#“someone didn't keep their childlike innocence”
ourlordsaviour-memes · 10 months
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I want to be them...
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dixons-sunshine · 4 months
The Importance Of Secret Keeping | Daryl Dixon x Fem! Reader
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Summary: When Rick brought in the former Woodbury residents, Daryl tried to stay away from them. However, a little girl had made him her unofficial best friend, and she revealed some pretty interesting things to him about you.
Genre: Fluff.
Era: Prison, pre season 4.
Warnings: Swearing.
Word count: 1.3k.
A/n: This isn't the best because I couldn't really focus while writing this, but I wanted to get this done. I hope you like this nonetheless!
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“Daryl, are you a tree?” Hazel asked innocently, skipping alongside the archer who had just returned from his run.
Daryl raised his eyebrows in surprise at the six year old's question. He sent a nod in Rick's direction, before extending his hand to the little girl to help her bound up the stairs that lead to the cell blocks.
“No, I ain't a tree,” Daryl replied to Hazel's question, pushing open the door that lead into the cell blocks.
“I didn't think so,” Hazel responded instantly, using her hand that held Daryl's to swing their arms in a childlike manner.
Daryl's lips twitched up into a small smile at the girl's antics, allowing her to swing his arm as they walked. “Then why'd ya ask, kiddo?”
“Because Mama said you have arms like tree trunks,” Hazel replied, before giggling and shaking her head. “Silly Mama. She thinks you're a tree. You should tell her you're not.”
Daryl's eyes widened in shock at Hazel's confession. He stopped in his tracks and withdrew his hand from the small girl's grip, making her turn around and look at Daryl in confusion.
“Yer mama really said tha'?” the archer questioned in surprise.
“Yeah! Mama says a lot of things about you. She talks about you with Michonne all the time,” Hazel happily told him. “Her thinking you're a tree is silly, though.”
Daryl hummed in acknowledgement, willing the blush spreading across his face to go away. He started walking again and Hazel bounded next to him. “Wha' else does yer mama say 'bout me?”
“She says you have a cute butt,” Hazel began, before making an over exaggerated disgusted face. “Butts are gross.”
“Yeah, butts are gross,” Daryl chuckled, leading the six year old into the cellblock and up into his own cell. “Dun' know why yer mama would think mine s'cute.” He allowed Hazel to rush into his cell, her attention instantly going to the boardgame they had been playing the day before.
“Are you going to be my new daddy, Daryl?” Hazel asked suddenly, eliciting a confused scoff from the man.
“Why ya askin' tha'?” he inquired, sitting down on his bed. He toed off his boots and grabbed some jerky he had made, before flopping down onto his back, the thin mattress offering some form of relief for the tired archer. He began chewing on the dry meat, turning his attention back to the young girl.
Hazel climbed onto the bed, making herself comfortable by his feet. “Because Mama said that you have daddy vibes.”
That caught Daryl off guard. He choked on the jerky, his airway cut off. He sat up and hit himself against his chest, soon successfully ridding his airway of the thing that almost killed him. He looked at Hazel in shock, the little girl looking back at him in confusion.
Catching his breath, Daryl shook his head at Hazel. “Nah, I ain't gon' be yer new daddy. Yer mama must've been talkin' 'bout someone else.”
Hazel shook her head in disagreement. “No, Mama was talking about you, Daryl. She said your name when she said that.”
Daryl looked at Hazel in shock and slowly nodded. He had a hard time believing that you, the no-nonsense lady who was one of the very few Woodbury residents who actually knew how to handle herself against the dead, had taken an interest like that in him. There was no way that the woman he had taken an unexpected liking to, a liking that had soon morphed into something that wasn't platonic, liked him like that. He just couldn't believe it.
“Mama also said she'd look better in your shirt,” Hazel said, interrupting his train of thought.
Daryl inhaled sharply. He thought about her words for a moment before nodding to himself, picturing you in his shirt. “Yeah, she would,” he mumbled to himself.
“What?” Hazel asked, tilting her head in confusion.
Daryl quickly shook his head. “Nothin'. S'nothin'.”
As if appearing out of thin air, you showed up at his cell, quietly knocking on the doorframe. Hazel's attention shifted towards the door and she quickly clambered off the bed. She excitedly sprinted towards you and you caught her in a big hug, placing a small kiss on top of her head.
“Hey, Baby,” you greeted her, looking up at Daryl and sending him a shy smile. “Hey, Daryl.”
Daryl, now cursed with knowledge about what you thought of him, could feel his cheeks heating up. He sent you a small nod. “Hey.”
You looked down at your daughter again, about to usher her out of the cell with you, but she saw someone walking outside, and she wiggled herself out of your arms to run to that person. “Michonne!”
“Hazel!” you called out to her, peeping out of the cell just in time to see Michonne embrace the girl in a hug.
Michonne looked up at you and waved you off. “I got her. I'll get her settled down for the night. You say goodnight to your crush.”
You ducked your head in embarrassment and sent her a crude gesture with your middle finger, eliciting a laugh from her. “Fuck you, Michonne,” you mouthed to her, watching her leave with Hazel.
Shaking your head, you turned back around and almost ran into the archer. Daryl steadied you, and you could feel the heat seeping from his hands to your arms.
“Ya alrigh'?” he asked you, his blue eyes gazing deeply into yours.
You nodded, your breath leaving you due to the close proximity you had with the man. “I'm good,” you whispered in confirmation, your heart speeding up.
Daryl, overcome by a rare sense of confidence, hummed and smirked slightly. “Ya sure? My tree trunk arms didn't chaffe yer shirt or anythin'?”
Your eyes widened in surprise, and you took a step back. “What?”
“Ya need my shirt instead? I bet ya will look better in it than any of yer own shirts.”
Realization dawned on you. “Hazel—”
“Yeah,” Daryl cut you off, smiling slightly at the way your eyes widened. “Said ya think my butt looks real cute, too. She said other things too, but m'not gon' embarrass ya any more.”
“God, she really exposed me, huh?” you laughed shyly, ducking your head to avoid the archer's eyes.
Daryl moved forward and cupped your chin, lifting your head to look at him. The air between the two of you shifted, an unexplainable electricity forming. His eyes flickered between your eyes and your lips, silently asking for permission.
However, before anything could happen, Hazel came bounding into Daryl's cell again, Michonne hot on her tail. Daryl quickly pulled away and took a step back, and you straightened yourself.
Michonne looked between you and Daryl with a knowing smirk. Daryl blushed and ducked his head, while you pursed your lips and sent her a warning glare. “Don't even think about it,” you mouthed to her, moving away from Daryl to pick up your daughter. “What are you doing here, Baby? I thought auntie Michonne was putting you to bed.”
“I want you to do it, Mama,” Hazel explained, lowering her head to rest on your shoulder. She waved at Daryl, giggling into your shoulder. “Goodnight, Daryl.”
“Nigh',” Daryl greeted her, sharing a shy nod with you. “I'll, uh, see ya tomorrow, righ'?”
“Yeah,” you nodded, casting your eyes away from him. “Goodnight, Daryl.”
With that, you turned and walked out of the cell with Michonne, leaving Daryl alone in his cell. The archer, confused by everything that happened, sat himself down on the bed. However, he chuckled to himself when he heard your voice from down the hall.
“Hazel, how about for tonight's bedtime story, I teach you about the importance of keeping secrets?”
Yeah, Daryl thought, Hazel definitely wasn't lying. And he took that as an invitation to finally confess to you.
Which he did, that very next day, while you were on watch duty.
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myfeetrcolddd · 10 months
A date? (PART TWO!!)
Theo kept to his word. After leaving the cafe he took her hand in his once more, intertwining their fingers together. He walked so close to her that their shoulders kept brushing.
"D'you want to go to the bookstore?" Y/N asked innocently, batting her pretty little eyelashes at him in a way she knew always worked on him.
He pursed his lips and acted as though he was annoyed by the prospect of going there, even though he had planned to go there. After all that was the one store she had gone to consistently every time she was at Hogsmeade. "I suppose so." He rolled his eyes with a grin and she shoved him lightly.
Theo tossed their empty cups into a trash can before he held the door open for her and let her in.
Theo watched her face as it morphed into this giddy childlike expression and found himself smiling at it. A thought came to mind, a muggle phrase he had heard once, 'Happy wife, happy life' and he knew they weren't married (yet), but he couldn't help but feel as though that phrase was nothing but the truth.
He followed her around the store, listening intently as she rambled on about each book and the plotlines. He held the books she handed to him and kept track of those she lingered on but didn't pick up.
Theo was not known for his patience, or his ability to stay quite for such a long time without putting in his two cents. This was not the case with Y/N, because when he was with her he found his loud and over busy mind was calm and quite. He liked that nearly as much as he liked the girl herself.
"Are you sure this isn't too much?" She asked, as she stared at the stack of books she hadn't realized had gotten so high. Truth was that she always felt bad about spending Theos money, she never wanted him to think she was only friends with him for his money.
"If you asked I'd buy you the whole store." He said casually as he paid for the books.
She was glad he had his back to her, because if he didn't then he'd see how flustered that 'casual' comment made her. Though she imagined it wouldn't matter, nearly everything Theo said to her made her blush to some extent.
Before she could grab the bag of books herself Theodore did, he then grabbed her hand and without thinking kissed the back of it. Y/N felt as though she looked as red as a tomato right then.
He mumbled something in another language, Italian. Though she could barely hear it and even if she could hear it it's not as if she would have been able to understand.
She'd have to ask him about it later.
Soon the two found themselves walking into The Three Broomsticks. "I'll go get us a seat, you order." Y/N says, leaving no room for argument before she took the heavy bag of books out of Theos hands and going to find a booth.
Thankfully there was a empty booth towards the back, away from any prying eyes. Not that she wanted to keep this day a secret, but she had her what ifs about this day she was nearly certain was a date. What ifs that included Theo denying the day ever happened.
As she waited for the Slytherin boy to return Y/N found herself getting nervous. Pulling her out of her thoughts someone cleared their throat above her.
She turned and found one of the boys she had 'hung out' with in fifth year. It was awkward when I realized it was a date, but we kept talking and I thought I might've been able to like him. But then he ghosted me.
"Oh- Ben! Hi." She said glancing behind him to see Theodore still waiting for their drinks.
"Hey." He smirked, "Long time no see."
"Uh- yeah." She glanced back over at Theo who still had yet to notice what was happening, "What are you doing here?"
"I just saw you over and thought I'd come to say hi." He shrugged and she grew a little irritated, because this guy hadn't come to say 'hi' to her in the past two years.
"Oh well. You've said it." She said, not so subtly.
"Yes I have." He looked her up and down and it was then that she was thankful for having learned social ques, had she been in this interaction a few years ago she would think he really was telling the truth. "Listen, I think we should hang out sometime-"
"Sorry, her schedules full." Theo says from behind Ben and we both turn to him.
"Well I'm sure she can make some room-"
"Nope." Theo says, shoving past the short boy and sliding into the seat next to Y/N. He places their drinks down on the table before wrapping an arm around her, "Is that all? Or is there more we can help you with?"
"I really think you should leave Benjamín." Theo glares, not bothering to hide his aggravated mood.
Ben scoffs before stomping away.
Even with Ben gone Theo kept his arm around her, if she didn't know any better she'd say he actually held her tighter. Despite the mood Ben seemed to put Theo in Y/N couldn't help but be amused and let out a giggle.
His head snapped to hers, their faces closer than they've ever been, "Do you find this amusing?" He raised an unamused brow at her.
"No." She grinned, then leant forward picking up her butterbeer and taking a sip.
"Mhm." He hummed unconvinced and she kept grinning and Theo dropped the moody act, smiling and shaking his head at the pretty girl and drank his own butterbeer.
They slipped into a comfortably silence and Y/N figured now would be a good time to ask him. "So..." She started, keeping her eyes on the foam floating around her drink.
"So." Theo copied, his eyes on the side of her head.
"Are we on a date right now?" She ripped the band-aid off, turning to him and he froze. His eyes widening and his cheeks flushing slightly.
He then grinned, a wide ear to ear grin, flashing me with the deepest dimples I have ever seen. "I was wondering when you'd piece it together."
"I-what?" She spluttered and looked at him confused. She wasn't sure what she had expected his answer to be but it surely wasn't this.
"You heard me." He whispered, leaning in closer. His eyes darted from her lips to her eyes.
Y/N cleared her throat loudly and turned to face her drink once more, Theo laughed and brushed a stay piece of hair behind her ear. "I like you, Y/N." He said in a low voice that made her feel all kinds of things. "Actually, I like you a lot."
She swallowed her dry spit at his words as her face heated so much she might as well be the fucking sun. "I've liked you for a while now, a few years give or take. Personally, I thought I was kind of obvious with it." He spoke into her ear and she huffed.
Turning her head towards him once more their faces were so close their noses rubbed each other. Theo opened his mouth to say something else but she cut him off. "Theo, are you going to kiss me or not?"
He grinned before he grabbed her face and their lips met in a passionate kiss.
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qs63 · 4 months
FMA 03 appreciation post.
Aside from the fact that FMA Brotherhood outright assumes you have watched FMA 03 — and skips a lot of the early events and world building — everyone should watch 03 because the manga/BH resolution also takes it into consideration.
FMA 03 is in many ways a mirror image to the Manga/BH story. It's a bit of a “what if these characters turned left instead of right” situation, and that makes 03 more significant if you want to understand how and why the manga ends up like that. I already talked in another post about Basque Grand and how much he changes from 03 to manga, but he's not the only one nor the most important character to do so.
Ed's core beliefs is that every life is precious and shouldn't be taken. He repeats this again and again throughout the story, and manga Ed manages to uphold that belief to the very end when he refuses to kill Pride. 03 Ed is no different, he too holds this belief dearly, but since FMA 03 makes the characters take a different turn, 03!Ed ends up accidentally killing Greed, effectively shattering his ideals. This single event marks the end of 03!Ed's innocence and childlike idealism/positivism. It pushes him into a more adult cynical and practical outlook of life.
This new outlook is what leads him to kill sloth (when manga Ed wouldn't kill Pride) and then sacrifice himself to get Al back despite knowing this decision would hurt Al, and so many others.
The Manga ending is very aware of the 03’s ending and outright references it when Mustang says Ed would never sacrifice himself as he knows the pain of being left behind. But the truth is that manga Ed is only able to reach a different conclusion to 03!Ed because he was able to maintain his stubborn idealism to the very end and find a solution his jaded practical self could've never reached.
Mustang's 03 ending is also another excellent example of what would happen if the character didn't uphold their beliefs and — somewhat naive— idealism to the end.
There are two key differences between 03!Roy and manga Roy. The first is Ishval. 03!Roy is all alone in Ishval and that makes a world of difference, 03!Roy doesn't get Hawkeye to question the value of alchemy/power, he doesn't have Hughes to support him every time he's facing the abyss, he doesn't have his squad to thank him for keeping them alive. The lesson 03!Roy takes from Ishval it’s not “We need each other to succeed” it is “I need to be stronger to succeed”, because 03!Roy was alone and never learned to share his burden, or the value of having someone to lean on.
It's no surprise then that 03!Roy ends up facing Pride ALONE, which is the second difference. The 03 ending where Roy turns his back to everyone and everything is exactly what would've happened to manga Roy if he too had been alone in Ishval, if he hadn't learned that he needed people at his side to keep him on the right path, if he hadn't had someone to stop him from making the same mistakes as 03!Roy when he faced Envy and almost embraced revenge over his values. Just like 03!Ed, that forceful break from his ideals (the core belief that you need the help of others to succeed and to work for something beyond yourself) is what makes 03!Roy ends up as a mirror image of his manga self.
So really go watch FMA 03 if you haven't because both endings become so much better when you understand they're a juxtaposition of each other, one that showcases the importance of hope, ideals, and companionship.
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tobiasdrake · 4 months
What is Goku's morality?
Goku has a good head on his shoulders usually. He has an innocent and "childlike" approach to morality in the sense that Goku doesn't have a complex or nuanced approach to right and wrong. He's just a compassionate person who likes it when people are happy and safe.
I do specify "usually", however. While Goku's moral compass is wound pretty well, he also has what Toriyama called the "poison" in his character: A deep-seated personal flaw that conflicts with his moral center, making for an interesting and nuanced protagonist rather than a one-dimensional paragon.
Pretty much from the get-go, as early as chapter 3, Goku and Bulma were being set up as moral foils to one another. Goku's purehearted innocence contrasted against Bulma's self-centered callousness.
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This is made explicit when Goku receives his Kintoun/Flying Nimbus, a metaphysical test of virtue that only someone who's pure of heart can ride. This serves as a litmus test for how we're meant to read various characters, in terms of their morality.
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PASS. Uh, this alter, at least.
And so on. In terms of morality, Goku takes a pretty simple position: He doesn't like it when people are being hurt or oppressed. That's it. That's all there is to it. Goku has a strong sense of compassion for others and while he doesn't go actively looking for wrongs to right, he can't look the other way when they land in front of him.
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Oh, you're being enslaved by a militant warlord? That's not nice. Goku's gonna go file a complaint. Stapled to the general's face.
He was just here to find a Dragon Ball but, as long as he's in the area, he might as well liberate an oppressed population. Goku loves to help others.
In fact, the RRA arc is a great demonstration of Goku's moral center, because he didn't have to go to war with the Red Ribbon Army. Goku finds what he's looking for about 2/3 of the way through.
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That's it. That's all he wanted. He's done. Goku's mission is complete; He can go home now. He has zero investment in any further conflict with Red Ribbon.
...until this happens.
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Bora's death sets in motion the events that will carry Goku through the rest of the arc: His rematch with Taopaipai, the siege of Red Ribbon HQ, and the Uranai Baba Tournament are all for the sake of this man, a man Goku's known for like ten minutes, who lost his life because he tried to protect Goku from Taopaipai.
Everything after this point is revenge for Bora and the utility of getting what Goku needs to make Dragon Ball's very first resurrection wish.
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Hiring Taopaipai was a mistake that turned Goku from a meddlesome interference into a vengeful nemesis gunning straight for their door.
This more or less remains Goku's relationship with the various ne'er-do-wells of Dragon Ball. He doesn't like when people get hurt, and he relishes opportunities to fuck up their oppressors.
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If you hurt people in front of Goku, he's gonna fuck you up.
If you hurt people he likes, may Enma-Daio have mercy on your soul.
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This is where Goku's "poison" comes into play. Goku is a moral person but it isn't morality that drives him. If he sees a mugging taking place (and understands what he's seeing) he'll go punch the mugger, to be sure. But he's not looking for muggers to punch.
Goku has heroic inclinations, but he is not a superhero. He's an athlete looking for good sport. A martial artist driven by a desire for self-improvement, always on the lookout for his next rival. This complicates the way he approaches the villains of the story.
What Goku wants, more than anything, is a rival who can keep pace with him. A chance to push his limits and test himself. It's at the end of the 23rd Tenkaichi Budokai where we first see Goku's poison begin to push him into... questionable decision-making.
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The reincarnated Piccolo uses the 23rd Tenkaichi Budokai as a chance to get revenge against Goku. This stops being a martial arts tournament once the poorly-aliased "Demon Junior" reveals his true identity.
Or, at least, it probably should have. But Goku is hellbent on taking the title of Strongest Under the Heavens even if the whole goddamn island is about to get leveled. To the bitter end, Goku refuses to let this stop being a sports competition.
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There is nothing on Earth more important than this.
The thing about Goku is that he's really good at mixing his morality with his poison.
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He gives Piccolo a Senzu to restore him to full strength after the match, then sends him on his way hoping Piccolo will come after him for revenge some day. He wants to use Piccolo as a motivator to keep pushing himself - An incredibly dangerous decision to make given that this man wants to kill him and conquer the world.
Goku makes the moral argument that they can't kill Piccolo without killing God, but as Krillin points out, this isn't a binary choice. They could have sealed Piccolo away with the Mafuba/Evil Containment Wave while he was lying helpless on the ground.
You know. Instead of giving him a Senzu and wishing him tremendous gains. This is Goku's poison in action. We see it again with Vegeta, where Goku even admits that he's being unbelievably self-serving by insisting on sparing Vegeta's life.
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We see his poison strike when he agrees with Vegeta to do nothing and allow the Androids to be created. Once again coming up with a moral angle to it, but only after his kneejerk reaction of wanting to fight.
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But it's easy to overlook because Goku's questionable decisions tend to work out for the best anyway. This poor man's been searching for years for a sinister archrival that will come after him like a Saturday Morning Cartoon villain, but they keep reforming.
Well, at least he got to have this.
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Good times.
Goku is a generally good man compromised by a desire for sportsmanship that sometimes inhibits his perspective of things. When he can, he tries to satisfy both his moral center and his poison.
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But sometimes his poison gets the better of him.
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Goku makes questionable choices when he gets his blood boiling with the rush of competition, even at times when he probably should be thinking about harm mitigation. Because that is a thing he cares about; He doesn't like it when people get hurt, and he'll go out of his way to help others in crisis.
But he can't help himself. He was born for the stage.
Which makes it fitting that Goku's journey ends with one final compromise between his moral center and his poison. Right at the very end of his journey, Goku finally manages to satisfy both.
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By relying on the karmic cycle itself, Goku destroys the monster that Majin Buu is while making a promise to fight each other again one day in a better life. The ultimate evolution of "No, let the bad guy go so I can fight him again."
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And a promise well-kept.
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zero-ek · 5 months
As soon as Yuu was released the first thing i did was to listen to her voice lines, not only because of who is voicing her (the Sailor Moon!!) but because i was very curious as to what sort of dimension her voice would add to her character.
And it's particularly interesting the way that her voice sells how... empty she is, like not only in that losing her memories destroyed her sense of self and her morality (like i had initially expected), but in that she doesn't seem to have a firm grasp of anything beyond the ideas of "Yuu", Shii, the list, Magical Girls and Witches. Like, it's like she doesn't even know what being a human even is.
That much is obvious just in the way she speaks, like she keeps switching back and forth between multiple voices and running over her own words, like she speaks out of muscle memory and can't control the sounds that her mouth makes. But also, some of the stuff she says is... concerning, here's a few lines:
(I got these from her F*ndom quotes page i didn't know where else to find them)
"We're together today too... is that the same as yesterday? Does that mean tomorrow's gonna be the same!? And two days ago too? I guess after tomorrow too... wait so even today too!?"
From her first login, notice how by the end of the sentence she forgot about whay she said at the start completely. Also it's hard to convey through written text but, not only her sense of object and spacial permanence is nonexistent, she seems to genuinely have a hard time undertanding the concept of time:
"Did you just say good morning? Oh that must mean it's morning nowiseewaitdid i... did i sleep? I'm bummed... no i'm not, aha! Morning!"
Her morning login.
"Did you just tell me good night...? 'Good night' is what you say when you're done for the day!? So if we keep repeating 'good night' forever, can we stop tomorrow from coming...?"
Her night login
A couple of her lines showing her extremely short memory, and how it affects her fundamental understanding of things:
"Man, i'm so hungry... WAIT! I think i was just full...! Which was it! Doesn't it really suck how you can never tell what's inside of your tummy?"
Noon login.
"Sorry! I...! What was i thinking about? Do you know? Can you tell me? What a bummer, what a bummer... Wait, what was i bummed about?"
Her standard login (honestly same).
"I gotta get goinghmm...? Where was i going again?"
Story end 3
"If your arms or your legs get really old, then why not just rip 'em off? It's gonna grow new ones so it's okay, here, lemme help you!"
Tap 4.
"Nagisa-chan loves cheese, meanwhile i have 'someone'... 'someone' is me! So don't forget about cheese and 'someone' even when tomorrow comes, alright?"
Magical release 1
"Y'see, ghosts only come from the past, they don't be coming from the future! So why... can i only go to tomorrow?"
Magical release 2
Also this one is just, man...
"No matter how many times time turns back, i'll keep doing the same thing! 'Cause i don't wanna pretend that all the times i messed up and all the times i was sad weren't real!"
Tap 8
It's also extremely unnerving how genuinely childlike and innocent her "main", higher pitched voice is, like i can't explain why but it really sells that she does what she does all because she genuinely doesn't know any other way to live, not least because it seems she wholeheartedly doesn't seem to be able to think beyond the current moment, like she just goes with the flow of time without having anything to ground herself on.
I think that, while having a fully fledged design added to her "inhuman" factor in a creepy manner, like, compounding to the idea of this beastly Magical Girl that rips people's organs off, her voice made her "inhuman" in a much crueler and sad way, in that it served to illustrate that she is the way she is because it's quite literally the only way of living that she knows.
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a-random-weeb · 8 months
Chuuya had never truely felt loved, or the feeling of a hug.
He always felt used, whether for his strength or skill, when the sheep betrayed him for so little, he felt... Inhuman. He trusted them and then the betrayal came unexpectedly. But... that girl... one of the sheep's members, who was always there supporting him in his decisions as a leader, never tried to hurt him. Y/n L/n, she seemed or pretended to care about him, she is sweet and at the same time she is strong, he doesn't know how or when he began to stare at her with big heart eyes, and he always found himself staring at her dreamily while she chatted with the other members, and admired the way she loved the organization captivated him! Chuuya was always searching for his humanity, he didn't feel fully alive, more like an object than an actual human. He didn't love or even less feel loved, so being close to y/n was comforting.
He wondered... if he could love someone like her when he was so brutish and sometimes rude, she didn't seem to be bothered by his personality while he was in the sheep, so why not keep her all to himself? She doesn't need anyone else, he'll do everything for her! She, despite being a sheep, had a "normal" life, went to school and had a "family". He tried to find out everything about her, he even discovered that some boys at her school had a crush on her! Oops, looks like some boys came back without some of their teeth. They can't have her, they should learn it the hard way 🤷‍♀️.
Now he's here, sitting, clutching over with a knife stuck in his stomach with members of the port mafia around him along with Dazai, they were about to finish off the sheep and Chuuya finds the courage to scream: "Don't hurt the children or that girl!! Or I'll kill you!" Dazai raises an eyebrow at whoever 'that girl' is. Chuuya ends up agreeing to join the mafia and leave the sheep. The first thing he did was go after y/n after stabilizing himself in the mafia.
Y/n skips out of school after dismissal, excited to finally be out of the Hell-hole. Her eyes widden as she catches a glance at Chuuya, running over to him.
"Oh chuuya! It's good to see you! How are things going in the mafia?" He stared at her bright smile with loving eyes and listened to her voice that's laced with childlike joy.
"Well... it took me a while to settle down but it's no big deal." He shrugs, musters up the courage to say the next dumb thing that was going to slip through his lips.
"Do you want to go out with me?" He chokes out, almost too fast to be properly heard. She stares with big eyes and a head tilt before it finally clicks of her silly perception of his words.
"absolutely! It's always good to remember the times we went out together! I miss those times, love to recreate them!" Her innocent, doughy eyes light up, hugging him. There it was, the hug he never got. It was everything he wanted. He would have the chance to finally have her, she would understand, wouldn't she?
Note:(Chuuya will never physically hurt you. He may act sadistically towards other people, but he will never touch you aggressively. He wants you to kiss him every morning as soon as he wakes up ♥️)
(Collab with @mayanakahara she did most of it and came up with the story, go follow her she’s amazing ❤️)
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wutheringskies · 1 year
Post-Canon Fics in MDZS...
You know, what would make post-canon fics great? If they adhered to canon! This post is honestly just a list of character tropes, and plot tropes I find incessantly OOC, replaced by plot tropes I wish we hyped up more.
1. Yunmeng Bros Reconciliation
There are plenty of reasons this will never happen. Firstly, Jiang Wanyin will not apologize to Wei Wuxian further beyond the apology that he has made in Guanyin Temple, because to apologize, you need to see "wrong" in your actions and regret them. Jiang Cheng doesn't have a similar morality index as Wei Wuxian and their beliefs have always been different. Not to mention Jiang Cheng is inherently bitter since he was young; following down the path of his mother. His first instinct when someone is being praised is so squash them down.
Secondly, Wei Wuxian will not apologize to Jiang Cheng beyond the apology of breaking that promise that only Jiang Cheng was left holding onto - a culmination of their broken dreams and desires, a marking of them being a generation of war.
The only thing both of them have in common is their love for Jin Ling and a shared, painful past - a past that Wei Wuxian wants to move on from, a past that Jiang Cheng is simultaneously rooted in, and moved away from.
Note: that this, I am speaking for is MDZS canon. Not CQL, as well, Jiang Cheng didn't directly kill those Wens which is the tipping point.
Replaced by: Loving Jin Ling
In the MDZS Novel, we go from seeing Jiang Cheng become increasingly abusive and violent towards Jin Ling as the stakes worsen and Jin Ling becoming annoyed and having arguments with him, not agreeing with his thinking.
We also see, Wei Wuxian, being the one to push Jin Ling to talk to Jiang Cheng in the Iron Hook Extra. We see Wei Wuxian being disgustingly affectionate towards Jin Ling, and Jin Ling being a tsundere about it and promising to himself that from the next time, he'll stick around Wei Wuxian in night hunts, implying these two will be consistently in each other's lives.
We also learn that Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji take Sizhui out on night-hunts (a family). And that Sizhui and Jin Ling go on night-hunts together. Also, that Wen Ning often joins their night-hunts.
So, hear me out, post-canon fics revolving around this strange, muddly, messy support system and family that Jin Ling has amassed.
Yunmeng bros reconciliation is never going to happen; too much interaction might worsen their tentative mutual ignorance of each other. Wei Wuxian, who's always pushed himself into other's personal spaces, is fine with just ensuring Jiang Cheng is okay. Distance is better than proximity.
But what plausibly might happen is Jin Ling forming deeper connections with his scattered, support system. Jin Ling might open up to Jiang Cheng for help with this or that, as Wei Wuxian has advised. Jiang Cheng might learn how to not be emotionally abusive or harsh and show the love he has for Jin Ling in better ways. Jin Ling will probably end up getting closer to Wei Wuxian and Sizhui and understanding just so many things about, everything. He might be supported by Hanguang-jun.
He might grow up to be the best Jin sect leader there ever was.
2. Wei Wuxian navigating through a world where everyone hates him, withering away.
This is, not only one of the saddest post-canon takes, but also very OOC. It might not make sense what I'm talking about so I'll list out common tropes I put under this categorization:
a) Wei Wuxian has terrible self esteem
b) He feels undeserving of Lan Wangji's love and keeps him at a distance emotionally by seducing him for sex instead
c) He has a childlike innocence, he goes out and hears everyone talking shit about him and stays indoor most of the time
d) He is mistreated by Lan clan and Lan Wangji is oblivious to it all
And such. I definitely understand why these tropes are so popular. It feeds into a particular sort of misery but there is a lot that it ignores:
a) Wei Wuxian firstly doesn't have terrible self esteem. If he did, he wouldn't have made it this far (coughs, the big age of 21 or 22). People ignore the fact that Wei Wuxian is a strong protagonist. He is proud, and aware of his worth. He never plays down his talents. He understands quickly the perspective of other people, and already knows that the people who talk more, do less.
In his first life, he went through being coreless and powerless, hated by all, but still standing up for stuff he believed in and lounging and drinking. He's not afraid to make others uncomfortable with his presence. That is a part of his charm. He cares for the opinions of only few people - and those few love him.
b) The one where he's emotionally distant towards Lan Wangji is the one I possibly hate the most. Especially because these sorts of fics often have him distracting Lan Wangji from his bouts of worthlessness and insecurity by his body, and Lan Wangji jumps straight into action.
Lan Wangji knows Wei Wuxian well enough that he offers comfort to Wei Ying even when he doesn't realize he needs it; like hugging him in Intrustion extra when they are on the topic of servants. Wei Wuxian can read Lan Wangji well, and so can Lan Wangji. Both of them have a relationship built on mutual trust and understanding. Wei Wuxian isn't sticking around with the Lan Clan and the jingshi because it's what Lan Wangji wants, but it's also what Wei Wuxian wants.
Also, Wei Wuxian doesn't feel undeserving of Lan Wangji. He knows he has caused Lan Wangji a lot of pain, intentionally or not, and is dedicated to making him happy, and being in love. It was all in his Guanyin Temple confession - their relationship is not out of gratefulness or anything like that.
c) Wei Wuxian is innocent at his soul, but he's not a child. He knows what the world thinks and he doesn't care. He doesn't expect the world to talk nicely about him; he probably doesn't even hear half the chatter, and even if be acknowledges it, it doesn't need to emotionally hurt him. Unrelatable? Yes. But that's how his character is like.
And if he ever is hurt or surprised, he's going to seek comfort. Act childish, ask to be pampered, etc.
d) THIS one is so... We see Wei Wuxian stepping into the Lan Clan. One day later, he's sitting next to Lan Wangji in a banquet, accepted as his cultivation partner. Lan Qiren is definitely against his presence. But like, sincerely, how long will that go on when we know that Wei Wuxian is the one who takes Lan juniors to night hunts everyday? We also see Wei Wuxian acting independently with juniors onto missions where assistance from the Lan Clan was requested (Iron Hook extra) without any Lan Wangji or anyone else. He even has a jade pendant, just four days after settling in. Lan Qiren has to hear his moans like... every night. A few hours in and he's talking to a Lan female cultivator?
Lan Wangji himself has injured thirty three Lan elders and been punished by the worst punishment, probably, ever assigned. Beyond Lan Qiren's glares and admonishments, I sincerely doubt anyone can do or say much. What I don't doubt is that Wei Wuxian is loveable and makes friends easily, and that despite everything, he's Lan Wangji's cultivation partner. A teacher. Accesses all Lan cottages and buildings. And now an addition to the Lan family.
And as for what the general people speak, perhaps the Yiling Laozu will always be a figure that haunts children bed time stories. But Senior Wei, and Hanguang-jun's husband, and Wei Wuxian - is shown to be a figure that is loved, respected by many.
The whole of cultivation world TRIED to kill him (Second Seige). They were embarrassed. Only like 20 people were actually there to kill him.
These 20 people will probably never be able to touch a hair on his head.
The WHOLE of cultivation world was saved by Wei Wuxian, Lan Wangji and the Wens' remains. Stories always travel fast, don't they? The cultivation world has found their newest figure to hate - and it's not Wei Wuxian. Not just that, even the one with the most hostility towards him (Jiang Cheng) didn't DISALLOW him from coming to Lotus Pier where in front of him, they transferred crimes previously "done" by him to Jin Guangyao (like the death of Jin Zixuan - let's not fool ourselves and think anyone other than Jin Ling cares about the truth). Not just that, the cultivation world asked "Master Wei" for help.
Wei Wuxian didn't come back to life only to live a terrible, hated, agonizing life. Most people don't care. He doesn't care. Those who care are not strong enough. Those he cares about love him.
Replaced by: Wei Wuxian navigating through life without heavy burdens on his shoulder
Much of the fics focus on the "burden" of the trauma he's been through his life in the fics. Very few focus on the lack of burdens. Like... the guy is now well fed. His feelings are returned. There's nobody in danger. He has a body that can grow a core again. He can slowly pick up Suibian. He can learn new tunes on Chenqing. He can hang out with Wen Ning. He can think back to fond memories. He can paint, read, travel, teach, have great ideas and tap 100% into his actual personality.
He can process stuff he's been through in a healthier way. Like, I don't know, that intrusion scene where LWJ immediately hugs him when the topic of servants come is so important to me, because, it makes me wonder what sorts of conversations they have had. He now gets pampered and indulged - and we all know he loves it, but often the portrayals of his thoughts about being loved is very self critical which isn't canon. And it would be really cool for Wei Wuxian to have just, time, on his hand.
He was barely free for a year and changed the ways of the cultivation society forever. Without much resources or money. Now, the possibilities are endless. He can not only travel, but buy expensive stuff and have a bunch of Lan texts and a very educated and smart husband to help him invent more.
3. CQL Shade but Post-Canon Fics where Wangxian is too busy with responsibilities for each other ???
Why are you guys hurting yourselves? Like, there's only a certain amount of these sorts of fic that's acceptable until it becomes a sort of widely accepted canon.
I think it definitely has to with Chief Cultivator Lan Wangji. My poor baby, his romantic heart, extremely concise replies, and disdain for worldly matters (HIS LITERAL NAME IS WANGJI. HIS SWORD IS BICHEN) was ignored in the favour of making him a cold, busy husband who's sorting minor clan disputes, surrounded by length drabbles and politics by those that once killed his husband.
This is just so awful for me. In the intrustion extra, even after dressing up early, with a guest waiting outside (Master Qin), he lets the guest WAIT than wake Wei Ying up (who sleeps until noon).
If he became chief cultivator the world would collapse. If Wei Ying held onto his robes a little too tightly, he wouldn't even step out of the Jingshi.
Like he told Wei Ying, "I've been damned since long ago." Lan Wangji is a pure romantic. He's never going to be too busy for Wei Wuxian, or too distant, or too cold.
Like, guys just no. Let's write post-canon Wangxian. Not Madam Yu-Jiang Fengmian inspired Wangxian.
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thehomophobe · 4 months
A Little Impish (Human!Sun x GN!Reader) Chapter 1: The Escape Artist
Written by me!
"His name's Samuel.
Samuel Celeste."
"And like the others, he's a heinous criminal."
"How did he end up here?"
"Initially just for petty crimes. However, they kept adding on to his sentence due to multiple escape attempts."
"So he's done this often?"
"Yeah. It doesn't matter where he's placed, he always tries to escape. Even if he doesn't know any of his fellow inmates, he always finds a new route. We all call him the Escape Artist."
"The entire room is sealed tight. It's a complete mystery how he manages to get out. That's partially why most of the counselors have given up on him. His constant escape attempts make it hard to have a proper consultation has never been performed. He may be different from the other criminals, but that doesn't make him any less bad."
"You okay, Dr. (L/N)?"
"Is he at the Rehabilitation Center right now?"
"Yep. I just confirmed his location a few moments ago. I just hope he can finally be given a proper consultation. Good luck (Y/N)."
After Vanessa, the hardworking and ever-tired assistant of the Rehabilitation Center handed you a tablet with the cell number your client was in, you made your way down the polished, metallic halls. Each step you took banged against the flooring like a drum. You later arrive at the steel door of the cell. Room 214.
The room is oppressively silent.
"Anyone there?"
Silence once again. The cell was a little more spacious than the others you've been in. The place was spotless as if it was just cleaned. You started to panic. He didn't escape again, did he?
"You're the new counselor, right?"
You were startled by a mellifluous voice. Turning around quickly, you see your patient startled by your presence. Short, wavy blonde hair bounced with a jolt as the handcuffs on his wrists jingled like bells. "My goodness! You shouldn't turn around like that all of a sudden!" Baby blue eyes widen in shock.
"Where did you come from?" You asked. He gave you a curious look before giggling. "I was behind you the entire time silly." He grinned.
"I didn't know I was being followed." Your shock melted off you after that. A little adjustment on your coat brought you back to a calmer state. Samuel smiled sweetly as if he were greeting a new neighbor who just moved in. "Anyway, nice to meet you. I'm Sam but you can just call me Sunny! What's your name?" Wow, for a criminal he sure is friendly. Then again, you should be careful, crooks can be slippery for counselors.
"Wow, what a cool name! Cooler than any of the other counselors so far." His eyes were sparkling with delight. Samuel was definitely the friendliest and most childlike of all the criminals in the center. That increases your caution even more. "So you've come to have a little chat with me right?" He tilted his head.
You nodded, to which he responded with a huff and a frown. "I haven't the foggiest idea why you people keep wanting to pick my brain apart. I haven't done anything wrong." That was a complete lie. With what his records say and Vanessa's added comments, he's done more than what he believes."
Really? I heard you keep escaping." You cross your arms. Samuel stared at you in shock. He looked heartbroken. "M-ME?!"
"That's right."
"Is that what they said?" He pouted. "Come on, do I look like someone who would do such a thing?" He batted his eyes in innocence. You didn't say anything. No matter how innocent he was acting (or how cute he looked), nothing was going to sway you to manipulation. Samuel took the silence as an answer. He gasped as a hand was smack on his chest. "Wow...and here I thought that there was at least someone nice in this place." He saunters around aimlessly for a bit; hands behind his head as he makes a few long strides away from you.
"But surely..." He stops.
"Even you can see..." He turns his head to face you. "There is no way out of this room, and there are no tools I could use to help make a getaway." He shows you his hands. "And just look at these." He shakes the handcuffs, making a faint tintinnabulation, like wind chimes. They're secured, clutching tightly around his thin wrists. "I can't even move them without the cuffs pinching me." So you've heard. With the many wails and complaints of the other criminals. Asking staff to take them off to "stretch for a bit". Samuel moves closer to you as he proves his statement. "So me trying to escape is practically impossible! That security camera over there would've triggered an alarm if I'm gone." He points to the small but still apparent camera in the corner of the room. If you look closely, you can see a little flashing red light. "And even if I escaped, I wouldn't even be here." Samuel was...right...unfortunately. The cell is watertight and the security system is efficient. The Rehabilitation Center improved throughout the years.
"Such prejudice! You were already judging me before the consultation officially began." Samuel shook his head in disappointment."
Well if you're "so innocent", then what are you doing here?" You raised a brow.
"Because..." Samuel pauses for dramatic effect. "I've committed heinous crimes!" He dips backward with a hand resting on top of his head. Heinous crimes? You heard of some heinous crimes. Common ones like assault, murder, trafficking; you know the usual. You've heard of some crazy ones, like a young woman who was found in a hibachi restaurant eating chickens...alive. And a guy who started beating an old woman with a dildo. Yeah, it gets weird here in the Center. "Heinous? Your record only says you committed robbery." Not like it wasn't bad, but compared to what you heard (And saw), this was the most normal one of them all. "Well yeah, but it's still a horrible crime," Samuel says nonchalantly...as he looks through your wallet like a book.
"Wha...when did you...?!"
"When you first stepped in. It was too easy to resist. Here, you can have it back." He hands you your wallet with a cheeky grin. You didn't feel your wallet slip out nor even hear the sound of the zipper. "Anyhoo, now that we've cleared that up, how are things outside?"
"Yeah! Outside! It's been a while since I had some time in the sun. Let alone what's going on out there."
"Well, you do well in this consultation, you'll be free to go."
"Oh I know that. But even if I pass this consultation with flying colors, that doesn't mean I'm rehabilitated though."
"That's because you haven't been there half the time!"
Samuel huffed and rolled his eyes. "Is that all they think of me as? A crook? A hoodlum? Or are you just this suspicious of people?" He eyed you; glaring daggers sharp enough to cut the handcuffs on him. You stepped back from the angered prisoner, worried he was going to strike you in a second. He didn't though, he just continued ranting with a side of walking hastily. "I was there for every consultation, waiting patiently for anyone to arrive. It's the counselors who never showed up. Captious counselors, hypocrites with no shame. Aren't I being good and participating right now?” He stopped and looked at you. “You know, if you keep distrusting me, I might get upset."  He grinds his teeth.
Usually, counselors would record any hostile behavior the criminals express. Any harm done to the counselors would result in further restrictions...or worse...
The death penalty.
Of all the criminals you consulted, none of them harmed you. Only attempted, but nothing extreme. More manipulation to break them out of the Center than threats of bashing your head open. You should report Sunn-Samuel's aggressive behavior on the tablet.
But you didn't.
There's something about Samuel that makes him different from the other criminals. Which is exactly what Vanessa said. You didn't know what it was. His smile? His positivity? His childlike demeanor? Whatever it was, it's infectious. And it gives you hope. A potential for one of your clients to be fully rehabilitated. It made you think about all your old clients. You've been in the Center for quite some time in your life; you've met some...unique criminals. Sadly, half of them were given up as the others believed they were "unable to consult". And the other half...died. But like all your patients, you never gave up on them. No matter how difficult they would be.
"Sorry. Didn't mean sound rude." You apologized.
"Well since you apologized, you're forgiven." Samuel smiled again.
"I'm going to help you get better."
"Really? You're gonna be at all the consultation meetings?" Samuel raised a brow at you as if your skepticism rubbed off on him.
"Every single one." You promised.
Samuel hums in suspicion. You understood why though. You bet he was willing to go through any sort of consultation with any counselors before, but their lazy assses didn't come to do their jobs. You've done this job for about 2 years now and by golly, you were going to have a successful rehabilitation if it's the last thing you'll do. "All right, I trust you Doc." Samuel grinned. "Maybe after I'm rehabilitated, we'll go strawberry picking!"
"Strawberry picking?" You questioned.
"You've never been strawberry picking?" He gawked.
"Nope. That does sound nice though."
"It really is. I know this place where you get to make all kinds of desserts with the strawberries you picked and you can keep them." Ok. That does sound nice.
Samuel looked at the clock. "Would you look at that? We got so carried away chatting that we're all out of time." He sighed. He looked so happy getting to talk to someone so casually. You were too. All the staff are always tired as hell, which makes everyone here dull. "I hope to see you again (Y/N)."You raise a brow.
That statement was suspicious. "Is there any reason I wouldn't come back?" 
"You never know. I might end up having someone different next time." He's right. Counselors swap out for all the prisoners every consultation. "But it was fun chatting with you. Even if you have a lot of suspicions about me."
You smiled. "I'm sure one day we'll be able to pick strawberries together." Sunny's eyes sparkled with wonder.
"Oh I can't wait!"
You leave the cell with a creak and a thump of the door.
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samoankpoper21 · 11 months
JJK Men MTL To Date Someone With Tattoos
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Ryomen Sukuna: This dude is already tatted up so having a significant other with tattoos is a given; now this is not to say that he won't date someone without any but he will find it foreign 😅 "I like your tattoos." "Does my tattoos have a meaning? You didn't know? These markings make me the king of curses." 😏
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Yuji Itadori: I don't mean this in a bad way but Yuji has a childlike innocence/curiosity about him. Once he sees the amount of tatttos on your body he would be amazed. "Whoa! What's that on your leg? Does it mean anything? Do you have more tattoos?"
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Gojo Satoru and Geto Suguru: I put these two as a tie because I feel like, yeah they wouldn't mind their partner having a tattoo or two but, they would probably prefer a small one i.e dainty designs such as small lettering, a cute small picture of a strawberry or cherry; nothing too extravagant. Suguru loves to pepper kisses on the small LIV on the inside of your wrist. It was a simple font and you purposefully misspelled it without the 'e' so as not cause confusion but it was a reminder for you to keep fighting and that there was a reason for you to live. Satoru loved the small moon cycle tattoo that ran underneath your collarbone. He loved to pepper it with kisses and when he asked you why you got it, you simply answered, "The moon cycles reminds me of you; you're always growing and learning more about your technique and yet you're ever present, bright, and strong."
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Megumi Fushiguro: As much as I love this man I feel like he is kind of in the same boat as SatoSugu: he wouldn't mind but he tends to lean towards a partner without ink 🥲
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Kento Nanami: THIS MAN HAS ME IN A CHOKEHOLD BUT I don't know 🥲 I just don't see him dating someone with tattoos 🥲 if I'm wrong please someone tell me 🤣
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Aoi Todo: If you're not Takada-chan don't bother 🤣 but she originally doesn't have tattoos sooo 😬 if your tattoos aren't boring you might have a chance with him 🤣
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akatsuki-shin · 8 months
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I always wonder how Yaga-sensei and Geto's first interaction would be when they meet each other again in that airport afterlife after Yaga died. :')
At the end of the day, no matter how strong and mature he carried himself, Geto was still a 17-18 years old student a.k.a. a teenager when he got hit full in the face with the whole Riko's assassination case. It was probably his first ever, yet extremely hard-hitting trauma.
He literally:
Saw his best friend got stabbed through the chest by an unexpected assassin and had to leave him for the sake of their mission (and later got told he was killed)
Saw the person he was supposed to protect, who had also become a dear friend to him, got shot right before his eyes just as he thought they finally made it, just as he decided they would stake everything in order to grant her wish to live normally as a normal human girl and not a Star Plasma vessel
Saw so many non-sorcerers clapping happily at the corpse of an innocent middle schooler due to their personal, cultist obsession, when he has been living his entire life by the principles that sorcerers should protect non-sorcerers
Continued to exorcise curse after curse by himself, swallowing that horrifying taste of absorbing curses times and again, in order to keep protecting the non sorcerers while already seeing their ugly side in the worst form possible, all the while falling deeper and deeper into the darkness while being left out by his best friend that he thought was once his equal
I think Geto's calmness and maturity is a double-edged sword for himself. Had he been a bit more childlike, maybe his stress and confusion would've shown more on his face and behavior, allowing others to notice and talk to him about it. Had he possessed a more candid or emotional personality, maybe the stress would've made him more impulsive, which will lead to others trying to rein him in and eventually look for the sources of his impulsiveness.
But no, because he is calm and mature, he kept everything bottled up to himself and he kept it hidden so perfectly. Nobody noticed his stress, nobody noticed his confusion, his dilemma, his depression. Nobody realized he was going through great turmoil for so many days and weeks, unable to find a solution. He thought about it by himself, he dwelled in his confusion by himself. Nobody realized he needed help until he was broken beyond repair and exploded — everything at the mere age of 17-18 years old.
And that became one of Yaga's biggest regrets in his life.
After all, he was Geto's teacher. He was one of the very few adults in Geto's life that Geto looked up to and could rely on (or perhaps the only one even).
Despite his scary and stern-looking appearance, we saw him sharing a close relationship with his students, that they have mutual trust toward each other, and that he cared about his students even though he was not someone who would put his honest feelings into words.
(I mean, just look at this scene and try to tell me Yaga didn't love or care for these five dummies)
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And yet despite being the only adult figure they could depend on, despite being their mentor and father-figure in that school, he let two of his students went through the worst experience in life:
Haibara getting killed for the most ridiculous reason that is the wrong mission brief
Geto succumbing to his trauma and depression, and ended up turning into a curse user
Granted, it wasn't Yaga's faults but more because of the flaws of the people governing the Jujutsu society from high above. But I'm 100% sure he felt regretful and responsible for what happened to Haibara and Geto.
He must be one of the first people who was informed about Geto massacring those villagers and I couldn't imagine how it felt for him, to hear his best-behaving student turning into a villain overnight. But he couldn't show it on his face because he needed to tell Gojo about it, and he couldn't possibly show any sign of weakness while Gojo was freaking out in front of him, knowing full well the relationship between those two.
"I wish I had paid more attention. I wished I had been more attentive. I wished I hadn't left them alone."
I think those words were constantly on Yaga's mind up until the moment of his death. In the first place, he didn't even get angry at Gojo for letting Geto go in Shinjuku, didn't tell him to look for him again or go by himself despite Geto's sentence already been announced, and expressed his understanding instead. And I think his "This time we'll completely exorcise the curse known as Geto Suguru!" in JJK 0 is more of the only way he could think of to free his former student from the cursed fate that he believed was caused, among others, by his negligence as his teacher — than a desire to execute a wanted criminal.
I don't think I need to write down anymore proofs of how Yaga was actually someone who thinks deeply about his students and cares about them more than he shows, because otherwise, that conversation between him and Principal Gakuganji in those screenshots above wouldn't even exist, and they wouldn't be showing Geto's face there (in both the anime and manga) while he was speaking about regrets.
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So back to what I was saying in the beginning, I wonder how his reunion with Geto (and Haibara) would've gone in that airport afterworld.
Would Yaga apologize to them first before Geto could apologize for the troubles he caused and before Haibara could express his dismay over Yaga's death?
Or knowing him, he might not put it into words. Perhaps he'd just pat them both on the head before they could say anything and ruffled their hair with his big hands like they were kids.
And this was more than enough to convey his feelings to them, more than any of his words could.
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nezushisreunion · 8 months
Book 6 spoilers
Some Shroud thoughts
Someone I find very interesting in book 6 has to be Ortho, phantom Ortho to be more specific. Original Ortho and his relationship with our Ortho
Basically the ramblings of a crazy person about Shroud brothers
In the jp server, there is a line that ORTHO says "I wonder what else Ortho would do for nii-san." Which was changed in eng, "Ortho" was replaced with "I". It implies that ORTHO looks towards Ortho for advice, never receiving any as the dead cannot talk. ORTHO wants to be Ortho Shroud, or at least the best Ortho Shroud he could be so Idia wouldn't be sad anymore. Which makes his choice to end the world make sense, he wants to do it because Ortho Shroud would do it and also to make Idia happy again.
When Ortho and ORTHO meet, the original line was "pleasure to make your acquaintance, me" the kanji was "me" while the voice over said "Ortho" which I think is a pretty cool detail. Ortho accepts ORTHO as himself, and does not seem to resent him for taking his spot as Ortho Shroud.
Idia originally was against the idea of ending the world, it was until ORTHO calls him "nii-chan" instead of his usual "nii-san", desperate to get his brother back, Idia runs down to Tartaros. It is shown that Idia will do anything for Ortho in the attempts to make him happy, in his flashback, he hacks the security system so Ortho could have an adventure with his big brother, and once again he is doing something FOR Ortho to make him happy. Idia doesn't see the point in doing anything because nothing will change, he'll always be a Shroud, but if Ortho asked him, he'd run down several flights of stairs to grant his wish. Because whatever Ortho wants, Ortho gets.
My interpretation of that is because Idia understands his fate, he will have no freedom, ever. But his little brother didn't (I'll expand on that later), so in his attempts to keep his innocence, he will grant Ortho whatever he wants. If Ortho wants to go on an adventure, fine. If Ortho wants to reset the world, fine. Whatever made him happy.
I think Idia would've done the exact same for ORTHO, it was just because of his shock that he had acted like that to ORTHO, the situation of a cyber attack on the security system brought back unwanted memories, causing him to accidentally lash out at ORTHO. I believe Idia holds no real resentment to Ortho.
Now back to Ortho, in Idia's flashback, he said "why's that? I want us both to be!" In response to Idia saying he cannot be a hero but Ortho probably could. It implies that Ortho lacks the understanding that he's a Shroud and will never have freedom. He's still ignorant, a trait that Idia does not have. Which leads me to believe that Ortho doesn't fully understand the concept of phantoms, he doesn't understand that being his brother's phantom, he is hurting him. He doesn't understand that by being his brother's phantom, he is slowly killing his brother. Which just makes their dynamic so much more depressing
Now to the scene where Ortho and Idia talk, Ortho telling Idia to live for him. I have two interpretations of this scene, one is the popular one which is Ortho just wanting Idia to be happy. My second interpretation is just, Ortho pretending to be mature so his brother wouldn't be sad anymore. He knows that his brother was willing to die just for him, and he doesn't want that because his brother shouldn't suffer. I believe that because well, ghosts don't age, and Ortho still acts pretty childlike, he acts like he's 8 but also a mixture of the age he should've been, 16. I feel as if it's because he doesn't wish for Idia to worry anymore
But hey that's just a theory
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archiveofthelibrarian · 9 months
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Manwion had hair of silver, which at night, reflected the starry sky yet glistened gold when Laurelin waxed. His long silver waves was adored by all, Quendi and Ainur alike, rivaled only by the gold-silver hair of Artanis which was said to have captured the very essence of the Two Trees.
Love and Glass
Chapter 1
Inspired by my conversation with @animatorweirdo as anon here.
I did not proof read this, so feel free to point out any mistakes.
Masterpost for the fic can be found here.
DISCLAİMER: I do not own anything you recognize. This is a fanwork for entertainment purposes and should be regarded as such.
Word count: 1.162
It was just like any other night.
You were on your couch, relaxing and catching up on that show you had neglected for the past month.
It had been a very hectic month at work.
You didn't even want to think, so Netflix was it.
The hours went on and you became more engaged in your show by the minute.
But suddenly, your attention was torn away from the show by a very suspicious noise coming from your backyard.
Cautiously, you took your gun and went to investigate the matter.
What you found was a creature of such beauty, it was otherworldly.
Though he was the exact same height as you and appeared human, he was anything but a normal human.
His hair was silver and it went down to his waist in delicate waves as it reflected the starry night as an ocean, calm and deep.
His face was drained and his complexion was of unsullied light.
His eyes were the darkest shade of blue, capturing the light of stars in themselves.
You were completely entranced, but through some miracle, you managed to keep your guard up.
"Who are you?" you asked, pointing the gun to his forehead.
The creature tilted his head in curiosity. His eyes shined with childlike wonder and innocence.
"What is that?" he asked with pure wonder and innocence. His voice felt like liquid gold to your ears.
"Answer the question!"
The creature flinched and took a step away from you, terrified.
It would be very unwise to trust him, yet it seemed the creature was genuine in his every behavior.
It was almost like he was untouched by malice and did not know of any ulterior motives.
Ignoring the screaming voice of reason in your brain, you lowered your gun and started speaking softly. "Hey, hey. I am sorry, I didn't mean to scare you."
The creature looked you in the eyes, his very gaze piercing your heart. "Really?"
You nodded. "Yes, I was just trying to be cautious."
The creature seemed to have believed you in an instant as he lowered his guard entirely.
"Now, what is your name?"
"I don't have a name," the creature said. You felt a tinge in your heart. How could someone not have a name? You so desperately wanted to ask, yet knew better than to pry into a stranger's personal matters.
"Then, how do your people call you?"
"Manwion," he said. "The Amanyar call me Manwion for I am the son of Manwë and Varda."
You felt as if someone poured a bucket of ice-cold water over your head.
"I am sorry, did you say Manwë and Varda?"
He nodded. "Yes, the King and Queen of Arda," he said tilted his head. "Do you not know them? How can you not know them?"
That was it. You had fallen into a coma during work and this was some coma dream shit.
You must have frozen since the creature gently took your hand, jolting you awake.
"Are you okay," he asked.
This was a dream. It had to be.
But the evidence was right here.
"Yeah, I am. Just, surprised..."
That part of your brain which has always been too kind decided to take matters into its own hands as you decided to go invite him in. Whether it was a dream or reality, you couldn't leave someone out here in the middle of the night.
"Why don't you come inside and then we can talk. It is quite a chilly night after all.
The creature smiled. "Okay."
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Throughout the entire night, you two talked and as the first light of the sun dawned on earth, it became clear to you that this creature was truly what he claimed to be.
He was the son of Manwë and Varda, the King and Queen of Arda.
He was Manwion, the Silver Prince of Arda,, who was made out of silver crystal and given life.
He was the embodiment of innocence and joy.
He could never know any evil or malice for his heart was untouched by any of it.
But it did not mean malice was nonexistent because he couldn’t know it. And this was a world full of malicious intent.
He was so vulnerable here.
If anyone found out about his existence aside from yourself, they would take him and turn him into a lab rat.
The images of this creature of pure light and joy being experimented on played in your head.
It was so horrible.
You could not let that happen.
So you decided to hide Manwion’s existence from the world, letting him stay in your house.
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Manwiom really wasnt hard to love with his cheerful and radiant personality.
He really was the embodiment of joy.
As days turned intp weeks and weeks turned into months, you found yourself liking Manwion more and more.
Looking at him when he wasnt looking, bringing him new things he had not known earlier so that you could see his face light up with joy...
You had fallen in love and you had fallen hard.
But Manwion was a divine being of another world, he was the Silver Prince of Arda and you were but a mere human from Earth who worked 8-5 and ran on cafdeine most of the time.
The thought of having your affection resipricsted seened like fever dream no matter how you looked at it.
But he did in fact return your affections. And he return them as much more beauty than you ever thought was possible.
And so began your days of bliss on Earth.
But it would not last as few things ever did.
Despite all your caution, the authorities managed to find out about Manwion and thus began a search for him.
With no other choice, you took the barest necessities for your survival and Manwion and you fled from your home.
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You held the hand of Manwion tight as the light from police cars threatened to blind you.
Manwion's hands were shaking from terror.
There were so many guns pointed at you.
The officer repeated his demand for you to turn yourselves in.
You were hesitant to speak as anything you said would render you in an even worse situation.
Just when you thought it was all over, the very fabric of the space-time was torn, revealing a dark tentacle.
The tentacle started wreaking havoc as it blasted the police cars away.
In the chaos, you and Manwion got separated.
The moment you realized he was not with you, you started to look around frantically.
And suddenly, your world narrowed to the sight of him screaming as he was captured and dragged into the depths of the void by the dark creature.
Without thinking, your body sprang into action taking a gun one of the officers had managed to somehow lose, you held onto the tencale and got dragged with him into the void.
The tear on the fabric fixed itself, trapping you, the creature and Manwion inside.
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vellhighbandi · 1 year
Chapter One
POV: June
It had been years and still, all his nights, he lay awake, still thinking of that one night that changed his life. He was never one to judge, always made sure that she understood his care, his worry; for him, she would always come first. And yet when it mattered the most he couldn't do it, couldn't keep his conscience silent. 
Couldn’t keep the questions from plaguing his love story forever. 
He left her. 
He had thought she would come back with an explanation, an excuse, something. That she would want him more than keeping a secret, but who was he kidding. That wasn't what she wanted; he wasn't worth it for her.
It had been years since he found her with a knife sticking out her gut. Her eyes quiet and contemplative like they always were. In her hands, the dagger she loved so much. Intricately carved in a remote village she travelled all alone to get it done. Its blade, so delicately moulded, buried in a neck, blood seeping down its redwood hilt.
He stood there watching as she pulled the knife away and waited as the blood dripped down her gut. He stood there silent and shocked as she pushed the corpse off of her, her dagger still sticking out. 
She raised her head.
Their eyes met.
POV: Anamika
Their eyes met.
It wasn't like the first time they had locked gazes as strangers and grew closer every day. Grew close enough that their eyes told the other every thing that needed to be said, and everything they couldn’t voice out. But today his eyes felt foreign, hurt and most of all, scared. 
He was scared of her. 
Maybe he didn't know it yet or maybe he's just realising it but he was scared of her; and she knew it.
She knew she had to make a move; she couldn't just let the silence stay. Letting  the knife drop, she went right ahead and pushed him against the wall he was standing along,“You know nothing.”
A lie,
Bold faced and white,
A statement with implications clear,
A request it was meant to be,
To understand.
An order it came out as,
For silence.
“Are we clear, my love?” 
The last two words left a bitter taste in her mouth as if she puked out her lungs, like that one time. 
And she let the impulse to kiss him overwhelm her. But she couldn't. 
She dare not. She wasn't worthy. 
She never was, but once she had been selfish. She was wrong. Wrong wrong wrong… 
She pulled him down and kissed his nose. A soft brush of lips  on his red button nose on his red flushing face. 
Red like the blood sliding down her legs, red like the blood pooling beneath the dagger she treasured, her amate was living up to her name in this moment.
He was adora- no he wasn't hers anymore. He couldn't be… was too pure… too righteous… still innocent, childlike… 
POV: June
He was not surprised when he saw her with a blade in hand but he went numb when she shrugged that body off her. Walked with her shoulders pulled back, hands stuck to the side like the cadet she once had been. 
Those years of training, the habits that she still fell back on when things didn't really go the way she wanted. 
Chills crept through his spine.
But did he even know her? At this point he seemed to have no idea what she might have wanted or planned. Her words slid off him at first and then his brain kickstarted. The shock came back rushing and with it came a- fear?
A bead of sweat rolled down his spine leaving his mouth dry, he gulped trying to wet his mouth. Words flitted through his mind. Not stopping, not pausing, not making sense.
“But y- you- you killed him Anamika…”
His words trailed out as he realised he was speaking to someone who was probably desperately trying her best to not break down. There was guilt in him but the fear was greater. It was with her words next that he knew shouldn't have assumed. He knew her and yet… yet he… shouldn't have said that… shouldn't have been the one to judge her…
POV: Anamika
His stuttered words in that breaking voice broke her. Her face remained steadfastly loyal, not a hint of the carnage raging within. 
But she couldn’t keep it blank anymore.
She smiled. 
Something cruel and disgusting exactly like her.
"I had my reasons, June,” she had to make sure he understood. 
She knew it was pointless and yet she couldn’t let him think she was insane; she was but she couldn’t let him know that.
“Trust me not one soul will grieve him.”
Trust me. Oh how bad she wanted to scream those words at him. 
Be a hypocrite and self serving like she was and ask for his trust when she couldn't even let him into the first layers of  her mind; not that it was a particularly pretty place, she herself felt caged, suffocated, stifled there, in her own damn mind. 
How could she ask for his support when in return all she could give was nothing but grief and pain and hurt and disappointment wrapped in her tainted love and bloodied hands? How could she ask for anything more from him…
Blaring alarm lights reflected off the blood on her face giving it a deep red hue once, and then a deep purple. The colour she loved. 
The colour she identified with. 
The colour she called royal… majestic… the only colour that mattered to her. And right now she, adorned by her colour looks something divine.
Almost mythical. 
Almost grotesque.
She looked like vengeance woke up and chose war. 
She looked like retribution, her gait secure and head held high. 
Walking away seemed to be the only thing she could do if she didn't want to break down in front of him. She didn't want to be a burden on him anymore. He was already overburdened with the spiral of her thoughts, he doesn't need to see all that blood in reality too. 
She walked away without turning to look back; she walked away leaving a dying man, her scared lover and her withering relationship behind. 
She left him with the corpse of a half naked man and her jacket. Walked away. Brutally ignoring his scared scream for her. She keeps going, not hearing it, trying not to atleast, hoping never to contemplate if he was scared of her or for her. But her mind won't be kind. It never really was.
With voices heavy in her mind, a new burden on her shoulders, another mark on her tainted soul, she walked away from the two relations she held dear.Her accomplice in insanity, her amate and her only sanity, her June. She leaves them behind this time. They are not hers anymore.
Madam co-author : Lilac
The fans from original already going gaga : Sesky Single Aunt , Disha , @octoberpdf .
Tagging the peeps too : Ahana Baby, @bibliophile-dendrophile, @daughterofruins,
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What can you say about this argument? It is not the first time I have met the opinion that Aang does not understand and does not know the culture of his people, and therefore his communication with Katara in TSR is hypocritical and childish.
*sighs eternally* Not that moron and their awful "arguments" again.
"Aang has a child's understanding of his culture"
And what about it? In case you haven't noticed, he IS a child. You think Zuko doesn't have a teenager's understanding of his own culture, of the war itself, etc? And that Katara's view of her culture has not changed, and will continue to change, as she grows older?
Not to mention, "mentaliy shared by most adults, but by basically none of the kids" doesn't immediately translate to "correct mentality." Again, just look at Zuko.
At 13 he spoke out against a room full of generals, and in front of his very abusive father who is also the absolute monarch, in defense of the soldiers they were about to betray and let the enemy slaughter. He knew his nation was killing innocents left and right and he WAS taught to see that as normal and even good, but he, a child, had assumed this "cruel, but justified" behavior would never extend to their own people as that would be cruel and unncessary .
At 16 however, he has almost fully internalized the idea that "If the Fire Lord says something must be done, then he is correct, because he is the Fire Lord and he can't ever be wrong", hence him betraying Iroh, who is not only not from the Fire Nation but also HIS UNCLE, and calling him a fool for not helping him and Azula take Ba Sing Se for Ozai - ya know, Iroh's younger brother that stole his crown and burned his nephew in front of him?
"Children often doesn't see the things the same way adults do" is a neutral statement that does not imply either side is fully or even partially correct. This is a completely pointless "argument" to hate on Aang.
"The show didn't challenge Aang's childlike assumption that forgiveness would magically fix everything"
Yes, it did. It's funny how zutarians go on and on about TSR as an episode, yet NEVER remember anything about the ending of said episode, expect for Zuko and Katara hugging.
Aang did initially assume that forgiving that awful man would be what Katara would need to move on he caused her. It makes sense not only considering the airnomads were pacifists, but also that forgiveness seems to be what personally works for Aang - which IS realistic, because while that doesn't work for everyone, it is absolutely how some people find closure.
However, Avatar was one of the few kid shows that EXPLICITLY said "Violence is always not the answer, but that doesn't mean you always have to forgive everyone who has ever hurt you." Katara and Zuko realize that killing Yon Rha would just traumatize her even more, and Aang realized that forgiveness isn't always a necessary step to recover - hence him not having a problem with Katara saying "I didn't forgive him. I'll never forgive him."
And The Southern Raiders wasn't the only episode that challenged Aang's perspective on never taking lives - the finale was all about him coming to terms with the fact that he would have to kill Ozai, as there was no other way to stop him from destroying the world. It is very clear that, if the Lion Turtle had not shown up, Aang would have done it.
The show IS embracing nuance. It IS saying "Sometimes, there is no other way to solve such a conflict - but if you DO find a different solution, go with that."
Zutarians keep trying to act like they're taking apart a bad message that says things are always either black or white, no grey areas ever, when in reality they are just exposing how a goddamn Nickelodeon show is too complicated for them to wrap their heads around, and thus they really need to stick to shows that are for even younger audiences otherwise they'll continue to be confused and enranged by completely mundane things nearly every narrative has.
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Can I request a match-up for Baldur's Gate 3 & Obey Me please?
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Straight (Please exclude Raphael, Emperor, Cazador, Thorm, and the Withers!)
Appearance: I'm a skinny woman who looks like a teenager despite being in my late twenties. My height is like 154cm. I have dark armpit length hair that's tied in a low ponytail. I have big eyes, and I wear wide frame glasses. My nose shape is fleshy nose. I wear oversized t-shirts, baggy pants, and sport shoes
(MBTI &/or Engram if you would like to take the tests and add it) : INFP-T
Personality: I'm shy, timid, quiet & polite to strangers. With people I'm comfortable with, I'm loud, outgoing, playful, mature, responsible, motherly(to naughty friends), childlike(to mature friends/family) and sarcastic (unintentionally).
I'm kinda tomboyish as I wear over-sized t-shirts, baggy pants, sneakers but don't play sports or video games. I'm a slow learner, not smart, not strong, and not talented. I'm pretty dense, straightforward, oblivious, and naive too.
I get confused or misunderstand what people meant easily so it's best if you tell me straight to my face so I can't be mistaken. I'm also touch starved as I love giving & receiving affection but I only can hug one person and even then, I do my best to not overdo it.
I'm a hopeless romantic, sensitive, forgetful, & overthink often. I work as hard as I can & try my best & be careful as I can to everything I do, as I'm pretty clumsy & makes mistakes more often than most people. I try to help my family and friends as they've helped me & cared for me dearly.
I try to communicate properly & ask for their consent first before doing anything because I misunderstood that I had their permission before. I do my best to give people the benefit of doubt but I do have my limits. I don't really get angry often that even my family & friends are surprised when it happens once in a blue moon.
I don't believe in compliments I get occasionally or why my family & friends care for me because I don't see good things in myself only bad things.
Likes (at least like three things): music, fanfiction, manga, anime, cartoons, books (If I find it interesting), family, friends, potato chips, chocolate, cakes, bread, anyone who is kind, patient, supportive, helpful, tries at least, trustworthy, responsible, fair in general, respectful, flexible, honest, open-minded, humble, sincere, accepting, thoughtful, encouraging, forgiving, careful, understanding, wise, mature, cooperative, caring, etc. That's more but that's all I could think of.
Dislikes (at least three things): anyone who's rude, disrespectful, doesn't listen to others, refuse to admit mistakes, blames others for their mistakes, ignores people yet demands attention from them, demanding, won't acknowledge what you said, hypocritical, biased, irresponsible, careless, disloyal, inconsiderate, insensitive, inflexible, petty, hostile, untrustworthy, immature, uncooperative, unforgiving, judgemental, narrow-minded, self-centred, unethical, self-righteous, etc. That's more but that's all I could think of.
Hobbies : drawing, reading manga, listening to music, fanfics especially reader inserts, and watching anime, movies, & cartoons. My favourite genre is romance but I love comedy, mystery, action, sci-fi, fantasy, and historical too! My favourite music genre is pop, but I also love ballads, & alternative rock!
Extra fun fact (this is about whoever you are describing to me): I'm kinda perverted which contrasts my innocent & baby face. I keep it to myself though. I always need to let the cinema employees check my identity card to verify my age whenever I watch a R-rated movie.
Although a kind stranger realises I'm older than I looked when we talked about how I didn't lashed out in anger at someone who didn't do anything wrong to me because I know how it felt to be in that position.
Please and thank you!
It's finally the weekend!!! I am ready to pump out some content for my favorite people!
~~~~~ MATCH UP ~~~~~
For your Baldurs Gate 3 match up I chose this person due to their great sarcasm, loyalty, stubbornness, and deep understanding of struggling with self love.
I match you with-------
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Astration Ancunin (Non Ascended)
~~~~~ Headcanon ~~~~~
The first time he met you, he thought you were a child until he got up close to you and realized you were just a very innocent-looking adult.
Astarion can't remember the last time he had a mother, he has only experienced 200 years of being a slave and being hurt.
Astarion loves it when you mom him. He will act like he doesn't, but he secretly craves for someone to take care of him and not let the bad eat him alive anymore.
The dry sarcasm king will attempt many battles of wits with you only to get frustrated that you're just slightly better, so he resorts to flirting and cheap tactics.
Astarion also struggles with compliments. He knows he must be attractive because of the number of people he has taken to his master, but he just can't see past the monster he thinks he is.
Due to his own issues with self-image, he takes extra care to describe clearly and in detail what he loves about you and finds beautiful.
~~~~~ BLURB ~~~~~
Your group had safely reached the east bridge leading you into Baldurs Gate. Worn down, hungry, and quite the smelly group, you sought refuge at the first tavern. As you entered the building, it was apparent how costly this would be. Looking at your dwindling coin pouch and your exhausted companions, you sucked it up and went to the tavern keeper. "We need eight beds, please." You gently placed your coin pouch on the table, separating you two. The tavern clerk looked through your coins and set down 4 keys. "This all I gots for ya, kiddo. Why someone as young as you got so much gold." Sighing dramatically, you grabbed the keys. "I am an adult, sir."
You walked over to reconvene with your group, giving them the bad news of the bed situation. Lazel and Shadowheart, having worked through their differences, offered to sleep together. Gale and Halsin had just started discussing the inner workings of combining nature with the weave, which they used as a reason to pair up. Wyll and Karlach had so much sexual tension after their joined union that it would be unfair to separate them. Leaving you and the pale elf left to share. You all made it to your rooms, hoping to get a good night's rest. As you entered, you began to make a pallet on the floor. "Love, I can not allow you to sleep on the floor." You smirked, continuing, "Good, I didn't ask for permission." Astarion scoffed before grabbing your pallet materials and plopping them on the bed. You whipped around to look at him.
"Love, you do so much for our group; you keep us going and me going. If I let you sleep on the ground and wear out your back, I would not only face the wrath of the group and myself but also not be able to live with myself as your partner." Hearing the sincerity in his voice, you smiled softly. You made your way over to the bed, and as you sat down, you grabbed his arm and brought him with you. "Then I say we share a bed; I know we said we'd go slow with anything more, but some cuddles, I think, would do us both some good." Nodding at you with a soft smile, Astarion positioned himself on the bed, allowing you to curl up into him. Honestly, it was the best night of sleep of your life.
~~~~~ EXTRA ~~~~~
(After the final battle, sitting outside admiring the moon with Astarion, you two imagine what nightlife will mean for you now.)
Astarion: I never thought the day would come when I wouldn't need to watch my back.
Y/N: I am proud of you for the choice you made. Together, we can accomplish anything. We just gotta believe in each other.
(Astarion snorts and lays back on the ground)
Astarion: You sound like a school teacher, which is ironic cause you look like a school kid.
(Gasping in shock and smacking his arm lightly)
Y/N: How dare you? There are no cuddles for you tonight.
For your Obey Me! matchup, I chose someone super intelligent and nonjudgmental—unless you're Mammon. He is possessive, especially when his eldest brother notices what is his and cares about what he finds oh-so-cute.
I match you with------
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~~~~~ HEADCANON ~~~~~
It is no lie that Satan is obsessed with cats. He thinks they are the most perfect innocent creatures in the world.
Innocent creatures, innocent girlfriends; what I am getting at is he tried to get you to dress up as a kitten once or twice.
He loves to read with you; he will even help you transcribe books from the devildom you can't read.
Satan is to the point with his brothers, other demons, and especially his partner. The only time satan doesn't talk directly to anyone is when it involves one of his insecurities.
He is a sarcastic man. I mean, come on, we see it in the game. From calling out Mammon to pointing out things Beel does, he makes sure to lace it all with sarcasm.
If you mess up anything in his presence, he is very gentle with you. he knows how frustrating it can be to mess up and how infuriating it is when someone talks down to you like a child.
Satan's wrath comes out almost instantly when he hears someone wrong you, whether that is them calling you a child or making you mad.
~~~~~ BLURB ~~~~~
You had been visiting the nearby grocery store with Satan, shopping for dinner tonight. Satan asked you kindly to help him with dinner, and how could you not agree? As you perused the aisle with Satan, looking for what he would cook, you couldn't help but get distracted by the flower section.
Of course, the devildom had some similar flowers as they did in the mortal realm, but most were new to you and quite interesting. As you looked over the flowers, you began to give yourself a mini test on their names and properties, seeing as you and Satan had just finished transcribing a book on devildom flowers. You pulled back and looked around once you had gotten through most of the flowers. Satan was gone; you were in an unfamiliar place, and a shady demon approached you. Shit. Preparing yourself for the encounter, you went back to the flowers. Maybe he will lose interest if you don't interact.
"Heya doll, whatcha doing buying some flowers for mommy." You turned around to face the demon irritation tight on your brow. The demon looked shocked before smirking."Not flowers for mommy, but maybe flowers for yourself. Don't have a man who could buy these for you?" You scoffed at the redicouls notion, "Excuse me but I don't need a man to buy me flowers I can buy them myself. However, I have a man who would be more than happy too." The demon pulled back, looking around you, noticing no one in sight. "Looks like you got no one who would I hates to break it to you." As the demon bent back down in your face, ready to make a wildly inappropriate proposition to you, he suddenly went flying across the store.
Before you stood Satan in his complete form, breathing heavily. "Leave her alone; she doesn't want to talk to a lowlife like you." Looking up at your partner, you couldn't help but smile softly. As Satan turned to look at you, he slowly transformed and grabbed your hand, muttering a soft "I'll get you flowers before we leave."
~~~~~ EXTRA ~~~~~
(You and satan had decided that after reading an excellent book together, you would watch the movie adaption next. Satan went to collect food for the occasion as you got the theater room ready. Walking in with a large amount of snacks, you were surprised it wasn't Beel helping instead)
Y/N: Woah, love, let me help you with all of that
(Helping take some of the load off of Satan's arms, you noticed all of your favorite foods and very little of Satan's.)
Satan: I may have gone overboard trying to make sure Beel didn't eat your snacks, which I paid little attention to on my own.
Y/N: (holding back a laugh) Don't worry, love, I am more than willing to share.
I hope you like it! I am so glad to be back in the writing groove. Twenty-four hours of no stories and facing off with a storm was far too much for me, lol!
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