#yuri's victor issues
ddringo · 10 months
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Blades, Bodies, and Battles
Yuuri Katsuki didn't know when it started. When hurtful comments changed to worried looks. When the laughter had turned into silent whispers. When skating had stopped being just skating, but something more. A tool. A tool that was slowly breaking his body down, atom by atom.
And then...
Yuuri falls.
He isn’t jumping. He isn’t spinning. He isn’t even moving. But he drops, suddenly, towards the ice.
Victor watches in slow motion as the skater crashes, crumbles, catatonic towards the ice. Hears the deafening sounds of Yuuri’s skill hitting the surface. And Yuuri doesn’t get up.
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stargazer-sims · 1 year
Journal Entry #51 (part two)
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previously - Journal Entry #51 (part one)
The day after Yuri got out of the hospital, Auntie Keiko dropped Fox off at our house at seven in the morning. That left ample time for Mr. Okamoto to go home and get ready for his work day, but he didn't leave until he'd taken Fox aside for a little chat. I didn't know what my father-in-law might be saying to him, and I was worried that it might be an unnecessary lecture about Yuri's extraordinary needs and some thinly-veiled warning about doing a good job or else. Fox didn't need that on his first day. For his sake and ours, I wanted this arrangement to go well, not to get derailed before it even started.
The urge to spy on them was strong, but I resisted.
I tried to act casual when I heard the dining room door slide open. Fox was smiling when he and Mr. Okamoto exited the room, but I didn't want to read much into it. Some people smile to hide their true feelings, and I wasn't sure if that applied to Fox or not.
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It was only after Mr. Okamoto left the house and Fox and I were in the kitchen making breakfast that I found out his smile had been genuine, and why.
Okay... let me back that up a bit. It was Fox who was making breakfast. I was only helping by explaining to him what types of foods Yuri can and can't eat. Fox definitely knows his way around a kitchen, in case you're interested. His mom's a Red Seal chef, and evidently he's picked up more than a thing or two from her.
Anyway, as he was preparing the fluffiest, most tasty-looking scrambled eggs I'd ever seen in my life for himself and me, he commented, "Your father-in-law is nice."
"Uh..." I stammered. "That's... not exactly a word people regularly use for Mr. Okamoto."
"Really?" Fox seemed surprised. "I think he's nice, and he seems like a great dad. I can tell he really loves Yuri, and you too."
It was my turn to say, "Really? I mean, I know he loves Yuri, but... not so sure about me."
"He made me promise to take good care of you," Fox said. "People don't say that about someone they don't love." He paused, as if he was debating with himself whether or not to go on, but eventually he continued. "My dad... he kinda abandoned me here. He didn't ask Auntie Keiko and Uncle Kin to promise to look after me. In fact, he was so rude to Auntie that I think she's convinced he doesn't love me all that much."
"That's..." I trailed off, at a loss as to how I should respond.
"Anyway," Fox went on, "I'm okay now. I've found my family."
"I'm glad," I said. "Uncle Kin and Auntie Keiko are good people. Everybody's auntie and uncle, I guess you could say. If you needed to find a family, they're the best ones you could've found."
"I know. I'm really lucky," he said. "And you and Yuri are lucky to have his dad. He said he'd do anything for you, and I believe him."
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I was still trying to wrap my head around that revelation while Fox kept on talking. I hadn't pegged him as a particularly chatty person, but maybe he's only quiet in comparison to the people he's usually with. Like, Takahiro and his family aren't the sort of people you'd call shy and retiring. I've met Fox's friend Jin a couple times as well, and that guy... Let's just say his level of energy might even rival mine.
Anyway, somewhere in the midst of his cheerful monologue, Fox told me that Mr. Okamoto offered to pay him for helping us, and Fox said he'd accepted. He said he hoped I wasn't offended by that. I told him no. Far from being offended, I was pleased that Mr. Okamoto wanted to compensate him. We might not need his help for more than a few weeks, but despite it being a short period of time, it was still going to be a tough one. He deserved to get something besides gratitude in return for it.
"I would've done it for free, just so you know," he said.
"We appreciate that," I said, "But it's better this way, and I'm glad Mr. Okamoto offered. Yuri and I wanted to give you something too, but we weren't sure how to approach it. Like, we knew you'd do it for free, but we didn't want to take advantage of you. But, we also didn't know if you'd be offended if we—”
"Victor, don't worry. It’s totally fine.” He interrupted me in the politest way I’ve ever been interrupted. “I wouldn't have been offended. I appreciate it too, but I agree with you. I think it's better like this."
With that awkwardness out of the way, we sat down to the most delicious breakfast I've had in a long time, and pleasantly idled over less weighty subjects. I'm pretty sure Fox has more in common with Yuri than with me, but we were able to find some common ground. We both love food and enjoy being creative in the kitchen. He enjoys the outdoors like I do, and he likes camping, and he knows Granite Falls.
“Maybe we could take Taka and Yuri camping when we get home this summer,” he suggested.
I grinned. “Yuri’s been camping in Granite Falls. It was, um… an experience.”
“So, bad idea, then?”
“No, it’s a great idea. He liked it in the end, and now he knows what to expect. This time, we’ll tell him he’s the expert and he can teach Taka what he learned last time.”
“An experience,” Fox said. “I like it. Taka’s into having adventures, so if you think Yuri would be okay, the four of us should definitely go.”
“There’ll be plenty of time to plan it once you get home,” I said. “There’s lots we can do, actually. I’m excited about showing Yuri and Taka around.”
“Me too,” Fox said. “Imagine, we grew up in the same area at the same time, and never met until we came here. And if our partners weren’t already friends, we probably never would have met at all."
"I like how the world's full of strange coincidences like that," I said.
"So do I, although I do kind of wish we'd gone to the same school and known each other before."
"This was the right time," I said. "Things might've worked out for us in a whole other way if our lives had been different."
"You're probably right. In any case, I'm glad we know each other now, and it feels good to think that I’ll be going home this summer to friends who’ll be waiting for me.”
“We’ll be waiting for sure,” I said. “I think it’s gonna be great.”
We loitered over our empty plates until Fox looked at his phone and announced that it was nearly nine o’clock. Mutually concluding that we’d killed enough time at the breakfast table, Fox set to work tidying up the kitchen while I directed him where to put everything. Then, he went upstairs to check on Yuri.
On that first day, I followed him upstairs and basically became his anxious, annoying shadow because I was concerned about how Yuri might feel about being left entirely alone with him. Not that I don't trust Fox — I would never have allowed him anywhere near Yuri if I didn't trust him — but Yuri is sensitive and I wanted to make sure the two of them would get off to the best start possible.
I needn't have worried. Fox is the least intimidating person I've ever met, and he's a natural at caregiving. He had Yuri up, bathed and dressed without so much as a whisper of protest, and before I knew it, he was calmly feeding him a little bowl of soy yogurt and cut-up peaches as if it was the most ordinary and unremarkable occurrence in the world.
It hasn't been all smooth sailing since then, of course. Yuri is stubborn, as I'm sure you guys all know by now. He's also fond of getting his own way, and he has all kinds of tricks up his sleeve to make that happen, and — not gonna lie — even though I'm perfectly aware he's doing it, I give in to him a lot of the time anyway.
I figured Fox would be completely taken in, since he's such a kind soul and quite frankly gives the impression of being a pushover. But, what I hadn't known in advance was that Fox has the same superpower as Yuri; the one where he can bend people to his will so sweetly and gently that they don't even notice it. Except... two people trying the same tactic on each other do notice.
I probably don't need to tell you, this has led to a few very intense conflicts between the two of them. Quiet, civilized conflicts to be sure, but no less fierce than if they'd been shouting at each other.
Irresistible force, meet immovable object.
Not unpredictably, their biggest disagreements have been around meals. For the first few days Fox was here, he fed Yuri all his meals without questioning it, but around the fourth day, I guess he figured there was no need for that to continue to be part of his job description. Yuri pushed back, and eventually it fell to me to referee the dispute.
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Yuri was furious when I sided with Fox.
I know what you're likely thinking, and yeah, I do feed Yuri when he's sick because it's easier on both of us if I do. I hate seeing him struggle to eat. That stresses me out just as much as the physical act of eating stresses him. But, I had to concede that Fox wasn't wrong when he said Yuri should be perfectly capable of feeding himself. Besides, Fox is already doing enough for us, and I didn't want to complicate his job.
Yuri made a huge scene, but I gotta say I was proud of Fox for handling the whole thing like a pro. He straight-up told Yuri that he was being ridiculous which, as you can imagine, didn't go over well. I left the room at that point 'cause I didn't want to get stuck in the middle of any further wrangling between them.
As I was crossing the hallway to my own bedroom, I overheard Fox say something unexpected. He asked Yuri if the reason why he didn't want to feed himself was because he was scared.
I already knew the answer, but I was shocked when Yuri actually admitted to Fox that's what it was.
Then, Fox did something else I hadn't seen coming. He started telling Yuri about his experience in the hospital back in the autumn, and how he'd been terrified to let anyone give him an injection.
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That seemed odd to me, considering Fox is an insulin-dependent diabetic and gives himself two shots every single day, not to mention the number of times a day he pokes one of his fingers or his forearm to test his blood sugar. By that point, I'd watched him do insulin injections and blood glucose tests, and he'd barely batted an eyelash at sticking tiny, sharp objects into his skin, even with an audience of one curious wannabe nurse.
Intrigued by what he was now recounting to my husband, I temporarily deserted my plan to gather up my laundry, and lurked just out of sight of the doorway of Yuri's bedroom to eavesdrop instead.
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"They're not really allowed to let you give yourself a needle, you know," Fox was saying. "But, I made a big fuss about it until they agreed to let me. I had to do it because it always hurt so much when other people gave me a shot."
Yuri sounded dubious. "That makes no sense."
"I know," Fox said. "That's the thing. I can see now that it was illogical, but at the time it seemed perfectly rational to me. Anyway, I met my friend Jin when I was in the hospital. He was my nurse, and he figured out that it was hurting because I expected it to. And you know what? It turns out he was right."
"Good for him," Yuri said.
"You know what he told me?"
"I couldn't possibly guess," Yuri replied, and his tone practically screamed, I couldn't care less.
Fox was clearly undeterred. He went on, "Jin said that I need to train myself not to expect the worst, because not everything that seems like it’ll be painful or scary turns out to be.”
"Yes, well... sometimes it does."
"That's exactly what I said," Fox told him. "And he agreed with me, but he also said that if I was too afraid to take any chances, then I might miss out on something good."
"I don't see what that has to do with me," Yuri said.
Fox may have missed it, but I didn't fail to catch the nuance in my husband's words. I knew it wasn't that he didn't understand, but more like he didn't want to admit how this could apply to him. It was his way of saying I get it, but I wish I didn't.
"I heard you like strawberries," Fox said. "And I already know you like rice, so I made you something special for breakfast. It's rice pudding, but with protein powder and pureed strawberries in it, and it's sweet like a dessert. And it's pink. See? Don't you want to know what it tastes like?"
"Not particularly."
"I double-checked with Victor. Everything in it is something you've had before. It's all safe for you to eat, if that's what's worrying you. Or is it something else?"
Yuri's answer was mumbled, and I didn't catch it, but I thought it sounded like. "It's too difficult."
"Yeah, doing stuff for yourself can be really hard," Fox said. "I totally get it."
'No, you don't."
"You might be surprised.”
“I doubt that.”
“There was a lot of stuff I couldn't do for myself before I met Jin, and Takahiro and his family,” Fox said. “I had to learn so much just to start being a normal independent person. At first, I was scared and stressed out and tired every day, but everything I've done so far has been worth it, even though it was difficult."
"It's different for me," Yuri said.
"Yeah, it is different for you," Fox acknowledged. "I've been learning to do things over the past little while that you've probably been doing independently for years. I'm not asking you to do something crazy like learning pretty much every adult life skill within a few months, like I did. All I'm asking you to do is try feeding yourself, because I know you can."
"Oh... fine, then. But, if I throw up, it's your fault."
To my astonishment, Fox laughed. It was the same kind of laugh I've heard from other adults when a child says something outrageous, and I'd say it was more an indication of indulgence than of amusement. "Yuri, you're not going to throw up."
"How would you know?"
"Just start with one small bite. If you can't do more than that, you can stop. it's okay. Here..."
I attempted to peek around the edge of the door as sneakily as I could. Fox had his back to me, and probably wouldn't have spotted me anyway, but I was trying to avoid Yuri knowing I was there.
I was just in time to see Fox turning the bowl of rice pudding around so the handle of the spoon that was sticking out of it was facing in Yuri's direction. Hesitantly, Yuri reached out and grasped the spoon as Fox held the bowl for him.
"You can do it," Fox encouraged. "One spoonful. If you can manage that and you decide you want more, I'll feed you the rest, but we're going to keep working on this at every meal from now on until you're doing it all by yourself."
Yuri's expression was an awful combination of fear and lingering irritation, but I was gratified to see him lift the spoon with some pink-tinted rice on it. And then he put it in his mouth, and for one dreadful moment I thought he really might get sick. Most of the colour drained from his face, and he stared at Fox, wide-eyed.
"Take the spoon out of your mouth, Yuri," Fox said gently, and when Yuri did as he asked, he followed up with, "Good. Now, you can swallow."
It was weird, observing that. I'd never heard anyone explain something as simple and instinctual as eating in step-by-step instructions before. Then again, perhaps Yuri had somehow unlearned that instinct and needed to be told what to do.
He's mentioned to me before that he often doesn't want to eat and only consumes food because he has to. He says he doesn’t like eating most foods, not necessarily because he dislikes the taste or texture of the food, but because he’s hyper-focused on every little detail involved in eating, and he gets overwhelmed. I guess it’s like, he could get so fixated on chewing that he’d forget to swallow, and then suddenly swallow in a panic, and then panic even more when he realizes he didn’t consciously decide whether he should swallow or not.
I don’t know, really. I’m certain Yuri could explain it better himself, but that’s basically how I understand it from what he described. And considering his history of anxiety as well as severe digestive system issues, maybe it shouldn't be too surprising.
As for Fox, I was impressed that not only was he able to break down the process for Yuri, but also that he'd recognized the need for it. It made me wonder if someone had needed to explain a basic skill to him in a similar way in the past.
"That was awesome. I knew you could do it," he said, once Yuri returned the spoon to the bowl. "How do you feel? Is your stomach okay?"
"It's fine," Yuri said. His tone was grudging, like he didn't want to admit that feeding himself one spoonful of strawberry-flavoured sweet rice wasn't actually going to be the death of him.
"Think you can do it again?" Fox inquired.
"If I have to."
"You don't have to, but I'd like you to."
Yuri sighed. "Very well."
Two spoonfuls later, I could see how much of a psychological and physical toll the effort had taken. To anyone unfamiliar with the situation it probably looks like he's playing up for attention whenever he wants someone to feed him, but I can tell you in all honesty, it's not like that. The strain that showed in all his body language was real. He gets that way when he's being fed by someone too, but not nearly as quickly and nowhere near as pronounced.
I could see his hand shaking as he gripped the spoon. He was visibly sweating, and his skin had that pale, washed-out appearance some people get when they're about to faint.
I was concerned enough that I almost stepped back into the room, but fortunately, Fox was perceptive enough to see what I saw and to understand what it meant. He said to Yuri, "Give me the spoon."
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Yuri didn't so much hand it to him as push it in his general direction. Fox placed everything on the bedside table, and then helped Yuri settle back on his pillows.
"You did great," Fox told him. He brushed his hand over Yuri’s forehead. It looked like he was checking his temperature, but it was more likely that he was wiping some of the moisture off his face.
I was a little amazed that Yuri didn’t flinch away from Fox’s touch. He asked shakily, “Can… can I have some water, please?”
Fox handed his water bottle to him, and he took a couple of sips before passing it back.
“Done?” Fox inquired.
Yuri nodded. “Done.”
“Everything all right? Is your stomach still okay?"
"Yes, my stomach is all right for now, but I'm tired," Yuri said. "I need to sleep.”
"Understandable," Fox didn't point out that he'd only been awake for an hour or so. He simply acknowledged that Yuri knew best whether he needed more rest or not. "That was an amazing effort. I know it was a lot, but you did really good. I didn't even have to tell you to take that last spoonful."
"It’s good. The rice."
That admission was spoken so quietly that I almost didn't hear it.
"There's more of it left," Fox said. "Victor and I are going to have it for dessert with our lunch, but we'll save some for you. Would you like that?"
"Yes, please."
"You're going to feed yourself at least one spoonful at lunchtime, okay?" It sounded like a request, but I knew it wasn’t.
Yuri didn't reply, so I had no idea if he was agreeing with Fox's new rule, but he didn’t seem to be disagreeing either, which was good. I smiled. It may not have been a victory, exactly, but I felt safe in calling it a step in the right direction at least.
And now we're at the spot where I’m supposed to say some sort of happy ending thing, right? Like how I’m filled with hope or how Fox is a miracle worker or something?
Well, I am hopeful, but I’m not naïve. I don’t think Yuri had some great epiphany or whatever, or that Fox’s wisdom is going to fix everything. Yuri’s got a long way to go, and he’s not going to recover overnight, especially mentally. Disability Is tricky like that. Even when the body is relatively well, the mind can still be troubled. in fact, I’m convinced that the psychological impact of living with a disability can be even more disabling than the illness or disability itself.
What I can say is, I think it’s good for Yuri to have Fox here. It’s good for me as well, and not just for the obvious reasons. Fox doesn’t let Yuri get his way to avoid a confrontation with him, or to alleviate his own discomfort, like I do. As much as I don’t like admitting it, his approach yields better results than mine, even if it starts out a bit rough.
From watching Fox Interact with Yuri, I’ve learned there’s a difference between sympathy and empathy. I let Yuri get away with a lot because I feel bad for him and it’s painful for me to see him suffering, and I just want to make things better for both of us. But, I’m starting to realize that’s not doing either of us much good at the end of the day. He doesn’t need someone to take pity on him. He needs someone to respect how he feels and to try seeing things from his point of view while also showing him safe ways to move forward.
He needs someone to help him get perspective. That’s what my therapist would call it.
After this, I think I should be challenging him more. And I should be challenging myself more, to be firm with him when I need to be, and to recognize when it's okay to give in and when it's not. I need to challenge myself to remember that the easiest way isn't always the best way, and sometimes there has to be a little pain in order to make progress.
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triptychgrip · 7 months
The latest fluffy/smutty chapter -- number 4 of 5 total -- of my post-canon, married Viktuuri fic has now been posted.
Though on the surface, this story appears to be a funny/light-hearted account of Yuuri "coaching" Viktor in pole-dancing, it goes much deeper than pole-dancing. I've posted about it before, but I'm fascinated by stories that explore Viktor' insecurities, particularly the closer and closes Yuuri gets to retirement (which, in my 'Gold's On The Inside, Elevated My Feet' fic-verse, takes place right after the 2022 Beijing Olympic Games). 
In my fic-verse, Viktor believes that he needs to find ways to "hold" his husband's interest when he can no longer play the role of his coach, and his single-mindedness in learning how to pole-dance/prove his "worthiness" to Yuuri as his student causes his insecurities to get the best of him, and triggers his abandonment issues.
This particular chapter includes an important moment of communication between them, plus Viktor wanting to make things up to Yuuri in a steamy "funishment" scene. I had a lot of fun writing it, and hope you'll consider checking it out! Below is an excerpt to pique your interest
“You know what being your coach these last few weeks has made me?” his spouse asked, with a breathy quality to his voice that spoke of exhilaration and longing.
But before Viktor could even respond, Yuuri continued, now smiling in a way that was doing rather unfair things to his heart.
“Jealous. So, so jealous of you,” he said, before laughing (presumably, at his nonplussed expression).
“These last five years, whenever you watched me land a new jump, or surprise you with my step sequences, or even push through a hard practice when all I wanted to do was lie on the ice until death would take me…I knew you must have felt good, but you never told me that it could feel like flying,” Yuuri went on, his tone so incredibly reverent that it made Viktor almost want to look away, as if he was observing his husband in some private moment that he didn’t have permission to be witnessing. 
“And here’s the thing that I’m sure you’ve come to realize about me,” Yuuri continued, his lips twitching a bit. “When it comes to you, I am incredibly, incredibly greedy. Why do you get to hoard all of these amazing moments of pride? What if I want those, too?”
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ao3topshipsbracket · 1 year
AO3 Top Relationships Bracket- Quarterfinals
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This poll is a celebration of fandom history; we're aware that there are certain issues with many of the listed pairings and sources, but they are a part of that history. Please do not take this as an endorsement, and refrain from harassment.
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whoishotteranimepolls · 4 months
Apparently I'm the only one that sees this, but since everyone else needs to be educated, I will message you again since you're going to post these publicly. So please post this but I really think that Victor Nikiforov from Yuri on Ice was not a good representation of the LGBT community, he reinforces so many negative stereotypes and apparently I'm the only one that sees it
First of all the gay figure skater is a stereotype in and of itself. So it feels very reductive to have the big groundbreaking queer love story be about gay figure skaters.
Second of all, Victor is a white savior. Yuri did not need his help to succeed. But yet Victor still felt the need in all his whiteness to go intrude upon Yuri's life. The audacity that took only comes from his white male privilege. I also thought it was very creepy and almost predatory how their relationship started. He was the coach. There was a power dynamic issue. That is another stereotype about gay men that they're predators. So, I do think you shouldn't put him in your polls for that reason but I digress
Yuri deserved someone better than Victor who respects boundaries and power dynamics. Someone who wouldn't intrude upon his life and the way that Victor did. Because didn't Yuri first ask him out or to be his coach while black out drunk after he lost. Victor should have known better than to travel to Japan. It was a joke. He was drunk again, it's predatory and so very creepy
So why are we worshiping? Victor for being a great representation of the lgbt community. It's a good thing that the movie was canceled because there is no way they could have saved this train wreck of a character. Tumblr was way too attached to him and we need to let him die so better characters can live.
Fandoms vs Illiteracy #3
Feel free to critique the essay but not the person nor the person's intelligence. Do not call names, degrade the person, or personally attack them in any way. The purpose of this series is to critique/analyze the arguments contained in the essays.
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The above picture is a photo of Victor Nikiforov. Below is a promotional image from Yuri on Ice
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So now that everyone is a little bit more familiar with everything mentioned in the essay and knows the rules, feel free to do your own research and respond.
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yoificfinder · 9 months
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Hi anon! Sorry I accidentally deleted your ask while I was in the process of making a rec list for your request because of the editing issue I have on tumblr. Fortunately, I was able to take a screenshot before deleting. And hopefully, the issue is now fixed!
Here's my rec list of canon-divergent fics where it was Victor who skated Eros/Agape:
a certain playboy by fan_nerd [G, 4K]
@v-nikiforov - The handsome playboy has returned to town. Please pay special attention to my Free Skate tomorrow. ♥♥♥
There’s no way that Victor, Yuuri’s childhood idol, could be calling Yuuri a handsome playboy, just because they’d met eyes at two skating events. Besides, a total stranger had given Yuuri the tickets. It would be totally absurd.
Yuuri frowns, turning his head on the pillow. Wouldn’t it?
catch me (i'm falling) by @spookyfoot [T, 5K]
Victor skates the saltiest Eros routine of all time and issues a call out on international television.
darling, stay by my side by jenmishe [T, 16K]
“Yuuri!” Phichit cries. “I know you have this weird insomnia thing, but for the love of god, get some sleep. Or at least turn the phone down. I know it’s after midnight there.”
“Holy shit, Phichit,” says Yuuri. “Yakov Feltsman wants to coach me.”
“Holy shit,” Phichit agrees, wide eyed.
(Or: Vicchan lives and fate is a funny thing.)
A Myriad of Possibilities by ztwilightzx [T, 92K]
“I have to go!” Yuuri blurts out. As an assistant coach, he needs to be at Minami’s interviews, even if it is Victor of all people standing right in front of him.
“Wait—” Victor says, but Yuuri has already ducked away. “Yuri!” he hears Victor call from behind him.
Yuuri doesn’t stop. He’s made that mistake before – why would Victor Nikiforov know who Yuuri is this year any more than he did last year? Yuri Plisetsky is debuting as a senior, after all, and might be here at the Cup of China to support his rinkmates.
It may be the sound of Yuuri’s name on Victor’s lips, but there is no way Victor is calling for him.
(Canon-divergence. The Nishigori triplets never upload Yuuri's rendition of Stammi Vicino online. Yuuri buys himself time to decide whether he wants to stay on the ice or retire by joining Minami Kenjirou's team as an assistant coach.
Victor never hears from the beautiful Japanese skater after Sochi. He choreographs On Love: Eros because he can’t quite let go, but it’s getting harder to push himself on the ice and the cracks are starting to show.
Two lost individuals take a different route to find love and life, but they eventually get there all the same.
same song, different dance by @crossroadswrite [T, 88K]
The line is silent for a moment, as Yuuri stands there, fingers getting progressively colder as he hears Minako breathe in his ear, not really willing to hang up first.
“The Grand Prix is just around the corner,” Minako says, her tone almost wistful.
He breathes out slowly to steady himself. “It is.”
“… Are you going to watch it?”
Yuuri shouldn’t. He knows it’ll feel awful to watch everyone he knows trying their best at something he loves when he can’t anymore. But it’s Phichit’s first year in the Grand Prix, and Victor’s competing, so…
“Of course,” he says, and is proud of how steady his voice comes out. He doesn’t know if it’s a lie or not.
(Or: in which Yuuri's Stammi Vicino skate never gets posted and he retires, Victor keeps himself skating for better or for worse, Yuri struggles with his debut, and missed opportunities have a way of righting themselves.)
Other recs are welcome!
ETA: Other people's rec:
starting right now I'll be strong by @alexseanchai [T, 1k] *WIP
Enthrall by poppysocle [E, 106K]
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rikeijo · 7 days
Today’s translation #754
Anan 2017.3.29 Honda Takeshi's comment
Part 1.
Honda Takeshi - as the first Japanese male figure skater in history, successfully landed a quadruple jump during an official competition. Two times Olympian and two times World Championships bronze medalist. Now active as a commentator. We asked him about the charm and strength of the three skaters.
Victor and Yurio are, in my opinion, a similar type of competitor, and it is of course also because they are both Russian, and training under the same coach. Russian skaters, active when I was a competitive skater, were Plushenko, Yagudin and Klimkin, and all three of them were incredibly self-assured with extremely strong personalities. All "me", "me", "me". I think that both Victor and Yurio inherited this characteristic of Russian skaters. Very strong-willed and exerting a kind of pressure, that is unique for them only. But most likely, they aren't the type of competitor that has this kind of strength from the very beginning. I think they are the type of skater that needs to tell himself 'I'm strong, I'm the best' and behave, and skate, and jump like they are, to overcome their weakness, and to transform this 'I'm strong' self-conviction into reality.
[Note: A nice article from Anan~ In case you're not aware, Anan is a popular women/fashion magazine and this issue had figure skating as the main topic.
Most of the things that I translate are of course from typical otaku/fujoshi magazines, but Yuri!!! was (once) quite actively promoted to other types of audiences - it was in fashion magazines, figure skating magazines, lifestyles magazines... One common characteristic of all these articles is that they completely ignore what the vast majority of Yuri!!! fanbase watched the show for, so yk, the yaoi. It's always such a whiplash, almost like two version of the show exists - one that they tried to promote without a trace of yaoi, and another that the fans wanted to see, which is first and foremost yaoi... And we know now how it all ended 😞 ]
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neutronice · 5 months
are you aware of the news about ice adolescence? 😢 https://x.com/yurionice_pr/status/1781155766172565922?s=46&t=ac2O9C_-GJTV6PWIC_PMqg
I did hear about this! (for tl;dr Ice Adolescence has been officially cancelled.)
I have so many thoughts about this. First off, DAMN. Because getting to see what made Victor who he is was really cool and exciting!
Russian skating has been plagued with doping scandals, and the Kremlin are invading sovereign countries and committing war crimes in them. I'd not be comfortable watching a movie about a Russian skating hero given what is happening there, which is not only broadly bad but specifically bad in skating. And that's not even mentioning Russia's disturbing (and escalating) record on LGBTIQ+ issues.
Second, it's been hard to be a Yuri on Ice fan in most spaces, because so much of what we see on social media is Mappa Where is Ice Ado?! and that gets really exhausting. It's hard to look for cute art and fun stories and meta about a series I adore when I have to slog through so much complaining and hatred of a series I love because the movie was indefinitely paused. Hopefully now that there is an answer, fans who are still creating and still trying to show their love for the incredible 12-episode gift we got of the original series will be what we see when we search the tags.
And finally, I'm originally a fan of Inuyasha. Inuyasha got a sequel, and the build up and hype coming into that was high. We got to see InuKag kid?! AHH! And then... the series arrived and (to put it lightly) did not meet expectations. And it caused an eruption of discourse in the fandom. Lots of creators left because they were being demanded to take part in ship wars and pro-anti wars and threw up their hands. So we left feeling less love for the original series based on the disappointment (and frankly, tomfoolery) of the fandom.
Am I disappointed? Yes. Because I love Yuri on Ice. I love Yuuri and I love Victor so so much.
Will this announcement do anything to reduce my love of Yuri on Ice? Absolutely not. It gives me more drive to create for the series, and to build their little world for myself since I now know that those 12 wonderful episodes (and amazing audio drama and manga!) might be what I get, and they can serve as a foundation for building my own little wonderful Yuri on Ice world with words.
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noemilivv · 7 months
Hi! I saw that a matchup event is open and I (of course) had to join : ) here I go!
FANDOM: I would like a MALE HAZBIN HOTEL matchup request please! the characters I don’t want is husker or angel dust (I have no problem with them but I don’t feel comfortable with having them as romantic partners…..)
ABOUT ME: My name is Jaxrel! People call me "Jax" for short. also use other names like Himawari, Rin, etc, He/Him (They/Them is acceptable), I'm a Trans Man who's pansexual and l've been diagnosed with mental illness and disorders that I do not wish sharing ATM.
Personality(+ Notes): I'm a ENTP Ravenclaw, 5w4, Extroverted. I'm a very chill and intelligent person I'm very polite and sweet! at first awkward, shy and distant when meeting people, extremely independent, when comfortable I talk about a lot of stuff for hours, loud talker, emotions come off as sarcastic or silly (due to autism), confident, straightforward (I have a urge to correct someone of faulty information), uses "big" words, good sense of humor, playful, entertaining, optimistic, mischievous, curious(l'm nosy and I love gossip), i can be a rule breaker(sometimes don't mean to), dad/ tharapist friend, when I go out I bring water bottles, first aid kit, chapstick(s) just in case, chill but some people would say I have some "repressed anger issues, I get a realllyyy overractive Brain, I tend to get deep and philosophical when l'm left on my own for to long, I can be verbally aggressive when prevoked. If this helps more the characters I kin a lot are: Victor Nikiforov (Yuri On Ice), Tei (Nameless), Gojo Satoru (Jujustu Kaisen), Cutthroat (Akudama Drive, Except the Bloodlust cutthroat has.), Ranpo Edogawa (Bungo Stray Dogs), Dazai Osamu (Bungo Stray Dogs), Space Ishtar (Fate), Okita Souji (Fate), Langa Hasegawa (Sk8 The Infinity), Sherlock Holmes (TGAA), Zack (Final Fantasy 7), Vash The Stampede (Trigun), Roy Mustang (Fullmetal Alchemist), Otonashi Yuzuru (Angel Beats), Karma Akabane (Assassination Classroom), Vanitas (Study Case of Vanitas), Zoe Hange (AOT), Shinoa Hiiragi (Seraph of The End) + more
MORE KINS: hiyori tomoe (enstars), yoosung kim (mystic messenger), jumin han (mystic messenger), hanako (tbhk), felix kranken (twf), albedo (genshin impact), shoya ishida (a silent voice), tom (eddsworld), eridan (homestuck), karkat (homestuck), shu itsuki (enstars),miyamura izumi (horimiya), micheal afton (FNAF), lolbit (FNAF), mangle (FNAF), natsume sakasaki (enstars), sora harukawa (enstars), urumi akamaki (alice in borderland), V (mystic messenger), hagumi kitazawa (bandori), matsubara kanon (bandori), shinji ikari (neon genesis evangelion), minami kotobuki (oshi no ko), lain iwakura (serial experiments lain), hajime hinata (danganronpa), k-angel (needy streamer overdose) and more 😃
Looks: Half Polish and Vietnamese with Some Scottish and Half Middle Eastern(Iraqi) /Filipino with Some Russian, I'm very skinny like just flat, I have hazel eyes and some slight flecks of amber and blue, I have upturned eyes but they seem like they are almond shaped but they aren't too noticeable, I think I have a heart shaped face but from different angles it looks more diamond shaped(?), I'm approximately 5'8, I have a dimple only on my chin, I have dyed black hair, I also have bangs too, my clothing style tends to stretch widely from comfy to... a lot like this! I wear gyaru (hime gal, himekaji, agejo, gyaruo, rokku, manba, baba, kogal, tsuyome, and kigurumi), goth (trad goth, romantic goth, mall goth, cyber goth, and victorian goth), scenemo/emo (ofc), & vkei ouji and lolita, I can also pull off a kpop idol look, i also wear a lot of cool dresses and suits, I also wear Y2K and I also dress in alternative clothing a LOT, I wear a lot of other harajuku styles such as, jirai kei, decora and more so on.
Likes: Chocolate, Strawberries, Iced Coffee and Boba Tea, Anime/ Manga, Music, Food, Winning in arguments online or irl, Reading, Art (Digital Art, Drawing, Painting, Pottery, etc), Cats, Sharks, Animals in general, Anthropology, Zoology, Theology(+ more) Cold/or Rainy Weather, Cooking, Cosplaying, Shopping, Playing Tabletop RPG's, Chess Board Games or just Gaming, Dancing, Abstract or Romance movies, Murder Mysterys, Kdrama, Spicy or Sweet Food, Ramen, learning new languages/instruments and much more.
Dislikes: Loud Noises, Slow Walkers, People who don't know when to close their mouths when chewing and hot weather.
Love Languages: physical touch & words of affirmation (giving). gift giving, words of affirmation & physical touch (receiving).
Thank you so much! I can’t wait to see who I got!!!! :-)
hey jaxrel!! i knew pretty much immediately before you even submitted who i was doing for ya haha, and that person is…
Lucifer !!
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You and Luci are like the gay dads to Charlie and the gang it’s actually so cute
Lucifer lovesss to get deep into shit and philosophical with you haha
He loves having lazy days in bed with you, just curled up together, talking about anything or just fuckin’ sleeping lmao
Both of you two struggle with mental health on your occasions, so the fact that you two can pick each other back up is super sweet, you and Lucifer grow to better understand eachother and pick up on the little cues which make handling the harder days a lot easier for the both of ya!
Lucifer also loves your various styles, as I said in your last request, he definitely has you style him some sick fits for his important meetings haha
He also loves making you little small duck related gifts, because ducks are the only thing he knows how to make😭💕
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capsensislagamoprh · 7 months
My thoughts on this awesome art.
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JJ ( lesser noble's son/ mayor's kid or something like that) is just trying to help his friend (Otabek) but he has the worst understanding of boundaries, subtly, and gets caught up in the drama so fast it's tragic. Hilarious, but tragic.
Minami is an elf. Come on now. Look at him! He works with Christophe as an apprentice. Just is suddenly there with whatever is needed. Has a massive break thrugh to become an official court magician apprentice by learning that illusive spell at a crucial time.
Pitchit is all about that tea. Him and Chris have serious side eye when everyone else needs help because of their dramatic selves, but boy do they thrive on it. These two might secretly be the source of all the rumors and spontaneous dance numbers in town.
Christoph is the fairy godfather/court official magical person with all the gentle magic and blatant flamboyancy such a position requires. Somehow he's always there. You just don't notice until he makes himself known. It's creepy, until you realize it's actually to help and protect, and part of his magic. Also, half the time it's Pitchit eaves dropping and using clever mirror placement to get that pipping hot constant comet (tea).
You know that Georgi is so into singing his massive hit (backed up by JJ) that a 'captured' Otabek just unties himself and walks out with Yuri as the villains hold the long note before they even notice. They are well across the dangerous bridge before the song ends and JJ discovers they slipped out. Georgi has to double take, blinks and is secretly impressed and chagrined because damn it that was a GOOD SONG! He worked on that all week! Sends JJ to get them back for the plot to continue.
Yuri hates that everything causes spontaneous songs. Especially when his parents sing them because they are always sappy wake you up at dawn with thrown open windows and birds and suddenly he's dressed and on a horse and what the hell?! Why are they on the way to town? What even is life? Someone HELP! Gets chased because plot demands it, winds up in woods. Hears BEST music. Follows it.
Otabek lives in the woods in an oddly fantastical 'cabin', that would be a massive magical castle if he'd just flip the fuse box switch, but he wont because it causes questions and matinence issues, and he just cannot with these sudden laps of logic for fairy tale rules. Why it all so convoluted? You could just like, not? He's gonna get caught up in the plot and wonder what the heck happened. Otabek helps. Everyone. Because common sense is apparently his alone, WTF people? W. T. F. Finds Yuri trying to escape town folk trying to mob him. Helps. Tried to get him back home. Adventure and secret (is a high rank) noble reveal because Georgi is not as bad as he seems. He's like Christoph's counter part. They both mean well. It's just that one is goth af about it.
Victor and Yuuri are just trying to throw a frikin birthday party for their feral son. He's cursed, but like, in a good way. Some day his prince will come (wait until they meet the guy from the woods and start the betting pool on how long it takes for the curse to break because they are keeping him) and they have SO Many Songs About It. Ah, how will they ever lift this (dramatic, tragic, so exciting) curse? With SONG! Wait... where did Yuri go? LE DRAMA! *smooch smooch* Los DRAMATICA! *kissy kiss kiss kiss* OH How Will They Ever Make it to That Fateful Day?! *aggressive making out*
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I love Leo de la Iglesia so much.
Yes he's just a minor character, as many of them are in Yuri on Ice. But that's one of the things that was so special about that show, at least for me. He may have only gotten one short program that we got to watch, he wasn't one of the final 6 to make it to the final, so we saw very little of him. But they had such a way of making him, as well as many others, a thought out and relatable boy.
I watched that show when I was very depressed, majorly struggling to understand why we're all here and what the point off at this was. When getting out of bed was a mountain instead of a molehill and I didn't think that life was going to really get any better. Watching Yuuri Katsuki go through similar issues, realizing that we are often our own worst enemy, that was all really great, helps me a lot. But there was something about Leo.
He's 19, I was 20 or 21 at the time, so we were pretty similar in age and that was really nice. Yuuri and Victor seemed so much older than me, older than I was really able to see myself as. 21 was hell. I couldn't imagine myself as 27, as Victor. (As I type this is am in fact 27, going on 28 in the spring. 💛)
19 year old Leo de la Iglesia. A minor character in a short show that in many way saved my life and certainly saved me from myself. I still don't know exactly what drew me in to him. I'm usually more of a fan of the dark, brooding, angry but is secretly quite soft characters. And Leo... he isn't that.
His name is Leo and he is a Leo and he's just this ray of sunshine and he loses his brain cells when Phichit and Guang-Hong are with him. He cares so much about his sport and the other people in it and he wants to do well but I think they did a good job of showing that he doesn't want to succeed because of other people's failures but because of his own growth.
I wanted to write this really well thought out post about how great Leo is but all I can think of to fully describe him is:
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So yeah, to summarize: I just think he's neat. He deserves all the love that I bet he will never get because this fandom is dying.
If you're still here, if you're seeing this, I love you. I'm sorry that Mappa hurt us. My fic Cadence isn't dead. It is very much alive and I will update as soon as I am able.
I'm glad you're still here.
Thank you for coming to my TEDTalk about Leo. :)
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stargazer-sims · 1 month
Victor & Yuri appreciation post ♥
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My beautiful boys have aged well, and in my opinion this is the best they've ever looked. I will never not appreciate these two. Writing their "journey of discovery" story took me over two years, and I'm glad I saw it through, because these characters deserve it.
They were characters of mine long before I ever made sim avatars for them, but I've had fun with them as their sim avatars as well. A lot of the CC i've made over the years and a handful of builds have all been for them. Whenever I want to quit The Sims, I always come back to playing with these two, and whenever I'm discouraged with the writing process, I look at what I've done with these characters.
A lot of people ask if Yuri and Victor are that Yuri and Victor (from YOI). The answer is no; they are not fan fiction characters. If you're curious, Victor and Yuri's origin story is here.
A little about Victor & Yuri...
Victor Thomas Edward Okamoto-Nelson birthday: 2 December gender: male pronouns: he/him occupation: paediatric nurse spouse: Yuri Okamoto-Nelson child: Caroline Lily May Okamoto-Nelson (adopted)
random facts about Victor
Victor is a former competitive snowboarder. He retired from competition to attend nursing school. He's still obsessed with snowboarding though.
When he was six, his father Thomas and baby sister Caroline were killed by an impaired driver driving through a crosswalk
He is terrified of thunderstorms and has been ever since he was a child
He has a hereditary genetic abnormality which caused his hair to turn prematurely silver. His hair was completely silver by the time he was thirteen, and by eighteen, his eyebrows, eyelashes, body hair and facial hair were also completely silver.
He always thought he had a mild learning disability, but it turned out that he actually had a correctable eye condition that made reading difficult for him
He and Yuri met online, on a forum for snowboarding enthusiasts. They had a long distance relationship for three years, during which time Victor threw himself into learning to speak Japanese in preparation for going to join Yuri in Japan.
He loves dogs and has a gift for dog training
His pain tolerance is very low and he doesn't do well with being sick. Yuri teases him about it, but would move the earth to take care of him and make sure he's as comfortable as possible whenever he's sick or hurt.
He cries easily, which is one of the things he likes least about himself
His favourite colour is red
Yuri Okamoto-Nelson birthday: 20 September gender: male pronouns: he/him occupation: communications professional spouse: Victor Okamoto-Nelson child: Caroline Lily May Okamoto-Nelson (adopted)
random facts
Yuri was born prematurely, at thirty weeks. Initially, he wasn't expected to survive the first forty-eight hours of his life, but he defied all the odds and survived. He loves his birthdays and always wants to make a big deal of them because he sees them as a celebration of another year of being alive rather than just being another year older.
He has a lot of health issues, but despite being chronically ill, he's determined to live the best life possible. He's physically active when he feels well, and loves snowboarding, yoga, swimming and dancing.
He's the oldest of three children. He's closest with his youngest sister Shirayuki and is estranged from his other younger sister Hana
He owns his own business, BRAVE Communications, which is a PR and communications firm. He runs it alongside his friend and business partner, James Fairchild, who is also disabled
Yuri is a survivor of intimate partner violence, from his one and only relationship before meeting Victor
He once made 1,000 paper cranes, and wished for happiness. Shortly thereafter, he and Victor met online.
He loves animals, but was never allowed to have a pet growing up. He was overjoyed when Victor agreed that he could adopt a dog, and he adopted a rescued Pomeranian whom he named Sango. Over the years since then, he's had a lot of pets
He likes to write, and has published three children's books so far, along with his friend Fox Abbottsford, who did the illustrations.
His favourite food is strawberries. He will eat just about anything that's strawberry-flavoured, but for him, nothing is better than fresh strawberries.
His favouite colous are yellow and pink
*** Their married surname is Okamoto-Nelson. Victor's original surname was Nelson and Yuri's was Okamoto, but they couldn't decide who should take who's name when they got married, so they decided to combine them.
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ic3-que3n · 8 months
The White Underwear Fanart 2024 Calendar
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Snippets - January through December.
With this Calendar, i want to accomplish 3 things:
Draw characters I love (in some white underwear)
Draw more photo realism
Draw more variety in the human body - scars, body hair, fat, disabilities.
For @theearlgreymage (and me)
And thank so much to @ivelovedhimthroughworse who helped me with glaring anatomy issues.
(First full piece will be posted in a week or so then once a week afterwards until finished. this post will be edited to act as a master post =D )
January - Rei Suwa from Buddy Daddies
February - Adam from SK8
March - Victor Nikiforov from Yuri on Ice
April - Kaladin Stormblessed from Way of Kings
May - Lin Beifong from Legend of Korra
June - Simon Snow from Carry On
July - Vi from Arcane
August - Erwin Smith from Attack on Titan
September - Viktor from Arcane
October - Yennifer from the Witcher
November - Baz Pitch from Carry On
December - Levi Ackerman from Attack on Titan
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ao3topshipsbracket · 1 year
AO3 Top Relationships Bracket- Round 3
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This poll is a celebration of fandom history; we're aware that there are certain issues with many of the listed pairings and sources, but they are a part of that history. Please do not take this as an endorsement, and refrain from harassment.
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kei-maki · 6 months
Thank you for doing a matchup trade with me <3 here's my matchup!
FANDOM: I would like a ADULT MALE MATCHUP for hazbin hotel, please. I don't wanna be matched with angel dust or husk (I have no problem but I don't see myself being romantic partners with them)
ABOUT ME: My name is Jaxrel! People call me "Jax" for short. also use other names like Himawari, Rin, etc, He/Him (They/Them is acceptable), I'm a Trans Man who's pansexual and I've been diagnosed with mental illness and disorders that I do not wish sharing ATM.
Personality(+ Notes): I'm a ENTP Ravenclaw, 5w4, Extroverted. I'm a very chill and intelligent person, I'm very polite and sweet! at first awkward, shy and distant when meeting people, extremely independent, when comfortable I talk about a lot of stuff for hours, loud talker, emotions come off as sarcastic or silly (due to autism), confident, straightforward (I have a urge to correct someone of faulty information), uses "big" words, good sense of humor, playful, entertaining, optimistic, mischievous, curious(l'm nosy and I love gossip), i can be a rule breaker(sometimes don't mean to), dad/ tharapist friend, when | go out | bring water bottles, first aid kit, chapsticks) just in case, chill but some people would say I have some "repressed anger issues, get a reallyyy overractive Brain, tend to get deep and philosophical when I'm left on my own for to long, I can be verbally aggressive when prevoked. If this helps more the characters I kin a lot are: Victor Nikiforov (Yuri On Ice), Tei (Nameless), Cutthroat (Akudama Drive, Except the Bloodlust cutthroat has.), Ranpo Edogawa (Bungo Stray Dogs), Dazai Osamu (Bungo Stray Dogs), Space Ishtar (Fate), Okita Souji (Fate), Langa Hasegawa (Sk8 The Infinity), Sherlock Holmes (TGAA), Zack (Final Fantasy 7), Vash The Stampede (Trigun), Roy Mustang (Fullmetal Alchemist), Otonashi Yuzuru (Angel Beats), Karma Akabane (Assassination Classroom), Vanitas (Study Case of Vanitas), Zoe Hange (AOT), Shinoa Hiragi (Seraph of The End) + more
things I love about myself: when someone is going through anything or needs help with anything they will call me before anyone else, i have an ugly laugh so guaranteed if i laugh someone else will as well, how much i love animals if i see a stray around my house i will adopt it immediately, if i see a stranger crying in public my eyes will not leave them alone until i get the courage to walk up to them and ask whats wrong, i am very confrontational i will always stand up for whats right no matter how scary the situation may be, how greedy i am for money but when i love someone i will spend the world on them, how excited i get for little things like when someone buys me redbull, monster, cherry pepsi or chocolate pretzels/strawberries my day cant be ruined, how in touch i am with being grateful if someone helps me in anyway or does something in general to benefit me i will never forget it, dont take people for granted, ive been told anytime someone hangs out with me that being with me feels safe and peaceful, pay attention to the little things, how even though i dont care about plushies i have been given some and i make sure to kiss them all goodnight in case they are actually real and see what happens, if i know someone is having a hard mental health day i will clean for them/ get them icecream and be patient till they are ready to talk about it, without fail a quiet person will always be loud with me, i am the type of person who just wants people i love to be happy even if its not with me, i will always choose them i dont say i love you until i mean it i will celebrate the people i love, i am very observant if i see that someone wants something i will get it for them no matter what, i will make it my mission to compliment a stranger that looks like they are having a hard time so their day is a little better, how i say i love kids even though if they can be annoying i will protect them with my life and im so gentle with them, I am not ashamed of what i love like anime for example even though when I was teased for it when I was little i never once hid that i loved it even if i dont like a song that someone shows me i will be hyper while listening to it so they dont feel small and embarrassed around me, how soft i become when someone holds my hand, I love psychical affection a lot so it's not a problem for me, i love how hardworking i am, whether its how much i love actually working or just getting out of bed knowing how hard my mind is fighting i love how i have gotten up everyday despite how challenging it is to, i am an emotional person but i will always cry for a sad scene in a movie, if i love someone, they'll be seen.
MORE KINS: hiyori tomoe (enstars), yoosung kim (mystic messenger), jumin han (mystic messenger), hanako (tbhk), felix kranken (twf), albedo (genshin impact), shoya ishida (a silent voice), tom (eddsworld). eridan (homestuck), karkat (homestuck), shu itsuki (enstars), miyamura izumi (horimiya), micheal afton (FNAF), lolbit (FNAF), mangle (FNAF), natsume sakasaki (enstars), sora harukawa (enstars), urumi akamaki (alice in borderland), V (mystic messenger), hagumi kitazawa (bandori), matsubara kanon (bandori), shinji ikari (neon genesis evangelion), minami kotobuki (oshi no ko), lain iwakura (serial experiments lain), hajime hinata (danganronpa), k-angel (needy streamer overdose) and more LOL.
Looks: Half Polish and Vietnamese and Half Middle Eastern(Iraqi)/Filipino, I'm very skinny like just flat, I have hazel eyes and some slight flecks of amber and blue, I have upturned eyes but they seem like they are almond shaped but they aren't too noticeable, I think I have a heart shaped face but from different angles it looks more diamond shaped(?), I'm approximately 5'8, 1 have a dimple only on my chin, I have dyed black hair, I also have bangs too, my clothing style tends to stretch widely from comfy to... a lot like this! I wear gyaru (hime gal, himekaji, agejo, gyaruo, rokku, manba, banba, kogal, tsuyome, and kigurumi), goth (trad goth, romantic goth, mall goth, cyber goth, and victorian goth), scenemo/emo (ofc), & vkei ouji and lolita, I can also pull off a kpop idol look, i also wear a lot of cool dresses and suits, I also wear Y2K and I also dress in alternative clothing a LOT, I wear a lot of other harajuku styles such as, jirai kei, decora and more so on, I’ve also been told I look like choso (JJK) and dazai osamu (BSD).
hobbies: gaming, anthropology, pathology, theology, zoology, music, dancing, filmmaking, art (drawing, painting, pottery, digital art, etc), learning different instruments/languages, cosplaying, skateboarding, tabletop RPG's, taking pictures of things that I think are pretty, collecting figurines/stuffed animals and puppetry, science/history, soccer(football)/volleyball/ basketball and swimming, cooking/baking, art is definitely my main hobby I dedicate a lot of time to it, I can play 5 instruments which is the piano, cello, koto and bass/electric guitar, I know 6 languages (look in my bio hehe) and I'm learning more right now (which is hindi, vietnamese and taglong if your interested).
Likes: Chocolate, Strawberries, Iced Coffee and Boba Tea, Anime/ Manga, Music, Food, Winning in arguments online or irl, Reading, Cats, Sharks, Animals in general, Cold/or Rainy Weather, Shopping, Abstract or Romance movies, Kdrama(pretty much any asian dramas), Spicy or Sweet Food, Ramen.
Dislikes: Loud Noises, Slow Walkers, People who don't know when to close their mouths when chewing and hot weather.
Love Languages: all of them, LOL. (giving). gift giving, words of affirmation & physical touch (receiving).
Thank you so much! Have a good day!
But based on the information you’ve given me, I match you up with…
🐤❤️Lucifer ❤️🐤
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- First of all, would go shopping with you if you ever asked if he wanted to, might be a bit skidding since it’s you know, OUTSIDE, but if it’s for you he’ll do it
- Doesn’t care what you’re wearing, he thinks you look amazing regardless and will heavily praise you
- PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE P L E A S E Spoon him, especially since you’re taller, he will literally melt in your arms, whisper sweet nothings into his ear before bed while you do and he’ll start crying from feeling so loved
- Honestly pick him up and he won’t even question it, he’ll just be like “oh ok”
- Will definitely show off his wings to compensate for the height though
- He has given you a duck of every kin you listed, and overall just for everything you like or represents something you like, all presents, he just came up to you blushing, like a penguin with a rock, one day and was like “here” and he hasn’t stopped since, and probably never will
- I feel like speaking of presents, that’s a good transition into love languages. This man will gladly accept all of them and definitely needs it. As everyone can tell he needs words of affirmation and physical touch he is touch starved, so like previously said, hold him and tell him he’s the best and he’ll melt. And gifts? If you’re from you they’re the best thing in the world, even if it’s something like a cracker with a flag on it he’ll call it cute and share it with you. Will spend all his time with you, being the shut in he is, and is beyond grateful for you helping around the palace, it helps take away the thought of some of his responsibilities so he can just rest and spend time with you
- As for YOU he will definitely return the favor, always telling you you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to him, that you’re his entire life, all while constantly cuddling you and peppering kisses all over your face, and giving you the most extravagant things He’ll has to offer, but if that’s too much for you? Don’t worry, how’s a chocolate scented cat shark plushie sound? Or how about that new manga volume you told him about that you wanted?
(Something like this visually for the plushie)
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- I feel like he doesn’t like loud noises either (unless HES the loud noise, which might cause problems between you two), so he’s got noise canceling headphones at the ready to summon at a moment’s notice
- Movie/show date nights watching any anime, kdrama, or hopelessly romantic movie you want
- Will make your tea for you (and will spill it in regards to the hotel of course)
- Info dump to him and he will gladly listen, engraining every single detail to memory, asks questions and shows genuine interest as well
- With you both being mischievous and playful, and you having a contagious laugh, I can see many laughing fits over the silliest of things
- If you spoil him with gifts his heart will flutter, it’s usually the other way around
- Not at all afraid to show you off either, all the PDA in the world. Want to hold his hand? (I’ll take that hand now-) He has four now so he can do that AND hug you, no one has a doubt in their minds that you’re together, he will proclaim his love to you with a 99 power point slide on the News with no hesitation
- Will honest on his fathers name kill anyone who makes you feel like shit or like you have to hide your wonderful personality. That double Hell comment Angel made in the pilot? Yeah, that’s what’s gonna happen if ANYONE messes with you
And… I think that’s it? Lmk if you want more though! I’m not sure if this was long enough ;-; but I hope you enjoyed it! This was actually pretty fun to do!
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altruistic-meme · 2 months
Rules: Make a poll with five of your all time favourite characters and then tag five people to do the same. See which character is everyone's favourite.
i was tagged by @zerogender-onlyswag and also both @the-viola-urge-to-be-cesario and @kevin-day-is-bi like literally a month and a half ago sdkhgsdg IM FINALLY DOING IT HI I LOVE YOU GUYS THANK YOU MWAH <3
trying to think of blorbos who have entirely and completely consumed my soul is sooo hard cus there are so many i didn't list too ughhhh honorable mentions to Ash Lynx (Banana Fish), Hinata Shoyo (Haikyuu!!), and Crowley (Good Omens) for being some of my biggest comfort characters!!!! where would i be without them!!!!!
i have no idea who has or hasn't been tagged in this ouhhhhh @zee-has-commitment-issues @insomnaticwriter @missmeganlee @recordmcqueen and @irregularcollapse if you guys haven't done it yet and want to join in!
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