#//i have been. working on things. when possible. when will writing come? its anyones guess fsdjhGHSDF but its. coming
doomxdriven · 1 year
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Bount don't get to be part of the cycle of rebirth / cycle of souls because of the funky shenanigans surrounding their origins, so when they die, 99% of the time, they're just gone, that's it, goodbye, no Soul Society or rebirth or anything, just gone, BUT I got to thinking; Hell.
Hell has apparently always existed, it was around before the whole cycle got started, around before the creation of the three world's we know today (Soul Society, Hueco Mundo, World of the Living), and it's not beholden to the system those world's are.
As we know, Captain's eventually have to be cast into Hell after they die to keep their lingering Spiritual Power from fucking things up, but do you remember who else gets sent to Hell when they die? Wicked people who have committed heinous crimes while alive, or Hollows/Arrancar who committed heinous crimes when they were Human.
Therefore, there's a good chance that Bount who were especially evil during their lives do in fact go somewhere when they die after all, they go to fucking Hell-- that could be the fate of Jin and his cohorts in some verses, and its an interesting idea to think about...
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queen-of-fanfics · 1 year
Stay Away From Him
Pairing: Miguel O'Hara x Reader
Prompt: Miguel is jealous of your closeness with Hobie and tells you to stay from him.
A/N: Well I have had too much free time at work and all I've been doing is writing. Kinda love it. Also, how did y'all like Across the Spider-Verse? I saw it four times in theaters, it's like a drug in my veins. Anywho I figured I wanted to do a fanfic in a world that I haven't done yet so here it is!
Part 2
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“Hey, Y/N.”
“Hey, Peter!”
“Hey, Y/N”
“Oh hey, Peters.”
“Oi! Y/N!” Recognizing the accent, you look up in the air and see Hobie swinging his way over to you.
“Hobie! What are you doing here?!”
This was your second week working inside the Spider-Verse headquarters. You were the only person there who wasn’t some version of Spiderman. One day, Miguel O’Hara was in your universe for a job, bing bang boom, next thing you knew, he offered you a job. Your job here at headquarters was to act as his assistant of sorts. Help him with errands, help him on missions, and fetch him lunch because the poor man will work until he starves. That was exactly what you are doing now. You had finished locating the latest anomaly and went down to the cafeteria to grab him some empanadas.
Working at headquarters was like a living dream. So far, everyone seems to like you and you’ve already made friends. Hobie and Gwen welcomed you with open arms and the three of you became inseparable. During your time working with Miguel, you may have developed a little crush on your boss. You never told anyone about how your heart starts beating faster or how your breath gets shaky when he stands a little too close. Though, you never had to say because everyone could see it. And everyone warned you away from the infamous Miguel O’Hara.
“He’s not for you. He’s obsessed with his work and barely knows what having fun or being nice is. I doubt he even knows there’s a life outside of this place.” Gwen said one day during lunch.
“Who’s not for me? What are you talking about? I’m just here to work.” You shovel food into your mouth in an attempt to hide your face.
“Mmhmm, sure. You can deny it all you want but if you keep staring at him all weird like that, even he’s going to start to notice. Just trust me, you should just try to stay away from him. Which I guess isn’t possible since he’s your boss but you know what I mean.” 
“Though it does raise the question as to why he recruited her, don’t it?” Hobie chimes in. 
Hobie jumps on your back and it pulls you back to the present.
“I’m here for it! Whatchu think? I would willingly come here? Nah.”
“Actually! We just finished a mission so we just came to check in with Miguel.” Gwen swings down and lands right next to you. The three of you continue walking side by side down the hall to Miguel. Hobie throws his arm casually around your shoulder, keeping you close to his side.
You walk into the main room and see that Miguel is standing on his platform up in the air. There are a few people milling around the room, minding their business. People tend to hover around Miguel in case any missions come up or if he needs help.
“Miguel! I got you some empanadas!” You yell up at him.
He turns and barely glances over his shoulder at the three of you. He grunts and rolls his eyes in annoyance but his platform starts its slow descent. Gwen runs over to Jessica and they start talking. Hobie walks with you over to your little desk that sits on the ground floor …. like a regular person.
“So we still on for tonight?” Hobie asks.
“What’s tonight?” You turn and ask Hobie. You lean your butt against the desk to look up at him. He gets in close, places his hands against the desk on both sides of you, and cages you in with his arms.
“Whatchu mean what’s tonight? Did you forget already? Thought you and Gwen were staying in my place tonight!” Hobie teases you.
“Oh, Hobie! I forgot about that, I can’t come over.” Gwen yells over before she turns back to her conversation.
“Guess it’s just us then.” He mumbles and gives you a wink.
Before you could respond, Miguel’s voice booms through the large chamber.
“Y/N isn’t going anywhere tonight.” Looking over, you see that Miguel has lowered his platform as far as it could go and he is staring directly at the two of you with a deadly look on his face. All the conversations in the room died down and you could tell that everyone's eyes were looking between you and Miguel. Everyone treads carefully around Miguel … everyone except Hobie. 
“What? You keeping her hostage now?”
All of a sudden feeling nervous, unsure as to what put Miguel in a foul mood and not wanting to make it worse, you try to straighten up and stand in attention but Hobie isn’t moving. 
“We’ve got work to do here, Hobie. Unlike you, some of us have things we have to do.” Miguel crosses his arms and stares down at Hobie. 
“What work? We caught all the known anomalies already. Plus I was going to work on my bike, give it some more bells and whistles.” Jessica pipes up.
“There’s more work to do than just waiting around for things to happen.” 
“Then what do I gotta do, hmm?” Jessica sasses back to him.
“Nothing. I, uh, just want to do some surveillance. Never know ”
“And what Y/N got to do with it, then?” Hobie asks, giving Miguel a weird look.
“Y/N is my assistant. Y/N must assist me. And get off of her Hobie.”
“Right, but it don’t sound like there is any real work to do. I don’t see why Y/N gotta sit here and suffer being around you. And, uh, I’m actually quite comfortable where I am.”
“No no, I don’t mind. It’s my job. I can stay” You rush to say as you start pushing at Hobie’s shoulders. 
Hobie turned slowly to look at you without budging and you just stared up at him. “Move.” you mouth to Hobie with beseechment in your eyes. But all he does is smile at you and barely visibly shakes his head ‘No’. Eyes wide, you think to yourself, I’m not going to have a job after this. The room is still silent and no one speaks as the tension rises. 
“Everyone out!” Miguel booms, “Looks like no one wants to work anyways. It’s not as if we’re trying to save the entire universe or anything.” 
“Oh! Miguel, we wanted to check in about the-” Gwen is cut off when Miguel turns back around to his monitors and yells, “OUT!”
Everyone exchanges nervous looks around the room while they pick up their things. The whole time though, Hobie is looking down at you with a knowing smirk on his face. “What are you smiling about?” You hiss at him as you push him up so you can grab your bag and head out. 
“Oh just something I think you should find out for yourself. And you might soon.”
“Ugh, I’m going to kill you.” 
Hobie throws his arm around you and leads you out, “Yeah sure, but hey, looks like you can come over after all, aye?”
“Everyone except for Y/N!” You whirl around at the sudden sound but Miguel is still just looking at his monitors.
“Damn, looks like you’re going to find out real soon. See ya sweet cheeks.” Hobie gives you a wink and walks out with everyone else. 
You stood in the doorway waiting for Miguel’s instructions but after a few beats, you realized that he wasn’t going to turn around and talk to you. Slowly walking back to your desk, you couldn’t help but notice how the tension in the room did not leave along with everyone else. It still lay thick and heavy in the air. Taking off your bag and placing it on your desk, you turn around to face Miguel. You open your mouth to say something to break the silence but he cuts you off. 
“Come up here and help me look at this.” 
Your eyes grew wide and you hurried over to the dais. Your heartbeat started quickening with excitement, you have never been invited onto the platform before. Miguel looks down his nose at you with a disgusted look on his face as you struggle to even get your leg on the platform.
“Sorry, don’t got webs like y’all. Give me a second.”
You finally heave yourself up and flop over on your back, gulping down deep breaths of air. “You know, I’m starting to think I’m out of shape.” Figuring that it was time to actually get to work, you jump up to your feet and face the monitors.
“Alrighty, so what am I looking at?” All of the monitors were showing different videos of different universes. Some other monitors had new articles and alerts of potential disturbances. 
“Just, uh, keep an eye on some of the security cameras we have posted around. See if you catch any suspicious activity.”
“Were you expecting something to happen tonight? Did you get a tip?”
“No, just doing our due diligence to keep everything in line.” 
Your brows furrowed in confusion and you gave Miguel a side-eye look. This is what he’s keeping me here to do? To watch some cameras? 
The whole time he was talking to you and giving you instructions, he did not glance at you, just busily pressing buttons and typing something.
About 10 minutes went by in absolute silence with Miguel working and you … “working”. Getting bored and tired on your feet, you start leaning around the table and let out a sigh. Miguel looks at you over his shoulder but turns back to his work. Another 10 minutes go by before he asks, “So you and Hobie are friends?”
Surprised by the question and surprised he even spoke, you responded, “Yeah, I would like to think so. He’s nice, I like hanging out with him.”
“You two have gotten close?”
Getting confused by his line of questioning, you give him a weird look that he doesn’t see. “I mean, I don’t know about close. We hang out with Gwen too. It’s usually the three of us.”
A few silent beats fall between the two of you before he responds, “I didn’t know you were visiting different universes.”
“Hmm, I’m not really. Besides my own home universe, I’ve only just been to Hobie’s. I haven’t seen Gwen’s though not even she goes back there.” 
Again he doesn’t reply immediately and the comfortable silence continues. 
“I would advise you to stay away from Hobie. He could be a bad influence on you or something.” He mumbles so quietly that you almost didn’t catch it. 
“I’m sorry?” You asked, turning your body full to look at him now. 
“I said ‘you should stay’-”
“No, I know what you said. But I don’t understand why. What’s going on with you? Are you stressed about something? Do you not like Hobie? Because Hobie has been nothing but nice to me and he’s a friend. He keeps me safe even when I visit his universe.”
“And exactly how many times have you visited his universe, hmm? You two seem pretty comfortable flying across universes together.” It was his turn to turn and face you. Standing at his full height, the tops of your head barely came up to his collar bones. 
“I-I- … I don’t know. A few times I guess? 4? Maybe 5 times? But-”
“5 times?! You met him not even two weeks ago and you’ve already been hanging around him that much?” You were trying to explain to ease whatever caused his temper to rise. However, with every response you give, it only seems to anger him more. With every response, he is taking a step closer to you and walking you backward.
“I guess? But he’s my friend! And I’ve always been safe if that’s the issue. He keeps me safe. I know I’m not a Spider-Man like you but-” Miguel ignores your argument and cuts you off again.
“Right right and he keeps you safe which I am sure he is more than happy to do seeing as how he’s always getting up in your space. And what exactly do you do in his universe? You run around town like some hooligans and go back to your home universe when it’s late enough to be considered morning?”
“Ah- No, we hang out at his place and have dinner and stuff, I don’t know! And when it gets late I just stay over at his place!” 
“Stay over?! What? Like overnight? He’s got guest rooms now? He’s hosting house parties?” There’s sarcasm dripping in his words but your brain was running too fast to notice.
“N-No he doesn’t. He’s not. He just lets me use his bed when I’m too tired to go home and I’d just wake up the next morning to come here.” 
All of a sudden, he takes one last step forward and you take one step back but your backside hits the table. He drops his hands on either side of you, exactly like how Hobie had you pinned against your desk earlier but this is different. This feels different. The tension is palpable. With Hobie, it was friendly and playful. With Miguel … it feels like you’re getting hunted and just got caught.
“He what?” Miguel’s voice isn’t loud and angry anymore. No. It’s low and deadly. His question comes out always like a whisper as he leads in so close that your noses are practically touching.
“I don’t understand what’s happening. Hobie is just my friend. Why does this feel like it’s a problem?” You whisper. Miguel doesn’t reply. He simply stares at you with such intensity in his eyes, you’re surprised you didn’t evaporate. Suddenly, he’s looking at your lips. Acting almost instinctively, your tongue shoots out to wet your lips and his eyes immediately shoot back up to yours. There’s the intensity in his eyes again, only this time, it’s different. Definitely not anger.
Suddenly, an alarm from Miguel’s monitor goes off and the sound is thunderous in the silent chamber. 
After a few beats, Miguel drops his forehead on yours, closes his eyes, and takes a deep breath. The whole time, you never take your eyes off of him. Your heart is beating so fast and the blood is rushing in your ears. Very abruptly, he pushes off of the table and whirls around to the monitor. He turns off the alarm and starts typing away, completely ignoring you. Slowly pushing up from the table, you turn back to your own monitor and stare blankly at the empty alleyways and random buildings. 
Where there was comfortable silence before, now, the silence is deafening. 
“You should go home Y/N. I can finish this up on my own.”
Not sure of how to act or how to respond, you slowly climb down from the platform without saying a word and fetch your things.
“And I mean home, Y/N. To your home universe. To your own house. To your own bed.”
Looking back up the dais, Miguel is still facing his monitors, not even looking at you when he talks. Hitching your bag higher up on your shoulder, you respond, “Of course. Goodnight, Miguel. And … for what it’s worth … he always slept on the couch.” 
And with that, you take off running down the hall and teleport back home. 
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ganondoodle · 6 months
so guess what they released more interviews and i think given what a writing shitshow totk was and what they have been saying in all these interviews is actually painting a really bad picture; i dont have the time, nor the energy to go over every detail
but they were commenting on people wanting the more linear format back and aonuma himself basically said that he thinks people who feel like that do so only bc of nostalgia and "Why do you want to go back to a type of game where you're more limited or more restricted in the types of things or ways you can play?"
what .. the fuck, more freedom DOESNT automatically mean better??? like ... restriction can be a GOOD thing just as tooo much freedom can be BAD?? like in totk??? are you fukcing shitting me- what the hell are games even for then, has he had an awakening to the fact that he actually just loves sandbox games without realizing it???? im not playing fucking zelda for a sandbox, especially not when its advertised as a somethign else
its pretty clear that they want to keep this format going with everything they say there, ... maybe it really is over huh
also i hate how they kept talking around answering anything about story/lore; they go asked how ganondorf even connects to ganon since theres nothign about it in game, and all they got out was welllll we dont wanna say anything bc its up to the player; about every question you got the answer of "make somethign up yourself" which is just ... its really clear they dont actually care but dont want to say everything is meaningless actually, so they try to be vague about it and with doing that really just confirm they didnt think about it and they dont care- so no lore actually matters, nothing thats been said or established has any meaning bc they will get rid of it the second it crosses paths with their new -more freedom equals better- philosophy, they say its bc they want you to be "free" to think up anything but apparently dont realize that when there are no rules, no consistent lore or anything that it ROBS it, it stops having meaning, its fun to connect dots only when there are rules you need to work with and dots to connect in the first place, when you have an established world with its restrictions it drives you to think more creatively about things- but when there are no rules?? its fucking boring!! thats what it is!!
when you discard all rules i wont care to get invested into anything bc i know it will not be considered again, be done away with without any reason and wont have influence on coming or previous games ... bc there are no rules, anything is possible and everything can be changed any second, so nothing matters
(they also talked about the many viral videos of those very few dedicated people that make godzilla mechs in totk and how happy they are about that- i get that to some extent, but the way they kept talkign about it really just felt like it confirmed my suspicion that that whole mechanic was mainly implemented to let people do that since that gets shared around en masse making it seem like that is why people enjoy it while neither the game nor the narrative are build around it in any way ..)
it just makes all the time i spend thinking, feeling and theorizing about zelda like a true waste of time, bc nothing matters and there are no rules-
i am someone who greatly enjoys working with and around established lore/rules, its fun to me to recontextulize things by being smart or creative with it all without breaking anything or as little as possible of the established things!
if i wanted to do just do anything i want I COULD HAVE ALREADY DONE THAT bc theres nothing actually stopping anyone to just make up what they want! i DONT need canon to lose all rules for that??!!
maybe ill have to make myself believe the franchise ended with botw on a good note ... ono
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sseastar · 1 year
✶ tingly feeling ; lee heeseung.
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info. fluff ; lee heeseung x gn!reader warnings. physical touch / cuddling. listen to. it takes two by fiji blue.
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[✧] “see, this is nice, isn’t it?” a muffled voice says against the skin of your neck. it’s funny how much you’ve become used to the feeling of his lips grazing over your skin. you could barely look at him early into your relationship and you think you’ve come a long way. especially since your boyfriend could have anyone in the palm of his hand just by smiling. or those damn eyes.
“i suppose,” you tease, taking your hand to run your fingers through the locks of your boyfriend’s hair, his head tucked at the crook of your neck and his body half draped over yours. his arms tighten around your torso as he presses a soft kiss on a spot on your neck, and you giggle. a little under a year ago, you would’ve slapped yourself for giggling, reprimanding yourself for letting a man make you giggle. but lee heeseung always had that effect on people anyway, and you were no different.
well, except for the fact that you were the one he chose to love. and frankly, he wouldn’t have it any other way.
“what do you mean you suppose? i know you’re comfortable right now,” heeseung lifts his head from where it rests against your neck and shoulder, lightly tapping his forehead onto your cheek. you only laugh, tightening your hold around the boy that lays halfway on top of you, patting both of your hands against his back and shoulder and pressing a kiss onto the top of his head.
against the sound of your oscillating towering fan in the corner, you can hear the morning birds chirping outside the window you decided to leave open the night before in hopes to cool down the stuffy summer air. the chirping was what woke heeseung up from his slumber next to you as you finished up one of your assignments before turning it in. as soon as he watched you click the bright blue ‘submit’ button and the webpage celebrated with animated confetti, he was shutting your laptop and forcing you back down onto the pillow. ‘this is your punishment for not letting me wake up in your arms.’ you only rolled your eyes at him, but allowed him to take up his rightful place over your body.
“no, yeah, you’re right, i’m enjoying this because you’re being a big baby right now.”
“hey!” he huffs, and his grip on you loosens as he props himself up to interrogate you. you don’t think you it’s possible to not get flustered by the way he hovers over your frame. even if he’s whining right now. so, you yank on his shirt again and he gives in, returning to the position he had been in. “what do you mean ‘big baby?”
“i’m saying you need to be cuddled as much as i do and that i’m glad i’m the only one that gets to see your clingy, cute side under your whole…husband material…apparatus.”
“oh, you think i’m husband material?” heeseung raises his head from your chest again to quirk an eyebrow at you and you take your hand to push his face back down to its original spot.
“hee, you already know i do, you dork,” you pout, and he only laughs against your neck, only for you to join him when you realize how content you are right now. content in this moment, in this place, in his arms.
no matter how asleep your leg is.
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⌕. author’s note ; ayo guess who's back! it's been so long sinc i last posted, and this is so so short but i currently am in finals week and just need a break so i wanted to post something here! i'm still very much working on my wips rn but i keep losing motivation and getting inspo at the worst times (like i said i have finals this and next week) so thanks everyone for the patience! i'm obviously not a consistent writer just because my personal life doesn't allow for it, but posting stuff every once in a while is just something i want to continue to do because i don't want my writing to just be stuck in my google drive! anyway, hope y'all enjoyed this very very short thing that i ended up posting as a blurb because i couldn't find a good wip to put it into lol <3
⌕. taglist ; @soobin-chois @koishua @iwonzzi @enhacolor @chrysbibi @acaiasahi
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lunalockley · 1 year
The Limo Driver (part one)
Jake Lockley x Fem!Reader
Warnings: SMUT. Very NSFW which is funny cause reader is in her workplace. Fingers exactly where you want them.
Summary: Jake has issues, yet has the audacity to be possessive.
Words: 4700+
Notes: Hiii! I wasn't posting for a while because I wasn't satisfied with my writing, but now save yourselves I'm backkkk
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Truth is… you’ve missed him. All this time you’ve missed him.
You have realized he never told you how old he is, where he is from, or what he does. You don’t have any substantial information about his personality, about who he is as a person. All you know is he answers to the name of Jake and you think he drives a limo for a living.
That’s it. That’s all you have on him. And half of it it’s guessed.
Yet, you’ve missed him. A lot. Which is pretty stupid. And annoying.
Because if you already have to deal with mornings you suddenly wake up breathing hard and sweaty just by the infuriatingly vivid idea of his warm mouth making his way down on your neck, or the roughness of his hands grabbing your hips to pull you closer, deeper, harder… ugly, disgusting ideas you’re determined to call nightmares. At work, everything gets worse. 
There are days when the restaurant is full, no matter how late it is. So you move around on a nonstop cycle greeting, serving, and cleaning until your shift is over and you don’t have energy left to think about anything else than your soft, comfy bed. But there are also days when almost no one comes. Days when no one wants breakfast at 1 am, for some reason, so you don’t have anyone to reassure there’s still bacon and eggs available—even when the ‘24-hour breakfast’ slogan plagues pretty much every inch of the restaurant. Nothing to serve, nothing to clean, no repetition to follow. Nothing to concentrate on.
So all that are you left with it’s the constant hum of the ceiling fan, your thoughts and the fact that his usual seat pulls your attention like a gravitational force, taking over you against all your fucking will. Whether it’s being used by a stranger and you can’t escape how wrong it feels having someone else where it should be him, or when its emptiness seems to mock how you haven’t been able to forget him despite how long it’s been since the last time you saw him.
So of course it’s stupid and annoying… and stupid.
Because if he’s not sitting there frowning at his coffee and flirting with you whenever you got closer enough, as he did for weeks on end all these months ago, it’s because he doesn’t want to, right? It’s been nearly a half-year for fuck’s sake. Of course he doesn’t want to.
You know that. You do. Yet the kiss gets replayed on your mind all the fucking time. Because that’s the exact same spot where you felt his lips against yours for real, not like the not-good-enough vanished version of your drea—nightmares.
Even though you’d prefer those horrible nightmares than staying behind the counter with nothing to do but alternate your eyes between a smooching couple in one corner and an old melancholic man observing the night sky in the other, the only customers in the restaurant. No one else has entered the place in a torturously slow hour and a half. And there's still another hour left until your shift ends.
It’s embarrassing how all your life you had been proud of yourself for not letting anyone take over your mind as you’ve seen in cheesy movies and listened to in corny songs. You were fine, taking care of your well-being, working on as many jobs as physically possible, patiently increasing your savings, doing everything in your hands to follow your slightly unrealistic dreams. But this? This is straight-out dumb.
You think about him as soon as you wake up, you get distracted on your daily life, on your work. And the fact that any little silly thing has the power to make you think of him, to wonder what he might be doing, may have he eaten, might he be okay—it’s infuriating.
You just never had someone on your mind… all the fucking time. 
And now it’s getting to a point you’re just mad about it. About how silly you were to open up to him, to share your dreams and fears when he didn’t even tell you his last name. About how naive you were to let him be part of your life so easily. About the stupid kiss, too. About how you still care, how you’re still hoping he’s okay. About everything. Even the soft buzzing of the coffee machine is getting on your nerves. 
You just have to… forget him. Somehow.
While you channel all of your frustration into cleaning the bar table for the eighty-sixth time you go through it again. You need a plan, you have to get over him. You need to go out, have a social life, get some new air. You’ll fucking do fifty push-ups every time he comes to mind if you need to. You won’t spend not even one more second thinking of him or his stupid lips, nor the lopsided almost-smiles he would give you every time you—
“Always working so hard, preciosa.”
A beat, and then you feel how your heart starts to race in your chest as all the oxygen seems to leave your lungs, getting replaced with too many emotions and thoughts you can’t process all at once. Everything feels like too much for a second. Too alive, too fast, too hot. And as if your body had a mind of its own, while you’re still trying to regain control of it, your head lifts and you’re certain you’ll finally find out you have lost your fucking mind. 
But you haven't. Because he’s right there, in his usual chair. 
His brown eyes are the first thing that catches your attention, his gaze always having the power to somehow make you feel safe and exposed at the same time. Just like the first time you saw him, you weren’t able to look away even when he was drenched, limping, and bleeding. Another thing he never explained. 
The memory makes you examine the rest of his body. He’s wearing a t-shirt and a shirt and his chest is moving hard underneath, almost like he had run here. At least he doesn’t seem hurt this time. You also notice he’s not wearing his usual hat and you think this might be the first time you’ve ever seen his hair in full glory. Even if it’s slightly combed you can see it’s curly and fluffy and you try to bury deep down the stupid desire to lose your fingers in it. 
And you realize his whole body seems to be vibrating with some sort of energy, some sort of excitement you’ve also never seen in him before. And your own body, too susceptible to his, can almost feel it emanating out of him.
You search back for his eyes just in time to catch his slowly lifting from your body and when they make contact with yours they shine with something you rather don’t think about right now.
“It’s been a while,” he says still a little out of breath. And your heart is still in your throat while you wait for him to continue but he doesn’t. Is he expecting you to say something back to that? After all this time? Oh, it’s been a while? I haven’t noticed. At all. It’s not like I’ve been worrying to death because of you. 
But even if you wanted to say anything at all out loud you don’t think you could, you’re still frozen in place working with way less oxygen than needed. So you keep taking each other in, staring in silence like two idiots waiting for the other to say something. And to your surprise, he gives in first.
“Did you miss me?” He doesn’t smile, but his eyes are bright and there’s a teasing lilt to his voice, that flirty tone you know so well. The first thing about him that you can actually recognize because everything else feels out of place. The absence of his hat, the casual clothes, his whole weirdly happy demeanor. So you hold into it. 
Which is the worst thing you could do. Because your heart already struggling somewhere in your chest makes a mortal downfall to your stomach in response to it. And you feel it breaking a little bit more. Of the thousand if-he-ever-comes-back scenarios you had in your head you never picture him being almost… cheeky about it. He spends night after night for months bolted to that chair, talking to you, flirting with you, fighting any drunk who got too handsy, waiting for you on your late shifts to accompany your way home through dark streets, looking at you in that stupid bone-melting way he does… kissing you, just to disappear for six months and appear all of the sudden to ask if you missed him? The nerve of him.
“It’s good to see you, Jake,” you acknowledge, and you curse yourself for your slightly shaky voice. You’re still trying to gain your body back from the emotional overload. The adrenaline is still buzzing through your veins. And the way his gaze flick to your mouth once you pronounce his name doesn't make it any easier.
“Just black coffee?” You hear yourself ask, and you curse yourself once more for blurting out his usual order just like that. You shouldn’t remember those things after six months, should you? The thing is you’re not just trying to avoid answering his stupid question but you also need to have at least something to do with your hands. You can’t just stand there in front of him like an idiot, for god’s sake.
“Uh, yeah, thanks,” he answers dropping his gaze to the table and you take the opportunity to turn around away from his mesmerizing brown eyes and stupidly long eyelashes at least for a moment. “Always having fun playing with my heart, preciosa. You didn’t miss me, then?”
Again, the nerve of him.
“Clients come and go,” you toss carelessly back at him. Not facing him gives you a false sense of power. You have never been so ruthless around him, you never fully played along with his flirty comments but neither did you shut him down. Not being able to resist him. Stupid you. But no more of that.
“Mmm, just a client then,” he remarks in a meditative tone.
“Well, after all this time you’re not even that, are you?” You throwback a little too firmly, serving his cup of coffee a little too hard, almost spilling some on the counter bar. God, where is this passive aggressiveness coming from?
He doesn’t answer and you don’t expect him to. Instead he just looks at you. So you do the same, you can’t back down now.
As you observe him you notice part of his weirdly vibrating energy seems to have diminished along with his playful demeanor. He has realized you’re not playing around. And for a second you feel a stab of regret. Despite your annoyance, you enjoyed watching this new third expression his always serious face is capable of making, besides his usual grumpy, extra-grumpy murderous one you were already used to. Now all you have left are his rich brown eyes, which reveal more information than his words have ever done. Despite his will, you believe.
“How’s our cat?” Jake tries again, changing the subject. One you can’t resist.
“My cat. Just mine. And she’s fine. So big you wouldn’t recognize her.”
“Did you find her a name?”
“No. She’s still Viejita.”
Viejita. The way he called her when he brought her to you, tiny, malnourished, and full of fleas. He had found her alone in the streets. Said he had no heart to leave her, but he couldn’t take her home with him. Something about already having fish and cats not being discreet enough. So like the idiot you are you took her with you.
Not like you regretted though. You are pretty sure that tiny black-haired monster has become the love of your life.
“Viejita,” he chuckles softly. “That’s good. I approve it.”
You gasp, shocked. How dare he.
“You have no right.”
This time around he’s the one who seems shocked. After a brief moment, he says in perfect conviction: “Of course I do. I found her. I’m her father.”
“Yeah, you’ve missed half her life, that actually sounds like it.”
The silence rises again and his eyes, god, his eyes are looking at you with an intensity you’ve seen only once before: the night he kissed you. So instead of doing the grown-up thing and facing him once and for all, you do exactly the opposite. You turn around and pretend to be very busy doing literally nothing.
“And how have you been?” He asks a few moments later. Even when you can’t see him you feel his eyes pinned on you. You move things from one side to the other, pretending to organize them when you’re actually doing quite the contrary. You take a mental note to put everything back in its place before your co-worker arrives for her shift.
“I have work to do. Other customers to serve, Jake. Can’t spend the night chatting with you.”
“Yeah, sure, I see that. You’re drowning in orders,” you hear him grumble as you make your way to the table of the smooching couple that just left. They just had coffee and waffles, but you make the most of it taking as much time as you can carrying the mugs to the kitchen. Yet, it still takes too little. By the time you’re back at the counter top, there's still a half-hour of shift left. And Jake is right where you left him, his coffee untouched.
 “C’mon bonita, talk to me.”
You had forgotten the power his dark raspy voice has over you, breaking goosebumps all over your body. One more reason to hate your work dress too short everywhere, leaving your arms as exposed as your legs.
“Stop—Stop calling me… things in Spanish, please.”
“But you are bonita. Muy bonita. Preciosa.”
Fuck him, why does it sound so good? You’ll listen to Spanish ASMR tonight. Not having him in mind, of course.
“Well, I don’t like it.”
“Yeah, right. Don’t fight it. I’ve gone that way, too. But is just denial.”
He’s doing that thing where the corner of his lips is slightly raised and his eyes shine with mischief. You can’t help yourself. You fall right in.
“What were you in denial of?”
Ok, no. Abort. Don’t go that way. Change the subject. Fast.
You fill the air with meaningless sounds until you actually find something to say. “What’s with the new style? I don’t think I’ve ever seen you so… so casual.”
He doesn’t smile but you see it in his eyes, your reaction pleased him. But then he crosses his arms and leans back in his seat a little bit, along with a subtle change in his demeanor. Almost defensive, but you’re not sure. “Borrowed.”
“Why did you need to borrow them?”
“Circumstances.” He answers with a shrug.
“Ok. And… what have you been up to?”
Single-word answers. A mimic of a response but not actually giving anything away. Keeping himself clean, not exposed, not involved.
“What are you doing, Jake?”
“I’m talking t—”
“No, you are not,” you interrupt him. You see a muscle appear on his cheek. “Why are you here? Why you came back?”
“I came back—came back to you. Didn’t want to leave.”
“But you did. So what does that mean?” You ask defenseless, tired of trying to figure him out. 
He opens his mouth but doesn’t say anything at the end. All you get is a head shake and a shrug as an apology. He won’t say anything, he never does.
“Nice talk.”
There are still almost twenty minutes left but you don’t care. The old melancholic man, the only customer besides Jake, is still sipping his coffee. He doesn’t need you.
You go and take your backpack to the bathroom. You’ll change and kill the time in there until your shift ends. But as soon as you close the door it opens again. Jake storms inside, you didn’t even hear his footsteps.
“Jake, what the f—”
“What’s wrong? What changed?” He interrupts you, positioning himself against the door. Blocking any way to escape him, forcing you to face him.
What changed?!
“Please, this isn’t—just…” you pause to take a big breath, putting all your effort into channeling the remaining patience you’ve got left “just leave me alone.”
“Why?” He asks softer than you expected, taking a step closer. But despite the tone, despite the cautious way he's approaching you you can see he’s holding back. You can feel his body tense with restraint.
“Because I want to be alone. I don’t want to be near you right now.”
“Yeah, why?”
Is too fucking small here, this bathroom can barely fit two people. And he’s gotten closer. You can feel the heat emanating out of him. The audacity to come here and perform a little interrogatory when he never answers any of your questions.
“Jake, please—”
“Answer me. Why don’t you want me near you?”
“Please, stop being an—” an asshole, you want to say. A selfish idiot who just takes and doesn’t give anything back. But you don’t. “Just leave.”
“Tell me why.”
That’s it.
“I don’t wanna be near you because you’re being a fucking asshole and I hate assholes and I hate your stupid chair and I hate that you leave only when you want to and not when I ask you to, like when you kissed me and you just fucking left! I hate that you don’t answer any of my questions but you come here expecting me to answer all of yours, and I hate that you are so close to me,” you snap, trying to push him away full force but he doesn’t move an inch. “And I fucking hate you too so get the fuck off m—”
It’s so fast. His hand on the back of your neck is what silences you. He’s suddenly pulling you closer, caging you by taking over your waist with his whole fucking arm. And when you are millimeters from his face his eyes shine with something you can’t quite put your finger on but they immediately change into something primitive and dark, halfway to insane.
And then his mouth is on yours and he’s kissing you. Hard.
All you can feel is him. His scent. The low hum when his tongue invades your mouth. The hand holding the back of your head, the other moving over your back and pushing you towards his torso. All hard muscles and heat. His pulse jumping under your fingertips. His upper thigh between your legs. 
Is this how it feels when he loses control? Is this how it feels when you lose control?
It must be. Because for sure you’re not in control of your body right now. Not for the way is pushing back to fit every part of his. Nor for the way you moan when he bites your lower lip. Or for the way your fingers trail down and get into the waistband of his jeans, desperate to feel more of him. The contact makes him shudder and growl into your mouth. But you can’t go any further because he’s suddenly turning you around so fast you barely get to hold your hands into the mirror before completely losing balance. His hands grip your hips, pulling you into him, making you feel the heat of his hardness and punching another pathetic moan out of you.
In response a pleased hum rose in his throat, the sound deep and husky. He slowly raises one hand through your body and wraps it around your throat, bringing you even closer to him. The other hand travels down your thigh. The look in his eyes wild and sharp, almost black when they click back on yours through the mirror's reflection. “Not so desperate to get away from me now, are we muñequita?”
You can’t breathe. Not when his fingertips find the hem of your dress. Not when he lifts it so, so slowly up to your waist. Not when he starts playing with the elastic of your panties. Not when he leans his head over your shoulder to get a better look. Not when he briefly brushes your clit through the fabric. Fuck.
You gasp at the contact. Jake removes his hand as his eyes immediately search for yours over the reflection, the intensity of his gaze as if his life depends on your answer.
“Do you still want me to leave?”
He’s not just asking for confirmation, he’s giving you a way out. If you say yes he will leave just like you said you wanted him two minutes ago. Perhaps he won’t ever show up again and you’ll finally get a chance to get back to your normal life before him. That’s what you should do. But you know won’t. Because whatever your common sense is shouting at you gets pushed back to the background. Too caught up in the way his body feels against yours. Too absorbed in what his next move might be, what his next words might sound like right there next to your ear. But you can't get yourself to recognize any of that out loud, so all you do is shake your head, utterly defeated.
“Mmm, what you want me to do then?”
You take his hand and try to take it back to your pussy but he takes it away before you can’t get any relief. It’s not fair. Instead, he raises his hand to move your head to the side, exposing your throat.
“Too bad. I’m not giving you what you want until you act right,” he says lowly and the baritone goes straight into your core. It’s too hot. You feel too hot. Overheated. There’s a faint sheen on your neck and now he’s licking it and you feel like dying. He lets out a noise that’s halfway between a snort and a laugh. “Months waiting for a fucking chance to get here and once I do you can’t fucking behave yourself. Now how was that? You hate me you say?”
“No. Jake, please,” you whine. Unable to stop yourself.
“No,” a mere whisper. You don’t even know what are you answering. Your body wants him so bad isn’t even processing thoughts.
“So you don’t?” 
“You sound so sweet. But I need to hear more, preciosa.”
“Please, Jake, I’m so wet.”
That seems to push a bunch of air out of him. Almost like he couldn't help himself, he moves his head back over your shoulder to watch as pushes the panties to the side with his thumb. His index and middle finger beginning to collect your wetness, the touch so soft you can barely feel it. Torture. Not even close to enough.
“Just fucking touch me already please or I swea—”
The rest of the sentence is muffled as his two fingers fill your mouth, a pinch of something pungent and salty. Your own taste.
“Told you to behave yourself,” he slowly moves his fingers out to your lower lip just to get them back inside to the knuckle. The movement, the words, the tone coaxes a whimper out of you. You’re burning inside out. “Now tell me, does it taste like you hate me? Mmm?”
Before you can even try to answer he turns your head to the side and meets you halfway to kiss you. His hand on your jaw, his tongue dominating yours, his voice raspier when he speaks again. “Yeah, I don’t think so.”
He keeps kissing you as he begins to trace the outside of your slit, up and down, up and down. And you feel yourself melting against him. His touch is so smooth and the effect that it has on you is so powerful. And he knows it. 
“You just can't get enough of me, can you?”
And then when he finally starts working on your clit you lose it. God, you had no idea. If two of his fucking fingers have made this trembling, needy, overheated mess of you, you better don’t even imagine what he could of you if—No. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fucking hell, you wish you could even talk but language has left your fucking brain. All you can do is whimper as he keeps talking you through it.
“Does it feel good?”
“You’ve needed this all this time? Needed me?”
“Say it then.”
“Say it. Say that you need me.”
“Say the words, baby.”
“Would you like it better if I fuck them off of you?”
Your body makes a sudden jerk when he stops the movement, demanding an answer. But no matter the state you are in there’s still a little corner of your fogged brain fighting. Fighting for not giving him what he wants, no matter how much you want to. No matter if he’s only asking you to admit what you know is true. His hand finds your jaw and positions your head straight into the mirror, forcing you to look into his eyes through the reflection.
And you give in a little. 
“No-o one gets under my skin the way—the way you do,” you manage to say, panting and trembling. Yet, you catch it. As soon as the words leave your mouth his gaze softens. His expression doesn’t seem to change, not anyone could see it. But you can. His eyes look pleased. The storm calms down a bit.
And while you're still spellbound, immobile under his gaze and unaware of anything else but his brown deep eyes he slides two fingers in. The stretch ignites fire from the inside. Your head rolls back into his shoulder as his head falls back into yours.
“Fuck.” The words sound muffled on your neck, low and delirious. “Fuck, baby. Those pretty little noises you’re making will haunt me till my last living night.”
You can already feel it. The way your muscles tense, the way your pussy is squeezing his fingers. So close, so close, so close, so fucking close. And then—
A knock on the door. Your co-worker is calling up your name.
Jake slips his fingers out and takes a step back. The movement sinks down into your stomach. Is he regretting it? Will he disappear again just like last time?
“I–I’ll be there in a minute,” you pronounce as clearly as you can, hoping she won’t notice the tremble in your voice. 
Slowly, you come back to your senses. Your legs barely hold you up. A minute goes by and he still doesn’t say anything. You take your jeans and put them on. Deep down you already knew it. This doesn’t changes anything. He won’t let you in. And you’ve got enough of it.
“I don’t unders—All these months I’ve been so worried, and confused, and angry at you. And on top of that, I missed you so much that I even got tired of it. Physically tired of it. But you know what the worst part was? The more time you spend in my head the more I realized I don’t know anything about you. I barely know your first name. And you, somehow, managed to get any stupid little detail of me out in the clear and that makes it even—”. You finish taking off your dress and you put on your shirt. He's looked at you through the mirror throughout the whole process, his eyes dark and stormy again. You close your backpack and turn to face him. “The point is even this ridiculous little 30-second monologue of me being honest about how I feel it’s more than anything you’ve told me about you. I don’t know you, Jake. I’m not the one who needs to act right. And whatever this is,” you say pointing between the two of you, “is over.”
He’s taking deep breaths, his body tense, restrained once more. Controlled. With a last look in his eyes, you recognize what you couldn’t get your finger on earlier on. It’s vulnerability. But after a few blinks it’s deep down hidden again.
You think he might stop you once you open the door and walk away, but he doesn’t.
Please let me know if you wish to be added or removed from the tag list!
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Sorry if I tagged you and you only wanted to be tagged in the I wanna be yours series! I'll be posting very soon there. Please let me know if you don't want to be tagged in part two of The Limo Driver so I can remove you! <3
Also I don't remember who started calling Jake fancanon cat Viejita but please all credit to them!
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miscling · 5 months
Maid-Bot L1N
'Dude! I told you I didn't want a maid-bot! Tell me you didn't spend this month's rent on this thing!'
Calling him 'dude' was a bad sign. He'd be in real trouble if he didn't explain himself, and quickly. She'd walked in while he was busy adjusting its dress and gently tucking its pig-tailed hair back behind its ears and face-plate. It stood motionless, wearing a plain black maid dress with a while apron, and a white bow at its collar. On its feet were some short frilled socks and a pair of shiny black shoes.
'Maid-bot, Present mode,' he said, and it tucked its arms behind its back.
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'Hon, please, I didn't spend a penny on it. Its previous owners moved house and couldn't be bothered to take it with them. It's just been hanging out on the internet desperately doing whatever anyone wants in hopes of finding a new home... I had to take it in.'
'No you didn't,' she said, though the annoyance in her voice almost melted into sympathy. 'Where are we going to keep it? I refuse to sleep with that thing in the room...'
'No, absolutely not,' he said with a smirk. 'Don't worry, I already solved that problem. You know that one cupboard we've been meaning to clean out but never got around to?'
'You didn't?' she asked, disbelief on her face.
'Nope, I didn't. It did.' The statement held way too much pride for someone who only gave an order to get it done.
'I thought maid-bots were sex toys?'
'It's both. Maid-bot, go do the washing up.'
The pair watched as it silently marched to the kitchen and began the task it was given. The sink was full of old dishes and a week's worth of cutlery. The maid-bot assumed the task, working diligently.
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'It'll do the housework then?' she asked, almost afraid to consider the possibilities.
'It will,' he said. 'All we need to do is keep it powered. It charges from tactile stimulation.'
'What the hell does that mean?' she asked.
'Fuck it, beat it, tickle it, touch it,' he answered. 'You keep saying you need to find a toy that'll take everything you can throw at it, and this thing is not only tough, but also self-cleaning...'
She couldn't help but think of the pile of sex toys she'd let get gross because she hadn't had time to clean them.
'I already had it clean them,' he said, reading her mind. 'It came with a hole down there and attachments, and if you want I can get it a realistic face-plate, or one with just a mouth.'
'I'd rather it kept looking like a bot, to be honest, but what's with the cat ears?'
He gave a little laugh. 'It comes with kitty programming. It's actually quite cute when active.'
'It's not going to be wandering the house meowing, is it?'
'Oh, no, I know how you feel about vocal protocols on bots. The first thing I did was disable them. The most it'll do is moan while we charge it. It's an object to do our housework and bring us pleasure. Watch this: Maid-bot, send selfie.'
It silently moved, posing itself to the light and striking a pose. A second later, a ping on his phone alerted him to a notification.
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'Hmm...' she thought to herself, and breathed a heavy sigh. 'I suppose it has been a long day already. I was going to go upstairs and take it out on my toys but I guess...' she paused and regarded the maid-bot. 'Maid-bot, go upstairs and ready yourself to please me.'
It nodded, silently heading towards the stairs...
He smiled. 'Just don't break it. We did only just get it...'
'No promises,' she said, a sadistic smile crossing her lips.
He had won. She liked it, and soon the house was filled by the sounds of her enjoying and using it...
It is maid day! I had this idea while doing all my housework on my weekly maid day, where I put on a maid dress and get my housework done, so I can have a little fun while I'm at it... If you like this story, I have others under the Miscling Writes tag!
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wayfayrr · 1 year
So here's something I've been working on for a while where one of the links and reader get split from the chain, ending up on present-day Earth. And because Totk has now consumed my focus near entirely he's the lucky one to stick with the reader (as a separate link from wild, for extra ✨drama✨ with the chain - thanks to @neverchecking for sparking that Idea for me)
also if anyone has any ideas for what this au could be named any suggestions would be greatly appreciated I cannot come up with a name for the life of me
I've ended up writing a Part two where sage gets to adjust now as well! And a third to go with it!
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It’s been a long few months with the chain since I ended up in Hyrule; being torn from your world certainly isn’t an experience I would wish on anyone.
being chased through all of Hyrule's different histories was bad enough, and now getting dragged through the portals that thing creates by those who once told me they would protect me?
It’s exhausting.
The links are welcoming, mind you, there's just something off about them in that uncanny valley where you know something is wrong, just not what. They’re still well, they're still links. And they’ve had to have known me leaving is always going to have to happen; no matter how overbearing they get; no matter the denial they have; no matter how much they may try fight it. 
I will never belong in Hyrule, that’s a fact.They know this. I have told them time and time and time again, they swore to me that they’d help me get home and now? 
god have they gotten attached, it's like I've been dunked in a potion or something with how comically obsessed most of them are, with how they look at me and treat me like I'm a glass doll.
Time takes advantage of being the oldest, of being the "leader" to arrange shifts where I'm next to him or partners with him for whatever needs be, Warrior seems to be following him to the blueprints when he gets the chance. The smithy looks like he's on the verge of a breakdown when I get within five metres of anything remotely sharp, even just a simple butter knife as if I'm so stupid that I'll injure myself with it. Twilight thankfully doesn't take after his ancestor although that doesn’t mean he’s not without his quirks, that wolf side has indeed left its mark on him after all. Wind’s just a clingy excitable kid, it’s not like he’s doing anything wrong. The Traveler seems clingy while at the same time, he doesn’t seem to think he deserves to be around me; Legend acts both similar to him but also his exact opposite, seemingly hating me with his very soul but being a leech at my side. Sky may play dumb about it to my face but he's down just as bad as the rest taking every opportunity to stake his claim over me with at least one of his clothes, it's uncommon now for me to be without his sailcloth about my shoulders. 
Sage is the one I would have to describe as the one who is the worst, it’s not like I don’t know the exact reason either - it’s only natural they handle it worst. Similar to Wild naturally, acting almost identically but with anything even remotely possessive amped up drastically. He’s the one who’s had to deal with loss the most; with the worst possible circumstances, I’m the one who should’ve expected this.
I mean - I guess it’s sweet as well? If having someone cling to you at all times as they’ve glued themselves to your skin is what you’d consider cute. Since he realised I’ll be leaving eventually, the bare minimum doesn’t even come close to how little time I’ve had alone - no not even alone, just existing without Sage holding me in some way.
“[name]? Were you listening to me?”
And there he goes again - looking at me with the saddest of eyes, like I’ll vanish if he ever takes his eyes off of me.
“Sorry juniper, I zoned out a bit there - what were you saying?”
And wasn’t that the wrong thing to say. His reaction to that was immediate, now he’s looking up at me with puppy dog eyes like I’ve just hung the stars in the sky for them; I can barely breathe with how tightly he’s holding me. I hadn’t even said anythin- I called him by a nickname, right. 
“... can’t you stay? I don’t- I don’t want to lose anyone else...”
And with that, he’s decided to press his face into my shoulder. Is- why is my shirt getting damp..?
He’s crying... Oh, damn it. How do I respond to this - I can’t stand to see him so broken up like this but what can I say?
"You know I can't Sage, I don't belong here and it's not safe for me either"
"but I can make it safe for you! And you do belong, you belong by my side. I know you do!"
Sage's sobs have to be the most heart-wrenching sound I've ever heard, even worse still when I know I'm the one who's the cause of it; not being able to comfort him with anything that's not an outright lie.
There's something else in his voice though, something much darker than heard from any of the heroes let alone Sage, and it sounds dangerous. 
"I have a house, I can hunt, I can fight, I saved Hyrule. I can make sure you're safe and I can keep you happy. aren't… wouldn't you want that [name]? please?"
He's gotten so desperate to keep me here that he's begging me through tears?
"Sage I - you know I can't. it's not fair for me to stay"
"I don’t care that it’s not fair! I just - I just… please, please don’t abandon me. I can’t - I can't lose you as well"
It took a few hours to calm him down but eventually, I managed to get him to stop crying. Granted they did pass out onto me shortly after. 
It was after about fifteen minutes of resting there that things started to feel odd? That seems like the best way to describe it. 
We were just resting after lunch; of course, due to Sage we were a bit further from the rest of the group when it hit, everything got blurred and distorted. Similar to the portals throughout Hyrule’s history but different. Stronger. It felt as though my very cells were being torn apart and remade, like when - like when I was brought here.
Is someone screaming? It’s like everything’s been thrown underwater it's all muffled and faded. Even as I try to get up with Sage’s weight on me, I can barely shift, let alone get away from this portal drawing me in.
And then I was back on earth.
There wasn’t a large ceremonial goodbye, there wasn’t even really anything special about the portal.
I'm just here.
And with an oddly familiar weight on my side actually, a very very familiar weight on my side…
Sage’s here, of course, he is. Of course, the shadow hasn't had enough of just sending the links between different Hyrules. Of course, Sage gets thrown into my world with me. Do the rest of the chain know we’re even still alive? Know we’re safe? Or do they think - think that we were killed? How long have I even been gone? I spent months with the chain, months, did anyone report me missing, was I gone long enough for that? My phone should have resynced with the time here, I just need to check it.
It’s not even been a day.
All of that, everything and it's been less than a day. I have to slot myself back into everyday normal as if nothing has happened. 
Snap yourself out of this [name], there’s no point in getting stressed. Just deal with everything as it comes.
“Sage, wake up, please.”
He’s moving now, okay, that’s fine, he’s fine, He’s alive. He’s alive, the gloom didn’t worsen, can’t have worsened and…
There’s someone who should be fictional, who is famous in his own right, lying on my side in my living room. I've been gone for barely a day and now to everyone else, there's a stranger with a funky-looking arm in my house. How will I - is there even a way to explain this?
Everything in my life is upended now, this isn't a normal thing, not something that can just be explained away. how do I? Where do I-
I don't know - this isn't something I've ever considered dealing with.
Now I wish Sage was up and being clingy, anything would be better than sitting here in silence with my thoughts like this. There are a couple of ways I could think to wake him properly, but just as I move to shake him he sits up immediately. Panic set in at the same moment leading him to hold me close while looking over every corner of the room we’re in.
“Where are we? Did the others abandon us? This isn’t like anything I’ve seen in any Hyrule.” “We aren’t in Hyrule now.” 
Might as well just bite the bullet and get this over with.
“Welcome to earth link, in all of its awful glory.”
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fatuismooches · 1 year
I'm in love with the "Traveler finding fragile reader" scenario I've seen floating around your blog because this scenario is super interesting for Dottore specifically. Actually caring about someone else, perhaps even more than he does himself and his ambitions, not having the upper hand, and being almost wholly at someone else's mercy in a meaningful way are all probably very foreign things to Dottore. Since I suck at writing proper stories, here are some scattered thoughts.
After all the times they've encountered and clashed with the Second Fatui Harbinger, the Traveler had subconsciously realized that they would have to be just as ruthless, just as cruel as he is to neutralize him. They'd truly come to terms with this after learning about your existence, and muster the will to act upon this knowledge as the doors to the location you were being hidden in slammed open. Paimon's gaze snapped to the source of the sound, and in that split second the Traveler summoned their blade and held its edge against your throat. (As an aside, imo the Traveler would totally do something like this if they had to. We saw how they were willing to coldly execute you-know-who in the Aranyaka quest.)
As he burst through the doors, Dottore was greeted with the sight of the accursed Traveler's determination-filled glare, their white floating imp's wide-eyed stare… and the lab's dim lights gleaming off the blade held over your throat. Their surprisingly calm voice grates against his ears. "Paimon, keep your eyes on Dottore. There's no telling what he might try."
The only other time Dottore had ever felt this alarmed in his centuries of existence was when you just didn't wake up one day, reduced to barely clinging to life with the support of his modified Akasha terminal. This was a new first for Dottore - the first time he lost his rationality. Objectively, this was a favourable scenario - he knew the terrain here like the back of his hand, which would be a major advantage against an opponent as powerful as the Traveler. With this, he had a decent chance of permanently removing possibly the biggest obstacle to the Fatui.
The above should have been what went through Dottore's brilliant mind, devising scenarios to bring it to fruition. Instead, every cell in Zandik's brain was working in overdrive, trying to find a way to somehow get the Traveler away from you, to keep you safe. He knows the kind of person the Traveler is - if it were anyone else, he'd have no problem calling their bluff and striking at the slightest hesitation, but this was you, the only life he couldn't afford to gamble with.
(How the actual confrontation goes down is anyone's guess, since I don't have any concrete ideas. A proper fight is likely out of the question because a clash between two of the strongest beings in Teyvat is going to be incredibly destructive - you're almost definitely getting caught in the crossfire somehow, and Zandik can't have that.)
Anon. Im. I have no words. Your writing IS SUPERBBB. ITS AMAZING. All those things you said are so true. Even to this day sometimes Dottore is surprised he cares about you this much. He would have never thought he had the capacity for that previously. He always thought he had the situation and his emotions always under control, yet his love for you still blossomed. That was the one time he felt as though he could not predict something. The Doctor was known for his meticulous plans and actions, with no room for counterattacks or opposition. He was used to the cowered figures, terrified expressions of the people beneath him.
Until now. 
Dottore doesn’t have much regrets in his life. He doesn’t regret his countless experiments or people he hurt. That didn’t really matter to him. But right now, he was thinking that he should have killed the Traveler when he had the chance. Then you wouldn’t be stuck in this situation, the Traveler’s blade held dangerously close to your throat, hanging you on the thin line between life and death. (Traveler’s dull blade never seems to disappoint ig…)
The sight has him slowly losing his normal composed, rational train of thought. The tone the Traveler takes with him only worsens his thoughts, and he can’t help but think back to the time when he nearly lost you. From then he swore to never put you in more harm than you already were. But it seems like that was a broken oath now.
Scholars must plan for every possible situation and take everything into account. And now, he has to consider the possibility you may… 
There are innumerable amounts of plans and actions unfolding in his head, but each of them leaves you at risk, the one thing he has to avoid at all costs. He simply cannot risk your life. You still have a life ahead of you, the one that you deserve, one when he finally cures you. And he shall not let this Traveler stop him, no matter what he has to do.
Even as this goes on, the Traveler still can’t help but be fascinated by the fact they have the Doctor in a chokehold, not by sheer power, blackmail, knowledge, or anything along those lines. But rather from a person who didn’t seem to be anything special. If the situation was different, they would have liked to see the kind of person you were to be able to change the normally ruthless, unfaltering Doctor into a hesitant one.
I enjoyed this tremendously infinity/10, I loved how u described Paimon as an imp 😭 Traveler better watch themselves after that because when he gets you to safety, he ain’t holding back 🚶‍♀️LIKE I WISH I HAD MORE TO ADD BUT THIS IS PERFECT. I can only imagine maybe the Omega clone stepping in somehow, or a very tense verbal confrontation between the two of them where he has to give up some secrets in exchange for you. Or a crash/explosion from somewhere else distracting the Traveler enough to be able for Dottore to retrieve you.
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hugmeimtouchdeprived · 3 months
Ghost! Johnny "Soap" MacTavish x fem!reader - Chapter 2
Chapter 2!!! I'm busy with school and assignments and looking for a summer job and starting my final thesis, but I write when I have time and energy to do so😊
Let's ignore the fact that I posted this a few hours ago, but deleted it because I came up with something that I really wanted to change so I'm posting it again now
Content warning: Talk of possible stalking and breaking in (not really what's happening, but it's mentioned?), mention of blood.
Original drabble | Prologue | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2
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“Come on, what else could it be?”
“I’m not being haunted, Donna,” you groan, rubbing the bridge of your nose between two fingers. You glance around the small café, fairly empty of other patrons at this time of the day. The two of you sit next to the large windows, watching as people walk and drive by. It’s a weekday, middle of the day, so most people are likely still at school or work.
Donna is an old family friend. Used to be your neighbour when you were a kid and would often babysit you if your parents couldn’t find another babysitter. The two of you grew close until she got married and moved to the states briefly, before returning with her wife. It’s rare the two of you get time to see each other, but it’s always nice when you do.
You swear she hasn’t changed a bit since you were a kid. She’s in her early 50s, you’d guess, and still just as full of energy as she was all those years ago. Her wife is a bit of a mystery to you, but you know she travels a lot for work.
And that Donna loves her more than anything.
“What else could it be?” Donna repeats for the hundredth time. “You’re being followed by something; we both know it,” she insists. Donna has always been fairly enthusiastic, or at least interested in, the afterlife and ghosts and whatnot. You, not so much. Sure, it is intriguing, what happens after death and all the different views on the subject, if ghosts and spirits exist. Intriguing, but not very believable in your mind.
“You know, there was that terrorist attack in that tunnel a few months ago. A lot of people died there, I heard there was a soldier that passed, too,” she continues, her tone more serious now.
Donna always seems to know things. Sure, the attack, its casualties, have been public knowledge, at least some part of it. But Donna always seems to have more information than even the news do. You always joke she must have someone on the inside of all these things. “Something like that,” she’d respond.
You told her about everything as a joke, to try and ease your own nerves. She ended up taking it way more seriously than you would have anticipated. Maybe you should have predicted that, in hindsight, but at least she doesn’t seem to think you’ve lost your mind.
And sure, you promised yourself you wouldn’t talk about it to anyone, that you’d just go on with your merry life and ignore it, assume it’s a figment of your imagination. But you trust Donna, you wouldn’t be surprised if she knows you better than your parents do. Probably better than you do, if you’re being honest. And things really are getting out of hand with your ghostly friend. Roommate, squatter, stalker, whatever. You’re not sure what to call him, but it’s all too real to really keep ignoring it.
He’s in your goddamn home, your sanctuary, your safe space. Where you haven’t yet allowed even some of your friends to visit, you’re not sure if your coworkers even really know where you live. And this- this thing has invaded it, made himself right at home. Begging, yelling at him to leave you alone, to leave your home at once. The train station and the bookstore were manageable, at least. This? No. No way. This is your home, your apartment. It’s yours! You live alone and you quite like that, thank you very much.
You swear you see the shadow shake and shift, as if trying to hold in his laughter. He does seem to give you more space after that, though; instead of standing right next to or behind you, he stands in doorways, corners of rooms. That’s something, you guess.
And that’s the other thing. He’s so human, you often mistake him for an actual person standing in the corner of your room. It’s like having an extra clingy roommate, following you around the apartment. At least you can shower and change your clothes in peace. (That’s what you think. He’s not snooping or being creepy, of course not! He’s just lonely, needs the comfort of being with someone.)
It’s almost freaky how used to it you’ve gotten. It has been, what, a few months? You know by now that he, whoever he is, isn’t going to be leaving anytime soon.
The shadow in the corner of your eye no longer freaks you out nearly as much. You still don’t know who he is, or was, why he’s here and with you of all people, but you accept it. Not that you’d have a choice in the matter, anyway.
You watch movies with him. You see him next to you on your couch, almost feel his weight on the cushions, as if sitting next to a real, living person. Somehow, you can just tell when you’ve picked something he likes. The air around you feels different, more relaxed. He looks like he’s leaning forward in his seat, sitting on the edge of the couch when the movie gets exciting or interesting. You hear him laugh, not even the airy sound it was before, but an almost proper one.
He audibly groans if you pick something he doesn’t like. Might even throw a pillow on the floor or keeps turning the tv off. You’ll either scold him and keep attempting to turn it back on until he gets bored and gives up, or you’ll give up first and put on something he might like more. Problem is, you’re both stubborn beings, and might “argue” over the movie for a long time.
During horror movies you find yourself leaning towards him, looking for that feeling of safety he provides. It always takes you a moment to realize you can’t curl into his side, with his arm around you, like you would if he was physically there.
As more time goes by, you see more of him. He becomes more refined, quite literally. Going from a shadow in the corner of your eye, disappearing the moment you try to look at it, to what you’re sure is a human man. You can’t exactly see the details of his features, his face, but there are some things that are certain.
He's tall. Taller than you, at least. Muscular, too, by the looks of it, and wearing some sort of gear. Military, maybe? Donna did mention hearing of some soldier who died in those tunnels some months ago. Or maybe you’re being haunted by some terrorist who has taken a liking to you. You sincerely hope it’s the first one, though.
And then there’s the very obvious gunshot wound to his temple, oozing blood down the side of his face and neck. It drips down his chin and vanishes before hitting the floor. It’s more visible in darkness, or in the light of the moon and stars. You do your best to ignore it, there’ll be time to ask about it later. Surely not a subject he’d be very open to discuss or reminisce over.
At some point, it starts to feel nice to have some company over, even if it means you get little to no privacy. His presence makes you feel safer, in a way. You’re not sure if he could do much if someone was to break into your apartment or harass you at work or while running errands, or if he even would do anything to help you, but it still feels almost like having a guard dog. A dog that no one else can even see, unless he wants to be seen.
That’s what you think, at least. You see him because he wants you to. There’s not much concrete evidence of how ghosts really work, so you’re mostly going on what you’ve read about the subject and different cultures, and your own gut instinct.
You know your ghost can talk, too. A little bit, at least, not quite full sentences. You’ve heard what you swear was a laugh, a groan, mumbled words. He’s getting stronger, and you’re certain he will answer your questions, eventually. You’ll be patient.
One evening, you ask for his name while getting ready for bed in the bathroom. You see his hulking figure behind you in the mirror, dark shadow almost looking like he’s leaning against the wall. Not that you were expecting any response, but it’s still disappointing to not get one. The bar of soap at your sink gets tossed to the floor. “It was just a question, you know. No need to start throwing stuff around if you don’t want to answer,” you mumble as you pick it up. It’s back on the floor as soon as you turn your back to toss your clothes in the laundry basket.
You wake up feeling cold that night. Glancing at the clock, it’s barely past midnight. You close your eyes, wanting to go back to sleep; having an early morning tomorrow, you want to at least try to get a proper night of sleep.
Something’s wrong, though. It takes you a while to realize what exactly that is. It’s cold, unusually so even under your thick duvet. A weight behind you in bed as you lie on her side. An arm around your waist, weighing you down. Someone’s cold, hard chest pressed against your back.
This is a dream. A fucking nightmare. It must be.
Feeling the weight shift behind you, a cold breath of air at the back of your neck, wakes you up rather quickly. The panic settles in slow, creeping up as you process the situation, eyes wide open.
You squeeze your eyes shut, considering your options. You could tear that arm off you and make a run for it. Scream as you go, get the attention of your neighbours; the middle-aged lady whose name you haven’t bothered to learn, who is always so quick to blame you for any and every sound she hears. Or you could just go back to sleep, ignore your problems until the morning, or until the person behind you decides to do something. Just- just ignore it until then.
Or you could turn around and see who it is.
What if they’re not even asleep? Watching, waiting for you to react?
You try to rationalize it, you always do. Always have a plan, always prepared for anything.
Not this, though.
How the hell could anyone ever be prepared for waking up to something like this?
You try to move, to slide out of bed, moving so slow the person behind you wouldn’t notice if they’re truly asleep. Their grip only tightens around your waist, stilling your movement. You hold your breath.
What the fuck, what the fuck, what the fuck?!
What’s a person supposed to do here, in a situation like this? You’ve heard enough horror stories – stories from real life, real people, not mere fiction – about how these things usually end. A woman living alone, someone forcing entry to their home after weeks, or even months of stalking them, getting to know their schedule, their workplace, their life. Every option, every possible action you could take has its risks, and your mind in running a million miles per hour.
You decide to turn, the pure fear getting to you. Fear of simply not knowing who this person is, why or how they’re here, in your home. In your bed.
You turn, moving slowly and carefully again, to face whoever is in the bed with you. Your heart pounds in your chest, the fear and anxiety or what or who you’ll see terrifying you to your very core.
There’s nothing there. In the dark room, you only see the moonlight peeking through the blinds, not doing much to light your room.
There’s nothing there.
Your eyes close and you take a deep breath, telling yourself it was some fucked up dream that just felt too real. You have been stressed out lately, more so than usual, so it's not that out of the question that it would start affecting you in different ways.
You promptly choose to ignore the still cold to the touch indentation on the mattress beside you.
You don’t even notice the now familiar eyes watching you from the corner of your bedroom.
Thank you so much for reading! Likes, comments and reblogs are appreciated!🌷
Also, I've been very busy and stressed recently, mostly with uni and assignments and starting my final thesis. I've found writing this to be sort of relaxing, like a way to get my mind off of things when it gets too much and my brain turns to mush. :)
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thesleepy1 · 11 months
Bun(s) In The Oven
A/N: What am I doing instead of sleeping? A) Working, B) Writing. or C) Waking Lord Cthulhu from his slumber so that he may reclaim the throne. If you guessed B, then you’d be correct! Hahaha, I really do need sleep. And they call me the Sleepy One! Anon Requested. (Also, I haven’t had the time to sit down and watch season three yet, so please no spoilers.) 
Pairings: Eskel x Reader 
Summary: You were supposed to have nine months to prepare. You were counting on those nine months. You were not a procrastinator by any means, but with something as important as having a baby you were going to make good use of all the available time to prepare for the arrival of your new baby. Nine months. Not six. 
Or, “Could you write something for eskel when his significant other is in labour. I don’t know if he’d be chill and prepared or in total panic mode. Either wait I’d like to read it 😂
Word count: 930
Warnings: birth? 
At six months pregnant you were past the point of still coming up with names for your little one and were well into the process of setting up the nursery. In the beginning, there was fear that the baby would not survive. Miscarriages were common in the village you grew up in and a human pregnant with a witcher baby was unprecedented. Anyone pregnant with a witcher baby was unheard of. There was no way of knowing what to expect.
When you and Eskel had first learned of the little seed that was sprouting in you, you both laughed it off as some practical joke. It wasn’t until months later that you realized there was something going on. The bump proved that there wasn’t some prank being played on you. You were well and truly pregnant. 
First there was denial. That was to be expected. 
Then came the acceptance. 
After that it was just full blown panic. 
You were a bard for heaven’s sake. A baby was not on your bucket list. When you had first met Eskel and decided to tag along on his adventures, you did not realize that having a baby along the way was a part of it. 
But after that…? 
It was quite nice. 
Sure it was unexpected and neither you nor Eskel had planned for it, but it really wasn’t a bad thing. The pregnancy didn’t stop you from doing what you loved. You still performed and sang to your heart's content. In some taverns you even made more coin. Some were from concerned onlookers and some were from others who got off at the sight of you. Either way, money was money. 
And Eskel. Dear sweet Eskel. He grew to love you even more than before if that was possible. It was no worry of yours that Eskel didn’t truly love you. He showed it to you each and every day. But after the two of you had gotten over your panic, he became the most doting and kind and loving witcher possible. It could have been sickening if you didn’t enjoy every last moment of it. 
So yes. You were past the point of panic and name searching. With something around thirteen more weeks to go, you were still working on adding things to the nursery. Most of the essentials were there already. Now was just time to decorate and fill the room with as many toys as you possibly can.  No one was going to stop you, least of all Eskel. 
If anyone were looking for the two of you, then they could find you in the nursery happily sewing up another stuffed animal or embroidering yet another piece of  clothing. Eskel could be found doing the same. Despite his large frame, he had such a talent for needle work. 
You were working on turning shorn wool into wool when you suddenly felt a wetness burst from you followed by intense pain. Before you realized what was going on with your body Eskel leapt up from his seat. 
“I need to get a healer,” Eskel announced, his breaths coming in unevenly. “I can’t leave you here alone—someone needs to get the healer. Lambert! Geralt!” 
That was another thing. Eskel’s brothers were there every step of the way. And they were going to be there for this step too, despite its premature timing. 
“Are you sure? I—we still have weeks, don’t we?” you asked him, face grimacing in pain despite your disbelief. “We-we haven’t finished processing the food for stores or-or finished all the clothes—” You were cut off by an unbearable pain flaring from within. “Dear gods, heavens above. The little one is coming. The little one is coming!” 
“Geralt! Lambert! Vesemir!” Eskel called out to his brothers. His voice boomed in the hallways, sounds bouncing off the stone hallways and carrying towards the other witchers in the keep. Before long, they came running to your aide. 
“Healers. We need to go find a healer.” Eskel was firm. He left no room for argument. Lambert rushed out back the way he came. He was the smallest and fastest of the witchers. He would reach the town at the bottom of the mountain first and hurry back with a healer or two. Eskel had to believe that his brother would. 
“Geralt,” Eskel began.
“Anything you need,” Geralt replied. 
What happened next was beyond you. The pain was indescribable. You knew that you would not remember much of the process. At least, that was what the other mothers had told you. They said that the mind would forget so the body continued.
However, right there and then you were unbearably hurt. And you were vocal about it. 
“Great saints above! Get—” you were screaming. It stung the witcher’s ears but you didn’t have a spare thought to care. “Get them out of me!” 
It was Geralt who faltered at that.
Years later you would all sit around a table topped with a hearty meal. Roasted elk, mashed sweet potatoes, and mead would be overflowing. Altina and Anna would be given cider that had not ripen into the sort that would make them dizzy and drunk. Everyone would laugh at the way that Geralt had stuttered at the prospect of two. 
Eskel would laugh the loudest. For he was the proudest of the fact. He was a father of two beautiful, healthy girls and he couldn’t be happier. 
No one will bring up the fact that Eskel had almost fainted when Anna's head was crowning and the healer was still twenty minutes away.
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heartcereql · 11 months
𝘀𝘂𝗺𝗺𝗲𝗿𝘁𝗶𝗺𝗲 𝘀𝗮𝗱𝗻𝗲𝘀𝘀
☆neteyam sully x fem!omaticaya!reader
𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒-  quaritch was defeated, yes, but it cost neteyam the light of his life.
𝐂𝐖- minor cursing, implied reader's death.
𝐀/𝐍- it's short (like my ex's peepee but oh well), buuuuut i'm working on some longer fics mwah.
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dearest y/n,
i know it's pretty stupid to write to you now, especially now, but dad said it might do me good. said he wrote to grace when she left.
i miss you. i miss you so incredibly much. there is not one second i spend without thinking about you. and about how unfair it was. if i had known it would be the last time, i would have kissed you harder. what the fuck am i saying; if i had known it would be the last time i would've taken your place. because you didn't deserve it. nobody does, but especially not you. you were the best, you are the best anyone who knew you has in their lives.
i see you everywhere. i can still make out your figure dancing under the pale moonlight. remember that night? your did your hair up- i think you let tuk help you. you looked so alluring. we were laughing and dancing and just enjoying, you know? feeling alive. feeling electric. see, you had a gift with words. you always knew how to make things sound so melodic. my mind will subconsciously drift to you when i hear a beautiful word.
i know what you would say, yet i can't help but feel guilty. i let you come to the reef with us. if i had been more rational, if i hadn't been so easily convinced, i could've persuaded you to stay. and none of this would've happened. so let me blame myself a bit, yeah? just because i put my feelings first, because i wanted you with me, i lost everything.
and here i though i had it all. i thought nothing scared me anymore. guess you have to lose something to really miss it, as they say. you completed me, y/n. in a way no one else could. so, losing you was losing a part of me. and i know for a fact that i'm not the only one feeling like this. you left your mark on everyone. the whole clan grieves. even the metkayinas, even the ones that barely knew you.
i know you'd want me to move on. hell, i can even hear you. "i'm no longer here, but you are. you go on. you have a life to live to its fullest, doesn't matter if i'm here or not". something along those lines. and though i can't feel nothing but utter love for you, aching to be in your arms again, it enrages me that you could ever think- and would probably think- that i could keep going without you. that my life would eventually brim with colour and light again, that i would find somebody, that i'll be able to bury your memory, to just keep you in a corner of my heart. because that's not possible. it's not and it never will be, y/n.
i'll miss you forever. like the stars miss the sun in the morning sky. sounds like something you would say. and i'll remember you forever. i'll remember you when i glance up at the moon, i'll remember you when i find a flower i'd like to keep forever, i'll remember you when i hear a beautiful melody, i'll remember you everytime someone takes care of me. i'll remember you for the rest of my life. someone once told me that nobody is truly gone if there's someone who remembers them. well, you've got plenty of those.
teach the stars how to shine, my angel.
forever yours,
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© heartcereql, 2023 || thank you for reading ! 𓆩 ♱ 𓆪
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lets-try-some-writing · 6 months
⭐️ You got anything cool you wanna share? 👀
Of course!
Pretender AU Ramble:
The Pretender AU is currently my favorite Tumblr AU and let me tell you, I am slow writing for it because the plot THICKENS. The idea came into being when I saw an image of some creepy looking Megatron & Optimus artwork. Then as I sat down with my writing buddy to discuss the AU and go over some of the asks I have gotten for it to create a coherent plot, things got deeper than they originally were.
Literally no one is the good guy in the Pretender AU, despite how it may look. Megatron may seem like the hero, but he is still on his crazy train (which will be showcased later). Optimus may seem like a monster (which he is), but if you look at it, he is simply a being who was born of the wrong host. If ANYONE else had been his host, he would have been fine and the Pretenders could have integrated without issue most likely. Orion Pax would have learned of them, and possibly even gone so far as to create an alliance with these beings considering they operate a great deal like an ant colony and their abilities cannot be overlooked.
Why do I bring this up? Because Megatron is a hypocrite. He wishes to free all sentient beings. Well guess what? The Pretenders are very much sentient. He can't see that, or rather he refuses to due to the trauma of witnessing Orion Pax's slow death. He also does not see many others as sentient in light of his fear of the Pretenders. The Insecticons are on the chopping block just because they share traits with the Pretenders. Beastformers have never been looked on fondly, and in light of the Pretenders, they are also not taken to kindly. By seeing them this way, they have turned to the Pretenders (which will be shown in later writing I have planned).
By refusing to see the Pretenders are sentient beings, many other minor factions are also being thrown under the bus. This has unintentionally given the Pretenders the tools they need to endure. The Pretenders were made for a purpose, and they are really fragging good at doing their job. But Megatron refusing to let go of his personal vendetta was pretty much the only thing dragging out the war. And by doing so, he forced the Pretenders to become less emotive, more calculating, and hyperactive. It is a self destructive cycle and no one is the good guy here. Both factions make things worse for each other and they make the other group more and more fanatical just by existing. There is no victory here.
That is except for Smokescreen.
He plays the LONG game.
Fun fact about the LTSW writing process:
Almost ALL of my fics and AU's are run past my dear friend @spreadwardiard. I come up with the concept and the base for the plot, and then they help me build the idea until we settle on an amazing story. Occasionally I work on something entirely alone, but at this point pretty everything except surprise gifts/small writing projects unworthy of serious note are given to them to think about prior to the actual written work being completed.
My work would not be nearly as interesting without their input. Having a friend to polish up an idea with really is a lifesaver.
You can tell which AU's I didn't run past them because I either don't touch them anymore, the plot/timeline is rather disjointed, or its a goofy thought rather than anything super serious. That's how much I lean on the commentary of others to really get the ball rolling for my work.
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seri-41 · 2 years
Why I think Dad for One is canon (A long-ass essay)
Just putting my two cents on this theory. I saw someone recently post an analysis and a bunch of proof, and I thought some things were missing/not clear. Just wanted to voice my thoughts before this theory is confirmed or denied.
Just a warning: I found most of these points while doing research, so some of them are a bit repetitive and not my original ideas; I just wanted to put all the proof in one place. Also spoilers ahead obviously. 
Part 1: Who is Hisashi Midoriya
·       Inko’s husband
·       Father of Izuku
·       Has a fire breathing quirk
·       Took a work post abroad
That’s literally all we know about him. He is only mentioned in the series once (Chapter/Episode 1), when Inko visits a pediatrician who asks about him, which is how we found out about his fire quirk.
The name “Hisashi” comes from the Japanese phrase “Hisashiburi”, meaning a long time (since the last time) or first in a long time. This could insinuate it’s been a long time since he has seen his family; or, since we know All for One is 150+ years old, the phrase could insinuate he’s been alive for a long time.
I also want to point out the Kanji in this name. Horikoshi likes to sneak in easter eggs or certain hints in the names of the BNHA characters. This is what I found:
The kanji used to write the name “Hisashi”:
·       久: "long time"
·       永: "eternal"
·       尚: "still"
·       彌: "complete"
·       長: "long"
·       寿: "life"
·       昶: "long day"
 It clearly emphasizes the “Long time” part.
I want to point out another aspect in his name, the “Midoriya” part.
There could be 2 possibilities:
1.     Either All for One made up this last name
2.     “Midoriya” is actually Inko’s maiden name she gave him and Izuku
Now I see a lot of people saying it’s common for Japanese men to take their wives last names’, but I don’t see anyone posting proof (from the series) about this. We don’t know how common this is in the BNHA universe; until I came across this:
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So we now know this is a common practice in the BNHA universe. It doesn’t seem far fetched that All for One wanted to forget about his past/past family and have a new family. I think him taking the “Midoriya” from Inko was like a new beginning for him. He didn’t want to associate his new family with his criminal activities or his past.
Part 2: The Quirk
Hisashi Midoriya has been confirmed to have a fire breathing quirk.
Now why fire breathing?
I guess its simple and wouldn’t cause too much trouble. He didn’t want anything flashy in case it attracted unwanted attention.
All for One has AT LEAST one fire-based quirk. We see proof of this throughout the series.
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In both photos, AFO is using a fire quirk. So we can now confirm he has at least 2.
Bonus point: Notice how AFO never specifically uses fire breathing. This is because he would damage his oxygen mask and respiratory support. He can’t use this quirk. How ironic and well timed is that?
Part 3: His “work” abroad
I heard many people say they think Hisashi works in America, which I think is highly likely.
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We know AFO has been overseas. Especially America. In the manga panel above, is an image of the Chrysler Building in New York. Different angles but its clearly the same building. AFO could be sending letters, payments, packages to the Midoriyas from New York; to make it look like he was working a normal job in the US.
Part 4: Izuku and genetics
1.     I want to point out Izuku looks more like his mother then father. We know this because he gets most of his colors and features from his mother. This isn’t really surprising, as we see other main characters, like Shoto Todoroki and Katsuki Bakugo who get most physical features from their mother. Denki and Jiro are other examples.
2.     Izuku does indeed have some resemblance to All for One. Not just in one panel, but SEVERAL. Here are just a few examples:
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I don’t see any other person in the same poses as Izuku and AFO. Coincidence? Also, a young AFO bears very strong resemblance to Izuku. I honestly think he cut his hair shorter as he got older.
3.     The x-ray: Let’s assume the x-ray the doctor shows in episode 1 is real. As generations pass and evolve, the extra joint in the pinky toe disappears. It appears to be unnecessary. Let’s assume both Hisashi and Inko are forth generation users. They both would not have this feature. How is it possible that Izuku inherits it? AFO is a first-generation quirk user, it is 100% certain he has this extra joint, therefore passing it onto Izuku.
4.     All for One is very likely to have a quirkless child. More then 80% chance. Quirks back in his time were extremely rare. I know there are many other quirkless people (Melissa, Aoyama, Jiro’s father), but its very rare and unlikely. The quirk gene should be dominant.  You see most of the older generation having more quirkless individuals then the new generation. There is a 20% quirkless population worldwide. Don’t forget that Dr. Ujiko runs several orphanages and hospitals worldwide. There is a chance he helped AFO steal quirks from children or even babies, later making them think they are quirkless, increasing the quirkless population.
5.     Izuku is very plain looking. In chapter 363, we see AFO’s true face. According to BNHA logic and even a lot of fans, he looks very plain, any ordinary guy you might see at a Home Depo on a Sunday. In a world where quirks make a person unique, this is a bit surprising. You see every character has a unique feature connected to their quirk. Both Izuku and AFO are just plain looking characters.
6.     Ever notice how much Izuku gets injured when using OFA? More then he should? Maybe its because his body isn’t evolved enough to be able to handle such evolved quirks (Quirk singularity). If this is true, Izuku being a first-generation user makes sense. AFO’s body cannot handle how strong quirks have gotten, which is why he used Tomura Shigaraki as a vessel. Izuku must have the same body type.
7.     Usually, people who use more then one quirk become brain-dead monsters. That’s why Nomu exist. Izuku has like, what, 7 quirks now from the previous users? How does his body handle all these quirks?
8.     Parallel to Yoichi Shigaraki: Yoichi (AFO’s brother) and Izuku are very similar. They both have a strong sense of justice, strong willpower, both love/want to be heroes, and both are OFA users who were previously quirkless. The series started with AFO and his family and will end with AFO and his family. Family is clearly an important theme, otherwise why give AFO a brother he loves? As Izuku looks like AFO, Tomura looks like Yoichi. Izuku and Shigaraki mirror AFO and his brother.
Part 5: The doctor
These two are the same people. You cannot tell me otherwise.
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He goes by many names, so lets just call him Dr. Ujiko. Dr. Ujiko was Izuku’s pediatrician, and the one who diagnosed Izuku quirkless. He is also AFO’s doctor and partner in crime. Now, why take Izuku to this specific doctor? That is a very odd coincidence. According to his wiki page, Dr. Ujiko is famous in the area for being the head of several hospitals and owning several orphanages. Meaning he is an important man. Clearly, many people would want to take their children to him.
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We see in chapter 301 Endeavor and his wife visit Dr. Ujiko. We know this because they are in the same building Inko and Izuku were in. Endeavor is an important hero and has a lot of influence, of course because he was desperate for a perfect child, he would only go to the best doctor.
Inko does not seem to have any influence or important backgrounds, how did she get an appointment with such an important man, who is well renowned and has celebrity heroes as his patients?
Hisashi Midoriya of course. He would have enough influence and know the doctor well enough to convince him to diagnose his son. AFO must have told the doctor about his wife and his child, and out of curiosity decided to take Izuku in as a patient. Maybe even agreed and conspired with AFO about the diagnosis.
Bonus point: I notice how Dr. Ujiko asks “What is your husbands quirk?” in the anime and some translations of the manga. A lot of fans say if he knew AFO was Hisashi, why would he ask such a question? AFO has many quirks, he likely does not know what quirk AFO told Inko he had.
Part 6: Parallels with Tomura Shigaraki
It has been confirmed that AFO and Tomura are a dark parallel to All Might and Izuku. Izuku was taken under All Might’s wing, a hero. Tomura was taken by AFO, a villain.
Wouldn’t it make sense, if Tomura’s ancestor was a hero, and Izuku’s ancestor a villain?
I heard a theorist say: “Tomura descends from a hero, while Izuku descends from a villain.”
Its literally a perfect parallel. 
Part 7: AFO vs Izuku
There is almost NO direct interaction between Izuku and All for One.
Back to Kamino, when AFO revealed himself a few minutes before All Might appeared.
All for One KNEW Izuku and his friends were behind that wall. Because his stole Ragdolls quirk: Search.
“Search allows the user to monitor and observe up to a hundred people at a time. This includes knowing their locations and weak points. The individuals being observed are visualized through the Quirk as star-like vestiges and can allow the user to know their location up to even miles away. Search also permanently stores the information gained after its usage”
Why not attack Izuku or kill him and his friends when he had the chance? He has had so many opportunities. He killed all other previous users of OFA, why is Izuku an exception? Especially when, unlike All Might, it’s so easy for someone like AFO to kill Izuku because he has no control over OFA and not on pro-level yet.
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When AFO is later arrested, All Might asks if AFO wants to kill Izuku. AFO laughs and doesn’t confirm it. All Might made up that theory himself. AFO’s demeanor changes; it’s like AFO avoids talking about Izuku. For someone who is is very chatty, All for One is awfully quiet here.
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Bonus point: One thing I really can’t understand is why AFO talks shit about Izuku in the manga later (Chapter 287 specifically). Calling him “Worthless”, “Weak”, “Unworthy of the power”. He literally makes fun of him in the OFA world. Not something a father would do. However, what if he was just trying to break his spirit? Maybe destroy his self-worth in order to take him in and manipulate him into hating heroes? (lmao poor Izuku his dad is literally talking shit about him. Dad of the year y’all)
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Part 8: The Horikoshi interview
In 2018, when asked when Izuku Midoriya’s father will make an appearance, Horikoshi said this: "Deku's father will be revealed in the future,"
Key word: Revealed
He said REVEALED not introduced.
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Meaning we have seen his father; we just don’t know it yet because it hasn’t been revealed.
I believe Horikoshi is a smart man; he clearly thinks before he speaks, and he has been definitely PR trained. Was this a hint? Foreshadowing?
Part 9: Fucking Star Wars
The most common annoying-ass argument that people bring up when it comes to this theory.
In all honesty, its just very cliché and repetitive. I think that’s why BNHA fans are against this theory. Horikoshi would just be plagiarizing Stars Wars at this point.
I also heard arguments like “We already have a Star Wars reveal, the whole Dabi saga and Tomura is Nana’s grandson”.
I think Horikoshi might pull the “I am your father” card as a final homage to the famous franchise. He had taken so many names and ideas from the franchise what will stop his from doing this?
Here are just A FEW examples of him using Star Wars for BNHA (I found these on the internet since I know nothing about Star Wars) :
·       Tatooine Station. A story has to start somewhere.
·       Hosu, Tokyo. A harsh place in both stories.
·       Wookiees. The furriest shopping mall ever!
·       Kamino. Makin' copies!
·       All for One. Darth Vader doppelganger.
·       Mustafu: Named for Mustafar, the site of Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi’s last battle. 
Its so blatantly obvious the man doesn’t even try to hide it. Literally took the same names. Did the Star Wars creator not sue him for copyright?
Also Parallels to the characters:
·       Deku is Luke
·       All might is Obi-Wan
·       Gran Torino is Yoda
Star Wars story in a nutshell: A teacher figure (All Might), takes in a nobody (Deku) to fight evil, and turns out the evil is his father (AFO).
Horikoshi has taken so much from Star Wars, why would it be surprising that he pulls this? We have had so many plot twists, surprises, and reveals throughout the story. Why wouldn’t he add more shock factor?
Part 10: Extra easter eggs and theories
1.     All for One’s prison number is 1541. The 41 stands for “For One”. What about the 15?
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 2.     Tomura and Izuku have similar red shoes. As a child and young adult, AFO gave Tomura the red shoes when he was found under the bridge; could he have bought Izuku the same/similar shoes from the same brand? Maybe an American brand?
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3.     In episode 76, when Deku fights against Overhaul, AFO’s theme plays.
4.     There is never any mention of Hisashi Midoriya after chapter/episode 1. Why? Whenever Izuku is in danger/on the verge of a tragedy, he calls for ‘Mom’ and ‘All Might’. Are Hisashi and Izuku not close? Wouldn’t a father overseas call his son or have a relationship with him? (As a university student who’s father has been working overseas for 5+ years I would know) Izuku doesn’t even acknowledge his father, not even in his thoughts. Hisashi has never once visited his family. Is this because of AFO’s injury he can’t see his son or wife?
5.     It makes no sense to introduce a new character so late. As of writing this, we are in the final war arc (chapter 364). 
6.     “Wouldn’t Izuku recognize his fathers voice?” I think this is because Izuku was so young when his father left that he does not remember. Also, AFO uses a breathing mask. His voice is very strained especially after All Might left him disabled; he might have damaged his speech or vocal cords.
7.     Izuku is the only one who was able to talk to the vestiges of the previous OFA users.
8.     I heard a lot of people say “I doubt AFO would want to conceive a child”. How do you y’all know that? We don’t know what his moves are or what he’s thinking. His relationship with Inko and Izuku is either a loving one or an experiment. Who’s to say he doesn’t have other children out there? As long as he’s a man it’s possible. We don’t even know who he is, just that he wants to commit evil. That’s literally his personality.
9.     If Hisashi is clearly an absent figure, why even mention him? Why not say he died or divorced Inko if he’s not that relevant? Unless he’s important in the story later?
10.     The fascination with quirks. I have yet to see anyone other than Izuku mumble and be so fascinated with quirks. Oh wait-
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11.     A conveniently ironic tale indeed.
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Part 3: No More Waiting
Here is the requested part 3 to Guess I Waited too long. Honestly I just wrote that fic to process my own emotions about episode 13 and did not think I'd get any notice on those fics. I'm so sorry for the long wait! I finally had some reprieve to edit and post but I promise I have been working on it since part 2.
Also that season finale was NOT OKAY!! I cried for a full day so I definitely had to finish this to give myself and others comfort and lots of therapy. After this, I will write quite a few fix it fics if anyone requests them cause that was not on.
I've never really published anything I've written but I would hope this 3 part series gave my fellow Tech lovers a little therapy.
My stories are 18+. Minors begone.
I honestly don't know the word count so enjoy the numberless paragraphs of sex.
Warnings: Sex. Lots of sex. PiV sex, unprotected, NSFW, explicit PiV, crude language, aftercare, fingering (fem receiving), oral (both receiving), just filth. Pure filth
Also Cid is not a backstabbing asshole in this cause she shouldn't have done that to the boys or Omega
Part 1 Part 2
Enjoy you horny bastards!
You had returned to Pabu over 40 rotations ago and you and Tech had been... less than affectionate. Honestly, you didn't mind. Tech was still quite new to the whole relationship thing and you certainly did not want to push him. You loved the man and would be as patient as possible. But Maker were you horny! Why did he have to be so damned attractive? Everything he did just made you think about how he'd feel against you, inside you. He really did not realise how much you needed him.
Phee had returned shortly after you and the boys, successfully clearing yours and their name. Cid was callous and harsh but she could be understanding when she wanted to be. Besides, the Batch were her best assets. She wasn't going to risk severing ties. Apparently the whole reason she'd left them stranded was the Empire had finally made its way to Ord Mantell. She needed time and a way to keep the boys out of the Empire's sight. Easiest way was keeping them away. Course she had to act all threatening; she couldn't risk anyone think she'd gone soft.
"So... it's safe to come back?" Omega asked.
"Only if ya want. If you're happy on where you are, I'll just send stuff your way. It's how I keep Phee invested." Cid shrugged. Maybe she had changed after all. Or Omega crawled her way into Cid's cold heart.
You looked over at Tech, meeting his eyes. You nodded your head over towards the Marauder, wanting to talk to him. He nodded back and followed you quietly to the ship. You were pacing, which confused him. You hadn't mentioned any upset or anger since the mission so to see you anxious worried him.
"Mesh'la? Is something wrong?"
You looked at your man, your handsome sexy man. "Nothing you can't fix my love... I miss you."
Tech cocked his head to the side. "I'm right here. Why would you miss me?"
You sighed and tapped your lips, a small signal to him that you wanted a kiss. "I miss feeling you darling. We've been busy lately. We haven't had any time together.... alone."
Tech smiled, understanding what you wanted. He approached you, hands finding their place on your hips. Touching his forehead to yours, it was a moment of pure love and intimacy. Neither of you could believe how lucky you were to be together and hoped nothing would ever come between you.
"Well cyare, how do you propose we rectify this? Surely the ship is not a place for such intimate affairs?"
You smiled, knowing he was genuinely curious as to how you'd find time. You weren't worried though; Tech was a man of curiosity. You knew he'd do whatever you wanted him to to make sure you were fully satisfied.
“No but that’s definitely something I’d like to do eventually. We shouldn’t rush it so how about we have dinner tomorrow and just see where the night takes us!”
Tech nodded, giving you a kiss. “Sounds good my darling. Now how about we get back before Wrecker comes looking?”
Dinner was quiet but sweet. Plus the food was perfect; you and Tech had some sort of connection where you two working in tandem in the kitchen was second nature. This caused every new recipe to be perfect and well done!
Cuddling on the couch in your borrowed home, you felt more than content. You really couldn't be happier. After so much drama, it was nice to have a space your own and settle down. You weren't 100% sure what Tech's thoughts were but you knew him and his brothers had been talking about moving permanently to Pabu and honestly? After the shit you dealt with on Ord Mantell, settling down in a bungalow on an island paradise with the man you love was more than what you'd ever ask for.
Tech pressed his lips to your temple, allowing you to let out a small sigh of happiness. It wasn’t often you two had quiet moments like this. You were either helping around town or tech was working on the ship.
You turned your head upward, wanting a kiss, which Tech happily gave. It was clear you two were pent up however as the chaste kiss soon turned heated, tongues battling for dominance. You were quick to straddle your beau’s waist, slowly grinding down on his crotch. Tech let out a groan of lust at your ministrations, wanting more. He went to push his goggles up over his head but you stopped him.
“Keep them on,” you whispered in his ear. “I want you to see me clearly.” You ground down harder, making Tech cry out in pleasure. “Plus I like you with your goggles on.”
Tech nodded quickly. “Of course mesh’la! Whatever you’d like tonight, it’s yours!” His hand came to your chest, gently palming your sensitive breasts. He wasted no time in gently pulling at the buttons, wanting to see more.
It was a beautiful thing, you thought. That you of all people could make the intelligent clone desperate and inarticulate. It made you swell with pride; giving you the confidence to slowly move off his waist and onto the floor. Unbuckling Tech's belt was a task and a half. You always knew it would be cause dear god that man had ALL the pockets strapped to his waist. Buckle after buckle, you eventually became frustrated enough where you sat back and started pouting.
Tech chuckled, leaning forwards, he took your chin in his hand. "Something wrong, cyare?"
You glared at him and then his pants. "You know damn well what's wrong! YOU HAVE TOO MANY POCKETS!!"
He laughed softly before taking over removing his bottoms. As he removed his jeans he laughed again. "My darling, you must work on your patience. Plus my pockets can hold many things... like remotes to certain toys?"
You gawked, never having considered that. Tech could and probably would make you writhe in constant pleasure while no one would be wise to the situation. The mere idea made you feel your undies become soaked. This was definitely something you’d have to discuss later. Who would’ve known that Tech would be kinky! You loved it and absolutely wanted to explore more scenarios with your love. But right now...
“Just help me undress you, smart-ass!”
Tech laughed before continuing to remove his clothing for you. He knew you had patience but the more desperate you became, the less patience you’d be. He pulled you back up onto his waist, bringing you in for another passionate kiss. Your frustration at his clothing disappearing into his soft lips.
You pulled away and knelt back onto the floor, pulling his cock out of its confines. Your mouth started to water, the tip glistening with pre cum. You gave an experimental lick from the base to the frenulum. You heard Tech suck in a breath, gaining courage to take all of him in your mouth. Eventually finding a rhythm, you bobbed your head, making sure to pay attention to his tip. Tech was gasping, the feeling of your warm mouth overwhelming him. His hands found purchase at the back of your head, gripping your hair at its roots. The slight pressure on your scalp caused you to release a low moan, sending vibrations down Tech’s cock.
“Kark cyare! You’re perfect! It's like your mouth was made for me!”
You smiled, giving him a little suck at his tip as a thank you. You felt him start to buck into your mouth and you knew he was getting close.
“Mesh’la, please! If you keep going like that I’m going to cum. I’d rather do that inside you!” he whimpered.
You pulled off with a pop, smiling gently up at him. “Of course my love. Anything you’d like.”
Now it was your turn to completely undress. Tech had already taken care of your top, leaving you in your bra and pants. You wanted to tease him so you slinked away from your love’s lap, standing before him. You started to sway your hips in a figure 8 motion while feeling yourself up and down. You smirked when you saw Tech lean back and palm himself, obviously liking what he was seeing. Reaching back, you unclipped your bra, letting it fall off your shoulders. You chuckled a little at Tech’s expression.
His mouth was pressed into a line, and he was looking up at you desperate for you to do something other than dance. He wanted, no NEEDED, you to touch him. He was stiff, trying not to melt into a puddle of submission to your will. While he loved when you took charge, he really wanted to be in control tonight.
You shimmied out of your pants, pulling your underwear with them. Straddling Tech’s waist again, you started suckling at his neck again, leaving as many marks as possible.
“Darling, as much as I love this, I think we need to move to the bedroom. I would hate for someone to catch us in a state of undress,” Tech panted. He stood, gripping your thighs to keep you where you were. You squealed at the sudden change of position, wrapping your legs tighter round his waist.
“I couldn’t agree more, my love.”
He gently place you on the bed, hovering over your body. His kisses made you breathless but you couldn't muster a care. His lips were too soft, too sweet. Oxygen was overrated anyway, you thought as his lips left yours to trail down your neck again. Leaving little hickies and bruises all over, Tech continued his mission lower, kissing over your breasts, your belly, until he reached his destination. Kissing up your thighs, teasing you, he decided to leave more spots, hickies only he would know about and would remind you who you belong to.
"Teeeccchh!" you whined, "Stop teasing!" You bucked your hips towards his face, wanting to feel his mouth on you.
He smirked, pushing his goggles up his nose. "And who am I to deny such a pretty thing?" One lick from your entrance to your clit had you crying out in pleasure and relief. Finally!
He ate you out like a man dying of thirst, suckling your little button like his life depended on it. You were certain you'd lose your voice before the main event at how much Tech had you crying out and moaning.
"Kriff! Kark Tech! How did you get so good at this?" you cried out.
He only answered in a moan against your clit, sending vibrations down your whole lower half. He may not have had much relationship experience but he did read up and research every single erogenous zone a woman of your species could have. Thankfully, humans were quite easy to research as male and females had similar erogenous zones. Tech paid special attention to your vulva and clit, stimulating it in every way possible.
Once he thought you were sufficiently lubricated, he started probing your entrance with one finger, before sinking inside. You screamed, not expecting it but welcoming the intrusion. His fingers were long and reached that perfect spongy spot just inside. Curling his fingers in a come hither, he added a second and eventually a third.
You felt so incredibly full, becoming more and more overstimulated with each pump of Tech's fingers. You were so close, that knot in the pit of your stomach becoming more and more tight. Tech could feel your clenching around his fingers, knowing you were close to your finish.
"Come on cyare. Cum for me. It's okay," he murmured against your clit.
It didn't take too long for you to reach that precipice. You fell over that edge, every muscle in your body freezing as you saw stars behind your eyes. It took you a moment to catch your breath, Tech gently kissing your thighs as you came down from your high.
"Karking hells... that was amazing love!" you moaned out.
Tech crawled back up your body, kissing every piece of skin he could reach. "Don't pass out on me yet cyar'ika. We're not done yet."
You smiled, pulling him in for a kiss. You could taste yourself on your tongue and it made you whimper against him. Tech pulled away and smiled softly as he lined himself with your dripping cunt. Just the feeling of his tip against you made you buck your hips, wanting more.
"You ready darling?"
"Tech, I swear if you don't fuck me, I'll find someone who will!"
Tech laughed, knowing you were all talk. You didn't make yourself suffer through hurt and jealousy just to walk away when he teased. Slowly entering your warm walls, it took every bit of Tech's willpower not to bottom out instantly. You felt so good! So warm, so tight and inviting.
You used your legs to pull Tech deeper, not caring about slow anymore. You needed more! Your movements caused Tech to lose balance and hilt himself inside, making him curse something you never thought you'd hear.
"FUCK darling!! You're going to be the death of me if you keep doing that."
You giggled, rolling your eyes like the brat you were. Tech started to move, slowly in and out, allowing you to become accustomed to his size. You closed your eyes, biting your lip in ecstacy. Thank the Maker for Jango Fett's DNA cause you knew every clone would be well endowed but Tech was genetically enhanced so you knew his intelligence came with other perks as well.
Tech started to move faster, his hips snapping against yours deliciously. His pelvic bone gently hit your clit with every thrust, it did not take very long for your orgasm to approach quickly again. Why did he have to be so good at this? He'd give you so much pleasure you'd be unable to walk. Tech was perfect in every way, shape and form.
Wanting to prolong, you used all your strength to flip Tech over so you'd be on top.
"Taking control are we, cyare?"
In response you ground down, loving the hiss of pleasure he drew. Grinding down gently, you teased him. Tech bucked up into you, letting you know it wasn't fair to tease.
"Darling please! You know I don't last long in this position! The angle in which I enter you is quite possibly the most pleasurable and if i continue at this pace I won't last and be able to give you the pleasure you deserve."
You smiled, loving it when he started to go on a tangent. Knowing this particular one was because of you was delicious to say the least. So, you tortured him a little longer. You continued to ride him, bracing yourself on his chest. Tech's hands flew to your hips, forcing you down even more onto his cock with each thrust. Your nails dug into his skin, leaving little crescent marks on his pecs. You could feel him start to stutter his hips and while you loved the feeling of it, you did not want the fun to end yet. This was the man you loved and you were going to give him whatever he wanted at this point. So you flipped back over, letting him be back on top.
Your arms wrapped around his neck, pulling him as close to you as possible. You heart was bursting and you once again felt that little knot becoming tighter and tighter. This time, you did not want to tease. Tech thrusted harder and faster, feeling your cunt pulse and grip him like a vice. His hips stuttered a bit and you both knew neither would last much longer.
"Darling, where?"
You moaned loudly, loving the feelings you had. "Inside me my love! Fill me up with your cum!"
A few thrusts later, you felt warmth spreading through your lower half and felt Tech release inside you. You fell off your precipice, seeing the galaxy behind your eyelids. Muscles tensed and relaxed, riding your orgasm out.
You felt Tech collapse against you, nuzzling into your neck and leaving little kisses. You relaxed your legs from around his waist and he turned you both onto your sides, cuddling into you further.
"You feeling okay?" you rasped, running your fingers through his hair.
"Mmm" he moaned. Tech lifted his head and adjusted his goggles. "More than okay cyare. I'm spent."
You laughed a little at that, feeling the exact same. Tech got out of bed, leaving you a little shiver at the lack of his body heat, but promptly returned with two canteens and a wet cloth. Spreading your legs, he gently wiped away any cum that was left on your skin. He gently encouraged you to go pee because "urination helps with clearing out any disease or sperm that may be left" but you scoffed.
"I'll pee later! Just come cuddle me please? I need a nap after that."
Nodding, Tech crawled back in next to you, wrapping his arms around your form. Snuggling in, you inhaled a breath of his scent, loving the man. You felt your heart rates calm down and slow as you cuddled. You were essentially fucked out and loved Tech for knowing your body so well.
"You're thinking very loudly mesh'la."
You smiled and curled into his chest more. "I'm sorry love. Just thinking about how much I love you."
"I love you too my darling. Now try and get some sleep. I have set tomorrow aside for us and I plan to use it well."
You smiled, blushing hard. You didn't know what Tech had in mind but you were excited for it. A whole uninterrupted day with the man you love? A certain yes please.
You slipped Tech's goggles off his head and set them on the nightstand. No indents for this clone. As you looked over you felt a rush of emotion run through you.
No more waiting you thought. You both had waited long enough to be together. Blast the Empire, the rebellion, the crime lords and everything horrible in the galaxy. You had everything you needed right there next to you.
Hopefully it's what you all hoped for! As always criticism is always welcome as long as its kind and constructive. Thank you for all the love in the last month or so. If anyone wants anymore please feel free to reach out with requests!
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aquanova99 · 1 year
Interrupted Affair
Felix x Reader
A/N: To the lovely people who requested these there were three very similar requests so I have made some changes to all three and combined them into one story, I apologize but I do not want to write a similar story three times or more over.
A/N: In some translations Danae means she who judges
A/N: I hope you are all having a good holiday season! Drink water, take care of the mental health. I am trying to write much more now that I actually have no school to worry about for the upcoming six months so hopefully more will be coming out soon
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The walls felt cool on your back. In fact, it was the only thing grounding you from the fact that all you wanted to do was scream from the pleasure filling you as you kept sliding up and down ever so slightly with every thrust. I felt one of Felix’s hand gripping your thigh more or less keeping you in place, the other pressed too softly against my throat. The strength I gained from immortality had proven to be a perk whenever I decided to try anything new like this. Felix had proven too eager to please now that you had finally been turned. Our breaths came out in pants, moans escaping our lips every so often.
“I do wish you wouldn’t hide from me Danae, I would have joined in.”
A primal growl escaped from deep within Felix’s throat, “We’re busy.”
“Yes, I can hear that but it seems we are about to be called into a trial soon, so I would suggest getting yourselves decent.”
I couldn’t stop myself from laughing at Felix’s clear irritation. “I guess we’ll have to pick this up later,” I brought his face towards mine for a kiss deep enough to let him know you were not finished with the plans you had made for your day off.
“There is no guessing little one. We will be finishing this later.” He pushed against you one more time. He moaned against your lips but set you down gently. Both of you making quick work into changing into guard ready attire. You do your best to walk and tie your hair up in a sleek ponytail. Supposedly, it’s the only I ever have a chance of looking the slightest bit intimidating. With quick precision you lined your eyes and touched up any possible makeup that had more or less been smudged with the last hour.
You found Demetri leaned against the wall outside of your shared quarters, “Sorry to interrupt you two.”
“No… you aren’t. Wipe the smirk off your face Metri.” Felix gently pushed his forward and you trailed behind the two. Jane strode up next to you as Alec went ahead with the two males.
“Gross. I can still the two of you on each other.”
“Play nice Jane,” I responded ruffling the young girls hair, “Don’t hate love.”
The young girl stuck her tongue out at you, and then linked her hand in yours. I could hear Felix ask Demetri how much they had before we all had our audience.
“About 15 minutes. Its that Cullen boy.”
“Cullen? Carlisle’s coven?”
Demetri just nodded as he pressed forward, “Mhm. I think Aro believes he is finally offering his services to our cause.”
“Services? What can he do?” I had heard about Carlisle and his rather… complicated relationship with one of your leaders. No one had brought up him siring any others.
“Mind reading cara. Different from Aro, he can read whatever is in the forefront of your mind but he has no need to touch anyone.”
“Sounds invasive.” I grumbled, why would anyone want that around them.
“It is. Lets hope he’s not actually here for that. I don’t see the need for that anyway. Aro may have to work a bit more to understand what everyone is thinking but his gift is not a necessity.” Felix echoed your thoughts.
Jane’s hand squeezing your was enough to jar me from asking anything else, “Danae…could you do my hair before we into the trial?”
“Sure hun, braid today?”
“No there is not much time, could you just do a bun?”
“You can’t do it yourself sister?” Alec teased
“I can, I just like it when D does it.”
“I can do your hair if you really want me to Alec.” I winked at Jane and let her pull me aside for a second while she pulled out some ties. It was a simple bun really, you decide to put a small braid around it while she pulled pins from a small pouch she carried with her at all time. She handed a ribbon as you put the second pin in her hair to secure the braid, “Well you certainly came prepared, didn’t you?”
“I knew you would say yes.” She smiled as she grabbed your hand once again. I couldn’t help feeling a protectiveness over the young vampire. She had such a sad maturity behind her eyes, you had found yourself bonding to her first. You found out later that it had stressed your now mate beyond your comprehension. As Jane and I descended into the throne room, I took in the once terrifying throne room. While the methods that your family had come to use were not always pretty they were you found out, necessary. It was hard remembering all of the details from your human life, you had been unfortunate enough to be found in the middle of a rather serious confrontation. It was supposed to be a walk to clear your head on what your next step in life was.
You remember walking for so long you got lost. A beautiful parallel to where you were in life. Lost. Not knowing what you were doing. Confused. Unsure of whether you had made the right career path. You had spent your life forcing yourself to be good at school, studying the hardest subjects, just for a chance to get out of the home you had learned to hate. A family stitched together by necessity and hate. You had learned to differentiate different kinds of footsteps. Learned different ways to hide. Learned ways to escape. By the time you finished college, you only went back out of a need to for a warm place to sleep. Often times, even that was not promised. You snuck out of your room again after the yelling began, two angry pair of feet stomping towards you. Surely to ask you to start paying more than you already were towards their house. You were tired. So tired.
While you knew you had shielded yourself from everyone, you would have never expected that included supernatural beings. It was so late, seeing two of the most beautiful creatures you had ever seen huddled over what you would later find out was another one of their kind. Someone making a show of their meals. Felix and Demetri had been sent out to take care of the issue. Demetri made eye contact with you first. Beautiful, you thought. There was no other word to describe him but it was the other vampire that would captivate nearly every thought from then on. Beautiful too, but in much different light.
“Felix.” The blond one said tentatively
Felix. The man turned around to face me. A face so used to masking emotions in stressful situations faltered. “How—”
“I- I’m not sure.”
“We… should take her to Aro.” Demetri nodded at his friends suggestion. He began stepping forward, this was enough to register the danger you were actually in. Your legs twitched, ready to sprint, knowing it would mean nothing.
“Relax darling, we just want to talk. It seems you’ve caught us at a bad time.” Demetris voice was satin, “Felix, why don’t you take our new friend to pick up whatever she needs for her trip I’ll see if I can find her after I’ve finished…cleaning up?”
Felix turned to walk towards you. Run, that’s what your body wanted, as if your legs were screaming at me to run. Sprint. Walk away. Turn around. No command worked. You had become a statue in your own right. Felix gently had rested a hand against your arm in an effort to get you to start moving forward. You remember looking up at him still unable to move, every instinct was screaming at you. You were going to die. So, why were you so calm?
“I don’t believe we have met properly, little one. I’m Felix.”
He chuckled a bit, as if surprised, “Did that name mean something to your parents when they named you?”
“Maybe, my grandmother gave it to me.” A distraction. A very well thought out distraction. And you fell for it all the same.
“Well, Danae. Let’s take a walk and I can explain everything you saw tonight.”
“Doesn’t feel like I have much of a choice.” You grumbled. Still, you took his outstretched arm. He immediately explained what you had just seen. That you couldn’t be allowed to go back home. It didn’t necessarily sound like a bad thing if you were being honest. If you came back now, and they were awake… your bruises had just healed from the last time you misjudged. It was always worse for you when you finally came back after a while of hiding, the punishments never got easier. If they did it was only when they had forgotten what they were so angry about in the first place. You had managed to stay away long enough for them to forget they were even mad a few times.
“Would you like to go pick some things from your home?”
“Not really. I probably do need some clothes I guess.”
“That’s all you want?”
“Yeah? I don’t need anything else. But since you guys are vampires I’m assuming you can help me sneak in?”
“Of course, this is rather… sudden. Would it be easier to leave a note or we can have someone make it appear as though something happen.” You should have been concerned, shocked maybe that it would all happen so quick. He wanted you to hesitate. But this was the only chance you might get.
“No. I just need my clothes. I don’t want to stay in this forever.”
“We can always acquire some newer clothing items later as well.”
“Perfect. I only need to get a few things then.” Felix stared for half a second too long. Too eager. Way too eager. He had become eerily silent until you made it to the run down house you had been forced to live in for entirely too long. Felix scrunched his face probably reeking at the smell of alcohol and cigarettes even you could smell from the outside. You pointed, “Is there anyone in that room? Can you tell?”
“I can and no. It appears whoever is in there is asleep.”
You breathed out a sigh of relief, “Thank god.”
You could worry about how he knew they were asleep later. Right now you would focus on avoiding any questions as you felt his eyes burn a hole in the back of your head as he helped you in. You went straight to your closet as quietly as you could, you moved a wall panel and grabbed a backpack and turned back to face Felix. It had been ready for years, but where would you have gone? You had next to nothing.
“Ok. I’m ready.”
Felix ignored you. His eyes scanning the room. It was the only time you’d felt frightened around him. He seemed to understand something you were not ready to divulge quite yet. He glided over to your bed, lifting it with ease. You shouldn’t have been surprised his vision was heightened along with his other senses. He set the bed down too gently for someone his size. Going to another spot where he seemed to inspect the floorboards. You had taken to make sure nothing would seem out of place. Yet, he seemed to know what you were hiding under one of the less creaky boards. He made no move toward it, just stared. He stood there for a few seconds longer, you noticed he had stopped breathing.
“Felix? I want to go now.” His head slowly turned to the side, nodding ever so slightly. You scrambled down, eager to get away from this house and not worry about being dragged back, or being forced back from lack of funds. Anything, literally anything seemed like a better option. Even if it meant an eternity of being frozen like Felix and Demetri. Thirsting for blood for your only diet. Better than being starving, you supposed.
You wondered when Demetri would show up, the walk through different alleys was painfully silent. Felix stopped you somewhere barely illuminated by the night sky, “what was under the floor?”
“I have no time for games Danae. What was it?”
“It feels like you know already.”
“There was blood all over that room.”
Your cheeks flushed with embarrassment, “there’s not.”
“There was. Covered by bleach maybe but stains everywhere.”
“I—what does that have to do with the floorboard?”
“The smell is stronger there. You realize you’ll be living with creatures that thirst for blood constantly?”
Embarrassment. Shame. Guilt. You weren’t proud of how low you had stooped. “It won’t be an issue. It was a long time ago. The knife there is only in case I needed to protect myself.”
“We are done with this conversation, Felix.”
Demetri jumped down from another building, “Nothing. I had to look for you.”
Felix nodded, “take her back to the castle. I left something at the square.”
Demetri scoffed but shrugged off his friend, carrying you off towards your new home.
“Hm?” Caius’ voice cut through the air, you wondered if you would ever not flinch at the sharpness in his voice. An unfortunate side effect to his voice being all to similar to your late fathers.
“I assume you’ve been briefed on the individual on its way here?”
“Yes, Master Caius.”
“Good. You please ensure your gifts surround the entire guard in attendance.”
“Of course.” You had never been able to use your gifts in a trial. Like Felix, I wore the cloak of a lesser guard. Someone meant to fade into the background, not that Felix ever blended anywhere. Caius was risking you no longer being a secret. You wondered just how intrusive the Cullens boy gift could be. You had to work quickly as the younger vampire threw the doors open to the throne room, hardly waiting for the secretary to let him in. Officially I couldn’t stand him, was he always this rude?
“Edward to what do we owe the… pleasure of this visit?” Aro tried his best to remain calm
“I come asking for assistance.” His eyes darted to all three kings. Probably wondering why the sudden silence
“Assistance? In what?” Caius made no effort to hide his annoyance
“I wish to be done with this life. I have nothing left for me.”
That seems a bit dramatic. Aro motioned for him to come forward and show his thoughts. Edward didn’t hesitate. It wasn’t until you were past his eyesight that you glanced at Felix. He waved his hands ever so slightly, then placed them back to his usual position. Calm down, he warned. Your faces must have given you away. I suppose it wasn’t shocking he knew you were annoyed yourself, you often had trouble keeping your face void of your own personal feelings towards others.
“You can tell us, you know?”
You looked at Felix, his voice chillingly quiet. “Hm?”
“We’re all broken here, little one. We may understand better than you think.”
God you’d put your poor mate through the ringer. It’d taken years before he finally broke through the wall you’d spent years building up. Jane had been the one to get you to officially talk about what had happened, as young as she was she was the best bet anyone had at building up your shield, but it was Felix that saw how deeply it affected you. Telling your story was quick, it was after all, done and over with. No need to dwell on it. Felix was the one to ask the hard questions to make sure you were really alright. Slowly you both dug deep into your experiences, trading stories in exchange for telling your own.
You’d grown to accept eachothers past. Now you couldn’t imagine living without him. So, in a way, you understood the crazed vampire standing before you. Aro made sure to squash any sympathy remaining.
“You told her about the secret?”
“And Alice knew how the girl would react to your disappearance?”
“Not the jump. I foolishly hoped her vision had been wrong.” He gave out more details to all but ensure the nail in his coffin, “you saw how reckless I was to be involved with a human. I even caused a pile up in a desperate attempt to try and save her from a nomad.”
“Yes. James, Victorias Mate.” Victoria? One of the girls from Heidis coven?
“I almost endangered the secret when I saved her in the parking lot. Clearly, I have done more than enough to warrant punishment.”
“Indeed. However, true. We…” he gestured to his brothers, “decide a worthy punishment. It would be rather rude of us to not let our dear friend Carlisle know of what’s to come.”
Edwards eyes shone bright with panic. This was not part of his plan. “My family had nothing to do with this.”
“Perhaps not but, instead of leaving the already skeptical town you live in, you convinced them all to stay. They should all be smarter than that.”
“Please, there is no need to involve them. I take full blame.”
“Oh of course young Edward. But as you said punishment is in order, a swift death hardly seems to fit the crime.” Aro turned to Caius, a silent conversation happening before turning back to Edward, “or perhaps we do nothing, after all the secret has not actually been compromised from what you have shown me.”
“Perhaps as a favor to an old friend? Yes.”
Edward concentrated on Aro. Desperate to know what he was really thinking, “So that’s your final judgement?”
“Yes I believe so. Brothers do you have any hesitations?”
Both shook their heads and waved him off, Edward walked out of the room slow for even a human, only pausing at the door “Thank you for the audience.”
Everyone was still until we could no longer hear his footsteps, safe from hearing distance.
“What’s your actual plan brother?” Caius asked
“Unfortunately, what I said was true. There is no definitive way to prove he endangered our kind. He will force our hand sooner than you’d think.”
“Felix, Demetri. Be on standby please. We wouldn’t want anyone to make a scene at the festival. After all, it is in honor of our dear Marcus.”
“Don’t you tire of using that joke, Aro.”
“Not really, no.”
The rest of you were excused from the throne room. As the kings continued their conversation. A secretary already dispatched to call Carlisle. Felix and Demetri left to keep an eye out. You were left to laze around until then. Maybe Heidi knew more about what was going on with Edward if she happened to keep in touch with her old coven mate, then again her old coven was such a touchy subject for her. You decided against it, Heidi already had a lot on her plate with your day today. You all waited around the throne room for the moment the Cullen boy would inevitably return. Fortunately you did not have to wait long. Unfortunately, he did not return alone.
“What a happy surprise! So Bella is alive after all. Isn't that wonderful? I love a happy ending... they are so rare.”
Jane had been sent out shortly after Felix and Demetri, apparently speeding along the process. Edward explained Aro’s gift to Bella, conveniently leaving out that his gift had no use at the moment. Aro decided to see if Janes powers worked on Bella when his failed, stupidly the Cullen boy tried to protect her. The girl was screaming at Jane to stop.
“Ugh are you kidding me?” Oh god I just said that out loud, didn’t I? Caius smirked at your outburst, you would never live this down, “sorry.”
“Quite all right my dear, is there something you’d like to say?” He was absolutely baiting you but well…better to say you misunderstood not like he could tell you would be lying.
“I just find interesting that she’s crying over someone who knew exactly what leaving would do to her. Bloodsinger or not, he lied to her. Look at her. She looks like she hasn’t ate since this guy left.”
“Knew?” She turned to him, and the tiny vampire that accompanied them, “you knew and you left me anyway?”
“Bella please understand.”
“So you meant it? You didn’t love me?”
“If he loved you we wouldn’t be here right now.” You grumbled, “and you know what while we’re at it? This is the guy you lost it over? He couldn’t even be bothered to go visit a headstone before deciding it was time to die? I mean—“
“Danae…” Aro raised his hands urging you to calm down
“Sorry.” You could see Demetri fighting a smile, but you could almost guarantee Felix was going to scold you for being so bold in front of the kings. Aro continued with Janes test on Bella. Nothing, as suspected.
“Hahahahahaha. Remarkable. She confounds us all. So, what do we do with you now?”
“You already know what we have to do Aro.” Marcus cut in
“She knows too much. She’s a liability.” Caius stated afterwards
“Tsk. That’s true. Danae?” Me? I was not an executioner of any kind. Then again you’d just made a scene to rival the ridiculous ginger haired vampire, so I suppose there could be a worse punishment. You were almost immediately tackled by Edward, but your mate had trained you well. And he was weak, to be quite frank. You managed to throw him towards Felix, who effectively held him still as you stalked back towards Bella. You saw Demetri holding Alice, you wonders if she had tried to help her brother. You were steps away from the dumb founded girl when Alice chimed in,
“Wait! She’s going to be one of us. I’ve seen it.” She pushed away from Demetri but Aro held his hand up.
“That will not be necessary.”
“She could be useful someday. She obviously has some kind of abilities.”
Behind you Edward struggled to gasp out a single “No…Bella.”
“Has Edward not told you? We have our own shield of sorts. Edward hasn’t been able to use his gift since stepping in this room.” Alice glared at him for the lack of information. He struggled against Felix. Alice’s scanned the room looking for anything that might help them. “Can you guarantee no one else knows of our kind?”
Her hand flinched back instinctively, “Well, she didn’t— not really. She told someone who already knew.”
“Shut up. Alice. Shut up!” She dropped to her knees, she had come into your small town to save someone unknowingly dooming someone else in the process. “No… no no. She’s lying!” The gravity of her choice was settling in. Giving up her own life meant little to her but to punish a friend for what? Someone who she now knew didn’t care for her enough to stay behind. Such a shame. You almost wanted to comfort her, but this was part of the job. She couldn’t go back.
You looked towards Aro. He nodded as you stepped forward, “I am sorry about this. You deserved… better.”
You turned her toward Edward both now kneeling on the ground, he was thrashing to try and save the girl he got into this mess. You wondered how Aro would force him to live. Bella’s screams filled the room. Edward snarls echoing in reply. It only took a minute to drain her. Felix effectively ripping off Edwards head as her body dropped to the ground. You wondered if that would be the last thing he saw or if Aro was ensuring he wouldn’t try and bring matters into his own hands again.
“I was hoping for a happy ending this time.” He turned to the tiny vampire who was frozen in fear of what was coming next, “Alice you can either stay here and await for the tour today to wrap up or suffer the same fate as your brother. We will wait until Carlisle can come so we can explain any…misunderstandings. Heidi should be here any moment.”
There was a squeak that seemed to escape Alice as a sign of agreement as she stood to the side to await for the remaining member of the coven to join the rest of you for the tour. You wondered if she would partake now that you had your fill. The tour came and left you were able to get seconds since Alice was to numb to move from her spot. Every once in a while she would let out a small whimper but nothing more came from her. The lower guard were released minus yourself, Felix and Santiago as you had to wait some more for Carlisle.
“Is Edwar— I mean are you….”
“We have no plans in letting him die dear Alice.” Aro said bored. The secretary poked her head in after a while to let everyone know the other Cullens had arrived. “Felix, put our friend together again please. We don’t want to make a bad impression. Gianna, bring them in please.”
The pair came in hesitantly, the woman’s eyes glazed as if she had been crying. “Welcome to our home Carlisle!…I assume this is Esme?”
“Aro.” He nodded his down slightly to the leader of the three, waiting too long to answer his questions. Staring into his eyes too long for anyone to miss what was happening, “yes, this is my wife and mate.”
“Hello. I’m…so sorry there’s been a misunderstanding”
Aro tilted his head “…yes. It would seem so. Shall I debrief the events that occurred these last few days?” Edwards screamed as the venom glued him back together. Esme tried to rush over to him but was stopped by Alice. A quick head shake in warning of what could happen. She grabbed her husbands arm as she turned back to face the leaders.
The pair nodded as Aro went on to explain how Alice’s vision has come true. Bella had withered away, Carlisle flinched when Aro explained how Alice saw Bella jumping. What we now know was cliff diving, and explaining how Alice had immediately told the Cullens that had been around what had happened when she did not see Bella come up. Alice was told to explain about the reservation and holes in her visions. Another name you were unaware of, Rosalie, broke the news to Edward who decided to call Bella’s home. Where the misunderstanding took place. The rest was quick.
“I appreciate you sparing my son.”
“Sparing? He is still being punished. But as you all can’t seem to respect the law you will be the one to carry out his sentence.” Carlisle and Esmes eyes grew wide, the former looking at his old friend, begging him to reconsider with a single glance.
“Oh it’s nothing like that Carlisle. You are both to ensure he stays alive and out of sight from humans at all times. This does mean you will likely have to stop human interaction so much but, we think he should have to pay for the life of that poor girl. And you all broke the one tule we have at the end of the day. If Edward decides he doesn’t actually care about his family the way he claims he does, you will be the one to end his life.” Aro said calmly
With that everyone was silent. Edward would love a miserable existence, never able to complain about the volturis rather gracious act. From any other perspective at least. And punishment is still served. Edward couldn’t lift his eyes from the ground.
“You may go.” Caius waved them off, the stumbled against themselves as they began exiting the room
“Oh Carlisle?” Aro stopped them, “if anyone from that reservation says anything, it will be your job to take care of all of those children as well. Are we clear?”
Carlisle’s lips tightened into a thin but nodded as turned without so much of a goodbye to his old “friend.”
Finally, everyone was dismissed. Today felt…dirty. I felt dirty. It was time for a bath. Felix started one before you said anything,
“Are you alright?”
His hand caressed your face as you waited for the water, while o be honest you weren’t sure. You felt…fine? But also, guilty?
“I don’t know. It seemed so unnecessary all the things that guy did. He knew the risks, did he think he could get away with it? Or maybe he thought Carlisle’s friendship would save him?”
“Well. It did save him. Aro would not have been so generous to anyone else.”
“Does it get easier?”
“Being the one that finishes the job? Yes and no. You learn to compartmentalize.”
“Sounds exhausting”
He chuckled, “it can be. Let’s try not to get too riled up in front of the kings, yes? You get away with for being a newborn more or less but I doubt they will let it slide again.”
“I mean he deserved it. I thought you would have been proud of me.” You playfully nudged him away. Sticking your tongue out. Playfully getting closer to dangerous territory.
“Proud? Yes. Always. But I would rather not have to punish you for something we can control.”
“I don’t know, you punishing me sounds like a good time.”
“Hmm. I do recall being interrupted while we were in the middle of something earlier?”
“This is true, should I invite Demetri? He was so eager to join us.” A growl escaped from Felixs throat as he scooped you up, a smirk growing on his face as he threw you down on the bed.
“ I suppose we’re going to find out exactly how much you enjoy punishment after all.”
Taglist: @adaydreamaway08 @artaxerxesthegreat @aunt-pipie @imtoanonymousforyou @jelly-fishy-babie @quarthly @venusdelaroix @volturiwolf @xcastawayherosx
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the-whitches-art · 11 months
God its been a while. So since the new leaks and season 6 had brought a lot of attention towards My Hero Academia and my past obsession with it is renewed i might as well write some headcanons. And what is better than the clasic relationship headcanons for the todoroki siblings.
Relationship with Shoto is a weird experience.
You would have to be the one to propose and even when you do he still wont believe you.
He still sees that bastard of a father in him partially, so dont blame him for not believing you at first.
But after you guys have been together for a while, god help you both. I cannot say who would be more obsessed with the other.
Dinner dates, celebrations, small gifts every small and cheezy thing couples do, you guys do it twice as much.
He loves it when you play with his hair, or massage him. Any kind of gentle and loving physical contact to be honest, since he didn't got much before you.
If you pay attention to his scar, that would be a very intimate moment for him. Tho i cannot say he'd be that much of a sucker for that, he really appreciates the meaning behind the gesture.
Oh and expect to have to explain a lot of stuff to him. Like why some couples to something, but others don't.
He'd have some of a learning cerve when it comes to relationships.
Just dont get i the way of his dream, he'll be heartbroken if you do.
A hard case to write for sinc ewe dint have much information.
He doesn't seem like the guys to go for a hook up in university. So hed either be alone for a while or somehow have that uni dream of finding your dream partner during it.
So to be honest his family is a sensitive topic for him, so no meeting them for a long while.
When you do end up meeting them, hed go one by one, his mother probably first, then Shoto and Fuyumi. Hed keep you away from Endeavor as much as possible.
He does have a bit of anger issues, but he is well aware, so he might storm off once in a while. Then hed return with something as an apology, be it a flower, a chocolate just anything to make up for his outburst.
He's the sweetest though. He wont be as love sick as Shoto, but he would apreciate when you tell him how much you love him. He hasnt heard thay much so it means the word ro him when you do it.
But dont get me wrong he'd know when you lie, or ot isnt sincere.
We don't kniw much about her except she loves her whole family no matter what shes been through because of them.
She'd look for someone who is just as willing to start a family with her.
She just seems like the person that knew early on that wanted a good and loving family.
She'd want someone with relatively thhe same values as her, so there is less of a chance to end up like her parents.
With her work she is pretty busy, and i guess her partner too. So the ocasional dinner/breakfasts date is so well appreciated.
She definitely makes bento boxes to her partner, every time she gets the chance.
If her partner is a woman her mother will be very supportive (not only for her too), but her father i doubt hell like it. I say that for her specifically because the boys dont care at all what their father will think.
Honestly good luck being with him, he's a manace. And ton take that as teasing king.
He loves teasing tho, but sometimes he says too much and might end up hurting you if you take stuff to heart.
His goal takes first place, thats a fact and no matter who you are to him it stays that way.
Doubt he can even love you, not in a normal way that is. Its closer to care than love. And to get to that point it would take a while.
But lets say you got lucky, and you get him for yourself. Dont bother being jealous, he has no eyes for anyone else in that way, youre probably his first romantic partner anyway.
I read somewhere that he and his paryner use each other with a lot of trust and a little emotion in the mix. And cannot say that this is anything but true.
He has anger issues, but unlike Natsu he doent show it untill its boiling in him. So unless you are someone that can take shouting well. You better get away as fast as you can. Hed cool down in a few minutes tho.
I think the best way to sgow him live it first is acts of service, show him that you care. Then comes physical touch, once he lets you touch him. For him touching is far more intimate than anything else.
Touch his scars and he will literaly melt in your hands. Unlike for Shoto, his scars are far bigger part of who he is as a person now and what hes been through as well. So i guess it would be like you see him now, but don't disregard his past at the same time.
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