inhuman-obey-me · 1 year
@yyyyikees asked:
what are your theories about diavolo’s dad going into a deep sleep? do you think maybe God did that as a punishment? because originally diavolos dad ranked the brothers, correct?
Well, yes, Diavolo's father, the Demon King, did indeed rank the brothers and give them their "Avatar of ___" titles before he went off into his deep sleep.
However, we don't think God did that to him as punishment -- because the Devildom is not God's domain. In the OM universe, it's important to remember that the Devildom is equal to the Celestial Realm, and Devildom history is entirely separate from its religious counterpart as hell. That is, in OM lore, the Devildom and demons existed long before Lucifer's rebellion and always had their own system of rule which had nothing to do with the Celestial Realm. With that in mind, God and the Demon King are essentially on the same level, so if God had done such a thing, that would be basically a declaration of war between the realms.
You can think of it this way: God is technically leader of the Celestial Realm but we never see him or hear him being mentioned just hanging around, just as the Demon King is technically still king of the Devildom but is in this deep sleep. Partially, we think that's probably a narrative parallels thing -- in the same sense, Diavolo is prince and de facto ruler, and Michael is treated as the top authority of the angels in the Celestial Realm, but both technically are just short of being outright rulers.
As to story theories, however, Diavolo's father going into his deep sleep is basically a huge question mark. It was sort of retconned to some extent in Nightbringer actually, because OG outright said that Diavolo had become the leader of the realm even before Lucifer first met him. And we don't really know anything about what caused that sleep in either case. NB mentions that the Devildom is overall in a state of great upheaval and uncertainty, so it could be a wider magical effect that's affecting the realm, like something caused by the physical shift in raw magical power on each side with Lucifer's fall. It could just be some kind of curse -- the Kingsblood Crucible does make a note that the Fairy King had also fallen into a deep slumber when the first Demon King gave him wine with his own blood. Or it could be something else entirely! Maybe it was Nightbringer!
All of which to say, we really don't know at this point. We may get more info on it, or we very well may not. The Demon King hasn't been especially relevant to the story most of the time so far, so OM may simply never bother getting around to explaining it. Or, depending how things escalate, maybe they will! We'll just have to see.
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vit-ri-ol-ic · 4 years
could you do jealous/ protective hisoka🤡👉👈 it’s okay if you gotta be ooc with it but i’m simping for being protected by him
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ᴊᴇᴀʟᴏᴜs & ᴘʀᴏᴛᴇᴄᴛɪᴠᴇ ʜɪsᴏᴋᴀ
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One thing is for certain, and it's that Hisoka does NOT like it when other people play with his toys.
Or touch them.
Or talk to them.
Or even look at them.
There have been numerous occasions in which he's caused bodily injury to people for looking at you inappropriately, or for flirting and cat-calling.
He always does this inconspicuously, but you know him too well to not see when he's up to mischief.
And you just so happen to be his favorite plaything, so you can imagine how infuriating it is for him to watch literally anyone else get your attention.
When you're speaking with friends, he's patient at first, but eventually he gets bored and antsy.
He'll start whining and causing somewhat of a scene.
He tries to get your attention by performing a variety of magic tricks, most of which goes unnoticed.
When you don't even glance over to see that he's doing a one-armed handstand, he loses his shit.
He responds much like a spoiled child would, by throwing something of a temper tantrum until your focus is entirely directed towards him.
He throws his cards in your direction, though they aren't intended to harm you in any way — his goal is to get on your nerves enough to earn some one on one time.
It works.
You scold him, and it makes him the happiest man on earth.
You're so cute when you're angry.
However, he just gets plain scary whenever he sees that someone has hurt you in any way.
He'll go on a rampage if he ever sees you crying because nobody gets to damage what is his.
Bad day at work? The coworker in question will go missing.
Someone is being mean to you online? Oh, their account got disabled.
If someone has the fucking audacity to lay their hands on you? They're dead.
The only one that gets to to toy with you is Hisoka, and he plans on keeping it that way.
You belong to him, and there's no way in Hell that he doesn't make it his mission to protect you at all costs.
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saintchrollo · 3 years
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on my good christian page
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excitedlysuffering · 4 years
hi!! can i request a yandere!gaara and yandere!kakashi please (separate ofc) thank you so much!! 💕💕💕
Hey!! Yandere content actually makes me incredibly uncomfortable, both to read and to write so I’ve decided that that’s one of the few things I won’t accept.
However, there are many other blogs that will write for yandere or are actually dedicated to it!!
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batfamquotes · 5 years
jason todd: *talking about bruce interfering in his personal life*
stephanie brown: that wasn’t very Gucci of him.
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salemwitchezz · 3 years
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pairing: lucifer x gn!reader, asmodeus x gn!reader (platonic)
a/n: this is part two to the “am i not good enough for you?” “you never were.” lucifer fic bc a few people wanted it 😁. thank you so much for all your feedback! it really keeps me going! 💞 this was not proofread btw lol.
parts —> one two three
tagging everyone who wanted this—> @thedum1 @yyyyikees @sannan-pyon @ninefuckingoneone @runicorn @nocturnalcreature998
> masterlist <
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you had never been so broken up in your whole life.
you’ve been though this before, a break up that is, if that’s what you would call this situation— and yeah, they hurt for a while, but you eventually get back on your feet with a bandaid over your heart.
this felt completely different, this wasn’t the same. instead of simply cracking your heart into two, it felt as if someone ripped it out of your chest, slammed it onto the floor, and stomped on it over and over again until it was ground down into nothing but microscopic pieces of glass.
to put it simply, the pain you felt was unbearable, damaging, permanent, unrepairable.
the post had been deleted about a day after you confronted lucifer about his comment since the ‘rumor’ to the public went by being completely shut down by the prideful demon himself.
just the thought of it made you sick all over again.
a part of you was relieved to not have all that shit he said about you all over the internet anymore— but it was due to do it’s damage in no time.
and that’s why the other part of you felt distressed with a mixture of the heartbreak lucifer drowned you with. you couldn’t think straight, you had too many emotions flooding you at the same time. you didn’t want to go out anymore, you didn’t want to face or talk to anyone. you didn’t want to do anything.
so you stayed in your room.
it wasn’t long before the brothers noticed what was going on with you, and all of them tried to make you feel better the best they could. you wouldn’t attend dinner because you didn’t want to see lucifer, so one of the brothers brought food to your room every night, looking almost as distressed as you.
you didn’t know if they saw what lucifer said or not, but if they did, they never mentioned it.
a knock on your bedroom door made you glance in the direction before uncurling yourself from the fetal position you were in on your bed, standing to your feet with a slight wobble before padding over to the door to swing it open. on the other side of the door was asmodeus with a plate of food and a worried smile.
he frowned slightly upon seeing your pitiful state, but tried to smile for you anyway. “there you are, y/n. hungry?” the demon assumed, holding out the plate for you to take.
you eyed the food before taking it from him, mumbling a small dull ‘thanks’ before turning away to walk back into your room, but you didn’t get far before asmo spoke up again.
“mc, dear?” he called for you, an uncertain edge to his tone. you turned slightly to look back at him, indicating you were listening.
asmo hesitated before continuing, “do you mind if i came in and talked with you for a bit?”
your eyes casted-downwards, knowing for certain that he’d probably criticize the state of your room if you let him in. the demon seemed to sense your conflict, and quickly added right afterwards—
“just for a few minutes! i miss you an awful lot, so much that it’s been breaking out my beautiful skin. so, please?”
you frowned as you thought it over, not really liking the idea, but let him in your room anyway with a small nod, and you could see his expression light up before he followed you into your room.
the quite sound of footsteps entering your room was quickly followed with a short gasp, and you glanced over at asmo to see him looking around your room in disgusted surprise. you didn’t really expect anything less from him.
there were clothes strewed across the room and tossed into piles, there were dirty dishes stacked beside your nightstand because you refused to go out, the drawers of your dresser had been spilling with the disorderly placed amount of clothes that you couldn’t be bothered with fixing, and your bed hadn’t been made in forever.
asmodeus witnessed every aspect of your room, turning as he did until he met your awaiting gaze, and he stepped up to you with a troubled look in his eyes.
“oh, sweetie,” he cooed sorrowfully, curling a knotted lock of hair around his finger as he took in your appearance now that it was more clear in front of him. “you look horrible.”
you scoffed, looking away from him with an eye roll. “thanks.”
“this is what happen when you stray away from my skincare routine, what did i tell you about taking care of yourself?” asmo snickered, trying to lighten the mood— but when he saw there wasn’t even a trace of amusement on your features, the demon hummed quietly, clicking his tongue. “are you ever going to come out of your room? it gets lonely without you.”
“i think you guys are just fine without me.” you remark bitterly.
“don’t be silly, dear.” asmodeus tsked, “besides, what about R.A.D?”
“what about it?” you deadpanned, and asmo gave you a look.
“you haven’t been to class in so long, your grades and attendance are starting to suffer because of it… it won’t be long before lucifer has no other choice but to do something.”
you felt yourself crack a little at just the mention of the other’s name, and you glared are asmo sharply before shoving away his hand from your hair. “i don’t care about lucifer.”
dragging yourself over to your bed, you plopped down on the mattress, lifting up your knees to bury your face in them. “if you only came here to lecture me, you can leave now.”
asmo watched you with concern, his brain trying to think up words for what to say next, something that would make you feel at least a little better.
the demon silently walked over and sat beside you on your bed, but you hadn’t even glanced up at him. he knew what he needed to say next, but he was nervous you’d react badly to it.
taking a deep breath, asmodeus placed a gentle hand on your back and decided to bite the bullet. “i.. we saw the post on devilgram.. about you and lucifer.”
he felt you stiffen beneath him and slightly lift you head to look up at him, “we?”
asmo nodded in confirmation, “we all did. and we saw what he said about you.”
you broke eye contact with him and rested your chin back on your knees, suddenly feeling the suffocating bubble of embarrassment envelope you. “oh.”
asmo scooted closer to you, draping an arm across your back to console you, lifting the same hand to comb through your messy hair. “now, darling, me and you both know— you didn’t deserve that, not one bit.”
you could feel tears brimming at the corners of your eyes, and you nodded vigorously. “..damn right i didn’t.” you mumbled with a pout.
the demon felt himself smile before continuing, “and as much as i want to tear into him for hurting you, i know he’s suffering the same as you are.”
you let out a wet laugh before sniffling, wiping the tears from your cheeks with your knees. “suffering as in his pride?”
asmo would have agreed with you if this were about anything else, but right now, he knew that it was more than just his brother’s pride that was hurting.“he hardly comes out of his room, only when he absolutely has to.”
you don’t know what to say for a second, but you eventually let out a small sob and shake your head. “he said i was never enough for him.”
asmo frowned at this.
“mc, i’ve lived for thousands of years— and in those thousands of years, i’ve spent most of the time with my brothers. with lucifer. now, i’d know him better than anyone, especially you.” he wasn’t trying to come off as rude, but he had to prove a point to you because he was worried for his brother and you.
“he might think he puts up a good front, but i can see it in the way he carries himself, i can see the look in his eyes— there’s something bothering him, and i know it has something to do with you. whatever he said to you, he said it in the moment. i know a part of you knows that, mc.”
there was a moment of silence, and he could practically hear every single little thought that went through your mind before you sat up slowly, pulling at your sleeves. “so.. what? am i just supposed to walk up and forgive him? because that’s not gonna happen.”
asmo shook his head, “that not what i’m saying, i’m just saying maybe give him time to redeem himself, a chance even.”
taking a deep breath, you looked over to asmo, a hopeful look in his eyes as he stared right back you with a soft smile. pursing your lips, you nod shortly, and asmo feels a small wave of relief wash over him as a his smile widen’s gratefully.
you abruptly hold up a finger, “this doesn’t mean it’s for certain.”
“of course! make sure he learns his lesson, take your time, besides..” asmo’s voice lowers with a familiar look in his eyes, and he leans over to nuzzle into your neck. “the longer you take, the longer i have you to myself.”
a small smile finds your lips and you shove him away playfully with a giggle, and he followed suit not long after.
it was the next day when you had decided to finally clean yourself up, look halfway decent and go down the hall to meet everyone for dinner.
once you were there, everyone greeted you with smiles, glad that you had decided to join them for tonight. you were beginning to feel better, glad that you had made the decision to finally stop sulking and be happy with the brothers.
and then there was lucifer.
you were surprised to see him down here to say the least, and by the looks of it, he was surprised to see you too. you noticed he tried avoiding your gaze as much as possible, and you felt your heart clench a little— but then you told yourself that you weren’t gonna let yourself get caught up in your feelings for now, and instead focused on the ones around you that were actually excited to see you.
“i told you mc would come! they just could stand to be away from me any longer!” asmo beamed, sending you an appreciative grin.
“h-hey! i knew that too! besides, i’m the one that saved their plate from beel!” mammon piped in. “he was trying to snatch it!”
beel frowned, “i would have made them another plate.”
“and eat it on the way down to their room?” satan snickered.
the rest of the dinner was spent in up-lifted spirits, and you had almost would have forgotten about all your problems if it wasn’t sitting right across from you on the other side of the table, staring at you with piercing blood eyes.
lucifer said nothing the entire dinner, not even bothering to so much as make an effort to smile. it wasn’t until he just conveniently walked into the kitchen while you were washing dishes after dinner did he speak up.
you heard heavy footsteps entering the kitchen followed by silence, and you briefly glanced over your shoulder to see lucifer standing in the doorway before you returned to your dish duty.
“come to help me with the dishes?” you sneered sarcastically, suddenly feeling anger bubble inside of you.
the silence after was followed by a short huff, and for the first time that night, you heard his voice speak up, “if you’ve decided to finally come out of your room, i’d be wise to return to your studies, you’ve missed a lot and i rather not hear anymore from diavolo.”
you scoffed, typical. “really? that’s it?”
you were answered with silence.
“well, that wouldn’t be the case if it wasn’t for you.”
you could feel his impatience wearing thin from where you were, and soon enough there were footsteps coming up behind you fast, and you whipped around to see lucifer only a few feet away from you.
now that you were up close, you could see what asmo was talking about. you saw him struggling to keep his proud composure, the way he has trouble keeping himself upright, the tired glare he tries to strike you with only to realize it wasn’t working, only making him look even more defeated.
he looked pitiful, but you couldn’t stop the words that spilled out of your mouth, “what? you gonna grab me by my face again and tell me how much of a burden i am to you?”
at that very moment, you saw his mask shatter into a million pieces, and you momentarily felt bad about it before you remembered what asmodeus told you.
his semblance crumbled, and beneath that was eyes full of regret, full of self-loathe. and yet, you could see that he was still trying to cover it up. lucifer hesitated, his lips twitching like he wanted to say something.
“sorry?” you finish for him. “i bet you are, but you won’t say that, will you?”
he remained quiet, unmoving and looking to the side, unable to meet your eyes. you squinted your eyes at him, “you don’t even know how to apologize correctly.”
lucifer tried to ignore the sting to his pride as you talked down to him, “mc.. i didn’t mean it.” he tried.
“what didn’t you mean?” you asked, crossing your arms as you tried to swallow the lump rising in your throat.
the demon frowned, a contemplated look on his face. “the things i said about you.” he elaborated, “i didn’t mean them.”
you scoff, “oh really? now you say that? thought i wasn’t good enough for you.”
“no.” shaking his head, lucifer gives you a desperate look, one that caught you by surprise as he took a step towards you. “no, you mean.. everything to me.”
you hold out a hand, preventing him from coming any further. “that’s far enough.”
lucifer halted in his steps, giving you a pained look that made you feel guilt stabbing you in the gut like a knife. “you hurt me, lucifer. a few words aren’t going to convince me of anything.”
the avatar of pride had now looked like he wasn’t fit for that title anymore, because his head was lowered in shame. “i’m..”
you stared at him, curious and anxious at the same time.
“i’m sorry.” lucifer finally breathes out, and you feel your anger start to die down, but the ache in your heart was still there. “is there.. is there anything i can do? to redeem myself?”
you continue to stare at him with glossy eyes, both your heart and brain screaming at you to make the decision they both wanted. “figure it out.” you said.
lucifer frowned, not liking the passive aggressive undertone to your voice. “i love you..” he whispered, and you shook your head.
“i’m sorry, lucifer, but your gonna have to give me a reason to believe that.”
lucifer looked at you woefully when you didn’t say it back, his eyes pleading as a last desperate attempt, but you didn’t budge. with that, he took a few steps back from you and nodded once.
“i understand.”
once the silence declared that the conversation was over, lucifer walked out of the kitchen, leaving his dignity behind with slow, sad steps.
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ficklefics · 4 years
I made a gotham discord!
I thought it would be fun to have a server where we can all chat and hangout and just have some fun, so I made one! Anyone is welcome, any age as long as you’re 13+, so come along! If you’re interested in being an admin let me know (18+ only please), and if you have any advice/suggestions please offer them, I have no idea what I’m doing
Here’s the link: https://discord.gg/SBkpGqC56n
Imma tag some mutuals/followers who I think might be interested under the cut - hope to see some of you there! (but dont feel obligated to join of course)
@cannibalgh0st @panandproud123 @alexanderwesker @marsmorpheus @victoriousvaleska @moobrooboo @afortunecookieriddledwithanxiety @capitalismwasamistake @enigmaticfear @kuttiie @b-rainlet @yyyyikees @yagurlrosie @jeromevaleskasbitch @one-big-dumpsterfire @lamb-mother @thetwinarmageddons @ozzyxed4ever @weirdwolfteaser @starkstruck27 @jeremiahwasajoker @mysticalninjanut @king-ofthe-ruckus @bitweird1
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f33itan · 3 years
100 Follower Event Masterlist
finally finished these!
Emma x @aly-kurta !
Shalnark x @pastelbear12 !
Tanjiro x @boku-no-yaiba !
Machi x @conflatemochi !
Chrollo x Anon !
Shizuku x @jayjayjewell !
Akaza x @thedevilprobs !
Feitan x Anon !
Muzan x Anon !
Shinobu x @saturnalia-n !
Obanai x @moonstruck-rk !
Mitsuri x @yyyyikees !
Leorio x Anon !
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Feel free to send in regular requests now!
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vbee-miya · 4 years
[romantic matchup]
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╔═ @yyyyikees ═╝
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𝙵𝚒𝚛𝚜𝚝 𝚋𝚎𝚜𝚝 𝚖𝚊𝚝𝚌𝚑 𝚞𝚙 - 𝙺𝚎𝚒 𝚃𝚜𝚞𝚔𝚒𝚜𝚑𝚒𝚖𝚊  
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I genuinely feel like Tsuki or Kei would be pretty into astrology. Though it may not be canon, that's just what I feel. He’d probably be really lowkey about it too. “Tsk. You know there's more than one star.” 
He wouldn’t be good at any relationships and that's just final. Kidding of course, but don’t expect him to be blurting out compliments anytime soon. Not only may he be pretty insensitive, but his compliments would really just be backhanded. 
You dyed your hair? Cool, everyone thinks it’s cool, then there’s Tuski. “That color was better than your previous one.” With that my good fellow readers is how he’d complinet you. 
Take in the compliment. 
Bruh sorry if I'm making Tsuki sound like a salty bitch, cuz he is. But he isn’t well with you at least. 
He’d have a sense of respect for you. As a hufflepuff they’re known to be kindhearted, fair, patient, and show a sense of dedication. So I’d assume the same goes for you. 
And with that being said, he’d hate it at first, liking you. Or just liking anyone. He likes to keep his emotions intact and be in command of HIS emotions. So when you’re sweet nerdy astrology self came into his life you betcha, you were the one that caught his eyes. 
Now let’s talk about being a Slytherin. As a former Slytherin or actually just a Slytherclaw, Slytherins are known to be ambitious, cunning, and have a sense of resourcefulness. 
So you betcha when Tsuki saw how ambitious you were with your goals and how you were able to complete them in such a way, he’d just instantly be in awe of you. 
Volleyball? Pfft, it’s just a club. Or that’s what first year, first semester Tsuki would’ve said. Now salty boy has grown, and volleyball is more than a club. He’d take certain pride in it to an extent. 
So when he found out you used to play volleyball, you bet he’d ask why you stopped. He wouldn’t force you to play with him, but at least he’d invite you to his games or something.
He’s not good with emotions just in general, but when he breaks that cold facade of his it can get emotional. 
Downfall of this relationship in my opinion is like what I’ve stated before. He wouldn’t really be good with expressing his emotions, it’s something that doesn’t come naturally to him. Not only would he hide his emotions through a cold facade, but he’d also come off as insensitive. Though I feel like that could eventually change. It may not seem like it, but he’s always trying to find ways to improve himself more in a mentality way. So I guess that’ll be a plus just take the relationship romantically or not doesn’t matter, in a slow way. 
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𝚂𝚎𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚍 𝚋𝚎𝚜𝚝 𝚖𝚊𝚌𝚑 𝚞𝚙 - 𝚈𝚞 𝙽𝚒𝚜𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚘𝚢𝚊
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Okay yes he’s shorter than you, and you know what that’s okay. He’s got a pretty big demeanor. 
He’d love you for you because you ‘rolling thundered’ into his heart.  
He’d come up with super cute names to call you from like questionable ones to just really cute ones. (your pick) 
Even though you’re tall and all. Christ this boy could jump higher than you. 
Piggy back rides? Maybe, it depends on you. 
You say yes. Fine with him. 
You say no. Fine by him. 
Mayhaps it’s best if you hide your crystals. Cuz at least one of them will break or get chipped.
Idk anything about crystals except that if it breaks it’s not necessarily a bad thing like you’re cursed…? But it’s best to do something about the whole negative energy that it’ll be giving off...anyways point is if they’re out its best you’re there to watch them or something. 
Noya would definitely be interested in learning astrology with you or from you. And he’d know the basics Sun, Moon, Rising. 
But there was this one time when he was on social media, and he was so upset that his sun sign Libra changed to Virgo. Because of the Ophiuchus, which no one likes. 
Eventually you explained the whole deal with Ophiuchus, how it’s not an actual zodiac constellation, but rather just a mere star in the zodiac cluster. (someone correct me if i’m wrong like deadass) . 
He’d be very understanding of any emotions and feelings that you may have. Despite his chaotic demeanor, he’s emotional and needs someone who could understand or help him through these things.  
Downside of this relationship is how chaotic he may be. So it’s best to keep your collection of crystals and I'd assume other valuable things that you may have away from his reach. Cuz he’s short, and you’d tease him for that. 
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𝙽𝚘𝚝 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚋𝚎𝚜𝚝 𝚖𝚊𝚝𝚌𝚑 𝚞𝚙 - 𝚃𝚜𝚞𝚝𝚘𝚖𝚞 𝙶𝚘𝚜𝚑𝚒𝚔𝚒  
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Yikes, I don’t really see this boy being really interested in astrology or crystals. 
I feel like if you were in a relationship with him it’ll be totally one sided and not fun. 
Like at all…
Brightside if you’re nice to him and point out his skills and achievements he’d kinda just fall for you. Keep doing that you might eventually get him into astrology or mayhaps crystals.
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Again another really fun request. Hope you enjoyed your results @yyyyikees . Sorry if I might’ve left any blanks. Or if the characters weren’t who you’d hope to get m(_ _)m
For those who are still waiting please be patient. I've had a pretty busy schedule and workload. DM me if your request has been pending for about a month now.
Pictures edited by: @dublemiyachiaseed
𝙿𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚎 𝙲𝚑𝚎𝚌𝚔 𝙼𝚢 𝙽𝚊𝚟𝚒𝚐𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 (𝙿𝚒𝚗𝚗𝚎𝚍 𝙿𝚘𝚜𝚝) 𝙵𝚘𝚛 𝚁𝚎𝚚𝚞𝚎𝚜𝚝 𝚄𝚙𝚍𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚜
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tinpani · 6 years
Rule: Name your top 10 favorite characters from 10 different fandoms, and then tag 10 people.
Tagged by: @itadaki-matsu
Karamatsu Matsuno 💕 Osomatsu-san
Undyne 💕 Undertale
Mari Shirako 💕 Urahara
Kevin 💕 Welcome to Nightvale
My Melody 💕 Sanrio
Salior Jupiter 💕 Sailor Moon
Chrissy 💕 Animal Crossing
Peaches 💕 Neko Atsume
Rarity 💕 My Little Pony
I tag ♡ @flowerchild9087 ♡ @yyyyikees ♡ @heartmod ♡ @strex-representative ♡ @emocutie ♡ @heartbunnies ♡ @gay-knives ♡ @pickled-depression ♡ @magicalpurin ♡ @extrememoistness ♡
Sorry if you’ve already done this lol
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ficklefics · 4 years
500 Follower Celebration!
500!!! I honestly cannot believe this - that the blog I started a year and a half ago (I think) to share my dumb self indulgent Jerome Valeska fic now has 500 followers. Whatever you came here for, whether its fanfic, incorrect quotes, or just fandom stuff, I am so grateful for each and every one of you.
I really want to do an actual thing for this, but I have an exam this week so that will have to come later. So for now, I’m gonna give shoutouts to some of my amazing mutuals who you should definitely go follow right now!
Thank you again to every single person who follows me, whether you’ve been here from your start or only just arrived to this dumpster fire of a blog! I can’t wait to write more, create more, and talk to more of you, cause you’re all amazing!
Lots of love, El
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ficklefics · 5 years
Yandere!Jerome Valeska Headcanons
Requested by @yyyyikees 
Warnings: Stalking, Yandere, Suggested unhealthy/abusive relationship
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Jerome is not one for subtlety
So don’t expect him to spend months quietly following you
Absolutely not
Once he catches notice of you it's zero to a hundred in an instant
He probably saw you on one of his first outings with the Maniax, at the fuel plant or the news office - or maybe he had seen you at Arkham, working or visiting someone
Regardless, as soon as he was free, his first thought would be you
He’d get Theo to find whatever information possible, to find out everything about you
All so he could impress you
At the first opportunity, he would go to your house and wait for you there
He might not even realise what he was doing was insanely creepy
And even if he did he wouldn’t care
Because he knew best
Whenever you got home he would ask you to come with him, so that he could set you free
It wouldn’t matter how you respond - you were going with him willingly or not
He would keep you in his room
He wouldn’t want anyone else looking at what he considered to be his property
If you were scared or upset, he would comfort you, kiss your tears away, stroke your hair, seemingly oblivious to the fact that he was the cause of your fear
But be careful
He might care about you, might be obsessed with you, but if you don’t behave, if you wear his short patience thin... you’re in trouble
After coming back from the dead, Jerome has little time for messing about
He’s single-minded and focused, and once he has you in his sights nothing will stop him from getting to you
It’s all he can think about
He would kill anyone to get to you
And once he’s got you, he will never let you go
He’s possessive and will mark you as his, whether that’s with hickeys or bite marks or physical scars
Everyone in Gotham will know about you, and know not to go anywhere near you or else they will suffer Jerome’s wrath
But if he grows bored of you, or you’re too weak for him, he will have no issue disposing of you - he won’t want to, but he will
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