#'contrary to popular opinion not a couple'
steveinscarlet · 1 year
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kennedysbaby · 25 days
pretty baby — leon kennedy.
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wc: 3.1k
pairing: re6! leon kennedy x fem! reader.
content: age gap, smoking, alcohol consumption, fake-dating, two pretentious people engaging in a conversation, leon saying "women", kissing, reader is apart of leon's squad.
honorable mention: claire redfield.
a/n: mmmmmm re6 leon (i'm losing my mind). posted this from my patio because the weather's finally getting better <3.
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contrary to popular opinion, dreary, rainy nights were one of your most favorite things—amongst many other stuff you cherished—but you held nights like these dear to your heart. the soft pattering from rain droplets hitting against the window, a warm blanket, and comfortable pajamas, coupled with a cup of hot coffee and a book was, in your opinion, a perfect way to wind down after slaving away at work all day.
however…you just wished for one more thing.
a boyfriend. a man. someone to call your own. 
someone who'd let you rest your head on their lap as you flipped through the pages and took sporadic sips of whatever hot beverage you were drinking at the moment. someone who'd thread their fingers through your hair and press soft kisses on your forehead. your entire body yearned for such a thing, but it always felt so out of reach.
unfortunately, men didn't commit, or think, like that. they just took what they wanted like dogs and then headed out the door, not a single care in the world. it was pathetic and desperate. 
hook-up culture irked you. so did "talking stages," or anything of that caliber. why would any sane person waste their time and energy like that on someone they'd meet for no longer than a week? maybe you were just a hopeless romantic. 
maybe you were the pathetic and desperate one.
none of the men at your workplace interested you in the slightest—as they all had that mindset you loathed. you were a special government agent, trying to save the world from bioterrorism. all the male agents were arrogant, wanna-be jerks. they'd call themselves "esoteric" when really, their favorite movie directors were quentin tarantino and christopher nolan.
you just rolled your eyes and sighed. how deplorable.
there was one guy, however, but you deemed him out of the question. a forbidden fruit, in other words. for starters, he was a good ten years—maybe more—older than you. he also happened to be the leader of your assigned, specific, squad. and ironically enough, a mercenary had him twirling his dirty blonde hair and blushing like a schoolgirl. she was very gorgeous, in his defense.
leon kennedy was just so damn handsome, it had you acting a fool. you couldn't help but swoon when he called you "sweetheart" casually, as if it was second nature. he'd put his hands on your waist while walking past you, muttering a quick, "sorry, sweetheart." he had really good taste in films, music, and books too, surprisingly. he treated you like a real person, not a piece of meat like most men did.
he even made you laugh at his insanely stupid jokes.
you often wondered if you were in love with him, or if it was just a fleeting crush. or maybe you adored the attention he gave you (more than your other peers). but then again, was there really a difference between love and attention?
as you tucked your knees beneath yourself, sinking down further into the couch, your cellphone vibrated right next to you, the caller id reading leon—how fucking cliche. your heart then dropped, wondering why he'd call you at eight pm on a saturday. swallowing the lump in your throat, you answered quickly, "um, hello?" 
"hey sweetheart," leon's low, smooth voice said on the other end of the line. it sounded like he was driving. maybe to see me, you thought, before chastising yourself for being delusional. he couldn't fawn over you when ada wong existed. a beat later, he added, "i know this is a little out of the norm, but i was just wondering if you were free tomorrow."
free tomorrow? for what? was this seriously happening? you dumbfoundedly stammered, uttering something so laughable out, "i— uh— are you sure you have the right number?" your whole body recoiled with cringe the second those words rolled right off your tongue. you resisted the urge to groan in annoyance.
and laugh is exactly what leon did. it was short, almost a scoff. "nah. but it isn't what you think, don't worry," that little bit confused you, before he elaborated, "i'm not trying to be some creepy boss. long story short, i need a date for an event."
"a date..? what kind of event?" you queried, sitting yourself upright. your mind was still barely registering the fact that you were having this conversation with leon, quite literally moments after fantasizing about him.
he let out a soft exhale, "one of my old friends is hosting this get together, and lets just say i've been lying to her about having a girlfriend—" leon groaned at how juvenile he was sounding, shaking his head in disbelief. "i'm too old for this shit." he chastised, before getting back on track. "anyways, she's been on my ass about it, telling me i should find a girl, and that i'd be a lot happier, or something like that." 
debatable, he thought, given his experience with a certain woman in the past.
"so i lied to her, and said i was talking to this girl, so she's expecting you. you don't have to if you aren't up for it, but i won't let you go back home empty-handed if you do end up coming through."
pretending to be leon's girlfriend—even for a day—sounded like heaven on earth to you. 
without even giving the offer a second thought, you said a little too excitedly, "yes!—i mean, sure, why not." a poor attempt at playing it cool. "i haven't got anything planned tomorrow, so…"
leon chuckled lightly at your enthusiasm, finding it endearing. unbeknownst to you, the man did actually think about you outside of work, even if it swarmed him with guilt. you weren't a rookie, but still, it felt wrong. he was thirty-six, he shouldn't be giving a girl in her early-to-mid twenties second thoughts. he really did feel like a "creepy boss."
but he couldn't help himself. not when you were so unfathomably pretty. his lips parted at the way you'd smile up at him, nodding your head as you quickly scurried off and followed orders, or how you'd always offer to help him with filing mission reports—a very tedious task that no other agent on your team would ever volunteer to do. 
he also wasn't an idiot, and knew that you held him on some sort of pedestal, whether it be a crush, infatuation, or simply admiration. 
"alright, cool." leon affirmed, now pulling into his driveway, the asphalt crackling beneath the tires. he pulled the keys out of the ignition, and shoved them into his pocket, whilst staying on the phone with you. "i'll pick you up around six. we won't stay too long, leave around eight. okay?"
your mouth had went dry by this point, but you quickly agreed, "yeah, sounds good."
what the hell just happened? 
holding onto leon's arm, the two of you walked into his friend's—who you later found out was the claire redfield—house, and you couldn't help but marvel at the place. clearly, the woman made relatively well money, and it showed itself in flaming colors through her subtle decor. dressed in her classic red leather jacket, she greeted you and leon with a smile, "hey leon, and…the mystery girl he's been telling me about," the woman chuckled. she was so pretty.
you introduced yourself to claire, surprisingly not feeling nervous in the slightest, as you usually were when you meet people for the first time. it wasn't that you were shy, you were just reserved. but claire was sweet. some people take ages to warm up to, but she wasn't like that—instantly likable. 
"i honestly don't know how a girl as pretty as her is into you leon," claire teased, a knowing smirk on her maroon lips. leon just scoffed, rolling his eyes as if he was used to her tormenting. "drinks?" she asked, not waiting for you two to respond as she handed the two of you glasses of red wine.
you mumble a quick thank you, then raising the glass to your lip gloss coated lips, taking a sip before laughing, "maybe i'm just attracted to losers." which wasn't exactly a lie—you were in love with leon, or something like that. he just didn't know. yet…
"a loser?" an offended look crosses his perfect features, as he looks down at you in surprise. he just shook his head and sighed, "women." the comment earned a chuckle from both you and claire—laughing at leon's misery would always be funny. he could only purse his lips and keep his peace.
your eyes dart around the room, noticing a few familiar faces, others not. a couple of bsaa agents, sherry birkin—to name a few—and more. the next hour consisted of repeating your introduction to a few more of leon's friends that you didn't know, and leon sporadically leaving kisses on either the top of your head, or your arm, as any "boyfriend" would. he was doing an awfully good job of playing the part.
almost too good. if only you weren't so oblivious.
the atmosphere was becoming disgustingly stuffy, so you free yourself from leon's arm wrapped around your waist from behind, and told him, "hey, i'm gonna step out on the patio for a second." 
"wait, i'll go with you." and you didn't protest against it.
leon was fighting the guilt that was regurgitating to the surface, telling himself that he shouldn't pursue you in any way possible. he couldn't entertain whatever feelings you were harboring for him, not when he was the older, more experienced individual in this scenario. but he was weak. so inexplicably drawn to you, like a moth to a flame. 
the two of you slipped out to the patio, standing side-by-side as the cool breeze blew threw your hair, the skirt of your dress billowing in the wind. leon stared at you, lovelorn. you pulled a pack of parliaments and a fancy lighter out of your purse, flicking it and lighting your cigarette.
"i didn't know you smoked." leon said plainly. he himself didn't—never did, never will. it was a bit ironic how he was comfortable being an alcoholic, though.
you shrugged, exhaling a plume of smoke into the air, "eh. i'm not addicted, like you might be assuming. i just do it for shits and giggles, i don't know," another puff, another cloud of smoke.
"shits and giggles?" he mused, laughing lightly. "that's a juvenile way to put it."
his laugh alone pulled a smile onto your lips, as you couldn't fight the heat that spread across your cheeks like a wildfire. "i guess. but hey, everyone has their vices, don't judge." 
"hey, i'm not judging." leon raised his hands in surrender, a soft smile of his own forming. "you just didn't strike me as the type, that's all."
you just shook your head with a grin, looking away from leon bashfully, trying your hardest to ignore the fact that your heart was beating out of your chest. he was a horribly charming fake boyfriend. it didn't help that you were already pining for the man, even if you wanted to pretend like you could never have him. that was beyond your concerns in this moment. 
"what kind of girl do i strike you as?" you ask curiously, turning your head to meet him staring right at you. oh shit. you bit the corner of your cheek anxiously. whatever, i'm probably misreading things, you console yourself. no, he couldn't be. this wasn't some cheesy romcom. 
he feigned mulling over the question for a moment, before replying in a tone softer than silk. "well," leon got a little closer, just a teensy bit, and said, "you're a good girl. tooth-rottingly sweet, does her work before its due, volunteers when she doesn't have to, not to mention she graduated top of her class. you're also bit of a stickler, no offense," his sharp eyes met yours, sending a shiver down your spine.
"i am not—!" he gave you a knowing look, before you sighed, "i guess you're right. but whatever, you like jane austen novels," you fired back, "you, who enjoys bands like alice in chains and the foo fighters, reads authors like dostoevsky and nabokov—your favorite movie is the french connection for christ's sake! jane austen is very out of character, i'd say."
leon couldn't describe the swell of adoration he felt for you as you judged his tastes, going on a whole tangent; if he had no self-control, he'd kiss you without hesitation. but he played it cool, his eyes narrowing as he countered, "that's different." 
you remembered that stuff about him. his heart skipped a beat, making him feel like an anxious teenager.
"it's different? how's it different?" you retorted playfully, and the two of you went back and forth for the next five minutes over the most ineffably stupid conversation known to mankind. the whole scene was so awfully picturesque, straight out of a movie. 
"whatever you say, sweetheart," was what leon said sarcastically, ending the banter between the two of you, even if he was enjoying it beyond belief. it had been a damn long time since he'd felt something this warm inside of him. leon mentally chastised himself for being so self-indulgent—even if he really deserved it.
his pale blue eyes glance over at his watch, reading the time: 8:04 pm. leon then looked up at you, and asked, "you wanna head out soon?" 
you take a final puff from your lit cigarette, softly exhaling the smoke, before answering weakly, "hm? oh, uh, sure." 
that definitely put a damper in your mood, and leon took very well notice of it. after tonight, you wouldn't be leon's pretend girlfriend. you'd go back to being his subordinate, just someone who he worked with on the field, and maybe considered a friend. you really enjoyed spending time with more veteran agents tonight, more importantly, you enjoyed spending time with leon. 
this all only made your lovesick self worse. you felt slightly mad at him for playing his part so well.
"you okay?" leon asked, a concerned expression etched onto his features as he placed a gentle hand on your shoulder. his hand, typically so calloused from the rough years, felt so delicate. it was jarring, yet swoon-worthy. he was a little confused as to why you were so upset now.
you swallowed the heavy lump in yout throat, unsure of how to proceed, so you resort to simply mustering up a half-hearted smile, "yeah. just a little exhausted."
"exhausted?" he repeated incredulously. "just a minute ago you were spewing nonsense at me. tell me the truth, sweetheart." a genuine look was plastered on his face, one you couldn't argue against. but it wasn't like you could confess to leon just like that, with zero repercussions. no, that wouldn't work.
he teased slyly, in an attempt to lighten the mood and cheer you up, "was i too mean?"
"nah," you couldn't bring yourself to stifle your chuckle, "it's just…" your voice trailed off, not knowing how to proceed. "well…" leon lifts his hand from you shoulder, up to your hair, tucking a loose strand behind your ear, allowing him to get a better look of your face. your lips part slightly in awe at his sweet gesture—you weren't by anyone now, you didn't have to pretend to be a couple. 
"c'mon, lay it on me."
you sucked in a deep breath, before swallowing your pride, and confessing, "leon, i— look, i know it's not allowed, and quite frankly, inappropriate, but…" 
and that was telling enough. he knew just what you were trying to tell him, and to save you from any further embarrassing stuttering, he leaned in closer, his lips grazing overs, your breath mingling with his.
"that's alright," leon cooed, gently stroking your cheek with his thumb. "i'm flattered, really."
his mind was yelling, praying for him to stop and get ahold of himself, but his entire body was working on autopilot, fueling his desires. here this pretty girl was, handing herself to him on a silver platter—how in god's name could he refuse? he was just as eager for her, to feel her soft skin, kiss her sweet, full lips. his breath hitched as your hand lightly trailed up his arm. 
his lips then left a soft, gentle kiss against yours. you sighed contently, leaning in closer to his touch, deepening the kiss. leon's hands roamed a bit more freely, crawling up your sides, lingering on your hips. he pulled away for a moment, and mumbled, "you're so pretty baby," a light chuckle erupted from his throat, the sound alone making your heart flutter. "such a sweet girl." he left another kiss on your jaw, then on your neck, his light stubble prickling your skin.
a shaky breath slipped past your lips, escaping from the depths of your lungs. his words alone made your knees weak—this seemed so surreal, but nice. here leon was, a man you thought you'd never have, kissing you as if he really was your boyfriend. you lifted your hands, bringing them up to cup his cheeks, and smiled. 
"so…are you just getting free kisses out of me, or what?"
leon shook his head, "nah, no way." another quick kiss against your lips. "i'm taking you out for dinner next weekend. i won't take no for an answer." he stared at you intently, as he plunged right back in for another kiss—this man was starved. 
you reciprocated each and every kiss, letting out a soft moan as he slipped his tongue past your lips, fingers tangling into his dirty blonde hair. leon was at war with his mind, his body betraying his thoughts. he really shouldn't be doing this—entertaining the notion of a relationship between the two of you—but he couldn't bring himself to. he was only human, after all.
"fine by me," you replied, pulling away momentarily to catch your breath. "b-but what about the rules? wouldn't this get us both in trouble?"
"again with the stickler act." leon chuckled amusedly. "sweetheart, nobody has to know. this'll be our little thing. we can keep this under the wraps, can't we?—if it all works out, that is. believe it or not…i've had it bad for you too." he reassured you, the words coming out smoothly, as if he'd been planning this moment for ages. i've got it bad for you too. 
"if you say so," you conceded with a stupid smile, leaning in to kiss him again. leon pushed away any regretful thoughts, not allowing them to consume a good moment—they were as rare as they come with him.
you both really were a bunch of self-indulgent, pretentious losers.
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lunarliyah · 2 months
Juno In Sagittarius people love to travel with their partner. Prefers someone that is out of state and sometimes even out the country. Their obsession with travel and exploring is also a huge part of their love language.
Both experiencing major headaches. In fact, they get headaches easier than others. If they don’t eat enough or take long periods of time without eating can result in headaches. Being tired can cause headaches. Quicker than normal and typically more painful.
Aquarius placements can be some of the most delusional people. They can lack self awareness. They are be so opinionated on others and what they’re doing. They can try so hard to pick apart what others have going on. As soon as someone says “you” to them, defense mode.
Leo and Capricorns have very similar energy. Both can be very sure of themselves and what they want. Both are goal oriented. Having both Leo and Capricorn in a natal chart, specifically in the big three, makes someone very reliable and independent. (My favorite type of placements tbh lol) Both energy care about how they’re perceived, they don’t do anything without thought. Contrary to popular belief, Leo’s are very calculated people. All earth signs are calculated in different ways of course. Capricorns in particular have a way of playing chess and making sure that they do things that benefit them in the long run. As far as these energies being together in a relationship, perfect match. Leo being a fixed sign, this energy wants to make things work. They are not easy to give up on things and people. They make change happen if need be but only to keep the stability in their connection with others. At the end of the day you can summarize that as being loyal. Capricorns never leave people high and dry. They are straightforward with their ACTIONS. They are honest and if they care enough (lol) they’ll speak up. For the most part, they are showers. They show people how much they care. Which Leo’s loves. A doer, not someone who’s all talk. They’re the show off and the ones doing to talking! Not their partner. Capricorns are also very loyal as well. I personally love love love these two together. Power couple for real. Also makes the best of friends too!
These people are considered the scout. The leaders. What this means is when it comes to relationships, they are more upfront about what they want and what their needs are. They enjoy people to let them take the lead. They are not afraid of pursuing people they want in their life. Romantically or friendship wise. They’re more picky and they are definitely more independent. It doesn’t take them long to move on. (cancers.. yeah maybe a little different but once they’re gone, it no way possible for anyone to get the back) They shoot their shot directly and can even be flirty. They do not beat around the bush at all. They like to jump straight into things. Sometimes this does backfire. Moving too fast into things. Rushing even. Thinking too far ahead. Sometimes they can stress themselves out by thinking too much into the future or may even be seen as bossy. Or pushy even.
(Capricorn, Aries, Cancer, & Libra)
These people are more inclined to fluctuate. They love having variety and options. They tend to not sit still, ever. Always on the go. Tend to go well with someone who helps balance them out. They are not the neatest people, yes even Virgos. These people are not that straightforward I’ve realized only when it comes to things they aren’t passionate about. In comparison for cardinal signs, it doesn’t take much for them to pursue anything. These people struggle with finishing project, ideas, etc. They can have an idea that they sit on for days (or forever). These people are very creative though. Don’t underestimate their creativity. They just need that push to execute and consistency.
(Pisces, Gemini, Virgo, & Sagittarius)
These will be your most unconvincing, stubborn, my way or the highway type of people ever. They rarely change their minds. The way they’re used to something is how it will be for a long time. How they were raised shows up a lot in their adult life. These people enjoy routine. These people also love the thought of continuous things. These people don’t like forming deep relationships with new people. They will try to make things work. They will be very loyal people. Aquarius is known to be flaky. But they’ll be there for those who give them space and don’t conflict with their decisions and beliefs.
(Aquarius, Taurus, Leo, & Scorpio)
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Thank you all for reading. I’m open for doing synastry readings and natal chart readings all week. Make sure to book your reading in my bio. Again, thank you all for reading have a nice day!
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writingduhh · 7 months
Being Jschlatts S/O Includes (Hc) …
Shout out to my babe @lvrj4mie for the amazing ideas ILY POOKIE
Pairing: Schlatt x Y/n
Type: Fluff
▷ He’s very protective over you. Not in an unhealthy “you can’t leave” way, more of a “if anyone hurts you they’re dead” way.
▷ You have a drawer of your things at his place. After you began dating and practically spent every day at his house, he insisted that you keep a drawer of your belongings at his place.
▷ Receiving occasional bursts of affection from him. It's as if he can't contain his love and excitement, especially during those moments when he's feeling particularly affectionate. You could be sitting on the couch and he’ll just immediately smother you and attack your face with kisses… not that you mind.
▷ Definitely the Black Cat x Golden Retriever couple trope.
▷ Schlatt can be a chaotic and unpredictable character, but you're there to provide stability and calm in his life. You help balance his hectic lifestyle and remind him to take care of himself. You’re the calm in his storm.
▷ Despite his tough guy exterior, he's rather tender-hearted, especially when it comes to you.
▷ Spoils the shit out of you. Whatever you want he gets, even though you insist he doesn’t need to get you anything/you don’t want anything. He does it anyways.
▷ Introvert and Extrovert Balance. If Schlatt leans toward extroversion and you are more of an introvert (or vice Versa), you find a harmonious balance. He brings you out of your shell, and you provide him with moments of quiet reflection.
▷ Stealing his hoodies/shirts.
"Hey, toots, have you seen my..." Schlatt's words trailed off as he caught sight of you comfortably seated on the couch, wearing his oversized hoodie while engrossed in your game. Due to his substantial stature, his clothes practically swamped you, with sleeves rolled up twice for a better fit.
"Is that my hoodie?" he asked, a playful smirk on his face.
You nodded, a hint of mischief in your eyes. "Yeah, it is. I can take it off if you don't want me to wear it."
He shook his head, a fond smile spreading across his face. "No, no, it's okay. You look good in my clothes." He wrapped his arms around your shoulders and leaned in, planting a tender kiss on your neck.
▷ He has so many nicknames for you. Toots (obviously), sweetheart, babe, I could also definitely see him call his partner pet.
▷ Comfort in silence. Whether you’re watching him edit, gaming in the same room, or simply sitting together silently on the couch, you didn’t need words to communicate. There's a comfortable silence that speaks volumes about your connection and comfort with each other.
▷ His cats absolutely ADORE you… Maybe more than him.
▷ Late night food runs. Due to the nature of his job, Schlatt has a lot of late nights editing videos or planning future projects. On those particularly stressful nights, which is often, you like to suggest a late night food run to clear his mind. He always agrees as it’s an excuse to spend some quality time with you… and get food.
▷ You shamelessly tease him in a playful manner, fully aware that you can get away with it.
▷ Contrary to popular opinion I think he’s quite affectionate, at least behind closed doors. He’s always got a hand on your thigh, laying on your chest, or some sort of touch.
▷ You’re definitely ‘Those pet parents’ with Jambo and Burnt soup. They’re basically like your children, making you the perfect happy family.
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ceijoh · 2 years
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title: holy ground
summary: in which miya atsumu is completely in love with you and you find that very hard to believe. 
word count: 3.2k+
warnings/contents: angst, fluff, humour 
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Miya Atsumu has always been a stubborn man. He was stubborn in his opinions, and feelings, and contrary to the popular belief that he flies through people romantically -that was not the case. 
He’s only ever had two major loves in his life, the first being the girl in the cereal commercial when he was a kid. Atsumu was dead set on marrying her and living on a dairy farm, and plus free cereal for life. It wasn’t until he found out that she wasn’t real -courtesy of Osamu- that he refused to believe in love. 
He’s had crushes and flings, sure, especially in high school, the majority of people do. However, he was too busy trying to win Nationals and be the best setter in Japan that romantic relationships often took the third or fourth spot in his priority list. 
Then he met you. It was raining, Atsumu remembers meeting you. You coming in, rushing into the training centre, while you handed off a bento box to his personal trainer. Watching from  the ground he was sitting on, watching as you turned, almost slipping on the floor because of your wet shoes, and Atsumu rushing over to help you before anyone could. 
Looking down at your wide eyes, your mouth parted in shock and the sheepish smile that soon took over, until he said, “Oi, watch where yer goin’, could have damaged the floor wit’ that face.” 
At the scowl on your face, and a clever comeback on your lips, he decided right then and there that you were the only person that was going to be in his heart. You were the only person that he wanted to love, and he wanted to prove it to you. 
What Atsumu didn’t know was that loving you was quite a challenge. He was expecting you to put up a little fight, but ultimately after a couple of weeks, you would fall into his arms and you would start your happy ever after. Because that’s how the greatest love stories go, right? 
It wasn’t easy for Atsumu, it turns out you were more closed off to the idea of love than he thought. Having been burnt from past lovers, and not really having your parents as good relationship models obscured what your idea of love was. 
You told him that you weren’t ready for a relationship, not after your last ex. The pain and games he put you through wasn’t worth the bits and pieces of affection that he gave you. You needed to take time to work on yourself, to find out who you really were before starting a relationship. 
Plus, you weren’t over your ex, as much of an asshole as he was, he still had a place in your heart, and while Atsumu was starting to slowly creep in, you refused to start something with him while your heart wasn’t fully committed to one person. As much as you have started to fall for Atsumu, you just couldn’t do that to him. 
Atsumu knew all of this. He knew he had his shortcomings. He knew that he was impatient when it came to things, but with you? He would wait a million years if he had to. 
He remembers the conversation he had with you when he first declared that he loved you, and you said that he was being stupid. Which he probably was, because it was months into being friends with you.
 “I’m in love with you,” Atsumu blurted out as you sat down next to him. You slowly passed the bag of takoyaki to him. 
“Well, I know that I did you a favour by bringing the best takoyaki Osaka can offer but I didn’t realise it will bring such a strong reaction,” you jested as you willed your heartbeat to slow down. 
“I’m being serious,” you knew that he was. From the moment he finished his sentence, you would have placed all your money that this moment was the most serious moment in Atsumu’s life. 
“‘Tsum, we’ve talked about this,” you turned to face the ground, unable to look at the distraught or angry look on his face. “I can’t. Not yet.” 
“I never said that I wanted us to be in a relationship,” Atsumu smiled at you fondly, not that you could see it. Placing the bag by his side, Atsumu slowly reached out for your hand that was now fiddling with the bottom of your top. “I just wanted ya to know,” he shrugged, as if the atomic bomb he just dropped was a mere raindrop. “I don’t mind waiting, if it’s for you.” 
“What happens if I ask you to wait forever?” 
“I’m a patient man.” 
“You’re one of the most impatient people I know.” 
“I can learn.” 
“I think, I think that I may want to start a relationship with him,” at the knowing glance of Tsukishima, you rolled your eyes. 
“Wow, you’ve finally come to the conclusion that everyone has,” at the bluntness of his tone, you roughly shoved him. Looking at his watch, “It only took you long enough.” 
At the passing comment, you frowned. “Do you think I took too long?” 
Hearing the sincerity in your tone, Tsukishima’s smirk dropped a little, and briefly looked at Kuroo who just shrugged at him telling him silently ‘you fix it’. 
Tsukishima scoffed and rolled his eyes, “That man is wholly in love with you that it’s so fucking disgusting, anyone and everyone can see it. You could be fifty and he would still love you the same amount, possibly more.” 
Letting yourself through the door, you called out Atsumu’s name. Hyping yourself up mentally, you felt pretty good. You felt confident, and this was something that you’ve wanted to do for a long time. You looked at your hands which were slightly shaking and you closed them tightly, swallowing the heartbeat in your mouth. 
Walking over to his couch, you briefly looked at the beautiful view that Atsumu’s apartment overlooked. It was absolutely breathtaking. Calling his name out again, you watched as he popped out from his bedroom, a bright smile on his face. 
Feeling your heart relax at the sight of him, you smiled largely. Before you could say anything, you heard another pair of footsteps, turning around to face the person, you couldn’t help but feel your heart drop to your stomach. 
You’ve seen this before, you’ve felt this emotion before. Before, you would have cried and screamed and stormed out of his flat before he or she could say anything. But now? You felt frozen, numb and detached. It felt like you were watching the scene unfold in front of your eyes but you were not yourself. 
“Oh Atsumu-san, thank you for lending me your shirt,” a woman you’ve never seen before walks out of Atsumu’s kitchen, looking at the clothing that was now on her body. 
Finally noticing that Atsumu wasn’t wearing a shirt either, your brain connected the clues. Eyes roaming over his body, you couldn’t detect any love marks, but that didn’t mean he didn’t have them. 
Turning to you, Atsumu paled. No, fuck no. This was not happening. Pinching himself, he realised that this was in fact happening. “(Y/N), it’s not what you think.” 
“OH!” You yelped out, forcing yourself to calm down by clenching your first, you internally berated yourself. This was not the time to cry. “Oh, I’m so, sorry,” you rushed out your apologies, bowing profusely, already mentally and emotionally checking out of the place. You both gave them a tight lipped smile, “I’m just leaving, I’ll leave you two.” 
Rushing out the door, desperately trying to wipe away the tears before any of them saw, you ran to the elevator. Punching the key to make it go faster, you could hear Atsumu’s footsteps rushing out to catch up to you. 
Praying to every deity you could think of, you were finally blessed when you heard the familiar ding. Pushing the lobby, and forcing the doors to close, you kept your eyes down as you saw Atsumu rounding the corner before the door closed. 
Gasping and leaning on the wall, you let out a painful sob. You knew this was going to happen, eventually this was going to happen. It always did, so why did this kill you more than anything? If this was love, you didn’t want it. 
“(Y/L/N)-san,” the familiar voice of the waiter greeted. Looking at the clock and realising that it’s only been a couple of hours since he last saw you, “You’re back.” 
Shrugging and smiling at him, he led you to your favourite booth. Sitting down and telling him your order, with a few extra sides, you collapsed forward. Realising that this was the booth that you and Atsumu always sit in brought a new fresh set of tears. Your heart clenching, you tried to drink some water to try anything to distract you. 
You sat there in silence, not even bothering to look at your phone. You knew that Atsumu was calling you and texting you by the frequent vibrations. Maybe tomorrow when you’ve had a somewhat decent night's rest and food will make your head feel more balanced. 
“No Miya-san, today?” The waiter asked as he placed down the first couple of dishes. 
Looking up at him, you smiled politely, “He was preoccupied doing other things.” 
“I thought we made a promise that we’d never go here by ourselves?” 
Clenching your jaw, you refused to look at the man standing by the booth. And you promised to wait, jerk. 
You watched as Atsumu leaned back into the booth, grabbing his own chopsticks and picking up the dumpling you were about to eat. 
“Miya Atsumu,” you warned, giving him a glare. All he did was grin back at you and plop the dumpling in his mouth. Unaware that it was a soup dumpling, which earned you a front row seat to the MSBY star setter burning his mouth and panicking as the hot soup went all over his clothes. 
Glaring half-heartedly at your laughter, you handed him some napkins. “Serves you right for trying to eat my food.” 
“But ya love me,” gone was your smile and easiness. 
Once cooled down, Atsumu began to eat bits and pieces of your food. “Ya know, yer one of the smartest people I know,” he looked up at you after eating a piece of beef. “So why are yer so dumb right now?” 
Offended you scowled at him, “What the actual fuck, ‘Tsum?” 
Leaning back into his seat, playing with the placemat, “Why do ye think that I’d sleep with someone else when I told you that I love you?” 
Glancing away from his stare, you looked at the restaurant around you. It was dead quiet, and you could hear the quiet rain from outside. Shrugging, you took a sip of your drink. “I mean, it’s been so long I thought that maybe you would have been done waiting. I wouldn’t fault you for sleeping or wanting to sleep with someone else.” 
It hurt to say those words to Atsumu because you hoped that he didn’t. While it was selfish of you to indirectly ask him to wait, you just wanted someone to wait for you, like all you've been doing all your life. 
Atsumu rolled his eyes and leaned forward, flicking your hand once -which earned another scowl, he looked at you. A part of you wanted to look away but something inside of you told you that you needed to look at him. 
“I told yer, and I’ll gladly tell you again, that I’ll wait for you,” he stated simply like you just asked him the weather. 
“But why?” 
Shrugging, “Because I love you. Yer it for me, no one else. If I have to wait another year, or ten years, I’ll do so.” 
“But why?” 
“Do ya want a list?” he arched his brow and when you didn’t respond, he shrugged, and paid complete attention to you. “First, you make me laugh. With yer stupid dad jokes that ya tell all the time, the weird tiktoks that you send me at 2 in the morning, or yer goofy lil’ habits,” struggling to keep eye contact with him, you looked down on the table. “Yer never fail to make me smile, especially on the rough days after losin’ a match, yer always there to bring a smile to ma face.” 
Tapping twice on the table, you watched as his fingers moved over to yours and started tapping on it, one, two, three, pause, one, two, three, pause. 
“Second, you support me. Ya’ve always had ma back even when I was the shittiest person to be around, do ya remember how many times I’ve snapped at ya when I was tryin’ out for a spot on the National team? After every snap, after every argument, or when I’ve left ya on read -not on purpose, by the way, you’ve always been there waitin’ for me. 
“Yer always the first person that I tell when I accomplish somethin’, (Y/N), because I know that when you say yer proud of me, I know ye mean it, yer not just sayin’ it.” Now leaning forward, he fully grasped your hand, he silently knocked your foot with his, a subtle gesture to make you look at him. 
“But yer also the first person I tell when I fail somethin’. I never liked talkin’ bout me failin’ anythin’, because,” shrugging Atsumu dropped his sentence. “The point is, I know yer still gonna see me as ‘Tsum because it doesn’t matter in yer eyes if I win or lose a match, because ye love me for me.” 
Putting up three fingers, “Third, your opinion -apart from Ma’s and ‘Samu’s but they don’t count- is really the only one I care ‘bout. Every time I do somethin’, I think ‘what would (Y/N) think of this?” 
“Fourth, ya make me feel complete. It’s like this thing inside of me, ya know? That I didn’t realise I wanted or needed until I met ya. Everytime I’m around ya it makes me happier, now don’t get me wrong, yer one of the most frustrating people I know but that makes me want to be around more.” 
Taking a deep breath, he finally held up all his fingers, and smiled softly at you. “Fifth, when I picture myself in the future, retired and just livin’ the life with Samu, ‘Kaashi and their kids, the person I see myself with, is you. Yer the only person I’ve ever imagined that with, I’ve tried and imagined it with other people to see, but it felt wrong, it felt like I was trying to fit ya know those wooden shape things into the wrong hole. I have plenty more, if ya want but those are the deeper ones that I know, if ya want the smaller stuff, I can do that too,” Atsumu spoke to you as if he just hadn’t redefined what being in love meant. 
You knew that deep in your heart, and thanks to both of your friends that Atsumu was in love with you. But this? This was everything and more. This was the movies you watched, the songs that you listened to, the stories you heard, the things your heart has longed for and more. Atsumu was more.   
Paying attention to Atsumu, you watched as he began pulling out his phone, “I made a list, do ya want to see?” He quickly tapped on his phone and his notes appeared, your eyes quickly scanned the list, a long list if the sidebar had anything to say, as Atsumu started listing off the smaller things, “Ye make those weird noises when you don’t think anyone is looking, ya talk to yourself a lot, ya cry at all of those animal videos.” 
Locking his phone before you barely got to the halfway point, Atsumu placed his phone on the table and took a deep breath, “But the reality of it is, I don’t care how long it takes for you to say ‘okay ‘Tsum, I’m ready’ because I’m always going to be here waitin’ for ya, maybe we’ll be type of couple where it takes a long time for us to get together, and yeah, there’ll be hiccups,” a small serene smile appeared on Atsumu’s face. He looked at you, like the many times he has before. It was the same fond look, the kind where it makes you feel warm and fuzzy. “But then, it’ll be perfect. You an’ me.”
Plopping the final dumpling in his mouth, he grinned at you while pointing his chopsticks, “Plus, when I sit down our kids’, it’ll be a hell of a story, don’t ya think?” 
Not being able to say anything, you picked up the extra set of chopsticks on the table and pushed the dumplings in the middle. Atsumu’s heart lightened as he saw your peace offering. Maybe one day he’ll tell you that this was the hardest moment in his life. 
“Come on,” he bent forward and you looked sceptically at him. When you didn’t hop on his back, he rolled his eyes. “We have to walk for like ten minutes to get to yer place, and yer wearing those shoes ya don’t like because it makes your feet hurt,” turning back around, “now hop on.” 
It was a Thursday night, yours and Atsumu’s Thursday nights. You were sitting on the kitchen counter as you watched him prepare the dinner he was excited to make. He was talking you through it; Osamu had one of the cooking shows in the background while Atsumu was over, and the dish caught his eye.  Watching him right now was something you knew you could do for the rest of your life. 
It’s funny really, for you, you thought it would be this giant explosion that hey! You’re in love! Or there would be this grand epiphany. But that never happened. Maybe it was slow at first, a slow burn that when the ember finally sparked into a forest fire you didn’t realise. Or maybe, it was always there. It was there when you first met Atsumu all those years ago, him helping you and then insulting you.
“Hey, ‘Tsum,” you watched him turn around. You thought that your heart would be beating so hard that it would be flying out of your chest, but this was the most calm you’ve ever been around him. Tilting your head, you smiled at him and he knew. 
“I just wanted to tell you that I love you,” you spoke softly. There was everything in those words that you just spoke, and from all the times you thought it would be the hardest thing to say, it was somehow the easiest and truest thing you’ve ever spoken. 
Grinning, you saw his eyes tear up before coughing to hide it. “Yeah?” Walking over to you slowly, fearing that it was one of the many dreams that he’s had before. Finally reaching you, he hesitantly reached out, hands shaking. 
“Yeah,” pulling him into your arms and breathing in the familiar scent you’ve now come to realise was home, you whispered the words that made Atsumu feel whole, “I’m so in love with you Miya Atsumu.” 
Miya Atsumu is a stubborn man, and you were thankful for that. 
‘...but i don't wanna dance, if i’m not dancing with you.’ 
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let me know what you think! :) 
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In today's episode of Shut Up Robin, Nobody Cares:
InuKag bickering is so good because it's deeply telling of how comfortable InuYasha and Kagome are with each other at almost every stage of their relationship.
For starters, contrary to seemingly popular belief, arguing does not inherently signal dysfunction. It can sometimes signal the opposite: it demonstrates a level of intimacy and trust in your relationship that you are able to openly disagree with your loved one. You are not afraid of conflict because you know it won't break the relationship. In my experience, at least, it's shaky relationships that avoid conflict at all costs. When there's not enough emotional security with each other to openly disagree without fear/anxiety, open conflict never happens. That's why "arguing like an old married couple" is a cliché: it's the people who've built trust and security who will bicker like that.
I mean, don't get me wrong, it doesn't feel great to be in conflict with a loved one, even in a secure relationship. But being able to navigate conflict together in a way that eventually leads toward understanding and compromise is the sign of a strong relationship. Arguing is often a step in that process.
Which is why I find InuKag arguments absolutely, lip-smackingly delicious.
When they first meet, their arguments have the distinct flavor of, "I don't like you and I don't care what you think about me." Which is an excellent vintage tbh, full-bodied flavor with refreshing tartness. 👌👌 There's something so intrinsically entertaining about watching early-series InuKag butt heads, all the while knowing they eventually get married. And because early-series InuKag doesn't especially care about the other person's opinion of them, they don't hold back: there's no politeness barrier between them, there's no equivocating or filtering. They just have at it. They're not afraid to be themselves around each other, even when they dislike each other.
Then when their friendship begins to form—stage two InuKag 😁—their bond is forged from the two-pronged fire of 1) having each other's backs in life-or-death situations, and 2) experiencing the humdrum quotidian moments that come with traveling together all day, every day for long stretches of time. I've talked about this before, but I love how they know all the dumb little things about each other that you only learn from prolonged proximity: they know the timbre of each other's snores at night; they know how long the other can go without food before hangry-ness rears its head; they know which posture signals irritation or exhaustion, which facial expression signals daydreaming contemplation or a playful mood; they know which jokes will get a laugh and which insults will get the sharpest glances; the little intimacies abound!
By the friendship stage, InuKag bickering takes on a slightly different flavor. There's still that unfiltered, no-holds-barred vibe about them (because they're so used to being blunt with each other), but it also has the tenor of easy familiarity. Friends falling into the same low stakes argument they've had a hundred times already. There's not often any real heat or tension to the bickering, it's more like rote muscle memory. And when they do have real arguments, with real tension and emotional stakes?? It's delicious precisely because there are emotional stakes now! Goodbye, "I don't care what you think about me," hello, "I care so much what you think and I hate it and you're going to hear about it." It's still arguing InuKag, but with different emotional fuel sparking the arguments. Now there's affection and trust underpinning their unfiltered way with each other. It's mmm mmm good! I can eat it up all day.
And as the series progresses, and InuKag begin to develop obvious romantic interest in each other—stage three InuKag, yes it's terminal—the flavor of the arguments gets deeper because now those emotional stakes? They're even higher. And yet despite the higher stakes and the messy complications, they're still not afraid to butt heads. They're not afraid to be blunt and hash things out. I love this example of InuYasha's hack-and-slash style of conflict resolution. If there's a wall between him and resolving the tension, he'll just punch his way through it. 😂 Another favorite of mine is this banger scene where Kagome bluntly calls InuYasha out on his jealousy.
But probably my favorite stage three InuKag fight scene is this one, from chapter 310:
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(Full scene here.)
Man, it's so good! Kagome—after taking pains to save Kikyo, who then essentially taunts her for it—starts to feel angry and resentful and then wallops InuYasha with those feelings. (Before any haters pipe in: characters need to make mistakes sometimes. This is one such occasion. Let the 15-year-old girl character make a mistake ffs.) And what does InuYasha do? He sticks around so they can hash it out. The best panels in this chapter are Kagome thinking, "He probably hates me now," only for her to look up and see him right beside her. He can handle her mistakes and flaws, because he knows Kagome. They've spent 300 chapters building trust in each other, and we see the fruit of that here. InuYasha knows very well that Kagome cares for him—cares so much that she's risked her life for him many times over by now, and cares so much that she just saved her own romantic rival partly for InuYasha's sake (but largely because she's just a good person). I think that's why he handles this moment with pretty good composure. He knows Kagome doesn't actually hate him, briefly hurtful as that comment surely was. So he waits until she's processed her feelings a bit more, and they talk it out. (While we're here: I really like that he's sitting close to her but is facing away from her, like he's trying to give her the space/privacy she needs to process her feelings without actually leaving her alone... ugh I love it.)
Notice how, even in the midst of this fight, they start checking in with each other, putting the other person's interest before their own. Kagome sincerely urges InuYasha not to "hold back," the subtext of which reads to me: "Don't let my outburst tie you down, please do what you need to do." InuYasha responds in kind (his subtext reads to me: "Be honest, don't just put on a brave face for me") and also reassures Kagome's underlying anxiety. When he says, "You saved Kikyo, right? Then she'll be fine, I'm not going after her," he's speaking directly to the source of Kagome's insecurity—he's telling her in no uncertain terms that concern for Kikyo's safety was his only motive for seeking her out. Now that he knows Kikyo has been healed and isn't in imminent danger, he's not going after her. Again, he is intentionally addressing what he knows to be the source of Kagome's outburst when he says, "You healed Kikyo? Then I don't need to see her." To me, his message is pretty clear: "I wasn't looking for Kikyo for the reasons you think."
Like! Look at them! Openly and honestly communicating! Messily sharing their feelings! Resolving conflict and talking shit out! They've come so far. 🥹
These stage three InuKag fights feel different than their early-series fights, and they should! InuKag have built trust and love, but with that love comes vulnerability. It's the people we love who have the power to hurt us most. So even while InuKag have fundamental trust in each other, they're both aware that their feelings come with greater potential to hurt each other. And watching them navigate that tension and that duality together? MMM MMM GOOD.
Like truly, InuKag fights at every stage of their relationship are my favorite thing, it's all such good food.
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Someone mentioned that Percabeth fans are usually Annabeth fans, while anti-Percabeth ppl are usually Percy fans and while for what I've seen this isn't entirely true (anti-Percabeth fans are more in touch with the source material and think more critically) there is an element of truth to it.
A lot of Percy stans see how Annabeth treats Percy
Calling him seaweed brain continously, even when theyre adults in college which means stupid (confirmed by Rick Riordan himself)
Hitting/punching/judo-flipping Percy as punishment, not in play or sparring or joke which might excuse it
Talking down to Percy like he's dumb and stupid instead of dyslexic (because Percy is not stupid, contrary to popular opinion, and that is supported by canon)
Controlling Percy's friend network and lowkey isolating him
Playing mind games to keep Percy on his toes, constantly trying to be on his "best boyfriend behavior"
And they're just... really uncomfortable with it. Like yeah sure, Percabeth has a few sweet scenes... but that doesn't take away from any of this. An abusive relationship is still abusive if the couple have a few good moments together. That's part of the strategy the abuser uses to keep the victim in the dark about what they're doing, and to keep them in that relationship.
Percy is still getting hurt, and worse, believing that he deserves to be treated that way and believing that he's lucky he has Annabeth. This may not alarm Annabeth fans because they're not looking at Percy, but it does alarm Percy stans because they are paying attention to Percy, more so than Annabeth.
It takes a critical mind to recognize it and even more so to realize that women can be abusive too. Men are not always the abusers in relationships. Abusive relationships are more about control than they are about how many bruises the abuser is leaving on the victim.
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Late Victorian British Fun (and not-so-fun) Facts
I thought others might be interested in my list of little things I've learned while researching the 1890s for my fics. This is by no means a list of things you should do when writing! Even I don't follow absolutely every single thing—I like to think wizarding society deviated quite a bit from muggle society, after all. If you wanna use this list as a reference, go ahead, but you should write whatever makes you happy. This is just for fun, and I'll probably end up writing down more stuff as I remember it—this is all just the stuff I could think of from the top of my head. :)
The Victorian Era was from 1837 to 1901. The era before was called the Regency Era (think Jane Austen) and the era after was the Edwardian Era (think Downton Abbey).
Love and Marriage
Even though the marriage age was lowered significantly in 1823, most girls still got married between ages 18 and 23.
The social season refers to the summer months from May to August in which the middle and upper classes left their country homes and stayed in London to attend social events, following the royal family. The main purpose was finding someone to marry.
Courtship, the part of a relationship that was most like dating today, only lasted a few months before progressing to being engaged. But it was common for engagement to last much longer. Dating as we know it today wasn't really a thing until after 1900.
Courtship "dates" that weren't in public often consisted of dinner at the woman's house with her parents (private time between the couple was sometimes afforded after dinners).
There was a paradigm shift in attitudes towards marriage; marrying for love became much more common in this era. But marriages were still pragmatic, too! Marriages based purely on love while ignoring the economic and practical aspects were scandalous.
Queen Victoria popularized white wedding dresses as we know them today.
It wasn't until the late Victorian Era that evening weddings became acceptable.
Snakes were a popular motif for engagement rings in the Victorian Era.
Pregnancy and Children
Victorian women were expected to hide all signs of their pregnancy, as it would imply participation in the act required for pregnancy (yeah, lol).
Husbands weren't allowed to be around for the actual act of childbirth, and it was advised he only stay around for 5 minutes afterward.
Anesthesia was first administered in the mid-1800s.
Fathers were often very involved in their children's lives, contrary to popular opinion.
Teenagers haven't changed much since the Victorian Era—our MCs weren't the only troublemakers. :)
Clothing, Personal Care and Fashion
Eyebrows came in all shapes and sizes; no one style appears to have been particularly coveted. The only exception was an aversion to unibrows.
Natural beauty was the name of the Victorian game. As such, makeup was very un-virtuous and was reserved for prostitutes and actors.
That doesn't mean people didn't use any products, however! Salves for the lips, as well as powders and rouges, started becoming popular towards the end of the era.
Perfumes and colognes were kept subtle, but floral scents were very popular amongst both men and women. Again, emphasizing the natural state of the body was seen as very virtuous.
Shapewear was just as popular back then as it is today. Adding or taking away layers of women's undergarments depended on the effect one wanted to have.
Men's undergarments were much simpler, usually consisting of cotton drawers and a long-sleeved undershirt.
Shorter skirts were appropriate for young girls, but as a girl got older, her skirts generally got longer.
School was still relatively uncommon for girls through the end of the era, but school uniforms for girls generally included aprons to protect their clothes.
Very long hair was desirable for Victorian women and was considered very feminine, but wearing that hair loose was not respectable. Bangs (fringes) weren't very popular.
The 1890s introduced the Gibson Girl look that would carry through the Edwardian Era.
Women wearing trousers was not as uncommon as one might think!
Bathing at least once a day was considered essential, but showering was not yet a thing.
Games, Leisure and Sports
Parlour games were very popular with adults at parties. Charades was an especially prevalent game.
Board games were also very popular for both children and adults.
Football (not American football!) became very popular in the Victorian Era amongst men. Croquet was the game of choice for women.
Cemeteries were popular picnicking spots and were more like sculpture gardens than grim reminders of death.
Food and Cooking
Honestly just go watch English Heritage's Victorian videos for an idea of the recipes and foods that were common back then lol. Mrs. Crocombe is a gem.
Breakfast was often a major event for wealthy Victorian Britons.
Ok that's all I can think of for now. I'm sure there's way more I'm missing. If I can come up with enough, I'll do another post at some point lol. Enjoy!
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sardonic-the-writer · 2 months
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𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐯𝐞'𝐬 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐀 𝐓𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐧𝐞𝐫 𝐖𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐈𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞
↳ includes: luther, klaus, and number five
↳ warnings: canon type threats from five
↳ notes: written so both ftm, mtf, or gn folks can read it. basically was just be being really self indulgent. enjoy
↳ song: dancin - krono remix—aaron smith
masterlist | commissions | carrd
• We all saw how he reacted to Viktor’s coming out in season three. The human equivalent of ‘he’s a little confused, but he’s got the spirit.’
• This time, he’s got a bit more experience understanding these things than the first time around. Might still ask Viktor a few things if he’s too embarrassed to question you directly, to which he is reminded that Viktor doesn’t speak for every trans person
• He eventually just ends up asking you what he wanted to know with a considerably more nervous tone
• Coming out party when?? Convinced that this guy just wants to have a party before the world ends at this point. Won’t have one if you’re not comfortable with it just like his brother, but he’d be so pumped if you did
• You’d think that walking around hand in hand with a big guy like Luther would stop people from yelling stuff at you, but you’d be surprised. In any case, he always makes sure to defend your honor, even if you don’t need it. He’s chivalrous like that
• Luther would be able to relate with any body dysmorphia you have on some sort of level—and in turn knows ways to combat it. It wasn’t easy to nearly die and wake up to the upper body of a monkey, so he had to adapt somehow, both mentally and physically
• Oh, he’s so happy that you feel comfortable around him
• Klaus has always experimented with his gender and sexuality, never sweating the small stuff, so finding someone that he can share his experiences with on more than just a friendly level really excites him
• No matter what time period the two of you end up in, Klaus is always supportive of you, even if it gets him in some hot water with the locals and their opinions (i.e, your time spent in the sixties.)
• Probably steals your hormone boosters if you ever run out of them. Or buys them off a dealer or two. You don’t take drugs for so long without knowing a few people
• Please let him do your hair. Whether you’re looking to lengthen it or shorten it, or even just dye the thing, Klaus will clamor at the opportunity to play hairdresser. Only if you promise to do his own in return, of course
• “Fabulous! You look amazing!” He croons one day, pretending to swoon at the sight of you. Or maybe it was authentic. You could never tell with him. Either way it made you fight the urge to crack a smile
• “Klaus you literally just brushed my hair.” You snort
• “My point still stands. Fabulous I say!”
• In a similar note to that, Klaus would let you rummage through his closet for any sort of spare clothes or fashion inspiration if you run out of outfits/ideas for how to dress. He’s got a wide array of strange garments anyways; from multicolored skirts and dresses, to suits with sequins and eye catching patterns
• Be warned. He will want to matching couples outfits. And they will be atrocious
• On any of your bad days, Klaus makes sure to remind you of how brilliant you are. Most times he just describes you how he sees you through his eyes in an attempt to cheer you up, but sometimes he’ll simply slot himself next to you and hold you until you’re ready to talk about it
• For someone that’s infamous for not being able to stand silence, Klaus sure knows how to utilize it
• Contrary to popular belief, Five does actually give two shits about you—and then some. You are his partner after all (How you managed that no one’s quite sure. The running theory between Diego and Allison is that he’s holding you hostage or blackmailing you somehow)
• His love for you means that he’s more than willing to try and understand your point of view on both the world and yourself. When he’s not trying to stop the apocalypse from ending the world and everyone in it, of course
• Often times brings Delores into the serious conversations you’ll have, claiming that out of the two of them she’s better at understanding these things
• Would burn down a building for you, and probably has already, so when you get misgendered or scrutinized Five won’t hesitate to threaten the person bothering you
• “Unless you have an aversion to keeping both of your eyes in their sockets, I suggest you back away from them.” He had hissed at a passerby on the street one day, clenching his fist with a deadly smile. And while he might not look threatening enough with his smaller frame in school boy shorts, the look in Five’s eyes had the other person scrambling away without a retort
• “Thanks.” You chuckle breathily at him after, shaking your head. “You don’t always have to do that, you know. Scare those guys off.”
• “Yeah, well, Lila would kill me if I didn’t. You’re one of the only people she actually likes.” Five rolls his eyes, doing a poor job at concealing the red tips of his ears. But you got the message
• “Sure thing Fivey.” You knocked his shoulder against your own, and held your hands up with a laugh when he sent a scathing glare your way
• He’s not the best at saying that he loves you, and that means everything about you, but he sure does try in his own little fucked up way
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doctorcrowleywho · 1 year
December 4.“Your hands are freezing!” ( Alec Hardy x reader)
25 Days of Ficmas - Day 4
“Your hands are freezing!” ( Alec Hardy x reader)  
Word count -   1369  
Warnings - A few cuss words and lots of fluff!
Pairing(s) - Alec Hardy x Gn! Reader
Summary - A cliche meeting makes Alec turn soft for you.
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If there was one thing D.I. Alec Hardy was known for, it was being a Scrooge. It wasn’t that he hated Christmas or anything like that. Contrary to popular belief he loved the holiday, some of his favorite moments with Daisy were during Christmas time. There was nothing better than seeing his little girl's face light up as she opened up what ‘Santa’ dropped off for her the night before. 
However, what Alec did hate was how loud and bright everything was. Sure, you could have Christmas spirit, but why did people have to be so proud about it? That’s why he always decided to work during the holiday season. It just seemed easier. Crime never slept and neither did the worst cop in Britain. 
On the other hand, you absolutely loved the holiday season. Seeing everyone you loved so full of love and joy just made your heart swell. But, Christmas had been recently hard for you these last couple of years. You had moved to Broadchurch for a fresh start, and even though you got one it was just that…things were a bit different. Well different than you imagined. 
Everyone was so tightly knit, but that’s what you get for moving to a small town. There was even a time when some people even gave you the stink eye because they thought you moved there for the murder trial. Which, wasn’t true at all, but you try to convince a gossiping town.
You did manage to make a few friends though, which you were so thankful for. One of them- Ellie Miller was absolutely lovely. She made sure to bring you lunches during your shifts at the local coffee shop and told you all the gossip she could think of. Which, mostly was about her obnoxious boss Alec Hardy. 
In your opinion, Alec sounded like an absolute ass, and you haven’t even met him. And honestly, you hoped and prayed you never did. Because, if he can manage to annoy Ellie at times then he must be one insanely grouchy person. 
That night you had volunteered to stay late to decorate the coffee shop for Christmas. Apparently, no one else wanted to stay and help, so you were on your own. It was going pretty much how you expected it to. The radio was on full blast with Christmas tunes as you sang along stringing lights and putting silly little window stickers everywhere you could. 
The shop was looking cuter than it ever has in a million years (obviously you should know). Plus, if people were going to complain then they’d have to fight you. You quickly glanced at the time and cursed to yourself. How the hell was it suddenly ten at night? That means you’ve been there for nearly five hours after your already long shift. 
By this time of night, there was no way you were going to catch a bus, and you didn’t want to have to pay for an uber. So, you decided it was best if you walked back to your tiny home. Now, this wasn’t the ideal option, being it was absolutely freezing outside. But, you really didn’t have any other choice. 
Pulling on your winter coat you locked up the shop, braced for the cold, and headed on your way. Walking at night never exactly scared you, but knowing the history of this town you made sure your defenses were up. 
Maybe that's why you punched the stranger with whom you collided a couple of minutes after you left the shop. 
“Oi what was that for!” A thick Scottish accent hissed out rubbing his arm.
Alec always walked back to his home after work, he was used to working late. In fact, he found it strange if he ever was able to leave on time. But, that was typical Alec. An absolute workaholic until the end.
This night was a bit different because he forgot his jacket and it was absolutely bloody freezing outside. But, he had to tough it out unless he wanted to sleep at the office again, which he has done. Let me tell you, office carpet does not make a fantastic mattress. 
“Oh jesus, I’m sorry I thought you were,” you paused awkwardly realizing this guy wasn’t a threat in the slightest. Good job, you just punched an innocent stranger in the arm. “Just, ahem sorry.” You finally coughed out.
“Nope don’t worry- not a threat-just trying to walk home-which um if you’re this jumpy would you like me to walk ya home?” he got out in a series of awkwardness that you barely understood.  
Your eyebrows furrowed together as you considered this stranger's offer, he seemed sweet enough. To be fair he was quite handsome, the moonlight illuminated his face beautifully. He had soft messy brown hair, chocolate puppy dog eyes that seemed to hold the weight of the world, and a beard that looked scratchier than sandpaper. Your perfect man.
“Before I say yes to your tempting offer, can you first tell me your name?” You said giving him a gentle friendly smile. 
He hesitated for a moment, almost as if he didn’t like his name enough to tell anyone. But, he finally got it out “Alec, it’s Alec Hardy.” he said offering you his hand to shake. 
Hearing his name was all you needed to have your mouth fall to the floor. This was Alec? That wasn’t possible! The Alec you heard about was mean and stubborn and annoyingly grumpy. This man was kind and sweet and handsome (yes you admit it, you had eyes didn’t you?). 
“Alec? The same Alec Hardy that works with Ellie Miller?” You asked probably sounding a bit more excited than you ever should.
Alec raised an eyebrow eyeing you up and down. Not in a rude way more in an ‘I’m trying to figure you out’ kind of way.  “Yeah….why?” 
“Oh, she’s my friend! It’s nice to finally meet the man she talks so much about- I’m Y/N by the way,” you said smiling brightly as you finally took his hand that was still awkwardly out. “Your hands are freezing!” you gasped out immediately cupping both of his hands in your own, concern pooling in your eyes. 
Seeing you like this made Alec practically melt, who gave you the right to care this much? You guys just met, and maybe that’s what was so precious about it. The fact that you could find it in your heart to care for a stranger like this. 
It was at that moment Alec felt himself fall, just like all those romance books and movies Daisy watches. He used to pretend that the hated them, but deep down he wished he could find someone that made him feel all of those silly little butterflies. Perhaps he found it in you. 
“Forgot a jacket.” he chuckled simply as his gaze softened. 
“Oh in this weather? And you call yourself a detective?” you gave him a joking ‘are you crazy?’ look making him chuckle even more.
“Worst one in Britain I’m afraid.” he shook his head, and he didn’t dare remove his hands from yours. Not when they felt so right being there. 
Slowly, you gazed down at your hands. Now it was your turn for your heart to do flips. You gently took one of his hands and pulled his sweater sleeve over it creating a mitten of sorts. Then you took the other one and lace your fingers with his before guiding it into your jacket pocket. All the while he was staring at you with a look of dumbfounded adoration. 
“Not the best solution but at least you’ll warm up a little bit.” you laughed suddenly feeling a little awkward. 
“I like it,” he mumbled squeezing your hand gently. “, come on let's get you home.” he raised his eyebrows encouraging you to lead the way. 
“Right off we go then, Alec.” you glanced over at him as you two walked in comfortable silence. He gave you the softest smile somehow letting you know that he liked his name when it came from your lips. 
This was going to be a wonderful Christmas.
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notroosterbradshaw · 2 years
The Relationship Experience - two
part of: The Boyfriend Experience universe
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A few minutes past 8, you were trying everything in your power to get your heavy legs to move to the door, Rooster’s soft rapping bringing up all the anxiety from 24 hours earlier. You’d just opened a bottle of wine; the one Natasha took with her leaving a taste for it on your tongue. Taking a sip for courage, you shuffled down the hall and took a deep breath, opening the door.
And there he was as you swallowed your sigh. A shy smile on his tanned features, the apples of his cheeks a little flushed, hands pushed deep in his pockets, goodness. “Hey,” he said quietly. A well-pressed white tee hung over his jeans that almost appeared at least a size too tight around his powerful thighs and some sneakers. Extremely casual, and so incredibly sexy. His cologne made your head swim. It was different to last night, you could tell immediately. You liked it equally as much. 
Contrary to popular opinion, Rooster didn’t wear Hawaiian shirts often, he didn’t have a collection and he only had a couple of shirts Carole passed along to him after Goose died. They just seemed to be an easy way for people to remember him. He was a pretty relaxed guy mostly. You’d even seen him in flip-flops and teased him unmercifully for it. He agreed he deserved it, and you watched him toss them in the bin at the beach one night, protesting barefoot was easier than your taunting.
“Hi,” you replied, cautiously.
Good God, who were you two? You wanted to yell. Because if you knew Rooster, he was probably just as embarrassed. And if things changed this morning… things were very, very different now – you could hardly formulate the thoughts to get anything out and Rooster was just as quiet.
“Did you have a good day?” he asked considerately.
“Yeah,” you nodded. Leaning against the doorframe, you smiled. He was so handsome; he could be reciting the alphabet in tongues and you'd be so into it. Why had you never seen him this way before? Sure, you knew he was a good-looking dude. Maybe it was rose-coloured glasses coming off and you were finally looking at him fully for the first time. You weren’t sure, but he was perfection. His sun-kissed curls, those honey-hazel coloured eyes, cheekbones for days, deeply tanned, his scars you knew must have all told a story.
Do you have time to objectify him a little more? Because yeah, we can if you like. You figured out a long time back that the time and dedication he gave to his body was well worth it as the traps that hid at the collar of his tee strained perfectly. His biceps were strong, toned and golden. When your body is a good part of your job, you appreciated he had to keep his body in check for it. 
You recalled a time you bumped into him at the beach – he was on a run, you’d had your morning swim and he had whipped off his shirt to use it to towel his brow but at least then, you didn’t hide that you checked out the pecs and abs while he dabbed sweat away. Oh, and the Adonis belt. 
You really needed to revisit that.
Rooster was well aware he was something to pay attention to.
“Come in?” you asked him again for the second time in 24 hours. “I’ve got wine breathing.”
“Sounds good,” he said as you grinned and moved aside for him to enter, his hand clutching yours but before the door was closed and you were hard-pressed up against it and Rooster's lips were on yours. His hands dug into your sides and he crowded his large frame as close to yours, your toes drifting off the floor. Gasping against his mouth, you wrapped your arms around him, fingers getting lost in his soft tendrils, kissing him back with as much passion as he gave to you.
His lips not leaving yours, he raised you to his waist, his palms grasping your thighs to keep you pinned against him and he carried you to the living room where you both fell to the couch in a messy tangle of lips and limbs, his heaviness on you so very welcomed. You wouldn't tire of that show of masculinity, being manhandled by Rooster Bradshaw was a thing of beauty.
Rooster's kiss was rough and wanting, you didn't think you'd kissed anyone like him, desperate to keep up - but you hadn't felt like this with anyone else so quickly before either. He had been your friend for so long, and now his body was weighing you down, kissing you frenetically and you were living for every second of it, increasingly more and more desperate for him.
He smiled against your lips, slowing the tempo of the kiss and left your lips, kissing the corner of your mouth, cheek and nose. He hitched himself on his elbow, smiling fondly at you, both a little out of breath as you melted into a puddle in the couch cushions, warily opening your eyes to him. There was a certain playfulness to him now, a sparkle to his eyes as you came to. Holy shit.
“I love how you open your eyes after you kiss me,” he said warmly. “Like it’s in slow motion,” his knuckles grazed your cheek. Mousy, your words escaped you. “You okay?" he inquired, his nose nuzzling against your pulse before he replaced it with his mouth, hot, wet opened mouth kisses. You rested your palms on his waist, moving your hips to bring your bottom halves closer, he hummed sharply. And you knew as turned on you were, he was tenfold. This wasn’t a game. You knew exactly where this was heading.
Your fingers drifted into his freshly washed sun-kissed curls in a gentle clench as he moaned into your mouth. He clearly liked that. You made a mental note.
You could not wait to get this man naked; it was almost sinful. All modesty had gone out straight out the window with his hello and you didn’t care in the slightest.
Rooster Bradshaw was a gift, one that you were very, very keen to explore.
"Feels so good, Rooster," you told him as he preened his hips into you. He huffed a chuckle into your skin. He liked to be encouraged.
Your hands sunk to his hips, the feel of the dimples in his back of well-worked muscle. Jesus, you were doing everything in your power not to whip his shirt off, feel his warm skin. “You’re good? Because you look fuckin’ good.”
You nodded, smiling up at him and he chuckled softly, laying a single kiss on your lips. Trying to pull away, you lightly tugged him back to you, absolutely incapable to cease kissing him. The response against your lips told you he quite wholly agreed. Rooster’s palm massaged your thigh, tucking it high on his waist, pulling you impossibly closer, the kiss deepening, bodies grinding softly as you roughly nipped his lower lip. Grunting against you, Rooster pulled back, knowing if you didn’t stop, you wouldn’t stop.
“What’s wrong?” you asked, hand palming his cheek as he pushed into it, kissing your wrist.
“Just remembering to breathe,” he admitted, reaching for your wine on the coffee table and taking an eager sip to whet his pallet.  
“Oh, my goodness, I didn’t even ask,” you sighed, embarrassed. “Do you want something to drink?”
“Actually, yes,” he replied, spying the bottle and glass on the bench. “But don’t move. You’re perfect right there,” he instructed, untangling his limbs from yours and you eased up on your elbows to watch him pour a glass and come back to you, pulling your legs to his lap, sitting for a moment to enjoy the red. “This is really good,” he admitted.
“So good, right?” you agreed as he reached for your glass and you sat up. “Cheers?” you offered.
“Yeah… to us?” he reasoned.
“To us,” you agreed and gently clinked glasses. “Can I tell you something?”
“Anything. Everything,” he worked your shin, kneading into the meat of your calf. God, that felt good. Sore legs after heels all day had you all sorts of out of alignment.
“I didn’t plan for any of this, this is a very pleasant surprise.”
With a huff of a chuckle, he replied, “I know.”
“Did you ever think…”
Licking his lips, he didn’t say no. “I mean, I didn’t dream things would work out this well,” he admitted with a lazy grin. “But as I said, I saw my opportunity and took it. Wouldn’t I be crazy not to? You know I’ve been crazy about you for a while.”
“Humour me,” you dared.
Looking at you warily through his dark lashes, he gave a shy smile. “Don’t.”
“I need to know.”
Sighed, he answered. “How long?” he figured, rubbing his eyes, bashfully.
“How long have you liked me, Rooster?” you confirmed, a hint of tease in your voice.
“Well, I’ve always liked you,” he said, smartly. The truth was all so close to spilling from his lips… but this was the first time he felt nervous. This was about to get very uneasy for him.
“Rooster,” you said quietly, tracing his lower lip with your thumb, his eyes shot to yours. “Please?”
He pursed his lips together, almost regrettably. “Okay, okay,” he said softly and sighed, taking your hand and pulling it to his chest, his heart thrumming wildly. “Remember the bonfire?”
It was a year ago, an amazing night. Everyone was happy, healthy, tipsy and loving life. Of course you remembered it. “Last year?” you could barely say aloud, too surprised. You could have been doing this for a YEAR?!
“You were laughing with Payback, he had you in absolute stitches about something and I just caught your eye,” he shrugged, trying to play it off like it was no big thing. Squeezing your palm, he admitted, “Trust me when I say I’ve always thought you were incredibly beautiful, and like, the colours of the fire against your skin... You gave me this big, confident smile, just so content and I think…”
“Oh,” you said, a little taken aback. You don’t know what you were expecting but a little eye contact with Bradley Bradshaw was all it took? If he knew the lack of confidence you had right now, he may be a little less impressed.
“And then we shipped out,” he added, bopping your nose. “So, I didn’t act on it.”
“Just a smile?”
He chuckled quietly. “Uhh, well no.”
“Rooster!” you exclaimed.
He grinned wistfully. “Not only your beautiful smile. You were in the fuckin’ cutest sundress, it was…” he swallowed. “Umm, just gorgeous, really. So, purely physical, to be completely honest with you. Do you know how good your body is?” he chewed his lip, staring at you intently and you grew hot under his gaze. “Which I should have kept in my head because that is so creepy to say.”
“No, I like it,” you told him softly. “I don’t hear things like that often.”
“Trust me when I say this, you turn heads. You turn a lot of heads,” he spoke as if he knew. “So, yeah. Was just a teeny crush that has…” he blushed terribly. “That’s got me here, I suppose.”
His inability to formulate sentences was the most endearing thing you’d ever seen. You’d never seen Rooster lost for words in your lifetime. “Can I confess something?”
“Yes!” Rooster exclaimed. “Please take the focus off me.”
You laughed quietly. “Rooster, it’s sweet you had a crush. No one ever has crushes on me.”
“Well, now you know that is a lie,” he said tenderly.
“My last dates have been Tinder,” the word vomit exploded. You wanted to bury yourself for allowing that to escape.
“Didn’t pick you for it,” he replied warily. It would go to the grave with him that he swiped away on you… you were his friend; a fucking frenzy (as much as he craved it in the weeks after seeing you on it) or a few casual dates through a dating app are not what either of you would have deserved. It wasn’t worth ruining a friendship over. Not for what he’d found now.
You looked at him. “You were on there?”
He shrugged casually. “I feel we didn’t need to know this about it each other.”
“Funny, I never saw you,” you continued.  
“Probably for the best,” he hoped that was the end of Tinder talk.
“Can I tell you something else since I’m nervous and I talk a lot when I’m nervous,” you garbled as he laughed.  
“Every dude in this town is terrified of me because of Grandpa,” you said it like it was a secret. “When they’re into me… but they mostly aren’t.”
Rooster laughed quietly. Fucking Viper, of course. “Umm, yes. I’ve heard that once or twice.”
“Not you too,” your head bobbed in disappointment.
“That wasn’t part of the reason I never pursued this,” he admitted. But Viper really had been there for him his whole life. Maybe Rooster should have been more mindful of him? Oh, fuck.
You rolled your eyes, pushing him back to sit on his heels and he sighed.
“Your Grandpa instils a certain amount of fear in a lot of us, sweet girl,” Rooster said easily. “But I don’t want to date him,” he shrugged, taking your hand and holding it in his again. “Unless you think he’d be into that.”
“Rooster,” you laughed, burying your face into his chest as he held you tenderly, his hand massaging the nape of your neck, and you snuggled into his chest, his touch just out of this world. “Gross, honestly.”
Fuck, this felt good. Just nestled into him, he played with your hair just like you’d been doing this together forever. He placed a kiss on the crown of your head. “It was gross, I’m sorry,” he chuckled quietly.
Adjusting his posture, he draped you across his lap, face to face, chest to chest. He breathed deep, catching your eyes, his hands racking up and down your back and you inadvertently curled into him, hips rolling. His eyes dared you to make a move but suddenly very exposed in this position, you clammed up. “It’s fine,” he said quietly. “We can take our time,” he promised. “It doesn’t have to be now, it doesn’t have to be tonight.”
God, he was good.
Pity he didn’t know how eager you want it to be now. To be tonight.
You caressed his face tenderly, his eyes fluttering closed as you traced down his nose to cup his chin. “You are so handsome; it actually hurts me to look at you,” you said softly.
Eyes still closed, he snickered quietly. “I think that’s a compliment.”
“It’s definitely a compliment,” you declared. Last week he was just your good-looking friend. Tonight, he claimed everything. Your favourite colour of eyes. Your favourite smile. Your favourite cologne. “Can I try something? It won’t hurt.”
Raising an eyebrow, his half smile gave him away. “I suppose…” His eyes closed with your face so close and scrutinising him. Daring to kiss the scar on his Adam’s Apple, he swallowed thickly. “Oh.”
“Is that okay?” you asked, mildly fretting you’d offended him and pausing a moment to gauge his reaction. You watched his breathing stutter as you pressed your hands into his strong chest.  
“Very okay,” he reassured you, forcing his palms into the flesh of your hips, seizing the skin between your tee and jeans, your body crushed against his. “Very fucking okay,” he added, hoping if he hinted it enough, you’d do that again. “The scars don’t put you off?” he asked cautiously.
“No. Not remotely,” you took it as the green light to trace down his left cheek. Rigid and wiry, you probably couldn’t remember him without it. “What happened? If you don’t mind me asking…”
Sighing, his eyes fluttered open to catch yours, pupils dark with desire. “Car accident when I was 19, 20. College party, too many drinks. Buddy went straight through the red and yeah,” he shrugged. “None of us should have gotten in the fuckin’ car but we thought we were all invincible, so…”
“Of course,” you agreed. “All from the accident?” you thumbed his chin.
“That one,” he acknowledged your touch. “Is from Little League.”
“Baby Bradley.”
“Yeah,” he grinned, licking his lips, a little enthusiastic. “Was running so fast for home,” he imitated his arms pumping, animated in storytelling and you could just imagine little Bradley trying to get to home plate. “And the catcher for the team was just waiting for me, had me sized up, ball on the way. I knew he wanted to decimate me. Ever the smartass, I dove for home plate.”
“Did you get there?”
“Fuck yes. My first home run,” he admitted. “Hands on home plate and skidded to a stop with my chin.”
“Ouch. Guess you can’t forget that,” you cooed, kissing the scar and his eyes fucking shone with affection for you, leaving him a little breathless. “And this one?” you replaced your index finger with your lips from his pulse to the gnarliest of scars and back where the journey started on his Adam’s Apple. He growled deep, squeezing your hips. It bobbed under your touch, your hands whipping away in case you’d upset him. 
“Same accident, don’t stop,” he confirmed breathlessly. “That feels really good.”
Encouraged, you trailed the same line as he tangled a hand in your hair, hoping to keep you there a little while longer. 
“You can touch it; they’re just so ugly, you know?” he managed, breathing deeply, giving your hair a tug before massaging your scalp. 
Pausing, you looked at him like he had two heads. “You think these beautiful scars are ugly? Rooster, these are so enigmatically you. There is nothing ugly about them,” you told him delicately. “I understand they mean something different for you, but they are just incredibly…” the words failed you. “Sexy,” you sighed, smiling hearteningly. You wordsmith, you cursed yourself. 
Eyebrow peaked, he reckoned he’d never been told that his wounds were attractive by anyone. “Well, you’re mad,” he shrugged. “But that’s okay. Because I’m a little mad too.”
“We can be mad together.”
“Yeah,” he agreed with a smile. “Let’s do that,” he breathed, his eyes travelling over your features, studying you just as you had moments ago. If he ever had pictured his dream girl his whole life, he was lucky enough right now to be looking at her but not in his wildest dreams could he have imagined this. You, this beauty he’d known most of his life stared back at him, the dreamiest smile on the most kissable lips. Your gaze was the tenderest he’d ever seen.
Your body he’d need a minute on. He knew what made him fall. Sure, the dress he’d talked about was almost make-believe hot… but your ass was a dream in those jeans. The curve from your waist to your divine ass was what got him in trouble with Bob that night a year ago (the bonfire a few weeks later convinced him that not only were you his gorgeous friend, but you were also now a friend he wanted to have sex with). Shipping out was a godsend.
“Rooster, I know you probably don’t know you’re doing this, but she has a face and it’s not on her rear,” he said, rolling his eyes as he cleaned his frames with his t-shirt. “Just ask her out. She’s a good girl.”
Chuckling in memory that Bob gave him the advice, you gave a confused smile in return. “What?” you asked a little subconsciously.
“Do you want to go on a date with me?” he asked, but he felt this was a little timelier.
“Like a date date?” you said, a little coyly. Did you need a date date?
“Yep, you get all cute – shouldn’t be difficult,” he licked his lips as you hid your face and thought it might have been the most endearing thing he’d ever seen. “I might wear a dinner jacket again,” he shrugged as you broke into a wide grin now. Okay, so you liked him in a suit. It wasn’t rocket science. “I pick you up to take you to dinner.”
“In town?” you meant as far away from prying eyes as possible. He understood in the most absolute of terms. It didn’t need to be implied.
“Yeah. Nice food, few drinks,” he shrugged. He hadn’t been on a date in years… single, he didn’t feel the need to. Meet a girl at the bar and see if he was able to talk to her for a while before suggesting they leave. If she was down, bingo bango. If she wasn’t down, well, no harm, no foul. But he’d be lying to say he struck out frequently. Because yes… you had seen Rooster Bradshaw in full flight. Losing wasn’t his MO.
“That sounds nice,” you said shyly. Turns out yes. You did need a date date.
“Good,” he said before you fell into a comfortable silence. He already knew exactly where he wanted to take you, but he’d surprise you with that when the time came.
“Friday night, I’ll take care of it.”
You nodded with a tender smile. It made his heart fucking race. Okay, your smile and your ass. He was a simple dude. And your eyes. And how your curves felt kind of perfect against him. “I can’t wait.”
Someone planning a date for you?! Sure, you’d been on dates recently, but going to a local bar where you knew 95% of the clientele didn’t seem like a nice way to meet someone. Came back to the fact you had chosen Tinder to meet someone. And sure, you’d met a couple of nice guys and had a nice time with a few, but nothing made you anticipate a date like Rooster offered. Your brain was already racing, new outfit, new lingerie, ooh. All that stuff you’d kind of not bothered with because your date didn’t really have the credential to bother.
Then there was this guy. And God knows, you wanted to impress him –
An excuse to buy the new heels you wanted. YAS! You made a mental note to check the shipping on Net-A-Porter tomorrow. The heels were leaving the wish list and finding themselves a new home.
“Sweet girl?” Rooster smiled, bringing you back to him with a kiss on your jaw. “You here on earth with me?”
“Yes,” you said decisively. “I’m sorry.”
“Thought I lost you there.”
“No, sorry. I am completely here.”
“Then show me,” he breathed as you held his handsome face, fingers drifting to caress the nape of his neck, playing with the fine hair then pulling you to him. “Okay,” he said, convinced as he kissed you again, your bodies adjusting comfortably to the other, his hands skimming down your sides and resting on your ass, the tight denim glued to you on your skin he was more and more curious if he’d be able to slip off tonight.
This kiss felt different, hungrier. More demanding. You wanted to taste his tongue, you wanted to feel every muscle of his body, hard and firm beneath you. It was becoming more difficult to ignore the urge of needing him to stay. His hands slipped under your shirt; his calloused palms rough against your soft skin as he pulled your body flush to his.
His kiss was indescribable, you hoped he could say the same thing. His soft, full lips and the tickle of his moustache against your top lip were driving you wild. He raised his hips as you sunk against him, the tension was starting to get too much, and the slide of his tongue against yours swallowed any moans you made. Feverish skin, nose clunking crudely, his warm hands massaging your hips, bringing friction to your bodies. Chest to chest, it continued like that as he lay back on the couch, bringing your body down with him, not daring to break the kiss as he relished your body on his, hissing as you grind against him.
“Do you want to stop?” he asked, not breaking the kiss.
“No, absolutely not,” you held his face, not wanting to miss a moment of his lips on yours as he huffed a laugh, forcing you back to look at him, straddling his waist. He reached up to brush the hair from your eyes, hand cascading back down your shoulder, the side of your breast and resting on your hip.
Wrecked, he was utterly wrecked. There’s no way you didn’t mirror him.
“Do you want to stay here, or...” you said, biting back an unexpected yawn and Rooster smirked, amused. But somehow, also understood the exhaustion he shared. He hadn’t slept and figured you may not have either. “Sorry,” you covered your mouth, unable to keep it at bay.
“I’m confused. Do you want to fuck me… or am I simply boring you?” he dared tease.
Chewing your chapped lips, his tongue lickied his. “I’m so sorry.”
Rooster grinned. “It’s okay,” he said. “Look, I’ll go. We both need a good night’s sleep.”
Rooster leaving was the last thing you wanted, but you weren’t willing to put yourself out there again and beg him to stay like last night. That would stick with you just a little while longer. “You don’t have to go,” you said with little demand.
“I wanna stay,” he grinned. “But you’re exhausted. I’m pretty tired too,” he started to get up.
Pressing against his chest and pinning him back gently, you asked, “Please stay a little longer, Bradley?”
He loved hearing his name grace your lips. Your tone was so soft on his ears, and he nodded, bringing your lips to his, abs straining. “Okay. Trust me when I say this, okay?” he held your chin in his palm, his gentle strength forcing your eyes to him. “It took everything in my power to walk out last night and I know I upset you. I’ll stay tonight, just until I must go, okay?”
You nodded as he pulled you back to him, drawing out your kiss and settling your body above his. He rolled back into the softness of the couch cushions. Cheek against his chest, there was a quiet thrum in Rooster’s chest, lulling you.
“Close your eyes, sweet girl,” he sighed, his large hands ghosting caresses across your lower back, ribs, up and down your spine. “Just breath and relax,” his rasp instructed. He was so warm and welcoming; sleep was speeding for you like a freight train.
“You too,” you told him.
“I’m right here,” he yawned himself. You didn’t reply, sleep taking you a few minutes later and Rooster let his guard drop, letting himself drift into sweet dreams also.
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The time to keep you in his arms was dwindling. Rooster knew his alarm was imminent, but he couldn’t do a damn thing about it. “Sweet girl,” he whispered quietly, stroking your hair tenderly, as you adjusted in his arms, but only clutched him tighter, not making it easier for him. He bit back a grin and cooed your name. “I’m so sorry, but I have to go.”
“Nooo…” you muttered back.
Rooster hated that he had to do this as falling asleep with you in his arms was about the best damn thing that had happened to him in months. You fit so perfectly, the way your curves softened to him, your thigh between his. The smell of your hair, the touch of your warm palms on his chest. He was, at best, completely overwhelmed.
He wasn’t afraid of intimacy. In fact, the last few nights were so special because was so nice falling for someone. Find out what makes them tick, their hopes, dreams, turn-ons (or turn-offs) and if you tell anyone, he will strongly deny he feels this way.
“This is why I didn’t want to stay,” he said with a tired laugh. “I didn’t want to wake you up when I had to leave. It’s not fair to you.”
“You’re so snuggly and warm,” your palm sneaking under the cotton of his shirt, resting on his hips.
“I don’t want to leave,” he sighed, but sat up anyway, letting you nuzzle back in the warm pillows, his cologne now all over them. He stood up and stretched. “I have to go for a run and get to the gym. Did none of that yesterday.”
“If it makes you feel better, I think you’ll live with one day off,” you replied. He crouched to his knees and kissed your temple.
“I’ll see you soon, okay?”
“Don’t go,” sighing, and stretching your arms over your head, your tee rode up and Rooster seized his opportunity to kiss your hip as you squirmed away, poorly hiding your excitement. “Hey.”
“Too much?”
“Too ticklish. How would you like it,” you primed your hands as he jumped back, chuckling uneasily.
“I told you I was ticklish,” he warned, holding his arms out to stop you. Wriggling your fingers, he begged mercy. “Please don’t use it against me,” he squeaked quietly, ready to catch your hands.
He grinned as you stood, he offered you his hand and linked your fingers – you preferred holding his hand this way. It seemed less like faking and more like truly feeling it. He led you to the door and pulled you close. “Good morning,” he breathed and kissed you evenly and you still melted. There was no single kiss of his that didn’t make your knees want to give out from underneath you. He caught you just in case.
“You’re make-believe, aren’t you?” you asked him. “You’re actually not real.”
Squinting, he nodded. “I’m very real. I promise. Not long now, baby.”
Your body was counting down the days, hours, minutes and seconds until that became a reality.
“Look, things will happen, okay?” he said softly. “Trust me when I tell you, all I can think about is giving you everything you deserve.”
You kissed him tenderly and you swear, you heard him humming in satisfaction. “You promised me it would be an eleven.”
He shook his head. “It’ll be a twelve,” he corrected his promise and kissed you again. “I meant every word I said, sweet girl. I wanna give you everything and more. I’m gonna blow your fuckin’ mind until you beg me to stop.”
“I can… try and wait,” at your sexiest, all doe-eyed and thighs rubbing together for the friction, he smiled weakly as all the blood rushed from his body and kissed you again, distracting you. He grunted. “I can’t stop kissing you.”
Pressing against his chest, you whispered, “Then don’t.”
“You know,” he stood straight, lust gone in a flash and frankly, kind of scandalised, a realisation washing over him. “You would surprise a lot of people with this little minx display,” he stated.
“No one would believe you,” you blinked fast. “It’s not for everyone, Rooster,” you told him thoughtfully as his breathing hitched. You were going to break him.
"Just for me?" he asked softly, his voice almost cracking.
“If you continue to play your cards right,” you shrugged as his heart wanted to explode. “Please stay, Rooster.”
“If I stay, I won’t leave,” he cautiously reminded you. “When I stay, I don’t want to have to creep out because I have to get to work. I wanna make it worthwhile…” he said softly. “Please try and understand. This is hard for me.”
“That hasn’t seemed to be a problem,” you pointed out, hands dangerously close to the buttons on his fly and his eyes dropped, a small smile playing on his lips, clutching your hands away. He loved you at your boldest, challenging him, keeping him on his toes, debating what his next move was. You met him at every pass – his match in more ways than one.
“I’ll pray for you,” he teased, kissing you in finality and pulling away as you rolled your eyes. “I’ll see you tomorrow at the bar,” he wandered backwards, putting a safe distance between you. “Goodnight, you little brat.”
“Goodnight, Bradley,” you said quietly as went back inside and sighed. Your lips raw, your muscles tender from his weight on you. You stumbled to your bedroom, stripping out of jeans and tossing your tee before terribly ungracefully throwing yourself under the covers and into slumber. What a night.
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allisluv · 22 days
Nsfw alphabet with Johanna? 🫶
pairing: johanna mason x fem!reader
content warnings: lesbian smut, not proofread
A — aftercare (what are they like after sex?)
johanna wipes you down with a washcloth or helps you into the shower. she will strip the bed and just collapse onto the new sheets in a heap. she always praises you too. “so good for me baby. always so good.” she loves long, adoring kisses after sex.
B — body part (their favourite body part of theirs and their partners)
on herself, johanna likes her ass. she likes the way you squeeze her backside when you pass by and it really turns her on.
i’m a firm believer that johanna is a tit woman. she loves cumming on your tits and she likes grabbing them as she fucks into you.
C — cum (anything to do with cum)
as i said before, i do think she prefers cumming on your tits but she likes cumming in your mouth too.
D — dirty secret
she would love to try being more submissive in the bedroom.
E — experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they're doing?)
i think johanna has quite a bit of experience. she knows what to do if shes on top but i dont think she has a lot of experience receiving so it would be a bit of an adjustment for her
F — favourite position
johanna is somewhat old-fashioned in terms of positions. she prefers missionary because she can see your face but she loves scissoring too
G — goofy (are they more serious in the moment or are they humorous?)
contrary to popular belief, i think sex with johanna is full of giggling and jokes. she is a lot more loose and laidback in the bedroom
H — hair (how well-groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes?)
i think johanna hates shaving. she doesn’t like the feel of being bare and she thinks it’s a big fuck you to the capitols beauty standards.
I — intimacy (how are they during the moment, any romantic aspects etc)
johanna can be rough during sex but there’s still lots of soft moments sprinkled in there.
J — jack-off (masturbation headcanon)
johanna touches herself at least once every couple of days. shes big on pleasure so if she knows youre not in the mood for sex, she’ll get herself off on her fingers or a toy
K — kink (one or more of their kinks)
johanna loves thigh riding. she loves you making a mess on her thighs as you grind your pussy on her.
johanna likes praising just as much as she likes to degrade. she likes knowing that she’s making you feel good.
i do think jo likes edging too. she likes to push you to your limits and have you writhing under her as you beg for her to let you come.
L — location (favourite places to have sex)
johanna is a real risk taker. she’ll finger you under the table and fuck you in the bathroom stalls. she’s willing to do it anywhere, anytime.
M — motivation (what turns them on, what gets them going?)
i think johanna likes to be teased just as much as she likes to be the one teasing if that makes sense. seeing you get bratty is a real turn on for her too. in all fairness though, you could do anything and she would be on her knees. she’s feral for you
N — no (something they wouldn’t do, turn-offs)
i don’t think johanna likes bondage or choking. it’s just not for her, if i’m being honest. shes not big on hurting you either.
O — oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill etc)
johanna prefers giving 100%—- i think she prefers the control that comes with giving. she eats pussy like a woman starved but she’s not opposed to occasionally receiving.
P — pace (are they rough and fast or sensual and slow?)
jo fucks hard and fast but there is times when she can be softer (for example, if you’ve had a bad day or you’ve been needy for hours, she takes her time with you)
Q — quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often)
jo loves quickies and she has them pretty often. its a super big turn on for her
R —risk (are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc)
johanna is down to try anything risky so long as no one is out of their comfort zones. i think the two of you have to talk about it first— communication is a must have for her.
S — stanima (how many rounds can they go for, how long do they last?)
johanna can’t go for very many rounds but she can last for ages. you could tease her for the whole day but she’s not cumming until you tell her to.
T — toys (do they own toys, do they use them, on a partner or themselves?)
johanna owns a lot of different strap-ons and she loves to use them on you.
U — unfair (how much they like to tease)
johanna's middle name is tease. she could edge you for hours on end and she's only letting up when you're a sobbing, begging mess
V -- (volume, how loud they are, what sounds they make)
johanna is pretty vocal and she never tries to hide it. she'll scream without a care in the world. she likes people knowing who she belongs to <3
W -- wild card (random headcanon)
she chose the safe word pineapple because its her favourite fruit 😭
X -- x-ray (what's going on under those clothes)
johanna has a lot of hair down there but she has such a gorgeous pussy
Y = yearning (how high is their sex drive)
johanna has a super high sex drive. she could fuck you for the whole day if you would let her
Z = ZZZ (how quickly they fall asleep)
i dont think johanna falls asleep quick after sex. i mean, she has a really good stanima. she usually stays up reading or watching a movie long after you've fallen asleep
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itsjaywalkers · 20 days
hi hi!!! i love every single one of your headcanons you’re always so right! i was just wondering if you could like ramble or tell us some headcanons you have for rosekiller?
hello hello nonnie!! i'm SO sorry for how long it took me to reply to this, i wanted to sit down and write a proper response and i haven't had a lot of time for that lately </3 but i'm here now!! hoping the wait will be worth it and that you'd like at least a few of my hcs!!!
so, here u have some of my opinions on rosekiller <3
barty was the last one to join their little group and he and evan didn't really get along at first
they didn't hate each other or anything, otherwise evan wouldn't have been okay with being around barty and viceversa, but they clashed a lot
barty had (and still has tbh) a bit of a fixation on him so he enjoyed riling him up and watching his reactions, getting him to lose his composure
evan had a certain curiosity, but the frustration he felt around barty sort of eclipsed everything else
evan is usually really good at reading people, he likes to observe them and study them sometimes (although he prefers it when they're . dead) but he has a hard time understanding barty and that's where both his irritation and his curiosity come from
despite the constant bickering and the neverending arguments, they're always together. basically attached at the hip. and they both grow uneasy whenever they spend more than an hour away from each other
at some point barty's fixation became more of an obsession and it didn't take him long to realise he wanted evan in . every sense of the word
he did fool around with reg for a while tho bc they both had a crush on each other for a lil bit and were very attracted to each other etc etc
it didn't last bc despite the sexual chemistry they didn't work that well as a romantic couple, bc . well . it's bartylus . they're always gonna be a secred third thing . to me . them as a couple is always bound to end in pieces imo
evan wasn't the biggest fan of this relationship.. he didn't understand why it bothered him so much, which annoyed him even more but. yeah he was quite jealous and he and barty fought more than ever during that time
after the breakup tho barty turned up the flirting to the max bc he came to the conclusion it was evan for him and no one else
i think they're very dysfunctional as a couple as in . they seem kinda normal at a first glance, apart from how much they contrast aaesthetically, but they're both batshit insane in their own ways
but i think their . types of crazy fit and they do balance each other out and work really well as a couple
like yeah they're feral and unhinged and into some shit that would scandalise most ppl but they're healthy and happy and very much in love
i don't think evan had any sexual experience until barty. he's somewhere in the ace spectrum to me. most of his interest in it came from a scientific perspective and he didn't get horny often, especially not bc of other ppl
barty gets off on this. it's a bit of a virginity kink and a bit of a corruption kink
evan wears a lot of barty's shirts and jumpers, bc despite how he turns his nose at all of them and complains about how they look and how they ridiculously big they are on him, they're very comfy and smell like barty
he doesn't usually wear them in public tho
barty lets evan use him for his experiments and does so happily!! hear evan ramble and infodump turns him on quite a lot
contrary to popular belief (maybe?) evan is big on cuddling, and he's always tucked at barty's side, or holding his hand, and letting barty wrap around his shoulders or around his waist
neither of them are big on pet names. barty calls him rosie (or blondie but that's just him being purposefully obnoxious) but that's about it
it's different when they're fucking tho.. i feel like barty loves to drop a "pretty boy/thing" or a "doll" when they're at it, because he's very possessive and their dynamic while they have sex is a bit different
evan only calls him barty tho. i could see him using "sweetheart" when he's tired and softer around the edges or when he's trying to get barty to do something for him but . that's all
they still bicker A Lot after they get together BUT it's a lot more playful and gentle, at least on barty's side, bc he loves to dote on evan and always does his best to keep him happy and content
they're insanely attuned to each other. barty can tell what evan needs just by the way he sighs and viceversa
and i'm gonna stop there bc this is so long it's actually . embarrassing
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burst-of-iridescent · 8 months
at the moment, 5.7k people are following the kataang tag, not 2.9k, as you said, why would you lie? in addition, even on Tumblr (which remained almost the last popular zk place among all fan platforms), Zukka is ahead of Zutara in popularity, and a lot of talented and popular creators of fan art and fan fiction are now concentrated in the Zukka and Maiko fandom. It is fundamentally a mistake to focus on the popularity of the ship, because shipping should be for personal pleasure, but this only shows that most people are ATLA fans (namely fans, not casual viewers) they actively love ATLA and did not see zutara in the canon. In addition, can you give evidence of your words that «almost all of the main cast and most of the writers» love zutara? From the cast, only Dante actively confessed his love for zutara, but he also spoke about his love for zukka, Mae Whitman not against Zutara and joked about it, but she also said in podcast that she also loves kataang, the rest of the actors did not speak at all about their preferences in shipping (except Grey DeLisle who prefers zucest).
none of the screenwriters has ever confessed his love for Zutara, on the contrary, Ehasz has said several times that he loves Maiko, he also wrote almost all the most significant maiko and kataang episodes. The only one of the 13 main writers of ATLA who spoke about sympathy for Zutara is John O'Bryan. Zutara never featured in any of the original scripts, and in ATLA's "bible," the only love triangle that was originally planned was Aang-Katara-Toph (who was a boy in the original script). In a recent interview, Ehaz also answered the question of how he feels about zutara vs kataang, that he, as a professional screenwriter, "follows his characters" and their final canonical choice of love interest is the choice of the character himself, not the writers.
i wrote 2.9k the first time around by mistake. the original post has since been amended to reflect the actual numbers of the kat.aang tag, though frankly the disparity between the two tags is still so large that i don’t even think it matters. anyway, my bad. thanks for letting me know.
many cast members and former writers on the official atla podcast, braving the elements, have talked about shipping zutara — including, but not limited to, dante basco, jack de sena, michaela murphy, joshua hamilton, and john o’bryan. grey delisle, mae whitman & greg baldwin have also spoken about being zutara shippers. i’m not sure why them liking or showing support for other ships somehow means they don’t ship zutara, because people don’t need to ship only a single couple to prove they’re “real” shippers lmao. i like azutara, sukitara, ty luko & even book 1 kat.aang myself; that doesn’t make me any less of a zutara shipper.
i’m also not sure why you expect me to do the work of providing evidence for you when, given the fact that you’re here, i’m certain you have just as much access to google as i do. this information is freely available online. feel free to fact check me.
and let me say this again, in case it was not clear enough: i truly do not care about zutara’s popularity. even if none of the cast and writers shipped it, even if the tag only had 10 people, even if every single wonderfully talented writer & artist & AMV editor & GIF maker in this fandom left, i would still ship it. because it’s a better story, because it is more thematically and narratively cohesive, and because it makes me happy.
and if you disagree with that, that’s fine by me. but somehow trying to “prove” to me that zutara is unpopular and no one likes it is not only a) factually false it’s also b) not going to do a damn thing to change my mind lmao. the opinions of other people have never been a reason for me to ship zutara, and they never will be.
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theglasshatstud10 · 8 days
MY personal Laughing Jack Head cannons!!!!!
(Going off of his character wiki too)
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♧ LJ definitely has a fear of abandonment and is extremely touch starved, however he isolates himself because if no one gets close to him, they will never be able to hurt him.
♧ LJ definitely uses all terms of british slang but often prefers to use slang that the working class during the early 1800s used.
♧ He once tried to get "hip with the kids" by dressing up and acting like a road man, saying things like "I'm gonna chef you up fam" and "wag wan G" but because most of the pastas were born and raised in America, they didn't get what he was attempting, and he quickly got embarrassed.
♧ He used to go to a lot of goth clubs back in the 80s and took part in the goth scene when it was new, as he found the dark and gloomy lyrics of goth music to speak what he sometimes felt, best putting it into words.
♧ Despite him being a monochromatic clown, he loves colour. One of his favourite aesthetics being art nouveau and whimsy goth. Otherwise he simply wears gothic clothes.
♧ He can change clothes from his normal goth attire, however, as soon as he puts it on, it simply becomes monochromatic like him, no matter how colourful it is, but it reverts back to his colours as soon as he takes it off.
♧ He loves everything gothic.
♧ He makes his own candies and chocolates.
♧ Currently, his favourite candy bar is the Cadbury jelly bean and popping candy bar. (It's the best one hands down)
♧ He watches period dramas with the other creepypastas, just so he can laugh and point at all of the historical inaccuracies made.
♧ His sense of humour is increasingly dark, crude, and vulgar. Often referencing tragic events in recent history or within someone's life, as he sometimes doesn't always pick up on social ques, so he doesn't know what exactly is appropriate and what isn't (not like he'd care anyway).
♧ Contrary to popular belief, he's actually incrediblely intelligent.
♧ Due to his ability to telliport, he has travelled the world. When he's board he just picks a random spot on earth and kinda just sits there for a while. By doing this, he has managed to witness many things throughout history.
♧ He has witnessed all the crimes and sins of humanity since the 1800s, and he hates the existence of humans for it. However, sometimes he will come across a human or a few, who make him second guess his beliefs and opinions on humanity.
♧ After killing Issac, he went on a 26-year massacre. Killing a child, parent, or random person, every day or few. But slowly, over time, he slowed down. It went from killing every couple of days to every couple of weeks, then soon months, then once a year.
♧ this was when he went into a kind of depression. He didn't do much at all for a long time. He doesn't know exactly how long, and he doesn't remember how long he kept himself isolated in his carnival for.
♧ Eventually, he got back into the swing of it. after all, Issac imprinted that killers streak onto him. But this is when he began to travel.
♧ Seeing the world for what it was both made him more blood thirsty, and yet it kept him somewhat down to earth in a way. He had slowly matured. Although still very child like in nature.
♧ He would write poetry, study gothic literature, take part in the arts, and culture himself in theatre. All just activities to keep himself busy over the years. After all, he's lived over two centuries, and he'll live longer. You've got to do something from keeping you going mad with boardem.
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vikkirosko · 8 months
Hello! I was wondering if you could do headcanons of Marvus xoloto x (female) (horror comic artist) reader who writes really dark humor and bloody comics. But has a chill, kind personality. If so thank you!
And I hope you have a good day/evening/night! :]
💜 Marvus Xoloto x fem!Reader headcanons Horror comic artist 🎤
When Marvus first saw the scary comics filled with dark humor and blood, he found them interesting. He was even more interested to find out who their author was. He was surprised when he found out that you were the author of these comics. You didn't seem to be a fan of horror movies or black humor. On the contrary, you were relaxed, with an eternal soft smile on your lips and a kind character. It was very different from what he imagined
Pretty soon he found out that you really were the author. A couple of times he saw you at work and your concentrated expression seemed nice to him. You were both popular, although unlike him, few people knew you by sight, but you received a huge number of letters from fans of your work. However, it was always quiet at home and Marvus could relax there, spending time with you
He invited you to his concerts several times. You were standing backstage, where he brought you so that you wouldn't get hurt in the crowd. Sometimes, when his performances were delayed, you sat in his dressing room and worked on a new issue of a comic book. When he came to the dressing room, he kissed you on the temple, rejoicing at the well-held concert and the fact that you could relax together after that
He was the one who first read the new issue of your comic. You showed him a lot of rough drafts when you couldn't decide what to draw or which scenario was better. You trusted him and listened to his opinion, and Marvus never imposed his point of view on you, only sharing his impression and letting you decide for yourself which choice is better to make
Marvus liked the fact that despite the fact that you drew horror comics, you remained kind and relaxed. He liked your comics and he liked you. You were both creative, and it didn't matter to him that you, unlike him, for your fans, remained a faceless author whom they would not be able to recognize in the crowd
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