#<- seriously are the human tags correct?
lynaferns · 1 year
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Jul 28 2022
(don't ask for lore there is almost none, sorry)
Made these sketches a few days later, I'm a sucker for characters who are only seen in a uniform sudenly in casual clothes or pijamas
colorless versions under cut
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My favourite part to look at in drawings is always the lineart.
Funny how a lot of moons details gets devoured by his color palette
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marvelmaniac715 · 8 months
The Nerdy Prudes never really send the Lords in Black away again, so imagine if like… they just never leave and decide to attend high school since they ‘blend in so well’. Peter, Stephanie and Grace go back to school one day and suddenly, Wiggly (sorry, ‘Will’) is in a corner of the cafeteria trying to get people to sign up to the Marine Biology club he’s started because he has ‘a deep connection to cephalopods’. There’s Tinky (or ‘Terrence’) correcting the History teacher in vivid detail and sitting uncomfortably close to Peter, asking intrusive questions about his older brother Ted. There’s Pokey (or ‘Patrick’) overacting every minor role he gets in the Drama club and staging ‘unfortunate accidents’ for the rest of the cast of the school musical so he’s ‘forced’ to take all the roles and perform a stirring one-man rendition of ‘The Sound of Music’ (you should hear his ‘Climb Every Mountain’). There’s Blinky (‘Ben’) getting straight A’s in his film class because he never takes his eyes off the screen and notices every minute detail missed by the teachers. There’s Nibbly (‘Nova’) defunding the Home Ec department by devouring all of their ingredients and spending class time eating everyone’s work. Then halfway through the year Webby (‘Wendy’) decides to come to the school in order to save the students, but she is immediately and relentlessly bullied by her brothers who designate her as a ‘nerd’ (she’s had around twelve swirlies). Oh yeah, and they’re all on the football team, go Nighthawks!
Update: I’ve already added this in a reblog but just in case you don’t feel like searching, here’s a link to the in-progress fic I wrote about this, I hope you read and enjoy (I reply to every comment!) 😊💕:
Gotta Get Back To School (16915 words) by Marvelmaniac715 Chapters: 16/? Fandom: Hatchetfield Universe - Team StarKid Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Stephanie Lauter/Peter Spankoffski | Hot Chocolate Boy Characters: Peter Spankoffski | Hot Chocolate Boy, Stephanie Lauter, Grace Chastity, Wiggly | Wiggog Y’rath, Pokey | Pokotho, Tinky | T'noy Karaxis, Blinky | Bliklotep, Nibbly | Nibblenephim, Webby (Black Friday), Hannah Foster, Lex Foster, Miss Holloway (Hatchetfield) Additional Tags: High School, Post-Canon, Crack, Humor, Crack Treated Seriously, lords in black - Freeform, No Beta We Die Like Ted Summary: You know how the Lords in Black are summoned in Nerdy Prudes Must Die? Yeah… well, they never got sent back, so they’re still hanging around. Since they have time to kill and no plans that require urgent attention, why not stay in their human forms and attend Hatchetfield High as ‘regular teens’ just to mess with our favourite Nerdy Prudes? Go Nighthawks!
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libraryofgage · 9 months
Pirate/Mermaid Steddie One
There is way more mermaid culture world-building than I intended, but that's the fun part lmao
This part discusses injuries, has a mention of mutilation in passing, and involves stitching up a large wound. Nothing is graphic, but there are some descriptions of pain
Let me know if you'd like to be tagged in future parts!
As always, if you see any typos no you didn't
There were a few things Eddie expected from this raid. Gold, of course. Supplies like food, obviously. Some new weapons, surely.
A fucking mermaid? Nowhere near that list of expected things.
And yet, here he stands in the doorway of the raided ship captain's cabin, caught in a staring contest with a merman that's definitely seen better days.
He's stuck in a tiny wooden tub, his tail forced against his chest as the rest of it flops over the edge and trails the floor. His blue-and-green with inexplicable hints of orange scales are dull, too dull, and Eddie is trying really hard to control the sheer rage he feels at the jagged cut that drags down the middle of the tail and through the fin at the bottom. The edges of the wound have crusted over, but it still looks painful, and Eddie knows it was meant to keep the merman from using his tail to escape.
Eddie takes a step into the cabin, ready to just scoop the merman up and take him back to his ship. But he stops when the merman tenses, his entire body somehow becoming more rigid. His hands on the edge of the tub tighten, his sharp nails digging into the slowly rotting wood. He's staring at Eddie like he's some new threat, which seriously is not gonna help with the whole "take the gorgeous merman with incredible hair and alluring brown eyes back to his ship and nurse him back to health" thing.
Eddie freezes and holds his hands up. "Sorry," he says, keeping his voice low and soothing. The merman doesn't relax much, but his nails are no longer digging into the wood. Eddie figures that's a tiny win.
"I'm Captain Eddie of the Corroded Coffin. We didn't expect to find you here, sweetheart."
The nickname just slips out, an unthinking attempt to butter the merman up and an admission of his own thoughts. The merman's eyes narrow, slowly looking Eddie over as though sizing him up.
Eddie lets him, perfectly content with standing still if it means the merman will give him even one iota more of his trust. "That doesn't look very comfortable," he says, nodding to the tub. "Would you like some help?"
The merman relaxes a little more, and Eddie has no clue what he did to cause that. Before he can think too much about it, the merman points to a dresser on the other side of the room, looking at Eddie expectantly.
"You want something from there?"
The merman nods, which tells Eddie he at least understands human language. That doesn't give him any idea if the merman can speak it, though.
He walks over to the dresser and looks at the merman, pointing to each drawer in turn until the merman nods. The fourth drawer is, apparently, the correct one. When Eddie opens it, he finds a small treasure trove. It must be a collection of trophies from the ship captain's previous raids.
A quick glance reveals a gold crown with rubies, several diamond rings, a few silver bracelets with various gemstones along the bands, and a pearl and seashell necklace thrown on top. Eddie knows the merman probably wants that necklace most, but he can't help thinking of a rumor that mermaids like shiny things.
The drawer is full of shiny things.
He hesitates for less than a second before pulling out the entire drawer itself and turning around. "I'm not sure what you want from here," he lies, smiling apologetically at the merman. "Can I come close enough to show you?"
The merman stares at him before slowly nodding once, suspicion practically radiating off of him. Eddie flashes a more genuine smile and slowly approaches, giving the merman enough time to reject his presence. When he's a few steps away, Eddie crouches and tilts the drawer so the merman can see what's inside.
Immediately, the merman reaches out and snatches the pearl and seashell necklace. The gills on the side of his neck flutter slightly as he puts it on, and Eddie wonders if that's a sign of relief. "Was that everything you wanted?" he asks.
The merman glances at him, one hand still lingering on the necklace. He glances down at the drawer again, seeming to argue with himself before reaching out and removing the crown and every bracelet. He carefully slips the bracelets on and clutches the crown in his hands.
"Anything else?" Eddie asks, his tone indulgent. It must be reassuring, though, because the merman looks at him with curiosity more than anything else. It's like he's trying to figure out what he can get away with.
A few seconds pass before the merman glances down at the drawer. His gaze lingers at the edges, and Eddie starts to wonder what could possibly be there when the merman points at one of his rings.
Eddie blinks, following the merman's finger to a chunky ring. It's shaped like a bat with emeralds for eyes and diamonds for teeth. It's one of Eddie's favorites; he found it on his first raid, took it right off the captain's hand himself. Nobody has ever dared ask to touch it, let alone have it.
Without a second thought, Eddie puts the drawer down, slips the ring off his finger, and offers it to the merman. It sits in the palm of his hand, meaning they'd have to touch if the merman really wants it that badly.
Slowly, the merman reaches for the ring, his nails tickling against Eddie's palm as he takes it. From the light brush against Eddie's fingers, the merman's skin is cool, exactly like jumping into the ocean on a hot day.
Steve is a firm believer in the power of small comforts, especially as it relates to the growth of his guppies. Dustin has long outgrown his baby tail belt, but he still wraps it around his wrist every morning. El and Will no longer need the seaweed and coral dolls Steve made for them when they were barely able to swim a straight line, but they still tuck them in every night.
So, when the human (Eddie, Steve reminds himself) offers up a drawer filled with shiny jewelry, Steve doesn't hold himself back. The bracelets make him feel grounded, the crown gives him something to clutch without the risk of breaking it, and the ring...
Well, the ring was more to see if Eddie's actions would match his tone. And because Steve thought it was fascinatingly grotesque. What kind of creature would have wings without feathers? Sure, the gulls he sometimes sees near the surface are confusing, but the ring depicts something even further beyond his imagination. What's up with the sharp teeth? Why must the eyes be green? Does it know it's a freak of nature?
Anyway, the jewelry helps. Steve uses it to distract himself from the sheer agony screaming from his tail when Eddie lifts him out of the cramped tub. He thinks about which bracelet he'll give to which guppy (Robin will get the crown) when the edges of his tailfin graze against Eddie's legs as he confidently walks across a plank connecting the two ships. He closely studies the featherless wings on the ring to avoid thinking about what's to come when Eddie sets him down on a large, surprisingly comfortable bed in another private cabin and starts gathering a needle and thread.
There's not much left to distract him when Eddie kneels next to the bed and looks up at him, his eyes reminding Steve of his guppies when they've done something bad and need him to clean up the mess.
"This is gonna hurt," Eddie tells him, his voice soft and gentle and full of regret as he grabs a bottle from the table next to the bed.
The liquid inside is clear, and Steve would think it was water if his nose hadn't been hit with such an astringent scent when Eddie opened it. Before he can fully process the smell, Eddie tips the bottle and pours the liquid onto Steve's tail.
An involuntary screech rips out of his throat, a burning sensation clawing along the cut and making his scales buzz. Without thinking, Steve grabs Eddie's wrist and yanks it away, his lips pulled back in a snarl that reveals sharp teeth. Despite the physical pain, Steve thinks the worst part is that he let himself get distracted by small comforts and warm brown eyes and Eddie's soft voice.
He should know better.
"Shit," Eddie mutters, quickly dropping the now-empty bottle to the floor. It cracks but doesn't break, and he looks up at Steve. "I should've explained that better. Holy fuck, I'm sorry, sweetheart, but I had to clean it. If I sewed it up without doing so, it might get infected."
Steve narrows his eyes, his grip tightening briefly as he studies Eddie's face. He seems genuinely apologetic, and Steve understands his intentions once he's processed Eddie's words. Steve had to do something similar when Mike and Lucas bothered a shark too much. Their wounds weren't nearly as bad as Steve's, but they'd still cried and shouted when Steve and Robin had to pull teeth and bits of coral out of their wounds before wrapping them in seaweed.
"I'm done with that part, though," Eddie says, his voice practically desperate for Steve to understand. "You can squeeze my shoulder or something while I sew it up."
A few seconds pass before Steve nods once, slowly letting go of Eddie's wrist. As Eddie starts threading the needle, Steve places his hand on his shoulder, bracing himself for the upcoming pain by squeezing the crown in his other hand.
Eddie takes a deep breath as he glances up at Steve. He licks his lips, looking back at the top of the cut. "Okay, I'm starting now," he says, waiting long enough to see Steve nod before starting the first stitch.
The alcohol hurt. The stitching is a fucking bitch. But, honestly, none of it is as bad as when that first disgusting human dragged a dagger through Steve's tail. He still hisses, gripping Eddie's shoulder tighter and unable to stop his nails from digging into his skin. Despite how it must hurt, Eddie doesn't flinch, and Steve feels a little better.
"You know," Eddie says, mostly focused on keeping his hand steady and his stitches even, "I wish I knew your name. I can't keep calling you sweetheart."
He could. Steve wouldn't mind it. But he also knows it isn't entirely fair that Eddie doesn't know he can speak. They'll need to be able to talk, Steve thinks, if they're going to be around each other for a while longer.
And Eddie has been kind enough that Steve wouldn't mind being around him for however long it takes his tail to heal.
"Steve," he says.
To his credit, Eddie doesn't drop the needle. He does tense for a moment, his hand pausing as he looks up. "What?" he asks.
"My name. It's Steve."
"You can talk."
"Why wouldn't I?"
Eddie hums, looking back at the cut as he starts stitching again. "You didn't say anything before," Eddie says.
"The last human who saw me mutilated my tail," Steve replies.
"Fair. Is, uh, is your name really Steve?"
"That's the closest translation to your language."
"What's your name in your language?"
Steve hesitates for a moment before clearing his throat. He feels his gills flutter, trying to create the bubble pattern that accompanies his name as he lets out a rhythmic series of squeaks and clicks with a short hiss at the end.
A few seconds pass after he's done. And then Eddie nods once and says, "Steve it is. How'd you get caught, Stevie?"
Ignoring the slight urge to point out that Eddie said his name wrong, Steve frowns slightly. "One of my guppies got caught in that ship's net. I got them out but was caught myself."
"One of your...guppies?"
"Yes. You would call them...children, I think?"
Eddie has nearly reached the middle of Steve's tail by now, and his hand falters once more. "Children? Aren't you...a little young?"
Steve bristles, glaring at Eddie. He's heard that same question plenty of times from members of other pods before, and he's tired of it. "What does it matter if they are happy and healthy?" he asks.
"Sorry," Eddie whispers, glancing up at Steve. There's something he can't quite read in Eddie's eyes. "Do you raise them alone?"
"What? No, of course not. My partner, Robin, raises them with me. We have seven guppies, with an eighth on the way."
"An eighth?!" Eddie asks, sounding strained as he pauses his stitching once more to look up at Steve. "Shit, man, shouldn't you give Robin a break?"
Steve blinks, tilting his head slightly. "Why would she need a break?" he asks.
"She's already popped out seven!"
Suddenly, Steve realizes what the disconnect is. He blinks once more and dissolves into laughter. "Oh!" he says, the exclamation broken by a giggle as he tries to calm himself down. "No, no, she is my partner, not my mate. Besides, she doesn't even like mermen."
Eddie seems to relax at Steve's explanation, his shoulders dropping and his voice significantly lighter as he starts stitching again and says, "Oh, I see. Then whose kids are they?"
"Technically, they belong to the pod," Steve explains, gritting his teeth as Eddie reaches the tailfin. He feels warm all over, his nerves jumping and his scales feeling half-ready to just fall off. "Each pod has at least two caretakers. Mates have a guppy and let caretakers raise them while they focus on their own roles within the pod."
"Do you like being a caretaker?"
"Yeah," Steve says, managing a shaky smile despite the tugging on his tailfin and Eddie's fingers pressing against his scales. "They're my guppies. I'd drain the oceans for them."
"And, uh, what about your mate? Do they mind you being so...devoted to the guppies?"
It's not at all subtle, but Steve finds it oddly endearing nonetheless. He slowly exhales, forcing himself to loosen his grip on Eddie's shoulder. "I don't have one."
Just like before, Eddie seems to relax some at the answer. He also finishes stitching, tying off the thread with a secure knot before carefully cutting away the excess. "Well, uh, we'll get you healed up and back to your guppies as soon as possible," he says, looking up at Steve.
"It needs to be wrapped in kelp. And, uh, I'll need a tub. You know, with seawater."
Eddie nods along, flashing a reassuring grin. "Don't worry, Stevie, I'll get you anything you want," he promises.
"Anything?" Steve asks, leaning forward some as he tilts his head.
"I already gave you my favorite ring, sweetheart."
Steve glances down at said ring, wondering what about it could possibly make it Eddie's favorite. He can't immediately figure it out, but that doesn't change the sweet warmth and anticipation for the time he'll spend with Eddie that he suddenly feels.
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klausinamarink · 4 months
I Reach For You On Faith Alone
rating: G | cw: none | wc: 1.6k | tags: post S4, getting together, fireflies | prompt: Love is having hope for the future together
written for @steddielovemonth
“Mind if I join you?”
Steve’s voice broke Eddie out of his wandering thoughts. He lifted his head up to see Steve was already on the roof, dangerously crouching by the edge. Steve was still in his work uniform so either he had just left the video store or was too tired to change. Eddie betted it was the latter if the deep bags under his eyes indicated anything.
Eddie hummed and patted the empty space on his right.
“Sweet.” Steve said, scooting over until he was next to Eddie. Then he suddenly sat up, “Shit, sorry, I didn’t bring anything with me. You want anything? Food? Drinks? Your cigarettes? It’s cold as hell too, do you need a blanket?”
His concern was adorable but understandable. Eddie just shook his head and returned his gaze back to the sky.
Night had fallen moments ago but Eddie was too content to get back inside yet. The stars were bright, a galaxy belt spanning from one corner to somewhere that it hurt to crane his neck back. It was also quiet, save for the crickets. Benefits of a new government-says-sorry house being located on the country roadside forty minutes from Hawkins.
“It’s really nice.” Steve said quietly.
Eddie grinned, “You haven’t seen the best part yet.”
He could feel Steve staring at him with a raised eyebrow. If they were standing, Steve would definitely have his hands on his hips.
“You have a galaxy beaming down at you and this isn’t the best part?” Steve made a tsk-tsk noise. “And yet you defile me as the one with shit taste.”
Eddie chuckled and propped himself up by an arm. He looked to his left where the grassy fields were at. Almost on cue, a small green light blinked in and out of existence. It wasn’t until a few more appeared that Eddie finally reached over to Steve and pointed towards the field. “Look over there.”
Steve sat up again and squinted his eyes. Then he blinked, rubbed them with his fingers, and blinked again. He said, “What am I looking at?”
A scandalous gasp erupted out of Eddie’s mouth. He lurched backwards with his hands planted on his chest as if he were stabbed. “Steve Harrington has never seen fireflies? Oh, the humanity!”
Steve did a double take, “Wait, those are fireflies?”
Eddie paused, “You… never did that thing as a kid where you go outside and try to catch them?”
Slowly shaking his head, Steve replied, “Not really, no.”
This time, Eddie made a tsk-tsk with the click of his tongue. He reached over to grab Steve’s hand. “Then allow me to show you the missing joys of childhood.”
After a careful jump from the roof, Eddie ran to the field, Steve’s hand still in his grasp. The other man gave out a startled laugh with every urgent pull from Eddie. “Hey, man, slow down-!”
“You seriously need to do this!” Eddie said over his shoulder as they entered the field. The grass was as high as their thighs, tickling Eddie’s arm. As they dashed through, more fireflies flew up and around them.
“Woah.” Steve whispered after Eddie finally stopped. He watched as the other man stared wordlessly at the fireflies, his eyes full in wonder as each insect flickered its glow. A few landed on Steve’s hair and shirt. It would’ve been hilarious for Eddie to laugh at if it hadn’t illuminated him in a way that brought the perfect highlights to his face like the slope of his nose and growing softness of his cheeks.
It was such a perfect portrait that it made Eddie wish he had gotten into photography. He would have a camera ready in his hands and used up the entire film roll to snap the same shot over and over.
Eddie cleared his throat, shaking himself out of the stupor. The other man slowly looked back at him, his eyes covered with a thin layer of unshed tears.
“Cup your hands like this.” He instructed, showing Steve the correct position. Steve furrowed his eyes but copied him. Eddie took a second to glance around himself before his eyes landed on the closest firefly. With careful precision, Eddie grabbed at the firefly, keeping his palms closed but far apart so as not to squish the bug. He slightly opened his thumbs apart, allowing the light of the firefly to shine out.
“Can you do that?” Eddie asked. Steve lightly scoffed, already shaking his head. “C’mon, don’t quit already!”
“You’re like a better expert than me.” Steve said, pausing when a firefly landed on his wrist. They both watched as it crawled up to his fingers and then entered Steve’s cupped hands.
Eddie smirked, finally releasing his captured lighting bug. “Looks like you already are. You just took the patient route.”
They stand together far longer than either of them would like, but neither of them complained. They eventually sat down on the ground and watched the fireflies flew right above their heads as if the stars in the sky were chasing each other.
“Beautiful.” Steve said in a soft voice as he stared upwards.
Eddie nodded, his eyes stuck on Steve’s face. “Sure is.”
They both fall into silence. Until Steve speaks again, “Eddie?”
His heart was already breaking his ribs with how rapid it was going. He swallowed quickly, “Yeah?”
“What-” Steve stops himself, a conflicted expression on his face. “Sorry, it was gonna sound dumb and sensitive. Ignore that-”
“Steve.” Eddie said, bumping the toe of his shoe against Steve’s leg. “No dumb questions. I won’t be offended. Promise.” He added when Steve looked over at him with mild disbelief.
Steve sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, “I was going to ask if.. you had any idea what your future was like.”
Eddie gave out a dramatically weary sigh like he was an old man returning from an odyssey. He spoke like one as he responded, “Ah yes, the future. Let me spin you a yarn-” He broke down into cackles when Steve playfully punched him at the shoulder with an exaggerated eyeroll and a smile of his own. It pinched Eddie’s scarred cheek but it was a small cost to make Steve look happy.
After he settled down, Eddie answered a little more seriously, “To be honest, I’m just focusing on making it, you know? Like sure, I survived literal hell and got my diploma, but I just wanna take my time with the recuperation and just-” he spread his arms out, his hands brushing against the non-flattened grass around hum, “-make it.”
“And after that?” Steve was staring at him. Vulnerability shone in his eyes, hunched his body little forward so that Steve was almost curled into himself.
Eddie shrugged, “Find a trade that doesn’t care about my past or my name. Maybe mechanics or electric. Move out of Indiana. Maybe I’ll turn Canadian.”
Steve snickered, “That’s it?”
“Oh.” Steve looked away. He started tearing at some of the smaller grass. Sniffed loudly and quickly brushed a hand over his eyes. Eddie wanted to say something but if he did, it might just startle Steve away. And he doesn’t want Steve to leave.
His silence eventually paid off because Steve spoke again, “I- I thought I had a good one. Before I graduated, I thought that I was going to university to study the same boring degree my dad did just to take over his chair when he drops dead. Then I didn’t get into any of the colleges so-”
“Six little nuggets in a Winnebago.” Eddie had eavesdropped on that conversation. He had remembered thinking oh shit, Steve is actually going back to Nancy until he had suddenly hated himself so much that he wanted to rip out his guts and eat them. The usual reaction of having a crush on Steve Harrington.
“Yeah, I still see that happening.” Steve smiled again. His body became less withdrawn into a shell and more open.
“With someone in particular orrrr..?” Eddie drawled out, not willing to say any name aloud.
Steve stretched his arms out and leaned back until he was laying on the ground. Like a magnet, Eddie felt compelled to do the same. Steve’s eyes were on him again. There was something else behind them that Eddie couldn’t decipher even under the billions of dotted lights shining on them.
“I thought I would have that future alone.” Steve said as Eddie laid down. Their shoulders were pressed together, sending goosebumps up Eddie’s arm.
“I’m sensing a ‘but’ there.” He said casually. Then he just barely held back a gasp when he felt Steve’s pinky finger resting on top of his.
He dared to turn his head. Steve was already looking back at him.
There was no telling who leaned in first. Or who laid his hand on his bicep. Or who fluttered their eyes shut to savor the other’s taste even though neither of them showered in the morning and smelled of unwashed carpets and countryside musk.
All Eddie knew was that his lips were now touching Steve’s. And they felt so soft and plump.
Eddie refused to pull away. He pressed closer, rolling on his side. Steve’s hand slithered onto his chest, spaying his fingers across his shirt right on Eddie’s heart before gripping the fabric. Then he pulled Eddie up, just enough so his torso was nearly aligned on top of Steve’s.
They broke apart, catching their breaths together in their new proximity. Eddie peeked through his eyelashes, almost taken aback by the great tenderness on Steve’s face.
“But it was with you.” Eddie nearly swallowed the words from how Steve’s lips still touched his.
“That future I still want?” Steve smiled despite a tear that trailed from the corner of his eye. “It was with you too. Even if you don’t even want it at all.”
What other way was there for Eddie to prove otherwise except to cup Steve’s cheek and kiss him again with the stars and fireflies as their witnesses?
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comradekatara · 8 months
Sokka 🤝 Azula
Being dehumanized in the way that they are made into tools and servants of sorts, centering their purpose on another person and having trouble existing outside of that.
sokka 🤝 azula a lot of things.
but no seriously. like, everything you said, and also the added fact that in both cases this (self)dehumanization stems from issues of fatherhood. i said in the tags of this post that for sokka it stems from being abandoned in such a way that he knew he was expected to die for katara, sacrificing his life and personhood for the preservation and protection of his sibling, whereas for azula it stems from knowing that her father killed her mother (or simply banished her if you're lame and annoying) and tried to kill her brother and rationalizing that violence through the logic that anyone who does not obey, agree, and serve him adequately simply deserves to die (hence why she believes that fear is the only logical way, and that the only reason anyone who defy her is that she is simply not fearsome enough).
in both cases they are subscribing to explicitly patriarchal logic that denies their own humanity for the sake of achieving the goals of their respective projects (conquest and resistance respectively) in a way that primarily serves those to whom they have subordinated their own selfhoods. and their ways of achieving/navigating that are also very similar. like they're both unafraid of humility, as opposed to someone like zuko or zhao or ozai, whose pride gets in the way of their tactics, but they do have these very fragile egos that are a product of feeling isolated and unloved and unvalidated, and so when they do fail their perfectionism will get the better of them and their facades of mental stability crack (sokka is actively suicidal in "the boiling rock" due to his failure at the invasion, azula has a whole ass nervous breakdown in "sozin's comet" as i'm sure you're aware).
and like. as much as they are willing to let their personhood be subsumed by the project they have dedicated themselves to, they also do both share this adorable quirk (by which i mean dreadful flaw that i nonetheless do happen to find cute when they do it and abhorrent irl) of needing to be the smartest most correct person in the room and being very condescending about it to anyone they deem their intellectual inferior (with azula it's most apparent in her conversations with zuzu, with sokka it's most apparent when he's encountering various villagers and lecturing them on what a bunch of idiots they all are) (also they are teens so it's okay we were all kids once). and as much as their condescension can be obnoxious, it's also proof that they're human beings and not perfect machines as they would like to imagine themselves, because robots would simply not say "i told you so."
(and obviously there's a lot more i could say on the parallels between sokka and azula, because they are mirrors in such a fascinating way, not just within their own scheme but situated in a dynamic with katara and zuko as primary mirrors and sokka and azula as secondary mirrors, and i haven't even talked about how they look like their mothers but worship their fathers, or interrogated their logic thru the framework of utena gender dynamics, or anything. but that is also because such posts are currently in my drafts, and i shall try to post them as soon as i have some more free time. as for now please enjoy this very incoherent ramble lol)
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mossstep · 7 months
More sagau (self aware genshin au) headcanons(plus a little bit of writing) These ones are a bit more focused instead of general.
Ghost!reader sagau headcanons
As always: I am a minor, don’t be weird with my posts!
Note: these posts are made with the intention of lightening up the sagau tag, also, if you’re interested in me writing an entire story using my headcanons just ask and I’ll be happy to!
Tw/cw: sagau, swearing, references to the 4.2 archon quest (not 100% sure if this is needed)
Arriving in teyvat
Waking up in teyvat was certainly not on your bingo card for this year. You had only been playing genshin seriously for about a year or so. You had played before that, but had gotten bored after the Monstadt archon quest, because of the steep ar requirements for the Liyue archon quest.
So waking up in Liyue, specifically wuwang hill was, jarring to say the least. You had recognized the area immediately. You had basically lived in the crimson witch domain farming for your Hu Tao. Not that you had Hu Tao yet, having lost your 50/50 on each of her reruns. (Seriously! Talk about bad luck!)
As you get up you notice a vague feeling weightlessness, looking down, you noticed that you were partially see-through? What?
So the creator would probably meet Hu Tao first, as she likes the hang around wuwang (I don’t know her lore to correct me if I’m wrong) and Hu Tao would almost immediately recognize the reader as the creator due to their “golden aura.” Despite this, she’d treat you as your average ghost
The creator’s appearance would be like the ghosts seen in a game. But instead of that blueish-white color outline, the creator’s would be golden.
The creator’s ability to interact with things would be limited, only being able to slightly nudge or push things. They wouldn’t be able to pick anything up, or eat anything.
Despite this, they’re able to be seen/talk to vision holders and other elemental beings. While regular humans would only be able to sense them.
Also, the creator can possess shit, because ghost!
It’s likely that Zhongli, after catching wind of the creator’s arrival in not only teyvat, but also Liyue, would try to meet with them.
I can see the geo archon getting in contact with Ei or Neuvillette about making a mechanical puppet/body for the creator, since they were very limited in what they could do.
In their ghost form the creator would likely be able to take advantage of laylines/teleport waypoints/statues of the seven/etc. to travel around teyvat, which is how they meet with their favorite characters, wether or not they know about the creator’s arrival
Creator: hi tighnari :3
Creator: secret :3
Creator: Hi Kaveh
Kaveh: OH SHIT A GHOST (unaware they’re the creator)
The creator would probably spend a whole 6 months or longer in teyvat without a body, because the people of teyvat would make sure only the best body is given to them.
If the people of Fontaine make a body for the creator they’d probably have the the fortress of meropide temporarily stop production on gardemeks to put all their energy in making the perfect mechanical body for the creator of teyvat.
If Ei instead uses the technique she used to create the shogun and scaramouche she’d source only the highest quality materials, then spend ages meticulously working on every little detail to make sure it’s perfect
No matter how much you say you don’t care about it being perfect, the people of teyvat would consider it blasphemy to give anything less than the best for their creator.
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satorubrain · 1 year
I heard you were taking requests? I was thinking what if Gojo was dating someone who idolized him and how much of a cocky shit he would be about it. He would love having someone who loved him more than anything, for all of his quirks. But he lets it go to his head
Pairing: Gojo Satoru x Reader.
Tags: Fluff at start, angst no comfort at end, slightly toxic gojo, toxic relationship.
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You love Satoru with all your heart for all his quirks and all his flaws. You are simply in love with his entire being. You wish he never changes. And oh lord how he loves you just because he's him, not because he's the strongest or the most charming but just because he's Satoru. Your Satoru.
Ever since you joined Jujutsu High as a sorcerer teacher you and Satoru hit off pretty well mainly due to how easily he won your heart. How could you not fall for him when he was the perfect distraction- making his co-worker laugh whenever he noticed any signs of distress, overhearing his stupid jokes with his students, finding out how he was simply the most straightforward guy who wasn't the type to beat around the bush and talk his mind and how he carried the burdens of humanity while maintaining a heart kind and humane enough.
You were simply enamored by his presence itself. You had fallen hopelessly in love with him.
At first, unfortunately, he simply thought of you as someone who perhaps is swooning over his good look or his strength. But he's not a fool. He quickly finds out, perhaps before you do, your feelings for him are genuine.
Noticing how your face lights up when he cracks up a joke, hearing a soft giggle from afar when he's being dramatic with his students or annoying someone in public, complimenting him when he talks back to the higher-ups and bitching about how nasty everyone is- which either leads to how you should prank some higher-up or how you must prepare the future generations, giving him a high-figh when either of you takes down a curse in mere seconds.
He, himself, can't help falling in love when there's someone out there who not just accepts but loves his entire being. Especially when you love him but also the one under his facade, comparing him to the sun. Defending his antics made him look at you with heart eyes. Checking up on him, multiple times a day- asking about his mood, his day, and how he is feeling as if it's only normal to ask- made his heart flutter. He couldn't help but feel loved which made him fall for you even harder.
Oh you had struck his heart and he didn't waste time, making you his.
You both were each other's ride-or-die, partners in crime, and possibly a nightmare for most.
It was no surprise to the people that you ended up together- most of them had known the outcome since the start. But much to their dismay, ever since you both started dating his antics seemed to have skyrocketed and they were doubled.
Satoru was now spoiled. Thanks for your love and unconditional support. But oh how much loved flaunting you and showing off the fact how much you loved him. You made him feel like he's floating in the clouds.
And perhaps he flew too far away.
You couldn't help but notice how his mannerisms slightly changed. How now he seemed to be overstepping people's boundaries more than usual- maybe it was him being unnecessarily rude and not realizing it? Maybe he made a silly enough mistake for him which seemed like a great deal to the other person? Maybe he was getting ridiculously insensitive?
"Satoru, don't you think you are doing it too much? Maybe you should apologize." you suggest, wanting to help him correct his mistakes.
"Hah?" he scoffs. "Babe, seriously? I didn't even say anything!! That person was only being overly sensitive, cmon nowww" he whines, jokingly.
You try to correct him and he snaps back.
The once small bickerings you used to have turned into hurtful screaming competition over the past 2 months and now you're sick of it, having a full-blown argument in the middle of both of your shared living room with a person you wholly loved.
"You're being dramatic and insecure, didn't you LOVE how confident I am? And be proud of me?" He accuses while slightly mocking your affections for him.
"THAT WOMAN WAS ALL OVER YOU DID NOTHING TO PREVENT THAT? AND I'M THE ONE THAT'S DRAMATIC AND INSECURE?? Oh my god Satoru, you've gone fucking blind and stupid" you sigh knowing there's absolutely no way to get your point across the nasty skin he has developed.
Unwilling to stretch the argument any further, you flounced to your shared bedroom quickly finding your bags before packing in your belongings.
"Cmon now, no way you're leaving over such a stupid thing." He snickered, wanting you to somehow stop you from leaving, blocking the exit of your once shared bedroom. He realized his foolish use of terrible wordings once you coldly glared at him as tears flowed down your red eyes. The stare was so foreign to him, it numbed his senses momentarily before he heard the loud zipping of the bag.
Before he was allowed to react, you pushed him aside as you stormed outside through the main door with a loud slam of it being shut closed.
The loud slam was almost like a slap to reality. As the moments pass by he feels his insides feeling weird and this is when he realizes that now he's falling to the cold hard ground. And there would be no you to soften the impact.
You still love Satoru with all your heart but no longer for all his quirks and all his flaws. But you are simply not in love with a stranger. You wish he never changed but he did. And oh no how he forgot how much he loves you just because he flew to a new place. Though now, he's no longer your Satoru like he wishes.
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This was so fun for me to write but i hope you enjoyed it 🫶
Maybe I'll write pt 2 (mainly cuz i wanna make satoru suffer even more) if someone requests it or I don't forget
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flowersandbigteeth · 1 year
Your first day with your alien husband
General Plot: You finally get your glasses fixed and begin sorting out matters of becoming an archduchess
Word Count: 3.5k
Kherae alien x female reader with glasses
W: a bit of angst, sfw alien fluff
Tags: @almostoriginalartisan @lizzhearthz
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“I want you to teach me more about managing the family estate, brother,” Dessin said as Idreod choked on his morning coffee. It was one of the few human inventions he really admired. It was bitter and earthy. Delicious. He was annoyed his brother was spoiling it. 
“What are you talking about?” he asked sharply, setting down his mug. “Why this all of a sudden?” 
He set his jaw. 
“I’ve been useless in the past, but I’ve grown up a bit. I want to be an asset to our family. You don’t think I hear the way the staff snicker about me? They think all I’m good for is perfume recommendations for their girlfriends. That was fine when I was young, but now I want some responsibility,” he said. 
“Dessin, this is work,” Idreod said, “not a game. If you want to play around I’ll give you a hundred million credits and you can invest in human cryptocurrency or the stock market. I’m told it’s amusing.” 
He growled. 
“You are always like this!” he snapped, “how can I grow if you are always treating me like a child?” 
“Don’t throw a tantrum. Why don’t you visit Gedra for a few days? Get your dick sucked and meet a new plaything,” Idreod said, already bored with this conversation, “I’ll send all your friends this time in celebration of my engagement, all expenses paid. You can call it my bachelor party, isn’t that what human men have?” 
He made a noise in the back of his throat. 
“You are not taking me seriously, Idreod!” he growled. 
Idreod barked out a tight laugh. 
“Of course I’m not Dessin. You’ve never done anything serious in your life and that’s fine. You’ll never have to want for anything, so why are you so upset?” 
He stood and glared at him. 
“You are so sick, brother. You get off on being superior to everyone but deep down you’re just a lonely fool. Someday you’ll find yourself alone with a knife in your back,” he hissed. 
Idreod rolled his eyes at him. 
“Will you be the one to put it there? Then who will pay your pleasure house bills, Dessin? Don’t be foolish. The humans have a saying. Don’t bite the hand that feeds you little brother.” 
He jumped up from the table, knocking his chair to the floor and stormed out of the room, which was just like him. 
If he really wanted something he would build it for himself, not beg his big brother for a position. He thought.  Idreod could give it to him, but then he would just get bored in a few months and return to his lifestyle. He wondered for a moment if he should just indulge him a little. He would get bored after all. 
Perhaps he was still a bit bitter from the day before because he shook the thought away. I am too soft on him already. He behaved with impunity, despite how it tarnished their family name, spent money lavishly without a thought for how it was made, and was generally a poor representative of the Zovith family. He didn’t owe him little kindnesses. 
He picked his coffee back up, determined to retrieve his good mood. In a few minutes he would meet his lovely fiance and begin her training. 
“That was so fast,” you told the optometrist as he handed you your new pair of glasses.  
“Yes, Kherae manufacturing technology is much more advanced than human,'' the Kheraen doctor said. 
You pulled on the pair and blinked at him as your world came into focus. Like most Kherae he was handsome, but quite a bit older than you with heavy lines in his face and silver tipping his once jet black horns. 
“You know we can have your vision corrected,” he offered, “it is a simple procedure. You’ll suffer a day of blindness while the nanites restructure your lenses, but after that your vision will be perfect.” 
You smiled at him, just happy you could see. 
“Actually, that might be nice,” you said. 
You’d always wished I had good vision, being legally blind was such a limitation. He smiled at you. 
“I will have a consultation added to your schedule,” he said gathering his tools, “we’ll be in touch soon.” 
You thanked the doctor and finished the breakfast the maids had brought you when he left. 
A few minutes later Airies appeared and you got a proper look at him for the first time. He was a lean Kherae, with their signature purple skin and spade tipped tail. His horns were short and stuck out of neatly cropped black hair in delicate arcs. 
“Archduke Zovith will see you, my lady,” he informed you, gathering you up and leading you down the hall to his office. 
You were impressed with the decor now that you could see it. Everything was done in tasteful neutral tones with pretty Kheraen art hung on the walls. Aries noticed you looking and stopped. 
“If there is anything not to your liking, my lady, please let me know and we will change it,” he said, “the archduke has given you free reign to decorate as you like. He doesn’t really care about such things. This office looks the same as every other office on Kherae, it would be nice if you would freshen it up for us.” 
You nodded and hurried along after him. Your heart pattered in your chest. You were about to see your husband for the first time. 
“(Y/N), you look lovely this morning!” you looked up to find Dessin standing in front of you. He was taller than Airies and a bit bulkier with messy golden hair that just covered his ears and black eyes. His horns delicately curled back on themselves in smooth rolls. He was certainly more good looking than you imagined and you blushed a little remembering that you’d kissed him on the cheek. 
“Good morning Dessin,” you said, trying to hide your blush with a little bow.
“Are you on your way to see my brother?” he asked, seeming a little flushed and out of breath. 
“Oh yes,” you said, “he wants to teach me how to manage the estate.” 
Dessin’s face turned chilly for a moment. 
“So he will teach you but not me,” he growled.
You frowned. 
“I’m sorry, did I say something wrong?” you asked. 
He shook the dourness away and smiled, revealing bright white teeth. 
“No, not at all (Y/N). You can’t say anything to offend me,” he said, taking your hand suddenly and kissing it. Your cheeks felt like hot irons. 
Airies cleared his throat. 
“I think we should be going now,” he said tightly. 
You nodded and pulled your hand away. 
“See you Dessin,” you said and followed Airies into Idreod’s office. 
Golden eyes gripped you when you walked in the room and you stumbled into Airies’ back. 
“My lady!” he exclaimed, catching you, but you were looking at the Archduke. 
He was a beautiful male, looking like some kind of god out of a fairy tale. 
His skin was deep plump, making his bright golden eyes shine like polished coins. His hair was spun gold, that fell in a thick sheet down his back. Large, black horns curved backwards in a shallow bow. He had a painfully handsome face. You could see the resemblance with Dessin, but he was so much more, the kind of face that broke spirits. His aura leaked complete power and esteem. 
Large hands splayed across the desk as he rose. 
“Are you well?” he asked, his eyes narrowing. You felt the urge to brush his delicate, gilt eyelashes with your fingertips. With Airies’ help, you steadied yourself and nodded shyly. 
“Do your glasses work properly?” he asked. 
“Yes, thank you for sending the doctor, he was very nice,” you replied. 
“Leave us,” he said to Airies, waving at him sharply. 
When we were alone his eyes inspected you from top to bottom. He smiled coolly and you felt a shiver go down your spine. 
“You are dressed befitting an archduchess,” he said, opening a drawer in his desk. 
You looked down at the purple dress the maids had given you in the morning. It was a scalloped, boat neck, A-line that fell neatly at your knees. They’d even done your makeup and hair to look pristine. Being fussed over would take some getting used to, but you could appreciate having your eyeliner done perfectly every time. 
“You should look like this every day, because you will show up to do business every day,” he explained, “but as a Zovith you must be even more extravagant. Our title is recognized and our rank must be easy to identify when we enter a room.” 
He crossed the room holding a square box, opening it to reveal a platinum and diamond brooch with a large emerald at the center. You swallowed thickly as his large fingers manipulated the delicate piece of jewelry and fastened it to your chest. 
“I’ll give you a new one every day, ” he said, quietly, his eyes intently searching yours. 
You felt your cheeks burn. 
“That’s really too much,” you mumbled. 
He frowned and stood up straight. 
“It is not,” he said, curtly, returning to his desk, “you will have something new every day. My wife will exude a certain status.” 
You crossed your arms. 
“Idreod, isn’t that a bit wasteful? New jewelry every day? Wouldn’t it be just as impressive to open an orphanage or start a food pantry? You can put your name and glitter all over that if you like!” 
He glared at you, but you were becoming more immune to his intensity by the second. You weren't sure why, but he didn’t exactly scare you. He was a lot for sure, but not frightening. Seeing that you weren’t backing down, he blinked and tapped the button on his desk to call Airies. 
“Send in Mr. (Y/LN)!” he barked.
Your heart fluttered as your father entered the room. 
“Daddy!” you squealed, jumping on him. He held you tightly in his arms, breathing into your hair. 
“I was so worried about you ladybug,” he murmured, “you shouldn’t have done this. Please, let’s go home. I’ll sell the shop and we’ll get out of town together. It doesn’t matter.” 
He inspected you carefully. 
“He hasn’t harmed you, has he?” 
You shook your head. 
“No, Idreod has been very…thoughtful,” you said diplomatically. 
He glared at your fiance. 
“Look Mr. Zovith. I know my daughter is very headstrong and foolish, but I’m not okay with this. I’m taking her home right now. This deal is off.” 
“Daddy!” you shouted indignantly. 
He looked at you. 
“Well you are! What were you thinking selling yourself to an alien?” he snapped, “did you think I was just going to give my only daughter away? I’d rather die!” 
“You would have died!” you countered, “Typhon would have killed you!” 
“Which would have been preferable to this!” he went on. 
“Mr. (YLN),” Idreod broke in, “I didn’t bring you here to negotiate. As the father of the future archduchess, you have a role to play as well.” 
Your father’s mouth dropped open. 
“A role to play? Let me tell you-” he started. 
Idreod held up his hand. 
“Mr. (YLN), what kind of future do you want for your daughter? Do you want her to spend the rest of her life looking over her shoulder while you scrape together enough to keep the wolves at bay every month? Who will that loanshark try to sell her to next? Did you know someone attempted to kidnap her on her way here? Who do you think that was? Together, we can provide her a life and I can promise protection. The life she deserves, as royalty.” 
He tapped a tablet on his desk. 
“This is an employment contract. Last night I bought a chain of laundromats. I can’t allow you to keep the one you own, but if you sign this, you will be president of this company. You can see your daughter as much as you like as long as you agree to appear at necessary functions. You also agree to sign a sworn statement saying I met your daughter after I hired you as president.” 
Your father gritted his teeth. 
“I’m not selling my daughter,” he said. 
Idreod gave him a cool smile.
“You are not,” he said, “you are becoming a Zovith.” 
You took your dad’s hand. 
“Daddy, please. Just do this…for me? I wish I could have saved the laundromat, but I won’t let you die if I can do something to stop it,” you said.
He looked at you and rubbed his eyes. 
“Ladybug. It’s not about the-” 
He sighed and crossed the room to Idreod’s desk. 
“Fine,” he said, swiping his finger across the screen, then he glanced up. 
“If you hurt her,” he said, “I will do anything and everything I have to do to end you.” 
Idreod seemed unmoved by his threats, but nodded anyway. 
“Of course,” he said, “I wouldn’t assume any less, but I assure you (Y/N) is in the best hands. I don’t just see your daughter as a means to an end, Mr. (L/N). She will be my precious wife and will be treated like fine china.” 
You weren’t sure if those were placating words, but they shocked you just the same. 
Your father nodded, seeming a little defeated, but still suspicious. 
“If you don’t mind reviewing your new role with my assistant Airies,” Idreod said, “(Y/N) and I still have business to attend to today. There will be time for you to reconnect after work hours.” 
You gave your father an optimistic smile as he clutched the tablet in his hands like a lifejacket. 
“Everything will be alright, daddy,” you assured him. 
It took a few more minutes, but you finally convinced your father that you were safe and he could leave the room to go on with his day. 
“Thank you for saying those things,” you said, when he was gone, “I think it helped.” 
I nodded at her. 
“We are a team,” Idreod said, “I only act to benefit both of us.” 
Your eyebrows bobbed up, but you nodded. 
“Oh…okay,” you said, folding your hands and looking down at them. 
“There’s something we need to do,” he said, “follow me.” 
Idreod was hesitant to do this, but it needed to be done. As Idreod led you past Airies’ empty desk to the first floor of the building, his subordinates couldn’t keep their eyes to themselves, all curious about the new Archduchess. 
He called his personal driver and had you carted across town to the local botanical gardens. 
“What are we doing here?” you asked as he helped you out of the car. 
“We have important business,” Idreod told you gravely. 
He led you through the garden, which he’d reserved just for you the night before. Ahead of you, clouds of butterflies flitted here and there from where he’d had them released for this occasion. 
The roses were in full bloom and the air was sweet with their fragrance. 
“When I came to Earth, you know what stunned me the most?” he asked. 
You looked up at him, pushing your glasses up on your nose. 
“No,” you said. 
“The varieties of flowers,” he commented, brushing a finger over a fleshy bloom, “the foliage of Akhet is mostly purple with few flowers, but Spring here is like its own festival, full of life and color.” 
He looked at you. A flower petal had fallen in your hair. 
“No flower here is quite as lovely as you, though,” he said, plucking the soft scrap from your head. 
Your cheeks burned and he kneeled in front of you, removing the little box from the pocket he had hidden there. 
“(Y/N), will you do me the honor of being my wife?” Idreod asked, presenting you the ring inside. He hoped he was doing this correctly. Aries had suggested some movies to watch for this moment, but he wasn’t sure if it was having the desired effect. Your face darkened and your mouth fell open as your eyes widened. 
He frowned. 
“Did you change your mind?” he asked. 
You blinked and then your eyebrows jumped up. 
His face looked suddenly, actually, quite horrified. It was shocking on such a usually composed alien. 
“...I mean no! Wait..I mean. Yes…I will marry you,” you said, straightening your dress, nervously. 
A genuine grin bloomed on his face for the first time that was not related to someone else’s death. Your acceptance was far more satisfying than he expected. He felt warm and tingly all over. He reached out for your hand and you shakily held it out to him. 
Your fingers were trembling while he slid the ring on to the right one. 
He stood and took your arm. 
“Come, let’s take a moment to celebrate before we have to return to the office.” 
You nodded up at him, your face flushed. 
He led you to a pagoda in the center of the gardens where he’d had his staff set up a violinist and some champagne. 
“You arranged all this?” you asked, seeming stunned. 
He looked down at you. 
“Of course, is it not traditional for human brides?” Idreod asked. It was possible he had misunderstood some cultural nuance. 
You blinked at him. 
“Um…I guess so…Usually the groom does something special,” you mumbled. 
“Then what’s wrong?” he asked. 
Your eyes became a little wet. 
“It’s just all so lovely. I never expected…I’m sorry, I’m getting a little emotional,” you said. 
“Have a glass of champagne,” he offered, releasing your hand and popping the bottle for you. 
He handed you a glass and you took a thirsty sip before giving him a wet smile. 
“Maybe I’m just a little sad,” you said, sighing, “this is so perfect, almost like I had always imagined it, but I thought it would be with someone who loved me.” 
You gouged him with your honesty, but there was something so pure about it, he couldn’t really be hurt. 
He tipped your chin up to him. 
“You are so lovable, (Y/N),” he told you, “do you believe in fate?” 
You blinked at him. 
“I don’t know. I’ve never had any reason to,” you said. 
“In Kherae culture it’s believed that the goddess guides us to our fated mate, our perfect counterpart,” he explained, unsure if he should even be saying it, “I never put much stock into it to be honest,  but if it’s true and I have a fated one. I hope that it's you.” 
Your cheeks darkened again, but he refused to let your chin go and instead leaned his head down to press his lips against yours. 
Idreod had never kissed before. It was some kind of magic. 
Your heart exploded in your chest as you felt his soft flesh grazing yours. He tasted sweet and tart with champagne on his lips. His fingers flew to your cheek, drawing you closer. You wanted every ounce of him. His tongue slipped past your lips, exploring you and you welcomed it. You had no way of knowing this but you could have taken whatever you liked, as fast or as slow as you wanted it. From that moment forward, everything that was his became yours. 
When you parted, you stared up at him, your fist clutching his chest while he panted. 
Airies cleared his throat and you both looked up to find him standing patiently to the side. 
“I’m sorry to interrupt you, Master,” he said in his usual polite way, “but the schedule demands we move on, unless you would like me to cancel your afternoon appointments?” 
Idreod straightened himself and collected the glass from your hand. 
“No, you’re correct. There’s a lot to get (Y/N) caught up on.” 
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stardustloki · 7 days
Water Fight!
Lyana invites the Batch to take part in a water fight on Pabu. Used to combat sims on Kamino, they take this a little too seriously. Thankfully, their new family are around to correct their misunderstanding.
Tags: Gen, No warnings apply, Hunter-centric, slight angst, fluff, happy ending, Hunter thinks he's meant to be training Lyana in combat and as a good uncle he takes this Seriously
Read it on ao3 here.
Or below the cut...
The hot sun beat down on Hunter’s unarmoured body as he crouched behind a low wall, gripping the brittle blaster tight in his sweating hands, listening intently for any of their pursuers. Lyana crouched beside him, eyes wide, clutching her own blaster close to her body and breathing heavily.
“Did we lose them?”
Her whisper was quiet, but there was a chance it wouldn’t be quiet enough. Some enemies would have scanners trained to pick up on the frequencies of human voices. As Hunter shrugged in response, he made an internal note to teach her battle sign.
She nodded in response, jaw set, eyes serious.
They’d started off together, he, Lyana, Omega, Crosshair and Wrecker, before an ambush had forced them to separate. He cursed himself for not paying better attention, for assuming that the villagers had just been going about their everyday business, sipping cool drinks on their shaded verandas. Oh how wrong he had been.
Now, they were out in the open, cut off from the others, with no idea of the true number of hostiles they were facing.
“Do you remember how to get to the rendezvous point?” Hunter asked lowly. Lyana nodded. “Good. I want you to follow my lead, but remember, if we get attacked and I go down you do not stop for me. You get to the RV. Make sure to use as much cover as you can and try not to run in a straight line, the more obvious your movements are the easier they’ll find it to get a lock on you.”
“Yes, sir.” Lyana gave him a salute so poorly executed that his breath almost hitched. It was a good thing she hadn’t been raised on Kamino, but still, he should probably teach her how to salute properly in any case, it might be a useful skill.
Hunter nodded, satisfied at her words at least, and gestured for her to stay behind him. He didn’t think there were any hostiles nearby, but they were about to break cover and they needed to be careful.
At least, he consoled himself, if Lyana did get hit, the bursts of water wouldn’t hurt in the same way training rounds did.
He had to admit that he’d been surprised when, an hour earlier, Lyana had shown up at their house, informing them that the outside temperature meant that today they’d be having a water fight. Of course, he’d been thinking Lyana should probably be combat trained at some point - there was no guarantee that the Empire wouldn’t show up again, or that her Aunt Phee wouldn’t be followed home by some people she’d pissed off as part of her work - and had started to discuss the possibility with Shep. What he hadn’t been expecting was Lyana to take the decision into her own hands. Still, it was a promising step, and the Bad Batch had wasted no time in figuring out the training weapons and devising a strategy, making sure to explain everything to Lyana and make sure she could fire with… okay it was pretty terrible accuracy and that was something they would desperately need to work on. But there was a one in ten chance she’d hit her target if it was stationary.
Omega had been particularly excited about all this, grinning wildly and bouncing on the balls of her feet, talking to her friend a-mile-a-minute about how happy this made her.
By the time the combat had started, they’d been ready. What they hadn’t counted on, was how numerous their enemies would be.
Hunter and Lyana made their way carefully between the houses, sticking to shady alleyways as much as possible. He made sure to keep his eyes flickering up to rooftops or upper windows - he knew well from Crosshair that people didn’t often expect an attack to come from above. He wouldn’t let this be their downfall.
Thankfully, they made their way to the small plaza without incident. On their way to this rendezvous point, they had been spotted by some locals, who’d grinned at them and gave them a cheery wave - Lyana giving one of her equally cheerful but awful salutes back. Hunter just hoped that they wouldn’t give away details of their movements to the other side.
In the street across from them, Omega snuck into view, pressed into the shadows. Wrecker followed behind her, slightly less well hidden. They both gave Hunter a salute, which he returned. Now they just needed to wait for Crosshair, provided he hadn’t already been taken out.
In the centre of the shaded plaza, a large fountain bubbled. It would be an excellent place to resupply their ammo, but moving to the centre of the plaza would render them more exposed to enemy fire.
With his focus half on the fountain, it took Hunter longer than he should have to realise that the movement behind Wrecker wasn’t Crosshair joining them. Fortunately, Wrecker seemed to notice the extra person at the same time as Hunter did, and threw himself on top of Omega, sending them both tumbling to the ground at the same time as a blast of water went right through where they had been a second earlier. Their assailant didn’t get another chance to fire however, because they were hit by a strong blast of water to the head from above. Hunter grinned. Crosshair.
“Hey, not fair!” Wrecker’s voice rang out across the street and Hunter cursed. Staying hidden and winning this fight was gonna be a lot harder if his brother acted as a homing beacon for the hostiles. Still, they’d survived much worse. They wouldn’t fail this exercise. “I shot you earlier! You can’t get up and keep attacking us.”
“Sure I can,” Phee replied, wiping water out of her eyes. “That’s how water-blaster fights work.”
Even as he gestured for Lyana to stay hidden behind him, Hunter could see Wrecker and Omega shooting each other looks of confusion as they scrambled up off the floor.
“Then how can you tell who wins?” Omega asked, frowning. He noted with a burst of pride that her blaster was still trained on Phee.
“It’s not about winning,” Shep replied, emerging to stand in the sun next to Phee. “It’s about cooling down during a hot day, getting yourself and the other team as drenched as possible.”
Hunter was pretty sure Omega and Wrecker’s dubious looks matched his own.
“Look,” Phee said. “If y’all would be happier treating this like another battle, I ain’t stopping you. But, in my opinion, this way’s more fun.”
It was at that moment, Lyana sprang up towards her father, yelling and firing her water-blaster at him. Too late to grab her, all Hunter could do was provide extra fire at Shep, while Crosshair automatically did the same to Phee. Hopefully, their covering fire would allow Lyana to make her escape without getting hit.
All too soon, they were all out of ammo.
Spluttering, Shep dropped his blaster and wiped water from his eyes, but instead of giving in, he grinned and scooped Lyana up into his arms, before spinning her round and dumping her into the fountain. He laughed uproariously as she emerged, completely drenched, yelling incoherently at her dad, splashing waves at him from where she sat in the pool of water. 
When she turned towards Hunter, he could see she was grinning too.
Oh. Okay. If the rules didn’t really matter then.
Hunter broke cover and raced towards Omega, sweeping her up before she knew what was happening, and dropping her into the fountain beside her friend.
“Hey!” she shouted, but in the second between her yell and Wrecker barrelling into him with a cry of “Traitor!”, he could tell she wasn’t really mad at him. He didn’t bother bracing himself, and instead let Wrecker push him into the pool of water beside them, laughing as he surfaced, pulling back his wet hair from where it stuck to his face.
All too soon, Omega and Lyana were on him, scooping water up and throwing it at him, cursing his betrayal. It was all Hunter could do but howl with laughter as Omega tried to duck his head under the water and he succeeded in doing the same to her.
Of course, there would come a time where Lyana did need to learn how to defend herself, but, for now, in his happiness, Hunter couldn’t find himself much caring.
For now, life was good.
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vibratingskull · 8 months
Fake dating part 3
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I took @al-astakbar​‘s idea and run with it.
Resume : Alone on an strange planet with a little chiss girl you walk desesperatly trying to reach coordinates given by a beacon. Here you are saved by Grand Admiral Thrawn’s crew and he proposes you an incongruous solution to your problem...
“I accept.”
You said it, the die is cast.
He nods, approving your decision.
“Very well. I knew you would make the right choice.”
You pull a face. He knew it, really? You don’t even know each other for 24h.
He stands up, lowering down his datapad.
“I promised you could see her. Follow me.”
He guides you back to the medbay, where Moarorou slowly wakes up from anesthesia. You dash to her bed and kneel next to her, holding her hand. You notice with relief that her shock collar has been taken off.
“Moarorou! Moarorou…” you call as she weakly opens her eyes. “You awake. Me afraid! You better?” You really need to improve you Sy Bisty you think. You caress her hair, smiling reassuringly, squeezing her hand.
She nods, yawning.
“What happened?” she asks with a voice full of sleep.
Your first instinct is to tell her you’re saved, but are you really? You take a look at Thrawn that stayed behind at the door, leaving you intimacy with the little girl.
“We better! You healed, thanks this man.” You invite him to come closer.
Her eyes round up as she discovers him, her mouth agape she tries to say something. He greets her in their weird language. She tries to raise her upper body, but falls down on the pillow. He stops her with a gesture of the hand and sits on the side of the bed.
“Can you leave us alone? We have to discuss important matters.” The question is rhetorical, you’re out of the room in less than two minutes after arriving. 
So that is the extent of his words? Typical! 
You sit down on the floor against the wall, fuming, waiting for him to exit the room. It takes him 20 whole minutes, but he finally leaves.
“You are still here.” he notices.
“Can I go back in the room now?” you ask impatiently but full of hope.
“She’s sleeping, let’s not disturb her.”
Wha- Seriously?!
“I explained to her the situation, she understood. We can start our little comedy.” he casually explain
“I. want. to. see. her.” You repeat with the most assured voice you can.
He looks at you in the eyes, you stare right back. You gulp, mustering your courage. ‘hold on his gaze, girl. Don’t back down now’ you pep talk yourself but it is difficult. You swear you could hear the whip of your master crack at this insolent act.
“No.” He orders calmly “She needs to recover. I have a busy schedule for you. Something you can take advantage of.”
Your eyes widen as you let out a breath you didn’t realize you were holding. Is he serious? He takes his datapad and opens a file before handing it to you. You feel your legs trembling at your defiant act, you take the pad and almost burst out laughing, incredulous.
What is that?!
You discover the schedule of a high schooler, your days are orchestrated to the minutes with lessons and classes. 
“I assumed you already knew how to read and write, so you will have intense language lessons, etiquette courses, general knowledge classes and sports sessions. Do not worry I have managed times with Moarorou. It starts today.”
You feel your nose flare at the view of your new life. It’s cramped, full to the brim. He was not joking when he said he would make you a proper lady. You have the unpleasant impression of having escaped a prison for a gold bars cage. What you don’t like either is those “managed times” with Moarorou, you have the right to see her a grand total of 1 hour per day, which is not enough. At all.
1 hour for most days, for two days you only have the right to see her for half an hour.
“Understood?” he demands.
You look up to him to see his stern look, devoid of any warmth and human compassion. 
You don’t like that guy.
He scares you.
Reminds you of your former masters with his politeness and false caring attitude but never without a whip too far.
“Can I make a suggestion?” you try the diplomatic, trying to ignore your survival instinct and put yourself as his equal.
He tilts his head and listens.
“Could you manage more time for me and Moarorou? I’m the only one she knows here, she’ll be lost without me.”
“It is not true. I can communicate with her more efficiently.” He counters
Is he… is he mocking you for not being able to communicate with her despite your efforts?
You really don’t like this guy.
“But you are right. You are the closest thing to a positive figure for her. Seeing you surely would have a positive effect on her recovery and behavior.” He holds his chin like he’s remembering something. “Regrettably, I designed a busy schedule for her too. I am afraid I cannot access your demand.”
Does he only know no as a response?
“Then…” You look back at your schedule trying to find something. “Could you make our lessons match? If we are supposed to play the role of two high standing ladies we could learn etiquette together.” you propose.
He gauges you silently.
“Her schedule has been planned to be the most efficient for her recovery and her brain to assimilate a proper education. I would rather you do not tamper with it.”
“You speak of her like a machine. She’s a child.”
“Indeed. A chiss child. She will listen to her elder and obey me.”
A chiss? So this is their species.
“I think she obeyed enough until now.”
“As her father I have authority over her, now.”
“As her mother, don’t I have a say in this too?” you spite.
And immediately regrets it.
You’re only gonna earn a beating with that attitude.But you lose control when it comes to Moarorou.
He takes a step towards you and you close your eyes, ready to receive a slap across the face.
But nothing comes.
You reopen your eyes, unsure.
He’s tidying up your collar.
“You make a point. We are her two parents now.” He finishes to flatten the fabric on your shoulders. “What precisely do you suggest?”
You gulp. You evaded the beating for this time. You take a deep breath.
“If we are supposed to play a… loving family,” those words scorch your mouth, you got one and only one family and you lost it years ago “I should be with her as much as possible. Especially if we are to stay on your ship, it is unthinkable that a child so young rummages alone on a ship of that size. Wouldn’t it be more convincing if you planned the schedule of your wife and daughter to match as much as possible? As a loving father I mean.. Sir.”
He slowly nod.
“Your point stands. I will modify the schedules accordingly, but you right to visit her will be limited for now, she must focus on her recovery. That is our priority.”
“So I really can’t go back to her?” you try anyway.
“Like I said, she is sleeping. I had in mind you would learn basic words of cheuhn before you see her again. She should be happy her mother is trying to learn her language.”
“So cheuhn is the language of the Chiss?” you ask.
“It is, even though we use several other trade languages like Sy bisty. But it is a difficult language to master.”
“I will try for her!” you exclaim as enthusiastically as you can after learning you can’t see her.
“Your resolution is noted and appreciated. I must leave you now, I have duties to attend to.”
“Wait!” you call him back suddenly.
He turns towards you with a patient look, but you feel like you shouldn’t have done that.
“Hum… Is it possible to have other clothes than… just dresses?” you stutter.
“They are not to your taste?” he raises an eyebrow.
If only it was this trivial.
“No, it’s for… comfort reasons.” you settle with.
You can’t explain why, not to him. It would give him more power over you and he already has enough.
And he disappears without a word.
You spent the whole day with a droid making you run test after test to evaluate your global level. 
Not good.
But nothing surprising to you. You were abducted young. You get no time to go to school.
“There is a lot of work ahead of us, Lady Mitth.”
Your eyes twitch at the name. It runs under your skin. When becoming the slave of the Hutt Nattai Gleula you lost your family name and his was forced upon you. Now Thrawn was doing the same and it leaves a bitter after taste in your mouth. Like you just passed from one owner to another.
“Can you please refrain from calling me as such, AP-3G?” you ask.
“But it is your rightful title. As the wife of the Grand Admiral you deserve respect.” it counters.
“You know this is a lie.” you snarl.
You always deserved respect as a human being but it seems you come across a lot of people who like to scorn your basic rights.
“It is a direct order of the Grand Admiral, I must obey my master.”
“Don’t you also have to respect my authority as his wife?” you try.
“You are a civilian.” It suffuses mechanically “I am a military droid. I am afraid your authority over me is quite limited, Lady Mitth.”
“Then at least when we are alone? It really displeases me to identify by his name.”
It seems to think, comparing its orders to your request in his circuits.
“I theorize it is possible if we are only together. What should I call you then, my Lady?”
You give it your name and it seems to record it.
“Very well, Lady (f/n). Prepare yourself for intense days of intellectual stimulation and cultural discoveries. The Grand Admiral asked me to instill you with all the knowledge of a proper Lady of Coruscant, it will be exhausting and mentally draining but so fun, you will see.” It suddenly exclaims with enthusiasm that takes you aback. It seems really pleased to have received a task of that order.
“Can we cut out the Lady part altogether?” you raise your hand like a pupil.
“No. That I canno’t.”
You lower your shoulders. You’re not a lady. Those types of titles were for the individuals that used you as they pleased, it makes you quite uncomfortable to receive the same rank as them. Even if it’s fake.
You spend the next 4 hours learning the history of the Empire and the Galaxy, at the end of the session your brain is burning with dates, places and names.
“You will need to master at least 4 different languages outside of Basic. A chance you are already well versed in Hutt, even if this is not typically what a Lady would know.” AP-3G comments.
“4 languages?” you let out incredulous.
How are you supposed to speak them fluently in just a few months? Your brain is already so full.
“Isn’t exciting?” AP-3G chants. At least one of you is happy about the situation.
“Can we… can we take a break?”
You exit the room with a headache, you feel like smoke is pouring out of your ears. AP-3G follows you diligently.
“Why are you following me?” you turn to it.
“I have been tasked with your protection, Lady Mitth.”
Oh great.
Now you have a nanny on your back.
Or worse…
A lackey to Thrawn service tasked to report each of your comments and movement to its master.
You who wished to take little advantage of that masquerade to recover some liberty, you can forget it.
“Where are you heading exactly?” It asks
“Moarorou.” you simply respond. Thrawn’s order to let her alone really got stuck in your throat, but it’s been a whole day, surely now you can go see her, right? You prepare yourself to hear the inevitable “No” that will shatter your hopes.
“Oh! Then there is a more direct way.” It informs you.
You turn to it, surprised.
“Please, this way.” he heads on a corridor on your left and you follow, relieved.
You come across some officers and you curl up your shoulders, lowering your head. ‘Don’t cross their gaze, make yourself invisible.’ all your alarms are up.
“Lady Mitth” they salute politely.
You look at them walking away without a word.
“What was that?”
“You thought they would throw you into jail? You are their Grand Admiral’s wife, you are untouchable.”
So they already know? News spread fast on a ISD.
“Here we are.”
It steps to the side and you pass the door after knocking. Moarorou is in bed, transfused and pale, but well awake. 
“Hi!” you say joyfully.
She raises her head from her drawing eyes round of surprise and calls you with the same joy.
“How you are?” you say hugging her tightly. You inhale her hair scent with delight, it is so good to see her as awake and aware after this awful week in the forest.
“Sleeped all day.” she respond hugging you back with all her might. “What- Ah!” she says horrified and hide behind you.
You turn your head to AP-3G in a corner of the room and berate yourself. She’s terrified by droids, they’re the one that used to beat her when she did something wrong.
“AP-3G, leave us.” you demand.
“But I must protect you both.” he counters.
You shoot it a black look.
“She’s terrified of droids. Wait by the door, I’m sure nothing can happen to us on the ISD of your master.”
It obeys, albeit reluctantly and disappear behind the door.
You squeeze her and caress her hair, soothing her.
“All well,” you murmure “It went away.”
She digs her nails in the fabric of your dress, whimpering.
“Here, here.”
You remain like that for long minutes until she musters the courage to part with you.
“You draw?” you ask, tilting your head to the sheet.
She hurriedly takes it and holds it against her chest like she doesn’t want you to see.
“I not look.” you say appeasingly.
She seems to hesitate and then relax.
“You want see?” she asks with a little voice.
“Yes, if you want.”
You really need to improve your Sy Bisty, urgently. You could appease her more efficiently and talk to her properly. You squeeze yourself against her on the bed to admire her piece of art. You see three blue people with red eyes, two adults and a little one. They’re all smiling. It doesn’t take to be a genius to understand that she drew her family.
“Papa?” you ask, pointing at one of the adults. She nods “Mama?” you point the other, she nods again with a sigh, “You?” She puts her head on your shoulder, on the verge of tears.
“You missing them.” it isn’t a question. It is obvious she misses them. You missed yours too.
“Me sorry.” you caress her head as tears flow down her cheeks. 
What can you say to a 5 year old abducted to her family like that? You notice a second drawing. 
This one is… odd?
You recognize Moarorou with other children but she’s unhappy on it, she’s circled by two other adults with stern expressions, one in some sort of uniform and the other like a doctor? It is hard to say with the style of a 5 year old.
“Who?” you ask, frowning.
She wipes her tears and looks at the drawing.
“Adults. Mean.” She simply says, sniffing.
“How mean?”
“Mean. Want me forget…”
“Forget what?”
She doesn’t responds, only raising her head to the door with complete focus.
“He coming.”
“Who com-”
The door opens to let the Grand Admiral enter. With his hands clasped behind his back the room suddenly became so small. By instinct you squeeze Moarorou against you in a protective manner.
“I knew you would be here.” He says.
“Yes. I am allowed, right?” you ask suspiciously.
“Of course. Just make sure to not drain her.” He walks in the room like he's visiting. He then speaks to her in what you suspect to be cheuhn. She sniffs and responds with her little voice but relaxed. She must be comforted to me in the presence of a fellow chiss. They converse for a long minutes until you can’t take it anymore.
“What are you saying?” you ask quite curtly.
And immediately regret it.
They both look at you surprised by your tone. You stutter.
“What are you saying, please?”
He raises an eyebrow.
“You must have been beaten quite a lot with this demeanor.” he says with an indecipherable expression.
Is he threatening you to be more obedient?
He continues before you can say anything.
“I was simply asking her how she felt, wondering about her symptoms.”
“You angry?” she asks in Sy Bisty.
“No, me not angry.” you smile at her reassuringly, caressing her cheek.
“What is it in your hand?” Thrawn asks in a perfect Sy Bisty.
“Drawings!” She responds with a new energy.
“Interesting. Can I see them?” He extends his hand to you.
You look at her, she nods, so you hand him the sheets. But you hold on them abit as he takes them.
He observes them in silence, more than what you usually spend on a child drawing.
“You are talented, Moarorou. Those are very interesting scenes you drawed.” She smiles brightly, happy to have her talent recognized. “Can I keep them?”
Her smile dies immediately, and you frown. Why would he want her doodles?
“Can I, Moarorou?” he insists.
“Yes…” she mumbles, clearly more to obey an adult than a genuine wish for him to have them.
“Thank you.” And he heads towards the door.
“Wait, hold on! You-” you try.
He’s out.
You curse and sprint after him. If he thinks he can just take what he wants like that! He’s an imperial but it should be able to go through his thick head.
“Wait!” you shout.
He stops and turns towards you.
“A problem, my Lady?”
Great, him too.
“Yes, there is a problem. Why are you taking her drawing like that?” You demand out of breath.
“You would be surprised of what I could do with drawings.” he answers mysteriously.
“Could you give them back?” you extend your hand to him.
“No.” He says patiently, “I need them.”
You scoff.
“Why would a Grand Admiral of the Empire need the doodles of a child?”
He considers the sheets in his hand.
“Like I said, you would be surprised. Plus those are not merely the doodles of any child, but my daughter. Maybe I want to expose them in our suite.” 
Is this… Is this humor?
“She’s not your daughter, nor mine. She got parents that she drew.”
“Indeed. Which I found tremendously interesting and would like to observe in more detail.”
He’s getting on your nerves.
“Please, at least give back this one. This is all she has left of her family.”
“She has a new family now.”
“Are you kidding?” you spite.
“No. Our notion of a family is vastly different from humans. I explained the situation to her and she accepted it.”
What is he talking about? No 5 years old would get over their lost family like that.
“Permit.me.to.insist.Grand Admiral.” You detach each world clearly, gritting your teeth.
He looks at you with a light grin.
“I see you are getting used to your newfound liberty, my Lady, for talking to me like that.”
You wonder if you crossed the line but he just seems amused.
His smile disappears as quickly as he appeared and his stern expression makes a comeback.
“I will keep those drawings.” He closes the matter “I will find you at our suite.” and he walks  away, letting you alone in this cold corridor.
“Is there a problem?” asks AP-3G that just joined you.
You don’t respond.
You’re out of yourself.
You really, really don’t like this man.
Our suite ?
“Sleeping in the same bed?” you almost choke yourself on those words.
When you got back to your suite you had the bad discovery that all the stuff he lended you were in his private suite now. To consolidate the fraud you have to live in the same suite now. You cross your arms in his cold room.
“Do I need to repeat it?” he asks, taking off his white jacket.
Argh! Why did you accept this stupid plan? You have no wish of sharing your life with an imperial!
“But… Can’t I take the sofa instead?”
“I will not let my wife sleep on a sturdy sofa. You deserve a good mattress.”
Why does he bring it in the bedroom? There is no one to fool here.
“Then… You could take the sofa then?” you try.
“It is still my own room. Do you really intend to relegate me to the friend’s couch?”
Honestly? Yes. Yes you would.
But sharing a bed…
You don’t like that. Brings back bad memories.
You grip your hand, digging your nails in your flesh.
“Let’s go to bed. You will get over it.” He prophetizes, getting under the covers.
You bite your lips, angrily. 
You take your place, making sure to not touch him at all and having as much space possible between you both. 
He turns off the lights and silence and darkness envelop you.
You’re grumbly. And terrified.
Bad memories coming back full force, of all those strangers who used you. 
You muffle a sob in the cover, trembling.
You feel his hand on your arm.
You froze, eyes wide open in the dark.
You knew it.
Your stomach twists in knots as you feel the tips of his fingers grazing your skin.
You gulp.
Then he will slide it in your pants, like all the others, and…
But his fingers go up instead of down, grazing your naked arm and shoulder. And he pulls the cover higher over you.
You hear him turn sideways, then the steady breathing of someone sleeping.
You let out your breath.
Tomorrow you’ll take the couch!
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@bdoggy7 @justanothersadperson93 @theeyesofasoldier
@germansarechill @thrawnspetgoose @al-astakbar
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dyrewrites · 5 days
Writing Share Tag
From @talesofsorrowandofruin here and @harleyacoincidence here
Rules: Share some writing.
I am tagging: @starbuds-and-rosedust @aziz-reads @rowanmgrey-author @pb-dot and YOU -- share some words!
Mine is from "Before Deluca", enjoy.
Looks were all we received on our way off the ship, but it was difficult to keep so far apart. And not only for me. I caught Lucient stepping closer only to jerk his arm back to his sides. He wriggled it about, shifting to hold his parasol with both hands, then to hold his own arm and finally settled it behind him—hand balled in a fist at the small of his back.
He glared when I chuckled, then smiled at the sight of my own hands firm behind me. Tilting, he chuckled back, likely noticing how firmly I held my wrist to keep those hands there.
I miss you on my arm, I whined to his too distant touch.
And he smiled at me, my perfect treasure, I ache to be there…but it's unwise.
“How,” I kept to a whisper, arms tighter behind me to keep from touching, grabbing. “Most here are merely human, aren’t they?”
“Mm,” that damned smile sang for my lips, curling as he saw how mine twitched for it, “thinking so low of them already, are you?”
“Low? No, but I don't fear them,” I walked ahead, continuing backwards to face him, to lean as I reminded, “I fought a shark,” illustrating with fingers out, wiggling them at his raised brows and waiting smile, I added, “two of them…and I won.” He began giggling as I returned to my place beside him, hands again tucked behind me, “I fear no man now, my l—Lucy.”
“Well, Vicki, shark notwithstanding,” he teased, but still he smiled, twirling his parasol—to busy his hands those salacious thoughts told me—as he sighed and explained, “these men have guns. Have you ever been shot?”
Realizing I’d not even seen a gun, my tone dropped, “No, I have not.”
“How about hung?” He followed, no longer twirling the parasol but staring blankly forward, his hand not quite at his throat—but too close.
And I sought levity once more, “Well, I have been told—”
“Chut,” he turned on me, stepping too close and eyeing the smattering of people in the fields around us before returning to a safer distance, “take this seriously.”
Laughing, I drew too many eyes and coughed it silent before whispering again, “I'm sorry my—Mm—Lucy, it's difficult.” Quieter still, as we separated further to allow a man to pass us—eyeing us as he did—I admitted what had been growing since we took the pirates, bolstered by my hunt in Seville, My love, I’ve begun to see them more as prey and...I don't seem to mind it.
True though it was, the nagging voice beginning to fade, Lucient took it as more of a confession. Oh, but the gleam in his eye, the heat that flashed, I could have lived in it, died in it—and done so in utter bliss—so I didn’t correct him.
→Before Deluca Taglist<-
// feel free to ask to be added or removed ^.- //
@watermeezer @starbuds-and-rosedust @thespacelizard
@your-absent-father @mr-orion @cowboybrunch @olliexwrites
@rowanmgrey-author @the-golden-comet @wyked-ao3
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bi-widower-dads · 4 months
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bi-widower-dads' February Fic Recs: Canon
Thank you to everyone who submitted recs for us! We've done some sorting and collating, and we've got two posts for you: AUs and Canon-'verse - and a whole load of excellent fic for you to get stuck into while we wait for Barduil Month in April! Without further ado, here are the canon fic recs, featuring tags, links, summaries, and all the reasons why the recommenders think you should give these fics a try!
Header image by mod @piyo-13!
(a note about tags and trigger warnings: tags are selected from those on AO3 as being those that best describe the story for the purposes of this event; trigger warnings are supplied by the recommenders and may not be comprehensive - your mileage may vary. We've tried our best to include Tumblr handles wherever we can, but if we've missed yours out and you want it included, just let us know!)
Scenes From a Not-So-Clandestine Romance by MasterofAllImagination / @cutlerbeckettt | G | 3258 words | tags: 5+1 things, so much fluff it's sickening, seriously don't even read this
Summary: As the relationship between Bard and Thranduil grows beyond merely that of two allies, they become proportionately blind to how obvious their displays of affection are to their people. Pretty soon their feelings are an open secret shared among everyone in Mirkwood and Dale-- except the kings themselves. (or, five times someone caught Bard and Thranduil secretly kissing, and the one time they did it in public) What do you love about this fic? The author's completely correct that this is just So Much Fluff. It's great, it's cozy, it's a palate cleanser that makes you go "aww" and giggle a little at how oblivious they are.
We'll lay here for years or for hours by bispecimen | M | 5000 words | tags: canon divergence, different first meeting, animal death, hunting, could be considered canon compliant since it still works w future events, dilf vs dilf parenting techniques, canon-typical violence
Summary: "The leaves were rolling, green and healthy. Swirling around the legs of the Bowman as if they were about to bring some magical creature in his presence. But Bard didn’t feel like anything good was about to be brought in front of his eyes. The stillness of the air was suffused with something nocive. This part was forbidden for a reason. The deeper he went, the longer he stayed. He knew, he knew that." What do you love about this fic? Am possibly biased because I did the art for this, but lovely and lyrical!
but the sun is eclipsed by the moon by RC_McLachlan | G | 5288 words | tags: none
Summary: The Battle of the Five Armies threatened to unmake the world, but The Negotiations of the Three Kings might actually succeed. Or, a short lesson on the lifecycle of dandelions. What do you love about this fic? Great writer I've followed for a long time!
more than words can wield the matter by BiSquared / @scary-grace | M | 5422 words | tags: cultural differences, love letters, miscommunication, accidental marriage, getting together, laws and customs of the eldar are somewhat followed, POV Bard the Bowman, post-BotFA, as canon-compliant as barduil gets
Summary: It might be uncommon, but Bard knows it’s not unheard of for humans to share a single night of passion and part ways in the morning – or if not to part ways, then at least never to meet as lovers again. Apparently it’s unheard of among elves, because the first letter that arrives from Mirkwood, two weeks after the elves’ departure for their forest, is significantly less businesslike than expected. What do you love about this fic? The premise is funny enough that it could have come across as crack, but it creates actual narrative tension and a satisfactorily cathartic ending.
The Well-Worn Path of Words by Ias | T | 10,725 words | tags: letters, slow burn, pining, miscommunication, love confessions, epistolary
Summary: It wasn't so strange that Thranduil would call him a friend. And yet the word seemed to draw them closer like a length of string, binding them together, yet still so fragile. [In which Thranduil and Bard begin writing each other letters over the long winter after the battle.] What do you love about this fic? Fantastic epistolary fic from a great Barduil author!
Multi-chapter (in progress)
Language of the Forest by BaccaratBlack | T | 1,095 words | tags: victorian flower language, sort of unrequited feelings, cultural differences, cultural misunderstandings, courtship, secret admirer
Summary: Bard is perplexed by elven courtship rituals. Thranduil is very determined and unaccustomed to not having his way. What do you love about this fic? Who doesn't like a fic with the themes of courtship, flowers and a "secret" admirer?
Multi-chapter (complete)
A Tale of Love and Longing (as told by Galion) by jotunblood | T | 39,288 words | tags: courtship, secret relationship, developing relationship, sexual tension, light angst, post-BotFA, slow burn, Galion POV, Galion is a good friend
Summary: Galion knew all the almost imperceptible ways joy, anguish, and hate could change his King’s face. He also knew-- Thranduil’s denial be damned-- exactly how he looked when he was pining. What do you love about this fic? We see Thranduil's and Bard's relationship develop through Galion's POV and he's the best BFF/Wing Man a King could ask for.
Blossoming Spring by SlytherinImpala | T | 56,210 words | tags: fluff, post-BotFA, snark, slow burn, healing, friends to lovers, scars, movie canon, first kiss, getting together
Summary: Bard and Thranduil meet again as winter gives way to spring following of the Battle of Five Armies. What do you love about this fic? I love the gentle snarkiness between the 2 characters and how they slowly learn to open up to one another. They feel very in character and when they fall in love it doesn't feel abrupt. Definitely worth a read if you love a gentle Barduil slowburn.
The Kings of the North by Evandar | T | 14,240 words | tags: partial fix-it, interspecies romance, fluff, blind thranduil, self-esteem issues, communication
Summary: There is unease in the north, as old alliances must be rebuilt and leadership learned. Bard is confused, mostly by King Thranduil, and King Fili is determined to be the best king he can be. Sigrid, meanwhile, wishes things could go back to the way they were. What do you love about this fic? This was one of the first series I ever read for barduil and definitely played a huge role in getting me into the ship in the first place!
Boundaries 'Verse by Sir_Nemo | T | 30,967 words | tags: fluff, getting to know each other, getting together, family bonding
Summary: Bard has been working for the elves for years, never actually meeting one, until one day he notices an elf watching him work. The elf becomes a constant in his life, and the two of them slowly start warming up to each other. What do you love about this fic? Bard and Thranduil's personalities really shine through in their conversations, which I feel is a core component of the plot, and makes for a very stable relationship that the story can lean on.
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aarcanechaoss · 2 months
Ichiyo would have bet all the money in her pocket that the man before her had been an Alpha… no he was just a wolf.
Warnings: smut, age gap, swearing, Higuchi x DILF
Notes: here’s your Fukuzawa and Higuchi fic idk why but this came to mind first. Only term used is Alpha not beta, omega etc. I aint getting into that hole
Tagging: @daffodilsinspring
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Ichiyo I didn’t like to presume another Wolf’s rank, especially when they were older than her.
She didn’t like to presume because people often thought she was low ranked, thought she was just this weak thing Alpha’s would walk all over.
It wasn’t like the humans didn’t do that, wasn’t like those who didn’t have something beneath their skin didn’t think of her as less.
Though it amused her, Mori never once questioned her skills… though that might be because she bit him when she was younger- in her defence he had just sliced open her grandfather's throat- but he had never downplayed her abilities, never once questioned her role in the organisation he'd overtaken.
So why everyone else deemed her unimportant? Who fucking knows.
She shook her head, thoughts no longer clouding her mind as she wandered through the small bar, following a scent like the dog she was.
It was a nice smell- something woodsy, hinted with cinnamon.
It was always a treat to find another wolf- they weren’t extinct or anything but for the most part it was a clan-based power, something so far beneath the skin that having an ability on top of it made it easier to hide some days.
She was stronger, faster, could hear, taste and smell better.
But of course, only Mori knew that she had an ability and Mori was the only Wolf in the port mafia she’d ever snapped at- ever shown her hand too. Sometimes she thinks she should do the same to Hirotsu, another wolf who thought she was below him… though he was much older compared to her.
The downside to being a wolf was heats. A feeling that was hard to ignore and regardless of her feelings towards a mortal man and since she wasn't taken and he'd never... aided her (why would he? Akutagawa doesn't know what she is) she found solace in finding people who would forget about her later- it made it easier.
Ichiyo paused beside a table, head tilting as she took in the man who had been calmly sipping his sake. Metallic blue eyes l locked on her just as her rich brown had.
Of all the scents to follow. Of all the scents to ignite that pool of heat in her belly.
How on earth did she find herself with him- he had to be an Alpha as well and two Alpha’s in heat were bad news.
“President.” She said, blinking owlishly at him, his scent spiked the second she said his title.
This was a bad idea. She needed to turn around and leave the bar, leave the man to his drinking… they were the only wolves here after all.
“Higuchi- correct?”
“What are you doing here?”
Could he not smell it? Did he not notice how enticing he was at current- hell even the normal human women in the corner were drooling over him.
“Wanted a drink… caught a scent instead.”
His nose twitched, eyes widening slightly like it had just hit him.
She was breathing slowly, keeping calm and collected as she spoke to Yukichi Fukuzawa.
Really white wolf? Just ah.
“I should go.”
“Have a drink.” The words were out his mouth before he had thought them by the look on his face.
She cocked her head to the side.
“Two alphas aren’t a good combination.” She sniffed, ready to accept defeat. If he fought her he’d win- human or wolf.
The look on his face told her he had no idea what she meant. Of course, she didn’t look like she could lead a pack (she did but that was a different story) but that just made people underestimate her which she supposed was a good thing.
“I’m not an alpha.” He said quietly. “But I wouldn’t mind a drinking companion.”
She blinked. Seriously?
She slowly moved into the chair across from him.
“You aren’t?”
“You are?” He laughed.
“Yes. Let me guess you don’t believe it?”
“My line of work didn’t have me around other wolves very often. I can't say I’ve spoken to a pack leader that wasn’t my own before.” He admitted. "Even then- I'm no longer in a pack so I do not have need of an Alpha."
A cup appeared before her suddenly, sake already present.
“So when Mori called you a lone wolf… he meant it?” Fukuzawa nods.
"He wasn't always a wolf-" The president began.
“I’m the one that bit him.” The admission was out before she thought more if it. Fukuzawa hummed, if he was surprised he didn’t show it. “He’d just killed my grandfather and I was an angry brat with fuck all control... whoops.”
She found his laugh did something to her- a fluttery feeling in her chest.
"That would be why he never told me how he turned then."
"No one wants to admit defeat by thirteen-year-old girl." She shrugged, bringing the beverage to her lips.
"Your grandfather... was he...?" She already knew what the question was and she'll admit surprise not even Hirotsu has figured it out.
"The old boss?" He nods. "Yes. Mori was going to keep me in the mafia no matter what- a big fuck you to the old man."
"Now he really can't get rid of you." Fukuzawa laughed again.
"Nope... means I can give him orders though... if you ever need some blackmail on him."
"I'll remember that." And he would, she could scent no lies in that regard.
"Good sake." She said after a beat of silence.
"Yes." They didn't know what to do now, a lull of awkward tension settled. "I come here often for it."
She should have left beforehand, being so close when he smelt so good and they were both in heat was going to be a disaster.
How was he so calm... was it because he was older? Did they get easier when you neared middle age? Was it like menopause did it just fucking stop?
Downing the last of her drink she stood, hand digging through her bag for some yen to give the older man.
"I should go- thanks for the drink." She nodded, passing him the money she had found.
His eyes seemed to darken just that little bit as he raised his hand to push hers away.
"No need, it's on me."
His hand was still touching hers.
She should pull away first, but his scent was getting stronger and no doubt hers was too.
She really should have left the second she'd found out who's scent she had followed. Ichiyo really needs to learn that sometimes running away is a good thing.
But who was she to complain when the older man's mouth was on hers, when their clothes were nowhere in sight- strewn across his dining room floor.
Who was she to complain when she had a sword master's body pressed against her own, lifting her up with such ease that she practically moaned into his mouth.
Next thing Ichiyo knows she's on a bed, his bed, with no intention of leaving it any time soon. She heaved, watching him with wide dilated eyes. She was surrounded by his scent and while she would prefer to leave hers on the men she slept with she couldn't deny how nice his was... how similar it was to her own- earthy and warm.
She rolled them, the president of the Armed Detective Agency now beneath her- his head hitting the pillows with a soft thud. His eyes were just as dilated as her own.
"You want control?" He questioned, quiet enough to not ruin the mood- how could it? His voice was practically liquid sex right now.
"I want pleasure." She replied, rolling her hips against his own- she was soaked and he wasn't even inside her yet. At least he was hard she supposed, she could feel just how much he wanted her right now with each little movement.
"That I can give."
"This isn't a good idea is it?" She asked, leaning forward, her nails dragging down his toned stomach towards his cock. He hissed as her hand wrapped around him- shit he was big, not that it mattered in the long run, good dick was good dick.
"No, it isn't." His hands rest on her thighs, nails digging into her skin.
"So long as no one finds out I suppose." She sucked in a breath as she settled back, a deliciously painful stretch following until she was fully seated. She moaned.
He let her choose the pace, a sentiment she appreciated but she knew she'd grow bored of if this ever happened again (she shook that thought away faster than it came). Her hands were flat on his stomach, fingers digging into the firm line of abs he'd had hidden beneath his usual Yukata as she lifted her hips and dropped down until she was flush against him. His fingers dug into the fat of her thighs, nails biting her skin and leaving moon shaped marks in their wake.
She'd be bruised for sure.
She felt him raise his knees behind her, giving her some leverage and somehow going so much deeper. Ichiyo swore as he bucked upwards and growled. Brown eyes stared down at blue as she pushed herself back against his thighs, one hand moving towards her clit while the other grasped her breast.
Well, if the male hadn't been turned on before (which he absolutely had been) he certainly was now as his scent permeated the air and she's sure hers had surged right back as a wave of pleasure overcame her. One orgasm down.
The next thing Ichiyo knows she's on her back again, the larger man towering over her, forcing her legs to wrap around his waist as he began thrusting- just that bit faster than she had been.
He growled, mouth trailing over her jaw, her neck, her chest- tongue darting to swirl around her nipple before doing the same to the other.
She snarled back as her nails dug into his skin, no not dug, clawed. She could feel the marks she was leaving behind as his hips moved against hers.
She wouldn't admit it out loud, but this was the best heat yet. Who knew she just needed to get into the ADA President's pants for a good fuck.
His lips met hers again with urgency, muffling both of their moans- just in case anyone heard them, questioned them.
Ichiyo raised a hand, tangling it in his silver hair as another hard thrust sent her spiralling. Fuck every movement was driving her insane, maybe it was the sake, maybe she was just delirious from her heat but... she had no idea how long they'd been at it.
Fukuzawa pulled away just as another orgasm was approaching and smirked. Stupid middle-age-man stopping her mid-
He flipped her, chest pressing into the soft cotton sheets where his smell overwhelmed her senses- in the best way. Her hands grabbed at his sheets, nails most likely cutting through the fabric as he enters her once more.
"Fuck." She whined as his thrust had her face pressing into his pillow.
His hands were on her waist, her hip, pulling her back against him with every thrust and maybe it was just her imagination, but she could have sworn he was going deeper.
He was leaning over her now, one hand still gripping her hip, the other holding his weight right beside her head though his forehead was now resting between her shoulder blades.
One sharp roll of hips after the other and she could feel herself tumbling, growling at the older man above her, taking her quite literally like a bitch in heat. She growled at the feeling of teeth along her back.
"No teeth President." Her teeth clacked together in warning- he grunted in return as another hard thrust pressed her into the pillows.
"Sorry." He huffed out against her skin.
She whimpered, that well of heat and pressure in her lower belly was returning again and going by the less rhythmic thrusts of the sword master he was close too.
"Good-fuck." She groaned out as white began to speckle her vision, her body falling limp in the man's hold as he pulled away- his release spilling across her lower back.
She heaved out a breath as her body melted into the bed- Fukuzawa now having padded towards his bathroom to get a washcloth to clean them both up with. He returned in no time to clean her up (how nice of him) before returning with the washcloth to the bathroom once more.
With a huff she sat up, eyeing the room for her clothes before remembering that they were practically thrown about his home.
"Do you need anything?" Fukuzawa questioned as he pulled on a robe.
"To find my clothes." She barked out a laugh and stood slowly (legs wobbling just that bit but she wouldn't say that aloud).
"Wait here."
So she did.
Not even five minutes later and she was dressed and ready to sneak her way out of the ADA dormitory- or whatever the complex was.
"Goodbye." She said nodding to the man- leaving a hook up was always the most awkward part. At least he nodded back, some recognition that this was irregular for them both.
And so Ichiyo left the home, footsteps feather light as she snuck out of the ADA's complex hoping to whatever god that no one noticed her- it was one am hopefully no one did.
How unfortunate it was that she didn't see the vibrant green eyes scrutinizing her from above.
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lemonhemlock · 4 months
so, i'm going through your anti team black tag and living my best life, but one post in particular that you made got me thinking.
“george made damn sure rhaenyra’s bloodline sat on the throne at the end bc, if the hightowers won, house targaryen would have been reformed, and he couldn’t kill them all off at the end of the main series”
i'm pretty sure this might've just been a joke, but it makes me curious. do you think something like a targaryen reformation would be possible, hypothetically speaking? i certainly wouldn't mind it in a "greens win" AU scenario, but that's just me. i wanna know if anyone else sees potential in this. 💚💚💚
Hello, yes, this was mostly a joke, as it happens. 😅 (anon is referring to this post) To introduce another lengthy parenthesis, I remember at the time that some of the reactions to that post were in the range for "why doesn't anyone understand that the Hightowers are also feudal lords vying for their own interests and not some great reformists out to save Westeros", which... Listen. 😄 To put equitably, this fandom has a considerable issue with knowing when to level criticism and when to just treat banter as lighthearted horsing around and not take it too seriously. Something which even I'm not exempt from, I don't think. 🤷‍♀️
So, in the interest of making a meme, that post was kind of half-true in that it simplified a more nuanced concept (that was never an avenue that the author decided to explore anyway) for the sake of humour. I have, in the past, detailed my thoughts on House Hightower and what I think is their role in the wider narrative. This is based on the information we have on them presently. If I'm wrong, then I'm wrong. Who knows, maybe Lord Leyton and Melara plan on blowing Oldtown up for shits and giggles. We don't have to guess everything correctly - another aspect this community struggles with in their fandom wars and obsession with having the most correct, morally pure take.
Regardless, yes, the Hightowers obviously are a privileged family at the top of the social food chain, benefitting from the exploitation awarded by feudalism - a political-economic system based on vast inequality. Therefore, any type of reform they might be willing to undertake will be limited and not really something that significantly changes the status-quo. Just like the beloved, fan-favourite, and mostly confirmed "winners" - the Starks. A third element that our fandom has trouble accepting is the concept of incremental change. I feel like it would basically be a truism to point out that incremental change has been the most reliable vector of socio-economic evolution throughout human history. So, bad news for them, I suppose, but any superficial study of history will reveal that feudalism hardly collapsed overnight. Which leads us back to the idea that any small change, no matter how limited, does matter in the long run, because, as time passes, it will be compounded with another small change and so on.
Anyway, coming back to the question. Would Targaryen reformation be possible? Certainly! GRRM could have made up any story he wanted. Anything is possible if you plan for it and it makes sense within your worldbuilding. As it stands, the Targaryens are foreigners with a questionable culture, hailing from a land that used to engage in practices that even the feudal Westerosi found backwards, distasteful, barbaric or immoral: slavery, human sacrifice, incest, great feats of violence such as pillaging and conquering neighbouring lands for the sake of feeding their population to their volcano gods etc. The Targaryens also have fire-breathing monsters that, while not exactly enough all the time to prevent any rebellions from happening, are weapons that no one else has access to and that can cause a great deal of damage that no one else can replicate.
So, in order to "reform" and integrate, they would need to renounce all that. They would need to do it the traditional way. They do some of the work, but never go all the way. They accept the main religion of the land, but they don't let go of inter-marrying, because they don't want to lose their access to dragons. There are attempts to integrate, but, by the time of the events of the main series, they have returned to incest. Funnily enough, Aegon V plays a role in both - he marries outside of the family and has no dragons left, but his succeeding son and daughter marry each other and, eventually, Aegon decides that bringing back dragons is not such a bad idea after all. I do think that the symbolic weight of Daenerys having both her parents and her grandparents as brother-sister sets is laying the "dragon blood" metaphor thick - and that it holds more magical weight than any mathematical calculation of her actual watered-down Targaryen DNA.
In any such scenario where GRRM decided to go down a Targaryen reformation path, IMO it would have been thematically-relevant to ease into it via a marriage alliance with one of the oldest families in Westeros - a well-respected, rich house that also has close links to both the only centre of higher education and the main religious organization in the land. Hence the meme. :) But it doesn't last and the Targaryens go back to their dastardly ways eventually, that's the point of them in the story, because the author chose it to be the point.
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rainiishowers · 6 months
Mammon luke and sapphire baking cupcakes together?
A/N: Uhm.. This was supposed to be much shorter...
Happy holidays to those who celebrate!! Scenario: It’s the holiday season, and Sapphire has been invited to Purgatory Hall by Simeon. Mammon, who hasn’t had much time to spend with Sapphire or the two angels, tags along.
Genre: Fluff @crazyyanderefangirlfan @lorkai @absolutepokemontrash @astershere @tisafinedayforsimping
In the House of Lamentation Group Chat
Sapphire: Simeon has invited me to Purgatory Hall, so I’ll be out for a while. If you need anything, lmk so I can pick it up.
Mammon: I’m comin’ with!!
Satan: Don’t hog her time, Mammon.
Mammon: I barely got any time with her this week!!
Sapphire: I’m getting ready at the entrance, be quick or I might leave you behind, Mammon.
Mammon: Hell yeah!!
Lucifer: Encouraging this behavior will only lead to bad things, Sapphire.
Sapphire: Well, he is correct with the fact that we have barely been able to spend any time together. I think this’ll be a good time to hang out.
Mammon was at the door in minutes, just as Sapphire was done checking she has everything. She looks up at the sort of out of breath Mammon with an amused smile on her lips and a raised eyebrow.
“You ready to go?”
“Hm.. Weren’t you going to give some early Christmas gifts to Simeon, Solomon and Luke?”
“Fuck, I forgot about that, gimme a minute!!”
Sapphire covers her hand when she laughs as Mammon races back to his room. She was glad that he took the holidays she introduced into the Devildom so seriously, so seriously to the point he gets early Christmas gifts!
They arrive at Purgatory Hall, with Mammon carrying three middle sized gifts for the three residents. The human knocks on the door, and the two hear feet pattering against the floor before Luke opens the door.
“Hi Sapphire!! And… Mammon??” The young angel blinks in surprise.
“Hello Luke. Mammon wanted to come along.” Sapphire explains, hanging up her coat as they enter.
“Did Sapphire arrive?- Oh! Mammon is here too?” Another surprised voice came from the kitchen, the voice belonging to Simeon.
“Sapphire said Mammon wanted to come along!” Luke says happily, turning back to face the two.
“Ah.. Let me guess, the other brothers have been taking too much of Sapphire’s time?” Simeon raises an eyebrow as he comes to the living room with some tea.
“Yer right on the money..” Mammon huffs, setting the gifts down beside the tea tray, sitting down beside Sapphire. She notices Luke staring at the presents and clears her throat.
“Those gifts are early Christmas gifts to you three from Mammon.” She explains, enjoying how the demon got embarrassed.
“Early Christmas gifts???” Luke looks at Sapphire and Mammon in shock.
“Ya don’t have to open them right now, if ya wanna wait till Christmas.” Mammon adds.
Luke looks at the older angel, as if asking if they can open them early. Simeon smiles and nods, taking the gift labelled to him when Luke excitedly hands it to him. Luke sits down besides Mammon before unwrapping his gift.
For Luke, it was a baking set with a high quality whisk, a handful of measuring spoons and cups, and a few other odd yet useful items for baking. For Simeon, it was a calligraphy set with pens and new sets of ink, as well as a notebook. "Woah! Thanks Mammon! I could always use new baking equipment! ..Especially since that accident in the kitchen.." He sighs, earning a curious look from the human and demon. "Did Solomon sneak back into the kitchen?" Sapphire asks "Unfortunately, yes. He caused an explosion that destroyed the measuring cups and other important baking equipment.." Simeon sighs. "Wha- Were ya guys okay?!" Mammon asks, concern clear on his face. Sapphire also looks at them in concern, holding the demon's hand to help him calm down as Luke nods. "We were fine. Solomon said he was going to visit the human world and get more equipment for me, that's actually where he is now." Luke hums, looking through the equipmentz "He better do that.." Mammon grumbles, upset at the fact that Luke's things got ruined
"Well, all the same, thank you for the gifts, Mammon." Simeon's smile returns to his face. Mammon shrugs and mumbles that it was nothing before the oven went off in the kitchen. Luke jumps up to the kitchen. Sapphire and Mammon follow and the two see the small angel taking gingerbread cookies out of the oven. They looked perfectly brown around the edges yet not burnt. "Those look delicious!" Mammon goes to grab one before Sapphire lightly slaps his hand away. "They just came out of the oven, Mammon, and they aren't decorated yet." Sapphire softly reminds the Avatar of Greed. She sees some other dry ingredients on the table and a laminated paper recipe besides them. "Yea! I need to decorate them, Mammon!" Luke huffs, although clearly not too upset at him. "Sorry, sorry" He apologizes, raising an eyebrow as he also looks at the table. "Ya were plannin' on baking something else?" The demon asks. "Mhm! It was a cupcake recipe Annabelle taught me." Annabelle was Sapphire's mother, who often taught Luke recipes when he goes to the human world. People often joke that Luke collects a lot of parental figures, but it appears it's transcending the three realms, now. The human inspects the recipe and visibly softens and a smile creeps up on her face. "This is the chocolate pomegranate cupcake recipe that she use to make. Passed it onto you, did she?" She looks at Luke, who looked surprised alongside Mammon. "What?? Can't a girl have a favorite recipe?" She teases with a raised eyebrow. "It's not that, Treasure, you just don't talk about your home life that much.. And I wasn't expecting you to be a fan of pomegranate." Mammon whispers the last part. "Well, it doesn't really come up that often, so I've never bothered to." She shrugs, putting the recipe down. "Can we bake with you, Luke?" She asks "Oh, sure!! Maybe we can decorate the gingerbread later!" He gives a bright smile before grabbing some things from the fridge.
“Can you mix this together, Mammon? I need to get the wet ingredients together.”
“Sure I can! It’ll be easy!”
Luke goes to the counter-space beside Mammon, happily humming as he pours in the wet ingredients. Meanwhile, Sapphire was put in charge of cutting the pomegranates for the frosting.
“Hey Treasure, ya have any other memories from your childhood?”
Luke looks up, also curious if the human had any stories to share. Sapphire hums, pondering on this.
“I remember my mother telling me that my father taught me all about the holidays, and how I adored it to the point that they would have to put on Christmas music no matter if it was Christmas or not, just so I wouldn’t cry.” She laughs awkwardly
“Christmas music?? All year long??” Luke blinks incredulously.
“Well, not all year long, but it definitely would’ve gotten tiring listening to June to December.”
“That reminds me of how during a specific time durin’ their younger years, the twins would only calm down if a specific song was playin’. It was cute at first but it took years for it to stop repeatin’ in my head.” Mammon reminisces.
“Nowadays, Belphie can sleep everywhere and anywhere..” Sapphire sighs, looking at Luke.
“Do you have any memories of when you were younger, Luke?”
Luke stays silent as he walks over with the mixture, seeming to think about the question.
“When I got my wings.. It wasn’t very pleasant.”
“Ough, I feel ya there, Fido. Getting your wings feels like somethin’ nice on paper, but it never is a pleasant experience.” Mammon shivers.
“I remember how doting Lucifer was when you first got wing pains.” Simeon walks in with a smile on his face.
“Well, he wasn’t just dotin’ on me! He was dotin’ on every one of my brothers.” Mammon corrects.
“That is true. Anyways, I’m going out on an errand, would you two mind staying here with Luke while I’m gone?” The angel asks.
“Sure, I don’t see why not.” Sapphire nods.
Simeon thanks them and goes on his way, and as soon as Sapphire was sure he was gone, she pulls out her phone, getting a curious look from the two others.
Minutes later, Christmas music was playing from her phone, specifically the song “All I Want From Christmas Is You,” a song that Mammon both adored and despised for how much Sapphire played it.
It didn’t take long for the three to be in the festive mood, as Sapphire sang along to the music playing and getting Luke and Mammon to join in.
Both the cupcakes and other festive desserts were baked, cool and decorated, Sapphire singing and dancing through it all.
“I forgot that Sapphire liked the holidays this much!” Luke whispers to the demon, eyes wide.
“Well, it’s nice seein’ her so excited.” Mammon couldn’t help but give a small smile as his human continues her holiday spirit.
Everyone was gathered to merrily celebrate the holiday season at the House of Lamentation, and of course the desserts were served.
“You, Mammon and Luke baked these?”
Sapphire nods at Lucifer as he takes a bite of one of the many cupcakes.
“Annabelle gave Luke the recipe for these cupcakes, Sapphire said she enjoyed eatin’ them as a kid.” Mammon explains with his mouth full of the cupcake he took.
“I was a bit worried that something would go wrong with the cupcakes, and the taste would be all messed up, but I think Sapphire being there helped to make sure they tasted right!” Luke adds with a bright smile on his face.
“I think they turned out wonderfully, quite the festive dessert.” Barbatos comments, clearly proud of Luke for making such a dessert.
“I agree, these are absolutely divine. You have to make them again at some point!” Asmo tells Sapphire in between bites of his cupcake.
“I’d be happy to, might have to borrow that recipe so I don’t screw it up, Luke.” Sapphire looks at the small angel, who nods.
“Ah such a shame I didn’t get to make my stew… If I take a few shortcuts, I can make it taste like how it’s supposed to.” Solomon smiles innocently, causing the room to go silent and making sudden ominous auras to appear.
“Solomon, if you go into that kitchen, I am going to smite you.” Sapphire gives him the biggest death glare. Which got a laugh out of the sorcerer.
“C’mon it’s just one recipe!”
“Solomon- Hey!!” Sapphire runs after him as he slides off into the kitchen.
“It’s been nice knowing you all…” Levi whispers.
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Boyfriends... - Ben 10
Description: Something Ben did has Rook questioning human customs. So, he calls Gwen to ask if it's normal.
Relationships: Rook/Ben, Gwen/Kevin, Rook&Gwen
Tags: Humor, Fluff, Friendship
Ao3: Here
Rook could not conceivably believe that this was normal human behavior. So, in times such as these, he called Gwen – she was always a reliable source of information. After leaving Ben’s house for the day, Rook got into his Proto-Truk and dialed Gwen’s number while driving back to headquarters.
“Hello?” Gwen’s voice sounded through the cabin after three rings.
“Hello, Gwen.” Rook replied, focusing on the road. “Apologies if I have interrupted anything, but I have a question I need to ask you.”
Over the phone Rook could hear footsteps and a door closing, then Gwen said seriously, “You didn’t interrupt anything. Is everything okay?”
It had not been Rook’s intention to worry her, and it suddenly occurred to him that he had probably sounded very cryptic. “Everything is quite well,” he replied evenly. “I merely have a question regarding human behavior I was hoping you could answer.”
Gwen laughed over the phone. “And here I was stepping away because you sounded so serious.”
“I am sorry for the distress.”
“Misunderstanding, not distress,” Gwen corrected, amused. “What’s your question?”
Once again reminded about why he called, Rook grimaced. “Ben did something while we were at his house that perplexed me, and I was hoping you could tell me if this is normal.” Gwen remained silent, which prompted Rook to continue. “We decided to have a movie date at his house, and after the first movie ended he told me that I could choose the next one.”
“How is that weird?” Gwen asked.
“It is not,” Rook replied. “It is what happened after that I found weird. While I searched for a movie Ben got up from the couch and went to the kitchen.”
“Uh huh? And?”
“Well, when he returned, he held a plate that had a single pancake on it. He proceeded to sit back down and eat it in silence. When I went to the kitchen I found that there were no other pancakes, which means that Ben measured out the ingredients for a single pancake and did not offer to make me any.” Rook paused. “Perhaps I am overthinking this but it seemed very odd at the moment.”
“I swear, sometimes I think boyfriends aren’t worth the trouble,” Gwen sighed over the phone. She sounded rather exasperated in Rook’s option. “No, Rook, that is not normal human behavior at all.”
“That is a relief.” Rook smiled. “I was beginning to think I was overreacting.”
“I can assure you, you weren’t.” Gwen laughed. “You want to hear something Kevin did the other night?”
“It would be my pleasure.”
“Get this,” Gwen began. “Like two nights ago I woke up to Kevin calling my name. When I opened my eyes, the clock on my nightstand read three in the morning!”
“Something must have been wrong.” Rook frowned.
“That’s what I thought too,” Gwen agreed. “But when I asked what was wrong he replied, ‘nothing. Here, babe. I brought you a rib’.”
Rook blinked. “Wait… what?”
“I had the same thought! Apparently Kevin was slow cooking some ribs and I guess they were done in the middle of the night. We ended up eating ribs in bed at three in the morning. It was the weirdest experience ever!”
Rook did not know what to say to that. It was indeed odd. So, he said the only thing he could think of. “Did they taste good?”
“They were delicious!” Gwen yelled. “But that’s not the point.”
“I agree,” Rook nodded. “Not the point.”
“You know, Rook. Sometimes I wonder if you didn’t get the idiot gene all boys have since you’re not human. Either that or you weren’t dropped on your head as a baby.”
“Ben and Kevin were dropped on their heads as babies?” Rook frowned. “That is much cause for concern. Do you know if they suffered any brain damage?”
“I don’t think they actually were,” Gwen smiled over the phone. “That’s just my working theory on why they can be such idiots sometimes.”
“Still,” Rook hummed. “We love them anyway.”
“Yeah,” Gwen agreed. “We do love them anyway.”
Notes: If you know you know ;)
No but this literally came to me at 1 in the morning, and it is the dumbest thing I have ever written. Please, move forth with your night/day and think no more of this silly little one-shot
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