#— but also just dont gaf anymore }}
cephalonheadquarters · 2 months
Damn. I'm free
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sturnmad · 6 months
brooo how do people know what they want in life. like i genuinely have no emotional imagination, i can't know how ill feel abt something until I do it. & even if I do have an idea of what i want, i might not want it once i get there? like marriage & career stuff, i might not want the same thing 10 or 20 years from now so what's even the point of planning it? or like relationship stuff, ive never been in a relationship so how would i know what i want?
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monstertsunami · 2 years
paflshrine gallery now has around 200 images
maybe theres something wrong with me ?
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yo9urt · 2 months
today i return to the sea
#mine#its my last first day of school (until/unless i go to grad school but thats way off if it even happens)#the rest of these tags are all just going to be complaints so keep scrolling if you dont gaf#ok first complaint. my schedule is stupid and awful i think#winters schedule was weird too. but this one kinda sucks#the main problem i see is that both of my main classes are in the middle of the day so theres probably going to be people eating#(i have mis0phon1a)#so thats number 1. 2nd problem is that those classes also have the grading scale where u need at least 95 PERCENT to get an A. girl!#they are also both 400 level spanish classes so theyre just going to be kind of hard and annoying and a lot of work in general#the next problem is that my other class is actually not quite a class it is a teaching practicum. which i didnt even 100% want to do#but the certificate could be useful so im doing it anyway.#one of the guys in that class (i know some of the students already from winter) eats like a hog for like the first 20-30 mins so thats goin#to be miserable i bet. also at some point im gonna have to teach a lesson myself#which is scary and also frustrating because again i didnt even really want to do this. WHATEVER#ok what else. ummmmm#oh i think i might be unemployed LOL normally my boss would have done schedule coordination stuff like last week but i havent heard from he#at all. this is because we are government funded and the government does not want to fund us anymore -_- suck my balls#and my hog too. so money is going to be a concern which is especially awesome because ive already been trying to save up#becaues im moving out this year hopefully so im gonna need $ for that and for probably upgrades like i might get a new phone and computer#and stuff etc. and i live in an HCOL area so even though i literally just buy groceries my bill is like $294358939358/month#SIGH. also of course the final problem on the list is the behemoth of them all: i have to apply for jobs#i made a little spreadsheet to hopefully make the process easier. but its going to be agony lol fucking resumes and cover letters how about#i just kill myself now -_- and fucking interviews too. fuuuuuck you suck my nuts and dick and balls#i dont know how im going to cope iwth any of this LOL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and also as usual i have like no friends so its just me going it alo#alone* in this big awful spring. 2 and a half months of this.#i suppose i will need to go back to the dispensary.#fuuuuuuuuuck man
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wlw-mood · 8 months
omg hi guys (we all know I'm referring to one person) I haven't even kept.u updated. my bad. I've gotten into journaling
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crowsgrudge · 8 months
writing for a fandom ur no longer in but still care for the characters is insane. is my pookie still my pookie? am i butchering him? no that cant be. the source is butchering him if he isnt the same at his core anymore
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dilfl0v3rss · 1 year
what would ony do if y/n had an attitude for no reason and started acting out in public
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nah fr it’s like all the other times he’s put you in your place get wiped from your memory as soon as you go outside. like as soon as the two of you go somewhere with people around you automatically start thinking rules don’t apply to you anymore. you be acting as if the world is ending when you don’t get what you want, walking into any store as soon as you see something pretty in the window, regardless of the fact that he’s told you he was only going to this mall for one thing.
constant sentences of “ma put that down” and “we not here for allat” leaving his lips as you continue to do whatever tf you wanted in the stores. “pa i want that!” you squealed at you pointed excitedly at the pretty black dress the mannequin had on. ony did his best to just ignore you. gripping your hand a little tighter so you dont slip away from him as he continued to walk right past the store.
“you not looking baby. we’re fucking passing itttt!” you whined before yanking your hand from his and walking to the front of the store. arms crossed over your crop top as you waited for your boyfriend to come give you what you wanted. ony sighed as he looked around at the people starting to stare at the two of you. mumbling something to himself before slowly walked towards you. you turned around when he got close enough, about to walk in the store so he could follow you, but you were stopped by his inked hand snatching the back of your neck.
ony didn’t gaf if you two were at home or in the middle of the damn mall. you were going to act like you have some sense. he brought his lips down to the back of your ear, speaking in a low tone to make sure you really caught his drift. “don’t make me have to embarrass you in this store. fix how you talking t’me and act like you got some sense…or ima take you to the bathroom and give you some act right” chills ran up your spine even after he let you go. ony walked out of the store before turning around and waiting for you.
“cmon mama i got shit t’do”
for the rest of the day you not only acted like the good girl he knew you were, but you also gave him a little something something in the car as an apology.
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starfxkr · 4 months
Rafe would have such an issue with his girl having a good relationship with her father for so many different reasons I feel like for one he’d be jealous and it may remind him of Ward and Sarah and how he always came second to that but it would also mix poorly with his confusion of love and parentification
rafe would literally fight for control over you, if your dad tells you to go left then rafes pulling you right and will do it in front of him to establish dominance as well! i think he’d also do his best to try and convince you that you dont need your dad anymore bc rafes dad now and you answer to him, he doesnt gaf about how you feel either just slowly finding ways to ease you away from him
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sojutrait · 2 months
Hii soju I hope ur having a good day 🫶🏼
I wanted to ask if you felt guilty or sad when you decided to move on from the Halabi’s and started playing in your current save (soju save)? I was curious to know because I have this sort of guilt and sadness when I do not feel happy anymore when I go into a save I’ve been playing so long in 😭 like the spark isn’t there anymore & I sometimes fear it will never come back and with how beloved the halabi’s are did you ever feel a pressure to continue playing in that save?
i hope you’re having a good day as well fae🩷 🥹i didn’t have any guilt initially when i first started playing with eileen (bc i start saves like everyday they just dont usually end up doing anywhere djdkfkf) but when i knew i was gonna fully stop the halabis and take on the soju save “full time” yeah i felt a little guilty 😭😭😭
but then my brain went girl this is literally your HOBBY, if it’s not fun anymore it’s okay to stop!! it also helps that i have a horrible habit of “if i don’t want to do something, nothing in the world can make me do it” so i’ve never felt too much pressure to play if i didn’t want to djfkfk
there are some times where i take breaks from the soju save and im like “oh shit am i getting tired of them too?” but then i take like a week break and miss playing with them so bad 😭
so tldr: do not feel bad at all about not feeling a save anymore!! you might get that spark for it again back or u might not, either way those pixels will not gaf ejrkfk 😭😭
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remcycl333 · 2 years
Void/LOA success by 💇‍♀️anon
This post is gonna be a bit lengthy , blunt and unbelievable 😭 also very sloppily written cause i’m havijh so much fun. i really have got out of my comfort zone and I’m so happy i did. No you do not have to follow every step I did! This is simply for motives and inspo.
So, yeah it's obvious i was one who struggled with void and loa blah blah blah for a LONG TIME! I was a hardcore druggie, physical and mentally abused all my life, had a very rare illness and so much more. But who gaf ab the old story. ☠️
So after a day of sending that cringe ass message to u i ended up prioritizing myself. It’s clear I was idolizing void and I’ve been doubting in LOA too like ??? So in the 3D i moved in with my one and only friend, got a job at a fastfood place (pls this is sorta embarrassing), and decided homeschool was much better for me. Also between that time I learned how to correctly manifest and shiz by you and @theandreiaeffect<3. And girlllll literally less than the next week I manifested perfect mental and physical health, my dream job, desired appearance, and 7,000,000$ with a 15,000,000$ home me and my bestie now live in. I was already so happy how it was. Yet after that crazy ass week passed by i woke up in the fucking void. I have no clue how but i did.
Now for what I manifested in void.
- ‘i heard a rumor’ power - a power of this girl from a netflix show. basically you say ‘i heard a rumor ____’ and it happens. its like a brainwash power? its simple to explain but idk. (If u watch that show my fav character is klaus whats urs?)
- Time travel(?) - so when i got in void it was prolly like september 11th 2022. i just said in the void ‘it is August 30th’ and when i woke up it was august 30th as you can tell so now I’m just relapsing my days but in a goodway.
- changed family - my bestie is like family and i changed her appearance to her desired appearance, more cousins, siblings, aunts etc. my dad being a famous nfl star.
- Revenge - basically just fucking with my abusers life the same way they fucked with mine. I have no regrets so🤷‍♀️
- Name and age revision - I always hated my full name so i changed it. I was 17 and just revised that i’m 21. yeah it was a big gap but idc it was worth it for me honestly. i also manifested i’m not gonna die till like 90 and age like wine so.
- a bf- oh let me tell u. i’ve always had a crush on ralph macchio. and now i have a boyfriend who is his twin but even more attractive. his personality and the way he showers me with love is mwah.
- Removing phobias - i’ve always been scared of animals🤦‍♀️ not anymore tho now i have 2 cute lil puppies and a parrot:)
- Vegan restaurants and shops opening up close to me - I’ve been vegan since the beginning of the year due to animal cruelty and just not enjoying meat.
- Immune from getting preggo til 25 - its self explanatory what i be doing but i’m not ready for a baby yet so🤫
- Being protected and safe 24/7 - anyone around me also is aswell its like a invisible barrier to danger
Now those are just a handful of what I manifested. I literally manifested sooooo many other priv things. Just get ur shit together. I have nothing else to tell u. Honestly idk how LOA coaches don’t get fed up with y’all constantly crying ab how u dont got ur shit when u are the reason why. U have a cheatcode to life. Not many people are spiritually awoken. Do you know how fortunate you are to have discover LOA???? Keep this in mind and maybe ya know manifest ur dream life. To Rem, I thought I’d be on tumblr way longer as your anon, but I’d rather go live my life to the fullest for a while. I hope my story leaves an imprint on the LOA community. Andreia, you have also really inspired me. I’m so fucking happy I made a whole 180 with my life. Rem and Andreia, i will NEVER forget what you have done for me. Thank you so much really. I love u guys so much🥲🥲
yesss im so proud of u!!! when u said u traveled back in time from september i got the chills! and baby go live your life and enjoy it, you deserve it!!! come back whenever u want and update us <3
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niceinchnails · 7 months
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My Opinions on EACH of these. Also dont take my opinion as good because i drop more cartoons than i actually finish.
Unappealing artstyle: Used to be a huge turn off for me but now i dont GAF anymore I just need a couple eps to get used to it (And those eps have to be good enough for me to want to watch it despite the artstyle)
Obsession with edgy/offensive humor: Ok this oneee. Depends. Im fine with edgy sex penis blood guts humour they make me laugh. & with political offensive humour i GUESS I can stomach. I dont enjoy it but literally every adult cartoon has some instance of it so i guess i just had to get used to it BUT if the humours based 30% or more On offensive humour then its just straight up bad Im dropping it.
overly cheese: i dont know what this means . i dont know any examples of this
too much gross out toilet humour: Im fine with it ok
Self aware/meta: This ones one of my pet peeeeeeves. If a cartoon straight off the bat barrages me with meta/self aware jokes I will not be into it. It feels like the cartoon itselfs overly familiar with me and joking with me like we're friends but we're not. Its like a cartoons telling me Haha isnt it so funny how i do X plot point All the time! Silly classic me. Like ive only known you for 3 episodes I dont know you that well, I dont know your CHARACTERS that well to find your self awareness of them funny. I guess its forgivable when its found later in the show when i already know the characters and story and plot enough to laugh at its acknowledgement of its own quirks but otherwise meta humour early on in a show just feels a little insincere almost self-deprecating. And it feels like its trying too hard to be cool since ive noticed meta humours the trend for a lot of modern cartoons.
Bad/annoying voice acting: literally just depends how bad the show itself is
too much filler/boring episode formula: Girl i love filler. I typically dont get into shows that are like nonstop action action action plot plot plot atleast get me aquainted w the characters first. I like the shows that ease you in with comedy filler and then punches you in the back of the skull with drama later on When you know the characters and you remember lauhging at their antics and such. And youre like oh noo.. Poor BooBoo Boy. But I like a little filler beforehand I want to know what BooBoo Boy was like before all the death and destruction happen i want to see BooBoo Boy laugh and giggle before he cries. And boring episode formula is fine as long as its not repetitive
I just realized how many opinions i have that boil down to "At Least let me get to know you as a cartoon better first" buttttt. anyway
My bad cartoon opinions
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likes: Animals (cats and dogs especially seem to like me a lot more than the average person), gaming, anime, cooking, food, rock music, goth/punk/edgy/alternative/emo subculture, makeup and skincare (I like to feel pretty lmao), school, taking pictures
dislikes: bitter food, spicy food,school
hobbies: Acting (#1 hobby!), writing, ig I’ll put studying here since i was a honour student.
physical preferences: none
personality preferences: someone willing to protect me (I’ve been stared by creepy old men for 2 days in a row) and someone not too energetic and bubbly, anyone who is not Ace or Floyd, someone who can comfort me as I’m a generally anxious and insecure person
love languages: physical touch and quality time
extras: I’m an infj, would be in Diasomnia dorm, my personality would be I tend to come off as reserved, intimidating and cold due to my trust issues from being stabbed in the back by someone I trusted at first impressions but as I warm up to someone/they gain my trust I can be warm, caring, loyal, affectionate, and protective
Soooo i couldnt pick just one :( Too many ideas! I guess youre getting four charecters 😔 im not that indecisive though they are in order from who i feel would be less compatible to the most! For a big reveal vibe
4. Azul Ashengrotto
Youre giving him the cold shoulder? He doesnt gaf..
An honors student an actor and a beauty, hes so intrigued!
His intentions are likely less than pure but anyone with one working eye can see that
“Let’s make a deal!” Hes probably offering you fame for your acting but we both know youre not falling for that.
The more you ignore him the more hell bother you it becomes some form of personal challenge for him
Hes upping the charm and throwing in all the bells and whistles this isnt about his contract anymore its about his ability as a business man!
Eventually youll tell him to knock it off and that you know you cant trust him
Hell feign hurt but beep down you just charmed him.
So strong and so smart he already knew he wanted you in his corner but now he finds himself wanting you more.
As a buisness man azul is good at reading people, it comes with the territory so he knows how you see him and hes determined to change it
Hed follow you around trying to market himself as an outgoing and upstanding person did you drop something? Hes got it, dont stress! Need notes? Come to him! Free of charge!
It doesnt work.. that is until he finds you in an insecure state or anxious state.
Maybe its before your first role in twisted wonderland where you dont know anyone.
Its so prestigious here! Anyone would be nervous.
He takes this opportunity to comfort you. Once you tell him about your insecurity and anxiety he immediately knows what to say
In that moment you dont see him as some capitalist. For the first time you see him vulnerable, you see him on a level where you can relate to him
You can feel in his voice and the way he speaks to comfort you that hes felt it too, he knows what its like
Even you know being vulnerable isnt something azul does willy nilly so it gets you thinking, maybe you can trust him.
While talking to him you might name drop or tell him about your experience with creeps
Hell protect you but hell definetly hide it from you he doesnt want you seeing his ugly side
Hell be keeping an eye on you and if anyone oversteps in anyway hell be after them
Hes a powerful man, he could send the twins after them or if theyre really hurting you he’ll bring them in for a “word”
As for comforting you, he always knows what to say but hell also have episodes
Sometimes hell wonder how he landed you, so beautiful, smart and talented what if you wake up one day and realize youre too good for him?
Youre going to have to do some comforting too, hold him and tell him you love him, its all hell need.
Azul would be scared to touch you first, hes a gentleman! He cant just grab you! No matter how badly he wants to, he doesnt know how to go about reaching for your hand
Youve gotta make the first move, walking side by side notice how his fingers twitch towards your hand, go for it! Hold his hand!
Hell be shocked, bamboozled, pushing his glasses up and trying to hide his blush but you can still see a light pink on his ears.
From now on whenever he holds your hands hell take his gloves off before intertwining your fingers
His probably still to shy to go forward but if you grab him for a hug hell be sooo happy
He doesnt have much time to spen with you but hell always welcome you to sit beside hin while hes working, hell let you on his lap too if you want but youll have to ask and go through a but of his awkward aftershock
When he does time off hell spend it with you. Hell spare no expense! Spoiling you with fancy dinners and gifts
He works so hard though hell need a break, lie together and hold him or just watching anime together will help him let off steam.
3. Malleus Draconia
Malleus is a really toned down guy who’s willing to go with the flow he wont be too much for you to handle
Upon meeting you and being faced with your colder aura, cant say he’s really phased. With silver coming off in a similar way you wont deter him.
His generally frightening and strong air might not leave you wanting to open up but he probs wont notice and come back to you anyways
Coming back to you over and over again he’ll get more and more friendly. The imposing air around him starts to clear and you start seeing him as sort of an oddball
Hes so intimidating yet so tame maybe you can trust him?
Hes lonely. He doesnt realize it but he is so hes always coming to you he wants to spend all his free time with you just to have you there so he wont be lonely. This feeling is so foreign to him but its like a weight has been lifted from his chest
Itll make him even happier if youre the one initiating quality time. It makes him feel like hes wanted
Physical touch too!
He could be lost in thought worried about you one day finding yourself afraid of him only to be met with you holding him having all his worries vanish
Showing you being vulnerable around him is the highest amount of trust he feels he could have gained
Sleeping with him hell probably hold you while hes still awake thinking about the difference between when you first met and now
You were so closed off, you’d hardly ever respond to him but now look, he always has you by his side, your so warm and kind to him, you trust him enough to be completely helpless around him leaving him to protect you in your vulnerable state.
Speaking of protecting, walking with malleus no one will dare look at you funny let alone disrespect you
God forbid anyone harass you, youll need to phone lilia to calm him down
After that though hell turn his attention back to you and make sure youre alright. Hell insist on carrying you even if you swear you’re fine “Humans are fragile we cant be too careful”
Honestly 1) he just wants to hold you and 2) he knows about your anxiety and needs to make sure you’re okay you could say hes doing it more for his peace of mind than his for yours
Having anxiety or just feeling really insecure? Hell cancel everything hell make someone else do it if he has to
Hes overly cautious of you because your human
Hell hold you on his lap and let you talk if thats what you need otherwise hell just hold you close to your chest and let you breathe, drawing circles in your back, humming and playing with your hair he wants you to focus on him, you and him are all that matter right now and your all that matter to him.
He really appreciates that you can cook, he wants you to cook for him so you can yk, save him!
“Im sorry lilia but Haru has already prepared a meal for me”
Hes scared of change. Taking pictures will eaze him. Take pictures with him and let him have a few and youll find that hes placed them on a board near his bed.
Hell but his favorite in a locket that hell keep with him all the time. He doesnt want to think about a time where hes without you but he knows it will have to come.
Taking all these pictures is so important to him. He needs these traces of you for when youre gone
Acting!! Hell come to all your shows and be so proud! “That’s my Haru, a star aren’t they lilia?”
Hed be so dazed by you hell probably miss the entire play except for the parts youre in.
2. Vil Schönheit (ig were sharing😒)
Vil gives off the same vibes as you at first
Hes cold and hardened on the outside but he cares deep down and that becomes more evident as you get to know him
Vil might not pay much attention at first, hes too busy and the could and distant air around you detrers him a bit, he doesnt see anything he can improve your already beautiful so he leaves you alone
That is until he sees you onstage one day.
As part of film club and an actor himself seeing you on stage, your acting and presence are amazing
Film acting is what vil does most and as a professional knows how different it is from the stage.
He cant help but be impressed in your performance and from then on you just seemed to sort of stand out to him
Hell start noticing things, how smart you are how caring and soft to your close friends you are. How beautiful you manage to be with so little effort
Wait- youre so kind to your friends what is it that they have that he doesn’t? Shouldnt you be charmed by him?
Well either way he comes to talk to you about your performance and how he thinks youd make an amazing addition to film club!
Vil would love to act with you! He does film acting most of the time so hell teach you about that and you can show him a thing or two about stage acting!
Hell love your writing, hell encourage you to publish or even to be a play write!
Maybe you should even start a production company together
He believes in you and wants to star with you and is willing to support you all the way
As a celebrity, vil values his privacy, dating is hard with your insecurities he understands if yoh dont want him to announce your relationship and will do his best to keep it private
On the other hand he has no issue going punlic with your relationship. He knows that people online can be cruel and hell do whatever he can to keep that from you
If youre feeling insecure, he cant have that, WAKE UP!
Youre dating THE Vil Schönheit not only is he beautiful but hes also selective! Hello??? Youre absolutely gorgeous and he wont have you feeling otherwise
Hell hold you, tell you your beautiful and if it helps you, hell give you a self care day together
Face masks painting your nails and doing hair!
Also if you wanna do more makeup all you have to do is ask! Vil will most definitely help you out
Hes well versed! Whatever style you like! (My personal fav is douyin!)
With an eye for style, if youre not too sure on what you want im sure hes already cooked up the perfect look for you
SKINCARE VIL IS SO HAPPY hell sing your praises and go off about how happy he is that someone values their skin as they should!
Hell give you personalized products too!
A photographer x model trope too? SO CUTE(me projecting my want for a photographer partner) BUT LIKE IT MAKES SO MUCH SENSE THOUGH⁉️⁉️
Vil sewing makes so much sense and after hes finished with a project hell wanna model it for magicam!
Taking photos on his own is fine but we know vil, he wants spectacular!
He trusts your artistic vision and would love having you take his photo hell come out looking beautiful and he sees it as the outcome of your combined efforts
Vil is so protective he would not let anyone harass you!
In that moment he doesnt care about his name all he carrs for is your safety and well being.
Online or in person he wont hesitate to go all in on them protectively putting himself in between you and your harasser
Quality time would definitely come in your selfcare routines together and picking outfits!
Hes pulling all the stops picking your outfits finding your color-palette
So obviously his gonna spoil you with all this makeup skin care and clothing hell have you feeling absolutely gorgeous like you’re the only person he sees!
Youre so beautiful he cant help but want to accentuate that
1. Deuce Spade
Upon first meeting you his a little intimidated by how closed off you are, but he cant help but admire you!
An honors student whos so straight and narrow! Hes gonna try to befriend you right away! Youre the exact type of person he needs to surround himself more with
Deuce is a good boy so im sure youll find yourself opening yourself up to him more and more
Once you let him in on your trust issues he feels a twinge of guilt, youve been nothing but upfront and honest to him and hes been hiding a secret since youve first met! Would you still think of him the same if you knew???
He wouldnt be able to hide it very well and upon asking him whats wrong he blurts out his past and starts apologizing for not telling you sooner
He says he understands if you would like your distance and that he shouldnt have hid something so big from you
After letting him know that youre fine with it and it wasnt that big of a deal hell be so overcome with joy!
Youre so loyal! So kind! Hes so relieved he grabs your hand to enthusiastically thank you without thinking
Before he realizes what hes done he gets a look at how cute your shocked face looks and he immediately apologizes backing away and going back to sitting awkwardly
From that day he’d be noticeably more awkward around you but who could blame him? Your so sweet!
Deuce games a bit himself, he loves you so much introduce him to the games you play the most and hell pick them up just to spend time with you
His mom raised him right so hell plan dates for you and take a lot of initiative to make sure he’s treating you with all the love you deserve
He wont touch you without permission. He knows better! Hell either have to work up the courage to hold your hand or your just gonna have to go in
He gets really worked up at times and forgets though
After his win in a track meet hell celebrate and right to you and lift you up in his arms without thinking.
Hell apologize after but as time goes on hell get more comfortable, he just wants to make sure he’s doing things right
Hell do the same after a play! You did such a great job and you look so beautiful in your costume he rushes over to tell you how amazing you were and give you flowers
Hell bring his mom to see you act too shell love you, how could she not!
Deuce is very capable in protecting you and most definitely will, i dont think i need to explain that one
The first time he does though its just like he snaps, hes so mad, more mad than youve ever seen him
After whats done is done hell apologize for acting without your permission and say things like “Im sorry, you shouldnt have seen that!”
On his hands and knees bro dont leave him!
The next time something happens hell tell you to leave because he doesnt want you seeing but he cant just let them get away with creeping on you!
Deuce might not have a way with words but he tries, so when youre feeling down about yourself or anxious hell take you for a ride
It makes sense that hed only have one helmet so assuming that you dont have one hell insist you wear his along with his hacket so you do t get hurt and make you promise to hold on tight to him
Hell take you to his secret spot and sot you down and let you let it all out “Im sorry, I didnt know what to say so i just thought id help you run away for a bit” hell listen to you for sure
Hes a bit of a romantic so i see him smiling as he watches you get ready in the morning, watching you put on mascara as he makes the eyes at you
If you turn to face him hell look away though that wont change
He loves how gentle you are sometimes it makes him feel that youre delicate, like if hes too rough hell break you and you might run away
Hes so sweet if you give him pictures you take of him hell buy a book to keep them in and label each one
Hell ask for advice studying too! Youre so smart, honors isnt easy to get in any way, dont forget that
With you in his life he really feels like hes becoming better, like someone his mom can be proud of and someone worthier of you each day that passes
I just wrote a bunch in the notes app and ordered them in what i thought was the cutest order, lemme know which one you liked the best too! Hope you like it❤️
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wackpedion · 1 month
Hi furroughs ceo
Imagine Yakou showing Seth the wonders of frozen pizza
But specifically:
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Aka the best pizza ever created
me who was just falling apart feeling so alone in my little furroughs corner thinking noone really gaf and that im screaming into a void and whats the fucking point anymore recieving this ask like witht he most insane perfect timing ever. i have nothin g to say really but thank you 4 this and also ive never had totinos we dont have those here but i imagine seth would shrivel up and die of disgust what IS that frozen garbage, priviliged rich boy things aside i imagine he lowkey wouldnt be able to stand the texture, meanwhile yakou eats this slop like near daily
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twsthc · 4 months
twsthc hiatus
hiii its me again (gets booed off stage)
this might turn into me rambling so i'll add a tl;dr at the end.
so, i was kinda scared of officially going on hiatus or whatever because i got scared id lose followers, but idc anymore lmao. ill most likely be active on my twitter because it's way easier and carefree than tumblr, because i dont have to organize anything there! tumblr is a whole other story.
basically, i have an autoimmune disorder and mental health issues, and when you put those two together it means i miss a lot of school, whether it be from me getting sick or not being able to get out of bed in the morning. my grades are dropping steadily- i have 20+ missing assignments i need to get done. the cherry on top was plopped onto my shitload-of-work-milkshake after changed my username here and all of my links broke </3 along with that, a lot of people are anticipating official hc posts which ive already promised. i will still get to them (and everyones asks!). its just a lot.
some other things i wanted to mention (to CERTAIN people. this is NOT me yelling at everyone in my asks i love u all its just like 2 ppl lol)
please stop sending double asks- i see you
stop asking/telling me to respond to your asks- i will
some asks have taken me MONTHS to get to. be patient please!!!! i believe it was maybe 2 people doing this (similar typing patterns n stuff), so its not a really big deal but i wanted to bring it up anyway. also saying this to tell everyone that i do see and read ur asks when i get them! i just have to think about how to respond them, because i tend to lean on "real" and "🔥," and i know yall dont gaf about my dry responses but it still makes me feel like a dick lol so just give me time.
anyway... some things that will get done when im back!!!
i will change the graphics on some of my posts
headcanons mentioned here
finishing the series (favorite movies, skincare, etc)
finally answering everyones asks!!!!
thats about it... thanks if u read all of this.
TL;DR: im sick and mentally ill and have straight Fs so i have to go bye bye for a while but when im back yall will get fed i swear. also stop bullying me in my asks
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wtfforged · 19 days
Character ask game: Zoro questions 4, 7 and 8!
4 - hmm.... well.... hes in manga... hes in anime... hes in live action... hes in video games... hes in movies....and hes getting his own novel story in june.... and hes most likely in much more too..! so if im honest, im not sure how to answer this one...!! hes in every media! there is not any other media that i could put him in..! so ill just say more games. never enough games with zoro in it. lets put him in fortnite who even gaf anymore. id say id love to have him in a game i actually play (overwatch. sorry) but if they gave him a skin itd be 1)timeskip 2)bleach white and 3)would be for genji which means they will get rid of genji's faceplate and that type of genji skin is unbearably ugly. so idk. lets put him in a retirement home 7 - kind of the easiest thing to say that comes to mind right off the bat is that. everyone collectively accepted and decided that there is no way this guy is cishet. he is gay as hell. even the powerscaling dudebros know it. its the funniest thing ever. but that one felt too obvious... so... umm... second answer.... we all collectively decided he is cat. nods (<- guy who always draws him cat)
8 - i did answer this one already but i do hate more things. so were gonna go on the opposite side of the spectrum and say that i also hate when people like. infantilize him? i dont know the word... but again. especially for shipping purposes. ive seen a good chunk of people dumb him way down and make him almost kind of helpless. do you get what i mean? sorry i just finished writing the worlds worse essay so my vocabulary is completely drained and i dont have the ability to properly explain. and also dont get me wrong he is an idiot. but not like that youre doing it weird. youre being weird about it. go sit in the corner again
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mxhirus · 8 months
İ think Mahiru and Guren would be the on-again off-again couple in highschool that you can see them arguing in school coridors before an important exam then they make up before school day ends. Also both of them complains abaout eachother to Shinya.
"Shinya isnt Guren tripping for no reasons?"
"Mahiru leave me the fuck out of this"
Another thing is that Mahiru is that friend with strict parents but somehow finds a way to do whatever she wants. But she would have the "i dont have a daughter like you" converstaion with her dad every sunday (she probly learnt to not gaf at this point).
Also i like to think Mahiru, Guren and Shinya sometimes watch horror movies/ played horror games together. They accidenlty watched human centipede when they were in middle school and it traumatized them even thought they claim it wasnt disturbing.
I totally agree with the on and off since as we know catastrophe 16 is basically Guren and his friends trying to fix Mahiru. (They looked like a fucking construction crew) Since, I find that Guren has an intense care for Mahiru and Mahiru is kind of bipolar (with personality/mood shifts being a big issue for her)
I find that GureMahi's convos with Shinya would be like
"Mahiru flipped me off this morning and told me to stop worrying about her. Isn't that insane!?" "Wooow... yup, sooo insane. Can we get to class now?" [YAWNING]
"Can you believe Guren just let me go like that!? He definitely doesn't care anymore." "I'm sure he cares tons..." [EYEROLL, USED TO IT BY THIS POINT]
Personally, I think Guren isn't too big on horror and can get easily frightened, but plays it off. Mahiru and Shinya would not bat an eyelash... after all, they're Hiiragis. They went through worse.
Guren and Shinya definitely sneaked Mahiru out of the mansion at like 3 AM to do some random dumb shit.
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