way in, so you sit and stare at your phone for several minutes before texting again. You're certain he's ready—it doesn't take long to throw on a pair of sweatpants and run out the door, but getting here too fast and seeming too eager makes you feel silly. You rub at your warm cheeks and sigh, wondering if you're mentally prepared to see him again, need to kiss him, do nothing, say nothing, and then part ways for another few weeks.
A soft knock on the window makes you jump, and when you look to your right, he's there, smiling and waving.
"Sorry, I was just about to text."
Seungmin climbs in and stares at you for a moment. "I saw you pull up, are you okay?"
"I'm okay..."
"You looked worried."
He's too observant. and he's clever as hell (sometimes). You're surprised he hasn't figured you out yet, but...he's probably just avoiding it if he does know. He doesn't want you to feel awkward. Seungmin is too young for you, you think. You have no business feeling this way about someone a decade your junior, and he's not going to be interested when he's surrounded by so many pretty girls his age.
"You still look worried." He buckles his seatbelt and adjusts himself so he can look directly at you.
"Uh...just jetlag probably. And I haven't eaten yet."
"We better hurry then."
You look him over quickly as you shift gears and check the gps on your screen. He's not in his usual overly comfortable sweats, instead he's wearing cargo pants, and just a t-shirt under his North Face jacket. You hope he's warm enough, but when he reaches forward and bumps up the heat, you know he probably isn't.
♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.
"It's gonna be too spicy," he smiles and watches you take a bite. A cautious bite, because he's right, but you won't admit it. You like the spice, and he likes watching your face turn red as you slowly make your way through the bowl.
His chopsticks dive into it and grab a much bigger bite than yours.
"Get your own," you shoo him away and sip your tea, trying not to be too obvious that your whole body is on fire. With the spice, and with thoughts of him. His lips are red and swollen from the little bit of heat in his food, from the heel of his hand rubbing at them. This is about the time when your thoughts get overwhelming...so overwhelming, you think you could confess everything all in one breath—his big dewy eyes, flushed cheeks (both from the food, of course), big t-shirt hanging way too precariously from his shoulder.
"Too spicy," he chases it with his rice and scrunches up his face, "How can you eat so much of it?"
"Punishment??" Seungmin looks at the text on his phone. It's not Felix this time. Felix has already sent several, asking him if he's made it official yet. This time it's Jeongin, no doubt out to lunch with him, acting up as well.
did you dress nice for her?
"Why would you need to be punished?" Seungmin blushes as soon as the words come out of his mouth. It's not just the soup making him so warm. He glances up at you and tries not to smile too awkwardly.
"Where should I begin...being lazy, breaking plans with friends, ghosting bad dates instead of telling them I'm not interested."
"Do you go on a lot of bad dates?" He sits up and clears his throat, "I mean...dates. You never mentioned that before."
His phones buzzes again. This time it's Felix.
A quick glance around the restaurant reveals he and Jeongin are not actually there and listening in on them, but he wouldn't be surprised.
"I wouldn't say a lot. Uh...I'm always very careful, don't worry."
Seungmin nods and struggles to keep his face neutral. He's not concerned, he's jealous. "You're not lazy, you work very hard."
"Just too much. Sometimes I want to change jobs, stay home more. Use my apartment."
"You should," he replies so fast that you stop eating and look at him.
"I should?"
"If that's what you want, uhm...you should always do what feels right." He busies his mouth with his drink, taking slow sips and peeking at you over the rim. "I'm glad we work at the same company, though, otherwise I would have never met you." He wonders if that was too much, so he stares stupidly at the chopsticks in his hand.
"No, we probably wouldn't have met. And you're a—"
He looks up at you before you finish.
"Uh..." you should say it, you should say anything as long as it's a little bit romantic. There are so many things you've thought of already, and you have said them in your head...during your endless daydreams. When you're trying to sleep and can't, or when you open your eyes in the morning and pretend he's there in front of you, sleeping soundly.
"...you're a good friend, Seungmin."
♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.
Another outing with Seungmin, and another tick on your failure box. You felt awkward, and you probably made him feel awkward. You can’t relax around him anymore. Maybe he does really know that you like him, and he just doesn't want to ghost you the way you ghost your dates. He's too good and sweet to do that, and he's too good for you.
A little part of you wants to text one of the others; one of his dormmates, his closest friends, just to see if asking him out would be a horrible mistake. But you can't. If the answer yes, it's a mistake, and then they tell him? They would absolutely tell him. You might as well mess this up on your own.
♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.
"That's what you wore?" Jeongin looks at him, eyes narrow, lips pursed.
He and Felix make it home first, and they both look at him anxiously when he walks through the door. Well, Jeongin looks at him anxiously, and then tsks at the casualness of his outfit.
"It's less casual than normal."
"It's not going to convince her that you'll go all out for her, though. You gotta give her your best!"
"I don't think my outfit is going to make her suddenly fall in love with me."
"No, but if you tell her how you feel..."
"I'm not ruining what little friendship we have."
"Kim Seungmin!" Felix yells. "If you don't talk to her like a big boy, I'll be forced to tell her myself."
"You wouldn't...please don't say anything, Yongbok. Please..."
"She likes you...maybe even more than you like her."
"How would you even know that, has she told you herself?" Seungmin finally pulls his jacket off, kicks off his shoes, and sulks to the kitchen for a drink.
"No, but I've had to sit through more than one meal with you two... dancing around each other, blushing if you end up sitting shoulder to shoulder, her sneaking little glances when you're not looking."
"She does?" he sips his milk in an attempt to get the lingering spice out of his mouth. "She looks at me?"
"Stares at you. Watches every little move you make. It's annoying, and very cute. I wish someone would look at me like that.”
"Sing her a song!" Jeongin pipes up from behind his monitor. "Invite her to dance practice, keep her around after everyone leaves...sing for her."
"That is..." Felix thinks. Seungmin rolls his eyes and groans loudly in the background. "...very cheesy, but I don't think it's a terrible idea."
"Sunday! I'll even invite her to come watch, you just have to do the rest." Jeongin is very proud of himself for thinking all of this up. "I know her, too...remember? I'll make sure she's in town, and you figure out what song you want to woo her with.”
Seungmin hates the idea. He’s already starting to get nervous eating in front of her. Now he has to practice? And sing? Sing something romantic? The logistics of all of this are escaping him, too. How will they be left alone there? If someone sees them—him singing, her standing awkwardly until he finishes. He already wants to climb into a hole just thinking about it.
“Close to You!” Jeongin cups his cheeks in his hands and smiles. “She blooms beautifully in your dreams, when you close your eyeesss,” he sways back and forth.
“No, no I’m not doing it. And you can’t make me.”
“We can’t, but we can still invite her to come on Sunday. Tell her we have some new stuff to work on, she’ll enjoy it.”
♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.
You can’t say no to Jeongin, ever. He was so excited to invite you to dance practice, and you’ll actually be home, so…why not. No pressure. It’s getting to see Seungmin from a distance, or maybe not from a distance. And you love watching them act up together. Seungmin invited you once, a while ago, but you couldn’t make it, and for some reason he never asked again.
But seeing him twice in the same week is a nice treat. You just hope he’s glad to see you there.
Han sees you and greets you first. Then you see Changbin and Felix by a snack table, bickering about something. Felix sees you out of the corner of his eye, waves, and smirks a little. He mouths something to you, and you think he says you look nice…so you just smile back. You did put in some extra effort this morning, but you still tried to be casual. Seungmin likes casual, and he told you once, a long time ago, that he liked your style.
One of the entranceways seem like the perfect place to observe for now. Nobody is here, and you’re a little nervous about being in anyone’s way. You lean back against the wall, making yourself as small as possible, and look for Jeongin. But he’s nowhere.
Seungmin, though, is within view. His back is to you, and he’s way on the other side of the room, but you know it’s him—you would know his back and shoulders just by touch if it came to that. And you really wish it would come to that. The rest of him is swimming in a pair of dark gray sweatpants.
You hold your breath and wait for him to turn.
“Noona! Hi hi.” You jump out of your skin. It’s Jeongin.
“Innie!” You punch his shoulder, and he laughs. “Quit sneaking.”
“I wasn’t sneaking, you were just too busy staring.” He looks to Seungmin, who is now turned your way. And walking in your direction.
“Staring at what?,” you say as you continue to stare. He gets closer and closer. You can feel the distance closing between you. It’s getting warmer in the room.
“So it is true…Felix is right.”
“Huh? What is Felix right about?”
"Is Innie bothering you?" Seungmin says. He doesn’t look at you, though, just at Jeongin.
“Hmmm…I think I’m being called.”
“I didn’t hear anything,” Seungmin looks behind him, behind you, and then back to Jeongin. “Better go, though.”
He looks irritated when you’re finally able to lift your gaze, but not really irritated—just like he’s holding back an eye roll. Seungmin folds his arms and hugs his hoodie to his chest, and then he finally…finally, looks at you. His face softens. You could melt, but you try to keep your composure.
This wasn’t always an issue. Seungmin always makes you feel warm and stupid when he’s around, and he has since the day you met him, but it used to be easier to be relaxed around him. And fun. You figured this would pass and you’d realize you were just crushing on him; lusting after him—daydreaming about kissing him and his braces, undressing him slowly in your mind and wondering exactly what he looked like under all of those clothes. But it never passed. It grew and grew into this monster that sits on your chest and takes your breath away.
“YN?” He crouches down so he can get your attention. “Noona?” He whispers. Seungmin doesn’t usually call you Noona, not like everyone else does. He calls you by your name, because you asked him to. “I’m sorry, I know you don’t like that…just needed to snap you out of your daydream.”
“I wasn’t…hmm, I’m sorry. Hi Seungmin.”
“Hi,” his face falls a little. “Are you staying, or just passing through?”
“I’m staying.“
“Good. It’s chilly in here, I thought you might want this.” He hugs his hoodie closer to his chest and smiles. "Gotta keep the heat down so we don’t pass out, I guess.”
“Will you be mad if I take it home and forget to give it back?”
His giggle makes your head swim. “No, not at all. Actually…”
Before he can finish, Chan calls out and the floor starts to clear. He looks back, and then to you again. “Hold that thought,” he unrolls it, shakes it, and throws it around you like a cape before running off.
The scent of him overwhelms you, and your head is swimming again. Everything is swimming. Now you just want to curl up in your bed with it and fall asleep.
For the first time in years, Seungmin is nervous standing on the dance floor. He knows he’ll be fine—everything will fall into place once things get started. But if what Felix said is true, your eyes are on him, and only him. All the time. But you must be good at doing it only when Seungmin isn't looking. He has never once caught you staring.
He glances around the room, swings his arms, rolls his shoulders. You’re there in the same spot, his hoodie still draped around you. And yes, you’re watching him.
The time goes by fast, even though you’re just a spectator, and you know it’s because you might not see him again for a while once this ends. You’ll go back to your casual texts, hopefully a little each day. You’d lose your mind if you had to go longer than that without hearing from him.
The more you think about it, the more you think getting the confession over with might be the best idea. You can’t exactly go on like this forever. The rejection will crush you, but with time, you’ll have to move on. That’s just what happens. The hurt goes away, eventually.
“Hey you,” Felix pops up next you and gets your attention. “You’re staring really hard. Really really hard.”
“What?” You finally pull yourself away from Seungmin, “I was? Wait…what?”
“Seungmin is going to have a hole burnt into him if you keep that up.”
You feel flushed, even though Seungmin was right about the cold, “please tell me only you saw me.”
“Probably, everyone else seems pretty preoccupied. But be careful. Unless you plan on confessing.”
Is Felix reading your mind? You bury your face in your hand and sigh.
“Don’t look so sad. Keep looking…carefully.”
You’re an idiot. And you daydream too much. Your life is nothing but work, sleep, and a constant string of thoughts about being with him.
“Felix?” You stop him just as he starts to walk away. He smiles at you, There is usually a twinkle in his eye, but it’s even more intense right now.
“Yes, noona?”
Seungmin turns and makes eye contact, but looks away almost immediately.
“Nothing, never mind.”
“Oh hey, don’t leave too early. Innie and I have something we need to give to you after we finish up.”
♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.
Everyone left. But you’re sitting on the couch, curled up in a ball, warm under Seungmin’s hoodie. Felix said stay, so you’re staying, but you don’t know what he and Jeongin could possibly have for you.
You wonder if Seungmin will come back for his hoodie. Watching him walk out of the room was a little bit heartbreaking, because he didn’t say goodbye. He didn’t wave. He didn’t look your way.
“What am I supposed to do now? You have her waiting in there, alone, and she doesn’t know wh”
“Felix told her we had something for her, and we do.” Jeongin holds his arms up to Seungmin, palms up, like he’s presenting him. “It’s you.”
Seungmin buries his face in his hands and groans, “you still want me to go in there and sing and embarrass myself?”
“You don’t have to sing!”
“Okay, so just embarrass myself.”
Felix shakes his head, “please please pleeaaase, trust me. I’m going to scream at the top of my lungs if you don’t go sit on that couch with her right now. That’s all. Just sit there. Whatever happens after that is up to the two of you.”
“Fine. Just because I don’t want her sitting in there by herself.
The door clicks. You know it’s him as soon as his arm swings the door open.
“Hi. What are you doing in here all alone?”
“Waiting for what?” He stands in front of you, hands stuffed in the pockets of his sweatpants. Light gray this time—he’s showered and changed since you’ve been sitting here.
“I’m not sure.”
“Me, maybe. I’m sorry I left before without saying anything.”
“It’s okay,” you smile. He’s here now, so it is okay.
Seungmin sits down next to you. He’s quiet, and he has no idea what to say now. Maybe he should just sing, because he would at least be able to succesfully string some words together. The silence and the echo here makes it even harder to speak, but at least he knows you’re truly alone together. This usually only happens in your car—windows up, music playing. “What’s your favorite song?”
“My favorite…Stray Kids song, or my favorite favorite?”
“Favorite favorite.”
You weren’t prepared for this, but you don’t have to think very hard. “In Your Eyes…” you look at him, wait, wonder why he wants to know, “by Peter Gabriel.” You played it in the car with him before, and it took a lot to keep from telling him everything right then and there as it played. But you didn’t. It played, uninterrupted, and both of you were silent the entire five and a half minutes.
“I remember that song.”
“You do?”
Seungmin nods and laughs, “it’s on half of your playlists. Yeah, I know it.”
“Why do you wanna know?”
Silence again. Seungmin is 100% winging this, but he does know where he’s going with it. Because he does want to sing for you.
“So I can practice it.”
You shift and look at him, his hoodie slips off of your shoulders and onto the couch. It takes several seconds of thinking, of gears starting to turn in your brain, and of your eyes jumping back and forth between his before you start to put a few pieces together.
“…and sing it for you,” Seungmin looks down at his fidgeting hands, closes his eyes, and takes a deep breath. You not replying immediately is stretching out like hours. How can he make this less awkward now? He can sing for you and not make it romantic, right? Just a nice gesture between good friends. Not that song, though. He wasn’t even sure you would choose a romantic song.
No, he’s in it and he’s not getting back out. “Please say something.”
“You wanna…sing for me?”
“I’m not very good at…talking about my feelings otherwise.”
“You can talk to me. You can talk to me about anything."
Seungmin leans forward and rubs at his face, and he buries it there in his hands. It’s a bad time to start losing his nerve, he’s too far in. “I can’t.” He feels the couch shift as you get closer, just close enough that your knee hits his. “It’s a lot.”
“It is a lot. I know.”
“You do?”
You want to grab him and make him look at you, but your body won’t allow it. It takes another long silence to finally get some of his attention. His cheeks are red, and his eyes are big and nervous.
“Yeah, too much to keep carrying around by myself.”
He doesn’t seem to be following you, because he still looks worried, upset. But you’re not helping—you weren’t ready for this, and you have no idea what to say. You’re bad at this kind of talk, too.
“Am I making you uncomfortable? And I messing everything up?”
“No, Minnie…I’m very comfortable sitting here with you right now. I could sit here with you all night.”
Now, finally, he turns and gives you his full attention, red faced and serious. His bottom lip is catching up, because he won’t stop biting down on it. You reach out and poke his chin, “don’t do that.”
He licks his lips and forces himself to stop, but now he’s not talking again. There’s eye contact, at least. And it’s intense…Seungmin doesn’t know how intense his stare can be. Maybe you’re supposed to finish this—he did start, and it was a pretty bold start.
“We should—”
A clatter outside makes both of you jump. Maybe you’re not as alone as you think, and in that case, you’re a little bit uncomfortable. It makes you feel better about what you were about to say.
“…we should go somewhere else to talk.”
♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.
It took no convincing for him to follow you closely on the walk outside. Silent. And inside the car, cold and dark, still silence. You could talk here—you’ve shared a lot in this car already, but it doesn’t feel right. You just want to take him home, get him warm, make him comfortable.
Seungmin is nervous. You know exactly what he was trying to tell you back there on the couch, but what you don’t know is how intensely he really feels, and if he’s willing to act on it the way that you are. You don’t want to risk scaring him away, but your desire for him has already reached its boiling point. Every minute without acting on it now is killing you.
He’s huddled down deep in his coat. You finally let out a sigh of relief when he leans forward to adjust the radio, and then he turns up the heat.
“Where are we going?” His voice is small and timid, not like him at all. It’s like his little bit of confession, the emotional exertion of finally telling you he maybe wants more, kicked his ass.
“My apartment.”
“I’ve never been to your apartment before.”
“Is that okay?
He sits up, and you can see him look at you out of the corner of your eye. “Yeah, of course.”
It’s already warm inside. The few lights you keep on while you’re out gives the small space a comfortable glow. It’s even better with a view of him shaking out of his coat, and carefully taking off his shoes. The apartment almost feels—
“…it’s cozy in here.” He says. You watch him walk further in, just a few steps, and look around. “And quiet, and warm.” The smile on his face is reserved, “just like you.”
“Like me?”
He nods, and his smile grows a little more. “Yes, you’re quiet, usually. And you’re always warm. And I’m sure you’re very cozy, too.”
“That sounds more like you.”
“I don’t think I’ve ever been called warm…but—”
“I guess you’re only like that with me.”
You can tell he’s relaxing. He laughs, smiles fully, pushes his hair away from his eyes. More importantly, he walks further into your apartment, looks around again, and then sits on the couch.
“Do you want some tea? You’re probably starving. I can order something, there are a few places close by that are fast.”
“Yes, and yes…but there’s no hurry…uhm, let’s have some tea.”
“It’s probably too hot, be careful.” You finally sit down next to him. Close. Closer than you were earlier, and definitely closer than you’ve ever been out to dinner, or lunch, or anywhere.
Seungmin turns toward you. His face is right there, inches from yours. His eyes and his lips, his breath. His eyes are moving between yours and jumping everywhere, like he’s taking all of you in from this distance. Part of you wants to back up, because you haven’t seen in a mirror in hours. But you can’t. He’s a magnet. You think (hope) he wants you to keep pushing forward, and that’s exactly what you do.
It’s as satisfying as you knew it would be. He’s as soft as you imagined, and as sweet. It’s a shy kiss on his part, but you kind of expected that, as well. You like it like that, because he’s taking his time. But you also need a little more, so you take over.
Your hand slides across his neck. He lets you pull him closer, and he doesn’t shy away when you open up and bite down gently on his lower lip. A soft sound escapes him and floats right down your throat, and it makes your knees shake against his.
A knock on the door interrupts right as you feel his hand graze your leg. Seungmin lets go and pulls back, just enough to open his eyes and look at you. “Thank you for getting me dinner,” he says, and he leans into you again until your lips touch.
You don’t even know what you were going to say—if you were going to say anything at all. It just feels good saying his name out loud.
“Was that okay? The kiss, I mean. I know my braces probably get in the way.”
“No, they don’t…not at all. It was very okay.”
He kisses you again, this time with more confidence. You can feel his smile grow when you grab his arm and pull it around you. And you can feel his braces brush against your lips. He notices, and jumps back.
“Don’t be. I’ve waited a long time for this.” You pull him back, and set your lips on his cheek.
“How long?”
“Oh…lemme think,” you pretend to think for a moment, but you don’t need to. You remember exactly when you first saw him and wanted to kiss him. “It was October, last year.”
“That long? Why didn’t I know? It feels like everyone else knew.”
“Nobody else knew. I never told anyone, I thought it was silly, maybe a little inappropriate. You just turned twenty when we met.” You pull away now, and sigh as you fall back into the couch. It sounds even worse when you hear it out loud.
“I don’t think it’s silly. I’m old enough to know what I want.” Seungmin grabs your hand and pulls you back up to him.
“So why me?”
Seungmin thinks, “because you’re cozy and warm,” he smiles, “and you make me laugh.”
“That’s it?”
He laughs again, and it’s so sweet and relaxed and melodic. “I’m comfortable with you, and you’re always there when I need you.”
“That’s nice to hear, considering you don’t act like you need anyone…ever.”
Seungmin goes quiet. He always puts up a strong front, because he doesn’t really know how to act any other way. He's not as cold and quiet as he appears on the outside, and he tries very hard to never come off that way to you.
“Just assume I always do.”
“Always what?”
“Always need you.”
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lotusnleaves · 2 months
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— ᴾᵃᶦʳᶦⁿᵍ: ᴮˡᵃᶜᵏᶜᵒᵈᵉᵈᵎᶠᵉᵐᵎᴿᵉᵃᵈᵉʳ ˣ ᶜʰᶦˡᵈʰᵒᵒᵈᵇˢᶠᵎᴱ⁴²ᵎᴹᶦˡᵉˢ
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Since the beginning, as far back as you can remember there was never a time when the tall curly haired boy wasn't in your life, this proved to be true when your dynamic duo had matching cribs as babies an inseparable bond as kids and practically soul ties as teens.
It had been Miles and you against the world together for as long as you've been alive. A universally proclaimed couple and you couldn't be happier to have him.
When you we're kid's and your Mom worked as a teacher at your school she did everything in her power to keep you and he close. You'd hold hands during recess share your snacks at and get each other toys on valentine's day it was the purest kind of love.
Then one day as you and your best friend were sat on the stairs of your apartment sharing an empanada he stood up. Miles took the blue ring pop out of his back pocket blush prominent against your brown skin as he got down on one knee in front of you.
"Me and my Mami went to a big party last month called a wedding and she said when you like somebody a lot this is what you do" he smiled fallen baby teeth obvious. His grubby hands pushed the ring on your equally little fingers "And I like you way more than a lot" He huffed proudly.
"I like you way more than a lot too Mile's" your chunky cheeks raised to a smiled. Rio accepted you as her daughter in-law with no objections.
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Your childhood day's went by as fast as they came, and pretty soon you and Miles were in high school, older now. There you and he quickly discovered that everybody had somebody and if somehow you didn't, it was bound to happen. So Miles took it upon himself to fend off any guy that even thought about going their with you acting as personal bodyguard from then on out.
"Ma, that nigga just whistled at you and you want me to do nothin?" he looked down at you with a stunned expression "You can't be serious". One of the underclassman had just wolf whistled at you probably to impress his friends and even though being gawked at was never a great feeling you shrugged him off. Being a girl means getting cat called was inevitable, and despite you trying to convince him it was okay, Miles was gonna knock the teeth down the freshman's throat if you didn't stop him. You sighed hand on his cheek now making him look at you "I know miles but its whatever really, I'm not worried about it so you—" and before you could even get the words out he was gone bolting after the terrified kid.
He also made damn sure to fend of the constant flow of groupies that gravitated to him. When girl's would push past and approach him right in front of you, you'd always keep it classy, but a side-eye or a murmur under your breath sounding a lot like "desperate bitch" when they would shamelessly flirt with Miles immediately gave away your jealousy.
"So whats good with you and that one girl?" you tried to say calmly as Miles laid his head comfortably on your lap, but the venom in your voice as you choked out her name was all but discreet. "Who even is that?" he looked up at you lost "Her name Ashley or somethin' you know, tall, blonde, annoying— always has her hands on you even though she got a whole man" you tried to sound nonchalant but that petty quip didn't go unnoticed.
at that, his eyes widened and he scrunched his face with a scoff " Cálmate nena nadie se preocupó por su culo sediento I don't want her hermosa" He smiled squishing your pouting face.
He clicked his tongue mumbling something about how you gotta stop asking him dumb shit "I'on know whats with her and following me around but nah you know I don't be feelin' these other girls" he smirked an emphasis on Other.
The care was mutual you we're always there for Miles especially when the news about the murder of the NYPD chief of police came about. Every step of the way you could be found giving support at the funeral you kept Miles shaking hand in the comfort of your own reassuring he'd get through it.
You were there when he came to your window one night breaking down as you saw him adorned in his prowler suit for the first time. No you weren't the most thrilled when he begrudgingly confessed that he was in fact the Brooklyn vigilante on the news and no this wasn't the greatest way to grief. Still, you stayed by his side and supported him at the end of the day he was a grieving boy confiding in you, something he couldn't with his own mother, so you'd hide the suit in your closet, kiss his forehead and tell him it was okay.
You and he being together for all the intimate moments in life gave you a sense of security, it made it easy for you to assume what you had was more than a friendship. That's why your ever questioning friends cornering you about it resonated all the more.
You were sat at lunch checking your phone when your friend Kim flopped dramatically in her chair "Ughhh its not fair, why all the nigga's here gotta be such assholes" she complained to no in particular. Your group laughed but she was not amused "Nah I'm for real y'all, like seriously where the guys like Miles be at" she pouted "I'd kill to have what y'all do always bein' cute and shit s'damn shame the rest of us mere mortals don't" with a sigh she rested her head on your shoulder now "too bad your not datin' he a catch girl".
"Wait what?" you dropped your fork taken a back "What do you mean we're not dating?" the table looked at you with confusion "Well are you? I mean you don't refer to him as your boyfriend" the same curly headed girl spoke . You were speechless " A'ight so what Kim because I'm not showin' my man to everything that breathes means we're not dating?— we're just private people the whole school doesn't have to be involved to officiate our relationship" you huffed, irritated.
Another friend of yours started hesitantly "Right and that's cute and all hon' but this gives more situation-ship then anything, you two never post each other but your always hanging out and gettin' jealous over the other, You do all the couple things without the label" she raised her hands defensively. The whole table collectively agreed was that really all you and Mile's were? A glorified situation-ship?.
You wanted to argue, but what could you have even said? Mile's didn't ever ask you to be his girlfriend and he wasn't physically affectionate to you in school. If he popped up with a girlfriend tomorrow you wouldn't even have a valid argument. So on the walk home you made up your mind to figure out where you stood with him.
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You’re both watching Netflix on your living room floor your back pressed against his chest, you sat between his legs warm breath hovering over your neck while he’s got a soothing hand rubbing your thigh, “Miles what are we doing?” it pauses upon your question registering. “Uh- thought we was watching grand army mami why you tryna do somthin' else?” "Don't be cute Miles I'm being serious" you deadpan losing patience by the second at that he straightens. "Okay whachu' mean by 'what are we doing' Ma? I'on read minds" "What are we doing like relationship wise? like am I your girlfriend—"
He looks confused and a little hurt, his entire face scrunched shocked you'd even ask. He runs a hand down his face in disbelief “All these years of me showing jus' how much I love and obsess over you, and your dead-ass askin' me if your my girlfriend.” he says looking at you with the most dumbfounded expression. “ The late nights, matchin' sneakers random bouquets of flowers? Como oh dios mio chica were the signs not there Princessa?” he says sarcastically an eyebrow raised.
You flush recalling just how much he does for you, “No Miles s’not that kinda stuff. I don't know me and some friends we're talking and they just made me realise you've like never explicitly asked me out before, in school we're not affectionate either and y'know I just started thinkin' i didn't mean as much to you as I thought....” you mumble. he stares at you sombrely thinking from your perspective he could understand why it looked that way.
He yanks you on his lap making you look at him and pushes a fallen curl from your now shy face "Un-fuckin-believable" he murmurs. You're avoiding eye contact when he grips your chin looking you in the eyes and kisses you. It was hopeless with this boy, you walked in radiating a bold confidence and he reduced you to a shy, flustered puddle, you tried you couldn't keep the irritated facade around him Miles made you melt like butter.
"Tienes que dejar de escuchar a tus amigos tontos, pero lo siento Mami. Y'know I never meant to make you think tha' way right? 'course your my girlfriend" he says softly and sincerely. "Sides' it's been me and you against the world since our matchin' cribs" he teases poking your side and you cant help but laugh.
In that moment all the doubts your friends had planted in your head vanished it really was you and Miles against the world. He never doubted it and now you wouldn't ever again.
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