#// i'm right
lesbian-in-leather · 7 months
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Based on this post and this tweet
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fadedgarter · 8 days
If you're an anti who says "you deserve it" to proshippers who have been abused/raped you are supporting rapist's and abusers.
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etz-ashashiyot · 5 months
I know I'm gonna regret posting this, but I just can't not say something: I'm so sick of people who are actively contributing to the ongoing oppression of and violence against Palestinians calling themselves "pro-Palestinian."
In the same way that so many people in the anti-abortion movement are actually pro forced birth rather than pro-child, there are a lot of you who aren't pro-Palestinian, you're just violently antisemitic or in it for yourselves.
If you aren't:
Also angry with the other countries that abuse their Palestinian populations, refuse them citizenship, keep them in displaced person camps under horrific conditions, and/or close their borders entirely to them;
In support of genuine grassroots movements that aim to create some kind of stability, peace, and safety through diplomatic relationships and community building, because that's ""normalization"";
Willing to condemn antisemitism in the diaspora, which helps fuels right-wing rhetoric in Israel;
Willing to shut down lies, propaganda, and disinformation even if it "supports" Palestinians in theory, because lying repeatedly associates the Palestinian movement with lying and makes it harder for survivors to tell their actual stories and be believed outside of the far left movements (and also the truth is bad enough - there's no need to lie);
Willing to focus on practical problem solving over political posturing, especially when it will save Palestinian lives;
Willing to condemn Hamas, which started this most recent disaster, steals aid meant for civilians, uses civilians as human shields, and has been torturing dissenters for years;
Willing to work with Israeli leftists who hate their current government and want peace and full equality for Arab Israelis and their Palestinian neighbors, and also have the best shot at making that change happen; and/or,
Willing to learn about Palestinians as living human beings and value their lives over using them as a political cudgel, whatever that looks like on the ground;
.............then maybe you're more interested in looking radical and jerking off to some fantastical version of The Revolution, and/or hurting Jews than you are in promoting peace, safety, dignity, and self-determination for Palestinians.
Like seriously with "friends" like these, do they even need enemies??
Anyway you should call out the Israeli government for its very real abuses of Palestinians and nothing in this post should be construed otherwise. But if you genuinely care and aren't just in it for internet cool points or leftist cred or feeding your Jew-hate boner or whatever, you gotta prioritize solutions that have a realistic shot at short-term relief and long-term possibility over whatever fits some idealistic goal that will only ever end with more dead Palestinians.
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I have a post that I'm not sure how to write (but am going to try anyway) about how the valid fight for the equal rights of Palestinians is directly tied to the fight against antisemitism; they are, in fact, the same fight.
Because the truth is that many of the worst Israeli policies and certainly Jewish support for them, comes directly from Jewish fear. And unless and until that fear stops being valid, those ideas will continue to have power and support for them within the community will continue. It's not paranoia or bigotry wearing the skin of fear if people the world over have, in fact, carried out numerous genocides and ethnic cleansings against your people. The Holocaust was just one of the worst in recent memory, but it is far from the only extreme mass violence against Jews. It is simply the culmination of 2000 years of anti-Jewish hatred and institutional oppression.
There MUST be a real, concrete answer to Jewish safety.
Anything less is sanctioning the violence already done to us and passively accepting more in the future, if not actively calling for it or starting those wheels turning yourself.
There are no ifs, ands, or buts about this.
Palestinians deserve an answer and justice. You will not get any argument from me about that. (Quite the opposite, in fact.) However, any answer to their safety that callously ignores the need for Jewish safety and self-determination is doomed to end in either another genocide against Jews or failure. It is as wrong as any form of Zionism-as-an-answer to Jewish safety that callously ignores Palestinian safety and self-determination.
Any answer that treats either people as lesser, as unimportant, that values their lives less, and does not flow from a place of truth, reconciliation, peace, and mutual respect is doomed to fail and likely to devolve into more bloodshed.
If you want to fight for Palestinian safety, freedom, dignity and self-determination, you must also fight antisemitism. If you want to fight for the safety, freedom, dignity, and self-determination of our brothers in Israel, we must also care about our Palestinian cousins. There is no other way. You cannot care about only one side and expect peace.
That's why I'm really drawn to organizations that have both Israeli Jewish and Palestinian leadership and fight for a shared vision of the future. They see that the only way forward is together, and those of us outside the land would do well to listen and adjust our advocacy and message accordingly.
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szollibisz · 3 months
Agent Curt Mega would've thrived in the 21st century. If he was put on adderall, given a smartphone with autocorrect and grindr on it, and every weekend he could go to gay clubs and do poppers he could've conquered the world. rip king you would've been an absolute menace to the gay scene on social media.
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blackdog-ss · 6 months
James Potter the type of mf to wear one of those night gowns with those stupid hats. He'd hold a lantern while walking down the stairs asking, "who goes there?"
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pressureplus · 1 month
Sebastian Solace Injury Headcannons
Warnings: Mentions of blood, anxiety, and Injury, but nothing too particularly graphic, You show up at his shop hurt and he takes care of you
(The way he cares for your injuries slightly varies depending on your relationship)
◞꒷◟ ͜ ͜ ◞ྀི◟୨୧◞ྀི◟ ͜ ͜ ◞꒷◟◞꒷◟ ͜ ͜ ◞ྀི◟୨୧◞ྀི◟ ͜ ͜ ◞꒷◟
• Immediately starts to chastise you the second he can smell the blood on you
• He doesn't have a nose, so how he scrunches it up is beyond you
• Your med kit isn't free, so you definitely owe him and yes, he will remember you owe him
• You can't refuse tho, he's already patching you up before you can really do anything about it
• What are you gonna do, fight him? Fight a thing more than 5 times your size with claws like steel knives? I don't think so.
• He's pretty good at patching wounds, and stays relaxed the whole time he's doing it
• The motions are practiced and easy as he cleans and gauzes and wraps you up
• "Because I pity you, I'll even let you lay on the cot in the corner of my shop, hmm?"
• Understands you are useless and stupid and small, so he guesses he can help you out and demand whatever extra data you have I'm your pockets about a week from now
• He isn't exactly the most concerned with your well-being, but does go out of his way to help you and take care of you sooo...
• You must mean something to him right?
If you're not together but he likes you
• Actually gets a little worried
• He flusters easily, the crush he has for you making it a little bit more difficult for him to think clearly
• That crush making his harsh reactions harsher and his soft ones hard to verbalize
• He grabs you
• I don't have any other way to put this, he literally just reaches out and grabs you before he really thinks about it
• You don't get an explanation, you don't get scolding, he just huffs and gets pissy while he's patching you
• "I thought you were better than this- You REALLY ended up this hurt over something so easy to get away from?"
• Yes, he knows the foul mouth he's got is tanking his chances of ever actually being with you, but he already figures you're never going to want to kiss a fish so why should he care?
• Even if rejection is imminent and unavoidable, and even if he feels the constant need to be mean to you so he can protect himself, he'll still take care of you
• He does like you for a reason- a lot of reasons. And he thinks about those reasons quite a bit... Of course he wants you to be okay
• You're his favorite person, and he would rather die than admit that but also would 100% prioritize your medical care over working his shop
• Him being so fast to grab and tend to your wounds is probably one of the only things you've ever seen from him that's made you sure he doesn't hate you
• Look, there's no way this man would be smoothing his thumb over your newly applied bandages and looking upset at the notion you'd be hurt without you being SOME kind of important
• It doesn't matter how stupid you are, dummy or not, this shit is painfully obvious when he's getting vulnerable over the idea of you getting a nasty enough scar
• Will not let you leave the cot in the room until you're all better, so get ready to be defensively degraded by your favourite shopkeeper for several consecutive days!
If you are together
• Open. Meltdown.
• Panicking, throwing the door on his little store closed and coddling you like you'll fall apart if he's not treating you with the utmost care
• Even scraped knees and bumped elbows get treated like they need full medical, so you can imagine the sort of reactions you're getting to actually bleeding
• Part of him immediately blames himself while he's frantically tending to your injuries, thinking he should have watched you better today, thinking that he should have protected you right
• The next part of him promises he'll be getting whoever or whatever did this to you back for it just as soon as you're all mended and comforted
• He's a mess, a muttering, coddling mess
• You get little kisses to the bandages, as well as some quiet murmurs that attempt to get onto you for not being careful
• The grip you've got around this man's heart is too much for him to be angry, nor pretend to
• You may nearly make him cry if it's bad enough, and his hands may shake at the sight of you so hurt
• Will threaten you if you even THINK about dying, remember he can do worse to you and will if you don't shut up, he can't cope with thinking about losing you shut up shut up shut up-
• Until you're healed, you aren't leaving his bed. He puts you in HIS bed and cuddles up to you any chance that he gets
• You're going to get teased when you're all better and his brain registers it's not a big deal, but until then this is your big, protective fishy husband whether you two have gotten married officially or not
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roroyloverboy · 11 months
the reason roman's loudness and oddity work's well and is inticing is because he is such a tightly, neurotically controlled character in other ways (eating disorder, freaked out by the altered state of sex, uniform like wardrobe, us never seeing him drunk, etc.) Because of the presure he builds inside himself, words and gestures burst out of him erratically. that's what makes him so compelling, and it makes him more vulnerable than his siblings by default.
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silverameco · 9 months
Sirius is the biggest jegulus shipper and James is the biggest wolfstar shipper
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mintacle · 2 years
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Utrh re-write but Dick janks the gun out of Bruce's hand and shoots Joker repeatedly and keeps shoooting long after the Joker has stopped cackling and stopped breathing. Jason is standing there in shock because he can't believe that this finally happened and the poor boy is going through a lot of emotions and Bruce only reacts after way too long to lower Dick's arm without a word.
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nate-acmilan · 3 months
A true good football captain is a mother. "Captain qualities" is just being a mother
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cosmicwhoreo · 1 year
I was recently looking at CRK TV tropes and saw interesting description of Abalone Cookie being a foil to Captain Caviar Cookie: Both are captains yet both their meetings with Black Pearl Cookie are vastly different wity "Abalone whimpers and cries in fear while Caviar just calmly talks to her." I find this scenrio kinda hilarious because its very true.😂
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like it's even a competition-
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spirk-trek · 5 months
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the weird christian girl and her closeted bff she thinks is into her
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fraddit · 3 months
Karen Wilson is a trekkie. She's seen every episode multiple times.
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ash-rigby · 1 year
sorry but nothing beats a bulge in lacy underwear
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batneko · 10 months
OKAY BUT CAN WE ACKNOWLEDGE that the "alone on thanksgiving? mad at your dad?" is actually PERFECT for bowuigi??? Movie-canon, games-canon, "modern" AU, reverse AU. Every possible variation is a banger, no missed shots.
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