#[little prince doesn't want to admit his fears]
hugevanserrass · 19 days
reasons to hate cassian
Cassian saw that Azriel was romantically interested in Mor, felt jealous over it, and agreed to have sex with her knowing it would hurt Azriel.
The first time he meets Nesta, he immediately passes judgement on her for letting Feyre hunt as a child, despite the fact that she was a child herself.
Tells her he doesn't understand why her sisters love her
Bonds with feyre over their shared experiences living in poverty but treats nesta like she's a stuck up rich girl, despite her living in the same mf hovel as feyre (why does he do this ??)
He gropes her in her own home despite her not wanting him to touch her.
He sees her on the verge of tears due to anger and despair when the human queens won't send aid to the humans in Prythian, and then a scene later says "She barely seems to care about anyone other than Elain."
Will not take no for an answer when Nesta tells him to leave her alone.
When they are both clearly feeling something for each other, he still rips his hand out of Nesta's when Mor walks in. Wtf was this about anyways?
He buys Mor lingerie despite knowing Nesta is his mate. This is just weird in general. Also calls Mor his sister, despite having slept with her in the past.
Judges Nesta for not getting over her trauma in a way that is both quick and convenient to him and the inner circle.
Admits to ignoring her claim that she is enjoying the music while he drags her, against her will, out of a "seedy" tavern.
Supports Feyre and Rhys in their decision to forcibly remove Nesta from her home and relocate her to the House of Wind, on threat of deportation.
Drags her to Windhaven to "train" even when she makes it clear she has no intention of training. As a result, she is forced to sit on a rock in freezing cold temperatures.
When Mor basically tells Nesta she is just like her evil father and the rest of the Court of Nightmares because she is mean to Cassian, Cassian does not defend Nesta nor call Mor out on it.
He brings up Nesta's dead father at breakfast because she won't eat her oatmeal.
He tells her everyone hates her.
He watches her fall down a very steep flight of stairs, and then laughs at her. She was bruised and had a black eye from this fall. Cassian thinks this is funny.
Whines constantly about being a bastard nobody despite Nesta only using "bastard" as a direct insult to him one time, and in that same convo he called her a haughty witch.
He is rude to Lucien for no reason. (unforgivable)
Despite knowing Nesta is vulnerable, he fucks her at the first opportunity, even though he knows she uses sex as a coping mechanism.
Snarls and bitches at Nesta when she talks about Rhysand in a tone he doesn't like, even after telling her he can match whatever she throws at him. (He can't)
Sides with Rhysand over her constantly, even when he is in the wrong.
Every time they do engage in some sexual act, he immediately bolts, leaving her alone and confused. Refuses to communicate his feelings, acts like an asshole.
Keeps secrets from her, and agrees to participate in a vote on whether or not she deservers to know about the swords she created, which directly pertains to her powers. He whines a little, but ultimately does what he is told.
When she voices her fear that she is not good enough for him and will never deserve him, he does not correct her.
When he learns of Nesta’s love for dance and how her mother twisted it into a tool to find her a prince, Cassian turns himself into the victim. (this takes skill tbh)
He interrupts the only true canon Neris moment to shove in and dance with Nesta. Will not forgive him for this. Get off the dance floor.
When they finally admit their feelings on solstice and have a passionate and meaningful night together, he STILL leaves immediately the next morning to go hang with his homies and doesn't see her for a week. She is left alone AGAIN. (Begging him to stop doing this.)
When Nesta has finally had enough of being judged by the inner circle, she decides to tell Feyre the truth about her pregnancy. Cassian is furious with Nesta, takes no responsibility for lying to Feyre, and does not react in the slightest when Rhysand threatens to KILL Nesta. (His mate)
When Feyre tells him that she is angry with all of them and not Nesta, he does not tell Nesta, even though it would be comforting to her while she is at her absolute lowest.
When Feyre tells him Rhys is secretly happy Nesta is going to hate every second of the hike, he has a nice little laugh with Feyre at Nesta's expense.
He makes her endure a back-breaking death march in which she is forced to carry an extremely heavy backpack as punishment.
He sees that Nesta doesn't care if she dies, and does nothing to get her away from the steep cliffs. He snaps at her the entire time, even while she is clearly spiraling and about to have a mental breakdown.
She collapses at the end of each day and all he says is "at least remove the pack so I can cook myself dinner." She has not spoken in days.
He works her to the point of passing out. She literally faints, face first, onto the hard ground and he yells at her for not drinking water instead of trying to determine if she's alright.
When she finally breaks down and cries and tells him how much she hates herself, he tells her how much he loves Rhysand as an attempt to relate to her suffering. (fuck you dude seriously)
He does not correct her when she says she is unworthy of love.
He says "there is nothing broken to fix" despite forcing her to obey him and change her coping mechanisms and behave in the way he approves.
When she tells him the word mate doesn’t mean anything to her because she’s human at heart he dismisses her instantly and says "that's bullshit." No attempt to understand her feelings whatsoever as he tries to force her to admit they are mates before she is ready.
Tells her he didn't ask to be "shackled" to her after she says she didn’t get to choose to be fae, and it was forced on her. (it was)
When she calls in the bargain he immediately thinks of a way to get around it. He does not respect the boundaries she sets for herself. He thinks something like "Easy enough command to work around. I'll tell her to word her bargains more cleverly." She says she wants a week alone and the very next day he shows up to Windhaven in order to force her to speak to him.
When he learns she has been taken into the blood rite, after a lot of sulking and one feeble attempt to disobey Rhys, he thinks something like "even if I could rescue her I wouldn't, I wouldn't take away her opportunity to save herself." Meanwhile Nesta is hoping that he will be coming to rescue her.
When Nesta finally saves him, and tells him she loves him, he does not say it back. HE NEVER SAYS I LOVE YOU.
He calls Eris a coward immediately after learning he was tortured by his father, and likely has been his whole life. In the same thought, he acknowledges that Eris was willing to be tortured to protect their alliance and STILL calls him a coward.
When Rhysand is yelling at Nesta AGAIN for helping Bryce save the entire world, Cassian does not stick up for her. AGAIN! (I stg you bitch)
Amren says to Nesta, in front of Cassian, "Pray to the mother that your sister changes Rhysand's mind tonight" ABOUT WHAT? IS HE GONNA KILL HER? And Cassian does...nothing.
"Nesta's mate shifted an inch closer to her, his eyes darting between the two of them, torn. Like he didn't know who to side with in the brewing fight." I hate him so much for this !!!!
Nesta tells Ember that Cassian is "the most furious with me of anyone" WHY? Nesta even voices that she doesn't think they'll kill her. This implies Rhys has yet again threatened her life because he disagrees with her choices, and guess what: CASSIAN DOES NOTHING.
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queers-gambit · 2 years
[ series masterlist ]
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prompt: at a rare family dinner, you have news for your husband.
pairing: Aemond Targaryen x wife!reader
fandom: House of the Dragon
word count: 5.9k+
note: i didn't want to like him but the pirate baby war criminal does something to me.
warnings: cursing, spoilers, Aemond being a little shit, basically the dinner scene with Aemond's wife. canon-level incest (?) and dialogue. not edited!! ❗️major season one, episode eight spoilers
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"How's this?" You asked Amira, your handmaiden, showing her the sixth dress you've tried on. You observed all angles of yourself in the mirror, smoothing over the material of your dress in worry.
"I like it better," she nodded, admiring your figure. "And you can't even tell you're hiding - "
"Mira," you warned, sighing sharply.
"When are you going to tell him, my Lady?" She demanded, helping you into your shoes as you fixed jewelry around your neck, wrist, ears, and fingers. "It's killing me!" She whined lowly.
"Soon, Mira," you rolled your eyes.
"You've been saying that for a month, and now you're starting to show!" She snipped, hands on her hips. "He's not stupid - "
"He's been distracted as of late," your eyes rolled. "He is not paying attention to me right now, I've time to think."
"I beg to differ, but sure, let's be ignorant."
"Mira," you sighed, or more like whined. Your head tilted back and you sighed sadly, pinning her with an exasperated look.
"I'm being honest, Princess, and I'm telling you the Prince absolutely adores you. How he's not noticed yet is beyond me."
You sheepishly admitted, "I might've... Lied a wee bit."
"And said what?"
"I was bloated from bad fish and my cycle," you shrugged. "He doesn't know much different, and he's been coming to bed in exhaustion that he doesn't much stay awake to notice my growing figure."
"Well," she sighed, hands slapping her thighs as she shrugged with defeat, "this dress hides everything better, it fits nice. It's a winner for tonight's dinner... Just - "
"Don't eat too much," You ended for her, smirking. "I know... I know."
"You should just tell him, Princess. Rid us of this game, please."
"I will..."
"He has the right to know," she whispered.
"He will - just once I figure out what to do."
"What do you - "
"Once I figure out how to be okay with this," you sighed sadly. "Look... I just... Aemond doesn't seemed thrilled by the idea of being a father but his mother insisted on lineage. He only did his duty," you shrugged, fiddling with your fingers as emotion caught in your throat, "and I'm nervous to tell him, because... T-Then it's over."
"What's over?" Amira asked softly.
"The marriage," you sniffled, "the bliss, the partnership. I just become a cast-aside-milk-machine."
"You know the Prince would never - "
"Truthfully, Mira, we don't know," you cut her off sadly, "because nobody can predict what Aemond will say or do next."
"He wants to be a father," Mira nodded, but both of you froze when a new voice asked from the doorway,
"Who wants to be a father?"
Recognizing your husband's voice, Mira was swift to answer when you froze in fear, "My husband's brother. He's trying for a baby with his wife and I was telling the Princess how excited he is because he really wants to be a father."
"Hmm," Aemond considered a moment, stepping into the room in-full and letting the door close softly behind him. "Well, speaking of my dear wife, are you almost ready, love? We've dinner arrangements."
His eye raked over your form and when he settled on your face, he smirked with mischief. Gulping from the flush of heat his gaze brought, you glanced at Mira before affirming, "I'm ready, my Prince Ameond."
His brow furrowed as Mira showed herself out, Ameond asking, "Since when do you address me so formally, my love?"
"Oh, well, just - you know, we're going to have dinner with your whole family, Ameond, I just wanted to remember formalities and, you know, my place..."
"Your place," he reaffirmed as he reached for you, "is at my side, sweet girl. You worry for nought, my family adores you."
You sighed lightly, "As if you gave them a choice but only to accept me."
His smirked broadened, "You're right - I gave them none. Come, you're worrying yourself silly. It's nothing, my sweet girl, Father called for this dinner to celebrate us being together."
"Might you promise me something, then?"
Aemond sighed, "You know I cannot break promises to you."
"Exactly," you smirked lightly, feeling his arms tighten around your waist to keep you pressed to his front. You worried he'd feel the small curve of your belly, but distracted him by asking, "Do not antagonize anyone while your King Father is present, my love, please. He's old, he's sick, let us grant his wish of having a meal together - in harmony, in peace..."
He sighed again, letting his eye shoot over your face as you pouted lightly. "All right, my love," he agreed, "I will behave myself while Father is present."
"Thank you," you whispered, thinking that was the end of it. Your Lord husband smiled and took your hand to tangle his fingers with yours, pressing a lingering kiss to your lips.
"Shall we, my love?" He muttered softly.
"Hmm," you hummed, kissing him again. "All right, yeah, let us go. Shouldn't keep the family waiting."
He smirked, "Come."
Aemond liked keeping you close, moving from your shared rooms and down the halls to reach the private dining room the Royal Family was to take their meal in tonight. Upon entering, you discovered the fires ablaze and torches set to provide ample lighting, making you smile as the room was the perfect temperature for your pregnant, flushed-flesh.
As custom dictates, you bowed to the Queen Mother first; greeting the Hand of the King after, then with similar bows, greeted the crowned heir to the Iron Throne, your birth mother, Princess Rhaenyra. You gaze shifted to your mother's husband, the Prince Daemon, your step-father, and offered him a polite greeting. Truth of it was that you were always cautious of Daemon, and the way he looked at you was hard to decipher; never knowing if he even liked you or not. You skin was toned down from your father's, the late Lord Laenor Velaryon, but your hair was as bright as your mother and father's, and all who shared your blood.
Your marriage to Aemond was a bid for peace after your younger brother, Jace, took the young Aemond's eye about 6-7 years prior. To placate tension, your hand was offered only 2 years ago, and it turned out to be a surprising love-match. You and Aemond grew closer after the years apart, and though you tried to understand all sides of the situation, you knew the truth behind the loss of his eye, and only tried to offer comfort for your husband on day's he became overwhelmingly insecure.
You loved your family, but you loved the man you shared your life with now and did your best to keep the peace.
You greeted your brothers and cousins before looking back at your mother, who grinned in excitement.
Your mother breathed your name and stood from her seat, making you match her excitement as you let go of Aemond's hand to hug her tightly. "Mother," you gasped into the tight embrace. "Oh, how you glow! Pregnancy has always agreed with you. How are you feeling?"
"I'm well, my sweet love," Rhaenyra nodded, pulling away to gently pet a stray hair from your forehead. "Your hair's grown so much in these years."
"Do you like it?"
"You look beautiful, my love, I adore it," she promised, squeezing your hand. "How are you fairing?" She glanced over your shoulder to your husband - who was greeting his own siblings.
"I am doing well, Mother, you do not need worry," you assured. "Aemond is good and kind to me, I promise. I have known only love and warmth from him, and I feel I should both apologize to you for protesting the arrangement, and then thank you for it..." She smiled fondly, caressing your jaw and chin. "It has worked out better than I ever could imagine."
"I am delighted to hear it," your mother spoke with so much love and kindness that a light sheen of tears coated your eyes. "You look well, love," she sighed lightly, petting over your long hair. "You know I miss you daily, my sweet girl. It is not the same without you."
"I miss you, too," you swore. "More than words..."
She sighed, "Well, go on, we should find our seats..."
"We'll talk again soon," you assured softly, giving her hands another squeeze before breaking apart. You nodded to her husband, "Prince Daemon."
"Princess," he nodded back, watching you move around the table to snag Aemond's hand in yours, and together, the two of you made it to your seats at the head of the table. Aemond pulled your chair out and let you sit before taking his seat between you and his grandsire, leaving you between him and his sister, the Princess Helaena.
"Good evening," Otto muttered to you, nodding with a soft smile. "You look beautiful, Princess."
"Thank you, my Lord," you smiled. "You look well yourself. And you, Princess," you directed at Helaena, "that dress befits you."
"Thank you, my Lady," she smiled, "you're glowing... In this light," she spoke with a knowing twinkle in her eye.
"Love?" Aemond muttered, a servant holding a goblet. "Would you like wine tonight?"
"Oh, please," You accepted, Aemond taking the goblet to pass along to you. "Thank you, sweetheart."
"Hm," he acknowledged with a small smirk, raising his own to his lips as he observed the whole of the table and slowly turned in his chair to crowd into you. "Say the word, love, and we'll leave..."
"We're fine," You assured in a soft whisper, bowing your head to speak in his ear. "You are on edge, my Prince."
You could almost physically feel his nerves.
"With reason," he sighed, leaning in to press a kiss to your neck. "Aegon wants a word, my love. I'll be a moment."
"Go on," you sighed, smiling with a nod as he stood from his seat; leaving you with a parting kiss on the top of your head. The table was still being dressed for dinner and the Targaryen-Hightower families all sat around as they all waited for the King to arrive. Aemond and Aegon stood for their conversation at the corner of the table, leaving Helaena to rise to her knees in her chair; giggling with you over whatever riddles plagued her mind in that moment. Otto smiled as he watched you two for a moment.
From your place, you could feel the tension from Queen Alicent and Princess Rhaenyra, knowing all of their feud from your limited years at court prior to tonight. When the doors opened and a procession of Kings Guard was seen, you all pushed from your wooden chairs to stand for the King's arrival; your husband reaching for your waist to stand together as a united front. Aemond always took your union very seriously as your birth appearance only left room for rumors to fester about your brother's lineage, and Aemond took immense pride in calling you wife.
You, who had the color of your father's skin, and the hair color of your mother; you, who was a highly desired prize to the courts; you, who was desired over others, and looked at only as a trophy - but being that you wed a man who had known you your whole life, he treated you as much more. You were proud of your marriage, and stood tall at his side.
The King was carried in a chair that would double as his seat for the evening meal, requiring a set of guards to carry him up to the table before being lowered.
When everyone was allowed to reclaim their seat, Aemond held a hand to the servant boy who meant to push your chair in; smirking at you as he took the liberty himself. Say what you wanted about the lad, but his mother raised him right...
Much could not be said for his brother, but Aegon was not your worry.
Aemond took his seat after, letting his hand drift to your thigh in invitation; smirking again when both your hands tangled with his. You noticed both of your brothers now sat with their betrothed, who were Daemon's daughters with your Aunt Laena - who passed seemingly only days before your father. Both tragedies left your mother, Rhaenyra, and uncle (?) Daemon available to marry, and you remember standing on your ancestral home of Dragonstone, watching the Old Valyrian customs come to life as they wed.
A beautiful ceremony in truth.
Around the table, all members of the Targaryen-Velaryon-Hightower family claimed their seats as King Viserys Targaryen, First of His Name, was set down at the large gap separating your mother and step-mother...
How odd to think about the relations around this table.
As the guards retreated, Viserys croaked, "How good it is... To see you all tonight... Together."
You smiled at Aemond and let your head fall into the crook of his neck when he glanced at you; his arm readjusting to better hold your hand, both attentively listening to the King's words, but not before his chin caressed the top of your head when he returned your brief show of affection.
The tension at the table was nearly palpable, leaving Alicent to ask her husband, "Prayer before we begin?"
"Yes," Viserys agreed.
Everyone took proper prayer form, you glancing at your seemingly confused mother for a moment before to your lap as Alicent lead the prayer: "May the Mother smile down on this gathering with love. May the Smith men the bonds that have been broken for far too long. And to Vaemond Velaryon, may the Gods give him rest."
You ignored the under-breath huffy responses to Queen Alicent wishing for rest upon a man slain in court today, nodding when the prayer was over and lifting your head to reclaim your husband's hand in your own. Viserys continued, "This is an occasion for celebration, it seems. My grandsons, Jace and Luke, will marry their cousins, Baela and Rhaena, further strengthening the bond between our Houses." You nudged Aemond gently when you saw him staring at Jace with unnerve. "A toast to the young Princes and their betrothed!"
"Hear, hear," Daemon mocked as he took up his goblet, your husband spying your smirk of amusement.
And though he lowered his voice so his father did not hear, Aegon's words reached your own ears as he muttered to your brother, "Well done, Jace. You'll finally get to lie with a woman."
Jace let his goblet set to the table forcefully, catching your eyes as you subtly shook your head at him. He ignored Prince Aegon's antagonizing words.
"Let us toast, as well, Prince Lucerys... The future Lord of the Tides."
"Hear, hear," his future sister-cousin toasted with a soft smirk.
"You'll be great," his cousin-fiancé assured.
"Love," you reprimanded softly, catching his stare again. He only sighed at you as Aegon was turning to Jace again.
"You do know how the act is done, I assume? As least, in principle? Where to put your cock and all that?"
"Let it be, cousin."
"You can play the jester if you wish, but hold your tongue before my betrothed," Jace defended, keeping his voice low so the adults would not hear him.
"Hmm," Aegon sighed, nodding once before sitting forward in his seat. You sighed to yourself, feeling Aemond's hand stroking over the meat of your inner thigh and leaning into his arm slightly.
But all came to a stand-still when Viserys grunted and stood uneasily to his feet, leaning forward on the table to hold himself up. His words were spoken between huffs of breath, "It both gladdens my heart and fills me with sorrow to see these faces around the table." He looked around with meaning, "The faces most dear to me in all the world... Yet grown so distant from each other... In the years past."
Aemond blinked once, then twice, and lowered his gaze to the table before looking down at you. You offered a silent smile and pet over his hand. But both of your smiles dropped when you looked up again, watching Viserys reach for the latch that kept the golden facemask in place; realizing his intention. You were used to Aemond's injury and scar, but the King's was something else entirely, and with your pregnancy stomach - you were unsure how you would react seeing it.
Aemond's hand squeezed yours when the King dropped his mask and gave a front-row-viewing to his decaying face. Aegon and Helaena refused to look, their eyes set to the table as Viserys looked around; Rhaenyra seeing the extent of his illness, and how his children could not look at him for longer than a few seconds.
Viserys continued, "My own face... Is no longer a handsome one," he snorted lightly at his own joke, "if indeed it ever was. But tonight... I wish you to see me... As I am." Otto watched the King directly, boldly, and your eyes could only handle small glances, focusing on the way Aemond was distracting you with his fingers running up and down your thigh in your lap. "Not just a King," Viserys continued through haggard breathing, "But your Father!" He turned his eye to Daemon, spitting, "Your brother!" His head turned to Alicent, "Your husband." And then he looked to the middle of the table, "Your grandsire. Who may not, it seems... Walk for much longer among you." He slammed the gold mask to punctuate his point, all eyes staring at him now. "Let us no longer hold ill feelings in our hearts. The crown cannot stand strong if the House of the Dragon remains divided. But set aside your grievances." You felt emotion swell in your chest as Aemond's hand paused to squeeze your hand. "If not for the sake of the crown... Then for the sake of this old man! Who loves you all so dearly!"
He panted in exhaustion as he fell back into his seat with Alicent's aid; fixing the mask back over the decaying half of his face. Suddenly, your mother, Rhaenyra, was shooting up from her seat with her goblet in hand; making you sit up straighter almost subconsciously. Aemond fought off his knowing smirk as he watched your mother hold her goblet with intention.
After a moment, the crowned Princess spoke, "I wish to raise my cup to Her Grace, the Queen." When Alicent had helped secure the gold mask, she looked up in curiosity. "I love my father," she continued to Alicent. "But I must admit that no one has stood... More loyally by his side than his good wife." After a meaningful look, your mother spoke to the rest of the table, "She has tended to him with... Unfailing devotion, love, and honor. And for that, she has my gratitude... And my apology."
When your mother's eyes caught your own as she sat down, you nodded with your own toast, "To the Queen Mother."
The others echoed your words and took their obligatory sip of wine, watching Alicent accept your mother's words. "Your graciousness move me deeply, Princess." Daemon sat forward at the Queen's words, your mother watching her as your own husband seemingly stilled to watch the tense exchange. "We are both mothers... And we love our children. We have more in common than we sometimes allow." Your mother accepted her words, in turn; and the Queen Alicent Hightower stood to her feet, and hoisted her cup high, "I raise my cup to you and to your House." After a moment, she ended, "You will make a fine Queen."
You smirked gently as your mother fought off her emotion, raising your cup again to call, "To Princess Rhaenyra, our future Queen!"
The rest of the table followed suit, and with King Viserys, took their gulps of wine. Aemond smirked and pecked your temple, earning your attention for you to grin at him - feeling as if this was a perfect moment to announce to your husband and family that you were pregnant. But his attention drifted when his brother drained his goblet, cleared his throat, and stood from his seat.
He sighed and kept close watch as you silently turned your attention as well. Aemond knew better than anyone how protective you were of your brothers, and though you shared different traits in appearance, they were still your blood, and you, and your gorgeous green dragon, Kasta, would defend them until your death day.
You could not make out the words Aegon was muttering to your cousin, but you knew the lad liked to instigate; his farce of pouring himself a new goblet of wine only getting him so far.
Whatever was said upset the Prince enough for his hands to bang on the table as he stood; Aegon's smirk assuring you he meant for this reaction. "Jace," you heard Rhaena try to intercede.
But as Aegon made for his seat, your husband stood to his feet, and stared Jace down as if in challenge to say anything. The table all stilled, and even Viserys, who had witnessed your husband ferocity, waited with held breath. "My love," you whispered, reaching for Aemond's sleeve to give a simple tug. "You promised," you reminded softly, begging him to sit down again. But when his fist formed, you stood from your seat to press into his side, whispering urgently, "Aemond, please, do not do this, I am begging you."
His arm slithered around you to keep you at his side as Jace only pounded his fist into Aegon's shoulder in a show of good faith; noting the way Aemond went rigid even under your soothing touch.
Jace toasted with his own goblet, "To Prince Aegon and Prince Aemond. We have not seen each other in years," Jace glanced from Luke to you and Aemond, "but I have fond memories of our shared youth. And it is obvious the love, devotion, and respect you show my sister - and for that, I give both gratitude and thanks." He paused to look at Aegon, who looked sour at the show of responsibility and educated-tongue. "And as men, I hope we may yet be friends and allies. To you and your families good health, dear uncles. Or, should I say, dear uncle, and brother," he smiled at you after, seeing you return it with all-teeth.
But when Aemond's hand tightened on your waist in anger, you whispered again with urgency, "Please, let it go."
Behind you, Jace had gripped Aegon's shoulder, giving a tight squeeze, before another friendly fist pound - making the Prince reply tightly, "To you as well."
"A moment," you called, making Aemond pause in his descent to his chair, and prayed you could cause reason to smile again, "because I'd like to toast my good and loving husband." He offered you a solemn smile, but cocked his head in confusion. "And... I'd like to take this moment, before our families, to share the good news..."
"Love," Aemond whispered in shock, Alicent perking up as Otto did. "You speak what I think you do?"
You nodded, glancing at the table, but telling Aemond, "I'm pregnant. We're going to have a baby, the Seven's heard us at last, my Prince."
There was a round of cheers and applause as Aemond breathed in relief and pulled you in, letting both his hands caress your cheeks as he kissed you tenderly. "Truly?" He muttered, making tears brim your waterline.
"Yes," you confirmed, feeling one of his hands drop to press against you gently swelling womb. "Just a bit over three months in."
He laughed and pulled you in for a proper hug, the table sending their congratulations to you both - and you foolishly thought you were successful in distracting Aemond enough. You took your seats again, him fully turned to keep his arms around you, as the family all muttered in good tidings.
But above them, you could hear Helaena mutter, "Beware the beast beneath the boards."
You didn't get to question it because you were leaning over to give Otto's hand a squeeze - thanking him for his good tidings. Your mother caught your eye after, giving you a bright and happy grin; silently toasting to you, making you return the motion and take a sip.
Thinking you had ended the toasts for the evening, imagine the surprise when Helaena, a usually quiet girl, stood from her seat as if it burned her. Aemond and you both paused to look up, listening as she spoke, "I would like to toast Baela and Rhaena. They'll be married soon. 'Tisn't so bad," she assured sincerely. "Mostly, he just ignores you..." Then, a thought came to her, "Except sometimes when he's drunk."
You honestly didn't mean to, but you laughed a little - eyes widening as you look at Aemond with your hand over your mouth. But he chuckled, too; and dare you say it, but you swore Otto let out a singular chuckle to his granddaughter's words. In fact, you knew he did, when Helaena found her seat again and he nodded at her, muttering, "Good."
"Let us have some music," Viserys spoke, and a moment later, the live musicians struck a tune. Curiosity burned in your gut when Jace stood from his seat, muttered to his fiancé, and then stepped around the table to approach Helaena with an offered hand.
"Jace," You warned your brother when he halted beside you; watching as Aegon could not tear his sights away from his wife as she accepted, and let the Prince lead her to a small clearing for a dance.
Aegon turned and shared a hardened look with his brother. Aemond let his chair push back some to give him a proper view of his surroundings, taking your hand, and encouraging you closer. You sighed with mild worry, muttering, "Won't you eat something, my love? Please?"
He hummed, tearing his gaze back to you. "No, sweet girl, you go on. Eating for two now, aren't you?"
You sighed lightly, "W-Was this alright?"
"Telling you here?" You wondered, genuine fear flooding your chest.
Aemond sighed and leaned forward to crowd into you again, despite the head of the table posing with natural privacy. "My love... This is," he sighed lightly and took your hands in his, meeting your gaze, "The best news you could've given me - in any way. But in front of our families? That is special, indeed," he smirked some, leaning in to press a linger kiss to your forehead. "Worry not, sweet wife, for this is joyous news. I am just..."
"Uneasy?" You filled in with a frown. "I know this family likes to push buttons but please do not say or do anything - not with the King here, my love."
"I know," he assured softly, "I made you a promise, I will not break it."
You nodded in response, letting his lips meet yours for a slow kiss, his nose nuzzling against yours before he leaned back in his chair - nodding at your plate to silently encourage you to take another bite.
Some minutes passed and after laughing with Otto over something silly, you caught your husband's gaze again. You offered him a small look before leaning in, making him sit up and bow his head to hear your words, "You're staring again."
He chuckled, "Perhaps I am enjoying the view."
"Oh, of me eating, is it?"
"Of my beautiful wife, yes," he smirked, leaning back again, and leaving you to get sucked back into whatever was being spoken of now. You did not notice how the King gazed fondly at you all, taking note of his gathered family, until he was wincing and moaning in pain.
Slowing your chewing, you watched silently as Alicent called for the guards, and Viserys was then being pulled away, and carried away from the table. You stood with respect as he was dismissed, Aemond's hands smoothing over your waist to guide you back into your seat - a moment before he did the same.
Aemond sat at an angle, not eating, and leaving place at the table before him for the servants to raise and set a roasted pig before him. You eyed it wearily, knowing of the torment your brothers and Aegon put Aemond through for being dragonless in his youth, and tried not to think further of it. You reached to lay your hand on Aemond's knee in comfort, just placing your next bite to your mouth as Luke's snickering amusement enraged Aemond.
"Don't," you gasped after you swallowed when you noted the way his entire body turned to regard your younger brother; sighing in defeat when Aemond's fist rapidly pounded into the table's top as he climbed to his feet and swiftly picked up his goblet.
"Final tribute," Aemond proposed, ignoring the way you sighed and remained still in your seat. When the hall quieted and turned their attention to him, Aemond continued, "To the health of my nephews: Jace," he looked to the boy still-standing, "Luke," his sights turned to your brother that slashed his eye from its socket, "and Joffrey. Each of them handsome," your eyes met Alicent's, as if anticipating his words, "wise..." He paused, the tension brewing to a new height.
"Love, please," you whispered, watching him nod silently, and then finish,
"Aemond," his mother tried, but was ignored.
"Come!" Aemond barked as you slowly stood to your feet out of worry; his arm extending to wrap around you and settle you on his other side - as if to protect you. "With my sweet wife, let us drain our cups to these three..." Aegon rose his goblet with enthusiasm, ever the one to hide behind his brother's brute, words, and strength, "Strong boys."
"I dare you to say that again," Jace barked.
"Why?" Aemond instigated as his head snapped to look at your brother, you sharing a look of unease with Alicent. "'Twas only a compliment." He let go of you as Jace started forward, turning instantly to meet him. "Do you not think yourself Strong?"
Luke stood in anger as Aegon met him, Jace launching his fist into Aemond's jaw - making you wince slightly upon the impact, and making you call your brother's name in protest. You felt Otto raise to his feet and pull you back from the fray, as Aegon smashed Luke's head to the table. "THAT IS ENOUGH!" Alicent raged.
Seemingly unfazed by the fist to his face, Aemond smirked at Jace before pushing the younger boy back off his feet. He sprung up with a growl - making two guards lunge forward to restrain him - as your husband turned with a broad grin and his goblet, still in hand.
Jace and Luke were both restrained as you freed yourself from Otto's grasp to reach for your husband, who sat his goblet down in order to hold onto you. "What was that? Huh? You lost your mind finally?" You demanded in disappointment, hearing your brothers still growling and grunting with effort to free themselves.
Alicent descended upon you two, demanding in a lowered tone, "Why would you say such a thing before these people!?"
"I was merely expressing how proud I am of my family, Mother," Aemond rounded on her, one arm still tight around your waist. "Mm," he considered, raising his voice as he let go of you to turn, "though it seems my nephews aren't quite as proud of theirs."
Jace broke free and charged forward as Daemon barked, "Wait, wait!" With a silent finger held, he stalked between the two Princes; easing Jace backwards without uttering a word. When the boy was back by his brother and both of their betrothed, your mother was demanding of them, "Go to your quarters. All of you go, now."
Daemon turned and settled his sights on Aemond, making the hair on your neck stand on end with worry as you held your husband's hand tightly - as if it would keep him at bay. Your step-father came to a halt and sighed, still staring at Aemond, and you knew that just because your husband was unhinged, didn't mean you were, and Daemon genuinely made you nervous. He was undefeated and rumor of his win in the Stepstones was told to you directly by your father, who bore witness to the Rogue Prince taking the entire beach by himself.
Daemon was not someone you were eager to cross, but your husband loved a good challenge - and by the look in both man's eye, you knew they had met their matches.
Aemond sized Daemon up for a moment before your hand tightened in his, begging quietly, "Can we go, please?"
He hummed in response and tightened his hand in yours, leading you past your mother and step-father, but pausing when Rhaenyra spoke your name. Your mother reached for you, smiling, "Congratulations, my sweet girl. You'll make a beautiful mother."
"Thank you," you whispered to her, leaning in to kiss her cheek, and whisper, "I'm so sorry."
She winked at you in return, letting Aemond take your hand again and lead you onward into the torch-lined hallway. You sighed when you pushed from the room, leading in the other direction of the guest rooms, meaning, you did not have to worry about running into your brothers.
"You're angry," he mentioned in observation after a few moments.
"No," you answered quietly, leading up to your chamber door. "Just uneasy."
"Over me?"
"Over all of this," you admitted softly, entering first and hearing him follow. When the door closed, you continued, "It pains me to feel and see the divide in the family. And I walk both lines of it..."
"'S not easy," he agreed.
"No, it's not," you sighed, pulling your jewelry off. "And now isn't the time for petty games, my love. We've a child on the way, the time for grudges has passed - though I will not tell you to let this go." You turned to look at him in the firelight. "I know the pain caused, and I know what was taken from you..." He lowered his gaze, making you slowly approach him and reach for either hand. "But I need my husband with me, and not lost to some vendetta. We're having a baby, Aemond, and I'd like for them to know their uncles."
He sighed, nodding as he wrapped his arms up your waist. "Aye... I'd want that, too. But they can't call me brother, please, my love - "
You chuckled, "I will make sure they understand. We do not have to see them often, but the times we do, I'd like for some semblance of peace and normalcy."
He nodded with understanding, "Aye. For you, my love, I can do that."
"Yeah," He sighed.
"Then please - no more Strong comments," you begged quietly. "They're leaving soon, please, do not instigate this further. You do not have to see them again, but I'd like to see my siblings off."
He nodded, "Whatever you want, my sweet."
"Well, I want my brothers and husband to get along but that's not happening, is it?"
"Not likely," he teased. "But I will do my best to restrain myself."
"I only ask that you try," you agreed, pecking his lips. "Now, are you gonna run off anymore or do I have my husband for the night?"
He smirked, "You have me, my love. I am here with you."
"Good," you smirked, letting a hand snake along the back of his neck to pull him down; searing a heated kiss to his lips.
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momentomori24 · 4 months
Surprisingly, hearing Vox and Val technically (I love how technically needed to be added) aren't dating didn't upset me as much as I thought it would. It did... for like a minute until I thought about how painfully much it fits them.
Val throws tantrums and is ready go out and kill people to let off steam, but decides to stay put in his room and sulk instead while he waits for his flat-faced prince to come and comfort him before he does anything drastic. He's killed and abused people for the slightest hint of non-compliance, which he sees as giving him an attitude or questioning his authority, but he doesn't so much as flinch when Vox raises his voice and starts shaking him in frustration more than once. He doesn't lash out or get angry when Vox tries to talk him out of marching towards the hotel, but instead listens to his points and takes his words to heart even when they weren't what he wanted to hear. He's not interested in Alastor, but is willing to sit through watching the extermination broadcast because Vox is a passionate football dad about his one-sided rival getting dunked on. He doesn't even act jealous towards Vox's obsession, just weirdly amused and supportive even tho he hates not being the center of attention any other times. And then there's Vox, who acts like he's annoyed to have to put up with Valentino but still does it anyway. He acts disinterested about Val's ranting over Angel until he hears that Angel might've quit because he's an jealous, insecure loser that wants that mf's attention to himself. He lights his cigarette and decides to call up their lowest earners for him to terrorize without being asked just to lighten his mood a little (unrelated but i feel for their employees). He keeps his eyes on him both in his room and when he's at the pub through the cameras he's got everywhere. He takes his hand like one would with a princess and smiles fondly at him before disappearing when noticing they're being watched. He's the only person that Val trusts enough to calm him down when his temper gets the better of him. And Val-- despite his volatile temper and obnoxious quirks-- is someone he respects and cares about, both as his business associate and romantic partner.
And they aren't dating. Val and Vox clearly have a connection and understanding and attraction yet are unable to confront those feelings in fear of being vulnerable. So they aren't dating. Val obsesses over Angel and Vox obsesses over Alastor to distract themselves of the other only to fall back into each other's arms at the end of the day. Even tho they aren't dating. They celebrate, dance, sing, support and shamelessly make out with each other. They're the only ones that would put up with each other's bullshit no matter what-- but for some reason, they're still not dating. They are two of the worst Overlords in Hell, capable of committing so many despicable acts and jumping to immoral tactics for their own gain without any regrets, but opening that door into genuine emotional vulnerability? Acknowledging their softness for each other? That's where they draw the line. They're clearly made for each other, but neither of them dare to step over that line to commit to something more.
Which means that we could get to actually see these changes take place. We could get to see more sides to these two we still haven't seen before. We could get to see them actually start dating and the complicated journey it took to get there. We could get to scream and kick and seeth as these two morons continue to dance around admitting their very much requited romantic feelings for every stupid reason under the sun episode after episode. We could get to see these two fix each other and make each other worse simultaneously. Mostly make each other worse. We could get to see them have a romantic duet. We could get to see them be happy together-- officially together-- while they make life worse for everyone around them.
All this mumbo-jumbo, sleep-deprived ranting will likely not happen, but the potential character growth, the dynamic development, the resolved romantic tension, the SONGS we could get??? I'm clinging onto this hope for dear life until it's ripped from my cold, dead hands.
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jojotichakorn · 8 days
so, in the midst of me constantly thinking about and analysing phum, i didn't write that much meta on peem or really think about his reasoning too much. for a long while, i dismissed his slightly erratic behaviour as a response to phumpeem's initial meeting and how their relationship has been set up because of it, but this episode solidified the fact that that's not it.
instead, for whatever reason, peem is insecure.
the most damning piece of evidence for this, i think, does not involve phum at all (and that is exactly the reason why it's such good evidence). though the majority of this post will still be about phumpeem lmao.
so, when peem claims that there is nothing going on between him and phum, kluen says that means he still has a chance, which gives us this confused face:
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nothing in the world could produce this reaction in these circumstances, aside from insecurity. kluen isn't phum. he and peem don't have any bizarre backstory together, and he is very direct about his romantic pursuit. he explicitly said he came to the camp to hit on peem in front of all his friends and he reiterated the sentiment by saying what he did in this scene. the only kind of person who would need a clarification, when things are laid out that clearly is a person who is insecure and therefore has a hard time being sure about the fact that someone likes them and/or is actively trying to hit on them.
now, onto the star of the show: phumpeem! what do we know about peem's pov of their relationship at this point? 1) he has fully admitted that he likes phum, to the point of literally calling himself out on even trying to deny it. 2) he is happy about the fact that he likes phum. we are leagues away from the possibility that he has any issues with phum or the fact that he has a crush on him, which we have so much proof of, whether it be him actively enjoying the fact that phum is trying to get his attention, him looking at phum as if he hung the moon and calling him prince charming, him literally giggling and kicking his feet at that memory the next day, him instantly forgiving phum because he genuinely trusts him and thinks he is a good person, even if he makes mistakes sometimes, or any of the other clear signs that he is enjoying what's going on between them, both in the moment and in retrospective.
and now, let's take a look at all the moments from today's episode through the lens of peem's insecurity in himself and security in his feelings / phum:
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him acting a little weird and distant after hugging phum the whole night, very reminiscent of the way he acted the day after their first kiss. both times after moments when peem made the first move.
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him acting genuinely confused about phum's behaviour towards kluen, despite getting a fairly clear confirmation that phum is jealous when he literally bribed a child to get peem away from kluen. this is definitely not a "what a weirdo" face, this is a "wait, what's going on here?" face. he does not get it.
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him claiming there is nothing going on between phum and him, despite clearly wanting that something and being in the depths of the talking stage, which is definitely a real relationship stage to him, as that was how he described chain and toey to q.
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him looking a little heartbroken, when phum says he wants to call off the deal, as if that would actually mean that they stop spending time together.
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him confirming that that is indeed his fear, when he literally looks terrified at the prospect and fully asks to continue being phum's "slave".
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him not being able to admit why he kept the flowers
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or making up a lie about not having finished the painting, even though he definitely has, because he literally said so to his aunt.
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and him answering a question with a question, needing to hear the fact that phum likes him directly first, before he confesses back. which, in all this context, just doesn't read as stubbornness.
all of this makes sense, if you consider the fact that peem is insecure and is afraid of reading into other people, when what he's trying to glean is their opinion of him specifically.
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one big thing that he constantly repeats (this moment is far from the only time he says that in this episode alone) is asking phum to tell him what he thinks directly. mind you, unlike phum, who is just constantly deeply confused about everyone and can't take implications for shit, peem is actually absolutely incredible at understanding what other people's feelings are, even when they don't tell him directly, as long as the feelings in question aren't about peem.
he also manages those small bursts of confidence, like kissing phum first or reaching out to him, but they are not long-lasting and are often followed by bursts of denial and shyness, which is extremely common for someone who is insecure but also impressively brave.
and here is your key to pre-relationship phumpeem and the reason why we are on episode 10 and they are still not dating. insecure x insecure can be hard at times. they both need the other to outright state their feelings, and that is just not easy for either of them. but they are getting there. together 🫶
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kimbap-r0ll · 4 months
hii, could I request overblot gang having a nightmare about their s/o? ( a lot of angst please)
Hi, thank you for the ask! Sorry this took so long to answer, I've just been through a twst burnout ;—; hope you enjoy! (also I play NA twst so I'm sadly not going to go up to Idia for now)
Overblot gang has nightmares about their s/o
He has nightmares more often than he would like to admit. He gets nightmares about his strict childhood from time to time (usually tied with fear of failure) but he now has nightmares about you
Those nightmares usually have to do with him lashing out at you when he didn't mean to, or maybe you found him unlovable after being with him for some time. In this nightmare specifically, you were crying and calling him a monster for his harsh nature, you moved away from him when he tried to hold you. He knew that he wasn't perfect, he wanted to be but...
"Hey, hey Riddle!" A voice woke him up with a shake, he had fallen asleep on the desk he was borrowing at your place in Ramshackle. Turns out you walked into the room to finally go to bed when you found him shaking slightly, mumbling something, and almost slipping off of the chair.
Riddle looked at you with wide eyes, they almost looked wild to you with how fast his eyes darted from your face, your whole body, and then back to focusing on your eyes. It was like he was making sure you weren't hurt or that you were still there. He bolted up from his chair and grabbed your shoulders. Then, he sighed, shaky but he seemed like he was trying to calm down.
"I...I thought I hurt you..." Riddle mumbled, he slinked back onto the chair, closing his eyes like he was trying to hold back some tears. "Riddle..." you stroke his hair softly. "I know you would never do that, did you have a nightmare?" Riddle only nodded slowly at your comment. "Why don't we get you something warm to drink, we can talk about it if you want?" You suggest, and he looks at you with teary eyes but with a soft smile nonetheless. "Yeah, that would be nice."
He sleeps often but he doesn't actually get dreams. It's like he just powers down and then wakes up. However, there are moments when he does get bad dreams, specifically linked to how he feels like he's not significant or nightmares related to his unique magic
The nightmares he has about you happen to be related to these things as well. He got a nightmare once while you two were napping. In that nightmare, you two had gotten into a fairly bad argument, and while Leona is usually cool-headed this time he wasn't able to contain it and ended up grabbing you by the neck and summoning his unique magic. He saw your eyes go wide, he heard a choked cry from you before parts of you started to become sand.
Leona woke up on his own, a startled little gasp escaping his mouth and his eyes opening wide. He was lying on his bed, you were still asleep right next to him, curled up. He slowly moved his position to check if your neck was harmed at all. Sure, it was a nightmare, but he was still worried it wasn't.
From what he could see, you looked fine and you had such a peaceful look. Sighing, Leona pulled you closer to him, a tail wrapping around your leg. You would never see him this soft, he was too shy for that. During this time, he thought about how lucky he was to have you, how lucky he was to have met you. In some corner of his mind, he told himself you deserve better than some second-class prince.
"What would I do without you," Leona mumbled, sleepily brushing your cheek with the back of his hand. He wouldn't have an issue falling back asleep, but this time, he made sure to hold you closely to him.
He has nightmares often like Riddle, stemming from his childhood full of bullying but also his perfectionist complex. He wants to be the best thing in your life, but he knew that you were the best thing that happened to him. If anything, he was worried that you would lose interest in him or that you deserved better.
He actually has a lot of nightmares about you, mostly because he's so nervous but he just never shows it. In this case, you were shouting at him for ruining your life in some way he wasn't able to remember. You stopped talking, put your hands up and said "that's it...I'm done." With that, you turned your back, not listening to him crying and apologizing, asking what he did to set you off.
Azul probably tosses and turns while he's sleeping, so you were for sure awoken by him if you were lying next to him. He doesn't wake up that easily, so you end up shaking him and calling him multiple times before he suddenly gets up and almost knocks you over. He lets out a gasp and looks at you with wild eyes.
"Oh...oh Great Seven," Azul sighs when he sees you looking at him with a worried look. He didn't want to look weak in front of you, he wanted to look perfect. But he had his insecurities, and at this moment he felt overwhelmed by emotions. Tears welled up his eyes, remembering the words you said in the nightmare and then having to face you watching him cry.
"It's okay, I'm here, I'm not leaving you," you tell him with a soft voice, hugging him. Azul tried his best to keep the sobs from breaking through, but he couldn't. He hugged you tightly, almost like he was afraid you would turn into bubbles. You wouldn't know about the nightmare because he never wants to talk about things like that, but you can tell he was scared you were gone
He surprisingly suffers from a few nightmares like each month. Sometimes they aren't anything too concerning (ie large cockroaches) but from time to time, especially when he's feeling stressed, the dreams will get a bit worse.
The time he had a nightmare related to you was regarding his nature before you and Jamil really became friends and then, soon enough, in love. He likes the more sneaky, calculating side of him but from time to time he worries he's not taking care of you or the ones he cares about. In this dream specifically, he had hurt you, overwhelmed by his own work he lashed out at you. You were hit with some magic, one that just sent you flying and then into a bookshelf.
While the dream itself wasn't extremely horrifying, just the thought of how you would mistrust him all over again sent him spiraling. He woke up abruptly, no gasp just a quick jolt and then he looked around. You were still sleeping on the desk, tired from studying all night.
He walks over quietly, looking at your peaceful face and stroking your cheek with his hand. You looked so peaceful, he wondered what kind of dream you were having. "You're so cute," he muttered, thinking no one would hear him. But he was so wrong, you woke up almost instantly after he said that, almost like you knew he was standing there.
"Did something...*yawn* happen? What's up?" you looked at him with tired eyes, still sleepy. He almost jumped back because he hadn't expected you to get up and omg what if you heard him mumbling?! Blushing, he looks away and says he was just checking on you. "I should check on you more, you need to rest," you told him. Ah, there it was again. You were just too kind to him, it made his heart hurt. You didn't deserve someone who was willing to hurt his own friends for his own gain. But here you were.
He sleeps well, but he has days where he just skips sleeping because of his work. He lives on caffeine even if he says that it's not good for his skin. Vil doesn't dream, but from time to time he does, and they tend to scare him really bad.
The one he had about you occurred one night when he was particularly tired. The dream involved his unique magic, him placing an irremovable curse on you to get hurt and then pass out, not to wake up again. In the last moments of your consciousness, he watched you reach out to him, horror in your eyes as you tried to call out. You looked like you were in pain, but at the same time your eyes looked at him with such kindness, like you wanted to tell him you knew it was a mistake. Vil couldn't forgive himself, he wanted to curse himself as he wasn't able to save you.
Then he woke up. Cold sweat all over his body, his pillows tossed all around. He placed a hand on his chest as he tried to calm his breathing. Vil shook his head, knowing it was a nightmare but it felt too real to him. He wondered if he should give you a text, just to ask how you were doing. But no, he didn't want to bother you late into the night, or more or less he was worried he was bothering you.
The next day, you see him and he looks almost relieved to see you in class. "What's up?" you ask him, trying to make him a bit more relaxed. He gave you a quick "oh nothing, just the usual" before flashing a beautiful smile in your direction. You could read him though, something was on his mind. You decide to ask him about it in the night when you decide to study at his place.
Vil has a hard time being vulnerable around you, even when you remind him all the time of how it's okay. He starts off slow, saying he hurt you in the nightmare. "Oh Vil," you gave him a hug. "I know you wouldn't hurt me, don't stress about it. Thanks for telling me though, do you want to grab some tea with me?" you lighten up the mood a bit. Vil nods, he's so happy you're there to make him feel better, but he can't shake off that feeling that he may hurt you. But for now, he tells himself it's just a nightmare, nothing in reality
He doesn't sleep often nor does he really dream. But he does have nightmares whenever he does get a dream, specifically of Ortho. But when he got attached to you, the nightmares had a new person involved — you
The dream involved you having to fight an overblot in the school. However, you weren't able to stop it in time, causing you to get a fatal wound. He tried to stop it, but he wasn't fast enough. He had to watch you in your final moments as the overblot took you down before turning its attention to Ortho and Idia
Idia woke up with a yelp, almost knocking you over in the process. You were checking on him because he looked restless while sleeping. You had been sleeping at his place for the night because you were busy studying for an exam, but you didn't expect to see him have a nightmare
"omg I'm so sorry for waking you up, are you ok?" you ask him while he's trying to catch his breath. Idia shakes his head and tries to tell you it's nothing to worry about. "I-I'm fine, really," he smiles at you. While you know it's definitely not the case, you decide to not push it. Instead, you try to calm him down by sitting close to him and wrapping an arm around his shoulder
While on most cases Idia would hate any form of physical affection from anyone, it was different when it was you. He felt touch-starved, he wanted to have you close to him. Idia was just too scared to ask, and at this moment he was glad to have you close to him. It helped him forget about the horrible screams from the overblot and the whole nightmare.
You may never find out about the nightmare because he tends to get worried about you worrying about him. He knows he can be vulnerable with you, but he's still scared you may lose interest. Just remind him that it's okay, if anything you won't be going anywhere without him.
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arabellasleopardcoat · 3 months
Pyrite - Final Chapter: Valonqar
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Series Masterlist
Chapter Summary: Daemon gets to know the joys of quarantine and faces conflicting feelings in the hours after Otto's and Mellos’ execution.
Warnings: Execution (Via beheading) Mentions of abortion. Mentions of physical violence. Dub con (Reader is given a choice but due to the nature of the power imbalance between Daemon and her, she doesn't really have one)Implied smut. Unhappy ending for anyone except Viserys.
A/N: I am sorry to the requester, I deviated a bit. But we are done!!!!
Daemon grabbed you by the arm and dragged you towards his chambers. He was not happy about being on babysitting duty, but he knew it was the only thing they could do. Without his protection, you would not last a day out there. He had been able to read the truth from your face after just one conversation. Otto Hightower was much more shrewd than him, you would break in seconds.
He supposed Aemma could keep you in her rooms and prevent the scandal. But privately, Viserys had confessed he feared she had gone mad with grief. He did not trust her to be in the same room as you without clawing your eyes out. Daemon did not understand her actions, since you had tried to help her, but he wasn't a mother either. Aemma seemed traumatized by her child's death.
She cursed your name for having your letter arrive too late. Daemon was not a woman. Nor did he presume to know the mind of one, but it seemed a little unfair. You had looked out for her at your own risk, yet Aemma still wanted more.
Viserys could not keep you, either. He was too afraid for his reputation, now that he was about to become a King. What would people think of a servant girl being kept in his rooms?
He didn't admit it, of course, saying that he was only looking out for your honor, but Daemon could tell that Viserys lusted for the throne. Now that he was so close, that he had lost so much on his quest for it, he was not going to lose it for an insignificant girl.
If he truly cared for your reputation, Viserys would have never agreed to keeping you in Daemon's chambers. Who would marry you, after? Everyone knew what Daemon liked, after all. Young maidens, all soft limbs and cute little faces, all for him to ruin. What commoner would want you after being a Prince's whore?
He wasn't planning on touching you, at first. But the way you looked up at him, all frightened eyes, while sitting on one of his chairs, made his cock twitch with interest.
You were a pretty crier. It was something Daemon had noticed when you were discovered. Your eyes would get glassy, and your lower lip would stick out in the slightest pout. You looked good enough to eat.
He could not wait to see you cry on his cock. But if he acted too soon, you would hate him for it. And they needed to be in your good graces so you didn't do anything stupid on the trial.
It was going to be hard, Daemon thought, as he took a look at your face. Aemma had done a number on you, and his retrieval hadn't been entirely gentle either.
You sniffled, pitifully. Daemon kneeled in front of you with a sigh.
“Let me look at your head.”
You gave him a distrustful look.
“I am not going to hurt you. I want to tend to your injuries.” He explained, patiently.
“For some reason, I don't believe you.” You frowned. “Give me a cloth and I can do it myself, Prince Daemon.”
Daemon fought the urge to laugh. Who did you think you were, ordering him around? Instead, he grabbed a cloth and a pitcher of water, and brought them over to you.
You wiped your hands and face with it. Daemon watched, aware that you would not be able to clean the wound on your head on your own. You tried regardless, dabbing a clean cloth over your scalp, trying to reach blindly for the spot that was oozing blood.
He kept his eyes on you, not interfering until you were visibly frustrated.
“Do you need help?”
“No.” You glared, rubbing at your scalp harshly. Daemon stepped closer and took the cloth from you, ignoring your indignant squeaks. He assessed the damage to the back of your skull.
Your hair, braided back as it was, was matted with blood. He was unable to see much, but it seemed to have stopped flowing.
“I will unbraid your hair to look at the wound.” Daemon warned, and started taking your braid apart.
You went very still on your chair, as he untangled sticky hair strands from each other. Your braid was simple, but well constructed. It was clear that you knew quite a bit about how to do your own hair, considering the softness of it. It didn't feel like the hair of any other commoner Daemon had ever felt before. A shame it was caked in blood. He would have to ensure you got a bath soon.
As he parted your hair, shifting it in different directions, he noticed the small laceration on your skull. Nothing was showing through it, not even bone. Daemon knew that was a good sign. It was sizable enough to merit stitches, though.
“I will need to sew this. Do you need milk of the poppy?” He asked, as he went to collect thread and needle from his vanity. A Maester should be the one doing this, and he doubted he had the necessary qualifications to do so, but at the moment, Daemon had no other choice. He didn't trust anyone.
“Do you even know how to sew wounds, my Prince?” You asked, looking at him over your shoulder. It was a fair question, had he not been a squire a few years back. Daemon had earned his knighthood not so long ago, and he still vividly remembered his training.
“I am a knight, girl.” Daemon rolled his eyes. It wasn't as if he styled his name with the title, like some other cunts did, but he still was one. “Do you know what that means?”
“That you are supposed to uphold your oaths, my Prince?” And oh, how sweet. You truly were a naive little thing. It was no wonder you had charged into danger as you had, if you still believed in that bullshit. To Daemon, knights were just like any other men. No more honorable nor more just. Oaths could be broken, after all.
“Yes. But also that I was a squire. I have sewn a few wounds before, including my own.” But never a head wound, he thought to himself. Ah, what you did not know wouldn't hurt you. If he told you, you would insist on a Maester. Daemon couldn't risk it. No one could know you were here.
“I rather be awake, my Prince.”
“Suit yourself.” He stepped behind you and pressed down on your nape, getting you to lower your head. Daemon made sure you were still before starting sewing.
With each pass of the needle, you tensed more. It was a foolish thing to do, only increasing your pain.
“Don't tense. The pain is worse like that.” He advised, and kept at it. You obeyed, forcing your body to relax. It still looked like you were sitting rigidly on the chair, but you weren't clenching your jaw any longer.
As Daemon progressed, he kept a close eye on your reactions. Knuckles turning white against the armchair, breath coming out in pained little sounds. But no tears fell. Had you cried them all already? Or were you too proud to show your pain to him?
With you unmoving, it was not difficult to finish your stitches. He took a step back, admiring the white thread decorating your skull. It contrasted harshly against the red of your blood. Daemon felt oddly proud of it.
“You can have the bed tonight.” He grumbled, annoyed. Why did he feel the need to help you, suddenly? Playing nice was one thing, but why was he feeling bad? It had only been a hit to the back of the head. He had done much worse when dueling men. Drew more blood, severed more limbs. Even took their lives.
But you were a woman. A girl, really. Around his age, and vulnerable to the world. It felt uncomfortably like hurting a child. Why? What made you special? He had taken quite a few maidenheads already, and not even then he had felt like this. You looked like a wounded bird.
“What if I get blood on your sheets?”
“The servants are used to it.” The joke felt flat on his tongue. He gave you a wink, but his heart wasn't in it. Daemon could not stand another second in this room with you, reeking of pain and staring at him with those betrayed eyes. Better to head out and hit the city. He needed to numb himself. And by the time you were up, he would just be getting in.
Daemon allowed you to exist undisturbed in his room for almost a week. He provided water for you to bathe, and fresh clothes for you to change into. The routine stayed the same. He went out at night, and you slept in his bed. When you woke, you had to get out of it and entertain yourself so he could sleep.
He usually enjoyed a night out. But the constant whoring and drinking was beginning to tire him, especially since it was affecting his training. There were only so many brothels he could visit before noticing he was unsatisfied with the stock their carried because not one of them looked like you.
Ugh. The urge to fuck you was messing with his head, making him unfocused. Daemon had actually lost a sparring match this week, but he was unsure if it was from a lack of sleep or being plagued by thoughts of you.
He needed to get you out of his system. He had enough. You no longer looked like a wounded little bird. It was time to make his move.
That night, Daemon decided to skip the brothels. He sat on his bed, freshly bathed after training, and just watched you stew.
You were sitting on a pillow in the corner of his room, some books spread out around you. They were part of his small collection on Valyrian herbs. You were wearing your night shift already, and sneaking glances at him every few minutes.
He was breaking your unspoken arrangement, you sure thought. Daemon was supposed to leave so you could sleep. A shame it was not happening tonight.
“Girl.” He said, once he had enough of watching you squirm. “Pour me a glass of wine.”
You looked at him. You gave an annoyed little huff. Even if you did not dare voice it, Daemon could see the protest in your eyes. You were not used to serving men, from what he could tell. Nor were you used to serving wine. You thought yourself above those tasks, one of those fancy handmaidens that only brush hair and run baths.
And it showed. Sure, you were tidy and didn't make a mess of his rooms, but you didn't help either. You had not reached for a broom in your whole stay, or dusted anything. If he wasn't a tidy person, the place would be as unsanitary as a cheap brothel.
It had never bothered him before, not being able to call for a servant to clean his rooms. But it now did. He tried not to think very hard about why that was. It didn't mean anything. Your presence did not upset him. He was just bothered by the fact that you were like a leech.
Daemon had no use for you. His space was being invaded by a girl with unsettling eyes, who acted as if this was her prison and did not contribute at all. Anyone would be bothered by it. Right?
Anyone would be done with it. Daemon would rather behead Otto and end it all. But apparently, you could not just behead one of your subjects, or everyone started talking about Maegor the cruel.
“I do not have any use for a commoner.” Daemon stated, plainly. He advanced towards you, grasping your chin in his hand. “Do you understand what will happen to you if I kick you out?”
“I'll die.” Your voice shook. Daemon scowled. He didn't like the thing that you were doing with your eyes.
“Then you best try to please me, right?” He ran his thumb over your cheek. “Wouldn't want me to hand you over.”
You shook your head. You went and poured him his wine.
“I don't like your eyes.” Daemon said, impatiently. “Try to smile more.”
You gave him a weak smile. It set the tone for the rest of your interactions. You were a clumsy cup bearer, and took badly to sleeping on the floor. Daemon had to constantly snap at you to wipe the sad look from your face. It looked ugly, and the only good thing you had to your favor were your looks. That was why his stomach twisted when he caught you thinking of home or your family.
When the day of the trial came, you looked relieved. You managed to give your testimony without any issue, and his grandfather ruled in their favor. Aemma gets her revenge, with the King allowing Viserys to bring the head of Ser Otto and Mellos to his wife. He can't bring himself to do it, so it's Daemon who swings the sword instead.
Otto Hightower kneels for his execution with great grace. He sends Daemon a glare, but doesn't say a word. Mellos, on the other hand, screams and pleads all the way up the steps to the block.
Daemon gets a sick sort of satisfaction when he sees them both kneeling at his feet. Is this what being King feels like? He wonders, as he shares a secret smile with Aemma, who stands in the first row of the crowd. The power to hurt those who have wronged you.
Next to Aemma, you stand. You look pale and fidgety, but the grip she has in your arm prevents you from escaping. It's only fair, she had said, that you get to witness the King's justice you helped bring. You don't seem excited about it.
“Any last words?” Daemon asks, as he unsheathes Dark Sister.
“Please, don't, this has been a mistake!” Mellos screams. Daemon waits patiently. When nothing more than incoherent sobs come out from his mouth, Daemon glances up at his grandfather.
King Jaehaerys looks grim, but determined. He nods. Daemon takes Mellos’ head with one clean swoop of his sword. The head rolls into the basket with straw, preventing the blood from running everywhere. The eyelids still move. The crowd gasps, and Daemon feels strangely empty.
“I am ready for my last words now.” The Hightower cunt says, with a firm voice. Daemon can't help be both annoyed and impressed by it. Most men, like Mellos, would be shitting themselves in fear. But Ser Otto remains calm and regal, even when he knows he is about to face death.
“Good pious people, I have come here to die, for according to the law and by the law I am judged to die. I do not wish to accuse any man or woman, for if the King says I am to die, I shall. I only ask that my actions are judged fairly in the years to come, and no harm comes to my family. Let it not be that the crimes of the father follow the son. I take my leave of this world and ask you to pray for me. To the Seven I commend my soul, please, Stranger, have mercy on me.”
And maybe it was the hypocritical speech, or the fact that Otto Hightower was the mastermind behind the plot to hurt his family, but this time Daemon swing his sword with much more force than necessary. The head rolls out of the box and into the crowd, falling near the first row, among horrified screams.
Right at your feet.
You turned and left. And Daemon stood, with his bloodied sword, still near the executioner's block.
There is a feast after. One that you are not allowed to attend. Nothing so crass as to celebrate the death of the two criminals, but rather, the settling of the succession issue. The plot, even if it had to do nothing with Rhaenys, had been damaging enough to doom her hopes of being Queen.
It is then, high on victory and still wearing a dirtied sword, that Daemon decides to use his power over you. It's not a conscious choice. There is something in him that broke tonight, something to do with a severed head and your look of disgust, and the cheers of Aemma and Viserys. It's something about feeling empty, when having the world at his fingertips.
He is soon to be the Prince of Dragonstone. With Viserys lack of heirs, he might even become King one day, if he doesn't set aside Aemma and finds himself a younger wife.
Daemon wonders if Aemma realizes how precarious her position has turned, now that she got her revenge. If she had kept quiet, if she had let Rhaenys get the Iron Throne, her position would be secure. The Arryns would not allow Viserys to put her aside.
But now, that her husband will be King, she will never be safe. Queens fall every day, as Rhaenys has learned. It seems it is time for Aemma to learn that lesson.
You are packing your things when he gets there. Clothes and a small collection of trinkets from the time you had spent by his side. It enrages him. You can't leave. Not when you are the only person who can understand what these weeks have been like. The only one who knows exactly the kind of monster Viserys has turned him into.
“Where are you going?” It comes out more aggressive than he intends to, but you no longer cower at his voice.
“I don't know.” You meet his eyes and keep your voice soft. “Away, my Prince.”
“No, you are not.” Daemon orders, and leaves Dark Sister laying on the rug. The blood rusts the blade, but what does it matter, at this point? If you are leaving, he can call a maid tomorrow. If you are not, everyone can know you as his whore. “Pour me some wine.”
You obey, in silence. Your hands shake slightly.
“Pour yourself a cup, too.” Daemon says, patting the space by his side. You sit, very stiffly.
“Well done.” Daemon says. You give him a little nod. “Now take your dress off.”
“Excuse me?” You jump up so fast, you might as well have never been sitting. Your hands ball by your side, an indignant expression clear on your face.
“Come on, girl. You are not that stupid.” Daemon rolls his eyes. He has protected you for nearly a fortnight, let you take his bed and food and not even once touched you. He killed a man today who would have crushed you like a worm. No one else would want you after this, no one else would understand you. “You owe me a great debt. What other use could I have for a commoner?”
“I can pay my debt in other ways.” You protest, and go back to gathering your things.
Daemon laughs. It sounds broken to his own ears, cruel and shrill. You turn to face him, noticing the difference in tone. Yet, he is not deterred, even when he barely recognizes the cruel tone he is speaking in.
“Yes. You can. I think you would make a fine dragon keeper. You have little skill for anything else, but anyone can shovel shit. I think five years of that would be a fair trade.”
“Or I could just go.” You threaten.
“You could.” And get yourself murdered in the process because there is no way Viserys and him are letting you walk away with all you have learned in your stay with them. And if they don't get you, sickness and famine might. As the northerners say, winter is coming.
“Princess Aemma…” And it’s only then that Daemon gets fed up. You think Aemma out of all people will protect you? Aemma? Has he been doing such a shitty job of it?
“Aemma said I had to protect you. She did not say I couldn't have you.”
“I…” You start, but Daemon is too desperate to care about how cruel he is starting to sound.
“You should hope her reach doesn't go far, as the Queen of the Seven Kingdoms. Tell me, how much do you have? Enough to buy passage into Essos?”
“I'll stay.” You untie your dress, with tear filled eyes. It falls to your hips. Daemon rushes to you like a man possessed. The urge to own, claim, to keep, is too strong to resist.
He wastes no time in burrowing himself in your skin, your hair, carving a place for himself inside you. He is a monster. And intends on devouring you whole.
His love will strangle you until nothing is left. Maybe one day you will be his Queen if Viserys doesn't leave Aemma. By then, you will be just like him.
He kisses down your throat, and lowers a hand between your thighs.
“Stay.” Daemon says, and it feels like the first link on the chain. “Stay.” Muttered between your thighs, as he drowns himself on you.
“Stay.” As your blood stains his shaft, and you moan, confused by whatever you are feeling. As your hips meet his, as you are desperate to choke, to die in his hands.
“I'll stay.” You whisper back, coming down for your high, and the lock clicks.
Has really a key been thrown away if no one hears the sound it makes as it falls?
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dreamlandcreations · 1 year
Promises, promises
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Aemond Targaryen x Velaryon!Reader
Summary: When you were children he made you a promise but after all the years and everything that happened since, you didn't think he would still want to go through with it...
based on this post of @lavuchiha
Warnings: no reader description (I think) so might be read as a Strong/Velaryon/Targaryen/Cole reader although the rumours of her brother's parentage did not spare her so she is often referred to as a Strong bastard too, canon typical stuff, bit more angsty than I intended and way too long for a one shot, soooo... sorry for the ending?
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Aemond often thought of the promise he made you, sometimes with yearning, sometimes with resentment but the closer your nameday got, the more trouble he had chasing away that memory. The news of your visit to the Keep was certainly no help in trying to ignore his feelings.
On the day of your arrival, it seemed he practically lived in that moment that was engraved in his heart and soul to this very day. For the umpteenth time, his body moved on its own as his mind was far away from the training yard where you and your brothers would find him later. His promise haunting him in unrelenting repetition.
"If you do not find a love match until then, I will take you as my bride."
The prospect of being married off for a political alliance scared you beyond reason, even at that age. No matter that your mother promised you would have time to find a good match, you knew eventually you would have to take a husband whether you liked the idea or not.
Aemond, being the good friend you could always count on, made an oath that he will not let you face that fate, to be given to a stranger who would not care for you. And when you giggled and asked how he planned to do that, he blurted out that he would marry you instead.
Your answering frown broke his foolishly infatuated heart but your question of what if he would already love someone else by then soothed the hurt as you showed care for his happiness, possibly at the expense of your own.
That thought, the thought that you cared, kept him sane through the pain of losing his eye and the following years of misery. He was determined to prove himself to be worthy as your king, although he would never admit it, not even to himself but that is what kept him going through the pain and the gossip and the mockery he was subjected to for all these years.
And now he feels like all his efforts paid off as he catches your brother's stunned and frightened expression while training but nothing could prepare him for the subtle wonder he sees from you as you are unable to look away from him, even as your brother's drag you away. The words repeat in his mind with a renewed fury.
"I will take you as my bride."
Aemond feels conflicted at the gathering in the throne room. On one hand, he couldn't deny if he tried that he immensely enjoys as Vaemond berates your mother and shames your brothers, on the other hand, he is ready to kill the man for implying the same accusation to you. In the end, he didn't have to, Daemon took care of it much to his delight and it seems to yours as well.
The dinner is awkward but he doesn't care, he can only focus on you, barely able to tear his gaze away as he deals with Aegon's foolishness and tries to keep an eye on your brothers as well. The second-born prince is thoroughly entertained though. With your flustered expression whenever your gazes lock and with the obvious fear his intimidating behaviour is causing to his nephews.
His good mood is gone as soon as the little bastard who took his eye starts to laugh at his expense. Aemond hesitates before the last word, his eye finding yours once more and you would swear you could see a hint of regret or dare say apology flicker over him for a second.
Doesn't matter though, his revenge is short-lived because as soon as your brothers would react you stand and raise your cup to him.
"I'd like to thank you for your kind words, uncle. Although I must say I feel a little left out, might even be offended if I didn't know better that your praises apply to me as well." You smirk in a way that tells him he managed to hurt you with his words after all but before he could say anything you continue. "In the spirit of that, I'd like to return the favour on the behalf of my siblings and I."
You hear your mother hiss your name in warning but out of the corner of your eye you can tell Daemon is delighted and that gives you the strength to go on.
"I raise my cup to my uncles, the finest examples of Westerosi nobility." You finish the simple praise and take a sip of your wine while you still smirk at him, this time in victory and with a hint of condescension.
Although you can tell at least half of the table doesn't understand the insult, not even the Hand, who was more often referred to as cunt by the Rogue Prince than by his name or title. Oh, but the person you aimed it at definitely gets it. Denying the proud prince his Valyrian heredity is perhaps a bigger insult than anything you could come up with about his childhood or his injury. Which, to be honest, was a sore subject to you too, so you couldn't even go there if you wanted to.
The dinner goes on, and you watch as Aemond tries to breathe through his anger while you bask in your triumph and the silent affection of Daemon's approval. But your smug smile hinders as his own lips start to mirror yours.
You are speechless when he stalks over you and even more so when he asks you for a dance. You are too stunned to do anything but accept.
"Breathe." He whispers into your ear as he leans down while he pulls you closer.
You didn't even realise you were holding your breath until then. The almost frightened look you give him as he guides you to the tune makes him smile even more but he says nothing else as long as you dance.
With the song ending, there's still a bit of a murmuring conversation going on at the table but Aemond's voice cuts through it easily, gaining the attention of your extended family.
"It is your nameday in a week. Tell me, Princess, have you found a love match yet, as you wished? Are you betrothed to any lord?"
He knows you are not, although he wouldn't admit that out loud either, that he was willing to endure the mockery of the court ladies if he could keep up with the gossip about your engagement, or lack of it fortunately.
To your surprise, it's the still entertained Rogue Prince who answers on your behalf with laughter in his voice as he says "No."
If you would be less shocked, you would spare him a glare but an almost forgotten memory comes back to torment you at that moment.
"If you do not find a love match until then, I will take you as my bride."
Aemond just humms at your widening eyes and lets you hanging for a long moment.
"In that case, I have a promise to keep, my Princess." He is equally entertained as his uncle as you are still frozen in place, gaping at Aemond in disbelief. The palpable dread of most of the people at the table only adds to his good mood as he seals your fate. "I will make you my wife."
He doesn't seem concerned as all hell breaks loose. His mother and grandfather objecting loudly, Aegon and Daemon sharing Aemond's odd cheerfulness at the chaos while your soon-to-be good sisters are trying to hold back your brothers. You can't tell how your mother or Heleana is reacting in the midst of all the noise and eventual fight.
It takes punching your apparent betrothed to snap you out of the paralysed state but Aemond's pleased, smug and nonchalant reaction to the hit makes you pause again for a second so when you react, Jace is already down, Luke is held by Aegon and Rhaena is trying to restrain Baela before your brothers are being held back by the guards.
"Enough!" you yell as loud as you can and it makes everyone stop and turn back to you. Before you have a chance to say anything else, your brothers try to attack again but this time Daemon finally steps up, commanding them to stop before turning to Aemond with a positively amused but still challenging demeanour.
You roll your eyes at them and turn to search for your mother to make sure she is okay. Rheanyra steps closer to you taking your hands in hers, a thousand questions in her eyes as she tries to provide some calmness. When a silent agreement is made to talk later, you shift your attention back to the two princes.
The staring match just ends as you face them again. with another humm from Aemond before, for the first time, he acknowledges the presence of his half-sister. The grin he greets her with cannot be described as anything other than evil as he digs your grave even further.
"I see no reason to prolong this any longer. The wedding will be held in a fortnight."
With that, he exits the room without sparing you a glance and you are left to direct your frustration at a still-amused Daemon.
You hit him in the arm and he feigns hurt mockingly before pulling you into a hug, promising it will be alright.
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very-straight-blog · 3 months
Aegon and Aemond. Brothers. Rivals. They can't stand each other. They're jealous of each other. The shadow of the Iron Throne looms ominously over Aegon. It suffocates him, haunts him in nightmares since his childhood. From the moment he heard his mother's prediction: "Rhaenyra will kill us all if you don't become king." These words rang like a bell in his head for several more days, and then they died down, but didn't go away. He tries to drown the fear of the future in wine – somehow, this makes it even worse, alcohol leaves an aching emptiness inside, and also a terrible hangover. He stopped trying to live up to his mother's expectations a long time ago. And his father's? Well, he would never be better than Baelon anyway. It's hard to compete with someone who never existed. A dead boy can be absolutely, oh so perfect. The only son Viserys wanted. His promised prince. Aegon is jealous of Aemond. He's everything Aegon couldn't be. At some point, his quiet younger brother became taller than him, stronger than him and – damn, probably even smarter than him, otherwise why would he spend so much time in the library? It's not in Aegon's nature to compete, so he just gets angry and plans to become even worse, just to spite everyone. Self-destruction is now his habit. Aemond condemns his brother – condemns his bad manners, his depravity, his weakness. He had burned out all the weakness in himself a long time ago. He had to and realized it quite early – in Driftmark.
They often think about that night – never talking about it out loud. What can they even say? Aegon winces and looks away, seeing the ugly scar on his brother's face when he removes the eyepatch. He remembers his hungover, confusion and nausea from the sight of the eye on the table. Aemond's eye. Then a slap and a feeling of helplessness. That whole night feels like a delusional crazy dream. He never admits it – not even to himself, but guilt has been haunting him ever since – he's been trying to numb it with alcohol and sex, along with the rest of his feelings – hatred, loneliness, pain – Gods, Aegon feels too much. Sometimes it seems to him that he feels everything at the same time. Aemond doesn't feel anything. He forces himself to clamp emotions inside like a spring – one day they will erupt, he feels it. In his memories of Driftmark, there're only bitterness and anger, and also the realization that now only he can protect this family, and it means he needs to be strong. Aemond isn't quite sure what this means, so he looks at his mother – she sacrifices herself for the sake of duty, she does what's required of her and never complains. Aemond decides that he'll be the same. He grows up several years overnight and tries very hard not to cry.
When Aemond's anger finally bursts at dinner, Aegon raises his cup without even thinking. "We are family. You may cuff him about as you wish at home, but in the world, we must defend our own." He's already let him down, it won't happen again – this thought flashes through his mind when he hits Luke's head on the table. He had wanted to do this for a long time – these little bastards look too happy, too loved, even despite their questionable origin and the fact that one of them maimed his brother. That evening, for the first time, they feel a strange new feeling – something like unity.
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myfandomprompts · 5 months
Hey, I saw you did what Ewan's characters would be like with a girl daughter. And I admit that my curiosity was: What would each of Ewan's characters react to an unexpected pregnancy? Or announcement of a pregnancy
Or, opening new horizons, what would each person's relationship be like with their wife/girlfriend when they were pregnant? (if you want to use the reader for this part)
(I'm sorry if you're not accepting requests or something)
Hi! Thank you for the ask and it's truly okay and wonderful!
Headcanons: How would EwanVerse characters react to unexpected pregnancy?
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He hadn't even planned to stay with you, his only focus was on earning his place among the gypsies. Yes, he lied to himself about liking you, about being obsessed even, but at least he had managed to keep his emotions at bay. Until now. When he learns of your pregnancy, he gets mad, takes time for himself to think. Then he sees how miserable he had made you and his turmoil quickly turns into guilt. He can't stay away from you for long, let alone hurt you. You could be together after all, happy, and hell, that baby is his. What other beautiful manner to make his claim on you is there?
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War was raging, and he took you as his companion because he could, because as Prince Regent, no one will dare say a word against it. He had needs, impulses both of sinful nature and quiet affection, and you were meeting each of them perfectly. But when you don't bleed for two moons, he finally realises why he chose you, why he didn't 't care about being careful: he wanted you for himself, and having you round with his child would be the ultimate prize. You and the baby would be untouchable.
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Billy Taylor
He feared it was going to happen. He had heard the stories so many times : people around with too much passion which caused unexpected things to happen ruined their lives, even reputations. It had scared him as much as elated him when he got to be with you, to touch you everywhere. And now, with the news of you pregnancy and amidst thinking of a way to tell his mother, he finds out that he would do it all again, thousand times over if life allowed it. He would be so very happy with your child.
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Billy Washington
He wasn't supposed to have met with you again, or even to hook up. You, the ex he had a hard time forgetting about. But he guesses that once you harbour feelings for someone, it never really goes away. When you tell him, he is awestruck, not believing it, even asking you if it's his. It takes weeks for him to wrap his head around it, thinking what the hell he's going to do then he decides. Decides that he was delusional thinking he could live without you for a while, and that he won't let you go again. He never stopped loving you, and that baby will make everything right.
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You're just his neighbour, the only one who gets him, who sees him for what he is. He actually doesn't care about what people think of him, or what you think about him. Or maybe just a little. But he likes how you let him do things to you others wouldn't. When you tell him, he stays silent for a while, expressionless. "So?" he tells you, and when you slam the door in his face, he tries to convinced himself that he doesn't care. But in truth he can't stop thinking about it. About what it would feel like to have something as... precious with someone. How foreign it seems to him.
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He doesn't understand: you said you were fine with him being "just a friend", that you didn't want more, and it suited him fine. So why were you telling him that now? He can't do anything for you, he has nothing, even if he would like to. He would, truly, he finds himself thinking, provide for you if he could, for the baby. But it's the way you look at him with those shiny eyes and a hand on your belly that make him abandon any idea of disappearing on you. He'll stay, whatever you say he is to you.
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Michael Gavey
He is euphoric. You're the girl of his dreams, and it seems surreal. He can give you everything you want, provide for you like you've never been cared for before, you don't need to be anxious about it all. He reassures you at once, already scheduling how you'll manage to graduate and have a beautiful baby at the same time, your baby. He won't ever let you go, and is already planning for the second one.
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You're the lady he can't believe he has, and when you announce that you're carrying his child, he can't help but feel guilty. He has promised himself never to sire a child, a bastard's bastard, and now he had brought shame on you. You would have been better without him, really, better with someone worthy of you. If only he had been more careful. What if you died in labour? What if the baby died? It's with those dark thoughts that he snaps out of it and decides that he will look after you until then. He will pray for you and the baby, be there for the both of you until life takes him.
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Tom Bennett
He isn't even surprised, you're his girl after all. It's not like he had planned it, but it was bound to happen at some point. Deep down, Tom is a family man, always taking care of his folks, a fact he is finally brutally made aware of when you tell him the news and a warm feeling fills his chest. Now he just have to find a way to get you a ring. Maybe he'll have to steal it?
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It wasn't supposed to happen. You were supposed to get sick of him like everybody eventually did, and he was supposed to remain detached. But then here you are, saying you want to keep it and he allows himself to hope. Hope that maybe you truly love him, that maybe he'll finally have something of his own, something to share with you. Maybe he'll be able to let his guard down, like he always longed to. With this news, he felt like he wouldn't be hurt anymore.
I excluded Hoodie, Jack, Jason & Poacher.
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mylucayathoughts · 7 months
Little moments that I love in Red White and Royal Blue. PART 7 (cannot stop sorry 🙈)
When Nora says how "Prince Henry is so yummy" Alex doesn't really contest Noras comment on Henrys good looks (read yumminess 😏), he just says how he is not really a good person (which he believed at that time) but that's besides the point. The important thing is that Alex seemed to be in agreement with that view 😏
When Bea snatches Nora away from Alex, you cannot tell me this wasn't intentional because like a moment ago she was telling Henry how she thinks Alex is hot and asked whether Henry met him or not. And next thing she does before Henry is about to meet Alex is take the one person Alex came to the party with away from him and make sure that person sticks with her the whole time. I see what you did there Bea 😏 and she was the most amused when Alex and Henry was having their little fight and the cake fell on them 😆
When Alex sees Henry talking so cheerfully with the cancer patient and stops to stare at them. He couldn't match his idea of Henry with this version. I love how he looks confused yet curious here.
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He was observing a very oblivious Henry intently, and subconsciously he was allowing Henry to change his mind about him.
During the new years party, while dancing, Alex sees Henry sitting alone and comes running towards him and almost hits Henry's face with his 😆 (baby boy was drunk 😏) I love the energy with which he tries to lift Henry's mood up - "it's aaalll in the hips, LOOSEN UP!!", laughs with his entire face, hears his song and screams "OH MY GOD, this is the song of my childhood!!!" and says "you're dancing" and then he grabs Henrys hand and pulls him towards the dance floor. He is adorable here, always trying to keep Henry close or around.
Henry making this face when he says that his brother is completely oblivious about him being gay -
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I noticed it only like a few days ago on my millionth rewatch of the movie and laughed so hard I almost fell off my bed 🤣
When Henry says that he has to belong to himself and he can only belong to someone else momentarily and Alexs first instinct is to hold his hand 🤧🤧 lt was too pure, too kind ❤️ and Henry says "not here" (and you can tell he is devastated that he couldn't let Alex take his hand) and Alex understands the sentiment immediately.
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It's not like Alex didn't know where they were, plus Henry and he were just talking about Henry not being out to anyone but Bea. Alex still wanted to comfort Henry and to him, taking Henry's hand wasn't a romantic gesture, he just wanted to be supportive and make him feel better. But he understood Henry's predicament and played along.
When Alex writes to Henry "I'm out here giving my all for my mother. I cant have smut filling my inbox, corrupting my mind and bulging my pants like this! look buddy, you know I'm incorrigible, so don't incorrige me" and Henry writes "I'll behave" you can tell that Henry is trying to stifle a laugh and that he is so proud that he can make Alex feel that way 🤣 I know that it's supposed to be a written part in the movie but they had Taylor and Nicholas say these out loud and you can hear the emotions in their voices and I absolutely love Nicholas's delivery here.
My dumbass noticed something else a few days ago as well. That Alex practices speaking in front of the mirror before delivering his speeches. My boy really worked so hard to get his Texan votes 🤧
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All the little scenes where Alex is shown to work in his Texas campaign perfectly capture Alex's passion for politics, his dedication to the Texan campaign, his desire to help mom with her election and his wish to do something for people. I love how this part also portrays how mature he and Henrys relationship has become. It was not about just their physical needs anymore, which is still there (obviously 😏) but they act as each others support system. The way Alex tells Henry about his fear "I'll only admit this to you and no one else..." that he is gonna let his mother down, and the way Henry reassures him 🤧 and then Henry says how his ribbon cuttings are so meaningless and how he wished he could do meaningful things like Alex. And even though Henry is not proud of it, Alex still makes sure to watch Henry's appearances. I love how sweet and kind and supportive they are to one another. And the passion with which both Nicholas and Taylor read theirs emails 🤧😭 so good!
At the V&A when they were slow dancing, you can't take your eyes off Taylor and Nicholas's hands 😍 they just keep lovingly caressing each other. It's soo beautiful to watch. They are so gentle and caring in those scenes.. Their eyes are soft, full of love 🤧 This is yet another scene where you can't possibly ask more from Taylor and Nicholas. They really went all in 👏
Their soft little smiles in this scene 😍🥺 Henry looks so relaxed and happy! They make me cry ok 🤧
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Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
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tyran-the-tyranical · 1 month
I’m currently writing a fic and writing for Raphael is a little infuriating if I’m being honest.
Mostly because he has such a way about him, and unlike the other characters where there’s some room for deviation, he’s quite rigid in his mannerisms. So I’ve literally been scraping through his dialogue and ‘analysing’ his behaviour, and this is what I’ve ‘boggled’ it down to.
EDIT: This is actually really long, and in fact not boggled down at all, Keep Reading at your own peril...
(OK, So I've completely reorganized this post to be more readable) 
Raphael is a complex and multifaceted character, but here are some main character traits of his that I'll delve more into as we go on;  
-Manipulative and Deceptive 
-Arrogant and Condescending 
-Sadistic and Enjoys Suffering 
-Cunning and Strategic 
-Relishes Power and Control 
-Patient and Calculative 
-Dark Humor  
-Alluring and Subtly Flirtatious  
-Dual Nature and Contradictory  
-Hedonistic and Indulgent tendencies
Though Raphael wants to paint himself as an honest person, that still doesn’t mean he isn't Manipulative with us, he uses many tactics to gain our trust, from crafting this honest and helpful persona to literally threatening us and building pressure to make a deal to escape ceremorphosis. 
"I'm here to help, not harm” 
"I am master here. A prince of bargains cloaked like scarlet satin. All that hidden under sublimely obvious truths that cannot be discounted." (From Chapter 3 of his Diaries) 
“Come now, why playing hard to get when you're in deep over your tadpole head all those pretty little symptoms sundering skin dissolving guts they haven't manifested yet have they?" 
"I'll be around watching you squirm like a tadpole through a nice juicy brain" 
As we progress his threats go from subtle to outright fear-mongering, but this also goes into somewhat of his dual nature as when he moves past his honest persona to just pressuring you, he still wants to paint himself as some sort of Saviour. Of course, this is also just another tactic of his, painting himself as a friend or helper, as though he doesn't have his own ulterior motives, which sure he admits outright but in the ending where you do give him the crown he drops this façade and tells you he's planning on taking over more than the hells and will eventually come for you next. I also think this bleeds into his own needs to be adored, you can see this further in his little plaques he has around his house. 
"Am I a friend? Potentially, an adversary? Conceivably, but a savior? that's for certain. Try to cure yourself. Shop around - beg, borrow, and steal. Exhaust every possibility until none are left.  And when hope has been whittled down to the very marrow of despair that's when you'll come knocking on my door. Take all the time you need but make up your mind before you're counting down with tentacles"  
Additionally, this all just feeds into his performative nature - to the extent that he sometimes borders on narrator territory. He has his little monologues as he talks about us as though we’re characters in a story and he’s just recounting our actions to some unseen audience.  
[His speech before the Yurgir encounter is a good example of this]
"Through the dark, she went creeping and awoke what was sleeping" 
"The Shadows grow long and the hour is late" - also wherever this quote is from works well too 
There are even more subtle moments where he's still being performative, even when he's not physically present, which goes into his desire and constant longing to be seen as something akin to a True or Full Devil (or archdevil). Since he is a cambion he is restricted a lot by his mortal half. He is held back by his human needs like sleep and presumably food too. I think he tries to cover for this through excess, as if you go to the HoH in Act 3, you can see the food on the table is just filled to the brim of just rotten food, basically all of it wasted. Also, there are loads of scattered areas that have fruit or wine throughout his house. I believe he does this on purpose to try to come across as though food is nothing but a pleasurable activity he indulges in now and again rather than a necessity and he doesn't care if he wastes it (Also just saying he's rich, let them eat cake, L + Ratio). 
However his façade isn't perfect since he is still fallible, and he can fail/die. We can see this because, at every opportunity he possibly can, he attempts to convey this front of being omnipotent and powerful - as close as he can to an archdevil. To be fair, he manages to do this pretty really well, At times he can even come across as this truly unbeatable force, that we can’t ever truly defeat. This is exemplified by the fact that, even if we kill him, if we look in his logbook of previous visitors, it hints at him trying to find a way to cheat death by transferring his soul into a clone or something adjacent. 
Now whether he ever managed to accomplish this by the time we attack him is uncertain, (though there is a non-canon / cut content line where he begs for his father's help as we fight him, kinda of insinuating he never fully realized his backup plan in time and he’s actually afraid he’ll die, but that’s also not in the game so who can say for sure) 
“I cannot lose to you. Not here. Not in my home. I cannot die! Mephistopheles, hear your son! I am at your mercy - save me!” - NOT CANON BTW, but omg do I love this line 
Another slight hint that Raphael might not be as indestructible as he'd like us to believe is when he is playing lance board with Mol. 
"My, the double counter Gambit. Vicious. Exactly what I would have done" 
Now for all intents and purposes Raphael does not need to win against Mol, that wasn't the purpose of their game, either way he already had his eyes set on her to make a deal anyway. Yet it demonstrates that whether you cheat or actually manage to outwit him, he can be beaten, since he can't hide behind a persona when playing (Mostly). 
Furthermore, Raphael is like an English teacher, he loves his little similes and metaphors, and just talking in a verbose manner, and it’s not just word vomit, no no no, he makes it sound interesting, he is performing for us after all. For me personally tho, it’s difficult to replicate, unlike other characters or companions where you can deviate their dialogue, like hearing Astarion say ‘fuck you’ to Cazador, I don’t think you could get away with that for Raphael.  
"The mouse smiled brightly it outfoxed, then down came the claw and that love was that"  
"Perfect, one more rhyme for Old Time's sake; The master was slain within his own house, they dined on him both, the cat and the mouse."  
"Like a mosquito nibbling at a dragon, be gone"  
I also think it's so interesting that the man who does nothing but spout rhymes and poetry will say this if you call his poetry out for being dirt; 
"I admit it isn't my primary interest not, by any stretch" 
Excuse me, sir?  I do think he genuinely likes poetry/writing in general, he supposedly even wrote a play before sooo, also I just think that all these contradictory things he says are on purpose, he's trying to be mysterious to some extent, and he doesn't want you to be able to gauge or understand him, he just wants you to believe in his persona he's crafted for you and that's all. Though like I've said before, his mask can slip off, especially in private or when he's enraged. An example is when he's referring to his employees who have failed him.  
"[A record of various associates of Raphael's, listing their duties, and their respective performance.] 
Korrilla Hearthflame - field work - so far I've barely 
had to singe the tips of her fingers. This one shows promise. 
Archivist - naughty boy, supposed to be looking after the collection, 
but has a tendency to drift. May have to start breaking his neck to 
give his spine a chance to recover. 
Nubaldin - little shit let Gortash get away. Not letting 
him near the prisons ever again. Chamber of Egress will 
do fine until I find a replacement for him." 
Moreover, he’s also very condescending/patronizing. (I think even in one of his dialogues, the devs noted he should even come across that way). I think that’s just a part of his little superiority complex, he’s the chess player and we’re all just his little pawns (that is until we kill him ourselves, it almost makes me think that Tav/Durge is actually the other player in the game and to some extent Raphael knows this and tries to play accordingly). He constantly wants to portray this cool and confident personality, that he’s accounted for every possible outcome (and in a lot of ways he has) and that even if he doesn’t get what he wants, it doesn’t faze him, and in fact, he’ll try to make it seem like either way it benefits him, and sure in some ways it might, but I do believe he’s just saying that to mask his failure to achieve his goal. 
"I should snuff you out and make coin of your soul, but it will be more amusing to let you see the consequences of your actions. Do you really think that the crown is safer in the hands of a goddess than in the claws of a devil?" (Look, I don't like Mystra, but do I think the crown is safer with her? UH yea)  
"Such an eager little pup."  
"You really do think highly of yourself. My sights are set on something much more valuable than your soul, succulent though it would be."  
He's Definitely pissed at us for being a little shithead and giving the crown to Mystra (even tho in the game if you complete Gale's quests you rlly have no choice lol) But he still tries to play it off as this will be terrible for you but great for him, since if shit hits the fan, he's just gonna get more souls - Though I'm sure this is him just trying to save face, or at least to some extent. We can see him actually lose his composure if we ascend Gale. 
"Do not toy with me, Wizard!" - R 
"I thought you liked playing games? You can have the crown Raphael, but you'll need to come and collect it from my realm" - G 
"You can't do this!" - R 
"I hit him where he's most vulnerable, pricked his pride, and sent him back to the hells to lick his wounds. He'll be back, the question is will he find us side by side?" - G 
This is really fun to see since even Gale knows Raphael has no power over him and can just mess with him, and initially, Raphael tries to gain control by saying like 'Oh no, I'm not going to take the crown Gale's going to give me it, like we agreed' and then when Gale fucks with him and it utterly infuriates him because there's not much else he can do really since Gale, though he might not be as powerful as Mystra, is definitely more powerful than Raphael. I also think it's very interesting that, even though we've basically gone against Raphael and screwed him over, he doesn't plan on taking it out on us, and I know he says he wants us to see the consequences of our actions but I think there's a different reason to why he doesn't take action against us. I think he's genuinely afraid of us, let me explain. He was clearly already afraid of our potential before any of the endings, shown in his dream he wrote about in his diary, and when we manage to survive everything that the game throw at us and defeat the nether brain, we've basically become undefeatable (Not really but you get what I mean) The only time he even suggests he'll take one of our souls is if Gale explodes while trying to ascend and well, there's not going to be much resistance since he's already blown up. 
"There was one among them who spoke for the rest. They gestured to the melting hooks, suddenly glanced my way, and in their face I saw they had the best of me. 
In waking, my courage has firmed. I progress my plans for
the tadpoled even now. 
I am Raphael. I am not easily bested." 
Raphael is not only fueled by his ambition but his fear (I'll talk more about that later too) and so he acts accordingly, he plans and schemes for hundreds of years trying to account for every possibility, and at times he can even come across as a total control freak lol. He has Korilla literally stalk us throughout the game, he also knows personal facts about our companions (he’s done his homework), and he’s literally planned and orchestrated events in the plot to help lean towards us giving him the crown in the end (it’s implied he helped vlaakith chain Orpheus or idk some other devil did with infernal chains, and he’s the one who helps wipe Ketherics lil army to just one justiciar) he’s had a lot of time to plan and plan he has. He’s constantly aware of your movements since he picks very specific points to appear to you.  
"[Laughter] The good thing is though there's only one little voice you really should listen to, Mine" - Total control freak behavior  
"you'll be back, it's something of great importance to your master is it a love letter a warning or a deed of ownership I can give you all the Gory details"  
"Carved into that Ivory skin of yours is one part of an infernal contract between the archdevil Mephistopheles and your former master" 
"Karlach, why does that name ring a bell? hmm, perhaps I read it in a book somewhere." 
An interesting thing to note is that I think his controlling and performative tactics are the ultimate reason to why he inevitably fails (If you decide to kill him I mean) Since he's spent so much time controlling the narrative literally and figuratively, he's literally altered events leading up to our arrival so that we can give him what he wants and he even talks about us as if we are just a character in his story he's created, he's been doing this so long he truly believes he can control the narrative, that he's predicted every outcome and he really doesn't think we'd go against that we could go against him. He's been so out of the narrative himself, an observer who might nudge things to go his way now and then but never be in the action himself that he truly believed he was untouchable, that he could just float above it all like he did with Karsus’s folly happened. 
Now onto an aspect of Raphael I find very interesting – His relationship's with those around him. As I said before he’s a total control freak, and that’s clearly fueled (if not caused) by his narcissism and we can see that even outside of our protags. Look at Haarlep for instance, (there’s so much to dissect with these two) but Raphael strictly has Haarlep made to look like himself, and is the only form he’ll sleep with. There isn’t just one answer to why he’d do that, firstly, it just boils down to him being a narcissist sure, but on the other hand a point can be made that he’s doing it strategically. 
Haarlep was sent to distract him, and presumably to spy and report back as well (Hypothetically, it's not confirmed) and presumably, Raphael is clever enough to realize that. So why would he reveal anything about himself in such a vulnerable way, so why not just make the incubus be in one form and one form only? It also serves as a lil bit of a punishment I suppose, since Haarlep can be 1000 different people but is forced to stay as one. There’s also another angle to this, that narcissists generally find intimacy difficult, and being vulnerable with other people. So why be vulnerable when you can stick to the devil you know? 
Party member: How did you end up here? 
Haarlep: Sent by Mephistopheles... distract naughty son. 
He knows himself better than anyone, so why would he bother with anyone else? It’s a bit of a defense mechanism, he’s not willing to be vulnerable or let his guard down (and to be fair, for good reason) so it’d be better for him to stick to what he knows, what he’s comfortable with. I’m just going to throw this out here but he comes across as a total hedgehog dilemma sorta of guy, gives off real Shinji Ikari vibes tbh. (NOT REALLY, He's more Gman than anything but just without the charisma 💅) 
Party member: Did you ever turn into forms besides Raphael's? 
Haarlep: Raphael... loves... only... Raphael. 
Now, this is just supposed to be a Raphael analysis but I find it impossible not to mention Haarlep and their motivations as well, since they are arguably the closest person (Literally) to Raphael. Haarlep comes across as a complete gossip type since they seem to just love to air out Raphael's little secrets, they even say how Raphael can Deny them nothing so either Raphael does trust them to some extent to make them his confidant or well, Haarlep just Wittles it out of him during their sessions. Either way, they hold some closeness to Raphael, yet I find it revealing that they immediately will expose him and actually help you (for a price ofc) and intentionally try to help you kill Raphael. Now whether they believed we could actually kill him or not is up for debate, but after you give them your form they do say that they'll enjoy misusing you and they do tell you what will happen when they use your form, so if they believed you were going to die why bother? 
Haarlep doesn't seem to be the only one as in their letter to you in the epilogue it's revealed that even the devils in Mephistopheles's court seemed to hate Raphael. 
"Since the timely end of Raphael's reign, I've gone back to Mephistopheles' Palace in Cania. Many of his Father's court are celebrating the demise of my little brat - behind closed doors. And I'm making a fortune selling evenings in his form now there is no contract binding me to secrecy. Rather tasteless to desire a dead man like that, even amongst devilkind, isn't it?" 
Haarlep even calls Raphael their little brat, though perhaps it was out of endearment as even Haarlep remarks how low it is to desire a dead man when they use Raphael's form. This could possibly show some sort of remorse towards Raphael's death, but it's pretty unclear, yet that's also to be expected since Haarlep is a full devil and they even state they're a crueler master than Raphael so perhaps that was true as well. It genuinely seems that no one actually cares for Raphael, besides perhaps Korilla, and I mean that's fair in all honestly, considering how he treats most of his employees (Hope too) but it's also funny that the people he wants to impress or become most, the devils, also hate him or want to well.. Have some fun times with his form after he's already dead.  I also think it's interesting that Haarlep refers to Raphael as a dead man rather than a devil, they don't even say 'amongst his own kind', It's interesting because Raphael himself is so adamant on calling himself a Devil rather than cambion or whatever (tbf he's not the only one, Mizora does the same or at least out characters don't care to make the distinction) Yet Haarlep doesn't care to make that distinction. Now, of course, man doesn't necessarily mean a mortal man or whatever, but it's still intriguing to note.
An interesting thing to note about Devil society is that, unlike Demons who usually just outcast or kill their cambions, Devils at least allow Cambions to intergrade into their Hierarchy, but at the same time it's a system that wasn't built for them to succeed in since cambions can't physically be promoted, they aren't guaranteed anything form their work, so everything they have, they've had to work hard for. Unlike those around him, Raphael has had to work extra for his position (though I'm sure his title of Son of Mephistopheles did help somewhat) he seems to have it quite good, and tbh I even initially thought he was his own free agent, and didn’t even have to serve under Zariel (but he does) he just has it really good, or at least better than most cambions from what it seems. At the same time, I find it intriguing that he sparsely even mentions who he is in relation to his father. Through subtle hints throughout that game, it's clear that Raphael actually probably hates his father or is perhaps extremely jealous of him, since at the same time he mirrors him in some aspects.  
I think the Dungeoncast said it best when examining the devil's mindset that I also think apply to Raphael quite well too;
"Their dogma essentially revolves around seeking power over others, always adhering to an eye-for-an-eye principle. They exploit any kindness shown to them and show no compassion for the weak, exhibiting traits of a sociopath. Winning at any cost is their mantra, often cloaked in the guise of promoting personal excellence and independence. When they harm others, they rationalize it as providing motivation to succeed."
Even though his society basically looks down on him, whether he's successful or not, Raphael still believes in their mindset, mostly since that's probably how he's survived and thrived in the Hells. This mantra that the devils have has warped who he is as a person entirely and also his ambitions, he doesn't want any other than control, he sees no point in forming meaningful relationships or other interests, and he only sees domination and power as his goal since that's all his society has told him is important.
Another thing I’ve read about cambions is their sense of entitlement, especially over mortals, and well Raphael certainly fits the bill. Which might contribute to why he wants what he wants. I mean, why does Raphael want to take over the hells? To end the blood war? Sure, almost all devils want to rise the ranks but Raphael’s goals are a lot more lofty than that, and why is that? Is it solely his ego? To be seen as something kin to a god-like Asmodeus, or is it to best and humiliate his father? Perhaps both, or perhaps neither, it’s somewhat unclear, but perhaps he just feels entitled to something greater or maybe he wants out of the rat race that is the Devil's Hierarchy.  
"It's the Fatal flaw of mortal kind take away their free will and they call you a tyrant, allow them to indulge it and they become tyrants" 
A final point is since he’s a narcissist, he’s obsessed with his image, yea I know, very obvious. And it’s been mentioned a few times that this is probably why he and Haarlep look so different, it’s either insecurity or wanting to come across as something more mature, why he’d look older than Haarlep when they should be an exact copy. It’s the whole reason he’s been performing, curating this image to us, one that he barely even allows himself to break at home unless he’s enraged. If you look at it for what it is, it’s just insecurity and almost desperation. A desperate desire to be seen as something greater, something akin to his father (daddy issues are making their appearance) and it honestly comes across as erratic, and extreme. 
He’s so obsessed with his image that perhaps when Haarlep said they’re a perfect copy of Raphael they didn’t mean as an exact copy, they meant they’re are literally a perfect version of Raphael, a better version (most likely a result of insecurities of how he's perceived). Who can say for sure what the reason is why they look so different if they’re supposed to be mirrors of each other. His whole obsession with is image really matches his father, since Mephistopheles is known to change his appearance and curates it for mortals as well (It's why he's confused with Asmodeus a lot since he just goes for a basic generic devil look). 
One more thing, considering all the characters we meet throughout the game, Raphael is or is one of the oldest characters in-game, seeing as he's possibly 1000+ years old. Considering this, it makes sense that on top of him being a devil anyway, he finds himself detached from mortals as well as his own mortal half. Though he is quite proactive in his contract seeking seeing as he not only seeks us out but characters like Mol and Lyrthindor (Tho that was more towards orchestrating his own goals) Otherwise he can just sit up in his Ivory tower devoid of mortal's strive, I mean he even says multiple times that his house is a safe haven for the tired/sick/restless/etc. On top of him already trying to detach himself from his mortal half, he also has the benefit of being so old that he probably has already become numb to it, to mortal thoughts and feelings. He wouldn't be able to emphasize or understand it (tho him being a devil wouldn't have helped either) all he would understand is how to use their suffering to his own benefit. Any possibility for humanity within Raphael is either so faint it's practically not there or there is none left entirely.  
"Never have I been so attracted to mortals as I am to those infested by the tadpole." 
He even says this himself. Mortals have never had any impact on him, physically or emotionally. Yet in saying that, they've never really been given the chance to. The closest a mortal besides us the player to have ever gotten 'close' to Raphael or have impacted him is Hope. Raphael is not only a complex character but he has so many complex relationships with the few people he lets around him. As I said before Raphael is completely blinded to humanity, he's definitely a person who believes the ends justify the means and that has never been more evident than in what he does with Hope. He doesn't care what It takes just as long as it gets him what he wants, that's why he helps orchestrate the plot to lean in his favor, why he basically tricks Yurgir, and why he has no problem torturing Hope even though she's basically no one to him, she isn't even a debtor.  
Though Raphael is almost completely removed from being anything close to a human being, even after all this time, whether he likes it or not, he still does have some human traits. His interests for one help humanize him (Which tbh he is probably aware of and uses to his advantage) Sure he likes poetry and literature, but he's also just obsessed with everything surrounding Karsus and Hope (or at least the concept) He even names his house The House of Hope and whether he renamed it that after Hope or whether that was it's original name isn't clear but either way he really likes the idea of hope in hell. You can see this throughout his house on the little plaques he has scattered throughout, he definitely wants to be people's last hope or perhaps just hope in general, it would make sense as well since he wants to literally break hope and bend her under his will. 
"Karsus's folly the Bard and Scholars call it. I call it hope, the hope of creating a better world, and The Perils of unchecked hubris"  
(Karsus and Hope are basically his only two special interests that he starts to literally combine them) 
Another very human trait of Raphael’s is that Raphael has a fear of failure. He even has dreams about us destroying everything he's worked for and killing him.  
"There was one among them who spoke for the rest. They gestured to the melting hooks, suddenly glanced my way, and in their face I saw they had the best of me. 
In waking, my courage has firmed. I progress my plans for the tadpoled even now. 
I am Raphael. I am not easily bested." 
Even though he reassures himself that he is Raphael and cannot be easily bested it's clear he's still very desperate. The only variable in his plan that he can't truly control is Us and he definitely knows this. Even other characters like Gale can tell how desperate he is. His facade of Invincibility is one of the tactics he uses against us to keep us in check against him. To be honest, all these things lend to humanizing him far greater than any poetry or quote he could ever spout because it shows his vulnerability, it shows he's not as invincible as he'd like us to believe, that he does have weaknesses and can in fact fail. A very mortal trait to have in all fairness. 
Also on another quick note, he totally has a special interest (obsession) in Karsus, like him seeing Karsus accidentally kill thousands of people in the netherese cities became a core memory for him, one that he’s never let go, even now.  
"The archdevil Mephistopheles snatched up the crown and squirreled it away in one of his vaults. He is not more than a frigid archivist"  
"I want the crown that dominates the Elder brain and then we all Gather in the House of Hope me dressed in my finest silks, you skinless, hanging from a hook to watch as your world dies"  
"you would have been Heroes if you only dealt fairly with me, instead you're not so different to doomed Karsus, overreaching your limits and burning your world to Ash"  
"The screams oh the screams hundreds of thousands of people watching in horror as the ground came up to meet them" 
His ambitions seem to be fueled a lot by his narcissism and this belief that he can achieve all he's set out for and actually do a good job in implementing order, etc. Whether this is a founded belief or not is debatable, since we don't really know what he achieves past supposedly Avernus. 
"Though with the crown, I would impose perfect order, Unity, efficiency, control, my kingdom would control its borders and stay within them" (Sure pal) 
OK, onto the kicker here; Raphael is a very alluring character, he can even come across as flirtatious at times (Also through his body language and I obvs can't demonstrate that here but u get it) Throughout the game he's saying how he'll wine and dine us if we give him what he wants, yet In the ending where we actually give him the crown, I think it's so telling that after all his promises of dining with him and getting to see him again if we deliver it, he literally doesn't follow through at all (There's a debate for this since we don't know if he might've once his plans were done) and this just proves what we were to him; that we were in fact just pawns to him. Even if he does invite us to dine with him, it'll most likely be with a purpose, that he wants something from us or for us to do something for him because otherwise he's gotten all we wanted from us, the facade has been lifted and he doesn't need to try charm or threaten us, he's effectively done with us (literally, since it is an ending). It's all just another aspect of his manipulation and Persona he uses against us (And I mean, It worked) We're all just a means to an end for him. 
ALSO, A little side thing I should note is the silly lil Dark humor Raphael has. Raphael, being a devil and all, definitely has a dark humor. You can defo gather that from his dialogue but also the way he comes up with creative punishments for his debtors. Now some of it is just basic evil shit like the guy who does the Self-flagellation stuff and the one who's forced to act like a dog, but some of it is more than that, like the guy who worships his chamber pot which just so happens to be under the statue of Mephistopheles or the debtor who's forced to dance (which I think is a reference to The Red Shoes story/movie where the character is literally forced to keep dancing) or the chick who just voyeuristically watches what goes down in the boudoir, like yea it's horrible but sometimes it just cartoonishly ridiculous and you can't help but find it somewhat amusing. 
"Hope [Laughter] such a tease" like when he says this, unbeknownst to us, he's referring to the real-life Hope, more of an inside joke to himself really. 
On top of all that - this specific paragraph isn't really poignant to Raphael's character necessarily, it's more of a personal observation but - I think if there were to ever be a romance with Raphael the best option is to not give him the crown (tho I do kinda wanna see him with his lil crown being the prince of hell). It's similar to Gortash, in that if you want to be his equal you shouldn't grovel and just give him the netherese shards, you need to challenge him and show your mettle basically. Now I'm not saying Raphael would be pleased with this, but if you wanted to be an equal, this is the best route, otherwise, there's always going to be that power imbalance like with ascended Astarion. (AKA, kill him, Do It) 
My final point that I wanna make is, that all the characters in Bg3 are designed with a fatal disbelief. Y'know Gale believes if he becomes a god he can prove himself to Mystra, Lae'zeel believes that  Vlaakith is righteous and will allow her to ascend, Shadowheart believes she can find herself/ her purpose in Shar, and Astarion believes he'll finally be safe if he becomes the vampire ascendant, yet we that these believes are all unfounded and end up being untrue wif they achieve them, and the same goes for Raphael. Now, if Raphael achieves his goal of getting the crown, he most likely will still end up not getting what he wants, for two reasons; Asmodeus literally cannot be defeated - Let me explain; So there are a few origins for Asmodeus and to most popularized one (and the one I prefer) is the one where he and some of the other archdevils were actually previously angels that got corrupted while fighting demons. 
Yet, in earlier editions, it's stated that all of that is just speculation and mythos surrounding Asmodeus and his real origin is that he is literally a cosmic force that was there at the beginning of time. OK. Now personally I don't care for this origin but either way, whichever one you believe I think my next point still stands the same. Whether Asmodeus is just a being that has achieved something as close to godhood as he can or a literal cosmic force of lawful evil, Raphael probably would still be unable to defeat him even with the Crown and scepter and any other of Karsus's little items, he most likely if anything could only get to the eighth layer. Now in saying this, this is still not his disbelief, because his personal belief is also one that all devils share, which is a complete lie, that being the entire hierarchy they abide by. Every devil abides by this meritocracy hierarchy, and the belief that if they become more powerful, and ascend - that they can reach Asmodeus status, but this is a complete an utter lie. Asmodeus keeps this facade that he could be defeated, but in truth, he's kinda way too powerful for any of the devils in hell, and he knows this and uses it as a tactic to keep them in his control.  
Now Raphael to some extent knows that he has to basically cheat to be even able to ascend, since he's a cambion and the hells system wasn't exactly designed for him to be promoted. Yet even if he manages to conquer every layer up to Cania, he's still going to lose since he's basically destroying the hierarchy and therefore he won't have control over the devils beneath him. Now the crown can be used to literally dominate people but that's not what Raphael necessarily wants - He wants to be adored and willingly followed, and of course, he'll use the crown when he has to, but to wholly subjugate everyone in hell to mindlessly obey doesn't seem to be his goal. There are more practical reasons as well why there are certain devils that have control over the layers, and Raphael, no matter what power he can possess, is still just one individual, and inevitably it seems as though there would be a lot of chaos rather the perfect order he believes he can achieve. 
I know that the crown can basically make you a god, and if Asmodeus has powers akin to a god and Raphael can theoretically do the same, then why can't he just defeat Asmodeus? well, it goes into Raphael's fatal flaw, his arrogance. If we look at Gale, for example, he made himself a literal god and still wasn't powerful enough to defeat Mystra, and yes, Raphael 'Is no mortal' but this is what I mean, he believes is above Karsus and Gale, that he'll succeed where they failed but that's just not the case. Like I've said before, Raphael desperately wants to be seen as more, his ego won't let him accept anything less but that still doesn't change the fact that he is fallible, and we don't have to look any further than when we managed to defeat him. Now in saying all this, this is all theoretical and kind of bleeds more into an opinion, since we don't know what plays out after he gets Avernus, perhaps the other archdevils managed to kill him before he achieved anything, or perhaps he really did manage to conquer Baator and the other realms, Who knows. (I might be cooked for saying this, especially since I do wanna see him be a lil prince of hell, but arguably giving him the crown, besides being our bad ending, is also his bad ending - No further explanation) 
Like I know I said, this is what I’ve boggled it down to and well, it’s not very boggled, but that’s what I mean! There’s so much going on with this little guy, it’s almost hard to keep up with, you gotta write him as suave and mysterious but also somewhat threatening and intimidating, he has to be articulate and persuasive as well as theatrical, while also keeping in mind his manipulative and narcissistic/egotistical tendencies, which doesn’t come easy to write for. 
This isn’t a slight by any means either, he’s a complicated character and that’s why I like him, but my sorry ass struggles to replicate it 🥲 though I hope this post will be a good reference to circle back to when writing for him. 
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Imagine falling asleep on the Breath of the Wild boys
Link would probably keep still, but relax his arm so as not to bring you discomfort. The two of you had stopped at a campfire in a relatively safe spot, and as the moon traveled through the sky, exhaustion had finally caught up with you. When Link noticed you, asleep on his shoulder, a rare smile pulls at the corner of his mouth. He stays wide awake, keeping an eye out for any danger that may try to approach. However, when you make a noise in your sleep, he turns to you, and finds himself falling for how peaceful you look when sleeping.
Revali would roll his eyes and scoff. He'd spent the past few hours training at the flight range, and the one time he decides to take a break (one that you had nagged at him to take), you go and fall asleep on him! Really, he wanted to be annoyed at you, but seeing how you cuddled into his wing subconsciously, that irritation melted like ice next to a fire. Very carefully, he would move you to rest against his chest so that he could wrap his wings around you properly. Don't fear the cold, dear, he will keep you warm.
Daruk would be nervous, at first. He knows he's not the softest guy around, after all! He figures he should have seen it coming though. He'd spent all day showing you around Goron City and giving you a tour of the inside of Vah Rudania (even though, technically, he wasn't supposed to do that). It's no wonder you're tired! Very carefully, he picks you up and cradles you in his hands as he guides Rudania back to Goron City. He'll find a good place for you to nap, don't you worry little one!
If you thought Daruk was nervous, Yunobo is ten times worse. This poor boy is already nervous as is, but through in a cute little thing like you falling asleep on him? He doesn't know what to do! So he stays perfectly still. He's stiff as a board, and frantically shushing anyone who tries to talk to him. The last thing in the world he wants is for you to wale up. Because as nervous as he is, he has to admit... it's nice, knowing you feel safe enough to sleep near him. Now if only his leg hadn't gone numb...
Teba doesn't outwardly react. One would assume it's because he hadn't noticed, but that couldn't be further from the truth. Yes, he was still fine tuning his bow, but if you look closely, you'll see a certain slowness to his movements, and you'll notice how the arm you're resting on isn't moving very much. Believe it or not, he's used to being slept on. Tulin once had a tendency of climbing into his lap and falling asleep back when he was a little chick, and this isn't much different. Still, Teba is quiet and gentle with his movements. He's not the kind to wake others unnecessarily.
Sidon would be surprised, but not unpleasantly so. He had brought you to a quiet, secluded cave just outside of the Domain so that the two of you could have some time away from prying eyes. The Zora prince had noticed you looked a bit worse for wear, tired and run ragged by adventuring and helping out around Hyrule. He had hoped a quiet outing would revitalize you, but it seems that a bit of rest is what you truly needed. Still, it surprised him that you would fall asleep against him so easily. Seeing you in this vulnerable state, trusting him to keep you safe... his heart fluttered in his chest. Yes, he thought, pulling you close to him. Yes, he will always keep you safe, should you permit him. You have nothing to fear while you are by his side.
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yuusishi · 1 year
Hola :>
Remember that one request with the s/o who's always on the verge of passing out cuz of constant nightmares? Can I get that again, but w/ Riddle, Lilia, and Jamil?
pairings : Riddle Rosehearts , Lilia Vanrouge , Jamil Viper x gn!reader
genre : fluff
cws/tws : mentions of nightmares (obv.)
a/n : this might be my last req before the hiatus 😥 also see previous part here
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Riddle Rosehearts !!
Before you two got to know each other, whether or not you're a student of Heartslabyul, he will not condone you slouching so hard and falling asleep multiple times in class (neither will Trein 💀).
If he already scolded you for it, he's definitely going to feel a bit guilty after you explained your condition, apologizing immediately after for scolding you before knowing.
As you two get closer and into a relationship with each other, he learns more about your constant nightmares and tries to find things to help.
There's not exactly much he can do, he's not as tech savvy as Idia or as powerful and can do mind-altering magic like Malleus. The most he does is serve you some light tea to calm you down when you wake up suddenly in the middle of the night.
He rubs your back gently as you come down from your panic and then ushers you back to bed once you've calmed down, holding you tightly but not to the point it's suffocating.
Will try to get you excused from class if you only got less than 4 hours of sleep that night since there's no way you'd be able to focus with that. He'd just pass you the notes to copy after class.
Will definitely let the teachers know about your condition (with your consent ofc) to let you get excused, they probably think that you've been cursed or something.
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Lilia Vanrouge !!
Your lover is Lilia? Then there's nothing to fear! He's a father after all.
A father who's lullabies can put a crying baby to sleep instantly.
It's a mixed bag with him to be honest. One day he could be taking care of you when you wake up panicked from one of your nightmares, telling you that it isn't real and that you're okay, and the next he could be asking if you'd like him to sing one of his famous lullabies, sometimes both!
He took care of Silver who's NRC's resident sleepyhead, he doesn't mind taking care of another one! Especially since you're plagued with nightmares and because you're his lover.
At first, maybe giving you a little scare throughout the day might help a tiny bit, but then he saw that slowly it was losing its effects.
Similar to Malleus in the previous part, he doesn't want to use any body-altering spell on you for the sake of your safety. Even if the briar prince's magic is more potent that Lilia's, it never hurts to be careful.
At times where he can't be with you, such as you two not being in the same class, then he has one or two of his little bats accompany you and watch over you in case you pass out somewhere unsafe.
Especially if you have alchemy class that day with potion-making instead of just discussions, you falling asleep in front of a cauldron with a potentially explosive potion isn't exactly ideal, after all!
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Jamil Viper !!
You had to admit, it was a bit nerve-wracking telling Jamil about your condition at first, considering the amount of things he has on his plate already.
But it was impossible for him not to notice when you were always dozing off in class and during lunch breaks to the point it was affecting your health and grades.
He was the one to approach you about it and it basically killed him inside when he realized you weren't telling him about it for his own sake.
BUT! At least he knows about it now, and since it happens during nighttime he can spare some of his time for you.
He’d prepare some tea and light snacks for you if you asked after waking up from one of your nightmares, oftentimes both of you just sit in a comfortable silence as you slowly calm down, the only light source being the lamp that's softly emanating yellow light next to both of you.
Sometimes he asks if you want to tell him about it to get it off your chest, but he never pries if you don't want to talk about it. He doesn't know just how terrible those nightmares you have are, but he'd never belittle you about them because of how much trouble they obviously cause you.
He'd also try to get you excused from classes if you didn't get much sleep that day, he tries to stay with you in the dorm/infirmary for as long as possible before he gets called to go back to class or when some Scarabia students need help.
(Kalim has definitely tried to hire some doctors or even mages to try to help you, thankfully you and Jamil stopped him just in time before your dorm would've become a 2nd clinic).
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larluce · 4 months
Merlin as Arthur's familiar/Arthur's shapeshifter falcon AU
@dsabian , @theroundbartable , @theplatanitosqueal , @stressed-but-chill , a little more of bird Merlin ^^ ❤️
Morgana: (puting a red neckerchief with Camelot's simbol on Merlin's neck) There you go! Now everybody will know you're the prince's royal pet and no hunter will kill you by accident.
Merlin: (turns from his bird form to his human form) I'm not a pet! (Pouts) But I like it. I always felt my neck empty in my human form. (Plays with the neckerchief happily)
Arthur: How did the neckerchief get bigger? (To Merlin) Did you do that?
Morgana: It was me actually. I put a spell on it so it'll adapt to Merlin's shape and it won't fall off when he flies.
Merlin: Awww. Thank you, Morgana 😊.
Arthur: Wait. You did magic here?! 😨 Morgana that's dangerous!
Morgana: I was careful. Besides, how do you expect me to learn to control my magic if I don't practice?
Merlin: She does have a point (turns around and exclaims happily when he sees a merlin bird landing in the window) Claws! (Changes into his bird form to greet him and flies to land beside him)
Morgana: (confused) Claws?
Arthur: (annoyed) That's the bird's name.
Morgana: I thought birds didn't have names?
Arthur: Merlin put him that name.(exclaims when Claws pecks Merlin's feathers) What is he doing?! 😡
Morgana: He's just cleaning his feathers, relax. There's no need to be jealous.
Arthur: I'm not jealous! And Merlin's feathers are always clean. He's doing this on purpose. He wants to... to mate with him!
Morgana: Right (rolls her eyes). Oh, there’s something in Claws' claws. (Watches as Claws gives Merlin a dead sparrow) Awww he brought Merlin food.
Arthur: See!
Morgana: He's just being nice.
Arthur: (mutters to himself) Merlin prefers larks anyways.
Merlin: (flies to Arthur and changes into his human form and says excited) Claws wants to show me his nest!
Arthur: (fakes surprise) Oh, really? (Looks at Morgana significantly)
Merlin: Yeah, is not far. Can I go?
Arthur: Absolutly n-
Morgana: Of course, Merlin.
Merlin: Yay! 🤗 I'll be back soon. (Changes form and goes flying with Claws through the window)
Arthur: (looks at Morgana with crossed arms) 😑
Morgana: Okay. Maaaaybe he does have other intentions with Merlin. But what is it to you anyways?
Arthur: It's wrong!
Morgana: Because is a male?
Arthur: Because Merlin is not really a bird!
Morgana: But he thinks like one.
Arthur: He shouldn't! What if that bird forces or presses Merlin to mate with him? Merlin's not ready! He told me that himself, but I doubt these animals know anything about consent!
Morgana: Arthur, Merlin is literally one of the most powerful magic creatures that exist. He'll be fine. (Sighs) Why can't you just admit you have feelings for him?
Arthur: (sighs suddenly sad) It's... It's not right.
Morgana: Because he's a man?
Arthur: No! Morgana you said it yourself, he thinks like a bird most of the time. I'd be taking advantage of him. And what kind of relationship can I give him? A life of hide and fear by my side? If he even wants a relationship at all, he doesn't even understand what romantic love is.
Morgana: Well, he did ask you to mate with him.
Arthur: Yeah, how romantic. 😒
Morgana: Mating for birds is not just sex, it's partnership. He may not understand the concept of "romantic love", but that doesn't mean he can't feel it.
Arthur: How are you so sure about that?
Morgana: Let's put it like this. Despite thinking like a bird most of the time, Merlin hasn’t felt attracted or comfortable enough to mate with any of the birds he met. Yet he asked you, a human, if you could mate with him. Not a bird, YOU, because he felt comfortable with YOU and attracted to YOU. Don't you think that means something?
Arthur: (Blushes) He... he trusts me more than them. That's all.
Morgana: Yeah, keep telling yourself that.
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ystrike1 · 1 year
Beast’s Flower - By Habrin (7.5/10)
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Would you read a story about a cliche abused heroine and a possessive guy if it came with a little spice? Most people give smutty stories a chance when they're weird. So, this one is totally PG13 and the heroine is stinky. You heard me. Her magical powers make her stinky. She only smells good to the crown prince, because he's a panther man. None of that information is presented in a comedic way. The author is dead serious.
Lyla comes from a village where mages aren't seen as valuable inventors. They're still witches in the eyes of the uneducated and poor. Lyla was born stinky. Her magic is too strong. It's implied that the smell makes people fear her, but the "I'm stinky" curse is too damn funny please help me I can't fucking do this one...
Lyla is the daughter of a Baron. Nobody else has magic nearby so no tutor comes to save her. The maids abandon her and she starts living in the barn with the horses.
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When she turns ten things get worse. Her father leaves her in a cabin near the mansion in the woods. He provides candles and minimal supplies. Lyla has no education. She's kinda dumb as a brick and defensive as hell, and she's stinky. The locals think she's a witch that eats children. Really, her life could not suck more.
Ariadne is Lyla's tall, normal smelling sister. Ariadne is a narcissist that thinks Lyla should die. She gradually makes Lyla's life even worse.
Lyla begs for more candles for her hovel. Ariadne says no, and Lyla's position is very realistic. Without candlelight she literally must live like an animal. Ariadne's sick games worsen her mental health, which is already questionable...at best...
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One night, while Lyla is busy thinking about death, she hears a noise. It's a guest. A "lost" man has come. It's Prince Viorst, a prince that can transform into a beast at will!!!!
He doesn't tell her that. He pretends to be a passing noble who is lost and injured and in need of help.
Lyla rushes to his aid...just kidding she tries to stab him. Lyla doesn't trust him AT ALL. He even says he doesn’t have a sense of smell....which is also a lie. Lyla can't resist. No nose means she can maybe have a normal human friend. She's very uncivilized and blunt with him, but he doesn’t care.
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Lyla's yucky stink smell...turns him on? Like he immediately wants to marry her, and no one else ever. Viorst is more beast than man. He is known as a sociopath who will do anything to maintain power. That's great for the country but he is deeply feared by all. He even threatens to sell off his head aide when he's kinda annoyed. Violence is part of his everyday life, and he thinks Lyla smells like a flower. A sexy one....
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The flirtation is all one-sided until Lyla cracks. It's so ridiculous. Viorst acts like a normal Casanova type of man, even though his bride is in rags. It gets absurd and really creepy. Viorst doesn't feel human in the slightest. All of his sweetness is a ploy to capture Lyla, who is the only woman he has ever felt anything for.
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By the way the shit with Lyla's family is actually really depressing??? Ariadne is the perfect daughter her father always wanted. She's not stinky and she's pretty. The Baron ignored her lust for blood, and now it's too late. The Baron is actually afraid of Ariadne. Ariadne thinks she's going to be Crown Princess, because Viorst is staying with them will he courts Lyla in secret.
He's staying there out of convenience.
As soon as Lyla agrees to go with him he's going to kill everybody in the manor.
Ariadne doesn't know that, so she tries to seduce him the whole time...
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Ariadne actually tries to fight back. Viorst admits he's after Stinky Lyla. Ariadne convinces her father to give the order for an old-fashioned Witch Hunt. By the way!!! Lyla's father did love her!!! He just kinda gave up on her because of the Witch Stuff and the stink. He used to visit her. Ariadne slowly convinced him that he didn't need an imperfect daughter. He hesitates to give the killing order until the last second, with Ariadne screaming in his face.
He still sucks, but Lyla could have had a better life. She didn’t get it because Ariadne is a violent, narcissistic wacko. This idea is pretty great. In any other story Ariadne would be a hateful villain, but her parents adored her until the end because she's not cursed/magical.
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Viorst uses his beast form to scare the villagers and save(?) Lyla from the Witch Hunt. However, he does let them burn her cabin down. He practically forces her to come home with him, because there's no home left for her to cling to. He reveals that her father gave the order too. There's no chance to put Ariadne on trial for her madness. Lyla doesn't get the chance to reconcile with her father.
Viorst takes her away.
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He unleashes his punishment.
He cuts off Ariadnes arm, because she dared to touch him.
He takes away the Baron's title, leaving him destitute.
Then, he sets the manor on fire while the entire family is still inside.
If they survive they all have to live as peasants.
Maybe Ariadne will live and return...but it's most likely that the family will choose to die.
They can't beat the prince.
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Lyla learns that Viorst is the prince...when she's locked up safely in the castle. He pretends to be a normal noble until then. Lyla says she wouldn't have accepted his proposal if she knew and he's like...lol yeah that's why I lied to you the whole time...lol...
This is the beginning of a super healthy relationship. How wholesome.
Viorst wants to keep Lyla stupid too.
He doesn't want her to learn about her powers or anything. She just needs to stay in the palace and be loved by him.
Viorst is a real wackjob. Lyla is definitely a strong mage. After she learns a bit she'll be able to control the miasma/stink. Viorst doesn't care if she spends the rest of her life in isolation. At least let her get rid of the stink....come on....stinky....Why would you want to go down in history as The King with the Stankrank bride????
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notyourmajesty · 9 months
"I Can't Believe I Was So Wrong About You": Parallels between the Love Scene and Alex and Henry's First Meeting.
CW: I talk about a part of the love scene in a bit of detail here.
So thanks to this amazing post and reblog by @sylvidra and @manic-pixie-fever-dream, I've been thinking more and more about the Paris Love Scene. Particularly the shots that precede this moment:
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Gif by @gay-bucky-barnes
When I first saw this scene I thought of this dialogue as more a general, romantic observation Alex makes of Henry - a result of months and months of being with him and seeing him in a way that very few do. It was only on rewatches that I was able to recognise why he says it in this exact moment.
We know, from the way Henry uses his hand to gently press the small of his back, that he is guiding Alex. But the extent to which Henry guides him, aware that it's his first time with a man, comes from small gestures that are easy to miss because a lot of it is out of frame.
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Gifs (from the same gifset as above) by @gay-bucky-barnes
These two moments follow the shot where Henry presses down on Alex's back. In the second shot here, if you look closely enough, you will notice Henry's thumb below his knee, leveraging his thigh to make access for Alex easier. In the first, you see his other arm slightly raised, carefully guiding Alex inside.
Not physically easy to work both your hands when you're so overwhelmed yourself by the sensory and emotional impact of what's happening, but Henry is determined to make Alex's first time an unforgettable one.
At the very beginning of this scene, Alex tries hard to "play it cool" the moment Henry requests they make love - first by simply agreeing (with a catch in his voice), then by breaking into a joke. It's only as they kiss - signifying the start of the lovemaking Henry's proposing - that he admits that he has never had sex with a man before. Alex is nervous and insecure and afraid to show it, but trusts Henry enough to confide in him.
When Henry comforts him and lets him know that he is in good hands, this - this gentle, loving guidance that will not scoff at their partner's inexperience, that is patient and will ease him into the process - is what he means.
That Henry will care for and help him. That it is okay for Alex to ask when he doesn't know. That Alex doesn't have to feel scared, or feel insecure or inadequate. Not with him.
The more I think about that, the more it brings me back to the first time they had met. Not the royal wedding, but the Melbourne Climate Conference that happened years before (according to the film - in the book it was the Rio Olympics).
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Gifs by @chiefnooniensingh
Alex is - in his own words - a formerly anonymous working class kid whose mother became President. Someone who always fears putting the wrong foot forward, who feels the weight and responsibility of the platform and position he has, who moves around all these elite spaces feeling a little out of place.
At the very beginning of the film he grimaces when the British press calls him "The American Prince Henry", admitting to Nora that unlike Henry, he wasn't born into this life and "...if I use the wrong fork at dinner, they'll just...eat me alive". Nora is shown helping him with his anxiety just before they enter the palace, reminding him that "you're handsome and charming and everybody loves you". It's pretty clear that a lot of Alex's bravado and humour hide his very deep-seated fears that he won't be good enough, and he's had those fears for a long time.
So when a guy his age - who was born into literal royalty, and who he clearly looked up to - looked at him like he "had head lice" and seemed to not even want to be in the same room as him, you get why he held on to his resentment of Henry that long.
Henry understands this the moment Alex admits the truth, and even offers his perspective of that night so Alex will know that it wasn't him - it was the pain and stress of having to pretend everything was normal, while he was still grieving his father's death. (There is also the fact that he possibly fell for Alex that same night...but of course Alex doesn't get to know that until the State Dinner)
And from this point on, Henry makes sure that whenever Alex reveals his insecurities and self-doubt to him without the varnish of humour, he is there to help him.
Sometimes it's in the form of his letters - reassuring a worried Alex who thinks he's letting his mother down, by telling him about Imposter Syndrome and reminding him of the incredible work he has done so far.
Sometimes it's in holding Alex's hand even when he's shit scared himself, and telling his grandfather and King that he loves the man next to him, deeply, and they are committed to each, deeply.
Sometimes it's in the simple act of wearing a tie that represents Alex's home state, and showing it when Alex feels nervous and scared and regretful, wondering if he is responsible for the (possible) failure of his mother's campaign.
And sometimes it's like this - reassuring a nervous Alex, letting him feel safe both sexually and emotionally, putting Alex's needs first, making him feel safe.
Making sure that when Alex asks for his help, he doesn't regret it.
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