#yuri already has his bags packed he's ready
the-kr8tor · 11 months
TTN hobie and reader during the middle/end of TTN when they r together but before she leaves for LA and r is helping hobie finish setting up his boat and r adding all of her belongings around the house before/while she moves in
-🕊️ anon
Hihihihi Thank you for the lovely request! TTN! Hobie has my heart ❤️
Pairing: Hobie Brown x fem! Reader/ Spider-Punk x fem! Reader
Tags: TTN! Hobie, TTN! Reader, kissing, suggestive content. Story is set before the epilogue and in the middle of chapter 10. Spoilers for thread the needle. Fluff.
Thread The Needle Masterlist
You didn't waste any time moving in with Hobie. No slowly leaving your things around the house, no slyly stashing your clothes right next to his, not even waiting for the day of your graduation. You and Hobie just decided on a date to move all your belongings to his boat and did it, no side stepping, no dilly dallying, no excuses. Just you and Hobie making round trips from your dorm to the houseboat, arms full of boxes and heavy bags.
The sewing machine was the challenge, being heavy and clunky. Yuri was kind enough to lend you her car for the day, but couldn't help you in moving since she had to study for a quiz. You were kind of thankful for that though, now you have more time to spend with just him and piles and piles of your belongings. Still, with the help of Yuri's beetle, it took two trips of packing and unpacking your stuff.
Hobie never complained nor huffed at the effort, eyes always on your form, arms at the ready to lift boxes for you. You're eternally grateful, that's probably why you're snogging him on the floor of his boat instead of setting up your sewing machine or unpacking your suitcases.
"I need" kiss "to" kiss "unpack." You say in between smacking of lips. Giggling, as if you're not the one instigating the kiss. Back on the hardwood floor, arms looped around his neck, your palm spread over his nape. You resist the urge to glue him into place with your legs, instead you lay limp under him. Eyes tightly closed, smiling through it all.
His strong arms lift him up for a moment before examining your flustered face, beaming up at him. Hobie tilts his head, contemplating if it's worth leaving your arms so you two could unpack. He weighs the pros and cons, deciding.
"Nah" you squeal when he comes back down, expertly moving his lips against yours, every curve and plushness of it already memorized. He knows what to do to incite that sound you make just for him.
You laugh loudly when he presses the soft skin just over your rib cage, ticklish, you pull away with a giggle. Pupils blown out, you stare at his equally large pupils. Breathing heavy, you pinch his nose as revenge.
He surrenders, coming down from the high of kissing you. Eyes roaming around his, no, yours and his living room full of your stuff littered around the place. The kitchen island with your Gromit mug that you claim to despise even though you always use it. Next to it is your school bag, pins and patches decorate the backpack, some of them you've nicked from Hobie.
On the floor next to you are boxes full of your projects, hours upon hours of hard work inside. You giddily showed it all to him before you ended up on the floor from teasing him too much. Clothes and pieces of cloth were put back hastily inside the box just before you descended on the floor. With Hobie's hand placed on the back of your head so you don't smack it against the wood.
After a minute of staring and your laugh bouncing off the walls, Hobie finally speaks, with the full intention of actually starting the process of unpacking.
"Where to first? I could set up the machine–"
"Bedroom" you say with a not so sly smile, half lidded eyes staring at him with fondness.
He blinks in surprise, a low groan in his throat, smirk playing on his kiss bitten lips. "No time to waste then" lifting you up effortlessly, you hide your victorious laugh over his skin. Face hot on his neck. Equally hot hands on the back of your thighs, making sure you don't fall.
Hobie practically jogs over, kicking the door open. It hits the wall with a slam, he stops in his tracks after seeing more piles of boxes on his bed.
Guess you two actually needed to unpack beforehand, whoops.
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A/n: Will be posting more of these separate from fluffy fridays! Thank you for reading! ❤️
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lines-on-ice · 9 months
Fics Masterlist
Works list on AO3 :
Yuri!!! On Ice Fandom :
Completed :
Our Melody : https://archiveofourown.org/works/43290984
"He hears a bright note, then another. He hears them again, the same two notes, as he is entering a layback spin, and even in dreaming, he smiles. He knows what it means.
An AU where soulmates hear the same music in their heads. An AU where Victor is notoriously Tune Deaf and can't hear anything like that."
Magic in the Air : https://archiveofourown.org/works/45095416
"Yuri snorts, taking the wooden spoon out of the caldron and waving his hand to magic out the flames under the recipient. Viktor is already disposing the glass vials next to it, ready to be filled with tonight’s potion.
“Yeah, right. You don’t like this house, Viktor, you just like the neighbor. You’re always flirting with him. And that’s disgusting, by the way, stop it.”
An AU starting at Halloween and ending on Valentine's day. The best stories are made of magic, aren't they?"
[Explicit] Stinging Rain : https://archiveofourown.org/works/47901193
""Color, Vitya?”
The sub turns his neck this way and that to relieve some of the tension. Next thing will be new, something they’ve been discussing lately and something Viktor is very curious to try. Anticipation makes his skin prickle and he nods swiftly:
“Green. Very green.”
A hand under his skull lifts his head up and soft lips press to his own, before Yuuri murmurs against them.
Or: Victor and Yuuri celebrate Pride discovering New Kinks.
For Yuri on the Web Discord Pride Event 2023 - Contains exclusive fan art."
Queen Mila, Driver of Passion : https://archiveofourown.org/works/49831387
""The Queen once again turned her attention to the roses she had been sitting next to. The vibrant purple of their petals was the exact same shade of her lover’s eyes, and Oh! How she longed for her sweet embrace."
Mila, Queen of the Kingdom of Hearts, is the Driver of Passion. Yet, her own passion has taken over her heart and she now longs for the One She Loves...
For the Yuri On Cards collaboration"
Knight Sara, Borrower of Sorrow : https://archiveofourown.org/works/49831570
"Unthinkingly, her hand reached out to the Red Rose that adorned her dark hair. Her fingers traced every petal in a well-practiced manner.
Sara is the Knight of Sorrows, destined to fight other's sorrows, but could she still find happiness?
For the Yuri On Cards collaboration"
Until My Feet Bleeds And My Heart Aches - Official French Translation : https://archiveofourown.org/works/11333628
Ongoing :
The Chocolate Guy : https://archiveofourown.org/works/45342445
""I can't wait to see next season, I bet he has so many surprises in store…"
Yuuri is now finishing up the Chantilly, and setting it to cool, closing the refrigerator with a dreamy sigh that doesn’t escape Phichit’s notice. He smirks, pulling out his phone while asking:
"Speaking of the next season of 'The Chocolate School'... On a scale from one to 'I'm packing my bags right now', how much would you like to be in it?"
Viktor Nikiforov is The Chocolate Guy, undisputed ruler of the pastry world, Chocolatier Extraordinaire and Yuuri's inspiration. But it is one thing to emulate his idol's creations in his own kitchen, and a whole other deal to end up meeting him in person participating in his TV show..."
You Are The Star I Am Dancing For : https://archiveofourown.org/works/51452398
"Yuuri sighs and locks his phone to put it back in his pocket. He really doesn’t like that his friend seems to worry more about his reaction to last week’s debacle than about the incident itself. Since Monday night, Phichit simply act as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened, remaining his bouncy chipper self, eager to dance whatever it is they have to dance to this week, and every bit as confident in their ability as the first day they met and he had declared in front of the camera that he couldn’t have had a better partner to win this thing.
How Yuuri hates having let him down so thoroughly…
“We were almost eliminated, Phichit.”
A Dancing With The Stars AU where some characters are still skaters but others are pro dancers... Yuuri gets to compete with Victor! Hop in to see how it goes...
The fic is rated Explicit for a smut chapter that will come (very) later on and will be fully signaled in the previous chapter. If any other adulty content happens (again, in later chapter) it will be fully signaled in beginning notes and in the chapter itself to be skipped.
Contains original ART by YOI artists!
- Updates Monthly-ish -"
Write Me In C Major - Official French Translation : https://archiveofourown.org/works/11722560 - hiatus from original author
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healeroflightanddark · 6 months
Tales From Dragon Inc. Chapter 6: Traveling
Yugo smiled happily as he dragged the last of his packed suitcases to the front door of his apartment. He and his boyfriends were all going on a vacation to Bali together, and he was very excited. He could hardly wait for Yuto to come pick him up. The five of them were going to meet up at Zarc’s apartment and travel to the airport in his SUV since it had the most space in the trunk for all their bags, so that they didn’t have to pay for airport parking for multiple vehicles. Yuto was picking Yugo up, since the blunana’s motorcycle couldn’t carry his luggage.
Yugo peered out the window and grinned when he saw Yuto’s car pull up in the driveway of the apartment complex. He dragged his suitcases out of the apartment and down to the waiting car. Yuto smiled and got out of the car to help put Yugo’s luggage into the trunk.
“Are you excited?” Yuto asked as they pulled out of the driveway. Yugo nodded eagerly. “Very excited! I’ve never been to Indonesia before!”
“Me neither,” Yuto said, taking Yugo’s hand in his. “Actually, I don’t think Yuya or Yuri have been either!”
“I’m glad Zarc has though,” Yugo said. “I never would've thought that wearing green would be a problem where we’re going!”
“Yeah, I think Zarc helped Yuya with his clothing selection when he was packing,” Yuto agreed. “You know how much he loves wearing green. I don’t have as many green items in my closet as he does.”
“Yep, our cute little Christmas tree! His whole closet is red, orange, and green!” Yugo said. He and Yuto chuckled as they pulled into the parking lot of Zarc’s apartment. They parked in between Yuri’s little smart car and Zarc’s big nine-seater SUV. Yuya, Yuri, and Zarc were already packing their luggage into the back of the SUV.
“Hi, Yuto! Hi, Yugo!” Yuya waved at them as they got out of Yuto’s car. He hurried over to help them with their luggage.
“Did everyone bring everything?” Zarc asked, taking one of Yuto’s suitcases and putting it in the trunk of his SUV. “Bug repellent, raincoats, towels—”
Yuri facepalmed. “THAT’S what I was forgetting! Stupid towel! I knew I was forgetting SOMETHING!”
“No worries, I’ve got plenty in my apartment,” Zarc said. “Go ahead and grab one for yourself, Yuri!”
“Thanks!” Yuri rushed off to Zarc’s apartment, coming back a few minutes later with a rolled up towel. He opened one of his suitcases and popped the towel into it.
“Alright, let’s go over the list one more time, just to make sure we all have everything we’ll need,” Zarc said, pulling out his phone. He began reading the listed items one by one. Fortunately it seemed that Yuri’s towel was the only thing that had been forgotten.
“Well, it looks like we’re ready to go!” Zarc said once they had gone through the list. He closed the trunk of his SUV. “All aboard!”
“Shotgun!” Yuto said immediately, rushing to the front passenger seat. Yuya, Yugo, and Yuri all pouted as they made their way to the middle three seats of the SUV. The last of the seats were in the back, with two seats lining either side of the trunk. But those four seats were folded up to make room for the luggage.
Zarc got into the driver’s seat and started the car. “Get comfortable, boys! It’s gonna be a long drive to the airport!”
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mamadoe · 7 months
👢 Showbird - Chapter 4
Summary ||
When Akira moved to Fukuoka to pursue her dancing career, life was easy. However, when her father has an unexpected health crisis, she needs consistent work in the worst way to help support her parents back in her hometown. A day job lined up at one of the Hero Agencies promises good pay for the time being, but she didn't expect not only to meet but get to know the Pro Hero the agency is named after.
Follow Akira's perspective with some of Keigo Takami's sprinkled in.
Complete Masterlist
Also on AO3
Pairing || Keigo Takami (age 22 at start)/Akira (Fem OC, age 23 at start)
Warning || none that I can think of atm
WC || 4155
If he hadn’t been making direct eye contact with her, he would have thought she was joking. When his eyebrows shoot up and he tilts his head down, hand still over his mouth with a look of, “are you serious,” she nods.
“Remember the last time you flew, little chickadee?” he teases from behind his fingers before finally letting his hand fall. “I don’t think you can handle that.” Of course, his tease lights a fire in her, like it always does, but she stands firm.
“I need to make it to the evening train. I won’t make it if I have to walk to the train station, get to my neighborhood, get home, pack, return to the station-,” he laughs lightly with a nod.
“I hear you, and it’s a good plan, a really good plan, but are you going to throw up on me if I do?” He continues to laugh as she seriously considers it but gives him another nod.
“I should be fine. I haven’t eaten yet this morning. I just need to go downstairs and grab my bag, talk to HR-,”
“Don’t worry about that,” he cuts her off firmly, “I’ll handle it. It’ll burn time you don’t have. Just grab your bag and come back up.” Resolutely, she nods and heads for the door but stops and glances at him.
“Thanks, Keigo.” And with that, she disappears through the door, leaving him reeling on his heels, hands dug deep in his pockets as he looks to the sky. What has he gotten himself into?
It doesn’t take her more than a few minutes to hurry down to her cubicle, log off her computer, grab her bag, and call an apology over her shoulder to Yuri after she brushes him off and hurries back to the elevator. As she waits for the elevator to ascend back to the roof, she pulls her phone out of her pocket once more and texts her lead dancer that she won’t be there tonight, losing out on what is expected to be really good money. She doesn’t let her mind linger on how she will pay her bills while away. Hawks - Keigo - is right. She needs to be at her parents’ side right now. Everything else she will just have to figure out later.
Upon hurrying back up the stairs, at first she doesn’t see Keigo, but upon a second glance, she finds him perched on the railing that faces the direction of her building, blinders already pulled down over his eyes and headphones over his ears, ready for flight. As she approaches he glances over his shoulder with a grin.
“Ready, little chickadee?” His light, playful chime has returned brighter than ever, and she nearly groans as she steps closer to the railing.
“Shut it, you pigeon, now’s not the time,” she says before she pulls her bottom lip between her teeth as she takes the hand he offers, earning his laugh.
“I promise, I’ll go easy on you this time,” his feeble attempt at comforting through his tease falls on deaf ears as he turns and offers his arms to pick her up. She hesitates but knows she will be fine in his hold. He’s already saved her in more ways than one - handling the press, making these long days manageable by lifting her mood, even today as he guided her through her breakdown. He has gone above and beyond to prove himself. She knows logically she will be unequivocally safe. However, the idea of seeing the ground below cements her feet to the rooftop.
“You promise to keep it slow? Nothing like last time, right?” His shit-eating grin is back and that groan from earlier dislodges from her throat.
“Of course, I promise. Come on, let’s get you home.” His arms are around her, and he pulls her flush against his torso, her face reuniting with the tear-stained shoulder of his jacket. “It’ll be easier on you if you can’t see the ground at all, right? Hold on, okay? I’ve got you.” At first, she doesn’t know where to put her arms, awkwardly switching from his waist to around his neck, and his smirk mere inches from her face makes her blush.
“This okay?” She asks as she clasps her hands on her opposite arms, securing herself to him.
“Of course, chickadee, whatever is comfortable,” his voice is too close to her ear as he brings her to be anchored flush against his torso, balancing their weight as he stands tall on the railing. A small squeak of fear slips from her lips, her feet dangling freely as she fully trusts him to keep his hold. Her heartbeat is already prominent in her ears as the adrenaline hits. Keigo can’t help but chuckle. He knows she must be absolutely terrified, and yet here she is, facing one of her biggest fears. He admires that. They stand at the edge for a few moments as he gives her time to adjust to the feeling of being held while he moves one arm firmly around her waist, his other hand cupping the back of her head to keep her face firmly planted in his shoulder. Even through her coat, she can feel how his fingers sink into the flesh of her side, and while it’s subtle, he makes note that she is noticeably slimmer than she was the first time he flew with her. His wings extend and stretch back, already catching the wind.
“Here we go!”
The next moment, the sky is tilting before her eyes, and she feels them falling, but she doesn’t let herself see much else before she clamps her eyes shut and buries her face in his shoulder once more. The wind gusts and whips her hair, and in this position, she can hear how the wind almost whistles through his feathers before he catches an updraft, and they’re gliding through the air. The wind is nearly deafening, and then suddenly it’s not. The wind is much calmer higher up, and Keigo relaxes into a gentle glide, keeping their speed steady.
“How you holding up, little bird?” He mouths against her ear. Even though the air up here is colder than she expected, it’s the touch of his lips against the shell of her ear that makes her shiver.
“O-Oh, you know, fantastic,” she half-heartedly attempts to play their usual game, eyes still screwed shut. He laughs and gives a strong, steady beat of his wings in response.
“No worries, we won’t be long. It’s never rush hour up here.” If she weren’t holding on for dear life, her knuckles turning white from the effort, or if she wasn’t so terrified, she would have laughed with him. With his excellent vision, he can make out the top of her building from here, but he promised he would be gentle and slow, so he reels in the urge to dazzle her - or terrify her - with speed and tricks. Maybe another time, but for today, a simple flight is what she wants, and he’s happy to oblige. Akira, if only for a moment, considers opening her eyes just to see the sky, but her fear snuffs that thought out when she remembers that her legs are hanging free. Her breath hitches as she nearly panics and presses her face into his neck, pushing his collar back in the process. The wisps of her hair flick and tickle his skin, and he squeezes her side.
“Are we almost there?!” She cries out and trembles in his ever-present hold.
“Just hold on, chickadee!” She can feel her stomach lift slightly as they descend, and the sound of the traffic below barely carries over the wind. Timidly, she peels her face from his throat and cracks her eyelids open if only slightly. Tall buildings are growing on either side of them, appearing to be shooting skyward, and the illusion turns her stomach over aggressively. However, before she even gets the chance to hide once more, they are slowing to a near stop before his feet land on the railing of her balcony. Her breath comes fast and ragged, and she can feel his soft laugh against the side of her head, the way he nuzzles into her hair. “Good little bird, you did so well,” he praises as he lets the back of her head go. Even with the feeling of nausea beginning its onset, heat rises to her cheeks. However, she doesn’t give herself the chance to linger on the thoughts that are conjured from his praise.
“Heh, careful, Keigo, you shouldn’t be handing out praise like that,” she rasps as she slowly unravels her arms from around his neck, but he keeps his other arm securely around her waist as he jumps down to the solid ground of her balcony. Only then does he let her out of his grasp, his hand caressing across the small of her back, lingering a moment to make sure she doesn’t lose her balance like before. He takes in the pallor of her skin. At least this time she isn’t turning green. When she doesn’t wobble on her feet, he takes that as a good sign and tucks his hand back in his pocket.
“Hm, why’s that? You got a praise kink?” His eyes darken as he raises a brow, and she lets out a sharp laugh.
“Pfft, you wish.” He expects her to pull out her keys to open the door, but to his surprise, she just slides the door open.
“Hey, it’s not safe to be leaving your door unlocked like that, even without a fire escape,” he scolds, which she answers with a snort, before he follows her into the main living area. She’s already left her flats by the sliding door and discarded her coat over a small chair before disappearing into her bedroom, lighting lamps along the way.
“Go ahead and sit,” she calls while rifling through the back of her closet to grab her small suitcase, “this shouldn’t take long.” He can hear her padding around her room before she heads into the bathroom, the rattle of a bottle and dribble of running water signifying her taking something for her nausea. With a sigh, Keigo kicks off his boots to keep her floor clean before taking a seat on the end of her couch, giving her main living area a slow once over.
He has been to her apartment before but only on her balcony. On an occasional night, he would be on night patrol, he would sometimes find her sitting on her balcony after her exhausting nights of dancing, unable to sleep. Even though the nights were still bitterly cold, she said the shock of it helped still her mind enough to finally sleep. He could understand that - for him, the feeling of being enveloped in warmth would melt away the tension in his body like nothing else.
Akira’s overall aesthetic is simple but cozy. She has lived here almost the entire time she’s lived in the city, and it shows. A couple of books shelves stand cluttered with various decor and books, a few picture frames highlighting her post-performance with her dance team. Art hangs on the walls over the couch and tv. A small, well-worn rug sections off the living area from the small kitchen near the front of the apartment, and her entryway is cluttered with various shoes, most of which are her dancing heels she ditches the moment she crosses the threshold. Akira has talked about her dance work before, but he’s never seen her perform. Every time he’s brought up surprising her at the dance hall, that familiar blush rises up her neck, the unfamiliar scent following and catching him off guard. He’s still not sure what that means. She practically begs him not to do that to her, that she wants to keep her work and friendships separate after losing friends over trying to blend her two worlds. He had stuck his tongue out in protest but understood and respected her boundary. His eyes linger on a particularly high pair of heeled boots, well-loved and scuffed but repaired, and wonders what her legs must look like with them on.
A sudden thump and a sharp hiss draw his attention toward her room.
“You good?” He goes to her doorway but pauses, not wanting to impose too much on her private space. Akira’s on the floor holding her foot with one hand. From where he’s standing, he can see how beat up her feet are - bruised, blistered, and red from the abuse she’s put them through recently.
“Yeah, I just stubbed my toe,” she groans, squeezing her foot before returning to packing her suitcase with the clothes she had laid out on the floor beside her.
“Damn, Hatori, how can you even stand?” He gestures to her feet. “Guess I can see what you meant when you said you’d rather break your fingers than fly again, shit!” He leans on the door frame, watching her pack. She only gives him a passing glance before rolling her eyes, keeping her hands moving.
“What can I say, I have a high pain tolerance. I kind of have to when my feet bleed sometimes.” Keigo winces through his teeth. Before he goes to turn to give her some privacy, however, her open wardrobe catches his eye. It still looks full considering how many clothes she is packing. Most of the clothing left hanging is short, black, and in various types of fabric, some fabrics catching the light just so and keeping his attention. Try as he might, he can’t help it when his mind slides to more salacious thoughts, what she would look like wearing them. She doesn’t miss his hesitation to leave, so she gives him a look before following his gaze to a particular pair of tight pleather leggings with laces down the sides that she wears often.
“What got you into dancing?” He asks suddenly. At first, she is unsure what he means - what got her into dancing, or what got her into this kind of dancing? She decides to kill two birds with one stone as she stands to grab some toiletries from the bathroom, speaking to him over her shoulder.
“I grew up loving music, but when my parents realized I wasn’t a musician, they took me to a dance class. Ironically enough, it didn’t come naturally, but I loved it, and I loved seeing my parents smile,” her tone shifts to nostalgia as she returns with a toiletry bag in hand, “But I got older. I wanted to try something different, so when I moved to the city, tried out for a couple different studios, but I really liked the dance hall’s approach. There’s something… really freeing, empowering about it, a feeling I haven’t gotten dancing elsewhere. I’ve been there ever since.” Keigo nods slowly, trying to understand the jump from being a cute little dancer for her parents to an adult entertainer. Then again, he realizes it’s not that big of a jump. He followed a somewhat similar path with hero work. He nods before turning back and giving her couch another appraising look before flopping to lie down while he waits.
“Put any thought into what you’ll do about your apartment while you’re gone?” He shuffles his wings, getting more comfortable before crossing his arms behind his head. She doesn’t answer at first, but when he looks toward her doorway, his eyes sweep over her backside, her business casual slacks and blouse swapped for leggings and a t-shirt. She’s pulling a large knit sweater over her head. He quickly glances away, but the slope of her back and how her leggings hug her shape linger, making him blush ever so slightly.
“Um, no, not yet, but,” she pauses to adjust her sweater, pulling on it to let it hang loosely and cover her backside before kneeling to pull on thick socks to stave off the cold. “I have the first check from the agency. I can tap into that-” His sharp laugh cuts her off.
“Ha, absolutely not! You’ve worked your ass off for that check. Don’t waste it like that,” he gestures around vaguely. “That’s for your parents. Don’t do that to yourself.” She stills for a moment, considering what he means.
“But if I’m gone for a month-”
“I will take care of it,” he says as if it’s already done. Her eyes widen as she stands to stare at him.
“You don’t have to do that,” she whispers, fiddling with the hem of her sweater and glancing away, a picture of shyness. This is more than just talking to HR for her, more than she is comfortable with. “I don’t want you to. You’ve-... You’ve already done so much. I won’t be able to pay you back, not for a while.” He considers what she says and the meaning between the words she chose before taking a deep breath. He knows he just stepped on her pride.
“No, I’ll handle it. You don’t need to be worrying about this place when you’re already so worried about your parents. I won’t even notice the money is gone anyway. Don’t worry about it.” One of his loose feathers is between his fingers as he speaks, twirling it. He’s smart - she knows that. He’s probably already figured everything out before he even brought it up. “Consider it done, no strings attached, I swear.” He says as he sits up, giving her a stern look. Akira almost wants to cry under his gaze and what he’s offering her, her lip quivering slightly.
“You’re too kind, Keigo,” is all she musters in a weak voice before she wipes her eyes with her sleeve.
“Hey, listen, you’re my friend, yeah?” His brows furrow, his glare intensifying. “I’m sick of seeing you waste away, Akira. Don’t think I haven’t noticed.” A tremble passes through her - it feels nice to hear him say her name for the first time but in his stern tone, it grabs a hold of her insides and squeezes. She tries to keep herself from crying under his watchful eye and nods. It’s true, she has lost weight, lost muscle mass due to lack of sleep, an unbalanced, sparse diet, and overworking her body. She doesn’t eat enough to keep up with her rigorous schedule, and it’s manifesting - her clothes have begun to fit looser, her skin bruises from barely bumping into things, and she’s always hungry yet too deep in the day-to-day grind to allow time to enjoy proper meals. He’s right, she knows that. Yet under his intense gaze, she feels stripped away and is the most vulnerable she’s ever felt. To know he has seen her slow decline in the past weeks, making note without making a big deal over it aside from encouraging her to go on lunch with him, it’s almost too much for her to bear. Her heart swells, and that unfamiliar warmth in her chest rises up her neck. After thickly swallowing back her tears, she sighs.
“Thank you, Keigo, I-,” she’s wringing her hands anxiously when she finally makes eye contact again, “I don’t know what to say.” Her honesty puts a smile on his face, and it shines like the sun.
“Don’t mention it. Now hurry up, or you’ll miss the outgoing train.”
Keigo offers to fly Akira all the way to her parents’ house as a courtesy, but with her fear of heights coupled with the fact that he’s been ignoring his incoming calls for a couple of hours now, he knows it’s not feasible. He could already feel his agent’s impending wrath as he stands on the train platform with her awaiting the train. His intention is to see her off, but try as he might, his presence is drawing attention. While he doesn’t hate the attention, he doesn’t love it either, and during times like these, he wishes he could be more discreet. Several civilians have already pointed him out and called out greetings upon their landing. He’s glad he managed to convince her to do one more short flight with him to the station to save time. It gave them just a little more camera and gawking-free time. Though he’s pretty sure she kept her eyes firmly clamped shut this time to avoid the repercussions of vertigo. With a sigh, he steps away to give her some space and talk to the growing group of fans who have approached, absolutely starstruck.
Akira appreciates him trying to keep her out of it as she stands holding the handle of her suitcase in one hand and scrolls on her phone with the other. Of course, Keigo’s feeble attempt means nothing since several people have already taken photos of them together upon arrival. Already he’s scheming how he will spin this whole situation to his agent and the public tomorrow, once she’s far from here and safe from the press’s prying eyes. He mingles with the small crowd, signing his autograph, taking photos, and accepting their praise for all his hard work; however, when he picks up the sound of the approaching train before everyone else, he dismisses himself back to her side with his hands in his pockets.
“Should have expected some of that, sorry,” he says under his breath as he looks down the tracks.
“You’re a popular guy, what can you expect?”
“True, but sometimes it would be nice to have a moment that’s my own, ya know?” She nods and gives a small smile.
“People love you, Hawks, as they should.” He grins at her flattery and rubs the back of his neck. “Besides,” she continues under her breath, “I know you love it deep down - the fawning, the swooning, the praise.” Her lip quirks into a smirk as if she just read him for filthy.
“Listen, just because you don’t have a praise kink doesn’t mean I don’t,” he teases in return, keeping his voice low and making her laugh.
“Oh, you don’t say?” Her sarcasm is thick, and she gives him a nudge, making his eyebrows shoot up. His laugh is loud and strong. He returns her push playfully, but the sound of the train approaching the station kills some of his joy. Akira hears it, too, and pulls her ticket from her pocket. “Guess this is it, right?” She nods and glances at him. Her face heats when she sees how many people are watching them from over his shoulder.
“Yeah, this is it.” She sucks on her teeth a moment, giving the people a passing glance, Keigo immediately taking notice and nodding at her.
“I’ll take care of that, too,” he gestures back toward them casually as the train pulls to a stop and the doors on the cars before them open.
“What’s one more thing on my running list of debt to you, huh?” She sighs but gives a quick nod. However, she hesitates to step away. He almost protests, but his gaze catches on how her eyes track over his face, like she’s looking for something, and he takes a moment to do the same. Her eyes are so terribly puffy and red from crying, her dark circles prominent and her cheeks slightly more hollow than they were a few weeks ago. Even the sheen of her dark, curly hair has dimmed with time. Regardless, her dark brown eyes captivate him, and if he weren’t under the scrutiny of the other people at the station, he would pull her into a hug and take a whiff of her hair one last time. But the moment passes just as quickly as it began; Akira lets out a sigh and gives a nod to a question he didn’t ask, and she’s stepping into the train car, but she only makes it a couple of steps before she turns back to him.
“You better be careful, you pigeon! I don’t want to hear about you getting hurt on the news, okay?” Again, he’s surprised by her tone, and it conjures a genuine grin.
“Of course, little chickadee! Do what you gotta do. I’ll hold down the fort until you get back.” He tries to keep the sadness out of his expression as he gives her a wave. Seeing her go, not knowing when she’ll return, it’s squeezing that small, weak part of him that wants to go with her. With a quick wave, she steps farther into the car and goes to get her ticket handled. Keigo watches until the train car fills and it’s hard to spot her through the people, and then he is gone. The longer he waits on the platform, the more likely he will be caught by the press, and he’s already going to be swinging in conferences, meetings, and paperwork over the past five minutes alone.
Previous Chapter --- Next Chapter
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love-toxin · 5 years
Yes, hello, sorry for the intrusion, but I’d like one (1) Yuri to go, please. Here’s the marriage registration form, filled out and signed, of course. So when is the earliest date I can take him home? ♡ (Also, Lilith is def a close second, because I’m a sucker for those subtle childhood friend/yandere types!)
you: will you be my hu-
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tojisveryown · 3 years
𝙸𝚗 𝚈𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝙴𝚢𝚎𝚜 | 𝟶𝟸
© 𝙰𝚕𝚕 𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚔𝚜 𝚋𝚢 𝚝𝚘𝚓𝚒𝚜𝚋𝚋𝚢𝚐 𝚘𝚗 𝚝𝚞𝚖𝚋𝚕𝚛
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𝙰𝚌: 𝚠𝚃𝟼𝙸𝙳𝟸𝚀𝟺𝙰𝙺𝚄𝟿𝚏𝚛 𝚘𝚗 𝚝𝚠𝚝
𝚂𝚢𝚗𝚘𝚙𝚜𝚒𝚜: 𝚃𝚑𝚛𝚘𝚞𝚐𝚑𝚘𝚞𝚝 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚕𝚒𝚏𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞'𝚟𝚎 𝚗𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚢 𝚋𝚎𝚎𝚗 𝚟𝚒𝚜𝚒𝚋𝚕𝚎 𝚝𝚘 𝚊𝚗𝚢𝚘𝚗𝚎, 𝚢𝚘𝚞'𝚟𝚎 𝚊𝚕𝚠𝚊𝚢𝚜 𝚜𝚊𝚝 𝚒𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚋𝚊𝚌𝚔 𝚘𝚏 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚌𝚕𝚊𝚜𝚜 𝚗𝚘𝚝 𝚙𝚊𝚢𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚊𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 𝚝𝚘 𝚊𝚗𝚢𝚘𝚗𝚎, 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚋𝚕𝚎𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚍 𝚒𝚗 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚌𝚛𝚘𝚠𝚍 𝚘𝚗𝚕𝚢 𝚞𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚕 𝚢𝚘𝚞'𝚟𝚎 𝚋𝚎𝚎𝚗 𝚙𝚊𝚒𝚛𝚎𝚍 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚜𝚘𝚖𝚎𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚎𝚖𝚋𝚕𝚎𝚜 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚙𝚕𝚎𝚝𝚎 𝚘𝚙𝚙𝚘𝚜𝚒𝚝𝚎 𝚘𝚏 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚊 𝚙𝚛𝚘𝚓𝚎𝚌𝚝.
𝚆𝚊𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜: 𝚖𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜 𝚘𝚏 𝚊𝚕𝚌𝚘𝚑𝚘𝚕, 𝚖𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜 𝚘𝚏 𝚜𝚎𝚡, 𝚖𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜 𝚘𝚏 𝚍𝚛𝚞𝚐 𝚞𝚜𝚊𝚐𝚎𝚜
𝚆𝚘𝚛𝚍 𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚝: 𝟸.𝟻𝚔
𝚃𝚊𝚐𝚜: 𝙲𝚘𝚕𝚕𝚎𝚐𝚎 𝙰𝚄, 𝚛𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝 𝚙𝚎𝚛𝚜𝚘𝚗 𝚝𝚘𝚘 𝚕𝚒𝚝𝚝𝚕𝚎 𝚝𝚒𝚖𝚎, 𝚏𝚕𝚞𝚏𝚏 𝚖𝚒𝚡𝚎𝚍 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚊𝚗𝚐𝚜𝚝
𝙿𝚛𝚎𝚟𝚒𝚘𝚞𝚜 | 𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝟶𝟸 | 𝙼𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝
⋆ 💌⋆ 
3 am, it was three o’clock in the morning and you woke up to the sound of your phone going off. Who the hell would be up at this hour, especially since there was a lecture everyone had to attend in four hours.
You took a glance at your screen, slowly adjusting to the brightness, you allow yourself to wake up, you check your messages, and realize Gojo has been texting you nonstop 
“Seriously, what the hell is wrong with this guy its three am..” you whisper to yourself trying not to wake up Utahime
“Who would ever wanna fuck you anyway?” 
Am I that un-fuckable? You walked over to the bathrooms and gave yourself a long and judgmental stare. “Shit, I am un-fuckable aren’t I?” 
Before you let your insecurities get the best of you, you decided that it’d be best to catch some sleep and worry about your appearance later. It’s not that your body was ugly, or that your face was ugly, it was definitely how you dressed. 
The way you dressed practically presented to everyone what type of vibes you give off, and as of right now you gave off pretty much “Hi, my name is L/N Y/N and I still shop at the kids' section from target.” and that is NOT the impression you wanted others to have when glancing towards you. 
You sighed, “That fucking man whore really did a number on my self-esteem.” You rolled over and checked the alarm clock placed on the nightstand that was sandwiched into yours and Utahime’s bed. 5:38 am 
“Maybe I should go shopping after the lecture.” you rolled off your bed and decided to get an early start. After finishing up you left the girls dormitory. 
6:45 am
⋆ 💌⋆ 
You hurried to the coffee shop that was a floor below your first lecture, luckily there weren’t that many people waiting in line, after what felt like two minutes it was finally your turn to order.
“Hi welcome, what may I get you?” The barista said, 
“Hi good morning, may I get an iced caramel macchiato?” 
“Of course, that’ll be 5.47!″
You dug in your bag to find your wallet and before the lady could take your card a hand placed itself over your own “I got it, add a white mocha to it will ya’ make it for Y/N Gojo, thanks.” That voice belonged to none other than the pest you dealt with yesterday. “G’morin’ Y/N.” he smiled as he slung his arm around you leading you outside the small coffee shop. 
“Mmm, so about yesterday.. I’ll forgive you if you let me take you out on a date? How ‘bout it?” 
No. Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with this guy?
“Huh? I didn’t apologize.” You feel yourself leaning on the pillar that stood outside the coffee shop. 
Gojo scoffed, “That’s exactly why, you won’t have to if you let me take you on a date. Think about it Y/N.” he leaned closer resting his forearm on the same pillar you were leaning against right above your head. He was practically towering over you.
“And if i don’t want to apologize?” He scoffed once more and held your chin, forcing you to lookup. His touch was cold, almost concerning really.. it’s probably from some sort of std.
“Y/N Gojo your coffee is ready! Y/N Gojo!” 
Gojo stepped away to grab both cups of coffee, he handed you yours and walked alongside you. “You know Y/N, so many girls would kill to go on a date with me, you’re really missing out.” there he goes flashing that cheekily smile around again. 
“Guess I’m not like the fuckable bimbos you go after then.” 
“You know you could be if you wanted to,” he walked in front of you, turning on his heels so he was now facing you as he continued to walk backwards. “All you have to do is give me a call.” he pulled his sunglasses down and gave you a wink.
Cheeky bastard.
You shoved the iced coffee into the core of his stomach signaling that you wouldn’t be swooned so easily by his escapades, you held out your arm until he realized you were giving the coffee back. His fingertips grazed over your hand and you flinched at the subtle contact. Before Gojo had the chance to call you out you were submerged into the crowd.
“Y/N stop being so difficult.” 
⋆ 💌⋆ 
6:58 am, you made it on time for your first early morning lecture and sat in the fourth row. As you began to pull your stuff out more and more people started filling up the seats. You were beginning to regret returning the coffee Gojo had bought for you due to the lack of sleep.
“Y/N don’t run off like that, I almost lost you in the crowd.” You turned your head and there he was, sitting right next to you while wearing that stupid grin “Sorry some of it spilled out, but it’s still perfectly fine.” he admitted as he slid the iced coffee towards you. You looked away, you thought Gojo would finally get the hint to leave you alone and yet he just kept going on Until..
“Good morning Satoru!” a girl smiled as she sat down in the row in front of us “Why do you have two coffees?”
He cocked a smile “Good morning Yuri,” he greeted before he took your coffee and handed it in her direction, “Ehh, they gave me an extra drink. But I wouldn’t mind giving it to you.” 
You turned your head to watch the scene play out, that bastard and his cheap tricks. “That was supposed to be my coffee” is what you wanted to say, but you knew it’d be best not to get tangled in Gojo’s business. You turned away looking for a new seat. You packed your things and headed towards the back of the lecture hall.
The girls face lit up in excitement “Of cour-”
“Kidding, this is Y/N’s.” but before Gojo could turn his head back to you to flash that idiotic smile of his you were nowhere to be found. 
⋆ 💌⋆
The lecture was finally over and just as you were finishing up your notes a figure appeared. “Y/N it’s rude to leave without saying anything.” He slid your cup of coffee on the desk.
“Thought you gave it to that girl.” 
“I bought it for you, not her.” he stated firmly, he grabbed your bag and walked towards the door, “Are you coming or not?”
“Huh, where are you and I going? And give me back my bag.” 
Satoru turned on his heels and leaned down to your height pressing his pointer finger on his lips. His crystal blue eyes met yours and you were at a loss of words, his eyes truly were beautiful and you almost let a compliment slip until you realized who those eyes belonged to.
“It’s a secret of course, and its ‘we’ Y/N, say ‘where are we going’, what good if there in having a parter if you aren’t even acknowledging them correctly?” 
“You aren’t my partner, work alone.” you handed him the cup of coffee and  seized your bag out of his arms. For the second time this week Gojo was now staring at your back as you walked away, your figure getting smaller and smaller each step you took before you were one with the crowd. Gojo stared down at the cup and noticed that you didn’t take any sips of the caffeinated drink that he purposefully bought for you. 
“Warm up to me soon will you?” he whispered to himself as he passed by a trashcan throwing the drink away.
⋆ 💌⋆
The next morning you found Gojo patiently waiting for your arrival, in his hands were two cups of coffee, it doesn’t look like he’s noticed you so you take that advantage and walk behind a group of students going to their next class. As you were passing by desperately trying to avoid any form of contact with Gojo you unintentionally eavesdropped on a conversation he was having over the phone. Unfortunately you weren’t able to hear the other side of the line.
“Another bet? Sugu’ that’s shitty” He laughed  “No, she already thinks I’m an asshole and making a bet with you involving her would make things worse. Okay okay okay one month right? Okay bye.”
Fucking bastard. Who does he think he is, making a bet to see if he can fuck someone he called unfuckable.
⋆ 💌⋆
Just when you thought you were finally free from the virus known as Gojo, the chair next to you became occupied by the person you thought you’d be able to ignore. 
“G’morin’ Y/N!” he cheered gaining the attention of all the students that had the decency to come early “Got you some coffee, promise I won’t give it to anyone this time.” 
You ignored him and reviewed the notes you took yesterday, as class began the thought of Gojo sitting next to you slipped your mind until he moved his elbow with the intentions of hitting yours but knocked down the coffee he brought you onto your notes. 
“Whoopsies.” He laughed it off and gave you his notes for you to copy off of
“Gojo I can’t read this.”
“You don’t have to be so picky Y/N, who else is gonna let you borrow their notes you don’t have any friends.”
⋆ 💌⋆
The next morning Gojo showed up with two cups of coffee again and this time he brought a couple of napkins. He sat down next to you and placed the cup in front of you. 
“Didn’t you learn from last time?” you questioned as you slid the cup back to Gojo.
“Well maybe if you actually drank it I wouldn’t have spilled it.” he pouted and pulled out a new notebook “Here, since I did ruin your old one.”
You opened the notebook and there was a drawing of a penis on each of the pages.
You took a deep breath and faced Gojo, it took almost everything out of you not to dump the coffee on this man whore again. 
⋆ 💌⋆
As the next day came you expected Gojo to sit next to you but today he didn’t, you finally got to pay attention and take proper notes without anything getting spilled on them. After class ended, you found yourself going to get bread from a bakery near your school, but as soon as you were about to pay a pair of cold hands reached over yours handing his card to the cashier instead of yours.  “’s okay I got it.” he said smiling as he slithered his hand around your shoulder. You slid his hand off and pulled him to the back of the bakery.
“Woah Woah Y/N we can’t do it here there are people from our class watching!” He teased as he threw his hands in the air as a sign of defense. 
“What do you want from me.” 
You took a step forward, closing the little space you had between the two of you “What do you” poking his chest with your pointer finger you inched closer “want from me?”
Gojo leaned forward and whispered “Be my partner again Y/N.” Gojo felt you stepping away, furthering the distance you once closed. He pulled you into his chest and rocked himself, along with you following side to side due to his strong grip. One of his arms wrapped around your neck as the other slid down to the small of your back.  “What’s so bad about being my parter? Afraid I’m gonna use you like the chick you saw me in the library with?”
“I don’t want a man whore as my partner.” you huffed. Gojo flinched at the harsh words you used to describe him, nonetheless he still held you close, his cold hands grabbed your wrists guiding your arm to his back wrapping them around himself. 
“What do I have to do to prove to you I’m not a man whore?” he asked rubbing your back and pulling you closer to his chest. God how many layers of cologne  does this man lather on himself. 
“You can start by getting off me.” 
“Mmm.” he pulled you even closer to the point where you two had little to no space whatsoever between your two bodies. “Only if you agree to take me back as you partner.” 
You sighed giving in “Let me think about it?”
“M’kay!” he said pulling you even closer before letting you go.
⋆ 💌⋆
You walked back to campus with Gojo, the walk was quiet and peaceful. The sound of cars passing by along with the birds chirping filled your ears and it was a much needed break after eating at the bakery with Gojo filling your thoughts with nonsense. 
You and Gojo were on your way to the next lecture of the day until Gojo stopped walking. 
“Sorry Y/N I have to take a leak, can you please wait for me? I wanna be able to sit next to you in class.” 
You nodded and waited on a bench that was within a few feat of the bathrooms, moments later you heard footsteps approaching.
“Hey that was fast, did you wash your hands?” You questioned finally looking up realizing it wasn’t Gojo but the girl who Gojo offered your coffee to, Yuri. “Oh.. Can I help you?” 
“Is Satoru really dating you?” She began to laugh and the two girls behind her joined after giving you a hard gaze. 
“What no-”
“Probably one of his bets with Suguru. Like Satoru would ever wanna date you. What are you after? His money?”
“Huh no.”
“Please, save the bullshit, how much did you sell yourself for Satoru to hold you in the bakery like that? Or did you force yourself on hi-”
Before she could continue the stinging sensation that was both on your hand and face shut her up. She held her hand up and you flinched waiting for the contact that her hand would soon make with your face, but instead when you opened your eyes Gojo’s hand had grabbed her wrist before the contact was ever made. 
He shoved Yuri’s hand away and grabbed your hand dragging you to your next lecture. 
⋆ 💌⋆
During the long boring lecture the only thing you were able to think about was everything that happened moments before class began. Losing yourself in your thoughts Gojo slid a piece of paper with the words: “are you okay :( ?”
You replied with: “Yes. I’m fine, thank you.” Gojo smiled to himself as he replayed the scene of him coming to your rescue, cocky bastard.
Ripping off a piece of paper from the corner of your notebook, you wrote down a few words and placed the folded piece of paper onto Gojo’s open palm. 
“I guess, you can be my partner again.”
That day Gojo Satoru wore the smile that you gave to him proudly.
⋆ 💌⋆
𝙿𝚛𝚎𝚟𝚒𝚘𝚞𝚜 | 𝙽𝚎𝚡𝚝 | 𝙼𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝 
𝙽𝚘𝚝𝚎: 𝙻𝙼𝙰𝙾𝙾 𝙸 𝚊𝚖 𝚜𝚘 𝚜𝚘𝚛𝚛𝚢 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚊𝚕𝚕 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝙶𝚘𝚓𝚘 𝚜𝚕𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛 𝚒𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛, 𝚒𝚝'𝚜 𝚓𝚞𝚜𝚝 𝚜𝚘 𝚏𝚞𝚗𝚗𝚢 𝚝𝚘 𝚖𝚎. 𝙰𝚜 𝚊𝚕𝚠𝚊𝚢𝚜 𝚜𝚎𝚗𝚍 𝚊𝚗 𝚊𝚜𝚔 𝚒𝚏 𝚢𝚘𝚞'𝚍 𝚕𝚒𝚔𝚎 𝚝𝚘 𝚋𝚎 𝚘𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚝𝚊𝚐𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚏𝚒𝚌!  𝙷𝚘𝚙𝚎 𝚢'𝚊𝚕𝚕 𝚎𝚗𝚓𝚘𝚢𝚎𝚍(っ◔◡◔)っ ♥
⋆ 💌⋆
𝚃𝚊𝚐𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝: @peppytine @enesitamor
𝙽𝚎𝚡𝚝 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚘𝚗 𝚃𝚞𝚎𝚜. (𝟺/𝟸𝟶) 
© 𝙰𝚕𝚕 𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚔𝚜 𝚋𝚢 𝚝𝚘𝚓𝚒𝚜𝚋𝚋𝚢𝚐 𝚘𝚗 𝚝𝚞𝚖𝚋𝚕𝚛
⋆ 💌⋆
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yarichin-imagines · 3 years
Hi!!! okokok, how bout a s/o who has a kind of quirk (just like bnha!), how do you think they would react? Like, I think they'd probably integrate into something related to sex or develop a kink (? LMAO
y'all i am so into bnha you have no idea!! also, for neutrality purposes, i'll be using the quirks of deku, todoroki, bakugou, uraraka, kirishima, denki, sero, iida, and satou, all from class 1A, mostly just because none of their quirks rely on physical appearances!!
tw: impact, dubcon (drugging, somno), dummification if you squint
Toono – S/O's Quirk: One for All – This Quirk is a union of two different Quirks, one that stockpiles power and one that passes itself on to another. The user can momentarily gain strength and speed far greater than any other Quirk and hero.
thankfully by the time he'd met you, you'd mastered the use of your Quirk
you were never the prance about type to flash around your power anyway
you preferred to use it for more mundane tasks – like opening pickle jars and carrying the groceries into the house in one trip
he found out about it on accident
he was on his way out when he caught you in the parking lot coming in––
with your car in hand, two feet off the ground
you'd dropped your fob somewhere underneath it and couldn't see
toono passed out
when he came to, his first questions revolved around whether or not the car was okay
once he wraps his head around it though..
he's way more into it than he tells you
but it also fuckin terrifies him
so much so that he really doesn't want you to use it on him
definitely has watched you use it so intently that he can nut off to it later
maybe one day he'll pluck up and ask you to activate it for some pictures he can keep
Kashima - S/O's Quirk: Half-Cold, Half-Hot – This Quirk splits the user into two, half of the user's body can emit ice, the other half emits fire.
honesty is a pillar to kashima's relationship
your quirk came to light a month or so into seeing him
and at first, he was mostly excited about the health benefits
he decides then and there that you gotta do him a solid and chill his side of the bed
that way he can keep cool when he sleeps
even if he's half asleep
he'll grab your right hand with a lil soft tug
and in your drowsy stupor you chill his pillow so there's no need for a flip
makes him grin like an idiot every time
when he comes home from practice or from the gym he has you freeze and unfreeze the bathwater-- saves you guys a whole lot of ice
he doesn't mind letting you ease his muscles with your left side after all the heats works wonders that would make any rice pack green with envy
as a top, kashima's got complete control in the bedroom
all day, he'll ask you to close your eyes and heat something up, maybe it's a vibrator or a dildo
or when you chill something, they're usually beads or a plug
all for him to torment you with later on that night
Yacchan – S/O's Quirk: Explosion – This Quirk allows the user to sweat a substance similar to Nitroglycerin from the user's palms and ignite it to create explosions.
kyosuke recognizes it's too dangerous to use in the bedroom
but that being said, there's plenty of other stuff around the place to let you show off
your firework shows are always the best on the block
especially when he sets some off right when yuu isn't expecting it
mainly, yacchan appreciates your quirk when it comes to pulling pranks
It's really funny when you're popping ziploc bags full of nothing right outside tamura's dorm when he's trying to power nap before exams
and even funnier when he storms out in just tighty whities to yell at you
only to meet the flash of yacchan's cellphone
toono will fall asleep during study sessions sometimes and yacchan will facetime you so you can let out a boom and wake him up
he will most definitely fall off the bed and yacchan will most definitely record it
the two of you are the best of the worst that way
Shikatani – S/O's Quirk: Zero Gravity – This Quirk allows the user to cause people and items to float on contact. There is a weight limit on how much the user can levitate, and if this Quirk is used to much, it will cause the user to get sick.
it's really helpful when you help him deep clean
after all, if the supplies are gracefully floating behind him, that leaves his hands free to do twice the work, saving him half the time
but you're content to watch the beautiful boy work
if you help him clean like that, he won't ask for much more that day
he is very very conscious of how much you use your quirk
because he cares about you too much to let you get sick
since he knows for a fact that because of his ocd he won't be able to take care of you
and that stings
so on the days where the chores have all been done he gets the honor of experiencing the effects of your quirk in bed
he likes how it feels when your tease him from the air above
your throat feels more open
but it's not like he can do too much about it since the instant he gets too eager you always float just out of reach
sometimes if he's behaved very well, you'll suspend him
the headrush he gets is euphoric
but the best is how good you are when you blow out his back with your strap
after all, without gravity, your stroke game is literally out of this world
Akemi – S/O's Quirk: Hardening – This Quirk allows the user to harden any part of their body. This shell can withstand several tons of metal falling on the user, along with shock waves, explosions, etc.
there's nothing cuter to akemi keiichi than a brat
if you want to misbehave?
by all means
go right ahead
he'll leave it to you to exhaust yourself
that's the first time he saw you use it
he wasn't aiming to cause any major damage, he was only spanking you with his hand
but he'd been at it for almost an hour
then suddenly he'd pushed you off him after he'd slapped what felt like a solid rock
not that it could stop him
his eyes only grew darker
from then on out, it was all a game to see how far he could push before the shell wore down and you gave into him
Itome – S/O's Quirk: Electrification – This Quirk allows the user to discharge electricity out of the user's body. It goes out in all directions around the user, and can be used to even charge objects, such as batteries. There is a limit to how much this Quirk can be used, and if used too much, the user will short circuit their own brain, and won't be able to do anything for an hour.
of course you can charge his phone in a pinch when it dies at the worst possible moment
hotwire his car when he's already running late
restart the fusebox when there's a power outage
after hours, itome's not a hard dom
not in the slightest
but every once in awhile, he can be particularly malicious
like when he has you overcharge your vibrators to give him the liberty of overstimulating you for longer
really it's less about the scene and more about what comes after
due to the limits of your quirk, aftercare is all on him
that's what he likes the most
taking care of you completely
being able to coax you through your braindead state
clean you off and pose you all comfortable
you're all the sweeter when you come to, when you come back to him
Yuri – S/O's Quirk: Tape – This Quirk allows the user to shoot extremely strong tape from openings on the user's elbows.
the tape is good for fixing most messes yuri gets himself into, clumsy fuck
also waxing!
of course he's gonna be into it
he loves the sting it leaves when you pull it off him the most
and he feels it all over again when there's red rectangular patches all across his skin the next morning
though the gluey part is a bit of a pain to wash off
sometimes he'll leave it for him to pick at throughout the day -- that way he'll get the shivers, makes him hot all over again!
he literally cannot get enough
when you do your school work or anything that diverts your attention from him, he'll be tugging at your elbow
this way you can restrain him until you're ready to ahem
put him to use
you can also use your tape to toss him around, floor to bed to floor to wherever
sometimes you even tape up his face, cover his mouth until the drool renders the tape into a thin flimsy strip
you tie his hands tighter and tighter every time, and it never breaks him
he loves it
on the other hand, yuri can be quite the slippery fuck
for emergencies, you've got some of your tape stored away
you've woken up more than once hogtied, your quirk turned against you
like it or not, yuri can easily turn the tables and you're almost never expecting it
you might have an unlimited supply, but he's too quick for your own good
Tamura – S/O's Quirk: Engine – This Quirk gives the user incredible speed by engine-like protrusions in the user's calves. The engines are fueled by orange juice, and carbonated drinks will mess the engines up.
he calls a 40 meter dash every single weekend
he sets his treadmill to train for it the whole week
but he never beats you
and it seriously pisses him off
you're always faster, no matter the game
if anything, it motivates him
he'll take the bruised ego if it helps him get into better shape
the fact that sometimes, you let him win makes his "engines" overheat faster than you can blink
he'll chase you and chase you for hours
fueled on adrenaline and testosterone, there's no way he'll tap out before you
expect a long, hard bite once he catches you
he goes absolutely animalistic
that lilt in his voice when he finally gets to sink his teeth into your shoulder, even if it's through a shirt, that doesn't matter to him
"caught you"
Jimmy – S/O's Quirk: Sugar Rush – This Quirk allows the user to become stronger and faster every 10 grams of sugar they eat for three minutes. The more the user uses this Quirk, the dumber they get.
every time he catches you snacking on a chocolate bar his whole brain turns off
he's practically jumping, the way he bounces around
waiting for you to inevitably choke slam him against the nearest surface
wall, couch, bed, anything
he likes it when you just toss him over your shoulder
even more the way your hits are harder than usual
he antagonizes you on purpose
making sure to stuff a grocery cart full of sweets he knows you like so that he can catch you snacking and make him pay through the nose
he always asks so nicely
but when you won't give in, well that just won't do!
doses your miso with sugar, drops in three extra cubes in your milk tea, encourages extra flan for dessert
for the next three minutes, you're nearly tripping over yourself
everything is lighter
and then when the crash hits---
jimmy can finally take what he wants
and karma is quite the bitch
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soundofseventeen · 4 years
Welcome Home (Choi Seungcheol)
HELLO! It is time. The requests from 5 years ago (okay more like... 5 months ago but still) are finally about to get posted. I have them about done but I don’t work too much this week so I have a goal to binge write the rest. (Plus I started bee’s birthday post and lol) Enjoy! 💛
Requested by @ruthio21​
40 -  “Why the hell is there glitter everywhere?”
*ps this can be considered a part two to this post but also can be a one shot*
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“Okay Yuri, time to clean up!” You smiled, putting some markers back into their box. 
“But it’s not done yet!” The 3 year old whined, taking another marker out of the box you had, causing you to look at the card. 
“Honey, I think it’s ready.” You sat down, looking at her. “He’s gonna love it.” 
“But it’s not perfect yet.” She pouted up at you, making you laugh. 
“It doesn’t have to be perfect.” You laughed, leaning on your arm. “It’s going to make your dad very happy when he comes home.” 
“But it’s late.” She pouted again, somehow making it more pronounced. It was no wonder that she had her father entirely wrapped around her finger. 
“Just because you couldn’t give it to him on the day doesn’t mean he won’t like it. You got to video chat with him, remember? Remember how he sang that song with you?” You said, continuing to pack things up. 
“Yeah, he’s bad at it.” She said, making you snort. Only she could think that. If only she knew. 
“Be sure to tell him that, okay?” She nodded her head, smiling at you. “Okay come on! Someone needs to take a nap before your daddy comes home otherwise someone will fall asleep while he’s here.” You said, standing up. 
“Enjoy your nap.” She said, continuing to color a new sheet of paper. You let out another laugh as you swooped down and picked her up, a giggle escape the little girl. 
“Okay sassypants. Let’s go.” It took a while, but you eventually got her tucked down for a nap. Once she was asleep, you had decided to start cleaning up given that you had about an hour before he got home. That quickly turned into about 15 minutes before he got home as you took your daughters comment to heart, taking a quick nap yourself. 
You were in the kitchen when you heard the door open, fully expecting to hear him call out. But, he didn’t. You listened as he set his bags down and started walking around the living room. 
“Hon?” You heard, making you chuckle. 
“Kitchen!” You called back, turning around as Seungcheol walked in. 
“Why the hell is there glitter everywhere?” He asked, a humored smile on his face. 
“Hello to you too.” You smiled at him, going over to hug him. He smiled at you, kissing your nose as his arms went around your shoulders. 
“Hello.” He kissed you quickly, both of you exhaling. “Seriously, why is there glitter all over the living room?” 
“It was craft day.” You explained, smiling at the fact that he was finally home. “Your daughter wanted to make you a father's day card.” He got a confused expression on his face. 
“Wasn’t that a couple weeks ago?” 
“She didn’t get to give you a card, remember? Someone was touring?” You smiled, Seungcheol pouting at you. “She has some critiques on your singing, by the way.” 
“Oh does she? Good ones?” You shook your head, Seungcheol chuckling. “Ouch. We should have never let Jeonghan sing her to sleep. No one will compare now.” You smacked his shoulder, going back to clean up again. 
“Yeah, we will have to avoid that with the next one.” You chuckled, Seungcheol leaning on the counter next to you. 
“Speaking of…” He asked, raising an eyebrow at you. “What did the doctor say?” 
“Everything looks healthy, things are going well.” You smiled at him, seeing the smile grow on his face. “We’re almost 3 months now.” 
“Well good.” He said, wrapping his arms around your waist and letting his hands rest on your stomach. “When do you wanna tell Yuri?” 
“When do you wanna tell the boys?” You asked, looking at him. He just gave you a confused look, raising his eyebrows. 
“What does that have to do with telling our daughter?” 
“You know how they all are. If we tell the guys first, one of them is bound to accidentally ask Yuri about it. If we tell Yuri first, she’s bound to scream about it to her uncles about how she’s going to be a big sister.” You pointed out, Seungcheol nodding. 
“You may have a point.” He said, thinking for a minute. “What if we had a dinner?” 
“...Excellent. I’m usually hungry at the end of the day, dinner sounds like an idea.” You laughed, looking back at him. 
“No, I mean we have a dinner with everyone, and then we can tell everyone at once. That way no one spoils it for anyone else.” He offered, you nodding your head. 
“That could work.” You smiled. “I think we should wait a little longer though, just until we are… sure…” 
“Y/N, it’s not going to happen again.” He said, resting his head on your shoulder. “I can feel it, we’re not going to lose this one.” 
“You don’t know that.” You muttered, Seungcheol turning you around so you were facing him. 
“But I do. This one is already healthier. We’re all going to be okay. I know it.” 
“You better be telling to truth.” You pouted. “Mingyu wouldn’t leave me alone last time.” 
“He was just worried about you and wanted to make sure you were taking care of yourself. It’s hard to lose a baby.” He said, smiling at him a bit. “I also may have sent him during down times.” He confessed, you smacking his arm. 
“You did that!” You laughed, Seungcheol laughing with you. 
“Again, I knew he would keep you company and take care of you!” He chuckled, kissing your nose. “Okay, I’m going to go see my child. It’s been too long.” 
“Her nap is almost done now.” You grinned, Seungcheol kissing you one last time before letting go of you and jogging down the hall. You shook your head as you heard your daughters shriek of joy and Seungcheol’s laugh, starting to get dinner ready.
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2ynjns · 4 years
to the far away land || choi yeonjun
sequel of day 4 of 31 days of christmas with ydale
find day 4 ‘your wish is my command’ here!
pairings: yeonjun x reader
genre: royalty!au, fantasy!au, fluff and angst(?)
warning: prince yeonjun being a rebel, chaotic christmas celebration, but all hail the royal couple! and this one is kinda long because i kinda got excited HAHAHAH
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“hyung! you’re crazy!” prince soobin warned his older brother. he couldn’t believe that prince yeonjun is going to run away with y/n tonight. that is the least thing prince soobin is expecting prince yeonjun to decide on, to abandon the throne and leave his future kingdom and soon-to-be-bride.
tonight is christmas night and supposedly prince yeonjun’s coronation since yeonjun already turned 21 this year, the king decided to give his first son the throne since the king is already aging and just want to watch his kingdom strive under the hands of his son.
“hyung, what is mother and father going to think? you’re going to abandon the throne.” soobin pulled his brother’s shoulders to face him. yeonjun is currently packing his gold and some clothes so he could arrive early and wait for y/n at the garden.
yeonjun sighed and gave soobin a blank look, “that’s the reason why i told you. you should take the throne.” soobin’s jaw dropped at how easily yeonjun gave up his throne for him. soobin blinked a few times before letting go of yeonjun’s shoulders.
soobin sat down on yeonjun’s bed and yeonjun continued packing his bags. “you’re really gonna leave us?” soobin looked at yeonjun with defeat. no matter how much he’d stop his brother, the older one lad would win anyway.
the older prince looked at his younger brother with soft eyes. yeonjun pulled the younger one up and gripped soobin’s padded shoulders, they stared at each other before yeonjun giving soobin a warm embrace, an embrace that seemed like a farewell.
“once me and y/n settle down at our new home, i’ll visit from time to time. i can’t just disappear from you and the little brothers forever, i love you boys a lot.” yeonjun finally patted soobin’s back and gave him a small smile.
“you deserve the throne. you’re more collected, calm and a better leader than i am. yes, we have our own capabilities, but you have to believe in yourself, soob. you got this.” soobin sighed and closed his eyes. 
“if you need me there from your new home, just send a letter or pay a visit, i’ll be coming in no time.” soobin gave his older brother a reassuring smile before giving each other their one last embrace.
after soobin helped yeonjun finish to pack up, their three younger brothers barged in the room to check up on them.
“hyung! the party is about to start in a moment-- why are you not dressed?” prince taehyun raised his brows while looking at the pink haired prince. yeonjun looked at soobin and soobin looked back and sighed.
“alright boys, here’s the deal...” soobin started.
as soobin was about to gently and calmly announce the news, yeonjun abruptly blurted his plans without hesitation, he needed to leave in a bit and he didn't have much time to chitchat. “i’m leaving tonight. no crowned king yeonjun, just crowned king soobin...” yeonjun looked at soobin again, “and i’ll be settling with y/n, far away from here.”
it took a moment for the three younger guys to give their eldest brother a response. not knowing what to say, taehyun’s jaw is just wide open while staring at yeonjun meanwhile beomgyu and kai’s eyes are questioning yeonjun’s decision.
“you’re doing what?!” beomgyu screamed. “ssHHH! don’t scream.” yeonjun covered beomgyu’s mouth.
“you didn’t just say you’re leaving the kingdom?” kai asked, “yes. yes, i just did.” yeonjun answered back.
“how about father and mother? the crown, the throne? your marriage with princess yuri?” taehyun asked with panic in his eyes. yeonjun just massaged his temples and sighed. “look, i’ve already thought this through. soobin is gonna take the throne and--”
“and soobin is gonna marry princess yuri?” taehyun stared at yeonjun.
well, yeonjun DID thought everything through with the coronation and the throne being passed to soobin. but he clearly didn’t think the marriage aspect through at all.
yeonjun nervously looked at soobin and soobin was just staring at taehyun. “you’re right...” yeonjun whispered.
beomgyu’s palm met his own face and he shook his head, “oh no what have you done.” 
“so where’s y/n?” kai asked. “they’re supposed to be waiting for me at the garden in a few. i really don’t have much time, i need to go.” yeonjun looked at his clock and grabbed his bag.
“you’re just really... gonna leave like that?” beomgyu asked his eldest brother.
before hopping out from the balcony, yeonjun stopped and looked back at his brothers. then it hit him, the four boys dressed up nicely for his coronation, hair neatly pulled back, shoes polished and expecting that yeonjun will be the one who’s going to handle the kingdom and he would be the reason why the kingdom will strive. 
yeonjun dropped his bags on the floor and walked slowly towards his brothers. he hugged them one by one, feeling guilty but this is what he wanted, to live normally.
finally, he looked at all four of them collectively and took them in a group hug. “hyung is sorry.” was all he said, he wanted to cry but he didn’t want them to see him in his weak state.
really, he thought about this through. as much as he wanted to stay for his brothers and he loved his kingdom so much, he didn’t think he’d be a good fit for the throne, but he didn’t want to get married by some princess he never met. although he didn’t mean to put soobin in this situation, he knew soobin will handle it better than he would.
“i’m sorry for putting you guys into this much trouble. i love you all.” he whispered, giving each of his brothers a one last forehead kiss.
he looked at the clock one last time before realizing he doesn’t have much time, he ran to the balcony and grabbed his bag. “tell mother and father that i’m sorry and i love them!” he yelled.
before the four other princes could say anything, prince yeonjun already jumped over the balcony and ran towards his horse.
you used your wings to fly to the garden, you figured flying there would be much quieter and saves you trouble although you left some fairy dust on the area.
when you got to the garden, you set your bag on one of the benches and you picked a few flowers so you can keep and cherish it since you don’t know whether you’ll be returning to the palace at all. you fiddled on the petals and smelt it, you then looked outside and you saw how the palace was lit up by colorful lights and you could hear baroque music from a far.
you looked down and questioned yourself if this was really a great idea. you’ve worked for the king and the queen for more than five years and you wanted to stay loyal, but you guess your deep emotion for yeonjun has taken over your morals.
you sat on the bench and you sighed. you’re hoping that everything will work out and that you and the prince will live a happy life far away from here.
you were disrupted from your thoughts when the prince’s shadow took over your tiny body. you looked up and even though it’s dark, you saw how he shines through the darkness. although he wasn’t wearing his formal royal clothes, he still looked very good, handsome as ever.
you saw how his eyes gleamed over the darkness, you loved that about him. how his eyes sparkled every time he looks at you, how he holds you as if you’re the most delicate flower, how he whispers sweet things to you like no other.
you stood up and opened your mouth, you wanted to ask him if he was really sure but nothing wants to come out from your lips. you looked outside and it seemed like the event was about to start as you saw the palace’s light inside turn brighter.
“i don’t think we should do this.” you said. yeonjun’s brows met and he shook his head, “what are you saying? we’ve already come into an agreement, we’re doing this.” he fought. he held your hands and he kissed it.
“we’re going to be fine, i swear. i’ll do everything just to make you feel better, just please, come with me.” you saw how his eyes pleaded you, you saw how tears piled up on his eyeball but you just looked at him, still unsure.
you looked down but you hugged him, you wrapped your arms around his neck and you played with his hair, “i just want what’s the best for you. i’m not capable of giving you rich, i’m just a fairy who does magic for a living, heck, yeonjun you’re a prince, you deserve better than being with a fairy.” you looked up while still hugging him.
you felt his hand gently run over your sparkling wings, it fluttered from the tickling sensation and yeonjun giggled.
“why are you suddenly doubting?” he whispered and he let go of your wings, he hugged you by your waist and he dug his face on the crook of your neck. “i want my best with you. we’re capable of doing things together, i don’t need rich, we can have a decent life together without needing riches. and i deserve you, i deserve being with the love of my life.” he muttered on your skin.
your heart softened, he really is eager to be with you. you cupped his cheek and you played the staring game for a few seconds before you leaning in to give him a deep kiss. “i love you.” you whispered in the kiss. he hummed and pulled away. “i love you too.”
you both heard ‘so this is love’ playing from the palace. he laughed and stretched out his arm, “may i have this dance?” 
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beomgyu couldn’t stop fidgeting from his seat in front of the loud crowd. he’s very anxious of what’s gonna happen next. the maids are currently looking for yeonjun since they need to get him ready for this coronation, and guess what, he’s the only person that everyone is waiting for.
the music ‘so this is love’ is currently playing to keep guests entertained while the chaos behind the hall occurs.
taehyun sat next to the chair next to beomgyu and leaned to his brothers. “mother and father hasn’t seemed to notice that hyung is missing yet.” he whispered through the loud music. kai chuckled and looked at the crowd and scanned through it.
“well, let’s hope they already fled.” kai hoped, although he felt a little disappointed in his eldest brother, he still wanted to support him from doing whatever he wanted in life.
“let’s hope they don’t get caught.” beomgyu runs his hands over his face. “where’s soobin-hyung?” beomgyu asked taehyun.
“he’s talking to father, i think he’s trying to distract him, he looked nervous tho.” taehyun said while pointing to his right, seeing soobin talking to their father and some lords from the other kingdom.
“what do you mean you can’t find yeonjun?!” the queen yelled behind the three boys. they turned around to see their mother panicked with a red face of anger at the maids and guards. the maid then explained that they already looked for yeonjun around the palace but he’s nowhere to be found.
“look again for goodness sake! we need him here right now. he needs to be crowned within an hour!” the queen demanded, “we looked several times your majesty, still, no prince yeonj--” the maid was cut off by a guard that just came in.
“your highness, prince yeonjun’s horse is missing from the stables.” the guard yelped. the queen quietly cursed under her breath and gritted her teeth. she looked around to gather ideas how they were going to find the first prince until she realized something. 
“what-- hold on, where’s y/n?” the queen finally asked.
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you and yeonjun danced in the dark with the muffled music playing from the palace. you were glad that was the thing you’re sharing with your last moments here at his kingdom.
“we need to go, they might see us. they’re probably looking for you by now.”
yeonjun gave you a quick peck before pulling you to grab your bags and hopping on to his horse and fleeing to start our journey together, alone, just the two of you.
“let’s go, we don’t want to be held back from our trip.”
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“your highness, king choi, prince yeonjun is missing.” the king’s right hand whispered to the king. the king looked at his right hand as if he was kidding. soobin overheard their conversation and he nervously swallowed his own saliva.
the king laughed loud while holding his stomach, “no need for jokes, mateo, tell yeonjun he needs to be here, his bride is waiting for him.” the king pointed at the sophisticated princess who is standing right across prince soobin. princess yuri blushed and looked away.
“your highness, i’m not making jokes. the prince really is missing.” the king glared at mateo and mateo just gently backed off a bit because everyone knows what the king is about to do, scream on top of his lungs.
“WELL LOOK FOR HIM!” and with that, mateo and the guards went on to look for prince yeonjun. the queen walked aggressively towards the king and whispered to him. “y/n is also missing. i haven’t seen them since the event began.” the queen pulled the king to the side while soobin tried to entertain princess yuri.
“is prince yeonjun really... missing?” princess yuri asked prince soobin. soobin just looked away and let off a breath. “i’m not sure, i haven’t seen him.” he simply said and gave a small smile.
“oh, i was really looking forward to meeting him. i heard he was attractive and lovely.” princess yuri smiled under her breath. soobin looked at the princess, he couldn’t help but to feel bad, however, he knew that his brother doesn’t want to be betrothed other than y/n.
“what if he really is missing?” he asked the princess. “what?” the princess asked back.
“i mean, like i said, i haven’t seen him-- that doesn’t mean that he really is missing. i was just asking what if he really is missing... and you don’t get the chance to meet him?” soobin was straight forward with his question. he knew his brother is not gonna come back, especially he’s not going to come back to marry the princess.
“uhm, i don’t know? i’ll be sad of course. i would be worried about why he disappeared.” the princess answered. soobin just let of a small oh before looking at his parents.
both the queen and the king are panicking and giving orders to all the guards and maids possible to check every corner of the palace. soobin sighed one last time before excusing himself to talk to his parents.
“if you may excuse me, princess.” he walked towards his parents and he nervously tapped his father’s shoulders.
“what is it, soobin?” his father said annoyed. he knew whatever he was gonna say wouldn’t make sense to his father’s ears but he had to do it because yeonjun is not going to come back anytime sooner to be the king. 
“m-may i talk to you, father?” soobin asked his father. his father just ignored him and continued on giving orders to mateo. “father, please, listen.” he pleaded with his father. his father raised his left hand and warned his second son.
“soobin, i don’t have any time for this. your older brother is missing and he’s going to be crowned in 30 minutes, what do you not unders--”
“father, he’s not gonna come back.” soobin finally said. this caused the whole crowd to gasp and a series of silence occupied the hall. soobin looked around the hall and back to his father.
“father, we should take this to--” soobin was cut off by the king. “what do you mean he’s not coming back?” that’s it, he knew his father was angry. he knew that if yeonjun comes back, he would be beheaded by the king himself.
“please, let’s talk this out in your office.”
“do not tell me that rascal fled with that fairy.” the king gripped on soobin’s shoulders. it was painful, but he didn’t want to show any sign of weakness to his father. he wanted to come out strong like a king should be. he wanted to prove his father that he is capable of being a king just like his elder brother.
“father, please. let’s go to your office.” soobin gently held his father’s tensed hands and pulled it off his shoulder. he guided his father to the royal office.
the king sat on his massive chair before massaging his forehead. it took a moment for the two to start speaking again. soobin is scared for his life, and his brother’s life. he didn’t want anyone to get hurt. most especially his brother, soobin is sacrificing his own life for his brother’s happiness.
“did he flee with y/n, prince soobin?” the king finally asked, looking at his son. soobin just bit his lip and looked down. not giving any answers, the king became impatient and slammed the table.
“answer me, soobin!” the king screamed. soobin shut his eyes. “yes.” finally, soobin spoke. “yes, he did.”
soobin swore he didn’t want to tell his father, but he thought it was the best thing to do. he didn’t know what to do, this is new to him. being interrogated is new to him. he never even stepped inside a royal courtroom, it was always yeonjun. but he knew he could do it.
“so you’re telling me yeonjun left just for that fairy?” his angry father asserted. “what are they going to do good for him? their magic? is their magic going to feed the prince? tell me soobin, why?” the king stood up and walked towards soobin. 
“who would be the king?” the king finally asked. finally letting out a defeated sigh.
soobin second guessed himself. he didn’t think he’d be a good fit to be a king, he didn’t think he’s trained properly to be the next king since he was overshadowed by his elder brother most of the time, but with perseverance and will, he can be the next best king.
“ah-- i’d be the king.” soobin said. the king looked at soobin as if his son is going insane, one brow raised and arms are now crossed. “you? be the king?” the king had to check twice whether he heard the right thing or what not.
soobin straightened up from his father’s question. the king walked closer to soobin and walked around him to examine the second prince. soobin is much taller than the king and his physique is perfect, he’s also smart and very much capable of being a leader.
the king stopped behind soobin, soobin heard his father give off a very deep breath and patted his back. “don’t fail me. don’t fail me unlike your brother. i’m going to postpone the engagement with princess yuri, but you will be crowned tonight.”
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few years into the future, yeonjun settled in a tiny cottage with y/n in the far away land. they are surrounded with fields, plants and animals. no outsiders tried to bother them at all since the couple lives a few miles away from the town. the kingdom, however, is many miles away and although the royal guards have been looking for the missing prince since then, he’s still unseen from the kingdom. 
the couple lived happily together and married few months after they fled the kingdom. they enjoyed every moment they spent together. yeonjun decided to farm and tend the animals for a living, y/n on the other hand became a healer just like their mother. the couple would often visit the town to heal needy citizens or even sell crops to the people.
“yeonwoo! come back here!” you screamed to call your three year old son. you’re trying to feed your son but he keeps running away from you to go to his father. at the same time, you’re trying to stop your four-month-old baby daughter from crying in your arms.
“shhh... it’s okay jiyeon, you don’t need to cry, i’m here.” you cooed at your daughter. your baby finally stopped from crying and you saw your husband pushing your son towards you.
“did you try to run away from your food again? not today, buddy.” yeonjun petted yeonwoo’s hair. you saw your son give his best puppy eyes and pout to his father, and it didn’t work. “not working today, bud. you need to eat, here lemme feed you.” yeonjun took the bowl in front of you and fed your three year old.
you smiled at the sight while swaying your daughter. you never imagined your life being like this. you’ve always thought of being wedded to another fairy and work for the palace until you retire. but through your prayers and wishes, you married your first and only love, prince yeonjun.
a year into your marriage you gave birth to a beautiful baby boy and named his yeonwoo. he is a half fairy half human but he does not have fairy wings, he is a clone of his father, yeonjun and yeonwoo looks exactly the same. yeonwoo is yeonjun’s mini version. meanwhile, yeonwoo only inherited your pointed ears from your physical appearance however, you could already see his capability on following your footstep as a powerful fairy. 
you then gave birth to another child, which is jiyeon, and you could already tell your similarities with your daughter at a young age. she is your little fairy. jiyeon took your pointed ears and your wings, but, she still looks like his father.
“i received a letter from the kingdom.” yeonjun started after finishing feeding yeonwoo. your heart dropped from his revelation which caused you to quickly whip your head to his direction.
“they found us?” you asked, worried about the next outcome. “well, technically no cause i got the letter when i was in town. heeseung handed the letter to me.” your husband lifted the letter from his vest and opened it to show to you.
“king soobin wants us to visit him.” yeonjun smiled and walked towards you. he wrapped his arms around your sitting body and hugged both you and your daughter. “he wants to see us after being away for so long.” he kissed your forehead before cupping your cheeks and lifting your face.
“should we go?” he asked and sat in front of you.
you cradled your daughter tighter and pursed your lips. “are we going to be in trouble? y’know, your mother and father…” you asked him quietly.
your son walked towards you and caressed his sister’s face, your daughter laughed from her older brother’s action which caused yeonwoo to giggle. “look mama/dada, she’s happy.” your son cooed at jiyeon.
you smiled at the sight. it made you realize the love your son and your daughter have for each other. the sibling love that you can not take away from people. you looked at your husband and you saw him smiling at your children.
you thought the longing feeling yeonjun has for his brothers, after being apart for so long, you know yeonjun wants to see his brothers and parents badly. you can’t just take away your husband’s family for him especially they are really close with each other.
you reached to yeonjun’s cheeks and rubbed it, you smiled at him and held his hands. “yes. yes, we will go.”
yeonjun gave you a cheeky smile and intertwined his finger with yours, lifting your hand and giving it a kiss.
“thank you, love.” he said and hugged you, your daughter and your son. “yeonwoo, jiyeon, do you want to see your grandfather, grandmother and uncles?” yeonjun asked your children.
yeonwoo raised his arms and jumped, “yes! yes! we go tomorrow!” your son innocently scream out of excitement.
“you heard him, we’re going tomorrow.” yeonjun said before giving you a kiss.
“fine prince yeonjun, your highness.” you teased before standing up and getting your luggage ready.
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crimson-mage-02 · 4 years
Spy x Family Mission 2: Honeymoon (Smut/Fluff)
Summary:  Loid wanted to go on a family outing with his daughter and wife until he was asked to go on a mission and had Yor to come along on their new mission to save newly wedded brides on their honeymoon.
A/N: This is my Christmas gift for @kadhis-stuff!! This is for you! I also posted this in Ao3! I had so much fun writing this fanfic of Loid and Yor! I really, really, really, hope you’ll like this! Please forgive me if you spotted any errors. Everyone and @kadhis-stuff, enjoy reading, comment and give feedback! 
Merry Christmas and and stay safe! 
Anya was walking along the path with her adoptive father, Loid was following her on the way home and listened to her talking excitedly about how she’ll spend her time with her uncle Yuri and Franky. He wished they wouldn’t teach her anything that was unnecessary unlike the last time they had taught her how to handle a knife and a gun.
But luckily it was a plastic knife. Much to his relief, he chuckled remembering Yor was teaching her hand to hand combat before attending the Eden academy. He didn’t really say anything much, but right now, he finds it cute. “Papa!”
“Ah, yes, Anya?” Loid looked down at her with a smile.
“Is Mama coming home to cook dinner with us?” Anya asked him as she tugged in his pants.
“Mama will be coming home a bit late and we’ll be cooking dinner together. How does that sound?” Loid asked her.
“Mmm, yeah!” Anya smiled brightly as they walked in hand in hand together on their way home. When they got home, they immediately got started with preparation of making dinner while Yor comes home from work.
It has been months since he and Yor have become an official married couple. He loved spending everyday with her and their daughter Anya. He definitely will not abandon them as he loves them so much. He vowed to protect the two of them. “Anya, get changed and wash your hands.”
“Okie!” Anya saluted with Bond licking her face. She ran into her room to get changed while Loid had changed as well and gave some dog food for Bond in the corner near the new table they had bought. Franky and Anya both had promised they won’t be destroying another table ever again.
He had started some buttered chicken with some sauce while hearing Anya was running towards him and hugged his legs. “Oh, Anya. You ready? Here, you start by stirring the soup.” He gave her a spoon to use to stir while he cuts the meat and then put them into the soup.
At 5pm, when the sun had set and it was dark, Yor came home tired with a worn out look on her face. “Oh no! Mama!” Anya exclaimed worriedly.
“I’m home.” Yor said tiredly as she walked towards the couch and lay down for a bit. Loid turned off the stove and had asked Anya to give them privacy which she complied as she went to study in her room.
He turned to his wife and let her lay on his shoulder. “Tough day at work?”
“Mmm hmm, I have been working so hard. Yet there is so much needed to be done. Oh, how I want a vacation, Loid. It would be very helpful just to relax every once in a while.” Yor said hugging him around his waist.
Loid smiled and then rubbed her back. “I do hope that some dinner would help you relax tonight then maybe I can plan for a trip. Just us three.”
Yor’s eyes brightened and sparkled. “I really do love your cooking. And a think a trip does sound wonderful.”
“Great. I will tell Handler that I will be unavailable for the entire week or month.” Loid smiled at her and stood up with her.
“Oh? Handler is the one who tells you about your missions as a spy?” Yor asked as she helped setting up the table.
“Yes, she’s the one. I think she’ll understand.” Loid chuckled putting the pot in the center of the table. “Plus, she now saw how things had gotten better with us, I think she’ll understand I could have a few days to spend more time with you.”
“I am sure she’ll understand. And I’ll get Anya since dinner is ready.” Yor smiled as she walked towards daughter’s room. “Anya, dinnertime.”
The three of them had dinner together with Bond eating some of the leftovers. They all had discussed what they all had done for the day including Anya showing the art projects she had made in classes.
After dinner, Loid was reading some paper in thinking where he could take Yor and Anya to for their trip. He hummed in deep thought while Yor washed the dishes and Anya was taking a bath. “Loid? Are you searching for a place where we could have a trip?”
“Yes, I am. We went to the aquarium last time. I thought we could go to the beach while renting a beach house to stay in. How does that sound?” Loid asked her.
“Oh, that sounds wonderful.” Yor agreed while clasping her hands together. “I cannot wait!”
The next day…. Loid walked to the agency to request for a few days off with his family. But it wasn’t all he ever had hoped for until Franky had informed he has a new mission on the same day of his vacation with his family. “What? Can’t you find another agent to do this? I really need to spend more time with my family as possible.”
“Sorry, Loid.” Franky apologised to him. “But—But it is a really interesting mission. Just wait until she explains to you.”
Loid sighed and muttered. “This better be good.” They both walked into the office and found Handler was putting some champagne in a basket with red ribbons and some love hearts inside it. Loid gulped softly and cleared his throat to get her attention.
“Oh, good Twilight, you have arrived.” Handler smirked.
Loid’s eyes twitched and gritted his teeth but took a deep breath in and out before speaking up. “Handler, what is it that you want to discuss?”
“Well, I was informed by Franky that you wanted some alone time with your wife and child. Well, I have this mission that involves with kidnapped brides in this honeymoon spot for newly wedded couples.” Handler started explaining the mission for him.
“And you had told your lovely wife that you were a spy and that was not a part of the plan, Twilight. So, I will let this slide and give this chance for you to spend your time with her there to rescue these poor brides.” Handler continued with a grin.
Loid blinked and shook his head. “Wait…wait… are you saying you are granting me permission to bring my wife on a mission with her? Are you testing her abilities as a hitman?”
“Well, yes and no. I can truly see how strong and capable she is, but I need to know that she won’t breathe a word that you are real life spy. Of course, I am granting permission for you to spend time with your wife.” Handler replied as she handed him the basket. “Oh, and I added a few things in the basket just for you as a reward. But before I do let you look into the basket, I am going to let Frankly get you up to speed with the rest of the information of the mission.”
The two boys walked of the office and Franky took out some files for the mission. Loid was really overwhelmed seeing stacked papers on the table, some were categorised and in order. He even looked at the recent kidnappings and the grooms complaints.
“Some papers are growing and growing. There’s a lot of women who are captured. Grooms are getting worried.” Franky said while shaking his head seeing all of the papers.
“Hmm, we’d need to do this quickly. But who will look after Anya?” Loid asked him as he looked through the files.
“I could look after her. I mean, this mission is gonna be for week. You will have time to spend your lovely moments with Yor.” Franky teased him and then sweats nervously seeing his eyes staring at him deadly into his soul. “…Sorry.”
“No, I’m sorry. I am just…. Been so protective of Yor. She has been a center of attention when I had introduced her to everyone here.” Loid said as he remembered every men were trying to get her attention and really wanted to hold her soft hands.
“Maybe I should ban everyone from having contact with her.” Loid continued while clenching his fists with a vein popping.
“What? No! I mean, I am sure she was trying to get settled in. And besides, she had helped us a lot during our other missions.” Franky pointed out.
“True. Alright, I suppose I can let you take care of Anya. But on one condition. Yuri can help out.” Loid said to him.
“What?! Why?!” Franky exclaimed in shock.
“Because it has been months, he had seen her. It would be nice if you two got along well and try to work together to look after Anya while we’re gone.” Loid replied as he got the files in his bags and reluctantly grabbed the basket that Handler gave him. “Alright, I am off and come to eat dinner at 6pm.”
“Good luck, Loid. You may need it.” Franky called out to him as he prepared himself to get to his house and pack up his things for his stay in their apartment. He wished it was just him and Anya, rather than Yuri, him and Anya. He scares him.
On the way home, Loid arrived early to tell Yor that their trip will be their new honeymoon. And he will tell her about their new mission together. He waited for her at home while packing with Bond watching over him.
“Loid? Are you already home?” Yor called out to him.
“Yes, I am in our room.” Loid replied, putting some clothes on their bed. Yor came in and gave him a kiss on his cheek. “Handler was kind enough to give us a week to let us rest up.”
“Oh that is wonderful. I cannot wait to pack everything! Who will tell Anya that we’re going on a trip?” Yor chimed excitedly and then felt his hands grabbing hers.
“Actually, Handler said it was also a trip and a mission.” Loid explained clearly to her as she frowned.
“Mission? What happened?” Yor asked in alarmed, looking into his eyes. Loid offered her to sit on the bed and sat next to her.
“Okay Handler has assigned us to a mission where we have to act like we are on a honeymoon. And our main focus is freeing all of the brides who were captured and reunite them with their grooms.” Loid explained the mission to his wife.
“I see. Then if it is a really urgent mission, then I must pack right away.” Yor understood how important it was and packed all of her clothes including her hitman attire and her weapons. “So, when do we leave?”
“Right after we start packing. I hope you don’t mind, I invited Franky to look after Anya as well.” Loid said to her.
“Oh, sure it’s great to have him accompanying Anya and Yuri.” Yor smiled, getting her clothes folded and placed them on their bed with Loid giving her luggage and heard the bell ringing. “Must be Yuri.”
“I’ll get it.” Loid smiled at her as he walked over to the door and opened it seeing Yuri. “Hello, thank you for coming in.”
“Anything to look after my darling sweet little niece. So, she is still at school?” Yuri asked with Bond licking his shoes.
“Yes, she is on her way with her friend and classmate. Not to worry, she will be here on time for dinner while your sister and I pack.” Loid replied with a smile.
“You two are going on a trip instead of me looking after Bond and your apartment?” Yuri asked in confusion as he rubbed his neck while Loid sighed deeply.
“Well, I am going on a long-awaited deserved honeymoon with your sister.” Loid smiled at him with Yuri’s eyes widened in fear and shock. He knew this day would come! And he never wanted to let Yor be fully attached to this man ever! But he must accept the fact, she loves him very much.
“W-well, I do h-hope you two enjoy it. You really do deserve it.” Yuri smiled while clenching his fist and a vein was popping out while Loid slyly smirked at him. Seeing him crack just for a little bit was so satisfying for him to see.
The door opened with Anya came running inside and hugged her papa on the legs. “Papa, I’m home!”
“Welcome home, Anya!” Loid happily greeted and carried her in his arms. “Look who’s here. It’s your Uncle Yuri.”
“Uncle Yuri!” Anya reached for him with Loid letting him hold her. He let them have a few minutes with each other and went back into his room seeing Yor was putting something in her luggage rapidly as if she doesn’t want him to see.
“Yor? Something the matter?” Loid raised an eyebrow.
“No. No! I am all packed now. Is that my brother?” Yor asked quickly as she left the room to greet her brother. Loid shrugged and then decided to put the luggage’s out in the living room and then saw Franky had brought in a lot of cartoons for them to watch.
“Look, Franky was kind enough to bring in a lot of cartoons for Anya.” Yor smiled at Loid who smiled cheerfully and then looked over at Franky who gave him another file. Loid watched Yuri and Franky were eyeing each other with a glare on their faces.
This is going to be a long week. But all that’s worth, he gets to have some alone time with his lovely and beautiful wife. He also remembered the basket and held it in his hands and placed it on the table. Also putting the secret envelope Handler had given him.
“Anya, I am very sorry that we cannot take you to our trip. But Papa and I are going on a special trip. I want you to be good to your uncles.” Yor said to her daughter with a smile and then gave a stern expression to her brother as he understood that he’ll do whatever he needs to do to take good care of
“Oh, that’s okay, I do understand!” Anya smiled brightly at her parents.
“Also, I left the numbers on the fridge. Be sure to call us if something has happened.” Loid smiled at her as she hugged the both of them. “So behave and listen to your uncles. We will be back soon.”
“Okay! Have fun Papa, Mama!” Anya chimed while Bond barked.
They all had said their goodbyes to Anya, Franky, and Yuri. Both of them went inside the car that will lead to their ‘honeymoon’. It seemed like a quiet place to have a honeymoon. It was nice. Clean air and beautiful sights to see and go to. The beach house looked so beautiful, it has great architecture, wonderful spacious rooms and it is a breathtaking luxury beach house.
“Hmm, I love it Loid, how did you afford this? It must’ve cost a lot.” Yor wondered as she took off her sun hat and put her bags on the floor next to the table.
“Well, Handler handled everything, the money, the activities, the food and everything.” Loid replied as he looked at the papers. “So, tonight, there is a restaurant that is opening on the beach. We should get ready. You have your uh, weapons ready?”
“Of course, but if you don’t mind, I would like to get changed first.” Yor said as she got her dress out.
“Sure, I’ll just wait in the main room.” Loid nodded with a smile. He thought it would be a good chance to go over the mission and look for certain clues where they might be. He had looked through some of the photos but never got the chance to read the rest of the information that Franky had given him.
He also wondered if Yor wanted to go on a real honeymoon. He would love it if he would take her to dancing and take her on a walk down to the beach, then play in the waters. Maybe even kissing her with the sun setting. Sounds like a perfect honeymoon.
“…..Loid? What are you smiling about?” Yor asked him while she fidget with her sunflower dress with her hair down past her waist. Loid blushed seeing her in a beautiful dress and has fallen in love with her all over again.
“Uh… j-just how we are doing this missions together that’s all. Ahem, and that we are on our honeymoon trip.” Loid smiled nervously with a small blush on his cheeks.
“Oh, well, then I am very excited. I also got my weapons ready.” Yor chimed with Loid standing up, smiling at her.
“Alright, we should get going.” Loid smiled back.
They both walked along the footpath, holding hands together and act like they are a real married couple. Yor blushed a little, remembering the moment he had confessed his feelings of love. She was so happy she got to experience in going on a honeymoon.
They had reached to their destination and sat at their table. Loid pulled the chair for Yor shyly which she happily accepted and sat on the chair with him sitting opposite of her. They both had looked into the menu together and had ordered what they would like to eat.
“Hmm, this place does look romantic, don’t you think, Loid?” Yor asked.
“Of course. When we get home, we can go on another date.” Loid smiled lovingly as he held her hand across the table while she blushed bright pink and looked into his eyes until something caught her eye.
“Loid, two men are outside the restaurant. Possibly waiting for a newly wedded couple to come out.” Yor said softly with Loid nodding with a stern expression.
“Dressed in black, both in coats with golden and silver watches on their waist.” Yor noted while she play with his hand which Loid blushed yet, he played along until their food has arrived.
“Alright, we have to be on our guard. For now, let’s just be our normal selves.” Loid winked at her while she giggled and began to eat her meal which was absolutely delicious! Yor also fed some of her steak to Loid which he shyly accepted.
“So, do-do you think we could do this some other time? I mean, someplace else?” Loid asked while he rubbed the back of his neck watching her eating her dessert.
“Hmm, I would love to. Oh, I wonder how Franky and Yuri doing.” Yor wondered while Loid whimpered as he was supposed to call them, but they call them now. “You’ve forgotten to call when we got here, didn’t you?” Yor asked, seeing his reaction.
“Yes, I did…Sorry, sweetie.” Loid apologised seeing her arms were crossed and she narrowed her eyes at him then she chuckled softly.
“It is alright, Loid. It’s our first time. So there will be no mistakes next time.” Yor smiled at him while she drank her water. Loid looked on the reflection on the glass, seeing a wedded couple were walking out of the restaurant and heard car wheels screeching from outside.
Loid and Yor both looked outside seeing the bride was being taken away while the groom had called in for the police. The spy and the hitman had paid for their food and disappeared from the restaurant and had ran back to their beach house to get ready.
They were both on a roof top and he had brought in his binoculars to see what they were doing. It looked like there has been multiple missing women inside. He looked to the side seeing Yor taking off her coat seeing her revealing outfit. He blushed deeply seeing her in a halter-style black dress, showing her shoulders. As well as her cleavage. She also wore a rose choker and rose pattern on the inside of her skirt. He also noticed she wore a pair of black thigh-high boots with black fingerless gloves.
And she had changed her headband to a golden coloured with a rose and two spikes coming out each side. “Uh, ahem. Yor?”
“Hmm yes?”
“Is, uh well, you do certainly l-look lovely…. Um, doesn’t make you feel cold?” Loid asked her, trying not so hard looking at her cleavage.
“No. Not at all. I have been trained not to be bothered by the cold.” Yor replied with a smile as she twirled her weapons in her hands. “Shall we?”
Loid nodded as they both jumped off the rooftop down to the warehouse and had heard the men were trying to select a woman which made Yor more furious to hear such crude words that has been side. The spy held her hand tightly to calm her down as he grabbed his guns from his holster.
They successfully went inside the warehouse with Yor swiftly taking down two guards with Loid punched one in the face. Yor gave him another gun to use and she looked over at the women who were whimpering in fear. She desperately wanted to save them badly. She walked around with her husband following her.
If he ever had lost her to these men, he would hunt these men down if they hurt Yor in front of him. His eyes glanced over at the table and he got Yor’s attention as she looked over at the board with her eyes scanning all over the papers.
All of the women who are targeted by these men. It boils her blood inside and she wanted nothing more but to take them down. Loid heard footsteps and then held onto Yor and hid behind a pillar, holding her closely to him.
“Looks like these are all of the women.” Said one of the men.
“Heh, too bad we didn’t get that new bride that came in today at the restaurant. She looked like a real snack boys.” With that comment, it made Loid even more furious. They were thinking of capturing Yor to be one of their……toys to be played with. He cannot allow those men do such a thing to those women or to Yor.
“Loid…. We must get them out of here.” Yor whispered to him.
“Yes, and fast.” Loid nodded and looked at how many men were there in the warehouse. “Okay, here’s what we are going to do. I’ll distract them and then once I got their attention, you take the women out of here. If one man touches one of them…”
“I’ll fight them off.” Yor finished as she went to the other side of the warehouse to try and get to the women. She made sure they all stayed quiet, not to get her caught. She heard some rattling noises and turned to see Loid was the one who was doing it to distract them while he fought off against the men.
“Get him!” shouted one of the men who ran after him outside of the warehouse. But they weren’t prepared on what’s going happen next. Loid side kicked one of them in the face while shot one on the leg with his gun.
Yor quickly got the ropes of the women’s wrists, cutting them free from the restraints and guided them outside until one man grabbed onto him until she twisted his arm and then kicked him in the stomach, sending him into the air with one coming at her with her punching him and swung her golden metal pick and plunged it onto the palm of his hand, making him scream in agony.
“Go!” Yor cried out to the women who were rushing outside while she fought against them. She kicked them hard as she can, sending them back into the boxes unconscious.
Outside of the warehouse, Loid was handling very well fighting against them and saw one man was thrown from the window, he saw Yor was walking towards him while she twirled her weapons in her hands. He looked behind her saw one man was about to attack her from behind. He got out his gun and grazed his arm a bit, screaming in pain. Saving her just in time.
Then they heard the police was coming at their position while they ran into hiding away from the police and watched the men being arrested. Loid was watching how the grooms where reunited with their wives and saw the look on Yor’s face. She was relieved to see them being reunited.
He was glad that the mission was a success. Both of them walked along the beach while Loid watched her playing in the water and laughed when she felt it was so cold. He never knew he would have this type of feeling towards her and…. He was glad that it was her that got him this far to becoming the world’s best spy of all time.
All thanks to her encouragement as well as Anya. He loves both his wife and daughter with all of his heart. “Loid! Look a seashell! And there is a smaller one. I am sure Anya would love this!” Yor beamed with excitement.
“Yes, I am sure she will love it.” Loid smiled lovingly as he caressed her cheek softly with the stars sparkling in the reflection of her eyes. He gently touched a strand of her hair and then kissed it while she blushed deeply red. She was glad that it was night time, so he won’t be able to see it.
Loid’s eyes stared into her red eyes, he was looking at the most beautiful assassin he has ever seen. He leaned in and kissed her passionately as they fought for dominance with Yor reciprocating the kiss. She wrapped her arms around his torso and felt his heartbeat.
They kissed each other underneath the stars as they played with each other’s tongue and Loid felt every bit of her soft curves with her chest pressed against his. He held the back of her head, deepening the kiss.
“Mmm?” Loid moaned into the kiss as they broke away to get some air. He saw her hair was now getting messy.
“W-We should do this at our beach house.” Yor said shyly, looking down at their feet.
“Of course. W-We should.” Loid nodded in agreement, holding her hand. leading her back to their house on the beach. Once they reached towards their beach house, he looked back at Yor who was taking off her boots and took off her shawl and put it on a hangar.
She placed her weapons on the table and looked at Loid who was taking off his jacket and his suit. She bit her lips, thinking back of their kiss on the beach. Slowly, she walked towards him as he noticed she was getting closer to him.
He reached out to her cheek and then they both clashed their lips together and he stumbled against the table with the fake vase falling down. He caressed her cheeks with her undoing the buttons of his suit and shirt, with him throwing it away on the floor while staring into her eyes.
They both breathed in and out heavily and continued making out as they both made their way to their bed room. He gently laid her back on the bed and took her appearance as an assassin and gently took off her headwear. Dropping it on the floor while he rubbed his knee in between her legs, getting the most cute and adorable reaction from her, moaning softly.
Hearing such angelic noise coming out from her mouth has really blessed his ears. He trailed his kisses on her neck while she moaned. She felt every bit of his muscles and kissed his ear softly while placing more kisses on his neck and felt his hands were exploring her curves and her breasts. He massaged them gently.
She arched her body and opened her eyes seeing his blue eyes staring down at her. She covered her face and whimpered. “Yor…are you afraid of me? If you are, then we could stop.” Loid said gently.
“No…I mean…. I am not afraid. Because it’s you. I know you won’t hurt me.” Yor admitted with a single tear rolled down her cheek. She smiled and caressed his cheek, kissing him on the lips, then whispered. “You can keep going.”
Loid nodded slowly while he helped her get out of her attire while kissing her shoulder softly. He laid her back on the pillow as he took her dress off, seeing her naked body while she hugged her chest, blocking the most beautiful view away from him.
“Sorry, this is my first time….” Yor said softly while closing her legs.
Loid didn’t say anything but was staring at her like she was the only woman in the whole wide world. “You…look beautiful, Yor. Do not hide yourself from me. Please, may I continue?”
Yor nodded and put her arms away from her chest, letting him kiss her bare chest and messaged one breast and sucked one nipple, making her moan louder and louder.
“God, Loid, your…your tongue…feels great! Ah!” Yor exclaimed and gasped softly in pleasure, tilting her head back on her pillow and gripped onto the sheets. Loid switched breasts as he bit softly, making her moan even more louder. He massaged them at the same time while watching her reacting to his warm touch.
He felt her hands were squeezing his arms softly and reached up to his strong biceps. His hands caressed her body while she caressed his cheek and she got up on her elbows to kiss him softly on the lips while his hand trailed all the way to her thighs.
He kissed her neck while she played with his blonde locks and then laid her back down again while trailing kisses on her chest, to her belly then went to explore her clitoris. But she covered it with her hands and whimpered.
“Yor…you don’t have to hide away from me. As I said, you are stunningly beautiful. A-and I cannot wait any longer, you are driving the world’s greatest spy crazy.” Loid smirked, licking his lips while she rubbed her thighs together before she lets him take off her underwear and started licking it gently and slowly.
“Ahh! Loid….t-that’s feels so good! More!” Yor moaned as she held onto the sheets in her hands tightly. He licked her more roughly while he squeezed her thighs as she moaned. She watched him getting up and wiped his mouth until he put one finger in her. She screamed and moaned, humping into his hand while he was exploring her folds.
“How does that feel, Yor?” Loid asked softly while he held her hand.
“It feels so…ah!” Yor whimpered, feeling two fingers in her now. She thrusted herself in his hand. She cannot take it anymore as she wanted more of him…him inside of her. “L-Loid?”
“Do you want me to stop?” Loid asked, thinking she doesn’t want to go bit more further.
“No. I do not want you to stop. It’s just did you bring a c-condom? Protection?” Yor asked, looking away from him, covering her mouth.
Loid looked at her in confusion then remembered something. He went to the basket Handler gave him earlier and grabbed the bag filled with little squares, had something in there. Now he gets it now. These are the condoms Yor had mentioned. “These are it…right?” Loid shown her the condom in his hand.
He saw her looking at him lustfully with her eyes shining brightly. She nodded and stood on all fours, watching him taking off his pants and saw his dick with her eyes widening in shock, seeing how big he is. He put the condom aside and he caressed her cheek as she looked at his dick, she gently touched it. She has never done this before but never wanted to disappoint him.
So she took the risk and licked the tip softly hearing him groan softly. She put her hair behind her ear as she sucked all of his dick while he tilted his head back, feeling such a great pleasure. He never felt anything like this. “Ahh, Yor!”
A muffled scream escaped as she pulled away from his dick, seeing more of his juice spilling out while she gulped, taking it all in. She breathe out while looking up at Loid in his eyes. He took a cloth in his hands and wiped it all away.
Loid decided it was time to put on the condom. He put it on and turned to see Yor was opening her legs open for him. Once he was ready, he was rubbing his dick against her, making her whimper and twirl her hair.
Then he thrusted his cock into her as she moaned while he grunted, burying his face onto neck. She held him tightly, both panted heavily. “It…. doesn’t hurt?” Loid asked her quietly.
“No, please do keep going.” Yor replied seductively against his ear as he started to thrust into her, in a perfect rhythm. She loved the sensation she was feeling. She made eye contact with Loid, locking into each other’s eyes before they both kissed each other passionately.
Loid thrusted in her more roughly and held her hands with her legs wrapped around his waist. In no time, he would cum. He stopped while putting one leg up on his shoulder and thrusted slowly into her before doing it roughly.
She moaned louder and louder, holding his arms. How she loved it! She arched her body, feeling something was happening and screamed out loud with Loid holding her body down onto the bed, coming into the condom. He set her leg down and collapsed on her chest, panted heavily while she held him tightly in her arms with a smile.
Loid and Yor both laid down on their bed with content smiles on their faces, she was leaning on his chest with their legs tangled with each other underneath the sheets. He had his arm around her while staring up at the ceiling with a smile on his face.
He really did it. He made love to the love of his life! But he wondered if she thought he was bad at it and that she would regret it. “Loid?”
“Y-Yes?” Loid saw her getting up and laid on top of his chest.
“Thank you. I mean for this honeymoon, mission, going out for dinner and well… this.” Yor smiled lovingly, creating circles on his chest. “I really enjoyed it. Including the sex part.”
“You’re welcome. I am glad that was successful.” Loid chuckled, brushing her hair out of the way to see her face clearly. “I hope I wasn’t all that bad.”
“Loid, no, no. Y-you were amazing, I must say.” Yor blushed softly while getting up a bit and kissed him softly on the lips. “If we ever do get another chance doing this, we could ask Franky and Yuri to look after Anya again.”
“Of course, I called Franky, she’s asleep now.” Loid smiled at her while she laid her head back down on his chest. “If we are going to do this again…we might need more condoms. I believe we already used them all that Handler gave us.”
Yor giggled, remembering how many times they had done it and it was an amazing night of her life. She got to experience it with the man she truly loves. “I believe so.”
Few Days Later
Loid and Yor came back home to their house with happy and content smiles on their faces and opened their door. “Anya, we are home!” Loid announced until he heard snoring from the living room.
“Aww, how cute, Loid, look!” Yor squealed softly with Loid going in the living room and then gasped softly seeing the big mess right in front of them. But then smiled seeing their daughter sleeping in Yuri’s arms with Franky hugging a pillow in his arms, sucking his thumb.
Loid snickered as he decided to take a photo of them and try to at least tease his brother-in-law and his friend. Maybe show it to the entire agency. “This will be in the history photo albums. I shall show this to everyone in the agency.”
Yor giggled at his antics. It was rather cute to see him all loosened up after doing their missions. She has been blessed to share such a blissful honeymoon with him. It was the best night of her life. She hugged him around his waist with him looking behind to see her smiling.
“Let’s fix up some breakfast and wake them up. We need to report this to Handler.” Loid smiled at her.
“Of course.” Yor smiled brightly while walking towards her daughter and younger brother. Loid could still see she was still a bit sore and wobbly in the legs. But nonetheless, he enjoyed it.
He put the suitcases near the table and watched Anya hugging Yor tightly with Yuri while Franky came hugging Loid tightly. “I am so glad you are back from your honeymoon!”
“Yes, yes, I am glad I am back and what have you done to our house?!” Loid hissed at him grabbing the collar of his shirt. He gulped fearfully and then looked back at the mess in the living room, seeing every packet of candy and chips everywhere, including some crumbs.
“Um… well, that was a very long story.” Franky chuckled nervously at his friend.
“This will be the last time you’ll be babysitting Anya in here. Instead, we are getting her to stay at your place.” Loid whispered.
“Yuri, thank you so much for looking Anya.” Yor smiled at her brother.
“It was no problem. I love my little darling niece with all of my heart.” Yuri smiled warmly at his niece. If anyone has the desire to hurt my niece, I shall shove my gun at their heads and shoot them myself.
Anya was shocked to hear that in her mind and immediately hugged her mother’s leg. “Aw, she missed her parents a lot. I do hope you enjoy your trip.” Yuri hoped as he grabbed his bags. Yor awkwardly looked at Loid who was drinking some water with droplets of sweat falling down from his forehead.
“It was…we have the greatest time of our lives.” Yor chuckled while hugging Yor in her arms.
“Oh, that’s great!” Franky exclaimed, happy for the two. “Now can we go now?”
At the agency, Loid and Yor had left Anya in the care of Franky again while they had talked to Handler. Loid and Yor were standing in front of her desk while she smiled at the two with a grin. This irritated the spy so much he knew how much she was going to tease him.
“Well, well, Twilight, I hope you enjoyed your honeymoon with Yor. I heard the mission was a success. And thank you, Yor for helping us out.” Handler smiled at her.
“Oh, no. thank you. I really do love helping you with your missions. Especially with Loid’s. I am more than happy to work with you again.” Yor blushed bright pink.
“Happy to hear that.” Handler smiled at her. “Loid, you are one lucky guy to have her. Never let her go. You understand?”
Loid smiled at his wife lovingly and held her hand, intertwining their hands together. “I am not planning on letting her go.”
The couple said their goodbyes to Handler and walked back into the hallway to get to Anya with smiles on their faces. Yor saw Anya was running up to them and held out her hands to her with Loid watching with a smile. He got the family has he never thought he would have, and he loves both of his girls and had promised he’ll never leave them.
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jhypeach · 3 years
Familiarity [Part 2: Something I'm unfamiliar]
The alarm that had been ringing for a fraction of a second startled me, and I awoke quickly. It was seven o'clock in the morning.
I took a bath, as I always do. I looked for a uniform but couldn't find one. So I just grabbed a hoodie and some pants that I spotted and threw them on. I also wore glasses. I'm just in the mood for one today. I went to the kitchen, grabbing the black Jansport pack-bag next to the bed.
I noticed a man cooking; he seemed recognizable from the back, as does his uniform. "Just a little bit, Hyung," he said, "and I'll be done." I do as told and wait "all ok! Breakfast has been completed."
"Jaemin?" His name suddenly slipped out of my mouth.
"Yes, hyung? You need anything?" He asked.
For a brief moment, I was bewildered as I've never seen the same people within two months. I blinked once, twice, and three times, but Jaemin was still there.
And Hyung? Whose body is this if I can still see him? What makes him refer to me as Hyung?
I collected the boxed pancakes and the apple juice he paired with them, still baffled.
"Then I'll get going. Mark Hyung, I'll see you later " Jaemin yelled as he exited the apartment.
I stepped outside a few seconds after he did. I had no clue where to go, so I rummaged through my stuff till I discovered an ID.
Minhyung Lee 3rd year - English Language and Literature Korea University College of Liberal Arts
Looking at the ID, I recognized the Mark I saw with Jeno and his pals during band practices.
When the bus came to a halt, I noticed a convenience shop and stepped off. I have no idea where this Korea University is. I strolled about for a few minutes, hoping to find any hints as to where this institution is located.
After a few steps, someone called for my name which grabbed my attention in an instant. I saw a girl sitting by the kiosk waving her hand at me. I stared at her for a few moments, studying her looks. Wearing a plain white shirt paired with skinny jeans and a chuck taylor converse, she’s also wearing a cardigan and had her hair in a ponytail. “Stop spacing out and hand me the papers we finished yesterday”
I blinked a few times and got back to my senses, “It slipped out of my mind, I’m sorry. I left it” I reasoned out to her as I had no idea of what she was talking about. I looked at her ID lanyard, it was most likely similar to the one I am wearing today, but there are details that aren’t similar, like what was written. Korea University College of Engineering, which led me to her ID card.
Yuri Bae 2nd year - Civil Engineering Korea University College of Engineering
She looked at me disappointedly, but not surprised. “I knew it,” she nodded her head “luckily, i took a photo of it before you left” she forced a smile and replaced it with a poker face right after. “Stop smiling, it ruins my day even more” I didn’t even know I smiled at her action.
I followed her until we reached the institution. I then easily found the building for Liberal Arts students as there was a big name outside each building.
Nothing much happened in the class the whole day so it was easy for me. I kept walking till I arrived at the main gate. When I got outside the school, it was already crepuscular. The scene in front of me is so beautiful that I stood there for quite some time admiring the orange and crimson that dominated the sky.
A booming voice pulled me back to reality. I looked to my right and left to see who had called Mark. Six gentlemen dressed casually approached me. “I'm telling you, we need to practice again. I have no idea of what we practiced or what happened yesterday." Jeno defends himself against Renjun, who is obviously irritated.
“Jeno, Shut up!” Haechan gave him a sidelong glance before turning to face me, “You ready? You’re ready.” Haechan indicated that it seemed that I should not protest, so I chose not to answer since he seems to be unwilling to consider what I would say.
They actually started walking after a few discussions. I had no clue where they were going, so I simply followed them from behind. It didn't take us long to get to this Bar. Because there aren't many people here yet, I believed they were still closed because most of the crew is here prepping the area. When we walked into the tavern, I noticed a little stage in front with a band set up.
Some of the staff members were greeted by Haechan and Renjun. Jaemin, Jeno, Jisung, Chenle, and I stepped up to the stage and took our instruments. I took out my acoustic guitar and tuned it up.
We were casually playing with our instruments when Chenle played something that grabbed my attention. I smiled at him, encouraging him to keep doing what he was trying. The rest of them stopped bobbing their heads to Chenle's music. I then took the microphone that was hooked to the mic stand,
Give you this, give you that Blow a kiss, take it back If I looked inside your brain
I would find lots of things Clothes, shoes, diamond rings Stuff that's driving me insane
Jeno joined us seconds later, playing his drums in time.
With huge smiles on our cheeks, we loved the impromptu song we were grooving to. 
Someone in pants and a simple white shirt walked into the bar just as we ended the song. The employees greeted her, which she enthusiastically returned. Heachan spotted her and waved his hand at her.
Yuri approached the stage waiting for us down there. Renjun greeted Yuri first and patted her on the head, the two youngest, Chenle and Jisung, as well as Jaemin, greeted her. Then Haechan and Yuri did their own handshake. 
I saw the sudden timidity in Yuri when she met eyes with Jeno,to add she also looked awkward around him. 
She said, "Hi," with a phony grin to mask her nervousness, Jeno chuckled at her, “Hi”, maybe he finds her funny.
When I walked down last, Yuri nodded her head at me. 
They see one other all the time, so what's the big deal about seeing each other here at the bar?
The performance went well, as we left the stage pleased with the audience's reaction. The band members began to split off inside the bar since they wanted to do things on their own. I, on the other hand, had taken a seat in a booth-like area of the pub and was planning to take a nap.
I hurriedly sit-up straight when the door opened revealing Jeno. He came to my side and accompanied me looking at the plain wall in front of us, "Yuri's fun" Jeno started.
I shot a glance at him, not knowing what to respond "Yeah, i guess"
The following day came, and I assumed to wake up in a completely different body, as usual. However, the room was familiar, and everything I had seen the day before was still there. I raced down the stairs and noticed a familiar man wearing glasses. Jaemin.
Everything has been so strange recently, to be on this Mark guy's body following his friend, and now continually being on his body. 
Ok, what's been going on lately?
OKAYY, so finally I updated familiarity. Was very occupied with univ stuff hence I wasn’t able to visit tumblr. Anyway, HERE IT IS i hoped you guys are getting the plot of the story :)) 
feel free to share your thoughts heeee
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4328fox · 3 years
Ordination Day
summary: Yuri is invited to the event that would make Ioder and Flynn's positions official. Some things are bound to change as a result. The question is whether or not one is able to accept such change.
notes: pairing is fluri, though this is set pre-relationship. Also, TOV spoilers everywhere!
Once again, I’d like to thank everyone who helped me as I was writing this!
Wordcount is (almost) 13k words. here’s a link to AO3, if you’d rather read it there!
You’re sitting by a windowsill, in an inn in Aurnion. You wrapped up a quick delivery job for someone here earlier. Normally, you wouldn’t have lingered here. While thinking about your circumstances, you glance down to a piece of paper, still resting on your lap. The core of your blastia glints under the moonlight.
Please come to Master Ioder’s ordination.
Flynn won’t even put a proper invitation in, but you’d thrown it out if he did. He knew that very well too. Still, you wondered why he bothered asking.
You stretch a bit, letting out a huff that might just be you mocking the letter. You actually did consider ignoring this altogether. Saying it got lost in the mail, or something. You didn’t want to be mixed into this, not when you had little reason to.
Writing has never been in your style either, but you’d write back to Flynn, to keep in touch with him. He made you promise to, because after the Adephagos was dealt with, it would mean going your separate ways again. Not that you didn’t run into him, sometimes. Or pretty often, even. It’s a well-known fact that your luck is cursed, and Flynn doesn’t know when to leave things be. You wonder if Flynn ever spends time in his room.
Another letter came a day after Flynn’s, this time from Estelle. It must have been serious enough that she went out of her way to write to you, but you already had a sneaking suspicion it wasn’t the emergency you expected.
Yuri, I know that you insisted I throw out that uniform when you caught me sneaking it in your bag, but I held on to it. Once you come here, I’ll let you have it again. It’s for Ioder and Flynn’s ceremony!
And of course it’s Flynn’s ceremony too. As of now, you don’t know what to expect, aside that it’s both Emperor and Commandant ordinations going down in one event. It's hardly surprising that Flynn wouldn’t put any weight on his official promotion taking place.
For a while, the ordination has been the talk of Terca Lumireis. Estelle’s teacher mentioned it before you and Brave Vesperia stopped the world’s end. And after the loss of the barriers, people needed to hold on to something that wouldn’t spark anxiety. Of all places, even Dahngrest began talking about it.
You stretch again. You suppose you should get going to bed, because you have a long day ahead of you tomorrow. You step over to the sleeping Repede, recounting how you turned down Judy’s offer to fly you to Zaphias today. With the main event two days away, you felt like you wanted to take the long route, instead. At least some people established that dock that was made to connect Illycia and Hipionia.
And unless someone were to ask Judy and Karol, no one really knows you’re here. Not that it truly matters, but there’s already going to be some amount of attention on you when you’re in the capital. A small reprise of privacy doesn’t hurt anyone.
You have to nudge Repede a little before you can comfortably lay down in bed. The warmth of your partner is calming, and distracting enough to lull you to sleep.
You are anything but a morning person, but you wake up early due to your gut squeezing at you. Just from trying to comb through your hair with a hand, you can already feel where it tangled up.
The next thing you know, you’ve taken semblance of a decently-looking person, now checking out of the inn. You and Repede note the nice weather outside, the town bustling with life more and more with each new visit you make here. It reminds you of the Lower Quarter. The community here is growing to be just as close-knit too, and you can’t not smile while passing some kids, they’re already running wildly at this hour. There were less of them last time you were here, and you didn’t realise that until this morning.
What you do realise, however, is that a fair-haired Commandant has no business being in Aurnion today. You can’t make out much of him from this distance, but he is armored as ever. He seems to have been handing some reports. You never get how Flynn is this chipper so early in the day, but the sun shining and reflecting on his pauldrons gives him a brighter look. From a certain angle, it would even be blinding.
You make eye contact with him, and he’s already distracted from whatever conversation he was having with the captain stationed here. You stand there, a building or so away by now, as he excuses himself and steps over to you and Repede.
“Yuri, what are you doing here?” he smiles at you in surprise, but you catch his eye twitching, subconsciously. He kneels to greet Repede too, who is ecstatic to see him.
“That’s what I’m wondering. You should be in Zaphias.” You cross your arms as you study his body language more. He doesn’t seem to have packed much on his person, much like yourself. And his hair is its usual messy. He looks up at you, and he squints, actually, because the sunlight hit his eyes.
“I had a blastia thief to deal with. I had to act.”
Of course he did. These cases are singular and not too common, thankfully, but Flynn takes each and every one of them himself. You can tell he still looks slightly breathless, he must have run all the way here.
He stands up to meet your eyes. “And you? I thought Ba’ul would give you a ride.”
“He and Judy have plenty to do. I was just sightseeing here.” You offer a grin, but Flynn must already know that you’re here for a guild job, not looking entirely impressed.
“Well, if we both happen to be here, would you like to go back to Zaphias together?” Before you can even open your mouth, he continues, “We can catch up, and all.”
“We can catch up during your ceremony too,” and he instantly gets a bit exasperated at what you’re trying to imply, even if you’re just joking. “But, yeah, we are going in the same direction. Will your knights mind me taking you away from them for a day?”
Flynn tries not to grin at the way you phrased it, but he now looks like he’s grimacing. “Not ‘my knights’. But just give me a few. I’ll be ready to head out soon.”
You nod at each other, and you instead take your walk’s direction for the entrance of Aurnion. Repede woofs at you and you can’t help but sigh. So much for some alone time.
Not that Flynn is a bother beyond his nagging, but you should have suspected something like this would have happened. In fact, you usually do expect it, it’s a habit you picked up from the past year and a half. While you don’t seek his blue uniform out in a crowd, you do strain your ears for his voice, for some indication that he’s in the same place as you again.
If you didn’t run into each other just now, you would have instead come to Zaphias hearing that he’s running late on preparations for his own special day. Because something’s always bound to come up. The moment Flynn notices an issue, he obsesses over it until he gets it dealt with.
You lean against the entrance of the town, Repede barking as you exchange conversation with him. It isn’t long until Flynn is back at your side and ready to go, somewhat brighter and less sleep-deprived. He scratches behind Repede’s ears one more time before you three officially exit the premises of Aurnion.
The first group of monsters you come across is not overwhelming, but you were struggling to take a breather. It’s good that you packed healing items, and that Repede is so fast. Once able to continue on walking, you find yourself a bit too worn out to offer much of your usual quips. Though it’s because you spend some time in silence that you notice something is eating at Flynn. You should get him to talk.
You both stop to look at one another. Repede barks, as if to join in.
“You first,” Flynn insists. “I don’t mean to interrupt.”
“Nah, I was going to ask you why you look so nervous. Out with it.”
You give him a look, and he somehow resists rolling his eyes. “I was wondering what you’ve been up to. Besides guild jobs.”
“That’s all?”
“What else should there be?” At a loss for words, you cross your arms. You spot a large enough rock and make a move to go sit on it, but Flynn speaks again. “We don’t need a break for this.”
“...I suppose you’re right. But let me think.”
“Ever so busy, I take?” You can hear the grin in his voice, and you have to push down the urge to tell him to shut it, before his teasing even began.
As you all continue walking, you’re wondering out loud, recounting if anything potentially interesting happened with you. There’s you and the guild looking for a more permanent residence. Flynn assures you that you would all be welcome to Zaphias, if you so wanted. You think a bit more, but decide against it. Too many knights, among other things, wouldn’t make it so ideal. Though you get the feeling you made him disappointed voicing that.
You throw in a story or two between rambling, and he at least offers enough of a conversation so it doesn’t feel disgustingly one-sided. Flynn then gives a story of his own, and talks about another success that he and Ioder managed against the council. The pride bubbles up in you, you say how them working together like this has resulted in a lot more progress being made than what Alexei had seemingly done in his entire time as Commandant. Flynn makes a troubled response, unable to argue against it, and conversation quickly dies.
The silence settling becomes a suffocating one, you both can tell. Alexei is still a sore topic. Flynn tries again by asking “You haven’t been in my new quarters, right?”, which is possibly one of the worst ways to follow up a topic concerning Alexei.
But you humor him anyway. “Is that a special invitation? I thought ordinary people have no business there.”
“Yuri, you’re no ordinary person.”
“Whatever, still not castle staff. But no, you only wrote to me about it. Didn’t it take a while to convince you to move there?”
Flynn flushes a bit, but continues. “It’s still weird. It’s too big, it makes me wonder if there’s any use in repurposing it.”
“Into what?”
“I haven’t thought of it... “
Repede just then barks, and sprints ahead. You turn, and notice the docks. You pick up the pace. Once closer, you now see a few knights positioned there to keep watch. They instantly regard Flynn with the utmost respect. They instantly recognize you too, as a friend of the Commandant. You find it weird.
By the time Flynn started talking to them, probably about some knight things that don’t concern a criminal like you, you and Repede have already decided to board the ship yourselves. There are a few more passengers, but there are also various cargoes going in and out of the ship. It’s probably supply exchanges between the two continents.
You directly head for one of the cabin rooms. Once there, Repede settles comfortably over the bed. You sit down too.
...Maybe you should ask someone at the castle to patch up this Dhaos cape. The winds are less harsh with it on, and it gives you a weird sense of strength fighting with it. As you go through your things, you find your bag weirdly empty on supplies. “Was this your doing?” you ask in Repede’s direction, who only barks back indignantly. Maybe Flynn is low on gels too.
Not that you can exactly ask Flynn now, because he has things to do. Flynn runs on tasks and missions all the time at this point, you would hardly be surprised if he comes here apologising, because he found he needs to take a detour in Halure, or something.
The cabin door opens after some time, revealing him. “And here’s the guy who drained me of my Apple gels again.” You say dryly.
Flynn doesn’t relax from whatever tension he built up. While he doesn’t look visibly nervous, you can tell his throat dried up on the way here. He still frowns at your remark. “I don’t think I threw that many at you this time.”
You grin, you’re already scooting over to give Flynn the sitting space. “I’d say you owe me gels, but stuff them in your own mouth next time, alright?”
“I doubt I came in here to hear that from you, of all people.” From how close you both are now, you can hear something in his body crack slightly upon sitting on the bed.
“And I doubt I was ready to be low on apple gels now.”
“I’m just saying!”
“You’re impossible.” Flynn finally slinks back to lay down, and you can hear the metal of his armor click here and there as he positions himself comfortably enough. You watch the way he stretches his torso, and the way he arches ever so slightly, as a pleased sigh escapes his lips. Your eyes trail up to his own, and you find that he’s looking back at you, smiling.
Something on your face threatens to make you smile too, so you cover it up by talking: “Don’t tell me you’re actually sleeping like this.”
“Will you really kick me off for it?” his pointed look only said hypocrite.
“Right. So did you come here because you haven’t had enough of me yet?”
“I can handle a lot before I get enough of you.”
“Sure, say that. But we might be stuck at the hip until nighttime.” You lay back down in the same fashion Flynn has, and now you’re both relaxing side by side, staring at the ceiling. Seconds pass before you ask. “You did leave someone else to handle the organizing at Zaphias, right?”
Flynn sighs a bit. “Lady Estellise insisted she would. And I’d rather not dwindle with something if someone else can do it better.”
“Estelle knows her stuff, yeah. At least you get less time with the council before the main event.” Flynn groans, and you can’t not chuckle. “What now?”
“Nothing, I’m just thankful for Lady Estellise and Master Ioder dealing with them while letting me take on actually important tasks.”
“Wow, you’re kinda honest for once. Are you sure no one is eavesdropping on you to hear how sick you are of the council now?” You mockingly peer at the door, and Flynn shoves you as you laugh.
“It’s not that. But they’d be on my back for taking on emergencies now. They’d say-”
“That you have other knights to handle this? That you can just stay in the capital?” Flynn shoots you a glance, but he shakes his head a little.
“Almost. But I imagine they’d use that argument too.” He swallows a bit. “Do you think so, too?”
You rest your arms behind your head as you think. “Kind of. But I know this is in your style. And I know how much of a pain in the ass these guys are. If someone’s helping you so you didn’t deal with them as much, then may as well focus on something more important. You don’t seem to be taking this ordination that seriously, anyway.”
Flynn laughs helplessly. “If you passed through Zaphias first, I’d be wondering if Lady Estellise told you something. It’s more that it isn’t something to throw a big deal about.” And there he goes again. His own ceremony. “At this point, the council can’t really influence who Master ioder can officially appoint a Commandant. That’s all there is to it.”
You can’t help feeling amused at the idea of those snobs gritting their teeth, knowing they’d continue dealing with Flynn, the stubborn mule, for years to come. Yeah, maybe the Empire’s left in really good hands. “But it feels like a ceremony wouldn’t be too necessary.”
“I’m not surprised you think that, actually.”
“Not for the reasons you think. Everyone back in Dahngrest thought you’re already the permanent choice.”
“Yeah, but things will change after the ordination.”
“You think? Your authority as Commandant isn’t going to increase from what you’ve told me before.” And that’s where Flynn shifts a bit, as if the way he’s laying in his armor is uncomfortable now.
“Yuri, how about the outfit you’ll wear tomorrow?”
“Hey, don’t change the subject.”
“But really now, I was relieved to hear you haven’t done anything to the clothes I gave you all this time ago. Lady Estellise hadn’t told me anything of their fate…”
“I still can’t believe you’re trying to push me to wear that! What’s with my current clothes?”
“Nothing bad, but I just want you to look good for tomorrow!”
“I look fine as I am-”
Poor Repede has to bark at you twice to get you to stop being so loud, and you decide to let it be, letting the conversation calm down into something less likely to spark anything between you and Flynn. Well, at least not in the argumentative sense. You didn’t realise you started shoving one another.
You look at Flynn again. He’s closed his eyes, humming a bit. It sounds familiar, but you can’t seem to put a finger on what the song is. Something about how nice his features look when the bastard isn’t being a pain passes through your mind, and you get an urge to raise your hand and brush some of his hair off his forehead. At least the signal of the ship nearing the docks is enough to distract you from unnecessary thoughts.
It’s still about early afternoon when you finally begin trekking through Illycia, but it would take about a few hours to get to the capital. Repede seems to be the liveliest after the boat trip, but he’s also the only one in the group who got any sleep in. You let him run ahead, and he occasionally stops just far enough to still see you and Flynn, waits for you to catch up, and then runs some more.
By now you know that there’s something up with Flynn.
You take another good look at him, from head to toe. Flynn seems to notice, but doesn’t question you.
You’d think he knows by now why Ioder chose him to do what Alexei couldn’t, there’s no time to wallow in self-doubt…! It isn’t even a matter of succeeding previous Commandants, but carving out a new path to go far and beyond. Is he still reluctant in his abilities as a knight? He’s over some unfamiliar superiors trying to get under his skin, you’ve seen firsthand that he can handle any insult thrown at him.
But it could be that Flynn is that uncomfortable with being in the limelight. Not to mention the way he’s humble to a fault, it’s hard to get him to accept any praise. Back before Zaude came crashing down, he noted how it isn’t even his praise to accept. Isn’t it why he and Ioder tried to give you some official recognition in the first place?
Is Flynn talking to anyone about his doubts at all? Because he sure as hell doesn’t tell you a single thing. He could bother to write more beyond typical pleasantries in his letters to you.
And even though walking usually gets your mind off of things, your concern doesn’t leave. The closer Zaphias gets, you feel even more annoyed. Not only did Flynn (likely) internalise another set of self-deprecating statements, that you still don’t know how to force out of him, but a form of dread took hold of you, because you really don’t want to be dealing with any of this. Your grip on the cloth holding the sheath of Second Star tightens.
And it’s probably because you tuned out of the conversation at some point, but Flynn now squeezes your shoulder. “Yuri, are you listening at all?”
You’re suddenly hyper-aware of both his gloved hand on you, as well as the phantom feeling of your nails having dug into the palm of your own hand.
“Sorry. I was thinking again. What were you saying?”
Flynn, thankfully, moves his hand away, and continues. He keeps an eye on you. “I was telling you about tomorrow.”
“Actually, is it necessary for me to even be in the castle the entire time?” You spit this out without a thought.
“What? Of course you need to be there for most of it. That’s one of the reasons I invited you.”
“No, but see, can I just sneak in and out at certain intervals, so I’d be there only when I’m really needed? I would have much more fun being near fellow commoners and stuffing my face with non-snobbish foods.” You sound angrier than intended.
“Yuri, what are you on this time? You have a reason to be at the ceremony!”
“And what is it, to have some assholes gawk at my being there while they make Ioder’s position official?”
“Is that what’s bothering you?” There’s a pause you almost miss. “No, I actually need-”
“I don’t want to hear what the reason is.” Flynn shuts his mouth then, stupefied, before his face looks less surprised, and more frustrated. You can’t hold back. “Just out with it already, Flynn. Something’s bothering you, not me. Focus on your own problems, for a change.”
He almost says something, but instead looks past you.
“Wait, Yuri.”
It annoys you, so you raise your voice to get him to look. “No. You clearly want to talk now, so let’s do that now!”
“There’s monsters!” He shoves you, to run past you, and you finally turn to notice a horde of said monsters running from the direction you came from. Flynn strikes the one leading the charge. Repede barks in alert too, and rushes into the group beyond you. You have a weird sense of deja vu.
Fighting off some wild boars isn’t entirely unusual, but there sure are a lot of them. You strain yourself beyond your limit to push them aside with your artes. Maybe this is the spirits’ messed up way of telling you not to start fights in the fields.
You dig into your bag to grab another orange gel… only to see you have none left. You curse under your breath, and slash at another boar charging at you. You realise that Flynn’s speed in casting Holy Lance and Mistral soul has considerably lessened, which means he is also out of gels.
And a quick look at Flynn tells you that he’s looking pretty bad already. In order to pave an escape plan, you need to get him to stop casting altogether. You try to yell at him to get a move on, into a direction that diverges a bit from the path to Zaphias.
Not that this works. Repede howls from behind, and you realise that Flynn got surrounded. A boar must have hit him while trying to move, because now he’s resorted to slashing at them with just a sword. He’s barely able to raise his shield.
To hell with these boars. Repede is already taking on the attack a few feet away from Flynn, but neither of them are able to attentively keep in mind the one coming from behind him. Another slash like this could end fatally, and this isn’t where Flynn Scifo should fall. This is where you come in.
“Flynn, stay still!” You yell out hoarsely, and plant yourself by his back and block with your sword. The boar jabs right into your arm and growls fiercely in your face, but you’re hardly bothered by the burning sensation. You punch the ground, shouting out “Destruction field!” from which the boars are sent flying, then crashing into the ground.
There is one monster left standing, but you make no move for it, being at your limit now. You hear Repede’s running, and as expected, he lands the definitive blow. Good boy…
A pair of hands clutch at you before you fall to your knees. At least Flynn minds the arm that got the worst of it.
“Hey, good job, Commandant. Anywhere hurt?”
“Stay still.”
“Flynn, it’s fine. Just hand me a gel.”
“We don’t have any gels.”
“Shit.” You knew that already. “I can cast Guardian Field-”
“You are not using a sword in this state.” Flynn moves to sit you down, and that’s when you realise how close he is to you. The warmth his arms bring out almost makes you forget how much your arm hurts. You watch him double-check his bag again, but there’s no use in that, it’s clearly empty. Repede noses over to sit as well, on alert, in case any newcomer monsters want a round.
With this proximity, you can sense Flynn growing frantic long before it gets apparent on his face. At least he doesn’t look too upset. “We can just wait until the bleeding stops. I’ve had worse.”
“Just let me treat you.” A small, shaky breath. “Divine favour upon you.” Magic focuses around you all, and you can’t even protest, before he says the word. “Cure!”
Magic reinvigorates you, your arm in particular, until nothing hurts anymore. Your vision clears, and it’s Flynn who crumbles, dropping the sword you didn’t even notice he was still holding.
It takes you a second to process what just happened. “What the hell, Flynn! We don’t have gels!” And now it’s your turn to hold onto him, and shit, he looks worse than you thought. You lay him down, so he could at least stop feeling so tense in your arms. “You’re not Estelle, you’re barely able to cast without a blastia!”
“It’s fine, Yuri.” He smiles at you, and that fact infuriates you.
He’s leaning on you as he lays, close to losing consciousness, maybe more, and he looks anything but fine. That fact infuriates you.
“What will everyone say if you died here? Don’t waste your energy when you’re expected back in the capital, asshole! The empire needs you!”
“Is that all there is to it? The empire needs me?”
There’s a beat. You feel like you almost missed it, even if you just saw the way Flynn’s expression dropped. “I can’t die, because the empire needs me?”
Something glasses in his eyes.
“The hell are you-”
“Am I really that irreplaceable…” His eyes are closing, but he’s struggling to keep them open. “That I can’t even…” Flynn is clutching a bit at his chest now, where his blastia would have been. Something in you says to at least take his hand, to guide it away from his heart, but you can’t find it in you to do so.
You can’t even say a thing. For the longest moment you feel like his eyes are piercing right through you, until his strength finally gives out, and he falls unconscious. The way his voice sounded just now is enough to haunt you in your next dream.
The silence that settles on the fields is uncomfortable, to say the least. Repede’s nudging forces you out of the blank state in your mind right now. You grab Second Star to cast Guardian Field, just in case.
If Flynn just let you do this in the first place, him passing out could have been avoided. He’s always putting himself in harm’s way, and for what?
“You’re not thinking rationally.” You hear yourself mumbling. You take off your cape, and drape it over Flynn’s body, just as the wind picks up. “You worry too much.”
At least Repede can watch your back while you can’t bring yourself to stay attentive. It’s less about being exhausted (because little by little, you feel your power coming back to you), but more about everything else about this.
While the fields and tall grass are the worst place to sleep in, Mayoccia plains offer some weird sense of comfort. It’s just the three of you in a large space, with the breeze being your only threat. At some point, you’ve moved Flynn’s head to rest on your lap, to at least reduce the risk of him catching a cold out here.
He’s still incredibly warm. Maybe armor does wonders to keep the heat in. Or maybe it’s his very determination burning strong. You focus on the sensation of Flynn’s hair on your fingers.
He feels so relaxed, for once. Maybe the things he said before passing out were part out of the sheer exhaustion he must be running on. The ordination got to him to such a point, that seeing you get roughed up a bit set him off and made his rationality slip.
But even something about that doesn’t sound right.
You look at how his chest rises and falls. Your eyes move to gaze at his face, and you can’t even bear looking at it for more than a few seconds. Guilt is catching up to you, knowing that snapping at him did nothing to help the situation. At what point is getting mad at him for his confidence in leading the knights justified, and at what point is it overdoing it? Are you any better than the very people that fed into Flynn’s insecurities to begin with?
Your hand continues brushing Flynn’s hair, however, and at least that gives you some clarity that he’s right here, where you left him to rest. That, for now, is good enough.
You finally distract yourself by talking to Repede. It helps pass the time.
Flynn eventually shifts to wakefulness on his own. “Yuri?” he looks up groggily, and you finally gaze into his eyes for the first time since what felt like ages. “How long was I out?”
“About an hour. Are you feeling better?” No, he isn’t.
“Just weird.” He gets up to move, and it doesn’t resemble the movement of a guy who had just passed out. That’s good news, for starters.
You need a moment or two to get up, because your legs fell asleep while waiting. It takes you three a bit to gather yourselves, and to continue the walk to the capital.
“Thank you.” You turn to look at Flynn offering you a smile, but you can tell it isn’t reaching his eyes.
“Yeah, I’m glad I can help.” You did not even comfort him.
But neither of you address it. As you go on, Zaphias gradually stops being a looming presence ahead of you. You’re still not used to seeing its barrier being absent, but otherwise it looks nearly the same as usual. The only actually notable difference is the way many knights are stationed to keep watch of any corner which could allow monsters to rush in.
By now, you’re finally approaching the gates to the Public Quarter. You hoped to at least go through the Lower Quarter, but it’s not like you can split up from Flynn now, because you both are headed for the castle.
Some knights are already saluting you like you’re some great hero, and the discomfort settles in again. Maybe you’re getting a taste of what it was like for Duke at least a decade ago. Or Raven, for that matter, when he would need to be present as Shwann. You wave at the guards. Maybe it would get them to drop the formalities with you. They wouldn’t be saluting you if you weren’t friends with their Commandant.
And once you do go in, the public stares begin almost instantly, but they’re less directed at you, and directed more at Flynn. You hear some whisper or two about you being so close to the Commandant, but only a few people manage to recognize you.
People pay attention to who you’re friends with. Sodia is (or was) a walking example of this. That Flynn is still friends with a criminal would mean it’s easy to bend and twist whatever good image he’s trying to keep with the council.
And maybe Flynn dreads dealing with the council tomorrow because of you. He knows he can’t change you. But then why go through the pain of having you here, especially after you rejected the title of “free paladin”?
...You rarely see the city get so busy out on the streets at this hour. The decorations and scent of feasts for tomorrow are indicative of how dedicated people are to making this day special. It makes you think back to the Lower Quarter, and how they must be preparing to celebrate too.
And the day after tomorrow, you’ll get to be on your own again.
Before you realise it, you reach the Royal Quarter. It’s significantly quieter than the rest of Zaphias, as usual. Flynn turns to look back at the stairs you came from. “I didn’t think the Public Quarter would be this excited.”
“Yeah, they seem to be in high spirits. I’d rather that than to hear them boo you the entire way.”
“I’m sure there’s some people that would gladly do that instead.” Flynn laughs.
“That’s to be expected. Didn’t you tell me some people failed to find fault in Alexei?”
A hum. You two continue walking, some knights salute you, and some nobles stop and stare, like they can’t mind their business. You ignore some of the looks they give you.
“Just let them be for now.” You say. “Some people can’t accept change, and that’s their problem.” Flynn hums again, but it sounds just as inattentive as the other one. It makes you turn to him. “Right?”
Flynn has been looking at you, troubled again, and it takes him a second to realise he’s caught staring. You give a confused look. He sighs and gives in.
“Sorry, Yuri. I was just thinking how everyone must be frustrated that we took so long.”
“They can wait a bit more. You’re not in charge of preparations, anyway.” And didn’t he leave of his own volition? If he’s so bothered by burdening Estelle and Ioder, he really should have just sent in Sodia or whoever to rush toward Aurnion’s general direction all night.
The opening and closing of castle doors is when the ringing in your ears finally comes to a halt. You don’t understand early celebrations.
“Oh, Flynn, you’re just in time.” a youthful voice says. “And is that Yuri I see? It’s good to have you here once more.” Ioder was just walking past the stained glass when you came in. He seems enthusiastic.
“Yo. I had to drag your workaholic Commandant all the way from Hipionia.” You say, and you already hear Flynn grumble in protest. “But take it easy on him, he needs a twelve-hour nap.”
Ioder chuckles, much to Flynn’s dismay. “I do appreciate the gesture. Please, make yourself comfortable. We have some matters to attend to with Flynn, but I believe Estellise is in the castle gardens, if you wish to see her.”
And that’s your next destination. You part ways with Flynn for now, who’s surely more than happy to get a breather away from your company. Repede stays back too, wanting to follow him around for once.
Decorum is all over the hallways. You do have to hand it to the staff here, working hard to make something out of ordination day.
And there’s still a dozen or so workers who are doing some wrap ups for today in the garden. Estelle is in the center of the cogwheel, offering her final input on things. It’s nice to see, she’s really having fun. Once she notices you, she even begins waving very ecstatically. That’s your cue to walk over to her, so she didn’t rush out of whatever she’s doing now. But that still doesn’t stop her from giving you a hug!
“It’s been so long!” You hear her exclaim. She must be exaggerating a bit, but hey, you do feel the sentiment too. You pat her on the head, your ribs aching a little once she lets go of you.
“It sure had been.” You take another look around yourself. “You’re really doing wonders here.”
“It’s just everyone’s combined effort coming to fruition. And we’re nearly done, too.”
“I can go over there” you point vaguely to some distant area of the garden, “and wait for you to wrap up. I’m not in a rush.”
“Sure!” She pauses, but then says: “Have you seen Flynn? He’s been gone since yesterday.”
“Oh, yeah, he’s in the castle now, we got here together. If you need to talk to him first-”
“No, it’s fine! I can see him later. I was worried, is all.”
At least that’s out of her head. You decide it’s best to let her finish up here, so you stroll over to the place you pointed at just now. Estelle shouldn’t take too long, but it’s gotten late enough that trying the clothes today would be pointless. You have the boars to thank for that.
You rest at the bench for some time, the left-and-right movement all over the garden being the one thing keeping your eyes open. The more you think about it, though, the more you realise that you actually have no clue of what the ordination will be like. You didn’t really pay attention when Flynn tried to explain to you.
Stretching a bit, your mind wanders back to Dahngrest, instead. You know that Harry got an invitation too, as is expected, but you’re the only guildsman outside of the Union that was invited. Karol, Judy and even Patty are too busy to come, but you wouldn’t be surprised to see Rita here. Last time you heard from her, she said she had better to do than play dress up for the capital, but knowing how persuasive Estelle is… Maybe she somehow is busy too, though. Out of everyone, Raven seems the likeliest to make an appearance for tomorrow. But he’d be keeping a distance, probably. You envy him.
You didn’t know you were dozing off, not until you snap your eyes open to Estelle calling out to you. She hands you what seems to be a warm sandwich, and you accept it gratefully. Hunger slipped your mind entirely.
“Sorry to have kept you waiting.” Estelle tells you.
“It’s fine. Flynn really left you with all the work.”
Estelle sits next to you on the bench. “Not quite, it was manageable. But I wanted to make sure we can handle everything going on tomorrow.”
“Damn, how long is this ceremony?”
“The ceremony itself? Not too long, I think. But most of the preparations we did today are for the celebrations afterwards.”
“Oh, right. The nobles’ party. Is that one mandatory?” Estelle laughs as you bite into the sandwich.
“It is mandatory. I don’t think you need to stay for all of it, but…”
“Let me guess, Flynn wants me to?”
She’s a bit surprised that you took the words out of her mouth.
“I already came all the way here, I may as well indulge in rich people's food. Flynn also supposedly had intent of showing me that new sleeping quarters of his. Have you been there?”
“Oh yes, it’s huge!” She gesticulates with her arms to emphasise. “Back when it was still Alexei’s, I was never allowed to wander there, not even in the hallway leading up to it. Flynn’s jaw almost dropped when we were finally granted access to clean it up... ”
Between Estelle’s dramatic retelling of the events, you manage to ask how she’s been, and how her writing’s been going. She says she only gets to sit down and add to her story when she isn’t travelling, but you imagine she still carries her journals around to note any ideas she gets.
With some convincing, she has you agree to get up at sunrise to get you dressed. “We could have avoided this if you came here sooner.” Estelle says. You don’t tell her why you were delayed in the first place. You don’t tell her you had intentions of skipping this altogether, either.
Repede eventually makes his reappearance, evading Estelle’s attempts at patting him for the nth time. You usher Estelle to go see Flynn, since he must be free now. Meanwhile, you decide to get some shut eye back in the Lower Quarter. Despite Estelle offering a room for you for the night, you don’t accept it. You don’t know when else you’ll be able to talk to everyone down there before you’d need to go back to Dahngrest again.
...You do feel like there is never enough time to catch up with everyone you don’t see for an extensive amount of time.
“Get it through your head, already! We’re happy just to hear from you!”
Hanks would say this to you each time you and Repede make way for the room that the Comet still keeps vacant for you.
You feel nostalgic just being here. You walk to the bed, toss your boots off, and lay down. Repede follows suit. The room is barren by now, you’ve long since packed the few things you had into a box that you left on the Fiertia. It’s all there until Karol actually picks a proper home for Brave Vesperia. But coming back like this is nice, too...
...Once again, it’s hardly dawn, but you still drag yourself out. The streets give you the weirdest feeling that it’s some calm before the storm.
There’s no need to be discreet, but it would be much faster for you to round the castle building, and scale a wall until you reach a window. You signal for Repede to just go through the doors. Now, Estelle’s room was around the second floor… Or maybe the third, the interior inside is so weird-
“Yuri.” Right behind you. “Just use the entrance, for once.”
“Morning to you too, Flynn.” You flash a grin at him. As you look at him you notice his getup: White pants, and a turtleneck. Wait, what?
There’s an uncomfortable pause, like Flynn expected you to say more. “Yuri?”
Your eyes meet. “You surprised me.”
“I guess I did.” He crosses his arms, but he doesn’t sound convinced.
“Why the hell are you up so early.”
“I was taking a stroll.”
Flynn’s stare moves down to the side of his hip. You follow his gaze, and notice his sword, still there. “Oh.”
“I know it’s weird to see me without my pauldrons, but that doesn’t mean I come unprepared for ambush.”
“No, you look weirdly unprepared now. And I don’t get how you’re here just on time to stop me from scaling this wall.”
“Let’s say I had a hunch.”
“Weirdo. What will the poor nobles think of the oh-so-unsightly way you look?”
“Whatever it is, it would be their last chance of seeing me for what I am; a Lower Quarter plebeian.” Flynn states plainly.
“No way, you’re a plebeian even if they make you wear gold. Don’t forget your roots.”
He laughs. “At least I won’t have to worry about you looking so fancy that you forget your own. But you do need to get a move on. If you want to even stay for the event, you actually need a crash course on what to expect, and Lady Estellise has been racking her head on what to say, and what to omit.”
“If you let me scale, she can even tell me about the origins of ordinations.”
“We all know you hardly care about the origins. You are not scaling this wall.” You swear he’s almost taking a battle stance against you.
“I changed my mind, you’ll actually be the shittiest Commandant up to date.” You say dryly, which prompts Flynn to chuckle. “I can’t wait until the revolution of Zaphias happens.”
“Sure, Yuri. And I’ll wait for you to come back to the knights with open arms.”
“No way in hell.” You cringe, and you take it as your signal to just go.
You take a few steps away from the wall. Flynn watches warily, before relaxing. “Yuri, I suppose I’ll be seeing-”
Then you rush and make a jump for the wall, latching onto the bricks! You barely see the surprised look on Flynn’s face!
“Yeah, catch you later, Commandant!” Despite the continued protests, you scale the wall.
You dust yourself off, just as you neatly close the window. Upon looking, you realise a maid was staring the entire time. “Just another morning in Zaphias castle, right?”
“...No, not really.”
“I guess not.”
You make your way to Estelle’s room, in front of which Repede is waiting for you, diligently. You wait a few minutes like this. Once Estelle finally emerges, you realise that it’s been a while since you’ve seen her actually look like a princess. Though, this get-up is definitely not as regal as the clothes she wore back when you first met. Only a few strands of her hair are tied back, and they probably meet at the back of her head with some ribbon. It’s just in her style.
She has to stop you from barging into her room, and instead drags you away to where you’d supposedly have to change in. The way all these hallways look similar has you doubt if Estelle didn’t take at least one wrong turn on your way. She insists she didn’t.
One look inside this dressing room tells you everything: it’s too empty and yet, too pompous. You swear that Flynn should be repurposing places like this first, before he goes around changing the use of his own quarters.
“Estelle, was there no room that was closer, at least?” You deadpan, staring at yourself in the comically large mirror.
“I had to ask a maid to tell me about here…”
You look very unimpressed, and she can probably tell. “If you look on the bright side of it, we can stay here, until it’s time, and then we can use the shortcut to get to the throne room faster.”
“Did a maid tell you about that too?”
“No, Flynn did! Actually, Yuri, maybe we can have him come over and-”
“Let’s not.”
She sinks a little. “Why?”
“...He’s probably busy.” Given he hasn’t chased after you this entire time. “Look, let’s just get this over with.”
Estelle leaves it at that, as much as she probably doesn’t want to. She walks over to the single chair in this room, right by the divider. You notice your designated clothes folded there. “Here,” she says and lifts some belt, “Let me at least tell you about all the pieces you’re about to wear.”
“You really did your homework, huh.”
She glows even more. “Of course! I was preparing for this! Tell me, do you care about wearing this belt that you can attach your sword to?”
It wounds up being a long morning.
From the lengthy explanations, you get that you have to stay in one place. You weren’t tasked to do anything important, like you dreaded. Flynn made too much of a big deal out of this.
“It’s almost like it wouldn’t matter if I’m not there.” You sit on the chair, arms folded, while Estelle brushes your hair. The bored expression that you see in your reflection should be enough to give you some award.
“That’s not true, Yuri!”
“I’m joking. I wouldn’t want to waste your effort, for one.”
“We are very happy to have you here.” She smiles just as you feel her make through another knot in your hair, before brushing upwards. “I know it’s taking a lot from you to be here, so we really appreciate it.” She then carefully ties your hair up in a ponytail, not letting any strand run loose. She looks over it a bit, and it doesn’t feel uncomfortable, surprisingly.
Estelle takes a step to your right, taking a look at you through the mirror, probably to read your expression. She points to the mirror with her brush still in hand, and asks a simple question.
“How do you find the uniform?”
That prompts you to stand from the chair, finally examining yourself. You fold your arms for a bit, to get a feel for the fabric, then kneel to pick up Second Star, in the same way you always do. You’re staring back at your reflection.
You take a good long moment to think about it.
...But you don’t think it’s in your style. It’s not quite the type of comfort you embrace, a tad bit too comfortable, a tad bit too regal. By tying your hair back and brushing your bangs neatly, you make for a perfect fake. A knight in the heart, a knight in fabric you probably never thought you would wear yourself. Estelle said she did her best not to make the clothes wrinkle after all this time, ever since you caught her trying to stuff them in your bags long ago. It’s not like you would care if she did.
And no matter how much you protest, you are invited. Even if you try to remind yourself about how much you don’t fit in, it’s very apparent that you’re wanted there for one reason or another, amongst all these nobles who scoffed at you back then. Would they even recognize you like this?
“It’s just about what I expected it to be.” You say as you look at Estelle, offering a smile in order to ease her nerves. “But we’ve been here for a while. Isn’t it about time for us to go?”
She glances at the windows for a second, then looks back and nods. “I don’t think even Flynn would recognize you instantly.”
“I would only hope so.” You briefly wonder if disguises would have worked back when you were still wanted by the knights. “Hey, Flynn and Ioder are going to be overdressed too, right?”
“Absolutely.” Estelle says, as she leads you out of the room.
Even though you hoped to blend in better when dressed like this, you suppose walking with Estelle and Repede down the hallway is still a sight. Not that you want to bother unpacking all of the other reasons you’re being stared at. At this point, you may as well make a show out of it, they can’t insult you in your face with much that you haven’t heard before.
You don’t even know most of the faces that you pass by. You swear you even caught a glimpse of Sodia and Applehead at some point, but by the time you think about it, you’ve already made your next turn.That must mean Flynn is somewhere near...
But now you’re finally here. The throne room. You remember the first time you were here, when Alexei had taken over the castle. It wasn’t the best first impression. But hey, at least it looks different now.
Someone pushes from your side, complaining about how you stopped right at the doors. Estelle takes your left to guide you away, but something on your hand distracts her from making more than a few steps. “Yuri, your blastia...?”
“I think a lot of people still keep theirs.” You tell her. As she stares at it, it seems to you that she can’t find the words to express what’s on her mind. It’s a weird pause, it makes you look down to see if something happened to your blastia. But you only see the core, dormant as it has been.
Your eyes move back to Estelle, and you realise she isn’t wearing hers. She hadn't worn it yesterday too.
“I’m sorry, Yuri, I thought I saw something.” Another pause settles between you two.
“Let’s just go before someone else pushes me.” You say.
..At least Estelle is standing next to you for the ordination. As you look around, you notice a few other people wearing similar outfits to yours, standing around you, it’s probably some swordsmen, who are given a special title thanks to the Empire’s favour. Noone here even knows you.
Soon enough, the ceremony starts abruptly, or so you think it does. There’s some guy who announces the beginning, and more people emerge to stand around by the throne itself. Some hold items like scrolls. You realise that amongst them is the Fake Dein Nomos. Did Estelle suggest using that instead of prying the real one out of Duke?
It dawns on you how this entire thing really is going to drag on for a while. While these people read from the scrolls, you offer a scratch to Repede, or mess with your bodhi blastia, to try pass the time.
Things eventually do pick up, by having Ioder’s name finally be called for. It’s only then you notice that Ioder and Flynn are standing at the top of the staircase, waiting. Ioder walks down.
To you, he really does look overdressed. You have to suppress a chuckle, but the best way you can describe his appearance is that of a very stereotypical ruler from some storybook. While all of this must have been tailored for his size, it makes Ioder look relatively small instead.
Beyond that, you don’t dwell on Ioder’s appearance, because your eyes look for Flynn, still waiting to be called for.
He looks so serious, that you’d mistake him for a statue. He’s wearing the thing Drake gave him months ago. It’s very… well, it’s different. Armor wraps around him where you would see blue. It’s not something you’re used to. It’s clear that this is purely ceremonial, but you feel like such armor would be a waste not to use against monsters who pierce their victims with teeth or claws. You could ask Flynn what he thinks about that idea. The headpiece offers some support on his face, but it’s probably about as useless as going against foes without any helmet.
There’s a detail over his heart that keeps your eye transfixed on Flynn, but then you notice his blue eyes looking bright in stark contrast--
“In place of Dein Nomos, we shall present you, Emperor Ioder, with a counterfeit left by the late Commandant Alexei.” Ioder expresses his thanks as he accepts the sword.
Your focus settles down on the scene at hand.
But you think he looked back at you.
Your eyes hurt from staring up for so long. You rub at them a little, to get the irritation to stop, and some guy on your right scoffs.
And then it’s Ioder’s turn to offer some smart words he probably spent weeks thinking about. He looks bright, not unlike some of the paintings of previous Emperors you passed by earlier. How long would it take until people insist on painting him too? He’s only eighteen.
You at least figure out when to clap. Ioder looks over to where you stand, and Estelle claps louder. Once the noise calms down, he speaks again.
“I, Emperor Ioder Argylos Heurassein, call forth Captain Flynn Scifo.”
But the silence continues.
You look up, and see that Flynn is still. You can’t make out his facial expression. You hear murmurs.
You start to move, and Estelle grabs your arm. “No, Yuri!” She barely keeps her voice low.
You look at her. “Something’s not right.”
“Yes, so what of it?” Someone behind you speaks out. “That would be an example of the Emperor’s errors in choosing someone incompetent enough to mess up their own ceremony. Are you trying to instigate something?”
“Hey, you-” You try to move, but can’t, because Estelle holds on to you tightly.
Though the frustration bubbles in you, you hold your tongue. In the blur of it all, Ioder says something, but you don’t hear it. Iit passes through you, really. You focus your gaze on Flynn’s figure again, who has begun moving, suddenly. Was it in reaction to your commotion? Well, at least the whispers have stopped.
As Flynn goes down the stairs, it’s as if nothing went wrong in the first place. Eventually, you can see the face he’s making; it’s like he’s about to face off another serious foe. Something about it is very endearing, but you still can’t shake the feeling off that something’s wrong.
Before you know it, he is now facing Ioder, and bows. “I am here to serve.”
Further talking ensues, but you’re not paying attention. Every so often, Flynn offers a “Yes.”, as he is promising to do his duties. Protecting the people, commanding the knights. You’re suddenly reminded of the ten-year-old, who talked your ear off about how amazing the knights are. And from today, he will be the one to make them into something more than childish praise.
“Flynn Scifo, you are bestowed the position of Commandant of the knights, officially.”
“This is the highest form of honor, Emperor Ioder.” Flynn bows once more.
He faces the crowd of spectators, looking determined. He looks upon all spectators, and the scroll reader says something else. Flynn locks eyes with you, and this is when you nearly miss the round of applause.
Ioder speaks up again. “Now, everyone, we officially announce the celebrations of this glorious day. Please feel free to explore any location in the castle, so long its doors are open. Our staff is more than happy to assist you. As for the complimentary meals, they are in the gardens. I offer my warmest regards to Princess Estellise, who worked very hard to make this all possible.” Another round of applause happens. Estelle is very embarrassed over the sudden attention.
Though you would have initially taken it as your moment to leave, you instead walk forward. You take off so fast, that Estelle almost misses to follow right by you. There’s so many people, but you need to talk to him.
You finally reach him, and of course he doesn’t look like someone who had nearly flunked his own ordination. “Lady Estellise, Yuri.” He says, and somehow he’s still able to smile.
“Hey, Flynn, what was with that?”
Estelle instantly interjects. “Yuri, now is really not the time!” She’s right, but then...
“Can we go somewhere, to talk?” You stare at Flynn like something is about to happen, like an enemy is about to emerge and strike.
Flynn must be overwhelmed just by how suddenly all this is happening. He turns his head behind him, toward the door of the sword stair, and then looks back at you. He has his answer.
But before he can even say anything, someone else comes in to announce themselves.
“Flynn Scifo, my congratulations.” That’s when you finally see a pair of nobles, finally at Flynn’s side. “We are truly regretful, but we didn’t want the princess and... this person, to just whisk you away for the entire day! Everyone’s dying to talk to you.”
“Yes, my apologies…” Flynn bows.
He looks a bit helpless, so you decide to help him out. “Just go,” You say, surprising both him and Estelle. “We can talk later. Enjoy the party.” You start walking, or maybe it’s Flynn who is getting pulled away.
“Yuri, I’m sorry.” Estelle says, apologetic. “I suppose that was the price for him not being here yesterday.”
“Not much that can be helped with. Let’s just pass the time for now.”
The day ends up long, agonizingly so. As you pass through the hallways, Estelle notes how there are more people present here, not just the ones who were at the ceremony. The newcomers would be the type to be here to look good, you imagine.
Whenever Estelle herself would get pulled aside for conversations of her own, you had the bad luck to exchange insults with a few nobles, who recognized you through your disguise. While they do their best to get under your skin, with things ranging from your origin to your ties to Flynn, you don’t retaliate. Ideally, you wanted to, but after your stunts earlier, you want all this to end sooner.
You couldn’t shake off wanting to see Flynn again, anyway. You know he’s barely managing the day, and the way he did not move earlier kept replaying in your mind, no matter how much you tried not to think about it.
You wonder if you should have pushed harder to talk in private as soon as the ceremony ended, but a voice in you reprimands you for even entertaining such a thought.
In the tail end of the afternoon, you and Estelle make it to the gardens, to grab a bite of some of the efforts from the castle cooks.
“At least this is the only big event I’ll ever have to attend.”
Estelle looks at you curiously. “What about any other big occasion in the future?”
“We’ll get there when those happen. Let me have this for now.” You take a bite out of this amazing pudding cup, and Estelle chuckles.
“I did not think I would need to seek you out again, Yuri Lowell.” Someone suddenly says. You know exactly who this voice belongs to. You open your eyes to peer at her.
“Hey. Did I do something again?”
Sodia pinches the bridge of her nose. “No. Just listen for once. I came here to ask why you haven’t approached the Cap-” she corrects herself, “the Commandant. Are you avoiding him again?”
“Does it look like I am? I’m just waiting for my turn, until he can talk to me.” You don’t want to tell her it would take you one rash decision to go look for him. A question comes to mind, instead. “Did he send you after me himself?”
“No, he did not. But he would mention you whenever I could exchange words with him.” She crosses her arms, very clearly displeased. “Just go find him. You typically always distract him enough to make time for you.”
Flynn’s problem is exactly that he always makes time for you.
You munch on another spoonful of pudding.
“I hope you at least consider what I had to say. Princess Estellise,” she bows to Estelle, “I hope you have a splendid evening.” Estelle offers her a thanks, and Sodia exits the gardens nearly as quickly as she came.
Estelle breaks the silence that was threatening to settle. “Yuri, she is right. You’re leaving tomorrow.”
“You make it sound like I am actively avoiding him.” You rise from where you were sitting. You set the finished pudding aside. “But fine, I’ll get going now. I should at least let him make fun of my get-up.”
You look at her pointedly, and she almost misses the beat to respond. “Oh, don’t worry about leaving me here! See, what if Repede stayed with me?”
You turn to Repede, questioning him on this sudden decision. But he surprises you by walking over to Estelle, staying closer than usual to her. Estelle didn’t expect this herself, because she looks like she’s about to tear up from joy.
“Then I’ll go. I know where he might be.” You get up, and you make an exit from the gardens. You turn back to Estelle, to offer a final wave to her.
It’s still full of people around, but it at least makes you look less suspicious than what you seem. You hope Flynn bothered to eat something today, if he ever made his way to the gardens in the first place.
While wandering, you pass by one of the dining halls at some point. You peek in, just in case.. But you don’t linger for more than a few seconds. You swear you caught a glimpse of Harry and the old man, drinking there, but you have no reason to idle time away any longer than you have.
The throne room by now is nearly entirely vacant. That doesn’t concern you, as  you see that the doors to the Sword stair are open.
The breeze is gentle, even at the top of the capital. The sky is dyed orange, illuminating everything golden. You didn’t realise the sun began setting. Below you, everything is lively, still bustling in its festive activities.
Not that you can hear anything. Only your footsteps break what is otherwise a perfect silence. By the time you reach Flynn, you see him sitting, observing Zaphias. You almost don’t recognize him.
“Hey, did I keep you waiting?”
Flynn spares you a glance. “Yuri…”
He gestures for you to come over, and you comply. You sit next to him. There’s a silence, as you both watch the sky gradually change colors. The gold becomes pink, soon enough.
“Part of me didn’t think I’d see you today.” Flynn says suddenly.
You glance at Flynn’s direction. “Was I not supposed to show up?”
Flynn’s gaze is still fixed at the clouds, which have begun losing their puffy whiteness, letting colors wash over them. The way he’s been sitting isn’t what you’ve come accustomed to, it’s very casual. You look at his legs, nearly entirely wrapped in white armor and black pants.
“I had my own assumptions. Especially after yesterday.” He pauses for a moment, to take a good look at you again. “But you were at the ceremony.” And you are here now. “I want to thank you for coming.”
You’re searching for something in his eyes, but you alone can’t put a name on it.
Thank you for coming. For me.
But he doesn’t say that. Why do you think he would?
You notice how Flynn’s left fist unclenches. Even in the presence of such a view, he still can’t relax. Not that you can blame him, given that you’re pretty sure that “I’m the source of your problems.”
“Now you’re spouting nonsense, you know.” His tone sounds anything but harsh.
“Then was being frozen at the ceremony related to whatever you’re not telling me?”
Before you know it, Flynn’s entirely looked away again, uneasy. Uncomfortable, almost. His eyes reflect the sunset in such a way, that words fail you instantly. You look back to the sky too, letting out another exhale.
Eventually, Flynn starts again. “Seeing you at the ceremony made me very relieved. You even went through all the hassle to look so…”
“Maybe that’s not the word for it.” He smiles. “And no, I’m not going to scold you about the stunt you almost tried then.”
“You still bothered to mention it.” You don’t mean to sound bitter, but Flynn still laughs in response. Though, he sounds melancholic.
“I know at least some things won’t change.” He says, quieter. He looks down again, you can tell that he’s trying to push some thoughts deep down, never to come out.
But you don’t want to let him wallow in this any further. There’s been an underlying thing all along, that even you failed to notice. If you leave it for when you can talk to Flynn again, putting off important conversations, and instead keep up whatever narrative your lettered correspondences paint, will he ever be able to say anything?
“Flynn. Mind showing me your new room?”
He agrees to it. Probably because he realised he can’t back out now. Or maybe Sodia was right, and he was waiting all day for you to ask him. Regardless, he offers his hand to yours, and he does not let go of it for the entire way to his room. You don’t make the effort to pull it away, either.
You reach the hallway Estelle told you about, and you’re not surprised that there are no guards here.
“I thought the Commandant’s room would have some security here?”
Flynn’s hand is on the door’s handle. He says it so softly, you almost miss it. “I dismissed them, when I was officially appointed to this room.”
And then, the door is open.
You take it all in.
Somehow, you expected something much more refined. Maybe it was before, but Flynn and Estelle tried to make something out of the otherwise barren state of this room. You can pick out where Estelle intervened, design-wise.
But the first thing you really take note of is the bed itself. You walk over to it, and it doesn’t look any smaller up close. It’s probably the only one that you (and Flynn) would ever see in your lives. How would it feel to sleep on a bed you can’t fill on your own?
You turn to the right side of the room. It seems to have been repurposed to function as Flynn’s personal office. There’s a bookcase here, presumably with everything he would need to do his work. That would spare most visits to any of the libraries, probably.
Turn your head the opposite direction, and you see shelves that hold personal belongings. You recognize a few things from back when you were kids. At the same time, all these items barely take up any space, and most of the shelves have yet to serve their purpose here.
Instead of approaching the few shelves that hold any memories, you make your way to the desk. Clean, spotless. No paperwork out of place.
“How does it feel here?”
“It feels like a Commandant’s bedroom should feel, I think.” If Flynn actually worked on making this room as personal as he could, then he instead made this section of the castle look very unwelcome, and lacking in life.
Your hand glides over the surface of the table. Even the very sensation of it against your fingertips tells you it’s the expensive kind of woodwork.
You look at Flynn.
“I was very happy, when I could travel with you all,” he suddenly admits. “Looking back to those times made me remember that I lack the capability to travel. Not like I used to.”
“It’s not like you are always going to be here. There will be times when you’d need to personally get involved.” Though you recount that Alexei himself did not travel as often either. “And hey, who said you need to stay here all the time?” Especially given that it looks so lonely.
“I can just send other knights to do what I used to do. Or at least, that’s what the council says.” Yesterday’s conversations resurface, but you wait for Flynn to gather his thoughts. “Recently, Raven visited me. He wanted to give me a warning.”
“About what, the council?”
“He saw first-hand how much Alexei was struggling with doing anything. Raven told me about the actions Alexei resorted to doing, out of others’ sights. Because otherwise, the council would...”
You instantly notice how frigid Flynn’s getting. “Hey, come on, didn’t you tell me once that you’re willing to endure their stubbornness? You told me it’s fine.”
“I know what I said! I just…”
“You have the allies needed to help you. You are not fighting on your own. And you do have the authority to oppose them now. Isn’t that enough?”
“No, it’s not. You know that yourself, Yuri.” Flynn steps closer to you, and there’s a certain glint in his eyes that you swear you last saw years ago. “We came to the knights to invoke change, but I didn’t think…”
You grab Flynn’s shoulders. “Didn’t think what?”
He pushes your hands away, and walks toward the window, the one by the shelves.
You find yourself impatient, again. “Don’t tell me you’re listening to what some older people say about you. You’re not going to become like Alexei.”
Flynn continues staring out the window.
You speak louder, to try to get his attention. “If you believe in the people who put their trust in you, then you won’t die without accomplishing nothing.”
“But if I die, no one else can take on the Commandant position like I have, right?”
“That’s what you mean, right?” He turns around, and it just now dawns on you just how exhausted Flynn looks.
From the window, you notice that the sun has set.
And Flynn continues, barely containing his voice. You both know no one would hear him here. "I can’t even protect those who matter to me. I can’t exert myself to my limits, I can’t take injuries, even if it’s for the ones I want to protect. Am I expected to just let everything happen by me?”
“Do you even hear what you’re saying? Is this just a fucked up way to tell me that you want to die?!” You don’t realise when you started moving toward Flynn, but soon enough, you’re facing him directly. You’re withholding the urge to grab him again.
“I’m saying that I’m just me, Yuri! I don’t want to be the Commandant behind the desk, overseeing everything! I… I’m not an untouchable beacon. And I’m not a hero to die for.”
Protest rises from deep within you. “Then why do you act like you’re going to barricade yourself here come tomorrow?”
“Because I want to at least work hard enough, to make up for the praise I know I don’t deserve. That I took what was meant for you and Brave Vesperia is already too much for me. You alone said that it doesn’t matter who does good for the people. And I wish it didn’t matter to me, because I just want to do what I can for everyone’s sake.”
Before you can respond, Flynn breathes in, and continues.
“But a lot of people began insisting that my place is not on the battlefield, that I shouldn’t chase some blastia thieves, or personally oversee whether everyone outside Zaphias has housing. That I’ve done enough already, that I don’t need to focus on things a knight should be doing to begin with!”
Flynn rubs at his face, and the gloves seem to irritate him more than help him calm down. He exhales harsher.
“And I miss traveling, Yuri, I miss doing what I have grown accustomed to doing. That’s part of my oath as a knight.” You feel as if Flynn is trying to laugh here, but laughter itself doesn’t come. “Maybe there’s something childish lodged deep inside. I don’t even understand it myself.”
You find yourself grasping to understand.
“I’m regarded as a hero, when I know I am not one. The most of what I’ve done the past few months, is argue with people who think the most vile things about the civilians I swore to protect. But I can’t even protect them directly now. No, I never could.”
He places his hand over his chest. There, his own dormant blastia remains. You look at Flynn’s hand. You can sense the blood trickling down your left.
“Yesterday, I could heal you. I felt like I was doing something for someone, and seeing the result with my own eyes!” The grip over his chest tightens. “But then you said that the empire needs me. Because my purpose lies in whether or not I’m useful enough. And I know that by holding the thoughts I have now that I...”
His shoulders shake, and that is when the weight Flynn Scifo has been holding on his shoulders begins crashing down.
It feels as if some of the weight itself is stuck in your throat, not allowing you to say a word. You’re frozen still, when Flynn, The Commandant, is completely open to any attack. You want to move your hands.
You want him to stop saying things.
“I invited you to come today, because I wanted to see you.” He makes a sound, and dread clutches your pounding heart. “I wanted to see you, to know that I’m not alone. I… I wasn’t even conscious of it.” You can’t bear that he’s still looking at you so softly.
You know you cannot comfort him.
“Yesterday, I thought we were together like old friends, just you and I, Yuri. Not as a Commandant and a civilian.”
“Flynn…” Your hand threatens to move.
“I want to be myself. I need to feel like I’m still me...”
You catch him, before his knees hit the floor. And he holds on to you as he cries, because he needs you.
You don’t keep track of time passing. The room eventually is submerged in darkness, all illuminated only by the moonlight through the window. That’s when you take Flynn’s hand, and guide him from the floor to the bed. You help him rid of all the armor on him, but it’s mostly Flynn taking it off, really.
And all that hides under it… is Flynn himself. The same Flynn you saw this morning.
“I bet you can at least breathe for once.” You remark. Flynn chuckles softly.
You try to send him to the bathroom (whose door you didn’t even notice earlier), so he can change into sleepwear. But before Flynn leaves, he walks to the wardrobe instead, and opens it.
“I don’t want to force you to stay.” He sounds hoarse after all the crying, but that doesn’t stop him from talking. “But I know that it’s too late to find Lady Estellise, in order to get your usual clothes back. You’re free to borrow something for tonight, and return it to me later.”
“Sharing things like the old times, huh? You don’t need to be so serious about that.” At least saying that provokes Flynn to smile.
“Still, I wouldn’t know when I’ll see you again. You leave tomorrow-”
“I’m here now. Do you want me to stay here tonight?”
The question surprises him. But maybe deep down, he was hoping to hear it.
You watch him drift off to sleep. You know that you cannot comfort him, but the warmth and clamminess of his hand in yours makes you believe that just being here is enough.
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mistymark · 5 years
the one with the detention. [1]
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na jaemin x reader // 2.0k words // masterlist // send requests here
summary; in which jaemin is a bit of an asshole but y/n is determined to do this chemistry project
warnings: assholery, swearing, be prepared to be frustrated
requested; don't think so? bad boy jaemin may have been a request ?
notes; this has been in my drafts for so long unfinished so here's part one !!
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“Groups for the project have been posted on the class page. Your homework for next lesson is to meet and present three ideas for your project to me. Dismissed.” The professor turned his back on the class as he began wiping the whiteboard at the front of the classroom, as students quickly packed up to leave.
Lucas walked from his desk at the back of the class to yours, his eyes glued to his phone, “Sweet, I’m with Mina and Yuri.”
You slung your bag over your shoulder and dug your phone out of your pocket, ready to check your own group, “That’s a good group; Mina and Yuri are both A students. And so are you. Your group is probably going to get the highest grade in the class.” You groaned as the webpage loaded slowly, “Ugh, I have no service.”
He shot you a grin as he handed you his phone, “Here, check on mine.”
As you left the room, you scrolled through the list of names to yours, “Blue Group 2.” Not looking up as you navigated the familiar hallways, you scrolled through the list to find the two people with the same group as you. 
Suddenly, you noticed a figure dressed in black standing in front of you, but before you could stop yourself, you were already walking into them. Immediately apologising, you looked up at the person you’d bumped into, easily a head taller than yourself, and stepped back. “Oh God, I’m so sorry. I wasn’t watching where I was going and you suddenly just-“
The boy, dressed in black jeans and a leather jacket, waited patiently as you rambled your apology, his expression blank and unchanging.
“-I’m sorry,” you finished, sighing your last apology. You expected him to smile and tell you it was ‘okay, seriously, there was no damage’, but instead, he adjusted his bag strap on his shoulder and walked around you, without a word.
Asshole, you thought. You could at least say sorry, too. After all, you walked into me, as well.
“Y/n!” Lucas weaved through the crowd to get to you again, and you were surprised to realise he had left your side in the first place. When he joined you again in the busy hallway, he noticed your expression, “What’s wrong?”
You rolled your eyes as you remembered your horrible encounter with someone you’d never even met before, “Nothing, I just bumped into an asshole. Literally.”
He laughed, “You bumped into someone’s butt?”
Already in a sour mood, you narrowed your eyes at him, “No. I literally walked into someone. And he was a dick.”
“I thought you said he was an asshole.”
“Same difference.”
There was silence as you made your way to your lockers, which were conveniently located beside each other. “Who was it?”
“I don’t know.”
Lucas turned on you, “What do you mean you don’t know? Is he a student?”
“Yeah, he’s a student. He was carrying an accounting textbook.”
You shrugged, “Probably. I’ve never seen him before.”
You found your group of friends in the cafeteria, and walked to join them at your usual table, which seemed to be buzzing with excitement.
“Woah, woah, woah, ladies. I know I just arrived but keep your excitement down, please,” Lucas placed his tray down in the middle of the group and lightly nudged Mark out of the way so he could get his long ass ride legs under the table.
You rolled your eyes and laughed at your friends as you sat down, the excited chatter quickly starting up again now that Lucas had shut up. “What are you talking about?”
Yuqi turned to you, a wide smile plastered across her face, “The new student. Have you seen him?”
Hesitating, you took a bite of your sushi, “What new student?”
“He’s just arrived, but apparently he’s friends with Jeno and Renjun, so he’s been hanging out with them. His name is Jaemin,” Jiwoo explained. When you raised an eyebrow at her, her eyes widened, “What? He’s in my accounting class.”
Yuqi nodded, and sent a teasing smile to Jiwoo before looking back at you, “Apparently, he’s really hot.”
“Who’s really hot?” Mark asked, now interested in the conversation.
“New Guy. Jaemin.” You deadpanned, scanning the cafeteria for Jeno’s table. Trying not to be too obvious, you looked at each boy in turn, trying to see Jaemin.
“Psssst! Y/n, is that the asshole?” Lucas leant over to you, pointing in the direction you were looking. You saw immediately who he was pointing out, the tall brunette boy sitting between Renjun and Donghyuck, his leather jacket hugging his shoulders as he nodded along to something Jeno was saying. He wasn’t smiling.
Yuqi looked up with surprise, “‘Asshole’? What happened? How do you know him?”
“I bumped into him in the hallway while I was checking my chemistry lab group- Oh, shit! I completely forgot to check that. Hold on.” You dug your phone out of your pocket and checked your chemistry class page, scrolling through the names. Lucas leant closer to read over your shoulder. “Choi Sungjae, L/N Y/N, and...”
Lucas let out a loud laugh as he caught sight of the last name, clapping you on the back and turning to the rest of your group to tell them the news, “Na Jaemin. Y/n has to work in a lab group with the new guy.”
Yuqi pouted, “Lucky. My biology group is awful. At least you’ve got the hot new guy, who am I going to stare at? Kim Wooyoung?”
Mark nudged her arm, “Maybe your biology work?”
She poked her tongue out at him, mimicking him with a high pitched voice, “Maybe your biology work?”
He laughed and threw a fry at her, “I don’t even sound like that.”
“You sound as annoying as that.”
Before they could continue bickering, Jiwoo leant over to you, “Y/n, slip me into conversation, yeah?”
You cocked an eyebrow at her as you took a bite of your sandwich. Lucas eyed your reaction and turned to Jiwoo, a large smile plastered on his face, “What’s she gonna say? ‘Wow, my friend Jiwoo did chem, but she dropped it because she was so bad at it. Wanna date her?’”
Jiwoo hit him and made to reply back, but stopped, her focus on something behind you. The rest of your little group followed, turning their heads in the same direction, and when you spun around, you saw Jaemin and his friends standing up and walk towards another table.
Not caring about their movement, you turned back around in your seat, “Sure, Jiwoo.”
“Hmm?” She said, her gaze following the group’s movements. “He’s talking to Mina’s group. Do you think he knows them?”
“I mean, he had homeroom with us,” Mark shrugged.
“Wait, shh! He’s coming over. Be cool,” she hissed, leaning onto the table with her elbows, and laughing, before turning her attention to the approaching group of boys. “Oh, hey, Jeno. Who’s this?”
Jaemin barely cast a glance her way, his eyes focused on you, “Jaemin.” He turned his body to face you more, ignoring the stares of the other people at your table, “We’re in the same lab group, right? You’re Y/n?” You nodded. “Sungjae and I are getting together after school to discuss the project. Building 3, Room 1.”
You furrowed your brows slightly, opening your mouth to reply as he adjusted the black backpack on his shoulder and walked away, the rest of his friends following. Jeno winked at Jiwoo as he left, causing her to blush a bright pink and smile at her salad.
“Told you. He’s an asshole,” you mumbled, picking at your sandwich. “Also...” you looked at Jiwoo, “what’s up with you and Jeno, huh?”
Her eyes went wide, “What do you mean? Nothing. I just said hi to ask about Jaemin.”
“I meant the wink, but okay.”
“What wink?” She asked, innocently. You rolled your eyes and grinned at her, and she winked back at you, before shifting her attention to Yuqi, poking her in the cheek, the faintest of blushes still evident on Jiwoo’s cheeks.
You checked your phone again, the time having unchanged since you last checked it only seconds ago. Had he said Building 1, Room 3 or Building 3, Room 1? Deciding to give it a few moments before walking to the other building, you remained in Building 3, leaning against a chair as you scrolled through your group chat, laughing at some of the comments your friends had made since the end of class.
The sound of a backpack hitting the ground made your head lift, watching as Jaemin silently made his way to the front of the classroom, his bag left sitting by one of the desks. He sat down on the edge of the professor’s desk, and you watched with parted lips as he did so, unsure whether to make a comment about his choice of seating options.
You checked your watch, squinting at it through the blinding light of the afternoon sun, now streaming through the classroom’s large glass windows. Briefly closing your eyes, you basked in the warmth for a moment before clearing your throat, “Should we text him or something? Surely he would’ve shown up by now if he had the right place.”
Your eyes flicked to Jaemin, who was leaning against his hands on the professor’s desk, scrolling through something on his phone.
You didn’t miss the way he rolled his eyes slightly and looked up at you, but he merely shrugged at your question.
“Well, if you want to finish this quicker, I have a few ideas. We’re looking at identifying compounds right? I was thinking, even if it sounds simple, we can do some pretty cool experiments with chromatography. I mean, of course we wouldn't be able to- uh, hello?” You cut yourself off when you saw Jaemin huff and stand up, making his way to the door and raising his pointer finger to excuse himself.
You watched in disbelief as he left the classroom, his phone in hand and his bag still on the floor, fiddling with your fingers as you tried not to let your frustration grow. Did he seriously have to be this much of an ass? You just ran into him; it’s not like you killed someone.
Furrowing your brows, you pulled out your laptop, choosing instead to research your own idea for your lab experiment. A moment later, Jaemin walked back in, his jaw set in annoyance as he grabbed his bag from its place on the floor, “Sungjae isn’t coming. We should reschedule.”
“What do you mean reschedule? We’re supposed to have brainstormed our ideas by next class. Which, may I remind you, is tomorrow,” you narrowed your eyes at him.
“We can do it tomorrow,” Jaemin shrugged, already slinging his backpack over his shoulder.
“No.” You insist, “I know Sungjae has swim practice in the morning and I have a meeting at lunch. It’s now or over the phone tonight.”
“Well, that settles it,” Jaemin raises an eyebrow at you, the smallest of smirks playing on his lips as he watches you get riled up. “Over the phone it is.”
“What is your problem?” You finally burst, and you can feel your chest rising and falling rapidly. “I said I was sorry for bumping into you in the hallway.”
“I’ll see you tomorrow, y/n.” He doesn’t even look at you as he says it, walking out the door and leaving you alone in the empty classroom. Annoyed at having wasted your time, you sling your backpack over your back and march out of the room after him, walking in the opposite direction to him to your car.
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The Siren & The Healer (1)
Natasha Romanoff arc
Chapter 1: The Mission
Platonic Natasha x fem!Reader, Loki x fem!Reader (soulmates?)
Theme: With cracks between the most powerful superheroes of the earth, Natasha Romanoff does not find rest when she is assigned on a mission to find the missing pieces of a puzzling power that once nearly got into the hands- rather, tentacles- of Hydra. In order to unearth the pieces, she must dig through her own past and make a decision that might decide the fate of the earth in the coming wars.
Series: Will contain violence, death, destruction, softness, fluff, smut, friendship, and whatnot
Chapter warnings: sometimes dreams are hotter than your realities.
A/N: This was written a few years ago with an OC in mind so reader has a name but it is a reader insert.
Word Count: Toooo tired. Must sleep. But weird dreams. What to do.
MASTERLIST in bio, love
Time: 1600 hrs
Location: WAKANDA
“Two years. I go away for two years and these pea-brained men break the one thing I have worked so hard on.”
Even pissed, Fury looked the cutest to Natasha. She could tell he was trying his best to seem enraged but this assassin had known the ex-director of SHIELD long enough to tell when he was feeling something and depicting something else.
“You may have brought them together with one goal, Nick, but the boyband had different agendas.”
“And what did the only woman of the boyband want?”
She could feel the softness in his rigid voice. It only went soft when he knew. This time, just like every other, he wasn’t wrong. “The woman wanted those pea-brained men to work it out. But now she’s gone solo for a while. She said screw them. She wants some me-time.”
Fury chuckled before taking Natasha into his embrace. The hug was partly because he had missed his favourite spy and mostly because he realised amongst all that had gone down in the past few weeks, she had been the only one searching for a neutral ground.
"Hmm," Natasha hummed as she finally broke away from the warm hug and looked at Fury, "staying in with Goose is really making you mushy, Nick."
Fury scoffed and Natasha chuckled. "Please! You are the only one who gets the hugs. Don't tell Barton that. Or Tony for that matter. I don't know how he'll use it against me. And I don't wanna know."
This was nice. Natasha was already feeling better now that she was away from the constant conflict and brooding- not to mention discreet pining- of her two boys. Wakanda was welcoming. The air was like no other. Wrapped up in the warmth of the African sun, bringing with it the coolness of the forests along with the local beats, cuddling with nature while prospering faster than the rest of the earth in every term. Tony would love this, she thought to herself, though he would be more curious about the genius mind behind all of this and readily try to recruit them.
Children scuttled about, playing hop-scotch and hide-and-seek, their innocent and restraint-free cackles filling the air with their mellifluous everyday fun. The local shops had quite a variety of accessories lined up for everyone. Bags and baskets made with intricate handiwork, decorated with beads, stones and soft clay tones of art depicting the everyday Wakandan life. Many even had the Dora Milage adorning them. Masterpieces, truly. But that was not all. Young girls and boys had their own sections in the square to display their latest science projects. A girl had made a miniature help-bot, taking requests for the books you wanted in the library and fetching it for you- here, from the topmost shelf of the lone bookstand that housed all the books this young one had read at least twice. Another group had designed gloves for the elderly and the ones suffering from Parkinson's to help them with their daily routines. The gloves had the ability to absorb vibrations and motions and convert it into electricity to help the person charge their device by holding them.
"Ndingayifumana le?" Natasha asked the little girl sitting with her mother at one of the sections selling their hand-made backpacks, pointing at the one in all black adorned with stones and metals around the purple outline of a panther.
The girl smiled at her and nodded. Her wavy brown hair bounced as she skipped to the back of the shop to get a jute bag to wrap the backpack in before running back to the front. "Ndiza kwabelana ngemfihlo kunye nawe," the little one mentioned, gesturing from her hands to lean closer to her. Natasha did exactly what the girl asked her to, genuinely interested in what secrets she was about to spill. "Inepokotho efihliweyo apho unokuzifihla imipu yakho," she whispered, showing her customer the secret compartment.
Natasha 'ooh'ed in excitement.
"Nala," her mother gave her a stern stare but her voice was soft for her child.
"Ngu-Black Widow, umama," the little one stressed towards her mother, making Natasha feel a mild jolt in her heart.
"Does everyone here know who I am?" she had to ask Fury, who merely shrugged.
"Well, you got them their favourite broken white boy, so..." he flailed his hands.
Taking the backpack carefully packed and put inside the jute bag, Natasha and Fury walked towards the road less travelled- towards Shuri’s laboratory.
The lab itself was a brilliant piece of work. Natasha could really feel the waves from every wall and equipment declaring they were Shuri's and they would always be Shuri's- loyal to the bone. And yet the air was the most welcoming to her- along with the scarce number of people greeting her with a smile on her way. But the brilliant young scientist was nowhere to be seen for now.
"So, what is it Fury?" she finally had to ask, "you drag me away from my me-time at Bora Bora to this spectacular lab."
Nick's smile was warm.
Uh-oh, Natasha thought, that meant trouble.
He gestured her towards the private office. "You and I both know you could have not survived Bora Bora for even three days, woman."
She chuckled. Well, he wasn't wrong.
“I have some work for you. Actually, it was Nakia who brought in the work. So, you can thank her or curse her.”
Fury waved his hand over the table to produce a holograph of virtual files in front of him. He opened up the first one and produced newspaper clippings.
"Remember the faint 2012 rumours among the people in the black market about an ancient weapon that had been 'discovered' somewhere in India that could, and I quote, ‘wipe out an entire state, even an entire country if used...correctly’. Hydra had been looking for the weapon at that time. They even discovered the location of the weapon but for some reason lost contact with their team the very day they were supposed to move it."
Natasha looked at the screen, an uneasy emotion clouding her face. Fury saw her hand move to the side of her stomach.
“The entire team vanished.” She said, looking at the images of recorded conversations of Hydra. “How many were there?”
Fury did not take his eyes off of her.
“Five. Three assassins, one translator, one strategist.”
Natasha was confused now.
“Assassins to handle a weapon?”
Fury nodded, “Look at the conversations from a week before the D-day. They talked about some sort of organisation or a coven. The weapon was either fortified or was being exploited by them. Either case required them to move it effortlessly, no matter the lives it cost.”
Natasha moved through the files for more information.
“How huge is this weapon?”
“We don’t know. Here, play the last conversation recorded by the Hydra HQ with their extraction team.”
Natasha clocked on the audio file. The entire room was filled with the crackling noise from the conversation.
Voice 1: HQ! Are you there? *heavy breathing*
Voice 2: Yes, this is HQ.
Voice 1: Is the line secure?
Voice 2: The line is secure. Confirm your status.
Voice 1: We have discovered the whereabouts of the weapon. There has been a casualty from the enemy’s side. The Director needs to hear this.
Voice 2: Where is the weapon?
Voice 1: Call the Director to the phone right now. We are on our way to the extraction location. *in the background* Carlos, Thomas, ready your weapons.
Voice 3: Boss, something’s wrong. The bomb, it’s gone off.
Voice 1: What?! Son of a bitch! Carlos! You were supposed to wait for the signal.
Voice 3: It’s not my fault! I didn’t do anything. Something’s wrong.
Voice 2: What is happening?
Voice 1: Why is there no signal? We lost the tracker. Boys! What is going on?
Voice 4: I cannot reach Alyn. He’s not responding.
*sound of tire screeching to a halt*
Voice 1: What the hell? Is that Alyn on the ground?
Voice 4: Oh no! Oh God no! Look!
Voice 2: What is going on there? Confirm your status!
Voice 1: It’s coming for us. Get out of here. It’s coming for us.
Voice 3: There’s something in the shadows. Goddammit, it’s huge!
*a screeching sound and periodic hum followed by screams *
*the line goes blank*
“What was that?”
“My guess right now is as good as yours. I have people working on the frequencies to see if they match some alien source that we have met before. Apart from that, is this,” Fury concluded as he handed her a file.
Natasha took the file. Zelda-Kane 12-16, it read.
“Nakia was hunting down a group involved in human trafficking across the African continent and south Asia when she came across someone who was quite closely related to the mission.”
She turned the pages to look at the detailed work and findings of the Wakandan spy and came across a photograph. Her fingers stopped.
"Yuri Chekhov- the director of the failed mission to bring the weapon under the tentacles of Hydra. He has been involved with the group for some time now."
Fury knew he didn't even have to say his name for Natasha remembered that face all too well.
And suddenly she was back in the Red Room with a much younger version of Yuri standing in front of him, covered in blood all over, his dead grey eyes looking straight through her. Trying to find that little girl with red eyes inside Natalia. The girl who could bring chaos without blinking.
Fury's voice brought her back.
"He was operating through India for the past five years. No dirty dealings, no weapons exchange on the black market, nothing- almost like this guy was trying to stay under the radar."
"And he's made a move recently. That's why I'm here. That’s why you are here." Natasha was calm as ever.
That was what Fury admired the most about her. He knew this was going to hit home but he also knew Natasha Romanoff was not the one to let it get in the way.
"He was sighted in Vienna last week. So was Hansel Meldrake- the one who's behind all alien remnants market in Europe. He is the one involved with the notorious group that supplies his scientists with test subjects. All of them victims of human trafficking”
Fury closed the hologram and passed a flash drive to Natasha.
She looked out the window and breathed. It was evening already.
The city outside was lit up like it was celebrating tonight. He saw her admiring the view before realizing it wasn’t the city she was looking at.
“Now if you want I can contact—”
"No. You're not contacting anyone," her composed voice declared in one go, "I can handle this alone."
He knew it would come to this. He had always known.
"Natasha. I won't have your back on this one. We won't be meeting any time soon. The only reason this file is in your hands is because of Nakia. Are you sure you want to take these guys down alone? At least Cli-"
"Don’t." Natasha closed the file in a flash and he knew he couldn't do anything now.
And she was back in the Red Room standing in front of Yuri, looking into his dead, grey eyes.
Rusalka, they said in the most innocent yet dead voice.
"It's time I faced some demons alone."
He felt the softness of those hands again. So tender. So warm. Yet, they are not his mothers. Mother had a different way about her touch. These? These are different. Too soft. Too welcoming. Why? No pair of hands has been as welcoming to him. Ever. All of them had a motive. All of them wanted something.
"What do you want?" he shouted at them.
They didn't say anything. Only kept caressing him. Gentle strokes on his forehead, absorbing away all heaviness form his head, combing his hair, letting some manner of light enter them at every nuzzle of those fingers.
Too comfortable for his own good.
"Who are you?"
The same voice came back again.
It was the same feminine voice he heard when he was on the verge of standing by the gates of Hel.
Oh, Valhalla, who is this utterly blasphemous ray of sunshine snatching me from the claws of death?
"Hey, weasel! Wake Up!"
Loki's eyes shot open, his lungs gasping for air as he shot himself to the other end of the ship to get away from whatever menace had been hovering over him.
"Holy shit!" the raccoon spoke without hesitation- even a tad bit of excessive boldness one might say- while Loki looked around at the faces judging him from head to toe.
"Damn! Is he homeless?" He heard the man in the weird leather jacket speak.
"I am Groot," said the little Groot.
"No, we adopted Mantis because she is one of the good guys. We still have to figure this one out," the racoon spoke again.
And that's when he saw her.
And she saw him, her immaculate green face feeling a mild shock before scrunching up her face.
"You!" Loki and Gamora said in unison, reverberating with the vibes to take out their daggers to slit the other's throat any second now.
And before anyone else could even speculate about that reaction, daggers were out, fingers were curled into fists, teeth snarling at each other and legs covering the distance between them to just snap at each other right at that moment.
"Would you two stop or do I have to knock you out like last time?"
The figure casually leaning by the freezer announced before gulping down the beer bottle in her hand. She sounded tired. Maybe she was.
"Nebula," Loki greeted the other sister with less contempt as compared to the other. "You and your sister better have a good reason to kidnap me."
Both scoffed and chuckled while the other man raised his brow with no understanding of what exactly was going on.
"Um, excuse me-"
"Is he who calls himself the Star-Lord?" Loki thought out loud, looking at Peter standing there, words that were interrupted now dissolving in his mouth.
"Well, yes I am Star-" he was on the edge of blushing, really hard, when Loki interrupted him again.
"Is this the man you chose to love, Gamora?!" he nearly guffawed, leaving Quill shocked; hurt too when Loki clutched his stomach because the laughter hurt him too much.
"I hate this guy," Peter muttered. Rocket simply shrugged. "I mean that was my reaction too, Quill. Can't really blame him, ya know."
"What the hell are you even doing here, Loki Odinson." Gamora made sure she stressed the last word as much as she could, to pinch Loki right where it hurt.
Loki looked at her with a questioning gaze before shrugging. "I don't know."
"I mean, one moment I was dying and the next-" he gestured at the entirety surrounding him.
"Hm, what sort of demon is keeping you from dying and returning to hell?" Nebula quirked, biting into the blue strawberries kept specially for her on the ship.
Loki sighed, reforming every little detail inside his dream, every little touch, every minute excitement that his nerves felt. He could feel every bit of sensation all over again. Well, that was the thing- he could feel everything and yet, for some reason, he could not remember that face.
"Whoever that was," he was thinking out loud without even noticing, "was one heck of a demon."
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phoenixwaller · 6 years
Promptathon - A/B/O
So this prompt was posted by @d2diamond over on discord. 
What if in this world, Alpha’s don’t present until they’ve met the ‘perfect’ Omega? 
 Omegas present like normal, around the time of puberty, they have a heat, everything is normal. But an Alpha will stay dormant until an Omega draws them to the surface. 
Sometimes it takes an Omega in heat to entice the Alpha to wake from its long slumber. Sometimes it takes an Omega in distress that will cause the Alpha to rear its head and come forth. 
But alphas have never known to merely present on their own. There has to be a reason for it. And if one never comes, they will spend their entire lives as a beta.
Pounding on the hotel door. Chris groaned and covered his throbbing head with a pillow. 
Another series of knocks. “Chris?”
Victor’s voice. 
“Chris? Are you in there?”
Chris squeezed his eyes shut, willing his best friend away. 
His phone started ringing on the nightstand. He slapped at it until it silenced and stumbled out of bed. 
“Victor...” he groaned as he opened the door, noticing that his scent was so strong he had to shower. “Whatever we had planned is gonna be a pass for me today. I’m too hungover.”
Victor blinked at him. “You didn’t drink last night Chris. We got back from the press conference late, remember?”
Chris rubbed at his eyes and tried to remember the night before. But Victor’s cologne was making his head throb worse. 
“Did you bathe in your cologne today Victor? It’s particularly strong.”
Victor frowned and reached out. 
Chris flinched back, but was too slow as Victor’s hand pressed against the side of his neck. He hissed as Victor pressed against a tender spot.
“Shit...” Victor said. 
Chris batted Victor’s hand away. “What the hell?”
Victor put his hand son Chris’s shoulders and steered him back into the room. 
“What the hell?” Chris repeated. 
“This isn’t good,” Victor said as he made it clear he wanted Chris to sit. He pulled around the chair. “I need you to remember all the omegas you were around yesterday.”
“What are you on about?”
“Touch the side of your neck Chris. You have scent glands.”
Chris scowled. “Why would I have scent glands?”
Victor sighed. “Because apparently you’re an alpha.”
Chris reached for his neck, wondering what trick Victor was trying to pull. He hissed as soon as his fingers touched the tender and raised flesh. His eyes widened. 
Victor had already fished out his phone and had it pressed to his ear. “Yuri?” he asked as it was apparently answered. 
“No, Chris isn’t going with us. Plans have changed. I need you to go to the nearest drugstore for a few things. Let me know when you have a pen and paper ready.”
Chris stared at his best friend as he rattled off a list of things from energy bars to scent patches to his mate. 
“What was that about?” Chris asked, pinching his brow against the throbbing behind his eyes. 
“I went through this only a couple months ago, remember?” Victor said. “Those were the things that helped me through that first day.”
“So... this is real?” Chris asked. 
Victor nodded. “Seems to be.”
Chris sniffed himself. “I reek. I’m going to shower.”
Victor chuckled. “You’re fine. It’s your new scent sensitivity. You’ll get used to it soon enough.”
Chris groaned again. 
“But by all means,” Victor continued. “Shower, it’ll help with the soreness.”
Chris nodded and shuffled into the shower. When he reemerged he found that Yuri had arrived with a bag of essentials from the drugstore. 
Victor handed over a small box. 
“What’s this?” Chris asked. 
“It’s a balm you put just under your nose. It’ll help with the scents until you get used to them.”
Chris immediately swiped a line under his nose and breathed a sigh of relief as the assault on his nose lessened. 
“I’m going to go out with Phichit,” Yuri said, leaning to give Victor a kiss. “It’ll help ease the smells in here.”
Victor nodded. “We’ll call later when Chris is ready to go out.”
Then the sweet smell of omega was gone and Chris was able to breathe a bit easier. 
Victor handed over an energy bar. “Eat, even though you probably don’t feel hungry.”
Chris choked down the energy bar as Victor dug in the bag and soon handed over a bottle of water and a small tube of cream. 
“What’s this for?” Chris asked after downing about half the bottle. 
“To soothe the inflammation around your scent glands.”
Chris applied the cream along his neck and wrists and felt the cooling sensation. 
Chris nodded. 
Victor reached over to the desk and grabbed a pen and pad of paper. “Now, we should make a list of all the omegas you were around yesterday. Because obviously there isn’t one here, so it had to be somebody from yesterday who set you off.”
Chris pinched the bridge of his nose again. “Do you have any idea how many omegas I saw yesterday between competitors, reporters and fans?”
“Do you have a better idea?” Victor asked. “You and I both know that being around the triggering omega will lessen the symptoms. So it’s best if we figure it out.”
Chris sighed. “Well the fans for the most part are out. I rarely ask names.”
Victor nodded. “That leaves reporters, competitors and staff.”
Chris laid back on the bed and draped his arm over his eyes. “Yuri, of course, but I doubt it was him. He’d have set me off before now if it was. Then there was that cute little Chinese bean... Guang Hong?”
“Who else?”
“Phichit... I think there was a girl from France...”
Chris groaned again as his body ached from the changes coursing through him. 
“Face it Victor... the arena was packed. It’s going to be almost impossible to figure out who it was. This is an exercise in futility.”
Victor sighed. There was the sound of the pen rolling on the table. “It was so much easier with Yuri. We kinda had an idea, and he was able to draw it out of me. But you... you probably only got a good whiff of the omega who triggered you.”
Chris curled on his side. “How long until I rut?”
He could practically hear the shrug in Victor’s response. “A few days? A week? Once your body settles down a bit. You should probably go ahead and let Josef know.”
Chris groaned again. “Fuck...”
“Look at the bright side,” Victor said. “It’s not like puberty. Yeah, your body’s changing, but you’ll adjust in a few days.”
“At least there’s that.”
“Want me to go so you can sleep?”
Chris nodded. “Yeah.”
The sound of Victor standing. “We’ll come get you for dinner. You’ll probably sleep through lunch in this condition. By then the worst of it should have settled down and you’ll likely be starving. I’ll let Josef know so that he doesn’t worry.”
Footsteps and the door closing. Chris pulled a pillow to him and curled into it. 
Chris’s stomach rumbled as he awoke to his phone ringing. 
“You hungry?” Victor asked. 
“Starved,” Chris replied. 
“We’ll be there in a few minutes. We also reserved a table toward the back of the hotel restaurant, where the scents should be minimal. Though the balm will help too.”
Chris pulled on some jeans and a comfortable sweater and was running a comb through his hair when there was a knock at the door. 
He shuffled out of the bathroom and opened the door to Victor, Yuri and Phichit. 
“How you feeling?” Victor asked, concern on his face. 
Chris nodded. “Better than this morning.” He stood aside for the men to come in. “Let me put on some shoes and grab a jacket, then I’ll be ready to go.”
Yuri walked in, followed by Victor. Phichit brought up the rear. 
The smell of sea and sun, and Chris was growling. He pinned Phichit to the wall. 
The omega’s eyes were large with shock before he started laughing. 
“Chris!” Victor cried. 
Chris couldn’t be bothered to pay attention to a mated alpha when his omega was right in front of him. 
Phichit smiled and rose on his toes. He wrapped his arms around Chris’s neck. “Nice to see you too.”
Chris’s growl deepened as he savored the smell of his omega. He dipped his head to sniff at Phichit’s neck.
Phichit laughed. “You smell good too.”
Chris pulled back enough to look into his laughing omega’s eyes. 
Phichit smiled at him. “We can talk about this later, ok? For now though, I’m starving.”
Food... yes... he needed to make sure his omega ate. 
Chris stood and released Phichit from the wall. 
Phichit smiled and pulled him in for a kiss. “Thank you alpha.”
Chris growled at the word, wrapping his arm around his omega’s waist. 
The sound of laughter. He turned to see Victor laughing, his mate Yuri chuckling beside him. 
“Guess we found out who set you off,” Victor said. 
Chris blinked as his senses came back to him. He looked at the omega in his arms. 
“I... um... sorry...”
Phichit laughed. “Don’t be. I’m flattered.”
Phichit nodded. “My omega drew out your alpha. Why wouldn’t I be?”
Chris laughed. “Ok.”
“Now...” Phichit said, releasing Chris. “Let’s eat!”
Chris pulled a laughing Phichit back into his lap and buried his nose in his mate’s neck before they had to separate for training again. 
“Better?” Phichit asked after several minutes. 
Chris nodded. 
Phichit shifted to kiss him. “I wish we had more time. Everything is still so new.”
“Me too.”
“I’ll see you at the final in a few weeks though. We can come up with a plan then.”
“Yeah...” Phichit kissed him again, running his hands along Chris’s neck until he released a burst of his scent. 
“Mmmmm....” Phichit moaned. “I love how my alpha smells.”
Chris grinned against Phichit’s lips. “Say it again.”
Phichit smiled. “My alpha.”
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askdawnandvern · 6 years
A Lamb Among Wolves Ch:46
Chapter Forty-Six: Sweet Little Lies
“This won't do.” Xavier muttered. The white and grey wolf pulled uneasily at the trappings of his rather sharp looking dark grey tuxedo. “This fabric is so abrasive.” Xavier huffed. “And I look terrible.”
“Oh Pshaw.” Malcolm tutted, swatting the wolf's paws away from fiddling at his own pale purple tie. “Y'all look more than fine.”
Xavier shook his head. “ I tried to pick something that looked the most like my proper tuxedo.” The wolf pulled at the lapel of his jacket to reveal the matching pale purple vest underneath, gesturing with it with a paw. “But the materials are so...ugh” Xavier adjusted his glasses. “They honestly just don't make them anywhere like San Francisgoat.”
Malcolm gave the wolf a playful pat on the chest as he rolled his eyes. “You are such a spoilt' pup.” The russet wolf said with a laugh.
Xavier crossed his arms defensively, turning from his mate as it the comment had left the wolf feeling slightly offended. “Just because I demand quality when it comes to what I'm willing to be seen wearing?”
"Y'all look fine!" Malcolm laughed. " It's only fer one night, and side's this whole affair ain't exactly for you now is it?" Malcolm averted his eyes slightly, his gaze momentarily falling on the other wolf seated in the room before quickly darting back to his mate. The russet wolf pulled at his own, considerably simpler tux and gestured toward it. The suit was largely similar to Xavier's, aside from the wolf opting for a baby blue tie, and forgoing the vest in favor of sticking with the simple dress shirt. The russet wolf pulled at one of his suspender straps that had been hidden underneath the jacket with a paw, releasing it with a dull 'thwip' as he eyed his mate. “My suit ain't perfect, but it's good enough to get the job done.”
Xavier sighed. “ I know...I just...” The wolf ran a paw through his hair nervously. “I just wish I had my proper suit.”  Xavier looked toward the ceiling. “ I want to be looking my best for something as important as this, ans-”
Malcolm held up a paw, averting his eyes to the wolf that had been watching the pair before glancing back to his mate. “Stop yerself before y'all accidentally...er...say the wrong thing.” Malcolm chided. “And asides', unless y'all can are fixin' to sprout wings and can fly as fast as a jet y'all would never make it in time.”
“Hey fellas?” Wade popped his head in from between a nearby curtain, drawing the two wolves attention.
“Is he ready for him?” Xavier asked, lowering his glasses  as he eyed the dusky grey wolf.
“Just about.” Wade muttered, pushing the curtains aside and dusting off his tux as he entered. The wolf's tux was comparably simplier to the other two mammals. Nothing more than a black suit, punctuated with a pale blue tie. For a moment, his gaze met the same quiet wolf that Malcolm's eyes had, only to just as quickly divert back to the couple. “He's just finishin' up Ully's tux.” Wade shook his head. “Ya'll know how hard it is for Ully to keep still.”
“Maybe y'all should have used the zip ties on ol' Ully instead.” Malcolm chuckled.
“Speaking of...” Xavier's gaze traveled to the seated wolf briefly. “Do you think it is safe to untie him?”
“I dunno if we should risk it.” Wade muttered quietly. “M-maybe the tailor can work around the ties?”
“Don't be silly!” Malcolm laughed. “He ain't gonna run out now!”
“I don't know...” Wade muttered, exchanging a glance with the wolf across the way. “He still has a bit of a squirrely look in his eyes, maybe we sh-”
“Hey boys.” Vernon finally spoke, drawing the groups attention back to him all at once. The wolf looked exceedingly tired, the bruise under his eye only adding to the pre-existing bags that had come from a short and tumultuous nights sleep. “Could y'all do me a solid and-” The wolf furrowed his brow, flashing his fangs at the mammals as he began to thrash in his seat.
“Easy Vernon, easy.” Xavier held his paws out, gesturing for the wolf to settle. But Vernon was beyond settling. He had been seated in one of the back rooms of the local tailor's place for what, from his perspective, had to have been at least two hours. His paws restrained not only with the initial zip ties they had used to restrain him at the ranch, but another two sets connecting the first one around his wrists to the spokes of the wooden chair he now sat in. The whole time, his brothers had continually tip-toed around divulging just what was going on. Whether it was Trenton electing to make small talk about anything but the current predicament Vernon found himself in, Zach remaining silent while it was his turn to keep watch, refusing to even acknowledge the wolf's presence, or worst of all, the current situation with his brothers simply talking around him, the lack of transparency had grown completely maddening.
The more the topic at paw was avoided, the more it left Vernon to stew in his own thoughts. To review the situation and everything that lead up to it in his head over and over again in order to find his own clues as to just what was going on. And from what Vernon had managed to piece together during his time strapped to the wooden chair, the vibe around it certainly didn't tell him anything good.
At first, Vernon hadn't been sure what to make of the silent treatment. Back at the ranch, he hadn't really noticed it. After all, the wolf was to busy attempting to dole out a silent treatment of his own when it came to the other wolves. They had tackled and trussed him up after all, in front of his mate no-less. Treating him with the same care and finesse that an officer would employ when taking down some violent criminal. The kind you'd see on late night television with his face blurred out, screaming obscenities at the mammals restraining him. Of course, the tearful goodbye he had given his mate probably didn't help the situation in that regard, if anything it probably made the scene that much more uncomfortable for the rest of the Hunter pack to witness. To any outsider, the scene must of looked like something out of a domestic dispute case. Between Vernon's own injuries, the tears he and Dawn shared, and the zip tie cuffs, all that was really missing was the wolf being loaded into a squad car and hauled off to the North Meadowland's County Jail. And Vernon was certain that image hadn't just resonated with him alone judging by the uncomfortable expressions worn by most of his siblings during the wolf's final goodbyes to his mate.
It was only when the Hunter girls left ahead of them, did Vernon pick up on just how awkwardly silent kitchen had grown. His brothers had grown deathly quiet, save for a stray cough here and there. Glancing around, Vernon could see various eyes darting at one another, as if each member of the pack was looking to the other to say something. To break the stifling and uncomfortable atmosphere that had formed with the absence of Audrey and the girls. In that moment, Vernon thought that maybe his brothers were just as bewildered and baffled by the sudden turn of events as he was. As if all they had been told was to restrain the wolf and wait there for further instructions. And with nothing left to do or say, they seemed to be at a collective loss as to how to move forward.
The familiar puttering of Audrey's pie van came and went, signifying that the girls had left the ranch, presumably with Dawn in tow. The staccato sound of backfiring exhaust slowly fading away as the sound of the early morning birds once again filled the quiet kitchen. It was only then, when the van appeared to be long gone, did one of his brothers mustered to courage to speak.
“S-So...” Wade muttered. “How we doing this?”
“We already know what we're doin' here, dummy.” Yuri rolled his eyes.
“Good.” Vernon muttered. “Because I'd like to know.” The wolf growled softly. He tried to meet Trenton's gaze, but the wolf looked away. His muzzle twisted-up in an uneasy grimace.
"I know that!" Wade protested, failing to acknowledge the wolf's comment. "I-I mean how we dollin' out who's ridin' front and whos ridin' bed?" The wolf met Vernon's gaze briefly before looking away. "I mean who's ridin' with...y'know...?"
The silence returned momentarily, the wolves once again exchanging uncertain glances.
“Let's just walk him outside, and we'll figure it out as we go.” Trenton mumbled. “Sound fair?”
There was a mixture of nods and murmurs of agreement as the room slipped back into that same uneasy silence. A silence that only grew that much more uncomfortable as Vernon was guided outside without so much of a peep from his brothers. Trenton and Zach's grip on his shoulders remained firm as they led the wolf out to the driveway, their claws digging into his shirt as they pushed him onward while the other Hunters dutifully followed behind. The whole time, the unnatural, pervading silence grew more and more unnerving to Vernon. The wolf had seen his brothers act in many different ways, but generally, when they were together there was always an air of joviality and playfulness about them. Even when the mood was somber, you could always count on one of them to try to lighten it. At least, aside from Yuri. After all, the wolf had quite the knack for dancing on the grave of good spirit whenever the opportunity arose. Yet now, the palpable discomfort and unease that exuded from around Vernon made him feel as though the walk to the old, beat up, pick-up truck had the weight of being led out to a firing squad.
Coming to a stop along the side of the car, the wolves once again traded uncertain glances, each looking to the other to once again bring up the topic of presumably, who was riding next to Vernon in the front seat.
“Well, I ain't gonna do it.” Malcolm was the first to cut the thick, stifling atmosphere with his objection. “I mean yer his brothers here. So obviously it should be one of y'all sitting next to Vern.”
“Nice way to pass the buck.” Zach mumbled.
“Passin' the buck?” Malcolm laughed awkwardly. “Yer supposed to be trained in handlin' this stuff! I'm just a chef! I'm the least qualified mammal here!”
“He's right.” Xavier interjected. “He'd most likely crack if Vernon started asking too many questions.”
Malcolm laughed uneasily. “Any other time I'd take that as an insult, but it's true.” Malcolm replied. “I ain't never been a good liar.”
“Liar?” Vernon spoke again. The wolf couldn't be sure what they were lying about, but it suddenly made him a bit more dubious about the seemingly earnest act his mother had put on for him in the kitchen. The fact that language like that was being thrown around at all made the wolf that much more wary of the lot of them.
“Damnit Malcolm!” Zach snapped, throwing the wolf a glare. “He's already lookin' cagey enough! I don't want him makin' a break for it cause yer mouth spoke before yer brain!”
Vernon furrowed his brow. “I ain't gonna-”
“Hey, It was just an accident!” Xavier replied, cutting Vernon off.“No need to jump down Malcolm's throat.”
The general unease and anxiety seemed to be rising rapidly as the wolves continued to bicker, especially whenever Vernon tried to interject, in which case he was quickly talked over by another brother. It was annoying, sure, but everyone around him seemed so jumpy it was to be expected. Vernon was certain a part of that revolved around the fear that they still expected him to try to get away, and that hearing him out would only result in him attempting to talk his way out of the cuffs and making run for it. Then again, once the wolf was in the passenger seat, it wasn't like he was in a great position to try and flee anyway, and that was more or less what Vernon had been trying to tell them only to be cut off each time by another round of arguing between the Hunter males. But there was clearly more to the spats of aggressive and defensive posturing between them as the arguing went on. And it only furthered the wolves suspicions that whatever his brothers were sitting on, was controversial. At least where Vernon was concerned.
The argument probably went on for a good five minutes before something happened that took Vernon completely by surprise. Yuri, who had largely kept silent while the other brothers argued over who should drive let out a loud, irritated huff as he began to tromp toward the group of mammals. Vernon barely had time to register what was going on before Yuri had pulled him free of the other wolves, taking it upon himself to restrain Vernon and lead him over to the passenger side of the truck. For the first time since the wolf had been restrained by his brothers, the wolf felt a renewed surge of panic run through him. Although previously, the sudden wash of fear and urge to flee had been extinguished as soon as Vernon realized it was simply his brothers restraining him. Was he angry and confused? Most definitely. But he trusted the bulk of his brothers to not take advantage of the situation, both as officers of the law, and having little to no axe to actually grind with Vernon. But Yuri on the other paw, well, if he had been looking to get his revenge for the night before, he had certainly positioned himself in the perfect place to get it. And with Vernon unable to defend himself, who knew how long it would take to pry the jet black wolf off of him should he decided to give Vernon another beating.
Vernon desperately tried to squirm free, but it did little to break the painfully tight grip of the dark-furred wolf as he roughly pushed him along the passenger side of the vehicle.
“HEY!” Vernon heard Zach yelp.
“JUST SHUT UP!” Yuri spat, as he yanked the passenger side door open. With a hard shove, Vernon spilled into the passenger seat face first. Now free of Yuri's grip, the wolf desperately tried to right himself, squirming against the fabric in a desperate attempt to get his paws over his head and around his front to block whatever flurry of blows was coming. But the wolf's struggle came to an abrupt stop as he heard the unmistakable sound of the car door slam behind him. Shifting his body around, Vernon managed to pop his head up just in time to catch Yuri tromping around the hood of his truck, his eyes locked on the Hunters across from him. Out of the drivers side window, Vernon could see his other brothers watching Yuri, a mixture of confusion and anger on their faces as they called out to him. But whatever they were saying to the wolf, Vernon couldn't quite make out. Between the rabble of Hunters arguing over one another and the sealed cab of the truck, their voices were partially muffled and hard to distinguish aside from a few choice words. Mostly ones that sounded suspiciously like 'no' and 'stop'. Vernon winced as he tried to swallow the lump that was rapidly forming in his throat.
It was only as Yuri tore the passenger side door wide open, did the cab fill up with   the clamoring voices of his brothers.
“I”M GONNA DRIVE ALRIGHT!?” Yuri snarled, flashing his fangs at the other hunters before his angry expression softened into more of a resentful glare. The wolf let out a derisive snort as he turned back toward the open cab, and leaned a knee up onto the drives seat. "Bunch a damn sissies."
“Oh cause that's a great idea.” Zach said with a laugh. “ Y'all want to take a good look in one of Ma's side mirrors and tell me with a straight face why puttin' you both alone together isn't gonna just lead to trouble?”
Vernon watched his brother glance at the mirror for a moment, the wolf letting out a soft scoff before turning back to the other Hunters as placing his paws on his hips.
“He does have a point.” Xavier muttered, pressing his glasses up slightly.
The black-furred wolf crossed his arms defensively “I gotta drive don't I?” Yuri hissed. “Asides, Vern's restrained.” The wolf cocked a brow. “ Wouldn't exactly be fair to beat on a mammal who can't defend himself.”
It was a strange sentiment coming from Yuri, at least to Vernon. The mammal had never seemed to be on to really give a damn when it came to playing fair.
"Oh, now suddenly y'all care about that kinda stuff?" The errant comment earned a particularly nasty glare from the black-furred wolf. It was, at the very least, a brief moment of recognition that Vernon was more than a an object being moved around at his brother's leisure. But it was short-lived, and soon the wolf's focus was back on the apparent task at paw.
“We're gonna be LATE if we keep up this DAMN SQUABBLIN'!” Yuri spat. “So either pick someone else or let me do the drivin', cause we're runnin' out of TIME!”
The other brothers shared an uncertain glance, the wolves looking to one another to say something before grouping into a rather sloppy looking huddle. With their backs turned away, and deliberately speaking in low tones Vernon could barely make out anything that was being said during the brief huddle. He desperately tried to crane his head, tilting his ears in the direction of the mob in his best effort to decipher the quiet mumbling and musings, but the only thing he managed to make out was when he heard Ulric bark out what sounded like 'why me'? But just as soon as the Hunters began their silent deliberation, it just as quickly came to an end. And once it broke up, it was Xavier who took the lead, the well-dressed wolf taking a step forward before speaking.
“We'll let you drive Yuri.” Xavier muttered. “Provided Ulric is seated between the both of you.”
Yuri rolled his eyes. “Seriously!?”
Zach crossed his arms, glowering at the dark-furred wolf.
“It's either that, or were lettin' Ully drive and you'll be in back with us.” Zach grumbled. “Take yer pick.”
Vernon watched as the rest of the Hunters slowly joined in Zach's defensive and defiant posture, the wolves all crossing their arms and glowering at the wolf standing between Vernon and the others.
Yuri let out a snarl, placing a paw on the driver's side door and slamming it shut so hard Vernon could hear the glass rattling in the frame. Again, the wolf found himself cut off from the conversation as Yuri began to argue loudly with the others. But at the very least the wolf had picked up another clue. Like his mother, Yuri had also emphasized that whatever was going to happen had some degree of time constraints regarding it. There was clearly some sort of deadline at stake, and the longer they drew out getting fitted for tux's, the higher the chance of missing or screwing up whatever plan had been put together.
Yuri was gesturing wildly, but the rest of the Hunter pack remained unmoved by his efforts. Their unflinching glares remaining fixed on the wolf regardless of how loudly he seemed to protest. It was clear whatever argument the wolf was making for himself was doing little to sway the consensus. Eventually, Vernon saw Yuri throw his arms up in the air in a defeated gesture, turning to lean against the door as Ulric began to walk toward the car. The wolf couldn't hear Yuri sigh, but the sudden flush of fog on the window was enough to tell him as much.
Once Ulric had reached the wolf's side, Yuri listlessly opened it once again, stepping aside as he gestured the dusky grey inside.
“Just keep yer damn mouth shut Ully.” Yuri muttered, gesturing Ulric inside with a paw. “And if you twitch too much I'm gonna swat you.”
Ulric let out an indignant huff as he keeled into the seat.
“I might be an expert at uncovering secrets.” Ulric grumbled, sliding over onto the middle of the seat and uncomfortably close to Vernon. “But I'm pretty good at keeping them too!”
Yuri let out an irritated sigh as he leaned into the driver's seat, gesturing a paw to the other Hunters as they began to round the truck bed. Once again, the dark wolf slammed the door shut so hard it made the whole car rattle.
“What's wrong with you anyway?” Ulric asked Yuri. “Ain't it a little early fer yer hackles to be raised this high?”
The black wolf flashed him a hateful sneer, causing the wolf to cow slightly before turning back to jam the keys into the ignition.
“Geeze...” Ulric muttered. “Sorry I asked.”
From there, the silent treatment began in earnest. Well, at least for the most part. Ulric did surprisingly well when it came to keeping his word in regards to whatever secret they were keeping. But Yuri's behavior was growing increasingly hard to read, which was somewhat uncharted territory for Vernon. The Yuri Vernon knew generally came in two flavors, irritable, and cruel. Yet during a majority of the drive Vernon found that Yuri kept glancing over at him. The wolf's generally annoyed expression faltering each time, giving way to something looking a bit more troubled. It was a look of discomfort that hadn't quite matched the one the rest of his brothers seemed to consistently wear throughout this whole little kit-napping stint. There was clearly something on the wolf's mind, but he seemed unable to bring himself to say it.
Of the few times he attempted to open his mouth, he said nothing. His muzzle simply hung open for a moment before he snapped it shut again, turning away from Vernon and Ulric and letting out another irritated huff as he slammed a paw against the ridge of the steering wheel. Vernon couldn't be sure what to make of it, but considering who it was coming from, he assumed whatever he had to say probably wasn't worth listening to anyway. Thankfully Vernon had Ulric to act as a shield should Yuri decide to try anything, even if listening to the rather banal banter about 'the underwater Kingdom of Cetacea' from the dusky grey wolf was hard to endure without dozing off.
Arriving at the local tailor's, Yuri was quick to bail out of the vehicle. The dark wolf letting off another annoyed huff as he left Vernon to be dealt with by the other Hunters. It was the last the wolf would see of that particular brother for the rest of the morning as he was taken back into custody by Trenton and Zach. The same quiet procession from the farm replaying itself as they led the wolf into the local tailor's shop. Coming to a stop at the front desk, an older looking female armadillo adjusted her half-moon glasses as she appraised the group of mammals with a curious eye. For a moment Vernon expected her to panic when she fully registered what she was seeing. To pick up her phone and dial for the local police. Provided Dorian wasn't somehow behind whatever was going on, there was a good chance Vernon could have seen his freedom right then and there. But instead, the old mammal let out a soft chuckle.
“Ah...Dorian's boys.” The older mammal tutted. “I'd expect nothing less.”
“Great...” The wolf thought to himself. He should have known that the size of the population in the North Meadowlands would ensure that everyone knew the Hunters and by extension the Hunter sons. With this sort of behavior being largely considered a norm for the family of wolves, Vernon knew at that moment he probably wasn't going to find any help in this place.
“Ma wanted us to thank y'all again fer bein' able to help us pull this together on such short notice Misses Dasy”. Zach said with an uncomfortable grin.
"I don't suppose y'all would be willin' to tell me what this is all about ma'am?" Vernon asked. The wolf winced as he felt Zach's elbow dig into his rib, which caused the wolf to let out a whine before flashing his brother a sharp glare. However, Zach continued to ignore him.
“Now, now boys, no rough housin' in my establishment.” The old armadillo giggled, hopping off her stool and dusting off her tan colored skirt with a paw. “Same rules apply, just like the ol' days.” Glancing up at Vernon, the little mammal cracked the wolf a wry grin.
“And as fer you young man, I'm under strict orders not to whisper so much as a peep to you.” The armadillo waggled a finger at the wolf
'Old days?' Vernon thought to himself. It was a strange little reply, and it began to tug at the rusted old gears in the back of the wolfs mind. Faint images from something long ago, another forgotten memory that he couldn't quite recall. All it left him with was the impression that the rodent was oddly more familiar than she had appeared at first glance.
“We got a place to keep him fer the time bein'?” Trenton asked the little mammal.
The armadillo giggled softly before turning and walking into the boutique, gesturing the larger mammals to follow her.
“Probably one of the dressing rooms would be the best fit.” Misses Dasy chuckled.
“Well, we kinda need a place with somethin' to tie him to.” Zach said. “We ain't too sure if he's fixin' to run still or not.”
Vernon glared at his brother again, but Zach's only response was to give him a light shove as they began to dutifully follow the little armadillo through the store.
Misses Dasy shook her head as she walked, letting out another quiet chuckle.
“I swear, you boys haven't changed at all since you were pups have you?” The armadillo replied. “I still don't know how ol' Auddey kept up with you, because I know I barely could.”
It was then recognition hit the wolf like a sack of bricks, so much so that Vernon stumbled slightly as he registered just who the mammal was.
“Wait, Mrs Dasy?” Vernon murmured. “Auntie Abby?”
That got the mammal to turn her head and regard the wolf, flashing him a smirk as
came to a stop.
“And here I thought y'all had forgotten about yer ol' honorary auntie.” The armadillo said, cocking a brow.
In truth, Vernon had, almost entirely. Abigail Dasy, the mammal that used to pupsit the Hunter brood was quite the distant memory at this point in his life. Buried behind the portion of his past he had tried so desperately to forget, woven up among all the baggage tied to everything that had led up to his more difficult years in life. However, the recognition only served to further clue the wolf in on just how much of a conspiracy was at paw. If there was little chance she would help him as a mammal he thought was outside of whatever was going on, there was no hope of convincing her knowing she was somewhat tight-knit with his parents.
“I-I-I-...” Vernon stammered.
The mammal smirked.
“Oh, Vernon.” The mammal's expression turned to worry as she leaned up on her toes in an effort to better inspect him. Abigail adjusted her glasses, squinting her eyes softly in a clear effort to focus her sight. “ Don't tell me your brothers went so far as to rough you up to get you here?”
“Huh?” Vernon quirked an eyebrow, only to swiftly realize that the tiny mammal was referencing his wounded face.
“Those bruises...” Misses Dasy tutted. “You poor thing. Who did that?”
“Take a guess.” Zach replied.
Vernon heard a scoff come from somewhere behind him.
“Ain't like I did it to get him here!” The wolf hissed. “It was yesterday!”
The small mammal shook her head dismissively.
“Some things never change I suppose...” The armadillo said with a sigh. “I hope y'all got a plan to cover that up?”
“Ma 'ill handle it.” Zach shrugged. “She's good at coverin' that kinda stuff up.”
Abby chuckled. “Well she has been doin' that fer long enough, hasn't she.” The tiny mammal let out a warm sigh.
"Anywho, the reminiscin' can wait. Let's get movin' shall we?" The armadillo once again gestured to the mammals to follow her as she began to walk deeper into the store.
“The materials room has an old wooden chair with spokes that's about his size.” The armadillo mused. “O' course, he could probably just run out with the chair strapped to 'im iffin' he's really desperate.
“Don't worry Misses D.” Wade replied. “We'll er....we'll take turns watchin' him till he's ready to go.”
“Please boys.” Abigail tutted. “I know it's been a long time, but y'all can still call me Auntie Abby.”
From there Vernon was led into the room he now found himself in, strapped to the dingy old chair with the faded floral padding with a few additional zip-ties. They had simply sat him down and left him, the brothers entering and exiting quietly as they 'switched shifts', and leaving Vernon mostly to his own thoughts. Unlike before, the silence and small talk seemed to be something more calculated, with a definitive goal or aim. The uneasiness was still there, certainly. But it was more subdued as the Hunters shuffled in and out of the quiet little chamber. The occasional small talk from Trenton giving the wolf little to no actual stimulation to distract him from the figurative stink in the air. And the more Vernon ruminated on that particular scent, his conclusions about whatever secret event began to narrow into something more focused and easy to read.
In his head, the wolf replayed the scene from the kitchen over again and again, trying to recall his mother's expression when she assured him that his father wasn't involved with whatever hare-brained scheme they were enacting involving himself and Dawn. At the time, she had been able to convince him that she was speaking to him in earnest. But the more he continued to reflect on the memory, the more refined and detailed the scene became. And as it sharpened in his thoughts, the wolf slowly became aware of the more minute nuances in the way his mother had spoken. The way her muscles twitched, and the brief, albeit slight change in expression he had failed to notice earlier during the frenzy of the morning ambush.
It was only there for a moment, when the wolf reluctantly agreed to trust her, but he could see it now. It was something that was tickling at the old Hunter intuition, gingerly plying at the red flags in his head as he reviewed it again and again. Vernon was growing increasingly certain that while his mother might be lying to him completely, there was at the very least, a half-truth in play. There was something important she was keeping from him, and that seemed to be something to do with just how much his father may actually be involved with whatever all this was.
This line of thought made the wolf all the more aware of every little thing his brothers were doing, albeit it a limited capacity. It was as if he was being treated like a suspect that the wolves were trying to get to talk. To confess or agree to anything in order to get out of the zip ties that currently kept him trapped there. Trenton's small talks and Zach's damnable silence had to be some strange form of the old 'good cop, bad cop' routine. The two taking turns plying at the wolves patience in order to get him to do something. Although Zach choosing to remain silent probably had more to do with the fact that the wolf would have most likely had a hard time being aggressive toward Vernon. As for the others, well, they were more than likely aware that one of Vernon's biggest pet peeves was when those around him talked about him without addressing him. To Vernon, it was even more insulting than talking behind his back.
On top of that, regardless of which brother was in charge of watching him at the time, or what tactic was in play, they continually passed around a pair of pruning shears as they waited presumably for Vernon's fitting. Leaving the wolf to watch the key to his freedom being continually dangled just out of reach. It was all calculated, it had to be. But to what end? What exactly were they hiding from the wolf, and what did they want out of him?
Either way, whatever this game was, he was done playing along, he had been far too patient all in an effort to see where everything was going. But now he wanted answers, and he was leaving if he didn't get them, even if that meant sprinting off with the entire chair strapped to him as Auntie Abby had joked about, and waiting for his mate to return back at the ranch.
“I don't know...” Xavier mused. “He still seems ready to bolt to me.” The wolf glanced at his mate nervously. “Maybe we should just tell him.”
“We made a promise Xavier!” Malcolm tapped his mate on the snout.
“I don't know what game yer all playin' at but I want some damn answers!” Vernon hissed.
“And you'll get 'em Vern, you'll get 'em soo-”
“Now!” Vernon snapped. “I want answers now dammit!” The wolf stomped a foot.
With that, Trenton poked his head between the curtains, eyeing the other wolves curiously.
“Is everything all right back here?” The white wolf asked.
“No!” Vernon snarled. “Everthin' ain't alright!”
“Well, I can see that.” Trenton replied, easing through the curtains. The wolf was already fitted in a tux of his own. The black material and matching black tie creating a sharp contrast to his own bristling white fur. “What's wrong Vernon?”
Vernon stared at the wolf for a moment, dumbfounded. The grey wolf blinking his eyes a few times as he stared at his brother in disbelief.
“What's wrong?” Vernon muttered, letting out a soft laugh. “WHAT'S WRONG!?” The wolf spat.
“Easy Ver-.”
“You fella's tackled me!” The wolf trashed in his seat. “Tied me up like some criminal! Split me and Dawn up, and dragged me off without tellin' me WHY!”
The wolves collectively winced as Vernon emphasized the word 'why' with a gnash of his teeth.
"Y'all keep tellin' me everythin's fine!" Vernon gasped. "That you'll tell me soon! Just hold on!" The wolf shook in his chair again. "But meanwhile I'm sittin' here trussed to a chair like I'm bein' held ransom!"
"And don't think I can't tell when y'all are tryin' to play me like I'm bein' interrogated!" The wolf spat.
The wolves winced again, glancing at one another uncomfortably at the accusation. There was a clear sense of shame exuding from the mammals, letting Vernon know he had clearly hit the mark.
“In-Interrogation?” Trenton queried.
"Teeth to tails, whether I got you talkin' to me about the weather or Zach shuttin' me out it ain't exactly hard to tell you guys are treatin' me like I'm a suspect!" The wolf snarled. "So what is it!? HUH!? WHAT ARE YOU TRYIN' TO DO HERE EXACTLY!? WHAT ARE YOU TRYIN' TO GET OUT OF ME!?"
The unsettling silence returned to the room as the wolves glanced at one another with uncertainty. By now Zach had entered the room, joining the other wolves in the uncomfortable silence as he had clearly heard most of the shouting from outside. The russet wolf adjusted his pale orange tie, pulling at the neck of his dress shirt uneasily. Zach opened his muzzle for a moment before snapping it shut again and looking toward the floor.
“Look...” Vernon finally spoke again. “I've put up with this game long enough.” The wolf continued. “I think I deserve some answers.” The wolf shook his head. “At the very least I'd like to go back to bein' treated like one of yer brothers.”
That had the rest of the pack glancing at the floor, the sense of shame among them that much stronger as they failed to make eye contact with Vernon. Despite Vernon's pleading they all remained silent, occasionally catching the glance of one another as the wolf's patience continued to wear thin.
“Well...?” Vernon asked.
“Well, I mean that's not exactly how an interrogation works bu-.”
Vernon cut the white wolf off as he started to growl.
“L-look Vern.” Zach finally spoke, raising his head slightly as he rubbed at the back of his head. “We, I mean. We a-ain't.”
“Look, it ain't like we're doin' this to get some sorta rise outta ya.” Trenton seemingly picked up where Zach had left off. “I-I mean it ain't purposeful...it's just.”
Xavier stepped forward, adjusting his glasses as he let out an uncomfortable cough. “It's just this whole situation is...rather unique...” The wolf glanced at his paw, idly tapping his forefingers together in a nervous manner.
“We all love you!” Zach interjected, only to seemingly awkwardly balk at his own declaration. “I mean were brothers, y'know?” The wolf scratched the back of his neck uneasily. “S-So its hard fer us to..fer us to...”
“To hold back on telling you certain things, because it feels like lying.” Xavier continued in Wade's absence. “It's an uncomfortable situation.”
“Yer tellin' me...” Vernon muttered, glancing back at his retrained paws.
“It's hard on all of us Vern.” Zach spoke up, wringing his paws together.
“So...in order to cope we've sort of...er...” Wade murmured, his eyes downcast as he studied the rug at his feet in an effort to avoid Vernon's gaze. “Been tryin' to distance' ourselves... in order to keep from sayin' somethin' dumb.”
Zach shrugged. "I guess that made most of us slip into cop mode without fully realisin' it..." The wolf murmured. "Looks like we leaned into the skid a little too hard though."
Vernon was utterly confused. On the one paw it explained the weird, pseudo-interrogation like situation he found himself in. But the amount of effort undertaken to keep whatever this secret was hidden seemed excessively extreme.
“A-Alright...I get that.” Vernon replied, shifting slightly against his seat. “I mean it's purty over-the-top if y'all ask me, but I get it.” The wolf sighed.
“But can't y'all tell me at least somethin'?” Vernon continued, the wolf looking to the others with pleading eyes as he spoke. “Anythin' to put me more at ease about this whole thing?” The wolf whimpered. “At the very least try to convince me o' somethin' that makes some sorta sense!”
The wolves looked at one another with nervous expressions, eyes darting from each mammals as they seemed to scan each other for a response.
“W-well....er....” Xavier muttered, rubbing his neck in clear discomfort. “I mean...we are going to er...attend something.”
Vernon nodded. “Okay.” The wolf replied. “A little bit more maybe?”
“A...” Wade glanced at Trenton with a quirked eyebrow. “Ceremony?” Wade waited, studying the white wolf in an apparent search for approval. Slowly, Trenton offered an nod.
“And what kind o' ceremony?” Vernon replied.
“We...er...” Trenton murmured. “Cant' say.”
Vernon let out an irritated sigh. His eyes felt dry and scratchy, but with his paws still tied behind his back, there was little he could do to fix the discomfort.
“Alright....fine...” Vernon muttered. “But why is it important fer me and Dawn to be there?”
“W-well, ya see...” Malcolm murmured, wringing his paws nervously. “Uh...it's...family related?”
Malcolm glanced to his mate with an uneasy expression, but like Trenton, Xavier gave a reassuring nod that seemed to put him at least a little more at ease.
Vernon squinted at the mammals, studying their features carefully. So far, they seemed to be telling the truth, at least as far as his gut told him. But the evidence that was gathering only grew increasingly stranger as he tried to piece together what he was being dragged into. A celebration, involving family, with tuxes for the males and dresses for the females. All of that seemed to add up to only one thing, but it just didn't make any sense. After everything that had happened at the ranch involving Dorian there was no way it could be...
Vernon let out a soft chuckle, shaking his head in disbelief at his own conclusion.
“You ain't tellin' me it's some kinda tithe is it?” The wolf's remark was offhanded, nothing more than a joke that had inadvertently slipped from his muzzle. But as deathly silence filled the room, the wolf's ears pricked up. Glancing at his brothers, there was a mixture of horror and shock on their faces, Xavier and Malcolm going so far as to cover their muzzles with their paws to presumably muffle their collective gasps.
It only lasted for a moment before they had all diverted their eyes from Vernon, but the look of terror hadn't left their faces as they looked to one another in a quiet sort of panic.
“No.” Vernon chuckled uneasily. “Yer, yer kiddin' right?”
The increasingly pallid wolves were visibly sweating now. Vernon could see it glimmering on their fur as their eyes continued to dart to one another. It was a tithe. But for who? Dorian had already made his feelings on Vernon and Dawn very clear, and there was no way in hell that changed. Not after what the wolf had made oh so very clear in the dimly lit study the night before.
“Hey, we should probably get back to the ranch huh Fluffybuns?” Malcolm squeaked, stabbing a thumb toward the curtain. His motions were somewhat jerky, almost as if the pudgy wolf was shaking slightly as he gave the signal to his mate.
“O-Oh yes!” Xavier spoke up, the wolf flashing his mate an nervous smile. “The ceremony does need it's catering director, doesn't it?”
“Yep, yep!” Malcolm chirped, his delivery stiff and awkward as he sidled up next to his mate, wrapping an arm around his. “Now that my suits fitted and done fer, I need to get back and start barkin' orders and testin' food.” Malcolm batted his eyes at Xavier. “You'll drive me back o'course?”
“Gladly my little Gingersnap.” The wolf smiled back at his mate.
Turning to Vernon, Xavier adjusted his glasses nervously before offering the wolf a slight bow.
“I'll see you when I get back Vern.” Xavier laughed uneasily. “Hopefully this...er...” The wolf bit his lip nervously “ ' Situation' will all be settled by then.”
With that, the two wolfs dashed out of the room so fast the breeze they created had the curtain separating the back room flapping like a flag in their wake. Zach had turned to follow them, reaching out a weak paw as the two disappeared before warily retracting it.
“Cowards...” Vernon could hear Zach mutter.
Vernon stared blankly at the curtain for a moment, watching the fluttering fabric slow to a stop.  Again, the wolf found himself blinking dumbly in shock as he struggled to take everything in. There was a part of him still waiting to hear the punch-line, the end of the 'hilarious' facade his brothers were putting up for him. But after Xavier and Malcolm's speedy exit, the remaining Hunter's expressions looked just as troubled and uncomfortable as they had before, if not more so. There wasn't even the hint of a creeping smile trying to force it's way to the surface of their muzzles, or a twinkle behind the eye to tell Vernon it was all just a very elaborate joke.
That was, of course, when the wolf could hold their guilty gaze for more than a minute before the turned away shamefully. Slowly but surely, Vernon was growing to realize that there was no punch-line. There was no joke at play. Someone in the family was getting tithed today, and he was going to be forced to witness it. And that, was when the anger began to set in. The wolf could feel the heat growing inside as he began to understand just what was going on.
“Who...?' Vernon muttered.
“What?” Zach asked nervously.
“Who's bein' tithed?” Vernon hissed, he could feel the fire in his belly starting to rise into his chest as he took a shuddering breath.
Everything was starting to make so much more sense now. The restraints, the fitting, all of it. If the wolf knew he was going to have to witness someone in his family get tithed, he would have at the very least been reluctant to actually stick around for it. After what he and Dawn had been through, after how decisively his father had denied their right to a tithe. To be forced to witness someone else in his family would be like having the knife Dorian had already firmly jabbed into his chest be given an additional twist by his brothers inadvertently. And that was just in regard to himself. The wolf could barely begin to fathom how much more it would hurt his mate. But for the sake of whatever brother it was, he was sure he could endure. After all, as far as the rest of the Hunter Pack was concerned, as much as it would pain him to stand by and watch, Vernon owed it to his brothers to be there for them. After all, if the circumstances were reversed, he was certain most of them would do the same for him.
“Vern-.” Zach pleaded, his ears splaying against his head as he winced.
“I-It's all right...” Vernon said, letting out another shuddering breath as he tried to temper the building anger that was squeezing on his chest like a vice. The wolf took a shallow breath, letting it out slowly as he focused his gaze on the rust colored wolf. “I-I ain't mad....j-just tell me who's gettin' hitched.”
The wolves exchanged uncertain glances, clearly searching for one another as to exactly how to say whatever was on their mind, at least as far as Vernon could tell. But with his patience already worn thin, and the fire that was lapping at his insides only seemed to swell that much more as the evasive treatment continued.
“TELL ME ALREADY!” Vernon snapped.
“MA AND PA!” Wade blurted out, a clear look of panic in his eyes. “THEY'RE RENEWIN' THEIR TITHE!”
As soon as the word slipped from his muzzle, the wolf quickly clasped his paws over it as if just how loud he had blurted out the reply had startled him. Zach and Trenton slowly turned their heads, glancing at the wolf with wide eyes. Their muzzles twisted up in an expression of pure horror. A look that, even without the actual words, seemed to say 'how could you say that?' reflected in the other wolves gazes.
“I me- I mean no-not...” Wade's voice was small. The timid, weak sentence dying in his throat as the other Hunters glares took on more of an irritated look to them. Wade slunk into his shoulders, his eyes darting between the two nervously.
Vernon however, had barely noticed much of his how his brothers were reacting to what Wade said, as the wolf was still fixed on the words themselves. Again the wolf found himself trying to make sense of just what he had heard. The initial delivery had snuffed out the fire inside of him instantaneously, like a frigid wind blustering through his frame as the shocking blow of the statement resonated through him.
The news was so impossible to wrap his head around, that it had temporarily shut down the wolf's ability to feel. The words were hollow as his mind studied each of them individually, his brain struggling to come to grips to just what Wade had admitted to. But slowly, the fire that had been so suddenly doused by the shock and disbelief began to smolder again. From just dull, weakened embers, to a steady crackling flame, growing and growing until the wolf felt himself reach the breaking point.
Watching one of his brothers tithe was one thing. It would have been painful sure, but aside from Yuri, the wolf felt his brothers deserved to have a tithe with all of the Hunter brood present. But being forced to sit there quietly and watch his smug father renew his vows just a day after he had denied Vernon and Dawn the same right. To cast them from his house, and willingly denounce him as part of the family, it was insult to injury. The wolf didn't care if it was more for his mother than anything. Hell, Vernon couldn't even begin to fathom how his mother could even consider renewing their vows after how Dorian had acted toward himself and Dawn. It added another layer of hurt to the whole twisted web of lies that had been employed to trap the couple there long enough to see it happen. For his mother to stand in that kitchen and lie to his face about just what this all was, looking at him with a nearly straight face as she protested his father's involvement, it was a trick so cruel it should have been reserved for Yuri's playbook. The wolf could feel his heart sinking fast as the feeling of betrayal weighed heavily atop it. His muscles squeezing tightly around it as the fires of his rage rose around the void his wounded heart had left behind. Vernon had been betrayed, not just by his father, but by all of them.
“Y-you dragged me here...” Vernon growled, drawing the attention of the other wolves back on him. The wolf's head had sank slightly as he had lost himself within his own thoughts. But like the inferno inside, it slowly rose to meet the other wolves nervous gazes. “Trussed me up and took Dawn...”
“V-Vern listen-” Trenton muttered softly.
“All this effort...” Vernon spat, his brow furrowing as he eyed the wolves hatefully. “Just to force me and Dawn to watch that smug...” The wolf could feel one of his eyes twitching a bile rose in his throat. “Stubborn...” The wolf's growl grew louder, his lips curling to reveal his fangs. “Hypocritical...” His teeth were on full display as he watched his brother collectively cow into their shoulders. “OLD LAW WOLF GET A TITHE!?”
“Vernon, it ain't like th-”
“AFTER WHAT HE SAID TO ME!?” Vernon was chomping at the air as he began to thrash in his seat once more. “TO DAWN!?”
Zach pulled at his collar uneasily. “Vern, please, don't-!”
Vernon grunted softly as he rose to his feet, the chair still strapped to his back as he stood. It was heavy, the old wooden bottom thoroughly weighted with old world craftmammalship. But Vernon's nearly blinding rage made the heft of the old object feel inconsequential in the face of that blatant hypocrisy and injustice that was fueling his ire.
Zach placed his paws up defensively, gingerly gesturing to the wolf to sit back down.
“Vern, Listen-!”
“TO HAVE HIM STAND THERE AND SHOW OFF TO ME AND MY MATE WHAT HE DENIED US! TO JAM SALT IN OUR WOUNDS!?” The wolf's sharp stare darted from brother to brother as he scanned each of them. He needed to get out of there. Out of the shop and back to the ranch to wait for Dawn. Even if he had to run it all out on foot. But that required finding the weakest point of entry in the barrier his brothers had formed, as well as hopefully snagging the shears from whoever was holding them.
“SHE DIDN'T LIE!” Trenton protested.
“OH BULL!” The wolf spat, shaking the chair strapped to him wildly, hoping to maybe snap the zip ties free. “HOW IS IT THE OLD MAM' AIN'T INVOLVED IN RENEWIN' THEIR TITHE!”
“DAMNIT WADE!” Zach sneered at the dusky grey wolf.
Wade held up his paws defensively. In the left one, Vernon spotted the pruning shears as he waved them in the direction of Zach.
“ANYTHING ELSE!” Trenton barked back, but his eyes remained fixed on Vernon. The white wolf spreading his arms out in an effort to extend the blockade.
“Look Vern, Wade didn't me-”
“THEN WHAT DID HE MEAN!?” HUH!?” Vernon hissed.
“CAN WE PLEASE JUST TELL HIM!?” Wade pleaded, the dusky wolfs eyes darting between Vernon and the others. “THIS IS GETTING REALLY BA-”
The sudden booming voice had collectively silenced the the bickering Hunters, even Vernon falling silent as his attention turned to entrance of the room. Now standing in the doorway stood Yuri, the jet black wolf in an equally dark tux with a blood red tie fastened neatly at his collar. The wolf's irritated yellow eyes scanned the other Hunters, squinting softly as he seemed to be assessing the scene taking place.
“Goodness, what is going on back here?” Standing  near the wolf's knee was Miss Dasy, the petite armadillo peeking around him as she eyed the other wolves warily.
“I've never heard bickering so bad in all my years!” The mammal tutted.
“That's cause this fluffhead said Ma and Pa were gettin' tithed again!” Zach sneered, stabbing a claw at Wade accusingly.
The dusky grey wolf drew back, crossing his arms defensively.
“Oh, so what should I have told him?” Wade scoffed. “That me and Giselle were getting tithed?” The grey wolf shook his head dismissively. “He would have taken that just as bad!”
Vernon had opened his mouth to fire off another string of heavy accusations leveled at his brothers, but Wade's confusing admission had caused the words to die in the wolfs throat. His muzzle slowly closed as he quirked a brow in confusion.
“WOULD YOU SHUT UP, YER MAKIN' IT WORSE!” Zach snapped, swatting Wade's snout with a paw. The dusky grey wolf let out a sharp whine as he withdrew from Zach's reach, clasping his paws on his muzzle protectively.
“Ain't no need to get pawsy Zach!” Trent growled at his brother.
“Boys, please...” Dasy tutted, placing her own claws up and gesturing for the wolves to calm themselves.
“Oh I barely even touched 'im!” Zach snapped back. “Besides, the big mouth deserves it after-”
“Because you would have done so much better right?” Wade retorted.
“Staying silent was an option Wade.” Trenton lamented.
Vernon slowly eased back down, allowing the weight of the chair to pull him back into a seated position as he watched the baffling argument continue.
“Boys...” Abigail fretted. “Ulric's is twitching enough without yer arguing echoing through the whole store, pleas-”
“Vernon was ready to bolt!” Wade replied, pointing the cutters toward Trenton. “Someone had to say something!”
“So say it was Trent and Qails, or hell, Ada and Yuri!” Zach spat.
“Yeah, cause Vern wants to be at Yuri and Ada's ti-”
“ALRIGHT, ALRIGHT!” Yuri barked, silencing the wolves once more. His muzzle tensed to reveal his teeth as he glared back at the other Hunters. “Wade, why don't you shut that muzzle of yers before you say somethin' else yer gonna regret.”
The grey wolf frowned, crossing his arms again as he let out a scoff.
Yuri simply rolled his eyes as he strolled further into the room, coming up along side the other wolves. Keeping his back turned to Vernon, the black-furred wolf seemed to sweep his glare across the remaining wolves. Vernon didn't need to see those peircing yellow eyes of his to know what was going on as he saw each of the Hunters shrink slightly as the dark wolf's line of sight passed over each one.
“Look at y'all...” Yuri shook his head dismissively. “Y'all are suppose ta be police officers. And yet here y'are crackin' up like a bunch of perps lookin' fer a plea deal.”
The wolf glanced back at Vernon over his shoulder, frowning softly as he eyed the confused wolf.
“Quite a feat considerin' Vern's the one trussed up here.” Yuri spat.
“This is different Yuri.” Zach protested. “I mean it's hard to-.”
“Should I have wrapped Vern's muzzle up with duct-tape?” The wolf snickered. “Would that have made it easier on y'all to keep yer heads cool?”
Vernon rolled his eyes. He could feel the the return of that seething feeling in his gut at Yuri's suggestion.
“No.” Trenton scoffed.
“Then what's yer damn problem!?” Yuri spat, flashing the wolf an accusatory glare.
“Unlike you, we got hearts in our chest.” Wade snapped back. “So tryin' to keep a secret, even if its fer a good reason, is hard fer us brothers who actually care about each other.”
Yuri lunged forward, causing Wade to recoil as Yuri's muzzle pointed down at his own, the dark wolf's fangs on full display as he let out a loud growl.
“You better bite yer tongue mutt!” Yuri hissed. “I'm already burnin' a short fuse today, and the last thing we both need is to have to pay out fer two extra suits!”
“Oh good, more threats...” Trenton sighed. “Because that never gets old.”
Reaching a paw out, Yuri snatched the pruning shears from Wades trembling paw before turning his attention to Trenton. With a glare, the wolf pointed the shears at the white wolf for emphasis.
“I mean, y'all can't separate yer feelin's from doin' yer job!” Yuri spat. “And y'all need to treat this like a job, for Vermin's sake.
Vernon let out a tired sigh. On top of everything else the wolf had to endure, Yuri had to chime in with his usual childish nicknames.
“What would y'all do if you had to interrogate someone you loved because they actually did somethin' serious!? Would y'all balk then?” Yuri snorted, pointing the shears repeatedly at Trenton's snout. “Would y'all panic and dig yerselves deeper in the rut? Scare them? Scare yerselves? Real professional.”
The dark-furred wolf turned his attention back to Vernon, the same look of discomfort crossing his muzzle as he flipped the shears in his paw.
“Usually officers aren't allowed to work on cases that involve family members for that reason Yuri.” Zach snapped. “But it ain't like we got options here!”
Yuri flashed the other wolves a smirk before walking toward Vernon. The dark-furred wolf looming over him for a few seconds before scanning around him. Vernon winced momentarily, expecting the wolf to pull a fast one. The same way he had felt when the wolf had suddenly gripped him and dragged him over to the pick-up. But once again, Yuri surprised him. The well dressed wolf instead sidling off to Vernon's side before easing himself down on a large pile of fabric spools. The wolf eased into the material as if it were a crude bean bag chair, grunting softly as he shimmied himself into a more comfortable position. Seemingly satisfied, the wolf let out a sigh before returning to flicking the shears in his paw. Yuri flashed the other Hunters a confident grin as he flipped the clippers end over end.
“Then let me handle it.” Yuri grinned. “After all, I ain't got no heart, right Wade?”
“What?” Vernon spat in disbelief.
Wade frowned softly, the wolf slinking into his shoulders and averting his gaze from the black-furred wolf. However Trenton and Zach were simply not having Yuri's proposal.
“Oh that's not happening!” Zach fired back with.
“We're just supposed to let you watch over Vernon!?” Trenton added. “After yesterday!?”
Yuri spread his arms out, gesturing to his body with his paws. “I'm here ain't I?” The wolf scoffed. “If I wasn't over it, me and Ada would have been on the first flight back to Redmound this morning.”
The jet-black wolf leaned up in his seat, throwing the wolves a fierce glare as he bared his fangs again.
“Teeth to tails, would you give me a gods be damned chance fer once!?” The wolf sneered, running a paw through his mo-hawk like coif roughly. “Yer all so quick to think the worst of me. To call me heartless or whatever things y'all think about me before even given' me a chance to actually insult y'all!”
Zach rolled his eyes. “Can you blame us!?”
“It's not like you've done much to prove the contrary during this reunion Yuri.” Trenton muttered. “Yesterday's little stint alone doesn't exactly bolster my confidence in y'all behaving like a civilized mammal.” The white wolf briefly glanced to the wolf strapped to the wooden chair. “Especially around Vernon.”
Yuri scoffed, lolling his head back as he leaned deeper into the mound of spools. “Like y'all ain't just waitin' to spring on me the moment I say somethin' you think is off-color.” The wolf sneered. “Y'all are always ready to punish me even before I even think of sayin' somethin'.” The wolf shook his head. “Like I'm some sort of thought criminal.”
“Again...” Zach scoffed. “Can you blame us?” The wolf retorted.
“You've been a jerk to all of us since we were pups!” Wade interjected. “Why shouldn't we expect you to be a jerk now?”
“Well an attitude like that certainly don't give me any incentive to act any other way.” Yuri scoffed. “After all, if yer gonna treat me like a criminal, I might as well give ya a reason to justify it.”
“Oh, don't act like your behavior is on us, be-”
“Look...”Yuri leaned forward, cutting Trenton off mid-sentence. “I got enough shit to deal with back home without bein' forced to come out to this backwater hole and deal with even more of it.” Yuri idly passed the shears from paw to paw as he spoke. “I don't expect any of y'all to understand, and frankly, I don't give a shit.”
Vernon watched his brothers brows collectively furrow at Yuri's statement.
“But fer just once, could y'all give me just a lick of trust.” The wolf continued. While his expression remained tense, the was an undercurrent of something Vernon couldn't place. Then again, Vernon had never been good at reading Yuri. The wolf defied the use of Hunter intuition when it came to those trying to use it against him.
“I swear on Ma's good name that my intentions ain't bad.” The wolf stopped fiddling with the shears for a moment, his ears sagging slightly as he looked to the other Hunters. “Asides, y'all had yer shots at keepin' the peace and y'all wasted 'em.”
“I wouldn't sa-”
“Y'all already talked yerselves into enough of a corner.” Yuri cut him off, pointing the shears at Vernon. The wolf drew back slightly at the sight of the blades, wincing in discomfort. The last mammal he trusted to handle those things safely was Yuri. “Knowin' Vern, the only thing he's gonna accept from y'all is truth goin' forward. And knowin' y'all, you'll just crumble and spoil all Ma's hard work.”
The dark-wolf's confident smile returned. “But I ain't emotionally compromised like the rest of y'all.” Yuri chuckled. “I can keep a cool head while I keep him company.”
“Cool hea-!?” That protest had come from Vernon, but almost as soon as he spoke Yuri held up his paw to cut him off. Glancing over to his brother, he met his familiar piercing yellow gaze. Vernon had expected hate, or ire in those eyes, the emotions he was  more than familiar with when it came to Yuri. But again, he was met with that same uneasy look. It was as if he was attempting to look pleading, but the expression looked unnatural on him.
“I need some time to talk to you anyway.” Yuri sighed. “Brother to brother, y'all get me?”
Vernon quirked an eyebrow at just how preposterous Yuri's request sounded. The very fact that the wolf had asked it almost felt as though it was some sort of hallucination that Vernon was suffering from. The stress and tension of the whole trip finally pushing him to his mental limits and utterly breaking his grasp on reality.
“I promise y'all I'll tell you what you need to know.” Yuri continued, pointing the shears at Vernon once before cocking his head at the remaining Hunters. “And I promise, it ain't a trick....just...hear me out alright...?”
Vernon stared at his brother for what felt like ages, his eyes frantically searching for any form of a tell that gave away Yuri's true intention. But the wolf's face remained solemn and still, frozen in that hideous attempt at a pleading look. It was an expression that just didn't fit him. A face he found to be almost entirely unrecognizable as belonging to Yuri.
Vernon wanted whatever the truth was, or at least as much of it that could be told to make for a satisfying explanation as to the level of effort required to keep him here. And if Yuri was to be believed, the other Hunters had done a terrible job of explaining it to him. But Yuri was a master deceiver, at least in Vernon's own experience growing up along side him. And while pretending to come bearing an olive branch was not in his usual wheelhouse, it wasn't out of the question that Yuri would use such a tactic. But then there was the logical question of the wolf's motives. If it was indeed a trick, then what was Yuri ultimately aiming to do? To upset Vernon further? To beat him senseless for revenge before the rest of their brothers could stop him? Or maybe just to force him and Dawn to sit through a ceremony that only stood to mock their own trials and tribulations. All of the answers seemed like a lot of effort to go through for very petty aims, but Yuri had a tendency to be petty when it came to Vernon.
“Y'all know Ma would skin me alive at best if I even touched a hair on Vern before tonight.” The wolf added, waving the clippers idly at the rest of the Hunters. “C'mon. Give me a shot.”
The other three Hunters exchanged uneasy glances, looking to one another in brief silence as Vernon could only assume they were quietly deliberating Yuri's plea. Wade looked particularly uncomfortable, offering a very weak dismissive nod to the other two wolves. The motion behind the gesture being just great enough to be perceived as a quiet 'no', but not so terse as to perhaps draw Yuri's attention to him specifically. Still, despite Wade's clear disapproval, he seemed unwilling to say it out loud, which left the room open for Trenton to take the lead.
“O...k...” Trenton mumbled, drawing the two wolves attention back on him. The uncomfortable looking white wolf scratched the back of his head awkwardly, his eyes shifting away from the seated wolves.
“I...We'll give you a shot at fixin' this...” Trenton continued.
“What!?” Wade spat. “You can't be serious!”
Vernon's jaw dropped, But Yuri's smile grew large enough to show off his fangs. The wolf wanted to speak, wanted to protest. But Yuri's confusing words coupled with the sudden shock had left him grasping for any semblance of a rebuttal.
Trenton quickly held up a paw, gesturing to the dusky grey wolf to settle down.
“I hate to say it, but fer once I feel like he's actually bein' reasonable...” Trenton sighed. “Considerin' the rest of us are far too busy trippin' over our tongues over here to make any real progress on calmin' Vern down.”
Zach gave the white wolf a gentle shove, drawing his attention.
“Trenny, you sure about this?” Zach muttered. “We're just gonna leave 'em alone together? After yesterday?”
Trenton held his paw up to Zach.
“But.” Trenton continued. “We will be right outside, with our ears on the room to make sure nothing funny goes on in here.”
Vernon watched Yuri's grin falter almost immediately. But Trenton's declaration was enough to relieve Vernon to some degree, at least enough to shut his muzzle again.
“AW COME ON NOW!” Yuri protested.
Trenton shook his head, crossing his arms defiantly.
“That's all were gonna offer, take it or leave it.” The wolf replied.
Yuri leaned up in his ad-hoc chair, glaring back at Trenton with disdain, but the white wolf didn't flinch. His icy blue eyes remaining fixed on Yuri's sharp yellow irises as they entered into a stare down. The room fell silent as the two wolves faced one another, the air growing thicker and thicker as the wolves tried to intimidate one another. To Vern, it was almost like a scene out of an old western movie. The classic shoot-out, with both wolves waiting on the clock to strike noon to see who was fastest on the draw. But there were no guns here, no waiting for the chime. It was just a battle of will, the victor the one with the sharpest glare. And someone would inevitably cave.
And this time, Yuri was the one to balk in the face of Trenton's glare. The wolf letting out an annoyed huff as he slung himself backwards into the mound of spools.
“UGGGHHH!” Yuri groaned. “Alright, alright...FINE!”
Shaking his head, the wolf leaned back up into a sitting position, running a paw though his mo-hawk in order to neaten it up. The wolf titled his head slightly to regard the other Hunters.
“Just don't listen in more than y'all need to...” Yuri muttered. “I was aimin' fer the conversation to be mostly between the two of us...”
The other Hunters exchanged confused looks, the wolves raising a brow at one another as they seemed to mull over the concept of 'Yuri' and a 'private conversation'. Of course Vernon was just as baffled. After all, Yuri only had two conversational tones, whispered threats and loud insults. Thus any attempt at being discreet and civil was usually something the wolf seemed to be incapable of.
“A-Alright...We-...” Zach scratched his head awkwardly. “We'll try?” The russet wolf glanced to Trenton, seeming looking to the wolf for acknowledgment. Trenton gave a meek nod before turning his attention back to Yuri.
“We'll try to keep our ears up fer just the sound of fightin'.” Trenton muttered, turning toward the curtain. The wolf began to walk toward it as the other two Hunters watched warily. For a moment it seemed like they weren't sure whether they should follow along. It was clear they were reluctantly to leave Vernon behind. But slowly they too began to trudge toward the exit. The white wolf parted the curtain, passing half-way through before glancing back over his shoulder at the two wolves.
“Just tell ol' Ully to spy on us.” Yuri called out, letting out a soft chuckle. “He don't want us fightin' either, and anything he hears and repeats can be considered dubious at best.”
The white wolf let out a snort. “Don't make us regret this.” Trenton muttered, before finally slipping out of the back room. Zach followed shortly after, giving Vernon a final uneasy glance before slipping away behind the thick, pale green curtains.
Wade was the last to leave, stopping for a moment to appraise the two seated wolves. Wade offered them a meek smile.
“I-I'm sorry Vern.” Wade shook his head. “I really hackled things up.”
Yuri chuckled. “Just like always, huh Wade?”
Wade flashed the wolf a glare, lunging forward and baring his teeth. But the wolf barely managed to take a step back into the room before a white paw clasped onto his shoulder, stopping him from going any further. Wade glanced out through the curtains, wincing slightly as his ears flattened against his head.
“Let it go Wade.” Vernon could hear Trenton say. “Hold it back unless y'all need to put it to use.”
With a snort, Wade flashed the black-furred wolf a hateful glare before reluctantly slipping out of the room, the curtains slowing winding down to a close behind him.
Vernon and Yuri were alone now. And the realization was enough to make the wolf immediately tense up. He was at Yuri's mercy now. After all, he was bound tightly to the chair, and with no Ulric to act as a meat shield there would be no one to block whatever flurry of blows Yuri could get in before the others could scramble back in to save him. Glancing back at the yellow wolf seated next to him, Vernon could see that same uncertain look in his eye. That strange, thoughtful look about him that told the wolf that the gears in Yuri's head were probably spinning off wildly. Most likely with hundred of different thoughts on how best to make Vernon pay for the stitches on the bridge of his snout.
“Relax Vermi-.” The wolf stopped himself, shaking his head briskly before choosing to correct himself. “Vernon. I asked y'all to hear me out. I ain't gonna try anything...” It was strange to have Yuri go out of his way to correct himself without their mother looming over him.
Vernon tried to swallow, but the lump that had formed in his throat refused to budge as he began to weigh his emergency options. His eyes darted to the curtain again. If he put all of his force and energy into it, he was sure he could make a break for it before Yuri had time to react. He'd still be strapped to the chair, but at the very least he'd have a chance at getting away from the more imminent threat.
“W-why...?” Vernon stammered as his eyes returned to Yuri. The wolf had gone back to idly playing with the pruning shears. Passing them from one paw to the other. “W-why should I t-trust you?”
Yuri let out a tired sigh. With a soft groan, the wolf rose to his feet, taking a moment to dust of his tux with a paw before turning to face the wolf. Brandishing the clippers in his paw and opening the safety lock, the wolf began to clip at the air in-front of him. Vernon felt a surge of adrenaline rush though him at the horrifying sight. The time had come to flee, it was now or never. But as Vernon attempted to pull his chair off the ground, he felt it suddenly forced back down by the weight of Yuri's foot. The jet-black wolf had braced the base with one paw in an effort to keep him from running, effectively trapping him there.
Vernon forced his eyes shut, leaning as far back in his chair as he could in order to try to get away from him. He was boxed in now. Short of pulling out of his restraints to defend himself, there was little he could do to stave off the wolf's advance.
'This is it.' The wolf thought. 'He's gonna gouge up my face to get back at me!'
Vernon writhed and strained, pulling at the ties in an desperate final attempt at escape. But to no avail. The zip ties remained tightly fixed. All the continued pulling did was gnaw at his flesh and burn his fur. There was no escape
The wolf fell silent amidst his sudden cry for help as he felt the pressure around his wrists suddenly release. The restrictive plastic ties had suddenly given way, the hard material slipping limply down against the cushion of the chair as Vernon brought his arms around to inspect them.
The zip cuffs had left a slight depression in the fur, and if Vernon looked close enough he could see the outline of the plastic teeth in his flesh just beyond it. Although the wolf couldn't be sure if Yuri had initially tied them too tightly, or if the damage had been done mostly by his own straining. Still it was a confusing sight, and as Vernon rubbed at his wrist to chase away the lingering brace, his eyes darted around to find Yuri. The wolf had already made his way around the front of the wolf, and was in the middle of easing back into the pile of fabric spools as he lamely tossed the shears off into another pile of material.
“Y-Yuri?” Vernon muttered.
“There.” The wolf muttered. “Ain't nothin' keepin' you here now.” The wolf glanced back at Vernon with a furrowed brow. “So if you want out, there's the door.” The jet-black wolf lamely gestured to the curtain before listlessly dropping his arm to his side. “Hell, I won't even try to stop you.”
“B-But...Wha...?” Vernon stammered as he struggled to make sense of Yuri's seemingly altruistic gesture. He was sure he had to be hallucinating now.
“You can thank me later...” Yuri shrugged. “Or preferably now.” The wolf chuckled. “I mean, I could have forced you to listen to me.” The wolf grinned his more familiar mischievous smile. “It was real temptin'.”
Vernon scoffed at the wolf's comment.
“Yeah, a real fair fight...” The wolf scoffed.
Yuri rolled his eyes. “Oh fer cryin' out loud, I ain't lookin' fer a fight.”
“Then what are you lookin' fer?” Vernon snapped back. “What is this all about?”
“I told y'all...” Yuri grumbled. “I just wanted y'all to listen to me. I'm just lookin' to talk.”
Placing his paws on his knees, Vernon let out a long drawn out sigh. It was already hard enough to read Yuri's poker face without him talking in circles. Whatever the motivation was behind this little 'talk', for once it seemed more complicated than his usual aims. The fact that he had gone as far as to free the wolf without explaining anything, running the risk of letting him flee in order to get him to hear him out, was a grand gesture for a mammal like Yuri. The wolf wasn't the type to take big risks, and always exploited situations where he had the upper paw. But now, he had chosen to place the ball entirely in Vernon's court, under the premise that he wanted to talk. That Yuri, of all mammals, had more than two word to say to Vernon. It seemed completely insane, but up to this point so had everything else that had happened in the past few hours.
“You wanna talk...” Vernon muttered, gesturing a paw to nothing in particular. “Fine, then talk.”
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