1lovely-rose · 2 months
Wild Roses,
When life is balanced, we view the world differently. When one thing goes wrong and possibly another fault during our day it feels like it’s trail we’re following to have something worse happen to us.
I’m seeing it first hand for someone. It reminds me of myself at my previous job. There’s no push for effort and my patience was slim. After some time off for myself, I became bored and busy with spending time with loved ones as well as accomplishing various chores. When returning to working at a new establishment, I felt nervous but have been enjoying it.
I have a trainer whose patience is slim when certain avoidances could've been made. I see the tiredness though, I see the sadness, and I see the rage. It’s a reminder that we need breaks in life and unfortunately, not everyone gets those moments to breathe. When you have an opportunity, then do so.
Best Regards,
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1lovely-rose · 3 months
Wild Roses,
Why do we focus on something so small in a relationship? Do we have this painted picture of a perfect relationship?
My experience has been that no one is perfect in this world, but let’s face the fact that we do have certain priorities when getting serious. We shouldn’t torture ourselves if who we’re with isn’t perfect, however we do take into consideration of what are things that just make us say, “Enough of this!”
Is it someone not pulling their own weight? Someone belittling you? Has the relationship become stagnant?
Are you also asking, do I even pull my weight? Are they just making a simple joke? Have I tried spicing things or come up with new activities?
There should be a balance in a healthy, natural way and feel that this partner is one to hold closest to your heart. A romantic yet, truthful point because sometimes it’s not complicated. It’s an everlasting piece you thought you’d never find. That little piece patched the crack you couldn’t stop until that piece became a part of your life whether it be a lesson or a step closer fulfilling your needs.
There’s wants but needs are ever so rewarding.
Best Regards,
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1lovely-rose · 3 months
Wild Roses,
It’s been too long. Progress personally in my career and I plan to keep these blogs going so I may grow. I always knew I had a love for music, while my other two loves are food and writing. Any plans for the summer for everyone? I’m not sure what I’ll be doing but so far it’s been stressful yet eventful in my life thus far this summer time season. There may be small hints of who I am within these log entries.
I will let you know that I’m hopeful for things to come and hopefully for great things for you too!
Best Regards,
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1lovely-rose · 4 months
hey, are you an author?
Not yet, but I hope to become one soon. This is just a stepping stone for my journey of publishing publicly.
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1lovely-rose · 4 months
Wild Roses,
Is it right for a parent to be involved in their adult children’s relationship? Let’s say the husband and wife get into a debatable argument about correcting another, would it be right to for either spouse’s parent to comment during the argument? I feel it’s unnecessary especially if that parent’s marriage was affected with their parent getting involved their relationship.
It’s difficult to share a home with parents and spouses because it seems a string of issues could become larger than what the beginning was. A string of difficulties of being caught between even a parent and the daughter/son in-law. Is it a good idea for the spouse to deal with their own or each other’s parent(s)? Sometimes there seems to be an obvious answer except there are different situations that are tricky to hit head on.
For example, it’s become uncomfortable in my home and in my in-laws home because my parent belittles me during arguments with my spouse. To be honest, my spouse and I never yell; it’s mainly due to corrections in communication or meaning well to a decision that ends up going wrong. In my in-laws home the parent argues with me of how I am with their grown child’s health. Mind you, this ‘adult child’ is healthy yet snacks without my knowledge on unhealthy items. I’m not a parent, I’m a spouse. This parent will argue with me but smile in their child’s face.
I never do right to either and my spouse doesn’t put me down but indulges on playing victim. It’s tiresome but I do my best to put on a smile and push forward.
However, there are some days where I just want to walk away and see how everyone does without my help. Do you struggle with similar issues?
Best Regards,
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1lovely-rose · 4 months
Wild Roses,
Is it true that when it rains and pours, there’s a brighter rainbow after? It seems that through these troubling times there are days where it seems almost perfect. The mood, the energy, and just the vibe that surrounds you feels bliss. For someone that is normally anxious, I await for something to spoil the moment yet today it’s been smooth.
Tasks were completed and the relationship between the individual that recently gave me trouble is now all but forgiven. The day is moving forward with positivity and the weather is beautiful. I hope we each enjoy these moments of feeling the sun shining upon us with warm kisses and the wind flowing through our hair to remind us to feel instead of remaining numb.
We’re human beings and we’re not perfect. We should enjoy the small and big things that improve us personally. It could be overcoming trauma, a challenge, or simply having a moment to ourselves. Personally my dears, I struggle to have a single moment for myself and when I do it’s difficult to simply just relax. Do you struggle or do you enjoy those blissful moments of relaxation?
I thought this blog entry could be a little positive as the day has been thus far. I say take a walk, sit outside, read a book, or something you particular enjoy. It could even be silent company with someone that you don’t feel sucks the energy out of you, but they give that comfort that makes you feel wholesome.
Best Regards,
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1lovely-rose · 4 months
Wild Roses,
Do we forgive our family members or do we forget them? Puzzling question, I know. You see when there are issues or complications between each other, such as disrespecting the other we are told to forgive and forget.
I cannot and wonder if this is such a wrong thing to do? To better understand the question I’m asking, do we forgive someone multiple times when they keep making the same mistakes and placing you in situations that shouldn’t be your responsibility? Do we forgive them? Or is there a point to stop when you’ve tried multiple avenues of helping them?
It’s difficult to answer myself because I personally have such a caring heart, yet I’ve grown to understand the differences in blending and standing out. Ironic, isn’t it? I want to stand out yet here I am blending into the blogs on the internet.
I care about those around me very much but the one I care for the most has disrespected me in more than one way and we live in the same household. I keep trying to make things right with them along with others in the home but there’s always that outliner that stands out and can be troublesome. I hope this year’s chapter bring a new perspective than those I’ve seen in the past of growing some courage and putting my foot down when needed.
You know there are many in this world that deal with addictions that affect those around them. It could be involving them financially, psychologically, mentally, emotionally, or even providing the supply. It’s difficult helping and more difficult trying to give them chances.
Best Regards,
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1lovely-rose · 4 months
Wild Roses,
Another sleepless night of worry to what the next chapters hold but reminding myself that these changes are necessary for a possible better future. A future to have more time with loved ones and for myself. Communication is key with my partner and glad that we’re able to express what we feel during these times.
You see, the more experiences in life that I’ve either overcome or learn from have taught me about myself. It’s one of those moments where we have a self realization of what we’re possibly capable of doing. For example, taking this risk of expression through writing and possibly helping others to realize they’re not alone. I’m a curious person and try to be open minded to all. While it may be difficult because of how I was raised, there have been times of changes that have bettered me as an individual.
I always say things happen to us to teach us a lesson or are a blessing, depending on the situation. Recently, my situation has opened a new chapter leaving a place where it was stagnant and draining my happiness because of horrible management actions but I realize my life is opening a a chapter to keep me moving up. On the side, I can now practice my writing skills by posting here.
There will be times of expressing depressing thoughts that are relatable or helpful advice that could maybe help others. It all depends.
I shall continue more tomorrow and try to create an entry everyday or at least a few times a week.
Best Regards,
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1lovely-rose · 4 months
Wild Roses,
There are some that are better writers than speakers and I have to practice to become who I want to be. A writer at heart and given the time I’ve spent watching Bridgerton, I’d like to try this mysterious approach. There are many blogs that focus on popular online topics but what if there was a mixture of what we watch?
In real life though because I’ve taken into account the shows about the Bridgerton society, Euphoric trips, and Sex in the City with real situations that are relatable to some degree.
I want to show my life, privately to show some in this world of vast diversity of this lifetime. There’s so much separation between each other based on different decisions we make. I need to be open about my thoughts and emotions. This is my life journey.
Best Regards,
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