#+ i only have to order a new one bc my current one is mostly broken
izzymalec · 7 months
god does not want me to have a washing machine
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tojisun · 11 months
sun u should explain the ghost band lore bc i’m interested but no nothing about them
oki oki so ani this might take a while bc i went crazy explaining and it might be too long so uhm find the tl;dr at the end 😭
i swooned when i saw u ask this bc!!! mwah mwah <333 idk it made me so giddy teehee <33 also! this is what i know so far so there might be lapses in my explanation hhh
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the band ghost or ghost (or ‘ghost bc’)
- they are are theatrical rock band mostly known for their satirical approach to organized religion (roman catholicism); they have a parody of the ministry (from the papacy down to the clergymen [dubbed as brothers/sisters of sins]). there are criticism that they are satanic and, well, that is their lore.
the current singer is called papa emeritus iv
- papa iv is endearingly called popia because before being papa, he was known as cardinal copia. he succeeded the previous three papa emeritus (primo, secondo, terzo) after the three have been killed. he also inherited the ghouls (specifically terzo’s ghouls).
- primo, secondo, terzo, copia are all acted by the same guy (tobias forge)! the lore is that they’re all brothers, fathered by papa nihil, but that copia wasn’t recognized as his son until later on when the three papas were killed. the ones who organized the deaths of the previous papas is sister imperator, copia’s mom.
- the papas, in order: primo, secondo, terzo, copia (cardinal), copia (papa)
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nameless ghouls
- they are the people that tobias forge (papa) hires to play live! theyre not a concrete band since these instrumentalists could be/had been replaceable :((
- when ghost debuted, there were only four ghouls: fire, water, earth, quintessence. these titles are reflections of the instruments they play! fire (lead guitar). water (bass guitar). earth (drums). quintessence (rhythm guitar). later a keyboard instrumentalist was added and they were dubbed as the air ghoul.
- as the band grew more popular and more instrumentalists came and went, the fans began naming them. at the top of my head; notable old members include: alpha (fire). omega (quintessence). mist (water). ifrit (fire). zephyr (air).
- i think it was in 2019 when the ghouls were established and no one left (until, that is, june 2023). they were: dewdrop (fire; previously water so he replaced ifrit as lead guitarist). rain (water; bass guitar). aether (quintessence; rhythm guitar). mountain (earth; drums). swiss (multi ghoul - means he is a backup vocals, acoustic guitarist, tambourine). cumulus (air; keyboard and backup vocals). cirrus (air - keyboard and keystar). sunshine (multi; backup vocals).
- nameless ghouls as of july 2023: dewdrop (fire). rain (water). phantom (quintessence - he replaced aether). mountain (earth). swiss (multi). cumulus (air). cirrus (air). aurora (multi - she replaced sunshine).
- fave: nameless ghouls aren’t all just men!! cirrus, cumulus, sunshine, and aurora are ghoulettes
- i finally know who is who when they don’t have their instruments 😭
- they all wear the same thing for anonymity, although fans know who they are unmasked!
other fun info
- a ghost concert is called ‘ritual’
- they have this episodes (??) of more lore called ‘chapters’
- there are talks that copia will be replaced by a new papa but copia’s goodbye had been too quiet and peaceful so fans speculate that tobias forge is gonna do smthn else?
- papa nihil plays the saxophone!
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tl;dr - tobias forge is a huge fucking nerd who made a whole satanic ministry and band for flare!
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masonmiamor · 1 year
tell me you love me - - mason mount x reader.
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stfu bc why is this gif so cute 😭🙏🏻 💕
Part two to my last fic! You can find that here!
feedback is appreciated! request are currently open so feel free to send ideas and or concepts 🫶🏻
Three weeks passed and still no sign, you felt like the damage was already done and there was no hope left. You could feel yourself lingering and wanting to reach out but you couldn’t find yourself with enough courage to pick up the phone and communicate with him.
Three weeks later and you had enough, you were angry with yourself and him. Mostly yourself because you knew better and had better value to yourself. You weren’t just going to be used over and over again to not get the same energy back?
The temptation to call, to hear his voice was so bad, and it hurt you more than it should’ve. But you weren’t going to make the first move, it was always you. You initiated the conversations and you were tired of having to be the bigger pants.
The only things that helped you forget were reading or watching movies. You went out with your girlfriends but ended up having the worst time. How were you letting this all consume you in the worst possible way?
Work helped you distract yourself, not having to worry about what went inside your head rather being focused, and tasked to finish your job. Today was one of your days off after having worked for three weeks straight, so you decided with a little self care day.
Taking a longer walk in the morning, passing by to buy some new clothes and makeup, shoes, and even a new small purse. Before you went home to your flat, you had two more locations to attend, the bookstore and grocery store.
You loved walking around taking glances a new and latest books or those that came up on your recommendations on social media. You had a few you wanted to buy, so after ordering an ice coffee of your preference, you grabbed a small basket and strolled over the store. Grabbing books, reading the titles and small summaries, flicking through pages to see if it grabbed your attention.
“Buy it.”
You glanced up to see the one and only Mason, leaning against a shelf, you looked over at him, seeing his disheveled hair, his now longer beard, him wearing an all black outfit. You looked around and saw no one, it was almost empty, you took one last glance at the book in your hand before putting it back.
“I-I-I, How did you know I was here?” he looked at you for a minute before shaking his head. “I was here already… This is where you spent most of your time, and I wanted to get something from here as well…” he said shyly, his cheeks burning red. You furrow your brows together, “You? Buying something from a bookstore?”
“Yes, it was for you,” he took his hand from the back showing you the romance book you had talked to him about a couple of weeks ago. Your favorite trope, with a happy ending. You look up and attempt to read his face, but he just stares so attentively to you. “I remembered you talking about it before we went to bed, and-”
“You were actually listening to me?” you say surprised. Mason looks taken back, almost shocked, “Don’t get me wrong, I just didn’t think you were listening to me that day, especially about a book,” you say, attempting to explain. Mason looks down and fidgets with his hoodie strings feeling guilty.
Mason steps closer, you can immediately smell the cologne and aftershave on him, reminding you he was actually there and not just your imagination playing with you. “I always listen to you… About anything and everything,” he confesses. Your mouth slowly gapes open and you try to mutter a response out.
“I read the back, and a couple pages… The characters remind me of us, and what we have, that something special can’t be easily forgotten,” Mason hints. “That when love hurts you but overall makes you happy, it’s real,” he continues.
“I want to talk,” he deadpans. You continue searching and analyzing the book, so confused about what was going on, not trying to confront him just yet. Were you ready to suddenly open up again and talk with him? No and yes. “We’re talking…” you whisper. He cocks his head to the side giving you a “are you serious look”.
“Y/n,” he says seriously.
“Mason,” you challenge, crossing your arms over your chest. You sigh and return the book back to him, “You can’t just buy me a book and expect everything to be okay you know? It won’t work like that,” you say, trying to keep your voice smooth and not reveal the nervousness. “I know it won’t work, I wish it could because I know how happy books make you feel, anything to see you smile again… I would do it. That’s why I'm asking to talk.”
“What if it doesn’t fix things and makes things between us worse?” you find yourself asking, rubbing the side of your arm. Mason was still yours, and you were still his, but thinking about the fact it could no longer be that way scared you. It hurts already but that would be more than painful. “We will never know unless we talk,” he says honestly, taking closer steps.
“I’m just as scared as you are. The same thoughts,” he admits. You jump at the opportunity to escape when you hear a person coming by, reminding yourself you still had errands to run. You quickly blink and clear your throat, “I need to go buy groceries still. How about I meet you in mine in about an hour and thirty?” you say shyly.
Mason nods, “Thank you Y/n.”
When you get into your car, you blink fast, still trying to process seeing him again, and what he said to you. After you calmed down you made your way to the store, played some music, and just looked ahead to the destination. Your mind went back to him, almost bumping into someone as it distracted you.
You bought many snacks and drinks to have more in stock. But you also did buy the missing vegetables, meats and fruits that were missing from your fridge. You planned to make something on the easier side today so you quickly grabbed bread and some cheese from the bakery and deli.
Truth to be said your hands were full when you walked into your flat, you never did have patience to make a double trip, so with much strength in you, you only made one trip when bringing in groceries.
Mason wasn’t here still, so after putting everything away, you arranged the new bouquet of flowers, the living room and your office, well more of a room where you could escape and just read away. Your doorbell ringing startles you, but the sight of Mason has your pulse raising quicker than before.
“Come in,” you say, hearing him thank you. Mason carried a small white bag on his right hand and a smaller bouquet of your favorite flowers on his left. “It’s a small something but I had to buy them when I saw them. They’re your favorite,” he says chuckling. You look up and smile, seeing his smile grow wider at your sight.
Mason attentively watches as you grab a separate vase for his flowers, but makes notice of the freshly new ones on the dining tables. Did you or someone else get those for you? If someone did, then who? He thought.
He follows you into the office room or more of your safe space in your home. You set the glas vase on your desk, opening the white bag to find the two books you talked about that night, along with some chocolate and cookies from your favorite bakery. He clears his throat, walking over to you when you put the new books on the shelf.
it was now or never, the two of you thinked, without knowing it. Your body shifted straight towards him, bringing him into the long and anticipated hug. He felt warm and so perfect between your arms, you didn’t want to let go, it was capturing and a feeling of safety overwhelmed you. When you pull away your foreheads rest against each other, your arms dropping to your sides.
Mason rubbed his nose over your cheek, his hands softly gripping just above your elbows. Your hands remained by your sides, not knowing what to do, he whispered again, “Forgive me.”
You let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding in, your face slightly leaning into his, “I can’t, I-I-I don’t know,” you let out, but you know deep inside the man here pleading for you is the one. He always has been since day one.
“Forgive me… please,” Mason says again, the sincerity in his voice is laced with a tint of begging you. You slowly bring your hands to grip his sides, and he lets out a small groan, “Jesus… Your hands are like silk Y/n…”
“Tell me what’s running through your mind baby, it’s the only way we can help each other out here,” Mason says along the crook of your neck. “Be brutally honest with me, even if you think it may hurt us, or me. Say what you have to say.”
“I have so much to say, because at the end of the day, I’m still hurt by your doings. I won’t blame it all on you, because there are always two sides of a relationship, but you hurt me and I'm scared to let you back in after three weeks.,” you sob out, suddenly back away creating space between you. You can see Mason close his eyes sadly.
“I was there for you mentally and physically but when I asked that from you, I never received it back. It wasn’t fair Mason, it was always me. ME! Who had to fix us always when something went down. Me who had to put the pieces back together even though they weren’t properly prepared.”
“I know you from the back of my hand Mason. We got so close to a point where it was lust and love combined. I was so consumed and convinced you would maybe one day realize what you were doing affected me, and us. But it never came, and I don’t know when it will,” you let out wiping the tears away from your cheeks.
“I’m losing hope here Mason… I’m doubting your love for me and it’s making me feel useless and unwanted. I understand you history and respect what you went through but I don’t know if you’re waiting for the first opportunity where I fuck up to leave or if you’re stuck believing i’m like the others… I can barely read you-”
“You consume every single thought that runs through my mind. Every single one. I get it, I know i fucked up. I know I should’ve committed and communicated with you better but you have to believe me when I say I'm madly in love with you Y/n. How could I not love the woman who hasn’t left my side even after I hurt her?” Mason cuts you off. His words sound as if he were confessing his love to you all over again.
“How could I not love the woman who no matter what stayed by my side during my difficult moments? The one who brought me breakfast in bed excitedly, the one who would kiss my head gently before I left, the one woman who no matter what will prioritize you over herself. I’m so inlove with you Y/n, I can’t make that up…”
“You're the women of my dreams. Always have been, and always will. I know I have given you the opposite of what you expected but that was due to the constant overthinking I did and insecurities taking a toll… My biggest fear was becoming a reality that night I left. I can’t bear the fact of one day losing you and not having you in my arms again Y/n.”
All the talking drags you to sit on your couch. Covering your face when you hear footsteps approaching you and kneeling down facing you. “Let me prove it to you how much you mean to me, let me prove to you I can be the man you need. Let me prove to you just how much I love you, even if it means buying you all the books in the world you dearly love,” Mason says, dragging his hands from the soft carpet to the sides of your legs.
“One more chance please? There’s so much in store for us still, and I only see myself doing them with you,” he says, his brown bright eyes pleading you. The glossy look on his face tells you he’s being for real, not like those past times where he would promise and not live up to his word. Your hand softly meets his cheek, his eyes gazing from your bracelet to your teary face. Mason leans his head on you hand, relishing the feeling and closing your eyes.
“You have to talk to me, Mason. I can’t know what’s going through your head when you shut me out. You can’t plan and do something just to not stick with it and finish in the end,” you say, Mason nods, a small smile spreading on his face. His tears now dried on his freckled skin, “I love you. Forever. I don’t know how you’re so strong to do this, but I will make things right from now, I promise.”
For the first time in forever your heart races and butterflies spread across your chest when you hear him say I love you. The tingly sensation that spreads to your spine declares the effect he has on you. Mason was the one for you, and it will take time to slowly gain back to a stronger relationship. You weren’t so quick to give up but he wasn’t either. Only fate knows how things will end, but in your mind the brown eyed and haired boy was for you.
“I love you Mason,” you lean down grabbing his chin and kiss his lips softly. He sucks in a breath and brings his hand to the back of your head deepening the kiss. He would never get tired of how your lips molded into his, the way you tasted across his lips had him in a daze, it was never enough. When you pull back your thumb pulls his bottom lip down. “This is just the start,” you recall.
“It is a start. But it’s the start to a happy ending for us.”
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neverchecking · 1 year
Welcome to the Rabbit Hole~
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Hello, Darlings~ I know most writers don't do this, but I can understand how frustrating it can be to go to a writer's page, read about a specific AU, but have no way of getting to the beginning to join the fun. So, here we are! Welcome to Cinder's Navigation of my current AU's!
Sweet but Psycho AU:
˚ ✦An AU where the Reader is not only aware of the boys' tendencies, but encourages it.
The start (This is kind of where the idea bubbles up)
How does the Chain feel? (Short version)
The Rewards (Ft. Bozai)
Sage figures it out (I love this sm honestly-)
In what order does the rest of the Chain find out?
Thoughts on the 'Sit on my Face' request with this Reader
Just this. All of this. (If nothing else read this one.)
Dom! Sadistic Reader punishing a Link (Also this one.)
Thoughts on Ganon.
Reader who loves giving affection
A new kind of punishment (Og starter)
Holy Grail AU:
˚ ✦An AU where Reader is not only their God(dess), but an actual god(dess), and now has a soul bond with every Link after saving them.
The Start
Cal gets some attention
Possible reasoning for the Soul bond?
The problem with Hylia
Mostly general Sage and his Zelda tidbit
More Zelda slander and why Reader is good foil against her.
Zelda and Reader meet.
The Chain gets a Baby bit Renamed: THE BABY CHAIN (>:D):
˚ ✦Not an AU, but this took off and I want it accessible. Basically, Poly! Chain with Pregnant! Reader, and the children that come of it.
The post that started it all
Who's getting a baby first?
Baby looks like Reader?
Sage and the Twins that aren't his.
Fierce Daddy-ity
Cursed Link. That's it. That's the Tweet.
The start of the debate.
The boys are dolphins.
Let's talk genetics :)
BIG BROTHER WIND and Dad! Four ig
Sky is a baby leash parent
Wind as the best big brother while the others fight over who the bd is
Fierce Deity Baby Daddy
Sky as a dad :)
The chain with kids hghgg READ THIS ONE
Sky is perfect. Thats it. Thats the tweet.
Househusband sky
Dad Warriors
Four's daughter also splits
The colors vs Their Mini-me's. Take one. (Take two)
Dad! Ravio
The Fierce kiddos shenanigans
The triplets fighting over if the kid is theirs. (Me bs-ing why it's all of theirs)
Lightbulb baby.
Four needs to learn to wrap it b4 he taps it bc this is getting out of hand- /j
Universe switch
˚ ✦Keep up with me and @my-insanity-is-an-artform 's ocs and if their universes got switched! Tia belongs to them and Aaliyah belongs to me!
Tia introduction
Tia's first moments in Sage's Hyrule
Tia looks at a feral man and decides he won't bit. (Yes he do)
How're the links handling the switch? (This just in; not well)
Tia is kidnapping someone. Even if they go willingly.
The start of it all (Go read this right now)
The Hateno home and The Sheikah
How's Sage doing?
When does the Switch happen?
The chain makes an appearance.
Merging Hyrules
Sage Vs. Fungus
Sage + Fungus Vs. everything else.
Sweetpea is enough.
Fucked around. Found out.
Wild and Cal make their reappearance.
Fungus is gonna be courted, Saaagge.
Sage and Aaliyah are good with kids (And the consequences)
Aaliyah is Regina George coded.
Found Family
Family and getting your back blown out (Those should never intertwine <3)
There are so many parents going around and yet Sage and Aaliyah still act fatherless </3
The Story:
Part 1: Something
Part 2: Portals
Sage acquires a baby
˚ ✦Sage acquires Baby! Reader and just. Takes them.
The acquisition.
Baby is a crawler
The acceptance
Baby's first Lynel attack &lt;3
Mama Wild
Co-parents Sage and Wild
Reader's real parents?
Custody battle Take one
Wild is trusting with child. More on this at seven.
Papa bear sage
Baby has a triforce?
Emotional support animal wolfie
Soft Sage dad
First steps
Dink makes an appearance
Baby Real mom
Baby goats
Sage and Wild Vs. Legend
Mastermind child
Menace child.
The Gerudo gain momentary custody
Wind is brother coded
Wild took back his custody
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˚ ✦My Rules
˚ ✦My Masterlist
˚ ✦Main Navigation
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ivytheenbyfae · 6 months
fics i will never get tired of rereading
nobody asked for this but these are the fics that are open on my phone at any given time in no particular order (w the authors tagged if i know them)
no. 1
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rated: teen and up
from both harry and draco’s perspectives but the fic isn’t *only* about their relationship
ik i said “in no particular order” but this is hands down my favorite fic. i’ve re read it 9 ish times. it’s got fluff, it’s got angst, it’s got lucius and narcissa malfoy being the parents we wish we had.
no. 2
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(author not on tumblr)
rated: teen and up
completed + a bonus
this is my go to when i’m in a soft depressive mood. it’s got a soft build up, soft resolution, soft angst, soft magic nerdiness. the first time i read it the climax was definitely intense and stressed me out but i cried happy tears, stressed tears, and sad tears all through this fic.
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^ this is what i mean by soft depressive
no. 3
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@imdamagecontrol @solmussa
rated: mature
so actually i just finished reading this fic today and i haven’t had the chance to process to start rereading, but i’m definitely going to keep returning this fic. i think i found this when it was at 18/25 chapters completed and when there was an update, i would reread the previous chapter(s) before the new ones. i love this fic so much it had my heart in pieces
no. 4
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(author not on tumblr)
rated: teen and up
this one is just for fun. it’s got it’s depressing moments but it’s mostly tooth-rotting fluff. i love it and it’s my go to when i don’t want to be stressed or too overwhelmed by a book
no. 5
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so actually i prefer to read Lulu’s work directly from his tumblr but here’s the ao3 link too. for whatever reason, Lulu doesn’t show up on my dashboard even though i follow them so i have taken to searching for her account everyday to read the updates. the current jegulus microfic storyline started mid february and i am so enthralled. Lulu also writes wolfstar microfics that don’t follow a storyline, which is great bc when i’m catching up on days, i’ll be reading the intense jegulus scene and then scroll up to read wolfstar fluff
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dumbdomb · 8 months
NO: lurkers, likes only, inactive, empty, or blank blogs. DO NOT "LIKE" MY CONTENT. DNI. ♥️
18 and 19 year olds get away from my blog now and block me forever. teenagers dni. leave my posts alone! be over twenty-five or block me!
my blog is NOT 18+ it is 25+ ONLY.
If your age range is between 18-22 years old: Do NOT Interact with me or anything on my blog. i am ageist against teenagers following me just bc i'm in my thirties - i'm not your older person fantasy. read this post for more information.
ReBlog My posts to show appreciation! Mutuals and Followers may "Like" posts as a social thing. Do not Re-Post anything as a "New Post" on your blog. I love reading your tags when you reblog My stuff! I love chatting, but I can be slow to respond. I love asks and anons always - as long as it's consensual and not hate mail. ♡ xoxo
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🫸 if you have any questions, ask or dm. 🫷
Men: Hard BLOCK ME right now if you're "mostly straight" or "attracted to women" or "like whatever you're into" (including "just posting stuff you like" and "posting whatever you want to" and other variations of this statement) and your blog is mostly about M/F relationships, thin white and nude women, unrealistically large ass and breasted women, female nudes, rule 34 underage cartoon anime girls in nude or sexual scenarios, or mostly just imagery of women, only going to like or reblog visuals of my body, or following my blog after liking or reblogging visual content of my body, don't know much of anything about gender and sexuality, pretend to not be an allocishet male by using inaccurate labels and keywords you don't even understand the definition of in order to hopefully avoid getting blocked or to receive nudes from people who clearly have boundaries against allo cis het men interacting with them (like i do), or if you have "women dni" in your description or pinned.
if you have "men dni" OR "women dni" on your blog, then do not like, reblog, follow, or interact with anything on my blog whatsoever. D N I .
Women: Hard BLOCK ME right now if you're "mostly straight" or a lesbian who doesn't like nonbinary people, bisexuality, queerness, if you have a problem with men, masculinity, butches, or only view me as either a man or a woman, have "men dni" in your description or pinned.
Sapphics with "men and minors dni" in their description or pinned: Do NOT Interact with me or anything on my blog. (see literally one line above this addressing women, right above this paragraph, literally, the block of text right there)
Blogs I block on sight: underage, no age, likes only, lurkers, spam likes without reblogging anything, no content on blog, not currently active, new blogs, people from other platforms, those with r/196, r/fems, febfems, and other gc people with iv> and ∆ and ∆⊝ and |⃤⃝ and other signifiers in their description, ALL conservatives and discourse blogs. i do not hate anyone for having different views and beliefs from mine, and i'm not here to change your mind. dni with me or my blog if your heart and mind are filled with hatred and negativity. my existence is not a punching bag for your own insecurities. i do not condone sending hate to anyone for any reason.
Do NOT Interact means Do NOT like, reblog, reply, comment, direct message (for anything other than polite and respectful clarification).
DNI: no/maps, loli, icky kink, "icky" blogs, "pro-para" (maps, incest, unspecified paraphilias like all the other generalized names i've listed here, rqc ☔️🍰 and other anti-trans people in the "para safe" community), unspecified "hard" kinks, unspecified "gross" kinks, unspecified "taboo" kinks, unspecified "dark" kinks, ddlg (specifically, doesn't apply to all cgl), older men / younger women, incest, forced fem, detrans kink, misgendering, misogyny, matriarchy, patriarchy, race fetish, fat fetish, feeder, gainer kink, dyke breaking, corrective rape, tradwifery, cucking, infidelity, cheating, hot wife, trophy wife or husband, cucking, pregnancy, alphas, sigmas, femcels, beastiality, zoophilia, allocishet "straight people" kinks and any conservative ideals romanticized or fetishized in kink play or in vanilla romantic and sexual relationships.
if you use afab/amab and tme/tma terms seriously and definitively, if you have an issue with "transandrophobia" or the experiences of transmasculine people, if you're prejudiced against butch, intersex, nonbinary, genderqueer, agender, or gender nonconforming (cisgender people included) then steer clear of my blog.
ℹ This is a personal blog. I do not conduct professional business here. All posts are lifestyle kink and thusly for Myself. The boundaries I have in place reflect these intentions and were written based on how people have treated me. I don't send anons, but love receiving them. I am very much against anyone sending hate for any reason whatsoever. Body and Kink Positive. 💝
Black ▪︎ grey-ace ▪︎ androgyne ▪︎ femme ▪︎ bi and queer ▪︎ intersex ▪︎ they/them ▪︎ neurodivergent
SoCal 🎃🦇
October '90
Dyke Fag QUEER
Femme Pillow Princess
I am NOT a "Soft Dom" ⚠️
Dominant Bottom (Sadist Top)
Sir, Mister, Miss, Daddy, Goddess
bro, babe, dude, pal, a friend 💕
✅ Turn ONS:
humiliating, degrading, and dehumanizing My partner(s). seeing them in zentai or a gimp suit. i like my chest, being spoiled and cared for, being treated gently, depravity, perversion, Cnc, omo, piss, sweat, drool, dacryphilia, medfet, gfd, fdom, blasphemy, denial, scent, primal, terato, sanguine, impact play, whump, fear play, leather, masks/hoods, snuff, necro, horror fantasies, weaponry, stockholm/lima, cute clowns (not scary), kawaii kink, tickling, feet, pegging from the bottom, hypnotism, forced masc (but only for the affirming celebration of masculinity, i don't like the forceful part), being overstimulated to cum multiple times until i'm catatonic and involuntarily convulsive or nearly passed out and totally limp (physically weak)...
❌ Turn OFFS:
being submissive, switching, topping, straight people, being praised, being called a good girl or good boy, being called mommy, breeding, ovi, impreg, cum, facials, lactation, hucow, Master/slave terms, diapers, scat, rape play, rough or forceful play, pussy slapping, tit torture, age gap, fauxcest, furries (ally, but personal squick), abo, sissies (tfem and not forcefem is ok), anal, the mainstream version of many popular kinks are often done in an unappealing way for me...
Do NOT talk to me about cnc intentionally being painful, emotionally or physically. don't talk to me about sadism being an act of anger, conflict, or otherwise unhealthy form of de-stressing or releasing frustration. i am NOT interested in kinks being misogynistic, dehumanizing, etc.
PSA: me not being interested in something you like is not a judgment of you or your interests - it just means that i am not interested in it myself. if you're upset that i don't get turned on or pay attention to something you enjoy, just block me or close the page. i don't exist as your "content."
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100% Dominant ❤️ 94% Sadist 🧡 92% Rigger 💛 75% Degrader 💚 74% Master/Mistress 🩵 70% Voyeur 💙 67% Boy/Girl 💜 62% Primal (Hunter) 🩷 results 🖤
i tag reblogs from other people and on my original posts. some warnings i use are: food mention, eye contact, weapons mention, religious mention, alcohol mention, drugs mention, smoking mention.
⬇️ posts: domb brain | pics: virtueldom ⬇️
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can i ask for a quick rundown of your mcd and/or mystreet rewrite? i’m a new follower and a tiny bit lost 😭
Ah, Ofc!! this will be a long post, because you said 'quick' and i just heard 'explain everything'. just because I don't know HOW to summarise everything, so I just explain what I can... which is too much.
each section will have a TL;DR if it's long, though.
So, the only rewrite I’ve actually, like, done so far is Amaranth (https://archiveofourown.org/works/31310384)
It’s an MCD rewrite, the first one I did, and it’s not **technically** related to my overall rewrite universe, though I’m not going to totally discredit it. It’s where I got a lot of my ideas, and it was sort of a first draft for me. It’s very similar to MCD, just with events changed to how I would have written them myself. Major change is that the Zane/aphmau engagement actually goes somewhere. My favourite change was the Pikoro arc tho for some reason bc it was just my first significant deviation from the original plot.
Now… cannibalism and cult stuff, yeah?
(Don’t read past this point if you are uncomfortable with discussions of human-on-human meat/organ consumption)
Lycoris Radiata (https://archiveofourown.org/works/50710504) is the only part of this current era of rewrite!Aphverse that has any content so far.
TL;DR for this section: i mostly just emphasised themes present in canon, there's cannibalism for magical reasons, Shad is more relevant early on, and there's a reason why characters look like that when i draw them, i promise. Also, cult stuff!
LR is an MCD rewrite, which has some lore changes. It begins with Avra (Aphmau) travelling with Visher, Garroth being angsty, and so on. Only the prologue and first chapter are currently posted, and you don't need to read Amaranth to begin it (though it will follow similar storylines later on). Basically, the main premise is that it’s kind of a criticism of imperialism, organised religion, and so on. Those are themes already present in original MCD, and so I… expanded. Blood Magic is the main magic focused on as well. It's the kind that Avra uses, and it's the kind that makes SKs function. Avra has to consume blood and meat (typically organ meat, preferably human) in order to have any amount of magic, and depending on what creature the meat comes from, also grants her some fun little magical extras. She also has a strong association with Judgement(Shad) in my rewrite, and there is a reason I draw them so often together. Most character changes you'll see have some lore-based backing for it. Characters who are made darker-skinned, or have had their haircolour changed, it's typically due to them belonging to a particular ethnic group that i made for Ru'Aun or Tu'La, which does impact their characters in the way that they obviously grew up under certain cultures. Sometimes it'll just be because I think it looks cool, or for visual/thematic parallels with another character. If you're ever curious as to knowing why i have certain characters looking the way I do, then just ask. Oh, also, people aren't just loyal to Avra because she's nice. there's like an actual cult thing that begins happening and to say there's some weird shit with that would be... underselling it.
A Royal Tale, and Mermaid Tales both fall into the timeline between LR and the MyS rewrite. they're quite insignificant series, but i decided to devote myself to being a completionist.
My plans for them aren't really set in stone yet, but I know i want to expand upon them and their lore a lot more, and they will eventually both fall into the, uh, cannibalism and murder theme of the rest of the rewrites. they'll likely be little side projects. I have trauma from ART tho. Show makes me *uncomfy*
Mystreet.... yayyyy...
No official name for the rewrite yet, I'm working on it.
TL;DR: If you let an edgy teenager write MyS but they also watched desperate housewives so they write some sitcom episodes on the side. Also, Avra needs that gross-tasting nailpolish that stops you from chewing on your nails... but like... all over her body.
Basically, MyS except they've always been reincarnations of their MCD (or LR, in this case) selves, with some residual trauma and habits because of that. I'm going to lean more into the darker seasons, even though Ik popular opinion is that the light-hearted ones were the best, and I'll just focus more on lore and stuff. PDH has a 17 year old Avra joining PDH, after being homeschooled for a while due to having some mental health issues. I'm going to go a little more 'general highschool drama' vibes, might have some mystery shit idk. Will be less cringe than canon, because yes, i'm cringe and i'm free, but even i have limits. The more lighthearted seasons might just be amalgamed into one big 'sitcom style' fic, which will be set before S4 and such, but i'll probably make lighthearted chapters between the serious ones. S4, Aphmau's Year, S5, S6 and Her Wish will be my main priority, and will go into the whole murder and cannibalism theme of LR. It'll already have been kind of expanded upon, because MyS!Avra has a bit of a habit of auto-cannibalism (eating the skin around her nails/on her fingers, on the inside of her cheeks and on her lips) which eventually just... goes a little crazy. There is gonna be cult stuff in MyS too, it just might present differently to how it does in LR. Or maybe similarly. Idk, depends on how you view it.
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flamerunn3r · 6 months
Ok making this as a new post bc I adjusted a couple of minor things on these. In the order I drew them in, heres the great p5u au design post finalized after working on these on and off for like 5 months
This is my own personal interpretations but is also somewhat speculative in nature. I'm mostly trying to use already established characterizations and arena epilogue set ups as a branching off point but there might be stuff I've missed or forgotten (i also haven't played dancing yet sorry if there's something in there I hadn't accounted for). This is kind of like if I took the creative reigns on the story where I'd continue with it. Only the investigation team for now but maybe I'll do the shadow ops at some point.
Yu Narukami
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He's currently either attending school as a journalism student in the city or just starting out as one. Enthusiastic about his field but still tries to find the time to keep up with his friends and visit Inaba when he's free. I felt journalism made alot of sense for him with the themes of persona 4. I liked the sport jacket and turtleneck but wanted something different so the scarf was chosen to keep the same kind of silhouette. I made the collar on the winter coat large and I feel like Narukami's large uniform collar is a key part of his design. and I wanted to call back to that in his casual outfit. The summer outfit I kept close to his summer outfit from p4. I mostly wanted to keep his outfits smart and simple. For his meta verse outfit I really wanted to go all out with the bancho (kingpin) stuff and other delinquent tropes. I lengthened the uniform coat a little because I wanted it to look like a tokko-fuku. Alot of smaller detail inspiration was taken from Izanagi. The lenses in the mask are supposed to mimic glasses. I'd imagine he'd take off the mask the same way he throws off his glasses at the end of P4.
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I can't imagine him leaving Inaba and the TV world behind. Still staying in Inaba and working largely the same job. He's got his own place now albeit small (still a step up from the closet though). At some point the IT asked Mitsuru to pull some strings so he actually has a legal personhood now. The animal hoodie is something that came to me spontaneously but I knew I needed to include it. I really that his normal outfit in 4 keeps the white and red of the bear costume in the outfit so I tried to keep the colour scheme here too. Most of his later outfits are less flashy and more casual so I tried to continue that trend. I didn't want to lose the rose from the corsage completely so I included a rose pattern in the second shirt. Alot of his outfits feature light blue so I wanted to feature that. (I considered making the hoodie light blue initially) I don't think he'd have a metaverse outfit he'd just use the bear costume.
Naoto Shirogane
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I'm under the assumption Naoto is still presenting masculinely to the general public as of p5 but I may be mistaken. (If I'm wrong I'd still probably largely keep the outfits largely similar to this.) Naoto's still working as a detective and I don't think that's ever really going to change. One thing that a hypothetical p5u would have to address is what Naoto and the shadow ops would have been doing during the events of persona 5 but I haven't worked that out yet
I feel alot of the appeal of Naoto's design is the kind of boy detective fashion. I went at this design with the intention of kind of refining that into something a little more adult while still keeping in a similar vein. I did have to ditch the pageboy hat unfortunately as I felt it made them look too young. These outfits were kind of designed as pseudo work clothes which is why I tried to make them a bit more formal. Something I consider notable about Naoto's design that I deliberately avoided here was the rolled up pant legs. It's very obvious in 4 it's done because Naoto is short but I feel like Naoto would start getting that either custom made or tailored to fit. I was initially going to forgo the blazer on the summer outfit but the design felt empty without it. Naoto having a noir detective themed metaverse outfit is an idea I'd had for years but I tried to incorporate design elements that were princely. I alot of the inspiration was from Sam Spade specifically. Deliberately made similarities to Akechi's white crow design. The band around the hat is supposed to invoke the similar one on the old page boy hat.
Yukiko Amagi
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Still working at her families in but is taking online schooling during the less busy seasons. She's mostly happy where she is but is keeping her options open. Occasionally makes visits to other ryokans out of town for ideas for her families own inn, as well as an opportunity to for her to sight-see.
The headband was included in her design in p4 as a like retro design thing but I find it too important of a marker of her design to remove it. I understand the why they went with the hairstyle they did for her golden epilogue but I feel it just ends up making her look way older then she is. I thought her having her hair up would be a nice change since she does it so rarely and settled on a ponytail. Tried changing the bangs but the ones she already had just felt right. I wanted her clothes to carry this kind of air of sophistication so I tried to keep them relatively simple and sleek. She's wearing pants in the winter outfit but I chose the longer coat to keep a similar skirt silhouette. The choker was largely inspired by the scarf she has in her winter outfit. Despite being a different colour the cardigan was also chosen to tie back somewhat to the sweater she wears with her school uniform.
In some side material it's mentioned that Yukiko has an interest in western fashion and aesthetics (part of what made the castle manifest the way it did) and I wanted to lean on that in some way for her metaverse design. I ended up going with a masquerade ball theme. I tried to keep the dress to something simple and easy to move in. The gloves and boots take inspiration from her persona in terms of design and size. I wanted to incorporate elements from her work kimono as well hence the ribbon around the torso and flower patterning. Probably the most unsure of this one of the metaverse designs so far. Especially the colours (considered making the reds pinks initially). Might revisit this one.
Rise Kujikawa
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Canonically still making music as an idol as of p5. She thankfully has a little more time to herself now then she did at the height of her popularity but shes still enjoying herself and her career.
I really liked her epilogue design having her hair down because it feels alot more relaxed. I feel she probably stop wearing the pigtails as regularly outside of work as time goes on. I went for a more casual relaxed style for her in for her general casual wear, but I still wanted a kind of cute vibe.
Wanted her to have two metaverse outfits mostly because I wanted her to have this little magical girl transformation thing when she fights. But I also think it kind of emphasizes her thing in arena with Himiko about having different sides of herself. Tried to keep them visually similar. General coloursheme of these were inspired by the album cover she has in p5 bc I really liked the kind of more mature vibe to it then weve been shown with her previous idol stuff.
Himiko kind of has this like emphasis on a lack of mobility with the mermaid dress so I ended up using this with Rise as well bc I thought it would be fitting for a navigator. I based the battle outfit mostly on her idol oufits from the anime and DaN. I was really unsure the direction to go with for the mask but I wanted it to be two-toned to emphasize the multiple faces thing again and I like what I ended up with.
Yosuke Hanamura
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Studying in the city and struggling to juggle college and a part time job. I'm unsure on what he'd major in but he's paying his own way through college. He's working at either a Junes branch or a Triple Seven or something. I think he's rooming with someone in a rented apartment currently (either Narukami or someone outside the IT. Leaning towards the latter)
I'm trying to go for outfits that are like flashy but still pretty casual and I think I did an alright job. Darker colour pallete in his outfits here then the p4 ones but I think it works. The headphones being wireless was an immediate obvious design choice I thought of as a way to show the difference in time period (sounds weird to talk about it like that since its like 5 years difference but it is what it is/)
I went for this kind of tropey ninja/super hero thing with his metaverse outfit. The primarily black colour was something I also chose for this reason. The tools on the belt are also kind of typical in this regard. The headphones were something I felt was integral to his design so I had to include them. Charge suggested the googles as a mask idea and I think it works really well.
Kanji Tatsumi
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Continuing the family business as well as expanding to sell his work online. Generally doing fairly well for himself, rightfully confident in his work. I feel like he's probably tried out a few things when it comes to his personal style before settling where he is now. Has gone back and forth quite a few times on his hair but eventually decided on keeping in black.
Going to be honest I sketched this out after Naoto's but ended up psyching myself out of working on it for a while. Anyway I went at this with this kind of idea of trying to like soften the though guy aspect of Kanji's appearance without losing them. I did try out a couple of other hairstyles but I couldn't come up with something else that felt right.
The Metaverse Design was initially going to have more samurai inspiration but it ended up only coming through with the mask in the end. Deliberately harkening back to his initial design with this but I feel like it's warrented because Kanji's fashion in 4 is as much a facade to keep people away as it is just his own personal taste.
Chie Satonaka
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Still pursuing police work around the Yasoinaba area. I think all the IT are signed on with the Shadow Operatives in case of emergency but Chie is more actively involved with the Operatives then the rest of the IT as she actively asks and tries to be. Still talks to Akihiko fairly regularly as well (mostly exchanging texts).
Generally with her everyday outfits I mostly wanted to keep it sporty but relaxed. Deliberately made these a little less overtly feminine then her p4 outfits because I feel like she'd grow more confident in herself not being as feminine as her peers. Tried to keep an article of clothing the same between the two of these outfits to call back to the jersey she was wearing in 4. I considered having her not continue to dye her hair but I didn't feel like Chie once I changed her hair colour so it gets to stay the same.
Her metaverse outfit takes inspiration from kung fu uniforms, particularly the pants. The chest plate is styled after a hotoke dou albeit shortened. Charge also came up with the mask for this one; a blindfold to invoke the idea of a uber competent blinded martial artist, the fabric here is sheer though. The shoes on this design are not necessarily finalized as they are not technically part of the outfit. They are her weapons and would change as such like in the rpg.
Ok that's all for now. Glad to finally have this done
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rosesrflo · 2 years
hiya I wanna request some william comfort fic bc I had a bad day today but where I can find your rules? I'm currently using tumblr app, so I cannot find it
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Feat; William James Moriarty x gn!reader (MTP). Genre; fluff, comfort
Prompt; ❛❛I’ll hold you tight.❞ Warnings; bad days, ugly crying/lh
Desc; IN WHICH William is always the first to pick you up on your worst days, not only is he a great crime consultant - he’s also an excellent comforter.
A/N; heyy lovely! Sorry i’m a bit late with this request, but i do hope you’re feeling better now - the reason you couldn’t find my rules is bc I haven’t made them yet. Mostly bc I’m using mobile + this blog is quite new - but I’m working on it atm ❤️ thank you and enjoy!
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We all have bad days.
And in all his genius, William certainly isn’t a stranger to them.
In fact, most of his days used to be plagued with storm clouds, with no sunshine or light until you stumbled into his life.
You were a gift, your very presence lifted him from the darkest depths, you were undeserved.
Back then, he had realised how angelic you were - Liam just knew that you were too good for him so he tried to scare you off by showing you his intentions, his thoughts, he trusted you with the worst of his plans.
Yet, you didn’t bat an eye. Only acknowledging each and every part of him, you saw him for who he was and began mending his heart because you love him.
It’s a WIP
William can still feel your warmth encasing him in a hug - that December night, the first time you ever saw him cry. You held him close, stroking his hair and kissed his head like a mother would. You filled that empty void in his chest.
That’s why he wants to do the same for you, Will believes he is forever in your debt.
And when you cry, are upset, have a bad day, he’ll hold you tight; just as you did him.
Also because you are literally the last person in the world that should go through any type of pain.
The corners of your lips downturned as you sat in the living room, cross legged with a cup of cold tea, your hands trembled, biting frost bite seeped into your bones and reached the depths of your soul. You felt heavy in sadness. No thoughts except crystal teardrops cascading down your frowning face.
There was no particular reason for the gloomy mood.
Today just so happened to be an off day, one where no matter what you did to escape it, you couldn’t. Your tea was near frozen over as cold, December nights bled into the estate. You were alone, shivering and crying with no one to confide in.
They’d all gone out to celebrate the closing in Christmas, maybe you should’ve joined them but it was far too late now.
What would they say if they saw you like this?
In your moment of pondering, you didn’t notice a familiar criminal mastermind standing behind you, his arms crossed and a thinking expression plastered on his face. William was confused as to why you hadn’t gone out with the rest of the organization. “(y/n)? I thought you were celebrating with the others.”
You froze in the spot, why was he here? In order to not reveal your distraught state to him, you stayed still without turning around to face him, “So did I.” Nonchalantly reaching for the cup of tea, you shivered upon the sudden coldness against your hand.
“I suppose we’re both in the same boat,” He smiled passively, realizing you were both alone together, “but I’d rather you tell me why you’re upset first.” Liam tapped two fingers on his other arm in anticipation.
A weak laugh echoed across the room, you being the source of it; even though he called your unsaid bluffs, you hadn’t flinched once, you didn’t take William an oblivious man, he was smart and easily figured you out, “I don’t know.”
After your empty chucking fit, you whispered a hoarse reply, nothing but honesty in your disappointed tone. He simply observed your manic attitude, not moving an inch, “I see.”
Staring down at your upturned hands, you felt dissatisfied, unhappy for showing yourself in this depressing light, the one part Will hadn’t seen yet. He was never supposed to see you like this, you were an utter mess today and what’s worse is that he saw it.
You felt the feeling before the sting of your hand as you slapped yourself lightly, “(y/n)-“ William jumped to action immediately, he rushed in front of you in case you dealt anymore harm to yourself. “I’m sorry you have to see me like this, I shouldn’t be crying over…something so simple.”
“Cry all you need to, although I despise seeing you distressed - it’s quite normal and let me tell you a secret-..” He lent to your face, cupping his hand near your ear to whisper something, “..-Sometimes, even I cry.” You giggled slightly at his jest, not noticing that this was his way of cheering you up.
William let a sly grin slide on his lips, “Now that’s the smile I love.” He linked your hands together, landing an intimate peck on your lips, his eyes softened at your delighted face; you were as beautiful as ever, especially when you were happy. He felt some sort of proudness at achieving this.
No one knew you like William.
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We’re backkkk
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So, for those who are new to this blog or have forgotten - don’t blame you there, it’s been eight months lol - my name is Parker! I’m one of the hosts in the Schrödinger’s Cat Collective. I’m gonna format the rest of this post like an FAQ bc writing a block of paragraph is boring for you guys and me
So, what happened?
In a roughly linear but haphazard order:
1. Denial + a lot of assumptions we made about our system and how it worked, which ended up with us believing we weren’t a system at all
2. Stress. Oh my god so much stress, made worse by autistic burnout. It was horrific, but thankfully that was late last year, and we’re okay now
3. I don’t know what happened, but now there are literally only 5 of us. I actually can’t explain it. I think maybe some people might have fused together but it’s hard to tell, since almost everyone here now existed in some form before. Man, idek T-T
Why are y’all back?
We debated making this post for a bit, mostly because we were scared to be wrong about being a system again, or that’s we’re secretly faking or making things up because we’re bored, etc. But I’ve realised that that’s a dumb reason, and that if it were another system saying those things we wouldn’t be nearly as harsh on them as we are, in reality, on ourselves.
(Also the body is sick rn and everyone else is taking a break meaning I’m by myself feeling like crap, so I’m doing a Good Thing. I know they missed posting here but everyone kept putting off writing this post so look at me saving the day)
What is and will be changed?
- we will no longer be calling ourselves an OSDD 1B system, as we are unsure of our system origin. Currently we call ourselves a median system, leaning closer to being plural
- as always, this is a no-syscourse zone. However, we do want to explicitly state that we are fully supportive of ALL systems regardless of type, origin and whatever else, provided everyone is civil. If you are uncomfortable with this, there’s no obligation for you to stay here
- we’ll still post memes, but we might post other things too!
- we’ll also be updating our bio and pinned post soon :)
Thanks for reading!
- Parker, edited by Nova for grammar
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sumakha · 1 year
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another NEW OC (but not really i made this guy 3 years ago) ALERT!!! everyone please welcome surissesh. or dont because he sucks (read below the cut to find out why!)
surissesh is the royal advisor for king iunekitann of annoshik, and part of the story i mentioned here. currently hes... kind of a one-note character, just some megalomaniac who wants power for power's sake and double-crosses everyone he works with in order to ascend to the throne. i will probably add more Meat to him character-wise later on though, since he is the main villain.
however he is not the only new character here as you can see. on the left scene in the second pic we have keyopha, the leader of iuraph. she recruited surissesh to assassinate king iunekitann, then manipulate his son kontekitann into giving control of gnemmia to iuraph. gnemmia has a lot of fertile land and a mountain range with a LOT of magic crystals growing inside it, so the three major powers of sumakha (annoshik, iuraph, and janggok) all want control over it. she gave surissesh the magic weapon he's brandishing in the first pic in order to kill the king and threaten the rest of the royal family/staff into compliance, while also having one of her own men follow surissesh to make sure that if he used the weapon for his own gain, he would be killed on the spot. unfortunately for her, surissesh isn't an idiot, and by the time he Does start using the weapon for himself, keyopha's men are already dealt with.
gnemmia is a highly sought-after territory... with people already living there, who don't like being occupied. the rebel group (whose individual members don't have names yet bc these are even OLDER ocs that i rebooted so they need to be reworked) were mostly dedicated to taking out annoshiki outposts in gnemmia one-by-one until they started working with surisessh. their plan was to have surisessh help them get into the palace to assassinate the king, then kill him immediately and occupy the palace themselves as part of freeing gnemmia. right when their assassin (the ketvidae in the pic) has finished killing the king, he turns his blade on surissesh, but surissesh reveals keyopha's weapon and completely blasts his head off. while the rebels did plan for surissesh fighting back, they hadn't planned for him having a weapon of this caliber, leaving them scrambling for a new strategy.
while surissesh could have likely risen to power just through intimidation, he justifies his uprising by claiming to be an agent of kennemikannosh, the patron deity of annoshik. i will probably make a different lore post about kennemikannosh in the future, but for now, all you need to know is that it looks like this ⬇️ and that annoshik is a divine monarchy, so surissesh's claim of being a prophet is taken seriously.
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OKAY that's all the lore i really want to write out today. after finals (or as a break from studying for them LOL) i will finally do a bullet point outline of this story so its not all in my brain. and i'll see if i can actually figure out a name for it. also shoutout to my flight rising dragon ghirahim (and also the original ghirahim from loz skyward sword) he was a big inspiration for surissesh's design :-)
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nitewrighter · 8 months
Hi! I'm very new to the overwatch Fandom and am currently obsessing over your fan kids (specifically Seye bc I don't see a lot of doom content and I love him) ANYWAY, doomfist does die, right? If so, who is it that kills him, and how do Seye and his mother react? I did read the post about Seye eventually destroying the doomfist with some help, but am super curious about some of what happens in between and after :>
Wow! Asks that make me dig through my ancient 'Marsey' tag.
To be honest, I used to be SUPER protective and vague when it came to stuff at this stage of the story I wanted to tell with my fankids, and was also being sadly dangled along by Blizzard's breadcrumbs of lore---I was in a dance with Blizzard where, I did have a very strong idea of how I wanted the story to end, but I was also dependent on Blizzard for canon lore so that I could make my ending the most accurate, the most satisfying. But seeing as there's basically only lore drops now because Blizzard no longer gives a shit about continuity or quality, and basically the cast has expanded so much since I initially plotted it out that I'll probably have to reconfigure this ending in some capacity anyway, I can talk about it now.
Basically there were two avenues I could have taken with Doomfist, the first one, that actually had those Marsey fics, where it was basically a 'continuation' of the Doomfist cycle, that is, some guy challenges Doomfist for the gauntlet and is able to kill him and take the gauntlet, which obviously puts Seye into a lurch as Doomfist's son and the previously assumed successor. I literally didn't have a name for this would-be killer, and in a way, it didn't really matter because you as the reader weren't supposed to see Doomfist's killer as the rightful bearer of the mantle and Seye's whole arc would be defeating this guy (with Marti's help) and then basically shutting down the weird Metal Gear-esque war cult that's risen around the Doomfist gauntlet as a symbol.
The other option was that Doomfist would be killed in the Final Battle™ at Nepal by... drumroll... Junkrat and Roadhog. NOW BEFORE YOU YELL AT ME, Junkrat and Roadhog would also die in this fight. Roadhog would die before Junkrat, but Junkrat would basically be talking to a very clearly bled-out-past-the-point-of-no-return-and-unconscious Roadie like, "It's okay, Roadie, you can take a nap. I can wrap this up," Before pulling all of the pins on all the grenades on his little chest harness while clinging onto Doomfist. Okay you can yell at me more now. But mostly I loved the combination of dramatic irony of Doomfist being consumed in these fires of chaos, and of the ~Junkers~ of all people going out in a blaze of glory against one of Overwatch's Final Bosses. I had this in my brain for years before Junkrat even got his "I killed the Doomfist!!" elimination line, btw. Doomfist views conflict as its own sort of order, but ends up getting killed by the wacky Mad Max randos who have kind of been the comic relief this whole time. Basically the fact that the Doomfist gauntlet itself would also be destroyed in this kind of fight would aslo be the thing that ends the cycle. That was also the battle that was vaguely referenced in this fic.
In both potential deaths for Doomfist, Seye becomes disillusioned enough with Talon as an organization to basically split off and form his own splinter mercenary organization (I was going to use my Talon Goon OC's as his starting lineup, haha), and he also attempts to create his own mantle as "Earthshaker" but he's still deeply affected by Doomfist's death because that's so much of his identity and he's had this enormous fear of irrelevance all of his life. Like this isn't just the grief of losing a father, this is the threat of oblivion that he's dreaded his entire life. As for Seye's mother, Tejuka, it's less of a blow to her--she more or less came to terms with the fact that Doomfist really doesn't have the philosophy or lifestyle to "go peacefully in his sleep," and that's one of the reasons why they divorced and she put so much effort into grooming Seye to actually be the successor of Ogundimu Prosthetics. Dying is easy, living's harder, etc, etc.
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ultra-raging-ghost · 3 months
🌻 :D
YIPPEE omg ok so I'm using this opportunity to dump my OC STORYLINE!!!
So I HAVE a whole extended ocu but I decided to instead rebuff one of my old cheesy comics I made in 7th grade and now I'm gonna tell u about it
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so the one on the left is Alice and the one on the right is Eric and they meet at uhhh a sort party?? a coven party?? whatever the femme version of a frat party is they meet there on Halloween and Alice is a human and Eric is like from the ~Underworld~ (currently unnamed its not really the underworld) but Eric doesn't know that, because it's Halloween and its the one night of the year when both places can mix and little did Alice know, she entered a REAL covens house party, and they left out the Wrong Door (oooo)!!!
Its at this point Alice is like "where are we???" and Erics like "Idk, the west end of the labyrinth? Sorry if you don't live around here, but I do, so do you wanna spend the night at my place?" and shes like "no where the FUCK are we, this place is NOT planet earth" and Eric's like oh.... goddamn that's crazy, ur a human person!!!
But Eric isn't allowed back inside the party (iirc it was a party dedicated to Diana? it was a girls only party) so the door closed and disappeared behind them, and they have to find a different way to get Alice back to earth, while exploring the labyrinth!!!
They meet a lot of people along the way so I'll go through them >:D
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So these are mostly Background people - Honey and Eric are like self-adoptive siblings (Honey is older), shes absolutely horrified at Alice's presence <3
Amare and Burlesque are my ocu UNIVERSE HOPPERS (slash 4th wall breakers kind of, but not really)!! So they're just kind of everywhere!!! They're mostly just an Easter egg that would pop up in the bg of the comic for me and my irl who know who they are hehehehe
PETAL is SO NORMAL 🙂 bro guys petal is so fucking normal 🙂 guys no don't worry, please make a deal with petal 🙂 dude petals so trustworthy and totally doesn't look act and deal like Beetlejuice 🙂
and the bartenders just cute!! :D
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so this is Ichi and Ni (aka 1 and 2 bc when I was making them I was just calling them little guy 1 and little guy 2)
Ni is a parasitic creature, who exchanges bodily fluids with humans in order to reproduce/continue on the species (This came to me in a dream, but his species exchanges blood/saliva/etc. with human beings, and the DNA exchanged starts growing inside the human incubator, first taking them over spiritually and then physically before emerging as a completely new being, shedding the human shell :D)
And Ichi is a human!! Woah, I know. Humans aren't supposed to be here! But upon encountering Ichi and Ni, Alice and Eric discover that there's like a fair amount of humans who find companionship in the inhabitants of the labyrinth and choose to stay here instead of returning back to earth! they live in ~disguise~ and are usually under the protection of someone who cares for them, usually a lover (in Ichi and Ni's case), but it doesn't always have to be!!
After discovering Ichi, Ni provided them with a mask and a faux tail, as well as an Omamori (protection talisman!!) and they started a very deep emotional relationship! Ni is hesitant to touch Ichi, as if they exchange any sort of fluids it would mean Ichi's complete ego and physical death, but they still try to be affectionate!!
They provide Alice with a different path! Instead of needing to return, she has the opportunity to join a coven or don a disguise and stay here if she truly wanted, or she could return home and nobody would be any the wiser!
I haven't decided how it ends yet, but that's it so far :D
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wowbright · 1 year
Tag someone you want to get to know better.
I was tagged by @daisyishedwig and sort of by @gleefulpoppet!
favorite color: I find this question confusing. Do people really have favorite colors?
last song: Don't stop me now by Queen
last movie: vacation friends 2. Oh wait, no, it was Alfred Hitchcock's Notorious.
currently watching: the most recent thing I "watched" was The Dropout on Hulu, but the thing that is ongoing "watching" is The Librarian/s verse. (I say "watching" because I mostly listen in the background and look up occasionally while sewing.) So if we want actual watching, I guess that would be Liebes Kind/Dear Child, but again that is completed and not an ongoing thing.
other stuff I watched this year: our flag means death, what we do in the shadows seasons 4 and 5, all the seasons of only murders in the building, all the seasons and the movie of Miss Fisher's Murder mysteries (the Phryne Fisher version), the new quantum leap, Maniac, The Path... Honestly it's wild how much TV I have watched this year, I've been doing a lot of sewing.
shows I dropped this year/didn't finish: yellowjackets; that other horror show that takes place in the town outside of time and space that randomly sucks in people who are driving and then never lets them leave
currently reading: Feet of clay--a study of gurus by Anthony storr; Kingdom of nauvoo by Benjamin f Park; the Enchanted Castle by Edith nesbit; Dracula by Bram Stoker (in Dracula Daily Order); also there are lots of modern (last three decades) novels I have picked up recently and not been able to get very far in because apparently I am not in the brain space for any original fiction written after 1910. I think I should probably give up and go back to Dickens and Austen and the Bronte sisters, which I haven't read in a while. (I am pretty much always reading one thing or another by Nesbit.)
currently listening to: three of the above are audio books. My favorite recently discovered podcast is Overcoming Compulsive Hoarding. I don't have hoarding disorder but this is just a darn good mental health podcast in general. I highly recommend it. When it is no longer a new podcast to me, it will enter the realm of comfort podcast (ones I like to re-listen to). Other comfort podcasts are Coffee & Cults, Maintenance Phase, and Be Uncluttered. Today I listened to the latest episode of Oh No Ross and Carrie and most weeks I listen to Mormon Stories, except when I get sick of it and need a break.
currently working on: the same quilt I've been working on for the past year or so. And of course Mormon!Klaine (though TBH with the cat dying and migraines, not as much as I'd like).
current obsession: the quilt and mormon!klaine. Sewing reflective tape onto clothing, bags, umbrellas, etc. Also, using up as many arcane ingredients in our pantry as possible. Recently, I used the last of the orange extract and fennel seeds to make granola bars (sounds weird, tasted great!), the arrowroot powder in pumpkin bread and Filipino uraro cookies, the oat fiber to make muffins that didn't taste exactly like sawdust; and the mustard seeds to make cocoa mustard (which sounds weird but is actually yummy, if you like mustard). Next in line is Austrian poppy seed and nut cake to use up the rest of the 1-pound bag of poppy seeds. There's no wheat flour in it, you grind up the poppy seeds and the nuts to make a flour.
Tagging (no pressure): @kurtsascot @special-bc-ur-part-of-it @1908jmd @kurtmckinnon
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reversedumbrella · 7 months
hello and happy birthday!! I wanted to thank you for your art, your comics always make me smile anytime I see them and I really love how expressive the faces you draw are! Your demon OC's are also very cool looking... would you like to tell something about them? do you make these for some story or just for fun? 👀
Hope you have a good day.. or night!
thank you!!
my demon oc's are just for fun! they belong to a series of stories "demonicismos" which i don't plan on ever writting. sometimes i don't even remember their stories! i always find myself revising these characters and changing stuff about them and how their world works. i haven't got the opportunity to infodump about these uys in years (actually counting for how long some of them have been around is making me sick)
im going to talk a lot about them. like. A LOT
checking the demonicismos tag on my blog led me to discover i have never really posted much about them, despite the fact that i made charater charts in 2020 or something (unavailable to me atm. most drawings of these characters are away from me rn)
nowadays i don't really care much about them. i've thought about doing a digital card game with them like south park: phone destroyer (yes i used to be into south park. im not ashamed of it. im using this example bc i really liked how a kid could only ever be in the battle field one side at the time. if your opponent played character A and you also had that one, you had to wait until they opponent's died. i also thought about playing around with character dinamics. if a character saw someone they hated join their team, they'd join the enemy team and vice-versa. i got distracted so i never started programming it)
currently im mostly trying to redesign the characters as an exercise for myself. these were the original concepts for egil (pink), marcel (orange/red) and antonio (yellow), versus more recently (i am unhappy in regards to marcel and antonio)
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Design Rules
my ideas have changed over time and with them how characters should look. first there weren't any rules, i just drew whatever. then i choose that every demon should have horns and a tail even in human form - it would be a reminder of what they lost. they'd never be human again. then i went back and forth on how much demons could change their shape. it ended with all demons having a human form and a demon form, with some having specific shapeshifting habilities but always with horns and a tail (egil can stretch his limbs but mostly does so in order to be the tallest guy in the room) my last rule, added for this exercise, is that all demons always have their human face. the idea came from that undertale quote - "despite everything its still you" no matter what you do its still you. the good. the bad. you. demons can blame their behaviour on the "corruptive nature of hell" but its them
Basic Lore
i debated myself over wheter or not i'd talk indept about worldbuilding lore, which would triple this post's size. let's go through the basics. people die and become demons in hell. hell is divided into numbered layers and where someone goes after they die is judged according to the motto "nobody deserves to suffer". people that actively stopped others from suffering go to layer 1 and people that found joy in other's suffering go to 9. a demon belongs to a layer but can go to the ones below it, but not above (demons from 5 can go to 6,7,8,9 but not 4,3,2,1). demons are souls, and their physical bodies are made of mud transformed by that soul. i was inspired by some papers i read on witchcraft. demons couldn't manifets physical bodies so they'd trick people with smoke, gases and dust in the air a demon can only have one body at a time. if their arm is cut off 1) they reattach it or 2) a new one grows at the same pace the other turns back into mud. if the entire body is destroyed they reform from the mud in ground demons dont need to eat or sleep but feel hunger and sleepyness. hell is a punishement for their behaviour so layer 1 is ok, layer 9 is... not. money is also a thing. because this is hell
demons have powers based on personality and character flaws
a demon's size is based on their strength - how big their soul is - but their human form is the size of their human alive self. there are 3 ways for a soul to grow. 1) feel strong emotions, then rest and absorve those emotions. its important to rest. 2) cannibalism. eating other demons body part will give that part's strength 3) deals. a demon can share their power. deals are fast but demand consent. cannibalism is slow but nobody can stop it
Finally talking about the Characters
i don't remember very well the first story i made. it was about a boy that had another boy living in his head. and the boy in his head was really angry because he couldn't do anything and when he got extra angry things started to burn and melt around them
miguel (or michael or any other version of this name)... actually i just remembered i wanted to do this guy's story
Egil. his original design was based off angel dust from the hazbin hotel pilot and i don't think he has changed that much.
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those blue branches on his head are the guy who killed him. there are ways to permanetly end a demon and after egil did that, the dude fused into his head. the pink arms and legs are rubber gloves/boots. he's a biologist, specialized in genetics. his house/layer is full of vats filled with unnatural stuff growing in there. he doesn't have friends, he's prone to anger and always has to be the smartest person in a room - this goes with his tendency to always be the tallest person in a room. his shapeshifting powers come from his unhappines with himself and inferiority complex. he used to love biology but now tries to gain knowledge just so he can know more than the people around him. he gets angry easily so he's an unpleasant person to be around so he doesn't have any friends so he convinces himself he doesn't need anyone and i hope im making sense here
antonio and marcel. father and son. marcel my baby. you deserve a redesign more than anything
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back when the stories where set in an alternative earth with history similar to ours, antonio was an italian american. now i don't know. he went around killing fascists and made immortality magic so strong one of those "get rid of you permanetly" things just sent him to hell and is now lodge in his heart. he can remove the sword and use it as a weapon but his beating human heart is there and removing it will kill him permanently (unless you put the sword through another heart) in hell he had time to think and understood that he was only killing fascists to saciate his bloodthirst on people he deemed deserving of death. the true way of ending fascism is with good infrastructure and school system. killing fascists became an hobby
marcel... my sweet son marcel that deserves better colors. rules don't apply to him he can do whatever he wants and i'd let him. technically a cannibal
quick sketch of the sisters. i don't rememeber their names. i dont even remember if they had names. based on a bird and on a pupper/spider. cannibal vs deals
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they're both very manipulative. the bird one, the older sister, always got the upper hand at home so the spider one let out her frustrations by manipulating and controlling people. the bird one can turn people to birds and control them if they hear her play her harp. this counts as cannibalism (slow and no consent needed). the spider one manipulates weaker demons into bellonging to her by deals. in their story they end up fighting each other as they scream their frustrations, coming to the conclusion that everything is their mother's fault (wrong)
barbara and barbara, one is based off a carnivorous plant and the other a bear
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i had never thought of them as friends until i started the redesigns but now i kinda like the idea. they're both cannibals with my favourite being the plant one. in this drawing she's missing teeth on those big green jaws. she closes them with some guy inside and digests him
i have so many more characters but i've also been writting this the whole afternoon
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nightmarevore · 1 year
hi! i'm getting into writing safe vore oneshots and i was inspired by a few of your works and reblogs. for years i was really discontent with my writing, but when i revisited some of your stories today, i noticed how similar your writing style is to mine, and the fact that people enjoy your content made me confident enough to complete a draft and plan a new story. i wanted to know if you make drafts and revise them? do you just publish the first draft? do you get help writing or editing them? 1☆
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WAAAAAAAAAAAAH I;M SOBBING THIS WAS SUCH A NICE SERIES OF ASKS TO COME TO YOU'RE SO NICE TO MEEEEEEEE omg gomgo gomgomgomgklgkgfkjngfjbjdk i've never been complimented LIKE THIS or asked extensively for my process, this is new to me!!! you're wonderful and kind and i appreciate you.
i'm gonna have to make a readmore here as to not clutter up everyone's dashes to tell you my process/thoughts so HERE WE GO!!!!
i actually have only one fic i get edited and it's a non-vore fic, a very close friend of mine edits a fn.a f fanfic i'm writing based on w/illi.am a/f.to/n. i don't ask them to edit my vore stuff, but they do know i'm into vore. i actually write all my fics in a google doc!
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i'll typically actually write as i go entirely. i have a rough idea of how i want the fic to go (who's in what, who does what, an event i need to happen, etc) and write along that rough guideline in my head. i write completely in order, or else i can't make it flow well together. sometimes i'll write what else may need to get done or else i may forget.
i'll consider things i decide to change as i go along "the first draft," since i went with something entirely different. for example, in one of my drafts for a wip fic, i chose to have luke, in the serial killer, panic and size-shift to half size and have the fic end with a half-size hurt/comfort vore from luke and rowan. instead, i changed it so luke is dazed but has time remain his current size and pull rowan out of his pred instincts taking over and have cuddles afterwards and vore when they got home, luke still the same size.
though adhd and autism get in the way at times—executive dysfunction is a bitch. a lot of things i have written, like a luke and rowan serial killer fic, as well a a fugue state william fic have been a WIP since February of this year—literally when i BROKE MY FOOT and was stuck in a reclining chair for a month. i keep telling myself i need to get to them, but then i see ffxiv and hanging out with friends and just decide that's a better way to spend my time at the moment. i've been in a huuuuge brain fog for a few months bc of this, the recent one shot i posted was actually made because i was speaking vore feelings i had with medli.
i definitely have an easier time writing when i'm specifically fixated on vore, luke and rowan, william, mike, etc.
i'll write when i'm hyperfixated, and my brain pushes me to write more when i'm at work rather than at home, because adhd classifies work as something i need a distraction from, and home as chill time. i'll write on my breaks or when i have a moment to myself to sit and hide.
i'll tell you right now, i get SOOO many ideas and have at least 10+ wips, including f./n/a,f, luke and rowan, and ffxiv characters.
when i write, i'm mostly writing from my heart. exactly what i'd expect to think, feel, and hear. i put myself into the perspective/mind of the characters i'm writing and can get deep into these fics as i write them. i get so interpersonally connected to my writing as i'm writing that i physically feel my character's emotions, and see them in my head exactly how they play out.
honestly, i'm not too sure about tips on how to get out of making yourself write when you don't feel like it. i've gotten frustrated with myself for staring at my documents for too long and not being able to write anything. i imagine the scenario in perfect detail, and then i'll sit down, stare at my work, and i'm like ....???????????????????
i'm actually trying to open up to my therapist about getting medicated so i can have an easier time writing/creating for you guys! hopefully soon.
i hope this kind of gives you some insight to my process, please go forth and create and never be afraid to share. <333
this ask means a lot to me!
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