#[[dark pink rose: gratitude]]
graviconscientia · 4 months
Zinnia. Dark pink rose. Common Hollyhock. Blue daisy.
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sarahs-library · 8 months
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In which an unfortunate turn of events leads to Azriel forgetting his very pregnant mate.
Words: 2541
A/N - Hi everyone, this is my first foray into publishing work online and like everyone else I am preparing for CC3 by re-reading all of SJM's work. I've been inspired by all the lovely Azriel/Reader pieces I've seen on tumblr as of late and have decided to contribute my own.
Part Two ☪ Part Three
Forgotten Universe: Pretty Eyes
Heavy waves of unconsciousness threatened to drag Azriel further, deeper into the abyss. The roaring in his ears drowned out rational thought. Tongue dragging against the roof of his dry mouth he reached out for something to anchor him, carting his hands through silk sheets. His skin burned.
“Azriel?” Elain’s sweet voice floated through the darkness. Azriel fought against the fatigue to open his eyes. The brightness strained and he tried to focus. Light filtered through the window, highlighting beautiful features and the golden hues of her hair. She leaned forward, taking a pitcher of water from the bedside table to fill a glass, holding it up to his lips so he could drink. A small smile quirked the corner of his mouth in gratitude and he worked his dry lips around the rim. One hand came up to support the glass, holding it over Elain’s own, an excuse to feel her smooth sun-kissed skin.
He hadn’t seen her since the disaster of the almost kiss and his words, ‘this was a mistake’, had haunted him endlessly in his sleepless nights. The regret hadn’t stopped the images that plagued him. How she would look underneath him, or riding him, the faces she’d make as he brought her pleasure, the sweet songs she’d sing for him as she climaxed. Even Rhy’s warning hadn’t been able to tame the desire he felt for the middle Archeron sister; in his half delirious state he was content to take advantage of the closeness the opportunity offered. His eyes roamed her face, following the tantalizingly exposed skin of her neck down to where the bust of her pale pink gown hid her breasts from his view.
Satiated, he pulled his head away and managed to croak out a small word of thanks. Elain’s brows furrowed as she searched his face for something, finding it lacking.
“We’ve all been so worried about you.” Azriel frowned, finding it difficult to care about anything other than admiring her beauty in the light provided by the rising sun. He made a noncommittal sound in the back of his throat and traced the delicate bones of her wrist under his fingers where his large hand still dwarfed hers. She pulled back, placing the glass on the bedside table and he felt words of protest trying to break free. Come back he thought, his appetite to feel more of her supple skin under his own ignited.
Contentment rose in him as she leaned closer once more, this time placing the back of her hand against his forehead. Perspiration clung between their skin; Azriel resisted closing his eyes and basking in the warmth erupting in his chest. Memories of his mother flooded back, in a daze he felt himself being carried through the few times in his childhood when she’d been able to care for him as he had yearned for. This position brought Elain even closer to him, affording him a delightful view of what lay beneath the top of her dress with a downward cast of his eyes. He soaked in where the tan from her time in the gardens morphed into untouched alabaster and ruminated on how it would taste under his tongue.
“You’re still burning up, I’ll send for Madja.”
“No,” he reached to grasp her hand as she pulled back. “Stay.”
 Elain worried her plump bottom lip between her teeth as she fixed her rich chestnut eyes on his face. Azriel couldn’t draw his gaze away from how the baby-soft skin looked trapped under her incisor, imagining how it would feel under his own. He watched as her eyes lost focus, she seemed to stare straight through him. He knew the look; could recognise the blankness imposed by communicating with daemati. Which meant that Rhys would be coming soon.
He sighed, perturbed by the impending interruption. He reached for his shadows, hoping that they would at least give him some advanced warning but found them missing. Frowning he tried to sit forward, tearing his eyes from Elain’s face he scanned the room. His room, at the House of Wind. All the times he'd dreamed of her in here with him, what they would do, he'd never quite imagined it like this.
“What happened?” He still clutched at Elain’s hand but lowered it to rest against his thighs. His chest was exposed, naked and flushed with fever. The muscles in his wings protested as he moved to unfurl them slightly and he drew in a sharp breath through his teeth. Such a small motion, but it brought the catalogue of pain to the forefront of his mind through the haze.
The dark silk sheets pooled at his waist and rubbed against the stark whiteness of clean cotton bandages. He could feel where the membranes connecting the sinewy muscle and delicate bones of his wings pulled tighter in places over almost healed wounds. The room smelt of antiseptic; underneath his own scent was stale as though he hadn’t stayed there in a long time.
“I don’t know all of the details, you’ll have to speak to Rhys and Feyre.” Elain seemed to falter under the intensity of his gaze. “You arrived a few nights ago, winnowed to the River House poisoned and half-dead. Madja’s been working on you for days.”
"You've been here all this time?"
He leaned closer to her, his chest warming at the thought that perhaps he hadn't destroyed this, not like everything else he seemed to touch. Elain was frozen under his graze, eyes wide and lips parted. He drew closer, inhaling the scent of jasmine and honey, unable to resist her magnetism.
"Oh." She started and moved back in her chair, putting distance between him and his advances. "No, I arrived about half an hour ago. Y/N needed to get some rest." Her face seemed to implore him to do something and his thoughts were drawn to the failed kiss at solstice. Perhaps this was a gift from the mother Azriel reasoned. An opportunity to do everything over.
His eyes fixed on hers and an unfamiliar sensation bloomed in his chest. Azriel frowned as he felt a tug, it seemed to come from inside his ribcage. He brought his free hand, the one that was still clutching at Elain's, to rub at the skin over his heart. Confused he trailed his eyes down Elain's face to look at the skin his scarred fingers danced over.
He started as he saw it, the thread of pure gold. He reached in a tugged, feeling the answering wave of love and relief. If Azriel felt like he was drowning earlier it was nothing compared to the joy and elation that threatened to swallow him whole. His eyes burned as tears brimmed.
"Elain," he breathed. "I can't believe..." He trailed off, fixing her with a gaze of awe. If he wasn't still suffering from the lingering sluggishness perhaps he would have taken more stock of her confused stare. His hand stilled against his chest and he continued to stare at her. Whatever permission he was looking for, he thought he found in her gaze.
He reached up to caress her neck, following the delicate arch upwards to tangle his long fingers into her curls. His other hand dropped hers to cradle her cheek.
"Azriel." Elain tried to move back further in her chair to escape his wandering hands but found no further retreat against the back of the hardwood. Azriel followed her, shifting forward on the bed so only a few inches separated their faces. His breath mingled with hers.
Taking a deep breath he closed the distance between their lips, fire pooling in his gut with anticipation of finally getting to taste her like he had dreamed of. Claiming her full bottom lip between his own he revelled in the sweetness of her mouth. He pressed harder, her soft lips yielding against his own as he moved to deepen the kiss by tracing his tongue over the swell of her bottom lip. Elain softened in his arms and her fisted hands moved up to rest against his bare chest, not pulling him close but not pushing him away either.
He pulled back slightly, her doe-eyes meeting his firey gaze as he smiled contently at her. His left hand was tangled in the roots of her hair exposing the delicate skin of her ear which he moved to trace with his nose. His breath grazed the supple skin of her neck and his lips danced over the skin of her neck.
"Azriel, wait." Elain seemed to be roused by his actions, opening her hands to press her palms against the plain of his chest. He paused his movement against her throat, inhaling more of her scent deeply as he began to pull back.
The voice was unfamiliar, husky and choked, holding back emotion. Hurt bloomed through Azriel's chest and it startled him away from Elain. Anger rose within him at this stranger's interruption, at the hurt they'd caused Elain. Elain who was his mate. His lips pulled away from his teeth in a snarl, driven by instinct. His eyes moved towards the doorway. He felt naked, at a disadvantage without the shadows that had followed him for most of his life, always whispering, always alerting him to the movement of others.
His eyes fixed on the feminine figure in the doorway, taking a cursory gaze over the long golden hair that pooled to her shoulders. She wore night court attire, loose-fitting dark trousers, and a thin-strapped top that hugged the top of her form and flowed out over the obvious swell of her abdomen. The trousers cut off at the calves and a swirl of shadows danced around her feet. Azriel started. They were his shadows.
Elain jumped to her feet, the wooden chair pulled up beside the bed hit the carpeted floor with a thud as she made to move away from Azriel. His hands moved to grab her, to pull her behind him as he struggled to his feet, to protect her from this thief that had infiltrated his home.
"Y/N...This isn't...We weren't, it was..."Elain trailed off, seeming to be at a loss for how to continue. Azriel, now upright but still unsteady, staggered forward a few steps to place himself in between the stranger and Elain.
"Who are you?" He demanded. Elain obviously knew this woman. His mind spun, thoughts still heavy from the lingering fever as he tried to piece the information together. He gestured at the floor, a signal for his shadows to return. Some of them peeled away from winding up the calves of this stranger and slithered towards him across the floor. He took comfort in the familiar cool trail left as they crawled up his legs and chest, curling around his ear to report to him.
Safe, they whispered. Safe as you instructed. Azriel frowned, clearly they were mistaken. He fixed his eyes on the female again, drawn to her face. Chartreuse eyes, lined with tears and framed with long lashes and dark charcoal, stared back at him. They weren't fae he realised, they possessed the otherworldly quality he'd only seen when looking at Amren. There was a deep sense of other about this female that heightened his feelings of unease, coupled with the rogue shadows that flaunted his command and stayed at her feet like loyal guard dogs Azriel automatically grazed his thigh looking for the reassurance of the heavy weight of truth-teller. He found none.
Elain was speaking again, trying to move forward past him, and this time he successfully caught her arm, gently angling her away from the infiltrator to shield her with his body once more. The female's gaze moved from his face to fix where his hand remained on Elain's bicep, rucking up the delicate pale pink fabric as he gripped it with his scarred fingers. Her eyes widened more, Azriel studied as her pouted bottom lip began to tremble and the tears began to spill down her face. She took a step back from where she stood in the open doorway, retreating into the hallway. Azriel was torn between the instinct to follow, to press the advantage he'd unwittingly gained and staying to protect Elain.
Elain who was violently shrugged herself out of his grip, whirling to face him her face filled with anger he'd never seen on her delicate features before.
"What in the cauldron are you doing?" Elain's teeth were bared, her chestnut eyes blazed as she gestured at him widely as she continued. "Have you lost your mind?"
Azriel, surprised at her sudden anger, felt a deep sense of unease that he'd misjudged the situation somehow. His mind whirled, this wasn't how this was supposed to go. He was so used to having the upper hand, having all the information, that without it he was lost for words. Elain continued to back away from him and his eyes darted from her to the doorway which now stood empty, no signs of the mysterious female remained. Azriel's eyes fixed again on Elain's face as they stared at each other. He tugged at the cord in his chest, hoping to receive a response, some kind of assurance that he hadn't imagined it.
A deep sense of betrayal coursed back through the bond, anger mingled with hurt, the sensation was so strong that it almost brought Azriel to his knees. As quickly as the sensation came it stopped, the thread no longer sung and Azriel tried to follow it to the source. A source, he realised flinching, that didn't end with Elain but seemed to trail off and lead elsewhere.
The clap as a pair of powerful wings moved through the air was the only warning as seconds later Rhys landed on the balcony. The doors flew open on a wave of darkness as he sauntered into the room, violet eyes scanning the scene. A dark brow crooked as he took in Elain's rage and his brother half-naked, still flush with fever his shadows swirling in agitation.
"What happened? Azriel, should you be out of bed? Where's Madja?" He addressed his brother first, but his eyes drifted to Elain as he cocked his head for the answer to the second question. Elain took a deep breath and seemed to steady herself, before closing her eyes - an obvious invitation, she wanted to show Rhys. Azriel decided that she could show him whatever she wanted. The more pressing issue, the unknown female, would have to take priority over whatever punishment the High Lord wanted to concoct over Azriel's blatant disregard for his orders.
"Rhys, the stranger - you have to find her. I don't know how she got in. I woke without my shadows and they were with her, she took them."
Rhy's eyes moved between him and Elain as he seemed to piece together the course of events. He took a step forward, raising his hands in a gesture of surrender as Azriel bristled.
"Az." His voice was low, comforting, like he was trying to soothe a cornered predator. "Everything is okay, why don't you take a seat. Feyre's on her way, I think we need to talk."
A/N I'm hoping to start working on Part 2 asap but not sure how long it will take, I have so many ideas for this and committing to them is so hard
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witchboxco · 3 months
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Ostara Altar Ideas & Correspondences
Ostara, also known as the Vernal Equinox, marks the balance between light and dark, symbolizing renewal, fertility, and the awakening of the Earth from its winter slumber.
Ostara Correspondences
Symbols: Eggs, rabbits, spring flowers, seeds, and chicks.
Colors: Pastel shades such as green, yellow, pink, and light blue.
Crystals: Aquamarine, rose quartz, moonstone, and clear quartz.
Plants: Daffodils, tulips, crocuses, and other early spring ephemerals.
Herbs: Jasmine, honeysuckle, and vervain.
Foods: Fresh fruits, leafy greens, eggs, honey, and sprouts.
Altar Decorations
Spring Flowers: Adorn your altar with fresh flowers like daffodils, tulips, or cherry blossoms to symbolize the awakening of nature.
Eggs: Decorate eggs with natural dyes or paint them with symbols of fertility and growth. Arrange them in a nest or basket on your altar.
Rabbits and Chicks: Incorporate small figurines or images of rabbits and chicks to represent the fertility of the season.
Symbols of Balance: Place representations of balance, such as scales or yin-yang symbols, to honor the equilibrium of light and dark during the equinox.
Spring Incense: Burn incense blends featuring floral scents like jasmine or lavender to evoke the essence of spring.
Altar Cloth: Use a pastel-colored cloth as the base for your altar to reflect the hues of the season.
Candles: Light candles in colors associated with Ostara, such as yellow or light green, to welcome the return of the sun.
Seeds and Soil: Display small pots of soil or bowls of seeds to symbolize the potential for growth and new beginnings.
Divination Tools: Incorporate divination tools like tarot cards or runes to seek guidance and insight for the season of growth ahead.
Offerings: Leave offerings of fresh fruits, flowers, honey, or bread as a gesture of gratitude to the Earth for its abundance.
As you prepare your altar for Ostara, infuse it with your intentions for renewal, growth, and the blossoming of new opportunities. May you find warmth in the returning sun. <3
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thecupidwitch · 2 months
Planetary Magick🌙
Zodiac: Leo
Metal: Gold
Day: Sunday
Colors: organge, yellow, amber
Stones: Amber, topaz, ruby, diamond
Tarot: The Sun
Herbs: Angelica, poppy, sunflower, marigold, hibiscus, mistletoe
Symbols: lion, hexagram, sparrow hawk, dragon, head, heart, swan
Influences: renown, potency, fortune, tyranny, pride, ambition, masculinity, arrogance, bigotry, vitality, health
Zodiac: cancer
Metal: sliver
Day: Monday
Colors: blue, sliver
Stones: moonstone, pearl
Tarot: The High Priestess, The Chariot
Herbs: eucalyptus, coconut, jasmine, lotus, myrrh, sandalwood
Symbols: bow and arrow, crab, cat, turtle, Sphinx, owl
Influences: gradtitufe, friendliness, safe, travel, physical health, wealth, protection for enemies, deception, illusion, women, emotions, healing, dreams
Zodiac: Virgo, Gemini
Metal: aluminum, Mercury
Day: Wednesday
Colors: violet, gray, purple, indigo, yellow
Stones: opal agate
Tarot: The Lovers
Herbs: hyssop, juniper, betony, carrot, chickweed
Symbols: wand, octagram, the mind
Influences: good fortune, gratitude, gain, memory, understanding, divination, dreams, forgetfulness, communication, business, cleverness, creativity, information, intellect, memory, perception, science, wisdom, gambling, writing, root of dishonesty, deception
Zodiac: taurus, libra
Metal: copper
Day: Friday
Colors: green, pink
Stones: turquoise, emerald, sapphire, jade
Tarot: The Empress
Herbs: jimsonweed, violet, rose, alder, apple, angelica, olive, sesame
Symbols: sparrow, dove, swan, pentagram
Influences: peace, agreements, cooperation, fertility, joy, love, good fortune, jealousy, strife, promiscuity
Zodiac: aries, scorpio
Metal: iron, red brass, steel
Day: Tuesday
Color: Red
Stones: ruby, garnet, bloodstone, diamond
Tarot: The Tower
Herbs: ginger, mustard
Symbols: sword, pentagram, horse, bear, wolf, vulture
Influences: war, victory, judgements, submission of enemies, bleeding, stripping one of rank, harness, discord, conflict, aggression, lust, power, courage, goals, protection, motivation, ambition, strength
Zodiac: pisces, sagittarius
Metal: tin
Day: Thursday 
Colors: blue
Stone: sapphire
Tarot: The Wheel of Fortune
Herbs: balm, hyssop, maple leaf and bark, oak, sage, dandelion root
Symbols: eagle, dolphin
Influences: gains, riches, favor, peace, cooperation, appeasing enemies, dissolving
Zodiac: capricorn
Metal: lead
Day: Saturday
Color: black
Stone: onyx
Taror: The World
Herbs: alder, apple, ash, asparagus, baneberry, belladonna, distort, hellebore, blackthorn, corm, cypress
Symbols: cuttlefish, mole
Influences: safety, power, success, positive response to requests, intellect, causes discord, strips honor, melancholy
Zodiac: aquarius
Day: Thursday
Colors: blue-green, electric blue
Stones: quartz, labradorite, blue topaz, amber, amethyst, garnet, diamond
Tarot: The Fool
Herbs: clover, pokeweed, snowdrop, foxglove, love, rosemary, trees of heaven, hellebore, morning glory, sage, wintergreen, orchids, sweet woodruff
Symbols: dragonfly, butterfly
Influences: breaking connection, sudden and unexpected change, freedom, originality, radical and revolutionary ideas, enlightenment, equality, individuality, rebellion, instability, loneliness, boredom, mistrust of self
Zodiac: pisces
Minerals: coral, aquamarine, platinum, neptunium
Colors: green, blue, lavender
Tarot: The Hanged Man
Herbs: morning glory, night-blooming jasmine, pine, water lily
Symbols: the sea, Trident, the spine
Influences: dissolving boundaries, expanding upon ideas, changing established rules, intuition, idealism, sacrifice, glamour, illusion, evolution, decay, visions, art, healing, inspiration, dreams, creativity, compassion, drifting from reality, carelessness, stubbornness, absent mind
Zodiac: scorpio
Metal: plutonium, tin chrome, steel
Day: Tuesday
Colors: maroon, dark red, purple, white, black
Stones: snowflake obsidian, clack tourmaline
Tarot: Judgement
Herbs: pomegranate, rosemary, vanilla, basil, poppies, belladonna, foxglove
Symbols: Phoenix, snake, scorpion, fox, eagle
Influences; destruction making way for renewal, rebirth, knowledge, spirituality, transformation, destiny, the subconscious, desire, arrogance, death, obsession, destruction
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anime-fan-05 · 8 months
Kimetsu no Yaiba ~You call them 'handsome' 2nd part~
First part is here and third part is here.
T. Giyuu
He'll need a minute to realize what you've told him: Giyuu.exe has stopped working; press a button to restart
When he recovers, he'll look away to hide his blush
After, he'll go away
The next day, he'll bring you a dark pink rose (it symbolizes gratitude)
"You're more beautiful than me. Thanks for all."
R. Kyojuro
His smile will get even bigger and an adorable blush will spread across his cheeks
He'll giggle and thank you shouting
"Ahahah! Thank you, my little flame, but your beauty far surpasses mine."
Then, he'll hug you and hold you close to him
When you part from the hug, he'll give you a sweet kiss
S. Sanemi
Tsundere Sanemi in action!
"W-what are you saying?! I'm not handsome!"
He'll turn with his back to you, but, if you pay attention, you'll see the tips of his ears turn red
He'll murmur you're more beautiful than him something
"Huh, did you say something, Nemi?" "N-no!"
T. Muichiro
He'll continue to do what he was doing for a minute
Then, when he realizes it, he'll freeze for a few seconds and his cheeks will turn slightly pink
He'll nod and thank you
The next day, he'll come back to you and hug you
"Kanroji said I should have hugged you and told you you're beautiful too, so I do it now."
💮 Rules 💮 Masterlist 💮
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ladybirdswritings · 6 months
Silken Webs & Pirouettes - Miguel O’Hara x Reader
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TW - PTSD, mentions of abuse.
Summary - You realize that maybe working with a man as intimidating as Miguel O’Hara just isn’t for you… Ballerina!Reader & CEO!Miguel. Alternate Universe with most of the characters included as seen in "Across the Spiderverse." Many cameos ahead. Miguel is a successful business owner but personality is canon. This is a steamy reader insert, Miguel x You! Enjoy and pls leave me lots of love and comments as it keeps me motivated <333
next chapter
You feel out of place. Stuffy, anxious, like a walking corpse with heavy eyes and an empty stomach. You’ve convinced yourself that once you waltz up those stairs, everyone is going to turn to you. Point and laugh as Mr. O’Hara rips you to tiny, pretty pieces with those awfully sharp teeth of his.
You took the stairs today because the glass elevator seems too dreadful. Each floor rising just getting you closer and closer to your demise, out in the open for the world to see.
You only have one flight left before you know it, though. The bittersweet stamina your body remembers from the times you used to twirl upon a silvered stage. You frown, maybe definitely purposely going slower up the final steps.
Your morning has been hectic. Your curls were in a battle with your hands and the straightener, reflecting the heat away like they were made of ice. Your hair is frizzy, and your ribbon has a tear in it. The sole of your boot is mere threads away from ripping apart and you’re terribly hungry. You had no time to eat, though.
The air constricts you as you reach the tip of the castle where the fanged creature with dark, unforgiving eyes dwells. Your body is overtaken with soft trembles yet you do your best to keep composed. Through the glass door and onto the shiny tiles.
The ambush doesn’t come… you ease.
Your eyes scan through the cold air that greets you. To your complete surprise, your Christmas tree still stands, covered in its pink bows and golden lights. You doubt you’ll ever be as confused as you are right now again at any other moment in your life.
Your eyes wander to the front desk where Cindy is seated, she smiles and nods and you swiftly make your way to her. Mary Jane wears glasses far too big for her petite face, clicking and clacking on her ivory keyboard.
“Hey!” She greets, handing you your bag of ribbons immediately.
It hasn’t been lit up to ash, it shocks you.
“Hey… is um…” thankfully she understands and you don’t have to say much more.
Christ, you’re treating him like he’s a monster tucked underneath your bed.
“Nope, he’s been out all morning… super weird between you and I, he’s never late!”
You believe her, but that doesn’t matter… all the tension in your body floats away like a cloud returning itself to the sky. The breath you’ve been holding since you conquered each step leaves you, and you finally feel as though you can breathe again.
“Uh oh, what’d you do?” Mary Jane inquires as she takes a sip of her peppermint tea.
You can only manage to shake your head, mumbling your gratitude softly and dragging the bag to the tree. The ladder still stands tall, taunting you with rusty screws.
“Hi pretty.” You whisper to the giant thing, hand burying itself in the tote to pluck out yet another pink ribbon. Knowing he’s gone, you work with ease. Gentle on the ladder, the ballerina in your heart still dances even though you cannot. Your balance is impeccable as you blanket the back of the tree now. It doesn’t take long.
Without him here, the office is alive. It’s happy. The women chat as they would while getting manicures at a salon. They giggle and swoon over Mr. O’Hara which is to be nothing more than expected. It makes you giggle. He must feel so high and mighty being surrounded by people bowing at the beck of his hand. Yet when his thumb doesn’t suffocate them, they blossom like roses.
They’re lovely, fun to listen to while you tinker with the tree. This is nice.
This is nice and the laughter and joy and “Santa, Baby” purring on the radio lasts all but an hour before dead silence and gasps soon flood your ears.
You chill, freezing up with your hand in the bag of bows. Your body is kneeling before the tree, the gold shining like starlight on your pretty features. Someone lowers the music quickly, and the man who simultaneously suffocates all the fun with just his presence alone walks through his elevator door.
You hear it ring, you hear the heavy clicks of his shoes and the adjust of his tie. Everyone is dead silent, now. Tense. Back to the normal that is known here.
You? You’re frozen, your head still bowed. You’re afraid of him, maybe. It is rare for you, you’re afraid of no one. Not anymore. Not after… well, it’s a promise you made to yourself.
Closer his boots near, until?
They stop.
They stop right beside you and god, it is right then in that moment that you’d rather run out and lay in the snow as you’re certain it would keep you warmer than you are in this moment, beneath him.
“You, come with me.” Is all he offers before marching forward on his path.
You gulp, maybe you misheard? A cautious glance at Cindy’s wide, sympathetic eyes and you know all you need to. This cruel, cruel man. He let you blanket his stupid, limp tree in ribbons, he let you get comfortable like a mouse under a warm lamp— not knowing there’s a serpent hiding away… ready to strike. Ready to tell you he’s letting you go.
Cindy raises her brows, as if rushing you to do something. To unfreeze. You dig your nails into your palm, hard enough to snap you back and you’re soon up on your feet. Each step you take, you look at nothing but your worn shoes.
The oak door is held open by him. They’re all staring, eyes like daggers stuck in your back.
“Time to actually do your work, ladies.” He commands, they comply immediately. Does he have a spy? Perhaps a meter that starts ringing when there’s too much fun…
The oak door slams, trapping you— the little mouse into his warm den. The sound startles you, making your eyes fall shut.
Keep it together…
He walks past you swiftly, scent of rich firewood and coffee intoxicating your body so much so that if you weren’t so horrified right now, your mouth would water.
“Sit.” He commands as he takes his place upon his leather throne.
You let out a shaky breath, making your way forward with all the force you have left within you. Maybe you should just blurt out an apology and book it straight for the highest hills you can find…
The zombie you are, dressed in clothes you used to wear for rehearsal as it’s all you have. Ivory tights and pom pom boots, a pink skirt and wrapped shirt. You rehearse the moves of walking and sitting like a dance you’ve danced before. The leather is cold when it engulfs you, unpleasant.
You clasp your hands in your lap, picking at the remnants of the French manicure Rio gave you last week. Waiting for it, expecting, remembering. Your head is hung in shame, in submission.
“You look nervous.” He observes.
You stay silent, reluctant to admit how true that really is.
You feel him, you feel him like fire on your skin. His eyes demanding your attention, but you can’t. You won’t. It isn’t good enough for him. He leans forward,
“You’re new here, but if you cared to ask my girls what my first rule is? You’d know that you look at me when I talk to you, do you understand?” He commands, and like a ballerina does, you mend and comply. Heated as your face as becomes, rapid as your heart flutters, and nervous as your being is… your eyes follow the order and shoot up to face his own.
They are dark, scorching into you like hellfire, an incomparable inferno. You want to shrink, but you won’t. You can’t give him the satisfaction.
“Rule two. Answer me.” He commands.
“Yes…” you whisper.
He’s satisfied, at least you hope. It certainly seems that way. He leans back in his leather chair and keeps his eyes locked on you. It is then you’re certain he’s a sadist. It’s obvious, obvious by the way you press your knees together and pick at your polish that you’re uncomfortable. He doesn’t care.
The silence is dreadful, heavy and suffocating. You try your best to hold it, stare into his eyes and ignore the fire burning your skin from the bone but god— it’s too much.
“I didn’t know!” You blurt out, half hoping he is deaf yet also half hoping he understands what you mean.
His eyes narrow and you’re certain you’ve made a fool of yourself again. You let your gaze fall and the subtle sound you hear under his breath makes you snap them right back up.
“I know. Keep it that way.” He forces through clenched, sharp teeth.
If he wasn’t so horrifying, so cruel, you’d feel sorry for him. His words, the subject, it’s painful for him to utter— to think of. You can tell.
The silence blankets the room again, and your eyes beg him to let you glance anywhere but at him. You’re desperate though, the bigger part of you. Desperate to suffer here, instead of home. Maybe he knows just how desperate you are, maybe he’s using it. Maybe he’s delaying the inevitable, maybe there’s nothing you can do to avoid it.
It seems like forever, but he eventually speaks.
“I want you to do something for me.”
Pack your shit and leave…
You finish his words within the confines of your mind, prepared for them. They never come, no… what follows only shocks you.
“I want a tree. A small one for my office. Red and blue ribbons, and soccer ornaments.”
This man, this enigma of a man seems to be the most capable creature alive and able to make your head spin like a record. You shake your head, confused…
“What?” It’s a soft whisper, weak.
“Rule three, I don’t repeat myself. You heard me.”
You did. You did and you still don’t slightly believe it. You’re dreaming, that must be it. You fell on the stairs on the way up and you’ve been tucked away in a coma.
No. It can’t be true. Sure, if anyone on this earth would be intimidating enough to make you truly feel their gaze in a coma, it would be him… but it’s far too real, too intense to simply exist within your imagination.
“I— can do that, sir.”
He only nods, once. Voice louder now, commanding the room, commanding you.
“I want it done by tonight, on my desk before you leave.”
You nod, mind still jogging to keep up with this conversation, to understand it. Your brows are furrowed, eyes searching for an invisible answer around the room. They land back on him and it’s as if he was waiting for them to do just that. A raise of his brow and he gives you an expression you can’t quite understand.
“You’re dismissed.”
He talks to you like you’re just a dull-brained creature, incapable of understanding a word he says, an idiot. You stand on your feet and then swiftly turn your back on him, which is somehow more frightening than looking him in the eyes.
That must be it, you suppose. You’re grateful. Baffled but, grateful. You won’t test your luck, you won’t question it. Perhaps Cindy was onto something with her analysis of him. He’s just not— soft.
No, he’s in control and commanding and intimidating and far far easier to deal with than the cavalry at home. Okay… okay, you can manage this.
Even so? You can’t walk quicker to the door, it seems— hurrying out like the inferno from his eyes is just behind you. It is. The oak creaks softly behind you, and you huff as you make it out to the other side, surviving to tell the story of how you evaded the beast. Mary Jane and Cindy’s eyes are wide and waiting.
You only offer a thumbs up and nod, then get straight to work.
You’re happy for the excuse to waltz the city during this lovely time of year. Especially when you’re not paying for the things you buy. The streets are lined with snowfall surrounding cobble pavement, brick roads and sparkling trees that reach the sky. There are smiling St. Nick’s on every street corner and employees dressed as elves in every small shop. It smells of coffee and chocolate chips.
You’re not at all dressed for December. Your check hasn’t come in just yet, you’ll buy warm clothes when it does. Jack Frost is a bite on your shoulder, cheeks and nose pink and chilled from the snow. You’re trembling.
That doesn’t matter though because you’re also dancing, right now. Dancing like you did as a ballerina; that equates to simply following orders. It isn’t until the warmth of the small gift shop nearby embraces you that you ease. Warmth crawls up your spine and burns Jack off of it. You can think, now. You can stop following orders, stop dancing.
Your trembling fingertips are numb, grazing over the snow globes, ribbons and ornaments. Hmm…
Perhaps he’s a fan…
Blue and red ribbon…
Your teeth chatter as you grab a wicker basket and collect each color. You find lights to compliment them and a dark, lonely little tree by the windowsill. Fitting. Ornaments, then. Soccer balls and goals, flags and tennis shoes. It becomes more apparent as you fill your basket that this is not for him.
Cautiously, you grab your cracked phone and find your watch history. The thumbnail, the picture from last night. Where the grinning ghost sits on his shoulders, she’s adorned in a socccer jersey. No, the tree is not for him at all…
It’s for her.
Sadness swells at the base of your throat but you force it down with a gulp. Gentle thing you are, always so empathetic with the world around you. Even the cruelest parts.
Yet, his words from earlier only echo in your mind.
Keep it that way.
Maybe you’re stupid or maybe you’ve just never been good at following orders when there’s not a wire hanger involved… but you just can’t.
Your eyes glaze over the wooden ornaments stand and land upon a dark oak frame with a vacant place for a picture. You know just what you’ll do…
Time passes quickly and you are back at the office soon. The tree is small, but you handle it with care and adoration. You tie the ribbons by hand and place them snugly upon the blossomed branches. The lights are a mixture of red, gold and blue. The star is gold too and it compliments the rest nicely. The ornaments are small, hanging like icicles from the tips of each branch. Overall? It’s perfect. Missing one, final touch though.
Everyone has left, the office lights dim. It’s just you and the grinch who’s steadily growing a heart. Maybe not three sizes bigger just yet, but you’ll take even a quarter. It’s big enough for him to keep you at least… for now.
You hurry over to the front desk where you print the picture, ink staining the colors vivid and bright.
Her smile was so pretty…
You cut the excess paper and grab the photo frame ornament, adorning it with the heart warming picture of him and his little girl. After you clean your mess, you place the final touch upon his tiny tree and revel in your masterpiece. Perfection, all you ever strive for.
But now? Back into the devil’s den.
You would be lying if you said your heart isn’t pounding as you approach the oak door, but as soon as you make it there— you steady yourself.
You remember who you are, what you have survived.
One cold man who you won’t know in a few months can’t take that. Your fire.
The tree is stable in your hands, but it needs both of them to balance upright. With your foot, you knock.
No answer.
You knock again…
And, no answer.
With a huff, you risk the possibility of angering the beast more than he usually is and use your bum to push the large thing open. You’re very much annoyed to find him alert and well, glasses resting on his face as he types away at a document on his laptop. The square thing looks like a toy compared to his hands.
He doesn’t regard you, he doesn’t need to. He already gave his orders. You’re careful to maintain balance as you gently bring the tree to his desk and place it to the corner of him. A switch of a button and it glows. You catch him then, glancing just once at it before continuing his work. The lights reflect in his glasses.
You tidy up a few spots and ribbons that shifted from transfer and then step back to admire. You’re satisfied. You don’t bother saying goodbye, he’s immersed enough as is and you’d rather refrain from unnecessary interaction with the heatmiser.
You smooth your skirt as you make your way out, ribbons bouncing on your locks. The door shuts behind you, you’re safe again.
The tiles squeak as your boots kiss them, gathering your bag and phone— you get ready to leave. Near the stairs and then— oh, right. You forgot to unplug the tree.
You know well how much of a disaster it would be if you set the floor on fire. With a huff, you make your way back and check the moisture with two fingers. All is well. You bend over and unplug the golden shimmer to make the top floor even darker, hearing the oak door shut swiftly as you do. It makes you jump.
Just when you almost missed him.
His steps are heavy… heavier than usual. Quicker too.
He must be tired, anxious for his bed. He’s filthy rich. He probably has the biggest bed with dozens of pillows and the softest of sheets. You wish your bed was like that…
You turn.
Maybe one day you’ll have a bed just as— oh!
Two hands case you up against the wall beside your ribbon tree, and all you see in front of you is that look.
That. Look.
It’s back.
Monstrous, horrifying, furious with you.
The darkness, the redness in his eyes is clearer now. The veins in his neck and the tension in his shoulders and jaw.
He raises his hand, you flinch by habit. Grasped tightly in it is the picture, except now— the glass has been shattered and it’s cutting into his palms. Your eyes widen, hands reaching out to help him. He pulls his palm back before you can, moving his head so that his eyes are staring directly into yours.
That look.
You chill.
“¿Qué carajo es esto!? Huh!? Tell me!” He growls, voice guttural, loud, horrifying— and it is then that you realize now more than ever that you truly are the mouse. And he? He’s the serpent.
With a grunt, he throws the glass ornament with his smiling, pretty girl across the room. It shatters even more once the wall finds it. He cases you in again, and you know now just how trapped you truly are. Just you and him on this lonely floor. He’s angry. You’re shaking.
You’ve seen this anger before. In her… in Katerina.
A gulp, maybe you’re a fish because your mouth bobs open far too many times to explain and yet you can’t. speak. The words catch themselves on the tip of your tongue. Your eyes can’t take it, they fall shut as you slow your breathing. There’s panic on the horizon. Memories so familiar to this flood back like an ocean of poison in your mind.
His index and thumb move to grip your chin, so angry and yet his grip is only firm, not painful. He tugs your face enough so that your eyes shoot open again.
“Did I tell you to do this?” His voice, perhaps it’s scarier now. It’s dark, low, composed like a cap on shaken pop.
“You knew better, girl! You knew better!” Her voice now… Katerina’s. Echoing in your head.
You’re suffocating, the air around you is too thin. You can’t breathe, you can’t look at those eyes.
No, no no. You’re panicking. His features blur as tears pool in your sight. He tugs your chin again, they fall onto his fingertips.
“You already forgot my rules, huh? You stupid, stupid girl…” he spits.
“You ungrateful, stupid girl.” She screams against your skull.
“I told you to keep it that way, didn’t I? Díos mio! What’s the matter with you?” He’s exasperated. He’s asking, eyes commanding an answer from you. You don’t know.
What is the matter with you?
Like the mythology of Rogue, it’s like everything you touch withers by your hand.
After everything Katerina gave you… after he took a chance letting you work here.
Your throat constricts as you gaze into the serpent’s eyes. Your heart is a hummingbird’s then, fighting so hard to fill that clouded brain with oxygen. You’re dizzy. You’re remembering.
You can’t. You need to move you need—
You can’t stop yourself, hand shooting up to dig your nails into the skin of his wrist. His eyes shoot toward the spot and he hisses, pulling it back. You take the chance to escape.
Under his arm and you stumble forward, hugging your midsection with a gasp, desperate for a lick of oxygen to bless your burning lungs.
A sob takes over you, but a close of your eyes and a quick inhale of the firewood and coffee that intoxicates you and you remember just where you are. You’re in his office. You’re not with her. You’re here. You’re here and you don’t want to be, anymore.
No, no not with him. Not after this. All of it, all of him. It’s too much, it’s too far. You don’t deserve this. You don’t deserve home either but at least there you can save up and flee…
You’re so panicked, all your mind can do is run over the many ways you’re going to call home through the flashing images of her. Images of Katerina bloom like ivy in your mind as you plan out your next steps. You feel glued in place yet so desperate to leave.
You glance at the broken glass and jagged smile of the ghost girl, jumping when the warmth of his palm greets your shoulder.
“Mirame, look at me.” He commands, but softly. Rather, softer than usual.
You feel pathetic yet still, your hand shoots up to push his own away from behind you.
You’ve had enough.
You buried the devil in your past. Your life is far too valuable to dance with another one.
You’d rather be cased up at home forever, working a job around family that think of you as nothing more than scum than be around him for a day longer.
You know, now…
“I quit.” You force out through another sob, not daring to turn and face him. You’re hunched over, shaky and weak. On the verge of suffocating completely. You wipe at your eyes and don’t hear another sound from him before you snatch your bag and phone and practically run to the stairwell.
Two steps at a time, maybe three before December’s chill kisses you in icy greeting. You don’t need to whistle for a cab to brake. In you go, familiar as you’ve done this twice now because of him.
Only this time? You’ll never come back again…
🏷️ ‘s @reirain @needybitez @migueloharastruelove @laysmt @maomaimao @daisy-artfield | chap 6 song 🎧:
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thepromptfoundry · 3 months
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The prompt theme for April 2024 is April Flowers!
Grab your garden gloves, dig out your vases, and check out a book on Victorian flower language! (And click the list image for higher quaility while you're at it.)
If you use this list, please tag me here @thepromptfoundry, I’d love to see your writing and art!
Feel free to combine different days' prompts with each other, or combine them with other seasonal events! Use your OCs, your favorite characters from media, whatever tickles your fancy.
Respond to as many prompts as you want or as interest you, don’t worry about missing or skipping any. Remember, this is supposed to be fun!
If you have any questions or musings, check our FAQ, and if you don't find your answer, shoot me an ask.
Plain text list below the cut:
1 Daffodils Yellow and/or white Associated with springtime and good luck, white ones also associated with death
2 Roses Wide range of colours, including red, white, pink, yellow, orange, and combinations thereof Associated with various forms of love, romance, respect, apology, and congratulations
3 Wisteria Usually purple or blue, sometimes pink or white Associated with longevity and fortune
4 Bird of Paradise Orange or white Associated with freedom, faithfulness, and regality
5 Cherry Blossoms Pinks and/or white Also known by their Japanese name “sakura” Associated with springtime, love, femininity, and mindfulness
6 Sunflowers Usually yellow, sometimes with orange or red Associated with the sun, longevity, loyalty, vigor and vitality
7 Bleeding Hearts Pink or red with white, or white Associated with love, heartbreak, and compassion
8 Hydrangeas Range from blue through purple to pink, white, or green Associated with gratitude, unity, regality, good fortune, and love (particularly for pink blooms)
9 Gardenias White or cream Associated with trust, hope, peace, secret love, and the Greek god of dreams, Morpheus
10 Poppies Red or orange, or less often yellow, pink, white, or black Associated with sleep and death, peace (white), prosperity (yellow), oblivion and loss (black), remembrance of WWI (red)
11 Lilacs Purples, blue, or white Associated with lost love, new love, reflection, and tranquility
12 Coreopsis Colour range from yellow to deep red, often bi-coloured Associated with cheerfulness, gratitude, friendship, and happiness
13 Allium Most often purple or white; also burgundy, yellow, and orange Recognizable as garlic flowers Associated with patience, unity, courage, and protection (such as against vampires)
14 Bluebells A range of blues and purples, occasionally pink Associated with everlasting love, faeries, enchantment, and gratitude
15 Honeysuckle Yellow, white, pink, or red Associated with love, trust, playfulness, and respect
16 Geraniums Red, pink, or white Associated with affection, passion, clandestine meetings, purity (white), and foolishness
17 Morning Glory Blues and purples, pink, red, white, or yellow Associated with young love, unrequited love, renewal
18 Sweet Pea Extremely wide range of colours including pink, cream, red, purple, and blue, but not yellow Associated with farewells, brides, playfulness, and romance (especially red blooms)
19 Buttercups Yellow Associated with youth, playfulness, and happiness
20 Passion Flowers White with purple or blue Associated with strength, hope, care, and the crucifixion of Jesus
21 Hollyhocks Pink, white, red, yellow, or purple Associated with prosperity, privacy, ambition, abundance, congratulations, and encouragement
22 Echinacea Most often purple; also red, pink, orange, yellow, or white Associated with health, healing, wellness, happiness, and elegance
23 Lotuses Wide range of colors including pinks, purples, red, orange, yellow, blue, white, and black Associated with beauty, purity, spirituality and spiritual enlightenment, love (red), tranquility (blue), authority and power (black), and gentleness (pink)
24 Black-Eyed Susans Yellow or orange with a dark brown/black center Associated with friendship, optimism, resilience, and support
25 Hibiscus Wide range of colours and colour combinations, often including red, pink, yellow, and/or white Associated with Hawaii and other tropical areas, prosperity, womanhood and (feminine) sexuality, friendship, and love
26 Lavender Most often purples and blues, sometimes cream or pink Associated with calmness, tranqility, devotion, sleep and dreams, clarity of mind, and France
27 Wallflowers Wide range of colours including orange, yellow, red, pink, and purple, multiple colours of bloom may appear on one plant Associated with faithfulness between lovers, friendship, being overlooked, and shyness
28 Larkspur Purple, pink, blue, or white Associated with protection, dedication, first love, ambition, and respectability
29 Jasmine White or yellow Associated with purity, respect, sensuality, motherhood, devotion, and beauty
30 Dahlias Pink, white, purple, blue, red, and “black” (very dark red) Associated with grace, strength, resilience, commitment, femininity (pink), change (blue), and betrayal (black)
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angronsjewelbeetle · 1 month
Another one because fuck it it's nearly midnight and these are FUN DAMMIT Lmao floriography interest coming in clutch here
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What kind of flowers do (some of) the primarchs gift you ~♡
Includes: Corvus, Magnus, Vulkan, Fulgrim, Jaghatai, Angron, Konrad, Ferrus, Lorgar, Sanguinius, Dorn
Corvus: dark red roses and gloxina. dark red roses symbolise loyalty, love and eternal beauty, and gloxina represents love at first sight.
Magnus: rainbow roses, and glowing primroses. Roses because they're romantic and they're rainbow because "Magnus how did you-" "-I have my ways, my dear. Do you like them?", and primroses symbolise youthful love, a representation of how he feels a little more young when he's with you. How are the primroses glowing. Magnus please tell me they aren't deadly. Please.
Vulkan: pink roses and violets, they're a little singed on some of the petals and stems, but they're still pretty. Pink roses because they symbolise both romantic love and platonic - you are both his best friend and his greatest treasure - the light of his heart, and also sweetness. Violets symbolise faithfulness. Enough said.
Fulgrim: Hibiscus and morning glory. Morning glory symbolise affection and determination and the hibiscus, beauty and happiness - your beauty brings him such a profound sense of happiness, he doesn't know what to do with himself.
Ferrus: White roses and hydrangeas. White roses symbolise new beginnings and wisdom, and hydrangeas thankfulness and understanding.
Lorgar: lilies, phlox and gladiola. Lilies symbolise majesty and virtue, phlox unanmity and harmony. Also I'm pretty sure they're both toxic, and yet, they're beautiful. Gladiolus symbolise strength of character and moral integrity.
Konrad: a handful of Venice mallows with some of the roots still on and a single tuberose with...a...bite? Taken out of it? Venice mallows symbolise delicate, fleeting beauty, and tuberose symbolise dangerous pleasure. Konrad thought the mallows were pretty. The tuberose smelt nice. That's why Konrad ate it. It didn't taste as good as it smelt. Sorry, Konrad.
Khan: hyacinth and peonies. Hyacinths symbolise playfulness and peonies prosperity and compassion.
Sanguinius: bellflowers, sweet Williams and pansies. Bellflowers symbolise gratitude, sweet Williams symbolise gallantry and ask to "grant me a single smile", and pansies symbolise sweet thoughts.
Rogal: amaryllis, asters and false indigo. Amaryllis symbolise determination and creative achievement, asters symbolise elegance and patience - he will wait for you. He will always wait for you. - and false indigo symbolise immersion and intuition. He loves you. He truly does.
Angron: daffodils and lilacs, the stems are crushed, but the flowers themselves are unharmed. You do have to pry them from his hand though. Lilacs symbolise the first emotions of love and daffodils symbolise rebirth and new beginnings. They won't last that long with the mutilated stems, but they're lovely while they do.
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vodika-vibes · 4 months
Hello my dear Vod’ika! Tis I, 💋 anon! First, congratulations on your first follower event!
Maybe I please have jonquil (please return my affection) and dark pink rose (gratitude) with Echo and F!Reader? Some fluffy, soft cuteness with Echo being in love with her and he finally tells her when they have a quiet moment together?
Love your writing 🩵🩵
Pen and Sword, my dear!
-💋 anon
So This Is Love
Summary: You invited Echo to go stargazing, and hidden feelings come to light.
Pairing: ARC Trooper Echo x F!Reader
Word Count: 975
Warnings: None
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni @kiss-anon
A/N: The words didn't wanna word this morning, so I'm very sorry if this isn't the quality that you prefer from me. Still, I hope you like it!
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“You’re staring, Echo.” You say with a warm grin as you turn to look at the man sitting next to you. The man who’s supposed to be watching the stars with you, but instead has been watching you for the last ten minutes.
“Well, how could I not?” Echo asks, amusement crossing his handsome face, “I see the stars all of the time, but I only get to see you every now and then.”
You shake your head and laugh quietly, “You’re being silly. I’m not anywhere as pretty as the stars.”
“Hm. Agree to disagree,” Echo counters.
This time you laugh louder, “Alright, alright.” You grin at him, “Thank you for coming with me.” You pause, “Actually, thank you for always humoring my weird requests.”
“None of your requests have been overly weird, I don’t think.” Echo replies.
You squint at him suspiciously, “What about the time I asked you to help me look for Moon Flowers at midnight.”
He pauses, “I…got to spend time with you, and we had fun.”
You laugh and lean against his shoulder, “You’re something of a soft touch, Echo.”
“I am not!” He sputters as he bumps you with his shoulder, “I’m considerate.” He adds primly. 
“Uh-huh, that too.” You say with a grin, as you settle your weight against his shoulder, “Still, I appreciate it.”
“Well, you don’t have to. I like spending time with you. You’re so much more interesting than my brothers.”
“That’s mean.”
“You haven’t met my brothers,” Echo says dryly.
“I’ve met…Fives and Jesse! I think.”
“That is true. I’m sorry about that.”
You laugh, “They’re not that bad. A little…intense, I suppose, but not hard to get along with.”
He smiles at you, “I’m glad you like them, honestly.”
“Oh? Why’s that?”
Echo flushes and averts his gaze, “Ah…not reason. I just like that my friend doesn’t hate my twin.”
“Echo?” You lean over slightly to look him in the face, “Are you lying to me?” You ask, startled.
“...maybe, just a little.”
“Oh, come on, Echo! It’s me! I’m not going to judge you for what you say.” You pause, “Oh! Is it Fives? Does he have a crush on me?”
“Fives has a girlfriend who he’s completely obsessed with.” Echo says quickly.
“Then why does it matter if I like them or not?” You prod as you lean across him so you’re able to look him in the eye.
Echo stares at you, long and hard, for a lot longer than he normally would, and then he laughs softly.
He lifts his hands and presses them against your cheeks, gently squishing them. “You’re so pretty, you know that?”
“Oh. Thank you.” You reply with a bright smile. “You’re not too bad looking either.”
“I have good genes,” Echo jokes, as he loosens his grip slightly.
“You definitely have those,” You say with a laugh.
Echo stares at you for a moment, and then a quiet curse falls from his lips, before he leans in and presses his lips, feather light, against yours.
You’re so surprised that you topple across his lap and have to roll so that you’re looking up at him, your eyes wide in surprise, “Echo?”
“I suppose I should have given you some warning,” He jokes softly, as he looks down at you, his thumbs rubbing soft circles on your cheeks, “Are you okay?”
“Yeah.” You smile up at him, your face heated with flustered embarrassment, “You just surprised me. But, why did you-?”
“I love you.”
Your words die in your throat and you blink at Echo, startled, “I…oh….thank you?”
Echo shoots you an odd look, “You’re welcome?”
“I, wait. No. That’s not-” You pause and squeeze your eyes shut, “I’m sorry, that’s not what I meant to say. Give me a second to-” You take a deep breath, to settle your nerves, “Okay. You can tell me what you need to tell me.”
He watches you evenly, a small smile on his lips, “I love you.” Echo repeats, “I love how excited you get about little things, like that purple frog you got a picture of the other day. I love how you have no qualms about dragging me to help you find things that don’t exist. I love how you’re able to find beauty in everything, even things that aren’t beautiful.”
Your face heats even more, and you roll to press your face against his stomach, “Echo! You’re embarrassing me!”
“Deal with it.” He says with a grin, which softens as he brushes his hand through your hair, “I love how you’re always so happy to see me. And nothing would make me happier than you returning my affection.”
You sling your arms around his waist, “You’re asking for such a small thing Echo!”
“It doesn’t feel small.” He replies quietly, “It feels like everything.”
You don’t say anything for a moment as you tighten your arms around him, “I love you too.” You finally admit, “I have for a while.”
“Why didn’t you say anything?”
“Was…embarrassed.” You mumble, “Didn’t think you felt the same. Didn’t think you would feel the same.”
“Will you look at me? Please, cyare?”
You loosen your grip and roll so your head is resting on his lap again, he has a wide smile on his face, and you’re helpless but to smile back, “I’m glad I was wrong,” You whisper.
Echo laughs softly, “I am too.” He brushes some hair out of your eyes, “So, what do you think? Want to be my girlfriend?”
“Yes, please.” You whisper. And then you squeak as Echo effortlessly moves you so that you’re sitting on his lap.
“Good, that means I can kiss you again, right?”
And your face burns as you press it against his shoulder, but you have a grin on your lips and you nod eagerly.
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iennoganan-aha · 1 year
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Love this au so much, love making up a whole universe where Liane is treated nicely and has two sons, one who keeps the other one in check as she DESERVES‼️
Scott has a dark pink rose which means gratitude and appreciation, it’s to show his thanks for liane adopting him after his mother divorced his dad, then his dad left Liane. He’s very grateful to her,
Eric’s bouquet is full of Daffodils, daisys, lilacs and hydrangeas.
Daffodils- forgiveness
Daisy- new beginnings
Lilacs (pinkish purple)- love
Hydrangeas-gratitude, grace and beauty
What he is trying to say is that he’s sorry for how he acts, he wants to to better, he loves her and is thankful for her being his mother.
Cringe shit and hella out of character but LET ME BE DELUSIONAL
I’ll draw some canon cartman later to make up for my sins 💀
Don’t repost
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maple-the-awesome · 1 year
Color Blinded ||
Pairing: Matt Murdock x Reader
Words: 4,733
Overview: People are born seeing in black and white with the promise that they'll finally see color the moment they first look into their soulmate's eyes. For reasons that should be obvious, Matt has lost all hope in ever finding his own soulmate. I've been working on this dang prompt since the beginning of my blog and now finally, after suffering endless months of writers block and several rewrites, it's finally done in time for my 500 followers milestone🥳 ~ Maple
Marvel Masterlist 🖤 Fandom Masterlist 🖤 Requests
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"Oh, those are beautiful!"
You hum at Karen's greeting comment which sticks in your head more than you'd care to admit. Leaning in to inhale the pleasant aroma, you decide that the bouquet certainly does smell beautiful if that's what she means, although you doubt it is.
Peeking at the bundle of roses through half-lidded eyes, you can't say you're particularly impressed by those dark veins carved into each delicate petal, only succeeding in making them appear both old and wrinkled. That being said, they're dreadfully boring in your own judgment, but even so, you don't doubt that they must look wonderful to everyone else.
"I'll take your word for it."
"Are they a gift from someone special?" Her hint is innocent enough, given through a giggle and teasing sway of her body yet it causes a sudden arrow to pierce your heart.
Ever so carefully, you select the best looking rose (still based on your own poor judgment) and hand it to the surprised secretary, "The corner store near my apartment just got a fresh shipment so I thought, since people usually like flowers, maybe I could bring some for the firm - as a sign of appreciation for all your help...I know. It isn't much, but I-"
"-That's very thoughtful of you."
You pray no one notices the way you turn a little too quickly to the voice, your heart lurching before filling with a familiar warmth that would be considered a welcomed comfort if not for how inappropriate it is in the given situation. Of course, because there's nothing appropriate about the way you view Matthew Murdock; your lawyer in whom you share a strictly professional relationship, thus respect and gratitude should be the extent of your feelings towards the man.
Alas, as Matt leans against his office door with a radiant smile that makes your heart flutter like a hummingbird's wings, you allow yourself to foolishly imagine - even if just for a blink - that said smile is built custom for you and you alone. How outlandish.
It's honestly quite pathetic how you're able to hand Foggy a rose without falter yet the same steady hand trembles like a leaf by the mere action of extending one towards Matt. There, you hover the blossomed flower in the air awkwardly before rather shamefully realizing your terrible error and the reason as to why he doesn't accept it despite your wordless prompt; he can't take what he doesn't see.
"H-Here. For you, Mr. Murdock."
"Thank you," His voice is whispered and deep - sinfully so - as his reach fumbles about until finally brushing against your hand which he uses to then guide his own to the rose's stem. The feeling of his calloused fingertips running all too slowly over your skin made you dizzy which is perhaps what ultimately led you to miss the miraculous way Matt avoids every thorn once officially claiming the rose as his own despite the complete clumsiness of his previous touch seconds ago.
You never stood a chance at functioning properly after that, far too focused on him as he lifts the rose to his nose for a sniff, letting it brush just under his nostrils with a tickle that makes the corners of his plump lips twitch upwards into his cheeks to form a gentler smile than before. Huh. He hasn't shaved recently it seems. His facial hair is more noticeable than it had been when you first came to the firm a few weeks ago -
"They're pink!" You blurt out, warmth immediately rising to your cheeks, "I, um...The shop had a list of all the rose color meanings and pink supposedly means gratitude, so I wanted to get pink ones. They are pink...aren't they?"
"Well, I'd sure say so! This has got to be the deepest shape of pink I've ever seen on a flower! Hey, think it'll look nice on my suit? Maybe I should start wearing one everyday?" Foggy's kind enough to reassure, holding the rose to his pocket and striking a few dramatic poses which gains a chuckle from Karen.
"Are roses even court appropriate attire?"
"Who cares? It's Wednesday! On Wednesday we wear pink, Karen!"
You stand in silence, watching as the two bicker playfully in a conversation that feels too distant to join yourself despite only being mere feet away. Filled with dismay once again, you find it difficult not to peer down at the remaining roses in longing, wishing to see even a blink of their bright hue.
You've heard pink's a beautiful color found in flowers and the sunset. According to your sister, a blanket in your house is an ugly shade of pink, and Foggy says the color suits Karen as she tucks her rose behind her ear carefully, yet you wouldn't be able to confirm any of those points. Your world is still locked in the curse that is monochrome...
"Are you wanting to get started discussing the case for tomorrow?" Your wandering thoughts are interrupted by Matt who sets a tender hand on your shoulder, showing a noticeable look of concern despite it being mostly hidden behind his black glasses.
"Oh yes, sorry! The case, yeah, of course..." Fortunately, the lawyer merely chuckles at your disorderly state before stepping aside and gesturing to his office with his cane. Gratefully you enter, taking your usual seat in front of his desk where you fidget while he takes his time sitting opposite and retrieving his case notes.
A bouquet of simple roses, regardless of their color, truly doesn't hold a candle to how appreciative you are to the members of Nelson and Murdock. Thus far they've provided quality work for a price you can actually afford on your tight budget, making them forever your saviors. Matt himself has been particularly helpful, treating your case as if it's been some sort of order given to him directly from God. He never wastes a second leaping into business and goes the extra mile by repeating himself as often as necessary to ensure you understand everything properly which is always nice, after all, you could listen to his voice for hours.
Seeing that there's still plenty to tend to involving your case, you expect Matt to begin promptly discussing any updates and what to be prepared for in regards to the lawsuit, however his hand instead hesitates over his notes before he moves it to his mouth to hide his cough, "I take it you haven't found your soulmate yet?"
Many would deem that a wildly inappropriate question especially for a lawyer to ask his client. Soulmates are sacred and intimate, not often discussed with strangers or in professional settings, however you'd like to at least call Matt somewhat of a friend - he's definitely treated you with the kindness of one - therefore you don't show any offense towards his innocent curiosity. After all, why should he be blamed? Apparently, you're the one stupid enough to make it so obvious that a blind man can take notice.
Ah, soulmates; a pair designed only for each other, holding such a special bond that meeting for the first time quite literally changes their entire perspectives on life in an instant. How so? Because everyone's born seeing the world in monochrome, color only being granted them once looking directly into the eyes of their soulmate for the first time. This is why you can't make out the color of your roses or the sky above or even the supposedly bright 'yellow' taxi you take here each day; you've never met your other half...
This realization and the knowledge that Matt's been able to piece it together strikes an insecurity of yours which you attempt to cover by redirecting his question quickly, "Have you?"
He laughs, although you'd say it sounds a bit bitter if you didn't know any better, "Wouldn't know if I did, I'm afraid."
Your face burns with embarrassment once more, shame sinking into your stomach, "Oh God, right. I'm so sorry, Mr. Murdock. I wasn't thinking - of course, you're blind, but...I mean unless your soulmate's blind as well, I would think - I would just think that they'd say something when you meet, so wouldn't you know that way?"
"I suppose so..." Matt gives a thoughtful hum, but it's soon followed by a frown, "Unfortunately, people aren't always truthful."
"You think someone would lie about being your soulmate?"
He pauses, his frown only deepening after being tainted by a sour memory, "...Someone did..."
You frown, too, at this confession, but it only takes a split second for this sympathy towards Matt to turn into fury, "Why would someone lie about that?! That's so cruel! I mean, I guess I could see why someone would lie with you because they'd have the opportunity and you're, like, the jackpot, so of course it would be tempting to keep you and all, but soulmates are supposed to be special! You can't force that type of bond and lying about it would only end up hurting both parties in the end!"
"'The Jackpot', hmm?" Matt echoes smugly at the end of your rant.
You blink, reviewing your own words in search of the mistake. After locating it, your face burns so warm that you should be worried about overheating, however you're a little too busy being embarrassed for that to cross your mind.
"Well yeah...You...You're a nice guy - from what I've seen, anyways. You're well mannered and you work hard to do what's right even if it's not financially rewarding in the end which are traits any girl would - should, at least, swoon over. You're also, um...You're not bad looking in any way..." You mumble the last part pathetically, pulling on the fabric of your shirt as a nervous habit.
You swear he leans closer over the table, his voice low and husky on purpose as if he can hear how fast it makes your heartbeat; as if he understands it's a dangerous temptation for you, "So, you find me attractive?"
"Yes, well, I'd, uh...I'd say you are, but..." you glance up at him for a second, hating how flustered even your reflection looks in his tinted glasses," - But I've actually heard Foggy say the same thing, hasn't he? Yeah, in fact, when I first came in he made that joke about how you get all the ladies because of your looks so apparently it's common knowledge through Hell's Kitchen that Matt Murdock is one good looking lawyer."
Much to your relief, he finally leans back with a chuckle towards your words, "Is that so?"
You nod too quickly, folding your hands over your lap and sitting straighter as a poor attempt to get your body and nerves to calm down, "Yeah...A-Anyways, about the case...?""Right, right. The case," he nods, fixing his glasses before returning his hand to the paperwork in front of himself. Little do you know, he hears the way you exhale and fidget in your chair, remaining flustered from the previous conversation well into the next, which is a thought that keeps that devilish smirk tugging on his lips.
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It's gotten late - possibly the latest you've ever stayed at the firm. There's no longer a faint white glow of light peeking through the blinds, but there is a dim echo off the small desk lamp. While it protects the room from complete darkness, it's not enough to save you from having to squint at your paperwork to see it properly. Perhaps this wouldn’t be so difficult if you could just make out different color gradients…
Putting you to shame, Matt doesn't seem to be struggling at all. He effortlessly moves his hands over each textured line of his papers, reading faster than you ever could even in perfect lighting. You've stopped to watch him for a bit, noting the slightly darker strips of scars cutting across his knuckles and the vague change in shade against his palms - callouses, you'd guess.
If brave enough (which you unfortunately are), you'd sneak a glance at his face, hoping to make it secret and quick enough to temporarily satisfy that yearning in your heart. You stupidly convince yourself that this task will be easy considering a blind man can't possibly catch you staring, can he? 
You managed to do it exactly three times, losing count of the seconds in between each. The first two attempts were as promised: quick and like a shadow. You had looked up, eyes locking on his face while you tried to imagine the buzz against your fingertips which you assumed would be the effect provided if you set them run over his stubble. You had looked up again, focusing on the scent of his colloque. You can smell it from here and wonder if it smells stronger around his neck. 
You had looked up one last time, taking instant notice of the smirk Matt tries to lick away before ducking his head when that isn't successful. Absolutely mortified, you looked down at your lap with a stammering heart, promising never to sneak another glance at him again...It turns out a blind man can catch you staring…
Since then, you've remained like a statue, reading your files like a good girl because isn't that why you're here? Matt Murdock's your lawyer, not your eye candy! You should be treating him with respect, not gawking at him like a teenager does the boy band posters in her room!
Breaking this suffocating silence, Matt taps his own set off papers against the desk to file them into a neat stack, "Well, what do you think?"
"What do I think...?" You echo, crashing into the ground of reality so hard it knocks everything you've just read right out of your head.
"About the proposed settlement?" He leans forward a bit, his arms crossed over the desk and his eyebrow perked upwards. He's relaxed (as always), but carries a hint of concern in his voice that digs into your heart further than you'd care to let him in on. 
How pathetic is it that you swoon at even the slightest bit of care shown to you by a guy? Of course, you truthfully don't behave this way around just any guy, only Matt, however you'd feel better admitting you're starved of affection rather than say you’re entirely parched by the thought of the man in front of you.
"This is only an estimated amount that they've proposed. We'll go over official negotiations with the council, however I wouldn't recommend taking anything less than this offer," possibly sensing the way you play with your hands and chew on your lip, Matt adds softly, "As your lawyer and representative, I'll be there with you at every moment to ensure you aren't cheated in anyway. All you have to worry about yourself is listening along and signing the papers if you decide the agreed upon amount is fair. If you have any concerns, you can voice them directly to me and I'll deal with the council...I just want to make sure you understand that taking this settlement doesn't mean the company is admitting fault -"
"- They'll just be giving me money to keep my mouth shut."
"Pretty much," Matt nods with a frown, "You'll be signing a contract agreeing to never speak about the matter again - not the settlement itself or what happened. That means you won't be able to sue them at a later date nor does anyone within the company have to be held responsible for what happened either - unless the corporation decides to take corrective action itself."
You sigh, gazing over the paperwork while considering the offer. Going with the settlement, you'll leave with a pretty decent chunk of money (more than you make in a year's salary) which will be somewhat worth all the bullshit you had experienced at your former place of employment, however you're hesitant towards the idea of letting your asshole bosses get away with all the discrimination and favoritism they let poison your life for the last few years. Still...You really don't want to take this to an actual court where the outcome isn't guaranteed to be any better.
"...I understand," you sigh again, tangling a hand in your hair, "I just want to get this over with..."
"I'm sure you do. Nearly five years of being cheated out of raises and higher positions - anyone would be tired of it, but -" You nearly flinch when Matt's hand finds itself over yours on the desk, his thumb gently running over the skin. To top it off, he has that concerned expression again that makes him look so soft and loving…yet he’s only your lawyer, "- I don't want you to make a choice on that alone. If you truly want to go through with the lawsuit, I'll do whatever I can to make it less stressful for you -"
"- It's fine, Matt," you give your best smile, sandwiching his hand between both of yours, "I think the settlement is my best option. With it, I can start moving on with my life. That company took five years of my time, they're not getting a second more.”
He returns your smile. For some reason, he makes no attempt at moving his hand away. Instead, he lets you forget about it, not speaking a word of protest as you find yourself getting lost in the moment. 
How is it that you can feel more chemistry with someone in such a simple place - a broken down little law firm surrounded by paperwork - than you've felt on any date in your life? If you're this infatuated with a random guy like Matt, how are you possibly going to survive the heart tremors that your soulmate will give you?
"You guys are still working in here?" A part of you wants to celebrate Foggy's interruption as he peeks his head through the office door, but behind him you can see Karen slipping on her coat, letting you know that your time with Matt has officially come to end. 
"We've just finished actually," Matt admits, at last giving a tug to his hand that makes you instantly retract your hold over him in embarrassment, not that he seems fazed himself.
"Great, because it's whiskey Wednesday at Josie's. You know what that means?!" Foggy cheers, earning a chuckle from his friend who's already standing.
"That I'm gonna have to drag you home tonight?"
Shyly, you shuffle off to the side, wiggling on your own jacket while wondering how difficult it will be to get a taxi at such a late hour. You're prepared to wish everyone goodnight and be on your way, but then Foggy turns to you, "You're coming too, right (Y/n)?"
"Of course, the more the merrier!" He says.
"O-Oh, um..."
"It'll be fun," Karen insists.
You're still hesitant, not being one for bars not to mention you have so much on your plate this week. You should really get home and consider this settlement more - reread the proposal, recite your testimony in case you're quizzed about it later, mentally prepare yourself for the stress...
The final nail to your coffin is Matt - it's always Matt. Foggy and Karen are sweet and they make you feel welcomed, but Matt is the one with an inhuman ability to make you feel like a cloud simply by setting his hand on your shoulder and smiling so sweetly, "It might be a nice way to get your mind off of things."
How can you honestly say no to more time with him? Oh yeah, you can't…
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You've never been to Josie's before, although you aren't surprised by that fact considering it seems to be an easily missed hole-in-the-wall bar with room temperature beer and sticky seats. Despite this, the others seem to be having lots of fun, officially having gone numb to all the health code violations around you guys.
Foggy and Karen are currently on their third round of playing pool where the loser must take a shot. You had played the first round with them and lost. After that, you decided it’s far more amusing to sit back and watch the show than to partake in it.
"I'm assuming you guys come here often?" You ask distantly, letting your voice drift off with the sound of loud voices and clicking glasses that makes the bar feel much busier than it actually is, yet somehow Matt still hears you.
He brings his beer bottle to his lips, poorly hiding his smirk, "What gave that away?"
"Well to start, the owner rolled her eyes the second we walked through that door and neither of those two have crashed yet showing they've had practiced -"
"- They could've had 'practiced' at any bar."
"We're not in a courtroom, you know, so don't have to poke holes in my argument like that…" You tease lamely, shifting in your chair to face him fully instead of Foggy and Karen at the pool tables. 
You've always cursed yourself for not being professional around Matt, but tonight you’ve officially met a new awful low. This table is small - small enough that when you moved in your chair, your knees ended up brushing with his. On top of that, he has long removed his jacket, his white sleeves sinfully rolled up past his elbows showing just a hint of the impressive muscle to his biceps. It's insane how much one little jacket can hide. You wonder how much muscle he had built elsewhere. His shirt is definitely too tight, not leaving much for your imagination -
"- What are you thinking about?" 
Your breath hitches, your eyes darting from his chest to his eyes. There's the damn smirk again - the same that makes you doubt whether he's truly blind considering he has such a good record when it comes to calling out your stare.
"'Nothing' makes you that nervous?" He's honestly having fun with this, isn't he?
"I...I was thinking about the settlement," you excuse, propping your elbow on the table while hoping to distract yourself by drawing invisible designs against the surface.
Matt crosses his arms, leaning back. You swear he purposefully bumps your foot with his, "As I've said, there's nothing to worry about. Believe me, they wouldn't have even offered you a cent unless they were scared of the dirt you have on them. We have this thing in the bag."
"You seem confident," you comment quietly, earning a devilish smile from him.
"Would you rather me be nervous?"
"Maybe not with a case, but now that you mention it, I don't think I've ever seen you be nervous before. It seems like I'm always the one stumbling over my own words."
"I suppose it comes with the profession. It wouldn't send the best message to my clients if they see me fumbling around. Believe it or not, but I've got an important reputation to keep as a 'jackpot' lawyer," Matt jokes, drawing a laugh from you, although you still feel a prick of embarrassment over the callback.
"Are you ever going to let me live that down?" You groan, hanging your head low dramatically, however the smile remains on your face and Matt knows it. 
"Not for a while, no."
"Be careful, Murdock. Keep teasing me so much and I might leave a bad review," you quickly snatch your glass, downing a gulp of bitter alcohol which gives you enough confidence to add, "Don't wanna ruin your status as 'jackpot lawyer', do you?"
He laughs heartily and shakes his head. The action causes his glasses to slip on his nose slightly. Anyone else wouldn't be so bothered by this, however he is, finding the new position itchy against his skin. Without thinking too much of it, he decides to remove the problem completely, taking his glasses off and setting them in front of himself, "You know what? Why don't we just call it a truce? If Foggy hears, I'll be the one who never lives it down."
"Aw, you seemed like you liked the nickname, though? Why the change of heart, Murdock?" You tease, your giggles echoing through your glass before you finally set it down and look at him. It's amazing how much alcohol and a bit of laughter can make you feel this at ease, but it doesn't last long.
"...What's wrong?" Matt notices your silence rather quickly, although it was the skip in your heart beat that truly set off the alarm in his head. Your whole body goes tense and he can once again feel your eyes staring at him which he normally doesn't mind nor would he mind if not for your sudden change in overall behavior.
When he repeats the question again in a whisper, you merely hum, barely catching his concern even then. Instead, you become lost in the moment, forced to trust your rapidly beating heart to guide your muddled brain as you speak without much forethought, "...You're eyes - they're beautiful...They're the most beautiful color I've ever seen..."
It takes Matt a second to catch onto your exact words, pairing them with your body's reaction that shares your sudden amazement. Even so, he's reluctant to ask, fearing one of the possible answers to his own question, "Am I...Do you see color right now?"
"I do...I can see color," you confirm breathlessly, your surprise soon transforming into a giddy grin that almost reaches your ears. Leaning forward, you try to get a better look at the man before you through your new vision. Your hand moves as if prepared to reach towards him, however you keep it hovering in the air, "...I can finally see color..."
When you let your hand slowly drift back down to the table, it doesn't take long before Matt's brushes over it, remaining there as his face twists into a series of emotions. First, there's hesitance and fear, then a flash of sorrow before finally a gentle smile. 
Staring into his unfocused eyes, you almost lose yourself, forgetting that you're in fact sitting in the middle of a busy bar with your lawyer who is apparently that one special person you're meant to spend your life with...but it's then that you come to another realization that almost jolts you away from him, your words in a panic, "I-I promise I'm not lying either! I'd never lie about this to you, Matt! I really do see color, so I think you're my -"
You don't get to finish your drawn off sentence before his lips are pressing softly against yours, his hand moving yours to his cheek where it had desired to be to begin with. You had no sense of time to tell you how long you remain like that before he pulls away, forehead set against yours as his breath cools your lips, "...I'm your soulmate."
"You believe me?"
He chuckles, pecking your lips in a kiss that doesn't last nearly long enough. Matt has never admitted it to anyone, however a part of him has always feared the idea of ‘soulmates’. If they’re found through color, how would he ever find his perfect match without sight and would they even want him? 
Those insecurities only got worse after he was lied to. He knew it was a lie, too - of course he knew, he can sense the signs the human body gives off while fibbing - yet he played dumb and pretended to believe it. Why? Maybe he was too poisoned by young love, desperately wanting to believe the woman before him was his soulmate. Perhaps he was just scared he’d never find his real soulmate anyways, so why not take what he was being handed since beggars can’t be choosers? 
Then you came into the picture. Matt may not be able to confirm your connection through any form of color, but he can definitely say he felt something special from the second you first came into Nelson & Murdock searching for help. 
Some part of him realized it by the way your laughter lights a fire in his heart or how the thought of you sticks in his mind like glue throughout each day and night. Still…He was too afraid to act upon this feeling - too afraid to let himself live the chance that you could even possibly be his soulmate, although he can feel safe admitting it now: he’s been silently hoping this entire time that it would be you and it seems his instincts have been correct.
"You're my soulmate," Matt whispers, returning his lips to yours for a third time that mirrors the first: a long and loving kiss that makes you both echo out the rest of the world as you hold dearly onto the fact that neither of you will ever have to be alone again.
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193 notes · View notes
intotheelliwoods · 8 months
*Shuffles into your ask box, waiting patiently with something hiding behind my back. Looks at you with a cheesy smile and sheepishly holds out a small bouquet with pink roses and blue hydrangeas*
H-Hi *waves shyly*
I know this is really random, but I like to study floriography, o-or the Victorian languages of flowers. Pink roses symbolize: admiration, elegance, gratitude and appreciation. Blue Hydrangeas represent: sincere, heartfelt sentiment and represents gratitude and understanding.
I wanted to give you some flowers because I have great appreciation for your art and wholesome style. Its the kind of art that is soothing both to the eye and the soul (especially your dynamic between Peepaw Leo and his poptart *chef kiss*). It's very soft and well...just really pretty, and I thought that you deserved something soft and pretty too.
I just...wanted to express my thanks for the wonderful art that you make, and sincerely hope that wherever you are today, that you are taking care of yourself. Because friendo you are thee good hooman who makes the good art that inspires the world, and you deserve all the loves, care and support.
Seriously though, it is incredibly refreshing to see soft wholesome art in a world that can be so dark, and you do it so effortlessly (I know you try very hard, and I can see it. However, I promise you honey, it looks so good that it seems like you don't)
A-anyway...I've been rambling, so just... thanks I guess...here you go
*lightly shoves the flowers in your direction before running away*
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imagitory · 5 months
So my mum and I were revisiting one of our all-time favorite Christmas movies, The Muppet Christmas Carol, and I think maybe -- just maybe -- there's some really fun symbolism we've all been missing out on. And it all has to do with our main character Scrooge and the color red.
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Okay, so at the beginning of the film, Scrooge is in all black, from head to toe. It makes him this wonderful dark shadow over the rest of the cast, and also makes him immediately stand out when he's in public, since everyone else is much more colorfully dressed.
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Contrast this especially to the people who are closest to him, Bob Crachit and his nephew Fred.
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Well, well, isn't this interesting...both of them have red in their costumes. Even later on, at Fred's Christmas party, we see his wife also wearing red.
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The Ghost of Christmas Present -- the ghost who in this film arguably influences Scrooge the most out of all of them -- has a bright red beard...
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Oh yes, and we mustn't forget that our favorite narrator "Charles Dickens" is also wearing a bright red coat. (Even his friend Rizzo has some red in his scarf.)
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Red as a color can mean lots of different things symbolically -- violence, passion, anger, courage, danger...but I think the one most relevant to this reading is love and warmth. Why? Because even when we see Scrooge as a young man prior to the "all black" treatment, his definitive color is a dark blue.
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Notice how much cooler young Scrooge's overall color palette is compared to the much flashier, rosier Fozziwig. (And yes, I think that rosy palette is on purpose -- in the film, Scrooge even describes Fozziwig as being "as hard and as ruthless as a rose petal.") It also makes it so that when Scrooge meets Belle (at this point dressed in pale green with pink rose details), their palettes compliment each other a little bit more, even if Belle's look is still softer, lighter, and warmer in tone to Scrooge's cool, serious ensemble.
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But when Belle and Scrooge part ways, we see them wearing colors that contrast much more. Scrooge is still in cool, detached blue, but Belle is in...
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Red. Specifically, like Bob and Fred, she has red right around her neck, in the form of her bonnet's ribbon. And it's presumed that over time, after losing Belle and withdrawing more into himself and his own greedy self interest, that Scrooge lost the remaining color of his life and became the cold, black-hearted moneylender we see in the film.
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Then of course Scrooge goes through this radical transformation thanks to the Ghosts of Christmas, as we all know...and the very first Christmas present he receives, as a thank you for his charity, is from one of the charity workers, played by Beaker. What is it?
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A red scarf.
It's a gift given in the spur of the moment, and yet from Scrooge's reaction, we can tell it's something foreign to him. It's likely it's been ages since he's received such a modest, and yet heartfelt gift from anyone. Scrooge feels the warmth of the gesture, not just because a scarf keeps one's neck warm, but because it was given out of such sincere gratitude and kindness. And as startled as he is by it, he responds with such sincere joy, and wears it happily for the rest of the day. He wears that warmth as easily as Fred and Bob wore it earlier in the film -- as if it's become a part of him. And in a strange way, it has.
For the first time, arguably in his whole life, Scrooge has a true understanding of selfless, loving warmth. The warmth that he should and does feel for the people most central to his life and identity -- his nephew and niece-in-law, his loyal subordinate, his first employer, his first love...even the Spirits who taught him the true "meaning of the season." A kind, generous warmth that permeates the entire story of A Christmas Carol because it's what Charles Dickens loved so much about the holiday season and so wished to spark in his audience.
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mywitchlingjourney · 2 years
Full moons correspondences
Wolf moon (January) also known as cold moon, air
Inner power, insight, assess your journey, protection, personal developement
Ianna, Freyja, Skadi, the Morrigan, Hecate
Wolves, foxes, coyotes, blue jay, pheasants
Hematite, ruby, selenite, moonstone, opal, garnet, jet, onyx, obsidian
Black, white, silver, violet
Snow moon (February) also known as storm moon or hunger moon, air and water
New starts, ambition, change, creativity, reflection
Brighid, Diana, Juno
Otter, eagle, chickadee, unicorn
Amethyst, jasper, moonstone
Purple, light blue, yellow
Worm moon (March) also known as seed moon, water and fire
New growth, set intentions, renewal, balance, prospering
Mars, Tyr, Athena, Isis
Cougar, bear, hedgehog, sea crow, sea eagle
Aquamarine, bloodstone, jade
Pale green, red, violet
Pink moon (April) also known as hare moon, fire and earth
Rebirth, discovery, fertility, goals, openings, opportunities
Aphrodite, Venus, Hathor, Kali, Rhiannon
Bear, wolf, hawk, magpie
Diamond, quartz, emerald
Pale yellow, pink, gold
Flower moon (May) also known as fairy moon, earth and air
Abundance, gratitude, romance, maturity, intuition
Bast, Artemins, Pan, Cernunnos
Cats, lynx, leopard, swallow, dove, swan
Emerald, sapphire, agate
Pink, green, brown
Strawberry moon (June) also known as rose moon, air and water
Harvest, manifesting, dreams, love, good health, clarity, communication
Juno, Hera, Isis, Neith, Cerridwen
Monkey, butterfly, frog, toad, wren, peacock
Pearl, moonstone, citrine, blue lace agate
Yellow/green and orange
Buck moon (July) also known as hay moon, water and fire
Inner fire, long term goals, leadership, divination
Hel, Athena, Lugh, Khepri
Crab, turtle, dolphin, whale, starling, swallow
Ruby, carnelian, green calcite, peacock ore
Blue, gray, silver
Sturgeon moon (August) also known as barley moon, earth and air
Freedom, perseverance, cleansing, reaping, gratitude, peace, harmony
Demeter, Ceres, Hathor, Nemesis, Ganesha, Vulcan, Vesta
Lion, phoenix, sphinx, dragon, crane, falcon, eagle
Periodot, onyx, bronzite, green sapphire
Gold, yellow, green
Harvest moon (September) also known as corn moon, earth and air
Harvest, gratitude, balance, reflection, psychic work, home and hearth
Demeter, Ceres, Thor, Thoth, Persephone, Freyja, Isis
Snake, jackal, ibis, sparrow
Peridot, sapphire, bloodstone, chrysolite
Brown, yellow, amber
Hunters moon (October) also known as blood moon, air and water
Strength, protection, endurance, rebirth, ambition, ancestral work
Cernunnos, Hecate, the Morrigan, Osiris, Astarte, Ishtar, Lakshmi
Stag, jackal, elephant, ram, scorpion, wolf, heron, crow, robin, owl, raven
Opal, tourmaline, citrine, rose sapphire
Red, orange, deep blue, black, dark green, brown, gold
Beaver moon (November) also known as snow moon, water and fire
Preparation, security, grounding, fidelity, new beginnings, release
Cailleach, Circe, Sybele, Hel, Holda, Kali, Bast, Osiris
Unicorn, scorpion, crocodile, jackal, owl, goose, sparrow
Topaz, obsidian, onyx, apache tear
White, purple, gray, sage green, black
Cold moon (December) also known as oak moon, fire and water
Completion, renewal, reflection, shadow work, transitions, peace
Dionysus, Athena, Attis, Ixchel, Neith, Wodan, Osiris, Frey
Deer, mouse, horse, bear, snowy owl, robin, rook
Blue zircon, turquoise, serpentine, lazulite, smoky quartz
Blood red, green, white, black
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greatideas-badwriter · 4 months
SasuSaku: Sacrificed To The Banished Prince Ch. 9
Sakura did her best to appear unbothered while following her temporary handmaid, a scary woman named Konan, downstairs toward the dining hall for breakfast. 
Ino had packed her new dresses for this trip, but they weren’t in the room when the pinkette awoke. She asked Konan about it, but all she said was that the king had selected a wardrobe for her to use during the stay. Just like the dress Sakura hadn’t liked while trying on clothes for the royal family’s tailor, the back was low on every single one. She politely requested a shawl or something to cover her bare skin but was refused. Konan at least heeded her request to leave her hair loose down her back so it wouldn’t be noticeable. 
‘This maid didn’t say or do anything to hurt me, but I feel really uncomfortable around her for some reason.’ 
“Ah, you look beautiful, Niece! I knew a lady of the Haruno family would compliment any dress wonderfully,” the king kissed Sakura’s hand before gesturing for her to sit beside Sasuke at the large dining table. 
She felt her face warm. Awkwardly, she crossed the room, sparing her fiance a glance when he rose to pull out the chair for her. He still seemed upset, but not as much as he had during the past week. 
Breakfast was served, but the pinkette found it hard to eat when it felt like her every move was being scrutinized. Her heartbeat pounded in her ears as she tried to ignore the discomfort and failed. 
The king was overly friendly with her from the moment they met. It wasn’t that she was ungrateful to him for being so welcoming; it was just that she wasn’t used to such behavior. She didn’t know how to react and feared she’d accidentally say or do the wrong thing and insult him. The last thing she wanted to do was misrepresent her family and Sasuke. 
‘I don’t belong in a place like this. I’m an illegitimate daughter, of all things! Does the king know? Will he cancel the wedding if he finds out?’ 
Sakura’s spine straightened as she snapped out of her anxious stupor. A warm hand had landed atop hers on her lap. She looked at Sasuke in surprise, and he squeezed, a reassuring glint ever so subtly warming his gaze. If she hadn’t been searching for it, she would’ve missed it and assumed he was only glaring again. 
She nervously returned the squeeze, a grateful smile pulling at the corner of her mouth. Sasuke released her hand when the king suddenly spoke, breaking the silence of the room, “You two must be excited about your engagement party this evening.” 
Sasuke nodded with a frown, his voice serious and cold, “Thank you for organizing this for us, Uncle. You have our gratitude.”  
Even though she was unstudied in most things pertaining to human interaction due to her lack of experience with the outside world, Sakura could tell Sasuke was tense and cautious in regard to the king and maybe the first prince, too. She mentally noted to follow in his footsteps so as to not cause problems. 
“Of course, Nephew! I’ve waited years for your letter confirming a match had been made with one of the marriage candidates I selected,” Madara’s dark eyes flickered onto Sakura, his smile widening when her face turned a pretty shade of pink, “I must say your appearances are as different as day and night but somehow still suit one another. Wouldn’t you agree, Itachi?” 
The first prince nodded politely, “Yes. They’re a very handsome couple, Uncle. You’ve outdone yourself.” 
After breakfast, Sasuke attempted to get Sakura alone so they could speak about the man with yellow eyes, but the king stopped them before they could exit the dining room. “Sasuke, your brother will take you to prepare for this evening. Leave the princess in my hands. I’ll take good care of her in your absence.” 
Sakura’s eyes widened when Sasuke took her hands and regarded her with a frown, “My Lord….” 
He glanced at his family members before turning so his back faced them. Her warm face became hot when he uncharacteristically leaned in to press a chaste kiss to her cheek, whispering into her ear while there, “Be cautious. I’ll come to you as soon as I can.” When he pulled back and searched her face, she nodded, awestruck. He gave her hands one last squeeze before following his elder brother out of the room, leaving her with the king. 
King Madara offered Sakura his arm, “Shall we take a stroll?” 
She bowed before accepting it. It was difficult to keep her body from nervously trembling, so he surely noticed, but he said nothing. The pair walked in silence for a while before they exited the building and entered a massive, intricate, and beautiful garden. 
Sakura was suddenly struck with a sense of deja vu. She glanced around, trying desperately to figure out why it felt as though this wasn’t her first time seeing it. 
“Would you like to sit and rest for a moment?” 
Sakura nodded, allowing the king to guide her to a nearby bench, where they sat side-by-side. Her gaze landed on a row of rose bushes across the walkway, where dark blue flowers bloomed. Her brow furrowed as she continued to fail in jogging her memory. 
“Is there something on your mind?” 
The woman jumped slightly, having forgotten Konoha’s ruler was at her side. She blushed, glancing his way before nodding and averting her eyes back to the roses, “I feel as though I’ve seen beautiful blue roses like these somewhere before, but I’m having trouble recalling where.” 
When the king didn’t respond, Sakura looked at him again, only to have her blood run cold when he was staring intently at her face, “Your Highness?” 
Just like that, his serious expression returned to the friendly one from before, and he tilted his head, “You know, I was just thinking it’s rare to meet someone with naturally pink hair. It suits you quite well.” 
She blushed, lowering her gaze bashfully, “You’re too kind.” 
“Your siblings all have red hair, if I correctly recall?” 
“Yes, that is true.” ‘He seems very interested in my physical appearance. I think it’d be rude to ask the reason why.’ 
“I see,” King Madara searched her face calmly, “And is this your first time visiting the palace? I know Baron Haruno has attended dozens of banquets and balls.” 
Sakura’s pulse quickened. She hesitated because if she confirmed that she’d never been here, he might realize there was a reason why and investigate her upbringing. Above all else, she was terrified he’d annul the engagement with Sasuke upon realizing she was an illegitimate child. So, she lied, “I was a very sick child, so I wasn’t able to accompany Father to many parties while growing up.” 
He nodded, “Ah, I understand now. I was concerned my mind was failing because I’d surely not forget a beauty such as yours.” He got to his feet and offered his arm again, “Let us continue our stroll. The maids will soon come for you to prepare for the party this evening.” 
They began walking again, but Sakura felt less comfortable than before. 
“So, what are your thoughts on my nephew?” 
“He is a respectable and generous man, Your Highness. He has treated me well.” 
“Pardon me if the topic is unwelcome, but can you explain the nature of your relationship? Seeing The Curse roam free last night without trying to harm anyone was quite a shock.” 
‘Ah, so he wants details on what’s happened between the three of us,’ Sakura took her time gathering her thoughts, ‘Sasuke told me to be cautious. He wouldn’t have done that if there was nothing to worry about, so I think I shouldn’t tell the king everything.’ 
“There isn’t much I can say. Any agreements The Curse and Lord Sasuke have are between them. I feel it’s too personal a matter, so I haven’t asked the prince for more information.” 
King Madara didn’t let her completely get away with such a vague response, “You must at least be aware of the condition to rid my nephew of that demon.” 
“...Yes. I am aware of my fate.”
“And you’re accepting of things as they are?” 
Sakura paused, swallowing nervously before nodding, “Lord Sasuke vowed to try finding alternative ways to break the curse, but if that fails, I’ll not resent him.” She tried to answer in a way that she thought would please Konoha’s ruler, “To die so that a member of the royal family can be healed and thrive would be an honor.” 
The king chuckled, sighing afterward, “You are a unique young woman, Niece. I’m grateful it’s you who is his fiance. I’ll leave him in your capable hands.” 
Soon, Konan and a handful of other maids retrieved Sakura and took her back to the bedroom upstairs to begin the long and tedious preparations needed to get her ready for the engagement party.  
By the time they were finished, Sakura hardly recognized herself in the mirror. The dress, which she had no hand in choosing, clung to her humble curves. It was blood red, made of velvet, floor length, and had off-shoulders with a sweetheart neckline. This would be the most form-fitting outfit the pinkette had ever worn, which only proved to make her more nervous. 
Her long hair was in romantic curls with some of it pinned back, only to be accented with a thin tiara. No matter how much she protested, Konan and the other ladies insisted she wore it due to her impending title change from lady to princess. Diamond earrings and a necklace were also provided. Sakura’s makeup was flawless and professional. 
A knock came at the bedroom door, causing the panicking woman to gasp and turn in time to see Sasuke open it. His dark eyes subtly widened when they met hers, and she suddenly felt insecure and self-conscious. They met one another halfway, where she whispered unsteadily, her overwhelmed state clear as day to her fiance, “I-I don’t know if I can do this.” 
Sasuke looked beyond stunning. He wore a black tuxedo with a bowtie that matched her dress. His usually unruly hair was combed back and out of his face. 
He offered his arm with an unfamiliar expression on his face, “If you can tame The Curse, you can face the public.” 
She fanned herself to prevent the tears from overflowing as they left the room and began heading for the ballroom downstairs, “What if I say the wrong thing? I don’t want to embarrass you or your family, Lord Sasuke.” 
The pair stopped near the guards manning the double-door entryway of the ballroom, and the prince faced her fully. Like earlier in the day, he pulled her hands into his and met her gaze straight on. For a moment, it was quiet, and she stared with wide eyes while trembling nervously. 
“I’m relying on you to help break my curse, so rely on me when you’re feeling unsure.” 
‘My God, he really is a prince,’ Sakura’s mouth opened slightly as she took in the man’s gentle reassurance and handsome appearance. There was something so noble about his demeanor this evening. ‘Could it be the party and the clothing getting to me? I can’t stop staring at his face.’ 
Sasuke squeezed her hands and spoke again, this time leaning in slightly to pull her attention from her hectic thoughts, “I’ll take the lead tonight. Simply follow my example.” 
Slowly, Sakura nodded. Her heartbeat slowed enough that she could take a deep breath. The prince fixed her with one last look over before gesturing to the guards so they’d open the doors. 
“Now, introducing Prince Sasuke and his new fiance, Lady Sakura Haruno.” 
Applause met their ears as they stepped into the crowded room. It was so bright and lively that it took a moment for Sakura’s eyes and ears to adjust. Without missing a beat, Sasuke guided her hand into the crook of his arm and stepped forward, guiding her along. 
‘I have to keep my shoulders back and make sure not to trip,’ Sakura glanced at the tall man supporting her before blushing and lowering her gaze, ‘For him, I have to do everything perfectly.’ 
The couple was greeted by dozens of strangers in extravagant clothing, each doing little to hide the fact that they wished to be in the good graces of the royal family to benefit their own. 
When they made their way to the head of the room where the king and crowned prince were waiting, Madara lifted a hand to silence and still the area. Then, he spoke loudly enough that all could hear, “As the acting ruler of this land, I hereby offer this couple my blessing,” he gestured to them, “Nephew.” 
Sakura faced Sasuke because he suddenly turned her way, pulling away from her hold. She brought a shocked hand to her chest when he knelt down to one knee and offered her a beautiful diamond ring with sapphires accenting the massive gemstone. His dark eyes remained locked on hers the entire time, silently encouraging her not to lose confidence, “I’m declaring my intention to make you a part of my family, Lady Sakura. Will you accept this ring, therefore accepting my offer of marriage?” 
‘I had no idea this sort of thing would be happening tonight, especially in front of so many people!’ 
The image before her was like something out of a fairytale book, one she might’ve read to her youngest sibling before bed years ago. With her hand trembling, she allowed Sasuke to slide the ring onto her fourth finger, “I will.” 
Applause filled the air once more, and Sakura’s face warmed significantly as the second prince rose to his feet. He seemed mildly amused by her bashful reaction, the corner of his lips tugging as though he wanted to smirk or smile but was holding back. She looked at the gorgeous ring on her finger before placing a palm on her cheek in an attempt to cool it. 
Together, the couple approached the king and bowed. Madara grinned widely, gesturing for them to raise, “Let us spend the night making wonderful memories we can reminisce about for years to come!” He lifted his glass of champagne, “A toast! To the happy couple! May their love last a lifetime!” 
A butler quickly arrived to give Sakura and Sasuke glasses of their own, and then the room lifted their glasses in unison, cheers filling the air. Sakura timidly sipped the bitter drink, stealing a glance at the king, who winked happily. This was her first time attending a party of any kind. It was also her first time trying alcohol. 
‘I don’t care for this taste, but everyone else is drinking it, so I’ll just have to force it down. It’d be rude to complain when they prepared all of this for us.’ 
“We have to be the first to dance,” Sasuke muttered where only she could hear. 
She swallowed hard, “D-Dance? But we’ve never practiced.” 
Sasuke took her drink, handed both his and hers to the butler, and guided her to the center of the ballroom floor. The nearby orchestra began playing a slow waltz. Sakura searched Sasuke’s face with wide, terrified eyes but allowed him to manipulate her body to the necessary position. Her palm rested on his shoulder while he held her other hand in his. Then, as naturally as breathing, they were dancing. Their moves flowed like a calm river. 
‘He’s completely taking the lead, just like he said,’ Sakura thought, acutely aware of his body pressed against hers so she could feel how he’d like her to move. 
One by one, other couples joined them on the dance floor, and it became easier to breathe since everyone wasn’t simply standing around staring at them. Sakura whispered, her gaze wandering away from her fiance’s face because his beauty was overwhelming to behold unyieldingly for long periods of time without losing one’s composure, “You’re quite good at this, Lord Sasuke. You must’ve taken lessons as a child, correct?” 
“Yes,” the man said, “Though it’s been years since I’ve had any practice.” 
The pair experienced a brief hiccup in their dance when Sakura misstepped, accidentally stepping on his toe. She blushed, lowering her face, “I’m so sorry. I would’ve studied if I’d known we were expected to dance.” 
“No one is expecting you to be perfect,” Sasuke said. 
A moment of silence passed before Sakura blurted out something that’d been on her mind for days, “May I ask a question?” 
“Of course.” Sasuke twirled his fiance before pulling her back into the previous stance, dark eyes studying her every move. 
The pinkette felt warm and antsy but managed to get the words out, “Have I done something to upset you? We were getting along well, I feel, until a few days ago.” 
The prince’s neutral expression fell into a frown, “What?” 
‘I shouldn’t have said anything. I probably just ruined the night for him.’ She shook her head quickly, “It’s nothing. I’m sorry. Please forget I mentioned it.” ‘He hasn’t harmed me before, but I also haven’t spent much time in his presence. Will he punish me for bringing up something uncomfortable?’ 
Their eyes met, only for the song to come to an end and the room to applaud the band. The same butler from before reappeared to hand the couple new glasses. Then, the pair was busy introducing themselves to anyone and everyone who approached, making their way around the room. Sakura stayed by Sasuke’s side, speaking only when spoken to and quietly sipping her drink. 
‘If I do well for the rest of the night, maybe he won’t be as angry.’ 
An hour passed, and then two, and then Sasuke suddenly gasped, snapping the pinkette out of her daze. She looked up to see his jaw flexing, a flash of red crossing his eyes as he lowered them so the group of people surrounding them wouldn’t notice. 
‘He’s changing! I have to get him out of here before someone notices!’ Swallowing her fear, Sakura slid her hand from the crook of his elbow to his hand, where she interlaced their fingers, “Lord Sasuke, can we take a short break? I need a breath of fresh air.” 
His eyes widened, black again for the moment before he nodded. They bowed to the few paying attention and excused themselves from the large room. Halfway toward the exit, Sasuke stumbled, a hiss passing his lips as his fingers tightened between hers. Sakura slowed, glancing around at the staring lords and ladies. 
She whispered, “If you lean on me, they’ll only think its because of the champagne.” 
The prince glared straight ahead but smoothly wrapped an arm around her shoulders. 
‘He’s so warm,’ she thought, shyly wrapping her own arm around his waist to help support some of his weight while he suffered the pain of Akuma’s taking over. 
Once out of the ballroom and down the hallway a bit, the prince gasped in pain, allowing some of it to show since they were alone, “I should’ve paid closer attention to the time.” 
He nearly doubled over, but Sakura stumbled to help him remain upright. Her eyes landed on a nearby door, and she guided him toward it in a hurry, glancing behind them to ensure no one was watching, “Let’s go in here until the shift has passed.” 
To her disdain, it was only a small broom closet, but it’d have to do. Sakura helped Sasuke lean against the back wall, holding one of his hands to show support while keeping the other on his waist in the event that he began to fall so she could try to help. 
He panted, a thin sheen of sweat appearing on his skin in the darkness. When he spoke, his voice was raspy and weak, “How is it that crowds can intimidate you, yet you’re able to help me with something like this as though it’s natural?” 
She shook her head, wincing in empathy when a small sound passed his lips, “I couldn’t just stand by and watch you suffer,” she unconsciously lifted her hand from his waist to push his hair from his face as it’d begun to fall from it’s styled position, “Besides, it’s not your fault you were cursed. You shouldn’t have to go through this alone.” 
Sasuke absently leaned into her touch, his eyes half-lidded. 
Sakura gasped when his free hand gently met her lower back to pull her against him. A bright blush met her face, “...My Lord?” 
The man’s mouth opened, but no words came out. Then, it was as though the breath in his body disappeared. What was once black became a glowing red, and the hold he had around her became firmer. Akuma’s familiar tone met her ears; the prince’s once gentle expression morphing into something confident and devilish, “How pathetic. The prince must rely on the help of something like you to maintain appearances. I could laugh.” 
Her blush paled, “Akuma. You’re awake.” 
His glowing gaze looked over her, his lips turning up into a grin, “You look…” 
‘Oh, no. Please don’t talk about my outfit.’ 
“You look like you want to be devoured, Sacrifice. Is tonight the night you offer me your innocence?” 
“It’s too soon for you to kill me. I’m sure Lord Sasuke doesn’t consider me someone he holds dear,” Sakura, as always, didn’t understand most of what the demon said, “When the time comes, I don’t mind if you’re the one to do it. Please be patient.” 
Akuma chuckled, “I have many things to teach, and you have many things to learn.” 
He studied the nervous woman’s face for a moment before she couldn’t stand it any longer and tried to pull away, “We should return to the party before people notice and begin looking for us.” 
“Not so fast, Pet.” 
She froze in her struggle against his hold, “Huh?” 
The demon lowered his voice, leaning in to brush the tip of his nose against the petrified woman’s, “You’re forgetting to show respect to your master.” 
“My apologies, Akuma,” Sakura began pulling again, to no avail, “I’ll bow to you if you release me.” 
The hand holding hers disappeared to swiftly run up her back and get tangled in her curly hair. 
She gasped when he tugged so she’d lift her chin. His voice was low as he searched her face, “You pressing your forehead to the floor is no longer sufficient.” Sakura opened her mouth to ask what he wanted, but he cut her off. “Watching that coward miss opportunities left and right today has left me aggravated and unsatisfied.” 
The hand on the woman’s back lowered to squeeze her bottom, making her squeak in surprise. “And watching you look at him like he’s God’s greatest gift to Earth is just as irritating.” 
“Akuma, what are you-” “Kiss me.” 
‘What did he just say?’ 
“K-Kiss you?!”
He glared, the red in his eyes flaring up with his impatience, “Even an uneducated child knows what a kiss is. Do it, or I’ll go into that ballroom and use this body to ruin the prince’s reputation with those filthy humans.” 
Sakura didn’t dare call his bluff, remembering how carelessly he’d murdered Butler Yamamoto. Tears welled up as she searched his face, “Just one, right?” 
Akuma grinned affirmatively. 
Trembling from head to toe, the pinkette nervously cupped his cheek, eyes searching his carefully as she rose to her tiptoes. He watched her every move until she squeezed her eyes closed and kissed his cheek, a humiliated and scared heat flooding her face, chest, and stomach. 
When she pulled away moments later, Akuma’s amused expression was gone. Instead, he seemed bewildered. 
Before she could say anything, he whispered, his breath tickling her face since they’d yet to part, “This once, I’ll let that suffice as we’re needed elsewhere, but the next time you’re in my arms like this, I won’t allow you to escape so easily.” 
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regulus-cannot-swim · 9 months
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Trust- the Darkling x reader
Aleksander Morozova stood at the edge of a cliff, his gaze fixed on the horizon. The sun was just starting to rise, casting soft shades of pink and orange across the sky. Beside him, Y/n L/n stood silent, watching him intently.
"I didn't think you'd come," he said finally, his voice rough with emotion.
Y/n took a step forward, her hand reaching out to touch his arm. "I'll always come when you need me, Aleksander."
He turned to her, his dark eyes burning with a fierce intensity. "You shouldn't trust me, Y/n. I've done things in the past…things that are unforgivable."
Y/n shook her head, taking a step closer to him. "I know who you are, Aleksander. I know about your past. But I also know who you are now. You've changed, and I trust you."
Aleksander looked at her, his eyes softening. "It's not that simple, Y/n. Darkness is still a part of me. It always will be."
Y/n took his hand, her fingers squeezing his gently. "I know that, Aleksander. And I accept that. But I also know that there's more to you than darkness. There's love, compassion, and strength. That's why I trust you."
Aleksander looked down at her, his heart aching with gratitude. He had never met anyone like Y/n, someone who accepted him for all that he was and wasn't afraid to stand by his side.
Together, they stood at the edge of the cliff, watching the sunrise in silence. For a moment, it felt like nothing else in the world mattered except for them. They were together, and that was all that mattered.
As the sun rose higher in the sky, Aleksander turned to Y/n, his expression softening. "Thank you, Y/n. For trusting me."
Y/n smiled up at him, her eyes shining with warmth. "It's okay. I trust you."
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