momiji-kitsune · 1 day
when a powerful figure is reduced to kneeling. when the lord is forced to bow. when the exile stumbles into an unwelcoming bar. when the “beast” is chained by their horns. when a god is dragged behind their enemy’s chariot, a captive and trophy. when the loyal “guard dog” character is muzzled and the silver-tongued thief falls silent in horror.
that’s the shit
it’s about the contrapasso. the reversal of roles and the sudden, plunging terror of being unable to hide.
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momiji-kitsune · 1 day
On April 30th while reporting on the Students Revolution at Columbia University, CNN anchor Kasie Hunt made reference to Hind Rajab as 'A Woman Who Was Killed in Gaza." Hind Rajab was six years old.
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momiji-kitsune · 1 day
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momiji-kitsune · 2 days
[Image Description: A screenshot from arab.org.
At the very top of the screenshot are the words: "Click daily, it's free", with the word 'free' written in all capitals.
Underneath those words is a red, rectangular button with the words: "Click to help" written in all capitals.
Underneath the button are the words: "All proceeds go to UNRWA" and a link that sends you to a webpage that verify's this claim.
Underneath the link are the words "Click every 24 hours", written in all capitals and a red font.
At the very bottom of the screenshot is a paragraph of text titled "Your click helps the plight of the Palestinian people". The paragraph reads: "Your free click generates donations from our sponsors. Remember, you may click once a day, every day. Donations raised go to UNRWA to assist the Palestinian people. Learn more". The 'Learn more' is hyperlinked to a webpage titled: "Learn Online with arab.org".
/.End ID]
you can click on this button once daily to help palestine and support other causes in the middle east for free. it takes literally 5 seconds and could help save lives so please take the time to click and share this link.
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momiji-kitsune · 2 days
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If you're having trouble keeping up with what's going on in Palestine because of US news coverage of university protests, here are some articles you can read and a video you can watch:
While CNN & all the other mainstream media try to paint the university protests as "pro terrorism" (which they're not, they're literally anti-war protests.) Palestinians are being slaughtered by the minute.
Please don't stop speaking about Palestine.
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momiji-kitsune · 2 days
i do enjoy in survival-esque escape-type movies when someone gets hurt and someone else is like “i can help, don’t worry i’m a doctor.” like. they’re probably not lying, but they totally could be
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momiji-kitsune · 2 days
As protests start ramping up and violence escalates please remember:
It can and will cause infection due to bacteria. Flush with water, distilled if possible, and never EVER wear contact lenses to protests where there may be police retaliation.
Please reblog. It may save someone's sight.
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momiji-kitsune · 3 days
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That part
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momiji-kitsune · 3 days
For 6 months, Israel has been committing genocide in Palastine. They have also been attacking Lebanon and Syria, while sending their sugar Daddy after Yemen.
All this US politicians refer to as self-defense.
But when Iran retaliates after Israel bombed their embassy, they say Iran is "escalating tensions."
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momiji-kitsune · 4 days
every holocaust memorial day, i always ask people to keep romani people in their thoughts, but this year i’d like to clear up some misconceptions that i see every year w/ a psa
romani people are not white. we’re south asian (from northern india), and each subgroup has a unique racial makeup of asian/white/etc, in different amounts. this is also why we vary wildly in physical appearance/skintone
we still face oppression. what we face, especially in europe, can still be constituted as attempted genocide, as we’re forced to live in hazardous conditions or to give away our children, be sterilized, etc just for the crime of being roma
the ‘g slur’ isn’t just an american issue. the reason some european roma prefer the slur is because, in many countries, there is no term for roma that isn’t a slur, and it’s either the g slur or the literal translation of the n word. i’m romanian, and if you used the slur in my hometown, you’d get slapped, since we just use ‘roma’.
we live in every continent across the world. some of the largest romani populations exist in south america, predominantly in brazil. they are no more and no less roma than their european counterparts, and they, like romani in asia, africa, etc all face unique challenges and oppression.
we’re the largest ethnic minority in europe, and yet have almost no political power, no land ownership power (in some places, we’re forbidden from owning land entirely), etc. with very few reputable charities- a lot of us reject charity by principle, as well as there being a general lack of education about us- the best thing you can do to help romani people is to just spread information, and help individuals when you can.
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momiji-kitsune · 5 days
"How do you talk to people with no pronouns"
Option A: Hey fuckshit / (Insult of choice) [Allows for positive connotation and desensitization to insults!]
Option B: Hey [Name]
"How do I talk to someone with it/it's pronouns, that's dehumanizing"
Did you not talk to your plushies as a child?
Apply the same logic but with a person
"I'm upset there the A in lgbtqia+ doesn't mean Ally"
Well, we can include you in the plus because I'm about to force you to become non-binary! Say goodbye to your genitals! <3
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momiji-kitsune · 5 days
Master doc that contains different resources and support for many countries including Palestine, Congo, Haiti, Hawai’i, etc ((op is underneath the link))
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momiji-kitsune · 6 days
How to put “wrote fan-fiction” on your résumé:
Leveraged an inventory of established fictional character and setting elements to generate a disruptive custom-curated narrative entertainment asset.
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momiji-kitsune · 7 days
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Israeli forces burn 94-year-old Palestinian grandmother alive
94-year-old Naifa Rizq al-Sawada, who suffered from Alzheimer's and was unable to walk or speak, was in her home in the vicinity of the al-Shifa Medical Complex in the west of Gaza City on 21 March when the Israeli military invaded stormed her home post-midnight and forcibly evicted her family at gunpoint, forcing them to leave her behind.
Yesterday, her sons who were able to return home after Israeli forces' withdrawal, discovered her home engulfed in flames by the Israeli army. Inside, they found her charred remains on her bed.
[via RNN]
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momiji-kitsune · 8 days
It makes a lot of sense that they would leave their kids at home for their road trip through dimensions, but-
What if they take their kids with them ("Hop in kids, it's vacation time! How do you feel about meeting your older brother and your nieces and nephews?")
They (finally) end up at the right universe's version of Wayne Manor, thinking that maybe their son grandson had just gone home and wanting to say goodbye/make sure he was doing okay (was he sleeping well? was he getting enough food? how was he adjusting to being alive again? they had to make sure he was alright). Only to arrive at the manor, kids in tow, to find that 1) their grandson was not, in fact, home, 2) their son was NOT dealing with his son's death (and the knowledge of his subsequent revival) well, and 3) they were very, very angry about this.
Cue them leaving their kids at the manor under the supervision of Alfred (look, they promised their kids bonding time. It's going to happen, no matter what). They promise they won't be gone for very long. Then they set their sights onto finding Jason. And, while they were angry when they set out, nothing can beat the apoplectic fury they felt when they finally found Jason with the League.
(Honestly, the only good thing that came out of that place was their surprise grandson. He's so bloodthirsty, it's wonderful)
There's an orphanage in the Ghost Zone for Ghost Children. It's a large Manor, and while it is a married ghost pair's Haunt, they gladly repurposed it.
It's run by two ghosts; Thomas and Martha Wayne.
Okay, technically it's an orphanage, but they consider all the children in it their own.
Basically; Bruce has a lot of undead siblings he has no idea about, and also he comes by adoptivitus honestly.
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momiji-kitsune · 9 days
i love the interpretations of jaster mereel. hes a nerd. hes a jock. he has elaborate plans to break into the jedi archives but theres an evil witch who lives there and she has the spell gun. he wrote the supercommando codex which has evolved from "how to be a hired mercenary without being a raging dickhead" to the very base standards of mando society. he has a man with a hate boner for him and you will see his scathing peer review personally and preferably full of holes. he has a pacifist sect trying to blow him up with their minds. he has his best friend trying to actually blow him up but keeps looney tooning his way into failure every time. hes the most aesexual whore to ever whore. he keeps bringing home ankle biters. he was a cop who killed another cop because that cop was crooked and well if no one else was going to fix it then he will permanently. he probably has a doctorate for every past mand'alor regime. hes eaten things that werent meant to be eaten because he read it in a book once. he probably has an entire library of random trivia in his brain and will tell you one without prompt. hes adhd. hes the epitome of that meme with the dog gazing worryingly at a mini pineapple. hes been banned from 14 sectors because he knew law loopholes before they could even loop. his enemies want him both carnally and dead. his friends want him to stop hiding in the rafters at night reading in the dark so all they see is the light reflecting off his eyes like a cat when they pan their flashlights up and scaring the newbies. he would be classified as a cryptid if he wasnt on the mandalore sectors most eligible bachelor list. he probably has cake under that armor.
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momiji-kitsune · 10 days
Thinking back to a doctors appointment where I was talking to a new doctor and introducing them to my flavour of FND. The conversation went something like this (not word-by-word, it's been a few years):
Me: So I wasn't able to move or speak or indicate that something was wrong for about 30 minutes.
Doctor: *Nodding along*
Me: It felt even worse because my mum and little sibling were, like, two feet away from me but couldn't tell that something was wrong.
Doctor: *Affirmative noises*
Me: All in all, it was a pretty traumatising experience.
Doctor: *Doubtful look*
Doctor: Are you sure it was traumatising? I understand that you had a bad experience, but I think you're making a bigger deal out of this than it actually was.
Me: *Absolutely speechless*
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