#[but the second one is like 'i cant be in that vibe unless thats the entire vibe'
heylinhenchman · 1 year
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Dare I indulge in a BAJILLIONTH FRICKEN SIDE BLOG for Jack so I can write suggestive stuff ? I mean they have the whole mature filter thing now. But I just. Mn. Mnah. I like me some compartmentalization.
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Uranus and why your life is a ShiT ShoW > URANUS IN Yer HOUSe <
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Uranus in the FIrst - You are the most unpredictable little fuck-head that everyone loves. They always change > there clothes, there direction in life > their hair colour. they thrive in change unless you try to change them, they are the ones changing and dont you dare change them, thats all they have left ;( Uranus in the Second. - Crazy self esteem issues. these people think they are the greatest then the worst person, also same applies to their income because they dont think they are worth much, until they invest into bitcoin and think they will be the next warren buffet. honestly the only thing stable about you is the perception of your value changing. But they love change, something to look forward to i guess Uranus in the Third your brain and communication skills are kinda fucky you know that dont you. you always know how to say something shocking, and extremely good at changing the subject of a conversation, like you dont have to say much, but what you do say just made everyone go huh what the fuck you say? its amusing tho we appreciate you Uranus in the F4urth - Emotionally avoidant, dependent, and attached personalities. They cant make their mind up on how they feel, so they experiemnt with every feeling to see if they vibe with that. mum was probably very unpredictable, and they wanna be like her. they just trying their best to forgive her <3 Uranus in the Fifth - Okay this one is the genius. This one people actually think your onto something when your showing off because you break free of every social convention, and archetype, but in the most perfect way. everyone believes your special, and you can change the vibe of a room like dat Uranus in the Sixth - what a fkn mess your life is. I had this one friend who would have 10 different drinks in his room and he would drink each one sparingly (they were all warm too). he had some serious health issues, and lets not get into his mental health okay. but yall have crazy lives and you make it that way Uranus in the Seventh - Im not a player i just fuck a lot. they choose their partners based off how interesting they are, if you can satiate their curiosity you got em. but if your boring or not worth figuring out yeah g-bye. also they just come off strange so everyone is extremely curious. they get projected on a lot but they dont mind its a good way to find out something interesting lol Uranus in the Eighth - Freaks who will do anything.... and im not just talking about sex, if they want something they'll find any way to get it. masters of attainment, even if its probably not healthy for them, they don't care if they want it they get it. then the object of their fixation changes as soon as they do get it. they are like obsessed with 'progress' but its hard to call it that sometimes Uranus in the Ninth - Clever minds who are always skipping segments of a speech, or a video to find the juicy parts. They have very quick minds that are so easily bored, but if you talk to them, they'll never not have something interesting to talk about. also when change does occur its a LOt Uranus in the Tenth - why are yalll like this. just baffling people like they know how to make an entrance and when everyone starts loooking at them, they decide to make fun of everyone by doing something a lil bit too shocking, almosst making fun of you for looking at them. gets off on shocking ya Uranus in the Eleventh - They wanna change the world, but not in a way that is practical. until it is. They have a million friends because they have a knack for understanding people, but when you ask what they want or what scares them. it just makes you rethink why your even friends with them in the first place. 12 - your crazy. and its endearing but everyone is this close to calling the cops on you or locking you up in a psyche ward. maybe tone down your retardation. we all got something going on but you take it to a whole new level.
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wonder2realities · 6 months
having trouble with manifesting physical results?
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when it comes to manifestation, i feel like everyone acts like theres a limit and usually that limit revolves around physical changes. "you cant lose weight unless you work out AND listen to subliminals, you have to put in the work!!!" — what if i were to tell you that you can manifest literally any physical change without even moving? you probably wouldnt believe me because of the idea that you need to "work" to earn something...and yet with all of the physical changes i've manifested, i havent "worked" for anything. how? here's a little list of the rules i stick by !
i'm someone who gets embarrassed very easily, over the smallest things but when it comes to manifesting anything...you gotta be shameless. yes i am waking up with a BBL and a 2-inch waist, what about it. you can pull up to my house, with scientific evidence of how thats not possible but idc cuz its happening. infact, it ALREADY happened "but you look the same" idc it still happened. like literally, no matter what its happening and its happened and it will happen ; whether it be past future or present point is ITS THERE.
this ones a bit hard to word out but essentially, your physical body doesnt make up what you are. meaning, you can view yourself as this ball of energy that can be stretched and pulled out and morphed into everything and anything.
so lets say you want a symmetrical face :
1. dont go overanalysing your face, just sit down & take it easy
2. think of how your symmetrical face that youve always had. i mean you could honestly be a model, your facial structure is amazing. and just allow yourself to sink into those thoughts, whether its through you repeating affirmations or through subliminals — let it all sink in that your face is symmetrical. having doubtful thoughts? let them fly past, dont cling onto them. just allow yourself to sink deeper into the fact that your face is perfectly symmetrical.
3. acknowledge it and live with it. dont go eyeing your mirror and reflection every 2 seconds, dont go panicking and repeating affirmations nonstop and stressing...just acknowledge it and go on with your day.
^ its that easy. you dont need to even see your physical body morphing into it, the point is that you are able to morph and change into whatever you wish because you are not limited to your physical body.
you dont need to do a 40 minute workout to make sure you get results, you dont need to drink 3L of water, you dont need to write down 500 affirmations, you dont need to do a 20step skincare routine if you want to make sure you get clear skin...if you want to do these things, do them as much as you wish to. do you have to? no.
when i was younger, i got a bad injury and because of that one of my cheekbones were larger than the other — through manifestation they look identical now. like as in, if i were to tell you the injury i got into and said "my cheekbone was larger and there was a huge line under it" youd think i was making it up (sidenote : i had to show someone my passport photo from when i was like 8 to prove that i had that injury 😭 CUZ THEY DIDNT BELIEVE ME.) and mind you, i didnt even have a routine - my routine was literally just playing cute subliminals , vibing to the music and then going to sleep. i promise you, you dont need to do any form of "work" to get what you desire.
probably the most important thing i stick by, i always go with my gut. meaning, if i feel like i can listen to a 5 second subliminal and i got it - i leave it there. i dont force anything, i dont push myself into anything and i dont do anything that someone else does if it doesnt vibe well with me. (this also means if youre reading this and going "this doesnt really work with me" - thatll be better than you forcing yourself to follow these rules just because these have worked for me). you need to always remember that when it comes to manifesting things, your preference comes first. so, if you wanna run 5 miles and that helps you believe that you have gotten your desires - do it.
if youre minding your business and youre talking abt your desires and someone goes "erm...🤓👆🏽 thats...not possible" - instead of secondguessing yourself literally ignore them. the concept of whats possible and whats real all boils down to what you BELIEVE is possible/real. the only reason something could not be possible or not be real is you believe it isnt, or you letting someone else who doesnt believe in it take over your beliefs (obviously this specifically applies to manifestation and not things that are tied to disorders or any form of unhealthy thinking. dont take my words out of this context.)
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and thats all ! obviously i have other parts of my mindset that arent mentioned here that help me manifest faster and easier but it would take too long for me to get into everything </3 but consider these my 5 golden rules that will hopefully help anyone whos struggling with physical results.
rmbr that you are forever limitless & changing ★
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cloudcountry · 1 year
What twst characters do you think would be good and bad at flirting?
i have Opinions.
Riddle Rosehearts - mmm bad. but so bad its cute. like he's trying to invite you to a tea party, blurts out the information, spins on his heel and marches off with a red face.
Ace Trappola - UGH HES SO ANNOYING he'd use cheesy one liners with a smug grin so if thats your type of thing come get him.
Ashton Vargas - i hate him. he sucks. also uses cheesy one liners but its layered with a vibe of superiority that makes me want to punch him.
Azul Ashengrotto - MY LOVELY <3333 AAAAA i can see him being suave if he's trying to butter you up, but when you say something back he's like ?!?!?!?!??!?! WHAT. he won't believe you though :((
Cater Diamond - aww he's so sweet!! but really devious. YK HIS BIRTHDAY BOY LOG IN LINES???
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Che'nya - good i think!! he's naturally very mischievous so he'd be the type to sneak it a flirty comment that you don't process until a few seconds have gone by.
Deuce Spade - AWW sorry no :(( he can't flirt for the life of him BUT its so bad hes cute!! yk?? like he's stumbling over his words as he tries to tell you you're eggcellent. his mom put him up to it.
Dire Crowley - hmm. he's a bit hard to pinpoint but i dont think he'd suck? hes bad but i dont think he'd be as bad as vargas.
Divus Crewel - i know everyone likes to think he's like super flirty or smth but i don't think so. he gives the vibes of someone who wants something more serious so his flirting would probably be less playful and more serious compliments on your work.
Epel Felmier - i cannot see him flirting for the life of me unless he was feeling particularly devious??? but also epel is a character that i cant write for the life of me so take everything i say about him with a grain of salt.
Floyd Leech - he platonically flirts a lot. flirts by biting you. he has a way of making his voice sound very pleasing to the ears so yes he's good.
Idia Shroud - PFFT LOSER. idia kissers knew this was coming. ygys know him. he doesn't flirt. he insults you and gets scared when you get mad. "why don't they like me?!?!" YOU CALLED THEM A NORMIE YOU WEIRDO
Jack Howl - like crewel, his flirting is more serious and genuine. he'll compliment your work and what you've done well. also wags his tail. he's good!!
Jade Leech - IS A BASTARD. he will humiliate you because he thinks its FUNNY. never let him figure out that you're easily flustered or he will NEVER LEAVE YOU ALONE (unless you like him the win ig???) he's good!!
Jamil Viper - I AM HERE TO SPREAD MY EASILY FLUSTERED JAMIL AGENDA. he doesn't flirt but if you ever flirt with him he'll get embarrassed.
Kalim Al-Asim - contrary to popular belief, kalim knows when he's flirting with you. its just...he's so friendly with everyone that you cant really tell. hes bad at getting his actual feelings across.
Leona Kingscholar - he's smug but thats about it??? he doesn't really flirt but if he compliments you you've already won at life so does it matter?
Lilia Vanrouge - HES A LITTLE SHIT. another one that won't leave you alone if he finds out that you're easily flustered. he's good >:T
Malleus Draconia - bad because he doesnt know what hes doing. he doesnt know how to talk to people informally. people find him charming anyway though!!
Mozus Trein - he's too miserable and tired to flirt sigh
Najma Viper - kinda has the same problem that kalim has except i can see her being very touchy. like hand holding and hugs. so if thats your kind of thing, then its good!!
Neige LeBlanche - the type to giggle if you compliment him (me.) he's very sweet, the type to get you flowers and kiss the back of your hand in greeting. good!!
Rook Hunt - hes good because hes so poetic and such a tease. h e can be touchy too, if thats what you like.
Ruggie Bucchi - he'd pinch all over your face as his way of flirting. he's just goofy like that. again, he's pretty teasing, so i'd say he's good!!
Sam - biased but he's the best flirter in the faculty by far. he's got a nice smile and a vibrant laugh and he's genuinely very friendly and open to people. good!!
Sebek Zigvolt - hes so BAD. hes only better than vargas. I KNOW THIS SOUNDS MEAN but he'd just yell compliments at you and expect you to reciprocate. has a crisis if you dont.
Silver - hes very sweet but so tired, just let him rest on your lap!!
Trey Clover - he'd be bad IM SORRY. he doesn't really flirt so he'd just be awkwardly making small talk with you until you catch on to what he's doing.
Vil Schoenheit - after that kiss in book six i think abt him more than i used to. he's a very sweet flirt, with soft smiles and pink cheeks. let vil be blushy. I NEED IT.
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rainbowninja00 · 8 days
title pending!
so there's this idea that's been bonking around my mind for... years? I'm not sure how many but it's been a while. so, it started with the idea of characters based on the 7 deadly sins (original I know) and grew into a whole false tv show in my brain. first off, LONG POST WARNING!!!!!!! just letting yall know. second, there is some inspiration from Ready Player One here, if you haven't seen it, dw you dont need the context of the story, just the idea of a VR kinda thing for the internet, EXCEPT your body ceases to exist outside of it when you arent in the internet (tm) so no bullshit someone's gonna get you while you're in there! I can and will go into the intricusies of how the internet (tm) works but there are other things I wanna expand on. mainly, our main characters!!! there are 8 main characters: one for every sin and the protagonist. (some images included to show off the general vibe/colour palette of the characters all from pinterest) starting with our main character, she doesn't really have a name cause i cant think of a good one, but she's 14-16, new to high school and experiencing the internet (tm) for the first time, she's been online, but never in the actual world before. I like to think she wears mainly black and white with hints of red or other colours in the beginning and gains more colours as time goes on and she learns more about herself and the world around her. she is heavily inspired by moon girl from marvel's moon girl and devil dinosaur
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next, Pride! she is the general leader of the group since she's the most commanding and takes no shit. she tries to keep the kid safe and out of trouble, she has her own in securities and such that I can go over in a stand alone post about the specific characters. she is kinda inspired by garnet from steven universe but only in a design way.
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then we have the most developed and a literal self insert: lust! he's the resident "heart throb" of the group and is probably the silliest of the group, also the one the protag meets first. he is the insighting incident in many a misadventure cause its easy to use him for that. I will go into this more later, but he's lust cause he lusts for a relationship, he's a sad boy (like me) inspiration is angel dust from hazbin but only in personality.
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envy and greed are twins, identical within the internet (tm) and fraternal outside of it cause oh yeah, the 7 are all real people too. they work together very well and put on a show of wanting what the other has to outside observers. the only inspo I can think of is the general aesthetic of grossology and mammon from helluva from a design stand point.
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(pretend there's an image of a big ol oversized hoodie here, almost all those photos have people in them and I dont feel comfortable with that) wrath was one of the hardest for me to pinpoint initially, his thing isn't being angry, he makes others angry by being goofy and messing with them. Like kel from omori, also his design SOMEHOW ended up being cowboy esque in my head??? so like clover from undertale yellow.
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sloth is actually my favourite, she loves hyperpop, all things pink and pastel, loves performing songs with lust, but she's sloth because she doesn't do anything unless it interests her, no chores, no responsibilities, she leaves the internet(tm) the least out of them all. I saw an artist on twitter once and was like YEAH THATS THE VIBE but I forgot who they are TwT. she is also based on moon girl design wise. BEE AND PUPPYCAT AESTHETIC MY GOAT!!!
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(idk if this is fan art, if it is and someone knows who made it lmk)
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last and sadly least is gluttony, I don't really have them super developed, and if anyone has any ideas for them I would love to hear it!
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If anyone wants to see or hear more I will happily yap about it for hours, PLEASE I AM BEGGING ON MY HANDS AND KNEES FOR PEOPLE TO REBLOG THIS I just wanna know if anyone would be interested on hearing more so I know if I should bother typing up more posts on these guys! (also id appriciate help w/ the title)
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spaciebabie · 9 months
Its so strange watching you muse over how you'll act when drunk, thats such a "never drank before" thing to do 🤣 /lh
Just so you're aware, its a Thing where different alcohols can result in different types of drunk, you're not gonna feel the same from every drink. Like for example, whisky makes us crazy sleepy, its the chill drink, we're gonna end up dozing off on the couch after just one or two drinks, there is no energy or party from that shit. Wine (white) is our drink of choice and we're a mess on it, especially the strong stuff, we're a chatterbox and a weirdo on it and there's a brief window of time between the drink hitting us hard and the exhaustion hitting us hard where we dance a bunch and fall over a lot (the exhaustion isn't caused by the dancing, it'll happen either way and is completely inevitable). And vodka (our second choice in drinks, though still a definite favourite) makes us LOUD, we yell A LOT on that shit, whatever comes to mind, and we get pretty kooky on it, its the funnest drink for sure, if we're down to party (solo party with 30+ people in one body because we have no outside friends) vodka is the drink of choice for sure, the energy lasts the longest and the Vibes are great.
Similarly to this, different drinks get different hangovers. For us whisky has no hangover (mostly because we can't stay awake long enough to drink enough to cause a hangover), wine FUCKS us up and we feel pretty nauseous, and vodka makes us the endless void portal pit to another dimension where the residents demand food sacrifices and if the food stops coming they will start chopping heads, we eat EVERYTHING in our hangover munchie rampage, normally we cant eat unless we're craving the food but those munchies make us tear through everything in sight regardless of what it is, its an expensive disaster
Good luck finding out how you respond to various drinks, its gonna take a bit of experimentation and no it cant be done all in one night, that's a bad idea for sure
oh man! i did not know this. thank yall for the information :>
i definitely dont plan on going too hard on my first time dkjfdkfjdf im probably just gonna have a tasty wine and relax :]
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idiot-mushroom · 11 months
i dont have much in the way of parent stories, but there's one that still sticks with me. i was playing music out loud on a family roadtrip a couple years ago, and there were two songs i played in particular, in a row, that i really really liked at the time but mom did Not. the first one she wanted me to skip (which i did) and the second one i just remember we hit the bridge and she was like "TURN IT OFF" or smth (not mad, v stressed sounding tho) and i still cant play music in front of other ppl irl without it being a transactional thing where they're showing me Their music too. like i Cant make myself vulnerable like that unless theyre exposed too.
(the songs were burning pile by mother mother and bruno is orange by hop along btw. mom didnt like the vibe of burning pile or the bridge of bruno is orange. which tbh is understandable and knowing her as someone whos lived with her for 17 nearly 18 years i know that it was not ooc for her at all to be upset by those songs) (but it still sucks)
and it was funny bc it was such a noticeable 180 in my behavior. i Shut Down during that roadtrip and everyone noticed that i wasnt playing my music anymore. mom and dad Both noticed that after that i stopped playing my music out loud and started listening with headphones all the time. i still stop my music when my roommate walks into the room. earlier this year i told mom about it and she didnt even Remember it. ah well thats life i guess
yeah shit like that happens smtimes, cool songs tho, you seem to have good music taste 👍
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thatonegaybastard · 2 years
thoughsts on edens gardens characters except I think weird sorry if I missed some
I like him I think having more if an antagonistic character as the protagonist is really fun I love that idea sm im excited to see where the story goes sm
I dont think hell die but if he does ill be really fucking mad
the blushing sprite is really cute
girl idek shes really interesting I wobder if shell be support to damon I think shed make a good support for damon
very good vibes!! I like the whole crow or rvane motif btw I noticed she has more red on her and damon has more green and theyre complismrntary colors sooooo
I love him sosososo much scooby doo.motherfuckinggggg guy. he has the laugh that ny sibling makes all the time to abnoy me the first time hebdid it I was like "oh my god" still love him tho. he is like art(uro). to me. they should meet
if he dies i think ill be depressed for a few hours and in pain throughout the entire trial unless he gets like executed where ill just sit there like 😨😨😨😨😨😨😨. and then be in pain. like in chapter one if danganronpa lapse
good vibes good energy
face reveal when?!?!?!
if she dies im going to expode and die in a car crash bit the car crash is me exploding and doesnt involve cars
of course her name is grace
love the colors!! and the visor!!!!!!
when I saw her talent I was like "art(uro)"?!?!?!??! but no.shes the opposite of art(uro). they should meet
he seems chill I like him if he asked me if he could borrow five dollars I wou'm let him have five dollars. I would like to go to the beach with him and get icecream after ithink I eould like to be his friend if he was real. I am probably too chaotic for him.tbh
im sorry everytime I see her I think "elon musk" im doing her dirty shes so mich better then elon musk
honestly dont hav emuch of an opinion on her tbh... shes there. nice that she feeds people
so true diana. I have a crush on her. but also thats a massive fucking red flag because everytime ive had a crush on a fanganronpa character theyve turned out fucking ballistic soooooooooooooooo yikes!!!!!!!!!!!
im ngl she is kind of boring. maybe a little bit. idk I cant think of much to say about her
go girl give us nothing!!! ignore this I just feel like this is something hed say. or grace would say
im ngl he is kinda annoying slightly I found myself getting a bit bothered by him.
love the fit btw I wishi could rock and outfit like that
pwople would be like "you look just like a kpop star" to him
anyways pathetic little meow meow no wonder hes a butterfly
um if he dies im going to commit homixide 😀😀😀😀😀😀
"call the fire bigrade grace" so true bestie pop off
I fucking love his hat I wonder why people call him nayhem... jett probavly gave him that nickname adorable
I think um him and jett are a bit gay for eachother slightly
I cannot take her seeiously with thsoe goofy ahh sprites everytime she does the fucking sprite thats like "waaaaaugh!!!!!!" I cant help but copy it like "waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaugh!!!!!!!!!" like "WOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAHG YEEEPERS CREEPERS"
that one fucking sprite wherre shes kike "hhhhhhhhhhjhhiyhhhhjdjdjdjdj"
shes not my favorite but she gets bonus points because black widow spider and in the second grade I made black widow spiders my personality for a few days so attachment to them
communist mr beast
no fucking clue what ti say here. why is he always in fornt of thst tree of ignorance huh.
I like hiw everyone has real aninals and then jean is just DRAGON
I do not trust her!!! I think she has serial killer vibes!!!!!!! She seems way too optimistic about all this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Suspicious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! she is going to.kill one or more motherfuckers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I thiught he was gonna be a douche tbh but hinestly im SOOOOSOSOSOOS GLAD HE ISNT I love him.I know ulysses came first but I cant help but be reminded of pascal as in my oc pascal everyytime I look at him. pathetic man
I posted this then immediately realized I fucking forgot wolfgang difbdjshdvdvdgdhdgd so now im editing my post nobody had to know
um I like thats hes kinda the more protagy role! I think hes really sus thiugh because WOLFgang and hus animals a dheep also he had like the hope speech thing ig. idfk hes
I like her!!!! shes very sweet I love her I want her out of there get her outta here she deserves to be safe and happy
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feelo-fick · 11 months
Phio what are your thoughts on The Happy Fits Achey Bones Phio
before i get into specifics ill just say how much i love love love how upbeat and happy most of their songs are i love how ironic it all is, i love the idea that all the songs are portrayed in a happy tune to reflect putting up that fake "carefree" attitude... I LOVE IT i love it.. anyways
first of all theres the obvious uh. "getting drunk and blacking out" connotations, but i dont think its JUST that - to me it encompasses unhealthy coping mechanisms as a hole, i.e. :
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money splurging/self sabotage (ill admit this ones a bit of a stretch but stick wih me here),
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unhealthy sleeping patterns (sleeping too much or too little)/denial in the form of escapism
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and generally running away from your problems while still being aware of that intense guilt
(i could say more but you get the point)
the bridge makes me wonder if this is also about relationships? or i guess how unhealthy coping mechanisms can lead to the deterioration of relationships (which leads to grief and more unhealthy coping, cycle starts over again)
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either the speaker (i, me, my) or the adressee (you, your) is carrying the relationship and cutting ties
i say either because its not really specified? but i think its sort of implied that the addressee is the one whos saying and doing these things
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at this point im gonna be very conflicted with my thoughts cause i cant fully wrap my head around it, but mmmmaaaybe its just... a third person perspective looking in on the situation like a narrator? and just pointing out to viewers/listeners/audiences the situation and going "see how life is from this perspective"?
the first one may be implying that "hey, if you dont keep yourself in check, this will be you" because of how they frame the situation as "the way of the future, the story, and the times" expressing how its a common problem thats often overlooked
but then in the second version, at the very end of the song, its proposing a more positive future. like its framing the song as a cautionary tale, and now with the knowledge and the lesson thats been taught, you can go on with your life looking out for yourself and others and creating a better future
well thats all i have to say about it analysis-wise HAHAHA hope ya enjoyed my ted talk, i love the happy fits so much i promise im not pretentious about all their songs, i just like vibing out and sometimes i just think too much about the lyrics
IF THIS WASNT WHAT YOU WERE LOOKING FOR WELL... MY OTHER THOUGHTS ARE JUST "it good!!! listen to them!!! i associate some of my ocs with this (<- i physically cant talk about my ocs unless prompted)!!!"
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toadstool32 · 1 year
tiny i really have to ask you what you see in the anime Beatles dudes. why are you so hot for them (this is lighthearted, you do you)
this was the funniest thing i could wake up to, ty anon
as for the question..."what do i see in them " hmmmm well i come from the homestuck background so im sure i could find a rock hot if u gave it enough personality tbh
Which the sextuplets have a lot of! (incredibly so!)
also the way the question is framed implies that i wanna get it on with all six of them, which is also funny, but im only gunning for the one, i swear.
why am i so hot for this guy..... thats a good question..... im not sure...
ok well one hes so fail he tries so hard to be "the cool one" and constantly fucks it up, hes self proclaimed "a sinful man, a guilt guy" what the fuck does that mean hes so stupid i want him so bad, one of his brothers told him he was painful (read cringe as fuck) and his response was that he didnt want to hurt anyone bc he loved them all 8RRRRAAAUAGHHHH)
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TWO hes like, blue, i like blue guys :3
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^^^what the fuck is he doin
also the oso merch is like, they REALLY want you to choose one of them to love forever and ever and they keep putting out cute designs to make u want to hold them and its.working, sadly
listen every brother is kind of a shithead and awful in theyr own right if they were real guys i would (thinks about the live action movie) sorry i cant say suddenly, anyway, i suffer from karamatsu girls and boys disease which was caused by the fact that he was the punching bag in S1 and i NEVER recovered.
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^^^the face of someone who just realized his brothers care more about pears than saving him from dying at sea/burned at a stake
by season 2 they started bullying totty instead of karamatsu and the way they made it up to him was that he suddenly is like, more silly??? you could say painful but the skits (THIS IS A SKITS ANIME WHY AM SO INTO THAT) make it like, haha remember the whole bullying karamatsu joke, hes on it now, and hes making it yr problem, he lears to fucking be more cringe n shit so ppl leave him alone, by season 3 they make hi even more of a bitch its GREAT
hes feral he bites he scratches but he wont bc hes kind of a pushover, no joke karamatsu would be so cute wait not cute im delusional he would be so cool if he stoped trying so hard but he puts his own face on his shirts and that kinda makes him a loser
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i was gonna lookin for another picture but what the fuck is this,
what the fuck where was i , hes a bitch he does not care about shit unless its funny theres a bit of infor where when asked about osomatsu (the oldest) hes like hes shitty at being the eldest when he fails irrevocably then i will have to step up i love, shitty eldests bickering <3 theres this running gag where choromatsu trips n falls and karamatsu goes like CHOROMATSU ILL SAVE YOUUUUUU BUT HE JUST???KEEPS RUNNING AWAY???? FAKE ASS,now that i realize this karamatsu is the fakest around choro lolmao like that bit where choromatsu was like hey what do u think i should in the future and that bitch did Not Wanna be involved and yet he went all "follow ur dreams i support u!!!" and then left dead faced i love his mean girls and fake bitches.
coughs also he gives me the stronges vibes of someone who could have a gender/sexuality crisis and i could be the one who makes him realise <losing touch with reality by the second,
anyway i got distracted look i made a mspaint thing
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weeswine · 2 years
Stuff I have noticed watching ST season 4 for the 5th or something time:
(Or just my rekindling of opinions and feelings)
Lucas wasn't a back stabber, he sent Jason and the crew to El and Hops old cabin (me too busy just focusing on Lucas (he is babygirl✨️))
Eddie isn't present for like 2 episodes and that is just a big wow [also Erica, miss her :(]
That classic shot of Eddie at the d&d table is not him being a dramatic whore™, rolling dice, but actually congratulating Erica
Why is Erica wearing the flag? Like slay and also the American theme song is playing but like girl?????
Erica supports the gays ✨️ (She probably is a gay 🇺🇲🇺🇸🇺🇲🇺🇸)
Angela still deserves that skate to the head [slayed !]
Murray is slay.
Still cant look at Robins outfit from the psych ward (sorry but yeah nah)
Alexei 😫
Jason is a leader but not a responsible or smart one, like he is hunting down a couple of 20 y/os and their half a dozen 14 y/o children??? And supporting his teammates to do the same (i didnt like him before but jeez dude)
also you can see his style of leadership of basketball and children hunting have some similarities sus
California Dreamin was played because ... *drumroll* THEY ARE IN CALIFORNIA!
The main group are the pick me girls of character developement (they dont develope like other characters~ they get desensitized and are used to death and gore *bites lip, tucks hair behind ear, giggles and pukes little*) but also geniuenly concerned for their sanity:
Argyle: Omg that dude dead, my 1st (?) death, the party is not here my dudes😔, wtf is happening, Ive never been through this, Im meant to deliver pizzas not dead bodies🍍🍍🍍
Byer boys + Mike: Oh my ✨️gawwdd✨️ Argyle get over it already ... like chop chop this agent died like 20 seconds ago move on !
(but they were in danger like Argyle indeed dude chop chop)
Does Yuri always just drug his coffee with sleepy pills? Like my guy thats not what coffee is meant to be used for, and the pills wouldve been low dosage cause unless Yuri is a maths wiz he wouldve been counting his mula for a while
Hop! Just dont have feet. At this point get rid of them! Get those 'orrid manky things outta 'ere!
The most horrific part of ST is not asshole Vecna and his gang, its just watching Hop get his feet dragged or him running around in the snow, no shoes, big cuts, the only thing keeping is feet on his body is Joyce, she is a super glue.
Vecna is more than just a piece of shit, hes the entire digestive system.
But him just targeting traumatised kids and touching them on the fore head, like: "Dw sweetie~ I'll fix you, shh is okay, you be nasty never again <3 Nurse Vecna will make you all better~ :)"
They are not nasty! They just been through some shit. Fuck you twerp
Freds visions with the funeral family giving ✨️Tisphone✨️ vibes ~♡
Early season 4 Mike is an asshole (dw it gets gayer *pats on head*)
Steve 🥰
Robin 😍
Nancy 😘
Eddie 🤩 (star fish boy)
Together united in harmony, they are the power Rangers💕💞✨️✨️
Dacre Montgomery (Billy) was in power Rangers (hes also aAussie which is just so oool)
Conspirewithme: #headcanons
Joyce could totally just go 1v1 brawl with the entirety of the upsidedown, Id pay to see it.
That guy who hired Robin and Steve who also worked at the arcade defo played d&d with Eddie at some point
I need to see El just have a giant therapy dog (think Perrito but Great Dame size)
Mike might be projecting Will onto El butttt he bi af, have you seen his cheekbones??? ( im watching a documentary on "Mike Gay????😱😱")
I am only up to the beggingin of episode 5, gods i hope this makes sense and im not accidently offending anyone
(Im a tag sl**)🐌
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lunar-lair · 10 months
hi!! this is a cautionary post for the batman fans that may or may not find me as i reblog shit here and there! ill make a new one for every fandom phase i go through but this is its first iteration!
1: im 18! ill sometimes reblog explicit text posts or suggestive content. this wasnt a problem before, and it might stop being a problem at some point, but ive found good content of this type as of late, and i just cant say no to it. (hamilton joke, etc etc.)
2. i dont know the terminology, really, but i do support some problematic ships here or there. er, well. hrm. how do i say 'romanjay is fucked up but they intrigue me' and 'i will never reblog or like anything involving bruce and the other younger bats but ill scroll past it without any real disdain'? basically ive settled for a vibe of 'live and learn, chill out and hush up'. i do enjoy batfam content (though i dont exactly consider them family, but thats a whole different can of worms) but no matter what i consume on my end (however guiltily) ill never put anything that joins the batfam and romance in the same concept. i will, however, reblog some of the bats together. mostly steph with any of them, as to me, shes kind of free game (in that she is Even More not "part of the family", even if shes still bruces kid-again, different can of worms) and a LOT of jason ships. and dick/tim, mostly because jayde and them for some reason go together hand in hand in a lot of fics. SPEAKING OF WHICH. thats one of my problematic favs; i adore jason/slade in ways i will never be able to communicate. yes, the age gap is Like That. it feels irrelevant for them, though, and i could not explain to you the Why even if i tried. ill also post jaytim, maybe jaydick, and. erm. no thats kinda it. damian is off limits to me, also.
3. good news, ill probably only ever make jayde content! and found family essenced batfam content, if its shit i actually want the world to see. jaytim is a maybe, at best, and to me they arent even exactly brothers. regardless, i want to make this post to inform people who come to my blog that i consume/create content they find distasteful. and for my last point,
4. ok the first version of this point was way more. combative. which was exactly what i dont want to be. related, this part is about my ResponseTM. and the reason for this post. i dont want to be loud about what i like because i know people find it bad. like...like enjoying noncon, and omegaverse, stuff like that. i get that people dont like those the way i do sometimes. and i dont want people to think im something im not. if you want to run for the hills the second you see this post, then alright! thank you for your time! i dont want you all to think im better than i am. if you think i suck, thats ok, i just dont want you to think i suck after liking me a lot for a long time, because that sucks like, 3 times harder. you know? im still getting over a guilty conscience for liking any of this stuff myself, and ill gladly explain myself, but its, of course, none of my business if you hate me. thats your job, ill be me, and i wont try to make you not hate me unless you want me to. capiche? sick.
OK that is the end of the informative 'watch out kids grannys got freaky shit in her closet' post!! hope you had fun, or figured out you didnt want to affiliate w me, either or is fine! ill go slink off to my jayde doc to think abt jason in lace (but what if it was nonsexual) again lmao
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wickymicky · 4 years
is it bad or wrong to think that yoohyeon might have adhd? like idk it’s probably not great to headcanon things like that about a real person, idk... but... i kinda think she might and that just makes me happy and makes me feel good about myself so idk. im not actually gonna like ask her or believe that it’s true, i’m just gonna notice little things she does that i also do, and smile about those things. 
#people should probably treat idols being possibly not straight the same way#thats a bigger issue than adhd too#but anyway#i get vibes a liiiiittle bit from yoojung and hayoung too#which is why theyre also ult biases lol#i dont get as strong vibes from them as i do from yoohyeon though#so much of her ''weird clumsy goofy forgetful but also super passionate super talented super knowledgeable'' personality#can be explained by her having adhd lol#i swear i catch little moments where she's spacing out or thinking two or three steps ahead and like#blurts out something that in her mind she arrived at after making several connections from thing to thing-#but to everyone else it came out of nowhere lol#she's a top tier rambler too#but her focuses on language dancing and singing and how talented she is at that stuff doesnt necessarily fit her spaced out persona...#...unless maybe she has adhd haha#same with how fromis 9 hayoung has a reputation for being good at literally everything she does... except talking#she stumbles over words and rambles and cant look in one direction for more than a second at a time#and yet is a main dancer main vocalist songwriter and weirdly good at games of skill and stuff like that lol#these are my people#im not saying im as talented as them... just that i also have that same kind of drive to know everythng there is to know about my thing#which for me is linguistics and how languages work on a fundamental level and especially how they change over time#but im a clumsy idiot who forgets things all the time and cant even read books because they arent stimulating enough#anyway
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stxp1dcup1d · 2 years
Itadori x jade west! Gf
INot really a summary: yknow that one scene from the office;
"Someone will die," "of fun!"
Thats yall.
(i take request!)
when yuuji mentioned he has a girlfriend to the others they didn't believe him
so when he spotted you out and about after a mission he ran up to you without thinking
when I tell you they were soo confused when he suddenly started running up to you?
but you just had no reaction when he hugged you from behind yelling your name
"hi yuuji" you say as you kiss and pat his cheek
when the rest of the first year trio catched up to him they were like
"Who's this???"
"My girlfriend (name)!"
they werent just shocked that he had a girlfriend, they were shocked that the two of you had very, different vibes going on
Yuuji was so bright and cheery and out there- and then you, you just looked the opposite "Oh are these youre little friends yuuji?" You said with a smug
Definitely shocked at that, you definitely said it like that on purpose.
"Yeah! Im so glad you met them now, they didn't believe that i have a girlfriend" he said to you
"Did they now ?" A glare visible on your face
Yuuji and his big mouth tattled on them, they could tell you were mad at them. They turned towards yuuji and made a face at him, yuuji realized what he said and the type of person you are he laughed nervously.
anyways safe to say since that day you werent really friendly with the his two friends, and they decided not to get on your bad side anymore But now about the two of you:
Even though you two seem so so different you guys love that about each other
He stops you from going too far and you stop him from being too chaotic
Though you two are a pretty chaotic dou
Yknow that like person a person b meme wheres its that person holding a leash and its the second person wearing it
Thats yall two
Like golden retriever boyfriend and mean girlfriend
I found this picture on pinterest that kinda reminds me of it
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Anyways, when he told you the truth about his school and stuff you werent really shocked, i mean youre a pretty weird yourself so you just like "whatever,"
He wasnt surprised you were okay with it, his two classmates were though
Of course you werent okay with your boyfriend dying but im not getting into that angst
he loves watching movies with you, if youre a horror fanatic then thats what you guys are most likely gonna watch
You guys love complaining about horror movies and the main character doing dumb things
You guys have matching rings or something because one time he wore some of you're accessories and stuff and the rest of his friends made fun of him so yeah he doesnt wear your stuff anymore besides like a chocker and chunky rings sometimes
if you ever dye youre hair he sometimes dyes a streak of his hair also so yall twinem
if anyone makes yuuji feel dumb on purpose youre so quick to correct them, doesnt matter who it is
I cant remember if regular people can see curses unless theyre very power so i imagine that you might be able to see sukuna
Yeah the two of you dont really get along much
Only sometimes when you two can agree about horror movies or when u quick to correct someone being ignorant
Pretty much it, he calls you an annoying brat instead of your name and you call him a not so nice name back :)
Anyway i love this dynamic, slay
| © stxp1dcup1d no stealing work! |
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fcb-mv33 · 2 years
Every single team has a number 1 and number 2, with Mclaren they aren’t wanting Daniel out if the points each weekend…and yes maybe they are giving Lando the number 1 preferred strategies but it means nothing to them if Daniel cant get in the points, so I couldn’t see why they would sabotage him?? But they aren’t giving him good ones…and I really don’t know why unless it just them genuinely fucking up…./
First off I don’t like Zak either. I think it’s because he’s so intent on getting an American driver or someone from the Indy 500 and he makes it out it’s all for the American popularity. Might be being misquoted or it comes across differently than what he means but you need a good driver and not just based on popularity. Shouldn’t pick a driver for that reason only for one… and there are still plenty of talented drivers in the formula series that deserve a chance so maybe don’t pick purely on nationalities/popularity Zak… he has two of the most popularity drivers on the grid currently but they weren’t given a chance purely to win a popularity contest 🙃 I know some people will argue with me on this and I’m sure the drivers rumoured to be in co tension for a seat are good but this is how I feel about the situation.
Secondly, i reckon Mclaren are the kind of team that come up with one really good strategy and struggle for a second one. It’s like a school project where you’re brainstorming and after 1 good idea, your mind goes blank. That’s how I view their strategies meetings for Daniel tbh. But Mclaren have to be careful as despite all the hate Daniel is getting he is still a really popular driver and I’ve seen plenty of fans getting annoyed at what’s happening… and you might be right, Daniel will potentially leave after next season which will be sad… and f1 will definitely see a drop in popularity after that in Australia (my friends lives there and says the majority only watch it for him) 😬
Honestly I feel like Zak is so concerned about keeping Mclaren in the spot light. Like tbh Zak tries to keep in the media, bitching about Max with DTS, bitching about Red Bulls young driver program, bitching about Christian having a number 1 driver. He wants to shove all the ‘good vibes’ out into social media…thats what he wants. I do think its a good thing f1 getting into the American market but honestly he is pushing the ‘American driver’ on everyone way too much, especially when he has Daniel till 2023. I think its a slap in the face to Daniel who is one of the most popular drivers on the grid.
If they cant stop fucking up his strategies then they need to employ more people…like I agree I think they focus on the best strategy and then give the left overs to the other driver ie Daniel. Look I’ll be sad when Daniel leave but….im excited to start seeing new drivers on the grid and also imagine how DTS is going to do without Daniel💀
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jordoperson · 3 years
deltarune spoilers and theory fodder
ralsei is suspicious
thats the main thing i cant get out of my head its just ralsei,, he seems,., off.,,
like first time playing chapter 2 for the first 30 mins i was constantly getting the wrong vibes from him like he shouldnt be trusted, so i’ve compiled stuff
how does ralsei know about the entire “turn to stone” thing?
why has he been waiting his whole life for the prophecy people to show up, when there was no horrible extinction event to solve and therefore no use for the 3 heroes?
how is ralsei able to travel through darkworlds unaffected and not need to be carried like lancer and rouxls?
does it really only take 1 or so lightningers staying in the dark world to cause the chaos event?
why is the main fountain to the dark world (the pure dark fountain) uninhabited by anyone besides ralsei when we first find it?
it’s clear that the darkners in different fountain areas existed before the fountains open (characters have history and memory from before the fountain opened), why does closing the fountain result in the deletion of that world?
why is the pure dark fountain located in some random school closet? ralsei makes it seem like it’s existed for a long time, but that wouldn't make sense, unless its like the other worlds where they exist before the fountain opens? but then what was the balancing fountain before that?
he wants us to think of the town as a second home, but what about all the balance stuff and the “you cant stay here or the bad thing will happen” stuff??
why does he act so different in chapter 2??? like he gained so much confidence so fast and it just freaked me out the first time
ok thats the beginning stuff outta the way, now onto actual photos!
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why does ralsei say this. its like he knows that you’re going to run into the new darkworld. he even shows up to save you despite supposedly not knowing where you were going.
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and after the spamton neo pacifist fight, he seems really chill with it all and really trys to just make us gloss over the whole situation, (despite direct reference to the absurdity of it all via susie)... like the man was talking about puppets and strings and all sorts of shit and ralsei just wants us to completely ignore him and his warnings
ok now the big shit
the prophecy is only for after the horrible darkness extinction event happens. we know this because its specifically said;
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only then. only after everything goes to shit will the 3 heroes show up and fix stuff. and we KNOW that's not what we currently doing because in the darkness extinction event, you need all 3 heroes to close the fountains
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but with our adventures, kris can be the only one present and it’ll still work.
why is ralsei so certain that we’re the 3 heroes, despite there being no horrible dark worldending shit currently going on? how is he so sure that we’re going to be the ones to fulfill the prophecy when he (supposedly) isn’t even sure when this darkness event will happen??
also the angel’s heaven stuff just seems really suspicious,.,
and finally;
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this scene really stood out to me. for a lot of reasons.
so these are “the titans” from the extinction event.,.,.
notice how there are 3? like the 3 heroes from the prophecy?
notice how the prophecy says 2 heroes of light and a prince of dark? notice how there are 2 of the thin figures and 1 massive dark creature?
notice how the middle one has horns that somewhat resemble a goat?
(also all their faces resemble savepoints idk what to do with that)
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notice how the eyes on the middle titan are the same eyes we find all over the entrance to our main pure darkworld? where only ralsei originally lived?
listen,, idk,., theres just something off about ralsei.,,
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