#<- aka. give me tech help PLEASE
ginalinettiofficial · 9 months
hey quick question has anyone figured out a search engine that ACTUALLY WORKS?????? now that google is fucking useless?????
particularly for images. i’m so done w their image search. it used to be that you type in a word, hit “search”, and you see essentially all the images that ever existed in that word. i’ve recently discovered that google (and from what i can tell, most other search engines too?) won’t show any results from webpages that are no longer active which is just WILD to me idk like i’m trying to search for images of a specific print from this one brand that’s discontinued and i can’t find ANY of the old advertising photos they used for it because it’s not actively being sold on their website???? that feels wrong???? feels like something that very much so was photographed and had those photographs shared on the internet should still exist on the internet for me to find???? literally it doesn’t even bring up like instagram results with those images even though i know for a fact the brand hasn’t deleted their old posts about those prints. so like. what the fuck.
i also tried bing, yahoo, and duckduckgo and got all the exact same search results. this is happening ALL THE TIME and it’s driving me crazy. like i don’t think it’s wild for me to want to see photos that were posted and shared widely last year?????????
anyways. if anyone knows how to FIX THIS (is there something in my settings that’s screwed up??? i’ve tried looking but cannot find anything!!!) or knows of a good alternative search engine that actually searches and finds past stuff PLEASE let me know cuz this is just so frustrating
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jamiebluewind · 4 months
Eclipse the kitten update
(please don't glitch tumblr it's the tenth time I've tried!!!)
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Previous post
Welp! Winter's boy has a respiratory infection. It was causing him to wheeze so to the vet we went! Luckily it wasn't a diaphram issue (which had us worried because of his umbilical hernia). His hernia also came up normal on his x-rays.
(X-rays left out because might bother people, but I can send them on request)
He's on meds several times a day and taking them like a champ, but had to be put in a pen with limited free playtime (because nothing will stop Mr Indestructible from running around the house with all the grace of a car with no breaks). We DID get a reply after just a week from a really nice person who was going to give us one (shocked us let me tell ya because it was BIG dog sized). Unfortunately, they left it outside for us to pick up and someone else just... took it. Right out of their yard. And since all we had was a small cat carrier to keep him in (which was kinda cruel for more than a day or two tops), we ordered a cat playpen that we got for a decent price. We kept looking until it got here, but no luck. Still! It's a nice playpen and we have it set up so he doesn't have to jump if he doesn't want to (plus more vertical to enjoy later on). Sarah's mom also let us borrow her water fountain!
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We went to a new vet as ours was booked up (and he had already been wheezing a day). Everyone basically fell in love with him instantly. He left with a little toy from the tech, they gave Winter a jar of honey (one of the people in the office has bees and they wanted to give her something for caring about a kitten that most wouldn't have despite him having a treatable condition), and they've been checking in on how he is recovering (very well since I first typed this actually). He's basically got an entire vet office wrapped around his little paw.
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Also, the non-profit we're taking him to for his surgery had a cancelation and his got moved up to the 12th! Counting down the days yall.
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Because I gotta kinda mention it, this hit us where it hurts. Between the vet visit and testing, the pen, and the estimated cost for the surgery and followup, it's gonna cost us more than $2k (as long as nothing ELSE goes wrong). We're lucky that we're all super careful with our money, but there's only so much we can save up with three people below the poverty line. Still worth it though. I mean, look at this doofus
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He is so stubborn that we can't leave scratch posts upright because he keeps doing THIS! XD
I'm linking Winter's paypal, but I 1000% understand if you can't help out. Still, a reblog and a word or three mean a LOT to all of us so if you got a minute, I'd love some new post additions to show Winter.
(Truth be told, the only reason all the updates are posted on my tumblr is because I'm the longest winded out of the three of us and I take like 5 billion pictures. XD )
Speaking of, there WOULD be a bonus pic of him and his sister (Melanite, aka Miel) playing under my chair as my cat (Danny) looks on from a safe place, but tumblr kept glitching when I added it.
Edit: surgery update
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raindropsyndrome · 2 years
My Bros Before Brooches AU continuation post?!
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Hello! I’m briefly delving back into my AU I came up with a few months ago, “Bros Before Brooches”
Which, is admittedly more of a “self-indulgent-fan-made-continuation-of-a-show-I-really-like-that-got-cancelled-years-ago” that I just call an “AU” for short.
(Also side note, yes, I am aware I made a few mistakes the last couple times I posted about this. I know. I know. 😔)
And now I will proceed to infodump about it if anyone’s interested
Rough Episode Summary:
* Turtles wonder what it would be like to live “normal” lives
* Donnie makes a set of cloaking brooches
* Mikey, Donnie, and Leo (now disguised,) get taken to a mall by April to do some normal teenager activities. Raph stays behind (Out of moral confliction)
* There they arrive at a clothing store where Baxter Stockboy works(?) and where a disguised Usagi works
* (Stockboy has a house-arrest style tracking anklet on, he’s only permitted to go where his parents take him. AKA, only his parent’s various stores and his house.)
* April spots a piece of clothing she REALLY wants
* Leo takes note of both of these and carries on
* Stockboy notices them and immediately recognizes April, but not the boys
* Stockboy then demands that April stops and leaves before he does something that will “ruin her life”(wow, so intimidating)
* After a bit of bickering between April and Baxter, Leo shoves himself between them and convinces Baxter to at least let April have that one piece of clothing she wants, Baxter agrees, if Leo and his brothers help Baxter with a super-secret-special-project he’s been working on (they reluctantly agree)
* Meanwhile, Raph finally decides to try and find his brothers out of overwhelming stress and guilt. (Especially because he thinks he hurt Donnie’s feelings by not using his brooch)
* Cut back to April, who tries to convince the boys that she’ll just go find some other piece of clothing at another shop and continue to do what they all wanted to do and not let her misfortune ruin this for them, but to no avail. She gives up and leaves them with an eye roll and lets them go on their fetch quest
* Baxter then separates the boys from April, bringing them to a storage room behind the shop
* (Not) surprisingly, Baxter has a new scheme to get revenge on the turtles, this time he’s made a decently-sized mech to battle the turtles with. (Which is hilariously dressed up, as Stockboy’s only resources he could get himself without leaving his parent’s shop were clothes and various display parts)
* Un-phased, (with Mikey giggling at the sight of this creation,) all proceed to help Stockboy (it’s for the greater April,) and start gathering things from around the mall to help complete the mech
* (Stockboy got all of his previous tech taken away from the last incident he caused, and needs new resources… which are quite limited, obviously.)
* The boys soon need Usagi’s help, because they have no idea what they’re doing (they haven’t properly gone shopping before.)
* Usagi is reluctant to help at first, but eventually, with some convincing from Leo, (emphasizing how pleased his bosses would be if he helps customers,) he decides to help them
* Later, (now disguised) Raph finds where April is (a completely different part of the mall by now,) and the startled April explains to Raph everything that happened, then they both go to try and find their brothers (to “check up on them”)
* Long story short Baxter finds out the boys are the turtles and they get their covers blown. A real; “How do you know these are disguises?” “Because you just told me.” Moment
* Usagi suspected something was up about the brothers before, (he had involuntary heard a lot about them from Baxter’s rambling,) but this grand reveal moment had confirmed his suspicions
* Baxter (now in his mech,) starts a fight, but the boys try not to harm him in any way (for over-powered mystic abilities beyond humanly possible reasons)
* They stall by parrying and avoiding hits until Leo thinks of what to. (Raph and April had found them by now)
* Usagi is conflicted on whether to stay and fight, or get away from what’s going down, he shows a bit of fighting and parkour skill when he tries to hold his ground and dodge the chaos unfolding nearby
* Leo spots this, then comes up with a plan to take down Stockboy
* Leo instructs the others to try and lead Stockboy out of the store, so that his anklet would alert authorities, while he goes and talks to Usagi, because now he has some suspicions of his own. They (April, Raph, Mikey and Donnie,) nod and carry out the plan
* In an effort to destroy the turtles, Stockboy ends up destroying his own parent’s store (again) and that same destruction is soon to spread to the rest of the mall (uh oh)
* The building is on fire now and starts falling apart
* In a shielded place, Leo finds and confesses to Usagi that he’s been lying about his identity, and reveals his true turtley self in front of Usagi. To the surprise of Leo, Usagi does as well.
* Usagi suggests that they get a fresh start together and meet up in the mystic city later, Leo agrees
* (Leo is so obviously crushing hehehehfajdh)
* Usagi says goodbye leaves through a nearby window
* The rest had successfully knocked over Stockboy, which had landed him outside of the mall
* Everyone leaves the mall one-by-one and later they all come to the conclusion that being themselves is better than what just happened, and that they’ll only use their brooches if they absolutely need to
* Stockboy is not left in the now collapsed building, and is found by two angry parents and a crowd of police officers
* The end :)
Alright so that was the episode summary, now here’s a tidbit focused on Usagi
Usagi Yuichi
In typical Rise fashion, Usagi’s character traits mostly get overhauled for new ones. So my version of Usagi is relatively different from past versions, while keeping some of the backstory. (As far as I know)
Usagi gets introduced in “Bros Before Brooches,” when he’s first seen in human form as he’s disguised with his “Hi, my name is” pin. He worked in a store Stockboy’s parents owned inside the shopping mall the boys and April visit.
Usagi immediately presents himself as diligent worker and will do anything someone of authority will ask of him. No questions asked. He’s extremely determined to get his tasks done. He just gets right to the point and is as stiff as a board, and gets easily annoyed when he’s interrupted by anyone other than his manager.
He first comes off as a headstrong and strict antagonistic jerk to the (disguised) turtles and April, not wanting to help or even talk to them.
But he eventually caves and begrudgingly helps them out.
And Even though he’s like this, he eventually softens up when he meets Leo, properly introducing himself and even inviting Leo to meet up with him later by the end of the episode.
After breaking the ice a bit, Usagi is revealed to be a bit of a naive goofball. And such a naive goofball, that he is completely oblivious to Leo crushing on him.
Outside of the episode
Usagi is a Yokai that grew up in a remote part of the mystic city on a farm. He was raised by his great aunt, and leans heavily toward tradition. Especially with mystic powers.
He is greatly determined to become a samurai, specifically by his aunt’s standards. Which… are pretty high.
His aunt and himself always look to their ancestor, Usagi Miyamoto, for reference on how a great samurai should be. His aunt teaches him everything Usagi Miyamoto would know, which with what little remains of his influence, is practically baseless. (But Usagi doesn’t know this, and that his aunt is mostly making things up. She is kind of a control freak in this version. Sorry, I had to be angsty somewhere.)
Usagi is so determined to become a samurai, that he’s developed a lack of interest to make any connections other than his aunt. He’s practically driven anyone his age away because all he cares about is his training.
His aunt sent Usagi on a “mission” to go “undercover” as a human to “infiltrate” their ranks. She filled out Usagi’s job application herself, and gave Usagi the “Hi, my name is” pin. (Which is actually another cloaking brooch.) All of this so Usagi would be able to go there as soon as possible. His aunt just wants to get rid of him for a few hours each day and for him to make some friends.
I imagine if his arc gets expanded on, he’ll have beef with Donnie (who doesn’t use his mystic abilities in the traditional sense,) discover his aunt is lying and start questioning everything he was taught, and by-proxy struggle with his trust issues more. He’d become extremely rebellious, but later with the support of his new friends, become more kind, open-minded, give into his true goofball self, and learn to trust others.
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neverchecking · 1 year
Ok my friend 🐲 Aron sent me the request you did for them
And I have jump on the wagon I am a huge smip for rauru and I wish he was fallowing us .
But I have a huge idea can I request yandere rauru x Link sister reader Where the reader has been with her twin brother though everything and rauru not only saves Link but his twin who both have weapon of light.
And rauru some how join Link and the reader on the journey and Link know rauru is yandere for his sister but know he is only one worth of her and gives him the ok Plus link knows he won't hurt his sister unlike some one who did AKA Zelda abd he is low-key playtonic yandere for his sister. So he ok with rauru
So rauru and the reader are in a cave to get away from a gelok king ( I heard about it don't know where. I just took down the thunder one.) And he in heat which he has not been in for so long. And the reader fighting a bunch of enyms and her get hurt triggers his animal wild side and he quickly goes to save the reader who is being overwhelmed by monsters.
And he see They have a mix of monster extract mix with mud bud and dazzle fruit that makes the person that smell's it go super horny and if they don't get help they can die.
And of course raturu needs to help his soulmate and breed's her and quickly takes her to the time temple and puts her in a nest for more breeding.
And can I be 🐔aroun I love the cucos!
You absolutely can! Welcome to the party 🐔anon!
I've never written for Rauru before so bare with me? I also fucked around with Spirits and stuff here. So give me some leeway here please?
TotK Spoilers.
Smut so MDNI! 18+!
Smut CW:
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・❥・Raura was...unaware that the swordsman had a sibling. Nevertheless one as effervescent as you were.
・❥・He hadn't seen anyone with quite so much effortless grace since his late wife.
・❥・Of course, he didn't know about you until seeing you creep alongside both your brother and Zelda into the cave where the Demon King was being held. You had expressed your distaste, quite loudly in fact, but were ignored.
・❥・By Zelda. Link had taken your fears to heart offering a hand to you to ease your nerves.
・❥・You seemed far too delicate for this line of research however.
・❥・From the pieces Rauru had picked up, you were a researcher for the Zonai culture, taking a great interest in his race. It made his ears twitch in joy as he watched you awe over the carvings on the wall.
・❥・You were so...spirited in everything you did. Even as your brother fell to the Demon King's prowess. Zelda had been launched and he had to make the difficult decision between you and her. You made it for him, pushing him towards the Princess.
・❥・ You were naively selfless even when it meant you were the only one remaining in the Demon King's line of sight.
・❥・He had launched himself at you, but in doing so had also freed Rauru.
・❥・In the miniscule time frame given, he had managed to not only save you, but your brother as well, even if gloom riddled your veins and threatened your very precious life.
・❥・You staggered and swayed when you had awoken, fretting over your brother before even daring to glance out the entrance. From there, he had beckoned you towards the Temple.
・❥・Link had gone off to get the Light orbs, leaving you to stand guard at the door. Leaving you with him.
・❥・You had introduced yourself to him, bashfully thanking him for everything he had done- to which he waved off. It would be such a waste to see a life as bright and eccentric as yours burn out so quickly.
・❥・When it became obvious that you were so fragile, especially with the new enemies headed your way, Rauru had made the executive decision to abandon the temple to join you. While Link had lost an arm, you had lost a bit of your rib cage, which now was stitched together with Zonai tech and prayers. His sage made up the center component over your heart. He would follow you.
・❥・He would protect you.
・❥・Between himself and Link, who refused to let you wander far, you never saw so much as a scratch. Rauru understood he was powerful and knew that the only reason the demon king had lasted as he did was because he was unprepared (And had to care for Zelda).
・❥・That was not the case with these riff-raff bokoblins or measly Moblins.
・❥・They could barely point to scream before falling by his claws in a puff of smoke.
・❥・He had eventually gained Link's confidence in his ability to protect you, meaning the swordsman would leave you in his capable hands to tackle some of the...more difficult challenges.
・❥・That did not stop you from finding trouble that even Rauru was hard pressed in saving you from.
・❥・Oh no. When word from another researcher came about a stone that could bring a spirit back to their living form you ran off without much more than a note for your brother.
・❥・However, it came at cost. You had to slay the King Gleeok-- a beast not even Rauru ever went looking for a fight from. It was high in the sky islands (If your looking for specifics, lmk, I gotcha) and you were hardpressed to get to it, even with a Zonai glider. But by the Goddess, you had done it.
・❥・You had much more skill than Rauru had previously given you. Your intellect with the herbs of this world combined with your cutthroat aim was enough to have the Gleeok biting at it's own heads as you shot at it with bomb flowers.
・❥・Just watching you take down this massive beast had something he had not felt since the heartbreak of Sonia's death stirring.
・❥・Zonai had had breeding seasons for millennia before him, but he had only ever gone through one.
・❥・This had felt exactly like this one time. And he wasn't anywhere near prepared.
・❥・He had viewed you as his soul partner by this point. As if Sonia's soul had come back to form you. To give him another chance at love. To sooth his aching heart and mend it together.
・❥・The Gleeok fell with a mighty roar, pulling him out of his stoop. You were victorious, but wounded, quickly scampering to the chest remaining. Inside was the very stone you were looking for, showing it to him with a bright smile.
・❥・Throughout it all you still smiled.
・❥・And it made his heart race. Moreso when you offered the gem with the explanation you had wanted it for him. If he choose to take it.
・❥・It was not a hard decision.
・❥・It was an...unfamiliar feeling. Getting weight back to his previously weightless limbs, which now had bones and flesh. Muscles and fat. Fur and hair.
・❥・It was all so new to him once more.
・❥・A shrill cry had you both looking up to where an army of the dastardly flying rats were, eyes set on you. You were in no condition to keep fighting.
・❥・Lucky for him, he was.
・❥・It took very little time to wipe them out, but by the time he had done so, whatever heat in his gut had amplified by ten. And you were looking at him with those big doe eyes, singing his praise over and over and-
・❥・And he just had to have you.
・❥・To breed you and mate you and make you his. His, his, his.
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His claws raked against your hips as his hips smacked against yours. Over and over again, reaching deep within you and crashing against your cervix. You had expressed concern in whether his species were meant for intercourse with Hylians. Where or not he would fit.
He assured you he would.
And he did.
Watching your drooling cunt stretch around him, fighting to make room and to accommodate for him had him disgustingly intrigued. He couldn't rip his eyes free from it, watching as he sunk into you only to pull back and do it once more. Over and over and over again. Until you were nothing but a babbling mess beneath him.
Watching your body move and rock with him was more than he ever could've imagined, calling his attention when it wasn't watching your greedy little hole.
He could've died here, again, a happy man. A much more fulfilled man.
He knew he wanted you to carry his kits, he just knew it, and with the way your body seemed so receptive to his, it was bound to happen. Your body seemed to accepted every little thing he did.
And when it did accept his young, he would ensure your safety at all times.
No more exploring the depths for Zonite. No more running around playing construction worker. No more playing hero and fighting Gleeoks.
No, he would build you a gorgeous nest in the temple of Time where no one could touch you. Where you could care and carry his kits until they were good and ready to be birthed.
Your brother would make the effort to visit, he knows Link would. You would miss nothing on the ground level.
All you would need would be him. Right in front of you. and he wouldn't lose that chance again.
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cometsandstardust · 1 month
I’m rewatching Agents of Shield and here is a (final) list of things I genuinely forgot happened:
(and also little things i enjoy)
season seven:
- deke printed out sheriff stars
- “i just can’t seem to hold down a husband as they all just turn up with broken ribs when they give me lip” - daisy
- coulson learned about the speakeasy in a first year history course at the academy
- the first thing may says after finding out she’s in 1931, was “i’m hungry”
- “i’m a doctor, not a dame” “i’m a biochemist not a bird” fucking icon jemma simmons
- deke tells freddy that he invented the walkie-talkie
- “agent may, if i may?” enoch is so funny
- …may says she doesn’t feel anything when she wakes up, even though her empathy-ability is already present (though no one knows it yet). she wakes up and feels nothing because the only other person there is enoch, who isn’t human, and therefore doesn’t feel anything, at least not the way we do
- she also talks in a very-enoch like connotation during these scenes (same sort of lilt in her voice)
- they brought koenig onboard the zephyr and he said “excuse me if i’m not impressed” and then immediately lost his shit. he also called enoch a robot, and enoch made a very “bitch, please” face
- freddy shot koenig in the shoulder
- enoch is shown to be working as a bartender at the end of s7ep2 for koenig
- the zephyr scared two teenagers half to death when they got to the fifties
- younger daisy (aka skye ig) believed that area 51 was controlled by shield and was proven right
- the first time may showed signs of her empathy besides the monotone killer mood was when trying to single out the chronicom starting up helius and she basically had a panic attack
- also the chronicom they’re chasing has a very dottie underwood like aesthetic (ofc i’m referencing agent carter when my boy sousa is back)
- overriding the system knocked out the two chronicoms and coulson.
- the camera zoomed in on coulson’s eye and showed a circuit flickering
- the reason s7ep4 is in black and white is because of a malfunction in the wires
- sousa was considered the first fallen soldier of shield
- sousa called howard a pompous ass (he’s right and he should say it)
- mack compared the effect of sousa’s death on shield to the effect of coulson’s to the avengers
- sousa stole a motorcycle from the zephyr
- deke said he wrote the song “don’t you (forget about me)”
- he also name drops daisy in his own lyrics
- coulson’s in a tv
- sybil’s “dumb bot” acts just like a dalek for a sec
- may and yoyo sparred to try and trigger yoyo’s powers into working again
- yo-yo got stuck on the quinjet at the beginning of each loop
- in several loops, mack gets blinded by a radiation flare
- deke gives the distance from the center of the time storm in kilometers, which i initially thought was strange cause y’know american, but then i realized that deke literally grew up in space and that fitz-simmons basically created all the tech/software on board so yeah metric system
- daisy proved to simmons that she was in a loop with the fake word: “phlebotinum”
- when trying to remove the implant, on the first two tries, a lethal gas filled the room killing simmons (and the second time, daisy)
- in one loop, sousa grabbed the machine to remove the implant from the drawer instead of daisy or simmons and started coughing up blood
- also he literally grabbed it so that if something went wrong daisy wouldn’t die and lose her memories of the time loop
- may initially didn’t want to tell kora about jiaying but then brought her to see her body
- kora tried to help her mother heal by giving her energy
- simmons started forgetting fitz after malick put her in the memory machine
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anarchywoofwoof · 10 months
this one may get me burned at the stake given that i am in a weird position considering that i work in technology, but here goes.
y'all do realize that... none of this *gestures broadly at absolutely everything* would exist without the work of hundreds engineers/programmers and network specialists and data scientists and database architects and other people who work in the technology industry, right?
i just saw someone lamenting that they could learn to program, but felt they would be absolutely outcast from their social circle for it. are we seriously doing this? that is abhorrent and we should be better. people are still needed in these jobs. it's not immoral to work in technology.
this website in particular seems to have this really weird relationship where there's a regressive take against technology and technological advancements, discounting that there are human beings doing this work who believe in the good that it actually gives back to the world.
some of us work in industries that are fundamentally supporting and shaping the way that you live your life. every website you use is built and maintained by a "programmer" aka an Engineer or some type of web developer.
for the love of god, the problem is not technology. the problem is not AI - yes, even AI. the problem is not ALL tech workers and tech companies.
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please stop ostracizing tools like technology and AI and the people who work with them who believe in the same things you believe and want to see technology used for good and the betterment of the world.
i literally could not be typing this message to you right now if it wasn't for something like a dozen technology companies making it possible. for a website with goals of destroying the [insert faceted thing here] binary, it sure does like to tie things to the classic construct of "Good vs. Bad."
technology WILL NOT SAVE US. but it also can help make things EASIER along the way if we allow it and use it properly.
direct your blame to the appropriate source. see the image above.
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moldybonessmell · 11 months
Valorant agents age headcanons
There is the list of my headcanons for valo agents' age
Disclaimer: Realistically even 18 yo go to army but in my mind 18 yo are actual babies so in this tier the youngest are 21 yo
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Gekko as the main gen z falls into the youngest tier, followed by Neon and Jett, the choice is pretty obvious ig
This might be controversial but Iso gives just as much of gen z energy as Gekko, the only difference is him adopting Stiles Stilinsky's personality growing up, this is how we end up with the sarcastic deadpan delivery guy (yes this one is relatable to the op aka me)
Deadlock in the group might be controversial but I think it's funny af if the serious suspitious woman ends up dragged into the least serious friend group in existence (I bet she would make friends with Iso lol)
Everyone thinks Sova is a serious adult-ass man and gets surprised when they realise he's gen z, he just has a scary accent and doesn't smile and people think he's older than he is (the russian unapprouchable and quiet nature doesn't help this either)
Sage struggles from the same desease called looking serious and being a mom friend but she's actually on the younger side of agents
You might argue Phoenix is younger, but he's the texbook example of the 26 yo dude who one day woke up and decided to be a DJ /affectionate No way the dude collecting shoes would have money for all that in his early 20s (even tho it's debatable)
Yoru might be older, but for a dude who spends his free time by fighting gangs he must be under 30. I know difficult personality doesn't necessarily mean he's young but it would make sense
Raze is fun and energetic but more on the party-person side than anything-for-a-trouble side so she's in this tier. She just gives off the energy of someone who was working in customer service for years and finally quit but still has her violent urges /joking
KJ gives off younger energy, but as someone known for her incredible tech abilities and robots she must be closer to 30. You can't tell me this woman didn't work in IT with tech-bros for several years just to realise she wants to kill people /joking unless
I kinda doubted myself on making Chamber 31 (as he's a famous weapon-maker but let's pretend he got successful pretty early) but he just gives off the energy of the guy who just entered his 30s but acts the same as when he was 20 (immaturity-vise)
Breach kinda falls into same category but for a completely different reason of being in prison (probably for a long time and probably for something he did in his early 20s) so he kinda stopped maturing after this
I can kinda imagine Harbour to experience similar stuff, knowing he used to make money by stealing and selling relics and there's no way he never got caught, right? Harbour and Breach could make good friends me thinks
Skye gives off energy of a woman who was working her entire youth non-stop and them turned her gaze back and she's already in her 30s and realised she doesn't know anything either about herself or what she even wants in life. I imagine this is why she's so concerned for environment. She started to get really into being eco-friendly after going through existential crisis and realising our planet is dying (I can also imagine her using re-usable stuff, wearing tote-bags and making effort to recycle as much as she can).
Astra just gives off energy of this one cool rich aunt who has no children and always brings presents to her nephews when visiting (and to be this aunt you usually need to be 30+ even tho it's optional ahaha)
No one knows Fade's real age and people kinda assume she's younger bc of her style, but she's at the age when she doesn't care what people would think and wears whatever she wants (tho she should take care of herself better, drinking this much coffee can only go without concequences when you're 20, girlie please get proper sleep)
People like to imagine Reyna as a young woman but in my mind she's on the older side. She just gives off the energy of someone going through hell and back in her life (I know she has a younger sister but siblings can in fact have big age differences) I also may or may not like older women but this one is between me and my ao3 history
Cypher is around 40 I think, simply because he used to have wife and a child and I imagine it's been some time since they passed. Tho probably no more than 10 years, as he still thinks about reviving them (the voiceline about him asking Sage if she can revive anybody), but not to the point of actually following through, as if he mostly healed, but not moved on completely
Is for Viper and Brim because they are way too tired of others' shit to be younger
If talking seriously, there's no way Brim is not pushing 50s as a literal commander, even tho his problems with electronics might be questionable even for this age group, but I don't see him being older
As for Viper, she as well as Reyna just gives off energy of someone who has seen some shit, also her being a scientist I can imagine it takes many many years to have such recearch it also may be or may not be same situation as with Reyna but this is not a crime
kinda immortal
Tier explains itself, these are agents whose age doesn't affect their mental state/maturity like Kayo and Omen
Even tho Omen used to be one of the agents and is probably in the same age group as them, if I had to guess he might be somewhere in 36-40 tier
Also Kayo is probably not even manufactured yet in this timeline, but I can't make "-25" tier ya know
This is it, thank you for reading, let me now if you have any thoughts about it!
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tippenfunkaport · 2 years
Bow's Character Arc
There was a discussion on Twitter from people who were confused about Bow’s character arc and whether he had one (he very much does, and it’s actually one of the clearest / most spelled out in the entire show!). To help anyone experiencing that confusion and because it’s never a bad idea to understand how character arcs work if you want to be a writer/storyteller, I might as well break Bow’s character arc down for anyone who might find it helpful.
Buckle in, it's nerd time!
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At the most basic, a character arc is a change (usually growth) a character goes through over the course of a story. Usually good (positive change arc) but sometimes bad (negative change arc). It’s very often a reversal aka the character is often in the exact opposite state by the end of the story than how they start it out. It can be trickier to follow in an ensemble story like SPOP because there are a lot of characters with parallel story lines going on and multiple arcs colliding in different ways, but She-Ra does a really good job of giving each of the four leads arcs (with Catradora as the main leads, Glimbow as the secondary) near equal time.
Yes, including Bow.
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What I think throws people about Bow’s arc is it’s based on hypocrisy.
He encourages his friends to talk it out and share their feelings… while hiding his own feelings from his dads and repressing his frustrations with having to be the middle man between Adora and Glimmer (Season 4)
He declares that average people (such as the kitchen staff at Dryl) don’t need the princesses and are just as capable of fighting the Horde themselves… while he believes himself and his abilities inferior to Princess Entrapta’s
He reminds the others (esp Adora) about the need to accept help… while refusing any help for himself (think about “Don't worry about me. I'm the one who worries about you. Can we go back to that? Please?” in Pulse through to that moment when he agrees to let Glimmer take him to check on his dads in Return to the Fright Zone and literally leans on her)
I think a funny way to sum up his character issue is: Not me, though.
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This arc progresses across all five season as he gradually changes. He starts the series out repressing his feelings from both his family and friends while doubting his abilities and refusing to ask for help (he IS Adora’s mirror, after all!). Over the course of the series he learns to express his feelings instead of bottling them up (The Beacon > Reunion > really all of Season 4 but it comes to head starting with Boys Night Out through Beast Island > Stranded), gains more confidence in his tech skills (The Frozen Forest > Signals > Flutterina > Mer-Mysteries > Corridors), and starts to learn to ask for help (The Beacon > Pulse > Return to the Fright Zone).
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Which of course all culminates in The Heart Parts 1 and 2 where he finally wraps up all threads at once by
a) asking Scorpia to trust him (putting faith in someone else to help)
b) completing Entrapta’s program to unchip everyone (proving he IS as good a scientist as she is)
c) giving the speech to everyone on Etheria rousing the common people to fight Prime (average people can make a difference… which he now fully believes that includes him).
And while you can make the argument that confessing to Glimmer is part of his arc to share his feelings, the fact is that he completes a full character arc without ever behind reduced to just someone’s love interest because none of his character growth is tied to his romantic relationship at all (which was what the original tweet claimed). It's all his inner journey to have faith in himself and his abilities and how they relate to his friends and loved ones.
And thus the guy who starts the series as “only one around here who’s not a princess” with doubt in his tech abilities ends the series as confident Tech Master and future King of the regular people he sought to inspire, which is about as textbook a reversal as you can get.
Does it come out of nowhere?
His character arc progresses and takes significant focus in the following episodes….
S1:E6 System Failure
S1:E10 The Beacon
S2:E1 The Frozen Forest
S2:E3 Signals
S2:E7 Reunion
S4:E3 Flutterina
S4:E4 Pulse
S4:E7 Mer-Mysteries
S4:E8 Boys Night Out
S4:E10 Fractures
S4:E11 Beast Island
S5:E3 Corridors
S5:E4 Stranded
S5:E9 An Ill Wind
S5:E10 Return to the Fright Zone
S5:E12 Heart Part 1
S5:E13 Heart Part 2
That’s 17 episodes out of 52 which means his character development gets approximately 32% of the focus of the entire show… which for an ensemble cast like this where he’s one of four leads is just about dead on as it's over a quarter of the episodes.
That's a significant chunk of screentime with multiple episodes devoted specifically to his character journey.
Is his journey as flashy and action sequence-y as what Adora, Catra and Glimmer get? No, but it's a) a show marketed to girls so it makes sense they get the more cinematic scenes and b) his arc is more emotional and thus didn't need to hinge on big action like theirs did. Though considering the culmination of his arc is him as a 100 foot tall hologram speaking to the entire planet, I personally feel like that was pretty hard to miss.
If you look at all of this and still want to say that Bow did nothing or had no character arc, I think the thing to ask yourself is: why is it so important to you to discount the accomplishments and character growth of this character specifically?
In conclusion, this is the face Bow makes when he spent five season growing, changing and kicking butt as Tech Master and Voice of Reason and you say he did "literally nothing"...
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faislittlewhiteraven · 8 months
Undertale/ISAT crossover thoughts
Don't really want to write one myself (already got enough fics I'm failing to write XD) but ever since I finished In Stars and Time I've been thinking how I'd write a crossover between these two amazing games and I figured I'd share my notes in case anyone needs a bit of help/motivation in writing their own~ =D
Warning: These will mostly be in 'order of thought' as it's all barebones stuff. Also contains FULL spoilers for both Undertale and In Stars and Time so er, if you're still looking to play those/still getting through them don't read this and please play this incredible games.
Mt Ebott is located on The Island and the shattering of the Barrier brings the ability to see color back to all those on the (ISAT) surface.
Humans losing the ability to see color in ISAT was due to them/the 'wish wizards' of The Island sacrificing it (along side their seven strongest 'colour casters') in a Wish Craft ritual, naturally leading to humanity losing most of their 'colour magic' knowledge.
Undertale's 'sepia flashbacks' were all Chara's memories of how the world looked to them, BUT once in the Underground they were able to see (and remember things on the Surface) in color (hence the whole 'golden flowers' bit; it was still mostly just a cover story but Chara genuinely wished that they could see their favorite flower field as the 'gold' they realized it was rather than the 'mid tones' they saw it as on the Surface).
...The 'erasure' of the Island I'm thinking might've been accidentally poor Chara and Asriel's fault: with Chara's 'ritual' killing of themselves via buttercup taking three days to happen, Chara being from the Island insisting Asriel always give them flowers in groups of three, seven and thirteen, and an entire Underground filled with tons and tons of 'trapped' wishes from monster kind for their freedom combining with Chara's self loathing/desire to hurt those who hurt them trapping them in a loop that Just. Wouldn't. End. until Chara eventually snapped and pulled a 'May these people, this Island, EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE WHO'D EVER HURT THE MONSTERS I LOVE including me BE ERASED UNTIL THE MONSTERS ARE FREE!' and um. Welp. There went an entire nation... (also Flowey eventually remembered some of this but only after going back to being Flowey post Asriel and probably it took a while for him to sort through all that).
Which er, means in this fic, that the people of The Island and the Island itself are still 100% there but they've all spent roughly 8 years or so all blitzed out of their minds: Need to think of Chara's exact wish wording so its not just 'corpses everywhere' but very good odds the people on the Island were either running on full automatic for years or able to remember some stuff but only if they very very carefully did not think of themselves as their own countrymen/used the languages of elsewhere/were careful not to think of where they were as any actual location within their country...
...Which naturally would effect the kids by far the most as their very language is basically a brown note (bilingual types could at least swap over to a different language but likely most of The Island was rendered silent) and well, pretty hard to remember Mt Ebbot is the mountain that must not be climbed when you can't think of the locations around you by name and the adults may or may not remember the kids exist half the time so... Yeah. Cue a lot of kids climbing up the mountain due to both lack of warnings and increased chances of feeling ignored/isolated/hurt.
Aka why in Undertale we can never hear/read anything Frisk says, why the monsters outside of Flowey/Asriel never refer to Chara by name and why no one remembers Frisk's name until after the Barrier shatters: Chara's 'Wish' couldn't be broken until then.
Not sure where all the anime and high tech that's washing into the Underground is coming from but either The Island used to be a massive tech hub prior to memory erasure, a LOT of tech was lost along with the loss of color or The Island's memory erasure in the ISAT world color magitech? maybe the wizards tried to seal away more than just monsters?, or IDK maybe the Underground barrier techincally had them displaced outside of Space and Time a bit and the garbage that was washing in was from literally everywhere thanks to the Universe wanting to help them or something (side note: realizing the memory erasure from Chara may have accidentally snipped Universe worship from the monsters as well since they clearly venerate the stars also but well. That longing for the stars DID cause them pain so..).
Imagining that Siffrin and party are in Bambouche meeting Bonnie's sister (or idk, having a vacation or reunion there if you wanna give Siff a bit more recovery/'explaining his issues to his family' time) when the Barrier is broken and all the colors come rushing back. Best first sunset ever (right before the entire Surface world kinda flips out over color, and to a lesser extent those familiar with The Island start remembering more and more details as the 'curse' weakens a little with every monster leaving Mt Ebbot) followed up by Siffren and the others absolutely losing their minds over how beautiful the stars are with just a tiny bit of color to them (the stars no longer being passively pushed out of people's awareness helps).
Anyway next day the party realize they have to investigate: Partly because Siff is well, kind of losing their mind over being able to see and remember home a little, but also because W.T.F and the Island is clearly the epicenter of everything going on. ...Also Siff may remember childhood stories about colors being locked away to serve as warning for if the Monsters returned so um. That's could be a thing.
Meanwhile the Monsters are getting a MUCH warmer reception from the local humans than they ever could've imagined (accidentally saving a nation from enforced amnesia kinda does that) and are also very confused as to why no one knows who they should get in contact with for formal alliance stuff (not sure if The Island has much of a government left at this point honestly...)
Would Flowey and the ghosty Chara acompanying Frisk count as Sadnesses???
... And er, that's all I got plot/setup wise. Most of my brain energy had been spent on imagining what soul colors all the ISAT cast have and also 'What Pokemon would they all be if they ended up in a Pokemon Mystery Dungeon game?' so have a list with my reasoning on that front! =D
Siffrin: Blue/Integrity - Might seem like an odd choice given his constant lying/acting but like. Given all of the memory erasure and the torture of the loops Siffrin's absolute refusal to compromise his family's happiness/safety or use the loops for literally anything not 'helping family/ending the loops' based (even when he's basically losing his mind and could really use just... Taking a loop or three to goof off or something) just screams how devoted he is to what he believes in and well, the amount he lies syncs up well with how insane he's going so yeah. Siffren is an Integrity soul who's having a really really hard time being true to himself due to all the wobbie breaking he's gone through all his life. Specifically I like to picture his soul as a very dark, deep black/blue with little pinpricks of other colored light (mostly green, red and yellow), like a tiny heart shaped starry night's sky <3 (And er, bet that soul went very 'red/bleeding sky' as he was losing it in Act 5; Determination isn't his color by nature but they were not well at that point at all).
Isabeau: Cyan/Patience - Isa is super kind and all sorts of things but what really sets him apart is just how patient he is about everything (in ways both good and bad). I like to imagine his soul looking like a blue daytime sky, maybe with the odd white cloud and yellow 'sun' dot: partly because it fits him but also partly to cutely contrast Siffrin's. *cue me humming Like Morning Follows Night from the RWBY OST because I mean. It kinda fits honestly
Mirabelle: Orange/Bravery and/or Yellow/Justice - Again another 'you might not think so' but like. Mirabelle is hella gutsy despite her anxiety and I admire her so so much (also JUSTICE BARRIER REFLECT AGAINST THE KING YAAAAGH! XD) Not super attached to it as Isa and Siff's but the orange/yellow glow of a sunset (maybe with some pink/purple along the edges to show her Perseverance <3).
Odiel: Green/Kindness - She's hella awkward about how much she cares and not the greatest at reading situations/reacting gently but like. Her sheer affection towards the others, her always watching and coming out with the bandages and how she point blank tells Siff 'nope, not angry at you nearly blowing up the world. Also you trying to do that because you love us is cute' means I can't really see her any other way~ Not sure if her soul would be dark green (for more Integrity) or more light green (for more Justice) but all in all, very very green, like light/dark speckled leaves <3
Bonnie: Purple/Perseverance - This kid endures so much so well I swear (they're also really brave so a little orange would work well too but despite everything I don't think bravery is their main characteristic). I like to think of their soul as very 'purple evening clouds with bits of brave orange gold/setting sun on the edges'.
And Loop has a White boss monster soul for reasons; thinking that in this crossover that Monsters believe that they were born from the Universe's compassion (with The Islander's myths claiming they're the result of failed/'cursed' wishes like the 'brother who can understand my suffering Wish Craft' fairytale Siff finds in the Orary room) and both Monsters and the Islanders believing Sadnesses are born from forcing a wish of cruelty/sorrow that goes against the will of the Universe (cue Chara and Flowey who probably were Sadnesses in this until the breaking of the Barrier grumbling that yeah that sounds about right and The King from ISAT proving to even more aaagh than he already was).
And yeah. I'm out of babble thoughts now so hope that this was interesting for you all and please feel free to yoink any ideas that snag your interest <3
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ironunderstands · 6 months
help I have been afflicted by Boothill brainrot time to share some shitty angst bulletpoints with the class (that I’ll probably turn into a fic later)
I don’t think I have to tag anything specific but be warned there’s probably something bad in here so if you understandably don’t wanna read that then scroll. Expect cyborg related angst (and minor spoilers)
Also I hc Boothill as nonbinary (using he/they and occasionally she) so if you’re wondering about the use of multiple pronouns that’s why, it’s not related to the angst, I just don’t want people to be confused.
-has a sensation of touch on the metal parts of his body, but it’s visibly muted compared to his skin and it drives them nuts
-despises hot/cold temperatures due to how they interact with the metal parts of their body, on especially hot days
-very vulnerable to hacking and it scares the shit out of him (thanks past obsession with Genji for giving me this one, the amount of “Sombra hacks Genji and he has a bad time” stuff I have read is unhealthy, even if she would only do it for the shits and giggles or a mission, a character losing control of their body is unfortunately very compelling please don’t cancel me)
-can’t remember their past life or how he died but still has nightmares of it
-phantom pain is a bitch and her name is Boothill
-won’t be seen as human by most people (even actual people write him this way which is a little weird to me, like I know the Robot/Human tag w Boothill serving as a Robot is probably just for reach, but like, he’s still human, he’s not a robot, he’s a cyborg, idk it’s just a pet peeve of mine)
-has to go to the scientist who made him to get “upgrades” (aka whatever they feel like fucking with this week) against their will
-he can’t remember his old life, but they can remember how their body felt back then and the cyborg one distinctly Doesn’t Feel The Same
-Boothill’s synesthesia beacon doesn’t just prevent Boothill from cursing, it prevents her from saying certain things entirely which makes it very hard for him to express his feelings
-charging induces sleep for them, something which Boothill tries to hide as it could be used against him
-debating between making Boothill unreasonable heavy (because metal) or unreasonably light (because high tech) both scenarios cause problems for him, feel free to torture yourself for as to why
-animals (especially dogs) don’t like them as Boothill doesn’t have as strong a scent nor the flesh of other humans which is why it’s hard for them to trust him, which sucks for Boothill because he loves animals
-doesn’t even know the planet they were originally from or how old he was when he died, Boothill doesn’t even know their birthday, so it ended up becoming the day he was brought back to life against his will
-gets called “it” by people who don’t like cyborgs or people that are non-organic/have nonorganic parts of their body/existence, I also share this for the trailblazer because of their dubious origins, I’d like to believe transphobia isn’t a thing in Star rail because it’s already tiring enough irl and there’s no proof for it unlike other real world problems, so the misgendering happens for other horrible reasons! Horrible reasons that are close to canon considering the whole organic/inorganic war thing depicted by the Sim Uni, I’d imagine a lot of people are still bitter about that (honestly I don’t know the details I was there for the jades) and/or ignorant enough to believe that only fleshy beings have a monopoly on personhood (it/its pronouns are cool but not on people who don’t want to use them!)
-constantly pushes the limits of their body (aka self destructive behavior), I doubt Boothill would be trying to hurt herself but it’s more of a “it will get fixed anyway” kinda thing, any injuries sustained still hurt like a bitch but Boothill forces himself to not care because well “it’s his job and he will get healed anyways” (also it’s implied from their LC that he’s a Galaxy ranger against his will from the whole “never living for themself again” thing, so Boothill probably has to get injured for the job and is just forced to grin and bear it
alright that’s all the angst my sleep deprived brain could cook up for now if I did something wrong or missed a tag pls tell me
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clarasteam · 1 month
further spoilery reflections on the Rogue novelisation: post-audiobook random stuff edition
some things I enjoyed in the book that we didn't get in the show, though I see why we didn't:
the highly developed animosity between Ruby and Lord Stilton Barton, including her telling him "Don't hang out in a library unless you wanna get read" and standing him up in the middle of a quadrille, as a result of which he is actively planning to kill her
the description of the Doctor "giving the TARDIS a little comforting tap" in response to her indigestion groan
the Doctor ruthlessly breaking up Rogue's large weapon disseminator (variously described as his precious creation, his favourite gadget, etc) and using bits of it to reprogramme the trap (R: "I can't believe you broke my stuff!") - interesting that in this version Rogue is the one who's incautiously handing over his tech, rather than the Doctor handing over the sonic
the Doctor telling Rogue "Don't pout too much. When we're not trying to kill each other, we're a good team."
Rogue and the Doctor's dialogue in the garden after the Scandalous Gay Dancing/Fake Proposal OR WAS IT:
"Quite the show," Rogue said with a sly grin.
"You did pretty well yourself," the Doctor replied, adjusting his collar.
I hope someone is writing fic about Professor Sarsha Melenney of Capriskia University, the only survivor of the Chuldur invasion; my heart goes out to her. I like the grimness of this chapter, and how it moves from jokes about inheritance tax fraud to the way people would rather claim they'd been duped by a shapeshifter than "admit to being friends with, or related to, someone awful."
Ruby getting a stitch from "running about after eating all those finger sandwiches" and reflecting that you don't see that on tv
the Chuldur butler being fed up that not one person has accused him of murder, and being told it's the wrong era for it AGAIN (see tvtropes: The Butler Did It), and his pleasure when he finally gets to be the murderer (bumping off the vicar in order to perform the marriage)
more Duchess action, and the family tensions between her and [her annoying middle sister] Miss Emily Beckett, including the Duchess's plan to have a fling with Barton at her next event, "just to help her sister realise that their marriage was bogus" (& KH and BR generally having fun with poisonous family dynamics in this story)
in general, it feels as if Ruby gets more to do in the book than she does in the episode - there's more Ruby-and-Emily, more Ruby-and-Barton, more Ruby-and-the-Duchess. Ruby even makes sure nobody else gets killed by the Chuldur, at the point where Lord Frampton threatens to become "a grey-haired gentleman in a gold waistcoat" so that he can act as "father of the bride":
"Can we all stop messing about, please?" Ruby interrupted. "It's my wedding, and I want the Duchess to give me away." (at this point the Duchess still thinks Ruby is her annoying sister aka Emily, but she agrees to it anyway because she wants to be centre stage)
I am still happily cackling at the title and author of the book Ruby whacks Emily with :)
listening to the audiobook brings out different emphases, and changes the pace for me; there were other bits that made me laugh that I now can't remember, and some that made me have something in my eye...
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lizzie-is-here · 2 years
just got emotionally fucking annihilated by wakanda forever
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but i also wanna talk about it! warning for spoilers and general rambling below 👇
ok, let’s start with parallels CAUSE THERE WERE SO MANY
first off, the comparison of shuri and killmonger 👀
it really does make sense, especially when you think ab how they both “go against” tradition, rejecting the standards. t’challa (rip ilysm) still wanted to please the elders, even if he had more progressive ideas (ie: sandals for his first day
also i’m so fucking glad they didn’t try to cgi chadwick in. it would’ve felt disrespectful and i think it was handled beautifully
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her sparing namor the same way t’challa spared those he fought (saving zemo, helping bucky, trying to help killmonger)
the dialogue callbacks bro. fuckin “show him who you are,” had me sobbing. “vengeance is consuming us” babes, shuri, i’m crying.
her being angered by loss and snapping at nakia like t’challa snapped at zuri when he realized killmonger’s identity
also i absolutely love riri. i was a bit apprehensive going in, but i think they executed her well without just making her a replacement for tony. that being said, he would absolutely adore her
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the parallel of her going too high and running out of oxygen and later turning it on namor in the same way mirrors tony’s suit frosting over and doing the same to stane 😭
the silent flashes of t’challa took my breath away. the silence really compounded just how empty and quiet their grief is.
seeing shuri try so hard in the opening and not even being able to say goodbye was so sad, and you can see her thoughts racing later on when she successfully synthesizes the heart-shaped herb. it’s a sort of “what if i’d thought of this earlier?” “who would still be alive?” “how could i have missed this?” sort of feeing
onto details!
the new black panther suit is stunning 🤩 the gold and silver details along with the dots that almost look like pearls, mirroring the ones she wears at the funerals? it shows that even if she is the leader of wakanda now, she’s still very young, still grieving her many losses
the tech and ai has really been amped up. shuri’s ai and her different interfaces looked amazing. also the ai (who i think is grio but i couldn’t tell) reminds me of jarvis. mainly in the orange blob department
the dora milaje looked stunning as ever, and seeing some new tech for them was exciting
talokan was gorgeous, even if it did violently trigger my thalassophobia
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ummm everett and valentina being married (well, divorced) was a plot point i was not expecting. hope to see him in the thunderbolts tho he’s very slay
fucking 👏 t’challa 👏 junior 👏
i broke down right then and there
took me right out
i won’t lie the people of talokan gave me avatar vibes but i did like the touch of them having siren-like voices.
also namora was pretty so that’s a win
ok i get that it’s a movie. but realistically, i’d they’re fighting this massive underwater force, why not just call any other super powered avenger????
like for movie’s sake yeah it’s all fine but like if i were in the mcu living that shit i’d be like “let’s just call thor. have him like electrocute the water. or doctor strange. he did that cool water thing in endgame that had literally no purpose except to give him screen time. or wanda, we all know she ain’t really dead bffr”
man i love m’baku so much. he’s just. ugh
ok in better terms, i think i like him so much because he is first presented as a chad, almost. he’s strong, a bit dumb, and leads the isolated tribe.
but then you interact w him and find out he’s incredibly emotionally empathetic and kind, and reaches out to shuri as a helping hand, a person to lean on.
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i just really appreciate him okay 🥺😭
overall, stunning. 10/10, fifth time in a row that marvel’s made me cry at one of their movies.
aka black widow (bc yelena and the ending), shang-chi (bc gotdamn let me cry ab the chinese representation), no way home (cause duh), love and thunder (BC HE ADOPTED HER BITCH WHAT) and now this
stunning, showstopping, say what you will about marvel but damn they know how to make me cry
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lanaswritingbook · 2 years
The boss’s idea
I made this a long time ago hope you enjoy :)
Errors along the way just to lazy to fix
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Spencer has always been a little standoffish to me since I joined the BAU three years ago. So I’m still the newest, when I joined everyone welcomed me and we all got along fine. I got closer to Penelope Garcia of course but I couldn’t help but notice the team genius and I barely talk or knew anything about each other.
It was my first day at the BAU and I was nervous as ever. Kept checking the mirror every second I got before leaving for my new job. The outfits were very professional but very uncomfortable, the pants fitted but they were very tight showing each curve, the shirt sorta tight showing my back rolls and stomach. But I did look as good as I could and with that I left for a new start.
Arriving at the BAU I got my ID and headed to the clear doors. Before I could open it a handsome darker man opened it for me. “Here you go Miss” he smiled opening his hand to shake “Thank you so much. Uh do you know were Aaron Hotchner is?” He chuckled “You must be Yn Ln, I’m Derek Morgan. And yes he’s in that room up there. I could show you if you want?” He smirked.
We walked into the busy room seeing people walk by. “I’m pretty sure I’ll be fi-“ I was stopped by a very colorful dressed women. “Hi, oh my gosh! You must be Yn It’s so nice to finally meet to you! I’m Penelope Garcia the best Tech Genius in the whole entire world” she came in giving me a huge hug. “Chill babygirl dont kill her before she can work” Morgan laughed.
“Oh no she’s fine. It’s so nice to meet you too I hope we can become good friends!” turning back to smile at the blonde. “Hello you must be Yn I’m Agent Aaron Hotchner if your ready you could meet everyone else in the the board room we have a case.” I nod following his fast pace “I just wanna say thank you sir this is such a honor thanks for this opportunity” he smiled opening the door for me.
“Yn you did this, your a very bright girl you got yourself to this position I should be thanking you for another great agent. Now sit anywhere you’d like.” I smile going to a seat on the side. Three more people walked in a older man, a taller dark haired women she was so pretty, and a shorter blonde lady. Then shortly after a tall brunet walked in. I think I just died I have never seen such a beautiful man before. They way his hair fell messy all over his head made me turn red.
“Everyone please meet Yn Ln the newest member of the team.” He motioned them to me they all said hello’s except for the man of my dreams. “Uh sorry about him he’s just not really used to new people. I’m Emily Prentiss, thats David Rossi, Jennifer Jareau aka JJ, and the silent man himself Spencer Reid.” I nod making sure to remember Spencers name.
While Emily talked I didn’t notice he sat next to me not saying a word reading a book and turning the pages unbelievably fast. “Uhm I’m Yn your Spencer right?” I try making a little small talk sticking out my hand so he could shake. “Yes sorry about that I’m a little distracted. But I dont shake hands did you know its more safer to kiss then touch hands?” I laugh a bit at his quick fact but I worry because he still hadn’t looked at me.
“I see well nice to meet you” . He hums but I notice his cheeks become red.
And still to this day all he respond with is hums or only full sentences when he’s working the case with me.
We had just finished a hard case and everyone was extremely tired so Hotch decided that we could stay a night longer even though we had to go to a different hotel. When we arrived I hoped i would get a room to myself again but of course that didn’t happen. “We’re gonna have to double up tonight everyone. Rossi and I will share, Garcia and Morgan, JJ and Prentiss, Ln and Reid everyone have a good nights rest” When Hotch finished everyone looked at me smirking.
But of course Spencer was pretending I wasn’t there. “What are y’all looking at?” They scurry away going to there rooms chuckling. It was a awkward ride in the elevator we didn’t speak only looking at each other once in a while. As soon as the doors the open and we hear the ding he quickly walks out going to the room waiting for me to unlock it.
Putting the keycard in and opening it we drop our bags in disbelief there’s one fucking bed. “I will go downstairs and request another room” I sigh about to walk out. “No its fine Hotch said they’re short on rooms I don’t mind if you dont” he played with his hands looking me in the eyes. First time in forever.
“Yeah its fine with me I’m just really tired do you mind if I shower first” he nods “Yeah go ahead I need to catch up on some reading anyway.” He sat on a small chair in the corner. I smile to myself at how fast he got comfy. Getting my bag and my pajamas out I hurry to the shower ready to hit the hay.
Once I was out I did my skin routine then left the bathroom for Reid. “It’s all yours.” He looked up and smiled a bit heading to the bathroom. After fixing the bed I finally lay down and try to plan how not to touch Spencer tonight with me being a wild sleeper. I do a little reading of my own my favorite app Tumblr having all my favorite fan fics on there. Sure I’m a grown women who has a government job but I can still live out my teenage dream.
“Hey Yn I dont mind sleeping on the floor if it makes you uncomfortable” he said as his drenched hair made water drop onto the ground. “It’s ok I’m fine” a slight blush appeared onto my cheeks. Ew look at that me crushing like I’m in high school on a guy who doesn’t even like me.
He nodded getting into the bed being stiff as ever “I’m gonna turn the lights out that cool?” He whispered trying to get comfortable. “Yeah go ahead.” I yawn turning on my back. The lamp clicked and he laid back. It was silent for a few minutes while I thought. “Spencer?” I tap my fingers on my stomach “Yes Yn?” I take a few moments before responding “Why.. why do you not like me?” finally getting that off my chest.
“Not like you? If anything I like you too much.” He sat up confused only being able to see his silhouette through the dark room. “Well you dont talk to me and every time I come around you leave” I sigh out. “I’m so so dumb. I am very sorry Yn I didn’t mean to make it come out that way.” He turned towards me
“Then what were you trying to do Reid?” Facing him “I- I like you Yn but I could never tell you because all the people I lov- like they get hurt and I dont want you to get hurt Yn. So I guess I showed it in the wrong way I’m sorry.” A slight grin on my face knowing the guy I had a crush on forever likes me back.
“Spencer can I ask you a question?” Scooting closer to him “Yeah Yn?” He licked his lips a habit of his “Can I kiss you” and before I could even get a response his hands were on my face pulling me in. As our lips collided all that hate I thought he had for me slipped away. “Yn you have no Idea how long Ive wanted to do that” he chuckles pulling away. “Me too Spence” looking into his deep brown eyes.
On the plane back Spence and I were buddied up on the couch talking about books and movies when we felt everyone staring at us. “Hotch you were smart rooming them together because that tension could cut like a knife..” Morgan fist bumped him while we rolled our eyes.
I guess all it took was time and Hotch’s secret dating services.
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lemonisntreal · 1 year
Do you have a Tone Deaf version of Clay Calloway?
(Perfectly fine if you don't. I was just curious, plus I love all your redesigns) 🦁🎸
SORRY THIS TOOK FUCKING FOREVER LMAO [been sitting in my inbox since FEBRUARY THIRTEENTH, HOLY SHIT :D]. YEAH, here he is :pppp a solid draft for you
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Lowkey [highkey] gave up on the clothing wrinkles on the arms, but I still like how it turned out I think. I don't have much on him in terms of rewrite, but I do have some, so I'll dump it all here under the cut.
I swear I love asks, please feel free to say/ask whatever, I'm just horrible at answering in a reasonable time-frame because I always want to make it this beautiful masterpiece and end up turning all of them into full-on posts- or, at least I want to ~_~
Ash gave him that button off her jacket [probably needs to be resized I'm realizing lol] [also I totally adopted this headcanon from someone elses post- might've been yours. Whoever came up with it I love it <3]
Born during the reformation that happened after the war- basically, nobody was really fighting anymore during this time, but some big people in power were still being stupid [aka: not letting their prisoners go]
So that would be somewhere around 1947? Which would put his age at 61 in my universe [which is in 2008- the times are pretty much random, nothing really lines up irl. Ignore how they use tech and other things that shouldn't have been invented yet lol]
He grew up when the Skunk Dolls were new and popular and stuff. And he loved them- so much that the band actually kinda inspired his music career
[Skunk Dolls also made loads of protest songs btw. War stuff]
Takes a ridiculous amount of care with his mane, and if he lets you touch it, that's a true sign of trust
So the Piglets always like to play with it, and Ash has given him braids a few times
He's had that scruffy red jacket since his early days
I should draw patches on it-
Ash probably'll give him a quill or two to put in it too with all the patches and repair stitches
He wears a lot of plaid, I just didn't wanna draw it <3
Rough and torn up clothes too
Everything he owns has some sort of smudge or tear in it from motorbiking and/or just being himself <3
His ears are pierced in almost every way imaginable, and when Ash found out, she went CRAZY
Cue her getting him to try on a bunch of stuff
He likes wrought iron jewelry and has never been a fan of anything with gemstones in it
Buster is terrified of him, but Clay is just kinda a blunt person and it doesn't mix well with Buster sometimes. They get along eventually tho. There was also some really bad timing with the circumstances of how they even met in the first place too lol-
Johnny is also. Super terrified.
Buster and him are like "Ahhh.... that guy scares the living daylights out of me." "Ohh, thank god it's not just me-"
He has a strange out-of-pocket interest in astrology.
And in herbology and plants in general, but he picked that up from Ruby. Astrology was all his, and it is the one thing he will "nerd out" over
Also the kind of guy to make fun of you for nerding out too
Making fun of people is his love language
So is giving people food
He's not great with his words and can find it hard to express love by just telling someone. Back to the bluntness thing, you can often find him accidentally offending someone and he doesn't even realize it
The troupe very quickly learned this and it's more of an endearing trait of his to them [and to most people who know him]
REALLY good cook. Fantastic, in fact. Probably one of the best chefs out of any of the characters.
Learned the hard way that enlisting Buster's help in the kitchen is a bad idea. Also Ash isn't great either, but he actually tries to teach her some of his recipes. And she's quickly improving
Buster was just being an idiot and forgot you shouldn't microwave tinfoil
Clay travels a lot, but spends most of his time in Calatonia [he technically still lives at his and Ruby's house, but he's super scared of accidentally closing himself off again, so he only visits to check up on the flowers and maintain the property pretty much]
He's like Ash's second [and very cool] dad. Which- also intimidates Buster quite a bit :D
I feel like their dynamic could be a sitcom. Clay is Ash's awesome dad and Buster is Ash's lame [endearing] and oddly unhinged and anxious dad who feels like he has to be as cool as Clay [and always fails heehee]
Clay is more entertained by Buster's ridiculous criminal record than horrified and I don't know if that's worrying or just a classic Calloway W
He's a very nonchalant person
Ruby's death is the only time I can really think he had a legitimate emotional break that wasn't just him being snappy [which is also pretty rare]
Clay's also like an uncle to the Piglets
He's kinda just taken up the role of "super awesome miscellaneous family member" for everyone at this point
He's back performing again after Sing 2- just not frequently or putting out any new songs [on his own at least- he might do a collaboration or two with Ash]
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the-kr8tor · 3 months
KATY- imagine this. Two idea✌️
Tasm Peter Parker bc it occurs to me New Yorkers either love or hate spiderman. Aside from the Bugle who else wants to take pictures of spiderman, fans. So I give you Peter sneaking up on r in costume after seeing them with their camera out.
He swung by pretty quickly but they managed a decent photo and thus slow burn ✨️friendship✨️ They both geek out over photography and Peter is lowkey their model (Imagine how estatic you would be to know spiderman of all people loves something just as much as you do). He shows them secluded spots knowing they would never exploit them for money or fame or whatever else.
R actually keeps all of their adventures with Pete a secret. A box of poloroids, prints, and so forth under their bed or smth cliche like that. A bonus to me is if they were in a bet to see who could capture spidey on camera and that's why they were out stalking following him around in the first place.
Prowler Hobie from another dimension. Hear me out, with a spiderperson r who's with our Hobie. Now it's not a love triangle type thing, it's just important to the plot.
R is sent to P Hobie's dimension on a mission from Miguel. Anomaly is captured, it's just another tuesday when out pops P Hobie who is not pleased to see another masked amateur trying to fight crime under the guise as "spiderman". He basically thinks they're a doppleganger until r stupidly says "Hobie?" mid battle.
R's confusion because 'huh it's my dork but emo' and P Hobie is 'my dead lover but not really?' He's quick to catch on to the dimesion hopping bc r does what his r did but in reverse?? He's also smart, that's our pookie.
They talk after calling a truce. R is stupid again bc she doesn't think sharing certain information is bad bc 'my pookie, what could he do wrong' He can do wrong, very wrong. I also excuse it with our Hobie's been off on missions for awhile so she misses him and P Hobie fills the void (NOT HEALTHY BEHAVIOR I CONDONE BUT PEOPLE HAVE FLAWS OK!?).
P Hobie has been working some time travel tech and r was the missing piece to completing it. So imagine r's surprise when on another mission they see him. R then realises what he's trying to do thus we have a spot 2.0 (Aka, trying to stop his r from dying).
They brawl literally in every other dimension but they can never best one another. When r finally gets a handle on the situation their watch breaks and P Hobie's device is dead too so now they both have to beat each other to the necesary tech to get back to where they need to be (...in my version they land in Gotham- the spiderman-dc crossovers have gotten to me).
All thoughts I had today :) anyway- how are you my lovely scrumdiddluptious pookie dookie bear?? 🤗
The first one is so soft aisnkwsjjqisjns I could just imagine peter photo bombing R with a lil ✌️ lol
Ahhhhh R is actually friends with Peter?!!! That's so cute! I bet Peter's having the time of his life hearing how R gushes about spider man lol
THE SECOND ONE 😲😲😲 Noooo friends to enemies! 😭 Our Hobie would go berserk when he finds out his R is missing in an unspecified dimension (cue batman and his robins helping out R mayhaps?) here's to p hobie redeeming himself 🥂 please?
I'm good, my sweet angel muah muah 😘 how are you?
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loonaticskr · 1 year
Welcome To The Official Loonatics KR Blog!
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Account made by me @kervinfire
NOTE: Under construction and repost due accidental deletion
Has anyone remember @purpleluckystar popular Loonatics Unleashed fan fic reboot called Loonatics R (aka Loonatics Revamp). It was one of the best fan-fics out there for the underrated fandom wanting to have a reboot. It has featured revamped characters from the show. Rebooted backstories from our favorite Loonatics and it even has a compelling story and new characters that this fan-fic has to offer on Tumblr and DeviantArt. It even has the ask the Loonatics in the Loonatics R Blog from the characters that Purple revamped.
Everything was going great until this fanfic was canceled due to her health problems (I hope you stay safe Purple). Which means almost without warning. Purple almost tried to delete all the Loonatics R-related content including the fanart in Deviantart. When she announced that she would delete her Loonatics R blog I had to save the fanfic including the asks that Purple made and transfer all her Loonatics Chapters from my Wattpad. I decided to try continuing the fanfic but time is trying to stop me and it would be impossible to continue the fic alone. That is @draze-a came in.
In Discord, we talked to each other continuing the fic and making new characters. I even have @mysticinternetdinosaur to join alongside me including @segamarkiii and @loonamonium who join in the KR project and even DarthCraftus from Deviantart who now joins in the project.
With a crew like this. We will try our best to do whatever it takes to keep this fanfic alive. And the best part. She gave away all of her OC characters and now I now finally adopted all the characters that Purple made. from Loonatics R
So again. Welcome to the official blog for Loonatics KR...
If you are new here visit the original Loonatic R Fanfic that I save in Wattpad
And please help me give me donations in PayPal
Or at FundraiserMe
CHARACTERS (More characters and Links will be added soon)
Main Protagonists (Canon Characters):
Ace Bunny
Lexi Rabbit (renamed to Rabbit by Purple because she said that they won't be related)
Danger Duck
Slam Tasmanian
Tech E Coyote
Rev Runner
Allies (Canon Characters):
Other Characters Adopted and Owned from @purpleluckystar:
Alonso Gonzales
Boomer Goldfist
Dotty Bunny
Ella Rabbit
Marina Quack
Nao Bunny
Upton Rabbit
Jason Raccoon
Con and Doyle
Professor Snout
New Characters Made From Loonatics KR Project Crew (More characters added soon)
Tiger Leaps - Made by @kervinfire
Cane Lupo - Made by @kervinfire
Rage Shards - Made by @kervinfire
Roary Roar Lyon - Made by @draze-a
Koale Hypaethral - Made by @mysticinternetdinosaur
Sam Soojin - Made by @mysticinternetdinosaur
Jett Reighland - Made by @mysticinternetdinosaur
Q & A
Q: What is Loonatics KR?
A: Loonatics KR (also known as Kervin's Revamp) takes on the same fanfic story of Loonatics R. Not just the KR version will continue the story for the unfinished chapter but it also brings more in a Snyder Cut-styled story that features new characters and new scenarios
Q: What is the purpose of why making the fic?
A: The purpose why I wanted to make this fic and take her place is because I wanted to keep the Loonatics Unleashed Fandom alive. Official Warner Bros continued to mock that show from Animaniacs, Teen Titans Go, and even New Looney Tunes. But this not stop me to prove that I am one of the people who have my love for Loonatics Unleashed. until its recognized for a reboot.
Q: This takes forever to make. When are you going to post it?
A: We can't promise when the release date will be. Sometimes making fanfic takes a lot of time. We completed chapters and retells but its best to keep it fully complete before we publish it again.
Q: Can I draw your characters from Loonatics KR?
A: I keep my characters protected and treat them like my creations. If you want to draw my characters (especially my adopts and the canon fan made revamps that I owned) Always ask permission and tell me what are you going to draw. Especially with my Discord friends
Q: What other sites will you use aside from Tumblr or Wattpad?
A: For the future, I may also plan to put it in Deviantart or Instagram
Q: Will your Asks remain open in Tumblr
A: There are not enough people asking for now so yes it will remain open
Q: Just in case what would happen if you quit the project or when you die while making the fic,
A: I'm not going to quit this project. This fanfic that I owned and am now in the making is everything to me. And even if WB already made a reboot I am going to make this my Loonatics AU (alternate universe). But when I say I would gladly let my project friends take place if I passed away. @draze-a would probably be the first one or @mysticinternetdinosaur
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