#you had everything you needed to be a better person and you made the same mistake you did last time. but i'm not going to chose mercy again
dante-mightdie · 18 hours
Wait wait hear me out PLEASE:
What if price found out someone among the followers, was slowly realizing this whole thing wasn’t just a loving community and instead something… more?
at first, one of his trusted guards (maybe gaz or soap) came up to him and mentioned someone lurking around the gates way too often, or maybe they heard someone talking about “ the outside”,
And just the thought of everything falling apart because of an unruly follower, boiled his blood,
So he asks the guard to show him the person trying to ruin the loving community he had made, and when the guard points to the sweetest girl just walking around, with naivety written all over her, he understood that the “threat” he was so worried about was just a cute little thing with too much time on her hands, and the suspicious behavior was just because of her curiosity
His frown instantly changed into his signature smile that made everyone in the community to adore him, and he decided to have a “talk” with her parents about marrying her off to his most devoted man: simon.
Having a family and a husband to take care of would keep her busy enough for her to stay out of trouble.
And the girl’s parents were unbelievably happy about price’s decision, after all as the leader he knows best for each and every one of them, right?
And so the night before the wedding price gives simon a speech about his duty as a husband to make sure his wife wouldn’t cause any problems and his responsibility to payback the community with kids of his own
and that speech just changed something in simon, he knew that price trusted him and he took pride in that, but this? Gifting him a beautiful wife to mold into a loving member of the community? He was filled with emotions he had never felt before
And so during the wedding ceremony poor simon was holding himself back to not just fuck her right then and there, his mind was completely filled with the thought of his wife walking around pregnant with his kids and helping out the other followers with chores and price praising him for creating such a wonderful family.
(Also ps, i LOVE your writing so so much 🙏, you can ignore my request but i would be so very happy if you didn’t 😢)
anon you have summarised everything I have been trying to capture about this AU fucking perfectly
now come and claim your forehead kiss 😙
c/w: cult!au, arranged marriage, traditional gender roles in relationships, if that’s not your thing then go away, nsfw, masturbation, implied virginity loss, breeding kink
he can’t help the relived sigh that leaves his lips when he comes to realises the big bad threat that everyone was so worried about, was nothing more than a sweet girl like you who just needs a few babies and a house to keep her hands full :(
he could’ve gifted you off to kyle or johnny, with their ladykiller smiles and warm eyes but they’ve got time to fulfill their purpose to the community. plenty of years to find a lovely girl and settle down but simon didn’t have that luxury, and he certainly wasn’t trying to achieve it in anyway
he was perfectly content to stay in his home in the near the woods by himself or keeping himself locked up in the armoury all day, cleaning every nook and cranny of the weapons inventory before dragging his feet home to sleep by himself the same way he’s done for the past decade
he knew simon wouldn’t say no, he didn’t really have a choice anyway. besides, what’ll happen if your curiosity gets the better of you and you figure out that everything really isn’t what it seems? john would really hate to make a lovely girl like you disappear :( he can only afford a few loose ends before people start to get suspicious and he really didn’t see a need to waste one of those on a harmless, bored young woman
simon thought he’d hate this more than he does, but he must admit that walking into his bedroom and seeing his new bride kneeling on the edge of the bed waiting eagerly, really did it for him. he has to tell himself not to rip you apart right there, to taste and appreciate you rather than devour you whole
obsessed with the way you squeeze your eyes shut, fingers digging into the sheets when he pushes into you for the first time. a few quiet squeaks leaving your throat as you adjust to the feel. you don’t expect his gaze to be boring directly into yours when you finally let your eyelids flick open
he’ll hold that eye contact when he slowly drags his hips back, only to bury himself all the way to the hilt in one smooth thrust. there’s a tightness in his balls when he watches your mouth form into a little ‘o’ shape after his tip bumps against your cervix
the timidness shared between you doesn’t lessen as time goes on. you fall into a comfortable routine, however. wake up, cook breakfast for your husband, clean whilst he’s at work, have dinner ready when he gets home, wait for him on the bed in your modest nightgown as he showers
it’s like that for a few months until he finally gets the validation he’s been seeking. the way you shuffle up to him, mumbling something about your menstrual cycle being late with warmed cheeks, couldn’t have come sooner. the clap on the back he gets from price is enough to send him spiralling
you pretend to be asleep when you feel your husband’s fingertips dragging over your tummy delicately. you had only just found out but the lack of swell on your pregnancy progress didn’t seem to bother him. he has plenty of time to enjoy your pregnancies pregnancy
and the gradual shift of watching you meekly shuffle around his house, too shy to say a word to him despite him casually spreading your thighs open every night, to a woman that one would comfortably assume was his wife rather than his maid. you’ve begun to make use of all that empty space in his home
he’ll occasionally catch a glimpse of you waddling around, hand resting on the underswell of your belly as you hold a laundry basket on your hip. even though he’s your husband, he had to admit it felt perverted to hide behind a tree, hurriedly jerking his cock to the sight of you hanging his boxers and shirts on the washing line <3
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honeygrahambitch · 1 day
Will and Hannibal were welcomed into the headmaster's office. A short bland and almost bald man with glasses that made him look like a mole was sitting at a desk. His hands were clasped and he tried to look very important and serious.
He greeted them with a nod.
"It would have been better if both of Lizzie's parents were here. I will politely ask the one of you who is not her legal gardian or parent to leave." He said after looking at Will and Hannibal from head to toes.
Will sighed. It was not the first time in their life when that was happening.
"We are Lizzie's parents."
He rolled his eyes.
Hannibal forced a smile to mask his annoyance. He was sure the reason they had been called there was a total waste of time.
"Oh, ah...I see. This explains everything. Take a seat then." The mole replied unsatisfied with the situation. "You probably know why you are here."
"We don't. Your secretary called one hour ago and only told us to rush to school. She wouldn't even say if Lizzie was alright."
"Oh, I wouldn't worry about her. She is."
If she hadn't been, Hannibal would have turned every member of the school stuff into a different type of appetizer.
"We had an incident. She stabbed a colleague's hand with a pencil."
Both Will and Hannibal looked as if they were still waiting to hear the incident.
"They are kids." Will said.
"No, no, not a colleague of hers. She stabbed a colleague of mine." The headmaster explained.
Only then did Will and Hannibal's expressions lit up. Not with anger or shock. But with pride.
"We are assuming she was not unprovoked. You should call her here, she should assist to this conversation." Hannibal said. He wanted his child to have a chance to speak for herself.
"I... wouldn't do that. The teacher screamed, the janitor rushed into the classroom, tried to take her away from the teacher...and she bit the janitor."
"The janitor put his hands on our daughter? To "take her away"? Why would he touch her?" Will asked leaning forward, a vein on his temple almost popping up.
"She wouldn't let go of the pencil, it was an emergency. And up until you arrived, she bit three other members of our staff. This behavior is unacceptable."
Hannibal got up from his seat. "I would like to see my child now, I can imagine in what state she is if no adults in this institution could handle her properly."
"She is seven." Will raised his voice over the headmaster's. "Once again, what did the teacher do to her?"
"Well...she might have suggested... that... you see... You have to understand, this teacher is old school, she has her own values, she didn't mean to insult anyone."
"Are you done stuttering?" Will asked as he got up from his seat and walked next to Hannibal.
"The kids were talking about their families and the teacher might have insinuated that you... Are going to hell...cause...you know." The mole explained awkwardly and fearful.
"I don't." Will said. "I might raise hell here though." He threatened, making the smaller man hoping for his chair to absorb him.
"And why exactly did you feel the need to call us all the way here? Because you wanted to apologize in person?" Hannibal asked, his tone dominating and demanding at the same time.
The headmaster felt like the gazes of the two man might slowly burn him like acid.
"I... actually...yes. Absolutely. We apologize for this incident which was absolutely unethical and unacceptable on our side"
He sounded like a mouse who was squeaking, cornered by two cats.
Will nodded. "Where is Lizzie?"
"Second door to the right."
"He will make a good Thanksgiving turkey." Hannibal whispered to Will as they left the room, their hands brushing against each other.
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bicheetopuff · 2 days
I don’t think y’all understand how crazy this is. Well, I know you do but I like yapping and I need to type things out to completely understand for myself what’s going on.
Katsuki pushed Izuku away their entire childhood after Izuku was diagnosed quirkless. Before that, it felt like he wanted Izuku to push himself in more things. In his own weird little way, he believed in him. Katsuki was good at everything and he was self aware about that so the reason he always singled out Deku to try out the things he was trying and comparing their furture quirks was because he always wanted Izuku as his rival. He saw something in Izuku that he couldn’t find in himself which at that age deemed him “worthy” of competing with him.
When Izuku was confirmed to not have a quirk and everyone was telling Katsuki that his quirk was amazing, he felt like Izuku wasn’t worthy of competing against him anymore and was offended that Izuku didn’t understand that. He legitimately thought that Izuku was trying to stoop Katsuki “down to his level” because he didn’t understand that Izuku just wanted to be around him and be friends with him. He wasn’t trying to sign up for his life long rivalship that Katsuki had made up in his head that his four year old self established he had already won.
Even then, Katsuki still believed in Izuku. In the TUMs where Katsuki is trying to chase down Nine but Izuku finds him first. He’s not surprised. He’s angry that he didn’t have the same skill that Izuku did in that department. Or when Izuku was talking about applying to UA, Katsuki didn’t laugh it off. He wanted Izuku to not apply at all because he knew there was a chance he could actually get in. Or when Izuku actually did get in, Katsuki wasn’t surprised, he was just wondering how. He has never not had faith in Izuku.
And now, after he established that Izuku never meant ill will towards him and realized that he was just being a jerk towards him for no reason, he started to view him as a proper rival again. Izuku is the only person in his life that has been able to push him to become his best self. He grew so much as a person. But, Izuku’s influence and just his care for him in general landed him wounded on several occasions now. He almost died. Yet he’s unable to think of himself first anymore like he used to.
He went to Izuku’s hospital room and cried like a baby because of Izuku losing his quirk. Because he lost that rival that wanted and needed for so long. He lost his second chance to compete with him after losing so much time. He feels like the person he cares about most just lost his dream because he wasn’t there to help. He blames himself for Izuku’s misfortune yet couldn’t care less about his own.
And from Izuku’s POV, he just experienced a heavy loss for not being able to save Shigaraki (yet/in the way he wanted to). He lost his quirk which made his dream come true even if it was only for a short time. He’s quirkless again yet the first person who came to check on him was the very person that used to give him hell for not having a quirk. The guy he chased after his whole childhood because he wanted to be like him and be his friend. And that guy that always used to push him away pours his heart out and tells him, “I wanted to play this game of cat and mouse with you for the rest of our lives,” and he can’t be anything other than shocked and reassuring at the admission.
This scene single handedly began the healing process for both of their inner child’s. Katsuki feels comfortable to show his emotions and admit to wanting a rival and Izuku finally gets to see just how badly Katsuki wants him around.
But, Izuku still hasn’t even truly acknowledged Katsuki’s apology. And even in this chapter, all he said were things to make Katsuki feel better. He hasn’t explained how he feels about anything yet.
I want Katsuki to tell Izuku that even if he’s quirkless, he still wants to be by his side. And I want Izuku to tell Katsuki that he forgives him for everything he’s done. I NEED THEM TO TALK!
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Some observations
I was perusing the local Barnes and Noble (as one does when she needs to kill time) and discovered this magazine in the periodicals section:
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I thought it was interesting that Meghan wasn't included on the cover. Say what you want about her, she still holds a pretty significant place in the royal family: the first person of color to marry a senior royal and give birth to children of color. One would also argue that she also counts as a noteworthy person for the BRF because she was the "first" divorcee bride to marry in (that is, the first divorcee marrying a single not-married-before royal).
The table of contents:
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The first mention of Meghan is in their timeline, within context of Kate and Charlotte appearing together:
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Meghan's second appearance comes in the "Modern History" section, which talks about royal marriages becoming "modern" when divorces were first permitted. First the article talks about Margaret's groundbreaking divorce, then how Anne pushed the royal bar on divorce further by remarrying, leading to the following section:
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But reference of Meghan is essentially a throwaway. She's not even a whole sentence. But she does get two pictures in this section, so progress!
So after the "Modern History" section, we start getting mini-biographies of the royal ladies. There are "chapters" each for Kate, The late Queen, Camilla, their fashion, Anne, and Diana. Then we get to "The Other Royals"...a catch-all for royal women who aren't important, I guess, or noteworthy of their own standalone chapters.
In this chapter are the Yorkies - they don't even get their own sections, they're just all lumped in together, Sarah Chatto (Margaret's daughter), and finally, Meghan, who is also featured with Lili.
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What I find really interesting about this publication is how and where they've placed Meghan. And I think it shows how shortsighted she was about joining the royal family. If her ultimate goal was global fame and fortune, then all she had to do was bide her time. After all, Sophie gets her own chapter - but of course, Sophie worked 31 years to get it (6 years dating + 25 years married) - and so does Zara, for her career accomplishments in sport, which Meghan could've had as well. But Meghan wanted everything and she wanted it now, no waiting, no toiling, no practicing, no working. And the result is that she's lumped in with the Yorkies and Sarah Chatto.
But the placement is also unfair to the Yorkies and to Sarah. Because remember, Meghan quit. Yes, technically Sarah Ferguson quit too (when she divorced Andrew), but her quitting came after 10 years and despite it, she still turns up to support the BRF when called. Same with Beatrice, Eugenie, and Sarah Chatto; they support the BRF and they work for the BRF when they're called to do so. To lump them in with Meghan, who doesn't work for the BRF when called, who doesn't show up when they ask for her, and who doesn't support the BRF, it doesn't bring Meghan "up to their level," or however you want to phrase it. It brings them down to Meghan's level. They don't deserve that.
But probably most importantly, this placement of Meghan proves that despite what her PR tries to convince us, more and more people are seeing her as the Fergie/Yorkie equivalent, not the Diana equivalent she wants us to see her as.
Personally, I think the sooner Meghan abandons her vision of Diana-like permanent A+ elite success and embraces the Fergie/Yorkie vibe (especially the "laugh at your own self" and "be gracious, be humble, be thankful" parts), the greater her chances are for stability and long-lasting staying power on the C-List.
(Also. I've never liked the sapphire tiara on The Queen but I love it on Camilla. Camilla's big fluffy hairstyle 100% suits the tiara and it looks like the tiara was made for her. The Queen wore her hair too...tightly (for lack of a better word) and that hairstyle with such a sculptural tiara made a strange look for me.)
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unholybacon355 · 2 days
Bad Habits
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G!P Momo X Jihyo
Word Count: 7.8K
A/N: First of all I have to say that this wasn't my idea, I borrowed this for a friend. Thanks Kay for letting me write this with one of the great escenarios you always make, hope I made justice to your idea. Also have to say thanks to another person that help me with some things of my vocabulary, but i think you don't wanna be named here ahahah.
Second. originally this was supossed to be a X You story, but i thinks Momo suits better what I wanted to make here.
With all that being said, I hope you enjoy this.
It was a boring work afternoon in the middle of the week. It was pouring rain outside making the raindrops hit the office windows, which filled the place with the noise of tapping against the glass. Which is why Momo was listening to music with her headphones on, trying to silence the incessant noise of the rain. Maybe that was what made her not notice the incoming message on her phone, or maybe the fact that she was looking at the nearest window trying not to die of boredom due to the repetitiveness of her work that day. Anyway, Momo didn't notice the message until almost an hour later when she got up to get coffee and returned to her post. Just then a new message arrived, making the phone screen light up and catching her attention. The notification had a name that for no reason Momo would have expected to read that day, or any other day in the near future.
“Did you forget that I exist?” “I guess you're too busy to respond.”
Momo stared at the screen of her phone for a few moments without believing what she had just read. Had Jihyo really sent her those messages just like that? It was incredible that after everything she was talking to her as if nothing had happened, as if it were Momo who had simply decided to stop talking to her overnight.
At first she thought about not responding and forgetting about it, letting it go and diving back into her boring work. But curiosity got the better of her than the sudden anger she was feeling. She had always had a special soft spot for Jihyo, even though she knew they weren't real feelings. Rather, it was a carnal issue, something rooted deep inside her that forced her to respond to the call of the younger woman every time she wanted it.
But this time months had passed, and things were very different than they had been before they had that “little” argument. To begin with, Momo had decided to leave behind all those nights and days they spent together making love, in one of the two's apartments or wherever Jihyo had summoned her. They had been wonderful moments filled with pure lust, but they had come to an abrupt end the day Momo found out that Jihyo had a boyfriend.
It was just a few days after Jihyo begin to her new relationship. They had met up with friends they had in common and one of them congratulated Jihyo on finding a boyfriend. For some reason finding out like this didn't sit well with Momo. It wasn't like she felt love for Jihyo, or thought that they could to have something together, that had never been the deal. But it still felt like a betrayal that it wasn't Jihyo herself who told her personally, after all it was Momo who fucked her in the back of her car whenever Jihyo was in need. At least she deserved some honesty.
The argument that came when the two of them could finally be alone was not pleasant at all. After all, they were never a real couple, so Momo had no right to claim anything. From the beginning it had been something purely carnal, something to satisfy their intimate needs, and Jihyo emphasized very clearly that Momo was always aware of that. In any case, it hurt the Japanese woman not to have found out sooner, it even made her feel a little used. Well, a dating relationship doesn't happen overnight, and the two of them had made love a couple of times that same week. So clearly things weren't adding up for Momo.
Almost five months had passed since that argument, and in all that time they had not spoken. Jihyo's messages had been the first contact they had since then, which is why they took Momo by surprise. It was something that she totally didn't expect to happen that week, much less in that blatant way. Just as if nothing had happened, as if it were Momo's fault that they hadn't been in contact in all this time.
Again she thought about deleting the messages and continuing with her chores, but she found herself sliding her fingers across the screen to type in return.
“I was immersed in work, I didn't see your message.”
Which was true, but it still felt like a cheap excuse. Although she didn't need to excuse herself anyway, if Jihyo had contacted her out of the blue she was surely going to wait for a response no matter what it took. But the most curious thing about that message was that Momo had decided to play the same game as her “friend” by acting as if nothing had happened. As if they had only gone a weekend without speaking, and not almost five full months.
Momo put the phone down on the desk and tried to refocus on reviewing the reports she had received and appeared on her computer screen. When she realized that she had spent the last five minutes reading the same paragraph over and over without understanding anything at all, she gave up. She stopped resisting and checked her phone for a new message, but found nothing. Hadn't Jihyo seen her response? No, if she had spoke first it was sure she had seen it. Momo unlocked the device and verified that Jihyo had indeed read her message. Very typical of her to leave her waiting and force Momo to send another message, but not this time. Once again she left her phone on the desk and tried to get back to work.
Half an hour later Momo had only managed to advance one page in the report, of which she was not sure if she had understood a single word. She got up and went to get more coffee, trying to get as far away from her phone as possible. Trying her best not to send another message when she knew very well that Jihyo was on the other end of the line waiting for it. But Momo felt that inexplicable weakness for Jihyo, that weakness that forced her to write again.
“Looks like I'm not the only one busy at work.”
Momo hated that she had given in so easily, but there was nothing more she could do to resist. What she could do was go get more coffee once and for all, but before she could even lock the phone a new message appeared on the screen. Indeed Jihyo had been waiting patiently for another response from Momo.
“Actually I'm at home, I've taken a few days off.”
Now it was more evident than ever that Jihyo was up to something, it couldn't be that she just chose that moment to repair their friendship. Had she broken up with her boyfriend and needed a fling to get over him? Or was that what Momo wanted to be happening?
"All good? You’re not sick, right?”
A stupid question, because if that were the case Momo would probably be the last person Jihyo would turn to. She knew that very well.
“No, I just needed to do some things. But I solved them sooner than expected and now I have a couple of days free.”
What was Jihyo's game? She was usually much, much, more direct when she wanted sex. But it couldn't be anything more, the two of them had never really been such good friends. They were fucking all the time, that was true, but their relationship went little further than that. Outings to eat or have coffee alone were rare, They never told their problems or asked each other's opinions on something important. So why was Jihyo taking so long to ask the question?
“Your boyfriend is lucky because can have you more time for him these days.”
A pretty bold move on Momo's side, but if Jihyo wasn't going to do something she would do it first. Mentioning her boyfriend was Momo's little revenge for all that time without speaking to each other.
“Quite a bit, but Sungbin is out of town on a work travel.” “By the way, is anyone lucky enough to be your boyfriend or girlfriend?”
The messages arrived a few seconds apart, and the truth was that Momo didn't expect to receive that question as an answer. She had tried to make a risky move and Jihyo had won once again.
“Work keeps me too busy to think about that. I got promoted so now I have to work even harder.”
It was a sad reality, but it was the pure truth. Work consumed almost all of Momo's free time, so she didn't have the luxury of meeting anyone new. Much less try to start a romantic relationship with someone.
“That's a shame, considering how well you fuck. You should at least get a cute assistant to give you a head under your desk.”
There was. Finally Jihyo had tired of detours and had taken the first step towards what had always connected them most strongly. Always so direct, so to the point when she wanted something. A little bossy and severe for the taste of many, but Momo liked that. At least this way things were clear and not had confusions.
“That would be quite inappropriate… My office has glass walls, so everyone could see.”
A real shame because that took away a lot of Momo's privacy, but after all she wasn't in a position high enough to have a private office. There were also rumors that in the past they had caught someone doing just what Jihyo proposed, and that was the reason why the offices were not private now. Although the glass on the walls was fogged, you could still see clearly enough what was happening inside. But that was something Jihyo didn't need to know.
“The public didn't seem to matter to you when I was the one giving you head in the university library. Do you remember how much fun we used to have together?”
How could she forget all those times when Jihyo had simply disappeared under the library table to give her a blowjob? Momo had always had a hard time staying silent and pretending to continue studying for an exam when she had Jihyo between her legs giving a masterclass on how to suck a cock. On more than one occasion they had missed a sound that almost gave them away, but luckily no one ever discovered them. Not in the university library, not in the bathrooms, not behind the baseball team's locker room, or in any other place where they had carried out their obscenities.
“I get hard just remembering it.”
Momo sent that message without even thinking about it, without stopping to reflect that once again she had fallen into Jihyo's clutches without realizing it.
“Are you hard? I can see?"
The phone almost slipped out of her hands when she read that message. Not even in the wildest of her fantasies she expect such a bold move from Jihyo. Which it pained her to admit had been many during all that time that they had not spoken to each other.
“Jihyo, we shouldn't. You have a boyfriend."
Momo hoped that the mention of Sungbin could make Jihyo back off on her intentions, but since she had initiated this conversation she didn't expect to actually achieve it.
“It can't hurt him if he doesn't find out. Or do you need more motivation besides your memory?”
The real surprise of the afternoon came for Momo in the form of two photographs that arrived immediately after Jihyo's last message. In the images Jihyo could be see standing in front of the mirror in her room, a mirror that Momo remembered very well because many times they had done perverted things in front of it. The frame showed the reflection of Jihyo's room and in the center of the photos the woman posing only in her underwear. A simple but comfortable black outfit, with white details on the panties, that was all that covered Jihyo's humanity.
Momo swallowed heavily, her mouth suddenly dry. She needed another cup of coffee more than ever, so she left the phone on the desk and went to fill out her mug. As if getting away from her phone would magically make Jihyo's messages disappear. But when she came back they were still there, as real as they could be.
Momo picked up the phone and started typing a message, but deleted it before sending it. No, she couldn't say that now. She thought for a few seconds and wrote again.
“Wooow!! You look as great as ever.”
Momo was going to try to avoid the inevitable for as long as necessary, before finally letting herself be carried away by the lust that Jihyo awakened in her. But the truth is that she was failing miserably in this pathetic attempt to hide the fact that her cock had already woken up because of those photos.
“You can come take a closer look. You know where I live."
Jihyo was definitely serious about this. Which implied that she was actively looking for Momo to be cheat on her boyfriend. A certainly tempting offer, but one that did not completely convince the Japanese woman.
“Jihyo, we shouldn't do that to Sungbing.”
It was amazing that Momo was being the voice of reason here, but she really didn't want to be used as a toy and then abandoned again. It didn't sit well with her to be caught in the middle of some strange game between the couple, so she had to analyze her options very carefully.
“Forget about him, I already told you he left the city.” “The one I miss fucking is you. Sungbing doesn't do it as well as you. He cannot satisfy me.”
Jihyo certainly had a pretty big sexual appetite, and because Momo easily gave in to all her requests, she had always been her favorite companion. That for years, since they met at college, until a few months ago when Jihyo began her relationship with Sungbing. That had been the end of that non-verbal agreement in which they both turned to each other when they needed pleasure and their own touches were not enough.
But then that was what it was about, Jihyo needed her once again to satisfy her needs since her boyfriend was not capable of doing so. Which Momo had to admit made her a little proud, it boosted her ego that even though her friend was in a stable relationship she still had to turn to her for such matters. Although that also meant that Jihyo didn't value their friendship enough to try to repair things for any other reason, she only did it because she found herself in need of a good fling. In short, Jihyo was more interested in Momo's cock and the way she used it than Momo herself.
“We can’t anymore.”
Momo took as long as she could to write that message, always doubting whether she would send it or not. In the end she decided to do it and put her phone aside, but before she was even able to close the chat new photos appeared on the screen. Jihyo was clearly expecting a response like that and had a plan to fight back, because there was no way she would have taken those photos so quickly after reading Momo's message.
In the new images Jihyo was standing in the same place, in front of the mirror in her room, except now the poses were different. That in addition to the fact that her underwear could no longer be seen anywhere, but that, far from meaning that she had put on more clothes, was quite the opposite. Now Jihyo was completely naked, standing in front of the mirror as if she was showing off her outfit. But of course, there were no clothes to show. Just her humanity completely naked, just her and nothing else.
Momo couldn't stop looking at Jihyo's angelic face, but her friend's large breasts topped with brown nipples distracted her greatly. Her mouth was watering as her throat was dry, almost as if her own body was laughing at her. Memories of all those times she had played with those perfect breasts passed through her mind. The many occasions in which she had had them in her mouth and had felt firsthand how Jihyo's nipples hardened.
“I'll be there in half an hour.”
It was clear that after seeing those photos Momo couldn't take it anymore, she couldn't keep fooling herself with this false resistance towards Jihyo. To hell with everything, she herself was very aware of that carnal weakness she felt for Jihyo that forced her to abandon everything when the other one called her to fuck.
"I'll wait for you in bed. Use your keys.”
Momo quickly grabbed her things and left her office, telling her subordinates that something personal had come up and that she would take the rest of the afternoon off. Then she left, but not before making a quick stop in the bathroom, where she took the photo Jihyo had asked about earlier. A pretty decent snapshot of her cock as hard as it could be right now, in the photo it could almost be seen how Momo's shaft was throbbing with anticipation. But she din’t sent it, not yet.
Momo waited until she got into her Uber to send the photo to Jihyo, and as expected she sent her a new photo. This time Jihyo was lying on her bed, as she had said she would wait, with her legs raised, which is why you could clearly see her most private parts.
“I want to see how you touch yourself for me.”
Jihyo had really decided to torture Momo that day.
“I can't, I'm already on my way to your house.”
It was laughable to think that Momo would give in to that request, but then why was she putting her hand to her crotch? Oh, maybe it was because Jihyo had counterattacked with the most explicit image yet. The woman was still in bed, except now she had one hand resting on her head and her legs were open. The photo had been taken from her crotch, so Jihyo's private parts could now be seen in even greater detail. It was the definitive attack that Momo needed to be completely defeated, since the duality of Jihyo's serene and sweet expression contrasted greatly with the obscene nature of the photo. Momo was melting and was seriously thinking about sneakily stroking her cock over her clothes, but there was something else in the photo that made her reconsider.
She hadn't noticed it in the previous photo, since Jihyo's legs covered them, but on the wall behind the woman there were hanging several photos of her and her boyfriend. The sudden memory that Momo was on her way to the apartment that Jihyo shared with Sungbing, precisely to fuck her friend while her boyfriend was away, did not sit well with Momo’s erection. She could almost lose her sanity when it came to making love with Jihyo, but that didn't take away the discomfort she felt about cheating on Sungbing. Which is why she decided to put away her phone and wait to be face to face with her friend to settle this carnal matter.
Fifteen minutes after seeing that last photo, and ignoring all the messages she knew Jihyo had sent her, Momo was in front of the door of his friend's apartment. Firmly holding the key that would open that lock, as if trying to think one last time if this was a good idea. Of course it wasn't, but Momo was free to deceive herself as much as she wanted.
She put the key in the lock, a key that was incredible that she still held. Momo had thought many times during these five months about throwing it in the trash or getting rid of it in some other way, but she always ended up giving up. It was ridiculous how she even continued to carry it in the bunch of keys that belonged to her own apartment, as if she still harbored the secret hope of needing that key again someday. As if always carrying it with her was insurance, if indeed happened what was happening now, but that didn't matter anymore. For now Momo just sighed and entered the apartment.
Few things had changed in the room since the last time she was there, it remained practically the same. Except for a few additions that revealed that Sungbing now lived there, Momo was greeted by the same apartment she had been in a million times before. That apartment that belonged to someone who was not her partner, nor did either of them want it to be that way, but to which she still kept the key so she could sneak out when necessary.
Momo left her bag and keys on the small table near the entrance, hung her jacket in the place designated for it, and getting on the sleeves of her blouse headed to the room where she knew Jihyo was waiting for her. It wasn't very wide, like the rest of the apartment, but even so, a double bed could fit perfectly in the place, leaving enough space on the sides. The last time Momo had been in that room the bed was smaller, that was perhaps the most noticeable change she could see. Oh! of course, the bed and the many photos of the happy couple that were hanging on the walls. There was an entire section of a wall dedicated to the happy times they had together in these five months, which left a bitter taste in Momo as it reminded her once again of what she was doing here. She was simply as a lover, as nothing more than an adventure.
Jihyo was lying on the wide bed, waiting patiently with her legs spread like appeared in the last photograph, and with that angelic expression on her face. That expression that would never make you imagine that she had just called her fuck friend to cheat on her boyfriend. Jihyo knew that she didn't have to do anything more than lay there looking at her to activate in Momo that animal hunger she felt for her, the mere sight of the woman as she came into the world was already enough to drive Momo crazy. Especially after so long of being deprived of that beautiful image.
"You came."
"You called me."
A simple exchange of words that might seem banal, but they clearly showed that Momo was there because she had been summoned. Jihyo's messages had made her abandon everything in her routine day, and break into the couple's apartment.
After taking off her shoes, Momo walked on all fours on the bed, quickly reaching Jihyo's body and climbing on top of her. The scarf that the older girl was wearing tied around her neck like a tie tickled Jihyo as Momo left delicate kisses on her skin. Starting from Jihyo's belly and ascending slowly and ceremoniously until she reached her neck, where she sucked right at the point where she knew it drove the woman beneath her crazy. But she separated her lips from the tanned skin almost instantly, Jihyo's body had never been hers, and never would be, to mark and leave traces of love.
In situations like this, words were unnecessary between the two of them. They had spent so much time having those types of furtive encounters, satisfying each other's needs, that they knew each other and complemented each other very well. So it was not necessary to verbalize what they wanted, they simply needed a gesture or a caress to make themselves understood. Which is why when Momo felt Jihyo's fingers playing with the hairs on the back of her neck, she understood perfectly what she wanted. With a long lick she ran from her collarbone to behind Jihyo's right ear, another of her sensitive spots, earning a shiver and a muffled moan from Jihyo.
Also without saying anything, Jihyo fumbled for the zipper of Momo's pants and put her hand inside, playing with the Japanese woman's semi-erect penis while she continued giving hickeys on her neck. Even through the fabric of the boxers, Momo could perfectly feel the gentle touch on her member, how Jihyo's expert fingers caressed the right places. In the same way that Momo left kisses and hickeys where she knew they gave Jihyo the most pleasure, the latter caressed and squeezed where she knew Momo was most sensitive.
It was all simply a game to see who would give in to desperation first, to see who would be the first to blindly give in to pleasure. A game in which Momo lost most of the time because she was not able to endure Jihyo's caresses for long without practically melting. But at least this time the Japanese would try to make things different, she couldn't just fall at Jihyo's feet just like that after all this time. In that sense it was more a battle against herself than against Jihyo.
The kisses she was placing on the youngest's jaw gave Momo a small advantage, now she could practically feel the woman's wetness on the knee she had pressed against her center. Even through her slack pants she was able to perceive Jihyo's slippery moisture staining the garment.
As if it were confirmation, Jihyo pressed Momo's head pushing her away of her jaws and guiding it towards her crotch. She needed her to use her mouth somewhere else and she wasn't willing to wait.
With a smile on her lips, Momo gave a long, slow lick on Jihyo's slit, savoring the appetizing delicacy that had been denied her for such a long period of time. The small shiver that ran through the woman's body told her how needy she was for her touch, and the moans that followed confirmed that she was doing it right. With an expertise that had been given to her by all these years of pleasing Jihyo, Momo licked right where she had to, contoured the edges of her petals the way she knew she liked, and wrapped her tongue around her clit the way she knew drove Jihyo crazy.
After a few minutes of this Jihyo had the first orgasm of the afternoon, or at least what they both hoped would be the first of many. Between spasms and pressing Momo's head against her crotch, she climaxed in a way that she apparently had not achieved in these five months. All these years had made Momo an expert at pleasuring her, or maybe after all this time it was she who couldn't be satisfied any other way than how Momo did it. That was a dangerous idea that Jihyo didn't want to delve into right now, and maybe never.
“I need you out of your clothes.” More than a suggestion, it was an order to try to gain some control over the situation again. Anyway, Momo obeyed, as she always did.
The Japanese woman first got rid of the scarf tied around her neck, then continued with the blouse that was thrown to the side, and finally took off her bra, revealing her large breasts. Jihyo thought that somehow she looked imposing kneeling on the bed, wearing only her pants and looking at her with that voracious but contained hunger that her eyes reflected right now. Her black hair fell in cascades of strands over her shoulders, framing her torso, hiding a little more of her semi-nudity. Despite the cold of the room, Momo's skin seemed to radiate a heat that enveloped her completely, anticipation and lust protecting her from the winter weather.
Jihyo wanted to touch Momo's toned abs, caress them and run her fingers over them. She wanted to ride the Japanese woman's abdomen and rub against her muscles. Ride her and feel each of the reliefs of her powerful abdomen against her center until the pleasure made her explode, as she had done many times before. But she also had the overwhelming need to feel Momo's meat inside her, so she resisted her base impulses and took a condom from the nightstand while the Japanese woman it ended to undress
Now Momo's member stood in full in front of Jihyo, powerful and full of blood just the way she liked it. The Korean, who was now on all fours, placed a chaste kiss on the tip that was already dripping in anticipation. After that, she put the open condom on her lips and without using her hands gobbled Momo's penis completely, sheathing it in the process in the condom. No gagging, no nausea reflexes, no complications, she simply swallowed the member until she felt the latex pressing against her throat, until her nose touched Momo's pelvis. And without further ado, after moving the muscles of her throat to massage the member in her mouth, she withdrew and lay down as she was when Momo arrived to the room.
The Japanese girl didn't need a written invitation to finally do what she had come here to do, so she leaned over Jihyo and took her member in her hand guided it towards the warm center of the korean. With a slow but uninterrupted movement the folds finally gave way, giving way to the thick member that desecrated such a delicate temple of pleasure.
Jihyo gasped, adjusting to Momo's size, which earned her a proud giggle from the Japanese woman, a laugh that was quickly silenced by a passionate kiss. Jihyo could feel her own essence on Momo's lips but she didn't care, it wasn't the first time she had done something like that. Over time she had learned that the least she could do to reward the Japanese woman after she used her mouth to give her pleasure was to give her a kiss. So she was completely used to testing herself like that.
The kiss they shared was passionate and somewhat hungry, the fire ran through their bodies and forced them to gasp into each other's mouths while they continued moving their lips at a frenetic pace. Jihyo's hands burned on Momo's butt as the latter began to move her hips.
More gasps escaped Jihyo as she felt Momo pull out of her almost completely and back in all at once. Filling her and forcing her walls to adapt to the length and diameter of a member they knew very well.
There was no love in the act they were performing, they both knew it, but there was a lot of lust. A lot of desire for another's body, and that incessant hunger for more and more pleasure. Hunger that was very easy to confuse with love. Hunger that made Jihyo cross her legs behind Momo, as if trying to prevent her from going somewhere even though she knew very well that the Japanese would never abandon her in the middle of the act.
Even though Momo was constantly exercising, right now her abs were burning because of the constant swinging of her hips. But she loved feeling how Jihyo's body trembled with each of her thrusts, feeling how the Korean woman's breasts bounced and rubbed against her own, making her nipples harden in the process. Her muscles ached, yes, but the reward for that little pain was so great that it made it a minuscule price to pay.
The sound of flesh hitting flesh filled the small room mixing with the gasps and moans of both women, in a cacophony of lust and unparalleled pleasure that showed how committed they were to this. Oh, they were going to take this little adventure as far as they could, they would make it last as long as it was in their power because they were both hungry for each other in a way they had never felt before. Practically five months without touching each other left them starving for the pleasure that only they knew how to give each other. Hadn't it been Jihyo herself who had said that her boyfriend didn't satisfy her like Momo? For her part, the Japanese woman had not been able to find real pleasure in any of the few lovers she had had during this time, so much so that she had actually stopped trying after the second or third failed encounter.
But despite all that hunger and weakness they felt for each other, they both knew that there was no love there. It was just carnal pleasure and a physics codependency on the other that could be interpreted as something else, but that they knew was not. It was clear that they were not compatible as a couple, perhaps not even as friends, but in all these years they had come to explore each other's bodies so much that they already knew all the tricks and secrets they hid. They had learned where to caress, how to rub, or where to kiss to maximize each other's pleasure and fully fulfill their part of a silent treatment that they never really talked about.
They had met in their second year of university through friends they had in common and had almost instantly hated each other. But as if it were a bad romance story, after getting drunk and half-fighting on a night of partying, they ended up locked in a bathroom fucking as if their lives depended on it. That was the first time and after that night things between them were fixed, now they were friends with benefits. But they never really talked about it, never a word was said about their situation or what their role was in each other's lives. They simply had sex when one of them made the call, or both were so needy that they couldn't wait any longer. And so the days passed between furtive encounters and long nights of pleasure, days that quickly turned into years. It also didn't help that the only real partner any of them had had in all this time was Sungbing, so it was the first time they found themselves in that situation. Something that they did not resolve well at all.
And now they were here. Jihyo with her legs crossed behind Momo who put all her effort into penetrating her in a way that made her moan in a special voice tone. Once again having sex without having talked about their relationship or what this meeting meant for both of them. But what difference did that make when the pleasure threatened to fry their brains and simply make them addicted to each other's bodies.
“Let me do some of the work.” Jihyo said when Momo was finally forced to stop to rest. Of course the Korean was not going to let her stop cold at a moment like that, so Momo lay on her back on the bed and Jihyo faced her. The korean guided Momo's penis towards her own center, and descending quickly, she impaled herself on the Japanese woman's member. This time an actual moan left her mouth as the entire length was inside her soaked crotch.
Now it was Jihyo who was in charge of the movement, while the Japanese woman played with her breasts and reached out to kiss her or lick her neck, the Korean woman rode with great skill. Jihyo had her hands on Momo's worked abs, supporting all her weight on them; which allowed her to move without resistance and put Momo's meat as deep inside her as it had not been in a long time.
While Momo's moans were more like panting, sometimes even sounding like a dog trying to catch its breath, Jihyo's moans on the other hand were powerful. Right now the Korean was praying that the walls would contain the sounds she made, because if someone filed a noise complaint against her then Sungbing would find out about her little affair. But even by biting her lip she was not able to silence the moans that came out of her mouth, hoarse and deep noises produced in the depths of her lungs. Same sounds that turned into a high-pitched moan as Jihyo reached her second climax of the afternoon. Luckily for them, the relentless weather helped mask what was happening in there from the neighbors.
Outside the rain was hitting the window, and inside Jihyo was pouring her wetness on Momo's member. Squeezing Momo's abs with all the strength she had, Jihyo held herself upright as the spasms of orgasm coursed through her entire body. She knew she had probably marked her nails on the Japanese woman's belly, but she didn't care about that. Unlike Jihyo, the older woman had no need to hide the marks of her pleasure.
When she had finally calmed down enough, Jihyo fell on top of her friend, who received her with a hug and sweet caresses on her hair. The way Momo was kissing Jihyo's shoulder, and doing her best to comfort her, anyone would have thought they were a happy couple. Nothing further from reality. While the Korean had her face hidden in Momo's neck, the latter caressed her hair and back; helping her catch her breath after her orgasm.
“I can still feel inside me how hard you are.” Jihyo said, placing small kisses directly on Momo's lips. A gesture perhaps too romantic for their situation.
Momo, for her part, smiled, wrinkling her nose like she did when she was happier. “You can't blame me, I haven't cum yet.” Before continuing speaking she captured Jihyo's lips in a kiss that lasted longer than it should. "Want-"
“I need you to finish inside… With the condom on.” If there was one thing Jihyo didn't need right now it was a baby, much less one from Momo. And given the time she had spent without connecting with her friend, she didn't want Momo's cock anywhere else right now that would allow her to cum without using the latex barrier.
Squeezing Jihyo's buttocks and kissing her jaw again she whispered in an unnecessarily low tone. “In that case I want you on all fours, like the obedient pet that you are.” The cases where Momo showed such dominance were rare, especially with Jihyo, but she knew that on this occasion she could afford it. And as she predicted, she could feel how the Korean woman's center squeezed her shaft once more in anticipation, she could have sworn that she even felt Jihyo getting wet again because of those words.
Jihyo obediently got off Momo, but not before moaning when she felt the Japanese woman's member come out of her, she hated feeling this empty. She got on her knees and leaning her weight on her chest used both hands to spread her buttocks, giving Momo a perfect view of the feast in front of her. Again, a strange case where Jihyo was carried away by Momo's demands. But the effect that whisper had had on her was inexplicable. Normally Jihyo was the one who took the lead, she herself had been the one who had asked to be fucked that way, but when Momo got like this a weakness awoke in her that she tried to hide at all costs and always failed miserably to do so.
The Japanese woman had to resist the urge to devour her friend's back entrance, she would have time for that later, and instead she concentrated on penetrating her again because she knew that Jihyo didn't like spending a lot of time without her shaft inside her. A single firm thrust was enough to have Jihyo moaning again.
The room quickly filled again with the obscene noises that both women were making. Momo's hips slapping against Jihyo's buttocks made a clapping noise that made it seem like an invisible audience was applauding their illicit act. That added to Jihyo's moans and Momo's grunts from the effort completed a symphony that was the perfect soundtrack for that situation. Something that contrasted greatly with the sound of the rain lashing the window.
After a few minutes the Japanese woman's muscles were burning again, but again she ignored the sensation and continued with the pleasant task of fucking Jihyo. Despite it being a cold afternoon due to the rain, sweat accumulated on her forehead; making clear the effort she was making. Jihyo's back was also beaded with small pearls of sweat, even though the time she had been moving had been less. But the heat they both radiated made them feel as if they were on a sweltering summer afternoon.
Now the Korean woman was only limited to moaning and clutching the sheets, while her face very clearly expressed the pleasure she was feeling. Jihyo found Momo's physical stamina admirable when they were in that position, or in any position where the Japanese woman was the one who had to make the most effort. They were the moments when the results of all those hours in the gym were visible, which were partly precisely to be able to gain resistance to please Jihyo. Who also exercised a lot, but in this position that only served to make her ass look rounder and more appetizing. Still Momo loved the sight of Jihyo's toned muscles, well defined but still soft enough to see them quiver with each of her thrusts.
It was curious how Jihyo's boyfriend also worked out a lot, much more than the two women combined, but it was still Momo who had the stamina to make her cum as many times as necessary. It was Momo who onslaught her with just enough force to make her buttocks bounce the way she liked and hit that sweet point that maximized her pleasure. At the end of the day it was only the Japanese woman who knew all the secrets of Jihyo's body.
Momo's chest was moving not only because of her thrusts, but also because of how agitated she was breathing. A small cloud of mist came out of her mouth every time she exhaled because the room was certainly cold, but still neither of them were able to feel it. How could they do it when pleasure ran through their bodies from top to bottom, and lust oozed from their pores. No, at times like this they forgot everything. The world around them disappeared and they only had eyes for each other. They were just two bodies dancing in an infinite mating ritual, as if the pleasure clouded their senses completely and enveloped them in a spiral of fire.
For Momo, seeing Jihyo reduced to a bundle of moans and tremors as a result of her thrusts was a separate satisfaction; it added something extra to the pleasure she already felt simply by fucking her. It was something like an extra reward because deep down, not so deep down really, they both knew that Momo was the only one capable of achieving that. They both knew that with her it was real and not something fake because in none of their encounters during all these years had Jihyo had to fake an orgasm. The countless moisture stains that had accumulated on Momo's clothes were reliable proof of that.
Jihyo's almost hoarse moans had given way to higher-pitched ones, confirming that she was once again close to the much-prized climax. Little by little the moans had risen to such a high pitch that normally she had to repress, but on occasions like these, when they were completely alone, she allowed herself not to. If there was no one here who could hear them, no one other than the neighbors perhaps, there was no point in trying to control her moans.
For her part, Momo could swear that she felt how her friend's insides were squeezing her more than before, how she was contracting around her in anticipation of another orgasm. An orgasm that took almost no time to arrive, but that didn't stop Momo from continuing to move her hips. If Jihyo missed being fucked by the Japanese girl so much, then that was what she was going to have. Between the spasms and contractions of Jihyo's body, between her high-pitched moans and heavy breathing, Momo continued to thrust, taking the Korean to a new threshold of pleasure. Momo was literally fucking Jihyo through her orgasm, and the only thing the latter could do was squeeze the sheets tighter, to the point that her knuckles turned white, and continue moaning uncontrollably.
The Japanese woman did not stop until she herself was on the verge of orgasm, then with one last strong thrust she buried her entire length inside Jihyo, and remained still holding onto her hips while she spilled her load inside the condom. Despite the latex barrier Jihyo could feel that familiar warmth flooding inside her, pressing against her walls as more and more of the thick fluid gushed out of Momo's shaft. The sheer sensation of being filled but at the same time not made her practically drip her own fluids onto the bed.
It was incredible how despite having had a third orgasm just a few moments ago, Momo was revolutionizing her hormones so much that Jihyo was ready to continue. Whether the Japanese woman wanted to continue pounding her, using her fingers or her mouth, or if Jihyo regained control and mounted her again, or even if Momo decided to use a toy to get another orgasm out of her. In any of those cases Jihyo was willing to continue with this illicit wrongful act in order to fill the void that these five months without fucking Momo had meant.
But the Japanese woman was tired, and although Jihyo didn't recognize it, so was she, so when her breathing calmed down a little, Momo withdrew from inside the Korean woman and fell back on the bed. For her part, Jihyo suppressed a small moan as she felt empty again, and feeling how her legs were flanking her, she also let herself fall onto the wrinkled sheets.
There they were both on the bed, one on her back and the other lying on her stomach. One with the member still hard and with the fluids staining her abdomen, and the other with her legs separated because the strong thrusts had left her with difficulty to move her lower extremities. Both in a cold room, where their breath formed mist, and the only thing that radiated heat was their bodies fueled by lust. Both in the room that Jihyo shared with her boyfriend, a boyfriend who of course was not Momo.
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respectthepetty · 4 hours
Pride Petty Watch (The Untamed) 1/?
I let the crowd pick which two blacklisted shows I would watch from my Petty List, so I flew through the first one knowing I had this 50-episode beast waiting for me. People have warned me that the first two episodes wouldn't make sense, there are a ton of characters to keep track of, I need to watch it at normal speed, and I need to keep the sound on. Therefore, I was already mad before I hit play, yet somehow I started the first episode, blacked out, and emerged five episodes later.
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Which means I like it so far, and here's some quick reasons why:
Before I start, these two better be an item because they are my favorite BTS song aka "🔥" and since I haven't seen them in the present yet, I'm fearing something happened to them in that great battle in the past, and if so, I'M GOING TO BE BE LIVID! I've had them for three whole minutes, and they are everything to me, so I feel this story is going to fuck me over.
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Everyone is chasing after this golden black snitch, yet nobody is catching it, so although there is a lot of death happening, I'm laughing.
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If you squint, My Stand-In and The Untamed are the same. Boys who fell off a cliff come back in another body only to live the same life with the same people and make the same bad decisions. Cool cool cool.
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This current lecturer is stating nobody could find the body but he fell into fire/lava, so what body were they thinking they would find?! Also, don't think I didn't catch homeboy getting in trouble in the past for asking in class what happens when a spirit demands revenge and the instructor got upset because look where we are now! Possession of a body for the sake of revenge. Should've entertained the question, professor, because sixteen years later, it will come back to haunt you, literally.
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And homeboy applied his own theory of making the possessed bodies work for him to fight the other body. He is a smart cookie, and that's why the original Moo Moo person gave his body up to him.
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@dribs-and-drabbles, if this is why you told me I needed the sound on, I'm confident I'm not going to remember this melody. And how is he playing a leaf right now?
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I can't take this seriously. This feels like an 80s music video, and he is about to hit me with the hottest synthesizer intro.
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And the sword has the golden black snitch in it. *Pikachu face*
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I can't play an instrument but for a DIY flute made out of bamboo on the spot, I thought his playing was excellent. For people being saved from being squashed, they are some haters, and I would have stopped playing just so they could suffer.
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I picked up that sister is dead in the future, but her kid is a brat, and I would've been mean to him too.
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And did the brother really kill him in that battle on the hill because when the entire crowd was like "you killed him, right?", he was looking like . . .
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So this is the brat's daddy? It would make sense that a man who shut down an entire hotel for his party would have a son who sets 400 traps so nobody else can catch anything. The privilege is genetic.
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I like him AND I respect him. He has priorities and they are to drink and party because even when he came back in that other body, he snatched the liquor. As the opening showed, he's here for a good time, not a long time.
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I don't like Fuddy Duddy. He can remember 3,500 rules (this place is where fun goes to die), but couldn't remember to tell my party bro that his sister and brother were inside? Everybody just left homeboy without a note saying where they are, and Fuddy Duddy had the information, yet was too busy lecturing about rules. AND committed the ultimate party foul and wasted the liquor. Make that the 3,501th rule! He's lucky he can lay the synthesizer so well.
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This is where the big battle is/was (Nightvale, Nightshade, NightWhatever), and I hope this man died in it because he is doing TOO MUCH! "I don't fear death; I fear boredom" YOU'RE boring! Shut up and go collect the pieces of that dumb rock, Thanos Jr., so we can get this battle going.
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HE BROUGHT A BIRD INTO CLASS! This is the everyday American high school class.
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Why is everyone in the Fire Nation so pissed? Is it because it's hot there? All of y'all are doing too much except for that sister and her brother. I know that brother was the zombie guy from the statue fight, so that means the main homeboy was talking to Fire Nation sister at the graves. That was her family's grave, and she must be a good person, who is probably dead now too.
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So they can all play magical instruments? They're like Josie and the Pussycats, playing gigs between fighting crime.
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The brat's dad is gold, the Cloud Recesses (what is this name about because they should be a lot more fun with a name like that?) are white and blue, and the Fire Nation is red, so it's odd that homeboy had the dark blue robes with red underneath before coming to school, and keeps getting really friendly with the fire people. Plus the cloud people's power is blue, but his comes out in bursts of red. Is his daddy really Fire Nation? Get Maury on the line.
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So his bird buddy gave him porn, which he gave to Fuddy Duddy, who then ripped it up. No wonder why he is so good at school and remembers 3,500 rules. Got nothing but time on his hands since he isn't using his hands doing anything else by being so repressed.
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Fuddy Duddy just said he doesn't touch people, yet in the very beginning he snatched homeboy's hand without hesitation, so he wouldn't fall to his death. Then, he snatched that premium liquor for him. I see you and your heart on your sleeve, my man! Just like this water demon, the feelings are sneaking up on you and snatching you up!
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Should've bought her the comb, bro, because she's going to be dead after that big battle since she was sent to snoop for the Fire Nation. Even though she is trying to help her brother, I feel this will be y'alls Romeo and Juliet moment.
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So the brother was always going to come back from the dead since he already was cursed(?), and my homeboy is once again proving to be a friend to all. I like you, and I will learn your name, hopefully by episode 28.
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Only three marks healed in the present, so whoever is the last mark has to be one of these hoochies, and the more backstory I get, the more I think it's going to hurt when I find out who the last mark is.
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Half these people have already died leading up to that big battle and the other half will die as homeboy sets out on his Kill Bill journey, so like . . .
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"You and I have unfinished business"
*slams on the 'next' button*
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nouies · 3 days
lou!! how was it? how are you feeling!!
HIIIIII! omg idk where to begin.
i’ve been spending the last four days with Anitra @allwaswell16 and it’s been absolutely amazing! we got to see lots of cool stuff for the first time together, or for the second time in some cases. sometimes it shows when you’ve known a person online for seven years or so bc it’s so easy when it comes to hang out “in real life” 🥹
so anyway, we had been so lucky with mexico city’s traffic for the first two days (even on friday which was also pay day), but yesterday we got to experience the real chaos (and the scam that has become uber), so we couldn’t get there by the time doors opened and we missed Giant Rocks and the special merch for mexico city (Anitra got us merch anyway and we’re twining), but i was mostly sad abt missing my chance to finally meet An @lemelous (we’re going to meet soon so it’s fine but also it would’ve made my night way better that it already was!)
before the show, we got to trade some friendship bracelets and we got the material for the fan projects!
i got to meet in person my friend Fer @fforever-dreaming alongside with Mery @fuchsiasea (who i’m going to see very soon too!) and her sister. we only had a little time to talk but it was definitely one of the parts i was looking forward the most and a highlight of the night.
SO THE SHOW. it’s going to sound cliché but it’s an experience that you have to live it to understand it. that moment when the playlist pre-show suddenly stops and you see the stage is all ready, and then a couple of minutes after the lights go off and you know it’s starting??? priceless! i screamed a lot when Louis came out on stage and i just couldn’t really process it that i was finally seeing him after two long years!!! (which i know it’s a privilege itself bc there’s ppl who haven’t seen him).
when it finally clicked to me that he was there, i noticed the shirt which i LOVED! he looks so beautiful in polo shirts and especially that colour! (i especially loved that it was red bc it’s one of our national colours too).
it felt like it was a song after the other with no breaks. idk how the ppl watching the live-streaming felt but it went too fast! and there were so many emotions in the air! i screamed, i sang, i jumped, i participated in the projects, i teared up a bit during certain parts, I LAUGHED he’s so funny and so grateful for everything, that i just wanted to put him in a pocket and take him with me lol.
i couldn’t tell you which songs i enjoyed the most bc honestly i loved them all. i’m not a person who watches livestreams from fans, and even sometimes the videos i watch them with no audio just to see if i can make gifs from them lol so everything was a surprise for me and i loved it! i didn’t notice we were missing a song until almost at the very end but personally i didn’t need it bc he gave us so much of him already. i definitely wanted to listen to bigger than me bc it was my most listened to song in 2022 and i didn’t want to miss it. but like i said, i loved all the songs, the chats, the projects!!!
a quick parenthesis abt the projects. so originally there were three: sibwawc, walls, and saturdays. what you saw on the videos going around and the kmm project wasn’t talked abt (as far as i know, maybe i’m wrong), but we did it last year (thanks to the chilean fans of course) so i guess everyone knew that part was coming and just did it. like it looked so coordinated but it wasn’t planned (again, as far as i know) before hand. i obviously couldn’t see the rainbow lights from my section bc we were holding the same colour but when i saw the video and i saw that it worked, i loved it. and i guess you’ve seen the video where the crowd screamed “for every question why, you were my because” and it shows the crowd? we formed the mexican flag there. for saturdays i also think the project worked? i haven’t seen videos but if i’m honest i wanted to film that song for my friend who couldn’t be there so i did the project for half the song lol
the fireworks and confetti after silver tongues were so cool! i wasn’t expecting them so i was filming the whole stage and not really zooming on him? so when the fireworks showed up i felt like a child! it was just pure and genuine happiness in that moment.
lately i’ve been enjoying concerts more than when i was younger, idk why, but i scream more and jump more, and just live in the moment. and this concert even if i felt it was too short, it was still one of the best experiences ever!! i love Louis so much and i love my friends! 🫶🏻
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jaembun · 1 day
you know that you feel the same.
late night beach walks are always good for stolen kisses!⠀⸻⠀huang renjun x gnr ⠀ fluff mayb a little suggestive ⠀ wc 1k ⠀ now playing . . ☆
생각⠀i miss him.. i need him so bad… im just a man
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the beach sands were cooler underneath his feet without the bordering-on-too-hot sun to warm them.
there was barely any other person in sight, only the faint sounds of the waves crashing against the shore and the crowds talking and laughing amongst themselves back in the square, far behind him now. the only person he could really see was.. well, you. right by his side, hand clasping his tight. your body heat was enough to keep the cool breeze blowing through the night air away, even if it was only through your interlinked palms.
you were taking him.. somewhere. “the beach” was all you insisted on giving him, despite all his attempts to wheedle more information out of you. so he’d let it be, had met you outside your apartment and let you lead him downtown, through the square—to where you were now. sand underneath his bare feet. all the music and dancing and raucous conversation of the city left behind, if only for a little while.
renjun would’ve been content to simply follow wherever you went, walk as far as you wanted, until either you both got too tired or the sun started to peek over the horizon again, but it seemed you had other plans.
a sudden tug sideways had him stumbling, mouth open to protest, but all his words were silenced when he was tugged closer, closer, and then you were kissing him like he’d been wanting to kiss you again for what had felt like weeks. your back was against one of the larger rocks decorating the shore, having let go of his hand to grip the thin fabric of his shirt tight in one of yours, the other slipping under to hold onto his hip. another wave hit the shore, another song started to play, and it was all he could do to lean in further and kiss you back, hands skirting from your waist to the nape of your neck; fingers light on your skin.
you kissed until you were dizzy, until it was hard to breathe. until renjun could taste the lemon of the whiskey sour you’d had at the bar a few hours earlier, the cherry garnish on top. even with the tightness in his lungs, he couldn’t help but chase after you when you pulled away, the sound your lips made when they finally separated bringing heat to his cheeks, skin burning too hot even with the cool air brushing against it. all he could feel was your breath on his skin. no words were exchanged between you for a minute, his fingertips coming to shield the back of your head from the rock you had your back up against.
“what if you hurt yourself, stupid? be careful.”
his voice was raspy from disuse, the sound of it only making his cheeks flush redder. the only things he could see was the fire in your eyes and the white of your teeth as you grinned at him, the hand on his hip squeezing just slightly for a second, another.
“better me than you, baby.”
he tried to glare, but he doubted it came off as very intimidating—not when his lips were kissed halfway swollen, not when the only thing you could probably see in his eyes was devotion, not when he was still holding you like something precious, something he didn’t want to lose.
“just—“ his words were stuttered, arms wrapping around your shoulders. trying to pull you even closer, to mold you into one. “shut up.”
the grin was still wide on your lips, even when he pressed forward to cover it with his own. you were mouth-to-mouth, lips brushing with every word you spoke and he swallowed. “yes, sir.”
kissing again. everything else quietened around him, fell to the wayside. it felt desperate, a last-ditch attempt to stain his lips with your memory before he couldn’t anymore, like he’d die if he didn’t. and he couldn’t stop, pulling you back in after only seconds apart, gasping all sorts of words lost to the night into your mouth and moving his hands all over your skin. 
it felt like climbing to a crescendo, adrenaline racing through his veins, heart beating a quickening rhythm in his chest. renjun didn’t want to fall. he wanted to ride the high for as long as you’d let him, until the tide lapped at your tangled legs in warning and the sun started to break through the night. 
your hands—both having crawled under his shirt by now, tracing hearts and stars and senseless patterns, the letters of your own name on his skin—tightened around his hips again. “junnie.”
he refused to open his eyes, even he felt your smirk under his lips. he pressed light little pecks to it anyway, trying his best to breathe you in. “we don’t have to—we can take it slow, you know. if you want.”
renjun shook his head, eyes finally cracking open to meet yours. it was his turn to smile, to stroke gently over the nape of your neck again and watch you shiver under the touch. “what if i don’t want?”
silence. waves, music, laughter, your mingled breaths. a helpless shrug on your part, hands thoughtlessly massaging his skin again. “then i guess we don’t have to. i was just—i don’t know. i was caught up in my own head, i guess. are you gonna kiss me some more, then, huang?”
yes, fuck, of course he was. you didn’t even have to ask. he’d kiss you all day, all night, every second he could spare. sometimes it was a little hard to believe he was even allowed to. you were everything—even while stumbling up the stairs half-drunk to your apartment, even tripping up over the uneven cobblestones that lined the pavements leading downtown, even with your eyes a teary mess and your hands clutching at his skin too tight.
so he did just that. leaned in and kissed you again, again, again. away from any prying eyes. hidden away under the moonlight, tucked in too close to one another, barely any room to breathe—exactly how he liked it, with you. it was perfect.
but then again.. he was starting to realise that he thought anything that involved you was. and the fact that thought didn’t scare him was maybe the most frightening thing of all. for now, though, he could keep kissing you until you couldn’t anymore, and leave the thinking for later.
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reddiamondyeet · 1 year
#what the fuck what the actual fuck#haven't we suffered enough. really bretney? really?#how the fuck is he going to deal with this? besides not of course. and to think his anger issues were getting better#the fact that he could have a fucking record over this bullshit she's spewing. i'm going to fucking hurt someone#fuck you bretney fuck you fuck you fuck you. i hope your pathetic boyfriend is murdered by that stupid drug dealer you live with#i'm a prison abolitionist but I make an exception for you. you had your chance. you were given mercy. were given help. you still did this#you took the support you were given and willingly threw it in the trash cause you didn't want redemption. you didn't want to get better.#you had everything you needed to be a better person and you made the same mistake you did last time. but i'm not going to chose mercy again#not this time. not after you painted me as a victim who can't defend themselves and my own fucking brother as an abuser#we'll see about me being the victim. we'll fucking see.#i've had enough of you making my mother want to die. i've had enough of seeing my father cry. i've had enough of my brother's breakdowns#i've had enough of telling my parents i'll go to puerto rico again if need be. i've had enough of you.#and i know it's not a coincidence that this happened only five days from my birthday.#i hope if we get this case dismissed that by the end of it i won't have to ever worry about you doing this again.#red rants#i should probably trigger tag this but i'm too out of it to think of what to tag it as. whatever.
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a-soft-fluffy-nerd · 3 months
TL;DR: Steam just made library sharing so much fucking easier and so much fucking better. Instead of login-trading, it's just a simple goddamn invite.
Read this. Really. It's a good read. Because it shows that, full-stop, Valve isn't just doubling down on their stance to make sure that people can and should be able to share their copies of digital goods as easily as they can physical ones, but they're making it better and easier than ever.
But you know how Steam allowed you to, with either friends or family, link accounts with another person to be able to establish an ability to share game libraries with one another? The general gist of Steam Family Sharing was that, with a limit of five people plus you (six in total) on a limit of ten computers total could share account access to willingly mix your libraries. You could play theirs. They could play yours.
This was a huge boon. It was meant to emulate sharing a physical copy of a game. A way to allow children to play games their parents or siblings had bought without having to fork over double the cash to buy it a second game. But it had some major limitations and drawbacks, and was archaic to use.
If a person did not share the same computer, you had to manually log into that computer to give it and the accounts on it access. This wouldn't be a problem if both accounts were used on the same computer, but many households (and astronomically more family and friend groups) had multiple computers, all used by different people.
If that computer, at any point, was hard reset to any point before the sharing occurred, you lost access. And had to do the whole process again. This was also an issue with computer transfers. The whole kit and kaboodle needed to be redone on upgrades. On top of that, the old computer is now just dead weight that you may not realize you have to manually revoke access to.
Putting your account information on another person's computer opens up security issues. They could, intentionally or accidentally, land themselves on your account if the login information was stored. Which could easily lead to purchases or bans you did not want to happen.
If anyone was, at any point, playing any game on their own library, you had no access to their games. Even if it was a totally different game, you had to wait your turn as if waiting for their computer to be freed up to sit at. (Admittedly this is kind of like the "mom said it's my turn on the xbox" meme, but hey, kinda archaic.)
You could not choose whose library you accessed a game from. Not at all. It always prioritized the first library it gained access from, DLC access and multiplayer be damned. If another friend you were accepting games from had more DLC? Too bad.
And yet here we are. Steam Families Beta fixes EVERYTHING about the above issues. By just going through Settings > Interface > client Beta Participation and clicking onto Steam Families Beta? You get:
No more login sharing. No more computer links. You can now choose which person's library you borrowed from. And you can play any other game from someone's library, even while they're in-game. It just needs to be a different game than what they're playing.
Pick five people. Invite them to your family. And now everyone has access to everyone's library. My goddamn library went from 150-ish to almost a goddamn thousand in ten minutes of setup.
Account sharing and password sharing are dirty words that "lose" billions of dollars. Netflix, Hulu, Amazon, Max. They aren't game storefronts, but they still allow you to access massive libraries and scream like you murdered their firstborns for daring to share your password with your mother after you moved out.
Microsoft tried pushing to demonize and undercut used games sales and borrowed copies of physical games. Remember the first attempt to reveal the Xbox One? People forget, but these vultures tried to make an always online console that checked to see if you were the account that owned the game, even if you had a physical disc, and prevent access to the disc's contents if you weren't the original downloader.
Valve walked the fuck up. Valve tapped the mic. And Valve dropped the fucking thing right onto the ground with one feature's revamp.
About the only issues I can see with this are twofold:
If someone sharing your library gets banned from a game's servers... so do you. No one else in the family does, but the both of you do. This is... rather unpleasant, because banhammers can be dropped quite frequently by mistake. I'd urge Valve to rethink this one, but I see the logic: don't cheat and effectively bite the hand feeding you. Still making me side-eye that, though.
If you leave a family you've joined? You have to wait a YEAR to join a new one. It's to prevent people form jumping ship to another group and screwing over who's in the former one in the process, but a YEAR? OUCH.
Problems aside, though... it's probably the biggest fucking power move I have ever seen a media distributor make in the current economic climate. It's the kind of thing that would let so many new games be available in a way that's easier than ever. Just a few clicks to send or accept an invite, and bam. Permanent access to dozens or even hundreds of new games with so much more freedom than earlier drafts of the system.
It's the kind of thing that slaps you in the face with positivity after so many Ls from the games and media industries. And I'm all the fuck for a W like this.
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A Week (He Will Take You)
Danny moved to Gotham for school, while there he noticed that Gotham's ambient ecto was really murky for lack of a better word.
This didn't really affect him too much besides a mild headache every once in a while but that also just might be stress from all his school work so maybe not.
This murky ecto seemed to effect the people who lived there or more importantly the ghosts,
They were visible to the human eye like most ghosts back in Amity but instead of looking very much like a ghost they still looked like humans if a bit off putting.
They all seemed to be continuing their normal lives as if still fully alive, with the people around them none the wiser.
Danny noticed this and began approaching them to figure out what was going on.
Apparently the murky ecto in the city had made it so that they were strong enough to still continue a somewhat normal life but not be able to cross over to the GZ.
In other words they were stuck in Gotham
Danny was the Ghost King so he could easily fix this problem, all he needed to do was give them a bit of pure ecto for around a week to fully stabilize them them then he would just open a portal into the GZ and they could cross over with all their things also transferring into the GZ for their new haunt.
Unfortunately this looked rather worrying to an outsider,
Imagine you're used to your neighbor being very outgoing so you and others see them a lot suddenly this man seems to appear in their life out of nowhere an at exactly one week, your neighbor and all their belongings in their home disappear no trace to be found.
You tell people and they begin saying the same story they knew someone and them a man with black hair and blue eyes appeared in their life, then they and all their things disappear in exactly one week.
Of course the police in Gotham do the bare minimum so they're no help.
But it starts to begin a trend, especially online.
"Oh careful or the blue eyed man will make you disappear in a week"
This of course after time catches the bats attention, Gordon had already given them all the information he had.
"Young adult early twenties, dark hair, blue eyes"
That was it.
The bats look into it and from their point of view Danny is a serial killer.
But they can't find the connection between all of his victims, they range from young children and the elderly from different backgrounds absolutely no connection,
Worrying enough he doesn't just make one person disappear he has taken entire families up to over a dozen, without anyone figuring out how he's doing it or why at all.
The disturbing thing also being that he seems to take everything in their home, leaving it like it has always been empty
Like no one had been living in it.
People have tried to take photos of Danny get some kind of evidence of his existence, but when they try to do it, it either comes out completely corrupted or their devise simply shuts down fully.
Danny of course has no clue what is happening he's just happy that he's able to help so many ghosts, and is trying not to fail his exams.
Danny leaving the house he just helped: "That went easier than I expected!"
Neighbor peeking from the window: "Shit it's that guy! "
Red Hood marching down into the cave: " The fucker took many from my territory without me even realizing it!"
Tim: "I'm pretty sure his kill count is nearing the hundreds and he just started like maybe 4 months ago, this is bad."
Barbara: " I think I got a theory, this matches up with the new school year beginning so maybe their not a Gotham native which narrows down my suspect list."
Bruce: "Hn."
Tim: "Yes thank you B for the insightful commentary"
Danny trying not to fall asleep while on his way to class: "Strange I keep seeing shadows following me, oh well must be the stress!"
Bats who are pretty sure Danny is the killer: "Has he done anything suspicious yet?"
Just an Idea
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remember-the-fanfics · 4 months
• Died at 18, been in hell for a few years.
• Came in after Alastor disappeared, just before Vaggie showed up.
• You were never one to follow what everyone else did. Killing, drugs, theft, or porn.
• Kept to yourself for a few months, getting use to being dead and in hell.
• Accidentally became an Overlord after you killed one in self defense.
"In my defense, she was like super creepy and an asshole. A big one."
• The souls were free but you kept your new territory nice so they didn't leave.
• You made jobs and kept the housing in better shape, only made deals to help souls.
• Gave them a job, house, and protection. You give them a limit of a few years of the deal and if they don't mind it, they can renew it.
"Well I don't want to force them to do something, its rude."
• In return, they keep your territory nice, clean, and less violent than most. Work the jobs you made and protect your little town.
• There's been occasions were you trade souls to other overlords, either the soul did something against them or just an asshole.
• The time on the contract would restart
• To every other overlord, you are a child with a knife and to much power.
• You demolished another overlord because they thought you were weak and tried to destroy you territory.
"You ass eatting bitch-"
• You let others fight for new open territory because you're fine with what you have.
• Panicked when you got invited to an Overlord meeting.
• Apparently you had enough power to be one, then you realized you actually were one.
• It was awkward to meet the most of the overlords. Not knowing who you were to begin with.
"This is for overlords only."
"Oh, I'm (Y/n). I got invited."
• Chatted with Rosie before and after it.
• Camilla likes how you run your territory but you seem so young.
• Did apologized afterwards, introducing you to her daughters, apparently you were around the same age.
• Zestial wanted to know how you took over you territory, interested on how you did it.
• You've only meet Velvette because you need some clothes. She recognized you as the up and coming overlord.
• Throwing the clothes you had in your hands away, saying you need to be in the best lastest trend of clothes.
• You were now stuck having a fashion show as she decided what look good on you.
• While not enjoying all the clothes she had you try on, you kept being nice having conversation when she wasn't yelling at everyone else.
• Velvette learned that you were around the same age so she decided that you were acquainted enough to have her number.
• Apparently it wasn't optional for you.
• You brought back way to much clothes for one person, atleast now you have style.
• Chaotic neutral energy
• Charlie meet you after she heard that you improved a part of hell, wasn't expecting someone so young looking.
"Dying just after I turned 18 just means I look young forever."
• Laughing at your own dark humor.
• Charlie did not find it as funny.
• Told you about the hotel idea and you were right on board.
• Thought it was a good way to stick it to the man and help people.
• Vaggie was surprised when Charlie brought back a child.
• More surprised that you're the Overlord that Charlie wanted to meet with.
• Definitely said Vaggie's name wrong for the first time reading it.
• Meeting Angel Dust after he decided to crash at the hotel.
• Not knowing what he was known for but definitely heard his name from someone.
"You're a kind of actor?"
"Of the sorts."
• After you heard what he was famous for.
"Well, he'll do him and I'll do me but never do each other."
• There was an awkward silence of confusion from everyone.
• Having to explain every reference you make.
• Vaggie made jar for everytime you make a dark joke.
• Charlie has asked you why you were in hell. You shrugged, never living a truly bad life but probably just too chaotic for heaven to handle.
• You leave every few days to check back in your little town to make sure everything was running smoothly.
• You know when something happens, feeling the souls you own in a panic.
• Having to let everyone remember why you were in charge a couple of times.
• Either with your words or actions.
• Luckily Rosie just adores your mannerisms and how you don't completely turn away from her with what or who she eats.
"You could say the food was to die for!"
• She finds your dark humor funny.
• So she keeps an eye out for you, sending letters to you every few days.
• You vist her every other week to just chat, she tells you about easy territories that you could get. You say you would rather show up some punks than have more responsibility with more souls.
• Offers food everytime, you say no thanks everytime.
• Rosie would tell you all the tea about the other overlords or her own town.
• Yay! You have an allie with an another overlord by being friends.
• Also with offering truly worse souls sometimes. On a rare occasion.
• Rosie knowing when you offer a soul to her, she would take her time with it. Enjoying every bite.
• Anyway- Sinners would come up to asking for deal when they are completely down on their luck.
• But whats following a couple of rules for free house and job.
• You give them enough warning before you would shake hands then saying you would know if they even thought of fucking your shit up.
• Putting an add for Charlie's hotel in your territory.
• Charlie almost hugged you to death after seeing it.
• When Alastor showed up, the two of you would have a intense staring contest.
• He wasn't expecting another overlord here, oh wait, you're new.
• Alastor not actually taking the hotel serious, pissed you off but he was more powerful.
• Charlie having to keep you and Vaggie from trying to fight him.
"I didn't know there was a new overlord! Charmed to meet you. Whose territory was up for grab?"
"She was a bitch-."
"I know who exactly you speak of, that's good. She never had any manners."
• Watching him summon Husk and Niffty and was shocked.
• Tried it and summoned one of your workers.
• Excited that it worked! Apologetic for interrupting their day.
"Ah ha! It worked! Oh shit it worked! Sorry!"
• You and Niffty vibe on a similar level. Charmingly violent.
• Vaggie has to make sure either of you give the other one a bad idea to do.
• Husk question your age when you went to the bar. Making you do the math.
"Well I died at 18, it's been a few years so old enough."
• Gave you a hard drink which you spit out after tasting.
• You decide hard alcohol wasn't for you.
• Knowing how technology was when you died making you the most technical advance Sinners in the hotel.
That's enough for now, just a thought I had when working.
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wonusite · 9 months
Cat and Mouse
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❝ Wonwoo doesn’t understand why you’re so adamant in avoiding him after the amazing night you two spent together, but he’s not going to let you get away from him so easily. ❞
PAIRING: jeon wonwoo x female reader
GENRE: bad boy au, smut
WARNINGS: bad boy!wonwoo, allusions of illicit activities, descriptions of minor injuries, wonwoo is down HORRENDOUS, reader is in denial about her feelings, our bad boi is soft for one (1) person, mutual pining, fingering, oral sex (f receiving), unprotected sex, riding, multiple creampies, overstimulation, mating press, aftercare
ㅤ→ continuation of this timestamp
A/N: here’s a little something to celebrate one year with this blog. very grateful to all my followers and mutuals who’ve made this past year amazing! MINORS DO NOT INTERACT!!!
Wonwoo glares at his phone, tongue poking at the inside of his cheek in annoyance.
It’s been a week. An entire fucking week without hearing from you. He knew he should’ve ignored Jihoon’s calls and stayed in bed with you that night, but when he sent a message saying the entire crew needed to be there, he couldn’t ignore it. Now, he really wishes he would have.
The night he spent with you was the most incredible of his life, and now he might never relive it because he left in a haste, only leaving you with a brief kiss and a promise to come back.
“You still torn up over that sweet lil’ thing from that flower shop?” Seungcheol's voice has never sounded more irritating than it does now.
“That’s Shua’s girl, dumbass.”
Being on the receiving end of that mean tone and angry glare doesn’t faze Seungcheol in the slightest. In fact, it only causes his infamous smirk to get wider. To see the stoic Jeon Wonwoo acting up over a girl is not only a rarity, but it’s also really fucking funny. That’s why he can’t resist pushing Wonwoo’s buttons further.
“I’ll take that as a yes.” Seungcheol cackles. “Guess you better hurry up and help us finish this shit. Her shift ends soon.”
Wonwoo can feel his irritation near that boiling point he could usually avoid. Of course Seungcheol knows about your schedule. That asshole has the annoying habit of knowing everything about anyone who is even the tiniest bit associated with the crew. Sure, it’s for precautionary reasons, but that didn’t make it any less annoying. Nonetheless, Wonwoo focuses on the task at hand so he can catch you before you leave work.
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Jeon Wonwoo is the bane of your existence.
From the moment he first came around with that stupidly attractive smirk of his, your life was never the same. And now that you fucked him, it never will be again.
Giving into your carnal desires isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but getting mixed up with the likes of Jeon Wonwoo definitely is. Despite not knowing all of the grimy details, you know he’s bad news. You can see all the red flags clearly—the people he hangs around, all the fights he gets in, and the tattoos littering his body. And yet, none of those warning signs mattered now or when Wonwoo was ravishing you in a way that still made your toes curl just by thinking about it.
Maybe the worst part of it all is that you can’t get the resident bad boy out of your head, or the way he held you after you two had sex. It’s like you can still feel how he nuzzled into your neck, strong arms tightening around you like he never wanted to let you go. Part of you hopes that he wouldn’t have if he hadn’t had some urgent business to take care of. It’s a dangerous thought, but even so you can’t help but crave that uncharacteristically sweet side of him that he presumably only showed you.
A displeased sigh comes out of you as you gather your things to go home. It’s bad enough that you can’t stop thinking about Wonwoo, but to think that you’re actually pining over him even though he literally disappeared after your night together is—
“Y/N left already.”
It’s Mingyu’s voice you hear at first, and it makes you stop in your tracks. You wonder who could be asking for you until you hear someone answer him. It feels like your heart is going to jump out of your chest when you hear a familiar deep voice that has your stupid pussy clenching in anticipation.
“Alright. Thanks.”
You peek out from the back when you hear the door chime. It’s annoying that your chest tightens when you see a set of wide shoulders draped in a leather jacket walking toward the large motorcycle parked outside. The way your mind goes blank yet is also clogged with nothing but thought of Wonwoo is infuriating. You don’t realize you’re pouting at the exit until Mingyu jumps back in shock at seeing your sulking figure.
“Y/N what– I thought you left!” He says, vaguely gesturing behind him. “You just missed your boyfriend! I think he wanted to take you home—”
“Boyfriend?” You interrupt him, not entirely angry or disgusted that your coworker had referred to Wonwoo as such.
Mingyu furrows his eyebrows. “Yeah? The scary dude with the leather jacket that comes in here all the time just to see you. He’s your boyfriend, right?”
It’s almost mortifying that your sweet but oblivious coworker can tell that there was something going on between you and the resident bad boy. And yet, there’s also a part of you that likes the fact that Wonwoo is so obvious about his feelings. You don’t know what to make of these conflicting emotions that you can’t seem to shake, and seeing Wonwoo (even just the back of him) didn’t help you find the clarity you so desperately need.
“Well, even if he’s not, he definitely wants to fuck you.” Mingyu says with a wink as he brushes past you to check on the pastries he had put in the oven ten minutes ago.
You wonder how he would react if you told him that Wonwoo already has.
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Wonwoo thinks you’re the cutest person ever. And the part of you he finds the most cute? The fact that you actually think he’s going to let you avoid him forever. You’re good at it, he’ll give you that (even if he can see right through your every method).
It’s funny that you actually change your off days and regular working hours just to avoid seeing him and throw him off, which it does—at first. He knows you haven’t quit because Josh mentioned seeing you at the bakery when he went to buy the love of his life a cake for her birthday. This is confirmed when he goes to see for himself the next day.
Maybe you don’t realize Wonwoo can see you run to the back through the large glass windows when you hear his motorcycle, but either way he thinks it’s funny. Actually, it’s hilarious because soon enough you were going to give into him like before.
Meanwhile, you feel like a mouse being preyed on by a sly cat—one that’s toying with you before he finally catches you. Avoiding Wonwoo had been easy at first, but now you’re starting to wonder if he had let it seem easy.
You almost drop a tray of croissants when you hear a familiar deep voice calling for you. The way you whip around with a gaping mouth must be hilarious because Wonwoo just smirks at you in that infuriating way that drives you crazy. Your hands tighten around the tray as you snap your mouth closed, trying to contemplate on how to navigate the situation.
With a bit of a mental pep talk, you finally manage to put up that happy to help attitude you usually had with every other customer. The smile you give him feels exaggerated and fake, but it’s the only way you can mask all the emotions you’re feeling.
“What can I get for you?”
That devilish smirk widens as Wonwoo pretends to skim all the delicious pastries in the case before he sets his smoldering eyes back on you. “This all looks good,” he muses quietly, but you can hear him perfectly since it’s only you two. “But I think you’re the only thing that can satisfy my hunger.”
It kills you that his words make you heat up from the inside out. You ignore him and start to put the croissants into the case. The clench of your jaw is tight and bordering on painful, but it’s the only way you can keep your emotions from spilling over for him to see.
Unfortunately, your lack of response doesn’t really faze him. One thing you’ve come to learn about Wonwoo is that he’s never uncomfortable in the silence. You wish you could say the same. You’re nearly squirming by the time you’re done placing the croissants in their designated space because he hasn’t taken his eyes off of you once.
Finally, you look up to meet Wonwoo’s gaze. It’s so intense that you almost want to look away. However, there’s a part of you that loves being under the heat of his stare since you can clearly see the desire he has for you.
“You’ve been ignoring me.”
“You’ve been gone.” You counter, vaguely aware that you sound like a sulking girlfriend.
Wonwoo realizes this too because he gently coos at you. “Missed me, babydoll?”
Yes. “You wish.”
It’s obvious Wonwoo doesn’t believe you. That stupid smirk of his only seems to get bigger with every passing moment, and you don’t know if you want to kiss it or smack it off his face.
“I missed you.” He tells you honestly, loving how you’re visibly growing flustered with his words.
Resisting him would be a lot easier if he wasn’t so tempting to you and if the feelings he always evoked from you weren’t so strong. Before you can say anything to betray your easily crumbling facade, Mingyu comes out from the back with a tray of small cakes. Wonwoo gives you a once over before stepping away from the case.
“I’ll be back after your shift. Wait for me.��
You don’t wait for him—technically. It’s not waiting since Wonwoo is already outside of the bakery when your shift ends. He’s clad in his leather jacket, dark jeans, and signature combat boots. It’s not fair that he can lean against his bike so casually while looking as good as ever.
Ignoring him would’ve been all too easy, but you can’t when you notice the bruises and cuts on his pretty face. A familiar irritation bubbles in your chest, but annoyingly enough, it’s overpowered by the concern you feel. You react before you can fully think your actions through.
“What the hell!”
Wonwoo’s eyes widen the tiniest bit when you stomp over to him with angry tears in your eyes. You can’t even enjoy his cute shocked face because of the overwhelming concern and anger you feel. All you can do is hit his brawny chest in frustration.
“You—You asshole!” Your voice cracks with raw emotion as you continue to weakly hit his chest. “You said– you promised that you weren’t going to fight anymore—!”
Wonwoo lets you hit him. His chest aches, but not because of your soft blows. The last thing he meant to do was make you cry, and it’s something he wishes to never see again. His large hands come up to cup your face, fingers delicately wiping your tears. “I know I should’ve kept my promise, and I’m sorry. Just please don’t cry anymore.”
You let out a quiet whimper at his tenderness. His eyes are full of so much remorse and concern that it makes any remaining willpower you have left disappear. It feels right to bury yourself in his chest and let yourself be held by him. He caresses your back, and you can’t hate that it actually makes you feel better.
Once you’ve calmed down, you pull back and smack Wonwoo’s beefy chest again. “Asshole.”
“Your asshole.” His haze is tender as he cradles your tearstained cheek in his hand.
You scowl at him, but it’s quickly wiped off your face when he places a gentle kiss on the corner of your mouth. A sudden desire consumes you when you see Wonwoo’s affectionate gaze. This time you let yourself be driven by your desire and press your lips against his.
It’s easy for him to melt into the kiss. Wonwoo sighs into your mouth as one of his hands comes up to cup your face. His rings feel cool against your warm skin, and you let out a quiet moan when his other hand slips into the back pocket of your jeans and squeezes your ass while pulling you closer to him.
The kiss is slow at first until your hands smooth over Wonwoo’s chest and fist his shirt to pull him closer. You part your lips to allow his tongue to slip into your mouth. It feels like you got struck by a bolt of electricity the longer his lips are on yours. His desire and hunger are evident in his needy movement, and you absolutely love it.
When you two finally pull away, you’re left breathless. Wonwoo’s thumb gently caresses your cheek as his heart pounds harshly in his chest. “Stay the night with me, babydoll.”
“M’kay.” You breathe out, mind still swimming.
The smile he gives you is so pretty that it makes something inside you burn with ardent desire. You feel like you’re floating on air when Wonwoo hands you a spare helmet that happens to be your favorite color. He looks bashful as he waits for you to accept it, and you wish you could take a picture of his pretty blush.
In spite of all the reasons you have not to take the helmet from him, you still do. And you don’t regret it.
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You’ve never allowed yourself to regret the things that you’ve done because life is too short for regrets. But you definitely regret avoiding Wonwoo as long as you have, especially with the way he’s trailing his lips along your legs. Every wet kiss he leaves behind has your heart hammering and your cunt clenching in want.
Finally, Wonwoo gets to your inner thighs. His large hands spread you open with ease, eyes dark when he sees your wet pussy.
“Fuck.” His gaze fixed between your legs as if he's in a trance. “You’re already so wet.”
Your toes curl when his breath ghosts over your cunt. It sends delicious shivers throughout your body, and you have to stop yourself from bucking your hips into his face. But as you’re starting to learn, it seems like Wonwoo knows what you want before you even ask for it.
“You want my mouth, babydoll?”
Wonwoo nearly blows his load when you nod cutely, a needy mewl escaping your lips. “Please.”
He hooks your legs over his wide shoulders, thumbs spreading your folds open for his viewing pleasure. Wonwoo resists his ravenous desire for you long enough to toy with your pretty pussy before he actually tastes it—a luxury he hadn’t gotten to do last time. His rough hands are soon occupied with you, one hand pinching and flicking your sensitive clit while the other gently rubs your slippery folds.
“Fuck, baby.” You whine, biting down on your lower lip. “Feels so good.”
Your cunt is dripping with so much of your arousal that Wonwoo’s fingers are drenched as he slowly rubs circles against your aching bud. It’s throbbing and pulsing in need as his pace grows the tiniest bit quicker. You can’t even try to contain your moans as you stare down at your boyfriend.
Wonwoo has a huge smirk on his pink lips. You’re making such a mess on his fingers, and he just loves it. “You look so fucking cute when your squirm like this, babydoll.”
A needy whimper tumbles past your lips when he presses a gentle kiss to your throbbing clit. It pulses under the attention like it wants his mouth again. Wonwoo’s pupils are blown wide as he licks the remnants of your arousal off his lips. The addicting taste makes his control snap, and in the next second he smashes his face into your cunt like a starved man.
Your hips start move on their own as Wonwoo groans deeply into your drooling pussy. His mouth latches onto your clit, massaging the nub with his tongue. The movements are skilled and toe-curling, and you already feel like you’re fucked out.
“Wonwoo!” You cry out in absolute pleasure when he slips two fingers inside you.
His long fingers work your cunt open, curling up to rub the sensitive spot inside you that made you arch your back in ecstasy. Your mouth is dropped open in a silent min the longer Wonwoo fucks you with his tongue. He captures your juices with his tongue only to slobber them all over you again. Your hands grab ahold of his hair as he keeps moaning into your wet pussy, the vibrations shooting up your spine with every one of his movements.
All it takes his his nose bumping against your clit as he licks around his pumping digits for you to come all over his face. Wonwoo groans into your creamy cunt, licking up every drop of your release.
“So fucking messy.” He grunts as his hand spreads your folds and exposes your heat to the cool air. His fingers trail down your cunt, tenderly rubbing along your sensitive lips. “Fuck, just look at that cream."
You can’t contain your needy moan when Wonwoo brings his fingers to his mouth and licks them clean. He’s so fucking hot that you just want him to fuck you until you can’t think. Before you can get him to do exactly that, a heavy weight settles on your soppy cunt. His cock is hot and wet as it slides between your folds.
“You feel so good, angel.” Wonwoo groans as he thrusts forward, coating the underside of his dick with your arousal. “So fucking wet, just for me.”
The mouthwatering sight of your folds splitting open as he slides his cock between them makes him feel like he’s drunk. Maybe he is. Drunk on your pussy, that is. He only gets to enjoy the feeling for a second before you eagerly buck your hips against his.
“Let me ride you.”
It’s a miracle that Wonwoo doesn’t come all over your stomach at the words you moaned so desperately. He’s quick to get into position, leaning against his headboard as you hover above him. You look so eager as you straddle his lap, the love bites he littered all over your thighs giving him a sense of pride as he brushes his thumbs over them.
Wonwoo’s free hand reaches for your ass. He roughly kneads the skin before slapping it. You moan out in pleasure. Everything is almost too much for you to handle. The sight of him bellow you waiting patiently for you to fuck him like the first time is making your core throb with insatiable desire. His cock rests on his stomach, leaking with precum and waiting for you to sit on it.
The hottest part of it all is how Wonwoo’s looking at you with unadulterated desire and affection—like you’re a living goddess on top of him. Your hands are splayed over his muscular chest, and he just loves the feeling of them smoothing over his hot skin.
His hands move on their own, caressing your hips and mapping out every inch of your body with his rough hands. Wonwoo kisses any part of you he can reach, lips trailing from your neck down to your collarbones. His large hands slip back to your ass to deliver a sharp spank which makes you fall forward. Wonwoo skillfully captures one of your tits in his mouth, tongue immediately gliding over your hardened nipple.
“Nonu!” You cry out as your arms hook over his shoulders to keep him close, softly moaning as he switches between your tits, warm tongue swirling around each erect nub.
The cute little nickname makes his cock twitch. Fuck. You were going to drive him completely insane.
He gently nips at your sensitive bud before pulling away to look up at you. “You look so fucking pretty on top of me, babydoll.” He murmurs, forcing himself to stay still as you shift against his leaking tip.
His sweet praise is enough to make your pussy flutter. You mewl as he teasingly circles his cock against your pussy. The insistent nudges from his leaking head are making your head swim with pleasure. You’re so soaked at this point that he can feel your arousal start to stick to his skin.
Finally, you can’t resist any longer and slowly sink down on his cock. Your tight walls stretch wide, welcoming the bulbous head with just a bit of resistance. It’s been almost two weeks, and you’d already forgotten it felt to have such big and thick dick inside you. His cock isn’t even halfway inside yet, and you can nearly feel him in your stomach.
You sit back and slowly circle your hips, throwing your head back with a moan when his twitching tip nudges your walls repeatedly. Wonwoo feels like he’s gone and died to heaven with the filthy show you’re giving him of your soppy cunt. He curses quietly at the sight of your tight cunt clinging to his fat tip, nearly blowing his load at the erotic sight.
“Show me what you can do, pretty girl.”
He doesn’t have to tell you twice. With a wanton moan and your hands braced behind you, you slide all the way down. You whimper at the stretch, loving the feeling of his thick cock splitting you open. Mewls flutter from your lips, and it feels like the oxygen is slowly being forced out of your lungs.
Once he’s fully inside you, Wonwoo is sure that he’s never going to feel as good as he does now. His head is thrown back and his eyes roll to the back of his head. The feeling of your hot cunt wrapped around him is absolute heaven. You share in his feeling as you moan loudly, completely full and stretched out as he grips your ass to steady you on his dick.
Wonwoo can’t stop looking at the fucked out look on your face while you’re busy staring down at where your pussy and his cock meet. You don’t notice how his pupils are blown out with lust at the sight of you impaled on his cock. His heart fluttering in his chest because fuck, you’re like a literal goddess on top of him.
“Shit, babydoll. You gotta move.” He sounds out of breath, almost needy with his plea.
Wonwoo looks so fucked out and pretty that your pussy tightens around him at the hot sight. That's all it takes for you to give him what he wants. You lift your hips before slamming your ass back down. His cock reaches so deep inside you that you throw you head back with a loud cry. It makes you ravenous, and you eagerly repeat your movements until your practically bouncing on his cock.
You lean towards him and wrap your arms around his neck, your pace faltering a bit when your lips meet his neck. As you litter his skin with wet kisses and gentle bites, you feel his cock throb and twitch inside you. It makes you think that you might actually get him to come first this time.
At least, until Wonwoo commits the tender act of pressing a sweet kiss to your shoulder, removing a hand from your ass to gently thumb at your clit.
“Fuck, Nonu.” You whimper at the stimulation. “You’re so deep.”
“Missed having you on my cock, babydoll. You look so fucking pretty being split open like this.” His fingers trace your stretched hole before they slap your clit.
You moan wantonly when Wonwoo suddenly thrusts up, going impossibly deeper. That’s when you know he's about to ruin you in the way you’ve been craving. You shove your face into his neck, sucking and biting his skin so he can move you on his cock in the way he wants. Apparently, this isn’t enough for him, though.
Wonwoo grips your face, pressing his fingers into your cheeks. “Need to see your pretty face while I fuck you stupid.”
He doesn’t give you time to respond before he’s gripping your ass and grinding you on his cock. His fingertips press into your soft flesh as he lifts you and brings you down his length. You start bouncing to meeting his pumps. Broken mewls contrast with Wonwoo’s groans and mix in the the sound of lewd squelching and skin slapping. His abs tighten every time you come back down, thighs flexing beneath your ass.
Your swollen clit rubs against his pelvis with every thrust, and the feeling is quickly driving you insane. The knot in your stomach is coming undone fast, much faster than you want, but you feel too good to stop. Wonwoo isn’t doing much better. His mind is only full of you and the way your hot cunt is gripping his cock. The carnal look in his eye is locked to where you’re connected. He’s mesmerized with strings of arousal connecting his skin to your dripping folds.
“You look so fucking pretty when you’re bouncing on my cock—just like last time. Gonna let me pump your pretty pussy full again, babydoll?”
“Yes, yes, yes!” You cry out mindlessly, a delicious ache blooming in your core. “Whatever you want!”
You can’t believe Wonwoo has the audacity to blush like you two aren’t literally fucking like animals. It makes you gush around him, orgasm so close that you can feel it in every inch of your body.
“God, baby. Keep fucking yourself stupid on my dick.” He growls as he fucks up into you harder, needing to see you come undone on his cock.
The leaking tip of his cock brushes against your sweet spot over and over again until your eyes gloss over like you’re on the brink of tears. Wonwoo will never get enough of that fucked out face of yours, and it drives that insatiable desire in him to fuck you impossibly harder.
It takes only a few more deep thrusts for you to come on his cock with a loud moan. Your body shudders and shakes against him in absolute pleasure. Wonwoo’s movements don't stop. He fucks you through your orgasm and straight into overstimulation. But you can’t really care because it feels so fucking good. All you can do is cry out his name until he’s emptying his balls inside you.
“Y/N!” He groans into your ear as he pumps you full of his hot cum, thick ropes filling you to the brim until it’s leaking out and coating his heavy sack.
You’re gently grinding into each other as your mouths meet for a messy kiss. Wonwoo’s still-hard cock keeps twitching inside you, and you can’t help but groan into his mouth at the feeling.
“More.” You plead against his lips. “Want you to keep stuffing me full of your cum.”
“Fuck, angel.” Wonwoo pants out. “You’ll be the death of me.”
But if this was death, he’d gladly embrace it every time.
Wonwoo moves down the bed until his back meets the messy sheets. With his hands secured on your waist and the back of your neck, he pulls you down to his chest and forces you to take every inch of his throbbing cock. At this angle, he feels even thicker. Your mind goes blank as his fat dick spears into your tight hole relentlessly.
Wet noises fill the room, dancing in the air with your wanton cries. A white ring forms at the base of his cock, smearing down to his loaded sack. Wonwoo moans along with you, large hands sliding down your body to grip fistfuls of your ass. You let out a broken gasp when he grinds up and pulls you down, stuffing you to the brim only to do it again and again.
You’re panting and whimpering as his cock sinks in deep, plugging your dripping cunt. Tingles of ecstasy course through your quivering body with ever snap of his hips. You aren’t even moving anymore, it’s all Wonwoo. He’s fucking you on his cock like you're his personal fucktoy. The more you think about it like that, the more turned on you’re getting.
Your hot cunt tightens around his veiny cock. The drag of his veiny length stretching you out makes more of your juices coat his dick and spill down to his heavy balls. Wonwoo shudders when he feels how tight you keep getting. He can feel his own high quickly approaching.
“You gonna come for me again, babydoll? Soak my cock with your cream and make a mess all over me?” Wonwoo changes the angle of his hips as he speaks his lewd words. The tip of his cock slams into the soft spot inside you that makes you scream in pleasure. He keeps pounding into you from below without stopping, and you love every second of it.
“Fucking love your cock.” You babble mindlessly, any and every thought that’s not about the fat cock splitting you open being fucked out of you.
“Sweet little cunt is all mine now.” Wonwoo growls possessively. “Gonna be mine forever, right, baby?”
It’s all too much. His filthy yet sweet words combined with his fierce thrusts make you fall over that edge and into your orgasm, this one more powerful than the last. Your body erupts in flames as you squirt all over Wonwoo’s aching cock. He keeps you locked on his dick, balls slapping against your ass as he continues to pound into your gushing cunt.
“So fucking good.” Wonwoo groans gutturally before his hot cum floods your ruined cunt, painting your stretched out walls and claiming you in every sense of the word.
So much of his cum spills out and trickles down his pulsing cock, and you whimper when Wonwoo fucks it deeper into your pussy. You’re both sweaty and sticky, yet there’s still a burning ache in your core that seems like it can only be soothes by Wonwoo and his big cock.
“Want it again.” You moan into his ear, clenching down on his twitching dick. “Please.”
This is where you learn that the resident bad boy can never tell you no.
You barely process him flipping you over and manhandling you into the position he wants. Wonwoo presses your legs against your chest and start to pound into you with rough thrusts. He’s slow but brutish, slamming against your cervix every time he pushes in. Your cream soaks his thick cock and your inner thighs. It slowly drips down to your ass where his heavy balls slap against the tender skin.
“Fuck, babydoll. I’ll never get enough of this tight little pussy.” He sounds so gone, punctuating each word with a sharp thrust.
You cry out each time, the pleasure blooming into that delicious feeling in your stomach. Wonwoo’s words have you clenching around his dick, and he lets out a deep groan. He keeps moaning out praises about how good you are for him, but it’s hard to focus on his words when his thick cock is pummeling into you relentlessly.
You continuously gush around Wonwoo’s cock on the brink of yet another orgasm as you leave a stain around the base. Your pussy is stretched beyond belief, and it feels so fucking good that’s it’s making you delirious.
“I’m gonna have to stuff this pretty pussy full every day.” Wonwoo moans, loving how your cunt keeps spasming around his throbbing cock. He’s fantasised about this for so long, and now that he’s had you he’s completely addicted to you.
“Fuh-Fuck!” You wail, soaking his cock even more at his promise, leaving it dripping.
Wonwoo’s thrusts grow more powerful and ravenous. The pretty sounds you’re letting out every time he drives in and out of you is driving him insane. It’s not long for the harsh snapping of his hips to finally send you into your climax. This one is more somehow more intense than your previous one. Wonwoo groans loudly, watching as you squirt all over his cock.
Each time Wonwoo strokes your g-spot, another gush of liquid spurts from your core. “You’re so fucking hot, angel. Making a mess all over my cock.”
“Come inside me.” You beg with a loud moan, mind already so far gone to think about anything else but being fucked full of his hot cum.
Your lewd plea only drives his desire for you. Wonwoo feels his orgasm approaching with every rough thrust. His balls are aching to be emptied again, and he doesn’t hesitate to chase that euphoric feeling. Your pussy is practically begging him to fill you up with his seed, and he does exactly that. With one final shove, he bottoms out inside you and stills, cock twitching and throbbing in your hot cunt.
A huge load of cum pours into you, coating your walls and taking up the minimal space his cock hasn’t covered. Wonwoo slowly fucks it into you until you’re both whimpering from the overstimulation.
When he pulls out, his cum and your cream slowly leak out of your messy cunt. The fucked out pants you’re letting out are quickly stifled by Wonwoo's lips. You moan into his mouth as he slowly lets go of your legs and hooks them around his hips.
Pulling away, you barely register as he starts to tenderly kiss all over your body. You’re completely sated and too gone to acknowledge your surroundings even as Wonwoo gets up and brings back a warm towel. He gently cleans you up, whispering sweet praises that make you feel a different type of euphoria.
“Hold me, Nonu.” You finally manage to say when you realize he’s done cleaning the both of you up.
His smile is so pretty and precious as he goes to lay with you. The way he cradles you against his chest is comforting, and you know that you wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.
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taglist: @duolingofanaccount @felix-3002 @junhui-recs @asjkdk @dani41 @kageyama-i-want-tobiors @ohwonwoo
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r3starttt · 4 months
Read this or DNI
virgin!reader x ellie williams
summary: you thought the love you felt for ellie was in a platonic way, but maybe deep inside you the answer was already there, just waiting for it to be revealed, in a dream that Ellie is willing to help you with.
warnings: smut, virginity loss, pet names (pretty girl, babe, baby, good girl), first kiss, corruption, thigh riding.
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It’s been aproximately ten years since you first met her, Ellie Williams, your best friend and the person your whole family adores probably as much as they adore you. The only one that knows everything about you, the one that brings your true self, the one that’s seen almost everything.
You’ve been friends since forever, best friends. The type to have sleepovers, to hug and hold hands, cuddle and be all the time together, do everything together. And of course people said things and thought things about it, about how close you were and how best friends don’t to that, but the answer you two gave was always “we’re like family” and it was credible, enough.
It wasn’t a lie though, or so you thought since it was her idea to give the answer. She’d come up with most of the plans, most responses, most of everything. Not because you never suggested anything but because she’s way more stubborn than you are and there’s no way she let you take the big decisions, there’s also no way at all that she takes no as a response and you’re the biggest people pleaser she’s ever known.
And again, it’s been years of friendship, years of seeing each other in all type of ways for many different reasons. Years of what seemed like endless nights of talking nonstop, or days even. Months when there was no school or job or anything to do but be with each other all the time unless Ellie had plans with other girls “friends” that she’ll end up bragging about later. So you knew everything about each other, you’d tell everything detailed, you trusted each other.
And she’d always assure you that everything she did with or for you was for the better, same applied for her, in different ways of course. She’s never been problematic or mean or anything like that, but she was the one to make you smoke and drink for the first time in your life. And you, you only made her listen to your boring music for hours or have the cute and boring plans as she calls them. But at the end of the day, is all fair, you both do what’s best for each other based on your different needs.
That’s why you love her so much, and until this week you’ve thought it was pure platonic love, the one that you feel for your family, and she’s family. But she changed everything, everyone said it’ll eventually happen, and you always, always prayed to god that It didn’t, you failed.
Ellie spoke for hours about this new girl she’d just met, something casual as usual, but apparently it stocked to you because later that day you had a dream about it. And it doesn’t really bother you to have a dream like that, not even because she’s in it, because it doesn’t mean anything right? But it felt too good and too real to forget or ignore or let go. And the more you think about it, the more you keep feeling like it might actually mean something.
Because she was in fact hot, attractive in all possible ways, and she’s not just hot but also pretty, delicate in her way. She’s smart and sweet and knows you incredibly good, and she’s always supportive. And she shows she cares about you, even when she’s all awkward and shy about it she’d do anything to let you know she cares about you as much as you care about her.
And there’s nothing else that you love more than that, and now probably nobody else that can make you feel it, you won’t let anyone else try to fill that space. It’s just not the same even if you tried. It’s not Ellie.
So now that you’re currently at her house in her bed, cuddling, you’ve been thinking about this while situation, how to address it without being awkward for you and without being too explicit as well.
She doesn’t mind it, she knows you’ve had thoughts like this about girls before, but you’ve never done anything romantic with anyone before. Not even kissed anyone or hold hands, nothing. Not because you’re innocent or afraid but because you haven’t found someone worth your first experiences.
“What’re you thinking ‘bout?” you can feel her hands rubbing circles on your back as she speaks, suddenly stopping and letting go of her phone, making you groan. You’ve been watching random shit in her phone for hours, trying to keep her busy from reading you. “Nothing” your hands move unconsciously tighter around her, pressing the side of her stomach and making you feel the small laugh that your very fake ‘nothing’ had elicited in her.
“You’ve been zoning out, I thought you wanted to sleep but you’re clearly not tired, so” she let go of you, slowly readjusting herself on the bed so that she could properly rest her back on the headboard “what is it? Mhm?”
“It’s something sex related, you know it’s all awkward f’ me el” you shifted your eyes towards her half leaded ones, furrowing at her corky smile “see? you’re already laughing at me and I-“ your voices overlapped, making you stop talking first “You gotta find yourself a boy or girl or whatever. If you keep hoping for the one worth your body then you’re gonna fucking lose your mind” little does she know, you thought, laughing at her comment and motioning your hand as in a silent ‘forget it’
“I mean it” Ellie spoke again, clearly determined to make you speak “It’s your fault, maybe if you stopped telling me every detail of all the girls you ‘relieve stress’ with then I would keep being an innocent girl” you positioned your hands together, as if you were praying. Now sitting in front of her.
You stopped the moment she hit your arm, rolling your eyes “You have no innocence in your body, you’ve always been a fucking mess, specially with people” before you could say anything about it she spoke again “Tell me, you know I don’t care” she shrugged her shoulders, making a small pout. She looked particularly pretty today.
“Did you do something today? y’ look different” Ellie rolled her eyes, letting out a exaggerated groan “eyeliner maybe, now stop avoiding and tell me about whatever wet dream you had now” yup, there she was, best friend that knows everything. And the stupid friend that besides being people pleaser knows shit about lying.
“I fucking hate you” a pillow thrown by you made her open her eyes again, chuckling at how obvious you were. “remember what you told me the weekend? I dreamt about it… but you were there and it felt wrong” you mumbled the last words, audible enough for Ellie to understand. She didn’t care, neither did you, well, you tried not to care much. But your body reacted before your mind would let you do anything so you felt already sweating and practically burning. And again, she knew and she noticed, but didn’t care.
“Why? didn’t I fuck you good enough? I’m not worth your body either?” Ellie’s characteristic sheepish smile formed on her face as she got closer to you, leaning on her elbows and tilting her head, mocking you. “I’m not gonna give you details, I’m just saying I feel wrong… it doesn’t mean anything but-“ “it means something, don’t be a pussy and accept you might feel like fucking your best friend”
Hearing the words out loud was less frightening than you would expect, maybe it was Ellie’s voice but the idea wasn’t as disgusting as you felt it was. Not wrong either.
“Stop it, alright? you know I would never” her eyes felt like they were piercing your body, like they could read your mind, like she could eat you alive any moment. And the closer she moved to you the more stupid you felt “Ellie, please” you tried pushing her away once she was practically on top of you, she was playing of course, and she would stop. “You seem to like it, tell me what you dreamt of, Mhm?” Or maybe she meant it this time.
You weren’t sure what to do or say, she’s never played like this with you, and you’ve never even kissed anyone. Yet before you could try anything she laughed. Her hands were pressed on top of yours, sinking in the mattress along your bodies. And her face was so close to yours her mocking laugh brushed your cheeks. You were craving her now.
She let go of you, resting her body against the headboard again and shifting her eyes towards the sides of the bed, looking for an empty space on the wooden tables to place her phone. “Come here” her hands patted her lap, spreading her legs to make some space for you.
And so you did, crawling to her lap and sitting comfortably on it, positioning your legs in between hers. Ellie’s hands slowly cupped your face “I’m doing my job as a friend, this doesn’t count if you don’t want it too, yeah?” a small laugh brushed her lips, mocking your noticeable lost eyes that were wandering all over her face, from her eyes to her lips as she spoke.
She’d made a mess out of you already, without even touching you. But her tenderness, her voice, her body, the way she felt snd smell, everything had a specific effect on you that had been hiding for a long while. It was like drinking for the first time.
Her lips pressed on yours, it was a tender kiss, sweet and gentle. It didn’t last long “it’s okay, it’s only natural baby” her hands moved from your face to your thighs, caressing every inch of them in the most delicate way ever. Nothing you could ever imagine on your own.
So you kissed her again, now with an idea of what to do but letting her guide your every moves. Her tongue eventually got involved as well, dancing with yours and filling your mouth with the most delicious motions ever. Again, nothing you could ever imagine in your own.
You could feel the heat and wetness increase in between your legs, ashamed for getting like this so fast but too focused on Ellie’s body to actually care. She purposely lifted the leg you were sitting on, shaking it the moment she felt her knee against your cunt. “You can move… it’s alright” she mumbled in between kisses, leading your waist with her hands so you could grind on her.
You knew what she liked, based on everything she’d told you before, so you did what you could, moaning on her mouth as she liked it, and letting her guide you as well. You added pressure on your own, riding her leg practically, gently jumping on it whenever you felt like you needed more.
“Yeah, just like that baby. You’re doing so good” her hands tucked your dress on your panties, right above your waist so you could move freely. Then she pushed you closer, making you rest your head on her neck. And you took the chance to do something you’ve dreamt of, tasting it and leaving marks on it along wet kisses that kept making her as wet as you.
You could hear her small whines in your ear every time your kisses an grinding combined, she could cum just by your touch, and so could you. But what was the fun in that?
“What did you dream?” her hands moved back to your ass, guiding it over her thigh, slowly. “Uhm…f-fuck” you couldn’t speak properly, too focused on the sensation “your fingers” you managed to say. It was pathetic for both, to be enjoying this so much. It didn’t feel right, but it didn’t count right?
“That all?” you shocked your head, feeling a knot of pleasure forming on your stomach and your legs getting weaker at every movement Ellie guide your body to do. “I was…on my knees” too shy to say the words out loud you gulped, hoping she’d understand “yeah? what happened first?” The grip on you tightened the moment she noticed you getting closer to your climax, making every move painfully slower “Y-Your fingers… please”
“What a good girl, already begging” her hands grabbed your waist, tight enough to make you stop “take it off, I need to see you whole or I won’t do anything” she gripped your dress as she spoke, pulling the hem of it. You hesitated before doing it, this was new for you, and for the first time ever you felt genuinely innocent with her, so dumb and ashamed of yourself.
Her lips took you out of trance, pressing them on your temple and murmuring something in between “it’s okay” kiss “you can” kiss “trust me” kiss “please baby, just let me see you” and now her eyes were in front of yours, she knew how to use the puppy eyes. You nodded, feeling Ellie’s hands slowly move to the back of your dress, unsipping it.
You stood on your knees, in between Ellie’s legs. You could feel your dress loosening as you heard the zip lowering down your body until it stopped at your lower back. You helped Ellie remove it, raising your arms so she could finally take it off, revealing your bare chest immediately, accompanied by your panties, that were removed as well.
Being completely naked in front of Ellie felt right, it didn’t count, this whole experience. But how you wish it did. The way her excitement is revealed by her eyes, wandering all over you and taking note of every mole, mark, anything that’s in your body and it’s usually unnoticed. Her eyes, her freckles, her hair, her touch and voice, all so gentle yet so hungry. She’s starving already, and you adore that.
Her breathing became erratic as how inviting you looked, she needed to touch you, to hear you and savour you whole.
Ellie tapped the sides of your waist, pushing you carefully and somehow not breaking eye contact. She need you but couldn’t get you as she wanted in her current position, so once she got you sitting in front of her, patiently waiting, she started to take her clothes off.
Being at her house, with you, she wasn’t wearing more than a hoodie she’s probably been wearing for days already. and her usual pair of boxers, already drenched under some black shorts. Ellie was quickly, motioning her hand once she finished so you could sit on her lap again.
You obeyed, sitting on her and waiting for her to instruct your movements again. Both her index and middle finger brushed your lips. You looked at her, furrowing your brows a little “open” Ellie murmured, opening her own mouth as well.
She slowly introduced them inside your mouth, unconsciously smiling at the pretty image in front of her. You took them in, brushing them with your tongue and covering them with your saliva. They moved in and out of your mouth, slowly. “good girl”
Her free hand was resting on your thigh, making small circles near your hip bone with her thumb. You wanted to move, you needed it, but the fear of making a mistake was bigger, it wouldn’t count though, but something inside you felt like it might.
Her fingers came out of your mouth, you noticed the string of saliva connecting them with your lips, letting out your tongue one las time to cut it. “You’re being so good f’ me baby” her voice came out slightly husky, breathing brushing your lips as she spoke.
Her hand trailed down your body until it came to your clit, massaging it painfully slowly and making you sigh in pleasure. She started slow, making small circles on it as her mouth kept occupied by your hardened nipples, her eyes kept fixated on you as she did her every move.
You tried pressing yourself on her, delicately coordinating your body to her motions and rubbing yourself against her fingers.
Her fingers stopped moving on your clit suddenly, moving now up and down your folds until she decided to finally let you have what you wanted, teasing your arousal by pressing the tip of her fingers right above it.
“Ellie…” you whimpered, desperately pressing yourself again her fingers. A ‘pop’ made you look down, realizing how badly she’d been covering both of your breasts with saliva “what baby?” her chin pressed in between them, looking straight into your eyes “I need you, I want you to fuck me” you begged, tightening your fists besides each side of your body, fully desperate “please”
“So pretty…asking for me” Ellie nodded, bringing your face closer to her as her fingers made their way inside you, motioning in and out of your aching cunt. She started slow and gentle, caressing your back until she heard those pretty moans you let out, and her name in small whimpers.
So she did it faster. And you did your job too, riding her fingers at some point eventually, the way they curved inside you, her knuckles hitting the outside of your cunt whenever she did it too hard and how deliciously she kept on rubbing your clit with her thumb. It was impossible for you to keep immobile.
“El, fuck…gonna cum” her smile widened, moving her face to your neck and leaving a tail of wet kisses on it, she murmured a ‘yeah?’ to which you nodded desperately, both increasing its movements until the pleasure became overwhelming, making you press you whole weight on Ellie as you got to your climax. Covering her whole hand in your juices.
“You made a mess pretty girl, mind me helping?” her fingers kept on moving some seconds after you came, abruptly removing them, eliciting a small whimper out of your lips.
You could feel your inner thighs covered in wet, she tried cleaning some of it with the rest of your thighs before moving her hand up your face again. You already knew what to do, licking them and flavoring your own taste.
She moved her face closer to yours as well, removing her fingers out of your mouth once you licked your juices off and pressing her lips on yours one last time “gotta clean you, yeah? you did good, just rest babe”
reblogs are very much welcomed <3
Check this !!! FREE PALESTINE
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queenofcoquette · 30 days
how do you have unshakeable confidence?
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hey loves! i know i've made plenty of posts talking about confidence, but after going through one of the worst mental health patches i've had, i've come back with a lot more to say. i've always been pretty thin skinned and after seeing the judgement that a lot of ppl were going thru, it made me feel like i needed to fit into an acceptable box, to please as many people as possible.
defining your beliefs. i think it's important to know what things for you are a non-negotiable. like find things that you believe in deeply and things that you wouldn't care being judged for.
setting your priorities. this really helps me- i think about what is really important to me and what is not. i'm not striving to be the smartest person on the planet, so if someone thinks im dumb then whatever.
having confident role models. some of my relatives from Massachusetts are like very stereotypical 'massholes' and they just all have so much confidence about everything, so i like to think about them. or chloe sevigny. honestly just anyone who is true to themselves and radiates that sort of vibe is good to look up to.
putting yourself in new situations. i've had so many instances where i worry about something, and then when it actually happens it's not even bad. and i think the more times this happens the more you realize how much we build up fear.
seeing the good in others. when you become a critic of everyone else, eventually you'll start doing the same thing to yourself. stop thinking that you would do better then someone in every situation.
i think of my faith in God. if youre not religious then you can skip this, but personally i remind myself that in the end it won't matter how people judged me, but how God did. stop pandering to people.
of course there's all the other things i've talked about. consistently thinking positive thoughts, taking care of yourself physically and mentally. all that put together will improve the way you see yourself.
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hattiewritesalot · 10 days
Azriel x Reader
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Summary: At an event hosted by High Lord Beron, Azriel's closest friend Y/N seems to be incredibly wasted. The only problem? Azriel knows that she doesn't get drunk. Ever.
Warnings: Mentions of alcohol, poison, vomiting, a drunk love confession, a bit of angst but it is all in all quite fluffy
A/N: So this may or may not be inspired by the scene in Wicked King where Cardan gets poisoned... enjoy!! :3
Y/N is, as always, on high alert as she follows Rhys into the ballroom. Something combined with her dislike for social events and her lack of trust for the High Lord of Autumn meant her eyes and ears were everywhere, keeping constant watch over everything. Azriel’s large hand gently splays over her bare back, the rough fingers a gentle reminder that he’s there, and possibly to tell her to stop being so tense. She shoots a glare at her best friend, who responds with a badly-concealed smile.
She’s dressed in black, they all are, as is custom in the Night Court. Her dress is floor length, the black satin offering a nice hold around her figure, the neckline a low plunge, and the slit on her left side allowing her some freedom. The fabric is littered with silver threads and diamonds, meant to represent constellations, and also to match the sparkly heels on her feet. She looks pretty. She feels it.
A servant welcomes them warmly, almost immediately offering the group a drink of champagne, which she takes. Cassian snorts, and teases her for taking the only glass that the poor servant had, but she rolls her eyes and takes a sip.
She rarely drinks. She doesn’t like it. She’s seen enough of the boys’ drunk shenanigans to be put off it for a lifetime. She usually stays sober, if not tipsy, whenever they go to Rita’s, opting for escorting a stumbling Rhys back to Feyre rather than being the one stumbling.
But one drink won’t hurt. Not tonight. Tonight, she’ll need it.
The Inner Circle split up around the room, Azriel hot on Y/N’s trails, scarred fingers just barely tracing her bare shoulders. She sighs, leaning against a wall, him doing the same. “Time check?”
Azriel snorts. “You’re the one with the watch.”
She clicks her tongue, and checks the time, leaning back with a groan. “Two more hours of… this.”
“Always a ray of sunshine.”
“Says the shadowsinger.” she grins. Azriel was the first person she’d met in the Inner Circle, and coincidentally, her closest friend. They’d been attached at the hip the moment she’d introduced herself. They know everything about each other, inside and out. 
She’d never admit it, but her heart longed for the Illyrian. He was always so clever, so considerate. And, not to mention, his sharp features and hazel eyes made heat rise in her cheeks; hot, blissful, lovestruck heat.
“I think Cassian wants me for something.” Azriel muses, tipping his chin towards where Cassian was very unsubtly gesturing for him to accompany him. Y/N narrows her eyes at the redhead he’s standing with, and laughs. 
“If I didn’t know better, I’d say that were Eris Vanserra. Good luck, Az.”
Azriel groans, playfully tugging her hair as he walks over to his brother.
All alone, now. She drinks her champagne, downing it almost immediately. She liked champagne. It never got you too drunk, never made you too irrational. “Enjoying the festivities, Y/N?” Beron’s voice purrs out from behind her. She forces a smile.
“I’d say yes, but it appears I’ve run out of champagne.” The High Lord cocks a brow at her words, and offers her another glass with a different, more vibrant liquid. “Try this. It’s exclusive to the Autumn Court. I believe you’ll enjoy it, it’s not too strong.”
She eyes the glass, before taking it, taking a sip. It’s a subtle flavour - fruity, slightly bitter. “Thank you, my lord.” His smile doesn’t quite reach his eyes as he walks away. 
Cauldron, this drink is good. She drinks every last drop, and places it down on the table next to her, looking for a bottle of the same-
Oh. Oh. This is fun. Fun, fun, fun!
Why isn’t she having fun! Tonight is amazing!
An uncontrollable giggle tears from her throat, the sound throwing her off slightly as wave after wave of lucid dizziness hit her. She laughs, clutching her chest. This is so fun!
Where’s Azriel? Is he having fun? Oh, she loves him. Loves him so much. Where is he!?
Azriel cracks his neck, obviously not wanting to engage with the eldest son of the High Lord, who clearly would rather be anywhere else. Cassian is long gone, with the excuse of seeing Nesta, and now Azriel has been left to deal with Eris. This could not get any worse.
Until it does.
Y/N beams at him, tripping over her feet to get to him, stumbling as she slumps into his arms, snorting and giggling. He freezes. Eris chokes on a laugh. Her hands reach up to grab his face and tug at his hair.
“Y/N?” he murmurs, taken slightly off-guard by her strange behaviours.
“Azzy!” she squeals, laughing and kissing his cheek. Eris cocks a brow. “Looks like your little Y/N’s had too much to drink.” His words echo around Azriel’s head. No, that can’t be. Y/N doesn’t like drinking. And why would she get drunk here of all places? And why-
His heart sinks. Her pupils are dilated. Her body is trembling. Her skin is turning clammy. 
This isn’t alcohol. It’s poison. 
His eyes go wide as he pulls her form into his arms. “Y/N?” he mumbles, a little firmer now. “Y/N, what’s going on?”
“Nothing, silly!” she squeals. Eris laughs again, and Azriel’s head whips towards him. “What the fuck did you do to her!?” The eldest son’s eyes widen at his harsh, almost growling tone. 
“Me? I’ve done nothing. She’s just drunk, shadowsinger.” He sneers at him down his pointy nose. Azriel clutches Y/N closer, ignoring all of her babbles as she squishes his cheeks and tugs his dark locks like a child. 
“I love you!” she squeals. “I love you sooooo much. So much. I wish we were mates.” she slurs. Azriel takes a shaky breath at her words, and Eris gestures to her flailing form. “See? Drunk.”
“She’s not- she’s not drunk, she’s- fuck, where’s Rhys?” His tone is desperate as he searches for the High Lord. Y/N’s knees start to buckle, but he wraps her arms around her thighs. “Stay with me, sweetheart, you’re gonna be okay.” He manages to catch the attention of Rhys, whose eyes go wide at the sight of Y/N’s slumped form, and he rushes to them. “What-”
“She’s been poisoned.” Azriel chokes out, panic surging in his veins as he hugs his girl as tightly as he can to his chest. “We- we need to get her out.” Rhys takes a breath, and seems to send a message to Feyre, because she starts to round everyone up. “She’ll be okay, Az, just calm down-”
“I’m not going to calm down! She could die!” He snaps. Rhys backs off at the protective gaze in his brother’s eyes. “Get her back to the Night Court, I’ll sort out here.” Azriel hooks one arm under her knees and the other on her back as he closes his eyes, winnowing back to Velaris. 
She squirms, shoving herself onto the cold floor of the Moonstone Palace, and she pukes, gasping and gagging. He shushes her gently, his shadows swirling around her and stroking her hair back as she retches. “It’s okay, you’re okay. Get it all out.”
As she vomits, his mind can’t help but flick back to what she said in the Autumn Court. ‘I love you!’ ‘I wish we were mates.’ His heart flutters at the recollection, but he silently growls at it to shut up. She’s been poisoned. Her head isn’t right. She was probably just saying words for the fun of it. She doesn’t mean it. She doesn’t mean it.
But still…
No, heart, stop it.
He pulls her up against his chest when she’s finished, gently rubbing her back. She sobs, slurring unintelligible words. He kisses her sweaty temple and carefully carries her up to her room, murmuring sweet nothings to keep her calm, but her body thrashes. Her eyes are rolling back. His hands are shaking. 
He just about manages to get her writhing form onto the bed when Rhys arrives, Madja hot on his trails. “She’s been poisoned?” she asks. Y/N screams in response. Rhys winces at the noise, but the expression worsens at the fury on Azriel’s face.
“Go on.” He growls. “Give me one good reason I shouldn’t storm back in there and kill them all.”
“Because first of all, that’ll be a lot of paperwork for me, and second of all, I don’t think Y/N wants you to leave.”
Rhys is, frustratingly, right. Y/N has taken it upon herself to latch onto Azriel’s arm, clutching him and mumbling profusely, cheek squished against his bicep. He sighs, and gently pats her hair, shooting a glare to the High Lord of Night in the process.
He sits with her the entire time Madja treats her, his fingers tightly intertwined with hers. The healer concludes that she’ll be okay, but not without side-effects. She says he was clever to get her home so quickly. It wasn’t out of intelligence, it was out of fear.
She gives Y/N a sleeping draught, just so her aching body can get some rest, and then she leaves. Azriel stares at his best friend’s face, and figures he should do the same. He presses a soft kiss to her forehead, smiles at her fluttering eyes, and moves to leave.
Standing in the doorway, however, his eyes flit back to hers, the hazel of his irises connecting with her soft hues.
And then he feels it.
Like a string pulled taut, it snaps within his chest, flooding his veins with the pure bliss of finally having something to protect, to care for, to love. It roars throughout his body, his heart burning with the golden flames of the bond.
lol hmu I write for acotar now
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