#you don’t get to decide people’s opinions. you just need to block or something. making those long ass rant posts about how stupid other fan
No actually people ARE allowed to critique media ESPECIALLY when there’s source material
I think a lot of people who are upset with people for disliking ATLA Netflix are conflating critiquing media with “hating”. Which is ?? A jump. A leap.
I’ve really only seen hateful things said about the actors (which IS bullshit and shouldn’t be tolerated) — and I’m sure there are some people “hating” but someone saying they didn’t like a show for a specific reason (costuming, writing, pacing, etc.) is NOT “hating”.
people are 100000% allowed to say something did not live up to what they hoped for. They are allowed to say “I didn’t like x y z”. Their opinion isn’t invalid because they weren’t impressed or happy with the outcome of the show. Lots of people were very excited for this show and felt let down. That’s their opinion and their experience.
Critiquing ≠ hating
And ya know? Vice versa. People are also allowed to like media you didn’t like.
Just be respectful to each other for fucks sake.
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close to home | chapter nine
close to home | chapter nine
plot: the reader meets Daryl's brother and an old member of the group, while trying to go through the motions of being around people again. she and Daryl grow closer while on guard duty.
series masterlist
Pairing: Eventual Daryl Dixon x f!reader Word Count: 1,683 Warnings: violence, blood A/N: thanks for reading!
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The sun was beginning to set by the time Rick returned to the courtyard, and you were surprised to see Daryl with him and a man that looked like his brother. There was a heavy tension in the air, and you felt like someone would get killed if anyone said the wrong thing. But Rick paved the way and told Merle, you learned to dig a grave for Axel. 
With the tension level down, you followed the group into the prison, where arguments broke out over what to do with Merle. You knew you didn’t have any opinions on the matter because you didn’t know the history behind their obviously strained relationship. So you went up to your cell to drown out the arguments with Tora, who was sleeping peacefully as if nothing had happened. 
You kicked off your shoes and climbed into bed, pulling her against your body. You were exhausted, starving, and all you could think about was a hot shower. You missed hot showers most of all and scented soaps. You missed feeling clean. 
Sleep found you well and quick, and soon you woke to sunlight streaming into your cell. Your stomach growled with a painful demand, and you realized you hadn’t eaten last night. Not that you would’ve been able to anyway, after all, that gunfire. You weren’t a stranger to death, but it didn’t make anything easier. 
Both Carol and Daryl were sitting in the main room of the cell block, and Tora was perched on the table getting affection from the woman. 
“Where is everyone?” You asked. The silence was one of the first things you noticed besides the sound of Merle snoring in the front cell. 
Carol gave you a smile while scratching the cat behind her ears. “Rick took Carl and Michonne to start clearing some of the bodies outside, and Beth is walking with Hershel. Glenn and Maggie are on guard. Breakfast is on the counter.”
You nodded and said nothing, grabbing some of the food Carol must’ve made earlier and a water bottle. You felt bad about sleeping in later than everyone else, but your body must’ve needed it after the night you had. 
As you sat down, Judith started crying, and Carol jumped up to tend to the baby. 
You gave Tora affection as you ate and watched Daryl clean the crossbow and sharpen his knives. “I’m glad you’re back,” you told him. Daryl gruffed and didn’t say anything, causing you to laugh. “I understood why you left. I would’ve done the same thing.”
“Leaving was the wrong thing, just took me a day to figure that out,” Daryl said. 
You didn’t say anything else as you ate, eventually reaching over to take the block on which he was sharpening his knives to do your own. In the cell across from you two, Merle stopped snoring and grumbled awake. 
“Little brother, you get me some food, okay?” 
You raised an eyebrow at the man and looked at him briefly before returning to your knife. 
“Oh, lookie here, I didn’t get a chance to make nice with you yesterday, missy. Why don’t you get ol’ Merle here something to eat, huh?”
You snorted and set the knife sharpener down, “I don’t think so,” 
“Prettier than a peach with a mouth on her, I see,” Merle said and looked at Daryl, “This why you came back here?”
“Man, shut up!” Daryl yelled as he walked over to the counter. “Can’ you tell nobody ‘round here gives a shit ‘bout ya? Stop tryin’ make things worse,”
You decided not to stick around for their sibling argument and instead went to go find Rick and see if he needed any help. 
Just when you thought things couldn’t get any more eventful, a woman named Andrea showed up. She was met with unexpected hostility, but eventually, the group relaxed around her. You kept your distance from her but were polite. There was a lot of tension with her around, and you didn’t really feel like being involved in any of it. So instead, you helped Daryl clean more weapons and stayed quiet while the group and her caught up. 
Eventually, she left, and things again settled into a new rhythm. Rick set out with Carl and Michonne the following day to get more guns, and everyone else was left to continue working on the prison. By sunset, you were physically exhausted and mentally awake. Everyone was a bit on edge because they weren’t back yet. 
You were finishing up helping Carol with the after-dinner dishes when she handed you a bowl of the water-based stew you’d helped her make. “Can you bring this out to Daryl? He’s on guard duty.”
You took the bowl from her and grabbed one of the water bottles, “Okay,” 
The night air was unsurprisingly warm as you crossed the courtyard. The stars were just starting to come out, and it was that perfect summer dusk setting. If the world was normal, you would’ve loved it. But now, seeing the space between the stars… it just reminded you how small the world seemed now. 
Daryl seemed surprised when you popped open the floor hatch and climbed up. “I got some food for you. Had to keep Merle from eating it all tonight.” The hatch dropped behind you, and you sat a few feet away from him after handing him his dinner. 
He nodded and started to eat. You leaned back against the wall and pulled your legs up, wrapping your arms around them. The soft nighttime breeze barely touched your face from where you sat. 
“You don’ gotta sit up here with me,” Daryl said, looking you over. 
You shrugged your shoulders but stayed quiet. It was peaceful up here. You felt safe being so high up, and you enjoyed the quietness. Judith wasn’t trying, and no one was trying to talk to you. It was nice. It reminded you of the treehouse, which ached in a way that almost made you wish you could turn back time. But you felt safer here, with other people and your family, despite the disasters of the governor and his attacks. 
It was mostly quiet for a long time. Grasshoppers sang their song, owls hooted and an occasional frog crocked, More stars came out as the sunlight fully disappeared. The breeze got a little cooler and it reminded you again of the treehouse. 
Daryl looked at you occasionally, but you didn’t mind it. You hoped he didn’t mind the company and hadn’t been put on the guard rotation yet, so you didn’t spend much time up here. You hoped that would change soon. 
You felt him look at you again, and this time you glanced at him, your eyes meeting his in the moonlight. “What?”
“You regret coming here?”
“No,” You shook your head, “I’m glad I did. Even if we’re about to fight some crazy guy. You regret bringing me?”
“Nah, Carl likes the cat. And your good with the baby,”
Your heart ached, and you looked down, playing with a hangnail that developed because of all the labor. “I was pregnant once,” You weren’t sure why you said that. But once you did, you didn’t wanna stop. “Liam and I, we got pregnant right after we got engaged. I was in a car accident when I was about five months, and we lost the baby. That was a month before the world went to shit.” 
Daryl was quiet. 
You laughed softly, “I used to believe in God; I went to Sunday church with Uncle Hershel and the girls. Now I’m not… I’m not so sure about how I feel. Not sure why a God would do this. But when it did, I remember thinking to myself that God took my baby away to keep it from this world. I know that sounds silly.” 
“It don’,” Daryl said quickly. “Plenty of people believe weirder shit. Makes you feel better. It all that matters.”
You smiled at him before looking away and back up at the stars. “Whatever reason it was, be it God, fate, or just the damn drunk driver, I’m thankful for it. I understand women making the choices they do now when it comes to that. I respect Lori for keeping the baby, but… I don’t know,” You rambled on. 
“I get it. Not like any of us had a choice. But the ass-kicker is here, and we gotta do right by her. Right by Lori,”
You nodded and leaned your head back, closing your eyes. “She’s a cutie,”
Daryl snorted and spit over the ledge, “Where’s the cat?”
“Carl’s got her. I taught him a few tricks she knows, and he’s going crazy,” You said quietly. “It’s nice out tonight. It would be a nice night for a bonfire if things were normal. Do you count us cooking dinner over a fire as a bonfire, or do you think a bonfire is special? Meant for roasting smores and singing silly songs while being eaten alive by damn mosquitoes.”
It was silent for a minute before he answered, “Probably somethin’ special. I wouldn’ call heating a can a soup a bonfire,”
You opened your eyes and looked at him, “Yeah, I think so too. Maybe once things get settled, we should do one for Carl. I bet he’d like that. Beth too. We can make a run to find marshmallows somewhere. I know how to make ‘em homemade, too, in case we can’t find any.” You laughed. 
Daryl shook his head at you and was about to reply when headlights appeared. He used the scope of his gun to look. “They’re back. Let’s get the gate.”
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phillesterlover · 2 months
Kinda scared to post this on Twitter but when will people realize that qrting and talking about something you don’t like brings more attention to it than just simply ignoring something you don’t like/blocking a user who makes you uncomfy. People are gonna act every kind of way it is what it is and everyone has a different opinion about rpf and sexual content/jokes. If you don’t agree with what someone’s doing or you’re worried DnP might see it and be uncomfortable…just ignore it. That’s the best way to make something go away. Any time I’ve seen explicit sexual content about dnp on my Twitter tl it has always been through a qrt or indirect. Seems like you’re inadvertently becoming the problem you’d like to stop.
Also - Dan and Phil have been doing this for a long, long time y’all. While it doesn’t say anything about whether it’s ethically right or not, they’ve been exposed to sexual content about themselves online for over a decade. They’ve sought out and read/viewed some of these things as entertainment. I think that there are lines that they definitely don’t want crossed, which to me is invasion/inclusion of their families/friends who are not content creators, privated/deleted videos/posts being reposted. Other than that, I think they’re grown, internet savvy and can accept the fact that people write smutty fanfic about them. The same people I’ve seen mad about this situation also have several tweets referencing their formspring posts, which I imagine make them more uncomfy than a tweet about them having sex in 2024.
Now if you don’t like accepting sexual content about real people, THAT IS OKAY AND VALID. Just ignore it. It would be different if DnP were to come out and say “hey, this thing actually makes us super uncomfortable and we’d like you to stop doing it.” THEN we can all become internet warriors defending their honor. But if anything they’ve been pretty clear that they don’t care. So I wouldn’t worry about it on behalf of them.
Now about the minors situation, even if an account is not a private account, if someone has “Minors DNI” or “18+” in their bio/username then that to me is an automatic warning that explicit/nsfw content is possible. And even then, as much as I don’t want minors exposed to sexual content, let’s all be real here. Most of us were 15-17 reading mature fics on AO3 unfazed. We watched DnP start the skinfic and knew EXACTLY where it was headed. You can put all the safeguards in place and minors will STILL be able to access explicit content if they look for it. We can’t make it fully safeguarded, so the only thing we can do is just be responsible about the content we put out there and hope that it’s tagged properly.
Sorry about the rant, it’s just getting so annoying seeing this drama continuously pop up. See something you don’t like? Ignore it. DnP don’t need you to be their internet police for them. Writing something explicit? Include 18+ in your bio, tag your fic appropriately. Also, have a mutual/friend who posted something you don’t like- you could always DM them and have a convo before deciding to put them on blast and create a hate campaign against them. This is just my opinion though, so if you disagree, feel free to reply/message to let me know your take.
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chevelleneech · 29 days
As delusional as they are, it’s kind of interesting watching Tkkrs construct their version of events in real time.
I’m usually working when an episode of AYS airs, so I always see their take on things hours later, and after already having seen other people’s opinions. But to be one of the people who watched it a little earlier, so I saw the scenes before seeing anyone else’s opinions, I can genuinely say, it’s honestly almost fascinating to watch them squirm.
People can think whatever they want about JM and JK and their bond, but to see Tkkrs go from “Jimin was the third wheel!” as they cropped him out of stills or as they claimed Tkk were cuddled up despite it being a quick photo, last week to seeing how they are almost completely ignoring the show this week is wildly funny.
The Jikook tag on Twitter is currently a lot of “Jokers will always be Tae’s number one fan!” “Jokers can’t keep Tae’s name out their mouth!” “Even after all their so-called moments, Jokers only care about Tae!” even though there aren’t actually a lot of Tae centered posts coming from Jikookers. And when they’re not trying to claim Jikookers are for whatever reason focused on Tae, they’re saying all the Jikook moments that happened this episode don’t matter, because Tae and JK went on a trip without cameras, while Jimin and Jungkook said in episode one they hadn’t seen each other in a bit.
I don’t know. It just really interests me how they are so comfortable and so confident in how they decide what matters and what doesn’t, and how they twist whatever else is left to be in their favor. Are You Sure? was scripted bullshit for a year, plus the first two episodes. Episode three was proof JK actually wanted Tae, and Jimin was the tagalong. Now episode 4 is irrelevant because Tkk went on a trip last year or whenever, without filming it.
Their reasoning is so extremely unreasonable, lol. Because why watch a show you know revolves around two members you hate seeing interact? At the same time though, them watching the show and being so angry at JM and JK and Jikookers tells me they really do understand where plenty of Jikookers are coming from.
Not shipping Jikook is fine. Disliking the idea that Jikook are together is fine, but it doesn’t make them any less questionable, and I think people who are watching the show are realizing that more and more.
Jimin and Jungkook went from being attached at the hip during the duration of the group being active. When they paused to enlist, JM and JK, in their own words, drifted. Again in their own words, JM and JK realized they weren’t seeing each other often and decided to rectify that by blocking out a long weekend to go on vacation with just the two of them, and chose to document it. Upon having fun, they decided to extend their filming and vacation in more places, again, just the two of them. Once the show was complete, JM and JK did not then go back their separate ways. They enlisted in the military as a collective unit. A choice they made prior to their vacationing being done.
The entire existence of AYS is honestly just a reminder of how much the two of them value their relationship, whatever it may be. Episodes 1, 2, and 4 specifically. They show how much they enjoy being in each other's space, and how much they click with one another, even though they have close and loving relationships with the other members.
So seeing Tkkrs seemingly come to genuinely understand that, yet hate it, is quite a thing to witness. None of us know the status of JM and JK’s relationship, and we honesty don’t need to. But to watch Tkkrs realize it is fully not at all what they want it to be (as in, Jungkook hates Jimin and Tae is the person he prefers to be with) is something to behold. Because no matter how angry they get, what new scenarios they create, or how much they ignore, the reality is what it is.
Jimin and Jungkook want to be around each other, and they enjoy being around each other. They make each other laugh and smile, and people who watch them together in their actual lives, all agree that they click. I would say I hope Tkkrs come around someday, but I think it’s too late. They’ve made up their minds and will never see the joy JM and JK bring each other, because they’ve built an entirely different world in their heads about what’s going on
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kat-rose-griffith · 3 months
Hi. I love you blog ❤️
But I have an unpleasant question to ask. I hope it doesn’t bring your mood down and I hope that you may have some advice.
I love the Bridgerton community here and I genuinely enjoy the series analyses and the memes and love and praise for the actors. But you know how the situation with Luke has been recently.
I had to block #lukola and lukola content since the comments are mostly generated under this tag. I know that not everyone is using it romantically but I hoped that it will bring down the amount of posts that make me see red or genuinely depressed me. And I still have to block users just to remove their posts from my dash even though I thought that the filter may help.
I want to generate positivity instead of fighting but some posts are just THAT outrageous that I feel the need to dismantle them. By doing that I feel like I keep the hate train rolling simply by bringing the content of these posts into question in order to point out how harmful they are. I’ve also tried doing nothing and ignoring, but it feels like I’m letting the baseless cruelty slide and letting my principles and who I am at the core down.
I’m not sure what to do anymore and I’m thinking about stepping away from all social media for a while. But this thought also makes me sad because I used to love it here and I still (sometimes) do.
Do you have any advice? How do you deal with this? Maybe I have to filter something more? Do you see any way to contribute something good without fighting but also without hiding and running away from the tide?
If I’ve overstepped, I am sorry, and if you decide to remove the ask or not answer it I would absolutely understand. Thank you for listening in any case ❤️
Oh my gosh you’re so sweet. Thank you so much for enjoying my blog. That means so much to me and I truly appreciate it!
As far as advice goes I don’t know if I have a lot. I know it can get really hard to not let other peoples hatred and negativity bring you down. It can get really frustrating especially when the hate is as illogical and unwarranted as the harassment that the bridgerton actors, especially Luke, have been getting. It’s not guaranteed but hopefully the aggression will die down with some time as people move on with their lives. Just know that you’re not alone in these feelings.
I’m personally pretty susceptible to this kind of negativity too. That’s why tumblr is my only form of social media. The way that I try to work with those reactionary feelings is pretty similar to what you’re already doing. Whenever I see something that affects me like that I just block it and move on. Sometimes I do forget to do that and get wrapped up in scrolling through the hate or typing up a response, but then I have to stop myself and think if it’s really worth my time. I remind myself that these people want attention and they want the notes on their posts to feel validated in their opinions. It is hard but the best course of action is to try to just ignore them because they’re truly not worth the stress or energy.
With that I do want to say don’t be afraid to vent your feelings on your own blog. If you don’t feel comfortable putting it in the tag or associating it with your blog because you don’t want to deal with those people harassing you there that’s completely fine. You can always leave it untagged, type it up but leave it in your drafts, create a side blog just for that, or block them when they leave an upsetting comment. I’ve just found that it’s helpful to me to let out how I feel on here instead of holding it in and it’s especially helpful when I find people who actually get it and share my feelings. That’s actually one of my favorite things about tumblr.
Another thing that I try to do is just make my blog a nice place that I’m proud of, which is why you liking my blog has made me very happy. I try to share as many things that I like as I can. With the negativity in the tag surrounding Luke I’ve just been trying to counter it with any positive post that comes to my mind to drown out how negative and hateful some people have been. These people aren’t the majority, they’re just loud. That’s why whenever I’ve been making posts about this season I’ve been putting them in Luke and Nicola’s tags. If you have other social media accounts spamming the cast and their tags with love, complements, or just anything that’s not hateful to counter the hate spamming that they get is always a good idea too.
All that being said if it is all too much I always recommend just stepping away from social media for a second. It can be very overwhelming and hard to remember that it’s not real life, so if you ever feel like it’s effecting you too much just check in with yourself and walk away, for at least a bit.
I know that’s not great advice, but I’m going to post this in all of the tags that I use for bridgerton to see if anyone else has any advice that might be a bit more helpful. I’m very sorry that you’ve been experiencing this too and I hope that it gets better. Thank you so much for liking my blog, that really did make my day
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alyjojo · 1 year
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August 🎺 2023 PAC - Follow Your Dreams
Pile 1 - Orange 🍊
The Dream: Knight of Cups 🥂
The House: 5th
Signs: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius 🔥 Virgo & the entire generation of Pluto Scorpio (Millennials)
18 Start
You must start from where you are, examine your situation, and take a chance.
45 Collaboration
Creative people can be inspired by sharing and stimulating creativity in others.
Great Adventure
“Take a risk; venture forward.”
What can you do right now to prepare?
Two stories here, one is for those that either want a lover to come back, or want to find their true soulmate. The other is for the musicians or entertainment people that want to make it big.
And the advice is the same. RISK looking like a fool. Be obvious! Put yourself out there! 5 Pentacles shows you’ve faced rejection before, you’ve probably tried to follow this advice before, whether regarding this or something else. Rejection is just redirection, it’s not that you’re bad or wrong, that this isn’t your path or you can’t have what you want, it’s just that particular company / gig / person isn’t the one that it’s going to happen with, or the *what* needs readjustment. Same energy, different target! For those wanting to reunite with an ex, same target, different strategy / behavior. The signs could be a hint of who they are, or who you are. There is very heavy fire 🔥 and that’s what you’re needing to embody, if you don’t already possess it. Fire does not sit around and pine over things. They want it, they go get it 💯 And they make it look easy, because they tend to be more impulsive and *thinking about it* or planning can be an afterthought. Just do it.
Sagittarius being highlighted specifically can be the person, you, or the energy you need. They are a very laid back sign when it comes to details, demands, and expectations, but so much fun and always keeping a sense of humor about things. They’re not emotional, they just want to have a good time, and often impulsively just decide to do something they think would bring them a lot of joy. If it doesn’t work out, that’s okay shit happens. We still had fun, and aren’t going to linger in any disappointment. Onto the next thing tomorrow, the path is always open to head down a new lane, there is no “stuck”. Keeping an optimistic and positive attitude, seeing yourself as a winner regardless of circumstance, and eventually you’ll get there.
You need this attitude, because you’re so focused on the negative and what could go wrong, that you stop yourself before you even start! Fear is blocking an entrepreneurial spirit, the fire inside you to motivate and inspire your next big move! Kindly get out of your own way, hype yourself up like the bad bitch (m/f) you know you are, and go get what you want, despite any criticism or rejections from others, trust that you will intuitively know the difference between ✨constructive✨ and useless 🗑️ criticism. Opinions are like assholes 🧡
Star of Fame 🌟 on Knight of Cups is something big, and romantic. For the love it could be going above and beyond, making it clear and obvious you’re interested, doing special things that really catch the attention of others. For music, love would be your area of focus, to get the attention you’re seeking. If you love things, be open about those things and you can find others that love them too! Speaking kindness and life into others, love songs, kind actions towards others will always be celebrated by all people. If you want romance, SAY so! Be that, in order to attract it back towards you.
Treble Clef 🎼 on Great Adventure is music, hobbies, concerts, whatever makes you feel excited and alive, do more of that. Take more risks with things you’ve maybe never done before but have thought about or would love to try. You’re the only one stopping you here.
Sagittarius ♐️ on Start is what I said about Sagittarius already, and could be very specific depending on you & your story. Think positive. Sure it might not work, but it could, or it could give you an even better idea that DOES. It’s a whole process, don’t fear failure before you start, just fear giving up or losing motivation, and keep things handy to perk you back up if and when you feel like you’re going to. This is a sign that does whatever tf they want, and unapologetically so, others will either meet you on your level or watch you walk towards what does 💯
Tree of Life 🌳 & Dead Tree 🍂 on Strength literally shows you killing your chances before they even have a chance to bloom or go full circle. The beginning and the end, and you may have already gone through a whole cycle of something you fear repeating, that’s why you hold back. But it only burdens you further because it keeps you in Hermit energy. Wands do not belong in Hermit energy for more than a short period, they have got to be social or they go bananas 🍌 If you’re looking for love, take amazing pictures and create a profile on some site. Tell your friends to set you up - with Collaboration. FLIRT, and be open to having a good time, even if they’re not “it” - Sag energy. Even if it’s getting someone back, if that’s the thing weighing on your heart and you picked this, then you’ve got a real shot, but you’ve got to show up, make moves, and impress. Be romantic, be sexy, be confident, show off. Be YOU, authentically, confidently. I don’t think this would come out, and you wouldn’t have picked it, if you were really doomed to failure. But you have to try, or keep trying! Listen to those around you too, the positive people, collaboration & 3 Cups can show well meaning and helpful friends around you that can help you get to where you want to go. They make you feel good. Only spend time with people that make you feel good!
Pile 2 - Gold 🏆
The Dream: Progress
The House: 3rd
Signs: Heavy Pisces, Gemini, Virgo & Sagittarius, Jupiter/placements in Aquarius
38 Limits
Know that limiting attitudes are often formed as protective reactions to past events.
18 Start
You must start from where you are, examine your situation, and take a chance.
61 Happy Accident
Fortunate accidents can act as guides to edit and be open to where you should go next.
36 Generosity
You can afford to be generous with the gift of your time and attention.
What can you do right now to prepare?
I don’t see a specific dream, you JUST want to know if there will be some progress where you are! For most of you it’s probably career related, and for others it can be friends, coworkers, contacts in your life that just do not help you out as much as you wish they would. Knight of Pentacles shows you as on your grind, every day, without fail. You may have already put quite a lot of time into a job or project, and this reading is saying more time is needed. Not “no” just “not right now”. For some it’s due to the current Jupiter transit in Taurus, which seems to be the star of your reading. The sign pulled was Jupiter Aquarius, you could have this, lucky people in your life could, or this is showing that your “luck” is squared right now in some way, and things are changing in the background that will inevitably work in your favor. But might not seem that way at first.
Once Jupiter moves into Gemini in a year (05/24/2024), it’s feeling like that’s when things can really start moving in the direction you want them to, at least for this pile. You want cooperation, and you want your ideas to be heard, to feel valued and appreciated for all the work and effort you put into something. I see a Tower ahead, if it hasn’t already happened, every card connected to this Tower is happy and fortunate for you. Again, you may not feel that way at first. There are a lot of worries and anxiety you’re carrying needlessly, much of this feels out of your control. It’s possible you will/need to decide to leave some things behind. Uncooperative people, fake “friends”, even ideas of yours that aren’t going to stay exactly as they are. You’re in a cycle of big change, and you feel like things aren’t moving, but they are.
It could be your career is in a cycle of big change, they may be cleaning house and getting rid of people you’ve been manifesting OUT of your life, and way. If you lose a job, I see you finding a better one. If you lose friends, I see you finding better ones, more aligned to your path. 3rd House can refer to siblings, neighbors, people around your neighborhood you see from time to time, casual connections, even people from early childhood or school days. This feels very positive and like the sort of people you should involve yourself in or around more often, they could be beneficial to you, or end up being great friends of yours. A “Happy Accident” will be the beginning of a beautiful new beginning for you, and in the meantime, know that you’re stuck temporarily with the Limits, that your continuous grinding loyalty is still required with Knight of Pentacles, and that it’s out of your control for now, but for your highest good - Wheel of Fortune. Watching Clouds ☁️ in the meantime, wear earbuds, work on your inner self, find people that make you feel good and have some great conversations that really stick with you - 3rd House, and tune out the negative people or those that get on your nerves. Yes, there will be progress.
Guitar 🎸 on Watching Clouds is connecting with music or hobbies to pass any free time and make you feel connected to yourself. These can refer to relaxation techniques as well, music can be one, the card has a hammock, books, and a cup of tea. Yes you’re working hard, but you should also be enjoying yourself as much as possible. It’s not like you’re being cursed, it feels more like you’re being gifted with this transition period. Get inspired by feeling good and use that to really think & dream about what you’d like to see happen.
Clover 🍀 on Wheel of Fortune is a repeated message that the things that will be changing are for your highest good. I don’t see lottery wins, but by all means Happy Accident with this are probably all I would need 😆 Buy some tickets. If things make you worry or stress, have faith that everything is going to work out for the best. And relax. You’re on the lucky side of the changes that are coming.
Fractal Leaf 🍃 on Ace of Cups shows many different elements of growth to these changes that will turn out to be a new beginning for you. This can be a lover, a hobby, a new dream (or several), good connections with newer people coming into your life. It’s new and it’s positive, but there are several different shocking or changing factors that get this to happen in the first place. When you do things, put your heart into them, or do things that you feel a deeper connection to, talk to people that love the same things as you do.
Starfish ⭐️ on 9 Swords tells you to calm your fears, worries, sleepless nights, constant anxiety. You need healing and regeneration, this can be watching videos on your similar situation from others who have been through it, going to counseling, seeking advice from people close to you that understand you. It really feels like you’re looking for your tribe, along with some career success you’re hoping to have as well. The message is not to worry, and focus on healing the thoughts and triggers that cause you to worry in the first place.
Peace ☮️ on Happy Accident & Generosity is beautiful energy, taking things as they come and seeing the higher purpose to everything if you can. Being kind, loving, peaceful in your attitude & outlook, and generous to others is what will likely win a lot more people over to your side, especially those ruled by the 3rd House. Your local waitress, trash man, cashier, next door neighbor, siblings and possible in-laws or nieces & nephews. Anyone you communicate with. The more you give, the more you’ll get in the long term.
Pile 3 - Indigo 🌌
The Dream: Page of Wands
The House: 6th House
Libra, Aquarius, Cancer, Venus in Cancer
4 Recycle
Learn from the past and apply it to creating your vision of the future.
24 Partnership
Once you have decided to walk your path in partnership, you must put the relationship first.
44 Transformation
Allow the energy of fear to be transformed by love, creativity, and compassion.
31 Communication
The clarity, interactivity, and timing of communications is critical.
What can you do right now to prepare?
You have some heavy family dynamics that you haven’t healed from, nor have they, and your dream according to this - is a message that you receive (not send). Yet I get the feeling that even if you received one, you wouldn’t be receptive to it. The signs here show up as signs that can have a hard time setting firm boundaries with loved ones, you have experienced feeling fully responsible for someone else and being taken advantage of. Or perhaps you’ve done this to someone else.
Some of these wounds could be healed, and some of them are too far gone. Recycle is you needing to determine what is what. If someone has abused you or been cruel to you, then you owe them nothing & same for anyone else. 6th House being the House of Service shows you feel like you have to “serve” those close to you, work for them, dote on them, no. Nor do they. Only if you want to, and if others abuse this kindness, it ends 💯 There is clearly some unfinished business here, that either you wish someone would come forward and discuss, or you want to send a long message with all of your feelings inside…and just don’t, or haven’t. You’re afraid of feeling guilty, or indebted to someone else, afraid of feeling used or manipulated, and your fears work overdrive when it comes to this situation. Especially if you are somehow at fault. Does everyone hate you? Do they think you don’t care? If you talked to them, could it change?
For the last question, I get a clear yes.
Only if you want to. For the relationships that are worth saving, Recycle, Transformation, and Communication all show 4444 together, which is stability, home, security, feeling safe. Positive and stable relationships. Partnership rounds it out, as something you know you should do, and also something you fear…being stuck or trapped to a situation you don’t want to be in due to “loyalty” or family. Some of you will be like “absolutely not” regarding healing and transforming these connections, you know you best. This being the dream though, if you resist it, why do you want it?
The advice on either side is to decisively choose to free yourself and heal your heart. Speaking your mind and feelings to those that need to hear it, whether it’s “I miss you” or a “fk you for hurting me”, whatever you keep locked up tight and refuse to actually express. Whether healing the connection or not, this conversation you want to have will heal YOU. I don’t see you being unkind though, even if you were hurt, and 3 Swords rev shows you were, and have healed. You’ve kept yourself trapped in your head in an emotional prison of wounds you don’t speak about, that have hurt your relationships, whether deserved or not. So speak your truth. Some can heal and change, some aren’t as bad as you fear they are, and some just need to hear it because you’ve never told them. If others are receptive, transformation is inevitable, and if they’re not, now you know, but either way this can be laid to rest.
Crown 👑 on Mystic Healer is your gift, it’s likely for most of you that on your own journey of healing you could heal others that surround you, those in your family, your friends, anyone that spends time with you. If you haven’t already spiritually ascended, you’re heading in that direction, where you fully understand the inner workings of everyone in your life and how it flows (or doesn’t) with you, plus how to help others take steps towards doing this for themselves. Especially with 6th House, you really are a helper, and a healer, for other people, it’s something you feel you “owe” to others, society, and yourself too. Some of that energy could be used towards the home and family for this pile.
Rocking Horse 🐴 on 10 Cups indicates children, connected to avoidance, lying, sneaking, cheating and deceiving. Could be your own children, some in your family, friend group, traumas from childhood, childhood friends and companions. It can be so many things, you’ll have to apply this to your story however it fits. Some of you may be avoiding having/wanting kids due to family trauma and wanting to end your bloodline, feeling you’re cursed or something. I really don’t get that being true, but it’s these sorts of thoughts and feelings that need to be brought to light & discussed. Some of you have childhood wounds to heal. Some of you may have walked away from children or had others walk away from you as a child…deep wounds are indicated.
Regrowth 🌳 on The World rev looks dead, just like The World looks done, but neither actually are. The tree is growing leaves, slowly, and The World is reversed, waiting on something to fully close this cycle for good. It comes in the form of a message to someone you either really want to talk to, know you need to, or can’t rest until you finally do.
Hamsa Hand 🪬 (down) on Transformation talks about blessings, gifts, abundance, wonderful things coming your way. The universe wants to give you positive transformations and healing, you have nothing…irrational to fear. Again if you know a person is no good and your gut says NO, listen. Most stories I get here aren’t tragic, and can be healed with some honest communication, accountability, and vulnerability. It all feels very positive. If this person is evil then the closure needs to come from yourself, still maybe sending a message, or talking with others that have gone through this same experience.
Locked Heart 🔒 on 8 Swords rev is you releasing yourself from a self imposed prison that you’ve held yourself in who knows how long. If you can’t forgive and change the relationship with a person, okay. Forgive yourself, speak it out loud to whoever needs to hear it. For some, you may keep painful secrets from a partner or family members. Release those too! Open up to those that love you and nothing bad will come from that, only support and understanding. You have to choose to heal though, you can’t avoid it anymore. Once you do, who you are will completely transform into a more self assured, confident, happy & healed person. For some, a “homecoming” is in store. For everyone, all you want the most is to release this feeling of guilt, avoidance, not speaking your truth and hiding your pain - which will take a conscious effort, and courage.
For a very small portion of you, this is a relationship you just want to end, and leave, but you feel guilty about it, or like you owe them your time, loyalty, all of you. Or there is some aspect that keeps you unhappy and you need to address this. You could have kids together, or one of you does and there is a bond there regardless. Again some can heal, with communication & opening up about how you really feel, and some just want to finally let it go and feel free again. Speak your desires into life, or your pain into awareness, attempting telepathy often leads to wrong assumptions, fear winning, foggy understandings & confusion. Is it intuition or is it just projection of my own fears? Moon energy 😵‍💫 If your behaviors, fears, accusations, etc. match the energy in your 7th House, then it’s possible you’re a part of the problem and that’s what you’ve avoided facing, not speaking your truth to resist hearing the truth of others as well. 7th House is who we attract and what we project (our shadow 😈 side) and everyone has a side. Again, if abuse is involved, fk their side, no one gets to defend having abused you and no one deserves to be abused, you only owe yourself an apology for beating yourself up about it 💜 But that’s not everyone here, it’s a mixed bunch in this pile, some just want to do the right thing, some are wrong, some have never gotten clarity and have built walls for nothing, and some have been wronged.
Pile 4 - Blue 💠
The Dream: 10 Pentacles
The House:
Story 1: 9th
Story 2: 10th
Sagittarius, Scorpio, Virgo, Capricorn, North Node & placements in Leo
Story 1:
64 Actualization
You will achieve your full potential by virtue of your creativity and your honest pursuit of truth.
30 Capable
You can deal successfully with whatever challenges and circumstances arise.
“A fresh new way of living emerges.”
Story 2:
54 Visualize
When we develop out abilities to visualize, we can manifest maximum influence on our experience of reality.
50 Sacred Space
Use beautiful art, music, and creativity of all kinds to put you into a sacred space.
62 Delay
Confront the natural tendency to delay the finishing of a creative endeavor.
Protected By Angels
“You are cherished by the angels.”
What can you do right now to prepare?
Two clear stories here that are night 🌙 and day ☀️ but both represented by 10 Pentacles, the solid family or business foundation on which we stand, what most of us are working towards, ideally.
Story 1: You are very religious or spiritual, your beliefs run deep. I don’t see a Hierophant to show them being super conservative or not, that may vary between you all. But there has been some element of “sin” in your family, either a specific person or this could be a generational trauma of some kind that is just too eerie to be a coincidence. It probably relates to things of a sexual nature, addictions, known issues & Devil related topics, and either judging these things yourself or being judged for them. I’m getting the message that if you’re a true believer, it’s not your job to judge. Give it to God, or whatever you believe in, and on your side, forgive this person for whatever it is you’re holding against them. It can be as simple as a crop top, a flirty text, or a teen pregnancy scare & the abortion/birth control debate, it could be an extremely religious background, ideals, goals, that you want your family to be a part of, or absolutely do NOT. But there is Judgment being cast where it’s not your place to cast it, it’s your place to forgive, support, and “stay in your lane”. Or break free from it altogether, if you’re the one that is being judged by people that don’t get to do that.
Whatever this is, it’s not about you anymore, it’s about the legacy you’re leaving behind for the rest of your family. Your values, your beliefs, you want to protect them and also want to stand solid & strong in your personal morals. It’s got a righteous ring to it, for some, others are genuinely the more volunteer/helper of the community sort of people. Those dealing with addictions and other problems like that. You want to heal your family lineage and teach them the “right” way to be, whether your kids, spouse, siblings, parents even. There is a fine line there. You are best to lead by example and allow others to follow, be patient & forgiving, not pushy. Your oracle cards show you as a fierce warrior of truth & spiritual values. Always be careful to only judge yourself, and everything else here is beautiful and positive for you. If healing family wounds is your goal, you have more than enough ability to do so, for some of you that’s your true calling in life, and you already know that. Transformation is a beautiful energy, and with N Node Leo, whatever work you’re putting into spirituality, a church perhaps, rehabilitation, social work, you name it, it’s going to receive a lot of positive attention. You can’t get better energy for what you want to do. But you can’t immerse yourself in a community if you’re on a pedestal looking down on them, that’s what this whole message is saying. Some won’t choose your way, and you have no control over that, but you can love them anyway. Jesus didn’t feast with the wealthy & righteous. How is such a conservatively religious sort of message coming out on this blog, like I get it and it’s useful & true, but I’m just lost. Not all of you are religious, or some of you were raised that way and reject it, but still act like this towards others. Or you may be dealing with people like this and need to spread the message. There is no one way, no one direction is the right direction, everyone has different paths, values, talents, interests, beliefs, etc. It’s safer to assume most of them are right if they all have the same basic idea right, just don’t be a shitty person 😁
Story 2: You want to start your own business, re-open an old family one, or reimagine an old idea of the family’s. Possibly keeping one going, but I see this more for the ones with an idea and little else so far. You want to create something lasting and beautiful that you can pass down through the generations. But you’re only at 2 Wands, the early planning stages, and Delay shows you as easily distracted, talking yourself out of things, procrastination, and a lack of faith you needn’t have. You have Protected By Angels, which is funny because story 1 is all about religion, and you have the angels 😇 That’s because they already know they have them. You don’t. But…you do 🩵
All of the energy here shows you having amazing visualization skills but you really have to put time into mediation and creating what you want to have inside of your head first. Your manifestation abilities may be very powerful and you don’t even realize it. You want success, your family to share in your success, enough money to handle the bills and some for vacations and stuff too, it’s your dream. You have all of the tools to create exactly what you want, the only things you need is 1. A plan. 2. Money, for supplies, a workspace, etc. 3. Research 💯 and 4. Execution. Queen of Pentacles shows you’ve got this, because she’s got this, running a business or the financial ties to her world (10 Pentacles) are what she does best. You could be a single parent that wants to work for themselves and spend more time at home with your kids. Once you have everything picked out, decided, saved up for, and ready to go…North Node Leo is destined for success, attention, fame on some level is likely - even a local level, positive recognition from others and a great, well-known reputation for something everyone wants, that you do best. It’s something you will have to work for, but it all starts inside of your own head.
Story 1:
Alice 🐇 on 9th House could be showing children specifically as your target audience, maybe instilling spiritual or moral values into them, you could be a teacher or family psychologist of some kind, or that’s the goal. This could also include fairy tales. I gotta throw out there, with Moulin Rouge too and this heavy sense of moral JUSTICE, you could be concerned about things regarding child abuse, and that’s being shown by the author of this particular story. Idk for sure, but we’ve all heard he’s suspicious. Being a protector of children could be a high level priority for you, and bless you for that. Or with Transformation, you may take things like fairy tales and modernize them in some way. Could be 1000 things but that’s what I got from this. If your children do not believe what you believe or do what you want them to do…they have their own path. Same for you with your own parents. Some of you need to get in touch with your own inner child, there’s a lot of learning that needs to happen here, whether it’s regarding control, spirituality, right vs. wrong or old vs. modern, maybe a combination of all of these things. From what I’ve gathered in these readings, everyone is going to experience the path that is for them, regardless of what others think or believe about it. So you decide to help, or hurt, the inevitable.
Moulin Rouge 💋 on Judgement is difficult, because Temperance is having patience and understanding with those that are very different from you. You could be easily triggered by things like sex workers, models, drug addicts, alcoholics, gamblers, etc etc. The religiously righteous of you have to toe the fine line of what’s best for you, giving with a pure heart, and battling the deeply ingrained judgement that you want to pass out, or have to experience. Constantly having to keep yourself in check and also not being too soft that you don’t have boundaries. Some of you are reformed addicts etc., have a past, and want to turn things around, some of you have been “saved” by whichever God etc., and now want to spread the word & help others. Again some of you are advocates for children or protective of them being put in these situations, and bless you for that 💯🙏
Sword 🗡 on Capable is similar to Ace of Swords, which is absolute truth, honesty, fairness, and decisively making the best choices for you, your purpose, your message or whatever you’re needing to do. It’s separating “the point” from the extras of a situation. It’s the same sword of Justice that cuts off what is not necessary or conducive for the purpose or outcome you need/desire. The meaning behind this whole story is wholesome, and yet you’re fierce. 10 Pentacles could show you working with families as a counselor with the goal to keep them whole. Kids are here more than once. For some, it’s your inner child. Or your own children. Some of you may have been victims of painful experience, and only want to make life better for your own children, breaking generational curses and any trauma you had experienced, so you & life can be better for them. Setting the example of what family should be. Some of you may be projecting fear onto children and unknowingly causing unnecessary fear & damage, or even manifesting your own fears into reality, if that’s something you’re constantly focused on. Thoughts become things. Kids rebel. Open honest conversations are needed to bring clarity on all sides.
Story 2:
Spider & Web 🕷 on The Magician is a beautiful message of being able to spin the reality you desire in whatever way you want it to be, the same message of The Magician, but in case you missed it the first time. You can create your reality, and there is nothing stopping you but you, that I can see. If you feel like you can’t, this is saying you’re wrong, with love.
Dragonfly 🪷 on Sacred Space shows a transformation being necessary, and it’s directly connected to delays. If you spend most of your time in crowded spaces, around chaos or constant playing phones, tvs, computers, chatty people, it’s not good for what you’re trying to do here. You’re easily distracted, and part of you uses that as an excuse. This says you need to create (or transform) a space that is entirely for your creative manifestation ideas and thinking. A thinking spot. Like Winnie the Pooh 🍯 but with a vibe that’s soft, tranquil, and mimics what you want for this bigger idea, your space should get you into this mindset of what you want because it also is a part of what you want, but a smaller part. Vision boards could be very useful for you.
Axe 🪓 on Delay mirrors the Dragonfly, you have to recognize the things that distract you, whether it’s phone calls or loud tvs or social media etc., and figure out how to work around those things or get away from them entirely. It’s like you can’t even think, and you don’t make yourself. You need the equivalent of a man cave, except a whatever, “a tranquil sanctuary of Italian music” if a restaurant like that is what you’re going for. Something that inspires you to immediately imagine your idea, and make you ready to get started on a regular basis. An office. A nook. It’s a priority.
Pile 5 - Pink 🎀
The Dream: King of Wands
The House: 11th
Aries, Scorpio, Taurus, Libra & Saturn in Taurus
Story 1:
80 Go Deeper
Expressing the deeper meanings in life, while staying attuned for childlike wonder, is at the heart of all great art.
2 Push
Don’t feel inadequate; forget how to quit. Push on, no matter how things look.
Uncovering Treasure
“Beneath the surface lies great bounty.”
Story 2:
19 Growth
Feel open, willing, and proud of your desire to explore new opportunities for self-development.
57 Worry
Worry is attachment to a particular outcome and the fear that it will not come to pass.
Unknown Territory
“You are exactly where you need to be.”
What can you do right now to prepare?
You’ve chosen the pile that wants a sexy, confident, amazing lover that leaves you speechless (or out of breath) and makes all of your dreams come true. They’re your best friend, lover, confidant, they want to marry you and spend the rest of your lives together. Masculine & Feminine energies both dominate, Mars signs and Venus signs are both the focus here, no matter where you fall gender wise you want a lover, THE person of your dreams. In your head, they’re incredibly attractive and possess more Mars/Aries qualities, very forward & direct, confident, flirty, commanding & dominant, they make the first move, they get attention from everyone in the room because they’re a larger than life sort of personality - for half. The other half are dark, mysterious, watch you from across the room with a deep & almost obsessive stare, immediately infatuated with ONLY you. Scorpio. That HEAT 🔥 passion, smoldering, lusty, “love at first sight” kind of feeling. But also, one that lasts 💯 I’m getting more Venus energy from you.
Here is where the story splits - half of you feel like you know this person already, you’re story 1. The other half are waiting to finally meet them and it’s killing you like come ON already, you’re story 2.
Story 1:
You’re madly infatuated with someone in your world, 11th House shows they could be a friend right now, or you’ve only recently started dating, you could have met them through friends, networking, social media/online, or dating apps. The chemistry is on fire, and you want things to go to the next level. They’re acting like they’re at a 3, casual and friendly, not pushing too hard or going too fast, and you’re at a TEN BABY 💍 Put a ring on it, give me babies, I got an appointment to look at a nice area rug for our living room. Chop chop. I feel for most this is all NEW, and you crazy 😆, but for some of you it’s been enough time (years) to where this energy makes more sense. They’re everything you’ve ever wanted, imagined, hoped for. Even more than that. You’ve probably never been so stuck on someone like this. So what’s the problem?
The waiting is killing you, this whole dating game dance, you’re dying for this person to direct, lead, “pleaaaase tell me what you want” sort of energy. What you can do to help this along right now, is be very clear…strategic, but clear, about how much you’re into them. What are your goals, what are theirs? What inspires you, and them? What are they hoping for this relationship, are they just living in the now or do they have hopes for longer term love? Communication is everything, I’m getting the more you let them know how crazy about them you are, the more they’ll reciprocate, if this is the right one for you. Opal on The Emperor can show a dominant sort of person yes, and also they’re kind of shy! Or weird with opening up. They can ask you if you want a drink, or tacos for dinner, but in heart matters, it’s your turn to take the lead. You both have to take turns being the aggressor and the more receptive & vulnerable, it’s a balance, that’s what Mars & Venus are showing here, not gender or even signs really. Maybe. Saturn Taurus, if not a literal placement of someone, is showing a need to be patient and give things/people the time they need to naturally unmask themselves, open up, dig deeper, commit, feel things, etc. You’re being encouraged to act on your feelings, open the door, start asking the right questions and be transparent about how you feel and what you want…no pressure though. Balance. You feel like you’ve found some treasure, you have, and the more you learn the crazier about them you are or will be 🩷 But what do they want? Get answers. Unless you just met them last week.
Story 2:
This smoldery sexy partner is what you’re dreaming of day in and day out, you’re manifesting them like crazy, obsessively, and it’s not showing up for you like you’ve asked for. You’ve waited and waited for someone to approach you, ask you out, where is this dream lover, you’ve done all of the manifestation work and it’s like it hasn’t worked for you. You’re losing patience or starting to believe maybe this isn’t in the cards for you - with the Worry card here. All of your Oracle cards show that this person you dream of isn’t coming, because *that* person isn’t actually compatible with who you are! It’s what you want, but you don’t yet know what you NEED. If this person walked into the bar tonight and was very forward & direct, or silent and stalkerish, be honest, you’d probably get creep vibes or some red flags signaling (helpppp!). In your head, in movies, it’s great, it’s hot. In reality, this doesn’t seem like the right person for you. You’re in the middle of a big shift, realizing who you really are, and what you really want, and that’s the advice here.
You want something long lasting, possibly a “friends first” sort of connection. This could also be hinting that the person you’re looking for is or will be a friend first. With Unknown Territory & Worry, I get your “dreams” or standards actually being kind of a problem, you may have a laundry list of qualities that aren’t feasible or don’t actually work for you. Some of your standards may be unreachable, or even unlikely for the sort of person you’d actually be happy with. Whoever the right one is, I get that they don’t match anything you’re thinking of, and they’re nothing like whatever you’ve experienced before. Clearly that’s a good thing, because what didn’t work - didn’t work for a reason, they’ll be your person. While you’re working on growing and changing, maturing yourself and going after the things you want & enjoy, you’ll find this person eventually, many signs point to friends. You could meet them through a friend, a gathering with your own friends, definitely something social with 11th House & 3 Cups. But that list you’ve got of what they look like (smoldery), how they make you feel (lust), all of that forces you into a role that complements that type, and that’s not who you are. Stalkery fkery. “Bad boys/girls”. They’re bad for a reason, probably in jail right now 😆 In your case it’s like you’re chasing a venus/mars dynamic but really it’s an intelligent & funny sign that loves to chat that’s more your style. Not necessarily, but I’m definitely picking up more of a Mercury ruled sort of person, that would be Gem/Vir in placements or risings. They’re not smoldery, they’re chatty, straightforward, honest, transparent, and super friendly. Like you? If you go for tattoos, maybe they’re more simple & straightedge, if you’re more long hair & grunge, they could be neat & simple, if you’re more bougie & expensive, they could be more shell necklaces, organics and locs. Be more willing to try new experiences & see what happens. Again with Saturn Taurus, same as the first story, things taking some necessary time is what’s going to drive you bonkers, or you/they could have this placement. This position would also nod towards having a narrow lane of vision that needs to expand because it only works against you. If you have a “type” it hasn’t worked before so…maybe it’s time to let that go 💘
Courageous ♈️ and Scorpio ♏️ on King of Wands is describing “the dominant male” or the “powerful vixen” in your typical movie style archetypes. Make sure your reality matches your ideals, it’s not just lust, and you’re not just projecting fantasies onto someone that isn’t actually how you may be seeing them. That’s why time & getting to know them is necessary. You definitely want someone that makes the first move, but you also have to be open to who does that. Some of you just need to say that to your person, and others of you can’t pretend to know how that’s going to show up for you. Likely unexpected.
Opal 💗 on The Emperor shows the Aries/Libra opposition, yin & yang, masculine and feminine, chaser & chased. There is no one story here, everyone wants something different. The Venus signs are softer, more receptive, “the chased”, ruled by love, friendship, dating, etc. The Empress. The Mars signs take initiative, are more aggressive, chase what they want (prefer to), typically more dominant & powerful personalities. These two being together can show balance is needed, not wanting one more than the other, and also accepting that these roles will need to flip back and forth sometimes. No one can stay in their masculine action or feminine receptivity every second, it’s necessary that both of you can instinctively shift into the other role too. Or it can become a more toxic energy, like for masculine, you don’t want a total aggressive meathead that can’t show emotions at all right? Or for feminine, one that expects you to initiate, plan, act on everything and they just accept or don’t make any moves ever? No, it’s needing a balance of both. Knowing which energies you tend to be more comfortable in, and what you need in another person to balance out your own personality, plus what they want too. It can come in an unexpected package that don’t have anything to do with these planets. If you are comfortable with one energy, this can be saying do the opposite and see what happens. And if you have a person, what is their own energy, you’ll have to balance with them or speak the need for them to do the same with you 💯
Spider & Web 🕷 on Ace of Swords is manifesting exactly what you want, having the tools to do so by using communication, ideas, the truth, being upfront and honest about who you are and what you want. For Story 1 it’s opening up to this person, for Story 2 it’s clarity about yourself that’s needed.
Starfish ⭐️ and Treble Clef 🎼 on Ace of Cups show music, hobbies, and following your passions in life and doing activities involving those things are what will lead you to healing any past wounds you still carry, and any fears you may have. You could meet your person through doing some of these things, especially where friends are involved, or if you know them already, getting them around your friends would be a good idea. Like parents, friends know who you are and can vibe accurately with your new date a few times, they’ll always tell you the truth you may not see. So long as you agree.
Rose 🌹 on 6 Pentacles is beautiful growth in yourself and your relationships with equal give and take. No one person is doing more, giving more, receiving more, it’s an equal exchange of energies. Today my person is planning everything and working hard for me to enjoy them, tomorrow I’m cleaning & detailing our cars because they don’t like to, etc. They asked me out last time and I didn’t respond, let me ask them this time. Doing life together & making each others lives easier and a happier, being open and honest about what you want and how you feel = happiness. When your person is sick, you step up, romance is a two way street.
Pile 6 - Purple 🔮
The Dream: The Fool
The House: 8th
Capricorn, Sagittarius, Libra, Cancer & Scorpio
3 Share
To help you make progress, it’s a good idea to share what you have and what you care about.
39 Direction
Switch gears, reboot, and try a new and different direction.
10 Wish Granted
Believe in your abilities as a Magic Maker manifest your wishes; they will soon be your reality.
13 Innovation
Have fun and experiment, inventing something that surprises and has never existed before.
What can you do right now to prepare?
This pile is pretty vague, but 9/10 people choosing this pile probably hate their job more than anything else - specifically. You’d all love to pick up the phone, call in, tell them to fk off and you’re never coming back GOOD DAY. Biiiitch 😆 You won’t of course, you’re too responsible for all that, and that’s the issue.
The dream itself is taking very fast, impulsive action, just waking up and deciding you’d rather do anything else but go back to this same place yet again to do the same shit yet again, to just be not appreciated and overly burdened. The only part I’m seeing you not being able to do, is the impulsive part, which you already know. But that is the dream. King of Pentacles describes you, you’re the career oriented, business running, every I is dotted and T is crossed kind of financial planner personality, it’s a wonderful thing and your biggest burden. You may be the type to act guilty if you take “you time”, vacations, sick days, overworking yourself to death…for what? There is no reward for that. Money sure, but it won’t matter if you’re dead because you can’t be bothered to take lunch breaks, nourish yourself, needed vacations and time off to just live. Everyone knows it’s the charming yes men that can’t math actually get the promotions 😁 Not the ones willing to die on the same hill they came in on. Which is part of your advice here, with Libra.
That isn’t shade @ Libra, everyone knows they’re charming & persuasive, Share with their charm is showing you needing to embody that energy a little more. Be chatty, friendly, seek to make a friend out of everyone, and always get your own personal bugs (ideas/desires) in everyone’s ear. Libra knows it takes cooperation and networking to move up the ladder, and it often works for them. People help them, because they like them. Your energy comes up more as Capricorn, regardless of actual signs. “I don’t deserve nice things and I’ll slave until I die to earn them.” Balance 🙏 That personality can be taken advantage of a lot, because they know you’ll always show up, and they can slack off. Why would people try harder or move you up, if you’ll willingly run the whole show as just Cashier #5, no no, you’re good where you are. Forever 🫠
The advice can be a couple things. If you have the money, take a vacation. You need a break. It can be that simple, save up some money and just do it. Then when you come back refreshed, make yourself a whole new person while alone, daydream yourself into a reality where you are in a position that’s valued, respected, and well paid. It starts with valuing yourself. Get inspired. Meditate. Then when you come back, start speaking up and charming everyone around you until you get word of a new position. They don’t tell you the “shmoozing” is silent in “promotion”. But that’s who always gets promoted, and you’ve got it, so use it.
Others of you are really entrepreneurs at heart, and your desire could actually be starting your own business, which I see very positive things for. Not impulsively 💯 But by perfecting an idea, putting in the time and work, saving up the money, networking, getting it all going in whichever ways this applies. You want it to be fast, but it won’t be fast. If it was, you’d be fast and broke, and you don’t want really that. Don’t just quit tomorrow, but start prioritizing honing these skills and crafts, whatever is your idea. There’s a whole period of trial and error, and making changes you maybe didn’t even see the first time around. If your own business is the dream, I see it having enormous potential to grow into something long lasting. Or this can be a hobby, a side hustle, an investment, any number of things but financial rewards are possible with it.
Your advice is to spend a lot more time on your own, making the necessary space and prioritizing yourself, so you have the time you need to really get clear on what you want, what it should look like, how you can schedule that in, how will it benefit you and what does it require of you? Getting feedback, with Share, is also a good idea, which doesn’t mean spill your ideas to the world but looking for other people who have done this already - tell their stories. Get inspired, network, make friends & contacts in this world you want to jump into. Then by the time you actually make moves, you’ll have more confidence, knowledge, helpful suggestions and good business sense.
If your family is what is demanding so much of your time and energy, you could need a separate space for “you stuff”. Your own thoughts, your break from chaos, everyone should have a space and you deserve one too, your family can learn that when you are in this space, leave you alone for awhile. Running isn’t the answer here, prioritizing yourself is, and this Fool can relate to you setting necessary boundaries in your life with people who think they are owed all of your time, your attention, your money, no. I don’t see kids, but in the case you have them plz don’t leave them alone to burn the house down - obviously. Within reason, you can set aside time for yourself and others have to honor it just like you would for them. If you work at home, then a workspace dedicated to you & work, and respecting these boundaries is required with you. Many people throw their weight around with their demands, expectations, preferences, yada yada ok sure. You get to have some too. Everyone does 💜 We work around & respect those boundaries and desires when we care about someone, it’s not hard. It’s more you realizing you need it. For work, they are exchanging your life for pay. Give them what they pay for, no more, and make your expectations of reward or higher status clear…in a friendly way.
Capricorn ♑️ on The Fool is a total contradiction, jumping headfirst into something unknown with the sign that crosses every T and financially budgets the plan with very little leeway in order to achieve maximum return on their investment, yeah we don’t do foolish or impulsive things here. Probably why you want to be like that, it’s unheard of. This is really saying risks are fine to take, you’re too calculated & practical to jump into shark infested waters, so even more than most you’re actually fine and shouldn’t hold yourself back so much. Do your research sure, get reviews, find the most cost effective option, all great, and then JUMP.
Charming ♎️ on Share seems to be qualities you do possess that you ought to highlight more. You’re friendly, sociable, like getting feedback from other people, and you have a way with others that make them feel special and genuinely cared about. In turn, that makes them want to help you, talk to you, be your friend. It’s like you have this quality but you don’t turn it on, unless you have to. Choose to, consciously, on purpose.
Happy Cloud ⛅️ on Wish Granted is a daydreamy energy, manifesting the thing you want into your life by having the necessary time to really dig deep and figure out what that is. You’re going to have a dream come true, this card shows it as being a definite thing.
Dragonfly 🪷 on The Hermit is metamorphosis, change, evolution, a spiritual awakening for some being The Hermit. The more you know yourself, your talents, and what you need, the more authentic and successful your next move will be. You know you best, never question that or take “Share” so literal that you’re malleable to others’ input you may not actually agree with. Be friendly, and also yourself. You may do your best work alone and also are a social creature, both wolves need feeding.
Comb 👱‍♀️ on Innovation could talk about experimenting with your look, the look of a business, the physical characteristics of things. This could be a nod towards an idea you have, something you need, or generally something that would revitalize your spirit and make you feel inspired to change/transform yourself now from how you’ve been before. 8th House is intense energy, there will be a necessary ending, but it feels more about what you will & wont accept, and what you want & don’t. Make the outside things look like your inside ideal.
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venus-is-thinking · 1 year
A Narrative Defense of Eden Culprit Theory
Hello everyone! 
As I’m sure many of you know, I, among others (notably @accirax, @1moreff-creator and @thebadjoe) believe Eden to be the culprit of the Chapter 2 murder case. I’ve seen a fair number of people say they aren’t convinced for one reason or another. While I fully understand people who don’t buy all the evidence/the insane contraptions we’ve come up with or people who are in denial, I was a little surprised at how many people I saw say that it would be bad writing for Eden to be the killer here. 
While others are fully entitled to their opinions on who the killer is, I want to address this claim. Personally, whenever I’m reading a fangan, I always believe that I shouldn’t consider any killer to be “bad writing” until I see how it’s actually written. After all, there can always be a key twist you’re not expecting to make it actually make sense. Plus, in Eden’s case, I actually fully believe that all the building blocks of a narratively successful killer are already put into place. So, in this post, I’m going to attempt to back up my claim that Eden being the second killer actually makes narrative sense, and it isn’t bad writing either.
Because fangan writing is subjective and what any given author believes is the right move varies, I’ll be doing my best to support my claims with similar content from the canon game trilogy (given that that’s a pretty standard baseline) and from what we’ve already seen of DRDT thus far. That should (hopefully) give us some fair perspective into the sorts of narrative decisions the creator would want to make.
I’ll be going through various points at which I think something could or could not be bad writing, so hopefully that’ll provide some much needed structure to this theory.
Topic 1: Motive
I want to say this early: I do not think Eden is secretly evil. I think that in the context of killing games, “good” people can end up being killers, and I think that’s where Eden’s headed. I understand why, if some people have only seen Eden killer theories in the context of her being evil, they don’t like it. I don't like it either. I think it completely misinterprets her character.
For now, though, I want to talk about what motive she does have. There’s the fact that Arturo is threatening her, obviously. If she feels there’s a genuine threat to her safety, it would be decently reasonable to decide that, if her priority is her life, she’d rather try to get away with a murder than let herself be taken out by Arturo. 
There’s another potential motive out there for Eden that might be enough to push her over the edge. That being, we know she cares a lot about her friends and relationships outside of the killing game too. 
A lot of people, I think, have seen the theory floating around that goes “Eden is trying to leave to get back to the girl she kissed.” I’ve also seen it mentioned that this could be problematic, given that it could be saying “being gay = becoming a killer,” but I think there are several reasons why that doesn’t hold up.
First of all, we have a lot of canonically LGBT cast members. Nico is nonbinary, Whit is bisexual, and in the most recent Q&A, other characters such as Ace, Veronika and Eden herself were also all confirmed to be LGBT+. Given that Eden isn’t the “token gay character,” I think it’s a lot safer to make her a killer without sending the message “if you’re gay you’re a killer.” 
Secondly, I think that there’s more to Eden’s motive than just whoever that girl is. I think the girl will likely be part of it and be relevant, given that it’s Eden’s motive secret. Because it’s the Chapter 2 motive, the motive secrets should play into things in general. But, it’s not like that girl is the only one from Eden’s past that she cares about, right? 
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Eden cares about her family, as we see in the scene where she talks to Levi. We know that Eden cares about her friends, as we clearly see within the killing game. We know that Eden cares about this girl. I think it’s safe to say that, for gay reasons or not, Eden has a lot of people she’d fight to get back to.
Rather than using her motive secret as the only way of justifying the “Eden wants to return to her previous life” motive, why don’t we look at other secret Eden content?
I’m talking about the secret quotes. I assume most people have heard about them by now, but basically, if you go to the characters’ profile pages on the main tumblr account and inspect elements, each character has a secret quote that you can find. Eden’s secret quote is “You can’t go back, no matter how hard you try.”
We haven’t really seen much of Eden trying to go back yet. I guess you could say that when she makes breakfast with Levi, she talks a lot about trying to get the group back together and back to normal, and that isn’t unrelated. Still, I think it makes a lot of sense if Eden is someone who’s focused on the past. After all, Eden’s talent is clockmaking. To the extent her talent influenced her personality/character themes, it seems like time is an important thing with her. Trying to turn back the clock and return to her life before the killing game would make a lot of sense thematically. 
I suspect that Eden’s secret quote relates to the fact that she tries to go back to her previous life by escaping the killing game. “No matter how hard you try” definitely sounds like she goes to pretty extreme lengths, but she still fails in the end. That would be when she’s caught as the blackened and executed; she never gets to go back. It’s precedented for secret quotes to directly relate to how characters died; both Min’s “I wanted to save you” and Arei’s “Because that’s what friends do” tie into the way in which they arrived at their death. I could definitely see it being the same for Eden.
Interestingly, there’s another reason to consider that Eden might be extra-motivated to leave the killing game. That point is that Eden has been shown to be the main person fighting against the killing game. For example, she and Hu brainstormed ways to deal with the Chapter 2 motive. 
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That doesn’t really tell us anything though, right? It’s just trying to manage the killing game from within. That’s not it, though. It’s actually a repeated thing that Eden is constantly looking for ways to obstruct the killing game.
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Even the plan to bore out the killing game, the one Veronika tells us couldn’t work because she’d get too horribly bored, originally came from Eden. I fully believe that there’s a reason we’re being told every other scene that Eden is working towards ending the killing game is that Eden has extra incentive to want the killing game to end, and that’s to try to return to the life and loved ones she left behind.
I also think it’s worth mentioning that, in the canon games, every single second killer commits their crime due to previous attachments that go beyond the killing game. Mondo kills because of the promise he made to his now-dead brother Daiya, Peko kills because of her allegiance to Fuyuhiko, who wants Mahiru dead due to the death of his sister Natsumi, and Kirumi kills because she’s actually the Prime Minister and needs to get back to her duties. Hell, Ryoma is even Kirumi’s victim because he doesn’t have previous outside attachments, which makes him feel like a more understandable victim for her crime. If you throw in “Eden has a lot of meaningful relationships back home and, here in the killing game, she misses them so badly that she’d kill to go back,” I don’t think it feels out of place. 
This is pretty niche, but there’s also something I want to look at in relation to Xander and Min. Notably, the pinned comments by the official account in their bonus episodes. 
Xander’s is “Someone who wants to hold onto the past.” Min’s is “Someone who wants to move on from the past.” While this trend doesn’t have to keep up, I think it would be interesting if every killer/victim pair had one of each. Arei pretty clearly wants to move on from the past where her sisters and classmates ruthlessly bullied her. Eden wants to hold onto it, hoping to return, but she can’t go back, no matter how hard she tries. Just an interesting thing to point out.
But Eden’s motive isn’t the only thing stopping people from believing she’d be a reasonable killer, right? There are other things to consider, too.
Topic 2: Story Arc
To be clear here, “Story Arc” refers to how Eden fits into the larger narrative and story of DRDT. I’ll be talking about her individual story and growth later on in the section labeled “Character Arc.” 
For the most part, the larger narrative, at present, seems to be relating to Teruko and how she navigates her trust and relationships with everyone else. Eden is certainly a key factor in that, given that Teruko has basically acknowledged that outright. 
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Teruko actively tries to avoid being friends with Eden, given the fact that she’s very nice and it’d be easy for Teruko to be friends with her. To Teruko, that means she’d be opening up the door to get hurt to easily when Eden inevitably dies and/or betrays her. Wouldn’t it only be proving Teruko right if Eden were to become a killer?
Yeah. It would. And that’s the point at the story we’re at. 
I don’t think it would make any sense for Teruko’s beliefs to be strongly challenged in Chapter 2. Like, at some point, I’m sure Teruko will figure out why it’s a problem to not trust anyone. After all, her secret quote is “It is an equal failing to trust everybody, and to trust no one at all.” However, at this point in the story, things are going as she expects.
Think about it this way. Teruko believes that trusting people is opening yourself up for betrayal, and those who she gets close to will betray her and die. Let’s go through the people who have died so far, one by one, and see how they match up against that.
Xander: Was Teruko’s closest friend. Betrayed her by trying to kill her, then died. Check. Min: Was Teruko’s biggest supporter after she got stabbed. Betrayed her by actually being the killer, then died. Check. Arei: Previously shared Teruko’s worldview that being nice will just screw you over. Opened up and became friends. Had that friendship used against her to kill her. Check.
It definitely seems like, thus far, we’re validating Teruko’s worldview, basically as much as possible. No killer would validate her worldview more than Eden. That would make Arei an even closer parallel to Teruko (the person who she most tried to befriend was the one who tried to kill her in the end), and it would introduce another would-be friend as a killer.
Eden: Was Teruko’s biggest supporter after the first class trial. Betrayed her by being the second killer, then died. 
It looks an awful lot like Min’s, right?
In a more predictive sense, there’s also the popular theory that Charles will be one of the Chapter 3 victims. If that holds true, it’ll be another example in the same wavelength.
Charles: Was more like Teruko and didn’t trust people, avoiding them to stay safe. After rejoining the group and beginning to trust people, he died.
If that prediction is right, it’d mean that the trend continues past the point of the second victim to the point of a third victim, which would mean that the second killer would likely fit into the pattern.
But that’s a whole lot of my opinion, right? After all, maybe Levi or someone who isn’t particularly related to Teruko is the killer, so Teruko stays mostly the same, too. 
I do want to take a moment to acknowledge a bigger critique of this. It’s possible that some people might say that Eden killing here would be too repetitive in regards to Min and Xander. There are some key differences, though. 
Eden was Teruko’s friend after she started being mean and closed off to everyone. Min and Xander never really got the chance to react too much to Teruko’s antagonistic antics because they died before she was really pushing people away. That means it would carry more significance. Teruko has also spent more time with Eden, so their relationship is a little bit more developed. Eden is also someone that Teruko actively tried not to get close to before she killed, which wasn’t true of Xander or Min. 
Plus, I’d argue that it’s also supposed to feel a bit repetitive. This is what happens to Teruko, all the time. This is her life. It makes it feel more real and understandable how she reacts to Xander and Min if we as the audience begin to see and understand, oh, it really is like this every single time. 
Besides all of that, though, there are a few more thoughts that lead me to believe that someone closer to Teruko might be the killer this time around.
One of the biggest points in favor of this interpretation is the MonoCredits. 
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MonoCredits are introduced in the scene where MonoTV asks Teruko to caulk the bathrooms. Then, she immediately uses one in the next scene where Charles is confronting her about her more antagonistic ways. At first glance, it seems like MonoCredits may have been introduced solely for that Charles interaction, and as a reason to plausibly get Teruko to help MonoTV out so that she could talk to it, too. However…
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MonoTV gave Teruko two MonoCredits. That means she still has one. I wouldn’t blame you at all if you forgot this small detail– and that’s part of why I think the killer will be closer to Teruko. 
MonoCredits, and the fact that Teruko received two instead of one, are a pretty unimportant detail. I wouldn’t expect the creator to necessarily expect the audience to remember that Teruko still has one once we get to, like, the Chapter 4 daily life. I think that, because of that, Teruko will probably end up using this second one sometime soon, so that the audience will have that “oh yeah!” moment when it comes up, rather than an “oh… I kind of remember that…?” moment. 
There’s a very specific scenario in which I think Teruko might use it, too.
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It’s pretty specific, but it’s already happened once, right? I think the most plausible situation for Teruko to use the second MonoCredit, if I’m right about it being this chapter, would be if she ends up in a similar situation before the execution again.
I can totally imagine Eden hugging Teruko and apologizing for betraying her trust, and Teruko, in the middle of freaking out, tells MonoTV she’s using a MonoCredit to get Eden away from her, which would then immediately launch into Eden being executed.
I think that could also be the right kind of push on Teruko’s character arc; her desire to get away from Eden led to Eden dying that much faster. It’d be something that could haunt Teruko a little bit and make her start thinking about how she pushes people away and what the potential failings of that are. 
The final reason I have is just, like… overall despair. Chapter 2 is usually a pretty emotionally devastating case for the cast. Taka loses Mondo and Chihiro meets a pretty tragic end; Peko dying launches Fuyuhiko into his grief → survivor arc while Hiyoko mourns Mahiru; Kirumi leaves the group feeling guilty about killing the Prime Minister, plus Ryoma’s death as a result of him loving no one and no one loving him is pretty sad. Chapter 2 is typically a chapter in the canon Danganronpa games where things get worse, not better. 
Then, Chapter 3 is used as a processing point where characters that aren’t in it for the long run are usually killed off, and Chapter 4 prompts the characters to start really moving towards the finale (Sakura’s death spurs people to want to fight and makes Byakuya realize why emotions are important, Gundham’s sacrifice sets the tone for Nagito’s insane Chapter 5 play and Gonta’s mercy kill in Chapter 4 directly leads into all the Kokichi “I’m the mastermind” stuff that happens in Chapter 5). 
I suspect DRDT will follow a roughly similar pattern. Because of that, it would make sense if the creator wants to pick a very emotionally devastating second killer, frequently due to the relationships that character has with the cast. Eden is the perfect pick for this position.
Eden has also gotten A LOT of focus this chapter. Getting focus doesn’t necessarily mean you’re going to die right then. After all, Charles, for instance, got a lot of focus in Chapter 1, but he’s still alive. It’s difficult to tell when a character is getting content that impacts their character moving forward and when a character is getting focus because their story is about to end. 
In DRDT’s case specifically, though, the creator seems to heavily emphasize a character shortly before they die. Excluding Teruko, Xander was the most visible character in the Chapter 1 daily life. They focused on Min heavily during the Chapter 1 investigation to make sure that she got enough content in before her death. Between her fight with MonoTV, her heartfelt conversation with David, and the conversations she had post-death confronting David about his secret and defending Eden from Arturo, Arei got a lot of focus just before dying, too. 
Eden is one of the most heavily featured characters, and to me, it feels more like one being set up for immediate payoff rather than long-term. 
For example, David’s personality has shifted in a way that’s very interesting. People will want to see how his relationships with other characters are impacted and get to know the “real him” more before any potential death. Because of that, it makes sense that David’s heel turn is being set up for later, rather than being focus on him before he dies in Chapter 2. 
Eden, on the other hand, has shown us pretty much everything she can with this perspective. If she’s already spent two chapters being nice, happy and supportive, where does she go from there that’s narratively interesting and different? The only answer I can really come up with is “becoming less nice, happy, and/or supportive.” If that’s where her character is heading anyways, then doesn’t it make sense that being a killer could be a succinct way to do it? We already have enough people running around who don’t trust people, and it would feel odd to add Eden to that contingent. 
There’s one more story reason that Eden being the killer would make sense here. Check out the Chapter 2 title screen.
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It’s pretty faint, but if you look after the “Glitters,” you can see faint text. It’s easier to see if you crank up the exposure.
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You can tell what it is if you squint hard enough. Here’s me tracing it: 
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“A Good Person.” 
The original chapter title is “All That Glitters,” which is pretty clearly a play on the saying “All that glitters is not gold” (RIP to anyone who just heard “all that glitters is gold in All Star by Smashmouth and didn’t question it. I was with you there). That seemingly applies a lot to this chapter, with appearances of success not being what they seem. It relates to the fact that J’s celebrity wasn’t all it was cracked up to be, and David’s persona was too good to be true. 
The good person interpretation is interesting, too. If you input “A Good Person” into “All That Glitters,” you get “A good person is not gold.” Now, there’ve been a lot of characters who’ve claimed to be or mentioned wanting to be good people over the course of this chapter. However, I think the person most at the center of that is Eden, who’s been called a good or kind person by a lot of people– at the very least, I know Teruko, Arei and Levi do this.
Eden being the killer would be another way to show that people can’t be infallibly good. Again, I don’t think Eden’s gonna pull a 180 and suddenly become evil, I just think she’ll show a little more nuance. Her being suddenly evil does about the same thing for me as her being undeniably good; it reduces her character down to one trait rather than making her a full human. I don’t want her to be a pure cinnamon roll, I want her to be herself. 
Given this chapter title, I honestly think it’d be weirder if Eden didn’t do something notably Not Good this chapter. There could be other options, too, but Eden being the killer seems by far the most likely to me.
Topic 3: Relationships
I want to talk about Eden’s relationships to others in the cast. I’ve already mentioned Teruko a good bit, so I’m not really going to keep going over that. There are two others that I want to touch on.
One, Eden and Hu are known to be friends. They wash dishes together every night, and they generally seem to rely on each other for companionship and mutual help with steering the group in a more positive direction. Hu is someone who hasn’t gotten that much character arc focus, so I think she’ll probably be a bit more of a spotlighted character in the next daily life. Hu has already lost a friend and trusted co-leader in David, but I think it’d be even more interesting for her if she loses both of those people at once. With David in full-on evil theater kid mode and Eden dead as the killer, Hu will be forced to grapple with the fact that both of the people she trusted to help her guide the group not only aren’t helping her anymore, but did so in a way that betrayed her and her trust. 
That’s very speculative, though. The main relationship I’m here to analyze is with Arei, the victim of the case in question.
Arei and Eden have a very complicated relationship. At first, they were pretty neutral. Then, after the cake scene, Arei appeared to be jealous of Eden and her friends for, y’know, having friends. Later, when Eden tries to invite Arei, Arei goes off on Eden and Eden runs out of the room crying. Finally, when Arturo threatens Eden into silence over his secret, Arei shows up and promises to defend Eden and do whatever it takes to assure her that her friendship is real.
This is pretty much the entirety of Arei’s character arc. Because we know that Arei is the second victim, I want to examine that in the context of the canon games’ storylines in Chapter 2.
Chapter 2 frequently deals with the concept of bullying. Kirumi’s kinda doing her own thing here, but if you look at Mondo/Chihiro and especially Peko/Mahiru (and all the lore behind that one), it’s pretty standard. Chihiro is someone who I’m pretty sure has been bullied, and Mondo fits the bully role well enough. SDR2 is the big one, though, with Mahiru being bullied by Natsumi, Sato killing Natsumi because of that, then Peko killing Sato under Fuyuhiko’s command in revenge, and THEN Peko killing Mahiru in the killing game as even more revenge. So, let’s look at bullying in DRDT Chapter 2.
The big and obvious one is Ace and Nico. Ace bullied Nico, and eventually they snapped and tried to kill him in revenge. That means that the creator, at least in this case, opted for a situation where the bullied kills the bully, rather than the other way around.
Arei also bullies Eden notably in Chapter 2, and now she’s dead. I’m not saying that it has to be the same thing, but I think it would be interesting to parallel Ace and Arei and Nico and Eden. Ace, with his fear of death, would have to process just how close he came to being a victim, seeing the same thing play out with Arei, who actually did die. Nico, who’s trying to dodge any actual blame for their crime, would see Eden get executed for doing roughly the same thing. 
That’s something to address, though. What does this all mean for Eden? After all, Eden and Arei were friends now. It seems uncharacteristic of her to kill Arei for any reason. If I’m going to focus in on Eden’s character relationships, I really have to address that part.
Well, my answer is pretty simple. Eden simply didn’t believe her relationship with Arei actually changed. This might seem like an unfair claim at first, but if you look into it, it’s actually quite supported by the game.
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Arei certainly thought Eden didn’t believe Arei’s sudden change of heart. She even goes as far as to call Eden out for it in the moment.
That’s not a very good argument though, is it? It disregards everything that happens afterwards, what with Arei explaining more and Eden hugging her and saying that her promise means “more than she knows.” It’s possible Arei convinced Eden during that second segment, so there’s not really any reason to believe that Eden didn’t believe her anymore.
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Charles gets cut off by Whit here and immediately shuts up, which is played off as a joke. It is a joke, but I’ve noticed the DRDT creator is very good at putting in jokes that actually convey important information moving forwards. 
The fact that the creator put in not one, but two references to Eden possibly not believing Arei makes me think there’s more to it than making a joke or moving dialogue along. Whit even phrases it as “you wanna do that later?” which might be a hint that we actually are going to come back to that point of conversation later. 
For the record, I do think it’s also possible that Eden sort of half-believed Arei. She might’ve been committed to a murder plan by that point or something, so even if she thought Arei was being genuine, it’s possible she intentionally tried to convince herself Arei wasn’t genuine. That gets more into character interpretation, though.
Topic 4: Character Arc
This is the biggest one, in my opinion. If Eden is going to die here, what does her story say? Ignoring the big plot beats, Eden should get to have her own character arc, and if this is its conclusion, I want to look at where it went.
In the prologue, Eden is noted to stay positive, but she seems to be the most scared of the killing game itself. Here’s her slide from the official Prologue Recap video: 
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In Chapter 1, we honestly didn’t see too much of Eden. What we did see was mostly her being nice and friendly. It was also established that Arei picked on her. Here’s her slide from the Chapter 1 Recap video:
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Notably, the creator paired all the characters up for Chapter 1. We already know Arei is going to be important to Eden’s story, whether she’s the killer or not. They did pair up Xander and Min though, so it’s not like it’s impossible that they paired a victim with their killer.
Anyways, that means that, going into Chapter 2, the things the creator wanted us to remember about Eden are that she’s nice, cheerful, and one of the people who defended Teruko. Through Arei’s slide, we’re also encouraged to remember that Arei picked on Eden specifically for baking. (Arei also manipulated Levi in that scene pretty heavily, but Eden is the one they want us to remember.)
Where does Eden’s character arc go from there? Well, I’d say that she basically doubles down. 
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Eden basically spends the chapter trying really hard to prevent conflict and stay friends/befriend everyone. She blackmails Teruko for the sole purpose of actually getting to hang out with her, she washes dishes with Hu, she makes breakfast with Levi, and she invites Arei to clockmaking to make sure she isn’t left out again. 
That means that Eden’s story in Chapter 2 is that she’s trying to be the one to get everyone through this hard time.
Because of that, killing seems rather counterproductive. After all, Eden’s been trying to end the killing game on her own terms, right? 
However, it’s possible that the message the creator wants to send us is that the cast isn’t currently capable of being entirely positive and friendly. While David pretended that the point of revealing all their secrets was so that they could get along, that was a lie. Eden being the killer would fit the messaging: with this cast, in this killing game, friendships aren’t a possibility right now. 
Would it be a change in Eden for her to kill now? Yes, of course. That’s how it goes with killers beyond Chapter 1; something changes that prompts them to kill. Like I examined earlier, I believe the motive of getting back to her previous life, in combination with the constant fighting, Arturo's threats against her and her apparent inability to actually make a meaningful change in those around her, would be enough to get her to break and kill in this Chapter 2 position.
I’ve talked about motive, overall narrative, Eden’s relationships and her character arc. That’s pretty much everything, but there’s one more big point I feel I need to touch on.
Topic 5: Eden’s Breakdown
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This is what I assume makes people have the biggest problem with Eden culprit theory from a writing standpoint. After all, this is a very emotional moment and feels very important for Eden’s character arc. If she’s the killer, it would all be a lie, and it would invalidate everything we learned about Eden from this moment.
Except, I don’t think that’s fully true. It’s very possible to have a killer have an emotional breakdown moment mid-trial that makes them seem more innocent, but actually very much relates to the fact that they did kill. 
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Even if she is a killer, I still believe Eden is a good person. Because of that, I think that she is genuinely haunted by Arei’s death, as well as Min’s. In fact, we know she’s haunted by Min’s death, before any of this Arei trial stuff happened. 
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Given the fact that Eden runs out of the room crying after this, I think it’s fair to say that Arei’s words stuck with Eden. Because of that, pairing it with Eden’s breakdown in the trial, we can conclude that Eden feels guilty for both Min’s death and Arei’s death. Because Min’s death wasn’t Eden’s fault, it’s easy to disregard both as her blaming herself for things out of her control. 
It could be genuine this time, though. If Eden is the killer, at least some of that speech has to be fake (ex. When I saw that note, I knew someone must’ve overheard our conversation). However, what’s really interesting to me is what happens after the main part of Eden’s breakdown.
David goes on a little rant about how the victim would have to be incredibly stupid to actually fall for the note– or they’d have to be Arei, who wanted to be friends so desperately that she’d believe anything “Eden” told her. Afterwards, Eden says this: 
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This is Eden agreeing with David’s rant. The non-killer interpretation of this is that Eden is just repeating the same thing, saying that Arei died because of her and her weakness. But, if you look at it from a different perspective, the phrasing is… a little odd?
In her speech earlier, what Eden said boiled down to “I couldn’t defend myself, and because Arei was nice to me and tried to defend me, she died.” Then, David says, “Because Arei wanted to be your friend, she died.” That’s basically the same information and logic, right? 
But Eden asks it as a question. Even though she said “it’s all my fault” earlier, this time she asks, “it really is my fault, isn’t it?” That means that there was something Eden didn’t know in David’s rant.
This could be several things, but I think the most likely thing is that, in my opinion, this is the point at which Eden realized that Arei was genuine about wanting to be her friend. Before this, she still wasn’t sure that Arei was being real, and that allowed her to proceed forward with her plan, keeping it together. However, once David, who got to see Arei in her breakdown, confirms that, yeah, Arei did that because she genuinely wanted to be Eden’s friend, Eden realizes that it was her fault. 
Arei wanted to be her friend, but now she’s dead, and it’s all Eden’s fault.
Interestingly, immediately after that last line, Teruko starts talking, bringing us back to mystery-solving mode. However, if you look at Eden while Teruko’s talking, she’s sobbing. 
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Most of the time when a character is shown to the side, they’re left in whatever pose they were last in. For example, look at MonoTV making the :| face back there despite it having no relevance to the current point of the trial. In fact, MonoTV has that face for the entirety of Chapter 2, Episode 10. The last time MonoTV talked was in Episode 9, where…
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Yeah, same face. It doesn’t change from there. My point is that, switching Eden’s sprite from the face-on, holding her wrist sprite to the sobbing and wiping her tears sprite is a conscious decision. They want to make sure we know that Eden is sobbing after that interaction with David. While that could be prolonged guilt from generally feeling at fault for Arei’s death, I think it makes more sense if it’s her coping with the fact that Arei did want to be her friend, and she killed her. 
Well, that’s my defense of Eden culprit theory from a writing perspective. Hopefully it was fun to read, whether you agree with it or not. Again, my point here isn’t to shame anyone who disagrees or anything, it’s to provide reasoning for why Eden could be the culprit and to defend the creator’s decision if that is the truth of this case. I’d love to hear about any and all other killer theories as well in order to have the greatest chance of catching the real criminal.
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lyricfulloflight · 4 months
That’s the one thing I don’t understand - like it’s totally okay to dislike a ship and the reasons can be varied or as simple as you’d like. No one really needs a reason to dislike something I get that and that’s why the appropriate tags exist.
But like I’ve seen some of the things being thrown around both around BT and BE and I’m like okay guys shipping one thing over another doesnt make you better and being actively mean about it isn’t gonna change anything.
Why can’t we just enjoy what each fandom got? Buddie had some nice (if heartbreaking) scenes and BT had a cute date. I am new to 911 but like I’m surprised by how mean and almost like condescending some people have gotten and how quick they’re to call out one fandoms behavior without being like friend we are also doing that.
And I was in the kc fandom lol things got wild there.
Oooof sorry for the rant. Things just seem really intense since last night and I might have to do some unfollowing.
Assuming were talking the Klaroline kc fandom, I was in that one too :)
And maybe my memory isn't the best, but I don't remember things getting this vicious all the time either.
I do think fandom has changed in the sense that morality has been attached to shipping in such a weird way. Instead of shipping just being a personal preference, its become 'right' or 'wrong', or 'homophobic' or 'racist' or 'infantile' or 'predatory' to ship or not ship certain couples. And I just don't understand that.
I ship Buddie.
I'm pretty neutral on BuckTommy.
Why do I prefer one over the other? I almost always prefer ships with deep emotional bonds, who see something in each other no one else sees. I have never been a rarepair person, or a multishipper because my personal preference is for this deep emotional bond between characters.
That doesn't make my preference better or worse than anybody else's. Its just a personal preference. The same as I prefer the colour blue.
Other people might prefer couples with intense sexual chemistry, or who tease each other a lot, or who argue and have lots of passion, etc. Some people have a favourite character and ship them with everyone.
All of these are valid preferences.
Did I find the BuckTommy date in last night's episode a bit awkward? Yes. Was it because I'm a judgmental homophobic asshole? No. Daddy kink jokes wasn't my favourite thing, but I was fine with it. Two people in an adult relationship can flirt and and be kinky and that's totally fine by me. I have read and enjoyed way more explicit things in fanfic.
Personally (again just my opinion not a fact), I just found that the tone of the date and the joke fell flat as part of the episode overall. It was trying to break some of the tension and it didn't work for me.
Also, I tend to put more value on emotional connection in establishing relationships, so for me personally I would have preferred the conversation to stay in the more vulnerable place it started - Tommy offering Buck support due to Bobby's injury. If they had boned over having having difficult dads, or if Tommy had reached out and held Buck's hand to offer comfort, that would have been more meaningful to me, as opposed to the Daddy kink joke.
Again, nothing wrong with a Daddy kink. I too think Tommy calling Buck 'pretty boy' or 'good boy' in bed is hot.
Just kinky sex doesn't make for a meaningful relationship for me and I love Buck and I want him to have a deep meaningful relationship.
Since I haven't seen that with Tommy yet, I'm neutral on the ship.
I don't know why fandom has decided that who you ship or don't ship is some reflection of your moral values or lack thereof, but as someone who's fandom old, I find it weird and distasteful.
What people enjoy in fiction is not a reflection of who they are as a person at all times!
I don't generally block on unfollow people in fandom because I am very good at just letting things go and not spending too much time on things that upset me, but I have unfollowed people in the 911 fandom because of this overt judgement and moralization and (let's be honest) shit stirring, that some people engage in.
Fandom is supposed to be fun.
Let's make fandom fun again.
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ateezrecsandreviews · 2 years
Seonghwa Recommendations
@ateezrecsandreviews Seonghwa fanfic recommendations :)
(updated with word counts)
9 newly added fics are at the bottom of the list (2022.12.03)
**Addicting Kitten - @tenelkadjowrites (33k words)
You are stranded alone on the way home. However, when Seonghwa, comes by and offers you a ride, you cannot help but feel as if you might be walking into the lion’s den.
**playing with fire - @ateezmakemeweep (121k words)
That’s all he ever was to you though - your friend’s hot dad who you only ever saw a few times a year. But when you find yourself around him more and more often, you suddenly find yourself in a situation you know is wrong but can’t seem to pull yourself out of. 
**one, two, three (Hwa x Reader x Yeo) - @ateezmakemeweep (8k words)
Your eyes can't help but linger over to Yeosang while your boyfriend, Seonghwa, is away. He's so pretty, you just can't help yourself. (Consensual) Note: @ateezrecsandreviews summary
**good lil boy - @yeosanghwas (6k words)
Needy Seonghwa just wants to be a good boy for you. Note: @ateezrecsandreviews summary
**The Duke and His General - @baekhvuns (62k words)
Two different personalities are pulled together by a string of threads, clash of class, opinions and feelings hover over the two of you. Park Seonghwa is the man you’re arranged to, while you lead his kingdom’s army.
**Let’s Not Fall In Love, Again - @baekhvuns (39k words)
In which the universe decides to play a game of two, serving the classic glitch in the matrix that does wonders for you.
**Mr. and Mrs. Park - @baekhvuns (50k words)
In which the task of killing your enemy is abruptly put on pause when you discover their cute little secret.
**first time with bf!seonghwa - @ateezmakemeweep (8k words)
Seonghwa's been away for far too long and all you want to do is cuddle. Or so you think. Note: @ateezrecsandreviews summary
**Posessive - @barnesbabee (1.5k words)
Jealousy is a dangerous feeling when it controls over people, but if it’s mixed with lust, it might be just what you need.
**Something Tells Me You Don’t Really Hate Me, Do You? - @celestiababie (3.6k words)
A classic enemies to lovers. Note: @ateezrecsandreviews summary
**Pillow Talk - @barnesbabee (1.7k words)
Whoops, looks like you got caught in the act… Twice.
**Hwa x Yeo Dynamic - @atiny-dazzlinglight (300 words)
**Cheat Codes - @serendipityunho (5.3k words)
"This party's boring, wanna get out of here?" may have perhaps led you to make the biggest mistake of your life by sleeping with your best friend's other best friend, your best friend who happens to be in love with you.
**Kiss of Chaos - @tenelkadjowrites (102k words)
When a spell goes wrong and you are blocked off from your magick, you track down the most powerful witch in the city - Seonghwa - to try to fix it. As Seonghwa asks his coven for help, the two of you find yourselves increasingly attracted to one another. But will it be impossible for both Seonghwa and yourself to allow the walls that have been up for so long to come down and let each other inside?
**Properly - @tenelkadjowrites (9.7k words)
Nervous about running into your ex at a party, your best friend Seonghwa has devised a plan to pretend that you are dating him. However, in acting as if you are together, the friendship begins to change course.
**House Husband - @spinster-sisters (4k words)
“You know sweetheart, I would absolutely love something to remember you by.” He hinted, innocently tilting his head to the side and pouting at you. You could tell what he was hinting at but at the moment all you wanted was another kiss.
**Attention (feat. Hongie) - @beginningofwonderland (6k words)
Your boyfriend Hongjoong is too busy with work for your and Seonghwa's liking so you decide to distract him with rather inappropriate means.
**Bad Habits (feat. Hongie) - @hongthoven (5.3k words)
You didn't know how things had gotten this far...kneeling in front of Park Seonghwa with your mouth wide open, tongue out, waiting to be humiliated for the 8th time that night. But above anything, you didn't know how to stop. Or if you even wanted to.
**Hate Sex @sanjoongie (2.2k words)
You break up with San and somehow end up in Seonghwa’s bed.
**4:15pm PSH @spinster-sisters (500 words)
Hongjoong shouldn't have left the two of you in his office. Note: @ateezrecsandreviews summary
**Bubblegum Heart @tenelkadjowrites (12.5 words)
When your best friend, Seonghwa, comes to you with a tearful confession, it changes your dynamic with him forever.
**The Best Friend's Code (feat. Hongie) @tenelkadjowrites (11.3k words)
Hongjoong swears up and down that if you don’t touch each other, it won’t ruin the friendship…and what is the harm in blowing off some steam?
**Dance (feat. Hongie) @hanjisungs-bigtittyg0thgf (2.6k words)
Seonghwa’s supportive bf hongjoong goes to watch a performance but ends up getting special treatment in the back room. *Requested by @ateezrecsandreviews
**Exhibitionism w/ Mommy Seonghwa @whatudowhennooneseesyou (760 words)
Mommy Seonghwa just can't hold back when you have an audience.
**Cuckolding (feat. Hongjoong) - @hongism (6.9k words)
You and your husband, Hongjoong, invite one of his best friends over for dinner. Seems like a perfectly normal evening, as far as Seonghwa knows. But he can't help but salivate over the curve of your hips when he thinks you aren't looking. Luckily for him, you and Hongjoong have some... interesting plans prepared for the evening. Note: A personal favorite of @ateezrecsandreviews
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iguessitsjustme · 2 months
What’s been going on with me?
No one asked but this is the oversharing website and well. I’ve always treated my blog like my own personal diary. For those of you who know me irl, feel free to ignore. You either already know or you I’m planning on telling you when I get the chance (only you get more details then what I’ll post online). Under the cut for length and other reasons.
I debated posting this but I am incapable of shutting up and telling everyone my business. Well sort of. Obviously, I don’t go into a lot of detail but I share what I’m comfortable telling strangers online.
I had something happen roughly a month ago that massively triggered my ptsd. I also had a whole lot going on in my personal life and I decided to take a break from tumblr for about a week. That break was great. But it became clear not long after I came back from my week break that it wasn’t long enough. Now, if we’re mutuals it’s likely that you’ve noticed I haven’t exactly taken a full break from tumblr and I’ve been here lurking and liking. But I definitely took a break from posting. June and July are already extremely rough months for me mentally and there were things about being on tumblr that made me feel…not great. So I decided to take a step back for myself. I also cut down on the amount of shows I’m watching. I had to place a lot of shows on hold because I no longer had the brain space for them. I’m planning on watching them when I have the time and capacity though.
I have also been…physically ill. I don’t talk about it a whole lot on here but I am chronically ill and it doesn’t often flare up and it doesn’t often flare up bad enough to impact my life but I can honestly say that the month of July has been one of the toughest months of my life. (Please don’t worry about me, I have a rock solid support system and I am doing okay.)
But as a result of my ptsd being triggered and my mental health tanking so severely, I really sat with why tumblr was contributing to this. And I had to come to a decision. I realized that over the past few years, in an attempt to make my blog as safe a space as possible for everyone, I have turned myself into a doormat. I have said before that it is a struggle for me to be kind because my natural state of being is to be mean. So I’ve decided that I’m just gonna be myself. I am going to be mean. That’s not to say that I’m going to go out of my way to be mean and rude and cruel to people. What I mean is, I’m gonna stop pulling punches if people come to me. If you do something weird, I am going to call a spade a spade and call you on it. My motto in real life and now on tumblr is “don’t start nothing, won’t be nothing.” Before I can make my blog a safe space for others, I need to make it a safe space for me. Because I was very close to deactivating my blog and never turning back. BL tumblr can be a wonderful community and I genuinely love it with all my heart (why I am still here and did not deactivate) but dear god we all need to stop policing each other. It’s one thing to have boundaries and it’s entirely another to tell people if they don’t post the way you do, that they’re wrong. If you come on my blog, if you interact with me in some way, you do not get to control what I say, how I say it, or how I post. By all means, if I am being problematic, call me on that shit. But if all we have is a difference of opinion, you don’t get to say shit. That’s not to mean that we can’t have a difference of opinion, but if you in any way imply that I am wrong to be sharing my opinion in any way, then congrats, you’ll see what I’m like when I’m mean. (To be clear, I have a whole list of blocked people now but tumblr is shit so I still see some toxic shit here because tumblr’s blocking system is ass. and before you tell me to use xkit, I do on my laptop but that doesn’t help if I’m on my phone.)
So now that I’ve said…all that. I want to share two things from the past week or so:
I saw Deadpool & Wolverine twice. Those two did definitely fuck in that van. The soundtrack slapped and I’m not just saying that because Stray Kids has a song…somewhere…in that movie. Apparently. Also their song for the movie goes SO HARD. Check out Slash by Stray Kids and then tell me your thoughts.
Speaking of Stray Kids. I saw them at Lollapalooza yesterday! They were GREAT. I was not. I felt wholey unwell the whole time. I am too introverted, too old, and too ill for music festivals. But if you get a chance to see some clips of the performance…just think of me, in the crowd, screaming despite feeling not too hot. (And when I say ill I mean my chronic illness not that I went to a crowded place with a contagious disease). I made a new friend there and I got to see them perform so many songs live. I don’t have a lot of videos or photos of the performances because I was too busy being entranced but I will say that I didn’t know I had to see Super Bowl live until I did. I did not realize I bad I wanted it. And seeing Back Door and God’s Menu live was simply a dream come true. I was close to tears but I held back because I needed to be able to SEE.
And speaking of lolla…one of the bands I saw there (same stage as Stray Kids) is Sundial and they are just…delightful. Wonderful stage presence and a fuckton of talent and if you are looking for some new music/new artist to check out, I HIGHLY recommend. They had a new fan out of me before the first song even ended.
I don’t have much else to add. As always you are welcome to DM me, reply, or send me things to my ask box but energy will be matched. If you’re kind and understanding and approach me genuinely, we’ll get on well. I have made some truly amazing friends here. I mean this when I say that my mutuals are really some of the greatest people on the planet and they deserve all of the love in the world. I love you all so much that I couldn’t leave despite how close I came to leaving. I also would like to add that despite all of the above, I am genuinely and truly fine. I will start posting again and annoy you all with my unhinged thoughts yet again <3
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ugh-yoongi · 1 year
hello, friends 🫶🏻
just a psa/personal rant?? not really a rant but
i wanted to talk about a few things, and i think the cleanest and easiest segue is to say: i have left all of my writing networks. it is 100% nothing personal to any of them, i have enjoyed each and every one, but there are a few reasons why.
one, i am not active in any of the discord servers, so there was ✨anxiety✨ about not contributing and feeling obligated.
two (and this is the segue part): obviously these networks have a big reach, and i am feeling more and more anxious about exposing my work to the masses.
it’s a double-edged sword, because i write what i want and what makes me happy, but there is always a part of me that wants feedback and wants other people to see and enjoy it. but it has been tense here lately and the “please do not perceive me” feelings are REAL.
there is just… no nuance anymore. me posting “i don’t think it was a good decision for jungkook to go to qatar” turned into a bunch of anons calling me islamophobic and a bunch of other stuff. me saying it was a bad look for jimin to feature on a song by a r*pist turned into “you can’t have an opinion because you’re a rap line stan.”
i’m most certainly not perfect. i try to do the right thing. but tumblr has turned into a place where you will get bullied off the site if someone does not like you personally and decides you’re the internet’s villain of the day. you are put into situations you cannot win. if you defend yourself, you’re making excuses. if you don’t, you’re guilty and all those things people accused you of being are true.
it is literally this tweet:
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this is not a fandom known for being welcoming of discourse, but we have to be able to give others grace. there has to be nuance. like, we are literally stanning bts, who have done and said and written problematic things. we should not excuse intentionally harmful behavior, but we need to be able to have conversations and believe, to a certain extent, that not everyone behaves in malicious ways.
we all fuck up and will continue to do so. i hope your mistakes are handled with grace and you are given the benefit of the doubt, and i hope you extend that grace when others inevitably make mistakes as well.
i am not involved in drama here. i am 31 years old and too old and tired. i just want to write and cry over seokjin and shitpost with my friends.
i’m sure this has all been said before, but: i was offline at the time everything went down with m (shout-out the fucking car accident i got in on my way to pick up my friends from the airport, why did this seemingly happen to everyone??) but they are someone i have interacted with both here and offline, and how all of that played out was fucked up, to say the least. others have explained it far more eloquently than me, but it bears repeating.
so while i love writing and i love sharing my work, there is a part of me that’s anxious every time i post. including this. i will continue to do so and hope that this site becomes warmer and more welcoming, because i see a lot of posts lamenting writers leaving or deactivating, and i just think: “well, yeah.”
enough has been said about interaction and the like/reblog ratio, which is definitely a huge part. it can be demoralizing to spend so much time and effort writing a fic that gets little interaction. but the environment is a big part, too, and i’m hopeful that can change.
(but also—protect your peace, whatever that means for you. unfollow that person. block that tag. you don’t have to engage with everything, especially if it raises your blood pressure. one of the few good things about the internet is that you’re largely able to curate your experience. don’t feel guilty about taking advantage of that.)
i will finish this by saying: i am always open to having conversations so long as they’re in good faith. it is not anyone’s place to police my behavior, but if i ever do or say something that is not cool, you are more than welcome to address it with me. i encourage you to do so. as flor once said: comfort can’t help me grow up.
love u all. pls be nice to one another. 🖤
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erros429 · 1 year
Bumbleby didn’t deserve to be canon and people don’t even watch RWBY for the plot and the writers know that so they milked the ship for viewers
i’ll be pinning this post so that everyone is aware of my views here, and can interact with my account accordingly. this is the only anon hate that i’ll be answering because i just need everyone to know what will and won’t be tolerated on my page.
if you have something negative to say about me or the things that i enjoy, just pack it up and leave now. i will be deleting and blocking accounts to cultivate a more positive social media experience for myself (as all of you should, too).
if you’re not sure whether you should engage in hate comments or simply block them, then please take some deep breaths and ask yourself why you decide to interact with content that you clearly despise. is it hate because you didn’t get what you wanted? is it because instigating is fun for you? either way, it makes you look ridiculous, immature, and annoying.
admittedly, i was like this once too. i thought my beliefs were the only right ones, and i learned later that this is stifling for both sides. they were probably irritated that my dumbass self wouldn’t stop bothering them over something that they liked, and i was irritated that they wouldn’t change their opinion for some rando on the internet, even if my arguments were fantastic. because god forbid there’s any individuality on social media, right?
and then i discovered it. the magnificent button that made all my problems go away. the block button. i haven’t looked back since i learned that this is the greatest weapon of happiness on any social media platform.
as for what i watch rwby for. it is absolutely for the plot. and also for the ships. and also for the characters and the worldbuilding and the music and the animation. as evidenced by my MANY non bumbleby related posts (that you’ve somehow missed while stalking my page. curious). regardless of what i watch this show for anyway, why would it matter if my biggest reason for watching it is bumbleby? why does me getting enjoyment from a show a certain way affect the way you could get enjoyment from it?
this is becoming a long post, so i’ll end this here. but all in all, i really think some self reflection and time away from the things that make you unhappy will do wonders for you.
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sophieinwonderland · 3 months
i understand. i’m sick of anti-endos. sysmed rhetoric kept me, and my system, in a dark place for years. pushing for acceptance is important for our community and the plural future.
hurting others back won’t do anything. it only fuels the fire. being kind and correcting misinfo is all we can do. and for ourselves, we can take breaks when it becomes too much.
block out their tags, stay in pro-endogenic ones, or logging off even. don’t go to their level of harassment/hate. the plural community is about love and acceptance. that includes for every plural, even the ones who believe in sysmed rhetoric.
we can correct their misinfo, but there’s no reason to hurt them back. i hope you’re doing okay, and taking breaks if you need them.
I mean... there can be value to tossing fuel on a fire. Especially if your goal is getting attention by getting that fire to burn bright enough.
There's a legitimate risk of pushing people to double down on their beliefs. That type of backfire would obviously be bad.
But some people are attracted to the blaze. People are curious creatures by nature. A lot of anti-endos had me blocked before. Now they've taken another look at my blog because of the fire.
There is a value to infamy, I've found. Even being talked about in a negative way can attract more attention to a cause than not being talked about at all. I've actually had multiple anti-endos whose minds I've helped change come to this blog before and tell me it was because of how infamous I was in the anti-endo community and how much they talked about me.
Perhaps I took the wrong lesson away from that and decided that I should actively try to ensure my infamy remains intact.
But I think using and maintaining their perception of me personally can be advantageous since it lets my name breach the deepest chasms of their echo chambers.
While this particular post was driven by a building anger... there has also been an overall goal of making myself enough of a nuisance to keep them talking about me in their circles. Because if people constantly hear how terrible I am, at least some of them are going to be curious and want to check out my blog to see if it's as bad as everyone is saying.
And then hopefully once they've been baited into showing up, that's when their defenses can be eroded away by reality. No, they won't instantly accept it, but hopefully if they can start doomscrolling my blog the same way a lot of us end up doomscrolling r/systemscringe, the information I provide can worm its way past their defenses and wear them down over time.
It does feel, at a certain level, a lot of anti-endos are only willing to engage with endogenic systems who they think will confirm their worst opinions about endogenic systems. If so, maybe making them see me personally as a danger in order to trick them into coming onto my blog and being exposed to resources that would never reach them in their echo chambers is a good tactic
I don't know. 🤷‍♀️
I have no idea if this is actually effective as a strategy. My big worry is that I've been rationalizing a counterproductive tactic because it allows me to speak out in anger, because there's a part of me that does just want to hurt people that hurt us and people I care about, or maybe even because I enjoy the negative attention on some level. And while I know some people who are drawn in by it, I don't know the number people who it pushes away.
All of these things are going through my head.
But by the gods, I'm actually getting engagement from anti-endos! It's not good engagement, maybe. But I provide facts and people block me straight away or ignore whatever I'm saying, then I say something deliberately hurtful that gets publicized in their spaces and now they're paying attention!
I hate that this strategy feels as effective as it does. That it's seemingly successful in getting their attention, where providing information alone kept getting me blocked on sight and causing them to shutdown.
And the fact that this is also conditioning me towards worse behavior is also not lost on me.
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empressofthesunwriter · 4 months
Yin and Yang: Book 1.16
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Balance is a key aspect in the world, so why shouldn’t the Avatar have an opposite?
In a world where Raava and Vaatu merge with humans, the Avatar and the Daimon try to keep the peace between the four nations.
Aang and Hua are the current incarnations, but wake up 100 years in the future.
How will these two learn all four elements in one year and defeat the Fire Lord?
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Book 1.16: The Deserter 
After two weeks I can finally update T.T
I’m so happy I finished this chapter, it gave me so much trouble.
It helped that I worked on My Hero Academia FF Kill La Hero, so give it a look.
Also, I want to announce something: I have finally decided to say fuck it.
People today say we can’t write smut or similar things for FICTIONAL characters even if they are underage.
Do these people not know how teenagers are?
Most of them are horny all the time and when they can have sex they will do it!
They won’t stop watching porn and having sex with each other because we aren’t anymore writing about Fictional Character A having sex with Fictional Character B.
Also, writing should be free!
We should write what we want, it’s not my task to monitor kids and teens.
I put the warning on and if they still can read it, then blame the parents not us authors!
It’s their mission to protect the innocent of their children.
Even if they talk in school about sex.
I can still remember what we talked about in my teens.
And it wasn’t My Little Pony or grades. XD
Sex is something normal and natural and not something to be ashamed of.
And more I don’t say.
If you disagree feel free to block me and search for other fanfics.
You think like that, I think it this way.
Let’s respect each other's opinions.
I’m telling you this because we will experience together with Aang and Hua the first steps in physical love. I don’t think I will let them have sex right now, but dear god I want them French kissing without people coming for my ass.
Also, Zutara is to hot to not have sex when they are a couple ;D
Anyway, we are still a long way away from these things I just wanted to give you a heads-up. ^^
Now on with the story!
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Long ago, the four nations lived together in harmony. 
Then, everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked. 
Only the Avatar and Daimon, masters of all four elements, could stop them, but when the world needed them most, they vanished. 
A hundred years passed, and my brother and I discovered the new Avatar and Daimon, an airbender named Aang and an earthbender named Hua. 
And although his airbending and her earthbending skills are great they have a lot to learn before they’re ready to save anyone. 
But I believe Aang and Hua can save the world.
It was nearly sunset when Team Avatar reached a little roadside kiosk.
Getting curious they walked up to it.
“This should give us a good idea of what's around here.”, mussed Katara reading the posters.
Sokka flips a small pouch to find it empty aside from a few crumbs.
“See if you can find a menu, I'm starving!”, groaned the water tribe teen.
“I bet we'll find something to eat here, the Fire Day's Festival.”, said Aang, before he read aloud. “Fire Nation cultural exhibits, jugglers, benders, magicians ...This would be a great place for Hua and me to study some real firebenders.”
The Daimon, who had Jaiyi in her arms, raised an eyebrow. “What? Are you saying my firebending lessons are not enough?”
“Hua, we learned the scroll up and down.”, reminds her Aang. “Now we are making it up on the go and I don’t think we are making great progress.”
Hua raises a finger, like she wants to argue, then frowns and signs.
Aang had a point.
They knew the firebending scroll by now without even looking at it.
They needed to learn new moves.
“You are right. It would be good to go to this festival.”
“You guys might wanna rethink that. Look at this.”, called Sokka from the other side of the kiosk.
All joined him to see what was wrong.
The answer was simple.
“Hey, posters of me, Hua and Blue!”, grinnend Aang.
The posters looked good!
“Wanted posters! This is bad.”, corrected him Soka.
Each of the three who had a poster removed it from the kiosk. Blue just grumbled it, Hua studied the painting of herself, while Aang read his poster.
“I think we better keep moving.”, declares Katara.
“The scroll helped us, this could be Hua and mine only chance to watch a master's up close.”, begged Aang.
Hua nodded.
“I’m with him. We will never master firebending only with the scroll.”
Katara frowned, but she had to admit, the youngest had a good point.
“I guess we could go check it out.”
This made Aang and Hua smile, while Sokka and Blue stared at Katara.
Did they hear right?!
“What? You wanna walk into a Fire Nation town where they're all fired up with their ... you know, fire?”, questioned Sokka.
Blue wrote his thoughts.
>>I’m with Sokka. This just screams trouble for us.<<
Sokka narrowed his eyes at him but then signed: “Can’t believe I’m with Mask-Dude on the same side…but this doesn’t mean I will stop keeping watch over you mister?!”
All just deadpannend at Sokka.
His paranoia of Blue was getting old.
Secretly Zuko was happy how only Sokka mistrusted him still. It was one obstacle less in his quest to capture Aang and Hua.
“We'll wear disguises and if it looks like trouble, we'll leave.”, proposed Katara to the two sceptics.
“Yeah! Because we always leave before we get into trouble.”, sasses Sokka back.
However, since the two oldest boys were outvoted, they had no choice but to go with the others to the festival.
Sokka to protect them, while Zuko hoped a chance would turn up to snatch Hua and Aang.
At nightfall, they had nearly reached the town where the festival was held.
They stopped on a hill and Aang told their animal friends to hide. Momo and Jaiyi dived into a bush and Appa hid behind the little bush.
It was adorable!
Then it was time to disguise themselves...
Blue just put the hood of his robe even deeper over his masked face. Hua, Sokka and Katara put on their black cloaks while Aang pulls his orange shawl over his head with a smile, making him look ridiculous.
“It's like you're a whole different person …”, retorted Sokka sarcastically, while Hua and Katara giggled.
Blue just shook his head.
“Let's go.”, said Aang cheerfully.
After a few minutes they enter the bustling town.
People with masks were everywhere, children played and they nearly got run over by a costume dragon.
“I think we need some new disguises.”, told Katara studying the people with the masks.
“Where are we gonna get masks like that?”, wondered Sokka.
It seemed like the universe was good to them tonight since they heard a man calling: “Get your genuine Fire Festival masks here!”
“That was surprisingly easy.”
Blue keeps his mask since they sold Blue Spirit masks too, so hopefully, no one would conclude he was the real Blue Spirit, while the other picked out their mask.
Hua chose a white with red markings kitsune mask, Katara chose a lady with makeup, Sokka a blue smiling mask with petals around the rim, and Aang chose a red mask with a frown on it. 
After looking at them Katara removes Sokka's mask, revealing him to be frowning, and Aang's mask, revealing him to be the one smiling. 
She places Sokka's original mask over Aang's face and Aang's over Sokka.
You could feel Sokka frown even more.
They walked around for a bit looking at the attractions. Sokka nearly burned himself with this food called Fire Flakes.
Not even he was hungry enough to eat them full.
They watched a little puppet show with Firelord Ozai who burned down an earthbender and decided to move along.
Too macabre for them.
Then Aang sees a big crowd and leads his friends there, Sokka murmurs that it was probably an execution.
Zuko heard him.
And it didn’t make him feel good.
The other where the whole time on edge at the Fire Festival, while he remembers happier times, going with his mom and uncle and Lu Ten to them and enjoying them.
How Sokka said that the main attraction of the festival had to be an execution…was this how the other nations saw the Fire Nation?
That when they celebrate, they like to execute people?
What he learned with his tutors so long ago was how the Fire Nation wanted to spread their technological advance over the primitive nations, but this?
It made him question things again.
He was never more thankful as the show turned out to be a magician who needed a volunteer for his next trick, picking Katara. Aang thought she was in danger and airbenden the fire away, which turned into confetti and lost his mask.
As a distraction, Aang made a silly dance, while Hua and Sokka freed Katara from her seat, as people recognised Aang as the Avatar.
Then a wild chase took place and a man in a hood helped them to flee with explosions.
Aang called for Appa with his whistle and they flow away from the festival.
The Avatar praises their new ally for his quick thinking with the explosion and setting off the fireworks, while Sokka impressed tells him how the man knows his explosives.
That’s when the man turns around and they see he is a Fire Nation Soldier!
The man corrected them.
He was once and his name was Chey.
The group lands to make camp.
When the campfire burns, Chey begins to speak.
“I serve a man.”, he says. “More than a man really, he's a myth, but he's real, a living legend, Jeong Jeong the Deserter. He was a Fire Nation general, or wait, was he an admiral?”
“He was very highly ranked, we get it.”, stops him Sokka unamused.
“Yeah! Way up there! But he couldn't take the madness any more. He's the first person ever to leave the army - and live. I'm the second, but you don't get to be a legend for that. That's okay though. Jeong Jeong's a firebending genius. Some say he's mad - but he's not! He's enlightened.”
Did Aang and Hua hear right?!
“You mean there's a firebender out here who's not with the Fire Lord?”, they chorused together, Aang even stood excited up. “We've gotta go see him! He can train Hua and me!”
“We're not gonna go find some crazy firebender!”, makes Sokka clear.
Even normally Firbender where a pain in the butt, however a crazy ex-general/admiral living in the woods, just screamed trouble!
Annoyed Chey comes to his master's aid. “He's not crazy! He's a genius! And he's the perfect person to train the Avatar and Daimon! That's why I followed you into the festival.”
Now the annoyed Sokka makes clear how he was thankful for the help, however, they would leave for the North Pole in the morning.
Now Hua and Aang protested together.
“Sokka, this could be our only chance to meet a firebending master who would be willing to teach us!”
“It can't hurt just to talk to him.”, agreed Katara with the two youngest.
“That's what you said about going to the festival! Why doesn't anyone ever listen to me?”
“Is this again about your instincts?”, mumbled Hua, yet Katara and Aang heard her and giggled.
As Sokka turns to pout, he almost runs right into a spear. 
In a flash, they are surrounded by men wearing straw hats, light armour, tribal make-up, and wielding spears.
The Spirits hated him, Zuko was sure.
Not only was going to the Fire Nation Festival a disaster, no, but now he was in one of the huts of deserters and traitors of his country!
If his father ever found out he was near the infamous Jeong Jeong the Deserter, he could forget his throne and say hi to a nice little cell on the Boiling Rock!
Maybe Uncle Iroh was right and his plan did have flaws.
No, he couldn’t think like that!
As long as he keeps his “Blue” theatre-going, no one would ever need to know how he captures the Avatar and Daimon.
Still…when he was a boy, Zuko remembered how Uncle Iroh talked about Jeong Jeong, calling him a military genius and a dear friend.
Could someone, whose uncle so appreciated, really be a bad guy?
The part of him, that was formed through propaganda, said yes, but his emotional side, who trusted his Uncle said no.
So…does it mean the Fire Nation, his father, was in the wrong? It was like someone threw a bucket of cold icy water on him.
How could Zuko think such traitorous thoughts?!
He was his father's and his nation's loyal servant!
That’s why he did this spiel of being friends with Aang and Hua to capture them for his nation.
For his honour and to eliminate their biggest treat!
Still…he looked at the people who slept beside him.
Katara was nearly snuggled on his side, which was not good for his racing teenage hormones.  He was still a teenager and she was a beautiful girl, who was too trusting of him!
Sokka slept behind him to not make any funny business happen.
Like Zuko would do anything to Katara.
Sweet and fierce Katara, who naturally took him in in their group and acted with him like they were old friends.
She didn’t deserve the heartbreak he would cause her when he took Aang and Hua away.
Zuko had seen and felt how Katara saw the two youngest as her own.
But he wouldn’t have a choice.
He never has a choice.
Then there were Aang and Hua.
Hua slept on Aang's chest, gripping his robes, while Aang embraced the smaller girl.
They looked like two puzzle pieces.
A perfect fit.
Just none of these two wanted to look reality in the face.
Behind his mask Zuko signed.
He was already a way to invest with everyone, even with Sokka when they squabbled over random things, it would only hurt when he betrayed- when he had to fulfil his mission.
More than normal he wished for his Uncle's advice, okay, Uncle Iroh would sprout some weird proverb nonsense, but then he would help Zuko figure it out.
Another sign left his lips.
He should try to sleep.
Thinking this all over and over wouldn’t change a thing.
He NEEDED his honour, his place as the crown prince back.
He wouldn’t leave the Fire Nation in the perfectly manicured hands of his cruel sister!
Azula cared for power, not for people.
It’s then that Chey enters their little hut.
So much for sleeping.
Careful, with Hua still in his arms, Aang sits up.
“What happened? Can we see Jeong Jeong now?”, he whispered, while Hua cutely snuggled up closer to him and Aang stroked her black hair.
Yeah, these two were already a couple and didn’t even notice.
How did Katara said to Zuko? Aang and Hua were two lovable idiots in the mysterious ways of love.
He had to agree.
Meanwhile, Chey made a face.
“The thing is…he only wants to speak to the Daimon since her next element is Fire. He doesn’t want to talk to you at all. After talking with the Daimon he wants you all to leave immediately.”
“Finally!”, shouted Sokka, which woke now everyone up.  “Let's hit the road.”
“Why won't he see me?”, wonders Aang, while Katara and Hua yawn and rub the sleep from their eyes.
“He says you're not ready. Says you haven't mastered waterbending and earthbending yet.”, Chey explains.
“Wait, how does he know that?”
“He saw the way you walked into camp. He could tell.”
“I'm going in, anyway!”
“Wait Aang!”, stops him Hua. “I should probably talk first with Master Jeong Jeong. He did ask for me. Maybe I can sway him to teach you too.”
Katara nodded. “I’m with Hua. Let her talk with him first.”
After a second to reflect on it, Aang agreed.
That’s when Chey let the metaphorical bomb explode.
“He wants to talk to the Blue Spirit too.”
All eyes zero’ed on Zuko, while he started sweating.
What did the infamous deserter want from him?
Maybe his rigid body told Chey what he was thinking since the man said to him: “I dunno, why he wants to talk with you. Maybe because you are fighting against the Fire Nation too?”
“Or because he IS Fire Nation.”, whisper-shouted Sokka.
For that, Katara hit with her elbow the side of his stomach.
Ignoring Sokka’s paranoia Hua stood up and waved to Zuko.
“Come on, Blue let’s talk to Master Jeong Jeong.”
Did he have a choice in this matter?
Not if he didn’t want to blow his cover.
So he followed Hua to Jeong-Jeong's hut.
They squabbled a bit about who should go in first before it was decided Zuko should go in first.
Jeong Jeong surely wanted to talk longer to Hua as she was the Daimon, than he who was a vigilante.
Yeah, Zuko had a bad feeling.
The feeling got worse when he stepped into the hut and saw Jeong Jeong already turned in his direction, fixing him with a knowing look.
Nervous Zuko bowed before him.
He wondered what Jeong Jeong wanted from him.
Yawing Hua was sitting beside Master Jeong Jeong's hut.
He and Blue were talking quite long.
What did a Firebending master need to tell their friend, which took so much time?
If she wasn’t so sleepy, she would thought about it more, but Hua wanted just to fall back in Aang's arms and sleep till midday.
She was really tired, okay?
That’s when Blue stepped out of the hut. Her friend stared down on the floor, seeming pensive.
“Hey Blue.”, she greeted him, standing up. “Is anything alright?”
Even if his mask didn’t show his eyes, Hua felt them formally on her.
Something desperate and sad was in them.
He just patted her head and walked in the direction of the forest.
Did he need time to think?
Hopeful he would return soon.
With a sign, Hua stepped into Jeong Jeong's hut.
She could smell the soft fragrance of jasmine as she bowed before the master.
“Master Jeong Jeong it is an honour to meet you.”, she greeted him.
“Raise, girl.”
So she did as she was told.
Jeong Jeong had wild white hair, a scar going down one of his eyes and wore simple black clothes.
He was currently making tea.
That’s why she smelled jasmine.
“Take a seat.”
She kneeled in perfect seiza before him. Jeong Jeong handed her a cup of tea.
“Drink. It’s a brand a friend of mine likes quite much, it will help you to stay awake.”
Hua thanked him with a bow and tasted the tea.
Mmh, what a filigree and delicious taste.
Jeong Jeong's friend knows his tea.
“You wanted to speak with me, Master?”
“Indeed, girl. I know you aren’t an earthbending master yet.”
How did he know?
“But you are getting closer. Your next element is fire.”
She nodded.
“I’m currently training in it with a scroll, but there isn’t anymore for me.”
“I see.”, hummed Jeong Jeong, sipping his own tea. “You need a master.”
“Are you offering yourself, it would be a great help and honour, Master.”
“This would mean, you have to leave your friends and your Avatar.”, he told her simply. “He needs to learn water and has to go to the North Pole, if you wanna learn fire you have to stay here with me before you rejoin him to learn earth.”
It was like a slap in the face!
Leaving….Leaving Aang, Katara and Sokka?
Staying here all alone?!
“I had a feeling.”, declared Jeong Jeong with wise eyes. “You and the Avatar were brought together too soon and started to learn together 100 years ago, I’m correct?”
Not trusting her voice Hua nodded, before she croaked out. “I lived in the Southern Air Temple a few months before Sozin’s Comet came. With me was an Earth Sage, Master De, who trained me in earthbending, while Aang should have perfected his airbending. Since then we have always been together.”
“What fools.”, grumble the master. “I can understand letting you meet so soon and tell your destinies because the war was on the horizon, but starting the bond between you was foolish! An Avatar and Daimon pair normally meets once at 16 then four times a year, when each season begins, till they have mastered their respective elements. Then the bond should take root and lead to love or companionship. But this mess…only complicated things. You can’t anymore be without each other.”
This made Hua bite her lips nervous.
Should she ask?
She needed to ask.
“Will you teach Aang then with me?”
 “No!”, he said loud and clear. Even the flames of the candles rose up. “He needs to learn water and earth first! But I recognize I can’t keep you from your Avatar.”
Jeong Jeong handed her a little chest, which she hadn’t noted before.
“Here are some Firebending scrolls. More advanced than the one you have surely. Learn with this, till you and the Avatar come to learn fire from me. But before master earth and water. This is the best solution for the mess the monks and Earth Sages did 100 years ago.”
The Daimon thanked Jeong Jeong with a bow, hugging the chest to herself.
“Go in peace, young Daimon.”
“You too, master.”
Hua knew when she was dismissed, so she went to their hut for the night.
How should she explain to Aang that Jeong Jeong didn’t want to teach him?
In the end, Hua's worry was for nothing.
Somehow Aang convinced Jeong-Jeong to teach them both.
So the next morning, while Sokka fishes, Katara practices her waterbending and Blue still hasn’t returned, the Avatar and Daimon stand bandy-legged, on flat stones in the river.
Jeong Jeong stands a foot or two away on the bank in front of his cottage.
“Widen your stance. Wider! Bend your knees. Now, concentrate.”, tells them, Jeong Jeong. “Good, good!”
“Wait! What do we do now?”, wonders Aang, while Hua sends him a look that screams don’t speak!
“Silence! Talking is not concentrating! Look at your friend, is she talking? Even that oaf knows to concentrate on what he's doing!”
From Sokka comes an offended Hey.
“But what are we concentrating on?”, asks Aang again and Hua makes an aport-the-mission sign.
“Feel the heat of the sun. It is the greatest source of fire. Yet, it is completely balanced with nature!”, explains Jeong Jeong.
Hua nods, takes a deep breath and closes her eyes.
She tries to feel the warmth, only concentrating on that, but, of course, Aang has to interrupt again: “So when do I get to make some fire?”
“Aang, you make ME lose my concretion!”, shouts Hua together with Jeong Jeong.
Their teacher leaves them and Aang feels embarrassed. Even more when he hears Sokka and Katara giggle behind him.
He blushes.
Hua just signs and follows Jeong Jeong's instructions.
She wants to become a better firebender, if she has to start at the beginning she will.
A while later, Jeong Jeong returns and leads them high up on a mountain.
Aang can’t keep himself from asking if they can make fire now, only for their teacher to say he brought them there to breathe.
The Avatar was in disbelief, but he followed Jeong Jeong's instructions.
Then he leaves the two alone again.
It takes Aang exactly five minutes before he whispers: “Hua, hey Hua!”
The spoken to girl just continued breathing, trying to ignore Aang.
She wants to fulfil this exercise to Jeong Jeong pleasing.
Sadly Aang calls her again a few times.
Hua loses her nerves when he pokes her.
“What Aang?!”, she shouts. “What is so important?!”
“Come on, you have to think this is wasting our time. We already can do firebending moves.”, Aang whines.
“Aang, I think we should listen to our teacher. Jeong Jeong knows more about this then we both together. Look, he already corrected our stance. We were all wrong.”
The boy huffs a little.
But it was so boring!
It was more fun learning firebending with Hua and the scroll.
“You know what, I’m going to talk to Jeong Jeong.”, declared Aang.
“Aang that’s a bad idea, just do the exercise.”
However, her other half was already on the way to their master.
Hua couldn’t help herself to huff.
Aang, the airhead, wanted to have fun, then really learn the elements.
Did he think the war was a joke?
Well, she at least would listen to Jeong Jeong.
She didn’t know how much time passed, it was like she had fallen into a trance when she heard someone come for her.
Silence was around them.
Curious she opened one eye.
It was Blue!
“Hey, Blue, were where you? We have been worried.”, she tells him.
Blue only stares at her.
A bit nervous Hua opens fully her eyes.
“I’m currently meditating, feeling the sun, you know for firebending.”
Still nothing from her friend.
A bad feeling took its place in Hua's stomach.
Then Blue finally moved, coming towards her.
After Katara healed Aang's burn, they finally noted their missing friends.
“Where are Hua and Blue?”, wondered Katara.
She had a bad feeling in her stomach.
“She is probably still where Jeong Jeong left her. I know where.”, said Aang calmly.
Jaiyi yipped it at him in a way that said let’s hurry and pick up my girl.
So Aang flows Appa in the direction of the mountain.
What they found there surprised them.
It looked like a battlefield, with burn marks on the ground, yet strangely Blue and Hua were sitting there together, talking with each other.
The girl even seemed to have cried.
“Hey Hua, Mask-Dude!”, called Sokka for their attention. “Need a lift?”
“Hey guys, that would be nice.”, sniffled Hua and Blue patted her shoulder.
They helped them on Appa and Katara fussed over Hua.
“What’s wrong Hua? Did you hurt yourself?”
“No, no…Blue and I talked.”
“He can talk.”, sassed Sokka in between.
All ignored him.
“Blue wants to give you something Katara.”, told Hua.
Now all were curious.
Blue took something out of his pocket and gave it to Katara.
“It’s my mother's necklace!”, shouted Katara happy. She thought she would never see it again. “Blue where did you find it?!”
“I found it on the prison ship you started a riot with the earthbenders.”, talked Blue for the first time to them.
His voice may have been a bit muffled from his mask, but the other three know this voice well enough.
Sokka got his boomerang ready.
“I know it!”, he shouted. 
Slowly Blue took his mask off...and they looked at Prince Zuko's calm and somewhat defeated face!
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Muhahahaha I hope you like the cliffhanger!
I wonder what will now happen? :D
Let me hear your theories!
I hope the next chapter won’t take this long, but if it does please be patient with me and motivate me with comments so I keep on writing :D
Till next time <3
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miryum · 2 years
A Roll of the Die (Spot Conlon x Reader)
New York was divided into levels. Levels that made up skyscrapers and classes of wealth. There were the rich people- the top tier of New York City. Then there were the people directly under them, middle class who were their assistants or worked away at the bank or as a maid and butler. There was also the lower class. The people who had two or three jobs, scavenging away for the smallest scrap of money. Maybe seamstresses, factory workers, or newsies. And then there was the lowest of all of New York. The street rats. The homeless. The scabbers. 
Y/n hated the levels of New York. As she was on the bottom, her opinion would make sense. Y/n made a living as a scabber. She worked many small jobs- wherever she could find them. Most of the time, she sold newspapers alongside the newsies. She wasn’t officially a part of the newsie ranks, nor did she ever intend to join them, but it was a somewhat stable job that helped her maintain enough money for her and her family to eat, so in her book, it was a mighty fine job. 
However, Y/n got wind of a strike that was stirring in the newsie ranks. Her scabber friends, Mark and Joseph told her that the newsies were upset at the raise in price and were deciding to do something about it. Apparently, the newsies had stopped Mark and Joseph from buying papes yesterday while Y/n was off sewing clothes with her sister. 
“You’re kidding me, right?” Y/n groaned once she heard the news as the trio slowly made their way to the circulation centre. “You let them stop you from buying papes? What about your day's work? And now you’re telling me I should stop getting an honest day’s pay?”
“They’ll beat you up if you don’t.” Mark warned.
“Like they’d beat up a girl.” Y/n chuckled. She hopped down onto the street, a carriage barely missing her. Joseph pulled her back onto the sidewalk.
“I heard that they even got Spot Conlon on board,” Joseph gossiped. 
“That little guy?” Y/n rolled her eyes. “What’s he gonna do to me?”
“You’re not scared of him?” Mark laughed incredulously.
“No.” Y/n shrugged. The three of them got to the gate of the circulation centre and as Mark and Joseph joined the growing ranks of newsies, Y/n nonchalantly stepped up to the counter. 
“Hi Weisel.” Y/n grinned, “200 papes please?”
Weisel raised a brow. “Really? You of all people not joining the strike? Thought you scabbers would wanna change the laws.” He then turned and yelled, “200 papes for the girl!”
“Not so loud!” Y/n hissed, “the newsies can’t know I’m buying.” 
“Looks like they already do.” Weisel smirked and nodded to the crowd around her. 
Y/n sighed and reluctantly turned to face the throng. She was surrounded by angry and expectant newsies. Mark and Joseph looked worried from the back. Weisel slid the pack of papes towards her and gestured for his money. Y/n slammed her coins down and Weisel happily took them. 
“What are you doin’?” The lead newsie asked. It didn’t sound like a question. 
“Buying papes,” Y/n snorted a laugh. “Obviously.” Life on the streets had shown her to act indifferent until the first punch was thrown.
“Haven’t you heard about the strike?” Another newsie with a cigar hanging from his lips asked.
“You can’t buy papes,” another said. “We won’t allow it. For the strike to work, no one can sell papes.”
“Yeah, but some of us need to eat,” Y/n pointed out. She took her papers and started out the clump of newsies. They blocked her and Y/n stepped back into the middle of the circle. She squared her shoulders. Y/n didn’t like being surrounded. The odds weren’t in her favour and it made her feel trapped.
“You can’t sell papes!” The first newsie argued. He seemed to be their leader. “We’re in this together. I know you wanna get your money, but just cause we make pennies doesn’t give them the right to rub our noses in it. Are you gonna roll over and let Pulitzer pick your pocket? They need to respect your rights! All we ask for is a square deal. I told your buddies this yesterday, and Imma tell you this today: for the sake of every overworked kid in this whole city, I beg you. Throw down your papers and join the strike.”
Y/n rolled her eyes. “Real nice speech you got going on there. Worked on my friends.” She jerked a head towards Mark and Joseph. “But… it’s not gonna work on me. I need this. More than any of you. You know nothing of my life and how hard it’s been. I need to get my money. I need to feed my siblings. No one else will feed them except me. And without you lot on the streets, maybe I’ll actually be able to buy some food for myself. Ever think of that?”
Someone pushed through the crowd. A teenage boy stopped in front of her. He was maybe fifteen or sixteen with a cap pulled low over his dirty blond hair. His blue eyes pierced hers. “Listen… goil,” he finally decided on before continuing, “do you know who I am?” 
“No.” Y/n deadpanned. 
“Spot Conlon. King of Brooklyn.” The boy smirked. 
“Am I supposed to be impressed by that?” The newsies all fell silent. No one had ever talked back to Spot Conlon before. 
Spot huffed. “If you weren’t a goil, you’d be on the ground, bleeding after the soaking I gave you.”
“Then do it.” Y/n challenged. “I’ve been beaten up before.”
“Listen,” Spot ignored her comment, “I didn’t come all the way from Brooklyn for this strike just for some scabber to mess it up.” 
“Sorry, Spot Conlon,” Y/n pushed him aside and the newsies gasped. “but I gotta go.” 
“Did you just… push me?” Spot gaped. 
“Yeah. What’re you gonna do about it?”
“Leave us,” Spot Conlon waved everyone away. His newsies pushed all the other boroughs away to leave Y/n and him alone. Y/n felt a stir of panic in her chest. What was about to happen? 
“So,” Spot laid an arm around Y/n shoulders. She shrugged him off and replaced him with her papes. “Where do we start?”
“I’ve never sold in ‘Hattan before. Where do you sell?” Spot asked. 
“What are you doing?” Y/n squinted at him. “What’s your angle? Your tactic?”
“No tactic, doll, just wanna help you sell.” 
“Don’t call me that.” 
 “Where do you sell, doll?” 
Y/n rolled her eyes at his insistence. “Fine. But the first sign that you’re manipulating me, I’m ditching you.” 
“Fine by me.” Spot stayed at her side as she walked to her selling spot, seeming to take it all in. He seemed relaxed, hands in pockets and looking around casually. Y/n’s wariness of the boy hadn’t gone away, but after a while, she felt herself loosen up a bit and step into the newsie role.
Y/n had one of the best days selling. With no other newsies around, people flocked to her to get their hands on the news. Some asked her where the others were and Y/n replied with, “they’re on strike.”
If her customers had been poorer, they would’ve looked on with confusion and disdain, wondering and judging her for not joining her friends to try for a better life. However, her patrons were richer and simply complimented her on staying true to business and even tipped her extra.
At the end of the day, Y/n’s bag was brimming with coins, leaving her smiling proudly. This would certainly provide a couple meals for her family. 
Y/n had expected Spot to try and disway her from selling, but he just found a bench to lounge on, watching her and the passerby’s intently. 
“You’d make a good newsie,” he commented lightly after the day had passed.
“I’ll never be a newsie.” Y/n said hotly, as if taken personal offence. “I’m a scabber.”
“Do you ever do work in Brooklyn?” Spot asked, looking at her as they walked.
“Not usually.” 
Spot hummed. “You should.”
“Why’s that?” This time, it was Y/n’s turn to look at him inquisitively. 
“I’d get to see you more.” Spot smiled softly. A group of young men passed them and Spot instinctively took Y/n’s arm, guiding her carefully past them. Once they were gone, Spot’s demeanour eased up and offered Y/n his arm. Y/n shook her head and pushed him away. 
“This is all a ploy to try and get me to join the strike,” Y/n said dismissively.
“How is me wanting to see you going to get you to join the strike?” Spot chuckled lightly. 
Y/n was silent for a moment before replying, “I don’t know, but I know you’re smart enough that you have an endgame.”
“Aw!” Spot nudged her. “You think I’m smart.”
“Listen, bud.” Y/n rolled her eyes. “I’ve heard plenty of stories about you. I know your true colours. I know not to trust you. I’m not joining the strike and I’m not working in Brooklyn. End of story. Goodbye.” Y/n then turned on her heel and walked up a set of stairs that led to her family’s apartment.
A week had passed when Y/n’s sister shared some interesting news with her. “Y/n, can you do me a favour?”
“Anything,” Y/n instantly replied, looking up from her mother- mandated sewing.
“Well, there’s a job opportunity that pays really well that’s been offered to me.” Her sister said hesitantly, a large smile growing over her face.
“Really?!” Y/n set her sewing down. “That’s great! When do you start?”
“Tomorrow. But, there’s a catch,” her sister sat down next to her. “It’s in Brooklyn and I would need you to walk me back and forth.” Y/n’s brows tightened and her sister quickly exclaimed, “But you could come back to ‘Hattan during the day to work and all I need is someone else to walk me so I stay safe! It’s really not that far away. With the pay increase, maybe I could catch a trolley some days? Or you could get a job in Brooklyn too.”
“I’m really happy for you and what this means for the family,” Y/n started, “so yes, I’ll walk you. But how did you get the job?”
“Well, see, that’s the odd part. A kid just came up to me one day and said that he knew someone who was looking for workers. He introduced me to the guy, and here we are!”
“Who was the kid?”
“Um, I think his name was Spot Connon? Or something?”
“Spot Conlon?”
“Yeah! That’s it! Do you know him?” 
“Unfortunately, yes.”
It seemed too big of a coincidence for Y/n as she marched next to her sister, walking her to work. And when Spot Conlon was seen selling papes on the next corner over, it felt too bad to be true. After she had ushered her sister inside to her new job, Y/n strode up to Spot and jabbed a finger in his chest, disrupting the few customers around him. “What the hell, Spot?!” She cried.
“Geez, Y/n,” Spot grinned. “Came all the way to Brooklyn just for me?”
“Why’d you get my sister that job? How dare we even talk to her! Stay away from me and my family and stop trying to get me to join the strike!”
“The strike’s over, doll.” Spot chuckled, waving his papes in her face. Y/n stood for a moment, processing his words. “Now, would you like to apologise for storming over here and disturbing my sales?” His words were coy and made her want to slap him.
“Just, come here!” Y/n growled, pulling him away from the customers.
“An impromptu make out session?” Spot teased, “I’m down.”
“Shut it, Conlon.” The girl turned to face him. “Why are you doing this? I don’t understand.”
“Y/n, I think I’ve made it pretty clear,” Spot’s demeanour changed drastically. “I wanna be your friend. I like being around you. If you didn’t hate me, I might even ask you out. I should be asking you the question of why don’t you like me?”
Y/n bristled, startled by his confession. “Because,” she hesitated, “because you were trying to get me to join the newsies. All my life I’ve had to look out for me and my family. I’ve had to scrape along the bottom of the barrel just to survive. It doesn’t seem fair that instead of working hard and being unhappy and burnt out, you guys earn the same amount of money but you’re happy while doing it. You have friends. You’re loved.”
Spot tilted his head. “Doesn’t your family love you?”
“They’re too busy.” Y/n muttered, shaking her head. “Mom and dad work two jobs each just to pay rent so it falls on me to earn money for food and clothes. It’s not fair.”
“Nothing about life is fair.” 
“Could you offer some sympathy instead of truth?” Y/n asked snarkily.
“Isn’t truth better than wool over your eyes?” Spot retorted easily.
After a moment, Y/n muttered, “how did you become so smart?”
Spot grinned. “I’ve always been smart, doll. You’ve just been too dumb to see it.”
“I have the same street smarts as you,” Y/n said. “It’s not my fault if I don’t have proper schooling.” Y/n’s hands balled into fists and she glared harshly at him. Spot noticed and gently took one of her hands in his. Y/n jumped back, but kept her hand in his. Her jaw tightened and Spot slowly reached up to cup her face, running his thumb over her tense jaw and then moving his hand up to her eyebrows, thumbing the space between them, making her relax.
“You’re right,” Spot whispered. “None of this is your fault. It’s a bad roll of the dice. But we can make the best outta it. We can make friends and family outta it. You can’t spend your life in misery, especially if you have people looking out for you.”
“Are you looking out for me?” Y/n was hesitant in asking her question. 
“I thought I’d made that perfectly clear,” Spot said, cocking his head slightly. “Why else would I seek you out or try and help your family? It’s not everyday I see a pretty girl. I wanna hold onto her while I can.”
Y/n exhaled a laugh, looking away from Spot. He frowned and tilted her chin toward him, forcing her to meet his eye. “Why’re you laughing? Do you think you’re a joke?” He asked, “Do you think I’m joking about you being beautiful?”
“Spot,” Y/n gently pushed his hands away from her face. “I’m a scabber. I know daughters of CEO’s might be a little outta your league, but anyone would be lucky to have you.”
“But I don’t want just anyone,” Spot muttered. “I want you.”
The tension in the air held the words aloft. Did he really mean it? Slowly, waiting for Y/n to stop him, though she never did, Spot stepped closer to her. “Is this okay?”
Y/n nodded. She couldn’t trust her words. Before Spot’s lips could brush hers, Y/n wondered, “are you sure you want to?”
“I’ve never been more sure of anything, doll.” Spot smirked slightly. And then he kissed her.
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diabolicalcunt · 5 months
I feel the need to pin this cause I’ve always been notorious for people loving me when they first meet me, and then finding out that my political views are not extremely liberal. So here’s all the reasons you will hate me once you get to know me. Or not. I honestly don’t care I’m just sick of the ‘You aren’t who I made you out be in my head!’ conversations.
So my unpopular opinions in no order-
1. They/them is something that’s being encouraged by big brother to see yourself as non or less human.
2. DID isn’t real and you just disassociate a specific way. I look like I’ve been drugged cause I fall down ‘inside’ myself like a well and have no reaction time and can barely speak. I’m like a sloth. You pretend to be a anime character. It’s just coping.
3. The concept of trans genocide is fear mongering by big brother and means to keep boundaries between social groups.
4. To build off 3, the push to medically transition underage children is a move by big pharmaceutical companies to create a permanent customer. Because whether you decide to stay transitioned or de transition, you’re going to be on medication for the rest of your life whether you like it or not. There’s also the whole issue with child exploitation. You’ll be judgmental against Dance Moms, but you won’t say anything about a mom who transitioned her child when they were two years old and made them a social media star.
5. Trans men and women who have been charged with a crime belong in LGBT prison wings. Because we have created a culture where male rapists can put on its dress and be rewarded with a permanent stay in the hen house where they can victimize more women and the system will just cry transphobia and call the victims liars. You got a problem with that? I have never seen a trans man pushing to get put in men’s prison. I wonder why… 😐
6. Blair White is queen.
7. I will fight Henry Cavill on sight. I don’t give a shit how bad you want motorboat him. He’s a fucking pedophile.
8. Same goes for David Bowie. When I get to the afterlife I’m gonna make him wish he could die again. Ask me if you want my full on sight list. 😂
9. I stand with Palestine. Yes I think Islam is a horrible religion that is anti woman. I still don’t think kids should die for the grievances of adults and I think it’s fucked up Israel is doing the same shit Nazis did to them and expect us to nod and smile!
10. Qu**r is just as much of a slur as f*g*t or n*gg*r. I don’t use it and if you do I will block you no questions asked. Say gay! Say lesbian! Say…bisexual! 😱
11. Butch women are valid as fuck and I adore y’all . They aren’t trans men, fuck your lesbian phobia.
12. To build off 11, the new LGBT movement has been infected by woke homophobia and the new trans movement is nothing but conversion therapy in a mask.
13 . Radical feminists are women’s last hope.
14. Marvel movies always sucked, we were just kids and ate up the pretty colors.
15. Dune is a white male savior story.
16. Your fave is not autistic, trans, gay or whatever. You just need validation cause you have no confidence.
17. The Boys should have never cast Jensen Ackles and the Supernatural fandom needs psychological help.
18. Too many of y’all try to primp and posture as the gods of your fandom and yes I say that as someone who did the same and stepped away when I realized how cringe I was. Lording over autistic adults and actual children is pathetic. Get therapy and a real hobby.
19. While gender neutral fanfiction has its place. The trend that all fanfiction needs to be gender neutral is literally killing the creativity and frankly the spice to fanfiction. I hate this trend where piece of media needs to be sterilized so it can be consumed by anyone, even people just passing by. It goes against the concept of creating at its core. Sometimes things are made for specific groups. Sometimes it’s made just for you. The things you create do not need to be sanitized to the point there’s no substance, just a hollow consumption. Think of it this way. Would you rather have a hot pizza of your preference or would you prefer to just drink a bowl of water because someone on the other side of the world might not like pizza?
20. The WWE Divas belt was iconic. I get the whole take women wrestlers seriously movement and I agree! But god damn it, it’s a Bratz belt!!! Gimme!!!!!
21. I fucking HATE koalas. They literally only exist because humans have dumped millions of dollars and keeping them alive. If natural selection were allowed to take his course, they would’ve died off 100 years ago. The food they consume has so little nutrition that they have evolved to have the smallest brain to cranium capacity of any animal to create a built in helmet!! Why? Cause they are so stupid they literally fall out of trees and drop their infants!!! They shit on their young and have permanent diarrhea due to the 0 nutrition thing. They carry chlamydia. They’re so fucking stupid they can’t fuck and have to be artificially inseminated to continue the population. If I couldn’t get laid on my own, the government would not drop millions of dollars into making sure I do!! So why did koalas get it? Literally a waste of resources that could be going to feed thousands of hungry children and instead we’re keeping a fucking retarded (I’m on the spectrum fuck you) animal alive who should have gone extinct hundreds of years ago cause it’s supposedly ‘cute’!! God! I hate koalas!
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