#you went to sleep after messaging her again dummy
upondeafears · 5 months
Reconnected. More lies. Disconnected.
Poorly written note to self. Your hand feels like it's on fire but you wrote this because it matters. Do not ignore it. Do not forget the pain and how bad it was.
She chose to keep following the guy. Yo he must be a creator "my guy" and she chose that bum instead of you. She chose the circle. She never once cared about you over them. This has always been the case.
In the end she admitted that private chats happened between them. The fact she lied about that in the first place is insane. She hid 25 guys from you. You watched as she bought time delaying things acting like she had questions or was confused, while you watched those numbers drop. From 691 to 666. The sign right there. Then she removed another to get rid of the sign. One of them guys, the first to come back that you know of. More possibly as she was replacing unfollows with her guys. The one she hid and brought back was also in the dms. She conveniently deletes chats after she has them apparently. Nobody is dumb enough to believe that. So even in the end she tried to make you a mug and lie. She deletes them to hide them. But probably still has them like Dan's, just a safety net justification to delete them later and say they were always deleted, in case one day I ask her to prove it. Her plots are deep. She can't say it's the past don't question it. She can't say God is on her side on this.
She never earned trust and never respected you with truth. Remember that.
The last day we ever spoke, all she had to say was I choose you, not them. They can go. I want to keep you.
But be honest, with a chance that you might not live too long in a worst case, and the lifestyle might not be the same in a bad case, it's a decision she made for herself. She went with the bum instead. So you better get better because we are not letting these bums slide with this one. They will have to answer to you soon. We will have a chat. It won't be friendly. But it will put things in their place in real life. And never ever trust that liar again. No matter how much you love her to bits, no matter how much even right now you want to call her. So badly you were about to delete this and call her. Why? She chooses lies. She chooses other men. She is probably gonna be talking to them again tomorrow. You fucking idiot. Don't believe the bs about how you addressed the lies and the words you chose were so bad. She fucking lied. Over and over. Nothing was true. The final proof was today. Her choices and decisions to keep that guy ove you, she knew the risk of losing you. Even when you told her that's the decision, she didn't undollow him and say decision made. She chose him. So that final lie you were terrified of. It's real. The love was a lie. That's the moat important lie you learned of today. The love can be nothing but a lie, or she is more in love with someone else. There's no other way she made that decision. Don't you ever fucking forget. She took screenshots if your worst times and called it "content". And you took it. You fucking took that and stayed. When you proved you started the topic kindly, she denied it still. Even with proof. And that being the topic of the man she chose. And she ran when she realised the lies can't be contained. Highschool boy. Toxic. Liar. The things you are for asking questions. The liar is entitled but if you don't kneel and kiss the floor before you ask, you are the wrong one. It's not for charity. They just talk and debate mostly. It started with a lie that it was just charity. Truth is she just followed him and the others and wouldn't ever leave that. Not for you. Tiktok is her new tumblr.
She mocked your sorry like you were a bitch to say it. She mocked your pain and said man up, she mocked your exhausted body and mind thay doctors literally say they are moved by how positive and strong you are. Remarkable he said. Remarkable strength and recovery. But she told you stop feeling sorry for yourself. What else did you expect.
She is in love with love, it doesn't necessarily have to be you. Wake the fuck up and get on with your life. Recover. Get better. And live, don't just be alive. You have the means for such an amazing life. Fucking live! She did alll of this, in your lowest time or your life. God literally showed you over and over. You actually stayed so long she killed it off herself because you didn't have the sense to stay away despite the proof. Fuck love. Hers is fake and yours is delusional and covered by her lies, deceit and pure selfish betrayal.
Get better. Promise me you'll get better. You owe so much to the little boy you once were. You were always robbed of something. Do it for him now. There's no elders left that believe in you or fill those voids. You have to be him now. "Man up".
0 notes
babyleostuff · 1 year
let me take care of you | XU MINGHAO
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summary | taking care of Minghao after a long day of schedules
pairing | minghao x gn!reader
genre | fluff & comfort
word count | 1.3k
author’s note | honestly, I just want to take care of this man after seeing him having like 4 flights in a week
Soft tunes of "I Don't Understand But I Luv U '' were coming from the speaker in your living room, while you were finishing cooking a very late dinner for your boyfriend, who should land in Korea any minute now. With this being his fourth flight of the week, even he couldn't hide the exhaustion from you, no matter how hard he tried. Minghao did everything he could not to worry anyone about his well-being, as he was a very independent person and could take very good care of himself. It's great, you really admired that in him, but sometimes, you wish he’d lean a little bit more on you and let you take care of him.
"Just landed. Can't wait to see you."
You read the message with a huge grin on your face, while your heart skipped a bit - it has been so long since you got to have some time together for longer than an hour before sleep.
You never complained though, you knew what you were getting yourself into and even while being separated from your precious boyfriend for so long you wouldn't change it for a second.
Putting the ramen and other food on the heat to get ready, you went to your shared bedroom to put out some comfortable clothes for Minghao, so he could change into something more comfortable than his airport outfit, which you knew would be very fashionable, as per usual.
Speaking of, you quickly typed in your boyfriend's name in the Twitter search bar and to no surprise, he looked as dashing as usual.
Even seeing this short video of him, confidently walking in his long black coat, brought butterflies to your stomach.
You were so grateful that the landing in Korea was so much more peaceful than the one in China, feeling so bad for him as you saw so many people basically suffocating him during his previous flights.
Looking at all the girls surrounding him, you couldn't suppress a smile knowing that the only person who would hold him tonight is you. Not to be possessive, but he was yours, and only yours.
Being so busy with getting things ready for Minghao's arrival, you didn't even hear him entering your house.
“Hello? Anyone here?" he called out the second he noticed that there was no one there to greet him.
"Darling?" he tried again.
"Hao, is that you?" he heard your voice coming from the kitchen. Not a second after he saw your head appear from behind the kitchen island.
"What are you even doing dummy?" he asked in a jokingly offended tone, giving you one of his famous side eyes. Not caring about responding to him, you threw yourself in his embrace making him take a couple steps back, as he didn't expect the force.
"I swear, if they're going to make you fly one more time this week, I'm going to sue them," you said, nuzzling your head further into Mingaho's neck.
You could feel a slight chuckle vibrate through his body, as he lightly patted the back of your head, in a loving manner.
"I think you'll have to, darling. I'm going back after we finish filming on Monday," he gently untangled the two of you and took your face lightly in his hands, almost as if he was afraid to hurt you.
His gaze told you everything you needed to know without him actually saying it - how much he loved you and was happy to see you, how guilty at the same time he felt for leaving you so often, but also how exhausted he was. Even in spite of his tired state, he still looked at you like you were his entire world.
Being so close to him, feeling the smell of his expensive cologne, brought you so much peace and comfort. In no time, Minghao closed the space between you, capturing your lips in a delicate kiss, you both yearned for. In that single moment you felt as if nothing else existed in the world, but for the two of you, simply the feeling of her soft, perfect lips.
It is when you truly realized that he is yours and you are his. His hands stayed at the sides of your face, stroking your cheeks lightly.
"Come, I made you something to eat," you dragged your lovestruck boyfriend to the living room, making him sit on the sofa comfortably.
"You didn't have to do it, I mean it. In fact, you should be long asleep by now."
"Of course mum, whatever you say."
"I really can take care of myself, you know. This is unnecessary," he said as you put plates with food on the table. Not going to lie, you felt a little bit hurt by his statement - the only thing you wanted to do was to take care of him.
Almost as he could hear the thoughts running through your mind, he grabbed your slightly shaking hand.
"Hey, look at me," you didn't, feeling way too hurt to look him in the eye. "Darling, please. I didn't mean it like this. I'm just tired, this wasn't supposed to come out like this."
"But that's the thing Hao!" you exclaimed.
"You're tired, you just had a long flight for the hundredth time this week, and not once did you let me take care of you. I know that you like to be independent and think that you can do everything by yourself, I get it. I really do. But once, just once let me take care of you," you explained.
"I'm so sorry," the guilt in his eyes was even more noticeable now. "I just don't want to be a burden to anyone-" not letting him finish what he was about to say to you pressed a soft kiss to his silky lips. It was quick and innocent, but told Mingaho everything.
"You're not a burden to anyone Hao, and especially not to me. I'm your girlfriend, I love taking care of you, I really do," you smiled at him, caressing his cheek.
Pouting slightly, he nuzzled his cheek further into your hand, kissing it lightly.
"I love you. I'm sorry for being a pain in the ass sometimes."
"You're a pain in the ass everyday Xu Minghao," you laughed at his offended reaction. "But you're mine-" he didn't let you finish.
"Stop being so sappy, please. It's disgusting, bleh," now the both of you were laughing loudly, cuddling into each other.
After finishing your meal, you quickly did the dishes and turned off all the lights in the kitchen and living room, settling in the bedroom for the rest of the night.
While Minghao was taking a shower, you caught up with some emails and did some reading. A couple of minutes later he came out wearing the clothes you left for him.
"Ready for sleep?" you asked, putting all of the unnecessary stuff aside.
"Definitely. And please, no one disturb us till the evening tomorrow," he hummed as he got under the duvets on his side of the bed.
"Oh, I can guarantee you that," you said softly, as he laid his head in the crook of your head and put his strong arm over your waist.
Your hand automatically found its way to your boyfriend’s hair, stroking it gently. It made him sigh in relief, as he finally got to properly relax.
"I love you very much. Thank you for taking care of me."
"I love you too Hao. And thank you for letting me do so."
This was easily the best night of his week, soundly falling asleep in the arms of his one and only love.
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azureseacloud · 10 months
Hidden Messages
Ghost (Band)
Part 3
Dewdrop x Reader
Words: 2,534
Warnings: more ✨tension✨, swearing
Here’s the next part, I hope you all enjoy it! :))
Requests are still open so feel free to message me. Updates might be a little slower as I’m busy most of next week and the week after, but I promise I will still be working on this one :))
Thanks for all the support, I love you all!! 🫶
Tags: @gummy-dummy
The meeting with Sister Imperator went well, although it took up most of the morning. You just barely made it in time—having to rush and get changed in your room. It also didn’t help that you’d left your laptop in the ghoul quarters, so you had to go digging for the folders that held all the important printed documents.
It probably would have taken less time to collect your laptop—but there was no way you were going back down there this morning. Especially after whatever that had been with Dewdrop. Honestly, what was he playing at?
It plagued your thoughts all morning, your mind finding any spare moment to circle back to being in his arms. Then how he had pulled you back down onto the couch afterwards, refusing to let you go. Not to mention, the mystery of how you had gotten into his arms in the first place.
You were dying to talk to Cirrus. If anyone knew, it would be her. After all, you’d been in her arms first, and unless Dew had stolen you away from her when she was sleeping, (which was preposterous and absolutely not what you were now imagining), then that meant she would have some idea of what had happened.
Thankfully, you didn’t think Sister Imperator noticed how distracted you were. You’d managed to get exceptionally good at hiding your thoughts and feelings, especially in a more professional setting, such as the official meeting. She even praised your work; and Sister never handed out praise carelessly. You should have had that running through your mind as you walked through the corridors—but no, instead you were still preoccupied with thoughts of a certain fire ghoul.
A fire ghoul who also happened to be right there.
He was just up ahead, one leg braced against the wall as he leaned, his arms crossed. You stopped in your tracks, glancing to your left where a passageway was open. It would make your trip back to your room a lot longer, and you’d have to take a confusing zig-zag pattern, or you could just face the ghoul.
He hadn’t spotted you yet, or had he? Was this all a part of his game? Was that why he was doing this? Or were you just overanalysing the situation? The other ghouls could get clingy sometimes—hell, you’d had to untangle yourself from Aurora before, and you couldn’t forget that week Rain had rarely left your side. It could just be normal ghoul behaviour.
Taking one last look at the way out, you kept walking, tidying the folder you were currently carrying as a distraction while you drew closer. You noticed the moment his head turned in your direction, those goggles fixing on you as you neared where he was practically lounging against the wall.
Looking up, you chirped out a “Hey Dew,” as you got within earshot.
You were going to keep walking when he pushed off the wall, standing in front of you, forcing you to stop. You raised an eyebrow as he took a step closer, tilting his head again in that way that was insanely attractive. Cirrus had been amused when you told her about it, sending you countless videos of Dew doing just that on stage. Again, that thought of ‘did he somehow know’ circled through your mind even as you remained composed on the outside.
“Hello dearest,” Dew said, his voice low and hinting at a smirk. He was so close, one of his hands hovering around your arm, lightly trailing against your skin while he watched your expression.
You kept a straight face, even as your body tingled at his delicate touch. Your other hand tightened on the folder. Did he know what he was doing to you?
“I thought you had practice.” You tried to ignore the way his hand curled higher, brushing against your neck as he settled his fingers on your chin, his touch warm.
“Copia gave us a break,” Dewdrop said quietly, his thumb running across your jaw. You wanted to close your eyes at the sensation. Damn this ghoul.
Instead, you wrapped a hand around his wrist, tugging his hand away from your chin firmly. He tilted his head again, his hand twisting in your grasp to entwine his guitarist fingers with yours.
You faltered momentarily, looking at where he was holding your hand as your brain stuttered. Dewdrop was never this touchy, and it was almost as if you couldn’t shake away his contact. Not that you didn’t like it—that was the problem. You liked it too much.
Did he know? It was becoming a recurring chant at this point. Did he know how you felt about him?
“What are you doing?” You asked, pointedly looking at your hands.
“I don’t know what you mean,” he answered with a cocky undertone that told you he knew exactly what you were talking about.
“This.” You flexed your hand in his grip, cocking an eyebrow. “I didn’t realise you were so clingy.”
Dew huffed at that, and by the way the mask moved you could tell he was smiling in amusement. He took another step forward, his masked face now inches from yours, his other hand brushing against your waist. You could feel the heat radiating off his body.
“And I didn’t realise it bothered you so much,” he purred, skimming his fingers up your waist. It sent a shiver through your body, and before you could react he stepped away, pulling you along to the alcove beside where he had been leaning.
Releasing your hand, he reached along the ledge while you stood behind him, still stunned from his touch and his voice and his hand grasping yours and—
Pull it together, you urged yourself, snapping out of it and working an unamused expression onto your face. You crossed your arms as the ghoul turned around.
He was holding a laptop. Your laptop.
“You forgot this, dearest sibling of sin.” The smugness was back in his voice as he held it out, waiting for you to take it. When you reached out he pulled back, skirting around you and leaning back against the wall with a taunting laugh.
This was more like the Dew you knew. A fiery dickhead who loved to irritate ‘little humans’ like you.
“And here I was thinking you were being nice for once,” you said, shooting him an unimpressed look at his antics.
You could feel his smirk as he watched you, waiting for you to try to grab your laptop from him again. Instead, you waited, crossing your arms as you narrowed your eyes at the teasing bitch.
“That’s fine,” you said, beginning to turn away. “I’ll get it later.” You flipped him off over your shoulder as you walked away.
It took him only a moment to catch up with you, one arm wrapping around your waist and pulling your back flush against his chest. He lowered his head against your left shoulder, holding you secure in place.
You didn’t move, waiting for him to give up the game and hand you the laptop that was still held in his other hand. He didn’t move so you reached for it. He begrudgingly let you take it, his other hand lowering to your hip instead.
You let out a little breath at the contact, his warmth seeping into your skin.
“You should come to practice.” Dew said in your ear.
“I have a lot of work to do today.” He huffed at that. You hesitated, then added.“But tomorrow I’m not as busy, so I might be able to pop in.”
Dew hummed happily at that, sliding his hands away from you as he circled around to be in front of you. He took slow steps backward, watching you.
“I’ll see you then, dearest,” he called, voice accentuating the pet name. With that, you watched as the ghoul turned down a passageway on his left, leaving you clutching your laptop alone in the hallway.
What in unholy hell had just happened?
You found Cirrus waiting outside your room, leaning against the doorway, a hand on her hip. Wow, she really was eager to tease you.
“Cirrus,” you greeted, your skin still tingling from your perplexing encounter with Dew. You hoped she didn’t notice. “Were you waiting for me?”
She smiled coyly as you unlocked your door, stepping inside as she followed you.
“What gave it away, dear?” Your mind instantly went to how Dew had called you dearest. Nope you were not going to think about that. “So, how was your morning?” she asked with a suggestive tone, stepping past you to lounge in your desk chair.
You placed your laptop and folders on the desk, sighing dramatically. She really was wasting no time.
“Confusing.” You slumped onto the floor in front of her, absentminded crossing your legs. You shot her an exasperated look, asking one of the questions that had been plaguing your mind all morning. “How in hell did I end up in his arms?”
Cirrus hummed in amusement, pointing a finger at you teasingly. “You crawled to him, begging for his embrace. So desperate.”
“You bitch,” you laughed, picking up the jesting tone of her voice. “I’m not the begging type.”
“Is that so?” She smirked knowingly. “I’m sure Dewdrop would have you begging on your knees for him.”
You scoffed, heat rushing to your face even as you flipped her off.
“Fuck you. It’d be the other way around anyway.”
She laughed, shifting one of her legs over the arm rest as she reclined comfortably.
“Now that, is something I would like to see.” You shuffled your legs, looking down at the floor.
“Too bad it’s not going to happen.”
“Why not?”
You shrugged. “Because he isn’t going to find out. And I’m not going to do anything about it.”
“You should,” Cirrus suggested, grabbing a pen off your desk. “He was the one who joined you on the couch once you fell asleep. Must have stolen you from me when I was sleeping.”
You looked up, mouth opening a little. “Did he actually?”
She nodded, “You should see your face right now. Like a cute little lovesick puppy.”
You scowled, although it didn’t last long as your mind wandered to the fact that Dewdrop had chosen to cuddle with you last night. Then there was today’s encounter, which you were still buzzing from.
Cirrus tilted her head, spinning in her chair to look at the laptop on your desk, then sliding back to face you.
“He gave you your laptop?” A sly smile graced her lips. “How interesting. Did he give you something else as well?”
You rolled your eyes, smiling bashfully. “Dew was waiting for me when I left the Sister’s office. He was really touchy and flirty—a lot more than usual, especially with me.”
You’d seen Dew flirt shamelessly with a lot of the siblings around the clergy, and it usually ended with them spending the night together. Sure, he flirted with you as well—all the ghouls did—but it was usually fleeting comments or jokes. How he’d been today had felt more targeted.
Almost like he knew how you felt about him.
“Do you think he knows?” You asked quietly. She tapped your pen against her helmet.
“Honey, you know I promised I wouldn’t tell him.” Cirrus reassured, guessing where your mind had wandered to. “Dew can get like this sometimes. We all can. Although…”
You raised an eyebrow, heart skipping. “Although?”
Cirrus tilted her head, silent for a moment. “He seems to be taking a liking to you. And all during practice he was different. More energetic than usual.” Her voice was full of curiosity, and you wondered if the ghoulette was as confused by his actions as you were.
You felt a giddy feeling sweep through your body. Had he been like that, because of you?
“He wanted me to come watch you all practice. I said I could do it tomorrow.”
“Aw, look at you. You’re so excited right now,” Cirrus teased. You flipped her off, unable to keep the smile off your face. “He probably wants to show off for you.”
“You don’t think that he actually likes me?”
Cirrus shrugged, shooting you a sly smile. “The easiest way to find out is to just tell him…”
“Absolutely not.” You tapped your fingers against your leg. “Surely you can find out somehow? Discretely?”
Cirrus sighed, placing the pen back down on your desk. “Fine, but I don’t know why you are so against telling him. Lots of other siblings have done it and it got them a rather exciting night.”
You ran a hand through your hair, standing up and pacing. “That’s the thing, Cirrus. I don’t want to be another sibling he fucks and forgets. And I know he probably won’t be able to do that for me, which is fine. But I don’t want to get my hopes up, only to realise he isn’t interested in me the same way I am for him.”
It would be easier to just sit back and let the feelings die. But with how he was acting around you today, it had you feeling giddy, and you wanted more. Needed more. Even though you knew you shouldn’t. That it could destroy you if he didn’t want you the way you wanted him. Fuck, you were in too deep right now. You needed to stop.
But you weren’t. There was a chance. A small chance that he felt the same, an abysmally small chance that you knew you shouldn’t take. Yet you couldn’t ignore it.
You were fucking screwed.
Citrus tilted her head. “Well, he doesn’t usually put this much effort into pursuing others. And you are more than just another sibling to us. We’ve never been as close with another human before, you’re basically part of our pack. We all think that, even Dewdrop, and there’s a good chance he feels the same as you.”
You smiled shyly. “Thanks Cirrus.”
She smiled back, and you let her words sink in. They saw you as part of their pack. It warmed your heart.
Cirrus, brushed a hand along yours, pulling you gently to her as she stood up. You wrapped your arms around her, her hands sliding across your back in reassuring pats.
“You even smell like him right now,” she said distastefully, and you let out a laugh. She pulled back, releasing you.
“I have to go back to practice before Papa gets mad, and you probably have some work to be doing.”
You sighed. You did have a lot of work, to the point that you would be spending the night in your own room instead of the ghoul quarters. You didn’t need any distractions, especially if you were going to take a break tomorrow to join their practice. Part of you was disappointed, wanting to see Dew again, while another part was glad not to have to deal with the confusing and complex feelings you had for the ghoul.
Cirrus smiled on her way out, waving cutely and blowing a kiss as she closed the door.
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razorblade180 · 1 year
9 Days of Lancaster Day1: Late Night Texting
After a very dangerous semester at school has come to an end, many students used their free time to vacation or visit. Ruby and Yang were no exception to this trend. Their mom and dad had been delighted to have them back, and Ruby was all to happy to boast about her team’s accomplishments. However, perhaps she had gotten too used Vale.
Between the trip and stories, Ruby retreated to her room for the rest of night to relax; her social battery sapped. That was until a text notification on her scroll made her eyes sparkle.
“Hey crater face. Did you make it home safely?”
“No. Airship crashed and we had to fight grimm everywhere.💀”
“So what you’re saying is I should call you Crater Maker?”
Ruby snickered at his dumb joke. She walked into that one. “Made it home just fine. How about you?”
“Didn’t go home. Not worth the hassle.”
“Ah, that sucks. So your entire team is at Beacon?”
“Nah. Pyrrha went home. Ren and Nora went on a trip just outside the kingdom.”
“Why didn’t you go with them?”
It took a minute to get a response. Ruby was sent a photo of Jaune giving her a blank stare that had “take a guess” written all over or it.
“Right, silly question. So you’re all alone at the dorms?”
“I mean…Weiss didn’t go home either apparently. I bumped into her at the library.”
“So you’re all alone at the dorms?”
“Yeah pretty much.”
“Anyways, shouldn’t you be entertaining your folks?”
“Yang had the covered, I’m cozy in bed. It’s late.”
“Not really. It’s not even midnight yet.”
“Time works differently when parents ask a hundred questions. I barely answered half! It was fun though.”
“Do they now about me?”
“Like…your existence?”
“I chickened out. They now you’re my friend though! Just…not the other stuff.👀”
“Then I guess it would be weird if I visited you?”
“Don’t tell me you miss me already?”
“I always miss you when you aren’t around ❤️”
Ruby felt her cheeks get red. How could a few words on a screen unravel her in such a way? It was down right silly. Still, her heart skipped a beat seeing the next message.
“I wish you were here.”
“Get some rest; you’re being silly.”
“Ah, my heart. So cruel 💔 😭”
“Oh hush lol.”
“I wish you here too…”
“Is that an invite?”
“At this hour? My dad would murder you. Do really miss my face that much?”
“It’s a cute face with a precious smile.”
“Hmmm I’m not sure if I believe you. Do you really miss me?”
What came next derailed her thinking. It made Ruby audibly gasp as she put her scroll face down while blood rushed to her cheeks from the proof Jaune had sent her. Ruby slowly flipped her scroll and began frantically typing.
“Someone is bold tonight.”
“Too bold???”
“….I didn’t say all that.👀”
“Airships are still running. So, are you sneaking out or am I sneaking in?”
To think it only took close to two days of separation to make them both a little more than stir crazy. Then again, it had been much longer since they were alone. Ruby wasn’t even mad about his boldness, just flustered and mentally trying to reason with herself. She really didn’t want her dad to murder him, and she doubted mom could stop him from doing so. Even so, sneaking out and back was a tall order.
“I don’t think I can sneak away without someone eventually knocking on my door. As for you visiting, that’s your life Jaune Arc. I’m not going ask you to throw it away.😭”
“Fair. We’ll see each other soon enough. 😊”
“Haha, my bad. Anyways, I’ll stop distracting you for now. Luv ya Rubes.”
“Luv you too and stuff. ❤️”
Ruby put her head face down in her pillow and groaned. She was both very proud and disappointed in herself. Darn the adorkable dummy! She had gone to bed rest and now she trying not kick her feet and smile. Jaune had never been bold before. It was kinda nice. Maybe being separated had its merits? Although…
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duskwoodgirl4life · 2 years
The Night Stalker
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Chapter 10
The next day MC woke too Jake lay next too her sleeping with his laptop on his lap, MC sat up and stroked the side of Jake's cheek with her fingers. She just sat there looking at him and smiling a warm feeling running through her body. She decided that she would make him breakfast in bed after everything he as done and is doing for her.
She got out of bed and went too make Jake's favourite pancakes, once she had finished she stacked them up and brought them into the bedroom. Jake had just started too wake up when MC put the tray down.
MC: good morning baby
Jake: good morning beautiful, what's all this?
MC: well I thought I would make you breakfast in bed
Jake: you made my favourite thank you
MC: your welcome sweetheart
MC got back into bed her and Jake spent some time together eating breakfast and talking. After they finished they went too shower and get dressed, Jake went back too checking up on Alan. When Jake went too check on Alan he could see that he was up too something. He had a white dress on a garment fitting dummy he was some sewing small cequens onto the dress. Jake kept a watching eye on him throughout the day.
MC and Jessy where spending some time together they went out shopping and went too the rainbow cafa, they picked up some coffees and brought back some cakes. When they got back Jake was just coming out of the office, he helped the girls with their bags and put the cakes in the fridge for later.
Jake: you look like you had a good time
MC: we did I bought something special for you
Jake: that's so sweet of you, can I see?
MC: well one you will see later but this one I can give you now
MC handed the box too Jake a large box he opened it up, he couldn't quite believe what MC had done
Jake: you..you got me a new laptop
MC: I did, your other one you have had for some time and I thought well...
Jake: I love it, I love you so much thank you
Jake gave MC a kiss on the lips and a hug he went too set it up while MC and Jessy cooked dinner. While they were cooking dinner MCs phone buzzed it was another message from Alan.
Alan: day 4 my love I am so looking forward too seeing you again, I know you have missed me just as I have missed you. I have a little something special for you arriving soon. I just know you are going too love it I count the days when I can shower you in gifts. Love you always and forever.
Jessy: you better go show Jake he will want too know
MC: your right I better had
MC picked her phone back up and went too show Jake the message, he was sat in his chair waiting for a program too install.
Jake: hey, you okay?
MC: I was untill I got another message from Alan
Jake: what did he say this time?
MC showed Jake the message he checked the screens too see if he could see what Alan was doing. He noticed he was sat at his desk writing something but couldn't see what. Alan stood up from his desk and held up a sign that said Mr and Mrs bloomgate MC held onto Jake's hand.
Later that night after they had finished dinner there was a knock at the door Jake got up and went too answer it. When he opened the door he saw a box sat on the floor with another note attached too the box.
Before he took the box inside he opened it up and this time it was 2 dolls a male and female couple dressed for a wedding, before Jake could get rid of it MC came up beside him and saw what was inside.
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MC: what the hell is that!!
Jake: it's from Alan
MC: I can't take this anymore
Jake: I'll take care of this, you go back inside
MC stormed off back into the apartment and slammed the bedroom door behind her, Jake disposed of the two dolls and went back inside. Jake went in after her MC was sat on the bed with her phone in her hand.
Jake: what are you doing?
MC: I'm texting Alan
Jake: what!! No don't do that!
MC: why not? Why shouldn't I?
MCs hands started too tremble dropping her phone too the floor landing on the soft carpet, Jake quickly came too MC's side and sat down next too her wrapping his arms around her.
MC: I'm so tired of all of this Jake it's like am trapped inside a nightmare I can't wake up from.
Jake: you, we will get through this your not allown I will find away of getting too Alan
MC: I hope it's soon
MC lent her head on Jake's shoulder taking in his warmth, later that night while Jessy and Jake were sleeping MC woke up. She looked at the clock it was 6am she couldn't sleep any longer. So she decided too get up and go for a walk.
I get up out of bed get changed and head out, no idea where I am really going all I know is I need too clear my head. As I'm walking I can sense someone following me at first I thought it was Jake but it wasn't. The last thing I remember is them grabbing me from behind and putting a cloth over my face. Everything just went black now i find myself in a dark room with only a small lamp for light.
The door starts too open as the light spills into the room I can't quite make out who it is. As they start too get closer I suddenly realised who it was, it was Alan.
Alan: good morning my angel
MC: what do you want?
Alan: now, now my angle everything will be fine
MC: let me go!! I don't want too be here with you
Alan: I'm sorry, I can't do that see I've had too bring my plans forward so now we will be as one in 2 days. Now I have a lot too prepare I will see you later my love.
Later that morning as Jake woke up he realised that MC was not in bed, he quickly got up and searched the apartment shouting MCs name. Jessy came out of her room asking what's wrong but Jake didn't answer. He went into the office and started too type away moving from screen too screen.
Jessy: Jake! What's going on
Jake: he's got her!! Fuck..fuck..FUCK!!!
Jessy: what are we going too do?
Jake: I'm going too go get her back
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urimaginespimp · 3 years
How You Get The Girl (This Love Final Part)
Bucky x Reader (elemental witch)
Set on TFATWS last episode
Note: Thank you to everyone that's tuned in, gave feedbacks, and liked/reblogged. I had to so much fun writing these! After this I’ll be working on oneshots completely unrelated to this story of several prompts.
We got a new Cap!
Previous Part: Untouchable
Marvel Masterlist
“I’m serious, Shuri. I am over him.” you groaned as Shuri won’t wipe off the smug, disbelieving look on her face.
“Sure, Jan.” She replied getting up to continue on what’s she’s working on.
“Hey, I know that reference!”
“I’m just saying... Seven years of pinning over the guy – which five of it was when he was practically dead, by the way – and you’re telling me it took one confrontation for you to get over him.” She shrugged.
Some of the Dora Milaje were also in the lab, and you haven’t been vocal about it, but you didn’t miss the knowing looks they’ve been exchanging every time Bucky was brought in the conversation.
“Well, it would really be nice if you’re being supportive right now.” you sulked in your seat. Yeah, who were you kidding. Maybe you’re not completely, completely over him, but now you’re sorting to the fake it ‘til you make it method and so far, you’re doing well.
“Okay, fine. Want me to set you up with someone? My brother has some contacts around the world and I think with some buttering up he’d consider setting you up to bachelor royalties.” She wiggled her brows at you.
“May I suggest the Prince of Brunei? The internet says he’s looking for a wife.” One of the ladies snickered, making the others hum in approval.
“T’Challa knows him?” this piqued your interest. “He’s pretty hot.”
“Well make up your mind. It’ll take me a few business days of persuading my brother.” She raised her brows at you.
“It wouldn’t hurt to start dating. I’ll think about it first.” you muttered, missing how Shuri winked at the other ladies in the room. Ayo had told her in private about Bucky’s little confession to Zemo, and the princess has a few tricks up her sleeve to speed up the matchmaking process.
“I’m only staying for a few days more. It’s been a few weeks and Val’s been complaining from lack of sleep.” She’s been taking over your nightly escapades, and it’s starting to irritate her to be surrounded with so much booze but not being able to indulge.
Just then, Okoye enters the lab. “Check the news. There’s a live coverage of a hostage in New York. Sam and White Wolf are on it.”
Bucky was looking over proudly as Sam was talking to the Senator.
Seeing Sam now walking over to him, he straightened up and cleared his throat. “Sorry, I uh was texting and all I heard was um a black guy in stars and stripes.”
They both chuckled, now walking side by side. “Nice job, Cap.”
He’s done it. He told Yori the truth. Though now that might have been the end of their friendship, he knew the old man deserves the closure for his son.
Now back in his apartment, he took the notebook Steve once owned from his pocket, and opened it to the page where his list is. Looking over it, he saw that the only name left uncrossed is yours.
Just then, his phone pinged twice. One message was from Sam, and the other one from Shuri.
Sam’s read:
I wasn’t kidding when I told you
back on the boat that I’d get the
younger ones here to give you a
crash course on romance.
Check your email.
He rolled his eyes and opened the one from Shuri.
Y/N’s explained everything to us.
We saw you save those people,
White Wolf. Wakand is proud of you.
Brother says you’re welcome to
visit anytime. Take care!
It’s good to know Y/N and you are
are on good terms. It finally allowed me
to set her up with one of the princes
mother’s been pestering me about. One less
off of mother’s list for me.
“Damn it, Shuri.” he groaned, reading the last part over and over again. He had to move fast. Heading over to his email, he opened the one from Sam.
The subject says:
21st century romance for reformed dummies.
There was an attached 60-second video. Clicking on it, he chuckled when Sam’s voice started booming behind the camera, where it showed two young girls and one boy, all around below 10 years of age.
“Okay, I gathered you here today because a cyborg friend of mine is need of help. I already filled you in the details necessary earlier, and all you have to do now is give him quick tips. Remember, talk slow.”
The boy on the middle spoke up. “Is she an avenger?”
“Not important, but yes. It’s the one with similar powers to an avatar.” Sam answered, followed by the two girls saying they know which one, and the boy to mutter ‘damn it I always had a crush on her...’
“Okay the first step would obviously be to say sorry.” the girl on the right said directly to the camera.
“Oh! Extra points if you do it standing like a ghost outside her door and it’s about to rain.” the other girl from the left perked up.
“I said he’s a cyborg, not a weatherman.” Sam commented, still behind the camera.
“Say you were afraid to tell her what you want.” the first girl spoke again.
“Six months is a long time to be afraid, man.” the boy in the middle spoke up this time.
“Try years.” Sam muttered.
“Then you say you want her for worse or for better!” The cheery girl exclaimed once again.
“You’ve been playing too many fake weddings, but yes, that could work.” Sam told her, making her beam, showing a missing tooth.
“Tell her you could wait forever and ever.” the boy added.
“I mean he’s already old enough to be your great grandpa but go on I guess.” Sam was snickering, causing the camera to slightly shake.
“Remind her of how it used to be. That is if he was good to her.” the more mature girl was pointing out. “Saying you’ll put her heart back together could also work.” she smiled, and the other one fake swooned on where she was standing.
“She’s right!” she exclaimed, while boy nods and says “that’s how it works.” at the same time.
Now turning the camera, Sam was now in frame.
“And that’s how you get the girl, Barnes. Straight from the local’s experts. Don’t fuck it up.”
And three voices scolded him for saying a bad word as the clip ends.
It didn’t take long for him to take a flight straight to Norway where New Asgard was. This time without the aid of Zemo’s jet, he had to find the means to travel from the airport, while trying to calm his nerves.
As if the universe was on his side, a couple claiming to be heading back to Asgard allowed him to hitch a ride with them.
Now on the backseat, he tried to make small talk.
“So, uh, how are you guys settling in the planet?” he asked.
The lady on the passenger seat turned to face him with a smile. “It wasn’t easy, really. But the princess went out of her way to educate us about life here on Midgard. She’s so good at it, you’d forget she hasn’t even been living here a decade.”
He smiled. They claim you as their princess despite only being adopted by Thor. He recalls how you once rambled about being scared that they’d be indifferent towards you once Thor brings you to Asgard, one of the reasons you’ve been making up excuses to go with him.
“Why, would you look at that. We’re just in time before it starts raining.” The man driving commented.
Peeking through the window, sure enough, the sky was getting darker.
“You’ve got to be kidding me.” he muttered. He might just take the little girl’s advice after all.
After getting out of the couple’s car, he ran straight to where he remembers your home was, just in time when Val just got out of your house.
“Hi. I don’t think we’ve formally met. I’m Bucky.” He greeted extending his ahand to her which she took. A skeptical look on her face.
“Call me Val. I’m sorry what are you doing here?”
“I need to speak to Y/N, please.” He answered truthfully.
“Well it’s about night time so she’s getting dolled up.” She answered
“I know, I know, it’s for her date. But that’s why I’m here.”
Val raised a brow, confused about what date he was getting all bummed about when you were only getting ready to go back to looking out for people out and about at night. But then it dawned to her that maybe this was some of your friend’s doing.
“Y-yes... the date.” She decided to play along, holding back a smirk. Just then, rain started slowly pouring, along with thunder. “Well shit, I have to help some folks get their kids back inside their homes now. You’re free to knock on her door.” She excused herself.
His own clothes were starting to get drenched when he finally knocked on your door.
No answer. He knocked again, louder this time. Now footsteps were heard coming to the door, and the knob turned as you opened it.
“Damn it, Val, the door’s not even lo-” You stopped talking, surprised at the figure that greeted you.
“Bucky... are you insane? Don’t just stand there, come in it’s raining hard.” he urged him to get in and closed the door behind you.
Facing each other, he was taking you in. Val wasn’t lying when she said you were getting ready for your date. He can’t believe he was already getting jealous of a faceless punk.
“So uh... what brings you here?” You decided to break the ice, fidgeting where you stood, still barefoot as it looked like you were gonna have to stay at home if it was going to rain this hard all night.
“Don’t go on the date.” he pleaded, confusing you.
“Please don’t go on the date.” He repeated, now walking towards you.
There is no date, but now you were wondering why he’s telling you not to.
“I love you.” he answered without missing a beat, now stepping closer to you. Instead of the reaction he was hoping for, you scoffed and took a step back.
“Don’t pull a Laurie on me.” you replied, a frown etched on your face. He was confused.
“A Laurie?”
“Yeah, I’ve seen enough adaptations of Little Women to know that you’re pulling a Laurie on me.” You spat as a matter of fact. “You’re being really mean, stop it.” you crossed your arms in front of your chest.
“What? I- I haven’t even thought of that reference!” he defends himself, cheeks reddening from embarrassment. “Amy was gonna get married, Y/N.”
“Oh then by all means, feel free to come back just after he proposes.”
“W- We’re getting sidetracked here, doll. I came here hoping there still an ounce of you that loves me. Please don’t tell me you’ve completely moved on from me.”
“What, like it’s hard?” you replied. It surprised you when his brows shot up from recognition of that line.
“Now you’re pulling an Elle Woods on me!” he pointed at you in an accusatory manner.
“Don’t point that finger at me, Barnes. How was I even supposed to know you’ve seen that movie?” you rolled your eyes, walking past him.
“I watched all the movies you told me about back in Wakanda.” he spoke up, making you stop in your tracks to face him again.
“Yeah, that’s right. I watched every movie, I listened to every song, read every book you recommended, and visited every internet site you once said I might like. I was always listening even when I made it seem like I wasn’t.”
You stared at him for a second looking for any indication that he was lying. Recovering from the mild shock, you pursed your lips. “I hope you know the Porn site was a joke. Sam did it to Steve once and I just thought it was hilarious.”
His mouth twitched. Walking over to you once more he stopped when he was only a step away, not breaking eye contact.
“I’m really sorry, Doll. I know it’s bold of me to even ask you, but please give me the chance to make it up to you. And I don’t care if it’s me that has to wait for you this time. Take all the time you need, just please don’t go on that date.”
“Bucky, there was never a date. I have no idea what date you were referring this entire time.” you confessed, making him bring his hands to his face and groan, muttering Damn it, Shuri.
Hearing Shuri’s name, you put two and two together. “Is this about Shuri trying to set me up with a prince?” he nodded as answer. “Well, I did tell her I was gonna think about it.”
He removed his hands away from his face. “Please say no.” He whispered. “I’d tell you what the kids told me what to say if I have to.”
“What kids?”
“Sam got a bunch of kids on video to teach me how to win you back. I’ve already stood under the rain outside your door just like what one of the girls suggested.” Judging from the grin on your face, he was now regretting even mentioning them.
“Well go on, then.” you urged. “Let me see how much you’ve learned.”
“The first time I saw you at the airport, I got so distracted looking at you just casually sitting on top if the ramps while we were preparing to fight. That wink you sent me that day is still engraved in my mind by the way. Then I was so taken back when you bluntly told me you’re attracted to me. I-”
“I don’t think the kids taught you to remind me of my attempts to flirt with you.” You cut him off, embarrassed at the memory. He chuckled at your expression.
“Okay, okay.” he took a deep breath.
“I think I started catching feelings for you the moment they woke me up from my cryosleep and you were there to be the first one to welcome me back. I didn’t think you were still gonna be there like you told me. But you were there, beaming at me like a ray of sunshine. All my years under HYDRA, every time I was woken up, I was only ever treated as an asset. But you welcomed me like I was a friend.” his eyes were starting to get glassy with tears, as he tried not to choke up.
“And then every time you were near, or even when I’d get a whiff of your perfume, I’d start feeling all warm inside and my entire body would be at ease, knowing you were an arm's reach from me. You were the last one I saw as I disintegrated from the blip, and you were the first one I sought out the moment we came back.” he was surprised when you reached forward to wipe away a tear he didn’t even realize had run down his cheek.
“I lied when I said I made a mistake kissing you. It was the first thing I wanted to do the moment I saw you again. But something inside me was always telling me that all I could ever be is someone grateful for your kindness. That it was impossible for the universe to even grant me someone like you after everything I’ve done." He let out a breath before continuing.
"But it was also you, Steve, Sam, and heck – even Zemo– that made me realize that I am worthy of a chance. And I’m sorry it had to take you telling me you were moving on, to have the courage to accept and take the chance that has been long offered to me by the world." He took your hand and gave the back of it a small kiss.
"I love you, Y/N.” Now it was him that had to wipe away your tears away. “Please don’t cry, doll. That wasn’t-”
“Just fucking kiss me already, James.” you laughed, in between sniffles.
He grinned down before you. “You’re my angel with a potty mouth, and I love you.” he whispered, leaning down.
“I love you too."
You and Bucky were out with the Wilsons on their community's afternoon barbeque.
Sarah and you got along with ease, and she was telling you all about their old family business when Bucky hugged you from behind.
"Sorry to interrup, ladies, but I have to show you something Y/N." he said, kissing your cheek.
"Ew, man. I still can't believe your old ass has a girlfriend." Sam commented beside Sarah who was laughing
"You do know I'm older than him, right?" you chuckled.
"I know, but you don't look it." he replied, causing Bucky to flip him off.
Excusing yourself, both of you walked by the docs.
"What's up, old man?" you grinned at him.
"You know what, doll. Most couples would have endearing nicknames for each other."
"I'll call you something sweet once you tell me what that thing you call me when we're alone means."
"What, мое солнце?"
"Yeah, that one! Tell me or else I'll keep calling you ridiculous ones." you threatened, trying not to smile.
"Anyway, мое солнце, I just wanted to show you a text I got from Shuri."
I am yet to have any news that you
manned up and told Y/N you love her,
White Wolf. I was joking before, but now
I really might set her up on a date.
You both chuckled at Shuri's threat.
"I got this." you pulled your phone out of your pocket and dialled her number. You placed it on loud speaker once she picked up.
"Y/N! So nice of you to call."
"Hey, Shuri! Listen..." you feigned seriousness in your voice before releasing a deep breath. "I'm finally over Mr. Smokey eye. I think I'm ready to go on that date now." Bucky was playfully glaring at you for the nickname.
There was dead silence from the other side of the line for a second. "Oh! About that... uh turns out he already has a girlfriend. Planning to propose soon, I heard. Oops!"
"Well that's a bummer. How about the other bachelor royalties your family's friends with? I recently found an article with a list. I can send you one right now. Preferably ones that don't look much like blue-eyed grandpa." you grinned at him as he rolled his eyes. He knows what you were trying to get him to do.
"Uh... turns out my brother isn't that friendly after all." She let out an awkward laugh. "Hasn't Barnes contact you at all?" you could hear the frustration in her voice.
"Oh, that discount prophet, I haven-"
"It means my sun." He finally caved, rolling his eyes.
"What?" you asked him, immidiately forgetting that Shuri was still on.
"WHAT?" she screamed through the phone after a second.
"мое солнце means my sun." he grinned at you.
"Is that Barnes with you?! Hellooo?!!!"
"Talk to you later, princess." you turned off the call when she was about to protest. Facing him again, you stepped closer and put your arms around his shoulders, both of you sharing a grin.
"I love you, мое солнце."
"I love you too, minn stjarna."
"You gonna tell me what that means?"
"You wish."
@eternalharry @iheartsebandchris @lizzarooni @the-ayo-lit @tanyaherondale @knowyourworth-sellyoursoul @eliwinchester-barnes @ebxny27 @just-a-littlebit-of-everything @fadingdreamersportsmaker @drama-queen-aa
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asthmark · 4 years
❝ 10 things i know about you ❞ l.jn
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synopsis → there are ten important things you learn about lee jeno during your time in quarantine.
request → “if you're still accepting requests, can u make a domestic roommate!jeno? 🥺🥺 thank you and have a nice dayyy”
word count → 7.1k (bruhhh)
sharing an apartment with lee jeno isn’t ideal.
it’s not that he’s a lousy roommate or that you disliked him in any way; you just didn’t know him. you had first met through a mutual friend. they knew jeno was looking for someone to split rent with and that you happened to need a place to stay. they promised you he would give you privacy and assured jeno you were excellent roommate material. with that, arrangements were made and soon enough you moved in together. of course, it was a bit awkward at first but you two eventually got used to each other’s presence. although you were never in the same room for too long and oftentimes went days without speaking, you coexisted.
for a long time, you only knew a couple things about your roommate. for example, you were aware of his strong love for cats, especially his pet calico, seol. you also knew he kept the freezer stocked with pizza rolls that he would use as energy when he stayed up all night playing video games.
what you didn’t know, however, was that you would be spending the next couple months locked in your apartment with him. on top of that, you would begin to learn more things about him—his life, his personality, his feelings.
there are ten important things you learn about lee jeno during your time in quarantine.
       1. he’s a heavy sleeper.
at 10:28 in the morning you find yourself seated at the dining table in the kitchen, spooning froot loops into your mouth. as you stuff your face, you scroll through your phone for entertainment. you decide to open instagram first but you quickly find that to be a mistake. as soon as you open the app a picture of lucas and who you thought was his ex-girlfriend greets you. if that was bad, the caption hits you like a ton of bricks.
@lucas_xx444: should have never left you
in only five words, lucas has completely erased the months you spent dating. it meant nothing to him. sure, things hadn’t ended things the best way but going right back to his toxic ex and even admitting to missing her—now that was a new low. was this his way of getting back at you? his way of making you hurt just like he had throughout your entire relationship? the thought alone leaves you feeling sick.
you decide you’ve already had enough social media for one morning so you decide to check your messages instead. your friends usually left a couple of them overnight. to your surprise, you find that your main group chat has accumulated 241 messages.
[10:48 am] you: good morning i see u guys have been vry chatty
[10:49 am] yeji: ur finally awake!
[10:50 am] yuna: we thought u died lol
[10:50 am] lia: YUNA
[10:50 am] lia: NO
[10:51 am] ryujin: the timing for that joke could not be worse
[10:52 am] yuna: humor is my coping mechanism leave me alone
[10:52 am] you: ??? what happened
[10:53 am] chaeryeong: we left msgs for a reason dummy read them!!
[10:53 am] you: umm there’s over 200 and im not abouta read all that
[10:54 am] yuna: well then lemme break it down
[10:54 am] yuna: the world is ending :)
[10:55 am] you: welp it was about time
[10:55 am] lia: why r u guys like this
[10:56 am] yeji: there’s been a covid-19 outbreak and it’s spreading like wildfire so the government issued a stay at home order :/
[10:57 am] you: omg WHAT
[10:57 am] ryujin: ikr it’s crazy we literally can’t go anywhere
[10:57 am] chaeryeong: and we can’t get boba today either ;( i was so looking forward to that
[10:58 am] ryujin: let’s pls take a moment of silence for all the current and future boba dates that will have to be cancelled
[10:59 am] yuna: no way am i gonna let some wannabe flu make me go boba-less i’m still going out >:(
[10:59 am] lia: ...ur joking right
[10:59 am] yeji: what color casket do u want yuna?
before the groupchat can distract you any further, you place your phone down on the table. you sit back in your chair and let the newly revealed information sink in.
you were stuck inside.
you sigh before standing to clean your dishes. as you’re scrubbing away at your bowl, you feel something brush against your leg. you smile, not even having to look down to know it was seol. the cat would often wander into your room or sleep next to you when you watched tv on the couch. in fact, you were pretty sure you spent more time with seol than his owner.
you gaze at jeno’s room. as always, the door is shut. you wonder if you should let him know what was happening. you two usually kept your distance but you figured that the circumstance you found yourself in was an exception. you quickly dry your hand and shuffle towards his room.
you knock once, quite softly. you assume he’s asleep so you try again, this time a little harder. still, no avail. the third time you put even more force into it. by this time, seol has found his way beside you and claws at the door.
“jeno?” you knock a fourth time. “jeno! lee jeno!”
after more shouting accompanied by incessant meowing, you hear some muffled movement. moments later the door knob twists open and there stands your roommate with disheveled hair and a robe that had obviously just been thrown on his body. seol has taken the open crack in the door as an invitation inside the bedroom.
jeno blinks a couple times as he watches the feline get himself comfortable on his bed. he turns back to you, looking slightly disoriented. you’re not sure if he’s half asleep or your sudden presence has thrown him for a loop. his voice comes out raspy when he asks, “was he, um, bothering you or something?”
you shake your head, vigorously. “that’s not why i came. it’s just that my friends told me that there’s been some kind of virus outbreak and we’re supposed to stay home. so, i thought i’d let you know.”
his face softens. “oh, cool.” suddenly, the look changes. “not the virus thing! that’s totally not cool. i meant, it’s cool that you let me know and stuff. you just saved me a huge freak out so, uh, thank you.”
you smile and nod. “no problem.”
jeno’s eyes linger as you retreat back into your room down the hall. the sound of his door shutting is heard only once you’re out of his eyesight.
   2.    he can cook better than you.
most of the time, you would go out to eat dinner with your friends in the evenings or at least stop by a drive thru. obviously, this was no longer possible in the midst of a pandemic. you found that to be incredibly frustrating as you sat on your bed, stomach empty. no matter how badly you wished to fix it, your laziness had gotten the best of you. apart from that, you already knew how unlucky you were when it came to cooking—the memory of burning noodles at lia’s house one night had been permanently seared into your brain.
you almost believe your mind is playing tricks on you when you catch a whiff of pasta in the air. for a moment you think it’s your next door neighbor, taeyong, cooking again. you knew he was quite the chef. but, the smell is getting stronger by the second and you decide it must be in your apartment.
you wander into the kitchen, only to find jeno standing over the stove. he’s stirring red sauce in a pot when he notices you watching him.
“oh, hey,” he greets with a polite wave.
you can only stare at the rest of the kitchen—pots, pans, and ingredients all over the place—in utter awe.
he chuckles, awkwardly. “yeah, sorry about the mess. i’ve been told i’m a decent cook but i can never seem to get the tidiness down.”  
“no, it’s not that. this just all seems so... professional.” you sniff the air once more. “smells amazing, too.”
he smiles, sheepishly. “thanks. are you a fan of spaghetti?”
you nod.
“good. i wanted to make something you’d like.”
“you really didn’t have to,” you say, leaning against the fridge. “i mean, i’ve never done anything for you.”
he uncovers a pot to check on the pasta. you watch as hot steam rises out of it. “what about this morning?”
you can’t help but laugh. “that most certainly does not count. you’re making an entire meal. that takes a lot of effort.”
he waves a hand, dismissively. “i used to cook a lot with my old roommate, doyoung. the guy was an asian gordon ramsey, i swear. so, yeah, this is nothing too crazy. and i really do enjoy it.”
“well, i’m still gonna repay you.” you fold your arms.
he looks away from his dish to raise a brow. “is that so?”
you nod in confirmation. “definitely.”
“tell you what, if you wash the mountain of dishes that are gonna be left over, we’ll be even.”
you stare at the sink that’s already overflowing with dirty kitchen tools. that wasn’t even half of it. “uh, sure, sounds good.”
he laughs at hearing the uncertainty in your voice. “that’s the spirit.”
   3.    he’s allergic to cats.
the familiar sound of soft purring is what pulls you attention away from the movie playing on your laptop. already knowing exactly who it is, you launch yourself off your bed to allow your furry guest inside.  
“hey seol. what’ve you been up to?”
the calico meows, almost as if he were responding to your question. you close your door and go back to your original position. you notice seol sitting directly in front of your bed, looking up at you with wide eyes.
“come on up.” you pat your sheets, invitingly.
he obeys and stretches before laying down beside you.
“have you ever watched ‘avengers’?” you ask, eyes going back to the explosive fight scene on the screen.
this time, seol doesn’t even bother humoring you with a meow. he stays silent with his head tucked into his paws.
you scratch his head and his tail wiggles. “i’ve gotta stop asking you questions.”
both you and seol’s heads snap towards the door when you hear a knock.
“come in!” you call out.  
jeno swings open the door. his eyes briefly scan the room before landing on the furball on your bed. the unmistakable look of adoration shines in his eyes when he sees how lovingly you caress him.
“seol! what are you doing in here? bothering y/n?” the cat jumps off your bed and towards his owner standing in your doorway. jeno scoops him into his arms and faces you. “i’m so sorry. he saw me running a bath for him and bolted.”
“it’s all good. he’s a great movie buddy. besides, i could always use the company.”
jeno curiously glances at your computer screen. “is that ‘avengers’?”
“yep. i’ve seen it like a dozen times.”
“same here.“ he pauses. “hey, if you ever need a movie buddy—like you know, one that talks—just let me know.”
your face lights up. “i’m gonna hold you to that.”
”i hope so. well, if you’ll excuse me, i’ve gotta give this guy a bath.”
seol yowls as if he understands the meaning behind the words and attempts to escape jeno’s grip.    
“here we go again,” he mumbles under his breath.
you snicker at the sight. “looks like you could use some help.”
“oh, no. it’s fine. he can just be a little bratty someti—seol!”
in the blink of an eye, the feline has successfully hopped out of his arms and made a run for it.
jeno gives you an exasperated look before rushing off to catch his runway pet. you find yourself caught up in the excitement so you follow him, the two of you now in pursuit of the calico. you’re sure the image of you both chasing the fluffy animal around the apartment looks like something straight out of a comedy. even you and jeno can’t contain your laughter when he finally catches seol only for him to slip out of his hold a second later. this exact situation repeats itself a couple times before you finally get lucky.
“i got him!” you screech. “jeno! oh my god! what do i do?”
“bathroom, bathroom, bathroom!” he chants in response.
you head in that direction with jeno trailing behind you, ready to catch seol if he somehow manages to get out of your death grip. you bend over the bathtub, slowly lowering the cat into the water. it’s clear he doesn’t have a problem with making a fuss as he wails and flails his limbs around.
after a while, he finally calms down enough that you can lather him in shampoo. jeno insists on scrubbing him, arguing that you had already done way too much. you sit back on your heels, observing the way the seol leans into his delicate touches.
“looks like he likes it now.”
“he likes to make a big deal but he ends up enjoying it every—“ jeno cuts himself off with a sneeze.
“tissue?” you offer.
he shakes his head. “that’s okay, thanks. i’m used to it. i’m just surprised my allergies haven’t acted up ‘til now.”
“allergies?” you echo.
“yeah, i’m allergic to—“ another sneeze. “cats.”
your eyes widen. “really? and you still have seol?”
“i could never get rid of him. he’s too good of a boy. isn’t—“ sneeze. “that right?” he tickles seol under his chin.
“wow. you must really love him.”
“so much.”
“he’s lucky to have you.”
“what about you? you get both of us. doesn’t that make you the luckiest?”
you snort. “i guess it does.”
   4.    he makes a good shopping buddy.
“i have officially cooked everything we have.”
“i can order some takeout, if you want?”
he juts his lower lip out and gives you puppy eyes. “but i like to cook for you.”
you laugh at his expression. “oh god, you look like that one pouty emoji people use when they try to be cute.”
he sits up. “did it work?”
you nod and pinch his cheek.
he yelps. “ah, stop! you’re acting like my grandma!” he manages to get out of your grasp. he rubs his face, soothing the spots you had squeezed. “seriously, though, we really do need to stock up on food.”
“i’ve already been looking into it.” you show him the screen of your phone. “says here you can still go shopping as long as you wear a mask and try to stay six feet away from other shoppers.”
he cringes. “i don’t know if i like the idea of being so close to so many people.”
“i can go by myself, then,” you suggest with a shrug.
he doesn’t hesitate to deny you. “no way are you going alone.” his possessive tone has you staring at him curiously so he adds, “you know, in case you can’t reach something on the top shelf.”
the teasing comment paired with his innocent smile makes you gasp in disbelief. “lee jeno! that’s low! and to think i almost thought you were worried about me.”
“who said i wasn’t?” he smiles at you again before standing up. “i’m going to find us some masks and then we can head out.”  
once you arrive at your local grocery store, you find it to be packed. everyone seems to be in a hurry, grabbing things left and right.
“wow, it’s already gotten crazy,” jeno mumbles, stopping to stare at the flood of people that rush by.
you don’t hesitate to scold him. “well, don’t just stand there! we gotta get our stuff before there’s nothing left!”
without another word you slip into the frenzy of people. jeno struggles to stay behind you. after almost losing sight of you a couple times, he walks a little faster to catch up and places his arm firmly around your waist once he does. you look up at him, your mask covering your slightly agape mouth.
being the gentleman he is, he apologizes. “sorry but i don’t want us to get separated.”
you can only nod and mumble, “good idea.”
jeno pushes the shopping cart with his right hand and holds your figure with his left. once in a while, you’ll break apart from each other to grab an item you need but once it’s in the cart, he’ll make sure you end up in the same position. after an hour or so, you’ve grabbed enough and you decide it’s time to pay.
despite the mask she has on, you can tell the middle-aged woman behind the cash register has a big smile on her face once she catches sight of you and your roommate.
“well, just look at you two.” she sighs. “how cute.”
“oh.” you glance at her then jeno then her again. “oh, no. it’s not like that.”
you attempt to move yourself away from jeno only to find his grip to be so incredibly strong that you almost begin to think he’s trying to hold you in place. once you finally detach yourself from him, you begin loading your groceries onto the counter for the employee to scan. she does so, but not before giving you a displeased look.  
“oh really? he holds you like that because you aren’t together?”
jeno assists her in placing the scanned items in bags. “i didn’t want to lose her.”
she pauses scanning a can of tuna to stare him down. “darling, that sounds like a line from a cheesy hallmark rom-com.”
you can’t help but chuckle. “what he means is that there’s a lot of people here and we didn’t want to get separated.”
jeno adds, “desperate times calls for desperate measures.”
the woman adjusts her glasses. “well, you do certainly seem desperate to have her close to you.”
jeno doesn’t say a word as he continues bagging but his smile reaches his eyes.
   5.    he works out.
why did the pandemic have to hit in the middle of summer?
you often asked yourself this, complaining about how inconvenient it was. especially on the days that made your apartment feel like it was on fire. the days that required a thin tank top and shorts. even then, you found yourself to be drenched in sweat.
you sprawled your arms and legs farther on the sofa, the leather material proving to be very uncomfortable. it was either that or your bed with the warm cotton sheets that stuck to your body. just thinking about it brings you discomfort. the only relief you could think of was a cold shower. you would have already taken one if jeno hadn’t been hogging the one bathroom in the apartment.
“jeno!” you yell.
silence; other than the sound of the water running.
“lee jeno!”
the water stops, temporarily for him to shout back an answer. “what?!”
you wipe at the sweat that has accumulated on the bridge of your nose. “hurry up! i’m melting!”
the water starts back up again and you groan. hoping to distract yourself, you pull out your phone. the group chat with your friends is surprisingly silent so you go to instagram for some entertainment. this time, your ex-boyfriend’s post isn’t the first thing you see. it takes you some scrolling but you do end up seeing another one of his pictures.
it’s simply two intertwined hands with a black and white filter. you identify the one on the left as his and although you aren’t as familiar with the one on the right, it doesn’t take a genius to figure out who it belongs to. contrary to the last, this photo has no cheesy words for a caption, just a red heart.  
but, your stomach doesn’t drop. you don’t feel hurt, either. obviously, you still don’t enjoy seeing him just because of all the awful memories that came with it but other than that, you feel unaffected by the image.
in fact, you feel so confident in yourself that you block him.
you’re surprised you hadn’t done it sooner. you had known you didn’t need him in your life any longer so why keep in contact? you feel like a huge weight has been lifted off your shoulders when you press the red button that would keep him and his girlfriend out of your life. you knew with your whole heart that you didn’t need to see either of them.
before, a bit if you had felt the need to keep an eye on him. to see how he was handling the breakup and torture yourself with the fact that he didn’t seem to care. now, you could say you truly didn’t either. you didn’t need him or his stupid pictures. you had other, better things.
your friends.
your cat (yes, you considered seol to be yours).
your roommate.
you had to admit, jeno was the best thing on that list. quarantine had brought you and him significantly closer and you were over the moon about it. he was so wonderful that you kicked yourself for having lived with him for so long without ever really getting to know him. but it was easy to say you two were making up for lost time seeing as you spent every waking moment together. the record long showers jeno took being an exception, of course.
the moment the door to the bathroom opens, you rush into your room and quickly grab an oversized t-shirt and loose pajama pants to change into after your shower. you nearly drop them when you’re met with jeno’s soaking figure in the hallway.
his hair is damp and you can clearly see how long it had become. his skin looks healthy and moisturized, lotion among other skin care products had probably been applied. what really has you in a shock is the fact that the towel barely hangs below his waist. the droplets of water that fall from his hair and down his neck trail down his chest and toned torso towards the only area he has bothered to cover up. his bulky arms are also slightly wet, his veins popping noticeably. he shakes his head in an attempt to rid his hair of any water. then he runs his fingers through it, his muscles flexing ever so slightly as he does so.
“dude!” you exclaim, without a second thought. “you’re ripped!”
he smiles, his round cheeks growing at the unexpected praise. the way he could have such a rugged body but soft-featured face puzzled you to no extent. “thank you. i lift sometimes.”
“sometimes?” you repeat. “don’t be so humble! you’re basically hercules!”
he clicks his tongue. “ah, c’mon. i’m just an athletic person.”
you keep admiring his physique. “clearly.”
“oh god,” he groans, obviously flustered. “you’re looking at me like you’re gonna eat me or something.”
you hold yourself back from making a less than appropriate innuendo. “no comment.”
his eyebrows shoot up in disbelief. “quarantine is really making you go crazy.”
you point a finger at him. “you try being stuck inside with your hot roommate!”
“trust me, y/n, i know all about hot roommates.”
you tilt your head, acting purposefully oblivious. “are you talking about doyoung?”
“what? no i—“ he sighs. “you know what, just take your shower.”
   6.    you can’t say no to him.
jeno ruffles his black locks with his hand and frowns.
you give him a disappointed look. “knock it off, you’re gonna get dandruff in your soup.”
he ignores your comment. “i look like a hobo.”
you pause, spoon halfway to your mouth. “this i know.”
“y/n, this is serious!”
“okay, okay. what’s the issue?”
“i already told you! i’m a bum!”
“you? a bum?” you pause to think about it. “i mean, mentally? maybe. but physically? no.”
“my hair, though. it’s so long.” he grabs a strand of it and pulls it to emphasize his point.
you shrug. “if having lots of hair is the standard for being a bum, i think most of the population is.”
“i want to cut it,” he announces.
“you should,” you say, pointing your spoon at him. “wanna know why? because if you mess up, no one will ever know. other than me, of course. but if you pay me enough i’ll let you forget it.”
he smiles at the joke for a moment before he leans forward and his face goes serious. “will you help me?”
“what? no way. i’ll mess up. and it’s only funny if you do it.”
he pouts. “please?”
you stir your soup around. “just watch some youtube videos. after three, you’re automatically a professional.”
“i want you.”
the statement has your neck snapping up from your bowl to him. the smug grin on his face lets you know that he was well aware of the double meaning behind his words. it was clear he was trying to fluster you enough to get a yes.
“you think you’re flirty enough to straight up brainwash me into doing stuff?”
“well, i wanted to say that to you anyway but... kind of?”
you feel a smile creep onto your lips at hearing the genuine tone in his voice. you down your last few spoonfuls of soup and quickly stand up. jeno looks up at you, eyes hopeful.
“finish your dinner. get the scissors. meet me in the bathroom.”
not even ten minutes later, jeno practically dances into the bathroom, a pair of red craft scissors in his hand. he sits on top of the toilet lid, figuring that’d be the easiest way for you to reach him. you walk in moments later.
“i’m pretty sure we’re not supposed to be using these types of scissors for hair,” he mumbles as he hands you the sharp utensil.
you twirl them in your hand. “oh, definitely not. do you want to wait then?”
he shakes his head, his shaggy bangs swaying with the movement.  
“alright, let’s get this going then.” you thread your hands through his thick locks to collect some of it in between two of your fingers. you bring the scissors forward and snip the small amount just to test the waters.
you slowly begin to get more comfortable and once you feel like you’re in your element, things begin to speed up. you move and cut faster but with efficiency. you do the spots on the back of his head and work your way forward. when it finally comes time to touch up his bangs, your small bathroom proves to be an inadequate spot to be doing this.
you end up standing balanced inches above jeno’s thighs that he’s pressed together tightly in an attempt to give you more room. you’re constantly readjusting your stance and when he notices, his hands go to your hips. you know he’s just trying to help you stay upright so you do a decent job but you still inhale sharply at the feeling of his hands on you.
not long after, you’re standing next to jeno as he inspects himself in the mirror. his fingers flick his newly shortened bangs around.
“not bad.” he tilts his head in a new angle and nods. “looks super good to me.”
you tuck the scissors into your back pocket with a relieved sigh. “oh thank god. i didn’t want to tell you before we started but i only watched two youtube tutorials on trimming hair.”
he runs a hand through his hair with a chuckle. “now that’s truly worthy of praise. and a tip.”
you raise a brow. “oh yeah? what’s th—“
he cuts you off by pressing a chaste kiss to your forehead. he pulls back and drags his thumb over the skin that has come into contact with his lips. “thanks again.” with that, he leaves you standing in the bathroom, eyes wide and face warm.
   7.    he has six best friends.
“can i borrow your laptop?” asks jeno, from outside your door, nearly breathless.
you look up from your book. “uh yeah, sure.”
he rushes in your room and takes the item off of your dresser. “do you happen to have zoom on it?”
you shake your head and he groans. without another word, he disappears, running off into the living room. you hear his frustrated sighs as the minutes pass and he attempts to download the application. you finally decide to go check it out once it becomes too much to bear.
“it sounds like you’re in pain over here,” you comment.
he runs a hand through his hair. “i’m supposed to meet with my friends through a zoom call but it’s so complicated.”
you put a hand on your hip. “bet you five bucks i’ll be able to get it in five minutes.”
“are you kidding? i might be technologically challenged but i’m not stupid. i know you can do it fast, just help me out already, would you?”
“alright, grandpa.”
you type and click away at the screen, jeno watching you do so, entranced but equally as lost.
“well, i was wrong,” you say after a couple moments, leaning back in your chair.
“you couldn’t get it?” asks jeno, worriedly.
“no, it’s not that.” you click something on the screen and the app opens. “turns out i could do it in three.”
he rolls his eyes and shoos you out of the chair. he sits down and enters the code and password for the zoom meeting. it takes a minute, but he finally connects. you count six other people in the call. they all immediately cheer at seeing jeno and you hear them excitedly exclaim his name.
“hey guys,” he says, a smile already reaching his eyes. “it’s so good to see your faces.”
they all nod to agree. you get a good look at each one of them and realize they’re all boys. your eyes read over each of their display names.
mark me in ur heart
moomin enthusiast
lil huddy
“nice name, jeno,” ‘moomin enthusiast’ guy comments, snickering slightly. “glad to see you finally came to terms with it.”
‘jenojam’, his name reads. the rest of the group laughs, also teasing him about it. you assume it’s some kind of inside joke.
the self proclaimed ‘lil huddy’ furrows his eyebrows. “wait, did you choose that name yourself?”
jeno simply nods in response.
he glares into the camera. “donghyuck, you told me i had to put this as my name or else it wouldn’t let me connect!”
donghyuck—or ‘hyuckie~~~’, you presume—shrugs. “oops. guess i was wrong.”
you laugh at the humorous exchange. it seems like the sound has drawn some attention to you when ‘nananananana’ speaks up, eyes trained on you.
“um jeno? don’t you want to introduce your guest?”
jeno beams, dragging you closer into the frame. “i’m sure you all know about my roommate. say hi, y/n.” 
you do so, waving and smiling politely at the group.
“you know, even though we used to always hang at jeno’s, i don’t think we’ve ever actually seen your face,” ‘chnele’ says, tilting his head.
you agree. “me neither. i’ve mostly just heard you guys.”
the ‘mark me in your heart’ boy sheepishly rubs his neck. “sorry. we tend to be a little loud.”
‘chnele’ lets out a high pitched screech of a laugh. “only a little?”
“i recognize that laugh!” you blurt. “i would hear it all the time!”
”that’s our little dolphin,” coos ‘hyuckie~~~’.
“oh god, stop. i hate that stupid nickname.”
“it’s well deserved.”
“i think you should apologize to y/n for being a nightmare to her eardrums.”
“and ours, for that matter.”
“what about all your little freestyles? i’ve had to sit through hundreds of them and i never got an apology!”
“because they’re not bad! could you do any better?”
“you’re a soundcloud rapper, i think anyone could.”
jeno turns to you as the bickering on screen gets louder and louder. “this is gonna be a long call.”
once the group has moved on from roasting the life out of each other, you’re able to engage in some good-natured conversation. jeno teaches you the names and the other basics about the group. some points that stand out about the group is that mark is the oldest, renjun specializes in contemporary dance, jaemin inhales six cups of coffee on the daily, and chenle is insanely rich.
“what about jeno?” you ask them. “anything i should know about him?”
“he’s allergic to cats but the idiot still adopted—“
“she already knows about that, renjun,” jeno chuckles.
“oh. well. that’s pretty much the only interesting thing about him.”
jisung pipes up. “oh wait! he works out religiously too!”
you and jeno share a look. you burst into laughter and he simply glances away, slightly embarrassed. “oh yeah, i know that all too well.”
“and what about the unhealthy cooking obsession?”
you nod at mark’s question. “that too. he cooks dinner almost every night around here.”
renjun purses his lips. “he already cooks for you? wow. he must really like you.”
“you think?” jaemin asks. “didn’t you read any of the messages in the group chat? he’s practically in love with her. his words, not mi—“
“okay! i think it’s time for us to go! bye guys!” jeno doesn’t even give you a chance to say your own goodbye before he’s clicking the ‘end call’ button in the bottom right corner.
you give him a confused look. “what was that all about?”
“they’re crazy.” he laughs. “well, if you need me i’ll be in my room screaming into my pillow for the next couple hours.” he dashes off leaving you standing alone, trying to comprehend what had happened.
   8.    he‘s a great listener.
jeno has officially replaced seol as your movie buddy, not that you have a problem with it. you thought it was nice to have someone you could actually converse with but of course, you make sure seol still sits in.
“what i’m saying is that iron man just wants to protect his team.”
“well, if they sign the accords, they basically surrender themselves to the government.”
“you don’t see a problem with that? see, captain america knows what he’s doing. he’s literally an avenger—“
“so is iron man!”
“let me finish! so, he’s an avenger, right? he has the best judgment because he’s saved the world countless times. he knows how to operate his team and do the right thing.”
“okay but there’s casualties. and that’s what iron man is trying to fix.”
“how do you save the world and not have casualties?”
“you just—“ your phone rings mid argument and you raise your finger towards jeno. “this isn’t over.” you put the phone to your ear, not bothering to check the caller id. “hello?”
you feel a chill go up your spine. was it him? no, it couldn’t be. you had blocked his number shortly after you did so on all your social media.
“baby, don’t be so shy. i know you’re there.”
you can’t hold back. “please don’t call me that.”
he chuckles, breathlessly. “oh, c’mon. you used to love it. you still do.”
“no, i don’t. actually, i don’t want to hear your stupid pet names or stupid voice or see any of your stupid posts. just go bother your girlfriend and leave me alone.”
you notice jeno perk up beside you out of the corner of your eye. he must have been caught off guard by your irritated tone.
as always, lucas is unaffected by you. “i’m being nice and giving you a second chance. i even called you behind soyeon’s back.”
“is that something i’m supposed to reward you for?” you scoff. “congratulations, you’re now awful, toxic, and a cheater.”
he growls. the sound was familiar. in your relationship, if you heard it you knew he was going to snap at you until he had the satisfaction of making you cry. “i know you miss me so don’t say things you’re going to regret later. because even when you’re back in my arms, i won’t let you forget it.”
the thought of being back with him made you feel icky. but the fact that he sincerely thought you would crawl back to him set your entire body on fire. “are you joking? i was always aware of the fact that you treated me like the dirt you walked on but do you seriously think that lowly of me?”
you’re rendered speechless and apparently, so is he because the other line stays silent.
“i wouldn’t go back to you if you were the last person on earth,” you spit. “you treated me horribly, wong yukhei. i won’t ever forget it. move on. i have.”
you glance at jeno, his expression more serious than you’ve ever seen it. his eyebrows are furrowed and his eyes are trained on your cellphone. the glare he gives the device is so strong you wouldn’t be surprised if even lucas could feel it, wherever he was.
you hang up and block the number, wishing to never talk to him again. you toss your phone onto the sofa with an exasperated sigh. you find jeno’s gaze to still be focused intensely on it.  
“if you gave lucas that look, i’m pretty sure he’d cry.”
he breaks his concentration, eyes going to you instead. his entire face softens. “all i’m going to say is he better pray we never cross paths.”
“well, if you happen to, call me up. i wouldn’t mind helping you beat the crap out of him.”
jeno chuckles for a second then lowers his voice to a whisper. “he was really bad to you, huh?”
you nod. “he messed me up. i hate to admit it ‘cause i know i was stupid to stay with him for as long as i did.”
your roommate shakes his head. “don’t say that. it’s not your fault he messed up the best thing that would ever happen to him.”
“i thought i was the problem for so long, jeno. i was so blinded by love. then, i realized there was no way he truly cared for me when he treated me like i had no heart to be broken.”
jeno scoots towards you and rubs soothing circles into your arm. “you have such a big heart. and i can’t tell you how sorry i am that he took advantage of that. i’m sorry that you were stuck with someone so insecure and ignorant. please, don’t think about him anymore.”
you hold in your tears. you refused to cry over someone like lucas. “i know. i try so hard not to.”
jeno holds your head into his chest. his arms are placed securely on your back. “oh, baby.”
when jeno uses this pet name on you, it feels so completely different from lucas. you could tell me meant it. he wasn’t using it to make you stay a little longer, to assure you he loved you. strangely enough, you do not need to be convinced of that. you feel like you have known it for a long time.  
   9.    he likes to be the big spoon.
you’re not sure how he’s done it but you end up falling asleep in jeno’s arms. you assume it had been so long since you had been cradled and rocked so delicately that the foreign yet extremely delightful sensation knocked you right out. even seol is deep in sleep, laying down peacefully at your feet.  
you relish in the feeling of jeno pressed right into your back. he fits so perfectly against you that it reminds you of a puzzle piece. to be exact, the moment when you connect the last two pieces and the full picture becomes complete. that was how you felt—complete.
with jeno’s soft breaths tickling the back of your neck and his soft snores filling your ear, you know there’s nowhere else you’d rather be. his arm that is wrapped around you makes sure you can’t escape his embrace. you are positive that even if you had the liberty of doing so, you would stay exactly where you were.
you lean farther back into your pillow, closing your eyes. you let every thought fade away as you try to fall back asleep as soon as possible. you wanted the moment you found yourself in to last as long as possible.
   10.    he has feelings for you.
jeno mumbles sweet nothings into your ear as he toys with your hair.
it just seemed right to him. like something he was meant to do with you. he had seen these types of things in films and shows before. it was intimate and touching, the scenes were always meant to tug at the audience’s heart strings and show how in love the two characters were. perhaps, even though you lay asleep in his arms, he wants you to finally know.
“honestly, being inside with you all the time is kind of the best. i know the whole virus situation is less than ideal but being able to spend so much time with you... that’s all i could ask for.” he pauses. “isn’t it so crazy how before this we were all weird and awkward around each other? well, i guess we still kind of are. that’s mostly my fault so... sorry. i just don’t know how to act around you sometimes. we’re barely getting close and i’m already this attached to you. as jisung would so kindly say, ‘i’m simping’.” he chuckles to himself. “all jokes aside, i really do like you. ever since you moved in here all cute and nervous, you’ve taken your own little place in my heart, as cheesy as it sounds. and these past few weeks, you just keep on taking up more and more room in there. not that i have a problem with it. i just...” he stops as if he doesn’t know how else to express his feelings. “really, really like you.”
you feel him jolt then abruptly stop stroking your hair. there’s silence until he asks, “you don’t happen to be a sleep talker, do you?”
you shake your head.
“and did you hear like, a lot of what i said?”
“only the important stuff. like how awkward you are and how much you like me.”
“but don’t worry. it’s mutual.”
you feel his relieved breath hit the skin of your neck. “that’s the best thing i’ve heard all day.”
you tilt your head back and stare at him, confused. “what, did you seriously think i wasn’t into you?”
he shrugs. “i was too busy simping, i guess.”
you can’t contain your laughter at the use of the slang. “park jisung would not be proud.”   
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jenohi · 3 years
double take
PAIRING ▸ park jeongwoo x fem!reader
GENRES ▸ mutual pining, best friends-to-read it to find out, high school au, lacrosse au,
WARNINGS ▸ foul language, mild aggression(???)
SUMMARY ▸ when two friends start questioning the feelings they have for each other.
PLAYLIST ▸ double take by dhruv
WORD COUNT ▸ 4541 words
A/N ▸ Honestly, I'm not totally satisfied with this piece but I've been sitting on it for awhile and I would just rather publish it. I had many thoughts as I wrote this piece and at some point as I wrote I started to question if I picked the right member for this story. But I stand by my decision with the member I chose.
I could say I never dare
To think about you in that way
But, I would be lying
Jeongwoo was lost in thought as he walked back home from school. It was something he wasn’t used to doing alone but lately it was something that had been happening more and more often. But still he wasn’t able to shake the feeling and get used to it. Without your presence around, without his favorite person to bicker with, Jeongwoo found he had more time to think.
“Jeongwoo-ya!” Jaehyuk yelled. When Jeongwoo got home he was still lost deep in his thoughts, so lost that he hadn’t heard his brother call out to him at all. “Jeongwoo!” Jaehyuck yelled again, this time right into Jeongwoo’s ear. Jeongwoo flinched and poked his ear a few times to make sure he could still hear before he turned around to glare at his brother.
“Are you good? I said hello when you came home and you just walked right past me in zombie-mode, I even offered you oreos.”
“Oh. Sorry.”
Jaehyuk gave his little brother a strange look, his eyes wide and mouth gaping open. He was surprised. “You’re even apologizing now? What’s gotten into you? Are you good?”
“Yeah, yeah, I’m fine. I think.”
To anyone other than Jeongwoo, it was obvious that Jeongwoo was indeed not fine. “Cut the shit. Something’s on your mind, what’s wrong? Also where’s Y/N? I haven’t seen her in awhile, I feel like she used to always come back here with you.”
“Aish, I’m fine. Y/N? Well… I think she’s doing okay. Honestly, I haven’t seen her in like a few weeks. One day she told me not to wait up for her and so that day I didn’t. But the next day I did and the next day and the next day…” Jeongwoo said. He hadn’t realized that each day he had waited for you until he said it aloud. Why did he wait for you?
As if he could read Jeongwoo’s mind, Jaehyuk asked “why did you wait for her? Did she tell you to?”
“No, but we used to walk back together every day.” Jeongwoo paused, “I guess I just got used to it and expected things would go back to normal. She lives next door, we’ve been walking back together for years now.”
“How do you feel about it?” Jaehyuk asked, doing his best to contain his excitement and to stop himself from cheering like he was watching a soccer match. He’d been watching this budding relationship develop for years now. It seemed like his bone-headed baby brother was finally pulling his head out of his ass. His ship was taking off. Finally.
Jeongwoo paused. “I don’t know. How am I supposed to feel? We’re just friends right?”
“Right.” Jeongwoo could hear the snark in his brother’s voice as he turned around and walked into his room. “Maybe you should think about it a little bit more.”
“Think about what?” Jeongwoo asked, exasperated, now it felt like his own brother was acting weird too. Jeongwoo wanted to pull his hair out. He wanted his brother to stop asking him such cryptic questions, he wanted to ask his friend why she had suddenly stopped walking home with him, and he just wanted...he just wanted to go back to when things were normal.
“Jeongwoo. Tell me, have you ever thought of Y/N as anything other than a friend?” Jaehyuk said. Then he pondered it for a second. “Actually, you don’t even have to tell me. Tell yourself. Be totally honest.”
With that Jaehyuk disappeared behind the door to his room and Jeongwoo stood there once again in thought. He thought about the times you had spent walking back together, sharing stories, sharing secrets, and sharing songs. He thought about how vibrant and lovely you looked when you told him what crazy things had happened to you that day. The walks back home were so much more quiet without you.
To say he had never thought about you that way was...a lie.
And I pretend I'm happy for you
When you find some dude to take home
The next day of school Jeongwoo made up his mind to confront you about it. Okay, maybe not confront you about it but ask you if everything was okay. He found you sitting in your seat in the homeroom chatting away with your friends. Jeongwoo did his best to wipe his hands on his thighs as discreetly as possible before tapping on your shoulder.
You turned around, you could feel your eyebrows shoot up when you saw Jeongwoo standing there behind you. “Hey.”
“Hi, would you mind if I had a word with you really quickly?” Jeongwoo asked.
“No, not at all. Let’s go out in the hallway.” You said, getting up from your seat and smiling at your friends before walking out of the classroom, you spun around once you were a reasonable distance from the classroom door. “What’s up?”
“I just, I was just wondering why I haven’t seen you outside the school. So you know, we can walk home together. I’ve been waiting for you.”
You felt your heart flip-flop but you didn’t let it show. “Oh, well I joined the school’s ambassador program right? The foreign exchange students arrived. They asked us to stay after to help them get accustomed to the school’s culture and to answer any questions they have. It’s actually so much fun, my student is this guy from Japan! His name is Haruto! Jeongwoo, he’s so attractive.”
Before you could continue or Jeongwoo could respond, the bell rang. You tossed an apologetic smile over your shoulder before walking into the classroom and taking a seat. Jeongwoo made his way over to his own classroom and sat down for class. But he couldn’t focus at all.
‘Haruto? Who was Haruto?’ he thought. ‘How attractive could he be? There’s no way this Haruto guy was more attractive than he was right?’
Jeongwoo pulled out his phone to check his appearance. He felt his phone ring, he glanced up to see that the teacher wasn’t looking so he clicked on the notification to read the message he just received. His chest felt weird for a quick second when he saw the notification was from you.
Y/N: Was there anything else you needed? I’m sorry you’ve been waiting for me, you don’t have to do that now. I should have told you earlier but Haruto’s been walking me home after our program.
Jeongwoo: No, that’s all I was curious about. Thanks for the heads up. Haruto sounds like a cool guy. I’m glad.
Jeongwoo was not glad.
But, I won't deny that
In the midst of the crowds
In the shapes in the clouds
I don't see nobody but you
And suddenly, it was like Jeongwoo couldn’t not see you. You were everywhere. He started to take new routes home, he visited shops, studied in cafes, sometimes he even considered joining a school club just to stay after. But everywhere he went, everything he did he thought of you. He saw something in a shop that would remind him of you, he wondered what kind of drink you’d get at the cafes he visited, and even in the most crowded streets sometimes he swore he saw your face.
You were everywhere yet nowhere at the same time.
In my rose-tinted dreams
Wrinkled silk on my sheets
I don't see nobody but you
But Jeongwoo acknowledged he was truly and utterly screwed when he started to see your pretty face in his dreams. Your face wasn’t ever the problem. It was missing you. It was wondering if you had replaced him. It was wondering if you were with that new guy Haruto now.
At the end of two weeks of utterly horrible sleep, Jeongwoo thought to himself. He needed to do something about the situation and he needed to do it fast. The best person to consult? His hopeless romantic of a brother.
you got me hooked on to something
Who could say that they saw us coming?
Tell me, do you feel the love?
“Jaehyuk-hyung. Help me.” Jeongwoo asked, slamming his brother’s door open and barging into the room.
Jaehyuk paused his game, muttered something into the microphone and then took off his headset. “What’s up?”
“I like Y/N. What do I do?”
“Awww Jeongwoo has a crush! My baby brother has finally opened his eyes and is admitting his feelings to himself.” Jaehyuk teased.
“Yeah yeah. You get to jab at me this one time and then never again. You may be older than me but I’ve grown 8 cm in the last year. I’m just as tall as you now!” Jeongwoo threatened.
“I feel like I should be able to tease you about it for a little longer than just this once. It’s so obvious between the two of you. You both are such dummies.”
“What? What are you talking about?” Jeongwoo asked. “Nevermind, I don’t think I want to know. Just help me, what do I do? She’s been spending the last few weeks after school with another guy. I have to act fast and I want to impress her.”
“Well, there’s a long weekend coming up. What do you guys like in common?”
“We talk about music a lot. She and I have similar taste in music.”
“Why don’t you take her to a concert or see live music or something?”
Jeongwoo thought about it. The more he thought about it, the more he realized how good of an idea it was and it was possible, he saw an ad for his and your favorite artist that was coming to town soon. He rushed out of Jaehyuk’s room.
“Thanks hyung!”
The first thing Jeongwoo did once he got back to his room was search the concert details. To his relief, there were still tickets available and he snatched two as quickly as he could. He breathed a sigh of relief once he found the confirmation in his email.
His mind wandered over to what Jaehyuk had said earlier ‘it’s so obvious between the two of you’. What was so obvious? Was there something he wasn’t seeing? Did you feel the way he felt about you? Did everybody else see something between the two of you that neither of you had seen yourselves?
Who else saw them coming? Did you feel the love? Was it love? Whatever. Jeongwoo just prayed you would be available this weekend.
Spend the summer of a lifetime with me
Let me take you to the place of your dreams
Tell me, do you feel the love?
Jeongwoo: Are you free this weekend? I got tickets to Big Bang’s concert. We should go.
Y/N: I’m so down to go to Big Bang. Haruto is actually a huge fan as well. He got me a ticket! We should all go together. Haruto is really cool! I think you guys would get along amazing.
Jeongwoo could feel his insides curling up on each other and the expression on his face souring. But he sucked up his pride and answered.
Jeongwoo: Awesome.
Jeongwoo had to admit, Haruto was cool. The two boys had exchanged conversations about music, sports, and clothes. Everything under the sun. Except for you. He wanted to ask but he also didn’t want to ask. He was afraid of the answer.
He tried to keep his cool when he saw you interact with Haruto. His mind was clouded with questions, worries. Was he too late in chasing your affections?
About halfway through the concert you had started to get fed up by the way Jeongwoo was acting. Bang Bang Bang came on and you were not going to let Jeongwoo’s prissy attitude ruin this experience so you grabbed his hand and started jumping. Thankfully, the sour expression on your best friend’s face started to disappear. At the sight of Jeongwoo’s goofy grin, you felt a strangely warm feeling spread through your body and the warmth flowed up into your face. You tried your best not to think too much about it.
By the end of the song, Jeongwoo had his arm thrown over your shoulder and yours was loosely wrapped around his waist as the two of you jumped to the beat. At the very end of the song as you went to land the last jump, there was a sharp pain that shot up your ankle as you landed.
Jeongwoo felt his heart lurch as he realized you were about to slip. Without even thinking, he wrapped his other arm around you and held you before you could topple over. And then all of sudden it was like the world had paused. For the first time in a few weeks, Jeongwoo really looked at his best friend for the first time.
He looked into your eyes and asked the question that he was too afraid to say aloud. ‘Do you feel the love?’
And I could say I never answered
Those believers inside my head
But that's far from the truth
For the rest of the concert, Jeongwoo held you in his arms as the two of you swayed from side to side. You hadn’t realized how much Jeongwoo had grown in the past few weeks. You were thankful that you were facing the band and that Jeongwoo stood behind you with his head resting on yours. His arms were wrapped around your shoulders.
Truthfully, the last few weeks had been both torture and a sweet relief. You knew there were feelings simmering for Jeongwoo for a long time, but lately you couldn’t put a finger on it. He had grown up and he had grown up well. And then all of a sudden the feelings exploded and they became hard to tame and hide. So when you saw the flyer for the foreign exchange students program a few weeks ago, which would run after school, you snatched up the opportunity.
The time away from Jeongwoo did help you clear up your mind a bit. And you did make a new friend from it. Haruto. And Haruto was handsome. But there was no romantic chemistry. Haruto had his own romantic issues.
But this concert wasn’t what you were expecting. It wasn’t weird for you and Jeongwoo to exchange the occasional hug. But this felt like more affection than usual and it felt good. When Jeongwoo had caught you from the fall and looked into your eyes as he held you, your head started to spin, your thoughts and feelings started to run wild again. It was harder and harder to run from the truth, that you had fallen for your best friend, Jeongwoo.
To admit that was scary. To wonder what would happen to your relationship if things changed. What if he didn’t feel the same way about you? What if he became awkward and the relationship irrevocably fell apart? But what if he did return your feelings? But then what if it didn’t work out and it all fell apart? Suddenly, this didn’t feel so good anymore.
Jeongwoo wanted to hold you and never let you go. Unaware of the many thoughts flying through your head, he wished you’d turn around and look at him again. He wished he was braver, he wished. He wished for so many things but he was scared. But for now he was so happy, so content, holding you in his arms.
Don't know what's come over me
It seems like yesterday when I said
“We'll be friends forever”
“Y/N? Can we grab food after this?” Jeongwoo asked into your ear. A sudden storm of butterflies stormed into your stomach and you pretended not to hear him as you pulled his arms off of your shoulders and stepped out of his embrace.
Jeongwoo could feel his body heat in frustration. He had never had to fight for your attention, there was never any competition for it before. But now that he had to, he hated it.
“Where’s Haruto?” you asked, looking around for your friend, avoiding eye contact with Jeongwoo. Thankfully before it became too awkward you felt your phone vibrate. You tapped on the notification to see that it was a message from Haruto.
‘Haruto was great, but was he really so great he could undo the years of growing up together?’ Jeongwoo fumed silently as you read the message on your phone. He tried his best to compose himself.
Haruto: I had to go, sorry. I saw someone I used to know.
“Y/N? What’s up?”
“Uh, Haruto dipped. He caught up with a friend.” you said. Jeongwoo did all that he could to keep the smile off of his face.
“So...you wanna grab food?”
“Aren’t you hungry? Let’s go to McDonald’s! We should catch up. I feel like-”
“Actually, it’s kind of late Jeongwoo. And I’m kind of tired. Would you mind taking me home?”
This time, you did see the smile slide right off of Jeongwoo’s face. “Oh. Yeah of course.”
“Thanks Jeongwoo. You’re such an amazing friend to me.”
Constellations of stars
Murals on city walls
I don't see nobody but you
If Jeongwoo thought the two weeks leading up to the concert were bad, then the next two were absolute hell. Instead of moving forward, it was like your relationship had shot backwards.
‘Friend?’ Jeongwoo fumed. He was absolutely pissed every time he thought about it. He didn't want to be your friend. That much was obvious now.
Now it wasn’t just that the two of you didn’t walk back home together. Now you didn’t answer his texts. Now you didn’t even look at him in school. Now you didn’t even show up to support him at his sporting events. Now it sucked. Jeongwoo felt like a kid who had done something wrong and had been sent to time out. But what had he done wrong?
Had he overstepped his boundaries? Had he said something wrong? He hadn’t said anything other than ‘do you want to get food?’
But still Jeongwoo couldn’t get you out of his mind.
You're my vice, you're my muse
You're a nineteenth floor view
I don't see nobody but you
Jeongwoo thought he was being rational. He figured you needed space but he couldn’t figure out why. But when Jaehyuk dropped him off at lacrosse tryouts in the spring and he saw that you were in the stands chatting with Haruto he was absolutely livid. He could feel his heart face and his blood boil. Jeongwoo’s regular pleasant demeanor had evaporated in an instant.
But to be fair, all his pent up aggression seemed to work to his benefit as he exerted all of it on the field. And at the end of the day, his coach had told him that he’d done so well he might get a spot on the varsity team. That was an amazing opportunity as a Sophomore.
If Jeongwoo was livid seeing you at tryouts the first day. He was absolutely furious when he saw Haruto run up to you during breaks to chat. When he saw you hand Haruto a bottle of water with such a pretty smile on your face he wanted to punch something. Or someone.
At the end of the second day of tryouts, the coach called Jeongwoo into his office.
“I don���t know what they feed you kids over in Japan. But all four of you are good.” Jeongwoo heard once he was within hearing distance of the office. Japan? Jeongwoo’s mood soured when he saw a familiar lanky figure. He knocked on the doorframe to make his presence known to the coach.
Haruto smirked when he saw Jeongwoo standing at the door with a darkened expression on his face. But it was gone the second he turned back to face the coach.
“The two of you have demonstrated amazing capabilities and I am considering pulling one of you up to the varsity team. Take this opportunity seriously. Tomorrow is the last day of tryouts.”
On the third and final day of tryouts, Jeongwoo was relieved that he didn’t see you. He cringed when he realized how horrible that thought was but he wanted to be laser focused today. He wanted to do his absolute best. No, he wanted to be the absolute best.
But his game was off, Jeongwoo was antsy and his mind kept straying. During each break he didn’t realize his eyes were wandering everywhere just to get a glimpse of you. It was infuriating to see you here for Haruto but it was unsettling not to see you here at all. And it showed.
On the field during the last game of tryouts, it was Haruto and Jeongwoo facing off against each other. Face to face, right in front of each other, just before the whistle blew Haruto taunted his opponent. “You’re gonna lose your girl to me and now you’re gonna lose your spot on the team to me?”
If there was one redeeming moment of today’s tryouts it was this last game. Jeongwoo played as hard as he could, as ferocious as he could. But just for a second he lost control and played a bit dirty. The game ended when he was called for an illegal body check.
“Dude what’s your problem?” Haruto asked.
Jeongwoo turned around and got up in his face. “No, what’s your problem? Your comment back there? Absolutely uncalled for.”
“Please. Pull your head out of your ass. You’re hurting your friend. Talk to her.”
“Boys! Over here, now!” the coach hollered before Jeongwoo could ask for an explanation.
As soon as the two boys entered the office, he asked “Jeongwoo, how do you think you played today?”
“Not the best I could have sir, something was on my mind. I apologize, it won’t happen again.”
“Damn right, it better not. After seeing you play today I was about ready to cut you from the team entirely.”
Jeongwoo felt his heart drop to his stomach. Haruto felt awkward. He wasn’t sure why he had to be here for this.
“Haruto. I saw you say something to Jeongwoo before the last game. I don’t condone foul play. Whatever petty drama you both got going on between the two of you get it sorted out, fast. Because for now, you’re teammates. Junior Varsity. Here’s the deal, if the two of you prove yourself in the first few games I’ll pull you up. But instead of competing against each other for the spot, it’s either you both get a spot or neither of you will get pulled up.”
Jeongwoo stormed out of the office. He was so angry he hadn’t even noticed that he’d nearly trampled you.
You recognized the expression on Jeongwoo’s face. It was the worst-case-scenario face. It was rare, but when it was there that meant things were bad. You turned to see Haruto exit the office, he saw you look back at Jeongwoo then back at him. Haruto jutted his chin out towards Jeongwoo and gave you a nod, to which you smiled back in relief before running off after Jeongwoo.
Do you feel the love?
Feel the love
“Jeongwoo! Jeongwoo!” You yelled. He barely heard you or he ignored you, he was so pissed that he honestly didn’t know. But right now he needed to find a way to deal with the anger. He needed to go home.
But he couldn’t run away from you, not when you had caught up to him. He saw you standing in front of his path home, he looked over and saw that you had taken a shortcut that the two of you had found together years ago.
“What’s wrong?” You asked.
Jeongwoo rolled his eyes and made a move to step around you. But you stepped over so that you were in his way again. And when he stepped again. You stepped again as well.
“Move. Seriously.”
“No, not until you tell me what’s wrong?”
“Why the hell would I do that?”
You felt a chill run down your spine. This wasn’t Jeongwoo. Your Jeongwoo would never speak to you like this. Your Jeongwoo? Was he even yours? He was still your friend though, right? “We’re friends. Right?”
Jeongwoo scoffed. He knew he was being rude but right now it felt like the entire world was giving him a giant middle finger.
“I don’t know. Are we?”
“Why wouldn’t we be? Friends are there for each other in times of need. You’re obviously mad and you need a friend right now. And I’m your friend right?” you felt yourself get smaller and smaller the more you spoke.
“Are you really my friend? Because honestly, lately, you’ve been a really shitty friend.”
“For years we’ve walked home from school together, for years we’ve hung out together, supported each other, we talked to each other, about everything. Then one day you stop meeting me in front of the school, then the next day you don’t tell me what’s going on or why or even to let me know not to wait up for you, then one week then one week turns into many weeks then all of a sudden. I feel like I’ve lost my best friend.”
“Jeongwoo, I’m sorry-”
“I was so upset at the thought of not being close to you that I made plans for us to spend time together. Just us. And you go and invite someone else. Then just when I feel like things are starting to get better at the concert, you iced me out. Completely. You don’t answer my texts. You don’t talk to me, hell you don’t even look at me anymore!”
You could feel the tears streaming down your face. Everything Jeongwoo had said was true. In being scared of your own feelings for Jeongwoo, you had severed your friendship with him bit by bit. And now you weren’t even sure if it was still hanging by a thread.
“I have spent weeks. Going over what I did wrong in my head. I have tried so hard to talk to you, to just talk to you. I had something I wanted to say to you. But I don’t think it should be so hard to just speak to my friend. But I’ve just come to the conclusion that I haven’t done anything wrong. I wasn’t the one who was being a shit friend. That was you. So let me ask you again. Are you really my friend?”
“I-” you paused for a second to swallow. “I don’t know.”
“Yeah. I don’t know either. And honestly right now, I don’t even think I want you to be my friend. Bye Y/N.” Jeongwoo said, stepping around you. This time you didn’t stop him.
You turned around and watched his back get smaller and smaller as he walked away from you, down the path that led you home. The path the two of you had walked along together for years. You sniffled as you wiped the tears from your face.
But what you didn't see were the tears that streamed down Jeongwoo’s face.
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hongjoongtrasher · 3 years
ATEEZ FINAL PART : when they said something to hurt you.
I'm glad you've liked the previous part (part 1 and 2 here if you haven't read it yet), so here is a final to all this angsty reactions (if it is a reaction). Sorry if there are a lot of grammar errors, English not being my mother tongue -
Gosh this is going to be LONG please, bear with me ugh.
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After this stormy episode of him totally lashing his stress out on you, he spent some time alone to think and reflect upon his trashy behaviour. He was genuinely aware of the massive efforts you were doing for his ass. Literally be patient and taking everything on you so he didn't have to feel more stressed. But today was different. He obviously went too far, saying those words horribly. Furthermore, he knew how hurt you've been because of him and now he didn't really know how to be forgiven. He always have been busy, always considering his work first and thought you were in an equal part of this, but seems he considered you taken for granted. The leader sighed heavily, rubbing his eyes not seeing any solutions at the moment. It's at this moment that Seonghwa entered the place. "Erm...Joong ?" he didn't answer, only Seonghwa could see how much his leader was in distress. "I heard from Y/N, mh I mean she told San who told me but anyway-" began the oldest before Hongjoong asked simply: "Have you come to scold me ?" A silence then. "No, I came to check on you." Seonghwa was always worried about his leader, since he knew the best how hardworking and diligent Hongjoong was, but today he felt like he was wrong. "You've acted like a real idiot this time" Hongjoong let a sarcastic laugh be heard as he slowly turned to face his friend. "Yeah, I know. Do you think she will forgive me ?" "Probably not easily." he answered honestly before continuing. "She told San she was tired of this, always being a shadow to you, erm...and nowadays she's been really stressed at work" A shadow ? Is this how you were seeing yourself as ? And on top of that, he was completely unaware of your work, how life has been going for you. This made the leader felt more guilty as he bite his lips. "So...What should I do ? Kneeling and beg her for forgiveness ?" Seonghwa sighed and put a comforting hand on the leader shoulder. "Sometimes actions are better than words".
And he left the studio, putting Hongjoong in a more difficult situation than he was already. What did he mean ? He thought about it again and again, watching without really watching his screen before it tilted inside his head. "THE SONG !!" he yelled at himself, feeling now very dumb. He had almost forgotten this track, a very secret one he composed for a long time. This song was special for him, it was a song which were written for you, and was conveying all of his feelings. He had to make you listen to this. A glance at his phone indicated it was already 3am in the morning, but sleep could wait. He spent the rest of the night finishing this track, or actually checking it before he saved a copy and directly sent it to you, praying you'd see it in the morning.
You'd spent the most horrible night of your life. Crying and turning under your blanket as you felt useless, no one. San proposed to come with Yunho, but you insisted to be alone, so they let you be, though they were worried. You only found sleep around two in the morning, tired for having crying most of the night. You woke up at six, your eyes hurting, puffy and red as fuck. Anyone could tell you've cried your eyeballs out. First you went to the bathroom to clean your face with cold water, your stuffy nose not helping in the process. After a while you returned to your bedroom and took your phone, not expecting to see a message from your boyfriend, or was he still yours ? At first you hesitated to open it, but finally did. No text, just an audio file. What was this ? Taking your headphone, you put them into your ear before clicking on the file, closing your eyes. At first, you were confused. You've never heard any melody like this one, so...calm, bubbly and soft. Soon Hongjoong's voice appeared with lyrics he surely had written and...you broke in tears again. This time not from sadness, but ...it was like a dream. You could heard his feelings, how much he loved you. You were ready to forgive him, but...it wasn't easy. Reconciliations were always difficult for both of you. Brushing this instantly aside, you rushed out from your apartment for going directly to Hongjoong's studio, in home wear, messy hair and "after crying faced" only to find him asleep on the couch. Panting, you rushed to jump on your boyfriend, sobbing again . This caused Hongjoong to wake up in surprise, confused. "Y-Y/N ?" why ? Why were you crying again ? After a while of you crying heavily on his shirt, he realised you probably came after hearing his song. His arms softly hooked around your tiny waist as one hand rubbed your back. "Shh...don't cry" he said, heartbroken to see you like this. "You dummy !" you yelled between two sobs. "I know." "I - I love you" "Me too, I'm sorry for being a huge dummy" he said with a gentle smile, holding your face to wipe your tears.
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How rude he's been with you. It's only after hearing your answer that he realised you didn't deserve this. He wanted to chase after you, saying he was sorry, but too late, you slammed the door. Hongjoong came to their shared room before leaning at the door's frame, arching a brow at the oldest. "Can you explain to me what did just happen ?" he asked calmly before Seonghwa bite his lower tier. "I've been a jerk with her" he mumbled, not proud of himself this time. "Yeah, we saw this. You know, she only wanted to cheer you up. We all know you're having bad times because of vocal things, but you didn't have to lash out on her." His leader wasn't wrong, only himself was. "Hwa, go after her. It's not too late" said Hongjoong. "Now ?" Hongjoong sighed. "Yes now, not tomorrow or later" Seonghwa blinked, overthinking before his own body stood up and carried him outside the dorm, chasing after you desperately. He shouldn't have had been this way, he should have been thankful to have you by his side, always being cheerful and bright although sometimes you were hiding your own demons. But being a couple meant for the good and the worst right ? After running for a while, he stopped, panting his lungs on fire. He started to think. Where could you be now ? He remembered when you were sad or stressed, you used to go to Starbucks and get a drink full of sugar and whipped cream, that's how he thought you'd at the nearest one. Not minding people watching him when he opened the door, he eyed the room quickly before seeing you at the table across the entrance. He stepped inside and directly went to your seat as you were still sniffing with tears, your drink between your hands. Not expecting to see your boyfriend, you gasped when you finally realised he was standing here without saying anything. "Y/N.." You tried to gain composure, not wanting to appear fragile in front of him. "What are you doing here ? I thought you didn't want to see me" you croaked, looking away coldly. You heard him sitting before you and took your cold hands. "Y/N I'm sorry. I've been a jerk, you didn't deserve this- I know my work isn't an excuse for acting this way, I understand if you don't want to talk to me or-" "Shut up..." you mumbled, suddenly feeling embarrassed as more people were staring at you two. "I will do everything for you to forgive me, really." he said seriously, not quitting your face from his gaze. Some people were whispering and gossiping, and the more they did, the more you felt ridiculous. You stood up quickly and went straight to the exit with your double cold latte with whipped cream, your boyfriend following you closely. "Are you crazy Park Seonghwa ??? Did you forget you're an idole ? Huh ?? What are you going to do if they recognise you ?" You began to yell but Seonghwa stopped you by taking your free hand and said clearly. "Then I will just say you're my girlfriend and that I don't care, cause you deserve way more than this. Beside being an idole I'm a man, and I love you, there's nothing wrong with this, and if they don't like it, screw them !" you were shocked by his fearless answer, and you felt your heart melt again. You were definitely madly in love with him.
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He was aware of his jerk attitude, and as much as he felt guilty, he didn't know how to ask for your forgiveness. The members already scolded him for what he had said earlier but he knew better than anyone that you weren't ready to talk with. You were the type to be angry for a while, not letting space for any peaceful conversation until you'd calm down. He overthought for a while, thinking you'd probably dump him now and he wouldn't see you ever again, or you'd be so mad at him you'd just beat his ass. Tormented, Yunho looked at his friend before saying, not really sure to mingle in his friend's love problems: "Yeosang, I'm not sure about her being mad, I think she's ...sad ?" he said cautiously, nervous about Yeosang's answer. Sad ? He was really dumb. Of course you'd not be mad, or at least not as much as sad. After all he saw you crying when you left, and his motto was all ruined at this moment. "You're right...I should go see her." he said flatly, feeling really bad. "Huh, yeah I don't even understand why you're still here to be honest" said Yunho with a smile. Thanks to him, Yeosang found the courage to go to your apartment, with your favorite pastry from the bakery you both liked to go, and...flowers. Yeosang wasn't the type to make such lovey dovey stuffs, but this time it was important. Inhaling deeply in front of your door, he knocked once, shyly, not sure if you'd hear it. Then he knocked more frankly before hearing footsteps from behind the door and before he knew it, you were standing in front of him as much surprised as he was. "...What are you doing here ?" you asked, rather coldly. He cleared his throat before handling you shyly the flowers. "I...I came to apologise. I've been a real jerk to you earlier...I even promised myself I'd never make you cry, but I failed miserably" he said in a go, probably too embarrassed to say it confidently. There is a silence, as you fix your eyes on your shy boyfriend. Suddenly you wanted to laugh. How laughable it was to see Yeosang acts like he never did before. You can't bear it anymore and just burst out of laugh, laughing so much that you have to hold your hurting belly. Visibly confused, Yeosang frowned a bit. Why were you laughing ? "Oh my god...You're really something else" you said, calming down slowly before taking the flowers. He suddenly lifted his head in hope. "Does it mean you're forgiving me ?" You faked you're still thinking about it, humming in an exaggerate way. "Well, only if you let me eat this" you nudged your chin to the box he was carrying and which you spotted immediately before he gave you the flower. He smiled and shook his head. "Alright, it's all for you then"
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He had definitely crossed a line he shouldn't had. After you slammed the door at his nose, he tried to make you open it for a while, but you never opened it again. So he left, defeated. It was supposed to be a romantic moment for both of you since a while, and yet he ruined everything with his mouth. Sometimes he wished he just could rewind and change every thing. Even if he didn't like the dress, he could have accepted it since you were happy, but his selfishness and jealousy got over it and now he was alone, in his car without you. He took his phone, sending you texts. "Babe, I'm sorry, please, you know I didn't really mean it right ?" or "Please answer me, I'm really sorry." etc, but you didn't even open them since they were still on sent. Instead of going back to his dorm, he tried to call you this time. On the fifth time, he let a voice mail, taking a long breath before the beep. "Y/N, I'm really sorry, I didn't want to ruin our date like this, or just ruin it at all. The truth is...you were so pretty in this dress, so sexy that I don't want other men to see you in this, I wanted to be the only one to see you with. You're not a whore, you're not any of this. I'm selfish I know, but please, it's been so long since we went on a date...If you still want to see me...I'll be waiting in front of your building." And he locked his phone, leaning his head on the top of the steering wheel. He didn't know how long he waiting again but he suddenly heard the door of the passenger side opening, making him look at the person who opened it. It was you. With the same dress. He felt his heart stopped as you sat next to him, putting your seatbelt without a word. "Y/N ?" You looked straightforward you, and said simply. "Let's go, I guess the restaurant is still open" you muffled. He couldn't help but smiled happily as he turned the engine on, taking your hand in his before driving and said. "Thank you Y/N, thank you" and kissed the back of your delicate hand.
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Since the incident at the practice room, Yunho didn't hear from you for a while. Hongjoong particularly scolded him about how rude he's been on you while you just wanted to wish them good luck for their performance. He knew it right, but at the moment he couldn't have helped but get angry at you. He knew as well it wasn't so like him to get carried away for nothing, so that's why he didn't really know what to do to make amend for you. He made his mind he would apologise right after their stage for Kingdom even if they boys thought it would be better to do it before. He knew you'd definitely watch them, root for them so he put all of his mind and body in this performance, hoping it would bring him luck. And it did since they snitched 1st place although they started low in the classement. When the MC asked Yunho how he felt about their win, the giant boy just shyly smiled before saying with a trembling voice. "I...It meant a lot for us, and to be able to be first is huge honour. We always want to show our best to our fans, Atiny. But today I...wanted to surpass myself for a certain person." Others groups were chatting among themselves, surprised by Yunho's declaration. Changmin, though he was as surprised as the others still asked professionally. "Oh, who would it be ?" Yunho smiled brightly and said confidently. "Y/N, my girlfriend." Some screams and gasps from shock could be heard in the giant room after Yunho pursued: "She's always been by my side and supports me with the best way she can, but lately...I've not been a good boyfriend to her, that's why I wanted to win, for her, and saying that I love her."
Right after the diffusion of this week episode which you've been watching with your friends, you sobbed like a little girl. How proud you were for your boyfriend, and the only thing you wanted now was to take him in your arms, feeling his arms around you. With shaking hands you took your phone to try to call Yunho, but he wasn't answering your call. That's at this very moment you heard the bell of your door and went for it, not expecting to see your boyfriend at your door. "H-hi" he said shyly. You dropped your phone and jumped directly in his arms, crying again. "You're an idiot Jung Yunho...But I love you". He nuzzled the top of your head as he hugged you back tightly. "I love you too, little one."
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wede Wooyoung always said honestly what he was thinking, and everyone's used to it, so he thought his remarks about your skill about cooking would pass easily, but he was wrong. At first he didn't understand your reaction, why you left like this as he was only joking, or he thought so. Seonghwa nagged at him after you left, saying how rude he's been and at least he could shut his mouth. He felt really guilty. He was the one who made you loose confidence about you, when he knew you're always trying your best. And this time, he really screwed things up. Worst than this, when he ate the cake you'd made, he realised it was really good, and his unfounded claims were really mean. Gathering his courage, he showed up at your workplace, waiting for you at the exit. At first, you didn't want to see him, you haven't digested yet what he'd said to you. But with an expressionless face, you finally appeared in front of him. "Y/N- listen, I'm really sorry, I shouldn't have said those horrible jokes. No, I mean, I didn't mean what I said, the cake was really good." he tried to say quickly, afraid you'd just brush him away. After listening to his words, you just sighed and said "You're really a jerk sometimes you know that ? Maybe I'm not good at some things, but it doesn't give you the right to bash me out like this in front of everyone. Do you understand Wooyoung ?" he looked down at his feet and nodded, muttering "I'm sorry". "Fine, if you're really sorry, you better cook something too" you smirked, a sign from you that you're half forgiving him. "What ? Wait-" he looked at you astonished. "I don't know what to cook" "Huh, well not my problem" you sticked your tongue out to him and caught his arm in yours.
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Mingi's been aware that his words probably upset you. But he needed to find himself again, to get right on tracks by himself even if he was thankful towards you, taking care of him for so long and everything. But he felt like it was his duty to make his comeback to the team his, from A to Z. He hoped you would understand, but after you left him alone, he felt guilty to suddenly reject you. The first day of his comeback into the team, Mingi felt really nervous. He wished he could call you and talk to you as he used to, but since that day he didn't dare to contact you. Instead he sent you a long message, saying how much he missed you and felt really nervous. That he was sorry for what he's said and how much you counted for him. He knew deep inside his mind that you had understood his reasons to act this way, and he was right. After reading his text, you couldn't help but fall in love all over again for Mingi. He was so sweet and pure that you couldn't hold grudges against him. You texted back saying "Everything's gonna be alright. Fighting ! I love you" which reassured the rapper.
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Although Jongho was the youngest from the team, he was really mature and hated childish behaviour when it comes for his relationship. The fact you got jealous and as a result, acted this way got him angry. For him, the fact he was dating you was a proof of his choice, and love. Things weren't bad with his ex, so he didn't see why he would cut the rope from her, and he expected you to understand his point of view. After calming down on his own, he also realised his reaction must not have been mature as well. He took more time to think about how he was going to reconcile with you, but things shouldn't stay this way. He expected you to be at your place, and directly knocked at the door, feeling nervous. "Y/N ?" he called out for you. It took a moment before you opened the door, clearly still furious about what happened earlier. "What ? Aren't you with Mina yet ?" you spatted out, maybe too agressive than you wished. Jongho took on himself not to react to this again, instead sighing softly. "Baby, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have reacted this way." he began, trying to be the most sincere he was. "You're the only one for me, you know it right ? But you see, Mina is indeed my ex, but it doesn't mean I'm on bad terms with her, and it also means that nothing will happen with her anymore. Because I love you so much and no one else"
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hakutaichou · 3 years
[JP] Love and Producer: B’s-LOG (2022 January Issue)
This translation is from “B’s-LOG Magazine” which released on November 20, 2021.
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Special Feature: How to make LOVE & PEACE
 “I want to know. I want to hear. About “LOVE & PEACE”
Koi to Producer’s Official Twitter: What happened to them recently when they felt "happy"?
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“ .....To that dummy, I telling her what I should usually tell.”
- Victor / Zen
Q1. What event nor moment when you recently felt “happy”?
Victor: “Happiness is what you feel when you reach your goal, but as soon as you reach your goal, you can immediately set new goals. However, when I saw a dummy chewing on her meal with a happy face recently. I unintentionally smiled”
Q2. What items that calms your mind?
Victor: Because of someone, “Shiba Inu goods” are accumulated. I don't understand what sin Shiba Inu has, so I’m leaving it as it is....Well, there may be some calming effect on my mind when looking at it.”
Q3. At last, please give us a message that makes you feel PEACE nor LOVE!
Victor:  “.....To that dummy, I telling her what I should usually tell. There’s no need for me to say it again. However, it seems that person will complain again that such a “ritual” like that should be respected"
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"Because you are here, I think I will reach even more greater heights."
- Kiro / Kira
Q1. What event nor moment when you recently felt “happy”?
Kiro: "The concert tour that ended last month! In any performances that has been sellout, she also came! To think that my song made all the fans and her smile, I was so happy~!"
Q2. What items that calms your mind?
Kiro: "Sweets! I can't eat it much because I have to maintain my body shape, but I eat it as a reward when I finish a big job. Sweets after working hard, are exceptional!"
Q3. At last, please give us a message that makes you feel PEACE nor LOVE!
Kiro: "Because you are here, I think I will reach even more greater heights. Everyone says that I'm like the sun but, my sun is you! I'll continue to do my best to shine as bright as you~!"
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"You are the source of my power. I'll protect you."
- Gavin / Haku
Q1. What event nor moment when you recently felt “happy”?
Gavin: "I went to see the stars with her. It was cold and the air was clear, and there were many bright stars in Orion nor Canis Major, so it was a perfect season for astronomical observation. It seems that she also enjoyed it."
Q2. What items that calms your mind?
Gavin: "It's a motorcycle. Rather than an item, my partner is... the name is "Sparky". Not only when we ride in the wind together, but also when I'm taking care of him makes me calm."
Q3. At last, please give us a message that makes you feel PEACE nor LOVE!
Gavin: "After I reunited with you, I changed. I started thinking about what to do with you during the day-off, and also decided to return safely during the mission. You are the source of my power. I'll protect you."
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"She always colors my world."
- Lucien / Simon
Q1. What event nor moment when you recently felt “happy”?
Lucien: "When I was taking a walk with her and saw the fallen maple leaves piled up. I remembered when I read a book with her under the maple tree. She always colors my world."
Q2. What items that calms your mind?
Lucien: "I think it's a tea set. If you're absorbed in your research, you'll neglect your food and sleep, but when you happen to have a cup of brewed tea and drink it, you can take a break with it. Especially, white tea has a good aroma and is recommended by me."
Q3. At last, please give us a message that makes you feel PEACE nor LOVE!
Lucien: "My world is colored by your presence. I am very happy to be able to feel every corner of my life. I wonder, if there is a little bit of me in your life too. Now and in the future, I hope so."
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vermillionflames · 3 years
A Court of Chrysanthemum and Poison
Chapter 8: What Happens in the Forest
please catch up on my AO3 here. Or scroll through my page I don't care.
Eris is here, bitches.
I woke up in Tamlin’s arms again. The space between my legs was sore from our activities. I shimmied out of his grip and got myself dressed.
“I’m heading down for breakfast,” I told Tamlin. He didn’t rouse from his sleep. “Okay, sleepyhead. Stay in bed. I can practice by myself.”
I opted to eat in the kitchen with the cooks instead of using the dining room by myself. They told me stories of great feasts that happened in years before I was even born. Tamlin still hadn’t made his way downstairs so I offered to help clean up before heading outside to train.
“You shouldn’t wander too far into the forest, there are still creatures that lurk and there are not many guards,” one warned as I headed outside. I nodded in thanks.
I stayed close to the garden, practicing my wind manipulation on the dummies for hours. I reached out to Tamlin, he was still asleep.
Maybe he’s sick.
My curiosity started to taunt me. I looked around, no sentries in sight and the gardeners must be working on the front, I turned towards the forest line.
“How bad can anything be,” I mutter to myself, “It’s not like the king will be lurking in the bushes.”
But the circle shaped scar on my left palm tingled and became itchy the more I walked through the trees. What could that mean. The crown shaped scar in my right palm had started to heal, 200 years after I received it, I stopped to stare at my hands. What had the scars symbolized? I would have to dig deep into my memories to find my answer.
There were others in the forest, I could sense them as I got closer. Being blinded most of my life meant my other senses were better. I leaned against a tree, closing my eyes and listened, smelt.
Several males. My body went taunt and my bones told me to go back to Rosehall. But then the gentle wind of the Spring Court blew past me, taking my scent right to their noses.
One, who I knew to be the High Lord of the Night Court winnowed in front of my path home. I let out a scream, sending a message through the link to Tamlin that I needed help. He cocked his head to the side before reaching out his hand. I ran left, ignoring what he was saying to me.
He and the others ran after me.
I’m coming, Tamlin growled through the link. I didn’t slow down. Branches scratched my face and snagged my dress. The slippers I wore were poor footwear for escaping. I hesitated when I entered a clearing. A pond disrupted my path and I had a second to decide which way to go around it.
I took too long though. A body collided with mine, knocking me forward and landing on top of me. I closed my eyes to protect them from the dirt that sprung as we slid across the ground.
“Eris,” I knew that voice belonged to Lucien, “Get off of her.”
Tamlin charged into the clearing, in his animal form, and went straight for the head of the male on top of me. The other High Lord cut him off.
“Tamlin,” Rhysand cooed, “This is just a misunderstanding.” Another bat-winged male came into the clearing.
Tamlin gave a warning growl. My scar was burning now.
“So this is the little prize you brought back from the continent,” the voice above me taunted, “It doesn’t seem like that much.”
“Eris,” Lucien warned again.
“Get off of her,” Tamlin shifted back into his fae form, glaring, “Or I’ll rip your head off.”
“Fine,” His weight was removed from my back, I kept my face in the dirt. “Come now, I have manners.”
I looked up at Tamlin, he was observing. It came to my attention that the other male was offering his hand. Reluctant, I turned out, and reached for his hand. His fingers were cold though I could feel fire in his veins. My body was lifted and I situated myself back on my feet. I saw the dirt and tears on my dress, and I was sure my face didn’t look much better, but I had some manners too.
My eyes rose to meet his and thank him, but… Something gold and bright shined deep within me. I hissed in a breath. He was the male from my visions before.
“Mother above,” someone said.
I couldn’t pull my eyes away from him. The burning of the scar got hotter as the second ticked on.
“Well, isn’t this an interesting change of conflict,” Rhysand clapped his hands together.
I tried to step back, but his grip on my hand tightened.
“Tamlin,” I turned my head. Tamlin frowned, but he did not reach for me. The scar became so hot that my skin blistered. I hissed, pulling the palm to my face for examination.
“You’re my mate,” He finally spoke, though his words made the scar hurt more. I cried out from the pain, ignoring what he said.
“You’re burning her,” Tamlin shoved the male, my mate, aside, taking my hand and examining it. I started crying from the pain.
“Let go of her,” He growled, suddenly behind me, his arms wrapped around my middle.
“Eris can’t hurt her,” Rhysand spoke, though he and his companion stayed back, “Tamlin get back before you’re burnt to ash.”
Indeed, flames were beginning to form around them, though they were not hot to her. Not in comparison to whatever was happening to her palm. Tamlin gave me a pitiful look before dropping my arm.
I’m sorry, he spoke through the link, There’s nothing I can do to keep you here.
Eris sent another warning growl, his grip around me tightening, before orange and red engulfed my vision and I was winnowed away.
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luvhollands · 3 years
Hurts so Good (CHEATING!TOM) No smut! :(
You knew what he was doing, who he was with. You wasn't stupid when he thought you were sleeping coming in late at night, that smell of another woman's perfume slapping you across the face which left an invisible scar - every time he lied on the phone when he claimed to be out with friends but you could hear the other bitch's laughter and insults as she called you clueless dummy for thinking your man was faithful. You've been Tom's sun and moon for years, before and during fame; you thought the money nor thirsty hoes would get in-between but you never felt more ashamed as you stayed with him. You had nowhere to run and you practically gave up everything to stay with him, after he said he'd take care of you and you didn't have to waste a dime you accepted his words as he treated you like a queen. The fights got more intense and the sex got less satisfying, he went out more than usual and forbid you to touch his phone. He'd get more defensive and upset when you accused him of cheating and you believed every lie he told because you loved him so much.
Tonight was no other, there was no point in messaging him about anything considering the only place he was is in another girl's bed. You laid in the tub, letting the tears sting your cheeks; you were empty inside and fully heartbroken. You didn't care anymore and at some point it hurt to even see yourself in the mirror, wondering what was so wrong with you that he'd want to disrespectful your relationship. You wasn't expecting to hear the front door open and the groans that came from the drunken Tom as you rolled your eyes and quickly flushed the water down the drain and exited the bathroom; throwing on a tank top and cotton panties. The sounds of your boyfriend's footsteps got closer to your shared bedroom as he opened the door. His shirt was nearly ripped apart and his neck was covered in hickeys that wasn't made by you, you scoffed at his current state and didn't dare speak to him. "Y/N? Come on. I want to f-fuck you!" He hiccupped which made your stomach turn in disgust. "Go fuck that other bitch." You snapped, not even looking at him as he chuckled. "Don't be like that, I dumped her right after I left the bar - I couldn't even touch her...although she had amazing tits." The sound of him laughing at his own words made your heart sunk further and all the frustration and betrayal built inside made you get up from the bed and charge at him, immediately slapping the cursed smirk from his face. Tom fell against the door before glaring at you - giving another smirk as he in quick movements picked you up and throw you on the large bed, getting between your legs while you used them to kick and your arms to punch at his chest.
He hissed at the pain; trying to restrain your swinging arms but you couldn't control yourself.
"Get off of me, Tom!" You screamed - even more tears staining your redden face. Tom noticed the hurt in your eyes as he scrambled off your body; the alcohol was long gone from his system. You sat up and continued to cry, "Y/N...baby-" He began but you growled at him for calling you that nickname, you weren't his baby anymore, right when he started talking to the girl he's been cheating on you with.
"I'm sorry! Shit, I'll just leave you alone."
You gazed at him. "Why did you cheat? How could you leave me like I was nothing?!" You stood up again, and Tom backed away - not looking forward to argue nor fight. "The fact you walk into this house and pretend like I don't see or smell everything that whore marked on you! The fact she could never love you the way I do...how you weren't even thinking about me when you had your hands on her."
Tom ran a hand through his brunet hair, "I'm done with her. When I pictured you and saw how broken you must've been I couldn't treat you like that! I mean bloody hell, you could've fucked any guy you wanted when you saw me with her."
"I didn't," You mumbled.
"So why didn't you?!" He shouted, "Because I fucking love you Tom."
Aight ya’ll - this is supposed to have a part two but I didn’t feel like writing it because it’s gonna be long, right after I post this I’ll be posting another story...with smut dis time.
Au revoir!
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biggest-stupidhead · 3 years
Bad Timing (Levi x Reader) Part 8
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Summary: how do you tell your friends that you’re falling for your big brothers’ best friend?
Word Count: 4.8K
You woke up late the next morning, having forgotten to plug in your phone which also functioned as your alarm. Instead Hange had busted into your room and ripped the blankets off of you, exposing you to the chilly air. You yelped and reached blindly for the covers, your mind too foggy with sleep to comprehend how late you were.
"Rise and shine sleeping beauty." Hange sang as she jostled your shoulder.
"School starts in like thirty minutes come on bust a move." That woke you up. You tossed your legs over the edge and stumbled around your room, pulling on a pair of joggers and a large t shirt. Hange had left once she was sure that you were awake, leaving you alone to get ready. You didn't bother with make up, not that you ever really did. You double checked that you had all of your supplies for school before zipping up your bag and meandered down the steps. Erwin and Hange were already pulling on their shoes by the door, Erwin was wrapping one of his scarves around Hange's neck. You scrunched your nose in disgust at their outright display of affection and shoved your feet into a pair of old sneakers.
The three of you exited the house, and made a beeline for Erwin's minivan which had been heating up to melt off the frost and snow. The drive was slow and cold, the van was dated so no matter how early Erwin woke up to heat up the car for you, it would always be colder than the Arctic. Erwin also drove like a god damn grandpa in the winter due to the icy roads which didn't help. Finally you made it to school with only five minutes before the bell rang, you bolted into the building, you were in such a hurry that you didn't bother to stomp the snow off your feet as you entered. Which was a mistake because in your hast you lost your footing on the already slick floor, you yelped as you fell flat on your ass. You blinked as you tried to comprehend what had just happened, you were brought back to the present by the sound of boisterous laughter. You turned to glare at Connie and Sasha who where standing to the left munching on a bag of hot cheetos.
"You should've seen the look on your face!" Connie howled as he slapped his thigh. Sasha giggled and nodded as she wiped cheeto dust on Connie's white shirt while he wasn't watching. You rolled your eyes as you picked yourself up off the floor, you ignored them and pushed forward down the hall. Sasha and Connie trailed after you since they had the same first class as you, making jokes as they went.
"You know they really should put out those yellow signs, you know the ones with the person falling?" Sasha joked loudly.
"Yeah I know what you mean, then we could print out a picture of (Y/n)'s face and then stick it on the sign." Connie quipped which lead to the two of them dissolving into another fit of laughter. You ducked into the class room as the minute bell rang weaving through the desks to get to your seat. Armin watched you with wide eyes as you pulled your things out for chem, after your desk was covered in notebooks and pens you topped it off with your phone, which was still dead. The bell rang and then Sasha and Connie staggered in, your teacher shook her head and marked them tardy once again.
"Did you get my text last night?" Armin asked, eyeing your phone on your desk.
"Aw no Armin I'm sorry, I didn't charge it last night so it's dead." you apologized as you attempted to organize your cluttered desk. Armin smiled sweetly and nodded,
"It's all good! I was just wondering what your schedule for this week was and if you wanted to study together again?" Armin explained as he pushed his pencil across his desktop.
"I'd love to study, Geometry is kicking my ass right now." you moaned, the thought of your math class made your stomach heavy with dread.
"I can help you with that if you can help me with poem for English." Armin said softly, his blue eyes sparkling with a playful glint. You rolled your eyes you knew that Armin wouldn't need your help with any of his classes, he was just trying to make you feel smarter.
"Whatever you want baby doll." Armin's face flushed at the pet name that you used for him, you had recently started calling him the nickname due to his doll like features. He averted his gaze to the board where the teacher had written a warm up question on the board to get class started. Instead of working on the problem like a good student, you decided to use the first five minutes of class time to revive your dead phone. You plugged your charger into your laptop and then plugged your phone into the charger, once you saw the tiny lightning bolt you turned your attention to the board.
Chemistry went by uncharacteristically fast, the teacher kept the class busy with a lecture as well as a rowdy game of kahoot in preparation for your midterm. You had no time to check your phone, so it wasn't until you were walking through the hallway with Mikasa and Sasha that you noticed that Levi had responded. According to your phone, he had responded only fifteen minutes after you sent the initial message.
"My bathroom schedule is none of your concern."
You smiled at your phone, it may not seem like he was pleased with your text but you knew better. You had come to appreciate Levi's own weird way of showing that he cared, it had been no small feat either. So you decided to interpret his response as "don't worry I'm fine." you shoved your phone back into your pocket and continued to push through the throng of students in the hall. Sasha walked a few paces in front of Mikasa and you, swinging her lunchbox and humming along to whatever song was playing through her ear buds. Mikasa tugged her scarf up over her nose as you passed Eren who waved vaguely in your direction. Your eyes roamed over Mikasa's form, she had recently switched her aesthetic a bit, changing her wardrobe to a more soft goth mixed with grunge.
Today she wore a green plaid skirt with a belt cinched tightly around her thin waist. She had selected a black turtleneck that clung to her curves with a thick silver necklace with a heart pendant. And of course she wore her red scarf around her neck. You had to admit that it suited her, she looked hot as hell. Sasha on the other hand often dressed in a more causal manner. Today the brunette wore a pair of baggy jeans that hung off her hips, only staying in place because of the shoe lace that she had tied around her waist to function as a belt. Despite the cold weather Sasha wore a tiny pink cami with cute little strawberries on it, she also wore a light pink cardigan over the cami, presumably to prevent herself from being dress coded. Seeing how cute your friends had dressed made you feel embarrassed, you frowned down at your sweatpants and your t shirt that had an ugly bleach stain on the front. You'd do better tomorrow, you thought to yourself as you and Mikasa followed Sasha to your next class, which was World History.
The three of you arrived just in time, not that it mattered anyway. The history teachers always took their time on Mondays, spending a minimum of at least twenty minutes in the hall chatting about sports. You took your seats in the back of the room, surprisingly Connie and Jean were already seated and arguing quietly.
"-I don't know that's a bit sus but hey I won't judge." Connie retorted, crossing his arms and averting his gaze while Jean glared at him.
"What are you guys talking about?" Sasha interrupted as she dropped into her seat next to Connie. Jean's cheeks flushed as he hardened his glare on Connie who waved Sasha off.
"Oh nothing" Connie winked at Jean who eyed the pair suspiciously, knowing that neither one could keep a secret.
"Aw ok then." Sasha looked a bit disappointed as she dropped her huge lunchbox down on the desk.
"Got anything good in there?" Jean sighed, eager to change the subject.
"Duh you dummy." Sasha scoffed as she opened the bag and began pawing through it's contents.
"Let me rephrase that: Got anything to spare? I have practice tonight and I didn't pack any snacks." Jean exasperated as he pointed to the lung box. Sasha paused and pursed her lips in thought while Connie poorly covered his laughter.
"Hmmm what's in it for me?" Sasha hummed thoughtfully as she pulled out a variety of granola bars and fanned them in front of her face tauntingly.
"I'm giving you the chance to be a good friend that should be enough!" Jean fumed with his eyes locked on the bars. You watched the pair go back in forth as they bartered for the snacks until they finally settled that Jean would be the designated driver for the party this weekend. You watched as Jean stuffed a handful of granola bars in his soccer bag and Sasha opened up another bag of hot cheetos. You giggled and turned to gauge Mikasa's reaction, she had a small smile on her full lips as she jotted down some notes.
"Speaking of parties, where is the party this weekend?" You asked as you pulled your own notebook out to take some notes. Connie cocked his head, his thin eyebrows furrowing as he stared at you.
"Your house I thought." Connie remarked as he drummed his pencil against the desk.
"Oh, I wasn't really planning on hosting but..."
"No Connie it's at Marco's remember?" Jean stated as he rolled his eyes.
"My bad." Connie chuckled.
"Well still I don't think I was invited so I wouldn't want to impose." you admitted.
"Nonsense! Marco would love to have you over." Sasha assured you as she once again wiped her hand on Connie's sleeve.
"Yeah Marco wouldn't mind if you tagged along." Connie shrugged, not even noticing that Sasha had left a bright red stain on his sleeve from the cheeto dust. You noticed that Jean looked a bit uncomfortable, the tips of his ears turning a bit pink. Strange, maybe something happened between the two of them.
"I don't know guys, I really wouldn't want to take advantage of the guy, he seems really nice and I wouldn't want him to think badly of me." you sighed, thinking about the sweet freckled barista.
"I'll ask him, don't worry about it!" Connie waved you off before he turned back to his work. You nodded, deciding to throw in the towel with this argument.
After history, you went your separate ways with your friends and went to your next class. English was easy enough, your teacher was an older woman who also doubled as the theater director. This meant that she would often assign some busy work at the beginning of the period and turn you loose so she could make preparations for the next production. So once you finished the assignment for today's class you allowed yourself some time on your phone. Levi's message remained unanswered as you ran through all the possible replies. Everything that you thought of didn't seem to fit so you decided to leave it unanswered until you could think of something good.
Levi tapped his foot impatiently as he watched Farlan and Isabel fumbled around the small flat. Farlan was rooting through a bin filled with shoes searching for his loafers. Isabel was standing in front of a small mirror holding up two different pairs of earrings up to her head to see which best matched her outfit. Finally they both found what they were looking for, Farlan slid on his brown loafters and Isabel fastened her hoops to her ears and then they were off. The streets of Paris were dusted in about a foot of snow, which Farlan bitched about due to his poor choice of footwear.
"Can we please call an uber? My toes are going to fall off!" Farlan complained as he shook snow out of his shoes. Isabel giggled and tossed her scarf over her shoulder.
"I like the snow." her green eyes sparkled playfully as she teased the older boy.
"So do I but that doesn't mean I want it between my god damn toes." Farlan hissed as he lifted his other foot to shake out more snow. Levi watched the pair bicker with a certain fondness in his gaze. They had been his first friends and for a time his only family. After his mother died, he was sent to live in an orphanage where he met the odd pair. Even if he was only in the orphanage for two years, he still had come to love the idiots. Thankfully they never lost touch, Farlan had turned 18 in July so he now had custody of Isabel and rented a flat for the both of them. Isabel was still only 16 so technically Farlan was her legal guardian, and so far he seemed to be doing a good job.
"What do you think Levi, should we call an uber?" Isabel asked, bumping her shoulder into Levi's to grab his attention.
"We're already almost there." Levi deadpanned as the three of them meandered down the sidewalk. The city was surprisingly busy for a Monday evening, couples walked with arms linked, families were window shopping, and students sat perched on barstools as they drank coffee while they typed away on laptops. Levi couldn't remember much about Paris, at least not this side of the city. He had grown up in the north-eastern district, which was known to be poorer than the central district or southern district. Farlan had managed to get a job at a law firm as an assistant which had allowed him to move himself and Isabel to the central district. Of course Kenny sent Farlan and Isabel a monthly allowance to keep their heads above water, but it was mostly Farlan who had scrounged the money together to move the pair.
"Then it's settled! We'll walk!" Isabel whooped as she skipped ahead of the two boys. Farlan groaned and shot Levi a disappointed look.
"Don't look at me like that, you're the idiot that wore loafers." Levi scolded.
"I hate how you're always right." Farlan chuckled. The trio walked the rest of the way to the restaurant in relative silence. Thankfully the walk wasn't too long, they sat themselves in a booth. A waiter came and took their orders, Levi was slightly taken aback when Farlan ordered a bottle of wine, but he quickly remembered that the legal drinking age in France was 18. The waiter left them to put in their order, Levi took the moment of peace to check his phone. A hand full of texts from Hange, a meme from Erwin, and.... no response from you.
He frowned as he stared at his own response, looking back at it he wasn't sure how she could respond to that. He mentally kicked himself, for the first time in your odd relationship you showed an interest in him and all he was doing was pushing you away. Levi was so deeply engrossed in his thoughts that he failed to notice that the waiter had already brought them their drinks. Isabel tapped her straw on the table a few times to rip the paper, once the tip of the straw was exposed she lifted the straw to her lips and blew. The paper shot off the straw and hit Levi square in the chin. Farlan snorted and spat his wine back into his glass so he could laugh at Levi's exasperated expression. Isabel howled with laughter, she banged her hand on the table dramatically as Levi frowned at the two of them unimpressed.
"How old are you?" Levi ridiculed as he stooped to pick up the scrap piece of paper. He balled the trash up and set it down on the table top. Farlan sighed as he finally managed to quell his laughter.
"Someone has to keep you humble Levi." Farlan teased as he took another sip of wine. Levi reached for the bottle and poured himself a glass, Isabel was drinking a root beer loudly through her straw. Levi sat his phone down on the table as he gave his friends his undivided attention. Isabel told him about her job at a doggy day care where she cleaned kennels and watched dogs. Farlan told him about his superiors and how they told him he would make a good lawyer one day. Levi felt a huge sense of relief as he listened to his friends, he was glad that the two of them were finally making a living for themselves. Levi was politely listening to Farlan rant about one of his annoying coworkers when he noticed that Isabel had grown uncharacteristically quiet. His heart dropped when he saw that Isabel had his phone and was frowning at the screen. Farlan followed his gaze and grew quiet as well.
"Isabel what do you think you are doing?" Levi enunciated each word, his tone dripping with venom. Isabel looked up at him, her cheeks tinged pink when she realized that she had been caught.
"Your phone was open and I saw her text..." Isabel trailed off as she turned to show Farlan. Levi slapped his palm over his face and sighed deeply. Farlan whistled lowly as he read the text.
"Shot her down real quick didn't you Levi." Farlan chuckled as he took another sip of wine. Levi frowned, another wave of guilt washing over him.
"Didn't mean to." he mumbled as he lifted his glass to his lips. Isabel had already set his phone down and favored her own phone, her eyes were scanning over the screen quickly as she scrolled through her phone. A few minutes of silence passed before Isabel showed Levi her screen, she had pulled up your instagram.
"This her?" she questioned, Levi only gave her a curt nod as he finished off the wine in his glass.
"Aw Levi's she's adorable!" Isabel gushed as she scrolled through your page, pausing on one of your more popular posts. A series of pictures of you on a beach towel wearing large sunglasses and a huge sun hat, the quality was amazing. He was sure that Armin took the photo, the kid had a knack for photography.
"Damn if you don't want her I'll take her." Farlan hummed as he looked over Isabels shoulder. Levi shot Farlan a disapproving glare.
"What's her number?" Farlan pressed, Isabel choked on her drink as she burst out laughing.
"Forget about it." Levi hissed as he snatched his phone off the table top.
"I'm just teasing you Levi." Farlan waved his hand dismissively as he poured another glass of wine. Levi rolled his eyes and let out a grunt, his own version of acknowledging Farlan's good natured jokes.
"You should call her." Isabel mused as she chewed on her food. Levi furrowed his brows, what would he even say to you? It's not like the two of you casually conversed, he usually only called you if Erwin couldn't reach you, which rarely happened. He glanced at his watch and frowned, if it was eight o'clock here that meant it was about two back home. Therefore you were still in school so he would have to wait until later.
"That's a dumb idea." Levi monotoned, Isabel rolled her eyes dramatically.
"No it's not, even if you're just her friend I'm sure she would like to know that she's on your mind!" Isabel insisted enthusiastically, Farlan nodded in agreement as he shoveled a forkful of pasta into his mouth.
"She's right you know-" Farlan paused as he swallowed his mouthful of food, "not everyone can handle your cold demeanor as well as others." Farlan chided as he lifted another bite to his lips.
"Fine I'll call her." Levi caved in as he stabbed his fork into his salad. Isabel squealed in excitement.
"This is great Big-bro! I'm so proud of you!" she gushed, her eyes glimmering with adoration. Levi couldn't resist reaching across the table and ruffling her hair affectionately. Dinner ended without any more noteworthy events, Farlan and Levi split the check and then bundled back up to walk back to the flat.
You sat at your dining room table staring hopelessly at your geometry homework. A bowl of cold soup sat untouched, you had been too stressed to eat dinner, a habit that you had recently picked up. Erwin and Hange had made dinner so you could get straight to work, which had been very sweet, but you felt guilty because truthfully you had barely made a dent in your assignment. You thought about calling Armin, he would help you. No you couldn't bother him, he was probably doing work of his own.
So you suffered in silence, the shapes and numbers spinning in your brain the longer you stared at the page. With a frustrated sigh you flipped the page only to see more blank problems that needed to be done. You stood up intending to stretch your legs and take a brain break. After you'd walked around the island in your kitchen three times you came back to the table and dropped down into the chair. You cracked your knuckles before clutching your pencil in a death grip and began to attempt one of the questions. As you scribbled on the page, attempting to make sense of the numbers and letters, you pressed too hard on your pencil and snapped the lead. You watched the tiny piece of lead roll across the page, out of spite you swiped your hand over the page to wipe the lead off.
Your eyes widened at the large smudge that now marred your paper. It all started with a single tear, it rolled down your cheek and splashed onto your paper. Before you could really understand why, you were absolutely bawling your eyes out at the dining room table. Was it because you were frustrated with school? Yeah that was definitely part of the reason. Before you could spiral into a dark pit of self deprecation, you were rudely interrupted by your phone ringing. You squinted through your bleary eyes to see that it was already 10:30 pm. You sighed, not really caring who was on the other end of the line you answered the phone.
"What" you blurted, not really in the mood to talk.
"Well? I'm kind of in the middle of something right now." your voice quivered as you fought back tears .
"Is...this a bad time?" your heart dropped at the sound of Levi's smooth voice.
"Uh" you sniffled and wiped your eyes.
"No it's not I can talk, what's the matter Levi?" you asked as you continued to wipe your eyes.
"Are you sure?" Levi probed, you nodded despite the fact that he couldn't see you. You stood up and began to pace around the kitchen once more.
"Y-Yeah-" you hiccuped and cringed, Levi sighed on the other end of the line.
"(Y/n) be honest with me....are you drunk?" Levi interrogated, you gasped it was a Monday night! Did he really think that you were that much of an alcoholic?
"No! I just...."
"Hm? What is it?" Levi quipped clearly enjoying your frazzled state.
"If you must know, I was in the middle of a mental break down." you admitted with a heavy sigh. Levi went silent on the other line, you were beginning to regret your honesty.
"It's only Monday." Levi cringed at his less than empathetic response.
"Yeah you're telling me." you chuckled, Levi immediately relaxed at the sound of your laughter even if it wasn't as bubbly as it usually was.
"What's bothering you?" Levi asked, surprisingly softly. You furrowed your brows surely he didn't call you just to hear about your day? He was probably just being nice.
"Oh uh... just school I guess." you paused your pacing to drop onto the sofa and kick your feet up onto the coffee table.
"I see." Levi mused as he reclined in the armchair he was seated in.
"Anyway, enough about me, why did you call me? Is there something you need?" you asked, you were sure that he didn't want to hear you complain about geometry.
"It's fine, tell me about your day." Levi grimaced, tell me about your day? Who was he your mother?
"O-Okay. Well I guess it was fine up until I tried to do this stupid geometry." you grumbled, the mere thought of your homework making your stomach sick with dread.
"Geometry?" Levi hummed, crossing his leg so his ankle was over his knee.
"Yeah." you sighed dejectedly, waiting for his scathing remark about how stupid you were.
"That one can be tough." Levi huffed, you could hear him re-situate so you waited to respond. Once you were sure he was settled you inhaled sharply to prepare yourself.
"It's just not clicking for me." you groaned, Levi snorted and once again you could hear some shuffling.
"Want some help?" he asked. You blinked slowly, not fully processing his words.
"Take it or leave it."
"I would be an idiot to decline."
"That wasn't so bad was it?" Levi asked, a playful glint in his grey eyes.
"It was awful, but I'm grateful for the help." you sighed, resting your head on the table. You'd been on the phone with Levi for almost two hours now. After he had offered to lend you a hand you had switched to facetime so he could see the problems. Levi tapped his pen on the counter top he was sitting at. Yeah you heard that right, Levi does math with a fucking pen like a psychopath.
"Anytime." his lip twitched upwards ever so slightly.
"God, I'm sorry that all we talked about was fucking math." you apologized.
"It's fine really. " Levi shrugged once again tapping his pen on the counter.
"Tell me about Paris? How are things on the other side of the pond?" you joked, finally able to genuinely smile now that the stress of your homework was lessened.
"First off, never say 'pond' again. Second, it's cold as a witch's tit over here." Levi enunciated each point by tapping the pen against the counter.
"Really? Is there snow over there?" You asked, suddenly very invested in the weather in France.
"Yeah there's a fuck ton." Levi stood up and brought his phone with him to a window. You could tell that he was on a high floor, you could see the lights of the city through the flurries of snow.
"Woah, it's so pretty!" you gushed as you admired Levi's view.
"Tch, I guess." Levi clicked his tongue as he flipped the camera back onto his face.
"Hey what time is it there?" you yawned.
"Six am." Levi deadpanned.
"What!! Why did you let me keep you up so late Levi! My god go to bed." you huffed incredulously. Levi rolled his eyes as he listened to you lecture him on the importance of a good nights rest.
"I mean seriously Levi no wonder why you're always so grumpy." you finished your rant as you closed your bedroom door and began pulling out a pair of flannel pj pants and a large hoodie since your room seemed to be particularly chilly. You dropped your phone onto your bed (camera down obviously) and began to change into your pjs.
"Don't worry about it sweetheart." Levi drawled, his voice a bit muffled by your comforter. Once you picked up the phone you dropped down onto your bed and sighed.
"Seriously, I'm just adjusting to the time change." Levi shrugged, he was now in his own room, also laying on the bed a pale morning glow seeping into the room.
"Uh huh sure." you teased, a smile spreading across your lips. After a moment of silence you decided that it was time to call it a night.
"Well, unlike you I need my beauty sleep." you said groggily.
"Good luck with that." Levi scoffed, his own voice a bit scratchy.
"Thanks again Levi. Goodnight or erm, Good morning I guess." you giggled as you watched Levi try to cover up a yawn.
"Yeah yeah whatever." He scoffed, you waved as you hung up. You rolled over and plugged your phone in, having learned from your past mistake. You sighed contently as you snuggled beneath the covers, your head filled with thoughts of geometry and Levi.
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tomtenadia · 3 years
A Little Braver  - Chapter 3
Here we are with ch. 3
This one has some action and i hope it’s even remotely believable. it has been a hard one to write.
There is a bit of development for our two idiots.
And well... Rowan loves to fuss....
It was the following morning, and Rowan was in the car with Lorcan on their way to the fire station. They had decided not to call. He had a feeling that Aelin would have refused a meeting with him out of spite.
He parked the car on the street as the previous day and when he noticed smoke he realised they were probably having another drill. Shit, he should have called. She was busy with the performance review as well. 
“Is the building on fire?”
Rowan shook his head “they are training. The tower over there is used to run drills.”
They walked in the main yard and Rowan pulled Lorcan to the side in order not to distract the team.
The truck was in front of the tower and all the hoses were deployed and same for the ladder. One man, Nox if he remembered correctly was at the very top of it. Aedion looked in charge, Ansel was near the truck with a very nervous looking Luca and they both were in charge of the hoses and the water. The rest of the group was not there and Rowan assumed they were inside. She was inside.
“Where is your fierce Captain?”
“Inside.” Replied Rowan without removing his eyes from the scene in front of him. He looked up at the top of the ladder and felt sick. As a pilot he was used to altitudes but in a different way. And although the man at the top of it was fully harnessed he still felt queasy at the scene. Then his heart jumped when he noticed her. She appeared at the window with a dummy, a victim. She passed it to Nox on the ladder with an agility that impressed him, then she went over the window ledge and climbed down the ladder with swiftness. And he laughed. He had helped her climb off the small jet ladder not knowing that she was used to far worse. She kept surprising him. She jumped off the last two rungs of the ladder and ran to Aedion for probably an update. Her mask pulled on her head. 
He heard some radio chatter but did not manage to catch the message but guessed it was not good as Aelin sprinted into the building. A moment later Aedion shouted an order and he saw both Ansel and Luca concentrate the flow of water to another point of the building.
“I think the wind has shifted.” Muttered Rowan clenching his fists in a nervous gesture. Something had gone wrong.
Ren ran out of the building and both Lysandra and Elide ran to him when they saw him collapse exhausted on his knees after dropping off his dummy. A moment later he stood again sending the paramedics away.
How long had they been at it?
He turned to Lorcan and noticed that the man was staring at Elide with interest.
A moment later Aelin reappeared with a dummy on her shoulders, she dropped it on the ground in front of Aedion. Ress and Brullo followed a soon after with two more dummies and he saw Brullo lifting six fingers to Aelin. They still had six dummies to save and there were already four on the ground. The three disappeared again and his terror came back.
It was and half an hour later when the ten dummies were finally all out and Ress and Brullo had carried the last one but no sign of Aelin. Rowan moved a step closer.
Aedion called her over the radio but the silence was killing him. At the third call Ress pulled back on his equipment and dashed back into the building ignoring Aedion’s orders to stand down. When he was younger he did something like that. His wingman had got stuck with a jet on his tail and could not shake the enemy off while chasing another plane. Rowan had ignored his CO’s order to stand down and clear his share of foes, and went to give help to his mate. He caught one hell of a reprimand for that escapade of his.
He snapped back to reality when he heard an explosion ripple through the building and the fire flashed stronger for an instant. Everyone shouted apart from Aedion. Rowan wandered if that was part of the exercise as well.
“That was savage,” commented Lorcan.
Finally two figures appeared from the smoke. A badly limping Aelin was leaning against Ress. His heart stopped.
Lysandra and Elide ran to her and the three helped her to the ambulance.
“Do they always have an ambulance or only when they do drills?” Asked Lorcan following the scene in fascination.
“I did some research and apparently each firehouse has a set of EMTs as well. All firefighters are trained in basic medical emergencies help but they cannot concentrate on the medical side while helping with the emergency so if the call requires medical assistance like a fire or an accident, they are followed by an ambulance.” Rowan pointed to the two women “the taller of the two is Lysandra. She is the paramedic in charge. She is the senior one and the one making the medical decisions. The other one is Elide her partner.”
His tension lifted a bit when he saw Aelin standing, she removed her heavy jacket and took the water bottle Lysandra offered her.
She looked exhausted, there was no way she would have time for him.
Her head snapped in his direction as if she felt his stare in her.
With a heavy limp she made her way to him and Lorcan.
“Captain, Commodore.” She said with tired voice.
“That was one scary drill.” Confessed Rowan staring at her. Her face was covered in soot and her blue eyes stood out like beacons. Gods, even covered in soot she could take his breath away.
“Were you worried about me?” Challenge in her tone. She was definitely still mad at him.
“The explosion…”
Aelin turned to look at the training tower, now completely extinguished.
“That was calculated. It was meant to happen after a certain amount of time. Only Aedion and I usually know about these things. They are meant to keep us on our toes. The drill today should have finished well before the explosion. But a few things did not go as planned. But that’s how things go in a real fire.”
“You should sit.” He told her. She had limped all the way to him.
“I am fine, I had worse. I don’t need coddling.” She looked at him “why are you two here, by the way? I don’t remember getting in touch with you.” Her tone was harsh.
“It’s my fault, captain. I asked captain Whitethorn to take me here. I wanted to talk about some of the ideas you sent me yesterday by email.”
“I had to do so. Captain Whitethorn seems to have misplaced the materials I gave him. Quite rude of him, after I spent an afternoon working on it.”
Lorcan looked at Rowan as if to say, what did you do to piss her off so much.
“I’ll make sure he doesn’t do that anymore.”
Aelin glared at the captain “take your CO to my office and wait for me. I need to clean up.” And she limped away without giving the two men any more attention.
Rowan walked Lorcan to her office and the man slapped his neck “what the heck did you do? The woman is fucking furious with you.”
Rowan sat down on the chair and ignored Lorcan. 
“Do you know anything about the other EMT? Elide?”
Rowan’s head snapped in Lorcan’s direction at the comment “Are you kidding me?”
“She is cute.”
Rowan shook his head in disbelief.
“As if you don’t have the hots for the captain. You were nervous as hell while she was inside that inferno and only relaxed once she was out. And I have seen how you looked at her today. Have all the sex you want you two, just don’t fuck this up to satisfy your needs.”
Rowan stood and left the office. Once outside he leaned against the wall and closed his eyes. Lorcan was right. He had to keep it professional. No matter how he felt drawn to her. The project was far more important.
“Do you hate my office so much that you came outside for a nap?”
Rowan’s eyes snapped open. Aelin was in front of him. All clean and in her blue captain uniform. It was short sleeved and he noticed scars on her arms and other signs that clearly were burnt marks.
“Move your arse inside, sleeping beauty.”
Rowan peeled away from the wall and followed her inside and took back his place on the chair he had vacated.
“Sorry to keep you waiting Commodore. Had you phoned we could have arranged a convenient time. I don’t know if our esteemed captain had the good sense to tell you that we are due a performance review in three weeks and we are quite busy at the moment.”
“He did, but I was the one who had pushed. This visit was entirely my decision.”
“So I assume it’s important.”
Lorcan nodded “I have received a confirmation by my superiors that the works can go ahead. All of them.”
A huge smile appeared on Aelin’s face and Rowan almost melted at the sight.
Lorcan extracted a letter from inside his jacket “this is the budget I have been given for all the needs to be done.” He passed the letter to Aelin. 
She took it and smiled again “It seems like you begged quickly and pretty well.”
“I just explained to them the gravity of the situation and of what happened. I might have threatened them to call the press and reveal the real reason behind the fire. That made them listen.” He leaned back in his chair with a smug expression “such a scandal might reach the news, and then the government. If then the government caught whiff of how badly its budget was spent, well, let’s say the airforce might find itself with a lower budget at the next revision. And in my position I need to learn to play the political game as well. And I am quite goos at it.”
“As long as it got us the authorisations we needed I have no qualms on how you used your powers.”
“I hope the captain mentioned that if we get called for deployment we will have to drop all training. That’s why I was going to suggest if we can prioritise my pilots. So we know that it’s done. The ground staff stays behind so there is no urgency there.”
“I can’t see any problems in that, sir. Will you be joining us as well?”
“I thought I would, if you don’t mind.”
In his seat Rowan stared at the interaction and could not believe that Lorcan was actually charming her. He was speechless.
“Well, captain,” said Lorcan standing up “the captain and I will leave you in peace to rest. I apologise again for coming unannounced, I just felt it was something that had to be told in person.”
“I agree.” She stood shakily and Rowan almost jumped forward to grab her but she used the table to steady herself. She extended her hand and Lorcan returned the handshake. She gave him a smile and ignored Rowan altogether.
The two men left. She was about to sit down again when Rowan rushed back in her office.
“I am sorry, okay? I was trying to make a joke and I clearly failed. Humour has never been my stronger point. I am sorry. I had no intention to offend you.” He paced back and forth nervously. Aelin leaned against the desk heavily and stared at him.
“You are fierce, and fearless and I am in awe.” He fully turned to her, facing her “I don’t think for a second that you are a brat or a menace.”
Aelin finally put him out of his misery and smiled at him. Rowan sighed in relief.
“You are forgiven, captain.”
Rowan moved closer to her, going around the desk and sitting just beside where she was leaning “I think Lorcan has his eyes set on Elide.”
Aelin’s head snapped so fast that she lost balance and landed against him. Rowan’s arm flew around her to hold her in place “Easy.”
Aelin winced and she noticed Rowan’s worried gaze on her.
“You should really rest. Or at least sit down.”
Aelin nodded and sat down “so, tell me everything.”
Rowan sat back on the desk just in front of her “during your drill he spent the whole time staring at her. And while we waited for you, he asked me if I knew anything about her and admitted that he found her cute.” Rowan stopped “coming from Lorcan it’s very high praise.”
Aelin leaned back on the chair “he might be her type to be honest, but I need to investigate.”
She took out her phone from her pocket “give me your mobile number, Whitethorn.
He rattled out his number and she saved it under Pain in my arse.
“Hey,” he complained at the name.
“Until I find a better nickname.”
“What about my name?”
She shook her head “take it or leave it.”
As a protest he took his phone and changed her name from Captain Aelin to brat and showed it to her.
“Now we are even.”
Aelin grabbed his phone and changed her name “this is better.”
“My Queen?” He asked “high opinion of yourself I see?”
She giggled and a rebel lock of hair came loose and he almost reached to place it behind her ear but stopped himself. Boundaries. 
“I have a better one,” and took his phone back, typed something and showed it to her.
“It’s perfect. You are a firefighter, when you are mad you are as scary as that fire out there today,” and he pointed at the tower in the yard “and you have a heart that burns with passion.”
Aelin stared at him incapable of saying anything. 
“My mum used to call me like that.” She admitted “exactly for the last same reason you said. She said that even as a toddler I always had my ideas clear and I was always a little passionate brat about what I loved.” She felt tears sting her eyes but she took a deep breath and stopped them from spilling. She could not cry in front of him “No one ever called me that apart from her. Not even Aedion knew about the nickname.” She looked away from him for a moment.
“I can go back to My Queen if this makes you sad.”
Aelin reached for the hand leaning on his knee and gently grabbed his fingers “No, please. I would love you to call me like that.” And the tears eventually came and Rowan did the only thing his instincts told him to do. He pulled to her in a hug and let her sob against his chest. While it lasted he enjoyed the feeling of her against him, his arms holding her and the smell of her enveloping him.
“I am sorry,” she said once she was done and pulled back “I had a long day and I am in a lot of pain.”
 He lowered his arms “you should go home.”
“No,” she shook her head “I have far too much stuff to do. I’ll just ask Lys to give me something for the pain. I will be okay tomorrow.”
“Ok,” he yielded “let me know when you are home. You have my number now. Just a text.”
She rolled her eyes at him.
“Please.” And before he knew it, his hand reached for the strand of hair and pulled behind her ear. He might have lingered a bit too long but she leaned into the touch and closed her eyes for a second.
Then they both jerked away from the contact.
“Sorry.” He stood “I should go, Lorcan is probably waiting for me.”
“Yeah… sure…” she felt a savage blush rise on her face.
Then he left.
Once he was out of the door, she grabbed her phone and texted Lysandra: girls meeting.
By the time she hobbled to the ambulance, she noticed that Lysandra, Elide and Ansel were already sitting in the back of the vehicle with their usual stash of chocolate biscuits.
She sat down and groaned in pain.
“You should go and get the leg checked. I am just a paramedic. If you injure yourself badly before the review the station will kill itself.” Commented Lysandra noticing the state of her friend.
“I will be fine.”
“Is this meeting about your hot captain friend?”
Aelin nodded.
Lysandra grabbed a biscuits “had sex yet? Is he good? He must be. He is probably a god in bed.”
“No,” shouted Aelin “and, do I need to remind you that you are in a committed relationship with Aedion?”
“I know. And I still love him. Nothing stops me from making the eyes wander and fantasise a bit.”
“Anyway, no to the first one and I have no idea about the second.”
“What’s stopping you?” Asked Ansel while picking the chocolate chips for her biscuits and eating them one at a time.
“The fact that I have known him for three days and that we spent the majority of them fighting?”
“Angry sex can be fun, and wild.” The woman grinned.
“The guy doesn’t even like me.” But her mind wondered back to the moment in her office, the hug and the hair. 
“The important question is how do you feel about him?” Asked Elide.
Aelin sighed “I don’t know.” She finally grabbed a biscuit “he is hot. So, so hot.” Aelin took a bite and used the time for munching to think about how she felt “I really don’t know how I feel about him.” She looked away “but the main problem is that I don’t think I am ready. I can’t get involved again with another man. Especially not with another one who does a dangerous job. Losing Sam almost broke me. I can’t go through that a second time.”
“So you are never going to date anymore?” Asked Ansel.
“No, I will just date a guy with a very boring job. Like an accountant.”
“That is not a guarantee that you will have a happy relationship. What if you spend five years with the guy, then he cheats on you because he got bored and breaks your heart?”
Lysandra had a point, damn it.
“Have you tried to show him that you were interested?” This time it was Elide.
“No, I was too busy shouting at him.”
“Less shouting and more shagging, darling.” Was Ansel’s suggestion.
Lysandra and Elide chuckled and Aelin rolled her eyes.
“Also, if Aelin doesn’t act on it can I? I don’t have airforce Captain in my list.”
“No!” Shouted the other three women in unison.
“His squadron will come here for training, you can take your pick.”
From the little bit she had seen about Fenrys she had a feeling that he and Ansel would get along like a house on fire.
“Speaking of pilots,” Aelin turned to Elide “did you notice the man with Captain Whitethorn today?”
“Oh my gods yes. The tall dark haired hot as hell man? Hell yeah.”
Aelin laughed. She knew the man was Elide’s type.
“He is Whitethorn’s CO. His boss. He was here to discuss some things about our project. Anyway…”
“A bird told me that he noticed you as well.”
She saw Elide blush savagely. 
“He is coming back when the squadron comes for training. We can set you up.”
“NO.” shouted Elide.
“You girls know my past. What happened in one of my foster families. Because of that I never had a boyfriend which means I never….”
The girls knew about her past. She had lost her parents when she was twelve. She was sent to foster care and eventually a family adopted her. However the family was not what she hoped. The father was abusive and violent toward his wife and eventually he turned his attention to her in the worst possible way. Because of that Elide had always struggled with men and never had a boyfriend.
“He is good looking but I don’t know anything about him. I can’t…”
Aelin hugged her friend “you don’t have to do anything that you don’t feel comfortable doing.”
Elide pulled back “I am thirty and I never had anything like what you had with Sam or what you have with Aedion and whatever Ansel does. I want to experience it so badly.”
“What if we help you?’ Suggested Lys.
“I can investigate a bit more about Lorcan. I have an inside contact and if he is not worthy of you… well… we’ll find you a better candidate.”
Elide smiled.
“If he is worthy, and interested as Rowan affirmed, we can help you with what happens next.”
“We are going to be here for you.”
In that instant the dispatch alarm went off.
“Fuck it.” Said Ansel.
Both fire engine and ambulance were needed on the scene.
Aelin hobbled to Aedion “I am coming. I will not be inside. I will stay outside and direct the show. Just let me come.”
“As if I could stop you.”
When she struggled to get on the truck Aedion pushed her inside.
“Isn’t that the warehouse down at the river near the embankment?”
Aedion looked at the map “Shit. If the fire has spread to the embankment, that’s an area always full of people.”
“If the fire has spread we might have to call west station. They have two engines.” Added Ress.
“Speaking of which.” Continued Aedion “you are super buddy with Dorian, any chance we can get a budget boost to expand our station and get a second engine?”
“I have a meeting with him on Friday. He has been quite busy taking over his new job.”
They arrived at the scene five minutes later and it was far, far worse than expected.
The police had cordoned off a good part of the area, keeping people away.
Aelin got off the truck but almost ended on her knees when her left leg touched the ground. She hobbled behind Aedion. She called dispatch and asked to send west station to support them.
In the distance she spotted Chaol and joined him “what’s the situation?”
“Shouldn’t you be at home?”
“Chaol, what is the situation?”
“Alarm went off twenty minutes ago. Some witnesses reported an explosion and after that the fire had gotten worse. It seems out of control.” He continued “we had no idea if the warehouse was occupied. We evacuated the area and sent away all the passersby. We closed the embankment and the boats down the Florine have stopped for now.”
She patted him on the shoulder and walked away. Reached Aedion and recounted the situation to him “The explosion makes me think the worst. You are our explosive expert.”
Aedion nodded.
“Be safe, please.”
In that instant Aelin got a confirmation from dispatch that west Station was on its way with the two engines and another ambulance “Lieutenant, Captain, come in.”
“Aedion, go ahead.”
“Dispatch confirmed west is coming with two units. We got your back.”
“Copy that, captain.”
Then she turned to Lys and Elide “West is coming with an ambulance as well.”
All of a sudden an explosion rocked the sky and when Aelin lifted her eyes she discovered in horror that the fire had now spread to the attached warehouse.
“Fuck, fuck and fuck.”
They heard people screaming and running away from the building on fire.
“Chaol, I need crowd control,” she shouted to the policeman.
He nodded and took a few guys with him to help.
West arrived a few minutes later.
Thomas, the tall blonde captain of the station walked to her quickly “what are you doing outside?”
“Leg injury. I am directing the show.”
“This does not look pretty.”
Aelin shook her head “two explosions, two buildings involved.” She pointed at them “the second one went up just before you got here. Police is on crowd control and embankment is closed and empty.”
“Where do you want us?”
“Take one full team in the second building with you.” She ordered “then split the second team. Send some men in with my team and take the remaining with you. Have one engine with water on the second warehouse and send the other one here. The fire in this one if far worse.”
“Yes ma’am.”
“Thomas, be safe.”
He winked at her and ran back to his teams to give instruction on how to proceed.
“Lieutenant, captain west is here. Backup should be in in a few minutes.”
“Copy that.”
“Any updates?”
The radio crackled for a moment “this is a warehouse for the river boats. There is wood everywhere and I can smell solvents.”
Aelin swore. Of course. They would paint and more to treat the boats. 
“Aelin, Thomas.”
“Give me good news, please. It’s hell in here.”
“Be careful moving around. Chances your warehouse belongs to the embankment as well. Aedion smelled solvents.”
Aelin heard Thomas curse over the radio “exactly my feeling.”
Her phone in her pocket went off and when she saw it was Rowan she cursed. What did he want?
“Not now, captain. I am in the middle of something.” And she hang up.
With the corner of her eyes she noticed Lys, Elide and the other paramedics running to help some of the injured.
“Lys,” she called “do you need more units?”
“We don’t know yet.
“Aedion, captain,”
“Go ahead.”
“Tell the trucks to intensify the water. It’s an inferno in here. I found an entire room full of turpentine. This was a goner. But I definitely smelled it. I found another room — “ the conversation cut off and another explosion happened.
“Aedion come in.”
Silence over the radio.
“Aedion, anyone form east come in.”
“Thomas, Captain.”
“I heard. We found two closed rooms but we did not opened them. It stinks of turpentine here as well. Evacuating now and trying to take as many civilians as possible with us.”
“Aedion come in, please.” Panic was starting to rise in her voice as well.
“East team report in.”
Thomas was at her side a moment later “The fire in the second building will be under control soon, but it looks like the first building is in pretty bad shape.”
“How long will it take for stations outside Orynth to send help?”
He heart sank when Thomas shook his head.
“Three trucks are not enough for this inferno.”
Then she had an idea. She grabbed her phone and called Rowan. He answered at the first ring.
“Whitethorn shut up and listen to me. I need a favour, a big one. I am down at the embankment. It’s an inferno down here. Three trucks are not enough. We need air support. I need to get you arse in action and find a way to give us enough helicopters to fly over us and dump water on the fires. And I need it yesterday.”
“Copy that.” A pause “are you safe?”
“Yeah.” She looked at the fire “don’t let me down.”
He hung up the phone and she hoped he could pull a trick to save them all.
“I am going in,” said Thomas “ I’ll take my team. We need to try.”
“Find them, please.”
He patted her shoulder and went to gather his men and went back inside.
The pain in her leg had reached unbearable levels and she felt as if she could pass out.
“Are you okay?” Asked Ren noticing her in pain.
“Don’t worry about me. Worry about the water.”
“Thomas, remember not to open any doors. You risk giving turpentine more oxygen.”
“We found some factory workers, Ansel is taking them out.”
“I’ll have EMTs ready.’
She was turning to go to Lysandra when she found herself face to face with reporters.
“Are you in charge? Can you give us an update?”
Aelin counted till ten to avoid punching the bastards “This is a restricted area, I need to ask you to move away.”
Luckily in that instant Chaol ran there and took the reporters away and pushed them behind the cordoned off area.
“This is terrifying.”
“Thanks for the support you guys.”
“I love pushing away reporters. Such a fun job. You do your magic. I will keep an eye on them.”
Ansel cam out in that instant, a man on her shoulder a woman holding onto her and two more following her “Lys, I need you here.”
“We need help.” Said the woman.
Aelin nodded and called dispatch straight away and asked for more ambulances.
“ETA 5 minutes.”
Her phone went off again. Dorian. Damn.
“Hi sexy.”
“I just saw on the news. I am on my way back. How the situation?”
Aelin sighed “bad, multiple explosion in two boat warehouses down at the embankment. There are injured workers. West is here as well and the police has blocked off the whole perimeter and is doing crowd control. I have the airforce on its way for help with aerial support, hopefully.”
“Keep me updated. I should be there in five.”
Once she closed the conversation she noticed the text from Rowan we are coming.
Gods she could kiss the man.
“Thomas, Captain.”
“Go ahead, Cap.”
“Hold on a bit longer. Aerial support is coming.”
“Best fucking news since this hell has started.”
Five minutes later she saw Dorian in the distance and started walking toward him but half way through her leg gave up and she collapsed on the ground. The man was at her side in an instant and helped her up.
“You are injured.”
“Not important,” she breathed through gritted teeth.
“How long has it been?” Asked Dorian staring at the inferno all around them.
“It’s been almost an hour.”
“We are now at risk of collapse, you know that?”
Aelin nodded.
“I need to do something.” And he ran to his car and grabbed his gear and started getting ready.
Aelin walked to him “Dorian, you can’t. You are the chief.”
“I am a firefighter first and foremost. My rank, just now has very little use. You are doing an amazing job out here. I am needed inside.”
She put a hand on his shoulder “Be careful. They have found large quantities of turpentine.”
“I’ll be okay.” And he kissed her head and then walked away.
She could not stare at him go inside the building as well. She and Dorian had an interesting history. When she was still a probie she had served under him when he was captain. He had fallen in love with her but she always considered him as a great friend. Then she moved to east station and she told him that she did not reciprocate the feelings. He was a wonderful man. But for her he had always been a friend.
Brullo and Ress came out bringing more people.
Brullo shook his head in silence and she knew he meant they hadn’t found Aedion yet.
In that instant a loud noise shook the sky and Aelin looked up and saw two massive planes fly above their heads. They were the types of planes used to fight fires from the air. She had seen them in action during some forest fires. One of them made a pass over the second building and dumped all the water extinguishing the fire. The second one flew over the first warehouse, but one pass was not enough. She saw the plane head for the river and scoop up more water. 
“Thomas, Captain, do you hear the sound?”
“Yeah, what is that? The shockwaves are making the place vibrate.”
“That is the TAF. They are dumping water on the buildings. They are back coming for you. Hell should be over soon. Also, Dorian is on his way in.”
The conversation cut of as well and Aelin feared the worst.
With another three passes the fire was under control.
Aelin went to grab the hose from Luca and walked closer “Ren, follow me.”
They got closer to the building and started directing water inside the building and extinguish the last small fires still burning.
Aelin looked up as she heard the planes making another pass above their heads and smiled.
She owed Rowan a big one.
Aelin almost dropped the hose when she saw Dorian carrying out an injured Aedion.
“Lys,” shouted Aelin and when the woman noticed her man she ran to him and helped Dorian to carry him to the ambulance.
One of the guys from west station who was working in the second warehouse came to her and reported the fire completely extinguished and all civilians evacuated and safe. Aelin sighed in relief. 
Ten minutes later the rest of her team, followed by Thomas and the remaining team west finally came out of the building and Aelin breathed again. Everyone was safe. Thomas came behind her and took the hose from her “I’ll have this. Go to your team.”
“Thank you,” she told him and limped heavily to her team and they hugged each other in relief.
Then they all went to the ambulance to check on Aedion. He was sitting on the gurney with an oxygen mask on his face.
“We are taking him to the hospital for checks. I will keep you posted.” Lysandra’s stare was on Aelin “you should come with us as well.”
“Just give me some painkillers and I will be fine.”
Lysandra was not convinced but handed her a tablet.
Aelin shut the door of the vehicle and pulled back.
Dorian was at her side a moment later “you and I should go and talk to the press.”
“Shouldn’t that be your job as chief? You love the attention.”
“Ah yes, but you know more details than me.”
Aelin growled “fine.”
It was almost an hour later when they finally managed to collect their stuff, tuck the equipment away and finally be on their way back to the station. The sun had started to set and Aelin thought she was ready for bed. 
Lysandra texted her saying that they were keeping Aedion in for the night just as precaution, but that he was fine.”
“Lys says Aedion is fine. They are keeping him in tonight for precaution but he is okay. No serious injuries apart from bruises and cuts.”
Relief spread through the truck.
Once they arrived at the station they noticed the lights on and a few unknown cars parked at the front.
Aelin jumped off the truck and regretted it immediately. With extreme difficulty she dragged herself inside the station and then was speechless at what she saw.
Rowan’s squadron, Lorcan included, had prepared dinner for them. 
Rowan saw her walking in and did not like what he saw. Her limp had worsened. He stared at her, happy to know that she was  alive. When he had heard on the news about the raging fire down at the river he had been terrified. It looked very bad from the video footage, but only by flying over it he had realised just how an impossible task they had.
She moved a step toward him and a second later she was in his arms as her leg gave up and she almost crashed on the floor.
“I got you.” He said to her while lifting her up in his arms and carrying her to the sofa.
In that instant the rest of the team entered the kitchen and screams of joy at the sight of the food erupted from all of them.
Rowan stood “we thought that we would prepare a nice meal for your return. It seemed like you would be needing it.”
“Thank you all,” said Aelin on behalf of her squad.
Everyone sat at the table and began to tuck in.
Elide glanced over at Lorcan and noticed that the man was staring at her as well. Quickly she looked away and went back to her food.
Rowan sat beside Aelin and brought her some food “I can get you more.”
Then he grabbed her injured leg and lifted it on the table. She winched the whole time he moved it.
Rowan moved to sit on the coffee table in front of them, placed her foot on his lap and proceeded to remove her boot. Then lifted her trouser’s leg and once the knee was exposed they both gasped. It was purple and visibly swollen “why are you walking on it?”
“I had no idea it was this bad.”
“You can barely walk, of course it’s bad,” he said annoyed.
“Are you fussing?”
“No, I am just making sure that you don’t do any more stupid things.”
“Can we please go to the hospital after I ate my dinner?”
“Fine.” He very gently placed her foot on the coffee table and stood. When he came back he had an icepack in his hands.
The main table was a bit of a distance and they had a bit of privacy.
He sat down again and put her foot again on his lap then placed the ice pack on her knee and Aelin swore. It hurt like hell. She threw her head against the back of the sofa and breathed in deeply. 
“Thank you for tonight. My squad and west station are alive because of your help. I owe you one.”
“It was the least I could do.”
“How did you pull it off?”
“Lorcan. He has some well connected friends. Once I told what was happening, he started making phone calls and we got everything organised.”
She kept eating and noticed that his thumb was gently brushing her skin while his hand held the ice pack in place.
“Have you noticed that Lorcan and Elide keep looking at each other while the other is not looking?”
“I did. Is she interested?”
Aelin nodded “she is into him apparently but Elide is very shy. I need to be sure that he has no plan to use her for a fling only and let her go. For many reason that I can’t tell you. But if Lorcan behaves like a pig, he will have to deal with me, Lys and Ansel. You’d better pass the message along.”
“Will do.”
Once Aelin was done eating, Rowan took all the plates and took them to the dishwasher “Come on now, you and I are going to the hospital.”
He crouched and turned to offer her a piggyback ride but she scoffed “You are not carrying me.”
“Fine, then you walk to my car. Be my guest.”
Aelin groaned and pulled herself in a standing position but as she straightened the knee again, the pain brought her on the verge of tears.
Rowan went to the team and explained that he was dragging Aelin to the hospital and he got the team approval. By the time he had spoken with them, Aelin had barely made it past the sofa.
In one fell swoop he lifted her in his arms “I don’t care, now stop complaining.”
Aelin did not protest and leaned against his chest.
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Hold Me, I’m Soft ~ Mammon x Reader
This is going to refer to the DevilGram story with Madi the Witch, because it didn’t sit right with me how Mammon got used and laughed at for being sexually assaulted, especially when I related to that in more ways then I’d want to admit, so there it is, a short little fic to give Monnie some love, especially since his birthday will be this week and I will be at the mountains, unable to actually post anything other than a Happy Birthday maybe.
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Ever since she got to the Devildom, Y/N wondered to herself why in the world would the brothers bully Mammon so much, to the point that he’ll break down in tears when nobody is around?
He’s the most gentle of the brothers, yet he’s met with nothing more than taunts and mocking because of his greed. It’s not like he can help it, it’s his Avatar sin, he didn’t choose it. People get annoyed at Beel for eating too much and constantly raiding the fridge, for when he indulges in the pleasure of greed, he’s suddenly the scummy trash brother who’s just a waste of space. The family’s embarrassment.
But why should he be that, when he’s the only one who never gave in to his demonic power from rage? Never tried to attack or kill her and never got in his demon form to lash out at her?
Mammon was the first one to ever call her by her name and even give her nicknames. He was the first one to call her out to the cinema, concerts, shopping, pranking time, board games, card games, and even video games or just some quality time together.
He was the one to taught her how to be an undefeated Blackjack player and how to spot when someone is lying. He was the one to taught her how to flawlessly cheat in games and how to protect herself if something happened.
Even more, he was the one who graciously asked if she wanted to workout with him so she could be stronger and faster if anything were to happen and he wouldn’t be around, just like how it happened long ago, when Levi lost control and almost attacked her.
And, of course, he was the only one who constantly asked her if she was okay, if she was happy, if she needed anything. He would always pamper her whenever he thought she stopped smiling for one split second, or if he thinks she was faking it. He would grab TSL and some comfort food, hot chocolate with marshmallows and would cuddle her all night, playing with her hair.
It really pissed her off, but no matter what she did, and no matter how much she tried to make the others at least tone it down, of course, millennia of habits cannot be so easily tamed.
These were the constant thoughts that plagued Y/N’s mind, yet the white haired man will never know, because she is a girl of few words and many actions.
Today, however, as usual, was the time for some new shenanigans, as Lucifer and Satan must be the escorts of some powerful witch, as per Diavolo’s request, since he literally can’t stand her - And that speaks loads, when it comes to the benevolent Demon Prince.
“Hey, is it really gonna be okay to leave those two by themselves like that?” Mammon asked with a worried expression on his face. “Well, neither of them are saying anything...For now, at least.” Asmo held the same expression as his elder brother. “Yeah, you just KNOW that they’re going to blow up any minute. It’s so exciting!” Levi spoke with a chuckle. “Hey, why is it that you only ever come outta your room at times like this, Levi? I thought you were s’posed to be a shut-in.” Mammon raised his eyebrow at his little brother. “Well, this is Lucifer and Satan. They almost NEVER work together, much less when it’s just the two of them! I mean, if I’d missed an event like this, I’d regret it for the next 800 years.” Levi grinned, his shoulders shaking with laughter. “Diavolo was pretty bold to make them work together, if you ask me.” Y/N muttered, crossing her arms and peeking through the door creak.
Saying that, the four of them leaned in the peek better and listen to their conversation.
“Be careful. If Maddi takes a liking to a man, she’ll bring him back home with her.” Lucifer smirked at his younger brother. “As if you need to remind me...I recall how Mammon went home with her that one time. Mammon must have regretted going with her, because by the time he got back, he was on the verge of tears. I remember it like it was yesterday!” Satan shook his head in disbelief, making the girl gasp, covering her mouth with her hands. “HEY! I wasn’t!” Mammon frowned at what he just heard, making Asmo shush him quickly so they won’t be heard. “I don’t even want to THINK about what must’ve happened between those two that night. I can’t understand what possessed Mammon to willingly go home with a woman that dangerous. It’s fortunate she didn’t trick him into making a pact with her while he was there in bed half-asleep.” the blond continued speaking, making the girl bite her lip from the shock and pain in her chest. “But there’s no doubt that Mammon didn’t have a good time, because for a while after he came back he had nightmares, and he’s moan in his sleep. He even stopped spending money left and right...MAMMON, of all demons. Still, Maddi IS attractive. She rivals the succubus who won the Queen Contest in terms of beauty. In fact, Maddi might be even MORE beautiful. I’m a little worried that you’ll end up like Mammon - That as soon as she uses her feminine wiles on you, you’ll fold like a paper airplane.” hearing that, she couldn’t stop herself and she fled the place, going to her room to regain herself, not giving anyone any explanation.
She already made up her mind that, despite being the middle of the day, she will skip both lunch and dinner, so changing in her pyjamas, she got in bed, cuddling the hellhound plushie Mammon got her, and wrapped herself in a tight cocoon with her blanket, not wanting to see the light of the day.
So many thoughts were swirling in her mind, each of them more and more degrading, overpowering one another, guilt taking over her completely.
She prided herself with being a ration person, she really did! She always put ration and logic over hindering emotions...But now...When she can overthink in peace...The ration she held completely dissipated, and here she was, crying her heart out once again.
Why WAS she crying for, anyway?
Was it because she felt Mammon’s pain at having being used like that, against his will, because he’s an innocent and peaceful push-over? 
Was it because she remembered what happened to her, and her heart started aching like crazy, and she began to spiral? 
Was it because she felt plain, ordinary and completely nothing special, when she heard Lucifer saying that Maddi is the most beautiful person in the world and that’s why Mammon was lured in by her?
Or was it the guilt of being affected by jealousy and self-hatred before the pain from what that vile woman did to him?
What the hell was going on through her head, anyway? She heard enough opinions about her and how terrible of a girlfriend she was, why should she even have any hope that Mammon would ever like her? And why the hell was she worrying about that, when she should be worrying about the poor demon?!
She’s really nothing more than a selfish jerk.
As if on cue, she heard the familiar sound of a received message on her D.D.D., and curiosity won over her self-deprecating sulking, and she checked it out, making her heart skip a few beats.
It was Monnie, and he was asking if she was okay and why she left.
Tears started brimming in her eyes, and letting out a few more sobs, she realised that, even thought he doesn’t romantically love her, he will always be her best friend, and she was at least content with that, no matter how selfish she is.
She quickly texted him, asking if it was okay if she came over later, for a sleepover, and of course, he agreed, so the girl put a cardigan over her so it wouldn’t be too obvious she was in her pyjamas - Not that it mattered, anyway - and got some snacks, made some hot chocolate and went to Mammon’s room, finding him in a tanktop and some large pants, playing some game on his phone.
“Took you long enough!” Mammon grinned, making room for her to join him. “What’s with that face? You stormed out of there, so somethin’ must’ve bothered ya. Come on, y’know you can tell me.” he got in a sitting position, looking at her with a concerned look, but was met with silence for a many seconds, in which he feared he must have said something wrong. “I, uh...I guess I got worried about you after what they said...But I didn’t have the best reaction...I needed some time to think things over. It was pretty selfish of me to do that, instead of talking to you first...But I guess I’ve always been pretty selfish, haven’t I?” she chuckled nervously, still standing up, next to the bed. “What the hell are ya on about? Is it about that Maddi thing? Forget it, it happened long ago, it doesn’t bother me anymore.” he shrugged, looking away for a split second, only to look back at her. “I...Don’t think you’re over it.” she bit her lip, looking down, sucking at her teeth to stop herself from sketching any gesture on her face. “What do ya know about that, anyway? Come on, shut up and put the movie on, I ain’t got all day!” he tried to make her stop talking already, but she wasn’t exactly paying attention. “I had a similar experience too and...When I heard what happened, flashes of what happened went in front of my eyes and I started panicking. That’s why I ran away.” she spoke, her eyes glossed and unfocused. “Is that why ya wanted to hang out?” Mammon muttered softly, seeing her slowly nod her head. “I never told anyone...And so, nobody was there to care about me. But you always cared about me...And I wanted to do the same, for once.” she gulped, blinking and putting everything on the nightstand next to his bed. “...Come’re, dummy.” he sighed, tugging on her hand and making her sit on his lap, as was their ritual whenever one of them needed comfort. “Did I upset you, Monnie?” she asked, barely audible, making him put his hands on her shoulders, so she could properly look at him. “What?! Upset me?! ‘Course not! I-I’m happy that you thought of me, okay? It’s just...Yeah, it wasn’t nice, duh, but I’m a demon. I can take many things. But you’re such a frail little human. You’re small, fragile and soft, and since nobody wanted to bother getting to know such a nice gal like you, then I will always be there for you.” he put his hands on her face, trying to reach through to her. “...I was supposed to comfort you...Why did it go the other way around...? I was supposed to make sure you okay, that you’re smiling and that you can manage to get over what happened in the past...I wanted to be the one you can count on, for once...But I’m failing even at that...That’s how much of a selfish jerk I am...You deserve better than me, Monnie.” she hung her head, resting her forehead on his shoulder, not realising her words made him stiff, and tears prickled at his eyes. “Shut up, dummy! You’re a dummy! Dummy! Dummy! Never say things like that okay, got it?! Listen, I-I care about you, okay? I don’t care if you manage to comfort me or not, I just care that you think about me, okay? You’re the only one that gives a damn about me, and I appreciate that, okay? You see part of yourself in me, and I see a part of myself in you, so of course I want to keep you safe.” Mammon sighed, holding the girl close to his chest, playing with her hair, as he always did. “Monnie...Can I tell you something?” she muttered. It was now or never. If he hated her, so be it, but at least he knows. “Of course ya can, dummy. You can tell me anythin’ you want.” he said with an encouraging chuckle. “I...Left because I felt guilty. Because...My first thoughts were creeping with jealousy, instead of worrying about you and what happened, first and foremost. My brain fails me big time. And I feel really bad, ‘cause you deserve much better than some idiot who gets jealous over someone vile like...Her.” she let a few tears fall down her face, but poor Mammon was lost in his own head.
Jealous? Why the hell would she be jealous? What could she be jealous of? What is going on even?
“Why would you be jealous of her? You’re better than she’ll ever be, in every way. What the hell is going on through that head of yours, Y/N?” he frowned, flicking her forehead, unsure of how to react. “You heard how Lucifer and Satan spoke about her...And they are Lucifer and Satan. They spoke only praises about her...A-And I didn’t want her to be around you. Y-You’re my first man, Monnie, please understand what I’m saying.” she hid her face with her hands, her bottom lip quivering from embarrassment and guilt. “O-Oh...Ya like me?! Like...Like-Like me?! For reals?!” his voice became so cheerful and hopeful, and as soon as he saw her nodding, he started laughing very happily, kissing her forehead and taking away her hands from her face, his grin bright and dazzling like the first sunshine of Spring. “Cool, ‘cause I love ya too! I was sure you liked one of my brothers, they ain’t as problematic as me, but you like me, your first man, and I couldn’t be happier!” he started kissing her all over her face, making her blush like a tomato. “Why wouldn’t I like you? You’re the best. You’re the only one who has been genuine with me since the very beginning and cared about me. And spending time with you always is always calming and...You always make me happy. I forgot what it’s like to be happy since that happened...But whenever my brain goes stupid and I start overthinking, you always manage to keep me grounded...And I really appreciate you for that.” Y/N spoke out, making Mammon’s eyes water, and with the ordinary greedy impulse he had, he grabbed her face and kissed her deeply, without even realising what in the world happened. “Don’t fluster me like that, Y/N...Actually, do, I love it, but I’m not used to it.” he chuckled nervously, making the girl smile softly. “Can I do anything to make you feel better about...The past?” she asked sheepishly, her hands hanging awkwardly, unsure of what to do with them. “Well...The hot chocolate is going to get cold...And there’s snacks to eat and  movies to binge-watch...” he trailed on, snaking his arms around her waist, making her put hers on his shoulders. “Also...I want to make sure you’re comfortable with me, okay? I dunno what happened to you, but if it’s similar to what happened to me, I want to promise you that I will never do anythin’ you’re not okay with. I pinky promise.” Mammon spoke in a more serious voice, yet just as gentle. “I know, Angel eyes. I trust you the most out of everyone in this world. And I can promise you the same thing.” she managed to give him a proper smile, throwing her arms around him, hugging him tightly, feeling the comforting warmth of his body.
That embrace alone felt, for the both of them, like the sole safe home they ever had, and there was nothing that could break this dream-like state they were in. There was no negativity and no bad thought going through their mind, as the warmth and love of the hug was enough to disperse of any pest lingering and purging their sanity.
When they finally got the courage to let go of each other, fearing that they would disappear from this serenity state, they cuddled together in bed, drinking the now room temperature hot chocolate, eating so many snacks that they resembled Beel, and watching TSL on the huge plasma TV on the wall.
“Monnie?” Y/N raised her head to look up at him, love and admiration obvious in her sparkling eyes. “Thank you for existing in my life. I know you go through great lengths to take care of your brothers and make sure they’re happy...And I know you get hurt a lot in the process...But I really appreciate everything you’re doing, both for me and for them. I’m sure they see it too, they’re just too stupidly proud to admit to themselves...As usual.” she chuckled, reaching to hold his hand and intertwine their fingers together. “Thanks, Y/N. You’re the best. I’m really happy you came to talk to me...And I’m really happy you’re here with me. I love you.”
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dumbasscorn · 3 years
Exothermic - chapter seventeen
Amalthea vs Trevor Uley
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"Now explain and plead for mercy, or meet the consequences, you little prick!"
previous chapter
980 words
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Amalthea glared at the youngest Uley, crossing her arms instead of moving to hug. Like she'd ever do that!
"Hey." Trevor pouted, gesturing with grabbing hands that he wanted the girl to hug him, not close in on herself.
Rather than walking into his warm arms, Thea squinted her eyes as she saw Bella walk outside with Jacob out of the corner of her eye. "Some deadly illness, huh! Jackson is gonna be pissed when he finds out you've been skipping to join your brothers 'cult'. I'm snitching right away, I am so very serious."
Trevor nervously laughed and dropped his welcoming arms, copying Mal's own movements. "You love me too much to snitch on me, Mal!"
Knowing he was dead wrong, Thea jokingly kicked him in the shin, releasing both her arms from being constricted and gave him double middle fingers.
The two ignored the snickers they heard from the boys behind Trevor, Embry especially loud with his barely hidden giggles.
"Now explain and plead for mercy, or meet the consequences, you little prick!" She whispered in aggravation, needing assurance that she wasn't going crazy and that wolves were actually very, very real. Trevor nodded, "Definitely."
Before the two could speak once more, Sam cut in, grunting for his brother to follow him. Both Trevor and Amalthea looked at each other, knowing that they sure as hell were not going to separate this soon. Trevor missed Thea and her jokes greatly, and the other needed the distraction that Trevor provided.
"I went weeks without my bestie. We can chat later, man." He sighed, tired of Sam keeping him from his friends.
Thea, for the first time since she met the boy, bumped his fist and agreed with his words. Though, later on she would deny that she had agreed that they were besties in that moment. She surely was not planning on letting the one person she actually knew away from her.
Knowing that his brother was glaring heatedly at the back of his head, Trevor faced Thea and went to introduce the other people in the room.
"The idiot over there inhaling his food is Embry. Feel free to accidentally step on his foot whenever you walk past him. I do it and he gets annoyed every time-- never gets old." Thea looked at the boy she threw a water bottle at, agreeing with Trevor that annoying him would probably be funny.
"That's Jared. Allow yourself to dislike him-- he's annoying." Trevor went to tell her about how he was so annoying, but was cut off by Sam eyeing him and Jared yelling a "hey!"
"Next we got Sam and Emily. Em's cool. She's the one with to-die-for muffins that you're not allowed to have because you weren't nice. You know about.... you know." He widened his eyes with exasperation before rolling them. Thea couldn't help but nod her head, remembering that she got her muffin privileges taken away. She would absolutely later go on to snag one.
"Lastly we've got Paul. Mega anger machine. But also like, funny sometimes. Depends if you've stolen from his plate or not." Trevor snorted as Amalthea avoided the eyes of the man who tried to maul her cousin.
"Uh oh, what happened? Why're you not laughing with me? Did dummy do something? What-- what'd he do?" The boy caught on to her ignoring Paul, feeling concerned on why she already had a distaste for the hot-head.
He glared at Paul, "What'd you do, Lahote? She only doesn't make eye contact when she's super pissed. How'd you manage to do that so quickly?" Paul snickered into his muffin, eyeing the short girl next to his friends brother.
"Nothing to her." He smirked, remembering he was stopped before he could yell at her.
Embry coughed on his food, having an idea on what was to come from the funny girl who was definitely livid about her cousin being in danger. Jared eyed the scene, ready for the entertainment that was about to be provided by the two- well three including Trevor when finds out what happened.
"Hm. Only turning into a big ass wolf cause Bella rightfully socked him." Thea clenched her hands, feeling the crescent moon shapes from her finger nails indenting into the palm of her hands. "Then, her little flake joined and they brawled right in front of Bella. Thank god she didn't get pummeled by the fucking morons." Amalthea filled Trevor in on what the past hour and a half entailed, keeping her eyes trained on the floor as she plotted Paul's homicide.
Of course Trevor was beyond angry by this revelation, completely disregarding Paul attempting to defend himself. He stared blankly at the shifter, struggling to keep his fury under wraps as to not make his friend afraid of him too.
"Lahote, what in the actual hell were you thinking? Don't say that bullshit of 'I got angry, I can't help it!', nobody wants to hear it. She could've gotten hurt. Are you fucking serious!" Trevor shook as he spoke harshly to Paul, before getting nudged by Thea.
"Dude, I was in a car. We're pissed and worried about Bella right now!" The girl reminded him, accentuating her point with hands waving around, dropping them to her hips once she met eyes with the angry teen.
Humming, Trevor looked back to Paul, glaring.
"Don't shift near Amalthea, - or her cousin--", he mentioned after he was nudged by Mal,-- "again, Lahote." He stated, shocking Thea by the use of her actual name. Oh, he was angry angry. He gripped her wrist, walking past his brother and to the front entrance.
Trevor ignored Sam calling his name, continuing to guide his friend toward the walk that awaited them. He was going to calm down, and he was going to tell her where he's been. Now she definitely deserves to know.
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this is gaining more attention lately, i just might cry. i forgot to post this yesterday lols sorry about that
omg guys i have a really bad spider problem rn and i have such a fear of them that like i can't sleep because they keep crawling on the ceiling and being mf scary 
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