#🙏🙏 so good for me
bornforastorm · 6 months
20 questions for fic writers
tagged by dear @boasamishipper. emily you're an enabler
1. How many works do you have on Ao3? 45!
2. What's your total Ao3 word count? 347,538!
3. What fandoms do you write for? literally whatever gets in my craw at any given moment. I will publish one fic for a fandom and then disappear forever, just try me. but I think I will be writing for hbo Perry Mason and Raymond Chandler's Philip Marlowe forever.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos? 1. When This is All Over - Stephen King's IT, Richie/Eddie 2. Light My Candle - Les Mis RENT au (written in 2013! Kill me!) 3. Too Easy - West Side Story 2021, Tony/Riff 4. And Back - The Mummy 2017, Nick/Vail (I am always thinking about The Mummy 2017 and you can't stop me) 5. such a little thing - The Goldfinch 2018, Theo/Boris
5. Do you respond to comments? I try to! I'm really trying to get better about responding to comments. Each one is a little gift, and I do want people to know how much I appreciate it.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? I mean both guess how much and The're the Same Thing are fics where characters are go, 'should I kill myself?' and then at the end they land on a resounding 'yes! and I will! as soon as possible!' So those feel the angstiest to me
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? I think it's A Long Retirement! Get happy, Philip Marlowe! Move in with a guy! 'I never saw him again' AS IF, babe, move to mexico instead.
8. Do you get hate on fics? nope 👍the joy of writing in tiny fandoms where no one cares
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? I'm starting to! I'm working on it! smut is a means to an end to romance for me (except my The Bear syd/richie fic which is in fact smut as a means to an end of we-hate-each-other)
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? nah! except for my little same-world hints that I love to drop into things (perry mason-philip marlowe crossover my beloved) and then my one The Lost Boys-Stand By Me fic
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? not that i'm aware of 👍
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? yeah! and what an honor
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? nope 👍
14. What’s your all time favorite ship? I think it's gotta be philip marlowe/terry lennox. a life changing ship. guys I think about every single day of my dang life.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? I have a thousand of them. most pressing that I most want to finish are probably my Andor skemik everybody lives au and my MASH crabapple crabs Trapper Goes to Maine prequel
16. What are your writing strengths? I think characterization! dialogue. I think if someone ever said to me, "he would not fucking say that" I would stop writing for months to reexamine my entire worth
17. What are your writing weaknesses? plots! titles! plots! literally plots that go somewhere and do something are my weakest suit l.o.l. 🙃🙃
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? I don't do it (instead using the age old work arounds), and when I do, it's only in languages I speak. So while I have enough German to do a little German in fics, but I really don't do it because I have never been confident in my language skills ever in my whole life!
19. First fandom you wrote for? probably it was Stargate SG-1 :)
20. Favorite fic you’ve written? okay so keep in mind that I basically never want to look at a fic I wrote before 2015 ever in my whole life, AND the target audience for everything I've ever written is Me in the Future, so this is big grain of salt territory. The one that really jumps to mind, that I come back to and remain happy with the writing, pleased by the idea, etc etc is a fic that comes up a lot in ask games and so on: Route 117 (also March! which is for an audience of literally only me, I think, but I do like it) (and all my perry mason fics let's be real)
tagging @majorbaby if you want to do it
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hailsatanacab · 7 months
"Well, this is a bad idea," Tim says, hands on his hips as he surveys the mess they’ve made in the cave.
"Nah," Danny replies, twirling his screwdriver in the air in what is probably meant to be an impressive trick to inspire confidence, except he fumbles it and it clangs to the floor loudly, "we good. If a younger version of myself hasn't come forward in time to stop me, how bad can it be?"
"Shouldn't it be the other way round?"
"Normally, it's an older version of yourself going backwards in time to stop you, right?"
"Not in my experience."
Danny's grin is impossibly feral and a shiver runs up Tim's spine.
"This is definitely a bad idea."
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emry-stars-art · 3 months
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When the misunderstanding is mutual but they’re both so sweet about it (coffee shop au edition)
Inspired by the tags below (originally on this post) from @blahblaheverythingisgay and @lovelyprincejehan accompanied by some thoughts:
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thank you for bringing this GALAXY brain take to my attention 😂 this guy comes in, all cagey about his past and his scars, always wearing baggy clothes but complaining about compression clothes (being on the run does a number on your joints and muscles), picking out a name for himself??? OBVIOUSLY he’s trans right
They somehow manage to have like three separate conversations about it without realizing they’re talking about two very different scenarios. Andrew only was so wrong for so long because scars on their own (and even being a criminal lbr) are such non-issues that it didn’t even occur to him that Neil could be talking about anything less important than being trans lol
Andrew had his little crisis about it and landed pretty solid on yeah he’s still into Neil regardless, and yeah he’s still super gay. He’ll figure out the rest from there. The only thing he didn't prepare for was Neil being uh. Cis
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abd-illustrates · 4 months
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💛 The Boi 💛
Hello, hope y'all are doing well! (^^)/ Wanted to make a quick post to let y'all know that my annual January curse has breeched containment and I'm currently in the middle of organizing sudden household repairs and unexpected medical appointments and miscellaneous stress sgdfgh-- 🫠 All that to say: no new video this week while I'm stuck grappling with all of the above sgdfksfd -- but here's a doodle of Heartless in the meantime! I wanna figure out a more solid design for his ghouls 🤔👻
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neurthotic · 28 days
Can you do a Shigiraki one please?
𝖙𝖔𝖒𝖚𝖗𝖆 𝖘𝖍𝖎𝖌𝖆𝖗𝖆𝐤𝖎 𝖆𝖘 𝖆 𝖇𝖔𝖞𝖋𝖗𝖎𝖊𝖓𝖉 🕸
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🕸 the unlucky combination of his corrupting quirk and abominable personality has made shiggy the most cringefail hermit 4chan-dwelling uber-virgin you can imagine. no hygiene, no boundaries, and definitely no sense of shame
🕸 he crouches on the bed and watches you sleep. he opens your mail. he reads your texts over your shoulder. basically kiss any privacy that you ever had goodbye
🕸 your unique immunity to his quirk makes you the first person he’s ever even come close to romantic involvement with, so naturally he is utterly fascinated by a body he can touch without killing it. he could spend hours staring at parts of you in isolation— he’s eerily captivated by your collarbones, your ankles. predictably, he has a thing for your hands
🕸 “made you something, bitch.” “get the fuck over here.” “you talk too much.” (affectionate)
🕸 tomura talks a LOT of shit. calls you names, spews misogynistic rhetoric and incomprehensible 4chan terminology nonstop, but you know it’s steaming bullshit because all it takes is a hand in his hair or a thumb across his cheek and he’s snapping his mouth shut, pupils dilating rapidly, drooling down his chin and furiously readjusting his sitting position
🕸 makes you sit in his lap and talk into his headset while he plays call of duty or whatever
🕸 this man is HUGE on pda. he’ll bite you, tug on strands of your hair, pass his gleefully trembling fingertips under the hem of your shirt. he gets to touch you, show everyone who you belong to, and prove to anyone watching that he, tomura, can pull?!! he’s giddy and drooling again. you will be pinned up against a wall with his tongue down your throat, and the more people watching the better
🕸 he’s so gross. he eats the weirdest things, wipes his mouth on the back of his hand, talks with his mouth full, never washes his clothes or makes the bed
🕸 of course he’s violently attracted to you. that’s a given. but there was one specific moment a while into your relationship when you casually did something to care for him— ran a brush through his hair, or rubbed some lotion into a particularly bad raw spot— and he horrified himself with the sheer depth of love and obsession that instantly flooded his nerves. fuck, he was in too deep— it wasn’t supposed to get this way, where he’d do whatever you asked without a second thought and probably die without you.
🕸 bummer.. too bad he can’t do anything about it
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rayroseu · 2 months
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the two princes that are blessed with beauty... 😭🙏✨💚🤍
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d0d0-b0i · 2 years
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l3viat8an · 3 months
Giving submissive Lucifer a pussy job he’d be a bit whiny ‘cause you won’t actually let him fuck you 😇 
An attempt was made- I swear, I tried!! I’ve gotta practice writing for sub!characters more skhsjsh
Lucifer hates this- he just wants to be inside you, he’s earned it. He did all his work for the day and yet you want to tease him. and he lets you, because he wants to be your good boy~
His hands twitching at his sides, wanting to grab your hips and push you down -but he doesn’t- he lets you straddle his lap and do as you please, teasing him rubbing your cunt across his cock..
If you really want to rile Lucifer up even more whisper sweet praise in his ear, tell him how how good his cock feels sliding so perfectly against your wet pussy……he’s on edge already, soft whimpered pleas mixed with your name falling from his lip. damnit he wants to be inside you. “M-master, please, please n-need to feel you…” “you already are.” you reply with a smirk, his whimpers turning into a choked moan when your clit rubs against the throbbing tip of his cock.
He tosses his head back and it hits the headboard with a dull thud ‘n shot of pain but Lucifer doesn’t care. Not when you roll your hips against his again, rubbing over his cock just right, the feeling of his cock twitching and covered in your slick just feels too good.
“nhg, fuck- c-close!” he covers his face with one arm, trying so hard to hide from you and muffle the sweet moans slipping from his lips as you grind your hips faster, your slick now covering his legs too.
Lucifer’s moans get louder and he begs you for more!!- Friction, praise, it doesn’t matter he just needs wants more! and you give it to him until you feel his cock twitching and his warm, sticky, cum covering your cunt-
His breaths are uneven, whimpering at the sensitivity while you still glide against him. “N-no not again please…” it’s barely a whisper, tears brimming in his eyes, as you slow down and sit on his cock. “Aww but you did so good! My good boy~ How about a little break and then we can have more fun?” you coo in his ear, pressing soft kisses down his neck to his chest….Lucifer finds himself nodding along mindlessly.
He’ll do whatever you want as long as you’ll call him your good boy again <3
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lacebird · 3 months
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HAYDEN CHRISTENSEN With his Saturn Award for his role as Darth Vader in Obi-Wan Kenobi (2022).
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pridoo · 1 year
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“Still think it’s stupid?” Luke whispers before diving in again, fingers combing through Din’s hair, pulling a little as they get closer and closer. 
Plaguing my mind again with their amazing writing, I got back on the horse by re-reading 5 Times Luke Taught Din How to Use His Mouth & 1 Time Din Taught Luke by @ctrldao3 🙏
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lamina-tsrif · 3 months
the new one piece chapter goes so unbelieveibly fucking hard. however. i genuinely think that was the meanest thing sanji could have ever called zoro ever
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ohbo-ohno · 8 months
loneliness and fallen woman with price please! happy 1000 followers ❤️
1k game here - no more please!
alright anon. i gotta be real with you, i barely used the prompts you gave and for that i really am sorry. i wrote like 1k of this about three different times because they kept just not being quite right, and they got increasingly further and further from the prompts. sorry!
2.6k of reader x local crime kingpin price. no smut! (the background plot and "worldbuilding" here is really weak, but just ignore it lol)
You know you’re doing something stupid, but that seems to be all you’re capable of these days. The last few weeks have been nothing but stipid decision after stupid decision, your absolute stupidest decision leading you to this exact moment.
You should’ve never slept with John Price. You should’ve known, should’ve recognized his face, but you’d been a little tipsy and a little desperate, and hadn’t connected the very common name John with the very well known criminal John Price. 
No, that had come the next morning, when you’d woken up before him and been able to really take a look at him, completely sober. Him and the gun in its holster resting on his folded pile of clothes.
You should’ve recognized him long before then, and you should’ve turned tail and run. You shouldn’t have let him buy you a drink, you shouldn’t have let him coax you into dumping all your troubles onto him, and you certainly shouldn’t have slept with him. 
You’d left before he could wake up and say God knows what, fear pumping through your veins at the realization of who you’d slept with. You’d nearly knocked yourself out trying to get dressed, almost fallen on top of him before you managed to stumble out of the hotel room he’d bought for you.
Everyone knows John Price. No one ever really bothers to detail why he’s dangerous, but they all seem confident he is. You’re a recent transfer to the area, and you still haven’t been able to get anyone to really say why they always whisper when they say his name.
What you do know about him is that every few weeks, almost routinely, you hear that he’s been arrested. Then two or three days later, like clockwork, it’s announced that he’s escaped, always thought to be “armed and dangerous”. His mugshots are shown on TV enough that it’s truly surprising you hadn’t recognized him at the bar. 
You always figured you’d never run into him. You don’t exactly lead a life of crime, don’t exaclty put yourself in harm’s way. You work a boring nine to five job, have dinner with friends every couple weeks, occasionally meet up with someone from a dating app, and never really stray from that. Had he not happened to be in the same bar as you, you never would’ve met him, never would’ve slept with him, and never would’ve been hunting him down now, weeks later.
Hell, you might not have even slept with him had you not just been stood up by what was supposed to be a first date on the same day you’d lost out on a promotion. But a few shots, that loneliness that grows more and more familiar every day, a simmering frustration in your career, and a handsome man are not a good combination for your self control. 
But you had slept with him, had been especially stupid and not even worn protection - something you’d only really noticed the next morning, when you felt… him still leaking from you, saw that there was no condom wrapper.
And now here you are - stood in that same run down bar you’d first met him in, wearing an old hoodie and your favorite sweatpants, three positive pregnancy tests tucked in your front pocket.
You try to take a deep breath.
You really don’t know what you’re doing. You’ve been running on autopilot since you realized you might be pregnant, the time between buying tests and taking them a blur. Even now, you’re running on instinct alone. Instinct tells you to find John Price, and tell him about… this.
You can figure everything else out after. 
You scan the crowd, hoping to spot him quickly. You know he owns the bar - something you’d found out once you’d gotten home and fallen deep into a rabbit hole and read everything about the man you could find. You’re not sure how he still owns the bar considering he’s got multiple warrants out for his arrest, but you figure it’s probably the same reason he never actually ends up in jail.
But he’s not here now. At least, not anywhere you can see.
You step up to the bar, rest your elbows on the counter and rest your head in your hands, taking a few long, stablizing breaths.
“What can I get for ye?”
You glance up at the sudden voice, coming face to face with the bartender. It’s not the same man as last time - this man’s got a Scottish accent and a mohawk, a far cry from the darker skinned British man with pretty eyes who’d served you last time.
“Do you…” you glance around again, sigh, and decide you should try and find somewhere to compose yourself a bit. “Do you guys have a bathroom I could use?”
“Course,” he smiles at you, open and friendly, and you feel some of the tension ease from your shoulders. “Just ‘round that corner there, a few doors down. Can’t miss it.”
You give him a tight smile, mutter your thanks as you head in the direction he’d gestured. His directions are exactly right, the women’s bathroom door towards the end of the hallway but clearly marked.
Just past the bathroom doors is a stairwell. The door is half open, but you can clearly see the stairs even halfway down the hallway. You’re not sure why, but you walk right past the bathrooms, ducking into the stairwell instead after shooting a quick look over your shoulder to make sure no one saw you. 
It’s nearly silent, the music from the bar growing more and more muffled as you start to make your way to the next floor. It’s even quieter once you reach your destination, just a distant and faint rumbling in the floorboards.
You step out into a hallway with four doors - two of them with nameplates nailed to them. Stepping close, you see one is labeled Simon Riley and the other reads John Price.
Before you can consider whether or not you’re making another stupid decision you’re knocking on the door with Price’s name. 
You regret it the moment your knuckles rap against the wood, can’t believe you keep doing such stupid things without thinking.
Before you can even get a step away from the door, there’s a voice calling out from inside the room.
“Come in.”
Your breath hitches. 
You can’t leave now. There’s no way he wouldn’t come to the door, see who knocked. You’re not about to ding dong ditch John Price, but that doesn’t make it any easier to move forward. You only manage it because you feel oddly exposed in the hallway, and your nerves urge you forward enough to open the door.
You shut it quickly behind you, eager for privacy for some reason you can’t quite pin down. Listening to your instincts regardless, you keep your back pressed to the closed door and shove one hand in your pocket to wrap around the pregnancy tests.
John looks… mostly the same, which only makes you feel even more foolish for not recognizing him on the night that started this whole mess.
His beard’s a bit longer, but he’s got a button up and that silly hat on, the same thing he’d been wearing the first night you saw him. It’s almost like you’re yanked back to that night without warning, the only real difference being the fact that he’s sat behind a desk instead of beside you.
“Oh,” he says, looking oddly unsurprised as he leans back in his chair, hands lacing over his stomach. “It’s you. My little runaway.”
You scowl, your trepidation immediately replaced with anger. 
“First of all,” you hiss, scowling and moving towards his desk, the twitch at the corner of his lips only working you up further. “I’m not your anything. And I didn’t run away.”
His lips curve into a fuller smile, and he shifts his chair back enough for you to see his thighs, thick and bulging against his tight pants. He’s manspreading in his own office chair, and you have to swallow thickly when you realize just how attractive it is.
When you glance back to his face and see the distinctly smug expression he’s wearing, your ire only grows.
“Not sure what else you’d call it,” he rumbles. “Was hoping to spend a little more time with you, love, but you were gone before we could set up a date.”
You instinctively go to bite back, but stumble a bit when what he’d said settles. The idea that he’d been disappointed when he woke up alone, that he wanted more time with you…
You shake the thought off. It doesn’t matter, you have more important things to discuss.
You force yourself to straighten, fingers toying with the tests in your pocket. Your nerves return now that you’re really face to face with John again, now that you’ve got to actually figure out how to tell him. 
He seems to sense the shift in your mood, leaning forward so he’s not sprawled out so casually and resting his forearms on his desk.
“Why’re you here, love?”
This is it, you think to yourself, closing your eyes to take a deep, stablizing breath.
You tug the pregnancy tests out of your pocket, drop them wordlessly in front of him. It’s hard to keep your eyes open, to watch his expression as he slowly looks down at your offering, watch as realization washes over him.
John’s silent for a long moment. Your palms sweat, and you just barely resist the urge to wipe them off on your pants.
Finally, he looks back up at you, shifting in his chair. “You’re sure?”
You hesitate, nod a bit. “There are… I took more, at home. Didn’t want to bring them all.”
He nods, leaning back in his chair and crossing one leg over the other. “And it’s mine?”
You flush, face going hot. You know it’s a fair question, but you can’t help but bristle anyway. 
“Yes,” you hiss, shifting your weight from foot to foot. “I haven’t… I didn’t…” You cut yourself off, the words you were my first trapping themselves behind your teeth. You hadn’t meant to lose your virginity to John Price, and you see no need to tell him you even had. As far as you’re concerned, you can keep that knowledge to yourself. “It’s yours.”
He doesn’t look convinced, and that only makes your face go hotter. You fight the urge to tuck your hands beneath your armpits, determined not to shrink in front of this man.
“I haven’t been with anyone else,” you elaborate, eyes flicking away from his face.
He takes a deep breath, exhales in a loud sigh. You hear his fingers tap against the desk, just barely bite back your annoyance at the sound. You work your tongue between your teeth, nerves racing again.
“Well,” he eventually says, standing from his chair. You can’t help but jolt a bit, having forgotten just how big he is. He towers over you even from a few feet away, his broad shoulders and barrel chest only making him feel twice as large. It’s a conscious effort on your part not to take a step back. “I hope you weren’t too attached to your apartment, love.”
He stalks around the desk, walking towards the door, but you can’t move from your spot. Your eyebrows furrow, and you track him with your eyes.
“My apartment? What’re you talking about?”
He shoots you a look, one you have no idea how to interpret, as he tugs his door open. “Simon!”
“John,” you hiss, stepping closer to him again. “What’re you-?”
He holds a hand up to quiet you as the other door opens, and you can just barely spot another man stepping forward. “Yeah?”
“Need you to call some movers. Need to get my girl moved into my place.”
You gape like a fish as the new man leans to the side a bit to look where Price is gesturing to you, and he nods. “Got it. Timeline?”
“Done by tonight.”
The other man grunts, and leaves again. John closes the door, turning back to you and starting back to his desk.
“What- what the hell?” You splutter, mouth opening and closing in shock. “You can’t- you don’t even know where I live!”
John settles back into his chair and shoots you a look that you can clearly read - it’s nothing but unimpressed.
“Course I do, love. Did you think we wouldn’t be meeting again?”
You blink at him, dumbfounded, as he turns to his computer, lips twitching into a smile.
“Of course we wouldn’t,” you try, hand resting on one of the chairs in front of the desk to steady yourself. “We only… we only slept together once. I didn’t even know who you were.”
He hums an agreement, typing. “No, you didn’t. But that doesn’t matter, you know now. And considering the other… developments,” he shoots a look to your belly, and you rest your free hand over the small curve protectively. “It’s best we get to know each other in far closer quarters, hm?”
“No,” you argue, trying to inject some sterness into your tone. “I’m not moving in with you, that’s ridiculous. I just… I only told you about the baby so you could be involved. Maybe pay some child support. But there’s no reason for anything more.”
He sighs heavily through his nose, giving you another of those unimpressed looks. “You’re tellin’ me you’d rather keep living on your own? Take care of yourself and my baby all on your own?”
You brows furrow. “My baby.”
“Our baby.”
“Whatever,” you huff, moving to sit in one of the chairs, slumping back. “I can’t move in with you. Just because we… slept together, once, doesn’t mean you can just boss me around like a minon.”
 “Oh, it was more than once, love,” he corrects, voice pitching lower. You force down a shiver, cheeks heating again. “And is it really bossing you around if it’s for the best?”
You shoot him your own unimpressed look. “Yes, of course it is.”
He shrugs, turning back to his computer. “Then I guess I am bossing you around. Regardless, Simon will have your belongings in one of my properties by tonight.”
You scowl, leaning forward enough to plant a hand on his desk. “Listen, John, I have a life. A perfectly nice apartment, a job I like, friends - you can’t just take me away from all of that just because we made a mistake!”
The quick glance he shoots you verges on scolding. “That’s exactly what I can do, and it’s exactly what I will do.”
He stands before you can reply, fixing his cuffs as he strides back to the office door.
“You can call your boss tomorrow to turn in your resignation,” he says over his shoulder, tugging the door open and already walking away, winking at you just before he disappears from your sight. “You won’t be working while carrying our baby.”
You gape at the spot where he just was, palms still slick with sweat. It takes you a moment to fully grasp what he’s just said, how the entire conversation has gone, but when you do you’re enraged.
“John!” You shout, storming after him, leaving the pregnancy tests behind. “Get back here, you insane man! That’s absolutely not happening!”
The sound of his low laugh echoing through the stairwell only pisses you off more. Your scowl feels etched into your face, and as you storm after John you vow to keep him from completely steam rolling your life.
If he thinks he’s going to just pluck you from your life and drop you in his with no fight, he’s got another thing coming. 
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varyathevillain · 1 year
no joke but what I really want for Buddy Daddies as a fandom is to make fanart and fanfic post present time ep12 where Rei wears an arm orthosis when working.
I think varied disability aids being represented would be fantastic, and personally would write Rei as someone being deeply proud of something he's done for his family, but also understanding with time that using an orthosis also helps him at work and in raising Miri. with a giant portion of mobility/motorics aids being represented by prosthetics, seeing more variety and exploring it in fiction would also help making a step in normalising disability treatments.
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adoresol · 2 months
urgh I love all your posts abt anton honestly the way you headcannon for him is amazing😩 lemme just say the other day I went into this perfume shop that so happened to carry antons perfume (le labo lavande 31) and honestly the smell is so him and so sexy in a soft yet musky way?? Honestly if any man wore this perfume near me I’d jump his bones😔😔 now all I wanna do is bury my head in antons neck to smell him and cuddle and fuck
ahh tysm, i really appreciate it <3 the next time i visit a perfume shop, i am soooo going to look for his cologne. but anton even looks like he smells good, like i just know he smells amazing and you confirming it is just 🙏
riding anton whenever you both are in a sensual mood, i just know he be moaning all up in your ear while your head hangs against his shoulder <3 and the grip he'd have on your waist, his hips meeting yours to fuck up into you even harder. loves how deep in your cunt he is, murmuring on how good you feel wrapped around him. anton also loves to stay inside of you even after the two of you cum, just sensually making out with each other with so much tongue. his hands roaming all over your body with soft touches. he simply can't get enough of you
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redhotarsenic · 9 months
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(for the lovely @nowfallc)
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reineydraws · 2 years
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happy 10th anniversary to the finale of the show that gave me my first real fandom community experience! 🥰💖🎉 so here's some art of merlin ✨️just holding✨️ arthur, then and now. (cries)
anyways arthur's back and he's cuddling with merlin and learning how to use a smart phone because i said so. that's the real ending. 😤
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