#you think i haven't tried that?? that i haven't tried to just not care??
weirdmarioenemies · 20 hours
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Name: Spaak
Debut: Super Smash Bros. Brawl
It is once again Subspace Freak Time! Hooray! Clouds are one of the most magical things in the world that people take for granted so often. Water can turn into heavenly floating fluff that can obscure the almighty sun, shower us with rain, snow, and ice (yeowch), and even generate electricity that can straight up kill you. And we haven't figured out how to deal with that yet. We probably never will.
So as fluffy and pleasant-looking as clouds are, it is fitting whenever they are portrayed as horrid freaks, like Spaak! Look at its TEETH. The thought of teeth in a cloud and whatever other anatomy that implies is rancid! I love it. But even more than that, I love how Spaak completely throws away all that is magical about clouds, and replaces it with technology! This cloud runs on a Battery! What is the battery attached to? I hope nothing. I hope this is just really a cloud with all this stuff attached somehow!
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The battery is really so silly. And I assume the inspiration for Spaak's weird name, since it has two As, like a double-A battery! The battery has the Subspace Army logo on it, so we can assume Spaak was created by the army for the events of the game, and is not natural. Unless it was naturally a cloud beast with electrodes sticking out, and the battery was added to allow it to use lightning all the time, not just in stormy mode? I don't know! But weaponizing clouds is such a ridiculous concept. Sure, why not. Once again, they can kill you with electricity! They're scary sometimes!
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If Spaak is attacked enough, it will turn black and stormy, now capable of even faster lightning attacks! Imagine if real clouds were like this. Just regularly shooting lightning by default and then doing it even more if someone tries to beat them up. I would dislike that! Do you think you could inhale Spaak? Be careful
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http-paprika · 3 days
BLUE / simon riley
my very, very late submission for @glitterypirateduck simon "ghost" riley challenge. this was heavily inspired by the new billie eilish song of the same title because I thought it fit him so well. i used the prompts "face touching", "the heat goes out and it's freezing", and "a confession is made"
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simon ghost riley x female reader / 1106 words / contains angst, alcohol, and smoking
WITH every patron that hurried into the bar, cold and snow blew in with them—leaving those even in the darkest corners of the bar chilled and draining down more liquor. The drink spilled through her veins, warm and potent as she waited another hour, shrunk away in the shadows with her cost pulled tight. Simon wasn't coming, she knew better than to keep waiting for him. 
 Finishing her glass of whiskey, she lets it sting her throat the same way the tears in her eyes did. With remorse, she sets the glass down and rises from her chair. Through the crowded bar of happy couples and friends, someone's celebrating a birthday, another girl is sobbing in the corner with her friends trying their best to comfort her. The whole room pulses with life, feelings, love, and hate and she can't seem to find herself amongst the crush of emotions. Dull, apathetic, and removed as she slinks out of the door and into the blue moon night. 
 Winter still holds a fierce grip over Manchester, spilling white flurries in the air as she walks down the quiet streets with a cigarette to warm her from the cold. If he were there, they'd be sharing the smoke and she'd be warmed by the blushed haze that always befell her when their hands brushed exchanging the cigarette. 
 Her hand fumbles with her phone, the bright, blue light warning her of how late it was. But even with the early shift she had in the morning, she loiters along her route imagining he’ll be waiting by her flat like Simon would sometimes do. Giving her the delusion that he cared enough to come looking for her, even if he couldn't be bothered to grab drinks with her. 
 Despite all logic telling her not to bother with a call, she finds the number that she's left a hundred voicemails for. Sounding desperate and pathetic with every call as she tries to convince him into calling her back. 
 “Hi, Simon. It's me… again. I'm just calling to check in, I haven't heard from you in a week and I just want to make sure you're alright. Okay, I'm going to go, I'm at my flat. Call me, please.” The sound of the voicemail being replayed causes her to cringe, maybe he'd never hear it like he never hears the rest. Maybe he's got a new number, that was the type of thing someone as shifty as Simon would do. But she can't find reason in his sudden absence, no foreseen notice of a deployment or mission. No text to tell her he'd be unavailable. Nothing. 
 When she rounds the gate into her apartment complex, she can see in the low light of the second-floor walk, the lone figure waiting in front of her door even though he had the keys. Burly hands shoved into the worn pockets of his jacket with head tilted down as she climbed the stairs to join him. 
 She didn't need to see Simon’s face to know that he was thinking. Always thinking about the past he refused to tell her about. One that she could only dream up, trying to picture what had happened to turn him into the man he was. The man who she desperately tried to get over, but couldn't move on from. 
“I waited for you. It's the third Wednesday of the month, or did you just forget?” She asks, stubbing out the cigarette on the melt railing. The frame creaks as her fist tightens around it in frustration. “Simon?” 
 “Was busy with work, forgot to call.” He shrugs, pushing his hood back and shaking out his dark blond curls. A rough, wartorn face that she'd memorized like the back of her hand. It was so enticing to her, mesmerizing with his pale lashes and dark haunted eyes. The type of man that kept her safe at the bar and kept her up at night in stress. 
 “You're always busy.” She holds back a scoff, knowing arguing never got anywhere with Simon. He'd go silent with every accusation she'd throw, leaving her intimidated and guilty for yelling. Even if she knew he deserved it. 
 “It can't be helped. Times are tough.” Simon responds, his eyes trailing over her as she moves to unlock the flat. Fumbling with the lock like she did with the phone until his hand reached out and steadied her grasp. He leads her into the apartment like it was his own, with an empty place on the coat rack for his jacket, and a spot next to all of her shoes for his boots. An indent left throughout her home for whenever he'd find it in him to return.
 “Would you like a drink?” She asks, still feeling the need to play hostess as if he were a stranger visiting for the first time. At the edge of her seat waiting expectantly for a response and reaction. 
 “Sure.” He shrugs, pulling off the cloth mask as she shuffles into the small kitchen. Tiny enough that when he joins her there's tension as she tries not to bump into him. Pretending like she wasn't up the night before craving the warmth he gave, the firm touch of his hands, when her space heater died. 
 “I am sorry, love. I'll be there next time, I promise.” Simon apologizes, watching as avoids his presence like the plague. She chewed the inside of her cheek, knowing that she'd accept this apology like she'd done before. Knowing full well he never changed, and she’d never ask him to. 
 He reached out, sensing her indifference, and cupped her cheek in his calloused hands. That touch always turned her into mush, clay for him to mold to his will and whims. She knew it was pathetic how easily she swayed for him, knew that her friends always criticized her for being so weak-willed. But how could she possibly say no to him when he always came back, even if it was days late? Wasn’t she better off with him than trying to find someone else to love, wasn’t the heartache worth it? 
“You could do so much better than me, sweet girl. Sometimes I wish you would.” Simon confesses, his voice low and full of regrets. He turns his head down towards her, wrapping her close in his arms, taking the glass of water out of her hand, and setting it down. 
Her mouth opens to speak, but no words form when she realizes she’s just as guilty as him. She’d never change, he’d never change. Together, they’d stay unmoving, frozen in the longest, blue winter.
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cottagec0relover21 · 3 days
HII it's anon from the last rq :3 im probably gonna call myself bard anon cause that just works i think!! i come bearing another request 🤲 once again its chilchuck cause i love him and the way you write for him!! maybe a scenario where the reader is very VERY scared of water due to them nearly drowning in the past or something, and because of that they avoid bathing unless it's washing their hair and chil takes it upon himself to help them bathe (they're pretty close at this point so it's not awkward, just sweet and loving <3) again, have a lovely day and take care of yourself!!
- 🎻 (bard anon)
Hiii bard anon! So glad to see you requesting again! ^-^ makes me so happy. I struggled with my anxiety the whole week, postponing my writing since the requests are piling up (they're only 4 but I get stressed) so today I noticed that I hadn't posted for a whole week and tried my best to write this little something. I really hope you and everyone else likes it, and that it doesn't seem rushed. Have an awesome day! 💖 (I feel like this sucks ;-;)
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"Calming the waters"
[Chilchuck Tims x gn!reader]
Warnings: implications of drowning - gender neutral reader ‐ fluff
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The party had reached a point in the dungeon where everyone was exhausted and sweaty. All everyone wanted was to eat, rest, and hopefully find somewhere to freshen up. But that last part was optional, since the dungeon didn't really have many places like that.
Luckily for them, walking around they had found a room with only an onsen in the middle, so they decided to settle just outside of the room to rest for the night. Marcille and Laios took turns washing themselves up, except for Senshi and (y/n).
Chilchuck had decided to wait until everyone was asleep to enjoy the onsen with a bit more privacy, but he couldn't help but notice how (y/n) barely even came close to stepping into the room. So he approached them, tugging them away from the rest of the group.
—I was thinking about cleaning myself up while everyone was asleep— he clears his throat, slightly flushed at the fact he was admitting this— and since you haven't gone yet, I wondered...— he stretched the sentence, making a circular motion with one of his hands as the other rested on his hip, his gaze looking at the oh so interesting wall.
(y/n) looked at him, piecing everything together easily, and even though they were touched by their partners gesture, they declined.— Sorry Chil, I– um... I'm fine, you know? I don't think I need a bath— they did though. They stank to be fair. But they were too scared to step into the room where the onsen was. Much less get into the water.
Chilchuck felt sad at first, and he was ready to let it go. Maybe they didn't want to bathe together. Perhaps it was a big step for intimacy, but upon noticing the expression on their face, he stopped and grabbed their hands.— You don't have to lie. You um... look very sweaty to be fair. And I know you don't want to be all dirty forever. So what's the truth?— he spoke softly, looking up into their eyes with nothing but care, curiosity and a pinch of worry.
—N-Nothing's wrong, what do you mean?— (y/n) notices how Chilchuck raises an eyebrow, clearly not believing them, and they sigh, defeated.— I guess I could wash my hair at least. Wouldn't want Marcille's spells to not work on me in case of an emergency— they mumble, raising a hand up to touch their hair.
Chilchuck sighed, not really content with the answer, but decided to let it go for now and talk about it later when they were alone.
After having a delicious monster meal, cooked by none other than Senshi (and a little help of the forever enthusiastic Laios), everyone prepared their bedrolls and happily went to sleep.
Except for our lovebirds. Who sneaked away into the next room silently to enjoy some time alone and relax away from the rest for at least a while.
Chilchuck didn't doubt getting rid of his clothes and getting into the onsen for a second, his skinny body relaxing under the calming hot water as he sighed, closing his eyes and relishing on the pleasant feeling and the silence of the night. (y/n) sat on the edge fully clothed, and although they couldn't deny how their legs had trembled as they walked closer to the onsen, they were a bit relieved to have Chilchuck's company, his presence providing a small sense of safety despite the whirlwind of emotions in their chest.
Dipping their fingers in the water and then their whole hand, they scooped some water and patted their hair, very slowly, but surely, wetting it.
—What are you doing?— Chilchuck spoke after watching the scene for a moment. He was somewhat amused, he wouldn't lie. Why not just get into the water?— I assure you, there are no monsters in here if that's what worries you— he chuckled.
—No... I know. It's not that— (y/n) mumbled as they looked at him.— I'm just...— they bit their lip. Was it safe to say it? To tell him they were scared? Chilchuck had a reputation for being teasing sometimes, but he didn't usually mean anything bad by it.— I'm scared of the water, Chil— they admitted eventually.
Chilchuck perked up at the comment, not expecting that answer. He had expected them to say sometimes like: "I'm embarrassed to show my body" or "You're making me nervous" but not that they were afraid of getting into the onsen.— What do you mean, love?— he whispered, moving a bit closer to them, the water splashing gently around as he swam.
(y/n) took a deep breath, and exhaled shakily— When I was younger... I went with my friends to a forest. There we found a pond, and my friends and I decided to get in, since it was a very hot day— they began explaining, fidgeting with their fingers and the hem of their clothes— we swam for a while and it was fun splashing each other in the face, until one of them splashed me and, to avoid it, I dipped under the surface of the water. I was too close to the edge so something got tangled between my feet, and– I started to–...— they took another shaky breath in.
—Hey, hey, it's fine— Chilchuck stood up, not minding the fact that he was naked, and placed a hand on their shoulder.— I know it must've been scary, but that's not going to happen here— he lifts their head to make them look at him.
—But what if– —Chilchuck pressed a gentle kiss to their lips, now fully understanding why they didn't want to get in.
—No buts. You're here with me, and I'll take care of you. Besides, this is an onsen love, there's nothing that can hurt you— he looked into their eyes, brushing his thumb over their cheek— I want to help, if you'll let me— he whispers.
And for a moment they stop to look around, evaluating, thinking. The onsen isn't deep at all. If Chilchuck can stand in there properly, they could too. But what if a monster came and attacked? The rest of the party was outside. Sleeping, yes, but they would wake up and kill it.
Standing up with a newfound sense of safety, they slowly got rid of their clothes, folding them nicely and leaving them beside Chilchuck's. The half-foot stood inside the onsen and by the edge, looking at them with a reassuring smile and extending one hand in their direction.
—That's it love, take your time— Chilchuck took their hand once they were near the edge, and held them as they very slowly dipped one leg in. Once (y/n) had decided it was in fact safe, they stepped in with the other leg and crouched, their body thanking them for the warmth of the water.— You're doing great already, (y/n)— he pressed a kiss to their forehead.
Taking the soap Marcille had made before, he lifted one of their arms and started helping them get clean.
—Thank you...— after a moment of silence, they looked at him with gratitude, and he chuckled, shaking his head with a smile.
—Nothing to thank me for, love. I care about you— the feeling of his hands roaming through their body felt as calming as the temperature of the onsen, helping their muscles relax after so much fighting in the dungeon. Perhaps now the idea of getting bathed more often didn't sound so scary in their mind, but only if Chilchuck was there to provide some company and kisses. That part was essential.
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kpop---scenarios · 7 hours
Reckless (5)
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Pairing: Lee Know x Reader
Genre: Brothers Best Friend
Warning: Heartache
Word Count: 2.2k
Taglist: @hyunjinhoexxx @ovulatingrn @jisunglyricist @guiltycoco @fawnpeaks @purple-bell @caught-in-the-afterglow @ana-marais98 @rylea08 @astraystayastayastray @partyparty-yah @skzswife @sillyhal @blackbluerose666 @mmarusa @seungminsapuppy @chanbahng29
A/N: Let me know in the comments if you think Y/N will give Minho another chance!?
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four |
“What the fuck are you two doing!?” You scream as you run down the stairs, just as Chan raises his fist to Minho. You place your hand on Chan's chest, looking up at him with worried eyes. He's so focused on Minho he barely notices you there, until you press your hand harder on his chest. He feels you, he looks down, into your eyes and breathes. You can see the bruise forming under his eye right before you. He lowers his fist, unleashing his hand.
“I'm sorry, Y/N.” Chan sighs.
“Are you okay?” You ask, gently running your thumb over his swollen face.
“Nothing I haven't dealt with before.” He chuckles. You smile at him before turning around. “You.” You snap, pointing at Minho.
“What?” He asks, crossing his arm.
“What the fuck is your problem!?” You yell. “Why are you punching Chan?”
“He fucking deserved it.” Minho spits. Chan lunges for Minho. You get in between the two, pushing Chan out of the house. The two of you walk to Chan's car as he tries to calm down.
“He's such a fucking asshole.” Chan groans, speeding from your house.
“Tell me about it.” You sigh. You glance over at Chan, as he turns onto different streets to get to the restaurant. You watch him as he chews on his bottom lip, tapping his fingers on the steering wheel as he drives.
“What's up?” You ask, giving him a smile.
“What do you mean?” He chuckles.
“You look like you're deep in thought over there.” You giggle.
“Yeah.. I'm battling internally about bringing up something. I don't want you mad at me.”
“Just ask.”
You knew it was going to be about Minho. And this time you weren't going to lie.
“You and Minho…” He pauses. You sigh.
“Yes.” You begin. “Minho and I have been sleeping together periodically but..” you now pause.
“but.. I'm not sure to be honest. I don't know what it is. He's never taken me out, he tells people I'm not his type, he gets jealous when I'm with other guys but he doesn't want to be seen with me.. he won't tell Jisung about us but he'll go date this Maya girl.. and still fool around with me.. and I know I should stop it, I know he doesn't treat me good, he's mean but he's protective.. and I don't know, I'm just so confused.” You groan, dropping your head into your hands.
“Come on, I'll say what I need to say inside.” He smiles, getting out of the car. You'd been rambling so long you hadn't even noticed the car had stopped. The two of you walk into the restaurant, to be seated immediately. You browse the menu, deciding to go with your favorite brunch menu item.
“So.” Chan says, clearing his throat. “It's good that you realize he's not treating you how you should be treated - and yes, I'm giving you the ‘you deserve better’ lecture, because you do.” He says. “Y/N you're bright, and beautiful and you absolutely deserve the world and someone who is going to publicly praise you in that world.” He smiles.
Your heart flutters. Chan was so sweet, thoughtful and caring. Not to mention so handsome. You felt safe with him and you liked him, so why couldn't you stop thinking about Minho?
“I think I need time away from him.” You say, resting your head on your palm. Time away would do you good but why did it have to hurt your heart so much?
“I think that's the best idea. You're more than welcome to stay with me.” He smiles.
“As much as I appreciate that, you live with Changbin, Seungmin and Jeongin in a two bedroom apartment. I don't think there is much more room.” You giggle.
“I think you're right.” He laughs.
Later that day, you had messaged Hyunjin about crashing on his couch. You vaguely remembered your drunken night together, but definitely remembered him trying to kiss you. You decided that it was just from the two of you being drunk and left it at that. He of course, said yes about 3 seconds after you texted him. When Chan brought you home, you ran upstairs to pack some things, clothes, toiletries, stuff for school, things you would need to be gone for a week or two. You ran back downstairs and left while there was no one home, got back in Chan's car and he drove you over to Hyunjin's place. You hadn't even told Jisung that you weren't going to be home. You wouldn't have been able to do it in person, when he asked you why, what were you going to say? You fucked his best friend and he continued to treat you like shit but you continued to let him fuck you? No, you weren't ready for that conversation. It was easier to lie over text, for you at least. You told him it was a school project. He believed you, of course he did. He knew how you were about school.
“So.” Hyunjin begins. “You wanna tell me why you're staying here instead of your house?” He asks.
“Not yet.” You smile. “I've got a lot of things to sort out.”
“Is it Minho?” He asks.
You nod your head.
“Take your time, sweet. I'll be here whenever you need me.” He smiles. You curled up in the spare bedroom, in the new bed, in the new sheets that Hyunjin went out and bought today, specifically so you didn't have to sleep on the couch. You told him you would have been fine but nope. That's not how he does things.
As you laid alone with your thoughts, you couldn't help but feel like somehow this whole thing was your fault. You technically did start this whole.. whatever it was. But you knew it wasn't. He started it too, not just you. He's as guilty as you, if not more. You felt like you needed to talk to him to see where the two of you stood, but after what he said to you at the restaurant and then him punching Chan.. how could you even face him? You couldn't.
And you didn't.
The first week he texted you, a few times a day. He asked you what was going on, why weren't you home?
I miss you.
Did he? Or did he miss the hole that couldn't say no to him.
You never answered him. You read the messages and used a lot of self control to put your phone down and ignore him.
The second week it was mostly Jisung who messaged you. He was starting to believe it was not a school project that had you out of the house. He asked you to come home so he could talk to you. But you couldn't. Not yet. You were finally starting to feel a little bit different. Thoughts of Minho didn't fill your head at all hours of the day anymore, everyday it seemed to be less and less. You were starting to feel like it wasn't your fault that he didn't want anything more with you. You had often wondered, what was wrong with you? Why weren't you good enough?
And then on the 3rd week, you realized that it wasn't you. It had nothing to do with you and it was all him. You were worth more than what he was giving you. Jisung had messaged you, asking you what the hell was going on. Why Minho was sulking around the house, his fuse was short and he lost it over nothing. He said Minho was miserable and wanted to know if you knew anything about it.
You said you didn't.
By the 4th week, you were feeling better than you ever had. Even Hyunjin had noticed. You were brighter, happier and seemed to be more like yourself.
“You look like you've finally worked through everything.” Hyunjin smiles.
“You're right.” You laugh. “I've finally realized my worth.”
“Good. You deserve nothing but the best.” He says.
“Jisung said he was gonna be out tonight with Jisoo and..him. I'm gonna go home and grab a few other things. Thank you again, jinnie. You really saved me.”
“I'll save you anytime you need.” He grins.
Later that night you walk into the house you hadn't stepped foot in, in a month. It seemed different but the same at the same time. It smelled the same but different. You didn't know how to explain it. You quickly ran up the stairs, walking into your room to grab your things. You got some clothing items and a few other odds and ends you needed. You were going to turn around when you heard a door upstairs shut, footsteps coming down the hall. You freeze. You left your door open. You weren't facing it but you knew. You could feel a pair of eyes staring at you.
“Y/N?” He whispers.
“No.” You panic. “I have to go.” You say, rushing past him, and down the stairs.
“Y/N!” he yells. “Wait!” he chases you down the stairs. “Y/N! Please, wait!” he says, reaching out. He grabs your wrist, pulling you closer to him. You dropped everything in your hands.
“DON'T!” You yell, breathing heavily. “don't touch me. I don't want to talk to you. I'm finally getting to be in a better place.” You gasp.
“I'm fucking miserable, Y/N. I miss you.” He cries.
“Do you miss me? Or do you just miss fucking me?” You snap. Minho looks shocked.
“What?” He asks.
“Is that a hard question to answer?” You scoff.
“I miss you.” He says. “I.. I want to be with you.”
“In public? With everyone knowing? With Jisung knowing?” You ask.
“That's.. it's just..” he pauses.
“Yeah that's what I thought.” You laugh. If you didn't, you'd fucking cry and you didn't want to waste anymore tears on him.
“What can I do? What can I do for you to stay with me?” He asks.
“You seriously don't get it, do you?” You ask.
“Is it because of Chan?” He asks.
“You really don't fucking get it. I fucking loved you!” You cry. Tears rolling down your cheeks, you couldn't hold it in anymore. “I loved you and you used me. And I went along with it because at least I got you in some way.” You breathe. You didn't hear the front door behind you open. Or the footsteps quietly walking in. “But you couldn't be bothered to make any kind of effort for me. Instead you got jealous when I was with other guys, you said vile things to me, you made me feel worthless but I still let you fuck me! I loved you and you broke me! Because you refused to be honest with yourself or with Jisung!”
“You did what to my sister?” You hear from behind you. You turn around, Jisung stands there, Jisoo by his side as he shakes with anger.
“What the fuck did you do to my sister!?”
“I can explain.” Minho says, backing away from the angry man.
“Why the fuck is my sister screaming at you about how you fucked her and threw her away?” He yells.
“I never threw her away, man! I didn't do that. I love her!” Minho yells back. He looks shocked at his words. You stare at him with wide eyes, Jisung still rages.
“If you love her why the fuck would you do that to her?”
“I was scared! I was.. so fucking scared. You said she was off limits, but it was like I became addicted and I didn't fucking want too. You're my best friend, you've done so much for me. I tried to fucking stay away, I said some awful shit to her in hopes she would leave me, I tried dating Maya to move on from her but I fucking can't.” Minho cries. “I'm a piece of shit man, I know this. I fucked it all up, I should have been fucking honest from the start..I'm so sorry. I'm sorry to you Y/N, for everything. Jisung.. fuck man, I'm sorry.” He whispers.
The house is silent. So quiet you could hear your heart beating at Minho's confession. Your head was spinning, you didn't know what to do or what to think. Your heart hurt, but it also was beating for him. You were still so fucking mad at him, but you still loved him. The second you saw him, every feeling you had ever felt for him came rushing back, and you didn't know how to handle this.
“Please forgive me, Y/N.” Minho cries. “Please. I'm so fucking sorry.” He still looked so beautiful even as miserable as he was right now. Even with tears falling down his face as he begged you to forgive him.
It was too much. This was all too much.
“Y/N? Are you okay?” Jisung asks. The room was spinning. You felt hot, like your throat was closing up. You looked at Jisung in a panic as your eyes closed, you fell, and the world went black.
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the girl next door 30
Warnings: this fic will include elements, some dark, such as age gap, manipulation, chronic illness, noncon/dubcon, coercion, and other untagged triggers. Please take this into account before proceeding. It is up to curate your online consumption safely.
Summary: A new neighbour moves in and upends your already disarrayed life.
Author’s Note: Please feel free to leave some feedback, reblog, and jump into my asks. I’m always happy to discuss with you and riff on idea. As always, you are cherished and adored! Stay safe, be kind, and treat yourself.
This lewk but silverfox
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Steve says your name again. You open your eyes, your ears ringing, your scalp on fire. Your world is over, if it ever really was. You reach up to touch your searing tears and smear them aside with your knuckles. 
"Sweetie, we haven't done anything yet. You can stay here with mom, I can get an annulment tonight. Then we can just see how far you make it." 
"Stop, please," you beg.  
"It's your choice. Are you going to take care of your mom or let her down... again?" 
"You're mean," you quiver.  
"I'm honest, sweetie, and I'm doing you a favor. How many others have tried to help? Not even family, huh?" 
"Please, I can't think," you touch your temples and sob. 
He sucks his teeth and taps the table. He stands and sighs as his hands go to his hips. He looms before he speaks again.  
"Fine, think about it. When you've made up your mind, put your bathing suit on and come enjoy the pool." 
He stares at you before he finally goes. You feel stuck and it's more than the pudding. The front door opens and closes and you languish as you are.  
His last words say it all. You both know your only choice. He knows you have to go along with him. That inevitability cannot make you move. Not right then.  
But you will. You have to. Not just for mom, but for you. To survive. 
You stand without thinking, entirely hollow. Your body moves without conscious effort. You go through the motions of existing. Breath in, breath out.  
You go to the bathroom and undress, vision a blur, the air thick and strangling. You pull on the still damp swimsuit, the bottoms twist and chafe as you shimmy them on, and the top seems even smaller as you knot up the front tightly. You turn without hesitation, head down, feet heavy, watching each step as if they are not your own. 
The sun beams down but you’re frigid. Goosebumps rise across your skin and shade ripples above as you walk around the fence and into Steve’s yard. As you get to the back gate, you’re dizzy. You have to keep going. Just like you always have.  
You can tell yourself it’s for your mom. It’s as much out of your own cowardice. And even if it is helping her, it can only hurt her too. He married her and yet he wants you. None of it makes any sense. 
You come into the backyard, blinking through dry, salty eyes. You waver on your feet as you stop and peer around the empty space. The pool trickles soft as the filter hum and birds cheep as if all is well. You glance at the deck; your mother isn’t there. 
Maybe you imagined it. Maybe you’re delusional. Just like in the hospital when you thought Steve said all that. Or had he? 
You walk stiffly to the edge of the pool and look down at your reflection in the crystalline surface. You inhale the pollen-laced air and for a moment see yourself falling into the water and sinking to the bottom. It would be so easy to never come back up. 
“Sweetie,” Steve’s voice startles you and you turn to face him as he crosses the lawn. “There you are.” 
He smiles and swoops his shirt over his head, “I was just putting your mom to bed. She’s not feeling well.” 
You bend your arm across your middle, rubbing your other self-consciously. He’s shameless as he looks you up and down. He steps out of his sandals and purrs as he comes closer. 
“That suit looks so good on you, baby,” he touches your bare shoulders and you shiver. Baby? “And off.” 
He winks as his eyes fall to your cleavage. You gulp and he traces the movement with his thumb before drawing away. He bites his lip and shifts on his feet, tugging at the top of his shorts. You notice how the fabric twitches. 
You’re disgusted. Not only by him but with yourself. You turn back to the pool and exhale, “can I get in?” 
“Sure, sweetie, do whatever you like,” he purrs as he lowers himself to sit on the edge, “water’s nice.” 
He pushes himself off into the depths and you peer down. You ease down and slip into the water, gasping at the temperature. You hug yourself. Steve moves towards you and you flinch. 
“Sweetie,” he warns as he reaches for you, “isn’t this nice?” He puts his hands around your hips as he wades closer, pulling you to face him, “mmm, you are so beautiful, you know that?” 
You squirm and look away. You should be flattered, you should feel good, he’s calling you beautiful, but you just feel dirty. Your lashes flutter and you make yourself look at him as his fingertips press into your flesh. 
“Thank you,” you breathe. 
“It doesn’t have to be... it can be nice,” he coaxes, “can I kiss you?” 
Your eyes widen and your cheeks turn hot, “I... never...” 
“It’s okay, I’ll be gentle,” he grits. 
You can’t talk. Your chest is all knotted up. You just nod. 
He trails his hand up your hip and along your stomach, brushing the curve of your chest as you tremble. He strokes your throat and grips your chin. He tilts your head up and you close your eyes. Your nose tingles, as if you might cry again. 
He shifts even closer and leans in. His hot breath grazes over you and he presses his lips to yours. His other arm hooks around you and he holds you flush to him. Your chest is crushed to his firm muscles as he curls his fingers into your side. He clings to you, his tongue tracing the crease between your lips. 
He hums and urges his way past your resistance. His tongue invades and you nearly choke. It feels weird; cool within the warmth of your mouth. He squeezes you tighter and turns you. You let him. You’re whatever he wants you to be. 
He pushes you against the pool wall. His hand drifts down your side and over your bottom. He feels along your thigh and urges your leg up, bending it around him. You take his intent and wrap your other one around his waist as he lifts you higher. 
He stays stuck to your mouth, suffocating you against the tile as his hand retreats and tickles along your side. It sends another chill through you as he drinks you in greedily. His touch crawls up between your bodies and he gropes your chest through the suit. You feel your nipple bud against his palm and squeak. 
He circles your rigid nipple with his thumb and purrs into you. His mouth slips across your cheek, smearing saliva along your flesh as the smell of chlorine wafts into your nose. You turn your head, breathless and he tugs at the knot in the bikini. It comes undone and you gasp. 
“Please,” you beg, “slow...” 
“I’m being slow, sweetie, promise,” he mutters against your cheekbone, stretching his hand over your naked tit. You whine as he squeezes, kneading as you begin to wiggle. You feel him prodding you between your legs. You let out another pathetic noise and push on his arm. “You feel so good.” 
“Steve,” you quaver, “please...” 
He hums as he continues to toy with you. You can’t stop him. You brace yourself against the pool wall and hide behind your eyelids. He slides down as your legs fall away from him, your body draining of any strength. He holds your waist as he comes eye level with your chest and buries his face between your tits. 
You whimper as he turns to nib and suck at your flesh, letting out snarls as he makes a path to your nipple. As he puts his mouth around the hard bud, it sends a frightening zing through you. The pluck in your core confuses you. You’re not supposed to like it. 
“Mmmm,” he sucks on you as his hand cups the other side of your chest, squeezing as he rolls your nipple between his teeth.  
His tongue swirls around and another tide courses inside of you. You open your eyes and look down at him. The sight stuns you. It’s intoxicating. Your body doesn’t feel like your own and yet it’s all very intense. 
He pops his mouth off and looks up at you, his face flushed and his eyes cloudy, “you taste so good, sweetie.” 
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faithfulren · 2 days
' missed you '
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(HEY GUYSS BTW THIS IS INSPIRED BY THIS OTHER THING I MADE !! (( izuku midoriya dating headcanons !! when you told him you liked him, he felt as if his world stopped spinning. he actually just... – @faithfulren on Tumblr )) IF U HAVEN'T SEEN IT YET, U CAN GO AHEAD AND READ THAT FIRST BEFORE THIS IF U WANT TO :3)
you were on izuku's balcony, it was probably like 1 am.. judging of how quiet the whole dorm was which was kind of rare. you peaked through the curtains and saw your handsome boyfriend on his desk, writing in his notebook, his other hand using a gripper underneath as it rested against his thigh. everything he did you found attractive, as long as it was him doing it. you would scream inside every time. you could barely resist to not stare at him, i mean.. come on.. his muscles are to DIE for. you would compliment that part about him to izuku every now and then but he'd just laugh it off nervously, thinking you were just teasing him or something.
you knocked lightly, hoping he'd notice and luckily he did. unlike the other times he'd kind of space out and focus on his thoughts, mumbling sometimes. he turned to see what it was, knowing he didn't even have to look since it's always been you on his balcony. he never understood why you kept sneaking in. but he did think it was cute.
he slid the door open to let you in and once you stepped into his room you hugged him, smiling brightly. you enjoyed being close to izuku, he feels warm. i mean, everyone's warm but he was like that comfy type of warm. you felt at home with him. you see him have that familiar smile he always has, you weren't sure how he always kept smiling even though all the shit that happens around here always seems to be dumped on him. i guess he really takes after all might.
he smiled warmly and held you close, looking at you. "hey, y/n.. couldn't sleep.?" you smiled and nodded, wrapping your arms around his neck, playing with dark green fluffy.. sorta messy hair. it was one of the things you liked about him. other than his kind, caring, selfless personality and many other aspects about your boyfriend. "i missed you, izu.." you spoke in a soft gentle tone, admiring his dreamy green eyes you could stare at for hours.
he chuckled and answered you, tugging a strand of hair behind your ear. "you saw me earlier, love.." he spoke as he gave you that one look, that one look that made you feel special to him more than anyone or anything. that one look that made you feel like you were his whole world. "i know.. but still." you responded to him, looking at him and never looking away. he just smiled even more before intertwining your fingers with his and pulled you onto the bed, sitting down right next to him. he sighed and spoke up, "alright, what do you wanna do? talk or do you have something else in mind?" he brightly smiled at you, waiting for you to respond.
"mh.. i wanna talk." you rested against him, feeling yourself get a bit sleepy. he wrapped his arms around you, holding you close to him. he nodded in response, "izu.. i really love you.." you spoke out, he stroked your hair gently and carefully. "i really love you too." he placed a kiss on top of your head. he tried to keep it cool, knowing he was blushing like crazy. probably thinking like "I CAN'T BELIEVE I HAVE A GIRL IN MY ROOM??" but you liked that anyway. "you're not like any other guy i've met.. you're so sweet.. really hot too.."
"izu.? izuku?? you aren't moving.."
"and why is your face so red??"
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nixie-writes · 2 days
Hello, hence being almost 3am in writing this request.
Can I request a platonic Carmilla & daughter reader who is insomniac?
Can bring in the other 2 daughters in too and the reader is the oldest with she/them pronouns.
-Carmilla cares for all her children equally. You, being the eldest, had the most tasks and responsibility. You always attended meetings where she was present, and you were always there to guide your sisters.
-it seemed exhausting, and it was, but you just couldn't sleep. You'd tried meditating, you tried drinking warm milk, you tried listening to whatever shit on the phone helps people sleep, you even tried sleep pills, nothing helped.
-Carmilla noticed you hadn't been getting much sleep. You always seemed tired but when it was time for bed you tossed and turned restlessly. She had to get to the bottom of this.
-that night while you were staring at the ceiling Camilla came into your room, announcing herself. She sat at the end of your bed, close enough that you felt safe but far enough away that you didn't feel trapped. Sitting on your bed she asked outright, "why haven't you been getting much sleep, dear?"
-you sighed. How could you explain that you simply couldn't sleep? "I don't know, mom, I just can't. It's like sleep is running away from me. I even tried your sleeping pills and I only got 4 hours that night and I had an awful hangover." You explained. Camilla nodded her head. "What do you think would help?" She inquired. That was a loaded question.
-"I don't know, I just always feel...alone, I guess. I want to make sure my sisters are safe, and I want to feel safe with you, but I don't know how to achieve that." You explained briskly.
-Carmilla nodded. "Would it help if your sisters and I slept in the same room with you?" She suggested. It was like a light bulb went off in your head. Of course that would help! You nodded your head vigorously. "Yes! Please." You added politely. Camilla nodded and called your sisters into your room. She shortly explained that you needed her and them tonight, and they gladly climbed into bed with you, one sister at each side, and Carmilla at the end. It was perfect. You finally slept a solid 8 hours.
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sabo-has-my-heart · 3 days
I have been forced to be in survival mode for the past 3 years, always holding up everyone around me without ever being able to take time to breathe or care for myself. It was especially bad with my mom, and I feel like I became the parent for a while as she would always tell me I was the only thing supporting her and keeping her steady. I wanted to support her but the weight was suffocating me. Now that things have settled in life I feel guilty for crying, it's so late after everything happened and because I held it together so well when everything was bad people just expect me to always be happy, and its been coached into me that I need to keep it together to take care of others. It often makes me feel like I'm not doing good enough. Could you do something with Ace seeing the reader scared to breakdown or be vulnerable because they've haven't been allowed to for so long since theyre always taking care of others or expected to be happy like me, and he tells them it's okay and offers to just sit with them while they cry?
Finally! Here it is! Alright so I didn't quite make their relationship romantic, but I don't think I really made it platonic either, so you can imagine it as you like. Also, my heart goes out to you so hard. I know exactly what survival mode is like, so I feel you. Also, I changed it up a little so Ace isn't really just sitting with them and telling them it's okay, I hope you don't mind. (If you don't like it, tell me, I'll rewrite emergency requests if needed.) Anyway! I hope you like this and THANK YOU for being so patient with me.
Warnings: GN!Reader, survival mode, emotional trauma (I guess), crying, hurt/comfort
Word Count: 1320
      Walking through the halls of the Moby Dick, you took a few deep breaths, making sure to plaster a smile on your face whenever a crew member came into view. It had been such an exhausting week and to be honest, you were one minor mishap from having a breakdown. You couldn’t though; you couldn’t break down. Not here, not now. You needed to be happy, you were always happy, people only ever saw you when you were happy, you couldn’t be sad or cry, you couldn’t let people see you like that. How long had it been since someone had last seen you that vulnerable? Years, that much was certain, but just how many? 5? 10? More? Did it even matter anymore? Your job was to take care of others, that’s all that mattered. Take care of others, make sure they were okay, it didn’t matter if you had a moment to breathe, all that mattered was taking care of others. Well… you knew that wasn’t true. Logically you knew that wasn’t true, but that didn’t stop your brain from thinking it over and over again. It didn’t stop the guilt when you were curled up in the cargo hold sobbing your eyes out and it didn’t stop the vulnerability from scaring you. 
     Taking another deep breath, you tried to calm your mind, internally cringing when Ace came bounding up to you, his usual smile plastered on his face.
     “Y/n! Just who I wanted to see! I wanted to…” Ace trailed off, staring at you thoughtfully.
     “Wanted what, Ace? Did you manage to perfect that ability you’ve been working on? Come on, let’s head up to the deck so you can show me.” you offered, putting a hand on his arm, turning towards the deck.
     “No, that’s… that can wait. Where were you going?” Ace asked, concern written across his features. He couldn’t quite put his finger on it, but something seemed… off with you, something in your eyes just looked wrong.
     “Me? Nowhere in particular, just kind of roaming around bo-” “don’t lie to me, Y/n. I know you, I know when you’re lying. What’s wrong?” Ace cut you off, giving you a stern look. You could feel your chest tightening as you held back the tears, your breath catching in your throat as you tried to swallow the sobs.
     “W-what do you mean? I-I’m fine. You should know b-by now that I don’t r-really get up-upset.” you said, forcing the words out and the tears back.
     “Don’t give me that bullshit, Y/n. I know something’s wrong, I can see it in your eyes and hear it in your voice. Come on, I care about you, please, talk to me.” Ace said, giving you a soft look, forcing you to look at you the moment you attempted to turn away from him, “please. I don’t want to see you upset. And not because you’re always happy, but because it means that something has been eating at you for long enough to kill your smile.” you could feel your body tremble as you frantically shook your head. It was becoming harder and harder to hold things back. 
     “N-no. I’m fine, I’m always fine, there’s nothing wrong. I just n-need to try harder, that’s all. I j-just need t-to…” you bit your lip, wrapping your arms around yourself, barely managing to hold things together. You couldn’t break down. Not here, not now; not where so many people could see you.
     Ace looked at you sadly, picking you up so you wouldn’t fall to your knees. He knew that look. He knew that look, because he’d had that look before. Trying so hard to hold it together, to keep himself from crying, to continue to be strong. Feeling his warm arms carrying you, you buried your face in his chest. You could let anyone else see you like this. Maybe if your face was against his chest, they’d just assume you were asleep in his arms. After a couple of minutes, Ace nudged his door open, closing the door behind him and sitting on the bed with you.
     “Hey, it’s okay. Whatever’s going on, it’s okay. You can talk to me. Or, if you don’t want to talk, you can just… I don’t know, cry or something. I promise.” His words were the final straw, tears starting to pour down your cheeks as you curled into a ball, crying into your knees. You barely felt his arm around you as you sobbed into your knees, unable to hold it back anymore, unable to keep yourself together. Even still, you couldn’t let him actually see you crying, couldn’t let him see your tears as you stayed tightly curled up. Hearing your sobs, seeing you shaking, that was bad enough, but you couldn’t let him see you so… helpless, so vulnerable. 
     Ace lightly pulled you closer, managing to maneuver you into his lap as he wrapped his arms around you. He knew what it was like, crying to yourself, shutting everyone and everything out, refusing to show his true emotions for fear that it somehow made him weak.
     “It’s okay, cry all you need, I’m right here. I’ll stay here with you.” Ace said softly, stroking your hair as he held you. After a minute or two, he gently pulled at your arms, trying to uncurl you from your protective ball. While he knew the need to hide from the world, he wanted you to be able to trust him, to know that it was okay to be vulnerable with him.
     “Come on, beautiful, let me actually hold you properly, I want your arms around me too.” he said, attempting to coax you out of your protective ‘shell’. Maybe if you thought it was for him, you’d be more willing to let him hold you, to let yourself cry into his shoulder, to be open and vulnerable with him. “I promise, it’s okay, you can cry in front of me, you don’t have to smile if you’re not happy.” uncurling slightly, you buried your face in his chest once more. You still wouldn’t let him see your tears, but you wouldn’t deny that having someone hold you was comforting. Having someone tell you that it was okay was comforting. 
     You weren’t entirely sure how long you sat there crying, only that when you stopped, you and Ace were both covered in salty tears, his hand running soothingly up and down your back.
     “Feel better now?” Ace asked softly, giving you a soft, sympathetic smile as you looked up at him. Your eyes were bloodshot, your cheeks red and tear stained, and your breathing was still irregular, but you couldn’t deny that you did, admittedly, feel better. 
     “Yeah, I kinda do. I… I guess I should thank you.” you said softly, taking a deep breath as you tried to steady your breathing once more.
     “It’s no problem, I get it. Sometimes you just… need to cry. But listen, if you ever need to cry again, don’t be afraid to come to me, it’ll probably make you feel a hell of a lot better if you have someone there for you.” Ace said with a small smile, wiping away the few tears that were left.
     “I… I’m not making any promises, but I’ll try.” you said softly, finally steadying your breathing.
     “Thanks. Come on, let’s go see if Thatch has any snacks hidden away, I’m… I usually get hungry after I… uh… after I get particularly emotional.” Ace said, rubbing the back of his neck. You nodded, admittedly feeling rather hungry and fatigued.
     “Yeah, a snack and a nap sound really good right now.” you said, standing up and heading towards the kitchen with Ace. You couldn’t let anybody see you cry, couldn’t let anyone see you vulnerable… well, anybody but Ace. Maybe, from time to time, it would be okay if Ace saw you cry.
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ashtonisvibing · 1 year
getting back into drawing after having severe art block is a fucking cycle
you realize it's been a while, probably finally have motivation. so you pick up your drawing thing and start drawing
but it's been too long and you've forgotten what to do
so you give up because it looks horrible, thus pushing yourself back into art block
and it just keeps repeating, and i fucking hate it-
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tricoufamily · 5 months
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visiting the hometown
(want everyone to know this edit came to me in a dream and i changed the lore just to do it)
#in the dream i was like editing it but i was also there? it was weird. it started as a dream about lawson in a zombie apocalypse#ok important tags first so i can write an essay#ts4#ts4 render#ts4 edit#the sims 4#beckett#lawson#blood sports#but yeah if you haven't been here before beckett and lawson never knew each other as kids#if they did it would be a butterfly effect and mess w a bunch of other plot details. so i decided to work around it#also if ur new they've had a friends with benefits thing going on for a long time but lawson is in love with him. beck doesn't know#originally beckett was put in foster care as a baby bc of neglect and was bounced around foster homes for years#he was a troubled child always getting in fights a kleptomaniac undiagnosed autism etc etc foster families tried and just didn't want him#then when he was around 12 a very nice old lady named cora got him and they ended up forming a great bond they loved each other#she was going to adopt him then when beckett was around 15 or 16 his birth mother reentered the picture and wanted him back#it started a really nasty legal battle and cora died. we can't say for sure it was the stress of this fight but beckett certainly thinks so#anyway he did go back with his birth mother and things got really bad for him. he dropped out of school started doing worse crimes and so o#but none of that is what even changed#now LAWSON is also from west virigina like beckett. it's a small town lawson was new he had no friends#he was a very clingy possessive child who cried and threw tantrums so much#he met beckett and the rest is history. beckett didn't really mind how lawson acted he didn't really find him annoying like everyone elsedi#besides he didn't have friends either#lawson has wealthy parents they were welcoming to beckett at first if a little apprehensive. then he stole something from their house#and lawson wasn't allowed to hang out with him anymore. but he still did in secret. they still have no idea that beckett's even still aroun#or just how involved lawson is with him and his. activities 😬 they just think he's their good little college boy#in the original beckett moved to Not Gotham City when his mother got him back but in this version lawson is going to college there#and beckett's been distant from him for a while things are awful for him and lawson says hey. what if you gave the city a try. and he did#so really you could say the events of blood sports are all lawson's fault the end
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cleromancy · 5 months
sexiest and funniest thing roy harper ever did was look at dick grayson and go i could fix him
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asteria-argo · 5 months
i can feel myself getting preemptively annoyed with some of the comments I might get on the next chapter of to all the better places and let me tell you it's making it really hard to write this chapter in peace
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keeps-ache · 15 days
sour apricots and loud floor fans. it's almost summer :D
#just me hi#i don't like sour fruits but today i will have them hfsh :>#+ turned on the fan cuz i like to be just-cool-enough and also the white noise <33#funny how the fan is like a lullaby. calming and will put you to sleep if you're not careful lol .v.#/also discovered that standing up while listening to my music lets me just start Dancing so we're doing that hbfvhs#fun stuff :D#//anywho i discovered a new way to set the nose on the face so i think i'm going to practice that today :3#and upside-down heart in the middle of the face seems to work pretty well! i tried a long triangle before but they always turned out Way to#long fghbhfsbv#the main problems i have with the face is putting the eyes too high + the nose too long. been working on that so yea!! :>>#Also i've been practicing drawing the jaw from below for a minute- i Am getting better :DD#//i <3 music ouhghguhguhogh#[boings and shimmies]#//also <3 cleaning up my email lol#sounds silly to me but it's nice :>>#//blah speaking of i have to clean my space#i haven't vacuumed in a hot minute. eeeuurghhh#cuz i have everything set up in the Most inconvenient way for a vacuum to pass through hhhghfsh#'why don't you just rearrange it?' this is the best way i can have my stuff set up to have maximum privacy so i dunno hhghfh#any other way and my desk will be facing its back towards the door; My back towards the door lol#i Could put it sideways but then you can still see what i'm doing when you walk in. not ideal !! hbfsh#oh wells. sigh. i will vacuum later at some point. hopefully today. i think it'll be today :>#//Okay gonna go do my things now#my things and stuffs. see you on the other side - ciao ciao toodles :3
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tigirl-and-co · 4 months
i wish i was good at art so people would be interested in my ocs.
except that's a lie. i don't even really enjoy making art besides doodles. what i love is writing. so i think what i actually want is for everyone to fall in love with reading.
and like obviously i get it. im weird. i spent a large part of my youth reading wikis for games i never played, shows i never watched. i still do tbh. i have always loved seeking out superfluous information. bc it was *like* reading a story, except you only had the separate pieces and had to put them together like puzzle to get the whole story
it's a bit like history, now that i think about it.
and i LOVE finding somebody who has OCs with thousands of words of backstory. that's the fastest way to get me interested. a simple doodle and then a wiki entry of information.
idk. i guess im just venting a bit. it feels a bit unfair. every pro-OC post is geared towards artists. people who love to draw. but I just don't. i mean yeah i like making little doodles, but frankly it's about the same enjoyment i get from solving basic math equations.
and fucking obviously i love and treasure all my artist friends. if you are seeing this and you love to draw your OCs, I love you. I would never begrudge you your happiness.
it's times like these i wish forums hadn't really died out. i want a community. i want to make that connection. but i feel ignored bc my talents don't align with the current state of things in the greater community.
whatever. whatever. i just hate venting bc i worry about making people feel bad but sometimes I feel bad. and ive never been able to talk about feeling bad without getting yelled at. Which isn't healthy, of course, and I know that, and Im slowly trying to break the habit of just shoving it down. and Ive had a drink so im willing to be more open so uh. there, i guess. i feel like dogshit that i have neither the energy nor the inclination to draw my OCs and that it's literally fucking impossible to get your OCs noticed through writing. nothing really to be done about it. that's just how life goes. not all hobbies are meant for all people.
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ai-higurashi · 1 year
Favorite DuckTales 17 episode and character? :)
Honestly anon, I WISH I could say I had trouble choosing or that there's a few that are close or something, but Beakley and "From the confidential casefiles of Agent 22" without a doubt!!!!
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dirtytransmasc · 7 months
trying to explain to those around me how I can't just "get up and move around a bit" or "just do some light exercise everyday" because it's technically beneficial for chronic pain.
like. I'm tired. everyday, after going about my life, whether that has been school, or work, or going shopping, or simply existing. I'm tired. and not a tired they seem to understand.
when you're in pain, you're tired, a special kind of deep, achey, in your bones and your flesh and your soul, type of tired. and when you have chronic pain, especially when your going on decade number 2 of constant, unending pain (especially considering my pain started when I was young), this tiredness is just forever with you, I doubt it will ever truly leave me even if I was cured of all my chronic sickness and illness and pain, I would continue to be this tired.
so no. no. I can't just do a little bit of exercise after I get home, I can barely stay on my feet to do anything more than make myself dinner. no I can't stretch a bit before I go to bed, I've been there for hours and getting up sounds like torture. no I can't go on a walk, my insides hurt because they're tired of doing their job and I would probably fall into the street.
and for me personally, I look healthy, very few of my symptoms present to the eye in any way, so they don't understand how I can be in so much pain, so tired, so done.
it's also not like I don't do anything all day, they say this after I've been out of the house since 6 and back after 4-6 in the afternoon, after I've had to PT appointments this week and come home with PT exercises noted with the words "only if possible" by the physical therapist cause she, the trained professional can acknowledge that sometimes, most times even, I just. can't. it's not like I do nothing, but living, on its own, takes everything from me and more.
but they just can't understand and I'm glad for that, I don't want them to know, I don't want them to experience it, but I would just like them to take what I've begged to understand to heart for just a second.
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