#//i let him keep his eyebrows as a treat uwu
bratshaws · 5 months
through the hourglass 340. brb x oc
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a/n: a y (comments and reblogs are super welcome and encouraged!)
pairing: plus size!oc x rooster
warnings: none uwu
goodness gracious (pls read this one to know more what this fic is about!!)
(pls let me know if you want to be added to the taglist! )
taglist: @mirandastuckinthe80s @roosterschanelslut @wiipes @lcahwriter @novastories @gretagerwigsmuse @frenchtoastix @lizzie-rdj @fanboyluvr @atarmychick007 @comebacktoearthpls
@peachiicherries @mak-32 @lizziespidiepridie @roosterswifey @ollyoxenfrees @piceous21 @sqrlgrl22 @hofficoffi @lexhalstead3 @lorilane33 @legendarydreamersharkparty @luckyladycreator2
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He leans against the doorframe as he watches Beatrice in the kitchen, keys swinging in his finger,waiting for her to put stuff away - “just a few!” - before they went to Evelyn’s place.
He hums, calling her attention,making her tilt her head towards him with a small smile, “I’m almost done.”
“I’m in no hurry,gorgeous.” he smiles, “The kids are just chilling in the living room.” but he couldn’t stop thinking about that Thomas guy. Call him overprotective,call him his wife’s greatest supporter, but he didn’t like that guy.
At all.
“So,” he begins, one of his hands in his denim pockets while the other rubs his chin, “That Thomas,” she looks back at him with a confused smile, “He was a jerk to you.” 
Beatrice just arches her brow at him, closing the fridge’s door just in time for Jolene to walk up behind her, begging for pets. She complies, albeit her eyes stay on her husband, a little smile on her face, “...Roos. You don’t have to be angry, it was in the past.”
Rooster watched as Beatrice closed the fridge door, a small smile playing on her lips as  Jolene, rubbed against her legs like the cat shaped like a pitbull she was, seeking attention. 
"Bea," he began, his voice low and serious, "I know it's in the past, but that doesn't mean I have to like the way he treated you."
Beatrice turned towards him, her eyes filled with warmth. She placed a gentle hand on his arm, as she got closer. "Roos, it was years ago. His comment was stupid but I’m not mad,” she cups his cheeks, ‘Honey, don’t get worked up over him. It’s not worth it.” he doesn’t like it, she sees by how his eyebrows twitch and how he holds her hands on his face, turning to kiss her palm.
The warmth of Beatrice's touch and the softness in her eyes had a calming effect on Rooster. He took a deep breath, his shoulders relaxing as he leaned into her gentle embrace ”It's just... seeing someone from your past treat you poorly, even if it was years ago, it rubs me the wrong way."
She ran her fingers through his hair, a gesture that always seemed to soothe him, like always. "I understand, and I love you for it. But let's not let Thomas have any power over our day. We're going to Evelyn's, and we're going to enjoy the time there…okay?”
Rooster managed a small smile, “Okay.” he leans down to kiss her forehead, keeping his lips there for a few seconds, “You are so much better than me with shit like that.”
“Forgiving people?”
“You did get better,Roos.” she whispers, touching his pectorals, right above his heart, “Don’t sell yourself so short. Beatrice pulled back slightly, maintaining a soft gaze that held his . "Roos, we all have our ways of dealing with things. You've grown, learned to let go of the past, and I'm proud of you."
Rooster chuckled, the tension in his shoulders melting away. "Yeah, well, having you around helps. Now, let's get going before I start getting all territorial about our kitchen." he hears Nicole’s giggles from the living room.
With a final kiss to Beatrice's forehead, Rooster straightened up, he reached for his keys and nodded towards the door, "Alright, let's head over to Evelyn's. The kids are probably getting restless." cue more giggling
Beatrice grinned, her hand sliding into Rooster's as they made their way towards the door. "You're right. I’m done here too.” she follows him down the hallway to where the kids are, running her hands down her pockets then back up, “I got my phone and everything.”
“Good.” he leans down to pick Nicole up, lifting her with a playful grunt, “I’ll pick this one first, then I’ll help you with the twins.” Gavin and Aurora were too busy lying on the playmat, Aurora pressing a drooly ‘bite’ to her brother’s ear…Gavin did not care, he just kept playing with his toy.
“I can carry them–”
“I’ll help gorgeous,” he smirks, “I can carry two kids.” he smiles, bouncing Nicole in his arm a bit, “Don’t worry.”
She blushes a bit, especially when he flexes his arm and the bicep stretches the fabric of his Hawaiian shirt, “...alright, fair.” and he knows he got the effect he was looking for, pursing his lips to hold back a smile when she clears her throat, “I’ll hand you Aurora first, since she’s…doing Aurora things.” she picks the three months old baby girl and places her in the carrier they set up right next to the couch.
"Alright, team," Rooster declared, "Time to gear up and move out. Operation: Visit the Seresins is a go."
Beatrice chuckled, shaking her head as she hands Aurora over to him, waiting until his grip is steady and strong around the handle. "It's just a visit to Evelyn's."
"Every mission needs a code name. Keeps things interesting." he smiles, “Like our marriage.”
She looks up from scooping Gavin towards him, “...you gave us a mission code name?”
“I sure did.”
“...are you serious?”
“And are you going to tell me?”
“Oh,gorgeous.” he smirks, covering Nikki’s ear with one hand, “It’s not kid friendly.”
Beatrice couldn't help but laugh at that, even if she was blushing hard over his words. "You're unbelievable, Roos. Operation: Visit the Seresins, it is."
With Gavin safely in her arms, she followed Rooster as he led the way to the car.Rooster with Aurora snug in the carrier, Nicole holding onto his free hand, and Beatrice with Gavin cradled in the carrier as well. He helps Beatrice putting everyone in and waits until she’s done to open the car door for her.
As they settled into the car, Rooster turned the engine on, the familiar purr resonating through the vehicle “Oh,” he closes his eyes, “Oh, I love this sound, but not more than yours.” he purrs at her, making Beatrice stop mid seatbelt latching, cheeks burning even hotter.
“What’s gotten on you?” not that she was complaining, “What about the ‘kid friendly’ dialogue?” 
Rooster grinned at Beatrice's flustered reaction, his eyes sparkling. "Well, gorgeous, some things are just meant for our ears only. Keeps the romance alive, you know?"
She rolled her eyes but couldn't hide the smile playing on her lips. "You're incorrigible, Roos. As if we don’t do it already.” but she giggled, “I love you so much, you are such a goober.”
“True,but I am your goober.” he winks, then inhales, “Alright Operation: Visit the Seresins, underway," Rooster declared with mock seriousness. The car pulled out of their driveway, and they watch as the garage doors’ close with a gentle ‘shfft’ “ Do we know why Ev wants to meet up?”
“She just told me to come up and bring you and the kids.” she shrugs, watching the neighborhood as he turns the car. They drive past Miranda- well, no longer her house anymore huh - past the Haltons’ former house and she hums, shaking her head, she wasn’t going to bring them up anymore, “And pretty much that was it,you know.”
“Huh.” he nods, “Alright.” he kept a watchful eye on the rearview mirror, ensuring the little ones were content. Nicole was humming quietly, while Gavin and Aurora were on their respective carriers, both wide awake.
Beatrice leaned over, planting a soft kiss on Rooster's cheek. "You're an amazing dad, you know that?"
Rooster's eyes met hers, a genuine warmth in his gaze. "And you're an incredible mom. We make a great team, don't we?"
She smiled, the bond between them palpable. "The best team."
“With great kids.”
“The best kids.” she smiles, “Best of the best,huh?”
“Doesn’t the uh, posters freak JJ out a bit?”
Evelyn looks up from her glass to where Beatrice was gesturing, the Hellraiser poster remained in the same place, within sight of a four months old baby. “He sleeps.” she says, “Besides, I won’t keep that here for long. Since Jake moved in, some stuff will have to leave, we’re still getting his stuff from Texas.”
“Ah,’ Bea looks back to where Jake and Rooster were, talking, each holding a baby - two in Rooster’s case,since he was holding the twins - and Nicole was busy gently petting Wiley, the cat stretching under her tiny hand,  “That’s good though. You two look very happy.”
Evelyn followed Beatrice's gaze, her own lips curling into a fond smile. "Yeah, we are happy. Jake and I, we've been through a lot, but things are finally falling into place. Having him here, with JJ, it feels like a dream."
"You two deserve all the happiness in the world. And JJ seems to be adapting well to his surroundings."
Evelyn chuckled, her gaze returning to the baby who was now touching Jake’s cheek. "He's a trooper. Babies are more resilient than we give them credit for. “
“That is true.”
“And you mama?” Evelyn teases, “How’s your squad holding up?”
“Honestly, great.” she smiles, “Nikk is a great older sister and the twins are healthy…Rooster is also,finally relaxing after…everything that went down.” she mutters, “The whole investigation thing took a toll on him and I want him to enjoy his leave with us, you know?”
“Well,” Evelyn smiles, “Good thing you guys will have something to do by the end of the week.”
“Huh?” her tall friend pulls out a piece of paper and she recognizes her college’s colors immediately, “Northride is doing another game week?”
“Month.” Evelyn corrects her, “I think our alumni game four years ago brought a lot of students and they wanted to do something bigger…like having us playing volleyball again.”
Beatrice took the piece of paper from Evelyn's hand, her eyes scanning the details of the upcoming event."Volleyball, huh? I guess it's time to dust off the old jersey." she jokes, still reading, “Did they contact you?”
Evelyn grinned, leaning against the wall. "Yep,It's going to be just like that time. I've already convinced Shells to join us and of course she said yes." she laughs, “I’ll talk to the girls too, but I’m sure they’ll say yes.”
“Right.” Bea nods, “...huh, man, I didn’t think they’d do it again.It's been years since we last played together."
Evelyn chuckled, propping her hand on her waist. "Well, they say some things are like riding a bike—you never really forget. Plus, it's all in good fun. We'll be playing against other alumni, reminiscing about the good old times."
“Other alumni?”
“Yep.” she says, “Couldn’t believe it either, I have no idea who it’ll be. It’ll be a mixed match, so, male vs female teams.”
“...you know who I saw at the grocery store?” Bea says, tilting her head and lowering her voice, “Thomas, remember? From college.” and she has to fight back a smile at Evelyn’s disgusted face.
Evelyn's eyes narrowed at the mention of Thomas, her distaste evident. "Thomas? Seriously?Ugh!!
“Yeeep…he’s still…a gem.” she murmurs, “He made a comment about how my body looks great for someone who has kids and such such… and it was... awkward, to say the least."
Evelyn's eyes widened with curiosity, her disgust changing into amusement. "Rooster was there too? What did he think of Thomas?"
"He wasn't too thrilled," Beatrice admitted. "As I said Thomas made some inappropriate comments about me, and Rooster, being Rooster, didn't take it well."
Evelyn shook her head in disbelief. "Some people never change. What did Rooster say?"
She parts her lips, “Um…well…He kept his cool, for the most part," Bea replied. "But you could see he wasn't happy. Rooster didn't appreciate the uh…compliment, you know. Thankfully, things didn't escalate."
Evelyn's expression darkened and she tsked. "That guy always had a way of rubbing people the wrong way. I'm glad Rooster was there to keep things in check." she pauses, “...didn’t he moved out of Cali? I remember back in college he yelled that he was moving to Canada or something.”
Beatrice took a sip of her coffee, the warmth soothing as she continued the conversation with Evelyn. "Yeah…yeah, he did mention something about moving during our college days. Maybe he changed his mind or moved back? People do that sometimes."
Evelyn leaned against the counter, crossing her arms. "Well, I hope he doesn't decide to stick around. We don't need his toxicity in our lives."
"Agreed," Bea nodded, "...do you think he came for the games?”
Evelyn squinted in thought, her lips forming a thin line. "Games or not, I hope he's not planning to linger. "
“Damn you…hate him more than I thought?”
“He’s a jerk,Bea. All and all…anyway, let’s talk to the boys,I’m sure they’d love to know about it too.”
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koulakoukoula2003 · 2 years
Girl how about erwin smith with pregnant s/o
He's VERY gentle with you.
He won't let you do ANY housework. Even when you're at the start of it (the first 3-4 months) and you CAN STILL do stuff like cook and clean and keep the house in a perfect shape.
Yeah, this man won't let you do anything and it's mostly about his ego because "Erwin Smith's wife" is not allowed to do any housework in the first place.
"Erwin Smith's wife" is not a servant, she is royalty and should be treated as such. This man is large, but not just physically, his mindset as well is set on the extremes. Which means that he doesn't mind spending his entire fortune on a 20-member staff to handle the house and the cleaning and cooking so that you'd have nothing to do except sit back nurture your baby growing inside you and just focus on being pretty for him.
But let's be honest, on whatever universe you find this man, he's rich, so he won't be really spending his fortune, this man's got money and he's not hesitating to spend it all on you.
Also, he loves how needier you get. The second he comes home from work he finds you clinging on him and he LOVES THAT. This man NEEDS attention even though he would never admit it. For example, he can be just sitting there, doing paperwork and how dare you have your attention on literally anything else and not him????
So imagine how much he loves it when you're hormones are going insane and all you need is him to be around and baby you and spoil you.
Also, he cruddles your belly in the nights 🥺🥺🥺 he's the big spoon, holding you close, your back against his chest and the large warm palms of his hands are holding your growing belly 🥺🥺🥺🥺
My personal HC is he doesn't know how to cook or do housework, he only knows some basics in cleaning, BUT he's either gonna learn or pay for someone to do all the work for you.
Basically, he just wants you to do absolutely nothing and just rest because your body is already working so much for the both of you.
Ooohhh boy when the baby starts kicking??? HE'S GONNA PROBABLY START CRYING AHAHAH
maybe he'll def start crying but if we're talking about canon!Erwin, he probably wont cry BUT modern!AU!Erwin will DEF cry
This man straightup talks to your belly.
He comes back from home, doesn't even tell you hello, he just kneels down to come face to face with your belly and he's like "hello little one" or sth like that.
Kisses your belly a lot
Massages your legs, your back, wherever you're hurting
carries you to bed when he finds you asleep on the couch or your favourite armchair (no matter how heavier you get, he's a strong man he can scoop you up effortlessly)
I've said this before but, your first child is a boy I DON'T MAKE THE RULES
IT'S DEF A BLONDE BOY WHO GOT BUSHY EYEBROWS AND BLUE EYES and is the spitting image of his dad and also personalitywise
And when the day comes for you to give birth, modern AU Erwin panics LMAO he'll panic so much you'll have to be the one to calm him down
if it's canon!Erwin, bitch what do you expect, he won't even be there when you give birth 💀
ok ok ok jk jk he'll come running to you. He'll probably not get the chance to hear you scream or hold your hand, but he'll definitely make it in the end.
Poor man's too busy, we have to accept that canon!Erwin would put his job and duties above you and your child AND THAT'S SAD BUT that's how erwin is why are we simping for him is there sth wrong with us-
OK BUT IMAGINE the angsty scenario where you give birth whilst he's getting killed in some battle denjwehgijw AND ONCE you hold your baby for the first time, some soldier walks in and tells you the commander is dead efjghiigrinj and then you realise your son looks exactly like him AND IM NOT OK WITH THIS SCENARIO but im tempted to write that cuz im a masochistic bitch 👀
ok this is the only time canon!Erwin might cry, when your baby first comes to life. Modern AU Erwin will be bawling his eyes out uwu
Ok well
remember when i said you're needy while pregnant?
welllll daddy erwin will definitely spoil you on that part too
it's amazing how he can pull so many orgasms out of you
you're so damn sensitive the man is going insane, and you're always so ready for another and another
he'll go down on you and suck on your poor clit till you're gushing all over his face and you're shaking and begging him to stop but he just won't njdejgjwkkgj
daddy kink ofc ofc ofc ofc ALWAYS daddy kink he's the daddiest
especially when you start to get insecure about your body, daddy erwin is gonna make sure to make you feel like the prettiest woman
he's gonna settle you on his lap in front of a full body mirror and he's either going to fuck up into you or just play with your swollen, puffy cunt for hours
"eyes on the mirror, sweetheart," his hot breath brushes against your ear as you both watch his big, fat cock disappearing inside your pussy "daddy wants you to see how fucking beautiful you are,"
but ofc the sex is slow and tender and soft and UWU
he doesn't want to hurt you so he's being so very gentle with you with every move he makes on you
erwin is a large man, ok? and chances are, his size kink kicked in when he chose you, so you're small (and even if you're not HE'S STILL a large, strong man) so the fear of hurting you in some way is always there especially when you're carrying his child so he's VERY careful when handling you
ok i can't think of anything else at the moment im writing this while at work LMAO
tysm for the awesome ask, anon, uwu
imma @ ppl later uwuwuwuwuw tysm for reading!
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killemwithkawaii · 2 years
HC that Sal would 100% be into pet play.
Between the constant slurs and his fear of dogs, it just ends up arousing him to no end.
He will also 100% kneel at your feet if you ask him to UWU
This got so much longer than I intended sdlkfald Enjoy UwU 👍💕
Puppy Play with Sal-
[CW: NS/FW (grapefruit), degradation, dumbification, unsanitary]
>See this is what happens when the trauma to kink pipeline is actually a drop slide into a very deep pool lolol
>I love this hc because on one hand, Sal is a self-conscious sweetheart who absolutely deserves the love and praise that a prized housepet would receive, despite him often believing otherwise. Participating in petplay scenes would offer him comfortable surroundings free of judgement, unconditional affection from a trusted source, reassurance that he's wanted and valued for just being himself, and an unwavering sense of safety he doesn't have to work to maintain. Plus, he'd get all of his favorite treats and toys to play with (as long as he acts like the good boy that he is!) 🤗💕
>On the other hand, Sal is intelligent and impressively quick-witted. He has so much on his mind, is always looking out for the next threat, and his go-to defense mechanisms are coming up with complicated schemes, thinking up convincing fibs, or turning the snark up to 11. Constantly having his gears turning like that takes a lot of effort- I say the guy needs a break! Petplay scenes would give Sal some time to turn his brain off, let someone else do the thinking for him, and allow him to just exist in the moment without worrying about what's to come. I can't think of a better way to do that than to turn him into a dumb, drooly puppy whos only responsibility is to follow simple commands and otherwise relax at his S/O/owners feet! (Plus, how fun would it be to see the typically smart-mouthed Sally so deep in subspace that he can't even string a sentence together? It would be adorable and we all know it UwU)
>He has to ease into petplay very gradually and needs a lot of positive reinforcement along the way. It was hard to convince him to try it in the first place, so don't expect him to crawl and bark on the first, or even the fifth go. Baby steps!!
>Slow to start acting the part, but tries his best every time and is a VERY good boy 🥺🏆
>Lapdog4lyfe- he loves laying his head in his owners lap and watching TV with them (though he tends to fall asleep pretty quickly if they start petting him). This would be an excellent starting point for getting him into pet play and/or lulling him into puppy space ✅
>Sal has a very difficult time eating out of a bowl. Hand-feeding is a better option, unless you don't mind half of his meal ending up on the floor and on his face. 🦴
>Likes bath time a lot more than he expected (just be extra careful not to get soap in his eyes or mouth!) 🧼
>His pigtails make PERFECT puppy ears and look SO CUTE swaying side-to-side when he's crawling around on all fours 😭👏💖💖💖
>Drool. Just… so much drool like goddamn someone grab a mop lol
>His gearboy is his favorite toy in or out of puppy mode, so he's not a fan of paw mitts. Only use them if needs a short reminder not to use his hands for 'people things'.
>However, he would not need much convincing to wear a puppy hood and collar, and he might end up adding them into rotation with his other everyday masks if it's comfortable enough. (He already had a gimp hood he wore ironically, so a puppy hood probably wouldn't raise any eyebrows.) 🤷‍♂️
>Sprinkles in a little mild bratting once he's gotten really comfortable with this kind of play (playing keep-away with toys, making a show of doing the opposite of commands, putting one paw on the couch when he's been told he's not allowed on the furniture, etc.). He's just having some fun, but that behavior can be quickly corrected with a good stern look if you're not in the mood to deal with a 'naughty' pup atm. 😠
Obligatory links:
Drawing of Pup!Sal during a rough scene [CW: VERY NS/FW (grapefruit), sadomasochism, injury, blood, unsanitary, degradation, bondage, nudity]
Sal with an S/O who consensually bullies him [CW: NS/FW (grapefruit), sadomasochism, unsanitary, degradation]
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down-in-devildom · 3 years
Hello! I saw that your request is open. Can I request for some hcs for the brothers with a very giving mc, but when they try to do something nice for them they get defensive/guilty like "who are you why are you nice to me I'M the nice one here, don't do nice things for me I feel bad?!?" And tries not to burden them in any way. Thank you! I love the way you write uwu
Thank you for the request! Also, I hope people will let others do nice things for them without thinking they don't deserve it or something. You are worth being treated well!!!😤 I also had a hard time naming this request...
Brothers react to MC not accepting returned favors 
cw: guilt tripping(?)
Lucifer was enjoying a date with MC after completing a sizable portion of his work early thanks to them lending a hand. They were dining at the Ristorante Six when he noticed MC scanning the menu very intensely
The grimace the MC did every so often raises some concerns for him. When the MC says that they want to order a small soup of the day, Lucifer looks at them with a raised brow
He could have sworn MC would be famished after having their lunch stolen from them by Beelzebub around noon. MC could not have possibly have had the time to eat a snack, what with all the paperwork and organizing they did for him after classes to try to lighten his workload
When Lucifer asked if that would be enough, MC's stomach let out a mighty roar in response. Lucifer was now suspicious that MC was holding back for some reason so he decides to order the food for the both of them. He signals for a waiter and makes sure to order MC's soup of the day as well as a dish or two he believes would be to their taste
When MC starts to protest about not wanting to be a burden and have him pay a fortune, Lucifer waves off the concerns and assures them they needn't worry about that. Besides, he wants nothing more than for MC to enjoy themselves after helping him earlier
"I don't want to burden you and make you pay for my meal. I am always happy to help but I don't want you to feel obligated to do something in return."
Lucifer is taken aback before he sighs and gives MC a serious and pointed look. "I am a demon that takes pride in my ability to deal out suitable punishments and rewards as I see fit. It will do you well not to question my generosity"
Mammon felt like he was in debt to MC for helping him study and pass his latest exam. He could not afford to fail his fourth semester in a row without Lucifer finding out and skinning him alive! He doesn’t normally feel the need to do anything to actually pay people back, but he felt like he really owed MC for this one
When Mammon and MC were visiting the flea market to find some cool trinkets that can probably be resold for a profit on Akuzon, he noticed the MC’s gaze lingering on a small golden ring with intricate engravings. He makes a bit of a show of paying for the ring before losing some of his bravado and shoving his hand in the MC’s face and demanding they take it
MC looks a bit confused before thinking it was something that Mammon thought would resell well and tried to put it in the basket they carried to hold the rest of their haul
“No, ya got it all wrong. I got it for ya to- ya know- thank ya for helpin’ me the other day. I woulda been a goner without you...or something” he mumbles while trying not to look directly at them
“That’s funny and all but what’s the catch? I’m pretty sure you don’t normally give away things or do anything without expecting anything in return”
Although MC does not appear to mean any harm from the comment, it kind of stung a little for Mammon. They can’t seem to grasp that they were special and he WANTED to give them things.
Mammon becomes a bit more sullen about the ordeal and may not give anything directly to the MC from then on. He will opt instead to leave little trinkets in their room or claim he found some trash he needed to get rid of (even though it would clearly be something of value). He does not really know how to show his thanks in any other way so he is kind of stuck in a cycle of trying to backhandedly show his gratitude without his motives being questioned
Satan’s room was an absolute mess, more so than usual, when MC was kind enough to lend a hand in helping him organize his massive collection of books into something a little less chaotic
He found an ancient tome full of old runes and herbal medicines that he thought he saw MC flipping through while taking a quick break from organizing his things, and assumed it would be a nice token of his gratitude. It was inlaid with gold leaf and the engraved relief on the cover was done with a clearly skilled hand, making the old book really stand out
“Please, take this tome as payment for your time. I would have lost my mind, surely, if you did not help me in my time of need, like you did”
MC’s eyes widened with surprise before seeming to nod and say they would return the book to him later, after they take down some notes for their next hex exam. When he clarifies that he wishes for them to keep the book, MC looked taken aback
“I couldn’t possibly take one of your books! I don’t expect anything for helping you out and you shouldn’t feel the need to pay me back for something I was more than willing to do anyway. It is kind of weird for you to want to give away your books like this when you closely monitor anybody else that takes them”
Satan’s eyebrow twitches just the slightest and he has to keep his smile in place to try to not alarm MC when his irritation spikes slightly. They don’t seem to understand that him thanking them with a gift versus him guarding his collection from Mammon are two different things entirely
He leans a bit into the MC’s space with his smile still plastered on and looks them dead in the eyes. “Do you mean to tell me that the tome is not to your liking?” MC kind of feels forced to take the book and thanks Satan before making a hasty retreat to their own room. Satan takes the newfound space to clear his mind and start thinking of other ways that he can possibly approach the matter in the future without pressuring MC into accepting his generosity
Asmo’s life and reputation was saved when MC responded to his emergency text asking for a very specific shirt to be brought to his photoshoot. One of the assistant demons did NOT get the memo when he said that he was more of a skull-scream peach kind of guy then a wailing-melon toned guy and the outfit assembly was not doing his beautiful complexion any favors
When Asmo got out from his shoot, he felt like he absolutely had to repay MC for going out of the way for him. He went straight to Majolish and picked out a new outfit for them that he was sure they would look absolutely fantastic in and then hurried home to wrap it up nicely 
Asmo presents the gift with flourish before asking for the MC to open it so he can watch their reaction. Asmo was not disappointed by the stunned look on their face and the silent ‘o’ their mouth made, but got a little put out when they said they could not possibly accept it. Didn’t they like it? Surely he did not pick something that wasn’t to their taste
“I can’t accept this, Asmo, it is way too sweet and generous of a gift! I had to go in the direction of your shoot today anyway so it wasn’t a burden to drop off your shirt. Please don’t reward me for something like that!”
Asmo has met a variety of demons and people over the millenia and can tell that there was something about the gift itself that was making them uncomfortable. He still is firm with them and insists that if he spent the grimm on them, they should take the gift, but starts thinking of other ways to maybe show his thanks in the future
Do words of praise and gratitude make them squirm? How about physical affection? Would a kiss count as a thanks they are willing to accept? He sure hopes so but he wants to show he appreciates them and will try to show it in any way possible until they accept it
Beelzebub was starving! More so than usual and that is not a pretty sight. He was at RAD during one of the classes when he noticed that his snack bag had mysteriously gone missing when he tried to reach in to pull out a protein bar. His stomach loudly protested and he was starting to eye up some of his classmates as if they were on the menu. MC saved the day when they came rushing in with the aforementioned missing snack bag, that they found in the hallway
Beel was able to happily munch away for the rest of the lesson and it seemed like the whole class let out a collective sigh of relief. Beel was very grateful for the MC taking the time to deliver him his snack bag and decided to treat them to Hell’s Kitchen after school 
MC agreed to go willingly and ordered their food while Beel asked for well over half the menu. After they ate, Beel reached for the tab but found slight resistance when he finally looked at the bill and saw MC’s hand was also on it. When Beel stated that it was his treat for them saving him early, he was met with some pushback
“Please do not feel like you have to pay for me. Giving you the snack bag was for everybody’s benefit, so it actually came from a place of selfishness, really. I do not deserve you paying for me.”
Beel’s heart pinged a little at that. Did MC mean he was so close to losing control that they only helped him out of pity? Out of fear? He knew he was a big and his hunger knew no end, but it kind of hurt to be seen as a threat that needed to be controlled with readymade snack bags like that
Beel kind of shakes it off quickly enough and starts to think that maybe they just didn’t like the meal as much as him and was trying to spare him from paying for something they didn’t really want. He takes the time to watch MC over the next few days to see if there are other foods that they may like better. That was the problem, right? Maybe something from Madam Screams was more their style? How about that crepes stand in the park that was super delicious?
Belphegor was not having a great day. For one, he was awake and for two, he was tasked with doing laundry for HoL this week and he was super behind on his assigned chore. If Asmo pestered him one more time about properly separating out the colors and Lucifer lectured him about how to properly fold fitted sheets, he may just have to be imprisoned in the attic again. Luckily for him, MC took some time out of their schedule to help him finish quicker
Belphie was thankful enough that he figured he could allow them to nap with him as an award. Do not mind the fact that MC always takes naps with him but this time can be a little bit special. He nicked a projector from RAD the following day and set it up in the attic so that it would project constellations on the walls and ceilings. He also made a really comfortable pillow fort for them to share. This took a lot of work on Belphie’s part so it was a privilege for MC to join him
When the MC finally arrived at the attic after Bephie texted them to meet him up there, they were not expecting the space to be turned into such a nice and cozy room. Belphie explained that it was as a thank you for the help the other day after they kept just standing in the doorway. He then demanded they came and laid down with him
“You didn’t have to put all this work into making this space for me! It was just folding laundry. It wasn’t that big of a deal, I promise”
Belphie turns his back on them and kind of pouts into his pillow. If they don’t appreciate him sacrificing sleep to make them happy and feel appreciated, then who cares. He can nap just fine by himself and he is hard press to prove the point
After the MC stands there for a little bit and then finally decides to join him in the pillow fort, Belphie ignores them for a bit. Neither of them move from their spots until Belphie sighs and rolls over to use their chest as a pillow. If all this work really was for nothing, he might as well enjoy his well-earned nap better with a warm body pillow
hmmmmmmmmmmmmm....I gave up on proof reading this part way so I hope it is okie dokie
161 notes · View notes
luxekook · 4 years
okay, bloomer ❃ myg
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❃ pairing: floral assistant/rapper!yoongi x reader
❃ genre: strangers to lovers, fluff, slight crack, light angst and smut
❃ summary: spin-off sequel to ‘petal to the metal’; in which the reader visits a flower shop on her way home from work to treat herself to a flower and then keeps returning just to interact with the shop’s cute tsundere floral assistant. the last thing she expects is to see him ~spitting hot fire~ and looking hot as sin at her friend’s music event. how is she supposed to get flowers in peace now?
❃ word count: 10.2k
❃ warnings: 18+, cursing, violent imagery, mansplaining, tattooed and pierced yoongi, jealousy, mention of drinking, lots of sass, yoongi is soft as hell, rapping, jungkook being an idiot, smut [biting, blindfolding, bondage, sensory play, oral (f + m receiving), unprotected sex (WRAP IT), slight dom/sub themes, yoongi and reader are swiches, dirty talk, workplace sex]
❃ beta’d by: the amazing and gorgeous phia @meowxyoong​
❃ banner by: the iconic and beautiful danica @dee-ehn​
❃ commissioned by: my angel bby sweetheart jess @floralsuga​ UWU ILY AND I HOPE U LOVE THIS YOONGI AS MUCH AS I DO!!!!
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The first time you enter the flower shop, it’s on a whim after a particularly bad day at work. You stomp down the street towards your apartment stewing over how Darryl can go screw himself as far as you are concerned. You almost flipped your desk today after the fifth time he tried to explain your own job to you. 
It’s like you haven’t been working at the graphic design firm for over three years and know all there is to know about typography and how it reads on book covers. You knew the moment your boss paired you with Darryl for this assignment, you were going to be in for a bumpy ride. You just didn’t expect the bumps to be of Mount Everest proportions.
You probably look crazy as you stalk down the block untethered in your rage, mumbling something about shoving your stylus so far up Darryl’s ass he’ll choke on your creativity. 
Somehow you unconsciously turn your head to admire a display of flowers blooming in a shop window. The blooming bunches of color call to you like a beacon of light in the darkness. Fuck it, you are going to treat yourself.
You dart across the street, dodging traffic. You need a flower. You need something that will brighten your evening and remind you that there is still beauty on this earth after all that mansplaining. And it seems that Of Fern & Freesia Flower Co. will be your oasis of choice. 
Squaring your shoulders, you push open the heavy wooden and glass door of the shop. The sound of a bell chimes in the air as you enter. A smile forms as you take in the array of greenery and petals surrounding you. The air smells like summer meadows and deep forests. 
Wandering around, you realize that it’s going to be harder than you thought to pick just one flower to go home with. As you near the back of the shop, you notice the general shop counter with a cash register, a small jar, and an array of flowers scattered across the deep oak wood. It seems like someone is piecing together a bouquet.
“Can I help you?” A low, languid voice calls out to you. Slowly, a boy emerges from the back room. Your eyes widen at the sight before you. He’s of average height with lean muscle and tattoos winding up both arms. His ears glint with multiple piercings, his left eyebrow has an intimidating slice through it, and his hair is a messy array of silver with a sexy as hell undercut. Yet, despite all of that tough exterior, the second you look at his face you melt.
The boy has the cutest face you have ever seen. His cheeks are full and pink, his nose is the most adorable little button, his lips are a dusky shade of rose. He has the face of an angel wrapped in a sinful package. Honestly, it’s unfair.
After a few moments, you realize he seems to be waiting for you to speak. Slitted eyebrow arched, he stares at you, dark eyes flicking over your own body.
“I’m looking to get a flower, but I just don’t know which one to pick,” You sigh, eyes shifting to glance around the shop once more. “There are so many beautiful ones to choose from.”
“Well,” The boy murmurs, “Sometimes one beautiful flower just stands out from the rest.”
Your eyes return to him, finally noticing the name-tag haphazardly pinned to his apron. Yoongi. His name is Yoongi. “And do you know which flower stands out today?” You ask, hands gripping your work tote so that you don’t do anything embarrassing like squish his chubby cheeks between your palms.
“Without a doubt,” He quirks a small smile in your direction before walking around the counter. Without a word more, he wanders down the rows of flowers and stops at a particular bunch of blue blossoms. He carefully selects one flower from the bunch and extends it out to you.
You accept the flower, examining it closely. It’s beautiful indeed. Shooting a glance at the sign attached to the bucket the flower had originated from, you smile as you read the label of ‘rare blue-tinted orchids’ (rare and unique beauty).
Turning back to Yoongi, you realize he has already begun to walk back to the counter. Quickly, you follow in his footsteps, carefully holding your flower in one hand and digging through your bag to find your wallet with the other. Upon reaching the counter, you gently place your orchid down to finally retrieve your wallet from where it had been lurking at the very bottom of your tote. 
“How much do I owe you?” You look up at Yoongi who had been staring at you with a peculiar expression on his face. 
He just shrugs, fiddling with one of the many silver rings adorning his fingers, “Nothing. It’s on the house.” 
“What?” You tilt your head in confusion, “But the sign said these are rare, so I’m sure it can’t be cheap.”
Again, Yoongi just lifts a shoulder lazily and shoots you a half smile, “I get an employee discount.” 
“Oh,” Your eyes fall under his intense scrutiny. They land on the small jar sitting next to the register. It’s labeled with a sticky note that says: “Feed Yoongi’s Dumpling Addiction”. 
“Dumplings, huh?” You grin at the cute boy and quickly grab ten dollars from your wallet, shoving the bill inside the jar. 
“Hey!” Yoongi pouts, “That’s not fair.” His cheeks are shaded a bright pink, “You can’t use my weakness against me like this.”
“I just did!” You laugh, slinging your bag over your shoulder and picking up your orchid once more. “Bye, Yoongi.”
You send him a wave and head back out into the night. You don’t realize he had stared out after you for quite some time with a small smile and a gleam in his eye. No, you are too busy picturing what it would be like to go get dumplings with a cute flower shop assistant. 
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The next day at work you bring your flower along with you. Your desk needs some life breathed into it, and your flower does just the trick. Plus, you can't help but smile each time you look at it. 
And so when cursed Darryl waltzes over to you to talk about your project, you kindly tell him to fuck off. You know, in a safe for work fashion. You don’t need his bullshit or his bad vibes. Not when you can draw up romance novel cover designs with a certain boy in mind. It comes as no surprise to you as you realize later on that you had been drawing orchids woven throughout the book title.
The rest of the week passes by slowly as does the wilting of your flower. Yet on Thursday, your boss praises you for your flower designs, so much so that she decides to give you the company credit card to go buy a bouquet for the office as further inspiration. You tell her you know just the place. 
Taking an extended lunch break, you trek over to Of Fern & Freesia. Stepping through its doors brings an immediate smile to your face. You glance around, noticing a few other customers scattered throughout the shop. No sign of Yoongi.
You weave your way around the rows of flowers and the patrons that dot the aisles. A heavy feeling of disappointment settles in the pit of your stomach as you notice that there is a woman at the counter instead of the cute boy from a few days prior. The woman glances up as you approach, “Oh, hello! Welcome to Of Fern & Freesia. How may I help you?” 
“Hi, yes,” You shoot a furtive glance around, “I was hoping that you could recommend a bouquet?”
“Hm,” She nods, “Of course! What’s the occasion?” 
“It’s just for my office,” You explain, “We need some inspiration, and flowers seem to have helped lately.”
“I see,” She smiles, “Well, let me ask you if—” 
“Hey, boss lady! Do you know what happened to the lace ribbons? I can’t find— Oh,” Yoongi halts as he emerges from the back room and lays eyes on you. “Hello,” He mumbles, running a hand through his hair.
The woman helping you looks at Yoongi and then looks back at you and then looks at Yoongi again. A sly smile forms on her lips, “Well, well, well. Why don’t I go look for those lace ribbons while you help this customer here.” She turns to you, “My very best employee will be sure to take excellent care of you.”
Chuckling slightly, she disappears through the door that Yoongi had vacated a minute before.
“I’m your only employee!” Yoongi calls after her, the small smile on his face betraying his complaint. Still grinning slightly, he turns his brown eyes back to you, “Hello again…” He pauses, clearly waiting for you to fill in the unspoken blank.
“(Y/n),” You extend a hand out tentatively, “And you’re Yoongi.”
“That I am,” Yoongi smirks and takes your hand in his. You glance down at your clasped hands and marvel at how his hand fully engulfs yours. The heat of his palm burns into you while the coolness of his many rings makes you shiver. Eventually, you let go, certain your cheeks are as red as the display of roses to your left.
“Well, what can I do for you, (y/n)? Back for another flower?” His eyes flit around the shop briefly before returning to yours.
“A bouquet, actually,” You smile, “For the office. On the office.” You flash the company card that your boss had given you, and your stomach flips as he laughs – his dark eyes crinkling and his gums showing adorably. 
“Didn’t picture you working in an office,” He mumbles, his eyebrows furrowing slightly as his tongue pokes his cheek.
“Oh, so you’ve been picturing me, then?” You tease and internally sigh as he blushes fiercely, turning away from you.
“Yah, you know what I meant,” Yoongi scowls without any real menace, “You seem like you do something - I don't know - weird.”
You stare at him a moment and then burst into laughter. Yoongi pouts as you continue to crack up over his brazen observation. “I mean I guess designing romance novel covers isn’t the most conventional job, but it pays the bills and it’s pretty fun.”
“Romance novels?” Yoongi widens his eyes comically, “Don’t say that around the boss lady, she’s obsessed with them.”
“I heard that,” A yell sounds from the back room, “And I’m demoting you!”
“I’m demoted just by being associated with you!” Yoongi calls back.
You think you hear his boss mutter something about shoving a branch of redbud (betrayal) up Yoongi’s ass but you can’t be sure. Yoongi walks around the counter to lead you around the shop.
“What are you looking for, (y/n)?” His gaze is heated as it rests on you, and you bask in its glory.
“I’m good with whatever you recommend,” You shrug, “I’m in your hands.”
“Not yet,” Yoongi mutters under his breath; and before you can question that remark, he stalks off down an aisle, practically mowing down innocent shoppers. You trail after him, watching as he seems to be picking flowers at random. However, once he brings them all up front to arrange them, the flowers combine effortlessly into a beautiful bouquet.
“Wow,” You say softly, admiring the colorful arrangement before you, “This is beautiful, Yoongi. What kind of flowers are they?”
Yoongi rapidly fires off a number of flowers, most of which you had never even heard of before: honeysuckle and alstroemeria flowers (devotion), lilies of the valley (return of happiness), and petunias (your presence soothes me). 
As you hand him the company card to ring up your purchase, you notice a stray flower set aside from the bunch. “That one didn’t fit with the rest?” You joke, pointing to the multi-petaled pink flower.
Yoongi rolls his eyes, “Obviously not, (y/n). That one is for you.”
You let out an embarrassingly high-pitched giggle, “Well, excuse me for not being an expert, flower boy.”
He groans at the nickname, shaking his head in disgust. But, you see his lips twitching. God, he is so cute. You almost don’t even know how you had been intimidated by him at first. Even his tattoos and piercings are endearing to you now. You see them as a layer of protection he has in order to protect his soft heart.
Yeah, you are fucking whipped.
In an attempt to distract yourself from your growing infatuation, you glance down. The tip jar catches your attention, and you grin immediately as you read today’s inscription: “Yoongi’s Nap Fund: One Dollar = One Nap”. 
“Don’t even think about it,” Yoongi warns, but it’s too late. You shove another ten dollar bill inside. 
“Goddamn you,” Yoongi sighs, and the way he says it sounds like a confession. And you are so losing your marbles. And your job. You catch sight of the clock hanging on the back wall, and you are so, so late to get back to the office.
Cursing softly, you grab the bouquet and accept the flower Yoongi extends out to you, “Thanks, flower boy. I’ll see you soon, yeah?”
With that, you rush out the door, pulling a full Yoongi as you ruthlessly storm past customers on your way out. You unknowingly leave Yoongi in your dust, staring at you with what can only be affection. 
When you get home after your shift later that night, you quickly put your new flower in a mason jar with water and admire its beauty. After a quick google search, you identify the flower as a camellia. 
You fail to read further. But, if you had, you would have discovered the meaning of the flower Yoongi had gifted to you… My destiny is in your hands.
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The next few weeks pass in a flurry of flowers - each prettier than the last. But that could just be the rose-tinted glasses you’ve been walking around with ever since you met Yoongi. You had visited Of Fern & Freesia such an embarrassing amount of times that you figured you should have a frequent flyer card.
But, who in their right mind could blame you when men like Min Yoongi exist? That’s right, you are on a full name basis now courtesy of one of Yoongi’s latest tip jars: “Support Min Yoongi in purchasing an off button for Jeon Jungkook”. 
With every visit came a new flower and a new post-it note on his tip jar. For instance, last Monday Yoongi gave you two stock flowers (you will always be beautiful to me), to which you immediately clowned him on for buying you stocks. He had just shaken his head at you - a common reaction from Yoongi that you had been on the receiving end of too many times to count. On that day, you had shoved a twenty dollar bill in the jar labeled: “New headphones for Yoongi’s silent, sad and lonely ears”. 
This Tuesday you had arrived at the shop right at closing. Your job had required you to stay for a late meeting because Darryl had fucked something up with his latest project. It’s honestly a wonder how he hasn’t been fired yet. After the meeting ended, you had practically run out of the office to make it to see Yoongi in time. When you stepped into the shop, you had been greeted with a growly yell of “We’re closed! Get lost!” And then when Yoongi came storming towards the front, he’d skittered to a halt, his mouth opening and closing as he struggled to find words.
You had just shyly waved like an idiot and then had turned to leave, only to be tugged back inside by Yoongi. “Come on,” He had said lowly, seeming quite exasperated with you, “I have your fix.” He had held your wrist all the way up to the counter as you blushed profusely behind him. He had handed you a zinnia (I mourn your absence), and you had added a couple five dollar bills to his jar simply entitled: “Do it. You won’t.”
And, finally, yesterday you had made sure to visit on time, clocking out of work at 5:00PM exactly. Your boss had even asked if you had a hot date. God, you had fucking wished. In all your hurry to get over to Of Fern & Freesia, you had forgotten one important piece of information that had been made crystal clear the moment Yoongi had locked eyes on you - you needed to do laundry.
Now, this might seem like an odd and offhand comment, but it meant that you had been wearing your more formal work clothes out of necessity. A form fitting pencil skirt with a tucked in button up blouse - both of which were on the tighter side from not being worn enough - paired with your favorite stilettoed ankle boots had been your outfit of choice and your last resort.
You had clicked and clacked your way up to the counter and had almost turned right back around at the look Yoongi had given you. His eyes had been the darkest you’d ever seen. You hadn’t quite been able to read the storm of emotions within them. Had it been anger? Annoyance? Attraction? 
God, you had prayed it was the last. 
When you had made it to Yoongi, he had let out a harsh breath before turning away from you for a moment. “Hey, flower boy,” You had said tentatively, “Are you okay?”
“I’m just peachy,” He had muttered, slamming down a few flowers on the counter. 
“O-o-okay,” You had responded, drawing out the word. You had stared quizzically at Yoongi as he fiddled with his rings, looking more on edge than you had ever seen him before. His eyes had flicked over your body, and then finally he had met your eyes.
“Sorry,” He had grumbled out, “You just caught me off guard. These are for you.”
As Yoongi had gathered the flowers he had slammed down on the counter, you had realized you still had your hair up and fastened with your stylus. Tugging it out of your hair, you had tousled your hair with your fingers for a bit and then had shoved the stylus in your bag. You had thought you had heard Yoongi choke slightly, but your ears surely had been playing tricks on you. 
You had grinned at him as you grabbed the flowers from his outstretched hands and then tucked a twenty in his tip jar inscripted with: “Help Yoongi endure Kim Seokjin’s presence for three hours.”
Later that night, you had realized that you really should have brushed up on your flower knowledge sooner because apparently the flowers he had given you were peach blossoms (I am your captive). While their meaning is still unbeknownst to you, you now appreciate the pun wholeheartedly. 
You had even tried to see him tonight, but he hadn’t been working for some reason. It’s hard not to assume the worst. Is he on a date? Oh god, has he had a girlfriend this whole time? A boyfriend? A partner? You almost call up your friend Jackson to cancel on his music event because all you want to do is sit down on your couch with the two men who will never let you down - Ben and Jerry. 
But, you can't.
Jackson would hunt you down and drag you there himself if he had to. He had done that very thing when you tried to bail on his last party. It hadn’t been your fault that you considered a midweek celebration of his five point increase on his credit score to be extra as hell. But that is just Jackson, and you adore him for it.
You met Jackson through your job. He sometimes models for the book covers that your company produces; because, let’s be real, Jackson is a whole snack. Unfortunately, you seem to be attracted to boys on the surlier side as opposed to those on the sunshine side of the spectrum.
Therefore, you and Jackson are great friends, and he brings out (READ: forces out) your more social side. Tonight, he is MCing a local music show at one of the bars downtown. It’s apparently some sort of open mic night. You just hope your ears are all in one piece when you return home.
The bar is crowded as hell as you slip through its doors. The entire back area has been converted into a stage, and you notice Jackson getting ready to begin MCing. Of course, he spots you immediately, waving incessantly. You can’t help but smile back widely and wave.
Squeezing your way through the crowd, you luckily spy a free barstool with a decent view of the stage. Quickly claiming it as yours, you order a beer and settle in for the night. Your eyes drift across the crowd, seeing some familiar faces of musicians you had seen before at events like this.
You even think you see the woman from Of Fern & Freesia in the back corner, but that’s probably just your brain playing tricks on you. Your attention is brought back to the stage as Jackson begins to announce the general lineup for the night and then the first performer.
As you listen to the first performance, your heart aches. The musician’s ballad is slow and soulful, its lyrics deep and jarring. What you wouldn't give to feel a love like that, too feel so deeply for another person and to have that returned unconditionally. Again, your mind turns to the damned flower boy who has been ruling your thoughts lately. And as the song ends, you clap along with the crowd like you hadn’t just planned out your entire future with a boy you had met just a handful of times.
You watch as Jackson introduces the next performance - some group called ‘Bangtan’ featuring some dude named ‘Suga’. What kind of name is that? A stage name, you hope.
Five boys jump onto the stage, and the crowd goes fucking wild. As you assess the boys with your own two eyes, you see the hype. They’re hot as fuck. 
Their performance begins with two of the boys singing. Your eyebrows raise as their sweet voices grace your ears. You almost fall into a sense of security as their vocals envelop you. And then the rapping begins.
Your jaw drops all the way down to the pits of Hades as you take in the sight of what can only be Yoongi, your sweet fucking flower boy, spitting crazy hot fire alongside two other beautiful boys. Had you somehow eaten an edible unknowingly on your way over here? Have you teleported into an alternate universe? Have you travelled into another dimension? Have you fallen into the fucking upside down?
God, he looks so fine. In all the times in the flower shop, you had only seen him in plain t-shirts, black jeans, and an apron. Therefore, your mind is fucking blown at the way Yoongi is wearing the shit out of a long white t-shirt, ripped blue jeans, a white and silver jacket, and silver chains. 
The boy is sauntering around the stage like he fucking owns it, all cocky and brash. Your attention is riveted by the sheer talent before you, but your sanity is in shambles. He drags a hand through his messy hair and his undercut peeks out from underneath. Damn, that hairstyle suits him well.
It seems the performance is over both too soon and not soon enough. And when Yoongi stays on stage all by himself, you silently pray to any higher power out there that you survive this. The low sound of the bass fills the bar as Yoongi lazily nods to the opening beats of whatever he plans on performing.
Almost by fate, Yoongi’s eyes meet yours. They widen as they take you in, and you are absolutely certain you also resemble an owl as you stare back. Like the dork that you are, you lift your beer up in a silent toast to him, and your stomach flips as his lips quirk.
And then he starts. You cannot look away. Somehow Yoongi rapping solo is just as good as the previous performance with the four others. It might even be better; but, then again, you are insanely biased at this point. 
As he performs, you lose the ability to speak, to cheer alongside the crowd. The way Yoongi commands the stage with his words, his presence, his talent is quite possibly the sexiest thing you have ever seen. The looks he sends you definitely don’t help. You might actually melt into a puddle on this very floor.
And you nearly do as Yoongi’s song ends and he sends you a wink as he hops off stage. God, you need to get it together before you track the boy down, tug him to you by his silver chains, and kiss the hell out of him and his talented mouth. 
Yeah, you need to leave ASAP. Shooting Jackson a text, you leave a twenty on the bar and haul ass out of there.
How are you supposed to face Yoongi after this? You can’t even pretend it didn’t happen because he had seen you. If you don’t go back to the shop, he might think you hated his performance. But, if you do go back to the shop, you’ll have to face the boy who had destroyed your ovaries on stage in front of multiple dozens of people. 
Lord, you are so fucking screwed.
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Saturday and Sunday pass with many more existential breakdowns; and by the time Monday arrives, you decide that - fuck it - you are going to do some recon. 
You email your boss that you are running a bit late and head over to the flower shop. It is barely 9:00AM when you strut through the doors.
The woman you had seen once before startles as you burst in, “Oh hey, it’s you! Um, Yoongi doesn’t work until later.”
You swear you turn fifty shades of maroon, “I-I know.”
She also blushes, “Right, sorry. I haven’t had my coffee yet. How can I help you? Another bouquet?”
Before you can answer her, a boy bounds through the door holding two steaming coffee cups. He looks eerily familiar, but you can't quite place where you have seen him before.
“Morning, noona!” The boy beams at the woman, and then belatedly realizes you are also there. “Aish, sorry!” You gape as he somehow becomes small, huddling by his ‘noona’. “I didn’t realize you had a customer already.”
“That’s alright, Jungkookie,” She smiles at the admittedly cute boy who is now scrutinizing you for some reason.
“Aha!” Jungkook snaps his fingers, “I know you! You’re Yoongi-hyung’s g—”
The woman grabs Jungkook’s ear before he can continue, “Ignore him. Please.” She shoots the boy a dark look that sends him pouting.
You try your best, but the words are already flying through your mind. Yoongi-hyung’s girl? His girl insert-space-here friend? His gremlin? His goddess divine? His fucking Go-Gurt?
The possibilities are too endless; and so you pull a Spongebob and burn the memory from your brain for the sake of your rationality. You quickly grab the first flower you see - a love-in-a-mist (perplexity) - and pay for it before jetting out the door.
Your feelings? Unstable.
Your recon mission? Unsuccessful.
Your inevitable face-off with Yoongi? Unavoidable.
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“I heard you came by yesterday morning.” 
You nearly jump out of your skin, barely having crossed the threshold of the flower shop before Yoongi slides right in front of you. “Holy sweet mother of god, Yoongi! Have you been lurking by the door just to scare me like this?”
Yoongi’s gaze darts around, decidedly not looking at you. “No?” He tries. You don’t let him succeed.
“Oh, really...” You arch an eyebrow and try to step around him, but Yoongi just matches your movements - effectively blocking you from advancing further.
“Stop trying to distract me,” He growls. His frown is admittedly cute instead of intimidating in the way he probably intends. “Why did you visit yesterday morning instead of last night?”
It’s your turn to avoid eye contact as you look for any possible avenue for escape. Yoongi gives you no room to budge or even any time to answer as he continues to question you. “Could it be…” He leans closer to you, “That you didn’t like what you saw on Friday?”
Your heart stutters in your chest as Yoongi grows closer still, his breath ghosting over your ear as he whispers, “Or maybe… it’s that you did like it.”
Before you risk it all and pounce on him while he’s working, you pull a spin move around Yoongi that would even make Lebron proud. Trying to put as much distance  between the two of you as possible, you power-walk away from him, calling over your shoulder, “Yes, I liked it, okay? God.”
You weave your way between the shelves of flowers with Yoongi trailing your every move. That little shit is relentless in his pursuit. You shoot him an evil eye between two buckets of flowers that he steadfastly ignores, “What did you like about it?” Yoongi grins widely, “Come on, tell me. Tell me. Just tell me, tell me, tell m—” You round the aisle he is on and clamp a hand over his mouth.
“Min Yoongi, for the love of reese’s peanut butter cups, shut your mouth.” Your glare strengthens as you can just tell he’s smirking underneath your hand. It’s difficult to ignore the plushness of his lips pressed against your palm. Did he just lick his lips? With your palm over them?
“I liked the collaboration you did with Jungkook and the other boys,” You shoot back at him, desperate to take him down a peg, “It was cute.” With a victorious smile at his darkening expression, you tug your hand away and turn to walk away. But déjà vu strikes as Yoongi’s hand envelops your wrist.
He pulls you back into his chest as he leans down. You can feel his words flow from his chest as he murmurs, “Oh really? And did you know that Jungkook is happily in a relationship? What a bummer.”
“Uh, I don’t recall asking,” You retort, “But that’s great for Jungkook. Should I send him a card in congratulations?”
“Fuck, you are so frustrating,” Yoongi groans and lets out an exasperated laugh, “Are you really going to make me ask?”
“Undoubtedly,” You grin like the menace you are.
Sighing, Yoongi presses closer to you. “(Y/n),” His lips brush against your ear, “What did you like about me?”
The way that Yoongi’s scent wraps around you, the way his lips move against your skin, the way his words drip with sensual intent makes you cave almost immediately. “Well, you had some fire bars, bro,” You blurt out.
He stills for a second and then a laugh bubbles up from his chest. You pout as he doubles over, clutching his stomach. 
“Hey,” You complain, “I thought that’s what all the youngsters are calling it these days.”
Yoongi laughs harder, “Oh my god, please stop. I’m going to break a rib from laughing too hard.”
You sniff, “Well, consider that the first and last compliment you will get from me. Ever.”
That shuts him up real quick. “Aw, babe,” He whines, following you as you move towards the counter in the back of the shop. Thank god there are no other customers to witness your complete degeneration into Min Yoongi Trash™. 
You slouch against the counter as you reach it, turning to face him. “Don’t ‘aw, babe’ me, babe. Now, get me my flower.”
Your sass does nothing but bring a smile to Yoongi’s face, and your frown deepens.
“I know just the thing,” He smirks. 
You don’t trust it. At all.
Yoongi goes behind the counter and grabs a little potted flower from behind the register. He pushes it over to your side slowly. “It’s a potato vine flower (you are delicious),” He says, like that explains everything. “It reminds me of you.”
You gape at the admittedly pretty triad of flowers intertwined together in the small silver pot. “A flower with potato in its name reminds you of me?” Your eyes narrow down into slits as you stare at him.
“Those are the words that came out of my mouth, yes.” His lips quirk at your growing ire.
“Hmph,” You turn up your nose, “Well, I will take it as a compliment. Potatoes are great, versatile, and goddamn tasty.”
“Indeed,” Yoongi smiles, running a hand through his hair. The rings adorning his fingers glisten under the shop’s lights, and you cannot help but follow his hands as they once again return to his sides.
You can feel your face warming as indecent thoughts of his hands on you fly through your brain. As your gaze remains lowered, it falls upon the tip jar. Today, it reads: “Help Yoongi fulfill his dream… of doing absolutely nothing”.
Before Yoongi can stop you, you shove a twenty into the jar. “Thanks for the potato plant, Yoongi,” You try to hide your smile as he - as predicted - gets into a huff over your incorrect identification.
“It’s a potato vine flower!” He yells after you as you walk away, “You know that, right? It’s important to me that you know that!”
“Po-tay-to, po-tat-oh,” You call back to him, laughing as you ignore his groan of protest. Provoking Yoongi might just become your new favorite hobby.
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Work consumes your next few days and prevents you from visiting your lovely little flower boy. Obviously, that has contributed to your mood taking a turn for the worse. But, it’s also done a steep nosedive because fucking Darryl is back at it again with his misogyny. You really shouldn't be surprised at this point, but here you are, surrounded by cleaning supplies, one concerned model, and one indifferent photographer.
Your joint project is culminating tomorrow - book cover proposal for one of the industry’s top romance authors. The one job, the one fucking job, you had given Darryl was to buy props. And guess what Darryl had gotten? Fucking mops.
“I thought you just wanted to clean or some shit,” He had said and then had the nerve to shrug.
Oh, you are going to clean alright. Clean him right out of his office, you will. Using him as the broom you personally sweep the floor with. 
Now, your cover model Jinyoung is here, and there is nothing to make this shoot interesting. Jinyoung, one of Jackson’s close friends and fellow model, awkwardly tries to comfort you as you stew in your rage in the corner of the studio.
“What are we going to do?” You cry for the tenth time, getting ready to either burst into tears or to burn the building to the ground. At least Darryl had made himself scarce ever since you tore into his ass for a solid fifteen minutes. Honestly, that had been the highlight of your day.
“Are there any props around here?” Jinyoung suggests. You look around the studio only to find the photographer Mina scrolling through her phone and an assortment of lighting fixtures against the white backdrop. Suddenly, your gaze snaps back to Mina - more specifically to her floral patterned shirt.
“Come with me,” You grab Jinyoung’s hand and tug him out the door, “Mina, I’ll be back in ten!”
The photographer sends a thumbs up, and you and Jinyoung are on your way. “Where are we going?” He chuckles as you keep tugging him along out of the building and down the street.
“We are going to improvise,” You grit out as you stomp towards your destination, hand still grasping Jinyoung’s tightly. Finally, you arrive at Of Fern and Freesia. “We’re getting flowers,” You declare and enter the shop with Jinyoung in tow.
“Alright then,” He mutters, probably thinking that he doesn't get paid enough for this. And honestly neither do you - especially when you lock eyes with Min Yoongi and his face looks like thunder. You become hyper-aware that you are still clutching onto Jinyoung as Yoongi’s eyes fall to focus on your clasped hands. His jaw tightens. 
And then his expression clears like nothing had even happened. 
Your heart beats fast in your chest as you watch as Yoongi turns and walks into the back room of the shop without a backwards glance.
Had that been a display of jealousy just now? It could not have been. Nope.
You shove this whole thing aside. You aren’t Yoongi’s anything. Just like he isn’t yours. 
You clasp Jinyoung’s hand tighter as you haul him towards a selection of roses. “What do you think of any of these?” You ask Jinyoung and point to the different colored roses. 
“Uh, they’re nice,” Jinyoung doesn’t seem too committed to your search, but you pay that no mind. You have one goal: do not get fired. Actually, no. You have a second goal: get Darryl fired. 
You pluck a red rose (love) and a burgundy rose (unconscious beauty) out of their respective buckets. Holding them up next to Jinyoung, you try to envision the book cover. But instead of seeing Jinyoung with rose petals raining down around him, you see Yoongi sprawled out across your bed with petals scattered around him.
Not the time, (y/n)! 
Oh, god. The time!
You quickly grab the entire bucket of red roses and gesture for Jinyoung to grab the burgundy rose bucket. “We’ll get both and figure it out later,” You say, moving onwards towards the counter. Jinyoung follows you obediently. 
When you make it to the counter, you both plop the buckets down. 
“Couldn’t have just one, huh?” 
You and Jinyoung jump as Yoongi appears from behind you as he rounds the counter. 
“Had to take them both?” He continues, his expressionless face is worrisome. But, you do not have the time to analyze it or his confusing words right now.
“Uh, yeah? Yoongi, listen, we’re really late, and I need to pay quickly. I can explain later. Please.”
Your voice cracks on your last word, and Yoongi’s blank expression softens slightly as he sighs, “Okay, (y/n).” He accepts your credit card that you have outstretched to him and rings your flowers up.
“Thank you, Yoongi. You’re a lifesaver,” You say in a tiny voice, going to grab your wallet when you realize you don’t actually have cash on you right now. You’ll have to come back later.
“Yeah, thanks, man,” Jinyoung says, giving Yoongi that classic headnod that ‘bros’ do. 
Yoongi shoots Jinyoung one of the iciest glares you have ever seen; and yet, somehow, Jinyoung just smiles without a care. 
“You’re welcome, (y/n),” Yoongi replies, handing you back your card along with the receipt. “Oh, I also have flowers for you - for both of you.” He snags two different flowers from the shelf behind the counter and holds one out to each of you.
You accept the pretty white flower which Yoongi calls a polyanthus lily (pleasures that inevitably cause pain), while Jinyoung gingerly accepts a cluster of smaller yellow flowers. Yoongi smugly declares them to be tansies (I declare war against you). 
Thanking Yoongi again, you rush out of the shop with a bucket of roses in your hands and a model hot on your heels. You have a shoot to save and a bone to pick. It is time to get shit done.
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Seven exhausting hours later, you emerge from your workplace with a sense of bitter accomplishment. Your shoot with Jinyoung had gone as well as it could have given the circumstances.
You and Mina had gotten as creative as you could have with the hundred roses you had bought from Of Fern & Freesia. You had showered Jinyoung in rose petals, you had made him place a rose between his teeth, and you had him extend one flower out like the Bachelor.
God, if you hadn’t been half in love with your flower boy you might have kissed Jinyoung for being such a good sport. Instead, you had settled for personally calling his agency to sing his praises and for making a note to send him a bonus.
Another win had come later this afternoon when you had been lucky enough to bear witness to Darryl’s termination. Your boss had been horrified to hear about Darryl’s fuckup and about all of the other bullshit he had put you through. As it turns out, she had already been keeping tabs on him for similar suspicions and this had been all the evidence she needed to seal the deal.
The look on Darryl’s face had been life changing. It had carried you through the last few hours of editing and arranging the final book cover proposal.
And so, finally, you drag your tired ass back to Of Fern & Freesia to both tip Yoongi for earlier and to give an explanation for the brevity of your afternoon visit. That is, if he is even still working at this hour. The shop is nearing its close, and you just hope you aren’t too late.
The bell chiming is the only sound that greets your ears as you enter the shop. The place is absent of the customers who usually roam around the aisles, examining flowers. Undeterred, you walk towards the back of the shop.
Yoongi is slouched over the counter, typing away furiously on his phone. He doesn’t look up as you approach as it seems he’s lost in his own virtual world.
“Paging florist Yoongi,” You call softly and smile as Yoongi is finally the one to get jumpy.
“Yah,” He cries, slapping a hand to his heart, “What are you trying to do, woman?”
“I’m trying to greet you, duh,” You roll your eyes, biting back a grin. 
“All alone this time?” Yoongi sets his phone on the counter, turning his full attention - and sass - to you.
“Alone? Please,” You scoff, “My FBI agent is surely tailing me somewhere nearby.”
“There goes that mouth,” Yoongi mutters darkly, his eyes dropping to your lips for a split second. He leans closer to you over the counter, “Tell me, (y/n)... Does your boyfriend like it when you talk back like that, too? Or is that all that attitude just for me?”
You mirror his actions, leaning over the counter and bringing your face closer to his. “He would like it... If he existed.”
Yoongi’s eyes widen slightly before narrowing, “Really? Then who was that boy you came in here with earlier? So you’re saying that you hold hands and buy flowers with just anyone?” His attention on you is hard and absolute, but you don’t flinch. 
You lean closer, lips only an inch or two away from his. “Hm,” You say, in mock confusion, “I didn’t realize that the last Daylight Savings had shifted us all the way back to the 14th century. Oh, wait. It’s still 2020, and I can do whatever the fuck I want.”
Before you can blink, Yoongi’s hands shoot out to cradle your face and his lips are on yours. A gasp slips between your lips, and Yoongi takes advantage of your shock to slip his tongue into your mouth, tasting you. He pulls back slightly, his lips brushing yours as he mutters, “You are so goddamn infuriating. You walk around here looking like a fucking thirst trap when I have to be Professional Yoongi™, and then you say these absurd things that only make me want you more, and then you show up at my music show and almost make me forget every word I have ever known, and now the only melodies and lyrics that run through my brain relate to you, and so I am just losing my goddamn mind over you—”
You kiss him. “Shut up, you giant adorable idiot,” You mumble against his lips, “And for the record, I liked you first.”
Yoongi pulls away from you and shakes his head, “No way, babe. I’ve liked you since the moment I saw you standing at this counter for the first time last month.” 
You cross your arms, “Oh yeah? Well, I’ve liked you since you walked out of that back room right there to help me for the first time last month. So, it looks like we’re even.” 
“Even?” Yoongi grins, ducking down to pull something off the shelf below the counter. “That’s cute. But, I win,” He straightens, placing a bigger tip jar that you’ve never seen before onto the counter between you. Slowly, he turns it around so that the post-it note attached to it is displayed for you: “Cute girl (Y/n) and Yoongi’s Date Fund”. 
“Wow, am I not cute anymore?” You joke, looking up at Yoongi who rolls his eyes.
“That was before I knew your name, babe, and (y/n) is too beautiful a name not to be written at every opportunity.”
It’s your turn to roll your eyes. Your cheeks flush traitorously as you smile, “You’re so full of shit, Min Yoongi.”
“Am not,” He argues, moving around the counter over to your side. Just when you think he’s trying to get closer to you, he moves past you.
“Where are you going?” You trail after him, pausing when you notice he’s pulled a ring of keys from his pocket. Your eyes widen to their full extent as you watch him lock up the shop and flip around the sign to read: “Closed”.
Yoongi turns back around. “Come here, (y/n),” He says, his voice deep, his lips tugging into a smirk. 
You resort to your instinctual reaction whenever someone issues you an order, “Make me.”
“I was hoping you’d say that,” Yoongi prowls towards you. You back up with every step he takes, and before you know it, your back is up against the counter. Yoongi’s arms cage you in on either side of your body. He’s so close. The heat from his body sears into you and you think you might just faint from proximity.
“What do you want from me?” You whisper as Yoongi’s head dips to place soft kisses along your neck.
“I want you,” He says without a pause or hesitation, “In any way you’ll give me.”
“And would I get you in return?” You sigh as Yoongi sucks lightly on the skin right below your ear.
You feel his smile before he answers, “Babe, you already have me.”
Your heart swells. He is yours. But in true (y/n) fashion you cannot help but to fuck with him further, “Ah, well that just disincentivizes giving myself to you. Since I already have you, why should I let you have me?”
Yoongi bites your neck lightly in response to your teasing, and you are too surprised to catch the moan before it winds its way out of your mouth. “Fuck, baby, I need to hear you make that sound again,” Yoongi growls, his hands gripping your thighs before lifting you onto the counter. “Let me have you,” He begs, pulling his head back to stare at you. His pupils are so blown out, and you are certain yours are the same way.
His hands are still gripping your thighs as you clench them together as best you can with Yoongi in between. 
“Oh,” Yoongi murmurs, looking too pleased, “Is my baby desperate for my touch already?”
“Puh-lease,” You reply, “Don’t act like you aren’t hard as fuck right now, Min.” 
“That’s besides the point. I’ve been hard for you since you walked in here in that tight as fuck skirt and those fucking heels,” Yoongi scowls. “And then you had the audacity to take your hair down like some sort of seductress. I had to jerk off like three times that night.”
“Oh,” You grin evilly, “You mean… like this?” You reach up to pull the pencil out of your topknot, successfully sending your hair tumbling down your shoulders. You shake your head slightly to help the strands settle and bask in Yoongi’s dark expression complete with clenched jaw.
“That’s it,” Yoongi’s hands slide under your thighs, and suddenly you are thrown over his shoulder.
“Yoongi!” You cry as he carries you into the back room of the shop.
“Shut it, you,” Yoongi spanks your ass once, and you let out a tiny squeak before you are set down on a marble island amidst a room full of flowers, ribbons, and anything even remotely related to bouquet-making. 
You’re too distracted by the beauty that surrounds you to notice that Yoongi is grabbing something from a nearby shelf. He returns to stand in front of you once more. “Let me taste you,” He says as if he’s asking for the time of day. 
“If you must,” You feign indifference, but your smile betrays you.
“Clothes off,” Yoongi says, his voice deeper than you’ve ever heard it. You don’t think twice before stripping out of your blouse and unbuttoning your dark jeans.
“You’re gonna have to help me, Yoongi,” You sigh as you stare down at the lack of room Yoongi is giving you to stand to take off your pants.
“It would be my honor,” Yoongi replies, and you groan at his dramatics. “Ass up,” He commands. You lean back onto your elbows and lift your ass up so that he can take your jeans off successfully.
“Damn, baby,” His eyes burn into you as he takes in the sight of your body covered just barely by your lace bra and panties. Tugging a scrap of ribbon from his pocket, Yoongi approaches you, “Can I blindfold you?”
“Kinky,” You breathe, nodding. Yoongi grins and gently ties the soft ribbon around your head, effectively surrounding you in darkness.
“Lay back,” He murmurs. You do so, shivering slightly as your skin meets the coolness of the marble. A soft kiss is placed to your cheek before you feel a brush of something else cross your neck.
You gasp as what you can only imagine could be a flower is dragged along your body, dipping in between your breasts, down across your stomach, ghosting over your hips. All of your senses are buzzing, hyper-aware of everything but your sight.
And so when you feel a finger slowly stroke you over your panties, you let out a gasp. “Yoongi,” You moan, your hips shifting in vain to bring his hand closer.
“Say my name again,” He growls, and you hear a snip along with a quick touch of metal.
“Yoongi,” You chastise, “Did you just fucking cut my underwear off?”
“Hm, not quite the tone I was asking for but it’ll do,” The grin is apparent in his voice and you open your mouth to lay into him when his tongue slides between your folds.
“Fuck,” You sigh, your hand winding down your body to clutch at his hair, “Yoongi, please.”
“Well, since you asked so nicely,” Yoongi mumbles, and then you are suddenly moved closer to the edge of the island and his mouth is on you.
His lips kiss over every inch of your pussy, his tongue flicks out every so often to drag over your clit. It’s slow and torturously sweet. Your back arches as Yoongi suddenly sucks lightly at your swollen bud. 
That sets him off. You feel Yoongi’s finger tease your entrance, lightly pushing in and out as his mouth continues to suck and caress your pussy.
His finger sinks into you, and you curse, moaning Yoongi’s name as he continues to push in and out of you. Though your vision is taken, you begin to see white as you hurtle towards the precipice.
Another finger is thrust inside you and you cry out. “Fuck, baby,” Yoongi growls, “You are so wet for me, so tight, so delicious. Tell me when you’re close. I want you to come in my mouth.”
Fuck, he’s filthy. You think you might love him.
“I’m already close, you little shit,” You groan as he sucks your clit harshly, making you somehow see stars.
Yoongi immediately switches things up, his tongue sinks inside you as his fingers rub your clit in quick, light circles.
You come with a scream, feeling Yoongi sucking and lapping up everything you give him. He carries you through your orgasm, and finally you sink back onto the marble.
And then you rip off the blindfold.
“My turn!” You grin, blinking furiously as your eyes readjust to the light of the room. You sit up. Yoongi is still kneeling between your legs, gazing up at you with wet lips and a feral expression.
“Your turn?” He arches an eyebrow and stands. You take advantage of his movements and hop down off the island.
“Those are the words that came out of my mouth, yes,” You throw his own words from a few days ago back in his face.
You can tell he remembers when he laughs slightly, his eyes crinkling adorably. 
“Now get naked, Min Yoongi,” You command, unhooking your bra and letting it fall to the ground.
Yoongi groans at the sight of you and then whips his shirt off, throwing it at you.
Laughing, you catch it and chuck it to the side. Before you know it, Yoongi stands naked before you. His torso is also covered in ink, his nipples are pierced, his cock is hard.
You slowly walk over to him, excited by how the tables have turned now. “Blindfold?” You ask, dangling the satin ribbon in front of you.
He shakes his head swiftly, “No, I need to see you.”
You grab his cock and revel in the hiss of breath he sucks in, “Baby boy, I don't think you understand who is in charge here.”
“Fuck,” He moans, both at your words and at the slow movements of your hand along his length. 
“Now, since you made me come particularly hard, I’m going to give you another option: I tie your wrists.”
Yoongi looks pissed, “I have to pick one?” 
You take your hand away, and he caves instantly. “Fine! Tie my wrists.”
“Good boy,” You smirk, “Now lay on the island like I just did.” You watch as he listens, grumbling all the while about how he wanted to touch you and how this was some bullshit. He’d learn.
Finally, Yoongi is in position and gives out a big sigh like he just went through so much effort. So extra.
You make quick work of his wrists, tying them above his head loosely. “Let me know it gets to be too much for you, okay?” You kiss him softly and swiftly and smile as he tries to chase your lips as you pull back.
You hop onto the island and slowly kneel over Yoongi. Your knees are on either side of his calves as you lean down, arching your back so your ass is high in the air, and then you suck the tip of his cock into your mouth.
The moan that Yoongi emits is so sexy that you almost skip right to sitting on his dick - almost. Instead, you just speed up, swirling your tongue around him and cradling his balls in your palm.
“Fucking hell, baby,” Yoongi rasps out, his eyes squeezed shut, “Your fucking mouth.”
You smile around him and take him further inside your mouth. Yoongi chokes out more curses than you have ever heard before. And when you swallow around him, he groans, “I’m gonna come. Wanna come on your tits.”
You release him with a pop. “No,” You say, sitting back on your heels. 
Yoongi’s neck strains as he looks down at you, “Please, (y/n), baby, I need you. Fuck, you’re so fucking sexy.” His head falls back as he smirks slightly, “I can’t believe that you just sucked my dick and that I actually got to eat you out just now. Damn, I don’t know how I got so lucky. Maybe I saved someone famous in my past life. Or maybe I was Spiderman—”
Moving quickly, you settle further up his body, hovering over his cock. Your hand covers Yoongi’s mouth. “Are you malfunctioning? Oh my god, I broke you. And to think I was going to sit on your dick next… That’s too bad. I don't think you can handle it.”
His eyes widen to the size of dinner plates as he stares up at you, “Mmph!” His words are muffled by your palm.
“What’s that?” You tease, leaning down to slowly suck on his nipple, swirling the piercing around with your tongue. “You still want me to?”
This time, you remove your hand so he can reply fully. As soon as your palm leaves, Yoongi cries, “Please, please, please, baby. Take me inside you. I’ll make you feel good, I promise!” 
“Well,” You straighten, grabbing his cock and lining him up with your entrance, “Since you asked so nicely.”
Slowly, you sink down. Inch by inch you watch as Yoongi’s face scrunches up as he murmurs your name like a prayer. Finally, you take him all the way inside. “Well, how does it feel, baby?” You grin.
“Like fucking heaven,” He groans, his fists clenching above him as he tries to thrust into you as best he can.
“Relax, baby,” You place a palm on his chest, “Let me take care of you.” With that, you begin to move. Your hips swivel slowly at first and then pick up the pace. You feel him twitching inside you and you know that he’s already close from how well you sucked him off earlier.
You ride him hard, sliding up and down his hard cock and watching his face as you ruin him. His breathing is harsh and his legs begin shaking beneath you, “Fuck, shit, damn, baby, please.”
His words are a garbled mess as you clench down around him, beginning to feel your own orgasm rising. “Don’t you dare come yet, Min Yoongi,” You hiss, leaning back slightly to take him deeper.
“Baby-y, please.” You watch enraptured as a tear slips out of his eye. Yoongi’s abs are clenching and you know he is so fucking close to coming. 
“Look at me,” You order, sliding a hand down your body to circle your clit. He listens and groans immediately at the sight of you.
“Watching you ride me makes me want to come even more!” He whines, but nevertheless keeps his eyes on you. You smile and moan softly as you continue to ride him, flicking your clit between your fingers. You’re close now. 
Your movements become frantic as you bounce on his cock, your hips shifting over his. You hurtle towards your climax and you tighten around him, “Come.”
Immediately, you feel him come inside you, painting your walls and filling you with warmth. You light up as you come for the second time that night, your walls pulsing around his cock, milking him. 
Yoongi is undone underneath you, his head is thrown back, throat on full display. He is muttering something about the sweetest pussy ever and wedding rings. And he looks so good that you can't resist laying down on top of him, kissing his neck. “You good, baby boy?” You smile in between kisses.
“I think you did break me,” He mumbles, his hands settling on your hips. Wait a second…
“How did you untie yourself?” You pout, relaxing into Yoongi’s chest as his hands rub your ass.
“Silk is slippery, babe,” You can practically hear his grin, “But not as slippery as your pus—”
“Min Yoongi!” You cry, hopping off of him. He whines as he slips out of you but then licks his lips as he notices his own cum dripping down your legs. 
“Come here,” He crooks a finger at you.
“Make me,” You retort once again, smirking slightly. 
He groans, “I don't think I can even move right now if I wanted to. But come on, sit on my face.”
“Wow, such language!” You slap a hand over your heart, “My delicate ears will never recover!”
“You’re the worst,” Yoongi laughs, easing up to sit. “Damn, I don’t think I’ve ever come so hard.”
“Nice,” You nod proudly, “Leave that review on Yelp, please.”
His dark eyes narrow, “Who else is leaving reviews, (y/n)?” 
Laughing, you tug on Yoongi’s discarded t-shirt, “Oh, you know, the rest of my harem of flower boys.”
“What!” Yoongi makes a miraculous recovery as he jumps off the island and tugs you to him, “I’m your flower boy, baby. You’ll never need anyone else.”
Smiling widely up at him, you simply reply, “Okay, bloomer.”
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a/n: flower meanings sourced from: The Complete Language of Flowers: A Definitive and Illustrated History by S. Theresa Dietz AND The Language of Flowers by Vanessa Diffenbaugh [again, meanings differ depending on the source!)
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keilemlucent · 3 years
daddy keigo: christmas special
mostly sfw, suggestive content
warnings: daddy kink, christmas, gift-giving, keigo getting a wittle weapy, uwu
hello! better late than never, here’s my little christmas drabble for the day. enjoy loves!!!!
“Daddy, come on, I gotta get up!”
You hoped Keigo would be unsuspecting, as it was quite early in the morning for you to be hauling yourself from bed. How hard would it be to convince your mostly-asleep partner that you just needed to piss-- obviously, there wasn’t anything else going on.
Keigo grumbled, wings fanned out and rippling in his sleep as he reluctantly let you go from his arms. 
“Get back here soon,” Keigo said into the pillows, eyes still shut and body still slack. “Miss ya’, little bird.”
Your heart squeezed with glee as you gave him a final kiss before beginning your mission.
Keigo had been spoiling you. Gifts, treats, and presents for the past month as Christmas loomed. Despite all of the many treasures he purchased for you on the spot, a large pile of well-wrapped gifts had been appearing under your tree as the snowy month has gone on. Whenever you tried to worry about it, insist to Keigo that, “I know you’re my daddy, b-but isn’t this a lot--?”. 
He was always quick to quiet you, quick to hush you with greedy hands and knowing words, “You’re daddy’s good little bird, and daddy knows best.”
He did know best, you trusted him and knew that he did, but that didn’t mean you didn’t have your own plans for the holidays up your sleeve. The compulsion to make this holiday a particularly special one ran strong, as this was your first holiday together and able to celebrate it properly.
You flicked on the bathroom light and shut the door from the outside, hopefully fooling Keigo in his sleepy-state. Slipping into the guest room, your dropped onto your tummy, fishing with open hands under the bed. One by one, you pulled out wrapped gifts, one you’d collected and hid over the past several months, well and secretive. 
Keigo was kind enough to help you have an existence that didn’t require a job, not now at least. You’d dropped your full-time position sometime ago, after thorough discussion and a lot of internal turmoil. Keigo was more than happy to provide, feathers ruffling at even the opportunity to truly provide for you in such a way. Being home more meant Keigo could stop by at nearly anytime in his tumultuous schedule for a bit of welcomed and easily-given affection.
It also gave you time to spirit away during the day and gather presents and supplies for the holidays. 
You had an allowance to spend, one that you’d greedily gone all-out with in the weeks prior. There were more than enough enchanting markets and places to wander and gather from.
Pulling out the last gift, you carefully, quietly, began padding to the living room and positioning your new parcels under the tree. They joined the stacks already there, fineries and kindnesses Keigo had amassed. 
He deserved his own, of course.
You wondered how he did it. Keigo was one of the nations best heroes, who had the world on his shoulders most hours of the day, yet he still managed to make time for you, have energy for his little bird and all of your whims, so often mutually held. 
You wanted to spoil Keigo as well. 
He deserved it and you decided to provide if you could.
Once you arranged everything as you liked, you clicked the lights on and finished your own preparations. Slipping into a soft two-piece set (coordinating with one for Keigo, wrapped under the tree) and knit stockings that you settled at your mid-thighs, you started slipped away once more to make coffee.
Notably, it was early for you to be awake, especially after such a... long night before. Once or twice while you were on your knees arranging the gifts, you nearly gasped at your residual aches and pains. But, it was all worth it, even with your soreness and sleepy eyes.
It caught up with you as you yawned in the kitchen, patiently waiting for the gurgling coffee machine to finish brewing.
You gaze went wide as arms looped around your waist, clasping between your ribs. 
“Thought ya’ said you were coming back to bed,” Keigo whined against your neck. “Not making coffee. It’s too early, we need more sleep.”
You let a smile play on your lips, one he wouldn’t be able to see. 
“But I wanna open presents,” you whined, facing him with a spin and nuzzling your nose into his. “... Please?”
Keigo rose to his full height, eyebrows raised and looking as stunning as ever. Despite the bedhead and T that littered his shoulders the neck, he was still as effortlessly gorgeous as always.
He gave you a grin, golden and glowing and all for you, “Greedy, and this early too?”
You pushed out your bottom lip, giving him a sweet frown, “It’s Christmas, Kei’, please?”
Keigo dropped a quick and sharp slap to your outer thigh, one that had you falling against him with a yelp.
“Only because you’re so cute.”
He has no idea.
And Keigo didn’t. 
You dragged him by the wrist to the living room, decorated and fragrant with the lingering smell of evergreen and cedar candles. He slowed as the tree, something not-too grand but decorated with a hodgepodge of shared and crafted ornaments, came into view. 
Reverently, you watched his expression shift. He was most honest through his wings.
His hand squeezed your own, thumb rubbing yours as his wings fluttered a few times behind him, unbridled and unhindered in your presence (no pun intended.)
His gaze was glued to the extra stacks of gifts, done up with your own glimmering wrapping paper and handmade bows, “... What?” 
You couldn’t contain yourself any longer. 
You tugged him to the tree, dragging him down to the soft fabric at its base. Keigo was still somewhat frozen, almost rigid in your grip. Swallowing down any potential anxieties, your shifted so your knees touched, parallel.
“I am a little greedy, but I mostly wanted to surprise you,” You beamed, grabbing one of the most flimsy gift from the top of the stack. “You should open to this one first.”
Keigo’s gaze was still wide and owlish as he accepted the parcel from you, “... Why?”
“Look and see, daddy. I think you’ll like it.”
And fuck, did he. 
It was a simple set, just a soft long-sleeve and bottoms, lightly patterned with faint stars and moons. Still, Keigo noticed immediately as his gaze flickered from the fabric stretching over your thighs and the bundle he held in his hands.
“They... match?” Keigo wondered aloud, unable to stop the way his jaw fell open.
You beamed even brighter, if that was possible, “They do! So we can match today, and that’s just one of the things I got you!”
And Keigo got it. That entire fucking mountain of presents that rivaled the one he’d amassed for you belonged to him. 
He must’ve been staring at his, mouth still agape, for sometime.
Your wobbling voice pulled him from his stupor, “... Is t-this okay, daddy?” 
Keigo perked up, breath catching as you pawed at your face, eyes shining with little tears, “I wanted to surprise you, but I-I understand, t-this is a l-lot--”
“Hush,” Keigo quieted you, trying to keep his voice firm and authoritative enough while his wings flexed and trembled behind him. He gave his own shaking breath, tsking under his breath, “My little birds been planning and hiding such a big, precious secret from me? And got away with it? I’m impressed.”
You sniffled, tears already drying, “I was r-really sneaky. You had no idea.” 
He didn’t. Keigo had hardly noticed any sneaking around, and surely what he had picked up on, he didn’t connect to the sweet pile of gifts you acquired for him and the matching fucking pajamas--
His breath caught in his throat, eyes welling with his own tears, rare and precious. 
You wiped a bit of wetness off his cheek with a thumb, giving him a little, ever-attentive smile, “Do you want to change into those? Then we can open the rest?” 
Keigo tugged you forward, into his lap, thighs over his own to tuck you cheek into the crook of his neck, “I’d like that a lot, little bird.”
(You took care of him, as much as he took care of you, even if it was more implicit.)
And he hoisted you over one shoulder, starry loungewear over the other, carrying of with a flourish of high giggles and excitement for the day. 
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After All This Time || Chapter Three
Aaron Hotchner x Reader
Word Count: 1659
Summary: You being a new recruit pissed SSA Aaron Hotchner off. You being smart enough to give Spencer Reid a run for his money pissed him off even more. Really, he just despised your presence. Hated your every move.
Until one day, he just… didn’t.
Warnings: panic attack, mean hotch, cocky reader at the end, this is kind of filler-like to keep the story going
@kingofthetwats @wanniiieeee @uwu-sebastianstan @piggyinthesea @yoshigguk @scootankle @thatisthemagic @errorcosplay67 @ivebeenthinkingboutu @big-galaxy-chaos @rynfoxsleeps @phoenixsnape1 @mojofun @pachiibatt @enjoymyloves @thenewnormalforensicator
* * * * * Chapter Three As soon as the team went in the next morning, there was a call into the precinct reporting another body.
The police chief walked into the office that the BAU team was set up in and said, "Alyssa Wilde, age six, no connection to the other victims."
Remembering the note that had been appearing, you asked, "Was there any sort of note or sign left with her body?"
"Yes, actually," he shuffles through his pockets and hands it to Derek, who is standing the closest to him.
"Thanks man. That's all for now. We'll let you know if we need anything else." The chief walks away then, shutting the door behind himself.
"Derek, what did the note say?" JJ asked with a grim expression, hating that they were up against a child murderer. Everyone hated these cases. Everyone.
He reads from the note softly, trying not to be perceived as blunt or uncaring, "As we know, the unsub left the previous notes about God being with him, cleansing the Earth, and the children being impure. This note says, "You demons can try to stop me, but Alyssa was impure. God will not let you stop me, for I am doing his work." This could mean a few things since he is so heavily religious."
"Does anyone-"
"Reid. What school did the kids go to?" Hotch interrupts you, effectively ending your attempt at the same question.
Spencer looks at you slightly before sliding quickly into his 'remembering-detail' face.
"You know, Hotchner. I was about to ask the same question when you interrupted me."
Rossi and Derek both raise their eyebrows at hearing you speak up against Hotch.
"Well, Agent L/N, maybe I would't have to interrupt you if you would just learn your place on this team. Stop trying to pitch in where you're not needed. The briefing and the deliberations call for experienced agents." He looks up from his papers then and stares right into your eyes. "The only reason you're on this team is because you are admittedly a better shot than everyone else here besides me."
You look down, feeling the tips of your ears heating up with your anger. Emily tenses beside you when Hotch takes a step closer to you.
"Look up, Agent." Reluctantly, you obey his command and meet his eyes. "We don't need you on this team. I decided to be nice and gave you a spot because you're a good shot, but that doesn't mean I want you here."
You feel tears well in your eyes and glare at the taller man in front of you. Something flashes in his eyes when he notices that he made you so upset. It's not malicious though, he almost looks... remorseful.
It doesn't matter. He was a dick.
"I'm going to do some research on my own. If someone needs me just call me."
"Y/N, wait," you spin around to see JJ walking towards you, but you hold your hand up to her.
Shaking your head you sigh, "It's fine. I'm just gonna go. Call me later."
You don't give them enough time to try and convince you to stay before you're walking out of the room. As you pass the police chief, you murmur that you'll be back later.
The station is a short walk from the hotel that the team is staying at, so you use the opportunity for fresh air and kindly refuse the car that was offered for you on your way out of the precinct.
Once you get into the hotel room that you shared with Emily, you sat on the bed and fell back. The anger that had been building up inside of you finally broke out and you cried. You cried hot, angry tears, constantly willing yourself to 'toughen up' like your dad would always say to you.
Rubbing harshly at your eyes to try and stop the tears, you thought about the case and pulled out your individual case file.
Four kids now. All found in the same area. Three with notes. This unsub clearly thinks that he's doing God's work.
It reminds you briefly of a case from your hometown. It ripped through your city in a month-
Breathing was hard right now. The air wasn't coming in like it should. It wasn't. There was no air. Nothing. Your brother. Images of your brother flashed through your head as you sank down to the floor.
Your fists grip in the rug beneath the bed. You're hyperventilating. The door opens, but you don't look up, eyes squeezed shut tightly.
"Agent- Y/N? Are you okay?"
There are hands on your arms, gripping just a little too tight.
"No- I just. The case, my bro- It's just- I can't breath... I can't. I can't- I can't- I-"
"Hey, shh. You're okay. You- Okay. Just try and breath with me." The voice, which you distinctly pick out as a man's, floats around you and then you feel your hand being grabbed and moved to rest against something hard.
"L/N, can you open your eyes? Look up, Y/N."
"Look up, Agent."
Your eyes flash open and you jerk your head up to look at Hotchner. All traces of your panic were gone now, and you scrambled to slide away from him, yanking your hand off of his chest.
"I, uh. I'm sorry... for that. I didn't-"
"It's fine. Are you- you're okay?" His voice is softer than it usually is around you, but his gaze is still hard and uncaring.
Nodding you push yourself up off of the floor. "Why are you here?" Your moment of weakness was over and you're reminded of how he's been treating you lately.
"The team had been trying to call you for fifteen minutes. On both your persona and work phones. They were worried." You don't miss how he says 'the team' and 'they' rather than including himself in the worry. Momentarily, you catch yourself wondering why he was the one to come check on you.
He rises from his kneeling stance in front of your bed and reverts back to SSA Aaron Hotchner.
"The team has dispersed to their fieldwork for the day, you and I were assigned to work together," you hear the bitterness in the statement, followed by another quick jab at you, "I was really trying to avoid it, but I guess it's our lucky day."
Without another word, he spins around on his heel and starts walking out the door, leaving you to catch up to him if you wanted to actually be a part of the case.
"Asshole," you murmur before taking off in a half jog-half walk to try and catch up and look like an equal.
As you start to catch up to him, you call out, "I'm driving."
"No, you are not, Agent." Hotchner's words sounded final, but you ignored him and sat in the driver's seat of the SUV when the two of you approached.
You shut the door and held your hand out for the keys when he sat, albeit reluctantly, in the passenger seat.
"Thanks, Hotch," you wait for him to correct the nickname, and when he doesn't the smirk that's been hiding for a few minutes started to peek out in the corners of your mouth.
"This is going to be fun."
"Drive, L/N."
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heyitsyn · 4 years
Keeping Up With Seijoh Ep. 5
a/n: ong this is going to be a bit of a crack episode w a tiny dash of flirty manager
for more seijoh content, check this masterlist out!
-Watch the boys be all dramatic when yn misses a few days of school and suddenly show up with a broken arm😭✊🏻😔
- Dunno if this is a dream or not but i think you mentioned that yn is clumsy. Just imagine her carrying those cute band aids around for when she gets hurt. But what if she uses them on the boys when they get hurt
tumblr moot:
- She is looking down at the boy who is checking her scrap on her knee, when she smiles all cutely and shit "I fell for you" And cue the boy having a heart attack because she is way to cute
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im totally not running out of seijoh gifs or anything
lets start!!
okay as mentioned before and as read above,,
you are quite clumsy
like there is a normal level of clumsy
but you are just on another level
like in manager part 2, your mom ltr was not shocked when you said you fell up the stairs like ‘oh okay. the weathers nice today’
lmao what
and youre also the type to not even know you got hurt like youd just be scratching your arm and youd find a bruise 
‘how did that get there?’
so it was common to find you with band-aids on you and bruises all over
like you entered the gym for practice and you were just doing your normal manager tingz when our meme bois saw you and zoomed towards you
‘y/n-chan!!! we missed you!!!!
makki screeched which scared you so you dropped the crate of bottles onto your feet
you mumbled, the pain settling in at an overwhelmingly quick pace so there were tiny tears in your eyes
the duo gasped and quickly kicked the crate to the side like they were angry at it for hurting you
uwu omg thats so cute
or the one time you were wiping the sweat from kyo’s forehead
he had a small soft smile that could only be seen by you as you got rid of the sweat 
but that smile turned into a frown when he got a glimpse at the discoloration on certain parts of your arms
he whispered
you blinked up and he gently grabbed your arm, fingertips ghosting over the bruises
‘how could you do this to your beautiful skin’
he mumbles and you shrugged
‘hmm,,, i didnt even know they were there’
kyo shook his head with an amused chuckle and iwa, who was drinking water at the side, noticed you two
then he noticed more at your other arm and baby boi hurriedly ran over to you
next thing you know, you got best bois fussing over you always hurting yourself and kyo gently headbutts you to tell you off while iwa flicks your nose
‘honestly, we cant trust you by yourself’
you just giggled at them which caused them to stumble and fluster
its quite normal for you to look like you just fell down the stairs and be so surprised whenever the boys point it out
like youd have this confused pout  and tilt your head ‘hm? hello. how did you get here’
its kinda cute
and ofc you would naturally have your ointments for bruises or a first aid kit at all times bc you never really know when it happens and you need to treat it quickly
the boys always count on you for medical tape when their fingers bleed or whenever watari gets bruises all over his legs bc of too many flying dives
the bench was a common place for you to treat the others and our libero babie was sitting there at one practice
you were kneeled on the floor and gently applying ointment on the growing colors on his skin 
‘hmm,,, wata-san, be careful next time, okay? your skin is really soft and pretty. its a shame to ruin it’
he wanted to scoff at the irony and the hypocritical comment but your worried and concerned eyes made him softly smile and nod
‘mhm. i will’
even though it was uneeded on reddened places, you would dig in your bag and fish out a gudetama bandaid on it
it was like a doctor’s signature for you and it makes the boys ltr fall in love with you all over again
ororororor that one time where kindaichi accidentally got a papercut during your study sessions and he was tearing up slightly at the pain
you grinned at him to show that it was going to be okay and he let you sit on his lap so you could treat it
he still had a pout and you were giving him forehead kisses to calm him down
‘see? its going to be okay. nurse y/n-chan is the best out there and she’ll take care of you!’
he laughed slightly and you victoriously smiled
once it was all wrapped up, you placed a kiss on it
‘ya gotta kiss it to make it better’
not saying im doing a kindaichi route or anything but he may or may not tackled you with kisses with that comment
but sometimes, they would have to be the one to put that bandaid on you
like one day, you were walking down the stairs to go to the changing rooms for practice and humming softly when you caught sight of the tall volleyball player mattsun at the bottom of the stairs
he was just passing by and you noticed him, waving your hand and shouting his name
you greeted and he turned and he smiled brightly at you
you excitedly increased your pace going down the stairs, not noticing that you stepped on the edge of the step and caused your foot to slip
unfortunately, mattsun was too far away for him to catch you so you tripped and scraped your knee
he flashnyoomed over to you and kneeled in front of you to examine it
ofc it hurt like hell but you put up a brave front
‘its okay, mattsun-san’
his adorable eyebrows scrunched in concern and he quickly shook his head and gently picked you up to sit 2 steps up
you watched silently as he grabbed ahold of the familiar blue first aid kit from your bag and he opened it to take out alcohol and other treatment things
his fingers worked to open the bottle and pour a little bit of alcohol before he gently reached out to grab your leg
but before that, our babie mattsun is a gentleman and looked up for a permission to help you
‘its okay, mattsun-san’
you giggled and you booped his nose
he was slowly cleaning the wound and you could still tell he was worried with how his brows were still furrowed
you called out and he looked up
you smiled cutely and looked down, flustered, then met his eyes again
‘i fell for you’
mattsun.exe stopped working
like deadass he blanked for a second then his brain processed what you said and when he did, he dropped the cotton ball and his face blew up red
this babie grimaced, eyes shutting tightly and head leaning on your thigh
you giggled at him and ran your hands through his hair
‘i swear, y/n, i swear’
he kept mumbling and his heartbeat quickened to the point he felt faint and he felt light-headed
you were just too cute
too damn cute for his heart
too damn cute for this world
just too cute
and thats not good
mattsun quickly regained his senses and hurriedly placed the ointment and the bandaid on to finish the job
you reached out with your hands for a hug and mattsun gladly leaned in and you clung to him like a koala which made him hold you tightly against his chest
‘hmm~~~~ thank you, mattsun-san’
you appreciated and gave him a kiss on his cheek in gratitude which made him hide his face in your neck
‘im going to get a heart attack, y/n. take responsibility’
he mumbled, nipping your neck 
you chuckled and played with the hair on his neck
‘hm~ okay~ i take responsibility~’
that was only one of the accidents the seijoh boys went through with you and i swear those boys have superior intelligence in medical care just because you get hurt so much
until that one faithful day
you werent there
you werent at school or at practice
ofc you texted the coaches and the team that you werent going to be at school for a while and they spammed you asking what happened or if you were okay
but you didnt want to worry them so you just said that you were okay and it was just something that happened
then you finally appeared
dear god 
kunimi saw you enter the classroom and he almost shot up to saturn when he saw your cast
he shouted and kindaichi heard it from his classroom beside yours and he also usain bolted towards your classroom to your desk
the boi texted the team you were here and they all raced to your classroom 
oikawa screeched at the sight of your arm and everyone was firing questions at you but you couldnt focus on one so you just sat there sheepishly smiling
thank god your professor entered the shooed them out with a large textbook but your teacher smiled at you
‘l/n, good to have you back’
at lunch, dear god there was a riot
kunimi strong man kunimi hoisted you in his arms and walked over to the hidden team stairwell where everyone was waiting
they all had narrowed eyes and crossed arms, with iwakyo tapping their foot
you did the 🥺👉👈 and their eyes softened at that sight alone
‘you see,,,, i had a,,, concert,,, in the shower,,, and slipped’
they blinked, confusion swirling over everyone’s head
‘excuse me? you said you slipped in the bath?’
‘for a concert?’
‘you sing?’
the team facepalmed at the reason you came in with a broken arm and you pouted at them
‘sorry, captain, everyone. i didnt mean to’
you mumbled but the others couldnt blame you so they pulled you to a group hug
‘i swear, y/n-chan, you will get yourself killed one day’
you apologized again but oikawa flicked your nose
‘no dont apologize. we’ll just have to be there for you constantly to look out for you’
and he stuck to that word
like oikawa came over to your house early in the morning to pick you up from school and your dad thought it was just him bothering again
so he sighed, placed his newspaper down, took a sip of tea, then stood up to go to the closet for his broom
this mans took a deep breath before opening his door and shouting and waving his broom around maniacally
that woke up everyone in the house and you bolted down the stairs, terrified yet chuckling at the sight
then something happened for everyone in the neighborhood-or Japan- to wake up
yanno the drill ladies and gents
oikawa screamed
a/n: sorry i disappeared for a HOT SEC but im back!! and we finally going back to the groove!!! and uwu thanks for sticking by and waiting for another update and the next one might be my first not-seijoh work in a LONG WHILE so look forward to that!!! 
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al3x1ss · 3 years
Just a Friend to You
Chapter 23: Line without a hook
“Welcome to Kiyos’! What can I get ya-“
Turning, Y/N faced the door, being faced with Keiko smiling. Letting out a small gasp, the girl goes around the counter, giving Keiko a hug.
“What are you doing here?” Y/N asks, walking back around the counter as she leans forward, keeping the conversation going.
“Out with Suna?” A blush comes on Keiko’s face, with Y/N’s laugh coming up into a smile as she begins to giggle. She passed the order to one of her coworkers, already knowing what Keiko would want.
The two girls have kept in contact since they’ve last seen eachother, so Y/N has known about the “thing” between her and Suna.
“Yeah, we’re meeting at the highway park to gang out.” Keiko says smiling. Y/N slightly wiggles her eyebrows at the girl as Keiko casts her vision onto a random napkin.
“I really do like him, Y/N, I just don’t know what the fuck to do about it.” Keiko says, leaning forward to rest her head in her hands. Y/N pats the girls head, wiping off the counter.
“Suna likes straight forward girls, so if you plan to confess just get to the point. Besides that, he already likes you, that boy isn’t exactly subtle.” The two laugh, Keiko standing back up and handing her payment as she grabs the pizza box from her.
“Text me if you do it today, if anything I’ll call you later!”
Keiko gives her a wave, exiting as Y/N sighs, placing her pen in her pocket as she runs a hand through her hair.
“Who was that?”
The girl let’s out a slight yelp, placing a hand over her heart as she tries to control its rapid heart beat. Akaashi snickers, coming her mouth slightly.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you- HEY!”
Y/N smacks his arm lightly, rolling her eyes with a smile as she waved to a coworker going on their break.
“A friend of mine that I met through Atsumu, she’s sweet.” Akaashi nods, understanding the information as the door rings.
A group of 3 girls come in, Y/N giving him as small wave as she leads them to a table.
“Alright ladies what can I get for-“
“We’ll have a small pizza and a soda.” One of the girls says, scrolling on her phone as she mumbles the order.
“Sorry ma’am I’m going to need you to repeat that-“
“Small cheese pizza and a soda, go.”
What did this bitch just say-
The girl waves off Y/N, Y/N’s eyes slightly widening at the attitude from the girl. Akaashi tilts his head in confusion at Y/N’s face, but she shakes her head, lightly pointing towards the table she was just at. She gives the order to another co worked, sighing as she rests her hands.
She grabs the pitcher of soda, bringing it over to the table.
“Here you are!” Y/N says with a smile, however, none of the girls look up, just ignoring her. She lets out a slight huff, walking back towards the counter, however trips lightly over something. Turning around, she sees one of the girls foot placed out, the 3 snickering as Y/N continues back on her way.
Akaashi comes back from giving the check to another family, seeing Y/N’s distressed face.
“I’m about to sock her-“
“Y/N we do not resort to violence”
“No, we resort if they resort first. One of the chicks tripped me and snickered, ugh.” Y/N runs a hand through her hair, picking up the phone to take another order.
After a few minutes, the tables order is ready, as Y/N goes to grab it, Akaashi grabs it first, giving her a smile as he walks towards the table. For the first time, the three girls lift their eyes, looking at the eye candy that just walked in front of them.
“Hi there! I didn’t know we had such a cute waiter~”
“Yeah, the girl you tripped is a delight, very pretty and yet you didn’t treat her too nicely.” He says, going to walk away as one of the girls grabs his wrists, batting her eyes at him with a smile as he yanks it away.
Akaashi turns tiredly towards the girl, placing his other hand over his wrist from her grip.
“Are you single by any chance?” The girl says, giving him a smile as she places her face in her hands.
“There’s already someone in mind.” Akaashi looks up, seeing Y/N smiling at a little kid as she places down one of the pitchers, still carrying another.
“What, miss dirty ass apron? What does she have that I- I mean, that any other girl doesn’t?”
“Well, she’s oh she’s a lady,” He says, a smile coming to his face as Y/N passes, brushing her shoulder with his as she walks past him.
“and I am just a boy.”
He lets out a sigh, slightly wiping his hands in his pants as he walks away, hearing one of the girls huff in annoyance as Y/N gives him a smile, waving as she goes towards one of her other coworkers.
It’s not that he doesn’t believe he doesn’t have a chance, it’s more worrying that he lost his chance.
After all, currently his plans are just a line without a hook.
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Y/N does not like Akaashi
Akaashi likes Y/N
Keiko likes Suna
If you don’t remember Keiko, head to chapter 15 :)
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C. 22 <- C. 23 -> C. 24
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jeonggukieandcream · 4 years
Imagine Dracula finding out you’re afraid of the dark (x reader).
A/N Shameless self-insert 😂😂😂 I’m terrified of the dark and I’ve had a rough few nights with it, so I wrote down the things I thought about to help me sleep. I hope it comforts someone else. Never written for our sassy classy vamp so this might be totally shit. Written with romance in mind.
Warnings for: fear of the dark, crying (reader), general state of anxiety/anxiety attack.
Also, gender neutral reader and modern era Dracula.
Word count: 2, 417.
(He’s so ethereal I can’t - 🥺💙 every time I see him smile I drop all my uwus asdfghjk 🥺🥺🥺)
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Your bedtime routine was that there was no routine. You slept when you were tired and you followed your body’s natural rhythm, which meant that you were often up during the hours which others considered to be unsociable. This meant that you got to spend more time with Dracula during his waking hours and sometimes, not that you would ever tell him, you even stayed up past being tired simply to spend some more time with him. 
Dracula knew about this, of course he did, he could smell your truth in your blood, and he had taken it upon himself to be the person to tell you to go to bed when it was no longer funny to him just how much you were putting your body through. You had never treated yourself well and it always made the vampire’s chest ache somewhere deep within him as he sought to protect you against yourself. Your self-destructive streak was evident and so it was when you yawned for the umpteenth time that Dracula unfolded himself gracefully from his chair and stood up. 
He walked towards you, his eyebrows raised and a hand outstretched. “I think...” He paused to look at you with an amused gleam in those dark pools of something foreboding and yet wholly safe, “that it’s bed time for the human, don’t you?”
You stifled another yawn as you debated fighting Dracula on it. He picked up on your thoughts, so well did he know you, and he cocked his head to the side in a silent challenge, a smirk growing on his aristocratic face. You conceded his point silently - you really were tired - but then something else you had forgotten slammed into you like a truck and you stopped. You just... stopped.
You held your breath as panic made your head grow hot from the inside and you could have sworn that your heart skipped a beat before its rate picked up slightly. You had completely forgotten to buy new batteries for the string of fairy lights which were suspended to the side of your bed. You had your laptop, which you could put Netflix on while you fell asleep, but what if you woke up in the complete darkness? Your breath hitched and your world lurched off its axis as you slid your palm over Dracula’s, his long fingers folding over your wrist. You stood up and took a deep breath. 
Dracula could feel your pulse racing beneath his calloused fingertips and he watched you curiously. What was scaring you? He could feel you wrestling for control over yourself and he admired your bravery; clearly whatever was upsetting you was something you couldn’t avoid or overcome and there you were, facing it anyway. The two of you stood there and looked for one another for a few tense seconds and then you seemed almost to shake yourself off as you kept your hand in Dracula’s hold. You trusted him and you walked to your bedroom, getting your body ready for bed.
Your mind, however, was racing and it was getting increasingly difficult to keep your breathing under control as every horror film you had ever seen, every horror book you had ever consumed and every creepypasta you had ever indulged in filled your tried and tired mind all at once. Even with your wrist tightly in Dracula’s grip (though you could pull away if you wanted to, you would have to make a real effort to do so), you still felt like you were lost in a stormy sea of your own feelings as fear, panic and a reluctance to go to sleep swept in like the tide and threatened to take you with it.
Dracula, who needed not to sleep at night, nocturnal was he, stood in the doorway and watched you as you sat down on your bed and took a deep breath. He chuckled as parts of the puzzle you had presented to him began to click into place with the surrounding jagged pieces. Oh, how fascinating you were. He wanted to dive into the very depths of your mind and explore every nook and cranny which was available to him. And, oh, your blood practically sung to him. You were intoxicating and your fear only made that scent so much more sweeter. “I could be wrong, Y/N, but I think you’re afraid of a few shadows.” Dracula stepped further forward into the room now that you were ready for bed and he shut the door behind him with a quiet but firm click. All that remained of the world now was the two of you; there was no room for anything or anyone else other than what the two of you had nurtured between you. 
Dracula was fond of you, confused though he was as to the origins of this, and you were as equally fond of him. You had had an unconventional friendship and from this garden had some oddly shaped flowers bloomed. They were perfect. If you had to put a label on it, then you would say that you were romantically involved with one another, but Dracula had no interest in labels. He cared only for the truths contained inside your blood, and the ones he knew to rest within his own self, too. Those three words, spoken too much and yet not enough, had yet to be spoken by either of you, but the sentiment was still known and felt; echoed was it by the both of you so that neither of you could doubt the sincerity of the connection you shared. 
You were beyond the point of where you could successfully lie (not that Dracula would allow you that luxury; he could smell a lie even before it occurred to you to tell one), so you nodded. “I’ve always been scared of the dark and I... don’t have any batteries for my lights.” Dracula’s gaze followed your own as you pointedly looked up at your fairy lights. “I might be all right with the laptop but... I just have to hope that I don’t wake up in the night. The thought of doing that terrifies me, I - “ You hadn’t even known that your eyes were watering and as the knowledge that you were truly scared began to sunk in, so too did you begin to cry; for emotions express themselves in the vessel which houses them. Tears, hot and heavy, poured down your cheeks and you met Dracula’s gaze with shame as you said, “I really don’t want to turn the light off, Drac. What if - what if I wake up in the dark and you’re not there and I’m all alone in my fear, I - “ You choked on your next breath and your eyes widened. Panic gripped your heart and being forced to face your most debilitating fear without warning shocked you; this only fed into the fear and on did the cycle continue.
“Y/N.”  Your name, spoken in Drac’s clipped tone, broke through the haze in your mind and you dashed your hand across your face, wiping your tears away without care. “I want you to listen to me.” You nodded, taking several deep breaths as you wiped away tears which fell. All you had to do was slip underneath the duvet, lay down and close your eyes. So simple was it in theory, you did it every night with little thought beyond making sure the lights were bright enough for you, and yet it was, in practice, the most daunting task you could think of in this moment. “I want you to remain calm.” Your eyes flew up to meet Dracula’s. Couldn’t he see that you were the very opposite of calm? The vampire met your eyes and he smiled gently, a feigned look of patience in his eyes, familiar though he was with fears of his own which had plagued him for centuries. “You’re doing very well. Now - “ Dracula’s hand reached out for the light switch and you made a pitiful noise. He inclined his head as a reminder to listen to him. Something in his dark gaze enabled you to see this gesture for what it truly was. Dracula knew that you lacked the courage in this moment to turn the light out, that you couldn’t make yourself face your own fear even though it was your only option if you wanted to sleep tonight. So, he was taking that choice away from you - he was going to be the one to expose you to your fear, and he was also going to protect you from that very thing. Dracula had been isolated for over five hundred years and in that time his social skills had become... less than ideal, but he tried for you. Slowly were you teaching him the ways of modern society and through you was he quickly becoming acclimatised to such a muddled and chaotic world.
The room was plunged into total darkness with a sharp click and you gasped sharply, Dracula’s name leaving you in a rush. You were not shushed, you were not comforted with words. Instead, a piece of the darkness which was blacker than the rest of the room quickly made its way towards you and you made another small noise of fear, your throat thickened with unshed tears. A hand came out of the dark like it was made of it and curved to the shape of your cheek. A thumb brushed soothingly across your damp skin and you relaxed under the simple yet affectionate touch. Oh, how easily could Dracula snap your neck in this moment. He could rip out your throat, carve your heart out with his bare hand and let your warm blood pool in his palm... he was a predator and the scariest thing in any room... to everyone but you.
You, who had once stood in the middle of a brightly lit room and held a hand out as you waited patiently for Dracula to understand that his fears had been unfounded for so long. You, who had coaxed him out into the sunlight with patience and tenderness he had never seen and shown him who he truly was with his hands tightly held in yours the entire time. You, who snuck into The Harker Foundation using the key Jack had given you a long time ago so that you could steal blood bags so that Dracula didn’t have to kill during the times in which it was too dangerous for him to do so. You, in all of your mortality, had won the heart of the world’s most dangerous creature... and yet, he was the safest danger to you. Not even Death could reach you when your warlord was around. You were completely untouchable with Dracula and he made sure that you always knew that.
The two of you were whole individuals all on your own and you could certainly survive without each other, but you chose not to. You woke up every day and you chose to love Dracula, some days was that sentiment expressed harder than it usually was, and Dracula did the very same with you. In that choice lay the power of the love you shared with one another and nothing and no one could ever or would ever tear you asunder.
“Let’s get you familiar with the dark, shall we? Come here.” Dracula swept you up into his arms like you weighed nothing and holding you cradled in one arm, your arms redundantly locked around his neck (he would never drop you; you were precious cargo whenever he held you), he pulled back the duvet and eased himself into the bed. You settled atop his body, your forehead brushing against his neck. “This isn’t so scary, is it?” Just as he spoke did the floorboards in your home begin to settle and you gasped and tried to move off of Dracula, but he held fast. “Y/N.” A warning. It was one you decided to heed. 
With Dracula holding you to his chest, it was impossible for you to look anywhere around the room despite every nerve in your body screaming for you to do so. Dracula needed you to be forced to focus on him and only on him; your heart was pounding on your chest and he idly wondered if it was going to break free of your ribcage and fly free of the constraints of your body’s own making. As his large hand stroked up and down your back in fluid motions and the other hand remained resting on the back of your head, you found yourself slowly, slowly starting to relax. But one thing was missing. You wanted not only to feel Drac, but also to hear him. In your blood were you heard, for everything is in blood if one knows how to listen, and Drac began to sing quietly. You couldn’t make out the words and you knew not the language he sang in, but it sounded like a purring when you burrowed down further so that your ear was over his chest, and in the arms of the world’s most feared being did you find nothing but solace, peace and love.
You eventually slept, your body the most welcomed and wanted dead weight, and Dracula stayed with you throughout the night to make sure that he was there if you awoke once more. You were so full of fear, through no fault of your own, and he had sworn to protect you, even if it was only to himself. It was a promise he would honour through his actions; more reliable were they than words. You had reached out for him and he had answered your call and now forevermore were your fates entangled. Dracula knew now that he loved you, in his own ways, and he wanted to remain by your side forever. A creature of the night he may have been, but there was hope for you to join him yet and for that, for you, Dracula would wait. Forever, if he had to. He could be patient when he needed to be, having once slept for one hundred and twenty three years. A human’s lifespan was a mere blink compared to his own existence but when finally would you step into an eternal sleep, he would be there to rouse you and to make you his finest and final bride.
REQUESTS FOR DRACULA 2020 ARE OPEN! PLEASE SEND ME AN ASK! Headcanons, a fic or a matchup! 🥰🥰🥰
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jisungscaramel · 4 years
can i | changbin
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❀ genre: smut, college au  ❀ pairing: changbin x reader (fem) ❀ word count: 1.5k
[warning] explicit sexual content, oral (fem receiving), public sex, bathroom sex, alcohol consumption
“Can I kiss you” 
Holy fuck, let’s rewind a bit… okay, more than “a bit”:
“Little, you have to come to my party this time,” the way your fraternity big, Chan, hit you with that ‘uwu’ face had you questioning who the older one in this line was.
Nevertheless, you assured him, “Lol big, I’ll be there. How many times do I have to say it?” 
“Well,” he crossed his arms, “seeing how you always say you’re gonna come and then flake, you’ll need to keep saying it ‘til you’re literally at my place.” 
“Okay fine, how about this? If I don’t come, I’ll treat you to sushi.”
Chan snickered, “well RIP to your bank account…” 
But when the time came several hours later, you were at Chan’s doorstep as promised, dressed casually… which, for you, meant a half-beat with lashes, shorts, a cropped hoodie, and hoops.
“Little! You’re here!” he was practically speaking in all caps, constricting you in a classic bone crushing hug… yep he was definitely drunk, and no, it wasn’t his actions that gave it away, it was the apparent smell of lychee soju and yakult.
For most of the night, things were practically the way you expected it to be: you drank, you danced, you hung out with friends, you made some new friends… but then something caught your eye, or rather, someone. 
The sound of clipped laughter carried through the kitchen despite the oscillating chatter and the constant booming music. You couldn’t help but scan the room to see where the source was, and your gaze froze once you did. 
He was unfamiliar to you, but that was the least of things that had you intrigued.
His dark hair was neatly cut on the sides, revealing the thick gunmetal hoops adorning his ears. His bangs almost completely curtained his eyebrows, drawing more attention to the gorgeous details of his eyes. His outfit was… simple - a white t-shirt, ripped black jeans, Adidas originals, and a gunmetal chain to match his hoops - but it managed to complement his body so well. You didn't even want to get started on how stunning his honey skin looked embellished with black ink.
It didn’t even occur to you that you were staring that intently until he looked up and locked eyes with you. It’s hard to explain the sensation that took you over in that moment. 
Butterflies? Nervousness? Desire? It was everything, honestly. The medley of sensation stirred your heart.
How long would you be stuck in that moment with him? Well, you didn’t get to find out, because seconds later, your friends reeled in your escaping focus. 
Only a few minutes later, Chan came up to you. “Little!”
He placed a hand on your shoulder and gestured to the other end of the kitchen. “See that guy over there with the tattoos in the white shirt?” 
“Mmm yeah, what about him?” 
“He’s really cool; his name is Changbin, he’s an exchange student from Korea and he’s thinking about rushing Sigma…”
“And?” You didn’t mean it in a standoffish manner or anything like that. You were genuinely curious since you figured Chan had something specific to tell you about this “Changbin,” seeing as he came up to you just to talk to you about him. 
“Okay, well he told me he thinks you’re really pretty but he’s only been here for a week and he’s nervous about approaching you…” 
“Oh I’m definitely down… don’t worry about it though, I’ll handle it… somehow.” 
You slipped away from Chan to go to the bathroom.
‘Alright, looks like the lashes are still in place,’ you took a final moment to fix your hair before opening the door to exit, and you involuntarily jerked your head back a bit, not expecting someone to be standing at the door. 
He looked just as surprised as you did, eye widening while he lowered the fist he was about to knock the door with. 
It was him. 
You visibly relaxed. “Uh.. hi(?)” Okay, never mind, you still felt a bit awkward. 
“Hey…” he said, facial expression morphing to become more serious, more deliberate, as if he was determined. Determined to do what, though? 
You didn’t want to assume anything about how this would play out, but of course, the universe had to work in mysterious ways. 
The unidentified tension hanging in the air thickened into something more tangible, more stifling. It was probably only a few seconds, but it felt much longer - his eye contact definitely had more of an effect on you from the reduced distance.
‘God damn, he’s stunning.’ 
His left hand steadied on the door frame while the other reached behind you, hovering over the small of your back. The sporadic taps of his fingers on your bare skin made your nerves tingle, sending waves up your spine… and down. 
He carefully leaned in, lips almost touching your ear, “Can I kiss you?” 
And without missing a beat, his lips were on yours. His hand pressed firmly against your back, crashing your body onto his. He guided you further into the bathroom so he could close the door with his free hand - and lock it. 
You reached up, wrapping your arms around his neck, and his hands dipped down to your thighs, lifting you to the bathroom counter. His grip remained on the back of your knees, thumbs massaging circles into your thighs. 
You could feel the increasing pressure of the pulse in your core, and the subtle grind of his hips on you catalyzed it. 
You gasped when his lips pulled away from yours. Any disappointment you felt from the loss of contact disappeared when his lips latched onto your neck. His tongue probed your skin through the gentle kisses before latching onto a particular sensitive area below your jugular.
The way he was sucking and biting that spot had you gripping his hair and moaning into his ear. He chuckled softly against your skin, only further exciting your nerves. 
He started trailing down to your collarbones, fingers toying with the hem of your sweatshirt to give him proper access to them. “Can I take this off?”
You responded wordlessly by methodically pulling the top over your head, wedging it between your back and the mirror. 
It seemed like he wanted to take his time at first, slowly massaging your breasts under your bra, peppering more kisses on your exposed skin, but as his lips moved lower and lower down your abdomen, he seemed to be in a rush - kisses becoming hasty and sloppy. 
You leaned back, head touching the glass of the mirror, to give him better access to your body. As he kissed below your navel, his fingers tugged at the button of your jean shorts. 
He gazed up at you with a look of sinful innocence. “Can I…?” His hand cupped your pussy over the thick fabric. 
“Yes,” you gasped, involuntarily grinding against his hand. 
He smirked. 
He brought his teeth to the button and flicked it open, pulling the zipper done in the same fashion. You propped your body a little, and in seconds, your shorts and underwear were falling onto the bathroom rug. 
Now he was on his knees, prompting you to open your legs further for him with a gentle press on your inner thighs. 
He licked his lips at the sight of your dripping desire, dipping his head down while staring into your soul with outpouring lust; his expression alone was enough to send electricity through your body, and he kept that eye contact locked as he pressed the flat of his tongue on your clit. 
He slowly added more pressure. 
You whined and snapped your hips on him. His tongue started working on your clit, moving it from side to side, up and down, and everything in between. Then without warning, he french kissed it, taking your juices in with an exaggerated swallow. 
His eyes rolled back for a second, “So sweet.” 
He alternated between kitten licks and little flicks, progressively slowing his pace. Then he ran it back in reverse, adding his fingers to the mix of stimulation. 
The orgasm that was already building in you only amplified. You didn’t even bother to hide the melody of your pleasure - surely no one outside would hear you over the loud music. 
His tongue stopped moving for an instant. 
“Come for me, baby,” his words reverberated through your core.  
That was all it took to send you over. “Fuck, Changbin.” The wave of your orgasm poured over his lips and he drank you down, taking it all in. 
When he stood back up, he sweetly kissed you, remnants of you on his lips. 
He pulled away and licked his coated fingers, playfully grinning at you. “How did you know my name?” He shifted over to the sink to rinse his face. 
“Um…” You got down from the counter to pick up your clothes, “Chan may have told me earlier…” 
He looked up at you through the mirror, smirk widening. “I see… do you wanna get outta here?” 
“Depends… do you have a single?” 
A/N Binnie has really been coming for my soul as of late >_<
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41: “You did all of this for me?” With Moceit plz?
Summary: Deceit loves getting sick. He loves having to lock himself away in his room to protect his reputation, to protect himself from being coddled. He can’t let the others see him in such a state. But then they find out, and Patton won’t let him ride it out alone. 
Warnings: sickness, weakness, Banter and teasing, sympathetic deceit
Pairing: moceit with like, background familial dlamp 
@figurative-siren-song uwu
Deceit just loved being sick.
Really, it was such fun! It involved all of his favoritepastimes — such as being unable to leave his bed for days on end, and coughingup a lung every time he tried to speak, and sneezing his goddamn brains out every five minutes. He could think of no grander way tospend his time lying curled up in bed, trying to force his stomach to staywhere it belonged.
And the added bonus of being completely and utterly trapped? Well, that wasjust the cherry-on-top.
Obviously, he could let the others see him like this. Such glaringsigns of weakness would never be used to his disadvantage! Why, they'dprobably drop everything to care for him, to nurse him back to health like the"family" they claimed to be!
He sneered, glaring balefully at the cup of tea on his desk. It hadlong since gone cold, but he couldn't risk going out to get a new one. It wastimes like this where he almost wished things could go back to how they used to be;at least then he'd have access to the old kitchen, the one in the Others' partof the mindscape, where he knew he wouldn't be seen. There could be any numberof sides waiting for him in their newer, grayer commons, and the thought ofanyone seeing him in such a state made his stomach churn.
Besides, he doubted he'd survive such an encounter. With how his head ached,one boisterous laugh from Roman or offended screech from Logan would be enoughto kill him. He wasn't too keen on the idea of dying. Surpringing, Iknow, from the embodiment of self-preservation.
But he was hardly needy. He could handle a few days on his own. He greetedhis solitude with open arms, and —
Oh no.
He barely had a moment to hiss a panicked curse before the bed dropped outfrom under him and he was tugged down-sideways-up until the living room floorrose up to meet his feet. He staggered, pressing his hand over his mouth andstumbling into the banister.
"Deceit?" Oh. Good, good, good. That was Patton's voice.He could hear Logan shifting beside him. He was in the commons, how fun! Definitely not a terrifying prospect. "Are you okay,kiddo?"
He shifted against the stairs until he was leaning nonchalantly, and crossedhis arms, lifting an eyebrow. "Of course not," he said, digging hisfingernails into his arm to keep from coughing. He was met with four confused,disbelieving stares.
"I've got a more important question," Roman declared. "Arethose Scooby-Doo pajamas?"
Deceit's nose twitched with annoyance. "...No."
"They totally are!" Roman's laughter was like tiny explosionsagainst Deceit's aching eardrums. It took everything in him to not wince.
"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't realize I wasn't allowed to have leisure clothes,"Deceit snapped. "You have oh-so-much room to judge, Roman, in thatsale-rack Halloween costume of yours."
If Roman's laughter was tiny explosions, his offended squawking was likeshoving a bazooka into Deceit's ear and firing. "'Sale-rack Halloween costume?'"he repeated, one hand clutched against his chest. "How dare you?!Do you have any idea how much effort I put into this outfit?! Weeksspent planning and sewing —"
"Falsehood," Logan cut in, raising an eyebrow. "You told meyourself you simply conjured it up on a whim."
"Wh — but — okay, but, the emotional effort —"
"Now, now, kiddos, let's not fight, okay?" Patton said, holding uphis hands placatingly. "Roman, your outfit is lovely. And Dee, yourpajamas are super cute!"
Deceit blinked. "...Thanks," he said drily, to which Pattonbeamed, completely genuine. "Alright, can we get to whatever dilemma youneed my help with? I wasn't in the middle of something."
"Oh, yeah, I'm sure your midday nap is way more important thanhelping Thomas," Virgil said with a roll of his eyes. Deceit opened hismouth to retort, but Logan lifted a hand.
"Enough," he said evenly. "Deceit, I assume you're aware ofthe surprise party that Thomas plans to throw for Joan's birthday nextweek?"
"What? No!" Deceit placed a hand against his chest,feigning surprise. "Why would I know about that? It's not like I suggestedit!"
Logan continued as if he hadn't spoken. "Thomas is about to spend aprolonged amount of time with Joan to brainstorm ideas for the channel. We needyou to, ah —"
"Keep his mouth shut," Deceit finished, and Logan nodded."Well, as fun as that sounds, I do believe I'll have to pass."
"What? Why?"
Because his legs had begun to shake, and he doubted he could stay uprightfor much longer. Because his throat ached and twinged with every word out ofhis mouth. Because his head pounded, black spots dancing in front of his eyes,and he just wanted to sleep, goddamnit.
"I have some personal business to attend to," he said simply.
Virgil huffed. "'Personal business?'" he repeated, raising aneyebrow.
"Yes. I'm afraid I must nunya," Deceit said.
Patton's eyebrows furrowed. "What's 'nunya?'"
"Nunya business," Deceit said. He shoved away from the banisterand drew himself to his full height. "Roman is more than capable of comingup with excuses for our dear boy Thomas. Now, if you'll excuse me —"
"Hold on, you expect me to do your job for you? After you insulted myprecious outfit! Ha! Fat chance, Lyin' King!" Roman declared,setting his hands on his hips.
"Technically, you insulted his outfit first," Logan said. He dugaround in his pocket for a moment, drawing out an index card. "'Nocap.'"
"Well, yeah, of course there's no cap!" Patton said, a smilegrowing on his face. "Dee's not wearin' his hat!"
Logan's groan was like stepping on a landmine. Deceit couldn't help butwince, pain wracking through his skull, pressure building inside his forehead.Black spots danced before his eyes. When the world slotted back into placearound him he found every eye in the room on him, and he shifted beneath thesearchlights, eyes narrowing.
"You don't look very okay, kiddo," Patton said, with concern inhis eyes. Deceit's nose twitched.
"I assure you, I am fine —"
"Yeah, bullshit," Virgil said. "You look like shit. Well,shittier than usual."
"How kind of you to say, Virgil," Deceit said, with a roll of hiseyes. "I must say, you're looking quite shitty yourself, as usual."
Virgil hissed — and Deceit made the ultimate mistake of hissing back. Thecoughing fit that followed had him wheezing for breath, tears building in hiseyes, and when it finally subsided he was met with the worst punishment of all:pity.
"Oh, honey... you're sick," Patton said softly.
"Well, now the pajamas make sense!" Roman said, nodding tohimself, as if that was the most important aspect of their conversation. Deceittook a step back, eyes narrowing.
"Maybe I am, maybe I'm not," he said, voice ragged. "It definitelymatters."
"Yes, it does," Logan said. "As metaphysical beings, we areincapable of dying, but that doesn't mean we can't get sick. Any illnesses wedo manage to catch should be treated properly, lest they become worse."
"Gee, sure wish I'd thought of that!" Deceit said, in ahigh-pitched tone that made his throat ache. "Oh, wait, I did. I wasresting before you all decided to drag me out here!"
Logan blinked. "'My bad,'" he said awkwardly, pulling out a vocabcard.
"Yeah, if I had known you were sick, I never would have made fun ofyou," Roman said, and to his credit, he did look genuinely apologetic."Your pajamas are quite becoming."
Deceit yanked his shirt into place and rolled his eyes. "Thank you,Roman," he said, only half sarcastic. At Roman's pressing stare, hesighed. "Your outfit is ridiculously ugly as well."
"Hey! Oh — wait, thanks!"
"Now am I allowed to go rest?"
"Of course." Logan straightened his tie and nodded. "Myapologies for dragging you into this, Deceit."
"I don't accept your apology." Finally he was free to sinkdown, and he did so with great relief, collapsing onto his bed with anexhausted sigh. He squeezed his eyes tightly shut and pretended like the roomwasn't rocking around him.
And that's how he spent the five hours that followed: curled up atop hisbed, shivering and miserable. He considered it a worthy use of his time. Whatelse could he have been doing? Something productive? Unrealistic.
When the knocking first began, he had sunk so deeply into the throes ofexhaustion that he brushed them off as hallucinations. But then came a voice,muffled through the door: "Dee?"
Ah. Patton. Far be it from him to let Deceit simply rest. He lifted himselfas well as he could, wobbling dangerously, and hissed out a vague response.
"Okay, well, there's no need to be like that," Patton said."I've got somethin' for ya downstairs, if you feel down to seein'it!"
"I definitely need some inane movie night right now,"Deceit hissed, words lisping and slurring. His room had grown quite cold, buthe hardly had the strength to turn on the heat. "I'm doing just fine in here,thanks."
"Dee, I know you," Patton said. "You're probably hidin' inthere with the heat off, wallowin' in your own self-pity."
"... No I'm not."
Patton sighed. "Take it from me, hun," he said. "That's notgonna make anything better. You can't hide from your sickness and jus' hope itgoes away."
Deceit groaned. "I can damn well try!"
"No. No, you can't," Patton said. "I promise, it's not amovie night. Or, well — not technically. Would you just come down?"
"I'm afraid this illness is terminal, Patton," Deceit said."They've already had to amputate both my legs. I can't walk."
"Oh, poor baby," Patton cooed — and then he gently pushed open thedoor and stepped inside. He rubbed away the goosebumps on his arms, shivering."Oh, honey, it's like a freezer box in here! And you're not even under anyblankets!"
"I like the cold," Deceit insisted, stubborn as ever. Hesniffled, burrowing into his pillow so he didn't have to look at Patton'ssympathetic frown. "Leave me to die, Morality. It's far too late forme."
"Not if I have anything to say about it!" Patton rolled up hissleeves and — hefted Deceit into his arms, and oh, oh wow, he was reallystrong — and he nestled Deceit against his chest and carried him out of theroom.
Deceit hadn't the energy to struggle, but even if he did, he doubted hewould have. Patton's touch was burning fire against his skin and he melted intoit, eyes slipping shut. He hadn't realized how cold he'd truly become until thewarmth drove the ice from his bones, bringing feeling back to his fingers andtoes.
The living room had been thrown to chaos — the couches pushed aside, theircushions torn from their seats to become building blocks for the grandestblanket fort Deceit had ever seen. Patton set him down in the center and stood,brushing off his hands.
"Wh... what is this?" Deceit asked, eyes narrowing. The jolt ofwarmth had brought clarity back to his mind, and with it came that familiar,sharp suspicion. The living room was dark, the lights dimmed to a comfortableglow — and the Netflix startup screen shone on the tv. None of the others werein sight.
"Well," Patton said, lowering himself down to the edge of the fortto sit. "Virge told us about your tendency to hide away wheneveryou're feelin' less-than-okay."
Ah. A betrayal, then. He knew there was something shady behind this.
"And, well, I know the feeling..." Patton twisted his handstogether in his lap, rubbing the pad of his thumb over the back of his otherhand. "So I figured, if you gotta feel miserable, you might as well do itcomfortably!"
Deceit raised an eyebrow, and Patton stood. "You've got full access toNetflix, and there's a couple different heatin' pads in there. I'm cookin' upsome chicken noodle soup for ya, and then I'll get outta your hair. We'll all stayclear of the commons for ya."
Deceit blinked. He glanced around the fort, this time with wide-eyedconfusion rather than suspicion. "And you did all of this... for me?"
"Well, yeah!" Patton said, as if it made all the sense in theworld. "I care about you, hun. We all do."
...Huh. For the first time in his life, Deceit was stricken speechless, notby fury, but by care. He looked down to his lap, and then back up atPatton, and forced bitter truth to coat his words. "Thank you," hesaid, more genuine than he'd ever allow himself to be otherwise.
"'Course!" Patton beamed. "Alrighty, I'm gonna go finish up that soupfor ya! Then I'll stop botherin' you —"
"You're not," Deceit said before he could stop himself. Pattontilted his head to the side; the sight was undeniably adorable.
"Not what?"
"... Bothering me," Deceit finished lamely. "You don't haveto... leave. If you don't want to."
Patton's lips parted in a little 'o' of surprise — and then he smiled, andit looked like the sunrise. Deceit leaned closer to the heating pad at his sideand pretended that that was the reason for the flames blazing across his face."Are you sure?"
"I mean, it's not like I care either way," Deceit said. Brusquely,he snatched the remote from its pillow-throne and began clicking throughNetflix. His eyes narrowed. "As long as you don't get too close. I wouldn'tfeel terrible if you got sick."
Patton made a little squeak, almost inhuman in how touched and excited itwas, and he nodded, hair flopping down in his face. "Soup for two it is,then!" he said, and bounced off into the kitchen.
An hour later, Deceit fell asleep against Patton's chest.
A few days later, Patton got sick.
Deceit built him a blanket fort.
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killemwithkawaii · 3 years
A Double-Trouble!Ficlet Submission by @danuflowlove🔪🔪🔪
[CW: kidnapping, delusions, mental illness, mentions of abuse, threats of violence, general yandere themes]
“I didn’t mean-“
“Shut up.” I paced by the small body hunched in the corner, pacing right back as my hands twisted in front of me.
“Oh! Are you stimming? I can help! Let me just-“
“DON’T FUCKING TOUCH ME!” I whirled around, backing away from the somehow even smaller shadow.
“I. I’m sor-“
“THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT! If you hadn’t stalked me for. Fuck, I don’t even know how long, he wouldn’t have noticed either of us! I hope you’re fucking happy! You got your wish! Me being stuck with you!”
“I’M STUCK IN HERE, TOO! I DIDN’T WANT THIS EITHER.” A small sob punctuated the shaky rising of the blue boy. I eyed him, watching as he trembled in front of me, rubbing his eye. “I just. I just wanted you to be happy.”
“No.” I bit out. “You wanted to be happy. You’re just upset cuz now we’re both stuck in this prison.”
“H-hey. Come on, I’m sure Larry-“
“Larry is a psychopath who’s mentally ill. Don’t tell me you’re already developing Stockholm, because if you are, I’ll tear your hair out I swear to god.”
Finally. Fucking silence. I turned to the boy I once considered my friend, one of two crushes. Both of which turned out to be fucking insane. Guess I’m not surprised. Thanks mom and dad for fucking me up in yet another way.
“Look. Just. Go back to sniveling, or. Whatever.”
“You’re not acting like yourself, J.” I gave a sigh as I turned my back to him, hearing him rustle with his sweater. Damn it, that’s not cute, anymore. Totally not. Nope.
“Yeah? You just haven’t seen me fucking loud or afraid.”
“You’re afraid?” My eyebrow twitched as his voice raised a bit, almost whimsical as his eye began to stare at my back. “You’re never afraid of anything.”
“You sound like you’re from a Disney movie.” I muttered, crouching down to run my hands over the basement floor. He had ripped up the carpet, and I could see the scratches left from the nails. There had to be one left.
“Well. You act like you are, too.”
“More like I’m from a Stephen King novel. Trust me, Sally Face. All the camera bears in the world couldn’t tell you everything about me.” I turned to look at the glimmer that caught my eye. Oh fuck.
The small, pigtailed boy had stepped forward. His black nails gripped the rusty nail between his fingers, shaking as he stared at my tensing jaw.
“Sal. Give. Me. The. Nail.”
“You’re gonna hurt him.”
“No shit, dumbass.”
“J, this isn’t you.
I jolted back. The smaller boy had stepped forward, arms whipping back as he leaned in to my chest.
“I know you’re fucking terrified of being what your mother told you you are!”
“Shut up.”
“I know you’re scared of hurting others! I know you’re so scared those thoughts you can’t control will lead you somewhere we all regret. I know you’re just so fucking scared you’re gonna be right about yourself-“
“I said shut up, Sal.”
“And I know you’re scared right now for that exact reason. I know you’re scared you’re gonna hurt me. I know you’re scared you’re gonna hurt Larry, so you’re trying to run away. Trying to only hurt him once-“
“Sal, I said to shut the fuck up!”
“I know!”
“I knew you were part of this.”
“Wha-“ he turned, staring at the brunette who now held up the keys. And his unlocked handcuffs. “J, I.”
“Save it, Sally Face. Just go.” I walked away, leaving behind the now stammering bluenette glaring at the taller.
“You- you didn’t have to.”
“They’ll be fine. Just come on. I need your help.”
“They think you’re insane.”
“And how do they feel about you?”
A pregnant silence stalled between the two as I settled down to the floor, reaching my hand into my coat pocket to feel up the collection of nails I had been gathering.
“I. It doesn’t matter. They’re afraid and. And you can’t keep us locked up if you want them to love you.”
“I don’t care if you two love me. I care that you’re both safe. And you’re safest here.”
“Thanks, asshat.” I snipped, still curled in my own, warm ball.
“You know what I meant.”
“Uh huh.”
“Both of you! Damn it!” The smaller of the two finally snapped. Can’t say he didn’t sound like me for once. “Just! Chill! Man, you two just. Hug it-“
“I WILL stab you.” I retorted, slowly lifting up to glare at the leaning, smirking man.
“I’m not scared of you.” He taunted.
“I know.” He frowned as he saw me tearing up at my response.
“I don’t need to be. You’re not like me.”
“Not strong enough to hurt someone who’s kidnapped me?” There was a bitter sort of sting to my words I was too used to.
“Not cruel enough to immediately stab others. Or. Do this.” He waved around, and I just shook my head. “I’m serious.”
“I know.”
“We love you.”
I looked away from his smile. Damn it. Soft. Boys. Agh.
“I know you love us, too.” Larry continued.
Sal sputtered as he walked past him, crouching down in front of me, arms dangling on his legs as he kissed the back of my head.
“Never said I didn’t.” I murmured.
“Never said you did.”
“You don’t love me. You’re just obsessed.”
“Think we can change your mind?”
Between Sal’s sputtering, the confident smirk I could feel against my hair, and the cold, piercing metal digging into my skin, I flipped the pocket inside out.
A Note from K.E.W.K.:
>I’m LOVING this new spin on the yan!boys- Larry being the one to kidnap Sally AND [s/i] in order to keep them both safe from the outside world that treated them with such cruelty, despite how they might feel toward him for doing so? Very ‘scary’, indeed! >:3c 
>And that dialogue! “I just wanted you to be happy.” “No. You wanted to be happy.” UMF that’s the good stuff right there~ 👌👌👌
>I really hope stockholm!Sally and Scary!Larry can get J to realize just how much they care about them 🥺💘 (it’s always such a bummer when your darling is unhappy with the cage you so lovingly made just for them. It’s for their own good, after all~ uwu) 
Thank you so much for sharing, Danu-chan!! 🤗🤗🤗
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fluffy-lee-boa · 3 years
Arkham’s Sweetheart and the Grumpy Riddle Bug
a batman rogue ticklefic uwu
A/N: hey everyone!!! this took me a bit, but it kinda got away from me and turned into a little story of its own haha. i wrote this with the animated universe in mind, but honestly i think it’ll work with a few.
anyways, this was a request! lee!edward getting ganged up on by ler!harley and ler!pamela. hope you like it!!!
It was rare that anyone in Arkham would be such a ray of sunshine, being the drab and dank place that it is, but Harley Quinn was definitely the exception. Despite her treatment at the hands of guards, her clown of an ex, and the bat alike, she was always surprisingly upbeat as she passed through the halls of the facility, hands cuffed behind her back.
Her cheery attitude didn’t exactly mesh with her fellow rogues, though none of them were immune to her disarming charms. This meant that the room full of murderers and scoundrels all took pause when she entered, giving her soft smiles or begrudging greetings as she went ahead to settle into the rec room.
Well, all but one person.
Edward Nashton, or Nygma, as he had legally changed it to, was not exactly chipper on this stormy day- not that he was ever “chipper.” It’s just that today he seemed more put off than usual, based on the way he was stewing in the corner. There was an abandoned chessboard on the table beside him, likely from Jervis or Jonathan having grown frustrated with his attitude mid-game. It wasn’t uncommon, though it did present a challenge to the doctor as she assessed the situation.
Edward was one of her closest friends. It would be a crime not to help him out! He obviously needed someone there to cheer him up, for whatever reason, and who better than the sweetheart of Arkham herself?
(No, not Ivy. She was currently busy by the window, gardening. Though Harley was sure she could get her to help out if necessary.)
“Hey Eddie~!” She cooed as she skipped over and took the seat across from him, giving that same magical smile.
Edward gave her a half-hearted, “Quinn.” not even looking up from the floor.
Hmph. This was worse than she thought!
“What’s got ya so wound up today, hon?” she asked, a bit of her professionalism seeping through from her days as a staff member in this same institution.
He raised an eyebrow at her, before staring back at the ground with a rather childish, “You just wouldn’t understand.”
“Try me.” she deadpanned, leading to her fellow inmate to purse his lips.
Edward knew that Harley was not somebody to underestimate. While Joker had tossed her aside and treated her like a jockey, he could tell she was much more intelligent than she let on. She was also stubborn- Which meant there wasn’t much of a chance of him getting out of this without telling her the truth.
He sighed, finally looking directly at her as he laid his chin in his hands, “It’s Batman. I’m sure you’re aware I was only just sent back here yesterday... I have reason to believe he’s found someone else to antagonize. Why won’t he realize that I’m the only one in this city who’s worthy of being his equal...?”
Harley blinked, a part of her tempted to admit that pretty much everyone but him knew he was a second tier villain at best. Though she knew how fragile the other’s ego was, and what he really needed right now was moral support. Like a break up! He’d been there for her when she went through her messy separation, albeit with his usual awkward stoniness, so it was only right that she return the favor.
“Aw, come on Ed. He’s not worth your time.” she waved her hand dismissively, “If anything, he should be locked up in here with us! He’s no better than... Jonathan! Just using fear to escape a lonely life and exert some sort of sick power over others.”
From the couch across the room, Crane looked up from his book, unimpressed. Clearly, he wanted no part of this.
Harley gave an awkward laugh and wave to her old professor, before turning back to Edward, “-Either way, I think you could do better.”
Edward raised an eyebrow, “...Really?”
She nodded, swinging her legs excitedly, “Yeah! Once we bust outta here, we should get you on some dating apps. Maybe go to a few Comic Cons. There’s gotta be someone out there who’s just as nerdy as you-!” she giggled as she poked him in the shoulder teasingly, watching the other puff up defensively.
“I don’t need a partner! I need a rival to sharpen my wits. I just- I want him to see that we’re the same. Is that too much to ask?” Edward snapped, pouting once more.
Harley’s smile faded for a moment, and she seemed to think for a moment, “....Get up.”
“What?” Edward seemed baffled at the sudden order, especially coming from her.
“Stand up! I wanna try somethin’!” She beamed, motioning for the other to get out of his chair. At this point, most of the other inmates were busy in their own little worlds, though a few took notice when Nygma stood. Especially since Harley looked so unnervingly excited.
Quinn walked over with a rather threatening look in her eye, hidden by her giddy smile, “Ok, now put your hands up.”
He hesitated, leading to a gentle, “Come on~! I’m not gonna hurt ya!”
Edward nervously raised his arms above his head, his baggy uniform falling over his slender form due to weeks of avoiding meals. He’d probably been up for days, based on his demeanor. He really put his whole heart and soul into this rivalry, Harley thought.
These small details of the other’s appearance only spurred on the psychiatrist as she stalked around him like a predator, deciding she knew exactly what she had to do. Then, when she was sure he wouldn’t expect it, Harley clamped down under his arms, wiggling her fingers against his skin through the loose fabric. In her opinion, laughter was the best medicine, and if Eddie was going to hold back like that, she certainly wasn’t.
If no one had been paying attention to them before, Edward sharp yelp would have tipped everybody off. He immediately brought his arms back down with a strangled giggle, doing his best to shoot Harley a look as she continued with her hands wedged under his arms.
She merely laughed along in response, cooing, “Awh Eddie, you’re so cute when you’re laughing like this. Kitchy koo~!”
“Harleen!” he hissed through gritted teeth, his cheeks already a bright red color as he tried to squirm free of her grasp.
After a moment he managed to pull away and get those blasted fingers out from his hollows- only for his arm to once again by suspended above him by some unidentifiable force. He looked up in horrified confusion, only to find thick vines wrapped around each wrist, holding him up like he was the catch of the day at Gotham Harbor..
The purring voice of the botanist did nothing to soothe his flustered anger as she appeared beside her current partner in crime, “Yes, Edward...?”
Eddie bit down on his cheek to keep himself from bursting into laughter from the light yet overwhelming sensations, leading to his fiery responses being entirely silenced. Harley had barely even let up while the fiendish red-head had done her work, her fingers now trailing up his biceps and back down just to make him jump.
“Look Eddie, we just wanna help ya! Now, be a good little gigglebug and laugh.” Harley gave her victim an evil smirk, before moving down to dig into his prominent ribs.
Edward immediately acted like all the air had been sucked from his lungs, before he finally fell into real, authentic laughter. It was honestly a marvel that no guard had come to check on the group yet, considering how noisy they’d become both from Edward’s current predicament, and the snickers of onlookers.
His laugh was more sweet and melodic than most people would think, and it was almost bouncy as he squirmed around. It sounded much more innocent than the man who was behind it.
“C’mon Eddie, that’s it,” Pamela hummed as she stepped around him, obviously enjoying watching the other get so flustered. His cheeks heated up as she fluttered her leaves and flower petals across his neck from the greenery continuing to hold him up, affectively turning his mind to mush.
“Youhou’re both dEAHAHAEEEE-!” Edward’s final attempt at a threat fell off into a squeal when Harley suddenly moved down to his hip bones with her own sporadic movements, making him buck as he tried to pull his arms free.
“Jackpot!” Harley sang, focusing all her attention on the dips and protruding bone. She was pure evil alright.
Edward’s squealing soon tapered off into begging and hiccuping giggles as he slowly lost his energy, all of which were practically indecipherable anyways, “Harleen! Pleaseheheheease-! Noho-!”
Harley hesitated, making an over-exaggerated face as if contemplating something grand, “Mmm... I don’t think you’re all cheered up yet...”
“I aham Ihihihiamm-!!!” He wheezed, his laughter starting anew as Quinn moved up a little to trace at his sides.
Harley and Ivy shared a look, and Harley eventually shrugged, slowing her movements to a stop. He’d had enough for the day.
Edward immediately sunk to the floor as Ivy’s vines guided him in a manner that would keep him from injuring himself, and soon the green weeds bloomed flowers to serve as a sort of mattress for the man to rest on. He continued giggling airily from the leftover ghost tickles and slight movements of the flora, the two watching. him curiously. Eventually he looked up at the both of them with a more genuine, honestly pretty cheesy smile.
There’s the Edward they knew and loved!
Harley was the first to react, per usual. She squealed excitedly and went to tackle him in a hug, which he begrudgingly returned as Ivy sat down cross legged beside them on their living carpet. The rest of the rogues had gone back to their own business, leaving the three to their own devices now that Edward had been so fiercely pulled out of his funk.
After a moment of comfortable silence, Edward spoke up with a surpassingly shy, “Er... thank you. Both. I needed that. Even if it was insufferable, it was... nice.”
Harley simply hummed happily and hugged him tighter, while Ivy was left to wave him off. He made Harley happy, so he was clearly worth their time.
Harley remained cuddled up between the two indefinitely after it was all said and done, rambling on about nothing in particular and helping get Ed’s mind off of the Bat for once in his life. And after recreational hours were done? She would get Edward to a meal and help him get back to his feet before their next breakout and/or parole hearing. And even if she acted aloof, Ivy would be with them every step of the way.
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yourdaddychan · 4 years
the man with stars in his eyes
Tumblr media
warnings : I think this has fluff, harassment, blood, terrible writing, blowjob, fingering, all that pizzaz, my girl here is such a lovesick dramatic person SMH THIS KID also she's so trusting 
a/n : this is lowkey a soulmate au but like only lowkey- for my favorite- and the only ones I know- minho stans uwu accept this gift @nightshade-minho​, @mini-meanhoe​, @mikoto-ica-fics
word count : 3.5K [ dayum ]
You hugged the dirty pole with all your might, trying to control your breathing. The train was lurching forward, as usual, courtesy of the drunk driver. Why was that even allowed? You rolled your eyes and let out a yelp as one hand flew from the pole. Hugging the pole again, you shut your eyes, hoping that the man behind you would leave at the next stop. The man had been harassing you for some time. It started with catcalling and whistling, then turned into him talking to you. It shouldn’t even be called talking. He was word-raping you. His mother should wipe his mouth out with soap. You dreaded using the train, but no matter how much you begged, your parents wouldn’t give you money for a car. 
And so there you were, hugging the pole for dear life as the man holding on to the pole behind you stared at your ass openly.The train finally came to a stop, and you almost fell on the seat next to the old lady with gratefulness. Maybe you could finally sleep now. The old lady could protect you, right? Yeah, she had that umbrella next to her she was holding threateningly. In fear of the man, you were going with a wonderful hour of sleep. You knew it was stupid, but what could you do? He followed you everywhere, only to stop outside your apartment. Maybe if you close your eyes for just a second…
ˑ༄ؘ ۪۪۫۫ ▹▫◃ ۪۪۫۫ ༄ؘ ˑ 
You woke up with a jolt as you heard shouting. Looking around wildly, you try to decipher what was happening. Your bracelet was gone, now on the wrist of one of the men fighting. You suddenly became dizzy. Is that… blood? Drops of red liquid were on the floor of the vehicle, almost aesthetically placed. You stare where most of the shouting was taking place and make your way there. You clutch the pole again, trying not to throw up, making the stench worse. Finally lifting your head, you saw the fight going on. There he was.
A man with tattoos up his arms, throwing punches at the creepy old man. No way. The crowd’s reaction was the opposite of yours. Some didn’t even care, they probably saw this every day. Some were recording it, probably to show their friends later. You, on the other hand, were in awe. Where everyone else saw a tattooed criminal, you saw an angel who held the stars in his eyes. The tattooed man wipes his brow and smirks at you. Oh god. You blush and look away.
The creepy man runs off the bus at the next stop, along with your favorite bracelet, which he stole while you were sleeping. You sigh. What have I done to deserve this? You were a good kid, with good grades, and you always helped whenever you could. Somehow, you ended up with the worst luck. The tattooed man was a stroke of luck that you knew would leave.
The said man walks up to you, combing through his hair with one hand. He extends a hand to you, coyly looking at you up and down. “Hey, princess. I’m Minho.” He smirks down at you, as his extended hand shows off his muscles from his sleeveless tee. How did he look so effortlessly hot?
You blush harder than you did before. “Minho… such a pretty name! I’m Y/N!”
He hums. “How about I treat you to some lunch, princess?” He asks, examining your face for every detail of discomfort.
Your smile widens, and you nod enthusiastically. When the other man had called you darling, you had been filled with shivers of disgust. But this, this was different. When that name had left his lips, you had immediately been filled with warm pulses. Not only did it envelop your body, making you want more, but it also left heat that pooled in your lower half.
ˑ༄ؘ ۪۪۫۫ ▹▫◃ ۪۪۫۫ ༄ؘ ˑ
You awkwardly held your menu in front of your tomato-red face as Minho continued to shamelessly smirk at you. So far, you had learned absolutely nothing about him, except he really liked cats, and that he ran a flower shop. All he would talk about were his cats, Sooni, Doongi, and Dori. Knowing absolutely nothing about cats, you just nodded along to whatever he said, admiring the shine in his eyes that brightened whenever he talked about his cats. You loved the way his muscles rippled, showing off the tattoos when he held the door open for you. You adored the way his veiny hands looked when they handed you a menu. Face it, you were whipped. The date hadn’t even finished, and the man had you in the palm of his hand.
“Y/N?” Minho’s soft voice immediately snaps you back to reality. Your eyes widen. All the man was doing was drinking water, and you were drooling over it. There was no way he was even real. Minho tilts his head, staring at you carefully. “You okay there, princess?”
Another nickname.  Your subconscious noted as your brain flooded with thoughts, both pg13 and not.
“You don’t look so hot…” Minho commented, getting out of his chair and next to you, laying a soft hand on your heated face. 
Did Minho just say I’m not hot? Then you realized. His side was now pressed to yours, meaning that his muscled arm was touching your arm. The back of his cool hand was held up to your forehead, making you warmer than ever. His plush lips were pouted in concern, and he was staring directly into your eyes. The eyes are supposed to be the window to the soul, and all you could do is hope that he wouldn’t immediately figure out what you were thinking about him.
"I should take you home or something." Minho continued to speak, but you weren't listening. All you could focus on was his hand on your forehead, and his torso pressed up against yours. Your forehead was burning up by the second. There was no way it was the flu since you had not got colds before. There was only one explanation, which sat in the form of the man in front of you. Lee Minho. "Y/N?" Oh god. Oh fuck. He had moved even closer, and you literally could not breathe. One more inch, just one tilt of his head, and... well, you would have kissed. Those pretty looking, luxurious lips would be on yours.
Finally, after what feels like a century, he moves away. You feel like a part of you was missing. He wasn't even touching you for that long, and yet you craved the warmth he providing. Ugh. Time to do something about it. You whined softly, slowly sliding back into Minho's warmth, unable to bear without it. 
This time, Minho widened his eyes. You looked adorable in your warm hoodie, head leaning on his shoulder. He wasn't one for public affection, or affection at all (besides his cats), but he wanted to cuddle you and never let go. He lets a soft smile show, and then immediately stood up.
"Wh-what?" Startled, you raised both eyebrows questioningly.
"You have to go home. You're burning." Minho stubbornly crosses his arms, refusing to give in. 
You sigh and take his offered hand. "Fine."
ˑ༄ؘ ۪۪۫۫ ▹▫◃ ۪۪۫۫ ༄ؘ ˑ
You sit next to Minho in the car as he casually drives with one hand. There was something so unusual about him. He made you feel safe, unlike all the other boys you had dated. You didn't even properly know this man, but you were willing to get in the car with him, not once, but twice. You were even contemplating to keep on pretending to be sick so he would stay with you. It was a perfect plan.
Out of nowhere, he grinned, and produced a perfect rose and held it in front of you. “For my flower~” He smirked, and tucked it in your hair. 
“Wh-what?” You blushed, wanting to turn into a turtle and vanish inside your hoodie. 
He gave you another smirk, and turned his eyes to the road. “You look beautiful, darling. I thought I told you I worked in a flower shop?” He purred. You slouch down in your chair.
Once the two of you arrived at your house, you slumped in the seat and opened the door slowly. "Minho... I do think I'm sick..." 
He worriedly looks at you, looking at you up and down. "Do you have any roommates? Or friends who are not busy?" You shake your head. "Then maybe I should stay... if that's alright with you?" His gorgeous eyes meet yours, and you dip your head down shyly in a nod. Your plan had worked.
You both enter the house, and he immediately lays you down on a couch, grabbing the nearest blanket and pillows to prop you up. Minho gives you a half-smile and gets to work. Filling up a bottle with warm water, he hands it to you. He takes more of your blankets and drapes it over you, lips twisting in seriousness. 
You snuggle comfortably in the blankets, knowing that Minho would take care of you properly. He finally finishes what he was doing, and sits down next to you. 
"Minho?" You ask in a sleepy voice, moving your head so it was resting on his lap. "Can you stay here?" You weren't even pretending at this point. You were so tired from everything you had to deal with, and Minho's thigh was so reassuring.
He looks down at you, soft hair somehow shining in the false light. "Of course, princess." He soothed, giving you a light pat on your hair. 
You snuggle your face into his lap, closing your eyes and giving a small yawn. As you gradually start to drift off into the world of slumber, Minho moves his hand to your hair and starts stroking it absentmindedly as he stares at his phone, probably looking at the latest cat video. 
ˑ༄ؘ ۪۪۫۫ ▹▫◃ ۪۪۫۫ ༄ؘ ˑ
You wake up to Minho jolting in fear from a couple of pings from your phone. Giggling, you reach over to grab your phone. "Minho, chill."
He blushes, slightly embarrassed. "Oh... right... I knew that!" He scratches the back of his neck to play off what just happened. 
"Ay, Y/N, I'm finally having that sleepover you guys have been pushing for, feel free to invite a plus one!" You read. It was from Chan, one of your best friends since the third grade. You had been friends ever since he hugged you when you broke his crayon. A plus one, he says? Well, you had the perfect plus one in mind. You look over to Minho, seeing him fluff up a pillow for no apparent reason besides distracting himself. Perfect.
"Hey, Minho? How would you like to go to a sleepover or something with me?" Minho looks over to you and grins. 
"Sure! Details, please." 
You spend the next few hours giving Minho a summary of all of your friends. 
"And so that's why Jeongin screams like a dolphin!" You finish, excitedly looking at Minho for his reaction. 
He bites back a grin and raises his eyebrow. "This explains a lot about you."
ˑ༄ؘ ۪۪۫۫ ▹▫◃ ۪۪۫۫ ༄ؘ ˑ [ time skip to the sleepover ]
You step out of the car, armed with Minho in one hand and your stuffed animal, Bob, in the other. You ring the doorbell and bite your lip nervously. Will they even like Minho? What if he doesn't like them? 
The door opens with Felix draped across the door frame. "Draw me like one of your French girls." He purrs seductively at you, making you giggle. 
"Felix, what the actual fuck?" You push him away and enter the house, saluting Jisung before flopping on the couch next to him. 
Jisung promptly puts an arm around you, taking your plushie. "This will make a nice addition to my stuffed animal HEADS." He screams the last part, holding his hands up maliciously. You snatch the animal back, sticking your tongue out at Jisung. 
"I'm going to rip your squirrel's head off if you do that! And please, calm down, we have a newbie!" You gesture towards Minho, who's awkwardly standing there. 
"Um..." He blinks, and steps in. "Hey, I'm Minho, Y/N's friend!" He smiles at everyone, but you don't return his smile. His friend? Yikes. Of course, you had to be the one to fall for the man who only thought of you as a friend.
Jisung hops off the couch and walks to Minho. Looking at him up and down, eyes narrowed, he finally breaks into one of his heart smiles. "Somehow, I feel like I'm going to like you." 
Chan nods. "Yeah, welcome to the club."
Felix grins evilly, thinking of yet another Tik-Tok reference. "Welcome to the bread bank, we sell bread, we sell loaves. We got bread on the deck, bread on the floor." He ends with finger gunning a clueless Minho.
Seungmin cracks his knuckles and points to Minho. "But if you hurt her, you're doomed. We have a black belt in taekwondo, and a boxer."
Minho widens his eyes at the threat. "I wasn't planning to hurt her anytime." He rolls his eyes and walks over to you, hiding half of his body behind your frame. 
Changbin rubs his hands together and stands up, planning to ease the tension. "Guys, you know how it is! A newcomer means we play truth or dare~" He smirks. "Alright, Minho. Let me get my truth or dare app out while we all sit in a circle, okay?" The boys obediently sit in a circle, motioning for you to sit next to Minho as Changbin gets his app out. "Okay..." He clicks the dare button and looks delighted at the dare. Turning it, he shows it to the circle. "Minho has to do 7 minutes of heaven with the person to the right of him!! And that means... Y/N?" 
Changbin looks at you, silently asking if you were okay with it. Nodding, you stand up. "A dare is a dare, right?"
"Right." Minho stands up as well, clearing his throat, and takes your hand. "To the closet, I guess... ” 
He brings you to the closet while the boys snicker behind you and continue their game.
You sigh. Of course, I had to be the one. They probably even planned this, the little shits. They had always been able to read your mind.
You enter the closet and shut the door behind you. You nervously look at Minho, who smirks at you. “These walls are pretty thick, so we can be as loud as needed.” He purrs, eyes hooded with lust. 
You choke on air at his boldness. “Wh-what..” You don’t even finish before Minho makes his way towards you, moving his arm around your hip to provide support.
“Kitten, don’t make me tell you twice. Don’t you want to play with me?” 
You whimper softly at his degrading word, already feeling your heat starting to pool. You move your lips to Minho’s plush ones. He runs his tongue over your lip and sucks your lower lip softly. Your teeth click together with Minho’s as you open your mouth for him. 
“God, if you keep whimpering like that, I don’t know if I’ll be able to stop myself,” Minho growls, biting his lip. 
“Then don’t.” You whisper, not even comprehending how this is happening to you right now.
His face darkens with want, and he pushes you against the closet door, pinning your wrists above you. He removes your shirt and bra, pausing for a moment to admire your body. “What a good little doll, all for me. How about you suck on my fingers, hm? Get them nice and wet for me?” 
You shut your eyes and nod, opening your mouth obediently. He pushes two fingers in, and you immediately suck on them, circling your tongue around his fingers. He groans softly. 
“I want those pretty lips around my cock.” He removes his spit-coated fingers from your mouth and drags them along your now naked torso. “Kneel, now.”
You drop to your knees immediately, innocently looking up at Minho as he unbuckles his belt. You couldn’t believe this was happening. In the morning, you were terrified of going home, but here you were, about to suck someone’s dick. Well, he wasn’t exactly just a someone. He was an angel. A cat-loving angel. But right now, he looked like a demon, with his lust-filled eyes, and his pretty lips that were permanently in a smirk.
You blinked in shock as he removed his boxers. He was... big. You promptly wrapped your swollen lips around him, making eye contact with him. Minho swore as you flicked your tongue at his slit, and moved his hands to grab your hair. You moan softly as he continues to pull at your hair to make more vibrations envelop his length. 
“You’re so tight, baby...” Giving up on self-control entirely, he thrusts into your throat, legs shaking as he finally cums in your mouth. 
You lap all of it up, refusing to let a single drop spill, and look up at him again. 
“Hey, guys? It’s been way more than 7 minutes!”
ˑ༄ؘ ۪۪۫۫ ▹▫◃ ۪۪۫۫ ༄ؘ ˑ [ time skip ]
It’s been 1 month since Minho last contacted you. After the 7 minutes of heaven at Chan’s sleepover, he had awkwardly avoided you. On the way out, he had whispered something in Chan’s ear and left without a word to you. According to Chan, the two of them had been old high school classmates, and they didn’t even realize it until they talked. You assumed they had been keeping in touch with each other, as Chan kept on asking you random questions about Minho from time to time. 
Yes, of course, you had liked Minho. Yes, of course, you thought he was boyfriend material. And no, the creepy old dude had never bothered you again once Minho had confronted him. 
Without Minho, the days of the month seemed blurry. You felt as if you turned into a zombie, and your brain was all woozy. Even poor Jisung, who tried to cheer you up over and over again couldn’t do the job. Even though you had spent only three days together, you felt that the two of you had connected in some way. Your eyes light up by a noise coming from your phone. Could it be Minho? He had left his number in your sleeping bag, but never texted to you.
It was your lucky day. Minho’s DMS with you (that were currently nonexistent) were blowing up. ‘Okay, Chan.’ Wait, he thought you were Chan? Your eyebrows furrowed. Of course, he hadn’t meant to text you. As your thumbs hovered over the keyboard, another phrase caught your eye. ‘So, there’s this girl...’ Your face dropped. A girl, of course. The man was charismatic as fuck, there was no doubt that all the girls were falling for him. Including you.
Unable to hold yourself back, you quickly typed out the word, ‘Yeah?’ and sent it, biting your lip with anxiety. Curiosity killed the cat, Y/N. 
‘She’s way out of my league, though.’ You rolled your eyes at that. Please. Way out his league? He was perfect. He was out of everyone’s league. ‘How do I ask her out?’ You sigh. You probably needed to give him proper advice, but the dark part of your heart wanted to see him fail, just so he would still be single. 
‘Maybe just ask? I’m sure she’s dying to go with you.’ You toss yourself on the bed, shutting your eyes. You did the right thing, of course. But did I do the right thing for myself? You try to go to sleep, convinced that that’s the only way your brain will forget what just happened, but you’re interrupted by another pinging sound from your phone.
You sigh and sit up, grabbing your phone and opening it. What did Minho need now? 
‘Wait...Y/N?’ You read out loud, heat spreading throughout your body as you read your name in his text. 
‘That’s me.’ You admit. 
‘Darling...” You exhaled slowly. Here it came. By now, Chan would have already told Minho that you liked him. No wonder he didn’t text you. Now that he realized that he was texting you, he would have to reject you. You inhaled again and prepared for the crushing defeat that was getting rejected. 
‘You’re the person I was trying to ask out...’ You read slowly. Wait. What? You reread it three times, confused. There’s no way. You clear your throat, trying to sound normal while texting him. 
‘Really?’ What a stupid thing to ask. 
‘Really. Y/N, would you like to go out with me? I was planning for an entire month, and-’ You couldn’t read the rest. Your eyes started to blur with tears of happiness. The last time you were dizzy, it was because of blood on the floor. And now, the very man that put that blood on the floor had asked you out. The man that made you feel safe. Your angel. You were lost, but the man with stars in his eyes became your compass.
ˑ༄ؘ ۪۪۫۫ ▹▫◃ ۪۪۫۫ ༄ؘ ˑ
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ji-yaaan · 4 years
@kendal0ksw Asks: Anyway... I would like to request a sweet honey milk tea of Deuce, Azul, and Malleus (being called Tsunotaro) with a male Yuu kissing their hand. And when asked why he responds that 1. they looked like they needed a little distraction from whatever was troubling them and 2. to show how much they care about them. Hope this is alright...
𝑨 𝒌𝒊𝒔𝒔 𝒐𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒘𝒊𝒍𝒍 𝒎𝒂𝒌𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒕𝒓𝒐𝒖𝒃𝒍𝒆𝒔 𝒈𝒐 𝒂𝒘𝒂𝒚
Headcannons with: Malleus, Deuce, & Azul
Note: Someone pls shoot me I don't know how to write 3 repetitive scenarios w/o making it boring asf. So with request that has similar patterns per character, I figured Headcannons would work? I hope it's ok. I tried making imagines but it looked boring... OH! But I added my short Azul scenario as compensation. Blergh enough chitchat I'm thirstea.
[ 𝙷𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝙱𝚘𝚋𝚊 𝚝𝚎𝚊 𝚖𝚢 𝚌𝚑𝚒𝚕𝚍... ]
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-ˋˏ•𝑴𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒆𝒖𝒔 𝑫𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒊𝒂•ˎˊ-
After a long day of being avoided being the infamous “Malleus Draconia” this fae gets tired from the attention he draws and the lack of attention he gets.
Dealing with Dorm duties, People constantly fearing him for nothing, people approaching him to pry information *cough Rook cough* and to not even get an invite in dorm leader meetings? This just gives him a bit of a headache.
He will probably flee to his room when things get a little bit out of hand and he needs some of that good relaxation time.
Resting his head on the bed. Eyes slowly close. The atmosphere relaxing as breaths slow down. "Welcome back Tsunotaro!" You cheerfully exclaimed.
What? Nani? What in the world? Was he that distracted to not notice you in the room this whole time? Expect yourself a O.O face from you local fae.
"Hmm? I didnt notice you were there Y/n..." Even if your lovely Malleus is shocked, He will still gently smile at you. Eyes narrowing, an endearing smile appears in his face everytime he looks at you.
Slowly, your hands would make it's way to creep in his hands. Bingo! Hand holding complete!
Ok! Time for mission number 2! After a tight clasp on Malleus' fingers, you brought your face close to the hands you held dear, and gave the fae a small kiss at the back of his hands.
As if the shock earlier wasn't enough, The fae's eyes widens in surprise yet again. Malleus definitely doesn't get your behavior at times..... But it's not like he hates it... In fact, He loves it...( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
A warm giddy smile paint your face. How infectious... A smile that can melt all your troubles away within a hitch of a second. Malleus can't help but smile ear to ear with the endearing gestures he received.
"But why would you even kiss my hand?" The fae questions in laughter. "Well, you looked pretty troubled today and I dont really know how to help... So I thought that a small kiss will do the trick!"
"You know how much I care about you right?" The answer Malleus got was something priceless. His heart felt warm and fuzzy hearing that someone cares for him. There really was never a dull moment with you.
Expect a little tint of flushed pink in the fae's cheeks for a brief moment. But gotta look close! Malleus won't show it, but he's blushy wushy and melting all over!
Tsunotaro is not much of the type to get the receiving end but he's still very thankful you did this for him uwu.
Expect malleus to give you a kiss on your hand in return too! He can't help but want to share the feeling he got when you kissed his! ^~^
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-ˋˏ•𝑫𝒆𝒖𝒄𝒆 𝑺𝒑𝒂𝒅𝒆•ˎˊ-
Finishing the last lesson of Alchemy class, Spade boi is exhausted. Using too much braincells is not his forte, but he still needs to grind to get to the honor roll!
He will probably stay in the classroom for a bit and study some of the history materials and alchemy reviewers for the test tommorow... Oops, our cutie fell asleep while writing down his notes.
You walk your way to the classroom because you forgot something. But surprise surprise, it seems like the something you forgot is actually a person, not a belonging...ಠωಠ
You peeked at deuce sleeping soundly with his head resting on the desk. You laughed at how cute he looked sleeping with his mouth open.
He didn't even spare time to take off his lab coat. He must be exhausted huh?Worried by deuce, staying for a bit won't be a crime right?
While reading, somehow, your eyes wanders off to his hands that fell off the desk while he grunted "five more minutes." Wow, sleeping deuce is probably one of the best deuce out there huh? You laughed to yourself.
Maybe it was because of boredom, maybe even from worry, or maybe its just because you simply wanted to do it. But you started to intertwine your fingers with deuce... WoaH...
Smiling at how comfortable it was to hold his hands. You prop your face to kiss his fingers. Chu~♡
"Uhhhmmm....." Oh... You got caught redhanded... Deuce wakes up to find you holding his hands... furthermore, YOU WERE KISSING IT! How embarrassing...(O////O)
Looking up at Deuce, You see a red tomato flushed boy. His cheeks up to his ears are painted pink from embarassment.
"Ahaha... Good morning... Oh wait... Good afternoon." Deuce will look away from you bashfully... How embarrassing for him... But face it, this is such a treat for you.
"You know... You've been awfully dazed and troubled these days... Please take take a break too... It's bad if you keep sleeping in random places! I care about you a lot and I don't want to see you stressed ok?"
Deuce was left astounded with the heartwarming speech you gave him... He felt butterflies flew in his stomach, like flowers bloomed inside his heart. Truly touching words...
Spade boi will smile gently at you, pink cheeks like powder blush, and eyes that sparkled Joy.
Expect this boi to grab your hands and put them in his pockets, saying "If taking a break is ok... Then this is ok right? Let's stay like this for a little bit longer... Ok?"
He'll look away in the other direction, propping his other hand and resting his head on it. If you look closely... A delicious red blush can be seen in his neck and ears too!
“Even if Riddle were to scold us, i think it will be worth it”♡♡♡♡♡♡
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-ˋˏ•𝑨𝒛𝒖𝒍 𝑨𝒔𝒉𝒆𝒏𝒈𝒓𝒐𝒕𝒕𝒐•ˎˊ-
After a tiresome day as Mostro Lounge, the lounge closing a little later than the usual, A certain octopus is really tired and frustrated because the work got pushed back in their schedule.
As he skims through the numerous pages of parchment, octo boi let out a sigh from frustration. He has to deal with a lot of things this night....
But what he didn't expect was that you were there to brighten his night!
Have a short scenario cuz I love u ♡
Boisterous laughter. Joyful screams. Drinks spilt in the floors and tables. The lounge was getting rowdier with each passing second. Fights fuming in the other tables. Song being sung across the bars.
What's up with this chaos? Where was Jade and Floyd?.... Oh right... Azul nagged on floyd earlier this morning. He's now in his infamous bad moods leaving Jade the only responsible person azul can rely on. But Jade got his hands preoccupied with stopping fights at the moment... Dammit... This is going to be one hell of an evening.
After dealing with the chaos of Mostro Lounge's happy hour, strain and fatigue was evident just by a peek at Azul's Face.
"Haaahhhh... Dealing with those morons was a waste of time, I've still got a long night reviewing the deals and homeworks... Hah. Wonderful..." The sound of pen scratching the wood rang across the room as Azul hummed a melody trying to relieve stress...
"A.z.u.l. kun! Hello!" You happily hummed as azul got caught off guard shocked. "Hm! Oh! Y/n? When did you get here? Pardon me, The lounge was quite rowdy earlier and we had to close a little later than the usual... Oh wait a second lem me just take care of this..." Fingers swept through the crisp pages of numerous books. His pen lightly tapping a beat in the wooden desk.
Moments pass as seconds became minutes. The pen scratching noises enveloped the room drowning in silence. Azul was lost in thought as he burn through the hundreds of words written in the thin pieces of parchment.
You pout at the thought of azul ignoring you, but it's not like you can disturb his work either. So in the end, you just watch him skim through hundreds of pages and thousands of words. Eyebrows furrowed, he fixes his eyeglasses again...
Lost in thought, your eyes wanders off to his ungloved hand... The back of his hand looked smooth and it looked soft. Caught in the moment of daze, you didn't even realize your hands crept stealthily working its way to lock fingers with Azul. This caused azul to look at you in disbelief and shock as a tinge of pink paints his pale face.
What? Octoboi is confused. What? Why were you holding his hands? What? You're not letting go of his hands! futhermore, your fingers are INTERTWINED! Azul.exe has stopped working. Azul wasn't made for cute moments like this.
"Y/n... May I ask why you suddenly linked fingers with me?" Azul asked with his fingers tinged pink, face was painted red down to his neck. "Well... You looked really troubled while you were doing your work... So I thought that you can use a short break? You looked pretty stressed so...."
Ahhhh.... Azul really should've read that one romance book he once stumbled upon, how does he deal with this? Damn, he surely wasn't made for this... He stared up your eyes only to look away again bashfully.
Pfttt you gotta admit... Azul really looks cute like this. You slowy brought your lips to azul's hands. Chu~♡ a kiss on the hands! bingo! "There! Have a kiss as a token of my love for you and how much I care for you! Hehe!"
That's it, Azul needs maintenace after this... This is just too cute for his soul. Cheeks tinged red, he fixes his glasses up again. His hands lightly squeeze yours as he began to say "Well, I cannot abandon my work and responsibilities... But maybe it's not a crime if its just for a few minutes... Don't let go of my hand ok?" The night at Mostro Lounge was quite chilly than the usual. But the hours that passed by felt warmer with the hold of a certain octopus.
Note: Running low on braincells, Hope you liked this. And yes, I'm currently in my real time Azul loving hours. Time to buy takoyaki~ jk no I'm doing more requests that is rotting in my inbox. Again, sorry if this was not your cup o' tea (༎ຶ‿༎ຶ)
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