#;; all lives are sacred ect
heirscrchd · 2 months
jet 🤝 azula
being so traumatized that your actions over time become far more radical than your friends can handle and so end up being abandoned/betrayed by them
#lost in the temple // ooc#;; ofc jet to my knowledge?#;; does get 'redeemed'#;; quotation marks because yes him girlboss gaslighting the gaang#;; and hurting innocent people who have no involvement in the war (the village)#;; or planning to at least#;; doesnt really come close to the influence Azula has in widespread destruction and suffering#;; like azula helped presumably with the invasion or planning of omashu#;; and literally destroyed ba sing se from the inside out#;; well not destroy but took oevr#;; and caused countless death and suffering#;; not to mention how much she would have influenced just by being in her father's more inner circle#;; ie: attending war meetings and giving her imput and planning for stuff#;; we genuinsly dont know#;; all these reasons why i dont think azula is ever fully redeemable lol#;; but also liek cuz jet#;; what exactly has jet done?#;; outside of the village dam breaking which did not harm any innocents and just destroyed a fire nation village in earth kingdom territory#;; redemption is for harmful actions done in war#;; exceedingly harmful id say#;; example: Katara doesnt need to be 'redeemed' for bloodbending the old lady#;; she had done a horrible thing#;; but it was to help others#;; war is similar to that in that we do harmful actions for a better positive outcome#;; jets intention while rooted in trauma were similar to one thinking like a general in a war#;; or position of power in a war#;; its also a kids show so ofc theyre going to try and preech the do not harm anyone#;; all lives are sacred ect#;; so it paints jet in a worse light because of it#;; people need to realize that
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apollosgiftofprophecy · 9 months
Statistics of Apollo's Lovers
I was wondering just how unfortunate of a love-life our boy Apollo had, so - as one does - I did the research, math, and writing of said love-life.
such is the life of an adhd teen :)
In total, there are 59 people on this list. I have them separated into eight groups; Immortal, Immortal & Rejected, Lived, Died, Rejected & Died, Rejected & Cursed, Rejected & Lived, and who were Rejected by Apollo
Disclaimer: I am not a historian nor an expert in Greek Mythology, I am just a very invested nerd in Mythology, and in Apollo's mythology in general, and got curious about what his rap sheet actually looks like.
Sidenote: There will be some "lovers" not on this list. Reasons being;
No actual literary sources behind them
Said literary sources are dubious at best
Not enough information is given about the nature of their relationship to make an accurate take
So if somebody isn't on this list, it's because of one of those three reasons. Although there is still a chance I missed somebody! :)
Also, no RRverse lovers include in this list. Sorry my fellow ToA fans.
(Edited 04/29/24 - Currently adding in sources/references/expanding on the myths themselves. bare with me lol)
Let's begin! :D
Immortal Lovers
Calliope: muse of epic poetry. Mother of Hymenaios and Ialemus by Apollo.
Clio: muse of history
Erato: muse of love poetry
Euterpe: muse of music
Polyhymnia: muse of hymns/sacred poetry
Melpomene: muse of tragedy
Thalia: muse of comedy. Mother of the Corybantes by Apollo.
Terpsichore: muse of dance
Urania: muse of astronomy
Boreas: the North Wind. yes Apollo dated the North Wind. Who knew? It's mentioned in the Argonautica by the Boreads - they call Apollo "beloved of our sire" so...hmm. wonder what happened there because that's all we get.
10 lovers total here.
9 Female, 1 Male
Immortal & Rejected
Hestia: goddess of the Hearth
1 Interest. Female.
Lovers Who Lived:
Branchus: mortal shepherd, gifted prophecy
Rhoeo: mortal princess, eventually married an apprentice of Apollo
Ourea: demigod daughter of Poseidon, dated Apollo during his punishment with Laomedon; had a son named after the city of Troy
Evadne: nymph daughter of Poseidon, Apollo sent Eileithyia & (in some texts) the Fates to aid in their son's birth
Thero: great-granddaughter of Heracles, described as "beautiful as moonbeams"
Cyrene: mortal princess-turned-nymph queen, kick-ass lion wrangler, and mother of two of Apollo's sons - Aristaeus (a god) and Idmon (powerful seer)
Admetus: mortal king, took great care of Apollo during his second punishment, Apollo wingmanned him for Alcestis's hand - basically Apollo doted on him <3
Hecuba: queen of Troy, together they had Troilus.
It was foretold that if Troilus lived to adulthood, Troy wouldn't fall - unfortunately, Achilles murdered Troilus in Apollo's temple. When the Achaeans burned Troy down, Apollo rescued Hecuba and brought her to safety in Lycia.
Hyrie/Thyrie: mortal. mothered a son by Apollo. Their son, Cycnus, attempted to kill himself after some shenanigans and his mother attempted the same. Apollo turned them into swans to save their lives.
Dryope: mortal. had a son named Amphissus with Apollo, who was a snake at the time. Later turned into a lotus flower, but it had nothing to do with Apollo so she's still on this list. (noncon; written by Ovid in Metamorphoses)
Creusa: mortal queen. had a son named Ion with Apollo. Please check out @my-name-is-apollo's post for more details because they make some good points about what's considered "rape" in Ancient Greece.
Melia: Oceanid nymph. Had a son w/h Apollo named Tenerus. will expand on her in a bit
Iapis: a favorite lover. Apollo wanted to teach him prophecy, the lyre, ect. but Iapis just wanted to heal :) so Apollo taught him healing :)
Aethusa: daughter of Poseidon & the Pleiad Alcyone. Mother of Linus and Eleuther. She is the great-great grandmother of Orpheus.
Acacallis: daughter of King Minos. there's a lot of variation on whether or not she had kids with Hermes or Apollo. Some say she had a kid with each.
Chrysothemis: nymph queen who won the oldest contest of the Pythian Games - the singing of a hymn to Apollo. She had three daughters, and one of them is said to be Apollo's.
Corycia: naiad. had a son with Apollo. the Corycian Cave north of Delphi is named after her
Leuconoe (also Choine or Philonis): daughter of Eosphorus, god of the planet Venus, and mother of the bard Philammon.
Melaena (also Thyia or Kelaino): mother of Delphos, member of prophetic Thriae of Delphi. Priestess of Dionysus.
Othreis: mothered Phager by Apollo, and later Meliteus by Zeus.
Stilbe: mother of Lapithus and Aineus by Apollo.
Syllis (possible same as Hyllis, granddaughter of Heracles): mothered Zeuxippus by Apollo. 
Amphissa: Apollo seduced her in the form of a shepherd. They had a son named Agreus.
Aria (or Deione): had a son named Miletus. Hid him in some smilax. Her father found him and named him.
Arsinoe: she and Apollo had a daughter named Eriopis.
Queen of Orkhomenos (no name is given): Mother of Trophonius (my fellow ToA fans will recognize that name haha).
Hypermnestra: Either Apollo or her husband fathered her son Amphiaraus. (sidenote: @literallyjusttoa suggested that Apollo was dating both Hypermnestra and Oikles, and I, personally, accept that headcannon)
Manto: Daughter of Tiresias. Apollo made her a priestess of Delphi. They had a son named Mopsus. When Apollo sent her to found an oracle elsewhere, he told her to marry the first man she saw outside of Delphi. That man turned out to be Rhacius, who brought her to Claros, where she founded the oracle of Apollo Clarios. Later, another man named Lampus attempted to assult her, but was killed by Apollo. She is also said to be a priestess who warned Niobe not to insult Leto, and to ask for forgiveness. Niobe did not.
Parthenope: granddaughter of a river god. Mothered Lycomedes by Apollo
Phthia: prophetess. called "beloved of Apollo". Mother three kings by him; Dorus, Laodocus, & Polypoetes
Procleia: Mother of Tenes, son of Apollo, who was killed by Achilles before the Trojan War. Daughter of King Laomedon, king of Troy.
Helenus: prince of Troy. Received from Apollo an ivory bow which he used to wound Achilles in the hand.
Hippolytus of Sicyon: called "beloved of Apollo" in Plutarch Life of Numa. I don't think this guy is the same as the Hippolytus, son of Zeuxippus (son of Apollo), king of Sicyon Pausanias talks about in his Description of Greece. That would be a little weird taking the whole family tree into account - though it's never stopped Zeus before, I guess.
Psamathe: nereid, said to be the personification of the sand of the sea-shore. There are two versions of her myths, both very different, but I'll only explain the one that explicitly states her and Apollo's relationship, which is by Conon's Narrationes. She and Apollo were lovers, but never had any kids. When another man assaulted her, she had a son and abandoned him. (He was found by some shepherds dw - wait, he was then torn apart by dogs. Nevermind.). Back to her, her father ordered for her to be executed and Apollo avenged her death by sending a plague onto Argos and refused to stop it until Psamathe and Linus (her son) were properly given honors.
(I really like how even though Linus isn't Apollo's kid, and that Psamathe wanted nothing to do with the kid, Apollo still considered him worth avenging too <3 )
(also would like to say that I found her on another's wiki page and that page said she was raped by Apollo - this just proves that you shouldn't take the wiki at face value because as shown above, that is not what happened.)
Alright. 34 lovers here.
5 Male. 29 Female.
33 are 100% consensual. Creusa is questionable, depending on who's translating.
The last one is Melia, who I will expand upon here.
Melia was said to be kidnapped, and her brother found her with Apollo. He set fire to Apollo's temple in an effort to get her back, but was killed. Melia and Apollo had two kids - but here's the interesting part. Melia was highly worshiped in Thebes, where her brother found her. She was an incredibly important figure in Thebes, especially when connected with Apollo. She and Apollo were essentially the parents of Thebes.
As I read over their story, it sounded like (to me, at least. it's okay if you think otherwise!) that Melia just absconded/eloped with Apollo.
Was kidnapping an equivalent to assault back then? Perhaps. But it's still debated on whenever or not that's true. However, one thing I've noticed reading up on these myths is that when Apollo does do something unsavory, the text says so.
It never says anything about Apollo doing anything to Melia. Her father and brother believe she was kidnapped, but, like mentioned previously, it seems far much more likely that she just ran off with her boyfriend or something.
But that's just my interpretation.
Moving on! :)
Lovers Who Died:
Hyacinthus*: mortal prince. we all know this one, right? Right? one and only true love turned into flower
Cyparissus: mortal. his DEER DIED and he asked Apollo to let him MOURN FOREVER so he was turned into a cypress tree
Coronis: mortal princess. cheated on Apollo w/h another guy. mother of Asclepius. killed by Artemis.
Adonis: yes, THAT Adonis. he's in this category because. well. he died. rip
Phorbas: at first I was going to keep him off, till I went "hOLD UP!". Listen, this guy's story is contradictory in Hyginus's De Astronomica - he's a rival of Apollo, then all of a sudden his (dead) lover. My first reaction was the above, then it was "OH MY GODS CANON ENEMIES TO LOVERS??? WITH DEATH???"
There's also a second account of Phorbas - he ended a plague on an island and became Apollo's lover that way, and when he died, Zeus turned him into a constellation - Ophiuchus.
(*In some texts, Hyacinthus was resurrected.)
6 lovers.
5 Male. 1 Female. All consensual.
Love-Interests Who Rejected & Died:
Daphne: do i nEED to say anything? Nymph. turned into tree to escape.
Castalia*: Nymph. turned into spring to escape.
2 Interests. 1 debatable.
2 Female.
(*Castalia's myth was written in 400 AD, VERY late in the myth cycle, and was strictly ROMAN. In every other case, the Castalian spring was already at Delphi before Apollo was born.)
Love-Interests Who Rejected & Cursed
Cassandra: mortal princess. Promised to date Apollo if she was given gift of prophecy. when he did, she rejected him and he cursed her to never be believed for her visions.
1 Interests.
1 Female.
Lover-Interests Who Rejected & Lived
Sinope: mortal. got Apollo to promise her anything; requested to remain a virgin. he obliged.
Marpessa: mortal princess, granddaughter of Ares. Idas, son of Poseidon, kidnapped her and Apollo caught up to them. Zeus had Marpessa chose between them, and she chose Idas, reasoning that she would eventually grow old and Apollo would tire of her.
Bolina: mortal. Apollo approached her and she flung herself off a cliff. He turned her into a nymph to save her life. Nothing happened between them, although some texts may say that she eventually dated him.
Ocroe/Okyrrhoe: nymph and daughter of a river god. asked a boatman to take her home after Apollo approached her. Apollo ended up turning the boat to stone and the seafarer into a fish.
Sibyl of Cumean: mortal seer. promised to date Apollo if she was given longevity as long as the amount of sand in her hand. he did, but she refused him.
5 Interests. All female.
Okyrrhoe's story is the only one with any iffy stuff, although, like stated in previous sections, when something iffy does occur, the text usually says so outright.
Rejected by Apollo:
Clytie*: Oceanid nymph. turned into a heliotrope to gaze at the sun forever after the rejection.
1 Advance. Female.
(*Clytie's story was originally about her affection for Helios. When Apollo got conflated with him, her story also changed.)
In Conclusion...
59 people total (includes Castalia & Clytie)
48 Women (81%). 11 Men (19%).
19% were Immortal (Including Lovers & Rejected)
66% Lived (Including Lovers & Rejected)
14% Died (Including Lovers & Rejected)
1% were Cursed
2% were Rejected by him
57 people total (Not including Castalia & Clytie)
46 Women (82%). 11 Men (18%).
18% were Immortal
68% Lived (Lovers & Rejected)
12% Died (Lovers & Rejected)
in that 12%, one was apotheosized - Hyacinthus.
Meaning 10% died permanently, while 2% were resurrected.
2% were Cursed
0% were Rejected by him
Additionally, I left off three male lovers and two female lovers - Atymnius, Leucates, Cinyras, Hecate, & Acantha.
Atymnius has no references to being Apollo's lover, only to Zeus's son Sarpedon.
Leucates is another male "lover" left off the rack - apparently he jumped off a cliff to avoid Apollo, but I couldn't find any mythological text to account for it. There is a cliff named similarly to him where Aphrodite went (by Apollo's advice) to rid herself of her longing for Adonis after his death. Also Zeus uses it to rid himself of his love for Hera before he cheats on her again.
Cinyras was a priest of Aphrodite on the island of Cyprus. He was also the island's king. Pindar calls him "beloved of Apollo" in his Pythian Ode. However, looking further into Cinyras's life throws a bit of a wrench into it. He's also cited to be a challenger to Apollo's skill, and either Apollo or Mars (Ares) kills him for his hubris.
(honestly, I kinda like the idea that Mars went into Big Brother Mode)
I did consider leaving him on the list, since technically you could argue it was a romance-gone-bad, but among every other source Cinyras is mentioned in, Pindar's the only one who puts a romantic label on him and Apollo.
Hecate, the goddess of magic and crossroads, is said to be the mother of Scylla (like, the sea-monster) by Apollo, but Scylla's parentage is one of those "no specific parents" ones, so I left her off the list.
Acantha has absolutely no classical references. There's a plant like her name, but she's made-up, so she doesn't count.
(Of course, I could be wrong about any of these. Again, I'm not an expert.)
With all this in mind, this means Apollo's love life actually isn't as tragic as media portrays it, and he isn't as bad as Zeus or Poseidon in the nonconsensual area.
Does he still have those kinds of myths? Yes, with Dryope & Creusa, though Creusa we could discount because;
1) Depends on who's translating it; and
2) Euripides (the guy who wrote the play Ion) contradicts himself on Ion's parentage in another play, and honestly Apollo's characterization in Ion just doesn't quite match up with the rest of his appearances in the wider myths (in my opinion, at least - feel free to ask why)
So that leaves us with just Dryope, who comes from Ovid. Now I'm not saying we should throw her out because of Ovid's whole "wrote the gods even more terribly to criticize Augustus" thing, but it is something to keep in mind.
So overall, I'd say Apollo has a rather clean relationship past. It is far better than Zeus or Poseidon's for one, and he is miles ahead of Hermes and Dionysus.
He's doing pretty damn good.
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Project R AU where Danny is a clone created from the DNA of all the Robins past and present by the drs Fenton when they were teenagers.
Upon realizing the child they had made was going to be used as a weapon for evil they quickly and quietly packed up thier family and belongings and jumped ship to a new dimention with the kid after putting him in stasis so he was essentially frozen in time.
Later on little Jazz finds the baby in the tank and assumes the stork had made a delivery and flips the switch to release him from stasis so he can finish growing. A week later the pod beeps and she brings him out of the storage room as a chubby healthy baby and her parents loose thier minds for a bit.
Danny grows up normally...well not really but you get what I mean. Maddie makes sure Danny knows how to fight and wouldn't take no for an answer. No matter how much Danny complained that he wanted to play video games, go to the park with his friends or that Jazz didn't have to fight, she would never relent. Maddie knows she's nowhere near the level of a fully trained assasin but she wanted to give Danny every leg up she could.
She knew he would need it. Call it a mothers intuition.
Well, crap happens. Vlad outs Danny as Phantom and it ends very poorly for the wannabe vampire. Danny escapes into the GZ but just barely and is forced to leave his old life behind but not before Jazz tells him about what she had recently learned about Project: R.
The portals are destroyed and Danny flees to his home dimension in search of his fathers. Unfortunately when he gets there he learns most of his fathers are dead, only Damian Al Ghul and Jason Todd remaining, both having very strained relationships with thier own father Bruce Wayne and everything has gone to crap.
Theres an evil dictator in red and blue ruling the world and they're the reason two of his dads are dead. So he decides to rip the symbol off his chest, put on a mask and make his big debut as Phantom.
How you may ask?
By killing the evil Superman and his cronies on live television and announcing that he's the child of Project: R and what that means.
Damian finds Phantom in Bludhaven looking for him and asking him to take him in only to get refused. Damian fears that Bruce might try to turn Danny against him so is hesitant to get close emotionally.
Jason has no such concerns and scoops him up before Bruce can dress him like a traffic light. They then have the superhero talk and Phantom says he wants to be a anti-hero not a superhero. He already tried that one and it sucked so much. Jason definitely didn't like the fact his kid had been a superhero at any point but finding out pretty much all the adults in Dannys life had failed him so hard made Jay fly into a rage.
Bruce tries to go for custody but fails. Dannys doesn't like how the Titans treat Damian so he steals all the ABBA cds from the tower and makes off like a thief in the night. When they discover this they flip out because those were Dicks and they became practically sacred after he died.
Danny decided to cause problems on purpose. Such acts include:
1. Turning all the furniture in the common rooms of the Titans Tower into hyper realistic cake so when they sat on it/tried to turn on the TV, ect they'd be in for a suprise.
2. Stealing all the tires off of every vehicle Bruce owned and giving them to Jason/whoever was down on thier luck and couldn't afford to change thier tires. Danny says he has "a legacy to uphold" while balancing on the top of on of the tires as he runs it across Gotham
3. Torments Black Mask and Slade. Somehow all thier homes and safe houses are filled with beans. Yes, beans. Whenever they are in Gotham they get beaned in the face with a pickle. (This is worse for BM cause ya'know)
They have no idea whos doing this or why.
Ras Al Ghul is not amused by the pickleing but does not get beanified cause Danny doesn't know where most of his places are so he gets A LOT of pickles thrown at him every chance Danny gets.
4. Danny decides Damian requires lots of snuggles and just turns intangible whenever Damian tries to pry him off. Multiple people keep comparing him to Dick and its starting to get on Dannys nerves. He has three other dads to compare him to and Dick isn't even the only dead one! What about Tim??? He wants to learn about Tim! He demands his fathers tell him about themselves and Tim
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cosmic-d1ce · 30 days
I have a question for FML, like I’ve been thinking about it but what if dsmp met FML!Qsmp??? Like I can imagine it being before FML!forever is in prison and Phil freezes at the sight of them and the eggs and most qsmp members are like “who are they???” And bad, Tina, tubbo ect are like “OH SHIT” and Phil just freezes and forever gets more possessive of Phil and tubbo since he’s canonically implied to be dead/a spirit he’s like “well shitttt” *turns into a angel or some crap and turns invisible* and is also like “hiss hiss Mf” and some dsmp when noticing Phil and forever are like “Phil seems scared/sad?” Or are like “Is he getting abused!?” Cause they can see the bruises ect
Also this is just a thought I���ve been having and I was curious on what you would think
FML ASK IN 2024?????
So, I have also thought about this a lot, even if I don't think I will make c!Phil and fml!Phil the same person in canon
DSMP characters would clock it so fast, not even a question about it
They know Phil, or at least know of him. The man, the myth, the legend, Philza Minecraft, they all know him. Whether through myths about a great Angel of Death, or by meeting him in person, by being his friend, or at least, an old friend.
They know him. They know how he acts, and when he's with Forever, it's so obvious that something is wrong. Even when they're not together, something is different.
Since when does Philza Minecraft cower away from anything, let alone some guy that's not even allowed to wear netherite. This guy has nothing on the Angel of Death, so why would Phil be so... compliant? Philza, who has committed so many war crimes just because someone told him not to, listening to someone??? No. Wrong.
SBI would clock it the fastest, I'd even say that it c!Techno was there, it would take more than a minute for him to realise.
Wilbur would probably figure it out quickly but post-revival Wilbur wouldn't care. He wouldn't do anything.
Tommy would definitely freak the fuck out. Something something seeing himself in a man he's admired all his life. Seeing Phil cower from Forever the way he cowered from Dream, his will to fight, even to live, completely destroyed.
Ranboo would also notice and not be subtle at all. He'd look at Phil, remember who he was meant to be and go, "Something happened to you ಠ_ಠ" and make the connection pretty fast
Honourable mention to Sam, who would have definitely noticed the difference between Devoted Follower/Lover of Death and... this.
Also Quackity who would take one (judgemental) look at the man he fears almost as much as Technoblade, and go "All it took was an abusive relationship???" and laugh, probably
There is such a difference in the way DSMP Phil and QSMP/FML Phil is seen.
C!Phil was scary, people respected him because he would probably hunt them for sport if he got bored enough, but also because he was a wise old man that had all the answers to their questions. He's spoken of like a God, the man who made the world they live in, the Creator. He's a part of their history, a sacred part of their world. Older than even Foolish and Bad, possibly as old as XD.
Q/fml!Phil isn't seen the same way. He's a father, a social reclus, an absolute little shit, but not dangerous. Especially fml!Phil, who is generally disliked, the exact opposite of how he was seen in dsmp.
It makes it so easy for the dsmp characters to realise something just isn't right with FML
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cosmichighpriestess · 11 months
Are you ready to be an enlightened master? It is your birthright to experience the fifth dimensional level of consciousness. But how do we get there?
How do we become more aware and aligned with that level of consciousness?
As soon as you stop running around doing things all the time and sit down and relax you will shift higher and higher. Graduate from the third dimensional awareness way of thinking and believing that you need to be doing something or what you need to do next. There's nothing that you need to do. Look within. Your inner experiences are far more interesting, exciting and real than your outer experiences.
It is inevitable that you shift and become a true master of your reality of consciousness so why not start now?
Do not focus on doing, if you must, take care of your outer physical reality your home, your children, your job, your yard ect. Of course take care of those things and yourself but make life your sacred ritual every moment. Be in constant meditation.
Breathe, be nonreactive to what you see and feel around you, be kind, more understanding and compassionate, forgiving and loving for every being you encounter even a small ant or animal.
Accept everyone and everything for what it appears to be and make peace with what they are, not who you want them to be or what you want it to look like. Physical reality isn't real. It's the product of how you define it with your definitions, it's a projection of your consciousness.
Everything you experience is necessary for your spiritual growth. You have never made a mistake, everything that you do is perfect the way that you do it, you do not have to be perfect because you were already perfect the entire time.
There's no such thing as a coincidence, an accident or a mistake there's no right and wrong way to do something, you were doing everything perfectly the entire time.
You can never fail at meditation, you are doing it the way you need to, even if that's just walking back and forth.
You are the body of God in the flesh, God has never been outside of you no matter how silent and small the voice sounds inside of you, God has never left you and that voice may come as a whisper or a loud urgent voice, either way it's always there.
The reason for this, is because God knows talk is cheap, God does it's best work in silence. When your consciousness is in alignment with itself then the Divine consciousness can express the fullness of itself.
When you do this you open the door for God to come in and it manifests its Divine qualities through you in endless multidimensional expressions of yourself.
The ego wants to determine how those forms of expression should express themselves, the ego wants to tell you how things should be or look like and to do do do or else, let God determine the how and what for your spiritual evolution.
Thank your ego for doing it's job, but let the ego know God is in control not false illusions based off logic and needing to know how.
Let trust and faith be your guide. You will find the solution to all your problems out of nowhere from the flow of Divine God consciousness, trust without the how and when.
It all comes at the perfect timing, you are always on time at all times and you are always in the right place at the right time. You are doing enough just by living on Earth and not giving up.
All you ever have to do is be yourself and be right exactly where you are right now. If an opportunity shows up and you feel called to help someone or yourself then of course, do it. You don't have to force inspiration if you don't feel inspired at the moment that is your sign from the Universe that you were supposed to be resting and relaxing until you feel inspired to do something.
But if existing is all you can do at the moment, know you are fullfilling your purpose just by being. Just be. Ignore all guilt and shame you may feel from the projections of others outside of you. There's nothing that you need to accomplish, you have enough accomplishments accumulated from your other lifetimes, you are here to experience Earth and enjoy the ride.
Everything you've ever done that causes you to feel shame and guilt has already been forgiven with the highest forms of compassion from higher dimensional beings. When you have done something you don't prefer, you can stop and say, "wait this is not who I am. I don't yell at people. I don't know about them but I do know what's going on with me. I have the ability to behave and feel in a way that causes me to behave in the way that I really am wanting to behave."
You are contributing enough just by existing and you are always growing, always learning, and always being helped from all around you. You don't need to ask for help.
The help is coming in from all around you, if you need help all you have to do is go outside and sit in the Sun or underneath the moon and wait.
You don't have to live in fear, ever- that does not come from God. If something seems negative it's an illusion, it's temporary because it's based off a false foundation from a concept of a third dimensional state of consciousness.
Don't take it seriously, as soon as you remove the negative definition of it, it can only manifest the truth which is always love, peace, harmony, joy and abundance.
Be anxious for absolutely nothing. Fear nothing. Let the Universal forces take over and do nothing, relax more to receive more. You have nothing to prove to anyone, not even God.
Everything around you has it's own consciousness, when you become aware of this you can tune into your own.
Consciousness is awareness. You need awareness so that you cannot be easily programmed by the false matrix third dimensional reality based off duilty and separation. We are ONE. We are all Source. You need awareness so you can know there's nothing to fear if it's all an illusion, so you can stop worrying and take life at your own slow pace, to not react to the 3d as if it's written in stone.
Nothing is written in stone, you create your reality and the unknown from the now moment, anything you discover in your universe is more of you so there's nothing to be afraid of in the unknown because the Universe is entirely all you, you populate your version of everyone in your Universe so if you are aware that everything is working in your favor and you know that whatever is being shown to you is also within you then congratulations, you are becoming an enlightened master over this physical realm.
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gideongrovel · 5 months
2, 3 and 5 for the ask game!
Thank you bunches for send some in!! 😁😁😁 This one is super long im sorry lmao
2 and 3 Answered here
5. does your self insert have any special powers or abilities? Yes! since he is half m/ink he has electro powers, and it has some experience with a dagger (its able to use swords too but it is better skilled using just a dagger, and is the weapon of choice / carries on himself) He charges the electro into the weapon when fighting (get stabbed and shock at once! ouch!) He also has sharp nails he will also fight with those depending on the opponent, good for scratching especially when like combined with the electro!! He has sharp teeth as well he could use for fighting but he'd prefer not to,,, Keeping that more like sacred- saving lil bites/nibbles for people he actually likes and is fond of (gnawing on them as a form of stimming and showing affection) But he will bite a bitch for violence/defense if he has too but he'd rather not,,, save the chomps for playfulness, much to Brook's chagrin lmao
So m/inks normally have S/ulong forms they transform into when they see a full moon (They get like glowing eyes, white longer fur, as well as stronger/bigger as well,, like big time power up!!) Gideon however does not have this ability (or so he thinks 👀) since he is only like half Mink,,, tho during the full moon he does get more stronger when seeing it, just to a lesser degree and without the transformation,,, However!! 👀👀👀 AU time with E/nel ✨ actually being on the moon itself is different story!! "Surprise surprise" he does have a S/ulong from! Since being on the moon itself has a stronger effect then just seeing it down from the earth,,, Unfortunately for Gideon since during this timeline,,, It doesnt get to learn about its heritage, since he leaves the S/traw H/ats,,,, so he never gets K/uma yeeted to an island where a bunch of M/inks live, and he doesnt get to go to Z/ou 😔😔😔 Thats where he learns alot about his powers and abilities and such, ect ect,,, at this point in the story he is basically in the dark about his heritage,,,,,, So once like E/nel and him actually get to the moon,,, like transforming like that was a shock! M/inks can to transform back to their normal forms just by keep their eyes covered from the view of the full moon (so sunglass or even just cloud coverage will stop the transformation) just going inside a building where the moon is no longer visible can also stop it,,, but if a M/ink stays in their S/ulong form for too long they can loose themselves if they arent trained properly (which Gideon is not atp) So while on the moon with E/nel,,, after they both figure out whats going on ((this post is already long so i wont lore dump with all of that here lol)) Gideon mostly has to stay on the ark, or keeps his eyes covered with like a bandana/wrapping cloth of some kind when he leaves the ship,,,, Queue cute moments of E/nel holding Gideon's hand having to guide him around on the moon since Gideon cant see where he is going 🥰🤭 tho thinking about E/nel teaching Gideon M/antra / O/bservation H/aki,,, so he can become somewhat capable of moving about the moon
edit: scrapping that idea, since idk how a m/ink would react to being on the moon within canon, since like m/inks need to see the full moon to transform,,,, and being on the moon is like obvi closer then seeing it down from earth, but technically you wouldnt be seeing it in full if you were on it (you would just see whats in your field of vision) so idk if a m/ink would actually transform 🤔
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aikoiya · 7 months
LoZ - Faron Cultural Tidbits
Due to how the Zonai used to inhabit the area, Faron culture takes a couple of cues from them. Or at least their architecture & food do.
We all know that if you go to Lover's Pond, it's said that you will meet your one true love/soulmate.
However, just seeing a picture of the pond isn't enough.
You have to go there in person or the magic doesn't work.
Sorry, but that's just how it goes.
The Koholina Archipelago consists of Eventide Island (the smallest island closest to the mainland), Windfall Island (the capital that hosts the port town & largest market in the archipelago), Stormbreak Island, Outset Island (the agricultural island; said to be where the Koholina culture began), Gale Island, Greatfish Island, Tombstone Island (a sacred island where the Koholinites send off their dead, hold funerals, ect), & Dragon Rise Island (the island with the most Rito living there).
It also goes by the name of the Koholint Domain as many Zora live there.
The name Koholint comes from the Faronic word Koholina, meaning "to choose joy."
Each island has a Hyrulean Common name & a Native Faron name.
Eventide Island = Ahiahi Moku (Evening Island)
Windfall Island = Makani’olu Moku or Makani Pōmaikaʻi Moku (Fair Winds Island or Winds of Fortune Island)
Stormbreak Island = Makani'ino Moku (Stormbreak Island)
Outset Island = Hoʻomaka Moku (Island of Beginning)
Gale Island = Makani’nui Moku (Gale Island)
Greatfish Island = Akua I’a Moku or Ua’nui Moku (Fish God Island or Downpour/Heavy Rain Island)
Tombstone Island = Ha’alele Moku (Island of Departure)
Dragon Rise Island = Kelekona Keha Moku (Dragon Rise Island)
It's said that Greatfish Island is home to Kilo Hamuni, who is believed to be an ancient Wai Akua or water deity. Kilo meaning “seer.”
Meanwhile, on Dragon Rise Island, it is said that a great red dragon named Kahu Walu dwells. Kahu translating to “guardian or caretaker.”
Along with them, the residents also exalt a pair of twin wind deities referred to as Polinahe & Inikiniu. The two represent the different ways that the wind can influence the world.
The Faronic languages are much like Hawaiian with a bit of several Mesoamerican languages mixed in due to environmental Zonai influence.
The languages mainly consist of the letters A, E, H, I, K, L, M, N, O, P, U, W, & the ʻokina (') with other letters showing up sparingly.
Residents of Koholina tend not to use metal; instead, their tools & weapons are primarily made of wood.
They use various types of Lei'o'manō. Like the most commonly known Lei'o'manō, a Palau Papaniho'manō (sharktooth club). There's also the Pahoa'i'a'me Lei'o'manō (sharktooth spear, also used for fishing), & Ku`eku`e Lima Lei'o'manō (sharktooth knuckles). Along with the Ulimasao (paddle club used to end war & steer towards peace).
Lurelinites are lucky in that they live on the mainland near mountains that have ore deposits. Therefore, they have the benefit of metal.
One such weapon being the Nifo'oti (cane knife).
Of course, Lurelinites also use Lei'o'manō too.
They've also been learning to use Luminous Stone since the upheaval.
Koholint Rito invented the double-limbed bow called Pālua Lima Pana, which is a high-performance bow with a lot of power behind it.
It was actually modeled after the hunting bow of the goddess of love & passion, Karina, who is one of Faron's oldest still recognized deities & referred to as Kalina by the residents.
Faronites are quite adept with weaving & crafting. Their jewelry is typically made from various seashells, pearls, beads, straw, & even flowers, which are all very popular in their fashion.
On their wedding days, Faronites wear a type of lovely necklace of woven straw with cowrie shells & a Sweetheart Orchid sealed in resin for the pendant. It's supposed to grant luck & are called Lā Male Puka.
They are then hung near the entrance to the couple's home together to grant guests positive energy & assurance by showing them that a happy couple lives there together.
If you ever see only one hanging there, it might be a sign that there are some turbulent waters between them.
… Or an Inu'waipā'ani passed by during a storm & stole it. Inu'waipā'ani being playful seabreeze spirits of Faron myth that often play little pranks on people. Mostly harmless, but are much like Koroks in that they are very child-like & might not always understand things. For Inu'waipā'ani specifically, how their pranks might affect others.
Never intentionally malicious unless angered or corrupted by Malice.
As such, most of the time, if they notice that their pranks have hurt someone, whether physically or emotionally, they'll often feel very guilty & bless their victims with Moanipōmaika'i or “lucky breezes” that cause fortunate things to happen as a result of said breezes.
Or in the case of them having taken a very sentimental or important item, they also return said item. Though, it's often a bit scuffed up too.
They are thought to play with Koroks, young Keaton, & even Skullkids.
Faron weddings tend to feature a lot of flowers.
Like, holy cow, the flowers!
This is partially due to Kalina being primarily known as a goddess of both love & flowers in Faronic theology.
LoZ Cultural Masterlist
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bigsoftmarshmallow · 3 days
Depends on the part of the story she's in at the time. If early, then there really isn't much she can do, but if it's after meeting the mentor who will teach her to unlock the Mind's Eye, then she has much more effective ways by which to deal with them than simply avoidance or talking down.
She is actually a master blacksmith, so she learns from him the old & sacred methods of forging weapons once taught to the Sheikah by their creator deity, who was very specifically a god of death, spirits, the moon, among other things. However, these methods & even his memory have long since been forgotten by her tribe. Which is why her mentor is a Keaton.
As such, she was able to forge weapons able to harm not just Poes, but also undead enemies in-general. This means Gibdos, Redeads, Stals, ect. And, upon 'killing' them with her newly reforged weapons, it leaves behind a Poe Soul, which she is able to send off to the afterlife by using one of the 2 mini-Bargainers Statues that I believe to have been located on the Surface during her lifetime.
Though, I tend to believe that Poes, when beaten, would leave behind Dark Clumps as, in my mind, they are physical manifestations of On'nen having become On'nenmaryōku. On'nen being analogous to pure Malice with Gloom being Malice that spiritually pollutes the world with its hate & resentment, being Shōki or Miasma, which was the Japanese name for Gloom.
As such, her mentor has taught her the ancient Sheikan sealing script needed to seal the Dark Clumps. Meaning the language you see written on the slips of paper you see on the Dark Clumps & on the Depths Set.
In my mind, the Sheikah once acted as living psychopomps that ferried souls to these statues. A task that was given to them by their creator deity & has, unfortunately, been long forgotten. Which is why there are so many Poe Souls all over the Depths. No one's been bringing them to the Bargainers.
Not even their creator himself has because he's been... indisposed for s very, very, very long time.
And even then, she has a shinobue that she can use to play the Song of Healing, the Sun Song, whichever song is relevant that may soothe the anger of the Poe or Ghost or Yūrei in question.
I could listen to you talk about Equal lady all day. This is high quality, well thought out stuff! I'm trying to flesh out a self insert-turned-oc (as they all go through the process of being a self insert before growing into their own character!) and this quality content inspires me!
How did Equal lady become a master blacksmith? Would she craft a wedding ring for her marriage partner?
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jaibyday114 · 9 months
Things I <3 bout u
1. your so sweet on me - having a tender heart and allowing urself 2 be open and vulnerable and idk flowy, for somebody else, it’s a gift I’m grateful u been given
2. Your so damn silly - honestly, ur 1 of the handful of people I know who doesn’t just regurgitate the things, jokes, ect. they consume on the media. ur just urself in all ur silly glory, an individual
3. You try - ur not embarrassed 2 make an effort, not embarrassed 2 try, u meet me where ur @, u have tru humility, n ur not afraid to show u gaf
4. this one, for real just indulges so much in random shit, culturally, across cultures I mean, he’s interested in all of the finer things, has watches all the movies through the decades, studied other cultures religions, into freaky cult shit and true crime, into the whole martial arts, old Chinese traditions and old medicine , fucks with the mexican culture w the hoodoo shit and the juju shit and the rituals and the festivals and art just everything colorful and everything with meaning behind it he fw,
4.3and old architecture and the whole sacred geometry of it all. like that’s cool Af!!! N they way u just indulge and the passion u have to just consume all the knowledge u can. OOOHH n vintage cars and fashion. yaaa he’s a fashion nigga. he’s into history and understanding culture hip hop culture and California culture n he’s just too cool!! he’s into the whole like burning man, all the fucking riot parades yk, like anything colorful lively tradition he’s All for.
4.5 I love how present u R how much U LOVE ordinaRy life How mUch U live for the simple things, how sensual u Are 2 see u How present u Are. It’s kinda of like WOW
5. loyal assa fucking dog, like a big ass, dark ass dog, he’s kill for the ones he loves, and he’ll live for the ones he loves, he’s a man’s best friend, he’s the heart of the room, he loves hard, his love is pure, genuine and devoted
6. that laugh of urs is so raspy and goofy!!! like that shits to cute how u can feel that shit in ur chest, ur just so dang steady, not loopy, u stand still, ur not anxious and it makes me feel… safe
7. ur not too self righteous, you have a strong moral compass, ur respectful, forgiving, tolerant, but if someone crosses ur loved ones, someone’s intentionally cruel, malicious towards the ones u love, u can get hood w the quickness. no playing around. u gone make sure Justice is had, not violently, but u don’t leave Justice in anyone else’s hands but ur own and Gods n ultimately ur fair
8. U have beautiful eyes, ur a 20/10 but ur eyes are just a whole nother world
9. not arrogant not egotistical but self assured, u know who u are and don’t over complicate it
10. ur just fucking sexc
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shaynetia · 10 months
“Can I take photos on a Marae?”
What is meant by the term ‘the gaze’ in this context?
The term Gaze is in reference to Maori being the subject of the photo and not the controller of the photo. A Pakeha/
European look.
Discuss the role of portrait photography in a Maori context. What role does
the portrait play?
Portrait photography has come to play an integral role in the Maori Realm. Which is shown through an expression
Of appreciation of Maori Carvings/ traditional art.
Provide an example (outside of the text) of how portrait photography of Māori
was used in the nineteenth century. Considering the 19 century goes back to 1801 to 1900, I have two existing 
Examples of how portrait photography was used. 
Horatio Robley                                                        John Miller 
(Please understand this image                                           (Photo of Maori land rights march led by Whina Cooper)
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What importance does a marae have to Māori people? Discuss why
photographs of a marae might be restricted. The Marae is a beautiful sacred place, and for many tribes in
New Zealand is still used for spiritual/ cultural purposes. Pre- Colonisation Maraes were used as a home ground.
A place to gather. Post colonization Maraes are referred to as “Meeting grounds”. But to Maori, Maraes still hold a
Very spiritual  value to the culture . It  also captures who we are as a culture by displaying our identity on the 
walls and Ceilings of the building. It's also known to be a very sacred place for people to come a mourn over 
their loved ones once they have passed. Ceremonial funerals (Tangis) happen. Family and friends come together
 and celebrate the life of the passed one. This creates a beautiful environment, a way to grieve with happiness
 for your loved one. You are passing them on to the gods.  
Photographs of a Marae would most likely be restricted because they are so
Sacred to Maori culture. It's a sign of respect for people who have come and gone on that land. It holds so much 
Value and I think capturing photos of it can take away from the beauty and value. I think about the Auckland War
Memorial and how they have a display of Maori tribal homes and Maraes. I think it's beautiful being able to go and
Enjoy the peaceful bliss the Maraes have. Please don't take away the beauty that still remains by making Cultural 
Traditions a new trend. Kia Ora!!!!
I Love this quote 
“The most powerful and enduring symbol of Maori identity that encapsulates tribal narratives and
histories .... in its architecture, design elements and adornments, the whore tupuna expresses the
central beliefs and values of Maori society , the whakapapa of the tribe and their relationship to
the natural world”
Huhana Smith.E TuAke- Maori Standing Strong (Wellington: Te Papa Press, 2011) p.65
What is meant by ‘a loaded and contestable set of issues connected to the act
of photographing in and around marae’? Being respectful with footwear, understanding sacred ground,
Following demands of the Tribe, No eating. Ect .
What is meant by mauri? Discuss how a photography can carry mauri.
The photographer who seeks safe passage to photograph is asking to be trusted with the mauri of the marae .
If successful in the negotiations , some of the responsibility of guardianship is transferred to the photographer
“ Mauri is the life spark or essence inherent in all living things that has been passed down from ancestors through whakapapa. Mauri affects and is affected by the surrounding environment.”
What is mana and why is it an important concept?
 (noun) prestige, authority, control, power, influence, status, spiritual power, charisma - mana is a supernatural force in a person, place or object. Mana goes hand in hand with tapu,
 one affecting the other. The more prestigious the event, person or object, the more it is surrounded
 by tapu and mana.
What are the different kinds of threshold spaces? How might a photographer
transgress these spaces? Once again the Marae holds different places on the grounds.
Some for only food preparation and cooking, some for harvesting, some for burial, some for meeting, some for 
The enjoyment of each other outside of the Wharekai, and so rest in. 
These all have meaningful elements to them. A photographer may be able to capture moments in respectful manner,
For example, holding the history of someone's life, documentation that has been accepted under the Marae.
What are the concepts of tapu and noa? How are they relevant to
photography in this context? Tapu (sacred) Noa (Commonplace/ grounds)
In relation to the land that the marae sits on, it is known to be Tapu in some areas. 
Different tribes and iwis will have different parts of the Marae that are tapu, but a general understanding of the Marae
The Ground is good. 
10. Why do issues of representation matter in the context of Te Ao Māori?
I think that Maori history alongside other indigenous histories have already undergone post colonial history changes.
This means a lot of our history that held up traditions, lifestyle etc were taken away from us. Or reintroduced 
In a different way. This is heartbreaking! 
11. Who are the Pakeha photographers who developed relationships with Te Ao
Maori and why is their work important? John miller.
At the start of the year my Visual arts class did a study on john miller and his relationship with Maori culture. 
He captured times in history that were groundbreaking! He was someone that carefully examined the sacredness of 
Maori culture and our traditions we upheld and used those boundaries to keep his photographs in line with our 
Cultural standards.
12. Who is the Maori documentary photographer who won the Media Peace
Prize? Look up and provide an example of his work, outside of this text. 
And again John miller !
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fddarchive · 2 years
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HypoJestermon in God Mode - From  yodana’s Deviantart account  
“Based off a dream I had. Get ready for the LONGEST description EVAH!!!! This is a result from RP'ing too much.   ~~~~~~ The weird dream I had was where Jes and the gang are in Lord Scythe's village, and the village Seer, Juniper, reveals  that Jes is the reincarnation of an ancient God the Jestermon worshipped. The God's name is T'kori-RaJes (I made that up), and it was said that he banished the DarkJestermon to an alternate realm. And it was said that T'kori took a mortal Jestermon woman for his wife, and they had twin children. At first, Jes doesn't believe that he's  the reincarnation of T'kori, so Juniper leads him to a chamber and shows him a  carving of the Ancient God. And T'kori  looks JUST like Jes. And then Juniper reveals that the barrier that surrounds the portal to the alternate realm where the DarkJestermon have been banished is weakening, and if nothing is done about  it, the DarkJestermon will escape and cause mass destruction. Therefore, the gang have to go on a journey to get  hold of the Elemental Crystals that  will awaken Jes's hidden God Powers. Since Juniper already has possession of the Earth Crystal, the others have to find the Air Crystal, the Fire Crystal and the Water Crystal before it is too late. It gets better....once the crystals are located, everyone has to be transported  to the Temple of T'kori, where the Jestermon had errected a sancutary to house the portal that leads to the  realm of the DarkJestermon. Unfortunately, it seemed that SOMEONE (I don't know who, you choose the baddie) has found a way to free some of  the Dark Reptiles, and now the Spirtual Tamers have to fight for their lives to reach the Sacred Chamber, where Jes's  powers are to be awakened. The bad news  is, Jes gets badly wounded, and for  some reason Lisa is unable to Spirit  Digivolve to Floweramon so she can heal  him. In fact, any healing abilites the  gang has is rendered useless. And just  when you thought things couldn't get  any more interesting, DarkHypoJestermon makes an appearance. Everyone's afraid that he'll side with his own kind, because if that happened, then they  would have no hope whatsoever to send  the DarkJestermon back to the other dimension. But surprisingly, DarkJes becomes an ally, saying that if the DarkJestermon got loose, they would kill everyone and everything. (In other words, he's fighting against them to protect his family). Of course, this  pisses the DarkJestermon off, and they  attack DarkJes. The Demon Lord manages  to hold them off long enough for the others to get Jes (who is very weak by now) to the Sacred Chamber. The next part is kinda based of the movie 'The Fith Element', cause then everyone has to figure out how to  active the crystals so that they would awaken Jes's God Powers. And by pure accident, they find out how to do it. (blow air on the Air Crystal and it'll open, pour water on the Water Crystal, ect). And once all the crystals are open, all they have to do is wait for Jes's powers to awaken. But the DarkJestermon are trying to get into the Sacred Chamber, so there's not much  time. And JUST when it seemed that all was lost for the Spiritual Tamers, Jes's God Powers awakened, and he became HypoJestermon God Mode. (Which is, btw, very freakin' AWESOME!! I must draw a picture sometime) He gains all these awesome powers over the Elements, and he defeated the DarkJestermon with mindblowing ease. And everybody was pretty much struck dumb by how POWERFUL Jes has become. Then Jes used another power called 'Deliverance from Evil' to banish all the DarkJestermon back to their alternate realm. And finally, the dream ended with Jes, still in God Mode, offering a hand to TsukiShojomon, and a rose appeared and he said, "Fly  with me...." And when he took her hand, she went into Angel Mode and they flew  up and over the Temple of T'kori. I've been working out Jes's God Powers. He has powers over the Elements, and is able to attack with fire, water, air or earth, either individually or combined into one attack. (in one part of my  dream, the Elements became birds that  perched on his arms, then they became coils around his arms and he used these to attack the DarkJestermon). He also has the attack Deliverance from Evil, and that's kinda like the Dark Magician's attack, but it banishes an entire person, not just their soul. ~~~~~~ Typically, God Mode is almost like HypoJestermon Blast Mode, only Jes gains powers over the elements, and he's ten times as strong and fast. He has the powers equivalent to the Gods, after all. Name: HypoJestermon God Mode
Type: Ancient God
Attribute: Vaccine
Attacks: Elemental Blast, Deliverance  from Evil
Defence: Divine Shield“
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shyrose57 · 3 years
Updated Deities Of Mizu thing:
Origin myths are how the people of Mizu, and related cities believe the gods came to be. They weren’t actually spirits or born from the sky, but over time, history distorts, and it’s not like it hurts anything.
Most of Mizu’s history is actually pretty accurate, and untwisted. The deities stepped in and set things straight, once they realized what had happened. 
Most, because some of it was pretty funny and harmless, so they just didn’t say anything about it. 
The city of Subbin worships a different Pantheon(unsure which it consist of yet).
Mizu’s pantheon is known to appear quite frequently to them, and become close with it’s mortals. 
Despite some beliefs, they don’t actually live within Mizu, for all they visit often. They reside in a separate dimension they all created together, and can leave freely.
Head of the Mizu Pantheon, and god of mischief and discord, perseverance through hardships, and companionship and bonds. 
Typically depicted as a scarred teenager with red string around his arms, and stars scattered along his body. Sometimes, he also sports wings on his back, or red horns and a spade-tipped tail. 
Sacred animals are cows and moths.
Origin myth: He was originally a minor spirit of discord, born from a shard of Dream’s power. They say, entranced by the stars, he hauled himself into the sky, and the stars were so awed by his determination that they immediately embraced him as a brother, turning him into a god.
Closely tied with the other three minors, as a god of the Red String, he is represented as the string itself. 
Tommy’s counterpart, and partner in leading the Pantheon. God of the community, kindness and reconciliation, and hard work and reward. 
Typically depicted as a younger boy, though that’s about the only thing that stays the same. Sometimes, he has curly ram/deer horns, and goat feet. Other times, it’s transparent wings, or snow dusted hair. 
Sacred animals are bees and deer. 
Origin myth: Ties into Tommy’s. Once a forest satyr, he was close friends with the chaos spirit, and stayed in the sea beneath him, ready to catch the other if he slipped. When Tommy looked down and saw the other waiting, ever unwilling to part, he tossed down a glass of honey, with the remains of stars mixed into it, and told him to drink it. Tubbo did, and his blood was burned gold. 
Closely tied with the other three minors, as a god of the Red String, he is represented as the knot tying two people together. 
God of sentiment, loyalty to people and memory, and mind and soul. 
Typically depicted as either a tall, faceless figure split down the middle, or a strange, reptilian creature with glowing purple eyes. 
Sacred animals are enderman and cats. 
Origin myth: Currently undecided.
Closely tied with the other three minors, as a god of the Red String, he is represented as the weaver of the thread itself.
God of value and worth, strategy, and riches.
Typically depicted as a shadowed figure in armor, with purple jewels decorating him. On some occasions though, he is shown as a purple eyed wolf instead, with a golden necklace around his neck.
Sacred animals are wolves.
Origin myth: Currently undecided.
Closely tied with the other three minors, as a god of the Red String, he is represented as the scissors that cut the thread when necessary.
The original deity, and god of change, chaos, and order, and formerly, the End.
Typically depicted as a giant covered in a bloodied cloak and porcelain mask, with an axe upon his back, and chains on his wrists.
Sacred animal are horses and cats.
Origin myth: Came into existence when a meteor struck the Enderdragon through her chest, killing her, and from the remains of her heart, was born Dream.
The second deity, and god of the Overworld, life, sentience, and rest. 
Typically depicted as a sleeping man surrounded by plants, and draped in blue. His eyes are never seen, either closed, or hidden by a pair of black and white glasses.
Sacred animals are dolphins and butterflies.
Origin myth: Came into existence when a lonely Dream began to cry, and his tears spilled onto a lifeless planet, creating the Overworld, and George along with it.
God of the Nether, chaos, marriage, and brides, it’s unclear whether he existed before Dream, or after George. 
Typically depicted as a looming, demonic shadow with a crown of bone, and glowing white eyes.
Sacred animal is the wither skeleton.
Origin myth: Undecided.
Married to Skeppy.
God of caverns and ores, mirth, magic, and mastery.
Typically depicted as either a figure draped in diamond jewelry and a veil, or a figure made or diamond.
Sacred animal is the bat, and the diamond golem.
Origin myth: Undecided.
Married to Bad.
God of the seas, motherhood, and release(of your emotions, of your past, ect).
Typically depicted as a sheep-headed woman, with an axe and a cutlass strapped over her back, and colorful ribbons in her hair.
Sacred animal is the otter.
Origin myth: Undecided.
Married to Niki.
God of spring, battle, victory, and retribution.
Can be depicted in two very different ways. One, as a brown haired maiden, with strands of pale golden flowers framing her face. Or two, as an armored lady, with pink hair that turns to streams of blood toward the end, and baring a tattered cloak on her shoulders, a sword on her hip, and a dagger hidden on her back.
Sacred animal is the fox and the dog.
Origin myth: Undecided.
Married to Puffy.
God of law, order, the married, and the widowed.
Typically depicted as an one-eyed elderly man baring books of law and politics in hand, but also as a golden winged being with a lop-sided halo covering his right eye.
Sacred animal is the crane, and the canary.
Origin myth: Undecided.
Said to be formerly married to the spirit Sapnap, and the nymph Karl.
Technically not a deity? A powerful spirit born to the Nether God, Bad, his domain falls over that of both humanity, and flame. Have up his life to imprison Dream.
Typically depicted as a humanoid made of flame, with ghostly white eyes, and red thread looped through his fingers.
Has no sacred animals, but is, for some reason, closely associated with cod fish, as well as blazes.
Origin myth: Undecided.
The pseudo-sister of Dream, who played a heavy role in his imprisonment.
Typically depicted as a short figure wearing a grinning mask.
Associated with geese, for some reason.
Origin myth: Undecided.
A fox turned human/spirit who’s closely tied with Niki and Ranboo.
Typically depicted as a fox-like person, or fox hybrid.
Associated with foxes.
Origin myth: One day, in the remains of her battlefield, Niki came across a young fox kit that had been caught in the crossfire and killed. Feeling remorse for the death, she went to George and had him revive it into a boy, who Niki took and raised as her own.
Harbringer of fall.
Some sort of fallen god or titan, perhaps? Little is known about him, besides the mentions in the Disc Saga, and a day of mourning meant in his honor.
No depictions. There’s no pictures or descriptions of this strange being.
Origin myth: Undecided/Unknown.
A sea spirit who’s widely honored as Mizu’s number one historian, and preserver of history.
Associations with blue sheep and salmon.
Typically depicted as a reclining man upon the shore, where his legs should be hidden by seafoam. His eyes are a bright sea-blue, and his lips are tinged. 
Origin myth: Undecided.
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eli-elien · 2 years
To start off, Myria is a medium-sized country north of Melamarc. Contrasting the sunny towns and forests of Melamarc, the environment of Myria is very hostile, that's excluding temperatures below freezing. The people, however, are warm and content due to them placing importance on not only surviving but living and thriving as well.
There are many mountain ranges tipped with snow and that have hidden caves. Myria is known for its many deposits in ores,  specifically magical gems with very powerful elements in them. 
The country is not only known for its violent climate or rare materials but powerful monsters, particularly deep in the caves, are undead. How curious. The monsters are also powerful outside of the caves and even the type of monsters that would be around Melamarc's capital are strong. What makes most of these creatures dangerous is also that they've evolved to blend in with their environment to be able to ambush prey and to camouflage themselves to not be prey. 
It's a dog eat dog world especially for these foul beasts.
Culture and Relations ect.
Community and family is at the core of Myria culture, there are even myths involving such ideals. Their state religion has this as its core teaching and is called "Faith of the Fox". No one actually knows how it came to be. Some people of old say the fox is a depiction of a hero but with how each hero is depicted in any other religion it seems impossible. But the raven character, which to people of our world would be their equivalent of the "devil". 
Speaking of which, the country surprisingly uses corvids, specifically magpie-like birds for sending messages in a fast and neat manner. But most people in the present day (other than the queen) use magpie messagers due to the negative correlations that any corvid has.
Foxes are sacred and not to be harmed but of course in certain circumstances such as them harming you, you would be able to. This also applies to corvids but for the reason that you might get cursed or something of the sort.
We'll get to how corvids, specifically ravens, got demonized at a later point.
Since Melamarc is so close they were bound to have some relations and they are on good terms! In fact they trade materials like magic iron and magical gems for vegetation not able to be grown in Myria's climate (and other resources and services)
On a different note the weather and monsters aren't the only differences from Melamarc. The power is shared equally with the king and queen and inherited by their child no matter their gender and based on their skills as a leader.
They also pray to many different gods and goddesses other than the fox (god of harvest, light, fire) and Raven (god of death, rot, water/ice, and darkness). If I'd have to compare it to a religion in reality I'd probably say something between Norse mythology and wiccan.
Surprisingly it's pretty ancient and it's people have a bit of a history of being violent towards outsiders (mostly bc they were to them but to each their own). Although now in recent times open and welcoming to outsiders esp Melamarc.
Theres  a lot to unpack but remember when I said I'll talk abt the actual reason for the faith of the fox and raven is because of a large scale event that caused many to suffer.
Long ago, even before the heroes during Fitoria's time, the five heroes were summoned to do their duties. Each were summoned in five countries, Myria being the country the axe hero was summoned. He wore other world clothes like a jacket and jeans but was similar to their world's demi humans with fox ears and a tail.
He trained and met the four others, it was said that he grew closer to the shield hero of that time.
They fought the waves as intended and defeated foes that weren't beasts but still monsters in their own right.
One such monster was what inspired the character "the raven".
You see raven and any corvid demi humans all have dark affinities but the raven and crows are a special case. Unlike most of the sub species power being just seeing and even being able to talk to the dead the crows and ravens can raise the dead.
He joins the axe hero's party due to him being a fellow demi human, they go on their journey some more and the raven tells the fox about a town need saving from banshees.
The party goes to the town in Myria and finds a gruesome sight of blood and dismembered limbs.
No one knows the raven's motivations for his betrayal but some say he was possessed by a demon since corvid demi humans are susceptible to those things but some say it was just for power.
But ultimately he was defeated and sealed away…in the hero's axe since at the time there was no other way to seal or kill him at the time (he was alone)
He walks away, traumatized and with an empty cold feeling.
This wasn't a victory, it was just a slaughter that he survived. And all the evidence of what just happened were just his fatal wounds and the dark magic that seeped into the earth.
He lives on and journeys on his lonesome saying it to best, the shield hero disagrees. Not just as a fellow hero, but as a worried friend. Still the fox goes on his own.
He finds that his once green eyes became icy blue, and his soft human hands became tinted with black scaly marks and talons. Familiar feathers start poking up from his skin, he was changing. And he knew this had to do with something about the seal within the axe but what was he to do? Unleash an evil such as the raven, or sit in solitude fighting for control.
He chose the second option, which was fatal.
He lost that fight and the raven came back.
The four heroes found out the things that the axe hero has done and when they went to check it out, they didn't even recognize him at this point. His arms became part of wings and he had two sets upon his back, his joints weren't human but weren't monster either. But he definitely wasn't a demi human at this point.
He put up a fight but with the bow and sword hero stopping the shield hero from intervening, was slain by the spear hero.
They were shaken to say the least and told everyone that he wasn't himself and should be remembered as a hero for trying to kill such an evil beast such as the raven. 
(I'm so sorry if this is choppy or anything bc my brain is not working but I wanna get this down)
Ok whoo hoo let's get to the monsters, fighting, magic!
Remember when I said that the necromancer's magic seeped into the earth and that theres alot of undead creatures around Myria weeeellll…yeah they're connected.
This is also based on alot of Scottish mythology as well like the fae and stuff like that.
There's banshees, skeletons, zombies (of all kinds be it humans and monsters), headless armored soldiers, just alot of undead so you usually don't see people out at night and theres lots of myths abt monsters taking kids that wander into the woods which are uh ah ha actually true.
Terrifying, right?
The people are taught at a young age how to either fight or heal by their families (be it fighting/healing with traditional means or magic). How patrols work is a buddy system with one being a soldier and another person wielding holy power.
Most magic that's used is water and fire, also bc if someone is powerful enough in water magic then they might be able to control snow and ice (fire is self explanatory.) 
Ok ok I'm losing brain cells I'm done with my info dump ask any questions if ya have any abt this made up country lol
@shieldherostuffs @localwitchash 
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Self Love (part two)
I previously wrote about self love and the inner work that I've discovered for myself and what has worked for me. When we come into higher states of awareness it becomes clear that self love is of the utmost importance in order to expand and truly evolve. We hear the phrases, " just love yourself, focus on self love, self care, you have to learn to love yourself to be loved." Ect. But no one ever tells you how to truly love yourself because it takes a lot of healing first. It's important to remember you cannot truly love yourself until you've done inner healing work daily and mostly it's trial and error, getting back up again after difficult days of feeling not good enough, beating ourselves up, feeling unappreciated, unloved, and searching for validation outside ourselves only to discover that doesn't work and it's not real self love to only focus on the outside.
We must choose to go inwards. We must tune into our hearts, and connect with our soul to see what it is we truly need to do and heal in order to love ourselves. When we love on ourselves we instantly raise our vibration. Anything we dislike about ourselves are just concepts based from third dimensional beliefs from human programming of what is "good" and "bad" with no real substance other than your belief in them. Change the belief, change your reality. What does practicing self love really entail? When we truly want to love ourselves without faking it, we practice boosting our self confidence. We spend quality time with ourselves. We invest in our self care rituals. We reprogram our limiting, false negative beliefs about ourselves daily. We dig deeper in all ways to truly eliminate all false illusions about ourselves.
We say and write down positive self love affirmations daily, and we immediately throw away any negative thoughts about ourselves that are lies. We become self disciplined and regularly challenge our old self and give ourselves a stress free life by making things easier on our future self. We start saying no to everything not in alignment with our higher selves. We stop beating ourselves up, and start honoring and nurturing our sacred vessels. We cut out smoking, drinking, drugs, eating disorders, giving away our bodies, and we start drinking more water, eating healthy, healing our bodies, and we cut out anyone negative in our lives with firm boundaries. We no longer tolerate or accept their ignorance and abuse in our lives and we take back our power and our energy. We burn bridges because we know we can swim. We stop letting others with lower states of consciousness take advantage of us just because they don't know how to love themselves. No one can truly love you unless they love themselves. When you have a consciousness of self-loathing, self hatred you draw to yourself the experiences supporting more of that energy.
At a certain point of our evolution it becomes easier to love ourselves because of our higher states of consciousness. When we love ourselves, most people no longer become attractive to us unless we can see they are good for us. We can truly become even more isolated because fewer and fewer people have done the inner work that we have done on ourselves. You only allow people into your life if they deserve you. You stop needing other people to make you feel less lonely, and they become a bonus in your life, not a necessity. The qualities we dislike about ourselves are really our inner child desperately seeking support, love, and approval from us. Whenever you find yourself judging yourself harshly just become conscious and aware, and say, "Oh you again. No we're not doing that anymore. I'm in charge now and I say we're enough as I am now and I love every part of myself completely." You will always be a spiritual being regardless if you choose a reality of heaven or hell, your human flaws and errors are not who you truly are underneath. You will not be punished just because you have a bad habit. Consciousness is always moving forward, you are always evolving no matter how slowly; evolution never stops.
When we keep evolving we keep discovering our true form. Once you stop feeding the negative illusions about yourself they disappear because they have nothing to hold them in place. When we love ourselves we see our worth and we stop second guessing ourselves. Loving ourselves is moving out of old third dimensional beliefs and realizing that everything I need is embodied within me because Source/God is Self and I am already complete and perfect now.  If I choose to share that with someone else, that is great, but I do not, never have, and never will need someone outside of myself in order to be whole. Once you transform yourself in mind, body, and soul you truly make it easier to love every part of yourself because you are healed and you did it. No one else did it for you; you can no longer be broken or have those self loathing tendencies because you built yourself up and you are living from a higher state of consciousness. You become unbreakable, secure in yourself and love yourself completely. Nothing and no one can take it away from you.
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thebadchoicemachine · 3 years
Danganronpa DSMP AU
[Make Chapter 1, 2, 3, ect.]
Philza, Technoblade, Wilbur, Tommy, and Tubbo devise an ultimate killing game. Wilbur Tommy and Tubbo would help from the inside as themselves.
Something happens in the first trial that pisses Tommy off. Technoblade throws the trial, not wanting the game to end so soon, he and Phil give out evidence that incriminates Dream. Tommy explodes, yelling at Technoblade that “he cheated” gets killed as a result. To everyone else it looks like he broke because of the- y’know- death and murder and unfairness of their captor, but later it’s revealed the truth. After this Wilbur disappears.
The strange men in pig and bird mask never comment. Everyone sort of sullenly came to the conclusion that he’d been killed but since no one found the body there was no class trial, it caused a deep rift between everyone. Tubbo came up with the idea that he’d killed himself but in some way no one would find him so they’d not be in risk. There was just no other explanation.
This idea brings them all together… until the next murder that is. Unbeknownst to them however, Tubbo knows exactly what Wilbur is doing but is too loyal to express his confusion. In reality, without Tommy or Wilbur with him, Tubbo is now really nothing more than another player. Something he doesn’t comprehend at first which allows him to remain “calm” and act as the group’s moral support. (His and Tommy’s job was originally to keep bringing the group back up so they could be knocked back down into despair over and over again, a peg lower each time.) As more and more is revealed
❌ is killed 🕊 lives ♠️ blackened
••• Master Minds •••
Philza - Ultimate Death (despair)
Technoblade- Ultimate Violence (despair)
••• Players •••
Wilbur - Ultimate “Guitarist” / Ultimate Distortion (despair) ❌
- He’s the least true despair oriented out of the family. He loves messing with other people but doesn’t enjoy despair himself, something nobody including himself really realizes until Tommy is dead and he’s pissed because it’s not fun when HE’s the one mourning.
- He “disappears” after the first trial and executions because he angry with Techno and Phil for breaking the rules at the first trial and killing Tommy over it.
- Over the course of the game many strange and contradictory things happen (evidence appears/disappears, there are holes in testimonies that never get resolved in trial, etc) that are later attributed to Wilbur messing around with the game.
- In the end he decides to stop caring about the rest of the people’s despair and figures them winning, them leaving with hope, will bring the worst despair possible to Phil and Techno.
- He also makes Phil kill him for much of the same reason.
Tommy - Ultimate “Playmate” / Ultimate Pawn (despair) ❌
- Really just a brainwashed kid hyped up on death and despair because it’s what his family is built off of. He holds it to a religious degree and takes it very seriously.
- He’s the most like Junko out of the despair family, the rules of the game are sacred to him otherwise it’s no fun. This is why he becomomes so angry he borderline breaks character (although he didn’t really have one) to scream at Technoblade when he executes Dream.
- They cheated. Dream should have gotten away with it but they interfered and offered up evidence because they didn’t want to game to end so soon. This does not sit right with Tommy and he goes off on Technoblade only to be suddenly beat to death.
Tubbo - Ultimate Hazard / Ultimate Hope 🕊
- Much like Tommy he’s really just a brain washed kid who is drunk on despair because it’s what his friends do and it’s all he’s ever known.
Ranboo - Ultimate Journalist (main character) ♠️
- He is decided to be the blackened because he talked Wilbur into helping them, specifically Tubbo, and that lead to Wilbur’s decision to give up and make Phil kill him. Everyone points out how that’s ridiculous and a complete turn around of the rules but Philza (who is running this “trial”) tells them he’s already decided Ranboo is the blackened. So they can vote him or they can ALL die.
Niki - Ultimate “baker” / Ultimate Agent 🕊
Puffy - Ultimate Pirate ♠️
Schlatt - Ultimate Tycoon ❌
- Tubbo convinces Puffy Schlatt is going to kill him. Schlatt has actually been very kind and mentor-y to Tubbo. He’s a good fit because his gruff additude isn’t too jarring for despair-washed child to dismiss but he is genuinely helpful at heart. He wants everyone to be safe.
- Tubbo is unerved by this shift in views happening to him and half-truthfully vents his feelings of unsafeness to Puffy, who posiosn him.
Hannah - Ultimate Florist ♠️
- Bonds with Karl over meanings of flowers a little, he gives some to Quackity and Sapnap. 
Jackstanifold - Ultimate Determination ❌
Fundy - Ultimate Game Designer 🕊
Sam - Ultimate Guard [?]
- Actually, he hates his ultimate. He’s strong and scary and can keep people in check sure but he’s also hella fucking smart as well kind and just wants people to be safe and happy. He wished people didn’t focus so much on his enforcement and more on his protecting.
Purpled - Ultimate Astronomer ❌
- Actually spends most of his time playing sports, he’s very athletic and wanted to play something professionally but his knack for the stars kind of dragged him away. It doesn’t mind too much though, he really does love space and it’s fine to play as a hobby.
- Bonds with Hannah over their love of sports. Enough to trust her to the point she could get him alone.
Quackity- Ultimate Rogue [?]
- He’s like a much less effective Kokichi
Charlie - Ultimate Forensic Chemist ♠️
- Acts as their Detective/doctor character.
- His killing was a complete accident, he didn’t even realize he was the “murderer” until during the trial where it’s unraveled that it was his error and not someone else’s malicious intent. He was trying to figure out some chemical compound and ended up mixin
Karl - Ultimate Astrologer ❌
Sapnap - Ultimate Arsonist 🕊
- “No one gets hurt unless I want them too.” Attitude about his fires.
- Actually saves Quackity who would have died too if he hadn’t caught him and stopped him from running in with water, knowing an electrical fire.
- Gives himself up for Karl’s death, believing it really was his fault even if he didn’t mean to. Learned from Charlie’s trial that accidental blackens were still blackened.
George - Ultimate Model ❌
- Not necessarily a model for his looks, rather his appeal. He just has a face people apparently love. Companies would play vast sums of money for him to pose with their product as it seems whatever he was attached to would sell like hot cakes. Even when he was a child his school made him sit alone in front of their stand as a mascot instead of working with everyone else.
Eret - Ultimate Aspirant [?]
Dream - Ultimate Prey ♠️
- Ultimate prey. Governments from all over the world would drag him into their battlefields to test their powers. He’d been shot several times actually but no one ever managed to catch him.
- He is the first blackened. He made a promise with Eret that they would find a way to get out of this game game… no matter what… but betrayed him in a bout of panic and paranoia fed by Eret’s determination. He killed George and attempted to frame Eret. After all, he was used to being the target… he couldn’t afford not to be three steps ahead.
- He built up quite a bond with Tommy over their misunderstood ultimates. During the trial he nearly admitted it due to how ferociously Tommy defended him, the kid seemed almost in denial. But he didn’t. He felt like he really could win, he’d escape like he always did, until the crow brought up some evidence that absolutely screwed him over.
• His execicution is actually quite simple and not too showed at all. He’s released. Nothing happens. The trial ends and everyone’s allowed to resume life as normal. Expect Dream knows better, he knows this feeling, and he bolts. Technoblade (this is the first time they’ve seen him btw) hunts him down throughout the grounds of the game. Tommy runs in front of him though, still seething about the trial, screaming that Technoblade cheated and everyone should be dead. Technoblade beats him to death. After that no one dares go near either him or Dream. The whole hunt is shown on the televisions. It goes on for hours before Dream gets caught and killed.
- No one really mourns for him, too caught up in the shock and anger of the killing game actually going on— and the fact they had a newer much more innocent (as far as they knew) death to mourn in tommy-see the tragedy.   
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ren-c-leyn · 3 years
Is there an industry in your world that dominates all others? I'm talking things like how Dwarf cultures in fantasy normally focus on mining. If so, why is that particular industry so dominant?
Hello! Thanks for stopping in. In the Plight of a Sparrow, there's different industries depending on the region. My answers got a bit away from me again, so I'll be putting it under a read more.
In the Dwarven territory there is a focus on mining, but an even higher focus on tinkering and building things. The mining industry grew as the tinkering did, and the tinkering came about as one part necessity for finding clever solutions for their environment and the war, and one part the natural curiosity they were created with. As a result, you'll find several smiths focused on building strange parts for various tinkerers within dwarven communities as well.
High elves have a large fishing industry, and a high demand for the services of water wizards. They also have hatcheries dedicated to essentially farming fish much like we farm livestock. This is a result of their lands being predominately swampland, lakes, rivers, and other bodies of water. There isn't really that much in the way of farmable land, and most of their gardens are either indoor or floating, so fish is a large staple of their diet.
Wood elves have a large concentration of hunters, as their forests are thick with both game and monsters. They also have an industry built around using the parts of monsters to make weapons and armor, think of the monster hunter game series. These arms and armors are prized both inside their own communities and by foreign warriors and adventurers.
Moon elves have a massive alchemy industry as well as many schools for different kinds of magics. These were around long before the war, cropping up as a result of them being the most magically inclined of the races as well as their unique sacred treasure, but it grew with the war to supply the demand of their allied armies. As a result, there are also large farms dedicated to growing the herbs and other ingredients required for the potions. However, it has had the unfortunate side effect of also increasing their slave trade to work these large farms.
Humans don't have a particular industry that's more prosperous than the rest, as their territory is one of the more diverse in the world as far as terrain goes. They do, however, tend to have more farms than the other territories as they have a lot of plains and other fertile lands that are good for livestock and crops.
Dark elves have a booming mining industry and a high concentration of weapon and armor smiths. The mining has always been a big part of their economy as they live underground and dig out their elaborate tunnel systems to live in, but the weapon and armor smiths increased dramatically with the start of the war.
Vampires have a lot of more luxury focused industries. Tailors, fine fabric manufacturers, jewelers, artists, ect. It's a bit complicated to explain why, but the basics is thier status depends on showing off fine things. Which leads to the darker side of their luxury industries: thieves for hire and slavers. I'm not sure how long they've been apart of the society. I imagine, to some extent, it's always been there, but the war really brought it out of the shadows and to the foreground. I imagine there's a huge market full of goods plundered from foreign cities with domestically stolen goods mixed in, as well as slaves, who are also both foreign and local.
Orcs have a large science community, which, like the dwarves, is both a matter of necessity and their own curiosity. They also have a large number of smiths dedicated to building weird stuff. They have several book binders and libraries. And probably several small industries that cropped up and grew around their search for knowledge. In addition, as they too live in mountains they hollow out, they have a large mining industry as well as several weapon and armor smiths.
No one knows what they fairies do. They fairies will never tell you what they do.
The beastmen used to have a large trading industry, but it's declined sharply since the most recent pushes in the war and thus they have probably built up their own industries to become more self reliant until the heat dies down again.
Thank you for stopping in. I hope you have a lovely day/evening.
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