#you maybe need to think a little harder on this stance of yours and if youve allowed yourself to question it even once since 2011
inkdrinkerworld · 1 month
Heyy!! I absolutely love your work and was wondering if I could make a request?
I read your Logan x Scott’s sister blurb a little bit ago and adored it and was wondering if I could request another one?
Maybe reader is crying in her room over a book or show or something and Logan comes in to soothe her but then Scott comes in and sees his sister crying and thinks that Logan did something to her? He gets all defensive and protective.
If not, obviously no worries but lots of love and hope you’re doing well!! 💗💗
“Bub? Where are you sweet girl?” Logan comes into your room, looking around for you. “I need a hug kid.” He had a fucking horrible day- some of the kids were more shits than he remembered.
Logan finds you in the bathroom crying on the toilet. You’re in your towel, and your hair is dripping down your back with suds following them.
“What’s wrong?” Immediately, Logan’s on his knees in front of you.
You sniffle and wipe at your nose, eyes all red as you look up at him.
“I hurt my wrist when I went on that thing with Jean and Ororo and I thought the pain would go away but when I was washing my hair I think I fucked it up some more.” He pouts, reaching for your wrist.
“Let me take a look, princess.”
You set your wrist in his hand carefully.
It looks more than sprained. Maybe a little twisted and a touch out of place.
“I can set it for you. Wanna bite down on my belt?” He teases and you giggle wetly while shaking your head.
“Will you count me down?” Logan coos, your words are soft and a bit insecure. He gives you a kiss on your cheek and then your wrist.
“I’ll count you down bub,” he rubs a little pressure on your forearm. “Look the other way f’me.”
You turn your head and Logan gives you a count from three to one, and twists your wrist making you cry out. “Fuck that’s rough.”
Just then, the bathroom door bangs open and Scott glares at Logan.
“What the fuck did you do to her? Why’s she been crying? And what the fuck happened to her wrist?”
You roll your eyes, Logan just stares at Scott like he can’t believe he’s in the bathroom right now. He really can’t. He also can’t believe Scott thinks he’d hurt you.
“I’ve been crying because I fucked up my wrist and Logan set it back for me while I was being a baby.”
Logan pinches your thigh, “You were hurt, not being a baby.”
Scott can’t help but soften his stance a bit. Logan treats you well, even if he gives him shit everyday. Sue him for not liking that you’re dating.
“You mind getting out so I can finish washing my girlfriend’s hair, Cyclops?”
Scott’s scowl is back. “When you’re finished can we go get lunch? I miss you.”
Logan gags, “I’m in love with your sister, Scott. Not you.”
You laugh and Scott glares harder. “I was talking to her, dumbass! Why would I miss you? I see you just about eleven hours a fucking day.”
“Yeah, we can grab a bite after Scotty. Give me thirty minutes?”
He nods and walks out, shutting the door behind him.
“What about me, hm?” Logan teases as he helps you out of your towel. “Gonna leave me to sleep in that cold ass bed all alone?”
“I’ll be back in an hour Lo, I swear.” You cup his cheek with your good hand and kiss his bottom lip.
“Yeah yeah,” he keeps you in place for a second kiss. “Did you factor me into those thirty minutes?”
You laugh against his mouth, “Not this time baby, come wash my hair please my love?”
Logan rolls his eyes playfully. You always know the right thing to call him. “You’re not leaving this room the second you come back; fucking missed you today.” He pats your butt as you step into the shower, your laugh making his chest swell.
God he loves you.
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gubsbuubs · 5 months
I hate it when you're right
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Pairing: Jake Peralta x Female!Reader
Warnings: Friends to lovers; LOTS of teasing, slow burn?, Smut; Creampie; Dirty talk.
Request:Could you do a Jake Peralta x Reader work partners to hookup? Like they’ve been work partners forever, until one night way too late at the bar they hook up? And realize “oh fuck maybe i do like him like that?”
A/N: Hi, my loves! I´m not dead I swear. Here's the first Peralta smut, hope everyone enjoys. 🍒
English is not my first language - My requests are open!
"How much longer is this going to take?" Peralta's agitated voice echoed through the dark alley as he paced back and forth, his restless energy practically bouncing off the walls.
I understood his frustration; we'd been waiting for what felt like hours, when in reality, it had only been about forty minutes. Compared to the nearby street, this alley was dark and dank; graffiti adorned the walls, and the air smelled faintly of waste. At the end of it stood an abandoned store, rumored to be a hotspot for illegal drug deals. After receiving a tip earlier this nigth, we had been staking out the area in hopes of catching distributors. Slowly, I watched as Peralta's impatience grew, and I couldn't help but wonder if our tip had just been a false lead.
Amidst the distant sounds of traffic and the faint hum of the city, Jake's distressed movements seemed amplified; every passing car and footstep only seemed to fuel his uneasiness. Honestly, I couldn't blame him; this place gave off major creepy vibes, but we had a job to do, and that meant keeping our cool and waiting for the right person to arrive.
"Hey, take a breather," I suggested, attempting to soothe his nervous demeanor. "You're coming off a bit suspicious."
He halted in his tracks, scratching the back of his head with a sheepish grin. "Sorry about that. I just can't stand waiting, you know?"
"I understand, but we really need to keep it together," I stressed, aiming to ease his tension. "Can you just stand there and act normal?"
"I'm tryiiiiiiing," his voice tinged with a hint of whining as he continued pacing.
"Well, try harder," I urged, "You look like a total cop right now."
His pacing halted abruptly, and he turned to me with wide eyes, a look of realization dawning on his face. "Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god," he muttered frantically. "We look like cops, and we´re getting shot in the face."
"Relax, Peralta," I chuckled, trying to inject some levity into the situation.
"Y/n" He sighed deeply, standing in front of me with his hands in his pockets,"I don't want to get shot; my face is my prized possession." His brow furrowed as he confessed dramatically.
I tilted my head, "Come on, Peralta," I quipped, a playful grin tugging at the corners of my lips. "If you get shot, I think your face would be the least of our concerns. I mean, you'd be dead!"
"Man, I should've prepared a character for a cover-up," Jake exclaimed, shaking his head ruefully. "We can't just stand here looking like this... like cops."
"Well, it's a little late for that now,"
He let out an exaggerated sigh, crossing his arms in frustration. "Let me think of something," he declared, his hand moving to his chin and rubbing it thoughtfully as he pondered our predicament.
I couldn't help but chuckle softly as I glanced around at the dimly lit street nearby, feeling the tension slowly dissipate as Jake's panicked expression softened into one of contemplation.
But then, with a sudden clarity, Jake snapped his fingers, "I've got it!" he exclaimed.
His words were accompanied by his familiar, stupid, and playful smirk. It was a look that spelled trouble, and to be honest, although I knew nothing good would come out of his mouth, I couldn't help but feel intrigued.
"Spill it, Peralta," I said, my hands tucked into my jean pockets, adopting a casual stance as I awaited his response. With Jake, you never quite knew what you were going to get, but you could always count on it being entertaining, if nothing else.
"You see, Y/n," he approached slowly, a mischievous grin playing on his lips as his left hand found its place against the wall behind me, anchoring me as he leaned in. "I was thinking..." he trailed off, his tone dripping with exaggerated suspense.
I couldn't help but roll my eyes playfully at his teasing manner. "Oh, here we go again," I retorted gently, halting his advances with a hand on his chest. "Another one of Jake's brilliant ideas, right?"
"Come on, Y/N, don't be like that," he said, his tone a mix of amusement and pleading. "You know you love my brilliant ideas."
"Oh, absolutely," I replied with a touch of sarcasm. "They're right up there with 'let's infiltrate this wedding' and 'let's dress up as clowns for the undercover operation.'"
"Hey, those are classic moments in my detective history," he protested, a grin spreading across his face. "One day they'll make a movie about me."
I couldn't resist lightly patting his chest. "Sure, buddy, for sure."
As Jake leaned in closer, I couldn't deny the surge of warmth that spread through me. Despite my attempts to conceal it, his proximity was starting to affect me.
Jake and I had a playful dynamic, often flirting with each other, and he wasn't shy about expressing his interest; he even told me countless times how I was "missing out" on a chance to be with him.
And don´t get me wrong, while I did find him undeniably attractive, I was hesitant to entertain the idea of taking things beyond friendship. Our coworker-turned-friend relationship was something I cherished, and I didn't want to risk complicating it with romantic entanglements.
So, no, nothing ever happened apart from the casual, harmless flirting. Our banter kept things light and enjoyable, never crossing the line into anything more serious. Despite the occasional temptation, we both understood the importance of maintaining boundaries in our friendship.
"Seriously, hear me out on this one," he continued, "What if we… I don't know… pretend to make out? It's the perfect cover-up!" His suggestion hung in the air, and for a moment, there was silence as we both processed the absurdity of his idea. His head fell to the side, awaiting my response with a playful smirk dancing on his lips.
"You wish, Peralta." I laughed and shook my head. "I mean, I know you'd do anything to steal a kiss from me, but making out in a dark alley? That's a bit too romantic even for you, don't you think?"
"Hey, it was worth a shot, right?" As he moved to step away from the wall, I caught movement at the beginning of the street behind him. Acting quickly, I grabbed him by the tie, the one he always refused to wear, and shot him a warning look. Understanding my silent cue, he lowered his head to mine, trying to appear inconspicuous as he whispered in my ear. "Is it them?"
"Maybe," I quietly answered, my heart pounding as I realized we were being watched. The figures stood at the beginning of the street, whispering to each other; they wore on to us for sure.
"Oh my god, they know, don't they?" he whispered, his voice tinged with worry. "What do we do, Y/L/N? I don't want to get shot in the face," he pleaded, his panic palpable.
Fuck I hate when he's right...
"Screw it," I whispered, my voice filled with determination. Pulling him closer, I crashed my lips into his. He immediately reacted, his arms encircling my waist as he pinned me against the wall. His lips were softer than I imagined, but his hands were rough as they traveled up my sides to rest on the back of my neck, pulling me even closer. Although the kiss was a desperate attempt to obfuscate the approaching perps, it was evident that Jake was definitely enjoying it more than it was intended. I couldn't help but give in to the moment as our kiss intensified as his tongue traced over my lower lip, kindly begging for more.
The footsteps grew louder, signaling the approach of whoever was out there. Without a second thought, his hand found its place on the back of my thigh, pulling me in closer. With my leg lifted around him, our bodies pressed together, and his fingers lightly held me in place.
Abruptly, the footsteps ceased and a voice cut through the moment. "Hey, what are you guys doing here?" one of the men asked, his tone cautious.
Jake broke the kiss. "Do you mind?" He retorted sharply, giving the guy a pointed look, before catching my lips again. I eagerly responded, letting my hands tangle up in his hair as he leaned closer to me.
The two guys just chuckled and exchanged knowing glances before sauntering off to the end of the alley. It worked; the stupid plan actually worked.
I waited until the footsteps were barely audible before breaking the kiss. I raised my head to get a better look, and Jake let his lips travel, leaving warm, open-mouthed kisses down my chin and into my neck. I bit my lip as I suppressed a moan I knew I was holding, glancing to see the two figures waiting by the door. "Jake, they're just standing there." I breathed out.
"Keep your eyes on them," he ordered, as he pressed himself against me.
I fought to keep my focus, torn between the intoxicating sensation of Jake's lips on me and the need to maintain our cover. Despite the overwhelming desire to lose myself in the moment, I stole quick glances towards where the perps stood, ensuring we weren't drawing any unwanted attention.
Suddenly, the door creaked open, and a new figure emerged, a brown bag in hand, joining the other two with a casual greeting. My heart pounded in my chest; it was going down, and we were going to get these guys. "Jake... Jake," I whispered urgently, breaking our embrace. His eyes met mine, and he immediately understood. Without hesitation, we sprang into action, charging towards the unsuspecting trio.
"NYPD!" Jake's voice boomed, cutting through the tense silence with commanding authority as he brandished his gun. I followed suit, drawing my own weapon, the weight of it familiar and reassuring in my hand. The perps froze, their faces registering shock as they realized they had been caught red-handed.
It had been a few days since that night in the alley. With the intel we extracted from the three guys Jake and I caught, we successfully dismantled one of the biggest drug operations in Brooklyn. And to top it off, we managed to nab the ringleader himself. It was a major win for the team and definitely a cause for celebration. So naturally, we found ourselves at Shaw's, ready to toast to our victory.
"To the Nine-Nine," Captain Holt's voice resounded with strength as he lifted his glass high in the center of our circle. "To the Nine-Nine," we all echoed, raising ours in unison. With cheers and the clinking of half-empty glasses, we celebrated our hard work.
"Now disperse," he announced, his tone carrying a hint of warmth. "I want you all to have fun tonight; you deserve it." and with a wave of his hand, he indicated for us to move from our celebratory circle, encouraging us to enjoy the rest of the evening.
With that, I abruptly turned to face the bar, my attention drawn to the array of bottles lining the shelves. Caught off guard by a sudden collision, I stumbled backward, my balance momentarily disrupted. As I blinked in surprise, I found myself locking eyes with Jake, his hands reaching out to steady me by the waist. A rush of warmth flooded through me at the contact, and for a fleeting moment, time seemed to stand still as our gazes lingered.
"Whoa, sorry about that," I mumbled, feeling the heat rise to my cheeks as embarrassment washed over me.
His expression turned sheepish as he offered a tentative smile, his eyes crinkling at the corners with genuine warmth. After a brief moment of silence, he cleared his throat awkwardly. "Hey, no worries," he said lightly, a hint of amusement lacing his tone. Raising a hand, he scratched the back of his neck in a self-conscious gesture. "Guess I should've watched where I was going, huh?"
Our eyes remained locked, neither of us willing to be the first to look or moove away. "Well, at least we're not in an alley this time," I blurted out, trying to break the awkwardness with a touch of humor. He chuckled softly, the tension between us easing slightly as we both shared a small laugh.
"Dark alley or not, this was a great case," he said, his tone softening as he spoke. "I loved working with you, and I think we did a great job." His sincerity warmed my heart, and his light squeeze on my side felt like a silent reassurance.
Taking a step back, I broke away from his hold, trying to compose myself. My heart raced with the sudden rush of emotions. "Well... um..." I stammered nervously, my mind scrambling for something coherent to say. "I think we should celebrate. I'll be with Rosa at the bar," I continued, my voice wavering slightly as I awkwardly backed away from where we stood. "I'll see you around, Peralta."
As I approached the bar, Rosa's amused expression was already evident. Her playful tone cut through the air as I settled onto the bar stool beside her.
"What the hell was that?" she quipped.
I offered a weak shrug, attempting to play it cool. "What was what?" my voice slightly shaking as I avoided her knowing gaze.
"Oh, come on," she teased, gesturing toward the table behind her where Peralta and Charles were now seated. "That little dance back there, the eyefucking," she continued.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, no eyes were fucking back there!" I held my finger up in protest, trying to suppress a nervous laugh.
She sighed and took a sip of her drink, her gaze thoughtful. "Man, what the hell happened on the stakeout? You guys have been so weird…the glances, the lingering touches..."
"Hey, we have been doing none of that," I lied, attempting to deflect Rosa's probing with a forced casualness. Deep down, I knew she wasn't the only one who noticed. Despite being preoccupied with the bust operation for the past few days, I couldn't ignore the subtle shifts in Jake's behavior around me. He looked at me more often than usual, sat closer, and his touches lingered longer. I understood it all too well. I wasn't oblivious. We shared a kiss, and it wasn't just any kiss. There was something there—something I couldn't shake off.
"Bullshit," she retorted, "I mean, I understand tuning Boyle out when he talks, but Jake is literally not listening to a single word."
I glanced from my drink to the booth where Jake sat, slumped against the leather cushions with his legs spread out. He appeared relaxed, toying with his whisley glass that sat on his thigh. His gaze was already on me, peeking through his lowered eyebrows.
Our eyes met, and in that moment, I found myself unable to look away from him, captivated by the intensity of his gaze. What the hell was this man doing to me? It was as if every fiber of my being was drawn to him, despite my best efforts to resist.
"See, you're doing it again!" Rosa exclaimed loudly, her voice cutting through the chatter of the bar.
I immediately shook my head, laughing nervously. "Oh my god! Doing what, Diaz?" I turned toward the bar, signaling for another round of drinks, hoping to distract both of us from the uncomfortable topic.
She raised an eyebrow, her smirk widening as she leaned in closer. "The. Eye. Fucking," she punctuated each word.
"Rosa! No!" I exclaimed, my cheeks flushing with embarrassment. "No eyefucking going on," I added quickly, hoping to put an end to the teasing before it went any further.
"I know you kissed him," she said casually, her tone soft but firm, leaving no room for denial.
"What? No, that's not true!" My voice probably went up an octave, betraying my attempt at denial.
Rosa didn't waver, analyzing my reaction with a knowing look that seemed to cut straight through me.
"Fuck," I shook my head, looking to the side in resignation. "Okay, fine, I did, but it was only for the mission," I admitted reluctantly.
She chuckled, shaking her head. "Sure, sure, just for the mission."
"Oh, shut up," I lightly smacked her arm, playfully annoyed. "Who told you anyway?"
"Let's just say I have my sources,", a sly smile playing at the corners of her lips.
"Diaz!" I threatened, pointing my finger at her. "Spill it now or else!" My tone was half-joking, but there was a hint of determination in my eyes.
"Okay, okay," she conceded, raising her hands in defense. "It was Boyle."
"Boyle knows?" My eyes widened with shock. If Boyle knew, then everyone knew.
"Yeah, apparently Jake was glowing," she confirmed, "All smiles, couldn't stop grinning like a kid in a candy store." She took another sip of her drink, a knowing smirk playing on her lips. "So Boyle insisted, and eventually, he spilled the beans."
"Man, that's so embarrassing," I groaned, feeling the heat rising in my cheeks as I buried my face in my hands.
"Why?" Rosa regarded me with a serious expression.
"Well, because, you know... it's Jake," I mumbled, struggling to find the right words. "I don't want to... to..."
She held knowing look in her eyes, like she could read my thoughts, "To what?"
"Well, you know... be with him... I don't want that," Despite my attempt at denial, I couldn't shake the nagging feeling that I wasn't convincing anyone, not even myself, that I didn't want Jake.
"Man, it's obvious you guys want to be with each other; just go for it," she said with a shrug, her tone matter-of-fact. "I mean, he's still eyefucking you across the room," she added, gesturing once again in Jake's direction, her point crystal clear.
"He is, isn't he?" I lightly smacked my forehead, as if to hide my face, letting out a chuckle. I felt a sense of relief wash over me; deep down, I knew she had a point.
Glancing over to Jake, it seemed like he hadn't moved an inch since I last looked at him.
"He's not the most subtle," she said, a knowing smile tugging at the corners of her lips.
I pondered for a moment as I swirled my drink. Well, if Jake was willing to put himself out there to show his interest so openly, then maybe I should do the same. Maybe it was time to stop dancing around each other and just go for it.
"I have to fuck him, don't I?" I quipped with a smile, my voice low and filled with a hint of mischief.
Rosa burst into laughter at my bold declaration, her eyes twinkling with mirth. "Well, you don't have to, you know?" she replied between giggles, shaking her head at my blunt honesty.
I finished my drink and set the glass down with a determined nod. "I think I do," I admitted, my voice firm and resolute.
Rosa grinned approvingly. "That's my girl," she said with a proud nod.
"See you tomorrow, Diaz!" I said, giving her shoulder a friendly pat as I left the stool and made my way towards his table.
As I approached, Jake supported a knowing smile, his gaze unwavering from mine, completely focused on me, completely tuning out the random story Boyle was spewing about.
"Hey guys," I announced as I reached the table, "I'm not feeling really well," I admitted, but my tone lacked any hint of tiredness or distress making Jake's eyebrows perk up at my unconvincing excuse. "So I'll just head home, I think I can still catch the last train." It was a statement crafted with a specific purpose in mind—a subtle cue for Jake to follow me. So, I waited for the response I knew was coming, and Jake didn't disappoint.
Quickly drowning his drink, he stood up from his seat. 'No, no, train, come on!' His fingers motioned in an approaching gesture. 'I'll take you home.'"
"Oh…But!" Boyle exclaimed, "But you said you'd take me home…"
We stood in silence for a moment and watched as Boyle's expression shifted from confusion to realization in an instant. Standing up from his seat, he enveloped Jake in a bear hug, practically lifting him off the ground in his excitement. "You know what? It´s a great night! I guess I'll take a stroll along the river," he exclaimed cheerfully, patting Jake on the back before waving us goodbye.
The car ride had been silent so far, the only sounds filling the air were the gentle hum of the engine and the soft background music playing from the radio. Despite the lack of conversation, I couldn't shake the feeling of Jake's eyes on me, his scrutiny palpable, and I was keenly aware of the warmth creeping up my neck. Glancing over, I found Jake stealing glances in my direction, a small smile playing on his lips.
"Eyes on the road, Detective," I said, my finger lightly pushing his chin in the direction of the road, a playful smile tugging at the corners of my lips.
His grin widened, but he quickly turned his attention back to the task at hand, his fingers tapping lightly on the weel. "So, you weren't feeling well, huh?" Jake quipped, "Must be that sudden wave of 'I-can't-resist-Jake syndrome,' huh?"
Raising an eyebrow, I turned in my seat to face him slightly. "Oh, you think you're so funny, don't you?"
"It's a burden, really," he added with an exaggerated sigh. "Having to be this funny all the time,"
"Sometimes I wonder if you're compensating for something with all that humor."
"Oh, please, like you're not secretly enjoying every moment of it." He let his head fall back sligthy as he let out a troathy chuckle. "I couldn't help but notice how your eyes kept wandering over to me tonight. Got a little crush, Y/n?"
"Please, Peralta, don't flatter yourself. I was just admiring the artwork on the walls" I remarked with a sly smile as I leaned closer, my arm resting behind his seat and my breath brushing against his cheek. "You, on the other hand, were really pushing it out there. I mean, could you have been more obvious?"
"Oh, come on," he glanced over at me. "You can't fool me with that excuse. I know you were totally checking me out."
"Maybe…" I admitted, my voice barely above a whisper, a playful glint in my eyes.
"Of course you were," he replied, his hand moving from the steering wheel to rest lightly on my thigh. "And can you blame yourself? Of course not. I mean, look at me."
"Please, Peralta, you're not that irresistible." I scoffed while looking down at his hand, trying to maintain my composure despite the growing warmth between my legs.
"Oh, I beg to differ," he murmured as his fingers now traced gentle circles on my thigh, "Admit it, Y/N. You've been dying for me to touch you like this."
My breath caught in my throat, and I simply let out a chuckle as I slumped back against my seat. "You're trouble, you know that?" I shook my head, a mixture of amusement and exasperation in my tone, as I let my gaze drift out the window.The familiar facade of my building stood tall against the city skyline as the car gently came to a stop.
"Yeah, guilty as charged," he murmured as we stepped out onto the sidewalk.
With a coy smile, I glanced back over my shoulder. "You know that if you're guilty of something, you shouldn't be confessing your crimes to a cop."
"Well, lucky for me, Detective, you've been off the clock for..." He glanced at his watch as he trailed closely behind me, "...3 hours and 38 minutes now.
"I might be off the clock, but I can still cuff you, Peralta," I said, tapping the handcuffs at my waist.
As I turned the key and my fingers fumbled with the locks I heard him inching closer. I could feel the warmth of his body as he pressed against my back, with gentle precision, he lowered his head, and I felt his breath grazing the nape of my neck.
"Me, in cuffs, at your mercy?" His lips brushed against my ear, sending a shiver down my spine. "Oh, but wouldn't that be the highlight of your night?" His voice was low and filled with playful suggestion.
With a soft laugh, I finally managed to open the door, turning to face him, my heart pounding with anticipation. "Are you projecting, Peralta?" I countered as I met his gaze, slowly backing away, inviting him in as he approached me at the entryway.
He quickly stepped in, closing the door behind him with a soft click. The room felt suddenly smaller, warmer, with just the two of us. As he reached me, he circled his arms around my waist, pulling me closer "Mehh, maybe just a little,". His fingers deftly undid the zipper of my leather jacket, and his eyes didn't tear away from my chest.
"Like what you see, Peralta?" I quipped, letting my hands meet his own on his chest.
"Yeah," he chuckled as he leaned in to press a kiss on my collarbone. "You changed your curtains, didn't you?" He added playfully, his breath warm against my skin.
"Oh yeah?" I slowly started undoing the buttons on his shirt. "I can't believe you´d noticed that."
As we reached the sofa, his hands guided my jacket off, the leather slipping down my arms with a subtle force. Our eyes remained locked as the leather pooled at my feet.
I gestured with a tilt of my head for him to take a seat, and with grin he complied, his fingers skillfully undoing the remaining buttons of his shirt. I couldn't help but admire the way his muscles flexed under the fabric as he discarded it to the side. Then he eased onto the sofa, spreading his legs and letting his arms rest casually on the back of it, lightly tilting his head back.
As I removed my pants, he drew in a deep breath, his gaze unwaveringly fixed on me. Straddling him, I rested my hands on his shoulders, sensing his firm grip on the back of my thighs for stability. With my knees on either side of him, I gradually eased myself onto his lap, the heat of his chest pressing against mine, still covered by the random top I threw on this morning.
"No perps today?" he joked, his hands settling on my ass while his nose lightly brushed against my chest, inhaling my scent. "I kind of enjoyed the audience."
I shook my head as I leaned down to grab his chin, urging him to meet my gaze. "Just you and me, Jake," I murmured against his lips. "What do you think?"
"Well, Y/n," he whispered, "I think you should really kiss me."
"Yeah, I should," I nodded, but just as our lips were about to meet, I pulled back slightly. "Or maybe I'll just leave you hanging," I teased as I leaned back, keeping him at arm's length.
Jake's eyes widened in surprise. "You're playing dirty now, huh?" His hands cupped my flesh forcefully as he pulled me forward, spreading my cheeks slightly and pressing me against him. The sudden movement elicited a gasp from my lips, feeling the subtle grind of his crotch against mine. A soft moan escaped me as I surrendered to the satisfying friction rocking my hips against his bulge.
"Maybe," I teased once again, leaning in close before pulling back again. I intensified the grind of my hips as his hands moved to my shoulders, sliding the straps of my top down, the fabric gathering around my stomach, exposing more of my skin to his hungry gaze.
"You're killing me here," he protested as his fingers traced the delicate lacy edges of my bra.
"Oh, but where's the fun in making it easy for you?"
As his head fell back against the sofa, a deep exhale escaped him, a mix of frustration and pleasure. Seizing the opportunity, I pressed my lips against his neck, relishing the shudder that ran through him, accompanied by a low sigh of pleasure. My hand lightly closed against his throat, keeping him in place as I continued to kiss upward, tracing the line of his jaw with eager lips.
"You're driving me insane," he growled, his voice thick with need. Grabbing me by the nape of my neck, he pulled me into a kiss.
As our bodies pressed together, he skillfully unclasped my bra, freeing my breasts to his eager touch. His mouth descended upon my right nipple, and as he sucked and nibbled, I couldn't help but grind against him with more force.
I tugged on the hairs at the back of his head, urging him closer, craving more of his touch. His fingers trailed down my abdomen, teasing the hem of my panties before boldly slipping beneath them.
I gasped as his cold fingers met my warm skin. "Fuck, Jake," I breathed out, my voice trembling with desire.
"Oh, my name sounds so good when you say it like that," he confessed, his fingers moving slowly against my clit. My head rested on his shoulder, and his fingers continued to explore my soaked folds, "Yeah, just like that, doing so well," he praised as he lightly brushed my entrance, slowly dipping his middle finger inside of me.
With a desperate urgency, I moved my hands to his sides, tugging at the belt loops of his jeans. "Off, off," I managed to say.
He nudged his hips forward, lowering his jeans and boxers just enough for his cock to spring out. I immediately took him in my hand, stroking him lightly as a pornographic moan escaped his lips.
His hand then moved my panties to the side, allowing me to guide him against my clit before lining him with my entrance. Slowly, I lowered myself on to him, feeling every inch of him stretching me as he filled me completely.
His right hand met the back of my neck once again, pulling me into a kiss, as his left cupped my ass with force, aiding me with the up and down movement of my hips.
God, you feel incredible," he groaned against my lips, his voice husky with desire.
With a breathless laugh, I whispered back, "You're not so bad yourself."
A playful chuckle escaped him "Always got something to say, don't you?" He teased, his hips rising to meet mine with eager intensity.
My head fell back, overcome with pleasure, as the familiar coil of ecstasy began to build in the depths of my stomach. "Fuck, don´t stop.". His movements remained steady, his hand reaching out to play with my clit, intensifying the pleasure coursing through my body. "God, Jake... it's... it's too much," I gasped, desperation evident in my voice as my hands clung to his shoulders and arms for support.
"Oh, I can't fucking last with you sounding like that," he admitted, letting his forehead rest against mine.
"Then don't," I whispered, my voice barely audible amidst the sounds of our heavy breathing and the pounding of flesh. His pace quickened, pushing me closer as I arched my back. "I´m cumming.. Oh.. Fuck"
A moan escaped his lips as he watched me with intensity, his eyes tracing every contortion of my face as pleasure surged through me. I felt the wave of bliss crash over me, my body trembling with the force of my release.
In that moment, I could tell he couldn't hold back any longer. "Do it," I urged, locking my gaze with his and giving him a reassuring look.
"You sure?" His eyes searched mine, seeking reassurance.
I nI nodded eagerly, feeling my body tremble as I sensed him pulsating inside of me. The sensation of him nearing his climax, his moans reverberating through the room, was intoxicating and overwhelming in the most delicious way imaginable. As he released into me, I let out a satisfied sigh, capturing his lips once again.
We remained intertwined, his arms wrapped around me protectively, as his cock still throbbed gently inside me. His fingers traced soothing patterns on the small of my back, and I nestled closer to him as his lips found their way to my forehead, planting a tender kiss.
"You know? I hate when you´re right," I whispered, my voice soft against his skin.
"About what in particular?" He chuckled.
I smiled against his neck, feeling a warmth spread through me. "About... this," I confessed, lifting my head slightly to meet his gaze. "That I'd been missing out."
"Well, lucky for you, Y/n, we still have plenty of time to catch up,"
Tagg: Hi my loves, I took the liberty to tagg everyone who liked my post about writing smut for peralta - Hope you enjoy <3
@haikyuuhoee @1dilflover @Airu_wu @gingersnap126126 @Gingersnap @her5 @bellaabee @bestnottoask @Taylorswiftsboatinglicense @tortelliniturtle7 @sabage101 @izzyyyyy777 @dilflover-3 @yomamacrusty @Outsiderslover @vintagevickyy @spencerreidmyst3ry @ikea2-0 @jj170623 @icybluefox @sxphiarz @syrk @raven-kroe @longlostishmael22 @joonbum @angrygirlloudvoice-blog @mandarinmoons @apple-dilf-shake @readingblogsstuff @m1keyj @luciferdelivery @hunter-ameliaredstone @laciruelaa @iloveslashers @bellaaggg @reiderrambles @strapsforyoonie @spencerreidmyst3ry
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theemporium · 2 months
number 15 💙 with lando and charles! maybe one of them fucked up and the other one is on reader’s side
thank you for requesting!🫶🏽
15. "You heard that?"
Charles fucked up.
There was no way to beat around the bush or sugarcoat it. He fucked up and he knew he fucked up. And he didn’t have a good excuse, not one that he would really accept if he were in your position. Apologies only went so far when he missed a dinner that literally planned to celebrate one of your biggest achievements in your career. 
He knew that. 
Fuck, he knew that and he knew that you were always there for him and he was upset with himself for missing it. 
He just didn’t really expect Lando to also be so adamantly against him in the situation. He assumed the Brit would take a more neutral stance, that he would be upset with Charles but also help play mediator. 
Instead, Lando stood by your side with his arms crossed over his chest, and he looked just as pissed as you did. 
“Mon amour,” he reached out for you, a pained expression written across his face that only worsened when you pulled just out of his reach. “I’m so sorry. Words cannot even describe how sorry I am. I’ll make it up to you, I swear—”
“It’s fine,” you whispered, but he had never heard your voice sound so empty, so done. “People miss things all the time.” 
“No, but this was important,” Charles argued, his stomach twisting at the strained smile you gave him. 
“It’s fine,” you said in a blank voice. “I’m sure there will be more.” 
He tried to reach out again, to let his fingers skim across your arm as you walked around him to disappear further into your apartment. His heart clenched and shattered a little at the small sniffles coming from you, the tears you were so desperately trying to hold back.
But even if you were trying to hide how upset you were, Lando was the opposite.
“What the fuck is your problem?” Lando hissed through clenched teeth, his eyes dark and angry. 
“It was an honest mistake,” Charles sighed, his brows furrowed together as his answer only seemed to anger Lando further. “I swear—” 
“Oh? You swear now, do you?” Lando let out a bitter, dry laugh as he poked Charles’ chest. “And that call from Pierre where you said the dinner was no big deal?” 
Something flashed in Charles’ eyes. “You heard that?” 
“Yeah, I fucking heard that,” Lando spat. “You’re fucking lucky she didn’t.” 
“I forgot what the dinner was for,” Charles replied honestly. “If I remembered, I would have never said that—” 
“If, if, all these fucking ifs,” Lando muttered. “I think it’s best if you sleep on the couch tonight. She’s upset. She needs space.” 
Charles felt as though he had been slapped, even if he understood where Lando was coming from. 
“Hey, who knows. Maybe Pierre will have a place for you,” he deadpanned, the bitter sarcasm dripping from his voice as he patted Charles’ back a little harder than intended before following you into the apartment.
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zepskies · 2 months
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Pairing: Beau Arlen x F. Reader 
Summary: Beau wishes you’d take this self-defense lesson a little more seriously.
AN: Here's another one-shot for the Take Me Home series, set a couple of months after A Crime of Passion. Some of you might get the Miss Congeniality reference. 😂
Word Count: 1.5K
Tags/Warnings: 18+ only! Established relationship. Flirty teasing, tinge of angst and trauma/PTSD, spiciness and a side helping of smut. 
Catch up on TMH: ⤵️
❤️ Take Me Home Masterlist
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“All right, let’s try that again,” said Beau.
You barely resisted the urge to whine like a child. Instead, you grabbed your phone off the coffee table, which you’d pushed up against the couch to make space in the living room.
Your boyfriend frowned and swept his hands up in disbelief when you began scrolling on the little screen.
“Uh, hello?” he said. “Trying to teach here, Professor.”
You Google searched for a new restaurant your aunt Denise had told you about recently, and you showed him a snapshot of the menu.
“Wanna try out this new Latin place for lunch? They’ve got empanadas,” you said. “And lots of beef on the menu. Huh, Mr. Carnivore?”   
Beau blew out a subtle breath of exasperation.
“Sweetheart, I’m gonna need you to take this a little more seriously,” he said.
You dropped your hand to your side with a tired huff.
“Babe, we’ve been at this for two hours. I’m tired. I’m sweaty. I’m hungry,” you full on whined now, grasping onto the front of his shirt, a gray one you’d accidentally shrunk a little in the wash. What once was loose on him, now stretched tight across his chest and wrapped snugly around his arms. (So all in all, you didn’t feel too bad about it.)
Beau grabbed your hand from his shirt and took your phone from you. He tossed it over onto the couch.
“I just want to go over a few more things,” he said.
“Come on, you’re usually the bottomless pit here. My stomach is going to eat itself,” you protested.
His lips twitched. “You’re being a tad dramatic, don’t you think? Now let’s go. Show me what you’re gonna do when I come at you head on.”
When Beau stepped forward, you mimed bringing the heel of your hand up to his face. He pretended to whip his head back, as if you’d really hit him. Complete with an exaggerated, Jim Carey-level sound effect of pain that almost got you to smile.
“Okay, good,” he nodded afterward. “But what if I grab your arm and get’cha turned around?”
He grasped your wrist next. He slowly twisted you around, until your left arm was behind your back. You sent him a narrowed look over your shoulder.
“I’m gonna break your damn nose for real if we don’t go eat,” you warned.
“Just give me twenty more minutes, and we’ll go. I promise,” he replied, trying to dim his smile. “Now humor me, would you? What’re you gonna do if I got you like this?”
You released a long-suffering sigh.
“Break your stance,” you intoned. You took your sneaker-clad heel and kicked back to tap it on the top of his boot. In reality, you’d be driving your heel into his foot, hard enough to try and break it. He moved his foot back before you could though.
“Nice try. Now what?” he challenged.
You used your free elbow to press into his right side below his ribs—and maybe you dug in a little harder than you needed to. He grunted slightly, but he nodded in approval and released your arm.
“Okay, good. The guy’s probably gonna loosen up enough for you to start running,” he said.
To your annoyance, he didn’t end the lesson there.
“Now, coming at ya from behind,” he said, wrapping his arms more fully around your frame, across your chest and under your breasts. His hold was firm, but not tight enough for you to feel his full strength.
This time, however, your body locked up with a bit of tension. You drew in a sharper breath. You knew you were safe in your boyfriend’s arms, but you had a sudden flash of memory in your mind’s eye.
You felt the phantom of a more threatening grip on your arms, shoving you hard into the side of your car, pressing you into the door with your cheek against the glass.
“Hey, you all right?” Beau prompted. It managed to break you out of your thoughts, and you realized that his hold was looser now. His voice was a touch softer, and his lips pressed to the side of your head, reminding you that it was just him. You were safe.
You squeezed his arms gratefully. “Yeah, I’m fine.”
This was why you’d agreed to these self-defense lessons in the first place. And you knew it wasn’t just for your own benefit. It made Beau feel better too, giving you back some control, and just knowing that you were better prepared.
Working through the trauma of everything you’d gone through in the past six months was an ongoing process; both your kidnapping this past summer, and Casey Sanderson attacking you at the college campus where you worked. You still got uneasy in the parking lot. 
“You sure?” Beau asked. “We can stop now if you need to.”
You shook your head. You didn’t want that flash of memory to be the reason you quit.
“No, let’s finish this,” you said.
After a moment, Beau nodded. His thumb stroked your shoulder before his hold firmed back up.
“Okay, how’re you gonna break my stance?” he asked.
Your lips formed a cheeky smile. You grabbed onto his arm wrapped across your chest and bit him, just firm enough to startle him a little.
“How about I bite your ass,” you teased. Though you soothed over the bite with a kiss, tasting the salty sweat dried on his skin. Beau cleared his throat. You couldn’t see it, but he was smirking.
“Sure. That’s one way to go about it,” he said with a chuckle. “Any other ideas?”
Hmm. You remembered the moves he’d taught you yesterday, but an idea struck you.
“Well, I could always just channel Sandra Bullock in Miss Congeniality,” you said.
“What?” Beau asked. You could tell, without even seeing his face, that his brows had drawn together in confusion.
“Oh, you don’t remember? It’s simple! S.I.N.G.,” you said, with a growing smile. “Solar plexus, instep, nose, groin…”
With each word, you once again bumped your elbow into his side, playfully stepped on his foot, and reached back to throw a mock elbow into the bridge of his nose. But on the last part of the acronym, you slid your hand down the inside of Beau’s thigh and grasped his length firmly through his activewear pants.
He released a strangled sound and let go of you. His hands instinctively moved to grip your arms tight.
“Very good,” he croaked out, and allowed you to turn around. You slowly rubbed your hand up and down his shaft until it hardened under your palm. Beau stared down at you with a new fire in his eyes, his mouth parting as an aroused groan escaped him.
Giving him a mischievous smile, you lowered to the ground onto your knees, hooking your nails on the waistband of his pants and underwear and taking them down along with you. It was good thinking on his part that you guys placed an exercise mat across the living room floor. It made this more comfortable on your knees, especially when you took almost the full length of his cock into your mouth.
“Aw, fuck,” Beau grunted. His fingers slipped into your hair. He couldn’t help but grip tight as you continued to salivate over him, dragging your soft, wet tongue across his velvety flesh. And you were relentless. Whatever you couldn’t take into your beautiful mouth, you stroked with your hand wrapped around the base.
You pulled your head back for a moment, just so you could tease his sensitive head. He moaned and bucked on reflex, driving himself deeper into your mouth again.
Oh, he was close already. You felt his thighs shaking, his cock throbbing. Your pussy clenched as well, with the memory of how he felt coming inside you. It had you quickening the pace of your lips and tongue drawing his release, and soon he spilled hot inside your mouth. You took and swallowed everything he had to give, sucking him clean.
It was too much. Beau shakily lowered to his knees, almost stumbling down to your level. He grasped your shoulders for balance first. Then he slid his hands down the gentle slope of your back and crushed you to his chest, where he bowed his head to claim you with a kiss.
Now it was his turn to be unrelenting. He hardly let you breathe with his lips moving passionately over yours. 
“Lesson over?” you panted, between kisses.
“Yeah,” he said roughly, though he chuckled. “Thank you, darlin’. You’ve been a model student.”
You smiled against his lips. Beau slid your shirt up and over your head before he laid you down on the mat. His kisses blazed a wet path down your neck and between your breasts, still covered by your satin bra.
“Thought we were going to lunch,” you said breathlessly.
Beau perked his head up and shot you a heated look, despite his grin. He began slowly dragging your tight-ass yoga pants down your hips and thighs, all the way down to your ankles. Your panties came next.   
“Oh, we are,” he said, sliding his hands back up your thighs. “All of a sudden, I’m real hungry.”
His mouth finding its way between your legs soon cut off the rest of your laughter. 
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AN: Lol how'd you like that lesson in self-defense? 😘
And want more stories in the TMH-verse? I've missed these two. ❤️
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Ko-Fi Me ☕
Take Me Home Masterlist
Big Sky Masterlist
Main Masterlist
Series Tag List (Part 1):
@kazsrm67 @letheatheodore @agothwithheavysetmakeup @jacklesbrainworms @foxyjwls007
@wincastifer @iamsapphine @roseblue373 @brianochka
@branj19 @globetrotter28 @hazel-eye-coffee-shop-girl-blog @ades106 @charmed-asylum
@waywardxwords @deanwinchestersgirl87 @this-is-me19 @rachiem4-blog @sweettimelady
@leigh70 @clinicallydepresso @emily-winchester @xiphoidbones @skoveu
@nyotamalfoy @kmc1989 @deans-baby-momma @tabsluvsu @samanddeaninatrenchcoat
@deanwanddamons @anticxrrupt @lacilou @deans-daydream @deans-spinster-witch
@agalliasi @venicesem @chriszgirl92 @lyarr24 @iprobablyshipit91
@ladysparkles78 @solariklees @call-me-mrs-winchester @deansbbyx @candy-coated-misery0731
@curlycarley @sarahgracej @bagpussjocken @deanfreakingwinchester @chernayawidow
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yesimwriting · 1 month
A/n i see this as taking place a little after  this , but they're both separate drabbles that can be read on their own :)
Summary: Late night drinking turns into reminiscing between friends. Or, in which you realize that you've always felt safe around Logan.
Warnings/info: age-gap (both characters are of consenting age!!), casual drinking, unnoticed pining, technopath!reader
The colors and voices radiating from the TV screen are easier to feel than experience, the electric current buzzing against your skin.
You move to sit up a little straighter, hands pressing into plush cushioning as you adjust. There's a distance to the way you're feeling, as if some odd lightness has managed to wedge itself between you and the world around you.
You lean forward, reaching for the bottle abandoned on the coffee table in front of you. Your fingers press into the glass as you move back into place, the side of your thumb tapping against the neck of the second beer you've finished tonight. A third might be nice, but the darkness around you makes the door feel too far to even think about getting to the kitchen.
There is a bottle of whisky only an arm's length away...it'd be easy to--
"No." The word is flat in its finality.
A soft laugh gives you away immediately. You press a palm against your lips as if that'll take the sound back. Sometimes Logan reads you so well you have to wonder if he has secret psychic abilities he hasn't told anyone about. "I didn't say anything."
He turns his head, lips pressing together in what feels like an attempt to dismiss the amusement behind his eyes. "Didn't have to." Logan's attention shifts back to the glass in his hand. "You're not drinking it."
You shift, turning to better analyze him. There's a stiffness to him that doesn't suit the amount of alcohol in his system. Maybe he's overcompensating for something, like his level of commitment to the stance he's taking. "Okay," the response is warm, cheery.
Logan lets out a breath as he leans forward, angling himself so close his forehead nearly touches yours. He watches you with an openness that's more dizzying than the alcohol in your system. "I mean it."
His proximity is so disorientating you nearly forget that you're meant to respond and not just stare at him.
"Fine," a genuine concession. Nothing else comes to mind, and you can't bring yourself to look away from him. The overwhelming desire to look at him is far from rare, but you're usually better at suppressing it.
You set one of your hands against the space between the two of you. "I'm gonna go get another beer."
He sighs, as if something about the statement has deeply drained him. "You're not."
Your lips part in a mock gasp. "Are you cutting me off?"
The joke seems to ease him, the corner of his mouth pulling itself upwards. "You're drunk."
Please--who gets drunk off of two beers? You narrow your eyes, not sure if you're more offended by the assumption or his hypocrisy. "Am not."
He has the audacity to smile fully. "Then let's keep it that way." The side of his hand moves to rest against the back of your palm. He's--Logan's always so warm. "Don't need to make putting you to bed any harder, princess."
An uneasy warmth begins to crawl its way up your neck. "Y'know you've had twice as much to drink as me, and you're still going."
You press your lips together in an attempt to hide the fact that you're arguing for the sake of it more than out of a desire for more alcohol.
There's a beat of silence as Logan tilts his chin downwards, making the distance between the two of you feel even smaller than it really is. "And when you're my age, you'll get a third beer."
You let yourself openly frown. "You're no fun."
He sighs, attention shifting back to his glass. "Don't pout."
"I'm not," it's a little more directly dishonest than you'd usually be, but the mood seems easy enough for you to get away with it. "I'm just...talking."
Logan watches you for a moment, doubt etched into his expression. "Sure, kid."
You roll your eyes as you shift away, arm stretching forward to place the bottle back on the coffee table. When you lean back, body pressing into the couch, a strangely poignant wave of drowsiness hits you.
The show you had been forcing Logan to watch has been replaced by something bright and loud. The sitcom had been familiar in that slightly off way, the theme song and characters like something out of a recurring childhood dream.
Before your thoughts can snag on the blurriness of your past, you lift a hand. You let your mind give into the draw of the electric current, the two melding until all you have to do to change the channel is flick your wrist. You flick through a few of them before settling on a show you're much more familiar with.
"You're a regular universal remote."
Despite yourself, you smile. The more you've worked on using your powers, the better you've gotten at motor control. Before, sometimes so much as touching something plugged into the wall was enough to make you lose control. "Much cooler than being the person that blew up the toaster."
He laughs once at the memory, the sound low but warm. "Or electrocuting me."
You glare. "I never electrocuted you." It's the truth. Your first few days here had been hectic, the stability you were being offered seemed too good to be true; every instinct in your body begged you to get out before it was too late. But you hadn't hurt anyone.
"But you thought about it." You don't have decent response. When you met Logan, you were running on nothing but adrenaline. "It's okay, I didn't make the best impression."
When the two of you first met, Logan had been...gruff, and maybe defensive in a warranted way, but you can't remember ever not liking him. Maybe that's why you felt more comfortable around him than anyone else, Logan never spoke to you in a way that felt like a facade.
But he doesn't need to know that, so you just shrug. "We're good now, though."
The show cuts to commercial break, an ad for detergent filling the screen. You let yourself relax further into the couch, your head moving to rest against Logan's arm.
"Yeah," he mumbles, "We're good."
You're aware of your blinking, of the weight of your eyelids and the focus needed to pull them back into place. Logan's presence makes it easier to accept the sluggishness and the vulnerability that comes with it. This isn't the first time he's made you feel okay about something like this.
"Logan?" He hums once in acknowledgement. You let out a quiet breath, the words briefly tangling in the back of your throat. "I'm glad you were the one that found me when I was like that."
He's quiet for a moment, and then his hand squeezes yours. "Me, too."
His voice is so quiet it almost feels like an extension of the electricity floating through the air, another thing that's easier to feel than to know. Your eyes fall shut, and you're comfortable enough to let them stay that way.
Taglist: @whyausername99
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dayyydr3amm3rr · 2 months
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Imagine…Almost getting caught multiple times in the dorm bathrooms…and maybe getting caught once
Warnings: sexual contact, nearly getting caught, Horny!Jordan, slight mentions of chocking, Maverick is a warning, overstimulation is stated
Things to Know: reader herself will be female, reader’s powers are not clearly stated, but they do present as a shield type power
A gasp escaped your lips as your back hit the wall, naked, cold, wet skin hitting the cold wall due to Jordan’s rough movements. You hum against their lips, her tongue forcing her way into your mouth, using her hands to keep you against the wall, ignoring the water coming down from the shower head. Her free hand wandered down your body, rubbing softly at your clit, causing you pull away from the kiss to let out a breathy moan. Now this wasn’t the first time that Jordan has snuck into the women’s showers just to fuck you after a long day.
This seemed to be a recurring them with her. The spray from the water kept you wet yet warm as she forced you against the wall, her hands everywhere. She enjoyed touching you in the showers. The thrill of it…the possibility of getting caught…but he mostly liked the echo…Fuck the echo…the sound of skin slapping…your breathy moans mingling with his grunts and groans…his, Fuck…you feel amazing, or her, God, you’re soaked!…Is this from me or the shower?. Jordan especially liked to have you pressed up against the wall…it was his favorite place to fuck you. He liked scaring you a bit…his buff build along with his invulnerability allowing him to plow into you while having your legs hooked over his arms, his stance steady. Didn’t mean you didn’t freak out sometimes.
“J-Jordan…fuck…You’re gonna—oh my god—drop me…!” His answering chuckle did little to quell your fear as he just brought his lips to yours, beginning to rut his hips against yours harder…ever so slightly faster…causing your toes to curl and your mouth to drop…kissing forgotten as a broken moan escaped your lips. Not to say that there wasn’t any softer moments between you two. Some days Jordan just needed to hold you…or be held by you. The warm water washing both of your days away as arms wrapped around one another, wet skin against wet skin. Sometimes the little shit would just decide to shove a few fingers into you and keep them still. Make you work for your right to orgasm.
She’d keep eye contact with you, her free hand wrapped loosely around your throat…slowly constricting the sides of your neck to watch your eyes roll back as you desperately tried to fuck her hand. With the amount of times you two have gotten down and dirty in the showers…you’d think you both knew when the best time to fuck in them would be. That was almost never the case. One time, Jordan was plowing into you, your back arched as he kept you against the wall. He always did enjoy hearing you feel good because of him…and the right grip you kept on his shoulders…his back…even though you could never mark him when he was in his male form—the two of you enjoyed being ever so slightly rougher with each other because of it.
Jordan’s hips had been snapping into yours, his head buried into your neck as he listened to every moan and gasp he pulled from you. “Fuck…you feel so fucking good…wrapped around my fucking dick…” Jordan groaned, feeling one of your hands running through his hair. The warm water rushed over the two of you…the communal shower room all steamed up and bustling with heat. Jordan, despite being engulfed in you, heard the entrance door close, inhaling that someone had come in. Now he had about…six seconds of privacy before whoever had walked in would get an eyeful of their ass and your pleasured face.
Jordan, as much as he loved hearing you moan about how good he felt…his hand covered your mouth but his hips continued to move. Your eyes shot open, your moans muffled as your eyebrows furrowed at Jordan in confusion. Jordan’s gaze focused on you as they opened their mouth. “Hey, can you fucking not, dude?” Jordan’s dick was still rearranging your guts but their voice sounded feminine…you never did get used to the fact that they could do cool shit like that. “Wha—oh! Sorry…but uh…this is the communal showers…there’s more than one shower in there…” whoever it was, she seemed slightly excited to hear it was Jordan Li’s voice coming from the showers.
Your eyes widened as you quietly tapped at Jordan who just grabbed at your hands with his free one and slammed into you, causing you to give a muffled squeak into their hand that covered your mouth as your thighs shook. Luckily, the sound of the water rushing through the shower made your noises unheard. Jordan let out a snort, you weren’t sure if it was in response to this girl or to your reaction. “And?” He questioned, his voice still sounding feminine. “You think I give a shit? Do you know the type of shit that happens in these fucking showers?” His eyes filled with mirth as he looked down at you, his hips still moving.
He looked quite smug about it too. He looked down at you as he kept you quiet as his dick continued to rearrange your insides. “Why? Are you saying that…something might happen between the two of us?” There was a smile in her voice as she spoke, daringly taking another step before Jordan’s scoff had her stopping. “Please…I have my girlfriend for that type of shit…I don’t know where the fuck your hands have been…” It always amazed you at how calm and clear Jordan sounded…even when they were balls fucking deep inside you with your cunt wrapped around him tightly like a fucking ball python.
You had tried something like that once. Sitting on Jordan’s face while answering a phone call from your mother…in hindsight that didn’t seem like such a good idea…since it ended with you orgasming over their mouth with a loud moan of their name…all for mother dearest to overhear it. You can imagine the absolute horror that had crossed your face as your mother began to yell in the phone at you and the absolute downright shitty and smug smirk had crossed Jordan’s as you hastily hung up the phone. Needless to say, your mother had called and texted you a total of 112 times that day, leaving angry and upset voicemails about you and Jordan…family dinners were still awkward to this day.
So seeing Jordan continuing to speak just fine while being buried in you caused you to get annoyed. With as much vigor and annoyance as you could—all while still moaning behind Jordan’s hand—you deliberately tightened around Jordan, causing them to jerk and let out a groan which they tried to disguise as a cough in their feminine voice. “Okay…noted…are you okay? That didn’t sound good…” this girl was still here. You met Jordan’s gaze, your eyes narrowed as their hips continued moving against yours. They rose an eyebrow at you, as if daring you to do that again. Jordan could feel a slight smirk cross your lips from under their hand as they opened their mouth to speak.
“Ye—Yeah…I’m fine…I just—fuck—might be coming down with something…” Fucking success…about time the smug shit got put in their place. “Look-! Can you just fucking go already? I’m almost done here…just—fuck—find a different shower or come back some other fucking day I don’t give a shit just—fucking shit—leave!” You could hear the desperation in Jordan’s voice…the struggle to keep their feminine voice up the more they spoke due to you tightening around them every here and there…you could the girl curse at Jordan before the entrance door slammed closed, signaling that she had left.
Your smugness was short lived as Jordan shifted you, moving their hand off of your mouth and placing both hands onto the wet wall behind you…you could feel the wall crack slightly under their grip. “You fucking brat..” that was all they said before they rendered you fucking brainless, only able to moan out snippets of their name as they rammed into you, bringing one hand up to cup the back of your head so that you didn’t hit the wall behind you. They brought you to orgasm after orgasm…not stopping even after you were shaking and actively trying to escape their hold.
They continued until your voice was raw…until you could barely make a sound…once they began to get overstimulated themself, he shifted, letting your shaking legs drop and following you to the floor, immediately stuffing her fingers into your puffy cunt. She payed no mind to your moan or your back arching away from her as she continued to scissor her fingers into you. She had simply used her free hand to keep your legs spread for her, leaning over you to place kisses on your lips, not caring that you could barely kiss back. “Gunna be a fucking brat again? Huh?…Have you learned your lesson?” She questioned, tilting her head at you. You could only arch your back and nod rapidly, tremors shaking your body as she continued to attack your pussy. “L—Learned m’…Learned my lesson…” you whimpered, thighs trembling. “Yeah?” She smirked. “Okay…I think you can give me one more though…”
They could be a fucking menace when they wanted to be. And most of the time, Jordan had zero patience. They wanted you when they wanted you. And would get huffy or pouty when they had to wait. Which is why they had ambushed you in the showers one day. Grabbing at you and placing rushed kisses down your neck. You had barely turned the water on when they pounced. Pressing you against the wall as they kissed you. “Fuck…can’t wait any longer…” she had panted, almost immediately dropping to her knees and suctioning her mouth to your clit.
You had jerked slightly, your hand immediately running through her hair, a moan being sighed through your lips. “Oh fuck…you really are needy…aren’t you..?” You panted, looking down at Jordan through half-lidded eyes. Her response was to simply hum against you, shoving her tongue into you as her nose swiped against your clit. Her action had you gasping as your hand tightened in her hair, your eyes briefly rolling back. You were quickly getting lost in each other, your noises echoing throughout the showers.
You had thrown your head back briefly before looking back down at Jordan…she was hot…on her knees for you…bringing you pleasure…the warm water from the shower wetting her skin and making it shine…surrounded by the steam…the steam which was…moving weird? No…not moving weird…moving around something…an invisible something…What the fuck…? Jordan didn’t seem to notice as she was face first into your cunt…but your eyes narrowed, breathy moans still escaping your mouth as you waited for a moment to see if your eyes were playing tricks on you…then you heard it…a muffled groan…a manly groan…one that Jordan had obviously not made as they were currently in their female form going to town on your cunt.
Her hums sounded nothing like what you had just heard…and it seemed Jordan had been too preoccupied herself to notice. Fucking Maverick…it had to be! You push against Jordan’s head causing her to grumble angrily, sucking on your clit in retaliation for trying to interrupt her girl dessert. You shudder in response, still pushing at her head. “F-Fuck…Jordan…wait a sec—Mav-Maverick—“ now that had her attention. “Fucking Maverick? Why the fuck are you saying his name while I’m going down on you?” Her glare has always been killer. But now it had no affect as you were trying to keep the creep in your eyesight, your eyes beginning to glow as you warmed up your powers.
“He’s in here! I just fucking saw him!” You explained, glancing around, looking for any steam that was moving weirdly. Jordan was immediately on alert as she stood, beginning to use her energy blasts to try and knock him off his feet. It took a blast or two before a curse was heard and a thud as Maverick fell to the floor. “Fuck! Alright! I’m sorry!” You could hear Maverick fumble and your eyes glowed again, and you held out your hand causing a bright dome to appear over where Maverick had fallen.
There was a full thud from Maverick hitting his head on the top of it. “Ow! Fuck! Hey…hey..” Jordan had taken a threatening step forwards, shifting as they did. “What the fuck, Maverick!” He snarled, stepping in front of you to hide you from Maverick’s stare. “You fucking perv!” Jordan didn’t give a shit about being naked in front of Maverick, their dick hard and throbbing at being interrupted. “…Drop the fucking shield, babe…I’ll handle him…” Needless to say, there was a few gasps and surprised yells when someone who could not be seen was tossed through the entrance doors of the girls’ communal showers.
That was a couple weeks ago. This was now. Your partner…your girlfriend using her fingers to pleasure you, stuffing two fingers into you, still using her thumb to swipe against your clit. You wrapped your arms around Jordan, holding her close as your legs shook. A moan escaping your lips. Jordan chuckled lightly in response. “Yeah, baby? That feel good?” She hummed against your lips. “Y-Yeah…yeah…feels good…” you breathed, gasping as Jordan continued to move her fingers inside of you.
Another kiss was placed on your lips as Jordan continued her motions, wanting to bring you to your orgasm. “Mmm…let’s hope we don’t get interrupted this time, hmm, baby?…I just might fucking lose it if someone else lays eyes on something that only I have the pleasure of looking at…”
TAGLIST: @baeberry-2005, @morelovemorepeacemoretattoo-blog @dayylighhtt
Author’s Note// I’M SORRY. I’M SORRY. I know I always disappear after I write an imagine and I’m so sorry! Lots of shit has been going down lately so I haven’t had a lot of time to write lately…hopefully this helps?
Ps// can you tell I was ovulating?
Pps// this one WAS requested but I can’t find the amazing person who was messaging me about this…but this one’s for you boo!
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blooodsuckkr · 1 year
can't run forever
summary: Ghost chases you through the forest. that's it.
tags: Smut, dom!ghost, use of pet names; love, darling, bunny. outdoors sex, unprotected sex, reader gets spanked like once, gn!reader. (i think that's everything!)
word count: 1.3k (it felt like sm more)
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a.n: i felt so giddy writing this, this is only partially proofread
Your lungs burned and your legs ached, threatening to collapse under you at any given moment. yet the adrenaline kept you going. He was hot on your trail, the sound of his footsteps hitting the floor behind you was a taunt, a reminder of his speed and power.
he was trained for this, made for it even.
but so were you.
every second filled you with more determination, his earlier words serving as a motivation, for what? you weren't quite sure.
"you run... and if i catch you? well, you'll just have to find out, love."
You knew by his voice, by the whole situation what being caught would entail. The anticipation rested heavy in your stomach. Part of you wanted to get caught. The other part? Desperate to make him work for it.
or maybe just to prove you were better.
It's no secret you both had a competitive streak, silent, yet very much there. During training there was always a tension, who could get more shots? who could go the longest with out tapping out?
Silly little competitions that served as a motivation. fuelling the determination that ran through both of you. That's why you refused to let him win so easily now.
Yet you both knew he would win in the end. There wasn't a single doubt about it, his voice rang past the trees, you weren't able to determine an exact direction due to your constant running. somewhere south-west of you, you presume.
"c'mon darling. we both know you can't run forever." His voice trailed into a chuckle at the end. He was right, you knew it wouldn't be long now from the way your legs shook on each long stride.
each rustle of leaves and snapped twig under your feet always letting him know your location. Earlier it was the same for him, except now you were the only one making sound.
That was more intimidating than the heavy footsteps you swore you could hear just moments ago.
"shit-" You gasp, trying to turn your head to glance behind you, your eyes darting everywhere for even a sign of his whereabouts.
big mistake.
See, if you had just kept looking forward.. you would have seen him slip behind that tree. you would have been able to change directions and bolt away from him. You just had to look away, didn't you?
Just as you assume you've made some distance you feel the unmistakable sensation of his arm wrapping around the front of you, pulling you into his chest and flipping you both so your front is pressed against the tree.
He chuckles darkly, it's over. Theres no way to escape him as he presses up further behind you. Your squirming and desperate attempts to get away only making him push you harder into the rough surface of the tree.
"awe, my little bunny got caught?" He laughs again, the sound of him panting directly next to your ear. You're panting too, much more than he is. A reminder of his stamina, he could have kept going for hours if he needed. You on the other hand were basically at your limit.
"Ghost-" You try to speak but he shushes you, a hand in between your shoulder blades pushing your chest and face further, leaving you minimal room for movement.
"told ya'. You can't run forever, darling." He clicks his tongue, lips pressed against the shell of your ear. one of his feet push in between your legs, widening your stance.
With one hand still holding you firmly in place by the back of your neck, his other lifts his mask above his nose. Then it runs down your side to your hip, grabbing at the flesh firmly and tugging your hips back onto his erection. A groan reverberating in the back of his throat.
"now look what you've got yourself into..." He teases, his voice hoarse and filled with desire. His head dipping to nip at the skin of your neck, earning a whimper from you.
You can feel him smirk against your skin, he can practically smell your desperation, you push your hips back into him only to be met with a sharp slap to your ass.
"That's not how this works, bunny." He practically growls, his hand snaking round to your lower stomach, pressing down momentarily before dipping beneath your waistband.
"Look at you, makin' a mess already. v'not even touched you" He bites down on your neck, his hand working you up expertly, making you writhe and moan as he's done so many times before.
He works you up to the edge just to pull his hand away when you begin pleading, your hips buck for the friction that was so cruelly taken from you.
"not yet, love."
"not until i've had my fun"
He pushes your trousers down, leaving you bare to the cold air surrounding you. The sound of his belt and zipper seem to echo, the hand on the back of your neck pulling your head back.
He brings his other hand in front of your face, "Spit." His tone sends a shiver down your spine as you comply. Letting him use your saliva to lube his cock. His hand pushing your chest back into the tree,
you instinctively push your hips back, always so ready and eager for him. He fills you up in one sharp thrust, his grunt drowning out your moan.
He sets a ruthless pace, bullying his cock into your hole over and over, even as your legs shake and begin to buckle, his arm wraps around your stomach, holding you up at the angle he knows drives you both wild.
As you clench around him and your moans grow louder he chuckles again, shaking his head as he stops thrusting all together. snatching your release away from you again
you whine his name, he growls yours back.
"Not yet." His voice is low, filled with a dominance that always has you whimpering in response to.
"you don't cum until i tell you, got it?" He punctuates his words with a deep thrust, making you nod desperately. He hums approvingly. returning to his rough pace, the tip of his cock hitting the right spot repetitively, making your head spin.
His hand moves from your stomach down to your sex, providing you with more stimulation that has you begging for him to go easy, knowing you can hold back your orgasm much longer.
He only growls in return, biting down on your shoulder as a warning. The way he's fucking you could be described as purely self-serving. but his hand working you up proves otherwise.
as he chases his own climax he still gives you no permission for your own, but you just can't hold on any longer.
You whimper out his name as you cum, clenching down on him as your body tenses. He doesn't take much longer after that, pushing his cock as deep inside you as he can, filling you up.
You're both still panting heavily, his hand easing up on the back of your neck. He takes a minute to pull out of you, using his fingers to push his spend back inside of you.
He lifts his fingers to your mouth, which you welcome happily, licking the mix of your juices off with a moan.
He takes care pulling your trousers back up, the gently actions almost making him seem like a completely different person to just moments ago.
he spins you around, crashing his lips to yours for the first time since you started running. Biting your bottom lip as he pulls away.
"Don't think you're getting away with disobeying orders. I'll teach you your lesson later"
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xayneimagines · 10 months
Mihawk “Fucking and Fighting are a bit different.”
Fandom: One Piece 
Pairing: Mihawk x MC(She/her)
Genre: smut
Content tags: “little girl/good girl/rabbit” pet name. Discussion of a scene that I wanted to include cause idk I like it. Mihawk so nice so he can be mean later. AFAB and pussy eating. Part 1?!
   MC was trying to catch her breath as she stared at the swordsman before her. She had challenged him to a duel and, while he declined, she had still persisted. Each slash of her blade was deflected, and that damn bastard Mihawk wasn’t even sweating.
   “Do you plan to do this all day? I could cut you down, you know.” On the surface he was unamused with her persistence, but truly he was impressed with how hard she was pushing herself. The sweat glistening off of her skin and the heaving of her chest was quite a sight for the war lord. 
   “Shut up! I’ll kill you!” At this point MC was no longer thinking. Frustration was approaching a boiling point and as she ran along the cobblestone corridor for another attack she tried to plunge the sword into him. 
   He was gone. In her eyes, it looked like he had just vanished, but the sudden gruff voice in her ear showed otherwise.
   “Your form is sloppy and your speed is lacking. Try a wider stance.” 
   Before MC could turn around, she felt him kick slightly at one of her legs, spreading them further. With her new found position she was able to swing the sword a little harder, but he easily blocked it  with the small knife he carried. 
   “Your eyes need to be on your target before you point your blade.” Another critique before he pushed her back, causing her to fumble. 
   She let out a low growl and went for him again. 
   “Stop fucking with me!”
   Mihawk pinned her body between him and the wall, his rough calloused hands grabbing hold of her wrist and pinning them above her. She had barely registered the movement until the sword she was wielding fell from her hand and caused a loud clang to ring out through the stone halls. The sound was, however, drowned out by her heartbeat.
   As her eyes peered into his she almost choked on her own breath. His eyes didn’t have their usual cold and calculating glint to them. Instead there was a look that MC had never seen. A dark, lustful gaze that should not have been sending shivers up her spine and causing her to clench her thighs.
   “Fighting is a bit different than fucking, little girl.”
MC couldn’t respond. She wanted to have some witty comeback or maybe even just tell him to back off, but all her words seemed to fail. Instead what fell out was-
   He raised an eyebrow as she seemed to struggle with her words, taking it as a confirmation that she didn’t mind feeling his body pressed tightly against hers. He shifted his grip on her wrists so that he could hold them tightly with one hand, his other sliding down her arm, her sides, landing on her hip.
   “Would you like me to show you?” His own arousal had his voice deepening, the gruff growls attached to each word almost surprising himself. It was rare for him to feel this way, wanting to ravish and spoil. When they had first met he had found her annoying yet cute. And each time she found him afterwards, and picked a fight, annoyance quickly turned into a desire to undo her. He wanted to have her panting and sweating underneath him, begging him to fuck her untill she forgot this damn one sided rivalry.
   “N…no.” She had meant that to sound a little more…well…sure?
   His lip turned up slightly, a smirk on his face as he glanced over hers slowly before letting his eyes linger further down her body. He could see the goosebumps forming as he mapped her out. His free hand then moved from her sides up to her neck, fingers gripping only enough for her to feel the pressure.
   She shivered.
   “Are you sure about that? A swordsman must be sure of everything they decide.” 
   Who knew how long they stood there in silence. All MC could register was how close he was, each touch, each lustful glance. Time no longer mattered.
   “I’ll ask again. Would you like me to fuck you?”
   The only reason he didn’t take her on the cold floor right then and there was because he wanted to make sure their time together would span the entire night. And, while he did have a tremendous amount of self restraint, his selfishness drove him to make sure that any marks left on her would be caused by him, and not a side effect of location.
   His arms circled her rather fast after she gave her consent, tossing her onto his shoulder and beginning the walk to his room. One arm held her in place by being draped over her back while the other had his hand nestled against her right thigh, resting right under the curve of her ass. Her squeal at being picked up so quickly rang between his ears like a sweet melody he couldn’t wait to listen to again. 
   To others he may have looked calm and collected as he trudged through the hallways to find his room, but the growing discomfort in his pants made him thankful for his long strides. He had thought about fucking her on more than one occasion, many nights plagued by images of her panting during a fight and sweat dripping from her brow. The only reason he hadn’t acted ‘till now was a matter of convenience. He doubted she would have agreed during the other fights, them having been in much more open and public places. He had no qualms over being an exhibitionist, but he wouldn’t risk discomfort on her part. 
   Meanwhile, MC could hardly think as the warlord seemed to glide through the halls. The feeling of his fingers pushing into the meat of her thigh, and resting so dangerously close to her cunt already had her wet. It was almost embarrassing how she had squeaked out that earlier ‘yes’, but at least she was confident in his desire for her, considering his brisk pace.
  Hearing the door slam open as they entered his bedroom also provided extra proof. 
  She gasped as he tossed her onto the edge of the bed, the mattress bouncing her a few times before her feet settled on the floor and she could sit up. Mihawk had turned as soon as he dropped her to shut the door, the sound of a click ensuring her he was locking it.
   “Limits?” His voice reverberated in his throat with a gruff tone that had her pressing her thighs together in anticipation for what was to come. She almost hasn’t even registered the questions proper context, prepared to spit back that she could take anything in a fight. Thankfully, and with an embarrassed look, she caught herself.
   “Oh…uh…I don’t know…I guess…no like…gross stuff?” She hadn’t done this before. What little experience she had didn’t come with any discussion of limits, nor had the experience even come close to being with a man like him. He was powerful, imposing, and as his hungry eyes locked onto hers she had to catch her breath.
   Was that look really for her?
   Mihawk chuckled as he walked over to her, unclasping his belt and removing his hat before he had even reached her. His hands sunk down on the mattress beside her legs, face now inches from hers as his eyes seemed to study her.
   He couldn’t wait to break her. His mouth was almost dry from the thought, though she wouldn’t know that. Not with the confidence he radiated.
   “Gross stuff?” He repeated with a raised eyebrow and a playful smirk, one she usually only saw when he was taunting her in battle. Normally it would have had rage pumping through her, but this time all it did was make her feel shy.
   “Yeah like… ya know…” Her eyes drifted away from him as she found the eye contact too intense.
   “You’ve never negotiated before, have you?” 
   “….That obvious?” She said with an embarrassed groan, hoping this wasn’t gonna be the end of this interaction. What if he didn’t care to spend that kind of time on figuring things out with her?
    She felt like she could crumble under his gaze until a familiar hand was on her chin, lightly moving her face so that he could peer into her gorgeous eyes once again.
   “It’s quite alright. While I don’t go easy on you for our fights. I’ll be sure to take proper care of you, love. I don’t mind taking my time with you.” His voice was low, almost a whisper, and the tone of it sent shivers along her body. 
   She gulped a little, and nodded.
   “I’m afraid I’ll need vocal confirmation. I need you to be able to tell me exactly how I’m making you feel for this to work.”
   “See if the name sir feels good on your tongue.” He suggested, standing up straight now and peering down at her. She was so beautiful, with her slightly parted lips and nervous glances. Fuck, he couldn’t wait to feel her.
   “Yes…sir…” She tested it, trying to not let the embarrassment get to her. It felt…good. Normally authority over her was something that made her skin crawl, but calling him ‘sir’ had her quivering. 
   “Did that feel good? Whatever happens or is said in this room, you’re in control of. I’ll only push if you request it and, of course, if it’s one of my limits I won’t indulge.” 
   She stared up at him with those nervous, intoxicating eyes. His breath nearly caught in his throat.
   “Okay…it uh…it felt good…” MC stuttered out nervously, her hands down in her lap as she tried to keep them occupied with each other. 
   “Felt good…what?” He tested it, wanting to clarify that she did actually enjoy calling him sir. His thumb pulled slightly at her lower lip, enticing her to speak.
   “It felt good…sir.” The words came out with a shudder as she felt the rough pad of his thumb glide over her lip. She wanted to stick her tongue out and lick at it, but kept herself from doing so. Shame was such an annoying wall to try and tear down.
    “Good girl. We’ll need safe words. And if I check in on you, I expect an answer or everything will stop.” To her shock, he now knelt down in front of her, taking one of her feet and placing it on his pants leg. Slowly he undid the shoe, his eyes focusing on her legs in order to give her a break from eye contact.
   “Safe words? Like what?” 
   He rewarded her question with a soft kiss to her clothed knee.
   “Well, some people use colors. Red means stop, yellow means slow down, and green means go. It has to be words you wouldn’t normally say in a scene and they need to be easy to remember.” He gave her a brief breakdown of the general idea.
   “A scene is what you call the actual act. It’s in reference to role playing, but it also helps in mentally dividing up sexual play from the rest of life. For instance, during a scene I could be mean if you wished for it, but once the scene ends I would cater to you and take care of you as you come down, just like you would be for me.” He slid the shoe off finally before his hands began to massage at her feet, hoping to help her relax. 
   “How…how do I help take care of you after?” 
   Her question had a smile on his face as he looked back up at her. “Different people need different things. I like…being of service. And while I’m well aware of my abilities, it can be nice to hear from time to time.”
   She felt the heat all the way to her ears now as she stared down at him. He seemed beautiful, which was odd considering how she had just tried to skewer him. Granted, it wasn’t as though she had been unaware of his beauty this entire time…she just…had been more focused on other things.
   “Okay…I…I think I can do that. And umm…how would you take care of me after?” Mc didn’t want to mess this up. She didn’t know how she could fuck it up, but if there was a way to do it she was confident she’d find it and everything would be ruined.
   “Well, since it’ll be your first time in this way, I’ll probably annoy you by pestering you into telling me what you want. I could give you a bath after, massage whatever part of you I left sore. And, if you just need to be held, I can oblige that. Since I’m the more experienced one, I’m leaving the reins in your hands and simply guiding you.” He then slowly moved to take her sock off, continuing the massage. As his thumb pressed into the middle of her foot and worked out the tense muscle, she found herself wincing from a slight discomfort. 
   Damn, she should get a massage more often.
   “So…we do the colors then…and if I want you to stop I’ll say red…” She repeated the rules and watched him nod as he now placed her foot down and moved onto the next, taking the same careful time to remove the shoe.
   “Correct. And I'll be asking you to tell me your color throughout the scene.” He commented as he began to massage her other foot, avoiding eye contact for her sake. 
   She watched as his fingers seemed to dig into the tender muscles and found it amusing that hands that brought her so much frustration in the past were currently relaxing her. If she didn’t know him well enough, she’d wonder if this was all a trick.
   But Mihawk doesn't do things unless he wants to do them.
   “Okay then…should…we go over anything else?” Mc asked, hands now behind her as she leaned back, watching him work away.
   “Well, typically we would talk about what we want. Since you don’t seem to know, how about we discuss what you’d like to try.” His eyes cut up at her again, gaze alone stating she would have to be comfortable enough to discuss it if they were to try anything out of normal intimacy.
   “I…don’t even know what I’d like to try honestly…”
   “What do you think about when you touch yourself at night?”
  In her thoughts there was a weird blur between telling him what she wanted and now. She knew they talked about it, her nerves still turning her stomach, but her mind was only focused on the hot open mouthed kisses they were sharing. Clothes still clung tightly to their bodies as he had pushed her gently to the bed, mumbling something about ensuring she would enjoy every moment of this. 
   For some reason, despite the long conversation they had, she didn’t expect him to kiss her. In her mind she wasn’t sure if he’d see her as worthy of such an affection, but sure enough his warm lips met her own and all of her coherent thoughts left the building.
   The weight of him on top of her was all encompassing and her skin seemed to burn and tingle with each movement he made. A knee sat firmly against her clothed crotch while he held himself up by one of his forearms. A ghost of a touch down her side had her shivering and she wondered if it was a sign of weakness in herself, or a strength in him. 
   Everything about the man was burning and confident. The way his mouth moved against hers as their tongues intertwined was taking her breath away. Even more so when one of his cool hands slid up her shirt slowly, palming gently at her breast. The skilled and calloused fingers massaged her tit gently and she could no longer keep her mouth on his.
  She had to pull away with a slight gasp, not sure how he got such a reaction from just touching her like this. Heat surrounded her outside of his cool touch and when she opened her blurry eyes to look at him, more heat rushed through her.
   He seemed so…hungry.
   His mouth quickly moved to her neck, needing to have his lips against her someway or another. He didn’t know if she knew of her power. That right now he would kneel and worship the ground she walked on for but a taste of her, and that through his feverish open kisses he hoped to consume whatever he could. All the scenes that had been planned and discussed ahead of time would allow for more carnal desires later, though he decided this first round would be…softer. While he wanted to ravish her, he also wanted to ensure she would feel safe and comfortable in their arrangement. A goddess such as this needed to be pulled apart slowly at first. Broken until she had no choice but to understand just what her place was. His equal, above him? He hoped to bring her to the realization that no matter the role they chose he would serve her.  
   Fuck, she was already whimpering and he hadn’t even done anything. He wondered if he could get her so wet that she would soak through his pants, teasing the idea of it by rubbing his knee gently against her. 
   Between his thumb and index finger he rolled her nipple gently, only pinching at it enough to add pressure and not cause pain. Her mewls edge him on to continue as her arms wrapped around his head. He was glad she was already getting confident enough to touch him. He smirked against her skin as he gave her a much firmer pinch that caused her body to arch from the bed, a little yelp coming out of her cute mouth.
   “Color?” If he was a self conscious man he would feel nervous about the fact he was already growling his words out like an animal. Luckily, the squirming of her pressing down on his leg assured him she loved it. 
   “We just started!”
   Another rough pinch to remind her of the rules had her gasping.
    “Green!!! Fuck, green!” She whined, causing him to chuckle. He lifted himself to lock his eyes with hers again. 
   “Next time you fail to answer, I stop. Understood?” He let his smirk fall before addressing her, not wanting her to think he was joking.
   “Yes, what?” A stern voice responded and he could have sworn her nipples hardened against the pad of his thumb. Seemed she really enjoyed the power play.
   “Yes, sir. Won’t happen again. Just…please…touch me more…sir.” Mc’s eyes held a shyness that he wanted to replace with bliss. 
   “I’ll do what I want to you and if it’s something you really desire, you’ll beg better than that.” As if to punctuate his words, he rolled his knee against her again. The friction shot electricity through her, clit feeling the familiar buzz of desire that she thought only a vibrator could achieve.
   “Ye…yes sir.” 
   He groaned at that, eyes relaxing before his head ducked down to now kiss at the middle of her chest, thankful she wasn’t wearing some sort of turtle neck or plain shirt. The taste of her salty skin was something he felt he wouldn’t get enough of. 
   His hand that was under her shirt removed itself from her breast, a small whimper escaping as she watched his hand now play with the top of the offending cloth. He pulled the neckline down slowly to the side until one of her tits could spring free. Then his mouth quickly moved from the middle of her chest to her tit, the wet heat causing her to arch once again.
   Mc couldn’t believe she was this receptive to such actions. Maybe it was just the built up anticipation or the promise of what was to come, but fuck was she starting to drip with desire. His mouth around her nipple while he sucked playfully on her boob, tongue flicking and rolling around the bud as his piercing eyes were glancing up to watch her reactions. 
   Mihawk made a note to really test how sensitive the buds could be later. For now he was content sucking and licking at it like an animal, his other hand now returning to its original position under her shirt to pinch and grope. He could feel his cock already straining against the front of his pants and pressing against her leg.
   He was huge…and all Mc could think of was how he would be buried inside her soon enough. 
   With an exaggerated pop he let the tit fall from his mouth before sitting up, grabbing the bottom of her shirt and making her sit up just enough to peel it off. 
   Her back flopped back down against the bed, one arm going to cover her chest while the other hand covered her embarrassed face. He ‘tsked’ before grabbing both wrists, pinning them to the side despite her resistance.
   “And if you try to keep me from taking in this work of art that is your body, I’ll tie your hands to your ankles and use your cunt as my cocksleeve.”
   Was that a threat? It sounded more like a good time if she was being honest, but she knew the real threat was not actually fucking her and instead just letting himself sit deep inside without moving. That sounded…infuriating.
   “S..sorry sir! Yes, sir!” She whimpered as she looked up at him with those same bashful eyes as earlier, lower lip being worked between her teeth.
   “Still green.”
   Without another word he let go of her wrist to sit up, eyes taking in the full sight of her. He gently ran a hand down her chest, fingers grazing across her nipple before ending at her hips as his eyes drug back to her face. 
   “Beautiful. I can’t wait to see you broken.”
    Mc thought that was amusing since she already felt a little mentally broken, face burning and a small pant on her lips as she looked up at him. Evidently he enjoyed the sight thoroughly, tongue peeking out to lick at his lower lip while a hand adjusted himself in his pants to try and get a little more comfortable. 
   Her eyes followed his hands and she felt thirsty, wanting to see what was in store for her.
   “You’ll have to beg for that. I plan on making you cum in other ways first.” 
   At his words his head ducked back down to start trailing kisses down her stomach, making sure every inch would be covered while his hands began to undo her pants. She wasn’t sure how he got them off so nimbly without moving, but soon enough cool air was around her legs and his hot mouth was kissing at her thigh. 
   His eyes fell on her panties and she realized just how much her pussy might have been soaking them. Embarrassed at his gaze she almost tried to close her legs or shift away, but one of his arms snaked under her thigh and tossed it over his shoulder while he settled between her legs. 
   His hungry eyes were now back on hers.
   “Green.” There was no hesitation this time, having learned her lesson from earlier. And, while she was embarrassed, she craved him.
   He smirked and rested his cheek against her leg, his facial hair tickling the skin lightly. 
   “Good girl. Maybe you can be taught…” 
   She would have responded with a snarky comment if his mouth wasn’t suddenly over her cunt, a long lick through the fabric causing her to yelp and shiver. On instinct her fingers dived into his hair, but the low groan that came from the man showed it didn’t bother him. His yellow eyes peered up at her from between her thighs that rested on his shoulders and she was torn between making eye contact and throwing her head back as his tongue pressed firmly against her clit before wiggling against it.
   Maybe it was how drawn out everything seemed to be or the fact she hadn’t gotten any in a while, but each touch from him was setting her on fire and he knew it. Long laps through her panties had her shifting down, wanting to feel more pressure against her cunt then what he was giving. He enjoyed the feeling of her plush thighs starting to shift and squeeze around his head, one hand moving just so he could grip the soft thigh while his eyes closed. Currently all he could taste was the damp fabric, but just the scent alone had his cock throbbing. 
   Slowly he then used his tongue to hook under the side of her panties, shifting them slightly just so he could get a small taste. The wetness on her lips touched his tongue and he realized just how desperate he was starting to become. It took all of his restraint to not rip the undies off for being in his way.
   His other hand snaked its way up to help pull the cloth to the side and he opened his eyes to see the prettiest glistening cunt he ever saw. The way the skin and hair shined with her juices under the faint light of the room felt like an invitation.
   “M…Mihawk. Stop staring.” Her voice snapped him from his thoughts. He hadn’t realized just how enraptured he was with her pussy. He smirked, glancing up at her to see a flushed panting face, one hand folded in front of her mouth while the other was still buried in his hair.
   MC felt so exposed to him that it was embarrassing. The air around them felt so heavy now that she struggled to breathe, chest heaving up and down.
   “Sorry there, little rabbit. I can’t help myself when it comes to works of art.” His words sent shivers up her spine, though she tried to act tough and pout. 
   “That’s so corny.” She commented, just wanting to feel a little more in control. The deep chuckle that reverberated through his chest showed he took no offense to her words.
   “Perhaps. But it’s true. I’ll have to thank you for this meal.” It was odd seeing him with this level of playfulness. During their fights she always assumed his tone was a serious one, but the more she thought back on it she realized just how much he was toying with her and others. 
   “Well, you’re letting it get cold!” Another quip with a pout had him smirking up at her. He’d let her get away with being a little demanding. It was cute to see her embarrassment trying to shift to confidence and he wanted to encourage her telling him what she wanted.
   So, without missing a beat, his head lowered again and he kept his eyes trained on her while his lips wrapped around the hooded clit, gently sucking and giving kitten licks to it. 
   She gasped and yelped, not expecting to feel that much attention directly on the bundle of nerves. A heel dug into his back while her body arched from the bed.
   “Fuck! Too much!” It was almost painful to feel his tongue push past the hood and directly tease her. His facial hair scraped against the rest of her cunt and thighs and it felt just so fucking good. 
   He backed off from the bundle then, tongue pulling away from inside the hood and moving to circle it before another thick, long swipe ran up her lips. He found the sticky juices to be delicious and couldn’t resist letting his tongue dive into her a few times. He kept his eyes trained on her as the hand gripping his black locks pulled and guided him closer to her cunt. His hand that kept her undies neatly out of the way moved so he could rub his thumb over her clit, circling it much like his tongue had been doing before he decided to eat up more of his meal. 
   She felt him groan into her cunt, but no longer could she have her eyes open to watch. The pleasure was building and it was building quickly. It felt too much. Overwhelming. Perfect. She couldn’t help the string of curses falling from her lips as his tongue continued to dive into her pussy, curling and searching for that sweet textured spot that would make her see stars. 
   When he felt part of it, he smirked, his mouth shifting back to her clit while his hand moved to plunge two fingers into her sweet cunt, fingers curling to add pressure to her g-spot so he could milk it for all it was worth. He sucked and licked at the bundle of nerves as her body started to thrash a little, though he noticed in all her panting and “waits” not once did she say red or yellow. 
   A chord snapped within her and a gush all but drenched him and the bed. Her body was shaking, eyes hazy, and chest heaving for air. Her eyes drifted to see him sitting in between her thighs again, looming over her while a tongue swiped at his lip to gather more of the cum and squirt that now decorated his face.
   “Good girl. Ready for more?”
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yallthemwitches · 2 months
A Matter of Fairness
James' Quidditch match is derailed by a very distracting Head Girl. (NSFW, oneshot) AO3 Link Here
The fall air swept through the open doors of the castle and ruffled at James’ hair. He shifted his stance anxiously. Squinting to look out the doors of the main hall, he could see huddled classmates in bursts of gold and red intermingling with the color of autumn leaves. He did a quick scan of each face, but was unsuccessful at finding a particular redhead within the crowd. 
A finger reached out and poked his cheek, making a twisting indentation into his skin. 
“You always make the same dopey face when you are thinking about Lily, you know that right?” Marlene pulled back her finger before poking him harder. James swatted at her hand which she dodged.
“Come off it. I was just—focusing.” Marlene snorted and shifted her broom to her other shoulder. 
“Focusing on the thought of Lily’s fanny, is more like it.”  Before James could retort, Marlene swung her broom to give his backside a soft pat. 
She wasn’t wrong. But still, he didn’t like being called out for it. 
“Get your head in the game, captain,” Marlene called, now walking towards the double doors towards the quidditch pitch. 
He knew Marlene was right, but he couldn’t help himself. He thought of how they woke up this morning: Lily wrapped in his arms with her hair fanned out on the pillow. The feel of her breasts pushing into him as her chest rose and fell in sleep. She fit perfectly into him: into his life, his body—he felt like an utter lunatic even wanting more of her still. Just the thought of her brought a fire into his chest.
“Hey Captain.”
And there she was. It seemed like ever since they had officially begun dating, Lily had the capability to stop time. The world fell away around her and she pulled him in like a force of gravity. It felt completely supernatural— he hoped the sensation would never go away. 
She stood in front of him now, face beaming. Her fringe slightly windswept from the crisp breeze. She stood on her tiptoes and placed a gentle kiss on his bottom lip, making him hum in approval.
“I thought you wouldn’t make it.” He placed his hands on either side of the crest of her neck and gently stroked her pressure point with his thumb. 
“You have so little faith in me?” She made a small pout and James was filled with the urge to kiss it away. He succumbed to the desire.
Mid-snog James opened his eyes to see Marlene and the rest of the marauders just a little ways off. Sirius shook his head in defeat while both him and Marlene made dramatic hand gestures. James could hear Marlene yell a sarcastic good luck before Sirius bounded in their direction. James groaned into Lily’s mouth.
 “We are about to be interrupted,” he breathed into her ear before nibbling at her earlobe. She leaned into his mouth. 
“Well, you’re going to keep kissing me.” He couldn’t argue with that. 
“Oi, you two! Just because you have some bloody daily shagging quota to fill doesn’t mean you have to do it in public.”
Lily pulled back from James and dramatically gasped. 
“Oh no! I forgot about the quota. James we are so behind, maybe you need to miss the Quidditch match…”
He knew she was just taking the piss out of Sirius, but it was a very enticing idea. Sirius used his shoulder to push his way in between Lily and James, despite Lily’s attempts to keep her arms firmly wrapped around his neck.
“Now you two be good Head Boy and Girl and stop dry humping in front of the student body.”
Lily took a step back with her hands up. “Alright alright, Chill out. I’ll let him go, just let me say one last thing to him. I promise I won’t get carried away.”
Sirius narrowed his eyes but stepped back. James couldn’t see Lily’s face, but whatever her expression, Sirius raised his eyebrows in response and gave a small smirk before walking away.
“You haven’t even said anything about my outfit.” James whipped his head back to Lily who had stepped back enough for him to fully see her. His extra quidditch jersey had been charmed to fit her better and her corduroy skirt hit higher than any Hogwarts uniform policy would allow. 
“Thief,” he accused, while the gravitational pull started again. Before he was even aware his arms were back around her and reaching for her bum. Lily laughed and smacked at his arms, which pulled her closer. 
“I nicked it off the ground in your dorm this morning.”
“I would have just given it to you.” His face was hovering dangerously close to hers again. The memory of the impending quidditch match started to fog and the vision of just hours before, laying tangled together in his bed flashed through his mind. 
“That would’ve ruined the surprise.” Lily chuckled. “And that’s not all,” she leaned in to breathe into his ear, making him shudder. I have a little lucky charm for you too.”
She pushed James off her to gain room to reach into her bag. Close-fisted, she pulled James’ hand between them and placed the soft ball of lace inside his open palm. 
His whole world zoomed into the knickers that now slowly unraveled themselves in his hand. 
“You’re joking.” He croaked. 
“I’m not.”
“You mean there’s nothing–”
“There’s nothing on underneath this no.” 
“Christ Evans.”
James could feel his head nodding, though his heartbeat felt like an oncoming earthquake.
“Merlin, how am I supposed to play with this knowledge—with you—-” he couldn’t even finish his sentence. From beyond, he could hear a roar of cheers coming from the stadium. They were running out of time. 
“I’m sure you’ll figure it out,” Lily smirked, starting to back up towards the door. “Just keep your eyes on the prize.” She turned and sauntered off. James breathed a string of expletives into the air, still hovering his hand with her knickers dangling from them. 
The game went as expected—meaning completely derailed. James tried to position himself on the Ravenclaw side of the stadium as much as possible, but it wasn’t a sure bet. Every time he followed the quaffle’s movements into Gryffindor territory, the vision of Lily appeared: front row sandwiched between Remus and Sirius, leaning forward over the front railing in anxious anticipation of the game. She might have not even meant to tease him in such a way, but just the sight alone of her body bent forward; back arched just so slightly, pulled his focus completely off the field and into every dark corridor he could find for them once the game ended. In the pocket of his quidditch kit, he could feel the knicker’s presence burning into his thigh.
It was the most undeserving win he had ever experienced, and if he was being honest, he didn’t care. 
After the game, the Gryffindor house rushed the pitch in a celebratory mass. James seemed to part through it in a daze on his mission to find her. Thankfully, he didn’t have to look far. 
Rushing toward him, she wrapped her arms around him into an embrace and he picked her up off the ground.
“You played like rubbish,” she teased into his ear. 
“And whose fault is that,” he growled back, putting her back on the ground and smashing their lips together. 
“We need to leave. Now.” He gasped out and Lily pulled back to laugh. 
“What? And take Mr. Quidditch Captain away from his afterparty—what kind of monster do you think I am?” Her eyes sparked and she wiggled her eyebrows. Surely she’s not being serious. 
“Evans—” James warned.
“Potter,” she taunted back. He pulled her back against him, forcing one of her legs to wedge between his own so that she could feel his arousal against her lower half.
“I’m going mad Lily. I’ve been like this since before the game—knowing that you—it's not fair…”
Lily laughed again and ran a hand through the hair on the nape of his neck while the other snaked its way between them to run a finger over the pants of his ever growing erection. He let out a ragged expletive and darted his eyes around the crowd, praying to Merlin that no one was watching them close enough. 
“You still haven’t convinced me you deserve it.”
“I’ll do whatever you want.” He blurted it out with no hesitation. At this current moment, with her knickers in his pocket and her hand on him in public, hell, he would even beg. 
Lily pulled her hand back up and rubbed a thumb over his lips. He caught it with a nip of his teeth and her eyes darkened. 
“Enjoy the after party…have a few drinks…mingle with your team…then if you are good I might let you shag me.”
James closed his eyes and hummed, his erection nowhere near dissipating.
“What constitutes as good?”
Lily pursed her lips for a moment. “Hmmm. I guess I’ll figure that out as I go.”
James’ hand tried its luck at toying with the edges of her skirt, but Lily swiftly knocked it away and turned to follow the crowd back to the castle. 
“Oh and James–” she had turned to call back to him. “Don’t change out of your quidditch kit.”
As she turned and continued away, James buried his face in his hands and let out a groan. 
“Ayo, looking alive Prongs.”
Before he could look up from his hands, Sirius landed a slap right on his groin, forcing his knees to almost buckle in pain. 
“Bloody Fuck, Pads—that hurt.” James was doubled over at the waist and heaving air into his lungs.
“You've been like that this whole time? No wonder you played like shit.” 
“Thanks mate.” James finally mustered up the energy to right himself. 
“So what? Is this some weird new kink you lot are trying out?”
James gave him a pointed look. “If it is, I did not consent to it.”
“Oh, so she’s torturing you then—Merlin, love how that girl thinks.”
It hadn’t occurred to James that she could have a motive. He racked his brain and his eyes grew wide. 
“Oh, god I think I know why.”
“Do I want to know—actually yeah, tell me.”
It was flashing past James' memory now. The History of Magic class. His hand sliding up her skirt. The noise she made when his hand reached the very center of her; still wet from the quick shag that they had only hours earlier….
“You really want me to tell you?” James cautioned. 
“Well…tell me like you would tell it to your Grandpa Henry.” 
James sighed. “Well during History of Magic the other day I might have—I might have let my hand wander in her…private area.”
Sirius let out a barking laugh. “Jesus you would say that to your Grandpa? That’s pretty fucked up, mate.” James just closed his eyes and pressed his fingers to his temples. 
“Sirius—I’m really not—”
“Oh, I’m messing with you. C’mon, you might as well get it over with—whatever she’s up to….please don’t tell me though because I’d rather not be an accessory to this.”
When they reached the Gryffindor tower, there was already music pounding and drinks being doled out into the crowd. James scanned the room to find Lily sitting on the hearth of the fireplace amongst her girlfriends. She spied him in the doorway and uncrossed her legs, giving her knees a teasing sway before turning to continue listening to the conversation. 
Fuck fuck fuck. 
He had to reconsider his tactic. He wasn’t going to get far just letting her torture him for the duration of the night. He needed to get on the offensive. 
James grabbed a drink from the table of refreshments and sauntered up to Lily, who had been abandoned by her friends. She blinked her eyes at him, and smiled; pretending like his presence was a surprise. 
“Welcome to the party Mr. Quidditch Captain,” she grinned at him while patting the empty space next to her. He sat down and instinctively wrapped his arm around her waist, letting his hand tuck slightly into the waistband of her skirt. It was quiet, but he could hear her breath hitch. 
James leaned in and let his teeth graze her earlobe. Under his hand, he could feel her shift a bit. 
“What do you want? I’m dying here.” So much for being on the offensive. Just the proximity of her body alone made all of his morals crumble. 
Lily laughed and placed a hand on his cheek, turning his head and placing a kiss on the pressure point just above his jaw. 
“What are you going to do, Potter? Shag me right here?” She pulled away far enough to look at his lips with a dark expression. She was not very far from breaking either. 
“I would—oh Merlin I would—if that wouldn’t be so frowned upon seeing as we are Head Boy and Girl ...and that shagging in public settings is generally frowned upon.”
James placed his hand on her side and grasped at the bottom edge of her skirt. Lily hummed in approval.
“Do I need to beg? I’ll get on my knees even-–make a whole show of it.”  Lily’s laugh tinkled in his ear. She turned her body to face him directly. Her eyes were deep and fogged.
“What I want is for us to leave this party, find a nice quiet place all to ourselves, and for you to fuck me harder than you ever have.”
James saw stars. If he wasn’t hard before, he definitely was now. He didn’t even wait to respond, rather grabbing her by the waist and pulling her up onto her feet. 
“James–” Lily cautioned. There was no finesse to his movements. He didn’t even care that the whole crowd would know exactly where they were stealing off to. He kept his arm around her waist and maneuvered her towards the portrait hole. 
The second the party disappeared behind the portrait again, he dropped to his knees. Using one hand to push her up against the stone wall of the corridor, he gave no preamble to reach underneath her skirt and discover that she had been telling the truth all along. 
He swore under his breath and not wasting a single second longer, slipped a finger inside her. She made a squeal and bucked her hips up into the air. She clawed her hands at the wall behind her.
“James–ah—someone could—” But he didn’t care. He slipped another finger inside her and curled them together in a learned pattern that he knew would make her writhe underneath him. He gave her one last glance, before dipping his head underneath her skirt, finally finding the reward he had been wanting since before his match. 
He lapped at her folds, causing her to grasp at his hair, pushing his tongue farther into her. She began making small breathy noises and they urged him on. He loved that when she was writhing under him, the cadence of her voice changed, it felt more real—like he was pulling out the very core of her spirit in those moments. 
If Lily cared that they were still in a very public corridor, she was no longer showing it. She kept her hands tightly wound in his hair and bucked her hips up to aid in the rhythm of his work. He started to feel her quiver under his tongue—a sure sign that her release was near, and withdrew himself from her. 
An exasperated cry leaked from her mouth, but James stood and pressed his mouth on hers to silence it. His tongue and lips still tasted of her, and she flicked her tongue over his bottom lip to bring attention to that knowledge. 
“No fair.” She mouthed out—her voice sounded ragged and thin. 
“Evans, don’t talk to me about fair.” He took her hand and pulled her down the corridor. He felt like an insatiable animal—he had already felt like one even before this torturous day, but now the feeling was threefold. 
They clamored down the tower until they reached a small study room. James slammed the door shut behind them and immediately turned on Lily. She clawed off his jersey and began kissing down his chest toward his pant line. 
“No.” He growled, pulling her back up from her descent and pushed her back on one of the wooden tables. She lifted her legs and he could see right up her skirt to where he had tasted her just minutes before. 
Ripping at the snaps on her skirt, the fabric fell off easily in one swift movement. Lily perched herself up on her elbows and pouted, watching James remove his glasses and start unweaving the drawstrings of his quidditch trousers. 
“Let me go down on you—I want to taste you.” James abandoned his work on his pants for a moment and pressed his thumb to her clit, circling it with mild pressure. 
“I played by your rules today—it's my turn.” He ripped off his pants and stepped away from them. His cock sprung up in the moment of its release and he used one hand to stroke it softly as he continued moving his thumb on her clit. Lily’s eyes darkened further at the sight of his body; her lips began to quiver and she reached a hand out to him. 
He lurched forward. Standing over her from her lounged position on the table. Lifting one of her thighs up to his shoulder blade, he leaned forward and entered her. Lily let out a loud oh, and tried to move one hand to rub her clit. James grabbed both her hands and pinned them over her head, using the momentum of his thrusts to keep her below him. Looking down, her eyes glittered; blown-out and staring as he continued to pump.
Despite the quick, deep successions of his movement, the dominant demeanor James had been trying to carry was slipping away with every thrust. Instead, the pleasure from being inside her was overriding and making him slip into a trance that only her body could conjure. Lily continued to make whimpering noises unconsciously, sometimes peppering in his name or a muggle expletive.
He sucked in a breath and obliged, lifting her hips even higher off the table and making his thrusts more sharp. The table rocked and a noise of splintering wood came from some unknown source. The table could break, someone could hear them— or worse walk in—but neither of them cared. They were both completely lost in the void of each other. 
Lily's breath turned ragged and James pushed his tongue into her mouth, letting her moan straight into him rather than letting her sounds disappear into the air. He felt her body start to contract, but he didn’t let up. 
“James—I’m going to.” He didn’t let her finish the thought. He pulled himself out of her and before she could object, flipped her over so her cheek was pressing into the tabletop and her arse was arched into the air. He grabbed hold of her hips and made one quick thrust deep into her and she let out a gasp. He watched her hands grab at the sides of the table. 
“Come for me Lily. I want to feel it. You feel so good—god so fucking perfect—that’s it baby.” 
She opened her eyes and looked up at him from the tabletop. Her mouth opened to say something, but he watched as her pupils dilated and then softened. Around his cock, he could feel the rush of her release and she screamed out his name all while not breaking his gaze.
After she was done, her body sagged for a moment on the tabletop, before regaining the strength to sit up. Her lips were swollen and her breasts were erect and heaving with the aftershock of her orgasm. 
James pulled himself out of her, and she pulled at his neck to kiss him, taking his lower lip in between hers to suckle on it. 
“Ok, my turn to be in charge.” She sank to her knees in front of him and grabbed the base of his cock in one hand. James let out a hiss—he was already dangerously close. She had gone down on him many times before, but not after having been inside her. He watched as she regarded her own release that covered his cock. Hovering her mouth over his tip, she paused her lips to look up at him.
“Thank you.” She took a long lick over his tip, then down his length. James let out a strangled cry; it was now his turn to weave his hands into her hair. 
She bobbed her head up and down his length, using her tongue to flick over his tip. She licked off all of her own moisture before removing her mouth from him to sit back on her heels. 
James’ eyes were unfocused and far gone. He watched as she licked her lips and continued to use her hand to pump him. 
“Thank you,” she repeated. ”I’ve never really tasted my come before–not like that. It’s good.” 
James' body felt electrified—her words seeping into him as she put him back in her mouth and steadily continued to suck. He dared not to close his eyes as he watched his cock disappear and reappear from her mouth—her tits bouncing as she leaned forward and backward. He never wanted it to end, but the pressure was mounting, and beyond his vision sparks of light were appearing. 
“Lily, I’m gonna come. If you don’t want to —” but she latched onto his hips and held him in place as she continued letting him gently thrust in and out of her mouth. She unlatched her mouth just long enough to call out to him.
“I want to taste you. Please.”
 Sparks flew behind his eyes. He released within her mouth and she held his hips to keep pumping while he could feel her mouth fill. She swallowed with each thrust, until he slouched back on a table and removed himself from her. Lily sat back and wiped her mouth before standing to lean her body against his. 
“You didn’t have to do that.” James huffed at her, still out of breath and reeling from his orgasm. 
“I wanted to. I liked it.” James leaned back his head and groaned. 
“You're perfect, Lils. You know that? Maddening, but perfect.”
James gave her a lazy grin and kissed her softly. 
“I’m so stupidly in love with you. You could muck up all of my matches if this is what I get in return.”
Lily giggled and kissed the side of his mouth. 
“I love you too—If you only knew how wet I’ve gotten from all of your matches since the 5th year. “
James let out a groan and tossed his head back. 
“Lily–please. You can’t just say that and—” 
But Lily was already on it. She grabbed his head and kissed him deeper. Then deeper still and the whole world disappeared again.
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blackkatmagic · 1 month
Barriss Offee!
There are scrolls on bloodbending hidden deep in Archives, in the back areas restricted to senior padawans and above, where Madam Nu carefully monitors any withdrawals or changes to the catalogue.
Barriss hadn’t expected to actually find any, even knowing that the Jedi have studied plenty of other Sith bending variations. Something about this one just feels…different.
She stares down at the scroll, at the carefully-laid sketches of positions and stances, hand motions and foot placements. Some ancient Jedi wrote everything down so that the Order could combat the ability in the future, could recognize it. Not so that they could use it.
Barriss wants to use it, though. That’s the only reason that she’s here.
She hasn’t decided yet. Not really. But—the thought is there, tucked away in the back of her mind. The war is going badly, and so many millions of people are dead. So many millions of clones are dead. Barriss is a Healer, and she’s always wanted to be a Healer, but this isn't something she can fix by treating wounded, by patching up soldiers who end up on a pyre twelve hours later. Something needs to change, and the war needs to stop, and the how is getting harder and harder to care about.
Bloodbending will help. The Sith used to use it because its control makes it impossible for a target to use the Force. If Barriss has to do something drastic, the Jedi will try to stop her, so she needs a way to just…make sure they can't.
It doesn’t have to be permanent. She’s not going to kill Jedi. Just…keep them out of the way.
“Commander Offee?” a voice says in surprise, so sudden that it makes Barriss startle. She whirls around, heart in her throat, and freezes at the sight of clone armor, painted with blue like teardrops, battered in a way she hast seen before.
“Tup,” she says, startled, and takes a step forward with one hand already raised, the water pouch at her waist uncorking itself with a snap. “Are you all right? You look like you got dragged through a swamp.”
Tup smiles, maybe a little sheepish, putting a hand up to rub at his armor. “Umbara,” he says in explanation. “Does that count as a swamp?”
“With Master Kolar and Commander Faie to lead you through it? I would think so.” Barriss hesitates, then carefully tucks the scrolls under her arm and reaches out, water flowing up to cover her hand. When she brushes one of the deep scratches on Tup's cheek, the water shimmers, and Tup closes his eyes, leaning into the touch in a way that makes Barriss’s chest feel tight.
“I missed this,” Tup says, and he sounds…tired. Exhausted, like he’s on the verge of collapse. “Your healing. It’s—” He stops short, eyes flying open, and jerks back with red flushing his cheeks. “Sorry, Commander! I just meant—”
Barriss smiles, not able to help it. “It’s all right, Tup,” she says, pitched gentle. “Master Luminara is out with Master Gallia tonight, so I was a little lonely. Would you like to come back to our rooms and keep me company? I already made food.”
The relief Tup feels is heady and bright, and his smile almost matches it. “If I won't get in the way, sir. You're sure?” His gaze flickers down, to the worn old scrolls, and he hesitates. “If you were planning to study, I can just go back to the barracks.”
Barriss’s heart turns over, drops even as it accelerates. The wash of emotion is something like shame, or maybe terror, and she turns, shoves them back into their slot on the shelf before Tup can see the contents. Adrenaline makes her feel shaky, like she’s been caught, and it flickers for an instant, an image of horror on Tup's face if he found out. They met in the aftermath of a bad mission, with a Sith ghost who still had a trace of her old power, and Tup had been so scared of that ability.
Bloodbending is useful, but—if Tup finds out, Barriss can imagine his reaction, and it makes shame twist tight in her stomach.
“Just distracting myself,” she says quickly, turning back. “Master Luminara didn’t leave me any preparation work for the next mission, so I was just poking around in here. Shall we go?”
Tup smiles, and—it’s probably only because he’s so tired that Barriss gets away with the lie. “If you're sure, Commander. I was dreaming about those cakes you made the whole time we were deployed. I think I stayed alive just for those.”
There’s a knot in Barriss’s throat, but she still manages to smile. The traditional Mirialan sweets were a last-minute gift, something she was able to bring Tup right before he was released from medical. A small thing, but—
I stayed alive just for those.
One life, just a little bit brighter, even with the war raging. That’s something. It has to be.
“I’ll make a whole batch just for you,” she promises, and takes Tup's arm to lead him out of the Archives, leaving the bloodbending scrolls behind. At least for now.
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love-bitesx · 1 year
HII!!! how are you?? i love your writing so much‼️‼️ i have an actual question and then a request for fic or yk what i mean?
the question is do you take anons? like emoji anons so like you know whos who while stillmbeing able tl be anonymous? if you do could i be one? and if i can be an emoji anon could i be 🪐? (im just writing all this on one ask so it wont be a hassle yk?)
and as for the request i was wondering if you could write hobie with a fem reader (can be gender neutral idc) who love’s physical touch but has sensory issues/overloads where sometimes even when like just holding hands they random tuck their hand away and get annoyed or irritated from all kinds of physical touch but still love it? idk how to explain it all that well😓😓 like the reader’s love language is physical touch but they dont ask for it and mostly think they dont deserve it due to being touch starved and now that hobie came along they love the touch but the sensory issues/overloads make it harder??
im so sorry if this is confusing🙏🏼🙏🏼 also you dint have tk write this if you dont want to its completely understandable!! love your work sm‼️
take care🫶🏼
HIII IM SORRY THIS GOT LOST COMPLETELY, HI 🪐 ANON ILY !! i absolutely will take emoji anons i love all my little anon/requesters ur all angels
sensory issues r icky!!! i struggle with them massively, especially in relationships – i get it!! this is a safe space for anything like that, and any neurodivergent readers/requesters!! i love u all
hobie x reader w sensory issues!!
- initially, he’d be defensive about it
- as in the very first time you denied his touch, purely because he’d be convinced you’re mad at him.
wringing your wrists, you breathed a shaky sigh of relief as peace restored itself in your head, sitting yourself down on your sofa, letting yourself relax. it’d been a tough day, with even tougher emotions, and your chest burnt with tension, skin crawling at the feeling of your jumper against it. movement sounded somewhere in the apartment, but you ignored it, just allowing yourself a moment of peace.
until, you felt a hand slide itself into yours, the sofa dipping in weight as hobie threw himself next to you. a conflicted wave of emotions hit you, immediate comfort filling your chest at the feeling of your dear boyfriends touch after a long day – but your skin surged with irritation, brain overwhelming itself with noise, causing you to rip your hand away.
“darlin’?” hobie’s voice was small, concern lacing it’s words.
“i-i just need to be alone, hobie,” you avoided his gaze, pushing yourself up off the sofa and heading to your room. he followed, not unlike a lost puppy, wracking his brain to see if maybe he’d upset you.
“did i do somethin’, y/n?” his tone was sterner, almost defensive.
“no, no, i just–” you sighed, hands shaking slightly as you attempted to surprise the growing annoyance in your chest, “i just need a little space, i need to be on my own right now.”
- he would take your words completely differently, thinking you meant space from him
- but once you explained that it wasn’t him specifically, purely just your brain deciding that hey! now everything suddenly feels disgusting and fills you with ungodly rage, he was a lot more considerate & understanding.
- took him a little while, purely because he was obsessed with your touch, literally drunk off it most days.
- his natural stance was with you, leant against you or arm suspended over your shoulders, so it took him some time to get used to that not happening occasionally.
- he’d learn little ways to ask you if it’s okay
- mostly, he would just outright ask “a’right if i touch you, pretty?” and wait for your answer patiently
- but if you’re out and about, or maybe with others, and he can see that you’re overwhelmed and possibly even verbally shutdown, he had a little routine:
- he’d be subtle with it, tapping his own knee or a subtle wave to catch your eyeline, and once you were watching, he’d interlock his own hands, a questioning look in his eye.
- if you nodded, he’d be all over you, content with the feeling of you
- if you shook your head, or averted his gaze, he’d simply smile, and wait patiently for you to come to him
- more than anything, he just wants to learn from you – learn what you like, what you don’t like, how he can help when you’re overwhelmed, if he even can, etc.
- he’d be sooooo patient my god
- he’d literally wait for hours, even longer if it meant you would be comfortable and happy
he’s just happy to have u by his side and call you his!! he doesn’t mind if he can’t touch you all the time, and he never takes any outbursts or bad moods to heart, he understands it’s hard for you
if other people weren’t as understanding, though — maybe friends draping themselves over you, hugging you, nudging you, etc. when your sensory issues were more prevalent, he’d be the first one to your defense
if you had verbal shutdown, he’d carry around a little notepad in his pockets at all times, even when you’re not around (he just got used to carrying it). he likes seeing the little drawings and doodles you do, little kisses you put on the page for him when you can’t express it yourself physically, or verbally.
he just loves u a lot.
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i-love-genya-sm · 2 months
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READER INFO • PLEASE READ Reader is gn Lip-bite habit! Reader and Genya are not yet in a relationship, but are currently crushing on each other Both Reader and Genya refuse to believe that they like each other, but it is what it is. (They like each other a lot)
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You had a habit of biting your lip. A lot. When you were nervous, when you were excited, when you looked at Genya… Scratch that last one. One day, you were absent-mindedly watching the tree’s branches sway with the motion of the wind when Genya came up to you. “Hey, (Y/N)?” He asked timidly, a pink blush on his cheeks. “Oh, hi, Genya! What do you need?” You turn to him, a bright smile and slight pink tint on your face. Genya’s blush intensifies. “I-I was j-juts wondering if m-maybe…you’d….like t-to train with m-me?” His eyes were darting everywhere but your direction, his face red, fists clenched. You do the famous lip-bite, thinking. Genya’s face got even redder. (‹A/N›: Ay, you good?) “Sure!” You give Genya a closed-eyed smile. “Let’s go!” You turn around, Genya following you, towards a nearby training ground, biting your lip the whole way. Oh gosh I’m actually gonna be alone with Genya with a reasonable excuse! Once you got there, you grabbed two training swords and threw one to Genya. He caught it with slight stumble, the blush on his face still visible. “You ready?” You ask, taking up a stance. Genya nods. “Three…two…one…go!” You leap towards him, ready to strike. Better focus if i wanna win this match! All the while during your trining, your teeth had a firm grip on your lower lip as you tried to focus on training rather than Genya. But it was hard. You could tell he was distracted, too, with the way he looked at you, his eyes darting from your stance to your eyes and your lip bite, and back again. There was an unspoken feeling in the air, completely swallowed by love-struck sparring matches. Both of you were infatuated. The longer training went on, the harder it got to hide your overflowing feelings for one another. When you eventually tried yourself out, you stopped the sparring match and approached Genya’s sweaty form. Trying to ignore how hot he was, you gave a casual smile, hoping your blush was disguised by the amount of blood in your cheeks from training excessively. “I think that’s good for today, hm?” You bite your lip, again, trying to catch your breath. Genya’s face was redder than yours, even a little more breathless. He nodded. “Yeah. That was a good session. Should we do this more often?” Genya visibly cringed slightly, seemingly expecting some turn down. “Of course! It was great training with you, Genya!” You return your training sword and begin to take your leave. As you did, you turned back and waved at the tall, handsome figure you left behind. “See you around!” As you turned back on your way, you bite your lip a bit harder, your thoughts completely overtaken by Genya. You couldn’t wait to see him again.
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TAISHO ERA SECRET 👏👏 ◊ Genya loves your lip bite and thinks it’s cute ◊ Whenever he could, Genya would try to get a peek at your adorable lip bite THANK YOU FOR READING! Sorry if updates are slow, I’m currently working on four requests all at the same time and I’m on a pretty busy schedule! I wrote this shorter one to keep y’all occupied! Have a great day/night, my fellow Genya lovers! 💜🖤💛
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mah-t-wordblog · 15 days
maybe lee muichiro and ler obanai/ and snake???????? THANK U
Are you laughing at me?
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Lee: Muichiro Tokito
Ler: Obanai Igoru, Kaburamaru
Ships: NONE
Warnings: This is a tickle fic, if you don’t like it, just scroll down
This fanfic is originally in Portuguese, my English is translated using an automatic translator, if there are any big errors you can tell me so I can fix them
Muichiro and Obanai were just about to train, they weren't at the usual meeting place, but at Obanai's house, the same place where the hashira trained Tanjiro and the other hunters
"Shinazugawa isn't coming?" Obanai asked
"No, him crow told me”
"Then it'll just be the two of us, I have a training idea"
The two entered the room where Obanai was teaching agility techniques to the hunters
"Do you want to train a little of agility?" The snake hashira proposed
"What do you mean?"
“This is where I train, but there are usually hunters trapped here,” Obanai said, pointing to the large wooden bars that are spread around the room. “These pieces of wood are used to simulate trees, for fighting in places full of obstacles.”
Muichiro was still processing the fact that Obanai traps weaker hunters on stakes, poor Tanjiro.
“What do you say?”
“Sounds great.” Muichiro got into a fighting stance and stood in front of Obanai, with a wooden bar between the two of them. “Let’s go!”
Obanai did the same stance.
The two jumped at the same time. Obanai’s sword certainly had a considerable advantage because he could distort it, but Muichiro wouldn’t let himself be defeated easily.
The younger boy jumped over the man and ended up stabbing him in the shoulder. Of course, it was a light attack so as not to really hurt him, but Obanai didn’t expect that he would be defeated by the boy in his own space.
“I won! Haha!” The teenager celebrated
Obanai was irritated, but kept his cool
But then Muichiro, like anyone his age, started celebrating
“I beat you in your own training center! I won!”
“Stop talking like it’s impressive” Obanai rolled his eyes
The little boy laughed “What’s wrong, Igoru? Are you mad~?”
The snake hashira started staring at the other with a dark look
“Yeah… Igoru? It was just a joke” Muichiro was starting to get nervous
“Five? Five what?”
“Five seconds for you to run”
There was no need to say it twice, the younger boy took off running as if his life depended on it
And soon the count, and Obanai’s patience, ran out
The man ran after the other, the two dodging the wooden beams, playing cat and mouse
“Please Igoru!”
It was harder than expected for Obanai to catch young Muichiro, but he didn’t give up
Extending his arm, he slid his snake, Kaburamaru, and made it jump towards Muichiro, and the serpent reached the boy before the hashira
Kaburamaru found a hole in Muichiro’s clothes, which were quite loose because of his fighting style, and began to circle the boy under his shirt
“What?! Nohohoho!” Muichiro fell, he couldn’t run anymore, because the scales of that snake incredibly tickled his body
“You caught him, huh, Kaburamaru?” Obanai laughed
“Pleheheashehe nohohoho” Muichiro writhed as the snake moved wherever it wanted on his body
“Ah Tokito” the snake’s hashira sat down next to the other “but this has only just begun”
Obanai joined his snake, crouching on the ground and tickling Muichiro’s belly area
“You’re too arrogant for someone with so many tickle spots”
Muichiro tried to grab Kaburamaru to at least make him stop, but the snake was too fast
“I wasn’t even going to get mad at you for beating me, but when you started teasing me, it seemed like you were begging for it”
Obanai laughed “where did you learn that dirty language? Did Shinazugawa teach you?”
“Do you think he’s had enough, Kaburamaru?”
The snake came out of Muichiro’s clothes and climbed up Obanai’s arm until it wrapped itself around his neck as usual
“Okay then, if you think so” the snake’s hashira stopped
Muichiro sighed and calmed down
“I’m sorry” he laughed “it’s just that you get so funny when you’re angry”
Obanai rolled his eyes “want another round?” He said making a move to get closer again
“NO! No! I’m fine!” Muichiro ran away, standing up
“Let’s go, kid, sitting here won’t help us train” Obanai said, standing up and walking towards the same place where they started training
“Ok!” Muichiro followed him
And they continued with the hard training until sunrise
Thanks for reading 💛💛
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k-zu · 1 year
is it okay if I request dragon zhongli headcanons with gn reader?
maybe you can add one where he’s in full dragon form and reader helping him out with grooming like brushing and untangling some matted parts of his hair or using products to care for his scales or horns? :o
(with or without reader is fine with me :])
feel free to decline this! Have an awesome week ⭐️💗
request and you shall be granted.
( i've never written anything in headcanon format, hope this is alright ! )
"after stepping down from his title as an archon, zhongli still isn't able to live a truly mortal life, for he still is a half-dragon even without the mighty exuvia. as his companion though, he's more than grateful that you're there to help him through it."
getting used to maintaining a fully human form becomes harder without his gnosis, that's why he lets some of his dragon-like features out while hiding them under his clothes. like his shining arms and hands under his suit and gloves.
he has the sharpest instincts, when he feels you're in danger he's quick to manifest geo shields around you, he might even get in a protective stance in front of you. like a dragon protecting its treasure.
after long days of dealing with his restless child boss, he comes home and, if he's comfortable enough with you, instantly lets his half-dragon form out. opting for rest under the sun or nuzzled in bed with you.
half-dragon zhongli is extremely sensitive to touch, perhaps becomes a bit more bold when seeking for your attention too. he'll become more touchy and will try to kiss you more often. if you do even as much as to reciprocate a kiss and put your hands on him, it's over for you. he's not letting go.
half-dragon zhongli is also extremely sensitive to how you're feeling, if he senses tiredness, fatigue or anything that might get you in a bad mood or sick, he will stand by your side and offer to help you with whatever he can to make you feel more comfortable. ( i have a drabble on this where reader falls sick ehe all fluff ! )
"my, but you're shivering! would you like me to get you some blankets, my dear? oh? just hug you?" he giggles, "you don't need to ask twice, my love."
half-dragon zhongli who purrs without noticing !!!
half-dragon zhongli whose golden markings shine in pulsating glows along the beat of your heart, they're on his arms and legs and perhaps even chest, where he likes to place his hand and watch as the light that represents your heart slips through the fingers covering it.
sometimes, he pretends to fall asleep on the couch so you can quietly join him for a bit, and after he's sure you've fallen asleep he cuddles you and kisses the back of your neck with such fondness.
now, full-dragon zhongli but a tiny version of the exuvia who acts a lot like a cat but is still able to understand you.
he lets you pet him and marvels at the little kisses you leave on his head. he also lets you help him untangle and take care of his fur, very softly at first fearing you might hurt him accidentally. he just stares at you attentively until you feel giddy enough to leave a kiss or two between your work, he'd close his eyes and smile in delight.
tiny cat-like dragon zhongli whose favorite place to nap on is your lap !
he can't afford to manifest the big exuvia form without his gnosis, specially not inside his mortal house. so he settles on a smaller form, perhaps the size of a small dog. he'd be always on top of you in some way, your shoulders, your head, or clinging to your pants until you pick him up.
maybe if you visit his adepti abode, he'd let you see the big dragon and then you'd understand all the legends and songs dedicated to his name.
perhaps if you meet each other after giving up his gnosis, he'd feel scared of telling you the truth, fearing you might think differently of him if you find out he used to be the geo archon and is now just a non-human funeral consultant.
i can imagine him wishing to really touch you, without gloves, to feel your warmth and the softness of your skin, to love every part of you without restrictions. ( i just thought of a very cute drabble idea for this ( ˙▿˙ ) )
half-dragon zhongli would be the most difficult person to get things done with, you need to get out of bed to work? are you sure?
"dearest, you're so warm…" "i hear you, but we really need to get up."
dragon zhongli who, in his big form, likes to walk/fly around just for you to admire him and compliment him.
dragon zhongli who makes a contract with himself to protect you from any and all harm for as long as he lives ( and has the ability to remember ).
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i am more than soft for dragon zhongli, the brainrot is so strong UWAAAA
no beta we die.
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st4rbwrry · 1 month
also, cowboy eren most definitely has childhood friend written all over him. his first job was working as a farm hand for your dad in the summer and he’s pretty much kept it ever since. when he’s out there, you tease him about how he’s not trying his hardest and how you’ve seen him work harder when he’s picking up girls around town. he tells you that you’re just jealous because he gets play and you have to stay home and listen to whatever mommy and daddy tell you to do. you both keep going back and forth until someone gets irked and call it quits, still, there’s no bad blood. the two of you still have your hangouts and such well into adulthood. that’s to say, when you call him up into your room one night, he doesn’t think twice about heading up the creaky stairs and down the hallway, the layout more familiar than anything else. it’s warm and it smells good and part of him is telling his feet to keep moving when he knows he should be still. he finds you in a cute little tube top and some shorts that cuff your thighs well. you lift your arm to show him a cute little hibiscus flower tattoo that you recently got on your trip to town. “what do you think, baby?! isn’t it cute?” you ask him in your sweet little country accent, not realizing that he’s completely stunned by how good you look. he adjusts his stance a little before smiling at you and moving one foot after the other, “you look adorable. ‘think i need to get a closer look at’cha just to make sure it’s real.” he makes you feel weird the closer he gets to you. maybe it’s the anticipation of his hands on the back of your arm, holding you in a bit of an awkward position with his tall frame looming over you. to your surprise, he squats down so he can see the flower that’s been imbedded into your skin. you’re just about face-to-face and you can feel his breath tickling your neck as he cranes down. he notices more than he bargained for, for example, the light sheen of oil on your skin—evident of the bath that you must’ve taken before he got here, hence the warmth in the air and the smell of roses caressing him. he’s incredibly relaxed crouching down in front of you, almost like he’s meant to be at your side this way. he figures he could stay in this position forever, if you’ll let him. he smiles at the thought.
“it looks great, sugar. maybe you can come ‘n hold my hand when I get my next one.”
JSKSJDJSJDJDz. he CANNOT be that close to me without me fucking him i stg. i’ll go ballistic.
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Imagine Kevin trying to work up the nerve to ask you out
Kevin Turvey x GN!Reader
Warnings: none
Summary: A fun little imagine I conjured up about the cutest investigative reporter. Pretty much what the title says, Kevin working up the nerve to ask you out, enjoy💛
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(Gif not mine, credit goes to whoever made it)
Pacing back and forth by the river for goodness knows how long, Kevin had been working up the nerve to ask out his crush and long time best friend, you. As well as rehearsing various lines and approaches for you. Which was tricky for him, to say the least.
Although he was somewhat confident initially, he quickly realizes that this is going to be a lot harder than he thought it'd be.
"Right". Kevin takes in a breath, straightening his posture before speaking,
"Hello Y/N, we've been friends for like a while, right and I've been wondering if you'd fancy going out...with me." Kevin only shakes his head. " I need to be more confident, they'd like that, I bet."
Taking a straighter stance and lifting his chin, slightly grimacing his face into a more serious expression, he starts again,
"Oy there love. I like you and you like me too, let's go out" he says in a comically cocky manner, wriggling his shoulders and bobbing his head a little when speaking.
Then he pauses, eyes moving to the ground in thought.
"Perhaps that's a bit too forceful." He says, relaxing his stance. "Right, straight to the point then.."
Kevin takes in another breath before blurting out in a rapid pace "Hello Y/N, for some time now I've grown romantic feelings for you, like, I like you much more than a friend. Fancy a date with me?" He pierces his lips closed and visibly tenses up.
As if holding in a breath, he lets out a sharp exhale with a slight slouch of his back, brushing a hand through his hair in a mixture of deep thought and frustration.
"We've known each other for years now, why in the bloody hell is this so difficult!" He exclaims in utter annoyance. His voice slightly cracking at the end of his sentence.
Although it was hard for Kevin to recognize it, the reason he was stressing over this so much is because his feelings for you were deep and genuine and the last thing he wants to do is mess up the first step of confessing his feelings for you and yes, taking you out on a proper date. You were perfect to him, so this confession must be equally so. He's never felt this way about anybody before, not even about Theresa Kelly. No, these feelings were much more serious, Kevin couldn't stop thinking about you, your laugh, the way you'd listen to his ramblings about whatever mundane investigation he was fixated on without ridiculing or making fun of him, the way you'd smile at him when you'd greet him before a hang out, and the kindness you'd shown him was something that made his heart pitter-patter in a most wonderful way. He was downright smitten with you, although he didn't realize it right away, only expressing confusion at how he'd get butterflies when he saw you or how his heart sped up when you'd look him in the eye but when he finally does realize it, it hit him like a ton of bricks. Then came the overthinking and fussing over how to tell you, if he should tell you and the worry that his feelings would ruin your friendship because he truly didn't know if you even felt romantically towards him at all, let alone as strongly as he felt for you. Was this gamble of spilling his feelings out for you even worth it? He didn't know but what he did know is that he at least wanted to give it a shot. Truth is, he was terrified of the idea of another man wooing you and taking you away from him. He couldn't even stomach the thought without feeling a little nauseous. And who knew! Maybe you felt the same for him as he did you! There was only one way to know for sure. Which brings us back to now.
"This is utterly useless!" He says with a small stomp.
"Forget the lines, forget the plans. I'll approach them and say whatever comes natural, in the moment. Improvisation." Head bobbing lightly and eyes gazing off into the water, his nerves eat away at him but Kevin's defiance overcomes the nervousness, if not a bit aggressively.
"Oh bugger it!" Fueled by determination alone, he sets off for your house.
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