#/ he's trying to be objective but you can kind of see that even tho he hates it he kind of...agrees with his family
inun4ki · 9 months
"I can see you struggling. Take your time. I'm listening." //Yanna
for muses who can't open up
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They'd been sitting on a park bench for what'd felt like hours - talking, as if anything Kaede'd had to say had mattered. Maybe it was merely Yanna's nature to listen, to participate, to sit beside him and know something was wrong - she was good like that, maybe better than he deserved. Makeshift family, the closest thing he had to a grandmother that might've loved him once, found by chance circumstance long after the damage had been done and the dust had settled. There would be no repairing what's broken, burying the truth, ignoring the pain, pretending, hiding, sneaking, lying--
He owed her an explanation, he owed her something. Surely, Yanna could only take so much of his reckless abandon in combat, his incessant and inevitable self-mutilation as necessary and extra curricularly, his occasional blackouts and failing memory, crude and vulgar malcontent, flashbacks, anxiety--
What would she think of him, if he told her...? Would she still fight alongside him? Would she trust him to protect her as she protects him? Or would her opinion of him change, morph from the almost-tender and pleasant into paranoia, judgment, and uncomfortable tension that crackles and burns? Would she think him weak and foolish, clawing at himself to distract himself from his responsibilities and the pain he'd caused? Would she think him a coward...? Fingertips nervously tugged through long violet strands, catching on too many tangles at a time - he yanked his fingers through. Again, and again, silently drifting further and further into the agonizing cess pool poisoning his mind. He didn't want her to point all the same fingers at him as Kurai - he didn't want her to think he'd have been better off dead, too, that everything would be fine and everyone would still be alive if he'd never taken his first breath. He didn't want her to see his shame, his inaction, his cowardice. He didn't want her as the frightened and inept child he really was. He couldn't bear it. The idea of it alone caused his chest to tighten, his throat to sorely close, his body already screaming in its preparation to run.
But he owed her. He owed her something.
Gnawing on his lower lip, head bowed, gaze affixed to dirt and the sparse tuft of grass just beginning to peek through it, he made himself smaller. Shoulders sloped forward, thighs and calves firmly pressed together, spine slouching...with his hair to hide every bit of his face as his toes curled into the dirt. But his breaths caught on the knot in his throat and his teeth chattered, fear sparking into a roaring flame that burned and burned and burned in the pit of his stomach. Ripping the band-aid off and telling her was all he could do, and no matter how kind and gentle to him she'd been, she expected an answer... Why did this have to be so hard? Why couldn't he trust in turn, trust that he might be held with warmth and care and understanding and acceptance and-- Why couldn't he let it go?
He swallowed again, trying his damnedest to maintain any semblance of stoic composure, fingers shifting from his hair to the fabric concealing his wrists and picking at the seams, but he was failing - and he'd no choice anyway.
"T-twenty years ago," he rasped shakily, words like ash in his mouth. "Twenty years ago, there was... a massacre. Over sixty members of my clan were slaughtered and fed upon by curses and I...I watched them. I hid under the dining room table and cried, watching as my cousins were taken one by one and killed by my grandfather. I was stronger than they all were - I didn't know how to wield it, but still, I was stronger than them. I could've-should've done something, but I let them die... My grandfather was also killed, by the time the bloodshed had come to an end. He'd brought those curses into the estate and unleashed them upon us all, and no one knew why - but that was my fault too. He was already showing signs of severe mental instability, but the facilitation of my birth sent him spiraling. I only fanned the flames of his paranoia, the terror he already had that one day, he'd be usurped and any threats to his hold over the family must be dealt with. He planned to use me as a vessel in some desperate vie, to take my strength for his own, and in the midst of enacting this plan, the curses he'd aligned with turned on him and ripped him limb from limb. He left...a journal, outlining his plan in great detail. I found it hidden beneath the estate one night when I'd been punished for covering for Aoi and Terin again, tucked under the straw and floorboards in the cell - where no one else could possibly find it or bother to go looking."
He couldn't stand being vulnerable like this, couldn't stand talking about his family history, being seen, heard, known for even a moment. He wanted to trust her. Wanted to believe this would be okay. It was far too late to back out now. His heart and stomach lurched in tandem, his ears beginning to ring.
Please don't change your mind... Please don't turn your back on me.
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His thoughts were beginning to get to him, a childlike urge to crumple and cry washing over him. The longer he dragged this out, the more pathetic and miniscule he felt, the more cowardly and weak. Kurai would've turned him away, and Aoi vowed never to speak to him again after Terin's death... They blamed him for it all, and rightfully so. Had he been able to do something, he could've used their techniques to exorcise the curses quickly and no one would've had to die... Had he not been born, Taisho would've been dealt with sooner. Terin would still be alive. Mom, too...
"I took the journal to my father - everyone deserved to know the truth behind what my grandfather was planning. I thought it would be closure for them, to finally have a real explanation... I even thought the same for myself. I didn't realize, at the time, that I was handing them my own confession. Everything begins with Taisho, but ends with me. I may as well have killed them all myself. I've no right to sit beside you now, when there's so much blood on my hands, because it's not just them I'm responsible for but countless others... People who were simply doing what they needed to in order to survive among curses and killers and the other perils of every day life, working to achieve their dreams no matter how benign or totally fucked-- I'm just as guilty. I fight to redeem myself, but I can't wash away the stains. Yet, even-even so... I don't want you to think of me as any lesser. I don't want you to see me as the sort of person who would condemn his family to death through inaction and cowardice."
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ooffmlsorry · 10 months
OP Men When You're Injured
Context: I don't mean mortally injured, I'm talking something not too serious that kind of inhibits your movement like a broken bone or recovery from a surgery
Law, Kid, Ace, Luffy, Zoro, Sanji
A/N: can we get a little commotion for this gif tho?? Why is he so perfect?? 😭
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Law as a doctor is perfectly normal about your injury. He knows with some rest and eventual rehabilitation you'll be just fine. No big deal.
He makes sure you're healing well and comfortable, like he would with any patient
Law as your boyfriend is different.
In the case of an injury with no risk of infection, he'll press a kiss to it. Yes, like he's kissing your boo-boo 🥹
Law does not leave your side. He is your shadow. Where you go, he's right beside you or at the very least in the same room as you.
At first he deadass tries to convince you he's not lingering at all and he's the same as he always is.
But you both know he's lying. He practically moves his office wherever you decide to be for the day.
He can't help himself. What if you fall? What if you reinjure yourself? He's so pressed about the worst case scenarios, and given his past, can you blame him?
He quietly grumbles and pouts about his own "irrational" behavior because he knows in reality you can absolutely go about your day. You're a little slower but you're fine. But he just can't let you. As soon as you start to struggle, he's right beside you offering to help.
If you're aggravated by his hovering, he's twice as annoyed by it. He's literally so frustrated with himself lmao, you might end up having to comfort him instead.
Even if he complains (is it really complaining if he's actually happy lol) you're happy because all this extra time around you makes him extra affectionate. Law snuggles close to you, justifying his closeness by explaining how physical affection can lower cortisol levels.
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Oh Kid smh 😔he has no idea how to treat you so he just decides to behave like everything's normal lmao
Legitimately though, even if a inanimate object is what caused your injury, he's destroying it. Just out of pure fury that you were hurt.
He'll huff when you fall behind or have trouble doing something, but he just can't leave you to suffer
He's a man of action lol so he'll probably end up doing things for you just for efficiency sake. You're walking too slow? He picks you up. Can't grab or hold something? He'll do the whole thing for you and next time you try to do the same thing you find he's made something to make it a lot easier for you while you heal.
Anything you need to assist you he'll happily build.
If you have a cast or anything like that, he's gonna draw all over it (honestly, the whole crew will. You're gonna have the most bad ass cast ever)
He absolutely calls you a baby for wincing or complaining. He doesn't mean it...mostly.
If he's not keeping an eye on you than Killer is.
It's not like he's worried or anything! Fuck you for saying that!! He just doesn't want to hear or see you whining and complaining. It's annoying. Okay, sure Kid.
He genuinely hate seeing you in pain though, even if it's just wincing it reminds him of losing his arm and he never wants you to experience anything close to that.
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Ace is your little emotional support boyfriend...or maybe it's the other way around 🤭.
He'll curl up at your side while you recuperate and completely dozes off.
He takes looking after you very seriously and asks Marco lots of questions, even if there's not a whole lot he can do.
He doesn't pity you, but he does feel really bad. Even if it was just an accident, he hates seeing you limited in any way.
He might accidentally treat you like you're made of glass.
It's just because he cares a lot, and he really doesn't want anything else to happen to you.
Every single morning he wakes up and asks how you're feeling or if you're in any pain.
There's a lot of people on the Moby Dick and accidents happen all the time, so don't be surprised when he literally clears a way for you to traverse around the ship.
I'm not saying he's impatient buuuut he will definitely glare at whatever part of you is injured and say, "Jeez, can you heal up already?"
He gives you space, but only if you ask for it. He just doesn't want you to feel like you're ever in this alone.
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Luffy is neither patient nor gentle lol but he's extremely loyal
He'll goof off and continue to go on adventures, but he's not gone for long
Even his crew is surprised when tells them he's not going to get distracted because he knows you're back on the Sunny waiting for them.
He's always bringing cool things back to you since you can't do as much as you usually can. Just because you can't be right beside him doesn't mean you have to miss everything.
God bless him he's gonna try to bring you some meat so you'll heal faster 🤭.
He'll absolutely forget you're injured at some point and probably tackle hug you.
The last thing he'll let you do is stay cooped up in bed unless Chopper insists that you have to. Even if you need to rest you can do it right next to him on the head of the Sunny, right?
Exactly like Ace he's going to frown at whatever part of you is injured and say, "Jeez, can you heal up already?!"
He gets whatever you need and probably overdoes it. Need a glass of water? He just straight up brings you the whole barrel.
More is better! Besides, you need to hurry up and get better!
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He's not worried. He's so chill about it, actually. ...Until you start to move around.
The way he switches up is laugh worthy. He goes from nonchalant to overprotective in an instant.
He practically holds his breath as you make your way around the Sunny, watching you like a hawk.
Admittedly, he does tease you a little. He'll grab things for you, but hold them out of your reach or call you a little turtle if you move slower. He thinks it's very cute hehe.
For better or for worse, Zoro's not a hypocrite. He won't hound you to take it easy if you think you're up to a task. Even if Chopper really wishes he would.
He still won't leave you though, unless you're resting and stationary, he's by your side.
Zoro is your attack dog boyfriend. There's no way anyone (*ahem* Luffy) is fooling around too close to you. There's not going to be a chance you could get hurt more or reinjured.
When you're alone he checks in with you to make sure you're okay, not because he's shy about being soft in front of people but more so to protect your privacy.
He kind of likes doing extra things for you, he won't say it out loud but it makes him really happy when he can do things while you recover. He considers taking care of someone he loves to be such an honor.
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Unless whatever injured you is vitally important (e.g. the Sunny), he's kicking the shit out of it on principle because how dare anything even dare to hurt you lmao
Are you surprised that he dotes on you hand and foot? You shouldn't be.
I think it also goes without saying he is cooking you best meals.
They're gonna have to tie him down when it comes time for your rehabilitation because he wants to do everything for you.
He's such a sweet heart! He leaves you little messages like "you're doing great!" and "I love you!"
Literally this man lives with you on the ship and he still got you flowers, a get well card, and a little stuffed animal like he's not going to see you every single day
He loves carrying you (as long as it's Chopper approved). He's beaming down the sunny with you in his arms.
He makes the cutest little picnics so you can eat comfortably
Sanji's also an emotional support boyfriend lol. In between cooking for the crew and other duties, he's curled up right next to.
He might coddle you a little too much but it's just because he loves you so so so much
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catcze · 1 year
OKAY BUT how about matching jewellery with Wriothesley?? You could both wear a necklace or a choker to match his vibe or maybe earrings? (The fact he's wearing some is sending me 😩 His style is really good tbh, def would let him choose my clothes) And if they're embedded with each other's initials? Even better, let the world know you belong to him, the same way he belongs to you (was inspired by your other collar drabble don't mind me 🥺👌)
AAAAA that is SO cute wtf ?!?! And so true, his style is honestly immaculate !! I got inspiredddd and wrote this (even tho it's a little more 'secret relationship for now, but wearing little tokens of each other until we make it public' kind of thing tee hee)
warning for vv slight leaks (Wriothesley's birthdate) and a slightly ooc Wrio !!
Reblogs are greatly appreciated !!
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"Your grace?"
"Yes, Sigewinne?" Wriothesley hums, not looking up from his morning paper. He holds a teacup in his other hand, the scent of freshly brewed English Breakfast filling the room.
Sigewinne is staring hard at him, head tilted as she examines the change in the Duke's wardrobe. "I can't seem to place my finger on it but your new necklace looks rather—"
Wriothesley promptly chokes on his drink, loud coughing breaking the quiet of his office as he thumps his chest, sputtering and frantically moving his paper out of the range of fire of his choking.
Sigewinne hands him a handkerchief, which he takes with a wheezed word of thanks. She's squinting at him in suspicion, antennae twitching as she watches the duke squirm.
"I'm afraid I don't follow," Wriothesley coughs one last time into the handkerchief, clearing his throat in an attempt to get rid of the roughness in his voice. It doesn't work. "Perhaps you're mistaken, Sigewinne. Are you certain that you haven't just seen someone around the fortress using something similar? Or maybe you saw it in fashion on the surface."
Sigewinne is sure she hasn't. She just hums in thought, placing her hands on her hips as she continues to evaluate the necklace, while Wriothesley pointedly does not meet her gaze.
It's a simple thing, really. A silver circle on a thin silver chain, and from this distance Sigewinne can barely make out what looks like two letters and a date carved on it. It's this simplicity, actually, that makes it stand out amidst the Duke's otherwise chunky and bold accessories.
Sigewinne keeps staring, trying to remember just where oh where had she seen something like that before, and why does it nag her so much that she can't recall. Wriothesley doesn't offer up any information, however, having chosen to pour himself another cup of tea and resuming reading his paper.
Eventually, the nurse relents and turns to head down the staircase to leave his office with a word of farewell thrown over her shoulder, still bothered by the mystery that she just can't solve, but knowing what the Duke is like when he clams up.
"Oh! Hi, Sigewinne!" You greet, almost running into her as she descends, while you yourself are on your way up. You reach out a hand to steady her lest she roll down the rest of the way. "Leaving already? Everything alright?"
"Everything is fine," she says kindly, patting your arm in thanks as she looks up to your face. "Some patients to check on, but otherwise nothing particularly noteworthy. His Grace just refuses to answer any of my questions, however..."
But then her eyes catch on something shiny on your neck. Something shiny, and looking awfully like the object of her interest just a few short minutes ago. She glances at it, and as close as she is, she can make out what is carved on the pendant around your neck: A simple W and the date November 23 written underneath it.
She pauses mid-sentence, turning to glance over her shoulder.
Wriothesley is still reading his paper, but from here even she can see how he's trying to subtly glance over it in your direction. His fingers clench the sheets in anticipation and how his boot has started to tap on the floor despite his show of nonchalance. She looks at the pot of tea he had put out earlier, notices just how much tea there still seems to be in it, and the extra teacup that she had asked about earlier when she had first come in.
Just in case a guest stops by, he had told her, and nothing after that. Suddenly, she has a pretty good guess of what is written on his grace's necklace.
"Nevermind," she corrects, trying not to smile too widely. "But I certainly have to be going. Enjoy your... meeting with his grace. I'll see you later!"
You blink at her abrupt departure. "Oh? Okay. Uh... Bye, Sigewinne. See you soon!"
She nods, hurriedly excusing herself in an attempt to give you two some privacy, finally letting her happy little grin show once she was no longer in sight. She shuts the doors behind her and takes a moment, then practically skips her way back to the infirmary, her steps light and joyful.
I'm glad. They deserve to be happy together.
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yueliie · 1 month
🎐.お茶 — playfulness ft shinazugawa sanemi
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୨ৎ — ♬ ⌨️ᶻᶻᶻ : yue is typing... ✉! ୨ৎ — ↻ SYNOPSIS : sanemi despite how terrifying he can look tends to hide a softer, kinder side to him. However, its those rare moments with him is why you can't help but... teasing him occasionally. ୨ৎ — ♯ GENRE : fluff, gn reader ୨ৎ — ↠ NOTE : a repost from my old blog! I'm still cringing at myself for that pickup line tho... ୨ৎ — ♪ REMINDER : reblogs & likes are appreciated, its help to motivate me, thanks for your support~ ୨ৎ — ► ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ : playfulness ft shinazugawa sanemi...
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Summer comes fast, as music turned up to full volume. The sky blazes blue and the sun is a celebration of yellow, free and bright. The trees rise to the occasion, donning their best verdant hues, and everywhere are the flowers, the scattered rainbow that they are.
The flowers are a new masterpiece each day, changing the frameless scenery, gazing upward at the ever-present sky; they are the warmth of the land that give thanks to the warmth of the summer sun.
In the late summer wind are the red flags of the poppy petals, a living masterpiece of nature. Though they grow unnoticed by so many, they are more to your eye than a monet or any artwork that brings their likeness in beautiful strokes of softest bristles.
They are the rainbow that arises from earth and water, yet can be nothing without those golden rays. Each day of these playful months will come in moments, the gift of the present, lived in barefoot dances, wind-tousled hair, laughter and song... the layers of winter left in some forgotten closet.
The forest hums with life all around you as you twirl about, gazing up at the canopy, searching for the birds that sing sweetly. The sun breaks through the cracks, lighting up the dirt path ahead of you, decorated with outgrown roots, wildflowers and fallen leaves that crunch beneath your bare feet.
You trudge on, taking in the fragrance of minty grass and the damp earth. Each breathe is like water, fresh and cleansing, flowing freely into your lungs. Your eyes scanning the beauty of nature as you walked slowly, taking your time to get through the forest.
The forest is the orchestra of the mind, playing one enchanting symphony after another. Her leaves dance to an unheard beat, whispering their songs to the wind. In here, sheltered by the mighty trees, is every kind of life, from the humble beetle to enchanting birds of every colour. You hold your hands up to feel the cascading light, a brilliant white shaft illuminating the path that takes you onward and home.
And with that, you run, feet kissing the land. Perhaps a little while ago, you would have balked at idea of running so far and fast, now that you relish the prospect. These feet were made to travel at speed and as light as the paws of a lioness. Breathing steady, heart strong. It was like you were born to run.
As you ran, like the winter breeze colliding into inanimate objects and crashing waves hitting the shore line. Like eagles soaring across indigo skies and a herd of cheetahs racing through verdant meadows. Your (long/short), (hair's color) locks whipped back and forth behind you like a fiery tale as you flung yourself over sharp rocks and heavy tree trunks.
You didn’t know where you were nor did you know where you were heading. You had no idea what time it was and you had no clue what day. All you knew was you had to keep running forward. Not stopping for anything. After all, you were going to see him again no matter what happens even when you got yourself lost in a forest while thinking of seeing your lover again after a mission.
"Wait for me, Sanemi! I'll be home soon... I hope so..."
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"...What the hell were you thinking?"
A fresh milky white bandages were wrapped around your right knee. You laugh awkwardly, scratching your cheek nervously as you were sitting up on the bed after the insect hashira, Shinobu was done wrapping your injured leg.
You waves your hands above your shoulders, trying to explain the situation to your boyfriend who was currently scowled at you defiantly with his sharp eyes "I was only testing... uhh gravity! Yeah that's it..."
But then you saw the look on his face and you immediately knew that you were screwed, you could feel the cold sweat, rolling down across your cheek.
His eyebrows were twitching in annoyance at your attempt of covering up your mistake  "Hey... Do I look like a dumbass to you?"
As he murmured this in a low threatening tone, an irritating mark appeared on his forehead as you began to sweat nervously more than before, slowly backing away as if he could explode at any moment...
'What should I do now! He's pretty mad... wait, maybe that could works?' You thought about it for a moment, trying to form the words to say in order to change the situation where you won't died. Well it's not like he would murder you on the spot but he will give you a rough ride to hell though, you took a deep breath in...
"Hey, Sanemi do you have a band-aid?"
Glancing around the room to see if there was anyone else in the room, once you were sure that there was no one nearby to witness. Your (eyes' color) orbs met his dark purple ones, a bashful expression plastered onto your face.
"Because I just scraped my leg falling for you" cheeks dusted with light shades of red, placing your hand against your chest as you said this, staring into his eyes.
You weren't lying either, you did rush yourself just to see him after weeks of being separated from each other but it was the first time you caught him off, it was a first that you even saw his rough expression melted. Huh... Its works?
He immediately turned around as you were facing with his back on you, you stared at him in surprise, confused by his sudden silence and it's took you a good minute before its finally clicked in. A wide smug look across your face, approaching him from behind with a skip in your step.
"Aww, Sanemi....are you perhaps embarrassed~?" You teased with a playful tone, wrapping your  arms around him, hugging him from behind.
"S-Shut up!"
"Hehe, I love you"
The sight of his ears turning red at your statement was enough to tell you that he felt the same way in his own way of showing it in silence.
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© yueliie 2024. do not steal, copy, repost, edit, translate or use my works.
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l3viat8an · 1 year
Hi hi!! I’m glad you’re back!! Do you still take poly!mc reqs?? If you do then can you do poly!mc naked while walking around HoL? I’d like to see the brothers reactions!!~ Feel free to ignore!
nsfw content MDNI
Hiii anon!! ‘n Yes I do!! If it wasn’t obvious I love poly MC <333 tho I did this kind of separate reactions, cuz it’s what I could think of hskahaj also just ignore any typos-
Lucifer is looking you over and enjoying the view!
But he’ll act all cool about it, his eyes slowly traveling over even inch of your body~!
“I feel like, I should be telling you to put clothes on, but I’d rather tell you to come closer~”
He’ll pull you closer, if you don’t move fast enough~
Mammon when is he not staring at you?-
This is just an amazing treat~!
I mean yea, he’s red in the face ‘n can’t make eye contact, but it’s adorable! and his hands practically have a mind of their own, grabbing your arm and pulling you closer, moving to squeeze your ass-
“C’mon ya can’t tease me like this, it just ain’t fair~”
Levi if you thought Mammon’s face was red, just think of that but 10X redder- yup that’s Levi!
“W-why?!? I mean, y-you look good!! Hot, amazing- just whoa!! B-but why!?!”
How is he supposed to focus on his game with you walking around like that???-
Satan acts like it’s just completely normal for you to walk around naked.
Right, until he’s cornered you in the library, his face falling to the junction of skin between your neck and bare shoulder, teeth grazing your skin as he whispers “Two can play this game, love. If you want attention just ask~”
‘n nipping one last time at your neck, before pulling away and waking off.
Asmo Starts stripping- jkjk tho he would-
Walks up behind you and wraps his arms around you, pulling your back right up against him~
“Sweetheart~ you’re looking absolutely radiant today~ but you’ll look even better on my bed~”
Unless you object he’ll start peppering little kisses down your neck, before looping his arm with yours and moving to walk back to his room.
Beel Is leering I mean looking!! respectfully ofc~!!
He almost always asks before touching you, but today his hands will move a bit quicker then his brain.
Squeezing or slapping your ass whenever you pass him.
“I just can’t help it. You’re teasing me too much.” before Beel’s pulling you in for a kiss~
Belphie He’s happy to spend all day just trailing after you, watching your hips sway~
Tho, his favorite part of the day was when you sat down on the couch in the living you and he could lay down with his head in your lap, you giggled out something about how his hair tickles your thighs, but don’t push him away.
“Mmh~ I like feeling your skin feels, it’s so warm.”
Just watch out or he’ll roll over just to bite your bare thighs-
Adding on an extra bit~
But if you walk into a room with more then one or even all of them, somehow there’s even more touching~ as they all try to pull you closer, before one of the others can-
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clubdionysus · 5 months
[BAD DECISION #17] Jeon Jungkook
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warnings: WELL WELL WELL. mentions of the red witch. post-gym kook. questionable conversations that shouldn't happen between friends, totally normal touching of genitals to prove points in aforementioned conversations, kitchen escapades, whiny koo <3 titty worship, spanking, titty sucking, fingering, a lil mutual masturbation, cockwarming (or at least an attempt!), unprotected sex, jk on top, the starluvrs are bad at maths!, multiple positions (prone bone my beloved <3), he finishes on her back, lovely stuff!! just friendly tho!
a/n: the header image is another lost relic, but this time i can't even remember the base photo </3
soundtrack: just a little bit - enhypen
wc: 11.2k
bd total wc: 540k (ongoing)
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The soft cotton duvet cover on Jeongguk's bed welcomes you back far more warmly than it really should do; like a 'hi, honey, welcome home' , or an 'I've missed you'.  
It's fitting that the inanimate objects of his room carry such benevolence, when he himself is an open log fire on a winter's night. Warm, warm, warm is Jeon Jeongguk, and you've been cold, cold, cold for so long that the sudden heat is almost jarring.
That's how you justify the obscure feeling in the pit of your stomach when Jeongguk starts talking about blind dates, and how he always wanted to go on one when he was younger.
He reckons that the only reason that he hadn't was because he's 'a simple man of simple pleasures'.  
The hoops he needed to jump through to get a blind date - quite simply just asking someone to set it up for him - had been too challenging. You've alleviated that stress for him.
"See," you smile, folding his bird back up and tossing it over to him. You're both on his bed, staring up at the flock of birds still soaring above you, just out of reach. "We're fulfilling a childhood dream. You are getting something out of this whole deal."
You don't look at him, but you know he rolls his eyes and smiles when he does so. "Never said I wasn't, Disco Ball."
He's met with silence as you glance over at him. It's not an unwelcome nickname, but it's one he doesn't use too often these days. Always calls you Byeol.
"What?" he asks and he turns to face you when you don't reply, but you say nothing.
The more you let it simmer, the worse it gets. He's not called you Disco Ball in so long. Part of you thinks he's reducing your friendship. Addressing you like he did when he didn't know you too well. Creating distance. Forming space on a featherdown quilt that draws you both in like quicksand. He'll have to try harder if a wider margin is what he's after.
It's stupid, 'cause you know the name comes from a place of affection, but it makes you feel insecure.
"We'll still be friends, right?" You ask a little quietly. Jeongguk's brows grow taut, a slight frown forming on his features. Doesn't understand where such a question has come from. "If you get a girlfriend, I mean? We can still be friends?"
Jeongguk's skin is hot. Prickly. An automatic response to discomfort - but then his lips soften into a kind smile. Despite the offence that could be taken from you asking such a question - thinking so little of him - he's not naive to the way in which you work. He understands. People you've loved have left when things got inconvenient for them. He's been through it, too.
And so the walls that want to come up in defence are kept at bay. He doesn't let them rise. Instead, he meets you at the shores.
"Yoongi invited you to dinner," he nudges your shoulder. "Tae is practically in love with you for all the help you've given him. Dionysus relies on you drinking the bar dry every other weekend to keep it afloat. We couldn't stop being friends even if we tried."
His answer should satisfy you, yet your mind is marred by the same thought repeating over and over: Hayun probably used to get invited to dinner, too.
You aren't naive. You know his friends are just as kind as he is. They'd have welcomed anyone Jeongguk deemed important into their social circle.
"What about Hayun?"
Jeongguk frowns. "What about her?"
"Well," you say slowly, looking back up towards the birds, not wanting to watch his reaction unfold on his features like a letter of commiseration.
Before you can even articulate a reply, Jeongguk stops you.
"Don't. It's not the same. Hayun... That situation was different. Things were different. Plus, she's still my friend. Our friend. All of us. She just lives in a different city, that's all. The only reason she isn't around is because of proximity. We're still friends. Just like you and me are still gonna be friends. We've no reason not to be."
The situation is different. You're well aware of this. You've known Jeongguk for all of five minutes; she was a much more permanent fixture in his life. They had a history that you wouldn't even be able to comprehend; private jokes, and stolen moments when they thought their friends wouldn't notice. Their friends. Not just Jeongguk's.
She'd been as much a part of the friendship group as Jeongguk had been; the only difference was that she'd moved away. If she hadn't, would there even be space for you in their lives? Would Seoyeon be desperate for there to be another girl around? Would Jeongguk have felt just as fondly towards you? Would he have noticed your disco ball eyes in the dark of Dionysus or would he have been too busy searching for her in a crowded room?
Or would the time spent on you be spent on her instead?
The thought is unpleasant. It weaves its way through your bloodstream like a needle with dark red string threaded through its loop. It scratches and stabs at your insides until it breaks through the flesh of your bottom lip. Sews your mouth shut. Stops you from talking; from screaming how unfair you think it is that you're being equated to someone who destroyed him.
You don't think she deserves to be thought fondly of, but if Jeongguk knew that, you'd be the one he thinks negatively of. He leapt to her defence without you even starting an attack.
"Friends don't hurt their friends," you say quietly.
Life doesn't work that way. People hurt the ones they care about all the time - or at least you use that reasoning to comfort yourself whenever Seokjin shows up just to let you down.
"She didn't mean to," he replies. "I'm the one who caught feelings. I'm the one who misread things. She stayed the same. My hurt? It's on me, Byeol."
There's a sincerity to his voice that absolves her of blame; makes her innocent in whatever transpired between the pair of them. You know that you only have Jeongguk's side of the story, and even that is sparse and limited due to his reluctance to talk about it in any great depth, but you feel like you don't need to hear her side. He got hurt. That's enough. Your mind is made up.
Hearing him defend her so freely unnerves you. The feeling crawls beneath your skin and gnaws at your flesh. Reduces you to skin and bone.
You're silent, because you know that anything you do say will come across as mean, or as if you dislike a girl you've never met. It'd only make Jeongguk defend her more and like you less. You don't want that - as if Jeongguk wouldn't rip Seokjin to shreds at any given opportunity.
Trouble is, you can't blame him. Jeongguk has seen the impact first-hand. Wiped away tears caused by the man himself.
Hayun is just an enigma; a name rarely said, but often felt.
"What's gotten into you?" Jeongguk smiles, trying to downplay the heaviness of the atmosphere that's engulfing you both. "You're forgetting how annoying I am. You'd probably be thankful if we stopped being friends."
Though he's just teasing, you're worried that he does think that of himself. You don't want to be soppy though, so instead, you use one of his most often said phrases against him.
"I think if we stopped being friends I would simply die."
It earns a laugh. He nudges your shoulder. Tells you that you really gotta stop stealing his catchphrases and the things he does.
"Oh fuck off," you laugh. "What else have I stolen?"
A whole host of things.
"The mirror thing," is all he says, noticing your confusion immediately. He reaches over and tenderly clasps your chin. Doesn't notice the tiny gasp that gets caught in your throat - or if he does, he doesn't mention it. Turns your head, so that you're looking at him, and says " 'watch'. "
You close your eyes and smile. Nod. "Ah. That. The mirror thing. "
"See," he smirks, not that you can see. Your eyes are still closed and they'll remain that way until you decide you're no longer embarrassed. "Told you that you copy me."
"I don't copy," you smirk right back, despite your firmly shut eyes. Jeongguk likes the glitter you're wearing today. It's golden-hued. "Just a fast learner."
"Oh yeah?" he says, a laugh catching in his throat. "Watcha learnt about me?"
You whisper now, a little smug. "That you really like mirrors."
"Yeah," he concedes far more quickly than you expected him to. He turns his focus back to the birds on his ceiling, though you think he's gotten a little closer to you. "Yeah, you're right about that - but you know why I like them?"
"Pray tell," you grin, vaguely aware of the fact the conversation feels far more flirty than it really should.
"You do this thing," Jeongguk says, as a hand rests by his crotch. He's not hard, but he is a little firmer than he should be.
It's just cause he's thinking about sex. Thinking about the sound of it. The sound of you . The sight of it. Of you . The scent of it. You . Not the taste, 'cause you've not given him the luxury of that yet. He doesn't really register the fact he's pressing down on himself. Gripping. Feeling .
"It's that first look," he continues, voice dulcet. "It's like you can't register what you're seeing. Your eyes go all wide, and you look at me as if you're too nervous to look anywhere else. Dunno. Lets me know how much you like what I do. Bit of a power trip, I guess. Always gets me."
"Gets you what?"
The declaration is so brash that you can't help but giggle. "You hard now?"
"Thinking about it isn't the same as seeing it," Jeongguk admits, turning his head towards you - but your eyes are still closed, a smile plastered all over your face. He finds himself smiling, too. 
"But I mean..." He toys with your hand. Draws it to the top of his thighs. Gives you the chance to pull away. You don't. "Feel for yourself."
You whisper his name. 
He whispers right back. "What?"
"You know what," you tell him, as if your palm isn't right where he left it, and as if your grip isn't as firm as his cock. 
"What?" he teases again, feigning indifference - and then he fucking tenses. Moves his hips. Pushes up into your palm. "It's just anatomy, B. Nothing new."
Maybe not, but that nickname? That feels new. Feels like the opposite of him calling you disco ball earlier. Makes your breath hitch. Has him smirking as he looks at your lips. Bites down on his own. Knows this is trouble, but thinks he'd quite like to get in some.
See, you're the determined type. Once you set your mind to things, you do them. He's witnessed it first-hand multiple times. The second he mentioned the art cafe to Tae, he knew you'd make it happen. It's what you do.
And so he knows that you're setting him up that blind date whether he likes it or not. He knows you're gonna choose well for him. He knows, come this time next week, there'll probably be a moral complex that comes with the birds hanging above the pair of you.
But he's not ready for that. Not yet. 
There's so much to do. 
So many birds that haven't been set free.
A pleasant little hum vibrates in his throat as you palm the firmness beneath his sweats. His hips pulse. You daren't open your eyes - especially not as your thumb brushes against the waistband of his trousers. He hums again. Pushes his shoulders down into his mattress. Adjusts his body. Edges closer to you. Says nothing as your thumb sinks beneath the elastic of his sweats.
It doesn't go anywhere. You wait. His hips pulse.
"Swear you get off on torture," he purrs. 
"You're the one who started this," you murmur, trying to feign indifference, knowing full well that if he mirrors your hand position, he'll feel just how easily he gets you all riled up. "You're a sadist."
He just smiles. Tells you he's no such thing. 
And so you tell him to keep his eyes closed. Reach for his hand. Say, "Let's compare."
"Compare?" He husks, as if he doesn't know what you're doing. 
"Mhmm," you hum, bringing his hand dangerously close to your pussy. "Compare. You're getting off on torture. Maybe I am, too."
"We shouldn't be doing this," Jeongguk says, and yet as you loosen your grip, he's the one who lets his hand trail up your thigh. He's the one who strokes at the fabric of your sweats. He's the one who cups your pussy with his hand.
The top you're wearing has risen up a little, a small sliver of your stomach exposed - and then his thumb is caressing against it. 
His touch is warm, but the little gasp he does? The stutter of his breath? Oh, it's hot . So fucking hot.
"We're not doing anything," you say so sweetly that he'd believe it - or at least he would if it wasn't his own damn hand slipping into trousers. A breath hitches in your throat, and you can hear the ethereal way a laugh stutters in his throat.
"Just friendly, yeah?"
You nod. Whimper a pathetic confirmation - and then he's pressing against your underwear. Is slow as he rubs a single circular motion against you. 
"The birds are judging us," he tells you. 
"Nah," you shake your head. Take a shallow breath as he circles against you once more. "This is just revision."
"Making sure we've learned from them. As long as - fuck ."
"You good there?" he teases, as if he didn't just up the speed for a moment. 
You ignore his question and continue the point that was so rudely interrupted by his pacing. "As long as we only do things the birds have already told us to do, then I think it's okay."
The pair of you are silent save for your tepid breaths. Jeongguk's fingers caress against the lace of your underwear while you palm at his excruciatingly hard cock. 
It's all rather juvenile, the way you're just touching each other up - and yet it's got your heartbeat racing. Perhaps it's because it's something so simple. Feels like there's so much more that could come of it. The great unknown: will you make Jeongguk cum? Or will you just blue ball him instead?
He really fucking hopes you'll choose the first option.
"Y'know," he says quietly. "I kinda need a shower."
It's not a lie. He freshened up at the gym, but didn't have a proper shower - didn't think he'd be taking such a long detour home.
"You wanna go shower?"
He nods. "Please."
It's laughable, really, the way neither of you says a word as he guides you to the bathroom. It's a regular occurrence at this point. 
You glance across the open-plan living room as you make your way to the bathroom, and smile at the painting hanging up beside the television. Jeongguk follows your gaze and smirks. 
"Think a future girlfriend would have an issue with that being up on the wall?"
"Maybe," you shrug. "You never have to tell her what is it, mind you. Never have to say it's... yanno."
"No I don't know, Byeol," he teases. Grips onto your shoulders to stop you from walking, and turns you to face it. Walks you both a little further into the sitting room area. Tilts his head, and you realise there's another bloody mirror in the corner of the room. You've never noticed it before. Wonder if he placed it there deliberately. "What is it?"
You narrow your eyes in the mirror. A smirk rests on his pretty lips and you can't help but bite down on yours when one of his hands creeps up your shirt. The bra you're wearing is lace; underwired but with unstructured cups. He squeezes. Fucking groans. "Shit."
"We shouldn't be doing this here," you tell him, well aware that Jimin could come home at any minute. Even going for a shower together is a risk. 
Jeongguk shrugs. "Doesn't matter."
"What if Jimin-"
"If he comes home, he comes home," Jeongguk cuts you off as he continues playing with you beneath your shirt. He wants it off. Takes it off. Faces no opposition from you. Both of his hands cup at your chest, the black lace sin beneath his hands. Your heartbeat heaves in your chest, and it's only made worse when Jeongguk nudges his nose against your hair and whispers, "maybe I'll just show him how to make you cum."
You tell him he's mean. He squeezes harder. Makes you whimper. Tells you he can be mean if you really want him to be.
But you shake your head. "Play nicely."
It's not that you don't like things a little rough and tumble - it's just that if this is the last time, you know it needs to be intimate. How else will you be able to face your fears with other people if you never even let him?
One of his hands trails to the back of your bra, and gently unsnaps the clasp, before ridding you of the lace. As much as he liked it, he likes you bare better. Likes the way your pillowy breasts frame your nipples perfectly. Likes that the soft flesh spills through the gaps in his fingers. Likes how easy it is to get you whimpering as he rolls your nipples between his thumb and forefinger.
"Nice enough?" He husks.
"Nice," you nod, eyes closed, crown of your head tipping back to rest against the top of his chest. "God, Gguk. Think I'm obsessed with the way your hands feel."
The compliment makes his heart fucking race .
He watches in the mirror. Studies the way your lips part as he toys with you. Wants to kiss you so badly. Knows he can't. Fuck . Maybe he does get off on a little torture, but this is just inhumane to him. You can feel how hard he is as he presses into the small of your back. The curse and blessing of sweatpants. 
You reach behind yourself to palm at his crotch, and are met with a nod of his head against yours. 
"Fuck, B," he whines as you toy with the outline of his cock. "I gotta - fuck - I gotta do something with my mouth. Wanna kiss you too fuckin' bad."
He doesn't even mean to admit it, but now that he has, he feels a little shameless. If he can admit that, he can admit anything. 
Maybe he'll tell you about the wet dream he had a few nights ago, and how he'd woken up to damp sheets and a ruined orgasm all because you'd made an unexpected appearance in his dream. 
Maybe he'll tell you about the fact he hasn't watched porn in weeks. Just thinks of you, instead.
Maybe he'll tell you about the fleshlight hidden in the back of his bedside cabinet drawer, and how he can't use it anymore, 'cause it doesn't look like you do.
Doesn't look like you, doesn't feel like you, doesn't smell like you. Doesn't get him cumming like you do. 
Actually, maybe he won't tell you about that last one - but he wants you to know. 
Wants you to understand just how fucking sexy he thinks you are. Wants you to acknowledge that if he can get this wrecked over you, then there must be hundreds of other men out there just the same as him. You don't need to linger for so long on your ex. 
There'll be another guy out there for you who doesn't make you feel like shit; who only ever wants to make you feel good. So good. So, so-
"Oh God, yeah," he whines as you finally slip your fingers beneath his waistband and into his trousers. His hips pulse, wanting more, more, more of you. "So fucking good."
"My lips," you husk as his fingers dig into your soft chest. The grip is tight. Needy. "They're off limits."
"Lips," he nods. Clenches his jaw as he tries to control his breathing. Swallows his nerves down. "And the rest of you?"
You open your eyes to find his already on you in the mirror. He's hungry. Wanting. Salivating. He looks fucking primal, as if he's fighting every instinct he has just to keep your boundaries respected. Makes you wanna break every single one of them down.
Turning your head ever so slightly, just so your nose can nudge against his, you realign your faces. His lips are pouty. Pink. Pretty. Perfectly out of reach. Yet when you nod, they brush against yours tenderly. You don't let it happen again. "Be specific."
God, his cock is too fucking hard to be playing games like this. He wants to curse you out. Wants to be fucking mean. Wants to tell you to stop being a little bitch and just let him have his way with you - but he promised he'd play nicely. 
"Every inch of your skin," he says, 'cause he is actually a little too nervous to ask so politely for what he really wants.
Has been wanting it for weeks.
It's something new, to him. Something he's only ever asked for once, and it was in the heat of the moment. A moment quite a lot like this.
You smile. You know what he really wants. "That's not specific."
"But it's the truth."
Jeongguk always gets a little like this when he's riled up. A little needy. Whiney. You'd be a liar if you said you didn't enjoy it, but you know that sometimes he misspeaks. Says things he never would do if he wasn't desperately after a release. 
You never think he's lying, but you do think what he wants in the heat of the moment isn't always what he wants with a clear mind. This is one of those moments.
You purr, a little satisfied with how easy it is to get him like this. Feels like you're in control - so Jeongguk rolls your nipples between his fingers again to get you moaning. Realigns a sense of power. It's endless with the pair of you; a back-and-forth of control. It works well. Too well.
But he's feeling brazen, now. Feeling bold. Isn't nervous to tell you what he wants anymore, because the way your body reacts to his touch lets him know that you'll like it.
"Your tits, Byeol," he says. Your eyes fall to his in the mirror. He's looking directly at you. Notices the way your chest begins to heave a little heavier. Smirks. "If this is my last chance to..." he pauses. Is almost ashamed of what he wants.
"Last chance to what?" You flirt.
You bitch. You're teasing him just because you can. It makes him throb. The motion of your hand stroking above his underwear is making his cock all fat and leaky. There's a damp patch on the front of his briefs. He's ready to fuck. Wants to fuck.
But before that? Before he can even consider sinking himself into you? 
He (regretfully) pulls one of his hands away from you, bringing it to meet your hand in his trousers. He (even more regretfully) pulls you away. You pout. He smiles. 
"C'mon," he says, pulling on the hand he's just removed, leading you into the kitchen area. Will clarify it for you later.
The boys have an island that acts as a divider between the two spaces, which is exactly where he's taking you. The clothes he took off you are left by the sofa, his mind focused on one thing and one thing only: leveraging you into a better position.
You yelp a little as he dips to pick you up, gripping the back of his neck without hesitation. 
"Don't be a pussy," he grins, popping you down on the island counter. "Although now I come to think of it -" he lifts you again, getting to your feet. The way his mind darts from thought to thought, and how his body acts upon them without warning, makes you laugh. He sinks his finger into the waistband of your sweats. Pings it again your skin. "Off."
"Say please," you demand, just to be a little difficult. 
"Please what?"
"Please," he says, eyes dark as he towers over you, his hands coming to cup your chest once more. The man's obsessed, you think. If he could read your mind, he'd tell you that you're correct. He is. "Take your trousers off."
God, he hates that shit-eating grin of yours. Hates that he can't kiss it away. 
And so he decides he's not gonna entertain it any longer. He grabs your hips. Spins you around. Bends you over the island, a single hand gripping the top of your thigh, the other pressing down between your shoulder blades. 
"What's the word, Byeol?" He asks, checking that you're on the same page.
"Chess," you reply a little breathlessly. This lack of control is something you're used to with him. He's never overtly dominant, always looking out for your needs first and foremost, but this feels... yeah this feels different. This is about him. 
And it makes you far more excited than you ever realised it would.
His hand trails down your back. Strokes at the line of your spine. He admires you. Takes note of the dimples just above your ass. Knows he's in trouble the second he starts squeezing at one of your cheeks. Still an ass guy.
He yanks the material of your sweats down past your ass. Fucking groans when he sees the black lace thong that sits prettily over your ass. Glances over to the bra by his sofa. Groans yet again. Yep . A matching fucking set. 
"Fuckin' vixen," he mumbles to himself, not really intending for you to hear it. Isn't sure if you had planned on getting laid today, but you're definitely dressed for it. As he grapples with the flesh of your ass, he notices just how smooth your skin is. Well moisturised. Coconutty. 
Maybe you had taken extra care in the shower that morning. Maybe you had shaved your entire body. Maybe you had been wearing a new two-piece.
That doesn't mean you were planning on letting him see. Just means your self-care routine is coming along fabulously. Well done you.
There's a bruise on the top of your hip. Jeongguk's thumb brushes against it. Doesn't apply any pressure. A small noise chirps from his throat, questioning it. 
"Pole," you remind him a little breathlessly. "Gentle with my legs, they're covered in bruises."
He nods to himself, and says, "Use 'chess' okay? Hey, look at me a sec - 'chess'. Okay? Even if it's just your legs. Don't wanna hurt you."
You're looking at him over your shoulder with a smile. His sincerity is sweet, but entirely misplaced. You want him to hurt you.
"Notice how there are no bruises on my ass?" you ask, to which he nods. You face away from him again, and sink back into the position he originally had you in, chest pressed to the counter. "Good. Change that."
He thinks he might cream his pants right there and then. 
"You're gonna fuckin' kill me."
"Oh no," you pout, voice all soft and sweet. "Wouldn't that be a shame?"
Jeongguk grapples with your ass. Caresses it. Knows you're not done talking, so is buying time. Wants to hear how you'll tease him. See how riled up it''ll get him. 
"If you die, I'll just have to fuck Jimin again."
The crack of his palm against your ass is electric. 
Your body jolts forward, Jeongguk's grip on your hip to keep you stable no match for the impact of his flat palm. Skin on fire, chest heaving, you giggle. That's all he's got?
"Y'know," you tease, and Jeongguk is pleased that you sound a little breathless. He strokes at the skin he impacted, soothing the sting. Likes that goosebumps are already forming. "He took me from behind, a lot like thi-"
He doesn't even let you finish this time before the sting of his spank is delivered. It's harder than the first one, but his hand is also far quicker to soothe this time around. 
"Yeah," he husks. "I fuckin' know."
You can hear his breathing, now. You're both panting a little. 
"Does it bother you?" you ask as he tenderly cares for your reddening skin. 
"Be specific," he speaks boldly, a little unlike himself, and you're starting to understand why he's an ass guy. Your tits make him weak. This? The way he's got control of your body? Makes him strong. 
"That I fucked Ji-"
The way he cuts you off with another domineering slap to your ass gives you his answer - but so does the way he not only soothes the skin immediately afterwards, but also how his other hand comes to rub the bottom of your spine, following the path of its curve. He's cherishing. Worshipping. 
He leans forward as his hand trails up your spine so he can reach your neck, and tenderly clasps it to he pull you back up. Turns you around. Is gentle as he lifts you back into position on the counter. 
Brushes your hair out of your face. Looks you directly in the eye. Uses this thumb to collect a rogue chunk of glitter from your cheek. Rubs it on his arm. Stains himself in you.
"It doesn't bother me," he says - not for any male sense of bravado, or acting 'chill' - but because he needs you to know it isn't a big deal. You've enough complexes as it is. He doesn't want you to ever feel shame for the things you've done. "Bothers me that he doesn't realise how lucky he was to get a pussy as good as yours. Bothers me he didn't finish the job. Bothers me that he actually got to fuck you," he grins. You grin right back. "But it doesn't bother me that it happened."
"Mm, so you won't share towels with him, but you'll share girls?" You tease. His hands toy with your chest again. Secretly, you think you like him better like this. Like it when he's weak.
"Am I sharing you?"
It's a loaded question, you think.
"Not right now," you whisper, reaching to his waistband, nose nudging against his. "Take these off."
"Say please," he whispers right back. One of your hands tangles in his hair. Pulls him away. Gets him looking into your eyes.
How can he refuse? It's like you put him in a trance whenever he sees your disco-ball eyes. He'll do whatever you ask of him.
He takes his trousers off first, then says "shirt?"
You nod. He takes that off, too. Leaves them crumpled in a pile on the floor. Doesn't care for them at the moment. Only cares for you.
"I still need a shower," he says, as he closes the gap between you, your legs wrapping around his waist. 
"We can still get one," you tell him. Honestly, you don't really mind what you do with him. Just know that you wanna make it last. Want this feeling of safety and security for a little while longer.
His arms rest on your shoulders. Just a little taller than you in height when you're sitting like this, Jeongguk likes looking at you from this angle. Likes seeing the variations in your glitter; the small chunks and slightly bigger flakes that make you seem cosmic. He likes noticing the flecks caught on your lashes, and how he never realised quite how long they are. He doesn't think you're wearing mascara. 
You're not - but you did get your lashes done the week before. He wouldn't give a shit even if he knew. Would think it was cool, probably.
"So about that whole no-kissing thing-"
"Nope," you laugh, swatting at his clammy chest. He smirks. Presses his lips together. Shakes his head. 
And then he whines. "It's so unfair."
"If you even try, I'm yelling chess."
"Oh, yeah," you assure him - only for him to edge a little closer.
He's not actually going to kiss you. 
Although... if you let him, he might. 
"Ughhhh," he whines again, pulling away. "So mean, disco ball."
"What if I promise to make you cum?"
He narrows his eyes. "Fine."
One of his hands drops to your chest again. Keeps on coming back. Can't resist. Ass guy? Yeah right.
The other drops to your underwear. Toys with the lace. 
"Bird revision, right?" Jeongguk asks. "So we can only do things we've already done?
You nod. 
"Okay," he whispers, before pulling away from you. "Hold that thought."
You watch as he walks around to the kitchen sink, his thick cock tenting in his underwear, desperate for something. Anything . 
And yet your birds? 
All focus on you. You've no idea how the fuck you're gonna get him cumming. Sure, there was the mutual masturbation one, but you'd promised that you'd be the one making him come. Maybe there's room for loopholes.
It wouldn't be the first time the pair of you have skirted the truth of what a bird could entail. A bird, a plane. Whatever.
Hands under the water, Jeongguk's focus is only on cleaning himself. He preens you so often, fixes your hair, your glitter, that it's nice seeing him in the same capacity but for himself. Realistically, it's all for you, still. 
He glances up. Looks a little bashful. 
The distance reduces the pair of you to your natural states; just Jeongguk and his Stargirl. He gazes at you often, but it's different when he's blinded by the light. With a little space, he's reminded of the fact you belong on this earth, too. 
It's like the pair of you are tangled up in a Jekyll and Hyde situation, instead, it's who you are when your clothes are on, versus when your clothes are off. He likes both of them. Doesn't think they can coexist though. 
"What?" he asks when you smile at him. You just shrug and shake your head.
"Weird isn't it?" 
He comes to stand in front of you again. Your legs don't wrap around him, but he does put his palms on the top of your thighs. Looks pensive as he asks, "What is?" 
He's grinning, too, though. His skin is getting all prickly again. Can smell your arousal. Wants to fucking drink it. 
"You 'n' me," you shrug, letting your arms snake around his neck. You're sat up straight, and the gap between your chests closes. "Like, I was maybe 15 seconds away from kissing you." The admission makes Jeongguk want to die. "But then when you were washing your hands..."
"I was just Jeongguk again, right?" He assumes. You nod. "Same for me. Like we're two different people: who we are when we're horny and who we are when we're 'normal'."
"So fucking weird," you laugh, deciding that it solidifies what a great friendship you have. Convince yourself it's gonna make it so much easier when he starts dating. If you can separate the Jeongguk you mess about with and the Jeongguk you're friends with, then there's no reason the friendship should be lost.
"Too weird to pick back up where we left off?" He says quietly. Nudges his nose against yours. Strokes his hands up your back. Pulls his chest away so he can sneak his hands to your tits once more. Squeezes. Makes you moan.
You shake your head. "Do it again."
He does. 
Is firm, as he does so, his large hands cupping your chest so delicately that you almost want him to be rougher - but you like it when he's gentle. Like how well he takes care of you. His thumbs stroke across your hardened nipples, toying at them, getting you all hot and bothered. 
You moan so subtly that Jeongguk thinks it might be his favourite sound in the whole entire world. 
"You wanted specifics earlier," Jeongguk says under his breath. "I can give you a specific."
You nod. Trail along his bottom lip with your thumb. Let him press his lips down against it. 
"Show me," you tell him. He squeezes at your chest. You know exactly what he wants. You also know he's never done it before. "My tits, huh? You wanna suck on them?"
He swallows harshly. Rests his forehead against yours. Nods. Can feel his cock throb. 
"Big boy words," you whisper, and are met with a slight grunt from Jeongguk. He's used to being the one in your position. Used to setting the pace, setting the tone. You switching it back around on him? Fuck. He might just die. Or cum in his pants. One of the two. Death would be preferable. "Tell me what you want."
He rests his head on your shoulder. Looks at your tits as he plays with them. 
"Not much of a teller. More of a doer."
He's just trying to weasel his way out of it. It's like the birds all over again.
"So do it."
And to your surprise, he does.
His lips are firm as he presses a kiss around your nipple. Once, twice. A third time. Poutier and poutier with each kiss. He's delicate. Sincere. Doesn't wanna get it wrong.
"Feels good," you tell him, knowing he needs the reassurance. 
"Yeah," you smile. Tease at his hair as his lips wrap around you again. The way his lashes splay on his cheeks is art, you decide. "You've no idea how much I like this."
His lips kiss and kiss. It takes a little encouragement - "use your tongue a little. Yeah. Yeah, like that. It feels so good when you do that. Suck a little- oh fuck. Yes." - but it doesn't take long for him to gain confidence. Be a little bolder. He focuses on your reactions. Notices when your breath hitches everytime he runs his tongue around your nipple. When he kitten licks, too. But when he sucks? That's when the jackpot hits. 
Your body leans into his touch, hand resting on the back of his head. His name escapes your lips half a dozen times. When he switches to your other nipple? Half a dozen more.
His lips are direct and purposeful and they tug your nipple into his mouth, his moans vibrating around you.  Pulling away, Jeongguk wastes no time. Has your other nipple in his mouth almost immediately. Squeezes your tits together, nipples almost touching so he can swipe fast licks across them. Gets you mewling. Whining. Begging for more. 
And how can he refuse? 
His hand dips to your pussy. Toys with you over the lace, which is sodden with your arousal. He slides your underwear to the side, and says nothing, just continues sucking on your tits as he sinks a finger into you.
"Shit," you curse. The angle you're sitting at means he can't get too deep. Means he's hitting you in just the right spot, straight off the bat. He mumbles something, but you can't work it out. Just know there's no possible way he's an ass guy. Hasn't spent more than a second away from your tits since he first started peppering them in kisses. "Just like that."
Your head lulls back, and Jeongguk finally pulls away. "You good?"
He's met with the most satisfied laugh he thinks he's ever heard. "Is water wet?"
"Dunno," he grins. "But you are. Fuckin' soaked. God," he stares down at your pussy, stuffed with two of his fingers. "I fuckin' love this cunt."
You smirk. Roll your hips as well as you can in the position. He watches, transfixed by the way he's stretching you out even with just two fingers.
"My bed," he rasps. "Can we? I know I need to shower, but - fuck - I just gotta have you in my bed, B."
Truthfully, you're glad. There's something about post-gym Jeongguk that just really gets to you. You think it's the pheromones. Don't care to google it because you enjoy the mystery. 
You nod. "Probably for the best. You have to eat off of here."
He smirks. Withdraws from you. Says, "So?"
And then he licks his fucking fingers clean. Eyes on yours. One of his brows tweaks. Challenges you. 
"You underestimate how much I like eating pussy," he says, as he walks away, leaving you in a state of shock.
You think his departure is for dramatic effect. In reality, it's just so you don't see the Cheshire cat grin on his face, pleased with himself for what he just did. He knows it was hot - but he's smiling because he can't get over the way you taste. Fucking delicious.
That thing about torturing himself? Yeah. You might be right. 
Eating pussy isn't on the birds. He knows he can't have it - and yet when you arrive at his door, mouth still ajar, both smug and surprised in the same expression, he thinks it might not be unfathomable. 
"What?" he feigns innocence - but he's got a grin that tells the tale of a valiant hero. He's so pleased with himself that you almost slip back into your 'normal' selves again - but then you crawl onto his bed. All fours. Ass a little red from his hands earlier, but no bruises. Just that barely there thong he thinks belongs in a museum, and evidence of just how turned on you are showing between your thighs.
The smile of his? Replaced with a stare so hard it rivals his cock. 
"What?" you feign innocence now, as you flop down onto his bed - and then he gets the luxury of seeing your tits and - fuck. It's all too much. 
He walks over to the bed. Takes off his underwear. You do the same.
"I'm gonna die," he tells you with absolute certainty. He's so ridiculous that you can't help but smile all fondly at him. The way he jokes and banters with you comes so easily, that part of you doesn't even realise he's naked. Part of you does, though. Mainly your eyes, given the fact they seem to be transfixed on his cock. "If we don't do something about this-" he gestures down to his cock, as if you need any direction "- then I absolutely will just die. Is that what you want? Huh?" 
"Mhmm," you hum, finishing it with a small giggle and a nod, reaching for his hand to pull him onto his bed. He lets you. Follows your lead, cause he hopes it's leading him somewhere good. "I want you dying a very little death."
The innuendo dances off your tongue and into his ear as you sit on his lap. His hands automatically find your chest. He decides he'll miss them. Encourages your body down. Positions you just right so that he can take your tits in his mouth again. He's a changed man.
"Don't think there'll be any little about it," he mumbles as he switches sides, kitten licking now so that he can finish his sentence. "Think it's gonna be a very big death, actually."
"Shit," you whisper as he gets reacquainted with your body. He decides all rather quickly that tits are a gift from God and he's been blind for his entire life up until he met you. How had he not been utterly obsessed before? He'll never admit it. Never. Will prevail as an ass guy - but fuck, he hopes whoever you set him up with has a good pair of tits.
But then there's an uncomfortable awareness of how fleeting this all is. By the time you've both finished, it'll all be over. 
He manoeuvres you both over. Kisses your chest, now. Works his way up to your collarbone. Your neck. Bites down ever so gently. Kisses again. Tells you once more how your no-kissing rule 'will kill' him. 
"Better leave me something nice in your will," you tease as he finally pulls away from dappling your skin in pretty kisses that you wished could have been on your lips instead. Either pair. 
He sits back on his heels. Strokes his cock as he looks at you. Tilts his head, a smirk rising on one side as you cup your tits. 
"Pussy," he encourages, pulling a little tighter on his cock. "Play with your pussy."
You give him a quizzical look, but do as you're told. Slide your fingers between your slick folds. Spread yourself for him. Watch as he almost fucking hisses. The pace he's wanking himself off increases. His breathing shallows. You think it stops completely when you sink two fingers into your entrance.
He curses. Tilts his head back. Ruts his hips upwards. Forces his cock through the tight grip of his hand. There's a sheen to his tip, precum leaking so delicately that you find yourself salivating at the sight of it. The muscles in his lower abdomen tense. He's edging himself. 
"How many birds do we have left?" Jeongguk rasps, eyes opening to find yours again. The way he speaks, all breathless and needy, has you wanting more. "Mutal masturbation's done. I can't... Shit. I can't. I'll cum if I carry on. Tits are done. Fingers, done. What else?"
"Shower," you say, then follow it up with. "Do that last. Water gets in the way. Wanna watch you cum."
"Shit, don't say shit like that," he mewls as he sinks down on top of you. His body is warm, the chain around his neck catching on your throat, pooling between your collarbones. Has you determined to make him finish on your chest. Wanna replace his chain with his cum. 
In a normal scenario, he'd kiss you right now - but he can't. Instead, he averts his desire. Grips his cock. Presses it against your folds. Spreads your slickness. Covers himself in it. Dips down a little too far. Curses. Gets you whining. 
"You know," he husks against your neck. "We could..."
"Cockwarm?" You simper. "Don't believe that one was my bird?"
The crown of his cock presses against you. Jeongguk holds it as the base, and runs it down your folds, then back again. He repeats. Lets his grip get even tighter when he lines up with your entrance. He waits for you to move your hips.
And you do. Just for a moment. Just a tad. Just enough.
"Wasn't it?" He hums, knowing perfectly well it was one of his.
"Don't even think it was a bird," you whisper a little breathlessly as he presses a little deeper against you. He adjusts his hips. Lines himself up a little better. Your breath hitches.
"So you don't want to?" He asks, and you can just tell he's got one of those smiles on his lips. The one that makes you think maybe kissing him wouldn't be so bad. "'Cause I wanna."
"Gguk," you whisper. He shakes his head.
"Not an answer."
"Shit," you whimper, rolling your hips ever so gently to encourage his tepid ruts against you. "Condom?"
"Birth control?" he chances. He knows you're on it. Think if he's gonna get his cock in you, then he's gonna at least try for it raw.
You know you should, and yet - "Are you clean?"
He nods. Asks the same back. You nod. Haven't hooked up with anyone but him since your last test.
Everything is out in the open. There's nothing to lose - just the knowledge that you'll maybe never get this ever again. It only serves to make you want him raw even more.
"You get a minute."
He pauses. "A minute?"
"Sixty seconds," you nod. "Cockwarming. That's all you get."
It's ridiculous, 'cause all you want is for Jeongguk to fuck you senseless. Think it's embarrassing admitting that, though. What if he doesn't actually want to fuck you? What if it's just for the birds?
"Who's counting?" He husks. Realigns himself. Presses the tip of his cock against your entrance. Plugs it but doesn't push forward. Makes you wanna die. Too good. Too fuckin' good.
"You are," you whimper, knowing you won't be able to keep count when he's inside you.
He nods. Reminds you that 'chess' is always an option.
His cock sinks into you slowly. It's thick and wide, angled just right to hit your sweetest spots. Jeongguk groans. Finds himself seeking out your tits with his mouth as he bottoms out. Sucks gently, until he's reminded by you that he needs to be keeping count.
He grins. Nibbles your nipple ever so gently, then nods. "You're right, you're right. Sorry. Shit. One. Two..."
Jeongguk finds solace in the crook of your neck as your legs wrap around him. The position has him thinking you've no right to ever complain about intimacy again. This is about as fucking intimate as it gets. And when your arms wrap around his neck? Dainty fingers start toying with his hair? Only amplifies it.
Your hips move ever so tenderly, and he loses count. Finds himself swearing again. You're tight and warm around him, just how he wanted it. Torture. Fucking torture. He likes this so much he fears you ruined actual sex for him.
"Shit," he mumbles against you. "Never been good at maths."
The way you giggle? Torture. Again. 
"You're a liar, Jeon Jeongguk," you whisper tenderly, tensing around him just cause you liked the way it made him whine.
He pouts and shakes his head, which is still buried in the crook of your neck. His voice is muffled as he asks, "What comes after 32?"
And because you're just as into it as he is, you decide lying is okay for the time being. "11."
"Yeah," he whines. "Thought so. Eleven... Twelve... What's next?"
"Dunno," you whimper breathlessly. It's getting a bit too much for you, too. "Maybe ten?"
"Ten," he echoes. Decides he wants to spend eternity inside you. "Eleven..."
He pauses just long enough for you to know exactly where he's going with this - so you beat him to it.
"Maybe it would be easier if you had a rhythm going?" you simper. 
"A rhythm?" He hums. He was just gonna pretend he couldn't do maths again.
"Like..." you pull your hips back a little, burying yourself deeper into the mattress and away from him - but then you push them back up. Jeongguk fucking whines. "One." 
You pull back, again. Jeongguk whines, again. Sinks himself back into you. "Shit. Two."
"I'm not good at multitasking," he says. Not a lie, admittedly. Gets distracted too easily. If you don't keep count, he'll just fuck you forever or something stupid like that. Doesn't think he'd mind it, to be honest. "Maybe you should keep count."
"Mhmm? You want me to count for you?"
"Yeah," he nods. "Count for me, B. Make sure I don't go over sixty."
"I'll count backwards," you tell him, thinking it will somehow take longer, because apparently all sense of sanity is evading you. Unsurprising. All you can think about is Jeongguk's fat cock and how it's keeping you spread open nice and wide for him. "Countdown." 
"60-0?" He clarifies, to which you nod. "Mhm. Do that. Count backwards. Use that pretty little head of yours."
The way he pulls out of you is maddeningly slow. He's deliberating taking his time. Overindulging. Making this last. He's even slower as he pushes back in, filling you up as deep as he possibly can.
You're barely able to get the next number out.
"Fifty-nine," you eventually manage as he bottoms out. "Fuck."
He's lethargic in the way he moves. Slow as he withdraws, and even slower still as he fucks himself into you.
Jeongguk's skin is hot. He sticks to you like glue. Only his hips move - but so do yours. 
You're fucking. 
You. Are. Fucking.
And, God, you know you shouldn't. You know that it's a recipe for disaster, but Jeongguk's aftershave smells like safety and his bed feels like home, so the prospect isn't scary. 
"...Forty-two... Forty-one..."
Your whines are getting louder. So are his grunts. You grip onto his biceps, and begin to realise Jeon Jeongguk is not a man. He simply cannot be. Not when he is built like a Greek God, and looks like one too. Crafted from marble, there's no possibility he's real. 
And even if he is real, you think there's no way he'd actually be fucking himself into you like he is. 
Sex, at its very basic fundamental value, is all about survival of the fittest. Anatomy. Breeding. Shit like that; things you can't quite recall when he's balls deep inside you. It's about fucking for the survival of the human race, and out of everyone on the planet, you can't wrap your head around the fact he'd choose to do that with you. His basic anatomy would choose you . 
Jeongguk isn't thinking as intensely as you are. 
Fucking. Nice feeling. Cum. Nice. Inside her. Nice. Fucking. Real nice. Glitter. Nice. Tits. Suck. Nice. More. Fuck. Nice. Again? Nice.
But he is also thinking about spilling himself into you, and how fucking unreal it would feel. 
So maybe your brains are working in tandem. Different process. Same end goal. He just can believe he'd choose you, 'cause, well... he already has.
Eventually, you hit thirty-three, then thirty-two, and then -
"Shit," you whine. "That damn thirty-two."
"What about it?" He asks a little curiously. Pauses his hips until he gets the go-ahead from you again.
"I've forgotten what comes after it."
"Shit," he grins, playing along with you. "Start again?"
"Maybe," you nod. "But this time, maybe go faster? Might jog my memory?"
Jeongguk smirks. Sits up on his heels, cock still buried inside you, knees on either side of your ass. He grips your waist. Spanks one of your tits, then softly caresses it as an apology for letting the intrusive thought win. His hips pulse gently. 
He's fucking you. 
Jeongguk is fucking you. 
He lets the hand that was playing with your chest trail down your torso until it reaches your pussy. It's swollen and needy, just as much blood rushing to your clit as there is to his cock. His thumb presses down right when it needs to. Rubs in tiny circles as he gently thrusts into you slowly.
You nod.
"Okay," he rasps. "Let's jog that memory of yours. You're so smart, Byeol. Look at you, and your pretty little head. So smart. So fucking smart when my cock's inside you."
This time you don't count. He grips your waist. Rams himself into you like a man possessed, lips resting ajar as his brows knit together all prettily like they did when he was eating brunch. So incredibly focused, and yet there's not a single thought up in that gorgeous head of his, just that he's fucking you so hard his neighbour will definitely be able to hear his bedframe hitting the wall. Good .
The noises he makes are lewd. You think he'd make bank with an only fans. Know that you'd pay good money for it. With a cock as pretty as his? A body like a marble statue? Gorgeous little whimpers when his cock is all needy for you? Yeah, bitches would go wild for him. 
Funny, how you refer to them as bitches, almost like you're jealous over imaginary women who'd find him sexy. Very strange, indeed. 
After all? You're just friends.
His pace eventually eases, and you pretend like you were counting the entire time. "Two... One... Times up."
Jeongguk sinks back down, hooking one of your legs over his elbow as he does so, opening you up even further. He wants to be deeper. As deep as he possibly can be. Wants to press down on your cute little tummy and feel himself inside you.
"Whoever fucks you next better worship your pussy," he mumbles, pressing kisses up your neck. "So fucking good. Shit. If you dare fuck another guy who doesn't make you cum like you know you deserve to cum-"
"You'll what?" you tease, a smile plastered all over your face. "Die?"
He laughs. Shakes his head. You know him so well. "What use would that be? Nah..."
Jeongguk pulls away from you again. Withdraws himself fully for the first time. Watches your pussy as your arousal seeps from your tight cunt and onto his sheets. Wants to lick it all up. Doesn't think he's allowed to, though.
Instead, he moves your legs, finally noticing the extra bruises from pole. You were right. They do look like watercolour bruises. 
He squeezes your thighs together and uses his gentle hands to twist your hips, so that your legs are curled to the side, but keeps your back flat against his bed. He lines himself up with you again. Grunts as he sinks into you. You're tighter now, like this. He thinks it's gonna make him cum. He has to go slow.
"I'd get you like this," he says, holding onto your hip and pushing deeper, deeper into you. He nods over to his desk and smirks. "And that chair over there? That's where they'd be. And they'd have to watch me fuck you how you like it."
He doesn't mean to, but he finds himself fixated on the fact you routinely have sex and don't finish. He can't wrap his head around it. He'd had the luxury of witnessing you cum a handful of times. Had felt it once. Knows first-hand how fucking good it is. Thinks about it as he fucks into you, now, then lets the intrusive thoughts win again as he begins to ramble.
"Can't believe how many people you've let get away without making you cum. You know how good that shit is? Fuck. You feel like heaven. They wouldn't even deserve to watch it - but I'd do it. I'd make them fuckin' watch - 'cause not being funny, B, but you should see yourself right now. So fucking hot I might die. Hopefully then if they fucked you again, they'd know what to do."
"Never realised you were such a good teacher, Mr Jeon," you tease.
He stills his cock inside you. Smirks. Shakes his head. Picks up the pace again.
You know what ' Jeon ' does to him. The ' Mr ' ahead of it? Yeah. Gets him.
And so gives you a friendly threat, as he fucks his cock a little deeper into your tight, warm cunt. "I will fuck you so hard my bed breaks if you don't shut the fuck up."
"Oh?" You grin, trying not to moan and failing miserably. "Would you prefer Sir ?"
"Final warning," he growls, his hips slowing but deepening. He's close. You know it's not gonna take much. 
"Whatcha gonna do? Give me a detention?"
"If you get to call me stupid fuckin' names, then I get to kiss you."
"Kissing isn't very friendly, is it?"
"Byeol, my cock is inside you."
"Yeah? Just a friendly fuck."
He knows you're joking, but Jeongguk doesn't think there's anything friendly about this.
He doesn't insist on kissing you any further.
"You're unbelievable," he smiles, easing slightly before reaching for your hand. "C'mon, let's make you cum."
"Oh? You want this to be over?" You flash a grin, as if you haven't been fucking him for God knows how long by this point, knowing full well he could have cum in 10 seconds flat at any given opportunity. He repeatedly edged himself for you.
"No, but if I don't cum soon, Byeol, I'll d-"
"Die, yeah yeah," you grin. "Alright. Put yourself out of your misery."
He laughs. Looks at you with such fondness that you think you'd quite like to orgasm on his cock for him like a good friend should. "You make me sound like such an asshole."
"I don't," you promise sweetly - before you also decide to let the intrusive thoughts win. "Also, just on the subject of assholes, thoughts on pegging?"
"Literally what the fuck is wrong with you," he laughs, rolling his hips to remind you of the more pressing things at hand. You moan a little, but all you wanna do is banter with him. You enjoy it. Like it when he's all hard and needy and impatient, and you're winding him up. You like frustrating him. 
"You've got a nice ass," you shrug, shoulders pressed deep down into his white sheets. You look angelic, he thinks, hair haloing around your head, chest flushed, tits covered in teeny tiny hickies from his mouth.
"Well, maybe if you'd have picked a different plane..." he teases. "You'd know by now."
Holy shit.
"Wait. You wanna get peg-"
Jeongguk covers your mouth with his hand, a subtle grin on his pretty little face, dewy nose scrunching just for you.
"As much as I enjoy your chitchat, Byeol, I'm gonna fuck you so hard you can't talk at all. That good?"
You laugh. Twist your torso over to reposition yourself on your front. He gives you a playful spank straight off the bat, and it makes you roll your eyes - as if you hadn't turned over just to give him a view of your ass. You'd known what you were getting yourself in for.
Adjusting you slightly, Jeongguk pulls one of his spare pillows over, and lifts your hips to scoot it beneath you. It's his favourite position. Every last part of it. The way he can pull on hair and spank asses? The muffled moans into his pillows? Fuck . 
You love it just as much. Always helps to have your body weight adding to the pressure of your fingers massaging against your cunt. As Jeongguk pushes into you, he watches your hand slip beneath your body, and curses. 
"That's it, B," he husks. "That's a good girl."
He fucks himself into you - slow, deep, hard - and picks up the pace with every pathetic moan that escapes your lips. Tells you how good you sound, how much he wants to hear you come undone - and then you are.
The pleasure waves through you like an electrical current, Jeongguk's thick cock unrelenting as he fucks into you and drags your high even further than you thought possible. There's a numbness to your body, save for the overwhelming pleasure that pulses around his cock. It's all you can feel. Everything else is void. For a moment, the only important thing in your life is Jeongguk's dick and the way it fills you like nothing else ever has.
"Shit," he husks. "B, where?"
"Back," you just say, unable to move because your body is still fucking shaking. You don't even get the chance to mourn the loss of his cock inside of you, because he has to pull out so quickly.
His hand grips his cock and wanks faster than the speed of light. The pressure in his balls builds and builds and then it can build no more.
He squeezes your ass and whines as thick, creamy spurts of cum begin to paint your back.
The sound of his grunting makes you moan with every new rope of cum emptied onto your skin, and Jeongguk's pretty sure nothing in Taehyung's 'passion' collection could even come close to the sight in front of him. 
The final drops are wasted on your ass cheek as Jeongguk holds it to the peachy flesh, watching the way he stains your skin. Holding his cock by its base, he spanks it against your ass once, twice. Smirks. Takes a moment to squeeze your ass just because he can. 
He fucked you. He knows he should be concerned about the friendship, but he's not reached post-nut clarity yet.
Eventually, he flops down beside you.
"You know," you mumble, eyes closed, a smile on your lips. Jeongguk's grin is so serene that it's a good job your eyes aren't open. You might accidentally get your feelings confused if you saw him look that pretty. "I actually think it's a bit mean setting these poor girls up with you."
"What? Why?"
He sounds genuinely affronted. You just smile harder.
"Well, it's a bit cruel, isn't it? Us pretending like they'll be dating some great guy, only for them to later find out you're really average in bed."
He knows you're joking. Knows that a fuck like that could never be described as average. Plays up to your teasing just because he finds it funny.
" Average ?!" He exclaims. You can hear his smile in his tone of voice. "Nah, you're chatting shit just to piss me off, Byeol. What is it, huh? Want me to fuck you again? Want me to remind you exactly how average I can be?"
He grunts. "Call me when you can walk straight."
"Pass me my phone."
"Fuck off."
The afternoon descends into casual chaos. You shower together, and bicker over who gets to stand beneath the water for longer, then battle it out for Jeongguk's fluffy towel in the aftermath. In the end, he lets you have it - only 'cause he likes the way you oogle at him when he's naked. 
You dry your hair, and style Jeongguk's into pretty little French braids. Tell him that he has to keep it like that. He says he will. By the time Jimin gets home, you're just sitting on the sofa watching shite TV. He's none the wiser you were naked on his kitchen counter a few hours earlier. Probably is best he never finds out about that part.
He studies Jeongguk's hair for a moment, then shrugs. "Suits you. What have you guys been up to?"
Good fucking question. 
"Not much," Jeongguk hums. "Gym this morning. Met this one -" he pokes you with his foot, earning a grimace from you. "- Afterwards for coffee. Been stuck to me like a bad smell ever since."
Jimin laughs. Shakes he his head as he comes to sit by you both with a box of dry cereal that he's eating straight from the bag. 
"You've got the most sensitive nose known to man," Jimin teases. "If you've kept her around, it's cause she smells good."
"Nah," he begs to differ. "Just gone nose blind."
"Prick," you laugh, then ask Jimin about his day. 
Conversation takes place of the shitty TV show, the three of you easily finding a million different topics to talk about.
It's times like this you regret ever fucking Jimin. Part of you fears you'll always just be 'the girl Jimin fucked that one time'. No identity within Jeongguk's friendship group beyond the fact you shagged his mate.
It's stupid. They barely remember Jimin even so much as looked in your direction. You're Jeongguk's friend. Jeongguk's.
Funny how you don't seem to mind being reduced to no identity outside of the confines of Jeongguk. Did you really heal after Seokjin? Or are you just making even worse decisions than you used to?
Thing is, Jeongguk's friends would be right in thinking that of you. 
You are his friend. 
As you head off into town the next morning to arrange his blind date, you know that's all you'll ever be.
And somehow, you think you're okay with that. 
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174 notes · View notes
hazerun3 · 6 months
I just saw your post about the difference between passive and swan. I'd like to ask the difference between young swad and dream?
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shittier doodle this time cuz Im getting tired but the ramblings are probably more unhinged
I dont have particularly strong feelings on dream so this is gonna be mostly younger swad and comparisons to dream when needed
-Views social interaction as inherently transactional and as a game that he can learn to play (he doesnt realise that in the village he was never going to be a player on equal ground, this is why after his ascension his persona is more deity ified rather than a king or smth like nm cuz he wants to be Above it all and in control.)
-Been obsessed with swan even as passives (His Duty to help people got drilled into him, the village feels entitled to his help and swad slowly grows tired of them, but his little brother is always kind to him and doing things for him feels so much more rewarding [tho eventually the village tries to stifle any attempts swad does to get something nice for his brother which frustrates swad so much and swan not asking for anything and just being happy to see him and trying so hard just to make swad happy, even as hes hurt fuels this.] so the mix of the sense of duty, him being the older brother so self imposing a sense of responsibility and swan being nice to him leads him to adopt a mentality where Swan is the only one whos special and actually cares about him not just what he can do for him, but with the way hes raised by the village he tries desperately to try and do something for swan in return cuz he still feels like hes failing in his part of the social bargain)
-Also the cult village placed sooooo much value on stuff like never being angry, always being happy :), youre not allowed to be mean, you Must be hardworking all the time, visibly showing that youre sad is Evil. And swad seethes constantly cuz no one in this fucking village follows that and the one person who embodies all these values the most is swan (who everyone still hates for reasons inexplicable to swad, who believes theres still a way to get swan out of his outcast status if the village just realises that swan is the kindest soul in this rotten place.)
-Dream maintains a more "child" status in the village even as hes older than when swad fights to "adult" status, seeing it as a way to get more social power cuz he picked up that Adults have more power than Children but lol not for him, he just gets to have more responsibilites, the expectation to cut off swan and no money OR gifts for his work cuz gifts are for children doing chores not working adults and since its both swads duty and the fact that he doesnt have anything to spend it on that wouldnt be spending it unwisely they just dont pay him at all! and also hes an object not an adult to them so rushing to try and be an adult backfired miserably
-Swad loves listening to swan read stories to him, reallly wants to be the Prince who saves the damsel and sets his enemies on fire and he projects that persona
-Both he and dream were taken hunting I think, but dream didnt take to it (he had a knack for archery but as soon as he was told to turn that arrow on an innocent bunny he couldnt do it, his more "child" status helps him get out of it) swad was also aprehensive at first but since he places a lot of importance in being the Older Brother and being responsible (also he wants to kill people) so he shoots the bunny, he feels bad and cries about it to swan but he cant let go of the feeling, the smell of blood, the idea of that being someone who hurt swan
-in my head he killed people already lol (used the hunting trips as cover but his hit list is soooooo long and he gets less and less opportunity...)
-he loves shiny things so much but being materialistic and greedy is one of the sins, swan cant get him anything but he does press little flower ornaments for his brother and so much flower jewlery so that swad can roleplay being a prince.
-he hates everyone soooooooo much <3
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python333 · 1 year
I love your writings sm. And I love the way you write platonic stuff with task force 141 😋
You can ignore this if ya want but I just can't get over reader angst. Honestly atp I starve for angst. Could you feed us another angst fic? Like platonic 141 with a reader where she maybe got pretty badly injured while being on a mission? :3
AND. don't forget to stay hydrated and eat well!! Take any breaks you need 😌.
(sorry if this doesn't make sense English is not my native language 🥲)
below zero — python333
— — — —
synopsis u get thrown into a freezer after refusing to give up intel to enemy soldiers, and u get thrown into a freezer, and ghost comes and saves u :3
relationships platonic!ghost & gn!reader.
characters ghost.
word count 5.2k
warnings hypothermia, disorientation, 2nd person pov [you/yours/yourself], usage of c/n [code name/call sign].
note hi anon thank u so much for all the compliments!!! before i say anything else, i wanna point out that i 1) only really wrote ghost into this and 2) literally read the request completely wrong and i think im actually just illiterate because how did i mess up this bad. ALSO hi its been a month since i posted on here i swear i'm still alive i'm just super busy with school!! updates are going to be extremely slow, so i apologize in advance. still, i hope u enjoy it anyways tho!! its all hurt/comfort + angst/fluff + protective/soft ghost :3
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When you were thrown into the freezer, the first thing you noticed were the bodies. 
There’s ten that you can immediately see, and twelve once you look a little bit closer. All of them are suspended from the ceiling, each hanging from their ankle—with said ankle being held up by a meat hook. 
When the door had been closed shut with a loud, booming thump you hadn’t felt any immediate fear. But now, as you’re sitting in the corner of the freezer you’d been trapped in—the corner farthest away from any bodies—that fear is starting to set in.
Before this, only a few minutes ago, you were being interrogated. Your captors were asking for information on the details of any upcoming missions, objectives, target locations, anything that you had about the 141 that you could share with them, they wanted. 
Of course, you didn’t say anything. You remained silent throughout the entire thing, not talking once, even when at the end of the whole thing your interrogator slammed his hand down onto the table you were sat down in front of and yelled at you to say anything. 
When he and his team figured out that you wouldn’t give them any information, you remember he muttered something unintelligible under his breath and swiftly walked over to your end of the table. He had uncuffed your ankles from the legs of the chair you were sitting down on and uncuffed your wrists from the table, and before you could fight back, he grabbed both of your wrists with one hand and dragged you behind him. 
Then, he led you to the freezer you were trapped in now, and threw you in roughly before shutting the door behind you. You had hit and scratched at the door for a good minute after being thrown in, and after you figured that it was a waste of time trying to do so, you sighed and retired to the corner.
Now, as you’re huddled in the corner, you kind of regret not giving them the intel they needed. 
The freezer wasn’t too bad at first—you thought you’d last pretty long in there, and mentally called all the dead bodies hung from meat hooks in there pussies and simply walked around for a bit. The walking helped warm you up a bit, but soon it got tiring, and you retired to the corner farthest away from any dead bodies. 
You think the freezer is below zero degrees—no, has to be below zero, because now, just about five minutes after being thrown in, violent shivers have started to wrack your body and you swear you can’t feel your lips anymore. You haven’t been able to feel any sort of warmth in the past four minutes, all of it disappearing within the first. 
And God, the smell. The smell of frozen, rotting flesh really isn’t something you ever want to smell again. Thankfully, there’s no live flies in the freezer—all of them had died of the severe cold, creating small black circles under each hanging body where they died. 
You currently have your knees up to your chest with your hands trapped in between your thighs to try and keep them warm at least, with your forehead resting on the top of one of your knees. It’s working, kind of. The palms and backs of your hands feel just warm enough to not be considered cold, but the tips of your fingers are so cold they’re beginning to burn. 
You pull them back a bit to trap your fingertips in between your thighs, exposing the area where your wrist and hand meet to the cold, sighing as your fingertips warm up just a bit. Your thighs, thankfully, still have some heat trapped in between them, and you think your stomach is still somewhat warm. 
Around ten minutes later, you feel the heat trapped in your thighs start to dissipate. Fucking fantastic. You sigh and let your head tilt back, the back of it hitting the wall behind you, making you wince at the cold metal directly on your head. The cold seems to crawl through your hair and make it to your scalp, small pinpricks of the cold spreading throughout your scalp and the back of your neck. 
You’re reminded of just how cold it is then, of how this is quite literally a freezer, and of how said freezer has already claimed twelve lives. Or, at least, has housed twelve dead bodies and several unfortunate flies.
Just then, the fear finally starts to set in. 
At first, you weren’t all too worried about being saved—you figured you’d be found soon enough, since your team has a general idea of where you are. But the more you think about it, the more your brain emphasizes the general part of general idea. You start to think about how they don’t know any specifics. 
Sure, they know that you were captured, and that you were being held in some small part of Italy, and the people who captured you—but what did they know beyond that? Did they know your exact location? How long would it take them to figure it out? And how long would it take them to get here? 
Would you even be alive by the time they got here, if they ever did?
You notice your teeth starting to make an annoying chattering noise and you bite down to stop them. The violent shivers that wrack your body don’t help, the intense trembling only succeeding in making you more anxious. You start to become hyper aware of the cold that crawls onto your back from the freezing metal you’re leaning back on, and you quickly push yourself just a foot away from it so that it no longer bothers you. 
Your feet are starting to feel numb, you don’t think you’d be able to stand on them anymore if you tried, for you fear you’d just stumble and fall down. You look around the small freezer. There’s nothing that could help you get out—there’s only the bodies suspended from the ceiling and the dead flies that surround them. 
You’re glad none of the bodies are facing you—you don’t know what you would do if you had to sit in the corner with a bunch of dead bodies staring at you with their vacant, frozen-over eyes. Thinking about the eyes makes your own water, and you blink away the small tears that’ve gathered on your waterline. 
You can’t feel them, but you see the tears that were once in your eyes now clumping together on your eyelashes, making your brows furrow. With them starting to cling to your eyelashes comes blurriness for the top half of whatever you can see. You sigh, a white puff of condensation hanging in the air as evidence of your exhale, and move your hand out from in between your thighs to wipe away the tears from your lashes haphazardly. 
You don’t bother to put your hand back in between your thighs, instead just resting it on top of your knee. Despite it only having been around fifteen minutes since you were thrown into the freezer, you’re starting to feel more fatigued and your breath slows down significantly, as does your heartbeat. 
Another ten minutes of doing nothing but staring at the wall opposite of your own pass by, and disorientation is starting to set in. You feel oddly forgetful—like at times, you forget how you even got into the freezer, and have to wrack your brain to remember that you literally got thrown into it and are now trapped in here until someone rescues you. Assuming they do. Who was it that would even rescue you? 
You think long and hard for a few seconds, and can scrounge up nothing from your confused mind. You let out a frustrated huff and let your head tilt and fall forward so that your forehead is resting atop your knee, another shiver ripping through your frame. It almost feels like it’s getting colder in the fridge. 
Suddenly, you hear a loud banging noise—albeit, it sounded more muffled to your ears, but you could tell it was loud—and guns being fired. 
You can’t really tell when the gunfire dies down, but you can tell when the thumping of someone’s boots grows louder and closer to the door of the freezer. You try to stand up, not really knowing why since you’re in no condition to fight, having been in a freezer for about forty minutes, but you still attempt to. 
You find that standing is extremely difficult after practically being frozen alive for the past forty minutes, because as soon as you try to even push yourself off of the ground with your shaky hands, you discover that you aren’t even strong enough to push yourself up a single inch before having to stop. As well as that, you find that the ground is just as freezing as the walls and air of the freezer, because your hands now ached with frostbite. 
The action causes an unexpected wave of exhaustion to roll over you, and you pant to try and catch your breath, breathing white puffs of condensation out into the air. 
You hear a loud bang against the door, and jump at the sound, your head whipping towards the door. You hear another loud noise, and the confused fog that’s taken over your mind only grows thicker, your disorientation only growing stronger with it. The room feels like it’s spinning, and the feeling reminds you of a word, and you know what the word is, but fuck, why don’t you know it at the same time? Why can’t I remember anything? 
There’s another bang, and you hear muffled cursing before suddenly the door bursts open, a man wearing a skull mask stumbling in after it does so—he probably ran into it to open it, you think, watching the man get his balance back. He looks around for a moment before his eyes land on you, and the moment they do, you finally remember something. 
That’s Ghost. 
Somewhere in your confusion-clouded mind, you’re happy that you’ve finally remembered something. But right now, you can’t really think about anything—your mind is blank, and you can barely even process what you’re seeing. 
You’re so caught up in thinking about the fact that you aren’t really thinking, you’re just focusing a little more on whatever’s going on in your mind and not actually retaining any of it, that you don’t even notice Ghost rushing towards you and kneeling down right next to you. 
He pauses for a moment, but after a second he makes the decision to put one hand behind your back and snake one under your legs, the warm physical touch making you wince. Not that you didn’t like the warmth—you just didn’t like the sudden temperature change beneath your knees and across your back.
“It’s okay, I’ve got you,” Ghost grunts as he picks you up, one arm under your knees and the other behind your back, lifting you up into a sort of bridal carry. He nearly drops you because of how cold your skin is—for a moment he thinks your back and legs are wet, then he realizes that no, they aren’t wet, you’re just really fucking cold. 
He takes a moment to make sure you’re secure in his arms before tilting his head to the side, all the way down to his shoulder, and muttering something into his earpiece. Despite being so close to him, his voice only sounds muffled to you—in all honesty, just about everything is starting to sound more muffled to you. You can only tell he’s done talking because he lifts his head back up and readjusts his arms around you, before walking out the busted-open door. 
The walking quickly turns into running, which then turns into sprinting, making your surroundings go blurry and makes your vertigo worse—it almost feels like you’re falling. You’re grateful you haven’t eaten anything in the past few hours, because you fear that if you had, you would’ve thrown it all up by now. All you can see are blurred colors—the hallways, you vaguely remember, because I’m in a building. How’d I even get here? Why am I here? You’re pulled out of your confused thoughts when you’re set down on the ground somewhere, and forced into a lying position with your limbs all outstretched. When you slowly blink up at what you thought was the ceiling, you’re both surprised and not surprised when you see the blue-black night sky. 
Not sure of what’s going on, you try to get up, but Ghost quickly pushes you back down, muttering something under his breath. He pauses for a moment, his blurred figure stopping any and all movements, before he suddenly picks you back up, making you wince at the way your head spins at the sudden movement. You hear a quiet, muffled—but clearer than before—’sorry’ from Ghost before he’s running again. 
It’s a much shorter distance this time, and instead of immediately setting you down, you hear something click and suddenly you hear another muffled voice. They sound concerned, you mentally note, Or maybe confused. Maybe both, actually. No yeah, definitely both. Well, now just concerned. Or maybe that’s confused. 
Caught up in your confused thoughts, you don’t realize that you’re being set down on a few comfy seats. You aren’t pulled away from your own thoughts until you feel two warm hands cupping either side of your jaw, and hear Ghost’s oddly distressed voice becoming more clear by the second. You now acknowledge the weird ringing in your ears that almost drown out the sound of Ghost, and struggle to figure out what he’s saying through the annoying noise. 
“—something,” You catch the end of Ghost’s sentence, and blink up at him slowly. 
“Huh?” You elegantly ask, coughing and wincing at your hoarse voice, not knowing how it got so hoarse—or why it hurt so much to talk. Your throat almost felt like it was burning, but it also felt oddly numb, a sensation you couldn’t quite put a name on. 
“Oh my god,” Ghost sighs, his forehead falling onto your chest momentarily as he takes a few deep breaths. He brings his head back up from your chest and says, “I almost thought you were dead when I got in there. Jesus, you look dead. I need to— I need to get something, a blanket or— why the fuck don’t we carry any heat packs or anything in here? Swear to God, I’m gonna—” You don’t pay too much attention to Ghost’s panicked ranting and shift your head to the side to try and look at where you are, and you discover that you’re in a car. Oh. Cool. You spot the door on the passenger seat’s side still open and swinging a bit, as if it’d been opened quickly just a few moments earlier for someone to quickly get out. 
Ghost suddenly backs up and gets out of the car, though staying within a foot of it, looking around for a moment before heading to the back of the car. Your head clears up the tiniest bit, just enough for you to be able to assume that he’s heading to the back of the car to get to the trunk for whatever reason, and you simply lie there on the seat cushions. 
A few seconds later, Ghost comes back with a somewhat-fluffy jacket, and carefully gets into the car—half kneeling down so that he doesn’t need to lean on the seats to get to you. He tosses the coat over your chest, and it does absolutely nothing at first, at least not until Ghost gets a bit closer and tucks the coat tighter around you, treating it like a blanket. Then, it starts to warm you up just the tiniest bit. Beyond that, it does absolutely nothing. But props to Ghost for at least trying. 
He quickly backs out of the car and once he’s out he closes the door behind him, and you want to get up for a moment, just to go see what he’s doing, but you don’t have to. He gets into the car again, this time in the driver’s seat, and he turns on the ignition. Once the car rumbles to life, he immediately turns up the heat and leans over to the passenger seat’s side in order to close the door, and with a grunt he manages to do so. 
The newfound heat makes you shiver, and it almost feels like you’re in a microwave defrosting. Distracted by the sudden temperature change, you don’t pay attention to what Ghost is saying into his earpiece as he glances out the front window of the car and back at you. You simply tug the jacket tighter around your torso and relish in the warmth. 
“—ay. So we’ll just leave then, and you’ll be fine?” You pick up from Ghost’s conversation, perking up at the mention of leaving, “Copy that, Captain. I’ll get them back to base.”
‘Captain’—Oh, he’s talking to Price—says something that makes Ghost sigh exasperatedly and take his index finger off of his earpiece, instead settling both of his hands on the steering wheel of the car and stealing one last glance at you before setting his eyes on the gravel ahead of him and pushing down on the gas pedal.
When you wake up, you’re significantly warmer than you were… however-long-it’s-been-ago. 
You look to your left and see nothing but a white wall and a heart rate monitor—which displays that your heart rate is 115—then to your right, where you see Ghost sitting in a plastic chair close to the bed you’re laying in, eyes closed with his head tilted to the side and resting on his own shoulder.
You don’t bother trying to wake him up, not knowing how long he’s been asleep or how much sleep he’s gotten, and instead simply turn your head back to stare up at the ceiling. 
After maybe five minutes of zoning out and staring up at the ceiling, you hear clothes rustling and look back over to your right, seeing Ghost start to stir in his sleep. Just a few seconds later, he stirs awake, slowly blinking his eyes open. 
You watch silently as he blinks the sleep out of his eyes, and he breathes in sharply through his nose before looking over at you and seeing you staring at him wordlessly. You both blink at each other for a long, awkward moment before he speaks. 
“… Did you, uh… how was your… rest?” Ghost asks, not sure what to say. What exactly do you say, after saving one of your teammates from potential death?
“Good,” You respond, your throat having an odd, small burning sensation when you talk. 
Ghost looks like he’s holding back a few words for a moment after you speak, and after one expectant look from you, he mumbles, “You should really say ‘well’ or ‘fine’ instead. It’d be more grammatically accurate and is more grammatically aligned with the verb ‘rest’.” 
“… Okay?” You blink, thrown off by the unexpected information, “I’ll, uh… keep that in mind, next time someone asks me how my rest was.” 
“You get asked that often?” 
“I only get asked that by you.” 
“Ah.” Ghost nods, looking off to the side for a moment. You’d think he was your dad and you’d just asked him how babies were made with how awkward he was, and you honestly expected the next words out of his mouth to be ‘when a man and a woman love each other very much’ before he hesitantly asks, “D’you feel better? After the whole being-trapped-in-a-freezer… experience?” 
“Experience?” You question, a light laugh evident in your voice, “Yeah, I feel better. I like being warm more than, y’know, being frozen alive. Laying down in a warm bed is nice.”
“I didn’t know how else to phrase it,” Ghost huffs out, leaning back in his seat. 
“So you’re gonna correct me on my grammar but you can’t think of a better word than ‘experience’?” 
“Don’t get smart with me, [c/n].” 
“I’m just saying,” You shrug lightly, wincing a little when your shoulders ache as you do. Ghost notices this and his eyes narrow, but he doesn’t mention it. 
“Then stop trying to sass me.” 
“Sass you? Jesus, fuck, don’t talk to me like I’m some preteen who just found out that they can talk back to their parents.” 
“Isn’t that what you are, though?” 
“No, I’m— you know what? Fuck you. Get out. I hate you. You suck.” 
“That’s a colorful choice of words to say to the man who saved your life,” Ghost raises an eyebrow at you, “I’m still waiting for my ‘thank you’, by the way.” 
“Don’t care, you’re never getting it,” You say stubbornly, making Ghost sigh and stand up. You look up at him as he stands up and try to sit up in your bed, but wince again when you try to move your arms. Still, you attempt to push yourself up, and only relax your weak joints and lay back down when Ghost presses a gentle hand to your shoulder to get you to stop trying to sit up. 
“Don’t,” He warns softly—you didn’t know his voice could get that soft—as he pushes you back down, “Medics said you’re to keep laying down for a bit while you warm up. We’ve gotta wait until your BPM is below a hundred before letting you up.” 
“That’s stupid,” You huff out, though not fighting Ghost pushing you back down. 
“It’s not stupid,” Ghost lightly chastises you, “It’s doctor’s orders. Once your BPM is below a hundred, we’ll know you’re warmed up enough to start gettin’ up and walking around.” 
“… Still stupid,” You grumble, not commenting on the way Ghost’s hand lingers on your shoulder even after you’ve already laid back down. Ghost sighs and kneels down so that his shoulders are level with the railing of your bed. 
“You’re too stubborn.” 
“I’m not.” 
“Yes you are.” 
“No I’m not!” Your light arguing only proves Ghost’s point further, and he knows this, the knowledge of it making him snicker quietly. 
“Uh huh. Sure, kid,” He begins to retract his hand from your shoulder, but upon seeing the disappointment that immediately seeps into your expression once he even barely begins to lift his hand from your shoulder, he immediately lets it rest right back onto your shoulder. 
You both sit in silence for another few moments before Ghost speaks up again, this time a bit quieter and in that same soft tone he’d used earlier, “I tried to get to you quicker. But we needed some time to get your exact location, and when we found it we were a hundred and sixty klicks away, and it was just—it took us… some time to find you.” 
“It’s fine. I understand,” You respond, about to shrug but stopping yourself, not wanting to feel that aching in your shoulders again, “I don’t even know how I let myself get captured, that— that’s probably on me.” 
“You didn’t let yourself get captured, you just did.” 
“Well, what?” 
“I don’t know, I just—” You take a deep breath before continuing slowly, “I didn’t let myself get captured, but I also didn’t do enough to fight against it, so I feel like technically—” 
“Fuck the technicalities about how you got captured, you got captured either way, and you got thrown into a freezer,” Ghost cuts you off, talking quickly, before sighing and continuing in a softer voice once again, “Please, just let me try to be somewhat comforting for once. You know I’m bad at this, and that I never do this. So just… don’t talk about what happened like that, if not for your own mental health’s sake, at least for my attempts at making you feel better.” 
You open your mouth to say something else but ultimately close your mouth and let out a deep sigh through your nose, not saying anything, letting Ghost continue to talk. 
“I, for whatever reason, feel… very oddly bad for you,” Ghost poorly explains, before pausing to think for a moment then rephrasing, “Not… not as in I pity you, but as in I feel bad for you in a way that I feel like I’m at fault for what you went through even though I know I’m not at fault. It’s like empathy but… worse. Not saying empathy is bad to begin with, but this is like if empathy was bad and it became worse and—” 
Ghost cuts himself off with silence and lets out a frustrated huff at his inability to put his feelings into words, and tries again, “I feel bad for you in a way that I don’t know what exactly you felt or how you felt in the moment that you were in that freezer but just the idea of you being in there without me for… I’m assuming an entire hour, if not longer, makes me feel like I failed. I don’t know what I failed at—”
Ghost quickly pauses before sighing and continuing, “Actually, no, I do. I feel like I failed at protecting you. Which is strange, because that’s technically not my job, but I felt—and still feel—obligated to protect you especially and that bothers me. Not bothers me in a sense that I don’t like you or the thought of… protecting you, but bothers me in the sense that I’m not supposed to feel like that. No amount of teasing, or borderline bullying, or anything should’ve ever made me feel obligated to think of you like— like— like…” Ghost trails off, leaving you wondering what he meant to say. He stays silent for a few moments, before you try to fill in for him. 
“Like… what, a kid?” You offer, watching him shake his head negatively. You think for another moment, before trying again, “… Like your kid?” 
Ghost nods affirmatively, hesitantly, and you want to scoff at the hesitation. 
“And what, that’s bad to you?” You ask, your words more venomous than you intended. Ghost sighs and nonverbally shakes his head negatively before responding to you.
“Not bad in the way you’re thinking,” He answers, before elaborating upon seeing your confused expression, “It’s bad not because you’re bad, it’s bad because I’m bad.” 
“… No you’re not?” 
“Yes, I am.” 
“No, you’re really not,” You insist stubbornly. 
“Please don’t be stubborn with me on this,” His tone makes it sound like he’s almost begging you, which is… somehow beyond terrifying to think about.  
“I’m not being stubborn, I’m being honest, you’re really not.” 
“But I am,” He sounds like he’s trying to make his tone sound like there’s no room for any further arguments, but he fails, and you continue to argue with him. 
“No you’re not!” The whole conversation feels like a parallel to the one you’d both been having just a few minutes earlier, except this time you’re not giving up as easily, “How are you bad?” 
“I’m—” Ghost pauses for a moment, not having expected that argument, and he weakly argues, “I just am!” 
“You’re not, and you fucking know it!” 
“Okay, well—” Ghost sighs and looks away from you, “You might not think so. That’s fine. But I know I am. If not for anything else, for you. I’d be… terrible as any sort of… I don’t know, role model to you.” 
“Jokes on you, you’re already a role model to me.” 
“I’m being serious.” 
“So am I,” You raise an eyebrow at him, “You aren’t a terrible role model. A little emo, sure, but not terrible.” 
“I’m emotionally and mentally unstable, and am terrible with empathy. I’m blunt, abrasive more than half the time, and I tell the shittiest jokes known to man. I can’t— I don’t show my face to anyone. I expect everyone to act the way I want them to. I’m almost always busy.” 
“At least you’re self-aware,” You brush off, “And, for the record, I don’t know what abrasive means and I can’t tell empathy from sympathy without using Google.” 
Ghost looks back at you in disbelief and stares for a moment before saying quietly, “Abrasive means harsh. And empathy is showing understanding for others while sympathy is pity.” 
“I also like your shitty jokes,” You add on, “I think they’re great. They make everyone else mad so I like them. And some of them are funny.” 
“You find them funny?” 
“That’s…” Ghost blinks at you, eyes a little watery, before huffing out a small laugh, “That’s ridiculous, none of them are funny. I call them shitty for a reason.” 
“Some of them are pretty funny.” 
“Oh yeah? Like what?” 
“The Mayflower one.” 
“… That one?” Ghost asks, tone humorous but still disbelieving, “Out of all the ones I’ve told, that one?” 
“Yes, that one,” You insist, before pausing and holding back a smile while tacking on, “Unless you wanna tell it again to try and change my mind?” 
Ghost thinks for a moment before telling the joke, “If April showers bring May flowers, what do Mayflowers bring?” 
You feign cluelessness for a moment, “What do they bring?” 
“Pilgrims.” The bluntness of the delivery makes you quietly snicker, much to Ghost’s surprise, the laugh not forced or anything. 
“It’s still good,” You sigh, small giggles still escaping your lips. 
“It’s really not,” Ghost sighs, finally retracting his hand from your shoulder to settle it on the railing of your bed and use it to help himself stand up. Once he fully stands up, he looks down at you, and one look at your face makes him want to whisk you out of bed and at least hug you, but he knows he can’t with your sore muscles and still-somewhat frozen skin. 
Instead, he opts for grabbing one of your hands gently and giving it a very emotionally charged squeeze, and holding it for another few moments before letting go. 
“I’m not forgetting that, by the way,” At Ghost’s confused eyes, you tack on, “You confirming earlier that you think of me as your kid.” 
“That—” Ghost stammers for a moment before saying, “That was barely a confirmation, that was just— that was nothing.” 
“Oh really?” 
“Yes. Yeah. Yep.” 
“So if I told you that you saying that that was nothing is making me a little bit upset…” 
“… Then I would say, out of pity, that I did mean it and that it was a confirmation.” 
“Good to know,” You nod. 
“But that’s only a hypothetical.” 
“Right, yeah, of course.” 
You both stay silent for another moment, the silence now a little less awkward, before Ghost says, “I’m gonna, uh… head out, now.” 
“Alright,” You hum simply, watching as Ghost nods to you as a sort of ‘bye’ before heading towards the curtains in front of your bed. 
Before he can exit, you quickly and quietly say, “Thank you, for saving me.” 
He pauses, a little confused on why you chose now to thank him—and why you thanked him at all—until he quickly recalls earlier in the conversation when he’d mentioned expecting some words of gratitude. 
He smiles behind his mask, the smile evident in his voice as he replies to you, “No problem.”
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erabu-san · 4 days
First of all, I would like to thank you so much for all your support and your kind message !! Thank you so much for being patient with me too !! (you will see, I thanks a lot in this post lol)
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Haha tbh I believe that ignoring and move on is a great way too! Yeees when I read this anon ask, I was wondering if they are living somewhere where pale person are oppressed and they are personally in this case and it affects them so badly that they have so much hate in them or they are just being hateful toward poc w/o any explication ? It was a bit uncomfortable And what is appealing with Genshin Impact (for me) is the fact that they use real culture to create their game ; even in the last survey, they ask if we like Natlan's authenticity (weird they only ask abt environment and music, i think they know they have issue with character design bahaha). I learn a lot about persian, algerian, but also chinese and even about french culture ! It is because people recognize themself that they start talking about it. I know there is a lot of controversial topic in Natlan, but because of this, I learn a lot on Hawai'i 's culture too. So yes, even if it is fiction, representation *is* important. And it is because they take inspiration of their culture that there is people who want a better representation, and in my opinion, this is something to not ignore !
About taking well what anon said, thank you so much ! If i can be honest tho, I didn't take it very well neither, or just I don't know how do I really felt at the moment I am an adult but I still hard time to distinguish what is morally okay or not, what is bad and good ? So if someone doesn't tell me they are explicitly a bad person with bad intention, I won't get it haha (ofc I grew up and now I identify my value and morals, but I still questionning if my morals are objectively great or not- yeaaah i was called weird for that, I am aware) Since forever I always try to understand other so I can communicate properly (at least I try), and that's why I am always interested on how does people think, why do they react in this specific way etc etc. Pro, I am patient and can take even the most violent take "well" (all depends. I am still a human) Con, I give free speech to those who have a "bad" take </3 and I apologize for that aaaa
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KFSDLFSD I wish to express my angryness sometime but I just don't know if it is really adequate What if I interpret their text in wrong way as they initially try to say ? I wasn't feel offended by what they said, I was just uncomfortable because their opinion is something I consider hateful. and what if i was wrong??? But reading you all's opinion just affirm that's they were indeed rude ! I should stop overthink, life would be easier Maybe next time I have a doubt I will ask my friends's opinion before answering ksdkfsf
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Oh my god thank you !!! If i can be honest, I draw Kinich this way because when I draw him w a darker skin for the first time, I thought "Oh !!! he looks so cool !!!!" and seeing a lot of positive comment abt my Kinich just makes me happy so I keep him like this ! And thank you for sharing with me informations !<<333 This is not overstepping at all ! And it is a reciprocate feeling anon ! It might be a bit weird but "angry" is such a complex feeling for me. I feel it but I don't really know how to express it in the most healthy way and it is super frustrating. So... seeing people getting mad at something I also disagree on makes me feel better !! And for this, thank you all !
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I SNORT SO HAAAARD Damn Macron you again..........!! I didn't put all ask here but I read them all !! Thank you for sharing with me your opinion and reaction, it is truly interesting (and way more relaxing that the hater anon kskskss) !! and again, your support is truly meaningful for me. You all have sincere gratitude Hope y'all have a great day !! Stay hydrated too <3
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meraki-sunset · 1 year
having a hard time explaining grimdark and trickster to a friend
think you can help?
they get godtier just fine but the other two keep confusing them because right now they think
grimdark = chaos in anarchy sense, but trickster = chaos in haha funny meme sense
Sure, let me see…
GRIMDARK mode is described by Doc scratch as “going completely off the deep end in every way”.
It turns your skin an unnatural dark gray, and in rose’s case to be surrounded by a dark aura, while jade had a spacey green aura.
It’s basically a black magic power up deeply connected to the horroterrors, a state of mind that comes from letting them influence a broken mind. For Rose, it was the death of her mother, and then trying to reveal the horror terror’s secrets. For Jade, she was heartbroken, but also she got mind controlled into entering the grimdark state by the condesce, who is also connected to the horrorterrors.
As an extra, Hussie described Eridan as also going into grimdark when he began murdering people, tho his case must’ve been more symbolical, as he presented the perfect scenario to become grimdark, the complete loss of hope, waiting for Jack to kill them all (due to his title being prince of hope, ergo Destroyer of hope) added to Feferi breaking their moiraliance talking with Sollux, being the detonator for his broken mind, and him being a Derse player, so his dream self was around the horroterrors and had interacted with them prior, he was also interested in magic like rose, had a wand just like her and sought for answers about, like her. He just lacked the connection to the horroterrors in that crucial moment.
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So Grimdark is basically when the horroterrors cause the player's most primal and violent tendencies to be pushed to the forefront
The grimdark is also described a “the fabled blackdeath trance of the woegothics”. So a dark trance that people like Rose and Eridan are inclined to fall victim of (in my opinion)
TRICKSTER mode, in the other hand, is described by Calliope as something that brings out your full potential, that brings all your walls down and puts all your inner thoughts in the outside and all your creative power in your hands. It strips you from all social and mental barrier.
It gives you reality altering Powers, allowing you to jump from place to place, probably dimension hopping, manifest objects and makes you super happy and candy colored to the point of losing grip in reality
The problem is that cherubs are very different from humans. For a cherub, who is supposed to fly around in the endless space protecting/destroying a certain part of the void, and its inhabited planets, feeding of black holes, fighting entities to death to ultimately mate in the shape of a big ass snake, a juju that’s basically drugs that can make you forget every wall you built up floating around space alone, and move forward as a happy missile ready to find a mate sounds good. But humans are social creatures, and cherubs are not. Cherubs don’t answer to anyone and don’t have Friends, they don’t need to follow any social cues. Humans built their relationships carefully, and they have secrets and barriers to protect themselves and others. They hide things like crushes and resentment and problems, because well, for the sake of peace, for the sake of not braking every relationship they have. That’s something that Calliope and Caliborn never fully grasped and understood why the kids came to hate the juju when they woke up
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So that’s all I could gather. Essentially they are different kinds of power ups, opposite to one another at their core, BUT in both the person isn’t fully there and is being guided by primal instincts, be it rage/sadness or Hope/happiness and they both have consequences in the user because neither is supposed to be used on humans or even trolls.
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avnasace · 2 months
no but the way viserys continues to haunt the story through rhaenyra and alicents conflict, which gets passed down to both of their children, is crazy good content.
the irony in that viserys the peaceful was the one who started this war, and the downfall of the dragons/his family in the first place.
viserys and daemon had their own conflict, but when viserys alienated rhaenyra initially by marrying her best friend, he then ignored his and alicents children, eventually later his actions leading to rhaenyra marrying his brother (who he'd also taken for granted and ignored).
he then kept doting on rhaenyra up until the moment he died, further seperating himself from his own children by alicent.
alicent knows of rhaenyras affairs, grows hateful and takes that resentment out on her own children instead, while her father otto is further poisoning her and them for his own ends to scheme for the throne.
so then alicents children learnt to grow up disliking rhaenyra's. the only time you see them even remotely amicable is when theyre bullying aemond, another bond made through cruelty instead of kindness. this is ironic considering at laenas funeral you can see that aemond actually thinks about trying to offer comfort to i think baela and rhaena (if i remember correctly?)
aegon and helaena couldnt care less, which to me makes it even more sad. if aemond had, he might not have then been so quick to rub his claiming of vhagar in their faces, and he might not have lost an eye.
the taking of the eye plus viserys' incompetence reignites and cements alicents hatred for rhaenyra even more. viserys takes rhaenyras side, not defending his hurt child at all, even going as far as to shout at aegon for even the mention that he might have said something against rhaenyra. this causes alicent to attack her, and later making her then double down on her efforts to pressure aegon into hating rhaenyra, further distancing him from her.
later we see with aegon that his mothers pressure leads him to find affection in other very unhealthy and harmful ways, assaulting his maids, excessive drinking, brothel going, and assumably fathering many bastards, leading him tho the child fighting rings as well. aemond too starts going to the brothel and avoiding alicent, but for platonic affection instead of anything more.
helaena is the one who received the most of her mothers love and the least of her cruelty, however their relationship is similarly screwed up because shes the only child that doesnt actually want affection from her...
meanwhile rhaenyra is a very loving and fiercely protective mother to her children, fighting for them above all else, especially when their parentage is concerned. she does anything for them, and it shows in their natures that their upbringing, other than the scrutiny from other nobles about their father, that they were raised kindly and wisely.
whats also completely different is that rhaenyras children have not one but three father figures, all of which love them in different ways, which is three more than alicents children have. you could make an argument for cole being a prominent male figure in their lives but he is also quite cruel and hateful.
we see team greens children grow up to be anxious, affection starved control freaks, with mummy and daddy issues, with not one of them knowing how to be a leader even though they are all in some way forced to be one.
aegon is an incompetent drunkard of a king who knows nothing of court or war or politics, not even high valyrian. he is only a figurehead, but is strangely empathetic towards his subjects and loves his children.
aemond is cruel and objective, a fierce fighter and being the most studied and educated of them all, but with no care to his subjects and far too willing to disregard or maim his own blood for his own ambitions.
helaena is the gentlest but she herself has no ambition to rule, she is kind but also an outcast of their society because of her prophecies. she also does not particularly care for her subjects, even being scared of them and their willingness to get to know her.
meanwhile in complete contrast jacaerys and lucerys are kind, more than willing to learn, theyre fluent in high valyrian, they are very interested in their histories and heritage and they learn sword fighting from harwin and assumably laenor? later probably daemon too.
they stand in the war council room with their mother and learn, and even baela and rhaena are involved by rhaenyra to both take part and learn.
the generational trauma goes crazy in this show, but all these characters are so compelling. i dont think there is a single main character that doesnt interest me. yes most of them are bad people and have done awful things, but its also so interesting to see how they got that way and see how one fathers actions, or lack thereof, caused so much destruction.
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froggibus · 2 years
Hello how are you? Idk if this has been written before cause I can't find something like it but I request a simple valorant x reader where they used to have a crush on her in like highschool or whatever hehe
(maybe yoru, phoenix , jett.. if you can then gekko!!)
Reunion - Yoru, Phoenix, Jett & Gekko
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Genre: fluff! :)
CW: yoru being yoru, maybe a little ooc? mostly wholesome stuff
syd? doing a request? a miracle. technically reqs are closed rn but im still gonna work through a few of them
probably had a huge crush on you but would never admit it
the kind of guy that would tease you/be lowkey mean to you just cause he likes you 
tsundere ass mf
after you guys graduate, he doesn’t see much of you after that 
and even if he does have lots of one night stands, this man struggles with emotional intimacy 
whenever he gets lonely he probably entertains the idea of cute lil y/n and what could have been if he wasn’t so shy 
when you join the protocol, it’s like he’s seen a ghost 
goes right back to that tsundere teenager and probably ignores you 
all the other agents warm to you right away tho so you’re naturally annoyed why this guy can’t let go of *whatever* you did to him in high school
on a mission with just the two of you, you finally confront him about his indifference towards you
things boil over and one thing leads to another and 
he kisses you
you’re literally so shocked you don’t even close your eyes
he pulls away, cheeks BURNING and refuses to look at you
“why do you have to make everything so difficult for me y/n?”
FINALLY admits he likes you after all this time 
he was flirty with everyone in high school, so you never caught on when he flirted with you
but this man was DOWN BAD
he probably asked you out at least once but you thought it was a joke/more flattery and brushed him off 
rip phoenix 
he tries to connect with you after graduation but life gets in the way, and then he joins the protocol 
whenever his relationships don’t work out or he’s on his last leg on a mission, he finds your face flashing through his mind 
when he gets back from a bad mission and still sees your face, he thinks he’s losing it 
“phoenix? you okay?”
bro is not okay
spends the next three weeks doing stupid stunts to try and impress you 
only succeeds in setting multiple objects on fire, spraining his wrist and getting a lot of lectures from Brim
you end up bringing him hot chocolate & rum to lift his spirits after he’s essentially put in a time out
“so, are you gonna tell me why you had a sudden bout of pyromania?”
sighs and finally admits he has a crush on you and has for a long time
you kiss him to let him know you feel the same way
and then the two of you spend the rest of the night getting drunk and laughing about how stupid you guys were in high school
she liked you a lot in high school and didn’t know how to express it
probably tried asking you out more than once and failed miserably
just stumbled over her words all cutely and then says “never mind” and runs away
you thought it was cute and never really thought too much of it
after high school, you think about her a lot and start to realize she probably liked you
and poor jett is so swamped with missions she barely has time to settle down
and even if she does, she can’t find someone to keep up with her 
she’s ecstatic when she sees you joined the protocol 
a second chance!!
you get a little flustered around her now that you know about her high school crush and you somewhat hope she still feels the same way
she’s surprisingly matured and isn’t nearly as flustered around you as she used to be
tries her best to make you feel included too
 it’s not long before her old feelings come bubbling to the surface tho
she’s probably the most emotionally mature of the group so she just straight up confesses to you 
both of you are tired from a mission and share a half kiss/half hug where you’re just leaning against each other 
he was definitely popular in high school but it never went to his head, he just did his thing and hung out at the skatepark 
bit of a rebel 
he mostly just admired you from afar, and if you were ever together for group projects, flirted with you lowkey
never anything serious or enough to make you actually realize how he feels 
but enough to keep him infatuated 
when Brim announces that you guys have a new agent joining the protocol, you do not expect it to be Mateo 
both of you are shocked (it’s like the Spider-Man meme irl)
you do your best to make him feel welcome, taking him around and introducing him to everyone 
you decide one night to take him out for drinks with some of the other agents!! 
everyone starts to leave until it’s just you and Gekko
you’re both a little tipsy and start talking about high school
he admits he had a crush on you in high school and that he’s super happy you guys get to see each other again
kisses you & asks you if you want to go out again
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pro-mammonologist · 1 year
Dommy Mammoney Headcanons
(I did a subby one so it obviously deserved a follow-up)
- Cocky. Cocky AS FUCK. Second he’s comfy with domming MC he’s a cocky fuck.
- easily turned on but it takes him longer to cum when he’s domming
- loves asserting his dominance not even always sexually like he likes to tell Mc “sit on my lap” or “get me *random object*” only playfully tho but he loves it when you obey
- likes to avoid mc touching him too much when he’s trying to really really assert dominance because he will lose it so fucking fast
- Prefers to give as a dom. Service/pleasure dom for sure.
- will only give pain if mc really really really really gives complete and total permission. Terrified of hurting them. *needs the hurt vs harm conversation
- when he does give pain, he prefers sensation opposed to impact, similar to himself. Much more comfy playing with wax or heat, or ice. Rather humiliate Mc as well.
- when he does impact after much much negotiation, he loves to spank, use restraints and is more of the kind to cause discomfort.
- loves to include as much intimacy as possible mid-fuck. After some harsh spanks, he’ll rub Mc tenderly and kiss them heartily.
- can go the most rounds when domming, will want to keep going always as well.
- type of guy to get jealous of toys but should he find out you really like them… yeah Mammon is using vibes every single fucking time. Always up for overstimulation.
- always up for some throatfucking or face sitting, he will happily hold you down on his face so you can’t wiggle away or fuck your face to his hearts content
- wants to make you a big ole mess covered in cum and spit
- he won’t admit it but he’d totally be a leather daddy, he loves the aesthetic it’s hot as hell to him
- latex is too squeaky for him but seeing you in it esp if it’s tight and skin pokes out god hes fucking whipped
- likes to make you feel like you can only cum with his touch… it’s hard to explain its like he wants your pleasure to be entirely dependent on him and thinks this type of vulnerability is unbelievably attractive especially because it makes you feel like you need him
- for you to trust him to take control, it’s a huge compliment, especially since he knows humans are so much more fragile.
- actually discreetly asked Lucifer how he could be more dominant and Lucifer was like “I don’t like whatever you’re planning” and he’s 100% suspicious until he notices how Mammon’s behaving with you and he teased Mammon about it to no end
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ourflagmeansgayrights · 4 months
man i saw this and i was gonna write a whole post abt how maybe the problem for these ppl isn’t that ed wasn’t punished enough (even tho that’s what they say) maybe it’s that it’s a poorly-executed redemption arc but they don’t know how to verbalize that.
and that would actually make sense bc ed doesn’t have a redemption arc in s2. bc the show does not think ed needs redeeming. even at his worst and most harmful to the people around him the show is deeply sympathetic towards him and gives us sooooo much screentime dedicated to showing us that everything ed does he only does bc he’s hurting. which doesn’t excuse any of what he does but it does shift the narrative framing away from an actual redemption arc, where a character needs to like, learn why the things they did were bad and try to make amends. but ed never needed to learn anything, he knew his actions were unacceptable and that’s why he did them. he was trying to be the most horrific monster he could be in hopes that someone would get sick of him and kill him.
so then i went looking for an old post i wrote abt redemption arcs to talk abt why ed’s s2 arc probably reads like a poorly-written redemption arc for ppl who are expecting an actual redemption arc and. i change my mind actually. because “is this character willing to accept that their behavior is harmful, to make amends for their past behavior if at all possible, and to try and become a better person?” yeah we see ed do all of that tho.
Accept Their Behavior Is Harmful: i mean aside from the fact that ed knew this the whole time, we also see ed talking to fang about how guilty he feels for how he treated the crew. but like this isn’t zuko slowly unlearning an entire lifetime of fire nation propaganda, ed doesn’t need a season(s)-long arc abt this. He Already Knows
Make Amends For Their Past Behavior: like literally the whole thing with getting pushed off the ship!! wearing a sack and a collar at the crew’s behest!! he’s very much trying to make amends!!!!!
Try To Become A Better Person: there’s a lot i could talk abt here but just on a surface level, he’s trying to quit his job where he attacks and steals from random innocent ppl for a living. like objectively that job does not make you a good person. and also that job makes him miserable and when his mental health is in the shitter sometimes he hurts other ppl in his efforts to hurt himself so like!!! he is very much trying to not be the kind of person who forces crew members to fight to the death anymore!!!!
so yeah, thinking this was abt a “poorly-written redemption arc” was giving these ppl too much benefit of the doubt lol they just want to see ed grovel and suffer for an entire season, which was never going to happen lmao. the show thought izzy had more to apologize for than ed and that’s why ed’s apology was one sentence and izzy’s apology was a whole speech on his deathbed. the show thought izzy needed more punishment for his actions than ed did and that’s we see izzy get put through the physical ringer in the beginning of s2 and ed getting beat to death by the crew happens off-screen. ppl can argue all they want abt how ed did so much worse than izzy but at the end of the day the show disagrees with those takes and that’s why it treats these characters the way it does. die mad about it.
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hoseokslefteyebrow · 2 months
The Anomaly || JJK
Chapter 8: Seance
summary : In which you're isekai'd from your (own) parallel Jujutsu Kaisen universe to the canon universe.
wordcount : 2.9k
Pairing: Jujutsu Kaisen X Reader, eventually Character x Reader (idk who yet tho)
Masterlist | Next
Soon enough, you, Megumi, Yuuji and Ino are in front of the veil.
" Nope, it didn't even budge." 
Ino is watching with wide eyes as Yuuji punches the veil, which rumbles in response.
"N-nice try." 
It must be his first time seeing Yuuji's strength.
"  The veil's sturdy. We'll have to find a weak spot and put a hole in it, even for a moment. We can't do anything without getting inside."
While Megumi's speaking, Yuuji casually drop kicks a curse. You're not useless either. You've uncapped one of your two water skins, and have created a whiplash of the water, hitting curses left and right.
Ino glances at your skill, impressed. He's never seen anything like it before.
" Water Manipulation."
You answer the question he hasn't asked just yet.
His brows raise in surprise. He's never heard of that technique before.
Meanwhile, Yuuji blinks.
" Huh, why not?"
"Yuuji, this is the veil that keeps sorcerers from entering." 
You point out, cringing as Megumi's Demon Dog digs into the curse Yuuji just drop kicked like it's a meal.
"Veils are for cover and protection, right? Which fundamentally means that the one who deployed it must be inside." 
Soon enough everyone is brainstorming. It gets down to it that there's a good chance that the one who cast the veil is outside of it. Besides, if they were inside, Yuuji's punch must've worked. Which it didn't.
" By that logic, they must've centered it around a place that stands out, don't you think? because the increased risk of discovering would make it even stronger?"
You find yourself nodding to Megumi's words, eyes flicking to the high building behind you. If Megumi's words were true, then the building behind you would be a good, not so subtle, hiding spot.
" A place that stands out?"
All three guys follow your line of sight.
Cerulean Tower.
Soon enough, you've formed a plan together. Megumi would summon Nue, and Yuuji would use the cord he has kept around casually in his pocket (Maki said It'd be useful) to catch them off guard. You and Ino would take out the veil, which must be in some kind of bolt looking object, according to Yuuji. 
Soon enough, the plan is set in motion. Yuuji casually takes all three curse users by surprise, taking them with him with the cord, exactly according to plan. 
Ino glances at the odd bolt like sealed object.
"So this is the foundation of the veil?"
Yuuji nods, explaining that the conditions  for the veil were already inside.
soon enough, Ino breaks the object. 
However, the veil doesn't break.
" There must've been three."
You mumble, judging by the dots in the ground. You glance at the curse users, as do the others. Ino seems to catch sight of the curse user who's holding the remaining two at the same time you do. Yuuji is already chasing at the curse user by the time the two of you notice.
He calls something to Megumi as he launches himself and the curse user off the building, leaving you and Ino to deal with the two in front of you.
A grandma and her grandson, judging by the looks of it.
Literally, that's how they address one another.
" Now, I've got my underclassmen to look out for. I better snag some achievements and hit that first-grade rank." 
You're not sure why he's sharing this with you, or the curse users.
You don't bother asking, or uncapping either of your water skins. You need to be careful in your use of water. It's not like you can ever run out of a water source to be exact, but still.
You'd rather not turn to those measures.
Beside you, Ino summons something.
" Y/N. Join your classmates. I can handle this."
He'd rather keep all the first years together, just to be sure.
Your eyes flash with surprise. You glance at the curse users.
" Are you sure?" 
He nods.
You search his features before nodding. Turning around, you make quick work of jumping down. Still, you scream as you plummet right towards your friends. You hurriedly uncap one of your water skins, manipulating the water in it to the ground, the water reaching for you like an elegant wave. Megumi and Yuuji both seem surprised at your arrival.
" Wasn't the plan that you'd stay with Ino?" 
" he wanted me to join you two. What's the situation looking like?" You ask.
The two of them nod in front of them, towards the man who lies rolled up on the floor.
" Huh? His body is clean." 
You point out with a raised brow. Megumi nods.
"Exactly. Get up, sneaky old geezer!"
For a moment, the man doesn't respond. He simply remains there, ignoring Megumi's words.
" Good grief. Kids these days got no pity for us old folks." 
You watch as he gets up, snapping the wire around him like it's nothing.
" We can't waste time here."
" We won't. Y/N, follow me in."
You glance at Yuuji in surprise, before nodding, enforcing your whole body with cursed energy.
He must've remembered the training the two of you did not too long ago.
" Hey Y/N, we know you're pretty skilled with your cursed technique, but are you also good in hand to hand combat? Considering you always keep enemies at a distance." 
You glance up from where you're resting in the grassy field of the school, leaning against Nobara.
" What kind of question is that, Itadori? Do you want to fight her?" 
Nobara scowls at him from beside you. You smile at her expression.
Yuuji hurriedly shakes his head.
" Ah, no. I didn't mean it like that. I was just curious.-"
" I am. My mother wasn't sure if I would manifest a technique, so she made sure I knew how to handle myself if the other kids of the clan ever decided to pick on me. I used to fight a lot." 
Nobara raises a brow, turning to you in surprise.
" You did? You don't seem like the violent type."
" I'm not. At least, not anymore. I used to be before I manifested my cursed technique. I was a late bloomer as well, it didn't happen until I was 8.- But I used to pick a fight with any cousin who looked at me like I was dirt. That was a lot of cousins. Not Noritoshi though, we got along since the day we met. our mothers are fond of one another."
" Ah, right. You're part of the Kamo clan. what was your life like there?" 
You blink, shrugging.
" Hard. The Kamo clan hates me. My technique renders their own useless." 
They both nod. Truthfully, they don't really remember what the Kamo clan's technique was. Nor do they really care.
" Anyway-" 
You get up, dusting off your clothes as you turn to face him.
" You wanna try fighting me?" 
Yuuji blinks.
" Are you sure? I don't want to hurt you." 
" For that you need to be able to hit me first.-"
You grin at him.
" -Besides, I'm you twi- Sukuna's best friend. You think he ever goes soft on me during training?" 
Yuuji hums, grinning as he too gets up.
Nobara moves to the side of the field, your water skins laid beside her.
Megumi blinks, approaching the scene as he rubs his shoulder.
" What're they doing now?" 
" Training. How was your training with Maki?"
He grits his teeth, flexing his arm.
" Instructive." 
She smiles.
And then you and Yuuji move. 
You're surprisingly quick on your feet without your water skins adding extra weight on you. You dance around Yuuji like some kind of dancer, jumping around weightlessly as you avoid his hits and kicks. Sometimes, you dab at him right after you've avoided yet another punch.
Eventually, you haven't necessarily beaten Yuuji. However, he gives up, dizzy from the countless circling movements you move in.
Eventually, you end up making an easy gateway for Yuuji to punch through, time and time again. In between You and Yuuji's combined attacks, Megumi makes his way through with demon dog, along with aiming at him with a cursed tool. The old man is swift as well, avoiding most hits, and for some reason remaining unaffected by any other punch that does hit him.
Eventually, he takes out a pocket knife, shallowly slicing through Yuuji. Yuuji doesn't seem affected, back to punching him in the same second. Megumi comes between the two smoothly, Megumi's toad shikigami slinging the curse user into the wall.
" Itadori!"
" No worries, just a scratch." 
You follow the man's movements with your eyes, uncapping a water skin to heal the shallow cut on Yuuji anyway within seconds.
Yuuji nods at you in thanks.
" Such power. Such promising features."
How was this man still uninjured?
" Makes killing you all more worth it." 
Beside Yuuji, you can see Megumi puzzle as well from the corner of your eye.
Was he uninjured because of some kind of cursed technique?
" Demon Dog's claws can injure even special grades.."
" I hit him with all I got too.." 
" Then why..?" 
You can hear the frustration in Megumi's voice.
You wonder the same thing.
" Then how is he completely unscathed?"
You furrow your brows.
" He can't have something like cursed energy nullification.. right?"
All you get in response are furrowed brows of concern.
And then the man's on you again.
" We were free. But that freedom was taken from us! By Gojo Satoru!"
He manages to whack a kick right into Yuuji's face, Megumi's sword slicing right through the fence behind him.
" I will never retire!-" 
Megumi blocks his kick, the blunt back of his sword hitting the old man right in the head.
Sadly, he doesn't relent in his nonsense.
" I'll trample over the weak until the day I die!"
He manages to break free from Megumi, though Megumi does end up slicing him right across the face with his blade. You kick him away, creating a small distance again.
" Seriously, what's with this guy?! I get that he's tough, but there has to be more to it!" 
For a moment, you and Megumi try to puzzle his technique together, considering it has to have to do something with that.
"Hey! Gojo Satoru is here in Shibuya! You better leave the foundations for the veil behind and run!"
Both you and Yuuji glance at Megumi in question.
" What lousy bluff. Gojo Satoru is sealed. You guys yelled it out for the world to hear. Why do you think we curse users are out? Otherwise I would be sleeping."
So he can't beat Gojo sensei. It can't be cursed energy nullification.
" Fushiguro~, you suck at lying." 
Yuuji's pouting, laying a hand on his best friend's shoulder.
"It's okay though. You tried."
He's being dramatic, all puppy eyes. You can't help but giggle slightly at the behavior. Megumi seems more annoyed by it.
" Shut up."
" If you don't want to fight, I'll kill you now." 
" get ready."
You do just as Yuuji says, this time uncapping one of your water skins.- But then Megumi's eyes widen.
" Rabbit escape." 
At once, multiple rabbits hop up, out of Megumi's shadow, they block the man's vision. One ends up in Yuuji's arms, and you pick one up too. It's surprisingly soft. You didn't except shikigami to actually be soft. (  You've asked your universe's Megumi to let you pet his rabbits. He's always said no.) 
You glance at Megumi in surprise.
" Did you figure out his technique?" 
He nods, tugging Yuuji back by his hood.
Inverse, that's his technique. The harder you punch, the less damage he receives.
Megumi has a plan, one you can follow with ease. Act like you don't know. You will land an exceptionally useless attack, Yuuji a rough one, and Megumi in between. It should render his technique.
It takes only a few moments, and then you're back. Megumi opens the attack, landing max elephant right on the man's head.
The man grins.
" Is that all that you've got?" 
Max elephant dissipates. 
" Come down and face me like a real man!" 
The man yells up to where Megumi is currently stood on top of a lantern pole. Megumi simply points down.
" That's more their style." 
Yuuji straight up throws a car at him. 
Where he gets the strength from, you don't know. 
You follow him in, your water skin uncapped as you chase after him, a long elegant line of water following you at your command. Megumi and Yuuji follow in too, charging up for what would be 'the final blow'. All three of you at once, locking him in position. At the very last minute, your manipulation on the water loosens. It turns into one big splash, only strong enough to push over a young child at most. Megumi summons a toad shikigami at the last second, and Yuuji punches him square in the stumic.
The attack works. He's coughing up blood. You don't stop there, the three of you each punch him one by one, landing a hit square on him.
He doesn't like it.
" Don't get cocky over that, you brats!"
The three of you jump away. Yuuji charges up with cursed energy, pretending to hit him square in the face once more. However, just before his fist is about to make contact with the man's face, he drops all cursed energy. The power behind it disappears, instead landing a raw punch square on the man's face.
it seems like Megumi's plan worked out.
" You're surprisingly adept." 
" Really?" 
Yuuji cocks his head at Megumi's words. 
You smile, about to add on to their conversation, when you feel something.
It's like a call, pulling at your cursed energy.
Your smile falters, turning around in the directions where you can feel it coming from.
Was there perhaps another you in this universe with cursed energy? Or was it someone else?
" Pickled mustard leaf?"
Sukuna is angry. And disgusted. And irritated. especially irritated. How dare you disappear at the hands of the cursed spirit, causing him to chase after you? He's got zero idea what's wrong with Shibuya today. He can't leave, because of the stupid veil that keeps him from leaving. He's beating up curses left and right. ripping through them with a wicked blade, it's edges reversed, jagged, meant to inflict pain on curses ( for his own sick amusement, you cringe at it every time you see it.) there's something odd about the curses he's ripping through though. They're bleeding. 
Nonetheless, he keeps going, only pausing to look at Inumaki.
" Who the fuck you callin' Yuuji?!" 
For a split moment, tension between them rises. Sukuna raises his free hand, probably to swing it down for added dramatics, when he pauses, completely stilling. his eyes are fixed on his bracelet, the water in it swishing in a particular direction, even when he stands still. Sukuna's eyes are wide, realization hitting him.
Meanwhile Inumaki studies Sukuna. He looks like Yuuji, and he looks like Ryomen Sukuna, Yet he's completely different. He's much more buff, and for some reason, he's tall, taller than Inumaki, and taller than the Yuuji he knows. This must be your Sukuna. His tattoos are similar, yet not the same. There's no mark on his forehead, no slits under his eyes that should represent another pair of eyes. 
Meanwhile, Sukuna's focus shifts to Inumaki, his gaze hard. He still has no idea what's going on. As far as he's concerned. He's in his Shibuya. He has no idea about what's going on just yet.
" Where's Y/N?" 
Inumaki tenses.
He's heard that your Sukuna is different, kinder even, yet he's still intimidated. He's got no cursed energy. Yet the blood that's staining the jagged side of his blade, splatters of it on his face and clothes too, make him appear much more menacing than most sorcerers he's had to face. Especially with the cold look in his eyes.
He looks like he's ready to kill him.
[ A/N: Smoll heads up, I'm only catching up to what happens after Shibuya now and well,, err- it's a puzzle for the story line. After the Shibuya incident, updates will be slow.
ps. Would you be interested in silly little drabbles to keep you guys engaged in the story about Y/N in her universe? ]
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@luxylucylou @kalulakunundrum @strxbxrrylover @aethersslave @jenniferrvsesi @hanatsuki-hime @betizda
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ressjeon · 1 year
fish out of water | jjk
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pairing: human!jungkook x mermaid!reader summary: your routined excursion to the above world is at risk thanks to the harmless-looking stranger who might still be a threat to the discovery of your existence. rating: nc-17 | word count: 1k genre/au: fluff, modern retelling, fantasy, dark comedy, little mermaid!au warnings/content: alcohol consumption, threats (playfully tho), near-death experience
a/n: to celebrate the official release of the Little Mermaid live-action movie and MerMay, here’s a small thing from me ig cuz i can’t just let this jungkook go. poll who atp sorry y’all i wrote this when i was missing him sm 😭
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The moon has always enamoured you.
The clouds around it add to the picturesque of what you could have painted if artworks can be perfectly stored underwater.
Watching it from above water is unparalleled when you’re observing it from underneath. You bask in the moonlight, occasionally closing your eyes and imagining being able to moon gaze like this every night. That would be impossible including staying here any longer as it is strictly forbidden for you to be out here in the open on land.
It doesn’t matter as long as no one discovers you here—
“omg, a giant fish!”
You whirled right away in the direction of the loud voice, spotting its owner, a man walking sluggishly by the seashore towards you. Panic rushes through you at the prospect of being identified, your mind prompting you to think of possible ways of escape.
The position you are currently, sitting on top of the huge rocks unfortunately doesn’t give you much of an advantage to attack him unless he comes near. And he was slurring words that you’re trying to decipher. He doesn’t appear to have any weapons with him except for that strange transparent object in one hand with gold liquor in it. 
You ready your stance the closer he gets, bracing both your clawed hands in front of you. He might use that object or the liquor against you. One of your advantages is the lack of enough light where the scenario would’ve been different had it been during the day. You move your tail behind you so he won’t be able to see it further. 
“oh wait, you’re pretty for a fish!” the strange man starts to giggle as a points at you and you’re in confusion.
Did he just compliment you? Aren’t humans supposed to be scared of your kind?
“i’m not a fish” you declare calmly despite the wave of anxiousness bubbling in you. He may be just a human but he could also be acting all innocent, a perfect bait to lure you to his other comrades that may be hiding somewhere.
Waiting to capture you.
Your father warned you of how vicious humans are so you must not trust him even though he seemed harmless. You’ve looked around and a bit of relief washes through you when you found no one on the shore aside from him. Still, you mustn’t lower your guard. 
You continue to observe the man as he continues to walk where you’re sitting by the rocks. Only then you can see his face more clearly. He’s pleasing to look at, different from the humans that you’ve seen in fishing boats before. Wearing only a plain white shirt, its top buttons are undone which makes him more dashing than he already is. 
The simple loose pants he’s wearing perk your interest as you quite can’t figure out what material it was made of yet. 
“i must be drunk holy shit, i’m talking to a fish” he continues to laugh, smiling brightly while looking up to the sky and you’re getting warier of what he is planning.
You’re running out of time and this man is wasting it. You promised the others that you won’t be that long. You wouldn’t want them to come back and find you in a company of a human boy.
He’s right in front of you now, drinking what’s left of the strange object he’s holding before placing it on the dark sand. You’re surprised that he was able to stand up again, wobbly, sure, but it did not affect how he’s acting around you.
Quite the opposite for you the closer he gets.
Your eyes couldn’t help but follow his right arm, adorned with dark markings, some with colour but you couldn’t see the rest of it since he rolled his sleeves up until his elbows.
“how can i be a fish and talk to you like this?”
The man stares at you with furrowed eyebrows, confusion evident on his face.  Only then that you notice his hair, slightly damp curly that almost reaches the base of his neck.
“i can see your tail” he responds with a bit of clarity now, still confused but his curiosity overpowered it. He’s now trying to see behind the rocks, to see more of what the moonlight can show. He looks adorable, tip-toeing to get a glimpse of your tail and you’re tempted to show him just so he can leave you alone.
Fully revealing yourself could scare him or not but you’ll try. It worked with others before along with many threats. If not, then you could kill him though he doesn’t look like he can harm you in this state.
“i could eat you, but i'm full already” you hiss, trying to sound threatening and staring him down with a glare but the man starts laughing hysterically instead.
"i'm supposed to be eating you since you're a fish" he wheezes as he shakes his head, enough for him to lose his balance.
You catch him just in time and you have no idea why you did. You could’ve just let him fall on the rocks in front of you and call your sisters for another feast but you couldn’t find it in you to let it happen.
“damn..strong..fish” he slurred before losing consciousness in your arms. In a strange way, you find yourself smiling at the stranger’s remarks. He might be well-built but he weighs like nothing to you with your inhuman strength.
Up close, his rosy cheeks are glowing and you’re unable to avoid touching them, feeling the warmth coursing through you. Albeit your body’s much colder than humans, it piques your interest that he feels warmer than the others you’ve held before. You can also smell the bitter scent wafting off of him, leading you to think that all this was because of that golden liquor that he consumed.
You eye the glassy object, looking back and forth between him and it on what to do next. But his face distracts you again, noticing the pieces of jewelry on him. A silver necklace is peeking out underneath his shirt and only his right ear has silver bands on them. You’ve also noticed a ring-like silver metal attached to the right corner of his lower lip.
Is this a new way of putting on jewelry? 
It seems that you have plenty of things to catch up on and this man might help you with it. 
But will he when once wakes up or will he turn out just like the others? 
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e/n: i have big plans for this one but we’ll see lmao. lmk what you think tho!
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