#💌 — ꒰ we just got a letter! ꒱
sarahsmi13s · 11 months
sarah! babe! congrats on the big 400. if anyone deserves it, it's your sweet soul!
ok my (first?) request is obviously Iceman because we all know what era I'm in. I 1000% need this to survive, just so you're aware.
"Is there a reason you're naked in my bed?"
Pumped for you and can't wait to see what you churn out for this even! Big love! <3
i'm so so sorry it took me so long to get to this girl! thank you so much for celebrating with me!
pairing: tom 'iceman' kazansky x kerner!reader warnings: language, smut, unrequited but requited love, let me know if i missed any word count: ~1.5k a/n: i will most likely expand further on this in the future once i've caught up on some other works ❤❤ prompt: "is there a reason you're naked in my bed?"
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Why did your brother have to invite his pilot on your family trip? His incredibly hot, but annoying pilot.
Though, he was your big brother… it was his job to get under your skin.
You had originally had a beach trip planned with your friends, but a storm rolled in the day you were scheduled to leave and your friends decided it would be better to reschedule. So after you did that, you headed up to the mountains with the idea to surprise your family.
And that’s how you ended up walking in on… this.
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“Ummm, is there a reason you’re naked in my bed, Tom?” 
You tried to avoid looking directly at him, even though your brain had taken a photo of the sight before you could look away. 
“Your bed? Last I checked this was my room.” 
He stayed in the same position on the bed as he looked you over, not at all embarrassed about being completely exposed. His head rested against his arm, the other draped over his sculpted abdomen. 
You didn’t respond, afraid you’d stutter and embarrass yourself further than the obvious blush covering your face and neck.
“You gonna stand there with the door wide open or come in and close it?”
You chose the latter and tossed your bag down before closing the door. “You know, this is actually my room, considering it is my family's cabin. This has been my room since I was 7.” 
Tom scoffed a bit and propped himself up on his elbows, “And last I checked, you were supposed to be at Myrtle Beach.” He got up, securing a blanket around his waist to give you the opportunity to actually look at him. “Which is why I’m in here and not sharing a room with your brother.”
You crossed your arms and focused on his blue eyes, which didn’t actually help you at all. The icy orbs causing your thoughts to just slip out of your mind. 
“W-well, there was a storm that was gonna last a few days, so we-we rescheduled.” You mentally kicked yourself. You sounded so unsure of what you had just said. And it had been the truth.
Tom tilted his chin up, his sly expression already telling you he didn’t believe you.
You scoffed and picked your bag up, “You know what, I’m just gonna sleep on the couch.”
As you hand touched the door knob, Tom’s hand covered yours, “Wait…” You brushed his hand off, “It’s fine, Ice.” You opened the door, “I’ll sleep on the-” 
Tom’s large hand pushed the door shut, holding it closed. “You’ve never called me by my call sign before.” 
You kept your back to him, “Sure I have.”
“No, I would remember.”
“Why is that something you would remember? I’m sure I’ve said plenty of memorable things.” He got close to your ear, “Because you’re the only person I prefer to call me Tom.” 
Ice practically purred the sentence into your ear. The gravel in his voice came from deep in his chest, causing it to rumble against your back. 
You let out a shaky breath, your face heating up, “This isn’t funny Ice. If you’re trying to get back at me for something, can’t you like dump ice on me while I’m in the shower or throw me in the lake while I’m fully clothed? Just don’t do this…” 
“Y/N-” “I’m already embarrassed, please don’t rub it in.”
He rested a hand on your shoulder and carefully turned you around, making you look at him. “I’m not, I swear.”
You didn’t look him in the eye, afraid that if you did he would just laugh at you. 
Tom sighed and tilted your chin up, “I know how you feel about me. You’re not good at hiding it…” You closed your eyes, hating the vulnerable position you're in because your body is on fire. “And maybe I’m too good at hiding it.” 
Your eyes shot open, looking directly in his icy blue eyes in search of the truth – trying to find that harsh critical glaze that waited for you to slip up, for you to make the mistake. 
But it was gone, the glacier of his irises had melted and all you saw was oceans – warm, loving oceans. Any trace of Iceman was gone, melting away to show Tom Kazansky.
He’d hidden his feelings for too long, he needed you to know. Your brother told him the day he invited him out on this trip, he should tell you because he was tired of seeing your love sick gaze on his pilot before watching it turn sad when he got hit on. And he had planned to, but you announced your plans to go to the beach and his plan got shot down.
But now here you were chest to chest as he confessed his feelings for you in nothing but a blanket. 
“Kiss me,” you said breathlessly, lids drooping as you looked from his eyes to his lips.
He grinned and pressed his lips to yours, cupping the side of your neck as he pressed you into the door and made you drop your bag.
That hand immediately buried itself in his hair, the other trying to pull him closer by the small of his back. He locked the door with his free hand before pulling you in by the belt loop of your jean shorts, not caring if his blanket fell.
You pushed away from the door, to go towards the bed, but he pushed you up against the wall. With the movement, the blanket fell from his waist 
You pulled back from him, panting as you looked down, “I feel overdressed now.” He smirked and his hands went to the button on your shorts, “I can fix that.”
His lips attached to your neck as he worked your button loose and pushed your zipper down. His teeth nipped at your pulse point, drawing a quiet moan from your lips as your shorts were hastily pushed to the floor. 
Tom wasted no time pulling away and getting on his knees to pull your underwear down your legs. 
Panting, you peel your shirt off and undo your bra clasp. You looked down as Tom began to kiss your thighs, nipping every other kiss. But before he could lift your leg over his shoulder, you tilted his chin up.
“As good as you most likely are, I need you inside me.” 
“Shit~” He groaned before standing and pushing you flush with the wall, kissing you deeply before pulling away. His hands went to the backs of your thighs, “Jump.”
You don’t hesitate and jump, wrapping your legs around him. “Please Tom~”
He smirked before bringing his thumb to your clit, rubbing languid circles as he lined himself up. 
He looked back into your eyes, making sure you still wanted to do this before you went too far.
“I want you, Tom.”
The only four words he needed to hear before he was pushing into you, circling your clit the whole time.
The stretch was uncomfortable for a moment, but the gentle pleasure of his touch helped balance it out.
Once he was buried to the hilt, he kissed you gently but passionately as he waited for you to relax around him.
You relaxed into the kiss immediately, your crossed ankles bringing him closer to you. You moaned against him as his cock twitched and your walls fluttered. “You can move now~”
He nodded, lips hovering over yours as he braced his forearms on the wall and started to move.
“You feel so good~”
“Tom, fuck~”
A small grunt left his lips as your moans vibrated against them. 
His movements were slow, but calculated. He didn’t want to rush this, he wanted you to feel it all.
And you did. Your senses seemed to be in overdrive.
You could feel the pulse and the heat of his cock with every roll of his hips. You could hear the grunting and the groaning as he tried to keep quiet. The scent of sex and his shampoo was all you could smell. 
“Tom, baby, faster please~”
He nodded and pulled away from the wall. 
His arms wrapped around you, one hand going to your hair as he kissed you. He took a few blind steps to get to the bed and lay you down on it.
You both managed to get to the middle of the bed, barely breaking the kiss.
“You’re so beautiful~”
You smiled under him, “So are you~”
He smiled back and pressed his lips to yours, rolling his hips. 
“Oooh Tom~”
“You wanted faster… but I want to do this right~” He rasped out, interlocking his fingers with yours and moving your hands above your head.
You looked up at him, eyes wide and chest heaving. “I’ve been craving you since we met… it only amplified when I got to know you…”
You giggled and kissed his lips, “Is that why you were naked in my bed?”  
“That’s exactly why I was naked in your bed~”
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thank you for joining me for this event! ❤ i hope you enjoyed it @valmare ! and again i'm so so sorry it took so long to fulfill this request!
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askeverett · 2 months
You deserve better than that stank ass puppet in the dumpster
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luvvixu · 4 days
Let gooo!
But seriously I’m only one here who doesn’t feel a ton sorry for Satoru? I know satoru getting assaulted by Yukie is wrong and there no excuse for that.
But kind of don’t totally blame her. I mean Satoru treated y/n shit for 5 years straight and all of a sudden one drunken night spent together she get pregnant and he all of sudden started to treat her well and just gave her some human decency and wanted to work on and fix his marriage. 5 years of marriage of hating her and being a ass to her when she didn’t nothing wrong to him and didn’t want this marriage either. Now she get pregnant and gave a preterm birth to their son because he was still mad about her and complaining about her too! When she treat him so well even tho he was ass to her. She still cook for him, getting him his favourite treats, running his bath for him meanwhile he still treats her badly and doesn’t feel guilty about it until when a baby is involved and their both nearly lose their lives. Now he all guilty about how he treats her and cheating on her.
He was all like I’m suffering too! Like bitch how exactly? She didn’t abuse you or cheat on you, insults you or didn’t avoid your existence etc. All you had was You don’t know how much pressure I take just because of that Fucking marriage and everyday that I woke, another constant nagging from these bastards of higher ups, I’m getting so, so tired and I just want to….
And that it nothing about y/n behaviour or how she treats him. He just seems to hate her because he was forced to get married despite she didn’t want this either. So he taking all of hatred on her because he can.
So I can’t really blame Yukie here because imagine how your lover who seems to hate his wife with every fibre and inch of his body that he was forced to marry.All a sudden decided to stop hating her and want to fix their marriage?? Because of one night stand and she gets pregnant??? Now you want to gave this marriage a shot because a baby is involved now??? 5 years of hatred and resentment is suppose gone now? And you’re telling the woman who you didn’t want to let go of. Once she found out you’re married man because you told her that you really love her and not your wife. You love her so much that a year ago you promised to her that you would leave your wife for her and in the present you were still seeing her even when you find out that your wife was pregnant with your baby. You were devoted yourself to her just 2 weeks ago. Only just when you think your wife and baby are going to die. You want to suddenly stop seeing her and fix your marriage just like that.
Sorry for the long rambling rant😖😭
thanks for this anon, this is actually my cue to drop some explanations and I ACTUALLY LOVE READING YOUR RANTS LIKE IF I WASN'T THE AUTHOR, I WOULD DO THIS TOO!!
anyway, let's get serious about this. i've read a lot of these things about how satoru should not end up with the reader and how he deserves bad things for doing this or that. i've also seen a lot of comments about satoru suddenly changing.
i think it's time for me to drop some hints, facts, and a lil spoiler about mind over matter. take note, this is long so pls bare w/ me.
background facts about mind over matter
i created this ff because i really love the song entitled mind over matter by young the giants and got really inspired by its meaning. if you listen to the song, you'll get a hint because that song literally describes the trope between satoru and the reader, at least.
this story has a lot of psychological and philosophical theories (i think this is a perk of being a psychology student?? lol) and ideologies because this is the life we lived in. although this story is purely made by the fragments of imagination, there's still a chance that this occurs in real life. and i only think rational and logical.
the end
ahem, so i know most of y'all are angry at our boy and i understand that. however, i hope you are not forgetting that this is an x reader sooo...
nah im just kidding! there are still some x readers where the ships doesn't end up together—i've actually done this once and it's on the 'the end', a gojo satoru angst oneshot. but does that mean im going to use that ending on this mind over matter? we'll see.
i actually already plotted the ending and after see y'all's comments, i don't think you all are going to like it, i'm afraid. but nevertheless, i will still try my best to make the best of it. so i hope you won't get angry nor disappointed in me :((
and lastly, i will based the ending on how the reader and satoru perceived the tragedy happened in chapter 5. do you get the hint???
satoru's hate trail
satoru was getting a lot of hate because he did some nasty things to the reader like cheat, emotionally abuse, neglect, argue, ect. i would be angry too because i do not tolerate these kind of acts. but if we become a person who has holistic perspective (meaning in my own words: by being objective, we look on both sides before making a judgement), no matter how much we hate this person, we had to see his side. which in this case, we still hadn't see his story completely.
here's a hint about satoru's side: think of yourself as someone who literally carries the safety of the world and is in constant pressure to the point of you developing a fear of failing and losing. you are in a state of big actions comes into a bigger responsibility. what would you feel? what would you do to escape this bullshit reality?
satoru got manifested a maladaptive coping mechanism. this is where people use strategies to manage stress, anxiety, or difficult emotions that may provide short-term relief but ultimately worsen the situation or create additional problems. in this case, satoru was in a constant pressure and stress because of expectation as being the strongest, plus, the things happened during his childhood till adolescence adds fuel to the fire. then this marriage came and satoru loses his mind because he thought someone was controlling him, which we all know, is not.
he never meant to hurt the reader or do those things. that was only the results of his maladaptive coping mechanism. some of the scenarios of this mechanism involves distraction, avoidance, and overcommitment could be observed. he does the things he doesn't wanted to do just to ignore what is happening. BUT that doesn't mean WE are going to let this or HIM slide, yeah?
personally, i don't hate satoru that much in this story even if let's just say im not the author. i know he was such a bad guy and even if he change, there's still a history left behind. but since i'm someone who trained themselves to have a deep understanding and patience, especially that i'm a psychology student, i know satoru would eventually get what he deserve both in good and bad way.
the marriage
now let's talk about marriage, let's see what satoru and reader feel about it:
on the reader, she doesn't want it because it deprives her from chosing what she really wants for herself, like finding someone to marry on your own. but growing up in a clan where your moves are limited and no matter how shitty they were, you couldn't tear yourself away from them. the readers are lacking of validation and support from their own blood—that explains why she still in for this marriage because she still hasn't realize that she can receive what she is searching aside from her family.
on satoru, he doesn't want it too. he feels like this is suffocating him even though the reader did not show any interest on hurting him. but little did y'all know, satoru was looking for someone to blame for all of the things that happened to him. and guess what? he blames it on the closest involved, which are you and the higher-ups. this behavior is called scapegoating. this involves unfairly pointing blame or responsibility to an innocent individual, often to deflect attention from the true source of the problem or to avoid personal accountability.
but what makes the marriage stay intact for over 5 years? easy, they both ran away from addressing the real issue.
i know i've mentioned in one of the chapters that the marriage was on the verge of getting divorced. but the reason for that is because despite all of their personal challenges that greatly affects the marriage, they somehow found themselves into the comfort of their circle. meaning, they still hold on to the very last string of hope that everything could still be fine.
the reader's resiliency
the reader could've divorce satoru long long ago. but what stops her from doing so? simple, her family and empathy for satoru.
it was actually supposed to be sympathy for satoru. but there is a great difference between sympathy and empathy. let's break it down for a lil time. sympathy is where you're acknowledging another person's emotional hardships and providing comfort and assurance. while empathy is you are deeply understanding and sharing another person's feelings and experiences.
here's an example. the scenario is that your friend loses their pet: sympathy, "i'm so sorry for your loss. losing a pet must be really hard." and then empathy, "i understand how hard it is to lose a pet. i know the pain you're going through. let me know how can i support you."
see the difference? good.
ok, enough with the philosophy lesson. this may sound idk, confusing? but this is what the reader feels about satoru as of chapter 5, she had lost her faith in him as her husband but she trusted him a lot as her fellow sorcerer. she understands what he has been going through, and it's a little incomparable to her situation. the reader's back only carries her family, while satoru carries the whole world.
that was the leading reason why despite all of those things that happened, she possesses a deep understanding, patience, and support to the man even if it would destroy her in the process.
our reader is a hero, she's a tough woman. so we cannot just say that she should leave the guy and for another man when she's still not ready to let go of her principles inside this marriage. but of course, we would see what would happen next on the following chapters.
the mistress
i intended to make yukie michiga as an admirable woman. i've actually never seen a fanfiction yet where the third party is not aware that their partner was taken. so maybe, that's why i made her that.
but love blinded us all. we are the victims of love. an own witness of a broken down affair.
i actually love the character i made for yukie michiga. she was a fruit of a harsh reality that no matter how well you are as a person, there's still other factors that would destroyed you and forces you to cross the path you don't plan to.
yukie was against the idea of satoru cheating on you with her. she really tried her best to stop the affair but the love and selfishness wins.
satoru has lots of hook-ups and one night stands from before. but he decided to settle to yukie because he couldn't get enough. that's why her love grow and grow until it overflowed, and now, the self she was before has drowned and the corpse of her has comes to life.
kazuki, the baby
i don't have anything to say on our little sunshine who's unaware of his surroundings but he is the ray of hope for the reader and satoru.
satoru doesn't actually hate the baby even if he shown signs of not wanting the child but he really doesn't hate it. well in fact, he thinks that despite the baby is the fruit of two drunk and impulsive action, kazuki was innocent.
but the reader is innocent too? so why would satoru hate her? we'll never know.
anyway, kazuki be kazuki. he's a cute of mixture of the reader and satoru. since he's a preterm, i cannot say much yet on his appearance. but y'all are too lucky cuz imma say; his hair comes from you, his eyes are from satoru ofc, his complexity hmm maybe satoru? but yeahhh, so sorry i sucked at genes but y'all can think what does kazuki looked like as long as it's adorable cuz he's adorable!
and i must say, i was really taken a back cuz i never thought of that. should i do that? wouldn't it be a nanami x reader instead of gojo x reader?
anw, im so sorry to break it all to y'all, i don't plan doing that nor taking it into a consideration. why? because i have a better plan and i hope y'all gonna favor it.
here's a clue: i really admire how i paint the reader as the most resilient—yeah, that will continue to live. k bye that's it.
nanami was just a good friend for both the reader and satoru. he's good in his own and he's really helpful to those he held dearly, and that would stay that way.
sudden change
we're now down to final discussion for this post. i have a surprise at the end so better read this one out.
saw again a lot of comments, saying why does this satoru dude suddenly change after the reader is on the verge of dying...and other stuffs like that
but lemme asked you, can you handle a guilt and conscience when its other's life we're talking about?
in satoru's defense, this whole incident from the pregnancy complication serves as a biggest slap into his face, the coldest water ever drenched in his body, and the highest caffeine in his system—basically, his cue.
i don't remember saying that satoru doesn't really care for you anymore. he still have humanity towards you because deep inside him, he cares for you, but his exteriors tell otherwise. that's probably why ppl are confused and enraged about his instant care.
i think it's my fault for not clarifying it on the chapters so pls do forgive. but heyyy, at least now you know.
and i've yap a lot, y'all ready right for the surprise? good! cuz here it is....[click me, trust me]
SOOOOOOOO, YOU'VE COME TO THIS END??? 😭 i hope i managed to clear up your questions, but if not, i'm only one ask away so pls do not hesitate
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dearybuneary · 3 months
ur layout is so cute omg!! (it’s mirphy btw :3)
Thank you so very much, mirthful Mirphy! I wanted to keep my layout simple and sweet as well as easy to navigate, so I’m pleased to hear such kind words about it!
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sapphicshav · 1 year
come back shav queen
i miss u :(
istg i'm gonna return soon, i've been absent for way too long. i just need to get my shit together irl and i'll be back i promise 💔💔💔
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biguyonline · 1 year
Lmfao yes definitely, idk maybe Toji is uncancellable (other parts of the fandom try, but Toji just got that ass that won't quit)
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medkiss · 2 years
💐 for AM!! @gible-love-nibles
Whisker knew AM was going to take some getting used to - that little bastard blighted the earth after all - but it wasn't something he was oppposed to, he thought, running one hand along the side of AM's moniter, while the all-powerful, all-hating, all-knowing AI pressed against his touch, digitalized purrs rumbling the whole room.
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the-tarot-witch22 · 13 days
Love letter from your future spouse 💌 - Pick a pile
Note : *Some intense se*ual messages for you guys too, soo minors DNI*
Pile 1/Pile 2
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Pile 3/ Pile 4
Hello everyone ! This is my another pick a pile or pac reading so please be kind and leave comment or reblog, and let me know if it resonated with you!
Note : This is a general reading or collective reading. It may or may not resonate with you. Please take what resonates and leave what doesn't. And it's totally okay if our energies aren't aligned!
How to pick : Take a deep breath and choose a pile which you feel most connected to!
Note : This reading is based on my intuition and channeled messages from tarot cards.
I worked really hard on this pile please show some love by leaving comments, likes and reblogs!
*Buy me a kofi*
Pile 1
(The cards I got ace of pentacles, ace of cups, 2 of cups, page of cups, and the fool)
Hello my dearest,
What can I say? I didn't even meet you and yet I still miss you. Am I going mad, my love? I am working towards my goal and I have almost everything i need at the moment but why do I still feel that longing and sadness, am I insane for this? my life has been okay, I work or study and do what needs to be done, but is it weird to say i am searching for you? I hope you feel the same way… sometimes i dream of you or have that romantic dreams where you are there and when i wake up… nothing? It's making me lose my mind, i can't really talk about it with everyone, they will or might think i am just desperate for some shit, but i am not i want something serious, i want you. I have fun too i sometimes go out with my friends we laugh together, but still when I look at them or when they talk about their lovers or text them in front of me, i just miss you.. Am i being too much? probably but i wanted to tell of this to you, I feel like i need some rest or space from everything or just go somewhere where i can be alone with my and your thoughts, but the responsibilities are holding me back , I wish you were here to hold me and tell me everything will be okay. Sometimes I feel like we make some telepathic or some sort of connection and i feel that intense vibrations in my body, I haven't even met you and here I am being vulnerable, But i know you will love this side of me, will you not? I also want to tell you you're doing great and you will achieve everything you have dreamt of please take proper care of yourself, I wanna meet you soon, and have the love , fun i never experienced or had, You know love, what's funny thing is? I never had something serious or people had just taken advantage of me, but you without even meeting you, i can tell you are what i need. Please be patient for me, universe is in work and they will help us meet at divine timing and I can't wait for it. Until then, my love.
Phew so intense they had a lot to say to you, and they seem so sweet, don't they? i wish you meet them soon.
Pile 2:
(the cards I got 3 of cups, the star, 5 of cups and king of cups)
hey ;)
Hello my star, what are you up to nowadays? Are you having fun without me? wait don't answer me that i might get jealous over it, what's wrong with me I am not scaring you away am I? I tend to speak my mind, and show what I feel, because that's how I am. But sincerely tho, i hope you are having fun and celebration and you are enjoying your life, you know this is what we should do? Like just enjoy our times, I know how hectic life can get and we all deserve the break, so do it for you don't let anyone tell you that you are not doing enough because my star , you are and i already swooning over here from the thoughts of you, would you like to hear about my life too? I will tell you what I am doing nowadays, I had lost something precious to me, I know not a way great way to start a conversation right? But i wanna tell you, I lost something, i hate that I did, but to be honest? If it leads me to you , then i am willing to sacrifice anything for it, i wish we could meet sooner, but i know this distance this gap between us only increase our love towards each other, because distance makes heart grows fonder right? Now I wont deny when I lost that thing I was sad and even cried, But now I am healing and your thoughts are helping me? Do you miss me too at the same time? and wonder what we could have been doing if we were together? Because I do. Always. It's not even funny at this point. Gosh your thoughts make me feel all romantic thoughts, you are such a tease by the way hiding away and making desperate for you, don't you worry my star , I will take my revenge when I meet you, sweet revenge, I will tease you so much that you will regret meeting me late, Don't worry I am just kidding, i tend to get intense sometimes, but your thoughts are responsible they make me like this. But right now I am working towards something I am saving money for us our future and maybe kids too? Well, its a conversation for later… But if you don't want kids we can always have pets, right? I want to give you the world, and care for you so much for you. Now, I have to go… Duty calls, but remember I miss you, and I love you even if we haven't met yet.
Pile 2 your fs sounds like a total flirt and a good person, and I love it for you! You guys deserve it <3
Pile 3:
the cards I got (knight of wands, 9 of wands, 3 of wands, 8 of wands)
Hello sexy wanderer,
Do you know what kind of thoughts, I have for you? You my sexy wildcat, you are a pure goddess and you are so beautiful, and what can I say i have such dreams for you, I just wanna tear off your clothes, i will just leave it at that, You feel like a dream come true. Wherever I go I imagine having intense intimate moments with you, and I don't even know why, such a hold you have on me, and guess what we haven't even met yet. I have to say so much to you but i will hold out for now, I don't wanna scare you away, but its totally opposite I don't wanna scare you away but i also want to impress you, I wanna have enjoy small moments with you. I would like to make out and show everyone who you actually love. Not them who stares at your beauty or just wanna have fun with you but me, you chose me, i will show that I am a proud men, and worthy of you, right now I am travelling to far away lands I like doing that you know, but i am gonna coming to meet you soon. And you believe me when i say i will sweep you off your feet and give everything you are worthy of. See you soon.
Wow, they seem too passionate, and you know what? Good for you guys! Their message was short but their energy? give me a fan right now because I need it! They are definitely fire sign and love travelling, and their sexual drive? HIGH. They gave me so much hot kind of energy, I love it for you guys, i totally see you both meeting soon!
Pile 4 :
(the cards I got 4 of pentacles, the magician, ace of wands, strength, The Hermit, 6 of cups, 3 of pentacles)
Sweetheart? Once, we meet I am not letting you go ever, But i will make sure you know that I deserve you, I might make mistakes here and there, but that's just me being foolish or silly, but I never intend to fight with you or hurt you, You know I am a bit overprotective, but if you don't like that I am willing to change my ways for you, Right now there is so much work pressure on me, i feel overwhelmed so I decided to talk with you, even though we are not in each other's lives right now, I feel I can talk to you about anything you make me feel safe like i can be myself, i never had that, it was always me making efforts, but with you i can feel we are each other's light, and I wish we cross each other's path soon, right now i am enjoying my alone time, I am not dating around, I am waiting for you sweetheart, and I have a feeling we will know we are the ones for each other. I feel we have known each other in past lives or we might have each cross each other's path, but that time timing might not be right, And we both needed to learn some lessons before we meet again, and honestly? I'd like that. I wanna be the best men for you. I love you, and for you I am willing to fight anything or anyone, Some people think i am workaholic, but they don't know what I feel, or who i feel for the person i feel for is you, you make me wanna be a better man, i wish there wasn't this much wait for us to meet, I have so much to tell you, Sometimes I end up fighting with my close ones, I regret it, I am a very calm person but when someone provokes me? I can't take it. I am working on that too. And that's why we are having our self journey's together and let's meet at our best, sweetheart. Till then remember I am here waiting for you and trying to be a best person who deserves you. I love you my sweetheart.
Okayyyy, very masculine and hardworking energy, they or you might be spiritual too, you meeting will be for the best, for some of you i feel friends to lovers trope going to be here, your man sounds so sweet yet tired. But he is doing his best, you guys got a gem.
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Thank you for stopping by! Take care and remember you are loved <3
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Hiiii!!! Babes wow I’m so IN LOVE with the way you write soft Miguel!!! It’s the cutest effing shiz 🥹 I go very weak in the knees for a big grumpy indifferent man that is so dang painfully soft for their girl it’s such a huge turn on for my heart 😩 I also came to share that I’ve been imagining Miguel overhearing reader talk about how she’s never had a secret admirer and then a few days later she finds a red rose w/a lil note addressed to her. From a distance Miguel & Jess watch as she parades her lil rose around the others all smiley and Jess asks if he’s gonna tell her and he murmurs “let her have her little admirer” Like that mans got it baaad 😮‍💨
hiii!! omg stop it, that’s so fucking sweet!! thank you! and me too!! I love mean cold grumpy men that have a soft spot for their girl, like embarrassing soft and mushy for her!! it’s my weakness😩 that is the cutest idea. thank you for requesting, hope you like it💌
secret admirer
miguel o’hara x f reader
wc: 722
part 2 -> here
You were never usually one to receive spontaneous gifts from others, rarely one to have a secret admirer, so when you walk into your office and see a singular red rose with a small envelope attached, your stomach immediately somersaulted. 
A few days prior, you and Peter were talking about gifts and what he should get MJ for their upcoming anniversary, and then the subject of secret admirers arose. You mentioned how you've never been on the receiving end of those small romantic gestures and how you wished and hoped you could be at some point. To you, it was a simple flyaway comment, but based on Peter's solemn reaction, you couldn't help but think that he felt guilty.
You did ponder if Peter left it for you as a sympathy gift, but the red rose was a tell-tell sign that he didn't. So now, you couldn't help but wonder who gave you the flower. Who knew the passcode for your door? Who knew about your whereabouts? All these questions span in your mind as you walk into your office.
You reach for the rose, bringing the flower to your nose, softly breathing in its fragrant scent as you pick up the envelope. You place the flower down and glance around your office, looking through the windows to see if anyone's watching. Once you know it's clear, you open the paper and pull out the small note. 
' I heard you've never had a secret admirer before,
I'm glad to be your first. 
Spider-Man '
Even though it's tagged Spider-Man, it could be anyone. Literally anybody. Hundreds, if not thousands, of possibilities. But the one spider that first came to mind was Peter. You wanted to tell him about the strange coincidence and share your happiness about the situation. So you flag him down, rose and note in your hand as you search through HQ for him.
You finally spot him in the cafeteria with Jess and Miguel, talking over food and coffee. You hesitantly make your way over with a smile as you subtly wave over to him. 
"Sorry- sorry, do you mind if I borrow Peter real quick?" you ask, glancing between them all.
"Sure," Miguel softly smiles as he looks you up and down, noticing the rose in your hand. 
"Thank you, we won't be long. Hurry- come on," you say, tugging Peter's arm. 
"Alright, alright," he huffs, taking a final bite of his burger before placing it down. "What's so urgent anyway?" he grumbles, trudging after you as he adjusts Mayday in the Björn.
"You know how I mentioned the other day- about the secret admirer thing...?" you start, looking at him eagerly. "Well, look what I just found," you smile, showing off your rose and note. "I went into my office, and- and it was just sitting there, for me. A rose for me!" you excitedly gush, smiling widely. 
"No way?" he says, his joyful tone matching yours. "Let me see the note,"
As he reads through the letter, you glance around the cafeteria, your gaze honing in on Jess and Miguel, who were not so subtly staring at you. Suspicions rise when you notice them whisper to each other, heads together as if they're in cahoots.
"Hey Peter, can you do me a favour?" you ask, slyly leaning forward.
"Sure, what's up?"
"This might be really wrong, but I need you to do something for me. I need you to eavesdrop, please?" you say sweetly, hoping to mask the morally wrong favour you were asking.
"Yes, please. And do it quick. Miguel and Jess- hurry,"
"Shut up then, so I can listen," he shushes you, chuckling.
He's quiet for a few moments, a slow smile creeping on his face as he listens in on their conversation. 
"What are they saying? Tell me," you ask, eyes keen as they dart around the room.
"I can't tell you..." he grins, shaking his head. 
"Why? Why not?" you playfully hound, gesturing with your hands. "Come on, please?"
"God, he's gonna kill me," he mutters. "All I heard was the end part... Jess said, 'Are you gonna tell her about the rose?' and then Miguel said, 'Let her have her little admirer. She needs it,' okay? That's all I heard,"
Your smile widens. 
The rose, it was from Miguel?
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bridgetoesoteria · 3 months
💌💟Realistically...What would they write in a love letter to you?
Surpriseee bish! Here is my double post as puh-romised. Its spring break, I aced my midterm, I had a nice lil chit chat with my crush where I high key let on to having feelings . *ahem* Now I wanna smoke and pull cards with my internet besties <3
So, I don't like those mushy-gushy readings that tell you the most ideal outcome, not the most realistic outcome. I am hoping to channel an authentic "letter," from the person you are here for.
Options are left to right. I hope it resonates 🥰
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Pile 1
4-card spread: Page of Swords, Girl w/ Violin, Strength, The Sun. BOTD: 3 of Swords
I just want to see you happy. I hope you know that. I miss the feeling of you holding me. I think about all the times, I got to hold your hands in mine. I think you are amazing and angelic. If I ever seem difficult, or like I am pushing you away, its just because I don't want to hurt you even worse. You're the whole package. You can shine with or without me.
If there is still bad blood, I will make it right. At least that's what I think about doing. All the time. Can I step up? Can I really have my happy ending; The car, the house, the family, building a life together. I need to get over my cold feet, because the only person I see is you.
I love your eyes. I love how much hope I feel when I look into them. I love your hair, especially the length/thickness. I love how balanced you are, and how you can consider different points of view. It has taught me to be more compassionate. It has taught me to care about someone other than myself. You show me that I can get over my demons. We could be a power couple.
(If you have a "butt chin," your person loves this too lol)
Pile 2
4-card spread: 8 of Swords, 9 of Swords(R), 9 of Wands, The Star. BOTD: The Emperor
This person is definitely very attracted to you, but we are here for a love letter, mkay? Not a sext.
I don't know why you are acting like you don't want me anymore. You better not be giving away my ____ to anyone else. I want to be with you. I consider us to be a couple, no matter what happens. If you question where my head is at, my loyalty is with you. I don't want to see you with anyone else. I hate thinking about you being out there, living like you're single. I think about us having kids, animals, a family life. (If you already have kids they want to keep the family together).
I am working on my temptations. I know I need to be more responsible and I am willing to do that. I want to try having self-control. If that means cutting other people off, or waiting until you are comfortable being physical, I will do that. I respect your boundaries. You have every right to have them. I know you are just trying to love yourself. You should always stand your ground...even with me.
You have a beautiful heart. You are so nurturing. You keep everything flowing. You completely fulfill me. You are more than enough. You definitely know what you are doing. I wouldn't have taken you for a "lady in the streets, freak in the sheets" type.
Right now, you probably are focusing on yourself. I hope you find the happiness that you are looking for. After pouring into everyone else so much, I hope you will start pouring into you now. I hope you will be receptive to all the good things you deserve.
Pile 3
4-card spread: Ace of Pentacles, 6 of Swords, Page of Cups, The Empress. BOTD: Justice
I can't figure you out. And its...amazing! It keeps everything so fresh. Maybe you don't feel like you are being mysterious but you are. I want to know what goes on "behind-the scene." I don't mean that in a pervy way. I mean, I want to know who you are, where you come from, what is currently going on in your life. I want to make the cut. Do you ever think about what your favorite diamond cut is? 💎
(Where ever your connection is, move up a step. This is not a literal proposal for everyone)
I want us to be on track. If I have to apologize, I will do that. I want to finally start something new. I want to make you feel like the king/queen that you are. I want us to be happy together. Especially if we are expecting 🤰
Can I just brag on you really quick? I love your face shape. I love when we lock eyes. I love how you style your hair, even if I have never said so aloud. Even if I tease you about it sometimes. Its cute and so you. Everyone says we (would) go well together, and I have to agree. We could be our town's MGK and Megan Fox 🤣🤣
On a more serious point, you make me want to do better. Internally, I always feel challenged by you. I have my old beliefs, and then there's you. You make me want to throw out all the BS I believe about myself and start valuing myself more. I see how magical life can be, because I see how many miracles happen when we are together. I know I can do better.
Pile 4 4-card spread: 8 of Wands, 10 of Wands, The Emperor, 8 of Swords. BOTD: Ace of Swords.
(Your person could actually be the type to spill their feelings over texts or in the notes section of their phone)
I think about saying this all the time. I build up the courage to start typing, but I can never hit send. I just feel this lump in my throat. I'm a man! (or they are just someone who suppresses their emotions). I shouldn't have all these feelings. I feel overwhelmed by my attraction, my thoughts, my unexpressed feelings.
That's kind of what I grew up with. It was normal. People call it "traditional." I always thought (one of their parents, but I am really getting mom) could do better. Why are you still with them? I don't want that to be you. I don't want that to be our story. You always carry yourself well. I'm proud to be with you. I know you're a catch. I know you are the full package. I can't let you go. Please reconsider. I want to be with you.
I hope you're getting rest. Don't lose sleep over me. Which is hypocritical, because I stay up thinking about you. Don't be scared...but I may have watched you sleep. I like how peaceful you look. I feel like I have privacy to fully process my emotions. I look at your face and I think about all the possibilities. It makes me nervous. If I have made a proposal of some kind, maybe to reconcile, I hope you sleep on it before you make a decision.
Pile 5 4-card spread: King of Cups, 4 of Swords, 9 of Wands, The Sun. BOTD: 8 of Swords
I think a lot of you are asking about a feminine energy, but flip the roles if needed. You could be the feminine energy being described, so maybe they want you to know you are "seen". It just started raining, so that makes me feel like this person is definitely more on the feminine side, or in touch with their emotions. You could both be young, or they're younger, or someone has a baby face.
I think about you all the time. Even when I am sad. I don't know if you know how much I struggle. My mental health isn't always in the best place. But you take my mind off of everything. I love when you look deep in thought. I come up with all these random ideas about what you could be thinking of. If you are away getting better, overcoming an ED, I hope you are being strong. I look forward to seeing you again.
You make me so happy. I miss being playful and messing with you. I could see us having babies. I think I would be a great mom/dad. But I know that's daydreaming and wishful thinking. I don't always understand your moods or what you want from me. Could you make it clear without it becoming an argument. I don't want to make you upset.
You are soo pretty. I think your haircut really compliments your face. I love your side profile too. You are so smart. You know so much about the world around you or you are always willing to learn. I am impressed by your writing and/or creativity. I love everything about you. If I were an artist, I would make a portrait of you. You would be my muse. I just want you to know how special you are. You are 1 of 1 forreal. I am so grateful to have ever met you. You bring so much joy to my life.
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Whew. GD! That was a lot lol. This took me two days. I am going to relax and enjoy the start of Spring Break. Whoop whoop 🙌
And don't laugh at me...but I just discovered archives so I might stop updating my masterlist, since you can find all my readings there too.
Lastly, I am also doing personals if you have not heard! Take a gander.
~ K
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faeryarchives · 5 months
to my beloved (octavinelle x gn!s/o)
requested by anon: Hello! Welcome back from your hiatus! Hope you’re doing alright and relaxing. For request, may I request headcanons of Azul, Floyd, and Jade please? Pre-established relationship and their gn!s/o who likes to give gifts as a love language? Like handmade gifts or found trinkets/baubles the boys might enjoy. Thank you for your consideration! note: anon u are so sweet 🤍 hihi gift giving love language with octatrio sounds so interesting + SO i got into debate last night with my friends on what pre established means if it has no label yet or just having a crush so i decided to write it at the stat of their relationship recent works: i'm not jealous !! (savanaclaw x gn!reader) & octavinelle with a fischl like female reader! & let me kiss you
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💌 azul ashengrotto
"oh, a gift for me? do perhaps need my help?" "oh silly azul! i knitted that octopus keychain for you! don't you want to have a little companion while you work?"
this was new to azul - both being in relationship with you and receiving such gifts because as someone wary of apparent gestures of goodwill and believing that “all contracts come with a price” he isn't use to receiving gifts just because it reminds you of him
is it for real? he tried asking you for the fifth time to confirm only to receive the same answer over and over again
he never met someone as generous as him 😭
"azul! azul! look! i got us matching bracelet, this one actually matches your eyes." "o-oh my word, matching bracelets?! aren't we too young for that?!" "...'zul we just kissed earlie-"
having to receive gifts from you just makes his heart so full especially when you also give him coins! + adds it to his collection
expect to see him putting some of your gifts on a special shelf in his office while your other gifts especially plushies are safely tucked in his bed (he sleeps hugging them)
as much as he loves receiving gifts from you, azul wants to give you with the same thought as you have - giving you the things that reminds him of you
"please my love, accept my gift. you've showered me so much love. it would be just fair if i also shower you the same"
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💌 jade leech
at first jade was confused - why are you avoiding his eyes and hiding something behind your back?
"love, what are you hiding behind your back" "jade! funny thing, so the ghosts at the ramshackle dorm got me into knitting and so i was thinking maybe a scarf would be nice so-" "so this is a scarf you made for... me? i love it." "really?!"
giving you a little push was his best decision because before jade knew it - his room is covered with gifts from you
receiving something from you as well as seeing you smiling and happy is the best thing he could ever get as a gift
always show your gift to floyd every time to the point that the other eel start to whine to you about jade bragging
"jade cried?!" "yeah! he was wiping his tears after opening one of your letters with "open when you are happy"!" "he can cry...?"
he couldn't help it you know - receiving small trinkets to small envelops with letters from you? can a person could even love him more than this?
in return, jade would try to give you more practical gifts like the things that needs to be repaired back at your dorm, he would replace it with a functioning one! feeling cold and alone at night even when you are with grim - this eel will give you the most comfortable pillows and blankets and even gift grim a new bed!
"jade, i don't think i deserve it?" "nonsense, you deserve everything in this world has to offer."
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💌 floyd leech
"floyd, do you have a moment?" "what's up shrimpy- oh, a shrimp brooch?" "i found it while going on shopping with grim earlier at sam's shop, i just thought you might like it."
like it? floyd loves it! you will never catch him not having that brooch on him every day + wears it like a medal
but there was so much more he didn't expect like you to have more under your sleeves!
"an explosion box for me? shrimpy, i thought you were busy this whole week?" "i did! but i will be never busy in creating and giving you something while i am away."
floyd is more like a physical touch giver but seeing you putting so much effort in your gifts - giving him from small to big valuable things it would be unfair if he doesn't give anything back (or so he thought)
this eel tried asking what you want only to receive vague answers
"what do you want shrimpy?" "i don't really need anything in return you know? i gave you gifts because i love to shower you with it." "so it's okay to also give you anything?"
and by mean of anything - you were in for a ride because you two meant things differently 😭
floyd is the type to always let you borrow his clothes from time to time and sometimes gifts you the same jacket for you to guys match + seeing an eel plushie? bought and giving it to you for you to hug your child every night (he said its your child now)
it doesn't take too long for both of you showering each other with gifts 😭 he never knew it would be this fun to think something for you
"you were looking at that necklace when we were walking around town, so i thought it would be a perfect fit for you. do you love it, shrimpy?"
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sarahsmi13s · 7 months
rach!! hi hello!
your wip that you get a piece of is Whumptober Day 14 which is for Tim Bradford!
Tim looked back down at you, noticing that your eyes were closed, “Hey, hey, look at me. Look at me!” He cradled your face in his hand, smearing your blood on your cheek, “Hey! Y/N, open your damn eyes! You can nap at the hospital.”  He smiled a little when your eyes fluttered open, “Hey, hey, there you are. Keep looking at me okay? Talk to me, tell me a story.” You coughed, head rolling to the side a little as you looked at him lazily, “You hate my stories, Timmy.”  “I also hate when you call me Timmy. But as long as I’m hearing your voice, I know you’re breathing. So, call me whatever the hell you want and tell me the longest, drawn out, too-many-background-details story. Just talk to me. That’s an order boot.”
and yes i'm going to be finishing my whumptober prompt list, i know it's not october anymore but that's fine 😂
send me a rose!
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askeverett · 2 months
ev no one would blame u if you shook that puppet till his stuffing came out (affectionate)
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luvvixu · 3 days
i hope y/n gets to whoop yukies ass and I especially hope that she divorces satoru and ends up with nanami🙏🏼🕯️🕯️ I shall manifest this with my entire soul
LMAOOOO she definitely will! the reader is a badass and we'll eventually gonna see her in action against yukie. so my dear anon, i hope you'll get yourself buckle up!
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mydearesthrry · 2 months
hi!!! could u maybe write musician reader x harry idea dumping in the middle of the night???
a/n: u get it. this was fun to write teehee. song used is ‘a love letter from the sea to the shore’ by delaney bailey! enjoy :P (this got away from me.)
warnings: nothing, cute fluff from our fave knuckleheads!!!!
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“hi baby angel, what are you doing?” harry murmured, a grin on his face as he walked into the living room, seeing his wife sitting on the floor with her guitar on her lap.
“writing something, i think,” she grumbled, scratching aggressively at her shoulder since her guitar strap was rubbing against it. “something’s not working here.”
“well, what’ve y’got so far?” he asked, plopping himself next to her, resting his chin on his hand that was propped up on his knee.
“um, i’ll play it for you,” she shifted in her spot to face him, itching her nose as she scooted. “i’m thinking it’ll be called like, ‘a love letter from the sea to the shore’? i mean, i basically say it in the first verse anyway.”
“cute!” he replied, making her giggle softly.
“okay, um,” y/n began strumming, eyes closing as she played the round of chords she had in mind.
‘cause you hold in my tide
i would die a thousand times
just to see you in another life
stopping after the second chorus, she drops her chin to her chest, hair curtaining around her face as she groans in annoyance. “i can’t figure out the fucking bridge.”
“baby, that was beautiful.” harry says seriously, eyes shining with adoration and utmost love.
“shut up. help me write this bridge.” she muttered, but leaning to press a kiss to his lips in gratitude.
“hm… what if y’like, made it still ocean themed? like slow down the song at that part and make it so it sounds like the water’s coming back up the shore.” he explained casually, not realizing how complicated that sounded.
“what?” she questioned, a confused furrow in her brow.
“like, hold on, give me the guitar.” he held his hands out to grab it, settling it on his lap against his tummy when it was in his possession. harry furrowed his brow, humming a little before just barely singing the words, ‘my love’.
y/n watched as he used relatively the same chords to strum a different pattern, already filling in the gaps with his hums. “i got it! h, wait!”
“see, there y’go lovie. jus’ needed a little boost, hm?” he smiled widely, his bunny teeth peeking out.
“god, we’re fuckin’ good at our jobs.” she murmured after rerecording the song with harry’s added bridge. a giggle left harry’s throat at her look of relief, high-fiving her as she set her guitar back on the stand.
“should i release it? i think we could probably record it tonight.” y/n shrugged her shoulders nonchalantly, standing from her place on the floor.
“y’wanna record this song right now? its 2:45 in the morning, sweetheart.” he chuckled at her, standing up after she did.
“yeah, honestly. wanna be my producer for the night?” she giggled, moving towards him slowly, her hands coming to rest on his chest, then fanning out to the nape of his neck.
“sure, baby. if that’s what y’want.” harry promised, his hands resting on her hips. leaning forward, he pressed a kiss on her forehead, both cheeks, and eventually her lips, savoring the flavor of her chapstick that she loved to use before bed.
“i do want that, please?” she whispered between them, pecking his lips again.
“alright, lead the way, angel girl.”
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liked by harrystyles, sabrinacarpenter, charles_leclerc, and 4,262,819 others
yourinstagram: my new song ‘a love letter from the sea to the shore’ is out may 1st 💌 written & produced by me and husband harrystyles eeeeek i love this song i cant wait for it to be yours!!!!!!!
view all 19,552 comments
landonorris: so excited y/n/n!
sabrinacarpenter: omfg stop
harrystyles: I love nothing more than I love you. Thank you for letting me work on this with you. H Xxx
> yourinstagram: harrystyles the sea to my shoooooreeeeeee i love u to pieces and pieces and pieces!!!
niallhoran: Yay bug! Can’t wait to hear it ❤️
user2: y/n probably painted the cover art im unwell
user3: “i love you too much to drift completely” BRUH IM DONE THEYRE SO 😭😭😭
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sapphicshav · 1 year
Ooh, that's exciting!! Can I ask what you studied?
18 years is mad. I got like a year left (bday's close enough i say im 17) before legal responsibilities but I will be cheering u on from the sidelines 😌
photography and graphic design (never do creative courses, they work you half to death)
bro after that fifteen hour exam, i went home immediately and slept for eleven hours 💀
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