#zelda fan fic
minijenn · 3 months
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Story Summary: After spending five years stuck in the World of the Ocean King, Link returns to the Great Sea, only to find it changed beyond recognition. His friends and family view him as a traitor, accusing him of causing chaos across the ocean. With his allies all turned against him and a curse threatening to take his life, he sets out to reconnect with the one person who may be able to clear his name: Tetra.
Meanwhile, something sinister is rising over the Great Sea--a shadow seeking to spill the hero's blood and revive its fallen master. And this time, Link may not be strong enough to stop it on his own.
Ships: Link/Tetra
Rating: T
Warnings: Angst, Trauma, Violence, Blood and Injury, Torture, Harm to Children, Psycological Trauma
Chapter Summary: A lost hero finally finds his way home... but at what cost? Two Years Later “This is a pointless waste of time,” Linebeck scowls. He spits a mouthful of tobacco juice over the side of the S.S. Linebeck , into the ocean. Across the deck, Ciela cringes; how the captain recently developed such an affinity for such a foul habit, she has no idea. But she doesn’t intend to scold him about it, not unless he manages to inspire Link to pick it up too. “Always is, every time we do this.” “If it’s important to Link, then it isn’t a waste,” Ciela flies a bit closer. Even from a distance, she can smell the tobacco on the captain’s breath. Still, she holds her tongue. At least about that. “Who knows? Maybe Astrid will actually have some new information for him this time!” “Yeah, and maybe I’ll search my pockets and find a million rupees!” Linebeck snarks. He puts on a show of doing exactly that, pulling out his blatantly empty pockets to further prove his point. He rolls his eyes when he hears Ciela let out an aggravated growl. “Look, I’m just saying,” he leans against the side of the boat, crosses his arms. “I don’t know why the kid insists on putting himself through this every few months. He gets his hopes sky high just for that clueless fortune teller to feed him the same bunch of nothing over and over again.  “You don’t know that!” Ciela argues. “It could be different this time! You never know.”
Click the link to read more; all comments are appreciated!
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omg she’s finally updated, after what feels like years.
i hope you enjoy this chapter <3
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thehonorableprince · 2 years
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The Breaking of Time CH 11 - A Dark Messanger
A band of moblins chase a lone Hylian to the lake's gates. Link and the other soldiers rush to save the man, but the squire is cut off from the others
. Read more at: https://archiveofourown.org/works/27777823/chapters/68065786
Illustration by: http://instagram.com/hollow.rt/
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somnimagus · 10 months
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My page for @sheikahzine; about Impaz's duty to her village, empty of people and full of memories.
[id in alt text]
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ereighna · 15 days
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Something else I noticed about Wars and fairies. The fairies only really physically touch him. The others seem to have them float around but Wars they snuggle up.
They do fuss over Time, but not touch. Edit: they do land on Time, I missed that in my excitement.
Also, Four, chill.
Credit to @jojo56830 at @linkeduniverse.
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knight-of-aether · 2 months
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"He sits there for another two hours, with Legend cradled tightly in his arms, the lantern glowing in his grasp, a small island of warmth and light in the cold darkness. With nothing but his memories, and the slow, quiet draw of Legend’s breath, to keep him company."
First time sharing my Linked Universe fanart here, after lurking in the fandom for years - I was emboldened to do so by @kikker-oma 's lovely Fan Joy July event. This illustration is for Clearing the Air, a story by Sinnatious which has embedded itself deep into my psyche and refuses to leave. It's genuinely great writing - go read it if you haven't and enjoy heavy angst, wilderness survival, and old men being absolutely, perfectly, 100% fine, thank you very much.
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journen · 5 months
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Simon encounters a creature
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ghosthoard · 3 months
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“You’re my brother,” said Sky. “I trust you, I believe in you, I love you.”
My contribution to FanJoyJuly! I will never stop talking about this fic. Thank you for bringing this story into the world @alicewritingstories ❤️
I love the parallels between Warriors, Twilight, and Wild. The way the three of them help each other with similar issues. How Wild and Four’s reassuring Twilight and Time’s words helped Twilight reassure Warriors. Sky’s reassurance leading Warriors into opening up to Twilight. How what Warriors learned from the others leads to him helping Wild when Wild has the same worries.
Brilliant from the whole chain, excellent work. Absolutely beautiful writing.
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metamatronic · 3 months
Champions Resurrected AU / Prelude 1: Mipha
i was gonna post this on AO3 and I still might if I write more, but here’s a brief written retelling/continuation of the Mipha & Sidon reunion comic (warnings: canon typical violence? just in case)
The crackling noise that shook through Zora’s Domain that morning was mistaken for thunder at first. Zoras chatted amongst themselves, puzzled over lightning in a cloudless sky. Even King Dorephan, who had lived long enough to experience nearly every natural oddity that occurred near the Domain, leaned forward on his throne to peer into the vast blue.
“There, Father! Do you see it?” Sidon, always eager to abandon their discussions on politics, pointed toward the falling beam as it cut through the sky. “A falling star during the day. How rare!”
“I doubt it,” Dorephan rumbled. “I’ve seen many falling stars. I’ve never seen one like that. Something is strange about it.”
“Your Majesty, we are under attack!”
Sidon only winced a little at the sharp voice, before straightening up on instinct. He watched his father shoot his advisor an amused look as he rushed in.
“I doubt that as well, Muzu,” Dorephan chuckled. “If so, our enemy’s aim could certainly use some work!”
“Your Majesty!” Muzu cried, wringing his hands. “Please, consider the possibility at least!”
Sidon tuned out the conversation, walking out to the balcony and watching the dazzling light as it descended. Now that he was really looking, it had a faint blue glow to it that seemed to be dimming as it approached the ground. Its movement was strange, bobbing through the air like it was adjusting its course. A Rito, perhaps?
Sidon certainly hoped not as he watched the light plummet behind the rocks and into the Bank of Wishes. He hadn’t met many, but from what he’d heard, the Rito weren’t particularly keen swimmers. His fins itched as thoughts of warbled squawking and the charging of Lizalfo shock arrows plagued his mind.
“I will go investigate,” Sidon said, loudly enough to cut off whatever tirade Muzu had been in the middle of.
“Sire! Surely you’re joking!” Muzu said. “You cannot be so reckless! Ever since you took on Vah Ruta, you’ve been acting as though you are invincible, insisting you handle things yourself. If you keep acting as such—”
“I am very fast and very capable. I will be back if it is anything too dangerous, I assure you!” Sidon said with a grin. He was already stepping backward towards the edge of the balcony. “You have my word.”
“My Lord!” Muzu cried as Sidon winked, before leaping gracefully off the ledge and into the waters below.
By the time Muzu had made his way to the balcony, the only trace of the prince was a slice of red cutting effortlessly through Ruto Lake.
‌▲ ▲‌ ▲
Mipha groaned, opening her eyes and immediately regretting it as she was buffeted by the fierce wind. As she grasped uselessly at her surroundings, every nerve suddenly sparked to life as she realized she was falling. Fast.
Her right fin was pulled open by a gust and she spun with a yelp, being tossed violently through the air. It reminded her of swimming down a waterfall, the dizzying feeling of the current and gravity pulling you relentlessly toward the sharp rocks below.
“Always keep your eyes forward, my dear Mipha,” her father’s voice echoed, pulling her back to her youth when she’d foolishly closed her eyes and nearly missed the lake below. “The most dangerous thing you can do is let your fear steer you.”
Prying her eyes open, she extended her fins and clumsily straightened herself. She felt a wave of nausea hit as the faded blues of distance gave way to the vibrant greens and purples of the earth below. A long leap off a waterfall, she told herself, that’s all this was.
Mipha bit her lip as she took in the surroundings. Even from this height, she could recognize her home, even if the sight brought her little comfort in her current situation. She was positioned over the Zora River now but could feel the wind knocking her around. Even a few feet off target could spell the end, and Mipha was already more acquainted with death than she ever wished to be.
With a shaky breath, she pulled her arms to her sides and flattened her fins, picking up speed until the world blurred. The wind whistling past her was nearly loud enough to hurt but was soon muddled by the familiar sound of rushing water and bubbling air pockets. She opened her fins quickly to slow the pull downward, relenting only when the pull of gravity faded to the gentle current of the river.
When the bubbles finally cleared, Mipha found herself upsetting close to the rocky bottom of Zora River.
She could still feel her heartbeat everywhere, behind her eyes and at the ends of her fins. She fought the tears pricking her eyes, shaking as the adrenaline slowly filtered from her system.
It was only after she’d allowed herself a moment of reprieve that it clicked.
She had a heartbeat. She could see the small bubbles pushing around her as she moved the water around her. She was here, alive.
“How is this…” Mipha stared at her hands, unmistakably solid, and forgave the tremor in her voice. “What happened?”
A warm light had descended into the depths of Vah Ruta. Mipha had known instantly what it was—could feel the warmth of Hylia even through the coldness of her spirit. She briefly said her goodbyes, before capturing the light in her hands and fading away.
In all honesty, Mipha hadn’t been certain what would come after that. But hurtling toward the ground at high speeds had not been it.
“I should…what should I do?” Mipha waded anxiously back and forth beneath the turbulent current. “Should I return to the Domain? Would that cause some sort of issue? Perhaps I should return to Vah Ruta…”
Despite her fondness for her Divine Beast, Mipha couldn’t suppress the shudder that ran through her at that. Surely after committing one hundred years to her tomb, the Goddesses would forgive her stalling her return a bit.
“I’m not even sure how much time has passed since Link’s victory over Ganon…” Mipha mumbled quietly. “For all I know, thousands of years have passed. Perhaps I’ve been reincarnated? Though I don’t think one usually reincarnates as an adult. Or with their memories, for that matter.” Even passing fish seemed to eye her warily as she fidgeted in place. She groaned.
“Oh, just make up your mind, Mipha!” she scolded quietly, squishing her face. “Right, then I’ll return to the Domain and ask around. Surely someone will be able to fill in the details.”
With that, Mipha propelled herself upwards into the main current, pivoted around the bend, and smashed headlong into something.
It was large and red, but that was all Mipha could make out past the stars in her eyes. The direct hit to the nose had shocked her system, leaving her nearly blind in the water. Dazed, she pushed upwards until water gave way to cool air. She shook her head, which only served to worsen the ringing in her ears.
Thankful at least that her sight returned, Mipha blinked and almost doubted her newly restored vision. A Zora nearly twice her size was treading water in front of her, rubbing his nose and saying something Mipha couldn’t quite make out.
“…a…logies, I must h… let the cur…nt…rry me too quickly. Are you injured? I can help you back to the Domain if you are. Again, I apologize for…” The large Zora trailed off as he looked down, blinking owlishly at Mipha.
He was familiar in a way that pulled deep at Mipha’s soul. She could see the lines of others—parts of her father, her mother, even some of herself—but it was the way his eyes lit up with an almost childlike hope that solidified what her heart already knew.
“Sidon?” She asked.
Sidon’s face split into a blinding grin.
“Sister!” He swam forward, before jolting to a stop. His eyes snapped behind her, and it was as they widened in horror that Mipha heard the charging of a shock arrow being knocked.
Spinning, Mipha reached for her trident and was met with empty air. Frantic, she launched a weak spray of water at the Lizalfo before being yanked away. She heard the arrow loose, then the sickening thunk as it embedded into skin.
She looked up at Sidon, who was hunched over her protectively. He winced, undoubtedly from the arrow lodged in his shoulder, and turned to the Lizalfo with gritted teeth.
“No!” Mipha cried. She pulled Sidon underwater, doing her best to ignore the pained yelp as she tugged on his injured arm to urge him lower.
“If I hadn’t struck the arrow with water and activated the shock before it hit you, your injury would be much more severe. We must dive deep enough that the shock radius won’t hit us if he fires again.”
“It’s just one Lizalfo, Sister!” Sidon said, but she could hear him hiss a little as he swam. “I promise, I’ve handled much worse!”
“There is never just one Lizalfo, Sidon,” She chided. “This should be deep enough. Let me heal you.”
She swam behind him, frowning at the scars that littered his body. “I need to remove the arrow before I can begin. I’m sorry.”
“It’s alright,” Sidon says, his smile strained slightly with pain. “It’s not the first time that this has happened.”
“That is what concerns me,” Mipha said quietly. She yanked the arrow out quickly before pressing her hands to the wound, pooling her energy into her palms. “I have no doubt you have defended our domain bravely, Sidon. I’m so incredibly proud of you. I only wish I could have been there to heal you and protect you from harm.”
“Sister…” Sidon said quietly. He moved to turn, but Mipha tutted at him and he stayed still, tilting his head down to stare at the riverbed below.
“It has undoubtedly been difficult since your…since you failed to return from Vah Ruta,” Sidon said. “But your unending kindness and devotion have been a beacon of hope for our whole kingdom. None more than me. You may not have known it, but there was never a moment you weren’t with me.”
He tilted his head to the side, peering over his shoulder as Mipha worked. “If I may ask, Sister, how is it that you’ve managed to return? Not that I’m ungrateful, I assure you! But…”
“In all honesty, I’m not sure myself,” Mipha said, quietly lifting her hands as the last threads of her healing magic settled into Sidon. “One moment I was aboard Vah Ruta, a spirit, finally content to move on knowing the war was won and our people were safe. Then, the next moment, I’m hurtling toward the ground, several thousand feet in the air. I’m at a loss for explanations.”
Sidon spun around quickly, eyes sparkling. “That glowing comet in the sky, that was you? That is amazing! Extraordinary!” He grabbed her hands, smiling wide. “This must be a gift from the Goddess! Payment for your hard work and sacrifice, no doubt! No one would be more deserving than you!”
At that, Mipha paused. “Do you think…The other Champions, would they have also…?”
“Perhaps so,” Sidon said, scratching his chin. “I can’t say I’ve heard anything, but admittedly I don’t keep very informed on foreign affairs. Perhaps someone else in the Domain has heard something? Or…!”
Sidon snapped to attention, smile glowing impossibly brighter. “I’ll send for Link! Surely he’ll know, as well-traveled and sociable as he is, and I have no doubt he will be thrilled to see you again! Perhaps we could even call the engagement back on!”
Mipha sputtered bubbles at Sidon’a grin. “S-Sidon! There is—was never any engagement! Link and I are friends, th-that’s all!”
Sidon frowned, looking thoughtful. “But I was positive the Zora armor was for him. It looked like a perfect fit!”
“Oh, you found that then?” Mipha said, voice pitching up an octave. “That was, erm, well it was a rash decision really. I thought better of it, hence why he never found out about it! So really, there’s no need to tell him it was even made!”
“Ah, so you didn’t end up confessing anything,” Sidon said, nodding. “Your diary entry was unclear, so I wasn’t sure whether the two of you had made proper arrangements or not. Poor Link remembers very little from that time, unfortunately, and even showing him the passage didn’t seem to help.”
“You…You read my diary?” Mipha mumbled in disbelief. She then swayed a little, realization hitting her. “Link read my diary?!”
“Did…Did anyone else?”
“Father, Muzu, and a very talented Rito bard named Kass.”
Mipha made a noise like a tea kettle and Sidon looked immediately abashed, glancing away. “Er, I do hope that was alright? Father said you likely wouldn’t have minded, and I wanted so desperately to preserve your legacy.”
“Well, then I have a few words for Father,” Mipha huffed. “Reading a girl’s diary, really! How uncouth.”
She swam past him before turning, holding out a hand for Sidon. It felt a little silly now, offering to guide a Zora so much larger than herself. He must be about her age now and had clearly grown into a capable warrior. But in those eyes, Mipha could only see her young brother, still anxious to speak to others or swim too far from her side.
If Sidon took offense to the gesture, he showed no sign of it as he took her hand tightly. But then he let go, swam beside her, withdrew his trident—Mipha almost thought it was her own, but reconsidered when she noticed how large it was—and set it horizontally behind his back. He tilted his head toward it, but Mipha simply stared in confusion.
“I imagine falling from the sky was a harrowing experience, and I cannot begin to think of how taxing being revived from the dead must be,” Sidon clears his throat, eyes drifting to the side. “Allow me to carry you back. It will be easier to dodge enemies if we travel together, and I assure you I am capable. I am one of the fastest swimmers in the Domain, after all!”
Mipha stared at him a moment more before his action clicked into place. She’d done the same things for him when he was young—using her own trident as a handgrip for a much smaller Sidon as they traversed the waterfalls. Muzu had worried endlessly about it, convinced that Sidon would slip or that his grip would falter and he would go coasting off the side of a cliff. But she’d insisted that she trusted Sidon’s strength and courage, and her father had agreed to allow her to continue.
Now, Sidon swam nervously in front of her, offering his trident to her in the same gesture. She felt her heart swell, seeing that even after all these years, he hadn’t forgotten their time together. She smiled, tears threatening to spill from her eyes again as she dove behind Sidon. He turned to look, smile faltering for a moment before Mipha set a gentle hand on his shoulder.
“Forgive me, Sidon. I was overcome with emotions. I trust you, and thank you for your kindness.” She tightened her hands around the trident, and the feeling of cool Zora steel beneath her hands for the first time in a century sent a chill through her. “I’m ready when you a—re!”
Mipha bit down a yelp as Sidon shot through the water at near-blinding speeds. It took her a moment to adjust, and even the familiar Zora River left her speechless as it whipped by. She now had no doubt her brother was the strongest swimmer she’d ever met—it was as if the water itself was pushing him forward like a jet stream. It was exhilarating, almost like learning to swim all over again, and Mipha couldn’t contain the joyous laughter that pulled its way out of her.
She was here, really here, feeling the water on her scales and the cool metal under her fingers. She could see the fish and plants move as they swam by, could see the trail of bubbles in their wake. When they broke the surface of the water, cutting effortlessly up the falls of the Domain, she gasped, taking in the view.
She was with her beloved brother, in her beloved home, and she was alive.
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minijenn · 2 months
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Story Summary: After spending five years stuck in the World of the Ocean King, Link returns to the Great Sea, only to find it changed beyond recognition. His friends and family view him as a traitor, accusing him of causing chaos across the ocean. With his allies all turned against him and a curse threatening to take his life, he sets out to reconnect with the one person who may be able to clear his name: Tetra.
Meanwhile, something sinister is rising over the Great Sea--a shadow seeking to spill the hero's blood and revive its fallen master. And this time, Link may not be strong enough to stop it on his own.
Ships: Link/Tetra
Rating: T
Warnings: Angst, Trauma, Violence, Blood and Injury, Torture, Harm to Children, Psycological Trauma
Chapter Summary: A hero has a homecoming... but it's nothing like he thought it would be. “I wish I was home.” He doesn’t feel it happen, or at least, he doesn’t think he does. He’s not so sure what it’s even supposed to feel like. But what he does feel is Goddess Tear disappearing from his hand. What he feels is the soft bed of sand he’s suddenly lying on. What he hears is the gentle din of waves meeting the shore. What he smells is the smooth, salty sea air. What he sees when he opens his eyes is the starry night sky hanging high above his head, without a single Goddess Tear in sight.  It’s enough to spark a tiny burst of hope within his heart. That hope only grows when he slowly sits up to stare at the sea before him. Upon a first glance, it looks almost identical to the ocean he’s spent the past four years upon. But what lies on the shore just behind him is more than enough to set it apart.  Link gasps, swiveling around in the sand to face it properly. He’s shocked by how it still looks almost exactly how he left it. The same humble houses all sitting right where he remembers them to be, the same watch tower rising above the same short dock, the same pair of cliffs standing tall above it all. And, just a few short feet to his left… the same cozy little cottage he grew up in, its windows aglow in with the same comforting light he’s always known.  Sure enough, the Goddesses have heard his wish and answered it. He’s back on the Great Sea, back on Outset.  He’s home . 
Click the link to read more; all comments are appreciated!
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radicalfemimist · 12 days
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this was soooo much work and my wrist hates me for it, omg. if this only gets like, 2 likes, I’m going to be so disappointed. 😭
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lunarobyn22 · 7 months
@cloudninetonine IT’S DONE! I love how the fic turned out, thank you for letting me write this! Here’s the link, but I’ll also put it in my bio. I love your work and I can’t wait to see where you go with it!
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demiboydemon · 3 months
New pre-Calamity Zelink fic!
Summary: When Link gets injured fighting recklessly, it’s up to Zelda to help him. This help includes patching him up, and also telling him he’s grounded from getting hurt unnecessarily.
He doesn’t listen, but he does answer her question: Why is he always so reckless? Maybe his answer is more complicated than Zelda expects.
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secondhand-goose · 4 months
Ever find a hyperfixation that absolutely fits your vibe, but just haven't gotten around to it?
like I am sooooo legend of zelda-coded. Could definitely see that as a possible obsession in my future. Fanfic writers have absolutely interpreted me as a Zelda kid.
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loz-untold-myths · 4 months
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ML Ganondorf sketch because I need to figure out a way I actually want to draw him
The Story:
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posts my idiot son and refuses to elaborate
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