#~not quite a weapon but sharp as one (hcs)~
shwaesar · 1 month
More Caesar x Reader HCs
Still SFW but gets suggestive near the end (I'm working up to it ok I'm nervous)
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You give him so many conflicting emotions and he never quite manages to come to peace with them. But he comes to peace with not coming to peace with them, if that makes sense.
He knows what he is and takes unapologetic pride in it. He's an ape. A creature forged by nature and nurture, a wild animal at his core, regardless of intelligence. Nothing can change that about him, and that's fine. He doesn't particularly want to change it.
But to love a human being feels almost like a rejection of all that. An ape can't love a human the way another human can. A human can't love an ape the way another ape can. So in a sense, you're both having to redefine your very selves just to try and make it work. To give each other what you want and need, while also adhering to your own wants and needs.
It takes a lot of time and patience to figure it all out, but you get there eventually. Or at least as close to there as you can get.
That thought still lingers in the back of his mind that he's not human enough for you, but on the rare occasion he lets those thoughts known, you're always quick to reassure him that you don't love a human. You love an ape.
'Love' is admittedly used in a nuanced way between the two of you. Love for humans means one thing, love for apes means another. But for you and Caesar, love means to choose one another, despite your many differences.
Maurice is honestly a life saver to have helping you both, educating you about ape romance and reassuring Caesar that his efforts in human romance are-..... well, it's the thought that counts.
He has no idea what he's doing but every now and then he'll pull something off that really cements his devotion to you. After all, he doesn't love an ape. He loves a human.
Flowers end up being his go-to gift, at least when he can get his hands on some. The forest is full of them if you know where to look, and he'll painstakingly pick the 'best' and bind the stems with twine before delivering them to you.
And you keep them in an old soda can filled with water, and about once every few weeks you'll have new ones to decorate your living space with, and Caesar can tell how happy it makes you so he keeps doing it and its honestly precious.
Gift-giving turns out to be a courtship ritual humans and apes have in common! But here's the thing-for humans, gifts are about sentimentality. For apes, they're about practicality.
Every now and then Caesar will bring you an 'ape' gift between more 'human' ones.
Once you've started eating more with the community and he doesn't have to bring you designated meals anymore, he starts surprising you with full on carcasses when he returns from a hunt. A testament to his ability to provide for you, at least in his mind.
They get progressively bigger too. Starts with a few hares. Then a boar. Then a stag.
He delivers you a fucking bear he found hibernating in the winter months, and you get a brilliant fur pelt out of it. Being able to keep you warm makes him swell with pride like nothing else, even if you can't help but feel a little bad for the bear.
You also receive a stone dagger after it's clear their usual weapons are too big and heavy for you. It's carved a bit clumsily, but the edge is sharp and there's a patch of rabbit skin wrapped around the handle to make gripping more comfortable. He feels a lot more confident in your ability to protect yourself once you have it, and seeing you use it is another thing that's makes his chest puff out proudly, because he has made sure you're safe, even when he's not around.
Of coarse, most of the time he is around.
And oh boy, when danger comes he is ready. Doesn't matter if it's a wild animal, another ape, another human- he will fuck a bitch up if they pose a threat to you.
The first time it happens is honestly a little scary. You run into a boar while foraging and it does not look happy, and neither does Caesar.
Blocks off your body with his own, fur standing on end, snarling and hooting aggressively at the creature to try and scare it off. His mind is racing with primal instinct the entire time- he has to protect his mate, has to be ready to go for the kill if it charges at you, he can't let his human get hurt-
It's also the first time you get a good look at his chompers, his lips pulled back to show them off in warning, and it suddenly strikes you how easily those teeth could be used against your own delicate flesh if he so desired, how effortlessly he could maul you, bite your fingers off one by one, rip out your throat-
Let's face it though, it definitely awakens something in you.
When the encounters over he has a nasty cut on his thigh from its tusks, and you get him home to treat the wound as quickly as possible. He's apologising the whole time for loosing his usual self control, for potentially frightening you. But then you tell him it suits him, and lord have mercy, once he processes it, you've awakened something in him too.
But that's a conversation for another post uwu
Even before anything's official, it's a gesture of trust and familiarity between the two of you. But when you're his mate, the romantic side of it is delved into more deeply.
Cupping each other's faces to hold the position of your temples touching, intense eye contact, deep breaths. It's a kind of intimacy that really burrows deep into you. Without words, he's able to tell you; I'm here. I've got you.
Human kisses are a bit trickier. He's familiar with the concept, he's seen humans kiss, but ape mouths are a lot bigger than ours and have a lot of different things to work around in order to really kiss something.
He's content to just receive them initially. Your lips are so soft and warm and feel so wonderful pressing against the corner of his own, or to his cheek, or to his open palm. Getting such a human form of affection from you carries almost a level of sanctity for him. Only you have ever kissed him. Only you will ever kiss him.
He'll take it to his grave, but he practices on the back of his hand sometimes so he can eventually return the favour.
Until then, the closest you get is him pressing his closed muzzle to your skin and just... inhaling your scent,
He tells you humans have a distinct smell, but individual humans have their own, more specific smell. When you ask what yours is like, he admittedly has to take a moment to think about it.
"You smell.... like home."
Sweet, right? WRONG. He just doesn't want to admit that he's been subtly making you smell more like him. Gotta make sure his territory is clearly his, after all.
He doesnt dare try it at first, too aware of the risks. Human skin is much too thin and sensitive for him to indulge in such a a way, no, he just can't bring himself to potentially do you serious harm, regardless of how badly he wants to.
You'd have to be the one to initiate a conversation about it. You can tell he's restraining himself here and there, from the low growls that slip out when he's embracing you, and with how his tongue drags across his canines, it's not hard to tell what he's holding back in regards to.
So you ask him to bite you. If it's a request, he won't worry that you're just trying to appease him.
He'd still cautious, mind you.
"Are you... sure?"
He says it while all but salivating, eyes dilated as he subconsciously scans your body for a good place.
"Don't want.... to hurt you. It will hurt. You... know that."
With just a little more insistence, he all but pounces at the opportunity.
Apes bite each other affectionately quite a bit, little nips here and there, harder ones usually reserved between mates. It holds meaning for them, displaying trust in the other person. You trusting him like that? He's never been more in love with you than he is in that moment.
He goes for the space between your neck and shoulder, carefully avoiding any major arteries. You feel his breath there first, as he does his usual snuffing and growling.
Then his teeth sink into you. Slowly, his broad tongue pressing into the flesh between them.
And the sound you make-
He pulls back abruptly, releasing you with a hoot of distress and grasping your upper arms to look over the mark left behind. Panic jolts through every fibre of his being, he thinks he seriously fucked up. Apes don't vocalise like that-it must be in pain, yes-you're in too much pain-he should never have-....
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nickeverdeen · 4 months
wahoo !!! are your requests awake ? immediately fell inlove with how you wrote five﹐and i knew i had to send in mail !!!
five x gn ! reader which he met an ordinary / average person﹐until they come in some ‘ unexpected combat ’ & something in them triggers their powers. ( you can choose their superpower﹐or keep it not said. )
i was thinking; they weren't drugged like Viktor﹐they were just unaware of their superpowers ? thank yew !!!
Yep, they’re awake and thanks for the request!
Five x gn!reader who he thought is ordinary, but is proved wrong (hcs)
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Warning: Fighting, shooting, attempted murder
Reader’s power: Bioluminescent constructs
Definetion of Reader’s power: Creating objects using light emitted by living organisms, like fireflies, for combat purposes like creating weapons, shields or barriers
After another long day Five, seeks a moment of respite from the chaos of his own thoughts
He finds himself drawn to a quaint coffee shop tucked away in the bustling city streets
The coffee shop has a steady hum of conversations in the backround and comforting aroma of freshly brewed coffee
It seems like a paradies for Five
Suddenly Five’s attention is unexpectedly captivated by the presence of a seemingly ordinary individual seated alone at a nearby table
Despite his initial reservations, as soon as he got his coffee, Five decides to strike up a conversation with the enigmatic stranger, drawn in by you for some reason
As you engage in idle chit-chat, Five finds himself surprisingly at ease in your company, your easy banter providing a welcome distraction from the weight of his own burdens
Though Five initially views you as just another face in the crowd, he can’t shake the feeling that there’s something different about you
It’s a sense of familiarity that he can’t quite place
As your conversation comes to an end and you start to part ways, Five can’t help but feel a lingering curiosity about you
Your brief interaction leaving a lasting impression on him
As Five navigates the crowded city streets, his senses alert him to the presence of shadowy figures lurking in the shadows, their sinister intentions veiled beneath a facade of normalcy
Assassins from Comission, a lot of them
Before he can react properly, the air is rent with the sharp crack of gunfire as the agents of the Commission make their move, their weapons trained on Five with deadly precision
Panic surges through Five as he realizes the gravity of the situation, his mind racing as he teleports a bit away from the chaos unfolding around him
As soon as Five regains his composure he starts fighting as the years of working for the Comission pay off to him
During the fight Five is too preoccupied with the assassins near him to notice the ones in distance
As soon as they fire Five realizes that he’s about to get hit as he won’t make it in time
As the loud shooting continues you feel a small pain in your veins and the pain worsens the more your body tensing when the shooting continues
Just when it seems as though all hope is lost for Five, a sudden surge of bioluminescent energy erupts from you as the loud shooting triggers your powers
Your powers awakening in a blaze of light and energy as they instinctively shield Five from harm creating a barrier to shield him and the bullets dodge back into the shooters
With newfound clarity, Five watches in disbelief as you unleashe your formidable abilities
Your constructs of light and energy manifesting with dazzling brilliance in the darkness
As soon as Five realizes that you obviously are also new to this power he springs into action, his movements fueled by a surge of adrenaline as he engages the assassins with you while keeping an eye on you
With each attack exchanged and each foe vanquished, you and Five draw closer together
Your movements synchronized in a seamless display of teamwork and coordination
As the last assassin dies against the might of your combined forces, Five immediately starts to check-up on you making sure you’re alright and your power is at bay
Once you’re both safely in more private setting, Five wastes no time in confronting you about the extraordinary display of power he witnessed, his curiosity piqued as he never saw a power like that
You’re meanwhile, hesitant to reveal too much too soon, while still being shaken up and confused from what happened
As soon as Five notices your distress he quickly starts calming you down and explain what’s happened and what your powers mean and do
As you engage in a serious conversation, you and Five find yourselfs opening up to each other in unexpected ways, in order to figure things out
By the end of your discussion, you and Five reach a mutual understanding and accept his offer to help you control your powers while studying them in the process
Though the path ahead may be uncertain, Five makes sure you know you can rely on him and tell him anything
At the end of the day to calm your nerves he takes you to his favourite coffee shop and pays for everything while trying to make you feel safe
Over time you and Five learn to respect each other and you feel safe around Five and open up to him about any of your problems
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shortcakecuties · 1 month
Madoka magica x Twisted wonderland! (And reader >u<)
Summary, In which the madoka cast stumbles upon a mirror, leading them to somewhere unknown...
I will write a part 2 to this or make hcs to this !!
Ask by @themoshi666 ♡
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The quintet was on daily witch patrol, just like any other evening. As they all entered the entrance to a labyrinth, they were greeted with a sweet lullaby.
"I thought these labyrinths were supposed to be scary, this witch is definitely is gonna be a cake walk." Kyoko commented confidently, her voice echoing in the elegant halls. The halls looked similar to a castle from a fairy tale, having huge windows showing fake scenery.
"I feel like a princess in here! Whoever turned into a witch definitely had taste." Sayaka mentioned, completely captivated by the beautiful architecture.
They finally arrived to what seemed the entrance to the main part of the labyrinth. All of them prepared their weapons to attack. Homura pulled the giant wooden doors and there it was, the witch. The majority of it was a mirror, with a face? Some of the quartet was distracted by the strange coffins levitating and the paintings of famous childhood stories decorated all over the strange patterned walls. "Its like someone's childhood here..." madoka mumbled. Sayaka agreed, "I kind of feel bad trying to kill this witch." Homura quickly interjected their conversation. "This is a witch, it's not human anymore. let's go."
No doubt that they were being bested by this witch. One by one they were getting exhausted. The labyrinth kept changing from a castle littered with hearts and checkered floor to an ocean with fish of all kind swimming around. With each place change, it kept getting stronger. It didnt help that their soul gems were getting quite clouded with darkness.
Kyoko yelled at everyone, "We have to go! Were getting nowhere with this fight!" Madoka looked over just for second and suddenly felt a sharp pain behind her. The tentacles of the sea witch had hit her. Homura caught a quick glance of it and yelled "Madoka!"
She fell to the floor hard near where they had all entered. Homura quickly came to her aid. The rest had given up quickly and rushed to the entrance. The wooden doors was now a huge coral blocking the entrance. Mami tried shooting at it but it wouldnt budge. Before everyone knows it, they were cornered. They all thought their last moments would be near as the sea witch swung her tenticals their way. Before they could feel any pain, a blinding light overtook their senses.
Spending after school cleaning with ace, deuce, and grim was not on your plan today... Yet they somehow managed to drag you down with them. You sigh as you wipe down the mirror in the mirror chamber. Hearing them bicker for the 10th time today was getting to you. "It was not my fault! Those hedgehogs have a mind of their own!" Ace complained. Deuce followed up with, "all because you wanted to take a break...yeah, definitely not your fault." Grim snickered at ace and once again they continued to fight.
Suddenly you noticed something weird about the mirror it had a faint glow to it...maybe its just your imagination? The glow started to intensify little by little. You wanted to ask the trio about, "Hey-" before you could even finish, a blinding white light enveloped the room and you felt something push you down.
Multiple grunts of unfamiliar voices filled your ears. Once the light died down, there was revealed to be four, no..five girls? You were frozen in place once you saw one of the girls point a gun at you.
"Where are we?" Homura demanded. Ace and deuce tried to get closer but homura pointed the gun at them instead.
"Damn! You don't have to be hostile! You're the ones who came out of nowhere!" Ace argued back. Mami held her arm out, blocking homura's aim of fire.
"I dont think we're in a labyrinth anymore. These are actual humans." Mami stood up and apologized "Sorry, we were previously in a battle before this, were kind of shaken up."
Deuce finally spoke up, clearly confused, "then why are you guys in school uniforms?" To their dismay, their transformations faded. Quickly the rest of the girls stood up and walked up to mami,
"our soul gems look fine but I cant transform!" Sayaka panicked. Then quickly asked the boys, "how can we go home?! We're completely magicless here!"
You lift yourself up from the floor and walked over to the group, "all you have to do is go up to the mirror and say where you came from." You spoke, you had a gut feeling that it wouldnt work and they'll maybe end up just like you.
Madoka went up to the mirror and sternly told it, "bring us back to Mitakihara city!" The mirror did nothing. It only replied, "there is no such thing as Mitakihara city."
Everyone just stood in silence as they took in the information. You hate how you're always right.
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Hiii, I really love your fics and hc’s! Would you ever write a little something with gun- and/or knife play? With Cooper on either end of the action, because I feel like he’d be into it either way🫦👀
Much like with the primal play kink ask, I have plans to incorporate more knife/gun play into future works (I had a lot of fun with the bit of knife play that features in "Working Girl"), but I love this ask so I figured I'd give at least some flavor as to what I think you could expect from him.
Cooper Howard/The Ghoul Gun & Knife Play Headcanons (NSFW)
Most of the knife/gun play I've seen written for Cooper, at least personally, features him as The Ghoul, and I totally see why. I'd like to throw my hat in the ring, however, and say that I think he'd be almost equally as into it pre-war. Like many of the more "exotic" kinks he would sometimes fantasize about, it wasn't really Barb's thing, so he didn't explore it much during their marriage, but he'd be very agreeable to trying it with a new partner. Brings it up like it's a joke, but he's feeling out every aspect of your reaction to see if he thinks you'd be agreeable to trying it. He's patient and willing to start small; buying you nice lingerie and then slowly, adoringly slicing it off with a small foldable you both picked out together, sitting you in his lap and showing you how to clean/maintain one of his guns while the two of you rub against one another.
Doesn't really have a preference for whether he's the one wielding the weapon or not. In fact, I'd say pre-war Cooper likely leans towards preferring to be the one being "threatened"...stick the barrel of a pistol in his mouth and tell him to suck like his life depends on it and you're gonna get quite the enthralling performance.
Prewar!Coop's a curmudgeon for safety, especially if his partner is on the receiving end of whatever's being done. No live weapons, no very sharp blades. No weapon play at all if anyone's been drinking or partying in any other way. He may find the idea of doing it "for real" titillating, and it may sound amazing when he's drunk and he knows there's a hunting knife or a small pistol in the house, but not enough to forego the additional safety that comes from pretending a bit and waiting until you have a clear head. He'd never forgive himself if any harm befell his partner because he didn't take enough precautions. Besides, can you imagine the headlines...?
As The Ghoul, that concern for safety isn't entirely gone, but I'd call it "front-loaded". And, honestly, he isn't truly all that worried about anyone getting hurt; he trusts himself to have the control to not do you any actual harm, provided he isn't all fucked up. He has steady hands. No, his worry comes from the fear that you'll reject him for even asking, that it'll make you see him as the threat he is. The reaction he got from Barb the few times he playfully brought it up long, long ago is still bouncing around somewhere in the back of his brain. The fact that you like and trust him enough to sleep with him to begin with (and vice-versa, frankly) is a huge deal to him; he doesn't want to press his luck and send the only person he's really cared about in decades running away screaming because he struggles to fend off that primal desire to exchange a little violence.
Before, he may have been able to figure out a smoother way to say "It would really turn me on if you'd let me hold this gun to your head while you blow me." or "I want to hold this knife to your throat while I fuck you from behind.", but now he has so little room for error when it comes to keeping interactions pleasant and sexy. You'll probably have to bring it up first if the two of you don't experience some sort of perfect moment for him to do so, but he'll create opportunities for you to do so. Offers to teach you how to improve your shooting and hand-to-hand combat with mostly good intentions. When one of you gets the drop on the other, try to ignore the glint in his eye...and the bulge in his pants. He'll insist neither means anything.
Considers his desire to be the one being played with long put to bed, but he's lying to himself. In truth, he doesn't trust anyone enough to even have vanilla sex with them for a long time, and when he meets someone he does, he's still too afraid of the level of control he would have to cede to you for it to work. It would be hard to get him to agree to letting you brandish anything at him, even if you pointing a gun at him in seriousness (because let's be real, basically anyone this man has ever met has had plenty of reason to point a gun at him) makes him so hard so fast that his head swims. If you get him in a particularly tender moment, and maybe a little more intoxicated than usual, he might spill the beans a bit.
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shouritsu · 3 months
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I don’t fw the canon design too much (feminized, diff plastron from show, sudden round in sharp shape language etc) so far but I will see what I can adjust! Like making it a makeup thing and interpreting it as her self expression even behind mask got me 🧠 thonking . Not keeping that pink as the reg tho
I’ll properly draw her speaking asl when I have the time to put its necessary care!
what other nicknames could they give a Frida? Feel free to share hcs for that or any other in replies or tags or otherwise 🫡 more of mine below the cut too
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she’s the carries too many weapons and gets backed up in security trope
makeup was one of her means of expression and yet also just hers, as she wore that mask mostly . Probably from imitating big mama too, perhaps she taught her early on
hence her bonding with Mikey first, expression was something she hadn’t been able to do in non combat ways a long time. But the battle one is equally important to her, and Casey and Raph get a new hardcore training partner
claws continue to be kept sharp as even with her battle skill with several weapons, it serves as an extra she can always keep on her. Quite possibly her main weapon when close enough
shes Team philosophical Lou Jitsu movies with April and Donnie
she calls the brothers colors like Dad does! Signing their color and having that be a shorthand
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nellielsss · 2 months
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Summary: Everyone's heard of the yakuza boss and his sweet little girlfriend, but what about the female yakuza and her two beloved pets: the Rabid Panther and the Silent Wolf? Inspired by Scarface by LDR. HCs + blurbs on Toji and Grimmjow as your bodyguards. Note: I have suddenly been revived from my writer's block all thanks to Grimmjow! Reader is also ENTJ/ENFJ coded (I can't decide LMFAO just pick whichever one fits you the best). It's also kind of a love triangle except they don't have feelings for each other so IDK what to call this. I also just wanted to show my newest husband some love for his bday! Pairing: Yakuza!f!reader x Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez & Toji Fushiguro/Zen'in Warnings: Mentions of death, weapons, firearms, basically anything that comes with crime boss related fics 💀 also Kenjaku's death is mentioned cus I hate his ass and needed a victim.
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╰┈➤ The Rabid Panther and the Silent Wolf, that was what Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez and Toji Fushiguro were known as, respectively. The two pets to the feared yet beloved beauty, the infamous yakuza boss (L/N), (Y/N). She was one of the Four Great Kings of the Tokyo underworld and the only female of the bunch. Out of all the aforementioned kings, she was perhaps the most benevolent one of the bunch, but that wasn't saying much considering the most vicious and hated king, Ryōmen Sukuna, was all but a tyrant with a kill count that went well into the tens of thousands (at his own hands as well). The only reason she was even considered benevolent was because she didn't kill with her own hands (not unless she was terribly angry with her foe), and because she also smiled the most.
Why would she need to soak her pretty nails in ugly blood when her two pets would do anything for their owner?
As for what gave them their monikers, though...
Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez earned the title of the Rabid Panther because of his violent and garish methods of disposing his opponents.
Grimmjow had a tendency to stain his white clothing and sharp claws in a pretty shade of blood red. There was nothing the blue-haired man loved doing more than sinking his claws into the unlucky foes that happened to incur his wrath or his boss's wrath
He had a pair of special rings made for him (commissioned by you, of course) just so he could get a better grip on his opponents.
The whole reason you hired him as a henchman was just because of how devoted to the fight he was. Though he was reckless in his pursuit of destroying the strongest opponent in his vicinity, you couldn't help but feel drawn to the man.
It was on one snowy January day when you happened upon him. You stood there, clad in a snow-white and red kimono when you witnessed him tear apart 3 of your henchmen, right before your very eyes. Despite the fact that he just killed your own men in a very vicious manner, you didn't cower in fear or order them to kill him; you simply reached out and wiped the blood off of his face.
"B-Boss, don't get too close to him!" The pleads of the other men fell upon deaf ears as you gazed at the wild-eyed man. He was snarling, practically foaming at the mouth, and yet you didn't waver.
"You're a rabid one," was what you first said to him.
"I'll tear your fucking throat out, lady!" he snarled at you, trying to back away from your handsy hands.
You didn't say anything, simply smiling and touching the man's face. "Handsome, too... your shade of blue pairs quite well with red."
Despite his numerous growls and threats of killing you, your hand moved to cup his cheek, move underneath his chin, and tilt it up so he was looking right at you.
"How would you like to be my rabid animal?"
Maybe you could use a man like him--a man not willing to get his paws dirty and lick them clean when he finished the job.
He didn't use guns often; he stuck to weapons that could make a man's blood paint the walls. Hell, with the kill count and voracious appetite this man had, he could make the streets of Kabukicho flow red.
Speaking of Kabukicho--he was one of the only henchmen (you preferred to call him a lieutenant, since the title befit him) to have a small group of his own. He was in charge of handling the areas with the most amount of people in them, since he could be as loud as he wanted without anyone paying him any mind.
Half the time, though, the "army" under him (what he called his Fracción) would just sit back and watch as he pummeled some poor bastard who tried to rip off one of your many businesses.
"I told you, don't fuck with me, and don't fuck with my boss!" Was what he liked to shout before tearing the throat out of his most unlucky victim.
He was made one of your only lieutenants the fastest, since he could so easily dispose of people, and also since he was just the strongest one of the bunch.
To those he was against, he was a vicious panther who didn't know how to stop shedding blood; but to you, he was no more than a cute little cat who purred and meowed in excitement when you pet him.
"Good Grimmjow," was what you cooed whenever he did something right. He came to relish the feeling of your long, perfectly manicured nails carding through his spiky blue hair. He used to detest being babied and doted on in such a manner, but it felt amazing to hear his beloved owner boss praise him for having wiped out an opposing faction's squad that tried to destroy one of your own squads.
The other henchmen of yours tended to look at this display of affection in an odd manner. They had just witnessed him poke the eyes out of someone an hour ago, and now you were petting him like a housecat?
And he was enjoying it?
Don't let this display of affection fool you, though; he would stab the shit out of anyone who talked back to you.
It certainly didn't help anyone who hated you that he was practically obsessed with you, head-over-heels for the woman he affectionately referred to as his master.
You took him off the streets, clothed him, fed him, and brought him to a position higher than he thought was possible for a man like him.
Sure, he was self-assured in his strength, but he was alone, and what good would it do to him if someone were to ambush him?
The longer he stayed by your side, the more devoted he became to you.
He would roll over on his back and purr for you if that's what you so desired.
He owed you his very existence, so god help your foes if he ever heard someone bad-mouthing you.
For instance, do you know that scene in Kill Bill where O-Ren Ishī hopped atop a table and sliced someone's head off in a meeting?
Well, you wouldn't have to do any of that, because with a simple nod of the head, Grimmjow would go over there and viciously slice their throat and make the blood splatter all over everyone else's food.
But the other man, dressed in a dark, form-fitting outfit and standing beside you was just as, if not more, deadly than Grimmjow. Isn't it amazing to have two brutalizers at your beck and call?
Toji Fushiguro earned the title of the Silent Wolf because of his, well, silent methods of execution and warfare. With just a step of the foot and the trigger of a finger, he could put a bullet in anyone's head within a matter of seconds.
His favorite weapon was his M1911A1 modified with an effective silencer that could mask his position anytime, anywhere. He would also do it with a smirk on his face.
Toji Fushiguro joined the ranks of your yakuza faction after he tried to assassinate you on one rainy November night.
He was hired by the ex-leader of one of the 4 great factions, Kenjaku, to assassinate you after a deal gone wrong.
He would've been paid a cool 1.5 billion yen if he managed to kill you and your pet panther successfully--and have a hefty bonus if he could manage it in only 2 shots.
He had his trusty pistol at the ready, and his overinflated ego had him fooled that he was going to become a very rich man.
On his end, he actually was quite close to killing you and claiming that bounty, he'd just underestimated your fighting prowess.
"That's quite the gun you're holding there, Mister," you said when he was about to pull the trigger on your head. His eyes widened a little when he was found out, and in the moment he was caught off guard, Grimmjow quickly whipped around and pinned him up against the wall.
"Shall I tear his throat out for you, boss?" the blue-eyed man asked, his eyes never leaving Toji's pinned self.
Your heels clicked on the floor as you approached him, studying Toji's face for a few seconds, and you spoke to him directly. "I take it you came here to assassinate me?"
The man nodded without saying anything.
"I take it you were also paid to do so," you said, this time not asking him a question.
He, again, nodded.
"I figured as much." You took a second to scan his appearance, noting the worn-out grey pants he wore and the fitted black t-shirt that obviously needed a washing. "Someone like you would need the money... still, I'm surprised you had the balls to come here and try to kill me on your own with one measly gun."
"I have more weapons at my disposal, miss," he snarked, still being strangled by Grimmjow.
"You will speak when prompted to!" the man growled, still keeping his eyes on Toji.
"Please, Grimmy, cut him some slack," you said light-heartedly, putting your hand on his white jacket. "He obviously just needs a warm meal."
"But he tried to take your life-"
"Grimmjow." He took that as a sign to relax his grip around the man's throat a little. "Hand me his gun," you ordered suddenly, to which he happily obliged.
"Here, boss," he gruffed, handing you the pistol with the silencer on it.
You tossed it around in your hands, feeling the weight of the metal. "This is certainly a nice pistol you've got here, Mister, although it is in need of some repairs... maybe it's time you replace it and get a new one."
"I was hoping to do that with the money I'd earn from this mission," he chuckled softly. "I'm not one to save up for nice things."
You emptied the bullets from the magazine and dumped them to the ground, then tossed the gun into a nearby dumpster. "How much did Kenjaku pay you to assassinate me?"
Everyone in the alley looked at you suddenly, a little shocked by how weird your actions were. "How did you know?-"
You cut Grimmjow off and said: "he's the only one who would possibly want me dead, and he's also the only one who'd have others do it for him."
"1.5 billion yen, ma'am," Toji spoke up, unperturbed by the glares everyone was giving him and the vitriol he was facing for trying to assassinate you.
"I see," you hummed, tapping your foot in thought. "Given the fact that you and I have never crossed paths before, I'm willing to bet you were here simply for the money and not because you had some sort of vendetta against me."
"You'd be correct, ma'am-"
"Stop calling me ma'am, I don't wanna feel old."
You smiled a bit and crossed your arms over your chest. "Anyway, what if I paid you 2 billion yen to kill Kenjaku? You can even bring Grimmy here to help you."
It was his turn, again, to be shocked. "But, Boss, he just tried to kill you!-"
"I'll do it, no questions asked. As long as I can get a new gun, of course."
"Good," you smiled wider, showing off your pearly canines. "Release him and take him with us." Grimmjow did as he was told, releasing his neck but still holding him by the shirt collar. "Now, we're going to treat him for a nice, warm bowl of ramen. Understood, boys and girls?"
Everyone was in agreement, albeit shakily, and they went with you to the nearest ramen shop with your new toy in tow.
"By the way, what was your name? I don't think I caught it back there."
"The name's Toji," he said gruffly. "Toji Fushiguro."
Grimmjow, ever the vigilant henchman, turned to you and asked: "are you really sure you want to go through with this?"
"Has my judgment ever betrayed me?" you retorted, making him go silent again. "He was stealthy enough to sneak behind me and almost kill me, which I should punish you for, by the way. Anyway, I know potential when I see it, and I saw a great deal in him. Almost as much as I saw in you."
As for what role Toji served, he was the wordless yet deadly assassin who could get a headshot just as fast as Grimmjow could tear someone's jugular out (he has a thing for throats, if you couldn't tell).
He and his trusty silencer pistol can do just about anything, and his custom-made sniper rifle made up for what his pistol lacked.
Toji was the silent enforcer, the voice of "reason" if you can consider his methods of killing before talking reasonable.
Truth be told, Toji would've been content in any role, so long as he didn't have to interact with idiots too much and got paid handsomely in return for his work.
Toji ran the stealthy missions, the ones that required the utmost quiet and precision, as well as the ones that had to be done ASAP.
He started calling his little army the "wolf-pack" after hearing the title he was given behind his back.
He actually never saw himself falling in love with his boss, either. He didn't obsess over you like Grimmjow did, nor did he idolize you like the other henchmen; he found himself drawn to your charismatic nature & the eloquence with which you spoke.
For a crime-boss who had such a high body count, you certainly didn't have the air of one. You almost seemed like a friendly woman, but that was because you didn't have to worry yourself with killing those who wronged you.
It was only when someone really pissed you off that he saw you take matters into your own hands.
Honestly? It was kinda hot seeing you execute someone yourself.
"The boss wants her money, so why hasn't your bald ass coughed it up already?" Grimmjow asked angrily, doing the talking for all of you.
"I-I swear, it was here a few days ago, but I was robbed!"
"Did you forget about the security cameras she had installed? What do you take her for--a dumbass who can't run a business correctly?!" the blue-haired man kicked the man in question with the toe of his leather boot, sending him flying & cracking a rib in the process.
"Just... just another week, and I'll have your money-"
"Toji, hand me your gun." The cold chill in your voice made everyone look your way, including Toji, himself.
"As you wish, boss." The silent man simply unbuckled his holster and gave you the pistol with that nonchalant smirk on his face. He'd never seen you hold a gun yourself; it was always him holding the cold metal weight in his hands.
The silence in the room was disturbed by the sound of your stiletto boots clicking on the floor, accompanied by the sound of you handing your fur coat to the closest girl. "Do you know why I'm such a successful boss, Mr. Tanaka?"
Mr. Tanaka merely whimpered where he laid, feeling the cold barrel of the handgun press against his forehead. "N-No, I-"
"It's because I'm such an incredible businesswoman," you replied coolly, pressing the barrel against his forehead harder. "All of my businesses have flourished under the watchful eyes of the people I've so deliberately put in charge. They oversee everything and make sure I turn a profit out of practically the air we breathe in. Do you want to know what happens when they fail to live up to my expectations? Do you want to know what happens to people who fuck with me?"
Before he could even answer, you easily ripped the silencer of the gun off, tossed it aside, and put a bullet in the poor man's cranium.
Once he was dead for sure, you stood up and tossed the gun back to Toji. "Don't fuck with my money ever again," was what you said, taking your coat back from the girl who stood there in fear & shock. "And that goes for all of you bastards. I could have all of you killed right now in the blink of an eye, and nobody would ever notice that you're gone. All of you are replaceable."
Nobody in this room had ever seen you lose your cool like that and fire the gun yourself, not when you had an expert marksman like Toji and a ferocious wildcat like Grimmjow.
Toji honestly couldn't lie; it was hot as fuck seeing you put a bullet in a man's skull yourself.
"That was an expensive silencer, boss," he said as you all left the room.
"I'll get you a new one."
Yeah, he was in love with a Yakuza... however it happened, he didn't know; but he embraced it. He wasn't one to shy away from his true nature, after all.
It helped that you bestowed the equal amount of care to both of your pets. Neither the wolf nor the panther got more than the other, and they were both treated to the same luxuries as the other.
New coats and wardrobes made of the finest and most durable fabrics, the best weapons money could buy, and the nicest rooms overlooking the garden in your little compound located just outside of the city.
Toji and Grimmjow both had their own apartments in case they needed to stay in the center of town for a mission, but they much preferred to stay by your side; Grimmjow wanted to be as close to you as possible, and Toji just liked the feel of the compound. It was serene, calm, relaxing for a Yakuza's mansion.
They even had their own embroidered kimonos that they wore when they were with you! (how cute).
Honestly, the only issues they had... were with each other.
Always competing for your affections, rivaling to see who could earn the most smiles and praises from their beloved boss.
It was like a love triangle straight out of some romance manga, only instead of a school it was a crime boss's compound that had blood on its walls, and instead of bento boxes there were sharp objects.
"Don't be stupid, she obviously likes the way I stab my opponents!"
"Your methods are too damn messy--you stained one of her fur coats with blood, for fuck's sake It took two weeks to clean the damn thing; she obviously likes my silent-but-deadly approach."
"Where the hell's the fun in that?!"
"Boys, boys, if you don't calm yourselves, I'm going to have to put you in your kennels," your calming voice interjected when you walked in on the two men squabbling. It was honestly so endearing to see a couple of grown criminals fighting over something as silly as whatever they were fighting over, but if they went too far they'd probably break a valuable, so you chose to quell their argument.
"We're so sorry, boss! Right, Fushiguro?!" Grimmjow asked, jabbing the man with his elbow.
"Of course we are. Would you stop elbowing me, Jaegerjaquez?!"
Instead of reprimanding them further, you put your hands on their heads and ruffled their hair. "Grimmjow, your methods provide me with entertainment; and Toji, your methods bring me peace of mind. Now, would you both please bring me some peace of mind and stop squabbling? You're going to break one of my vases."
"Anything you say, boss!" Grimmjow exclaimed, all but swishing his tail about.
They continued to fight after you left, but thankfully they didn't break any valuables.
As demonstrated above, you tried your very best to quell their rivalry, but you also found it entertaining at the same time. To think that people who crushed skulls and tore men open could rival each other for your affections made you laugh, and you welcomed the rivalry (so long as they didn't break anything).
The two men also tended to butt heads over their decision-making processes.
Honestly, you didn't even know why you ever trusted them with your duties when you were out, especially when every "proxy" meeting turned into squabbles every single time.
"What I'm saying is that we need to go in, guns blazing and all!" Grimmjow shouted at Toji. "We need to instill fear in their hearts, make them cower where they stand!"
Your faction was trying to deal with a rogue group of bandits that kept attacking your warehouses that were stationed throughout the Tokyo Metropolitan Area, but how to deal with them was a matter that nobody could solve except for you, not even Grimmjow & Toji with their greatest attempts.
"That'll get us busted, you knucklehead!" Toji retorted. "We need to go the stealthy approach and make sure they're caught off guard."
The two men were now literally butting their foreheads together. "You're always so boring, Fushiguro, will you ever learn to relax and have fun?!"
"I can have fun without blowing the damn mission!"
It was like one of those moments in anime where there was electricity crackling between them, and none of the other top henchmen were willing to butt in on this argument.
"If only the boss was here..." they all groaned in unison.
At the end of the day, though, these two men would do anything to make sure your life and your faction ran smoothly.
They'd do stuff as menial as your dry cleaning if you so asked them to.
Though you tried not to choose favorites among your rankings, it was quite clear that the two were tied for first place. They were the only ones allowed to enter your living quarters, that was how close they were to you.
They were also the only ones allowed to see you naked...
And be naked around you, and touch you, and make love to you until the sun rose over the walls of your estate.
Of course, they always turned it into a competition of who could make you cum the fastest and the most, but it was all in good fun!
God help anyone who dared to speak poorly of their boss around the two of them, for they'd be ripped to shreds twice as fast.
Enjoy your two loving bodyguards!
"But I obviously love her more-"
"Would you shut up, Jaegerjaquez?!"
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FINALLY CURED THIS FUCKING WRITER'S BLOCK 😭 also how come every time I get a new fav they shoot up in the ranks?! I liked Yami for two weeks and now he's #1 & Grimmjow's #3 after only a week?!?! | © ʙʀᴜɴᴇᴛᴛᴇ-ʙɪᴛᴄʜ77 on tumblr - get your own shit bitches | ca. 8/1/2024
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pancakes4lifer · 5 months
Miss Circle x Daughter!Reader
Repost! Because why not?
~Re-blogs would be sweet~
Warnings: Possibly a little violence (Angst)
(Y/n) calls Miss Circle by her teacher name (Miss), not by mother, mom, or anything like that.
(Y/n) looks very similar to Miss Circle (Claws, etc)
MISS CIRCLE / Daughter!Student READER
“Please.. I just need one mor-!”
. . .
(Y/n) fiddled with their pencil, narrowing their eye(s?) at the question.
‘Didn’t I practice on this..?’
‘Mother wouldn’t hurt me.. Right-?’
(Y/n) sighed, scrawling down a random answer.
‘Right. She won’t.’
Everybody’s head’s snapped up, including (Y/n)’s.
“(Y/n)? Your test, please.” 
(Y/n) turned around, looking at Miss Bloomie with alarm.
“But..” (Y/n) sighed yet again, handing over the unfinished test with a trembling claw.
Miss Bloomie snatched up the test handing (Y/n) another sheet of paper.
“I expect you to turn this into your mother.” Miss Bloomie replied sternly, tapping the paper with her claw before turning away.
(Y/n) let out a breath of relief as Miss Bloomie walked back up the classroom to yell at Abbie, who looked horrified.
‘Poor Abbie. He tried.’ (Y/n) sniffed, turning the paper over, their eyes widening in horror at the words across the sheet.
F, I expected more, (Y/n).
(Y/n) slammed the paper on its front faster than they could process. 
‘Not again-! She’ll kill me!’ (Y/n) dug their claws into their head, frustrated. ‘I need to hide it before she can see.’ (Y/n) sprang up from their chair, raising their claw(hand) in the air.
“GO AHEAD!” Miss Bloomie screeched back, seeming ticked off at being interrupted. (Y/n) nodded quickly before tucking the paper underneath their jacket and hurrying outside.
‘Her office is somewhere down to the left..’ (Y/n) made a sharp turn. ‘She should be teaching now, right?’
(Y/n) looked down briefly, fumbling with the key she was given to enter the office. As soon as (Y/n) got a firm (well, firm if you had a claw of the hand) grip on the key, they slid it into the lock, stepping inside the office nervously. (Y/n) blinked, taking out the sheet of now-crumbled paper and gently placing it underneath all of Miss Circle’s documents.
‘There, that was way easier than I thought.’ (Y/n) rubbed their claws together in excitement, dashing out of the room right after. ‘Mother will never find those..’ (Y/n) tipped their head, forcing a smile. ‘..At least not for a while. I’ll explain to her later.’
~Short time skip, maybe a week?~
(Y/n) sat next to Engel and Claire, the new student. 
“Of course! This place is pretty nice when you get to know everybody!” (Y/n) said cheerfully, taking a bite out of their apple. ‘How strange.. Claire seems to only be paying attention to Engel.’ (Y/n) put their head on their backpack, bored.
“May ‘(Y/n)’ please go to Miss Circle’s office?”
 Miss Grace’s voice rang throughout the school, sending alarm through (Y/n). (Y/n) quickly stood up, looking nervous.
“..Are you ok?” Engel asked nervously. The boy had looked quite startled by the sudden call.
(Y/n) smiled bitterly, starting to walk away. “I’ll be fine.” Engel nodded at those words, watching closely as (Y/n) left the cafeteria.
‘What could mother want from me now..? I completed all those quizzes already.’ (Y/n)’s thoughts wandered around as they made their way into the office, where Miss Circle was waiting.
“(Y/n).” Miss Circle’s voice was almost... Soft, as she looked at them. “Please, sit down.”
(Y/n) froze, their eyes widening. “Mo-Miss Circle? Is something wro-?”
“I SAID. Sit.” Miss Circle banged the compass(her hand weapon thingy) On the table, denting it.
(Y/n) yelped in fear and sat down quickly. “Ok, ok! Please..” (Y/n) trailed off under Miss Circle’s glare.
“Explain this to me.” Miss Circle held up a crumbled sheet of paper, which had a huge ‘F’ written on it.
“OH-I um.. It’s not mine..?” (Y/n) stuttered, quivering. “I don’t kno-”
“(Y/N). DO. NOT. LIE.” Miss Circle raised her voice, agitated. 
(Y/n) wilted, looking down at their claws. “I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to get.. That.. grade.” (Y/n) shut their mouth as Miss Circle continued.
“You already know what we do to failing students.” Miss Circle scrowled, dropping the paper. (Y/n)’s stood up, taking a few steps back. “Wait-! Mot-Miss Circle I-I can-” (Y/n)’s sentence turned into a scream of fear as Miss Circle brought her compass down next to her, narrowly missing. 
“I can’t excuse anyone from a failing grade, especially not in this school!” Miss Circle screeched back. “Not even my own.. Daughter.” She muttered, her angry expression turning briefly into one of.. Guilt? Remorse? It didn’t matter. (Y/n) had to die as her punishment for hiding a grade that terrible. 
(Y/n) let out a sound of protest as they tumbled back into the wall, shivering. “Mother, please! Give me one more chance!” (Y/n) wailed back, covering her face.
It didn’t help. Nothing could have helped as the sharp needle crashed into (Y/n). 
Soon enough, it was all over. Miss Circle stared at (Y/n) (what was left) with a sharp gaze. 
“It was your fault. Not mine.” Miss Circle said quietly, stepping back from the scene. “It was your… fau…” She couldn’t take it. She killed her own daughter just because of a grade..? ‘It was the right thing to do.. Right?’ Miss Circle looked away, beginning to walk. 
“It was your fault.”
“I had no choice.”
“You brought this upon yourself.”
Oh, how haunting this would be for the rest. of. her. life.
and done! Thanks for reading! (reblogs would be super cool)
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callsign-bunnie · 2 years
One-shot prompt or HCs, you choose: Alejandro & Ghost and Rudy & Soap (&Gaz?) friendships, or old married husbands parenting their Cowboy children lol
Ah, so I'm pretty bad with children, myself, anon. I got no clue how they work, so I'll settle with the friend ships. (Personally, I think both would have children in a different universe, tho.)
Ghost and Alejandro:
Ghost and Alejandro are those best friends who act like brothers in that they fight at the drop of a hat but would kill for each other. They’re not quite as close as Alejandro and Rodolfo, but Alejandro considers Ghost his second best friend.
They frequently go to bars, together, and also make sure to stay in touch when the other is on a mission
Alejandro has to duck when he walks by Ghost if he’s wearing a hat because Ghost will knock it off
Ghost regularly just silently walks into a room and stands behind Alejandro until he notices to scare the shit out of him
Alejandro is teaching Ghost Spanish
Both are lowkey bad at cooking on their own so they always go out when they have “bro” nights
Ghost told Alejandro most of his backstory when he was drunk one night and Alejandro did the same
Wrestle quite a bit for dumb reasons
Alejandro matches Ghost in physical combat skills, weapon free, as long as Alejandro knocks Ghost off guard.
Ghost has a hard time using his tactics on Alejandro because if Alejandro isn’t fighting for his life, he doesn’t bother to strategize, so Ghost can’t counter strategize
Play Uno. Both are bad at it, their games last for hours.
Alejandro and Ghost both use chess to keep their minds sharp. Alejandro picked it up from a mentor and Ghost read somewhere that it helps with critical thinking skills. They frequently play against each other since no one else will play with them because they’ll win.
Alejandro is really good at trapping in Tik Tac Toe, and Ghost cusses him out every time.
Ghost regularly gets on top of tall things to scare Alejandro when he walks into a room. (Look, Soap has gotten too used to him to scare and Ghost refuses to scare Rodolfo. And Price threatened to kick his ass if he kept scaring Gaz.)
Alejandro gets revenge by playing spooky music very quietly in the hallways so Ghost loses his mind trying to find it.
Dressed up for the batman premier and went. They’re taking that secret to their graves.
Has been told off by Rodolfo for arguing at bad times. (Soap thinks it’s funny and riles them up)
Constantly scheming together to do dumb shit. Occasionally Soap joins in.
Price and Laswell frequently stop them from fighting by grabbing them by the backs of their collars and dragging them apart like cats
Rodolfo and Soap:
Soap and Rodolfo regularly hang out together
Soap helps Rodolfo have fun when he’s too mission brained and Rodolfo helps Soap stay calm when he can’t be hyperactive
Definition of ADHD friend meets Autism Friend
Soap is chronically late and Rodolfo is chronically early. This stresses Rodolfo out quite a bit
Soap buys Rodolfo stuff for Rodolfo’s hyperfixations whenever he sees it.
Rodolfo is usually in charge of the money when they hang out, because Soap is an impulse buyer
Rodolfo keeps energy drinks in his quarters in case Soap needs to self medicate
They play board games a lot, usually with Soap making at least one remark of “they call it a board game because you’re bored” He secretly enjoys them a lot
They watch telenovelas together and Rodolfo usually has to explain everything to Soap, or remind him
Actually secretly went to a live filming of one, together. Rodolfo had to give Soap a crash course of Spanish, which is actually where Soap learned most of what he knows.
Soap is actually almost completely fluent in Spanish because of telenovelas
They watch TV with subtitles on because neither can understand a word without it. They’re Spanish subtitles.
Have fallen asleep on the couch together and had to be separated by respective boyfriends.
Just really good healthy friendship, save for when they’re arguing over who should pick who in their shows.
Bonus Soap and Rodolfo and Gaz:
Gaz usually only hangs out with them when Price or Farah are busy but he enjoys spending time with them
They all have deep conversations on their perspectives of growing up lgbt (you can pry trans Gaz from my cold dead hands) in their respective cultures.
Soap drags them both out to bars every other Saturday, though
Gaz’s tolerance is horrible, Rodolfo’s is average, and Soap’s is sky high (genetics, not due to being scottish. He’s low key super mad about it) so Soap is DD and usually drinks soda since he’s not gonna get drunk anyway and it’s cheaper
Gaz and Rodolfo share an interest in poisonous mushrooms.
Gaz pretends not to like the telenovelas but when he’s hanging out and they put them on, he sits and watches and asks questions.
He once came in in the middle of an episode, and he asked so many questions that they just restarted the episode
Gaz has a soft spot for fantasy shows, so they watch them with him
They also frequently go to the shooting range
Soap has the best stationary aim at a distance, but Gaz is more accurate with moving targets. Rodolfo is faster at hitting targets during stealth drills
Everyone expects Soap to be the one out of the three to get in fights at bars but it’s usually because someone decided they could push Gaz around and Rodolfo knocked them flat on their ass
Soap has definitely thrown both Gaz and Rodolfo over his shoulders to get out of a bar before they started a huge fight.
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hey, so I saw that you have a post on the fairy tail guys' secret talents. Can I ask you to extend that and add some of the girls' talents as well? Thank you!
Hey man its not that im not happy to oblige or anything but uhhhhhh how the fuck did you find that hc post??? I'm serious i made that post when i was high school i can't even find it
Levy's quite the lil craftsperson. Any sorta artsy, home made type of crafts she's all for it- scrapbooking, book binding, pottery,etc that kind of stuff. The messier the type of craft the better because she's such a tactile person. She never says anything about her crafts because to her its not that much of a big deal just fun stuff to do every once in a while.
Lucy is great at masking her emotions and also, pretty decent at lying when the situation calls for it. Years of having Jude as a father can do that to a person. The pro is she can easily fuck over opponents in a fight or worm some key info outta them (or outwit her friends at card games lol) the con is uhhhh, the other stuff.
Erza has no secret talent. She's really trying though because she wants to be able to do fun stuff. She wants to cook! Bake! Sew! She wants to be home-y! To draw and write pretty! To act and sing and dance! But alas the universe is not giving her those talents no matter how hard she tries 😔✌. Ok i'm kidding, apart from that Erza's got a real sharp eye for counterfeit clothing and weapons, like scarily so. She can easily discern a brand name from a fake with just a quick glance over.
Wendy, surprisingly, is a really good thief. She's great a slipping things out of people's grasp, their pockets and what not and no one would ever suspect her of it because dude, it's Wendy. She discovered this skill entirely by accident (took something from Gray and thought he realized) and it goes largely unused because she feels bad about it :( .
Cana's is less of a secret talent and more of a known secret where she just happens to know everyone's business. She's not even nosy or anything but news just always has a way of dropping itself in her lap either by accident or someone spilling their thoughts to her (drunk or sober). She never does anything with this information either (maybe if it's someone shes close to she might tease), she just sits there knowing everything and knows that everyone knows she knows and does nothing.
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zombiecicada · 7 months
Can we get Dragato hcs?
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WB! Dragato head canons, he’s quite the tragic little orb. Trigger warning for mention of sensitive topics.
-He is transgender ftm, and has known since he was about six, but only publicly socially transitioned when he was sixteen. His pronouns are he/him! Sexuality wise, he’s asexual panromantic. When he came out as transgender, Falspar was the first person he told and Falspar supported him completely and entirely and encouraged him when he changed his name and pronouns. 
-His current full legal name is Sir Dragato Galahad Ceren. Currently, he is equivalent to being forty or so years old.
-He is the brother of Falspar and Nonsurat. He’s also brothers with Arthur, Meta, Bedivere, and Galacta. With Bedivere KIA and Meta and Galacta MIA, and Arthur emotionally unavailable and other…. difficulties in their relationship, he only really considers Falspar and Nonsurat to be his only surviving family. He is the smallest of the siblings.
-Dragato is the smartest out of the three Wolfbell Knight crew. He is a skilled strategist and has led many successful battles and serves the Blitzar Soldier Rebellion as its top strategist and head of intelligence. Practically a living calculator he’s very good at math. He’s a very skilled linguist and can speak several languages fluently. He’s also quite the skilled mechanic, and when he has time he makes blueprints for spaceships and builds equipment for the rebellion. The rings around his fingers are one example, and using magnetism and a little bit of magic from Nonsurat, can attract metal objects like weapons. It’s very useful for retrieving a weapon when you’re disarmed.
-His favourite pastimes are chess, strategic board or card games and reading. He’s also a very, very talented landscapes painter. He also has a fascination for rocks and is very interested in geology. If he’s approaching a mental spiral, Falspar will get him to talk about the surrounding landscape and its formation to keep him grounded (Falspar says yes, that was indeed a pun)
-He is addicted to coffee.
-He has the tornado ability, which allows him to whip up razor sharp blades of wind and slice through almost anything. With his wings he can sense air currents and create whirlwinds and vortexes. Or rather, he could. He currently is unable to use this ability.
-Currently, his only weapon is a stasis rifle as his sword, the legendary weapon Dragonsbane (which like Galaxia will accept and reject users) started rejecting him. Falspar feels uneasy letting him have sharp things, so a stasis rifle is a good compromise.
-Back when he was still part of the GSA before their disband, he was put in charge of a mission and was appointed commanding officer. Nobody knows how his plan failed, they had never failed before. But it failed. He was captured, and his entire unit was killed. Held war prisoner, he was tortured and sexually assaulted to the point of near death. He can’t remember how he escaped, just… that someone helped him get out and get back. Arthur was going to medically discharge him upon his return, as after a month he showed zero signs of recovery or mental awareness, he would have screaming fits and attack medical staff and try running away. But Falspar used his powers against Arthur’s orders to ‘stitch Dragato’s mind back together’ and convinced Arthur that sending Dragato away from them would only hurt him more than it would help him. Ultimately this saved Dragato’s life as the GSA sanctuaries were later found and destroyed by NME shortly after the GSA’s disband.
-As a result of the time as war prisoner and the assault/torture, he has been both scarred mentally and physically. He has severe PTSD, horrible insomnia and survivor’s guilt, firmly believing the death of his unit and his capture to be his own fault. He often has nightmares and nonverbal episodes, of which he often will force himself to speak despite his discomfort as he doesn’t believe he should be so weak as to stop talking. Physically, he lost a decent amount of sight and hearing in his left side. He can no longer unsheathe his claws after receiving a tendonectomy on both paws. His wings were clipped and bound, and while his flight feathers have since grown back, his wing muscles are still recovering from lack of use and muscle wasting and he can only fly a little bit before he gets tired and needs a break.
-Despite his struggles, he continues to do his best and help Falspar and Nonsurat lead the BSR. He’s tired a lot and has frequent episodes, but serving the stand against NME gives him a sense of purpose and a reason to continue holding on and existing. In a way, it also lets him get revenge against NME as he plays a part on stopping Nightmare from accomplishing his goals and continues to be a thorn digging into his side.
-Like Meta and Falspar, his eyes change colour depending on his feelings.
-His theme song is ‘Lay Down’ by Caravan Palace.
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thvndersnow · 1 year
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name ; jackal species ; awoken, second-gen distributary-born pronouns ; he/him, it/its gender ; ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ sexuality ; sure class/subclass ; banshee hunter/warlock ghost: wolf (it/its)
phys. description ; 5’8” in height. jackal is almost always clad in armor and a helmet. he wears cloaks and leather typical of hunters in shades of hot pink, white, and black – atypical of hunters, mostly hot pink and white, with black being an accent. beneath his armor, he has lavender skin, long, pointed ears, and face that borders just enough on cat-like to be uncanny, with white markings similar to tiger’s stipes. his hair, pastel pink, is long and shaved on one side. his mouth is full of shark-like teeth, and no matter what, he never stops smiling – part of the reason he always wears his helmet. jackal’s build is sinewy and light. his sceleras are black, and his irises are white.
light abilities ; jackal was rezzed during the dark ages, back before there were rigid, defined lines between the classes. his abilities, therefore, are a mix between more warlock-like and hunter-like, combining the mobility of a hunter with the easy and powerful light manipulation of a warlock. on top of this, his void light can be used to amplify and manipulate sound waves. he can use his voice as a weapon, or use it to mimic the speech of others, because of this.
personality ; jackal feels uncanny to be around and speak to, and it is well aware of this. while he feels all of the emotions everyone else does, he can’t quite express himself in ways others understand. he tries to have a very optimistic view of life, in sharp contrast to the way it used to see things, and attempts to find the good in any situation. he can, conversely, have a very dark or “edgy” sense of humor, and often laughs at inappropriate times.
brief history ; jackal was rezzed during the dark ages, and was brought up under the wing of one of the great warlords. it saw the worst of both lightbearers and humanity during this time, and though he tried to keep his own humanity, it was hard for him to hold on to hope with the things he saw and the things it was forced to carry out. it was little wonder that, as the warlord factions crumbled and as humanity entered the early city age, he fell into the thrall of a newly-christened dredgen yor – but even this did not last long for him, as the group of dredgens it was part of crumbled under the weight of their own hubris and the bullets from the lightbearers that hunted them down. jackal was barely able to escape with its life. knowing himself, and knowing he could not survive without amnesty, it turned itself in to ikora rey, and seeing potential in him, she tasked it with a mission.
jackal is one of ikora’s hidden, and has such has not had much interaction with main game plotlines, but he did work with the guardians who were part of the witch queen plotline as part of the hidden investigative team. while he does not often use it, it does still carry its copy of thorn.
tags ; gen tag | hc tag | aesthetics tag | ic tag | gen ship tag
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fullmetalpotterhead · 8 months
To clarify on my ask I sent!
Feral behavior as in when you’re so lost in the sauce of your devotion that you don’t care what you have to do and to who as long as your beloved is safe and happy.
Ruthlessly killing your enemies one moment and the next pressing gentle kisses onto your darlings hand and not caring about the carnage left behind or the blood.
So just unhinged acts of service basically.
Hmmm I still am not sure I see what you mean? Feral for me implies a lack of lucidity vs what you’re explaining sounds normal HC behavior just violent?
So if you want violent devotion I have: Creative Weapons and Bloodlust. Sort of It Smelled Like Worship in the way burning the temples is violence.
This Story Ends in the Middle has some unhinged behavior but I don’t know if it’s quite right…
Lack of lucidity/full control of mental faculties resulting in soft devotion was present in Insanity would be not serving you, Willingly Received, and How to be totally normal about your crush while passionately making out.
I don’t know if I’d ever do one of HC out of his mind and violent. It’s not out of the question, but my tastes do tend more towards the sharp and precise wit and strength HC has rather than blind rage for him.
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soulsxng--a · 6 years
😈 for JJ and 🎭 for Jas
You got: The Evil Queen
The Magic Mirror on the wall, says you are the the most evil of them all!
Your temperament is choleric. 
The choleric temperament is fundamentally ambitious and leader-like. They have a lot of aggression, energy, and/or passion, and try to instill it in others. They can dominate people of other temperaments, especially phlegmatic types. Many great charismatic military and political figures were choleric. They like to be in charge of everything. However, cholerics also tend to be either highly disorganized or highly organized. They do not have in-between setups, only one extreme to another. As well as being leader-like and assertive, cholerics also fall into deep and sudden depression. Essentially, they are very much prone to mood swings.
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beneathashadytree · 2 years
hello! could i have HCs of mista and a fem reader who adores the sex pistols? she likes to feed them, play with them, and maybe even knits them little hats that look like mista’s because she loves them. but she makes a mistake when she tells them she has a crush on their stand user, because they immediately snitch on her to mista (😭)
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Warnings : this is pretty cheesy and not proofread, reader identifies as female!
Genre : tooth-rotting fluff <3
Word count : 1.0K words (oops)
Additional notes : Thank you so much for requesting! I thought long and hard how to get to this, and I’m pretty pleased with how it turned out. I have a soft spot for the entire Bucci gang and their stands, as you could probably see🫣 Hope you enjoy reading this, anon!💗
Requests : Are open! Check the rules over here.
Want to support me financially? Here’s my CashApp.
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It seemed like a sort of unspoken rule that every stand user that somehow found their way into the Italian mafi ended up on either Bucciarati’s squadra or Risotto’s squadra
It was to ensure both confidentiality and cohesion of the group working as one unit, which could only be achieved when all of the squadra consisted of stand users
With her luck, she winded up on Bucciarati’s turf, her stand another weapon to add to their arsenal
Mista was rather nonchalant about the new addition; he never really minded getting to know a new person as long as they proved themselves to be useful and trust-worthy
He does his own thing anyways and always pulls up in any pinch they find themselves in, regardless of how the others react to their missions
But for some reason, he found himself actually quite enjoying her company even when they’re not doing anything in particular
The same—and more, actually—could be said about her; she soon realized that she was almost making up excuses just to be in the sharpshooter’s presence, and to learn more about him whenever they sat together
His likes, his dislikes, his quaint tetraphobia, his unique sense of humor and wit, his sharp intelligence; everything about him was something she wanted to discover bit by bit
And with coming to know him so personally, she of course had many interactions with his stand, the Sex Pistols, and slowly grew increasingly fond of them
They truly were like a bunch of rowdy kids each with a vastly different personality from the other, and it was hard not to like them
Hardworking as they were, they were almost always hungry and in need of attention and affection, things she was more than willing to provide whenever she was available and in the vicinity
More often than not, the six little guys were found trailing after her, happy smiles on their faces as they nibbled on pastrami and cheese mini sandwiches she’d prepared for them, cheeks stuffed and delighted smiles on their tiny faces
Even the scruffy Number 5 couldn’t help but feel happy whenever she made use of her time off to play with them, despite Mista’s protests that she didn’t have to
Her insistence that she actually wanted to spend time with them didn’t go unnoticed, flustering both the stand and their user
Come Christmas, already more than a few months had passed since she first started having feelings for Mista
Feelings she clearly was oblivious to them being reciprocated
Considering herself an almost-caretaker for the Sex Pistols whenever Mista himself wasn’t fussing over them, she decided to make them a gift herself
Seeing how much they absolutely adored the gunslinger, she decided to knit them tiny hats similar to the one he wore all the time
As for Mista, she decided to make him a scarf that perfectly matched his usual outfit, decked in his favorite red and blue, while she secretly made herself matching gloves
She already readied herself to excuse it as her simply liking the design if anyone questioned her about it
Thankfully things went relatively smoothly the entire time she spent knitting the set, but that ignorant bliss around her didn’t last long
Just a couple of minutes in showing the Sex Pistols her gifts for them, Number 3 found himself tripping over the box she’d thought she’d so cleverly hidden under her bed
After a few flustered stammers, a furious blush to the tips of her ears, and pathetic lies that not even a two year old would believe, she slumped over in defeat and admitted to the fact that she’d knit matching gloves and scarf for her and Mista
Ever perceptive, they shared a glance before Number 1 bluntly asked her if she had a crush on their favorite guy, to which her flaring blush only affirmed
No words were needed, the Pistols sharing mischievous smiles that spelled something foreboding to her
She begged them not to tell Mista, her earnest and horrified expression causing them to feel a little sorry for her, silently deciding to stay quiet… for the time being
As soon as they spotted her handing him his gift, though, they were quick to cheekily grin up at him
The man himself was stunned by the sweet gift, expressing his gratitude as best as he could and hugging her gently
Honestly, the smile and slight flush on his face should’ve been a clear indicator that he had it bad for her as well, and that her thoughftul handmade gift had made him happier than he could ever admit
“She knitted matching gloves for her too, because she likes you, Mista!”
Mista’s eyes nearly bulged out of their sockets as he stood there stunned by the words Number 2 had blurted out, earning a nudge from an alarmed Number 6
They all stood with baited breath, watching as a mix of horror and embarrassment made its way on the woman’s face, whereas Mista’s face turned every single color under the sun as he slowly processed the words he’d just heard
His loud and boisterous laugh of disbelief had them a little confused, and her face began to fall, before he quickly threw his arms around her, bringing her in for a tighter embrace than before
The expression on his face could only be described as blissful, and her scrunched up countenance melted into a relieved one
“You’re… alright with that?” she hesistantly asked him, only to have Mista squeeze her waist, open affection in his eyes as he smiled at her
“About damn time you noticed I like you too, geez!”
“Not like you’d noticed I had feelings for you, either…” she mumbled under her breath, rolling her eyes despite the blush on her cheeks that betrayed her
They were only interrupted when Number 7 pointed out, “Hey look, mistletoe!”
Before she could glance up in the direction he was glancing at, Mista took the chance to swoop in and softly kiss her
Too enamored by the all-consuming kiss, she was too busy to notice that there wasn’t anything above their heads, and that the Sex Pistols had snuck out, giggles remaining in their wake
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Taglist: @mrsgiovanna @boorishbrambling @blondeboyfriend
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Can I request a tsukasa, hanako x reader where they found out reader is a grim reaper who kills apparations and tried to kill them the first time tehy met who didn't make it to the afterlife basically reader is a exorcist but with a scythe has only 4 hours of sleep a day and has eyebags (but still look pretty cute and sexy😳) btw the apparitions were the first to fall in love with reader (not HC pls)
Tsukasa and Hanako with a grim reaper s/o❣︎
Warnings: fighting, attempted murder, death, a tad bit of gore
A/n: hello hello!!!
I hope this came out the way you wanted!!
Also i really hate Tsukasa’s oneshot but I’m too tired rn-
This is a really cool idea!!! Thank you for requesting and I hope you enjoy it!
Have a great day or night!
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Tsukasa hummed as he floated down the hallways, a brought smile on his face. He just left Natsuhiko’s classroom after annoying him so much he made a scene in front of the class. He was very amused, laughing just at the thought of his reaction in front of the whole class.
His eyes opened when he felt a creepy presence watching him. He turned around but saw no one, soon shrugging it off. He continued to float down the hallway looking for Sakura's classroom. He still felt the weird presence but he didn’t care too much about it. Soon he was grabbed by his collar and pushed against the wall, a sharp object against his neck.
“Tsukasa Yugi. The younger brother of the seventh of the seven wonders. You terrible spirit…!” You held back your shouts as you pushed your scythe further into his neck, drawing some blood. Tsukasa only looked at you in shock and examined your appearance. You had a dark outfit that slightly covered your face that looked rather ill. You looked like you haven’t slept in a while, eye bags under your eyes and your skin pale and cold to touch.
“You're the grim reaper aren't you!” Tsukasa smiled, unfazed that he was at a disadvantage. “Your rumor has been getting quite popular lately… do you like the adjustments I made to it~” He teased with a smirk which pissed you off.
“Shut up! How dare you mess with my rumor and change it however you want! I should kill you right now!!” You finally started shouting, rage getting to you.
“But that would be no fun now, would it~?” He gripped your scythe. “Don’t you want to make me suffer?!” It was like he was challenging you. Telling you what you wanted but gaining the upper hand at the same time. However, you wouldn’t let him do that.
“Shut the fuck up you horrid spirit!” You shouted “I’ll make you pay for what you did to my rumor!” He hummed in response, waiting no time to grab the back of your head and slam you against the wall. He held your face against the wall, pressing his body on yours so you would have a harder time moving. His other hand gripped your wrist tightly, causing a bruise to form on your hand and the scythe to fall out of it.
“You already know quite a bit about me… it's only fair if I know more about you~” Tsukasa whispered in your ear “Tell me, what's your name~?”
You bit your bottom lip, stepping on his foot hard enough for him to step back due to the pain. You took this chance to grab your scythe but when you turned to where it dropped it was gone. You turned back to Tsukasa and his wisps brought him your own weapon.
“Wow… this is a cool weapon! But you never answered my question, what's your name?” He held the scythe in his hands and smiled at you.
“Shut up!!” You ran to him, attempting to fight him without a weapon. Tsukasa soon appeared behind you and used your own weapon to impale you. You fell to the ground, blood rushing from your wound.
You felt yourself start to cry as you felt defeated. You started this fight to get revenge but now he is about to kill you. It was humiliating.
“Hey…” He walked in front of you, kneeling down so he faced you “What’s your name?”
“Drop dead… piece of trash.” You gritted your teeth and Tsukasa sighed. He stood up and you thought he was going to finish you off but instead he just picked you up bridal style.
“W-what are you doing-?!” You looked at him in shock.
“Your chest is bleeding, you have a bruise on your wrist, and your head is starting to bleed. I’m going to bandage you up silly!” He floated to an empty classroom, playing you down on one of the desks.
“Seriously…? You just tried to kill me now you are bandaging me up?” You looked at him with a blank face which caused him to laugh.
“I didn't want to try and kill you but you were very stubborn! I had to get you to stop somehow! Besides, you haven’t even told me your name yet~!” He grabbed the emergency kit, awaiting your answer.
“I’m y/n…” You grumbled “Y/n L/n..”
“Oh! Are you from the L/n exorcist clan~?” He started to bandage your wrist, an amused look on his face.
“I am actually…” you rolled your eyes
“And how did you get like this~?”
“My death is none of your concern!” You said a bit irritated.
“I was just curious…” Tsukasa pouted as he started to bandage your chest that was stabbed.
“Even though I’m dead, I will kill evil spirits… evil spirits that change other peoples rumors without asking!” You gave him an angry expression but he only laughed, finding it cute.
“If I change your rumor… will you not hate me anymore~?” He starts to bandage your head.
“Change my rumor… will you change my rumor back?!” You sounded a bit joyful when you asked.
“I will! But… I do want something in return~?” He turned to face you.
“And what will that be..?”
“I want to know more about you!” He smiled innocently as he held your hands in his “I want to hang out with you!! You are very interesting~”
“Oh… thanks…?” You questioned, wondering if his words were a compliment or not.
“Also I’m done bandaging you!!” You clapped his hands together. You looked down at your wounds and looked at him shocked when you saw what a poor job he's done. But you brushed it off. You didn’t mind, they would heal anyways, you were a ghost after all. You took in this moment, his hands holding yours as he smiled at you. Something about it just felt right to you.
Your presence felt right to him, and his to yours.
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Hanako sat in his bathroom waiting for classes to be over. He was getting quite bored being alone, wanting Yashiro and Kou to get out of their classes as quickly as possible and clean the bathroom. The two always hated the activity but he always enjoyed their company and their whining.
He felt a weird presence form, causing him to turn from the windowsill to the bathroom entrance. A black smoke appeared which soon turned into a person. He grabbed his knife out of his uniform, standing up as he prepared for a fight if needed. Your figure soon came to view as you watched him, glaring at him in a way. You dressed in dark clothing and your skin looked pale. You had dark bags under your eyes, your expression looked exhausted but angry.
“Number seven of the seven mysteries.” You faced your scythe to him “I am here to erase your existence.” Instead of getting a scared reaction from the boy, he only smiles in amusement.
“You are here to erase my existence?” He questioned “Well I’m sorry to burst your bubble but I can’t leave, at least not right now, so I suggest you reconsider!”
“Quite! You can either let me get rid of you and get this over with, or I will take you out by force.”
“Ooo!! Someone is passionate about this! Just try it~” He held his knife up, letting you take the first move. You ran over to him, trying to graze his neck with your scythe but he quickly dodged out of the way, not attacking you back. You ran to him again, trying to hit him but failed. You continued to try and hit him over and over again but he just dodged. He didn’t fight you back but just looked at you amused as he dodged your attacks.
You felt your blood boil as you decided to teleport behind him, kicking him down to the ground and slamming your scythe right above his shoulder.
“Oh wow!!” He looked impressed. It irritated him how he acted like you weren’t a big threat to him.
“Why aren’t you fighting back!” You shouted at him.
“Well, I don’t see much of a need to fight you! Besides, you look exhausted! You look like you could pass out any minute!!” His voice held a bit of concern.
“Shut up and just fight back, you coward!!”
“Oh…” His smile faded as his eyes turned red “alrighty then” He kicked you off of him, causing you to fly back into one of the stalls. He grabbed your collar, pushing you up against the wall as he put his knife to your neck.
“Not so confident now, huh~” He whispered to you with a smirk. You wanted to hit him but he had the advantage, and you couldn’t reach your scythe. You glared at him, biting your bottom lip bitterly. You didn’t know that a small school wonder could have so much power.
You felt his knife lower from your neck and he opened his mouth to say something but you didn’t wait time to push him away, grabbing your scythe. You soon vanished, leaving no trace behind when you left. Hanako turned to where you vanished, amused by this.
“I need to look more into them~”
A few days passed and you were sitting on the school rooftop. You felt your eyes close slowly, starting to fall asleep but you tried to fight the erg to sleep. You needed to be focused and prepared, you couldn’t sleep now. You felt a presence sit next to you then someone pushed your head onto their lap. You tried to sit up, shocked and not knowing who this person is.
“Relax!! It’s only me~” You recognized that voice to be honorable number seven “You look tired, you should rest!”
“So you can kill me while I sleep… no way.” You squirmed a bit but he had a strong grip on you.
“I wouldn’t want to kill you! I only just met you and I don’t have a reason to kill you” He informs you, his voice soft as he stroked your hair.
“You can trust me and rest, I promise I won't hurt you” You huffed in response. As he stroked your hair and hummed a lovely toon, you couldn’t help but doze off. His voice was so relaxing to listen to.
He couldn’t help but blush seeing your sleeping figure, finding you rather adorable. You were so vulnerable and innocent, it was such a pure moment for him.
A moment he will cherish
Tagging~ @alicetordmikey @cobertoravermelhado @sleepless-simp @hanako-san @bladethrowsshade @old-poptart @kaz6lvr
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alchemania · 3 years
Something I really like about the claymores is how all of them exude raw power, but in different ways.
Noelle for example, displays effortless power wrapped up in delicacy. She twirls on her twinkle toes when she spins (and she is the ONLY claymore user to do so, Xinyan and Chongyun also spin, but Noelle is the only one to do so on her TOES), and she swings like the weapon doesn't weigh anything. She is raw strength muted in grace.
Diluc exudes raw, VIOLENT power, moreso than most of the users: claymores are HEAVY, and most users use them with two hands: he switches to one, consistently: a small detail but a notable one to the strength he holds. He's also been shown to kick his claymore in cutscenes and throw it like a projectile, then virtually dance around enemies and hit them down like blocks.
Razor is a prime example of "a lot of power, but not quite enough control to master it": his swings are sharp but sloppy and his feet fly off the ground in one of his basic attacks. What he lacks in grace and technique he more than makes up in raw power. A lot of it.
Beidou has a perfect balance of raw power with control: she's brutal but every swing you can tell she's also got the experience behind it and it's lovely to watch.
Sayu, like Razor, seems to lean towards "powerful but lacks control", and even more so: she seems to struggle a little to even hold the weapon, much less swing it around, and iirc she even stumbles slightly in her normal attacks?
Xinyan's style is absolutely reckless and full of excitement! Accuracy?? Never heard of her, she's swinging at everything-
Chongyun almost looks like he's dancing when he uses his weapon: he jumps and twirls EFFORTLESSLY when in combat; almost like a ballerina (my hc is that Chongyun dances as part of his training to stay light on his feet), and it's so NEAT. His style is probably my favorite, he's another example of effortless strength married with grace like Noelle; but leaning more towards the grace whereas Noelle exudes a little more raw power.
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