#you gave me a chance to take a little more care of myself for which i am infinitely grateful
arrgh-whatever · 5 months
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I was super tired on my way home at the moment I saw it and almost had a heart attack
I wanted to say thank you to ALL of you for your support! I always feel like I have to say something whenever I receive help but I barely have the energy to do so. Still I can't describe how grateful I am. Thanks to all of you surviving these awful times feels a lot less scary and I actually feel like we can make it through.
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erwinsvow · 3 months
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“i can’t believe you made out with sarah’s brother,” your friend comments. you choke on your water. 
it had been an hour or so since your friends had dragged you out of the bar, bringing you home with them for the pre-planned sleepover that you had been ready to ditch for rafe. in that time you and your friends had taken off your makeup and changed into pajamas, munching on pizza on the floor of your bedroom while discussing the night’s events like you always did. you wipe your mouth, looking up at them incredulously. 
“you didn’t know that was rafe cameron? shut up.”
“he’s a psycho, that’s what she always says-”
“he was really nice to me,” you defend, not liking the way your friends sound right now. the rest of the night goes like that—you trying to counter and justify everything rafe did for you last night with your friends telling you it’s a good thing they dragged you away. 
they fall asleep shortly after, but you lie awake, staring at the ceiling and wondering what time your friends will leave in the morning. you’re making plans to go to tannyhill. 
normally breakfast the morning after going out is a sacred ritual between you and your friends, which is why they’re extra surprised when you usher them out without any real reason. you hurry back to the kitchen after their car drives away, getting everything ready to make cookies and wondering which kind rafe likes best.
rafe sees it from inside tannyhill—the white bike with the wicker basket pulling up the driveway, the tiny figure dressed in pink parking it next to his truck. you climb off your bike and even from up here he can appreciate how short your dress is, how you almost gave the gardeners a show. he's gotta teach you to be more careful.
you reach into the basket to pull out a matching pink container, walking up to the front door. he’s down the stairs and opening the door before you’ve even had a chance to ring the doorbell. 
you beam at rafe, hoping he remembers you and wasn’t drunk during that entire encounter. you smile brightly, offering the pink box of cookies to him.
“sorry to just drop by like this. i made cookies for you. um, to say thank you.”
“yeah, kid? that’s real cute.”
“oh. thank you.” he looks down at you, leaning against the door frame.
your chest is heaving, material of your tight dress moving up and down while you keep your gaze fixed on him, eyes big and blinking fast. you don’t even realize how you look right now, trusting and innocent and staring up at rafe like you’d do whatever he asked. if you looked like prey yesterday night, you’re the definition of an offering today, walking straight into the predator’s den.
“i didn’t know what kind you liked, so i made a whole bunch.”
“yeah.” you stare back at rafe for another few seconds, then tear your eyes away. you think he wants you to go, and as much as you like him, as much as you feel a little brainless around him, you’re not stupid—you can tell when you’re not wanted. “well, i should go. thanks again for last night.”
“stop thankin’ me. it was nothin’.” rafe steps out of the house, just a foot from you on the porch now. his hand comes to rest on your shoulder and you nearly jump at the touch. “come inside. can’t eat all these myself.”
your pretty smile comes rushing back, following him inside just like you had followed him to the dance floor yesterday, looking around at the walls of tannyhill. you’d been once before, years ago for a party for sarah’s birthday that the entire class had been invited to,  but you hadn’t admired it then. nor did you realize what other treasures laid inside.
“want milk?” rafe questions, opening up the fridge while you rest your hands on the marble island in the kitchen. you nod your head, still looking around and taking in the new environment. rafe comes back to you with the jug of milk and two glasses, pouring you a cup first.
“how was the rest of your night?” you ask tentatively, breaking an oatmeal raisin cookie in half and offering rafe the other piece. he accepts it with a grin. you’re nervous—scared of the answer, wondering if another girl took your place after you left.
“boring. i left after you did.” he bites into the cookie, and then takes a sip of milk. if he thought you were beaming earlier, you’re radiant now—looking up at him like he’s hung the moon for you. your laugh—and even that’s pretty—fills the room.
“that’s not how you’re supposed to do it, rafe,” you giggle, dipping your own cookie into the milk first to demonstrate. “see?”
it’s quick. rafe takes your wrist into his hand, guiding it up to your mouth, making you take a bite. he doesn’t let go while he speaks, either.
“now it’s soggy. see?” you nod, watching where he’s touching you with big eyes. if you’re this reactive to a little skin contact, he’s dying to see what you’ll be like naked in his bed. he reminds himself to be patient.
“i didn’t realize i was doing it wrong,” you comment, picking up another cookie, this time snickerdoodle, to break in half. he’s half surprised at your compliance, half wondering what else he could convince you of with a little manhandling and kissing.
“don’t worry, kid. i’ll teach you right and wrong.”
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justwonder113 · 8 months
Showering Han with affection
Bang Chan; Lee Know; Changbin; Hyunjin; Felix; Seungmin; IN;
Summary: when the love of your life comes down with a fever and is bummed out you do everything in your power to cheer him up.
Warnings: genders neutral reader, Han has a fever, Whipped reader as always, Han is feeling anxious and reader tries to comfort him. Fluffy ending bit angsty in the start. Loads of hugs and kisses I can't help myself. Please tell me if I missed anything Word count-2.1k
A/N- I wanted to say thank you for all the support, reblogs, notes, your comments everything! They literally make my whole day! I kept giggling in the subway like a lunatic the other day. I cannot describe how much it means to me that you like what I write. Thank you so much🩷🩷🩷
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It was one of those days where everything seemed normal and fine but you couldn't shake off the feeling that something was wrong. Like you were chilling by yourself but it felt like something unknown loomed over you, something like sixth sense was tingling and bothering you. Like... there was no explanation for you to feel this off. Were you forgetting something? But you had everything listed and checked out, you even double checked it! You wondered what was up...
You sighed and started searching for your keys, which was prooved to be little hard when you had your hands full with groceries. Normally you went shopping with your boyfriend, but these days he seemed to be a little overwhelmed and you didn't want to stress him more on meaningless stuff. Also, you didn't have to buy so much stuff, you were only out to buy few of the nescesities, you just couldn't help yourself when you saw that your favorite bakery had Han's favorite cheescake on display in the window. So you bought it and couple of more snacks , which you knew he would appreciate. 
You finally fished out the keys and walked into your shared apartment. You wondered when Han would get home, hopefully, his schedule wasn't as packed today. You really wished he could get some chance to rest for a while.
You almost dropped everything and screamed when you noticed dark figure on your sofa. You calmed when you recognized the black hoodie of your boyfriend with the text on the back. It was the one you had gifted him on your anniversary, custom made and everything. He was dressed in all blacks no wonder it almost gave you a heart attack, he was blended into the darkness of the room. Was he asleep? How was he breathing laying face down like that?
"Baby?" You called out his name, but no answer. You got closer and examined him, he was dead asleep. Your heart ached, he was so tired he must've immediately fallen asleep. He didn't even go to your bedroom and just slept on this uncomfortable as hell sofa. The sofa wasn't the best when it was new, you still had no idea why you bought it, but now, it was in such a bad shape it felt like laying on bricks. You had to wake him up, who knew ho long he was aleep like this, he woud be all sore.
You gently placed a soft kiss on his squished up cheek, your eyebrows furrowed. Why was his skin so warm? To confirm your suspictions you sofly kissed his forehead, and, unfortunately, you were proved right. He was warm. He surely had a fever. You started inspecting him more, his skin felt damp, his breathing was shallow and rugged and he looked really uncomfortable, Why didn't he call you? You were doing nothing meaningful today, the least you could do was to take care of him.
"Jisung baby?" You tried to soothe him out of his slumber, your hand softly rubbed his waist, soon enough he did stir, he was staring to wake up, you decided to call some more "Sunshine wake up for me" you started littering kisses on his cheek while telling him to wake up between kisses. It worked, because now he was watching you, half dazed, but you noticed how the corners of his lips lifted up when he saw you. "Hey baby..." His voicse was raspy, it immediately sent shivers down your spine, and your heart did a flip when his hand brought the back of your hand and softly kissed it.
"How are you sweetie?" You decided to ask with a soft voice as he rubbed his eyes. Jisung looked at you for a second and then just shrugged his shoulders."I'm fine, just sleepy." You couldn't help but sigh, "tell me the truth Ji, you're clearly not feeling well." You were being a bit harsh, yes, but he didn't really expect you to believe him just like that did he? The first thing he did when he woke up was to squint his eyes and froqn as if he was in pain before noticing you and giving you a convincing smile. He was clearly pale, his cheeks were flushed, and his eyes were bloodshot, he couldn't see himself but you had eyes for god's sake! You tried to approach him more softly so you lowered your voise "What's wrong love, please tell me, I'm worried..." Han looked at you for a second then just sighed and layed on his bed, his eyes closed, not enjoying harsh light.
"I wasn't feeling well since I woke up, but I thought nothing about it and decided to go to studio, I had some ideas and I wanted to try and incorporate it into the new song I'm working on. I spent most of my day working on it, after that we had dance practice..." You carefully listened, while softly patting his stomach, his hands were busy playing with the fingers of your other hand, you noticed quickly into your relationship that he loved to do so whenever he was feeling stressed. "I noticed I had some trouble with the choreo, but I thought it was because my muscules were sore from yesterdays workout. Minho noticed it and told us we could take five. I was chilling on the sofa when Felix approached me and hugged me, but like the second he touched me he immediately jumped up and bought Chan. In second everyone was around me, Chan kept worrying like a mother hen saying I'm burning up and stuff, then he got all stern and told me that he was bringing me home. He and Minho brought me here actually. The others also took day off, Chan said that we were overworked and needed a day off, Minho also agreed he said that schedule did allow it and we had plenty of time. So we got here, Minho even cooked and made me eat some soup. Chan also kept pestering me if there was something I needed help with, it got so overwhelming that I told them that I had just texted you and that you were over the block. Minho got the clue and so they left. Honesly I just wanted to be alone for a while, I guess I must've fallen asleep." Your heart ached as you listened to him talk.
"Why did you isolate yourself baby? What's up, please talk with me?" You tried to coax him into talking, he took a few deep breaths before he could look at you, and the second your eyes met his resolve broke and his eyes started watering up. You immediately got everything you needed to know so you layed nex to him and held him as tight as you could, letting him let go of his feelings. "It's okay my love, I'm here I've got you"- you kept muttering over and over as he cried his heart out, his each sob killing a part of you. You also kept pressing kisses against his temple to let him know you were here for him both physically and emotionally, -"You did nothing wrong, everything's fine, you'll be back in shape in no time! We just need to take care of you first. My precious baby always works so hard. You need to take a break sometimes my love, your body can't handle all that pressure. We will get you in shape in no time though, don't you worry!" You helt his face gently and made him look at you, your heart squeezed when you saw his tearful face. "I'm proud of you! You're doing absolutely amazing job! I'm beyond proud! I'm the luckiest person to have you in my life you hear me? Words can not express how much I love and adore you Ji, don't you ever forget that!" Jisungs eyes watered up even more if that was even possible, but now he was smiling so it eased your worries, he also held you so tightly you would wake up with bruises tomorrow, both from the couch and his hold on you. You felt him nod against you which made you smile. "Promise?" he pressed a kiss on your collarbone, "Promise, I love you baby." You pressed a kiss on his crown and held him just as tight.
You laid here for a while, before you noticed that his shoulders had stopped shaking and he was starting to calm down. You mentally prepared yourself it was time to act! "Sungie baby..." You softly called his name to get his attention, and when he looked at you with pretty doe eyes you started to talk, "what do you think we bath together and then we cuddle in the bed? I also bought you your favorite snacks we can eat them together too,"-your hand crept into his hair and started playing with his locks, Han immediately leaned into the touch,-" but of course after we check your temperature and take appropriate meds. What do you say? We can cuddle all you want after that."
"Okay, sounds good." He leaned up and helped you stand up before standing up himself, he stumbled for a second but he quickly regained his composure. His hand never once left yours. He looked at you as you headed towards your bedroom, mischief evident in his eyes, "Baby, since our sofa is broken what do you think we buy new one?" You looked at him clearly unamused, already knowing what he had in mind. " Absolutely we should buy new one but not that Lightning McQueen one!" Jisung pouted at you, "you're no fun sometimes." He grumbled, you laughed and kissed his pout away, his lips immediately chased after you the second you leaned back which made you laugh. You told him that you would kiss him as much as he wanted when you were done with your tasklist.
You led him into the bathroom and helped him bathe, you were spooning him from the back while he basically melted against you, feeling so content and relaxed. You also massaged the knots out of his back and shoulders and he almost melted into a puddle from the pleasure. It also didn't help that you kept pressing kisses on his neck and shoulders.
You didn't stay long in the bath tho, you quickly gave him the warm fluffy clothes and quickly did your skincare so you could go and snuggle in the bed. You took his temperature, gave him his meds and also brought some hot tea and snacks you had bought. Jisung munched on them like a happy quokka he is.
After you put away everything you joined him under the sheets, some movie played in the back. Both of you snuggled against each other, Jisung's head layed on your chest absolutely loving cuddling you and feeling of you softly scratching his scalp. "Thank you for everything baby, I don't know what I would do without you." He searched for your hand and bought it to his lips to kiss. "I love you." His voice was soft and raspy, he would surely fall asleep any second now.
"I love you too." You leaned in and pressed a kiss on his lips. He leaned back looking at you with confused eyes, you raised your eyebrow, what was up? "Baby I can get you sick if you kiss me like that!" His comment made you chuckle, did he now realize that after you kissed him gazillion times over the night? God, you loved this dumbass. You leaned in and whispered against his lips before sealing them again "I don't give a damn."
Jisung melted into the kiss and tried to kiss you with as much passion if not more. The kiss was slow, passionate, it made you feel full, complete, it made you feel like you were on top of the world. Every drag of your lips against his soft ones ignited something in you. You sometimes wondered how you were before him? Not that you could remember it any more, it's just, this boy made you feel so alive, you could never imagine yourself without him, he was an extension of your soul, your being, he was your other half, your soulmate and you would do anything for him .
You leaned back to get some more, Jisung whined at the loss of the feeling, his cheeks looked more flushed up, his lips were rosy red, his breathing was shallow, his hair all disheveled in the most delicious way. God you adored this man. You couldn't help but connect your lips once again, and once you felt like you couldn't breathe again you moved and kissed every corner of his face, his neck, his collarbones that peaked from his shirt, his hands... Absolutely adoring both kissing him and his adorable reactions, his soft giggles and shy smiles, his proclamations of love proving you once again that you two were made for each other.
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kimakento · 5 months
&team when you leave home after an argument
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pairing:(s) ot9 x fem!reader ⌙ 1.0k
genre(s): fluff + very minuscule angst(?)
warning(s): none?
author’s note: i’m so proud of myself bc i wrote this all today 🤭 this was a request and again, i’m so sorry for taking so long to write this but i really hope you enjoy this !! tysm for those who read this :D
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euijoo —
ej would definitely literally run out after you, apologising profusely. he’d cling to your arm and ask for a second chance, saying that the argument was his fault.
you couldn’t bare being away from him and eventually gave in. he’d make it up to you by taking you out and peppering your face with little kisses.
euijoo tries to make you laugh with jokes and embraces you constantly until that smile he loves to see on your face shows up.
harua —
harua would feel it’s his fault and he’d torture himself by filling his mind with the sight of tears streaming down your face just before you left. a sense of remorse would continue to haunt him.
but tell me he wouldn’t continue to spam your messages, with a bunch of apologies and asking you to come back. midnight voicemails are a definite, he explains his side to the argument and express that he misses you.
harua would appear the next day, with flowers in hand, asking for forgiveness. he’d admit that you were the only one for him and the argument you had was nothing to him if it meant being away from you.
maki —
very like harua to be honest, he would be so persistent. it depends on the nature of the argument but he swallows his pride and admits fault. although he’s quite a hot-headed person, he still felt as if he should try to get you back.
you also come to the realisation that you miss him more than ever. he’d send you little gifts with notes saying things like ‘come back to me.’
he adorns that same puppy-like frown every passing day. that moment when you return is his happiest, maki couldn’t bare one single day of not waking up without you beside him. the promise of never doing it again lingers fulfilled as the chemistry between you grew even stronger.
nicholas —
nicho is a very clingy guy, when he feels how his bed feels so empty without you, regret would consume him. you on the other-hand, missed warmth that his presence provided.
the warmth that made you feel so safe. he acts so tough, but is literally so weak for you. he’d show up at your door the next day, asking so sweetly for a second chance. nicholas would start beaming when you told him that you missed him as well and apologised too.
taking your hand and kissing your knuckles is his favourite form of affection. also, you remind him that you forgive him and that the argument was only something small and meaningless.
k —
k would give you space, understanding that sometimes we all need a little break. he’ll let it rest for a few days, but also checking in on you consistently. but you being stubborn, left him on read which made him even more worried.
his name stands for king of apologising and making up for stuff with big gestures. “i’m so sorry, i understand it was my fault.”
his guilt would definitely eat him up from the inside and he’d insist on taking you. that’s when he realises that you’re the person who he cares most about.
knowing him so well, you can tell that it affected him as much as it did you, so you try to make it up to him and reassure him every chance you find.
yuma —
he always has a smile on his face, but when you go it also suddenly disappears. the similarity between you both is your stubbornness, neither of you wanted to apologise. but in the end, you ended up asking to meet up.
at the sight of you, yuma would start grinning and open his arms for you. no words would have to be exchanged. you both knew what the other was feeling without even having to say anything.
the fact that he’s with you is enough to make you happy and give you an extra bounce in your step. he was your calm that grounded you during the storm and you loved him for that.
fuma —
mentally scolds himself for ever taking a petty argument that for that you leave. spends the whole time thinking about how to get you to return back to him; he even starts asking his own members.
while you’re gone, he feels like he can’t genuinely enjoy anything. fuma calls you nonstop until you pick up and cry on the phone to him.
he’ll ask you to come back and when you do he’d hold you in his arms all night, tending to your every need, even when you say you’re fine he insists on doting on you like you’re his princess. (he calls you that daily)
jo —
i can’t imagine a scenario where he’d let you leave. jo would resolve the situation then and there, choosing to pull you into his lap and wrap his arm around your waist.
all while whispering how much he adores you and how sorry he is. even when you cry, he’d probably kiss them away. you’d turn around to him and peck his nose and pinch his cheeks.
his half-stifled sniffles don’t go unnoticed by you and at that both of you chuckle, even wondering why the argument was even that important.
“i love you, yeah?” | “i love you too, jo.”
leaves you alone for a while and reflects on the whole situation.
instead, you turn up again the next day, apologising for being so stubborn. you see his weary, tired eyes and bad posture. but when he sees you, his smile is groggy and you jump into his open arms.
he opens up about his inner turmoil and also says sorry. you join beside him in his bed, stroking his soft hair.
while his eyelids flutter from the overwhelming fatigue, he repeats how much he loves you and promises not to let you leave ever again. he pecks the side of your mouth and falls asleep.
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they’re all so cute !!
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jjksblackgf · 1 year
no rose petals | myg (m)
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pairing — min yoongi x reader summary — Min Yoongi is a man that knows how to plan a date night. but he can't get too mad when his date deviates from those plans. genre — smut, established relationship rate — 21+ word count — 0.8k warnings — explicit sexual content, mentions of alcohol, oral sex (male receiving), soft deepthroating, cum eating
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I felt the warmth of Yoongi's hand as he held mine. Even while driving, he made sure to make me feel special in this tiny way. His thumb caressed the back of my hand, and a passionate sigh slipped from my lips. 
He concentrated on the way home, so I had the chance to appreciate his beautiful side profile, which was showcasing his seriousness, in true Yoongi fashion. I could see his glasses slowly drifting down his nose, and I took a second to adjust them for him.
He smiled sheepishly and glanced my way for a second. “Thank you,” he said. His tone of voice sent chills down my spine.
This vision of him made me remember the late night pillow talk we had about fantasies and how much he wanted to experience car sex. This man does so much for me, and this may be the perfect opportunity to repay him.
“Baby, I just wanted to say thank you for tonight,” I started. Yoongi had reserved a private table at our favorite rooftop restaurant, and made sure that they would serve my favorite meals. He asked for my favorite flowers to be placed as centerpiece and went out of his way to make sure my favorite wine was stocked. He even wore the perfume he knew I liked. My perfect man.
“It was nothing,” he shrugged, now looking into my eyes as we reached a stop light. 
“Are you kidding me? Most men just go all out like this for special occasions.”
“Well, this is a special occasion…” he explained. “We’re together, and that’s special to me.”
“You’re getting super laid tonight,” I whispered, and he laughed.
“Get ready for some more special activities, because I decorated my bed with rose petals,” he looked away, driving again. His smile was a little smug, but a little self-conscious.
“Damn, I must’ve saved someone really important in a past life, I mean…”
“You’re doing it again…” he said suddenly.
“Doing what?” I asked.
“Thinking you don’t deserve me,” he spoke softly, making sure to take glances at me. “You do deserve me, you know? You make me the happiest man just by being yourself. Never forget that.” 
His hand landed on my thigh this time, squeezing it slightly, reassuring me. This wasn’t the first time we had spoken about this, but it was the first I felt something different. The knot in my stomach felt more like lust than gratitude, and the words that often made me feel like a fish out of water, now made me feel like the most precious human.
I caressed his bicep, tilting my head a little to see his face better. “You take such good care of me,” I said, and by the side eye he gave me, I could see he got the hint in my tone of voice.
“I sure do,” he joked.
“I think it’s time to take care of you,” I whispered, leaning closer to his ear.
“We’ll get to it,” he redirected, not taking me seriously.
“What if I want it now?” I whispered to his ear, caressing his inner thigh, and traveling my hand upward.
“Like… right now?” he asked, his voice surprised. I nodded, and he nodded in thought. “What would you even do?”
“I can show you,” I answered, my hand stroking his growing bulge.
“What about the rose petals?”
“We’ll get to it,” I said, reaching his zipper. I took off my seatbelt and adjusted myself on the seat. I quickly handled his slacks and boxers, unveiling his dick. I immediately went to work, licking his tip before enclosing my lips around him. He moaned, and that motivated me. 
I gave him my best efforts. I closed my eyes and bobbled my head, my throat clenching with every pass. I ignored the gag reflex and the tears as his dick grew inside my mouth, burying my face further down his crotch. When I pulled back, I took the opportunity to use my hand.
“Oh my,” he whispered, stunned. While I didn’t respond, I was riding an ego high. 
I wrapped my lips around him again, going as further as I could, and the moan that escaped his lips surprised me. He started to move his hips towards me, and I knew he was close. He placed a hand on my head and started guiding me that way, so I just let him take the lead.
He continued to moan and groan, and soon enough, I could taste his cum on my tongue. I swallowed it, cleaning the corners of my mouth with the back of my hand.
“When did we park?” I asked, confused and amused.
“A few minutes back,” he answered, trying to hide his smile. “I thought you’d notice, since I was thrusting my hips!” he joked, a teasing smile very apparent on his face.
“What? I was concentrated,” I shrugged.
“You did a good job, let me tell you that much,” he murmured, zipping his pants back up.
“How about we get to those rose petals now?” I asked.
“We don’t have to if you don’t wanna, I don’t want to put words in your mouth.”
“You can put more than words in my mouth,” I giggled.
“God, I’m dating a comedian…” he sighed, buckling his seatbelt and checking his mirrors.
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thefandomdirtymind · 8 months
The Haircut
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OPLA - Vinsmoke Sanji
Sequel : The Small Favor (18+)
Sanji / OPLA Masterlist and Coming Soon 
* English is not my first language, I tried really hard to correct myself but, I hope you will excuse me if some mistakes are still there.
Sanji was in a weird mood.
Not that it was affecting his food,delicious like always, or the easy conversation you usually have after breakfast around a strong cup of coffee. But, even from your seat at the far corner of the table, your book abandoned at the benefit of your curiosity, you could see that something was bothering the cook.
Busy at chopping vegetables for a future meal, his face a total mask of concentration you hadn’t seen on him for something as easy, you heard him sigh of frustration as he passed a hand on his blond lock. His hair that you had often joked that you could easily make a fortune of, as much they look like golden filaments. His hair, which now was long enough to reach his chin.  
“ Sanji ? “ You advanced, not wanting to irritate him more if your deduction was wrong. After all, his mood could be affected by a lot of things, starting by waking up from the wrong side of the bed to Luffy stealing an item prepared especially for the supper of the next day. “ Isn’t your hair aren’t becoming a little bit long ?”
Putting his knife down, giving you all his attention, he offered you a smile that didn't exactly reach his eyes. 
“ Indeed sweetheart, when I was at Baratie, Zeff would call a barber for the whole crew since we were cut for most of the civilisation. With luck, sometimes, one of the new cooks or waiters was an old barber.But on this ship, I didn’t realize it could become a problem. Then, here I am already incommode with the curtain of my hair and it’s starting to play with my nerves. “
“ I can cut them for you if you want “ You offer, closing your book for good. Helping your favorite crew member was way more interesting. “ I’m not a pro, of course, but I gave some haircuts to the kid in my village and they never complained.”
“ I wouldn’t bother you, it just irritates me when my vision is as obstructed.” He hesitated. 
“ Sanji, I offer it. “ You smile, knowing way too well how the tall man loves to care for others,but rarely asks for anything other than help to charge his grocery shopping “ I have nothing more to do than read that book and trust me, it can wait. But, I will not force you, if you don’t want me to cut your hair.We still can use hair pins until we reach an island with a city” 
“ No darling,it’s okay, I trust you “ He replied, a true smile on his lips.
“ Ok, then I will go take my scissors and I will come back.” You said, leaving the kitchen. 
When you came back, Sanji had been busy. A single chair had been put aside in the best light angle, some towels were aligned on the counter and the broom was waiting in his corner. 
“Will you need something else ? “ Sanji asked. 
“ No it’s perfect, thank you “ You confirmed “ If you’re ready, take place and I will do the rest okay ? “
Nodding of the head, the blond sits, letting you work. 
As you expected, the hair of Sanji was clean and soft under your touch. Passing your fingers into his hair, trying to determine where to cut and how much. You often saw him close his eyes, with a pleasant smile, clearly enjoying the sensation of your hands through his locks. Repressing the need to tease him, you carefully made the first chop. 
Reaching the front part of his hair, you gently cut his bang, millimeter by millimeter,  trying as much as possible to stay focused and not meet his soft but, also burning, gaze on you.
“ Sanji, if you continue to look at me like that you will finish with less hair than you expected “ You warned, cutting the straws between your fingers at the right length. 
“ I’m sorry, if I distract you, I just didn’t notice how pretty your eyes were…” He softly replied, his flirty tone present but underneath a new awe you had rarely heard from him. “ It's just that we never had the chance to see our faces so up close aren’t we ? “
“ Never had the occasion, it’s true “ You said, adjusting the cut around his ears. Of course due to his nature, Sanji had always kind of flirted with you and since you knew that said nature, you didn’t take it personally. So with time, it became a great friendship. But, here, at only a few inches of his face, you couldn’t say that all your thoughts were totally friendly. 
“ I maybe should have tried harder “ He flirted, giving you this playful smile you like that much. 
Lightly laughing, you finished the last touch, doing the last check by passing your fingers through his hair one last time, before putting down your scissors. 
“Hello Handsome” You flirted back, intending as being more a tease than an actual line. But as you were arranging his hair in his usual hair style. You caught his eyes still focused on you, and the interesting blush effect that your innocent greeting to his freshly former self had caused. 
“ Hello coeur en sucre * “ He replied softly, as much unsure as you if the palpable tension of your accidental flirting will lead to a sweet result or in a silent agreement to forget the moment.  * Sweetheart/ Heart of sugar
Your gaze caught in each other, your faces close enough that you could smell the faint odor of his last cigarette under his breath. You closed your eyes and gently put your mouth on his, feeling your role switch as his hand flew into your hair, pulling you closer. Soft and tender, the kiss was slow, almost fragile, often broken as he nibbled on your bottom lips before joining your mouth for another kiss. 
As the moment passed, you broke the embrace, realizing that you just kissed your friend. Your favorite friend.  
“ I’m done “ You finally said, taking a few steps back. Trying to act like nothing happened.  
“ I’m really grateful, thank you “ He smiled. Getting up, already taking the broom before  sweeping the floor in a large strike. His usual friendly behavior, back. Trying as much as you, to act like he didn’t just taste the sweetness of your lips. 
“ I will help you clean, “ You said. 
“ Y/n, it’s okay, I swear. Go read your book, look it’s already finish” He stopped you, already putting the chopped hair in the trash. “ I really appreciate it, thank you “ 
As you leave the room, your book under your arm, you weren't truly sure if he was thanking you for the hair cut or the kiss.     
As time passed, it became a ritual for you to cut Sanji hair when needed. In exchange, even if you had protested many times that he didn’t have to repay you in any kind. He had learned, with Nami you easily guessed. To do many hairdos. Braiding your hair on hot days, practical ponytail for hard work or some elaborated buns for rainy ones. Your friendship was still going strong even if the memory was still vivid in both of your heads and often kept you awake, wondering. 
As for Sanji, something, as the night is quiet and he keeps himself busy in the kitchen. He couldn’t help himself to think about your soft lips against his and sigh. Hoping one day have another taste of your sweet kisses. 
A/N : I know that the end seem a little bit sad, but as I was writing it, I have the thought that it could be a good Prequel for The Small Favor (18+) . I like the idea the dynamic of Y/N and Sanji are like exchanging favors as token of their love. Yes, no, maybe ?
If you have ideas of other favor I could write, let me know please. I could maybe write more for that serie, I don't know.
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evdarlin · 11 days
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School Kid Crush
*A/N okay so this is the first thing I've wrote since I was like 18 writing about one direction so I'm sorry if its complete dog shit. I tried and kinda want to make it a series maybe if people actually like it but yeah be easy on me pls*
From the moment that I met Spencer Agnew on my very first day at Smosh as the new Games PA, we instantly clicked. We would spend every lunch together quoting obscure movies or Family Guy. We hung out at each other’s apartments many weekends, me just watching him play video games or forcing him to watch Bridgerton with me. There was something there and I think we all could feel it. Spencer was always the one I could go to geek out about the things I always thought I was being annoying talking about. It was almost like I had met my other half which could only be explained as the most terrifying but best feeling in the world. The whole office knew that there was something there but I might be speaking for myself but I did not want to act on it solely from my own relationship problems and that we were coworkers and did not want to make things so complicated. So for now, we are just good good friends who might just be completely infatuated with each other.
Walking into the Smosh office on Friday morning felt like every other morning on the last day of the week. I didn’t get enough sleep and would rather have been curled up back in my bed asleep but someone has to pay rent. Once I arrived at my desk directly across from Courtney’s, I could see that some sweet angel had placed my dear alani drink right in front of my computer. There was only one person who could have brought that for me and I knew it was Spencer so I took off to the Games pod to thank him dearly. 
“Have I ever told you that you are a godsend and have saved my life on multiple occasions?” I say while walking up to Spencer’s desk.
“Well yes but have I ever told you that you are severely overdramatic with your words?” He said as he swiveled around in his chair.
“Alright that’s rude but I’ll let it slide since you brought me a drink sir.” I rolled my eyes and took a seat on the little couch in the small space. The office was pretty quiet this morning which is unusual but I welcomed it. “How long do you think it’s going to take before someone is yelling in here?”
“I say give it about ten minutes when Angela comes in and sees that she has to take care of that baby today” Spencer laughed and almost on cue heard Chanse cackling at Angela.
“Are you going to Courtney and Shayne’s combined bachelor party tonight?” Spencer suddenly looked nervous asking this question which is new for him around me that is.
“Yeah, I was going to head home after work to change then head over to the place, are you going?” I asked, praying and hoping he was going not wanting to miss a chance to hang out with him outside of these four walls of the Smosh office. 
“Well seeing as you just said you were going then absolutely I am. Um, can I pick you up and drive you to the party maybe?” There it was again, the nervous look on his face. 
“Of course!” I said maybe a little too fast and too enthusiastic, “I mean yeah that would be okay, that way I could have at least one or two drinks while I’m there.” I did not recover from that at all but maybe he won’t notice but seeing that smirk on his face, I am wrong.
“Then I will be there to pick you up at 7:30ish, does that sound okay?” Spencer asked, seeming to be a lot more relaxed now that I said yes.
“Sure! That gives me plenty of time, see you later Spen!” I gave him a small wave and walked back to my desk to get started on my small list of tasks I mentally gave myself to get done before filming started and I had zero free time until 5 p.m. As I walked back to my desk I was brought back to how nervous Spencer was asking me if he could drive me to the party. I mean we carpool sometimes to work and even ride together to function outside of the workplace so this shouldn’t be any different right? Oh god, is this a date? Does he know it’s a date? It can’t be a date when it’s Courtney and Shayne’s day right? I’m spiraling and don’t even notice that I ran right into Tommy.
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry I wasn’t paying attention at all!” I stopped to make sure I didn’t cause some huge mess by running into him.
“It’s okay Y/N! You were really deep into thought there love, you doing okay?” Tommy asked with concern written all over his face, I suppose you can tell I was going through it up in my head.
“Uh well not really but I’ll be okay.” We both started walking towards our desks, I hoped to change the subject so I no longer had to think about what’s going on inside my head but Tommy had other ideas.
“Is it Spencer? I can totally fight him if you need me to or I can hide his Kickstarters until he apologizes to you.” Tommy giggled but stopped as soon as he saw how deep red my face had become.
“Wha- How did you know?” You mean to tell me the rest of the office knew how I truly felt about Spencer, shit.
“Oh honey, the man is completely infatuated with you and I also know you’re infatuated with him. I truly thought you guys were already together and just keeping it a secret for personal reasons. You know it’s okay to like him right? I know about the whole relationship problems you’ve had in the past but I don’t think Spencer is like that actually I know he’s not.” Tommy stopped walking to put his hand on my shoulder and gave it a little squeeze.
“Nope, nope, nope. You’re wrong, I know of no such infatuation you speak of Tommy Bowe.” I avoided eye contact the entire time but eventually sighed, “Is it that obvious?”
“Eh, kind of but hey it’s okay to like someone even if you guys work together. You guys have been attached at the hip ever since you started here and I think you might be the same person. I do not think he’s going to ghost you like every other piece of shit man who has entered your life.” Tommy knew more than maybe anyone about how much self doubt I have put on myself from constantly just men stopping talking to me out of nowhere. It didn’t matter if he said he was different, none of them were. They all were the same.
“I know he is a good person Tommy but I’m not sure I could deal with losing him as a friend and even worse I would have to see him every single day at work. I promise I’m just in my head a little bit, I’ll be okay.” I gave my most convincing smile and headed to my computer to start on my work for the day.
The work day honestly flew by without any more emotional spirals even at lunch when I could see Tommy giving me those knowing looks from across the table anytime Spencer did anything remotely nice for me. I left the office the minute it hit 5 p.m. just wanting to get out of there, I didn’t even wait for Spencer to walk with him in the parking lot. I needed to get to the comfort of my apartment and be alone before I had a full blown panic attack, not to mention I needed to get ready for this party. I made it home in record time with just enough time to get ready and sit in silence and think about what I should do. I decided to say screw it and just bring up my conversation with Tommy and see what happens. Do I know what’s going to happen? Not at all but you know what I need to do something to stop this spiral. I grabbed my bag and headed out the door was I saw that Spencer said he was outside. Spencer was waiting outside his car for me and even opened the door for me, what a gentleman. 
“You were nowhere to be found after work dude, where the hell did you go?” Spencer asked, closing the door as I settled into the front seat.
“Sorry, I started feeling bad so I had to get out of there. Hope you didn’t get attacked in the parking lot without your guard dog.” I laughed as he started his car and headed towards the place where the party was being held.
“You are literally shorter than me which is saying a lot but I was a damsel in distress and you just left me alone to die.” Spencer pretended to wipe a fake tear and looked over at me giggling. “But were you okay? Like nothing happened right?”
“Yeah I was fine, Tommy just got me thinking and I just got a little overwhelmed but promise I am perfectly fine now!” I smiled and let out a breath I didn’t even know I was holding in. “It um actually was about you if I’m being honest?” 
“Me? I swear whatever it was I didn’t do it.” Spencer threw his hands up but I grabbed the wheel and gave him a glare.
“He did say that if you hurt my feelings he was going to hide your drinks until you apologize to me,” I looked over at him preparing myself for what I was going to say next, “He also said he thought we were together and were pulling a Courtney and Shayne”. 
“Hm, Tommy thinks we’re famous enough to hide our relationship like that? Wow, I am flattered.” Spencer laughed looking over at me then stopped because he realized this might be a serious conversation. “Wait, being in a relationship with me sounds so terrifying to you that you had to book it out of the office?” I looked over and saw that we had already arrived at the place but I knew our conversation was not going to end just because we were here.
“No! I just got in my head and was so scared that if you knew that I had this massive ass school kid crush on you, it would ruin this friendship we have built. I have no clue what I would do if you were not in my life, Spencer, honestly.” I realized I have just told him about this crush I have on him with my word vomit so there was no turning back now. “I like you alright, I like you a lot and it’s so damn scary because I’m terrified to lose you in any sense of my life.”
“A massive crush you say?” Spencer started giggling and all I could do was glare at him ready to smack that smirk off his face. “I like you too dummy, I thought you knew already and just saw me as your dorky coworker who also is your best friend. I promise you’re not losing me anytime soon. You’re stuck with me now babe.” He smiled and leaned over to give me a soft kiss. A kiss that I think I have been waiting for what felt like years, a kiss that seemed to let go over all of my insecurities and finally felt safe and confident in a relationship. “Now, let’s go into this party and steal Courtney and Shayne’s thunder.”
We started to walk to the door of the place, hand in hand, and ready to face all of our coworkers. The only thing you can hear as soon as we walked into the room was a far away “FUCK YEAH” which I can only place as Angela screaming.
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btsmosphere · 1 month
Supercharged | JJK
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Chapter 5: Scared of a Little Lightning
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🗲summary: It starts with a blow to the chest that changes your life. When your city’s most celebrated hero pays a visit, it turns out the noble Bolt has no trouble tossing lives aside. Lives that won't be missed. Lives like yours. Seven mysterious and powerful men give you another chance – one that starts to feel more like a curse the moment you meet golden boy Jungkook. The boy who wants you as far from his brothers as he can get you. Is it you he hates, or the blue lightning that now runs through your veins? And could it be his golden light that illuminates your heart when darkness threatens? 🗲this chapter: With the threat of Bolt rising, so do tensions within the base.
🗲pairing: jungkook x female reader 🗲word count: 6.3k 🗲genre: angst, action, eventual fluff, enemies to lovers, slow burn, supervillains au, found family 🗲rating: pg15 🗲warnings: violence with superpowers, and also with fists, they fight in this one okay, swearing, hella tension and anger issues, arguing, angry Namjoon (yes that is a warning). it's just a tense chapter😅
a/n: oH I am EXCITED for this chapter!!! It's a juicy one if I say so myself😌I am begging you to come chat with me about it, things are heating up!! Be it an ask, comments, tags, hearing from you guys about this series is an absolute joy so far and it's making me giddy posting each week wondering what you guys will think👀thank you so much, that's a great feeling! I hope you enjoy reading the chapter as much as I did writing it!💜
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Whatever Jungkook thought of you staying, you couldn’t care less.
While he glared, you ignored him and instead enjoyed the new additions to your routine. In fact, though you wouldn’t admit it, it gave you a bit of pleasure to know he was gritting his teeth as you continued as part of their lives.
However, he still had his chance to make your life a misery. He had taken to actively antagonising you rather than straight-up ignoring you as he had previously in training.
That was what it felt like, at least, when he was yelling “faster!” into your ear as you fired bolts as rapidly as you could muster. It was never good enough for him.
It only got worse when he took to flinging the targets around your training space with a well-aimed jet of gold. That kind of precision and strength was something you could barely hope to achieve with your powers. Even trying to hit the targets in the air was beyond you, let alone being able to actually throw one, as Jungkook did with such ease.
Though in some ways it was refreshing to have a different training routine, in most other respects it was anything but.
Anyone else could be forgiven for thinking he was simply trying to push you now that you were in line to join their team, but you knew better. The smirks that occupied his face when you failed gave it away. You tried desperately not to give him that satisfaction, but eventually you always lost out to exhaustion, leaving him triumphant.
On the contrary, physical training which you now had to take part in, was welcome relief.
Usually Hoseok was the one training with you, which you were ecstatic about. Of course, he was mainly needed to show you the ropes in the beginning, and once you understood how to use all the gym equipment, you could more or less do it yourself. But he was in there anyway a lot of the time, and you were more than happy with the way he would chat away as you worked out side by side. It felt nice to spend time with someone who actually wanted you there – who would help, or play stupid games with you, or drag you into doing pairs exercises that would never go right, normally ending with you in a hysterical tangle on the floor.
His powers being what they were, however, it was a little discouraging sometimes. You would be red-faced and ready to give up while he still had enough breath in him to gush enthusiastically about the latest band that took his interest, all while doing pull-ups.
But then Yoongi would appear (out of nowhere, as always) and grumble along with you, making fun of his ‘over-active’ brother while Hope laughed loudly.
Spending even more time in the training areas made you feel like this place was really alive. It was completely different to anywhere you had lived before, solely because you weren’t alone.
Jin had taken you directly to your old place the day after you had accepted Namjoon’s offer. It had hardly crossed your mind, so you were surprised to see it as you had left it. Apparently Kuyang had been covering the rent for you.
It must not have been much of a strain for him, you thought, standing in the doorway of your place and thinking of his laboratory in a skyscraper. The two hole-in-the-wall rooms that made up your apartment were a far cry from anywhere in the centre of town. You were almost embarrassed for Jin to follow you in there, but then he was pushing past to drop several empty boxes on the worn carpet and apologising that your new room wouldn’t be so big.
“That’s hardly the same thing,” you snorted, taking the first box through to your bedroom, “have you seen your kitchen?”
Looking over to your sorry excuse for a kitchen, Jin couldn’t argue. He half-grimaced.
“Who really needs an oven in this day and age anyway?” he tried.
Rolling your eyes with a snort, you pulled open your wardrobe and set to packing.
Halfway through, several indistinguishable shouts bled through the ceiling. What startled you was that you almost didn’t notice it, used to it as you had been.
Jin had stopped, and stared at you in alarm, but you just chuckled and told him that was how it was, living on top of other families.
In the end, you didn’t use all of the boxes. You looked around, just in case, for something you would never miss. It hadn’t taken much to empty the place of all trace of you, though you left the fridge well alone, not daring to discover the state of what you had left.
You dropped your keys on the table and left the silence behind.
Back home, there was always sound, activity. During your water breaks or after training, you would see the others training too. It felt like you were all in it together. Even with the knowledge that you could barely compare to the skill the boys had with their respective powers, you reminded yourself that they wanted you on the team.
Well, most of them did.
But you would keep working and improving. You would get there.
Jimin finally returned to training again too, after a few days where he hardly left V’s side. Seeing his boyfriend so hurt had certainly brought out Jimin’s protective side, even more than normal. It was honestly quite endearing – that was until you had passed Jimin in the training room, hurling his weights through the air with such ferocity you were surprised it didn’t dent the walls.
Hurrying past, you had decided to leave him to it. After so long being strong for his boyfriend, he certainly needed that.
The pink glow of his eyes shouldn’t be such an intimidating sight, but you knew you didn’t want to get in the way of him.
With Jimin downstairs, you found V in the living room. He had been steadily recovering, quicker than someone without powers would have done, but still you knew he had been instructed to take it easy.
A quick shower later, you were less out of breath, but still weary from a day of hard work.
Next time you returned, V was in the kitchen. You couldn’t see what he was doing, but you didn’t want him to be up for too long. Ignoring your desire to sink into the nearest chair, you walked over.
“Need help with anything?”
V didn’t look around at you, but shook his head as he reached up to a cupboard.
Not wanting to push, you slid into a chair at the counter. You were unable to resist resting your head on one hand, but you fought to keep your eyes open so you could check on V.
Somewhere along the way, you failed at your intention. A new set of footsteps entering the space disturbed you as you had been dozing lightly, but the moment you caught yourself, your eyes were flying open.
With your tired state, you couldn’t even bring yourself to shoot a glare at Jungkook, who was walking up to the counter. You only gathered the energy to avoid his eyes entirely.
Jungkook appeared to have the same idea, walking past without acknowledging you. But as he drew level with V, the older boy turned away and crossed to the counter where you sat.
Lifting your head from your hand, you blinked as V walked right up to you. The next moment, he was pushing a steaming mug of tea right under your nose.
Opening your mouth, your tired brain couldn’t formulate words, but conjured a similar image from when you had made him tea the first time you spoke. You still regretted accidentally setting him off then, unintentionally letting your powers go.
Perhaps you were forgiven?
“Thank you,” you spoke quietly, meeting V’s eyes. You couldn’t decipher his expression, but he was watching you, and smiled lightly when you replied.
As he turned and walked back over to the sofa, your eyes landed on Jungkook, who still stood across from you. For a long moment, he held your gaze with a poker face. Then his eyes fell to the mug cradled between your hands, a frown darting across his expression.
Swallowing, you waited for whatever venomous comment he had prepared for you, to warn you away from V. Even after you had helped treat V’s wound, Jungkook had been opposed to you being near his injured brother.
He turned away without a word.
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A crash echoed through the empty rooms.
Staring as the sparks jittered across the surface of the battered target, you dropped your arms to your sides. The training area was deserted aside from you, and you waited until you could no longer hear the crash faintly ricocheting from the walls.
Eyes still trained on the target, you panted, chest heaving.
Though you were training alone today, you could practically hear Jungkook telling you not to give in. Who knew all those insults would become motivational?
Whether it was motivation or the fear of falling behind, it succeeded.
Exhausted as you were from your training, you decided to make the most of your unsupervised session and try one more thing. Locking your trembling arm straight ahead, you took a breath and let your powers fill you up until that familiar blue burst from your palms.
But instead of aiming short bursts at the various different targets positioned around the space, you gritted your teeth and held it, lightning spilling in a continuous blue bolt towards the central target.
You had no idea how to do this, but it had always impressed you when Jungkook could lift things with his powers. All you had been taught to do was shoot. Still, you took a breath when you felt confident that your power was flowing strongly, focussing on the metal disc.
The way the sparks ensnared the target gave you assurance as you slowly raised your arm.
You felt a resistance you had never felt before as the electricity lifted, tugging at the target. It felt that you were connected to it somehow.
Tensing, you focussed intently, loading more power into the bolts already shooting through the air. Maintaining the motion of your arm, you gaped as you saw the circular metal raise along with the blue power dragging it.
You had done it! You were lifting it, it was moving-
Like a switch had been flipped, the flow of power cut off, the bright blue that dominated the space fading. The moment your powers retreated, you found yourself gasping, a wave of fatigue near enough sweeping you away.
Your knees hit the floor as the same time as the target. Wincing at the harsh metal clattering loudly on the floor, you screwed your eyes shut for a moment. Your chest continued to heave, and you noticed the sheen of sweat that had broken onto your forehead.
But once your breathing steadied again, you laughed.
The next moment, you let out a loud whoop, flopping flat onto the floor.
You had managed something new! Laughter continued to shake you as you caught your breath on the floor. Jungkook didn’t have to teach you everything – it seemed you could manage to strive forwards by yourself, even if you weren’t good enough in his eyes.
It took you a while to get up. Not even the thought of Jungkook’s nagging could have motivated you to do another iota of training.
About all you could manage was to drag yourself upstairs for food, but the smile never left your face.
Lunch was a simple sandwich. Already thinking forward to your session in the gym this afternoon, you couldn’t be bothered to make anything more demanding.
You still made two plates, however, leaving the other out for whenever V was hungry. Today the others had gone out, but with him still healing, he couldn’t go with them like normal.
You had heard Jin scolding him to make him stay, though; it seemed he felt well enough already to want to go out again.
This time, you didn’t particularly mind their absence. There was no sense of secrecy, no need to for you to turn on the news while you wondered what they were up to. As the soon-to-be newest addition to the team, you had been present to hear all the details.
Of course, given the way things went last time they returned from a job, there was an undeniable edge of nerves.
But it was an easy mission. That was what they had said, and what you kept reminding yourself.
They were concerned that Bolt had been showing interest in a lab on the western edge of the city, and wanted to protect it. Yoongi and Hope had been watching it for a while Jin and Namjoon did some digging around Bolt, and whatever his intentions may be. The latter seemed to have found frustratingly little, but didn’t let the mystery of Bolt stop them from acting.
The whole group was focussed on keeping the lab safe. Since the developer was one of their allies, they had all the details they needed to be one step ahead if Bolt should attack, which they highly expected.
Although you had kept your mouth shut at the meeting, not wanting to cause problems by irritating Jungkook when the team needed him, you had enjoyed the experience. For once, you didn’t feel particularly out of your depth. Having been Kuyang’s secretary for a while, you were well used to looking at plans such as the one of this lab, which you had pretty much memorised. The fighting and the powers, you were still working on. But at least you could understand the logistical side of their job.
After lunch, you lounged in the empty living space for perhaps a little too long. But with no one around to judge you, you let your tired limbs rest for a bit.
When you eventually made it off the sofa, you passed V in the hall. You noticed the small black receiver clutched in his hand; the boys had decided that keeping him in the loop while they were out on the mission would ease his nerves a bit.
“Any news?” you asked him, nodding at it.
V turned his dark eyes on you, then glanced at the receiver before he sighed.
He shook his head.
You had to admit you shared his disappointment, but you forced a smile to your face nonetheless.
“Well, no news is good news, right?”
Your smile seemed to be for nothing, as his eyes never lifted high enough to look at your face. Instead he gave a noncommittal shrug.
“I, uh, made you a sandwich,” you told him, “make sure to eat, and don’t worry too much, yeah?”
Walking down to the training rooms again, you felt the sadly familiar desire to do more creeping in. You never would have thought that after gaining the ability to shoot lightning, you could ever feel so powerless.
Nothing would happen to them.
You had seen their plan, it was so detailed.
There was no way Bolt would be able to outsmart them.
As you started training, these thoughts revolved around your mind in time with your steps on the treadmill. By the time you were using the machines, gritting your teeth as you pushed the weights with all your might, you weren’t sure if your mantras were helping.
They would come back…
Reaching the peak of a sit-up, you let out a groan.
There were six of them out there, Bolt was outnumbered…
Were you certain? Or were you repeating these thoughts just to convince yourself?
Finishing your set, you slumped back to the floor and stared up at the plain ceiling. This space was tucked in the corner of the gym, and you felt sheltered by the machines that blocked you from view, even though you were alone.
Breathing deeply, you brought a hand up to massage your brow. As you tried to ease the pressure, you closed your eyes.
In the darkness behind your eyelids, a light seemed to bloom. Blue, all too familiar, dancing over a face you had seen just once in the flesh but would never forget. A bright flash had your eyes flying open again, heart hammering as it expected the drop from who knows how many floors up-
Your heavy breathing fell alone in the silence.
Swallowing back the memories of Bolt, you tried to push back the fear that was curling tighter around your stomach at the thought of your friends out there with him.
You had just pushed yourself gently to sit when a sharp clang sounded, along with a muffled yell, making your head whip around to its source.
One positive thing was that you didn’t have to worry about the boys being out any more. But there were new concerns on your mind as you saw Jungkook storming into the gym. A muscle in his jaw popped as he ripped his jacket off forcefully, casting it to the floor as he stalked to one of the machines.
You watched him with wide eyes, stunned by his entrance. He hadn’t seen you yet.
His whole body seemed fraught with tension as he stood, back facing you, eyeing a machine. Fists clenched at his side, his shoulders rose and fell with his heavy breathing.
Just when you thought he was going to stand still all day, he aimed a harsh kick at the base of the machine, another clang ringing through the space.
That startled you into action, springing to your feet. While you walked between machines back to the centre of the room, he had grasped the bars and started pushing them, grunting as the weights lifted and fell, clashing against the others.
Stopping a few paces away, you stayed silent for a moment. The frustration emanating from him, the intimidating muscles revealed by his vest, all made you wary of him.
Pulling yourself together, you took a breath. Why should you let him scare you?
He froze. His arms were together in front of him, the machine’s weights hovering as he held them there.
With a huff of air, he dropped his head between his shoulders. Slowly, he turned his head towards you slightly.
“What happened?” you asked, refusing to be deterred by his challenging sideye, “is everyone okay?”
Biting at the inside of his cheek, he turned his glare away from you, aiming it instead at the floor. When he spoke, his voice was low and deadly, restrained as if he would burst if he didn’t control his tone.
“We fucking lost half the place.”
“But everyone’s back? Then it’s okay-”
Metal clanging loudly together made you jolt, unable to help yourself from taking a step back when Jungkook let the weights drop and strode across the space between you.
“We should have had the upper hand! We did everything we planned, but Bolt still…” his nostrils flared as he took a breath, “we had to blow half of it up, just so he wouldn’t get to it.”
Sighing heavily, he turned away from you, shoving a hand through his hair.
Frowning slightly, you watched the frustrated man. Of course you were glad everyone was safe, but the fact they had lost the lab felt like a blow, even to you.
“How…?” you spoke quietly, but it only seemed to rile him up.
Whirling back to face you, his eyes blazed.
“He’s too strong. We let him get too far already. If you think you’re gonna help us at all out there, you’re wrong.” He stepped slowly towards you as he spat his words, “we can’t do enough against him, you’ll only slow us down.”
He stopped, glaring down at you now you were practically nose to nose. Your own anger bubbled within you – why did he bring you into this? His lashing out at you was uncalled for.
“I’m joining you guys because Namjoon wants my help,” you shot back, “or do you not trust him? I’ll be ready, you don’t have to worry about that.”
Jungkook’s jaw clenched, eyes narrowing, poisonous stare intensifying, but you refused to back away. Scowling, his mouth opened to retort-
“Hey! Y/N?”
Jungkook’s mouth snapped closed, the same moment you turned your back on him to find Jin and Yoongi standing in the doorway.
Stepping into the gym, Jin looked past you to Jungkook, fixing him with a stare.
“Time to back off, Kook.”
At first, you were pleased to have someone else see how irrational Jungkook was acting towards you. But then Jin turned to you.
“I think you ought to go upstairs.”
Giving you a tight smile, Jin moved past you towards Jungkook, leaving you stunned.
“Just let him cool off.”
Slightly jumpy, you looked around to find Yoongi right beside you. Raising an eyebrow, he waited for you to come away.
Sighing, but biting your tongue, you set off. Yoongi fell into step beside you as you left. With one last look back, you saw Jin leaning against the machine where Jungkook had now resumed his rage workout, talking too low for you to hear.
As you emerged into the main training space, Hope was just coming from the stairs. His pace was rapid, but slowed when he saw you, seeming to deflate.
“Everything alright?” he jogged up to you and took a place on your other side.
“I just don’t get what his problem is,” you confessed, irritation bleeding into your words. “He turns everything on me somehow.”
The boys either side of you shared a glance.
“He’s just frustrated, but he’ll come around. This thing with Bolt is a bit more serious than we anticipated,” Yoongi explained.
Taking a moment to process his words, you swallowed back the continuing anger you felt towards Jungkook. You knew why he was upset, it just didn’t make it any easier to take.
“Shit, I’m sorry,” you cursed, shaking your head, “is everyone okay? I wasn’t even thinking about all that after Jungkook…”
“Yeah,” Hoseok nodded, but his eyes didn’t meet yours. “We’ll figure it out. Just because today didn’t go so well, doesn’t mean we can’t win next time.”
“But how was your training?” Yoongi moved on, “I’m surprised you made it to the gym without Hobi to bully you-”
“Hey!” Hobi exclaimed, “Y/N’s a great student. She’s working hard. You’ll be able to join us soon at this rate.”
He directed this last at you, nudging you with his elbow. But his bright smile no longer struck the same confidence in you. Instead, you felt Jungkook’s words take root inside you.
“I just hope I can be useful…” you muttered.
“You have nothing to worry about.”
It may well have been the first time Hoseok didn’t manage to alleviate you worries, even slightly. When you got upstairs, it was to find Namjoon had disappeared to his office already, Jimin clearly faking a smile for V and near silence as Jin and Jungkook remained downstairs.
Even Hobi, trying to bring your mind away from Jungkook, had a downtrodden slope to his shoulders.
That night, you did nothing but contribute to the despondent quiet in the house.
These men had so much more experience than you did, and yet they were unable to save the lab from Bolt’s clutches. How were you going to help them?
But you knew one thing for sure: you had to.
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It was with renewed determination that you headed down to train the next morning.
You arrived a little before Jungkook, depositing a towel and water bottle by the wall as he entered behind you.
“Still here?” he asked dryly, crossing the space to lean against the wall.
Straightening up, you rolled your eyes.
“What does it look like?”
“Looks like you’re naïve enough to think you’re going to be any help.”
Gritting your teeth at his retort, you restrained yourself from insulting him in return.
“Let’s just start training, shall we?” you bit out.
Clearly some of your attitude had bled through, however, because Jungkook pushed off the wall and marched towards you. His dark eyebrows drew together.
“What for?” he spat, “you can barely handle the training room, what makes you think you’ll be any good out there-”
“That’s what training is for,” you countered, unable to help your voice rising.
“I have more important things to focus on than YOU!” his voice raised in return, “you’ll never be ready.”
And with that, he shook his head, starting to walk away from you. For a second, you could only gape in outrage at his back as he stormed away. But he only made it a few paces before you recovered yourself, stepping forwards.
“I am ready!”
Your hands balled at your sides as he froze in place. You remembered the power that ran through them, your success in training yesterday. Jungkook was done underestimating you.
He spun to face you.
“Prove it.”
Not a second after his words, a slice of gold cut through the air, straight towards you.
Ducking out of the way, you whirled around again to find Jungkook advancing towards you, lopsided smirk on his face and gold light whirling in his irises. This time, you reacted when he raised an arm, blue racing to meet his gold in the air and colliding in a shower of sparks.
Feeling the thrum of electricity in your veins, you felt stronger. You stepped forwards, meeting his eyes in challenge. He thought you were too weak? That you would give up?
Jungkook threw his arm to the side, severing the beam of light that connected you, but instantly fired another bolt which you leapt aside from. The next moment, you recoiled, intercepted by a second streak of lightning cutting through your path.
You were driven back into the path of one more blast as it shot through the air, forcing you to fling yourself to the ground as sparks ripped overhead.
“Please,” Jungkook let out a scoff, “I could beat you with my hands behind my back.”
You had already jumped to your feet, lifting your palms.
“I’d like to see you try.”
Blue erupted towards him then, his own trick used against him as two beams of light penned him in, one either side.
Quirking an eyebrow, Jungkook aimed his palm to the ground, to your surprise. The next moment saw him pushing off the ground, boosted by a jet of gold as he vaulted over your attack. Reacting quickly, you shot towards him again as he was still a blur in the air.
Gold blazed to meet it, an explosion of embers as they collided. You felt Jungkook throw the attack off, sending you stumbling as your lightning collided with a resounding clash against a pile of metal targets that were stacked by the wall.
To your satisfaction, though, the clearing sparks revealed the man staggering up from the floor. It seemed you weren’t so incapable as he thought.
“Still think I’m not ready?” you called, laughter lining your voice.
Jungkook said nothing, drawing himself to his full height and looking around.
Gold light streaked towards the side of the room then, sending a shape flying towards you.
You ducked, the target clanging against the wall behind you. But more were already coming your way, Jungkook rapidly firing more gold through the air.
Undeterred, you didn’t hesitate to fire back, knocking the targets from the air with well-aimed blows of your own. The room filled with flashes of light, blue against gold, fuelled by the two of you throwing everything you had.
But your powers began to slip, reluctant to work so quickly. You could feel yourself tiring, and it was a matter of seconds before you missed, too sluggish to catch one target that shot your way.
It caught your arm, hard, pulling you off balance. You stumbled, one knee hitting the floor as you steadied yourself. Instinctively, the other arm covered your head, waiting for more blows.
But nothing came.
Panting hard, you looked around.
Jungkook stood tall opposite you, the epitome of power as strength filled his form and flowed from his fingertips. His eyes shone with an identical light. Two more targets were suspended in the air by sustained gold beams. He kept them hovering there. Taunting you.
“Like I said,” he growled, “not ready. And if I can do this, it means Bolt can.”
Face burning in humiliation, you pushed yourself to stand.
“What are you so scared of?” you spat, “if you’re so powerful, how come you’re afraid of one man?”
“Don’t you dare-” he began, but you cut him off.
“No!” you yelled over him, “you’re the weak one! You just can’t admit you need me out there because you’re scared of a little lightning.”
In the blink of an eye, the targets dropped from the air, clashing deafeningly against the ground as Jungkook chose to charge at you himself. His teeth were bared as he ran forwards, grabbing you and sending the both of you to the floor.
Jungkook was strong, to say the least. You couldn’t escape his weight that pinned you down, no matter if you thrashed.
His face was so close to you, breathing almost as heavily as you. As you met his blazing eyes, you saw the gold glow fading, darkness taking over.
Gritting your teeth, you pushed back at him, letting your power flow from your hands. Using powers had seemingly slipped his mind; he didn’t see your attack coming, and you successfully sent him reeling, your blow of lightning throwing him off you.
But he found his feet at the same time you did, and scrambled towards you again.
A fist flew towards you, and you countered it with a blast of blue.
Instead of retaliating again, he stumbled back. A smirk crept over your face. Something had got to him; you had riled him up.
“Something wrong?” you asked innocently.
Big mistake.
Maybe Jungkook hadn’t been thrown. Maybe he had just been recharging.
Because now he was advancing again, and his fists were surrounded by gold sparks, that same gold glowering from his eyes once more. You could only match his power for so long. You weren’t as fast as him, and every blow you deflected only made way for another to follow the next instant.
Stumbling backwards, away from him, the back of your leg collided with a bench, and you fell back, heart hammering in panic.
You never met the ground. A fist found your shirt and you were being slammed against the wall instead.
Feet flailing, you called on the last embers of your powers to push back, but Jungkook captured your hand with his free one. He pinned it against the wall, where your sparks danced together in an impossible wrestle.
Meanwhile, his other hand which forced you against the wall didn’t let up, digging more harshly into your throat as you faltered.
Gasping and struggling fruitlessly against him, you stared into the molten gold of his eyes as he pressed his face closer to you.
“You know nothing,” he hissed, “you’ll never be ready-”
A cacophony of voices suddenly swelled, joined by hurried footsteps.
The pressure on your throat was gone then, and you met the ground at last. But your feet couldn’t hold you up, and you crashed to the ground choking on the air that was finally forcing its way to your lungs.
Blinking, you looked up. The first thing you saw was pink, Jimin coming into focus beside you. Concern filled his eyes as your gasping continued, a hand falling onto your shoulder.
But you avoided his eyes in favour of finding what had become of Jungkook.
A few paces away, more of the boys were huddled, still jostling as Jungkook tried to escape. Hoseok was behind him, unrelenting grip on the younger’s arms stopping him from going anywhere. Even though you both knew Hope was the strongest of you all, that wasn’t stopping Jungkook from trying. Gold still bounced off the walls, blinding flashes shooting between, but missing, the members who barely seemed phased by his outbursts.
You couldn’t get a good glimpse of your rival though. He was eclipsed by Jin, who was trying to steady him by the shoulders, speaking quickly and sternly to the incensed man.
On his other side, Yoongi had a hand on his chest, pushing him back and further away from you.
Just then, another set of footsteps, not frantic like the others, made you look around. And even though his gaze travelled first to Jungkook, you couldn’t help but feel your veins freeze with dread.
Namjoon looked furious.
He marched in, V scurrying at his heels. At the sight of his leader, Jungkook seemed to finally ease up a bit, the scuffle quietening down.
A silence seemed to settle over the room, Jungkook’s last struggles dying away as Namjoon cast his eyes around everyone. A faint red haze flitted across his eyes and the lights in the room flickered perilously.
“What do you think you’re doing?”
It was the only time you had felt something close to solidarity with Jungkook. When you looked at each other, you could tell he gulped just like you.
“I thought this was going well,” he shook his head slightly. Your heart sank.
Raising his eyes to meet Jungkook’s again, he took a couple of steps towards the younger while the room held its breath. The lights turned red for a split second, then dimmed again, retreating as if they were equally afraid of the imposing leader.
“I don’t know what you were thinking. You’re supposed to be helping her, and this is how you go about that? You could have killed her! Is this your way of showing you can be trusted?!”
Namjoon never quite raised his voice enough to yell. But still you winced at the anger laced into his tone, and the arm he threw out towards you as he ranted.
Part of you stung anew after he said Jungkook could have killed you. You wanted to protest, hurt swelling within you at the insinuation that you were still too weak – but you pushed it down. The ghost of pain that lingered where Jungkook had struck you reminded you that he was right, as much as it shamed you to admit it, even to yourself.
Jungkook looked down, not able to keep eye contact with his enraged leader.
Sucking in his cheeks, Namjoon took a breath. But you certainly weren’t breathing. You could only hang on for whatever he said next, and the way he cast his eyes between the two of you didn’t instil much hope.
He fixed his eyes on you next.
“I told you I expected you to be able to trust us, including Jungkook. It’s clear you haven’t been able to do that yet. I’m sorry.”
Though he didn’t speak with as much fury, his sadness almost made you feel worse. You wished he would yell at you, give you something to push back against as Jungkook did.
But all you were left with was a punch to the gut more painful than anything the tempestuous younger boy could deliver.
His next words only made it worse.
“I’m keeping you back here until I’m sure you’re ready. I wanted you active as soon as possible, but not like this.”
Although his stern gaze lingered for a moment longer, you barely reacted. His words didn’t feel real. You could only stare blankly at him while the shock reeled through you.
When he turned away, you caught Jungkook’s eye. The satisfied glint you found there made your hands ball into fists.
“Jungkook,” Namjoon sighed now, pinching his nose, “same goes for you.”
At first, you weren’t sure you had heard him right.
Apparently, you weren’t the only one. Jungkook’s eyes widened in horror, straining against Hobi for another brief moment.
“I can’t have you acting like this while your head needs to be in the game, now more than ever. You’ll be staying behind until you show me you can be trusted with each other.”
Unlike with you, Namjoon fixed his dongsaeng with a hard stare, challenging him in some unspoken conversation until he seemed satisfied.
Turning to leave, Namjoon’s gaze fell on you again. His eyes softened, travelled to Jimin.
“Take her upstairs.”
With that, he stalked from the room. Light bled into the room again, but no one moved until he disappeared from the doorway, almost certainly returning to his office.
V stayed behind this time, and now moved towards you. Jimin’s hand on your arm shifted so he could help tug you up to stand. Though you may have stumbled a little, you were sure you could walk fine.
Still, you were grateful for Jimin’s hovering grip on your arm and V’s presence on your other side as they led you to the door.
Reaching the edge of the room, you glanced back at Jungkook. Your aim was to send the most venomous look you could, and it seemed his was the same. Still penned in by the others, who were corralling him away to the corner, he shot you a glare as he shrugged off Hope’s grip in an aggravated movement.
His scowl left your sight as you left the training room, but it stayed imprinted on your memory.
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Thank you for reading!! I can't wait to hear what you think of the chapter!👀💜
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sinfulslytherin · 11 months
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New eternity.
Warning: sexual content
Summary: Draco lets you sleep over after your arranged husband treats you like shit.
I close the bathroom door behind me as I re-enter Dracos room.
The blonde boy already placed himself under the blanket of his huge king sized bed.
I can see the upper part of his toned chest peek out from underneath the sheets.
I don't realize my stare until Draco points it out.
"This could be all yours, Amara." Draco exclaims with a smug smirk and a sarcastic voice, clearly mocking me for staring.
"You mean your annoying ass? No thank you." I smirk while making my way over to the bed.
I make myself comfortable as I slip under the sheets.
As I move my legs, I feel something warm against my toes as I hear a shriek.
My eyes quickly wander over to Draco.
"What the hell, Amara! Keep your freezing feet on your side of the bed."
The blonde boy complains.
A grin plasters on my face as I take my opportunity to tease him a bit.
I scoot closer to him in a swift move as my legs touch his.
"You are such a child!-Sto-" Draco starts to complain again and tries to build some distance between us
but is quickly interrupted by another cold touch of mine.
Loud laughs escape my from my lips.
"Aww, are you going to cry?-Do I see some tear-"
I am the one who gets interrupted this time. Draco throws himself on top of me and grabs my arms and pins them down.
The grin that was plastered on my face only a few seconds ago vanishes completly.
I look up and stare into his cold, grey eyes.
Draco stares right back at me.
Not saying a word.
His eyes wander down to my lips and further down to my thighs, which got exposed as soon as we started moving more and more, pushing the blanket away from us.
The silence eats me up alive before he finally opens his mouth.
"You seem pretty happy for a girl who is entangled in a fake, forced and abusive marriage."
His eyes never leave mine.
"Maybe that's because I'm with you." I blurt out my feelings.
His eyes slightly widen but he tries to hide his suprise.
Did I just confess that he makes me happy?
Does he make me happy?
My mind wanders off to the thoughts of Draco defending me against Graham earlier.
Draco saying that he cares.
I have the feeling that I might have a chance to heal when I am by his side.
The therapy session in my brain is interrupted by Dracos voice.
"It's so hard to tell sometimes."
I look up at him, visibly confused.
"To tell what?" I ask.
"To tell what's going on inside that little head of yours." Draco says as he uses his index finger to tip on my forehead.
I smile softly.
"A lot."
"Tell me."
"That would take an eternity."
"I'd spend my eternity with you."
We both fall silent.
Dracos eyes wander down to my lips.
Back up to my eyes.
And then my lips again.
He suddenly crashes his lips on mine.
He kisses me as his left hand rests on my waist and the other one is on my cheek.
His tounge enters my mouth after I gladly accept it.
His tounge fights for dominance.
And wins.
As always.
His right hand leaves my cheek and slowly makes his way to my clothed breasts.
"May I?" Whispers Draco against my lips.
I lightly push him off of me as I sit back up. Draco looks visibly confused, probably scared that he might have done something wrong.
I suddenly take my shirt off in a swift motion, leaving me in nothing more than the boxers that Draco gave me. Dracos eyes widen and I can see him turn red.
"Yes. You may." I say as I look him in the eyes.
His eyes darken as he suddenly pushes me back down and kisses me.
"You are so fucking perfect." Draco suddenly says in betweens the kisses.
His face wanders down to my breast.
He teases me by licking my nipple lightly.
Small moans start to leave my lips.
He suddenly starts to suck on my nipple, pushing me into a whimpering state.
"Fuck...you're so beatiful. Who is my beautifuly slut, hm?"  Draco suddenly asks, instantly creating a throbbing feeling between my legs.
"I-I am..." I try to answer.
He pushes himself up again as he makes his way even further down.
His fingertips reach the boxers as he looks up at me.
I nod, signaling him my permission.
He takes off the thin fabric, leaving me completly naked now.
He looks at me one last time before I can feel his lips on my inner thighs.
He kiss es his way up.
He keeps on kissing, teasing the living shit out of me.
"I'ts Sir."  He says as he suddenly bites my inner thigh
"Sir...stop t-teasing." I moan out due to the pain.
Draco actually listens and he suddenly sucks on my clit. His tounge moving against my sex gives me a feeling of being drunk, eventhough I am clearly sober.
The euphoric feeling doesn't stop and more moans slip out of my mouth as my craving for his touch rises up inside of me.
I can feel him pushing his tounge inside.
"Fuck me..." I suddenly moan out.
Draco stops in his tracks, clearly suprised by my words.
His eyes meet mine and he seems to search for any kind of uncertainty.
"Are you sure?" He asks.
"Yes. I want you inside of me...please." I moan, craving his touch.
"Fuck.." Draco growls as he suddenly pulls down his boxers...
Read the rest here~
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ellieromanov · 7 months
Wasted flowers. N.R x Y/n
First fic on tumblr, let me know your thoughts and requests are always open.
Word count: 3k
Warnings: angst
Y/n and Natasha are soulmates, they are perfect for each other, but life always has different plans.
Natasha’s point of view
Y/n and I met by chance and dumb luck. We were young and naïve, so clueless of the world and the cruelties it held, yet we thought we knew so much. It was spring in New York, I couldn't tell you the year but if you lived here during this particular spring, you would remember. It was the one when all the trees of Central Park blossomed with small flowers, the birds sang their song from dawn into the late hours of evening, and the breeze held a freshness that the city hadn't seen in centuries.
On this particular day I had wanted to clean up my apartment and make it feel more homely. After hours of picking the place up, rearranging furniture, and hanging up decorations it started to feel more like a home rather than a simple place to sleep. The last thing it was missing was a touch of greenery so I made my way to "Michael's Floral Design" to pick out a bouquet to set in the kitchen and maybe a few house plants.
I had pasted this flower shop on 85th St. nearly every single day on the commute to the tower but never really thought twice about it. I can still remember walking to the shop that day and getting red just at the thought of the 'big scary black widow' walking out of a flower shop with a bouquet of colorful flowers in hand. I can't remember why it embarrassed me so much. But I remember by the time I had arrived to the shop I didn't seem to care anymore, I was to mesmerized by all the colors to care.
I remember reading the name of every flower I saw and paying attention to every detail of every bouquet that was on display. And while I was browsing, the shopkeepers bell rang as someone entered the store, that someone being Y/n. Her hair was shorter back then and she looked much younger of course. I still remember the sweater she had on too. It was a knitted sweater that had so many layers of colors it was almost distracting, which was obviously a stark contrast to myself who was wearing all black. Little did I know that that sweater would eventually become my favorite years later.
I can't remember how we started talking but I'd like to think she was just charmed by me, but knowing Y/n she probably saw how confused I looked from across the store and decided to take pity on me. She helped me pick the flowers and I ended up leaving the store with more than I had planned on.
That night, for the very first time my apartment felt more inviting and and warm than it ever had in the past. What a simple difference flowers could make.
The next time we met it was a few months later in the fall at French bakery. I was sitting at a nearby table waiting for the worker to call my name for my coffee and breakfast when, again, the shopkeepers bell rang and in walked the same girl from the flower shop, only now her hair was slightly longer and died a darker color. But her face looked the same. This time She wore a black beret, a grey sweater and a white and black polkadot skirt. Not as colorful as she dressed earlier in the spring and I can remember wondering if maybe something had happened in between those times to have made her stop wearing so much color, or maybe she was just following along with the seasons. Either way I wasn't going to ask.
She walked up to the counter to place her order and as she was going to grab a seat to wait for her order to be called, I gave her a small wave. The smile she gave me as she walked to my table is one I'll never forget. This time I think I actually did charm her because we ended up staying at this bakery for hours just talking away. I didn't want to leave. I got her phone number that day.
After that we started talking on a regular basis, we'd text each other nearly every day and we'd plan to meet up when we could. It was later that November when she asked me on an official date. How was I meant to turn her down?
We went on a walk through her neighborhood, I remember it was cold and all the leaves had already fallen off the trees and the sun was starting to set much earlier, but I couldn't have cared less, because Y/n was the most wonderful girl I had ever met. She was smart, and witty and she was insanely funny, she made me laugh harder than I had ever laughed in my whole life. And she was gorgeous and kind and soft and she was so humble. It was a nice contrast from everything I was. We balanced each other out nicely.
During this walk through her neighborhood she stopped and greeted every shop owner, every child, and every neighbor with a smile as if she had known them her whole life, and maybe she did, I forgot to ask.
Later that night I walked her to her front door and she invited me in. Her appointment was colorful and crowded with little trinkets she had collected through out the years, art hanging on the walls, plants in every corner, and a bouquet of flowers on her kitchen counter. I ended up staying there that night.
The fall had come and gone and missions were slow, I think everything felt slow when I wasn't with Y/n, my days felt endless and my nights were torturous without her, but looking back now, I kind of wish things felt slow even when I was with her, that would mean I would've gotten more time to appreciate her and love her.
That December she invited me to spend the holidays with her and her family, I of course said yes. That was my first "real" Christmas, we had the food, the films, the decorations and the presents. Y/n's family was incredible, although nothing alike. They were loud and chaotic, unlike Y/n who was soft spoken and patient but it made sense. It was clear how much they all loved each other. The way Y/n and her siblings would interact and bicker always made me laugh and the love her parents had for each other made my heart full. Even though Y/n and I hadn't been dating long, her family took me in like I was their own.
The new year had flown by quickly, winter had pasted and so did the spring. I learned so much about her. I learned how much she loved to paint, and she loved to cook, and she loved playing her piano, of course she did, she was a composer. And I quickly learned how much I love, her. It was that summer that we had said it for the first time. We were drinking white wine on her balcony watching the sun slowly set when she said it. I didn't even think twice before saying it back.
When the next spring had approached we had moved in together, a small apartment in downtown Brooklyn, it was perfect, it was us.
A few months later Y/n got a dog, a Great Dane named Frodo. Of course out of any dog she could have picked she chose the horse. Frodo was the dumbest dog I've ever met but god was he lovable.
Y/n and I had our daily routines, we'd wake up, I'd start getting ready while Y/n started breakfast. Some days she'd make it herself, others she'd take Frodo on a walk to the bakery, and when she'd go to the bakery she'd also stop by the flower shop to pick up flowers as well. She'd get home, we'd eat, then she'd start getting ready while I cleaned up. And We always had to give at least five minutes of love and affection to Frodo before we left for work for the day. 
When we'd get home, we'd take Frodo an another walk through the park then stop by the market to pick up anything we may have ran out of through out the week. We'd get home and start dinner. Y/n was always the better cook but I did what I could to help without screwing it up. We'd finish dinner then have a glass of wine together on the balcony and talk about our days. Once the sun would set we'd go back inside and normally watch a film together, but sometimes she'd work on her latest Composition at the piano or she would keep working on her painting while I read to her. This was our day-to-day lives, and just how perfect it was.
It was June of the next year when Y/n had brought up the idea of marriage. I agreed with her without a  doubt, how could I not? Y/n was my other half. We'd been together for nearly 5 years.  We never had an official proposal, I never got down on one knee with a ring, and neither did she, we just started planning. We didn't need anything extravagant for it to be special, we just needed each other.
Time seemed to be moving so fast and before I knew it, it was already late fall again. This fall had been different from the others, Y/n didn't seem as present as she normally was, she seemed so lost in her own thoughts. At first it didn't worry me, she had a lot going on with work, she had just gotten a promotion at the symphony  she worked for so there was a lot of new changes and responsibilities.
But Y/n had started to forget more frequently too. She'd often forget what she had been doing only moments before and she'd forget what she wanted to say in the middle of our conversations. And for awhile I just thought it was all just work related stress.
But only a month later, Y/n was sent home on paid leave after having "an episode." She accused a coworker of stealing one of her books on composition arts that was important for a project she was working on. She forgot that she had happily loaned him the book just two days prior.
Y/n cried so hard that night, she didn't know why she didn't remember loaning the book. She was so frustrated. I suggested that we go to the doctors and that's what we did.
Stage three brain cancer.
The tumor was against the part of the brain that affects memory.
We walked out of that doctors office that day hand in hand. We were meant to go in and figure out what was going on then go home to get ready for one of Stark's Christmas parties but we didn't think that the diagnosis would be anything serious. We thought they'd tell us that she was just stressed and needed more rest, not that she had cancer that's causing early onset dementia. We both decided to keep it a secret.
That winter we spent half of the holidays with her family and the other half with the team at Clint a Laura's. Y/n had admitted to me that being around the team was less stressful than her family simply because she didn't want her family to notice something was wrong.
The holidays went by smoothly and Y/n started treatments. She was able to start working again later that march. When we got the diagnostic I asked Furry to cut down on my hours so I could be with her more often. He agreed to assign me to fewer missions.
That year passed by before we knew it. In all craziness we both dropped the idea of marriage until things had settled.
Frodo was getting older, he had silver down his back and around his eyes, he was getting slower at night too. We still walked him twice a day and would even bring him with us when we would meet with friends. He was always the bestest boy.
Y/n and I still had our daily routines, wake up, get ready and eat breakfast. Except for one time in particular, Y/n had wanted to go to the bakery with Frodo since it had been awhile since we had last went. 30 minutes went by and they weren't back, I called her but she didn't answer the phone. When I went to check her location she was almost in Jackson heights in Queens which was a 40 minute subway ride away. The bakery was only a 10 minute walk away.
I had gotten in the car to go pick her up. I was furious. When I had finally gotten to her she just cried in my arms.
And after that point Y/n's affliction only worsened. She stopped remembering things during her rehearsals with the orchestra and her compositions were in shambles, none of her music or writing made sense. She'd get awful headaches too. Every other night she'd cry herself to sleep because of the pain.
The second time there was an incident she was sent home on permanent medical leave. She was devastated. So was I. Some days I'd get the Y/n who would sing in the kitchen while she cooked us dinner, the Y/n who would sit on the balcony and paint, the Y/n who would joke about our unborn children, and the Y/n who could turn every negative into a positive... other days I'd get a stranger.
Her family was devastated when we finally told them, they started visiting from Seattle as often as the could after that.
Three years passed far to quickly and Y/n only got worse. Her memory was fading fast and the pain in her head only got worse. The worst was when I'd get mad at her like when she'd try to go on walks by herself or when she'd try to cook for herself. I couldn't do anything without her and she couldn't do anything without me. We eventually needed to give Frodo to the Barton's so they could take care of him and I asked furry to take me off the mission list all together so I could just do SHIELD work from home.
This brings us to two years ago. Y/n's memory didn't worsen to much since the worst of it, she still remembered exactly who I was and most of the time she understood what was going but she was so weak, most months consisted of multiple trips to the hospital where she'd be kept for a few nights. But towards the end of it, even her strongest medications couldn't help with the pain.
I remember we started using the spoon theory and color system not long after this. To get through our days we'd make a list of things we wanted to do. First Y/n had to give her color. Green Days were good days, she could get out of bed, take a walk, make dinner, paint, play her piano, etc. Yellow days she'd stay in our room or maybe the living room and sleep, maybe watch something on tv or read a book. And red days were the worst of them. She couldn't get out of bed, she couldn't eat, sleep, or talk. she couldn't do anything but lay there. Those were the worst.
But on green or yellow days we'd make a list of what we wanted to do. Each activity on the list took up a certain amount of energy, and Y/n only had so many spoon fulls of energy to give, that's why the call it the spoon theory. It just helped us do things without Y/n getting burned out.
The last hospital trip we went on she was kept for over a month, machines and wires where hooked up to her to make sure her heart didn't stop. It was so unexpected. The doctors didn't really understand how her health decreased in such a short amount of time. But they understood that my girl was in pain and they tried everything they could to stop that pain.
I believe deep down Y/n knew something the rest of us didn't, I think she knew it was her time, she was so tired and she was hurting and she was ready.
"I'm sorry we didn't get married."
"I'm sorry we didn't have kids."
"I'm sorry that I can't remember all the time."
"I'm sorry we didn't get the life we wanted."
"I tried. I tried to get better but it hurts so much."
The Barton's would visit weekly, so would stark and other members of the team as well as Y/n's parents.
But I was the one who didn't leave her side. I was there through it all. I was there when she would sob in pain, I was there when she'd forget who our family's were. I was there when she wouldn't sleep for days on end. I was always there.
People often ask me if I regret it, being with her, falling in love with her, meeting her. I always tell them the same thing. Never.
I'd do it a thousand times over again if it meant I got to fall in love with her all over again. Fall in love with her smile and her laugh and her love of flowers, pastries, dogs, music and art. I'd do it all again if it meant that was a promise, that I'd be able to have my girl.
12/30/1992 - 11/11/2018
Y/n Y/l/n
Friend • daughter • sister • lover
Life goes on. two years have slipped away since Y/n has been gone. I’m not able to look at flowers the same anymore. They used to represent her spirit, colorful and lively. But now they mirror her paintings, cracked paint on a Canvas, the echo of her piano that’s lost it’s tune, or that one spring in the city all those years ago. flowers are just fleeting moments of a beauty that slip through our fingers like everything else. my world is quieter without her, and flowers, now seem like an attempt to hold onto moments that inevitably slip away.
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pagesfromthevoid · 1 year
Cowboy Like Me | d.d. | 13
Din Djarin x princess!reader
Word Count: 3.1k
Warnings: Violence. Reader stabs herself. Murder.
Author’s Note: They’re gonna be happy. I swear. Just. Just be patient. Inspo for her gown! Might I recommend listening to Dress by Taylor Swift when she reveals her gown? Gif from @fictional-thoughts
Series Masterlist | Talk to Me!
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The Engagement
Something about arriving in Senex, then leaving, then arriving again without issue gave Din an overwhelming feeling of paranoia. It shouldn’t have been so easy –the Crest was able to go undetected just fine, but there was no way that Calisto and her men weren’t keeping an eye on the skies. More importantly, he shouldn’t have been able to sneak back into her bedroom just as easily as he had before either, but there he was, setting Grogu up on her bed.
There was commotion downstairs –music, voices echoing through the empty halls and vents. He must have gotten there just in time for the party to have started. Which meant he didn’t have much time to get her and get her out of there. Din hoped that she had gotten the tracker out, but the thought of her cutting it out of herself brought on an anger that he needed to control if this was going to work.
Grogu babbled, reaching up to him as Din checked over his armor.
“It’s going to be okay, kid,” he promised, resting a hand on the child’s head gently. “Isowen will be here to keep you safe, and we’ll be out of here in no time.”
Din and Grogu exchanged looks as the bedroom door creaked open. Drawing his blaster, Din pointed it at the intruder, only for Isowen to stop in her tracks with her hands in the air. Her eyes were wide, but Din lowered his weapon and she shut the door with her foot. 
“The princess is downstairs with her mother,” Isowen explained, walking into the bedroom entirely, though she stopped at the end of the bed. Grogu stared up at her with wide eyes. “This must be the little one she’s spoken of.”
Din nodded, holstering his gun. “He’ll be safe with you, then?”
“I will protect him with my life,” Isowen promised, lifting Grogu into her arms. “Just as I have protected his mother.” The two exchanged looks, with Isowen meeting Din’s gaze carefully. “Treat her well, Mandalorian. Or I will be who you answer to.”
Din wanted to counter her threat and ask where she was when Calisto was pawning her child off –but he decided against it. There was only so much Isowen could have done for her, and he wasn’t going to insult the one person that his princess seemed to have left in the home that cared about her. 
She had him now too.
“The party has begun,” Isowen explained, resting Grogu on her hip. “The announcement of the engagement will not be until the end.”
“Did she get the tracker out?” 
The lady in waiting shook her head, looking away for a moment. “She asked me –I couldn’t bring myself to cut her open like that again, though. I am sorry, Mandalorian.”
He huffed through his modulator, but didn’t comment. Instead, he simply nodded and exited the room. A kink in the plan but nothing he couldn’t figure out in the moment.
Downstairs, at the party, she was standing alone in the back. The hall was set up in a way that obscured her from view, but allowed for an excellent vantage point to scan the room. Usually, she and her father sat there to people watch. Now, it worked well for surveillance.
Her armor was obscured enough by the gossamer of her cape. Besides, her mother didn’t even bother to ask her about the addition. Just as Isowen promised, the sleeves of her dress were removed and allowed for a full view of the scar that took up most of her arm now. She would let the whole galaxy know what her mother did if given the chance. The Senate should know who was taking her father’s place.
“If I didn’t know any better,” a soft voice teased. From around the corner came Leia Organa with a glass in her hand. Leia gave her a small, playful smile. “I’d think you weren’t the purpose of the party.”
“What gave it away?” She asked, holding her hands behind her back now.
“Honestly, the entire thing,” Leia admitted, looking out over the party now. “Though, Credence and your mother being the actual center of attention really confirms it.”
She nodded once, scanning over the party. Her eyes caught a crack in the servant’s doorway, and a quick flash of light caught silver. A smile spread over her lips, knowing well what that meant.
Who that meant.
“Leia, I need your help,” she finally concluded, looking to the other princess at her side.
“Does it involve getting you out of this marriage? Because if it does, absolutely.”
She looked a bit surprised, unsure if Leia was being serious. But then she nodded once. “It does. But it also involves saving my…a child from Moff Gideon.”
Leia’s brow furrowed, though she kept her eyes on the party. She was certain the other princess caught her slip up, but if she did, Leia said nothing. “Gideon died, I thought?”
“Apparently not.”
“Why is he interested in a child?”
She opened her mouth to explain then stopped, realizing she wasn’t entirely sure of the answer. Din never really explained why Gideon was so interested in Grogu; just that he had been chasing after them for years now. It didn’t really matter, if she was honest with herself. Whatever Grogu had that Gideon wanted –she wouldn’t allow anything to happen to her child. 
“I…don’t know, truthfully,” she finally admitted, looking away from the crack in the door and to Leia. “I just know that I have to protect him.”
Leia glanced over at her then nodded once. “You have an escape plan?”
“I have a Mandalorian and a ship.”
“I’m sorry, you what?” 
The two finally looked at each other properly, as Leia’s husband joined them. Han Solo held a glass in his hand, looking annoyed by the entire ordeal. 
“When can we leave?” He asked, finishing off his drink. “This entire thing is a joke.”
“Han,” Leia warned, looking up at him. “This is the Princess of Senex.”
“Oh, shit, sorry.”
She waved him off, shaking her head. “It is a joke, you’re right.”
“And we’re going to help get her out of here,” Leia explained, taking his arm. “With the help of a Mandalorian, apparently.”
“Weren’t you taken by a Mandalorian?” Han asked, looking down at her with a frown. 
She shook her head, looking back out as a new stormtrooper suddenly joined the party as a guard. He nodded at her and she smiled knowingly. 
“No, I wasn’t.”
Din slipped into the party with ease, having gotten rid of another trooper and taken their armor. While he wasn’t entirely sure where in the hall she would be, he would find her. He surveyed the room, searching for any sign of her presence. He could feel the weight of his mission pressing down on him, but he tried to push it aside and focus on the task at hand. 
As he weaved his way through the crowd, he kept his eyes and ears open, listening for anything that might lead him to her. Finally, he caught an offset of the room –a corner that was sheltered away. If she wasn’t in the main room, that’s exactly where she’d be. He quickened his pace and disappeared into the throngs of partygoers, slipping around the corner without a word.
A young woman stood next to his princess, whispering to her. She glanced at him, frowning deeply. “I think we should take this elsewhere.”
“It’s fine,” she promised, nodding to Din behind the enemy mask. One of his hands found the small of her back without hesitation. “He’s mine.”
The man beside the other woman gave her a wary look before he realized what she meant, then he turned to Din. “I thought Mandos couldn’t take off their helmets?”
“Doesn’t matter,” was all he said. 
He put his hands up in defense, giving a feigned look of offense. “Why do I feel like this is gonna break into a firefight?”
“Because it will,” Din offered as an explanation, and he gripped his blaster tight in his hands. “Who are these people?”
“Leia,” the woman offered, motioning to the man beside her. “This is Han.”
“And no, it won’t,” she countered, giving him a wary look. “Not if I can get this tracker out of my arm –,”
“The what out of where?” Leia demanded, grabbing her hand to pull her arm from beneath her cape. Disgust painted the older princess’s features as she examined her arm. “Stars above, this is –,”
“How are you gonna get it out?” The other man interrupted, looking over the healed scar. “Without, y’know, cutting it back out?”
“That was the plan,” she admitted, reaching for the dagger beneath her skirts. She turned to Din, looking up at him now. “I need you to do it.”
Din stared at the dagger, the feeling of anxiety overwhelming him. It wouldn’t be his first time cutting something out of someone, but something about doing it to her created a rock in his stomach. 
“I…I don’t think I can,” he admitted, voice quiet behind the trooper’s mask. 
Her brows knitted together, looking up at him with a small frown. She glanced at the other two, then pulled him to the side. “Din, I…you have to do it. I can’t; you’re the only person I trust to do it –,”
“I can’t, cyare,” he whispered back, shaking his head. “I can’t hurt you like that. I…I don’t think I can.”
“Din, if I do it, then there’s a higher chance I cut something fatal.”
“No, you won’t —,”
“Din —,”
“If you two are done,” Leia interrupted, looking between the two now. She plucked the dagger from her hands, glancing at the signet engraved on it, then back at his princess. “I’ll do it.”
“Absolutely not,” Din snapped, taking the weapon from her. Between a stranger offering to slice open his wife and that same stranger taking her weapon, Din was not having it. 
“Hey, we have trouble,” Han announced, peering around the corner. “If we’re gonna make our getaway, now is the time.”
Din pushed him out of the way, taking a breath as Calisto and Credence moved to the center of the party. Gideon was standing to the side, scanning the room for any sign of trouble. Din was about to give him trouble, but she grabbed his arm.
“Leia and Han are going to join the party,” she explained, looking at them as they nodded and made their exit. She gripped his arm hard over the armor. “It’s going to be okay, Din. Get your armor –you’re going to need it.”
He hesitated, glancing over his shoulder for a moment. There was a sudden increase of guards in the room, and Din knew well it meant Calisto was starting to catch on that she was missing from the party. Turning back to her, he scanned her features for any hesitation –any fear. But she stood tall before him.
“Do not make a single move without me in this room,” he warned, pointing at her with warning. He knew she would try to fight this on her own; he couldn’t have that. He wouldn’t have that. “We fight this together, do you understand me?”
She nodded once. “I do.”
Once Din had disappeared into the shadows of her home, she made her way back into the fray of party goers. Most didn’t even notice she had disappeared from the ordeal; some asked her questions but she ignored them as she pushed her way to the front.
On the side stood Leia and Han, who were watching Moff Gideon with careful expressions. She nodded once to them as she stood at the edge of the crowd. Her mother raised a brow at her, as if suddenly realizing her daughter was even present, then motioned her forward to join them. That same forced smile spread over Calisto’s face, pretending that she was happy to see her daughter, as she stood beside her mother.
“Thank you all for coming,” Calisto announced, motioning to the crowd. “It is truly a marvelous day to be together in this room.” 
The crow clapped, cheering brightly as if they had any idea what was happening. She wanted to roll her eyes; scold them for the part they were playing in such a farce. But she played her part, standing there silently as she scanned the crowd once more.
“Today, our family becomes one with the Credence’s,” Calisto continued, motioning to Silas who stepped forward next to her. “As he has asked for my daughter’s hand in marriage.”
As if the crowd was excited to hear that their young princess was suddenly engaged to an old man, they broke out in cheers and congratulations again. From her place in the room, she could see everything. The cheering crowds, the questioning faces. Not everyone was excited; some of them saw through it all. Those were the faces she counted; the ones that she knew would be her saviors if the plan went south.
“Silas, if you would present the ring,” Calisto commanded, voice laced in an insincere sweetness that made her want to choke. 
Silas stepped towards her, holding out a rather simple ring; one that had no thought put into it. Why would he need to? She had to say yes; it didn’t matter if she liked him or the ring or anything about it. It was when he reached for her hand, though, that she glanced around the room once last time. The crowd was split; some were too drunk to realize how ridiculous this was. Some were  realizing that something was wrong.
And when Silas took her hand roughly, she wanted to yank it back. His hands were cold, as if he had been dead for years already. They weren’t welcoming, they weren’t caring. They were boney and calloused and felt like they weren’t even real.
As he moved to slip the ring onto her finger, though, she realized that she couldn’t do this. Even if it was all a facade, she couldn’t let this awful man put a ring on her finger and claim her as his. Not when she held the dagger against her skin. Her mind, briefly, thought back to the night she shared with Din when he asked her to marry him. If Credence so much as brushes against you, I want you to put this dagger into his jugular, Din had said. In the moment, it had been alarming to consider –but now, with her hand in the grasp of Silas Credence –
Her dagger found its place in the old man’s throat. 
She hadn’t even realized she had pulled it out; there was no weight shift in her hand. No thought outside of not letting the bastard put a ring on her finger, allowing him to claim what was only Din’s –the only thought she had was not to let them win.
And so she stabbed him, and every sound came back to the room as members of the crowd started to scream. Calisto was next, shouting at her to stop. Silas had fallen to the floor, clutching his throat where the blood seemingly would not stop pouring out. And there she stood, bloody dagger in hand, staring down at the body as if she hadn’t just killed a man.
Then, she slowly turned to her mother, who was now pointing a blaster at her head. Leia and Han pointed their own at Calisto as Din parted the crowds with their child in tow. Every stormtrooper in the room held their weapons at the attack, pointing at her specifically but she did not think anything of it. With her eyes trained on Calisto, she reached up, unpinning the cape and allowing it to drop to the floor. Her gown, while regal and formal still, was overlaid in an armor piece that covered her bodice to her throat and shoulders. Chainmail chased itself from the top of her chest piece to her throat and across her arms. But her arms were exposed, sheer fabric no more.
Her hands raised in the air as she turned to the crowd in front of her. Credence’s blood covered her hands, but her scar –with the tracking beckon still dully blinking through her skin –was exposed to the room. “This is what your queen has done to your princess,” she announced. Her voice shook, but she stood tall. “She has made me a prisoner in my own home. She killed your Senator for her own gain, and promised me off to someone to maintain that power.”
Gasps and cries echoed through the room as she pointed the dagger at her mother now. Calisto stepped to the side but she followed the movement, eyes narrowed. Din stepped forward next, with Han and Leia close on his heels. 
“I was not taken,” she continued, though her eyes never left Calisto’s movements. “I ran from the life my mother is trying to force me to have. And I will continue to run if that is what it takes.”
“There is nowhere in this galaxy you can go that I won’t find you,” Calisto sneered, motioning to the tracking device on her wrist, poised now to electrocute her. “I know all, child. I always have.”
She glanced at her arm, waiting for the shock but it never came. “You’re right, mother. You can find me, can’t you?” For a moment, she hesitated, then she turned the dagger on herself –prying the device out of her arm. The pain was like nothing she had experienced before; even when having it placed, it did not hurt as bad as her digging the blade of her knife into her arm and using it to force the chip onto the floor.
Blood dripped from her fingertips as she stepped on the device, destroying it with the heel of her shoe. Calisto was left standing speechless, shocked that her daughter actually ripped herself open. There were many things that Calisto of Senex did not know about her child –things that even she did not know until recently. 
“I am the princess of Senex,” she announced, pointing the dagger at her mother once more. “And I will not be held prisoner by you any longer.”
“Then you will be held as mine,” Gideon announced suddenly, aiming his blaster at her. Blaster fire overwhelmed the room, and suddenly she was on the floor, shielded by beskar and strong arms.
Din was right about the firefight after all.
Taglist (CLOSED): @r4iner @sgt-morgan @mingeniee @darling1darling @teriolan-blog @venusfalling @double—take @sunshine96 @lovelessprick @mxtokko @ellesvoid @waddafaknik @c-ms1ut @kokoirne @sl-ut @munsons-queen @intense-sneezing @geekrenaissance @dilf-din @tizylish @ruleroftides @aheadfullofsteverogers
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zxvak47 · 9 months
MINE ALL MINE, simon “ghost” riley
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word count : 775
summary: simon and you were one confusing blend and as time went on the both of you parted ways. little did you know this wasn't the end
warnings: arguing? angst, fluff
song : My Love Mine All Mine, Mitski
So, when I die, which I must do
could it shine down here with you?
1 month earlier
"Simon..." you paused. For the last few weeks nothing was the same with you and Simon. It wasn't that he was gone all the time but just his demeanour wasn't the same. Most days you would come home to Simon in his Ghost balaclava and everyone knew what that meant. He was cold, or hostile then would come back hours later to apologize as Simon. You couldn't keep playing this game and once you offered a hand for help he refused. You were determined to make it work, but he wasn't.
"I'm not going to keep arguing..." you said clearly tired with all the bickering.
"It only took so long for you to give up on me" He argued, intentionally looking to egg you on.
"I'm not giving up Simon I'm just-"
"Your just what?!" You two were so happy before these last two weeks and it only made you wonder what went so wrong. What did you do? What didn't you do?  But not once did you say to yourself that it was just 'Simon being Simon'.
"I am done! I can't stand to not do something about how you've been acting! Just... please go." You said, tears welling into your waterline as he stared coldly into your eyes, his own trying to find some sense into the mistake he was making by leaving you in that living room alone a crying mess.
There was no doubt Simon missed you. He wanted to call you back, answer all those voicemails of your soft and trembling voice.
"I know, and I'm sorry for the messages. I'm trying because I miss you... if I didn't try to get ahold of you I think I'd feel pretty bad about myself. Simon... just know that I'm here when you need me. You can come back to me when you need me, whenever you're ready...Goodbye." 
You had sent that message three days ago and he would listen to it when he got the chance to be alone which was more often then usual now that you were gone. It was the same for you. You left voicemails after each call he didn't answer and each time you hoped just a al little bit that he would pick up the phone. He never did but you still hoped and had faith. He loved that about you. How you kept him happy and positive and how you two were one in the same. You can’t give that up, and he realized that now.
The ring if the door bell was heard in the other side of the door as Simons hand fell back to his side. He knew she cared, but what if it was too late for him to come back? How can he just let something, someone like her just leave?
The door opened and he looked up to the girl, removing his balaclava as you gave him a half smile, his eyes looking into yours waiting for you to give in and to which you did. You attached yourself to his torso hugging him in hopes he was really here to stay. He hugged back, resting his head on-top of yours as he gently caressed your back.
You gently let go of him as you held his hand pulling him inside.
You two wound up upstairs, your mouths like magnets. All he wanted was to be with you and vise-versa. He stopped though, letting you take a second to sit back. His hand held yours before he explained his reasoning.
“I don’t want you to think I only came back for the sex…let’s not tonight okay?” He said, his thumb gently gracing over the back of your hand. You smiled at him and kissed him once more.
“Okay” Not even devastated in the slightest, you fell back into his arms as he held you close to his own body. Neither of you needed to converse about what your place was with one another because you both knew it. Simon wanted to keep you safe at all costs, you were his main priority not even himself. You just wanted to make him feel like himself, let him enjoy his life without thinking of his past.
“I’m glad you came home” he looked down at you, swiping his fingers through your hair before pressing a kiss on your head
“Me too.”
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0v3rcast · 1 year
Gnaw (5)
You drift in infinity, if only for a moment, in a place devoid of feeling. There is no heat or cold, no light or darkness, no life, no death. There is an overwhelming absence.
Hello, my maker, Says a voice into your ear.
Warm hands tug at your sleeve and turn you in place.
You make eye contact with a woman in perhaps her early twenties, wearing a simple black dress. She's somehow standing on the nothingness as if it's solid ground.
She gives you a smile.
I wish we'd have had any other way to meet. You a corpse, myself a stranger.
I am Nil. The Abyss Made Manifest. The first of your children. I'm sure you have no recollection of me from the... simulation of Teyvat. Genshin Impact, I believe they called it?
You nod, not quite sure what to say.
...or even if you can say anything, because this place probably doesn't have a way for your voice to travel.
She smiles, giving you a strangely abashed look.
Sorry. I'm not used to guests. Or anyone other than my children, the Abyssals. If I'd known you'd be coming, I'd have made you a chair or something.
You shrug. At this point, you'll settle for her not trying to maim you.
Which, in hindsight, is kind of pathetic to settle for.
She offers a hand. You take it, and she pulls you close for a brief hug before somehow sitting you down on a solid plane of nothingness, your legs dangling off the edge like you're both sitting on a pier.
I can't give you much help from here, and your body is much too feeble to sustain abyssal energies, but I've been putting you back together every time you die.
I know it hurts, and I know you probably don't want to be here if all it means is being miserable, but...
They know not what they do. To them, you're someone wearing their creator's face. And that's not a valid excuse for murder, but they're blind to the truth.
You don't understand. It's probably written all over your face, based on the sad, sympathetic look she gives you.
There's another you. Sort of. An unstable clone. Some alchemist made them when Khaenri'ah existed. They had been attempting to summon you and bind your soul to an immortal body so you could guide Teyvat as you did before. They managed to only summon a copy of your essence.
The elements and Celestia annihilated Khaenri'ah for playing with forces they had no right to control, and I devoured most of the survivors for supporting someone that was trying to pull you away from your rest.
You have many questions. And no way to ask them. She catches on.
Oh! Also, you can just talk in your head and I'll hear it. It's not quite telepathy, but you and I are closer than the elements are to you, since I was the first.
You ask why the people of Teyvat didn't kill them, or why the elements couldn't.
You didn't want us interfering with the world so directly. That's why you gave my siblings the ability to grant Visions and the Gnosis. So they could still shape the world and watch over the souls they cared for.
You didn't want them to rule Teyvat, or to terrorize it, so you set some limitations on them.
Let's just say vaporizing an entire civilization was the kind of thing that caused backlash, massively draining them. They've spent all the time since then regaining their strength.
As for the mortals, they were just happy to have who they thought was you back.
You ask what the past you was like.
I can't tell you that. You'll remember on your own time.
You tell her that's not helpful, and also kind of a dick move to get your hopes up like that. She giggles.
This you is much more feisty. I like that.
You ask for any advice she can give you, because you're pretty lost and more or less without a clue right now. She perks up a little.
You'll make some friends in Liyue. I promise. Not everyone on Teyvat is hostile.
She looks away awkwardly.
Just, um. Most of them. Sorry. And I can't tell you who.
You sigh. At least there's a chance for someone to not immediately murder you.
Our time is up for now. I'm sorry. The waking world calls for you.
You tell her that the two of you will meet again and give her a wink. She laughs.
(Her warm, bright laughter follows you up to the world above.)
You wake with a terrible pain in the neck, and a golden band around your throat where you were decapitated.
You're more than a bit pissed about having your head chopped off because of someone else that's wearing your face.
A shitty copy at that.
You hope you'll meet one of those friends you were promised soon, because right now there's very little attachment to Teyvat as a whole.
(You meet your new friend not even three minutes later when she trips over your prone form and drops all her herbs.)
You awkwardly stare at Qiqi, who stares back at you with a mildly perplexed look.
"You... are not familiar," she says, tilting her head slightly as if she was a curious puppy. "But you seem nice."
"I'd hope I seem nice. You're the first person to not immediately try and kill me." You say, defensively.
You think she looks concerned, but reading her face is... well, difficult. Since she's an undead and all.
She offers a hand to you, and with her help, you get back on your feet.
"Thanks, Qiqi," you say, and then immediately have an 'oh shit' because she hasn't even fucking introduced herself.
"Have we met?" She asks.
"Nope. You're just famous where I'm from," you hastily explain. "Lots of people like you and want to be your friend."
She seems to consider it, but about halfway through she forgets and stops caring.
"Do you want me to help you pick up your herbs?" You offer.
She nods.
Qiqi delicately retrieves the various plants that were in her basket, and you point out any she misses.
"Are you from Liyue?"
"No, I'm just passing through."
You have a sudden alarm ringing in the back of your head and hit the grass, grabbing Qiqi and yanking her down with you.
You give her a small smile. She smiles back and then seems surprised she can. Then her smile widens slightly as she smiles for the sake of smiling, too.
"I like you," she says simply, with all the confidence of a child zombie. "Would you like to be friends?"
"I'd like that." You say genuinely. "I don't have a lot of those here."
"Then we're friends," Qiqi says with all seriousness before pulling out a notebook. "I will write your name down so I always remember you are my friend."
An arrow covered in icy mist whizzes just barely over your head and explodes several yards away, freezing a large circle of grass.
"Fuck!" You hiss, looking up to see Ganyu in the distance.
The look on her face is nothing short of barely concealed hatred. Her face is nearly expressionless, but there's open aggression and hostility in her eyes.
If looks could kill, you'd be a smoking crater.
"Go, Qiqi," you urge gently, nudging the jiangshi in the back.
She may be a zombie child, but she is no fool, very clearly understanding what's about to occur.
She quickly makes herself scarce.
As soon as she's out of the way, your gift spins to life, and your hands crackle with arcs of electro.
Ganyu lets another arrow fly.
You launch towards her, the world slowing to a crawl as you accelerate, her arrow sluggishly spiraling by you.
Right as you're about to be in range with a weapon, she... disengages.
Leaving behind a fucking ice lotus.
A wash of pure cold carves into you, sapping your body heat and leaving you winded.
You manage to roll away from the lotus, but her next arrow gouges into your thigh. You cry out in pain, indigo blood oozing down your leg and staining your pants.
You slam into her shoulder-first with the aid of your gift, the two of you crashing into the dirt and grass with a brutal force that leaves Ganyu wheezing.
Her hands come up to grab your throat, her grip like iron and tighter than a vice.
You briefly claw at her wrists, but the edges of your vision are beginning to darken.
You reach out, grab a horn, and yank.
Ganyu wails. Her hands instantly move from your throat as she scrambles back, clutching the bleeding stump of her left horn in one hand. She isn't even paying attention to you anymore, lost in the agony.
You gasp for breath, taking in deep lungfuls of air.
Ganyu doesn't move to re-engage. She seems to be having difficulty staying conscious.
When she stands, her legs are shaking, and her attempt to move in your direction ends with her toppling over.
It's likely her horns have nerves, given their nearness to her human brain, and who knows what kind of function they serve? Do they help her sense which way is upright or help her orientate her body?
Whatever the case, she's down by half and now struggling to keep her balance.
You pretend to throw the horn at her as a distraction tactic, and she scrambles for it, not quite realizing you never let it go.
You flee, the arrow still in your leg and sending bolts of searing agony through you, the Quilin horn clutched tight in your hand.
(You fall asleep beneath a tree, which begins to grow rapidly due to the blood oozing from your now-healed wounds. An Archon approaches your unconscious form.)
When you wake, it's to jeering. You're... on a boat near the Guyun Stone Forest. There's a crowd watching you from the docks and shorelines, spitting insults and calling for your death sentence to be hastened. You can only faintly hear them.
Your limbs are bound in heavy chain and weighted with dense iron locks.
Zhongli glares at you like you're nothing more than a particularly vile insect.
Ganyu keeps fidgeting with the band of gold holding her horn in place now. She seems unsteady on her feet, especially on this boat. She watches you with something between hostility and fear.
Ningguang snarls at you for a moment with raw hatred when you make eye contact, but she swiftly schools her expression into an icy glare.
Keqing doesn't bother to look at you.
Zhongli must not like the look you give them because he steps forward and backhands you so hard you pull something in your neck and lose a tooth.
How dare they do this to you?
Your lip is busted and throbbing with pain. You, in a fit of spite, spit your blood onto his boot.
You're swiftly tossed into the sea and immediately begin to drown.
Before the darkness can claim you, several stone spears pierce your torso and limbs and make you sink to the seafloor as if the stone was lead instead.
You are so very cold.
(The sea goes as still and flat as a sheet of glass.)
Your eyes open in the lightless depths of the ocean.
Before you lies an ancient, imprisoned serpent - Osial, the Overlord of the Vortex.
You lay next to one of his heads. A single massive eye is trained on you.
"...my creator?" He asks, hesitant. "Why - no, how - are you down here?"
His eyes narrow in anger. "Wretched lizard. Had I my freedom, I would skin him alive and offer his carcass as tribute to you."
You breathe out a sigh through the gills you didn't have before.
"I wouldn't stop you at this point." You murmur bitterly.
(You and Osial lay there in the darkness of the sea together, side by side, prisoners of the same Archon.)
@the-dumber-scaramouche @thatdeadaquarius @ssak-i @imyme20 @fried-lotud @acacla @itz-luna @iruiji @crierofirony @itsredactedlove @sweetsthetik @leafanonsforest @oxyotl @kkazuyass @featuredtofu @resident-cryptid @d4y-dr3am3r @crimson-ashes @red1sg0n3 @the-real-fandom-person @code-roevember @yourlocalsourwolf @rhoswen-drake @minimari415 @reversearrowhead @call-me-shroom @evqnescents @valeriele3 @mochicurls21
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internet-ink · 1 year
could you do a story where y/n goes up for a header and get into a bad collision and it’s pretty bloody and leah is all worried and takes care of her?
Thank you for the request anon!
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Team spirits were high despite the situation we were in at halftime. It was the game against Chelsea and it was 0-0. Both sides were on the offensive meaning that it was a tough game with lots of dirty tackles, and of course it was McCabe that got the first yellow out of everyone.
“Come on girls, we just need one.” Leah said. We were all sort of huddled up just before we were going back out on the pitch. It was a little weird, usually Kim would do the speeches at halftime but with her out with an injury, Leah was our captain and I was so proud of her.
We all dispersed to get ready to walk back out and before we did I took Leah’s hand to pull her back for a quick chat.
“You look good in the armband.” I winked, making sure to tease her. Leah shook her head and laughed at my words. She had the most amazing laugh, it was the sort of laugh that just made everyone else in the room smile.
“Thank you.” She smiled, with her hand still firmly planted in mine.
I let go of her hand and pulled her in for a hug. “I just wanted to wish you good luck.” I mumbled. I felt her hand start to run up and down my back before we separated.
“Good luck to you too.” She said before looking around and checking that no one was watching us before giving me a quick kiss. We moved to where the rest of the girls were so that we could walk back onto the pitch.
It was time to get a goal.
The ref blew her whistle and Chelsea started off with the ball. They were slow to advance up the pitch, with numerous passes back to Berger, their goalkeeper.
Bright passed back to her once more before Berger kicked it up the field into our half. The ball landed at Rafa’s feet and she passed it up to Leah who was playing midfield today.
Leah dribbled up the pitch before she quickly became surrounded by Chelsea players, meaning that she had to pass back to Jen. It felt like every time we had a chance to progress we would just get stopped and have to backtrack. They must’ve switched up their tactics during the break.
I found space and opened myself up for Jen to pass to me, which she did. Then in order to not get stuck again I immediately saw Viv and attempted a long pass to her, praying that no one was going to intercept it. Luckily no one did and it gave Viv the chance to push up until she was in the position where she could shoot.
“Come on Miedema.” I whispered to myself, willing her to get us a goal. I held my breath as I watched her boot the ball towards the right side of the net. Unfortunately one of the Chelsea defenders managed to deflect the ball with her thigh.
That would’ve hurt.
As unfortunate as it was, it gave us a corner which meant we still had a chance to get up by one. I ran up to join the group of players gathering around the net, but made sure to stand back a little to ensure that I wouldn’t be totally useless.
McCabe walked up to take the corner while I waited in anticipation for what would hopefully become a goal. As she ran forward to kick the ball one of the Chelsea players ran towards me, and as the ball was kicked I soon realised that it was coming my direction.
Shit. Stay calm.
As I jumped to try and header the ball I was stopped by a kick to my face and an immediate feeling of pain overtaking my senses.
I fell to the ground as tears threatened to fall due to the sheer pain that my face was in. As I jumped the Chelsea player must’ve already been in the air and accidentally lifted her foot, resulting in her studs catching me in the face. It was definitely a sore one.
I laid there on my stomach as my teammates surrounded me.
“Y/N? Y/N? Are you okay?” I heard Jen ask as someone else called for the medics to be brought on. I didn’t reply and kept my head in the grass. I think I was in shock, I literally couldn’t move.
Another girl placed her hand on my shoulder. “Y/N/N? Can you turn over?” Leah asked. Leah. My body began to relax as I heard my girlfriends voice. A groan came out as I attempted to turn over, Leah used her hand on my shoulder to help me but stopped in her tracks as she saw the state I was in.
“Oh my- Y/N/N, just take deep breath’s.” She muttered, now in shock herself.
As I opened my eyes I saw lots of people crowded round me, some from the other team too. My eyes met Leah’s and it was like everyone around us was gone and it was just her and I. Just her stroking my shoulder and just I admiring her like always. However, this effect soon wore off as I became more aware of the current situation.
Multiple of the girls winced as they saw my face. It was covered in blood and I had a big gash on the side of my face that would definitely need stitches and leave a scar.
I did attempt to sit up, however as soon as my head started to lift off the ground a dizzy sensation took over me, making me lay back down and let out another groan.
“Leah?” I mumbled, having no idea if I was actually talking. I could hear the sound of my voice, but I couldn’t actually feel my mouth moving; it was a very weird sensation.
“I’m here baby. I’m right here.” She said, tears now clouding her own vision as she gripped my hand for dear life, too scared that if she let go that I would leave her.
“Is she okay?” The player that injured me asked. At least she felt guilty, it made the situation a lot better that no one was arguing or fighting with each other.
I sighed as I watched as Leah turned to talk to the player, knowing that she most likely would say something angry. I gave her hand a squeeze to remind her that I was okay. “Go away.” She snapped.
“Leah c’mon.” I said making her turn back to me.
The next thing I knew a group of staff came on with a stretcher to take me off, and they weren’t messing about either with always making sure that my head was completely still. You couldn’t mess about with head injuries, they could turn bad quickly so I understood why they were like this.
Leah walked off with me and fought multiple people to ensure that she was always holding my hand. As we reached the side of the pitch I watched as Leah spoke to Jonas before quickly running back over to me.
“Get back to the game Le.” I said and watched as she shook her head. “Leah. Go and get me a goal.” I continued. She shook her head again.
“No, I’m getting subbed off. I’m not letting you out of my sight until I know you’re okay.”
“Okay.” I smiled, Leah smiling back at me feeling happy that she had got her way.
The sound of chatter could be heard outside the hospital room I was in before the door flew open and some of the team walked in. Leah was sat in the bed next to me so stood up to greet everyone.
“How are you?” Jordan asked as Beth took the seat next to the bed with Viv leaning on the back of it. The rest of the girls were left standing in front of the bed.
“All good. A concussion and nine stitches but all good.” I laughed. Leah, however, was not finding it funny. She looked at me with her eye brows raised and her arms crossed.
“You could’ve been seriously injured Y/N/N. Don’t laugh.” She said. I gave her a small smile and shuffled across the bed so that she could lay next to me.
“I’m sorry Le. I’m just trying to lighten the mood.” I apologised. Leah put her arm around my waist and cuddled next to me. “You just scared me, that’s all.” She muttered, her tough persona vanishing.
“You know, if you didn’t look like Frankenstein right now I would take a cute photo of you both.”
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transfemarmin · 10 months
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AMANI: @cyb3rspyd3r
the smile that amani had given miles, made his body warm up, the two had gone on a date.. he took her to the aquarium, and even got her a small fish stuffed animal from the gift shop. he figured with how well it went, he should ask her to be his girlfriend properly, he honestly hadn’t expected her to say yeah, most girls he knew only sexualized him because he looked good. which ruined the little chance they had of ever even talking to him as soon as he heard it, and the girls he did like usually didn’t like him back or it was just him trying to distract himself from boredom.
but amani was tolerable and he liked her, she wasn’t talkative. if he didn’t respond back to things she said, she caught the hint and stayed quiet. he liked girls with common sense, because why the hell are you still speaking if he’s not?
“ okay..” the boy nodded his head, and looked down at amani; the shorter girl had a wide smile on her face.. it was contagious and before he knew it.. miles was smiling too.. ear to ear.
“ I’ll.. text you…” miles spoke softly as he began to back up from the front door and turned to go back down the flight of stairs the two had walked, only not taking an elevator in order to spend more time together, “ stay safe.. call me when you get home, okay? I might be in the shower.. and if that’s the case I’ll call you when I get out.” her eyes were full of worry, as it was late.. and brooklyn streets at night were anything but safe
“ I will, ma.. I can take care of myself. thank you though.” he gave her a sheepish smile, he wasn’t used to people being worried about him, he wasn’t used to anyone besides his mother.. uncle, and his father.. when he was alive, caring about him.
it felt nice.
it felt nice to be cared about
a smile made its way to his face as he blew her a kiss, before heading down the stairs.. when he did get home, he closed and locked his door, carefully took off his jordans.. and threw himself on the bed.. giggles leaving his mouth as he hid his face in the pillow, kicking his legs. while he wasn’t used to being cared about.. and the first second of it felt a tad bit uncomfortable.. he couldn’t help but feel good..
about being cared for
about being with someone
about being with her.
“ you didn’t call me.” was the first thing amani said, pulling back from the hug that miles had embraced her in as soon as he got in front of her, “ sorry, ma.. i.. i got busy.. I had to cook for my mami… she was still working when I got home, she’s usually off so I made her dinner.. completely forgot.” that part was true, but he made sure to leave out the part where he was kicking his legs and giggling after he came home.
“ aw.. im sorry.” she frowned, the feeling of guilt for being upset he didn’t call her started to weigh in now. “ no..no it’s good, still.. I should’ve called. brooklyn not that safe at night.. i can acknowledge that.” he wasn’t one to communicate.. this was known, miles didn’t even know why he was telling her about this. he usually just let some slick remark hit, but the fact that she wasn’t being petty about it.. and just said something, and understood as soon as he explained why the thought slipped away from him. he was genuinely so thankful for this..
it was a breath of fresh air for once.
“ it’s okay.. it’s okay ma, don’t worry about it. you ain’t know.” he stuffed his hands in his pockets, his eyes on her, looking her up and down.. biting his bottom lip, she might’ve just been wearing the school uniform, but she looked so good in it. he shifted his body weight, to look back up at her, when his eyes caught hers.. amani let out a giggle.
“ whatchu looking at me for?” she covered her mouth as a wide grin appeared on her face, taking a single step back away from him..
a chuckle left miles’ mouth as he quickly took his hands out of his pockets and reached out, grabbing her causing a playful scream to leave amani’s lips. “ whatchu screaming f’ it’s not like I’m gon hurt you.” his arms were around her waist, his chin resting on top of her head. “ stop..shut up it just surprised me, you looked like a bear for a second..”
the two shared a laugh..
miles’ thumb rubbing circles on her lower back.. amani felt like home.. he never felt this way before about any girl.
he liked her.
he liked her, a lot
“ i miss my girlfriend..” miles groaned, his head laying on the desk, he was in fourth period class.. him and his girl had been together for about a month at this point.
ganke turned to miles, an eyebrow cocked; miles usually had girlfriends.. a lot, not because he was a player but because he didn’t know how to say no, he never wanted to be the reason a woman was crying, or was hurt.. mad.. whatever, so when ganke heard miles had a new girlfriend he wasn’t surprised.
he was surprised this was a girlfriend that miles actually wanted to see, “ seriously?” both of ganke’s eyebrows were raised as he spoke, “ dude.. I’ve never heard you mention missing a girlfriend since katie.” katie was the last girlfriend that miles had actually liked back, but he didn’t love her. it was a pure relationship, but the crush wore off about two months in and he very hesitantly broke up with her after realizing, and that was last year.. “ seriously? I could’ve sworn I said that once or twice when I was with barbara..” he ran a hand down his face as he spoke, his eyebrows raising, he couldn’t keep track of the relationships he had anymore, but he turned to ganke with a smile, “ I do miss her though..” and then the two boys bursted out into a fit of laughs, it was at this moment he was able to ask himself the question..
did he love this girl?
miles sat down on his bed, his arms around amani’s waist and her body in his lap, he couldn’t stop staring at her.. the way she shifted a few times, because she didn’t know how to keep still, would normally irritate him, but whenever he felt her move, all he did was look up at her, trying to see if he could do anything for her.. anything would work, anything.. he’d do anything for the woman he cared about… well, women if you counted his mother and female relatives..
but, he meant his girlfriend.. the girl who was able to show him that it was okay to love someone all the way… that it was okay to care.. that-
miles thought about what he had just spoke to himself about, did he… actually.. love her? loving someone who wasn’t ganke.. or someone who wasn’t in his family was foreign concept, ever since his father had passed he thought he’d never be able to feel.. to love.. to even have a passion anymore.. but she brought that feeling out in him..
“ hey amani ..” his voice was soft as he spoke, his grip around her waist tightening, and amani turned to face him, she was just on her phone, “ yes?” her eyebrow was raised as she looked at him, in the eyes.
“ i think I love you.”
miles blinked, his hand on his thigh as his phone was pressed against his ear, he was on the phone with his girlfriend, she was chewing into him about how he had behaved earlier that day; he wasn’t gonna lie and say he didn’t deserve it.. because he did, he had been insanely disrespectful to her earlier, he knew his momma had raised him better than that..
“ i love you though.. I just need space for a minute.. clear my head.” she spoke, as she let out a sigh on her end. miles’ eyes nearly bulged out of his head as she said that, but he nodded his head. “ yeah.. i…I love you too.. don’t worry, I’ll give you all the space that you need.” he couldn’t fight back the smile, and it was obvious in his tone.. and he was begging the lord above that she didn’t take that the wrong way.
amani giggled, she had heard the smile in his voice.. it made her forget why she was mad, but that didn’t mean the emotions and feelings were forgotten, “ I’ll call you in the morning..” she spoke softly, before hanging up.
miles could acknowledge that he made his girlfriend upset, that it was his fault that she felt a certain kinda way; but he couldn’t help but hyper focus on her ‘ I love you’ he placed his phone his nightstand, falling back into his bed, a wide smile on his face and a feeling of warmth washing over him
“ she loves me..” he turned to the side, kicking his legs before turning on his stomach, his face in the pillow and held his legs up in the air before kicking them down. “ she really does love me… “ yes.. amani was mad.. but she still made sure he knew she loved him..
“ she really does love me..” he couldn’t stop giggling.. couldn’t stop smiling..
“ and I love her..”
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delulu-with-wandanat · 10 months
Ayy put in ur request mfs😩🫶
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(or questions. or thoughts lol)
Request are CLOSE😚
(for now pookiebears, pls do share ur brainrots if u want too!)
Also this shit is 18+
(Out the door if u is underage. Aight now below here is just things me like and don’t like, as well as masterlist)
Here’s thing me like and no like👌
Me likey:
Wandanat (Romantic)
I’m open to NSFW but like not explicit?? (Idk how to explain myself, I’m just not very good at smut😅 But yes you can request that!)
Wanda x Reader (Romantic/Platonic)
Natasha x Reader (Strictly Platonic)
I know there’s not a lot of Masculine!Reader so if you want those just specify it 👍 (Just keep in mind of the previous bullet)
Natasha x Sibling!Reader is my personal fave.
Wandanat x Child!Reader is also 🫶🫶
Me no like:
Wandanat x Reader (Sorry guys, unless it’s platonic yes I can do that)
Natasha x Reader (Again sorry guys, I see her as a mother/sister figure)
(now onto the good stuff)
- Romanoff-Maximoff Family -
Soccer Moms Wandanat
Shopping for School Supplies
Goes on a vacation ('Vacation Dad' Nat x 'Memory of a Dory' Wanda) Part 1 | Part 2
- Wandanat (my beloveds) -
Fatal Attraction Natasha gets hurt during a mission with Wanda, and Wanda for some reason found herself more attracted to Nat. Yes, in her state on injury.
Frog Debacles Wanda and Natasha's child is an animal lover. They have the tendency to bring home whatever stray they find, today was no different. They brought home a damn frog.
Shape of You Wanda's exploring the extent of her powers and can't help but tease Nat with it. And Natasha... well, Natasha discovers something new about herself.
Money must be funny, in a rich girl's world. Natasha works at a beach club, and Wanda is the daughter of the owner. Let's just say, summer wasn't the only thing that's hot that day.
Sweater Weather Wanda and Natasha are friends, maybe even more. People love a classic jock and cheerleader trope. However when Natasha finds out that Wanda's little groupie had been bullying her little sister, it puts a strain on their relationship. Will Wanda be able to redeem herself?
'Chubby MILF' Wanda x 'Beefcake' Romanoff Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 |HC
The Adventure of Wanda's (questionable) Hairdos Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 Wanda has an obsession with her changing hairstyles, and Natasha is a supportive girlfriend.
Queen of Westview High ('Mean Girl' Wanda x 'Nerd' Tasha) Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Last
Stuck in Our Universe (Crackfic that got extended... very much) Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 (Holyshit this was long-)
Two Worlds Apart ('Corrupted' Wanda x 'Earth 77' Natasha) Part 1 | Part 2
Love and Immortality ('Witchy' Wanda x 'Vampire' Natasha) Part 1 | Part 2
- Wanda Maximoff x Reader -
Tainted Past Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 Years have passed since Westview and Wanda finally has the chance to settle down and live the normal she had always yearned for. However, that comes with a challenge as many were still wary of her. Along the way she met a young man in his early 20s, whom took pity on the witch despite all odds.
Mockingbird America Chavez gave Wanda what she wanted, Wanda sees the love of her life again from another universe. However, her lover's variant already build a life without her...
International Affair (Wanda Maximoff x InternationalStudent!Reader) Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Last
Hopelessly in Love (HS au) (Wanda Maximoff x Natasha Romanoff, Wanda Maximoff x Reader) Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Last
- Natasha Romanoff x Reader -
Alternative Proposition Struggling to take care her 5 year old daughter, Y/n took out a loan from the mob to start a small business in hopes that it would resolve their financial struggles. But small businesses takes time to flourish, which Y/n doesn't have and ends up biting her in the ass... or did it?
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