#💜 mod
I'm not sure why I made this-
Hello! I won't be giving away my name just yet, but you can call me 💜!
I'm just basically going to talk about how GORGEOUS the housewarden is ebdndb
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bubblin-trouble · 25 days
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Oh my god
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Tell me you see it.
Taglist : @nrc-asteryn-crew @night-raven-miscellany @nrc-ramshackle-prefect @floyd-leech-thing @knightcoree
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wewerepartners · 6 months
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"You can be sure they wanted to keep this place a secret."
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hmshermitcraft · 20 days
Joel does not want to run a bakery. Come on, Grian, he's a killer! Not a baker! But he'll do it anyway, he doesn't really have a choice.
And maybe, just maybe, that regular, that one who keeps talking about his kids, maybe he's enough to make Joel enjoy working in a bakery when he'd rather be doing... Other things.
He talks to that regular more. His name's Etho. And he's (– surprisingly, Joel thinks –) single. How could anyone want to divorce a guy like him, Joel thinks, but he'll keep that to himself.
Grian and Jimmy notice, of course. And of course, they tease him to no end about it. Because come on, Joel! Having a crush on a regular is so basic! (Just ignore the fact that Scott and Tango are technically regulars, and Jimmy's been with them ages.)
- 💜
See, the difference is that Jimmy is already over the crush stage! He's dating his regulars, which is way cooler than just crushing on them. Joel needs to catch up!
But Joel, surprisingly for him, finds he doesn't want to rush this. He likes learning about Etho. He likes learning about his kids. He likes learning what flavours he enjoys. He wants to take his time, savour the slow building of their relationship.
Also 'cause it annoys Grian and Jimmy, but that's just the secondary goal.
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rq-cringe · 1 month
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transprogrammer tip: STOP FETISHIZING TORTURE.
hope this helps!
Text ID: Would anyone be willing to give me transprogrammer/programming tips?
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shed-the-god · 25 days
I’m in class rn but have this
*Tosses to you then runs away*
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kumada-is-love · 4 months
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ask-teenkg · 21 days
Kindergala outfits!
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myflowerdeer666 · 11 days
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is-that-plural · 1 month
hello ! we wanted to create a blog just like @/is-this-plural, but the main difference is we are anti-endo !
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about us:
collectively we use he/him pronouns, for the most part, but if you're unsure, feel free to ask !
we are only one system running this blog, so if submissions are slow, give us some time ! we will get to you, we promise <3
those active here will sign off using their respective emotes, which is as follows;
mod 🦉- he/it
mod 💜 -he/him
mod 🎀 -they/she
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-> honestly, we dont have much of a dni, but if you are a (pro-)endo, then we do ask that you stay in your lanes ! endo-neutral or whatever its called are fine to interact 💖
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how to submit / rules !
-> through asks ! (anon or not, up to you!)
-> tagging us in reblogs or posts ! -> you DON'T have to be a system to submit something !! singlets can submit and interact freely <3
-> simply messaging us, if messages are on, and we'll post it for you !
-> or the good ol fashioned way; using tumblr's submit button !!
some additional context to the rules/what our purpose here is: x
the rules are that ! there are no rules, if we, as a medically recognized system, see that something could be plural, even if you have to squint, then we (and you, by proxy!) deem it so !!
not everything is going to be plural !
that's all there is to it !! this blog is 100% for fun, and not trying to diagnose anyone or anything
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fell-is-suffering · 3 months
You know enby Lust?
uhh, if you are talking about your lust sans for utqv- then yes- but i don't think i have seen or heard of any other enby lust au's tho 🤔
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underblogmanagement · 3 months
Wanna start a party?
I'm game! Don't know about everyone else here though. I mean you can have a party with 2 people! But seriously, reveal your real account and we can party. Or don't and stay as an anon. Whatever works for you, bro. Calling all Undertale fans!!! Party time!
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bubblin-trouble · 1 month
Twisted Wonderland theory time: Did Dire Crowley Summon Yuu on purpose? Does Yuu have powers? What is his true intention?
Spoilers for the game below the cut!!! You’ve been warned~
In the very beginning of the game, you, the player, play a short snippet through the eyes of our favorite headmage, Crowley. Here, he speaks in a way more serious tone than his usual manner, and no one else is present but himself.
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As you can see, he’s speaking towards the Dark Mirror, but he is not referring to it. He speaks of a benefactor. A flower of evil. Interesting choice of words, wouldn’t you think?
It’s like he knows the person he’s seeking after is just on the other side.
For those of you who don’t know, a benefactor is (literal definition) a person who gives money or other to help a person or cause. Basically someone who helps someone else out. And who could that person in need of help be?
Dire Crowley. Is it because he’s in dire circumstances? In need of someone’s help? Here’s a quote I found:
“For you, for me, for them, time is running out.”
Seems urgent or dire, doesn’t it? Also, the terminology he uses here caught my attention as well. He refers to the unknown party as “my proud flower of evil”. What does a flower need? Nurturing. Crowley’s known to use interesting nomenclature for his students, after all.
But now, who does Crowley need to dump all of his problems on, expose them to immense Overblot incidents in the meanwhile? Yuu.
Another piece of evidence I’d like to bring up.
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This confirms that he wasn’t directly referring to the Dark Mirror before, but he was seeking someone out.
The word “visage” can mean the manifestation, image, or aspect of something. From this, my guess is that Crowley is seeking out some unknown party to conform to him, like the flower language used earlier.
I highly doubt the Mirror would bring anyone to NRC who had no magic inside them. Yuu was sent because (I think) Crowley specifically asked.
Grim, a creature (cat-weasel) with immense layers of 1000 year old curse magic, however, was also sent to NRC. But, why?
By this point, we all know about the time loop theory. My personal interpretation is that after each calamity that falls, the cycle repeats again. And again. And again. It’s basically pushed into our faces that Grim will overblot at some point, but his will be even stronger than all of the others’.
Crowley says this to Yuu before he realizes they’re not the typical student.
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Alongside with the coffin/raven imagery, it doesn’t give too good of an idea. That’s why the school is called Night Raven College. Each student represents a bird, a raven. Ravens symbolize the path between the living and spirit realm. Not saying that everyone in TWST is dead, per se…but it’s an interesting concept.
Let’s shy away from this for a moment. Consider this next piece of evidence as well.
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For a student with no magic, it’s a little ironic that Yuu has prophetic dreams of the past, isn’t it? Every time, roughly 3 days before an overblot occurs, they have a dream based off of the overblotee’s member of the Great 7.
Now, anyone who’s watched the Disney movies featuring the villains in TWST know their true story. Obviously. Those in TWST idolize the Great 7, believing them to be good historical figures. Yet, we see the truth. Through Yuu’s eyes.
Let’s take a look at something else.
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Considering the connection between Mickey and Yuu (In Thru the Mirror and Ramshackle Dorm), their interactions are just a bit more than interesting. Yuu sees him in their dreams, and vice versa. I have a small guess that the world of TWST was created by the Mouse himself, tbh.
The name “Mickey” actually means “Who is like God”. My personal best guess is it’s some sort of deviation from Micheal or Mikhail. After all, Mickey IS the mascot of literally everything Disney…
This might sound stupid/outlandish, but that mouse has power. I’m so serious. The Mirrorverse is canon in the Disney universe, after all. My guess is that TWST is one of those worlds, but where the villains were victorious instead of our beloved heroes.
Yuu is the only one to have such prophetic dreams, that we know of thus far. They so happen to embody the ravens perfectly, as they symbolize prophecy and insight. Though Yuu has no magic, it does make me wonder…
Were they blessed by a higher being, to have such powers to reveal the truth?
With all of the context here, it’s clear that the history of Twisted Wonderland is inaccurate. Warped. The villains aren’t actually the heroes, like everyone else thinks. In reality, they’re the complete opposite.
This might be because of propaganda pushed forward by the Seven’s loyal followers, as a way to blot over their muddy images.
Let’s talk about overblots for a moment. With Yuu always being exposed to so many overblots, you’d think they’d eventually go through it themselves. But, they don’t have magic, do they? Or so everyone else thinks.
I have a hunch that Yuu in fact does have some kind of magic, buried deep inside them. It’s dormant, asleep. Needing to be awakened. Needing to be nurtured to show its true colors.
Also, when Yuu first arrived, one of the first individuals we meet is Crowley. He literally says, “There you are!”.
Like he’d been expecting Yuu. Planning for them to come to NRC.
Another thing, Crowley doesn’t seem like the type of person to care all too much if a student misses a ceremony. But, he escorted Yuu there himself. And, when he found out that Yuu had “no magic”, he let them stay instead of sending them home.
You’d think he’d be more eager to send them back to where they came from, right? But, no. He doesn’t seem all too bothered by letting Yuu stay. Like he knows they have some sort of purpose to serve.
But, he has to have a reason for all of this, doesn’t he? Well, it’s not made clear at this moment. Maybe we’ll find out in future books.
Before we wrap it up here, here’s some food for thought, and some of my own personal thoughts.
Dire Crowley knows something everything else doesn’t. And it’s bad. Catastrophic, even. He knew it was bad enough that it could potentially put his world in danger. Desperate times call for desperate measures, don’t they? And he needed to call for something. And what would be the thing to save his world?
His beautiful flower of evil.
But, that’s just a theory. :)
@nrc-asteryn-crew @night-raven-miscellany @nrc-ramshackle-prefect @glitchtricks94 @knightcoree come get your food >:)
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simpquatica · 7 months
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Aquatica is a new AU that we are working on!!! A UTMV AU with OCs :)
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hmshermitcraft · 2 months
Time is weird when you're a watcher.
Grian is simultaneously 30,000 and 30. For every year that passes for player Grian, watcher Grian gets 1000 years older, and Grian doesn't like that.
He doesn't like that he's two ages at the same time. It freaks him out a little. (Of course, a lot of the watcher stuff freaks him out but we ignore that for now)
Mumbo thinks it's cool. A little scary, and certainly very confusing, but he likes things that are hard to wrap his head around. Other things include why the hell he likes Grian so much, Mumbo, you're aroace.
Grian would laugh if Mumbo ever told him. Not because he thinks it's funny that Mumbo doesn't know how to feel about him, but because he's so cute when he's confused. And then he explains the concept of a queerplatonic relationship because he thought Mumbo knew what that was.
He didn't. But now he's in one.
- 💜
Now, though, Mumbo has another dilemma. If Grian has two ages, does that mean they celebrate two anniversaries? But they'd be on the same date, so does that just mean he'd need to get Grian two presents... Oh, gosh, does he need a present for every single watcher year?!
Grian can't stop laughing once he realises what Mumbo is so befuddled about. Mumbo can do what he likes, Grian is not getting Mumbo a thousand presents each year!
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rq-cringe · 1 month
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sure... because people who are " transautistic " toootttallllyyy have the same life experiences and struggles as someone with autism /s
Text ID: I firmly believe that transID people belong in the same spaces as people who are cis with those IDs. In my eyes, a transautistic person is no less than a cisautistic person. Transautistics people belong in autistic spaces. This applies to a multitude of other transIDs.
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