#[ also ngl it's actually kind of a scary team ]
involuntaryspya · 1 year
ok since i was asked over on steve's blog what his pokemon team is, i felt i'd be remiss if i didn't include bucky's team too. his is less utility and more... themed. you'll probably figure it out lol.
umbreon - his starter was eevee that he had while he was cap's partner. evolved into umbreon during his tenure as the winter soldier. now, to evolve eevee has to have high friendship with its master and it must be nighttime, two things easily gained with bucky. my favorite pokedex entry comes from moon, "With its black fur, it blends into the darkness. It bides its time, and when prey appears, this Pokémon goes for its throat, and then eats it." ain't that the perfect partner for bucky?
houndstone - so houndstone's data entry in SV is "A lovingly mourned Pokémon was reborn as Houndstone." bucky originally had a growlithe, but it perished and was reborn as a graveard, evolving quickly into a houndstone due to it's loyalty to its eternal master.
aegislash - two dex entries for you: first aegislash has "Apparently, it can detect the innate qualities of leadership." which is why it finally evolved to it's final form when bucky took over as cap. but he was found with one nearby in his winter soldier days, as honedge's data entry states, "Honedge’s soul once belonged to a person who was killed a long time ago by the sword that makes up Honedge’s body."
hisuian zoroark - another departed pokemon, this one being one that senses "lingering malice." after being the winter soldier for so long and finally being able to live his life under his own power, bucky found himself just... angry at those who had ruined his life, and wound up finding a friend in this ghost.
mimikyu - came to join him during his tenure as cap because who relates more to the pokemon that dresses up as the most popular pokemon in an attempt to find love?
alolan vulpix - this has all been incredibly depressing up to this point, yeah? well it's ok bc bucky is ultimately a survivor and is working thru his shit. this vulpix is his "alpine" - a signal of recovery... tho the og ninetales is also hinted at being a vengeful spirit so yknow. still spicy.
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n3ssier · 2 years
Hey hello! I wish you luck on your journey!!
Can I please get HC for Echo, Kapkan, Jäger and Vigil x Fem!Reader [Indicidually] who recently joined their team and is just super badass? Like they just admire her while she is on a mission and kicks ass?
Feel free to ignore this! But tysm if you choose to write it.
I also reccommend tuening on anonymous asks in settings. That way more people would be comfortable requesting :))
YES OFC TYSM i love this idea sm, i tried my best but lmk if theres any constructive criticism!! ALSO YES TY I TURNED ON ANONYMOUS ASKS NOW
・masaru had heard his fellow operators talking about you in the morning, but just shrugged it off and assumed that you were nothing special
・he first sees you as he got into the coach/bus for you guys and 3 others to be taken on a mission and he’s honestly surprised because you look pretty good for being the newest op in rainbow, but ofc he does wanna say anything about it😭
・once the mission begins, he begins to focus on the task at hand and almost forgets about you, until he turns a corner to see you eliminating two enemies and he cant help but feel surprised.. 
・he stared for a bit.. yep.. definitely just a little tiny bit.. not for long at all..
・after snapping back to his senses when he sees you give him a puzzled look, he probably will give you some cold seeming, but still kind comment, something like “i guess youre not that bad for a rookie” or “uhhhdhjdhgh i wouldve done it better but still, not bad”
・you and masaru stick together for the rest of the mission, not saying much or conversing apart from callouts and intel
・he watches you closely, and tries to focus but he just cantttt
・your teammates are confused why hes being warmer to you than everyone else after the mission
・at the end of the day he waits until everyone is gone before quickly and bluntly asking you on a date
・maxim isnt the kinda guy you’d expect to see fanboying over the newest operator, yet here he is :o
・he likes your badass demeanour, its different, it feels refreshing to him and he likes your style with it aswell ngl
・many bad attempts at him stealing glances at you both the full way there and during prep phase
・after setting up his traps and all he tries to find a spot to camp nearby you so that he can see and watch how good you actually are in the face of danger, while also looking out for enemies, of course
・your talent catches maxim off guard.. and he cant help but gawk slightly
・no one can see because of his hood and mask, but his mouth is so slightly ajar watching you in action
・hes not used to having crushes, or even having much interest in others at all! so this is different and he isnt sure how to feel or act towards you
・tries to show off subtly, which only his close comrades pick up on, no doubt he will be teased for that later by glaz and tachanka
・they especially start to pick up on his crush after the mission when maxim hesitantly approaches you and strikes up a conversation, which is fairly unlike him
・marius is intimidated, to say the least
・cant keep his eyes off of you, and when your other teammates call on him you can hear the slight stutter in his voice
・he also keeps trying to find an opportunity to talk to you, he wants to ask about your gadget, as it strikes his curiosity, and just get to know you in general
・after getting a nasty kill he glances over to you to see if you noticed it, only to realise you were currently holding the upper hand in a 1v2
・he’s whipped for you without even realising, which his gsg9 mates pick up on, smirking to each other
・at the end of the final round of you guys’ training session, blitz comes up to you and recommends that you go speak to marius, explaining that hes a bit shy to go talk to you
・you strike a convo with him and boom, once he realises youre not actually that scary on the inside, all he does is talk to you and tell you about all the shows hes watched, what random fact he found out two days ago, what he had for breakfast, everything! and you just have to try your best to keep up
・chul-kyung takes a liking to you, but no one need to know that in his opinion
・honestly you kinda scare him a bit, but nothing in the world could ever get this information out of him, also he finds you hot tho, definitely
・he studies you very intently, tryna figure out what your whole thing is
・notices that you’re in a 1v3 and dashes to the enemies from behind, only to notice that youd killed them all by the time he had gotten there. this guy was gobsmacked, youd stolen his spotlight as the “cool edgy talented one”😭
・he keeps a close eye on you for the rest of the mission, and was pretty shocked to see you in action, he wasnt sure if he should stay in his position or join in your fight in order to help defend
・and its the same for vigil as it is as echo, where his teammates are very very surprised to see his usual cold persona shift to a softer one for you
・over time you two work together more, and are by far one of the most badass and scary duos at rainbow
・sometimes he just sits back and lets you handle some very intense scenarios, which worries you guys’ teammates, but he knows you can handle it 
·yall are feared
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evaofkonoha · 7 months
bc I am a hoe for a good tag game!!! ty for tagging me @noellewrxtes 💕💕💕
Are you named after anyone?
Nope! And actually my mom was convinced I was going to be a boy so she only had a boy name picked out. Whenever I ask about my name she says she just picked it because she likes it. Which, valid. I do have the same middle name as my mom though!
What sports have you played?
I played softball a little bit growing up and was involved with horses (I was a farm girlie). In college I played intramural Ultimate Frisbee and loved it to death. Going to an arts high school we didn't actually have sports teams so... I wasn't terribly involved in any in like high school or something.
Do you use sarcasm?
Definitely, yes. And it doesn't always hit 🙃
What is the first thing you notice about people?
Their friendliness level, if that makes any sense! And their humor. I notice is kind of how friendly they are to me and to others for sure.
What's your eye color
Blue! They are a pretty deep blue and I have been asked a few times if I wear colored contacts (I do not)
Scary movies or happy endings?
neither, lol. No I do enjoy a happy ending!!!
Any talent?
I would have to say it's my music stuff and writing. I have sang literally my entire life and it is a craft I have put a lot of effort and investment into, so I want to think I am good at it. I have also been a writer my whole life, both songs and stories, and honestly? I'm pretty damn proud of my skill level with it.
What are your hobbies?
I have a lot because I get bored easily 😅 I would say my core hobbies are writing, playing video games, playing music, and crafting!
Do you have any pets?
I have two beautiful rescue pups! I've always wanted a bunny though.
How tall are you?
5'6! I am tall-ish
Dream job?
I wanted to be a singer and songwriter since birth pretty much, but it kind of fell through. I still love music, and wish that I wasn't so cynical as to really give it a better college try again. Otherwise, it would probably be to play video games all day ngl lol
tagging (with no pressure!): @missoblaine, @magmavox, @synestazja, @mjolklizard, idk whoever stumbles upon this and wants to do it!!!
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mommalosthermind · 1 year
Ooooh, tagged by @hawkstincan!
15 questions 15 mutuals. Do I have 15 mutuals? No idea.
1-are you named after anyone?
I am named after a soap opera character my mother wanted to bang. In her defense she was a teen fresh out of Juvie who was playing straight to keep her mom happy so like. Decisions were made. Possibly decisions I’ve been mocking my entire life. That aside, it’s also boring as fuck and I can’t stand hearing it in relation to myself. It’s like nails on chalkboard. I’ve been poking around to find something to change it to for uhh probably like twenty years. Why is naming myself so daunting.
2-when was the last time you cried?
Oh, yesterday. I caught the tail end of the Namona movie, and absolutely teared up over Holy Shit They Kiss And Get A Happy Ending? And then had to explain things like Xena and Gabby, BTVS’s Willow and Tara and the kill your gays trope to baffled kids
3-do you have kids?
Lmao yep. Three monsters. That’s where the username comes from, a very sleep deprived ‘oh my god if I don’t find a space that isn’t overrun with my kids I might actually die’ moment
4- do you use sarcasm a lot?
Fluently, even.
5-what sports do/have you played?
I’ve done softball, soccer and track. I decided I have better things to do with my time in high school and don’t miss it. Team sports are not for me.
6-what’s the first thing you notice about people?
Ah, that’s a weird one heavily depending on the person? It’s body language. If that doesn’t twig anything in my brain, then typically I take note of eyes or voice.
7-what’s your eye color?
Brown. Except for when I’m being told it’s orange. (It is not. It is so very brown. This is still funny every time I hear it. Even funnier when I point out things like Sunlight.)
8-scary movies or happy endings?
Cannot do scary movies, I have enough nightmares organically,I don’t need to give that machine more fodder. The real world is already sad and scary and I’d rather have happy endings in my media.
9-any special talents?
I have no idea how to answer this one, ever. What counts as a special talent? I am so very good at forgetting about both my tea and the goddamn laundry.
10-where were you born?
In a hospital.
11-what are your hobbies?
Does collecting hobbies count as a hobby? I read, write, sew, and die in video games mostly, with a side of falling down the YouTube theories hole but I’ve dabbled in art, building, baking, gardening, calligraphy, knitting, embroidery…
12-do you have pets?
We’ve got a calico kitty that’s about the same age as my eldest, and still acts like That’s Just My Really Tall Kitten. It’s adorable.
13-how tall are you?
Supposedly 5’5. I find this hard to believe.
14- favorite subject in school?
Always liked history. Literature was fun when the teacher wasn’t a pretentious ass. Some of my education classes were fascinating, but that was more of the human nature side of things. Oh! and my psych classes were amazing. Do not ever take a psych class lmao you will inevitably poke at too many of your own bruises, and realize your folks are about three times as fucked up as you realized.
I like learning. I just don’t like being told what I should be learning.
15- dream job?
As a kid, I wanted to be like, a vet or something with animals. Then I went into teaching and realized it’s not worth it.
As for things I don’t think I knew to even want, I’ve kind of got it? I don’t have any interest in the traditional work force— the idea of going back into that makes me violent ngl, between dealing with parents and The System during my five seconds as a teacher or dealing with The Public as a retail employee…I’m… no.
I’m home, being a side-kick teacher to the kids while they attend virtual classes. They need me less now that they’re older, but it’s still nice to have one of them wander out at random hours to info dump at me between classes or ask for help with a project. I dunno, as a kid who’d go literal days between seeing the adult in my house (and therefor became the adult in the house at Entirely Too Young) because she was working three jobs, being home and an active participant in my kids’ lives is just. I can’t top that.
Feel free to jump in if you’d like to play!
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hismercytomyjustice · 4 months
Omfg it took me 84 years to do it, but I’m finally caught up with work stuff again! \o/
Does this mean my work induced burnout is over? GOD I HOPE SO.
Shit has been hanging over me like the sword of Damocles for weeks now.
Doesn’t help many of my internal and external customers are needy af (*narrows eyes at one external customer in particular*), but hopefully now that we’re moving into June this means our whole team can actually breathe again.
I love the holiday season as much as the next person, but I do not love all the work at the end of the year getting shoved to the beginning of the new one. It makes February thru May/June a NIGHTMARE.
Nightmare as in most of my coworkers are having public mental breakdowns instead of our usual private ones! Yay!
Fffff maybe I’ll actually have the bandwidth and brainpower to start taking Korean classes again. I haven’t been able to since the end of last year. T_T I miss them and I know for a fact I’m getting rusty.
Of course I gotta see if I can balance Korean and piano lessons without my brain going into a nuclear meltdown…
I always want my personal bandwidth to be at 200% but in reality it’s probably 65% at best. Is it the ADHD? Is it the OCD? Or is it a secret third option?! Maybe now I’m not in mental survival mode, I can explore all that with my therapist in our upcoming sessions instead of spending them all trying to figure out how to actually function due to extreme work burnout! Yay!
Ngl I’m also kind of hoping if my doctor can figure out wtf is going on with my liver, it might magically give me more energy and solve a lot of other issues. Got the ultrasound yesterday for it and am waiting for the results now. I’m very curious to learn what’s going on, especially since this kind of thing can have to do with connective tissue disorders.
My mom was told when she got her bloodwork done for her RA that it looked like she might have a connective tissue disorder too, though I don’t think that was ever further explored. I’m hypermobile and have wondered about EDS, but have never gotten officially tested for it. Thankfully my hypermobility isn’t excruciating or anything. I just tend to hyperextension that I don’t notice until I move and realize I fucked up lol.
Of course it could also just be regular ol’ inflammation that can be fixed with diet changes and exercise. Just gotta wait and see.
It’s possible the liver thing could be contributing to my never-ending fatigue. It’s also possible my super fun OCD spirals add to it too. lol my old therapist told me my spirals were “exhausting to hear about.” She didn’t mean it in a bad way! Just that she could only imagine how they were to actually experience as a result.
It’s wild seeing an OCD specialist now. My old therapist was fantastic but she didn’t specialize in OCD. New therapist (new-ish) is just able to map this shit out for me and it’s wonderful. OCD often masquerades as intense anxiety and some anxiety management tips and tricks do help it, but damn if seeing a specialist isn’t like night and day. My old therapist taught me some defusion techniques, but now I’m doing a mix of exposure therapy but mostly Inference-Based CBT which are both tailored specifically to OCD and it’s been so helpful. My brain is definitely broken but it feels a hell of a lot less broken now and a lot less scary.
My therapist also let me know there’s specific therapy that addresses OCD and autism together, so that’s something we’re gonna explore too. I don’t have an official diagnosis for autism but my therapist is pretty confident about it. She doesn’t specialize in it but she’s been helping me navigate the possibility. ADHD, OCD, and autism have massive overlap which makes it really fucking hard to separate the three. OCD and autism are really frequently misdiagnosed for one another too because of it. I def have the ADHD and OCD tho, diagnoses courtesy of specialists in both fields.
God I have been so fucking blessed to have amazing doctors and therapists who actually listen to me and take my concerns seriously. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve had ABSOLUTE DOGSHIT ones too, but those were years ago when I wasn’t as good at advocating for myself. I know there’s a healthy dose of privilege thrown in there too on my end, but god I feel so fucking lucky.
Maybe it’s too much caffeine or finally being caught up on work but I don’t feel completely fucking exhausted for the first time in like a month or two. I’m not gonna go start running laps or anything, but it’s so nice to feel like my brain isn’t mashed potatoes at the end of the day for once. Yaaaay!
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unfoundhoney · 4 years
little blade ↠
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↠ platonic!technoblade x fem!reader ; fluff
↠ masterlist
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prior to mcc 4, no one really knew who you were
you started streaming in 2018 when you were about 14
(you’re around tommy & tubbo’s age for practical purposes)
you streamed for essentially no one for a while
you only got a few thousand followers on twitch in early 2020
mostly because you started posting highlights from your streams to youtube & tiktok
you established yourself as someone who’s soft & babie irl but completely merciless in-game
it’s very contradictory & very fun to watch
you could two-hit kill a two-person team in bed wars w/o a second thought then spend the next few minutes apologizing over & over again
you signed up to participate for the first 3 mccs but only got in for mcc 4
you were in the green guardians alongside petezahhutt, michaelmcchill, & vikkstar123
you were nervous
very nervous
but you buckled down & trained like crazy, w/ & w/o your teammates
soon mcc rolled around
you were just a little bundle of nerves
you couldn’t calm down for the life of you, poor thing :(
but you still compete absolutely beautifully
you sweep the competition & just do so so well
you score top 5 in every event
there’s this compilation of other people reacting to seeing your name pop up at the end of every game & just being like “who even is that they’re killing it”
you & the rest of the green guardians land first place after the 8 events
(yes i’m changing what actually happened deal with it)
so your team & the purple pandas compete in dodgebolt
here’s where you really shine
bc your signature play is a bow
you are a beast with a bow
you get out phil & techno first round but tommy gets you & the pandas end up winning
second round, your teammates get out quickly & it’s a 3v1 between you & the other team
you’re just like “ok here we fucking go come on”
wilbur’s gone
you go for techno (the biggest threat) next
you shoot him out & he’s just raging because “THIS CHILD I’VE NEVER HEARD OF IS BEATING ME AT MINECRAFT WHAT IS THIS”
then you land a shot on tommy
but phil gets you out right after
you’re all (´•̥ ᵔ •̥`) but your team is just hyping you up bc you did so well like wtf
(pete) y/n coming in with the carry!
(vik) let’s go y/n!!
(michael) don’t be sad, y/n; you did so well!
& everyone else is kind of just like “who tf is this child & why is she so doing so well???”
so purple pandas end up snatching first place overall
but second for your first mcc?
that’s poggers, dude
you’re just chilling trying to calm down after that intense dodgebolt game
(you) oh, hello yammy. guys, yammy’s clicking at me this is so cool i used to watch her videos-
(michael) Y/N!!!!
(you) yes?
(michael) you’re first individual!!
(you) .........you wot, mate
you run to go check individual
& there you are
y/nl/n_ with 4419 points, about 100 points more than technoblade
more than-
you’re just staring up at yourself in shock then slowly turn to find technoblade already staring @ you
that’s fucking terrifying jfc
you hide behind a wall & hope he leaves
this is so cool & like wow you’re a god but also oh no you’re on scary man technoblade’s bad side
you get so many more viewers after mcc 4 it’s crazy
you really start popping off
it’s only about a week after mcc 4 when you finally have to face the consequences of your actions
@technothepig tweeted: @y/nl/n_ i demand satisfaction. duel me, coward.
what the FUCK
that’s TERRIFYING oh my god
@ph1lza replied: techno, don’t threaten young women on the internet.
@technothepig replied: i. demand. satisfaction.
@tommyinnit replied: i agree with techno. fight him, coward. @y/nl/n_
@ph1lza replied: please don’t encourage him
you plan things out & actually end up doing a rip-off 1v1 mcc
techno’s got the rest of the sbi spectating but you don’t really have any streamer friends so you just show up by yourself w/ no posse like:
hi o/
phil feels bad & hops on a call with you when the games start to keep you company
you win skyblockle by shooting techno off into the void
you win build mart as well
techno wins survival games
tgttos: techno wins
rocket spleef: you win
battle box: techno wins
hole in the wall: techno wins
parkour warrior: techno wins
dodgebolt: you win
normal dodgebolt rules don’t apply, so techno wins but barely
you’re a good sport about it; you have no qualms with losing to Technoblade
but after that, techno actually stays in contact with you
you become pretty good friends weirdly enough
he thinks you’re an impressive player & you’ve got this innocent, blunt sense of humor that can just make techno lose it
you are the ultimate “looks like they could kill you, would kill you,” “looks like a cinnamon roll, is a cinnamon roll but would still kill you” duo
y’all are an iconic duo in no time as you two stream together
you leave no survivors when playing sky wars
viewers can’t help but feel sorry for those who go up against you honestly :(
people start calling you “little blade” (。>‿‿<。 )
words cannot describe how much you love that nickname
at first techno was like “that’s cringe” but then he started calling you it ironically & we all know where that leads
uh huh
he calls you little blade unironically now mf uwu
mans is soft for you (& philza) only
it’s well into the smp timeline when you join the dream smp
like, you joined just after the manberg-pogtopia war
techno’s off living in the snowy biome & you join like
hi! o/
you see techno’s on when you first join & want to go find him, but you’re kind of forced into a tour of the server by quackity & karl
quackity’s being himself & karl’s trying to contain him and failing
good content good content
you’re being shown around l’manberg when technoblade shows up out of nowhere, kills quackity & karl, threatens that he’ll canonically kill them if they try to make you join l’manberg, & tells you to come with him
so you do
he takes you to his new base & says you can build a house near his
he even helps you build
the favoritism is strong with this one
everyone knows you’re his favorite
even techno consciously knows you’re his favorite
but he would die before admitting it
not really
in his own streams he’s mentioned how great you are
(techno) y/n is... she’s seriously so great. she’s an awesome friend. she checks up on me & reminds me to take care of myself. she’s seriously-... she just messaged me on discord. oh god, is she watching this?
n/n sent: hey! i’m in class rn but make sure to drink water during your stream <3
(techno) ...is this god telling me to be a better person? .......no one clip any part of this. no one tell her i said any of this. pretend it never happened
in the lore, you always have techno’s back
his reasoning- if a little extreme- is always sound
you & phil are like the only people to not just use him omfg you three make the fans wanna cry 。・゚゚・(థ Д థ。)・゚゚・。
the butcher army tries to kidnap you & use you as bait to trap & kill techno
but you kill half of them & escape the rest & run off to warn techno
you & dream end up helping him escape & off you went back home
when tommy showed up during his exile, techno was just constantly comparing how nice you are to how annoying & inconvenient tommy is
top tier comedy
(techno) i adopted one child who set the bar too high & now no one will ever live up to the expectations y/n has set- TOMMY STOP EATING MY GAPPLES
you don’t go with techno & tommy when they sneak into l’manberg for the festival
you do however, show up out of nowhere to have techno’s back when tommy goes back to tubbo
what a fucking legend you are
loyalty like you would not believe we love to see it
the next day, you, techno, dream, & phil lay waste to l’manberg
after doomsday you really haven’t done much lore-wise beyond being a good concerned friend for ranboo
(btw you’re good friends w/ ranboo; you, tubbo, & ranboo are a *chef’s kisses* trio)
all in all
technoblade is your big brother
you two are honestly best friends & get along really well
people love your two’s relationship because you seem like polar opposites but get along really well
a wholesome friendship
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more ↠
part two
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illuminiscentboba · 2 years
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feat: shoyo, kiyoko, nishinoya, tanaka, kageyama, sugawara & smaller hcs with kuroo & kenma & omi & motoya
a/n: thought it might be fun to do some hcs on things hq charas would do if they were Muslim & I included meanings to words so that nonmuslims could understand things too :)) they’re all fun and chaotic and I’m glad to contribute to the moderately dead tag “Muslim hcs”
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HINATA gets hungry quick into the day but is very determined and tries to hide it, even after his stomach grumbles in class sometimes 💀- he's also super eager to get rewards (improve himself) and keeps a pocket-sized Kitab (Quran) on him and reads it on his breaks and whenever he can. he gets so soft when people wish him "Ramadan Mubarak!" (teary-eyed, genuinely touched) & argues with people who question another person's faith.
KIYOKO would highkey keep a tisbah/tusbah on her and reciting dhikr under her breath as she does classwork/lunch or independent work one of those really pretty ones (a pic of it the pics above with the beads) & she has a prayer mat that she keeps in the storage room in the gym so she can pray before practice, i feel like no one would even notice that she's fasting until days into Ramadan where they're going home and Daichi offers her some meatbuns and she goes "Oh, I'm fasting." but take it home to break her fast with later. her henna always looks amazing every year and she does it herself with a henna stencil at home, though when yachi and her became friends, yachi comes over and they do it together.
SUGAWARA says dhikr before serving like a quick “subhanallah, alhamdulkilah, or astaghfirallh,” and celebrates when he does a good toss/serve after saying it. Suga also tells those scary jinn stories and terrify the rest of karasuno w them LMAOO Suga who can also read people like a book and asks the team to say wallah when he thinks their lying (this has caught noya & tanaka a few times ngl) can't hide anything from suga & he watches those eating channels/mukbang videos
  Naurrr bc I feel like NOYA would b so heartbroken to find out that the brand of jellybeans he was eating acc had gelatin and is haram and feel like a fake muslim and tanaka would comfort him like “Issok at least u said bismillah” 😭😭 but also ask for forgiveness w him and for noya bc he is kind like that- oh and noya is someone I think would be like admired by youngsters for keeping up with prayers, getting good deeds, etc. and he always pushes himself to do more prayers every Ramadan for Tarawih and can actually do a lot without breaking a sweat. Noya is also an early bird and so I can see him vid calling the others to tell them to wake up,,,more than an hour before the eating period ends 💀
I feel like TANAKA sometimes makes late-night prayers for everyone in his life like esp after those movies where he’s hooked and his fav chara dies and he wonders what would happen if his besties die and then starts praying for the entire world tho pretends to b asleep when saeko checks on him
  KAGEYAMA would also be really eager to get in good deeds and competes with hinata about it LMAO, I also feel like kags would b more ahead of Hinata in the Quran and would be glowing when daichi asks him to lead the prayer (hinata is so jealous but turns the jealousy into determination so that he’ll get asked to lead the prayer too 🥺✨) He tries to hold back on going off on Hinata when he messes up during Ramadan and its the funniest thing ever, imagine him trying his best to hold it and hina does one more dumb thing and the man collapses- I feel like hina is so smug too, waiting for him to get bullied but just wait until eid. hinatas days are numbered. oh and sometimes he forgets he’s fasting and buys a milk carton & then gives it to an intimidated first year who is afraid of this tall, looming figure offering them milk-
I’m convinced that KUROO and KENMA'S moms get their sons to drop off some iftar food (food to break their fast with when the fast ends) at each other’s houses often and that suhoor/sehri kenma (basically early morning Kenma) is not to be messed with, Kenma is either half asleep or pondering murder with little to no in-between
  MOTOYA and OMI being mosque besties and also regulars. omi would highkey be anxious sitting by himself and off to the side, looking super awkward until he sees motoya who plops beside him & chats animatedly catching up with him and all even tho he saw him just a few days ago. Motoya is a social butterfly and all the other kids know him and even some parents.
I have more w mattsun, oiks & a few others, would y’all b interested in a part 2? 💛
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divetothefandom · 3 years
Gamer Roaster | All
Well, it is canon that he loves simulation games, so the Sims would be nice, but my job is to add some more info… Also a big fan of puzzly exploration games, like BOTW, but that's a story for a different post ;3
He likes race games, and his favorite has to be Mario Kart, Need for Speed and F Zero, he loves them power up and Captain Falcon is funny. Probably a huge fan of GTA too because it's all chaotic and wild and EXCITING!!!
Any Family-Friendly game is great, he loves Splatoon, because “a shooting game that won’t cause me a heart attack?” He signed up really fast, don’t be fooled, he’s an absolute monster. Any game that involves shooting without blood he’s a huge fan of. But I don’t see him as a Fornite kind of guy because he has good taste, lmao. He loves to play with his sibling.
A fan of shooter platform games, like Metroid and stuff: he likes the intense stories. A fan of Metal Gear too. But he also rules at those fighting games like Mortal Combat and those. A God of War pro. He's a very good player but everything Makoto is not: fan of scary games. He plays games like Doom, Batman Arkham, you know? He likes darker games.
Nagisa and Rei:
RPG DUO, Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts, Fire Emblem, yes please, strategy fights and cool characters, you bet this two are up for it. I do think they play them together and Rei has to carry the team.
Nagisa loves dance games.
And Rei is also into puzzle games like Sudoku and stuff when he travels.
I kinda see him as a popular game fan guy, like FIFA, Call of Duty, Halo, and the Assassin’s Creed saga. He tries to play racing games or shooters but unless he plays with his friends he's not very good, Makoto is more than happy to play with him all the time.
I feel like he’s a platform-puzzle kind of guy, but a bit more intense, and he’d like games like Portal and Bioshock. I feel like he got into advetury games because of his brother and evetually got into games like Far Cry. Very good at racing games as well, but he is more agressive about it, like crashing against other cars.
Probably just does some phone games, he likes puzzles but sucks at actual videogames. Maybe Mario games, but he’s still very bad. Maybe those LEGO game s because they don’t tend to be too hard. He’s the kind to lose on the same spot over and over. You don't want him on your team ngl. Poor Ikuya has to carry the team.
Funny games, like untitled goose game, undertale, that one KFC dating sims. The more absurd the game is, the better. Just like with basketball, he tries to make everyone play them (Makoto always being the one that tags along).
PUBG, and any cool games, like The Last of Us, Uncharted, it’s not like he has a genre, but anything he finds cool. I see him playing a lot of fighting games, like God of War or the Mortal Kombat franchise. I picture him as the kid that went to play to the arcade games like Street Fighter as a kid.
He’s probably the only one who doesn’t give me any gamer vibes, so maybe just mental puzzles like 2068 and such to kill time. Fucking psycho is a top notch gamer and can play even horror games with a straight face.
He’s a Minecraft kid, also lowkey Fornite fan with his friends too. Plays a lot of dancing games with Nagisa as well. He was one of those kids fan of Fight Nights at Freddy's, I'm willing to bed money.
Like his bother he likes horror games, but... Actual horror games, you name it. Outlast, Resident Evil, Silent Hill, and so. Unlike Nao he do gets scared but still plays non stop to push his own limits like a masochist. He’s a fucking madlad.
Little farm games are his jam. He’s not a very intense guy so he’ll be chilling with Animal Crossing villagers or Farmville.
Things they play together:
Play Station movies 😂 I mean, games like Until Dawn, Beyond Two Souls, Heavy Rain, Detroit Become Human.
Although they cover the youngers ones’ eyes because of the sensible material.
Makoto joins that group because he gets either scared or flustered.
But they absolutely love the stories, the control usually stays on the hands of Rin, Haru, Sousuke and Asahi while the others screech intructions.
Nintendo Games
Okay, I'm a Nintendo SIMP so I like to think this guys are too, especially they like games where they can play together.
Mario Kart: Chaotic game nights, bunch of screaming and laughing, there's a lot of harmless fighting in and out of the game, blueshelling the 1st place will get you tickled silly or a smack on the face with the biggest pillow in the room.
Mario Party: Of course they can't play all together but they probably have at least 3 consoles among the like... 14 guys, so they can play different matches in all. There's a lot of screaming during the minigames or the duel slots and people start stealing stars.
Zelda: They all adore The Legend of Zelda, but I'll make a post for that exclusively.
Smash: They all love it. Absolute fighting chaos, and they all love it.
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Haru: All-Rounder, mains Pit and since he manages fighting both face to face and from a distance he's pretty dangerous.
Makoto: All but tricky, he’s fucking scary. Because besides a few exceptions he can choose random and he'll win 1st or at least 2nd place.
Rin: Speed or All-Rounder, because of course he is. He probably mains the swordsmen like Ike.
Sousuke: Power and Range. He tanks, he can take a lot of hits and do a lot of damage, but he's pretty easy to hit. Mains the Pokémon Trainer (Charizard) and Simon.
Nagisa: Technical, he plays a lot with circumstance and can adapt with the charavter, probably mains Shulk or Zelda.
Rei: Technical and Defensive, he's very strategic and is the one that hits and evades, he doesn't make a lot of his but when he does their scary combos, his main is Sheik or the Eartbound kids.
Asahi: All-Rounder and Range, he probably fights head on and gets trapped in combos a lot. I feel like he mains Mewtwo because he thinks that'll give him some advantage.
Ikuya: Defense, he can fight you like a man, but has to load combos, totally see him maining Samus (all, normal, Zero Suit and Dark)
Hiyori: Tricky and Range, and he’s a projectile spammer, that fucking asshole, lmao, otherwise he can’t stay on the arena for too long though. Probably mains like Bowser Jr.
Natsuya: Power, he can take you down after a few hits, mf does a stupid amount of grabs and I hate it. Doesn't really main, but can handle all the Power types.
Nao: Balanced (not a type), he probably grabs funny looking character and somehow still kicks your ass. He plays with the comic additions like Pirahna plant, the Wii-fit trainers, etc.
Momo: Speed, runs around the course and grabs all the items, his giggles a lot when he manages to take down the stronger players with the hammer. He mains Sonic, Pikachu and the Mario characters because he loves 'em.
Seijuro: Power, he lets you hit him so he can fight with a lot of damage to see if he can survive, he's insane. Mains Bowser.
Nitori: Defense, at least he has the decency to not spam the projectiles like Hiyori. He’s just too nervous at this kind of thing.
Kisumi: Technical, he's weirdly good at it, but he doesn't care much about winning so sometimes will grab a character and do a kamikaze to take them down with him. His main would be Pacman or like the Minecraft dude (Steve?), because it's funny.
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literaphobe · 3 years
Ngl I'm kinda really worried about noxcrew saying they wanna change dodgebolt so that teams can't use the funnel strat, which let's be real would nerf only Dream and his team cause he's the only one I've seen able to use the strat the most effectively and consistently. Like it's a genuinely hard strat to pull off well. And even then he adapts and changes to let others shoot too, and all his teammates agree to it so it's also unfair to say "it's against team spirit" and I feel like saying it's not entertaining to watch is just a completely subjective viewpoint.
But anyway, I feel like if they do go through with making changes (esp to a game which doesn't actually need any) we're just gonna get another parkour warrior where they decided to make it more difficult for dream to win they had to keep upping the difficulty to try and make it impossible to win (which tbh was a really weird direction to go?? Why make a game and decide that it should actively be unwinnable???) And they'll end up making dodgebolt unenjoyable for everyone
i doubt they’d actually do that since they probably would foresee some pushback + there are a bunch of posts on the mcc subreddit already w hundreds of upvotes detailing why they should not do that and why the funnel strat isn’t as ‘against team spirit’ as they think it is etc etc (side note: i don’t think noxcrew was that serious or trying to shit on dream that much this is more directed at people who are REALLY rooting for the ‘funnel strat nerf’)
i suppose my two cents are that calling the funnel strat ‘boring’ is kind of insulting and also really. dumb! because it misunderstands the strat entirely and ‘entertainment’ is entirely subjective also assuming dream ‘hogged’ the arrows in mcc16 is simply not true
okay so. some people think funnel strat is ‘boring’ because it’s too ‘sweaty’ and the game ends ‘too quickly’. and like mf. that dodgebolt felt like a century. every time a shot was missed bc dream and fruit were so fucking cracked at dodging i wanted to die. this dodgebolt had me SCARED. mcc15 was way less scary bc dream never died. up until this mcc i had NEVER seen dream die live in dodgebolt before my heart was POUNDING :(
anyway. u can make the argument that clean sweeps are ‘boring’ because it ends too quickly. likewise, anyone can claim that dodgebolts like mcc16 took too long and all the missed shots made it hard to watch, etc. u can make anything sound boring. thats how subjectivity works
and then some people are like ‘but some of the ccs don’t like the funnel strat!! get rid of it bc mcc should make the players happy, it doesn’t matter what the fans want!!’ and jesus christ. if a cc doesn’t like the funnel strat they don’t have to use it? dream has literally never forced anyone to do the funnel strat? i’m pretty sure dream’s mcc13 team didn’t plan on doing it if they had made dodgebolt bc scott doesn’t like it. like. come on
and also. the funnel strat isn’t as simple as ‘only the best shooter takes shots until they die’ because it honors feed the hot hand and in order to test the hot hand u have to let the other players shoot which dream DID. bad didn’t get to shoot but that’s because he died right before the arrow got handed to him
people complaining saying ‘all the team members should contribute equally in dodgebolt because that’s how teamwork is supposed to be’ are ignoring the very nature of mcc. every player… contributes and carries at some point. every player gets carried at some point. just because dream gets an ace or some shit n a member on his team didn’t take as many shots doesn’t mean they’re not contributing and that the games they played as a team didn’t matter. sometimes people wanna stand back and dodge and body block for players w better shot accuracies. and that’s? still really important? it’s still vital to the team’s victory? just because it’s not as ‘flashy’ doesn’t mean it has to change
idk what else i had to say on this. but about parkour warrior im sick of people acting like ‘they removed parkour warrior bc it was a bad game n people hated it!’ when what happened was they were so obsessed w making the course unbeatable that when dream kept beating it they kept making it unnecessarily hard in the beginning when they should’ve just done that towards the end if they wanted to nerf dream n that’s what made people dislike it, not that it was ‘a bad game’
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ukaiknowsbest · 3 years
breaking down Ace of Diamond - the "Hero's Journey."
Using the model/guide presented by Overly Sarcastic Productions in their youtube video Trope Talk: The Hero's Journey, I will attempt to discuss how Sawamura Eijun's story in DnA is his Hero's Journey to becoming an ace pitcher in the Japanese HIgh School Baseball environment.
Blue from OSP put forward the 12 basic parts of the Hero's Journey Cycle. The illustration below will be our reference. I simplified a graph made by Signy Wilson in order to match OSP's less rigid guide.
disclaimer: I am by no means any kind of expert. I was just fascinated when I learned about the Hero's Journey as a general trope/framework when it came to writing stories. I want to apply what I learned by breaking down the story created by Terajima Yuuji in Ace of Diamond.
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Hero: Sawamura Eijun. Captain and Ace Pitcher of middle school baseball team. He has no formal training in baseball whatsoever but was the one who gathered and convinced his friends to start a baseball club. He's the best player in their small team. Good at sports but bad at academics .
He is generally a baseball idiot and quite a naive/simple guy with a strong heart. He does not have any idea what competitive and pro baseball looks like because not only does he not have experience but also he does not watch the broadcasts on tv/radio at all.
Ordinary World of the Hero: rural town in Nagano Prefecture, where Sawamura formed a small baseball team with his childhood friends. Acording to him, as long as they all stay together they can always play baseball anywhere.
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2.1 Problem/why hero's ordinary world is going to crumble: - He lessened his chances of being scouted/accepted in a good baseball school after he btchslapped an entire opponent team and the umpires in their first and only match as middle school team in Saitama Stadium.
He also has low chance of being accepted into the high school in their area (where his friends are all going to) because he struggles with his academics a lot.
Unless he does something he won't be able to be together with his friends and/or play baseball at all.
2.2 Caller of the adventure - Takashima Rei pursues Sawamura into Nagano Prefecture in order to scout him as a sports scholar for Seido High School, a baseball powerhouse school located in the West Division of Tokyo Prefecture.
2.3 medicine/ solution to hero's crumbling world: being a sports scholar for Seido. This would solve almost all of Sawamura's highschool enrollment problem and also give him the chance to play as much baseball as he wants.
3.1 reluctance to go: Sawamura refuses to leave Nagano despite Rei's "sales pitch" to him and his family. He doesn't want to leave his friends just to play baseball in a stronger school far away because he had promised his friends that they would always stick together.
3.2 hero punished for this - his grandpa literally smacks/slaps him in being stupid and doubting his friends.!!! / technically circumstances are already punishing him for being a hotblooded baseball idiot in the first place.
3.3 do you think you have a choice - this is probably the only chance he'll get to play baseball with all his strength AND finish highschool.
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Venturing out into more competitive/pro baseball is a world beyond him. It's scary and unknown and he'd rather defeat bigger teams than leave his friends.
4.1 crossing physical threshold - Rei persuades him to at least check the school out with his own eyes. They leave Tokyo together for one visit.
4.2. crossing a metaphorical threshold - in that visit, sawamura, picks a fight with a senior who's bound for baseball drafts, works together with a nationally acclaimed catcher in defeating the senior player, thus changing his worldview because he had so much fun.
4.2. conscious and irreversible decision - Because of the experience he goes home conflicted. His family encourages him in their own way to follow his guts and heart and go to Tokyo.
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5.1 hero learns to navigate the unknown world - Sawamura learns the harsh realities of being in a baseball school once he actually starts to live there. Our boy also gets educated in Baseball and Pitching 101. He also finds out the true personality of the catcher he played with before.
5.2 meeting allies/rivals/mentors - he learns about the team better when he meets a whole bunch of people: batchmates, coaches and senpais. He builds interesting dynamics with all of them.
5.3 trials and initial failures - Sawamura undergoes difficult initial training and is barely allowed to play in matches.
5.4 meeting enemies - Sawamura being allowed to play as relief pitcher in the games and face talented pitchers and scary batters mostly in tense situations.
5.5 growth, new skills - Sawamura grows with each match, thus bolstering his confidence. Sometimes he falters but he learns from his mistakes.
5.6 first major success - striking out scary batters with each new thing he learns.
5.7 major challenge that leads to downfall - seido vs inashiro finals match where he goes in full of confidence and courage but then he and his team gets defeated in a devastating way.
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6.1 lowest point of hero where hero physically or metaphorically goes down - one month after their major defeat, a lot of intense practice matches and change in team dynamics, the team find out that Sawamura has the YIPS. This condition took away Sawamura's ability to pitch in his trademark style/ the only thing he was good at.
6.2 hero's darkest hour - without the ability to pitch, Sawamura questions his reality and why he is still on the team.
6.3 Face and overcome inner demons - with a lot of help from allies and mentors, Sawamura finds a way to bring back a bit of his ability.
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7.1 Discarding old self - In the duration of his downfall and eventual healing, Sawamura turns to books, meditation and becomes even more careful in maintaining his form and body.
7.2 Accepting the new role - instead of fixating on the ace position like before, Sawamura is just glad that he is still allowed to pitch as relief.
7.3 Finding path out of the belly of the whale/The road back - After figuring out a solution to fix his pitching, he focuses on it and regains some of his ability. Sawamura is then allowed to play in matches. Just like before, he improves little by little as he recovers from each failure. He gains fresher mindset and new weapons, thus becoming an even stronger pitcher than he ever was before.
7.4 more trials - they face new opponent schools and old but improved opponents which test the best of Sawamura and the team's ability
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every major match in ace of diamond has this part of the story but usually the most critical breather episode is the one before the final match.
8.1 show humanity of other characters - Somethng bad happens to the other mc without Sawamura knowing. This could absolutely wreck their chances of winning the final match. This shows that the other guys are not 100% invincible after all.
8.2 last chance to relax. - calm before the storm. It is also the time where they finalize sawamura's weapons.
8.3 quiet moment to reminisce - usually happens before each match. However the night before the finals was the major one because their old senpais went to visit their practice and encourage them.
9.1 Final Showdown - Sawamura helps in the team defense with the best of his ability and weapons and he succeeds. Their team eventually wins Fall Tournament even with a few setbacks.
9.2 Apotheosis - Sawamura's worldview changed once he realises that even with his improvement and skill, his goal of being the ace is still out of reach for him.
9.3 Ultimate Boon - Sawamura gets to be a pivotal member of their baseball team and can play baseball as much as he wants with his team.
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STAGE 7. ROAD OF TRIALS start again after the Fall Tournament Act 1 because Sawamura faces new challenges in Ace of Diamond Act 2.
Meiji Jingu Tournament - Play in matches without Miyuki
WInter camp and break - Intense Physical Training and development and improvement of his weapons which he will use and improve on throughout the rest of Act 2.
Spring Koshien where he realises that he has to do more in order to surpass the current ace which was Furuya.
Start of New Term/ Practice Matches - Sawamura and co. meets their new kouhai and team dynamics shift once again.
Spring Tournament / Summer Tournament - Sawamura meets old foes and new enemies. He also becomes the Ace Pitcher of the team, which adds more pressure on his part.
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This is the big and long one before Summer Tournament Finals match where injuries and problems were discussed and feelings were explored.
Final (Or most hyped and awaited rematch) Seido vs Inashiro in order to qualify for Summer Koshien Nationals.
**everything after this point will be prediction and just my opinion
STAGES 7-9 start again
Koshien Nationals Arc.
Miyuki/3rd years retirement/graduation. Sawamura and his batch will have to lead the team.
Sawamura gets to play with his team as ace pitcher.
Sawamura may become both ace and captain, same as his role back in his middle school team, albeit in a stronger school. Even if he won't be the next captain, as ace he will still be in a strong leadership position.
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That's how Ace of Diamond is written in the style of A HERO'S JOURNEY.
Act 1 writing especially followed the trope quite rigidly.
I still don't want Sawamura to be the next captain. I hope that does not happen. However if it does, it means the story will have gone back full circle. That would be quite poetic ngl.
Gotta applaud Terajima's pacing. Can you believe that the story only reached its lowest and most pivotal point at around episode 70 of the anime???? thank godt that after ep 63 I read spoilers about yips arc in tv tropes or else i would have dropped the series completely.
I had difficulty in classifying the events after the climax stage into hero's journey stages because technically sawamura has not gone "home" yet. Moreover the challenges and trials just kept on piling up after Fall Tournament.
In this whole story, Sawamura has experienced only one true "Belly of the Whale stage" during his YIPS arc. I don't think he really came to a low point in Act 2 other than his first official match as Ace Pitcher. I treated that in the same vein as the effects of Raichi's first homerun off Sawamura back in Act 1.
I realized that having stages 7-9 recur starting from Meiji Jingu to the current summer tournament is what made reading Act 2 quite frustrating for me. That's at least 5-6 arcs of endless roller coaster ride loops.
I consider Miyuki's departure to be the "CROSSING THE RETURN THRESHOLD" moment because playing with him was the major reason for Sawamura's decision to study and play in Tokyo. Something will change Sawamura when this eventually happens.
As Blue from OSP said, the Hero's Journey is just a general guide/framework to writing stories. It is flexible, writers don't even have to use it or all of its parts to make a good story. Terajima just seemed to have adopted A LOT of the hero's journey trope in his baseball series.
I wanted to add more pictures tbh but tumblr is a killjoy :(
This was a fun thought exercise. There were probably even some parts which I have used the tropes wrongly. Please feel free to dispute me.
I talked about Sawamura's mentors here (x).
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friggsdc · 4 years
Title: little delinquent pt iii
part ii | part iii | part iv
Warnings: Female!reader (bat!sis), mostly family fluff, AU, hurt/comfort, Jason’s language
Word Count: 4700~
Synop: It had Bruce and Dick sharing a look for a moment before the latter spoke up, “It’s not like I’m against continuing to expand the family, but…” he eyed the child you held nervously, “please don’t start bringing home every child you find…” he tilted his head, “he’s bad enough.” Bruce settled a light glare at his first son (that definitely wasn’t what Bruce was thinking), though Dick was stilled by the way your eyes narrowed at him instead.
“His name is Terrence,” that was all you said, brushing past as they were suddenly on guard at the inherited Wayne-scowl on your face.
A/N:  tbh I cut the last chapter in two, this is the second half ee;;;; but I rewrote it to be it’s own chapter tho haha. Hum… this doesn’t pick up exactly where the last chapter ended, but it’s still all here. c’: Also, if you wear glasses, just know grumpy ol’ Bruce would probably force contacts on you in public (he’d see them as more ‘professional,’ and glasses as a danger/hazard in the field). Glasses are for home only sighs.
Ngl I see lexcorp similar to westworld’s delos, lotsa fancy designs ee;;;; Cadmus like nasa test rooms, clinical as heck with little to no windows, and wayne ent with Alien franchise’s archaic but advanced spaceship tech, or dracula’s castle with cubicles lmao
             “Hey, Jaybird…”
Normally he knew what to expect, normally he’d open the door braced for a tackle, so when the rush of wind never came, he was at a bit of a loss. There you were, dressed like Bruce for some irritating reason. A size-too-big of a jacket, zipped up over a uselessly thin black turtleneck, a pair of black gloves, pants covering everything, and a pair of black lace-less… boots… with red… soles…?, and a suspiciously familiar-looking kid in your arms…
There was a slight guilty look on your face as you gauged his reaction, he could tell, you were nervous.
He eyed the kid something scary, his voice grounding out, “so, who do I have to murder?”
“You weren’t gone that long, you know.” Snorting, you pushed past him into the small safe house, frowning at the bareness of it all before situating Terrence on the floor mattress. “How you sleep on this thing is beyond me…” he just shrugged, “too used to it? Answer the question,” he pointed at the kid while closing the door, “who?”
“Terrence,” said child was looking around, but there was only so much that would grab his attention, as empty as the room was.
“His name is Terrence, and he’s no one else’s, he’s… mine.”
“You just said it hasn’t been that damned long—” his frustration was building; he wasn’t liking where this was going, not that you were aware which direction his head was headed at the moment, you’d just gotten here.
You shook your head, “don’t tell me you…” his anger settled into a dark scowl, but you refused to look at him, “you can’t seriously bring more kids into that fucking prison.” He was so conflicted, it was you, but you were still a Wayne. It scared him to think of more children stuck in that lonely mansion, becoming bitter like he had.
You remembered what Dick had said days earlier when he first saw the child,
“Jason—” you began, a slight warning to your tone.
He didn’t care,
“Don’t be like Bruce.”
His voice was so cold.
Terrence had crawled his way over to the legs of the table in the makeshift kitchen, eyes on a prize as he began trying to figure out how a chair worked.
“You know, that actually hurt.”
You didn’t hate your father like Jason projected, but you knew the way he spoke about him, the way he expressed his feelings, that he ‘hated’ him. It was a half-truth, you knew. Jason preferred not hurting you, next to Alfred, you were more tolerable than the other family members. 
Somedays Tim and Dick made that list. Somedays. 
But that didn’t mean he was actively trying to be kind, he wanted it to stab.
Petty. Resentful. Haunted.
He went to say more, but stopped, fists shaking slightly from anger.
You were staring him down, that same look of disappointment Bruce would give him when he made an obviously stupid decision, as if he were still a Robin in training. Like your father, you could read him like an open book when you tried, it made him feel vulnerable, guilty, small.
Fucking frustrated.
“Don’t look at me like that,” he was at a loss for words, “…shit.” He turned away from you, coming back to the moment as he tried to reign in his temper, “it’s just…”
“It’s fine.”
“No, it’s not.”
Instead of continuing to argue the point, too used to his outbursts (Alfred and your family primed you too well for dealing with the unstable emotions of others), you walked over and wrapped your arms around him, head resting on his clothed chest, “missed you, Jay.”
Almost hesitantly, his arms returned the hug, his head burying itself in your hair, “sorry…” he breathed out, almost too quiet. He was tense as you pulled back a bit, reaching up to grab his face in your gloved hands as you leaned up on your toes, pulling his head down to yours. You touched your forehead to his, making certain to be gentle, “Honestly, it’s okay Jay. I forgive you, okay?”
“Cold,” his hands cupped your (oddly chilled) gloved ones, eyes searching your face before he shifted, head nodding slightly, rubbing yours. A heavy sigh escaped him, an awkward smile forming, “so, how’s my cutest little sister been?”
Glad that he was trying to get past his guilt, you shook your head, “a roller coaster. Dad’s upset at me.”
He just snorted in amusement, relaxing a little as you continued, “And how was California? The Titans? I miss Kory…” you blinked at his flat expression, “what? You were at the Tower, right? With Kory and Roy, and the others?”
Wow you ruined the moment fast.
“Aaaand that’s where you stop being cute. I swear this family is full of creepers. I think Dick’s the only normal one,” you tilted your head as he kept his hands firmly on your shoulders. “Honestly, you and Tim are terrifying, your brother is a demon, and I don’t even want to describe Bruce.”
“Glad you didn’t include yourself in that, zomboy,” he groaned, “that’s hurtful,” then he pouted, finally getting a good look at you.
Terrence was old enough to stand on his two legs as he held onto the chair, but he kept stumbling as he moved uncertainly. His eyes were focused on his mission as he started trying to climb further up.
Something clicked in the back of Jason’s brain, sudden realization dawning, “what…” you sighed, his hand moving from your shoulder, “is this…?” You refused to meet his stare as his fingers hooked on the zipper of your jacket, “uhm…” you flushed as he pulled it down, a bright red bat in his face.
There was a sudden sparkle in his eyes.
“Huh, didn’t expect you to be that much of a fan.” You were burning from head to toe now, refusing to look at him at all, rubbing the back of your neck with a thick swallow. “That… that’s kind of the problem…”
“What, that you’re walking around with my colors?” His grin seemed disappointed, but turned a bit more concerned at the frown you leveled at him, “it… let me explain… I think I need help…”
“Definitely gonna need explanations. A lot of them.” The kid was one thing, this outfit was another. He made to sit down, and you followed, leaving Terrence to his own devices for the moment. 
It’s not like there was much trouble to get into, everything of worth or danger was out of his reach.
“What is it?”
“…Why’d you think I slept with someone? When you first saw Terrence in my arms?”
He leaned away from you, chin resting on his palm, propped up on the arm of the couch with his elbow, “I’m your brother, and he looks like… it’s… I’m supposed to get upset about that… just… answer…” he did his best to keep a straight face, but eventually he had to turn away, looking at the wall, ears burning.
“Hm…?” you leaned towards him and he didn’t have to look at you to know you had a less than innocent smile on right now.
You just laughed as you leaned into his side, causing him to crack a small smile, still not looking at you.
[“So… How to start this…”]
[“The suit, first, Terry after.”]
[“The kid. Just explaaaaain already, uuugh I have patrol in a few hours…”]
[A heavy sigh, “Okay, then... So, you know how Lex helps fund the Society’s shenanigans?”]
When it came to most places, breaking and entering was always easier at night, but for the LexCorp building? Nighttime came with problems, it came with heightened security, rigorous control, and the easy ability to spot something that was out of place. There was also your youngest brother who had filled you in on his adventures with Jon once, not a single detail of the LexCorp building having been left out; he was a thorough kid.
It was far easier to infiltrate during the day, the number of staff on the security team, the cliques of scientists and researchers, and the average workers meandering about made it easy to blend. You had donned a pair of (older prototype) smart glasses, normal from the viewer’s perspective, an integrative matrix mapping AI system from the wearer’s. Well, it could do more, but this was what you needed, the constant reconstruction of old building plans for more accuracy as you walked around.
Tim’d made some amazing things over the years, such as his matrix encryption to keep your work phone quiet, scrambling any noticeable connections that could be traceable. But this one was probably the coolest in your opinion, and he had yet to see the return of said glasses since you wouldn’t give them up, and he could never find where you’d put them. The glasses were a useful subtle change from the norm, a quick disguise, the security barely giving you a glance-over as you entered the passcode for the ID tag you wore, walking into the building.
With a slight wave from you, and a “Good Afternoon!” from them, getting in the backdoor was always the easy part. There were two more women next to you chatting in excitement and you made to stick close to them, parting only when you came upon the women’s locker rooms. The badge number Tim’d tracked down for you was useful until it wasn’t, Lex’s problem was needing levels three and above extensive background checks on anyone hired, and Tim knew exactly where to look.
[“Like I said, terrifying.”]
[“You do the same thing.”]
[“That’s a bit above my paygrade, usually I ask Tim for help when I need information from behind top-of-the-line security walls.”]
Next was invasion of personal privacy and property, and a lot of it. You’d have felt worse if it weren’t for having been raised this way, “you’ll find out that people are just that, some sick and twisted, some happy and kind-hearted, but in the end, we’re all the same. Eventually, nothing will surprise you,” your father would say.
It didn’t take long, going through a few lockers and purses, letting your glasses do most of the work. They were able to see in a three-dimensional matrix, constantly being constructed behind most any material or metal. There were plenty of lab coats in varying sizes to choose from, and you spotted one badge and wondered who the dumdum was. You had plenty of electromagnetic strips for your ID if you needed a switch, but it seemed unnecessary. Some people left their everything when they clocked out, too.
You’d secured your purse around your stomach and under your shirt, the bulge flattened at your side, tying the ends in place. It would uncomfortably dig into you, but you couldn’t leave it behind and it would only be for a short time.
No one had paid you any mind, too busy rushing to get in and out of the locker rooms, and you made to escape with a group of women in the same coats as yourself. The group and yourself came to an elevator, and you let them do all the work. One of them scanning their ID for the group, the rest blurting out the number of the floor they needed to get to, and yourself joining in. A strange calm settling as you got more into the coworker attitude.
Seventh level Research and Development wing.
[“Not his office?”]
[“I dunno, there’s probably some terrible top-secret info in there.”]
[“I mean, I was on the main R&D floor, how much more top secret can you get?”]
The entire R&D area was made up of floor to ceiling glass window dividers, a white and chromatic color scheme, and a lot of tightly sealed doors. You honestly didn’t even need the glasses to find the head researcher’s office, it was written in huge bold letters next to the dumb door on a plaque.
Weaving through a few people with their eyes busy reading clipboards and cellphones, you eyed each inch of the floor, and wondered if the other stock standard R&D floors at LexCorp were similar. No one paid you any mind as you stood in front of the group of office doors, all packed neatly in a little corner, and each leading to a different R&D office. They were mostly empty, only one occupied, most of the techbros and techgals were out and about doing work.
Again, the glasses did the decoding work for you, getting you the set of numbers you needed to enter the room. Unlike the rest of the lab, this office had less windows, though the few it did have were still large. Though they faced out rather than in, and it also wasn’t as large and as roomy as you’d have imagined. The Wayne R&D offices being waaay bigger in comparison.
Taking out two small flash drives, you shoved the sticks into the lone computer on the desk, booted it up, and just let them do their thing. Having the computer start with the flash drive, it acted as an executable program, letting it bypass any needed passcodes or security clearance for now.
One for unlocking the system, the other for information storage.
No doubt someone will notice that.
You wondered briefly if this was how the Cyborg felt, only ever having gotten to see him briefly before he utterly devastated an entire operating system. He then rebuilt it to his preferences, all in the matter of seconds. Tim had always lamented not getting to watch when you described it.
Notably, it was quite lovely how LexCorp’s researchers had everything organized in a folder subsystem so well. You were able to track down the needed information in less than a few minutes through the root directory.
Gotta be faster.
However, as you stared at the processing bar on your information download, there wasn’t a whole lot to do. Clicking the monitor’s sleep button to dim any light, you stood up and strode over to the door.
Being the lookout for a computer program was a new one.
[He snickered behind his palm as you smacked him on the shoulder.]
[“At least you got in without needing to hack anything yourself. Get dunked on, Dick, Damian.”]
[Light laughter echoed.]
Nothing had happened by the time the computer let out a small ding, indicating the download had finished. With both flash drives now pocketed, you turned to the next problem: getting out.
It really shouldn’t have been that hard, it was so stupidly easy to get in, thank you new temporary coworkers, but as you eyed the group of security detail by the elevator, you made a hard turn to the side.
Had you gone through the front doors instead of the employee entrance, you would have seen a ton of security. Through the back however, they really were only at certain check points, it’s not like just anyone could get in. So of course, there was no way they would have been able to get so far as the head office of any department.
How long had you been gone from the others? How long did you still have on Tim’s encryptions?
Oh heck.
The options were now trying to squeeze by the security, which was doubtful, they were checking everyone, or figure out a way to base jump without any gear. Neither option sounded appealing, you had no wings or grappling hooks with you, and it was still midday.
The corridor you turned into went from full on glass to a partition supporting windows, half and half, split horizontally to allow for more privacy, probably.
This was also exactly where you didn’t want to be.
Most of the rooms looked like chemistry labs, charts everywhere, huge gravity convection and forced-air ovens, and thermo-freezers that looked like they belonged in meat markets. It was almost overwhelming at how cool some of these things looked as you searched for an exit. So filled with anxiety and adrenaline as you were, you almost missed it out of the corner of your eye. It was the red shimmering of a glass bowl on your face that made you notice it, the barely-there stream of sun that caught it just right.
You wasted no time getting to work, the door just as easy as the others, passcodes, they were all passcodes. Where were the fingerprint and retina scanners? Hell, where was the facial recognition scanners? You’d come prepared for so much, so you were incredibly confused at the lax security features. But again, this wasn’t the ground floor and security clearance was stricter this far in, your badge did most of the infiltration for you.
Was your dad that paranoid that now, so were you?
[“The civi world is full of sub-par idiots.”]
[“You sound like Dami.]
[“…it’s uncanny, really, he said the same thing.”]
The room looked similar to the others, less windows, more wall, plenty of graphs and charts, but there were a few different things as well. A few of which you pocketed; the only expensive looking laptop was also grabbed straight off a table to the side of your quarry.
The most notable thing however was glaring you boldly in the face, all black and a giant red bat on the chest.
A batsuit.
[“Yeah, I’m gonna want to know why baldy even had this thing.”]
[“Tim’s going through the drives right now, Dami dropped them off…”]
Why did Lex have a batsuit? Where did he get it from, or did he help develop it? Terrence was part of all this, and what about your fa… the Batman? Why was Cadmus part of all this? Why was Lex? Were there more suits? More clo— children?
Shit shit shitshitshitshi—
To say you were freaking out a bit was an understatement.
Hearing heavy footsteps, you panicked and grabbed the garment from behind it’s glass case and took a dive behind the nearest desk. They hadn’t come in yet, they hadn’t gotten to this room, there was still time, but… still time to what?
You eyed the suit in your hands, it’s size horribly different from your own body type (but you could probably still fit it) and you decided to make a really dumb decision then and there.
You were gonna get caught regardless, might as well suit up and try to fight your way out. If you were lucky, you could get out of this without ruining your father’s reputation (or Batman’s identity.)
You began stripping behind the desk, fully intent on donning the batsuit. If nothing else, these things usually came with masks, even though you hadn’t seen a single one near it.
The moment you pulled the fabric over your legs, heels sliding effortlessly into the red soles, you watched almost in amazement as the fabric melted to your skin, reshaping to fit you. There was going to be a lot of bagginess in the suit when you wore it, a lot of tightness in weird places, too, and it had looked fitted to a larger male. So you hadn’t expected the suit to fit perfectly on purpose. It even had a built-in utility belt. Suddenly you were a bit giddy.
Again, what the hell was Lex Luthor doing?
“So freaking cool.”
The material felt almost like a second skin, there was also no sensory loss from wearing it, you could feel the floor as if you were barehanded.
You’d never thought about it before, but now you couldn’t take your mind off Dick and his skintight suit. You felt almost nude in this suit, not used to something showing everything off like it was.
Did Dick enjoy this?
Your ears burned brightly as you finished suiting up, no longer able to think about a large portion of superheroes and villains.
How could you ever face some of them again?
How could you ever look Dick in the eyes again?
“Oh no…”
Perverts. All of them.
[Loud laughter.]
[A very red face.]
You had to admit though, it was so much cooler than your heavier and bulkier recon gear. It didn’t weigh you down and the sensory adaptation was something you’d never come across before. Speaking of, reaching up, you took the glasses off to get a clear view of your surroundings and immediately regretted it.
The suit seemed to come to life on it’s own as something came out of nowhere, engulfing your head in complete darkness.
A silent scream, too terrified to let out any sound.
You about died then and there.
The suit wasn’t that cool anymore.
Without missing a beat and calming your fears of being bagged or worse, the darkness faded, and you could see your surroundings. Blinking for a moment to adjust, you tried to get your bearings on what the hell just happened, your hand gingerly coming up to feel your face.
Were you hearing things or did the suit just...?
Unfortunately, that was the exact moment the door to the room you were in opened, and you panicked. It was a dead-end room, you weren’t as good at fighting as your brothers, and the security here could be scary when hunting down an intruder.
Stupid Lex.
Without thinking, you grabbed your things now bundled up in the labcoat like a bag, slung it over your shoulder, and bolted towards one of the windows looking out.
You were so used to recon jobs that you hadn’t taken into consideration that you had none of your gear (but your brothers did this kind of stupid thing constantly, so you’d be okay, right?).
You were too caught up in the moment.
You hadn’t heard the sound, mind too blank, but the glass falling around you was enough indication of just what you had done.
Base jumping it was.
You were in a batsuit, after all. 
Falling seven stories was terrifying, but definitely brought you back to reality. Securing the makeshift bag on your back, tied around your neck, you began thinking as fast as you could. Claws? The suit had them, you had noticed, but you were too far from the building, having jumped a distance, then... The suit had a built-in utility belt, right? Maybe there was something useful in one of the —
[Servo-Motors engage…]
[Checking system function…]
[Loading protocol…]
[84 feet till impact.]
[75 feet till impact.]
“Yeah I see that.”
[71 feet till impact.]
“Thanks.” Sarcasm, “What else can you tell me other than my unfortunate demise at the hands of gravity?”
[Thrusters not online.]
[68 feet till impact.]
[Grappling gun unavailable.]
[Batarang lines unavailable.]
[67 feet till impact.]
[Retractable wings availa—]
“Yes, that one, wings, please! Wait… thrusters?” you had little time as your whole body suddenly started tumbling, a set of red wings expanding between your arms and the sides of your torso. “Shitshitsh—” and then you were gliding, your arms having spread on their own from the force of the fall. “Oh… Oh my…”
The suit was cool again, “Dang this is… nice… Like a bird or… him.” You reeeaaallllly didn’t want to chance him hearing you say his name.
You wanted to try this higher up now, in a sea of clouds… It was like floating, an almost weightless feeling taking over. The wind currents were a bit to get used to, but it wasn’t terrible, having imagined it would be worse higher up, in them dang fluffy clouds... sigh.
[23 feet till landing.]
The suit helped guide you to an area with less people, something akin to your own Gotham alleyways (to a point, Metropolis’ worst streets were like Gotham’s safest ones). The small alley that led to several businesses’ back doors was rather clean, and there weren’t many places to hide. The best you could do was a growing shadow next to an empty dumpster.
“Alright then…” you sighed aloud, hands doing their best to find any seam in the suit, and after a few minutes, your—
[Heart rate at 142bpm.]
[Heart rate rising.]
[Blood pressure at—]
“—No kidding,” you thought, mind racing, and unfortunately, there wasn’t a single seam on the suit.
Anxiety was building in your chest,
[“Wait, the suit talks?”]
[“I think it has an OS on it? I haven’t tried the cowl since…”]
[“You should.”]
“Why do you look like Nightwing?” All you did was take the clothes from Damian and began to dress yourself over the suit, not certain at all on what you could say to this situation. You’d called Damian the moment you lucked out and made the cowl… come off?, and in his eagerness to leave Jon behind, he showed up quickly.
“You will tell me,” he was sounding just like dad.
“Dami, I uhm…”
“…I won’t tell father.” he could deduce a few things this pertained to, including but not limited to the child you had brought home, and how you avoided Bruce.
You could only sigh and nod at him, resigned. You really hope this didn’t come back to bite you in the bottom.
“What are you two doing?”
The clothes you had couldn’t cover most of the suit, the clothes Damian had brought you were able to do just that. Strangely, you weren’t feeling overheated, even though you looked like you were ready for cold weather.
“Ah, Jon.”
“You look silly.”
“Nightwing? Screw that brat.”
“Please don’t speak like that…” you sighed, your head in your hands.
He just huffed in annoyance, “I wear the colors better,” he muttered, “it sounds like a lot, what's your next plan of action?”
You let yourself slump forwards as he pulled you into a side-hug, arm slung over your shoulders, “it’s this suit. I can’t get it off, and—"
You and Jason about had twin heart attacks.
Without missing another fraction of a second, the larger male was on his feet, flipping over the back of the couch ready to attack before he swore at the sight in front of him. Striding over to the table in two long steps, “What the hell, Terry.” He haphazardly picked the kid up, a red helmet falling on the table with a clang, and turned to you, “your kid just tried to kill us, you realize.”
Having slid to the ground out of need to instantly roll to the side, you stopped, staring at the smoking gun that’d been pushed off the table, lying on the floor near you. Your eyes then shifting to the hole in the safehouse’s wall, “Uhm… The safety…”
He just snorted, “I don’t always have it on.” He wasn’t great at taking care of himself, sadly. You did your best with your busy schedule and budgeted time constraints, but when he wasn’t here, he easily fell into old habits.
“Please don’t let the demon spawn near him.”
“Please keep the damned safety on your guns.”
Batman was straining so hard that it looked like he was in the middle of a fight, an obvious aura of unrest around him.
“Whoa, you gonna punch yourself in the face? Wait, wait a minute, I gotta…” Batman groaned, irritated as a red blur came into the room, jabbered on too quickly, then took his phone out and pointed it at the big bat.
“Okay, I’m recording now, do it!”
It took a moment as Batman thought, rubbing his temples.
“I trained my kids too well,” at that, Flash put his phone down, tilting his head in confusion, “and that’s… bad?” He looked up at the League’s computers in front of him, noting the blinking [[ALERT ALERT ALERT]] off to the side.
“Because,” Batman reasoned, “I have to deal with them,” he ground out, glaring at the sign of intrusion.
“Ooooh, your kids hacked into the system again, huh?” Flash let out a low whistle, clearly amused by Batman’s misfortunes. Batman did his best to ignore the red nerd, calling on Cyborg to assist him, even though he had already been on his way, noticing it moments prior.
“Family, amirite?”
Batman said nothing in response,
Tim almost got away with it.
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inosukki · 4 years
jealous, various characters.
synopsis: how your boyfriend would react to his teammates seeing you in a bikini!
includes: bokuto koutarou, kuroo tetsurou, and semi eita.
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bokuto koutarou
two words: emo mode😃
when bokuto invited you to the beach with his teammates, you were hesitant to accept
the only person you knew somewhat personally was akaashi, since you three would hangout all the time
plus, you were basically the polar opposite of bokuto, which meant that you didn’t immediately warm up to people
but he practically begged you to go and how could you say no to that cute face🥺
currently, you were sprawled out on the towel you brought for yourself and bokuto, clad in jean shorts and a t-shirt
you were sweating buckets so you decided to undress, you had a bikini underneath your clothes anyways
and the guys were playing beach volleyball, so it’s not like anyone was gonna notice... right?
well after you’d taken off your top and began to pull your shorts down your thighs, you could hear the entire team making their way over to you (as you all had set up your belongings in the same area)
quickly, you slipped off your shorts and sat criss cross on the towel
“[Y/NNNNN]!” a loud, whining voice called out
without giving you anytime to process, bokuto threw himself on top of you, causing you to fall over
“i’m thirstyyyy” he cried, pressing his face into your neck
your eyes widened at the display of affection, gently pushing him away
“idiot... you’re lucky i brought you a drink.” you teased, handing him the bottle of pocari sweat from your purse
just smile politely y’all. we’re witnessing mental illness❤️
you looked at him like🤨🤨 wondering wtf possessed him to even say that
as he sipped happily on the sports drink, hand snakes around your waist and ranting to akaashi about something you couldn’t quite catch, you observed the rest of his team sitting on their towels and gulping down their own drinks
“aaah, i forgot to bring my water and i don’t have any money...” your ears perked up at the sound of the person’s voice
you scanned the area, eyes falling upon wataru, who was empty handed. you felt bad
should i give him a drink?, you thought, mulling the idea over
it was hot and he had just played beach volleyball (which was much more tiring than regular volleyball) in the scorching sun...
it was as if your feet were moving on their own as you grabbed the bottled drink and moved away from bokuto’s grasp, not stopping until you reached your kouhai
“wataru-kun?” you mumbled quietly
his eyes trailed your exposed skin until reaching yours
you didn’t notice how the tips of his ears began to blush, or how his entire face was red
probably because yours was too... not because of him, but because that’s what happened when you talked to anyone who wasn’t in your immediate circle
you also didn’t notice how he was no longer looking into your eyes, but an area just below them
“eh... i heard you say that you forgot to bring a drink and i had an extra so... here you go!”
you extended your arm, waiting for him to accept it
you waited... and waited... and waited...
“wataru-kun?” you questioned, lowering your hand. god, did you just embarrass yourself?
it wasn’t until another first year (anahori, was it?) slapped the back of his head that he responded
“ah-thank you, [l/n]-senpai!” he blurted, grabbing the drink from your hand
you smiled, happily walking back to your seat
wait, where was bokuto?
you scanned the area to find bokuto a few feet away from his original spot, curled into himself and staring at the ocean
oh god, he was in his emo mode
“eh... akaashi? what happened to bokuto?” you whispered as to not alarm your boyfriend who could probably still here you
“wataru was staring at your chest and he got upset.” he replied in a monotonous tone
“AKAASHI!” you screeched, punching him in the shoulder. “why do you say things so bluntly? i’m going to go see if he’s ok.”
still embarrassed, you unconsciously crossed your arms
as you approached bokuto, you could practically feel the gloomy aura surrounding his form
“bokuto? are you alright?”
“i am a failure.”
“what? what do you mean?”
he turned to look at you, incredibly small and fully white eyes staring into your own
“another man was looking at my girlfriend inappropriately and i did nothing to stop it... i am a failure... you should breakup with me now.”
“man...? wataru-kun is a first year, bokuto. he’s 15. a child. and i’m sure he didn’t mean to offend me, i didn’t even notice. if he had given me any trouble i could have handled it myself.”
your words fell on deaf ears as bokuto day in silence, resembling the 😞 emoji
you reached your hands to cup his face, but he turned around dramatically
“don’t look at me, this is the face of a loser!”
ok now you were a little annoyed
you forcefully grabbed his face and turned it towards your own with such ferocity that bokuto thought he’d gotten whiplash
“BOKUTO, you’re my boyfriend. my handsome, talented, amazing, boyfriend. you’re one of the top five aces in the country. wataru-kun doesn’t even compare to someone like you. he’s just a boy, go out there and show him what a man is! how scary and powerful his captain is!”
in a flash, the dark and gloomy aura dissapeared and was replaced by bokuto’s usually energetic and friendly air
“bokuto that’s not what i meant—no!—BOKUTO!”
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kuroo tetsurou
idk how to write for him lol😹👍
but i’ll try
so background😼 you’re like the unofficial manager of nekoma
you bring everyone protein bars and sports drinks and stay after practice to help pick up stray balls and do other ~managery~ stuff
lev calls you mom (he’s secretly your favorite)
yaku listens to you when you tell him to go easy on lev
taketora worships the ground you walk on (simp🙄🙄)
you call kenma your son but he glares at you when you do😹 (😿) big sad
(idk the other characters LOL)
everyone practically begs kuroo to invite you (which he was going to do anyway bc mf loves you duh)
so when he does your just like... um ofc u utter fool
lev had already told you about it when you were helping him practice his spikes so if kuroo didn’t invite you you would have shown up unannounced
but ngl you were lowkey feeling used bc after you accepted he told you that he’d gonna need the keys to your parents’ van bc it was the only car that could fit all of you in it
whatever you’re just happy to be there😋
you sat up in the front while kuroo drove, drumming your fingers against his thigh
“hey kuroo are we there yet”
“[y/n]... just look up what’s the point of asking”
when you guys arrived you and lev ZOOMED towards the beach to see who could make it there first
he won sadly :/
everyone else joined you so you guys began setting up
they were laying their towels on the sand, dropping their bags, and taking off their shirts
kenma kept his shirt on and was just on his switch the entire time
well everyone else was changing so you should too right🤩
you took off you swimsuit cover up and tossed it aside
and just when you did you heard the sound of squelching and a weight fall onto the floor
tora’s nose was bleeding and he was twitching on the floor
when you bent down to check on him his eyes widened, refusing to make eye contact
they were making contact with something else❤️
but he immediately corrected himself and closed his eyes
he might be a simp but he’s not a perv
you looked towards kuroo who was a few feet behind you expecting him to be mad or protective or whatever
but mf was laughing
“oh god, that’s so pathetic! imagine fainting at the sight of boobs” he was dry heaving, hands on his knees as he doubled over
he didn’t give af🖕🖕 f u kuroo
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semi eita
ion know how to write for this mf either
with semi, he hadn’t thought of inviting you to the beach with his teammates
he’d assumed it was team bonding/extra practice after their loss at the hands of karasuno
when in reality it was actually just a day off to have fun and forget about volleyball even if it was just for a few hours
tendou, your best friend, was the one to invite you
“come on, [y/n]! it’ll be fun! you don’t even have to go in the ocean if you don’t want to.”
you rolled your eyes, scoffing at the suggestion
“of course i’m going in the ocean, idiot. i’m not just going to watch you all have fun.”
his mischievous red eyes lit up
“perfect! i’ll pick you up from your dorm on saturday at two. make sure your ready.”
and that was that
tendou had picked you up as promised and the two of you made your way to the beach together
the sun was relentlessly beating down on you two, so by the time you had reached your destination, you were already sweating
“ugh,” you whined in displeasure. “my skin’s already starting to feel hot. i’m just going to change here, ‘kay?”
“good idea” he responded, taking off his shirt
you stripped down to your bikini and stuffed your clothes in your bag, wiping the sweat from your forehead.
a low whistle sounded from tendou
“wow, [y/n]! look at you, semi is going to just eat you up!”
you scoffed, punching him in the stomach. even though you knew he didn’t mean it in a suggestive way, you hated when he teased you. he knew just how to push you buttons.
“i will literally kill you. now lets go meet up with the others, creep.”
he chuckled, but followed you nonetheless.
you smiled as you saw the entire shiratorizawa volleyball team sat in a circle, enjoying a picnic
“hey, you guys started eating without us?” tendou cried, rushing past you to seat himself next to ushijima
“well you’re late, you deserve it.” yamagata uttered, not taking his eyes off of his food
you walked past the team, responding to their greetings with a smile and wave before stopping behind semi, lowering yourself to wrap your arms around him
“hello, eita!” you grinned, pressing a light kiss to his temple
he immediately stiffened against the abrupt touch, softening when he recognized that it was you
“[y/n]? what are you doing here?” he was thoroughly confused, turning his whole body to you
“tendou invited me! why do you not want me here?” you pouted, placing your hands on your thighs
at the suggestion he was immediately reduced to a stuttering mess. his usually stoic attitude was replaced by nervousness and defensiveness
“o-of course not! i just assumed only the team was coming. i’m glad you’re here, promise.”
his seriousness always made you laugh, maybe that’s why you loved teasing him
“i’m just fucking with you, eita.”
his automatic response was: “oh, well then eat shit.”
LMFAOOOO there’s the guy you know and love
you were about to slide in between eita and shirabu when you felt a pair of wandering eyes to your right
shirabu was... checking you out??? HUH
he didn’t even notice you were looking at him because he was looking straight at your thighs
you weren’t even offended because this was the funniest shit you had witnessed in your life
the kid that your boyfriend hated with his entire being was literally checking you out in front of him
before you could form a sentence that would surely embarrass the setter, you heard your boyfriend screaming and lunging at shirabu
“HUH? g-get off me! what are you doing?”
what da fawk😃
you immediately grabbed eita by his arm and pulled him away from the lowerclassmen, a shocked expression adorning your face
he was practically fuming, if you were in a cartoon, steam would’ve been blowing out of his ears by now. his eyes ripped themselves from shirabu’s cowering form and were now focused on you
“you were just letting him look at you! i saw you!”
“well i was gonna tell him off before you acted like a fucking psycho... which was funny as fuck by the way.”
“it was not funny” he growled, folding his arms over his chest.
“it was too! as much as i enjoyed that, please never do it again. i can take care of myself, okay?”
he rolled his eyes but nodded nonetheless, earning a chaste kiss on the cheek
you thought that was the end of it but he stood up, grabbed your wrist, and dragged you away from his team
“we’re going somewhere private. now.”
time for the vaccum seal two handed twist gawk gawk wombo combo🥵🥵
[a/n]: this was requested and i wasn’t sure if you meant that you wanted random beachgoers to be staring at the reader so i just made a teammates do it hehe <3 WHY DID I MAKE THEM TOXIC AND WHY IS MY WRITING STYLE ALL OVER THE PLACE LMFAOO😹👍
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thekaijudude · 3 years
Ultraman Trigger October Scans
So ill just be covering the main content since like most pages of the scans are just miscellaneous stuff
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The only thing we can talk about here is that if we look at the bottom right, we see the Dark Giants standing alongside the Absolutians neutrally. Does this mean that they've teamed up?
Tho its very unlikely that the Absolutians would be staying any longer than ep 15 since they're way too strong. But considering we have GE and Trigger Dark, whom both are currently stronger than the Dark Giants, perhaps the Absolutians made a deal with them and thus granted them the same Absolutian boost after essentially recruiting them for their expanding army?
Its kinda the only way for them to still be able to fight back against the heroes without Vulthroom's involvement yet nor access to the Eternity Core
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And gosh can we talk about the lineup here?
Kyrieloid essentially got a glow up, now he looks so smooth damn
And MAN the Metsu kaiju's design really surpassed my expectations cause initially I was kinda 'meh' once we knew what they were gonna be like with the leaks but WOW, they actually look so good????
Like damn I guess its the color combinations which really strikes me as them looking kinda like an infected creature, but menacing af, especially Metsu Orga, which imo look waaay better than its original counterpart
Gosh I hope that unlike the original Ura, which was basically just a wild animal which turned good in the end, Metsu Orga actually has ill intent to harm and give us a far more interesting fight scene
And GOD I would totally buy a DX Metsu Orochi even though I already have the original cause DAMN he looking scary af yo
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Also I want to talk about the Trigger Dark hyper key cause its actually kind weird here, specifically its number
For one, the order is opposite to both the M and U Hyper Keys and its index is 10, essentially Tiga's Hyper Key which is a merch item. Not to mention it has two dots beside the 10 as well.
This means that its possible that we'll have more than 10 Hyper Keys as we had previously assumed
I suspect it'll have something to do with his rumored Clash and Vortex forms which I suppose we would see in next month's scans which I'll talk more about
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So onto Trigger Dark himself here, seeing as Ignis is attacking Trigger when he doesn't really have any bad blood with each other, I suspect that Ignis is going berserk due to Trigger Dark's own darkness which causes him to attack Trigger
And this is further evidenced by Trigger Dark taking on Metsu Orochi, which is basically an Orb reference for his 5th Anniversary as well
Tho the question is is Trigger Dark still conscious? I mean we know that Trigger is essentially a host of himself(?) but technically speaking, Ignis is a host of yet another Kengo counterpart so I wonder how that's gonna work
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Also curiously enough if we look at the Key that Ignis has in the Black Spark Lens, its the GE Key funny enough
Not sure if this is Ignis really using the GE key actually or its something just in the scans for foreshadow a fusion of GE and Trigger Dark which was something I postulated months ago
But with the recent leaks of Vulthroom, Vulthroom enhanced Carmeara and Demonozoa Carmeara Eternity, for Trigger to fuse both his GE and Dark forms together seems more and more likely to keep up with the increasing power scale
Its either that or Glitter form which ngl I prefer the former
Man as expected, the Trigger series is really kicking into high gear in the second half finally
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jrueships · 3 years
I don’t want to judge…. but are you trying to tell us that your newest ship is…. Rolo??? …. and…. KRIS DUNN????
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aLSO WHY DO U SOUND MORE SURPRISED ABOUT DUN THAN KRIS HeLP??????? IM KIDDIN OF COURSE BUT LIKE- OKAY- listEN. it's not like- FINAL final (none of my insane rarepairs are of course like if marcus gets a fr on same team bf I won't be upset LOL all my rarepairs are just basically 'i like this player and this player so... what if.. boyfriends??') But LIKE... im still... CONSIDERING... CLOSELY- ... tho kris and lauri sounds cute too ngl their finnish speaking video (that had Greek music in the bg...) was funny!!
But i just think that
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THIS is VERY interesting to me... and im always a sucker for more height difference relationships .... the way Kris doesn't even try stepping AWAY from Robin to smack trae??? He smacks him like he's hiding behind rolo???? Almost like a little kid cowering behind a teacher and only feeling confident enough to hold up a middle finger to his bully because he's got the teacher on his side now??? And the way rolo instantly wraps an arm around kris???????? ITS CUTE LISTEN.LISTEN-
But like??? Personality-wise (the main reason behind my rarepair madness) .. i just REALLY like two stubborn people in a relationship constantly trying to prove the other soft and then inadvertently falling in love with each other because of it.
I'm no astrology ho but APPARENTLY rolo's zodiac is Aries sun LIBRA moon like WOW. So he's like.. I DUNNO... baby... He's a team player but he also wants independence??? So he WANTS to be Different and stand out but hes just so Kind and complementary that he can't help But just fall in the flow??? Which he doesn't really want???? Which makes sense! He wants to be this big scary weird.. caveman and some THINK he is on the surface but really he's just a Disney loving NERD who LOVES superheroes!!!
And Kris is like.. Basically he's kinda eccentric and self-absorbed not in a prideful sense but he's just in his head alot ??? His personality can go from rigid and prickly to charming and open in like. A second. He's just weird like in the picture??? He'll high-five lopez and then remember that trae kinda elbowed him and just go attack mode without thinking twice ??? and it's surprising and that one action makes people think he's just some hot-tempered aggravator but two seconds later he's chill again???
IDK they're both so INTERESTING to me .. I feel like they both can help each other a lot ??? With their personalities ????? but in a fun to write way LOL. Dunn probably challenges rolo's tough guyness a lot; consequently, helping to bring out more of Rolo's soft side. And Rolo can understand Dunn's shifting nature, but also help keep him grounded a bit and out of trouble ?? BUT THEY DO IT THRU LIKE.. arguing and teasing and butting heads a bit because they both kinda pride themselves on being 'fierce'... and then later they resolve things and talk about them.... IDK IDK THIS MAKES SENSE TO ME IN MY HEAD- i KNOW rolo is... kinda ugly and Dunn is essentially 'dunn' (done) in the nba BUT LIKE. LISTEN- THEY THEM... GAY IDIOTS WHO CALL EACH OTHER IDIOTS BUT KNOW THE OTHER IS ACTUALLY REALLY SMART AND IS WILLING TO VOUCH TO THAT FACT ????? LISTENLISTEN.... there is just something ABOUT unexpected relationships ..... that goes BEYOND 'this one is nice and this once is not' like their relationship is COMPLICATED and WEIRD and they don't really know HOW or WHEN it started but it started and they just can't get off it !!!!!!
AND JUST IMAGINE THEM GOING ON A DISNEYLAND DATE ???? THEM B O T H TRYING TO SPIN THE HINGES OFF THE TEACUP RIDE ????? rolo convincing kris to lightsaber fight with him?? Dunn originally being like 'ugh this is so dorky dude' but it's only a short sigh to keep his dignity and he can't help But be charmed by rolo's infectious excitement AND by his OWN excitement ?? so they DUEL and it starts playful until dunn smacks rolo a little Too hard on the arm and then it gets SERIOUS. Idk they probably end up getting kicked out for scaring the children lol. Dunn has bruises and rolo has bloodied scratches. No more lightsaber fighting today :(
Rolo wants to buy a life sized stupid.. expensive soemthin idk like thanos cardboard cut out which Dunn says no to. Then Dunn goes and buys a ton of expensive ass weird candy so rolo rebels and buys the cardboard cut out anyways lol. When they get to the tram train whatever way home, rolo sleeps on dunn's lap using the thanos cutout as a blanket. Dunn keeps waking him up and giving him a concussion because he won't stop bouncing his leg tho from the sugar high. OVERALL... the date is went. It went. Yeah
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imo-chan-imagines · 4 years
『 Haikyuu!! Week 2020 | Day 7 』
· Oct. 1st → Fly! ·
Characters: (teams) Karasuno, Nekoma, Fukurodani, Aoba Johsai, Shiratorizawa, (indiv.) Miya Atsumu, Miya Osamu, Aone Takanobu
Prompts: A. free choice!
Tags/warnings: Haikyuu!! (anime), Among Us (video game), PG, fluff, crack, video games, video game violence/death, headcanons, HaikyuuWeek2020
A/N: Among Us is a bit of a hot meme at the moment (great game. Go and play it/watch other people play it if you can. Get a feel for the game if you somehow haven't already.) So I thought, 'Hey, why not?' I mean, I do need to heal my heart after my Day 6 post, so...
What an amazing week it's been! Well done, everyone! All of my Haikyuu Week 2020 posts are SFW, but there's a little treasure trove of NSFW on my blog, too. Please peruse to your heart's content. Thanks for reading! Please enjoy! ♡
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Haikyuu boys / playing Among Us
☆ Karasuno ☆
Literally the loudest games you'll ever witness
You know that grainy, electronic crackle that happens when everybody yells on Discord at the same time? Yeah. That
Kageyama can't lie for shit. It's so obvious when he's lying that it's a genuine miracle if he doesn't immediately get ejected
And he stands in all the wrong places when he's faking doing his tasks 😭😭
But he sounds super suspicious when he's telling the truth, too 😅
Noya and Tanaka buddy up no matter what, and go around trying to clear or murder people together
They also end up fuelling each other's incorrect assumptions
Asahi is way too timid to murder anyone right away, so if nobody dies in the first two rounds, you know it's him or someone trying to frame him...
Daichi is the host and tries to keep order in the lobby...tries someone help him
Hinata: Guys, please stop swearing! Natsu is watching me play!! waahhh 🙈 so cute 😇
Hinata always has to be orange. Don't touch his orange
Ennoshita is the king of self-reporting and getting away with it it just be like that
Kageyama goes around called 'Milk' 🥛
Tsukki tries to big-brain the shit out of it 🤣
He's also hella manipulative as an imposter and refuses to kill Yamaguchi 😭
Suga likes to take out the oxygen/recator and lie in wait for the people who come to fix it he will giggle adorably when it ends up working, which sounds kinda pshyco, ngl 😂
But totally screams at his screen when someone he suspected sneaks up on him and kills him
Yamaguchi low-key prefers the mini games to the actual game 😭😭
And Yachi loves being pink and wearing the little flower in her hair ngl, she nearly fainted the first time she got killed
She doesn't play with them often because it's so loud 😬
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☆ Nekoma ☆
Kenma streams the gaming sessions on Twitch, and now they kind of have a cult following 🤷‍♀️
These fans be thirsting hard, too like us
Check out my smut headcanons, y'all 🙌
Kuroo is the closest to a genius player you're ever going to see
He does his tasks fairly efficiently, he's good at remembering layouts and people's movements, he calculates the timings of his kills with terrifying accuracy, defends himself pretty well, whether he's lying or not, can gaslight the entire lobby into sussing an innocent person, and pieces together other people's lies with surprising ease
Do not cross Kuroo. He's scary at this game. He's not the Scheming Captain for nothing, y'all
Lev is the kind of person to vent right in front of someone by accident, which is so awkward, but so funny 😂
The entire team must wear the bear ears hat. Yes, that is a rule
It's the closest to cat ears they have right now....
Kenma is pretty quiet when he's playing. He doesn't normally play online games, but his streams took off on Twitch, sooo~
Kenma also has radar ears and can somehow detect when people are lying, but waits until he has proof to accuse them he smart 🤓
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☆ Fukurodani ☆
'Whoever Talks the Loudest is Right' mentality 😂
And Bokuto will defend himself at the volume of an air raid siren
Akaashi stays as quiet as possible so he doesn't give anything away
When Bokuto starts sussing people, it turns into something out of Ace Attorney like, chill tf out, man 😂
But his guesses are normally completely wrong
Akaashi sets good parameters for the games, because he's sensible
If Bokuto is given the chance to host the lobby....he will set one task each, put everyone at 4x speed, give the imposter zero cooldown time, and sit back and watch the chaos
Whenever somebody doesn't have an absolutely airtight alibi–
Bokuto: That's hella sus, bro
Lots of childish nicknames, because...well, they're all mentally six years old
Except Akaashi, who has a higher mental age than all of them combined
Let me just say that when Bokuto and Kuroo play together, shit gets so funny
When one of them is an imposter, they will literally vent in front of the other one and trust them not to out them 😂😂
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☆ Aoba Johsai ☆
Iwa-chan can always tell when Oikawa is lying, and constantly calls him out on it
Iwa: That's his lying voice. Shitty-kawa is lying. He's the imposter. Vote him off
Because Iwa's right about Oikawa when he is the imposter, it makes it easy to frame him when it's actually Iwa who's the imposter
And no-one believes Tooru 😭😭
Kyoutani has no chill as an imposter
He just murders everyone on sight, right in front of people, too
Kindaichi tends to accuse people with very little evidence, but his instincts are weirdly accurate
Oikawa gets killed almost immediately every game, so if he isn't dead two emergency meetings in, he's 100% an imposter 😭😭
He then goes around as a salty ghost when he's killed off, mumbling to himself about injustice as he refuses to do his tasks and watches the people who voted him off get murdered one by one
Not that anyone's holding a grudge 🙄😂
Oikawa refuses to be purple and always kills whoever is purple first because it reminds him of Ushijima 😭😭
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☆ Shiratorizawa ☆
Ushijima refuses to play if he can't be purple give it back. N O W
And it takes him a long time to get used to the game and the rules
'Why are the lights off? What are these tasks? Why is that one flashing at me? Where is med bay? Why can I use this vent? What's this big, red button for?' etc.
You get the idea. Toshi = big noob
He doesn't really understand the concept of lying, either...
He keeps forgetting to mute himself and ends up saying some very incriminating stuff over the mic which has everyone in literal tears from laughter
Tendou is a sneaky S.O.B, using those vents like a pro and gaslighting perfectly innocent people he's a little bloodthirsty, too 🤫
And his initial guesses about who's the imposter are almost always 100% correct Guess Monster, y'all
Goshiki goes around trying to clear people by watching them doing their tasks, especially Ushijima
But then he gets called suspicious for hanging around people too much
The first time an emergency meeting was ever called, Ushijima literally asked "Why is my name in red?" much to everyone's amusement
Everyone's scared of Ushijima when he follows them, but it normally turns out that he just doesn't know where he's going
Shirabu tends to lose his shit when people start accusing him and he's innocent, and will never EVER trust a word that comes out of Goshiki's mouth
Speaking of, Goshiki and Shirabu – boy, do they bicker like eight year-olds, wasting entire voting rounds just arguing with each other 🙄😭
So everyone else decides to vote off one, and then the other at the next meeting 😭😭
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☆ The Miya twins ☆
Atsumu puts 100% trust in Osamu not to kill him, even if he is the imposter
How could he? He's his brother. His twin. His other half. They share a unique bond–
And then he screams in betrayal when Osamu slaughters him mercilessly 😂😂
Osamu is unaffected by the sudden outburst from his brother's room
Put them together as an imposter duo, though, and you're in for some trouble
They often win by executing a perfect double kill
And they're both pretty good at lying, but Osamu will not hesitate to throw Atsumu under the bus and vote him off if he's being too suspicious or the lobby has turned against him 😂
Ah, the bond of brotherhood 😂
☆ Aone Takanobu ☆
Aone doesn't talk very much
But when he does, his voice is so low and even that nobody ever suspects he's the imposter
I'm thinking like Corpse Husband, if you've seen him playing with Pewds and the gang
It doesn't really occur to people that he could be lying. He seems so trustworthy and honest
Finds it very hard to blame anyone else, though
Is fairly decent as doing his tasks as a crewmate, but it takes him a long time to remember the layouts of the ships
Almost never gets voted off the ship
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© imo-chan-imagines 2020
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beanst0ck · 4 years
omg bby ur requests are open!! yesss i missed ur writing sm can i request some hcs for ukai w a latina s/o?? like she has tanned skin & sum curves and how the karasuno meets her? love u girl <3
i don’t write for ukai but you said tsukishima was ok so i hope you like it 👉👈
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whether you’re a new student, transfer student, or whatever, tsukishima probably isn’t gonna notice you at first, sorry :p
don’t get salty tho, i said at first
when he does catch glimpses of you around school, cause let’s face it you’re probably gonna stick out, he’s gonna ask yamaguchi about you
“oh (y/n)? she’s new here, i think she arrived about a week ago.”
tsukishima was kinda shocked that it took him that long to notice you, but he went back to doing his thing
i don’t see him actually going up and talking to you, so let’s say that you two end up working together as partners for a group project
that way he HAS to talk to you and he’ll see just how wonderful you really are, cause let’s face it, you’re wonderful! if anyone disagrees istg ill throw hands
surprise surprise, you two got into a relationship, congrats you lucky son of a-
you don’t know what you love about him.. maybe it’s his sarcastic personality? maybe it’s his height? is it the fact that he’s on the volleyball team? the world may never know let’s be honest who doesn’t love him
tsukishima finds you and your culture very intriguing!
he’ll probably straight up ask you about it too, he’s not gonna tell you why, but it’s pretty obvious it’s because he cares and wants to know more about you :’)
he’ll also do some research!! bc he wants to impress you with how much he knows 😼
teach him your language pls pls pls
if you start talking in another language he’s gonna ask you for a translation
“hm? what does that mean? ahh ok”
totally isn’t taking notes nope no sir
he’ll probably pick up some things from you curse words and use the phrases when he’s yelling at hinata and kageyama bonding with his teammates! such a nice guy
oh the music
he’s definitely gonna wanna know about your music
make a playlist consisting of famous songs from where you’re from and send it to him, trust me, he’ll love you forever
in return he’ll also make you a playlist from some songs he likes :) that’s when you know he’s in deep
if you’re skin is lighter or darker, he’s gonna love you either way, he doesn’t care about looks a king yes we stan ✊
what he’s gonna care about is if you can handle his salty ass attitude
but, if you don’t love how you look, when you’re cuddling and napping together he’s gonna trace your features with his finger and mumble how beautiful you look and how much he loves you 👉👈
you two decide not to go bragging to the whole school just yet that the two of you are together
but tsukishima is so tempted to do just that because he doesn’t like how other people at school look at you
he’s really tempted to grab you by the waist and kiss you infront of everyone to show them that there’s no way in hell they have a chance with you
but he doesn’t because he knows people would ask questions and he would find that extremely annoying yamaguchi knows tho, best friend rights
bby gets a little a lot jelly heuheu
so that means that the volleyball team doesn’t know you’re together
and it’s no surprise that tanaka and nishinoya have noticed you walking around school
one day when he entered the gym to practice, he heard tanaka and nishinoya talking about a new girl
they always do that so he ignored them, until he heard your name
“i swear man, have you SEEN (y/n)?”
“of course ive seen her! ive also seen her coming to our games👁👁”
tsukishima was not happy to find out they were talking about you, but he kept his composure
that is until they commented on how pretty and curvy they thought you were
“it’s not like she’ll pay attention to you guys, she’s already with someone.”
when i tell you nishinoya and tanaka went “what👁👄👁”
shit tsukishima immediately regretted saying anything at all because now they were bombarding him with questions about you
tsukishima thought he could’ve avoided their questions until yamaGUCCI spoke up
“that’s because (y/n)’s dating tsu-”
crap and he immediately shut up once he felt tsukishima’s glare on him, he had forgotten that it was supposed to be a secret
tsukishima hoped that tanaka and nishinoya didn’t hear yams, but they did
and OH BOY, they were so happy that their tsukishima had finally found someone
so happy in fact, they wanted to meet you! like, right now-
it went on for a couple of days, every time at practice the team would ask about you
how you were doing, if you were eating well, all that good stuff
now, you already knew tsukishima was on the volleyball team as mentioned before, you’ve gone to their games before but when he told you his team wanted to meet you, you were excited!
you asked to meet his friends and when tsukishima saw your exited face, he couldn’t say no he has a soft spot for you
so you walked with him and yamaguchi to practice and you were kind of nervous
you’ve seen how serious they could be on the court especially that little orange speedy gonzales and ngl, they were kind of scary
yamaguchi reassured you tho, telling you that they were all nice and friendly and that they couldn’t hurt a fly
meanwhile tsukishima was scoffing and calling them all idiots, telling you that there’s nothing to be worried about with them if any of them hurt you they would not live to see tomorrow
when you guys arrived at the gym you saw that they were all waiting for you at the door, literally
kinda felt weird having so many eyes on you, but you couldn’t begin to imagine how they must’ve felt during a game
the whole team was ✨mesmerized✨
they wondered why the hec you chose tsukishima out of all people
like, YOU ARE YOU, so pretty, amazing, wonderful— how did the salt shaker manage to catch your interest?
everyone was especially interested in your culture! they asked you questions a translation to what tsukishima would tell them during practice and you would happily answer all of them!
they wanted to know about your language, food, music, etc
you felt so appreciated :’)
you vibed really well with yachi and kiyoko, they were so nice and beautiful now you guys are best friends
you we’re happily chatting amongst his teammates and tsukishima was lowkey getting jealous he’s used to you giving him most of your attention ok??
daichi and sugawara noticed and told the boys to back off and get back to practice
you observed them and realized that tsukishima’s teammates were really nice people, dedicated and determined
when practice was over they all waved to you and tsukishima goodbye, telling you that you should visit them more often
on your walk home you noticed that tsukishima was a little jealous, so you gently intertwined your fingers with his
“as much as i love your teammates, i love you more :)”
you’re gonna make tsukishima bust an uwu lmao he’s so in love with you, but he won’t say it outloud yet
so instead, he squeezes your hand a little tighter and gives your forehead a little kith, hoping that you’ll realize he’ll love you no matter where you come from
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haikyuu mlist
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