stangeranfanficion · 1 year
Truely, I saw the term "Disney Adult" just gonna be another term to use to mean like autistic people who are too much into one thing, and my theory is basically correct now on YouTube. So good job, everyone 👍<- a lie
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dallonwrites · 2 years
my autistic ass when i would try to explain to my non-autistic writer friends how my ocs don’t just feel like characters/plot devices/narrative tools, they feel like fully fledged people that just live inside my brain who i just have access to for some reason and the stories i write are merely a snapshot into their fully fledged personhood/lives. and that that these feelings don’t mean i’m unaware of my role/agency/responsibility as the writer who has the final say in these characters and how they are written it just means that my writing process feels very intuitive and i can only describe it as “listening” and “getting to know” these people that just live inside my brain in a way that i don’t feel like i can completely elaborate on. and because of this i would actually consider these characters “real” in their own way because the impact and influence they have had on me as a person beyond just my writing is so real and not having them would feel like i’m missing a part of myself 
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driftwooddestiel · 7 months
i could make so many “you better not be [jk studios person] serving when i get home!” posts but im holding back youre welcome everybody
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captainzigo · 6 months
Hi everypony!
My kofi is ko-fi.com/captainzigo if you enjoy my art, consider leaving me a tip! this is otherwise entirely a labor of love so,,,
you can also send a request with your tip! but if you choose to do so, please read the disclaimer later on in this post** for the foreseeable future, any tips I receive will be donated to vetted Palestinian fundraisers. I will send you the receipt if you want me to. 
my non-art blog, where i accept asks is @snapewife-divorce-lawyer and my reblog-spam blog is @3amgaypotion
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that's a bunch of pictures of my oc(/ponysona) Prickly Pear. she's a cowgirl
Frequent/noteworthy questions below the break
**on donations made to me:
i still dont take commissions currently, but if you send a request with a donation, there's a 99% chance i'll do it. and that remaining 1% i'll probably just ask you for a different request. if you send me a request with a donation you are not sending me a commision. you are making a donation, and i might do you a favor as a result. you do not own the resulting art. and I am under no obligation to complete it or to do it in the way that you like. you do not need to make a donation in order to make a request. i talk more about it here
hello mutuals!
If you are a mutual, DM me for an invite to discord server and subsequently to minecraft server
on sending me asks:
any asks you send me should be like Strongbad emails. one paragraph. no attachments. unless you are sending me refs.
in any interactions, please keep in mind that i am a stranger on the internet and act accordingly.
unless I have explicitly said otherwise, you can safely assume that I do not count you amongst my friends. it is nothing personal, it is in fact the opposite.
why am i like this?
i am autistic. i say this because representation matters, but also because i would like to ask that you please be very frank with me. i don't even really need your patience. just say what you mean and we will get along fine.
can you draw my ocs?
you most certainly can draw any of my ocs. i'd love that acually. tag me
on (re)posting my art:
do not post my art on other platforms. do not repost my art period. I don't really exist on other platforms since i deleted Twitter. So if you see my stuff on other platforms, it's not me.
transformative works are obviously allowed, at least here in america where i live. but if you want my blessing, please keep them SFW, and try to keep the spirit of the original artwork
is my blog SFW?
im in my twenties. i keep my blog SFW (as i define it) as a strict rule.
i do not consider the fact that sex exists, that some people enjoy it, or some innuendo to be NSFW. i also do not consider swearing, even as tho a sailor might, to be NSFW.
are NSFW interactions ok?
in short: no. while i have no aversion to to that sort of thing, and often actually enjoy it, i keep this blog SFW. the intention behind my art is to be SFW even when it might be skirting the line. in general, and especially, specifically with mlp, i do not wish to have NSFW interactions on the internet. please respect this boundary.
on shipping:
in my opinion, all romance real or fictional should be between people who are similar in age, doing age appropriate things, not closely related, and all with mutual consent. i am not interested in witnessing or interacting with anything outside of these parameters.
on my blue hair and pronouns:
i am a trans woman. i am also bisexual. i am also poly and demi since im listing things. i am out online becasue i know how important it is to know that you aren't alone.
do i take constructive criticism?
NO 🖕👹🖕 FUCK YOU!!!!!!! GET BLOCKED IDIOT!! unless you are a marginalized person who feels i have unintentionally made you uncomfortable somehow with my art or otherwise. in that case i am sorry and you do me a great favor by calling me out. OTHERWISE FUCK YOU DUMBASS IF YOU DONT LIKE MY ART GO DRAW YOUR OWN 🖕🖕🖕🖕
“i hate bronies”…
i don't necessarily hate you if you self identify with that label. i like to make myself off-putting to keep creeps away. i talk about it more in this post: https://www.tumblr.com/captainzigo/744131513208176640/when-i-say-i-hate-bronies-in-my-header-its
i don't hold a lot of nostalgia for old brony stuff. infact it's quite the opposite. i was a child when the show came out, and more than that i was a girl. i am not a brony.
do i like g5?
i like all generations of mip including the new stuff. gen 4 is just the one i grew up with
why is my header aurora, bori and alice from the best gift ever?
well that would be because i hate them like a mother hates a child. like the sun hates the moon. like sickly victorian child hates the slightest morsel of bread.
on flurryheart:
i often draw stuff about cozy glow x flurry heart. this is with the understanding that cozy glow spends about a decade turned to stone. nullifying the age gap.
🤓☝️ i think you mean effect, not affect
i am dyslexic. i spell stuff wrong all the time and i type weird. please don't bother correcting me. wooptydoo your brain is wired normally. sending you a medal.
on my username:
i've had the same username since i debuted on the internet. zigo is the name of an oc i made that i dont really talk much about anymore. zigo is a fine enough nickname, and at least one person calls me that irl.
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chrome-barkz-aac · 14 days
there has been a lotta talk lately in the autistic community about small talk and whether or not being able to do it is good or bad or whatever the fuck, and just as a reminder:
if you cannot do small talk for whatever reason, its literally no big deal! youre not lesser than for not being able to do that!
that being said, as someone who loathes small talk and struggles with it, i have learned how to quickly move on from "hi how are you" to more interesting/easier to navigate things, and this is my method for doing so. you absolutely dont have to use it, and theres no guarantee that this will make small talk work for you. but if it helps one person feel less awkward or gives them confidence, it would be worth it to share.
ne way, this is my script.
step one: greetings. this is when you say hi, hello, good morning/afternoon. after you say hi or whatever else, wait for the other person to acknowledge you. when they acknowledge you and say hi, hello, whats up, or something similar, thats when you can move onto step two
step two: ask the other party how they are doing. you can say, whats up, how are you today, or something similar.
step three: when the other person says how they are doing, ask why they are that way. example would be , the other person says im doing good! you want to acknowledge that the other person is feeling a certain way first, and then you can ask why. so i would say in response, oh thats wonderful that youre doing well! what makes today so good?
step four: they will tell you why theyre doing good. maybe they say, "oh, i had a really good lunch today" and you ask another question. the trick here is that people love talkign about themselves, and so you just keep asking questions about specific details.
disclaimer: i dont know how to end conversations. so i dont know how to end a conversation when i want it to end, and i dont know what to do when the other person doesnt give you ne details to ask about either. this only works like 70% of the time, but when it works it works really well. again, this isnt a cure all, not everyone can do small talk even with scripts and thats ok, i just wanted to share my method in case it helps ne 1.
peace and love to yall!!
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lowkeyrobin · 5 months
can we get a phoebe spengler dating and/or friendship hcs please im starving out here 🫶🏼🫶🏼
oooo yeah sure!! I apologize if this ends up being kinda short 😔🙏 ; thanks for requesting and I hope you enjoy!!
PHOEBE SPENGLER ; dating hcs
summary ; dating stuff with phoebe
warnings ; language
disclaimers ; I'm not a professional when it comes to autism (because it's like 50/50 canon) so please give me feedback if any of the traits or anything in general is wrong for phoebe and if I should change it!! the sources I used don't seem like they're written by autistic people themselves but I'm putting my trust into these psychologists
word count ; 471
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she caught your eye with those horrible dad jokes of hers
it was the effort and thought that counted
tried using a science fact to reel you in but you were already head over heels 😭😭
you were just like "can I please take you out to do something fun? just us? please?"
she's like "...sure?" like she hasn't had a crush on you for the past solid 15 minutes from across the room
she talks about it to her mom, and she's all excited for her and she just doesn't understand the hype
baby's first date because trevor lives a double life around callie 💯
callie actually takes pictures 😭 and phoebe is just wearing a casual outfit like?? this isn't a fancy occasion mom
she's literally so scared but doesn't really know how to feel
you find it cute and endearing 💔
once you actually start dating, she's still very nervous around you because she's not trying to drive you away
she's obsessed with you though, you're actually perfect in her eyes and she'll do anything to prove that to you (vice versa as well 🫶)
she just stares at you sometimes and it's the cutest thing ever, like whole ass loses focus on whatever she's doing just to look at you. whether you're just chilling across the room or laughing and talking with podcast, she can't take her eyes off of you
she'll ramble about whatever she's fixated on / her special interest at the most random times, it's adorable
trevor will just see her staring at you while you're busy fixing something and be there like "stop staring" and without loosening her gaze on you, will reply "I can't help it"
he's mad she found actual love before him 😭 /hj
she'll hang on to anything and everything you seem to have an interest in
she seems like the type to make one of those pages long essays about how much she l-words you and mail it to you because she's too scared to give it to you herself
she's genuinley head over heels, there is no honeymoon phase that is just how she is
will proudly ramble about her ghostbuster duties to you whenever she can
loves taking walks with you even if it's just in silence
will 100% show you how everything in the proton packs and traps work
she'll have late night theories and scientific ideas and text you to not forget and just to let you know, even if you're asleep
"y/n I have an idea" "hit me"
you're her biggest fan
you made her a little "I got arrested" pin after she did actually get in trouble with stuff LMAO
she got you a little ghostbuster patch because you didn't want to really join them, but she can't help but wanna make you feel included
you, her, and Podcast are seriously an unbreakable trio
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28-destiel-505 · 2 years
hi im not sure if you've been asked this before, but can you delve deeper into why you think alex is neurodivergent/autistic?
Hello ! Thank you for your ask, it took me forever to organize my thoughts and stress out about missing something important but i'll answer as best as I can.
(First disclaimer, it's my opinion as an ND person. Second disclaimer, i'm sure i'll forget things so feel free to add)
Alex is a very honest, very real and very blunt person
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Wich often is misinterpreted as being arrogant, a brat, condescending...
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The people who knows him know that he's just like that but for outsiders like interviewers, he often seems 'strange'. They always talk about how he's different from what they expected because he relies heavily on scripts and the moment you catch him off guard, his mind goes so fast it stops.
Alex has a very unique mind and a complicated way of thinking (often too much for even himself)
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The ones close to him know how to handle it and I find it great how supportive they are
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He's also self aware and I just hope he knows how much some people love him for it.
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He's very passionate about his interests (music, languages, words...) to a point where he can isolate himself and only his special interest matters
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He's very relatable and he helps me accept some parts of myself. Anyway, that's why i'm very protective of him <3
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ceasarslegion · 5 months
The DNI that made you do math to use it?? 👀👀👀
Youre the first one who asked, so you get the answer.
This person was one of the other two weirdos from the Half Life RP discord server i teased at in this post earlier this week:
Once again, i want to disclaimer that this is not a callout post, I will not be giving any details that could be used to identify this person, and I will not be posting screenshots this time because they are still active on tumblr afaik. I dont want this to be used to bully anybody, this is just meant to be my personal experience with my specific side of this story. You can DM me directly or throw in a private answer request in an ask if you want screenshots, but only people i already know and trust not to cyberbully them will get a direct link to the DNI. The person in the story I linked is no longer active anywhere online, which is why I provided screenshots in that story.
And before i lay out the DNI details, I just want to say... there is a FINE LINE between requesting accommodations for a mental illness and infantilizing yourself. I can handle the former just fine, I will do all I can to help, but if you're a grown-ass adult babying yourself and then going "waa im autistic i cant do anything" i have ZERO tolerance for that. Buddy, I'm autistic, and I'm telling you to grow the fuck up.
Yeah, this person was one of those. They were over 18, and had public breakdowns about how everything was just soooo hard for them and everybody else was being problematic and ableist for *checks notes* asking them to wait in a line that was a little long for a new phone plan. Real example, they were screaming and crying in the vent channel because the line at a verizon store was a little long, and implying their father was ableist for asking them to wait for 20 minutes. Buddy, there are some things you JUST need to deal with in the real world regardless of whatever mental soup you have going on. If your autism is that bad, the solution is looking into things like noise canceling headphones, sunglasses, etc. But the world will not stop having lines that you just need to wait in sometimes because you dont like them.
I know that sounds harsh, but they werent exactly the type of person im willing to give the benefit of the doubt to. The majority of their problems were entirely their own fault, and they were clearly enabling and feeding the harder parts of their autism rather than doing anything in the way of learning to cope with it. I am terrified of spiders, like full on panic-inducing terrified of them, but I throw hands at them instead of running or freezing up. One time, I posted a photo of this gigantic-ass spider that was in my dorm room after I screamed and squashed it with my heavy duty winter outdoor patrol boots (im a security guard, not a cop, before anyone draws the wrong conclusion from that), and they proceeded to vague about me IN THE SAME SERVER about how problematic and insensitive i am for triggering their arachnophobia. My brother in christ when did you ever say you were triggered by spiders? Do you expect me to read your fucking mind?
Another instance was when they asked for the role to access the nsfw channel. They were over 18, so it was granted. They then got mad at us whenever we got horny on main in the sex channel because they were only there for the dirty jokes (that were posted in the main server anyway because none of us consider JOKES to be inappropriate). They literally asked for the sex channel role and then claimed we were being problematic because we talked about sex in the sex channel when they were uncomfortable with sex. And they had borderline puritan attitudes around sex. They acted like sex was icky and gross and should never be discussed around them lest it corrupt their pure innocent soul. Yeah thats your own fault chief, grow the fuck up.
Some lightning round stories: they broke up with their boyfriend purely because he liked "irredeemable media" and when said boyfriend said they were being a total dick for that, they proceeded to whine and cry that he was actually being abusive and terrible for being upset that he was dumped over the fucking movies he liked of all things. They once sat outside their little siblings recital and complained that their parents were problematic for not charging their switch enough because it died at the same recital they couldnt be assed to sit in for because "waaaa its too boring and thats bad for my autism." Didnt even TRY, just sat outside the door playing switch and then complained that their parents didnt charge their switch enough. Can you not plug something into a wall your damn self.
Needless to say, i didnt like them very much. I can handle legitimate accommodations, but they were just so self-infantilising that they gave the rest of us a bad name. Your autism is not an excuse to act like a fucking baby. You are not made of porcelain, you will not shatter at the slightest touch, being uncomfortable is a part of life youre going to have to deal with. Its not your autism at this point, youre a grown-ass adult who throws a tantrum when the line is a little long. GROW. UP.
Now that that rants over, lets get into what the DNI on their blog was like, because this behavior from them that I just outlined really contextualizes it.
Their DNI had two tiers. The first was "red flags," which meant that if you met any one of them you apparently werent allowed to interact. Of this included your typical nazis, pedophiles, terfs, and... beastars fans. No word of a lie. Being a fan of beastars was apparently just as bad as being a nazi. What did my boy legosi do to you? (Side note: i am forever enamored with how these people seem to think that theres people out there who both self-identify as nazis and would respect a DNI. I didnt even respect that DNI. I didnt interact with them because i thought they were a terrible person, but i did not take that DNI seriously. I was openly posting about beastars in the same server LMAO) and it wasn't just beastars, there was a ton of media that i didnt even know had discourse around them that they listed as red flags if you ever touched. Amazing.
The second tier was "yellow flags" which meant that you werent allowed to interact if you met any 3 or more of them. Here was mostly media, including homestuck fans, neil gaiman fans (WHAT DID NEIL DO TO YOU), and harry potter iirc. (WHY DID YOU SINGLE OUT BEASTARS?? WHAT DID MY BOY LEGOSI DO TO YOU) my favourite part of this though, was that republicans were listed under yellow flags. Apparently its worse to be a beastars fan than a republican. We arent gonna fucking make it
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justalilpearlie · 2 months
!! Intro !! (updated)
Hello everyone, my name is PearlescentMoon
Hihi! I'm Pearl! Magic is quite a fine name aswell. Although I'm a man of many names ;)
I am a minor, my gender labels are gendervoid verinix, tho I also ID as bigender and ftm (fem presenting tho! not transmasc, just trans man)! I'm queer, leaning on mlm, tho I also like girls here and there.
I go by He/Xe. I can She/Her myself + close friends/mutuals are allowed, but refrain from doing so without explicit permision please. (I also use neos: Void/Moon/Sweet/It/Fluff/Love/Fizz/Paw)
I'm from Argentina, born and raised, never moved. Speak fluent english and spanish.
I'm autistic and I have ADHD aswell as BPD and a few other things I wont list right now! But yeah I'm psychotic (ooo scary word.. lmao)
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I'm an IRL of many, mainly c!Pearl (mcyt), c!Magic(outsmp+psmp), Samuel Emily (fnaf [games canon]) and Shin Tsukimi (yttd). If you don't like it you can leave, block me, or whatever, cause you aint gonna change my life or how I am. I'm in therapy, which unlike random hate and harrassment online, does help me :)
I like to stream, roleplay, draw, sometimes make playlists or moodboards.. And my biggest interests right now are the Outsiders SMP, The Hatchetfield Musicals, Life Series and Empires 1.
I use kin tags for reach cause I'd love interaction from any mediamates!! Specially from Outsiders <3
Fictionkins, therians and traumagenic systems all welcome!
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DNI prefferably:
- Basic DNI criteria (proshippers, homophobes, transphobes, racists, TERFs, ableist, etc)
- Endos/non-traumagenic "systems" DNI. block me if u want, i wont argue abt it in the comments/reblogs. or interact if u want but im not gonna follow u back or anythin shrugs.
- reality checkers or anti-IRLs DNI. I aint "romanticizing" shit, I'm existing and living my life, if thats a problem to you too bad cause my psychologist aproves of what I'm doing, since I aint harming anyone and I myself am doing dandy.
- anti-kin also DNI cause most of my friends are fictionkins and if you talk shit abt my fellas idk i wouldnt like having u around much
CCs I'd rather if you didn't interact, but if you shall do so anyways, do so at your own risk, you've been warned. /lh
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- I talk about MajorMoon (Scott x Pearl) a LOT, if u didnt notice by the acc theme. These are my romantic memories, its a gay ship, not woman/gay man, so if it makes u uncomfortable or u hate it or whatever then ur probably not gonna like my content lmao. COUGH, consider joining us if you do like what you see... /nf We're a small comunity of supporters.. just me.. and a few of my peeps... that was a joke, sir. /ref
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- This isn't roleplay, its my main acc where im ""unapologetically"" myself, but if u do wanna rp outsiders/life series/empires/fnaf u can always shoot me a dm and maybe I'll give u my discord.
- I talk about myself (c!Pearl) using 3rd person in many posts tagged with main fandom tags. This is to cause less confusion to casual fans slash ""normies"" (lhj) that well.. don't know what IRLs are! Also that way I feel safer and don't have to worry as much abt getting harassed and such for my identity.
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Special People Mentions!! fps = * (1 or more.. wouldnt say in a priority sorta order but. more or less yea)
Family! <3 🌼 @pehpurr* SISTER!! YOU'RE AMAZING, DAISY. SO SO GREAT. YOUR ART IS INCREDIBLE, YOU ARE SO PASSIONATE ABOUT EVERYTHING YOU DO, YOU ARE SO VERY CARING FOR OTHERS, SO KIND AND TALENTED, A GREAT WRITER AND THE BEST BEST SISTER I COULD EVER ASK FOR!! Scar, you changed my life, you were there for me when I needed you the most, I know you ALWAYS have my back. You're kind to me even when the world isn't, and know that even if we fight or if you do things I disagree with (ehem forgiving too much ppl /lht), I will never leave you, and I will never stop coming after you. I love you, Kanna. You're the best Peeps, keep it up, for you're a beacon of hope in everyone's lives. I'm so proud. ♡ ⚙️ @gentlexmadman DAD!! I FREAKING LOVE YOU DAD OMG!! I am SO very happy we got to spend our first fathers day together even if just a little, you made this the first year I was actually happy to celebrate it, looking forward to it and making a gift of my own :) Im so so happy to have you in my life. You are, likewise to Pepper, an AMAZING artist, so much detail, just so awesome in general. I love hearing all your silly stories about work and the people you know, old man. Thank you for being with me, papá, I never thought I'd actually find you again. Thank you so so very much. ♡
🐸 @bigb-enthusiast SIBLING!! MY SIBLING IN ZAYA OH MY GOODNESS IS THAT USER BIGB ENTHUSIAST?? YES IT SURE IS!! Bro I could listen to ur analysis and rambles til the end of the world u got the best ideas ever wtf!!?? Ur very freakin insane but also ur my best buddy, my nosey neighbor for life!! I appreciate u a lot, Bee, my favorite insane asylum escapee ♡
Simply special <3 ☕ @insomniac-coffeehouse** You're all simply so very special to me. I love every second we spend together. I love seeing yall thrive. I love your insane yet endearing behavior. You might be a bit unhinged sometimes, and admittedly not the healthiest person when it comes to your schedules, but I'm just so proud of everything you create and accomplish. I hope you get to accomplish all your dreams, and I hope I can be here to see that happen, if you let me :)! For many years more, cause I'm just oh so glad I met you. You spark joy in my brain and my heart <3 From the bottom of my heart, I'm in love with the hope you bring to this world. 🍊 Jack***, Oh my dearest, where do I even begin with you, sport... you trully are my soulmate, my other half... mi media naranja, if you will, heh.. Every second I get to spend with you is like heaven, no matter whats going on, I know everything will be alright cause I have you. You mean absolutely everything to me, my Hero, I know you'll always be there for me. You are the sweetest man I've ever met, and I'm so proud of the person you've become. If I had to choose between you or the world I'd choose you 10 times over, and I can say surely, that you'd do the same. I love every single detail about you, thank you for being so patient with me, you're wonderful, cielo. I love your voice, I love your eyes, I love your smile, your laughter. I love your use of words, the way you speak, your humor, your seriousness and stupidness. You stiff fuck, you were made for me and I was made for you, and I wouldn't have it any other way. You're my everything, mi vida, mi luz, mi estrella. Mi amor, mi mundo. ♡
Friends! 🏜️ @thecranewivesrpf My right hand man!! OMG we havent talked in a WHILE but ILYSM !!! MY SECOND IN COMMAND IN THE MAJORMOON SERVER FRFR!! WE SHOULD TALK AGAIN, I MISS U POOKIE </3
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Badges I've earned:
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(More TBA)
That's it for now folks, love yall and see you around!
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undertalebabbleblog · 26 days
Ive noticed most fics i've read have all been romance centred... so I decided to write one that wasn't
a found family type thing, based in a fellverse because, well... the sole reason is just honestly I love the fellverses
I figured it'd also be interesting to explore the effects of communication in such violence centred words and show how much they rely on it despite everything
In order to do that I was thinking of having a fallen child be brought into the picture- specifically autistic non-verbal...
A lot of people write frisk as mute (or at least I assume that's how it is since there's never any explanation past Frisk just can't talk) so I wanted to explore more the mental inability to use words rather then the physical inability...
When people think nonverbal they think of those who can't talk at all but there's non-verbal autism where they can speak limited words and in more certain situations, and words they have preference for and they make noises while stimming but in a lot of the fanfics i've read that WEREN'T written by someone who states theyre non-verbal autistic (at least at times) they all are silent and use sign language… but that isn't necessarily what always happens... and I kinda wanted to really bring that aspect into it
Here's what I got so far for the child- its real rough and in the incredibly early stages but I wanted to see if anyone was online what you guys think of it:
CHILD: Young child, indeterminate age, less than 10 though. Very limited talking, can say their name, little about special interests, the words: puppy, sugar, not, hate, love, kitty, big, little, snail, boom, shark and no, can say all numbers up to 99- wont go past hundreds, (technically can go further, but won't because of the way the word hundred feels when saying it) Verbal stims: low trilling noises, siren noises, low humming, the word ‘boo’, cat noises. Physical stims: arm flapping, leg kicking, rubbing lip on stiffer fabrics such as denim, skin picking, gripping and rubbing at own hands, applying pressure to the tip of each finger in order on their hand over and over
I also specifically want to stay away from the whole "we'll just keep the human as a pet then" trope, Im not necessarily against the trope I just don't want that vibe in the story...
[DISCLAIMER: this is most likely just gonna be a story just for me but if the concept is well-liked enough I might share it eventually]
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demonsteapot · 8 months
What type of music do you like / have you been jamming to recently? Any recommendations?
(my internet died halfway through this so i nearly had to rewrite it)
you caught me at a bad time i was schmooving to a sewerslvt playlist yesterday ;-;
okay to be serious for a moment. uh. i don't think i have super good or interesting (or normal) tastes in music? i can point you to some of the things i think are cool and good, and i can also point you to things that i listen to for mood.
ive also probably mentioned some of these before (probably all of them?) so sorry if there's repeats
(okay this ended up being longer than expected so cut vv)
good (mostly not depressing stuff?):
Bill Wurtz – weirdly dreamlike jazzy stuff (?) i recommend 'At the Corner Store' and then i recommend you listen to all his other stuff
Ujico*/Snail's House: ive probably ranted about this guy before; 'Cosmo Funk' is probably your entry level snails house song. sweet adorable future bass, my go to for free serotonin
Heaven Pierce Her – Ultrakill: Violence, the game's newest EP. generally melancholic but really sick especially in context. 'War Without Reason' is probably my new favourite track in the whole game? (you can tell i like amen breaks lol)
also ofc i have to mention john / TOOBOE!! shout out to @donutinsideofashark for introducing me to this guy. some recs: 'Tablet', 'Roman', and 'Appare kanpai' – stuff goes hard and makes me wish i knew jp so i could actually remember lyrics
mood (depressing and/or weirder stuff):
vivivivivi's Dead but Dreaming: concept album about a dead god, mostly chiptune instrumental stuff until the second-last track – personally I LOVE this album, but as someone said, it probably sucks unless you have autism (disclaimer: i'm not diagnosed autistic, this is a reference to the pinned comment). this particular album influences a lot of my works to be honest
two more vivivivivi beepbox albums, ones that are a little more lively: Sisyphus and Silly Little Songs from my Silly Little Head. probably not to the tastes of sane and normal people but i like the beeps and boops :)
sewerslvt: breakbeat stuff from a dark place. people seem to not like sewerslvt fans which is why i'm reluctant to talk about this one but whatever. idk what you'd call their genre (i've heard it described as ambient jungle, trance, something or other dnb, but most importantly NOT breakcore. call sewerslvt breakcore and you are signing up for a hell of a flamewar) listen if you like amen breaks and hate yourself (i hope not…) idk what to even recommend here… i stumbled across her first with Drowning In The Sewer years ago. i've been getting back into their stuff recently, which is probably not a good sign for my mental health… currently listening to 'was it weird that i listened to im god by clams casino's when i lost my virginity' which is a hell of a title
Heaven Pierce Her again – The Enigma of Heaven and Other Daily Delusions: weird album about religion and the internet. since this is hakita again there are amen breaks. good if ur fuckin WEIRD. i recommend most of HPH's work
i've also been listening to an ultrakill fan artist called Marzuku, who does – guess what – more amen break stuff. i don't know man, but 'At Ends' is pretty good
shit fuck of course the jvne section ends up being a whole paragraph just to say don't listen to their stuff.
THAT'S IT IT'S TIME TO WRAP THIS UP THANK YOU FOR COMING TO MY TED TALK. damn this got long. this is what happens when you ask me about my interests LMFAO
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I think. Words like gaslight and lobotomy and neurospicy should never have even made it online at this point. (Hyperbole) One TikTok musician wrote a song. Titled Neurospicy and it's so. Bad.
Im gonna break down why the song is bad. This is for education. Also bc im a little piss baby and I love complaing. Do not go harass her.
I am just a Tumblr user.
My opinions are whay they are because :
I am self diagnosed autistic. I did years of research. Many autistic people said "you are definitely autistic" If I don't have autism, I know I am at least neurodivergent. I know a lot about Neurodivergency from loved experience, mine and my (diagnosed ) friends. I read a lot of discourse on disabilities.
I cannot find confirmation if the creator is claiming to be neurodivergent or has a doctor or self diagnosis. I hate this song so much I really don't care if she does to be honest. Don't harass her tho.
This song is very obviously using neurodivergency for slang as adhd and autism. I'll try to use the most accurate language because it's improtsnt that people with NPD BPD and Schizophrenia and other disorders and disabilities are recognized as neurodivergent. Just a reminder that its their word/space too
One, two, three, four
I might be a little spicy
A little bit neuro spicy
Isn't everyone a little bit spicy?
Spicy is better than bland
-Oh god. I don't want to be like "oh all these adhd people are just trying to be trendy" bc they aren't. But you either are neurodivergent or not. You can't be a little spicy. If you are questioning, do research. Don't write a song about it for clout?? Again idk if she is but still the phrasing makes me upset.
The second line is literally just "well isn't everyone a little Adhd?" Like. C'mon. That minimizes the struggle of being fucking disabled. And living with that disability. If everyone was a 'little disabled' then it would just be a human limitation not a disability?? That's like basic abelism 101.
Third line, one neurotype is not better than the other. Being neurodivergent means your brain works differently. If we start treating all autistic/adhd people like they are better bc they're cooler and smarter, most adhd/autistic people that have higher support needs will be even more left behind. It feels like those "not a disability a different ability " or "actually autism js a superpower" No. Stop. If your autism makes you smart, goof for you, but I'm not gonna let high and medium support needs people be pushed even father aside. It is ok to be disabled, and we need to accept that.
[Verse 2]
I have trouble with boundaries
A spicy little ginger man found me
He likes that I'm a little bit rowdy
He holds my sweaty hand
Line one, I don't like that she says she's "a little spicy" and then immediately goes to "I have trouble with boundaries." If you can't respect boundaries, that's on you. I understand that neurodivergent people sometimes can have issues with boundaries like forgetting them or something, but it isn't a part of being neurodivergent. It's part of being human. Neurodivergent people are capable of respecting boundaries. Even if neurodivergency makes it harder to remember or respect boundaries, that isn't a silly little hehe, thats part of a disability that needs either work or some accommodation. This line doesn't have pure abelism in it, but I don't like the implications of it at all.
Second line, this is me being a hater but I genuinely thought she was talking about ed sheeran there for a second. Or a ginger bread cookie man. The phrasing of that was so odd to me
Verse 3]
My brain and mouth don’t talk much
They don't usually sync up
So sometimes words I think of
Are louder and faster than I planned
Nothing bad with this I just really dislike the music
[Verse 4]
Einstein was a little spicy
Newton was a little spicy
Darwin, Edison, spicy
Imagine if they started a band
Stop conflating neurodivergency / Adhd + autism with being good at shit. It's not just something that makes you good at things. It is likely that they had some neurodivergency and we should celebrate the accomplishment of disabled people. But this paired with the "spicy is better than bland" line just isn't giving. I can feel the "autism js a superpower" energy. Again I'm bitching on internet for fun but still
It'd probably sound like
My doc says that I'm spicy
But even she's a little bit spicy
Isn't everyone a little bit spicy?
Spicy is better than bland (Two, three, four)
I might be a little spicy
A little bit neuro spicy
Isn't everyone a little bit spicy?
Spicy is better than bland (Wah, haha)
I promise you your doctor did not say you were "spicy" bc that's. Giving mal practice. The line just pisses me off bc it does. Thay isn't how any of this works.
Second line. Stop headcannoning people as neurodivergent. Not everyone js a little bit neurodivergent.
Last couple lines are just the chorus.
Even if the writer has autism or adhd I'm begging them to read one or two disabled theory books or at this point even some Tumblr posts. This creator has a pretty big platform and it's disappointing to see really basic abelist bullshit from someone who could easily find resources on this topic or hire/ask someone for a sensitivity read.
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transterasakagang · 2 years
yoshida taisei and autism
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there are many characters within 3e that are frequently posited to be a form of neurodivergent and for obvious reason considering the commentary the series draws upon. but a character i veeeery rarely (bar myself + friends) see included among the likes of itona or okuda or sugaya when discussing autistic headcanons despite it being imo one of the most blatant is yoshida
disclaimer one: i am in no way claiming that yoshida being easily read as autistic was intentional on m*tsui’s part lol. id never give that man the credit for that especially considering his track record of dealing with sensitive subjects
disclaimer two: this is NOT intended to be a diagnostic tool. this is simply me (an autistic guy) discussing my own traits i recognise in yoshida that, along with how much i have studied his character, cause me to have the strong conviction i do regarding headcanoning him as autistic. also u dont actually need to have any in depth reasoning to view a character as such either im just insane and have been meaning to fully write this up for eons
so without further ado!!!
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firstly, the absolute most blatant trait of yoshida’s that would attract neurodivergent readings is his passionate interest in motorcycles. but id like to go into the extremely far extent to which his interest goes and how it, as a result, reads very much like a special interest
i have often talked about how i dont believe “interest” is strong enough a word to describe the sheer passion yoshida holds for motorcycles. he is associated with them to the degree that its his most recognisable trait by classmates and those in any way familiar with the series
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examples of the extent of immersion in his interest exist within his character profiles. his graduation album profile (trans. @/irraydiance) comments on how “he’ll tackle any problem as long as he can apply the knowledge of motorcycles” and has korosensei tell him that he hopes he’ll be able to express his motorcycle knowledge in “a way everyone understands”. a defining factor of a special interest is how it impacts the way in which one understands and interacts with the world around them, we see things through the context of our special interest. yoshida is explicitly stated to have this apply to him — he can achieve anything, he just needs to be able to view it through his obsession with motorcycles. the “in a way everyone understands” is noteworthy wording, as it easily relates to our realities as autistic people and not being understood by the world, including how our intense special interests are perceived.
additionally in his graduation album profile is his reasoning for dropping down to e class which literally is: he spent too much time with his motorcycle. special interests are characterised by an obsessive fixation that makes it hard to do things that dont involve it — things like studying!!! it’s in this sense they can impair our day to day lives. and korosensei picks up on this, in yoshida’s roll book time profile (trans. @/ansatsu-database) he identifies yoshida as “the embodiment of what one likes one will do well” and tries to entice him into mathematics by calling it “useful when tinkering with bikes” - giving yoshida an incentive to bother with it. his roll book time profile is also where we learn that collecting bike related memorabilia is the main thing he spends his money on, and the “collection” aspect of special interests comes up again in chapter 154 where we see him at home with a little motorcycle figurine on his desk. it is also because of his obsession with bikes and his hobby tinkering with them (also influenced by his parents repair shop) that he, according the graduation album, possesses engineering knowledge beyond that of a university student.
it is our first in series introduction to yoshida’s passion for motorcycles in vision time and the context surrounding this introduction that gives us the best grasp on the sheer extent of this intensity. vision time sees the breaking point of terasaka in the face of yoshida and muramatsu beginning to trust korosensei — the way in which korosensei gains the trust of the boys differs significantly but the core similarity that is important to note here is how he directly appeals to what he knows they care about most at this point. with muramatsu he tutors him and helps him improve his grades, appealing to muramatsu’s extremely strong desire to succeed (a recurring theme in his character) as well as his desire to prove himself
with yoshida, however, korosensei appeals to what he knows from observing and talking to him is most important to him: motorcycles. he appeals exactly to what yoshida strongly reacts to and clings to: he engages with him in his interest. he goes out of his way to make a model of a motorcycle and dress in biker gear and to describe yoshida as excited by it would be an understatement!!! look at this boy stim!!!
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korosensei engaging with yoshida in his motorcycle interest is likened to muramatsu improving his grades — something INCREDIBLY significant within the context of 3e/kunugigaoka in general and that effectively demonstrates the intense extent of yoshida’s interest. furthermore, through this appeal by korosensei yoshida exposes himself to the class he had before distanced himself from: he is seen openly stimming and openly laughing, something before unimaginable from him, all because of this act from korosensei, because of motorcycles
terasaka destroying the motorcycle model prompts a reaction from yoshida that again is placed on the same level as terasaka literally throwing muramatsu against a tree, equating the two as inflicting similar damage which is reinforced again in yoshida + muramatsu’s comments towards terasaka later
his special interest in motorcycles also leads him to develop smaller but still seemingly intense interests in other vehicles, the most notably being trains. in the character databook there’s a page on the clubs some members of 3e were in before being sent to e class and yoshida is revealed to have been a member of the railroad research club - specifically, it notes how he’s “especially crazy” for steam locomotives which led him to take a railroad tour out of his own volition. trains are a common interest for autistic people (not for me personally, but i know while it is a “stereotype” it IS true for many) which is why though im sure its entirely coincidental i bring it up because i think its funny how one of the most easily read as autistic characters would be given it
how he connects with itona links to this also. itona holds an interest similar in intensity to yoshida regarding electronics and it’s the core way through which the two bond — sharing these interests with each other and becoming a “tech team” the class can rely on. notably, yoshida’s thought process behind giving itona his first bike ride is the same as what i’ll mention more later: it works for him, it must work for itona, not factoring in the differing contexts.
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the second trait of yoshida’s i feel might be the next most obvious is his very prominent sense of “justice” by his own rules of black and white thinking. this is implied offhandedly somewhat in hazama’s databook profile where she and yoshida are stated to be the “most rational” out of the terasaka gang, compared to terasaka, muramatsu and itona. but there are a few instances that explicitly demonstrate this idea
the “rules” yoshida has for himself with his thought process to determine something as angering to him largely center around this idea of “fairness”. to him something is either fair or unfair and there appears little room for nuance — terasaka destroyed the motorcycle, that’s unfair, he gets angry — grip using underhanded tactics against karma is unfair, he gets angry — takaoka’s grudge on nagisa is unfair because nagisa defeated takaoka fairly, he gets angry — karma and nakamura positioning him the way they do in the civil war is deemed “not playing fair”. he never lets what he deems “unfair” go uncommented on. less emotionally focused is when he calls out gakuhou by commenting on how korosensei has played by his rules fair and square, so gakuhou should just give up
additionally, this manifests in yoshida’s reasoning for choosing “kill” during the civil war. while compared to the rest of the terasaka gang his reasoning is much more up to personal interpretation in that he only says one brief thing - that one brief thing has him say how he too thought of ways to save korosensei but, evidently, couldnt find one and so accepted this was the only other option. this line of thinking on yoshida’s part of wanting to save koro leads me to think it wouldnt be a stretch to suggest that his idea of “saving” after he realized it wouldnt work for korosensei fell decidedly upon prioritising saving his friends and classmates by continuing with the assassination and thus avoiding what the fallout for failing to do so would be. it again connects to his fixation on “fairness” and how black and white his thought process can be considered in that he quickly acknowledges that its a one life vs billions of lives situation with seemingly little emotional input. this is true in a fair less “noble” or objectively “just” way in the very first episode regarding his willingness to participate in terasaka’s plan to sacrifice nagisa to kill koro-sensei ergo “save the world” and get a billion yen - we can only speculate given what his role was, but the way yoshida probably justified his involvement at this stage to himself is likely to fall on the same wavelength as what else i have discussed.
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connecting to anger, however, is the third point: yoshida is a sensitive guy who is easily overwhelmed by the force of his emotions + struggles to regulate them
yoshida rarely gets openly angry or upset, but when he does he seems to get very overwhelmed by it in how it essentially bursts out of him (much like his joy!). the island arc is an excellent example of this in how he is (understandably) extremely distressed by the prospect of people dying due to the virus (especially muramatsu and hazama which is why theyre positioned in the background of the panel!!!) and it causes him to burst out in an example of overwhelmed panic
notably, he is the only character to have an outburst as big as this displaying the difference in emotional regulation, and doubly notably is how the only other time before this point we had seen yoshida display emotion like this was the motorcycle incident in vision time. i think, from experience lol, that his behavior here and from here on out does resemble the teeterings of a meltdown, that hara (his childhood friend) seems able to soothe him away from for the time being. but he remains extremely notably on edge for the remainders of the arc. which again, would be understandable for anyone, but he is the only character (bar terasaka) who is depicted to this extent distressed. this becomes ESPECIALLY more easy to read as a teetering-on-meltdown because of how yoshida’s distress in part stems from how this ordeal has entirely disrupted how he imagined this “vacation” to unfold. it is notable that before the poisoning, it’s yoshida who asserts that they will kill koro-sensei and then relax - especially as part of the terasaka gang previously distant with the assassination, this is all that is in his mind. and then the not only does the attempt fail but entirely unexpected disaster strikes and it is yoshida who frantically points out “we didn’t come to this island to be killed”
the departure scene captures this element of him as well, having him be one of the students openly sobbing during the final roll call for one
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linking to him being overwhelmed is a few instances of his hypersensitivity when it comes to sensory issues, and then presumed hyposensitivity. regarding the former, the fascinating examples are found in his roll book time profile. theres a comment by karasuma that notes how when playing cops and robbers yoshida “was able to sense karasuma’s presence, when many students failed to do the same until he touched them” — connoting some form of possible tactile hypersensitivity on yoshida’s end, which could also explain why he never wears the school blazer instead opting for the cardigan all year round unless forced.
the other example found here is his favorite food: monster energy drink. he is the only character with a fave food listed who provides something like that — everyone else gives examples of actual, you know, cuisine. realistically, it’s likely a gag about how common a sponsor monster are at motorcycle races particularly in japan, BUT at the same time it can be interpreted as him having a hypersensitivity to taste where monster energy drink is a “safe food” for him. many autistic people, including myself, with hypersensitivities to taste or texture in food have a safe food that is often a processed snack food due to their predictable nature
regarding hyposensitivity, i think his special interest in motorcycles factors into it. motorcycles provide the rider with a feeling of immense adrenaline due to the pressure and extreme feeling of movement exerted onto them — hyposensitivity to pressure is the reason many autistic people love things like weighted blankets and vestibular hyposensitivity leads to stimming by rocking, spinning etc. regarding yoshida, his remedy for both of these things is riding his motorcycle
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another “blatant” aspect of yoshida’s character that can open way for easy autistic interpretation concerns his communication, such as: how blunt he can be!! understandably this is often overlooked by him being in the proximity of itona, which is fair, but yoshida is similarly blunt without the awareness of how socially acceptable it is to be so. most notably this manifests in how he talks to korosensei in chapter 154 where in response to muramatsu saying he guesses korosensei “had his own worries” yoshida says “some pretty stupid worries compared to how depressed the rest of us were”
aside from the above instance the biggest moment displaying him misreading a situation + suggesting something that to him is a completely logically sound idea is during kayano’s reveal + attempted murder of korosensei
finally, mention of that moment brings me to his atypical thought process which is on full display here as he suggests in full sincerity that mimura play air guitar + distract kayano with his “badass skills” and doesn’t understand why others react to it in the flummoxed way they do because in his mind this is an easy, obvious, natural connection to make - mimura’s air guitar had a prominent impact on him, that should apply to everyone!!! the differing context doesnt occur to him, why would it? autism often causes us to fixate on small details rather than the “bigger picture” - this is a similar thought process with its disregarding of contexts that earlier in the story has him take itona on a bike ride to take his mind of the tentacles
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conclusively, through connecting many of yoshida’s character traits to autistic symptoms + traits, most of which discussed here i personally experience with my own autism, i think he can extremely easily be read as autistic and joins the pantheon of class 3e students who also can also extremely easily be and are frequently read as such (okuda, sugaya, itona)!!!
TLDR: yoshida taisei has autism. i rest my case
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bokipop · 2 months
the maka ramble i mentioned because im still autistic
ok so im rewatching as i speak and like skipping through to find the evidence for my claims so claims will be in order of when they come to me
lesbian maka is canon because near the end of the first episode she's literally screaming about how she hates men and wishes they all would just die. i can literally never see maka in a relationship with a man other than MAYBE soul (DISCLAIMER i DO NOT ship soma i will die on the hill of qpp soul and maka) but thats only because she literally says as she's screaming about killing men that soul was the only man she ever decided to trust (this is a whole other segment that i may or may not discuss in this rant)
can we talk about the skill maka demonstrates when she's fighting with soul. she's what. 14? and she fights with aura of years of experience. like soul's pretty much just along for the ride it's maka who's doing all of the actual fighting 90% of the time (10% when soul's being a self sacrificing dipshit and jumps in front of a hit meant for her)
can we talk about how in uhhh episode 4 when they're fighting sid and sid like attacks maka with his gravestone and she says "people need fear to survive, we experience it so we can grow stronger" LORD DEATH IS SO RIGHT WITH THE COMMENT "if she wasn't afraid in this situation id call that reckless, but maka has the courage to fight in spite of her fear"
i saw a tumblr post about it but unrelated why does dtk say "my father's school is exactly like i expected" as if he hasn't been there before
anyways can we also talk about how maka and soul did soul resonance without any warmup or discussion before hand it was just "hey lets do it" "ok" i mean yeah they missed the hit but they still did the skill
jumping wayy forward to the crona vs maka underground fight in ep20 can we talk about even just maka's intuition alone. like she had the vaguest hint of whatever she detected in crona's soul and decided to go full blast with it. adding onto that can we talk about her compassion and empathy? like it takes a truly good person to do what she did for crona and she did it without the expectation of anything in return she simply wanted to help them. she has such a strong and admirable moral compass i think i said this before but she's literally one of my biggest inspirations ever
i'd talk about the last episodes where maka goes inside soul's. soul. and saves him from the black blood but i dont feel like rewatching that entire episode right now and i've only seen that specific episode like twice so i cant do it from memory
but on the topic of soul and maka can we talk about their incredibly intricate bond. their trust in eachother is out of this fucking world liek if you asked either one of them "if x asked you to jump off of a bridge with them would you do it" they'd say yes without hesitation or second thought. they care so much for one another and i love how the writers of soul eater portrayed it without it being inherently romantic. i love male female duos who ARENT in love. have i mentioned how i'd die on the hill of qpp soma. THEY'RE QPPS YOUR HONOR. i had something very specific to say about this and then forgot. it'll probably come back to me later. its later as i type this specific sentence and it still hasn't come back to me so i'll probably end this post here. stay tuned for more i think i have more in me
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reiningsoral · 4 months
You can talk about Stuff for hours if you'd like, I don't mind
you know sometimes i forget this is the nerd website.
anyway you've given me an excellent excuse to talk about Stuff! disclaimer tho it's past midnight and im very very fucked in the brain rn bc finals r coming up... i kinda just used this as an excuse to word vomit a bunch of unrelated feelings and infodumps into on mildly incoherent post so yeah sorry bout that
mlp theory!!
so in the first episode of the first season of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, Nightmare Moon is prophesized to be released/freed from her prison (the moon) by the stars. now that at first gets you thinking, "okay, but why would the stars want nightmare moon to be freed? she's evil." and you're right... kind of?
twilight's cutie mark is a sparkle, or rather, a star. see where im going? well now you're thinking "but twilight actively works against nightmare moon!" and you're right! but, i dont think the prophecy was actually about freeing nightmare moon, but about freeing Luna.
luna herself didnt ever want to cause the kind of harm that happened when she was nightmare moon, and she was essentially imprisoned in her own mind via corruption in a weird sort of venom-and-eddie-but-not-really kind of thing
twilight sparkle, the stars, frees Luna from her prison (nightmare moon) which was a state originally brought on by corruption, i think(?)
dont hug me im scared makes me very nostalgic for a multitude of reasons, but also extremely uncomfortable in a comforting way?
uh if you havent guessed im autistic (undiagnosed but whtv) and this section of my half-past-midnight, feelings-induced, whatever-ness of a post/ask answer is about how dhmis made me feel and why i guess
dhmis makes me think of jack stauber's videos. i think the connection is pretty obvious, i mean, you cant take a look at bumblebees are out and then take a look at dhmis and tell me they arent at all similar.
umm, dhmis's approach to horror is very interesting and unique to itself, its (or was, when it was first introduced) a very new style of horror. it's a psychological nightmare, but even without the even surface-level analysies of the psychological horror, it's still absolutely horrifying. it's uncomfortable, it's gross, and it's generally very unpleasant.
so like,,, why do we watch it?
or i guess, why do i watch it.
all three guys (yellow, red, duck) are trapped in this repeating nightmare of a day, with incompetent people masquerading as teachers who dont know what they're talking about. this, again, very deeply resonates with me, as the kid who had a lot of special interests which coincidentally corresponded to a lot of things we learned in school. i liked a lot of things science related, expecially since my parents are both scientists. i often like, knew more about the topics that were being taught (read: shoved down my throat, incorrectly i might add) to me. i, being the justice seeker i was, would raise my hand to correct the teacher because i needed to make sure that this clearly innocent mistake was corrected so that no one carried misinformation. which is rude, apparently, there's a reason i dont like talking about stuff anymore, thanks middleschool. that bit about yellow guy turning smart for a bit really hit, sorry.
the whole part of the first ever episode about the arranging-leaves-and-sticks-into-one's-favorite-color makes me think about that time in fifth grade. the scene is so hilariously jarring in one way, then it hits you again. "go and collect some leaves and sticks, and arrange them into your favorite colors" is a line that, at first, just makes completely no sense at all, because, how the fuck does one arrange a pretty much monochromatic pallette and arrange it to be in your favorite colors? youre given only a half a second to be confused before the three comply in a different way than the viewer didnt think was the option. they arrange the sticks to spell out thier favorite colors. and then, yeah! that makes sense, so youre satisfied. but the episode punches you in the goddamn face again, by telling yellow he's wrong because "green is not a creative color" which is both very jarring and triggering, and just, infinitely hilarious to me. so how does any of that remind me of fifth grade? it's more autistic childhood stuff, lmao:
when i was in fifth grade, i had teacher who didnt communicate her kind of already nonsensical rules in a way little autistic me could understand, and i didnt ask questions because id been trained to know that asking questions is "giving sass" or fucking, whatever the hell nt adults think it is idk. anyway, this one weekish, at some point, my more rowdy classmates had gotten out of hand using their water bottles and kept spilling water everywhere, so my teacher said that we had to keep our water bottles at her desk at all times. and i was immediately distressed for two reasons: one, it was interrupting a status-quo that had been established (i.e., keeping out water bottles by us, at our feet, every day), and two, i couldnt drink water if Ms. teacher had my bottle. and the way she said it made it extremely easy for an autistic who takes almost everything too literally to misinterpert what she was saying. everyone else got the memo apparently, but i didnt.
id go on more about this but im too tired for an emotional deep dive rn and i wasnt to make an actual post about just dhmis at some point. anyway the point ofthat section was basically i really relate to yellow guy.
the truman show!!
the truman show is a work of absolute fucking genius. i was actually introduced to it via ranboo's generation loss, which is an analogue horror series with a youtube channel with around six(?) vids and a three-part streamed-vod series which was inspired by the truman series i think.
anywaay the inherent horror but comfort in your whole entire life being carefully crafted to be entertainment for thousands upon thousands of people! untapped venting market tbh.
the way that, at the start of the movie, the show is already unraveling, his dad shows up in almost the first scene.
i think the way that the actors subtly break character throughout the show and then try to cover it up in a way that makes sense to their character so that truman doesnt realize they're not real.
but then how the subtlety of the character breaks slowly becomes less and less subtle, and it just... unravels.
um, anyway yeah theres a couple of,,, things that ive been kinda thinking about, mostly incomprehensible because yet again it's past midnight, but i needed to word vomit idk
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iwander12 · 2 years
Pinny post📌
🧡Hello im héctor (he/him)
My favorite things in the world are obscure cartoon network shows, manga and toys and ps1 and nu metal and industrial and happy hardcore
I love my son bowser jr...🖌️🐢
Sometimes i post my art here but sometimes i forget. I draw a lot
Art tag is #my fart
If you want a commission message me. starting at $20usd for a sketch of a single character
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Sometimes i will post or reblog disturbing content such as blood, body horror and death/suicidal topics in art or from horror games, as well as bugs.
I love horror,yet have horrible anxiety😅partially why i'm writing this. Although this site has many autistic people, i feel like i am too autistic to be understood at times anyway
So, if there is any issue we can talk about it
I want this to be clear. I don't like people who support any type of abuse (this includes in fiction): bigotry, mental or otherwise. You know who you are, so please go away.
As someone who grew up on the internet, it has negatively affected my friends and I in the past and I don't want to cause that myself. Again if there may be an issue, we can talk about it.
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Talk to me about anything i've drawn fanart for !! and if you want advice for art let me know! i like talking about art theory.
I've had awful experiences with Crash b and kirby fans so sometimes i might hesitate to talk. Sorry bout that, it's not ur fault at all, and don't let it discourage you!
I have a robot-y tech-y sideblog at @vm-mark-iii
I FARDED!!!!!!
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