#/hj but. I love them. and you're SO correct for this
hwanchaesong · 1 month
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━⁠☞🍽️First Course: It's always this, it's always that. The never ending demands you have failed to meet. How much more can you take of this bitter situation? 🥢
🎧: Olivia Rodrigo - Enough For You
wc: 1.4k
genre & warnings: angst angst angst (no happy ending here with hj), reader learns how love must work in a relationship, lovers to exes, marriage, other idols appearance, cursing, insecurity, just pure angst :D
a/n: this is a part of The Sour Restaurant series. if y'all want, you can read the other album inspired fics of other groups here.
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You watch Seonghwa and Mina sway to the romantic music for their first dance as a newly wed couple, and your heart flutters with joy seeing them so happy.
No, jealousy was never an option for this one because you've seen their journey together. How their relationship blossomed and now, they are entering a new phase of their lives together. It was truly magnificent.
"Hey. Mind if I join you?" a voice brought you out of your reminiscing, turning your head to look at the source and you were dumbfounded to the core.
The man that you have been avoiding for the rest of the day is standing in front of you in his full glory, an awkward yet hopeful smile on his face as he awaits your answer.
"Yeah, Hongjoong. Go Ahead." you replied, returning the smile before sipping the now warm champagne in the goblet that you have been ignoring for the past few minutes in lieu of admiring the pair in the middle of the reception area.
A moment of silence, and he dared to break it.
"It's been a while since I last saw you. How's life?" he inquired, making small talk and you fight off the urge to leave him there alone, but no can do, you're not gonna be childish in the presence of your ex-boyfriend.
"It was good," then you paused, blinking and correcting yourself, "no actually, I have been living the best life."
He was taken aback at your slightly ironic tone, not used to the way you're speaking, like you're a completely different person after your separation, and only a month has passed since.
"Well, as for me.."
He trails and you roll your eyes, you did not ask how he's doing and certainly not interested. But you maintain your poise, not wanting him to see that he's having a negative effect on you.
"I've been miserable... without you, at least."
You whipped your head to look at him incredulously, an aghast scoff coming out of you unconsciously at his audacity to tell you that.
Wasn't he the one who decided to end your relationship? He was the one who destroyed a 5-year long bond, so what the fuck is he on about?
"Are you serious?" he looked offended when you asked him that, like he was pulling a stunt or something but who could blame you?
"Why would I even joke about that?" he mutters back, frowning when your confused expression turns into an appalled one.
He really isn't serious, right?
After all the shit that you have to go through because he's always wanting, needing, and looking for more in you.
You've never really seen the importance of going outside all glammed up, your friends and family have always complimented your bare face. A natural beauty, as they liked to call you. Then you saw the girls that he dated back when he was younger, and it made you insecure.
So you learned how to do hair and make-up. Buying expensive ass hair curlers, eyeshadows, foundations, lipstick, brushes and all that shit just for him to say to not notice what you have been doing.
You observed him to no end, taking notes of his likes and dislikes. His favorite dishes and drinks, colors and style of clothing, heck, you even memorized the song that he's been humming to for days.
The books beside his bed and on his shelves weren't left untouched by you. Every page was read dutifully so you could relate to him whenever he tells you a story about a recent book that he had bought.
But it seems that your efforts were all in vain, as there is always something that is lacking in you.
"The colors of your outfit are not matching."
"Oh, I'm actually trying a new kind of coffee today."
"No, wrong author, I can't believe you'll make a mistake about this."
It may be the emotional attachment or the undying commitment that you hold dear for him are the reasons why you continued to change yourself for him. In your eyes, he is absolutely perfect, and you're determined to fit in his aesthetic.
You were determined to make him accept you.
But as they all say, the more you burn, the more you turn yourself into ashes that will inevitably crumble.
And the snapping point was nigh when you're tired and he couldn't even bat an eye on your well-being.
"Is that what you're wearing tonight?" Hongjoong eyes your appearance, black dress and clean hair and make-up, and if you ask anyone, they'll say that it's simple yet elegant.
Truth to be told, you don't have the energy to go all out for the event that you're attending. Still, you did your best to look presentable, and you did a great job, you think.
It was a hellish week for you. Finals are coming up and you're dying from all the studying, you're also struggling in your part-time job because of the lack of sleep. The worst one was the nagging of your parents, constantly asking you about your plans for the future.
Everything was taking a toll on you and the last thing that you wanna hear came from the very same person that should have been a source of comfort.
Hongjoong sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose, "Just.. stay put in one place. I can't have you embarrassing me further than this."
There you go, you lost it.
"Embarrass you?" a deriding tone rode along with your words, "What the fuck does that mean?"
"Y/N, do you see yourself? I told you to do your best, and this isn't what I envisioned." he mumbles, expression souring when you exuded such an attitude in his words.
"Ah." it was flat, the way you said it, as you were suddenly hit with the realization that even when you restart and destroy yourself, it will never be fucking enough for him.
Gosh, he could've at least acted better. Feigned care and faked affection, but he can't even give you that.
And you're so fucking done with his bullshit.
"I will not come with you anymore. Go alone." you muttered, turning in your heels and heading to the bedroom.
"What? Y/N, stop being a child."
"No, Hongjoong. I need you to stop being a know-it-all, go fuck yourself."
That was the first time you stood up for yourself, and damn did it feel good. Like you're finally free from his restraints, and it's addicting.
He rolls his eyes at you, muttering a 'Suit yourself.' and exiting the house, not even an ounce of concern at your sudden outburst, and that was all you needed to make a cathartic decision.
That was the day you left without a trace, and you can finally breathe without him cursing you into the darkness of being inadequate.
He blew your phone up, messaging and calling you, and you were disappointed when it ceased just after a day. It says a lot about him though, on how much of an asshole he is.
Especially after a mere three days and he's already posting a new bimbo in his social media accounts.
At the present time, you're tempted to spill the alcohol in his face and probably ruin his expensive suit.
How could you even believe him that he's serious, that he's not kidding when he made you feel like a clown.
You chuckle, staring straight ahead, "Did your new girl dump you or something?"
"No. I just realized that it's different, you know? If it's not with you then it doesn't feel right." he admits, looking down at his shoes because frankly, he is ashamed of gazing into your eyes.
You couldn't help but ridicule him, standing up from your seat and straightening your dress, shooting him a dangerous glare, "I told you this before, and I'd repeat it a thousand times."
You smile wickedly, flipping him off, "Go fuck yourself."
You walk away, not paying attention to his desperate calls, the polite facade is gone in the wind and the only thing that you could think of is that you're not gonna allow him to break your heart and soul anymore.
You have only started to regain your true self, not the image that he wanted you to have, and you'll be damned if you'll let him get inside your head again.
Kim Hongjoong was a lesson, one that you'll never forget and never forgive. Maybe you loved him too much, but at least you now know that if someone truly loves you, that person will accept you for who and what you are.
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@acciocriativity @iarayara @stolasisyourparent @shakalakaboomboo @xdannix @nsixns
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yanderes-galore · 7 months
Romantic Yan! Mauga x gn!reader concept
I'D LOVE TO. He comes out on my birthday so this is a bit special for me/hj. Hope you enjoy my take on him! Here's me pouring general thoughts down ^^ (Love you for your Overwatch requests, istg).
If it sounds like I'm self-indulgent, I probably am, my bad.
Yandere! Mauga Concept
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Manipulation, Abuse of power, Kidnapping, Murder/Death, Threats, Intimidation, Violence, Possessive, Restraints, Dehumanization mentioned, Sadism, Forced relationship.
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I feel like there's a lot of scary things about Mauga.
First of all, he's huge.
He's been augmented from a near death experience to be huge and powerful.
His name even means "mountain".
Then there's the fact he takes joy in doing what he does... literal murder for Talon.
He even is oddly chipper/chill with his language.
Even when threatening others he sounds so... excited? Friendly?
He seems so nice to be around... but he's still a murderer.
He'd act the same with you.
Mauga calls everyone "friend".
If he met you he'd immediately be overly friendly.
He'd call you friendly terms, like "friend", "buddy", and "pal".
But if he felt flirty he'd probably call you by some sort of nickname.
I'm not sure what he'd call you exactly but maybe "Teuila"? It's the national flower of Samoa (from what I saw)
He could also call you the classic nicknames such as "babe", "baby", "dear", "doll", etc.
It's just "Teuila" seems more unique to him.
Mauga is another one who likes the size difference between you.
It serves as a good way to intimidate you and he likes it.
Mauga is a sadistic sociopath who doesn't appear affected by the crimes he commits.
In fact he depicts himself as "carefree".
Mauga could be the type to slaughter innocents then look at you with a big grin.
He doesn't mind if you fear him.
He'd part of Talon... he loves the fear.
He knows he's a bad person and doesn't mind.
His apathy towards the life of others is what makes him terrifying.
He only really cares about you, his little Teuila.
If I'm correct, Mauga canonically has sharp teeth.
Which means he would certainly bite you.
He may also like to hold/manhandle you a bit.
He likes the power and size he has over you.
Oh, fighting him a bit?
How do you like being pinned to a wall?
In his obsession he is naturally rough.
Mauga likes to have everyone know you're his.
No one should touch you unless they want a Talon agent breathing down their neck.
You could be a civilian or a fellow member of Talon.
Doesn't matter to him.
He plans to keep you all the same.
Would take you to bars when he could find them.
He sees it as a way to bond, probably.
Mauga could isolate you, yet showing you off can be quite exciting.
A silent challenge for others to take what's his... so he can have an excuse to break their bones, most likely.
He isn't one for "messing with your mind" manipulation.
More like... brute force.
He doesn't want to intentionally hurt you.
It's mostly just enough to show his mark on you, not to break anything.
He knows you're fragile.
If you tried to escape this mountain of a man... good luck.
He found Baptiste with ease when he left Talon.
He can find you.
He'll hunt you down and pick you from wherever you plan on staying.
He deserves to have you in his eyes.
You may cry or scream, but any hit against hist chest just makes him chuckle.
Your hits tickle him... he finds it adorable.
His "Cage Fight" ability implies chains.
This is just being clever, but imagine as punishment he chains you to him?
Now you can't run... he'll just drag you.
If anything you begin to look like a pet to members of Talon.
But they allow it.
They don't need Mauga becoming a problem.
Obviously he is quite possessive.
Loves your touch, your warmth, in a weird way your smell.
He may mark you but tries to treat you as delicately as a flower.
Like the nickname he affectionately calls you....
Mauga doesn't care if you miss your family when he drags you back to him.
He feels things would be better if you forget them.
He may end up doing something bad if you don't... wouldn't want that now, would we?
Overall, Mauga is a powerful and possessive man.
He is unfazed by what he does to obtain you... even when it includes others losing their lives for helping you leave him.
Mauga loves the challenge... even finds it exciting.
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Can you please write some (optional relationship, if not, romanse) headcannons for Geo and/or Hyugo with a weeb MC? They don't have to be strictly into anime, but just really loving Japanese and Japanese culture (bonus if they don't know Japanese).
Chronic Love (Geo + Hyugo x Weeb! MC/Reader)
Enjoy my amazing little weeb, have an awesome day! Solemnly thanks for entrusting me with writing this for you.
Also, uh, a minor sidenote, I am not an anime enjoyer or even remotely close to a weeb; so if I get something wrong/too exaggerated etc. feel free to publicly execute me in the town square. <333
You can read this from any perspective, as in, both in an established relationship setting and a solely platonic one. :]
A/N: From now on, Geo and Hyugo will be referred to as Geode and Hyugeode, if anyone in the Geo religion utters 'Geo', they shall atone. 😊😊😊/hj
- Signed by biggest-geo-oogami-enjoyer
Chronic(ally): to a very great extent; extremely.
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Hyugo is honestly surprised when he finds out of your...intense love for Japan and its culture.
He won't be opposed to it, he'd find it a smidge endearing, considering he's Japanese; and you seem to be willing to learn anything about it. He's more than happy to tell you what you wanna know.
Do you take advantage of this? Yes.
Would probably eventually, to your joy, start telling you cultural appropriations and norms, along with a couple generic Japanese words/phrases (you say them whenever possible, feeling the language fall from your lips and off your tongue feels so right, you can't get enough!).
You ask him to tutor you Japanese at some point, to which he politely declines (he's got enough on his plate okay?!), but is willing to converse with you if you ask.
Just don't nag him, he fucking hates being nagged.
You'd probably mispronounce certain words, to which he'd correct you, until you get the hang of it.
Might take you to a Japanese candy store to tell you his personal recommendations (they're great btw).
If you like anime he'll be chill with it, just don't act like the stereotypical weeb and he's fine.
Learning words is one thing, overdramatizing, glorifying and exaggerating Japanese things annoys him.
Fortunately, you're reasonably calm with your devotion for it, and he doesn't mind.
Would get a bit nervous if you decide to actively pursue Japanese, after all, what if you overhear him talking to one of his shadier acquaintances and pick out the context?
Would overtime subtly monitor you, gauge how much you know and how quickly you're progressing.
Overall supportive though, enjoys the fact you like Japan. :]
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Literally doesn't care. At all.
You like Japan? Cool. Good for you.
Much prefers for you to not harass him about Japanese words and phrases, unless he tolerates likes you enough, to which he'll blurt out something along the lines of: "Go fuck yourself".
Will probably teach you insults (he says it's to insult you, but we all know the real reason teehee)
If you're hanging out somewhere and Geo spies Japanese text, he might point it out to see if you know it, to which you'll be racking your brain until he relents and tell you.
Eventually will start briefly telling you things about Japans' history and art. Especially bonsais, he loves those. He'll never tell you though.
Will probably take you to a Japanese market/restaraunt eventually, if he feels you've gotten good enough.
If you order fluently enough he'll be genuinely pleased (won't show it though).
If not, he'll do it for you (internally cringes at the sheer thought aaaaaa).
However, in the rare event that Hyugo calls him "Subaru" and you hear? And understand?
That won't be good.
He'll tell you to drop it instantly.
And he will give you the most murderous glare if you ever ask him why he goes by Geo.
If he feels you've forgotten about that incident you haven't, he'll be more relaxed again, but will maintain a veil of caution now.
After all, you can understand what he says in private now.
That's not a good thing.
If you like anime he's chill with it, just don't be over-the-top obsessive towards it and he's cool.
Is satisfied you want to learn Japanese though. Likes you a lot smidge more for it too.
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Neige Le Blanche x Exhausted! Reader Brainrot
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A/n: I couldn't post anything since I was tired (the moment I got home I faceplanted on the flooring and didn't wake up till morning), and I decided, why not let the wheel of fortune pick who can care for an exhausted reader? Neige was already in my mind but he decided to show himself for the second time (possessive much?/j) anyways, I hope you like the little crumbs I'm giving, I'm currently trying to finish my midterms this month so finishing anything else other than my schoolwork is out of the question ( ꩜ ᯅ ꩜;) Please give me some blessings to finish everything so that I can indulge with everyone!
Also you can't tell me that Neige wouldn't fall for you at first sight, he's literally Snow White/hj. I'm kidding but I'd love to see a slow burn where Neige didn't realize how much he cares for you deeply, in a different way than how he feels with his friends and his family of dwarves. You'd always be around him, visiting him in RSA either during weekends or after classes when you can. He appreciates those types of love language! cause he can't go to your school without being harassed by aggressive and angry students, so to stop that from happening you'd always go to his school instead! I'm yapping again, this one isn't part of the story, I just really wanna brainrot on this sweet boy ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა.
Warning: None, this can be read as either romantic or platonic, I was thinking of a slow burn with Neige.
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He looks just like a dream
Neige who went to the school for the VDC event, he noticed you sitting on the stairway that he was walking on. At first, he thought you were just taking a quick rest, till he saw that you weren't actually moving, you were cuddling your bag and passed out, the wall being the only support you have.
Neige tapping your shoulders to get you to wake up, sleeping on the side of the stairway will cause you to get cold or accidentally get kicked by students! your presence was ghostlike with how slouched your posture was! Just what happened that got you this exhausted that you rather sleep, sitting?!
Neige who decided to carry you bridal style when you didn't stir awake, his kind soul can't just leave you here. Although while walking he didn't realize that plenty of eyes were staring directly at your sleeping figure, and also him, what's with the stares? he knows that the RSA and the NRC aren't really on good terms even if he tried to befriend them, were they also territorial? that doesn't make sense though, it's stupid to feel possessive over a student.
Neige tried asking some students where the clinic was but the majority of them ignored him or curtly answered, only a few students decently answered him, pointing him at the correct path than the one where he got lost.
Neige who politely knocked first before going in, the doctor who was tending to people who suffered a slight heatstroke or dizziness due to walking around in the heat of the sun saw them, eyes darting down at your sleeping figure while you're in Neige's arms, all cuddled up, he pointed at the empty bed, ordering him to put you there and stay.
Neige who obliged and placed you on the soft cushion, causing you to stir awake immediately, at first you probably thought it was Deuce or Trey who carried you, so you didn't bother opening your eyes, you were too tired to care, although when you opened your eyes you saw that it was Neige Le Blanche that carried you all the way to the clinic, he gives you a gentle smile. "Are you okay?" he runs his fingers on your cheek, trying to see if you got a fever from sleeping on a cold wall.
You who jumped back almost immediately, causing you to stumble and slip out of the bed, before you reached the floor though you felt a hand grabbing your wrist and pulling you back, although instead of falling on the bed you fell into his chest.
Neige who held you firmly, his other hand on your shoulder to stabilize you while he didn't let your wrist go, a look of concern etched on his face, you didn't know why, but being so close to a cute actor like him got you all flustered, muttering a sorry as you pulled away.
Neige who smiled once again, showing you that side of him that was beloved by everyone. "Don't worry about it!" he'd reassure you, patting your shoulder before releasing it, "though what got you so tired that you had to sleep sitting down on the stairway?"
You who scratched your cheek before answering, the truth was the schoolwork along with the side hustle Crowley was giving you was making you more exhausted than normal. You left out the part where Vil literally ran all of your friends including you dry due to wanting to win against him.
Neige who felt bad about the situation, crossing his arms, "That's cruel..." he muttered, knowing full how that happens very often, I mean look at his good friend Elliot! He was often exhausted due to his chores which almost seemed unending.
Neige who offers to take over your place while he's still present around NRC, after all, you are his friend now, and even if you weren't (which is unlikely, as long as you did not harm any of his loved ones he could never despise you.) he'd still treat you with respect and admiration.
You who rejected immediately, already thinking of what Vil would say if he saw Neige, you already had an inkling of the scenario that could happen and it wasn't pretty.
"No it's okay really" you protest, but Neige shook his head, holding your hand immediately, how fast he was with befriending you. "Come on, please? I promise I won't mess anything up, just tell me what to do to ease your burdens"
You who can't resist those puppy eyes of his defeated, you just lowered your head. "Fine, just please avoid going near Vil, please?"
Neige who stares dumbfoundedly, "Oh, why?"
"Because he gets competitive, he wants to show off his killer moves, seeing his rival so fast would ruin the focus" How quick you are with thinking of an explanation, which Neige seemed to believe you wholeheartedly.
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Omg I love seeing new obey me blogs!!! Welcome ♡♡♡♡♡ Could you do the bros with a genderfluid s/o?
Demon bros with a genderfluid s/o!
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A/N: Thanks so much for requesting anon! I'll totally make an anon list if you or anyone else wants to join 👀 I think it's a fun way to be familiar but still remain anonymous! I hope you enjoy!!! <33
P.s. if I got anything wrong I'm really really sorry!!! I'm not genderfluid myself but I do ofc know it and I even have friends that are, so I tried to be as inclusive and broad as possible, I hope I did okay :')
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• I could see this one of two ways:
• One, he is actually very understanding!
• Will use all of your pronouns in a cycle when speaking of or about you
• Or if your the type to wake up and have specific pronouns and style each day he can usually tell, and will use them accordingly!
• So thoughtful and sweet of him <3
• Or.... there's the Lucifer that is old... and may not understand as well... lol
• You will have to explain to him, and although he may be confused, he is respectful, and catches on really quickly!
• Mans is trying his best WHABJSBWNDN
• Overall, very aware and respectful of you and your identity, would never judge you for such a thing
• If anyone DOES judge you, they are sure to hear from him and Diavolo later~ <3
• Also gives off the vibes that he wouldn't really know what being genderfluid is HSGSHSBS
• Of course, once you explain it to him, he is also quick to correct himself and learn if there's certain names or pronouns you would prefer, given the day or anything like that
• Doesn't think much of it afterwards. If that's what you are, he's cool with it, that's what you're comfortable with and loves you all the same <3
• It's easier for him if you use your pronouns in a cycle, because he rarely pays attention or cares what you look like (you're hot in anything so like???) so he may not notice if that's your style of the day
• If you guys ever went clothes shopping together he would lowkey try to buy you the whole store WHAHAHSHSBS
• "I found some clothes I thought ya' would like. Whadya mean this is too many!?"
• Very happy with you, and he will fight anyone who wrongs you~
• The first of this list who actually knows what genderfluid is :D
• Bro is chronically online he knows all the identities and sexualities out there istg /hj
• Is so happy that you felt comfortable enough to tell him!! Like omg MC you trusted me with this I'm so proud of you and so in love with you you're so valid
• Literally what goes on in his mind but is too shy to say LMAO tsundere Levi real
• Can catch on to what you prefer day by day or just uses a cycle, both come easy to him
• (Will actually ask which of those you are/prefer)
• Would probably make a corny ass joke like "Omg the weather is getting colder MC, make sure you don't turn into a gendersolid! lololol"
• Goes without saying but never judges you! Will also call anyone who does a stupid normie and may deal with them later when you're not around hehe
• Also one who knows about it
• He reads so many books you can't tell me he hasn't read books about humans and human psychology and involved with that is gender identity
• Of course he is very respectful and sweet. When you tell him, he immediately starts to use all your pronouns/preferred ones!
• Will call you all sorts of petnames. Beautiful/handsome/gorgeous as examples bc he's an eccentric ass demon lmaoooo
• Loves you for you and doesn't care about your identity, as long as you're comfortable, and he will always be sure of that
• You have no bullies or harassment at RAD bc Satan has, well... dealt... with them <3
• Melts into a puddle when you tell him bc he knows how much courage that takes and it shows that you Love and trust him that much, he's just so moved, he may cry!
• Thinks you're attractive no matter what, and is another to call you petnames. So. Many. Petnames. Just when you think you've heard them all, there's 10 more falling from his beautiful lips
• Will totally go on a shopping spree with you, buying you dresses/suits/whatever you want in whatever style you desire
• Will also totally paint your nails and do your hair however you want if you're feeling a certain way
• Corrects everyone and/or constantly reminds everyone to respect you
• (If that makes you uncomfortable he will totally turn it down but he is not about to let people get away with disrespecting his MC!!)
• I doubt he knows what it is before you arrive, but once you explain it to him he's just like oh. okay
• Not because he doesn't care! Well, he doesn't care in the sense that it doesn't bother him! He has just already committed your identity and pronouns to memory and will not make a big deal of it!!
• Pays very close attention to you though. Can and will notice your change of mood and immediately ask if someone's bothering you, or if you're doing okay (this goes for style too)
• Understands dysphoria and always shares his food with you in hopes that it may make you feel better <3
• Boy is such a sweetheart to you and so aware of your feelings and does everything he can to show how much he loves and appreciates you ^^
• I can also see this going one of two ways, but this is just for if he knows of it or not
• I can see how he may know about it because he did have a love for humans back in the Celestial Realm so he could have known about it
• But part of me thinks it may have been way too uncommon back them for him to know about it so idk, either way this is his reaction
• "Okay."
• LMAO- Like Beel, he doesn't care because he loves you either way and as long as you're happy and comfortable, that's none of his business what you are
• Is easier for him if you just cycle your pronouns as well because it requires less thought and awareness on his end
• When he actually thinks about it and realizes it probably took you a lot of courage and trust for you to tell him, he appreciates it a lot more and is more mindful as well. Would never tell you that though lol-
• Will definitely scare off any bullies at RAD. No one messes with his MC and gets away with it <3
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Kyaaaaa first post and first request done! I had a lot of fun writing these, and again I hope I did okay!! Thank you anon for requesting and again I hope you enjoyed!!
See you lovelies next time~ ☆
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spooky-something · 2 months
we're about to seriously yap and put out some hot fucking takes about Phantom of the Opera, so if you're sensitive to that/don't wanna hear that, scroll.
We finally finished POTO, and what I can say; hot take; This is a fucking nightmare that just DOESN'T deserve the fame it has. It's awful . /Hj The writing itself is okay, it can be really good at times, but I hate the way it's framed; having Leroux litteraly self insert himself as the narrator, which could've worked, but for me, it just doesn't. It would've been great, had that narrator not litteraly been himself, but because it's him, it not only takes away from the realism he tried to built via this, but also comes ass as SUPER, SUPER annoying at times. The story itself is just cluttered, way too cluttered; the unnecessary details, events, attempts at shifting narratives that could've been better done/explained quickly and more efficiently, it's a lot. Some examples are the "Rat Catcher"; entirely unnecessary additional, why the fuck was he even there (It was so bad, we started cackling mid class because it was so fucking random)???? Or the random "apparition" added, again, for no reason. None of these were mentioned before, nor explained whatsoever; the "apparition" litteraly being wrote off by LEROUX HIMSELF as "something I cannot explain". Which, in my opinion, is extremely stupid. I don't care if it's for the "mystery factor", because, considering there was already far too much going on, and plenty of OTHER mystery elements, adding something just because with no purpose was and IS obnoxious. All it does it make the story you're trying to tell more convoluted, which was exactly what we felt while reading. Yet, the MAIN issue, the characters, and by extension, the message Leroux is so DESPERATELY trying to convey with them. I am going to say the hottest fucking take known to man; I fucking DESPISE Erik, and litteraly, ONLY kept reading because of the fact I knew he'd die at the end, and I wanted that satisfaction (was so disappointed his death was so vague and lame...). I understand why people can feel bad, at least, PARTIALLY, but the amount of fucking love and DEFENDING I see for him is ACTUALLY INSANE. Erik is
A. A fucking murderer
B. A stalker
C. An abuser
D. A manipulator (And, gaslighter, by extension)
E. A thief
F. An (ALMOST) terrorist (litteraly tried to blow up the entire opera)
G. A liar
H. A kidnapper
I (This stands for:). An incel (This one's more of a "joke", as the rest are all litteraly book canon, but he is literally an incel; he checks all the boxes), and yet, people out pour him with support; the amount of apologists is crazy. I've even seen people compare him to THE CREATURE (Frankenstein) which is just NOT CORRECT AT ALL???? They have similarities, yeah, but the amount of differences is insane.
1. Erik is a litteral millionaire (Yeah, I did the math for the amount of francs he got then for American dollars, now, and it was at LEAST, like 2 million...)
2. Erik IS human, biologically; yeah, he was treated differently, but he still had the COMFORT of knowing he was a human, that he was, in at least some form compared to the Creature "natural"
3. Erik was raised by his family (yes, they were abusive, and I'm not saying they weren't, but he HAD PARENTS, AND AN EDUCATION; I think, idar if he was educated or not, but my point still stands: he had a family)
4. Erik, despite the novel trying so hard to say otherwise, was HIGHLY respected; HE LITERALLY WORKED WITH ROYALTY????
5. Erik HAD FRIENDS???? Once more, not only did he work with royalty, he had the Persian/Daroga, which, again, despite how much the novel tries to say otherwise, was very clearly a friend; very clearly someone who DID care about him (if he didn't, why would he save his life even AFTER LITTERALY TORTURING PEOPLE???)
6. Erik, AGAIN, is denied humanity nearly as much as it's painted; he litteraly mentions how he wanted to be normal, and so, applied for a normal ass construction job at the Opera, AND GOT IT NO QUESTIONS ASKED???
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rejectedartist · 10 months
Do you have anymore married saimota headcanons? I can’t get enough
When Kaito misses Shuichi while he's at work, he'd pretend that Shuichi forgot his lunch at home to come see him
Shuichi doesn't mind of course and let's Kaito eat with him (since now he has two lunches and can't eat them all)
Kaito had Shuichi's home office renovated during their honeymoon to have a mini library and other things to be changed to what Shuichi would love, Shuichi almost cried tears of joy when they came back home
Shuichi pretended to not want a dog and Kaito, though sad, respected it. Shuichi got three little puppies and surprised Kaito with them the next week.
Kaito would regularly brag about his amazing husband at work (to the point that his co-workers questioned if Shuichi was real/hj)
Their computer/laptop wallpapers are pictures of the other on date nights or when they considered the other breathtaking
The wedding was held during the evening/night so they could get married under the stars
Kaito would wake up way earlier than Shuichi at 5 am to do a nice morning workout, much to Shuichi's dismay he gets dragged into having an early morning jog almost everyday
Kaito makes way too many dad jokes and puns on a daily basis, Shuichi's the only one who finds them funny
Shuichi snorts when he laughs too hard, so Kaito would do everything in his power to make him laugh
Shuichi still gets flustered whenever Kaito's being affectionate with him in public (hand holding, lil kisses, etc.) and Kaito thinks it's adorable
Sometimes Kaito accidentally calls Shuichi his sidekick since he was so used to it
He would then get flustered when Shuichi corrects him and says that he's his husband now
Every once and a while they call each other "dork" or "nerd" in an affectionate way
Kaito claims the best wedding anniversary gift Shuichi ever got him was a lego Star Wars set
Said set is displayed proudly in his home office and he loves looking at it every once and a while
On the other hand, Shuichi claims the best wedding anniversary gift Kaito ever got him was a "book bouquet" with all the books that was on his reading list
Kaito compares Shuichi to a curious black cat, Shuichi compares him to an over excited golden retriever
Kaito has so many pet names for Shuichi
Some include: Honey, babe, starlight, my moon, etc.
One of Shuichi's favorite pet names for Kaito is darling
Kaito constantly jokes about the time when he first confessed his feelings to Shuichi, Shuichi being so shocked and flustered accidentally thanked him instead of saying he liked him back
"Kaito, love, please just let it go" "Not until the day I die! It's still funny"
Whenever Kaito's drunk, some variation of this would happen:
"Woahhh, you're pretty, could I have your number?"
"We're already married, hun."
"Wait really?! Oh my god my husband is beautiful"
Shuichi got way too used to cuddling with Kaito while they slept, so everytime Kaito goes to space, he's always sleep deprived
Kaito would always try to convince Shuichi to let one of the dogs to sleep in the bed with them
Shuichi argues that the last time the dog slept in the bed he was pushed off and Kaito didn't notice until he woke up in the morning and Shuichi was grumpy and laying on the floor
Kaito learnt how to do a massage so he can help Shuichi relieve some stress after a bad day
When they had a bad fight (which is rarely), they both go to Maki
She is annoyed as hell but figured it'd be easier to get these two idiots to forgive each other if she knew both sides
She was also the maid of honor at the wedding
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May give me a silly polyhatz + Susie headcannon please something very not fun happened
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POLYGROUP (Roy + Ross + Robert + Susie) HEADCANONS
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— The boys are basically her protector even though she doesn't need it, you deal with her and suddenly there's a whole gang behind you
— Susie is the only one between them who's able to cook/bake decently, she always make some sweets for them
— She tried to teach them once, but BOY IT WAS A FAILURE.
— Robert is the only one who gives silly nicknames for the others
— "This is my boyfriend, this is my boyfriend's boyfriend and my boyfriend's boyfriend's boyfriend. And I date all of them."
— Susie leaves Roy without kisses and such whenever she catches him bullying Pump
— Whenever Ross goes non-verbal for no reason he likes to watch the others interacting with a smile
— On their birthdays Roy always suddenly appears with the most fucking expensive gift he could find LMAO /hj
— Ross, Robert and Susie, the only ones who can make Roy shut the fuck up hehehehe
— Robert loves to cuddle with them and is always the big spoon
— (Tickle headcanon jumpscare) All the 4 already went through gang tickles between themselves and Roy is the only one who they just CAN'T repeat it anymore 😭🙏🙏
— And it's not even because he got uncomfy or something it's because HIS DRAMATIC ASS CAN'T STAY STILL FKWHDJEK (Robert got kicked in the nose)
— The pain that is to explain their relationship. God.
— Susie and Robert tries, Ross explains only if it's a friend and Roy just goes "I have 3 bitches so what" (but then corrects seriously and just says that it's not their business)
— If there's 4 people in Susie's chat 3 of them are the Hatzgang (Roy already got banned once)
— The boys STILL gets quite shy with Susie sometimes because MOTHERFUCKER SIMPSSSSSSSS
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berryunho · 5 months
Tbh, the other day I finished reading all of Answer so far within a few hours (gotta take breaks and interruptions are inevitable).
If you told me that Answer!Yeosang doesn’t really know most of what’s actually going on, that he just somehow became a bigwig after being complicit (because he has a job he’s happy with and friends and people leave him alone) and not actually understanding the codes or anything that’s underlying, I would believe you. If you told me everyone was guilty and has done something wrong >except for Yeosang, I would believe it. He could absolutely blend into the crowd without getting into trouble and outsiders could think him a member of the insiders team without him actually understanding what they have been doing.
I just imagine him having pretended to read the dumb book and just ‘yes and’-ing his way to the top and no one would think anything of him otherwise, because “Look, mom! I can use my degree for something! I have a stable job and a place to live! I’m a farmer! And there’s a community! And yeah we do some weird things and I don’t understand them but don’t all cultures have some stuff people can’t really explain? It’s all in good fun and as long as no one gets hurt we’re all good!”
With how little we know of him, I am almost convinced he has done nothing wrong and honestly, I genuinely hope it’s the case and he’s just totally oblivious. That would be such a good plot point 😂
Otherwise at this point, as the mc I would just abandon everyone to escape and proceed with the police, because if best friend isn’t being best friend, then we’ve lost the purpose of being around and goodbye. Maybe that’s harsh but I’m still upset about Haseul and Mingi HELPING DETAIN HER
Also I’ve been hoping more and more happens with Seonghwa tbh… Turns out leader isn’t too upset about the idea of mc and Seonghwa getting together that much and if he won’t cause physical harm if they do the do because he cares about them most then there’s no actual issue with it! Like the leader didn’t do anything to him when he believed they had already done it, he just interrogated him about it. He didn’t seem to mind it in the end, though I do not get wanting to watch. But if it causes rifts between the two boys then that could be a very good thing for the rebellion!
Anyways, I hope they can cut out all this black magic seance bull and detain the false prophet, but I have a hard time believing that anyone can come out from this unscathed mentally. Except maybe Yeosang if my hope of a theory is correct 😂
Sorry for ranting at you! This is just to say that I’ve been thinking about Answer and the Pinterest boards ever since I finished binging the whole thing.
I hope not all will be lost for our favorites (NOT HONGJOONG and maybe not Jongho if he is truly irredeemable) (they can go have a nice chat for forever with the police tbh, I just hope they’re not corrupt too. I would not be able to handle it.)
^ Me fighting back the misogyny from HJ and his drones bc I have sO many clapbacks I am ready to unLEASH at them for their insults at mc
LKAJSFLKJSAD i hope your eyes were okay after reading so many words so quickly LOL
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pls i love your analysis of the rest of this too lol you're so real dw dw for sending a long ask i love it sm and tysm for liking the story so much that you binged it !!!! that's seriously so so meaningful to me hehe
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cup1dvalenl1na · 1 year
soul and maka with a nonbinary or transmasc s/o please? they're my comfort characters i care them very much
I'm not as familiar with this, since I am a cis woman. So if I do anything wrong please please please let me know. I took the time to research to know a little bit more, just in case. But still, don't be afraid to say something to me.
I'm gonna try to mix the two requests if that's okay, so a non binary reader that represents as trans masc.
TW// MENTIONS OF MISGENDERING (Other people, not Maka or Soul)
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It's a given that she supports you.
Although she isn't super familiar with the topic she will do her best to find ways to understand, such as reading books at her local library or just searching online. She wants to make you feel comfortable and loved in any way possible.
If you use binders or any thing of the sort she will make sure that it's comfortable and doesn't hurt you. Will help you find comfortable binders in stores or online.
Will remind you to take them off before you head to bed, she always makes sure you're okay and can kind of act like a mom at times. But it's only because she cares.
If someone misgenders you she will politely respond to them what your correct pronouns are.
If they continue anyway (to be rude) she will get her book out and chop them, grabbing your arm gently and leading you somewhere else where they aren't around.
She loves and cares for you so much ❤❤
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Supporting and excited for you tbh.
He will definitely go shop for clothes with you that help you appear more masculine.
Picks only the "cool" outfits for you and does a photoshoot with you later with his fuckin motorcycle in the background
Totally let's you borrow his clothes too if anything
I feel like he would know more about gender identity since I think he also had questioned his identity before.
If you wear binders he's more chill about reminding you to take it off for bed, or if you need a new comfortable one. He isn't a mom, he's more chill and relaxed about it but that doesn't mean he doesn't care. He just doesn't wanna overwhelm you.
If someone refers to you with the wrong pronouns (purposely) he'd just be like "not cool man." glare at them and also leave with you.
He will fight someone for you istg, you gotta hold him back sometimes/hj
I'm so sorry if this is vague and it took a while, i just wanted to make sure I did everything correctly. Let me know if I've made a mistake anywhere!
All the love to the trans community ❤
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kayrockerqog · 8 months
i have been enabled and it'll be good prep for ygo OC week sooo
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yes, yes i do /lovingly
Musa Vogel (GX OC) Headcanons!🍃🎻
She is constantly listening to music. Like, yeah, it's 2006, and technology isn't super crazy, but BLUETOOTH HEADPHONES WERE A MID-2000s INVENTION; she continually has an earbud in her left ear. Usually, she's listening to orchestral music and walks around with her own soundtrack, but depending on her mood, she'll switch genres.
She doesn't laugh. Like, she's physically incapable of laughing. It's mainly because of something in her nervous system but also for lore reasons; she just never has had a reason to laugh or really feel humour. She's plenty capable of smiling and comprehending jokes, so when she does find something funny, she usually smirks and rolls her eyes. It's an infrequent occurrence (and it makes Kenzan's day when he succeeds).
She's deathly afraid of and allergic to cats (again, lore) and is very much scared of Pharaoh. The gang has been trying to get them to get along, but it has not been working.
Musa speaks in a monotone, almost robotically formal voice typically. Still, while performing a song or duelling, her voice projects like a theatre actor, and she sounds like a completely different person.
The only reason she's friends with Judai and co. is because she caught Kenzan's attention by doing what she does best: correcting the teacher /hj
TL:DR -- Cronos was trying to teach a music class, he is entirely unqualified to teach music, Musa kept correcting all the stuff he wrote on the blackboard, he got into a fit and went "well if you're so smart, why don't you teach these kids?", she got up and went to the front, pulled a conductor's staff from her pocket, had the class play one line, stopped them, and corrected several small details about how certain people played before managing to have them play the first line successfully. Cronos was dumbfounded.
Kenzan keeps trying to talk to her for a week after that, she ignores him because social interaction who, eventually he and the boys catch her playing her violin by the cliffside, she catches them watching, challenges Kenzan to a duel so they leave her alone, she wins, but she figures "well, you ruined my practice time, so I suppose I could spend my time with you instead for your trouble."
She's been stuck with them since /lh
It takes her a while to become comfortable with people (and their antics) because of how isolated she was as a child. Between her family's interference and her packed schedule, she didn't have time for friends, and no one was ever, well, genuinely nice to her.
So, naturally, when the pure-of-heart emotional dino boy comes and compliments her music and makes her feel welcome, she's gonna get attached-
She has a habit of drumming her fingers on surfaces when she's trying to focus, and also basically plays air piano as a stim.
She likes to collect antique jewelry and porcelain statuettes of birds and fairies, and has a small music box she keeps her collection of rings inside.
She loves birds. Like really loves birds. They are her favourite animal without question, and she is very much a bird charmer. One time, Kenzan caught her playing and having successfully gathered a small crowd of birds around her-- the others didn't believe him.
She has cold hands and frequently moves them to keep them warm.
She has a perfect attendance record (nerd).
She also had a perfect winning streak for her first year and a half at the academy...then the arc happened. I'll elaborate some other time.
While she used a Melodious-based deck (because music fairies epic) primarily, she has a few vanilla monsters in her deck, SPECIFICALLY INCLUDING:
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Despite her hardened exterior, she is a supportive and caring person: her approach to being friendly is linked to her love languages [acts of service and words of affirmation], and she'll try to give practical answers first.
She likes to play music in precarious situations, like by the cliffs, high in the mountains or on a rock in the ocean. Why? The rush, the adrenaline, it's the closest feeling to feeling something she'd known until becoming friends with the gang.
Which, FYI, it is a very mixed bag:
She's closest to Kenzan, obviously; they're stupid close (and in love, but shhh)
But, her other closest friends are Misawa, Fubuki (shockingly) and O'Brien when he comes around
She gets along well with Judai and Sho, to the point where Sho actually kind of sees her as a mentor figure, too
She and Asuka have a...somewhat strained relationship after the Society of Light arc
Ryo and Edo are people she considers rivals and frustrating in their unique ways
Jim and Johan are both fine; they're her friends too, especially since they can talk about her passions with her
She's surprisingly protective of Rei, and Rei admires her quite a bit
She would've killed Amon if she had the chance.
And Manjoume...how do I put this...
They came from stupidly similar backgrounds and started out super tense because of it, but once her entire arc got settled, they developed some sort of socially awkward solidarity.
He was the first to confront her about Kenzan and told her to stop being so obvious about it and get it over with.
She merely blinked at him.
Oh! Most importantly, she and Cronos are surprisingly close, too. To the point, she actively acknowledges him as a mentor, and he's actively involved in checking her well-being post-arc stuff.
Her favourite food is plain rice, but precisely because there's a lot of room for customization. She believes in liking the base version of foods best since they're the canvas for trying new flavours and recipes. It's the same case with things like ice cream and pizza and such.
As per a special request funded by her parents' staff, her room in the Ra dorms is entirely soundproof.
She wears a robe to bed and while relaxing (rare but less so when she starts being more social); it's pastel green with fake feather trimming.
She also LOVES the colour green. Like most of her school supplies and accessories are some soft shade of green.
This turned out so much longer than i planned, whoops-
also i'm super ill about her dw about it :) <3333
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cruscribbles · 5 months
okay so, there are a few brainrot ideas of a jjk × hp crossover that are currently occupying my head so i'll just dump right here before i forget (just in case i either want to actually write this myself or if someone wants to write it— please go ahead!)
for now, these are all gojo-centric because he's a little shit and i love him for it <33
[ p. s. as you can see, i am too lazy and demotivated to cook my own food /hj ]
1. gojo (ends up in the hp world and) goes to hogwarts :
a. as a student - okay, this is probably going to be a bit hard to pull off, considering the man is literally almost 30, but hear me out
i could see him in either the hp generation or the marauders generation (but mostly the former)
could be an age regression thing where he gets bombarded with a curse that propels him into the hp world and for some reason he's back to his younger self (child or teen, who knows, just as long as he's around the same age as the protagonists of that era)
or maybe an exchange student program (au where jjk sorcerers and hp wizards both coexist in the same world) so maybe when he's 15-16 he's a "spy" trying to learn things from the wizard side of things?
clashes heads with harry AND draco from time to time; harry because of their different morals and draco because he probably pokes fun at him
come to think of it, who WOULDN'T gojo beef with actually
the student teachers think is gonna fail because he looks so uncaring and aloof and then proceeds to be one of (if not) the top scorers on the board
probably bothers snape constantly in his office (and probably also gets detention from time to time for being so annoying to him)
minerva also being irritated on the outside but also heartwrench on the inside because he lowkey reminds her of the old marauders in a way
every time he comes across voldemort face-to-face, he will not hesitate to make fun of him (like he did with jogo)
gojo : haha you're such a loser. voldemort? really? that's your name? you couldn't have picked anything better? *freaking fortnite dances or some shit like that*
voldemort officially has an extra child added to his hitlist after that
b. as a teacher - some of the earlier points of him as a student also apply here, except he's obviously more mature and wise in this instance
possible mentor of harry? like i said, would bond over being the chosen ones
the teacher that is either well-loved or hated (both teachers and students alike)
always the one popping in and out of the faculty with new tea and gossip to dish out
tries to hold back a little bit on the hogwarts students because they're not his students but is still absolutely relentless to them (displaying powerful demonstrations and also teasing them a bunch)
mcgonagall and snape being his favorite staff members because they remind him of utahime and nanami (idk would be close in personality to shoko tbh, then again she has the same type of dead air energy as snape but feel free to correct me woohoo)
ironically probably beefs with albus bc they are kind of similar in a sense but idk hmmm (they could also have some tea on the weekends too)
gojo : i once had a person i loved dearly that turned out to be heavily racist towards the normal human race for something they can't help and we had a messy breakup to boot
albus :
2. gojo is reincarnated as/ends up in the body of harry potter - not gonna lie, i'm more of a fan of this idea because you could do so much with this + it would be funny as HELL
harry grows up "cocky" and "prideful" (obviously still with some trauma and kindness attached because it's gojo) and correlates to the next points :
dumbledore thinking that since the boy grew up in a muggle household that he'll learn to be humble and sweet and lo and behold, he was wrong
snape getting vivid flashbacks of james from gojo!harry because of how cocky he is (gojo doing this unintentionally by being his authentic self)
even better if gojo!harry ends up in slytherin LMAO
dumbledore also getting flashbacks but of a different person : he doesn't want another tom riddle to happen (esp if gojo!harry vocalizes his want to change the world) so he keeps a very watchful eye on him
from the earlier point : gojo!harry not missing a fucking beat trying to make fun of tom "tommy boy, voldymoldy the oldie" riddle every time they meet (and not hesitating to name drop him in almost every conversation out of spite)
okay obviously he'll have some form of self-control over it but i have a feeling he'll do it just to test him and his patience
i feel like he would be SO CLOSE to triggering the underage magic alarm (or maybe he does and that's a drama for a whole chapter)
i feel like he would absolutely have a habit of disappearing and reappearing (even without magic) and he does that alot at the dursleys (especially when he's older)
gojo realizing he could talk to snakes, and he gossips to them whenever he can
moreover, it would be interesting if he sometimes has conversations with the horcrux inside his forehead (back-to-back mockery)
gojo knows somewhat quickly maybe because the signature is likely the same as sukuna in yuji's body
a really crack idea where gojo solves (one of) the horcrux problems by just hollow purpling the darn thing (wouldn't push it pass him to do it in the battle in the ministry of magic tbh)
either never gets fooled by the quidditch cup or immediately rectifies it by being able to teleport back (a good idea for a crack fic, but maybe for a more serious one he could either be serious or really dazed/overstimulated from the previous events to even think of doing so)
3. gojo ends up in the same body as harry potter and acts as a co-resident — ngl i am warming up to this VERY idea because i know it would become HELLA chaotic
i composed the original draft of this post ages ago but what gave me this idea is this amazing jjk!/bnha crossover fic titled "a hero without limits" by anonymous567 (if you haven't already, please read it because it's absolutely AMAZING)
idk how this would happen considering the shard of voldemort in harry's head (third participant forced to watch maybe) but shhh
basically gojo popping in harry's head either from the start or a from an event that happens to him later on (like the inspo)
he also makes commentary from time to time in his head and harry's like "shut uppp" — and sometimes people look at him and go "yo what's up with him""boy who lived shenanigans maybe"
it sounds stupid but i like the idea of gojo manifesting either on harry's body like sukuna or his image and his spirit manifesting on reflective surfaces like mirrors (his friends going "WHO'S THAT" while they point at the mysterious man in the mirror)
harry's magic "retaliating" and defending him when he's near death which is just a shadowy, smokey manifestation of gojo with the brightest most piercing lights as his eyes
very curious about the chamber of secrets section bc now harry probably doesn't even have look at the darn thing ("don't worry harry, sensei's got it covered!" or smth like that idk)
harry automatically deciphering the sussiness of almost every sus character because, like i said, live gojo commentary (probably would have solved the pettigrew problem faster tbh)
any adult that was around during the marauder's era straight up being reminded of james from time to time, especially the times when gojo is in control
i can imagine gojo knowing the jig is up with the horcrux in harry's head, and maybe as part of a crack idea, "seals the soul" from time to time which is the magical equivalent of taping the webcam lens with a piece of paper
gojo and the hat duking it out with rebuttals during the sorting ceremony and harry slowly going insane because of it
commentary of the black family being similar to the zenin's in influence, attitude and power (feel free to correct me); in short, gojo noting down funny coincidences and similarities to his old world
anytime someone tries to use legillimens on harry, gojo goes "uh uh uh *wags fingers*" and promptly kicks them out, promptly leaving the caster confused (gojo being harry's built in occlumency security guard <333)
idk if i want him to still have six eyes and/or limitless when he's reincarnated as harry (because it doesn't feel like gojo without them, but also he'd be so op— then again he already is by default so why not)
i think i would keep them since they're both the core ability aspects of his character but obviously in this instance, he doesn't have the hang of six eyes yet (major sensory overload as a drawback if he doesn't cover his eyes with a blindfold or a pair of dark sunglasses) and he doesn't unlock limitless until he's a teen (maybe during the gof or ootp plotline)
either way, i'm sorry if this plotline is too ooc, and please pitch in your own ideas in the comments or if you want to correct me!!
+ a little sketch of #3 because i've grown really attached to the idea JENDJEJDJ
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rosquinn · 6 months
*steps out of the shadow*
*gives you flower* c can we perhaps-
can we
can we be friends? 🥺💖✨ (I'm training to be a lit nerd btw. to me, classic/ older pieces of literatures are truly fascinating. I've read through your book list and it intrigues me to know that there were someone on this planet that share such love to these masterpieces. I might have merely enough brain cells to type all of this out, but I'd like to know more about you and your interested bc it's that cool. sorry for sounding like an impressionable elementary school kid btw i kinda suck at communication. I should calm down/hj) (sorry if I made a mistake somewhere while writing this ask. also sorry if I overwhelm you with this nonsensical wall of text. also does this count as oversharing? if so, sorry(x3) ) also, if we do have a chance to talk, I'll try my best to not step over your boundaries. pinky promise ; D and last question, do I pass the vibe check? : O✨ hopefully holding the flower, -a person on the internet who isn't a qualified bookworm, but have stockpiled literature at home and is currently waiting to finish their current writing project before consuming them whole like that giant snake Jörmungardr (and also fellow kid with (mild) autism (sorry if it's not the correct term, I'm not sure if 'mild autism' is still a diagnosis or not and I have not throughoutly done my research since I worry so much that this tab would abruptly close while I'm typing.) (wait did it said on your carrd that you're following the milgram series too)(woahh let's go that's amazing!!!!) (. my energy level is almost drained now, so sorry if reading through all of that drains the life out of you too. anyway, I know it's a bit late to introduce myself, but I'm Swaen, I'm currently attending high school. my pronouns are she/her, but they or even he/him is also ok : D I'm also interested in typology as well, and I haven't seen anything in your dni categories that I might fall into, but if there is any, it would seem that I don't have any strong opinion on that topics and most of my beliefs changes overtime as I continue to grow and develop as a person.) whether you reply to this or not, I wish your days are wonderful, happy and full of joyful things. : D
hello!!! yeah ofc we can be friends!! dont worry about the long ask, it was entertaining to read. it's always nice to have new gothlit mutuals
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keefe and/or sokeefe <33
oh summer.... sorry you're getting a 1989 song too it's just kind of what they are to me.
hmm let's do my boy Keefe first though!
No Lullaby by SIAMES
What's the meaning when you have a broken home, home, home?
Where's the love when you were left on your own?
So alone.
Who said you're on your own?
First mood of Keefe Sencen: get this man some found family right the fuck now. Idk! I think that this song is such a good representation of Keefe's mentality on stuff.
He thinks of himself as broken and unlovable, and pushes the people who care most about him away. He doesn't recognize his achievements and what he's done and who he's around because of the way he's been raised.
He doesn't know how to love or be loved because he believes himself to be alone.
So I think that's why the last line of this song, the 'who said you're on your own?' is so important. He deserves to be loved more than anything.
Just a nice little comfort that he's getting in these later canon books for ya.
Toes by Glass Animals
I'm a man, I'm a twisted fool
My hands are twisted too
All I ever want
Is breaking me apart
It's really important to me that we acknowledge that Keefe does have a side to him that's less morally correct. I think he deserves to be selfish and anything that says he isn't fucked up is so wrong.
He's a poor little meow meow and I think he should be unhealthy. That's all. This song's sound captures that so much more than a lot of the lyrics do, but I still think these lyrics do it pretty well. He tries to be mysterious mysterious and he's fucked up and the delivery shows that.
Head Full Of Doubt/Road Full Of Promise by The Avett Brothers
And there was a kid with a head full of doubt
So I'll scream til I die and the last of those bad thoughts are finally out.
There's a darkness upon me that's flooded in light
And I'm frightened by those who don't see it
This song is so very special to me, and it goes to Keefe because of how much I project onto him /hj
In reality it's just such a powerful song to me. It's so moving and reflective and that's the way I want Keefe's arc to go. To be able to grow and change and turn around to see how far he's come. He hasn't made it, but he's getting there.
He's alive, and he's loved, and that's what he needs.
Ok! Sokeefe!!
This Love by Taylor Swift
Your kiss, my cheek
I watched you leave
Your smile, my ghost
When you're young, you just run
But you come back to what you need
I was going to apologize but no! 1989 by Taylor Swift and Sokeefe give me the same vibes so I will not say sorry. Both the ship and this album are some kind of nostalgia for me. Like driving in a car during summer, all of your worries and regrets vanishing as you try to let everything you've been through wash away.
Sokeefe to me is that heavy feeling you get in August. It's that sweet smile that turns sad, it's watching the sun go down ignoring that it'll come back up again and what comes next. They're taking the moment to laugh instead of to cry. They remind themselves that there is something good and carefree in this world.
Soap by The Oh Hellos
I think that you're worth keeping around
I think that you're worth holding onto
It's gonna hurt like hell
But we're gonna be well
I'll give you my best shot
They just! Idk they're joyous and they're so much more than romantic. That's what I love about sophie and keefe. I think they're so much more than a romantic relationship could ever give them. They are best friends and worst enemies and when they look into the mirror they see one another. They counter act each other. They are just. Idk man!
Either way, this song is just so uplifting but also there's something about it. Just reminds me of them.
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countrymusiclover · 2 years
14 - You're in My Realm
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Part 15
His Golden Princess
@fanficismydrug @misskitty1912-blog @alanaangie24
Entering my parents apartment dressed in a brown leather jacket with my hair completely loose all over. Rumple wears his shaw over his shoulders. My father came down the stairs giving me a look of concern about me and Emma are going on a trip with the Dark One. "Alright, Gold, you’re going out there with my family. Just know, if anything happens to them…"
"Then you’ll what? Cross the town line? And David Nolan will hunt me down in his animal rescue van?" Rumple shrugged his shoulders knowing my father didn't have any real way to do a good threat if something happened.
Dad locked eyes with the man finished his sentence. "I’ll be devastated. This isn’t a threat. It’s a request. Take care of them."
"I promise no harm will come to your family. After all, we have a deal." He responded to him intertwining my hand with his gently squeezing it.
Tugging my father's arm I pulled him away from Rumple. I squeeze his hand in mine staring up into his eyes. "Dad, look I know you're worried but if it helps, he will be out of his element. He will have no choice but to follow mine and Emma's lead." Wrapping my arms around his neck in a hug I whispered. "I love you, dad."
"I love you too, Astrid." He mumbled into my hair hugging me back before we left the apartment getting in Rumple's old car.
Henry asked sitting next to me in the backseat. "So… Where are we going?"
"Logan International Airport." He responded to the boy simply where my sister corrected. "I think he meant after that."
"Let’s just take things one step at a time, shall we?" He replied focusing on the road as we passed the leaving Storybrooke sign.
Emma raised her brow eyeing the shawl he wears. "You really think that shawl’s going to work?"
"Well, if it doesn’t, and I revert to my cursed self, we’re all going to have some problems. It’ll work." He tells her in a warning tone as the blue magic ran over his body. "My name is Rumpelstiltskin. And we’re going find my son."
Finally at the airport the four of us are trying to get through security which for the most part was going fine. Henry walked up to the metal detector talking Rumple's leg off with questions. "It must be really hard not to use magic – being like everyone else."
Emma stared at him as I tossed my shoes in the bin grabbing one of them for his stuff. "You’ve got to put your shoes in."
"How terribly uncivilized." I could see a look of disgut cross his face while he takes off his shoes and Henry goes through the metal detector.
I started to go through until TSA Agent spoke towards Rumple behind me. "Uh, scarf and the cane go in the basket."
"What...Astrid?" He flickered his brown eyes to mine his face almost turned white with fear. "I can’t."
Turning around to face him I grab his hand hoping to calm him down until a man behind us interrupted clearly impatient. "It ain’t rocket science, buddy. You ever been on a plane before?
"Have you ever been impaled upon a cane before?" Rumple spun his cane up in his hands threatening the man through grunted teeth. I immediately grabbed his wrist pulling his arm down before he got arrested by security because that would be an even worse time for him.
Squeezing Rumple's shoulders I got him to look me in the eye again. Reaching behind my neck I clipped the dagger necklace clipping it back together around his neck instead. "Focus on this, alright. I'm gonna go through and you'll follow me. Just keep your eyes on me. Eyes on me, Rumple." He nods a small yes squeezing my right hand a little tighter than normal.
My sister tried to fix the situation with the man behind us. "My… Father’s a little nervous. We’re headed to a family reunion. Sorry."
"Father?" Rumple went to correct her words still out of his element.
Emma reassured him with a look over hjs shoulder at me. "Just put your shawl in the bin. I’ll help you get through."
"If I let this go, I could forget who I am." He frantically told her clutching the fabric in his hands looking between the two blonde's needing him to trust at least one of them.
Resting my hands ontop of the one he used to grip his cane I look directly in his eyes. "Eyes on me. Repeat it and follow me, understand dearie?"
"Eyes on you...eyes on you." He repeated over and over walking through the metal detector freezing in place until I take his hand. Emma throws the shawl back over his shoulders grabbing her stuff.
Finally on the plane Emma sat in an ille seat with two different people. Allowing Henry to sit on one side of me getting the window seat and Rumple on my other side. Henry has a box of cinnamon buns on his lap basically frosting all over his fingers making my sister smile. "You good, kid?"
"You kidding? A trip with you, first plane ride, and we’re going on a quest like in the book. The only thing that could make this day better? Is more frosting." Henry bounced his knee grabbing another treat from the box handing me some that I popped into my mouth.
Emma and I lock eyes where I followed her gaze seeing Rumple's ’s bandaged hand. He had gone to the bathroom when I went with Henry to buy the cinnamon buns he was chowing down on now.
"It’s going to be alright. We’re going to find your son." She reassured him before I saw the leave seatbelt light on the ceiling flip on meaning we were about to take off.
He gulped starting to shake till I reach over intertwining our hands together. Everytime during takeoff I would always hold hands with Emma because it made me less nervous. "I'm sorry this is all freaking you out. I wish my realm wasn't this for you, Rumple."
"It's not your fault, Astrid...maybe someday. If we get back to my realm I can help you out." He suggested resting his head on top of mine. Closing my eyes I heard a voice of a woman. The one that had green skin carrying the dagger I saw earlier. "Someone you'll meet in future, Little Princess."
Lifting my head up he looks down at me reading the nervous in my bright eyes. "What's wrong, dear?"
"Rumple...I think I've seen the future...you're future." I trailed off in a shacky breath feeling the plane begin the flight to New York city. Through the whole trip Rumple doesn’t take his eyes off of me even when I fall asleep on his shoulder.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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ode2rin · 1 year
you made your sae thought into a full drabble?! maybe there is hope for you becoming a sae kisser. or maybe you’re being held at gunpoint. either way 💗💞💕sae💕💞💗
i think it’s funny how you have a campaign against him and then writing the most domestic and wholesome fluff about him. it’s giving that one anime character trope of tsunderes (i hope that’s the correct word?).
mimi: i hate s*e, i want to fight him!
also mimi describing sae: with a soft sigh, sae pulled away ever so slightly, his eyes locked with yours, their depths shimmering with adoration. the ghost of a smile played upon his lips as he savored the moment, his thumb brushing gently against your cheek, tracing the contours of your face.
that’s how you’re going to describe the man you hate and call it shitty writing?? you think deeply these scenarios about him? *points finger at you accusingly* you’re a rin shooter that can’t admit your in love with sae, it’s my final ruling. YOU ARE A CLOSETED ITOSHI KISSER!!
have a great day mimi! xoxo
(also in a previous ask i sent in, you asked if i was the anon who sent thoughts about the kaiser WAG cheer, and yes that’s me! i’m happy you were able to tell. we are bffies now fr 🤞i send paragraphs every time i’m in your asks lol 😭💔🫠)
uhm is it too late to revoke your bff privileges now 😔 kidding !! i LOVE your paragraphs but this one? 😔 highly debatable
i did not intend to make it as a fic, it should have been just a thought !! but for my pride, let's just say my fingers typed on its own and i was held at gunpoint while my chair was on the edge of a cliff ._.
that fic changes NOTHING my campaign is still strong and flourishing 😔 let me live my truth as a rinnie defender fls (i think you're right with the term dw and if not, that's fine ! )
HELP NOW THAT I'M READING IT it does sound weird oh my god i will really repent who the hell wrote that. that's not mimi writing must be felicia huh
your honor, i would like to appeal against your ruling. i believe that your reasoning is highly bounded by bias and assumption. i have been very passionate to my hate campaign and have been very dedicated. it was just a break of character, your honor. i was just in a silly mood…
have a great day as well, i hope you had fun slandering me 😔/ hj
(of course !! i just thought the tone was kinda similar :D if you don't mind, can i ask a nickname or an emoji from you (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ) i want to tag your paragraphs i want to be able to come back to them (❁´◡`❁) only if it's oki to you !!)
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