#you can't just create these wonderful characters and then never mention them again
Hihi slug, I love your work, and thanks for everything!! Since Matenro season is nearly upon us, I was wondering if we could get your opinion on the solo snippets🤞🤞
Matenro's new solo previews are SO GOOD, what do you think of them?
Thank you both for notifying me about them! Taking a look now...
(The album is probably already out now, but... better late than never...)
Jakurai's A Majestic Figure
Title note: 4-kanji compounds are like the SAT vocab words of Japanese; they're not super common in everyday speech and can evoke a literary or sophisticated feeling. This one is...interesting. To the best of my knowledge, it isn't a standard compound (I'm also not getting any hits when I Google it) and I wonder if that's significant. It's just two words strung together to make the appearance of fanciness, perhaps. I couldn't say for certain. At any rate, both 威風 and (especially) 颯爽 describe a majestic, often captivating appearance. This isn't to say that such qualities of dignity or majesty aren't real, but I definitely feel like both terms are defining a subject from an outside perspective. These aren't terms I would ever expect someone to describe themselves with, which makes the song title sound like it's an outside observer commenting on Jakurai instead of Jakurai talking about himself. We see this happen a lot in Hypmic, with people putting Jakurai on pedestals or Jakurai struggling to see himself as the same grand figure others perceive him as. As a result, I wrote the song title as "A Majestic Figure" to emphasize the appearance of majesty, whereas the character of the figure is unknown. Anyway, let's dive in and see what this is all about.
(10 seconds in) Vibing with these instrumentals
(19 seconds in) Not vibing with these "ah"s... but we can't have everything in life
(43 seconds in) I'm a little too tired to fully keep up (I'll look up the lyrics when I'm done) but I REALLY like the urgency in the delivery, which is so at odds with the flowing, dignified background music. In JPN fiction as a whole, flusteredness/desperation is contrasted with calmness as a synonym for imperfection and perfection. Jakurai is, honestly, really kind of a desperate character...yet one that appears outwardly calm/perfect to most of the rest of the cast, so it's interesting that we get to see his desperate nature on full display right at the start of the song.
(1:26 in) Hand motif mentioned *Cinemasins ding* (of
(End) Thank you uta-net for having the lyrics up already; ily. Let's see now... Interesting. I'll have to read them again in more depth later, but it looks like a call to forgive past wounds and seek out a better, less painful way of existence--in a societal sense, a religious (as in like, ascending or becoming enlightened) sense, and a personal sense. All great things to see Jakurai expressing. Again, it's interesting to see Jakurai expressing this with such urgency, even if these are things we know he really, really cares about. That coupled with the background music seems to match a bit in the lyrics that says "And [to end war within society, paraphrased] I take grand, dignified action mixed with the discord and noise of Shinjuku, a samsara spiral of cacophonous echoes." Mixing the stately and the chaotic, the "imperfect" and the "perfect." Really interesting stuff!
Hifumi's The Beginning of the Last Song
Title note: "Last Song" is English and written in katakana, which is a sharp contrast to the style of Jakurai's title. Creates a much younger and casual feel appropriate for Hifumi. Not much else to say here, so let's jump in.
(10 seconds in) Modern indie pop song on the radio feel. I'm not a fan of autotune in general so I'm not in love with this, but I'm hopeful it'll pick up soon.
(22 seconds in) I listen to so much "soft hiphop" (for lack of a better term) during work that my brain instantly catapulted itself into work mode and stopped paying any attention to the words. Coffee mug? Check. Emails? Check. Anxiety? Check. Let me rewind and listen to this properly.
(32 seconds in but for real this time) So far, very Hifumi. Opening verse has some fun figurative language but essentially says Hifumi's suit is pure courage he dons like a suit of armor. In doing so, it masks him and makes him become like a whole other person. From there, he switches to addressing a listener: "I want to soothe your mental wounds. I want to change your frown into a smile. I won't let go of your hands, and no, I'm not doing this for a reward." It's something that Hifumi should be saying to himself (something Hifumi wants to hear, maybe?) and yet he says "To [Host!]me, this is happiness."
(59 seconds in) Hmm... I was going to say this song feels sad to me, because all these positive messages of "Keep going! You're safe now!" are framed as being directed at other people, and I was like..."Hifumi, who's going to say that to you? Who's going to help you feel that way?" but then the line "You made me realize I'm not alone" radically flips the framing so that it DOES become things Hifumi is saying to himself, too. How nice. :) I would not want to translate this, personally... Haha it's using the vagueness of Japanese grammar and lyrical conventions to great effect, but I don't feel comfortable touching that personally.
(1:02) Hell yeah, belt that shit, homie
(1:32) So it's a last song in the sense that it's a farewell or the final song of his old self. Now he's the new, healing Hifumi. We love to see it 10/10 bravo. The song is also a happy, heartfelt thank you to the unspoken listeners (presumably Matenrou) who helped him feel less alone. That's cute! I like it. I probably shouldn't go here, but I find it intriguing how the vagueness of listeners is utilized. The first time the listeners are addressed, the language is...if not borderline romantic, pathos-filled to the point where it's definitely evocative of his host job (hence why he's not seeking compensation for handholding, an often romantic gesture). Yet it's borderline enough that it wouldn't be inappropriate to imagine it being addressed to Matenrou instead of his patrons. Hahaha. Again, another reason I don't want to go near this one.
(Overall) I like it! A nice ballad for Hifumi.
Doppo's Andante
(5 seconds in) For a song called Andante, this has a faster tempo than at least one other song on this album lol. But it's much less frenetic than Doppo's other solos, so there's that, I guess.
(7 seconds in) This delivery is giving me anime ending made by a 2010s rock band vibes lol.
(14 seconds in) Damn there's a baller line here that I'm stumped on how to convey in Eng in a way that's both baller and sensical. Meaning wise, it's like "I want to take back the things I shouldn't have said and give them as a present to you" and in figurative language it's like "Once, I used to fire words into the air [speak things in anger or carelessly]. Now, I want to gather them up [esp. like a bouquet of flowers] after their flight and use them to decorate you [again, like flowers or like a piece of jewelry--it's a positive connotation]" Pop off, Doppo
(40 seconds in) Oh this is killer and also going to need some major explaining. Doppo's name is literally "he who walks alone" which is usually considered a positive thing--someone who "walks the path of life" alone would have gotten there by outstripping the rest of the pack. In Doppo's case, though, this is a negative thing. I think it's not as obvious to Eng-only fans, and I know I didn't really think about it for a long time myself, but Doppo considers himself a "loser" bc he didn't follow a conventional life path. It's considered atypical to switch employers, especially very early on in one's career, as he did when he stood up for Hifumi and got himself fired at his first job. Part of why he puts up with shitty treatment at EL Medical is because it's one of the few places that would hire someone who switched employers at such a young age. (Sidebar: My (probably flawed, as I don't live in Japan) impression is that this is becoming less and less of a thing as time goes on and the economy goes to shit, but I think it's the self-stigma more than anything else that's affecting Doppo. To me, it feel similar to the societal pressures in the US to attend and graduate from a four-year college. Plenty of people don't for all sorts of reasons, but because that's so ingrained as the default life story for Americans in a lot of communities, Doppo's dealing with the kind of disappointment and self-hatred someone who dropped out before getting a four year degree might feel.) Doppo beats himself up about that a lot, but here we get that lovely line of "In the waves of people (hitonami) passing all around me, I no longer see anyone who looks like me. It's a shame, because I always wanted to be just like everyone else (hitonami)." Outside of that beautiful wordplay on hitonami, we're also treated to the figurative language of hitonami being literally "in line with others." Doppo, a character who walks through life alone, wanted to walk through life at the same pace/reaching the same milestones at the same time as everyone else.
(1:04 in) "Life is a tightrope act; it's like walking a balance beam [lit. "average beam" aka a beam where everything is averaged/balanced]. In a country where not everything can be average (narasarenai) and where even if the things that [I] can accomplish (narasareru) don't matter [in the eyes of society], sometimes the sounds I want to make don't come out right (narasarenai). When that happens, I can call myself pitiful--or I can feel the breathing of the beautiful flowerbed that is this city, and when someone's humming under their breath disturbs that short break [lit. breath], I ask them 'So, what is this happiness thing anyway?'" I would rather die than TL this song but I'm LOVING the creativity and depth of the lyrics.
(1:27) WILD! FUCKING! CHEERING!!! "You fake smiles in a mirror to make other people happy and call it love. It's a form of hypnosis, and I've made a go of falling under its spell because I just want to be equals [on par with, balanced], and so if you and I can walk these crowded streets together, then I think I don't mind as much that I'm always walking alone." THE GROWTH! THE GROWTH!!!!
Damn, this album's lyrics go hard. What a feast.
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jennyandvastraflint · 5 months
You know who I want back* in Trespassers 3??? That's right! The Bloomsbury Bunch!!
*next to our usual Gang all back together and truly themselves
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deandoesthingstome · 1 year
Labyrinth Fantasy
Pairing: Minotaur!Sy x Reader
Summary: There's a new hotel in town. You now know it's for real and you need more.
Word Count: 5.7K
Warnings: 18+, NO MINORS, cunnilingus, p in v (standing and reverse standing cowgirl), monster fucking (right?).
Fantasy Hotel Masterlist
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You'd recounted enough of the details to convince your online benefactors that the investment was worth it, but kept enough to yourself to make the experience truly special.
Like, you didn't mention the time stretch at all. Though you had been wondering why the hotel even offered longer booking sessions if the hosts could just snap a finger and keep you satisfied forever. You felt only mild guilt about keeping the image of naked human Walter to yourself. They didn't need to know how good he looked NOT as a monster. You were keeping that for you own private thoughts. But you were bemoaning your current funding situation.
sendmeanangel: ugh, I'm never getting back there!!! MNstrluvr: Listen. There's a way. sendmeanangel: how? I can't get any more shifts at the restaurant. MNstrluvr: let us open a Patreon for you sendmeanangel: I'm NOT giving a recount of this event to total strangers darkgothnightengale: you have no idea who we are sendmeanangel: you are NOT total strangers. I know your favorite coffee and what you're studying at uni and your top 10 comfort movies. I know how you got that scar on your hand. darkgothnightengale: yeah but you didn't know that until you asked. Up to then we were total strangers who loved your work. Just like everyone on Patreon will be only they'll be paying MNstrluvr: yeah and you don't have to tell it to them like you told us. Put a different spin on it. Don't make the story from the perspective of the hotel. Make it a true fairy tale. Red riding hood in the woods and shit. Make him your boyfriend, The Woodsman, who's ready to show you his secret this fine full moon evening. sendmeanangel: oh my goddddddd!!! darkgothnightengale: yeah, but put all the most important details of him in Sendmeanangel: you just want to read about his massive cock splitting you open again darkgothnightengale: i have my needs. Besides, I just mean those details you only know now because you experienced it. You have something to draw from, something to make it real for everyone MNstrluvr: seriously, meana, do it. You will make so much money. You should have been putting your other stories out there long ago but this you can post and sell cause it'll be completely your own content with no re-imagining of existing characters sendmeanangel: okay, but you gotta beta the shit out of this for me. I can't have it sounding like I'm just recounting the whole thing from last night's fuck session with my partner MNstrluvr: 😆 🤣 😂 😹 darkgothnightengale: oh my goddddddd!!!! MNstrluvr: anyway we already created an account. We'll add your email and send you the password reset so you can run it and transfer the money to your bank whenever darkgothnightengale: and as always, no pressure on timing other than knowing you need the money to get back to Walter but I can't wait to read this! sendmeanangel: what if he's not available?
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As you clicked Reserve something caught in the back of your mind.
Would Walter care you weren't coming back to see him?
How could he? You spent two hours (or was it more? You could never figure out the time swap calculations) together. You weren't even sure if that was his real name. Sure, you fantasized about him when you got home. You'd been in a fog of post-orgasmic bliss when you saw him in his human form, but that didn't stop you from cataloging every inch you could. Imagining snuggling next to his enormous and furry body wasn't hard.
It was this domestic bliss scene you'd eventually settled on as the opening to your "boyfriend's werewolf confession during an evening walk in the woods" fic that you posted on Patreon. The feedback had been a dream come true.
While the income wasn't as plentiful as you'd hoped, the wages and tips from your extra shifts allowed you to book another stay the following month. Walter was indeed not available on your only open day of the week so you sought out another option and found a four hour time slot with a new-to-you creature.
The listing called him Captain of the Guard.
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Something about this fantasy made you select the box at check in specifically requesting your host enter in form. You had missed this at your previous visit, and as you thought back to meeting Walter, you appreciated the gentle way he eased into the scene. But you wanted a little more…mystery? Suspense? apprehension this time. The front desk clerk told you your host's name was Sy, and sent you down to a lower level of the hotel. The only key he provided was the code you punched into the elevator number pad to allow you to press L3. 
When the doors opened, you entered a small, rustic room with a hard dirt ground and cool stone walls. You only saw one other door besides the elevator you just stepped through and your mind did some mental gymnastics. Was that the exit to the maze or a bathroom? If it was the bathroom, where was the maze?
A few benches were scattered around and sitting on one was the Offering Tray you purchased, along with a note telling you to dress or undress to your level of comfort and step out into the hall through the door opposite the elevator when you were ready. Okay, door to maze then. But your nervous pee sensation was building. Where was the bathroom???
You knew the elevator was locked after you exited the car, but the note also contained the return code you were welcome to use any time, even before your reservation was over. And the note also revealed the secret to locating the washroom around the corner of one of the walls that you now noticed didn’t quite reach the next wall, causing a little optical illusion that the room was a simple square with no other space. Clever. It reminded you of a scene from a fantasy movie you’d seen when you were younger.
You peed and then undressed for a quick rinse in the surprisingly warm shower. You had imagined the temperature of the liquid streaming over the mini waterfall in this rock room would be ice cold, but it was as if the water was heated to a constant, perfect temperature from a thermal spring. The floors were warm on your bare feet too. You almost had to tear yourself away. There was a fantasy to be had.
You hung your street clothes on the garment hooks and pulled your red cape from your bag. You had researched a few different costume options and came across a clever way to fashion a toga of sorts from the material, albeit a slutty red toga with a giant slit up one thigh. You didn’t bother with underwear this time either. After one last look in the mirror to make sure your nerves weren’t showing too badly, you gathered up the offering of cured meat and stepped into the hall.
The rough hewn stone walls were at least three feet higher than the room you’d just exited. You noticed shelves jutting out occasionally at various heights and made a mental note not to run into them. Not that you planned on running. The ground was soft and sandy, rather than hard packed earth. Even in bare feet, this was going to make running hard. Again, not that you’d planned on running. 
Now, which direction? Left was always your gut instinct so you followed the path in that direction, choosing a left turn anytime you came to an intersection. After dead-ending twice in about five minutes, you began to rethink your approach. While you figured it had be wise to build in some extra time to find your treasure, you didn’t want to spend four hours in a fucking maze alone. 
As soon as you made the next right, the air shifted. The hairs on the back of your neck stood at attention and a ripple of goosebumps grew up on both arms. You made a few more turns before you began to hear snorts and huffs in the distance. For a moment, you froze, unsure if you wanted to move toward or away from the beast. Not because you didn’t want to meet the beast. But only because you truly couldn’t decide how. Sneak up and surprise him? Or let him chase you?
A new roar announced he was getting closer and you made a snap decision to turn away. Let him find me.
You maybe delayed the introduction by a few minutes. He was adept and clearly knew this maze inside and out while you were still trying to find your footing. You were just about to turn a corner that looked surprisingly familiar when you felt a rumble and the sand shift beneath your feet before you heard a snort and few stamps on the ground.
“Turn around.” Though a command, it came out like a question and you knew this was yet another opportunity for you to provide your consent to the game. Keep walking forward and it would all be over. As a matter of fact, you were convinced your next step forward would take you to the hall where the door to your changing room was. Your turn was deliberate. So was the flash as the cape swished around your legs and settled back into place. Give him a show, you smiled inwardly to yourself, before you wiped that grin right off the face in your mind and dropped your jaw instead.
Before you stood a monster of a man/beast, which explained the rumbling of the ground. You noticed the hooves which explained the stamping sound. As you drew your eyes up his solid and thick legs, you were a little disappointed to see he was wearing a heavy pleated leather skirt which hid any hint of what might be hanging underneath. His biceps bulged and thick veins trailed down each forearm. His chest was broad and teeming with unbridled strength, bare and full of the fur you were hoping to find.
Walter wasn’t the first hairy man you’d been with, but he definitely made you appreciate it more and this beast sported a similar amount. As your gaze met his, you took in the visage of a bull’s head, noticing the ring you expected to see in his nose was not there, but the horns near his ears were. They were massive as well and you had plans.
“Who dares enter my labyrinth?” he demanded as he sauntered ever closer to you. “What little bird has been flitting through these halls?”
You gave your name as you held out the tray in front of you, but he simply stood before you, motionless, save his eyes which roamed over every inch of you. When he returned his gaze to yours, he cocked his head to one side.
“And what am I supposed to do with this?” he roared, obviously unsatisfied with the tray of meat. Did the hotel make a mistake? “Maybe you’re playing a game with me? Is that it? Interrupt my peaceful solitude and taunt me with a delectable offering only to hide it behind a curtain of fabric and an offensive tray of inferior flesh?”
“I … I didn’t know… I didn’t think…” you stammered. Your heart was beating furiously, though he hadn’t taken another step toward you and you weren’t exactly trapped. You were more convinced than ever that if you wanted to escape, the entry room and the elevator were just around the corner. He was giving you time to acclimate to your decision to stay, making sure you weren’t having second thoughts. Though he commanded this hall in this maze, he was letting you call the next shot and you knew you were in no danger. Well, none that you didn’t want.
You set the tray on a ledge nearby, and grabbed fistfuls of your robe in both hands, lifting the material enough to give you the feeling of freedom around your lower legs. Just in case. Not that you were planning on running.
“In this labyrinth, the offerings are usually a little more respectful. Would you like to try your offering again?” Something about his words, the way he cocked his head again, the subtle pawing at the ground, as if he was about to rear up. He wanted you to. 
You licked your lips, and nodded. Took one more beat. Then turned and ran. Past the door to the changing room, up the hall to the right, left down the next corridor, then right again. Left. Left. Left. Right. For a moment you imagined he wasn’t right on your tail and then you hit a dead end and he descended on you as you turned to try to escape the hall thinking you might have enough time to head in another direction. Well, around you really. His arms caged you against the wall behind you.
He was so close. His musk was intoxicating and the scent added a little more fuel to the fire already burning in your loins. You peered up into his eyes, which you now noticed weren’t jet black, but rather a deep, dark azure. 
“That’s better,” he chuckled. “The offering is always sweeter after a little vigorous activity.”
“I’m so sorry,” you spoke. "I had no idea the offering I was given wouldn't be to your satisfaction. I should have anticipated better for a creature who commands such obedience and reverence as you."
“The tray isn’t the offering, little bird,” he huffed near your ear as you felt a hand drop from the wall beside you to your shoulder and then down to the pivotal point on your costume. One little tug, and, yep, there it went. The makeshift dressing had held up surprisingly well on the chase, but it was designed to come off easily and that it did. He made an approving sound, tracing a finger over one breast and down the valley between both, nearing your apex before he dragged the back of that hand up your belly and around your waist, ending with a firm grip on the meat of your hips.
“What…what is the offering?” you asked, with feigned timidity, as if you didn’t know what he meant. His arms moved to circle your waist and his hands slid to the creases beneath both now bare cheeks.
"I'll take this peach instead," he snorted with what you perceived to be a wink and a grin. He jiggled the flesh of your ass and grinned wider as he caught the moan of pleasure you tried to suppress. "You don’t need to fight it little bird. This is why you're here. To let go of inhibitions and feel free to express your feelings and desires with no judgment. If you like someone paying attention to this luscious cake, you shouldn't have to feel like you have to hide it."
The exchange felt a little out of character for the scene, but you didn’t mind. The chase was fun, but it was going to be even better finding out how this man would take care of your needs. So you let him know.
"Fuck. It feels good to have you touch it. Most men just go straight for the pussy and ignore the pleasure I get from the tease, the idea of you..." you trailed off, uncertain if you wanted to broach that subject here.
"Oh, it's just an idea, huh? Nothing you want to try? Isn't that why you're here?"
You thought about Walter and wondered if Sy was as well endowed under the fabric covering his loins. Surely the beasts at this hotel were all inordinately adept at providing pleasure; that was after all the entire theme. And maybe there were other ways to pleasure a person, and maybe this hotel had them too, but you couldn’t begin to imagine that the size of Sy’s cock wasn’t proportionate to his stature. You weren't quite ready to feel that in your ass.
"It's alright, little bird. We're here for whatever you'd like,” he answered without you even saying a word.
“Can I call you Sy?” you asked, unsure how committed to the bit he’d be.
“Of course, darlin’.” That was an odd Texas drawl that had just overridden the previous enigmatic accent you assumed was meant to convey ancient Greece. He kept the twang when he saw your surprised eyebrow quirk. “We can take this play anywhere you want to go. Though I’m going to make one choice for us.”
He bent to scoop you into his arms, cradling your legs and back as he held you against his chest. You could feel his heart pounding and wondered if he could feel yours, too. You took some slow deep breaths to try to calm yourself.
For a brief moment, you nestled your head against his neck, relishing the feel of the fur against your cheek. Then you turned your head to pay attention to where he was taking you. You figured you would need to make your way out of this maze alone after being well and thoroughly fucked and somehow you imagined you'd still have enough brain cells to remember the path he was taking.
But Sy wasn’t going backwards to any open hall. Instead he was making his way directly into what you took for a dead end. Before he crushed you against the wall, as you were sure he was about to do, Sy stepped through the wall. Sort of. Through another optical illusion that proved the dead end was actually a T intersection.
Sy took the left branch and in a few short strides, you found yourself in a room filled oddly with accouterments of pleasure. A platform bed covered in softness in the middle of the space was an inviting contrast to the sandstone walls you'd acclimated to. In a few spaces, what appeared to be fur rugs hung against the walls. Straight ahead, covered in dozens of warm glowing candles illuminating the room along with hanging oil lamp pendants, sat a wooden altar. Bowls draped with mounds of luscious looking fruit and plates of cured meats and cheeses were nestled in between the candle holders.
As you looked around, you noticed no other entrance to the room, though you kept missing the non-obvious openings, so who knew? The markings on the wall and other accompanying furnishings led you to believe you were not just in some other hall of the maze. You were now in Sy's sanctuary. You’d found, or rather Sy was going to show you, the treasure at the middle of the maze. 
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Sy set you on your feet and stepped back, as if judging your temperature again. 
“Is this where I meet my fate, then?” you asked, with a shy smile.
“You’ll die a thousand little deaths in here,” he promised, returning to the previous accent, and you noticed now a tail swishing behind him. You hadn’t seen that before, but it seemed…excited.
“Sounds amazing.”
With that he rushed you as if you still held the red cape as a target. In what felt like one fell swoop, he bent to capture your hips and swing you forward over his shoulder as he turned and took a few steps toward a fur-lined spot along a wall and none of those movements jostled or startled you. It was as if he was picking up a piece of cloth, the ease with which he maneuvered you and held you stable so nothing hurt. Not his fingers in your hips, not your hips over his shoulder, not your back as he held you captive, pressed against the wall of the hidden sanctuary.
“Walter said you smelled delicious and tasted even better,” Sy huffed with hunger.
Did they talk amongst one another? That hardly seemed ethical. And yet, you’d gossipped and dished about this place and the man you’d met previously. Why would you assume he wouldn’t do the same?
“So that’s the first thing we’ll take care of here,” he continued as he dug his massive thigh into the moist heat between your legs and huffed breath onto your neck. His hands traced the length of your body, down both sides, over your belly, onto the sensitive skin of your inner thighs.
In a heartbeat, he had you off the ground, legs spread wide as he continued to trap you against the wall. You tried to hold onto his beefy shoulders for stability, but soon realized he wasn't done lifting you up as you lost purchase.
You were sure you'd be tumbling forward onto the sandy ground in front of you as soon as you cleared another foot of his body, but somehow you remained upright. Well, ‘somehow’ was known but you were still amazed at the raw strength and power Sy possessed to hold you aloft and continue to elevate your body.
With one final shrug, he had your naked form where he wanted it. Legs over shoulders and pussy right at his face waiting to be devoured. You'd had men, including Walter, in between your legs before. A few times when you were upright, and that always put a nice checkmark next to their names in your book. But never while hoisted six feet in the air.
The thick swath of muscle that ascended through your folds filled you with a warmth you had been craving for weeks. Sy somehow managed to manipulate the shape as well, so that he alternated between targeted tight circles with a tip and wide saliva drenched passes that were soon mingling with your own juices.
You had the distinct impression that the wall behind you was for your benefit only. A way to make you more comfortable and secure in the knowledge that he wouldn't let you fall while he was feasting at the altar of your thighs. That he had the ability to hold you upright all on his own while he ate you out.
He made you come at least three times with your back arched against the wall and crying out for relief as you pressed into his head to hold yourself steady, even while he supported you with a hand cradling your ass and another secure against your side. You had wanted to grab his horns, but something told you to stop and wait until you could ask permission. It didn’t seem polite to just grab at them without warning.
“Please, Sy. Please fuck me now,” you pleaded and he skillfully obliged, though he took his sweet time getting there.
He took a few more licks, sucking in the moisture dripping from your pussy before he began to ease your legs off his shoulders, down his body, and around his waist. He settled you there while he reached back to unhook his skirt and drop it to the ground. Then he knelt, still holding you against the wall, and shifted your legs down to rest on his thighs. This gave you an opportunity to peek down and see what he was working with, and not that you were at all surprised but it was still a bit of shock.
A strap of leather remained wrapped around his waist, traveling down both sides of his Orion's belt with the ends connected to a ring that sat stuffed behind his cock. While you contemplated just how long it would let him last, he worked an especially large condom onto his massive member, drifting a knuckle through your folds at every opportunity, given the proximity. He grunted and grinned each time you rolled your hips against his fingers, eagerly seeking more pressure, more depth, more everything.
“Patience, little bird. We’ll get there soon enough,” he warned as he finished affixing the rubber. You watched rapt as he held himself firm in one hand, tugging with the same languid pace he also used to trail his fingers from the other hand around your entrance, flicking at the hidden pearl up top and pressing his thumb deep inside you. It was killing you, but this was not one of the little deaths he had promised and you contemplated telling him so. 
As if he could tell just how impatient you were becoming, he finally spread your puffy lips wide and began to nudge the tip of his cock at your soaking entrance. A gasp was all you could manage as he moved to standing at the same time, easing your legs back up around his waist again.
Sy moved into you inch by glorious inch, pausing every so often to make sure you were comfortable. It was certainly not something you were accustomed to, but the feeling was familiar and you knew now he was at least as large as Walter. This was going to be fun. When he was almost seated you asked.
“Yes, little bird?”
“May I touch them? Hold … hold onto them?”
“Yes, little bird, you may.”
You used the leverage of your grip to drive your hips down the rest of the way onto his colossal cock and willed your inner walls to ease around him. A heat filled you, a desire to grind against him, but he stilled you. Made you sit with the enormity of the situation for a moment while he palmed a breast, rolled a nipple.
“Please, Sy, please. I want you to move. I want you to fuck me into this wall. Please.”
He didn’t make you beg another time. He was slamming into you and somehow rotating his hips in such a way that you felt him in every muscle and nerve in your body. It felt electric and vibrant and you wanted to explode. Sy let you. Fucked you right through it and into the midst of a second one before you could open your eyes again. 
You were grinding against him, pulling your body up and pushing back down using his horns to guide you and you were coming hard around him again. His laugh was infectious and you let one out with the third little death in this position. 
Suddenly, he spun you away from the wall. For a moment you thought he was heading for the bed, but he lifted you off his cock, then turned you around. He held you against his chest with one arm around your waist as his other hand guided his throbbing member into you once again.
You threw your arms behind you to grasp at his neck as if you needed to somehow participate in keeping yourself steady against him, but he could handle you all on his own. He had your legs splayed wide, an arm under each knee, and he drove up into you as if it was nothing. And while you didn’t need to, you absolutely wanted to slip your hands up a little higher, off his neck, over the back of his head and right back onto those epic horns. 
You smoothed your fingers over the bone, into the curl, and held on. It could have been your imagination, but his grunts and snorts seemed to magnify as you did so. Maybe he really liked it? Before you had a chance to consider dragging your fingers along the form again, he hit you with another deep wave of pleasure that had your eyes rolling back into your head as you slumped against him.
And it was like he knew how much more you had in you, because he just kept fucking you right back into consciousness, at which point you did gather your wits and give his horns a few more sensual strokes. It was his groan that told you he was close and you were helping him along. It only took a few more thrusts before you were coming hard around his dick and it seemed like he was letting loose with a roar, too.
He eased his phallus out of your sweaty, quivering body and moved forward to deposit you on the bed, admonishing you to stay put before he disappeared behind another secret wall. You heard water rushing and the sound began to lull you into a light sleep that only the warm, wet cloth pulled you out of.
“Don’t open your eyes just yet,” he spoke, his voice a little less gruff than before.
“I was promised a thousand little deaths,” you teased, unable to move your eyelids or anything else for that matter. His laughter lifted your heart.
“Oh, you want more? Looks like you’d scatter in the wind like a dandelion if I put my cock in you one more time.”
“I wish you weren’t right,” you joined him with a light laugh of your own. “Maybe if I could get a little nap…”
“Unfortunately, time has been flyin’ while we’ve been having fun. Don’t think you’ve got enough left for that.”
You peeled your eyes open, curious about his statement. You hadn’t meant to imply he should give you more time and you were embarrassed that he might think you were being pushy, demanding. You were not prepared for the sight of the man in front of you.
Where Walter’s shift had given him just a little extra height and bulk, not that he needed it to maneuver you around the room, Sy’s return to human form was dramatic. And not that he wasn’t massive in his own right, but the size of the beast that had just fucked you senseless was even more apparent comparatively. You could see he was solid, tree trunks for thighs and branches for arms. His shoulders were wide, chest broad. All the things you���d noticed of the bull, but just scaled down. And still incredibly daunting. 
“S’okay I shifted back?” he asked with concern.
“Of course, whatever you… I mean, this is all so new to me. I have no idea what’s allowed. And how much time…” Was what you were thinking about within bounds? “Has it really only been almost four hours? How much time is left? I think I assumed…”
Sy gave another chuckle as you trailed off.
“Yeah, he musta really liked you from the get go.” At your quizzical gaze, Sy continued. “We don’t all have that gift. Walt’s one of the few. And he uses it sparingly. It’s not really a sanctioned hotel offering. If everyone could and did, we’d get nothing but two-hour bookings.”
“Oh, I didn’t mean to… I mean, I hope that didn’t sound like I was demanding any special treatment or anything.”
“You honestly still don’t look like you have enough strength left to demand a deep breath,” Sy teased. “Here, lemme give you a hand. We’ll get you cleaned up for real.”
He scooped you off the bed and carried you into the bathroom, outfitted similarly to the entry room. He placed you gently under the warm, rushing waterfall before sudsing you up with a shower gel that smelled surprisingly like something you already owned. You watched as his hands slid over your body, easing the soap down your legs and guiding the water to rinse you off. 
“Sy,” you began, wondering if you should even bring it up, but as he stood to grab a towel for you, the shape you thought you’d seen as he washed you was even more apparent. “Is it allowed? Do we have time … Can I…help you with this?”
You reached for him, circling a hand around his obvious erection and tugging gently. His eyes closed slowly as he dropped his head back with a deep sigh, before he wrapped his arms around you and drew you to him. He put a palm against your cheek and tilted your head to train his beautiful blue eyes on yours as he spoke.
“It’s technically not allowed.” Your heart sank at his words. “But Imma make it good for you one last time anyway.” 
You let the towel drop to the floor as he lifted you to move back out to the bed. He set you down and you watched him climb onto the mattress, expecting him to grab a condom and crawl over you, or flip you over. When he settled himself between your legs, it wasn’t his cock that penetrated you. Sy put his mouth over your pussy again and the moan that escaped his throat had enough vibration you were sure you could come from that alone.
He was better. He was unbelievably better than Walter at this. It wasn’t something you were particularly proud to be thinking, but truth was where you found it and this was the truth. Sy was skilled and all the tricks he used in Minotaur form, he used here as well. You were squirming within moments, grinding up into his face and grabbing onto his freshly shaved head to help keep him where he’d do the most damage in the quickest amount of time. Not that he needed your help, because he was fucking good at this. He knew how to use his tongue and lips and, yes, teeth, gently, and yes fingers, deep and deft. And if you weren’t mistaken, he was squirming, too. 
You could see his ass wiggling and humping into the bed and if you weren’t losing your own damn mind you’d have noticed his hips stuttering as he came into the mattress right around the time his fingers landed back on the spot that, in combination with the movement of his tongue, had you screaming his name.
He let you linger in bed a moment, catching your breath while he slipped on a pair of white, slouchy linen pants before he held out his hand to help you off the bed. 
“Here,” he pulled the sheet around you with a soft chuckle and a grin. “This’ll be more comfortable than traipsing back to the elevator naked. I’ll show you the way.”
Sy led you back to the entry room, stopping along the way for a small detour to find your discarded cloak down the dead end hall. You swapped material with him as he deposited you outside the changing room and wished you a wonderful day.
“Come back and see us again, sometime. It was a pleasure,” he tilted his head at you as you stepped backwards into the room.
“The pleasure was all mine,” you replied.
“Don’t be too sure about that, now.”
Bonus Edit: Absolutely GORGEOUS headers made for me by my wonderful friend in fic @geralts-yenn:
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Everything HC Taglist: (as always, let me know if you want on or off)
@sillyrabbit81 @mayloma @geralts-yenn @raccoon-eyed-rebel @fvckinghenrycavill @kebabgirl67 @beck07990 @itsrubberbisquit @sweetdreamsofgelato @liveoncoffeeandflowersss @alexakeyloveloki @marantha @aireraume @angelmather1 @lizzystuffsthings @enchantedbytomandhenry @omgkatinka @littlefreya @avengersfan25 @just-chirpin @thesaucynomad @valacirca @henryownsme @summersong69 @foxyjwls007 @peyton-warren
Special tag: @kittenofdoomage (cause sometimes you love my stuff and this one's another monster fucker lol!)
Tags from Werewolf!walter (if you commented):
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misc-obeyme · 9 months
You know the drill.
Spoilers for Lesson 40 below, including locked and hard lessons.
Just to clarify: when I say that it’s “the end” in my rantings, I am referring to season two, not the entire game. ☺️
I'm confused. And... underwhelmed? What even just happened?
I mean, we had lovely moments with the side characters and we got to kiss them all and of course I'm incredibly pleased I got to kiss Barbatos and Solomon, but aside from that we just... went back?
Most of the lesson was about the RAD founding ceremony. We say good bye to the side characters and they even address how we told Solomon his cooking was bad (more on this later).
But just as the ceremony is about to start, a dark rift opens in the sky. It's a rift in space and time. Barbatos straight up asks Solomon if he did it. Solomon says he didn't, but that he wasn't expecting it to show up so soon. (So who did create it? Nightbringer? And if so, doesn't this prove Solomon at the very least knows enough to know when Nightbringer is going to open a portal back through time??)
We miss the ceremony because we have to go through that rift if we wanna get back. The brothers come with us because we need their power. Just like when we summoned the white dragon, we call upon each brother for his power. Then Solomon adds his. Then there's a bright light and..
...roll credits.
Yeah. That's it. That's the end.
There's a locked lesson where Diavolo gives a speech at the ceremony.
And then the HARD lesson... is us returning to the House of Lamentation in our time. The brothers are all like oh hey MC good morning like nothing even happened. They say it's weird because it feels like it's been a long time since they've seen MC but that can't be right because it hasn't been that long at all.
No Nightbringer. No further insight from Solomon or Barbatos. Not even sad angsty brothers who have been missing us.
It was like they didn't know we were gone.
So either we went back a little further in time or there was never a point where they decided as a group to send Solomon back to help us.
We didn't even get a Michael appearance!
I am confused because it wasn't bad, it was kinda cheesy, there were some sweet lines and like I mentioned previously I got to kiss my malewives but WHAT THE JUNK.
I'm not suffering, more like I'm just left hanging???
My one consolation is that we're back in our timeline now. So maybe NEXT SEASON we can FINALLY get some ANSWERS.
I really thought they couldn't drag it out any further and yet...
I didn't take a whole lot of screenshots this time because again, it was kinda just... underwhelming. Overall this lesson was just me going that's it?! And being baffled.
First I'd like to present you with these lovely Barbatos moments.
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As sweet as this is, the man knows. Not that I ever thought anything else, but he's so subtle about it. I'm onto you, Barb.
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My HEART. If I wasn't going back to another version of him, I would just be like nope staying by your side forever the end I don't care about anybody else.
But before all that, there was also this:
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I'm glaring at you because you let Solomon into the kitchen.
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OHHhhhh Barb I love when you get all threatening and smile like that 💕
But seriously, then Barbatos and Luke help Solomon make a lunch that's actually delicious and we eat it with everybody and they're all amazed. I was like OKAY WELL I do feel a bit better about that whole fiasco now. But still, was it even necessary to begin with? No amount of sweet kitchen buffoonery with these guys is going to make me forget the pain.
At least we had a cute Solomon moment, too.
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Yeah but I'm still wondering about the past version of you, Sol. I'm just saying, where is that guy?
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I mean you don't have to look so sad about it.
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Ah. Your jealousy is showing, Solomon. (I don't mind.)
Hard Lesson bits because I'm still just ????
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Once again, I am left with more questions than what I started with. Will MC tell the brothers what happened? Will we just never see the past brothers again? Will we return to the past in the next season? Will we ever see Nightbringer again, the being for whom this game was named?
At the very least, we still have Mephisto being himself and man I can't believe I ever disliked this guy.
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I'm feeling extremely unsatisfied but it isn't like that's anything new.
I will say that it wasn't as bad as I expected. I was expecting them to do some really terrible things that made me freak out and scream and scare my cat. But no, I was mostly just ?? the whole time. And confusion is preferable to suffering in this case.
But I am also ANNOYED. We have waited long enough for the Nightbringer reveal, please give it to us now Solmare!!!
I fear we only have a short time before we are dragged further into this game that has truly become a hell of its own when season three is upon us... (I'm being deliberately melodramatic but still...)
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mcuamerica · 5 months
The Shadowsinger: Eight
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Warnings: 18+. Minors DNI. More angst, PTSD/nightmares, misogyny, threat of physical punishment ACOTAR series spoilers. If I forgot anything, please let me know!
Pairing: Azriel x Fem!Reader
Summary: You're still at Windhaven, and you can't help that rage that builds by the day.
Disclaimer: I do not own SJM’s characters or plot lines, only the ones I create for the purpose of this story. This is a work of fiction. I do not give permission to repost my work on any other platform or medium. Please be respectful.
My graphics are my own. If you wish to use them, please give credit!
Series Masterlist
Prologue - One - Two - Three - Four - Five - Six - Seven
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After a week, your nights were full of nightmares that entailed your wings getting clipped, being beaten to a pulp by your father, and (oddly enough) a young Azriel and Cassian getting ripped to shreds by an older Illyrian. Why it had been Cassian AND Azriel, you had no idea. But it didn’t sit well with you as you got up everyday and trained with the other females while Cassian went to different war camps. He never mentioned which one. 
You argued with him when he said he would need to go to another camp instead of train you. And since both Rhys and Azriel were busy with their own missions, that meant you wouldn’t train. But Cassian gave you the option to train with the females at Windhaven or to wait for him to come back at the end of the week. You would have said no, had it not been for what you’d seen that first day. How their commander wasn’t even training them, just letting them run around in circles, doing what looked to be endurance training. And maybe a little heavy weight training, if they were lucky. So you decided training with them was better than not training at all. And it would help you as emissary, especially if you could get the girls to start sparring and not just exercising. 
When the male commander didn’t even help the girls with their warm up stances, you had your shadows nudge them enough so they corrected it. And then, they actually moved on from their constant loop of motions to sparring. Just like you had hoped. There were five girls today, and then you. You paired with one named Ragna. Her skin was darker than anyone else you’d seen, and she had pointed ears which told you that she was only half Illyrian. Though she had wings. And she was the one that showed the most promise. You were surprised they even let her train if she wasn’t full Illyrian, but then again, neither was Rhys. Though you had a feeling Devlon didn’t have much of a choice with him as a High Lord’s son.
You helped her with her placement, chiding remarks that you remembered Cassian saying to you back at the House. You learned quickly, and it was easy enough to see what she was doing wrong. Two days were just spent in the mirror, Cassian showing you all the ways you made yourself vulnerable. You wondered if these females would ever be shown that. They hadn’t moved past the warm up exercises until earlier in the week when you joined. And Cassian mentioned they should have been training for the past month and a half. They should be far past your training level… or farther than they were. But they didn’t have a trainer that was willing to help them. 
So, here you stood, sparring with Ragna. You saw the male, Calder, approach as you let her sweep your feet from under you. You asked her to do it, and wanted to show her the proper technique. “And now you just allowed your opponent a break from standing.” He mocked Ragna. 
You glared up at him and stood up, shaking your wings so the dirt would fall off. “She gave herself an advantage.” You snapped. “And executed it perfectly, too.” You said, giving her a small smile before you examined the green Siphon Calder had on his hand. The one and only. Granted, there could be another one if it was exposed in his armor like Cass and Azriel. But it didn’t, Cass already told you the males that had two Siphons. And Calder wasn’t one of them. 
“I don’t see how you could know with your back on the floor. Though that’s probably where you spend most of your time. Especially with that bastard that calls himself our Lord Commander.” He scoffed. You cleaned your fists and walked closer to him, your shadows shooting out from you to swirl around his arms in a frenzy. They wouldn’t restrain you from this male as they had done for Cassian.
“You might be careful how you speak about our Lord Commander.” You growled, restraining yourself from hitting him square in the face. 
“Fond of the bastard?” He chided. You felt your nails dug into your skin. If he said one more thing…. “I bet you enjoy being in that cabin all alone with him. That’s why he’s allowing you to train. So he can have you with your legs spread-“
He didn’t finish the rest of the sentence. You knocked his jaw with your fist. Just how Cassian taught you to. He stumbled back from it. And then you had your shadows restrain him as he staggered forward, ready to repay the favor. “Speak one more word about it and you’ll find these shadows strangling your neck. And maybe snapping some bones too.” You ground out. Not that you even knew how to do that with your shadows. But Cassian’s told you about how Azriel’s done it before. If he ever bothered to train you, one day you would. For the time being, Calder didn’t know you couldn’t do it. But you’d bet your salary that he knew Azriel could. And that was enough for his eyes to widen. 
You backed up, taking a deep breath before you let go of your shadows, watching them return to the comfort of your shoulders. 
“Shadowsinger!” You heard a voice call. Not any voice, Devlon’s voice. “Out of the ring, now!” 
You whipped your head, noting that he probably watched the entire encounter. You huffed and glared at Calder as you walked towards Delvon. “What?” You said, trying to bury that rage that burned in your chest. 
“You know the punishment for laying a hand on your commander without him provoking you?” He asked, his arms crossed on his chest. The look you gave him was answer enough. “For a female, it’s two extra hours of chores.” 
“I don’t have chores here. And he isn’t my commander.” You said simply, not taking your eyes off him. 
“For males, it’s ten lashings.. which one would you prefer?” He ignored your statement, leaning against the fence of the ring. 
“Who says he didn’t provoke me? Because he was insulting-“ 
“Insults are not provocations. Words are not provocations. Unless he hit you or it was a training exercise, it was without provocation.” He stated. “Lashings or chores?” He asked. 
“Neither.” You replied with gritted teeth. He was starting to get on your nerves. 
“You know, I wonder what your father would think when he finds out where his little girl ran away to. And a Shadowsinger, too… he’d be pleased to know where she was after all these years.” Devlon said, a small smirk sliding onto his face. 
You bristled, not holding back the swallow that forced its way down your throat. The thought of your father knowing you were here terrified you. “He wouldn’t care,” you lied. Your father would be furious… Furious that you were still alive. That you made something of yourself without him. 
Before Devlon could call you out for the lie, or for the fear that replaced the rage, Cassian landed beside you. 
“What’s going on?” He asked. 
“I hit Calder and Lord Devlon wants me to do chores because of it.” You answered. 
“Or take the lashings. It’s whatever she chooses. Your High Lord is so enthralled to offer them a choice, so I’m letting her choose.” He said. Your High Lord. You didn’t miss the blow.
Cassian looked at you, and you looked up at him, a bucket of shame washing over you as you saw the disappointment in his eyes. He didn’t say anything as he grabbed your arm and dragged you out of the ring. “I’ll handle it.” He said simply and you stumbled after him. You yanked your arm from his hold when you were enough ways away from Devlon, almost to the cabin. 
“What are you doing?” You asked, flaring out your wings for balance as he whirled on you. 
“What am I doing? What are you doing? I told you to be nice. And you punched him? The one trainer that actually agreed to train the females and you punched him?” He asked, clearly holding in his anger. “Not to mention the stunt you pulled two days ago.” He said. 
You almost snickered at the memory. You had your shadows help the females finish their morning chores and you took them out for training yourself. Devlon was furious when he saw you training with the practice weapons. And Cassian wasn’t too happy that you were trying to train them, considering you didn’t know how to use weapons or techniques properly. Let alone teach them. 
But you held the snicker at the rage that bristled around him. “He was insulting you. He was calling you a bastard and insinuating that you were training me because I was sleeping with you-“ 
“I don’t care what he was saying.” He looked around, pulling you towards the cabin at a pace you had to run to keep up with. Once you made it inside, he asked, “Where is all this coming from? You haven’t even shown a drop to anger the past two months. And now it’s practically all I see from you here. What’s wrong?” 
You faltered, catching your breath. You went to answer that nothing was wrong, but you stopped short when you sensed another male in the corner of the room. Not only smelled him but felt that familiar tug. The one that slightly decreased during your training here. He was hiding in his own Shadows. “Azriel,” you said, your eyes on him immediately. 
Cassian whipped around. “Mother above… Az what are you doing here?” He asked. 
“I heard how your introduction with Devlon went, and the incident the other day, and I figured you might be able to use my help.” He said. 
“You never come here willingly. Did Rhys send you?” Cassian asked. 
“No, I did come here of my own will. Only to help (Y/N).” He said. “My spies are doing their jobs. And I think I should indeed stop brooding in the shadows and help you train. And I won’t leave this time.” He said, only looking at you. Whatever resolve to ignore you seemed to have disappeared. And it didn’t help that bubbling anger inside of you. 
“Fine, but you’re taking her to the mountains.” Cassian said. 
You whipped your head to Cassian. “What?” You asked. 
“You’ve got unbridled rage here for some reason. The better place to train will be away from it. And if Azriel trains you, you’ll need the space while learning about your shadows.” Cassian explained. 
“This isn’t because I punched Calder, is it?” You asked. 
Azriel stepped out of the shadows, and you saw his head shake as a small side smirk came to his lips. “You punched your commander?” He asked, something that mirrored pride washing over his face. It was gone in a blink.
“He isn’t my commander. And he was being a prick.” You snapped. 
“Cassian used to beat his trainer to a pulp sometimes.” He teased. You hadn’t seen this side of him before. 
“And I got the lashings because of it. Don’t encourage her. She isn’t helping us at all.” He said. 
“No? Did she not just show Calder that she wasn’t going to take his bullshit? Any other male would have done the same thing. Even you.” He said to Cass.
“How do you know it was a fair shot?” You asked. 
“My shadows got here long before I did.” Azriel said. “I hate this place, these camps. But that doesn’t mean I can’t watch from a distance.” He said. 
“Go pack, you’ll leave when you’re done.” Cassian said, obviously having enough, and nodded towards your room. 
“Go.” He said. “You’ll be gone for 4 days.” 
You held back the urge to roll your eyes and walked up the stairs to pack a bag for the journey. And you vaguely heard them talking about the route and where you would go. You didn’t bother to ask your shadows to listen. You would learn what you needed to soon enough.
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A/N: Hope you enjoyed the double release! Something special is in store for the next chapter!
Series Masterlist
Join the taglist here
Tagging (if you are not being tagged properly, please send me a message, I will fix it as soon as I can!):
@cherry-cin @cleverzonkwombatsludge @nickishadow139 @mybestfriendmademe @atomolvnar
@complete-randomness-2 @lilah-asteria @tele86 @mariahoedt @6v6babycheese @secretsthathauntus @krowiathemythologynerd @fightmedraco @he6rtshaker @kayla-rose15 @aelincaddel
@mfri06 @hauntedstudentobservationus @brieflyclassymortal
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webslinger-holland · 6 months
The Sergeant's Senator | Chapter 7
Summary: The day of the vote has finally arrived. As the senator prepares her departure to the senate, the assassin makes one final attempt which ends up causing more destruction than anticipated.
Warning: language, suggestive sexual content, assassination attempt, weapons used (guns and bombs), sniper/shooter/assassin mentioned, characters getting shot at, blood lose and major bodily injuries, slight language, somebody dying
Pairing: Hunter x Fem!Reader Senator
Type: Short Series
Word Count: 4.4k words
Series Masterlist
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An agreement had been reached the following morning. Despite their growing feelings for one another, the sergeant and senator came to realize that they could never truly be together. Should it come out that they were a thing, they'd both be demoted from their positions and the sergeant would be decommissioned. Therefore, they decided the sever the connection altogether. And it was the most painful thing either of them had to do.
For whatever time they had left working together, they created boundaries with one another to prevent feelings from developing any further. The distance between the two was bound to cause a deeper longing to reunite. But they knew this couldn't happen and their time was running out.
In the morning, Senator Rayna made the decision to fill out the application form for a new escort. Signing her name had never been so difficult in her life and sending the form off to the guard only caused tears to well in the corners of her eyes.
There was no point in putting it off, especially since Echo knew about it and it would have only been a matter of time before the others found out. As the leader of the group, Hunter ended up breaking the news to them when they arrived that day. He explained that the senator sent in the paperwork and that they should be receiving new orders any day now.
The Bad Batch took the news with mixed emotions. While they missed being in action on the field, there was something simple about protecting a senator in a busy city. It seemed like Crosshair was the only one who was the most pleased with the news, muttering a "finally" under his breath.
The Senator of Coruscant had been standing near the back of the room, listening to the entire conversation with her head hanging low. Her heart never ached so badly then it did in that moment. She tried keeping the tears back.
The memories of their night spend together weighed heavy on her mind, wishing more than ever that she'd be able to have that again with him. Though it was highly unlikely.
After breaking the news, Hunter's eyes drifted up to gaze at the senator from across the room. Only Y/n was quick to look away in order to avoid any more unnecessary pain. He wanted nothing more than to reach out to her, to touch her arm and reassure her that everything was going to be alright even if they weren't there. But he just couldn't do it.
What drew Hunter out of his thoughts was when Echo went up to approach him. He saw the conflict behind his eyes and in his demeanor. He brought a reassuring hand to his shoulder.
"That couldn't have been an easy conversation for you two," Echo noted with a sense of concern in his voice.
"No," Hunter hung his head low. He pushed the pain in his heart away. "It wasn't."
"You really did care about her, didn't you?" Echo wondered. He tilted his head to the side slightly.
"Still do," Hunter acknowledged painfully with a shrug of the shoulders. "Just...can't do anything about it now."
With some hesitation, Echo nodded his head as if to say he understood where he was coming from. He gave his shoulder a couple pats, reassuring him that he'd get over this eventually. But Hunter wondered if he truly could.
Near the back of the room, Crosshair managed to sneak his way over to stand right beside the senator. He leaned back against the wall and cross his arms over his chest. His eyes briefly glanced up at Hunter from across the room, curious to what Echo was talking to him about. He struck up his own conversation.
"He looks miserable," Crosshair grunted. He pulled a single toothpick out of his box, popping it into his mouth to naw on. "Makes you wonder what kinds of things were said between you two yesterday."
"It was a private conversation," Y/n said sourly. She wore an evident frown on her face. "What was said is meant to stay private."
"It doesn't matter anyways," Crosshair shrugged off. "Because we'll be shipped off soon. And everything will go back to normal like how it always should have been."
His words sounded like they were laced with fire. The senator turned her body to face him, staring up at him with a slight look of shock on her face.
"You've never liked me," Senator Rayna pointed out. "From the moment you got here, I could only see the contempt behind your eyes."
"I don't just dislike you," Crosshair pushed off the wall to face her. He leaned down to be eye level and pushed himself forward slightly. With narrowed eyes, Crosshair spat out how he truly felt: "I despise you."
Upon hearing those words, Senator Rayna's face only dropped. A massive wave of newfound hurt sought to drown her and consumed her entire body. She felt the tears gathering in her eyes, which she tried to hide because she knew it would only bring him satisfaction.
"W-What have I ever d-done to you?" Y/n said through her tears.
"It's not what you did to me. It's what you did to him," Crosshair acknowledged. He tipped his head to gesture to his oldest brother from across the room. She turned her head to look towards the sergeant. "You made him weak and soft," Crosshair scowled.
The sniper took a step towards her, which only caused her to stumble over her own feet as she put distance between them. He towered over her to intimidate her. She hated to admit that it was working.
"If anything happens to you, I wouldn't give a damn because that would mean we'd finally be rid of you. Leaving this place will be the best thing to happen for this squad," Crosshair spat down at her.
"Crosshair," Hunter's voice called from across the room.
Neither of them turned their heads to address him, but they knew he was looking directly at them.
"That's enough," Hunter scolded.
For a brief moment, Crosshair and Y/n had forgotten about Hunter's enhanced senses, particularly his hearing. Their entire exchange hadn't gone unheard. He heard every word of hatred that came from his brother and he resented him for it.
Because the senator didn't deserve to be treated that way and if his brother had a problem with how he was acting, then he should have confronted him instead.
"We should get going. I don't want the senator to miss the vote," Hunter announced.
The senator didn't care about the speech she had given a week prior, the vote that was about to happen, or even the results that she worked so hard for. Her mind had been completely captivated by her sergeant that she couldn't have.
Without wanting to cause any further arguments, the Bad Batch proceeded to follow the senator out of her office. They followed directly behind her and would escort her to the vote. However, Crosshair and Hunter lingered behind for a brief moment until the room was completely empty.
In that moment, Hunter sent his brother a glaring look of disapproval and complete anger. His hands had subconsciously clenched into tight fists at his sides. He looked away and started heading towards the door of the office, but right as he met the threshold, Crosshair finally broke the silence.
"You fucked her, didn't you?" Crosshair's tone didn't seem to waver.
Upon hearing those words, Hunter stopped short in his steps. His shoulders began to tense up and his hands remained clenched. It was getting harder to him to not blow up. He didn't say anything at first.
His silence was enough of an answer.
"That's why this has been so hard for you. You got attached," Crosshair pointed out.
Slowly, Crosshair went to approach his the doorway in which his brother stood. He let out a small scoff, quickly glancing him up and down.
"Didn't think you had it in you. Hope you left her feeling satisfied," Crosshair spoke with venom in his tone. He threw another toothpick into his mouth before wordlessly making his exit. The sergeant was left alone in the room, but the weight of his guilt was ever present.
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The hired hitman felt a single bead of sweat sliding down the side of his face as he hid behind one of the pillars in the sniper's nest. He clutched a small device in his hands, hanging his thumb over a solid red button. He waited for the perfect moment.
Unbeknownst to the Bad Batch, there were three hidden bombs scattered around the landing platform that they just walked out on. One of the bombs was hidden right underneath the airspeeder and had been activated a couple minutes ago. Any electronic frequencies from the bomb would remain hidden since it was attached to a vehicle that also emitted frequencies. The other two bombs were yet to be activated.
The sniper was careful to peer around the pillar; his gaze fell on the small group walking across the platform and heading directly towards the airspeeder. He pressed the single red button which activated the countdown from one of the other bombs.
In that exact moment, Hunter froze in his place. He held up his hand to stop the rest of the group. His eyes seemed to narrow in slight confusion as his hearing focused on the little faint beeping sound coming from the opposite side of the platform. He looked over his shoulder, settling his sights on the entrance of the building they just came from. He felt the frequencies radiating heavily from one specific area.
"What is it, Hunter?" Echo inquired.
"There is a bomb nearby," Hunter whispered under his breath.
"A bomb?" Wrecker repeated just a little too loud. He quickly looked around as if he magically spot it. He raised his own blaster a little higher. "Where is it? I'll take it out."
"Not your brightest plan," Crosshair said while rolling his eyes.
"We must calculate our steps," Tech pointed out. "Any certain movement could trigger it."
"Wait for my signal," Hunter order. He began to make his way through the group, heading back towards the center of the platform.
"Hunter," Y/n called after him. "I don't like this."
"Don't worry," Hunter reassured her with a small smile. "If anything happens, Tech will stay to protect you."
"Alright," Y/n agreed. "Just be careful."
With some hesitation, Hunter started walking back towards the entrance of the building. He had retrieved his own blaster from his holster and now held it up. He peered through the scope in hopes of spotting something. He waved his hand to signal the other members to follow him.
Now Wrecker, Echo, and Crosshair began moving towards the center of the platform with their own weapons raised. They scouted the peaks in the tower, searching for any sign of the sniper. Back near the airspeeder, Tech made sure to stand relatively close to the senator in case anything happened. He held his blaster in front of him.
Kneeling down, Hunter spotted the small beeping device that was tucked behind one of the pillars. He felt a tight knot forming in his stomach at the mere sight of an active bomb in front of him. He quickly called for Wrecker to disarm it.
Slowly, Hunter forced himself to rise to his feet so that Wrecker was able to get into position. He spun around on the heels of his feet in order to face the senator. He gave a single wave of the hand as if to say they had the situation handled.
Suddenly, Hunter could feel his heart dropping so fast in the pit of his stomach as his eyes landed on the same beeping device hidden underneath the speeder. He broke into a run, urging them to get down. But it was much too late for that.
The device had detonated, which sparked an explosion of destructive fire that consumed everything. There was a loud and echoing boom that caused ears to start ringing in pain. The shockwave that came from the explosion only pushed the others back to the ground. The bright red, yellow, and orange flames only grew as more fuel was added from the airspeeder. Cracks had begun to form on the platform and black smoke surrounded them.
Just as the device had detonated, Hunter had lost sight of the two people standing in front of the speeder. Their bodies disappearing in the midst of flame and smoke. Before he knew it, Hunter was lying on the ground having been thrown back from the blast. He rolled onto his side.
The sergeant groaned in slight pain. He held his arm up to shield his visor from the blinding flames. He did manage to find his footing as he stood on two shaky feet. He quickly turned around to find his other brothers behind him which brought a wave of relief over him. But that also didn't last long because the other two bombs detonated a second later.
The Bad Batch was knocked down from the force of the blast and debris falling around them. The pillars from the building caved from the destructive explosion, crumbling down and striking the platform with such force that it made deeper cracks. More clouds of black smoke swept around their bodies and the ash began fluttering through the air. The world disappeared underneath the veil of darkness, claiming the conscious mind of the sergeant.
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The dust had failed to settle anytime soon. With the fire still burning steadily, a thick aroma of black smoke consumed the area. The platform could be heard groaning in pain because the supports holding it up had been compromised. It was only a matter of time before parts of the platform began to give way.
On the sidelines, Tech had to take a moment to gather himself. He had only just come to a second ago. Squeezing his eyes shut tightly, Tech tried to ignore the painful ache that consumed his entire body. His armor had done its job of protecting him from the explosion, but it had still grown hot to the touch from the flames.
Rolling onto his back, Tech's eyes drifted to the bright blue sky above him. He pushed himself into a sitting position, finally turning to address some of his surroundings. There was a small explosion on his left, which caused him to wince roughly and cower behind his arm.
"D-Does anyone copy?" Tech spoke into his communication system, silently praying that someone would hear his message. "I-I r-repeat: does anyone copy?"
The line remained silent much to his dismay.
Forcing himself to stand, Tech tried to use his helmet to scan the area in search for any remaining lifeforms. His visor illuminated the form of a red body underneath some heavy debris not too far away from him. He quickly made his way over to the body, mindfully avoiding the cracks below him.
Upon closer inspection, Tech had recognized the figure belonging to that of the senator. He knelt down beside her unconscious form, desperately searching for a way to lift the heavy debris off her body. Though Tech didn't ignore the fact that the side of her head was dripping with blood, having sustained a traumatic head injury. Right now, Tech just needed to get her out of there.
"If anyone can hear me, the senator is down. I repeat: the senator is down." Tech announced through the communication line though it came through super spotty to the others. As the other squad members came to their senses, the words 'senator' and 'down' were coming through their helmets.
Despite his efforts, Tech was unable to lift the cement debris by himself. He tried a couple times; He pulled and pushed with all of his might to move the huge chuck of pillar, but he wasn't the muscle of the group.
All of the sudden, Tech was able to hear a familiar groaning coming from the cloud of smoke beside him. The familiar figure of the biggest group member appeared to pierce through the smoke. He slowly trudged towards his brother while holding his arm and limping slightly.
"Wrecker!" Tech exclaimed. "I've never been more happy to see you."
"Yeah," Wrecker groaned in slight pain as he approached his brother. "Good to see you too, Tech."
The platform shook slightly under the added weight to that specific area. In response, Tech's eyes fell onto a large crack developing on the ground near them. He realized that the platform was beginning to fall away. He looked up at his brother with wide eyes.
"Watch your step," Tech ordered strategically. "This place could give away at any second."
With a firm nod, Wrecker made sure to watch his steps carefully and maneuvered his way over to them both. He quickly found a sturdy place to stand. He bent his knees and took hold of the debris.
"I'll lift. You pull her out," Wrecker explained. He counted down from three before lifting the heavy piece of cement upwards a couple inches. It was just enough space for his brother to pull the senator out.
Once the senator was secure, Wrecker slowly lowered the pillar back down onto the platform while being careful not to destroy the ground. He knelt down beside them just as Tech began scanning the senator with his data pad.
"How bad is she?" Wrecker inquired with a sad look in his eyes.
"Bad," Tech said blatantly. He typed something into his data pad. "She is suffering from severe internal bleeding and will likely succumb to her injuries if she does not receive immediate medical attention soon."
"We need to get to the Marauder," Wrecker realized.
In another part of the platform, Echo felt like he was reliving what he gone through years ago. The familiar aches and pains were almost too much for his body since he had been close to the explosion. He struggled to compose himself, standing to his feet slowly and shakily. He let out a low groan.
In a brief moment of panic, Echo turned his head to the left and to the right in a desperate attempt of locating the others. He called their names a few times, but failed to receive a response from them. He brought his hand up the the ventilator of his helmet, coughing slightly as he ingested smoke that failed to filter.
"I-If anyone..." Tech's voice cracked through the comms. Echo quickly pressed his finger against the side of his helmet to hear the message more clearly. "Sen-n--nator--d-do-own. M-M-Mauad--now," Tech called.
The only thing going through Echo's mind was how he needed to get to the Marauder. He quickly broke off into a sprint back towards the building with every intention of retrieving the ship from one of the other platforms. He shielded himself from the burning flames and rising smoke, risking it all for the mission.
"I'm o-on...my...way," Echo's voice spoke through the weak communication line.
Upon hearing the broken message, Tech and Wrecker breathed a small sigh of relief. They could rest easy for a moment knowing that help was on it's way and that another one of their brothers was alive. They glanced at each other before redirecting their attention back to helping the senator.
"Senator?" Tech spoke softly while gazing down at her. "Can you hear me? We need you to wake up."
But she hadn't moved.
All the while, Wrecker watched his brother's hands work quickly and skillfully. He had a handful of gauzes and serums from his pack. Pulling out his data pad again, Tech pressed a button which imitated a blue scan over her entire body. He didn't like the look of what showed up on the screen.
"Brain activity is dangerously low," Tech commented more to himself than anyone.
"W-What does that mean?" Wrecker worried.
"She's dying, Wrecker." Tech replied.
Without hesitation, Tech removed his helmet and tossed it to the side. He proceeded to take off his gloves next. His gaze shuffled down to the large gaping wound on the side of the senator's abdomen. The blood was seeping out of her body at a rapid pace. And Tech didn't know if he could slow it down.
"Wrecker," Tech called. He pointed to the leaking wound on her side. "I need you to apply pressure right here. Don't let up. It will slow the bleeding."
Carefully, Wrecker's large hands hovered over the spot. It took him a second before he finally gave into the internal conflict. He pressed his hands into the fresh wound in hopes of stopping the blood from flowing so quickly. He tried to ignore the way the blood seeped over his fingers. And he had to look away in fear of losing his stomach to the sight of gore.
In the midst of chaos, Hunter was slow to come back to his senses. His body was screaming in pain from the mere force of the blast. He shifted his hands underneath himself, pushing his upper body upwards slightly. His muscles shook as he did so; a small groan escaping past his filtered helmet.
With some difficulty, Hunter was able to get to his feet. He desperately searched for the others, but he couldn't see anything beyond the smoke and debris surrounding him. His senses failed him as well because he couldn't seem to pick up their all-too familiar smell. He called for them over the comms, but it seemed like his helmet was busted.
All of the sudden, a blaster shot came out of nowhere and lodged itself in the back of his right shoulder. The proximity of the shot caused him to stumble forward onto his knees. He grabbed his shoulder in pain, hissing at the sharp pain. He just barely managed to glance over his shoulder to spot the assailant walking through the black clouds of smoke with a blaster raised in his hand.
"I must admit: it hasn't been easy trying to take my target down. You're one hell of a soldier," the mysterious assassin spoke with a deep cynical voice behind his mask. He took a couple more steps forward until he was standing right above the clone.
"What do you want...a medal?" Hunter groaned in slight agony. He gripped his shoulder a little tighter in hopes that it would relieve some of the pain.
"Oh, I don't care about you." He knelt down in front of him, pointing the blaster directly at his face. "I only care about killing the senator and getting paid. I'm looking forward to cashing those credits in."
The assailant was taunting him. The anger and rage began to boil within the sergeant's veins, threatening to break loose at any moment. He held a stoic face, but was biting his tongue until he tasted his own blood. He wanted nothing more than to punch that stupid helmet off the guy's face.
All of the sudden, another random blaster bolt had whizzed through the air. The blaster shot smacked into the center of the assassins chest, sending him flying backwards until he was laying flat against the platform. The sergeant scrambled into a sitting position, shifting to glance over his shoulder. His eyes landed on the familiar sharpshoot pointing his rifle at the body.
For a brief moment, Hunter had never been more relieved to see his brother despite the risk he had taken in shooting the assassin down. He tried to rise to his feet while still holding onto his shoulder. However, Crosshair had joined his side and grabbed his arm. He helped him rise to his feet, double checking to make sure his oldest brother was alright.
"T-Thanks," Hunter said. He looked at his youngest brother with a small hint of pride in his eyes.
"Don't mention it," Crosshair scolded him with a serious look behind his eyes. "I mean it."
Together, Hunter and Crosshair made their way over to the suffering body of the assailant that was still laying on the ground. As they drew closer, Hunter was the first to step forward and kneel down in front of him. He pressed the bottom on the side of mysterious man's helmet, activating the trigger to retract the facemark.
What they both saw was shocking. It was a clone.
However, he wasn't wearing the typical clone armor; this style was coated in black and the mask had dark green eyes. They weren't even sure what generation of clone he would have been. His tactics were far from a regular clone. But he wore the face that millions of clones shared. This was something else, something new.
"This...complicates things," Hunter noted. He furrowed his eyebrows in slight confusion. They stood tall above him. "You're just a reg. Why are you trying to kill the senator?"
The clone assassin only let out a crazed laugh, which caused a few steams of blood to escape the corners of his mouth. His body was starting to succumb to his injuries, growing weaker with each passing moment. He looked up at the two enhanced clones, shaking his head slightly.
"L-Like I said, I was just doing a job to get paid."
"Who hired you?" Hunter demanded an answer.
"I'll never tell you," the assassin hissed. "You'll have to shoot me de--"
But the man was never able to finish that sentence because the sharpshooter had shot him once more to silence him forever. He silently strapped his rifle onto his back, turning to walk away and ignoring the look his brother was sending him.
At the given moment, Hunter was overwhelmed with a million different emotions. He wore a shocked expression on his face, not believing what his brother just pulled off. Not only that, but he was also incredibly taken back by the fact that he shot a clone without hesitation. He watched his figure retreat, but he called after him.
"What the hell were you thinking? Shooting a brother like that," Hunter gestured to the motionless body behind him.
"He's not a brother," Crosshair shrugged his shoulders. "He's just another reg. They're disposable."
"We didn't know anything about this clone. What his motives were, where he came from, or why he was trying to kill the senator," Hunter listed off. "He deserved to stand a fair trial," Hunter argued.
Upon hearing this, Crosshair stopped in the middle of his tracks. He threw a brief glance over his shoulder with a taunting smirk gracing his lips. He huffed.
"Starting to sound like your little girlfriend," Crosshair mocked.
"That's enough, Crosshair. You shouldn't have done what you did. You crossed a line," Hunter said through gritted teeth. His hands began to clench at his sides.
"You know...you should be thanking me," Crosshair replied. He was now turned to face his brother head on. "The threat is gone. Your girlfriend is safe. And we can finally leave this place. We completed the mission."
"You killed a clone," Hunter ignored him.
"I completed the mission," Crosshair corrected. The two brothers stared at each other with dangerously narrowed eyes, waiting for the other one to break first. But a familiar voice pulled them out of their internal war.
"H-Hunter...H--Hunter," Echo's voice broke through the communication system. "Come in. D-Do you read me?"
"I hear you, Echo." Hunter spoke while pressing the side of his helmet.
"I-I'm bringing the Marauder around now," Echo explained. The line was starting to get a little clearer and crispy as he spoke. "Tech says we need to get the senator out of here as soon as possible. She doesn't have a lot of time."
"Copy that," Hunter nodded. "We are on our way."
The ship was able to round the side of the building. The wind blasting from the engines was enough to push the clouds of black smoke away from the platform momentarily, providing a clear direction for where the others were on the opposite side. The ship was descending until it hovered right by the edge of the platform.
With great precision, Crosshair and Hunter began to make their way towards the group of others. They avoided the cracks in the ground, coming up beside their fellow brothers. The sergeant took a moment to stare down at the senator's motionless body, surveying her injuries carefully.
Though Tech was still working on bandaging up some of her wounds, Wrecker was still keeping his hands pressed against the gaping hole on her side. He made sure to avoid his sergeant's gaze, feeling a bit helpless in their failed attempt to protect her from harm. The sharpshooter was the only one brave enough to look directly at the sergeant with an all-knowing look in his eyes.
It was like Crosshair was saying it all over again to Hunter. Don't get too attached. Because this is what he'll get.
@justhavingsomefun1 @totally-not-your-babe @jedipoodoo @gyllord @roam-rs @totallyunidentified @redheadgirl @mrcaptainrex @whore-of-many-hot-men @graciexmarvel @qweenrogerina @arcsimper5 @queenofspades6 @cadihyo @jediknightjana @elthoughtzos @lokigirlszendaya @sleepycreativewriter @moonwrecked @ravenclawbitch426 @waytoooldforthis78 @left-in-the-motel-bar @fic-force-99 @ayyyy-le-simp
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aszles · 2 months
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since my first pinned post had a tierlist of csm characters, i decided to redo it as a tierlist of Fujimoto works instead! (i had only read csm when i made this sideblog) it's a lot less ever-changing so i feel a bit safer keeping something like this at the top of my blog lol...
within the tiers there is no specific order, they're just the things i happened to put in first. if you wanna make one here's the template! (made by yours truly)
because i'm a nerd you can read my opinions about each work below the cut~
Chainsaw Man - i mean, csm is just awesome. in all honesty, this manga has changed my life. i KNOW that sounds silly and corny but it's genuinely true. i have been able to get past a lot of my struggles and develop so much as a person since starting this manga. as a fun bonus i feel like i've finally started improving my art again (or at least changing it enough to feel fresh) after like 3 years. i can't really describe how much csm has done for me, but if i had told myself from 2021 that this would happen i would never believe it (especially because i had written off this series for some personal reasons...lol) but yeah. i think i'll forever be grateful for what Chainsaw Man has done for me.
Look Back - i think Look Back is seriously the best piece of media i have ever experienced. i don't think i have ever seen a story so beautifully crafted as this manga, it made me sob when i read it. i remember having to move the manga away from myself so i wouldn't get tears on it. at the time of writing this i am SO SO excited to watch the movie, whenever that will be. i will cry and throw up watching that thing LOL.
Nayuta of the Prophecy - ok maybe i don't TECHNICALLY believe this is an S tier work, but Nayuta is just such a lovable character that i can't possibly rank her any lower. Fujimoto was right to adapt her into csm because she deserves it!! however despite that, this oneshot is the only one that i genuinely wish he would make a sequel to. i think oneshot Nayuta and csm Nayuta are pretty different, so they still don't feel like the same character - i would love to see oneshot Nayuta's personality and relationship with her brother continue to develop!
Sisters - one of the few other works i had heard anything about before i started exploring Fujimoto's other stuff, and i definitely felt apprehensive about it. but wow, the fact that Fujimoto is able to take the concept of "girl non-consensually paints her sister naked and it gets displayed on the school wall for everyone to see" and NOT make it weird is crazy! a sweet oneshot that i enjoyed, and love the nuance that was able to be created in such a short amount of time.
Woke-Up-as-a-Girl Syndrome - a really cute take on a silly trope that can often be handled... oddly. i love how much the characters in this really feel like teenagers, doing stupid things but being completely earnest all the while. (Spoilers) i really like how it ends with Toshihide being adamant that he is still male, and also Rie still loving him as he is. very sweet!
Love is Blind - it's no wonder Fujimoto won an honourable mention for this, it's such an adorable and funny oneshot. i was giggling the whole time reading it! i don't really have much to say about it, but i definitely enjoyed it.
Fire Punch - i don't really know where to start with Fire Punch, but wow. it is seriously so impressive to me how good Fujimoto is at tackling such sensitive topics, not shying away from them while also clearly not glorifying them. i also think a big place where Fire Punch shines is character relationships, especially Agni and Togata. they fucked me UPPPPP. it goes off the rails a bit near the end, but i also never got the feeling that it WASN'T what Fujimoto intended with this series. i may not quite get the ending, but it didn't ruin anything for me and i think the rest of Fire Punch is really good at what it does. plus the art is AWESOME ?????
Goodbye, Eri - ohhh people might not like me for this one... i'm sorry guys, i just honestly didn't get this manga. i'll definitely reread in the future (me and my sister still haven't finished our sticky notes to read it blurry/clear) but for now i can't rank it any higher. i didn't feel much reading it, and the ending definitely confused me a lot lol. love the art though!
Shikaku - this one's interesting! i thought the story was quite cute, and Shikaku herself is completely adorable. though Yugeru is ummm... not my type let's say. i also do wonder if Makima took any inspiration from Shikaku - she looks similar to her, which to be fair for Fujimoto works probably doesn't mean much (as a lot of his character's look similar to each other /pos), but a clearer comparison is both characters presenting eyeballs they stole from people. (also... if Makima is inspired by Shikaku, is Barem then inspired by Yugeru? yuck) anyways just my speculation, back to the point. the reason this doesn't make its way into A tier is because to me it doesn't really feel like a Fujimoto work? i'm not sure why, but yeah.
Mermaid Rhapsody - this one's definitely cute, but as a result of Fujimoto trying to create a "normal story" it unfortunately loses all of the charm of Fujimoto works!! i want it to be weird and fucked up damnit!!!!! though he did succeed in his goal of creating a normal story, so i can't complain too much lol.
Sasaki Stopped a Bullet - i don't have anything against this oneshot, but i think it just doesn't particularly appeal to me. unfortunately nothing in this story grabbed me
A Couple Clucking Chickens Were Still Kickin' in the Schoolyard - it's no real surprise this is here, considering it's Fujimoto's first work. overall it was pretty cute, but i'm not all that into aliens..? not much to say lol
if you read all this then thank you >_o
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kaleaido · 15 days
So... episode 16 huh?
Okay guys, what the FUCK WASTHATTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111!1! that was. wow. oh my god. wow. okay I need to sit down. I'll be doing the bullet point breakdown again cause my thoughts are everywhere:
THE ANIMATION IS PHENOMENAL??? The art in general is AWESOME ii2 always had really fluid and cinematic animation imo but GOD this is such eye candy
Seeing the III contestants ISFUCKING SCARY I DIDN'T THINK WE'D GET TO SEE THEM AT ALL??? I THOUGHT THEY WERE GONNA BE MENTIONED??? They look soo weird in the old art style but this is cool I like it
II SUDDENLY TURNED INTO A MUSICAL WHATT!!! Steve Cobs song certainly was not on my bingo card but here we are. hate that guy but man he got a good voice
I'm digging the payjay angst but I didn't think that was a segue TO KILL OJ?????WHY WAS THAT SCENE SO GOOD. I'M FOAMING AT THE MOUTH IT WAS HORRIFYING!!! THE ENTIRE SEQUENCE OF MEPHONEX APPROACHING THE CONTESTANTS WASSOASHDGHWAHWASHJD But real talk, does this imply that Toilet was created by Mephone in some ways???
Hi guys I'm actually not okay with us seeing characters that are in pairs be separated. Mm yeah. OJ, Soap, Nickle. Yeah. I'm not okay that they spent the episode showing these characters hanging with their friends only for them to die. Yeah.I'm not okay seeing their friends being in complete shock of what just happened. Yeah. Mh yeah.........
THE HAUNTED MANSION GUYS ARE BACK YAYYY!!!!! and they were roomates <3 (dough i hope you die the second time)
Knife and Suitcase interactions are so well written I can't get over them. Also the way both of them handle 3GS isSOOEUAHGH I lovee 3GS
Knife and Trophy. Need I say more
Suitcase, Nickel and Balloon. Need I say more
Steven Cobs is horrible I hate him but he was also the most entertaining character in this. Him putting Mephone on speaker phone isEVIL I HATE HIM!!!!!! also never realised that he was so egotistical to name his products with "Me" in them that's such Steve Cobs things
THE PLOTTWIST IS SO. DEVASTING. IVE BEEN THINKING ABOUT IT FOR HOURS NOW. SO YOU'RE TELLING ME THAT MEPHONE WAS JUST ROLEPLAYING WITH HIS OCS????? SERIOUSLY???? This just makes so much sense but it's also so horrible. like how many of the stuff tthat contestants did was intentional??? Is this why Bot was one of Mephone's favorite contestants? because they were "real"???
Also quick thing but I just hopped off from Brian's stream just now and he said something along the line of how BP is the opposite of Steve Cobs. Which just makes me wonder if like. did Mephone ALSO make BP??? Did he make someone he could look up to as a healthy father figure??? This is making me insane
yeah my brain is absolutely jumbled right now. if anyone still want to yap on about ii16 hit my dm please I still don't know how to feel about this act. LIKE YEAH It's awesome I love it but wow......is the emotional damage really worth it....
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serrybluesoul · 9 months
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ok i think i have my thought sorted a little now after watching the third season and i need to mention a few things !!
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Mangey slamming his head against the controls of the robot to make it work took me out I laughed so hard
Sonic !! And Shadow's dynamic !! They work so well together and I enjoy looking at them fight !!
Sonic doing some emotes and references to old games again is wonderful
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Shadow just being so done with Sonic sometimes but still sticks to his side to save his butt
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This scenes. Just this scene.
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Sonic being utterly shocked when Nine created a robot from Big. I enjoy Sonic's genuine friendship to Big, even when we barely see it because he cares for the big guy a lot.
NINE !! GOD I LOVE HOW NINE HAS BEEN WRITTEN THANK GOD THEY STICKED THROUGH WITH THIS we so badly needed a Tails who flips the way he did
And the whole fight scenes were SO incredible and nice to look at GOOD JOB AT THE ANIMATIONS !! The characters felt SO alive and I genuniely enjoyed watching them all fight !!
Even the Council was rather nice these last few episodes, tho I'm glad they're gone for good
Shadow saving Sonic *chiefs kiss*
Sonic being absolutely glad and happy that he found Shadow again god they care for each other so much.
All the Rouges. They were amazing.
Shadow's ' I'M THE ULTIMATE LIFE FORM ' always hits
SOMETHING feels like it's missing but I can't really pinpoint what it is. It felt a bit ... Unfinished at the end, but maybe because it's supposed to be in the 'original Sonic timeline' and canon. Even tho I can't tell exactly where.
Considering we have Cubot and Orbot it might be after Sonic Colors. But that's all I can really say about it.
All in all ? I enjoyed Sonic Prime. A lot. We needed a show which felt this alive and the animations of it were top notch. I'll be sad we won't have another season of it anymore but maybe we get a new series with a similar style.
And even tho he isn't liked by most of the community, I love Prime Sonic. He may be dumb and barely reads the air correctly: He felt like 'Sonic' to me, to be honest. 💙
Thank you, Sonic Prime 💙
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keiththecat · 1 year
The Tortoise and The Hair
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Female Reader (You)
Summary: You've been hunting with the Winchester brothers for a while, and you've developed feelings for the older Winchester. Unbeknownst to you, he has feelings for you as well. Will you both admit to these feelings when a coincidence brings emotions to a head?
Word Count: 2.1k
Warnings: 18+, cursing, male nudity (shower), pistol mention, knife mention
Author's Note: This is my first every fanfic! Y/N is your name, y/h/c is your hair color, and italics are thoughts. The mentions toward male nudity are not super detailed, but the mentions are there. Feedback is welcome! Thanks for reading <3
Disclaimer: I do not own Supernatural, or any of the related characters. The Supernatural series is created by Eric Kripke and owned by The CW Network. This work of fan fiction is for entertainment only. I am not making a profit of any kind from this story. All rights of the original Supernatural series belong to The CW Network.
AO3 link here
"You've got to be kidding me." You run your hands through your hair in frustration.
"Sorry, Y/N, looks like another day without a hunt," Sam continues scrolling on his laptop, hoping he can find something to prove himself wrong, even if just to make you happy.
"There's got to be something. Come on, Sam, I can't be stuck here in the bunker again."
It's been weeks without a hunt. Not a single one. Sam has kept busy with research, but you've been itching to get away. Chuck only knows what Dean's been doing, he's been avoiding you every second of every day. You've even been starting to wonder if you should move out of the bunker and go back to your solo hunting ways. Your stuff is always mostly packed, you could be out of here in less than 3 minutes. Sam being like the brother you never had is the only reason you haven't yet. Well, that and your crush on the older Winchester.
"Y/N," Sam sighs, closing his laptop and crossing his arms on top of the table to look at you seriously. "There's more to this than just boredom, isn't there?"
You scoff, "of course not. I'm just bored. And itching for kills. You know me." You lie through your teeth, hoping Sam will accept this answer and drop it.
"Y/N, you know you can talk to me."
You stare at each other for several painful seconds before you break. "Fine. I just feel like Dean hates me."
Sam places his hand on yours. "You know that's not true. Why would you think that?"
You roll your eyes. "Come on, Sam. He avoids me at all costs. He doesn't even come out for meals together anymore. Let alone not talking to me, he doesn't even talk to you if I'm around! He just motions for you to follow him to another room. You can't honestly say he's happy I'm here." You get up to start walking away when you both hear Dean's yell from down the hall.
"Son of a BITCH!"
With one look at Sam and panic in your eyes, you both take off running.
A few moments earlier....
Another boring day. Alone. Ever since you moved in months ago, Dean just can't seem to bring himself to have any one night stands. He tries his best not to ignore why that is. He'll just keep avoiding you and quietly checking with Sam about what's going on, if there are any leads on hunts, how you're doing...
No. He doesn't want to spiral down this hole again. He can't follow through. Bad things happen when he and Sam get involved with anyone. He won't subject you to that. Maybe if he keeps avoiding you, you'll get sick of it and leave the bunker, minimizing your risk of being targeted because of them. He's upset enough that Sam refuses to do the same, instead being nice to you all the time. Hell, you and Sam are practically inseparable, you even have movie nights together.
Maybe he can make his feelings for you go away if he avoids you enough. He can stop thinking about how you light up a room when you laugh, instantly making his mood brighter. Or how your cooking always smells the most delicious, even the most simple foods weave a decadent smell throughout the halls. Or how you're always waiting at the bottom of the stairs after the brothers run for supplies, smile on your face and arms wide open to hug Sam.
Maybe if I stop ignoring her, I could fall into those arms, hold her close, smell that enticing perfume of hers up close...
Somehow you've managed to integrate yourself into every aspect of his life, despite his attempts to keep you out. He's constantly finding your post-it notes with cute doodles in the most random of spots, inside kitchen cabinets and books that have been untouched for months. He even found one under the sink one day, a stick figure drawing wearing a trench coat, an arrow pointing from the word baby to the figure. Sam had to explain that one to Castiel, who then laughed and asked you excitedly if he could keep it.
He shakes his head and runs his hand down his face, as if that will clear the thoughts.
I need to think of annoying things about her. Reasons to keep my distance. Come on, there's got to be something.
And then it hit him. Your hair. Your beautiful, y/h/c hair that he would love to run his fingers through. No, not beautiful, he reminds himself, annoying. It's everywhere, even in rooms you don't frequent, even in rooms he's sure you've never been in.
He'll just have to hang on to this annoyance until he can think of more. If he can manage to think of more. This is useless, he sighs, grabbing his things to take a shower. At least I know I can waste time relaxing with a hot shower and not run into her there. He double checks to make sure the coast is clear in the hallway before heading toward the shower room, hearing muffled voices further down the hall but assuming it's you, busy helping Sam with research.
He gets to the shower room and sets up his things. He turns on the hot water, and steam starts filling the room immediately. He undresses, stepping under the water and letting the heat relax his muscles, tense from his endless debate about his feelings. He grabs his soap bar and starts cleaning, but he feels a tug when he starts to clean his member. Confused, he looks down, finding a long hair knotted around his most sensitive part.
He yanks on the hair, finding it stuck. He yanks harder, feeling a small sting followed by relief with the tension breaks the hair. With the hair pinched between his fingers, he brings it up closer to look at it under the light. He assumed it would be one of Sam's. They mix up their clothes in the laundry sometimes, it would make sense for it to be Sam's hair. But no, luck has never been on Dean's side. The hair is very distinctly from your head.
How did her hair even manage to get there? Damn it, I can't even escape her here... By myself... In the shower... When I haven't been around her for weeks.
He feels the frustration building and his fists clenching. Frustration at not being able to avoid you, at not truly wanting to avoid you, at his member having some semblance of contact with you but nowhere near the contact he desires. It builds and builds until he explodes, "Son of a BITCH!"
Sam rushes ahead of you toward Dean's yell, pistol already in his hands and raised by the time you both reach the shower room, ready for whatever fight he may find. You have a silver blade in your hand, fists raised, eyes scanning for a threat.
"What? What is it, Dean?" Sam asks urgently, not seeing any outward threats to everyone's safety. Dean spins around at the intrusion, eyes widening. You swear you see panic in his eyes when they connect with yours, then Dean frantically grabs his towel, wrapping it around his waist to hide his lower half. You try your hardest to stay focused and not get distracted by his bare chest.
"What is it? Look at it!" Dean yells at Sam, shoving his right hand toward Sam's face, thumb and pointer finger pinched together.
Sam slowly lowers his gun, looking between Dean's hand and his eyes several times in disbelief. "You yelled about a hair??"
"Look at it!" Dean insists, "it's hers!" He gestures toward you with his hand, still holding the pinched hair.
You furrow your brow, "so? It's just a hair? I have a lot of it. I'm sure that's not the only one in here."
"It wasn't just in here. It was wrapped around my head!" Dean yells.
You and Sam look at each other, shrugging. "I fail to see the issue here," the younger Winchester states.
"You know," Dean continued, "my head." He emphasizes the last word with a gesture toward his lower half.
You and Sam look at each other again, eyebrows raised, then Sam throws his head back and bursts into laughter. You lock your eyes back on Dean, a small smile tugging at the corners of your lips.
Dean's face is red with anger and what you think might be a touch of embarrassment. "Sammy, it's not funny. It was knotted and I had to pull it! What if it did any damage?"
"Oh, well Chuck forbid my hair do damage to your most prized possession," you mumble under your breath. Sam hears you, making him laugh even harder, doubling over and wiping his eyes.
"What did you say?" Dean asks, dropping his hand and, finally, the hair.
"Nothing," you say, looking away.
"That's it. Sammy, grab her. We're shaving her head," Dean threatens, taking a half step toward you.
"Dean, come on," Sam says, still lightly laughing. "You have to admit, it's kind of funny."
"Is it, Sammy? It's bad enough I can't stop thinking about her all the-" Dean stops himself, slamming his mouth shut.
Your jaw drops. You swear time stops. Have you been wrong this whole time? Could it be possible he has feelings for you too?
Dean quickly leaves, while you stand there frozen in shock. Sam watches his brother go, then turns to you, "you okay?"
"He likes me too, doesn't he, Sam?"
Sam just looks at you silently for a moment, then puts a hand on your shoulder. "I swore I'd never say anything. He thinks he's helping to protect you. He's... not good at this kind of thing."
You're in shock. Or dreaming. There's no other logical explanation. You're thrilled because he likes you too, but also heartbroken that he thinks this is protecting you. You, a hunter for your entire life, who did it all by herself until running into the Winchesters, who took down vampire nests and demons and everything inbetween with minimal or no injuries, are seen as weak in his eyes?
Leaving Sam behind, you storm down the hall to Dean's bedroom door and pound on it several times. "Go away, Sam," you hear through the door.
"It's me. We need to talk."
After several long seconds, you resign yourself to accepting he's not going to open it. Just as you're getting ready to leave, it opens just enough to reveal Dean, stone faced and fully dressed, wet hair sticking up at odd angles.
"Can I come in?" You ask. He wordlessly opens the door a fraction more and steps to the side for you to enter.
You walk past him a few steps and turn toward him as he closes the door. "I know you're better with actions than with words, so I'm gonna talk and I just want you to listen, okay? I'm not weak. I don't need you to protect me. I can make my own choices. And I choose you. And I'm not going to pretend to know what could happen in the future. But I know that if you watch my back and I watch yours, we can handle anything this world, Heaven, or Hell could throw at us."
You slowly drift closer to him as you continue, "I won't pretend to know every little thing about you, but I do know you, Dean. I know how loyal you are. And how you will always put yourself in harm's way to protect those you care about. How you blame yourself for every loss. How you like to sit outside on quiet nights and look at the stars, enjoying the peace that has been so rare in your life."
You're in his space now, and you reach up to place your hand on his cheek. He leans into your hand, closing his eyes. "I don't know how to do this, Y/N."
"Me neither, Dean. But how about we take a leap of faith together and we can figure it out?"
He opens his mesmerizing green eyes, and you notice unshed tears building up in them. Then, faster than you can blink, his lips are on yours.
You always thought the cliche of seeing fireworks was just that, a cliche. But you'll be damned if you're not seeing entire light shows behind your eyelids right now. Every nerve ending in your body lights up as if on fire. Arms wrapped around each other, you and Dean are pressed so close together, not even air can pass between you. He licks your lower lip, asking permission, and you open without hesitation. Your tongues battle for dominance until you can't breathe, and you break apart, both gasping for air.
"So I guess that's it then, huh, sweetheart?" he rasps, smirking, leaning his forehead on your own.
"Guess so, tough guy. Who would have thought my hair would be the key," you laugh.
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braveclementine · 3 months
Chapter 31
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Warnings: 18+readersonly, Sergeant kink, Captain kink, uniform sex, pet names, roleplay, mxm smut
Copyright: I do not own any Marvel characters or locations. However, I do own a few OCs like Elizabeth, Katherine, Stacy, and Jessie. I do not condone any copying of this.
"What are you looking for?" You asked, coming upon Bucky who was in the attic, looking through cardboard boxes that hadn't been unpacked yet. Either because they contained holiday decorations or because they were filled with people's personal knick-knacks that didn't quite fit anywhere in the house.
"Something to make Steve happy." Bucky grunted, shifting Fury's box up on top of Clint's, pulling out his own box.
"Why is he so upset?" You questioned. Steve had been rather upset after the news. It had been a week after the Supreme Court decision and something was clearly eating at your Captain.
Bucky sighed, "He's torn between doing what's right for the country and then realizing that there's nothing he can actually do. This isn't a physical fight where he picks up his shield, knocks a few bad guys heads off, and we call it a win. This is a political decision, written in law form. He can't do anything for that. Not to mention, he's also more worried about protecting you and his family than others. Family will always come first for him, so it's kind've tearing him in two."
"The thing is. . ." You said hesitantly, chewing on your bottom lip. "It's male to female partner. And most people only have one or two soulmates. Most couples have more children than that anyways. So what's the big deal about the law?"
Bucky shrugged, "When you put it like that, it doesn't seem really like anything at all. I think what's really eating at Stevie is the fact that it's corrupting people's freedom to decide how many kids they want."
"Yes, that does make sense. But America, China, North Korea, Italy, Germany, and a handful of countries in Africa are the only ones that have passed the laws so far." You said. "If it really upsets people that much, there are still quite a few countries to choose from. France for one said they were never going to make that a law. And so did Japan."
"Here we go." Bucky said, yanking out a uniform. It was pressed, crisp, and clean, but definitely aged.
"Is that your old sergeant uniform?" You asked, all thoughts of political ideas going out your head at the thought of Bucky in his uniform. You'd see pictures of course, but that was when his hair was cropped and short.
"Yes it is doll. Sam's gettin' his military outfit too. Gonna surprise Stevie. He loves when we wear the uniforms."
"So. . . roleplay?" You asked, curiously.
"Nah, we don't really do that." Bucky said, shoving the box back where it belonged, gathering up the rough fabric and cap in his arm. You walked alongside him as you exited the attic. "It's just uniform sex really."
He glanced over at you and you just smiled. "Hopefully that will cheer Stevie up then."
Bucky suddenly got a grin on his face, "Come with me doll."
You followed, wondering what Bucky was up to. You two passed Sam in the hallway. "Here, can you take this back to the room for me? I'm getting something for Y/N over here."
Sam grinned, taking the uniform from Bucky. Sam was already in his uniform, which was a black sort of camo print. It was complete with his black boots, gloves, and shoulder pards. He looked rather dashing and if Bucky was going to look anything like that you might just have an orgasm from looking at them.
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Sam walked back down the hall and you hurried after Bucky again, "Where exactly are we going?"
"Right here." Bucky said, opening up one of the doors, which led into another room that you honestly just hadn't explored yet.
"What is this room?" You asked, slightly skeptical and apprehensive, looking at all the costumes that were around you.
"Wanda has been teaching Elizabeth had to create costumes and clothing from just fabric, needle, and thread." Bucky explained. Apparently he had been here often or something because he seemed to know exactly where he was going, "Most of this is Wandas, but Pietro and Hogun like roleplay and Elizabeth likes to create so there we go."
You blushed a little. You'd never done roleplay with any of them. You felt that you would die of embarrassment if you tried to act while having sex. Leave that the actors and actresses on TV.
"Anyways I actually asked her to make this for you." Bucky said, finally pulling out what looked like a very old, vintage poster type nurse outfit.
"That's for me?" You asked, raising your eyebrows.
"I figured eventually you might join us." Bucky said, grinning, though you could see the worry in his eyes. "Thought this would be cute."
"Can I try it on first before I show up to your room, in case it looks bad, ya know?" You asked, blushing. You were actually kind've excited.
The thought of looking cute and also from a time period that Steve loved best was enticing. You really did want to make him feel better and you were also kind've excited to see how the outfit looked on you.
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[Minus stockings and shoes. I know it's not the sexiest costume, but it was supposed to be more 1940s. It's sexier to Steve because of the time period, not if the skirt is so high your ass shows].
"I really like it Bucky." You said, grinning as you stepped over to show him. His eyes darkened slightly.
"I'm gonna have to thank Elizabeth again." His voice was husky, wrapping an arm around you. "You look adorable doll."
You grinned before fixing the hat on your head, "I kind've feel like it's going to fall off."
"Don't worry, it won't." Bucky grinned. "Now, c'mon. We want to get back to the room before Steve, don't we?"
You and Bucky quickly hurried out of the room- though Bucky left a note for Elizabeth to let her know we stole the outfit. Apparently she got very moody when stuff was rearranged or taken without her notice. She had a slight OCD problem and pet peeves about her stuff.
Needless to say, the two of you got back to the room before Steve. Sam was waiting, standing by the window, leaning out. "He's not back yet."
"Where did he go?" You asked, making Sam turn around. He started to grin as he looked at you.
"He's walking Ginny. He loves that dog." Sam said.
"Maybe we'll get another puppy." You said thoughtfully. "I think Fury feels outnumbered with the kittens."
Bucky grinned before he undressed. You and Sam talked while he got dressed in the Sergeant uniform. You were a bit nervous, knowing he was going to look absolutely delicious.
You swallowed hard when you came face to face with Bucky. He looked so absolutely delicious. The only difference between him now and before was the long, shoulder length hair. But he still managed to get that cap perched jauntily on his head.
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"You broke her Buckaroo." Sam grinned before kissing Bucky's cheek. "She's stunned."
"It's only revenge." Bucky said, shrugging his shoulders as he grinned, "She broke me for a moment when she put on that nurse uniform."
You finally said, "You look dashing Buck."
"Is that right?" He grinned, one hand placed firmly on the wall behind you, the other hand wrapping around your waist. "Well you look so innocent in that lil' nurse outfit. I can't wait to rip it off of you and ruin you."
"Elizabeth will kill you." Sam stated simply behind him while you felt yourself getting wet at his words.
"That's true." Bucky said seriously, "And I don't fancy facing her ice storms."
He winked at you before kissing you.
"Captain Rogers is home Mr. Wilson." F.R.I.D.A.Y. said suddenly.
"She's not going to record this, right?" You hissed at Bucky, suddenly realizing just how many times with just how many people in just how many rooms you'd had sex. F.R.I.D.A.Y could've recorded any number of them- video and audio.
You were going to have to speak to Tony.
But after you had amazing sex with your soldier boys.
You laid down in the middle of the bed, Bucky sitting behind you so that your head lay in his lap. Sam was laying on his side next to you, lightly running his fingers up and down your arm.
You could feel a coil of anticipation in your stomach. What if he didn't like it? What if he only wanted it to be a thing between the three of them? What if he wasn't in the mood for any of you and Sam and Bucky got hurt feelings?
"So anxious doll." Bucky mumbled into your hair, "What's wrong?"
"Just worried I could be intruding." you mumbled, feeling slightly self-conscious now. "Or that he won't be in the mood and will hurt your guys' feelings too."
Bucky chuckled, "Believe me doll, even if he's not in the mood at this moment, he will be once he steps through that door. He can't resist the uniforms."
You could hear heavy footsteps now walking down the somewhat quiet hallway. You heard his open the door and Steve stepped through it.
He looked absolutely worn out and frustrated. He stopped completely upon seeing the three of you in his bed.
The exhausted expression on his face lightened, a smirk curving at his lips. He slammed the door shut, stalking towards the bed, "F.R.I.D.A.Y. lock and soundproof the door and room." Steve commanded and his voice was already dripping with so much dominance, you shivered a little.
You could hear the sounds of the door locking while a faint sheen moved across the walls, sound-proofing the room just as Steve asked.
Steve's eyes trailed over all three of you before landing on you. "You look stunning baby. Come here."
You quickly moved away from Bucky and Sam, feet hitting the floor. Steve drew an arm around your waist, pulling you in for a hungry kiss. You fingers carded into his hair as he leaned you back a little, deepening the kiss.
Steve pulled away from your lips, attacking your neck with sharp, sweet bites, leaving hickies everywhere he could reach.
"Leave us some room." Sam joked, still on the bed.
Steve huffed, pulling away from your neck. "On your knees cookie."
You dropped immediately, knees hitting the white carpet. You weren't wearing knickers- as they would've been easily seen through the white fabric of the nurse uniform- and you could feel yourself getting wetter and wetter, staring up at Steve.
"Buck, Sam, get over here now."
They both complied rather quickly, standing on either side of you. Steve unbuckled his pants, letting them drop as he kicked them away. You could see the huge bulge against his black boxers, eyeing it like a prize.
Steve took your chin into his hand. "Go on."
You pulled his boxers down, releasing the delicious appendage, before taking him into your mouth.
"Good girl." Steve praised, butterflies dancing in your stomach. "Buck, you know what to do."
You could sense Bucky moving around behind you, but you weren't entirely sure what he was doing until you felt hot breath fan across your pussy. Then you felt his tongue lick through your folds and he groaned, vibrations shot straight to your clit.
You groaned as well, taking as much as Steve as you could, one hand bracing against his thigh as Bucky continued to eat you out, the other moving to massage his balls, want to help him release as fast as possible and not draw it out.
Sam stood to the side, growing more and more needy, keeping his mouth shut.
"Is there a problem Sammy?" Steve asked, a hint of amusement in his voice.
"No Captain." Sam muttered darkly.
Your giggled at Sam's sullenness was muffled by Steve's cock. Steve threw his head back, groaning as your vibrations sent tingles through his entire body. His hands grasped your hair, his hips lightly thrusting as he started to take control. You went with it. Today was all about Stevie.
Bucky sped up his ministrations on your pussy, holding your hips down so that he had better access. This gave a wonderful angle for Steve to just plunge his dick down your throat.
You were a mess, knot forming in your stomach, whining around Steve's cock. Your nails dug into his thighs as your orgasm approached, trying not to stop your tongue from delivering Steve his pleasure while yours approached.
"Look at me doll." Steve demanded. Your eyes snapped upwards, meeting his and you felt his cock twitch inside your mouth. You gave it a good suck, releasing all over Bucky's face with a mewl. Steve kept his gaze on you, knowing he wasn't going to last long with those innocent E/C eyes staring up at him while performing such a wonderful dirty deed.
Indeed, almost seconds after Bucky finished lapping up your essence and moving out from underneath you- almost making you collapse from a sudden lack of support- Steve released inside your throat. You swallowed the hot salty cum before pulling off Steve's dick.
He immediately yanked you to your feet, smashing his lips to yours. When he pulled apart, he commanded in a deep whisper, "Go kiss Buck now."
You sauntered over to Bucky, wrapping your arms around his neck, kissing him deeply. He moaned, gripping you tightly with his metal and flesh arms.
Sam let a whine slip from his throat and You and Bucky broke apart. Steve stalked over to Sam, "There a problem?"
Sam shifted on his feet. "C'mon, Stevie. I want to join in."
"Do you know why I'm not letting you join in?" Steve asked.
"Because I spoke out of turn." Sam replied.
"Damn straight." Steve said. "Are you going to do it again?"
"No Captain." Sam said quickly.
"Strip. Not you Y/N." Steve said, coming over to you as Bucky and Sam quickly started getting rid of their uniforms. "How 'bout you help Bucky out with his uniform, hmm cookie?"
"Yes Captain." You whispered, reaching out and started untying Bucky's olive green tie, before drawing it away from his neck. Unbuttoning his undershirt as he got rid of the top jacket, belt, and started to undo his dress pants. Once he was fully naked, you stepped back, waiting for Steve who was helping Bucky out.
All three of them were completely naked, and the only thing you were missing was your nurse hat, though you weren't sure when you had lost it.
"On the bed sweetheart." Steve said and you quickly got back up on the bed, the other three surrounding you. Steve knelt in front of you, unbuttoning the nurse uniform, turning to Bucky, "This one of Elizabeth's?"
"Yes, don't rip it. She'll turn us into ice cubes." Bucky replied.
Steve sighed, "Pity. I wanted to rip it off her delicate body." He lifted the nurse outfit up over your head, kissing you on the lips. "But I guess you'll be able to wear it again now."
You grinned. "That's the plan. I think."
Steve slapped your ass gently, but firmly. "Hands and knees sweetheart."
You did as asked.
"How about you suck Sammy off while Buck and I take care of you over here." Steve asked, running two fingers through your sopping folds. He chuckled, "So wet sweetheart."
You opened your mouth as Sam knelt in front of you. He placed his large hands calmly on either side of your face, kissing you on the forehead. "Gonna treat you good baby."
You could feel the bed dipping down and around as Steve and Bucky figured out who was going where, doing what. Finally, you found Steve sliding under you, pulling your hips down slightly. He moved his cock through your folds before pushing in.
You moaned around Sam's cock, feeling completely blissed at the moment. Bucky's metal fingers gently started scissoring your ass as he prepared to take it. It was gentle motions and after so many months, it was getting less and less painful each time.
Sam was getting close, you could tell with the way that his long length was twitching in your mouth.
"Pull off Sammy." Steve demanded, reaching up to cup your throat. You quickly pulled off, trying not to give Sam any more pleasure while doing so.
Sam looked like he wanted to curse Steve out, but held his tongue, looking slightly annoyed. Steve pulled you down to kiss you, lifting your ass a little bit before Bucky pushed into you from behind.
"Oh fuck!" You gasped against Steve's lips, nipping his bottom lip a little. Steve continued to rut up into you while Bucky moved slowly in and out of your ass. Sam was clutching his thighs in his hands, trying his damned hardest not to start stroking himself. You looked like a fucking angel to him and his boys looked so damn good.
His mouth got him in trouble a lot in bed and he always wished he could remember the punishment before he moved his mouth.
Steve left large hickies all over the front of your chest, just adding to the purple bruise like spots on your neck. You could feel Bucky pressing startling soft kisses to your back.
"Fuck, Captain, Sergeant! I'm gonna cum. Please can I cum?" You begged, squeezing tightly around Steve's cock as you both tried to stall and please Steve at the same time.
"Fuck sweetheart." Steve groaned, hands running all over your body as he rutted his hips up to grind against you, "That's it cookie. Cum all over my cock. Show me you're my little whore."
His words were all it took to release all over his cock, one of your best orgasms ever really.
Steve thrusted even faster, working you through your orgasm while Bucky chased his own release. The pleasure and complete fullness was overwhelming and delicious. Steve finally shot up inside of you, making you mewl when he bit down on your shoulder- gently.
Bucky grunted, pulling you upwards as Steve slipped out of you, now pounding into you from behind as he held you in his arms. "Sarg!" You gasped as he twisted your nipples between his fingers.
"Let go for me doll. Show 'em I can fucking ruin you without even giving you anything to ruin you with."
Bucky's words were growled and dark as he thrusted harshly upwards, releasing into your ass while you let go, coming for a second time, without anything to clench down upon.
Bucky chuckled as he pulled out slowly, kissing your neck.
Sam was even harder than before, watching his boys completely ruin you while he wasn't allowed to touch you. He could, of course, get you alone without the other two, though his punishment would be worse if they found out he'd fucked you without them.
It might be worth it though.
"Sam." Steve said.
"Yes Cap?"
"You've been doing pretty good now." Steve complimented, "What do you want to do with her?"
Sam grinned, "Wanna overstimulate her."
A slow smile started moving over Bucky's face too and you shivered in anticipation.
Steve looked at Bucky, "You know what to get."
Bucky moved off the bed, going over to the closet, kneeling to pull out a box on the floor.
"Look at me cookie." Steve demanded and you quickly turned to look at him. He pulled you into another kiss, before you felt the bed dip again, lots of cold metal being placed on your stomach, making you shiver.
"If you're not okay with anything, you tell us, okay baby?" Sam cooed, running his hands up your legs. "And if you feel somethings to much or you want to stop, you use the word 'time'."
You nodded, feeling medium sized rope being looped around your wrists as Bucky tied them together, before tying them up and around the headboard of the bed.
Steve took fabric from your side, tying it gently behind your head.
You heard metal clinking, before there was a pressure on your nipples, making you gasp at the sudden sensation.
"How are you doing baby?" Bucky asked, tugging the nipple clamps a little bit.
"Good." You murmured, both turned on, excited, but also a little nervous.
"Well, go on Sam." Steve smirked. You could feel Steve moving so that he had settled behind you slightly. He ran his hands up and down your sides, a comfort, before you felt Sam push into your pussy.
"Fuck." Sam groaned sensually, tossing his head back as he felt your warmth encase his pulsing cock. "You feel so good sugar."
You felt a metal and flesh hand on your hips now, someone straddling you slightly, situating themselves lightly below your breasts.
The metal and flesh hands moved to push your breasts together and you could feel someone's cock- most likely Bucky by the metal hand- between them.
"Fuck doll." Bucky drawled. "I'm gonna fuck these perfect tits."
You whined, wishing you could see Bucky as he started to massage your breasts, thrusting his hips lightly. Steve's hands rubbed circles on your shoulders and Steve's touch brought you back to reality. "Wait."
Bucky and Sam stilled, but didn't pull away as you hadn't used the safe word.
"Something wrong cookie?" Steve's voice had a hint of worry in it.
"No, but I thought. . . thought today was all about Stevie. Making sure you're okay." You mumbled, tilting your head back as though you could see him through the blindfold. "Want to please you Captain."
Both Bucky and Sam started moving inside of you again so you assumed Steve had told them to resume nonverbally.
"Letting me do whatever I want to you is pleasing me." Steve purred lowly in your ear before both Bucky and Sam started to speed up, making you moan. You could feel every sensation now with your eyesight gone.
The tickle of Sam's beard whenever he bent low, brushing against your stomach. Steve's hair tickling around your ear as he whispered against your shoulder. The callouses on all of their hands- minus the cool smoothness of Bucky's metal hand- as they touched you. How Sam's cock felt inside your cunt as he split you apart. How smooth and wet Bucky's felt as he fucked your breasts. The weird, but pleasing sensation of your breasts being squeezed and pushed together.
How the knot was building up in your stomach, the way that it was making your toes curl and you strained against your bonds as you tried to pull away.
"Fuck! Sammy, gonna cum!"
Sammy quickly sped up, reaching over and you could hear him getting something else. "FUCK!" You moaned as you released all over his cock.
"Good job sweetheart." Steve murmured in your ear. "Gonna let you see now."
He undid the black cloth, letting it fall over on the side of the bed. You could now see Bucky in front of you and you dipped your head, opening your mouth. As he pushed upwards, you flicked your tongue out, making Bucky groan at the teasing of his slit. A few more of these and he came all over your face, in your mouth, and on your breasts.
"You look beautiful doll." Bucky teased, grabbing a cloth to wipe away semen from around your eyes, but left everything else messy.
He moved off and you could now see what Sam had in his hands- which were some sort of beads on a rope. They started out small before getting larger and larger.
"You want to try those out?" Steve asked in his ear.
"What are they?" You asked curiously.
Sam chuckled, "Oh you're so innocent babe. They're anal beads."
You assumed they were exactly as they sounded. Beads that would go into your ass.
"I would like to try them." You said shyly.
Steve kissed the top of your head, "Remember your stop word, alright?"
You simply nodded, not wanting to actually say it aloud in case they took it as a sign that you wanted to stop.
"Good girl." Bucky murmured before he flipped you over so that you were on your stomach now. Your hands were still tied to the bed, but it wasn't uncomfortable. Although you could feel a slight contrast of your nipples against the bedsheets, as they were still clamped.
"Gonna tell us when to stop." Bucky murmured, petting your hair back as Sam pushed the first ball in.
It really didn't hurt and it even felt good in a weird way. There was a type of fullness that came with it, especially the bigger the balls got. Finally, it got to a point where the last one you had taken was just slightly to big and you weren't sure you could take another. "That's good." You said.
Sam laughed, "That was the last one baby."
Steve chuckled, kissing your cheek. "Such a good girl for us, hmm?"
"For you, mhmm." You nodded, looking up at him through your long lashes. It made his heart flutter when you looked at him like that, especially with your ass in the air, the pink handle to pull the beads out sticking out a bit. The metal underneath you, your nipples a lovely pink colour. Your pussy dripping for him and his boys. It looked as though the last thing to use on you was. . . a vibrator. Sam really was going all out tonight.
"Want the honors Stevie?" Sam asked, holding the silver and blue vibrator out to him, moving to kneel in front of you, bringing you just slightly upwards so that your elbows were resting on his thighs. This alleviated some of the pain in your breasts, though it kept you in a position where your pussy was presented to Bucky and Steve beautifully.
"My pleasure." Steve said, moving to angle himself just right, pushing into you. You moaned, shivers going down your spine. His hand moved to wrap around your waist before you heard buzzing and immediately jolted when he touched the vibrator to your clit.
You squirmed, moaned, mewled, and came over and over again as Steve and Bucky took turns fucking you relentlessly, rarely removing the vibrator as they did so. You were starting to go high up into the clouds, as you came again, toes curling. Sam simply held your upper body, occasionally pulling on the nipple clamps.
Nearing the last orgasm of the night- afternoon? Morning?- He unclipped them and you uttered a tiny scream as the blood rushed back to the sensitive nubs. You completely collapsed into Sam's arms while the other two finished riding you out.
You could just barely feel Bucky pulling out while Steve gently removed the beads. Bucky headed to the bathroom and Steve untied your hands before rolling you onto your back to face him.
His face was flush, his hair a mess, and there was a cheeky grin on his face. "How are you holding up sweetheart?"
"Good Stevie." You mumbled, voice hoarse from screaming all of their titles over and over again, with a handful of curse words mixed in.
Steve kissed your forehead, taking the washcloth from Bucky. "How 'bout we all go and take a bath together, hmm?"
You just closed your eyes, tired, giving a small nod. Sam picked you up and carried you over to the bathtub. The four of you took a nice bath, before climbing back into bed, and promptly falling asleep. 
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mauesartetc · 1 year
Thoughts on Helluva Boss 108 ("Queen Bee")
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Yeeeah so we knew pretty much from the jump that this episode wouldn't have much substance to it. Viv Medrano herself said as much. But again, I have to wonder: What's the point of making a full episode of a show if you don't have the story to support it? You know the phrase "This meeting could have been an email"? This episode could have been a music video.
I typically include a list of pros and a list of cons when I write these, but everything was just so bland I can't functionally categorize much of it. I wasn't angry, I wasn't entertained, I didn't feel anything. All my thoughts about this episode are floating around in a soup and I just can't be bothered to sort them into the usual boxes. So this'll be more of a barely-coherent brainspew than anything else. If the writers couldn't put the effort in, why should I?
Fuck it, let's do this.
First, the elephant in the room: Beelzebub's design. That's a lengthy separate rant I'll save for another time, but I'll just say the first time I saw it, I thought it looked like some kid's DeviantArt fursona. But let's be real, I've got a feeling she only looks the way she does so Viv could make an easy reference to her "Die Young" music video.
I get that Kesha is Viv's idol and it must have been huge to land her for this voice-acting gig (though to be clear, she didn't sing the song in the episode. Helped write it; didn't sing it), but man, the self-indulgence is just leaking through the screen. This wouldn't feel so uncomfortable if Viv herself did any of the animation in this episode, but if you check the credits, she didn't. She wrote this plot cul-de-sac of pointless filler just so she could make other people animate the most complex character design to come out of the show and pat herself on the back for all of it. Again: Could have been a music video.
The episode's actual "plot" consists of Loona having a series of awkward conversations, calling Blitzo, and driving him home when he gets too trashed. There is a little development in their relationship? I guess? But of course no one mentions what went down at the beach. Much like what happened between Blitzo and Stolas in "Ozzie's", we can safely assume that event will get swept under the rug, never to be heard from again. I'd like to point out that the musical number takes about three minutes out of the fourteen-and-a-half-minute runtime. They could have cut the rest of this shit and nothing would have been lost; in fact a good amount of time and money would have been saved.
Three minutes. That's all you would have needed.
As far as Bee and Vortex, I never would've guessed they were a couple unless Vortex said so. They act more like good friends than boyfriend and girlfriend. Y'all couldn't have shown us a kiss, a little flirting, or even a hug? The PDA doesn't have to be excessive, but some indication of chemistry might be nice. This would also create more tension and discomfort for Loona, as it'd be hard to watch the guy she has a crush on make out with someone else.
Also, question: In this universe, hellhounds have roughly the same social status as imps, right? Maybe lower? Why, then, is it perfectly okay for one of the Seven Sins, who outranks Stolas, to date a hellhound, but it's not okay for Stolas to date an imp? What the fuck was the main conflict of "Ozzie's", then?! Hello?? With what little worldbuilding y'all give us, could you at least try to keep it consistent?
Speaking of which, the cleanup in this one is just rife with inconsistencies. It's not usually something I comment on as it hasn't been too noticeable in other episodes, but damn. Sometimes the outlines are thick, then they're thin, then they're thick again. The screenshots below came from three consecutive Loona scenes:
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And take a look at how often Beelzebub's longest eyelashes change:
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I noticed a bit of this in Exes and Oohs as well, with the scratch on Chaz's nose changing thickness from scene to scene. I'll repeat what I said then: Make sure the whole cleanup department sticks to the same brush size.
As for the song "Cotton Candy"... eh. It was alright? Not really my thing, but I'm not a big pop music fan anyway. Would I listen to it in my everyday life? Nah. But it's fine. I will say there's a hiccup in the meter of the lyrics that kinda threw me off:
Hey, I don't know why I'm whatchu want but it's the truth I'm not your lie Let them eat cake let them eat pie Or better yet Let them eat COTTON CANDY!
Feels like there could've been more after "or better yet"; the "cotton candy" seems abrupt there, as if the song were playing on vinyl and the record skipped. Maybe "Or better yet/ The sweetest treat that any one of y'all can get/ COTTON CANDY!" Like I'm not a songwriter by any means and I don't pretend to be anywhere near Kesha or Drew Pearson's level, but perhaps a few more syllables would've made that verse feel more complete.
But the animation for the musical number was really good! (Sounding like a broken record here, but this could have been a music video and it would've been much more tolerable.)
Kesha's voice acting was okay, though in some spots it came off like she's never said the f-word before. Just didn't seem natural. But the rest was alright.
I did like how Beelzebub was actually a decent person, since it would've been way too easy to make anyone Vortex was dating (who wasn't Loona) a total bitch. But Bee is gregarious, generous and actually nice to Loona despite her social awkwardness. And hey, Loona had a somewhat-positive interaction with another female character, so brownie points for that, I guess?
Not sure what Loona actually learned here, though, or how she magically dropped the attitude and became more social after some rando flirted with her (I mean you were literally crying a minute ago but some dude calling you hot is enough to change your mind about leaving?). I don't know, it feels like the episode could've shown her connecting with other introverts and doing something fun in their own little enclave, enjoying the party in their own way, rather than making her extroverted in a matter of seconds. Then maybe her newfound friends would like her for who she really is, not for the arbitrary box she tried to squeeze into. There's more than one way to have fun at a party, y'know? Perhaps a way that doesn't involve drinking, which Loona seems keen to avoid (but has no problem cheering Blitzo on in a chugging contest, apparently-?).
One nitpick about the hellhound in the purple shirt who called Loona a hottie: That was not the voice I expected to come out of him. The delivery just doesn't match at all. Something deep, sure, but maybe smoother, more sultry? (Seriously, if you played the audio of that line for someone who hadn't seen the show and asked them to match it to a male character from this episode, I'd bet anything they wouldn't get it on the first try.)
I know I've said before that Helluva Boss is what happens when you write fanfic of your own IP, but this episode, more than any other, reeaaally felt like fanfic. This felt like a fan asking, "Hey, what if we saw what Loona was up to in the Ozzie's episode?", then creating a bottle story that didn't affect anything else in canon. This whole thing (apart from Cotton Candy) was truly a waste of everyone's time. I'm glad the animators got some good reel fodder out of it, but whatever they were paid, it wasn't enough.
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so-many-fandoms-here · 5 months
hi! idk if youre taking requests atm so in case u don’t, feel free to ignore this :-) anyways, i’ve been obsessed with the way you write and i was wondering if you could write something with niragi, inspired by house of balloons by the weeknd!! i think his character kinda suits the lyrics so i thought that could be fun!! it can be anything rlly, smut, angst or just anything :-) tysm and have a good good day!!! 🫶🫶🫶
Heyy :)) This is my first request since quite a while so I'm actually pretty excited right now :D Thank you so much <3
I listened to the song a few times beforehand and you're right, it really suits Niragi.
I took a lot inspiration from these verses:
You look into my eyes You can't recognize my face You're in my world now
So just don't blame it on me, girl 'Cause you wanted to have fun
Oh this is fun fun (...) This is fun to me
(English isn’t my first language so feel free to correct any mistake you notice)
• Characters: Suguru Niragi, fem!Reader
• Genre: Angst
• Warnings: abuse, bullying
I have no idea how I was able to survive so long without anyone by my side. I lived like a stray dog for weeks until I met these really nice guys (who probably just wanted to fuck me). They had a fucking car and told me about this place.
The Beach. That's how they called it. It used to be a resort back in the real world. Some crazy guy, Hatter, found it and created some cult-like society. I didn't had the best gut feeling but anything was better than my current situation. So I let them touch my tits a few times and in return they took me with them.
The Beach was a way bigger deal than I thought. Dozens of players lived here and there was food, water and electricity. This place was actually alive.
Yes, it still was a weird cult-like place, but a safe place afterall. I was just supposed to bring the cards I own to Hatter (they didn't exaggerate, this man was definetly some kind of crazy) and had to wear swimwear so I couldn't hide any weapons on my body, which actually made sense to me.
The guys that brought me here explained a bit more to me. At first I didn't want to listen, but when they mentioned the militants I started to pay attention. Because they where allowed to carry weapons with them.
I didn't really care about anything else they had to say about them.
They where allowed to carry weapons with them!
Call me paranoid but I would feel so much more safe around here if I had a gun or something. These people might be in the same boat with me but everyone would safe themselves first from drowning. Me too.
They wanted to survive. I wanted to survive. And in the time I was here I lost a lot of my empathy because it would get me killed in the blink of an eye.
"Who is the leader of those executives?", I ask, swirling my (h/c) hair around my right index finger while putting on my best doggy eyes.
They looked at me like I was just as crazy as Hatter but after a few seconds of hesitation they answered anyways. "Aguni. Really short hair, scar on his face. It doesn't matter though, you instantly feel that he is the leader, when you are around him."
I took note of the facts about his appearence anyways, just in case.
"He is never alone though. His comrades are like flies, pretty sure this man doesn't even shit alone." I ignored his comment and was already looking around.
"Imma head to my room guys", I said without looking at the men. "I'm tired." They either didn't caught my lie, or they simply didn't care. They just nodded and let me head off.
I was of course not going to my room. I was way too curious about this Aguni. The things I would do for a stupid gun...
The sun was long gone when I saw him. The boys where right, he had this aura that basically screamed at you. And as expected, he wasn't alone.
For a second my confidence began to fade. Did I really want to talk to this guy? Would that be as smart as I thought? But I caught myself quickly again. I would die one way or another, where is the difference if it's through a game or his hands?
After I took a deep breath I stood up from my chair I had sit on and walked straight up to him. People stared, some whispered but I ignored them.
"Are you Aguni?" I ask him when I arrived in front of him but before he could even think of an answer another man slipped around him and build himself up in front of me. A big gun rested on his shoulder and the amused look in his dark eyes showed that he wasn't afraid to use it.
But there was something else in his eyes. Something so familiar but I couldn't quite put my finger on it. Maybe we went to school together? That wasn't so unlikely based on how many people were here.
"Do you really think our boss has time for a stupid chick like you?", he asked while he grinned like an idiot. A hand placed itself on his shoulder and shoved him to the side. "Niragi." A voice scolded him.
The name didn't ring a bell. I probably saw him around school sometimes. Based on how he acted here he probably was one of those bullies in school that degraded literally anyone. You didn't even need to look or act different, sometimes you where just at the wrong place at the wrong time and your school year was literally over.
"Let her talk", the voice appeared again. Agunis voice.
I tried to make myself taller than I was and tried so desperatly to look brave, that I probably looked like a fool. "I want to join the militants."
I held my breath while biting my tongue. I really didn't know what to expect. Maybe he would kill me right on the spot? Or maybe not. I didn't know which one I would prefer.
He tilted his head and eyed me from head to toe. "It's not that easy." "I don't care!", I interrupted him and felt the heat spreading into my face immediatly after I spoke.
There was silence for a short while and I was absolutely sure that someone would kill me on the spot, but then he laughed quietly which scared me even more. "Or maybe it is that easy after all", he said eventually.
I felt the burning eyes of his subordinants and for a second I thought I would throw up on Agunis feet. "I like you. You're in."
I didn't know what just happened. It was so much yet nothing. All it took was for me to interrupt the leader? This had to be a trap, right?
"Nobody dared to talk to me like that since I came here", Aguni explained. "Don't think I would tolerate it, I don't, but at least you're somewhat reckless. If you're reckless in other aspects too, this could work." His hand dissapeared in the pocket of his jeans and came back out with a pair of keys which he handed Niragi. "Show her the guns."
Niragi looked far from happy about this order. "Why me?", he asked rather irritated. Aguni looked him dead in the eyes. "'Cuz you're my right hand. And you do what I say."
It looked like Niragi wanted to say something but bit his tongue. Instead he turned around and stormed off. Without saying a word I followed him, now even more scared than I was before.
Niragi walked quick and with big steps he crossed the halls of The Beach. At a heavy door he stopped and turned around to wait for me. "Hurry up!", he yelled annoyed while waiting for me. Slightly out of breath I stopped next to him and looked while he opened the door which revealed a rather dark stairwell that only lead down. "It's downstairs", he explained before starting to walk again.
I tried my best to stay beside him while we walked down where I supposed was the basement. Here were probably the generators and all that kind of stuff.
We crossed another long hallway until he stopped at the last door on the right side. Then he used the key to unlock the door and before I could process everything properly I found myself between dozens of weapons and guns.
Niragi pushed me inside and quickly closed the door behind him. Then he locked it and turned around to look me in the eyes. Fear crawled up my throat and my heart started to beat faster than it ever did in my whole life.
"Long time no see (Y/n)", he said. The keys dissapeared into his pockets so I had no chance to get them. Confusion mixed with my fear. "You know my name?"
His smile appeared back on his face for a second but then faded again. "How could I forget?"
My confusion grew while I desperatly tried to remember from where I could possibly know him.
"Come on", he cooed while he looked at me with expectant eyes. "Don't you remember?" He raised his free hand, made a circle with his thumb and index finger and held it in front of his eye, mimicking glasses, while tilting his head to the side. Then he pushed his lower lip slightly in front of his upper lip, frowning exaggerated.
It hit me with such force that I felt nauseous again. The sad face he put was badly played, but I could see it anyways. I saw the boy with the glasses in front of me, crying while my brother swung the baseball bat. "There it is", Niragi whispered. "The recognicion."
All those years I tried my best to forget these eyes. And I did. But now it seemed like this was a huge mistake.
„When I saw you upstairs my stomach dropped. I thought one of us would die when Aguni said I should show you the guns. The thought of all the feelings you could bring up again did something to me but I must admit that it’s rather pleasant to be alone with you.“
I stumbled back, tried to get more distance between us but Niragi instantly closed the distance again by taking the same amount of steps in my direction I took to get away from him. Not because I was scared, not only, but because I was emberrassed.
"How's your brother?" My eyes locked with his. As I looked longer into them I see how broken they are. Just like back then, but still different somehow. The eyes that looked into my direction, screaming for help, which I avoided like the plague because the guilt shook through me. The guilt that I didn’t dare to help him.
My brother made me look how they tortured him and for everytime I looked away, he would hit me when we got home. With his fist, with his belt or he would throw plates or glasses at me.
"I'm sorry", I whispered, tears stinging in my eyes. Again I avoided his eyes but I couldn't for long because his hand found my face and forced me to look at him.
"I remember your black eyes, the gross swelling shimmering a different color everyday", he whispered and I felt his breath on my face. "Blue, violet, yellow, like a violent, ugly rainbow."
Niragis eyes studied my face, stopping at the scar over my eyebrow. I knew he looked at it because I it suddenly started to throb just like the day I got it.
"That was for when I didn't threw the baseball at you", I answered before he could ask anything about it. It felt good to remind him, remind me, that I didn't want this to happen. When I refused to, he threw a mug at me. It broke it half when it landed on the floor, then he picked it up and threw it again. It cut into my skin leaving the about 2 inch long scar behind
"Where is he now?", he asked still inspecting my scar. I shrugged my shoulders. "I came here alone." I was scared that he might thought I was lying but he seemed to believe me, which made me relax a bit.
"He'd be surprised what his little games did to me. What I have become…" He let go of me but I still looked at him. "I always liked you, you know? You understood." I nodded. "I will kill him if I ever see him again." I nodded again. "And will make him suffer how I suffered." I nodded a third time while I took a glance at his pierced tongue. The pictures of the dirty needle my brother pushed through it popped up in my head again.
"I will find him and then we will play my game." Niragi walks up to one of the shelves and took a gun, rather small compared to his, then some ammo and handed it to me. "Our game."
I looked at the gun in his hand. It was my choice. If I take it I would make a pact with him. I hated my brother with all my heart but I was still hesitant. Is vigilantism the way? My way?
"It's your choice", Niragi reminded me. I took the gun. There is no justice in Borderland, so why not make it myself?
"I will make it my world", he said. "Where no one will look down on me ever again. On us."
His eyes practically burned into mine but I couldn't look away. My iris's where tied to his and I wondered if somewhere inside was still the Niragi I met in the past or if it destroyed him completly.
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spnfanficpond · 5 months
April 2024 Angel Fish Awards
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(Angel Fish design by @slytherkins!!)
Every month all of you fantastic writers work your asses off to post some truly incredible stories. Our Angel Fish Awards are the way for all of us, as a community of writers and readers, to lift each other up and give praise to those who have captured our attention and deserve a few kind words. (Click here to learn more about how to nominate a fic for an award!)
Nominated by @charliethealpaccaso
Contentment Is A Pearl Of Great Price by ravelqueen (AO3)
This fic captures everything that makes transformation scary but fascinating to read from start to finish. The mental change later on during the fic, Sam has to deal with as the new part of him takes over. It leaves you on the edge of your seat as we have no idea if he will ever be human again or if he will lose himself and his humanity forever. I wish more people would try their hands at more transformation fics, as there are many interesting topics to choose from when creating a fic like this one.
Nominated by @thoughtslikeaminefield
God Save The Queen, And Her Handmaids by darali_starscream (AO3)
I have attempted to think up a scenario in which Charlie Bradbury might sit on Dean Winchester's face to no avail. This isn't what you think, I promise—there is no universe in which I'd be OK with a true Charlie/Dean pairing, but this works and it works well. BJ riffs on the spectrum of attraction and sexuality here. The pairing in Charlie and her girlfriend who is bisexual x Dean, and it's a very satisfying little story.
Sleeping Arrangements by @jinkieswouldyoulookatthis
This is very cute and even sexy without being smutty.
Nominated by @zepskies
The Dangers of Hope by @dean-winchester-is-a-warrior
I had never read an "Endverse!Dean Winchester" series before, but this one completely blew me away -- from world-building to the overarching story to the romance itself. Beginning to end, it's beautifully written.
Nominated by @mrswhozeewhatsis
Living His Gray Flannel Life by @samanddean76
Warnings to start - As there is prostitution in this one, noncon must be mentioned. Also, this is a Wincest fic, so, you know, incest. That being said, this story is told from Jimmy's POV, so the Wincest of it all is less Wincesty. Which is right up my alley, man! This is the perfect amount of Wincest combined with outsider POV, where the outsider loves what he's seeing as much as we do. I can't say more for spoilery reasons, but know that there is delicious pining, sweet smutty smut, a fascinating monster, and fantastic side characters. I read it twice just because once wasn't enough!!
Nominated by @salt-n-burn-em-all
House Song by @accordingtothelore
Dean protects Sam from being killed by other Hunters and their dad. Starts Gen, does not stay that way. I just loved everything about it. Fabulous art in the last chapter.
Nominated by @spn-fanfic-reblog-writes
What happens in ApocalypseWorld… by masoena (AO3)
This is such an interesting aspect that I’ve never read for a/b/o. **SPOILERS** The moment Dean and Arthur step through the portal everything changes and the world heavily influences their biology. I loved how, of course, Ketch knew exactly what was happening, which really makes me wonder about wtf Ketch has been through. I really wanna know more about that dynamic change and I hope they really do write more. This is also one of the few stories I get to read a soft!Ketch. I love, love soft!Ketch. Gotta check them out.
Second Chances by @mayalaen
First, I am not a fan of incest. Second, I was really surprised how much I enjoyed this because it isn’t tagged. Finally, I love poly fics. It’s so hard to find a poly fic that isn’t just PWP/smut. I really enjoy how the premise is getting Sam to relax and teach him how to handle his health while managing school work in a healthy way. I really like how the relationship between Cas and Sam is setup, Dean gets introduced, and then all hell breaks loose in the different relationship dynamics. The thing is there isn’t an emphasis on their brotherhood and sex. This is NOT a wincest smut story. It’s a story about Sam learning how to be a healthy adult while finishing college and finds a place where he is wanted and feels like he belongs. I also absolutely love the dom/sub and domestic discipline aspects of Cas and Dean’s relationship. It’s really a background aspect until it isn’t. I highly recommend the read even if you aren’t a wincest or wincestiel fan. The plot is written and integrated so well with the character development for all three main characters. It really took me by surprise. I couldn’t put it down.
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(Divider by @glygriffe)
- From your Admins and Manta Rays, @manawhaat, @mrswhozeewhatsis, @mariekoukie6661, @thoughtslikeaminefield, and @heavenssexiestangel!
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jess-the-vampire · 7 months
To be fair, the whole mind reading thing with Belos in canon isn't necessarily unheard of, seeing how Odalia could do the same with her Oracle magic.
Then again, she specifically needed an enchanted amulet in order to communicate with Amity telepathically, so we're back to square one here.
i think i mentioned it before in the past, but belos's powerset is a little wonky, i'm not really convinced he wasn't rewritten between seasons because of some of these detials.
he has this artificial magic, something that is kinda neat and was a dead giveaway he wasn't a normal witch, but the show never really explains what artificial magic is and how it works exactly. Toh has rules for it's magic so it is a wonder exactly how one creates a "Fake magic" on the isles. (Like at one point they maybe imply it's coming from his arm glyphs but that doesn't explain his staff or hunter's staff)
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Collector claims he taught belos magic, but outside of the draining spell....we don't really know what he means by that specifically.
and then you have his curse, which is a whole mess in itself, he's got several abilities, some of which just kinda....happen. Not to mention the rules of his curse aren't really clear to an audience member who thinks about it in more detail, like how much control he has over the curse for example (He has scenes where he clearly has control but there are others where he clearly doesn't), or why he was cursed and for what reason, or if the palisman are an extension of life or just to keep the curse at bay (Maybe both? but why would he do this before even seeing caleb again?) ....and also....what the glyph arm is even about. Heck, i'm not quite sure why belos can talk to the palisman in his head, but hunter can't communicate with flap in his own if we're to believe both are being used for a similar purpose of giving the other magic and life. (I mean maybe you can say the fact Philip forced them to give up their lives puts them in some kinda limbo, and not flap who chose to move on, but Philip can also apparently remove them from his head so like-)
(I've heard a LOT of people go on about belos's curse being played for sympathy from the other characters, that he's faking it and it's another addition to how bad of a person he is. And i'm not saying he never faked it, he probably did in some of these scenes, but there's also a lot of scenes where he's clearly in pain and not in control of the curse, so it's clearly not something he's faking for sympathy all of the time. I get the impression this is just because the show really didn't do the greatest job making how his curse functioned clear to the audience that a lot of people are now convinced he was never in pain when he clearly was since he has scenes where it makes no sense to fake it.
Like my best interpretation that makes the most sense is he does have outbursts and he does get hurt but he takes advantage of them, weaponizing his own pain and curse to his benefit where possible)
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and then.....we got this power from season 1, which never comes back and is never explained. It could be arguably an oracle power, but oracle magic might be the most underexplored magic covens in the show next to healing, so i genuinely have no idea if that was the intent or even what oracle magic does in this world. I would think if it had use like this belos would use it more often, would of avoided a lot of future issues had he done so.
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This might sound a bit nitpickey, it's just i spent a lot of time trying to decipher his abilities to use in my work and i ran into a lot of walls trying to figure out how any of this works in the universe of the show.
he feels like he needs a character bible, there's just a lot here that doesn't quite make sense and i would of loved to have explained in better detail.
and the show usually (Mostly) makes sense with it's magic (Trust me, belos isn't the only character in this show whose magic abilities drive me nuts), i think eda's curse is actually well handled and well explained to the audience. You really understand how her curse works, how she controls and works with it, and it remains consistent in it's abilities.
belos just has way too many abilities, some of which just kinda happen, a lot that aren't entirely explained, and half the time i wonder why he never uses some of these powers at other points in the show.
this fact might not bother some people, but if you're someone trying to study his powers for your work, like me, it's really noticeable.
i think what happened is they needed belos to be able to do several things for plot reasons (He needs a fake magic to hide the human twist, he needs to possess hunter for reasons, he needs to pretend to be human for one scene at the end so now he suddenly can shapeshift, he needs to find out about luz stealing from him so sudden kinetic powers) and then it just became way too much.....i think they should of kept it simpler and less vague if you ask me.
the man has far too many abilities, and too little explanations for why he has them or how they work.
Having some proper limits to his powerset and being able to go from A to B To C on how he works would do miles for him.
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izvmimi · 2 years
scenario: i deserved that punch. cw: love triangle. bodily injury mention. character: shoto todoroki (hitoshi shinsou)
for the first time in his life, shoto has never felt so cold. and with all his temperature-regulating gear and his quirk, and his naturally cool demeanor, there's nothing he can do about this chill that sits in his body from the very core. all he can think of as he carries you back to camp is
i messed up. i messed up. i messed up.
shinsou was right. your quirk has no business being on the front lines. and he was cocky, thinking that the villain they were apprehending would be a piece of cake. after all, he creates ice that can pierce the heavens; he can generate an inferno in one arm! one girl, especially a girl he loves, should not be a problem to protect.
but clearly something is terribly wrong, because you won't wake up.
a fall from a height shouldn't kill, right? he caught you anyway.
so why the fuck won't you wake up? why won't you open your eyes and tell him you're okay? where is your smile?
there's a storm going on in shoto's head, and no one could see it from the neutral, suppressed expression on his face.
that lack of external feeling is what does him in. by the time shoto has even stepped within the base camp perimeter, shinsou has seen him coming and has all but snatched you out of his arms.
"you fucking bastard, what did you do to her?"
in another world, shoto would have a sassy answer to return to him just based on shinsou's bold tone. after all, shinsou grates on his nerves, somehow. always moping about not being seen as enough, just because of an odd quirk, as though he truly understands what it's like to have your bloodline be a shackle.
but now, shoto can't say anything, he can't even bring himself to grab you back from him, even though he already misses the feeling of your warm body against his.
"shut the fuck up." shinsou starts. shoto remembers as an afterthought that shinsou could have used his quirk on him, and falls silent. anger is blinding him too, clearly.
shinsou turns with your unconscious body held close to his chest, but stops, turning for a moment to give shoto the type of look that can maim, torture, murder, then steps right up to him, close enough that they are practically nose to nose.
"do you even fucking care that she's hurt?" shinsou asks. "that expression of yours never changes, does it? is your heart cold too?"
shoto doesn't flinch at the accusation. there are multiple times where he's wondered if he had a normal heart too.
but shinsou is not done.
"you're just like your shit father," he sneers.
and there, the match lights, and for a moment, shoto's left hand lights, but he stops, because you are still unconscious in shinsou's arms and what nerve does he have to defend himself? he can't even defend you properly.
shinsou huffs and drops you off at medical, and shoto stands in the same spot, paralyzed by thought.
he messed up, he messed up, he messed up. will you forgive him?
minutes pass and he hovers around medical, waiting, watching. shinsou finishes getting a report from a nurse, and the second his eyes meet with shoto, all the antagonism returns.
"fuck off."
shoto stands his ground. "i just want to make sure she's okay."
shinsou sneers. "now you do."
the hand bursts into flames again, brighter this time. shinsou laughs and pulls up his sleeves, approaching.
this has been a long time coming, they both think. but as shinsou lunges for his first punch, something shifts and shoto just... waits.
and the punch lands. hard. shoto stumbles back a bit, and shinsou is a bit shocked even, surprised he gave up so easily.
"i deserve that," is all shoto offers as a response, something that enrages shinsou but instead he lets out an icy chuckle that turns into a quick, sardonic laugh.
"all you gifted people think you're better than everyone, don't you?"
shoto listens but doesn't reply. the chip on his shoulder, the chasm that divides them is already too deep, and will be deeper still after your injury.
"why don't you use your power to actually protect someone next time?"
shinsou storms off without waiting for a response, and shoto realizes he doesn't have one at all.
bakugou version here
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