#{sorry for this being late}
A strange phenomenon behind the scenes of 4*TOWNS introductions.
hey, so before we get into the story which was kindly requested by @chillwildwave I just want to say some words to them. I am so sorry that this took a month, I’ve been so stressed with school starting and my original draft went missing, but I’ve tried my best with this and I hope you like it! I’m so sorry if you think it’s awful or cringe, and do not like it, I tried my best!!
well, here we go 😸
It was another ‘blissful’ day for 4*TOWN. Every day was the same. They wake up, get dressed, eat, perform, have interviews or whatever was planned on their schedule for the day. Well, this day was no different. The 5 members of 4*TOWN were sat in their seats, waiting to do a fan QNA. It was all the usual. Having their makeup done, producers getting things ready, everything. It was hardly exciting for them anymore, but it was nice to interact with their fans.
After all the finishing touches, the interviews started, Robaire (the main singer, leader and most popular member) came first. He said his name, where he was from, all the usual. He may have done this thousands of times, but his charm was always irresistible. As he finished his lines, the producers tried to rewatch the footage to make sure there weren’t any errors. However, there was nothing to replay. But that wasn’t all. The lights blacked out. Then the true chaos went down.
“Why’s it dark?” Aaron T said, looking around to see nothing but pitch black. “The lights went out stupid.” Jesse replied. He was the eldest member, so he naturally was firm with his younger members. “Right everyone, we are having some technical issues, and we will need a few hours to fix them. So… do what you want I guess.” The director said on her megaphone, while the boys grunted and groaned. “So we have to sit here for hours with nothing to do, IN THE DARK?!” Taeyoung, the youngest of the group whimpered. “Dude, it’ll be fine. They’ll fix it in no time!” Robaire said, trying to remain cheerful. Aaron Z was being his usual quiet self, and just scoffed. “I’m gonna miss lunch because of this!” Aaron T yelled, slamming his hands on the armrest of his chair. “Bro, you had 2 LARGE bowls of cereal, and you had McDonalds breakfast on the way here, you’ll be fine!” Aaron Z said. However, Aaron T loved his food as much as he loved being in the group. “Ugh, whatever. I need compensation for this.” He replied, obviously joking.
Meanwhile, taeyoung was thinking about his doves at home. “Hey, what about my doves?! Will they be okay with out me? They aren’t meant to be left that long! What if they get out? What if they starve!” Taeyoung cried, his voice going hoarse and higher pitched than usual, which always happened when he was upset or scared. “Well you locked all the windows, you checked like 5 times, they’ll be fine.” Jesse said. The other boys (other than Robaire) couldn’t comprehend how calm both of them were. They had things to worry about! Jesse with his kids, he was supposed to be seeing them right after this shooting ended, and Robaire was going to spend time with his mom, how were they not worrying? “Dude, you and Ro both have things to do after this, how are you not worrying?” Aaron Z said, crossing his arms and leaning back in his chair. “Well, they’ll understand.” Robaire answered, while Jesse nodded. “It can’t be helped.” Jesse said, sighing.
The next minutes felt like hours. The internet on their phones weren’t working, nothing was. The lights, heaters, nothing. Everything was quiet apart from shuffling and directors and producers speaking, until the sound of a chair hitting the floor interrupted the peaceful sounds. “OW!” Aaron T whimpered, being his usual dramatic self. “Dude how-“ Aaron Z said, looking at his best friend, despite it being pitch black. “You were swinging in your chair again werent you?” Jesse said, rubbing his forehead like an old dad with loads of little kids (I mean, I’m not wrong). “I was bored!” Aaron T yelled in defence, as 2 producers helped him get the chair back up. Luckily he wasn’t injured.
Minutes later, the lights came back on, and everything was working, which was fortunate to the boys. Now they could film, and go do their things. Aaron T could go spend time with his siblings, Jesse could go see his kids, Robaire could go see his mom, Aaron Z could go and play basketball with his friends, and Taehyung could look after his doves.
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thatsneakymedic · 7 months
Kabuto sensei, I need your help. My pain is at a 9 out of 10 and it’s inconveniencing Lord Orochimaru. He ordered me to stop crying, but I keep breaking the order…
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"If you were really in that much pain Kimimaro. You wouldn't be standing here and telling me all of this. I do believe that you are indeed in pain but you don't need to go bother Lord Orochimaru everytime you are in pain. That's why I'm here."
He did however frown at the part where Kimimaro was told to "stop crying" when it's almost impossible to do. Especially when it comes to a child. But perhaps it's also part of Orochimaru's "conditioning" to teach Kimimaro to not "cry" when in pain during battle in front of an enemy. But to not cry at all?
A little harsh from their part, but perhaps he should talk to Orochimaru about their reason about telling Kimimaro to do such a thing.
"Perhaps he is merely teaching you how to learn to cry by yourself and to repress your emotions. But it's almost impossible to learn to not cry when you are indeed in physical pain. If you are in pain, you should be resting and staying in bed and not wandering around bothering and annoying your peers by allowing them to see you in your pathetic state."
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angelgnome · 1 year
loyal, soft & popular ♥️♥️♥️♥️
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Lizz-ay. Might I be able to coax some RoseRightMin Hcs out if you this evening?
Right sleeps sandwiched between Henry and Ellie not only because he enjoys it, but because if they don't then Right will sleepily steal all the covers on the bed. (Ellie has had to use her powers to pry the covers back from time to time)
Right calls Henry, Hen for short and Ellie, El.
Henry gives the pet names Ruby for Right and Emerald or Em for Ellie.
Ellie isn't too big on nicknames but sometimes a Henny or Righty can slip.
Ellie was the one to talk to Dr V and get her back on good terms with the Toppats, mainly so they can keep Right's cybernetics up to date and Henry wouldn't have to keep fixing Right if something in his cybernetics got damaged.
Ellie loves playing with Right and Henry's hair and also sometimes braids it if she has had a rough day.
Right and Ellie love Henry's oversized shirts and will wear them around after a hard day of Toppating
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cacturnia · 2 months
shout out to the silly creatures from scavengers reign‼️‼️
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shblackwoodart · 4 months
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happy borth king <3
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ghost-bxrd · 5 months
Jason (maybe on a dare, maybe because he’s loopy etc.) calls Bruce (or any of the Bats, really) to tell him he loves him.
Bruce is convinced Jason is either dying or about to.
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muisley · 7 months
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won't you be my panacea....
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triona-tribblescore · 6 months
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Sometimes I forget im allowed to draw him going a lil crazy 😌✨
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riellegaming · 1 year
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my humble contribution
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juehs34 · 1 year
hey appreciate you
Thank you anon I appreciate you too
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thatsneakymedic · 1 year
October Writing Challenge Day 10 Doll
Aside from Deidara being allowed in Sasori's workplace, Kabuto was also one of the privelidged few who was allowed inside. But unlike Deidara, Sasori refuses to reveal his "true self" around him and would kick him out when he had no further use to talk to Kabuto about.
Today however, it was just a mere simple task of helping them tidy up the rather dusty place by carrying and moving the heavier stuff around so that they can sweep away the wooden chips, saw dust, regular dust, and the sticky oil spills and other things that littered the the floor, the walls, and the table.
Moving around the puppet parts or incomplete ones was Sasori's job as some still had some weapons laced with venom on certain parts of the body of the puppets. And since Kabuto is the only one out of the both of them that has "human skin and organs", it's better to be safe than sorry. And Sasori wasn't in the mood to heal anybody or even wait for the antidote available to take effect.
Not only that, he made Kabuto be the one with the full responsibility of cleaning the spills/stains, the organizing, and the messes since he himself felt like he didn't need to. Kabuto's job wasn't just only spying and playing messenger boy with he and Orochimaru after all.
As Kabuto places the folders and the layouts of Sasori's anatomy plans and sketches of his future ideas of weapons on the clean side of the table, and aligned and organized in a perfect way. His eyes catch that of a nude, pale, long wavy haired, feminine looking mannequin who's missing a leg, but everything else looked almost pristine, delicate, undamaged, and undeniably beautiful if one doesn't look carefully. Her breasts and fleshy private parts were obviously removed in place of featureless and smooth wooden parts that give her a genderless anatomy. She was held up with her arms up in the air, but her hair covered her face and shoulders and the sides of her chest, as if to add some mystery to her identity.
In short, she looked like an actual doll.
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"Oi, why are ya slackin’ off? I want me place to be cleaned as soon as possible." Sasori's gravely tone snapped Kabuto out of his stare as he aligned the other paper items, scrolls, and paper seals in a place where they won't get in the way of their cleaning.
"Lord Sasori, that woman puppet over there. With the missing leg. She looks a bit more "prettier" than your other puppets. She has no scratches or stains on her body. Is she new or is there a reason for her undamaged features?"
Sasori turns his head around to look at what Kabuto was asking him about. Despite that it was hardly any of Kabuto's business as his reasons for keeping that one, but it also did please him to at least know that Kabuto was curious and wanting to know more about the puppets that he has collected. Especially when that one has a nice history behind it.
"Ya mean this sheila right, ey? Nah, she's been ‘ere for a long time. Right after I joined the Akatsuki. Stupid girl she was. She came after me to collect the bounty money not knowin’ exactly what she was gettin’ ‘erself into. An’ she tried to do so by pretendin’ to be some ‘elpless kidnapped woman who was bein’ pursued by some blokes. ‘er looks almost ‘ad me fooled ‘till she took ‘er blade to try to cut me head off while I was distracted."
He moves the doll's arm with a chakra string and she slides a finger across her chest till it stops at the center where her heart would've been, "That's where I killed ‘er, an’ then the blokes who was chasin’ ‘er turned out to be ‘er brothers. I killed ‘em too. But despite the gapin’ ‘ole in ‘er chest, ‘er face was still intact an’ ‘er body was undamaged, so I kept ‘er."
He then points at the scroll in his other hand where Kabuto knows where he keeps his most valuable puppets and corpses in.
The ones that are part or would become a part of Sasori's 100 puppets "army."
"Found out that ‘er ‘usband was a shinobi who I ‘ad been seekin’ out to add for me collection the moment I set me eyes on ‘im in the bingo book. An’ that's when I decided to use ‘er to lure ‘im out of ‘idin’. As soon as ‘e saw what ‘ad become of ‘er, ‘e came after me with the rage of a madman. It was a satisfyin’ fight an’ I would use ‘er body as defense to rile ‘im up even more ‘till ‘e couldn't think an’ gave me an openin’ to kill ‘im. Don't worry ‘bout ‘is name, ‘is new name is... No. 22."
"Ya think that I would've thrown this sheila away after ‘er purpose is done, but I realized that she still was useful to me. Especially when it comes to askin’ for information an’ assistin’ in me missions to gather funds for the Akatsuki. I only put ‘er to retire after ‘er leg was blown off ‘cause of Deidara's misplaced bombs, but even so, she still looks brand new."
He gives an offering gesture at Kabuto, "Go see for yourself."
Kabuto decides to step in to get a better look at her face, because even he knows that Sasori never keeps anything out of sentiment. Even if the leg was damaged beyond repair, finding another part would be easy and she can be fixed properly. He could always use her again whenever he wanted to.
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As his fingers part the dark wavy strands on her face, her dead green eyes meet his and despite her emotionless appearance. She was indeed beautiful and the shape of her face and her delicate doll-like features do indeed would lower the guard of anyone who sets their eyes on her.
While not knowing, he was entranced that he didn't know how long he had been staring at her beautiful green eyes and lips.
Before he can let go of her face, both of her green eyes fixated onto him with a subtle "crack" and Kabuto quietly gasped at the sudden surprise till the puppet's arms wrap around him tightly and the puppet's face leans close to Kabuto's lips.
Almost as if beckoning him to give her a kiss.
Reacting as quickly as he could, he manages to shove the creepy doll off of him and it falls back into it's strings in a tangled mess and with a loud clanking of wood hitting each other.
Sasori's snickering could be heard from the side as Kabuto's face turns to him, while his eyes are still widened with shock. What made it more embarrassing for Kabuto was that indeed, even someone like Kabuto had already let his guard down the moment he saw the doll's face.
"Oi, why ya gotta push the girl away like that? She was just tryin’ to kiss ya!" His snicker turned into a quick laugh as with the strings, he rearranged her upwards properly as she was before he made her move.
His crude laughter comes to a halt now and he clears his throat, "Alright, enough of that. Now that ya know, let's get back to work with cleanin’ up the place. An’ no more questions out of ya unless it's ‘bout the mess we're cleanin’ up." Sasori despite his rather sick playful side was now just as gone as it shown up and he was back to being the grumpy man that Kabuto knew him as.
"... Yes Lord Sasori." Kabuto sighed as he goes on ahead to manage the arrangement of the paper items.
While also dealing with the doll still staring at him with those alluring green eyes of hers.
@reddawnmultimuse (tagging you because thank you for helping me with Sasori's speech patterns and for letting me tag your Sasori into my drabble! And everyone needs to go follow them if you haven't. Their Sasori is so awesome! :D )
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t0bey · 1 month
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“Reunion at Dawn”
happy 5th anniversary, three houses!!!
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cozylittleartblog · 2 months
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Columbo and the Knight (1984)
put me in the universe where Columbo ran through the 1980s and had a crossover episode with Knight Rider. I think they deserved it, and I am not just saying that because they're my two favorite Old Shows. @telebeast wrote a little fanfic blurb about it and I HAD to visualize it into a comic (which is also the longest comic I have finished thus far at five pages...), so writing credit goes to them.
Autism W!
#columbo#knight rider#art#michael knight#kitt#comic#highlight reel#crossover#telebeast#there are two small easter eggs here. can you find them. they were somehow not Entirely lost when i resized these for the public#this is what i mean when i say I Draw And It's Everyone Else's Problem. look at my INCREDIBLY niche crossover comic boy#if the knight rider fandom has like 12 people in it. how many of y'all have seen columbo#this comic is for like 4 people and me and phoenix are already two of them#niche is my specialty lets be real. weird niche obscure shit and ships nobody's paid attention to yet#not to suggest this is ship art. columbo has his wife and michael has his car lmfao#stylizing real people is EXTREMELY hard btw sorry for when they get off model. its partly a 'better imperfect than never finished' situatio#cant tell you how much i redrew some of these panels. weeps#this took me 2 weeks but i think i thumbnailed it all in may and the ideas been rollin around in my head since march#is anybody good at editing. please edit michael and columbo into an image together like its a screenshot. NOT generated. edited.#it would be so cool#ive drawn columbo a lot but i haven't drawn a lot of michaels. i was learning things about his outfit AS I WAS DOING THE DAMN#COLORS ON THIS. all the lines done. it was too late to change anything. i did all the lines and colored page by page#i realized my mistakes on like page 3. 1 and 2 were already done. it was Too Late.#imagine it though. them working a case together. switching between the more serious tone of columbo vs the goofier#action antics of michael and kitt. columbo being so impressed by Modern Technology. there's more i could say but phoenix may write#more of this crossover and i don't want to spoil it :'3#there's opportunity here though i swear. there's gold to be dug.#i like how kitt gets shading but columbo's junker peugeot doesn't. kitt looked wrong without any. columbo's car is matte and dirty#i also applied effects to this to make it look a little film-grainy and VHS like. some CRT TV vibes#the only question left is. did they put knight rider into columbo; or columbo into knight rider 🤔
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slugfishh · 2 months
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smokin-salmon · 4 months
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Fuck it. *Makes the old woman cry*
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