#“In Ruins”
zippidi-dooda · 28 days
In Ruins Masterlist
Note: this will be updated as the story progresses
1 - Chance Encounter
2 - A Little Trip
3 - The Castle
4 - I Wonder
5 - To Continue
6 - Lucas
7 - Malleus
8 - Goodnight
9 - Knightly
10 -
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gayforcarstairsgirls · 9 months
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rustandruin · 1 year
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the ghost of one specific homosexual cowboy regularly possesses Tumblr gays
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fairycosmos · 1 year
parents are so crazy because they can say the most fucked up shit to you when your brain is forming and it sets the tone for your whole adult mind set and then they forget about it the next day
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redysetdare · 4 months
Sometimes...characters being in a romantic relationship is worse.
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hellsgate-roadhouse · 2 months
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📺 📺📺📺📺📺📺📺📺📺📺📺📺📺📺
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sillyahhchana · 7 months
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Hi fnaf movie dump but it’s mostly bonnie and abby
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harperhug · 1 year
Video of a kitten at a vet’s office protesting loudly as it’s scooped from the floor. Another kitten turns around the corner and walks up to the camera, also protesting loudly for its friend. From here.
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FNAF Monty and TADC Gummigoo are so alike!
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seagiri · 2 months
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very sleep deprived doodles of whatever’s going on inside my brain
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zippidi-dooda · 28 days
Chapter: 1
2 - A Little Trip
"Who. The hell. Do you think you are?" An elegant, dark haired figure demanded, slamming open the door to your room.
He wore a stark white suit with long, shiny, leather boots and gloves. Many badges and jewels were pinned to his chest. They glistened under the moonlight. A flowing black cape dragged behind him as he took each thundering steps towards you.
His head was no longer held high and proud as it normally was. He was tense and clenched his fist, his jaw set tight.
His attitude was a large contrast compared to just moments ago when he was busy dancing in the ballroom. When he was blissfully unaware of your previous late night endeavors. Of your plans for tonight.
How he found out now, you didn't know. But it made your heart beat faster as panic began to settle in.
The only way he could have found out was through your doctor, though you had pleaded repeatedly that he didn't say anything about it to anyone.
And your doctor had never said a word about anything going on with you (despite who it was) before now.
He was trustworthy.
This man must have done something horrible to make him pour it out.
Or sent someone to spy on you.
You were regretting not leaving sooner.
"I'm . . . I am simply Y/N, you know that, Rias."
Rias let out a short laugh. "Ah, another of those wisecracks I love so dearly about you, Y/N. You're always so fucking smart about everything, aren't you?"
He stopped once he was in front of you and pulled you towards him. 
He held your waist up against him with one hand while he squished your cheeks with the other. His grip was tight, enough to keep you from pulling away. It hurt and just got worse the more you squirmed.
"I'll tell you who you really are, okay, honey." He pressed a kiss onto your lips that he forced into a pucker. "You."
"You do remember that, right? Cause I could never forget the day we were wed. How gorgeous you looked in that white dress, the happy smile on your face when we said 'I do.' I remember being so thrilled when I found out it was you I'd have to be marrying when I was a boy, and then finally getting to do it, finally being able to declare you as my own, I can't even put how great that felt into words. God, I love you so much Y/N. You're perfect for me, as I am for you . . . But you don't believe that, do you?"
You swallowed thickly. "Rias . . . I need to get ready for my leave tomorrow."
Your cheek was met with the back of the man's gloved hand. It stung. 
"Tell me, honey. When were you planning to tell me you were with child."
You squeezed your eyes shut and opened your mouth a few times trying to feel if your jaw had been knocked out of place. It hadn't. Just hurt a damn lot.
"Seeing how this is your reaction, why would I tell you?"
Rias laughed again, but it was eerily quiet. "If the bastard was mine, I wouldn't have to react this way, would I?"
You spoke quietly. "Just kick me out right now, then. Before anything is obvious. Your family name would be ruined if word got out."
"Our family name, Y/N," he stroked your bruised cheek tenderly. "I'm not happy about this, but I think I can forgive you one day. It sucks that I love you so much. Let's just act like this is our child; no one but you, me, and your doctor has to know the truth."
You squinted your eyes at him. "You're willing to keep it as your own?"
Rias smiled sweetly. "Of course. They may not be mine but they are still a part of you. I'll treat that part nicely. But just to keep people from finding out, we'll need to do something about the donor. So tell me, sweetheart, who was it?"
"Mom," Your son's voice broke you from your thoughts.
"I'm bored."
You watched him for a moment. He was laying on the floor in the hall, swinging his feet around randomly. A pout was set on his face.
"I am going to die of boredom. Really. You don't believe me but wait too long and I will. And you will be so sad about it and say 'why didn't I make him not bored when I had the chance?'"
You chuckled. "Oh really now. I didn't know you could do that. Let me watch you then and see how it happens."
"Mooom! No! You're supposed to make me not bored, not watch."
"Hmm. Why not go dig up some weeds then."
Lucas rolled onto his stomach and glared at you. "I don't want to do that. That's boringer. Can we go back home already?"
"I told you, sweetie, we can't go back there."
"But I don't wanna be here anymore. There's nothing to do. There's no people here. And Dad hasn't come back yet and it's been forever already."
You frowned. It had been four days since Malleus had showed up and Lucas hadn't stopped calling him 'Dad' since.
"Lucas, that man you saw was not your dad. And if you see him again stay away from him, you hear me?"
He blew a raspberry at you.
"Lucas. I am not joking with you."
". . . Ugh. Sor~ry."
You sighed. He had an attitude about it, but at least he apologized. You hoped he understood and actually listened.
You picked up the bag whose contents were now emptied in the cupboards. By now, you were almost completely out of food and needed to get more. You weren't too skilled at hunting and there wasn't much you could pick off the shrubs nearby, so you needed to take a trip to the Valley of Thorns.
You should have gone sooner, but you were honestly terrified of what would happen to you there. If you waited any longer though, you and Lucas wouldn't last long. 
So you steeled yourself for the journey and stood up.
"Put on your shoes, let's go for a walk."
The mood was dour in the Valley. 
The sky was dense with dark, thundering clouds, the people walking around on the cobbled streets shuffled along slowly and chattered quietly to each other, jumbled bushes of jagged thorns grew carelessly along the walls of the gothic style buildings, and tall, stone faced soldiers stood at every other corner.
No one seemed especially happy to be here.
Other than Lucas.
He was bouncing with excitement, pointing and smiling at each person who had a unique feature to them, like shimmering wings sprouting from their backs or large fangs that protruded from their mouths to name a few.
He kept trying to run up to all the interesting new people, all of which you figured were different types of fae, and you had to do your best to keep a firm grip on his hand.
If he wandered off and got lost here, you doubted the soldiers who found him would be kind. You couldn't let him get out of your sight.
"Lucas, shhh. You don't know these people, you have to be careful around them." You whispered leaning towards his ear.
"But Mom they all look so nice, they won't hurt me. Look, that one is smiling at me. Hi!"
Lucas waved happily towards the person he implied.
It was a tall, slender woman with scaly, pale skin, slitted, amber eyes, and long, light brown hair. She was indeed smiling at him. With a long forked tongue hanging from her mouth between two, pearly white fangs.
You tensed, not liking the look she was giving Lucas.
You nudged him in front of you. "Look I think that's a market up ahead. I'll get what we need and you can get one candy from there, okay? Just stay close to me."
Not wanting to be here much longer than necessary, you moved quickly. Anything that looked unfamiliar you made sure not to grab but you actually found lots of food that you did know the names to.
The trip was going smoothly. Now you needed to to go to the front counter and hope you could pay with your money. If you couldn't, you could then try to barter the jewelry you wore hidden under your coat.
The . . . being . . . checking you out was short and stout and had large tusks protruding from their lips. They had black hair neatly tied back in a bun. Their bushy brows were curled down, over a pair of blue, feminine looking eyes, making them look angry.
You hoped you didn't make them snap at you.
"Excuse me uh . . . ." You couldn't tell if the person in front of you was a girl or a man so you didn't know how to address them. "Excuse me. Do you happen to accept this as payment?"
They snorted and snatched up the money you slid across the counter. They held it up to the light, squinting as they examined it.
After a second, they looked back and forth between you and the money. 
"This is from Rourinville." They announced in a deep, guttural voice. 
"Yes it is. Is there a problem with it?"
They took care of the change and began packing everything in your bag.
Thank goodness.
"You're a long way from home, girl. What are you doing all the way over here in Briar Valley?"
"'Briar Valley?' Isn't this the Valley of Thorns?"
They let out a squealing type of laugh. "That's just what everyone outside of here calls it. It's actual name is Briar Valley. It's not as horrible as everyone makes it out to be, so get those ideas out of your head. But one small slip up and you may find yourself in a dire situation."
"Yeah . . . Thanks."
"Will that be all?"
"Yes. Thank yo-"
You whipped your head in the direction of the shout and your face paled when you saw what was going on.
Lucas had run off while you weren't paying attention and was now in the path of a large buggy bounding towards him. He was in a daze, just staring at it unmoving.
Forgetting about your things, you sprinted as fast as you could towards him, hoping and praying with all your might that you'd get to him on time.
Before you could, a man jumped and tackled Lucas out of the way just in time as the buggy barreled past the spot your son once stood.
You slid onto your knees next to them and pulled Lucas into your arms. Your heart was pounding in your chest and your voice shook as you spoke.
"Lucas, oh God, are you okay? Are you hurt? Oh, my baby! Lucas you have to stop running off like that! If this man hadn't saved you, do you know what could have happened to you right now?"
"I-I'm okay, mom."
"Oh, Lucas you-"
"Are you this child's mother, Miss?" The man who saved Lucas shouted.
You looked up at him. 
He wore the same black and green outfit with purple accents that you saw the soldiers on the streets wearing. He had hair that was short, slicked back, and pastel green, green/yellow eyes that looked down on you in what seemed like disapproval, and light skin.
You nodded. "Yes. I cannot thank you enough, sir. Please te-"
"You ought to be ashamed of yourself! If you had been by his side watching him, this wouldn't have happened! Do you know how often something like this happens? Never, because other people actually take care of their kin! If you can't even do the simple task of keeping your son safe then you shouldn't even be a-"
"Sebek, that's enough." A slow, calm voice interrupted. "She saw her kid in danger just now, she's must be shaken up."
This new person wore the same outfit as the 'Sebek' guy. He had medium length silver hair, unique light blue/purple eyes that were half lidded making him appear tired, and fair skin. 
"Are you both okay?"
"Mhmm. Lucas?" You asked.
Your son was looking up at Sebek in stunned amazement, his mouth agape. "Uh huh. Thank you, sir . . . ."
Sebek 'humphed' and folded his arms across his chest. "You better stick to your mother from now on, kid! It does you no good to go giving her a heart attack! Both of you need to learn to pay attention to your surroundings, got it?"
"Yes, sir. Sorry. It won't happen again. Thank you, so much. Is there anything I can do for you as thanks for saving him?"
Both men held out their hands to you, helping each of you up.
"Just go home already, we're doing something for Waka-sama and you've put us behind schedule. Get out of here." Sebek turned on his heel and strode off.
The silver haired man sighed before walking after him. "Forgive him, he means well. Do be more careful next time."
You and Lucas stared at the duo as the walked away, until they were out of sight.
"The green one's so cool . . . ." Lucas began to smile and took hold of your hand.
". . . Yeah. C'mon, let's grab our stuff and head home."
"In Ruins" Masterlist
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iknowitwontwork · 1 month
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scoutingthetrooper · 1 year
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mark ferrari
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mistressemmedi · 1 year
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sunflowershark · 4 months
“broken builds” this. “use the orb” that. you fools. the true best strategy to beat honour mode is to encourage safer and smarter decisions throughout your adventure by roleplaying as none other than faerun’s central authority on occupational safety and workplace accident prevention legislation
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thefallofruins · 8 months
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◈Sukuna who doesn't bother to even look at his concubines after he's done fucking them. He expects them to be gone immediately.
◈Sukuna who would love how they cower and tremble in fear and excitement, gaze turned down as they couldn't muster the courage to even look at him, reminding him of how powerful he is.
◈Sukuna who feels just the slightest of tingle in his heart when your pretty, innocent eyes meet his cold ones, and turn back down immediately, making him chuckle.
◈Sukuna who decides you're his favourite that day.
◈Sukuna who loves fucking you, watching you tremble in pleasure are he corrupts you, your innocent eyes looking at him so pleadingly, as if he is your god. Loves to see you covered in his marks, proudly claiming you.
◈Sukuna who hates it when his other concubines make noises. It's annoying, he thinks. But is greedy to hear your soft moans and noises that you make for him. Music to his ears.
◈Sukuna who fucks you till you're in tears, withering under him from pure pleasure, clinging onto his strong arms as you're stuffed full of him, making you squirt over and over on his cock till you can't anymore.
◈Sukuna who eats you out, spending hours between your plush thighs, licking, sucking on your puffy pussy, fucking you dumb with just his tongue, just to hear you moan out his name as he feasts.
◈Sukuna who raises an eyebrow when you gather your kimono and bow, signaling that you're leaving.
"Where do you think you're going?" He says gruffly and demands you to get back in his bed.
◈Sukuna who let's you sleep on his bed beside him, admiring how your lips part as a sweet slumber indulges you, who brushes bothersome strands of hair away from your face and doesn't understand why he does this.
◈Sukuna who let's you sit on his lap, your head resting against his broad chest as you trace the markings on his shoulder with gentleness unknown to him.
◈Sukuna who doesn't remember when he last saw the other concubines.
◈Sukuna who, even months later, doesn't find himself bored of you. Who swears his lips curl whenever he sees you smile. Who wants to see more of it instead.
◈Sukuna who swears he'll have the heads of the concubines who mocked you, bullied you out of envy, telling you that you'd be replaced one day. You never see them again after that day, but do see his the white of his kimono stained red.
◈Sukuna who brushes your tears away with his thumbs, holding you close to him. "My Queen," he says, watching your eyes widen at his words with a huge smirk.
◈Sukuna who captures your lips with his soon after. Who found his precious little Queen and intends keeps her safe at all costs.
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