#// i've seen the first movie so many times tbh
galaxietm · 2 years
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finished watching Disen.chanted, catch me picking up a muse from both movies (partially in thanks to @peachiiihearts​ enabling me but also bc i love him)
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iridescentscarecrow · 11 days
thoughts on 165 / 166! i wrote a short para on 165 a bit before 166 dropped, but here they are for context. anyways umm 166:
the framing of this scene as comedic is also so interesting. this sense of disconnect/seperation; the prev chapter where we're witness to denji's own jarr w. how the others handle the normalcy of death/warzone. here the jarr is redirected to how we percieve denji. the audience, like nobana, finds what he says comedic, or just palpably out of place, like asa. it's this shift in orientation where we're directed to view denji as floundering/reduced to punchline... and perhaps even more significantly: Abnormal.
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views on sex | there's a lot of intense self hatred wrapped up in here as compared to (128): its emphasis on connection (what makima told him about intimacy). by contrast, the brothel is depersonalised. p2's emphasis on connection (parasocial as presented to asa by yoshida, nayuta's chapters) makes this hollowing out of denji very central to how us/he regards sex. this hypersexual self at points overlaps with the ultra masculine figure of the CSM, a figure he has grown to hate. (there's also much to be said about makima's actions in p1 and their aftermath as seen in their culmination here, but that's a whole other discussion TBH. )
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protagonism | masculinity: i've talked q. a bit how asa's shafting / relegation to csm's "woman" also removes the visibility of her desires from the pages of the story. the previous arc centers/evokes gender in many ways: from how eyepatch talks about his wife to katana as a whole... chainsaw man was taken apart, in a sense, on that dissection table. denji's transition to being "an ordinary human," outside the lens of the protagonist (where asa resides, the other side of the screen in that theatre) is through a crude removal of percieved "manhood."
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3a. on this note: i'm heavily reminded of the theatre scene. through yoshida talking to denji about <protagonism>: the same unremarkableness to violence (others will clean it up) placing denji on the other side of the screen. & this mention of his wiener/pecker too (the two times it's been brought up in the story).
the former: wielded in a manner to bring him to the very stage where the movie's being screened
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& the latter: part of this Removal [of the csm], pointing him towards a shadowed alley. they're also distinctly different in how sexuality is percieved in both these scenes (including the nature of the comedy, in both situations, being denji in distress); and i find it interesting to situate this where the fumiko scene is post his first convo w. asa about sex.
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firefly--bright · 1 year
jean kirstein modern headcanons!!!
warnings : none! gender neutral pronouns used, if any.
a/n: HI HELLO I'm so so SO sorry for the late fics. my finals ended like a month ago and oh my god I've just been Going Places™ like my schedule is jam packed with meeting up with people i haven't seen in three months because of the exams :/ I'm working on the requests!!! i promise, i read them and i am working on them. but!!! here are some headacanons to.... make up for the lack of content :3
taglist : @mrsnobodynobody , @holding-ishu-and-a-book
✿ masterlist is in linked in pinned post! ✿ enter my taglist ✿
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• he doesnt have a big sweet tooth but he LOVES chocolate like can't live without it. if you're also a chocolate person, he'll buy your fav ones for you and lowkey judges you for it ("why would you like this one???? the one i like is wayyy better you should get those")
• he's most definitely a friend's to lovers type guy. he never really thought he would be, though. he's a hopeless romantic and falls in love with anyone and everyone BUT he's also, as mentioned before, more hopeless than romantic. he'll yearn for the person from a distance, so he doesn't really think that he would go and fall in love with his best friend, of all people. you fall first he falls harder type beat yk?
• he's kind of gives off this confident, cocky and kind of intimidating vibe about him. when you first met him you just knew he thought a little too highly of himself. but after getting to know him, he's super vulnerable and soft and actually tries to be close to you. his intimidating Mr. i-fold-my-arms-over-my-chest-to-show-off-my-biceps persona is just a front, like he thinks being that coccky guy will make people think he's like mysterious or something and want to be his friend/partner
• i have a bi jean agenda actually
• thinks VERY highly of you. asks for your advice on everything even if you might not be good at giving it, hed want to know what you, specifically, think
• he's an architecture major :D i know alot of people have diff headcanons of him doing pol-sci/law (which are all valid tbh i agree with those hcs) but!!! i think he chose architecture because he has the right amount of passion for it. it's the closest thing to art he can have. he loves art but he's also aware that it doesn't...pay well, neither does he want to loose his passion for art. hes heard one too many stories of people choosing art and regretting it because their passion for art is no longer just a passion. Jean's scared he'd lose his love for it.
• isn't really used to physical touch, and if you're a touchy feely person, he's a little surprised when you hold him for the first time. he quickly grows into loving your touch tho and initiates cuddles :)
• hes kinda super smart. like he scores really well in class and always has. not only that, but he's gifted athletically as well
• he's more of a listener than a talker, i think. hed initiate conversation, ask you about you day and let you take away the conversation. doesn't really mind if it's "all about you", but if you ask him about anything, he'd gladly talk.
• hes actually SO shy when it comes to actually doing relationshippy things. the first time you held hands as a couple and not just friends, he had a nervous breakdown. he couldn't even look you in the eyes when he asked you out on a date, even if it was just a casual movie night at home
• he's very organized, surprisingly. he's not a clean freak but he just likes knowing where things are. rarely rearranges anything because it not only frustrates the hell out of him, he'd also have to get used to the new arrangements.
• he has a fixed skincare routine!!! he had acne as a teenager so he started taking skincare more seriously. knows a lot about different products, and if you don't have a fixed skincare routine, he'd tell you to have one. if you have super sensetive skin (like me) and can't handle anytjing other than basic face wash, he'd remind you to wash your face every night.
• he also is protective of his hair!!! he used to have dyed hair, but it didn't go well. he TRIED to bleach his hair but failed and half of his hair came out :')) he never dyes his hair anymore but he does freshen up his mullet every now and then. doesn't let anyone but his mom and you touch his hair.
• asks you if you can help him with oiling his hair because he saw one of those tiktoks saying they work really well. if you're anything like me and are used to oiling your hair every week, you'd massage his hair and his eyes close and his entire body relaxes the moment your hands weave through his hair <3
• LOVES showing you off. either in little ways (by swinging your hands together while walking) or by literally making his entire Instagram page about you. all of his six posts (he rarely posts, but whenever he does it's all about you) have you in them. the cheesiest captions, too. if that wasn't enough, he'd have (y/n)'s with your fav colour heart emoji next to your name in his bio to let literally everyone know who he's with.
• he actually loves to cook!!!! as said before, he'd very organized, so i feel like he'd also be into meal prepping. he watched those aesthetically pleasing videos of people rearranging their fridges with ungodly amounts of plastic cabinets. his own fridge is sort of a mess becahse he doesn't know what goes where :') but he does meal prep, and sometimes even packs you lunches with lil notes
• speaking of notes, he's not really good at talking about his love for you. like he'd show it in so many ways but he can't say it out loud. not only does he get uncharacteristically shy, he's always had issues with saying the words "i love you" out loud, so he either writes about it or draws you <3 you'd find random notes and letters written to you, sometimes with just. a cheesy joke, sometimes he actually Tries and writes a whole letter for you pouring out all the things he can't say out loud.
• the start of your friendship, you two bicker alot. it's clear you care about each other, but he loves teasing you because he knows you'll shoot back.
• he wears really thin eyeliner on special occasions <3 he doesn't like bold looks, but he does like how subtly the eyeliner makes his eyes look different. if yiure good at makeup, he'd ask you to help him.
• has a plethora of diff hats tbh like he collects them like an addiction. he has a fedora and beanies and bucket hats and normal embroidered hats. he has so many it's concerning
• he's very good at driving. when the two of you started getting closer, he'd ask you on long late night drives, either for take-out or just to listen to music and talk. he enjoys your company while driving. if you usually have motion sickness in cars, you will never feel nauseous in his car. he drives very smoothly, not too fast and not too slow. he's kind of a perfectionist (not extremely) and literally screams at Connie to slow down when he goes even a little over the speed limit. he drives the whole time in every road trip.
• his fav dessert is cheesecake. his unpopular opinion is that they're the perfect ratio of sweet and savoury, crunchy and soft.
• hes one of those people to fall asleep anywhere and everywhere. on the couch, at the table, no matter how loud it is or how bright it is. he's a light sleeper and also a snorer. if you're cuddling together, he'd either lay on top of you or wraps not one but both of his arms around you. one under your neck to provide a nice neck cushion, and one draped over your stomach.
• he runs warm, which is both a blessing and a cruse. in summers, even if he'd want to cuddle with you, you feel the need to get as far away as him because he's just so warm. you'd wake up in your own sweat if you do decide to take the risk and let him cuddle you. in winters though, his warmth is very welcome.
• loves it when you hug his arm while walking. if you're tired and kind of lean into him, expect him to eat that shit UP because he loves your warmth as much as you love his. loves it when you lean into him or hug his bicep. even flexes his muscles for effect (you definitely tease him for that)
• is not a fan of thunderstorms, he kind of has bad memories. either from being left out while the ither kids play in the rain, either from the rumbling and the scary sound that comes with thunders that resembles the sound of his angry father or its just how inconvenient it is.
• his dad wasn't really in his life that much, always away on business. every time he would come home, he'd srot of criticize jean's hobbies :( his mom eventually seperated from Jean's father and started her own bakery, hence Jean's love for chocolates.
• he panics very hard when you feel sick. he jumps right into his mama bird genes and makes you a soup from either his mother's recipie or he'd call your mother and ask her for her own sick day recipies. he'd feed it to you and refuse to leave you alone until you've had your meds.
• he loves kissing your forearm for some reason. you loop your hands around his neck after kissing him, so it's the closest to his mouth. he turns his head slightly, closing his eyes as he pecks your forearm :3 it's kinda a weird spot to like kissing, but it's really endearing when it comes from him.
• he has a couple small tattoos here and there. two of the five he has have actual meaning whereas the other three are just for fun
• he wants whatever you want. if you want children in the future, he'd be there with you. if you want nothing but a large house and a couple pets, he'd love to make your dream come true. he's passionate and extremely good at what he does, and he takes pride in it.
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kiyoitiepie · 5 months
My Favorite BL Dramas of 2023
happy new year to everyone who uses the gregorian calendar. we had so much good content come out this year. i'm gonna list my favs. please remember these are my personal faves and may be objectively terrible. do not be alarmed.
My Beautiful Man S2 and Movie
If you ask me this series is one of the best bls of all time. idc idc. im a hira and kiyoi girlie through and through. how many bl's do you know with 2 seasons and an original movie. not those repackaged ones that they try to hand feed us. an actual movie with a plot???? the bar is on the floor clearly. but hira and kiyoi are gonna surpass that bar every. single. time.
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Love Tractor
I didn't hear enough people screaming about Love Tractor. crickets tbh. Which is blasphemous in my opinion. How could you be quiet when this lovely bumbling himbo with the dopiest grin is on your screen? look at him!!
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Eighth Sense
10's across the board. No question. No notes.
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this scene^ BROKE me
Our Dining Table
Ok hear me out. I didn't think this was the best bl in the world BUT it was so wholesome that it deserves a spot. top tier comfort show. It got me through many bad days. Admittedly, there were a few times I purposely put it on bc i knew it would put me to sleep. please don't jump me.
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Unintentional Love Story
Now...I'm not a huge kbl person. However, this was really nice. Had a solid plot. I don't remember much abt it but I know there was pottery and I had a good time
Only Friends
This was culture. This was a movement. I will never forgive them for how they treated Boston. Even still, I was there every week ready for the chaos. I had the time of my life.
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Bed Friend
It's hard to believe this came out this year. Like ??? But really that shows how much I've established this show as a classic in my mind. BED FRIEND? UEA? baddest bitch in the land?? KING? greenest flag out there???? (debatable but for the sake of my argument lets pretend). It had every element. good plot, great visuals, a little heat. like come on who else is doing it like them?
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i just know if me and uea were ever in the same room he would judge me so much
Dangerous Romance
I've seen mixed reviews on this one but I had a fun time. Kanghan is a prissy little spoiled brat, but he's my prissy little spoiled brat. I loved their story progression. Which is saying a lot for me bc I don't like enemies to lovers. like why are we fighting? also "i'm an introvert" is the funniest shit i've heard all year.
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La Pluie
this was so shockingly good i wish it got more attention. iqiyi in general really did their big one this year. when it rains you can only hear your soulmate? love!
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Laws of Attraction
this was a rollercoaster. i started watching ironically because i thought it would be terrible when i saw the mc go super saiyan. that shit is still hilarious idc.
Love Syndrome III
Now before we start throwing tomatoes...let's hear me out. Nothing has caught my attention this year the way this series did. This was another series I was watching ironically until suddenly i wasn't. It's also just so funny that they released the third one without dropping a first or second. but bad bitches don't need to explain themselves. and YES love syndrome is a bad bitch. let's stop acting like we watch bl's solely for the quality. i don't need marvel cgi to have a good time. sometimes a dollar store wig and the most toxic couple you've ever seen is enough to make some shit shake. if this was released during the tharntype era??? oh bitches would've ate it up. HAPPILY. rant over.
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Last Twilight
it's good man. what more can i say? i hope it doesn't disappoint me in the end.
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Pit Babe
i'm very pleased. very much so. i know alot of folks went into this show expecting a little teehee. to laugh at the omegaverse racecar show. NOT ME. i've waited for this moment. and anyone who's seen me screaming in the tag can attest. this is a game changer. not just for bl but the fandom community at large. and don't even get me started on their chemistry. babe's smile whenever he's around charlie?? mama and papa?? MAMA AND FUCKING PAPA?? we deserve this and i will bask in it for as long as I can. jeff had better be pregnant by the end of the show.
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^ that’s his charlie smile 🥲
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nerves-nebula · 11 months
Hello. I have never seen an "teenage mutant ninja turtles" show, comic, or movie. The characters however, appeal to me. If any one show or movie would suffice, where should I begin? Other sources have not been helpful.
OHHH GODDD OK WELL. OK SO. the thing is that different iterations are SO different i'm not entirely convinced that comparing them to each other is very ?? helpful?? a lot of people these days get into tmnt through the 2018 animated show Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja turtles. HOWEVER, that show only has like 2 seasons and is not the end all be all of the tmnt universe.
it's kind of hard for me to advise you to watch or read any one specific piece of tmnt media to get into it, because I kind of just already knew about it the entire time growing up?? like i never really actively watched it but i was generally aware of the concept for my entire life.
and i'm not sure exactly ABOUT the tmnt characters interests you, so i wouldn't know where to point you.
with all that as a disclaimer here's some of the more popular film/tv shows (I'm about as lost as you when it comes to the comics to be honest)
ROTTMNT/rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles. it's the newest series as far as i know and it has fantastic animation. it's very funny and lighthearted most of the time and the boys even get magic powers (eventually) it's the one that really got me into tmnt. this one kind of switches around the roles of the characters. Usually you'll see Raph being depicted as the rash one, or the one with anger issues who strikes out on his own (and i still think thats true to an extent in rottmnt) but he, as well as Leo, are definitely portrayed in a different way than normal in rottmnt. which i like tbh it's fun. (i could write a whole essay about how their characters are different but also kind of the same in rottmnt vs other media but that would take all day)
TMNT 2012 series. The 2012 series is very influential as well, and heavily beloved by many. I haven't seen all of it yet, but it's biggest drawbacks (to me at least) is its very 2010's american childrens show style of comedy which can come off as uncomfortably cruel/annoying if you aren't ok with it. it's also an early years CGI animated show, so sometimes things don't look as good as they could. STILL it's definitely interesting and i like the dynamics between the brothers there so I'd give it a chance.
TMNT 2003 series. honestly i havent heard a lot about this one, but i really like the style and ive watched a few episodes of it, and it's definitely solid, sorry i can't say much more than that.
TMNT 1987 series. also can't say much about this one but it is hella goofy from what i've watched of it. it's also the original cartoon series i believe, airing as a sort of "saturday morning cartoon" situation.
TMNT 1990 movie. this one is part of a trilogy of tmnt movies, but i've only seen the first and a half movies. I really enjoyed the first one, it was a fun time and kind of campy, and the guy who plays casey jones is cute. this one is live action and the turtle costumes can look off putting to some people, but personally i liked them.
im sure people in the replies/reblogs of this post will add their opinions too haha
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gunsatthaphan · 5 months
~ Monthly BL Breakdown: December 2023 ~ 
🎆 Happy 2024!!! 🍾
Disclaimer: ALL shows can be streamed here or here, as well as on Youtube and other platforms. For more info on where to watch what, check out this post! 
New breakdowns are coming at the end of every month - feel free to add stuff! -> previous breakdowns
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What came out this month? (green = seen/currently watching)
🌟 You're My Star (Christmas Special) - December 4th (Philippines)
🌟 Bagan Beginning - December 5th (Myanmar)
🌟 Chains of Heart: The Movie - December 7th (Thailand)
🌟 Cherry Magic Thailand - December 9th (Thailand) ✅
🌟 It's Complicated - December 14th (Thailand) 
🌟 Dear Kitakyushu - December 14th (Thailand) 
🌟 Colorful Melody - December 16th (Thailand) 
🌟 Night Dream - December 16th (Thailand)
🌟 DMD Friendship (reality show) - December 17th (Thailand)
🌟 Scent of Memory (I Feel You Linger in the Air Special Episode) - December 17th (Thailand)
🌟 Dead Friend Forever - December 23rd (Thailand) 
🌟 I Became the Lead in a BL Drama - December 24th (Japan)
🌟 Mr. Nice Guy & the Lonely Man - December 25th (Thailand)
🌟 Love on Lo - December 26th (Thailand)
🌟 You and My Stars - December 30th (Thailand)
Monthly likes/dislikes
❣️ Cherry Magic - It's cute so far, this is the first adaption where I've actually seen the original and I'm pleasantly surprised. The plot is familiar but they're adding things to it which is nice. It's extended and more explorative compared to the OG but in an endearing way. TayNew do the roles justice, I couldn't imagine a better fit tbh. And even Mark and Junior make the side couple likable who I really did not like in the original lol. Thumbs up so far 🫶🏻
New series & movie announcements
🎥 Knock Out (produced by Dee Hup) - Date TBA (Thailand)
🎥 First Time Love - Date TBA (Thailand)
🎥 Perfect Propose - Coming February 2024 (Japan)
🎥 The Fridge - Date TBA (Thailand)
🎥 Caged Again - Date TBA (Thailand)
🎥 Likay The Series/Let Me Into Your Heart (novel adaption) - Date TBA (Thailand)
🎥 The Only One - Date TBA (Taiwan)
Other news from the BL world
❗️ GMMTV's upcoming BL We Are has started filming. The show will be directed by New Siwaj and stars PondPhuwin, WinnySatang, AouBoom, MarcPawin and more. It is thus the first production from the 2024 lineup to go into production. Aside from that, many other upcoming BLs have started filming including The Trainee, Only Boo and Wandee Goodday.
❗️This year's Y Universe Awards were held on December 11th. The following BL actors & productions won:
Cutie Pie 2 You - Best Series
Moonlight Chicken - Best Series Script
Aof N. - Best Director (MLC)
Gemini N. - Best Supporting Actor (MLC)
Khaotung T. - Best Supporting Actor (MLC)
Fourth N. - Best Leading Actor (MSP)
ZeeNunew - Best Couple
I Feel You Linger in the Air - Best Series Soundtrack, Best Production
Laws of Attraction - Best Social Reflection
❗️The Japanese BL The Man Who Defies The World of BL is getting a third season to air in 2024. Further details are unknown.
❗️After further copyright issues, the Thai remake of the Japanese BL Cherry Magic had to be removed from youtube and will no longer be aired on the site. The show will continue to only be available nationally on VIU. Viewers with a VPN can still access the site, other streaming options are KissKH, Dramacool and KissAsian.
❗️The streaming platform WeTV announced a new original BL titled Caged Again which tells the love story between a penguin and a panther. Both animals transform into humans while travelling between universes and fall in love. The show is set to air in 2024, the cast is unknown.
❗️The Thai BL production company Domundi announced their upcoming project The Next Prince to release its pilot trailer in the first quarter of 2024. The show stars ZeeNunew and others and has a historical theme. Filming will likely begin later this year.
Upcoming series & movies for January
👉🏻 BL Drama no Shuen ni Narimashita: Crank In Hen - January 2nd (Japan)
👉🏻 Ossan's Love Returns - January 5th (Japan)
👉🏻 Refund Love - January 7th (Thailand)
👉🏻 Time The Series - January 9th (Thailand)
👉🏻 Intern in My Heart (BL side couple) - January 10th (Thailand) 
👉🏻 Sukiyanen Kedo Do Yaro ka - January 11th (Japan)
👉🏻 I Wish You Love - January 21st (Thailand)
👉🏻 Beside You (mini series) - January TBA (Thailand)
👉🏻 Love for Love's Sake - January TBA (South Korea)
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caplanbuckybarnes · 2 months
15 Questions for 15 Friends
(nobody tagged me, i seen this on my dash and wanted to do it myself)
Are you named after anyone? my uncle! who (tragically) was murdered by his brother. He died when he was 16, so, ofc I've never met him.
When was the last time you cried? Uhhh.... last week, maybe?? i cant actually remember tbh.
Do you have kids? I have a stepson!
What sports do you play/have you played?I did cheerleading for like two weeks back when i was like 9? lmao
Do you use sarcasm? yes, fluently, actually..
What’s the first thing you notice about people? their teeth & eyes!
What’s your eye color? brown!.
Scary movies or happy endings? happy endings, i don't watch too many scary movies.
Any talents?i don't actually think i have any talents, sadly...
Where were you born? Philadelphia!
What are your hobbies? playing RS3/Oblivion/Saints Row, and writing fanfics
Do you have any pets?two cats! i love them to pieces.
How tall are you?5 foot 6 inches
Favorite subject in school? English
Dream job? literally, nothing. i dont want to work at all. i'd rather be a stay at home wife. lol.
tagging the first 15 people on my dash!
@sloppyzengarden @cevansbaby-dove @yourbuckies @bloodydeanwinchester @whateveriwant @vostok3-ka @darkficsyouneveraskedfor @targaryenvampireslayer @mrs-illyrian-baby @jaqui-has-a-conspiracy-theory @yarrystyleeza @celamity @kinanabinks @itsaudreyhornebitch @sarahowritesostucky
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turrondeluxe · 9 months
Hey ik on that "equally distribute the horrors" post, a lot of people were talking about Mikey needing horrors (tbh he deserves some, they all need equal rights to the horrors.), but I've never seen anyone even talk about the horrors for Raph? Maybe that's just me and my web experience tho. (If you have any examples of Raph dealing with the horrors pls list them, my cousin ((who also says Mikey needs more horrors, at least)) and I are desperate)
ah that's probably because i specified mikey in the tags because im a mikey enjoyer who is followed principally by more mikey enjoyers teeheee
but huh
i guess i understand what you mean
in terms of Raph Horrors™ we have
mmmm i unfortunately won't include every single horror from every single tmnt iteration out there. there's too many for me to remember all the specific raph horrors from each of them rn so i'll just list some random ones off the top of my head 😺
Feel free to add more to the raph horrors list! lol
- Raphael gets progressively demutated and basically reverts to a normal turtle for a while
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(the panels of when this was happening were actually very emotive and made me cry) he does say this when he's back to normal which i find very funny tho
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90's movies
- Raph gets beaten the fuck up and then gets thrown trough a skylight. He's then placed in a bath tub while he heals (Leo is the one who never leaves his side on this iteration)
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- Nearly injures Mikey greatly with a metal tube because of anger (He feels really bad about this and i def think this moment never truly left his brain ever)
- Getting kidnapped by footbots, getting interrogated by Hun
- All the fights with shredder or karai/all the injuries gotten in all the fights with shredder or karai
- Same As It Never Was Raph
- Watching his injured older brother get thrown to a window and watch said older brother heal from his wounds
- Seeing himself as the shredder/ thinking himself as the shredder
- Got his home raided countless times
- Getting separated from his younger brothers + dad in one of said times and waiting alone in the surface without knowing if his family even made it out alive
- Witnessed dad get disintegrated
- Brainwashed (actually getting infected with a digital virus but eh). Him and his brothers are foot ninjas for an unspecified amount of time (maybe days). During this, shredder sends the brothers to the most mortal/difficult missions in hopes that they die under his command.
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- Getting thrown into the future (Raph is the one brother who hates this event the most lmao)
- Witnesses older brother get kidnapped and blames himself for it
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2011 IDW
- Raph gets separated from his family before mutating. Spends years homeless and by himself before his brothers find him again (this forever makes raph feel that even if he's with his family. he somehow doesn't belong)
- Right after getting mutated he spent some time being cared by Buck (blind homeless guy that is the first person ever/parent figure that's nice to Raph). Watches Buck get beaten to death. (Possibly. Buck did survive but i can't remember if he did die because of his injuries. still. traumatizing to raph that was still fairly new to the world)
- Forced to be family warrior/protector (he doesn't want this, he just wants to be a farmer man 😔👊)
- Witnessed shredder stab Casey (Raph's bestie/first ever friend that he relates to)
- Had to fight against brainwashed brother (Foot Leo)
- Witnessed Donnie's corpse (would def fuck u up if you feel like the protection of your family is your responsibility)
- Gets kidnapped and experimented with/tortured
- Dad dies, rip 🕊️
- Losing Spike (he literally stayed 15 years underground with only his family for company. spike meant so much to him)
- Watching mikey get hurt because of his bad leadership literally made him freeze up and not know what to do at all
- The whole scene of splinter letting his brothers insult him. what the hell 💀
- Fighting his (brainwashed/hypnotized?) dad
- Cockroach mutant
- Watching his older brother get thrown trough a window (the sequel). And watching said older brother be extremely injured.
- Leo 3 month coma
- Brainwashed via worm that ate all the way through his skull and into his brain
- Dad dies, rip 🕊️ the sequel (this happens quite a bit in the series) and hil being in the front row of how splinter gets mortally wounded and then thrown off the roof
- Fighting his family while brainwashed
- kidnapped and being put into an oven to die (and would have died if leo didn't go ham and destroyed his enclosure)
- Witnessed someone kill himself while he was actively trying to prevent it
- Witnessing the death of both two little brothers
- Witnessing older brother nearly die. Again (Again. this happens quite a bit in the series)
- the whole mutant bomb apocalypse holy shit
theres def more that im forgetting mb
- Home gets raided, the sequel
- All brothers get kidnapped except for him
- BROKEN SHELL BECAUSE OF SHREDDER AND HE JUST KEEPS GOING???? please..............take one second to rest THATS YOUR SPINE
- Eldest sister syndrome
- The fucking bunny plushie that I've forgotten the name of (his siblings were so mean for no reason at all that ep 😭)
- Rise shredder
- Having to forcefully remove his family from deathly situation even if it meant leaving a beloved family member behind (he prob blames himself about karai ....augh)
- Kidnapped/taken hostage (?)
- Kraang Brainwashed
- Having to fight younger brother while brainwashed
- Apocalyptic Kraang Future
The last ronin
- Died for literally no reason at all . fly high king 🕊️
Mutant mayhem
- Getting kidnapped (quite violently too)
- Milking Machine
- Getting shell cracked from being squished too hard
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WHAT THE HELL WHY IS SNAPE SO MUCH MORE CRUEL IN THE BOOKS? 💀 Thank you so much for telling me all that btw, I think I understand why so many hate him now, since I've only seen the movies I was always flabbergasted when people said that they hate Snape but bro is a literal creep. Taking Lily's photo is sooo weird wtf 😭 Also why is he tormenting a literal 11 year old boyy. Damn. And poor Hermione :')
Thank you for your time btw! ^^
Also, are there any honorary mentions in the books? Not necessarily about Snape too perhaps but maybe anyone or anything else? Like, are the books that different from the movies? Low-key makes me wanna read them but I don't feel like buying the books 💔 (':
You don't need to buy anything! It's free if you search online. I haven't bought a single book but I've read the whole series online and even found the audiobooks free online lmao.
Honorary mentions?
Tbh, when Harry visits his parents graves in deathly hallows, I was always moved by the line 'he wished he was sleeping under the snow with them'
And I think all the chapters in Half blood prince that focus on Voldemort's memories from when he was a young man are super engaging. Everything about his family is interesting, imo.
I liked how, when Hermione asks Ron to be her date to Slughorns party, Harry gets all flustered and says he 'knew something like this would happen'
I like how, when Harry uses the resurrection stone in the last book, he and his mother are so enthused to be able to look at each other that they just gaze at each other for a bit.
I LOVE the scene with Madame Maxine and Hagrid when we find out Hagrid is a half giant. I'm a sucker for characters telling people they like "don't go". And I love how Harry is all like "oh damn. I should NOT be hearing this conversation"
There's a moment where Harry tells the dursley's that Voldemort has come back, and aunt petunia expresses fear. Harry says it's the first time he appreciates that petunia is his mother's sister. I think it's so cool that petunia, someone who does her best to live a smuggle life, is still very aware of the kind of threat that Voldemort is. I feel like that's a detail a lot of people look over. To me, that scene adds a whole new layer to how terrifying Voldemort is.
I like how Neville gets given a candy wrapper by his mom (she was tortured to insanity and has been permanently hospitalized. Neville was raised by his gran as a result) and his gran tells him to throw it away, but when he thinks no one is looking, he stuffs it into his pocket instead. Like. God. I just love that scene. Neville's mom doesn't know who he is. To me, I read that scene and can't help but think "Neville has never received a gift from his parents. He keeps that wrapper because it's the only thing his mom has ever given him. It is the only type of 'gift' that he will ever receive from his mom" It drives me insane.
Oh and oh my GOD. I love how Hagrid is all like "Harry, I'd love you to win the tournament. It'd show everyone that you don't need to be pure blood to be worth something" and this moves Harry so much that he gets to work on solving the egg clue. Literally NOTHING anybody else has said to him has made him take action, but Hagrid's faith in him is what did the trick. And I love the line "there was something about lying to Hagrid that wasn't quite like lying to anyone else." Their relationship is honestly so pure. I love that Hagrid was Harry's introduction to the Wizarding world. He literally brings Harry to us, the reader (or watcher if we're talking the movies). Harry comes to us on Hagrid's motor bike. From the very beginning, Hagrid carries out Harry's introduction.
I love EVERYTHING about the way dobby adores Harry. You don't get much a sense of it in the movies, but their relationship is super wholesome. Dobby may have been a free elf, but he followed Harry's every command because he loved him so much. He straight up fought another elf for insulting Harry. He deserved better than what the movies did with him.
I will say, the one thing from the movies I like better is that I love the scene with Hermione and Hagrid right after Draco calls her a mudblood. I love how he holds her hand and says "don't you think on it" and Hermione's eyes are filled with tears but she smiles at him anyway. That was incredibly cute. Although, in the books, Hermione does not know what a mud blood is, and I think there is merit in having Ron--the only pureblood wizard--know what it is while Harry and Hermione do not. There's something so pure about Ron attacking Draco even though hermione doesn't know what a mudblood is. It's like "I don't care if you didn't hurt her feelings! I don't care if she doesn't know what that word means. I know what that word means and you're not going to talk to her that way."
Oh, and I like the part where Percy sends a letter to Ron telling him not to talk to Harry anymore. Harry being all like "I've know percy for 4 years. I've spent summers with him. He gave me top marks during the tournament. I shared a tent with him." is really effective and you can feel his hurt so well.
This post is so long lmao. I've left out so many good moments. My point is: read the books! You'll love them.
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I wanted to throw in my opinion on the Trans MC if you want it! Option 3 would be a lot of extra writing and coding, so I get that it wouldn't be a decision made lightly and it would be added pressure to get it right and it's a sensitive topic for sure. I will say that if you chose to go this route tho, it would make a huge difference and mean a lot to us. I'm a trans athlete, and the lack of representation can be really discouraging. It's time like these where we are receiving so much hate, especially when it comes to sports, that allies could really step up and make a difference. Reading can really open people's minds! It may be difficult and uncomfortable, and take extra work, but that's our everyday tbh. We out here living on hard mode 😂 that's just my thoughts on the matter but I will respect you and read your story either way. Much love 🏳️‍⚧️♥️
Hey! Thank you so much for sending this! This gets long, forgive my wordiness.
First off, I really feel your statement to the bone, the part about how allies could step up and make a difference, and how positive rep in media, games etc. is insanely important.
So many stories, TV shows, movies have shaped my experience of being queer and POC, and while some of them have been nice just so I could see someone like myself being represented, the ones that really made an impact are of course the ones where these identities were explored in a sensitive, thoughtful way. (When I watched Saving Face for the first time at 17, about a queer Chinese American doctor, I bawled my eyes out and dont think I've been the same since).
I would absolutely love if CT:OS/my IFs could do this for trans athletes too.
I've seen/heard so many worrying statements about trans athletes (both in real life and in the media)—and it makes me so sad.
Some that really get me really riled up are: The idea that a trans athlete's accomplishments mean nothing because they "have an unfair advantage" (or putting it down to "just hormones" or whatever instead of recognizing the hardwork, skill, and dedication behind EVERY successul athlete, trans or not). Or the idea that trans athletes shouldn't get to choose to be trans if they want to be athletes. Or the idea of policing trans athletes' bodies or forcing them to undergo surgery in order for them to be "valid"...
Well, FUCK THAT. FUCK those people.
If my IF can help celebrate trans athletes, and combat/shut down the really harmful (and ignorant) rhetoric out there? I'd love to do that.
But since I am not trans myself, it feels doubly, triply important that I wade really carefully here. I'd really need to spend time making sure I like and can stand behind what I'm putting out. I don't think it'd be responsible representation, otherwise!
I'm not really a perfectionist about my writing and that's how I make progress on my IFs while working a full time job. I'm more the... "slap shit tgt, get it out there, get feedback and edit if I feel like it" kind of writer. And I don't think I'd be able to finish CT:OS / Merry Crisis any other way. But when it comes to race, gender, and sexual identity? I really. Really. Wanna get things right.
(I rewrote that Rayyan convo about being a POC athlete with Deepal so many times haha and it was already marginally less scary, since I am a POC athlete.)
I guess what I'm trying to say is, I agree it's so goddamn important to have trans stories, and rep, especially in sports, where views are often so toxic and polarized.
But I don't think I know yet whether I see my IF being more a simple "yay, trans rep" kind of space or an actual deeper exploration of what it means to be a trans athlete. I was quite prepared to add the option to be trans (+ any accompanying scenes etc.) when I have the complete CT:OS 1st draft, but I was also toying with the idea of just putting something imperfect into the game earlier.
Faced with indecision, I've opted for: procrastination. I am still waffling, but it was helpful to hear what you guys think. Thank you so much for your message.
Lots of love, keep being awesome ❤️
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olivyh · 2 years
heyyy !! im back with another request >:) (feel free to ignore !!)
may I request azul, ruggie, sebek, silver and ruggie (if there are too many characters feel free to choose three :D) with a crush on a gn reader who,, is like the embodiment of a disney prince
you can choose which prince they embody ! since there's a lot of different types of personalities these princes have~ but all I ask is that the reader is suave (even if they don't realize it depending on the prince)
if anything doesn't make sense i'm happy to clarify :D - cyra
Welcome back Cyra!!!!! And omg I love this concept?? I just went with the princes from their respective movies for all of them because I thought it would be funny!
Now presenting:
Ruggie, Azul, Kalim, Sebek, and Silver with a prince-like crush!
(Simba-like crush)
-He uses you at first, of course
-You believe what he says so easily, and you're so determined and hot-headed in a world that puts you at the bottom of the food chain, and so easy to manipulate
-He is a little annoyed by your constant questions about the world you were in, sending you off repeatedly and brushing you off
-He even caught himself nearly growling at you when your persistence would keep him away from his work
-He would find it cute, if he was a different kind of guy
-At first he finds it amusing how you try to fight people twice your size, your adventurous nature leaving you in situations where you could easily be beaten and left to dust
-He doesn't notice you too much until Leona's overblot tbh
-But the moment he collapsed, coughing up blood and sand, he felt your arms trying to hold him up, trying your hardest to keep him awake, fight Leona, manage your friends, do all these things completely by yourself despite not knowing a thing about what was happening
-He could feel himself falling for you, no matter how hard he tried to stop it
-Even more so when you were helping him wrap his arm up in the infirmary, the only sound between you two being your quiet conversation and Leona's snoring
-He apologizes for his actions, despite making a joke out of it
-Eventually, you two get closer and closer. With you helping him out with his chores and singing with him, even helping play pranks on Leona and Jack. You help him work, you even went back to his hometown with him during spring break
-Watching you play and explore the area with the kids, asking endless questions back and forth. When one of the kids asked you something and you answered animatedly, play fighting with them and rolling in the dirt, not caring about how dirty you would get...
-And when you were done, the kids pulling at your arms and trying to pull you up to get you to play more. You, panting, sweating, covered in dirt and dust, looked up at him and gave him that wide smile
-He realized he was in too deep, and his Grandma could see it as clear as day
"-gie! Ruggie Bucchi!" He jumps.
"Sorry Grams..." He winces when she pinches his cheek, making him whine and lazily try to push her off.
"That little human is taking up an awful lot of your attention..." He flushes, looking away.
"It's not like that."
"Don't you dare lie to me, boy," The woman wags her finger, sweeping at his ankles to get him to step off to the side. "I've seen that look many times, and I know damn well what it is!" She grins, making his face turn a deeper red as he looks away, scratching his neck. She tsks and sweeps him out of the house and he mindlessly walks in your direction, lightly pulling one of the kids off you and holding them in the air, laughing when they scratch and growl and try to get him to put them down.
"Geez, Prefect..." He sighs, reaching a hand out to pull you up. You do with some difficulty due to some of the younger hyenas still trying to pull you down, one of them even going as far as to try to bite your ankles. "Alright, ya little rats-" The kids laugh and scream, running out of sight.
"You're a mess," He huffs.
You try to dust off your shirt and pants, only getting a fraction of the dirt off. "It's fine! I had fun!" He laughs, trying to dust off your face with his hand.
"How badly did those kids beat you up?"
You huff. "Not at all! I was winning!"
"Yeah, yeah," His hand rests on the nape of your neck, gray eyes staring into your own with an intensity you weren't used to seeing out of the boy. His breath catches, and his gaze flicks down to your mouth. You both slowly lean in, eyes falling closed when, from one of the alleys you hear-
"Get him while he's distracted!" And your hyena friend is on the ground, being chewed at by many, many tiny hyena children. You laugh, and Ruggie can't help but sigh in frustration at how close he'd been.
And at how he let his guard down around the neighborhood kids.
"That's it!" The kids scream as he tumbles with them on the ground, laughing and pulling at his hair, his ears, his shirt, all while you stand off to the side laughing.
If it made you smile, Ruggie thought, maybe being ambushed wasn't too bad.
(Eric-like crush)
-At first he finds you a bit threatening tbh
-A strong, determined, charming human? It was juts like the stories he'd been told as a child about the mermaid princess and her prince
-Except he was in the position of the princess
-He finds you very suspicious at first, believing that, just like him, you were putting up a heroic front, wanting to be someone other than yourself
-He puts so much effort into trying to reveal who you really were, to scrape any dirt that he can use to hold over your head
-Stealing your dorm and forcing your friends to work at the lounge should've been the last straw, part of him wanted to see how livid you would get, that kind front tossed to the side as you would have pulled at your hair in frustration
-Of course, that didn't happen
-And at the end of it all, you were the one who was holding him when he woke up from his overblot, voicing your concern and yelling at Ace and Deuce to grab some water, bandages, anything
-He. Fell. HARD.
-He still believes that you're hiding things, but he gives into your charming nature easily, your attractive smile never failing to make him catch his breath and look away, trying to catch his train of thought
-He doesn't like how easily you can put him in a lovestruck daze, with your energetic laughter, your carefree dances
-With every breath of concern aimed towards him, his heart skips a beat, with your dopey smile spinning in his mind at night
-He can't help but imagine himself in the position of the mermaid princess with you as his savior late at night...
-Of course, he brushes this thought away as soon as possible
-"How embarrassing..." He thinks, covering his face with his pillow.
-You grow close, your charm quickly making the boy weak at the knees and rely on his cane just as he had that first week of school...
-The first time you take him on one of your sailing voyages,,, let's just say he, a merman, got incredibly seasick
-He loves the ocean, and he loves you, but he decided that he does not love boats
"P-Prefect!" He yelps, holding onto the beam connecting the sail that you were tugging at viciously. "M-Mayhaps we should head back?"
"Azul, it's fine!" There it is, that smile that takes all attempts at an argument out of his system. He slams his eyes closed, feeling his head spin from the nausea. He hears you tie the rope around a beam, catching your balance as you stumble to his side, the waves crashing against the side of the small sailboat that you two had spent the summer repairing. "I've been doing this since I was a kid."
"I'm aware..." His  voice wobbles as he covers his mouth with his hand.
"Are you not having fun?" He hears you ask quietly, quickly shooting to his feet.
"N-no! Of course I'm having f-fun-" He swallows thickly, face turning pale. "I-I'm just..."
"Oh!" He hopes that you made the connection desperately before he hurls and ruins his chances with you forever. "You can always swim alongside the boat if you miss the ocean that badly, Azul."
Oh you lovable idiot.
He sits down, yelping as the boat rocks suddenly with a strong wave. Sliding into you, actually. His face flushes and he tries to regain his posture, scrambling for a hold on the ship. Azul pauses when he realizes that his hold was your shirt. In his hands. His one hand on your collar, the other resting on your shoulder. He looks up just in time to see your face flush, knowing all too well that his face was the same.
Your faces are so close together that it reminds him of the part in the story where the Prince and Princess are on a row boat, swaying and turning to the music as they lean in and-
The boat tips, Azul gasping as the cold water shocks his system, trying to grab onto you and pull you onto the now capsized boat. He can hear the grating laughter of his childhood friend as a long tail disappears beneath the water.
"Floyd Leech I swear on my mother---!"
(You added Ruggie twice, so I threw in Kalim because I had the FATTEST crush on Aladdin as a kid and I WILL NOT let this opportunity to pass me by.)
-Genuinely believes that he's in a fairytale
-He sees the way you sneak around campus, climbing the buildings and laughing as Grim scrambles to perch himself on your back, not wanting to fall off, your longing gaze when you see how carefree the other students are
-Your witty manner when it comes to talking to the other students, your grin when you manage to sneak around someone and get your way
-So when you bump into him accidentally after he finishes with the light music club, arms full of chips and an apple wedged in your mouth, he's more than happy to help you get them back to your dorm
-You explain that you know the codes to the vending machines, and that Crowley, plus working at Sam's part time and Mostro whenever they have positions available isn't nearly enough for you and Grim to survive, he feels bad. He agrees to keep your secret
-You two talk sometimes between classes, much to Jamil's dismay
-Oh yeah, Jamil doesn't trust you. One bit. Kalim may fall for your charm, but he doesn't. Kalim has to practically beg and give Jamil a full powerpoint on why you're actually a good person and that you have to steal from the vending machines to survive.
-He still is on edge around you, but much less after his overblot.
-That was the moment when Kalim's crush went from puppy love to full on adoration
-When he sobbed into your arms in the desert, heartbroken and, little did anyone know, his whole world crumbling around him
-I mean, he grew up knowing he couldn't trust anyone, even his own family. Practically isolated from society, forced to face death around every corner he crossed and all of a sudden the one person he thought he could trust betrays him and has been holding a grudge on him since they were kids?
-He knew heartbreak well, but every time he felt it it got worse. This one was the worst of them all.
-But you were there, telling off the Leech twins and their comments and hushing him gently, patting down his fluffy white hair
-His feelings only grew stronger when you hung out more after that, and they became unbearable throughout the whole VDC adventure
-He knows that it's bad. He knows that his parents won't allow him to marry someone who literally acts like the thief from his favorite fairytale. He knows that countless people will talk about him for ages. He knows, with a pang to his heart, that loving you means putting you in danger.
-But you already fill so much room in his heart, and even thinking about living a life without you makes him want to bawl
-He loves when you help him sneak away from Scarabia and even the palace when you visit his hometown, teaming up with the carpet to sneak him out through his balcony
"I've never seen the Scalding Sands like this before..."
"Didn't you go on rides like this before?" Even the carpet seems to wince at that, it's little tassel tensing up.
"I wasn't allowed to leave the palace much growing up, honestly..." For once, his smile isn't present n his face, voice small enough to be carried away by the wind if you weren't right next to him. "It was for my own safety."
"I'm sorry," You press a hand to his shoulder and he looks up at you, smiling softly.
"There's no need to be sorry!" He beams, turning to face you fully. "I'm having lots of fun with everyone now! I mean, I'm practically all over campus all the time!" You smile and nod. "Besides, even if I was stuck in Scarabia or my home, I know that I have you there, and that you'll sneak me out!"
You both laugh at that. The sun begins to set over the horizon, painting the desert in shades of reds and oranges. He watched your face light up at the sight, a bright smile painting your face that made his heart skip a beat. Tentatively, he reaches over, grabbing your hand.
"Lets-let's get back to the party, okay?" Not knowing what to do with the surge of emotion, Kalim opts to do things the way he's always done- distract himself with pointless matters. He wonders if he imagined the look of disappointment on your face, or if that was simply him giving his hopes up.
You nod and the carpet slowly turns before whipping around and sending you both tumbling off to the side. Kalim yelps, his head nearly dangling off the side as he grabs your arm to steady you, one of the arms that was now trapping him under you. He gulps when he notices that you're still in a panicked daze from nearly falling off.
"C-carpet..." He lightly scolds. "That wasn't..." His voice is caught in his throat as he looks up at you, noticing how flushed your face had become once you realize the position you were thrown into. You quickly scramble back, apologizing to the boy who laughs and shakes his head.
"No worries!" He hopes that the setting sun is enough to hide his own flushed face. He helps you balance yourself again on the now more-wobbly-than-usual carpet. He silently thanks the enchanted object for the moment, and curses himself for not making his move then.
At least now, he thinks, I've decided the path I'm going to take.
(Went with Flynn Ryder because I think the dynamic would be HILARIOUS and I'm already doing Phillip with Silver,,,")
-Wanted to knock you out at first
-He heard you talking to Malleus, and he knows that you can be as sneaky as Ruggie when it comes to stealing
-He screamed at you so loud you swore you saw his face turn so red that it was practically purple
-So, not a good start.
-It didn't help that you came by to help Riddle at the stables and Sebeks horse hated your guts
-He saw that as a definite sigh that you were bad luck
-He kept his distance from you, and he would not let you hear the end of it if you did get close
-How did you end up making him fall for you? Easy, actually
-Your goofy smile, your snide comments and jokes wormed their way into his heart. Your mutual friends, the first years, invited him to their hangouts and there, he found that you two were often wedged in a corner together, chatting away about anything and everything
-Soon he was looking forward to you visiting the stables, despite his horse still not liking you
-He even found himself talking about you to the other Diasomnia members, the rest of them easily picking up on what was happening
-And, if you must, you do have a moment like the lantern scene
"This is pointless!" Sebek huffs, holding the delicate paper lantern a little too tightly, the sides crinkling. "I have better things to be doing than this!"
"It's fun," You shrug, gently taking it from his hands, your fingertips brushing and making the boy turn a new shade of red, thankful that you can't see it due to the dark. "Live a little, Sebek."
"I've been doing quite a bit of living as of late, I'll have you know," He mumbles to himself, snapping and lighting a small magical spark atop his glove. He was hesitant about the new idea for the graduation ceremony at first. Sending off the third years with a lantern show? The prefect told him that it was metaphorical, but Sebek found no need for such things.
"I don't think you have," They tease, elbowing him slightly. He pouts, lowering his hand to light the lantern. It begins to glow a soft yellow, illuminated in your hands.
"Careful," He says softly, voice quiet in fear of breaking the playful tranquility of the moment. Your peers were further down in the field while you both had found a quiet place near the tree line, hearing the laughter of your classmates as you fumbled with the lantern. "Don't burn yourself."
"I won't." You mumble back quietly, moving your hands so he could hold the other side of the lantern. He does so and you both pause before you send it off. "Should we say something to this lantern-that's-supposed-to-represent-our-friends?"
He's silent before nodding. "G-good luck during your travels, Young Master, Lilia-"
"Please don't do anything stupid, I won't be around to save you all anymore-" You giggle and Sebek bites back a retort. Slowly you both send the lantern into the air, watching it rise higher and higher above the others. He feels your hand wrap around his own, your fingers laced together as his breath catches in his throat.
"Sebek, I-" You turn, swallowing quickly and looking into his lime green eyes. He smiles softly down at you.
"I really-"
"Prefect!" Ace screams from below. "We fucked up BAD!"
"What?!" You shout back, Sebek fighting the urge to throttle the redhead. "How?!"
"Grim was still on the lantern and we let go!"
(Phillip-like crush)
-Talk about a match made in heaven
-You're both fairly reserved, and honorable. You first met him when his animal friends led you to him, a beautiful, silver-haired boy asleep in the middle of the forest. Delicate face framed with glimmering strands of hair, porcelain skin decorated in small scars and callouses, surrounded by flowers and berries, only slightly shifting and groaning in his sleep.
-You crouched beside him, gently shaking him awake in a fit of worry.
-He opened his eyes and was certain that the fairytales that his father had told him were all true
-Love at first sight, kind of thing
-You bid each other goodbye, and then ran into each other once more while he was training in the forest, sword swinging and jabbing at empty air. You tell him about how you know how to spar as well, both of you training together and giving each other pointers on how to do better.
-Once, while cleaning and polishing his sword, he began to hum a short tune that you seemed to naturally fall into a harmony with, both of you singing gently
-You two began to hang around each other when classes weren't in session, always within reaching distance of one another
-He adores your kind and determined nature, and how quickly you went to protect him and keep him safe when he fell asleep out of nowhere. It was a feeling that he wasn't used to, being protected. After all, he was trained to be a knight since he was young. He was supposed to be the one doing the protecting.
-He loves how determined you are, and how well you get along with his horse that often follows him around when it's not in the stable
-He also loves your laidback attitude, never caring when he falls asleep on your shoulder or asking to take a break during your training because he feels his eyes start to slip
-He has been hopelessly in love with you since your first meeting, but every little thing you do makes him fall further and further into his own fantasies
-When you first meet his father and get along with him, that was when he realized that he had to do something
"See you later, Dearie~" Lilia chuckles from the kitchen. You smile and wave as you walk away from the dorm, noticing Silver's unease.
"We can stay away from Diasomnia until dinner's over, okay?" He gives you a grateful smile and a nod, glad that you always seem to know what he's thinking about. You notice how his steps seem to drag and how he stumbles a bit the deeper you get into the forest near Ramshackle.
"We can rest here-" He shakes his head, cutting you off.
"I-I can make it back to Ramshackle," You nod, knowing not to challenge him when he has an idea in mind. Once inside your dorm, he practically collapses on the couch next to you, his head lolling to the side as his aurora colored eyes seem to nearly disappear beneath his pale eyelids. He slowly leans, his head landing in your lap as you smile, playing with his hair as his chest rises and falls softly.
He reaches up with the last of his energy, grabbing your hand in his and squeezing it gently. "Thank you."
"Silver, you don't need to-"
"I do. Thank you," He mumbles, taking a soft breath. "I..." You notice how he's struggling to stay awake, lightly smoothing out his hair and hushing him.
"It's okay. We can talk when you wake up, yeah?"
He purses his lips before humming monotonously, falling into a deep sleep on your lap.
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egophiliac · 1 year
Hello!! I'm in love with your artstyle (especially the way you did the signature spells??? I've been looking at them for a while adsgfdfsf, they look like movie posters tbh and that's fricking cool to me. anyway!! I'm a player on the NA server (btw, I've already seen spoilers of chap 7 due to tumblr/reddit/pinterest, so yeah it's not the most spoiled I've ever been so yea) and yeah. I'm getting through the story okay but do you have any advice for people trying to get through certain events with a more limited life schedule??? Also, what are some of the differences that you notice between the english (if you see a lot of it??) and Japanese versions of the game? sorry if this was a longer ask, i tried to be simple but i wanted to tell you that I loved your art and everything just spiraled AAAAAAH
thank you! ❤️❤️❤️ I've been surprised by how many people really like my posters -- it's kind of a weird style to do fanart in, I guess, but I'm glad other people think it's cool too! :D
(gonna answer out of order because the event stuff turned into a huge block of text, sorry!)
I've seen a few of the localizations, but I don't know a lot about the Eng version, so I can't speak too much about differences. (I do think "housewarden" has a better sound to it than "dorm leader" though...they need a fancy little word to match their fancy little outfits.) I did look up the unique magic/signature spells to see if they were able to somehow work in the glossing -- I'm not even sure how you would localize that without it being super weird, so I don't blame them, but I was a little sad anyway! :( in Japanese, they're all written as Japanese phrases with the English as ruby text, and sometimes they're given a little extra meaning. like -- this is where the episode 7 spoilers I'm tagging are) the words that Mal says are "Fae of Maleficence":
Tumblr media
but the meaning of the Japanese is "Blessing", which is a nice little "ooooh" moment given the context of it!
there isn't always an extra meaning, sometimes it's just. super literal. but my other favorite is Jack's, where what he means is "✨howl that pierces the moonlit night✨", but what he actually yells is "UNLEASH BEAST" before turning into a giant dog. what a good boy.
as for event advice (under the cut, because this was already getting long)...
speaking as someone who is 100% F2P and therefore also tends to get kind of burnt by some of these events -- the #1 most important thing is to just...make peace with not getting everyone. :') I am a collector-type person, so it definitely gets grating when I can't have all the fancy PNGs my little packrat heart desires. generally though: never do random pulls, always be saving your keys and gems between events. (once a month you can buy a 10-set from Sam for a 50 gem discount, and logging in on a character's birthday will give you a 10-set for free, so make sure to do those!). when the event info starts coming out, pick one or two cards that you really want and work specifically towards those, focusing on grinding out the items and/or using your saved-up pulls on their specific banner. and in the end, accept that it might just not be meant to be, even if you hit the 100-pull pity SSR no I'm not still bitter over fairy gala Ortho why do you ask. if the event doesn't have any cards that you really want, take it as an opportunity to save for the next one!
hoard your star fragments (the things that restore AP) -- if you're going for a card that requires grinding event items to permanently unlock, and the item is one you get from lessons, you can use star fragments to bump your AP up to 30 at a time (10 is the limit that will restore over time, but 30 is the max you can have at once). that makes for a looong lesson loop, but I usually get about 50-60 items per 30 lessons, and I just let it run in the background while doing other stuff. (usually these items are what also unlock the event story, so I'll do a huge amount of lessons first thing and then have enough to get the whole story at once. 👍) it can get really grindy, but events go on for a while so it's not usually that bad if you space it out a bit, instead of waiting until the last minute to try and get those last 600 items (cough) (cough).
if it's one of the ones where you get the item from doing a rhythmic, you get the same amount of items no matter how well you do, even if you miss every note. so you can just...tap occasionally to restart it and get the same effect. if it's a battle one, you do have to actually win to get the item, but once you figure out the sweet spot of a team setup + highest battle level where you win every time, it becomes basically the same deal.
so...yeah, tl;dr you can get away with a lot just by setting things up to run in the background and paying just enough attention to tap through some of the menus. it does require a certain amount of time to just leave your phone while still sorta-kinda paying attention to it, so it might not work for everyone, but that's the best way I've found to get through most events!
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This is no hate towards Skye, but am i the only one who thinks that Marshall should have been the main character in the Mighty Movie instead of her?
Well, I mean, as far as I've seen for a while in the Paw Patrol tags, there are more people who think that too.
I can see why- Marshall is a fan favorite. It was a bit obvious the first movie ever would center on Chase, he's like the Patrol's Second In Command, so LOGIC would say that second movie would be about Marshall, as he's the fans' favorite pup (as far as I've seen from several polls for several years before I was in the fandom, friendly reminder I saw one episode for the very first time just now in January 2024, so yeah, I'm kinda the "oldest newborn" ever in this fandom).
While I can't be sure just why they went for Skye for the second movie FOR REAL, my guess is that it's mainly for two reasons, under the cut because the post got long XD
One would be to please the girls, we know there are a lot of girls watching Paw Patrol (and why not, women too, just like me), and we don't have as many female pups in the show. It's like, Skye in the main team, Everest in the B Team, and then Liberty who took even longer to be added into the story. I'm not counting Sweetie because she's not a member of the Paw Patrol at all, as far as I'm concerned too.
The other reason would be to give this cute message that "Your size does not define who you are or what you can be". "No job is too big, NO PUP IS TOO SMALL" and all that.
Besides the ultimate goal of making more merchandise to make parents wallets cry, the goal of most kids movies is to give some simple but important message, and that's what they went for with this second movie, centering it on Skye for that. She's just perfect for that particular message, as Ryder said, he started with that catchphrase because of her.
And there it is: This kind of plot just would NOT fit with Marshall. He's not a small pup- heck I think he's got the longer legs among them tbh. And honestly? The only moment he was even HAVING A MOMENT was in the beginning at the junkyard fire. Those water bombing donuts were badass, not gonna lie XD But that was it. This movie was SO NOT going to be about him.
Skye was the chosen one for they wanted to tackle a plot about the catchphrase "No job is too big, no pup is too small."
If the second movie would have been a Marshall movie, it would LITERALLY be a very different movie, with a plot that would fit HIM. I know I'm dreaming high here but, considering both movies worked around with some backstory from their respective center characters (Chase and his trauma from when he was abandoned as a literal baby in the big city, then Skye with her trauma about being the runt of the litter and just never getting chosen for adoption), I would say we might expect the same kind of thing on the next movie - whoever's the pup who's going to get the spotlight this time, we'll get to learn a bit about their past too and it'll play a role in the plot for whatever the next message they'll want to send out for the kids.
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master-of-the-railway · 2 months
Sue me for this if you wish but I think Big World Big Adventures: The Movie wasn't actually as bad as everyone says it is and it's high time we gave it the appreciation it deserves, like it's a bit too overhated in my opinion. Maybe it's just my inability to be overly mean and aggressive abt pieces of media that line up with comfort interests but I genuinely don't get the hate towards the BWBA movie....like nothing was bad abt it in my own opinion? The songs were fire all the way through, the visuals are very pretty (the LIGHTING!!!), and I mean like Nia is there and how can you possibly hate anything that features Nia she CARRIES that movie so hard. I've seen some ppl say the movements are too much but like...it makes the engines far more expressive and I highly prefer them having a bit more movement to being entirely stiff because being stiff restricts their expressiveness even more, and tbh realism was left behind the second the cgi series made its debut (Ex: D51s were first produced in 1936 and yet Hiro was somehow the first engine on the island of Sodor) so I don't really look for realism too hard when it comes to TTTE because I mean...the trains talk and are fully sentient, and that's already grounds enough for me suspend my disbelief a TON.
Maybe it is just my Nia bias (AND YONG BAO IS THERE AT ONE POINT!!! Absolutely love him.) but I think BWBA is pretty good, it's one of my favorite TTTE movies. It's just really whack that half the fandom seems to hate or at least mildly dislike this movie, which was a huge shocker to me because I was happy stimming the ENTIRE time on my first watch. It was fun and colorful and expressive and thinking about how it introduced so many international machines to the lineup...like I physically cannot hate a movie that caters to my favorite thing EVER in shows with sentient machines (seeing the machines from other countries). I don't mind the fact that ppl dislike it at all (bc everyone's entitled to their own opinions and all that jazz) but it's more just I can't really find any negatives about it, the only character introduced in it that I dislike is the one they (assumedly) want you to dislike and even then I gotta admit his song slaps. To each their own in the end, I suppose, but the point I'm trying to make is that I think we gotta be at least a LITTLE bit nicer abt this movie. (And if anyone interacts w/ this post, please don't like. Start fights on it or anything. This post isn't mean to spark any discourse or aggression, it's just my personal thoughts that I'm sharing with the fandom because so far all of you that I've met are EXTREMELY kind and understanding and so I trust you all to be normal abt it.)
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xeno828 · 1 year
Trollhunters Ending FIXED!!!
So....I've recently binged this entire series, fell in love with it and promptly gotten heartbroken at the shitty ending the movie gave us. SO!!!! I have seen many people hating on the ending and pretending it and the movie didn't exist. I came up with an idea that I am permanently using as a replacement for the ending that I'm pretty happy with. I can't write dramatically for shit BUT I can scribble ideas! If anyone wants to flesh this out into a one shot fic PLZ TAG ME JUST SO I CAN READ IT!!!!!
(also this is gonna read more like a screen play for a movie cus I'm a vid editor and that's how I picture stuff, doesn't always translate well into a written story! 😅)
- So everything stays the same up until Jim uses the kronosphere to go back in time
- Instead of going back to the beginning and changing everything, he travels back to when the Arcane order had finally gotten a hold of the real Nari
- Everything is still happening around him but is dead silent as if he were deaf and in slight slo mo as he gets his bearings (not actually deaf, just that kinda cinematic idea for drama!!)
- Looks around and sees everyone alive gathered around (maybe some sappy or quiet music plays on top of him seeing everyone alive, I dunno!!!)
- As this is the past they don't know Jim just came from the future and are instead focused on glaring at something
- IRL sound hits back in like a huge thud, LOUD AF!!!!
- Jarring Jim to turn around and see the Arcane order hovering in that same ball of magic that surrounded them the first time (that's what everyone is glaring at btw!)
- This is when realization for Jim sets in and he knows this is his second chance
- The music from the credits in the original film (or something like that) starts to build up (in my head it's like him and the music are going "not this fucking time!")
- He transforms into his new armour (either cus it came back in time with him or cus now he knows about the 9th configuration, your choice!)
- Camera and everything is focused on the transformation as the music is building but you can see everyone in the background looking either shocked or like "HELL YEAH!!" when they see Jim finally transforming again
- Quick dramatic shot focusing on the Arcane order still performing their spell, t
- Some sort of cheesy/bad ass hero shot showing off everyone gathered together as the "9th configuration" and ready to kick ass
- Close up on Belroc looking pissed as they realize Jim has transformed and everyone is gathered to fight
- Equally cheesy close up on Jim quietly but determinedly saying something like "not this time" or "my turn" (I can't do dialogue I'm sorry!!!;)
- Jim jumps into fight with everyone following behind
- Final shot of everyone running toward the camera (Arcane order) and cuts to black with Jim swinging Excalibur at the camera.
- As it cuts to black the outro music (roughly 20 secs into it) hits the beat drop at the same time as the credits start!
Cliffhanger-ish ending, doesn't get rid of the whole story, leaves it up to imagination on who still lives and dies, doesn't undo character development, has more of a feel good "HELL YEAH!!" ending to it (at least for me!) Doesn't feel like a definite ending but has enough to still feel like Trollhunters isn't just over and wrapped up nice and nearly with a pretty bow! For me this works and I'm happy to pretend this is canon. Tbh 90% sure this looks cooler in my head than how it's written down, I might get round to making a vid edit for it on YouTube (cus that's my specialty) but dunno if anyone actually wants to see that!
As I said I'm not a writer so apologies for this chaos!! I don't usually post these things that I think about (cus I've also imaged a better ending for game of thrones!) But I just really wanted to share this in case someone else also enjoyed the concept or in case anyone wants to translate this mess into something coherent!
Anyway, rant done and idea written out, go have fun with it you want, just plz tag cuz I wanna read if you! 😭🙏
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ginnvngagap · 10 months
watching the Little Mermaid live action remake, and I'm gonna make it your problem
oooh, shiny scales, I love it
Ariel's breathtaking, I love how her hair flows in the water
her sisters are also gorgeous and their designs are amazing
CGI sea creatures look realistic but still manage to be all magical and shxt, nice
Ursula's not a drag queen (a crime tbh), but her design is so coooool
aaah, Ariel's voice (I don't watch trailers, this is my first time hearing it)
Eric has a personality?!
they gave an actual reason as to why Ariel would be attracted to Eric aside from teenage girl hormones go brrr for pretty boy
oooh, they did the cliff thing
Eric has an I want song now and his voice is heavenly
did... did they just add generational trauma to the mermaid family? great addition, I approve (yes, I've seen the prequel)
had to Google Sebastian's accent, it's Jamaican, I love it, I think it suits him
so many pretty sea creatures dancing, oooh, jellyfish
why the fxck do they swim like that?
Poor Unfortunate Souls slaps, Ursula's voice is aaaah (very eloquent)
huh, Ariel still sings in her head (good decision imo, it would've been such a waste)
Ariel doesn't like high heels and corsets, completely understandable tbh
ooof, her meeting the prince and not being able to speak was so much more devastating with the added thought singing, my baby heart, noooo 😭
apparently Ursula put a spell on Ariel that made her forget her objective of kisskissfallinlove and I don't know how I feel about that (in hindsight it makes sense, this Ariel would've totally jumped Eric's bones, lmao)
Scuttle and Sebastian's banter is fxcking hysterical
roll credits, lmao
oooh, Eric has a stuff room too
Grimsby is best boi
Ariel breaks for goats but not humans, we stan
Anakin would flip his shxt if he saw this dance scene
aaaw, Ariel taught Eric her name
Shalalalalala... You Gotta Kiss The Girl~🎶
Ursula's growly voice 😩👌
I love how Ursula's appearance on shore feels even more sinister than in the animated movie
is... is Scuttle rapping? and she has mad flow?! SEBASTIAN TOO!? also it's actual genius how Scuttle's rap sounds how you'd expect a bird rapping
human Ursula's uuuh... huuuh... 🥵
Grimsbyyy you naughty boi
she's also fxcking terrifying, holy fxckaroni
Eric's waaay too chill about Ariel turning into a mermaid right in his arms, lmao
loving the ominous ink cloud
tentacle raaave
Triton's baaack, baby 👑
I love his character design btw, that clamshell armor is so cool and shiny ✨
mermaid dad sad 🥺😭
the send-off definitely didn't make me cry, shutup
neither did Howard Ashman's name in the credits
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