#//and doesn't want to rule asgard anyway
cookies-and-music · 8 months
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Ghost. - part 2: What I knew. Part 1 here - part 3 here PAIRING: TVA!LokixOC WARNINGS: none SUMMARY: Loki meets sombody at the TVA he once knew. Unfortunately she doesn't seem to remember him. NOTE: that was supposted to be a one-shot, but I felt like writing a second part.
Time at the TVA flows differently. It's the first thing you learn arriving there. For instance, the alternation between day and night wasn't clear because there was no sun.
Loki didn't know how much time had passed since their conversation. Nor did he know how much time had passed since he sat in front of her at the desk, under the pretense of wanting company while analyzing documents. Nor did he know how much time had passed since he had stopped working to stare at her.
"If you want to ask me something, just do it. You're unsettling."
Apparently, too much time.
The truth was he had no questions.
"I was just wondering what you were working on" Loki said.
Lydia glanced up at him before returning her gaze to the documents. "The same thing as you, more or less. Dangerous variant on the run." After all, they were in the same department, so they obviously worked on the same things.
"And do you like it?"
Midgard, 2012.
"I see you wavering more and more every day" she said with a mocking smile.
"My goals have never been so clear" Loki spat.
"Oh, if you say so, great and mighty god," Lydia taunted, taking a candy from the bag she held. Loki stared, wondering what it was and where she got it.
Lydia followed his gaze, offering him a candy. "Want one?"
Loki took it and sniffed it under her amused gaze before putting it in his mouth and immediately spitting it out, making her laugh.
"But it's disgusting, I've never eaten anything so sweet and sticky."
"I bet you wouldn't want to destroy the Earth anymore if you could enjoy the pleasures it has to offer," Lydia said with a laugh, putting another candy in her mouth. "Why do you want to destroy it anyway?"
"I don't intend to destroy it, I intend to rule it," Loki narrowed his eyes.
"And what will you do with a realm you don't even like?"
Loki straightened up, looking away, but didn't respond.
Something clicked in Lydia's mind. "Ohh," she turned to him, a little too close for the god's taste, "it's your plan B."
Loki ignored her, walking toward the room where they conducted experiments on the Tesseract, but she caught up.
"It was Asgard, the one you wanted to rule. A realm of gods, full of wealth and abundance. But without candies and where everyone hates you," Lydia acidly smiled, and Loki quickened his pace. "It seems fair, everyone should have a plan B." Lydia grabbed another candy.
Loki turned to her. "And what's yours, Miss Princhett?" he said challengingly.
Lydia looked ahead, toward the end of the hallway. "This. SHIELD is plan B."
Loki turned to her, confused by the admission. "And plan A?"
"Doctor, maybe. My mother would have liked that for sure. Or a history teacher, like my other mom."
Loki stared at her for a moment, and she returned the gaze. They were polar opposites. He fiercely desired something and would do anything to get it. She, on the other hand, settled. This difference became clear to both of them in that moment. Probably, they both believed they were right and simultaneously envied each other's capacity.
"Your mouth is covered in sugar," Loki said before walking away.
TVA, 2021.
"And do you like it?"
"What a strange question," Lydia tilted her head, wrinkling her nose. "It's my job. I do what I have to."
"But isn't there anything else you'd like to do?"
Lydia opened her mouth a couple of times, then looked down before speaking. "I would have liked to be a teacher, maybe a history teacher. I've always loved the subject" she replied sadly.
"Well, I suppose this gets you close," Loki gave her an encouraging smile.
"I suppose so," she looked up at him. "And you, Loki Prince of Asgard? What do you wanna be?"
"King, of course," he spread his arms theatrically.
"Of course," she repeated with an amused air, rolling her eyes. "And what will be your first royal decree?"
"Hiring a very well-informed history teacher at court," Loki approached her, leaning on the desk as if about to confess a secret, and Lydia mimicked him, finding herself face to face with his deep blue eyes. "And I already have someone in mind," he winked.
Lydia blushed, grabbed a folder, and rolled it up before using it to hit Loki on the head.
"Ouch," he complained, rubbing his head. "That hurt."
"Oh, don't be a baby," she straightened up in her chair. "Let's get back to work before our analysts come to scold us."
Loki smiled before returning his gaze to the papers.
Hope you enjoyed! Feel free to leave a heart, a note or to reblog, this really helps a lot. Part 3 in a couple of days.
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What are your favourite moments of Steve Rogers in the MCU?
Oh, so many! I'm going to only mention a few because if I mention them all.... you'd get the longest ask in Tumblr history 😜
This is the moment he became my favourite Avenger:
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I joined the MCU with AoU in 2015 so I watched the previous movies out of order. When I saw this scene I remember thinking "Yep, I'm sorry Thor but you're 2nd now, this guy is my #1 Avenger from now on!" 😂
In TFA, most people will point out the "I don't like bullies, I don't care where they're from" and don't get me wrong, I love that line. But I would choose the dialogue that happens right before that one:
Steve: "Where are you from?" Erskine: "Queens. 73rd Street and Utopia Parkway. Before that, Germany. This troubles you?" Steve: "No."
It's a small thing but I can't imagine many people being so accepting of German citizens at the time, and the fact that Steve didn't mind at all proved he was a smart man, way before he got that serum.
Another is in AoU:
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Dunno, it's a kind of self-awareness that I really like about him.
Do deleted scenes count?
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I love this one because he doesn't get mad even though he's the exact opposite of a fascist. He takes off the helmet and focuses on helping people who probably hate him or (what they think) he represents. He doesn't do it for himself nor does he try to get any recognition or anything, hell if he could have taken off his suit right then and there he would have done it. He just went to Sokovia to help, that's all that mattered to him. And if the people he was saving hated him... so what?
This glorious moment...
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How can anyone not love this man? What is not to love?!! No, really.
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I love this part in AoU because he knows he can lift it but he's pretending not to and that means 1) he's the sweetest thing alive, 2) he wants to prove himself to himself, he doesn't need other people's approval, 3) he doesn't want to rule Asgard just in case that whole thing was real and he got in a lot of trouble for lifting a freaking magic hammer.
(Also, I love him in that blue shirt. That blue shirt gives me life.)
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These two brutes (affectionately for Thor, not so much for Stark) going at it like kids until Steve shows up and stops it. This is fresh-from-the-ice Steve who has found out recently that aliens are on Earth, but he's acting like a mature man who can manage to use his brain instead of turning to violence for no reason (and some people claim all he does is punch his way out of things... my my).
And yes, I left CW for last. You know why, I'm sure. But still, he's got great scenes in that one too:
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God, I love that line.
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This dialogue should have been longer but he's being a big bro to Wanda, he cares for his teammates and he's talking about how he sees his work. If only CW was a Cap movie...
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And this. Not only do I like that he's reading the Accords, but this panel proves he's not against accountability.
Anyway, there are many more but this got long enough! Now I miss Steve even more. More blue shirt? Hell, yeah.
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I love him.
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blindtaleteller · 11 months
Just out of curiosity... Is it really in character of Loki to replace Odin with magic like he does at the end of TDW?.. A part of me feels like it is tainted with hasty writing (which fits the narrative regarding how this was a change mid-production). If Loki truly survived the attack by the Cursed, what seems most in character for him to do? Getting on the throne of Asgard doesn't seem that likely to me, to be honest..
This one is gonna be long I think, because asking that particular question, tells me you've missed a few things. Nothing wrong with that; it happens. (I do know a lot but even I forget to add or remind myself of certain bits too now and again: which is yet another reason why I do watch and re-watch the content over and again, and seek out creators and actors interviews from the era from varied angles.)
I wish the current creators paid a decent fraction as much attention mind you, but that' as whole other thing and annoyance.
Anyway! Here we go again~
It does make the most sense choice wise, actually; that Loki would take the throne in 2013: and it has nothing to do with wanting the throne itself as implied and said outright repeatedly by current creators and their "scripts."
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While there are a LOT of reasons to do so with what's going on in the story both immediate in Thor the Dark World itself and otherwise? Most of them, and the reason why Loki absolutely would keep the throne for the next five years boils down to the same reason used to attempt to execute him on his return, and ultimately put him in the dungeon to end up as the major reason Asgard's people were spared a prolonged siege at a time when their defenses had been almost entirely decimated.
The ultimate answer boils down to the not-so-hidden Chekhov's Gun for the overall story of the first sequence/series of MCU films.
I say it that way in particular, because in this case.. they started setting up for it back in 2009-11 with Captain America the First Avenger and the first Thor movie as well. Iron Man 2 released in 2010, had some part setting up details for Avengers 2012 as well; though some of them are mostly less important in regards to this particular ask, for the era and subject we're talking about here.
They did this incredibly well though, when you look at the way the set up was constructed.
Basically, there are two layers of story being told in most Marvel Cinematic Universe Movies of the era; if you didn't notice.
1. Local Story, the story that wholly belongs to the title; era and or immediate characters.
2. Universal and or Overall Story belonging to the universe in which those local stories are taking place.
Remember this guy? I'm pretty sure you do but..
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One of the things that people love to forget (or more often pass over as taken for granted) is that Thanos is the person who ultimately snatched Loki up, purely with the intent of getting another stone (Tesseract) into his hands. (Of course there was never any promise Loki would rule over 8 billion rather than 4 billion either, and well. That kind of action; taking half the population then rather than 2018: is established repeatedly as being very much in Thanos' character too.)
I say one of though, because the fact that the Mind Stone (Scepter) was in Thanos hands well before that was established in the very first scenes of Avengers 2012.. before they even put a single character on screen.
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In a scene that, tells the viewer outright why Loki was the one chosen; and what they want. This scene is a lot more than just a foreword to catch up viewers who hadn't seen Captain America or Thor at the time. This is also the first not-so-subtle mention of their Universal Story Chekhov's Gun, Thanos.
To break it down for you real quick:
------pre-Universal story set up.
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1 - (2010) Tony Stark creates a new-to-earth element (Badassium.. lol I didn't name it, they did) replacing the palladium in the reactor in his chest with this element. Black Widow (Natasha Romanov) is introduced.
----this sets up in minor ways for the Mind Stone: a more believable reason and mechanic for Stark being immune to the Scepter being used on him at the top of the tower at the beginning of the Battle for New York. (There are other mechanics like this set up in the previous IM movies as well: including his brief float in space otherwise ignoring physics of human body and suit versus a lack of atmosphere, gravity or air pressure. [IM1]) But it also introduces Nat and her position in SHIELD into the Universe, rather than just throwing her on screen in A1.
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2 - (R May 2011)This film is the heavy lifter as far as Universal story goes. It doesn't just introduce one or two major characters in the Avengers; but THREE of next movie's three major, main characters and their place in the universe are introduced and built: As well as giving the first glimpses of the Universe at large.
There is a reason why Loki and especially Asgard where he is after Thor's banishment, has more screen time than Thor in the opening title film, and the Universal Story is that reason.
(This one is going to be among the largest, because it contains some of the intent behind the character as he is in the MCU.)
FEIGE: "The movie, very much, is an origin of Loki, almost as much as it is an origin of Thor. We had to ride that balance." BRANNAGH: " I think the connection, if there is one, is that the stakes are high. So, in something like Henry IV or Henry V, where you’re wondering if that young prince could be the king and whether he’s the right man for the job. That story arc of the flawed hero who must earn the right to be king is in our piece, but what’s key is the stakes. There, it’s Europe and England, and here, it’s the universe. When that family has problems, everybody else is affected. If Thor throws a fit and is yelling at his father and is banished, suddenly the worlds are unstable." I: Can you talk about casting Tom Hiddleston for Loki? BRANNAGH: "From the performance point of view, we needed somebody who was complex and could convey intelligence. There was a constant conversation between us all about whether it was a good thing to keep the question mark over the character of Loki throughout. Is he bad? Does he have a plan? Does he love his brother? Does he hate his brother? Does he hate his father? Is this happening before our very eyes? How does he truly react to the secrets and lies that emerge, in the course of the story? So, you needed someone who could be adept at putting on all those masks and making it seem seamless." [Link to the full Interview HERE.]
Granted Brannagh summarized Thor's part IN throwing that Universe into chaos more than a bit, but yeah. (his shit fit from a less personal view included breaking peace treaty with a no border crossing agreement between two entire worlds, threatening and then killing the residents in the process, and then throwing another fit in defense of that TO get banished: and furthering that later on as the source of that problem through the extra treason of ignoring his very and repeatedly stated light punishment for that first set of acts of treason: by attempting to return from that punishment against the order of not one but two kings [interim and prior] to have the Destroyer sent after him only then.)
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As you can see through Brannagh's words in particular though; Thor as a movie (and Asgard in particular) was aimed as one of the major contributing factors and powers in the MCU Universe and Universal Story from concept one.
Asgard (and T1 as a result) as a power and society was set up and built as a major pivoting point and joint for the Universal Story, with all the power, knowledge, flaws, limitations societal and otherwise needed to forward that story.
Brannagh was not just and only aware of that and the scope to which a universal monarchy and having that monarchy including Thor and Loki as main characters would stretch: he and the creators of Thor and the Universe including Feige were VERY aware of it.
And it kept all the way through to IW and EndGame, and would have even if Loki had not kept the throne.. if at a much higher cost. (We'll get to that; though I'm betting with this taken into account you can figure out some of why.)
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All that kept to one side, this film introduced Asgard's current ability as a technologically advanced Conquerer-type Imperialist society, rather than gods; but also and temporarily disabled the Bifrost as their most used and fastest known means to deliver larger numbers to Earth, at the time of the movie's release. It likewise released Loki for his role in the Avengers 2012 and in their Universe at large: and set up for Guardians of the Galaxy in subtler ways to start off the Other and Thanos as the ones conducting the Invasion and looking for the Infinity Stones.
Needless to say, juggling all that in one film before the Universal Story hit, made giving their other introduction and Universal story mechanic on the Earthen end a little hard to squeeze in; but they did manage to introduce both Hawkeye and Selvig in the same movie setting on top of that: and added the end credit scene to establish further connection during Thor's banishment: by further involving SHIELD in his and especially Mjolnir's arrival.
Like I said.. heavy lifter of a film. Brannagh did a beyond amazing job with everything he was made to juggle both in film and setting up for the next two: one of which was in production at the same time as the one he was chosen to direct.
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3. (R July 2011 [1940s]) Coming out later that year, CA:tFA took the next (and the one at the time unknown previous) page that the end credit scene showed us in that set up, to establish how the cube and Stone got there, a feel for it's danger in the wrong hands and how it ended up on Earth still in 2012 at all: again tying to SHIELD as Earth's portion of that Universal Story, using Asgard's pivot point to advance the plot and add the final Avenger (which lol at the title 'The First Avenger' for that reason and others: someone had a giggle at the name I'm sure). The Tesseract first seen in the end credit scene of Thor; is properly introduced immediately, as A. having been in Asgard's hands before leaving it in the charge of humans, and B. Stolen by Schmidt who knows and tells us this as he's stealing it from it's guardians descendants (right out of their ancestor's grave and dead hands) for Nazi/Hydra gain. The Tesseract (along with Schmidt and Rogers) is lost somewhere over the Atlantic.
----this movie sets up quite a few more things, and uses that gap in time to do so without need for a whole other movie. Cap's presence in 2012. What's really fun and interesting though, is just how afr ahead this one was running it's projected Universal Story aim: even if only in The Tesseract being reclaimed by SHIELD and Hydra sometime between 1945 and 1970 just before Tony's birth in that same year of 1970 (remember, Hydra were unidentified as being in SHIELD all the way up to 2014.)
Hydra's existence, threat, and eventual reveal in CA:TWS resulting in the Mind Stone they stole* while within SHIELD after 2012 to only be recovered three years after that in 2015. Bucky Barnes was introduced in this first film; and while his character on it's own doesn't do a whole lot for the Universal story.. where and what organization he's found in that he resurfaces as forced a part of, does: as the Universal Story in CAtWS connects from CAtFA and Avengers, to GoTG; and leads straight to Ultron where it's finally recovered, and more importantly to revealing the Infinity Stones for what they are.. as well as telling the viewer outright that of the six stones as of Age of Ultron?
We have already seen four of those six stones on screen.. and, three of them have been in Loki's presence if not directly in his hands as of 2013 the year after 2012. (Tesseract twice, Scepter, and Ather: and in that chronological order.)
(*Side note: Errrr, is it stealing when Hydra were running SHIELD more than Fury at that stage after Howard Stark's death: and they just kinda handed it to Rumlow and Pierce without question for two years? idk, that's more than a little iffy in a lot of ways lol!)
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Anyway, again that pivoting point is straight-away Asgard, and Odin in particular. Though they make when it arrived on Earth ambiguous in CA:TFA, the Other's dialogue from that opening Avengers 2012 scene mentioned way up there at the top? Tells us outright that the Tesseract was left there AFTER the war with Jotunheim.
The line among the few I'm talking about in particular is:
" The Tesseract has awakened. [...] But our ally [Loki] knows it's workings as they never will. " - The Other, Avengers 2012, Opening Scene
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(Another set of side notes: the inflection and especially emphasis being where it is in that dialogue was pretty interesting and a bit odd back then, prior to Thanos being properly unveiled as the Other's keeper two years later. Right away that opener tells you outright what they want from Earth at that moment[tesseract & the stones], the fact that the one speaking isn't in charge either [Thanos being behind the Other and Chitauri], that they are not the only army available to them [he says our Chitauri, not our army or armies: see Ronan the Accuser] and that they're willing to go war and kill on an interstellar level to get it [self explanatory].)
(There's also how Schmidt disappears as shown in this film. Reminder: while we generally know that Asgard put the Tesseract on Earth sometime during Loki & Thor's adult lifetime, we don't know when Asgard got it. BUT. The visuals alone at the end of CAtFA have some pretty big implications in that direction. More so as TDW shows us that there's a certain technology in play as far back as Bor's time. Here's a gif.. Look kinda familiar, Thor fans..?)
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Here's one I've shared before, from TDW itself to visually remind us where we've seen that kind of things repeatedly:
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(Yep. That's the Bifrost being used 5,000 years ago to bring in Bor's army and steal the Aether, y'all. It also shows us something else: that the Bifrost can be held in long spurts without destroying the planet it's pointed at becoming an immediate thing. Combine this with Loki's knowledge and hm... that raises some other interesting facts and extra questions about the Bifrost scene at the end of Thor 2011 too, doesn't it.)
Okay so! Some who see this might ask 'Why is all that important?'
Welp.. the answer is in the question at the very top of this ask.
Asking about Loki, and his taking Asgard's throne at the end of Thor the Dark World...
The answers are yes, especially because motivation, all that backstory (both directly on screen and what was established and cemented as canon even off it for years by the creators, for that story to work [yes click that link if you haven't seen the breakdown of the year between Thor 2011 and Avengers 2012],) and more pointedly the fact that Loki by that point after the end of The Dark World: not only knows someone is pursuing the Infinity Stones, and knows very well how the Tesseract in Asgard's vault at this stage would help Thanos collect the rest.. but!
Loki has also up close and personal just been introduced to a third, formerly lost/hidden Infinity Stone being revealed and claimed in a very loud, very public way, by a just as universally known power he himself has intimate knowledge of... Asgard [if through Jane/Earth: and gawds but Bor was just as bad about hiding vital and fatal info as Odin turned out to be, sheesh.]
And here's the extra addition to that motivation to stay and take that throne in a way that also knocks out all threat FROM Asgard and it's allies: the person who tortured him and is seeking those stones has already threatened his life more than once in pursuit of them, and promised to hunt him down if he didn't get what he wanted then in 2012.
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(If you missed it by the way? The dialogue, inflection and expressions there both show and tell us right away that they don't trust him NOT to keep the Tesseract from them: even if Loki doesn't fail in 2012. There's no reason to use up the extra airtime, or hit him with pain immediately after, to triple down on it otherwise. The Other, and Thanos by extension; do not trust their hold on Loki: or that he will give them what they want in other words. They don't trust him to succeed [purposely or not] and they don't trust him not to gank both Stones completely out of their already distant reach. (Which and lol he absolutely does manage to do anyway, by putting up neon info signs, really gone-ham public and personal displays, riling the trashed initiative team up left and right, leaving Barton behind on purpose knowing he was coming, and definitely missing the slant of a sloped sky scraper AND the landing pad loop when he tosses Stark into account? It was brilliantly done as was and without that examination, but when you take all that into account too.. oof..! The higher probability that the plan was internally wrecked by the underlying knife of absolute spite for his torturers this character likely pulled off; was just plain beautiful, and clean AF. Just sayin'.)
But and no, Thanos didn't get what he wanted in gambling even the one stone he did have in 2012 in order to try and pick up that second stone.
So they (and we) had more than enough of the potential motivation put down both on screen and off it, over the course of four years (including IM2 production preparing for it in that foundation) but is that still enough to take the risk, and go for the throne?
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( ⬆️ Loki's appearance on arrival in Avengers 2012 after his time with Thanos as originally intended; prior to toning it down in order to fit the PG-13 rating the studios were aiming for to increase audience.)
YES, it was.
Even if only temporarily at first, taking Odin off his throne insures Loki's freedom from pursuit on Asgard's end: as he is now king of those pursuers, and a great deal more overall autonomy even outside of Asgard.
This puts him in direct control of the King's Vault, in which the Tesseract [possible means of escape, while within the reach of that greater tech level etc] is being held: and which again.. Thanos [again threatened & tortured him] still wants, and he knows this.
(⬆️ On-screen Example 1 of what it was like even to be claimed as family, by Thanos. Loki was not, family.)
On top of that, in the long term; his position as King allows him to have a broader sight that running or hiding would not: thanks to Asgard's position as a Known-Universe-sized Imperial Protectorate encompassing multiple Worlds and or Galaxies .. including Earth where the Mind Stone (and Time) is, Xandar (Power shows up just a little under a single year later during his reign,) the Kree (same.) And a much greater ability to prepare (keeping those stones as separate as possible, as he does as the King on the throne who sends Reality to the Collector) and see Thanos coming when he does as a result.
Ultimately, even if temporarily: taking the throne at this stage and in this situation is absolutely within his character, even not wanting it. The massive tactical and personal advantages with Thanos alone, which that position with his knowledge; would provide him with a great deal of capability and reach for a very minimal amount of effort, and especially lives and time lost going the other route..? Were not only on display for two years worth of films to call on, but are pretty hard to excuse passing on in his situation at that time, for any reason.
(⬆️ On-screen Example 2)
There are and were other routes available yes: quite a few of them being he was and likely still is a hero everywhere BUT Earth*. But each and every one of them was that much more dangerous, and lacking in protection both for himself personally and for anything left of what he might have wanted to save of any of those also involved: including Asgard.
(*And yes some of those civilizations might maybe question him and that bad guy status a little: but let's be honest. Confronted with the facts of how all that and Thor's mess ups with Jotunheim actually went down, which Loki also knows about both first hand and in depth, and could easily call out just as publicly [and has in some of my fics]... it's not incredibly likely other societies and especially their leaders responsible for their lives, would choose to indulge Asgard's pride and arrogance at the risk of something like Thanos being allowed to continue to run loose after at least decades of halving populations like Gamora's, Drax's through Ronan, and possibly Nebula's [unconfirmed]. There would be a process to that too though; and time spent correcting all the messes that would cause for him to clean up in order to move forward with fewer obstacles as a result, possibly years if not centuries depending on location and how little they know.)
Taking Asgard's throne (even temporarily) while the majority of big players were either dead at that point[Frigga], weakened [Odin was putting Thor up for king in T1 to take his place & putting off Odinsleep at least 2 years prior to TDW] or occupied/distracted with the final death throes of the Dark Elves [Thor, pretty much everyone else] was the cleanest and safest way to ensure his life, his safety, and his freedom.
Even if, only short term.
Add on the other bonuses being in that seat "wearing the old goat's face" (yeah I borrowed that line from GROUNDED's Tony muse) and well.. there are too many more reasons to do it than not.
The other option has him either trying to escape Darkalfheim to a planet NOT Earth or Asgard to keep from being noted or picked up, before he's found first and knowing Asgard is and has been pursuing him (and Thor) since Thor broke him out of the dungeon: or trying to escape Asgard itself: with very little influence or power to do anything about both the person who tortured him coming after him as promised.. OR Asgard coming after him.
Because there is another thing that would have come out, with Odin still on the throne: is the fact that the body there [if he used a decoy, like one of the elves corpses left behind, or even the guard sent] was not his. Which would have led to immediate search and pursuit, and likely Thor being part of it after dealing with Malekith.
In these scenarios, Loki would have to pursue a counter to not only Asgard itself or Earth's established [and re-established through Jane's reaction] perceptions of him; but also Asgard's political reach as well in order to maintain his freedom, and actually start to counter Thanos before the slurpee stain could reach either, and potentially reclaim if not claim the stones: because they WOULD become an obstacle.. if not because of Odin and Thor [both of whose positions are made blatantly and glaringly clear where Loki is concerned in that same film, repeatedly and reflected on top of that in the entire scene with Thor's friends threatening him, as well as Frigga's own gaslighting scenes prior to her death as the Queen who should have taken her throne in T1 and in the dungeon in TDW.] then definitely because of the Other and Thanos, both of whom were very much alive and still running around the outer edges of the Galaxy until the Other was killed by Ronan in 2014.
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Whether he's solely protecting himself, or looking to set up revenge, Loki, Thor, and Asgard's Local story in the MCU was designed to be part of if not heavily intertwined with the Universal Story before we saw any of them on our screens. And, if you're picking up a crafting story any time after 2011 in canon in that Universe.. that's gonna, and should be a thing.
Sad (and more than a little pitiful) that current creators ignore and mock all that and more, along with the efforts of over a decade of that work and hundreds of creators before them, especially in what they're passing for Thor since Gagnarok, or calling the "Loki" series (aka Bob: The Accountant/The Not-Enchantress Show) today*.. but I suppose that's what you get when you pay a bunch of clueless and Odin/Thor-level-arrogant cartoon creators for a twice rejected, unfinished script as the knock-off and fill in for crafting the next part of that story: and then hire their friends to do the next part even worse than the first?
(*Just sayin'. lol! Also yes those are both separate links to just a few examples of what's been going wrong since.)
So.. TLDR...
Yes, it's actually very in-character for Loki to have taken the throne; as a proven and intentionally crafted intelligent and tactically-minded character,* who was raised knowing Asgard's reach and power when a King who uses it properly is seated in that throne.
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(*Regardless of what the series tries to tell you to mock viewers otherwise.. those scenes stating otherwise about Loki's character in S1 and now in S2 still makes me laugh my ass off at the stupidity and ignorance on display in this regard especially: as they tell you outright that absolutely no one who might have cared on the BTS team watched an ounce of the Avengers movie they want you believe the character came directly from, any of Thor 2011 before it, and definitely not TDW or Guardians to guess never mind know even remotely accurately as to the TITLE CHARACTER's characterization or motivations, of their own series; to get it THAT wrong on purpose... to the extent that, they have to put those kinds of words in his and other characters' mouths through the "scripts" they wrote and put on screen.)
I do however and as an addition: think Loki probably hated it from day to day.
After all, everything he did to stop if not pause Thanos and buy time; was done so with Odin's face.. and as a result was credited to Odin, who reminder.. by the time GotG and then Ragnarok ended, we knew was aware of Thanos at the very least (if not through Asgard then through other huge powers in the universe like Xandar and the Kree [Ronan was killing on Thanos behalf, Gamora's planet was halved decades prior]) and sat on his hands rather than face the largest army in the known universe, as it's proclaimed protector.
The leader for which being let run loose like that [Thanos].. was able to snatch Loki up, and the New York Invasion to happen as a result of Odin and Asgard's complacency.
Loki would have been stuck with the prospect of revealing himself and slowing down his potential progress and preparation (including restoring Asgard and it's defenses around the Tesseract in it's vault) over the course of those five years, being pursued for likely execution or maybe the rest of those 3,500 years of solitary confinement Frigga had to beg for as a sitting duck in a literal gilded cage again, running and attempting to keep his autonomy while doing all of that anyway, or ... just taking the throne and keeping his face hidden in order to avoid almost all of any of that and the many variations possible there that would have wasted months if not years of very precious time.
Ultimately, avoiding these things would have cost him in another way too, if he did manage and he knew that; because and again, Loki knew Thanos' game and purpose much earlier than we the viewers did. Sitting aside and hiding was not going to exclude him from the gamble of the snap even if Thanos did not find him, and took the stones without his interference.
Without his interference (and especially after Hydra stealing it in the 40's, and Thanos' first attempt to take the Tesseract from Earth as one very near example of why not to: especially from the outside looking in at that) it remains very probable that Odin would not have moved the Aether at all; as Loki did, wearing his face. Which means that, regardless of whether or not he returned for Ragnarok (which was established even in it's own plot-hole ridden mess of a story) as happening anyway: Thanos still would have collected Space and Reality after Power.. and he would have been able to do so far more quickly with them both in one place.. whether that place was floating space with Loki not there to collect either, or in their hands after the fact because he did think not to leave them in the open and undefended.
There are some ways around this (I've done some and planned out more,) but they're very tricky to do believably: and they still take time, allies, and correcting at least some things (especially perceptions and the break in trust worsened majorly by Odin and Thor) to manage. Sometimes a LOT of all of the above.
What's more, when taking him out into the open after the part he played in saving not only Jane, but also Asgard from Odin's rage filled dumb in TDW?
It's pretty likely that revealing himself on the throne and explaining this shit would have wasted even more time in various ways. But the very first and most obvious thing to become a problem in the realm of big-picture no-nos he definitely would have been aware of is this:
Asgard as a whole at that point and likely after having the story confirmed by Thor, would likely fall into a state of even more chaos in civil war if not a war of succession afterwards: further screwing over their ability to recover their defensive capabilities due to fighting themselves.
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Other societies becoming aware could spark the same reaction, if a little later and cause Asgard's reputation, standing and overall influence to crumble as the facts came out. While some of these are avoidable or made less in certain situations: the fact remains that is what Odin set himself and Asgard up for by sitting to the side rather than doing everything in his power as King of an advanced space-faring society in contact with numerous others capable of moving them even without the Bifrost in effect.
It's very likely that, some of those external (and maybe some internal like Vanaheim) would use the very good examples of Odin and Thor's incompetence when dealing with things like Jotunheim (oh wow lets not get into that long list of treason and kid-glove handling of prince raised as genocidal traitor yet again), and Vanaheim (Asgardian colony with no Asgardian defense cannons or ships ..hm that reeks of some serious issues and bigotry too: especially seen in the very same film as those cannons, AND the fact they could transport whole armies via Bifrost 5,000 years prior?) alone, as a springboard to either GTFO Odin's alliance party, or support the idea of Loki being crowned instead of Thor.. if not both.
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Anyway. This was really long and I have pulled this whole thing apart so many times in so many different ways that I could definitely keep going.. but I think that's a good enough view of the whys it's very much in character.. and some of what likely would have happened if he hadn't. And yes that emphasis in bold is very much needed.
There are other factors to take into account alongside of all this, including (aka not only) the fact his actual species (yep, don't forget: he's not Asgardian either) is both known at this point, and absolutely despised by Asgardians in particular on top of all that. And, at least some of the generation that hates his kind most --Odin and Frigga's-- are still around to keep carrying that on and attempt to pass it to their kids of the same generation. A thing we know they did already, through the dialogue, responses and and actions of every single member of the Royal family, including Loki's, starting with the very first film.
Remember.. this was the entire reason Thor thought it was completely okay to rack up multiple charges of treason, trespass on a completely different world he was forbidden by both sides from even setting foot on, and then insulting and killing them on the home planet he invaded, in the first place...
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..and that fact it was still present, and was in action, was ultimately the root of the reasoning for that banishment.
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Incidentally, and as final set of side notes?
This another example of why world building and sticking to the rules of that world/universe as established is necessary, and only serves to make the world and universe the characters are supposed be part of that much stronger and more interesting when done correctly.
Limitations (physical, social, psychological and more) exist in story and in those universes not just as near-laws-of-physics, but sometimes as an obstacle themselves to overcome, or more importantly and most often forgotten?
To work with, rather than around or over; in order to actually accomplish something, or at least give the sense of that accomplishment.
This is at the heart of what it means for a character to earn what they're given and show that, rather than simply getting it for free.
Ultimately I see that choice as Loki exchanging his name and identity, along with recognition for having put Thanos off of killing half the universe with him in it for five years; for the ability to better and more quickly protect himself and the things around him from those threats, not only from Thanos.. but also those threats posed and put into word by Odin, Thor, Sif, and the Yes-men Three.
And he was only able to to that without interruption, because he did make that sacrifice in hand for five solid years by taking Odin's throne and face.
It does fit that Loki absolutely did and as Tom Hiddleston and creators have said: at least try let go of Asgard, Thor, Odin and the rest when he let go at the end of Thor 2011...
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..However. It's also very clear even if he hadn't; that Thanos' actions and Odin's and Asgard's inaction, ended up forcing him right back in front of them, whether his remaining anger re-igniited by the Scepter during that missing year had been bolstered as it was, played the part it did on screen or not.
All that said.. it was quite a long way away from hasty or lazy writing. If anything, that would have been true for going through with Loki's death at the end of TDW instead: as the next set in line would have been entirely excused from putting him or any of that story into focus on screen at all, even in what little they did pay attention to it during and after Gagnarok.
The TDW creators simply chose the most obvious path the previous creators had already crafted in their foundations, and laid down the path for them to take in crafting the next with TDW to set up for hte next even after it.
Sucks that it took getting that big an audience reaction in that direction to do so and not be that lazy about it.. but it is what it is.
Post-Script and For faster reference and in order from Captain America 2011 on, Loki did/was subject to, the following:
[Pre-1940s: unknown era] Had enough definitive exposure to the Tesseract as prince of Asgard, to be referred to as the equivalent of an expert on the Tesseract. (Given his discovery of the doorways between worlds as put on display in TDW, this makes even more sense than it already did in 2012.)
[2011]Was tortured and influenced both emotionally and mentally by the Other and gifted the Scepter with the intent of further riling and amplifying [that's what fueling means in this instance] his anger towards Thor and Earth's part in helping to release him from his banishment: in return, he's offered rule over Earth and more importantly his freedom from all of the above in that rule after.
[2012] The Mind Stone is used long distance in conjunction with the Tesseract to watch and torture him at a distance on screen as well. It's only functions used on screen otherwise is as a projectile weapon and device to spread that mind control to serve the deal made.
[2013]Helped save Jane & the Reality Stone.
[2013]Helped save an otherwise defenseless Asgard from another siege & Odin's stated intent to die to the last man, woman and child in that fight: at the same time.
[2013]Killed Algrim/Kurse in defense of Thor and Jane; an individual who was so powerful as enhanced by the Reality Stone: that he batted Mjolnir aside like it was a nerf toy.
[2013]Sent the Reality Stone to the Collector, separating what stones he had.
[2013]Kept the Space Stone in it's place in the vault ..and it stayed there for the 5 years of his rule.
[2014] Between Asgard proper as a political and protective power, and his connections to the Collector himself: clearly knew about and did not claim the Power stone, or put it in Asgard's vault either, after it's use there.
[2015] The Mind Stone being removed from Earth, was stated as being Thor's purpose, as directed by the King [Loki.] No intended ending destination was given.
[2017-2018]Rebuilt Asgard, it's homes and it's defenses: well enough that even in and by Gagnarok they were building theaters and statues, and enjoying plays.
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( ⬆️ Yeah I wasn't kidding: that's the Kurse nerf-toy mjolnir sequence in TDW, if you missed it.)
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themculibrary · 5 months
Arranged Marriage AU Masterlist 2
part one
A Marriage Between Realms (ao3) - professnerdiness loki/sylvie E, 16k
Summary: “She and I are both the offspring of Kings. The son of Laufey and the daughter of Odin. Two children whose fathers have been mortal enemies for millennia. They stole us from each other when we were babes, and raised us far from our lands and people. And now, we’re being married in order to reunite our families and bring peace to the Nine Realms.”
Prince Loki of Asgard and Princess Sylvie of Jotunheim are wed in a marriage of convenience and political necessity. Can they find something deeper between them?
A Sylki Arranged Marriage AU
A Promise of Peace (ao3) - neonheartbeat loki/sylvie E, 107k
Summary: Sylvie Odinsdottir knows her duty as a princess: to place Asgard above her own wants and desires. But when she meets the Jotun prince she's been promised to marry since she was young, she finds her loyalties begin to shift, and trust is a luxury she may not be able to afford for long...
Arranged (ao3) - NotEvenCloseToStraight steve/tony T, 8k
Summary: Royalty AU-- Howard arranges a match between Tony and Steve, but when Tony tries to run away with Tiberius instead, Steve goes after his betrothed and brings him home. Things are difficult between the couple at first, but an impulsive kiss leads to softer moments, and finally the arranged pair find happiness together.
Come lay with me, You're safe with me (ao3) - annunziatina tony/bruce M, 48k
Summary: In exchange for a military contract that would save his family from financial ruin, Tony Stark is forced to abandon his desire for love. But the reclusive scientist to whom Tony is promised is far from the army grunt he imagined. And maybe love isn't really out of reach.
everybody wants to rule the world (ao3) - bevioletskies peter/gamora T, 109k
Summary: Peter is the one and only heir to the Celestial throne. Gamora is expected to successfully lead the Titans to conquer the galaxy. A political alliance is in the works, and there may or may not be wedding bells in the air.
Alternately: Peter and Gamora find themselves in an arranged marriage and want nothing to do with it, but might need each other more than they think if they want to escape their genocidal fathers forever.
heavy is the crown (ao3) - Anonymous steve/tony G, 17k
Summary: “Why did you pick me? As a match. Howard forced you to marry, but you had - there were other options. Many of them.”
“Maybe I wanted to help you,” Tony says. “To help - anyone, for once. Your people needed it.”
Oh, Steve thinks dully. So it wasn’t about him at all. It’s - a comfort, in some ways. In others, it’s… less so.
“And-” Tony hesitates. "Everyone said you were kind. I thought… if I had to marry, I’d prefer to marry someone kind.”
(Or, Arranged Marriage AU.)
I’m With Him Until the Death Do Us Part (But It Doesn’t Do for this Hungry Heart) (ao3) - Just AnotherMarvelGirl wanda/vision E, 4k
Summary: I really tried to come up with a better summary, but I keep going back to the basics: an arranged marriage royal AU, with cheating, smut, and murder.
In the Hall of the Mountain King (ao3) - Hippiebuckyharrington steve/thor, background bucky/tony E, 26k
Summary: Thor doesn't mind taking the throne when his father dies. He doesn't mind giving up his partying ways with his brother in order to be the responsible King Asguard deserves. What he does mind is having to marry the prince of the neighboring kingdom of Midgard. He doesn't need a spouse to run his country, and he isn't ready to settle down.
Steve really would just like love, a family maybe, and to not be stuck watching his newly married brother mooning over his new husband. And he'd rather be painting anyway, so an arranged marriage is not the worst idea. What Steve doesn't want is to be married to the strange almost barbaric King, who shows up spectacularly hungover to their wedding. Now he's alone, and scared in a place miles from anything he is used to, saddled to a King who doesn't want him.
But maybe, maybe all hope is not lost, even with the disaster their wedding turns into. Maybe, just maybe, there is something to be salvaged from the less than ideal circumstances that brought them together.
just wrong enough to make it feel right (ao3) - thelilacfield wanda/vision M, 7k
Summary: “This is Vision. He is my personal guard. And he will be yours, my lady, whenever you ask.”
She thought that coming to the kingdom would be the end of all her troubles. Marrying a king would be her happy ever after. And yet, as Vision steps forward and shyly bows to her, she can’t help thinking that troubles are only just beginning with the way her heart flutters when those blue eyes meet hers.
Marriage and Mate Chases (ao3) - NotEvenCloseToStraight steve/tony, bucky/natasha, sam/clint E, 439k
Summary: A Regency-ish AU:
Strict, stern Alpha Captain Steve Rogers is firmly in control of himself, his army, and his life and intends to marry an Omega who shares the same ideals while wild, flighty Omega!Tony loves to flaunt Howard's rules, society's expectations and has no intention of settling down.
An arranged marriage forces Alpha and Omega together, but Steve's constant disapproval and Tony's refusal to compromise leads to anger and arguments, missed heats, harsh ruts and a lack of bonding bites. Vicious rumours fly about the Omega's fidelity and the Alpha's ability to control his mate and when Steve runs away to war to distance himself from his unpredictable husband, Tony turns to new friends and illicit activities to hide his hurting heart.
Steve returns from war a changed man ready to be a good husband, dedicating every minute of every day to winning Tony's heart back, but Tony is tired of being ignored, busy with his own projects and unwilling to give the Alpha another chance.
With outside forces plotting to ruin what little happiness they have, are Steve and Tony doomed to be unbonded husbands, married but never truly mates?
marry the sunset (ao3) - becuille t'challa/m'baku E, 5k
Summary: On the night before his wedding, T’Challa is not surprised by his inability to sleep. He is plagued by thoughts of M’Baku from years ago, pushed back in his memory like a long forgotten dream.
Of Broken Dreams and Mended Hearts (ao3) - Kellyscams steve/bucky, peggy/gabe, clint/natasha, pepper/tony, bucky/rumlow M, 354k
Summary: When the House of Barnes is left in massive debt after the death of George Barnes, their oldest son and heir, Bucky, is forced to sacrifice his own hopes and dreams by entering an arranged married to Steve Rogers. Steve seems kind enough, has a prominent job in the government, and was even voted Society's Best Catch. But the House Rogers is significantly higher in status than Bucky's family, which means Bucky is marrying up in Society, and marrying up doesn't only come with rewards, it also comes with certain...expectations and losses--some of which Bucky might be willing to do anything to avoid. And those opportunities might come his way.
Unless, of course, he actually starts falling in love with his new husband...
Seasons of Time (ao3) - ABrighterDarkness, britbrit99 steve/thor T, 56k
Summary: Thor hadn’t put much thought into what marriage and bonding might look like for him. The consideration only ever went as far as acknowledging that it was something that would need to happen, that was expected of him. He certainly didn’t ask questions or press for answers he was wholly uninterested in hearing.
Someday he would be required to court potential mates that would inevitably lead to marriage and, of course, bonding. He would be expected to have a child, at least one, preferably born with an Alpha designation, who he would then be expected to raise to take his place some many, many years down the road.
Someday, the time would come where he would need to conform to the role of King that he would eventually fill and that included the aforementioned expectations.
The Norns Write Right in Crooked Lines (ao3) - Anny_Franny loki/tony T, 17k
Summary: Two princes are forced into an engagement to form a military alliance and save thousand of lives. Thor and Tony had everything to be a happy couple: they were friends, they liked to drink, they knew how to deal with their weapons. Maybe they didn’t love each other, but hey, given time, who knew? Except…
Well, except Tony kinda fell in love with his hot dickish brother-in-law.
The Robot King (ao3) - betheflame pepper/tony T, 27k
Summary: Howard Stark has been a narcissistic control freak for a long time, so no one should really be surprised he added his son’s betrothal to a business merger, even when said son is 4 at the time.
Pepper and Tony are soulmates and all is looking peachy, until a tragic car accident, a well-placed lie, and years of emotional abuse conspire to force them apart.
Can they make it back to each other? And despite Howard’s indifference, find true love?
(Of course they can. I only write happily ever afters.)
Basically, this is Lion King, which means it's Hamlet, because evidently I only write AUs now.
The Selection (ao3) - worrisomeme steve/bucky, riley/sam, peggy/angie, clint/natasha M, 20k
Summary: The Department of Spousal Selection. Anyone not married by age 25 gets a spouse assigned to them by the government. And it’s fine, really. The matches are almost always a perfect fit. Steve Rogers is a successful tattoo artist who’s about to have his world turned upside down when he’s matched with a one Bucky Barnes. As they navigate their new life together and learn to deal with each other’s baggage, will their match prove successful, or will their inner demons tear them apart?
we deserve a soft epilogue, my love (ao3) - zashizawa tony/natasha N/R, 9k
Summary: "Love. . ." She trailed off, brows furrowed, "Love isn't always enough to make someone stay, Tony."
His eyes met hers, the green shining from the weak streetlights nearby, and he wondered when that had become his favorite color.
"It can be." He argued, because he knew his parents loved each other, and that was enough for them. He didn't know why, but they did.
"But, not always." She replied pointedly, looking between him and her. He knew where she was coming from.
They'd gotten closer, he didn't know how, but he could feel her leg brush against his under the water.
They both locked eyes for a moment, and Tony found himself gravitating closer. "It can be." He murmured yet again, his fingers brushing delicately against her bare side, his eyes flickering from her eyes to her lips.
"It can be." Natasha finally agreed, looking at him just as intensely as he stared at her.
(Or, the arranged marriage au nobody asked for)
What Comes on the Stage (ao3) - buckybarnesdeservestobehappy (hutchabelle), chaosmanor steve/bucky E, 11k
Summary: Living in Wyoming Territory in the 1880s, recently widowed Bucky Barnes needs a wife—someone to help him on the farm and bear him children. When he arranges for a bride from the East Coast to join him on his homestead, he’s met with a surprise. What he doesn’t foresee is falling in love, especially when Steve Rogers isn’t at all who Bucky expects to step off the stagecoach.
wish you were the piece to get me out of the game (ao3) - disaster_energy loki/mobius T, 10k
Summary: “It is only courteous of us to propose an option as well, the peace between the realms would-”
“Propose me.”
-- Or; King Mobius is looking for a consort among the Nine Realms. Loki discreetly throws himself as tribute.
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nerdby · 11 months
It was never about a throne.
Like I completely reject the notion that Loki took over Asgard at the end of The Dark World because he "wanted a throne."
Because he said in the very first movie that he never wanted a throne. All he ever wanted was to be seen as Thor's equal. He wanted to stop living in Thor's shadow. Why would that have changed?
It didn't. Loki took over Asgard at the end of TDW as his own of getting revenge on his family for taking him for granted.
Like what is the first thing that happens when Thor brings Loki back to Asgard?
What is the very first thing Odin says to Loki?
"Why did you do that?"
"Are you okay?"
Nope, none of that. Let's review--
So the conversation between Loki and Frigga establishes a few things--
Loki has given up hope. He's assumed that Odin is going to have him killed. That's why he says, "Define worse."
He knows that he can never live up to his parents' expectations of him, so why would they believe anything he has to say about the situation regarding Thanos? Why would they believe that Loki never actually planned on ruling Midgard but was sent there because he was being manipulated and blackmailed?
They wouldn't. That's what he's thinking anyway, so he decides to play along cause they've already assumed the worst of him.
Loki wants to hear what Odin really thinks of him -- his precious baby boy that he rescued from Jotunheim.
And one of the first things Odin says to him is,
"All this because Loki desires a throne?"
You can tell from the opening scene that Loki is dreading his conversation with his father. He just wants to get it over with as soon as possible. And the entire conversation is him basically saying,
But it was okay when you did it?
Except he knows it wasn't. He's just throwing Odin's hypocrisy in his own face because now the truth is out there, and everything Loki learned in the first Thor movie has been reconfirmed: Odin does not care about Loki, and deep down he knows he should have just left Loki on Jotunheim to die. Because regardless of whatever plans he had for Loki -- to use him as a pawn in some political scheme:
"By the way, Laufey, you remember that son of yours that went missing eons ago when I was here slaughtering your people--?"
Regardless of those meticulously thought out, painstakingly laid plans Loki is a bad egg. Irredeemable. Undeserving of any sort of sympathy or second chance.
Loki just wanted to hear him say it because he was expecting to die. He wanted to die. He doesn't want to live knowing that he's ruined his mother's life, disappointed her, and completely destroyed whatever chance he had at repairing his relationship with Thor. He doesn't want to live with the memories of Thanos's torture in his head or knowing that the only father he'd ever had only ever saw him as a gambling chip. That's why he spent the entire scene snarking off and calling his dad out on his shit.
So, yes, by the end of the movie he's furious and resentful.
Because his family is still unwilling to say, "We're sorry we fucked up. We're sorry we hurt you."
Throughout the entire film Thor never comes to see Loki or ask if he's okay. The only time Thor goes to Loki throughout the entire movie is when he needs his help to save Jane. He doesn't care about the pain Loki feels -- no, he's just worried about some mortal that threw herself at him during the seventy-two hours he spent banished on Midgard.
Odin and Thor just assume the worst of Loki without even bothering to ask if he's okay. They completely disregard all of the abuse, the favoritism, and the fact that he said flat out that he never wanted a throne. But, yeah, at the end of the day that must be what its really about cause Loki is nothing more than a spoiled brat of a prince, nothing more or less, right?
And that is why Loki took over Asgard and sent his father to a nursing home on Midgard. He is a child, lashing out and furious at the fact that he is being held responsible for his parents' and brother's sins. Now, what was it that Rocket said in the first GtoG movie?
"I didn't ask to get made."
Well, Loki never asked for Odin to rescue him from Jotunheim.
And since the Loki fandom has so far portrayed the emotional depth of a teaspoon, let's just throw this is here to see if we can make the parallels a bit less subtle--
So all of the healing and growth that Loki accomplished in the TV series is not because he's suddenly focused on something other than a throne. Because it was never about that. Ever.
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The witchling and the god [Loki x Witch!Reader] Chapter 25
Summary: The Avengers were looking for someone to help Loki fit in with the team. To become socially acceptable, so to speak. He had been given the choice of sitting in a cell in Asgard or serving some sort of community service probation on Midgard. The Avengers and Shield both felt that as long as Loki was on Earth, he should be under supervision. This is now your job. Why? Because you’re a witch. You’re not sure why this qualifies you, but here you are, giving it a shot. What could possibly go wrong?
Tags: Witch!Reader, Magic, Witches, slow burn, everybody lives in the tower, character development, Loki‘s redemption, Stephen Strange is a friend, Loki and Stephen are frenemies, Tony Stark is a good bro, kids love Loki, Tony has stupid nicknames for everybody, eventual smut
Main Masterlist | Series Masterlist | Read it on AO3 | Previous | Next
Chapter’s Note: New week, new fun. Loki and the Witchling being domestic (or something like that). Beta by @zaria-04
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Chapter 25: A common weakness
You are nervous. For a few days now you’ve felt a restlessness inside you that you don't really understand. You have the constant feeling that you have to move, that you can't sit still for more than a few minutes. This is unusual for you. Also, you can't even concentrate on the book you're trying to read.
You've been in this state - if you think about it - ever since you returned from the Josiah’s. Since the attack on Gabriel. No, actually, ever since you laid the cards and Death sneered in your face. You were nervous then, waiting for the impending doom, seeing it lurking around every corner. And when it came, you were absolutely not prepared.
But now it is over.
The disaster happened and was averted at the last second. You should relax, breathe a sigh of relief. Unless it wasn't about Gabriel at all. Maybe something else is coming, something worse.
You don't want to consult your cards again, afraid of what they might show you. That is the disadvantage of insights into the future. You get knowledge, good or bad. And sometimes you are as smart afterwards as you were before.
You're so antsy that Loki catches on too, but he says nothing about it, blaming it on the fact that your brother almost died under your hands. And you’re sure that's part of the reason.
You decided that you want to broaden your knowledge. It's been a long time since you've actually actively expanded your magical repertoire. Most of it you learned from your mother. So did Elizabeth before you and Gabriel after you. You've specialized in different areas just over time.
You live in modern times - at least that's what people claim. To be fair, they claim that at all times. But it somehow always seems true. You live in times of technology. It's developing faster and faster. But you feel that the more technology develops, the more difficult it is to get magical knowledge. As if they are two different worlds.
That's why you're on the phone with Stephen Strange right now. His order has the largest collection of magical knowledge that you know of.
Normally you would talk to him in person about it, you would have visited him in the Sanctum, which is not far from the compound, and you are in the elevator on your way to the city anyway. But the Sorcerer Supreme is very busy investigating an increase in paranormal incidents in the city. Apparently there are an unusually high number of people meddling with stuff that is above their ken: ouija boards, pissing off ghosts. Mainly poltergeists, who are a pain in the ass in general. He mentioned something about the people being mind controlled and losing their memory doing the stuff, as soon as Stephen or one of the other sorcerers free their minds.
It seems like a disturbance in the force, which is why he keeps the phone call with you relatively short. You are glad that you reached him at all. Unfortunately, he doesn't have any good news for your request.
"Sorry, you know the rules," he says as a matter of fact. "The library is just for masters or students of the Mystic Arts."
You've been figured something like this. There are few exceptions to the rule, like the book on Seidr he had lent you. Presumably he had only done that at the time because it had helped with Loki. An Asgardian under control means less work for the Sorcerer Supreme. He’s pragmatic like that.
This time it's a personal matter. You sigh silently as you leave the compound and step out onto the streets of New York.
"Yeah, I understand."
It still sucks. You've already approached Loki on the subject, but the Asgardian has no access to his father's library and writings - because of obvious reasons. So he can't help you either.
Unfortunately, there are no public archives about magic, freely accessible to all. This knowledge is mostly secluded - for good reason. Knowledge is power. And potentially dangerous knowledge is not shared with everyone. It's a primal survival instinct.
"So, mind control?" You ask, changing the subject. "Any relation to 2012?" You don't mention Loki's name, but it's implied.
"I don't think so. I haven't found the source yet, but it's different. People mess with forces they can't possibly know."
"Sounds fun. I can tell you that Central Park is safe. No weird activities here."
You hear a chuckle from Stephen. "You have a weird definition of fun. Stay safe."
"You too."
You pocket your phone and stop at a red pedestrian light. Considering that you spend most of your time in New York, you're rarely downtown. Somehow, you still don’t like it. It's too noisy and too crowded for you. The city may have its beautiful corners, but in your opinion Manhattan is not one of them - and the Avengers Tower stands right in its center.
Natasha recommended a bakery to you the other day that's supposed to be really good. In fact, you met her and Clint in the lounge the other day, where the two of them were eating the most delicious looking pastries. And since they assured you that it tasted just as good as it looked, you decided to pay this insider tip a visit. You have to expand your horizons, after all.
The bakery is near Central Park, so it wasn't so much an insider tip as a local favorite.
It's a sunny but windy day and you've got a thin jacket on. Luckily, the bakery isn't too crowded. You must have caught a good time between morning rush and midday break. While the patron orders in front of you, you look at the display.
From the hem of your sleeve peaks a snake head. He wanted to see the selection – Loki always has an opinion on sweets, no matter what kind they are – but hadn't been willing to walk 'that far' across the city for it. You don't know if he just doesn’t want to be seen by people or his royal butt feels too spoiled to walk today.
In turn, you've refused to take a car downtown because of traffic. You have found a compromise in his shapeshifting because you don't mind carrying him with you in this shape and so he can still see everything. You hold your arm so he has a good view of the display.
The only difficult part is communicating - you just decide to pick the one that his gaze is fixed on, even if that's sometimes hard to tell when he’s a reptile. On the other hand, if he doesn't like the selection, that's his problem.
"Hello, welcome to Kowalski's. What can I-... uh, get for you?"
You have to hand it to the young woman standing behind the counter, about to take your order, that she hesitates only briefly in irritation when she spots the animal in your sleeve. Her customer service smile is back on her lips a second later and she keeps her eyes level with your face.
"Hi, yeah, can I get two of the strawberry-cheesecake-cupcakes and two triple chocolate sins?"
Loki tongues and moves a bit away from your arm toward the counter.
"Anything else?" the cashier asks.
You follow Loki's movement. "That one?" You point to a stack of filled doughnuts. "What's that, with the frosting?"
"These are our Sugarbombs, filled with vanilla cream."
You make a face. Sometimes Loki's sweet tooth is really disgusting. He would be eating that one alone. "One of those, too, please." You pay and shove the snake back under your jacket as you reach for the bag.
That's the great thing about modern times, and especially about New York. You can walk the streets with a reptile on your arm and no one thinks it's strange. In earlier times, that would have been unthinkable. Snakes have always been considered magical animals. You would have been accused of being a witch – which is ironically not wrong – and possibly put on a stake – and that’s a very wrong thing to do.
You take a little detour on your way home through the park to enjoy the sunshine. The city also has its beautiful sides and the gentle pressure around your chest comforts you. Loki is a great pet. He is also a great lover. You still can't grasp the idea that you striked the attention of the Asgardian god.
You feel more content than you have in a long time. Living on your own in your cottage had its perks. You liked the lifestyle, the peace, the quiet. It was a good life. But you withdrew a bit from other people. Maybe you needed that for the time being.
Since you took the job with the Avengers, you feel like you've been thrown back into the middle of life. There's always something going on, it's loud and exciting. But it's not exhausting. You feel like you've arrived in the right place.
Back in the suite of the princes you meet Thor. "Good morning, Lady Witch," he greets you cheerfully.
"Hello Thor." You set the bag down on the kitchen counter and take off your jacket.
"Are you meeting with-… oh, is that a snake?" The god hunches down to be eye level with the reptile peering over your shoulder.
"Yeah, that's-..." you continue, but he interrupts you.
"Can I hold it? I love snakes!"
Perplexed, you blink at him. He doesn't seem to recognize his brother. You turn your head questioningly to Loki, for it is not up to you to make the decision. Loki is already moving toward the Asgardian, and Thor takes the reptile in his hands. With a gentle grip, he strokes the scaly surface.
"Beautiful," he murmurs, before looking back up at you. "Ah, before I forget: I wanted to ask my brother if he wants to spare but if you two have a date…"
"Oh, no, it's fine. We hadn't planned anything for today," you assure him as you watch the snake move around Thor's shoulder.
"Great, I-..." the Asgardian continues, but at that moment Loki transforms back and knocks his brother over with the sudden shift in weight and momentum. Thor lands on the floor with an 'oof' and Loki kneels triumphantly on his chest.
"I accept your challenge," he announces with a grin.
"Loki! I should have known!"
"You always fall for the same tricks." Loki stands up, and Thor rises again as well. You watched the scene with amusement and can't help but chuckle.
Thor turns to you. "I guess I'll have to watch out for you in the future, too, if you're aligning yourself with my brother’s shenanigans."
"I tried to tell you, but you were distracted by the presence of a snake," you shrug.
"A very common weakness," Thor defends himself, but doesn't seem to hold it against either of you. He's never been the vindictive type anyway. "Maybe your lady wants to accompany us." He winks at Loki, smirking. "Watching your royal butt fall on the mat."
With feigned seriousness, Loki turns to you and indicates a bow. "My lady, do you want to accompany us and watch my glorious, royal butt?"
You chuckle. It's always funny when the two of them speak in a mix of Shakespearean and modern slang. "I always love watching your butt." You lean a little closer to him. "I'd love it even more if it was you who got Thor's butt on the mat."
It's suggestive, challenging. Loki grins. He loves a challenge. "I shall try and please my lady then."
The gyms are on the lower levels. There is something for everyone and no expense or effort has been spared in the equipment. The Asgardian princes opt for a larger room, most of which is covered with mats. In one corner there is some training equipment, otherwise it is empty. Perfect for hand to hand combat. Thor didn't bring Mjolnir, because the walls would probably not withstand the full force, despite their strength. In return Loki renounces his magic.
Thor is strong, powerful, but also sometimes a little slow. He is not the oaf Loki likes to call him. Loki, on the other hand, is faster, more refined in his attacks, but no less powerful. Next to his broad built brother it sometimes doesn't give the impression, but he's still an Asgardian - at least half of him - and thus he also possesses their physiology.
Both wear sleeveless workout clothes. Thor had already worn them in the suite, Loki conjured his magically on their way down
You stay seated against the wall, water bottles beside you, and watch the two. The good girlfriend you are, you cheer whenever Loki lands a good attack or brings Thor down.
Girlfriend still is funny on your tongue, yet you can't think of a better term. Loki and you have yet to talk about it. You both are exclusive. At least you assume so, because you spend most of your free time together and you don't have the impression that he is hiding anything from you. But neither of you has been brave enough to mention feelings. The closest thing you came to was your talk at the moon convergence. At that time, you agreed to be more than friends.
Now you are so much more than that. You're falling hard for the Asgardian. Yet you are reluctant to tell him. Maybe you're too stubborn, but you want him to say something first. He's called silvertongue for a reason, he should use it.
You know that insecurity speaks from you. Fear of rejection, that he is less serious than you. As long as nothing is said, you can give in to the illusion that everything is just as you want it to be.
You realize that your mind is drifting and you concentrate on the sparring brothers. They're beautiful to watch. Both are great warriors. They make it look effortless, but you feel the power behind it. They are no mere humans.
It's an even fight, neither has a clear upper hand. Both end up on the mat floor or in an awkward grip about the same number of times. They have known each other's tactics for too long. Centuries of training and wars have formed them into a well-rehearsed team. Despite this, or perhaps because of it, they don't hold back. Because they know what the other can endure and take.
You are glad to be just a spectator, because some of the kicks and punches look very painful.
Loki looks over at you and you wave back. The prince grins and takes off his shirt. He wipes his face with it before tossing it carelessly aside and continuing to fight without it. Thor is visibly amused by this. He's done this enough times himself to impress ladies, and shakes his head at it. You don't notice, because you only have eyes for Loki. His body is by no means foreign to you, not by a long shot, yet you can't look away and follow his every move with fascination.
In the end, Loki manages to throw his brother against the wall, very close to where you are sitting. You're sure there's a little bit of magic involved.
Thor lets it slide, but decides to end their training session. He grabs one of the water bottles and with a quick goodbye to you, he goes to the showers.
Loki sits down with you and you hand him a water bottle as well.
"You cheated."
"Can you prove your outrageous accusation?" He asks in a mocking shocked voice that makes you laugh.
"I didn't say it was a bad thing to do."
"Then let me collect my prize." With these words Loki pulls you onto his lap and steals a kiss from your lips.
You grant him one before climbing off him. "You're sweaty."
"And whose fault is that?"
"Well, for once not mine."
"We should change that."
"Maybe after you showered." You reach out a hand and help him to his feet. It's more of a courtesy, because if he wanted to, it would be a breeze for him to pull you back down.
"What a waste of water," he complains, not really meaning it. "You should join me to make it ‘economical’."
You pretend to think about it as you turn toward the exit. "I would, but I'm not sure if you can keep up with me after your exhausting training."
Suddenly two arms wrap around you, and you yelp in surprise as Loki throws you over his shoulder. You want to complain and ask what this is all about, but one look at his face silences you. His eyes are dark and like a predator.
"Oh, you'll see how I keep up with you," he growls as if you've just awakened a tiger. "And unlike just now magic won't be off limits."
He walks in long, purposeful strides to your room.
I’m a weak woman. I see two Adonis build men wrestling and I drool
Tag List: @lokisgoodgirl @lokixryss @itsybitchylittlewitchy @yokshi-unbeliebubble @fictional-hooman @elennair @all-envy-suyu @purplekitten30 @elisadmaggiore @nothing2113 @baebeepeach @ceo-of-stfu @moonlightreader649 @ronipiamka @fluffybunnyu @ninjarose23 @ozymdias @huntress-artemiss @thedistractedagglomeration @rosaline-black @sofi786 @moonlightreader649 @paetonnn @eldriidd @r4inlov3r @eleniblue @eleniblue @maeisonline @marvel-love24 @sinsandguilt @kalinaselennespeaks @ohtellmelove @eleniblue @msrawog @hyojin-2579 @just-someone11 @marygoddessofmischief @fall-myriad @melavoris
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unityrain24 · 1 year
An Accumulation of My Fics
Hello! I enjoy writing fanfiction. I write on ao3 (and wattpad, but I dont particularly like wattpad). The links listed will be to ao3, but they are all on my wattpad as well, so you can find them there if you prefer that. Following is an accumulation of the fics I have written, with a short, overly-simplified description. This should also be a live document, so I'll hopefully update it when I write something new.
(note: it will be seperated into a oneshot section and multichapter section, each with a short description)
My fics are typically (if not always) Loki-centric. I enjoy reading angst, hurt/no comfort, and hurt/comfort fics, so that is what I typically write. Sometimes I'll do some fluff, but no smut. Specific elements I like to incorporate include mental illness/eating disorders, self-harm, suicidalness, and gender dysphoria. Loki in my fics is queer, including genderfluid. Even in fics I write Loki to present as masc, he is still genderfluid. I do not write thorki/any other proshipping. Lastly, I write my fics on the orginal, "sacred timeline" Loki, not the TVA variant from the Loki TV series. Those are two different characters.
Anyways, here are the fics:
Convalescence- After the events of Endgame, Thor finds Loki's body and maneages to bring his younger sibling back. The two continue their reconciliation, heal from their past traumas, and Thor learns about some rather gruesome elements of Loki's past.
Warm Hearts of Jötenheim- coming soon
My Own Goddess, Not Your Wife- coming soon
Reassignment- During Loki's assignment to aqquire the Tesseract and take control of Midgard, he gets a message from the Black Order to withdraw for an urgent reassignment. The Avenger were present for this message, however, and there can be no witnesses.
A Bargain for a Son & A Stone- In his quest to acquire all six infinity stones, Thanos uses Loki (who should be dead) as a bargaining chip to get the Aether from Asgard.
Memoir of a Fallen God- A short retelling of the events of Thor 2011 (mainly Loki's suicide attempt at the end) from Loki's point of view, in a memoir style
Woke Up On The Wrong Side of the… Body?- body swap AU in which Clint and Loki switch bodies, yikes
Revelations of The Sun- Loki, Dr. Strange, and Wanda Maximoff are all stuck in a magic-inhibiting desert. However, the hot sun and Loki's Jotünn body don't mix well, and Stephen & Wanda find out some things about him he did not want them knowing
Masks & Cuts- you walk in on Loki cutting, which is not how either of you saw your afternoon going
Palace Mornings- you and (fem)Loki spend a lazy morning together, but she feels she doesn't deserve you
The Tragedy of Loki, One of Many- a summary of Loki's life from his abduction on Jötunheim to his suicide attempt on the Bifröst told in the form of a sonnet (though an irregular sonnet; doesn't follow rules exactly)
Banished: (i didn't want it to show up under multichapter because i dont like it)
Genderfluid Loki & The Avengers (Uploading Test)- a fic I made so I could figure out uploading to sites. No plot, really, out of character, etc etc, but that's because that wasn't the point of it. But if you want to read it, though, its on the Avengers learning that Loki is genderfluid while they all live together.
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samieree · 2 years
Goddess of Muspelheim || GOW Ragnarök
Heimdall x OC
Tumblr media
-> Introduction + Prologue  -> masterlist
*Chapter 1 || We have to make some rules*
At first, Amaris wasn't positive about leaving her home world, thinking what had she done that her parents were sending her to Asgard for she didn't know exactly how long. They only told her that it would 'calm the atmosphere' between Asgard and Muspelheim. She didn't want to believe it too much, but all she could do was enjoy the fact that she would avoid the lessons with her aunt and see more of the other world.
Not that she'd never been to Asgard, but it was only at the feasts and she couldn't roam the land freely. Although who knows how it will be now, looking at the fact that she got a nanny in the form of... Heimdall.
Not going to lie, she doesn't know him very well, but she already knows what an asshole he is. And he's supposed to be the best person to make sure she doesn't accidentally hurt herself?
It'll be... Interesting.
"Of course, I love being a babysitter, but we need to set some ground rules." it's already starting, and they barely had time to leave Odin's house...  "You should write it down, you don't look like a person who has a good memory."
"Rule number one: If you're not dying or losing a limb or something like that, don't scream or talk. Everything bright, clean and clear. Two: I don't care if you're bored. Third: DON'T touch me. Four: I'm not going to do anything with you." and so they walked slowly towards the wall, and she listed all his rules one by one... Honestly, Amaris only tried to listen to him a little, because she knew what skills he had and would probably know if she started ignoring him. "Twenty-fourth: If you get a bump or something, I don't care either, because it'll be YOUR fault." how much does he have? "Fifty-nine: I'm not a punching bag you can try to vent your teenage hysteria on." they go and they go, and he keeps talking... "One hundred and eighty-six: Just because I have to babysit you doesn't mean I'll be nice. " wow, like it's something new... "Rule number two hundred and four: You don't touch me under any circumstances..."
"You already said that." the fourteen-year-old cut him off, crossing her arms over her chest.
"Did I tell you not to talk?" He stopped abruptly and turned to her with his piercing gaze.
"Maybe there was something in the first ten rules..."
"Then you are not to speak." he interrupted her. "Rule two hundred and five..." he wanted to continue and go on as if nothing had happened, but Amaris spoke again.
"And if I do? And you skipped rule two hundred and four because it was before."  she noticed, and ran a little to catch up with him.
I hate children.
"If you do, I'll tie you to a stake in the middle of town, and I'll come only if someone wants to murder you. Do you understand, baby? Great, so rule two hundred and four..." She sighed heavily and rolled her eyes, just wondering how many more rules he'll come up with that she won't remember anyway...
What does it matter? He'd probably make them up anyway, whenever she did something he didn't like for some reason.
"And last, rule three hundred and forty-eight: I'm an adult, so I'm always right." He finished listing all these rules once they were on top of the wall encircling Asgard. "All clear?"
She was silent. He had told her not to talk to him, hadn't he? Well, she won't say anything, as he wish.
"Well, yes, to a child with special needs, I need to clarify a few things... You don't speak without being asked. When I expect an answer, you are to give it to me."
"How do I know you're expecting answer?" Did Odin really think he was the best babysitter here?
Sure, Thor would probably be even worse... And Sif has three children to deal with, but there's sure to be someone in all of Asgard more qualified for the role than Heimdall. She didn't doubt that Aesir had some advantages, but... Dealing with teenagers was definitely not one of them.
"Are you really that dull? I get it, you're young, but so unintelligent?"
"Are you so old that you forget to be clear?" she replied in the same tone. After all, what's wrong could happen to her? He's teasing her already, so why shouldn't she respond to him the same way? He won't do anything to her.
"Oh ho... The girl wants to argue with me?" Great, he laughed at her. "That's the fun you found to yourself?"
"I have a name, you know?" she snapped back.
"Yes yes, and now it's time for another game so I don't beat you up on the first day..." what? Is he just saying that or will he actually hit her if she pushes him to the brink? More probable is that she'll be the one whose psyche will fail faster, but what if not?
Maybe he'll even threaten to throw her off that wall?
"You said you won't care if I'm bored." But she decided to take the risk of teasing him further. At most, he'd kill her, and then her parents would kill him.
"You see this stone?" he asked, picking up the first stone he came across. She didn't quite know what he meant, but he walked to the edge of the wall and threw it somewhere in front of him. "Come back when you find it. And hope it didn't land on any rooftop."
Is he mocking her? Does she look like the kind of dog who'll take care of bringing back not even a stick, but some stupid stone?
And what's even worse is that Heimdall would know perfectly well if she brought some other stone to get him off her mind, after all, this damn Aesir can read minds.
That's why she didn't plan to participate in this 'game'.
"I'll be back when I find you a better sense of humor, it shouldn't take me long." she muttered angrily, watching him jump on one of the stones and sit on it as if nothing had happened.
Excuse me, this is his job? Lying all day, because few people are stupid enough to climb this wall, and even fewer will do it successfully?
Life is unfair.
"Seek what you want, just don't bother me and don't get yourself killed." I wonder what would happen if I tried to burn his braids... she thought, actually considering this option. Her hands literally burned her to try, even though he probably would have easily dodged her innocent attack. "Don't even think about it, sunshine. You can burn your hands by accident." Now I understand better why no one likes him.
"That would be a low price anyway." she answered.
"Oh, and grab something to eat while you're looking for that stone or sense of humor or whatever..." He waved his hand as a sign that she can go. I'll put rat poison in there... "And don't try to put rat poison or anything else in there!"
She still hadn't moved a step. She gave him a hateful look, which he obviously enjoyed.
When she couldn't bear his piercing gaze any longer, she turned her back on him and sat down on the ground. She quickly heard a sigh behind her and that he was rising from the stone.
"I swear, you get offended the fastest in the nine realms." She didn't react in any way. "Come on child, let's go get something to eat."
Before she knew it, he strode past her, ducking down for a moment, only to grab her arm tightly and start dragging her along the ground behind him.
"Hey, let me go! It's not funny!" no reaction. "I can walk by myself, you idiot!"
"So far, all I've noticed is that you're complaining." He finally released her. Amaris had never gotten up from the ground so quickly and brushed herself off. "Great, now that we've got your little sulk over with, let's go get something to eat. Or at least me, because I don't know if you can use cutlery yourself." After sending her one of his smirks, he moved forward again, and she slowly followed him.
Pff, of course she can eat with cutlery, what a stupid remark... She could even stick a fork in his neck with pleasure.
"Stop thinking about such things, because lest you hurt yourself, I'll have to feed you myself. And I absolutely don't want to." mocking him under her breath, she walked on.
Oh, it will take a long time for her to get used to her 'nanny'... But maybe she will find a way to make his life miserable and not spoil hers at the same time?
One thing is certain, her stay in Asgard will be interesting.
-> Next Chapter -> general masterlist -> God of War: Ragnarök masterlist
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annachum · 2 years
My Sigyn HCs in MCU ( since I doubt MCU is gonna introduce her at this point )
Before Thor 1
. Sigyn is born from an Alfheimr noble household as an Aesir - Light Elf hybrid ( with more predominant Light Elven Genes )
. Her father Ivarr is the Duke of the Vale Elves Realm in Alfheim, while her Asgardian mother Avenil is one of the Chief Valkyrior
. Sigyn grew up educated in the Yggadrisl Hall of Learning alongside Thor, the Warriors 3, Hnossa and Gersemi ( twin girls who are Hogun's younger sisters, Hogun and his sisters are offsprings of Hodr and Gullveig, King and Queen of Vanaheim before Ragnarok ), Brunnhilde, Loki and Heimdall
. Loki, Sigyn, and Hogun's sisters are in the same year. Thor, Sif, Brunnhilde and the Warriors 3 a year above Loki. Heimdall 4 years above Sif. And Theoric, Amora and Lorelei are amongst the alumni of that school too. ( Amora in the same year as Heimdall while Theoric is the same year as Thor and Lorelei in Loki's year )
. Anyway, Loki and Sigyn are close friends since childhood. Sigyn is also good friends with Hnossa and Gersemi. Thor and Loki's gang often associate with one another, while Theoric, Amora and Lorelei hang out with some mean kids of their years
. So, ever since childhood, Sigyn, Brunnhilde and Valbrata ( Brunnhilde's 1st girlfriend and a year above Brunnhilde ) received training to become the next gen Valkyrior
. Unfortunately, soon after Sigyn graduated, she was one of the very few who survived the Massacre of Valkyrie and she watched her mother die in Battle.......
. Nevertheless, Sigyn is amongst the veterans who decided to return to rhe Nine Realms, and Valkyrior Commemoration day on 10th May is held in honor of those who died or left in the Massacre of Valkyrie
. Sometime after, Loki and Sigyn got together on Sigyn's 18th Nine Realms birthday party at her household castle in Alfheim
Thor 1
. So not long after the Massacre of Valkyrie, Sigyn becomes a lady in waiting and bodyguard of Queen Frigga, and a diplomat of the Alfheimr Embassy in the Asgard Intercosmic Embassy.
. Upon knowing about Loki's Frost Giant heritage, Sigyn shows absolutely no Prejudice or horror. She tries her best to comfort him, yet Loki is too into self loathing at that point.....( though he is eternally grateful for her attempts to console him )
. Sigyn : You helped me heal my insecurities of my pointy ears as a child, now let me help you heal your insecurities of your heritage
Loki : * sobs in Sigyn's arms *
. When Loki ruled Asgard, Sigyn becomes Loki's Consort loger. However, Loki's gradually turn to the dark side concerns Sigyn more and more
. And at Loki's supposed ' death ', Sigyn sobbed for her beloved and agreed to take on diplomatic trips to multiple planets.
Thor 2
. Sigyn returns to Asgard, and, to her horror, heard of what Loki has done in Avengers 1. She was tremendously relieved that Odin and Frigga has no heart to kill Loki
. Upon visiting Loki in his cell, Loki breaks down and rambles on how he doesn't deserve her and such.
. But she cupped his face and said, in a firm voice, ' What you did was wrong, but I cannot stand you being executed. I shall send forth your brother to help you escape. Don't worry. '
. It was she who persuaded Thor to bust Loki out. Thor hesitated, but after Sigyn reminded him that he too, doesn't want him to face an even more gruesome fate, he agreed
. Meanwhile, Theoric becomes an unwanted admirer to Sigyn, who refuses him and avoids him at all costs
. Sigyn also visits Jane Foster while she was recovering from the effects of the Ether. Jane tries her best to offer Sigyn condolences of her turbulent situation....before Sigyn was called to help defend Queen Frigga from Malekith
. All of Queen Frigga's ladies in waiting fought against Malekith valiantly, yet they all witnessed in horror as Frigga was stabbed to death. And all of them collapsed in violent tears
. Not long after Queen Frigga's funeral, Sigyn overheard Theoric turning out to be a spy working for the Dark Elves and Amora and Lorelei ( who ran off from Asgard to learn dark magic in Nornheim in teen years, much to the shock of many ). She rushes to tell Loki about the news, who is enraged yet tells her that he shall ' deal with this accordingly '
. As Thor and Loki make their big escape, Sigyn told Sif and the Warriors 3 and the 4 went off to fight Theoric while Sigyn stays behind and joins Queen Frigga's ladies in waiting to defend Asgard from the dark Elves
. Yeah, Loki also helped killing Theoric via necromancy from a distance in another battlefield away from where Loki and Thor killed Malekith
. After the fall of Malekith, Sigyn becomes a bodyguard of Loki/Odin for 4 years, all the while the two mend the seams and are in a secret relationship. They even got engaged and later married in secret sometime before Ragnarok btw.
Thor 3
. Upon Loki being revealed, Loki and Sigyn's once secret marriage is now known to public
. Sigyn basically explains her Nine Realms cohorts EVERYTHING and her dad, at first shocked, accepts it ( he isn't above warning Loki that he shall ' send the dogs of war on him ' if Loki shall ever hurt Sigyn. Of course Loki nodded )
. Anyway, while Thor and Loki are on their crazy adventure in Sakaar, Sigyn found herself leading an Asgardian fleet, fighting alongside Hela, witnessing her dad being killed in Battle ( RIP ), and also help some of her Light Elven cohorts to run a shelter in rhe Coral Coves, where the Sea Elves in Alfheim live.
. She also keeps in contact with Loki via crystal ball facetime
. And when Loki tells her about Brunnhilde turned out to be alive.....she bawled in tears of overwhelm
. The news of Brunnhilde turned out to be alive brought overwhelming reactions from the Valkyrior veterans at that point - sobbing, hugging, laughing....it was truly phenomenonal
. Brunnhilde's mother Reginleif is the Chief of rhe Valkyries before the Massacre I'd Valkyrie. And Brunnhilde turning out to be alive is literally a reason why the Valkyrior veterans at that point found hope in rhe Valkyrior again 🥺🥺🥺😭😭😭
. Loki and Sigyn have an emotional reunion on the ship to earth, and as Loki introduced Sigyn as a Princess of Asgard, the Nine Realms survivors all cheered
. Unfortunately, it is believed soon by the New Asgardians that Loki and Sigyn died in each other's arms ( the two had an honorary funeral in New Asgard soon after the ship landed in Norway ), or so it seems....
Loki Series
. So, back at Thanos' Massacre, Sigyn managed to escape, but in the midst of the chaos, she is lost in a deserted planet nearby
. While trying to find her way back to find Loki.....she was abducted by the TVA cuz she broke the ' Prime Timeline ' where, according to the TVA, Sigyn is supposed to die beside Loki ' kinda like Romeo and Juliet ' ( yeah Sigyn just LAAAAUGHS at the absurdity of this )
. Sigyn was held prisoner in another TVA timeline ( the one not in charge by Ravonna ), yet she tries many times to escape
. And then, eventually, she witnessed the blossoming of the Multiverse, and she smirked - finally, some hope to be able to find Loki in another timeline!
. Yeah and then she went on a hopping dimension journey to find Loki ( similarly to how Loki is gonna on a dimension hopping journey in Loki S2 )
. In all honesty, when Sigyn escaped, Sigyn desperately tried to hold Loki's hand
But the chaos in the crowd inadvertently broke free of the hand hold, and some of the Valkyrior veterans in rhe chaos helped Sigyn to escape, even though SHE WANTS TO STAY BY HIS SIDE
So Sigyn was saved by some Valkyrior veterans from a demise....
. Loki and Sigyn be both dimension hopping to find each other, all the while Sigyn eventually formed a Rebellion fleet consisting of tormented variants to rebel against the TVA
. And they definitely would be emotional upon finding each other....
Sigyn's powers and abilities
. Aurora Manipulation : Like her father Ivarr, Sigyn also got aurora Manipulation powers
. Light Elven Physiology : Like other Light Elves, Sigyn's eyes can glow in the dark, she can fly, weild bright magic and also has super hearing ( she eavesdropped Theoric being a traitorous spy in Thor 2 thanks to that )
. Shield and spear wielding : She got her shield and spear from her mother, who died in the Massacre of Valkyrie
Sigyn's Hobbies ( some ) : Baking, gardening, making potions, horseriding on her palomino alicorn Stjarnn
Some inspirations for Sigyn in my MCU fics included Norse Myth! Sigyn, Belle ( Disney ) and Queen Zelda of Hyrule ( Legend of Zelda )
@jonquilclegane @iosonounapersonamiao
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elvencloud · 1 year
I sorted my dog's kibble today - A reflection on 33 years of life
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Meet the crew, Left to right: Rex, Dabbs, and Nanaki. Dabbs is the subject of this morning as he is a picky eater. I've never really had a dog be picky beyond wanting different food or their sibling's food instead.
Growing up myself, I wasn't picky. I ate my vegetables, my fruit, I disliked sugar as a rule ("It will get me in trouble." was my response, but truthfully things were too sweet for me.) I discovered two things I didn't like as a kid, okra and rye bread. Honestly, sometimes I didn't really have much of a choice. My family didn't have a lot and my dad would joke "Eat it... or wear it." Except fish. Gods almighty, I try and try - and you culinary geniuses that can turn aquatic life into delectable culinary art, I applaud you. Food poisoning from a fishy smelling piece of fish has tainted the thought in my brain. Fish makes my body rebel, revolt. It's POISON it screams. Even worse, fish was a favorite of his diet. My dad tried everything. Have you ever had Ceviche? Ever hear of it?
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It's a peruvian dish. I'm going to quote the recipe I grabbed the image from:
"...usually served as an appetizer. It’s generally made from raw fresh fish or shrimp, that’s marinated in lemon and/or lime citrus juices. The acidity in the citrus cures the fish causing it to denature the proteins and become firm and opaque while absorbing flavor.
After the seafood has sort of cooked in a way other ingredients are tossed in such as onions, cilantro, peppers and tomatoes."
This was one of the many ways my dad tried with me. It didn't smell fishy, and I loved fresh pico/salsa. I'd eat it with a spoon. He tried shrimp, tuna, cod, salmon, shark. No go. Eventually we came to an agreement after fighting for years about it: "You have to try it once a year, otherwise I won't push the issue. You must give it an honest try, and if you still don't like it, we'll move on."
If there was one thing my dad did right: He kept his promises the best he could. It must be in the blood. *********************************************************************
So over time, Dabbs has been eating less and less. Fighting about eating his food, throwing kibble in his kennel around - and over time we realized he doesn't like the flavor. "Eat it or wear it." I replied. Sometimes I don't realize how much of my dad is in here. *taps my head* Over more time, we discovered it's specific kibble he doesn't like. The orange ones.
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- "I like the yellow ones." (Thor, Supreme Commander of the Asgard Fleet, Stargate SG:1) *******************************************************************
Again, we stood strong, not sure if there are different nutrients in each piece. "You're not getting any different food." He ate less and less to our frustration. Until this morning, staring at his mostly full bowl of food from the night before it clicked: Dogs are really just toddlers anyway, right?
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Imagine: If every time you put a pizza roll in my mouth there was a 1/5 chance you would get sardine flavor. Would you eat? I would eat enough to survive, maybe. After a bit of encouragement, Dabbs tried the mixture. Initially, he rolled it around in his mouth, pretending to eat to placate me. I could see his eyes as he ate a fourth, then a fifth piece - "I haven't tasted the orange ones." He emptied the bowl. Enthusiastically once he realized he was hungry. And I was proud. ********************************************************************
Not to get too deep, but I lost my dad 20 years ago this year. I forget how many lessons he taught me in 13 years including: The kid will be all right. You just have to trust in him and talk to him. And he's right - I think I turned out all right. I might even be a great dad one day. When and if: they'll be all right too.
I think I owe fish another chance: It is my birthday after all... and I made a promise.
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mischievous-serpent · 2 years
Safety From a Whirlwind of Dark Thoughts and Pain (Loki X Tony)
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Summary: After Loki is banished from Asgard because of his crimes against Midgard, he finds himself alone and living on the streets. When a downpour threatens to take him out, one of his past enemies takes him in.
Warnings: Mentions small injuries, slight swearing
Word Count: 1,887
Note: This one-shot is also available on Wattpad under the username WaningMoon_125.
***Third person POV***
Loki groans as he attempts to pull himself up off of the dirt covered ground. Rain has been pouring down for the past couple of hours, turning most of the dirt to mud. Loki sighs in exasperation as he once again fails to raise himself off of the wet ground. 
He thinks back to the moment before he was banished from Asgard. A growl escapes his throat as he remembers the feeling of pain that coursed through his body when Odin stripped him of his magic. Now he is suffering a much harsher punishment than he deserves. So what if he killed a few helpless mortals? Their lifespans are so short that they probably would have died within the next few years anyway. He saved them from having to suffer through slow agonizing deaths while watching their bodies deteriorate. If anything, they should be thanking him. 
After a few more desperate tries, Loki finally manages to wrestle his body into a sitting position. By now, his tunic and trousers are completely soaked with rain water. He doesn't even have any warm clothes to protect him against the harsh winds because Odin had his outfits made of fine Asgardian leather stripped from him along with his sedir. He supposes he should be grateful that Odin at least let him keep his glamour spell up. Although, Norns be damned if he thanks that man for anything!
A loud boom suddenly fills the air somewhere in the distance, and Loki jolts in surprise, sending a new wave of pain coursing through his body. He can't believe how bad his luck is. First, he has to suffer through the pouring rain, and now he might also have to deal with lightening? He's at the point where he just wants to sink into the ground and disappear.
Once he looks up, though, Loki becomes aware of the fact that lightening isn't flashing across the sky. Brows furrowed in confusion, he glances around him to try to locate the source of the resounding boom. His questions are answered a few moments later when a pair of metal boots land near his feet. Fighting hard to keep his tired eyes open, Loki lifts his head until his eyes meet the gaze of a man he had hoped to never see again.
"Hiya, Reindeer Games. Funny seeing around here. I could have sworn that my fellow Avengers and I sent your ass back to Asgard," Stark greets with a forced smile. 
"You did, but I missed you too much to remain away any longer," Loki sarcastically remarks. 
"I'm honored," Stark mocking puts his hand over his heart. "So, here's the thing. I was out testing my new technology when I thought I saw a soggy god, but it turns out it's just you."
"Yeah, I'm only a powerful sorcerer, the god of mischief, and the person who almost ruled your entire realm," Loki growls, eyes narrowing dangerously.
"You're not so dangerous now though, are you?" Tony asks with confidence.
"What could possibly have caused you to arrive at that conclusion?" Loki questions in annoyance.
"Well, if you were dangerous, you wouldn't be sitting in a puddle of rainwater in a cold alleyway," Tony points out. Actually, now that he sees Loki up close, he realizes how weary he really looks. Dark bags line the bottom of his eyes, cuts and bruises litter his arms, hands, and face, his hair is completely tangled with knots, and he's covered from head to toe in muddy water.
"Take a picture, Stark. It'll last longer," Loki remarks, bringing Tony out of his thoughts. 
"Um, no, I was just thinking about how terrible you look," Tony bluntly states. After thinking for a few seconds, he sighs and steps toward Loki. 
"Stay back, you insolent mortal!" Loki shouts in indignation. "You're even more stupid than I thought if you believe that I'll go down without a fight  just because I'm injured." 
"Hey, easy," Tony cautions. "I'm not looking to fight you. I just want to help you stand up."
"I don't need help doing a simple task such as standing up," Loki claims as he tries to lift himself to his feet. He manages to take two steps before collapsing back onto the ground. 
Tony grimaces at Loki's poor attempt at proving he's not as weak as a mere mortal. "Please just let me help you, Loki," Tony begs.
"Why? So you can turn me into S.H.I.E.L.D?" Loki questions in disgust.
"No, of course not!" Tony immediately exclaims before correcting himself. "Well, maybe, but I'd at least let you take a shower before turning you in."
Loki sits completely still as he weighs his options. He could either stay out in the freezing rain as a disgusting homeless man, or he could go with Stark, clean himself up, and then once he looks more respectable, he can escape before S.H.I.E.L.D arrives to take him in. He'll probably regret his decision later, but how much worse can his life actually get at this point? Heaving a large sigh, he murmurs, "Fine."
"Good choice, Reindeer Games," Tony happily exclaims. "Usually I would just use my suit to fly us back to my tower, but I'm pretty sure the flight would aggregate your wounds," he continues while hoisting Loki to his feet. Slinging Loki's arm around his shoulders, they begin the long walk to Stark Tower. Loki desperately wants to call Stark out on his ignorance, but even he knows that he would never be able to make it on his own, so he remains quiet as he allows Stark to lead him toward the place where he was so badly beaten a couple months prior. 
By the time they finally reach the tower, Loki looks even worse than Tony thought possible. It seems as if he could collapse at any given moment. "Okay, so that door leads to the bathroom," Tony explains, leading him into one of the many extravagant rooms in the tower. "There should already be towels, washcloths, soap, shampoo, and conditioner inside the bathroom." Walking over to the dresser, Tony pulls out a pair of boxers, grey sweatpants, and a plain green T-shirt. "These should fit you, but if they don't, let me know, and I'll get you a different outfit," he kindly tells Loki.
Loki nods his appreciation before closing and locking the bathroom door. He turns around, half suspecting there to be a dirty bathtub and a hole in the floor for him to use as a toilet. Instead, he's met with the sight of a beautiful bathtub, a very tidy shower, a regular toilet, and a sink with a huge mirror. Looking at himself in the mirror, he realizes that he needs a shower more desperately than he originally thought. 
He looks back and forth between the shower and bathtub before deciding that a bath sounds more appealing. He starts the faucet and turns the water up as hot as it can go. Stripping out of his wet and muddy clothes, Loki slowly steps into the tub, letting the almost scolding water ease his aching muscles.
He looks at the rim of the bathtub and spots the bottles of shampoo and condition Stark was talking about. The scent of coconuts drifts through the air as soon as the cap to the shampoo is removed. The delightful feeling of the shampoo being rubbed into his scalp and dislodging all of the dirt is a sensation he's greatly missed. Once the shampoo is completely rinsed out of his hair, he copies his previous actions with the conditioner. 
Only after his hair is once again smooth and without dirt does Loki move on to his body. He scrubs his skin until all of the dirt and grime is off, being extremely careful to clean around his wounds. After he's satisfied with his work, he steps out of the bathtub and wraps his lower body in one of the fluffy white towels Stark provided him with. 
He quickly dries himself off and tries on the clothes that Stark left for him. They surprisingly fit, and although he would never admit it out loud, they're a lot more comfortable than the clothes he used to wear on Asgard. Loki figures that this is the perfect time to disappear. He could sneak out of the bathroom and use an elevator to get out of the tower without being noticed. He might have drastically changed within the past year or so, but his mischievous nature has remained the same, so instead of sneaking out of the tower, he finds himself heading toward where Stark is waiting for him.
"Hey, they fit!" Tony exclaims once he spots Loki.
"They do indeed," Loki replies with a stiff nod. 
"Cool. Alright, you can just sit down while I get the medical supplies ready," Tony instructs, indicating toward the bed. 
"What? No. While I appreciate your assistance, I really should be going now," Loki declines.
"If you won't stay to benefit yourself, at least let me take care of your wounds so you don't drip blood all over my clean floors," Tony suggests. 
"Alright, Stark. I'll entertain this notion," Loki agrees, sitting down on the bed.
"I'm going to go crazy if you keep calling me Stark. It makes me sound so old. I'm still young and spry," Tony comments. "Just call me Tony."
"If that's what you wish," Loki utters. "Can we get on with this now?" he questions, motioning toward himself.
"Oh, yes, of course." Tony pulls out a first aid kit before kneeling down next to Loki. The irony of the situation is not  lost to either of them, but they both choose to ignore it for now. "This might sting just a bit," Tony warns, pouring rubbing alcohol onto a cotton ball.
"I've lived through worse pain than this," Loki assures him. Tony just hums in acknowledgement as he begins to clean Loki's cuts. The only visible sign that Loki is in any pain is his tightly clenched jaw. 
Tony then proceeds to wrap the bigger wounds in gauze. Luckily, Loki doesn't  require any stitches. "All done!" Tony announces as he finishes bandaging the last of Loki's injuries. "You can stay here and rest for a little bit if you want," he suggests to Loki. When all Loki does is raise his eyebrows in a questioning manner, Tony adds, "If I call S.H.I.E.L.D on you, it won't be until tomorrow."
"Why?" Loki asks, confusion showing on his face.
"Despite what most people think of me, I'm not heartless. Plus, I'd rather have at least one bottle of alcohol before I have to deal with Fury," Tony only partially jokes. 
He starts to exist the room when a quiet voice stops him. "I really am grateful to you for helping me... Tony," Loki murmurs.
"If that's a fancy way of saying thank you, then you're very welcome," Tony replies with a smile. 
As soon as Tony's out of sight, Loki crawls underneath the covers. This is the first time in a long time that he isn't falling asleep on the hard ground. He still doesn't believe himself to completely safe considering the fact that he's lying in his enemies bed, but somewhere in his mind, there's the distant feeling of peace.
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Sylki shippers have been extra grating lately. Since season 1, they've really been wanting Loki and Sylvie to have a "happy ending" and become benevolent protectors of the multiverse against Kang together. Loki I could see doing that, sure, the way things have been going this season, that's a burden - one worthy of a god - he'd willingly bear to save lives. But Sylvie?
"Season 2 is like the two of them having to work through that, which I think you see in that one scene in Episode 4 where they have that conversation about, "We are gods." There's something to that, about Loki really embracing that, and there's something sad about the fact that Sylvie, in a way, needs to be reminded of that. It's a life she hasn't really gotten to live." - Kevin Wright, Loki Producer
Sylvie was born the Goddess of Mischief, but the TVA took her when she was just a kid. She didn't grow up living the life of a god, learning what it means to be one. She forgets she is one. Hell, does she even want to be one? She seemed happy in the mundane life she made for herself, and was very upset with Loki for showing up and "ruining" it. She finally has a life of her own choosing, one where she can just live. Her suddenly deciding in the final two episodes that she doesn't care about that and leaving it all behind to go "rule beside" Loki as gods is what really makes her happy would be rushed as hell. It would be the romance taking priority over the character we've been seeing this season.
Reading your ask, I wonder: Is Sylvie better written this season?
If I'm being cynical and thinking of S1, I fear they might show Loki as a proud narcissist who wants to be a god and is obsessed with power, whereas Sylvie is so down to earth and such a good girl that she rejects her goddess status and prefers to go hang out with the common folk.
With that said, if it's done well, it could be pretty interesting for both of them. That's what this series should be about: a show where the Lokis accept themselves and find their own path. That would require they also acknowledge that they're Jotuns but I have no hope in that regard (hey, if I'm wrong, I'll gladly apologize!).
I'm not a big fan of them replacing HWR though. I suppose it depends on how they do it, but to me it makes it seem like they would be giving up their lives in order to dedicate themselves to others and that's not the place I want to see a scapegoat in. I get it can be seen as them being good and protecting others, etc but... can't Loki just have a life of his own for once?
Anyway, I agree with you about Sylvie. She said it herself she barely remembered Asgard and she was only a kid when she was taken. For her to end the series taking on the role of a full-fledged goddess would be weird. It would be interesting though if the discussion was about that god status being something you're born with or something you choose?
I get why the shippers might be mad but Sylvie needs to be fleshed out, she has a lot of potential. Reducing her to a love interest just so that they can have a romance would be a huge mistake.
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Marvel doesn't have a plan. Like the Star Wars sequel trilogy, they make it up as they go along. There are numerous instances of backtracking, retconning, and general inconsteinces. Such as
Tony Stark is going to join the Avengers omg
Just kidding he said no to Nick Fury
But wait Nick Fury is here again maybe he will be an Avenger
Actually Nick Fury rejects him as an Avenger
Actually wait no now Nick Fury wants him to be an Avenger
Wow Bruce Banner was tortured over the beast inside him he cannot contain and learned he can use the Hulk for good and get some sense of control, ridding of his angst. He will now forget this and draw this same conclusion at the end of every movie he is in.
Tony said he wants to help Thunderbolt Ross take down the Hulk
Nevermind Tony is a Hulk superfan he was just tricking Ross in this retcon short we have here
Omg Thor destroyed his only way of going to Earth
Just kidding he's back on Earth for some reason that meant nothing
Ooh Thanos was teased he's coming soon
Oh wait no he's not doing anything yet actually
Wow S.H.I.E.L.D got taken down things will never be the same
Actually they basically still exist in every sense of the word. Nick Fury seems to basically operate the same organization the same way. Crazy
Tony has explicitly retired by blowing up his suits and overcoming his anxiety, doesn't seem like he's gonna still be Iron Man
Actually no Tony is indeed still Iron Man. And he didn't conquer his anxiety it's actually so bad now that he made a genocidal robot
Oh shit Thanos is really coming this time
No actually he still is not doing anything wait a few more years
Oh boy I bet Tony Stark making Ultron will be a big deal and cause a lot of division within the team leading into Civil War.. but not really
Wow Tony and Steve are really super mad at each other. Except we tie things up with a nice little bow where Steve sends him a letter. the movie has to end with upbeat music and Tony doing something quirky
Wow the Accords broke up the Avengers. Superheroes won't be able to operate the same way anymore. Except for in Spider-Man: Homecoming where Peter is allowed to do exactly that, and the Avengers are seemingly still a thing that everyone mostly mentions as if they are still intact, where Happy Hogan himself talks about making equipment for Captain America and Thor, who should not be anywhere around the Avengers at this point.
Holy fuck Thor lost his eye and wears an eyepatch now and he lost his hammer
Actually Thor gets his eye back and gets another hammer. Also his arc is that he doesn't want to be a ruler. Except his arc is that he does want to be a ruler. Except it's not. Except it is.
Oooh and Loki has taken over Asgard. What a cliffhanger! It has little to no affect on anything.
Oooh shit guys Nick Fury is gonna call Captain Marvel this is gonna be a big deal in Endgame except actually it won't be at all its all virtually useless really
Ok we are going to kill off Thanos now. But not really. (And the same will apply to numerous characters)
Steve Rogers is learning he can't stay stuck in the past and has to move on with his life. Unless....
Time travel can't change the past, it just makes a new timeline. Unless the story needs to use the former rules. Then it's ok. Also branched timeliness are super dangerous but also not really it's fine
Wow half of the human population died and then came back five years later. The world will never be the same. Except it's actually shown to be functioning exactly the same outside of a few offhand mentions of crazazy stuff here and there
Spider-Man learned he doesn't need Iron Man tech and can be his own hero. And then he learns it again. And again.
Oh my goodness Peter Parker has been outed as Spider-Man and framed as a murderer. How will this effect him?
Not much. He can't get into college :/ anyway forget the set up for this movie we established we are doing multiverse now
Also these movies were his slow origin. That's why the ending of the third movie completely rescinds the entire trilogy and renders everything that happened meaningless.
Scorpion telling Vulture he heard that he knows who Spider-Man is and wants to kill him was simply for a good chuckle
Aunt May also always helped homeless people this was always a trait in the previous two movies
Wow Venom got transported to the MCU. Looks like he is gonna fight Tom Holland. Just kidding he is immediately leaving
Uh oh John Walker is making a shield. This is gonna be bad or something. Actually it means nothing we focused on this for literally no reason
Banner has completed his arc (off-screen, and terribly) by merging himself with the Hulk into one being. And then later he's back to his human form anyway
Thor is leaving with the Guardians of the Galaxy wow! And then leaves them within the first 5 minutes of his next appearance!
And according to leakers who have been reliable, MoM will be re-doing Wanda's arc from WandaVision and/or making her a villain, rendering the message of the show absolutely pointless.
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worstloki · 2 years
hi! do you have any recommendations for loki/tesseract fic, but like, cube edition? Like no humanoid form or anything for tess just a straight up Box and everyone around them is like ????
yep! note that not all of these are *romantic* but do have Loki and the Tesseract attached - and that the ones towards the end on this list have a lil Infinoki as well (there is a Tesseroki collection on ao3 as well as a Loki/Infinity Stones one!)
Entanglement by Stellophia, worstloki : Broken, exhausted, and fresh out of the torture chamber, Loki arrives on Earth to fetch the Tesseract for the Mad Titan, but instead... finds himself connected to it through a soul-bond. Which is odd, to say the least, because the Tesseract is an ancient entity of unimaginable cosmic power, and Loki has never been one for any sort of sexual or romantic love anyway.
Extreme badassery, well-deserved vengeance, and dates across Europe ensue. [COMPLETE]
A Deep Mark by withthekeyisking : Thor and Heimdall agreed that they'd both watched Loki die too many times. Because of that, it was understood that if it was within their power, neither of them would let it happen again.
With that in mind, Heimdall sends Loki to earth along with Bruce. [COMPLETE]
truth more than knowledge by Lise : When Loki sees the Tesseract sitting in the Vault, of course he's going to take it. He can't possibly do anything else.
No, really. He can't. [COMPLETE]
Dissonance by Stellophia : Hel, Loki discovers, is very different from what Asgard’s bards described it as—it’s called Sanctuary, for one.
No one survives the Void, he knows; no one survives the complete and utter lack of matter and of sensation and everything except a sea of empty space of the cosmic abyss, the choking pitch-black darkness, and the numbing near-absolute zero temperatures; no one survives a wormhole’s onslaught tearing their body apart into its very atoms. There is no way Loki could have been an exception. He is dead, as he meant to be.
Except, unless the Land of the Dishonoured Dead is ruled by the cult of the omnicidal maniac that has been culling entire planets in the outer sectors of the galaxy for tens of decades now, Loki is, rather unfortunately, somehow still alive.
And very, very fucked.
Or: Loki survives the embrace of the Void, only to find himself handed a fate a thousand times worse than anything Helheim could ever concoct.
Except, he’s not alone. [COMPLETE]
Abandoned Relics by Flyingbooks42 : Loki gets some moments to himself after being "offered" (read: coerced into through both emotional manipulation and physical threats) a job by the TVA and talks to the Tesseract. [COMPLETE]
Three Lokis enter the TVA by EriuSango : A Jötunn Loki, an Asgardian Loki and a Midgardian Loki enter the TVA. It sounds like the beginning of a joke, but it's also the beginning of this crackfic!
Luckily for them, Jötunn Loki is already an expert at breaking out of the TVA and is willing to help them all get out of there no matter what it takes.
In this absurd and trashy fanfic, our protagonist, the Midgardian Loki, will slowly discover what it means to be a Loki, and how much the TVA hates them. Except Casey, but Casey doesn't hate anyone. [COMPLETE]
Loki's Death-Defying Adventures by Doctor_Disc0: Where did Loki go when he disappeared for a few minutes in Infinity War? What did he do during that time? And is a fourth-wall-breaking Loki too powerful? [ONGOING]
Unleashed by DragonTemple6 : What should have happened at the end of Avengers.
What happens when the mind control on Loki breaks? Who will suffer the wrath of a pissed off Chaos God? [COMPLETE]
Everyone's A Love Bird by worstloki : Bruce and Thor are getting chummy. Loki's getting successful with a cube. Valkyrie does not want to be on the Statesman. [COMPLETE]
The Great and the Small by IllegalCerebral : For the longest time Soul stood alone. She could feel her sisters out in the vastness of the universe and they called to each but never touched. They passed from world to world through the hands of tyrants and messiahs, heroes and villains but Soul stood alone. She was content to watch and wait. When you’ve been alive longer than the universe you have a very different sense of time after all.
The stones watch as Thanos makes his plans and the Avengers stand against him. They will not be bent to anyone's will and they have the power to prevent that. [COMPLETE]
Infinite by BurntOffering : In the deep black void of outer space, the body of Loki opens its eyes. [ONGOING]
Hollow Skies by SanguineNoctis: Loki's been captured by one of the Avengers but his punishment turns out to be far worse than he could ever imagine. [INCOMPLETE]
Infinity Love by GayRainbowBridge, Infinoki_Tesseroki : Thanos tortures Loki beyond measure in order to break his mind and spirit as the god of Mischief refuses to help Thanos in retrieving the Tesseract from Earth. Despite all of Thanos' best efforts to break the god, Loki won't submit.
As it turns out, each infinity stone Loki comes into contact with happen to like Loki and all eventually seek to protect him and even help him to foil Thanos's plans to annihilate half the universes population. [ONGOING]
Let Me Give You My Life by Whatafuckingdumbass : After Frigga's funeral, Loki starts hearing a voice. It changes their life completely. [COMPLETE]
Nonconforming Cyclic Cosmology by Flyingbooks42 : Conformal Cyclic Cosmology: a cosmological model in which the future timelike infinity of a universe is the Big Bang singularity of the next
“‘Undying.’ You should choose your words more carefully.” Ironic. Loki had chosen them perfectly.
In which death is only the beginning (and in a way the ending) of an eons-spanning plan to do the impossible. [ONGOING]
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awesomerextyphoon · 4 years
I love your writing. May I have Loki x Reader? The reader is a sweet, delicate dreamer. Loki has come to conquer the world. He saw her and wants her to become his Queen of Midgard. He kidnapped her. She pleads with him to let her go while she is tied to the bed. He caresses her hair and says she will love him (he doesn't want to use the scepter on her).
***Can I have White Reader x Loki, please? Loki just escaped from the Helicarrier. He saw the reader who is a sweet and innocent creature. Loki doesn't want her dead when he will start battle. Loki kidnaps her and locks her up to keep her safe. When he wins, Loki tells her that she will become his queen.***
Hi! I decided to combine the prompts and make the reader plus-sized. I hope you enjoy! 
His Match
Pairing: Dark!Loki x Plus-Sized Female Reader 
Summary: You’ve tried to live by your grandmother’s rule  of being kind to others, even when the world gives you the middle finger. What if a Norse God decided reward you by becoming his Queen?
Word Count: 1,745
Rating: 18+/Mature
Warning: Kidnapping, Implied Dub/Non-Con, Angst, and some Violence
A/N: Thanks goes to the amazing @angrythingstarlight for beta reading this!
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Loki was walking around New York City, scouting Stark Tower making sure the final preparations of his plan was perfect when something, or rather someone, caught his eye.
She walked out of what looked like a women’s clothing store with a forlorn smile. She was plumper than the average female Midgardian last time he frequented the realm. His eyes did not miss the enticing curves that lied beneath her clothes despite her efforts to ensconce herself into the background.
She was a vision.
Her eyes met his for the briefest of moments and it felt like time stopped. His heart quickened in his chest and a rush of blood surged to his groin.
He had to follow her. His Elskan.
“Barton, tell the others I’ll be out for a few more hours. Proceed as planned.”
He found you entering a rather destitute apartment complex. Its lights and foundation were a bit unsound and gave off a seedy ambience.
Loki grimaced at her living conditions. When he ruled Midgard, she would have only the best.
Casting a simple concealment spell, Loki entered her fairly small apartment. She began mixing ingredients together for what looked to be ‘chocolate chip cookies’. He smiled as he inhaled the sweet aroma knowingly; Asgard had only recently started consuming the sweet. She soon laid out a batch of thick, scrumptious cookies with a satisfied expression.
They reminded him of better times when he and Thor would sneak into the kitchens and swipe confections from under the baker’s nose. Loki chuckled at the memory; those were the days.
Not ten minutes after she placed the last cookie onto the cooling rack did her phone ring. It was her mother. Loki felt dread coming off his Elskan in waves.
Loki could only make out bits and pieces of the conversation, if you could call it that. Her mother constantly nagged her about her weight, life choices, and her ‘pathetic’ attempts to get over her ex-boyfriend. His heart broke as he saw tears begin to fall and the croaking of her voice as she bid the odious creature goodnight.
Several minutes after she cried herself to sleep, Loki entered his Elskan’s bedroom. He spied her diary on the nightstand and decided to read a few pages.
He was fuming within two minutes.
How dare that caustic pig sow treat his Elskan, her own daughter, in a such ghastly manner! Her ‘perfect’ sister always slighting and reminding her on how ‘she’ll never be good enough for anything’ and her father’s callous indifference to her cries for help and solace only added to his rage. Combined with the way her ex-boyfriend, the repugnant gnat, treated her (he cheated on her with someone who ‘wasn’t built like a blimp’ and ‘the only thing you thing you had going for you were your tits’) and he wanted to speed up the invasion just to watch the horror become engrained onto their faces.
And yet, she endeavored to treat everyone with kindness harkening back to your grandmother. She strived to be the one light in one’s otherwise miserable existence.
Well, she can be his light as his Elskan and Queen.
Loki took a deep, cleansing breath. He needed to stick to the plan. When he conquers Midgard, she will be their queen. She will grace the undeserving masses with her elegance and beauty and he will worship her every chance he got.
He just had to make her see it that way.
Gently, the light forest green glow of Loki's magic flowed from his hand to the crown of her head like a halo. He leaned in and kissed her cheek with a smile as he left.
He hated to leave her, but he had a realm to conquer. Though he hoped she’d enjoy the introductory gift.
You were in your grandmother’s living room; spacious yet comfy with all of her quirkiness and splendor included. It was odd since you haven’t been in her house since your parents sold after her death seven years ago. You tearfully smiled remembering all the good times you had with her, the only member of your family you gave you any true warmth or love.
Her piano was in the corner, barely aged a day with all the music sheets, pens, a light scratches you came to know and love. You took your seat and started to play the piano version of one of your favorite movie themes.
You were so engrossed in playing, you failed to notice someone materializing into your dreamscape.
“What a lovely tune! What is it called?” A smooth, honey-tinged voice broke your concentration.
You turned your head and saw what had to be the most beautiful man you’ve ever seen. He was tall (6’ 10” / 2.08m) easily towering over any man you’ve ever met. He had smooth alabaster skin, light rose undertones with a little blue-red just under his eyes. His cheekbones were immaculate, somehow looked sharp and soft at the same time. He had thin lips with a fair plumpness to the bottom one. His slicked-back, shoulder-length Ponzu/Shadow Purple hair kissed his lean, battle-hardened physique (if the way he’s filling out his outfit was anyway to go by). All of this deliciousness was clothed in a casual Palm Green suit with a Glossy Black tie and shoes.
It took you a full minute to stop ogling him, “Wha-What did you say?”
“I apologize for disturbing you, my lady. I asked what you were playing.” His voice had hints of mirth which was odd considering his appearance. Most people in his league would give you a thinly veiled sneer of disgust, but he seemed genuinely interested.
“Um, well, it’s called Merry-Go-Round of Life from the movie Howl’s Moving Castle. It’s a favorite of mine. I used to play it all the time until…” You trailed off, not wanting to revisit how your grandmother died.
“You do not have to tell me if it brings you such displeasure.”
“Thank you, um…”
“Loki. Please, call me Loki.”
“Loki,” he inwardly moaned at the way you said his name, “Nice to meet you.”
“Likewise. Please, continue playing.”
And you did for what felt like hours, all while your sexy dream companion asked about your hopes, dreams, anything he could think of really. You in turn asked him about his life and interests; you even laughed at a story of his brother having to dress like a bride to get his hammer back.
You soon became enamored with Loki. It was refreshing to be noticed with actual interest, not ridicule or pity. He seemed to taken with you as well, if his gentle caresses and not-so-subtle lustful glances he gave you were any indication.
You were glad this was just a dream. You didn’t want your heart to break like last time.
Loki was about to lean in for a kiss when everything faded to black.
You jolted up from the mattress and screamed once you realized you weren’t in your room.
No, this room was…spectacular for lack of better word. It had high ceilings, large windows, ornate chandeliers, and magnificent balcony. Luxurious dark greens, gold, and black covered the room in splendor. Extravagant pieces of furniture dripped with precious stones metal worthy of queens or royal mistresses of old.
“What is this place?”
You tried to leave but was forced back onto the bed by a force field. You tried to take calm breaths just like your therapist taught you in order to make an escape plan.
No sooner did you calm down than the door open to reveal-
Only Loki was wearing radically different clothing; looked like he walked right out of a fantasy epic. And yet, his smile was enchanting.
“What am I doing here? I need to go back home.”
He tutted in response, “That would not be wise, Elskan Mín. This world is mine now and this is safest place to be.” He was right. His brother’s team of desperate souls were no match for his cunning and Chitauri Forces. Midgard’s pathetic leaders gave up in less than an hour once their beloved ‘heroes’ were defeated, broken, and laid bare before them.
“You can’t be serious, Loki. I need to leave.”
“And go where? Like I said, this realm is mine now. That rat poison of a dwelling is no more and I have dealt with your ‘family’ as needed.” Loki smirked at the memories. It gave him extreme joy squeezing the life out of that worthless pig of mother, breaking every bone in your father’s body one by one, and leaving your ‘perfect’ sister alive with partially rotten skin. Not even the scavengers or maggots would find or want the remains of the scurvy insect of an ex-boyfriend, though he was still alive..just barely.
Well, at least until he decided on how to destroy the blight of creature.
Though he did make sure to leave two of your real friend were treated well. You needed to have someone to talk to while he was away.
You gazed into his Spearmint colored eyes in one last attempt, “Please Loki! If you love me, you’ll let me go!”
For a split second, you could’ve sworn you saw hurt in his eyes and he glided across the room. You back hit the headboard in you sad efforts to get away from him.
“Elskan Mín, I promise to always love, cherish, and worship every part of your glorious body. You will become Midgard’s queen and my goddess. No. One. Will. Ever. Demean. Or. Slight. You. Again.” he punctuated each word of the last sentence with soft, open-mouthed kisses to your face, neck, shoulders, and collarbone.
You tried to fight him, but it felt so good. His touches sent shots of lightning to your core; plus his lips and fingers were cook to the touch provided excellent contrast to the spike in heat.
You started crying realizing how pathetic this was, to have the first person to profess such feelings be a kidnapper. You were actually contemplating whether or not he was telling the truth.
Loki sensed your sorrow and kissed your tears away. “I know this might be ‘difficult’ at first, but you will love me in time.” He hoped he did not have to use the scepter.
You thought about your dream and all of the effort he was putting into this. It was frightening, but it came from a place of love.
Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad to stay.
@lookiamtrying @jtargaryen18 @sapphirescrolls @jobean12-blog @sweeterthanthis @gotnofucks @mcudarklibrary@saiyanprincessswanie @golden-ariess @navegandoaciegas @stargazingfangirl18 @opheliadawnwalker3 @tilltheendwilliwritee  @imanuglywombat @bucky-the-thigh-slayer @navybrat817 @anyatheladyclown @buckysbunny @nacho-bucky @donutloverxo @stephanieromanoff @threeminutesoflife @angrybirdcr​ @angrythingstarlight @chixkencxrry @hurricanerin @marvelfansworld @the-soulofdevil @captain–barnes @drabblewithfrannybarnes @thebanprincess @winteralpine @leslie2898 @buttercandy16 @propertyofpoeandbucky @hevans-angel @thorfanficwriter @afriendlyblackhottie @avintagekiss24 @syntheticavenger @phant0m-queen @tuiccim​ @blueberrythor​ @river-soul @justthehiddleswrites @sweetkingdomstarlight-blog
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bedlamsbard · 2 years
3, 19, and 20
3. What is that one scene that you’ve always wanted to write but can’t be arsed to write all of the set-up and context it would need? (consider this permission to write it and/or share it anyway)
I don't think that I have one? This sort of thing I'll either do as a full story or I will do it as concept writing to get it out of my head, so I can't really think of anything that qualifies, especially for the "always wanted to write" caveat. Like, if I'm that hung up on it I'll usually just write it.
19. Is there something you always find yourself repeating in your writing? (favourite verb, something you describe ‘too often’, trope you can’t get enough of?)
oh yeah one of my recurring tropes is "the building is sentient and it wants to kill you," though weirdly I have no desire to do this in the MCU, so that one's so far completely out in this fandom. But I've done it a lot in both Star Wars and Narnia. (Same for sentient/semi-sentient objects, the way I do for holocrons in Star Wars -- I really, really have no interest in doing this in the MCU, even though there's arguably canonical support for doing it with the Infinity Stones. No interest. Not happening. Potentially could in the future -- they're all still around post-Yonder -- but no interest right now.)
I've got a lot of recurring phrasing that you'll see fairly often (the "it's me -- it's me" reprise whenever a character returns from the dead, "his/her gaze flicked," etc.) and probably some other recurring scene-types -- like, I do a lot of "character just woke up," it's probably one of my most common ways to start a scene. (There are two in this chapter of Horizon alone and the next chapter probably starts with one.) Also I write a lot of crying. Arguably too much crying, as an ex once accused me.
20. Tell us the meta about your writing that you really want to ramble to people about (symbolism you’ve included, character or relationship development that you love, hidden references, callbacks or clues for future scenes?)
oh man I could go on and on and need more specificity about which story you'd like (heh), but here's a detail that I don't think anyone has ever noticed in Yonder or Horizon and some rambling about the Yonderverse:
Clint finally pulled his fist back and Loki immediately put his hands down, then smoothed out his shirt cuffs with precise, fiddly movements. His cufflinks were gold and shaped like lightning bolts, Natasha noticed for the first time. (Yonder)
“Overrated,” Loki said dryly, rising to his feet and slinging his polearm over his back again. Except for the weapon he could have been prepared for a magazine photoshoot, in crisply-pressed slacks, green silk shirt, black waistcoat, tie, and suit jacket, gold glimmering not only from the beads in his hair but also from his curving tiepin and lightning bolt cufflinks. (Horizon)
Which is Loki's lightning bolt cufflinks, which are obviously a nod to Thor, parallel to Thor having Loki's helmet on his vambraces in The Avengers. Yonderverse Loki loves and misses Thor very, very much -- he absolutely thinks Thor is dead and doesn't expect him to come back in Yonder at all. Immediately post-IW in this 'verse (as the flashbacks in the last chapter make clear), Loki also thought that all the Asgardians had been wiped out; that there was no one left at all, just him. A lot of what he's doing when he's building New Asgard, and later ruling it, is constantly running basically the mental equation of "what would Thor do? okay, I'm going to do that," because he doesn't totally trust his own instincts anymore. As we know from canon, what he does is not remotely what Thor does (aside from the foundation of New Asgard, but I think Yonderverse New Asgard and canon New Asgard may actually be in different locations in Norway), but he has no way of knowing that and he's very much working off this idealized memory of Thor and to a lesser extent Odin and Frigga.
Post-Yonder this creates a big problem of Loki and Thor not actually agreeing on a lot of things, because Loki's idealized picture of "what would Thor do?" is not in fact what Thor would do in many cases. The Asgardians who survived the Snap, both in New Asgard and on Vanaheim, have one view of Loki (and while the Asgardians on Vanaheim are less hero-worship-y than the ones in New Asgard, it's still there, despite Loki's cynicism in Yonder) and the Asgardians who did not survive the Snap do not have that and may actually have it going more towards Thor (because he saved them from Ragnarok). So that results in intra-Asgardian conflict as well as conflict between Loki and Thor as they disagree on things, which range from "I did not build Idavoll to share with my dead brother, I built it for me to live in for the next six thousand years, I was planning on using that room that now has to go to you so you are not sleeping in my room" to "oh, wow, we have completely different opinions on Asgardian laws about child custody, huh." The Thor in Loki's head -- who has been there, dead, idealized, for five years -- is not the real Thor, even though he knew the real Thor for a thousand years. Loki grieved and loved his brother very, very much and five years on in Yonder is not over either his death or watching Thor be horribly murdered in front of him, but he was in a position where he had no choice but to deal with that and keep going. He is not the Loki that Thor remembers from Ragnarok by Yonder and that's something that's very hard for both of them to deal with, on and off. (Which is also true for Sif, who has not seen Loki since TDW; it's a huge shock for both her and Thor to see a Loki who's really comfortable in his role as King of Asgard in his own name, as Allfather, as a much-loved absolute ruler. The Valkyrie, on the other hand, knew Thor for like a week but has worked very, very closely with Loki for five years now. It's weird for everyone.)
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