#zodiac bows and arrows
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Sagittarius Nov 21 - Dec 21
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quirk-nova · 10 months
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A loud and selfish ghost-like demon who represented Bow. Ghoul had the ability to create and wield weapons with spiritual power. He used to live alone on an empty site in Flankford that would later become a cemetery in the present day.
Headcanon Voice: John Kassir
Deadpool / Wade Wilson Voice - Marvel: Ultimate Alliance (Video Game) - Behind The Voice Actors
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lyfeuvquelle · 1 year
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artisticwolfprints · 1 year
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Woman of the Zodiac - Sagittarius - 2020
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thehmn · 3 months
When artists depicts zodiac signs what would you wish people focused more on with your sign and did less?
For example, I already did mine, Sagittarius, where I feel like people get too focused on the bow and arrow and depict them as cool hunters instead of focusing more on the actual description of them as freedom loving travelers and students who’s always “on the hunt” for knowledge, forever trying to expand their worldview. Someone who’s not always reliable because their feet take them in all sorts of directions and though they’ll happily travel with you they won’t settle down so if you prefer to stay in one place the best relationship you can hope for is a visit from them every time they’re in town so to speak. Sorta like a Snufkin type. Ergo, I prefer depictions of Sagittarius as a traveler or even a vagabond depending on how positive or negative you wanna go with the traits.
I want to take another stab at all the zodiac signs some day so I NEED to hear you opinion on how you’d like to see your own sign depicted and what you’re sick of seeing.
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thecupidwitch · 2 months
Planetary Magick🌙
Zodiac: Leo
Metal: Gold
Day: Sunday
Colors: organge, yellow, amber
Stones: Amber, topaz, ruby, diamond
Tarot: The Sun
Herbs: Angelica, poppy, sunflower, marigold, hibiscus, mistletoe
Symbols: lion, hexagram, sparrow hawk, dragon, head, heart, swan
Influences: renown, potency, fortune, tyranny, pride, ambition, masculinity, arrogance, bigotry, vitality, health
Zodiac: cancer
Metal: sliver
Day: Monday
Colors: blue, sliver
Stones: moonstone, pearl
Tarot: The High Priestess, The Chariot
Herbs: eucalyptus, coconut, jasmine, lotus, myrrh, sandalwood
Symbols: bow and arrow, crab, cat, turtle, Sphinx, owl
Influences: gradtitufe, friendliness, safe, travel, physical health, wealth, protection for enemies, deception, illusion, women, emotions, healing, dreams
Zodiac: Virgo, Gemini
Metal: aluminum, Mercury
Day: Wednesday
Colors: violet, gray, purple, indigo, yellow
Stones: opal agate
Tarot: The Lovers
Herbs: hyssop, juniper, betony, carrot, chickweed
Symbols: wand, octagram, the mind
Influences: good fortune, gratitude, gain, memory, understanding, divination, dreams, forgetfulness, communication, business, cleverness, creativity, information, intellect, memory, perception, science, wisdom, gambling, writing, root of dishonesty, deception
Zodiac: taurus, libra
Metal: copper
Day: Friday
Colors: green, pink
Stones: turquoise, emerald, sapphire, jade
Tarot: The Empress
Herbs: jimsonweed, violet, rose, alder, apple, angelica, olive, sesame
Symbols: sparrow, dove, swan, pentagram
Influences: peace, agreements, cooperation, fertility, joy, love, good fortune, jealousy, strife, promiscuity
Zodiac: aries, scorpio
Metal: iron, red brass, steel
Day: Tuesday
Color: Red
Stones: ruby, garnet, bloodstone, diamond
Tarot: The Tower
Herbs: ginger, mustard
Symbols: sword, pentagram, horse, bear, wolf, vulture
Influences: war, victory, judgements, submission of enemies, bleeding, stripping one of rank, harness, discord, conflict, aggression, lust, power, courage, goals, protection, motivation, ambition, strength
Zodiac: pisces, sagittarius
Metal: tin
Day: Thursday 
Colors: blue
Stone: sapphire
Tarot: The Wheel of Fortune
Herbs: balm, hyssop, maple leaf and bark, oak, sage, dandelion root
Symbols: eagle, dolphin
Influences: gains, riches, favor, peace, cooperation, appeasing enemies, dissolving
Zodiac: capricorn
Metal: lead
Day: Saturday
Color: black
Stone: onyx
Taror: The World
Herbs: alder, apple, ash, asparagus, baneberry, belladonna, distort, hellebore, blackthorn, corm, cypress
Symbols: cuttlefish, mole
Influences: safety, power, success, positive response to requests, intellect, causes discord, strips honor, melancholy
Zodiac: aquarius
Day: Thursday
Colors: blue-green, electric blue
Stones: quartz, labradorite, blue topaz, amber, amethyst, garnet, diamond
Tarot: The Fool
Herbs: clover, pokeweed, snowdrop, foxglove, love, rosemary, trees of heaven, hellebore, morning glory, sage, wintergreen, orchids, sweet woodruff
Symbols: dragonfly, butterfly
Influences: breaking connection, sudden and unexpected change, freedom, originality, radical and revolutionary ideas, enlightenment, equality, individuality, rebellion, instability, loneliness, boredom, mistrust of self
Zodiac: pisces
Minerals: coral, aquamarine, platinum, neptunium
Colors: green, blue, lavender
Tarot: The Hanged Man
Herbs: morning glory, night-blooming jasmine, pine, water lily
Symbols: the sea, Trident, the spine
Influences: dissolving boundaries, expanding upon ideas, changing established rules, intuition, idealism, sacrifice, glamour, illusion, evolution, decay, visions, art, healing, inspiration, dreams, creativity, compassion, drifting from reality, carelessness, stubbornness, absent mind
Zodiac: scorpio
Metal: plutonium, tin chrome, steel
Day: Tuesday
Colors: maroon, dark red, purple, white, black
Stones: snowflake obsidian, clack tourmaline
Tarot: Judgement
Herbs: pomegranate, rosemary, vanilla, basil, poppies, belladonna, foxglove
Symbols: Phoenix, snake, scorpion, fox, eagle
Influences; destruction making way for renewal, rebirth, knowledge, spirituality, transformation, destiny, the subconscious, desire, arrogance, death, obsession, destruction
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stalkerofthegods · 5 months
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Artemis Straight to the point info 
Herbs • Artemisia, plants that bloom under the moonlight, Cypress, Chamomile, thyme, Lavender, Mugwort (poisonous if used in large amounts and can irritate skin), Birch, Juniper (poisonous if used in large amounts and can irritate skin), Mint, Pine (poisonous if used in large amounts and can irritate skin), Sage, Thistle (poisonous if used in large amounts and can irritate skin), Yarrow (poisonous if used in large amounts and can irritate skin), Angelica (poisonous if used in large amounts and can irritate skin), Bay Laurel (poisonous if used in large amounts and can irritate skin), Coriander, Dill, amaranth, cannabis, cedar, cypress, daisy, date palm, hazel, mugwort, myrtle, ox-eye daisy, silver fir, willow, laurel trees, fir trees, Various nuts or nut trees, Asphodel, Wormwood, wild flowers, Tarragon
Animals• deer/stags, geese, wild dogs, fish, goats, bees, hounds, all animals (she is the creator of all Animals in some discriptons), Calydonian boar, partridges, guineafowls, lions or leopards, bees, bears especially, bulls 
Zodiac • Cancer, Sagittarius, and Scorpio 
Colors • Silver, green, blood red, moonlight silver, Yellow
Crystal• moonstone, Black jasper, Clear quarts, Opal, White or black pearls, Amethyst, Black tourmaline.
Symbols• quiver, hunting spears, a torch, and a lyre, deer 
Jewelry you can wear in their honor• You can veil, and wear a maternity outfit in her honor while giving birth. 
Diety of • Unmarried Girls, Girl Childhood, hunting, chastity, menstruation, fast and easy death in childbirth, nature, childbirth, wildlife, healing, sudden death, animals, lakes, springs, virginity, young women, archery, and the moon
Patron of • childbirth, and fertility (Virgin means unmarried when she got the title before the meaning of it today, she helped Apollo be born, which accords to fertility), lesbians, unmarried women, hunt, chastity, archery, and the wilds, she protects girls and women during childbirth, menstruation, the moon, Nursing infants, Maiden dances, Maiden song, nurses/doctors who help with childbirth
Offerings•  •Bows and arrows, Images of Artemis, Game meat, Amphiphontes (round cakes topped with tiny torches, These are likely a reference to the full moon. White-frosted cupcakes with white or silver candles may be a suitable substitute), Cakes, cookies, pastries shaped like animals (ex-particularly deer), Red wine, Red grape, popomegranate, cranberry juice, Honey, Luxurious clothing, Wildflowers, almonds, goats, Honey, Hunting tools, javelins, nets, traps, masks, flowers, animal bones, tusks, taxidermy, tusks, animal hides, clothing (your favorite clothing or a garment you bought specifically for her), Owl and quail feathers, your hair 
Devotional• Donate to childbirth charities, donate to young girl charities and programs,   Dancing, Herbalism, Donating woman and girl clothes, taking nature walks, enjoying nature, give her offerings at midnight, make arrows, devote your hunting (invoke her before and thank her after), have a feast of her favorite food in her honor
Ephithets & titles • ACRAEA/Akraia - given to various goddesses and gods whose temples were situated upon hills, AEGINAEA/Aiginaia - when she was worshipped at Sparta, AETO′LE/Aitôlê - when she was worshipped at Naupactus, AGORAEA/AGORAEUS/Agoraia/Agoraios - protectors of the assemblies of the people in the agora, AGRO′TERA/Agrotera - the huntress, ALPHAEA/ALPHEAEA/ALPHEIU′SA/Alphaia/Alpheaia/Alpheiousa - derived from the river god Alpheius, who loved her, AMARYNTHUS/Amarunthos - a hunter of Artemis, A′NGELOS/Angelos - when she was worshipped at Syracuse, APANCHO′MENE/Apanchomenê - the strangled goddess, ARICI′NA/Arikinê -from the town of Aricia in Latium, ARISTO/Aristô - the best, ASTRATEIA/Astrateia - she was believed to have stopped the progress of the Amazons, BRAURO′NIA/Braurônia - from the demos of Brauron in Attica, CALLISTE/Kallistê - when she was worshipped at Athens and Tegea, CARYA′TIS/Karuatis - from the town of Caryae in Laconia, CHITO′NE/Chitônê - represented as a huntress with her chiton girt up, CHRYSAOR/Chrusaôr - The god with the golden sword or arms, CNA′GIA/Knagia - derived from Cnageus, COLAENIS/Kolainis - from the Attic demos of Myrrhinus, CORDACA/Kordaka - derived from an indecent dance called kordac, performed in honour of the goddess after a victory,  CORYPHAEA/Koruphaia - the goddess who inhabits the summit of the mountain, CORYTHA′LLIA/Koruthallia - from Sparta, at whose festival of the Tithenidia, CRANAEA/Kranaia - derived from a temple on a hill near Elateia in Phocis, Kunthia and Kunthios - surnames respectively of Artemis and Apollo,  DAPHNAEA and DAPHNAEUS/Daphnaia and Daphnaios - surnames of Artemis and Apollo, DE′LIA and DE′LIUS/Dêlios and Dêlia or Dêlias - surnames of Apollo and Artemis, DELPHI′NIA/Delphinia -Artemis at Athens, DERRHIA′TIS/Derriatis -  derived from the town of Derrhion, 
EURY′NOME/Eurunomê - from Phiglea in Arcadia, GAME′LII/Gamêlioi theoi - the divinities protecting and presiding over marriage, GENETYLLIS/Genetullis - the protectress of births, HECAERGE/Hekaergê - a daughter of Boreas, who were believed to have introduced the worship of Artemis in Delos, HEGE′MONE/Hêgemonê - leader or ruler, HEMERE′SIA/Hêmerêsia - soothing goddess, HEURIPPE/Heurippa -  finder of horses, HY′MNIA/Humnia - when she was worshipped throughout Arcadia, IMBRA′IA/Imbrasia - surname of Artemi, ISSO′RIA/Issôria - derived from Mount Issorion, LA′PHRIA/Laphraia - surname of Artemis among the Calydonians, LEUCOPHRYNE/Leukophrunê - derived from the town of Leucophrys in Phrygia, LIME′NIA/LIMENI′TES/LIMENI′TIS, and LIMENO′SCOPUS/Limenia/Limenitês/Limenitis/Limenodkopos - the protector or superintendent of the harbour, LIMNAEA/LIMNE′TES/LIMNE′GENES/Limnaia/Limnêtês/Limnêgenês - inhabiting or born in a lake or marsh, LOCHEIA/Locheia - the protectress of women in childbed, LYCEIA/Lukeia - a surname of Artemis, LYCOA′TIS/Lukoatis - surname of Artemis, LYGODESMA/Lugodesma - surname of Artemis whose statue had been found by the brothers Astrabacus and Alopecus under a bush of willows, LYSIZO′NA/Lusizônê - the goddess who loosens the girdle, MELISSA/Melissa - alleviates the suffering of women in childbed, MUNY′CHIA/Mounuchia - derived from the Attic port-town of Munyhia, OENOA′TIS/Oinôatis - surname of Artemis, O′RTHIA/Orthia/Orthias/Orthôsia - regarded as the goddess of the moon, ORT′YGIA/Ortugia - derived from the island of Ortygia, PARTHE′NIA/Parthenia - the maiden, PHERAEA/Pheraia - surname of Artemis at Pherae in Thessaly, PHOEBE/Phoibê - regarded as the female Phoebus or sun, PHO′SPHORUS/Phôsphoros - occurs as a surname of several goddesses of light, PITANA′TIS/Pitanatis - derived from the little town of Pitana in Laconia, where she had a temple, SARO′NIS/Sarônis - surname of Artemis at Troezene, SARPEDO′NIA/Sarpêdonia - derived from cape Sarpedon in Cilicia, SOTEIRA/Sôteira - the saving goddess, TAU′RICA/DEA/hê Taurikê - the Taurian goddess, TAURIO′NE/TAURO/TAURO′POLOS/TAURO′POS/Tauriônê, Taurô/Tauropolo/Taurôpos - originally a designation of the Tauran goddess, 
THOANTEA - a surname of the Taurian Artemis, UPIS/Oupis - assisting women in child-birth, Αγροτερη/Agrotera - Of the Hunt, Δικτυνναια/Dictynnaea - Of the Hunting Nets, Φεραια/Pheraea - Of the Beasts, Ελαφιαια/Pheraea - Of the Deer, Δαφναιη/Daphnaiê - Of the Laurel-Tree, Κεδρεατις/Kedreatis - Of the Cedar-Tree, Καρυαι/Karyai - Of the Walnut-Tree, Καρυατις/Karyatis - Of the Walnut-Tree, Λιμναιη/Limnaiê - Of the Lake, Λιμνατις/Limnatis - Of the Lake, Ἑλεια/Hêleia - Of the Marshes, Ευρυνωμη/Eurynômê - Of Broad Pastures, Λυκειη/Lykeiê - Of the Wolves, Λευκοφρυηνη/Leukophruênê - Of the White-(Bird?), Παιδοτροφος/Paidotrophos - Nurse of Children, Φιλομειραξ/Philomeirax - Friend of Young Girls, Ορσιλοχια/Orsilokhia - Helper of Childbirth, Σελασφορος/Selasphoros - Light-Bringer, Φωσφορος/Phôsphoros - Light-Bringer, Σωτειρα/Sôteira - Saviour, Ἡμερασια/Hêmerasia - She who Soothes, Ὑμνιη/Hymniê - Of the Hymns, Ἡγεμονη/Hêgemonê - Leader (of Dance, Choir), Κορδαξ/Kordax - Of Cordax Dance, Αριστη/Aristê - Best and Excellent, Ευκλεια/Eukleia - Of Good Repute, Καλλιστη/Kallistê - Very Beautiful, Πατρωια/Patrôia - Of the Fathers or Ancestral, Βασιλεις/Basileis - Princess/Royal, Ἱερεια/Hiereia - Priestess, Πρωτοθρονιη/Prôtothroniê - Of the First Throne, Μουνυχια/Mounykhia - Of Munychia (Attica), Βραυρωνια/Braurônia - Of Brauron (Attica), Κορυφαια/Koryphaia - Of Mt Coryphus (Argos), Αιγιναιη/Aiginaiê - Of Aegina, Δερεατις/Dereatis - Of Dereum (Laconia), Αλφειαια/Alpheiaiai - Of Alpheus R. (Elis), Αλφειωσια/Alpheiôsia - Of Alpheus R. (Elis), Αλφειουση/Alpheiousê - Of Alpheus R. (Elis), Λυκοη/Lykoê - Of Lycoa (Arcadia), Σκιατις/Stymphalia - Of Scias (Arcadia), Στυμφαλια/Skiatis - Of Stymphalus (Arcadia), Κνακαλησια/Knakalêsia - Of Mt Cnacalus (Arcadia), Αιτωλη/Aitôlê - Of Aetolia, Αμαρυσιη/Amarysiê - Of Amarynthus (Euboea), Αμαρυνθια/Amarynthia - Of Amarynthus (Euboea), Φεραια/Pheraia - Of Pherae (Thessaly), Ροκκαια/Rhokkaia - Of Rhocca (Crete), Μυσια/Mysia - Of Mysia, Αστυρηνη/Astyrênê - Of Astyra (Troad), Κολοηνης/Koloênês - Of Coloe (Lydia), Εφεσια/Ephesia - Of Ephesus (Caria), Κινδυας/Kindyas - Of Cindya (Caria), Περγαια/Pergaia - Of Perge (Pamphylia), Σκυθια/Skythia - Of Scythia, Ταυρια/Tauria - Of Tauric Chersonese, Ταυροπολος/Tauropolos - Of Taurus-City (Scythia), Ιφιγενεια/Iphigeneia - Of Iphigenia (heroine), Σαρωνις/Sarônis - Of Saron (hero Argos), Κναγια/Knagia - Of Cnageus (hero Sparta), Ελαφιαια/Elaphiaia - Of Elaphius (hero Elis), Καλλιστω/Kallistô - Of Callisto (heroine Arcadia), Λαφρια/Laphria - Of Laphrus (hero Phocis), Σαρπεδωνια/Sarpedônia - Of Sarpedon (hero Lycia?), Προπυλαιη/Propylaiê - Of the Gate, Ορθια/Orthia - Of the Steep, Αγοραια/Agoraia - Of the Market-Place, Απανχομενη/Apankhomenê - Strangled Lady, Λυγοδεσμη/Lygodesmê - Willow-Bound, Αστρατεια/Astrateia - Stayed the Advance, Ἑυριππα/Heurippa - Horse-Finder, Πειθω/Peithô - Persuasive, Πυρωνια/Pyrônia - Of the Fire, Κολαινις/Kolainis - Hornless,
Docked (Animal), Κονδυλεατις/Kondyleatis - Of Knuckles? (kondylos), Λευκοφρυνη/Leukophrynê - White-Toad?, -Bird?, Κοκκωκη/Kokkôkê - Of Berry-Seed? (kokkos), Κνακεατις/Knakeatis - Of Wolves? (knêkias, knakias), Αναιιτις/Anaiitis - (Lydian Goddess?), Ισσωρια/Issôria - unkown, Νεμυδια/Nemydia - unkown, Πωτνια Θερων/Pôtnia Therôn - Queen of Beasts, Ποτνα Θεα/Potna Thea - Goddess Queen, Λητωις/Lêtôis - Daughter of Leto, Λατωια/Latôia - Daughter of Leto, Λητωιας/Lêtôias - Daughter of Leto, Ἑκατη/Hekatê - Far-Shooting, Ἑκατηβολος/Hekatêbolos - Far-Shooting,Ἑκαεργε/Hekaerge - Worker from Afar, Ιοχεαιρα/Iokheaira - Of Showering Arrows, Χρυσηλακατος/Khrysêlakatos - Of the Golden Distaff, Χρυσαλακατος/Khrysalakatos - With Shafts of Gold, Αγροτερα/Agrotera - Of the Hunt, Θηροσκοπος/Thêroskopos - Hunter of Wild Beasts, Ελαφηβολος/Elaphêbolos - Deer-Shooting, Χρυσηνιος/Khrysênios - Of the Golden Reins, Χρυσοθρονος/Khrysothronos - Of the Golden Throne, Ευστεφανος/Eustephanos - Well-Girdled/Sweet-Garlanded, Κελαδεινος/Keladeinos - Strong-Voiced, Κελαδεινη/Keladeinê - Lady of Clamours, Ἁγνη/Hagnê - Chaste/Pure, Παρθενος/Parthenos - Virgin/Maiden, Αιδοιος παρθενος/Aidoios Parthenos - Revered Virgin, Προστατηρια/Prostatêria - Standing Before/Guardian, Αρτεμισιον/Artemision - Temple of Artemis, Ταυροπολιον/Tauropolion - Temple of Taurian Artemis, Εφεσιον/Ephesion - Temple of Ephesian Artemis
Attedees• OKEANIDES Cloud-Nymphai (only 60 of the 3000), NAIADES Fresh-water Nymphai (only some), BRITOMARTIS Goddess of Nets, Apotheosed girl-companions (ex- Phylonoe, Polyboia, Iphigeneia, Oupis), Mortal hunting companions (ex- Kallisto, Hippolytos)
Equivalents• Diana (Roman), Selene (Greek), Artume (Etruscan), Flidais (Celtic), Skadi (Norse), Bendis (Thracian goddess), Bastet (Egyptian goddess), Perasia (Cappadocian goddess), Tauria (Taurian goddess)
Signs their reaching out• Sudden pull to research her, to hunt, suddenly meeting people hunting, being a girl group all of sudden, focusing on yourself and not sexuality. 
Vows/omans• being a sacred Virgin/unmarried forever 
Number• 6 
Morals• Morally dark.
Personality• Introverted and independent temperament, practical, adventurous, athletic, and prefers solitude, she loves hunting, she is focused. 
Home• Mount Olympus but does spend a lot of time in the forest. 
Mortal or immortal • Immortal
Facts• Artemis was both a hunter of wild animals and their protector, she helped Leto birth to Apollo (suggesting that she was already mentally developed in the wound.)
Curses• miscarriage, Stunted growth, Illness & disease, Sudden death, plague 
Blessings• Success in hunting, fishing, and fowling, Successful delivery, good health
Roots• She was first mentioned on 700 BC, by Hesiod, In the Theogony she was born on the island of Delos.
Parentage• Zeus and Leto 
Siblings• Apollo (twin brother and full sibling), Aeacus, Angelos, Aphrodite, Ares, Athena, Dionysus, Eileithyia, Enyo, Eris, Ersa, Hebe, Helen of Troy, Hephaestus, Heracles, Hermes, Minos, Pandia, Persephone, Perseus, Rhadamanthus, the Graces, the Horae, the Litae, the Muses and the Moirai.
Pet• Deers/Doe, they pull her chariot 
Appearance in astral or gen• usually depicted as a girl or young maiden with a hunting bow and quiver of arrows
Festivals • Mounukhia, Artemisia (6th June, Modern festival of Artemis where anything goes, celebrating freedom and modern inspiration),  Elaphebolia (6 Elaphebolion, March-April, Festival of Artemis the deer hunter), Kharisteria (6 Boedromion September-October, Festival of thanks to Artemis for Athen’s survival of the Persian assault at Marathon), Mounykhia (16 Mounykhion April-May, Festival of Artemis the light bringer), Philokhoria (Modern observance – Summer Solstice, A joint festival of Artemis and Apollo), Sixth (6th each month, Sacred to Artemis), Thargelia (6-7 Thargelion May-June, Birthday of Apollon and Artemis, first fruit offerings and purification festival)
Season • April and March
Day • Monday 
Secred places• Ephesus/Turkey, Island Delos, Aitolia in Greece, Greek Island Lykia in Anatolia
Status• Greek goddess, in the theoi.
Planet• Moon, (some also believe Venus.)
Her Tarot cards• the high priestess, the temperance card, and the page of wands
Scents/Inscene • Jasmine and lemon, mrryth, frankincense
Prayer 1
Welcome beloved Artemis, our keen-eyed queen, I beg you hear me now. I pray you guide me that I might find the way. I pray you strengthen me that I might persevere along it. Make my discernment as yours that I might find worthy aims. Make my instinct as yours that I might seize worthy opportunities. Welcome sister of Apollo, golden huntress, we honor and thank you.
Prayer 2
Fleet-footed Artemis, keen-eyed daughter of Zeus and gentle Leto, sister of bright Apollo, we see your shadow in the woods, the curve of your bow, the flex of your arm, we hear the wind whisper as your arrows seek their mark–deadly your art, flawless your aim. Huntress you are, O Artemis, slayer of the stag and the boar, slayer of men and of women, death by your hand is death unforeseen. Maiden are you, goddess, and friend of maidens; ever-youthful one, your favor falls on the young, watching over young girls as they brave the world’s wonders, comforting the mother in the throes of her labor, keeping in your care the newborn babe. Artemis, shining maid of the wilderness, who takes pleasure in games, in contest and in merriment, who leads the nymphs in their carefree dance, whose clear voice we hear in the songs of young women and the hunter’s cry. Artemis, strong and tall, I praise and honor you.
3rd Prayer 
I praise bright Artemis, fair as the budding branch, fair as the spotted fawn, brave as the young bear. From crafty Hephaistos you took the artful bow, the sharp-barbed shafts; from father Zeus you claimed your calling. Far-shooting Artemis, through the thick of the darkened wood you make your way, trailing boar and hare, swiftly and silently, your aim ever flawless, ever kind.
Prayer 4
Artemis, light-bringer, mountain-dweller, graceful one who runs through thorn and thistle with never a scratch, goddess unparalleled, friend of mothers in their travels, friend of maidens, friend of the pretty nymphs, in old Arcadia you roamed the wilderness, in Tauris you took the blood of men, in Ephesus you wore the mural crown. The fire of youth is in you, goddess, the bold and valiant spirit that marks a child as yours. Free-hearted Artemis, worthy daughter of Leto, I honor you always.
5th Prayer
I praise you, Artemis, free-hearted child of Zeus and blessed Leto, courageous goddess who roams the wildwoods with silver bow at hand. Artemis of many names, Artemis of many lands, your temples stood shining and tall, in cities and in villages. In the long days of summer the maidens dance in your honor; in Brauron were the little she-bears under your care. Artemis, the mountains are yours to wander, fleet-footed and firm of step; the wilds of the world are dear to you, O guardian of wood and of beast. Goddess who takes joy in dance and song, companion of the laughing nymphs in all their play, of all young maids you are the swiftest and the strongest, the fairest and the first, in skill and grace the greatest.
Websites/sources in comments.
Artemis who is the light, and the arrow in the bow, and the bullet in a hunting gun, and the same string In a lyre and a bow. May we all praise the wise huntress, Who is gentle to young girls and the bringer of Swift death from her golden bow.
Payment to my friend Bri https://www.tumblr.com/briislame
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alastor-simp · 9 months
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Don't forget to comment your zodiac and who you got below. Enjoy
Scenario #3 - What is your unique magic?
♈ 𝒜𝓇𝒾𝑒𝓈: Body Swap👥- you can swap bodies with any person or creature you can envision in your mind
♉ 𝒯𝒶𝓊𝓇𝓊𝓈: Heart of Gold💛- you are able to create a magic barrier in the shape of a heart to protect your friends
♊ 𝒢𝑒𝓂𝒾𝓃𝒾: Sirens Lullaby🎵 - your singing voice is so enchanting that your enemies will stop attacking and fall asleep to your beautiful voice
♋ 𝒞𝒶𝓃𝒸𝑒𝓇: Healing Tears💧- your tears have healing powers
♌ 𝐿𝑒𝑜: Pyro Rain🔥- when extremely angry, you can conjure clouds that will rain fire balls
♍ 𝒱𝒾𝓇𝑔𝑜: Spirit Call👻- Ghosts will be able to hear your call and come to your aid
♎ 𝐿𝒾𝒷𝓇𝒶: Speak The Truth🗣- after you say the spell to whoever you are looking at, you can make a person unable to tell a lie and can only speak the truth
♏ 𝒮𝒸𝑜𝓇𝓅𝒾𝑜: Dragons Wrath🐲- You are able to summon dragons
♐ 𝒮𝒶𝑔𝒾𝓉𝓉𝒶𝓇𝒾𝓊𝓈: Blessed Arrow🏹- summon a magical bow and arrow that never misses your target
♑ 𝒞𝒶𝓅𝓇𝒾𝒸𝑜𝓇𝓃: Reflection🪞- whoever you are fighting, you obtain the same magical powers as them
♒ 𝒜𝓆𝓊𝒶𝓇𝒾𝓊𝓈: Winter Frost❄️- you can control snow and ice like Elsa
♓ 𝒫𝒾𝓈𝒸𝑒𝓈: Calm of Senses🥺- you are able to calm the characters down whenever they go into Overblot and remove the negative emotions
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taocc-updates · 4 days
”Oh, you like Taocc? Name every character.”
edit: I added the vague number of total characters listed. We’re at about 270, and I’m still adding characters.
(*By technicality
**formerly/no longer active/no longer acknowledged by the narrative as existing
***exist as of like ten seconds ago
I will only be including characters recognized as part of Taocc by more than one person. Characters will be vaguely grouped together however the frick I feel like and with only the vague suggestion of transitions. A character must have a tangible role that still has effects at the time of posting to be counted. I’m not counting all the deactivated characters from OG Taocc, for example. I am referencing the updates blog list as well as my following for this, because the challenge is to name them all, not to name them all by memory. Animals barely count sometimes when I feel like it.)
Gangle, Ragatha**, Pomni**, Kinger**, Zooble**, Caine*, Bubble**, S-Gangle, Shadow, Kaufmo, Sproingle, Unnamed Abtractions*, Easton West, Northa West, Lonn Gitud, Lattia Tudor, Felicia, Caleb, Zachariah Woods, Zombie anon, Simon Mallory/Silhouette/Aleksander, Isaac Brennan/Mix, Elida Doyle, Alice Mallory, Nikolai Harrison/Carbine, Artemis/Kepler, Calamity/Cassandra, Remnant, Sami Harrison, Yelena, Daniel, Artem, Charles/Plague Doctor Anon, Dialtone/Drias, Ilas/Amalgam, Trevor***, Archie***, Abigail***, Stella***, Paisley***, Espresso the Cat, Edward/Pharaoh, Abayomi, Clown Anon, Colorbine, Helpful Anon, Waffle Anon, Sparkler Anon, Kumo, Kopi, Violet, Stitch, Chance, Nightmare, Arthur Pendragon, Verie Pendragon, Mercutio, Juliet/Assassin Anon, Aokigahara, Dunite, Rocky, Rusty, Ryan, Dunite’s Parents, Deedee, Usagi/Usa, Icia/Ice anon, Fred, Odette/Odysseys, Samuel, Mytha, Celio, Basso, Vaga, Nova, Hexe, Slynn, Yume, Yume’s Mother and Father, the Protector, Ramona/Rae, Mirobelle, Ramiro, Achilles, Dime, Aklatan, Latte, Alexander (kingdom edition), Mocha, Switchboard, Ace Zeppelin, Damsel, Levi, Nathan, Myau, Nya, Mynou, Dusk, Jessy, Amelia, Jessy’s mother, Fynn, Joy, Ciana, Apollo, Virgo, Aster, Lance, Raina, Flare, Citrina, Citrina’s sisters (the only named one is “Jade”), Nymn, Nymn’s ex, Fae anon, Clara, Chip, Alpen, Unnamed Zodiac Angels, Kade, Feris, Pixel, Vanessa, Unnamed Arcade Worker 2/Mike, Conny, Shairo (deceased permanently), Hans, “John Smith”, Gun Pirate (lol), Unnamed Drunk Pirate, Unnamed Jar Lady, Unnamed third pirate with a gun, Dalia, Mikey, Anderson, Toga, Abstraction Anon, Quin, Blaze (Squiffer edition)/Zephyr, Skeleton anon, Mage Anon/Tanya, Camara, Avian, Sign Anon/Steven, Origami Anon/Octavia, Tea Anon/Kitsune/Katrina, Simon (Bookend), Seer anon/Sarah, Umbra, Arrows anon, Bow Anon, (Other) Bow Anon, Hex, Sun, Moon*, Sigil, Insanity, Dusty, Lantern/Eternal Flame, Eternity, Darkis, Infinity, Entity, Ember, Unknown, Juko, Lilo, Bob, Hammer, Mallet, Fox anon, Teleporting anon, Nuffle, Pyxel, Thanatos, Tiger, Siam, Sabrina (Sun’s daughter), Taika, Sisu, Quest, Tip, Stranger, Radio, Shelly, Astrion, Gaia, Aella, Electricity anon, Conspiracy anon, Bap Anon, Eve.chr, Phoenix*, The Dragon of Abyss, The Dragoness of Sky, Lemonade/Lewis, Reverie/Guidance anon, Unnamed Autumn Season, Unnamed Winter Season, Neb, Cardlan, Minimi, Entity (Backrooms edition), Casper, Manna, Pamela, Eden*, Grif, Trudy, Pen, Paper, Sophronius, Acacius, Milo, Drunk anon (deceased), Scissors anon, Thief Anon, Void anon, Cupcake anon, Chaos Enjoyer Anon, Thyme, Angst anon, villain anon, “Lucy”, Simp anon, Comax, Pickle gifter anon, pickle stealer anon, fish anon, deus ex machinanon, mail anon, foundation anon, lost anon, dropkick anon, Bug anon, Paranoia Anon, Rocket launcher anon, Kyubey, Mimic, Rodger, Ludvic, sunshine anon, anger anon, beezle, Wade, Loyal anon, Loyal Servant anon, the cookie run cookies lol, Felicia (top hat edition), Tophat, Greenie, Red(?), The Polygon Bees (TM), Eepy anon, Ethan, Dark, Void/Ollie, DJ, Star, Mercury/Marcus, Elysia/Evangeline Elizabeth Ambrosia, Blaze (Planetquest edition)/Brandon, Jasper, Callista/Leilani, Ursula, Ari, Lumiel/Lark, uhhh…I think that’s it
did I do it do I freaking win
Someone please count how many characters there are (there should be one comma per character if that helps)
Edit: Nevermind, I did it for you.
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This is a vague number, the actual number is higher than this, maybe about 270-300
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namesforwriters · 9 months
Mythology Inspired Names: Ancient Greek (masc)
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Achilles ~ Greek, meaning "grief," "distress," "he who has people in distress."
One of the most famous of all Greek heroes, Achilles famously gained invulnerability as a baby which aided him as an incredible warrior. Achilles slew Hector in the Trojan War as revenge for killing his lover, Patroclus, but Achilles' rage was so strong the gods intervened, and Achilles was killed by an arrow to his one weak spot, his heel. pronunciation: ah-kill-eez
Adonis ~ Greek, meaning "lord."
Considered an ideal of male beauty in classical antiquity, Adonis achieved immortality after being killed by a wild boar in a hunting trip. His blood mingled with the tears of Aphrodite, who wept over him, from which a red flower grew. Sometimes an anemone flower, other times a red rose. pronunciation: ah-don-is
Aion ~ Greek, potentially meaning "path."
In Greek mythology, Aion was a minor deity and the god of cyclical time; the passing of the year, the zodiac, the recurrance of eternal time. He was later associated with mystery religions. pronunciation: ai-on (I-on)
Apollo ~ Greek, meaning "to destroy," "redemption."
Apollo is one of the twelve Olympians and is the god of archery, the sun, prophecy, music, healing, disease, light, and poetry. Twin to Artemis, Apollo is also well-known for experiencing tragedy in love. pronunciation: ah-pahl-low
Ares ~ Greek, meaning "bane," "warlike," "ruin."
Another of the twelve Olympian gods, Ares is the god of war and courage. He is the patron of the Amazons, and is known for both incredible violence and savagery as well as valor and honor. His most famous lover is Aphrodite. pronunciation: air-eez
Argo ~ Greek, meaning "swift."
Argo was the name of a ship from Greek mythology. It was the name of the ship Jason sailed on during his quest to retrive the Golden Fleece. pronunciation: ar-go
Atlas ~ Greek, meaning "enduring," "to hold."
Atlas is a Titan associated with celestial spheres and the creation of astronomy. After the war between the gods and Titans, Atlas was punished and condemned to hold the weight of the sky for eternity. pronunciation: at-les, at-lahs
Castor ~ Greek, meaning "beaver."
Castor and his twin, Pollux, are the half-brother children of Leda, a Spartan queen. Castor was born to a mortal father, while Zeus fathered the divine Pollux as a swan. Castor, along with Pollux, was transformed into a constellation named Gemini, meaning "twins." pronunciation: kas-ter
Damon ~ Greek, meaning "one who tames."
Damon is a mortal man from Greek mythology who, along with Pythias, is shown to be an ideal of friendship. When Pythias is accused of plotting against the tyrannical king, Dionysus I, Pythias asked for the chance to get his affairs in order. Dionysus I agreed, as long as Damon stayed behind as a hostage. If Pythias didn't return, Damon would be killed in his stead. Pythias returned, and Dionysus I released them both, impressed by their bond. pronunciation: day-men
Eros ~ Greek, meaning "desire," "love."
In some myths, Eros is a primordial god. In others, he is the son of Aphrodite and Ares. In all, he is the god of love, desire, lust, and sex. He is better known by his roman name "Cupid." He is usually depicted with wings and a bow and arrow. pronunciation: air-ohs, air-os
Hades ~ Greek, meaning "the unseen one."
Never an Olympian, but an incredibly powerful, major god nonetheless, Hades is King of the Underworld and lord of the dead. He is usually depicted with a helm, a two-pronged spear, and his three-headed hound Cerberus. pronunciation: hey-deez
Hector ~ Greek, meaning "to hold," "holding fast."
Hector was the strongest warrior in Troy and fought in and led armies in the Trojan War. Despite his skill in war, Hector was described as "peace-hearted." He was eventually slain by Achilles. pronunciation: hek-ter
Helios ~ Greek, meaning "sun," "warming."
In the Ancient Greek faith, Helios is the original god of the sun and brother to Selene, goddess of the moon. He is largely identified with, and later seemingly replaced with Apollo. His Roman counterpart is Sol. pronunciation: hee-lee-ohs, hee-lee-os
Hermes ~ Greek, meaning "stone heap."
Best known as the herald and messenger of the gods, Hermes is one of the twelve Olympians. He is also the god of travelers, merchants, thieves, messengers, mischief, athletes, and speed. pronunciation: her-meez
Homer ~ Greek, meaning "security."
The name of the famous Greek poet who credited as the author of both The Iliad and The Odyssey, which tell of the Trojan War and the ten-year journey of Odysseus back to his home in Ithaca after the fall of Troy. pronunciation: ho-mer
Hyacinthus ~ Greek, meaning "hyacinth."
Hyacinthus was the son of the muse Clio. He was gentle and clever and loved by both Apollo and the god of the west wind, Zephyrus, who accidentally killed Hyacinthus out of jealousy. Apollo wept for him and created a flower to memorialize his lost love. pronunciation: hi-ah-sin-this, hi-ah-sin-thus
Icarus ~ Greek, meaning "follower."
Icarus is best known for his death. Icarus was the son of Daedalus, a master craftsman and architect of the Labyrinth, in which they both had been trapped by King Minos. To escape, they both strapped wings made from feathers and wax to themselves. They escaped, but Icarus flew too high, and the wax melted in the heat of the sun, resulting in Icarus' fall and death. pronunciation: ih-cah-ris
Jason ~ Greek, meaning "healer."
Descended from Hermes, Jason was the leader of the Argonauts and a hero famous for finding the Golden Fleece. Originally married to Medea, Jason later left her, losing the favor of the goddess Hera. Jason's successes would eventually lead to the establishment of Rome. pronunciation: jay-sen
Leander ~ Greek, meaning "lion man."
Leander was a mortal man from Abydos who fell for Hero, a priestess of Aphrodite, from across the strait. Every night, Leander would swim across the strait to be with her, and Hero would illuminate the top of her tower so he knew the one. One winter, a wind blew out the light, and he died. Hero threw herself off the tower to join him. pronunciation: lee-an-der
Minos ~ Greek, meaning "king."
The King of Crete and a prideful man, Minos was the son of Zeus. After his wife gave birth to a man-bull hybrid, Minos had the Labyrinth built in which he could hide the Minotaur. Every nine years he sent seven boys and seven girls into it to be eaten by the monster. He became a judge of the dead in the Underworld after his death. pronunciation: mine-ohs
Notus ~ Greek, meaning "south."
Notus is the god of the southern wind. Largely associated with heat, but also the coming of rain and mist, his brothers are Boreas, Zephyrus, and Eurus. pronunciation: no-tus, no-tos
Orion ~ Greek, "rising in the sky," "dawning."
In Greek mythology, Orion was a great, giant hunter who earned the favor of Artemis. In some myths, he is killed by Artemis as well. In others, he is killed by a giant scorpion. Either way, his story ends in death and he is transformed into a constellation. pronunciation: oh-rye-en
Orpheus ~ Greek, meaning "orphan," "best voice."
Orpheus was a Greek hero who helped Jason on his quest for the Golden Fleece. Following the quest, Orpheus journeyed to the Underworld to recover his love wife, Eurydice. Orpheus was an amazing musician. pronunciation: or-phee-us
Perseus ~ Greek, meaning "to destroy"
The Greek hero Perseus is most famous for his defeat of the gorgon Medusa, by decapitating her. Also famous for slaying the sea monster Cetus, Perseus was the son of Zeus and would go on to establish Mycenae. pronunciation: per-see-us
Pollux ~ Greek, meaning "very sweet."
Pollux was born to the Spartan queen Leda and Zeus disguised as a swan. His half-brother and twin Castor was born mortal, while Pollux was born divine. Pollux asked Zeus to share his immortality with Castor after he was fatally wounded, and the two were transformed into the Gemini constellation. pronunciation: pah-lux
Prometheus ~ Greek, meaning "forethought."
The myth of Prometheus describes him as the gifter of fire. Despite orders from Zeus, Prometheus gave the gift of fire to humanity and is the father of technology, civilization, and knowledge. Zeus punished him to be bound to a rock, and every day an eagle would peck out and eat his liver. pronunciation: pro-mee-thee-us
Proteus ~ Greek, meaning "first," "firstborn," "versatile."
Dubbed the "Old Man of the Sea" by the poet Homer, Proteus was an elusive and prophetic sea god. Proteus would only answer the questions of those who managed to capture him. pronunciation: pro-tee-us
Styx ~ Greek, meaning "shuddering."
Styx is the name of one of the rivers in the Underworld. To cross it is to cross into the Underworld. Styx is also the name upon which the gods swear their most solemn oaths. Styx is gender-neutral. pronunciation: stix
Theseus ~ Greek, meaning "to set," "institution."
A great hero, Theseus was also a king of Athens. Most well-known for killing the Minotaur, Theseus married the Cretan princess Phaedra after abandoning Ariadne. pronunciation: thee-see-us
Titan ~ Greek, meaning "defender."
The Titans were a generation of divine beings born to Gaia and Uranus, the primordial deities of earth and sky. Predecessors to the gods, the most famous Titan was the trecherous Kronos, lord of time. pronunciation: tie-ten
Triton ~ Greek, meaning "sea god."
Triton was the divine son of the Olympian Poseidon and his queen Amphitrite. Largely functioning as his father's messenger, Triton is usually depicted as a merman. pronunciation: try-ton
Troy ~ Greek, meaning "water," "soldier."
Troy was a great city located in modern-day Turkey and the site of the mythological Trojan War, fought between the Greek forces under Agamemnon of Mycenae and the Trojan forces under Priam of Troy. The Greek gods were also divided during the war. pronunciation: troi
Typhon ~ Greek, meaning "child of Titans."
One of the most deadly, dangerous monsters in all Greek mythology, Typhon was a giant who attempted to overthrow Zeus and the gods. Many of Greek mythologies monsters were born to him and his wife Echidna. pronunciation: tie-phon
Zeus ~ Greek, meaning "sky father."
Lord of the skies and king of the gods, Zeus is the chief of the Olympians. His wife is Hera and his brothers are Poseidon and Hades. Zeus is the father of many other Olympians and gods, as well as some of the most famous Greek heroes, including Perseus and Heracles. pronunciation: zoos
Zephyrus ~ Greek, meaning "westerly wind."
Zephryus is one of the four wind gods and lord of the western wind. Known for being gentle and bringing about the flowers of springtime, Zephyrus fell in love with Hyacinthus and accidentally killed him out of jealousy when Hyacinthus spent more time with Apollo. pronunciation: zeh-ph-er-us
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These name lists are intended to help writers and artists. There is no expectation of credit, and these lists aren't meant to be the end-all be-all lists of possible names. There are millions out there, and this is just for fun!
If you have a suggestion for a name list, or want to see something specific, feel free to submit a request!
And if you see something that is wrong (a pronunciation, a meaning, an origin), again, feel free to let me know!
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animelovermurillo · 3 months
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Meet Aquarius, the Co-Pilot of the Zodiacs (Note: The Zodiacs are a squad I created, more members will show up soon)
Aquarius [Female] - Scorpio Co Pilot
Weapon: Crystal Energy Bow and Arrow
Bio: Living with an abusive father wasn’t the life for Aquarius, she yearned to be a Sky Knight for a very long time, only for her father to keep arranging her to marry a rich man just for their money until Aquarius left her home and never returned. After her father’s death she didn’t receive any of the inheritance which didn’t bother her at all, after living in the slums, she was taken in by Marietta who trained Aquarius and have her join Scorpio and his squadron, in return Aquarius vowed to protect Luna from any threat from the world. Making her an overly protective sky knight protecting Luna, especially from the Dark Ace who she suspected would be a threat.
Voice Actor: Colleen Clinkenbeard
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lyfeuvquelle · 2 years
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thehmn · 10 months
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My two zodiacs. I’m well aware that it’s silly to consider Ophiuchus the 13th zodiac because the sun pass through other constellations that aren’t considered “secret zodiacs” but as one of the people who would be an Ophiuchus how could I not?
I’m always a bit disappointed by depictions of Sagittarius. People focus too much on the bow and arrow when the main trait of the zodiac is that of an adventurer or explorer. Always “on the hunt” for knowledge and has a strong need for freedom so you can join them if you want but they’ll go with or without you.
As of now Ophiuchus is less defined. Some of the most common traits associated with the zodiac is a passionate defiance of authority, questioning and breaking societal norms, creativity, wisdom forged by accepting others, and healing.
I’m not one of the people who believes in zodiacs but I understand why they’re popular in art and fiction. It’s a bunch of interesting characters, both mentally and physically, free to be used and reinterpretationed.
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spectrowhirl · 1 year
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My Zodiac project has begun! I'm painting an original psychedelic piece for every astrological sign. I present to you: Sagittarius! There's a lot of hidden and not-so-hidden symbolism, such as the Sagittarius constellation, the symbol itself, the fire of the fire sign, the sign's accompanying color (purple), and obviously the bow and arrow of the centaur. This one of a kind piece is for sale at my Etsy now. Prints also available. It's 1 foot by 1 foot by the way. Onto Aries!
Check it out here: https://www.etsy.com/listing/1490544495/rainbow-sagittarius-astrology-sign
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tabsters · 2 months
As someone obsessed with cool swords, please tell me more about Godhunter :O With a name like that, it certainly has an air of importance to it! What does it look like? I remember the fic mentioning that it has glowing glyphs on it too, what kind are they? What kind of magic power(s) does it have?
TW for anyone: death is mentioned in the middle part
What does it look like?
Rough depiction of Godhunter, done on my crappy chromebook:
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It should be noted that i ran out of space for the runes spelling out 'godhunter', but i think the idea is there.
What kind of magic power(s) does it have?
I'll answer this question first, as it contains information needed to understand the second question.
The triangle runes on the sword's blade correspond with the powers of the elements: fire, earth, air, and water, respectively. These runes imbue the sword with elemental energy, and allows Ciara to control these elements with her sword.
Runes are a finicky form of magic, and when Zodiac Experiment takes place, there are currently only two people (Eclipse and Chamaeleon) who are able to perform runic magic, so either one of them must be present in order to make a runic weapon. Weapons using elemental runes also need specific conditions in order to work:
The weapon must be in ideal temperature to receive the runes; ie, absolutely scalding hot, so that the runes are able to be properly carved into the weapon. This will properly ensure that the magic being channeled through the runes will be able to function later.
Immediately after having the runes carved in, the weapon needs to be glazed with a potion made up of the body parts of demons (see post about demons here), which will give the weapon its elemental magic capability.
When you are carving four elemental runes into a weapon, there is a chance the entire thing will just blow up due to the magical overload. So be careful with that. This is why most runic weapons don't use elemental magic, and the ones that do only have one elemental rune.
What kind is the sword?
Godhunter was originally an ordinary sword found in Pisces' armory. It's modeled after an Edo Period katana, and it was actually not Ciara's first choice for a weapon (she wanted a spear, but was told it was too tall for her.)
The runes depicting 'Godhunter' are written in norse runes, as that is the closest equivalent to the language Eclipse writes in. It is considered tradition to grant weapons a name after its most memorable use, and the name will typically correlate to the act the weapon was used in (Sagittarius' bow is named 'Flamedancer', for example, as a reference to how he shot an flaming arrow into a target fifty feet away.)
It is also customary to use weaker weapons before being gifted with the actual weapon; Ciara primarily worked with lower quality swords while training, then was gifted Godhunter by Pisces before her quest. This is a testament to how in this Astral Realm, weapons are prized possessions and must be earned.
This sword is also the reason why Ciara embarks on her quest in TZE, Eclipse sent her on a quest to slay a bunch a demon in every Zodiac kingdom, collect parts of their body, and return with them to Eclipse. Eclipse did not fully explain the reason for slaying these demons, but Ciara didn't question it, as at this point, she's still a kid in a fantasy land. Of course she'd be delighted to slay some demons and become the hero of this world.
Eventually, the truth comes out: Eclipse brings Ciara to her tower and enchants the sword herself, carving the runes and glazing it with the potions. Ciara is at first, really excited about this: she was getting a cool magic sword upgrade! She's finished her journey!
Nope. Wrong. Eclipse then directs Ciara through a big door and instructs her to kill the monsters behind it. Because this sword is now imbued with four elemental runes (as well as a spell that keeps the sword's edge continually sharp), it is now capable of harming the most powerful creatures in the Astral Plane. Including Eclipse.
How did this sword earn the name Godhunter? Well, at the end of the aforementioned quest, Ciara was in a tense stand-off against Eclipse. By a stroke of luck, she managed to cut Eclipse's arm clean off, which no ordinary sword would be able to do, because of the aforementioned ludicrously strong runes. It has become one of the only weapons that is able to wound Eclipse (besides her own scythe), and that is where it gets its name, Godhunter.
whew, this took a while! apologies if there's any gaps in my info, please let me know, i was writing this while also working on various school assignments. :DD
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santoschristos · 6 months
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Sagittarius Zodiac by Tashina Suzuki
The Sagittarian is a born idealist; he is the young man who sees visions and the old man who dreams dreams. But there is no unpracticability in his idealism, for he is capable of foreseeing the outcome of a transaction from its very inception and the activity and directness of his character is typified in the ancient pictorial representation of Sagittarius as a centaur who holds a bow outstretched, about to speed an arrow straight to its mark.
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