#[  task  ]
sillydumbdoll · 2 months
I am a fuckdoll I am a fuckdoll I am a fuckdoll I am a fuckdoll I am a fuckdoll I am a fuckdoll I am a fuckdoll I am a fuckdoll I am a fuckdoll I am a fuckdoll I am a fuckdoll I am a fuckdoll I am a fuckdoll I am a fuckdoll I am a fuckdoll I ama fuckdoll I am a fuckdoll I am a fuckdoll I am a fuckdoll I am a fuckdoll I am a fuckdoll I am a fuckdoll I am a fuckdoll I am a fuckdoll I am a fuckdoll I am a fuckdoll I am a fuckdoll I am a fuckdoll I am a fuckdoll I am a fuckdoll I am a fuckdoll I am a fuckdoll I am a fuckdoll I am a fuckdoll I am a fuckdoll I am a fuckdoll I am a fuckdoll I am a fuckdoll I am a fuckdoll I am a fuckdoll I am a fuckdoll I am a fuckdoll I am a fuckdoll I am a fuckdoll I am a fuckdoll I am a fuckdoll I am a fuckdoll I am a fuckdoll I am a fuckdoll I am a fuckdoll I am a fuckdoll I am a fuckdoll I am a fuckdoll I am a fuckdoll I am a fuckdoll I am a fuckdoll I am a fuckdoll I am a fuckdoll I am a fuckdoll I am a fuckdoll I am a fuckdoll I am a fuckdoll I am a fuckdoll I am a fuckdoll I am a fuckdoll I am a fuckdoll I am a fuckdoll I am a fuckdoll I am a fuckdoll I am a fuckdoll I am a fuckdoll I am a fuckdoll I am a fuckdoll I am a fuckdoll I am a fuckdoll I am a fuckdoll I am a fuckdoll I am a fuckdoll I am a fuckdoll I am a fuckdoll I am a fuckdoll I am a fuckdoll I am a fuckdoll I am a fuckdoll I am a fuckdoll I am a fuckdoll I am a fuckdoll I am a fuckdoll I am a fuckdoll I am a fuckdoll I am a fuckdoll I am a fuckdoll I am a fuckdoll I am a fuckdoll I am a fuckdoll I am a fuckdoll I am a fuckdoll I am a fuckdoll I am a fuckdoll I am a fuckdoll I am a fuckdoll I am a fuckdoll I am a fuckdoll I am a fuckdoll I am a fuckdoll I am a fuckdoll I am a fuckdoll I am a fuckdoll I am a fuckdoll I am a fuckdoll I am a fuckdoll
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palatinewolfsblog · 23 days
“The profession of journalism ought to be
about telling people what they need to know -
not what they want to know.”
Walter Cronkite.
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The Art of Gravitas
(for my old Friend @acommonloon ) ...
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lonomy · 2 months
Gaze into the neurodiverse brain:
*A task that takes 5 minutes to complete*: How the hell am I going to find the time to do that? I may as well not do it...
*A game that you love that requires 300 hours to finish*: I can and will make the time to finish this; twice.
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hell0potato · 10 months
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Does she really deserve the mat?
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altbite · 1 year
Child’s Play
Summary: You got injured because of Konig
Konig x GN!Reader - Enemies to ?? oneshot
Readers Callsign: Socks (I like this callsign so imma ause it for the foreseeable future)
Unrelated to my last oneshot “Silly Things” (or a potential sequel lmao. Because of the same callsign, you are allowed to link them if you want)
“Fuck you”
“Fuck you so much. God what is wrong with you? You seriously chose to kill that guy over saving my ass?”
“You lived, didn't you?”
You scoff, “By “lived” you mean barely got away alive? sure, yea no totally. Not like I ended up with two stab wounds and a bullet in my shoulder, but no yea I’m alive. No thanks to you”.
You and Konig had been yelling at each other for the last 10 minutes after you got released from med bay. You were pissed at him. It was bad enough you two didn’t get along on base, but on field? It was a new territory that he crossed. Rules are simple: you watch each others back, no matter what.
Price had walked in before more words were spoken. “Enough. Socks, Konig, Quit it”. You both turned to glare at the older man, who had bags under his eyes that could go on for days. “But Captain, He-”, you attempted to get a word in but Price raised his hand and cut you off.
“I said enough. Konig, your job was to watch their back, and NOT let them get shot. Socks, you were meant to make sure the room was clear in the first place. As far as I’m aware, you both suck at following instructions. You are both lucky to be alive”.
You and Konig both felt uneasy with Price now yelling at both of you. It wasn’t uncommon but you didn’t enjoy getting in trouble, much less getting yelled at.
“Now with that being said, you are both suspended until further notice. I suggest you get your shit together, both of you”
You glare back at Konig, who is refusing to acknowledge you. “Yes sir”, you say, walking off. You walk down to your room, your thoughts racing while really wanting to lay your head on pillow and hope its cold. You get into your room, stare around the room whilst standing in the door frame, sighing and closing the door behind you as you approach your bed. Plopping down, you can’t help all the negative feelings piling up. You heard a brief knock on your door, and saw Soap come in. He joined you on your bed, “Captain give you a hard time?”.
“Don’t even get me started Soap”, you rub your forehead with you palm. “How you doing?”, you asked him, hoping to get a distraction. “Better than you, Socks”. He moved your t-shirt up to examine the wounds you received and their stitching. “Some sexy scars your gonna have mate”, tracing his fingers around them. You chuckled. Soap knew how to lift your mood, even for a moment. “Thanks, I tried”. 
“At least you’re exempted from training for now”, Soap chuckled. A wave of uncomfortable silence filled the room, “Soap...I got suspended”
“Oh fuck”.
“Oh fuck my ass. It wasn’t just me though. Konig got suspended too, until further notice. The fuck am I gonna do now?”, you sighed in defeat but it was the truth. You hadn’t a clue of what to do now.
“I got one for you”, Soap commented as you looked at him for his answer.
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thepersonalquotes · 2 months
Everyone is useful for a specific task.
Lailah Gifty Akita
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sillydumbdoll · 2 months
Nothing at all? That seems such a shame, dolls are for dressing up after all.
I want you to go find two accessories or items of clothing and put them on for at least an hour. Anything at all, from something as simple as a bow for your hair, to a tight corset.
Oh wow! Someone online is telling me to put clothes on instead of take them off…well…this is different (in the best way ever djbdhfhfj)
🎀matching dolly outfit for u ft. messy 6 AM sleep deprived doll🎀
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quotelr · 2 months
The learner has to realize that he or she is the one who sets the objective, the learning tasks and the stage for success.
Sukavich Rangsitpol
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tf2addictedman · 2 months
i tryna be kind and friendly to everyone
btww i am having anger issues and maybe parent issues, there is something incredibly wrong with me
i am afraid of hate and criticism :(
p.s i MAY BE annoying for talking about tf2 every time, but i am kind and friendly (not), and i love talking (ABOUT TF2)
currently supermegaultrasuperduperhyperfixated on:
my name: TF2 ADDICT (could have guessed)
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thanks @askblog1
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s7ieben · 12 days
Moon cheese
aquarelle and ink on paper – drawing, painting – 21 x 30 cm
S7IEBEN.art RedBubble
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gillipopmoji · 2 months
secret life specific 'mojis!
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sadistmusings9 · 5 days
How to find your pet name
You will need: paper towel, a marker and a cunt. Simply take sheets of paper towel and write on top a singular humiliating name. Repeat till you have about 6-9 to choose from. Asslicker, holes, tits, it, mutt, etc. Place over an armrest, pillow etc and press your cunt to the paper towel repeating the word on it. The wettest towel is your new name, congratulations!
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wendig0ld · 1 year
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The tasks of the day is a good opportunity to chat !
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sillydumbdoll · 2 months
Go on then doll, drool for us like the adorable attention whore you are.
What's your favourite type of gag?
Rope or handcuffs?
Bells hanging from nipple clamps or a chain connecting them?
Here’s a drool pic I already have in my camera roll I am too eepy to take pics abt to fall asleep soon!!
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1. I like a ball gag or any type of gag where my mouth is stuffed or a gag that makes me drool🫢
2. Rope I like to be restrained as much as possible! And I like the feeling of rope🩷
3. Bells! That sounds so cute!
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hell0potato · 3 months
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