#<- they’re the same person technically so. tagging him.
mars-graveyard · 5 months
i don’t think people appreciate pale noel enough tbh.
14 notes · View notes
euphoricfilter · 1 year
Stardust || JJK
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Pairing: Jungkook x F. Reader
Genre: Fluff || Smut || Friends to Lovers au
Summary: If Jungkook would have known an unintentional orgasm would have led to this, then he would have begged you to work out with him sooner.
Word Count: 5.5k
Tags/ warnings: himbo-ish jk, so much fluff idk where it came from, smut in the forms of: unintentional masturbation turned coregasm, oral (f. receiving), fingering, protected sex (because that’s really cool), mirror sex, doggy style, technically multiple orgasms, they’re both giggly and in love it’s kinda gross, jk is a tits man, he’s obsessed with boobs, it’s all very tame and kinda soft ig
Notes: yay first fic of 2023. this was way harder to write than i’d anticipated, hopefully i pulled through. and if there’s mistakes, no there aren’t!
<3 thank you to my prettiest baby @4amj3zz for reading this atrocity before i posted it
my full masterlist
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If every living being’s foundation is made of stardust, scattered when born, then Jungkook thinks the two of you were made from the same star.
A friendship that’s near impossible to come by, crafted by the hands of a higher being— delicate fingertips moulding fickle personalities and emotions that seem incomplete when not together. Two angels sent to earth to be each others’ number one in another life they’ll spend together.
Precious, like naturally formed diamonds.
And maybe that’s what your friendship was, one of the world’s little treasures. One everyone yearns for, though only a select few have.
Sure, diamonds can be replicated, graphite turned jewelry, simply there for show. A statement piece if you must.
Fake diamonds and fake friendships that seem to be more common than the real deal. Hard to crack, though not impossible— splitting the two of you up into pitiful shards and lost pieces; where even the most skilled hands have trouble putting it back together.
Jungkook doesn’t remember life before you. Though he thinks it must have been dull, flimsy smiles, and friends that hadn’t bothered to call once they moved away.
His existence so easily forgotten, that the gnawing sadness didn’t seem to last as long as he’d anticipated. Simply walking the path of life alone, though he often thought solitude wasn’t all that bad.
Until your worlds had collided. The big bang of your friendship, a new world, a new start, everything so fresh and untampered with.
He’d thought about what life would be like if one day the two of you were to ever part ways, the very thought of you not being by his side like a harsh punch the gut.
And maybe he had gotten a little teary eyed on those evenings he felt a little softer, a little sadder at the thought of you ever leaving. His hands fumbling around his sheets for his phone, your voice his only remedy for his growing anxiety, where promises were whispered and sleepy smiles remained on your faces as you rested.
Jungkook doubts that day will ever come. And maybe that’s all just wishful thinking, a juvenile dream that the promise you’d made to one another would hold strong for the rest of time, until the two of you lay six feet under. Resting side by side until your bodies rot, flesh becoming one with the earth, what is left of your existence blossoming into something beautiful; perhaps a tree, a flower, truly anything, as long as you were together.
“Together?” you blink up at Jungkook through your lashes, eyebrows creasing in distaste.
Jungkook thinks you look pretty in that moment, even if you are pulling a face at him. The two of you sat at a bench in the park, your head haloed by the setting sun, last of the days warmth kissing both your skin in a gentle goodbye before the moon watches over the two of you.
Littles galaxies reflected in both your eyes, where Jungkook thinks each star in his represents one thing he loves about you; hidden behind the moonlight because he doubt yours represent the same.
“Yes” he nods, hair flopping a little over his forehead, and you push the stray strands out of his eyes. Fingers delicate as they brush over his skin, always so gentle with him that his heart flutters like the delicate wings of a butterfly.
“Kook, I love you— you know I do” and he nods, lips quirking up a little, “But working out just, isn’t for me” you conclude, tone firm and his shoulders deflate. Because he knows it’ll take more than glossy puppy eyes and a pout for you to give in.
“First off, I love you too—“
“Thank you” you nod. But Jungkook doesn’t think you understand the weight behind those words.
“And look, how do you know it’s not for you, if you’ve never tried?”
“You put me off” and Jungkook would have thought you were joking if you didn’t have that deadpan look on your face. One he was all too familiar with.
“Huh” he gawks, “How?”
“You always complain about sore muscles, and the thought of being sweaty grosses me out” your head tips forward dramatically, cushioned by your arms from the table.
“It’s a good ache” he watches you turn your head, lips moulded into an unconvinced pout as you stare up at him through your lashes.
“There is no such thing as a good ache, Jungkook”
“Is too”
“When?” you flail, unbothered as Jungkook’s hands wrap around your wrists.
“Sex ache”
You pause, “Excuse me?”
“You know?” he cocks his head to the side.
“No” you shake your head in utter disbelief.
Jungkook’s mouth falls open, “You’re a little pillow princess aren’t you, I bet you don’t do any of the work”
“Do too, besides—“ you swallow, “It’s none of your business” you pull your hands free of his grasp.
“Come on, I feel like we’re at a point in this relationship we can share these things” his cheek rests atop of your head, each syllable pulled out into a whine.
“I don’t wanna hear about your sex life, Jungkook” you huff.
You watch him sit up ramrod straight, brain whirring behind his eyes. You think that if he thought any harder you’d be able to hear the echo of his voice.
“Actually, I don’t really wanna hear about yours either” his nose scrunches up, melting your resolve.
A secret charm of his that he didn’t know he had; and you’d never tell him either, no way in hell would you let him weaponize your weakness against you when your heart could barely stand being sat so close to him.
“Best friends don’t always share everything” you quip, only it leaves a tangy taste on your tongue.
“I suppose” Jungkook nods, evidently less enthusiasm radiating off him.
Best friends. It always wet your mood. Like sour candy that’s too sour, or a cute dog that’s breath smells like a rotting carcass.
But that’s what you were, introductions to new classmates or new lovers; it was always best friends. Two simple words that felt like utter shit to say, tumbling past your lips like vomit and then you had to rawdog the aftertaste because you don’t have any toothpaste or mints nearby.
Never anything less, even though there was definitely a lot more going on between the two of you. (Not that either of you had any idea about that.)
It’s a wonder as to how neither of you had grasped the fact that every previous relationship the two of you had, had ended because of the other. Nothing ever seeming to fit in place, the click never being there when it came to someone else.
Communication is key in upholding a relationship of any kind, issues easily resolved with hours of conversation turned mutual understanding, and progression made with a mix of both actions and words. As two people whose love languages were physical touch, the former is just as important as the latter.
One of the only reasons your friendship has lasted this long, is that you both value each other enough to communicate when necessary.
Apart from when you could probably really use it, unidentifiable emotions weaving into your hearts, mixed with a dose of denial can really set you back when you’re near infatuated with your closest friend.
It’s not that either of you had never considered a relationship with one another, others outside your little bubble had brought it up enough times that the meager possibility of it actually happening had been cemented into your thick skulls.
Something nice tickling both your brains at the fact so many people thought you were together together; like, in love together.
Long gone were the days where you’d blurt out your denial to dating accusations with rose dusted cheeks, simply believing the world had a thing against opposite sex friendships. Now, the two of you just laughed off whoever liked to comment on how good you looked as a couple. (Which had brought more than a few of Jungkook’s relationships to turmoil)
It’s just that neither of you believed the other wanted anything more than friendship. A rookie mistake on both your parts, especially when you’d both establish that every and all emotions were to be discussed with one another, no matter what you felt.
“One time” you break the silence, any way to ease the growing tension between the two of you “I’ll work out with you one time. And never again”
You watch the smile as it pulls at the corner of his lips, the prettiest smile, your favorite smile, enough of a reward for whatever pain you’re about to put yourself through. Because as long as Jungkook was happy, then you’d crawl to the ends of the earth if it meant you got to see this smile one more time.
“I love you” he bends down, sloppy kiss pressed to your cheek and you can’t help your own smile, heated cheeks covered as you swat him away from your face. Wiping his saliva from your skin with the back of your hand.
“Whatever” you tut, though Jungkook sees through your faux annoyance.
“We can use my at-home gym as well, so we won’t even be in public”
“Wonderful. Let’s go back now, I’m gonna freeze my tits off if we stay any later”
You don’t catch Jungkook’s gaze flickering down to your chest, lingering a little longer than proper before he’s slinging his zip-up hoodie around your shoulders. Eyes flickering down to his hands briefly before he’s knocking shoulders with you.
“Chivalry isn’t dead” you utter, falling into Jungkook’s side when his arm falls over your shoulder.
✯ ✯ ✯
Jeon Jungkook was sex on legs when he worked out.
You were no stranger to him training, countless vacations together, where the morning was spent with him doing press-up on the balcony or the occasional few times he’d bench-press you for a laugh.
You’d never found it funny though, pussy throbbing between your thighs as he’d grab onto you, arms flexing deliciously. And he never seemed to question why you’d lock yourself up in your room after, purely a coincidence that you’d disappear for an hour after his little stunt.
You were no stranger to a half naked Jungkook either.
Nor were you a juvenile teenager whose panties got in a twist when she saw a toned stomach.
However, this wasn’t just any toned stomach.
Jeon Jungkook was built like Adonis. Carved where every crevice had meaning and every flaw only enhanced his beauty. And it’s hard to think the bushy haired, acne prone teen boy you’d first befriended had turned into this.
If puberty had benefited anyone, it was Jungkook.
“We’ll do something easy today, okay?” he claps and you nod, watching as he saunters over to a basket.
“Pink or blue” he holds up two yoga mats.
“I didn’t think you were into rhinestones” you snort, sun catching on the bedazzled rim of the pink mat— streaks of pink painting the wall.
Jungkook drops said mat, chucking you the blue one before he’s dropping to his knees on the floor.
“It’s one of my exes” he tells you, motioning for you to sit.
If people were flowers, then this is the moment you would have wilted. Deflating in on yourself; it’s not that you were jealous per-say. It’s not like him and his ex were dating at all but still. The very mention of her was enough for you to roll your eyes.
“And you didn’t throw it out?” the words hurdle out your mouth before you can even think about what you’re saying.
“No?” his eyes meet your own, “I’m not throwing away good gym equipment”
You sigh, somehow expecting no less from him. Jungkook was a man of many skills, and he’d hounded you to try hobby after hobby with him— but nothing got him going like a good work out. If all other passion in life disappeared then he would still have working out as his escape.
You sigh, “I have somewhere to be later, so let’s hurry this up” a little white lie, but that never hurt anyone.
“You’re not going on another one of those shitty blind dates, are you?” he groans and you whine.
“I told you, I’m never going on any of those ever again”
“You better not” he unrolls his mat, and you follow.
“Or what?” you turn your nose up at him and Jungkook’s foot collides with your thigh.
“On your back, you brat.”
✯ ✯ ✯
“How much more” you flop against the mat, eyes closing.
“That was only the warm up” Jungkook hums, pushing himself up off the floor.
You hear him walk to the other side of the room, cupboard door creaking open as he rummages around for something.
You peek up at him through your lashes when he throws a towel over your back.
“Roll that up” he motions towards it, coming to sit beside you, “And up onto your back again”
Your eyes widen by a fraction when he gently takes the towel out of your hands, pushing your knees apart before he’s closing them; towel stuffed between your thighs.
Your gaze travels down the length of your body, thighs twitching as Jungkook’s fingers wrap around your ankles.
“All you have to do is raise your legs like this okay?” and he demonstrates, making sure to keep your legs straight as he lifts them to a ninety degree angle from your torso. “Leg raises should be easy, even for you” he hums.
“What’s that supposed to mean” you snap, ready to push yourself up, except Jungkook’s hands press down over your chest.
“Hey! No complaining”
You swallow thickly, aware of Jungkook’s eyes on you as you raise your legs on your own this time.
“Pretty good, remember to tense your core when you do it, okay?”
You nod, bottom lip caught between your teeth as you do as you’re told.
Your eyes squeeze shut, body hyper aware of each small movement the towel has right over your clit. Pussy throbbing inside your panties and you worry your slick had started to soak through your shorts.
Jungkook doesn’t seem to take notice of your growing predicament, hands hovering over your calf to make sure you’re raising your legs all the way. Though that’s the least of your worries as you feel each new wave of unadulterated pleasure pulse through your core.
“Not so bad huh?” he grins.
It’s a strange sensation, pure arousal ebbing up your body, every brush of your panties over your clit, weight of the towel over your slit slowly bringing you to the precipice of an orgasm.
“I don’t think—“ you start, cutting yourself off with an arm covering your face at a particularly intense wave of arousal. Your stomach tightening at the feeling.
“Just a few more, you’re doing great”
“Kook, I really don’t think—“ your hand clamps over your mouth as Jungkook’s fingers take hold of your legs, helping you raise them; and that’s all it takes to tip you over the edge. And you can’t help the surprised moan that drips off your lips.
Your knees bend, nudging against your tits as your hand falls over your sodden pussy, dull wave of your orgasm throbbing throughout your body.
Jungkook looks down at you, eyes wide as you simply lay there with your hands between your legs.
“Did you just piss yourself?” he asks, mouth falling open in awe.
“What the fuck?” you cry, “I just came you idiot”
Jungkook’s cheeks flush red, “Oh” he nods, “Oh. You had a— holy shit”
“Don’t look at me like that” your eyes glaze over with tears, heat prickling up your body in embarrassment, “I didn’t mean to, it just happened”
Your feet fall to the floor, towel falling from between your thighs as you let out a stuttered breath, body still buzzing with the after affects or your surprise orgasm.
“Jungkook?” you peek up at him through hooded eyes, heart pattering so hard in your chest you could feel it in your throat.
Jungkook’s eyes meet your own, “That was so fucking hot” he groans, “Looked so pretty”
You watch as his hand rubs over his shorts, his own arousal hard to hide as his head tips back in a way that extenuates his neck.
“Huh?” your eyes widen, willing yourself to not look at what his hands were doing.
“Should have known something like this would have turned you on”
“I wasn’t even turned on” you exasperate, “I clenched my core like you said and it just happened”
“Mhmm” and you can tell he’s unconvinced.
“Stop rubbing your dick, you horny piece of shit” you clamp a hand over your eyes, thighs clenching when he lets out a deep groan.
“Can’t help it” he lets out a sigh, “I’ve been dreaming of what you’d look like when you came, shame it wasn’t on my cock”
Your hand falls from your eyes, “Dreaming?”
“God, haven’t I made it obvious?” he asks, his own hands falling to his sides, though now you have a full view of his straining erection.
“Made what obvious?” you whisper.
“That I like you” he asks and you gawk at him.
“You, like me? I’ve been trying to hint that I like you” you point at him, mouth falling open in disbelief.
“Huh?” it’s Jungkook’s turn for furrowed brows, “I swear you didn’t like me”
“I could have sworn you didn’t like me”
Jungkook snorts, “When did I ever say that?”
“You’re unbelievable”
“Me? What about you?”
Your body lays flaccid, muscles loose; heart hammering in your ears as Jungkook leans back on his hands.
“How long?” you ask, not daring to look up at him.
“High school”
You push a palm into the socket of your eye, low groan rumbling up your throat, “I’ve liked you since, I don’t know, probably high school as well”
“Why didn’t you tell me?” he asks, voice soft and you can feel yourself tearing up— so many emotions plaguing your mind at once you don’t know how to feel.
Jungkook scoots closer to you, “I could say the same thing about you” you huff.
“Why’re you crying” he frowns, thumb gentle as it brushes against your damp cheek.
“We wasted so many years. I seriously thought— you’ve had so many girlfriends”
“Because I thought you didn’t feel the same, I guess I thought my feelings would go away if I gave my heart to someone else. And then you started dating around too and I really thought I’d never have a chance”
“Me too” you sigh, nose scrunching up in distaste for all your failed relationships.
“Guess it didn’t work out for either of us huh?” he hums and you nod.
“I think we’re both stupid” you murmur.
And Jungkook nods, “I agree”
“What do we do now?” you push yourself up onto your elbows, frown on your face.
“Can I kiss you?” Jungkook’s head hovers over your own, the sun meeting the moon at the same point in the sky— your eclipse. The rest of your world suddenly shrouded in darkness, all you can see, think, smell, everything just Jungkook.
You nod, eyes flitting across his face as his arms cage your head. You can see his biceps flexing in your peripherals, thick muscle straining under the weight of his torso.
Jungkook’s lips hover over your own, a breaths width away from touching. You tilt your head up, pillowy lips cushioning your own and that’s when everything falls into place.
There’s nothing desperate about the kiss, ever so gentle and slow, the two of you aware that lost time can be made up in the future as you simply bask in this moment; your worlds aligning, tilting on the same axis, everything just perfect and right, and your hearts beating in sync, and breathing stuttered as you both pull away with hesitance.
Your hands cup Jungkook’s cheeks, eyes searching his own for anything, just something to tell you this wasn’t all a dream— that he really did like you back.
“You’re so pretty, you know?” he whispers, his lips pressing a featherlight kiss to the corner of your lips.
“No” you smile, giggle bubbling up your throat and Jungkook can’t help but grin down at you.
“I’ll tell you every day, all the time. You’ll get sick of me”
“I could never get sick of you, Jungkook” you push yourself up onto your elbows, noses bumping.
He tilts his head, kiss firm, and you moan as his tongue licks at the seam of your lips, a silent plea for access.
You oblige, arms slung over his shoulders as you bring his body closer to your own, heat radiating off the two of you in thick waves.
“You taste so good” he groans, hands wandering down your body, teasing as they pull up the hem of your hoodie, “Want this off”
Your fingers tug at the offending material, dragging it up your body, “Hang on” you pull away from the kiss, and Jungkook feels his cock twitch at the sight of you. Red swollen lips, a sheen of his saliva coating them.
You pull your hoodie over your head, throwing it somewhere, a problem for later. Thighs clenching as Jungkook stares down at you— eyes wandering.
“And this” his fingers skim over the edge of your sports bra, dancing over your skin, mapping you out of every little spot he wants to kiss.
You hesitate.
“We don’t have to do this if you’re uncomfortable” Jungkook’s smile is gentle, retracting his hands and you want to whine at the loss of contact.
“I want to” you tell him, hoping the shake in your voice didn’t sound too unconvincing. The incessant throbbing between your legs wouldn’t go away unless Jungkook helped you out and your patience was slowly wearing thin.
“But?” he urges.
“I’m nervous” you admit and he smiles; reassuring.
“How can I help?”
You squirm under his gaze, fizzling embarrassment painting your cheeks red, “Can we both—“ you cut yourself off with a whine.
“Come on, gotta use your words, my love”
“Can we both get naked” you splutter, “At the same time?”
Jungkook’s head falls back, fully belly laugh wracking through his body, “Of course”
You tug your shorts off, Jungkook following you; a pile of both your clothes laying forgotten by your head. You’re too distracted tugging your sports bra off to see Jungkook’s length slap against his stomach. Tip of his cock an angry red, his fingers barely touching his shaft as he closes them around the length.
“Oh” he croons, “How pretty. Can I touch you?”
You nod, falling onto your back.
Jungkook’s careful as he touches you, thumbs brushing over your hardened nipples, testing the waters as he tugs at them, eliciting a breathy moan from you.
“Feels good?” his voice low, and you nod; hips involuntarily bucking upwards when you finally cast a glance at his length. Eyes widening a little in awe.
His fingers dig into your flesh, and he bends down, lips closing around one of your nipples. Your back arches, mouth falling open in a silent moan as his teeth nip at the sensitive skin; tugging in a way that sends warm pleasure straight to your core.
He kisses over your chest, lips worshipping your skin, fingers skimming over the underside of your boob.
Each gentle press of his lips are searing as he works down your body. And your breath hitches as his hovers over your pussy, folds glistening with your arousal.
“Oh baby” he groans, and your thighs twitch as his warm breath fans over your core.
Your fingers tangle into his hair, impatient as they tug him closer to where you need him; an embarrassed whine falling past your lips when he kisses over you clit, once, then twice.
“Jungkook” you squeak, legs tensing when he finally wraps his lips around it, tongue flicking at your clit meanly.
He simply hums, vibrations sending a new wave of pleasure straight through your body, another gush of wetness dribbling from your hole. Jungkook wastes no time, fingers scooping up your leaking arousal before he’s pushing them into you.
“Oh” your chest stutters a breath as he pulls his fingers out of you, tongue licking a broad stripe over your cunt before his thumb brushes over your clit.
“You like that?” he asks, though the question was rhetorical as he repeats the motion. Tongue teasing over your hole before he’s lapping up your slick; sucking at your folds, squelching lewd accompanied by each hearty moan.
Your thighs start to shake, clamping around Jungkook’s head though that barely deters him, as he pushes your legs open by your knees.
“Stop. Kook— please” you whimper, “wanna cum around your cock”
That catches his attention, and with one final kiss to your clit he’s pushing himself onto his elbows.
Jungkook looks like the epitome of sin, slick stained chin and swollen red lips, unashamed as he licks your arousal off his face, humming in satisfaction as your chest stutters out a breath.
“Lemme get a condom” he murmurs, lips pressing another kiss over your knee before he’s pushing himself to stand. Your eyes follow his body, heavy cock bobbing against his stomach with every step he takes.
“Hopefully they’re not expired” he calls from the other room, and you giggle at that, “We’re good” he flashes you a grin as he drops back between your legs; foil wrapper held between two fingers.
You watch his fingers run down his length, thumb brushing over his slit and you feel slick dribble out of your hole as a bead of pre-cum coats the head of his cock shiny.
“Please” your head tips back, hands impatient as they tug at your nipples; Jungkook completely entranced by the sight. “Hurry, hurry” you nudge his thigh with your foot, and albeit reluctant, he tears his eyes away from your tits.
He rips the condom open with his teeth, a cheesy attempt at seducing you, and you weren’t about to tell him all he had to do was breathe and you panties would dampen.
He rolls the rubber down his length, fingers wrapping around his cock as he tugs a few times. You choose that moment to flip yourself over, hips raised as your chest lays flat against the floor and Jungkook moans.
“My pretty baby” he croons, hands roaming your ass before he’s pulling your cheeks apart; eyes fixed on your clenching cunt. Ever so enticing, silently begging to be filled and fucked until you can’t think or walk; a perfect excuse for Jungkook to pamper you a little.
You wiggle your hips, giggle muffled in the crook of your elbow has he parts your lips with his thumb, gently dipping into you hole before he’s pulling out.
“Please, Jungkook”
And that’s all it takes for him to line the head of his cock up with you entrance, tip nudging against your clit before he’s pushing into you; every inch stretching you apart deliciously.
“So good” you sigh, walls clenching around him and Jungkook can’t help the stutter of his hips, punching the air out of your lungs at the sudden intrusion.
“Sorry—“ his fingers dig into your hips, “Just feels so good, sucking me in”
You rock back onto his cock, breathy moan tumbling past your lips as your ass meets his pelvis; cock fully tucked into your pussy.
“Give me a moment” you shudder, body thrumming in anticipation.
Jungkook hums, hands wandering your body, fingers dancing over your skin. A surprised moan echoes throughout the room as his hands grab both your tits, squeezing them, fingers rubbing over both your nipples sending hot pleasure straight to your cunt.
He can feel you rhythmically clenching around him, walls sucking him in as you rock forward an inch before you’re sinking back down on his length.
“Okay” you nod, fingers holding onto the edge of the yoga mat.
“You sure?” he asks, pulling out to the tip, hips slow as he plunges back into you.
You feel Jungkook’s fingers dig into the meat of your hips, picking up the pace of his thrusts.
You can’t help each near pornographic moan that’s pushed out of you with each harsh slap of Jungkook’s hips meeting your ass, skin smacking wet as your slick coats your thighs.
“So good for me” his head tips back, arms hooking around your bent elbows.
You let out a squeak as he sits you up, and your walls constrict around his length as he pushes deeper inside of you, gush of wetness clinging to his thighs.
“So good” your head tips back onto his shoulder, knees helping you bounce up his length.
Your back arches when the head of cock hits your g-spot, ring of creamy slick gathering at the base of his cock each time you pull up to the tip.
“Look at that” Jungkook murmurs into your ear, one hand tangling into your hair as the other settles over your throat.
He tugs your head up, and you catch your reflection in the full length mirror; insides of your thighs coated in a sheen of your slick, Jungkook’s hips thrusting his cock up into you, both your bodies glistening with sweat.
The red hue of your cheeks flushes down your neck and chest, shade darkening with each wet squelch of your cunt as Jungkook helps you bounce in his lap.
He watches your tits bounce, both his hands wandering to grab them, pulling your back closer to chest as he pounds into you.
“I’m gonna cum” you hiccup, hands scrambling to hold onto his bicep as your other hand travels down your body, fingers gathering up your slick before you’re circling your clit.
You thighs start to shake, crescent moons indented into your skin as Jungkook’s grip on your chest tightens, your walls throbbing around his cock, drawing him closer to his orgasm.
“Yeah?” his hips stutter, “Come for me then, pretty. Let’s come together”
You moan, fingers unrelenting as you thrum at your clit in tight circles. Your orgasm wracks throughout your entire body when it hits, stomach tensing as your cum coats Jungkook cock, which twitches as he thrusts up into you.
He holds you down on his length, deep groan rumbling through his chest as he shoots his seed into the condom, your walls continuing to milk him of everything he’s got.
“Good girl” he soothes, hands falling to your hips as you fall forwards, cheek pressed against the mat as Jungkook pulls out, thrusting back into you gently.
“Thank you” you whimper, thighs tensing as he pulls himself out of your sodden pussy, folds glistening creamy white.
✯ ✯ ✯
Everything feels right. The two of you tucked into Jungkook’s bed after a shower, both your hands roaming one another’s bodies.
You’d clung to Jungkook’s back as he’d cooked you both dinner, work-out long forgotten as you’d both worked up an appetite. Muscles too sore, too achey, to even think of carrying on anything that isn’t wrapping up warm in each others’ arms.
It’s strange how so much, but nothing had changed. You still danced around each other with practiced ease, hands still feathery light, skimming over hips and backs, where legs are tangled under blankets, cold feet on warm skin.
There was something mellow in the air, a film of freedom, hearts on your sleeves for one another to see, where kisses felt softer, deeper in promise and love.
All the ‘I love yous’ holding the right weight, both understanding that the love you feel is the right kind of love.
He’d thought about it a lot, from the day you’d both confessed; messy, but a confession nonetheless. (And he had made sure to ask you to be his girlfriend in a more romantic setting than his spare room turned gym). That maybe the time growing up as just friends wasn’t wasted.
Failed relationships and sticky breakups simply teaching the two of you the right way to love.
Learning the give and take of relationships, what it truly meant to be in love with another person. Where you want nothing more than their happiness, a pure sort of adoration that consumes your entire being until they’re always on your mind. Small, seemingly insignificant parts of life reminding you of them. Trinkets in corner shops or the changes in season, certain smells, textures of clothing.
Learning about what you want for yourselves and how to take care of one another.
So he doesn’t regret all those years spent as just friends. Because maybe the two of you were too young, too eager, too scared about something as precious as true love. Growing up together, as just friends, might have brought the two of you closer than rushed first loves and petty arguments that you’d look back on and regret.
Red string. Stars. Fate. Destiny. Any of it. Jungkook doesn’t know what brought the two of you together, two souls intertwined until you both part ways when your lights flicker out. Though he thinks you’d reignite them wherever the two of you end up later on, new lives, new worlds. New everything, where he gets to learn about you all over again, explore your being, as you explore his, and you’re moulding into one another once more.
He wonders how long you’ve both been laying there, lips pulled up into lazy smiles, kiss swollen; little galaxies reflected in both your eyes.
Where every glistening star is a reason as to why you love each other. Your galaxies shining with a million different reasons, moonlight no longer veiling what lay beneath.
Because Jungkook thinks, if people were made of stardust before they were born. There’s no doubt in his mind, the two of you were made from the same star.
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💫 like, reblog, and feedback is encouraged!! thank you so much for reading <3
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permanent taglist: @m1sss1mp @supernoonanyc
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augustjustice · 9 months
The Ole Harrington Charm
AO3 Link
For @steddiemicrofic | Prompt: charm | Word Count: 548 | Rating: G | CW: none | Tags: flirting, getting together
Steve is in a dry spell.
Well…okay, it’s technically not a dry spell. He’s going on plenty of dates, he just–can’t seem to find that special spark that tells him this is the one. 
Steve’s starting to question if he’s off his game, or something. If his flirting is to blame, that might explain why things are all downhill from there. 
“I mean…what do you guys think?” he asks Robin–and Eddie, currently loitering around on a surprisingly slow Thursday afternoon at Family Video. “Is there something I’m doing that’s just–not working?” 
“As someone who was there to witness the millions of times you struck out at Scoops, I can definitely say that what you’re doing now is leagues ahead of whatever that was.”
Steve huffs. “It was not millions, Robin. And, yeah, sure, okay, but if I’m so much better now…why doesn’t it ever work out past the first date?” 
Eddie slaps an uneven rhythm on the counter, pushing up from where he’d been slouching against it. There’s a challenging gleam in his eye, the same kind he gets when he’s struck with an idea for one of his campaigns. 
“Alright, big boy. Lay it on me.” 
“Come on, wow me with those irresistible flirtation skills that had the ladies lining up for you back in school, and I’ll tell you how you do.” 
What’s he got to lose?
Steve decides to lay it on thick. Might as well pull out all the stops, and besides…Eddie always hams it up when he’s pretending to flirt with Steve. Turning around is fairplay, or however it goes. 
Leaning a casual elbow on the counter, Steve turns his most charming smile on Eddie.
“Hi, there. I don’t think I’ve seen you around here before. And I would absolutely remember a face like yours.” Shooting Eddie a wink, he reaches out and tugs at his battle vest, brushing his fingers against Eddie’s chest while he gets a “better look” at his pins and patches. ”Judas Priest, huh? Not sure I’ve heard their stuff.” 
Maybe not the best tactic with Eddie, but that’s what he would do usually, bring up something the other person seemed interested in. Long gone were the King Steve days of ‘act like you don’t care.’ 
”Why don’t you tell me about them while I help you find what you’re looking for. You look like a horror section guy to me. And, you know, scary movies make a great pick for date night. Perfect to snuggle up to.”
“Lame,” Robin declares. “And cliche.” 
“No one asked you, Robin,” Steve rolls his eyes, “Eddie’s the judge here.”
Only then does he realize Eddie is frozen in place, a faint pink tinging his cheeks. 
“Nuh–” Eddie swallows, his voice cracking in the middle of whatever he was trying to say. “No, man, the, uh…Harrington charm is definitely not on the fritz. You’ve got nothing to worry about there.” 
“Cool,” Steve brightens, before adding smoothly, “So, Saturday, horror movie, your place?”
“Good one, Harrington.” 
“Eds,” Steve reaches out, covering Eddie’s hand, “I’m serious.”
“Saturday night, huh? Alright, Stevie, you’re on. It’s a date.”  
They’re both grinning dopily when Steve does a celebratory fist pump, not bothering to hide it. Shaking her head, Robin laughs.
Oh, yeah. He’s definitely still got it.
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carnivore-voyeur · 3 months
CW - Unmasked Ghoul Discussion Re: Use of Fandom Names vs. Nicknames & Maintaining Respect for Privacy
I’ve seen an uptick in people using the name “Sodo” in fanworks that are clearly based on the fictional Ghost / Ghouls universe. This is just a polite reminder that “Sodo” is Per Eriksson’s personal nickname that has nothing to do with Ghost. If we want to respect boundaries, it’s best to refer to the ghoul he plays with another name.
I know part of the problem is a result of Dewdrop and Sodo being conflated in fandom to the point that on AO3, content involving the fictional ghoul he plays has been labeled as Dewdrop | Sodo. That doesn’t mean that fans should use Sodo as a stand-in for Dewdrop, the fictional ghoul you are creating fanworks about.
I may use the term “Sodo Ghoul” in the tags whenever I’m referring to Per Eriksson performing as a Ghoul, but the fictional persona that was created by fans for the “character” he is playing on stage is “Dewdrop.” Of course, you can call that “character” something else if you like, but again… “Sodo” is not a fictional person. Sodo is Per Eriksson. Per Eriksson plays lead guitar for Ghost.
If you hear Papa Emeritus IV calling out “Sodo” on stage, it’s because he can technically call him that without revealing his identity as it’s a nickname. It’s not because “Sodo” is the name of the ghoul. I’m clearing this up, too, because there are people who comment on Ghost content with the belief that Sodo was a fan given name that they adopted for the Ghoul and/or they don’t know what Sodo means.
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As you can see by the dates, the misinformation regarding his nickname persists to this day.
There was a rumor started by fans that was never validated that Per Eriksson read a fanfic about his Ghoul persona and expressed that he hated the nickname “Dewdrop.” This is utter nonsense. First of all, please keep fanworks in fandom spaces. Don’t share them with the band. Second, Per Eriksson doesn’t spend much time on the internet let alone fandom spaces. So, that’s just bull.
If you don’t want to call the fan-named ghoul, Dewdrop. You can pick another name. It’s all fictional. There are no rules. Rules and boundaries come in when we’re dealing with real people. Per Eriksson has on more than one occasion talked about how uncomfortable he is with people finding out private information about him.
Here’s an excerpt of an interview you can find here discussing his feelings on privacy for context:
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This was from 2012, so you can imagine how he feels about it now. You can probably understand why he doesn’t post often or only puts his content up for a limited amount of time. You can probably understand why he snapped at fans digging into his personal life a few years back, deleting everything he ever posted online. We��re not entitled to know everything about him.
Using his personal nickname for fictional content is blurring the lines between the fictional and Per Eriksson’s personal life. There are aspects of the “character” he plays on stage that can be inspired by him, but there are other things about him that are very personal or they’re unique to him. Maybe he cares. Maybe he doesn’t. I can’t speak for him, but I do think it’s important to draw a line.
I’m not trying to lecture or shame anyone specifically. I just want to remind everyone that Dewdrop is fictional, but Sodo is not. Dewdrop may be portrayed by Per Eriksson, but Sodo is Per Eriksson. Using his personal nickname for fanworks would be just the same as calling Swiss Ghoul, Jutty, which is Justin Taylor’s personal nickname. If that’s obviously crossing a line to you, then it shouldn’t be any different when it comes to using Sodo and Dewdrop interchangeably in fanworks.
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akanesheep · 1 year
What pet would they give MC:
Lucifer wouldn’t just gift them a pet, but that pet requires the ability of homing and caring. He would gift them an aviary. Attached to this aviary would be a large enclosed area with a pair of peacocks. He selected them personally, ensuring that not only were they physically beautiful, but also that their personalities meshed well together. After all, he wants to ensure that this gift, as all other gifts he gives you, are as perfect as possible.
Mammon would pick a pair of his young crows and assign them to you. As they are his familiars, he can keep a watch on you no matter where you are. Crows are also resourceful and able to work out how to live no matter where they are… they do like to stay in the aviary a lot, but most often they stay in the tree within your room.
Levi know without being told that a snake is a bad idea, look what happened with Henry 1.0… so he will get you a goldfish also. And if you want, he would get you an aquarium set up for your room.
‘What? You want Lily to be in the same tank as Henry??’
Cue happy Levi noises.
Many an evening are spent watching the two goldfish swim happily together as you hold hands and cuddle.
Come on… do I even need to say it?
You open the box to find an adorably fluffy silver furred kitten inside with a green collar. A small heart tag hangs from her neck.
‘Diana’ you read and then giggle softly. ‘You remembered?’
You had told him about your favorite show to watch as a child, which had started as a manga. He read them all with you when he managed to get a full set for your birthday.
‘Of course I did… when the owner of the cat cafe told me he had a surprise litter he offered me first choice. When I saw her I knew.’
I mean, it could have been a unicorn, technically, but unicorns are for war. (Guy Kay fans ftw) Satan wants no part of you near a battlefield, so he hasn’t even allowed you to see his own unicorn.
Asmodeus, Beel, & Belphie:
Ok, you guys don’t hate me… but these three just aren’t animal people. Like they don’t hate animals at all… but they’re the least able to truly care for animals.
For Asmo, his priorities just aren’t there. And that’s ok. He knows his limits and is responsible enough to stay in them. He’s ok with other people’s pets as long as they stay off of him. He puts a lot into every aspect of his appearance and doesn’t want to give that up. (No hate at all for him. He know what he does and doesn’t want, and not everyone wants a pet). If you asked him for a pet, he would get you one, but he has no self-interest.
Also, his ‘animal’ is a scorpion, which horrifies him, he wouldn’t give one as a pet.
For Beel, he loves animals, especially dogs… but also has a tendency to eat animals if he goes on a rampage…he would never want to put you in a situation where he would accidentally hurt your pet.
His ‘animal’ being a fly isn’t really the kind of pet anyone wants…
For Belphie: I mean, while he’d love to get you a cow to rampage through the HoL gardens and piss Lucifer off, the truth is, he just isn’t willing/able to put that kind of effort into a pet. Instead, he’ll get you a cow plushie.
Our sweet demon would get you a phoenix. He finds them absolutely fascinating, and you remind him of one, the way you always rise through any troubles in your wake.
(Dragons are not pets, but they will befriend you)
He has enough on his plate without adding another pet. He’ll just assign you a Little D to take care of whatever you need while he is away.
Simeon & Luke:
This angel would gift you a pair of white doves.
They don’t get along with Mammon’s crows, so don’t let them in the aviary at the same time! Luckily they tend to avoid each other. That said, these doves are super sweet, just like the angels who gave them to you
No. Keep this man away from the pets. His penchant for experimenting on others is already problematic at best. Lucifer banned him from the aviary after he turned one of the peacocks into an owl and turned a crow into a mouse… it got really crazy for a few minutes.
This man is the pet, good luck us.
Hope you liked it, I wanted to keep this one light hearted.
I’m thinking of doing some more song vids, let me know what you think?
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the-way-of-words · 8 months
You Will Not Be Mine, So Give Me The Night
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Noah Sebastian x OFC Content Warnings: Fingering, P in V sex, and infidelity. There are no miscommunications, no misunderstandings here... just two people making the conscious decision to be unfaithful. Contains sexual situations with a fictionalized version of a real person. This is fiction, none of this is real. But if RPF isn't your thing, please hit that back button.
This was a smut prompt request from @itsvictoriaarose with #189 "You're really telling me to stop while both your hands are up my shirt?" and #182 "You can't leave marks." I kinda went back and forth over this for a while, trying to figure out what direction I wanted to take and then I got hit with an angst spell and decided to take it out on Mr. Noah Sebastian. So enjoy?
Special thanks to @signs-of-ill-portent for beta-ing this and just overall being the amazing person you are, and to @throwingmetothelions for telling me to just go for it haha.
tag team: @signs-of-ill-portent @ladyveronikawrites @nerdraging4point0 @cncohshit @jxstthisonce, @shaydayhere @kingdomof-omens @thebadchic
If you would like to be added to a taglist, feel free to send me a message
My master list can be found here
It starts innocently enough. She's the new guitar tech, shadowing JB and learning the ropes to take over for him now that Jimmy needs him more. Noah can’t help but be a little standoffish. It’s always hard to bring someone new in, but it goes well. She’s good at what she does, and she’s a quick learner when it comes to all their little idiosyncrasies, technical or otherwise, noting Jolly’s preferences and taking them to heart. His people are happy, so he’s happy and he starts to relax into this new normal. 
Three stops in, shit hits the fan and while the rest of them are bustling around, trying to fix it and not lose their collective shit when new girl steps up pulling a fix from God knows where. It gets them through the night and off to the next city, where they have a day off to figure out exactly what went wrong. He stops worrying for a bit after that. 
They’re three weeks into their eight-week run when Noah realizes he might have a problem. At first he notices the way her nose scrunches when there’s something she can’t fix right away, how she pulls her bottom lip between her teeth as she thinks it through. He catches himself staring at her mouth more than once, wondering if her lips are as soft as they look. With a mental shake, Noah forces his eyes away from her, letting the sparkle of the ring on her finger taunt him as he unlocks his phone. 
His girlfriend’s face smiles back at him from the home screen, and it’s enough to get his thoughts off of her for the time being. 
But it only works for so long. The more time they spend together, the worse it gets. He starts to catch her looking at him when she thinks he’s not looking, her head quickly turning away when he looks back, their friendly touches beginning to linger a little too much on the side of Too Long. So he tries to put as much distance between them as possible, but it's not exactly easy when they’re practically living on top of each other on the rig.
She corners him by week five, appearing at his side to lean against the bar next to the stool he's parked himself on.
“Did I do something to upset you?” 
Noah can feel her gaze as it burns into him, the same stare he’s felt the past few weeks when she thinks he’s not paying attention. It was one thing when he thought it was one-sided, but he doesn’t think it is anymore. 
“Nope,” is all he says, refusing to look at her. Instead, he lets his eyes wander to the other side of the room, watching a few of the others face off at the pool table. 
“You sure?” she asks, incredulous. “Because, apart from a sparing glance, you’ve barely been able to look at me for the past two weeks.”
He sighs, letting his head hang as he closes his eyes. "I think you know why…"
"I know," she replies, voice quiet. 
"I'm not the only one who feels it, right?" Noah asks as he finally lets himself look at her. She looks tired as she sits on the stool next to his, running her hands up and down her thighs. He tries not to focus on how thick they look under the tight material of her leggings, and how they might feel under his own hands if he were to reach out and touch her; instead, he keeps his eyes trained on her face.
“No. No, you’re not.” The confession makes something flutter in his chest. Excitement, maybe, but it’s quickly tampered by the cool wave of dread that settles over him when she continues. “So, where do we go from here? I really like this job, but if it’s better for both of us if I--”
“Hey, wait, no,” he cuts her off quickly, reaching out to take hold of her hand. “That’s not what I want, and that’s not what I think you should do… because you’re good at this. That shit the first week? The whole show could have gone south if you didn’t figure out a way to fix it. I don’t want to lose you as a tech just because we’re attracted to each other… okay?”
“So what do we do then?” she asks tiredly, staring down at their joined hands. Her skin is warm under his and he can feel the beginnings of electricity sparking under his thumb where he runs it across her knuckles. 
Noah shrugs, “We deal with it, okay? You’re engaged for fucks sake, and I have a girlfriend, that’s more than enough for us to push whatever this is to the side and remain professional. We can even use JB as a go between if we need to.”
She scoffs, but it’s more amused than derogatory. "Just ignore it. Is that really the solution you’re suggesting? Healthy.”
That pulls a laugh from him as he raises both of his hands in a mock surrender. “I’m all ears if you have any other suggestions… besides quitting.” He needs her to know he’s serious, because apart from JB, she’s the best tech they’ve had and Noah’s pretty sure Matt would strangle him if he had anything to do with them losing her. 
“Okay…” she says, exhaling loudly. “You’re right. We’re both adults here, we can be mature about this. It doesn’t need to be anything more than a strictly platonic work relationship.”
Their new found understanding is shaky at best, and it only takes JB’s departure for it to all come crumbling down. 
It's the last week, the home stretch. JB's gone off to do his own thing with his own band, and in his absence, all the things that hold them back seem to not matter anymore. Without him as a buffer between them, the ring on her finger doesn't sparkle quite as bright, and the face that smiles back at him from his home screen doesn't carry the weight it once did. Not when she throws her head back to clear the hair out of her eyes and his eyes trace the line of her throat, wondering what kind of sound she'd make if he did the same with his teeth. 
He tries not to over-indulge when he’s around her. She feels magnetic when he’s sober, sparks crackling under his fingertips where they brush against hers when he’s riding that first beer feeling, and he knows it’ll only increase the more he puts away. Noah can’t tell if she’s doing the same thing for the same reasons, but he always notices when she stops at one as well. And much as he loathes to say it, he knows right then that it’s only a matter of time before they do something they shouldn’t. 
It all comes to a head after their last show. The night goes off without a hitch, and everybody's riding that high, despite how tired they all are. At the after show party, he stops at one, like he always does, but it’s not enough this time. 
He tells himself that it’s not a conscious decision to offer her his hand. That it’s the alcohol’s influence as they sneak away hand in hand, out to the rig while everyone else is otherwise occupied.
Noah’s the one who kisses her first, but she kisses him back with fervor, sitting on the table by the small kitchenette, spreading her legs to let him into her space. He gasps into her mouth when her hands slip under his shirt, trailing fire in their wake as they wander the broad expanse of his back, heat pooling in his gut when her tongue slips into his mouth to slide against his. His hands grip her thighs, tugging her closer and it’s not until he pops the button on her jeans that she breaks away.
“Stop…” she pants, the words slipping out between gulping breaths. “We… we gotta stop.” 
She’s right. He knows she’s right, but. “You’re really telling me to stop while both of your hands are up my shirt?”
That pulls a breathless laughter from her chest, and Noah tries to ignore the way he mourns the loss of her touch when her hands leave his body, a chill quickly replacing her warmth. “You know I’m right… we can’t do this.” 
His head falls forward to rest against her shoulder. “I know.” 
But he doesn’t move, doesn’t back away to let her go before they do something they can’t take back. Instead he kisses her bare shoulder, and she doesn’t stop him. Nor does she stop him when he skips over the thin strip of her tank top before letting his lips mark a path to the curve of her neck. She just tangles her hand in his hair with a sigh of his name, tipping her head back as he continues his way around throat where he whispers into the skin, “I don’t want to stop.”
He can feel her throat bob as she swallows before taking a deep breath, her following sigh loud in the empty space around them. It’s quiet as the minutes tick by until she tugs at his hair, pulling his gaze up to meet hers. “You can’t leave marks.” 
It’s all the permission he needs. 
Noah tears at her jeans, pulling harshly at the zipper before shuffling the denim down her legs until she can kick them off. Sucking two fingers into his mouth, he steps back in between her legs to push her underwear aside, circling her clit before he sinks them into her, all the way to the knuckle. 
“Fuuuuck.” Noah curses. She’s so wet inside, and the knowledge that it’s all for him makes him delirious as he fucks her with his fingers. He works her to her orgasm quickly, the sound she makes when he thumbs at her clit just before she shudders around him makes it hard for him to think about anything other than getting his dick inside her. He shoves down his shorts and underwear, trying not to trip as he steps out of them before kicking them somewhere behind.
Noah grips her thighs, pulling her closer to the edge of the table underneath, spreading her legs wide with both of his hands. She’s still spasming when Noah pushes his way inside, the clench and release of her pussy as he bottoms out forces him to pause as he tries to hold his own release at bay, and he refuses to think about anything but her as they rest their foreheads together, panting into each other’s mouths. 
“Hey, look at me,” he requests, setting his thumb beneath her chin as his palms rests against the soft skin of her cheek. Her eyes slide open just as he pulls his hips back and the way her mouth falls open in a silent cry as he thrusts back into her is nothing short of beautiful. 
For a moment, he wishes things were different, that he could have her spread out beneath him on a bed and take his time, instead of a hurried fuck in an empty tour bus. But then she cants her hips up to meet his, and he’s rocketed back to the present moment so hard his head spins. She floods his senses; all he can see, all he can feel, all he can smell is her, them, as they rock together.
She clutches at him as she cries out, hands fisting into his shirt when he feels his dick brush against a particular spot inside her and he can feel her cunt begin to tighten around him. 
“Shit,” Noah gasps, “A-Are you gonna cum again? Gonna cum around my cock?” 
She nods, working one of her hands between them to play with herself. “That’s it… that’s a good--” he cuts off with a groan as the quiver of her inner walls threatens to pull him over the edge. Pulling her mouth to his, he smashes their lips together, swallowing her moans as he fucks her through it. 
“Oh god…” he pants against her lips, rhythm slipping, “oh fuck, I’m gonna--”
Noah groans, kissing her deep one last time, pumping into her twice more and then he’s pulling out, working a hand around himself until he cums, his release spilling onto the curls above her center and the soft part of her lower belly. 
Her hands find his face, brushing the hair that's fallen forward back before pulling their foreheads together. He knows exactly what it is, this soft moment in the afterglow; it's a goodbye for something that never even started and he lets himself bask in it. 
With ears still ringing, he pushes away from her, stumbling towards his bunk to pull out an old shirt lodged at the edge of the mattress.
Noah grimaces as he hands it to her. “Sorry, I didn’t have anything else to--”
“It’s okay.” She interrupts. 
Noah waits for the guilt to creep in, but nothing comes. Nothing but more want when she pushes past him on the way to her own space, bare ass in full view. He can feel his dick stir back to life at the thought of nipping at the soft cheeks with his teeth, griping the full flesh in both of his hands to hold her open while he fucks her from behind. But he lets it go, choosing instead to find his shorts.
They don’t talk as they redress, crossing in the parking lot silence and returning to others a few minutes apart, just in case. 
He gets the wedding invitation three weeks later.
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fairybinie · 11 months
synopsis: popular and menacingly wicked choi beomgyu has the entire senior class wrapped around his finger. the high school drama club has cherished y/n as their veteran for four years. to fulfill beomgyu’s graduation requirements, he must join y/n’s drama club despite his grudges. unbeknownst to everyone else, y/n and beomgyu have their history. they’ve kissed before (or more like y/n has bitten his lip to bleed) and beomgyu hasn’t lived it down ever since. y/n cannot stand this guy. they can make it through the entire year as the leads in their play, right?
taglist: @iyeonjuni @odxrilove @iuwon @ijhyo @cherr-y-eji @ameliesaysshoo @enhacolor @cherrybeomgyu @wccycc @hyukabean @strawberri-uyu @hyuntaena @feyregels @boba-beom @luvnhwa @jmin-s @ashxxgyu @bibinnieposts @laylasbunbunny @robinsluva @shiguresohmas @h00nerz @beomsbeanie @stepout-09-15 @ox1-lovesick @soobsdior @ifwtyun @peachy-yabbay @sunlightwoo @ttyunz @rikijackson04 @miyawwn @aintgeluh @baekhyunstruly @wxderingthoughts @moontyuns @soobpricity @hyeinszn @txtbrainrot @phenomenalgirl9 @fatoompie @stellz581 @bluebearybeom @extriella @1-800-ryujin @galaxyhalloes @tae-ology @dekusgirl @xavi-in-kpopland @run2seob @obeymeharemowner @bailies-me @aestheticsluut
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a/n: smau + written (2.9k). one pet name, profanity, gay jokes don’t take it srs!! mentions of kissing/blood, mentions of alcohol, just angst everywhere. the moment is finally here sorry for the wait y’all are about to get real mad 😔
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y/n wasn’t entirely wrong. as soon as the group arrived in front of the school (courtesy of beomgyu’s driving; thankfully they managed to snatch shotgun before anyone else could) taehyun and eliana were hand in hand and eager to head in together. y/n could say that they were the most unexpected pair to come out from these few weeks, but that place has already been taken.
dinner was weird. why exactly was isa here? she’s never interacted with the rest of them that often and she seems to have her own crew. at this point, y/n is for certain isa still likes beomgyu. tagging along with yeonjun, one of his best friends, just seems like a coy to be closer with him. y/n and beomgyu haven’t even been together for that long and they’re already jealous.
at the same time, y/n tries to fight it off. technically they won this battle, right? beomgyu is dating them not her. beomgyu sees them all the time in class, outside of class, they hang out with each other’s friends. surely, it would be too late for beomgyu to have any last minute realizations to change his mind.
snap out of it y/n, own up to your slayness, as kai would tell them.
it’s prom. this is supposed to be the one special night where they all could let loose and forget their worries, put their future on hold, and just enjoy the present while they still can. put rehearsals and the production on the back burner while they act on for their own lives.
it shouldn’t be too hard for y/n to act like these overbearing thoughts aren't on their mind and they don’t know anything. this is just like any other role.
“alright guys, let’s make beomgyu’s tweet come true,” yeonjun announces to the group with a clap of his hands to capture their attention.
right on cue, they all chant a night to remember with their hands in the air. y/n barely manages to regain their composure as they attempt to join this hurrah, but they missed out just by a few seconds.
taehyun and eliana don’t hesitate to scurry inside the school to see what tonight has in store for them. soobin and kai (both dateless) start walking ahead and yeonjun goes up to the person in charge for valet parking to store his car away. y/n stays behind to wait for beomgyu so they could go in together, only to see him and isa are standing together in a distance. y/n’s eyebrows furrow in place as they fold their hands together, unsure what to do with them.
“um, i'll be right in,” beomgyu coughs, but still sounds somewhat assuring. “we just need to talk for a minute.”
the boy has his hands in his pant pockets and appears to be stiff. he’s not closing the distance between him and isa, as she stands a few inches away to his right. y/n has been thrown off enough tonight, but they weren’t exactly expecting this. they glance at beomgyu one more time with caution and beomgyu responds with a quick head nod for confirmation. y/n catches isa return a closed mouth smile and y/n can’t help but do the same, as they feel it forced upon.
y/n gives a nod themselves as they slowly turn around and make their way up the steps and inside the school. they manage to catch up to soobin and kai and they squeeze in the middle as they interlock arms with theirs. the boys are both caught off guard, as they expected y/n to go in with beomgyu, and exchange some confused looks with one another. y/n does their best to keep their gaze straight, not wanting to look back. they can’t look back. thankfully, soobin does it for them.
“hm?” soobin says when he sees y/n with them. he looks at them and then stretches his neck to look behind him. it becomes apparent to him and he understands. he encloses his arm with y/n’s a bit tighter and continues to walk ahead.
eighteen minutes. that’s how long y/n has been standing in the corner right near the fruit punch. eliana and taehyun offered to stay with them until beomgyu came back, but y/n declined their offer. they shouldn’t have to sacrifice their night just for them. miraculously, a fellow drama classmate came up to kai and asked to dance, to which y/n practically forced him to take the chance. opportunities don’t come for him this often. soobin had to go to his locker in search of wet wipes as an underclassmen has already spilled their beverage on his shirt.
y/n observes the scene with their arms crossed, leaning against the wall behind them. of course, everyone is having the time of their life. the theme turned out better than they expected, and the decor isn't too shabby. some are lined up for photos, including taehyun and eliana. others are out on the dance floor eating up whatever the DJ is throwing at them. though they appear distressed, y/n at least finds kai’s attempt at dancing amusing.
their eyes trail onto a group of students who pour juice into those classic red cups as one of them brings out a bottle of alcohol and adds it into each other’s cups. y/n stares blankly as they recall the last time they ever drank, which was that night. considering how that ended up, they haven’t since then.
once that group leaves, y/n catches yeonjun in the far corner making conversation with a few other party goers. he seems to have no care in the world, just genuinely enjoying this good time.
that makes one of them.
why did y/n care so much? yeonjun clearly didn’t, maybe they were making a bigger deal out of this than they needed to. it’s not like isa is horrible either. she was always sweet to them whenever they interacted. however, being in this space right now has led y/n to believe that those two may have more going on than they suspected.
this is ridiculous, they thought. what could they be talking about for this long?
on that thought, y/n heads over to the window that shows a view of the front of the school, right where they were in the start. they feel bad that they were assuming something bad could be happening right now, as if they didn’t trust beomgyu, but they can’t help it. they’ve seen this kind of story before.
only…beomgyu and isa aren’t there anymore. maybe that is better? perhaps they were done and beomgyu was on his way to the hall. with nerves, y/n pulls out their cell phone. they would be lying if they said they didn’t debate on whether to call or text him. that’s the point they’ve reached to.
please stand up.
ultimately, they start a text conversation.
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y/n longingly stares down at their phone in pure confusion and distaste. not only was it just revealed that isa did indeed like their boyfriend, but throughout this conversation they’ve noticed a few glances and side eyes being thrown their way. it’s like they’re all in on what just happened.
as y/n waits for beomgyu to walk inside the hall, the stares don’t stop. there’s even some whispers and chit chats being heard. not that they’re conceited, but this has to be about them, right?
y/n appears to be a deer in headlights until one of their classmates from drama class approaches them. her face reeks of pity as she whispers in their ear.
“check twitter.”
she walks away as y/n remains still in their place. their phone barely balances on their suddenly shaky hands. they can feel their forehead form a crease with their knitted brows as their fingers hurriedly open the mentioned app. it didn’t have to take much digging because it’s the first thing they see. something they never thought would ever be exposed.
everyone here knows that they’re dating beomgyu, and what was now formally their secret incident.
y/n can barely think straight. many thoughts begin to race in their mind, but the one question that takes center spotlight is who the hell is moanews? how did they know all that?
seeing all the rapid scrolls take place in this hall leads y/n to grow more anxious. everything’s out. they shake their head in disbelief and soon make way out through the door and into the hallway. yeonjun, eliana, taehyun, and kai follow right behind them when they realize what’s going on.
y/n could’ve sworn that the world was on pause. it wasn’t until they rushed out of there hearing the music blare through the speakers that they realized this is very much real time. they need to think.
the hallway surprisingly is quite empty and the music tunes out a little. y/n feels less overwhelmed, but their heart picks up its pace when they see beomgyu come out from the men’s restroom.
“y/n!” beomgyu calls out as he hurries over to them, his breath staggering with each step.
“beomgyu, what the hell happened out there?” y/n wastes no time to question. their words come out as a hushed command.
“i- she just confessed to me out of nowhere,” beomgyu’s words spill out, almost with no structure. “she says the feelings are still there even though she doesn’t want them to be. i had to tell her we were dating, y/n.”
beomgyu can tell y/n is trying to follow along, but the urgency in their eyes tells him they’re not doing very well. he steps closer to y/n and gently reaches to hold their hand. it’s stone cold.
“she made me realize a lot of things,” he admits with a sigh, like it’s the first time he’s being real with himself.
y/n shakes their head in denial as their frown deepens. “beomgyu, i don’t care that she likes you. i want to know who the fuck aired our business out like that and why.”
“w-what do you mean?” beomgyu’s eyes soften as his expression is replaced with concern.
just on time, the rest of the gang follows up with them in a hurry. yeonjun hands beomgyu his phone and the rest stay standing for what’s next. y/n sees soobin jogging up to the group as he came back from the opposite side of the hallway from his locker.
“dude,” yeonjun lets out a whisper. everyone watches as beomgyu’s eyes read all over the place, growing apprehensive with each word.
“okay, when did this happen?” beomgyu questions with the phone in his hand. yeonjun snatches it back and rereads everything for himself.
“that’s what i'm trying to ask you,” y/n brings the attention back onto him.
“i didn’t know about this-”
“yeah, neither did we,” eliana speaks up after observing enough. y/n shifts their gaze onto her and the rest of their friends. they appear hurt. “when were you going to tell us, y/n?”
“were you even going to tell us at all?” kai adds on. his voice becomes small and y/n can’t help but feel their heart break a little.
they were so focused on talking to beomgyu that they didn’t realize what else becomes of this mess. the fact that their friends didn’t know and were kept in the dark, and this is how they find out. it’s not looking good for anyone.
“y/n,” beomgyu speaks again, waiting to hear a response with solemn eyes.
and that’s when it all circles back for y/n. the thread said they are not what they think. isa likes beomgyu. beomgyu just said that she made him realize things. sure, he might’ve told her that they were dating but maybe his feelings have changed now? these two did have their on and off again relationship, maybe those feelings never left. perhaps that’s why beomgyu was so slow on making things official with y/n, because he didn’t want to. he didn’t do it until y/n literally had to ask. beomgyu was the only one to know their secret. maybe he never really changed.
they said they needed to think, but they never said they were rational.
“you…” is all y/n could stutter out, letting go of beomgyu’s grip.
beomgyu only blinks a few times to understand, but once he does, his soft expression turns into slight betrayal.
“you seriously… you think i did this?” beomgyu accuses, his tone going an octave higher.
“jeez, i don’t know!” y/n exclaims with their hands in the air. they’re aware their friends are watching at this point but it’s all out anyway. “you were the only one who knew, beomgyu.”
beomgyu scoffs as he can’t believe this current predicament. “and i told you i didn’t tell anyone. i wouldn’t do that to you.”
“yeah, well i don’t know what to believe anymore,” y/n mumbles with a cross of their arms, their eyes brink with tears. “right now i’m starting to feel like i can’t really trust you.”
“apparently you can’t trust us either,” a voice speaks up. y/n faces eliana, and her anger is unmatched. “we’re supposed to be your best friends, y/n. after four years you couldn’t tell us? seriously? we had to find out through a fucking thread.”
“this literally isn’t about you, el!” y/n’s instinct is to retaliate with a higher voice. “this is our own problem, or mine i guess.”
eliana takes the comeback as she swallows down any other harsh words she can think of. her tears begin to look similar to y/n’s.
“well i guess he’s not the only one who’s changed,” eliana replies lowly, with no life left to her tone. she recalls back to what y/n has said about beomgyu, about how he’s become a new and better person than what he was years ago. that’s a new level of low.
having enough of the conversation, eliana heads back to the hall with frustrated movements. kai glances at y/n for a second, feeling disappointed as well before he follows right behind eliana, probably in hopes that she’s okay. taehyun faces the boys beside him, visibly asking what to do. beomgyu and yeonjun give a shrug to their left indicating that he’s allowed to go after her too, to which he does.
“maybe i was stupid for thinking you were different,” y/n comes to the dull conclusion.
“i really can’t believe you’re saying this right now,” beomgyu responds with hurt in his voice.
“you literally said you weren’t innocent either,” y/n traces back to their texts that left them confused.
“not for this reason!” beomgyu argues in defense. not that he really has one anyway, even he can admit all this leads back to him.
y/n shrugs with hard shoulders, emotionally tired to keep this conversation going. they walk a few steps back before beomgyu calls out their name again, refusing to believe they’re going to end things like this.
“maybe you can write a song about your past biting you in the ass,” y/n spits out the harshest thing they could come up with, even if it wasn’t intended. “since your lips weren't enough, apparently.”
y/n rolls their eyes and soon begins to hurry out of this (what feels enclosed) building, back to the outside of the front of the school. they pause in their steps to wait to see if beomgyu follows them out, but he doesn’t. they can only hear yeonjun barge him with a bunch of questions.
y/n sits down on the steps after calling an uber to take them back home. they smooth out their outfit and exhale a much needed breath that they’ve been holding in.
so much for a night to remember.
technically, all this didn’t matter. it’s high school, people focus on one piece of drama and then they soon forget about it. they were all about to graduate anyway, go their separate ways. yet, it still hurt. y/n can’t forget about this, it’s not like they’re not going to see beomgyu after this. they still have rehearsals, graduation, hell, even college. they’ve confided in him with everything. now, he’s lost his only supporter.
their friends were mad at them, beomgyu broke their heart, they didn’t even get to enjoy prom for what it was. no pictures, no dances, no….kisses. what were they here for if it was only going to end up like this? did they even break up?
y/n hated beomgyu, y/n hated isa, y/n hated themselves.
the production was surely going to face severe damage after what just happened. they’re mentally apologizing on behalf of the entire drama department.
y/n feels a tear streak fall down their cheek, almost forgetting they were on the verge of crying. they quickly wipe it away, refusing to break down like this in public. they just wanted their uber to get here so they could go home, get undressed from their emotions, and watch home videos of their dad. they almost want to question him asking why they ever thought they could trust choi beomgyu. how could he ever change?
in the midst of all this, y/n hears footsteps follow behind them until ultimately a body sits right beside them. they’re too ashamed to look up, but they recognize those lean legs anywhere.
soobin, of all people. wasn’t he upset too? if anything, he was the one who hated beomgyu just as much as they did. he should be having his ‘i told you so’ moment. he should be yelling at them that they shouldn’t have been involved with a guy like him.
“…wanted to make sure you got home safe.”
and with this, y/n squeezes their eyes closed in hopes this will all go away. at least they weren’t alone, though. but come to think of it, it’s quite funny.
you have one guy with a visible stain on his heart, and someone who has an emotional stain on their heart.
please do not translate, modify or repost on other platforms.
© fairybinie
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puddle-nerd · 6 months
Trust in Me
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Summary: You finally get the reason out of your boyfriend, Lo’ak, why he’s put a stop to anything past second base. (Lo’ak/Female Human Reader)
Prompt #9 for Avatar12DaysofKinkmas2023.
Story Tags: No Use of Y/N, Xenophilia (Alien Genitalia), Female Reader, Human Reader, Aged Up Characters, Everyone is Legal, Yes they’re both eighteen+!, Friends to Lovers, Interspecies Relationship(s), Size Difference, Na’vi Biology, Hand Jobs, Begging
Author’s Notes: So, if anyone’s read my stories before, I usually wrote the male Avatars and Na’vi as having similar parts as humans (i.e. d!ck and ball$). This challenge in particular was for actually describing alien genitalia so I challenged myself… and used Bad Dragon as an idea base. If anyone’s interested, I used Sleipnir and (very, very loosely) Ky’el to write out my description, if you want some visuals – heavy on the Sleipnir – and threw in a knot for good measure.
Na’vi Translation:
Tweng — loincloth
Yawntu – loved one | lover | beloved person
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“I think we should stop.”
It was the same thing every single time.
You and Lo’ak had been friends since your twin brother had dragged you out into the Omatikayan forests and had you befriended the Sully children. Though, as a teenager, you technically got along more with Kiri, Lo’ak had always had a special place in your heart. When it came out that you mutually had a crush on the other, you had officially started dating. And it had been going good for the last seven and a half months but now in the last eleven days, any time you tried to do more than just some kissing or some light upper body groping, your boyfriend, your sweet, wonderful, usually enthusiastic boyfriend would suddenly put a stop to anything and everything sexual. He would draw away from you or literally pick you up and move you off of him since he was nearly twice the size of you. And the constant rejections were beginning to wound your pride.
“Do you… do you not… want me?” you asked quietly, drawing away from Lo’ak and looking up at him with distressed eyes.
The younger Sully son, still all long gangly limbs even at eighteen-years-old, jerked, his ears and tail twitching in alarm. “No, Mamas,” he immediately exploded, his voice rising high in offense. “No, I want you. Trust me. I do. A lot. I just…” You leaned forward and kneeled between his thighs, cupping his angular jaw in your hands which looked so much smaller when touching his beautiful sapphire skin. “I’ve seen your brother’s… stuff… and I don’t… I look… I look different. Alien… Weird… Freaky…”
You blinked and tried not to smile in relief.
It wasn’t you.
You hadn’t done anything wrong.
He was just worried.
“Lo,” you murmured softly, trying to contain you bemused grin, “I kind of figured you’d look a little different than anyone human.” His cheeks went a little purple in a blush and you leaned in kissing just above the pink tip of his nose. “How about…” you suggested softly, lifting the mask hanging around his collarbones, “you let me be the judge of what I can handle? Hmmm? I really want to see you, Lo’ak.” You leaned in, kissing the underside of his jaw, adding, “I really want to touch you.” He sighed behind the plastic as he sucked in carbon rich air and you moved to kiss up beneath his ear, one of his beaded braids resting against your temple. “I really want to pleasure you.” He groaned as you nipped at the sensitive skin of his neck. “Do you trust me?”
He nodded, sighing, “You know I do, Mamas.”
“Then trust me now,” you begged him softly, pulling back and meeting his golden gaze with your eyes. “Please?”
Lo’ak smirked slightly and leaned in, kissing you once more. “Okay, baby, you win,” he replied.
The Na’vi sat back on your bed, making himself as comfortable as possible as he slowly, carefully undid his tewng, pulling it off and revealing his naked body to your gaze. You gazed curiously down at a slit on his pelvis where a human’s cock would be with a slight bulge on either side of the opening. Carefully, you reached out and caressed the fleshy bulge and finding it soft, like a hairless human scrotum would be, watching your boyfriend shiver, “Does it hurt?”
“No, no,” he quickly reassured you. “Feels good. And the more… the more I get aroused, the more I’ll come out.”
You nodded, adding, “It’s probably safer that way – more protected.” He nodded, remembering the few times Spider had gotten hurt between the legs during his growing years and had had to stop and recover. “Can I touch you like this?” You proceeded to gently run your finger along the slit, feeling a slight slickness that you would find on yourself when you decided to indulge in self-gratification. Your boyfriend hissed sharply and you looked up, to make sure it wasn’t a pain noise. Instead, you found him staring at you with pupils blown wide in his golden orbs, his jaw clenched in pleasure. “Good?” you asked, just for confirmation. He nodded instantly, tail twitching rapidly, ears swiveled towards you as he shifted his legs wider in encouragement. You lowered your gaze and touched him a little firmer.
A moan bubbled out of his pink lips at that and his slit began to open, revealing something pink within.
“That’s… that’s my cock, yawntu,” Lo’ak whimpered, his legs tensing slightly, “at least the tip of it. Gently… gently coax it out.” He sighed as you pressed your fingers into the top and bottom edges of his slit and caressed the crown, finding little nubs all over the pink head. He grunted as he began to slide out into the open blossoming under your careful strokes, his shaft slowly filling with blood as you ignited his lust with your tender ministrations. “Oh, fuck… Mamas, just like that.” You gulped as he continued to slide further and further from his sheath and thicken, revealing noticeable ridges decorating the underside of his length. And towards the base of his cock was a ring of flesh, slightly thicker with more of those little nubs. He must have noticed you staring because he added, “Neteyam’s mentioned it’s a knot, meant to make sure my mate will keep my seed inside longer and heighten the chance of pregnancy.”
You admitted, “I might… not… be able to take that, Lo. You’re already really thick.” He nodded, panting. He took another breath from his mask. “Can I keep touching you?” you asked.
Lo’ak nodded, murmuring, “Yes, please. You’re making me feel so good already.”
You beamed to yourself and settled your gaze back on him and barely managed to wrap your fingers around the tip. His cock seemed to emit its own lubrication so it made stroking your hand down to the base easier, though with how thick it got, well, it was going to take your body some training to get it to fit inside of you. And you repeated the movement.
Down… and up…
Down and up.
“Oh, baby,” Lo’ak whined, beginning to shift his hips into your touch, little aborted jerks of his pelvis as if he was fighting not to thrust into you like he wanted to do. “Please, please… can you… can you grip it harder? Please?” he begged. You complied, meeting his half-lidded gaze. “Just a little tighter. Oh, yes, yawntu, yes, j-just like that.” Your boyfriend clenched his jaw and hissed through his sharp teeth. You squeezed a bit more as you neared the base of him and he let out a cross between a rumbling growl and a whine causing wetness to pool between your bare thighs. “Oh, baby. Yes. Please, please, please.” An idea came to you and you shifted your weight to straddle his calf, the ridge of his bone giving you enough stimulation to grind against him and feel sparks of pleasure from each jolt of your hips. “Oh fuck, Mamas! Are you fucking yourself on my leg?”
You flushed but didn’t stop your hands or your panty covered pelvis. “Maybe,” you admitted, grinding down onto him harder.
Lo’ak’s tail lashed in arousal. “Fuck, that’s so hot,” he whined.
With renewed determination, you moved your hands even quicker, trying to make sure to keep squeezing him as his cock thickened further. Your slick leaked out of you and onto his shin through the now drenched fabric and made your movements even easier, if possible. You wanted to cum but you wanted to make this good for your boyfriend, too. And at this point, the tip of his cock was beginning to drip with pre-cum, a lightly blue bioluminescent glow emitting from the slick.
“So close, baby, please,” Lo’ak nearly sobbed, fucking himself up into your hands earnestly. You grabbed onto the swelling knot with one hand and stroked the ribbed underside of his shaft to the best of your ability with the other, squeezing as hard as you could.
That seemed to do the trick.
Lo’ak came with a loud, drawn-out grunt, throwing his head back into the wall as glowing blue cum spurted out of him, his knot swelling firmer and the ridges beneath flaring as if to assist locking his cock into place. Splatters of the stuff landed everywhere, your hands, your bedding, his thighs, your hair, his lower stomach, your face… At least it smelled pleasant. He sighed, bringing the mask up to his face once more and breathing deeply, trying to catch his breath and grinned down at you smugly.
“That’s even hotter,” he chuckled. “You’re gonna smell like me for days.”
You pouted up at him. “My turn? I didn’t finish.”
“Yeah, yawntu, definitely your turn.”
𖥸 · ─────── · 𖥸 · ─────── · 𖥸
Originally Posted: 22 December 2023
Word Count: 1,470
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elvensorceress · 5 months
sentences on sunday tagged throughout the week by @eddiebabygirldiaz @wildlife4life @disasterbuckdiaz @wikiangela @hippolotamus @daffi-990 @theotherbuckley @monsterrae1 @kitteneddiediaz @spotsandsocks @giddyupbuck @bekkachaos @eddiescowboy @buddierights @wh0re-behavi0r I love you all and thank you and go read all of their lovely snippets! 💕 tagging (if you are so inclined) @spaceprincessem @hoodie-buck @the-likesofus @911onabc @heartshapedvows @astronaut-karenwilson 💕
More Unless finale 😘
He has to stop thinking of Buck as his husband. They’re not really that. Not yet? This is only their first date. Even if it is Buck and it’s different from any other first date. 
Still doesn’t mean Buck is ready to tie knots and buy rings and commit to forever. 
They haven’t committed to forever. Technically. Not exactly? It’s hard to say when they are so in love and it’s so newly confessed, but they are also attached to each other for life in so many other ways. Of course they’re committed to each other and to being together, and it could never be a testing the waters situation with them. They’re already all the way in. 
That leaves them… where? Partners, like always. But not exactly like before. More than before. Boyfriends for simplicity’s sake and because they haven’t even been on their date yet. But far more than boyfriends because they live together, they have a child together. And Eddie knows this is it for him. 
But what normal person would agree to marriage right off the bat? Not that Buck is particularly normal. He’s extraordinary. And Eddie wasn’t sure he’d ever want to get married again. Not after how badly he fucked up the first time. What makes him think he’d be good enough, changed enough for a second try? 
What makes him think he won’t fuck this up somehow? He’s sure he has it in him to ruin one of the best things that’s ever happened to him. 
“Was she the first person you came out to?” Buck asks, glancing at him while driving. And also reaching over to offer his hand again for Eddie to take now that there’s no teenager in the car who will be judgmental and embarrassed over his dads holding hands. 
“I guess so. Wasn’t intentional. I was still working through everything.” But Buck had come to his rescue and taken over childcare while Eddie was fucked up and falling apart. He stayed for weeks, took time off work, looked out for him, slept next to him, cooked for all three of them, and helped clean and patch up the broken destruction of Eddie’s whole life. 
And it was really hard not to imagine what it would be like to have Buck as his husband. 
With someone else, anyone else, it probably would have freaked Eddie out. But he already wanted Buck for the rest of his life. Imagining that their whole lives could be exactly like those few weeks, even with as awful as they were inside Eddie’s own head, it was comforting. It relieved so much stress and turmoil. He loves having Buck around. And Chris does, too. Chris attached himself to Buck any moment he could, and Eddie wished he could do the same. He wanted Buck to be his husband. He wanted him with them forever. 
Not that it was Eddie’s queer revelation. It wasn’t. There had been thoughts percolating in his head for a very long time. It wasn’t even the first inkling of how he truly felt about and wanted Buck. But it was a vivid dream come true, suddenly brought to life that Eddie couldn’t ignore any longer. 
And then he had all those conversations with May about figuring out who you want to be and reconciling what you had wanted for yourself with how your life turned out, and how to finally be your real, true, honest self so that you could have a life that was as happy as possible. A life that feels like it fits who you are when you’re not lost and hiding. 
Eddie still had to keep it under wraps and push it to the side for much longer than he would have preferred. But living the life he wanted, feeling it, almost but not quite having it made everything far more real. He could see it, he could almost touch it. Buck is a perfect partner and parent, as perfect as anyone can be, more than perfect for Eddie and Chris.
In fact, every day Chris gushed to him about how he loved having Buck around all the time for homework and pancake making and video game tournaments and movie watching.
And Eddie remembered waking up unable to breathe until Buck put a hand on his chest. He remembered silent tears that would just pour out of him nonstop and nothing he did or tried to tell himself could make them stop. But Buck would brush them away. Buck would even hold him, though it was nowhere near close enough. There would still be his arms around Eddie. That more than anything made the tears let up. 
Even though it was one of the lowest points of Eddie’s life and the mere idea of being alive was not compatible with what he actually wanted or even thought he deserved, having Buck there still made him feel like he could survive in spite of everything.
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hiorintruther · 1 year
Given that Blue Lock is an in-universe reality show with (apparently) millions of worldwide fans, that implies the theoretical existence of a Blue Lock fandom and, by extension, Blue Lock fanfic.
What kind of mischaracterisations do you think in-universe fans have of the various members of Blue Lock? Which ships would be popular? This is an rpf situation so what sort of drama goes on surrounding the very existence of bllk fanfic? Does the fandom have pockets which behave like other rpf fandoms such as Kpop and streamers? How much does Reddit fucking hate the stans? I NEED ANSWERS!!!!!
Firstly, the fandoms tagged in fics would be a mix of: Football RPF — all media types, Blue Lock (Football RPF), Neo Egoist League (Football RPF) and BLTV (Football RPF).
Common fandom-specific tags include: ‘Referenced Professional Footballers’, ‘No Beta We Die Like Kunigami Rensuke’s Ratings’, ‘Not Safe For Ego Jinpachi’s eyes’ and ‘Author Uses Football Not Soccer’.
Platonic relationships are pretty common in the fandom, with the most popular ones being ‘Michael Kaiser & Alexis Ness’, ‘Meguru Bachira & Lavinho’, ‘Yoichi Isagi & Noel Noa’ and ‘Yoichi Isagi & Rensuke Kunigami’.
Personally I think the most popular ships (as of right now) would be Kaisagi, Kainess, Reonagi and Ryurin. Bachisagi would be practically nonexistent because fans wouldn’t have seen them interact much. Only old fans know they were basically unstoppable together during the U-20 match. Most fans joined during the NEL, after the show started streaming.
Noel Noa gets shipped with Lavinho but only because he’s always the dad in fics who needs emotional support. In these fics, Isagi and Bachira are always the gremlin step brothers who scheme their not-dads into getting together.
There’s a ship war going on between the kaisagi and the kainess shippers. There’s also a third party which is against real-person shipping but is fine with rpf in general so Bastard Munchen for them is a hodge-podge, falling apart at the seams found family trope. The same goes for all the other teams but the Bastard Family TM is the most popular one.
 THERE ARE SO MANY FOUND FAMILY AUs. Popular tags include: “Noel Noa Is A Tired Dad”, “Isagi And Kunigami Are Brothers”, “Kaiser Is The Rich Cousin” and “They’re A Family Of Bastards Your Honour”.
There’s definitely fandom drama around the ethics of reading and writing fanfic. General consensus seems to end up being that non-ship fics are technically fine. Shippers still do their thing though because they’re impossible to get rid of.
The fandom ‘cinnamon rolls’ are definitely Bachira and Ness. Ness especially get mischaracterised as an ‘innocent, fragile flower’ that Kaiser has to protect. Bachira is most;y just characterised as Lavinho’s protege who is a happy lil sunshine with no flaws. Nagi also nearly falls into the ‘cinnamon roll’ category because he’s quiet and gives off ‘uwu’ energy (according to his stans) but slightly less so.
Rin gets the most x readers written about him. He beats everyone else except maybe Kunigami, who is a close second. They’re always characterised as the ‘bad boys’ and are the kings of Wattpad.
Sae gets inserted into Rin fics all the time purely because they’re brothers. Because he doesn’t appear in the NEL, his fandom interpretation is COMPLETELY off. Fans have basically turned him into a completely new, fictional character, he’s that different. He’s always dating Shidou though — Ryusae is a rare ‘it’s probably okay to ship this’ ship because literally everyone is convinced they’re actually dating irl.
If Kaiser is in the fic, his tattoo is usually brought up either as some kind of trauma-related thing or, in fantasy AUs, as a cursed mark. Fans have written whole ass essays about the symbolic meaning of his tattoo and how it can relate to fics.
Some of the more popular fics in the fandom, by kudos, include:
the obligatory fantasy AU where all the teams are kingdoms — 240k words, major character death, hurt no comfort (one of the fandom’s ‘cinnamon rolls’ dies in the third act).
the obligatory university/college AU where for some reason the university uses the US system despite none of the characters being American, each team is a different frat house and the fic is 25/? chapters, 32k words.
A Fluff And Angst, completely unrealistic found family “they all live in one house” fic where Noa adopts Isagi and it’s tooth-rottingly sweet but it’s clear that the author has been through some shit and is drawing from personal experience when writing. All the kids from Blue Lock and Bastard Munchen are like 10 years old. Noa is shipped with Lavinho and people choose to either ignore it and enjoy the fluff or are active shippers — 56k words, 19/22 chapters, hurt/comfort, implied/referenced child abuse, Noel Noa Is A Tired Dad.
Several one-shots involving the ‘brothers/cousins’ Isagi, Kunigami, Kaiser and Ness all doing random shit together. Usually the fics are either from Isagi or Kaiser’s perspective and you can tell which authors prefer the Blue Lockers and which ones prefer the German players — usually 3-6k words each.
A long-distance relationship Kaisagi AU named after a Glass Animals song that gets so popular it crashes AO3 twice- (sry I’ll stop, that would be rancid).
A Manshine City found family AU where Reo and Nagi are characterised as brothers to the nth degree, Chigiri is the golden child and Chris Prince is the uncle who didn’t want to take them in but had to and slowly grows to love them as if they were his own kids. The grown-up mentors all have weekly brunch down at the local diner where they talk like gossiping aunts — 19k words, 5/? chapters, Manshine Triplets, Reo And Nagi Are Twins, Chigiri is also there tho!!! Give Chris Prince A Break.
The aforementioned AU where Bachira and Isagi trick their not-dads into getting together — 16k words, 4/10 chapters, Fluff And Angst, Slow Burn.
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blueikeproductions · 4 months
Y’know the more I think about it, if EarthSpark has such an infatuation with the Decepticons, why aren’t they using Decepticons better suited to the story it’s trying to tell.
To me the Decepticons’ role really should’ve been a mix of IDW and RiD15. Most are left rudderless, cranky and confused, still willing to continue the cause and hurt people in an attempt to conquer. Some meanwhile are willing to work with humans in some capacity, good or bad.
Like where’s Sky-Byte, Knock Out, Clobber and Drift?
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Never mind Drift’s Husbando thing with Ratchet, shouldn’t Megatron, as a GHOST operative, have his own little group of turn coat Decepticons who willingly followed him to the Autobots (and that it’s specifically ones who willingly became Autobots in past series helps this make sense). I get the intended idea was to make Megatron something of a fish out of water among the Autobots, but technically speaking, shouldn’t a few reasonable Decepticons have tagged along with him?
For that matter, where’s guys like Lugnut and Demolisher having an existential crisis over their leader abandoning them?
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That’s gotta be fertile ground for shenanigans and character work with Megatron and the Terrans. I know they kinda toyed with it with the ‘Waves, but boy did they not commit to the bit.
I can also buy that there’s a few Decepticons that are trying to make due on Earth and even work jobs with humans, we’ve seen that before.
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Not to mention Decepticons working with the human criminal element (or at least morally dubious types).
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And of course there’s my personal favorite, the Decepticons doing whatever it takes to get off Earth.
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Like really, the RiD15 Decepticons were able to build/repair ships using comparable human hardware, what in the ever loving skrud was preventing the ES Decepticons from doing the same. And don’t say GHOST, they’re too stupid to be a problem on their own without the Autobots. Maybe the Arachnamechs, but even so what’s stopping an opportunistic Decepticon from capturing and reprogramming them for their own ends?
The writers have such a fixation on the Decepticons, why NOT have this more nuanced take on them that ISN’T just purely making them into giant teddy bears. Fun aside, but they actually had those via Brickbear.
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Hey ES writers, I know some of you are reading this, on the off chance you guys continue to write for TF in the future, I triple dog dare you to make a Brickbear Decepticon canon in-show. I don’t care what you have to t’do, you want teddy bear Decepticons? Make this work. The blue print is right here. Basically make him or her the Peter Puppy (Earthworm Jim) of the Decepticons: cutesy in beast mode, a monstrous Hibernation Sandy Cheeks in robot mode. You’re welcome.
The point remains that modern writers NEED to stop sympathizing with the Decepticons and stop writing them as misunderstood Millennials and Zoomers who need a hug. I’M a bi-slagging-sexual Millennial from the 90’s and I’m among those telling you to knock it off, most of us want fun villains who revel in being murderous gearshafts, stealing Energon from refineries and drop kicking cassettes cats. Not everyone needs to reform like it’s Dragonball or Steven Universe, and I say that liking Vegeta and Beerus.
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l3viat8an · 8 months
Make that four asks (please tell me to shut up if I'm sending too many things I won't b mad, I tend to say. A lot :,> )
Imagine if MC is bad with names & either doesn't remember anyone's names for the first few weeks or just gives up and calls them not-their-name
Like if they're in the same room MC just blankly stares and points at them / snaps at them to get their attention bc they forgot the name of the demon
Or just like
"wait where's Sarah" (meant Satan)
"Yo cilantro?" (Again Satan)
"sunglasses where are you" (mammon)
"indigooo :D" (Levi)
"belll" (beel)
"are you suuure spooky scary skeletons isnt here" (Barbatos because of his wing-horn-things)
And mc somehow never mixes the brother's names up / calls them eachother's names but will call them LITERALLY ANYTHING ELSE
Hair colors could technically work but then theres
"I mean uhm- uh- wh-white hair-"
'do you mean Mammon or Solomon?'
"..why are their names so similar 😰😰"
Related but also not, I also instinctively call everyone 'sir' because of my cat ("SIR- Sir. Sir. sir. You aren't allowed in my room") so that wouldn't even differentiate the brothers either but it would be funny to just accidentally whip around and be like "SIR! Stop that!" to Satan or Belphegor trying to pull a prank on Lucifer, or Mammon trying to steal something
Everyone is relieved when MC finally starts getting names right
You’re fine!! I don’t mind lolol
At some point the boys just start catching on to which random nickname means who kshsjshsj
Lucifer makes the bros wear name tags jkjk he does try to correct MC whenever he can tho. After all names are important and calling the wrong brother the wrong name could lead to a stupid argument like accidentally calling Satan / Lucifer or Levi / Mammon 
Mammon is absolutely going to correct MC about his name at first I mean he is; The Great Mammon!!! After all!! Tho he does kinda like being called sir-
Levi just kinda figures MC doesn’t think his name is worth remembering and fair enough, he’s a shut in loser- blah blah blah- MC would have to explain to him they just suck with names and it’s not personal 💀
Satan and Asmo wouldn’t mind weird ish nicknames but they would get moody if Mc calls them by another brothers name- that’s just plan rude and we look nothing alike!!!
I feel like Beel and Belphie wouldn’t care in general- like they’re the youngest and mixing up names between 7 siblings is bound to happen- besides they’ve been called worse 💀
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fahbev · 9 months
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Ok i was a little wrong about the order in which i’d do these. Here we go with Tim Drake bby!!
for my dpxdc merfolk au
So there’s this thing called the “Upside down jellyfish”— otherwise known as the Cassiopea! I saw them in an aquarium like a year ago and immediately knew “oh shit i gotta make a mermaid outta that”. Look it up if you wish.
Tim is just a weird little guy who swims upside down.
Also, all of the other mermfolk have pointed ears that point up, and Tim’s point down! Or i guess technically... still up!
Plz ignore the face on the first pic, I hate it and redrew it a bunch of times and it still looks off. Look at the bottom pic instead.
He walks on his hands when he’s not swimming/theres surface to stand on. He sleeps using his bell as a blanket!!
Tim i i feel like is the oddball of the family. They accept and love him just the same anyway, but he always just gives me Weird Little Guy vibes. A vague approximation of a normal person. Like they’re all weird ofc but yk.
That’s why Tim is the only one that doesn’t need to breathe. He does have lungs, but he is especially not built for land, even compared to the others. And everyone else besides Bruce and Damian have gills. Tim isn’t even a fish, he’s a cnidaria. The oxygen goes into him through osmosis. As long as any part of his jelly half is touching the water, he doesn’t need to breathe. He literally can’t hold his breath unless he’s fully on land. He doesn’t really know what breathing is like.
Unlike Bruce and Damian (and possibly Alfred, we’ll see) who are holding their breath constantly.
This may or may not cause misunderstandings :)
Wow, Tim really would be the worst on land. Jason legit has a bunch of legs so he’ll be just fine. Bruce and Damian are turtles so they’re evolved for going on land just a little. The others can at least drag themselves or slither pretty effectively. Tim just...
Well, he walks on his hands at least? But he wouldn’t be used to the strength and balance that requires on land, + his bell and tentacles would totally just flop on top of him and make shit difficult. Trying to go right side up would just be even worse...
Actually no. Cass might be the worst on land. Cass would be pretty fucked.
So I struggled a lot on this design. It was kinda hard to make it not look feminine, bc the bell being attached there looks a lot like a poofy skirt or dress— and also just making it not look Stupid with a capital T. I think I like the way it came out though!
If you wanna see all of these, you can check out the tag “dpxdc merfolk au” on my blog!
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 2 months
When Our Shadows Disappeared
by HoneyDewed_LemonDrops “Robin, report,” Batman, not Bruce, chimes, and Tim internally breathes out in relief. At least they’d gotten into the normal system, which meant they were free for the most part. The person doesn’t fight him as he stares down at them. “I lost them,” He lies. It doesn’t matter. He tugs the device out of his ear and drops it. He hears it buzz and die when he steps on it. It doesn’t matter, the trackers are still live. If both Batman and Nightwing are free, he gives it about three minutes before one of them shows up. He freezes when he meets their eyes, because they’re the same ones that look back at him in the mirror. No. — Or: I wanted to write a Cass and Tim twin au because there’s tumblr posts of them but no fics and they’re so sosjsbrownanebrbr Words: 8163, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 4 of Mostly Unconnected Batfam One-Shots Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: Gen Characters: Tim Drake, Jack Drake, Janet Drake, Cassandra Cain, Jason Todd, Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson Relationships: Janet Drake & Tim Drake, Tim Drake & Jason Todd, Tim Drake & Dick Grayson, Cassandra Cain & Tim Drake, Tim Drake & Bruce Wayne, Cassandra Cain & Tim Drake & Bruce Wayne, Tim Drake & Dick Grayson & Bruce Wayne Additional Tags: Good Parent Janet Drake, like I made myself like her when writing this, BAMF Tim Drake, Jack Drake is Not Tim Drake's Biological Parent, Tim Drake-centric, Janet Drake is Not Tim Drake’s Biological Parent, Cassandra Cain and Tim Drake are Siblings, Assassin Tim Drake, Good Sibling Tim Drake, Tim Drake is Not Okay, Tim Drake Needs a Hug, Good Sibling Cassandra Cain, BAMF Cassandra Cain, Protective Cassandra Cain, Assassin Cassandra Cain, Tim Drake Has Issues, Tim Drake Whump, Tim Drake is Not Red Robin, Cassandra Cain is Not Black Bat, Cassandra Cain is a Wayne, Hurt Tim Drake, Hurt Cassandra Cain, Cassandra Cain and Tim Drake Are Twins, Aged-Down Cassandra Cain, Tim Drake is a Menace, Dead Jack Drake and Janet Drake, Good Parent Bruce Wayne, Good Sibling Dick Grayson, Functional Wayne Family, as in their relationships are fine and dandy and nothing is bad, protective batsiblings, that should be a tag fuck off, Yes beta we come back like all the robins, Batfamily (DCU) Feels, Cassandra Cain Joins the Batfamily Early, French Tim Drake, Tim Drake Speaks French, Asian-American Tim Drake, hes technically Japanese but was raised in France, Jason is in this once, there is a planned sequel but idk if I’ll be able to do it, Dick Grayson is Nightwing, No beta we die like janet, for now via https://ift.tt/nZL7fpi
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mhbcaps · 4 months
pinned post
hi I'm mhb and this is jackass my cyberpunk 2077 blog! you will find virtually nothing else here and I don't tag my reblogs except to occasionally hoot and holler about the content.
about me
I'm over the age of 25 and I live in the USA where I work in a school and play d&d a lot. I also draw, and once in a blue moon I write. my vp tag is mhbcaps
my ask box and DMs are open if you want to hit me up 😄
my ocs
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David “V” Lozano: (he/him) my canon V, a born-and-bred Heywood brawler who never really cared about being famous but god Jackie made it sound so good. He doesn’t think he can make a difference and he doesn’t really try to. It’s all about survival, and corps can wipe you out in the blink of an eye. He would’ve minded his damn business after the heist if it hadn’t been for Johnny.
He used to date Kerry but they broke up and now he's with Angel.
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Sanctuary Zelenko: (they/them) Medtech washout, ex-Scav, currently a ripperdoc in Northside. They’re eccentric, they’re enigmatic, they’re downright creepy sometimes. Their friends tell people they’re harmless, but no one knows for sure. Best not to find out.
Joey Armas: (he/him) Scav who grew up homeless in Pacifica. His brother was killed in front of him by some trust fund kid testing out their new combat-grade implants--that’s probably what set him down the path that led to the cyberware and organ black market.
They're dating each other.
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Alessia “Gogo” Day: (they/them) a Static of the Kessler nomad clan along with their three brothers and a sister. They’re David’s best friend, a bright and cheerful foil to his taciturn toughness. The city hasn’t beaten the optimism out of them yet, and they have a lot of friends in surprising places who’d like to keep it that way.
Brother "Bea" Calloway: (she/her) a statuesque netrunner that’s earned herself a spot in the Afterlife’s back booths. She’s highly focused and more than a little intimidating when she’s working, but in her personal life she tends to be quite demure in contrast.
Brother is dating Gogo's older brother Augie, and Gogo is dating River Ward.
There are NPVs available for David and Gogo (Sanctuary is coming soon) - you can message me here or on Discord if you'd like me to send them to you! they come with one-page guides to their character and shooting tips.
technical information (& transparency)
GPU: Nvidia GeForce GTX 1660S (I use a prebuilt that I bought from Costco in 2020, don't come at me)
I use AMM and the game's photomode to take my screenshots, along with this effect replacer mod and a modified version of this reshade preset. Facial expressions are mods by pinkydude or xbaebsae. Except for some tattoos and Sanctuary's eyes, I only use publicly available mods - anything you see in my screenshots, you can also grab for yourself. If you need help finding it, don't be afraid to ask!
I occasionally will edit screenshots after the fact, usually to add text or reduce clipping but not much else. If I really fucked up the lights on one shot in a story, I'll fiddle with the color levels to match it to the others as best I can. Most of the screenshots I post are dragged straight from the folder to tumblr.
I think sometimes VP seems intimidating or impossible because it can be hard to figure out how some people get their shots looking like custom Blender setups or near-photorealistic. The answer is usually hotsampling, high-end GPUs, Otiscam, 4k texture mods, and photo editing software - sometimes all together, sometimes not. Not to say that these things are cheats or somehow invalidate the artistry behind the VP, but it IS to say that anyone can do it if they learn the tools, and those tools aren't even required. I don't use any of them. That's why I'm including this section - hopefully I can demystify VP a little. An artist's tools are only part of how they make art: having the same tools as someone else doesn't mean you'll magically make art just like them, and not having the same tools as someone else doesn't mean you'll automatically be worse at making art. At the end of the day the only thing that matters is that you love your blorbos and you think they look good.
thanks for reading
happy [day of the week]!
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poisoned-pearls · 4 months
PLEASE PLEASE TELL ME ABOUT YOUR FANKIDS THEY ARE SO CUTE.... do they have unique magic?? what are their family dynamics (with their parents, grandparents, etc.)???
AH OKAY SOOO- I have quite a few (I’ll tag them all so you can scroll through their tags- despite not having an organized blog I do have it organized for them) BUT I shall focus on Nami, Enzi, Faraja and Viv because. I’m in a mood for my girls rn-/lh
Nami is an only child, spoiled to hell and back by Azul because look at that man. He was made to be a girl dad spoiling them. She can do no wrong to them and they will defend her and her actions until the end of time. BUT she is the more generous kind of spoiled (if she likes you. If she doesn’t then get slapped by octopus tentacle motherfucker-) where she will give you something like that because she’d always just get another one
she’s the only one to have a fully thought out um (because god why do they take so much brainpower to think of)- Sirens Song. If she wills it, she can use her voice as a tool of mass hypnotism. This ability goes as far as her voice does, so as long as you are in earshot of her voice, you are susceptible. (Which sucks for beastmen with good hearing)
in general though she is very close with both of her dads and admires both of them to an absurd degree. She wants to be just like them, if not better. She is ADORED on Azul’s side (because in my lore, octo babies are RARE. You will only ever probably have one, or maybe two if you are insanely lucky. It ties into their magical prowess) but on Jamil’s side it’s basically just Najma and Jaddah, but she barely sees her (in my lore Jamil’s mom isn’t a bad person, she just was stuck in a bad situation and was very mentally unwell. Jamil and Najma were both ripped from her arms right after she gave birth and it messed her up. Jamil let her hold baby Nami and she cried)
(Design wise she pulls from Ariel and Vanessa. And a bit of jasmine)
Enzi is also technically an only child, but it’s only ever been her and ruggie. She was quite literally plucked off of the street and she’s been with him ever since. She grew up side by side with Faraja, constantly having play dates and such. But overall, she just, loves her dad. They’re a lot more like friends then a normal parent kid dynamic because ruggie understands that as she gets older she wants more respect (and hyena gender roles come in a bit). He taught her things from his culture though (HISPANIC RUGGIEEEE-) and she is fully considered apart of their community. Even if she’s a grey hyena in a sea of blonde and brown.
Faraja is… oh god she is my angst baby. I’m so sorry girl- she is an only child as well. I swear I didn’t mean for this to happen- her other parent.. isn’t in the picture. One day she was at Leona’s doorstep with a note saying she was his, and a week later, after the tests went through, she was. Cursed with being a bastard in a royal family (despite how fucking upset about it Leona was and how much he fought her treatment) she was basically ostracized from the rest of the family except for farena’s wife and Cheka. Leona loves her though. She never got a royal budget so he works as a local magical history professor and gives her his budget instead. Her hair is used throughout her storyline to express her feelings and I have a post detailing some of her angst
Vivienne is Not an only child, she has her brother, Emil- and she’s a musician (a la Taylor swift- said somewhat jokingly) but she only started performed when she was 16, because Vil was absolutely not going to have her have the same childhood he did. Instead she was tossed over to rook and taken out hunting. She has a crossbow in her skirt enchanted to compress at all times. She’s close with her little brother (tho he is annoying. Like all siblings) and she’s pretty close with both of her parents. (She also loves her gf Faraja which was a uh. Shock for Vil, at first.)
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