#'fuck YOU. rufus outside.'
flatstarcarcosa · 9 months
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me @ lester
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icharchivist · 5 months
in all fairness 4 phases is a bit much
it's a LOT and the 4th one is genuinely painful :( i'm struggling so hard. died twice atm. it's so unfair.
also the camera in the 4th phase is really bad, it follows the enemy so if the enemy moves the controls for your character will go out of synch. it's so frustrating aaaa
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demialwrites · 4 months
Too Drunk Reader Gets Handsy
With Reno, pre-Nibelheim Sephiroth, and Rufus
Reno has bragged about being a professional but that was before you started tugging at the button above his zipper on his pants
He ended up having to lock you outside his front door or fuck you against his wall right there
It's mean but it's better than the alternative
You're pushing against the door and begging to be let back in. How are you this strong? Or is he getting weaker because you sound so sad?
Then you toss out the big "L" word and that shatters his resolve
Maybe it's because the alcohol has robbed you of your inhibitions but it's the first time you've said it to him
Cursing the situation, he pulls you back inside. If you're going to say shit like that, he's gonna make sure things are done right
He's trying to be a gentleman and let you sleep it off in his bed, alone, but it smells of him and that makes you even more horny
It's gonna be a long night but once Reno puts his mind to it, he'll finish something, even if he has to hold you down until you give up and get too sleepy
You boldly climbed onto his lap but your control of the situation ends there because he has your arms pinned to your sides
It's very cute that you think you can break out of his hold or weaken his resolve with your "I want you"'s and your nonsense about climbing him "like a sexy silver tree"
That said, it's also very cute you have to sit up on your knees to reach his face with your lips because of his height so he does let you get closer
He's worried he'll give in, even a little, if he lets you kiss him on the mouth so he turns his head. It's a mistake: you give his neck kisses instead and nibble his ear
When you get a hand free to wrap it around and tug the hair at the base of his neck, that's it. He has to shut this down. You used the secret move that never fails to turn him on
He throws you gently onto your stomach and holds both your wrists in one of his hands. With the other, he'll rub you gently until you're lulled to sleep
Rufus Shinra
You get on his lap also but he doesn't stop you from applying ample amounts of kisses and touches. He just keeps his own hands to himself
He deserves this much, doesn't he? It's been so long since he's been with someone and especially someone he cares about
He also doesn't think you're sober enough to figure out how to take his clothes off
He underestimated you. Once he opens his eyes, he realizes you're somehow the naked one
You refuse to put your clothes back on because you're "too hot". And so is he, apparently? You're talking nonsense
While that's very amusing and the begging turns him on, he has to bring this situation back under control
He uses blankets, his tie, his belts, anything within reach to bundle you up. You're adorable and you're his, so he leaves you helpless on one of his big, expensive sofas instead of taking you home while he goes to sleep
He's got words for you in the morning and they're mostly teasing you about how you wanted him so badly that you embarrassed yourself
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h0nkch0c0late · 1 year
Ahhh I love your works for Jordan😍😍,can you please write them being protective over reader especially with that creep Rufus??😩
This is so funny bc I literally just mentioned reader beating up Rufus in the last fic so the role switch is kinda funny but absolutely!
What a Creep
Jordan Li x Reader
SUMMARY: Jordan has always been protective over you, especially when it came to Rufus.
WARNINGS: Rufus being his usual creepy self, swearing, light violence
You're intentions of walking with Jordan had been halted when you realized that Jordan was late.
Usually, you wouldn't have a problem with walking by yourself, but you had unfortunately become the next victim of Rufus' undivided creepy attention the entire day.
So, as you stood outside of the crime fighting entrance, you began to fidget nervously. Part of you hoping that Rufus had been distracted by someone else.
But alas, Rufus had found you, and he did not hold back as he began to relentlessly uncomfortable.
As much as you would have loved to beat his ass yourself, you just didn't have the energy. All you wanted was to hangout with Jordan and chill, maybe even makeout, you didn't know yet.
And, just as Rufus began to reach towards you, a blast of energy shot him half way across the campus.
A grin appeared on your lips as you looked to the direction the blast came from, and there was your partner, shaking their head as they walked towards you, an annoyed glare being aimed in Rufus' direction.
As Jordan caught up to you, the both of you looked at Rufus to see him get up. Disoriented, he glanced at the two before running off.
"Yeah, you better run! I told you to leave her the fuck alone, you creep!" Jordan yelled after him.
You sighed, leaning up against her as she wrapped an arm around your shoulder.
"You okay?" She asks, looking down at you.
You shrug, "Now that you're here, I'm definitely okay." You half-joke.
Jordan changes to their masc form, concern laced through their brows, "Y/n, I'm being serious. Are you okay? Because I know just being around Rufus is fucking horrible and I should've gotten here sooner before he could even talk to you. I'm so sorry."
A small smile replaces your previous grin as you give them a reassuring look, "Jordan, babe, for the second time, I'm fine. You're here now, and that's all that matters, okay? There's no need to apologize."
He glances down, his hands grabbing yours before pulling you into their chest, "I hate Rufus." They grumbled.
You chuckle, wrapping your arms around her as you nod in agreement, "everyone hates him."
"I promise I will never be late to walk with you ever again." They swear as they grip onto you tightly.
You look up at them, "you better not or next time I'll kick your ass." You threaten with a small laugh.
Another short one AAAAAAAAAA but anyways here's an early Jordan fic because it was the only one I got the slightest amount of energy to write and finish <33333
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rottenpumpkin13 · 8 months
Ok, Genesis is pulling a Valentine’s Day prank and writes fake love notes “sent” from different people around Shinra (the Turks, Rufus, Hojo, etc.) and addresses them to his friends without anyone knowing.
What happens when the ASZC squad finds these valentines in a basket on a table in the Shinra lounge? 💌
The Valentine's Day prank
*Sephiroth and Angeal walk into the lounge, where Zack and Cloud are already sitting down and looking over a basket of valentines*
Angeal: What are you guys looking at?
Zack: This random collection of valentines addressed to each one of us.
Sephiroth: Who are they from?
Cloud: We don't know yet, the cards don't say.
*Cloud hands Sephiroth a light blue card with his name on it*
Zack: Open it, maybe they're all from the same person.
*Sephiroth hesitates before ripping open the flap and fishing a glittery card out*
Sephiroth: It reads—to Sephiroth, my heart aches to hold you close in my arms..... signed, Tseng.
Everyone: WHAT!??
Sephiroth: It says his name right here on the card.
*Everyone looks at each other before rushing to rip open their cards*
Zack: Aw, man. I'm screwed! It says—Zack, I cannot hide my feelings for you any longer. My love for you will never change. Signed, LAZARD DEUSERICUS.
Cloud: I think I'm gonna pass out. Look at who mine's from.
*Zack leans over and reads Cloud's valentine*
Sephiroth: I wasn't aware we were all homosexual.
Angeal: That's strange. Mine's from Lazard too.
*Zack snatches it out if his hand and reads it over*
Zack: This can't be.
Angeal: Weird, right?
Zack: How dare he assume he can have us both.
Angeal: ......
Sephiroth: I must see Tseng immediately. This has got to be a mistake of some kind.
Cloud: And I'm gonna go.... somewhere else....
*Both of them run off, leaving Angeal and Zack alone*
Angeal: Zack, this is clearly a prank. Why would—
Zack: I'm ready to fight you for his affection. It's the fair way to settle this!
Angeal: What? You can't be serious.
*Zack angrily grabs his broadsword and lunges at Angeal, screaming*
Angeal: oh yoU'RE SERIOUS FUCK
*Zack chases Angeal down screaming*
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*Sephiroth knocks on Tseng's office door before opening it*
Tseng: Sephiroth, how may I help you?
Sephiroth: I regret to say your love is unrequited. While I admire you as a colleague and as a professional, my feelings for you are purely platonic.
Sephiroth: I understand this may be painful for you to hear, which is why I'm allowing you a single hug before I walk away from this regretfully awkward situation.
*Sephiroth approaches*
Tseng: Sephiroth if you step any closer I will shave your head.
Tseng: Why in Shiva's name would you think I have feelings for you?
Sephiroth: Because of this.
*Tseng takes the valentine from him and skims over it*
Tseng: Rhapsodos wrote this. I can smell the mediocrity and feminine perfume on the parchment.
Sephiroth: It's okay, Tseng. You do not need to deny this.
Tseng: No, Sephiroth. This letter is fake. I didn't write this.
*Rufus Shinra appears at the door*
Rufus: What didn't Tseng write?
Sephiroth: He has given me a Valentine's day card detailing the extend of his feelings for me. I've come here to reject him.
Rufus: You two-timing bastard.
Rufus: Do you not care for our relationship Tseng? Do the nights we spent together mean nothing to you?
Sephiroth: I can't believe this. Tseng, why would you betray Rufus's trust like this? I expected better from you.
Tseng: Sir, I have no idea what relationship you're talking about. We are merely coworkers and—
Rufus: How dare you try to deny us. You know what? Screw you!
Sephiroth: You deserve better, Rufus.
Rufus: Agreed! Come on, Sephiroth. We don't need this.
*They leave, Tseng is left standing there with a raging headache*
Tseng: I wonder if the company therapist has a two-for-one deal.
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*Lazard is peacefully working in his office when he hears a commotion outside. Screaming, glass breaking and swords clashing sound very familiar*
Lazard: Hm. Genesis must've provoked Sephiroth.
*He gets up and opens the door. Right outside his office are Angeal and Zack engaged in an avid fist fight, their swords completely discarded in favor of the childish display*
Lazard: What is the meaning of this!? What's gotten into you two!?
Zack: Director! Good! Tell Angeal that you like me more! Tell him that you only want me and not him!
Angeal: HELP.
*Lazard jumps in and forcibly separates the two*
Lazard: Can either of you explain what's going on?
Angeal: We both got these valentines from you that are clearly fake. But Zack seems to think otherwise.
*Lazard reads over the valentines*
Lazard: Zack, why would you ever think that I wrote this? I'm not interested in a relationship right now, let alone one with one of my Soldiers. That would be entirely inappropriate.
Angeal: Thank you.
Zack: Wha? So it was all a lie? Well, that sucks! You had me feeling special for a bit!
Lazard: Zack, where's YOUR GIRLFRIEND?
Zack: Oh yeah! I'm gonna go call Aerith. She's never going to believe this, haha!
*He bounces off excitedly*
Angeal: I'm gonna go lay down.
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*Sephiroth, Angeal, Zack and Genesis are all sitting in the lounge. Genesis is laughing so hard, he's in tears*
Genesis: I cannot believe you all fell for it! This is my best prank yet!
Sephiroth: I can't believe Tseng refuses to acknowledge his relationship with Rufus.
Angeal: Sephiroth, for the last time, they're not dating. They never were dating. The only thing faker than their supposed relationship is Genesis's hair color.
*Genesis stops laughing immediately*
*Cloud walks into the lounge*
Cloud: Hey guys. What's going on?
Zack: It turns out the valentines were all a part of Genesis's prank.
Sephiroth: Faker than Genesis's hair color.
Genesis: OKAY.
Cloud: Aw, man. I'm gonna get dishonorably discharged.
Sephiroth: Why?
*At that exact moment, the distant sound of an explosion reaches their ears. The floor beneath them shakes*
Cloud: Because I planted a pipe bomb in Hojo's office.
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poppy-metal · 8 months
we simply must discuss the vibes of alpha!Jordan li who has never given half a damn about any omega until he meets the cute little freshman (you) and becomes obsessed. We have to talk about it
stop bc they get to fucking irritated by omegas - not that they have prejudice against them - they just hate the whole biological aspect that makes them want to lose control and tear an innocent omega apart on their knot. they make sure to stay far fucking away from them, but you make is so fucking difficult. always up in their space with your sweet scent and big eyes.
like they try to stay away, but then you go and get yourself in trouble. cornered by a pack of alphas outside the gym they workout at, so of course they have to step in, rearrange a few jaws. and the way they can't help but puff up their chest when you preen at them, thanking them with wet eyes and pouty lips for saving them - they want to maul you right there. just manage to bite out, "watch where the fuck you're going, freshie. this is the seniors gym. don't make me save your ass again."
and despite such a threat - they do. end up saving you. again. at a party dress barely covering your ass, letting fucking Rufus of all people chat you up. and maybe they dont have to intervene. except their pheromones are raging and they're clenching their fist so hard around their bottle it shatters in their palm. they dont even acknowledge the sting, the bite of the glass, just stalk over and drag your ass away like a kitten by its scruff.
you'd think they were about to pound your face in with the way they slam you into a wall, less crowded there. cage you in with hands on either side of your head. glare at you like they want to fight you - jaw clenched as their eyes dip down to your cleavage. "thought i told you not to make me save your ass again, freshman. and what am i here fucking doing."
that omega need to please immediately pulling at your heartstrings making your sweet cloying scent spill out of you and wrap around them. trying to calm them. dont want alpha to be mad, not at you. "s-sorry alph-"
"don't." they snap, sounding pained. their fingers curl a little into the plaster of the wall beside you. there will be a dent there when they pull back, for sure. "fucking call me that. it's jordan."
you naw on your lip, torn between the desire to do as they say and to adress them properly. "but why?" you ask, so innocent, so curious. big lashes fluttering at them. "you are my alpha. i just wanna - you know. show my respect."
they stare at you for a heavy moment. pulse pounding in your eardrums. you feel like you're imagining it when you hear a faint rumbling in their chest, an alpha like purr. jordan seems to notice it too, and their neck flushes. they jerk away from you, glad to be in fem!form or else you'd have a front row seat to how fucking turned on they are right now.
"you wanna make me happy?"
you nod. eagerly. fuck. their cunt pulses. their alpha clit chubbing up in their jeans. wanting to rut itself inside you - reward you for being so fucking obedient.
"then go the fuck home. tuck yourself into bed like a good little omega and stay the hell away from me - i mean it. i don't wanna be responsible for whatever happens because you're too fucking naivè to know when to stop."
they leave you there - trembling against the wall. intimated, yes. but also - spurred on. it feels like a challenge. and a challenge issued from your alpha is impossible to ignore.
you glance to your side. slick drips wetly from your cunt at the sight of the claw marks they left on the wall. the amount of restraint it took for them not to put their hands on you.
that kind of restraint - once it breaks - well. you'd like to find out.
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beneathstarryskies · 1 year
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Anytime, Anywhere Part Two (Feat. Rufus, Tseng, and Vincent)
Warnings: smut, fem!reader, public sex
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Rufus Shinra
Rufus likes nothing more than to push boundaries and see just exactly how much he can get away with in any given situation. 
Luckily for you, depending on how you look at it, one of his favorite pastimes is seeing how much he can push you to your limits. He’ll initiate sex at any given time or place, never failing to make you flustered. 
At this point, you’ve grown to accept that Rufus will have his fun and you’re his chosen partner in crime. 
The party is boring, you have to admit. It was just a big, elaborate ballroom packed to the ceiling with people who only showed up to kiss President Shinra’s feet and stay in his good graces. For the president, it was an ego-trip and nothing more. It was a bloated, boring display of hubris by a bunch of people with sticks up their asses. 
You were watching Rufus closely, practically begging him to pull some of his usual mischief so you’d get a reprieve from this dull situation. As soon as he managed to get away from his father’s prying eyes, he did just that. He found you in your little hiding place at a table in the far corner, noticing you were about three drinks deep in your attempt to liven yourself up. The wicked look in his pale blue eyes made your skin flush more than all the drinks combined. He sits beside you and leans in close, a delicate and sweet kiss is placed on your cheek. It’s an innocent gesture to any onlookers, but it was a cover for the fact that his hand is already squeezing your thigh. His nimble fingers push the slit of your evening gown over so he can squeeze at the fat of your inner thigh. 
“You look exquisite,” he smirks. “Good enough to eat.” 
The honey dripping from his words makes you tremble with excitement. He places another kiss, this time behind you ear so he can whisper a meeting place for the two of you. Before you can argue with his choice of venue, he’s slipping off to disappear into the crowd. For a moment you consider not following him. He’s pulled this trick plenty of times, but the coat room seemed like a risk even for Rufus. After all, everytime someone arrives or leaves they’ll be using the room to collect their belongings. 
“Fuck it,” you whisper to yourself as you get up from your seat. You make sure nobody is watching before you make your way to the coatroom. You knock twice slowly, then three times rapidly. The same signal the two of you have used for so long during these little escapades. Rufus opens the door just enough to pull you inside. You’ve barely managed to catch your breath when his lips crash against yours. 
“Good little pet,” he whispers. “You never keep me waiting.” 
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Tseng very often ignores his own needs for the sake of work. This makes being his partner rather frustrating at times. Your feelings for him are so strong, but he is quite stubborn when it comes to his work. 
He is pretty stern with you, and he’ll never really initiate anything outside of the comfort of your shared home. 
However, if you were to say surprise him at the office, he’d have a very difficult time turning you down even if he feels like it’s too risky. 
It has been days since you’ve managed to get any alone time with Tseng. It wasn’t anything out of the ordinary, but no matter how much you tried to get his attention he was steadfast in working. He’d even been mostly sleeping on the couch in his office, in short 20-minute phases. That’s why, when you were led to his office by Reno, he didn’t even notice the long trench coat you were wearing even though it was definitely new and not your usual style. He also didn’t notice when the door clicked as you locked it. In fact you hardly think he notices your presence at all until you’re leaning against his desk, ankles pristinely crossed to show off the nice black pumps you were wearing. 
“Darling, I miss you,” you coo. 
“I miss you too,” he says without looking up from the computer. “I’ve just been busy.” 
“I know,” you pout and look down at your feet shyly. “Too busy for me.” 
He clicks his tongue and if looks could kill then you’d be deceased. You actually feel your heart drop into your stomach. 
“Did you come here just to make me feel guilty?” 
“No, I actually have a surprise for you.”
His eyes narrow suspiciously, “What is it?” 
You stand up straight and begin opening the trench coat. His lips part as your chest is exposed to reveal the pretty lace bodysuit you’re wearing. Slowly you slide the coat off your body. For a moment Tseng forgets where you are and what his position is. His cock stirs in his pants, and he can’t take his eyes off your gorgeous curves. 
“I locked the door,” you smirk. 
Something about those words made reality rush back to him all at once. He grabs your coat off the floor and hurried begins covering you up again. As he leans in to wrap it around your shoulders, you stand on your tiptoes to kiss him. You nip playfully at his bottom lip when you pull away. 
“Please, I miss you so much,” you reach down to cup his cock through his pants and giggle when you feel how hard he already is just from the sight of you. “I know you want it too, baby.” 
He hisses as you rub his erection, “Ten minutes.” 
He moves quickly then, picking you up to place you on his desk. You spread your thighs so he can stand between them. You don’t even bother working on his tie or shirt. Your shaky hands go right to the belt around his waist, fumbling a little to open it. His fingers quickly open the buttons on the crotch of your body suit to expose your pussy to him. As he toys with your wet folds, a hunger appears in his eyes. 
“Maybe make that 20.” 
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Vincent Valentine
Vincent met you unexpectedly as he wandered the world, doing what he could to help keep what remained of Midgar safe. It was when the remnants arrived to reclaimed Jenova, and you’d been injured. He did what he could to heal you, then expected you to be on your way…But you stayed by his side under the guise that you’d be safer with him than trying to make it home on your own. 
Even after Sephiroth was once more defeated at the hands of Cloud, you’d still stuck around. He was secretly happy about it, but he never said as such to you. 
The motivation to initiate something romantic arrived just as suddenly as you had. It wasn’t in public on purpose, but dammit he couldn’t hold back anymore. 
He couldn’t stand it. He’d taken you to Edge to get some supplies, and it was painstaking to see you so in awe at the city. It had grown since the last time he was here, and the city had more to offer than it had. Shinra, or what remained of it, had truly built something special out of the ashes of Midgar. You’d remained with him at your own insistence, staying by his side as company even if at times he offered little of himself. Seeing you so excited to be in the hustle and bustle of the city made him nervous. It made him ponder going back to a life without you at his side, and the loneliness you’d helped cure in him despite not even knowing it. So often you’d quietly thanked him “for taking care of you” and he never really knew what you meant. 
You were having fun, until you noticed Vincent decidedly wasn’t. He seemed even more sullen than usual. His face seemed sunken even lower in the collar of his cape. He’s walking a few paces behind you with his eyes fixed ahead. You slow your walk so he can catch up. 
“Hey, what’s going on?” you ask. He only hums in response, never looking down at you. “Don’t be a sourpuss.” 
“I’m not.” 
You reach down to take his hand, a gesture he’s not at all used to, then pull him into the quietest alleyway you can find. He sighs as you cross your arms. 
“If you wish to stay in the city, I have…friends who can help you,” he says. “You’re not bound to me.” 
You laugh, “I know that. Vincent, I stay because I want to. I-I like being with you…I like you.” 
He tries to hide the way his eyes widen and his cheeks burn. It doesn’t matter because you’re leaning in to kiss him softly, finally taking the chance you’ve wanted to for so long. You reach up to run your fingers through his long, dark hair. He tries not to succumb to the passion growing inside of him, but he can’t help himself from clinging to you and pulling you closer. 
He would’ve much preferred that your first time making love wasn’t in a dirty alleyway, but after yearning for so long he can’t hold back any longer. He’s pressed close to you, kissing you and sighing with a peace he hasn’t known in so long.
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belokhvostikova · 1 year
𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 | Swearing and smoking.
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It was Steve Harrington’s twenty-ninth big birthday palooza.
Well, at least that’s what the giant, colorful banner called it, that hung across the foyer of his home. That’s what happens when Dustin Henderson plans your party. But the kid—who was beyond the definition of a kid now—had told Steve he had no right to complain about it being childish. Steve did shoot down the first option of “Big Birthday Bash,” terribly unaware that palooza was the next best thing for Henderson.
Had he known, he surely would have stuck with the first option.
Steve was correct, though. The banner was childish, and it had garnered all the fascination from the mini Munson that walked in with a gaping mouth of pure awe at the bright sign. At the very least, the actual kid would enjoy it.
And “palooza” was really selling it out. It was merely a group of adult friends simply hanging out like old times. Only the new addition was the three-year-old hanging off your leg, who adorably looked a lot like your husband.
Not fair. You did most of the work.
But it was worth it, staring into those baby cow eyes every time you crouched down to your kid. And once you stood up, you’d find them again from Eddie Munson, himself, who peered at you lovingly.
Of course, you had to show off your baby and bring him to the party. He was already a crowd favorite. Being the first baby born into Hawkins’ infamous clan of misfits gave you that right. And they all loved that tiny Munson.
Especially after that “Happy Birtday, Uncle Steeb!” It was enough to make icebergs melt.
And having a child at an adult hangout wasn’t all bad. Keeping the beers separated from the juice boxes, and having a yard big enough for the child to run was sufficient enough. Bonus points for Steve Harrington’s dog, Rufus, who took up all your kid’s attention.
By the end of the night, the group had naturally separated into two; the men left smoking outside, while the women conversed in the comfort of the living room. This had come after the cake celebration. Once the candles were blown out, Steve had joked that he wished to keep all his hair throughout his thirties. In reality, he’d wished to start a family as loving as the one his friend had.
He would end up confiding this to Eddie during the relaxed smoking session. That he wanted the whole package; a wife and kid. In fact, he dreamed of having many of them. Eddie blew out the smoke from his cigarette and smiled. “It’s the greatest fucking feeling ever, man.”
Because when Eddie looked back through the glass doors of the patio, he saw you. Sitting and chatting, beautiful as ever. But the cherry on top was seeing his tiny kid straddling your lap. His curly head of hair buried into your neck calmly asleep, as Eddie’s leather jacket draped over as a comforting blanket.
“I wouldn’t trade it for the world.” Eddie beamed, as he stomped out his cigarette.
One day Steve would get that. Whether it was with the pretty lady he was currently seeing or a future soulmate, he’d get that.
Eddie had walked in, strutting over to the quarter of cake that was left after everyone had gotten a slice. Not you, though. You were busy cheering on Steve from the couch, as your baby used your chest as a bed. Cutting a slice, and plonking it onto a paper plate, Eddie meandered his way next to you on the couch.
“You deserve a piece.” He forked a triple chocolate portion into your mouth, where he smiled, as your face contorted into delight. “Good?” He knew it was, he devoured two slices earlier. You could only hum with pleasure, before he leaned in and whispered. “Should we feed the monster?”
It was a risky move. One taste of sugar, and your three-year-old would turn into the Hulk. But it was a risk worth taking, your baby was too cute not to feed treats to.
Eddie managed to slowly insert a small piece between his tiny puckered lips, as he slept. And in true Munson fashion, your baby chewed in his sleep, eyes closed but mouth surely moving.
Then, those baby cow eyes tiredly opened at the sudden sweetness. “Choclat?”
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𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫’𝐬 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞 | I don’t know why I keep making Dad!Eddie blurbs. It’s an addiction that can’t be stopped.
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rocksalt-and-pie · 11 months
alright I've made a more in depth list of episodes I would like to see in a fanservice season 16 as previously mentioned in my other post:
- human Impala (should be portrayed by a 55+ years old actor or actress with a strong Detroit accent and a very loud deep voice. they have arthritis in their shoulders because Dean never oils their creaking door hinges)
- Sam and Dean body swap (the potential for jokes is just top tier and the outtakes from this will be out of this world) (Jensen playing Jared playing Sam and the other way around sounds like absolute chaos)
Cas immediately recognizes Dean even in Sam's body and it's revealed that all this time he has been looking directly at Dean's soul 😭 (no kissing in this episode though. God the psychological damage a Misha/Jared kiss would cause)
- parallel universe with female Sam and Dean that they get sent to and meet each other / alternatively: some kind of gender swap curse that makes them turn into women (the potential for misogynistic jokes turning into more understanding and therefore changed behavior is just chef's kiss)
Bonus points for Cas off-handedly mentioning that he doesn't think it's weird that he wasn't affected by the curse because technically he has no gender and the body he inhabits is just a vessel (close up on Dean's face Thinking Thoughts)
Rowena takes care of it and compliments the female versions of them and it's kinda gay ("do we have to turn you back? Shame, would have been nice to have some female company, we could have formed a coven! Or done other fun things" cut to irritated glances being exchanged between the brothers/sisters)
- Jack and Claire teaming up for a hunt (preferably saving their damsel in distress father and step-dad that got trapped in some dangerous place where they finally have nothing but time to talk things out because there is no way to escape, you have to be freed from the outside)
- stanford era Dean flashbacks (feeling lost and alone on the road)
- Bobby and Rufus in the 80s flashbacks (including baby Winchesters!)
- Bigfoot hunt (the teddy bear episode doesn't count) but it's just an escaped gorilla or something. I just wanna see them hiking again okay I like the woods
- some, like, desert monster idk. filmed on location in Arizona or Nevada in the sweltering heat. the boys being forced to remove layer after layer of plaid. show me Dean in a tank top (handprint included)
- birthday episode (either Sam's or Dean's idc. How come that in 15 years there was never a case taking place during one of their birthdays!)
- an actual wedding, either Sam and Eileen or Jody and Donna or Dean and [gun shots]
- beach episode, show me those bathing suits. give me a Bond girl moment
- another Wayward Sisters episode please
- reverse French mistake although it would be absolutely fucking insufferable and I would hate it with all my heart (but it would be sooo funny)
- resolve all the other loose threads of open ended episodes (there are so many! The tulpa from season 1! The girls in the hotel from the haunted house episode in season 2! Jesse the antichrist kid from season 5! The witch twins and how one of them brought the other back from the dead! The kid of that monster friend of Sam's that Dean killed in season 8 i think and told him to his face to come looking for him when he's grown up! That's five whole episodes right there!! and those are just the ones i could come up with from the top of my head but I'm sure there's more)
- a lot of you mentioned a proper musical episode, which. sure why not. a curse that makes you sing/perceive everything happening as music perhaps?
- and then of course. The coconuts gently colliding but this goes without saying
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yustea · 1 year
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Back to [Navigation], [Part 1]
Pairing: Ceo!Jongho x fembody!coworker!reader (gn pronouns)
Summary: After being forced to wait for over ten hours to get laid, you decided to take matters in your own hands.
Genre: smut, little fluff and hint of angst
Word Count: 1.5k+
Warnings: unedited!, dom!Jongho, sub!reader, possessive!behaviour!, praising!, breeding!, unprotected!sex! (wrap it before you tap it), cream!pie!, pet names (baby, good girl, sweet girl, slut), choking!, bondage!, manhandling!, mentions of yandere! and degrading!
Please let me know if I’ve missed anything <33
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Exactly nine hours and forty nine minutes ago, you and your boss, Choi Jongho, had a make out session after he comforted you from an uncomfortable experience with your work colleague, Rufus Jones. Despite on the verge of fucking, he left you stranded and horny, only agreeing to fuck you after hours in his office. You were in utter disbelief of this man’s audacity. Ten fucking hours.. just to get laid. What the fuck were you to do?
By sending explicit selfies to him of course. 🤭
You were in an impatient and bratty mood after his sudden retreat, so why not give him a taste of his own medicine? With your conjured scheme in mind, you quickly scrolled through your hidden folder of nudes and boudoir pics, selecting a series of ten sultry photos that adorned your body in various laces and fabrics. Every hour, you sent one to him accompanied with a dirty text, each one filthier than the previous. Was it stupid? Maybe. Was it petty? Perhaps. Would it get you railed senseless?
And here you are now, patiently waiting outside his office door. You checked the time.
5:59 pm.
You took a deep breath. Time to send the last one. With slightly trembling hands, you grabbed your phone out of your pocket and sent the last photo.
Y/N: I’m outside
You began to bite your thumb nail. Your body twitched at every sound as you stared intently at the screen. Not even a second later, he saw the message. Adrenaline began to course through your veins as excitement lapped in your stomach. Before he could respond, you knocked on the door, your hands slightly trembling in anticipation. You hear a faint “enter” echo from inside and you slowly opened the door and stepped into the room. There he was, sat in his leather chair and gazing at his phone, a stone expression plastered on his face.
You closed the door and stood there, waiting patiently. The tense atmosphere engulfed the room, the soft ticking of the clock rebounding against the cool grey walls. You swallowed as your fingers twitched behind your back. You began to get nervous as the near silence continued to stretch. Finally, he looked up as his eyes pierced into yours in an unwavering stare. Your breath hitched. Slowly, he stood up as he leisurely paced his way to you, loosening his tie and adjusting his wrist watch in the process. The closer and closer he got, the more you stepped back as your confidence began to gradually ebb away.
Suddenly, you felt the cool wood of the door press against your back. A shocked gasp forced from you throat. Jongho slammed his fist against the door, sending a jolt through your body. Your heart pounded. A seething primal hunger surged in his eyes as his domineering presence loomed over your shuddering frame. You left out a soft whimper. His stare bore into yours as silence hung in the room, observing your body from head to toe. You felt a red hot rouge bloom against your cheeks as your averted your gaze. He delicately placed his finger under your chin, tilting your eyes to meet his lustful ones. He had you right where he wanted.
“So,” he spoke condescendingly. “My pretty baby decided she wanted to be bratty today.” He snaked his finger down below your chin and towards your neck, wrapping his hand around it in a threatening position. You bit your lip, twiddling your thumbs in agitation. You could feel your arousal slowly seep through your black lacy thong. Subtly, you began to rub your legs together to ease the ache, only to be shoved onto the couch and your legs forced apart with his thick thigh. He pinned your wrists in his iron grip as he mockingly tutted, undoing his black leather belt with his free hand. “Naughty baby,” he cooed. “Getting yourself off without my permission. What should I do with you for being so disobedient?”
His belt clattered against the soft leather as your hands began to perspire in nervousness. You began to squirm, your throbbing pussy rubbing against the expanse of his thigh in desperate need for attention. However, your motions were halted by light slap against your leg. A forced yelp erupted from your throat. “Now, now baby,” he brought his belt up towards your hands. “Only good girls get what they want, not slutty little brats that send nudes throughout the day.” He began to bind your wrists together with his belt, roughly tugging it to make sure it was tight.
“Now princess,” he looks you directly into your eyes. “I’m going to need full cooperation on this. If at any given time you feel uncomfortable or want to stop, say the word ‘red’ and we’ll be done for the night. Am I understood?” You let out a small nod. “Yes Jongho.” A gentle smile graced his lips as he lent down to peck your cheek. “Such a good girl for me.” You felt your heart flutter. Slowly, he began to leave wet kisses against your neck as he unbuttoned your white blouse. He ripped the sides of your top, a shocked gasp echoing the room at his sudden roughness. A gradually snaked his hands to your black pencil skirt and teasingly pulled it down, dropping your black stilettos on the floor along with it. An audible groan expelled from his chest as he captured your figure in your black lace lingerie. “So fucking gorgeous,” he slithered his hand from your abdomen to your throat. “And all for me.”
With that, he smashed your lips together in a passionate kiss, squeezing his hand around your throat. With his free hand, he trailed his finger down, pressing against your damp heat. You released a small squeak as you felt a drip of arousal escape your sopping pussy. He entered his tongue into your mouth as he shoved aside your panties and entered two fingers.
You flung your head back, whining at the slight stretch of his thick phalanges slowly pumping in and out of you at a fast steady pace. He spaced love bites across your collar bone and shoulder, earning a violent shudder when his fingers touched a particular spot. “J-Jongho,” you whimpered, rocking your hips back and fourth to meet his movements. “S-slow down, please.” A dark chuckle rumbled in his chest. “Such a sweet girl asking so nicely,” he pinched your clit, making you jump from the sudden sensation. “But did you forget about your earlier actions?”
You thrashed your fists against the cool leather couch as a pornographic moan echoed around the room. “I-I’m sorry Jongho, I w-want to be y-you’re good girl, please I’m s-sorry,” you begged pathetically as a glassy sheen glossed your eyes. Your pants became heavier as you squeezed his fingers tighter and tighter. “Is my pretty baby going to cum?” He cooed as he continued his brutal antics. You vigorously nodded as your mouth hung agape, bridging closer and closer to your long awaited orgasm.
He abruptly pulling his fingers out and shoving your ruined panties down to your ankles. Before you could complain, he swiftly shoved his shaft into your soaking puss. “J-JONGHO,” you cried as he pounded into you with a bruising speed. He tightened his hold against your neck, leaning down to your ear. “Rufus almost saw the photos you sent today,” he seethed. “Almost saw your gorgeous figure.. god he would have killed to be here right now, seeing you splayed out against my couch and being the obedient slut you are. Tell me, would you have let him fuck you like I am right now?”
“NO,” you howled as a burning white rimmed the edges of your vision. “Would you have let him claim you like I am now?” “NO,” you whined, teetering on the edge of your orgasm. “Maybe I should breed you, just so everyone will know who you belong to. You would like that wouldn’t you, slut? Showcasing you fucked you so hard that you got pregnant.” You gushed over his length, a loud gasp echoing the room as you came on his length. “F-fuck,” Jongho released a guttural moan as he expelled his load inside of you, his warmth spreading inside your gummy walls. You collapsed against the couch, the cool leather soothing your flushed skin as Jongho continued to steadily thrust in your full heat.
Slowly, he pulled out, his cock dripping in both your seeds. He carefully untied your wrists and sat you on his lap, your head lolling against his neck as your arms dropped over his shoulders. He gentle stroked your back, lulling you into an exhausted slumber. After a few moments, Jongho felt your breathing slow and heard your quiet snores. A loving smile splayed across his lips as he admired your tranquil state, a warmth kindling within his chest. Gingerly, he reached for his phone and pressed the send button before laying you both on the couch and drifting off to sleep.
Jongho: *Rufus’ address*
If you ever think of even breathing near Y/N again, I will come and slit your throat myself.
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A/N: Here’s part two of the “A Man of Few Words” and tbh, I think I could’ve definitely done better with this. To me it just feels a bit rushed, but hopefully I’ll get better in the future. Idk what else to say this week wasn’t just my week and I’m sorry :/
As always, please feel free to reblog on tumblr, give me any feedback (all is welcome), and if you have any fic ideas/thoughts please send them in my bio and I’ll make sure to tag you in the post. Have a wonderful day/night and I hope to see y’all soon <33
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usernamesarehard1 · 2 months
Most of the time, I completely ignore Magisterium canon to the point where I forget it exists. But every now and then a reminder of it comes up and it hurts me so much inside.
I hate the canon so much. I am one of those autistic people where I am lower-empathy when it comes to real people, but have hyper-empathy for fictional characters. Especially certain fictional characters. Because some characters become a part of who I am. It's like I absorb them into my emotions and I care about them so so deeply.
And the Magisterium characters are that for me.
But the canon treats them like garbage! First of all, most of what happens is such lazy writing and doesn't even make logistical sense (ie, why is Call getting injured on the log his fault? Why would anyone believe Alma that Call is the EOD?? Why would the Magisterium TELL everyone Call was the EOD, etc????)
But secondly, shit just happens to the characters for no reason over and over and over again. They do nothing to deserve it. They don't do anything wrong! All they do is try to help and be good people and save the lives of other people. They, as CHILDREN, take on responsibility that the adults won't because they care more about people than the authority does, but yet shit just keeps happening to them!
And I hate it so damn much. It causes me such deep emotional pain. It's like what Bones did to Zack and it's hard for me to handle.
It's just so unfair! And it's not even a good story.
It's literally bad writing. First of all, it's lazy. Second of all, I feel like I can say it is like objectivley just bad writing.
I remember in my senior year of high school, we read Aristotle's break down on what makes a tragedy in literature, and it summed up exactly what was wrong with Magisterium so perfectly.
He said that in order for a tragedy to work, you need a character who is flawed but not evil, and relatable but not overly likeable. That way the audience feels bad for his ultimate demise, but also feels it's justified.
He said that if the character was just evil, we don't get sad, we instead are happy when he meets his demise. We feel that he has gotten his "just desserts"
And that when a character is too good, and hasn't done anything to deserve his downfall.....
We get angry.
That if a character is punished despite not doing anything wrong, we will want justice for that character.
THAT is the problem with Magisterium.
Call is told he is a "punishment" at 12 years old solely for distrusting an authority that killed his mother. He falls off a log that he was SUPPOSED to fall off of and gets punished for getting injured. Master Rufus automatically assumes Call would use an anti-scrying stone to cause trouble despite him not having caused any trouble at the Magisterium thus far (the only time he did anything that broke the rules that Rufus knew about was to sneak out of the school and save their precious Makar, Aaron). He gets thrown into literal adult prison at 14 for a murder that he didnt commit of his best friend (slash boyfriend) with no outside contact with Tamara or his own father for SIX MONTHS. He is then kidnapped by Anastasia at only 15 and forced to create chaos ridden. He then returns to the Magisterium at around 16 and everyone still thinks he murdered Aaron and treats him like a murderer. And then his dad, the ONLY person who ever loved him 100% uncondionally and didn't hate him at some point in his life, gets turned into a fucking devoured as a "punishment" for not wanting the very last person in his life to die at the hands of the people responsible for the deaths of everyone else in his life.
That is so fucking bad. That is so fucking bad. That is so fucking terrible.
And the authors don't even fucking care.
I am so fucking mad. Typing all that out literally HURTS me.
THIS is why I need to make the Magisterium movies someday. THIS is why I'm mad at myself every day for not making more progress on getting filmmaking experience and learning about how to make money so I can buy the film rights. THIS is why I'm driving myself crazy every day.
Because I love Call. Call is so fucking real to me and I can't let this be his life. I just cant.
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YESSSSSSSSS!!!!! i’m going to be devious and ask for multiple…👑🧑‍🧑‍🧒🦎
your wish, my command ;) apologies dear lizzy @according2thelore as two of your three emojis ended up as more concept art that realized fic and not a single one was five sentences 😬 but 🤷‍♀️ here we go!
👨‍👨‍👦 (Bobby/Rufus murder husbands au) warning ⚠️ there is mention of physical injury as a result of parental abuse below 👇 not graphic, but it is mentioned:
It's not the first or fourth or even fourteenth time Bobby's come home from the store/bank/bar to find twin ratty army-green surplus duffles and their equally ratty owners dumped on his porch, but it's the first time Sam's bolted down the driveway to get his head halfway through the window before Bobby's even stopped the car, his bird-wing shoulders tucked tight to his ears and a frown carved deep between his eyebrows.
"Whoa, bud," Bobby chuckles, fighting the urge to reach down and iron out the worried crease of Sam's forehead with his thumb. "Where's the fire?"
"Please," Sam blurts, "You gotta take Dean to urgent care."
Christamighty. Never, ever a dull day with these boys around.
"Wha'samatter with Dean?"
Sam gives him this strange, long look, eyes sharp as he studies Bobby, flicking back and forth like he's reading the lines on Bobby's face, hands gripping the half-open window glass hard enough that his little knuckles stand out bloodless-white.
"Dad broke his arm," he finally says, and Bobby's lungs about fall through to his feet.
👑 Actual Child Boy King of Hell au:
Most animals will avoid Sam, but some John has to practically beat back with a stick. Toads flock to Sam, to the point where Dean refers to him solely as "my liege, the toad king" the entire summer they're five and nine. John's gotten real used to checking the pockets of Sam's jackets and jeans for toads, snakes, small rodents, large spiders and the like -- he once found a frickin' bat in the front bib pocket of Sam's overalls. John used to think that the buzzards wheeling overhead on the interstate were just a byproduct of driving through open country -- lots of fields and forest and ditches; plenty of places for carrion to pile up -- but he's watched them leave a carcass to follow his car for miles, like a personal, feathery storm cloud.
Dogs, on the other hand, don't like Sam… which is a problem ™ because Sam loves dogs. When he's about eight, John comes back from four long days of tracking a hodag to find his boys on opposite sides of the motel parking lot, lobbing a muddy tennis ball (and just where in the hell did they dig that up, he wonders) back and forth to a dog.
A god-damned dog whose tongue lolls out when he delivers the ball to Sam's feet and Sam drops into a crouch to scrub his hands through the dog's fur, giggling as it licks him from chin to hairline. John's pissed as hell at first (didn't I teach you better than that? you don't mess around with strays -- fuck's sake, Sam; he could be rabid, did you stop for one second and think about that?) but the dog just… won't leave. John refuses to let it into the motel room (though he can smell that it's been inside the last few nights, at least), but it's still there in the morning when he goes to settle up with the motel manager, laid across the doorway on the sidewalk outside like the world's most unwelcome welcome-mat.
Even leaving it behind in Wisconsin doesn't work -- despite the waterworks from Sam and the guilty-mad stares Dean keeps shooting him from the backseat, they leave Bones where the boys found him… only to have him turn up in Illinois a few days after they do. It's a same pattern for close to a month -- they leave the dog in a parking lot, and he turns up outside their door a few days later -- until Dean comes to John and begs him either to let Sam keep the damn dog, or just shoot it outright the next time it appears, before Sam sees it and gets his hopes up again. (It's not that John doesn't consider putting the thing down… but he's starting to suspect that he might not be able to if he tried.)
So Bones gets a collar with John's burner number inscribed and goes to the veterinary clinic, where the vet tells John the dog's temperature ran their digital thermometer off the scale and then broke it. ("There's no way your dog's temperature is over 600 degrees," the vet tells John as they watch the boys in the waiting room loving up Bones with belly rubs and scritchies. "But that's what the readouts keep showing, and we've killed three thermometers trying to get an accurate number. He doesn't seem feverish, though, and he's perfectly active and alert; so we'll give him his vaccines and call it good, I guess.")
If Bones had heard, he'd probably have just given John and the vet both a big toothy doggy grin; he's a hellhound, for shit's sake, of course his normal temp registers in the mid-660's. He might look like a mid-sized herding dog, but that's strictly for Sam's convenience.
🦎 Dæmon/HMD au
Dean should've known. Dean -- of all the people in all the world -- should've fucking known.
He just -- it wasn't something he'd wanted to look at head-on. When they'd come back from hell -- when Cas had put them back together piece by painstaking piece -- whatever had Settled him and Ari as a golden eagle back in the spring of '86 had come loose in the reconstruction.
They were an eagle for over a decade, and then they were dead, and then they weren't dead anymore, but they weren't an eagle, either.
So when Sam was suddenly vertical and conscious and back from hell, too, without Meara at his side in her usual coyote shape, Dean didn't look too close, at first. Before they'd Settled, she and Sam used to love all kinds of smaller forms -- a moth, hidden in the nest of Sam's hair, a tiny ribbon snake under the cuff of his hoodie, or a pygmy bat tucked inside the collar of his t-shirt -- and Dean... Dean wanted so badly to believe that between being literally Unsettled and regular, run-of-the-mill unsettled by the whole thing, maybe they're just lying low, recalibrating to a dæmon that changed shape at will.
(But he should've known. By the sound alone that Ari made when she first saw Sam -- just Sam; Sam like they'd never seen him before; Sam without Meara -- he should've fucking known Sam had come back without his soul.)
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Backseat and booze. (18+!!!)
Rufus Jr "RJ" Firefly x Transmasc! Reader. (Pronouns used: he/him/they/them. I'm going to alternate.)
Warnings: the reader hasn't had bottom surgery so there will be the use of the words "cunt, pussy, clit, etc." I apologize in advance if it's a trigger..., cursing, alcohol use, SMUT, dirty talk, drinking while driving (even if it's just Rufus driving on the farm land.)
Summary: you're riding with in the cop car with Rufus on Halloween night, drinking and having fun. Things get a little spicy so he shuts the car off and you two move to the back for some fun before the second half of the ritual starts 😉
Y/N watched as Rufus replaced the lid on the coffin, sealing the fate of the two bunny suit clad people who were laid inside. Lowering the coffin back down into the hole, Otis watching with a deranged smile on his face.
The trap doors were closed, the lantern and tape player were lowered through the hole in the door, calling the ghouls that dwelled down below.
Once that job was done all they had to do was wait for baby to come back with Mary. Otis and Mama didn't notice when Rufus slipped away, or when Y/N decided to head back to the house in search of more booze, wanting to get even more fucked up before the night was over.
They managed to locate the 6 pack of beer they had drunkenly stashed away a few days prior, hoping to hide it away from Hugo (who drinks like a fish). Pleased with themselves, Y/N made their way outside to see Rufus uncovering the stolen police car. "Taking the pig mobile out for a spin, sugar?" He called to his boyfriend, a playful tone in his voice. RJ looked up and nodded, flashing them a smile as he tossed the camouflage to the side. "You wanna come?" He asked, hoping they would say yes.
Of course they said yes.
Now Y/N was in the passenger seat, beer bottle in hand, laughing and urging Rufus on, enjoying the recklessness. Rufus loved it when Y/N encouraged him like this, both horrible influences on eachother.
The alcohol and the adrenaline were a wonderful combination, driving both of them out of their minds. Rufus continued the reckless driving, jerking the wheel slightly in surprise when he felt Y/N's hand slowly snake across his stomach, sliding up underneath the bloody uniform of the former Sheriff Wydell. "You know I love it when you wear your shirts open like this~" they purr, grazing their fingers up his chest before slowly lowering their hand to remove the handgun from the waistband of the already tight uniform pants. They were gentle, being sure to keep their fingers away from the trigger, though the danger was enough to drive Rufus up the wall. He tightened his grip on the steering wheel, now feeling Y/N start to palm him through his pants, earning them a nice, deep, frustrated groan from the man. "Y/N..." he warned, trying to focus on his driving, but their hands made it very difficult. They didn't let up, in fact, they pressed on, this time slowly undoing his belt, stopping every few seconds just to tease him. RJ's frustration grew with every second Y/N's hands were on him, the sensation of their touch almost enough to push him over the edge.
He brought the police car to a full stop, turning off the engine.
He turned to Y/N, pulling them into a passionate kiss which quickly turned heated. Rufu's hands found their way to Y/N's thighs, digging his fingers into the soft flesh, eliciting a muffled moan from his partner.
The next thing Y/N knew they were on their back in the back seat of the cruiser, the door standing open, Rufus standing there, looking down at them with his deep brown eyes full of lust. His hands were quick to undo the button and zipper on their pants, pulling them off along with their underwear in one swift movement.
Rufus dropped to his knees in front of them, the wet grass soaking his pants legs (not that he cared, his mind was on other things anyways.) He allowed his hands to trail up their legs, enjoying the sight of his partner squirming beneath his touch.
"Spread 'em, darlin'." His voice came out like the purr of a lion, making Y/N's heart skip a beat and the butterflies in their stomach to start fluttering around. Y/N and RJ had been together for a while (and this was definitely not their first play time) but the nervous excitement Y/N felt whenever the two got down to doing the dirty was still strong.
Y/N obediently spread their legs, allowing RJ access to their sensitive areas. Without hesitation, Rufus licked a long stripe up Y/N's pussy, earning a moan from his boyfriend.
That moan caused all of RJ's self control to disappear.
He buried his face into Y/N's crotch, beginning to eat him out like a starving animal, the taste of his partner's juices driving him wild. Y/N's hands tangled themselves into Rufus's hair, their legs over his shoulders, both pulling him closer, urging him to keep going.
"Rufus! Fuuuck! Keep going baby!" They moan breathlessly, their legs tightening around him, body starting to shake with pleasure. RJ happily obliged, his tongue now targeting Y/N's clit, not one to deny his boyfriend what they want. Y/N arched their back, their moans becoming so loud they were almost screams as they felt the knot in their stomach beginning to tighten. "Fuck! Please don't stop, baby! I'm so fuckin' close!" Y/N begged, almost pleading for release.
Again, RJ obliged, continuing to attack Y/N's clit with his tongue, eating him out desperately, wanting to bring his partner to their orgasm. He kept it up for a minute or two more until he pushed Y/N over the edge, a blissful moan coming from deep within them, their body shaking and spasming from the sheer pleasure. He happily lapped up all he could before Y/N moved away, leaving him wanting more.
Now Rufus was sat in the back seat of the cruiser, the door now closed, keeping the two inside. He undid his own pants, pulling them down, allowing his dick to spring free. Y/N was going to return the favor but RJ stopped them, shaking his head slightly. "Not this time, sweetpea." He didn't want oral, not this time atleast, right now he wanted to sink his cock into their pussy.
It would be uncomfortable for Rufus to be on top since he was so tall (6'10"), so he sat back while Y/N climbed ontop of him, lowering themselves onto his dick. They had only managed to get a few inches in, but Rufus's size (6 inches but very thick) made it hard for Y/N to take. Tired of waiting, Rufus placed his hands on their hips, roughly bucking his hips up, ramming his cock deep into Y/N's pussy, letting out a deep growl when he did. Y/N tilted his head back, letting out a loud moan, digging their nails into RJ's shoulders to brace themselves. Y/N began to move, starting to bounce on his dick, slowly picking up the pace with a bit of urging from Rufus, his hands guiding their hips.
Rufus started getting pretty rough, much to the excitement and pleasure of Y/N, who loved it when their usually sweet and gentle boyfriend got more primal and rough. His fingers dug into Y/N's hips, pulling them down onto his dick while bucking his hips up to meet his boyfriend, getting more and more desperate for his own release. Y/N grabbed the back of Rufus's head, taking a handful of his hair, using it to pull him into a rough and passionate kiss which pushed him closer to his end.
His movements got harder and sloppier, his breathing sped up, his soft grunts and growls got louder and more desperate as he got closer to his edge. He broke the kiss for air, tightening his grip on their hips, he roughly pushed them down to the base of his cock as he came. Throwing his head back, letting out the loudest, euphoric moan that dissolved into higher pitched whimpers and moans, repeatedly thanking his boyfriend. Y/N panted softly, gently caressing Rufus's face, gazing lovingly into his eyes.
Rufus quickly wrapped his arms around their waist, pulling them into a tight hug, burying his face into their neck. "God I love you, Y/N.... I don't fuckin' deserve you.." RJ whimpered, causing them to chuckle softly. "Yes you do, Darlin'.... you deserve to be happy and loved." They kiss his shoulder. "And I love you so fuckin' much."
They managed to get cleaned up and back to the ritual without any issue, though, they were sure the whole family knew what they'd done.
Hope this was okay! I want to write some more smut so there might be another one later tonight. Also I hope everyone liked RJ's post nut clarity at the end lol.
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rottenpumpkin13 · 8 months
It's been a while...how are things going in the Shinra/SOLDIER groupchat? 👉🏻👈🏻
Highlights From The SOLDIER Group Chat #3
• Director Lazard used to be the admin, but he had a nervous breakdown after Zack kept changing the group chat name to "Therapy" and having one-on-one sessions with people where he offered horrible advice.
• The final straw was Sephiroth asking how he should cope with his desire for a connection with an older, maternal figure. Zack linked a dating site for MILFs.
• Sephiroth is now the admin. At least four people now have Sephiroth's contact name to Admin-Roth.
• Sephiroth has removed Genesis on numerous occasions and for various reasons, the most recent one being:
Genesis: Hello! How is everyone today?
[Sephiroth has removed Genesis]
• Angeal sending those glittery and colorful good morning gifs (the type grandmas send)
• The following conversation:
Lazard: Sephiroth, kindly remove 'Cloud Strife'. This group chat is exclusive to SOLDIER members only for safety reasons.
[Cloud Strife is now an admin]
Lazard: .........
• Kunsel changing the group chat name to "Reasons why Genesis is a bitch" and the reasons pouring in immediately after. Genesis got into a verbal dispute with four people through voice messages.
• The following conversation:
Lazard: Which one of you placed an entire thanksgiving turkey in the break room fridge?
Zack: I did. That's my afternoon snack.
Sephiroth: I must apologize. I took a leg thinking it was for everyone to share.
Zack: No worries bud :)
• The trend of sending pictures of Sephiroth's hair strands throughout the 49th floor.
• The time when Angeal and Genesis were seriously arguing over whether a taco is a hot dog or a sandwich, and Sephiroth changed the group chat name to 'They have kissed before' mid-argument.
• The following conversation:
Zack: @Angeal Dude your pancake recipe does NOT work.
Angeal: Lol. Are you making it right now?
Zack: Yup.
Angeal: Alright show me how far you got. Maybe I can help :)
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[Angeal has left the group]
• Genesis sending this image whenever one or more messages are deleted:
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• Kunsel regularly sends the weekly gossip rundown and his messages look like this:
- FRIENDSHIP: Rufus Shinra and Lazard Deusericus seen whispering outside the president's office. Both men were holding a roll of duct tape and a long rope. They dispersed when asked what they were doing.
- MYSTERY: Did Professor Hojo really fall down the main entrance stairs or was he pushed? Sources say Sephiroth was there when it happened and looked pleased when the professor was taken away on a stretcher.
- DRAMA: Genesis is seen in the breakdown having a verbal dispute with a revolving door after the tail of his coat gets caught in it.
- HAIR: Angeal finds his first gray hair, Roche gets his tasteful honey highlights, Sephiroth's hair grows another inch, Throwback images of Rude (of the Turks) resurface where he is seen with hair, and an online discussion on the Red Leather forums over wether or not Genesis's hair is actually brown sparks controversy.
• The following exchange:
Sephiroth: Can you all please type out your names and post them. Someone stole my PHS and changed everyone's contact names.
Genesis: Genesis Rhapsodos.
Sephiroth: Ah. This one was untouched.
Genesis: ????? What am I saved as?
Sephiroth: Wannabe Sephiroth.
Zack: Zack!
Sephiroth: Thank you, Distracted Hedgehog.
Zack: ...........
Angeal: I'm Angeal.
Sephiroth: As of right now. Before this you were "Patron Saint of Hypocrisy."
Angeal: That's.....a little mean.
Cloud: Cloud Strife.
Sephiroth: Hahaha. This one was very clever.
Cloud: What is it?
Cloud: Well??
Cloud: ........
Cloud: It's Chocobo isn't it?
Sephiroth: My apologies.
• Zack has a habit of procrastinating by sending voice messages that are essentially podcasts. In one of them, you can hear him trip over a wet floor sign, fall, and continue talking about his favorite hair gel brand like nothing happened.
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Random First Class Trio + Zack Headcanons #3: Crack Version
His favorite workout song is "YMCA" by Village People.
He's definitely knocked out Wutai soldiers like this:
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Somebody once mistook him as Zack's father due to similarities in their features. He didn't even try to correct them.
His sneeze is louder than the Krakatoa explosion.
Rickrolled everyone by singing "Never Gonna Give You Up" by Rick Astley at a company gala while he was drunk. (Sephiroth and Genesis didn't speak to him for a month. 💀💀)
Makes terrible dad jokes that even Zack cannot stomach. (He's definitely done that "Hi, hungry! I'm dad!" shit with Zack. 😂😂)
He is a big Fergie fan and knows her songs by heart. He can also rap that part in "Fergalicious."
He did an iconic dance number to "Umbrella" with Andrea Rhodea at the Honeybee Inn like this:
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He also likes Lady Gaga and blasts "Bad Romance" every time he and Sephiroth spar with each other.
He hates horror movies. He's the loudest out of the trio when watching them (he's either screaming at the characters or at the monsters/ghosts).
Aside from LOVELESS, he also quotes "Mean Girls" on the regular. (Guess who he quotes the most... 😉😉)
Totally has a blog for Shinra blinds just because (basically who's dating or fucking who, juicy stuff on important Shinra officials and staff, etc.). He once published a blind on Rufus defacing one of President Shinra's statues with a drawing of a dick. No matter how many times Shinra has gotten it shut down, Genesis somehow manages to keep on reviving it. Recently, Kunsel and some members of Red Leather have joined his team.
Can't stand spicy food. He avoids it as much as he can. Eating spicy foods will cause his eyes to water and his nose to redden like this:
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(Genesis managed to snap an unfortunate photo of him dying from the spiciness of the curry and sent it to the Silver Elite fanclub with the caption, "IS THIS YOUR KING???" 🤭🤭)
Somehow, he has the most wins in UNO and Monopoly.
Catwoman is his favorite DC character; Black Cat is his favorite Marvel character. (Gee, I wonder why... 🤔🤔)
Whenever he goes outside, a horde of cats just mysteriously flock to him. Genesis and Angeal find it both amusing and creepy. (My aunt is actually like this. Wherever she goes, cats mysteriously gather around her, it's so freaky! 😭😭😭)
He can actually do the lazy eye trick, and loves to freak Genesis out with it.
He once dressed as Sadako/Samara Morgan from "The Ring" for the Halloween costume contest... and WON.
Has sung "Jenny" by The Click Five using a shortened version of Genesis's name to annoy him. ("I'm standing still, Genny!" "Be quiet, you overgrown mutt!" "You got me on my knees, Genny!")
(This ends up with Genesis summoning Ifrit on Zack's ass 😂😂)
He and Kunsel quote Vines all the time, usually around any of the First Class Trio or Lazard just so they could revel in their confused faces.
Zack and Kunsel: *to Angeal* You are my daaaaad! You're my dad! Boogie woogie woogie!!!
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Once, after getting drunk during the SOLDIER game night, he and the lower-class SOLDIERs thought it was a good idea to go sledding down the building stairs, so they brought mattresses from their dorms to use as makeshift sleds. Needless to say, the infirmary reached full capacity that night.
On April Fools' Day, he somehow managed to hijack Shinra's PA system and started playing "Careless Whisper" on full blast.
He's a massive Pokémon fanboy and knows the Pokémon Theme Song by heart. In fact, he has his contacts named after Pokémon: Angeal is Machamp, Sephiroth is Mewtwo, Genesis is Charizard, Tseng is Umbreon, Aerith is Jigglypuff, Cloud is Pikachu, etc.
Threw an apple at Hojo and left a shitload of Legos all over his lab for subjecting Sephiroth to a particularly painful physical test.
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my-blind-album · 2 years
How Nasty Of Us -Lady Leonora Lesso x Female Reader
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Shipping; Lady Leonora Lesso x Feamale Adult Reader
Category; I don't know, to be honest🤷‍♀️
Warnings; Swearing, Mentions of killing, Mentions of sexual activity
Rapidly tapping on the floor with my heels as anxiety took a hold of my body. "Y/n, are you alright?" I look over to the golden covered dean for the school of good who seemed to notice my strange behaviour. "Yeah of course" I reply with a fake confused expression but to be honest even I wasn't okay, but as a assistant to the dean of evil I wouldn't want to let my weakness to show towards the Ever Queen. "Listen I know that you're an Never and I'm an Ever but that shouldn't interrupt the relationship between us as friends of course" she says placing a hand on my shoulder and I tensed up while giving her a death glare as she slowly took her hand away placing it on her lap. "Do you know where Lesso is?" I say turning my head to her with a clear pissed/worried expression which I'm sure she noticed but chose not to bring it up. "No I haven't seen her all morning" I sigh in disbelief and get up from my seat making an exit back to the school for evil. "Wait Y/n why are you leaving you haven't even taken a bite of your food" "None of your concern goldie-locks" I reply.
After a long walk of painful walking finally arriving at the school for evil. I made my way into Lesso and my office but she wasn't there. 'Where the fuck is she?' I thought to myself. I decided to forget about her absence presence and took a seat at my desk while trying to grade the work of some students. As I marked the papers I heard commotion from outside and got up from my workspace and made a way for door, opening it I spot two of Lesso's wolf guards. "Miss Y/n" they both bow down to me and I can't help but cringe at the site, cause of Lesso every one of her guards are meant to treat me with extreme respect unless they hoped to be turned into wolf fur coats. "Rufus, Trevor where is Lesso?" I ask abruptly. "She's in the doom room, ma'am" "Doom what? Whatever just take me there" I say sternly. "Yes ma'am follow us" I follow till we reach a sceptical dark area that seemed abandoned and I couldn't but feel a sense of home, I mean this is a never's literally dream house or secret bunker. "Alright you may leave, I'll take it from here" they left and I started walking around trying to find Lesso.
After an eternity of you groaning of irritation you hear the sounds of screams, to be specific a young female scream. 'God help me if Lesso's killing someone without me, I'm gonna murder her' I say to my self and start speed walking towards the source of the scream. "NO!" I heard someone most probably a teen girl shout. "I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING THAT BAD!" Sophie?
"Which is precisely why you're down here" I heard a woman say most likely Lesso. I tried my best to follow the voices even though my feet where dying due to fact that I have been up and down in heels for god's sake. HEELS.
I spot the room that Lesso and Sophie were in and from the looks of it, Lesso was just about to torture the girl. I slowly but silently make my way towards them. Being unseen by the both of them as Lesso was distracted by a bunch of weapons and Sophie was concentrated on Lesso with a clear frightened expression written all over her body and face. I was finally close enough and Sophie realised my presence. "Mistress Y/n!?" she screams in both relief and confusion. "Ah, isn't it Sophie of Galavadon" I say eyeing her "I always expected you to be a trouble-maker but I didn't expect you to already be punished on just your first day" I say with a fake disappointed expression. "Make sure to keep it up" I say with a cheeky grin sending a thumbs up her way Lesso finally turned around once Sophie screamed my name and hearing my voice "Y/n? What are you doing here"
"Wow, I understand that by all means your the dean of evil but a simple morning or hello wouldn't kill you" "Actually it would" she says while playing with the sharpness of an axe. It only came to me that she wasn't wearing her coat that she usually does 24/7 but instead her suit with her sleeves rolled up and a chain still on her outfit with the lighting of the room reflecting on her hair and face making her look even more sexy than she usually does in a daily basis. "Are you done staring darling? I wouldn't want your eyes falling out" I was pulled out of my trance and made eye contact with the smirking woman who was miles away from me. "Really, wow, the dean turned soft for a second" she huffs at my comment "Oh please, that will never happen"
"So what's the little blonde doing here?" I ask her referring to Sophie who sat still with her hands tied up including her legs to a chair. "Funny how I asked you the same thing" she replies with a sarcastic attitude placing the axe down and walking towards me slowly but with that seductive walk that she usually does. "Well, I wanted to see my girlfriend after so long cause already I woke up to a stinging headache and a lot of never kids lacking common sense and asking ridiculous questions" "Aww, sorry, baby" she says with a little fake pout while wrapping her arms around my waist pulling me closer to her and right then I was intoxicated by the smell of her ravishing perfume that caused wasps in my stomach.
"Yeah you better be sorry, cause I walked my ass all over the entire school in heels, Lesso, fucking heels!" I rage at her "Well let me making it better to you okay?" she says with a seductive tone in her words. "H-how?" she leans down to my face and I close eyes but feel her cheek on mine as she whispers in my ear. "Don't worry I'll help you get all of your nerves out and when I do you'll be roaring my name at the end of time. I felt heat rising towards my cheeks and my eyes shoot wide open. She pulls away and places a small peck on my lips and licks them before completely moving from my body.
I stood in shock not knowing what to say or do. 'Well I'm getting fucked tonight' I mentally slapped my mind from trying to think of all the ways she could please me especially with her hands. Fuck her hands. If her hands were her special skill I would made sure to get on her nerves all the time just to feel those things on me.
"Now if you'll excuse me my love but I have a patient that I have to attend to, and seems as if they have a really serious illness" Lesso says referring to Sophie, and it only came to me that she had heard and seen everything. "And don't worry my love, Sophie won't say anything about our relationship, is that clear, Miss Never Ever?" she nods aggressively "Words" "Y-yes Lady Lesso" "Good, now if you don't mind my love I have some problems to attend to" Lesso says while she picks the axe she had placed down earlier and turns around to face Sophie. I walk away knowing that Lesso was found I was getting a hot, rough and steamy wild sex from by beloved. How nasty of us.
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