#you get a wolf slug in return
yaeggravate · 6 months
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Back by unpopular demand: Seelie Kaeya theory.
I have already talked about this before, many, many times, but I wanted to gather all my jumbled thoughts from the past few months into one proper post along with some new revelations that further support the theory.
I just want to clarify first that I don't like abandoning the narrative in favor of a theory. I wouldn't be constantly trying to push for this if I wasn't at least 80% sure.
Kaeya is my favorite character in the whole game, but I am well aware of the limitations being put on his character…
…Unless 5-star Kaeya comes through for us, that is.
*UPDATE: added a section on Arlecchino 🥳 (4.6 spoilers)
**added more info about Nicole (4.7)
Apologies for the long read but I had to make it as thorough as possible, you understand.
1. Seelie = Angels 2. Connections to Seelie and the Jinn 3. Midsummer Night's Dream 4. Nicole Reeyn 5. Arlecchino 6. Visual Similarities and Characteristics 7. Perinheri
Seelie are equated to angels in the game. The floating eyeball versions are even modeled after a type of sea slug called Sea Angels. In case you need more evidence than that:
Nabu Malikata is a Seelie survivor. Her last name Malikata can be derived from malayikata ملائكة which means angels/messengers in Arabic.
The Jinn were created from Nabu Malikata's blood, they are referred to as the "descendants of Seelie" in the world quest "The Falcon's Hunt".
Seelie were heavenly envoys who would deliver messages from Celestia to humans. Nabu Malikata even refers to them as the "fallen envoys of heaven", after they were cast down.
So, if you ever happen to spot the phrase "heavenly/divine envoys", they are actually referring to the Seelie.
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As for what they may have looked like, the Mural Room in Dragonspine features a depiction of an envoy with wings and what looks like horns or a crown on its head. Translated from Latin, the text next to it is as follows:
Fidelis angeli iuvant The angels help the faithful
Seelie are guides who reward humans with treasure after they lead them back to their Seelie courts. Simply put, they are returning a favor. Who else do we know of who is obsessed with favors?
The Seelie Kaeya has a bunch of notable connections to angels, the more you start to look for them the more you notice.
According to Kaeya's character story A List, he owns a book called The Adventures of Angelos, in which he keeps a list of names. Angelos, of course, means angel.
Between the pages of "The Adventures of Angelos," you find a list of names written on a sheet of official Knights of Favonius letterhead paper.
Kaeya's favorite haunt is Angel's Share. The logo for Angel's Share is two angels drinking from a wine glass. Angel's Share was established by Dawn Winery, where Kaeya was left at for unknown reasons. According to Diluc's character story, Crepus told him the following:
"The world would never turn its back on the faithful."
This is reminiscent of the mural in Dragonspine: "The angels help the faithful."
Furthermore, the teacups used to represent the mage Nicole can be found in Dawn Winery. Nicole is known as the "guide who never gets lost" and there is one teacup missing in the trailer. We'll get back to that piece of porcelain later.
It's possible that Dawn Winery had some dealings with the Seelie or that it was established by them. Remember Crepus owned a Delusion which means he must have had ties to the Fatui. We know of one character who is both Seelie and Fatui: Columbina.
Columbina is most likely a Seelie since the decorations in her hair match perfectly with the decoration on the Seelie courts. The character of Columbina is also known as a fairy-like dancer; fairies is what the Seelie are in popular culture… (More on that later.)
In the third volume of the book Drunkard's Tale, a lone wolf meets a Seelie survivor who is singing in an unfamiliar language. This Seelie is speculated to be Columbina. The Seelie is adressed as Maiden with the same characters in Chinese as Columbina's other title Damselette.
少女 = Damselette / Maiden
Curiously enough, this particular volume of the book can be found in Dawn Winery.
Kaeya's favorite drink is Death After Noon. This is based on the real drink "Death in the Afternoon", which famously contains absinthe. In the Book of Revelation, Apsinthion, or Wormwood, is the name of an angel or star who fell to earth.
The Abyss Mages chant in Enochian which is the language of the angels. They use this language when they regenerate their shields and to control the Hilichurls. The Abyss Order mostly consists of former Khaenri'ahns.
When Kaeya spots the Abyss Mage back in the Temple of the Wolf, it speaks to him in Enochian. They even added a subtitle to highlight its importance.
Kaeya: There's no way hilichurls organized an ambush like this themselves — not with their limited mental capacity… (A Hydro Abyss Mage reveals itself) Kaeya: Thus YOU were behind this. Hydro Abyss Mage: Gohus, Chiso Vonph.
Kaeya claims he's blessed with certain linguistic powers when the Paimon asks him how he gathered information about the Abyss Twin.
Paimon: What exactly did you have to do to find this out!? Kaeya: Heh… Let's just say I'm blessed with certain linguistic powers.
In the manga, it was implied Kaeya was able to read an unfamiliar script that not even Lisa, the Akademiya's best student in two hundred years, could understand.
We don't know where Kaeya lived beforehand but he might have lived in the Dark Sea. The Dark Sea is not a literal sea but any place outside of the rule of the Seven. Think Enkanomiya and possibly Khaenri'ah.
Kaeya: But, as you can see, this is but a deserted land. Based on previous experience, I decided that it would be best to wait for contact.
In the Midsummer Island event, Kaeya says he's been stranded on an island before, and in typical Kaeya fashion does not elaborate. (This might be connected to the Nameless Island, which Kaeya visited on his birthday.) Venti alludes Kaeya might have come from the Dark Sea, by the poem he gives him:
Venti: "Majestic waves cresting, surf roaring its tale, none but the ocean to hear as I sing." Venti: "The stars in my eyes as I chart toward the horizon, that into one day, from the endless dome of night I shall spring."
Palaces of the Seelie can be found in one particular ruin of the Dark Sea: Drunkard's Tale, where the Seelie maiden was situated. (AKA Columbina)
This wasteland is said to be a land beyond the dominion of the deities, inhabited only by the grotesque ghostly remains of fallen gods, where the former palaces of the Seelie now stand empty.
In the Veluriyam Mirage event, Kaeya starred in a play written by Zosimos. According to Idyia, Zosimos based the play on a rumor he heard about a thief and a mage, meaning there might be some truth to it. He then combined the story with Idyia's backstory.
Kaeya's character, the unnamed dagger bandit, follows a shooting star, which turns out to be a woman. The dagger bandit is most likely meant to be someone related to Kaeya, since he hailed from a dark realm and his vision is modified to look like an 8-pointed star (as per Zosimos's design). The dark realm could very well be Khaenri'ahn.
As it turns out, Zosimos's namesake Zosimos the alchemist, claimed fallen angels were the ones who taught humans the art of metallurgy.
The ancient and divine writings say that the angels became enamoured of women; and, descending, taught them all the works of nature. From them, therefore, is the first tradition, chema, concerning these arts; for they called this book chema and hence the science of chemistry takes its name.
…Yeah, I don't think it's a coincidence the play Kaeya starred in was written by this specific guy 😮‍💨
Maybe we're meant to equate the fallen star with a fallen angel. Whoever this fallen star and dagger bandit are, is unknown, but I think we can safely assume it has something to do with Kaeya's family and/or Khaenri'ah's deeper lore.
Kaeya's constellation is a peacock. Peacocks have countless eyes just like how angels are popularly depicted. In Renaissance art, angels are even portrayed with peacock wings.
The description of Kaeya's friendship namecard in CN implies he has many Augen. 👁
孔雀漂亮尾羽上的花纹很像是永不闭上的眼睛。所以凯亚并非少了一只眼睛、而是··· The patterns on the beautiful tail feathers of a peacock resemble eyes that never close. So Kaeya isn’t missing an eye, but…
And then it just trails off. I think it’s meant to say: "Kaeya isn’t missing an eye, rather he has many of them."
Perhaps they were being literal.
The Jinn In his hangout, Kaeya gifts the Traveler a lamp said to have housed a powerful Jinni. As said before Jinn are descendants of the Seelie.
The people turned against each other, and the Jinn scattered across the lands… Broken souls became fuel to a titanic machine, and the mindless descendants of the Seelie were degraded into slaves of infinite power…
In comparison to other companion gifts, who are connected to their item in some way, Kaeya's gift stands out as an outlier… unless it is a surprise tool that can help us understand him later.
He is also familiar with the tale of the Shepard and the Magic Bottle, although he changes the ending of the story as he recounts it to Klee. This book is about a Jinni who gets freed from a bottle...
From his hangout, we learn Kaeya owns a lucky coin that can allegedly do anything he wishes from it. He then goes on to say there's a pre-existing arrangement between them. Perhaps this coin has a Jinni fragment inside of it similar to Benben.
That would be the simple explanation… but nothing is ever simple with Kaeya.
Now onto the most damning piece of evidence. Kaeya himself is based on the changeling baby from Midsummer Night's Dream. Oberon is the Fairy King, whose name is the French derivative of Alberich.
This checks out as Oberon was also an important figure from the Merovingian Dynasty that included names such as Chlothar and Caribert.
Titania is the Fairy Queen, who adopted her scion's baby after she died in childbirth. This baby was the son of an Indian king, in other words, an Indian prince.
In today's popular culture, Titania is the Queen of the Summer Court, also known as the Seelie Court.
Most literature, folklore, and pop-culture interpretations of faerie depict Titania as the actual leader of the Seelie Fey, she often rules the Summer Court.
Princess Fischl is also connected to this play, as she had created a Sommernachtgarten, or Summer Night Garden, that now lies in ruins in the domain Midsummer Courtyard.
Suddenly Kaeya and Fischl being featured in the Midsummer Island events start to make sense. I wouldn't be surprised if Fischl showed up again in this year's summer event.
How Kaeya and Princess Fischl are connected is still unclear but the possibility of them being related keeps growing. Whatever the case, the Indian prince's (adoptive) mom being a Seelie Queen is pretty straightforward.
"But isn't he adopted? That means he isn't a Seelie!" Yes, but remember Oberon, Titania's husband, is Alberich who Kaeya IS related to.
It's hard to tell what direction they're going in, but I have no doubt Kaeya is half-something, because the other character he is based on is Hagen, who is always half-Human, with the other part being either dwarf or elf.
With all the angel/Seelie/Jinn connections, I think we can guess what Kaeya's other half is.
Before I forget: Oberon and Titania fought over the child; Oberon wanted the boy to become a knight, his henchman, but Titania refused as she felt obligated to raise him in his mother's stead. Unfortunately, Oberon succeeded in getting Titania to hand over the child, as he had trapped her in a dream-like state...
Another fun thing I discovered is that the title of the trailer Winter Night's Lazzo is a reference to Midsummer Night's Dream as well.
An explanation for this could be that aside from the aforementioned Seelie, there exist a darker counterpart, the Unseelie, which has its roots in Scottish folklore.
The most common courts from traditional legends are the Seelie or Summer Court, and the Unseelie or Winter Court.
In popular culture, the Unseelie Court is the Winter Court ruled by the Queen of Air and Darkness: the sister of Titania. This Winter Queen seems to be unnamed but I've found some call her Mab, another reference to one of Shakespeare's plays.
Did you know they probably named Snezhnaya after the fairy tale of the Snow Queen, which is Snezhnaya Koroleva in Russian? Snow Queen, Winter Queen, Tsaritsa... The shoe fits 🤷🏽‍♀️
In Genshin, there is no mention of any Unseelie yet, but if the Seelie are like angels, then the Unseelie might be the equivalent of fallen angels or demons. Well, we shall see how that plays out.
Back to Titania, she was a fairy who adopted her friend's son after she passed away. Is there is a character who could fulfill this role for Kaeya, acting as some kind of guardian angel?
Nicole is a witch of the Hexenzirkel, known as Mage "N". She is a powerful prophet capable of divining the fate of the world.
She is also a teacup.
Alice says Nicole is the guide who never gets lost and that she is obsessed with guiding people. That's literally Seelie 101!
Alice: The "guide who will never get lost" is N, otherwise known as Nicole. You may have not encountered her yet, but she is a truly extraordinary woman who has made this world's direction and order her subject of study. Alice: Some of you may be fortunate enough to have already heard her voice. Like a prophetess, she will only speak to guide people toward the truth when a change has occurred in the world. Alice: She has a tendency to… suddenly speak in someone's mind without any warning.
New dialogue from Wolfy, the stuffed toy from Imaginarium Theater, pretty much confirms Nicole is a Seelie. He talks about a "Boar" Tribe, where the "boars" did bad things and were punished by their Master.
Wolfy: The master took out a rusted set of scales, and told the boars to stack their own things on both sides. If the scales tipped to one side, they could leave.
The boars who gave up their heads turned into animals like wolves, snakes and lizards and the boars who gave up their muscle became rabbits, instinctively guiding people to treasure. Guiding people to treasure is the number one job of the Seelie husks.
Loading Screen Now you see them; now you don't. Once a mighty race that lived to guide mankind, now the most Seelie offer is a little treasure to willing followers.
However, there was one boar who placed their head and muscle evenly on both sides of the scale, which caused it to break in the middle. This "boar" is Nicole.
Wolfy: And so she became a mute person — for she had placed her voice upon the scales as well. Wolfy: She is also a friend of Madame Mage, and I hear she likes to speak in people's heads!
The witch pictured on this slide from the Hexenzirkel teaser is most likely Nicole since it immediately cuts to her teacups.
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She is blowing away wind similar to depictions of wind deities. The accompanying subtitle even is "sometimes, we all need to vent our troubles to the wind". This could mean Nicole is some kind of air spirit…or a Seelie, who were once "faster than a storm" according to the Aranara.
Furthermore, Nicole losing her voice, or perhaps giving it up, is reminiscent of the fairy tale The Little Mermaid, written by Hans Christian Anderson, Anderdottir's inspiration. In the book, the mermaid sacrifices her voice to become human. However she fails to uphold the condition and dies, which turns her into an air spirit.
Perhaps she's a Seelie, or a descendant of the Seelie, similar to the Jinn. In the Danish opera Holger Danske, Titania is the Queen of the Sylphs, who are air spirits. We don't have Sylphs mentioned verbatim in the game yet, aside from Venti being an air spirit.
Kaeya conveniently has several references to the wind.
He is dubbed the Frostwind Swordsman, his outfit is called Icy Featherflight, his OTHER outfit is Sailwind Shadow, his sixth constellation is Glacial Whirlwind, and he has a passive that decreases stamina consumption…
Noelle even describes him as someone who comes and goes with the wind.
As mentioned in the previous section, Kaeya was stranded on a deserted island, this might be referring to the Nameless Island, which, according to an old blog post on the official CN website, Kaeya visited on his birthday. Where this island came from is unclear but it is shrouded in mist and invisible on the map.
The Nameless Island has a sun-or moondial associated with the God of Time. The weathered transcription is as follows:
Ravaged Carving: "Stories brought on the wind will bloom into legends in due time."
You can also hear this faint voice speaking when you do the quest related to the island:
Faint Voice: "An ancient tale comes whisked in the wind…" Faint Voice: "In time, it will grow and sprout once again…"
In the same blog post, Kaeya says the following:
我还有很多故事…还有很多时间。 I have plenty of stories… and plenty of time.
When Kaeya casts his burst you even see him pull the wind towards himself, towards that eight-pointed star.
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Furthermore, he came to Mondstadt during a LATE SUMMER NIGHT'S STORM, contradicting the fact that there hasn't been a single storm in Mondstadt since Venti gave them his protection.
Kaeya's Character Story "If Master Crepus hadn't taken me in, I doubt I'd have made it through the storm that night."
Vind: Since Lord Barbatos began protecting Mondstadt, we have not seen a single storm, and the watchtowers have slowly fallen into disrepair.
He probably wasn't lying about this since Varka could have easily fact-checked this with Diluc or Dawn Winery.
Perhaps Nicole was responsible for this odd contradiction if she was the one who guided Kaeya and his father to Dawn Winery. Coincidentally, the Jinni Liloupar was able to command sandstorms at her will.
Liloupar once had the immense power to command sandstorms at her will. The howling gale that lashes the desert used to be the blade and shield at her disposal.
Since the Jinn are descendants of the Seelie, perhaps Nicole could have a similar power. (Or maybe she became a giant wind turbine, who even knows anymore.)
"But why would a witch go through all this trouble for just one guy?" If Titania took care of her friend's baby after she died, then maybe Nicole was friends with Kaeya's mom and decided to offer her protection.
Or perhaps they were sisters. There is after all a teacup from the same teaset missing from the trailer.
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Let's just get this out of the way first: No, Nicole is not Diluc's mom, the pattern on the teacups can be found within the architecture of Dawn Winery, which means she's either the founder or an ancestor of Crepus or both. Angel's Share is named as such for a reason.
Diluc does not possess any huge Seelie/fairy/angel/witch connections other than Angel's Share so I don't think she's related to him. Kaeya on the other hand 🤷🏽‍♀️
I am not going to say anything about the possibility of Nicole being Kaeya's mom, but I will say that Nicole's name means "Victory of the people", while the first character in Kaeya's name means victory as well.
Nicole = from νίκη (níkē, “victory”) +‎ λαός (laós, “people”). Kaeya = 凯亚, 凯 = music of triumph; paean; triumph; victory
And please don't forget the poor missing teacup next to Nicole's, it is no doubt going to be important.
Anyway, Kaeya does have some serious connections to Princess Fischl, with hints at him being a Prince continuing to persist, so he's definitely not some random guy. Whether he's aware of this or not is debatable.
He's called "our last hope", by his father, which like everything pertaining to Kaeya, is never explained. However, the Aranara Aranaga describes hope as a dream that never dissipates… A Midsummer Night's Dream if you will 😉
Aranaga: There are dreams because there is memory. Memory is nourished, so there is life. So, it can grow, the thing to repel Marana (forbidden knowledge). Traveler: I'm guessing you mean "hope"? Aranaga: Yeah, right you are, Golden Nara (Traveler). The thing that flows, cannot be seen, cannot be touched… Hope. Like the wind… But it never dissipates, like a dream.
Nabu Malikata Nicole has some fascinating similarities with Nabu Malikata that I will briefly list here:
Nabu Malikata last name can mean angels but it can also mean queen. Nicole Reeyn's last name is derived from reine which also means queen.
"Nabu" means prophet in Akkadian and she was able to predict her own death, Nicole is a prophetess too.
After Nabu Malikata disappeared, Deshret dreamed of her feeling her way through a crystalline maze. The inside of Irminsul is a crystalline maze. Nicole is part of the Hexenzirkel who travel to the Irminsul to study it.
Nabu Malikata is the Mistress of the Orchard and Wine, Nicole has ties to Dawn Winery, a wine orchard.
Nabu Malikata is also a dream-mother, capable of giving humans dreams. According to Furina's character blurb, Nicole left a fabel inside someone's dream.
I can't say they're the same person but this is one of those things that will keep haunting you once you uncover it. And now they will haunt you.
Enter "Father".
What we know of her so far is that she is the last surviving descendant of Khaenri'ah's Crimson Moon clan. Arlecchino's blood is cursed, yet unlike the other curse-bearers we know like Dainsleif and Chlothar, she still ages visibly. Before we get ahead of ourselves, it's specifically stated in her boss description that she IS the Crimson Moon's SOLE scion, so Kaeya is likely not part of that bloodline.
Someday, the hearth-fire's faint radiance shall burn the old world away, incinerating the final scion of the baleful moon as well.
I think we all know by now that Arlecchino has some angelic features.
Like Kaeya, she is associated with an animal with many eyes: a spider. And like Kaeya, she wears one prominent wing on her back but only when she is in battle. This wing is actually crafted by her from spider silk, so it's not actually an "organic" wing.
Arlecchino shares boss theme lyrics with the most famous one-winged angel in recent history: Sephiroth (FF7). They are both in turn inspired by Abezethibou, a fallen angel with one red wing. The interesting thing about Sephiroth is that he was born from an experiment, where they injected cells from an alien "calamity" into him when he was still a fetus. This led him to develop the iconic one black wing.
Furthermore, the title of Arlecchino can be traced back to the Erlking, an evil elf who could kill children with just one touch. Arlecchino does seem to be somewhat inspired by him as seen in this comparison.
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Erlking means Elf King which just so happens to be the meaning of Alberich (Elf King). 🤨 There's even a dude straight up called Alf (elf) in the Perinheri book.
In the Romance-speaking world, beings comparable to elves are widely known by words derived from Latin fata ('fate'), which came into English as fairy. This word became partly synonymous with elf by the early modern period.
Since the Balemoon Bloodfire that runs through Arlecchino's veins originates from the long-dead Crimson Moon, it's possible that either the moons are angels or they were the ones who created them. The Seelie must have come into existence somehow; it would make sense for them to originate from the Moon Sisters.
The moons would not be as low-ranked as the Seelie-angels, they'd most likely be akin to Archangels/other higher ranked angels. Luckily for us, Mona's astrolabe conveniently uses the names of 4 Archangels.
(From the Wiki) Mona's astrolabe (Outer ring): GBL URL MKL RPL The archangels Gabriel, Uriel, Michael, and Raphael.
…It is unknown who they are referring to but since she is using her astrolabe to divine someone's fate they're probably the names of the three Moon Sisters + Sun. (We can't be sure yet if the Four Shades are the Moon Sisters/Sun so I will refrain from making that assumption until we know more.)
Arlecchino has another weird ability: her blood can create afterimages or shadows which appear like this around her in her boss fight:
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These look awfully similar to the Pari in-game, and Pari just so happen to be like fairies in Persian mythology. Arlecchino's nickname was even Perrie, which is probably a pun on Peri, the inspiration behind the Pari.
In the game, the Pari are sentient beings of Khvarena, which in turn was separated from Nabu Malikata's body. As it happens, Khvarena can also dwell inside humans, these people are called the scions of Khvarena. (More on that here where I proposed Kaeya's mom might have been one of these scions.)
Stamen of Khvarena's Origin Nabu Malikata: "And so I separated you (Khvarena) from my body, and I ask you now to prevent that nightmare's coming."
No doubt about it: Arlecchino is carrying the bloodline of a (dead) moon angel…thing. Maybe all Khaenri'ahns are descendants of angels, but it's hard to say for now if they inherited it through normal means, or if the Crimson Moon clan used a ritual to transmute their blood. According to the book Perinheri, the Crimson Moon dynasty was deeply involved with alchemy, though it fell off by the time of the Eclipse Dynasty.
(Perhaps they even used the Moon's remains (ashes) to achieve this. Maybe that's why Arlecchino glitches: she was "re-born" from the "afterimage" (ashes) of the Crimson Moon.)
Combined with Zosimos's play implying the fallen star was a fallen angel, Khaenri'ahns could very well be descendants of fallen angels. In that case, they could be like the Nephilim, who are descendants of humans and fallen angels. Nephilim is often translated as giants or the fallen ones, which is very funny considering the meaning of Titania's name (Titan).
Speaking of Titania… In Arlecchino's teapot voicelines she talks about an opera called The Unexpected Dream. Unclear if this is referring to thee Midsummer Night's Dream, but given what we know of this game and its apparent obsession with the play, it wouldn't be too far-fetched to assume it is.
The name Titania for the queen of the fairies appears to have been the invention of Shakespeare, for, as Mr. Ritson remarks, she is not "so called by any other writer." Why, however, the poet designated her by this title, presents, according to Mr. Keightley, no difficulty. "It was," he says, "the belief of those days that the fairies were the same as the classic nymphs, the attendants of Diana. The Fairy Queen was therefore the same as Diana whom Ovid (Met. iii. 173) styles Titania."
Also, scholars suggest Shakespeare's Titania is ultimately referring to the moon goddess Diana, so make of that what you will. There's even a part in the play where Titania looks up at the moon and likens it to a crying eye… Another fun fact: on Tsurumi island, there's a mural from the ancient civilization ruins that references a poem about Diana by the Latin poet Catullus.
In any case, Arlecchino basically adds fuel to the theory that Khaenri'ahns might be the descendants of angels/Seelie. Though whether they inherited it naturally, through snorting up moon ashes or making deals with suspicious purple crystals remains to be seen. The Balemoon Bloodfire is dubbed a "noble blood" which means the Crimson Moon clan was regarded as nobility. Just another thing Arlecchino and Kaeya have in common.
This poses another conundrum for Kaeya though: if it's his Khaenri'ahn father who gave him his supposed "angel" ancestry as opposed to his mother, we're still left with the mystery of where he got his royal heritage from. Nobility ≠ royalty.
The Alberichs weren't of royal blood, we know this, yet Kaeya's prince-baiting adventure continues, same as it ever was 😮‍💨
This is the fun part where I list similarities between Kaeya and the Seelie, from his design to his personality.
Visual Design As you know, Kaeya has a giant wing on his back with three feathers. (Funnily enough the pattern on the outer border is the same as the sun- or moondial on the Nameless Island 😑)
No one else has wings on their outfit other than Paimon and Skirk who has a tiny one on her back. Arlecchino has one wing that only appears in battle or during her charged attack. Seelie courts have a little wing emblem and that angel in the Dragonspine Mural has a stylized wing.
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Kaeya has one eye and wears a fluffy boa, same as the Seelie husks we see floating around. Though Kaeya doesn't have two horns, the peacock on his namecard does have two little feathers on its head.
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Also, the Seelie emblem on the domain murals look similar to the 8-pointed star on Kaeya's outfit. The downward point is elongated which could represent the cone-shaped legs the Seelie husks have.
Seelie and their beauty keep being equated to moonlight… Kaeya is canonically called good-looking in-game, and has unexplained lightstreaks in his hair.
He also ordered a Moonlit Alley in his hangout (with Venti present) and gifted the Traveler a Moon Pie for his most recent birthday😒. Surely of no importance whatsoever.
Personality I am basing this on the known Seelie we have in the game: Nabu Malikata, Columbina, and Angelica (from the book Perinheri).
First of, Seelie were guides of humanity, and taught them wisdom and language.
Arama: A Seelie? In the ancient stories, Seelies were a great race with wisdom and beauty beyond the pale of this earth. They traveled with Nara (humans) and taught Nara languages and the philosophy of nature.
… In his teapot dialogue, Kaeya offers to put together a guide for the Traveler when they ask for his wisdom.
Traveler: Can I rely on your words of wisdom in the future? Kaeya: I'm at your service. In fact… would you like me to compile a guide for you…? Kaeya: It would contain all kinds of practical knowledge for at home and on the road, including the techniques I have developed for communicating with people from all walks of life. I'd like to share it all with you.
Kaeya acts as a teacher for Klee giving her advice on how to dodge the authorities (Jean) and whatnot.
Speaking of dodging, as stated previously, Seelie were said to be faster than a storm, and Kaeya has a passive called Hidden Strength that decreases stamina consumption. He's actually one of the fastest running characters-gameplay wise.
The loading screen description for Seelie says the following;
Now you see them, now you don't.
Finally an explanation for Kaeya's ability to teleport in his normal attacks. It's just as Noelle said, he comes and goes with the wind.
In Scottish folklore Seelie will ask humans for help and give them a reward in return. In his Story Quest, Kaeya does the same, asking the Traveler for help and gifting them a sword for their efforts. Yes, it was a trap but he did do all of that, and in his Story Quest no less! Story Quests are designed as a glimpse into the character's life….
Wait a minute, he led them into a trap. Where have I heard that before?
Angelica! The woman from the book Perinheri is very obviously an angel (HER NAME LITERALLY GIVES IT AWAY) and thus potentially a Seelie, or at least someone belonging to the angel hierarchy.
Angelica led Hleobrant on with promises and then led him into a trap, not unlike what Nabu Malikata did to Deshret. She knew she was going to die and used his feelings for her to make sure she would never be forgotten.
Furthermore, if a Seelie is insulted they will exact revenge on those who wronged them.
Diluc: Yes… about Kaeya… Diluc: I should have known he would see this as the perfect opportunity to get back at me.
Dude pulled up the Wikipedia page on Seelie 😭😭😭.
Another thing about Kaeya is that he will collect the fears and sensitivities of people as material to tease them about. …In the Harbingers trailer, Columbina teases Dottore about his age, knowing full well he's sensitive about it.
Columbina: I must say, you're looking very young today, Doctor Dottore: You know very well that I do not take that as a compliment
Wanderer describes Columbina as someone who is eerily unbothered and unfazed in every situation.
About Damselette Let me ask: what should you do if you were to encounter a "damsel" who is oblivious and innocent at any given time, and unconcerned and unfeeling in any given situation? If it were me, I could at least challenge her to a fight. But if it were you… with your conscience, I would stay away from her.
In his character story, Kaeya is described as having a cavalier attitude which in that context means, "showing arrogant or offhand disregard; dismissive", since he put the lives of his men in danger by triggering a Ruin Guard 😂. They hate to see a whimsical guy winning.
Character Story 5 Sinister thoughts flashed through Kaeya's mind, and he simply smirked: "This world is truly… fascinating."
You can also see this in Crepus's famous death scene where he was standing in the back smirking Just according to keikaku.
According to Scara, Columbina appears to be oblivious, though whether she's feigning or not remains to be seen. Kaeya has his own fair share of moments where he pretends to be in the dark.
Think the opposite of Furina who pretended to know everything.
He even acted like a "damsel" in need of help right of the bat in his Story Quest.
Kaeya: This is bad… Such a hassle… What am I going to do… Traveler: What's wrong, Kaeya? You don't usually lose your chill. Kaeya: Oh, thank the Thousand Winds! (Traveler), your arrival must be the grace of the gods! Kaeya: If I may ask — envoy sent by the Anemo God to save this mere mortal — could you spare a moment?
(Would be very fun if Columbina and Kaeya know each other from the dark recesses that is Kaeya's childhood and Kaeya is mimicking her behavior like some kind of mentee.)
Both Nabu Malikata and Columbina do not seem to possess human emotions which makes sense since they operate on a higher level than humans. Does make you wonder if Kaeya's occasionally strange behavior is a result of him being half-Seelie.
While not exactly a personality trait, Kaeya repeats some of Nicole's sayings which I thought was interesting.
Nicole: History does not change easily, but human hearts can. Kaeya: History always repeats itself. Kaeya: Anyway, that's exactly why actors need to wake up and realize they don't have to follow the script. There's nothing to stop them from following their gut and making it up as they go along.
As for why Kaeya would know this: find out in 2026 😂 (😭)
Venti Since fairies and air spirits are another potential branch of Kaeya's family tree we can consult the most prominent air spirit in the game: Venti.
Kaeya and Venti have a lot in common, personality wise. Both like alcohol, are mischievous, and have a very mellow attitude.
They also tend to disappear when we need lore the most.
This is very stereotypical of how fairies are portrayed. Down to their love of wine and penchant to pull pranks.
Is Venti some kind of Seelie? Well, he does have wings, and he was a single thread of the thousand winds which represent freedom… Freedom, just like Angelica.
Play within a play In Midsummer Night's Dream, the fairies toy with the humans like dolls. It's their meddling that causes all the mishaps in the play. They even call Oberon the King of Shadows, with shadows referring to the fairies as well as being Elizabethan slang for actors.
[…] even within this fictional world [Shakespeare] has created, the human characters are still treated as plot devices, pawns to be manipulated and directed across the play by the faeries.
If you've read the manga, you know where this is going.
If not:
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“All the world's a stage, and all the people merely players – Kaeya Alberich”
–William Shakespeare
Kaeya has more instances where he treats people like they are fulfilling a role: in his outfit description he talks about the bandit and the knight as roles they have to fulfill. When he first meets the Traveler, he applauds like he just witnessed a performance. In Diluc's Story Quest, he breaks the fourth wall by mentioning the chapter of the Story Quest he's in.
Paimon: Kaeya!? Where did you come from? Kaeya: I just picked a good spot to quietly sit and watch the show. Paimon: Whaaa… You've been here this whole time!?
And after Crepus's death he ponders on the roles he should have played: that of a son and that of a brother.
Very normal behavior…FOR A SEELIE.
You see, Deshret and Nabu Malikata created a City for the Jinn, called the City of Amphitheaters… where they had theaters 😮‍💨
Altar of Mirages The Jinn once used this place as a free theater and a paradise without sorrow or care.
Princess Fischl also introduced theater to the paradise of the Immernachtreich where her people would dedicate plays to her. (Don't underestimate how connected she is to all this!)
In case you're unaware, a new book released in patch 4.5 called Perinheri has given us new Khaenri'ah lore. I'll only mention the bits relevant to the theory but it's definitely worth reading if you haven't already.
In the story, a woman named Angelica visits the "Kingdom" as a supposed Princess from some defeated nation. Angelica declares she will marry the greatest knight of the Kingdom and lists several names, one of which is Alberich, leader of half of the knights.
But that's not the interesting part.
Angelica leads Hleobrant outside the Kingdom's borders which causes him to transform into a beast. This is because he is cursed: his ancestors forsook their gods when they came to live at the Kingdom.
Angelica, however, bears no such curses as she explains:
The witch, Angelica, explained thus: "Hleobrant is the descendant of those who forsook their god and came to the Kingdom. This is why the Kingdom's obstinately pure-blooded aristocracy persists. This is the price of betraying your own god. As for you, Perinheri, you are one who drifted there. Thus, you bear no such curse. You may not have the nobility to shoulder a world, but you too have your own destiny. And as for me? I betrayed no one, not for a moment, until my god died, so I too bear this curse not. But you now see who I truly am, yes?"
Look. I don't think I need to spell this out but Angelica is an angel, her name is even explained to mean "one who is as a divine emissary", which, as we established before, are Seelie. Kaeya even has that stupid book The Adventures of Angelos which is obviously a hint towards whatever the fuck he is.
Angelos, Angelica…. Need I say more? 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨
She also conveniently disappears at the end BECAUSE SHE COMES AND GOES LIKE THE WIND
Anyway, this could explain why Kaeya isn't cursed, his mother was a Seelie who never forsook her god. We don't know what the bloodline of Khaenri'ahns consists of… so I can't confidently say they are all descendants of angels. Kaeya definitely is though. You're still a Seelie and that's FINAL.
Otherwise I don't know how else you could explain all of the above.
If he's not a Seelie/angel or a descendant of one, then the only explanation I can think of is that he was blessed by one and is under their protection. Perhaps he was even raised by a bunch of them like the Indian prince from Shakespeare's play.
Maybe in some kind of Sommernachtgarten ☀️🌺
Or a Winter Palace 👸🏼❄️
Frost Prince, Sun Prince, Seelie Prince, whatever Kaeya might be, I will keep updating this post as we go along for the sake of the five people reading this 🫡.
It's like Shakespeare always said, it's Kaeya's world and we're all just living in it.
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the-wintershade · 2 years
cold branches and warm sighs
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pairing: jack russell x reader  summary: transformations are exhausting for Jack, but you’re always there to find him and keep him safe wc: 1.0k+  genre: worrying, sweet, comfort, sleepy warnings: jack’s cuteness, honestly a/n: hi loves! happy early halloween! this mcu short was so well done! i loved every moment of it!
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“Jack!” Gunshots fizzed and sparkled in the cold air. Your feet crunched against the leaves and frost. “Jack! Where are you?”
Ted pounded over to your camp scared and white-eyed. It didn’t take many grunts and huffs from you to get the picture. Hunters, again. 
The branches rustled in agitation, and they scratched against your skin, drawing angry welts. Your hurried breaths frosted into white clouds. The sleepy blue dawn threatened to spill through the trees.
It would be moments until Jack changed back if he hadn’t already. More leaves split apart as you tore through the trees.
“Jack! Answer me!” The flashes of the guns were getting closer now, emissions floating in the air colored orange and red. You stopped, splaying your hand against a nearby tree to steady yourself. 
You wouldn’t be able to hear him if you kept running like this. If you stopped, maybe you’d hear a grow or a stumbling. The leaves and wind grew hushed. The clang of the hunter’s gear shot through the quiet, but just beyond, just out of reach, there were discombobulated steps. It had to be Jack.
More controlled this time, you moved over, the leaves parting instead of flying away from your feet. It was so dark he was hard to spot. Every patch of blackness could be tree or a bundle of branches.
Then you found one that moved. A voice, tired and cracked trickled through the dark. “Mi vida?”
Your stomach unfurled. You almost fell into him, crushing him against your body, arms around his neck. His forearms dug into your back, curling you against his chest, his cold nose brushing against your exposed neck. Your warm sighs tickled each other’s cheeks in sync.
He must have just turned back. All he had was a blanket, thin and scratchy. As he hugged you, he wrapped it around your back, drawing you into his warmth as much as he could.
Your shaky arms slowly loosened from his neck and you smoothed them against his upper arms. “You okay?” Your eyes searched his tired expression.
“I’m alright. Just a little tired.” His eyes drooped in tandem with his words. Then he started to fall, leaning into your chest. Your arms wrapped around his torso to catch him. “Just need to rest.”
Sparing a glance over his shoulder, the golden sparks of the weapons were getting closer, red twinkles from enchanted whips and daggers. You couldn’t stay here. Every moment put the both of you in danger of people that are a lot less forgiving than the dark, looming trees. The only thing they could do was intimate you.
Except for Ted. Ted could incinerate people. You had plenty of people behind you for him to become acquainted with.
You angled Jack so your hips were aligned, curling an arm around his middle to pull him forward. His legs were slow to cooperate but your determination more than made up for it. “Come on. Let’s get you somewhere warm.”
“Hey,” you smoothed your hand through his tussled hair. He began to stir, humming and squeezing you closer. His head rested near your neck, right where he always liked it. His arms rested around your center and his chest was half pressed against your torso. 
By the time you’d gotten back to camp, he’d nearly collapsed, half from the exhaustion from the transformation and from avoiding the hunters chasing the wolf. You’d had to lay him down, tucking him under the blankets and breaking some heating pads to life.
He dressed when he felt some life in his bones again, sleepily slugging into his pants and shirt. You just returned from giving Ted a hot mug of coffee, refueling him for getting the hunters off your trail. You’d make sure to go later in the morning with him to help clean up the evidence.
Just as you pushed the flap to the tent open, he rolled over to face you, a soft smile on his face. “Come here,” he freed an arm from his blanket to hold out to you. 
He was asleep a few moments later, mumbling his thanks and affection. You pressed an I love you into his scalp, thankful he was back in your arms again.
Now, his eyes peeled open, a contented hum slipping from his lips. “Good morning,” he grinned. He shifted higher so you could rest against his chest, rolling over so he lay beneath you. “How’d you sleep, amor.”
Snuggling against him, you breathed in the leaves and cold air still stuck to his clothes. There was something warmer and deeper there too; it was uniquely his. He said the same thing about you when he woke up in the mornings. He loved holding you close enough to memorize your scent. He wanted to keep it near him so he wouldn’t forget when he changed.
“Better now that you’ve gotten some rest.” His answering kiss to your crown sent a flare up your spine and warm jelly to spread through your core. 
“How’s Ted?” His voice rumbled against your ears.
“He’s alright. He was worried about the hunters before. He thought they were getting close to where we were.” You could still see Ted’s wide-open eyes and rushed strides.
Jack frowned, holding you against him tighter. “I hope I didn’t scare him. I was trying to lead them away before I got close to transforming.”
“I’m sure he knows. He sent your knight in shining armor after you anyway,” you smirked, watching his eyes light up in amusement.
“Oh, amor, I see you take your responsibilities seriously.”
“I always do. It’s you we’re talking about.”
He didn’t answer, but his growing smile answered for him. His lips parted as he brought a finger beneath your chin, tilting your face up to touch foreheads and then gently eager lips. His kiss was soft and smooth but you deepened it, pressing your worry away with your lips.
As you broke apart, he trailed a pinky down your forehead, brushing your hair away from your face. “Thank you,” he sighed, a peaceful look in his eye.
“I love you too,” you hummed. He giggled.
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r-rook-studio · 1 year
Cross posted from the R. Rook Studio blog.
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So over the course of July, I’ve gotten material from me (yay!), Noora Rose, and Bendi Barrett, and forwarded all of that over to Jared Sinclair, the official editor of Roseville Beach (and really, all of Rose Island). I don’t brag much about my own skills, but I get to work with some of the most thoughtful and skilled people in tabletop RPGs. Jared wrapped up his developmental comments on this first round of documents late last week, so we’re ready to start making some previews.
Dim All the Lights (Announcement List | Kickstarter Pre-launch) is coming together, and to celebrate, we’re making some early-release zines!
Dim All the Lights 1: New Characters on Roseville Beach
While I call Dim All the Lights a “Mystery Book,” it includes new tools and toys for players as well as GMs. The first of these is a set of origin stories:
The Veteran has spent most of their adult life hunting monsters and studying the occult in the employ of the wealthy and powerful. Now you’ve come here to Roseville Beach to use your skills to keep a community safe. You’ve forgotten more than most people will ever know. Each session, you choose a background and during the session pick three skills you want to use as you need them. You also have a Go Bag from which you can make your own new Supply Checks for equipment others wouldn’t thave access to.
The Changeling was once a normal kid in the terrestrial world but were taken away to another. You’ve since grown up and returned, only to discover someone else has been living your life. Your time among non-humans has give you a deep understanding of what others are thinking and taught you a few supernatural tricks (that are more routine but easier than working magic with sorcery and words of power).
The Rose Island Regular has a job like everyone else, but they’ve had more Rose Island jobs than almost anyone else. Instead of a separate set of skills and backgrounds, the Regular takes a current job and two former jobs. They’ve also got a reputation around town, and know a lot of Roseville Beach gossip.
The Mainland Renegade came out to Roseville Beach for a short getaway. It was supposed to be a few days. And then you stayed. The Renegade is a slightly more mature version of The Fresh Face from the core book, and was inspired by Mary Ann Singleton from Maupin’s Tales of the City.
The book also includes a few more jobs around Roseville Beach (like fire fighter, drag king/queen, and bookstore clerk) and Rose Island (like an admin for the park department), and the option of being self-employed as a band member, writer, swim coach, or repairperson.
Dim All the Lights 2: Entities of Roseville Beach
Inspired by The X Files, SCP, and The Magus Archives, Noora Rose wrote five new “Entities of Roseville Beach.” Moonlight on Roseville Beach doesn’t have opponent, antagonist, creature, NPC, or monster stats: If you can figure out how to hurt something, it has up to 3 hit points. Instead, Noora took things in a new direction and focused instead on the entity’s victims and the evidence they leave behind.
Noora, who wrote the strange events generator of Moonlight on Roseville Beach, where ever die roll is a small, eerie fragment of a horrifying story, tackled this section, and I spoke after reading an early draft of her work back in June, but now Noora’s expanded the section, adding more detail and some GM notes.
Instead of focusing on the entities, Noora focuses on their victims, looking at what witnesses saw and what the victims recorded in their own journals and logs. Her work not only introduces the entities but creates clues and player handouts. I’ve mocked up a couple of layouts here.
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Here, Dr. Jo Norris is logging her observations on a mysterious sea slug that she’ll soon learn can take the form of anything it’s near.
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Here, we take a look at the diary of Nicole Wolf, a young woman who went missing after starting to date a singer named whose waterlogged diary was found at the beach.
Noora also added a bunch of GM notes on using the entities, and I've created a short mystery generator using the entities in Roseville Beach.
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memento-morri-writes · 9 months
Phoenix, ship, magic!
Hello TC!! Thanks for the ask!!! I hope you're doing well!
PHOENIX - Have you invented any fantasy creatures?
Actually yes!! Not a lot, but I have. The most well-known example on this blog is Squish, the magic slug of unknown abilities who Dorian and Ash accidentally adopt in CoS. Even I don't know exactly what her abilities are, but she's far from an ordinary creature!! She has separation anxiety and a huge personality, and I love her dearly. She also changes colors with her moods. Aside from Squish, I haven't invented any creatures that are wholly unique, but I'm sure I will be doing so for High Fantasy WIP, if nothing else. I do have a vague idea for wolf-spirits for CoS. They guard the tower that Dorian is trapped in at the beginning of the story. They're somewhat incorporeal, and look like massive solid black wolves. They roam the grounds around the tower. I'm not certain yet, but I'm thinking that they weren't put there to guard Dorian, but are much, much older than the few years he's been imprisoned. Dorian's aunt, Queen Lenora, specifically chose this tower because it's rumored to be haunted, and no one who approaches it ever returns. So no one would be able to find out that Dorian is still alive.
SHIP - How many pages of planning documents do you have, if any?
So, my planning is usually not done in a page format. I do my general outlining and planning on Milanote, and those plans can become quite sprawling. For ATQH I have a board for each "act" (there's 5) and within that board each chapter has a column with a board for each scene. I also made a timeline with the dates of important events. ATQH is really the only story I've extensively planned out, but I do have a Milanote document with a vague brainstorm of some major plot points for CoS. I did outline the majority of Political Fantasy WIP scene-by-scene, but I'm not sure how many pages that is since it's in Scrivener. (I know I could check, but I don't feel like doing that rn.)
The last one is going under the cut because this is already long enough and I have a LOT to say about this.
MAGIC - What is your magic system?
Oooh, this is such a good question. The only magic system that I have fully figured out is the one for CoS, and I made a whole post about that, which you can find here. The magic system of High Fantasy WIP is vaguely based off of DnD, and magic in that world falls into one of four categories: Natural-born (or innate) magic, God-Gifted (or granted) magic, Learned magic, and Bargained (or bought) magic. Natural-born magic is present from birth, and cannot be taught. Sorcerers in DnD would be an example of natural-born magic. God-gifted magic is granted to a devout follower of a deity or other higher power. I don't like calling it "divine", since it's not always a good or holy higher power, and that is the connotation that divinity usually comes with. Clerics or Paladins would be an example of this kind of magic. Learned magic can be learned by anyone who is willing to put in the time and effort, although it comes much more easily to some people than others. Wizards would have learned magic. Bargained magic comes from some kind of transaction, bargain, pact, or exchange with a powerful entity. The details of this transaction are never the same between any two people, even if they received their magic from the same source. It's the kind of magic most often viewed with disgrace or wariness, since the people who are desperate enough to make these bargains are willing to go to extreme lengths to get what they want. If people are interested, maybe I'll post my entire notes on these kinds of magic, because I totally forgot how much I had written about this.
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marcusoseman99 · 2 months
Songs of the isle pt.28
*Leander loosens his grip* 
Kappa: The Wolf killed my brothers while we were hunting a girl here.
 *Vick puts his hood on and turns to the side to try and hide his face from the Kappa* 
Leander: Was the wolf one of you.  
Kappa: Yes. 
Leander: Hmmm you hear that Vick, we might have something for you to do in this place after all.
 Vick: *gulp* Good to hear.  
*The Kappa starts to claw at Leander eventually just biting his hand, Leander scrunches his face and lets out a grunt before slamming the Kappas head off the floor again and again till the stones under them are covered in blood afterwards Leander turns to Vick with a blood covered smile*
 Vick: Holy shit, what the hell is wrong with him why is he smiling like that.
*Leander makes eye contact with Vick Leanders face is filled with a sick pleasure and Vicks of horror Leander composes himself quickly trying his best to wipe his face of the blood as he starts to walk into the forest with Vick starts to follow him*
 Vick: Why was he smiling.  
*The scene returns to Apollo going through the door into a stone room that is a exact copy of the last till he starts to walk around.
The room changes into a forest where he can hear a child crying* 
Apollo: That’s cute Helheim but some bad memories aren’t gonna stop me.
*Apollo walks through some trees till he reaches another copy of the stone room door and walks through it. After going through he finds himself in the same forest with the room now much larger and rustling coming for all around as he turns to face where the door he came through is there is nothing but more Forest* 
Apollo: Fuck Hel.  
*He starts walking through the forest as the crying and rustling get louder till something knocks Apollo to the ground, he quickly stands up*
Apollo: I guess I have a friend in here I should get to know them.  
*Apollo turns into his bigger form then runs in the forest following the noises till he sees it a large pitch-black wolf that is producing the cries* 
Apollo: well that’s- yeah what the fuck. 
*Apollo runs at the wolf but as he grabs its snot and start to push it down the beast gets bigger* 
Apollo: I should have thought this through.  
*The creature launches Apollo deep into the forest back exactly where he started, he stands back up*
 Apollo: is this where I started? no it couldn’t be....... ok where the fuck is that creature that needs to be my focus right now.  
*Apollo runs toward the sound of the cries and screams again till he reaches the creature, the creature is tensing up while its back bends.
Like the creature is trying to be sick but only black liquid comes from its mouth and eyes spreading all around it with cries getting louder* 
Apollo: what the hell are you?  
*Apollo watches the creature till it stops moving and slowly faces Apollo* 
Apollo: What the fuck is this thing.
 *The creatures form slugs towards Apollo its body falling Apart and coming back together with every step*
 Apollo: Fuck this.
*Apollo tries to turn and run but the liquid from the creature crawls up his legs* 
Apollo: I CAN’T MOVE I CAN’T I CAN’T- so cold I can feel it pushing my body towards it
 *The pitch-black ooze falls from the creatures face showing a wolfs skull while it wraps up Apollos body*
 Apollo: HELP ME SOMEONE…...Reegan, Herms, Euippe, Euippe I need you we all do.  
*Apollo’s eyes and the creatures eye holds lock the liquid has reached Apollos neck while still making its way up* 
Apollo: I should feel this- the fear the cold but its all so distant, im not feeling anything my eyes wouldnt work I can’t focus, I thought I was done with this I thought I was better.  
Apollo: no non on on on o n.  
*The liquid is slowly covering his face till the creature bites his head and he wakes up in the spot he arrived in, Apollo falls to the ground* 
Apollo: im sorry, I I I im sorry im im……. 
0 notes
school-in-london · 10 months
20231125 10TH ANNIV. TOUR [TOKYO]
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■ DJ: タイラダイスケ
Yuno / Fall In Love
Los Retros / Someone to Spend Time With
Kurt Vile / Gone Girl
The Arcs / Sunshine
Fonteyn / Girl on a Motorcycle
Hovvdy / True Love
Buzzard Buzzard Buzzard / On the Kill Again
Sam Blasucci / Sha La La
Big Thief / Forgotten Eyes
Primal Scream / Star
Daddy Freddy & Horace Andy / Dirty Money Business
Stimulator Jones / Need Your Body
OGRE YOU ASSHOLE / 真ん中で(from 浮かれている人twilight edition EP)
Janelle Monáe / Lipstick Lover
Cleo Sol / 23
Ami Faku & Gallo Remixed / There's Music in the Air (feat. Black Coffee)
Vampire Weekend / We Belong Together (feat. Danielle Haim)
Benny Sings / Pyjamas feat. Remi Wolf
lola coca / The Map
- ■ DJ: 遠藤孝行
Little Simz / Point and Kill (feat. Obongjayar)
Wu-Lu / Scrambled Tricks
Twin Peaks / Dance Through It
The Last Dinner Party / Sinner
Peace / Happy Cars
DEAN / Love (feat. Syd)
Dua Lipa / Houdini
Tame Impala / Is It True
Blur / Music Is My Radar
Water From Your Eyes / Out There
The XX / On Hold
The 1975 / Happiness
The Strokes / Brooklyn Bridge to Chorus
The Cribs / Men's Needs
Bloom Twins / Drunk & Loud
Thee Oh Sees / Die Laughing
Mock Media / Modern Visions
- ■ DJ: 村田タケル
Deadletter / Line The Cows
Water From Your Eyes / True Life
The Psychotic Monks / Post-Post-
Thank / Trouble Cube
Fat Dog / King of the Slugs
HMLTD / The End Is Now
Black Country, New Road / Dancers
boygenius / Not Strong Enough
Arlo Parks / Weightless
Emily Yacina / Gleaming
The Drums / I Want It All
Computerwife / Vacation
Royel Otis / I Wanna Dance With You
cumgirl8 / llc
Current Joys / Dr Satan
Lifeguard / 17-18 Lovesong
My Bloody Valentine / Nothing Much To Lose
Protomartyr / 3800 Tigers
bar italia / my little tony
Treeboy & Arc / Box Of Frogs
Italia 90 / Funny Bones
- ■ DJ: タイラダイスケ
Dehd / Bop
The Strokes / The Adults Are Talking
Dominic Fike / How Much Is Weed?
SuperJazzClub / Cameras
Watch the Ride & Nia Archives / Mash up the Dance
Miso / Emotions (feat. Lil Cherry)
Mura Masa / Whenever I Want
The Postal Service / Such Great Heights
Romy & Fred again.. / Strong
Troye Sivan / Rush
salute / Joy
Disclosure & RAYE / Waterfall
Jorja Smith / Little Things
PinkPantheress & Ice Spice / Boy's a liar Pt. 2
Eliza Rose / Better Love
bed / Kare Wa
Confidence Man / Angry Girl
Nirvana / Drain You
The Beatles / Tomorrow Never Know's
The Stone Roses / I Am The Resurrection
- ■ DJ: 遠藤孝行
LCD Soundsystem / All My Friends
Blur / Tender(Cornelius Remix)
Arctic Monkeys / 505
Hosegirl / Option8
Yuck / Get Away
Hole / Celebrity Skin
Courting / Flex
The Libertines / Don't Look Back Into the Sun
Equal Parts / lying Down
Ash / Burn Baby Burn
Bleachers / Modern Girl
Elvis Costello / Pump It Up
Catfish and the Bottlemen / Emily
Alvvays / Pharmacist
Ride / Chelsea Girl
- ■ DJ: 村田タケル
The Hazmats / Wondered
Yard Act / The Trapper's Pelts
Porchlight / Noel
Moin / Melon
Yo La Tengo / Fallout
Horsegirl / Anti-Groly
bar italia / worlds greatest emoter
bar italia / Polly Armour
bar italia / Punkt
Tramhaus / Karen is a Punk
shame / The Fall Of Paul
Double Virgo / No Sweat
Doss / Strawberry
Sextile / New York
Crack Cloud / Image Craft (Live in London)
Model/Actriz / Amaranth
black midi / John L
The Lounge Society / Last Breath
The Murder Capital / Return My Head
Moreish Idols / Chum
Pet Shimmers / Mortal Sport Argonaut
Exlovers / Moth-Eaten Memories
Italia 90 / New Factory
The Wake / On Our Hnoeymoon
The Cure / Jumping Someone Else's Train
HighSchool / Only a Dream
Courting / Famous
Tramhaus / Beep Beep
~Ending~ bar italia / Friends
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walkerwords · 4 years
“Hold On” Rick Grimes & Daughter!Reader
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GIF CREDIT: http://gph.is/2yDy2U6
Request from @joelsheartache:  I'd like to request a Rick x daughter!reader. The reader it shot instead of Olivia, but instead of a head shot it's in her abdomen but the shot is still fatal. Rick tries to stop the blood flow and says things along the lines of "You're gonna be okay, baby girl! You just have to focus on me! No, no, y/n, keep your eyes open!" You can decide if she lives or not! This may not be the best request, but I really liked the idea!
Word Count: 3635
Warning: Major Angst
Song I Wrote To: “Hold On” by Chord Overstreet
Note: Oof this was a request that I was both excited and stressed to write. I hope you like it
When you discovered your brother was missing, you knew exactly where he had gone. 
You knew Carl wanted to kill Negan and you knew that he had been becoming more reckless since everything had happened at Terminus. Then, when Negan had killed Glenn and Abraham in front of him, Michonne had told you that something had shifted in your younger brother’s eyes.
You hadn’t been there when the Saviors had taken your people and killed your friends, but when they had returned and your father, Rick, came to find you, he hadn’t hesitated to take you in his arms and make sure that you were still there, that you were still alive. 
You were his eldest and whenever he wasn’t home, you were the one who wanted to look after your little sister. However, seeing how broken they all looked, a part of you wished you would have been there. Maybe you would have been able to stop Negan or at least stop him from taking Daryl. 
Living with Negan’s boot on your necks was horrible. Every day you woke up and you didn’t know what was going to happen. While you were used to that due to the new world, this was a new kind of danger and one your father was determined to keep you and your siblings from. 
That is until Carl decided to go all lone-wolf and test your patience.
The next time you saw your brother he was being led back through Alexandria by Negan himself. You were helping Gabriel in the pantry when they had arrived. Rage entered your chest as you saw the murderer walking alongside Carl, but when you saw where they were headed, that was when you nearly ran after them. However, Gabriel had grabbed your arm, shaking his head. 
“Don’t,” he whispered. “Remember what Rick said. Carl won’t let him hurt her and I don’t believe Negan would harm a child.” 
“He threatened to make my dad cut off his own son’s arm, Father,” you spat, staring after them. 
“But he didn’t and I don’t know what happened with Carl, but he is still alive and looks unharmed. We have to trust that he will be safe.” You pushed away from him.
“Nobody is safe anymore,” you had told him, “and if he touches a hair on Judith’s head, I’m going to kill him.” 
The rule that your dad had given you was simple: don’t let people know you were his daughter. At least, not his enemies’. You looked more like your grandparents than your parents and your Uncle Shane had once said that you could pass for Lori’s sister rather than her daughter which had come in handy at times.
Especially when Gareth hadn’t targeted you when he had attacked the church and so you were able to get a jump on him before your father had brought the machete down. 
You kept out of Negan’s way for as long as possible until the moment arrived when Spencer Monroe decided to make an appearance. You never liked Spencer, nobody in your family did. He was proud, arrogant, and he had been stuck in Alexandria for way too long. He was a child trying to be a man and you were done with his high and mighty attitude. 
When the moron had invited Negan to drink and play pool out in the street, that was when you had finally approached him and the others. Your brother was standing on the porch next to Olivia when you walked over. His eyes met yours and he shook his head, but you ignored him, planting yourself on the grass below him, crossing your arms. 
You watched as Spencer tried to convince Negan to work alongside him instead of your father and you had to keep reminding yourself to stay calm. Rick and Aaron were on their way back. It was only a matter of time before they came home. You knew that was what Negan was waiting for, the opportunity to rub it in your dad’s face that Carl had been returned safely. 
As you thought about all the ways you could potentially slit Negan’s throat, a cry of alarm brought you out of your thoughts. Looking up, you saw Spencer hunched over and in Negan’s hand was a blade dripping in blood. He was smiling as Spencer’s guts spilled from his abdomen. Monroe collapsed to the ground as his intestines slipped through his fingers.
Negan went to make some kind of speech when Rosita pulled a gun from the back of her pants. You barely had a second to stop her before she aimed and fired at Negan. You froze, waiting for his body to drop, but the bullet had hit his bat instead. 
“Shit! What the shit!” Negan bellowed as Rosita looked at him in utter shock. The next second, one of Negan’s lieutenants slammed Rosita into the pavement, holding her down by her throat. “Shit! You just‒ You tried to kill me!? You shot Lucille!” he screamed. Rosita sneered at him from the ground. 
“She got in the way,” she growled. Negan, fuming, turned Lucille to observe the slug that now marred her smooth surface.
“What is this? What is this? This little bad boy made from scratch? Look at those crimps. This was homemade. You may be stupid, darlin', but you showed some real ingenuity here,” Negan spat and then gestured to the woman that held your friend down. “Arat, move that knife up on that girl's face.” Rosita squirmed under Arat, but held her tongue. “Lucille's beautiful, smooth surface is never gonna look the same, so why should yours?! Unless... Unless you tell me who made this.”
“It was me!” Rosita yelled from the ground. “I made it.”
“You see, now I just think you're lying. And you lying to me now? Such a shame. Arat's gonna have to cut up that pretty face,” Arat pressed the knife against Rosita’s cheek. “One more try.” Rosita remained silent.
“Oh! You are such a badass! Fine. Have it your way. Arat…, Negan paused as he lazily looked around the group that had gathered. “Kill somebody,” he finished and Rosita yelled, trying to shove Arat off of her. 
“No. It was me!” she tried again, but it was too late. In a single move, Arat spun on her knee, pulled her gun, and squeezed the trigger.
The next thing you heard wasn’t the gunshot, but the sound of your younger brother screaming as heat rushed into your abdomen.
“No!” Carl screamed and Olivia watched in horror as you collapsed to the ground. 
Carl vaulted over the railing and slid to your side. “Oh god,” he said, trying to figure out where to put his hands, but there was already too much blood. You stared up at him, trying to figure why he looked so stressed, and when you looked down at yourself and saw the blood, the wound, terror entered your mind.
Not like this. 
From down the road came two people, running as fast as they could. Rick nearly dragged Aaron who looked to be beaten. When Rick had gotten to the group, both Tobin and Eugene tried to stop him.
“Rick, stop!” Gabriel said, trying to hide you from view. Rick pushed against the men that held him, handing Aaron over to Tara and Scott. When Gabriel tried to stop him again, Rick shoved him out of the way. 
And then, he saw you. 
It was like Lori all over again. He walked forward before his knees gave out and Tobin had to catch him again. Carl looked up at his father, tears already flowing from his left eye. “No!” Rick cried, agony soaking his voice. 
“Damn!” Negan said, “someone was popular.” 
“She’s Rick’s daughter!” Rosita snapped at Negan, getting her voice back as the cut on her face bled. Lucille went from his shoulder to down by his side in a single movement at her words and then Negan took a step back, his face full of shock. 
Rick nearly crawled to you, forcing himself to be by your side. His eyes widened as he took in your condition. You knew what he was seeing, there was too much blood. There wasn’t anything anyone could do. Rick was shaking as he knelt in the grass.  “No, no, no, dammit, please (Y/N), not like this, sweetheart,” Rick pleaded. 
“(Y/N),” Carl choked out, trying to get you to look at him. 
“No, I promised her,” Rick cried. “I promised Lori I would keep you safe! All three of you, I was supposed to protect all three of you…” Weak, you reached for your dad, sliding your hand up his face to feel the stubble that you loved so much. Blood smeared along his cheek as you tried to memorize the feel.
“It’s okay,” you whispered. 
“She’s only seventeen!” Gabriel hollered, turning his attention to Negan. You were only a year and a half older than Carl and while the two of you had grown up together, you had always felt responsible for him and now as you began to not feel the pain, all you could think of was how you didn’t want to leave him. 
“Dammit, Arat! What the fuck!” Negan yelled, approaching her. 
“You said to kill someone,” Arat argued, but Negan wasn’t hearing it. He grabbed her by her arm and hauled her up. 
“Not a fucking kid,” Negan snarled and then he threw her to his men. “Take her back to the Sanctuary. I’ll deal with her later.” As Saviors took care of their comrade, Negan turned back to you and your family.
Your father was leaning over you, brushing the hair from your face. Lifting your hand towards your brother, you ran it along the side of his face. Carl leaned into your touch, his best friend. You tried to wipe the tears that flowed down his cheek, but you could barely keep your arm up.
“You’re gonna be okay,” your dad said, pressing a firm kiss to the back of your hand, but you were shaking your head. 
“No, I’m not,” you said with a weak cough. “I’m so sorry dad,” you told him, tears falling from your own eyes. “I promised not... to go… near him.”
“Shh, it’s okay,” Rick said. “Don’t apologize.” You began to cry more as the coldness seeped into your limbs. 
“Dad,” you whispered, “daddy, don’t let me...don’t let me turn.” Rick’s eyes closed as his sobs took over him. “Promise me,” you finished. 
“I promise, but you have to keep your eyes open for me. Don’t give up...” Rick pleaded and then you looked at your brother, your breathing labored as you mustered up the strength to look him in the eye. 
“Tell Judith...Carl, you need to tell her…” you tried to finish, but Carl was already nodding. 
“I will, (Y/N/N), I’ll tell her,” Carl promised.
“I love you both so much,” you said. “Michonne and Carol too and...Greene,” you said, not wanting to say Maggie’s name, not even then. “Tell them please.”
“We will,” Rick promised. “I love you so much.”
“I’m sorry, (Y/N),” Carl cried. “I’m sorry I snuck out to go there.” You shook your head, silently begging him to not blame himself. “I love you.” You squeezed your eyes shut as you nodded quickly.
You didn’t try to stop the tears now as they came at full force. You had thought about dying since the beginning of the outbreak. It was hard not too. You had seen so much death already, but you never imagined this is how you would meet your end. 
With a deep breath, you turned your eyes to Negan, the only person who would be able to deliver your final message. Negan looked at you, bleeding and broken and he wanted to look away, but couldn’t.
“You,” you said hoarsely, “you need to tell Daryl that I meant it. Tell him I meant it. He’ll know,” you said and then with a cough, blood sprayed from your lips. As you stared up at the sky, your father turned his eyes to his enemy and they were as empty as he felt. 
Negan’s eyes went from your father’s face to the hatchet at Rick’s hip. His hand curled around the handle, red entering those bright blue eyes of his. Negan looked as if he wanted to say something, but seeing Grimes leaning over his dying child had shut him up immediately. 
Your father and brother held onto you as you lay in the grass of the front yard. There had been times that you thought you were going to die. The first time was when the farm was overrun, the second was when a Walker had nearly killed you while you were out on a run with Daryl at the prison, and the last time had been at Terminus. 
You thought you would be ready, but you weren’t. You didn’t want to die and you just knew that your father would stop at nothing to avenge your death and that was something that you dreaded, but you also knew nothing would stop him. Not Michonne, not Carl, and not even himself. 
Your grip loosened on your father and brother as you grew more tired. You didn’t know what would be on the other side. Perhaps there wasn’t anything anymore, but there was one person you were hoping to see and that was your mother. 
All you wanted was your mom. 
As darkness filled your vision, you imagined Lori reaching her hand toward you and with a small smile, you took your final breath. 
Tara was the first one to crumble. 
“(Y/N)!” she cried as Eugene caught hold of her, keeping her upright. Your best friend tried to get to you, but Porter made sure to keep her steady and in his arms. Rosita cried on the ground, guilt wracking her body as Gabriel stood by, saying a silent prayer for you. Carl stared down at you, your vacant eyes pointed at the heavens. He gently reached over and closed them, brushing his hand across your face. 
“Rick,” Negan tried, but Grimes was frozen in shock. Instead, Carl was the one to answer the killer before him. Carl stood and slowly faced Negan, creating a barrier between you and the enemy. 
“You killed my sister,” Carl said, tilting his head that was very much his father. Negan tried to speak, but Carl shook his head.  “Get out, Negan,” Carl said between his teeth, his hand reaching for a gun that wasn’t there, “before I do kill you and trust me I’ll do it with my bare hands.”
The look on the teen’s face told him everything he needed to know, but before Negan could react, Michonne came running down the street, her katana swinging behind her back. 
Everyone stepped aside as she ran towards you and her family. When she saw your body, Michonne’s eyes widened and then she ran to your side. “Oh, my girl,” Michonne said, gently, laying her shaking hand over your heart tears springing up behind her dark eyes.
Rick didn’t say anything as he reached over and took Michonne’s other hand, something he never did in front of outsiders. Michonne turned to the man she loved and pressed a kiss to his head as he leaned into her. 
Then, because he knew that there wasn’t an infinite amount of time, Rick drew his knife, turning it over in his hand. Michonne lowered the blade, not wanting him to do it. He didn’t need to be the one to do it. Instead, Aaron staggered forward and opened his palm, ready to take the burden from the Grimes’ family just as they would do for him. 
Michonne passed the knife to their friend as he kneeled down and turned your head to the side. Michonne buried her head into Rick’s shoulder as Aaron severed your brainstem and shoved the blade into your skull, placing you at rest for a final time. 
Carl continued to act as a barrier between you and the Saviors, allowing your father and the woman who had become like a mother to you, say goodbye. Carl, who was still crying, never wavered. 
“We’re leaving,” Negan announced and slowly the Saviors turned on their heels and walked back down the road, but not before Negan plunged his knife into Spencer’s skull, finishing him as he had begun moving once again. 
Scott, Tobin, and a grief-stricken Tara followed the Saviors out of Alexandria, slamming the gate behind them. In the distance, Tara could hear the wails of Rick, Carl, and Michonne as they cried for their daughter and sister who was stolen from them.
It was well into the evening when you and Spencer were buried. 
It was agreed that Spencer would be buried next to Deanna and you, next to the flower bed. A part of Rick wished he could have taken your body to Hilltop to bury you with Glenn, but he knew he had to keep Maggie safe and not draw attention to the other community. 
Rosita had taken a car with Eugene to inform Maggie, Sasha, and Jesus of what had happened to you. Rick knew how much Maggie loved you and he dreaded to know how she reacted to the news. 
In the light of the moon, Carl, Michonne, and Rick knelt at your grave. Judith sat nearby, unaware that her sister was now gone forever. In her small hands was a bracelet that you had always worn, one she liked to play with. Carl had given it to her just before Gabriel had helped lower you into the ground. 
It was silent before commotion drew the Grimes’ family out of their thoughts. From behind a house, Tara appeared, out of breath with wide eyes.
“What is it?” Michonne asked, but Tara was just shaking her head. Rick and Michonne glanced at each other before getting to their feet and following Tara who was gesturing them to follow her. 
Carl stayed with Judith while Rick and Michonne made their way to the gate. What they saw, or rather, who, had Rick running at top speed. Leaning against Eric, bloody and beaten, but alive, was Daryl.
Rick ran to him, halting right before he plowed into the archer. Daryl squeezed Eric’s arm and promised him that he was good. Eric nodded and then left the brothers alone. “Daryl?” Rick asked, completely in shock. 
“Son of a bitch let me go,” Daryl explained, shaking his dirty hair out of his face. “Just walked into my cell, dragged me out, threw me in a truck, and dropped me a half mile that way,” he said, pointing over his shoulder.
Rick was trying to understand Negan’s reasoning, but all he could think about was the fact that Daryl was home and no longer in his enemies clutches. “He lyin’ about (Y/N)?” Daryl asked and Rick shook his head. 
Daryl didn’t hesitate any longer. He walked forward and took his brother into his arms. Rick collapsed against him, careful of his injuries. He clutched at Daryl’s back as the latter shook from emotion as well.
Daryl remembered when he had first met you. You were strong for a kid who had just seen the world burn and he liked you immediately. Then, you had met Beth on the farm and the two of you had been inseparable. He remembered how broken you were after her death and how you worked to overcome it, getting closer to Tara and your brother. 
He couldn’t even begin to imagine you lying in the ground, still and cold. Michonne approached Daryl next and kissed him on the cheek as he held her, feeling her grief as well. The three warriors leaned on each other as they felt your loss and then, eventually, Daryl needed to see you.
Michonne and Carl gave Daryl and Rick a moment by your grave. There was a simple marker and the necklace you always wore, a gift from Shane, was looped around the top of the cross for now. Rick was planning on giving it to Judith when she was older. 
“What did she mean?” Rick said, breaking the silence. “(Y/N), she told Negan to tell you that ‘she meant it’. What did she mean?” Daryl sighed, rubbing a hand over his stubbled jaw. 
“She once told me that she wanted me to fight,” Daryl explained. “It was after Beth and I told her about my old man.” Rick nodded, knowing the story of Will Dixon and what the bastard had done to Daryl as well as Merle. “I was doubtin’ myself, I didn’t think I could protect anyone again after I lost her. She believed I was a better man than my dad. I guess she really meant it.” 
Daryl chewed on his thumb as he looked at the grave, willing himself not to cry. “She was about to be eighteen,” Rick said. 
“Born in the winter, right?” Daryl remembered and Rick nodded. “Yeah, Lori mentioned that once.” 
“I’m gonna kill him,” Rick said after a moment, his eyes on the night sky. 
“No more waitin’, man,” Daryl said. “We gotta fight and we gotta fight for her just as she was willin’ to fight for Glenn, Abraham, Beth, and every other damn person we’ve lost.”
Rick nodded and then Daryl offered his hand to his best friend. Rick gripped it tight. He made a silent promise to you then just as he had to Lori as she died, he wasn’t going to let them win and he wasn’t going to let the world take any more of his family. 
“We kill them all,” said Rick, “and Negan is mine.” 
TAGS:  @thanossexual @yes-sir-hotchner  @felicisimor @amaroho
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gailynovelry · 2 years
August Writing Dash: Day 5!
Starting Wordcount: 29,000.
Ending Wordcount: 30,000.
Chapter Finished?: None specific.
Eating: Hashbrown casserole. Mmmm.
Spent most of my wordcount on the end of Chapter Five, and a little bit on the beginning of Chapter Three. Think I finally figured out where that one is going! Sometimes, Navaeli chapters are harder to hash out; a lot of the things going on with her are more subtle than with Crislie or Meparik, given their more direct problems and problemsolving techniques.
Speaking of Crislie's problems . . . there's a content warning for this excerpt! I'm not always sure about what needs to be tagged and what doesn't, but I think that a severed head definitely needs a tag.
Excerpt under the cut;
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One of the wyfwolves swiftly returned with a severed head of her own, clenched victoriously between her jaws. Through the matted, bloodstained hair, Crislie saw the gold-beaded hairjeweling of Gadhi’s merchant nobles.
“Wonderful work, Duvha!” one of the wyfwolves cheered.
Aunt Duvha spat out the head in disgust and shook herself, shedding her fur for her human form — a slim, unassuming Ulluan woman. Another wyfwolf woman wrapped a cloak around her and handed her an uen. Her mouth and hair was smeared with crimson blood, and her snarl quivered with a ferocity that faded a little more with every slow, calm breath.
“When Regory Draye and his slimy son next return to Rhimn, I pray to Alluari and Lykari that they do so as worms,” Aunt Duvha said, finally wiping the blood from her mouth with a weary grin.
“As slugs, even.”
“As the moss beneath your paws!” Gildhe called out, ever-helpful.
“So we’ll bury him like a bone, and deny him his cremation?” a wyfwolf with earth-coated paws suggested, wagging her tail hopefully.
“He doesn’t deserve one of our burials,” Aunt Duvha refuted.
“Then we’ll leave him in the woods. Once the wild game feeds on him, he’ll have finally contributed something worthwhile to our community.”
Crislie watched impassively as the wyfwolves continued to take care of each other — only snapping out of her own stupor as one of them tentatively handed her a washcloth wetted from their own canteen.
“Here,” the woman said. She was stout and blonde, yet another one of these too-many-to-keep-track of Aunts. Aunt Cera, maybe? “Wipe some of that off of you.”
Crislie took it with a dazed blink and snuck a glance at herself in a nearby puddle. Her own appearance was marred and damp with flecks of gore and sweat. Dirt-spackled, tangle-haired, and wild-eyed. Daughi’s image, hovering over her right shoulder, was much the same. They could be kin too, were they not human and wolf.
“You’ll get used to it,” Aunt Cera added, before handing another cloth to Gildhe.
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nomadicauthor287 · 3 years
The Ghost AU
The Bad Batch leaves the orphanage in a hurry after finding out a terrible truth. When they flee they leave one of their own behinds. They find an abandoned house in the middle of the woods.
The children in the orphanage are being sold off as child soldiers to the highest bidder after being implanted with inhibitor chips
So the Headmaster enlists some supernatural help to retrieve their most valued subject. Omega is the experiment of the Head Doctor who was obsessed with supernatural abilities. She is an empath, she’s able to understand the emotions of others and creatures. A hunter enlists the help of the demons and otherworldly creatures to track them down. The demon of the house in the middle of the woods agrees to a deal with the Hunter. In exchange for the capture of Omega, the demon gets the souls of Bad Batch.
Once settled into the house, Omega meets a kid named Boba while wandering the forest. He tells her the house she now lives in is haunted by ghosts and demons of those who went missing in the woods. They bond over exploring the forest to find a well at the end of a cliff.
When she returns only Tech is home working on his computer. She recounts to him how she nearly fell down a well but he doesn’t really pay attention. Then she finds a doll wrapped in newspaper that looks exactly like her. She pays no mind to it while she explores the house. As she explores the house she discovers a tiny door and asks Tech to help her open it but Tech passes the task to Echo.
Echo finds the key and opens the door for Omega. But the door was all bricked up until that night.
That night Omega is awoken by a white rat taking her beloved doll to the tiny door in the living room. When she passed through the door she found the room to be brighter and homey. Then there was the delicious scent coming from the kitchen
Omega finds Hunter cooking in the kitchen but when she turns around she sees he has buttons for eyes. The Other Hunter tells her that he’s the Other Hunter, the “Better” Hunter. Then he tells her to go retrieve the Other Crosshair in the study. She doesn’t think twice about it and runs to the study.
When she goes into the study she finds the Other Crosshair playing the piano. He turned around to reveal that he too, had buttons for eyes. The Other Crosshair sings a song to her which makes her happy. But she didn’t know it was meant as a warning.
After the song, he gives her a piggyback ride back to the kitchen where a delicious dinner was waiting for them. From chicken to mashed potatoes, all the food she couldn’t have at the orphanage. For dessert, there was a cake just for her that said “Welcome Home”
She was confused until the Other Hunter tells her that they have been waiting for her to return. Before she could question it the Other Crosshair cut the cake and served them
By the time that dessert was done Omega felt tired so the Other Crosshair carried her to bed. He tucked her in and read her a story. To her, the normal Crosshair wouldn’t do that.
When she woke in the morning everything was back to normal. The same dreary house she started living in. She tried to convince the others that it wasn’t a dream but they put it off as a childish fantasy.
That day she tried to get Wrecker to help her start a garden but he tells her he has to help fix the van with Tech while the others go to town for food. This leaves her to her own devices with her doll which leads her to the attic.
In the attic, she finds an old projector and decides to fix it up. After fixing it up she sees a film of two brothers flying in the air like trapeze artists. It reminds her of all the stories Echo told her of his twin brother Fives.
She spots another white rat and it leads her back to the little door in the living room. Before she could go in she’s startled by a black cat named Tup. Boba greets her and asks her to go slug hunting with them. They have a great time hunting slugs until Boba is called home by a bell.
By this point, the others have returned and are making dinner which is basically some really bad casserole made by Hunter. She eats it to make Hunter happy but doesn’t eat much.
That night after Tech attempts to read a story normally but ends up overanalyzing the story she sets a trap for the rats. The trap will alert her if they take the bait.
The trap works and soon Omega finds herself back in the other world. This time the Other Hunter cooked her breakfast for dinner. But the Other Hunter tells her to go fetch the Other Wrecker from the garden. Before she could protest about them not having a garden, the Other Hunter gives her some waffles to eat on her way to the garden.
When she gets outside she sees Wrecker riding a giant grasshopper that he uses to help plow the fields and gardens. He shows her that the garden is actually shaped to look like her.
After dinner with breakfast food, the Other Hunter tells her the Other Tech wants to take Omega to a show. She asks what kind of show it is but they tell her it’s a secret.
When the Other Tech arrives she sees that he too has button eyes with a zipper mouth. The Other Hunter assures her that it didn’t hurt him. The Other Tech gestures it doesn’t hurt and has her open his mouth. When he speaks he speaks in plain English. The Other Tech leads her to the basement which turns out to be a theatre
The show they watched was actually a trapeze act with Echo and Fives. The twins pull Omega into their act. She has the time of her life but the Other Tech is uneasy
When the Other Tech was returning Omega she was met up with the Other Hunter and Crosshair. The Other Crosshair brigns Omega to bed but the Other Hunter turns to the Other Tech and makes a gesture for him to smile. In this world the Other Tech is less sassy and a bit more timid.
The next day she gets frustrated with the others when they lock the door because they found rat crap and things going bump in the night. This makes her lash out at them. She tells them that the little door is the best thing that has happened to her in a while. They took away her fun and “everything” she liked.
2.) She runs away to a treehouse where she finds another door to the other world. She breaks the lock and goes through it. Boba finds the treehouse and launches a rescue mission by himself.
During all this Echo tells Hunter that Omega needs space. Wrecker suggests they look through the door and they get kidnapped and put into a jail cell in the Other World.
Omega wakes up in the other world in her room but with 3 new plushies in her room
A T-rex, hyena, and a wolf with a bow on its ear
“Why the hell am I wearing a tutu and bow on my ear?” Wolffe growls angrily
They try to talk her into going back to the real world. The world that she is in is a lie and that her real family is in danger.
Before she could question them more the dinner bell rings and she runs downstairs excited.
The trio groans and tries to follow her but ends up falling off the bed.
Omega runs downstairs and accidentally falls down the stairs in front of the Other Crosshair. He rushes to her aid and gently takes care of her. He gives her warm hugs and is more affectionate of her than the real Crosshair according to her.
Eventually, he takes her to go see a circus in the attic with his rats. He gives an outfit for her to wear to the performance while he goes and gets the rats ready.
The plushie trio tells her that their names are Rex, Wolffe, and Gregor. They’re friends of Hunter and try to warn her that she is walking straight into a trap. They tell her that they are just like her but their abilities came from great pain.
She doesn’t heed their warning and instead takes them with her to the attic for the show.
Turns out the show is a rat circus with Crosshair as the ringleader. They did little tricks for her and pulled her into the act with her.
After the show Crosshair brought her to dinner where the whole Other family was waiting for her. There was a lavish meal set out for her.
They ask her if she likes this world and she says yes and wants to stay forever. With that answer, they hand her a box that contains buttons with needles and thread.
A chill ran down her spine but she thought about her life in the other world, the real world. Right as she was about to say yes to the buttons Boba rushes in to save her while the trio of dolls cause a distraction
Omega gets mad at Boba while he drags her through the door to the real world.
Then he explains to her that there was a demon trying to capture her. She asks him how he knows that and he says Tup told him.
She is skeptical until Tup jumps onto the two and explains the whole ordeal.
Tup tells the two that the house demon is a spider demon that traps its prey with illusions. Then he tells Omega that the demon has taken her brothers. Tup pulls the dolls of the Bad Batch out.
Omega finally believes him and asks the others to help her save her real family
When they return to the other world Omega asks to play a game with the Other Hunter. In each of the wonders made for Omega, there is a treasure that belonged to her real family. For every treasure, she finds she, in turn, saves her family’s soul.
Tech and Echo’s treasures are found in the basement theatre and upon finding their treasures they have to fight the Other Echo who is conjoined at the hip with the Other Fives. Meanwhile, the Other Tech lures Omega away and hands her a note saying how sorry he is, and hands her the real Tech’s glasses. After their defeat, the Other Tech and Echo+Fives are reduced to dust.
The real Tech and Echo are released from their prisons within the treasure.
Boba gives the two a rundown of what happened so far and immediately the two hug and checks the kids over for injuries.
The next person they go after is the Other Wrecker and he fights hard. It takes all of them to take him out in order to retrieve Lula from the giant grasshopper.
In the end, they retrieve Lula and Wrecker is returned
The next person they go after is the Other Crosshair in the attic but when they get there he begs Omega not to fight. He tells her that the real Crosshair is not there and that he is just rats. The real Crosshair is back at the orphanage waiting for them to save him
The Other Crosshair tells them that the last of their family is being held by the Other Hunter.
The Other Hunter only allows Omega to come in and play one final game for the soul of the Real Hunter
Now the Other Hunter looked more grotesque now. His skin was cracking and stitches were showing now. He challenges to a game of hiding and seeks with him as the seeker and Omega as the hider.
The others are spectating except for Tup. He helps Omega find where Hunter’s bandana is but the demon doesn’t let her escape.
Omega rallies the souls of those who died to attack the demon for revenge to give her and her family a chance to escape
As they escape the house falls apart on itself. Hunter is in a daze as they escape the house. When they hit the woods Boba leads them back to his home.
Boba lives alone after his father died. The Bad Batch decide to take him with them after the whole ghostly demon ordeal
Then they hatch a plan to go after Crosshair after they find books that Boba was keeping. It was a book about the supernatural. From there they learn everything they can from the supernatural in order to save their brother.
@itsjml @dreamy-day-daze @agentmarymargaretskitz @kratosfan6632466 @eyecandyeoz @echoy-naak @zaffrefox @soundwavetherav
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lizamango · 3 years
Finding You (Bucky Barnes x Reader) 2/?
A/N: Hi everyone! I’ve decided to call this fic Finding You, just to inform you for future chapters! Getting my second vaccine tomorrow!! 😁🤩
Summary: You’ve been one of SHIELD’s top spies for years but what happens when the organisation you’ve put your trust in crumbles and Captain America gives you a mission to help him find his best friend? The last thing you expected to happen was to fall in love with your assignment and become best friends with a witch.
Taglist ~ just comment if you wanna be added
@buckylokisimp​, @white-wolf-buckaroo, @austynparksandpizza, @markandlexies
Word Count: 2345 (this is so fucking satisfying omg)
Chapter 1
Warnings: Just curse words, rewrites are hard but it’s kinda like shifting but through fanfiction??
Chapter Summary: Steve Rogers doesn’t trust you very much
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On our way back, the STRIKE team is on celebration mode while Rogers is quiet. It won’t be a surprise if he goes to see Fury about the side mission I was assigned without his knowing. As we land on the Triskelion landing pad I watch as Captain Rogers leaves without a goodbye and heads to, undoubtedly, Fury’s office.
I tune into Fury’s communicator.
“Heads up, Fury. Angry Cap on your way. He found out about my mission.”
“Batroc?” he asks.
“He got away,” I answer regrettably.
“I’ll have international agents on high alert. You’ve done your part. Just leave the drive with me after Rogers.”
“Yes sir.”
I put all the weapons into the cache and go to clean up, changing out of my stealth suit and into a SHIELD hoodie and sweats that I keep in the locker for after missions. I wait by Fury’s office doors and he finally emerges from the elevator without an angry Cap.
“Gave him a little tour of Project Insight,” he says as he unlocks his office.
I walk in behind him. “That’s brave of you.”
“He didn’t like it.” He takes a seat and so did I.
“I’m sure he didn’t.” I fish out the hard drive and put it on the table. “One super secret hard drive for Nicholas J Fury,” I announce like a waitress.
“Good job.”
“He didn’t think so.”
“I want you to keep an eye on him. Just make sure he doesn’t do anything, alright?”
“What could he possibly do?” I raise my brows.
“He isn’t on board. I need you to get him there.”
“Don’t you already have an agent assigned to him?”
“Agent 13 is for when he’s off duty. You will be there for when he’s on.”
I scoff. “Have you met the guy? That’s all the time.”
“That’s an order, Agent.”
I nod. “Fine. Have you heard anything else on HYDRA?”
“The last reliable intel we have is three years old now, Y/N. It’s hard to track them down.”
“I don’t understand why you had to take me out. I was getting close to something. Someone. I don’t know.”
“Finding the world’s greatest soldier just took precedent. You weren’t getting anywhere for a whole year. Whatever it was, they packed it up tight.”
“Because it was something big,” I defend. “I still think you made the wrong choice. Captain America doesn’t need two babysitters.”
“Well, you try being asleep and waking up 70 years after to a whole new world and see how you feel. You’re dismissed. Get some rest. Make nice with the old man.”
I get up and leave his office. Make nice…. How do I do that when he doesn’t trust me anymore?
I get a ride home from Fitz who congratulated me on completing the mission.
“So what was he like?”
“He doesn’t like me very much,” I chuckle.
“Why not? What did you do?” he asks in an accusing tone.
“He’s the perfect man, what could he have done?”
I roll my eyes but don’t answer. We arrive at my apartment and I thank Fitz for the ride back.
Unlocking my door I go straight to the bathroom for a bath. I run the water to the perfect temperature and add a bath bomb that turns the water a glittery lilac scented with lavender. I also light a candle that crackles like a fireplace that emits a subtle smokey French vanilla. A girl’s gotta treat herself. After a good long soak I get out and decide to rest up not wanting to do anything for the rest of the day.
I wake from my nap to the ringing of my phone. Reaching over to my bedside table I read the screen which has nothing but the number 1212. Well, that can’t be good.
“This is L/N,” I say.
“I need you to find the star. Keep your guard up.”
Shit, I think as I jump out of bed and get dressed in something inconspicuous. Black trousers, leather combat boots, a Kevlar vest under a back hoodie, two pistols on my belt and a knife tucked in each boot. I pick up a grey Von Dutch trucker hat on my way out.
Walking is the safest option so I navigate toward Steve Rogers’ DC apartment that he was relocated to after the New York Invasion as he decided to become a full time SHIELD agent.
I arrive outside his apartment and see Sharon on her way out.
“What are you doing here?” she asks.
“Mission. Waiting for the Captain,” I say. I look at her scrubs. “How you liking the infectious disease ward?” I ask.
She rolls her eyes and laughs. “Well it’s just a uniform. I guess it’s better than people shooting armour piercing bullets at me.”
“I’ll see you ‘round, Kate,” I wave, using her alias.
I track Steve’s whereabouts on my phone and see that he’s at a counselling centre for veterans. Fair enough, it’s good to admit you need help.
What do you want me to do here, Fury? I wonder to myself. I decide to do a perimeter check for any bugs, wire taps or double agents.
I reach an alleyway and after peering into it I hear the scraping of a manhole against the ground. I reach for my gun and keep it to the side as I slowly approach it.
I hear a grunt and raise the gun.
“Agent,” I immediately recognize the voice as Fury’s. “Stand down.”
“Shit, Fury.” I holster the gun and help him out of the manhole. “What happened, who did this?”
“Not safe,” he says in pain.
“W-where do we go? Rogers isn’t inside.” I inspect his wounds. “Looks like you have multiple fractures on your left arm and abdominal bruising-“
“Car ambush,” he utters as he approaches the fire escape. “Stay out here, keep a look out.” He pushes a phone into my hand, I don’t recognize it as his day to day. “Anything happens, secure line 0405. I have to… get to Rogers. Do not engage unless enemies fire first.”
“That’s an order.”
I put the phone into my back pocket and stay behind as he climbs up and through the Captain’s Window.
The sky is starting to darken so I make my way through the perimeter again. Sharon returns and shortly after that, Rogers arrives, weary but alert. Just as a soldier would.
I hear some 40s music coming from the walls of the Captain’s apartment. I suppose he heard it too and got suspicious because he exits his apartment building to climb up the very same fire escape that Fury did.
My eyes follow him up and survey the roof of the building for any suspicious activity.
Suddenly three shots are fired right into one of the apartment building’s walls.
“Fuck!” I whisper, looking for the source.
“Foxtrot is down, he’s unresponsive. I need EMTs,” I hear one of my comms come through. It’s Sharon’s voice.
“Do we have a 20 on the shooter?” a dispatcher responds.
Before I know it, Captain Rogers is jumping out of his window and into the building the shots came from.
“Captain Rogers is in pursuit,” Agent Carter says.
I follow the Captain as he runs through a building following the shooter while he runs on the roof. They don’t fight but Rogers manages to throw the shield at him and does what some would say impossible as he catches it and throws it back just as hard. I stop where I am and just observe which is what Fury wanted me here for. The shooter jumps from the building and it looks like he catches himself using his… metal… arm. I look up and see Rogers standing at the edge of the rooftop, looking back down the shooter is out of sight.
“Transporting Foxtrot to BridgePoint Hospital Capitol Hill,” the dispatcher says from my comms. After sweeping the place one more time for any sign of the shooter and coming up empty I decide to take a cab to the hospital.
I put out an arm but it’s not a cab that stops in front of me.
“Get in, L/N.”
“Hill?” I get into the passenger’s seat and she starts to drive. “You’re supposed to be –“
“Fury called.”
“He was shot.”
“I know. Ballistics will tell us more at the hospital.”
“He’s gonna be okay,” I say but it’s more for my comfort than hers.
We arrive at the hospital and Maria takes a phone call while I find his room number, viewing the operation through the glass. Rogers is already there.
“Is he gonna make it?” I ask the Captain.
“I don’t know.”
“Tell me about the shooter.”
“He’s fast. Strong. Had a metal arm.”
“Ballistics?” I ask, knowing he can hear Hill’s conversation outside.
“Three slugs, no rifling. Completely untraceable,” he answers and looks at me.
Hill enters.
“Soviet-made,” I add as I put the picture together in my head.
“How did you know?”
I don’t get to answer her as the surgeons and nurses say that Fury’s in V-tach and rush to solve the problem.
“Fuck’s sake, Fury,” I whisper. “Don’t do this.” My hands start to shake as they lose his pulse and can’t bring him back. I notice that I’m mumbling something repeatedly but I can’t realise what.
I feel Rogers leave as the team gives up.
“Time of death, 1:03am,” the doctor calls.
I watch them wheel him out as Hill goes too. Taking a deep breath, I walk outside into the hallway.
“How did you know they were soviet-made?” Rogers asks, following me.
“Do you trust me?” I ask him, turning to face him.
“No. How did you know?”
“Why are you asking me when you don’t trust me?”
“Why are you dodging the question?”
“Cap!” Rumlow calls. “They want you back at SHIELD.”
“Give me a minute.”
“They want you now.”
“Okay,” he replies irritated.
“You’re not gonna ask me what Nick was doing in my apartment?” he asks.
“I know what he was doing there. Do you?” I raise a brow and turn on my heel, walking away.
I see Maria in the viewing room with Fury’s… body.
“I need to take him,” she says. “Don’t get yourself into trouble, alright?”
I roll my eyes. “I’m not a child, Maria.”
“Do you want a ride anywhere?”
“I’m good, thanks.”
“What, you’re just gonna hang around here until Rogers comes back?”
Yes that’s exactly what I was going to do. “No.”
She chuckles and walks away. I wait for all the SHIELD and STRIKE agents to clear out of the floor to go back into the waiting area. I go to the vending machine to pick up a snack and notice something that shouldn’t be there… the drive I gave Fury with SHIELD intel hidden behind three packets of bubble gum. Frowning I buy out the stack until the drive also falls to the dispenser. I take a seat, waiting for Rogers.
I don’t realise when I fell asleep until someone shakes me gently.
“I heard.”
I look up and it’s Sharon. “Hey.”
“How are you doing?”
“I’m fine.”
“Don’t you have an assignment debriefing to give?” I reply.
She shrugs. “That can wait. I wanted to see how you were doing.”
“Did you wanna know what Fury was doing at Rogers’ apartment too?” I ask, suspicious.
“Do you know?”
I nod.
“Then that’s all I need to know.”
“Fury trusts – trusted him,” I correct myself. “That means we have to.”
A beeping comes from her wrist communicator and she sighs. “I have to go. I’ll keep you in the loop about what happens at the Triskelion.”
I frown. “Why would I need to be kept in the loop?”
“Because I know you’re gonna be on the run, soon. With him. To find that shooter. Pierce won’t like that you’re after him outside of mission directives…”
“I know. You be careful, Sharon.”
She smiles stiffly and I know it’s because she’s worried about me. “If I didn’t know better I’d say you were being careless and rash.”
“But you know better.”
She chuckles softly and turns to leave. I get up walk around to stretch my legs. Where the fuck is Rogers?
An hour passes and I’m back where I started but I see the man of the hour stop in front of the vending machine. I pop a strip of gum in my mouth and walk up behind him, blowing a bubble.
His face sharpens and he sighs then pulls me by the arm and takes us into a room.
“Where is it?”
“Do better.”
“Fury trusted me. I’m on your side if he trusts you.”
“He doesn’t trust anyone. That’s the problem. That’s why he’s dead,” he says harshly.
I swallow the lump forming in my throat.
Rogers sighs and pulls away. “What’s on it?”
“I don’t know.”
“I bet you knew Fury hired the Pirates didn’t you?” he accuses.
No, no I didn’t. Stunned, I blink at the news. “Made sense. The ship was dirty, Fury needed a way in, so do you.”
“How did you know it was Soviet-made?” he repeats his earlier question, losing patience.
“I know who killed Fury,” I say. “The metal arm… I knew as soon as I saw it. 2009, Natasha had a mission in Odessa. Someone shot out her tires and killed the engineer she was protecting by shooting right through her. Soviet slug, no rifling. Metal arm. The intelligence community call him The Winter Soldier. I’ve heard him as the Asset. That’s who killed Fury.”
“How do we find him?”
“He’s been credited with two dozen assassinations in the last 50 years, Rogers. You don’t go after him. I’ve tried.”
He looks up at that, as if surprised. But he doesn’t know half the shit I’ve been through while working for SHIELD.
“So he’s a shadow.”
“Was.” I pull the drive out of my pocket and hold it up to him.
“Let’s find the Asset, then.”
Thank you for reading! I’ll update once I’ve finished Chapter 4 but I am busy this weekend!
Chapter 3
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thebisexualdogdad · 4 years
Slow burn chapter 3 - Rafael
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Age 16 part 1 
It had been 3 months since Josie and Penelope broke up. 
"Now's your chance, tell Josie how you feel about her," Hope said. 
"You think I should?" You said nervously. 
"I think you should have two years ago," she replies. 
"I'll tell Josie if you tell Landon," you state. 
"Landon has nothing to do with this," Hope says looking away. 
"Please, you haven't stopped talking about him since he and Rafael came to school," you tease. 
"It doesn't matter it's not like it would work out anyways," Hope muttered. 
"Gives me so much hope for me and Josie," you reply. 
"You and Josie are different, you'd be so great together, me and Landon are just a disaster waiting to happen," Hope explains. 
"And what if you aren't? What if you and Landon could have something real? You'll never know if you don't even try."
"You sound like a cheesy motivational poster in Alaric's office," Hope smiles. 
"What are best friend's for," you laugh. 
That day you're in the library with Josie for your usual study hall and you finally talk yourself into confessing your feelings for her. 
"Hey Jo," you mumble. 
"Yeah?" She says looking up at you but you can tell somethings not right. 
"You okay?" You ask concerned. 
"It's Lizzie," she shrugs. 
"What happened?" 
"It's just… it's stupid," she says shaking her head. 
"Jo you know you can tell me anything." 
"Lizzie called dibs on Rafael," Josie mutters. 
"Rafael? The new wolf?" You say, your confidence quickly dwindling. 
"Yeah," she says low. 
"Do you uh, do you like him?" You say not wanting to hear the answer. 
"Yeah I think I do," she smiles. 
"Well then screw what Lizzie says, you deserve to be happy," you say. 
"Thanks," she tells you, "you're a really good friend." 
Friend. That's all you were ever going to be. 
Things between Rafael and the twins did not get any easier. 
First Josie tells you that she kissed him when they were trapped by the spider demon then a few weeks later Rafael confides in you that he and Lizzie hooked up in the gym.
"Lizzie? I thought you and Josie were… I don't know… something," you tell him. 
"I mean me and Josie kissed but that was just for her to siphon magic from me," Rafael shrugs. 
"I don't think that's all it was for her," you reply. 
"Wait really?" he said surprised. 
"Come on dude you really don't know she likes you," you sighed. 
"I thought we were just friends, I guess Lizzie is more forward than Josie is," Rafael says holding his head in frustration, "what do I do man." 
"Even if you do have feelings for Josie you just slept with her twin sister, that's pretty messy." 
"I don't know if I like either of them that way...  I'm not even over Cassie… I just miss her so much," he confesses. 
"Then you gotta be honest with them and tell them you aren't ready to move on and believe me, you do not want to be the boy that comes between the Saltzman sisters," you tell him. 
"You're right, I gotta tell Lizzie that what happened was just a one time thing and Josie that we have to stay only friends," he says rubbing the back of his neck. 
"Josie will be easy but when you talk to Lizzie make sure there's no sharp objects around," you joke. 
Next you had to console Josie in your room when she was upset over Rafael and Lizzie. 
"I can't believe they had sex, Lizzie always wins," Josie says with tears in her eyes. 
"Raf hasn't talked to you yet has he," you asked reluctantly. 
"No," she says wiping away a tear.
"Lizzie didn't win anything, Rafael isn't over his ex and is going to tell her they can't hook up again," you state. 
"But that means he doesn't like me either," Josie frowns. 
"Jo, it doesn't matter what one guy thinks, you are incredible and deserve someone who will treat you as special as you are," you say rubbing her back to comfort her, "Rafael is missing out because anyone would be lucky to be with you." 
Josie smiles shyly and puts her head on your shoulder, you sit there for a while being the friend that she needed. 
The lowest blow came during the talent show when Hope told you that the whole school had been infected by magical slugs so you went looking for Josie to make sure she was alright. 
That's when you saw Josie kissing Penelope. 
After awkwardly dealing with the slugs in them you all returned to the auditorium to finish the talent show. 
Josie smiled at you as she sang her heart out and you cheered along with the rest of the school. 
"Landon and I are gonna give the whole relationship thing a shot," Hope said happily as you walked her back to her room that night. 
"That's great," you said wanting to be happy for her. 
"What happened with Josie?" Hope asked realizing you weren't as excited as she thought you'd be.  
"When I found her she was kissing Penelope," you sighed. 
"I guess she's over Rafael then," Hope says. 
"They're gonna get back together aren't they," you mutter. 
"You don't know that," Hope said trying to be positive, "it could have been a one last goodbye kiss." 
"Yeah I'm sure that was it," you said rolling your eyes, "god I hate high school."
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mystech-master · 3 years
My FGO Servant ideas/Servants I'd expect
These are some Servant ideas that I have had since I've already asked what you guys want.
I know that the Servant has to be someone that people know for the most part, since almost every Servant is someone that everyone knows with a few exceptions.
Some spoilers for other Fate works bellow
Yagyu Jubei, the One-Eyed Samurai. I feel like his NP will be some kind of Mystic Eye under his eyepatch or something. But if they want to go super Bullshut, I could imagine him being a Pseudo-Servant of Yvette L Lehrman.
Tchaikovsky, composer of 1812 Overture. The Orchestral song featuring CANNONS! I have already made a Reddit post about it here. I am trying not to just shove people in Caster
Angelica Ainsworth, holder of the Gilgamesh Class Card in Prisma Illya. I wonder how Archer/Caster Gil would react to her, or even Enkidu. I mean we know Kid Gil isn't fond of her.
Arachne, the Spider-Woman Weaver. Her Lance would simply be an enlarged sewing needle. She'd either be a sort of Spider- Centaur, or the Spider-Legs would be coming out of her legs. For some extra shit, she might be merged with the Japanese Spider-Yokai Jorogumo, or just reference it similar to how Galatea referenced the tsukumogami. Also, her being a woman made into a monster by Athena, Medusa might gain a new friend.
Sigma,>! Maiya Hisau's son from Fate/Strange Fake. Apparently the True Lancer of the True and False Holy Grail War!<. I really just want him in to see how he'd interact with the EMIYA family. ~~Someone give Shirou/EMIYA some guy friends!~~ Of course, we'll need to wait a long time for strange fate to finish to get him since the author doesn't like using f/sf characters for anything else atm.
Loki, god of mischief. Maybe being half-Jotunn can be a good enough justification to keep him as himself and not need to be a Pseudo. I like OSP's interpretation of a "genderfluid benevolent but mischievous Hearth Spirit who protects the home and family". Genderfluid would open up for one of Fate's many genderbends they love doing, but if they kept him male and make his character about all the kids he has, then imagine...Loki, who is a god of mischief and a dad.........Loki making dad jokes. Although I feel like they might go with the female Loki one since Fate loves Genderbends and IDk if Japan has an equivalent to dad jokes. The reason he'd be a Lancer is the spear of Mistletoe he gave to Höðr which then resulted in Baldr's death which is treated as the precursor to Ragnarok.
Jiraiya, the Gallant Ninja. It was either this, with him riding his summonable Toad (I mostly think of this video), Assassin b/c Ninja, Caster b/c of reasons covered in the video linked before and some similar videos by the same guy, and Saber with the Nakirimaru, or "wave cutting sword," used to exorcise the Snake Spirit from Orochimaru. I went with Rider so the Rock-Paper-Scissors match of Frog-Slug-Snake matches the classes of Jiraiya, Tsunade, and Orochimaru respectively.
Tsunade, the Slug Maiden. The reason is mentioned above in Jiraiya's segment.
TOHSAKA, Rin as a Counter Guardian. The closest we'll get to actual Rin on her own with no other god(dess) inhabiting her body as a servant. NP would be the Jeweled Sword Zelretch. Also, imagine Ishtar seeing the older Rin (her vessel)'s more developed body and getting pissed.
Orpheus, the musical son of Apollo. Considering one big part of his story was being so bummed about his wife dying that his music just depressed everyone, even the gods, with his bad vibes, I could imagine them making him into sort of an emo guitar player or some shit. But if that is too lame then giving his Lyre some Siren Song-esque powers might be something since during his adventures with the Argonauts, since when the sirens began to sing he "played music that was louder and more beautiful, drowning out the Sirens' bewitching songs."
Not too sure on the spirit, hopefully a Death God, but I want a Pseudo-Servant of Kairi Sisigou. I mean a Necromancer Mercenary, TELL ME that doesn't fit. Also the possible fun interactions he can have with Mordred again, and her family and new friends.
I mentioned above, Orochimaru, with him being a Pseudo-Servant in Souichirou Kuzuki. I just needed a snake-themed servant to put him in because I know everyone wants him as a pesudo so Medea can have her husband.
Kriemhild, wife of Siegfried. Either this or Avenger. Berserker would be the most fitting for my idea, but Avenger would also fit and most likely have cooler animations I bet. As the wiki says about her personality: "Kriemhild held a "deep‐rooted and blind love" for Siegfried, such that it's described as "passionate love that repays the murder of one’s loved one with twice the payback." Siegfried's death, rather than assuage the feud with Brunhild, caused Kriemhild to "burn with the flames of revenge."' NP being a more demonic/dark version of Balmung. I wanted her to be a sort of obsessive wife and mother to Siegfried and Sieg (I like to imagine them having a mentor-student to father-son dynamic), the family dynamics between the three would be fun to imagine.
Lycaon, the wolf king. He once tested Zeus' omniscience by serving him the roasted flesh of Lycaon's own son Nyctimus, in order to see whether Zeus was truly all-knowing. In return for these gruesome deeds, Zeus transformed Lycaon into a wolf. He'd be a pseudo for Svin Glascheit. I just needed a wolf spirit to put Svin in. I mean everyone already is imagining Berserker-Jack the Ripper using Flat as a vessel.
Magni, son of Thor. Do I even need to explain who I am using as a vessel for this Spirit?
Pandora, the all-endowed first woman. At first, I was unsure about her class. Yes, the whole thing of Pandora's Box was made as a punishment for Prometheus stealing fire (I wonder how Fate would interpret this with the whole Age of Gods vs Age of Man thing), but as the wiki says "She was given knowledge by the gods that she had to wait until humanity perished so that she can finally open the box and release the world's true potential. Because of her immortality, Pandora suffered greatly as people unreasonably tried to kill the undying mud doll whenever they discovered she wasn't human. After so many years of suffering, Pandora began questioning on why she had to go through this for humans."
Captain Ahab, Captain of the Pequod. >!Implied to be one of Watcher's Shadows in fate/strange fake, so the reason he'd be unavailable is stated above!<. His NP would be his prosthetic leg made out of whalebone, which may give him some aquatic abilities. Or it might be the harpoon that he got tangled in which resulted in his death.
Tsukuyomi, the Shinto Moon God. Using Hakuno Kishinami as a vessel. I mean combining the Admin authority from the EXTELLA's Regalia which grants him kingship of the Moon Cell with Tsukuyomi's moon god authority would be pretty cool. I know a lot of people want a Dioscuri situation where we get both male and female Hakunos but I feel like it'd be one or the other. Of course, this is only if Hakuno NEEDS a god in him. I partially Headcanon that the reason BB made Jinako a MoonCancer was as a test run for when she does it to Hakuno.
Alter Ego
Ergo, The Man Who Devoured God. From The Adventures of Lord El-Melloi. " Because of the method of creation he has several gods within him after devouring their flesh. All three gods within him, one of which is Sun Wukong, have the shared themes of "water gods" and "hands"." Having 3 gods fits man other Alter Egos haveing 3 gods in them (Sakura Five, Ashiya Douman, and Sitonai).
>!U-Olga Marie, the Alien God. The Best chance we get of having Olga back. Similar reason for being summoned as Kiara.!<
Lemme know what you guys think of my ideas and if you'd add anything to them.
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guineapigsinwinter · 3 years
Fur Flies
Kibi had been about to get changed for bed when he saw Kai’s message, and found himself tiring as they got to the auditorium. They were coming up to the back of it when they heard a roar, and a large pink and uniform coloured blob flew round the corner, hitting the ground and to a halt in front of Kibi, Tem and Louis.
It was a battered, bloody Collot, numerous scratches across his body, glittery pink paint matted into his fur and clothes. His usual fringe was plastered above and to the side of his face with paint and sweat, meaning as the three herbivores looked at him they saw his face, and his eyes clearly. Kibi wasn’t sure he had ever seen anything as beautiful as those sparkling ruby eyes, or the relief in them as Collot recognised the three.
“Thank Rex you guys are here,  be careful, Sam’s gang is hopped up on blood, we need to Get Voss, Miggs and Jack out now.” The sheepdog said as he got up, wincing. Kibi had never been more glad then now that he had a tendency to stay calm when others were in bad situations, as otherwise he was pretty sure he would be panicking at Collot’s sorry state.
“Collot what the hell happened to yo-“ Tem’s question was cut off by loud yowl of pain that was recognisable as Durham, followed by the coyote shouting.
“The fucker ate my ear! He ate my ear!”
Panicking, the four started running to the fray even as they heard Bill yell then get cut off by a punch. “Jack, Miggs, grab Voss and get out of he-“
As they rounded the corner they saw a battered, bloody Jack running towards them, a bite wound on his right shoulder whilst his left hand was carrying an unconscious Voss. Miguno and Kai were both staggering on their feet as they tried to hold off a couger who looked to be in as a bad state as they were in. Bill was rolling on the floor, grappling with a lion who had to be a third bigger then himself. Tao was slugging it out with another lion, both looking worse for wear, a knocked out Tasmanian tiger on the floor next to them. A crazed looking lynx with a blood stained mouth was circling Durham, the coyote covered in scratches, bite marks and missing this left ear, blood covering that side of his face. Legoshi was wrestling with a larger Bengal tiger, presumably Bill’s cousin Sam, the wolf in a similar state to Collot.
A leopard with a black eye was closing in on Jack, focused on the Labrador totally.
Kibi found himself running forward, passing Jack and driving his fist into the persuing feline’s stomach before he could think about anything, surprising himself.
It was then Kibi hear possibly the most horrific sound in his life, one that even years later would occasionally revisit him in nightmares.
Legoshi screamed.
It was a scream of pain, one which ended all other fights, everyone turning towards it. Sam had Legoshi pinned to the ground on his front, and was raking his claws across the wolf’s back.
“For dog you put up a good fight, but have these stripes so you remember what a real predator is!” The tiger roared, his voice like a twisted mirror of Bill’s bravado.
Tao turned and ran to help, but was pounced on by the lion he had been fighting. The remaining 701 guys were desperately trying to hold off the now clearly blood crazed felines. Kibi found himself running with Collot, Louis and Jack, who had passed Voss to Tem telling the alpaca to “Get him away, just anywhere safe” towards Legoshi as the tiger atop him continued to laugh and claw at his back.
Before they reached the downed wolf, a furious roar filled the air, making Sam turn to the other side of the auditorium, his eyes going comically wide before an angry and blue and brown meteorite struck him off Legoshi.
Rizz had seen the message as well. The bear stood up, mouth buried in the tiger’s shoulder, dragging the feline up, seeming ignoring his attempts to claw himself free. Rizz then spun himself around, releasing his grip and letting the tiger fly. Sam crashed through the window of the classroom building behind the auditorium, several moments passed and there was no sign of the tiger returning.
Kibi would happily admit it was only by the skin of his teeth that he didn’t wet himself when the bear turned around, standing protectively over Legoshi.
Rizz was pissed. Rage filled his eyes and body language, blood splattered across his muzzle and navy blue pajamas.
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hedwig-dordt · 4 years
An Unwelcome Offer
So @inexplicifics got an ask, suggesting what if Milena got an offer of marriage as an attempt at alliance building? I reblogged it, adding someone should write it. But I got impatient and wrote it myself. 
Contains the tiniest of nods to Gaetan/Letho and that’s definitely @rawrkinjd and @round--robin’s fault. 
Cross-posted on Ao3 "Well that's a first," Yenn mutters as she sorts through the post. Jaskier up. "Letter addressed to Ciri. Shall I open it?"
"No," Jaskier says, "but I think we should be there when she does." Yenn nods and puts the letter on the edge of the desk, and she starts sorting through the rest. Jaskier calls for one of the pages to fetch Ciri before dinner. 
"What is wrong?" Ciri asks as she comes in minutes later, Milena trailing just behind her.
"Nothing cub!" Eskel says. "You've gotten a letter, is all. And because it's all official looking, we wanted Jaskier to be there when you read it." He hands her over the vellum. Milena retrieves a dagger from her skirt and wordlessly hands it to Ciri. Ciri opens the letter, returns the dagger and starts reading. 
Jaskier smiles softly as he watches her form the sounds of the letters, piecing them together into words and then sentences and then parse the meaning. She's a decent reader, Jaskier knows, but this is an official looking document, likely full of jargon and diplomatic footangles. She frowns as she stumbles across a word she doesn't recognise.
"Jask, can you help me?" she asks eventually. 
"Sure cub." He taps on the arm rest and Ciri sits down. She holds the paper up so Jaskier can read along with her and taps at the words she doesn’t understand. "Oh dear." Jaskier mutters.
"What?" Eskel looks up.
"It's a marriage proposal," Jaskier says, “from a duke in Temeria. Undersigned by the Temerian crown prince.”
"So? The cub knows she doesn't have to marry?" Eskel says. 
"The proposal is for Milena."
"What?" Eskel, Yenn, and Milena say simultaneously.
"See this bit?" Jaskier points out to Ciri, "it means that because Milena is your lady in waiting, he's addressing you."
"But Milena can't marry him!" Ciri says indignantly, "she's with Lambert!"
“But his lordship,” Yenn grins at the sarcasm that drips from the words, “his lordship here says that since she isn’t married, he’s…”
“Free game?” Milena suggests softly.
Jaskier shrugs. “Essentially, yes.” They exchange a look. 
Indignantly, Ciri starts a gesture, and Eskel recognises it just in time. “No! No igni in the letter room!” Ciri drops her arm, her eyes mutinous. “Igni is an outdoor sign!” Eskel says, and Yenn nods. 
“Okay Ciri, let’s go outside so you can burn this letter and spread the ashes on the wind,” Milena says. Ciri jumps off the armrest and they leave the room, presumably to the courtyard.
“We’re not telling Lambert,” Jaskier warns the remaining Council members, “it will only upset him.” They all nod.
“Okay, you guys need to stop acting weird,” Lambert says over dinner, “because you’ve all been quiet as fuck, and it’s creeping me out.”
They look at each other, trying to work out who will draw the short straw. 
“Ciri got a letter today,” Jaskier starts carefully. Lambert looks at him expectantly. “From a Temerian duke.” 
“Why would a Temerian duke write to Ciri?” Lambert now looks genuinely confused.
“Well, because Milena is her lady in waiting, so any marriage offer would have to be approved by her anyway. I’m guessing they are hoping to get a foothold in the White Wolf’s court.” Jaskier says. “I mean, it’s not a bad idea. If you were born and raised at court, marriages are essentially instruments of alliance building. And a duke is a pretty worthwhile piece of bait.”
Lambert goes white.
“The portrait they sent along was probably a little too flattering, though,” Yennefer adds, “I’ve been at courts. They usually don’t look that good, and when they do, overindulgences usually mean they don’t age gracefully.”
Lambert looks over at Milena, who is sitting at one of the tables, chatting happily with Zofia. “Fuck,” he says, which covers a multitude of sins. “A good looking duke with the blessing of a royal?” He stabs at his plate, his appetite suddenly gone. 
Aiden wrinkles his nose and looks over at the high table. Lambert is looking awful. Upon closer inspection, several members of the Council are looking a bit pale. Not the White Wolf though, so there’s no immediate threat. He gets up and without knowing why exactly, he walks over to Milena who is perched next to Zofia at the Viper table. He nods at Gaetan, the only other Cat at the Viper table. “What’s the matter with Lambert?” he asks without preamble. Milena turns her head to see what Aiden means. Her mouth goes narrow.
“I got a marriage proposal, that is to say, Ciri got one for me.”
“And not from Lambert, I assume?” Aiden says. 
“A Temerian duke,” she says. “I didn’t bother to learn his name. I took Ciri to the courtyard to burn it.” Aiden looks amused. “She offered to put him on fire too.” 
“It seems then that Jaskier is rubbing off on the cub.” Aiden muses. 
With that, Milena relaxes a bit. 
“I could murder him if you want to be sure he doesn’t bother you?” he offers. 
Milena blinks. “Why would you…? Oh you totally would.” Aiden shrugs and looks at his nails with a hint of a grin at the corner of his mouth. “No need to murder anyone. I’m not marrying anyone. Well, maybe Lambert.” She inclines her head. “Thank you for offering.” 
“Anytime,” he says. He looks at her, and nods satisfied that she’s okay. “I’ll leave you to it.” 
“Did he just offer to kill Lambert’s supposed romantic rival?” Zofia asks incredulously. “Isn’t he supposed to check in with the White Wolf at least?”
“Witchers,” Milena says with a shrug.
“Witchers,” Zofia concurs. 
Lambert paces up and down the salle. He can do this. He can absolutely do this. The smell of roses intensifies as he hears Milena approach the practice room. She smiles as she finds him inside, and she takes a run towards him. In a reflex, he holds out his arms, and catches her, spins her and puts her down gently. She holds her head up for a kiss, when he remembers what he wanted to do - or rather, say. He clears his throat. “I hear you got a good offer,” he says, “and I want you to know I won’t be angry.”
She looks confused, “that’s… that good?”
“I mean, a duke, that’s pretty high up. And a good-looking one, with the backing of his king… He can offer you more than I ever could.” For some reason, Milena looks even more confused. “So, I wanted to say, I understand. This is what you’re born for. To be at court. Where there’s…”
“Lambert, stop it,” she says, realisation dawning on her, “that might be what I was born for, it is not what I live for. I want this life. Here, at Kaer Morhen, with the cold winters and not a nobleman in sight, except maybe Jaskier. And most importantly, with you.” She cups his face. “And I don’t care what I’m offered by the Temerians, I want to be with you. As far as I’m concerned, we are married, ring or no ring.” 
He covers her hand with his, and looks for any sign, sight or smell of deceit. All he finds is her scent of roses and honey, and her heart beating with truth. He leans over to give her the kiss she angled for earlier. “Then you can keep me.” 
Up close, he catches a hint of Aiden’s scent on her. “What did the Cat do?”
“Offered to murder the duke who made the offer,” Milena says calmly. “Ciri offered to set him on fire,” she adds. “I wonder what Yenn came up with.”
“Probably slugs,” Lambert says, “those are her speciality.” He holds her close for another moment, enjoying the feeling of her in his arms. “Now, about that footwork…”
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jinmukangwrites · 4 years
oh gosh so many! um maybe 49 with twilight? or 79 with fairy hyrule?
49) “Are you afraid of me too?”
Brain: write something new. Me: proceeds to write my favorite trope anyways.
***Request are closed***
From the moment Wild first met him... He knew there was something... important about Twilight. He didn't know what, and he still doesn't even though it's been a week since they've all met up. It's just... been a feeling. A calling. Something special that has some sort of forgotten memory tugging at the back of his brain whenever he looks at Twilight.
Or maybe special isn't the right word. Neither is forgotten. Everybody in this group are special. It's not hard for Wild to find love for each of them. Wind's joyful attitude, Hyrule's bubbling laughter, Warriors' jokes... They're special. And it isn't like Twilight is calling upon a forgotten memory, not really. He knows what remembering forgotten memories feels like, and it doesn't feel as warm and calm as it does whenever he sees Twilight.
He's like a familiar face. Or a familiar spirit.
He doesn't know how to explain it, only that he's detirmined to find it out.
He works his fingers over a chunk of wood he's been trying to carve for the past hour. Sky tried to teach him how, but honestly Wild just isn't the best at it. He still tried though, when he's bored. The only problem now is that he's not bored. He's destracted.
Twilight left camp the moment they set it up, saying he needed a little time to himself. And Wild is worried. He barely even knows the guy, and here he is fiddling with the chunk of wood that's supposed to look like a sand seal but resembles more of chunky slug, tapping his foot with the crackling of the fire.
Ten more minutes pass and Wild decides enough is enough. He stands up and says he's going to look for their wayward companion, and no one really argues or says anything about it. It's like they're all constantly walking through cuckoo pens around each other, no one really sure how to interact with anyone. Wild understands. It's weird knowing eight other people who supposingly share the same reincarnated spirit, but Wild wishes they'll all stop acting like co-workers and skip to the friend part.
He walks through the forest alone, the sun still slightly up and the lightning bugs beginning to stir from their places in the branches. He knows Twilight went somewhere out in this direction—and the broken twigs and flattened blades of grass proves that. The ground is not soft enough for footprints to be left behind, but the trail of a big body going through the forest is enough for Wild to track.
It's only when he does manage to find a muddy patch of dirt besides a small stream does he wonder if he's been tracking the right thing.
The prints are huge. Wolf-like, but still bigger than any wolf Wild's ever encountered. He swallows nervously, wondering how close an animal has been to the camp for how long... And how dangerous it is. The tracks jump over the stream and fallow along it, and in the distance Wild can hear an even bigger stream, perhaps one of snow run-off and rocky white water.
He figures Twilight should be safe. The real issue now is whatever has made these tracks. Who knows what it will try to do during the dead of night.
Wild follows along the massive paw prints, careful to keep his body low because of the wind blowing at his back. He doesn't draw his weapon yet. He's not afraid of massive predators. He's fought plenty bigger and came out without another scar. Honestly he's more detirmined to just simply snap a picture and figure out if he should leave it alone or not. Zelda will be excited to see creatures from another time.
He comes across the stream, and just like he suspected it's mostly rocky and stony, the rocks slick with moss and erosion. The paw prints disappear into a narrow bit of the stream and he frowns when he doesn't see any tracks emerge on the other side. But, with a bit of searching around, he finds claw marks on a rock further up the stream, heading back the direction they came. It must have smelled his scent and tried to throw him off.
Jokes on it. The wind is now blowing his scent away.
He smirks when he sees drying drops in the dirt. It must have recently gone this way. If he's silent and quick, he might be able to catch up to it without being detected again.
He moves on.
And soon enough, a grin of victory spreads on his face, so much so that the left side of his features stretch oddly because of his scar tissue. He can hear heavy steps, a dog's panting. He pokes his head around a tree and has to catch his breath.
It is a wolf. But it's a wolf of massive proportions.
It's almost more than half the height of Wild himself. All dark grey fur with white markings on its flank and tail. Then, his breath is stolen when the wolf looks up from the bushes it was sniffing and instead smells the air, muscles tensing under it's fur.
It turns, and Wild knows those eyes.
And he doesn't really know what happens next. One moment he's admiring a giant creature from behind a tree and the next he's on his rear-end, hands splayed behind him as he stares wide eyed at the creature he never thought he'd see again. His best friend.
His shock and amazement must have been misinterpreted by the wolf, because the wolf backs up in frantic steps, gives a panicked whine, and then turns tail.
A second later, Wild is left alone. Breathing.
The feeling of a wet nose on his hand. The soft fur that comforted him during the cold nights. The excited barking when he traveled through the wetlands; the frogs not standing a chance. The growls when Wild found himself injured and cornered by a strong enemy.
The eyes so oddly human that Wild would stay up at night... wondering.
He blinks and he's in the present, gasping.
Then, he scrambles to his feet and runs.
Thankfully, it doesn't take long for him to crash through the trees to see Twilight sitting against the base of a tree, head in his hands. It all clicks together, and suddenly this whole reincarnated spirit thing just... doesn't seem so strange anymore.
The wolf. Twilight. His partner. His best friend.
He found him.
Twilight looks up at him when Wild begins to approach, his eyes suspiciously wet and Wild doesn't understand.
"Are you afraid of me too?" He asks, and Wild doesn't understand.
The too speaks of untold stories. Trauma left unsaid. Wild won't pry. He knows full well that trauma left unsaid is normally best kept that way until it's ready to be spoken about. He does understand the wolf's reaction now though. He thought Wild was afraid of it.
Wild knows the wolf, but it doesn't seem Twilight knows him.
It doesn't matter. He flings himself over towards Twilight, wrapping his arms around the older hero and burying his head into his shoulders. Twilight goes all stiff in his arms, before he relaxes slowly, but doesn't return the hug.
"Why?" Twilight asks, sounding a mixture of emotions capable to choking up a voice.
Wild smiles. "Because I've found you again."
A second, then hands wrap around his back and finally returns the embrace. "Oh," Twilight says, like he understands. Maybe he does. Maybe he knows someone else here without them knowing him.
It doesn't matter really. Wild's detirmined to get to know Twilight, and make sure Twilight gets to know him in return.
They're best friends. And they will be again, Wild will make sure of it.
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storydays · 3 years
Season 1, ep 6, p2
"Shaozu gets fancy but Bolin ricochets a disk off the ropes and says 'No thank you, sir!" Everyone started cheering. "The waterbenders slug it out, looking evenly, Tahno gets too worked up and unleashes a deluge on Bolin that will certainly elict a foul...or apparently not." Everyone began booing as that was clearly cheating.
"Hmm...I'll be right back." You said, calmly walking away from the older fighters. You waved and greeted your fans who noticed you and officers of your Aunt's police force. It seemed that the Wolf Bats were cheating from the echo of the crowd's booing. Even after your break up, it seems Tahno couldn't fix his act.
*Flashback 3 years ago*
You held your hurt back as you watch your beloved kiss the new girl from the country. You waited until the girl left before making your presence known. "Ahem." You cleared your throat as the shocked waterbender turned towards you. "H-Hey babe! How are you?" He walked over to you to give you a kiss but instead received a slap right across his face.
He staggered back and flinched when he saw the look in your eye, before glaring at you. "What was that for?" Tahno  demanded. (E/c) eyes narrowed. "One for cheating on me with that girl." You then sucker punched him in his stomach. "Two for using me and that girl." You kicked him where the sun doesn't shine. "Three for being an ass. You hurt me, Tahno, when I gave you nothing but love in return. But guess what? Now you are free to kiss and make out with any girl you want, because we are over!"
With that you stalked off, ignoring the stares of by standers, and instead walked over to Neo. "C'mon Neo."
*Flashback over*
You then noticed you weren't alone. Before you could protect yourself, you were kicked in the back, knocking you down. You somersaulted into a standing position to face your opponents, bringing your fists up to your face. "Wow, you guys sure play dirty....I think it's time for you to clean up your act!" You smirked and ran forward, dodging the chi blockers' attempts to grab you, and used their own tricks against them.
The more you knocked down, the more that appeared. You were starting to get out of breath, and they were picking up on that. You were knocked into the wall, the air leaving your body, and falling to the ground in a heap of pain. Your back screaming in agony, you struggled to stand up. A chi blocker walked up to you, grabbed you by your bangs, revealing your arrows and smirked down at you. "Well, well, it seems Councilman (Y/N) has been keeping a secret from everyone."
Sweat dripped down your neck as Amon suddenly approached from the shadows, and you could just tell he was smirking under the mask. "It's been a while hasn't it, (Y/N). I told you I was going to come back for you." He approached as the chi blocker let you go, and the mad man placed his thumb on your forehead, getting ready to take your powers away.
Your heartbeat filled your ears when you heard a calming voice in your mind. "Relax your body. Focus on the elements around you, and use them to your advantage." You grinned before closing your eyes. In your mind, it was dark but you could see the blurry shapes of the Equalists standing around you, giving you grins of satisfaction, but also letting their guards down. Just as Amon began to use his 'godly powers', you used yours.
You used a tidal wave to knock them all over and froze their hands and feet to the stone and panted, trying to sense any other surprises. "You can't run from the future forever (Y/N), I will get you and you will suffer." Promised the villain making you shiver slightly. "That'll be the day." You stuck your tongue out and gasped as you were struck from behind.
*While you were knocked out*
A hidden chi blocker went over to free her allies and asked her leader, "What shall we do with the Councilman?" She asked, looking at your unconscious form and couldn't help but think how cute you were. Of course she wouldn't tell anyone else that. "We shall leave him....albeit roughed up than he was before." Amon turned towards the other chi blockers, "Don't break him."
*15 minutes later*
You groaned sitting up, your hair creating a curtain around you. You gasped looking around for anyone and realized you were alone, but screaming from the arena caused you forget about your own injuries and hurried to help. You crept along seeing your team tied to the bottom of the pole, Amon on stage with Tahno laying in a weakened heap.
You decided to help your friends and used your water to quiet your fall and silently took down the Chi Blocker. "(Y/-)" You hushed your green eyed friend and listened to the speech Amon was saying. "...And once that goal is achieved, we will equalize the rest of the world. The revolution has begun!" You heard glass crashing in and you knew back up had arrived.
Turning towards your friends, the stepped back seeing how serious you were. "You guys handle Amon, I need to do some damage control." The three nodded and you went your separate ways.  You began ushering some of the frightened people. "It's okay, come with me." You whispered, knocking down any debris or stray attacks that came flying towards your group.You looked up to see various red-orange flames fire in different places and you realized Korra was fire bending.
You nodded to yourself seeing the auidence was out and realized you have yet to see your Uncle. You began using the water as steps to where your Uncle was the last time and felt your heart freeze seeing his still form. "Uncle?" you used your healing water to heal him, and he groaned, before opening his gray eyes.
"(Y/N)? Are you okay?" He worried over you before grunting in surprise, as you hugged him tightly, unaware of how much you were shaking. Tenzin smiled to himself, petting your hair and hugging you just as tightly. "I didn't mean to scare you, Nephew." You sniffed silently and leaned back on your knees, smiling weakly as he wiped away one of your tears. "Are you okay to walk or do you need my help?" You helped the old man up, and he straightened his back.
"I'm okay thanks to you, (Y/N)." Nevermore cooed and cuddled into your neck, putting loudly when your Uncle ran a hand across her scales. Just then Korra and Aunt Lin landed near you, and Lin helped the Avatar up. "Are you all right?" "I'm fine--thanks to you." smiled the blue eyed girl. "Don't mention it, kid." You all looked up to see the Equalist blimp leaving. "Looks like we lost this one." muttered the chief.
Mako ran up and hugged Korra with Bolin close behind. "I'm so glad you're okay!" :Me too!" They chirped. "I can't believe Amon did this..I played right into his hand." "He played us all; Republic City is at war."
You looked at the damage done and kept seeing all the horror filled faces, and Amon about to take your powers away, the adrenaline in your body leaving you. You didn't register the small pain in your neck, Nevermore squeaking in alarm or your vision fading to black. All you heard was,
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